Benny's House Prologue Extracts from the diary of Benny Harrison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 26th July 2012 Okay, tonight's the night. I've got Josh coming round to babysit and I'm finally gonna see him naked. He's totally gonna freak out when I trap him, but it'll totally be worth it. Best of all I'll have him on camera, so I'll be able to see him again any time I like. God he is so HOT! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 27th July 2012 OH. MY. GOD. Things went even better than I could have ever planned. I didn't just get him naked, I won him! And he's totally into it too. It was a hell of a rush taking charge of him like that and even better, I get to keep doing it. He's even hotter naked than I imagined! Also... I had sex. Lots and lots of sex. It's fucking awesome. I love my life! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 2nd August 2012 So I've got a slight problem. Even though it's so clear he's totally into me, Josh is insisting that things could never work between us because of the age gap. I don't know what his problem is, we're so obviously perfect for each other. He loves taking orders and I love giving them (seriously, I love it so much!!!) I think I'm in love with Josh too, which just makes what he said suck even more. No matter, I'll still get him in the end. He can't resist his master! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 4th August 2012 So... it's over. All of it. There was this guy on the beach today, Alex, and he did something to Josh that, like, totally fucked with his head or something. We came home and the guys just started leaving until it was just me and Josh and that was it. He told me it was over. I still can't believe it. Just like that, he calls the whole thing off. And it's all Alex's fault! Good thing I have no idea where he lives or I'd go and kick his ass for this! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 7th August 2012 I nearly killed Josh last night. Literally. I had my hands round Josh's neck and if he hadn't kicked me off, I don't know what would have happened. I don't even know how it happened. We were just messing around, one last time, almost like a goodbye, but then I just started seeing red. I got so angry at him for ending it, angry at Alex for causing it, angry at the other guys for just leaving. I've never felt anything like it, I just totally lost control. I want to cry, like all of the time. How could I do that to someone? He was bleeding from pulling at the cuffs. I just don't understand. What's wrong with me? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 8th August 2012 I can't sleep without seeing my hands around his neck. Every time I close my eyes he's just there, choking and bleeding. I can't eat, I just feel sick every time I try to. The worst thing is, I have to act normal around Mum and Dad because I don't want them to know what I did. They'd send me away, they'd never want a monster like me under their roof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 16th August 2012 I managed to convince Mum and Dad to let me switch schools today. I can't go back there and see Warren, Nick and Corey. They'll know what I did. Everyone will. I can't face that. I can't even look at myself in the mirror. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 31st August 2012 That site I found on the Internet is fantastic. The guys there have been so great. I know what I did was wrong, but I think I'm starting to understand why I did it. I actually slept last night. Not the whole night, but it's a good start. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 6th October 2012 I was bad. I arranged to meet that man from the website I mentioned the other day. It was hot, he totally did everything I said. I behave though, I never hurt him. Well I spanked him, but that kind of hurting is okay. I stopped when he said the safe word. Weird thing happened though, he totally freaked out afterwards, kept begging me not to tell anyone. He even offered me money to keep quiet! I wasn't gonna say no to that. I had fun and now I'm £200 better off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 7th October 2012 Okay, had an idea that's either brilliant or crazy. The money I got last night made me think... what if I could do that again? Have fun with a guy, but make money off of it. Not like a prostitute, but more like... payment for my silence! Hmm, maybe worth a little more thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 1st December 2012 So I met this new guy and it didn't quite go as I expected. I was thinking it'd just be another guy I could get some money out of, but it turns out I quite like this one. His name's Roger. I may have to hook up with him again, he seemed willing to follow absolutely anything I ordered! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 1st January 2013 New Year's Resolution. I've got to put things right with Josh and the others. I asked Mum and Dad to invite them all to my birthday party. It's gonna be tough, but the guys on the site say I need closure or something like that if I'm ever gonna really move past what happened. