「校聖ルキア学園で昨日朝、シャンデリアに打たれて女子生徒2人が死亡する事故があった。彼女たちの遺体は近くの死体収容所に運ばれ、2人の遺体はわずかに腐敗し、全身骨格の多くが損傷して断裂し、耳膜と処女膜も衝撃で破裂した。しかし、彼女たちの遺体は損傷の程度が高いだけに、彼女たちの遺体をこっそり侵しても簡単には発見されない。」 「女校圣露琪亚学园在昨日早晨发生了一场事故,有两名女学生被吊灯砸死。她们的遗体被运往了附近的一所停尸房,两人遗体已经轻微腐烂,全身骨骼多处损伤断裂,耳膜和处女膜也因冲击破裂。但也正因为她们的遗体损伤程度比较高,所以即便偷偷侵犯她们的遗体,也不会被轻易发现。」 「An accident happened in St. Lucia school park yesterday morning. Two female students were killed by chandeliers. Their bodies were transported to a nearby morgue. Their bodies had slightly decayed, their bones were damaged and broken in many places, and their eardrums and hymens were also broken due to impact. However, because their remains are highly damaged, even if they are secretly invaded, they will not be easily found.」