THE BIG TITS CLUB 2.0 by bluedragon ( **** -- CHAPTER 16: Liliana -- **** “So at the very, very end, I told her that I HAD to tell you. I had to come clean. She said, ‘Fine, you can tell them.’ And then she walked out.” I took a deep breath, held my hands out, and finished, “So that’s it. That’s the whole story. I’m done.” My narrative now complete, I exhaled slowly and steeled myself against the inevitable “all hell breaking loose”. I mean, I did genuinely believe they’d ultimately forgive me for keeping them in the dark all week once they understood the reasoning behind my decision. But no girl likes to feel out of the loop or have any reason to believe their boyfriend is keeping things from them. I certainly remembered how things had gone in the minivan on the drive back from Chinatown when Sam finally confessed that she’d taken my virginity, and while I hoped their reaction today wouldn’t be quite as vitriolic, I’d told myself to be prepared for anything. But I wasn’t prepared for utter silence. To be fair, all four girls had started squawking when I’d first started my narrative by explaining that Eva and I had fucked Monday afternoon, she’d immediately regretted it, and then pleaded for me not to tell anyone until she had some time to get her head together. Belle was the first to complain about me keeping her in the dark, Naimh had immediately started asking why would Eva regret it, and Sam had told everyone to shut up and let me explain. There had also been occasional interjections with the girls asking for details along the way, like whether or not Eva and I had talked about it any further (we had not), how many times had we been alone since then (once, but we didn’t have sex again until today), and the girls asking each other if Eva had said anything to them (she had not). But overall the girls had been surprisingly calm about the whole thing and let me word-vomit out everything without significant interruption. Belle spoke up first. “How was she? *OWW!*” The exclamation on the end was from Lily abruptly smacking her arm. “What was her _emotional_ state?” Naimh asked thoughtfully. “After the second time?” “Did _nobody_ suspect a thing?” Sam asked the group, looking across at the other girls. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!” Naimh exclaimed suddenly. “Did *EVA* tear up your back first! I thought it was Belle!” “Me?!” Belle cracked back. “I thought *you* did that!” “I can’t believe she beat me to you,” Lily muttered rather forlornly. I grimaced and leaned forward, planting my elbows on my knees and squeezing my hands together. “It’s not a competition, Lil. We’d always planned on taking things at your own pace, I still have an _amazing_ date planned for you tomorrow, and I want to make clear that I still don’t _expect_ you to do anything you’re not a hundred percent ready for afterwards.” Lily’s chin came up and she glared at me defiantly. “Oh, we’re _doing_ it tomorrow,” she stated emphatically. “You can count on *that*.” “When the time comes, if that’s what you still want, I’ll be happy to continue. But I just want to make clear that even at the end of our special date, you’re not obli--” “You know what? Screw that.” Lily sprang to her feet and gestured me forward with her right arm. “Come on, Matty. We’re doing this *now*.” I blinked. “Um, what?” “I’m not waiting another fucking minute,” Lily spat hotly. “I’ve waited long enough, I think. Waited TOO long, really. I would’ve been perfectly happy if it’d happened the morning Belle tried to rape us. But then I got so wrapped up in the idea of a Disney Princess roman--” “Hold up,” Sam interrupted with a raised hand. “The morning Belle tried to _*what*_?!?” I planted my face in my open palm and sighed. Lily shook her head in the negative and focused on me. “I don’t need the Disney Princess treatment. I’ve overblown this virginity thing way out of proportion. I made up my mind a long time ago that it was going to be you. So what the fuck have I been waiting for?” “You’ve been waiting for your new birth control pills to be effective,” Belle pointed out, which made me jerk my face up from my palm in surprise. Belle noticed my glare of betrayal and immediately flushed and turned her face away in shame. “Well… okay fine,” Lily conceded. “But they’re effective now, so there’s really no reason to wait any longer.” “There’s one very good reason,” I stated seriously to Lily, holding up both hands. “Wanting to lose your virginity because you feel like Eva beat you to the punch is NOT a good reason to do so.” Lily rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to lose my virginity because of _Eva_. I want to make love with you because *I want to make love with you*. I LOVE you, Matty!” The room suddenly went super-quiet. Belle, Naimh, and Sam all gawked at each other while holding their breath, watching to see how the others would react. Lily had clapped both hands over her mouth in surprise that she’d just blurted that out, her eyes the size of dinner plates as she turned away from me to glance around at my three girlfriends. Belle quickly put out both of her arms and stood to come hug Lily. The petite Hawaiian cutie burst into tears and started crying, burying her face into Belle’s shoulder. Naimh was off the couch immediately after, getting up to wrap her arms around both little shorties. And then Sam and I stood up at the same time, my Head Girlfriend and I sharing a smile before we joined the group hug as well. With Belle and Lily in the middle, Naimh, Sam, and I formed an outer shell with Belle against the left side of my chest and her head just below and to the left of my chin. So I had a perfect spot to hear her say reassuringly, “We all already knew you love him, Lil. