“Renamon… I can’t take it anymore…” Rika sat upon the bed, naked as the day she was born. Her hands rested upon the sheets, fingers scrunching at it. Her legs are spread apart. Her recently used pussy is exposed before the Digimon. Renamon looked over her shoulder. The vulpine Digimon narrowed her eyes, turning around to face her human partner. Ever since all of them had been transported to this strange Dark Digiverse, they had transformed, both physically and mentally. “Rika…” Renamon said. “Are you sure you’re good for this? I don’t tire out very easily, you know?” She reached down past her bountiful breasts, wrapping her paw around the throbbing shaft she had been cursed within this strange new world. Rika bit her lip, then she sighed, moving her hands down along her naked, adult form. “What’s the matter, Renamon? You weren’t so reserved in fucking me earlier. Do I need to remind you I’m an adult now? I’ve been one for years.” Renamon snorted at that. “Besides, if you don’t do it, I’ll just go find another random Digimon to fuck. It just won't be the same, though, you know?” she shrugged. Renamon stepped up in front of Rika. “There’s more to this world than just sex. There’s danger here, and I can feel it. “Guess I’m just not thinking straight…” Rika said, lifting her leg, letting the knee rub up against Renamon’s cock. The Digimon closed her eyes, sighing from the stimulation and the pressure. “Perhaps so,” Renamon said. “Perhaps there is only one way to break this curse.” With that, she grabbed Rika’s leg, lifting it up. This spun Rika to her side, making the human squeal from the sudden dominance. “If the only way to make you think straight is to make you satisfied, then so be it!” The Digimon shoved her dick into Rika’s sex, and the human groaned, throwing her head back and pulling the covers over herself. Renamon leaned in over Rika, her primal grunting filling the human’s ears, letting the heat of their two bodies rubbing up each other to build up Rika’s desire for more and more sex. “You’re insatiable,” Renamon said. “You’ll never be satisfied!” Rika glanced up over her shoulder towards the Digimon, licking her lips and nodding. “T… then why do you… even try?” Renamon grabbed Rika’s other leg, and she lifted the two up, rolling the human onto her back and spreading the legs out. She put them over her shoulders and climbs up on top of the woman. “Because I can’t be satisfied, either! Rika virtually had hearts in her eyes. The Digimon fell upon her, pinning her down into a mating press! The cock pumped in and out of the human’s pussy, squishing fluids between the two onto the bed. “Renamon!” Rika cried out, her arms draping over the Digimon’s shoulder. “I wish… I wish we could be one!” “We are, Rika!” Renamon grunted, thrusting faster. She nipped at Rika’s neck, making the human cry out in a pleasured pain. “N… no, Renamon, I… I mean… one again… as Sakyuamon!” Renamon’s eyes widened at that suggestion, and she remembered the feeling of the biomerge. When the two of them worked together to fight the D-Reaper, becoming more powerful than they could ever imagine. Renamon growled at the thought, slowing down, but holding herself hilted into the human. “Who knows what could happen if we tried to do that,” she whispered to Rika. “I can hardly keep my hands off of you now.” She nipped Rika again on the collar to give her a thought. “What might happen if our combined lust became a new being together?” Rika groaned at that nip, tilting her neck, letting Renamon have access to mark her as she pleased. “Oooh, Renamon… I think… I think that would be the perfect thing here. Us together, forever, fucking everything we could ever want! Fucking things, being fucked by things. Can’t you imagine it?” “I can,” Renamon growled, keeping her eyes fixed entirely on Rika. “And it’s enticing and horrifying all at once.” She slowly built up her pace again, pulling out and pushing in. Rika stared at the Digimon with narrowed eyes, her mouth open wide as Renamon took a slower, but more deliberate, pace with her. “Rena… mon… wh… why are you… slow…nnngh!” Renamon pushed in, hitting Rika right in the sweet spot. “I know all about you, Rika. You tell me that you’re nothing but a cock slut, but I know that deep down, you want someone to make love to you… I will be that lover for you, Rika, and I will support your decisions to fuck whatever Digimon or human your wish. But when we are together, we are one, Sakuyuamon or no.” Rika pulled the Digimon in close, her fingers digging into the fox’s fur. “Oh, Renamon… I… I lov-” Renamon pressed her lips up against Rika’s, letting her tongue silence the human. Soon, Rika’s eyes closed, and she groaned into the fox Digimon’s mouth. The two