Entry 19611125 - Backstory 9 - Discovered _November 25, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ Fran was both happy and annoyed when she woke on Saturday morning - happy that Sam had asked her out but annoyed with Ben that he hadn't called. She thought about going against her Dad's wishes and calling Ben, but if he found out, that might cause problems with dating, as he would think she was 'too forward'. It was too late for that, but he didn't know, and didn't need to know. She took a bath, dressed, then ate breakfast with her parents and Elizabeth. "Mom, I want to go to Julie's house," Elizabeth said. "I'll be home in time to go to services." "Is Mrs. Owens going to be home?" "Yes," Elizabeth replied. What her mom didn't know was that Mrs. Owens wouldn't come to the basement, and Elizabeth planned to use the cellar door to go to Kenny's house next door. HIS parents weren't home and they'd have a couple of hours to fool around. "Bev, Allison, Jennie, Nancy, and I are going shopping this morning," Fran said. "They need to do some Christmas shopping. We'll have lunch at Mabley & Carew, and Bev will drop me at the synagogue, if that's OK with you, Daddy." "It is," he replied. "All of those girls are very well-mannered and well-behaved. Do you have enough pocket money?" "Yes." "Are you going out with Ben after services?" "He didn't call," Fran replied. "Sam Mercer asked me out last night and I said yes. He'll come to the house this evening to see you before we go out." "Where are you going?" "To see _A Christmas Carol_ at Playhouse in the Park." "That's the new theater in Eden Park, right?" "Yes. The play begins at 8:00pm, and I'll be home by 11:00pm." "What about dinner, Fran?" her mom asked. "We'll have a burger at the diner on Wooster Pike in Newtown." After they finished their breakfast, Fran and Elizabeth washed dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, then both of them left the house together, though they headed opposite directions, and with very different intent. Fran's morning was going to be filled with shopping, but Elizabeth hoped to be filled with something else! "What is everyone doing tonight?" Bev asked after the girls got into her car. "Dinner at Alan's house," Nancy said. "A date with Sam, which you all know," Fran replied." "I'm babysitting," Allison replied. "And Bobby might stop by!" "Might?" Jennie giggled. "We're visiting my grandparents. What are you doing Bev?" "I'm doing Mr. Carlton!" Bev smirked as she turned onto Route 50. "You're so bad, Bev!" Allison exclaimed. "And what exactly are you and Bobby going to do tonight? Hmm?" Allison laughed, "The same thing you are! But Bobby isn't a teacher and isn't twice my age!" "Older guys are awesome," Bev replied. "They know _exactly_ how to make you feel really good!" "Bobby does fine!" Allison declared. "I can't believe you two talk openly about that!" Nancy said disapprovingly. "Good girls don't do those things! And Jennie is in second grade!" "I know what's what!" Jennie declared. "It's not like I'm going to do anything! And I bet you kiss!" Nancy shook her head, "Just a 'good night' kiss on the cheek when I went out with Dan." "You have NO idea what you're missing!" Bev exclaimed as they crossed the Little Miami River. "I'll find out on my wedding night," Nancy said. She'd be the only one, Fran thought, sure that Jennie would do the same thing she and Allison had done, though Fran hoped none of them would be like Bev, who was far too loose. It was one thing to do it with one, or maybe two guys; it was a whole other thing to be with over a dozen! "What happened with Ben?" Jennie asked. "I thought you liked him." "I do," Fran replied. "But he didn't call me this week, so Sam gets my company tonight!" "Sounds like fun!" Bev teased. "We're going to dinner and a show," Fran replied. "I'm not like you!" "Sure you are," Bev smirked. "You just don't know it yet!" While the five girls headed into Cincinnati, Elizabeth and Julie were in the basement of Julie's house drinking hot cocoa. "Mrs. Samuelson should be here in about five minutes. Once she and mom sit down with coffee, the Russians could send missiles into Cincinnati and they wouldn't notice!" The doorbell rang two minutes later, and once the girls heard the women start to chat, Elizabeth quietly went out the cellar door, up the steps, and then through the gate in the fence that separated the backyards. She saw Kenny sitting on the steps to the side door of his house, wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt, with a pack of Lucky's rolled in his right sleeve. She hurried over and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. It was, so Kenny stood up and they went into the house and both removed their shoes. "How long do we have?" Elizabeth asked. "The old lady is gone until after lunch," Kenny replied. "Keen! Wanna show