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Even Matty already knew you were in love with him.” “He did?” Lily mumbled into Belle’s shoulder. “He did,” I stated warmly. And that got Lily to lift her head up and look over at me. Naimh, Sam, and I remained wrapped around the other two girls, the five of us both physically and emotionally united. I looked down at Lily and added seriously, “I can’t say the words ‘I love you’ in return. Not yet. I know for sure how much I love Belle, Sam, and Neevie, but my relationship with you is still evolving. But that doesn’t mean I’ll never be able to say those words to you. We’re getting to know each other better. We’re starting to spend more time together. And no matter what else is going on in our lives, I still want to go out on our special date tomorrow to give us the one-on-one opportunity to evolve our _emotional_ relationship even further.” “I still want that too,” Lily muttered before bowing her head again to wipe her wet tears on the shoulder of Belle’s shirt. Then she raised her head again, fixed me with a steely stare, and added, “But that doesn’t change my mind about today. I’m not waiting any longer. I want us to make love _today_. I want us to make love _now_.” “Are you sure that’s what you want?” Sam asked gently. “I’m sure,” Lily confirmed unequivocally. “But what about the Eva situation?” Naimh asked. “*Screw* Eva,” Belle spat before looking over at me. “Oh wait, you already did. And I didn’t even get to watch!” I raised my gaze to the ceiling and stood up straight for a moment, although I kept my arms around the group hug on Naimh’s and Sam’s backs. I took a deep breath to collect my thoughts and then looked back down at Lily, saying, “I still don’t understand what the hell is going on with the Eva situation. But at the same time, I promised to be ready for you if you ever made a decision that was a hundred percent yours. Can you really tell me this has nothing to do with Eva beating you to the punch?” The way Lily immediately scowled and pursed her lips was answer enough for me, and from the way my eyes narrowed and my jaw set, I think she realized I hadn’t missed her reaction. Nevertheless, she shook her head and stated firmly, “What Eva did is between you and her - nothing to do with me. Despite us being roommates, I really don’t know her very well. And yet from what I do know, I really doubt she hooked up with you to steal my thunder. I’m sure I never even crossed her mind. And if Eva hooking up with you can have nothing to do with me, then you and me finally doing what we should’ve done a long, long time ago doesn’t have to do anything with her.” “It really doesn’t,” Belle confirmed before turning to look up at me over her shoulder. “Lily wants this because she loves you and wants you to be her first: it’s as simple as that.” I turned my gaze back to Lily, my eyebrows asking for confirmation. “You’re my friend, Matty,” Lily stated seriously. “My _hoalauna_. My _hoa kāne_.” I arched an eyebrow. “Doesn’t _hoa kāne_ mean ‘boyfriend’?” “The direct translation is ‘male companion’.” Lily blushed pink and almost nervously touched the white plumeria behind her left ear. “But… uhhh… well yeah… it basically means ‘boyfriend’. That doesn’t mean I’m trying to claim an ‘Official Girlfriend’ title in English or anything like that. You’ve made clear you’ve already got three official girlfriends and you really don’t have room for more.” “Hold up,” Sam interjected. “Nobody ever said he didn’t have _room_ for more.” “We’ve already gotten as high as seven official girlfriends, after all,” Naimh pointed out. “And given the already intimate nature of your relationship,” Belle added, “it would seem only right for you to make Lily an ‘Official Girlfriend’ as well.” “We still haven’t been on a single date yet,” I protested. “Not _yet_ you haven’t,” retorted Belle. “But are you implying you’d be perfectly willing to give her an ‘Official Girlfriend’ title tomorrow night at the end of your date?” “Ooh, knowing Matty,” Naimh chimed in, “I’ll bet he thought about having a sweet romantic night with her, taking her home, finally making love to her, and then _after_ they finished, gazing deep into her eyes and directly calling her ‘girlfriend’ for the very first time.” “Making grand romantic statements right after filling a girl’s pussy with all his cum? That _totally_ sounds like Matty,” Sam agreed with a teasing grin. “Well if _that’s_ the formal requirement to be Matty’s ‘Official Girlfriend’,” Belle pronounced, “then let’s get Lily filled up ASAP!” “Wait-wait-wait,” I interjected, raising my arms away and taking a step back from the group hug. The other girls also started to detach so that Naimh and Sam stood aside while Belle and Lily remained side-by-side: Lily with both of her arms around Belle’s midsection and Belle’s left arm draped across Lily’s shoulders. “I think you guys are clearly putting the cart before the horse here,” I stated seriously. “This is NOT about ticking off formal requirements to get Lily to ‘Official Girlfriend’ status. I’m not going through the motions just to get to some predetermined outcome, and it was _that_ kind of thinking that led Belle off the rails a couple of weeks ago. Now can you all please let _Lily_ make up her mind about what she wants and how she wants to do this?” Belle looked like she wanted to say something, but she swallowed sullenly at the reminder of her… well… attempted “r-word”. But