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 13th January 2013 Fuck that was tough. I actually faced them and I apologised. Turns out Warren, Nick and Corey don't even know what actually happened between me and Josh, and Dale clearly hates me, but I managed to apologise to Josh. I can't stop shaking and I feel sick again, but I did it. Roger is still being a good little boy for me. I think this one may be a keeper! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 14th March 2013 Well my last crazy idea actually turned out quite well, except for that one guy who kicked the crap out of me. But aside from him, the money making is going stupidly well. I've even got a few of them making monthly payments for my silence. Ker-ching! Anyway, new idea, I need to have a place of my own. Not sure what or where, but a house where I can have my own little army of subs. Fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about it. I gotta do this! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 3rd January 2014 I found it. My house! It's a shit hole because it's been abandoned for years, but that just means it's really cheap. Best thing is, I can actually afford it. I've got to figure out a way to buy it though. A fourteen-year-old just turning up with thousands of pounds in cash is gonna look a bit suspicious. Plus I've been looking into it, I can't actually own property until I turn eighteen. Someone can hold it in Trust for me until then, so it's either a case of waiting two more years or find someone I can trust to use. Maybe Roger? He'd do whatever I told him to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11th April 2014 It's official. I own a house... or at least I will when I turn 18! For now, Roger sort of owns it. It's kind of a relief to have all that cash gone too, I was always worried Mum or Dad would find it. It's pretty handy having a bank manager as one of my... benefactors! Without him there's no way I would have been able to sort out the money stuff. Maybe I should let him go as thanks for it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 16th July 2014 Weird thing happened today. I got a message from Alex today. You remember him? The guy from the beach. At first I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I took a minute, took a few deep breaths and relaxed like I learned and the anger just kinda faded away. I know he's not really to blame for what happened. He was asking about Josh a lot though. He seemed disappointed when I said I don't see him any more. It's messed with my head a bit. I should feel angry at him, but I'm just kinda dealing with it in healthier ways. Fuck me, I think I might be growing up. How did that happen? lol --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 20th September 2014 So I got a new Boy at the house today... and it turns out it's Mr Trent, my teacher! He's moving into the house tomorrow. He's not happy about it, but that just kinda makes it hotter. That first moment he saw I was the guy in charge, his expression was priceless! Still can't believe I'm really in charge of all these guys! Alex is still pestering me about coming to the house. I'm a bit worried that he might be a bit much for my boys, but who knows, maybe not! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 1st January 2015 I decided today that I'm not gonna tell Mum and Dad I'm planning on moving out on my birthday. I know they'd just try and stop me and things are going so great at the house. I just need to spend more time there and I'm never gonna be able to do that while I'm living here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 13th January 2015 Yay, sixteen today! Although it kinda sucks that I can't trick guys into having under-age sex with me any more, I did get to move out. That's right. I no longer live with my parents. I made the move. It's so weird to think that I live here in the house now, but it's awesome. Now that I'm living here full time, I think I might be able to give Alex a chance. He'll start right at the bottom like they all do, but at least I'll be here to keep an eye out for any trouble. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 19th January 2015 Wow. Josh turned up at school today. Since Mum and Dad turned up the other day, I'd been expecting them to send someone else, but I never thought it'd be Josh. He was totally freaked out at first. Honestly, so was I, but I finally got a chance to apologise properly. He accepted, which is fucking amazing really, but he did. I brought him here to the house too and showed him round. He was a bit worried about it, which I can understand considering what I was like last time he saw me as a 'master', but I'll get him to see the real me eventually. Alex clearly doesn't like being the Trash, he's a total dom like me, but I've told him that if doesn't do everything I say, he doesn't get to join the house. He knows who's in charge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 23rd January 2015 Today was probably the worst day of my life. I thought the day I attacked Josh was bad, but somehow