The MB2000 was heavenly, not only was it more comfortable but it was more practical, I could now see exactly how much I weigh, order bigger quantities of food and of course relieve myself without having to move. Don’t get me wrong the whole toilet situation was strange at first, especially when the nurses first inserted the catheter and waste tube but after a couple days I was used to it and now I couldn’t imagine reliving myself the old fashioned way! When I was first placed on this bed, Terry informed me that I weighed 680 pounds, that was 4 months ago. Since becoming immobile I’ve managed to pack on a whopping 80 pound! Taking me up to an incredible 760 pound! I’m not intentionally gaining, it’s just a side effect of the unholy amounts of food I’m devouring daily! Stuffing my face never gets boring! Plus I’m not even considered heavy here, there’s one girl called Christine who weighs over 1500 pound! Imagine being that fat! She literally stays in her room most of the time but occasionally she’ll spend time with the rest of us. There are currently 5 girls in my facility, Christine being the fattest, Lucy the second fattest at 920 pound, Georgina third at 850, me at 760 and finally Caroline at 640. Like I said Christine spends most of the day in her room, Lucy is a tv addict and spend most of her time with a VR headset on ignoring everyone, Georgina is pretty shy and doesn’t talk much but Caroline, Caroline is my favourite, a southern girl who absolutely loves her grub as much as me! We get along really well and I’d actually consider her a real friend. Like even if she or I left this place, I’d like to stay in contact with her. Obviously all of us a immobile, even Caroline, so we can’t exactly go out to the cinema or anything like that but occasionally when there is a new movie we all want to see, they’ll set up a sort of movie night and stream it in the communal area for all of us fatties to watch together! Of course there’s always a ton of food surrounding us! Tonight we watched the new spider man film, whilst working our way through an unholy amount of pizza! I was placed next to Christine and tried my best to keep up with her but after pizza number 6 I had to stop for a breather whilst she carried on. I noticed that her bed was a different colour to the rest of ours, whilst ours were red, Christine’s was green. At first I thought it was something to do with her weight but then I remembered Terry telling me that these beds can hold up to 2000 pound! I also noticed her drinking from a large gallon sized bottle. I tried searching for it on my tablet but couldn’t find anything that big. As the movie finished I noticed that most of the other girls had passed out into a food coma most probably, Christine was still awake and currently working her way through her 18th pizza! Even though I was stuffed I still grabbed another making that my tenth. ‘E-excuse me? Christine…’ I pipe up quietly trying my best not to wake the others. ‘Mph yeah?’ She replied bluntly as she shovelled a slice into her mouth. ‘What is that you’re drinking?’ I asked sheepishly. ‘It’s weight gain UURRPP shake…’ she laughed as she took a large hard swig of her drink. ‘How did you get that? I can’t find it on the tablet…’ ‘Because it’s…mph..not available to you’ ‘Why?’ ‘Seriously? You don’t know?’ Christine chuckled causing her huge gut to wobble uncontrollably, which in turn caused her to release an almighty *PPPPPHHHTTTT* to which she did not excuse herself or apologise. ‘N-no, I don’t know’ I reply wincing at her erupt bout of flatulence. ‘There are 2 different programs here. for people like yourself who just like eating no matter the consequences…UURRRPP…or there’s people like me…mph…who are purposely gaining weight…hence why I have a green bed…mph…it lets the staff know that I’m entitled to bigger portions, I’m more of a priority UURRPPP so to speak’ Christine informed me as she worked her way through her 18th pizza before grabbing her 19th. ‘We’ll I never knew any of that’ I laugh nervously. ‘Maybe you should ask to change programs mph you’ve got potential kid UURRRPPP! I couldn’t eat as much as you when I was a skinny little 700 pounder’ Christine said with a chuckle. ‘Thanks I guess, although I don’t want to gain on purpose, I just like eating!’ I laugh. ‘So did I Layla *FFFHHHTTT* so did I’ ******************************************* ‘One platter of 5 assorted cakes!’ Terry says carrying a large serving tray as he walks towards me eagerly. ‘Thank you Terry’ I say with a wink as he places the platter on the table next to me before turning around and exiting the room. *FFFFFHHHHHTTTTT* ‘Ahhh! That was a good one!’ I say out loud before grabbing my tablet and activating the toilet mode. I low vibration can be heard coming from under the bed before a ping goes off, indicating that the toilet is ready to use. I once again use the tablet to recline the bed slightly and lower my VR headset onto my head. Netflix begins to play as I grab an entire cake with both hand and cram it into my mouth. When I first moved here, I was was ever brave enough to order a whole cake, they would bring out those little ones only contain 6 serving. After crossing over into 4 digits I’m now served cakes big enough to serve 10! *PPPPPHHHHHTTTTT* ‘Holy fuck Layla!’ A familiar voice says, disrupting my bathroom time. ‘Anna?!’ I say pulling my headset off to find Anna staring at vast exposed body. ‘You’re fucking huge Layla!’ Anna snaps as she walks closer. *FFFFHHHHTTTTT* ‘Anna get out! *PPPPHHHTTTT* I’m doing a shit!’ I exclaim angrily. ‘You’re what?! But you’re in bed and you’re eating?!’ *PPPPPHHHHTTTTTT* ‘ANNA PLEASE! GET OUT!’ 15 minutes later, after finishing relieving myself and polishing off all 5 cakes I call Anna back into the room. ‘I can’t believe what I just witnessed! What the fuck Layla!’ Anna says aggressively as she walks towards my immobile body. ‘How else do you expect me to go?!’ I snap back. ‘I’m bed bound Anna!’ ‘What like properly bed bound?’ Anna asks curiously. ‘Yes! I have been for the last 11 months!’ I huff. ‘What. The. Fuck! Seriously Layla! How much do you even weigh?!’ ‘I don’t know’ I shrug and look down towards my body. ‘You’re lying! How much do you weigh? 800 pound?’ Anna guessed. ‘No…’ ‘900?’ ‘No…’ ‘1000?’ I don’t reply, I simply look away and blush ‘Jesus Christ you’re a 1000 pound! Mom will literally faint if she finds out!’ Anna exclaimed taking my tablet and scrolling through. ‘Ah here we go, weight, 1048 pound, average calorie intake 32,031, Jesus Layla! No wonder you’re so fucking fat!’ ‘Give that back!’ I snap uselessly. ‘Here’ she says slapping the tablet on my belly, causing it to send a wave of clubbed across the entirety of my gut. ‘Have you seen yourself recently?’ She follows up. ‘Yes. Obviously. Can you not see the huge mirrored wall there!’ ‘Your gut is literally laying to your ankles sis! You’re so wide that you’re starting to make this huge bed look small! Does it not bother you being so big?’ ‘No! I don’t care about my size, I just love eating so much! My appetite seems to be growing daily to! It’s seems that I can eat more and more everyday!’ ‘But Layla, you’re only 24! Do you not care about your future?’ ‘My future is food Anna, when are you and mom gonna realise that it’s my life and I’ll do what I want! I love being here, it makes me happy!’ ‘I just really think you should consider coming home, apologising to mom and try and loose some of this excess blubber, you can still be a big girl with a big appetite but just not this big!’ ‘Anna, please. Can we just talk about something else?’ ‘No, Layla I don’t think you understand, I’m being dead serious now. You need to stop! You’ve proved your point, no come on, let’s go home!’ ‘Just leave Anna’ ‘What?’ ‘Get out! Leave me alone!’ ‘Make me! Oh wait, you can’t get out of bed!’ ‘No, you’re right, I can’t physically make you but security can!’ ‘You wouldn’t do that to your own sister!’ Anna snapped ‘To late!’ Having to call security on my own sister nearly broke my heart in 2. How could it come to this, was it me being blinded by my lust for food? Or was it them being blinded by all those reality tv stars who prance around in their bikini with their flat stomachs on show making real women think they’re not good enough? Either way it got me thinking that I was overdue a gut busting binge. ********************************************** ‘I’m surprised you’re still awake considering how much you’ve eaten today! I thought you might have slipped into a food coma by now!’ Terry laughs as he hands me my recent food request. ‘I’m sorry it’s late Terry, I just couldn’t sleep!’ I reply apologetically as I grab the large bowl and rest it on my shelf of a belly. ‘No need to apologise, it’s what I’m here for!’ I tip the bowl closer to me and can’t help but smile at the mound of twinkies before me, I reach my hand out and grab 3 of them and instantly shovel them into my mouth. ‘You know I thought it was a real pig whenever I ate an entire box of ten of these things. I would rub my belly with satisfaction knowing I was completely stuffed! No look at me, eating 50 of them as a 3AM snack!’ I laugh before grabbing 3 more. ‘Well in your defence you wasn’t a 1500 pound woman then…’ ‘That’s true, Jesus I’ve gotten so big! How is it possible that I’m only a couple hundred pounds lighter than Christine?!’ ‘Christine doesn’t have your appetite, she may be able to eat more than you in 1 sitting but that’s it, she only eats 3 - 4 times a day, you Layla, don’t stop! You’re literally the definition of an eating machine, I knew it the moment you waddled into this place!’ Terry tells me whilst subconsciously rubbing my soft flabby belly. ‘Urm Terry…your hand…’ ‘Oh shit! I’m so sorry Layla, I didn’t even realise! God that so unprofessional of me!’ ‘I-I liked it…’ I admit turning a darker shade of red with embarrassment. ‘I shouldn’t have done that, it’s just you’re so pretty and I sometimes I forget myself’ ‘Y-you think I’m pretty?’ I stutter. ‘I think you’re beautiful, I want nothing more but to hold you, kiss you, feel you!’ Terry admitted. ‘Terry, I want you to…’ *beep*beep*beep* ‘Oh shit, I’m needed somewhere else, I’ve got to go!’ Terry said with a tone of disappointment in his voice as he left my bedside. I grab as many twinkies as both my hands can hold and greedily shovel as many as I can into my hungry mouth. ****************************************** ‘Layla? Layla you awake darlin?’ Caroline asks as she enters my room where I’m currently binge watching the Simpsons through my VR headset whilst casually snacking on a large bowl of chips and another large bowl of butter drenched popcorn. ‘Yeah I’m awake…’ I reply removing my headset and inclining the bed slightly to get a better view of Caroline from over the horizon of my monstrous gut. ‘I bought you some proper southern fried chicken, my momma just dropped it off for me’ Caroline says moving her bed next to mine and handing me a large box filled with about 10 pieces of chicken. ‘Thanks!’ I reply greedily and instantly tear into a piece ‘mmpphh! That’s so fucking good!’ I follow up eagerly chomping into the chicken. ‘I’d knew you’d like it! I know 10 pieces won’t even touch the sides of your belly but I just wanted you to try it!’ Caroline laughs. ‘I really..mph…appreciate it!’ ‘So anyway…are the rumours true?’ She asks changing the subject completely. ‘What UUURRRPPP rumours?’ ‘Are you really heavier than Christine?’ ‘I’m 1856, she’s 1848, so I guess so yeah’ I half shrug not actually caring, far more interested in getting this chicken inside my belly. ‘You do realise that that makes you the fattest person ever, in recorded history!’ Caroline informed me all whilst I continued eating. ‘So…’ ‘Do you not care? You’ve literally made history Layla! I would give you a hug but I’m afraid if I get to close you try and eat me!’ Caroline chuckles causing her now 780 pound body to quake. ‘Very UURRPPP funny!’ ‘Christine is pissed apparently, she’s demanding more food then ever to try and overtake you again. Although she’s got a bit of an advantage because she’s got that weight gain shake she drinks’ ‘Mph, I really wanna, mph try that!’ ‘Apparently it’s disgusting, it’s literally lard, oil sugar and cream! Besides you don’t need it anyway! Your appetite alone is good enough!’ Caroline chuckles. ‘True. UURRRPPP! That chicken was sooo good! Would your mom make some more? Just for me?’ I ask as I toss the empty box to the side and instantly grab a handful of chips. ‘I’ll ask her! Anyway I’ll leave you in peace’ Caroline says as she drives herself out of my bedroom. I grab the bowl of chips with both hands and upend the remaining few into my mouth, chew swallow and repeat with the bowl of buttery popcorn. After tossing the bowls to the floor I instantly grab my tablet and begin ordering more food. First I select the ‘meals’ option and begin scrolling my down with my chubby little finger. Caroline’s moms fried chicken has got me craving more, so I click on KFC, with takes me through to a submenu where I can order exactly what I want. After ordering my meal I then select ‘snacks’ and begin scrolling. 20 minutes later Jesse, one of the waitresses, walks into my bedroom pushing one serving cart in front of her and pulling a second behind her. ‘Jheeze girl, you know your portions are getting big when you need 2 carts!’ The petite redhead laughed as she began unloading my food on the tables either side of me. ‘What can I say, I like my grub!’ I laugh and patting my huge stomach. ‘I’ve noticed! A little birdy told me that you’re heavier than Christine now, is that true?’ ‘Ugh, apparently’ I say rolling my eyes ‘I’m not trying to compete with her, I literally just wanna eat!’ I follow up as I begin to salivate at the spread of junk food that’s being laid out beside me. ‘I understand Layla but as a little congratulations I bought you this…’ Jesse smiles placing what looks like a chocolate fudge brownie cake on the top of my soft stomach ‘Enjoy your meal!’ She follows up as she grabs both carts and exits my room. I can’t help but notice Terry doesn’t serve me much anymore, not since he basically admitted he has feelings for me. The truth is I have feelings for him to. He’s the first man I’ve fallen for since Tony broke up with me when I was 18. Jesus has it really been 6 years since I had sex? Fuck I haven’t even kissed anyone since then either! To be honest I need to get Terry out of my head. For 1 he’s a married man! For 2 it’s probably against this facility’s code and for 3 I wouldn’t even know how to have sex at my size! Would it even be possible? I’m better off just stick to what I do best, eating! Speaking of which this I’ve got 200 pieces of fried chicken, 100 biscuits, 10 large pot of mash, 10 large baked beans, 20 large gravy’s, 10 large Mac & cheese and a popcorn chicken bucket to tuck into! 30 minutes later ‘UUUUURRRRRPPPP!’ ‘F-fuck!…so…full!’ *PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT* Ahh that feels slightly better, I ate all that so impossibly quick! My belly is so stuffed that it’s raised up even more obscuring even more of my view! All of a sudden the left side of my huge bloated belly drop ever so slightly off the side of my bed, causing my entire body to jiggle which in turn causes the cake Jesse gave me to fall forward and slide down my belly towards my face, stopping just short of my second chin! This can’t be good, have a outgrown the MB2000? Surely not, it’s suppose to be 7 foot wide, surely I’m not that big? Fuck this cakes smells so good! I can’t help but reach both my chubby hands out and pull the entire thing closer to my face, after taking several deep whiffs I finally cave and shove my face into the cake mouth first and greedily begin to chomp through it. I’m completely stuffed to bursting point and yet I’m still going to eat this entire fucking cake. This is was I’m the fattest person in recorded history.