continue, their slow, deliberate sex filling the room with their warmth. Their groans of pleasure slipped out from behind the closed door, and they traveled off into the night, where, on a rooftop across the street, a woman, no, an Arukenemon, watched them through her binoculars. A Blackgatomon hops up next to Arukenemon, carrying a camera in her claws. “They sure seem like a perfect little couple, don’t they, boss?” “Yes, indeed,” Arukenemon said. “But we need to find out if they really can Biomerge. I think you might be able to do that, should you be able to Digivolve. Until then, spy on them and figure out their weaknesses. That’s the only way we can be sure they will be desperate enough to try…” Takato tosses and turns in the single person bed. Specters loom in his nightmares—powerful Digimon looming over him, wanting a piece of his human body, and taking him away from his friends and his family. His friends… Jerri…? His family…? A slam jolts him awake, his heart pounding, the cold sweat clinging to the sheets. He tosses the covers off and steps outside to the balcony. Despite being naked, he no longer cares, not after he made that public performance in front of all those Digimon earlier today. He swallows the lump in his throat and watches the silhouettes of Digimon humping each other in apartments. The sound of lustful moaning wafts up to his ears. “This place is crazy,” he says. “It’s also dangerous. Who knows when we’ll run up against something that’ll overwhelm us? This can’t be a game forever, can it?” A sigh catches his attention. In the bed on the other side of the room, Guilmon sighs, rolling over in his sleep. Memories return to Takato of the time he and Guilmon were one. What would it be like to Biomerge? Can they even do that here? That was the power of the Digital World, and this isn’t really the Digital World. He doesn’t have much time to think with all the thumping going on through the walls. Takato places his ear against it, listening to the voices beyond. He catches his breath, hearing the sounds of Renamon and Rika’s lovemaking. He bites his lip, wrapping his fingers around his cock. With a ragged breath, the man strokes his shaft, his eyes half-lidded, possessed by the need to get off. “R… Rika…” he groans, rubbing one out, only to stop. “The hell am I doing…? This isn’t right.” He pulls himself from the wall. “I can’t just… just jerk off to them like this.” He runs his hand through his hair. “I’m just so fucked up here… but…” He glances over towards the door connecting their room. He swallows his pride, and he clenches his fist. Renamon still has Rika in the mating press, deliberately churning inside of the Rika’s cunt. Her ears twitch, and she suddenly stops. “Ah… w…what’s the… what’s wrong? R… Renamon?” Rika whines. The Digimon nuzzles her cheek against Rika’s and then pulls out, letting various fluids drip out of them and onto the bed. With a hard and oozing cock, Renamon walks over to the door, flicks open the lock, and leans against the doorframe, one hand on the lintel, the other on her hip. The door opens, and Takato stands on the other side, his eyes moving up along Renamon’s body. “H… hi, Renamon…” Takato says. “Good evening, Takato. It’s a bit late, don’t you think?” “I… can’t sleep. I was thinking maybe…” Renamon grabs the man and pulls him in, tossing him to the bed so that he collapses right on top of Rika. “You need not ask. In this world, we always want to have sex, isn’t that right, Rika?” Rika groans, laying now in a mating press with Takato on top. The human male loses all of his concerns, melting into her embrace. The warmth of her body, the softness of her breasts, the tightness of her sex—all of it makes his worries disappear immediately. “Takato, we’re the only humans here… but maybe that’ll change if you creampie me enough,” Rika says, growling into his ear with that whisper. “Do you have a thing for preggos, Takato.” Takato’s response comes from a quicker thrusting into her, making her throw her head back and cry out, losing the capability to have coherent speech. “Look at you two,” Renamon says, wrapping her arms over her chest, her cock above the two humans. “This is a different kind of love that you share. It isn’t like what Rika and I have. Remember that, Takato. “U…. Uh, sure!” Takato groans. “T… Thanks… for letting me… nnngh, have a turn!” “Turn…?” Renamon asks. “No. I’m not done, yet!” Takato gasps, feeling the sizeable furry arm wrap around his body. Renamon plops down on the bed next to them and grabs the two of them, lifting Takato up and pressing his back against her chest. She holds the two humans together, the writhing pile a total handful for the Digimon, but she looks forward to the challenge. Her