me your bedroom?" Kenny grinned and grabbed Elizabeth's hand, then led her through the house, up the stairs, and into his room. Elizabeth took a quick look around and saw baseball and football posters, but she didn't follow baseball or football, so she didn't know who they were. Kenny closed the door and turned to look at her. "Same as at yesterday?" he asked. "I want to see without a flashlight!" Elizabeth exclaimed excitedly. "Me, too!" "Same time?" she asked. "Yes!" Elizabeth watched as Kenny stripped off his t-shirt. She admired his muscular chest for a few seconds, then pulled her sweater over her head. She dropped it on the floor, then reached around and unfastened her bra and let it fall away, revealing her pert breasts. They weren't too big, but they were perfectly round and all the guys seemed to have liked them when she had worn her bathing suit at the pool over the summer. She saw Kenny's eyes grow wide and knew he liked them. Kenny began taking off his jeans and Elizabeth quickly unzipped her skirt and let it fall to her feet. When Kenny pushed down his boxers, Elizabeth hooked her fingers in her panties and drew them down, never taking her eyes off Kenny's manhood which was standing straight up. She got the same tingly feeling between her legs and in the pit in her stomach she'd had the two previous times, and knew she had to have that thing inside her. She quickly removed her socks, and stood up again. They stared at each other for a moment, then moved towards each other, ending in an embrace, savoring the skin-to-skin contact. They kissed, and when their tongues touched, Kenny groaned and his manhood twitched hard. One of Elizabeth's friends had warned her that guys often shot too quickly and that if she sucked him, he'd last longer when they actually did it. Elizabeth broke the kiss, took Kenny's hand, led him to the bed, and encouraged him to sit. He sat on the edge of the bed and Elizabeth knelt in front of him. "Peggy said you'll last longer if I do this," Elizabeth said. "You like doing it?" Kenny asked. "Yes! And I want you to lick me before we do it! Peggy says that will make it better the first time." "Peggy Schultz?" "Yes, but you can't say anything!" "Her dad is a preacher!" Elizabeth giggled, "And she's been on her knees worshiping since she was thirteen!" She was so worked up, she thought about just getting into bed and doing it, but Peggy had promised it would be so much better if they were to 'go down' on each other first. Elizabeth leaned forward, opened her mouth, and took about two inches of his erection into her mouth. Kenny groaned, his manhood twitched, and sperm shot into Elizabeth's mouth. She had been ready for it, so she just sucked and swallowed until Kenny stopped shooting. She released him, then kissed the tip of his erection. "Your turn!" Elizabeth exclaimed. She stood up and climbed into the bed and laid on her back. "I, uh, have never done that," Kenny said nervously, "so I don't know what to do." "I haven't either!" Elizabeth giggled. "But start with my boobs then kiss me between my legs and we'll figure it out! You liked how it tasted, right?" "Yes!" Kenny exclaimed, then turned and lowered his lips to Elizabeth's breast, and kissed Elizaveta's nipple, causing her to shudder. "Suck my nipple," Elizabeth whispered. Elizabeth moaned loudly when Kenny started sucking on her nipple, and one hand went to the back of his head, while the other moved towards her pleasure button, which she had almost rubbed raw the previous night thinking about what was going to happen very soon. After a minute, Elizabeth encouraged Kenny to suck on her other nipple. "Kiss between my legs," she whispered Kenny released her nipples and slid down, planting a tentative kiss on Elizabeth's sparse pubic hair. He could smell her womanly scent and wanted to taste it again. He kissed Elizabeth on her glistening lower lips, getting just the barest taste. Elizabeth sucked in her breath, and begged Kenny to kiss her again. He pressed his lips against her... "Kenneth Neil Burnside!" his mother screeched from the now open door. Kenny scrambled off the bed and hid his lower body on the side opposite the door by crouching down. Elizabeth looked for something to cover herself. She grabbed Kenny's pillow and pulled it over herself, hugging it tightly. "Put your clothes on, Kenneth! Your father is going to hear about this! And you, you little tramp! Your mother is going to hear about this! Get dressed and I will march you home!" Elizabeth was shaking as she got out of the bed and started dressing. It wasn't her mom she was afraid of, it was her dad. He was going to flip his lid, but what really concerned her was that her dad had been a Marine in the war and he might go after Kenny. She quickly pulled on her panties, the grabbed her bra. Kenny came around the bed, covering his privates