There were three things that the local adventurers guild had in spades: weapons, characters, and surprises. There was a reason it was on the outskirts of town, away from most of the "normal" people around; and yet, it was still an invaluable source of information and supplies. Every now and again, someone's best bit of advice would be "just go to the guild, dude"...and that's how you found yourself in its smoky, awkwardly-torch-lit hallways, seeking the advice of someone named Ashgar. This wasn't the first time you had been here, but every time you came, you couldn't help but feel hopelessly out of place. As if every person you walked past was going to escort you out of the building like a lost child. Regardless, you soon made your way through the more bookish part of the guild towards a small reading room. There were quite a few signs plastered on the door and the walls surrounding it, difficult to read and understand the implication of in dim torch light. "Ashgar's Quarters - Status" read the first one, though there was a little spot for something to be pinned to it when necessary. Right now, that spot was occupied by a large, black card with white letters that read "DO NOT DISTURB!!". Right next to that sign was a smaller one, written in much more of a scrawl, that said "no, seriously, he means it!". A few other signs that said much to the same effect were sort of orbiting the main two. Very clearly, whoever this Ashgar was inside, the person you had been told to seek out specifically, was in the middle of something right now...but, God damn it, you didn't come all this way just to wait around for however long for this person to come out! You needed answers, and you needed them now. You pushed on the large, wooden door, finding it quite heavy for its size as you entered into a room lined wall-to-wall with dusty old books. Certainly, one could get lost in here for hours if they were so inclined, but you were here for something very specific. And that very specific thing was off in a small, secluded corner of this library, very much engrossed in the book he was currently reading. And, seemingly, very annoyed with your presence. Ashgar was a large, feral bear-looking creature covered in grayish-blue fur, with some distinctly lizard-like features, including a long, prehensile tell that draped out of the chair he was resting in. Due to the thick, padded paws he had, with sharp claws jutting out of every finger, it was a little awkward for him to even be reading a book, but he seemed to be making it work. Unfortunately, your arrival had broken his concentration a bit, and that didn't seem to be the only reason that he was upset… "Ashgar, I presume? I come bearing a question of the utmost importance. Please, if I could just have a moment of your time…" you started to say, quickly dialing back the confidence as you felt the annoyance radiating off of the bear-lizard. Even in the comparative darkness of the room, it was incredibly easy to see the eye roll Ashgar did as he tilted his head back a little bit, loudly clamping shut the book he was buried in before turning to face you. "For God's sake, do any of you annoying adventurers ever read the damn signs I put up?" the hybrid began to rant, very much sounding like a crotchety old man yelling at you to get off of his lawn. "I-i'm sorry, I just really need help and people kept telling me to come find y-" Ashgar roared at the top of his lungs as he burst out of his chair towards you, the hybrid’s two front paws slamming against the mahogany floor and causing you to jump back what felt like a good few feet! "You people *never* listen. If I can't get a moment away from you to get some reading done, I might as well use you to get some enjoyment instead." the bear-lizard continued, leaving you confused for a moment before you saw that long, light blue-colored tail, flicking around playfully off to Ashgar's side. The bear-lizard was starting to look a lot more feisty than angry, and you didn't know which one of those moods would end up worse for you when the day was over! Before you could dodge or, really do anything, that tail lashed out, quickly coiling around your ankles a few times before Ashgar yanked you forward under him, a panicked yell escaping your lips as you just barely managed to break your fall while you were being dragged towards the hybrid. "H-hey, what's the big deal!? Just let me go and I'll leave you alone, you crazy fuck…" you cursed at Ashgar, partially because of the pain in your tailbone and partially because things were really starting to head in a direction that you weren't a fan of. Especially as you took a moment to actually look underneath Ashgar's body, and noticed something. Something that honestly left you a bit awestruck, in the worst way possible. Emerging from between the bear-lizard’s back legs, swaying back and forth with every movement he made, was an impressively girthy and thick shaft, bluish-brown at the base and gradually growing darker further down the tentacle-like mass. It looked to be at least a foot long, if not two, and it didn't even seem to be at full size yet! "O-oh…" was all that you managed to squeak out of your lungs as that tail continued to coil tight around your ankles and feet, pulling you directly under the bear-lizard, allowing him to smother you with his warm, fluffy body. Through gritted teeth, you heard the hybrid's voice coming from above and behind you, quite a shift in his tone now that he knew what you were looking at. "Hmmmf...i'll answer your questions if you open your legs up. Fair warning, I might be a bit rough, though~" This wasn't really where you expected this to end up, and you weren't really in the mood, were in a pretty compromising position right now, to say the very least. And you got the impression that Ashgar was offering you a deal that you couldn't refuse, so to speak. So, you gave your own sort of exaggerated eye roll as you started to open your legs up, the bear-lizard's cock immediately starting to probe around in the empty space that was just created. As soon that length started poking its way around in your nether regions, you immediately felt some arousal welling up inside of you, though it seemed that Ashgar was too busy focusing on something else. Everything stopped for a moment, and you heard some fussing around from the bear-lizard above you while that shaft just sort of awkwardly hung around an inch or so away from your hole… "Ah! Theeere we go.