cock is already drenched from the sustained fucking she and Rika had with each other, so it is no problem when she pushes forward, sliding the cock into Rika’s tight ass. Rika’s eyes widen, and her tongue rolls out, spit sliding down her cheeks. Renamon bounces the woman on her cock while holding onto the male fucking Rika’s pussy. It’s unlike any position Rika’s been in before, and it’s fucking amazing! Takato’s similarly impressed that Renamon could get her big futa dick up into Rika. Meanwhile, he’s sandwiched between two pairs of beautiful breasts. A man could die happily under those beautiful pieces of fat. In fact, all his worries are gone now, and all his desires flood into his cumming, filling Rika’s already abused cunt. Soon enough, Renamon releases as well, her sperm shooting out of the filled ass and ejecting her dick from the tight hole. The Digimon falls back, her arms spread-eagled. Takato lays on top of her, and Rika on top of him. The three of them are spent. It has been a long day, and it has been a long night. Meanwhile, perched outside is the Blackgatomon, one leg crossed over the other, and her tail swishing back and forth. Her camera zooms in on the pile. Her Chesire grin spread wide as she examines the humans. “So, it’s dicking you like, is it, Rika? But Takato seems a little nervous around them. That’s how I get you to myself. Perfect.” She purrs at that, stands up, and hops off of the balcony. The morning comes quickly for the group that had been all spent. Renamon gets up before the rest of them, finding some food downstairs for them all. Once she returns to the room, she rolls her eyes when she sees Rika and Takato laying in bed together, casually making out. “Waiting for me, were you?” she asks, tossing them some fruit. The two humans snatch the food and eagerly tear into the meals. Between slurping and chomping, the two talk. “Thanks… Renamon… mmm… this is good! Need that energy.” “I thought you might,” Renamon says, placing her hands on the balcony guard rail. “Let me guess… you’re going to have more sex now?” Takato pounces onto Rika, climbing onto her back and wrapping his arms around her. He gives her neck a playful bite. The woman gasps, groaning and spreading out on the sheets. Renamon shakes her head. “Well, I suppose we won’t be getting anything done until we let off this steam.” She grabs her cock with one hand, gently stroking it. Her other hand goes underneath of it, playing at her feminine lips. She sighs, closing her eyes, and enjoying the sounds of the two humans making breathy love to each other. Rika gasps when Takato’s teeth graze at her skin, giving her little possessive marks along her skin. He plays with her breasts, rolling the orbs under his fingers. Rika sighs, gripping onto the bedsheets. Already, she rocks her hips back to him, looking over her shoulder with need in her eyes and her mouth. Takato pushes forward, his length hotdogging against Rika’s body. He groans in a needful gasp, the two joining together after a few awkward thrusts. Renamon leans back against the railing, looking out to the city around them, playing with herself without a care in the world. But she stops upon seeing something suspicious, a Darkgatomon on a nearby ledge. The small champion-level Digimon sits with her legs dangling off the edge. Her clawed gloves exploring her body, fingers poking up between her legs and the other hand cupping at her chest. Renamon pulls herself up and leans against the balcony. “Hello there, little one…” Blackgatomon opens one eye and huffs. “Who are you calling little?” she asks, hopping up onto her feet. “I’m a grown woman, you know!” Renamon blinks, and then she nods. “Ah, yes, I see. I can feel it. You’re a champion level Digimon.” “You’re damn right, I am, and you’re that Renamon that’s been hanging out with those humans.” Renamon glances back into the room, seeing Takato laying upon Rika, his lips wrapped around one of her nipples. “I may be,” Renamon asks. “Why do you wish to know? Are you… are you here to challenge them?” Blackgatomon hops up to the railing, crossing one leg over the other. “Who are you kidding? Do you think I’m some kind of sexual challenger here? Look at me! You could probably skewer me with that dick of yours!” Renamon nods at that. “True, but that wouldn’t be very fun, would it?” Blackgatomon leans over and glances at the humans. “I’d just… I’d just love to get a little taste, you know? To feel what it's like to… make love to a human. Think you could help me?” “You could just ask,” Renamon says, stepping aside. “Rika… we have a visitor.” “Thanks, toots,” Blackgatomon says, hopping into the bedroom. She crawls on up to the bed, purring and letting her tail swish when she