* NEW: Option to automatically activate treads when attacking, if possible (activate in advanced.cfg: autoActivateTreadsOnAttack) * NEW: Option to automatically transition applicable treads out of siege mode on attempting to move (activate in advanced.cfg: autoDeactivateSiegeModeOnMove) * NEW: Most robots with Critical immunity converted to the new Coring immunity, only protects core instead of both core and parts * MOD: Scoresheet route no longer records discovered exits blocked by special modes like Gauntlet and Super Gauntlet * NEW: Mid-run stat dumps also output full message log based on Log Output settings * NEW: Player-dropped parts crushed due to lack of room now reported in message log * NEW: Score data that should be uploaded but fails because offline or bad connection will be reattempted on subsequent runs until success * NEW: Scores and stats now uploaded to a proper database * NEW: Scoresheet appends URLs for online TXT/JSON access to that run, if uploaded * NEW: Special codes menu for manual hacking includes explicit notification about using Esc to enable typing in that mode * NEW: Will Glynn added to credits for leaderboards database * NEW: All Alpha supporter names registered since Beta 8 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All patron supporter names registered since Beta 8 added to in-game list (see Credits menu) * NEW: All patron item-attribution names registered since Beta 8 added to the item collection gallery * MOD: Command line parameter for preventing AFD/special modes now "-noSpecialMode" * MOD: Reversed order of difficulty modes in options menu, hardest listed last * MOD: Increased brightness of bars and numbers for data visualization of inactive parts in Parts and Inventory windows * FIX: Inventory item predicted coverage visualization values were incorrect, did not take into account the part itself [Tone] * FIX: Bypassing inventory via direct drop/attach of part in coverage or relative vulnerability mode did not update inventory visualization [Tone] * FIX: Crash on Mines cave-in encounter if no room for excavation squad's escort to enter map [Valguris] * FIX: Dropping the SCP then attempting exoskeleton activation would make it impossible to successfully execute that command when SCP reacquired [muxecoid] * FIX: Using Escape to close robot hacking menu to cancel hacking ended background sfx, but using close button would not [SirMrDrProf] * FIX: Subspace Access Node destruction could be heard from any location on map, regardless of distance