“Kimberly, take off your top.” “Yes, Nathan.” “Wrong. I'm no longer 'Nathan,' and you're no longer Kevin. You must address me as 'sir' or 'master.' If you don’t, they’ll hurt you.” “I’m sorry, sir.” “I forgive you. Now, take off your top.” “Yes, sir.” "My lord. The meds they're giving you... I don't even recognize you." "I apologize, master." “No, it’s a good thing. I couldn't do this to you if you still looked like my friend Kevin." “Do what, sir?” “This.” Nathan unzipped his pants. “They want you to...to service me.” Kimberly nodded eagerly. "Oh, sir, I've been looking forward to this." As Kimberly, formerly Kevin, went to work on Nathan’s erection, Nathan couldn’t help but think about how different things were between them now. Kimberly was submissive, while Kevin had been a domineering, self-centered prick. And yet, the two men had been best friends. Maybe because Nathan could also be a bit selfish. In fact, he often was. “Did you used to treat women like this, sir?” Kimberly said as she removed her lips from Nathan's cock. “What? I... Well, yes, I guess I sometimes did.” "Did you enjoy it?" “Yes. I suppose so.” “I did, too, back before they made me like I am now.” Kimberly put her mouth back on Nathan’s cock and bobbed up and down. Finally, Nathan came, shooting his load all over her chest. “Thank you, sir.” “You’re welcome, Kimberly. But... Why’d you say you’ve been waiting for that?” Kimberly smiled. And, for a moment, Nathan could see the man he knew as Kevin through that smile, like he was an apparition. "They've been working hard to change me. They told me once you found me attractive enough to fuck, I'd be finished. Now, it’s your turn.” Nathan’s eyes widened. “What? No! Y-You could’ve said something!” “Yes,” Kimberly said. “But why would I? Once they’re done with you, I’ll have a girly playmate to keep me company. Now, I do feel a tiny bit bad about what they’re going to do to you, so I’ll let you get on top so you can be in charge for a change. Let’s go, ‘master,’ this will be your last fuck like a man.”