sees the two humans. “W… what?” Takato says, grabbing a pillow to cover his dick. “Who are you-?” “Shh…” Blackgatomon says, poking her head up under the pillow, “just let me join in and have some fun with ya,” she wraps her gloves around the shaft and rolls out her rough, feline tongue. “O… oh fuck…” Takato huffs, tossing the pillow aside. There, the small Digimon gives his shafts slow, long licks, her tail high up in the air and waving in Rika’s face. The female human humphs and brings her fingers up to her mouth, sucking and licking upon two of the digits, getting them nice and wet. “You wanna join us, kitty cat? You need to know how to play.” With that, Rika presses her fingers against the feline Digmon’s slit. The feline lets out a loud mrowling cry before wrapping her mouth around Takato’s length. The size of his cock in relation to her mouth makes her puff her cheeks, but she takes it like a champ, sliding it down to her throat. “O…oh fuck, Rika….!” Takato says, leaning back, a hand upon the Digimon’s head. “This… this is amazing. You gotta try it.” “Little busy on my end,” Rika says, lowering herself down and pressing her own tongue against the Blackgatomon’s slit. She pushes forward, tasting her sex, lapping it up hungrily. Meanwhile, Renamon watches the action, feeling almost proud of a moment. But a chill hits the back of her neck, and she notices something—a dark aura emanating from the small Digimon. It seems to draw in something—heat, spirit. The fox Digimon can sense it, thanks to her connection to the spiritual realm, and she shouts. “Wait, Rika!” The tail of the Digimon wraps around Rika’s neck, holding her in place. Meanwhile, she bobs her head quickly over Takato’s cock, soon making him come. She gasps, pulling her face away as strands and strands of cum hit her face and dribble out her mouth. “What are you doing!?” Renamon shouts, running up towards the bed. When she gets there, a shadow darts out from under the bed and grabs the Digimon by the leg, tripping her down to the floor. Rika reaches up, grabbing the tail wrapped around her, finding it hard to breathe with it so constricting her. Meanwhile, Blackgatomon licks up every last drop of cum she can get from Takato. “Mmm… yes… this should be enough,” she says, her voice becoming more sultry. “This sexual energy from humans… it’s true what they say… there’s a real power in sex…” The light in the room disappears. All of it sucks into the shadow that now hovers over Blackgatomon until there’s nothing but darkness covering what should be a bright morning. All light and all sound disappear into the void within that hotel room. Takato fumbles around, falling off of the bed, or at least he thinks that it is the bed, and clawing around, groping for the walls, looking for anything to catch onto to get his bearings. He reaches out, his hand grasping onto something large, warm, and soft. He gives it a squeeze, feeling the leather underneath his grip. Above that leather, two red eyes pierce through the darkness, another pair hovering just off to the side over it. “Hey there, little boy,” comes the sultry voice, familiar as the Blackgatomon he and Rika just had sex with. His eyes adjust, or rather, the Digimon in control of the darkness finally lets him see what he’s dealing with. Standing there, taller than him, in all of her demonic glory, is the digivolved Ladydevimon. With her long claw, she reaches up and gropes at her chest, licking her lips when she looks to him. “How do you like my new look? I have you and your friend to thank for that.” Takato recoils his hand, stumbling back, but falling over at the presence of the chain-and-leather clad Digimon. “Y… you digivolved because of us? Because of the… the sex?” “Mmm, yes, boy, that’s right.” She says, sighing and running her hands up through her hair. The little shadow extension snickers, groping underneath her top, staring at him the whole time. “And you’re going to do much more for me and my mistress. Come along now, little boy, we have work to do.” “I’m not a little boy! I’m a grown man, dammit. And I”m not going anywhere with someone who tricked me, got it?” “Oh, I’m afraid you have no choice…” she growls, reaching for Takato with her long, groping claw. Red rings of light fly right into the evil Digimon, knocking her aside and shattering the illusion of darkness around them. No longer are they in the hotel room, but they stand on the rooftop, the wind billowing around them, Ladydevimon snarls, glancing over towards her attacker. Standing still and stoic on the edge of the roof, the moon glowing from behind her, is a tall and voluptuous form. With beautiful silver hair, long and free to blow in the wind. It is Sakuyamon, but one that is