Naimh spoke up instead, saying, “If you ask me, Lily’s already made clear what she wants and how she wants to do this. You’re the only one hesitating and saying now’s not the right time.” “Which is his right,” Sam pointed out. “For example: going out on a nice date first might be important to Matty, and just because he’s the guy doesn’t mean he should be expected to drop trou and put out for us on command.” “Says the girl most guilty of demanding Matty drop trou and put out for her on command,” Naimh drawled with pursed lips and a scolding expression at Sam. But before Sam could reply, the redhead added with a laugh, “And I’m probably second-most guilty, but only because half the time I don’t even bother to verbally demand. I just reach into his pants and start strokin’.” Everyone, even Belle, laughed at that. I turned to regard Lily and gave her a sincere look. “I *am* hesitating, but only because I care about you.” “At the moment it feels like you’re hesitating because I’m not sexy enough for you,” Lily mumbled quietly. “Every other guy I’ve ever known: if I’d have said, ‘Hey come fuck me now’, they’d have immediately said, ‘Oh yeah, let’s go!’” “Matty’s not like every other guy,” Sam stated warmly. “I know that,” Lily replied to her before returning her attention to me. She let go of Belle and started walking over to me, opening her arms for a hug. I opened my arms as well, letting the petite young woman press herself against my chest. And then I kissed the crown of her head while wrapping my arms around her body and even giving her bubble butt a squeeze, murmuring sweetly, “My _ku’uipo_.” “My _hoa kāne_,” she murmured back. “You once almost told me that my first time should be with somebody special that I really cared about. You’re that somebody special, Matty. You’re the man I really care about, the man I’ve fallen in love with.” I nodded slowly at her use of the L-word, feeling just a bit tempted to repeat the word back to her but unwilling to cheapen it before I was fully ready for that emotion. So instead I merely hugged her closer. “I’ve never felt like this before,” she said softly. “I thought I was in love with other guys back in high school, but the way I felt for those… _boys_… was nothing compared to the way I feel about *you*. I know we still haven’t spent a lot of one-on-one time together just yet--” “My fault, I know,” Belle interjected. Lily turned to look back and beam at her best friend. She opened one arm to Belle, inviting her to come hug us as well, which my adoring little Annabelle was quite happy to do. But once all three of us were cuddled together with Lily beneath my left arm and Belle wrapped beneath my right, Lily looked back up at me and continued, “You’re an amazing guy with so much compassion and love to give. Any girl would be lucky to be your girlfriend, and even with three such lucky girls right here, you still make time to be so kind and gentle with me. I don’t know yet how far our relationship will go, and I *never* let myself assume you’d make me an official girlfriend just for giving you my virginity. In fact, I wish I _wasn’t_ a virgin right now just so we could take that whole part out of the equation entirely!” Lily was breathing hard, getting worked up, and I felt the extra tension both in her grip as well as in her voice. She pushed her forehead into my chest, clearly anxious. So I stroked her spine and kissed her crown again, shushing her gently to calm down. She took a few deep breaths and Belle started stroking her soothingly as well. Eventually, Lily collected herself and looked up at me again. “I said it before and I’ll say it again: I want to make love with you because *I want to make love with you*. I love you, Matty. I’m ready, right now. I don’t want to wait another day because my mind’s already made up. I need you *IN* me, Matty. I want to FEEL you deep inside me, to feel our bodies connected. I want to feel your _mana_ - your spiritual energy - shared with mine. I’ve wanted it _all week_, and I wasn’t just counting down the days until our big date; I was counting down the *HOURS*. But I don’t want to count down the hours anymore. Please, Matty. Let’s do this here and now. Don’t make me wait anymore.” I nodded my agreement, stroked my hand through her hair, and bent to gently press my lips to hers. It was a sweet kiss befitting my sweetheart, not yet full of carnal hunger nor overly passionate. And I pulled up quickly so as not to make her wait any longer than she had to. “You’ve convinced me, _ku’uipo_. Let’s go.” I released my right arm from Belle, tightened my left arm around Lily, and then gestured forward towards the stairs. But Lily reached out to grab Belle and tuck her back in with us, shaking her head as she pronounced, “No, none of us is going anywhere.” I glanced down at her, arching my eyebrows in surprise. Lily glanced back at Sam and Naimh, her pearly white teeth beaming bright. “When I said we’re doing this here and now, I really meant that *WE’RE* doing this *HERE* and *NOW*.” **** I’d long known Lily to be sweet, friendly, and kind. She’d always been a non-stop chatterbox and had been taking “impish little pixie” lessons from Belle. She laughed a lot and bounced a lot and could be a horny little vixen when she wanted to be. Although she’d initially been rather shy after we’d crossed the line from platonic friends to intimate playmates, she’d now hungrily go after my dick as if it had become her favorite toy in the universe. But she’d never been the leader of the group. As a relative newcomer to The BTC she’d always deferred to