~" you heard Ashgar say from above you, which only confused you further, because you didn't feel anything inside of you. You didn't know it at the time, but the hybrid was actually trying to set it up so that he could still read his book while he started to plow you! An awkward arrangement to be sure, but now that he had positioned himself and the book in just the right space, he could begin. "Get ready down there!" You heard the hybrid say precisely a millisecond before he shoved himself inside of you, the slick, tentacle-like shaft barging open your back door with aplomb...and, yeah, that feeling was impossible to ignore, to say the very least. At least his shaft slid in nice and smooth, somehow...was he already leaking a little bit, or did he sneak some lube in when you weren't looking? Either way, the sensation was nicer than you thought it would be, even if that shaft was quite thick. Stretching places up inside of you that hadn't been manipulated in years, goodness...and it was only going to get more intense from here! Ashgar slowly started to bear down on you as time went on, finding your warm innards much to his liking and perhaps even a bit more interesting than the book he was currently reading, surprisingly enough. A long, bluish-brown, forked tongue started to slip out of his mouth as a smile crossed his muzzle, the bear's eyes closing as he started to pound away. It seemed that he had bottomed out inside of you for the time being, though you could still feel the knot at the base of his shaft bumping up against your pucker with every thrust, teasing you with what you would eventually have to deal with. At least you had some time to steel yourself for the inevitable tying, though there was only so much preparation that you could do. "Mmh...if there's one nice thing I have to say about you knowledge-seekers, it's that you're all…nngh…pretty tight.~" Ashgar lewdly commented before he gave you another thrust of his hips, all 900 pounds of the bear-lizard smothering you to the floor and making sure you weren't able to move a muscle. Even breathing was a bit difficult, each push from Ashgar emptying your lungs with a weak, raspy puff; barely giving you enough time to inhale once more before pounding at your backside again. He'd gone so deep at this point, that you swore you would be able to see a bulge in your belly if you were able to raise yourself off of the floor…to put it lightly, the bear-lizard was doing a great job of rearranging your insights with his shaft. Hopefully, it would be enough to get him to blow sooner rather than later! Over time, as that thick rod pumped and pushed up inside of your guts, you really started to feel the knot swelling up against your used asshole, Ashgar's animalistic grunts on top of you not making things any better. You at least thought you would have a minute or so to finish preparing yourself, but just a few seconds later, you heard the bear-lizard's voice, shaky and raspy, come from above you. " it comes…" he said through gritted teeth as you felt his rear bare down even harder on you, an intense amount of pressure starting to mount between your cheeks. It was clear that knot wanted inside of you, and it was equally as clear that there was nothing your body could do but accept it. A compassionate cry escaped Ashgar's lips as his swollen knot finally slipped past your pucker, locking his pulsing meat inside of you and laying the final bit of groundwork for his orgasm to let loose. Just a few moments later, you heard another powerful, satisfied groan trickle out of Ashgar's mouth as he blew his load, a pleasant warmth and fullness spreading up into your bowels as they were filled by blast after blast of sticky, thick bear-lizard cum…the pressure quickly mounted inside of your guts, your body having to loosen up deeper and deeper inside to accept the massive load that was being pumped inside of you, considering the normal exit had been plugged completely shut by Ashgar's swollen knot! Your belly started to swell up a bit as Ashgar continued to empty himself up inside of you, squishing and spreading along the floor considering it really had nowhere else to go with how much weight was still firmly on top of you. At least, as those growls got breathier and quieter, you could tell that Ashgar was just about finished… The bear-lizard trembled and collapsed on top of you, his heartbeat pounding into your back as his shaft continued to twitch and leak inside your rear. "Ohhh, yeah, I needed that…" Ashgar panted out, endorphins flowing through both of your bodies as you started to share in some of the bear-lizard’s soothing afterglow. He did certainly end up being a bit rough, but at the end of the day…it was a rather enjoyable time. Now, if you could get the bear-lizard to actually answer the questions you had! "So…uh…can we talk now? And can you un-knot me?" You asked Ashgar after giving him a good minute or so to recover. The hybrid took a few deep breaths, and you could feel his lungs expanding against your back before he answered. "Mmh…you know, I would, but that took a lot out of me, and I'm really comfy here, and it would take so much *effort* to get up and such. What about if, Instead, I just…" Ashgar left you hanging for a few moments before you felt the knot in your ass starting to recede…but only in one way. It was receding back into Ashgar's slit, yes, but it certainly wasn't sliding out of you! The bear-lizard had a dumb look on his face as he did this, tongue sticking out of his mouth as you felt your rear end bending upwards and bumping up against the slit that usually housed Ashgar's equipment. "Uh…" you started to say, completely in the dark and confused with what was going on, your rump pressing up against that opening a few more times without much really happening. He wasn't…he wasn't going to do *that*, was he? That didn't, that didn't even make sense… But he was. He was going to do that. After the fourth or