unlike anything that Takato had seen before. She still has her signature helmet, her golden shoulder pads, belt, gloves and boots, but the black bodysuit underneath is gone, instead showing off the pale skin beneath. She is the epitome of feminine power and beauty, and she wields her staff with authority. “Takato, are you alright?” she speaks with the calm, dual-tone voice of both Renamon and Rika. “Sure, he is,” says LadyDevimon, stumbling back to her feet. Her outfit disappears in a cloud of data, destroyed by the Mega’s attack. “Didn’t think you could actually Biomerge. That’s a surprise, though not unpleasant,” she licks her lips. “Ready to go for another round, you two? I’d love to sap that Biomerge energy from you.” Sakuyamon points her staff towards the demonic Digimon and speaks with authority.”You have perverted the spiritual balance of sex, Ladydevimon, you and the rest of your cohort. “Oh, are you going to show me how to have a good time the right way? Hehe… how rich. Tell ya what? If you want to make this some kind of honorable duel, then let’s play… you and me one on one. The winner is the one who makes the other cum first. Loser has to give up Takato.” “Fair enough,” Sakuyamon says, her staff disappearing into digital smoke. Water ripples around them, and the world around them twists and disappears, leaving them all to stand in the midst of a gentle pond with sakura blossoms floating mong the water, a lone cherry tree blocking the rays of the moon. “Let me show you the true pleasures,” Sakuyamon says. The two lady Digimon stand up in front of one another, their pale bodies nearly touching, their masked faces hiding their emotions. In unison, the two reach up, caressing each other, and they lean in together, pressing lips against each other in a slow and gentle kiss. Takato watches as hands move over each other’s backs, stroking gently as the only sounds coming from this pond are the gentle sloshes of water from their feet and the smacks of their lips as they kiss. He breathes heavily, reaching downward as he watches the show. Sakuyamon’s tongue delves into Ladydevimon’s. The taste is deceptively sweet, but the two fight for dominance in the battle, their tongues going between mouths, seeking out which one would play host to the other’s dominance. Their breasts press up against each other, hardened nipples rolling against each other and the warmth of their bodies keeping each other from shivering too hard in the cool night air. Sakuyamon is the first to break the kiss, moving down to the evil Digimon’s neck, placing gentle kisses there. Ladydevimon bites her lips, closing her eyes and letting the mega play with her for a bit. Meanwhile, her shoulder shadow sneaks around, disappearing behind the dark Digimon’s back. Sakuyamon’s hands brush up and down Ladydevimon’s sides, generating gentle goosebumps from the teaching touches. Meanwhile, Ladydevimon moves her hands downward, giving the mega level a firm squeeze on the ass. “What’s the matter…?” Ladydevimon asks. “You want to take it slow? AT this rate, I’m going to die of boredom before you get me off.” “Mindless rutting won’t work on me. You’ll have to really make me feel the connection if you’re going to make me climax.” Ladydevimon puffs her cheeks out at that challenge. “Oh yeah? I can romance the shit out of you, just you wait! I’m not all fucks and pussy licking!” “Then, we shall see,” Sakuyamon says, hand grasping onto Ladydevimon’s, leading her over towards the tree, and to a nice spot to lay down. The two female Digimon lay upon the soft grass, side by side. Sakuyamon and Laddevimon looking to each other, their eyes obscured by their masks, but their hands explore their bodies, gently brushing fingers up against soft and smooth skin. Their lips press together, mouths parting, tongues delving in between the two. The soft sounds of their lips smacking together and the gentle gasping breaths of the two entwined females is all that escapes that arena of lovemaking. Takato sits by, watching the action unfold as the prize of this contest. He can’t complain about the view, but he knows that if Ladydevimon wins, he’ll be stuck as her prize, the power of his human sexuality used for some nefarious purpose. “Come on, Rika…” Takato says… “I know you can do it…” Sakuyamon breaks the kiss, her fingers brushing over the mound between Ladydevimon’s legs. The dark Digimon gasps, tilting her head back and holding onto the spiritual Digimon’s armored shoulders. “A…. Ah how…?” “I know the power of love and the spirit that comes between two who make love,” Sakuyamon says, her mouth traveling down, placing warm, quick kisses across the Digimon’s pallid flesh. Ladydevimon closes her eyes, breathing