God damn, you needed a drink. Arriving at your hotel and getting all settled in was always a nice feeling, to be sure. All that driving and traveling and unpacking left you completely winded and in need of some recovery, though...which is probably why most hotels have bars in them! As soon as you finished setting everything up, you immediately made your way down the hall to the elevator and into the hotel bar, ready to just nab whatever drink you wanted and gulp it down before heading back up to your room for the night. As you made your way inside, though, you found the ambience to be rather comforting. This was a pretty nice hotel, after all, so it would stand to reason that the bar would be nice as well! Some very tasteful art on the walls, very nice wooden tables, large televisions...it was nice. And, it seemed to be pretty quiet as well. There was only one other person in here besides the bartender, a rather large skunkbear sitting in a booth whose gigantic, striped tail took up the entire seat across from her! She was quite a sight, to be sure, but you were far too focused on that drink to think about her for long. You sat down at the bar, a lithe weasel dressed in quite the spiffy outfit sauntering up to you and asking your name and your poison before spinning around and mixing it up. "There ya go. White Russian, on the rocks." the weasel said a few moments later, plopping down an old-fashioned glass on the bar which you almost immediately reached for...however, you were only able to take a few sips of the delicious coffee-and-cream drink before you felt somebody looming over you. "Hello, darling~" You started to whirl around to face the source of the voice that was addressing you, before you realized that it was none other than the skunkbear you had seen in the corner when you walked in! She looked even more gigantic when she was standing right in front of you, her tail easily twice the size of your body and some comically large paws at the end of her arms! "U-uh...hello there?" you stammered out as the skunkbear smiled down at you, her presence incredibly intimidating even though all she was doing was standing there! She didn't respond at first, instead just slinking along your right side and taking a seat in the open chair next to you. "Ah! Sorry hun, I didn't even introduce myself. The name’s Evelyn, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you as soon as you walked in…" As Evelyn sat down, you felt her fluffy tail starting to slowly wrap its way around your chest, the skunkbear keeping you contained with ease as she continued to chat you up. "What brings you to this quaint little establishment, hm? Don't really see much of your type 'round here." the skunkbear asked, her tail continuing to move and coil around you to the point where you realize that there was a small, smirking mouth at the end of it! Evelyn could instantly see the surprise on your face, it seemed like she already had a response lined up. "Oh, He's harmless, just a bit friendly…" Despite how aggressive Evelyn was coming unto you, there was only so much that she could do in the environment of a bar! The skunkbear mostly made pleasant small talk with you, though she sprinkled plenty of teases and hints throughout your conversation that made it clear she wanted you back in her room for the night. And, well, she was just so imposing and strong, that you couldn't help but blush as the suggestions filled up your head…! And the tail continuing to tease and press up against you didn’t help matters, either... The two of you finished your drinks a few minutes later, Evelyn continuing to get more and more aggressively flirty as the liquor flowed through her system. "Oh, hun~ you're absolutely adorable. I'd love to get to know you more in a bit more...private space. Perhaps you'd like to come up to my room for the evening…" The red blush on your face only continued to grow as Evelyn said exactly what you had been expecting her to. The skunkbear already had so much leverage and power over you, that you could really only stammer and make some half-hearted qualifications...but Evelyn could see what you wanted. "Excellent. I'll pick up the tab, hun.~" A minute or two later and Evelyn had released you from her tail’s embrace, the skunkbear walking you over to the elevator and starting the ascent up to her room with you. "You know, guys like you are so flustered and confused whenever I start talking to them…I love it~" the skunkbear said, her very existence looming over you and making you stammer and blush as you tried your best to make up some kind of response to that! As soon as any words managed to come out of your mouth, though, Evelyn just shushed you immediately. "You don't have to say anything, dear. I can sense your feelings already…" Those silky-smooth words left you confused and flustered as the elevator arrived on Evelyn's floor, the skunkbear digging around in her pockets for her room key as she led you down the hallway. Room 603...you didn't even know the room numbers went that high! The skunkbear stepped into her room and flicked on the light, ushering you inside and closing the door behind the two of you. "Wow. Did you get a penthouse or something? Your room is so much nicer than mi-" You were cut off in the middle of that sentence as you felt something slam you right in the back, pushing you down onto that incredibly soft bed that you had been looking at just a few moments ago. There was only one other person in the room with you, so you had to