*PING!* That noise came from Asof's pocket as the canine was walking down the street. It was a crisp, bright summer day in his city, one of the first that had happened so far this year, and the hybrid was more than willing to get out and enjoy the weather. He didn't really have much else to do today, besides wait for that notification on his phone to come in… The canine found the nearest bench to sit down on, pulling his phone out and checking to see if it was from the app he expected! And, yes, it was. Asof had recently listed himself - specifically, his sack - on VoreBnB, a service that allowed just about anyone to rent out a stomach, a sack, or any other predatory holding space for all sorts of lewd fun! Asof had opened up 5 slots in his balls to be rented, and to the canine’s surprise, all five of them had been filled up almost as soon as he listed them. The app was proximity based, as well, so he could probably just go out and meet his tenants right now if he wanted to. And, well...why not! This would certainly be a great way to enjoy the nice weather he had gone outside for in the first place… After accepting all five of his future tenants, Asof was able to start up a group chat with them and send the address to a local park, about ten minutes away walking for the canine, 15 if he took a more scenic route; and that was exactly when their little meeting would ultimately be set. 15 minutes, city park, 5 tenants, all endo CV...and they wanted to stay for a whole week, too! It was going to be a fun one, that was for sure. Asof took his time to make his way towards the park, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight and the light breeze whistling through the trees, in stark contrast to the very lewd events that were going to transpire very soon! Asof was a big dude, so he definitely had the capacity to fit all five of them inside, but the thought of having them all squirming and wiggling around inside...that might be a tad bit overwhelming for him. Wouldn't know until he tried it out, though! The big, beefy hybrid made his way towards the agreed-upon meeting point, sitting down at a park bench with his legs spread and his goods very much out in the open for anyone to see. This local park was an adults-only park; nudity wasn’t necessary, per se, but it was most certainly encouraged! Plus, it was the easiest way to make sure his clients found him; it was kinda hard to miss a giant hybrid with nuts bigger than your head, even if they were barely constrained by some flowery fabric. And, soon enough, he saw a group of five people making their way over to him: a red fox, a green-and-blue spotted lizard, a kangaroo, a gray hyena, and a dark, almost navy-blue dragon. "Are you all here for the VoreBnB?" the canine calmly asked as he set his phone aside, standing up before the crowd of furs and getting ready to guide them through this very interesting and somewhat-alien concept… "Yes! Oh my gosh, you're even bigger than the photos made you look…" someone eventually said through the chit-chat of the group, the kangaroo stepping forward and very clearly showing that he was unable to keep his eyes off of Asof’s massive package...he was going to be curled up inside of it soon, after all! The canine didn’t even seem to acknowledge those wandering eyes, though, just launching into a speech of sorts. “So, let me just go over the terms quickly to make sure you're all in the right place and signed up for the right thing…" Asof cut himself off before pulling a bottle out of his pocket, popping it open and quickly downing a pill before continuing. It was an anti-digestive, meant to last around a week, ensuring that his balls didn't try to melt it down anyone that was inside. They were just renting out his balls, after all, not signing up to be part of them...and the canine’s star rating would probably go down if he accidentally digested some of his guests! "So. I've got five guests, all together, staying for a whole week in the downstairs unit, to be released after a week's time…" The crowd chatted amongst themselves for a few moments, before a few mumbles of approval started to ring out. "Yeah...yeah, I think that sounds right." the hyena eventually said, a rather tall and sporty-looking woman who frankly looked more like she had just been roped into this whole thing during a jog then having been part of the planning since the beginning! Regardless, everyone in the group was equally as eager to get the week-long orgy that they had been planning started, and Asof could definitely sense the excitement brewing as he finished setting up, making sure to collect everyone's phones and clothes and any other important items before continuing. The canine was wearing a pair of Hawaiian-print shorts that were barely doing the minimum job to cover up his bulge, leaving little to the imagination...but as he slipped the summery shorts off and sat back down on the park bench, his gray orbs flopped out of their confines and found a new home firmly on the