"Come onnnn! It would be a great way to save a few dollars…" Neil said those words in a shrill, high voice as he talked to his roommate, trying to convince Leng to come along with him to the movies in a rather...unusual way. The mouse-tiger hybrid was already quite a bit shorter than his friend normally, standing at a shrimpy 4’2’’ to Neil’s 6’1’’, but he was still easily tall enough to be noticed if he tried to sneak into the theater undetected. That was, until the mewse removed the small black-and-orange ring he wore, which would shrink him down to a measly 4 inches! And that was what Neil was trying to convince his roommate to do; let him take his ring, stuff his roommate in a shirt pocket, and slip into the theater completely undetected. "Urrrgh...how much are tickets again?" Leng responded a few moments later, looking down pensively at the ring wrapped around his middle finger. Nearly every time he took it off or lost it, some shenanigans were nearly guaranteed to happen! And the mewse was not exactly in a shenanigans type of mood today. Neil pulled out his phone quickly to make sure he had the right number. "Uhh...Like, 15 bucks. And that's not counting snacks and stuff." The deer responded, almost instantly seeing his roommates face start to contort. "Egh...Yeah, all right, fine. But no funny business, okay?" "Of course, of course! Just trying to save a few bucks." Neil said with a smile, the deer taking Leng’s glasses and ring and watching as the mewse shrink down in the blink of an eye to about 4 inches tall - fitting perfectly in the deer's hand! The transition always made Leng a little bit dizzy, but he was able to use the giant deer snout looking down at him as a bit of a focal point to gain his balance back. "Okay. Shirt pocket, right?" Leng asked as Neil started to carry him off to his room. "Uh...yeah, shirt pocket." Neil responded under his breath, his mind clearly somewhere else at the moment. Still, though, Neil made his way into his room, setting Leng down in the bed while he dug around for some clothes to put on. The deer pulled out a pair of long thigh-high striped socks, slipping one of them on his right hoof and dropping the other one right next to Leng. He took a few moments to stretch the socks as far up his thick thighs as possible, before reaching for the other sock with one hand - and Leng with the other! The deer grinned as he pinched Leng by his shoulders, stretching open the sock with his fingers before dangling the little mewse right over the opening. "Oh come on Neil, I said no shenanig-" Neil didn't hear the last part of what Leng said. His roommate's voice faded away as he casually dropped Leng down into his sock, the deer quickly putting his hoof through the opening and sliding it right up his leg in one swift motion! The tiny hybrid was suddenly and immediately smothered by hefty, musky deer hoof, the stretchy fabric of the sock allowing Neil to really press against Leng and make sure that he went absolutely nowhere. In fact, if someone was to look at the sole of Neil's hoof, they could almost perfectly see the outline of the little guy splayed out against the bottom of the deer’s sole, wedged right in the cleft of his hoof…where he would be for at least as long as it took for Neil to get to the movie theater! Though Leng was smushed and pressed against Neil’s underhoof, covered in warm, slightly sweaty fur and hard hoof...he was only annoyed at first. This was not the first time something like this had happened to him, especially in this house, and it most certainly would not be the last! But then, the mewse realized that the movie theater wasn't that far away. And that Neil would probably walk there. And THAT thought got the mewse squirming, Neil giggling at the slightly-ticklish sensations and the futility of his tiny friend’s squirms as he then slipped his foot into a tall, black boot far more suitable for the weather he was about to walk through! Leng was being thrown all over the place, the mewse getting a little bit dizzy before Neil finally got to his feet and finished assembling everything he would need. Unfortunately for Leng, that meant all of Neil's weight was pressing down on him, the tiny mewse getting squished and smothered against the ground with every step the deer took! As Neil finally finished prepping and walked out the door, the environment inside of his sock was already starting to get a little bit...humid. Leng’s face was firmly mashed up against warm deer fur and his back was pressed against the fabric of the sock and a whole boot as well, so Leng was really starting to feel the heat already! Neil's hoof had a certain muskiness to it as well, a smell that only seemed to get stronger with every step that the deer took! And with the mewse's nose firmly pressed up against that musky, slightly damp fur, Leng was getting the