Mcdonalds Mommy Aint Safe: *shows the mcdonalds mommy eating with her family* daughter: Mommy! Can we have taco bell tomorrow? Im tired of mcdonalds- *father slams his daughters head on the table and grabs her by the hair* father: YOU TRYING TO RUIN OUR FUCKIN BRAND!? daughter: NO DADDY! father: THEN EAT DAT DAMN HAPPY MEAL! daughter: IM SORRY DADDY! *daughter starts eating fast* father: EAT IT! EAT IT!! CLEAN THAT PLATE!! CLEAN THAT PLATE!! daughter: I AM I AM!!! I AM!! BRUH DAMN! mommy: *giggles* maybe tomorrow sweetie, now eat your salty ass french fries *doorbell* mommy: Ill get it! *mommy walks up and opens the door* *its juicy & greasy* mommy: Hi, can i help you gentlemen? juicy: I love mcdonalds mommy: What? juicy: I love mcdonalds... Double quarter pounder with cheese.. 6.99 mommy: Uhhhh ok? juicy: mcdouble.. 2.60 Mcchicken 2.29 deluxe crispy chicken sandwich 5.65 mommy: uhh why you naming items off the Mcdonalds menu- juicy: Is it making yo milkshake melt? You wanna see my large fry? mommy: I feel like you gotta small fry. juicy: chicken Mcnuggets.. 2.49 Big mac 5.53- *mommy closes door* *you still hear juicy saying mcdonald menu items behind the door* juicy: cheese burger... 1.88 Dont get me started on breakfast- father: who was at the door honey? mommy: Some men from the church father: Mannn i told them to stop showing up here IM CATHOLIC!!! *cuts to next scene* *shows mommy putting her daughter to sleep* mommy: Goodnight sweetie! sweet dreams! daughter: Ooo! Mommy! Can you see me a lullaby? mommy: Sure sweetie! *clears her throat* *mommy sings horribly in a screechy pitch* mommy: Goooo toooooooo sleeepppppppppp! Goooooo tooooo sleepppppppppp- daughter *deep voice* Ah hell nah- *daughter goes to sleep and snores loudly* mommy: awww so precious. *juicy and greasy pops up behind mommy* juicy: We make beautiful children do we? mommy: WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU GUYS AGAIN!? GET OUT!! *juicy and greasy stares at mommy* greasy: hamburger.. 1.62 juicy: Spicy crispy chicken sandwich.. 5.65 greasy: filet-o-fish... 4.79 juicy: 10 piece chicken Mcnugget- *mommy pepper sprays juicy* *juicy starts screeching and screaming on the ground until he stops and pauses* *its silent then juicy starts naming mcdonalds item menus again* juicy: 4 piece chicken Mcnuggets happy meal- *mommy starts beating juicy with a bat while hes on the ground* mommy: SPIRIT BEGONE! SPIRIT BEGONE! SPIRIT BEGONE! SPIRIT BEGONE! *as juicy is getting hit hes saying "hes bout to kum"* *cuts to next scene* *mommy and her daughter are at a park* daughter: Mommy look! Im riding a horsey! mommy: aww! Thats great sweetie! Now shut the fuck up :D *Greasy thunder enterance but this time juicy is with him* greasy: lemme stick my french fries up yo booty mommy: CAN YALL LEAVE ME ALONE!? IM TIRED OF THESE SIMP ANTICS! Juicy: Bruh i named HALF of the menu of mcdonalds and your STILL NOT IMPRESSED!? mommy: Oh Honey! The Internet is trying to FUCK me again!! *father pops up* father: YO WHAT THE FUCK!? STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE YOU CUM CRICKET! juicy: Ayo watch yo tone when you talk to me lil buddy father: DONT TEST ME I GOT THAT STICK ON ME! greasy: I aint afraid of no blicky! *father gets in juicys face* father: Im in yo face what you finna do bout it!? juicy: So if i touch you im wrong right? So if i touch you im wrong right? *juicy and father start fighting juicy knocks him down and grabs a ladder climbs it and gives father a elbow drop* *mommy gets pissed* mommy: YKNO WHAT!? FUCK MCDONALDS! IM BURGER KINGS MOMMY NOW! juicy: YOU TRAITOR!! *juicy drop kicks her* The end.