ground, his thick pink shaft comfortably resting on top of them. Asof came in at a good 12 feet tall, so his junk was going to be pretty big to someone of a more normal size regardless, but even then he was still packing well above his station! As soon as he peeled what little clothing was hiding his goods off of his body, the crowd hushed itself, all eyes on the hybrid’s member as it started to twitch and come to life right in front of them. “So, anyone volunteering to go first?” It was like Asof had just opened up the Apple store the day a new iPhone came out. The whole group lunged for his bits at once, scrabbling and plowing over one another to try to be the first to slide down that thick shaft! Some were planting their faces against his orbs, some were stroking at that shaft, and an adventurous one or two were trying to climb the thing and stick their heads inside! Eventually, Asof just had to stand up to stop this whole mess, the kangaroo from earlier flopping to the ground as he lost his grip on the canine's slick cock. "Okay...I should have seen this coming. I'll have to do it myself. Uuuhhh, let's see…" The canine glanced down at his phone, pulling up the list of tenants and choosing someone at random. "Freya?" Almost instantly, everyone started to groan and grumble and cross their arms in annoyance...except for that hyena that Asof had seen earlier, whose face lit up as she started to break away from the group towards Asof. "Oh, hell yeah! I've been looking forward to doing something like this for weeks...so, how exactly does this all work?" Asof didn't respond verbally, at least not at first. Instead, the canine just pressed a finger against the tip of his shaft, the thick member slowly bending forward until the drooling cockslit was nearly at eye-level for the buff hyena! Even without it being at full size, the opening was still quite cavernous, more than enough for the yeen to fit a whole hand inside without any stretching whatsoever. Her entire body would be a different story, but, well...the canine’s shaft was used to stretching! The hyena reached out with one of her paws, the slick, pink flesh of Asof’s member squishing wetly as those fingers started to slip inside, Freya surprised by just how little resistance she met from the canine’s innards, able to go wrist-deep without a second thought. She brought her other hand up, and that slipped in with complete ease as well, drawing the hyena in further and allowing her to start getting lungfuls of a powerful, pheromone-laced scent… The big hybrid's interaction with this was mostly just letting out soft gasps as the hyena started to slide herself inside, but now that his cock had a good grip on her, he was starting to get a little more involved. "Well, y'all don't have to just stand there and watch! Come help push her inside, or enjoy those orbs till it's your turn…" Asof instructed, opening his arms out to welcome everyone back in! They were going to have an orgy once they were all in there, no reason to be shy beforehand. And, with that little bit of permission, the kangaroo and dragon immediately came forward and started to rub and massage at Asof's balls, the roo even going so far as to stick his nose right in the crevice between both of them to get as potent of a dose of the hybrid’s wonderful musk as possible! The feeling of his orbs starting to receive their due worship immediately made Asof’s cock throb inwards, yanking the hyena forward with a yelp and nearly swallowing her entire head in one fell swoop! One more person out of the group immediately involved themselves in Freya's consumption, and that was the lizard. He walked up to Freya and started to gently push on her shoulders, which rested right on the edge of the hybrid's glans. At first, the lizard surprisingly encountered a bit of resistance but, with a little extra elbow grease, those shoulders disappeared with a loud, wet *shlORP*...along with the tips of the lizard’s fingers! Thankfully, he was able to yank them out of the cockslit before he slid down along with Freya, but it still left his fingers dripping with musky precum...not like that was a problem, of course! It gave him a good preview of what was to come~ Even though most of the group was either inside of his cock or eagerly rubbing and massaging at it, there was one person that was...staying a bit farther away from the action. It was the red fox, who was just sort of sitting off to the side, clearly a bit uncomfortable with the concept of doing this in public…especially in the buff! Asof had noticed the vulpine while Freya practically jumped down his shaft, and the hybrid was eager to try and get the fox in on the fun...it was what he paid for, after all! "Come on now, I don't bite...unless you want me to, of course~" Asof teased as he gently waved the fox over. He looked around for a moment, as if someone was watching him do this, before gradually getting up and starting to slowly and hesitantly make his way towards the bench where the