absolute strongest dose of it that was possible! The pressure was so intense, compounded every time Neil lifted his foot up and then brought it back to the ground, that Leng was thankful Neil had swiped his glasses as well… And Neil? Neil barely noticed what was going on down there, outside of the occasional tickle from his friend's squirms. He was too busy thinking about the movie he was going to see, what he was going to eat...he was planning out his whole day in his head right now! And it was very strongly implied that the plan for Leng's day would be "sock stuffer", at least until Neil actually got to the theater...and that was still quite a ways away. Leng was completely smothered in deer hoof now, the mewse thankful for the brief moments of relative comfort he had when Neil lifted his boot off of the ground before it all came crashing down and he was smushed into fluffy hoof once more! It became a sort of rhythm, drilled into the micro's head as the muskiness inside only became thicker and thicker...bwergh, he couldn't move an inch in this position! And, even worse, he had no sense of where Neil was. He could have already been in the theater, or just left; the rhythm was starting to make everything blend together a little bit… Thankfully for the mewse, Neil had arrived at the theater by now, purchasing his one ticket and some snacks with absolutely everyone around him completely and blissfully unaware to the situation going on in his sock right now...at least, those who weren't ending up in the same room as Neil! The deer made his way down the rows of luxurious recliners after a quick bathroom break, choosing a seat near the top of the room and slipping his boot off as soon as he made himself comfortable in his seat. Leng's entire world shook around him as Neil finally freed him from part of his prison, the deer kicking his feet up on the seat in front of him and letting out a deep sigh as his socks aired out. "Don't worry Leng, you'll still have a good view~" he teased, splaying his hooves out a little bit to play around with his roommate while he waited for the movie to start… Theater patrons started to filter in as the minutes passed, most walking right past Neil, but a few deciding to sit around him despite the fact that he wasn't exactly practicing good theater etiquette! A rather large poodle actually sat right down next to the seat Neil was resting his socked feet on, seemingly unaware or uncaring about the shenanigans that were happening right behind him! Soon, everyone started to settle down and the movie began, but Neil was a bit more focused on teasing his tiny friend than he was on actually watching the movie he came to see. And Leng, well, Leng was seeing about as much of the movie as Neil was through the stretchy fabric of his socks! The screen was really only changing the level of light in Leng's eyes, and occasionally a bit of a color change as well, but not nearly enough for him to actually follow along with what was going on. His hearing was a little better, but every time Neil moved around the shuffles and scrapes of fabric completely interrupted what the mewse was listening to… That, and the complaints from the people around him who weren't really a fan of deer feet being propped up in front of them! There was a rather small rabbit who had ended up taking the seat next to Neil, and he was getting a bit annoyed with how the deer was constantly moving around and giggling and smearing his feet on the back of the seat in front of him. "Dude, quit fucking around! Some of us are trying to watch a movie here…" he finally said with some real vitriol in his voice as he shot a glare towards Neil. And, normally the deer would just ignore someone like this, but, well...he hadn't had lunch yet. Wordlessly, Neil turned towards the rabbit, finding him to be barely half his size...a good mid-movie snack, to be sure! He reached over and gripped the rabbit on both shoulders, the lapine starting to get real grouchy and cursey as Neil lifted him up into the air before all those curse words were suddenly muffled. Muffled by the inside of Neil's mouth as he shoved the rabbit's head right inside without a care in the world, not even bothering to taste the wriggling lapine before guiding the rabbit's head to the back of his throat and quickly stifling those squirms with a wet *GLRrnk*! All of a sudden, the rabbit that had been sitting next to Neil was just a pair of kicking legs sticking out of his mouth, a few people around Neil looking over and staring as he showed them exactly what happened to anybody who interrupted his movie-watching experience! Leng had no real idea what was going on, outside of the fact that Neil had stopped pressing him against the back of the seat for a moment while he did...something else. Neil was actually starting to taste and enjoy his snack now that he had crammed enough of it into his gullet that he didn't have to worry about it escaping, so he kind of forgot about the friend he had stuck in his sock for a moment...the deer's thick tongue slurped and licked around everywhere on his meal’s body, wiggling its way underneath the clothes the rabbit was wearing to truly get at the delectable meat before another swallow allowed him to wrap his black lips right around the tips of the bunny's toes. Neil's tongue licked and slobbered over the tips of the rabbit's toes one last time, already feeling his gut starting to wiggle and expand as the bunny’s head began to push its way inside. Neil casually tipped his head back one last time, one last wet *glrk!