■1 あ!先輩!どうしたんですか Ah! Senpai! What's the matter? 急に二人で打ち合わせしたいなん… It's a bit sudden but there's a meeting for the two of us that I'd like to... なんかめちゃくちゃ妖しいアプリ落としたけど Somehow, a really shady app showed up but... とりあえずずっと気になってる勝田で試してみるか… For now, maybe I'll try it on Katsuta who I've always been interested on おう?!まじで止まった?! Woah?! Did he really stop?! ■2 とりあえず脱がしてみたけどすんげぇモッコリ For now, I just wanna see him stripped but he's got a great bulge こ…こいつの本気デケェな T-this guy's really big スラクスの中にこんなのが収まってたんか… How did he fit all this in his slacks...? ■3 ああ…すげぇ弾力 Aah... It's so bouncy ずっと触ってみたかったんだよな I've always wanted to touch it ■4 あー…汗くさくて興奮する Aah... The sweaty smell is turning me on …俺そうとう変態なことしてんな ...I'm doing something perverted, huh ■5 はぁ…良いもみ心地 Haa... Feels so good to touch 勝田のチンポ見てぇ I wanna see his dick