pre-orgy...festivities were going on! Despite the fox's nervousness, he was still rock-hard; kind of difficult not to be when something like this was happening right next to you! It was clear that he was interested in all this, considering he was still here, but perhaps he just needed...a little bit of a push. And Asof was more than happy to provide said push, while the lizard down by his nuts was currently giving Freya another push to help her slide deeper into the hybrid’s member! The pink shaft let out a noisy *g-sHLRK* as it messily contracted around the hyena’s body, gulping her down to her waist before that shaft throbbed so hard that it slipped out of the hand that Asof was using to keep it level. The pulsating, drooling cock immediately bounced up to the sky, shoving the lizard backwards and giving him quite the view as Freya's body steadily descended along the underside of Asof's ravenous member...geez, even with how thick the hybrid’s cock was, it was still possible to see nearly every facet of Freya's body outlined against the taut, pink flesh. Outlines that he would be making soon himself… As the yeen slid down the canine’s shaft, quickly only becoming a pair of legs sticking out of the tip of his dick, the nervous fox kept inching forward hesitantly until he was basically right next to Asof; a heavy cloud of musk thickening the air he was breathing and gradually calming him down bit by bit with every lungful! "There you go. Why don't you reach out and touch it? Maybe even stroke a little bit, help work her down faster…" Asof encouraged, his shaft spasming and noisily *glrk* ing down a few more inches of hyena right in front of the fox...the lizard that was helping shove Freya down had gotten back to his feet, almost immediately returning to Asof shaft and giving the big, throbbing load of meat a hearty, hefty rubdown! "Fuck, it's so warm and soft...can I be next…?" Asof could barely hear those words, considering that they were mumbled absentmindedly into his shlong, but what he did catch along with the context clues of the situation made it pretty easy to glean what the lizard was asking for! Asof didn't even bother to respond verbally, instead just reaching down for the lizard and snatching him up by the shoulder with one hand! He brought the squirming reptile right up towards the head of his cock, Freya's feet still wiggling around even as they continued to disappear into the meaty slit. "Better grab hold quickly, they won't be outside for much longer~" the canine explained, looking down to see that nervous fox had taken the lizard's place right underneath his shaft! The vulpine was already giving the base of Asof's manhood a nice squeeze, even licking along the underside every now and again and letting the musky flavor envelop his taste buds...heh, even the strongest-willed people would end up becoming a drooling cock worshipper if they stayed around Asof’s package long enough, and the hybrid certainly knew that. "All right, hold on tight…" Asof said to the lizard awkwardly dangling from his shaft, the canine grunting a little bit before he started to clench his pelvic floor muscles as hard as he could, wanting to at least swallow up the lizard's hands before releasing all that pressure...it took a few moments of intense concentration and strength from Asof, but it was all worth it when he felt both the last of Freya and the lizard’s death-gripping hands slip right into his cockslit with a wet, incredibly satisfying *ssshLORP*! The lizard gasped as he felt his hands get sucked in, the pressure and strength of the hybrid’s flesh a little surprising, honestly. He tugged on his arms a few times, but it really felt like he couldn't pull them out, even if he wanted to...and that made his precarious position a little bit more comfortable. The red fox, now basking in the shadow of Asof’s mountainous shaft, started to massage the underside a bit; pushing and rubbing against the bulge Freya made and helping her to go down smoothly. With the powers of inertia and gravity on his side, Asof found that the hyena was making the trip quite wonderfully, and thus, the lizard was going down easy as well! Asof even felt the reptile's tongue slipping into his cockslit for a moment, the liz giving his new home a caring smooch before lowering his head down and allowing the next clench to swallow him right up. "*Hhhff*, geez, lewd…" Asof managed to say in between huffs of pleasure, his shaft squeezing tight reflexively and swallowing down another few inches of the sleek, smooth lizard… That wave of squeezing flesh also caused Freya's head to disappear from the fox's sight, the yeen's entire upper body being sucked into and depositing nicely inside Asof’s fat, gray balls. The impact was enough to jostle the other two ball sluts off for a moment or two, though they came back with even more vigor once they felt the hyena’s squirming underneath their own hands. Asof was...starting to feel more than a bit overwhelmed by all of this, honestly! The