with his hands, bent down to grab his boxers, then turned his back on his mom to pull them on, allowing Elizabeth to catch a glimpse of his shriveled manhood. A minute later she was dressed and Mrs. Burnside grasped her arm and marched her downstairs. "Where are your shoes and jacket?" Mrs. Burnside demanded. Elizabeth didn't want to get Julie in trouble, and wondered if she could manage not to reveal anything. "My shoes are by the back door. I didn't wear my jacket, just my sweater." They went to the back door where Mrs. Burnside released Elizabeth's arm long enough for her to put on her shoes, then marched her out the door and towards her house. When they arrived, rather than allow Elizabeth to go in, Mrs. Burnside rang the bell. Esther Sorkin opened the door a few seconds later. "Your tramp of a daughter was in bed with my son!" Mrs. Burnside exclaimed without any preliminaries. "And he had his head between her legs!" "WHAT?!" Esther gasped. "Is that true, Elizabeth?!" "Yes," she replied meekly. "You go right to your room, young lady! I'll be there shortly." Mrs. Burnside released Elizabeth's arm, allowing her to go into the house. As she went to her room, she heard her mom speaking in an urgent, but hushed tone. But then worse, just as she went into her room, she heard her dad ask 'What is going on?'. Instead of the best day of her life, it was going to be the worst. Resigned, she sat on the edge of the bed to await what was very likely to be the end of the world. The next ten minutes were the longest of Elizabeth's life, and she felt a tiny bit of relief when it was only her mom who came into her room, closing the door behind her. "Did he force himself on you?" Esther Sorkin asked her youngest daughter. Despite her fears, Elizabeth almost laughed, but managed not to. She could put all the blame on Kenny, but if she did that, she was sure her father would take one of his guns and kill Kenny. "No," Elizabeth answered meekly. "You were supposed to be a Julie's. Does she know?" Elizabeth knew she was sunk. No matter what answers she gave, a quick call to Mrs. Owens would reveal the truth. As much as she didn't want to get Julie in trouble, if she told another lie and was found out, it would be worse. "Yes," Elizabeth admitted. "I will speak to her mom later. How long has this been going on?" "About two months," Elizabeth said quietly. "You're fourteen, Elizabeth! Fourteen! Whatever possessed you to surrender your virtue to that boy?" The thing was, she hadn't. She had _wanted_ to, and if she was honest with herself, still wanted to, but she hadn't. "I didn't," Elizabeth protested weakly, on the verge of tears. "That boy had his face between your legs and you claim not to have lost your virtue?" "We didn't...you know..." "I'm having a hard time believing that." "It's true, Mom!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "I can't believe that's all you did." "Well," Elizabeth replied, shaking, "I, uhm, did the same thing. Well, you know..." Esther recoiled at the idea that her fourteen-year-old daughter had engaged in oral sex. "And how does a fourteen-year-old girl know about those things?" "I just do," Elizabeth said, not wanting to get Bev or Peggy in any trouble. "It's that Thompson girl, isn't it? She has a reputation!" "She's Fran's friend," Elizabeth protested, tears running down her face, knowing everyone would hate her for ratting them out. "I'll speak with your sister later. And with Mrs. Thompson. And with Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Burnside. You are to stay in your room until I say you may come out. And I need to speak with your father." "Does he know?" Elizabeth asked. "He came to the door and Mrs. Burnside repeated what she said. I calmed him down enough that he won't do anything foolish, but you know there will be consequences, both for you and for Kenny." Esther left the room, closing the door behind her, and went to find her husband who was brooding and smoking his pipe. "What did she have to say for herself?" he asked, fuming. "That her virtue is intact." "And you believe her? After what Clara Burnside said they were doing?" "I think we have to," Esther said. "How long has this been going on?" he asked. "She said two months." "I'm going to have a word with John Burnside. And I might just call the police." "I wouldn't do that, Joshua," Esther counseled. "Elizabeth insisted that he didn't force himself on her." "That does NOT excuse his behavior!" "No, it doesn't, but you know they would never make the charges stick, and Kenny isn't eighteen, so they probably wouldn't even charge him." "Clearly his father did not teach him how to be a gentleman!" Joshua declared. "What did you say to Elizabeth?" "Nothing yet, except to stay in her room until we decide what to do." "I'm going to the Burnside's." "And I'm going to talk to Linda Owens."