■A6 ・すごく気持ちいいみたいでよかった I'm glad that it felt that good to you. ・うあ!い…いやこれはえっと… Waah! N-no, that's not... Umm... ・正常な反応だから恥ずかしがらなくて大丈夫だよ This is a normal reaction so you don't have to be embarassed. It's okay. ・それじゃもっと気持ち良い特別なマッサージ体験してみるかい? Then do you feel even better by trying out firsthand the special massage? ・…うっす ...Kay. ■A7 ・どうかな?気持ち良いかな? How is it? Does it feel good? ・あっ…はい…やば…すこれ Aah... Yeah... This feels... good... ・他の人にこうしてもらったことないかな? No one else has done this for you? ・ん…うっ Mnh... Mnuh... ・いつも…自分でやってます I always... do it by myself. ■A8 ・出そうなら我慢しなくていいからね You don't have to hold back if you're about to cum. ・あ…っ Aah... ・ふっ…ん Pfhh... Mm ・んっ… Mmnn... ・あ…やばいす…出そう…っす Ah... Damn... I'm gonna...cum. ■A9 ・あっ…! Aah...! ・でる…っ Cumming...! ・んあっ Mngah ・あっ Aah ・あ… Ah ・ふ…うっ Phew... ■A10 ・はい!お疲れさまでしたキレイにして終了です Alright! Well done. It ended splendidly. ・次回も同じコースで予約します? Woud like to make a reservation to have the same course next time? ・うっす… Kay... ・す…すげぇなこれ…頭真っ白で何も考えられねぇ T-this is amazing... My mind got all blank that I can't think of anything.