squirming that was now deep inside of his fat sack was quickly becoming just a bit too much for the hybrid to handle, along with the gratuitous groping, massaging, sniffing, and licking that was being done by all those eager musk sluts down there. Hrrrf, and he still had three-and-a-half of them to go… Thankfully, the lizard was going down pretty easily, though he was still wiggling up a storm and humping against the inner walls of Asof’s shaft all the way down! Honestly, he was so eager that it felt like he was pushing down Freya to get into those balls faster...Asof did appreciate the help, at the very least. "Rrf...all right, wants to be next?" the canine asked as he clenched another few inches of the lizard inside, the reptile’s eager legs and tail sticking out of the opening of his shaft like a raccoon eagerly digging into a trash can. Even though the dragon and kangaroo were completely hooked on Asof’s balls and had been pretty unresponsive to the rest of what was happening above them, once they heard the hybrid calling out for another cock meal, they both instantly switched back to a different, more involved kind of thirst. "ME! Me, I said it first, first come first serve…" the kangaroo babbled, his snout dripping with musky saliva leftover from the thorough tongue bath he was giving Asof’s balls as he immediately scrambled back to his feet and started rubbing over the hybrid’s shaft. The dragon was still fumbling around a bit beneath him, his brow furrowing in annoyance as he realized that he had been beaten to the punch before another breath of that tantalizing musk pulled him back in for some more worship. Asof once again pressed on the tip of his shaft to bend it downwards for easy access, the lizard's feet and legs still sticking out even as the reptile worked vigorously to change that...then, Asof watched as the kangaroo backed up and literally dove head-first into the hybrid’s meaty cock! The impact and the vigor was enough to send Asof reeling, but perhaps the even more insane fact was that the marsupial's dive was somehow extraordinarily successful! Perhaps it was the kangaroo’s powerful jumping ability, or the natural slickness of the lizard’s body, but the kangaroo was able to shove the rest of the lizard deep into Asof’s shaft and firmly lodge his own upper half inside in one powerful movement, accompanied by a truly wonderful *sh-QLCH* that was so powerful, it made Asof wince a little...that, and the truly deafening wave of sensation that washed over the hybrid as two separate people were shoved a fair bit of the way into his cock! The lizard was now firmly inside of Asof's balls, a bunch of giggling and movement coming from inside the hybrid's sack as he and the hyena decided to start that orgy a little bit earlier than planned! Even though most of his body was insulated by thick, pulsating flesh, the kangaroo could still hear all that noise, and it was more than enough motivation to get him moving and wriggling inside at an even quicker pace so that he could join the fun. And Asof, well, the hybrid was having a little bit of trouble keeping it all together, honestly. He had shoved people down his shaft countless times, but he had never really dealt with this many eager participants at once! His cock head was really starting to dribble and leak at this point, and he was starting to wonder if he would even be able to get all of them inside before he blew a fat load all over this park… Thankfully, the kangaroo was sliding down relatively easily. His thick tail disappeared inside of Asof's cock with one wet clench of the pink flesh, leaving an opening for the next cock-meal to slide neatly into...though, the dragon must not have thought it was enough, because he stuck both of his hands in and started to stretch out the cock hole even wider before daring to even put his head in! Asof was a fidgety mess at this point, closing his eyes and trying his hardest not to blow his load as he felt and heard the horny animals inside of him really starting to go to town...guh, a whole week of this? He would be nutting every few hours at this point. And that would be more than fine, but he just needed to...get them in there...first! The hybrid eventually just decided to accelerate things himself. The dragon had already managed to cram his head and neck into Asof's cockslit, but all that damn wiggling he was doing was driving the hybrid nuts! He reached down and put his hand on one of the dragon's shoulders, gritting his teeth a little bit before giving a big shove that allowed his shaft to engulf the dragon's shoulders and chest in one fell swoop! And, few, he definitely needed that...but the thought that he had a whole other person to go was definitely weighing on the hybrid's mind. He craned his neck around to look at the small red fox beneath him, who was currently enamored with and looking up at the bulges inside of Asof’s shaft as they changed shape and wiggled and gradually slid down into those big, sloshing orbs...geez, could