“Imagine a ship filled with pleasure and leisure-- to have any comfort and delight you seek within the grasp of your fingertips. Sounds like a dream come true… but a reality for the few lucky ones that win a one-in-a-million lottery for an all-inclusive stay at this exclusive resort. A quick spin at the fortune-wheel at the Sleeper’s Inn had you win a golden egg, synonymous for becoming the lucky one that everyone envies. It’s your straight ticket aboard! You board the ship with your bags in hand and a constant smile drawn on your face, and can’t wait to bask in the sun and take your excessive luck for a ride in the ship’s casino. You notice quite a few rich and sketchy people around who must’ve bought themselves a spot of luxury. While sunbathing and enjoying the high-quality ale, you can’t help but notice that some of the passengers are acting strange. Is there more to the ship than meets the eye?” Grid size: 44x25 Formats: JPG, PDF (13200x7500 pixels, 300DPI) Variations: Original, Midnight, Shadowfell, Royal Sun, Amethyst Sky, Cloudscape, Ghost, Infernal Blaze