阿蔓,南疆俪族人,原名巴热叶娜,为当地族长之女,肤色极深,自幼生性活泼,深受族人喜爱,且天生神力,可举二百斤大石。沈眉英,原南疆总督沈允第三女,人称沈三小姐,后仗剑天涯,江湖人称“三姑娘”。眉英六岁时,其父遭其副手张德全诬陷至满门抄家斩首。眉英得其父故友梁瑛所救,后受教于瑛,习得一生武艺。十四年后,眉英与师兄梁瑛之子梁诚一同下山历练。同年张德全调回南疆接任南疆总督,强征少数民族百姓为苦役。阿蔓也被没入张德全府中为奴,常常受到张德全之子张悠淫虐。眉英与梁诚则隐姓埋名,投入张德全府中从事,伺机报仇。一年后,时机成熟,却不想动手前行动暴露,致使眉英与梁诚匆忙逃离,意外闯入张悠正在欺侮阿蔓的密室,便顺手斩杀张悠,救了阿蔓。二女合力杀出重围,梁诚却因为二人断后而死。阿蔓将沈眉英带回佤族疗伤数月,期间眉英耳闻目睹,意识到张德全非之仇人,更是南疆之敌,便与阿蔓商议,联合各族民众举兵起义。筹谋一年之后,眉英与阿蔓联合各部族起义,兵众逾五万人,声势浩大,一月之内便攻陷昆明城,生擒张德全,将其乱刀砍死。荆庭大怒,调二十万大军前后包夹义军,义军内部因利益分配不均导致冲突加剧,很快土崩瓦解,但阿蔓和沈眉英骁勇善战,力抗一年有余,后退入俪山天险,与官军抗衡,致使官军久攻不下。不料此时二女身边亲信叛变,做了官军向导且在义军水源中下毒,带领官军夜袭义军。阿蔓与沈眉英虽竭力抵抗,但终究双拳难敌四手,双双被擒。二女被官军千里押回京城,经刑部会审,御笔亲批,午门献俘后,于当年腊月初九,满城飘雪之日,骑双人木驴游街后各受720刀凌迟剐决。阿蔓时年21岁,沈眉英时年23岁。因其二人肤色一黑一白,史称“黑白双剐”。 “Amany”, whose original name is Barenaey, is born in south border. She was daughter of local leader of minority people. Because of her incredible strength(She can hold a huge stone over 100kg) and her lively nature, she is very popular among her people. Meiying Shen, third daughter of Yun Shen who is Commander of south border, is called “the third girl“ by people. At the age of 6, Meiying’s father was set up by his assistant Dequan Zhang and all of Shen’s family was sentenced to death. Meiying was saved by Yun’s old friend Ying Liang and then studied from him. 14 years later, Meiying began to be famous together with her sworn brother Cheng Liang because of their ability of using swords. In the same year, Dequan Zhang came backand became the commander of south border. He forced tons of minority people to do slavery. Amany was also taken into his own home and became Yo Zhang’s(Dequan’s son) sex slave. One year later, Meiying and Cheng found the chance to assassinate Dequan. However, they failed to kill him and had to flee away. They accidentally ran into Yo’s chamber room where he was torturing Amany. They killed Yo and saved Amany. To save two girls, Cheng died for trying to stop the enemies. Amany took Meiying back to her people to heal themselves where Meiying saw the pain Dequan made to minority people. She discussed with Amany and decided to lead a rebellion. After one year’s preparation, Meiying and Amany gathered minority people from all the south area to be an army with more than 50,000 people. Within one month, they took over Kunming, capital of south border and killed Dequan Zhang. Jing Dynasty was furious and sent 200,000 soldiers to encounter rebellion army. Meanwhile, corruption generated in rebellion army and their union collapsed. Meiying and Amany only remained 10,000 people but they were still very brave to fight against the army and retreated to Mountain Li where was a dramatic place for defending. They fought for another one year and Jing Dynasty had no way to take them. Unfortunately, one of their trusted subordinate betrayed them and led Jing’s army to attack in the deep night. Meiying and Amany was finally captured after a whole night’s fight. They were sent to Capital and sentenced to death immediately. On December 9th, they rode a two-people wooden donkey and then received 720 cuts separately. Amany was 21 and Meiying Shen was 23 then. 现场见闻 腊月初九,自子时起便全京飘雪,彻夜不停。但这一日的京城却注定不会平静。天尚未亮,阿蔓与沈眉英二人便乘骑戥秤木驴,由重兵押解,自百花狱西门出,开始游街。京城百姓早已得知消息,聚集在巷道左右。人人都希望亲眼一睹大名鼎鼎的云南双姝赤身游街的景象。百花狱也没有令百姓失望。所谓戥秤木驴,其实便是以跷跷板的原理制造而成的木驴。木驴之上,阿蔓在前,沈眉英在后,每人身下各设有一根双头铁杵,是根据二女的下体尺寸而特别设计的。每当她们落下之时,铁杵都会不偏不倚的戳入下体的前后二洞之中,令二女生不如死。这一设计最为精妙之处在于,当一人铁杵加身之时,若她不愿对方遭苦,便会竭力忍耐,双手用力,使戥秤不会抬起,对方也不会被铁杵插入。直至实在难以忍受之时才会双手泄力,让自己得以休息而致对方于苦痛之中。此日正值寒冬,二女裸身示众,为防她们未到刑场便已冻毙,百花狱特地在二人身下加设火盆,更使二女浑身上下香汗淋漓,平添一份炙烤之苦。且看二女一人挨受酷刑,嚎啕大叫,一人便会因对方替自己受苦而内疚不已,如此循环往复,直叫围观百姓看了笑话。二女心中只恨,当日俪山一战,没能来得及引剑自刎,落得今日赤身游街之耻,凌迟碎剐之痛。