they really fit all five of them? They were already looking stretched out with only three and a half occupants, but perhaps that was the attraction itself. Hard not to end up grinding against each other when you were packed in so close… The fox watched intently as the two bulges inside of Asof's cock continued to slide down, the hybrid grunting and gasping and moaning in pleasure at every turn while his balls only continued to stretch and grow...it was sort of mesmerizing for the fox to watch, honestly. Mesmerizing enough that he didn't even notice that Asof was trying to get his attention. "Hey...hey...hey!" the hybrid's voice slowly managed to cut through the brain fog, the fox's ears perking up as he looked towards the big canine after a few moments. "Y-yeah?" the fox asked a moment or two later, his attention quickly shifting to the tense, throbbing shaft as it wetly gulped down the dragon's torso...geez, wouldn't those spines on his back hurt going down? Or was he just...heh, ribbed for his pleasure? Either way, he was all alone out here now, and that made it pretty obvious what Asof was going to say to him… The hybrid clenched his teeth, and his innards, one last time before the tail that was sticking out of his shaft disappeared down into his balls, just like the rest of them...exactly where *he* would be in a minute or two...oh god. The fox shivered as he watched Asof press the tip of his shaft down once more, his last cock meal staring right down the throat of his cock, just barely able to see the last of the dragon wiggling down inside; or, maybe, that was just his imagination...either way, he was about to follow that dragon inside! "Just you left now…" Asof said breathily, trying his best to hide just how incredibly flustered and aroused he was by all that damn squirming inside of him...and, frankly, doing a poor job of it. "Woah." was all that the fox could say as he looked right down the center of Asof’s shaft, a fleshy, pulsating tunnel that seemed to continue on forever and ever...god, the smell wafting out of there was so incredibly intoxicating as well, Asof’s powerful musk making the fox’s nose tingle as he was drawn in closer. "G-go ahead, just stretch it out and stick your head in. E-everyone's waiting for you down there…" the hybrid said as he gently put a hand on the fox's shoulder...he could sense that the vulpine was still a bit nervous, but if he waited much longer, Asof was almost certainly going to make a mess. And it would definitely be difficult to get the last person inside after something so final like an orgasm… Thankfully, just being around Asof had calmed the fox down a little bit; plus, the echoey noises of all the people inside humping and thrusting and gasping out in pleasure made him feel enough like he was missing out that he started to dive inside. The fox instantly felt Asof’s shaft clenching around his head once he started to gently push it inside of the crevice, Asof more than willing to do some of the work for the fox if it meant he would be safely inside of his balls earlier! With a deafening *sshLOOorp*, the fox’s head and neck were pulled inside, Asof’s flesh stretching to accompany a set of wide shoulders for the fifth time today...at least it got easier every time. Asof let his dick stand up towards the sky once more as it noisily glucked and gulped its way over the wiggly fox’s chest, the slick flesh clenching and pushing down on the bulge inside as the fox quickly slid down the musky waterslide that was the hybrid's shaft, every twitch and movement of his throbbing cock causing Asof to tense up, wondering if this would be the one, if he would finally blow despite how much he was trying to keep it in...but, thankfully, that never came. The red fox’s lower body and even his long, slender tail disappeared inside of Asof’s cock nice and clean-like, the bulge eagerly wiggling its way down the underside of that pink rod and eventually, incredibly, joined the frenetic orgy that had already started inside of Asof’s balls. He had done it. The hybrid was starting to sweat from all the stimulation he was dealing with, Asof looking down at his balls as he bit his lip, looking at all those bulges underneath his fat balls. Geez, he could hear them going to town in there, even over the sloshing of the cum bath that they were all immersed in...huff, at least they were all having a good time in there, huh? Really only being able to hear what was going on in his sack left quite a bit to Asof's imagination, but the hybrid was sure of one thing. His meat was still throbbing madly, even without him having to touch it at all...the hybrid was starting to control his breathing now, trying his best to keep himself from ejaculating, at least until he got home! Wouldn't be very considerate to make a mess in this park. That, and, you know, they were paying to be in his balls for the next week, not nutted out after a half hour or so! After trying his best to collect himself for a few more minutes, Asof tried to