assume that it was the skunkbear who had pushed you down so suddenly, and who was also the person currently smothering you against the mattress! "UGH - Evelyn, get off of me!!" You just heard the skunkbear giggling in response before you felt that weight slowly starting to lift off of your back. "Oh, hush. I figured that I would just get to the point...after all, we both know why you're here~" Evelyn responded, pushing on your side a little bit before you got the hint that she wanted you to roll over and face her...you did sew a few moments later, the familiar blush returning to your face as you felt Evelyn's massive pause pinning you down on both sides, the skunkbear staring right into your soul with her vibrant, pink eyes...huff, that certainly reminded you of why you were up here! The skunkbear didn't give you too long to appreciate her luscious eyes, though. Evelyn quickly leaned in and closed them tight, smothering you with her curvy body while your lips met hers and she started to take a deep, long smooch! The skunkbear's tongue almost immediately started to pierce through your lips, Evelyn slobbering so much that the stuff was getting all over in your mouth, and even a little bit on your face…! She wasn't being subtle with how she felt about you, that was for sure; and with how much weight and leverage she had on you, you just had to reciprocate in any way that you could. You wrapped your arms around Evelyn's sides and tried to hug against her body, even though your arms were not nearly close enough to wrap around her entire frame, and you tried your best to compete with her powerful tongue, even though it was quite a challenge, to say the least! Evelyn soon pulled away from the kiss with a loud and passionate "mmmWAH~", but that didn't mean she was done yet! Almost as soon as she broke contact with your lips, her long, purple tongue started to slip out of her mouth, the skunkbear leaning forward to slurp and lick all over every last part of your face, inundating you with her presence. But in a way, being so overwhelmed by Evelyn was almost relaxing. There wasn't really much you could do about it now, so you just laid back and enjoyed Evelyn having her way with you, your face soon absolutely coated with her warm, slick saliva. You were even starting to notice a tent growing in your pants, letting you know exactly how much you were actually enjoying this...and letting Evelyn know, as well! At some point throughout the thorough tongue bath every part of your upper body was getting, though, you were starting to notice a bit of a...different feeling. The same wetness, just a little bit further down, lapping at your feet and ankles...Evelyn giggled as you tried to squirm out from underneath her to see what the heck was going on, and you didn't really get very far, but you just barely managed to catch a glimpse of the culprit...oh, dangit, it was that tailmaw she had been teasing you with earlier! You had almost forgotten about it at this point, but now, the cheeky little thing was going to make sure that you didn't forget. The little bastard was like an ankle biter of sorts, nibbling and slurping along your lower extremities with a tongue much thicker than the one that had invaded your mouth…! All these powerful sensations were really turning you into a whimpering mess at this point, and Evelyn was more than happy with the job she had done so far, but there was clearly something that the skunkbear was building up to. "Oh, hell, I can't stand it anymore! You're just so cute…" Evelyn said as she slowly reared up and away from you, giving you a brief moment to see the world around you once more before one of those massive paws wrapped around under your back. Then, with one thrust of her arm, Evelyn pulled you up towards her elevated body, your face finding a new home right between her buxom, black breasts! As you were smothered in skunkbear cleavage, you felt that warmth around your ankles start to double up and creep over your legs. You probably would have been worried by that sensation in any other situation, but with a pair of huge tits smothering your entire face, you had different things to worry about right now...the heat, the light scent, the knowledge that her bust was so big that it could easily hide you from the outside world...you found yourself grinding up against Evelyn's middle without even really realizing it, the skunkbear chuckling as she felt the movement against her chubby belly. "Ohh, I think you'll want to save that for later, hun~" she replied, the words dribbling into your ears like the sweetest honey. Anything she said at this point would probably just make you throb harder, completely distracted from the wetness that was now starting to move up over your knees and calves. Of course, there was only one place that sensation could be coming from...Evelyn's tailmaw was getting hungry from all of this, and it had decided that you were more than a suitable enough meal! That thick, bulbous tongue was starting to work its way up towards your midsection as the tailmaw continued to slide up over your legs, barely any bulging showing in the skunkbear's huge, fluffy tail as it continued to swallow you alive! With your legs bound together in the tail’s fleshy throat, you had started to realize what was up, but you didn't care. Evelyn was gasping and groaning as she practically grinded her chest against your face, a bit of slickening happening between her own legs while you continued to unabashedly hump against her