Sam, Naimh, or Belle and followed their leads. Within her new besties relationship she usually let Belle boss her around and tell her what to do. Not today. Today, Lily gave me another quick kiss and then pulled Belle back away from me, barking, “Sam? Neevie? Get his pants off and start giving him a blowjob together to get him warmed up for me. B? Take my pants off and then put your face down there to get my virgin pussy wet and ready for your _big brother’s_ big dick to take my cherry, pound the crap out of me, and then fill me with all his creamy cum so you can slurp it out and snowball half of it back to me. But just half; you can swallow the rest.” There was literally no other combination of words in the English language that could’ve possibly turned on Belle any more. Lily certainly knew how to get Belle’s motor going. Meanwhile, Sam and Naimh both gawked at each other and then gawked at Lily, frozen in surprise. “What are you waiting for?!” Lily clapped her hands twice, very loudly, and then extended her arm to jab a finger at me while glaring at both Sam and Naimh. “Get that big dick ready! My virgin pussy’s not gonna fuck itself!” The blonde and the redhead smirked at each other and laughed. “I think she’s gonna fit in just fine,” Naimh pronounced. “I’m not the only one getting ‘Queen Mari’ vibes, am I?” Sam remarked with a grin, which made Naimh laugh again in response. “// I’m gonna get _laaaaid_ //,” Lily started singing musically, wriggling her hips and shoulders to an imaginary beat and waggling her head side-to-side like a teenybopper before dropping down onto the couch, staring up at her petite best friend, and rather regally pointing downward for her petite best friend to park herself at the base of the couch. Belle obeyed and then quickly started going to work on Lily’s pants. Meanwhile, both buxom bombshells before me shared a secret kind of smile, their eyes sparkling as they somehow silently spoke to each other. In unison, the blonde and the redhead turned to me with predatory grins, Sam jutting one hip out and planting her hand on it while Naimh crossed her long legs, clasped her hands behind her back, and stood erect in a way that thrust her spectacular bosom forward. Neither girl was dressed in a particularly “sexy” manner. Sam had immediately changed out of her daily business suit and into sweatpants and a t-shirt upon returning home, and although Naimh was still dressed from school, her present outfit consisted of jeans and a turtleneck sweater. But a cardboard box wouldn’t have been able to hide the fact that both were beautiful, busty babes. And once Sam started toying with the hem of her t-shirt to bare her abs and a hint of underboob, and Naimh smiled at me while twisting side-to-side to make her big jugs sway, I was absolutely hypnotized. My Irish redhead girlfriend moved closer to push me back into my seat on the armchair, knelt in front of me, and then started working my pants while my platinum-blonde girlfriend sauntered over beside her. Sam did that thing that all teenage girls are apparently taught how to do: unsnap their bra, remove the shoulder straps, and then pull the whole article out through one of their sleeves. Her prominently protruding nipples made headlights in her t-shirt. And when my bodaciously busty blonde bombshell bunched up her shirt hem in her hands and started teasing me with lush expanses of underboob that _almost_ but never quite bared her pink teats to my hungry gaze, I couldn’t help but stare up and silently beg for her to let her titties drop. And then they dropped. And I groaned out loud, *“Holy _FUCK_.”* I don’t need to remind the reader just how spectacularly awesome Sam’s tits are, but even so, my exclamation was not _solely_ the result of her ridonkulous rack. While my attention had been glued to the ever-shifting amount of boobage she’d been baring beneath her bunched-up shirt, Sam must’ve been coordinating with her co-girlfriend to complete her titty-drop at the same time Naimh crammed my cock into her mouth. I gawked in amazement at my Head Girlfriend’s amazing tits before dropping my gaze down to the sight of the Irish redhead’s face impaled on my prick. “Mmm… fuck yeah…” Lily groaned from the couch while staring over at us. She sounded like a completely different person, without a trace of nervousness or fear as she continued, “Suck that big dick… Get it all hard and wet and ready to invade my virgin pussy. It’s gonna bury itself deep inside me for the very first time, but most certainly not the last time. I have a feeling we’re gonna be doing this a LOT from now on. I’ve seen the magic that big dick makes when it’s inside all the rest of you. I’ve seen what that magic dick does to all my best friends, and I’m so eager to feel it myself. Fuck yeahhh…” Lily’s head lolled over the backrest and she closed her eyes while yanking Belle’s head deeper into her crotch. The strawberry-blonde babe ardently attended to the Hawaiian hottie’s _punani_, my little pixie licking and slurping with wild abandon. My three girlfriends worked as a team to prep me and Lily for the main event with little more than lingering looks, waggling eyebrows, and smirking grins. Each of them seemed to already know what to do, and I marveled at the way they communicated to each other without words, a trio of best friends who had been doing this together for a year now. Sam smothered my face in her fleshy pillows before bending over to give me a searing kiss that told me she was almost as excited to see me making love to Lily as I was. Belle started fingerbanging Lily to help