* all that it took to completely trap the person who was just sitting beside him a few moments ago entirely inside of his stomach...once the rabbit made his way down Neil’s waterslide of a gullet, that was! "Mmh. Kind of gamey." Neil remarked as he smacked his lips a few times, feeling the rabbit he swallowed down starting to curl up inside of his fat gut. The lapine was struggling and pressing out against the walls quite a bit, but Neil's belly had plenty of insulation to stop the deer from even feeling a bit of discomfort from it...though he did let a belch or two rip inside the movie theater, not even bothering to cover his mouth so that he could hear it echo off the walls of the room! It managed to be even louder than the movie that everyone was watching, earning Neil quite a few turned heads from confused and annoyed patrons before everyone eventually just went back to enjoying the film. Leng heard it too, and the raucous, wet sound finally keyed him in on what exactly was happening just a few feet away from him! He wasn't too surprised that Neil had gotten a bit hungry during the movie, and he was honestly just thankful that scarfing down the bunny took a bit of attention off of him for a few moments! But as soon as the bunny had settled in Neil's stomach and the deer had been sated, he started smearing Leng all over the seats once more, as if nothing had even happened. "Ooh, movie’s almost over! Hope you weren't too invested…" Neil teased his tiny friend before pressing him into the seat once more, Leng’s hearing completely muffled as the climax of the film came. He definitely did not have enough context at this point to really know where the film was going, so hearing that it was almost over was actually kind of a relief to Leng. Neil would be satisfied with his teasing, and the deer would give him his ring back, and the two of them could stop for dinner or something afterwards. Yeah, that sounded rather nice to Leng...and he would just have to withstand a few more minutes of sweaty, musky deer hoof to get there! Neil’s hoof-toes flexed and pushed down against the mewse’s head, making sure to absolutely bury Leng as deep as he could possibly go as the movie came to a thrilling conclusion… Neil was actually enthralled enough with the movie to pay attention to it in the final minutes, only gently rocking his foot back and forth every now and again until the final scene came to a close end the credits started to roll. "Aah...turned out to be a pretty good movie, wouldn't you say, Leng?" Neil said before raising his arms up and taking a long, deep stretch, getting to his feet once more afterwards and smothering Leng underneath all of his weight once more! The mewse squeaked in surprise as his entire body was once again subjected to that immense, musky pressure surrounding his entire body. He tried his best to find some semblance of comfort as he prepared himself for the return trip; at least once he got home, it would all be over and he could go about the rest of his day at normal size! At least, that's what the mewse thought was going to happen. He was already pretty worn out from the trip here, so the prospect of being smushed and pressed and prodded against pavement once more for about another 10 or 15 minutes made him feel real damn tired. He would probably pass out as soon as he got home! The mewse managed to hold on, though, even as the musk filling his lungs started to make him go more than a bit dizzy, and eventually, his tenacity paid off as Neil stepped into the entrance of their apartment, his stomach bouncing and sloshing around with every step he took as the bunny inside continued his transition from rabbit to slosh. "AAAAaaahhhh...i'm beat. Could go for some dinner, though…" Neil said as he took a long, satisfying stretch and felt his body pop in all sorts of places! After taking off his jacket, the deer made his way into the bedroom, Leng finally feeling a bit of relief from the intense smothering he was dealing with as the deer slipped off his boot, flexing his hoof as it started to air out just a bit; especially in the spots between his hooves...damn, it always felt nice