fifth try, you heard a wet slurping noise as the knot you were attached to slid back up inside of Ashgar's slit, taking your rear end right along with it! Your legs bent up off of the ground, and you started to panic as you both realized what the bear-lizard was planning and that he was stretchy enough to potentially make it happen. "Oh, COME ON! I apologized, we fucked, can you just answer my question?" you yelled incredulously, though you stopped short of actually starting to hit Ashgar or anything. Didn't exactly seem like a wise idea with the position you were in. "I'm just a bit too lazy to get you off of my dick right now. A good fuck takes a lot out of you, you know! I don’t want you to wait around until I get the energy back, and I don't want to inconvenience you since you came out all this way. So, instead, why not let me tuck you away for a little while?" Ashgar explained as his cock slit continued to expand around your rather bulbous ass, the bear-lizard putting quite a bit of sarcasm into those words, especially the part about inconveniencing you. But, honestly, most of what he was saying did make quite a lot of sense. It would be a pain in the ass to trek out here again, and you wouldn't really know when he was actually available; so, maybe this, however weird it was, would be the best arrangement for the both of you… Oh, damn it. He presented you with a logical idea and sucked you in up to your thighs while you were thinking about it. Your hips popped as you continued to bend forward in quite the awkward position, but at least it didn't seem to hurt. The only question was just how much room Ashgar had in…there to, uh, store you. It felt weird to be so blase about the act of being sucked into a weird hybrid bear-lizard's cock slit, but they're really wasn't much that you could do about it at this point. At least, not anything that wouldn't substantially worsen your position. "Ugh - just promise me it won't be *too* long, at least?" you asked, trying your best to appeal to the bear-lizard despite the fact that you were currently halfway inside of his "sheath". The sack you were being forced into was surprisingly pliant and stretchy, and quite dry as well, though you knew there would be quite a powerful musk in there once you were all tucked away. Ashgar either didn't hear you or didn't bother responding, because instead you just saw a pointed, clawed finger come into your field of view, before booping you and pressing gently against your nose to help you along. The hybrid also started to hump forward to get you deeper, grunting and making all the sounds that suggested he was still fucking you…which was sort of true? After all, his dick was still lodged firmly inside of you, a fact you were not going to forget anytime soon thanks to that damn aching knot. Those movements elicited involuntary groans and gasps as the hybrid’s shaft kept poking up inside of you, sounds that Ashgar enjoyed greatly as he continued shoving you up into his cockslit. A few minutes of these repetitive, almost monotonous motions passed before you could feel the tight, slick flesh wrapping itself around your neck, Ashgar’s body continuing to surprise you with just how stretchy and accommodating it was. The bulge you made sagged nearly to the ground, occupying much the same space that a virile pair of balls would, if Ashgar had any. Perhaps he was enjoying the sensation of having some heft back there, at least for a little while...though, that might result in him keeping you a bit later than you would like. Not like you could really change that at this point. The slick slit was steadily creeping over the back of your head, framing your field of view as the spicy muskiness of the bear-lizard’s little pocket really started to tingle in your nose. The thought of having to breathe only that for however long you were tucked away in there…it was challenging, to say the very least. But, there was no turning back, not now, especially as the pressure started to squeeze around your head… *sh-gGLLNK* Warm air whooshed around you and your vision quickly went black as you were sucked backwards, a rumbling moan surrounding you as Ashgar slurped the last of your body right up into his slit. The tin walls of flesh were nearly skin tight against your body, making it difficult to move or breathe or to really do anything in here besides squirm and wiggle around a little bit…that was more than enough to satisfy Ashgar, though. You felt a lot of extra pressure on top of you as the bear-lizard reared back on his haunches a little bit, experimenting with how it felt to have an extra little bit of…padding back there. And it felt truly *wonderful*. If his shaft wasn't still so firmly lodged up inside of your body, he would most certainly be leaking a bit out of his slit…so, instead, that extra cream just sort of made its way into your innards. Which, by the way, you were still quite plumped up from, your pot belly making it even more difficult to maneuver about in this tight space. "Mnnnff…slotted in absolutely perfectly, I have to say~" Ashgar said as he started to lean forward and streeeeetch, taking advantage of the position he was in to crack some bones and relax some muscles…something that you were already starting to wish you could do in here. As Ashgar continued to relax, though, and as you started to move less and less, you did finally start to feel, if not his whole shaft, at least his knot sliding out of you, somehow retreating deeper into Ashgar's body from where you were. It wasn't much, but it would make things a bit more comfy in here, considering you were most likely staying for quite a while. At least, that's the impression you got as the bear-lizard started to get to his feet, your fleshy prison swaying back and forth with every step as the hybrid casually walked out of the library and back towards his quarters. Tongue out, eyes closed, a goofy smile across his snout…and a huge, wiggly bulge between his legs. He'd catch a few curious eyes as he walked through the guild as well. But it was pretty obvious that anyone who asked what was going on there would be the next person to end up where you were. At least, for now, you had the space to yourself.