pre-stretch the petite girl’s pussy. Naimh repeatedly rammed my dick down her throat, fastening her lips around the very base of my shaft and tickling my balls at the same time to maximize my sensations. My Irish redhead did her best to get me rock-hard, but once she felt like she’d achieved her goal, Naimh abruptly popped off and handed my dick over to Sam, headed over to tap Belle on the shoulder, and gestured to the right before walking away without ever saying a single word. Meanwhile, Sam slammed her head up and down my dick several times in a sloppy, slobbery way that was more about lubricating my rod than stimulating my senses. I groaned and tried to grab hold of her head, but she snatched my wrists and held them out to the sides so I couldn’t interrupt her present task. Belle stood up and then reached down to Lily, the pair of pixies giving me precocious winks as they pranced hand-in-hand out of the living room. I wondered where they were going, but just then Sam deep-throated my dick while scratching my balls, making me groan and grip the armrests in exquisite agony and bliss. Only then did Sam finally pull off, stand up, and reach a hand down to me. “It’s time.” **** I took my Head Girlfriend’s hand and let her help me up. Sam kept our fingers intertwined and started walking away from me, surreally still clad in her sweatpants even though she was completely topless above the waist. Ready to follow her anywhere, I happily trailed just behind her as she guided me around the corner and into Naimh’s bedroom. I wondered just how many men in the world ever had the primary love in their life lead them by the hand into a room for the sole purpose of deflowering a nubile virgin teenager. Not many, I would assume, but then I knew I was living a very special kind of life. Speaking of assumptions, though, a lot of mine were going out the window. Half an hour ago, I’d assumed this event wouldn’t happen until tomorrow evening at the earliest, following our romantic date. Instead, *she* was the one pushing us forward to do it *today*. Ten minutes ago, I’d assumed Lily would approach the big moment with pent-up nervous energy requiring me to soothe her, coddle her, and make her comfortable with what was still to come. Instead, she’d ordered Sam and Naimh to get my big dick wet before cramming Belle’s face against her crotch in eager anticipation. Five seconds ago, I’d assumed Lily would be waiting for me flat on her back across the bed, passively waiting for me to climb on and claim her. Instead, she stood alongside Belle and Naimh, passionately making out with my redheaded girlfriend while Belle kept fingerbanging her from behind, only to turn and squeal excitedly at my arrival, grab me around the waist, and practically toss me onto Naimh’s bed before leaping after me. The big moment itself turned out to be a little anti-climactic. There were no whispered endearments, no gentle expressions of love. Lily simply pounced onto me in an all-fours position, growling with glee. Belle knelt on the mattress beside us and held my dick aloft while Lily stared down between her split legs, getting herself lined up. And then without a single word, the Hawaiian hottie slammed herself straight down, all the way to the hilt, and then immediately started happily hopping up and down my dick, availing herself of my enormous erection in unequivocal elation. “BEST! DAY! *EVAR!!!*” Liliana Kealoha Pualani squealed as she buoyantly bounced in my lap. She didn’t take the time to stop and savor the feelings of being filled up to the brim for the very first time. She didn’t hold me close and croon into my ear how much she loved me. She simply enjoyed having sex… FINALLY. And as if she were a teenage girl racing down the big hill of a giant rollercoaster for the very first time after spending her entire life working up the nerve to finally climb aboard, she threw her hands into the air and screamed, *“WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!”* Meanwhile I just tried to hold on for the ride. Nothing was going as I’d expected. Lily and I had not yet gone out on our special romantic date. There had been no sweet kiss on the doorstep followed by me inviting her into my home. There had been no dressy clothes to take off at the end of the evening and leave a trail leading to my bedroom. I hadn’t brought her upstairs in a bridal carry, and we weren’t even in my room at all. In fact, there was _nothing_ about this moment that I would’ve predicted to be part of our first time together. But perhaps that was the point. Lily had been waiting for the perfect moment her entire life, unable to let herself take the plunge. Tonight, however, she was choosing to make THIS moment the right moment. And she was doing so surrounded by her friends. That particular thought made me briefly think of Lily’s one friend who _wasn’t_ here: Eva. That was a still-unresolved situation I didn’t know how to deal with just yet, but I quickly pushed that thought aside. *Lily*. This moment was about Lily making her choice. We could’ve done this a long time ago. There had been multiple times when she’d looked me in the eyes with an expression that said, ‘I’d be okay if you wanted to push yourself into me now,’ and I genuinely believe she’d have been just fine if I’d chosen to do just that. One time, Belle had even tried to shove my dick into her and just get it over with, and Lily hadn’t even gotten upset about it. I think she realized she had her own hang-up about having sex that made her go into vapor lock every time she reached the brink. To use another adrenaline-laced