to slip those off! The deer lifted his foot up into the light, snickering as he saw the imprint of his roommate, still sprawled out against the underside of his sole. "All right, all right, I'll let you out~" Neil said as he watched the lump continuing to wiggle around inside of his sock, Neil slowly slipping off the long, stretchy fabric all the way down to the tip of his hoof. Leng was dragged along with it, the mewse's entire world constantly shifting and shaking around him until he finally found himself at the bottom of the sock, Neil holding the garment up with one hand… And then he inverted it! Neil flipped the sock upside down and shook it around, Leng freaking out as he felt gravity turn on him and the floor beneath him suddenly disappear. The mewse was most certainly not ready for this, frantically trying to grab against the sides of the sock as he fell right through it! Thankfully, Neil had his other hand waiting at the exit, the mewse landing roughly in the deer's gray palm as he set the sock aside. Leng took a moment to get his bearings after that rough treatment, the mewse rubbing at his temples a little bit as he once again looked up at that giant deer snout. "You know, you could have given me a little bit of a warning for that…" Leng said in annoyance as he collected himself, standing up as Neil dug into his pocket for the ring, which he eventually found. Neil held the piece of jewelry up to Leng, quickly realizing that it was much more suited for someone of his own size than the tiny mewse in his hands! "Uuuuhhh...so, how exactly do you get this back on?" he asked a few moments later after considering the situation. Leng's tiny arms were reaching out for the ring, but Neil wasn't completely convinced by that display. "If nobody else is touching it when I touch it, it'll shrink down to my appropriate size. So, just put it on the bed and let me grab it…" the mewse replied, expecting Neil to set his hand down onto the mattress and let him walk towards the ring. But that wouldn't be fun, would it? Neil thought about just doing what his friend said and moving on with his day. But there was still so much more fun to be had! "Mmm...nah. I think I've got my own idea…" Neil eventually replied, before Leng was forced to watch as Neil took the ring away from him and stuck it right on the tip of the tongue that was now peeking out of his opening mouth! "Oh, come on Neil, don't make me - " the mewse started to object, before he was silenced by the sight of Neil's wide-open maw, the deer playing around with his ring a little bit inside of his mouth before ushering it to the back of his throat and disappearing it in one quick *glrk*! Leng could only let out a long sigh as he watched the bulge his ring made sliding down Neil's throat, eventually disappearing behind his collarbone and no doubt ending up inside the deer's stomach! Neil exhaled a mouthful of steamy, warm breath strongly enough that it washed over Leng even though he was a few feet away, the mewse shivering as he got a face full of that stale deerbreath. "Mmh, how about you go to your room instead?~" Leng whimpered at the implication of what his room was, which gave more than enough time for the deer to snatch him up with one hand and lift him towards his opening mouth, Neil not even giving Leng any time to squirm around before he casually smushed the mewse right against his slimy tongue! The fleshy appendage reeled Leng right inside of Neil's mouth, the deer's teeth clacking shut behind the mewse and starting to toss him all around inside of his mouth to really get his friend’s flavor! And he was pretty "seasoned" after that long trip in his boot...perhaps a little bit strong for Neil personally, but still more than tasty enough for the deer to go through with reuniting him and his ring! Leng's already-matted fur was absolutely soaked head to paw in thick deer drool as the tongue dictated every aspect of his movement, being smushed into deer cheeks and coiled up in deer tongue until all those movements started to funnel Leng towards the back of Neil's throat! *hglrk~* And, just like his ring, Leng completely disappeared in one casual gulp, Neil smacking his lips together a few times to get the last of his friend’s flavor as he tumbled down into deergut. "Mlaah...that's a very strange flavor, to be sure!" the deer commented as he thumped at his soft, furry belly a few times, feeling Leng slowly starting to settle inside! Leng slid through the sphincter into Neil's gut a few moments later, the mewse splashing down into a thick soup of belly chyme and whatever was left of that rabbit he had mercilessly devoured earlier...and the realization he would have to dig through all that slosh to find his ring put more than a damper on Leng's already worn-out mood! Thankfully, the ring was basically the same size as he was right