get up from the park bench with his cargo in tow swaying between his legs...before very quickly realizing that, not only was it quite a bit of weight to have around, but also that even the slightest bit of movement just drove him absolutely crazy! It sent shivers up his spine, made every little wiggle and kick that he felt in his balls all the more powerful...oh, god, oh fuck. The floodgates had been opened. Asof’s hyper cock was leaking clear, musky fluids all over the place, and the hybrid knew that he had gone past the point of no return. Now, all he could do was play damage control. Everyone in Asof's sack dropped what they were doing as they felt the walls tightening around them, a deep moan rumbling from off in the distance as the hybrid started to feel an orgasm mount. All that squeezing and pushing was going in one direction specifically; up and out the way they came, through the canine’s meaty shaft! At first, it was just some cream that ended up getting shot out onto the concrete, Asof pushing down on his orbs with both paws trying to keep all his guests inside, but holding down that pressure only made it stronger and stronger. Plus, he was in the middle of an orgasm! His knees were wobbling, his jaw was slack...he really was putting everything on the line to prevent this from turning into an even bigger mess than it already was. At the same time, pleasure was flooding his body as he blew his load, his balls clenching with every twitch of his shaft to push that cream out into the outside world, no matter what ended up coming with it… And, eventually, someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The red fox was sort of on the outside of the orgy for the time being, considering that he was the last person to enter...so, naturally, he was closer to the top! At some point, his butt had been pulled through the opening, and once it got a grip, there was nothing the vulpine could do. His body was bent at quite the acute angle as he was sucked up through Asof’s shaft, the sudden sensation throwing the canine for a loop and nearly causing him to crash backwards against the bench as he let out the loudest moan yet! He was completely unable to stop the bulge in his shaft from rocketing up and out back towards the light, riding a wave of virile jizz that seemed to just keep coming and coming. Asof saw it all happening, almost like it was in slow motion or something. Yet, still, he was just a bystander, frozen by pleasure and desperately trying to break out of it to stuff whoever was escaping back inside! He watched as a long, red tail started to slip out of the opening in his glans, followed by two red, wiggling buttcheeks sticking out awkwardly in the air! His cock was still clenching, still pushing the fox out, even now...but the hybrid had to do something. Adrenaline pumped through his body as he tried to break free of the pleasure racking his body, another inch or so of the fox slipping out of his dick before the hybrid finally found the strength that he was pining for. He shoved one of his arms forward, pressing a flat palm against the fox’s butt and SHOVing the vulpine back inside! The feeling of that bulge once again making a trip inside of his shaft was almost enough to make Asof cum once more, but this time, he was able to control himself just enough. His cock latched onto and accepted the fox back inside, a wiggling lump once more descending down into his balls… "Phew...hhf...sorry about that. Almost lost myself. Is everyone okay in there?" the hybrid asked his sac after catching his breath for a few moments. "...dude, that was fucking hot." came a voice from inside of his balls, one that Asof could barely hear over the gurgling and giggling as the rest of the participants got back to work. It was a voice that the hybrid recognized; only this time, it sounded quite a bit more confident. Asof smiled as he reached into a bag that he had left underneath the bench, where he had stored everyone's personal belongings. He rifled through the bag for a few moments, before grabbing onto and eventually pulling out a large, floral towel he had brought just in case he made a mess. Quietly, the canine wiped down his shaft, his balls, bench, anywhere that his musky load wouldn't soak into the grass, essentially. Even in a park like this, that was still a faux pas! It was during all of this that Asof realized just how much he had nutted. Of course, he produced a lot more than other people, but this? This was a legendary amount of productivity...and a legendary amount of cleanup, too. Once Asof was done, the hybrid slowly picked himself up off of the bench, his knees still wobbling as he stood up and got accustomed to the new weight between his legs. "Well, let's head home for the week, shall we?" the canine said as he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, waddling with every step as his heavy balls dragged along the ground. An impressive sight for anyone who was lucky enough to catch the hybrid on his way home...