Happy Suburbs Ep. 4 *Shows toonzville bank in a distance* Myron: GET THE FUCK DOWN AND STAY DOWN!!! *shows rocky, dre, pandora, dahmir, alexidria, myron wearing tuxs holding up the bank* dahmir: WE DONT WANT YOUR MONEY!! WE JUST WANT WHATS IN THE VAULT! person: Whats in the vault?! dahmir: A ARTIFACT THAT CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD~ rocky: *mumbles* SHUT THE FUCK UP DAHMIR!!! dahmir: Oh my bad rocky! myron: NIGGA DONT SAY HIS NAME!! dahmir: Oops! Sorry myron carter! Alexis: SOMEONE SHUT HIS ASS UP!! dahmir: Wassup Alexidria *Alexidria shot dahmir in the leg* *dahmir starts screaming hes in pain and crying and just saying random shit* rocky: NIGGA WHYD YOU SHOOT HIM??!!! person: WHAT KINDA OF CRIMINALS ARE YOU GUYS~ *rocky shoots the guy* myron: NIGGA STOP!!! rocky: IM SORRY MY FINGER SLIPPED!! IVE NEVER HELD A GUN BEFORE!! *cuts to dre and pandora in the vault* Dre: Hmmm theres gotta be a secret room somewhere. *pandora is taking the money* dre: PANDORA! WERE NOT HERE FOR THE MONEY!! WERE LOOKING FOR THE GREED DONUT!! pandora: YOU THINK I WANT TO KEEP LIVING OFF YOUR SOUNCLOUD?!? A NIGGA WANT A BIG HOUSE!!!! *pandora continues to take the money* dre: I thought you fucked wit my movement tho.. pandora: Bigger house means this big headed ass baby cant find me and you wont climb the stairs to bother me when I'm getting blocky pussy on minecraft! *dre sees a painting haning in the vault room* dre: Ayo pandora, Have you ever noticed this painting on the wall? Why the fuck would dis shit be in a vault? *dre moves the painting and its a path way behind the painting* dre: Ummm i think i found something... *dre and pandora go down the path and they see the golden door* *the door says again "?elddim eht ni gnihton dna dne ro gninnigeb on sah tahW"* dre: Ayo isnt that the same riddle from last time? Pandora: Ye, "What.. has.. no.. beginning.. or.. end.. and.. nothing.. in.. the.. middle.." Donut BITCH!! *the door opens and reveals a room with a statue in the middle holding the greed donut* dre: I grabbed it last time so.. You got it ya dig? *pandora walks up to it does a slow intense finger wiggling scene pandora and dre staring and focusing and sweating* *the banks alarm goes off* *shows outside the bank and cops pulled up hella quickly* dre: BRUH WTF!!! I THOUGHT WE FULLY STEALTHED THIS SHIT!!! *dres phone rings* dre: Rocky nigga what happen??? rocky: Dahmirs stupid ass got us caught! dre: BITCH HOW??!! *flash backs to dahmir outside with his mask on waving at the cars passing by* dahmir: Hello everyone dont mind us! Were just robbing the bank! dahmir: Hi! Nothing to see here! *flash backs ends* pandora: MAN SHOOT HIS LEG AGAIN!! *the big bee comes outta of no where wearing a police cap* bee: STING STING NIGGA!!! dre: WHAT THE FUCK IS DAT?!! The End.