now, so it wasn't that difficult to find inside of Neil's stomach...what was a bit harder was actually managing to wrap a hold of it once it shrunk down to his current size upon contact! It was like trying to look for a contact lens that fell on the floor, except in pure darkness, and with the entire world around you constantly undulating and moving...eventually, the mewse managed to make contact once more, slipping the stomach sludge-soaked ring onto one of his fingers and immediately feeling a growth spurt start to come on...perhaps the sudden shift in fullness would be enough for Neil to cough him back up! Neil's stomach lurched back and forth as the tiny mewse inside of it suddenly grew in size, his belly going from pleasantly pudgy to swollen and wriggling in only a few seconds time! The punchy movements knocked Neil to and fro all over his bed, but Neil wasn't too phased; he knew it was coming, after all! Leng, meanwhile, was forced into an incredibly tight ball as the stomach around him barely stretched to accompany his new, much larger size; all the slimy stomach fluids sloshing around in the bottom of the belly were now all over him, as well! And, as soon as the mewse finally settled into his new size, he felt the deer’s gut rumbling around him, squeezing even more tightly inward as something seemed to rush back up Neil’s throat… *HUUUuuuuoooOOO-OOOoooaaaaAAAaaarrrrppp…~* "Mmh, that was a good one~" Neil groaned after ripping that thick, fragrant belch, splaying the upper half of his body out across his bed as he felt Leng squirming and wriggling around inside of him. The deer grunted and gathered his bearings for a moment, adjusting as best as he could to the new weight in his midsection before sloooowly starting to roll over onto his stomach! It was difficult to actually get started with all this weight down on him, but once he managed to get some momentum going it was quite simple. A loud, wet *SLORSH* came from his gut as Neil finally rolled over onto his belly, immediately smothering Leng under his entire body and using his fat stomach as almost sort of a stress ball to rest up on and grind against! "And…*there* we go. Much better, don't you think…?" Leng was...shook up, to say the least. Neil's gut was already incredibly tight and oppressive, but now that the weight of the entire rest of Neil's body was on Leng as well…urgh. There was absolutely no room for Leng to even wiggle; all his energy was being used to try and keep himself from being completely dunked into the soup of enzymes and thick stomach sludge, a war that the mewse was rapidly losing. And while Leng was having the fight of his life with Neil's stomach, the deer was just absent-mindedly typing away on his phone, comfier than he had been in quite a long time! The deer had pulled up Twitter and was now typing out a status update; "Don't worry everyone, Leng is back home where he belongs~" the tweet said, Neil fiddling around with his phone camera a little bit before managing to attach a picture that sort of looked like his incredibly swollen stomach, if you looked at it the right way… Once that little tease had been sent off into the Twitterverse, Neil again refocused his attention onto the beanbag of a stomach he was laying on. "There - now everybody knows that you're all mine for the foreseeable future~" Neil ragged, reaching down and stroking at his bloated belly as he wobbled around on the bulge that Leng made inside of him, nearly losing his balance a few times whenever Leng managed to squirm enough to jostle the deer's gut around! Leng could just barely hear Neil's words over the constant sloshing and melting noises that surrounded him, but it was enough for him to be able to respond...though, Neil probably wouldn't be able to hear the mewse's response, conversely! "Mmrft...just, when are you going to let me out? I've got stuff to do…" Neil was able to make out a few of Leng's words, enough to get the jist of what he was asking, and the deer had a response ready to go. "Hmm, I don't know...i'm still feeling pretty hungry, honestly. Might invite a few of your friends over to sit on your face inside of me, considering you'll only be seeing deer butt from the inside for...a few days? A few weeks? However long it takes before your work starts calling in to ask where on earth you've been...we'll have to see~" Leng just whimpered lowly as he heard Neil's response, knowing that there was little chance of him being able to change Neil's mind while he was inside of here. The smothered, exhausted mewse just settled into his new surroundings the best he could, Neil fretting about on his phone and logging into Leng's Twitter account to see if anybody wanted to come over and...help the deer out with his meal. It very much seemed like the evening was not over for the deer, though he had already done so much today...