analogy, it was as if she’d repeatedly stepped to the edge of a bungee-jumping bridge platform, unable to take the leap, desperately wishing someone else would just rush up from behind and push her off. And maybe some part of her wished Belle had succeeded in doing just that. But none of that mattered anymore. In the end, Lily found the courage to make that leap on her own. Maybe it had something to do with Eva beating her to the punch. Maybe it was me suggesting that even *IF* we had the grand romantic date, I _wouldn’t_ be able to just *take* her virginity and she’d be stuck there at the edge unable to bring herself to jump. Maybe she felt supported by her friends and finally found the self-confidence she needed to take the plunge. Or maybe it was a combination of all three and even more. Whatever the reason, Lily had chosen to do this HERE and to do this NOW, with all of us together. She was having sex - for the very first time - because she chose to do so. And she was having *FUN*. “WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!” Lily screamed, waving her arms in the air like she just didn’t care. “WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!” Belle cheered right with her, double-thrusting her fists. “WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!” Lily yelled again. “WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!” Belle, Naimh, AND Sam screamed as well. *“THIS IS AMAZING!!!”* Lily cried gaily, having the time of her life. And then she glanced back over her shoulder and screamed, “COME HAVE SEX WITH US!!!” Belle was the first to leap back onto the bed, grab her bestie around the shoulders, and cram her tongue down Lily’s throat. Sam cuddled alongside both of them, mashing her tits into the sides of Belle’s and Lily’s heads and jiggling them side-to-side. And Naimh went straight to straddle my face and lowered her steaming pussy right onto my lips while I gawked and wondered how the hell she’d gotten naked in the timespan of an eye-blink. I loved Naimh’s ass, don’t get me wrong. Naimh’s ass was one of my favorite things in the entire universe, right up there with Sam’s tits and Belle’s “perfect fit” pussy. But at the moment I was mildly annoyed with my Irish redhead’s butt, because it blocked my view of everything else that was going on. I heard wet smacking sounds but couldn’t tell which girl was kissing whom. I heard Belle squealing and could almost imagine someone had shoved a few fingers into her tight teenage twat, but I couldn’t actually see for myself. Loud slurping noises accompanied in sympathetic harmony with the way Naimh shivered on top of me made me think one of the girls was sucking on her boobs, but again I had no idea who. There was a veritable orgy happening and I freaking couldn’t tell what was going on! Not that this was an entirely new situation for me. I thought back to the days of the early BTC when blowjobs were still brand-new and a really big deal. I remembered my darling Zofi sitting on my face for the very first time and the way I’d slid my hands up into her sweater to start fondling away, much to her surprise. Feeling my _mój skarbie’s_ beautiful breasts in my palms for the first time and ultimately making her cum on my face had been an early highlight (even if she wasn’t _mój skarbie_ just yet), but the other thing I remembered about that day was not having a single clue which girl was sucking my dick. In the time that I ate Zofi to an orgasm and right before she traded places with my best friend Alice (with a fist-bump for encouragement, no less), I’d somehow missed the very first time Sam had ever put my prick in her mouth. I’d gotten blown by Belle and Mari and then back to Sam, all without ever being able to tell who was who. And this moment was rather like that again. But at least I could tell it was Lily fucking me, because she never stopped. No matter what other shit the girls were doing to each other’s bodies with their hands, mouths, and tits (and did Sam just say Belle was trying to stick her toes into her fanny?), my newly deflowered _ku’uipo_ kept bouncing her tight little body on my big dick. Over and over and over again, her sweetly snug snatch surrounded my shaft: sometimes humping up and down, sometimes undulating back and forth, and sometimes gyrating around and around. But in the whole time since we’d started, the newly devirginized cutie remained mounted on my dick. And then I _finally_ got to watch her doing so. Fortunately for me, I made Naimh cum first, so the redhead dismounted my face and slipped off the side of the bed. That gave me an unobstructed view of the naked and sweaty sexpot screaming “WOOOO!” over and over again while going absolutely bananas on my big dick. I grabbed onto Lily’s swinging boobs and squeezed them while thumbing her nipples. She clamped her hands atop mine and started hyper-fucking herself up and down, muttering Hawaiian pidgin that I couldn’t understand and yet plainly translated to, ‘BEST! DAY! EVAR!!!’ She bent forward to grab my head and attack my mouth with ravenously carnal hunger, kissing me for the very first time while we were coupling, her fervently passionate energy creating a feedback loop that amplified the pleasure of our fucking. She fucked me harder; I fucked up into her harder. She spread her legs and tried to get me even deeper; I held her hips and tried to help. And then she started cumming. One minute, I watched Lily screaming, “WOOOO!” while she wriggled around my rigid rod. The next minute her voice spiked in pitch and volume as she shuddered and shivered, her super-tight snatch spasming around my spiking shaft while she screamed in supreme satisfaction. *“WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!”