*Click* "Nope." *Click* "Nuh." *Click* "Nah." Dylan slumped up against his gooey snake girlfriend as the two of them sat together on the couch, the human holding a TV remote in a very limp hand while he flipped through channel after channel. He and his girlfriend were planning on having a nice, relaxing evening together, but an unexpected issue had presented itself once the two of them actually sat down and started watching...there was just, *nothing* on. The two of them must have gone through half of the guide at this point, and absolutely none of the programs being offered caught either of their attention! "Urgh...I dunno. *Click* Maybe I could grab a Netflix subscription quickly or something…" the human said, already pulling out his phone while he continued mashing the channel button, the monotony of Juniper's denials starting to blend together in the human’s head… "Wait! Go back." Dylan's eyebrows perked up as he finally heard something different from his giant, gooey girlfriend! His thumb immediately slipped to the other channel button, flipping back through the channels until Juniper once again told him to stop. "Uuuhhh…'Bloody Beach Vacation 2'? I didn't know you liked horror movies, hun." he responded with a bit of a chuckle! Dylan wasn't exactly huge on horror movies himself, but he'd rather just agree on something then spend another 15 minutes looking for the absolute perfect diamond in the rough that they would both love. Plus, it looked like they had gotten here right at the beginning, so the two of them wouldn't be missing much... So, it was set. Dylan put down the remote on the coffee table, snuggled up to the warm, goopy body of his big snake friend, and the two of them started watching. Juniper was a very...vocal television watcher, to say the least, and horror movies were especially prone to that kind of watching. "EEE! NO! Don't split up, that's like the worst idea ever!!…" Juniper cried out, her gooey body rippling from the intensity of her voice, all the way down to where Dylan was snug underneath one of her blue breasts! It actually felt strangely nice to the human; like drifting along on a light, lazy river in an inner tube or something. So nice, in fact, that he could feel himself starting to get a little bit sleepy, even as Juniper continued screaming and talking to the TV like she had any hope of actually influencing the events on screen! Mmmh...warm gooey snake gf… Dylan was so comfortable leaning on this couch that he actually found himself dozing off once or twice throughout the movie. Meanwhile, Juniper was a tense, screaming mess, absolutely enthralled with 'Bloody Beach Vacation 2', screaming and yelling at every twist and turn in the film and even reaching over to hug at Dylan when things got too intense! In fact, all that tension in the snake's body had to go somewhere, and even though Juniper didn’t realize that fact, the lower half of her serpentine body certainly was acting on it. The tip of her tail had started slowly coiling up around Dylan's somewhat-limp body, the coils squeezing tight every time she shouted and consequently turning the human into some form of squishy stress ball. Dylan didn't really notice it at first, considering that his whole upper body was also immersed in Juniper's gooey embrace, but once the snake’s tail had coiled its way up over his waist, the fact that his legs were bound together snapped the human out of his relaxed stupor. Dylan leaned forward over himself, quickly putting the pieces together and realizing that Juniper was perhaps getting a little bit *too* into this movie! Before he could get the naga’s attention, though, he heard her cry out in anger once again at the TV screen, before her tail clenched tight around his body and almost made the human trip over himself, even though he was sitting down! "UH, Juniper, you mind calming down a bit? You're, uh, sort of fusing my legs together right now…" Hearing her boyfriend's voice managed to pull Juniper out of the trance that she was in for a moment, long enough to realize that most of her tail had slithered over to her other half without her noticing at all! "Oh! Oh my gosh, Dylan, I'm so sorry. Sometimes you just need something to hold on to when you're getting really invested in a movie, you know?" As Juniper apologized, though, the gears were already working in her head. This certainly wasn't a situation that Dylan was unfamiliar with; in fact, it was only about halfway through their usual...antics. Perhaps the snake could use this as a bit of a segue into something else. Something a bit more involved. The movie was pretty much over at this point anyway, so they would have to figure out something else to do afterwards anyway! "I do have to say, you look pretty flustered over there, though…~" Dylan had been in this situation several times in the past. So, when he felt that tail coiling around him, the fact that he barely even noticed until half of his body was wrapped up tight...gosh, that fact made him blush more than a little bit, a blush that was impossible to hide from Juniper's wandering eyes! "I, uh, well...I mean, you know I like this--" the human started to stammer, before falling quiet as he saw Juniper's purple tongue flicking out of her mouth, the snake looking down at her boyfriend with deep, blue eyes full of ideas. She didn't say anything at first, though; instead, she just opted to continue wrapping her heavy, gooey coils up over Dylan's midriff and chest, the human continuing to sputter and blush as he felt their warm embrace continue to work up his body. "I-I guess you're done with the movie, then…" "I can multitask.~" Juniper replied plainly, before the snake started to lean in towards Dylan's face…"but I'm going to make sure you can't. Now, pucker up, hun…" she continued to tease, the intensity in her voice picking up as her tail completed another lap around Dylan's chest. The human had no choice but to comply with Juniper's desires, but he was more than willing to do exactly that, closing his eyes and pursing his lips as he saw Juniper's cream-colored, dripping snout coming for a landing. Their lips made contact an instant later, Dylan being treated to the sensation of warm, squishy lips pressing against his own, certain to leave a trail of goo once they pulled away...but they wouldn't be pulling away for quite a long time.