Happy Suburbs Ep. 5 *Shows the bee on dre trying punch and sting him* bee: STING STING NIGGA!! dre: AYE CHILL!! WATCH OUT!!! PANDORA!!! HELP ME NIGGA DAMN!!! *shows pandora eating popcorn* pandora: Nah bitch, remember when you left your FUCKING SHOES IN THE HALLWAY LAST NIGHT??! REVENEGE BITCH!!! dre: USE THE FUCKING GREED DONUT!!! pandora: Oh yee! *pandora grabs the greed donut and the greed donut glows and the whole room shakes then everything freezes except pandora* pandora: ummm?? dre? *shows dre and the bee on top of him dre making a funny screaming face but hes frozon* *pandora stares then walks out the bank and sees rocky,myron, alexis and dahmir holding off the cops having a shoot out but everything is frozen* pandora: Ok i dont even smoke but why do i feel high right now?? *Lord glazed appears infront of pandora* Lord Glazed: Hello again pandora. pandora: JESUS?!? WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT?! ITS NOT SUNDAY!!! Lord Glazed: I see you found another one of my Artifacts, I didnt exactly tell you what the Greed Donuts can do. pandora: now i think about it, you did kinda stressed us with a one direction question then dipped. Lord Glazed: The one you got from your future self has the power to manipulate time and space. Pandora: Figured that. Lord Glazed: The Greed Donuts you found has the power of body shifting. Pandora: What kinda weak ass power is that?? Lord Glazed: The 2nd Greed Donut youve just contained Grants you the power of allergies. Pandora: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!! Lord Glazed: I sense your troubled, Whats a matter? Pandora: THESE POWERS ARE SHIT THATS WHY!!! HOW BODY SHIFTING AND ALLERGIES GONNA DEFEAT TINY DICK SENPAI?!! Lord Glazed: Trust me Pandora the powers get worse from there! pandora: *Vonte sigh* i guess.. But how is everyone frozen right now? Lord Glazed: I froze time to fill you in on everything about the Artifacts, Now quickly make sure you and your friends get outta here quickly. Theres two bountie hunters coming to get you! They were sent by Tiny Dick Senpai. Pandora: Bruh this shit already hard! Why it gotta be harder for??? Lord Glazed: Theres no time child, Please grab all your friends and escape quickly! Ill give you a 5 minute headstart before i unfreeze everything. pandora: You said 5 minutes?? Time to have fun real quick! *pandora pulls out a marker* *5 minutes later* *shows pandora, dre, rocky, myron, alexis, and dahmir in the escape van driving away from the van* *rocky, dre, myron, alexis, and dahmir have doodles on their faces* dre: What the fuck?? Where are we? rocky: AYO WHO DREW DIS PP ON MY FACE?!! pandora: We got the greed donut! Im taking us to a old friend of mine! He could help us get the last greed donut on the moon! dre: Ohhhh you talking bout bob?? FUCK DAT NIGGA YA DIG?!! pandora: Dafuq you have against bob?? Dre: The nigga is stupid! pandora: Just cuz hes disabled dosent mean hes stupid! alexis: Wait a second.. Howd did we even get back to the van?? pandora: NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!! JUST KNOW THE COPS ARE GONNA BE LOOKING FOR US!!! myron: FUCK 12! *Cuts to outside of the van driving* *the van gets blasted by a rocket launcher and flipped over in the middle of the road* *police and swat team pulls up and surrounds the van* officer1: HAPPY GANG WE GOT YOU SURROUNDED!! COME OUT AND PUI YO MOTHER FUCKIN HANDS UP WE GOT HELICOPTERS BIG CHOPPAS AND BIG DINGS READY TO FUCK YOU UP NIGGA DO YOU FEEL ME!? offcier2: IMMA MAKE SURE YOU GET BUTT FUCKED IN JAIL!! officer1: EVEN PHIL TALKIN SHIT TO YO BITCH ASS JUST COME OUT WE GOT GUNS ON GUNS AND SCOPES AND SCOPES AND SCOPES AND WE FINNA SHOVE OUR BARRELS UP YALL ASSES AND MIKE OVER THERE GOT THE GRENADE LAUCHERS SHOW EM MIKE! officer3: BOOM BOOM BOOM officer1: YOU SHOW EM MIKE!! *cuts to inside the van* *everyone is whispering* dahmir: Im glad we wore our seat belts! myron: Shut up dahmir!! dre: Guys! We cant let the POPO take the greed donuts! rocky: What we finna do?? I dont wanna get butt fucked in jail! alexis: Aye! The toonzville sewer is a couple blocks down from here! if we can make it there we can escape! dahmir: But if we step one foot out we done for! They got us surrounded! pandora: Dont worry i got a plan! *pandora pulls out here minecraft mods full of guns* pandora: Load up bitches! *cuts back to the police* officer1: AYO IMMA GIVE YOU TO THE COUNT OF 3 TO COME OUT OR WE FINNA SHOOT YALL UP! CUZ IK MAJORITY OF YALL ARE BLACK! SO WE JUST FINNA SHOOT! officer1: 1...2.. pandora: KA WA BUNGAAAAAA BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *before he finishes counting pandora comes out with a rocket launcher and shoots the helicopter* *a huge shoot out montage everything is in slow motion while shooting the cops while unfitted music plays in the background* *myron and dre has mini guns, rocky has a ak-47, pandora has a rocket launcher on her back with 2 ak-47s in her hand, alexis has uzis, dahmir has a pistol.* *shows jayden randomly shooting a machine gun in slowmotion* *they all shooting in slowmotion it shows the cops falling down form headshots and explosions everywhere they were shooting up the whole block too* * more slow motions shots then it pops up on the screen "Happy Payday bitch"* The end.