heavily. “It’s… I’ve never… I’ve never felt such… such tenderness…” she says. “What is… what is this…?” “This is the true power,” Sakuyamon says, her mouth right in front of Ladydevimon’s mound. She spreads the lips apart and rolls out her tongue, pressing it against her flesh with long, loud licks. Ladydevimon bites her lips, pushing them forward. She squeals with delight, feeling the loving licks inside her destructive form. But nearby, the soft clicking of heels catches the attention of both Ladydevimon and Takato Ladydevimon holds onto Sakuyamon’s head, looking questioningly towards the woman who just appeared. “A… Arukene…?” Arukenemon pulls out a card from her jacket, flashing it towards Ladydevimon. “Looks like you could use a little help unlocking your full potential.” Sakuyamon pulls her head free, looking over towards the mysterious woman. She gasps, recognizing her immediately. That night, when the confused Rika met the woman who wooed her, who brought her to her home, who made love to her that evening. “Y… you?” The gray woman chuckles at that. “All a part of our plan, love,” she coos. But she tosses the card over towards Ladydevimon, her shadowy spirit grasping it and looking over. “XXX?” Ladydevimon asks. “We’re just going to see if this panned out,” Arukenemon says, licking her lips. All of a sudden, crimson energy erupts from the Ultimate level Digimon. Sakuyamon is knocked back, but she tumbles to her feet, watching as Ladydevimon’s data rearranges and transforms. In a bright red flash, a wave of energy hits all three of the bystanders, and Sakuyamon falls to her knees, grabbing between her legs. “Ah… Ha… f… fuck, I’m, I’m…” “It’s orgasmic!” Arukenemon says, running her hands through her hair, biting her lip and groping at her breasts. “I can… I can hardly hold back at the power… the power of human lust brought into a Digimon…. The power of XXX!” Takato falls backward, knocked spread-eagled, shooting off into the sky in an eruption of orgasm. He pants, finding himself far too weak to move. The crimson light fades around Ladydevimon, her form appearing before them all in a much more buxom form, hair spilling over her shoulders in large volume. Her breasts easily multiple times larger than before, her hips wider, and her muscles more defined. In her right hand, she holds a spiked chain, which she throws over, wrapping around Sakuyamon’s body, pulling her down to her knees in front of her. “Now… bow before your mistress,” LadyDevimon XXX says, “Like the good whore that you are!” Sakuyamon groans and leans in, burying her face into the Dirimon’s snatch, this time, her tongue delves in not to please the other Digimon, but to satisfy her own craving for the taste of Ladydevimon XXX’s juices. Takato groans, trying to bring himself up. When he finally sits up, he sees Sakuyamon pulled to a standing position by LadyDevimon XXX’s chains. Her dark spirit, which has exploded in size, gropes the breasts of the Mega, making quick work of her, all while LadyDevimon XXX’s knee prods and rubs against the spiritual Digimon’s puffy and sensitive sex. Arukenemon chuckles and walks off, disappearing into a digital portal. “When you’re done with her, you know what to do…” Ladydevimon XXX grabs Sakuyamon by the cheeks, squeezing the Biomerged Digimon’s cheeks together. SHe then snakes out a long, slithering tongue down into her mouth, claiming every inch she can with the deep and lewd kiss, slurping at Rika’s mouth, and making her putty in her hands. Unable to withstand the sheer lewd power of Ladydevimon XXX, Sakuyamon screams out in orgasmic glee, squirting out onto the demonic Digimon’s leg. Once satisfied, Ladydevimon XXX tosses Sakuyamon aside, letting her lay there, spent and panting. Soon, the two beings that made her up split up, half-awake and weakly reaching out to try to stop her. But they cannot. She throws her chain around Takato and pulls him up against her form, his head resting underneath her giant breasts. “Mmmm… Takato… this is all thanks to you, and now, you’ll give this power, and much more, to my mistress!” “N… no… Rika!” Takato reaches out. Help me! Guilmon! Where are you-mmmph!” Ladydevimon’s spirit wraps around Takato, pressing its cackling mouth against Takato’s mouth to muffle him. The dark Digimon spreads her wings and then launches herself up into the sky. Once she disappears, the location around them disappears, leaving Rika and Renamon to lay on beds in the hotel once more. Guilmon bursts through the door, his eyes feral, his gums peeled back. “Takatomon!? Takatomon, where are you!?” “G… Guilmon…” Rika says, wearily looking over towards the Digimon, tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry… I wasn’t… I wasn’t strong enough…”