Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position a place where you can simply relax and let go and as you get comfortable i would like you to focus... focus on your breathing become aware of your breathing if you breathe in through your nose, or mouth. notice how your chest and stomach slowly rise as you inhale and then slowly fall as you exhale so easy so natural but also become aware of how with each breathe that you take you can feel your body relaxing and loosening. you can notice the muscles in your chest loosening and relaxing the muscles in your jaw letting go you may even feel your jaw open just a bit that's ok just relax become aware as well of your shoulders loosening and lowering and of the muscles in your head and neck simply relaxing more and more easily more and more deeply with every breathe you take. and the more you relax the easier it is to focus focus on my words and let the world around you simply fade away simply fog over and drift away you'll know on some level that you are safe and calm but in your mind you can simply see the world fade away and nother world slowly replacing it you find yoruself now walking outside it's dark and cool cool enough for you to wear something thick and comfy warm and cozy but not so cold that you are uncomfortable it's the perfect temperature for you to bundle up and be nice and relaxed and just feel yourself walking slowly adn easily in the cool night air you can feel it in your lungs as you breathe invigorating and calming but there is a soft gentle scent in the air the scent of pine needles and the gentle sound of snow crushign under your feet nothing thick and nothing too cold just a nice little crunch your warm and bundled up and just walking slowly and easily and as you walk you become aware of pine trees all around you a path in front of you lined with pine trees pine trees covered in lights blinking or chasing dancing or flashing or the good old fashioned solid glow you can see the light illuminating the path before you and despite it being a cool night the lights seem to make you feel warm inside cozy and relaxed it's almost impossible to see a christmas light blinking away and not feel at least a little smile deep inside. and as you walk focus on the lights every tree has a different pattern a different style they are as unique as the people who decorated them everyone has a specific kind of light that they like a different pattern, or even color, or combination of colors that just feels like... christmas... to them. and as you walk through the trees you can see different kinds of light setups until you come across the tree that is decorated just for you. just hwo you like it. the exact color and kind of lights blinking in the way that you like the best, and just focus on that tree see it in your mind it's size it's shape. maybe even it's breed, if you are aware of such things and just soak in the lights slowly blinking in front of you each tree is unique, unique to you unique to what it is that you like the most and as you watch them blinking you find yoruself slipping back back to a time when you found this time of year to be simply... magical a time when blinking lights was enough to make you smile widely and be filled with excitement. it doesn't matter if that was hours ago, or years ago you can find that feeling flowing through your body excitement and wonder a calm, happieness that just seems to fill you as you watch the lights. a warmth growing in your hearts in your body as you simply watch the lights and breathe slowly and easily. you find yourself feeling peaceful and calm which is what this season is all about the abilty to let go let go of all the things that keep us from relaxing our lives are all stressful but something about this season helps us to just let go. it can be a busy time, filled with many tasks but if you remember now... to simply stop and watch the lights and let them blink slowly and easily and allow yourself to connect connect with that special feeling that is unique to you that special feeling of christmas you'll find that the more you look the more you watch them blink the more you simply find yoruself focusing on that warmth the calm, peaceful happiness deep in your body you may even feel it in your chest or your stomach a warmth a peace and the more you watch the more you allow that feeling to be there the more it will grow and move through your body through your mind through your soul allowing you to let go of all the things that you held in all year long and to just... relax and feel that peace that calm move through you now. and as you watch the tree's blinking in their own special way the way that is special to you I want you to imagine yourself... in the near future... going about your life in this holiday season and i wnat you to realize that every time you see a blinking light be it on a tree or a wreath or a bush. aor a house that you'll be reminded of that warm feeling deep inside of you that peace that comes from this time of year a peace that can be easily forgotten but this year... and every year the lights will remind you of that peace and you'll be able to feel that special warmth deep inside you and let it flow let it move through your body through your mind through your soul let it help you to relax and remind you to slow down and to focus, on the things that really matter the things that matter to you... your loved ones and those very special relationships with friends and family the people in your life that make it special it wont' matter what you are doing when you see the lights maybe you'll be shopping. or with family. or simply relaxing at home in front of your tree the lights will remind you to take a moment to simply breathe and relax to enjoy this special season and all it has to offer. and to focus on what you... need the most in your life and to remind yourself that it's ok to do things for yourself it's ok to take time... for you, and what you need in your life. the more we let yourselves relax, and recharge the more we can be there for the people that need us and for the people that we want to spend time with and now, is your time to just relax.. for yourself and whether you spent a second or an hour simply relaxing in the lights and remembering their wonderful warming glow you'll find that you feel so much more calm adn relaxed that you can't help but smile and spread the warmth and cheer even if it's simply sending a friend a text to say Hello you'll find that more time you take. for yourself... and to just simply breathe and relax and watch the lights that the more the warmth will grow in your body in your mind and in your soul and the more you'll be able to spread that warmth and to carry ti with you through the season and into the new year. and beyond. a warmth that you can share with a simple smile and a wave. a warmth that only grows with time and helps you to feel peace ... and now I'd like you to just watch the lights on yoru special tree for just a little while maybe you decide to look around at other trees and just enjoy the different patterns and styles that people can use to make trees glow but just let the warmth build and fill you every part of you and when you decide you are ready to wake up simply let yourself take a deep slow breathe and awaken feeling that warmth inside of you that peace and calm that you will carry through the season and share with your friends and family and the people around you. but until your ready to wake up simply enjoy the simple glow and pleasure of the lights blinking slowly and easily for as long as you would like now.