* I felt a wave of angst wash off my body. A girl’s first time is nothing to take lightly, and I felt a LOT more relaxed as a man knowing he’d made his lover cum. I figured making her cum again would be even better. I was wrong. But only because Lily climbed off. I’d expected her to keep going. I hadn’t cum yet, after all. Lily was on birth control and a “proper” first time would include getting me to cum inside her, right? But I really should’ve learned to stop assuming my expectations would be met by now. Expecting the unexpected had become the new norm. As soon as she’d come down from her orgasmic high, Lily sighed in serene satisfaction and then smoothly slipped off my schlong, saying simply, “Your turn, Sam.” My Head Girlfriend gawked in surprise. “But this is YOUR moment, Lil.” Lily waved her off. “I got a fantastic orgasm with his dick in my cunt and I’m happy to share. That’s what The BTC does, right? We all share Matty… _together_… without jealousy or greed.” “Totally right!” Belle agreed as she climbed onto the bed with a hungry look on her face. “Oi-oi-oi! Pahtty Foww! She said it’s my turn, ya bloody bogan!” And Sam promptly gave Belle a two-handed shove that rolled the smaller girl across the bed and off the other side while everyone else laughed. “Mental note: never try to cut in front of Sam. Got it,” Lily observed. The blonde laughed and climbed onto me. “Now where were we?” “Right here,” I growled, tired of being flat on my back, so I grabbed my girlfriend around her midsection and promptly flipped us over. I speared my tongue down the platinum-blonde’s throat, grabbed her wrists with both hands and pinned them to the mattress behind her head, and used my hips to knock aside her legs to give me a driving lane straight down to her crotch. “Ffffuuuucccckkkk… mmmmeeee… Mmmmaaaattttyyyy…” my lover moaned into my mouth as she felt my cockhead settle into position and then start sliding into her soaking-wet snatch. And then I started pounding her pretty pussy. Meanwhile, the other girls were not idle. Lily dropped down to the foot of the bed, ducking her head while asking, “Hey Neevie! Do you have a strap-on in here somewhere?” “Ah, Matty Junior is always in Sam’s room,” Naimh explained. “It’s her dildo, but if you want it, I’ll go get it.” “Yes, please!” Lily beamed while popping her head back up. “I finally gave my virginity to the greatest guy I’ve ever met, but I _also_ want my _hoa pili_ to fuck me too!” “Really?” Belle exclaimed, also popping her head back up from the other side of Naimh’s bed. “_Hoa pili_?” Naimh asked. “That’s a new one.” “‘Best friend’,” Belle explained. “How many new Hawaiian words are we gonna have to learn?!?” Naimh groaned, mildly exasperated, as she walked out the door to head for Sam’s room, while Lily and Belle laughed behind her. “Mmmaaatttyyy!!!” Sam screamed as I slammed my fat schlong into her over and over and over again, giving her pussy a primal pummeling she wouldn’t soon forget. I hooked her legs over my shoulders and rolled her up like an armadillo so that only the back of her head and upper back were still on the bed. I used the increased leverage like a jackhammer, repeatedly rodding her and watching her bodacious boobies bounce so much they actually slapped her in the face. “Ooh, that looks like fun,” Lily remarked, one arm wrapped around Belle’s shoulder as they stood next to the bed and watched us. “Whatever happened to wanting more intimate kisses and fondling and less screaming and spanking?” Belle asked. I took that as my cue to start spanking Sam’s asscheeks, one after the other, much to her helping squeals. “Sam certainly seems to be enjoying it,” Lily observed. “Might be worth a shot.” “Got Matty Junior!” Naimh announced as she bounded back into the room holding Sam’s strap-on faux phallus. Lily quickly grabbed it and started unbuckling the buckle. “You ready to fuck me, _hoa pili_?” Belle grinned, took the unbuckled strap-on from Lily, and smiled at her shorty best friend, pronouncing, “You are *officially* BTC.” **** “Ffffuuuucccckkkk…” Lily groaned an hour after we’d gotten started, her head lolling side-to-side. “Matty… Matty!… I can’t… I can’t take… It’s too much…” She probably expected me to stop on my own. After all, I was Matty: the man who never pushed a girl beyond her boundaries. But then again, expecting the unexpected had become the new norm. For one thing, I knew she could handle a little bit more. Inexperienced _Lily_ may not have known she could handle a little bit more, but I’d been with enough girls enough times to be able to tell the difference. So I bore down with my pelvic bone on her used and abused little clit, grinding myself counterclockwise to really carve my cock around the inner walls of her soaking wet canal while picking up speed. This would be the third time I’d busted my nut inside Lily’s newly protected pussy. The first nut had been cowgirl-style, precisely as she’d first described it to her bestie back before we’d gotten started: Belle’s “big brother’s” big dick had taken Lily’s cherry, I’d pounded the crap out of the devirginized cutie with my feet planted flat and my hands yanking down on her hips, and I’d then filled her with my creamy cum so that Belle could slurp it out and snowball half of the load back to Lily (but just half; Belle swallowed the rest). My second nut had been doggy-style. My three girlfriends were each taking turns fucking Lily with the Matty