belly. Unfortunately for you, that tailmaw was continuing to creep up over your body, eventually sliding right over your shaft and leaving you humping against a much warmer and much more slick environment...at this point, you knew what was going on, but you were more than okay with it. The slimy warmth felt absolutely amazing against your shaft, and the knowledge of where you would be ending up only made things even more arousing…! Evelyn just cooed and moaned lightly as she felt your head slowly starting to slip out from between her breasts, her tail picking up the pace a bit and perhaps pulling you away from Evelyn before she was ready to let you go…! The skunkbear always lost arguments with her tail, though, so she knew there wasn't really anything she could do, except start playing with you again once you slid into her stomach. Your arms had been bound at your sides this entire time, which made them easy for the tailmaw to swallow up as it continued to work its way up over your chest...the thick tongue tip was poking at your chin now as well, just further emphasizing how close Evelyn's tail was to finishing you off! "Mmh...you poor thing. Don't worry, I think you'll get to finish in my belly just fine~" Evelyn teased you; clearly, she could still feel your humping against the inside of her tail, powerless (and unwilling) to resist her charms, whimpering into her belly fur as you slowly continued to slip inside of her tail… Those slick, lightly-purple jaws continued to work their way up over your shoulders and neck, until you were basically just a head sticking out of the tip of her tail, Evelyn rubbing her bosom against the bulge you made in her tail in lieu of actually being able to smother your face anymore. "Just a little bit more~" you heard Evelyn say as the tail slowly worked its way up over your face, the inner flesh squeezing tight around your body and slowly just sucking you inside of it. What little you could see was slowly replaced by deep purple flesh as those jaws closed over the top of your head, muffling the world around you in all sorts of wet and fleshy noises! You didn't really realize until those jaws had sealed over your head, but it was *really* hot in here. The flesh around you insulated from the outside world, but it also kept all the heat that the body was producing inside…! That, along with the tightness and wetness was starting to make you a little bit dizzy, honestly, but one area where you didn't feel that was your crotch. Your shaft still throbbed against the tailmaw’s throat with need, even as you felt the lower half of your body start to be contorted into twists and turns as you slid deeper into Evelyn's tail...on the outside, Evelyn was just stroking at the bulge you made inside of her, stimulating the walls to help move you along inside of her system. The skunkbear's stomach rumbled with anticipation, knowing that a delicious meal was very close to arriving...mmh, you were going to make her so wonderfully full! After being pushed and shoved and bent into shapes you didn't even know that your body could make for what felt like an hour, your feet started to bump up against some kind of fleshy wall inside of Evelyn...no doubt, the entrance to the skunkbear's stomach! The rippling and clenching of the flesh around you started to force you through that opening, your feet sliding out into Evelyn's stomach and being greeted with quite a bit of extra room...you enjoyed it while you could, since there would probably be less of it once you were all the way inside! This skunkbear let her tongue roll out of her mouth and rubbed all over her belly as she felt it finally filling up, the chub she had down there giving way to a much rounder and squirmier form as you were pushed out inside. And, yeah, you definitely started to feel a bit more cramped as you filled out Evelyn's stomach, but there was something else that the tight space made quite enjoyable...and that was your shaft, throbbing against Evelyn's wet and slimy stomach walls, clearly a ticking time bomb. The skunkbear just snickered as she felt you humping away inside of her, absorbing your horny energy to sustain herself...Evelyn was a sort of succubus, after all, and letting you have your fun inside of her was just her way of feeding! And, goodness, you were filling her up so wonderfully with your lust, the bulge your cock made showing just barely to the outside world with how vigorous and powerful your humping was. You let out a cry so loud that even Evelyn could hear it clearly as you blew your load, white ropes of hot seed spilling out into the skunkbear's belly and mixing with the thick, slimy fluids that were already oozing out of the walls around you. Your heart pounded with every beat as you spent yourself, a moan dribbling out of your mouth as you collapsed against the skunkbear's belly walls, completely finished, all sorts of wonderful sensations flooding your body...yeah, that was the best orgasm you've ever had. And it was inside of the stomach of a giant, seductive skunkbear! Evelyn licked her lips as she rubbed at her growling, sloshing belly, the act of feeding upon your lust increasing her own and leading to quite a bit of slickness between her legs. After blowing your load like that, you were already starting to drift into unconsciousness, but you were barely able to hear your new friend’s words around you before you drifted off to sleep. "Have a wonderful night in there, hun...we're going to have a lot more fun tomorrow, that's for sure~"