James was a creature of habit. The human really didn't like changing things up, and he especially didn't like being *forced* to change any part of his routine. Even tiny things like a change in what he got at the grocery store were often too much for him to deal with...and today, he had to get a different brand of milk. The one he always got was out of stock, and he had to go with a brand he had never even heard of; a brand that had taken over the cooler shelves, even...at least they had a cute cow mascot, he thought as he grabbed a carton and put it in his cart. While it annoyed him in the present, and when he got home and unloaded everything, it soon slipped James’s mind as he went about the rest of his day. When he decided to have a bowl of cereal, though, and he pulled it out of the fridge, the human realized that he hadn't even given it a fair shake yet...after another little groan of annoyance when he remembered what had transpired earlier! “Guess I might as well try it before I use a whole bowl...” he said to himself as he cracked the carton open, taking a quick swig directly from the source! Cold, at the very least, very creamy and rich...mmh, okay, maybe he was being a bit harsh on this brand at first. James smacked his lips a few times as he held the carton away from his face, his expression lighting up as he enjoyed the flavor of that milk. “Dang, this stuff is...really good~” he said with a chilled exhale, feeling the cool milk cycling all throughout his system. Mmmh. Maybe another sip...or a big gulp... Before James even realized it, he had chugged nearly a third of the carton! Barely stopping himself from taking another swallow once he felt just how much he had drank, wiping his mouth once he pulled it away from the spigot. “Geez. This milk is honestly delicious...” James said as he felt that coldness still swirling around inside of him...though it felt like it was starting to move, almost. Down past his stomach, almost...between his legs, strangely enough? And it was...growing, swelling outward, even, far beyond what he had drank in the first place - oh, oh god, his body was starting to lurch now! Something punching outwards from his lower guts, the movement knocking James off-balance and sending him down to the floor ass-first as he looked down to see his pants torn clean open, ripped in twain by something new that had burst out from his lower belly. A small, pink, jiggly udder! “Oh m-ooooOoooOohh god~” James cried out loud as he looked down at the new addition to his body, though his sentence was somewhat interrupted by a loud, brackish moo that just forced its way up out of his throat! He reached for his face as he felt it start to tingle, only to feel a muzzle start to jut out from his nose, a familiar black-and-white Holstein pattern of fur starting to radiate out from his udder as the milky sac continued growing in size. Frantically, the transforming human tried to reach for his phone in his pocket; if not to call for help, then at the very least to get a better eye on what the hell was happening to him! His eyes started to widen, partially in amazement and partially in horror as he saw that splotchy pattern spreading across his face as well, out from the new cow snout he was still growing. The flat part of his nose extending out into a big, pink sniffer, nostrils deepening as his muzzle widened and flattened out a bit...everywhere that fuzzy fur spread, the transformation seemed to take root. His ears grew long and floppy as his face continued to adopt a more long and slender shape, especially around the nose area; all of the growth and changes seemingly centered around that one spot, at least for the time being. That, and his belly, where the udder was sprouting out; pretty much everywhere that the milk had touched, it seemed. Made sense, though as the cow transformation continued to spread throughout James's body, so did the tingling. To the point where it was almost overwhelming, in a way, honestly! That udder continuing to swell up out of his clothes, riding up on his shirt and just ripping straight through those pants as his entire lower body adopted the look of a classic Holstein, complete with a shiny new pair of hooves to match, tearing clean through the socks he was wearing...he could maybe save the shirt at this point, but everything below his waist was going to be pretty much completely ruined. A shame; he honestly liked those socks a lot, but, well, they weren't made for big, clacky hooves, surprisingly enough! It was at this point that James realized there was a bit of wetness going on between his legs. He looked down to the udder that had now taken up residence down there, still growing a little bit as that fur continued to spread over the cow-human’s body, only to see that quite a bit of milk was already starting to leak out of a few of the plump teats! Obviously there was already going to be quite a mess in the kitchen with the tattered bits of clothing and such, but spilled milk on top of that was just going to be even more of an ordeal...James had much more pressing things to deal with right now, though. Namely, with the tail that was bunching up on his rear end, the newly minted cow having to lift his butt up a little bit just to let the wispy thing unravel as it grew out from his tailbone! It was indescribably strange to have something attached to his body back there, but it also felt kind of...right, in its own way. The angle that your tailbone jutted out at kind of seemed to warrant an appendage, and This transformation was just fulfilling it! After what felt like an eternity of sitting here on the kitchen floor, feeling that fur continuing to spread across his body and bristle against his clothing while various new appendages branched off from all sorts of places, the tingling finally started to subside somewhat. James had set his phone on the cold tile floor of his kitchen during all of this mess, but he finally found the time to pick it back up once things finally started to settle down and he could assess the changes more thoroughly.