Junior strap-on and it was Sam’s turn. The platinum-blonde babe had taken a serious liking to Lily’s booty, and loved blasting the little girl’s cunt from behind while caressing and slapping that ass. Meanwhile I’d been fucking Naimh and Belle in a hot sixty-nine, having fun switching back and forth between my personal redhead’s pretty pussy on the bottom and Belle’s hot little mouth above, knowing that Matty’s Little Cumslut would like nothing better than to swallow my load. But Belle sensed my impending eruption and abruptly pushed me out of Naimh’s nethers, calling, “He’s gonna blow soon! Quick, Sam, switch!” Sam and I had been fucking side-by-side so that I could occasionally look to my left and make out with my Head Girlfriend. My busty blonde bombshell backed her borrowed equipment out of Lily’s wet box and then yanked on my arm to tug me over, grabbing my ass and helping to guide me into the girl of honor’s gateway to heaven. I’d rammed myself forward and rutted in and out of Lily’s tight teenage twat like a rabbit on speed before slamming my pelvis up tight against her tushy, sighing in supreme satisfaction, and shooting all my scalding sperm straight into the sexy girl’s already saturated snatch. And now we were on Number Three. I’d taken a breather while Naimh took her turn wielding the artificial equipment on the no-longer-virgin cutie. Sam and Belle played together for a bit before sauntering over to give me a tandem blowjob to get me ready for one more round. But once they were finished and my three girlfriends guided me over Lily in a classic missionary position, all three of them took a seat on the bed surrounding us as spectators, rather than participants. Not that either Lily or I really noticed them. Here… near the end… we only had eyes for each other. She had stared up at me with large, luminous doe eyes and smiled a serene smile. I’d cradled my newest lover in my arms – my newest _girlfriend_, to be perfectly honest – and all I could think about was making this as amazing an experience for her as I could possibly muster. Yes, the five of us had gotten into a wicked-hot, out-of-control orgy with a Matty Junior of all things helping to celebrate this dear girl’s deflowering. No, we didn’t end up having the romantic post-date lovemaking session I’d originally been expecting. But that was alright: Lily still got her “more intimate kisses and fondling and less screaming and spanking” in the end. I _made love_ to her, my newest girlfriend, although I didn’t really want to formally declare her as such in the moment (if for no other reason than to prove to Sam I didn’t _have_ to make grand romantic statements in the middle of lovemaking). I did try to express my feelings to her through my eyes, through the way I moved my body, and through the way I paid attention to her. And given the way that she’d smiled and then sighed dreamily as a sweet but strong orgasm sorta snuck up on her, I felt like I’d succeeded. “Cum for me, _ku’uipo_,” I’d crooned. “Cum for me.” And she came for me. Buuuut I kinda wanted to make her cum again. So I held off my own orgasm and I kept on pumping. Lily closed her eyes and seemed to want to rest, but I just kept pushing her. She started shivering and shuddering, and I started going harder and harder. Her eyes flew open and she whimpered, torn between her desire for another spectacular climax and her bone-weary body that just wanted to sleep. Still I kept going. And now we’d finally gotten to the point where she groaned, her head lolling side-to-side, “Ffffuuuucccckkkk… Matty… Matty!… I can’t… I can’t take… It’s too much…” She probably expected me to stop on my own. After all, I was Matty: the man who never pushed a girl beyond her boundaries. But I didn’t stop. “You can take it,” I assured her. “I promise you can take it.” “Ohmigawd, Matty… It’s too much… It’s too much. I can’t breathe! It’s overwhelming me!” “Feel it, _ku’uipo_… Feel it and let go…” “I can’t! It’s too much! I’m gonna _die_!” “You aren’t gonna die,” I assured her with a chuckle. “I’m gonna make you cum again. Just one more time. And then I’m gonna cum with you.” “One more is gonna kill me! Just cum already, Matty…” Lily wheezed. “I can’t… I can’t… Oh holy FUCK!” “One more, _ku’uipo_…” I told her tenderly. “One more.” “FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!” “One more…” *“FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!”* Lily started cumming. A monster orgasm tore through her body as she abruptly jerked her head back and arched her spine. She screamed at the top of her lungs. She shuddered and spasmed while her completely drenched cunt clamped up around my cock as she started cumming. And then I came with her. One final time tonight, I slammed myself all the way in and then groaned as I relaxed my Kegels and let everything inside of me simply _flow_. Liquid love poured out of me and into Lily’s warm, welcome, receptive womb. And I twitched and thrust forward twice more just to give myself that extra oomph. Lily felt me filling her. She shivered as she kept on cumming. But then her tongue lolled out, and in the middle of her orgasm, her eyes rolled up into her head and she abruptly went *totally* limp. Lily had passed out. When I’d finished filling my newest girlfriend’s now-unconscious body, I collapsed straight on top of her, wheezing for air. Sam reached over to stroke my back. Naimh reached over to caress Lily’s shoulder. And Belle popped her head in beside us, giggling to her blissfully unconscious bestie with the biggest smile on her face. “Okay *NOW* you’re officially BTC.”