today seemed worse than that. Josh came back and totally submitted to me and we did some things down in the cellar and it was fucking awesome. But then he found Alex and totally flipped out. He calmed down when I explained the truth, but his reaction made me realise... he still sees me as the monster who attacked him back then. The worst thing was, when I look at him I almost feel like that's who I still am. I love Josh. I think I always will. I love him so much that even thinking about him makes my chest ache, but I can't have him here. Letting him come back to me just isn't the right thing to do. But more than that, seeing him reminds of what I did and I don't want the constant reminder. I need to move past it. I actually told him to leave and not come back. It was the worst, hardest thing I've ever had to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 25th January 2015 I was still struggling with the Josh stuff so I went back on the website that helped me so much before. Amazingly, some of the guys I used to talk to about Josh are still on there, even after all this time. I told them about what happened this week. They said I'd done the right thing, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. One of them did give me some great advice though – use what happened with Josh as a lesson. I think he's right. I remember that day, the blood on my hands, the fear in Josh's eyes and I just know I can never let it happen again. I currently have twelve guys living in my house, with hopefully more coming soon, and I have a responsibility to care for them. Sure, I'll spank them, tease them, torture them in all the twisted ways they enjoy, but I'll never let them get hurt. Whether they're here as subs or doms, they're ALL my boys and I swear, nobody who lives under my roof will ever get hurt again! Chapter 1 – Benny's Big Decision From the diary of Benny Harrison Monday 26th January 2015 I went into today thinking that this was it, that it was all going to end. In my darkest moments, I still worry that I'm the monster I used to be. Today was the first step towards showing myself that I'm not, that I'm better now. I've still got a long way to go, and there's a lot I still want to do in this house, but today was definitely a step in the right direction! ********** Benny sat up in his bed. He had been awake for quite some time already when he heard the knock at the door that would usually have been his wake-up call. “Come in.” he called out. The door opened and a naked young man carrying a tray appeared. It was Philip. Benny's mind rushed back a couple of weeks to the first morning Philip had been the one chosen to bring Benny his breakfast. Benny had teased the man, and while it had been clear from his extreme arousal that he had enjoyed it, he felt bad at how he had ended it, kicking the man out and berating him for just the tiniest offence. It seemed somewhat appropriate that he should be the one to appear that particular morning. “Good morning Philip.” Benny said casually as the young man approached him, carrying his breakfast on a tray. “G... good morning Sir.” Philip stuttered. Despite his trepidation about the imminent conversation, Benny found himself feeling a shudder of excitement at the man's subservience. In any other situation, it would have been expected that the impressively built, tall, dark, muscular man would have been the one to intimidate the short, slim boy sitting in the bed. But here he was, serving the boy instead. He placed the tray on the boy's lap and then stepped back. “Will there be anything else, Sir?” he asked nervously. “Yes.” Benny said, watching with a mix of joy and sorrow as he saw the young man flinch. “Have a seat.” He gestured to the foot of the bed. Philip looked just as anxious as he sat down, staring over at Benny, waiting for what he suspected was about to be inflicted on him. Instead, he just found the boy was looking him up and down, sizing him up, but with no sign of malice in his face. “How long have you been here now?” he asked quietly, taking a bite of his breakfast. “Erm... nearly two months now Sir.” Philip replied, sitting rigidly and barely even daring to move. Benny took another bite of toast, chewing it slowly as he continued to stare. He swallowed and asked, “And do you like it here?” “Of course, Sir.” Philip replied instantly. Benny took a big gulp of juice and shook his head. “You can relax, Philip. And you can answer honestly. If there's things you don't like, you can tell me.” Philip looked torn. Was the boy's sudden compassion genuine, or was it an act? Was he being set up for something? His interactions directly with Benny had been minimal so his opinion of the boy was based mostly on their encounter a couple of weeks ago and what the other boys told him of their master. He nodded gently, his shoulders relaxing a little. “It's a bit scary sometimes, Sir, but overall I'm enjoying being here.” He smiled. Benny couldn't help smiling back. This was the first time he had seen the young man smile – a fact that itself concerned him. “So what parts do you find scary?” Benny asked before taking another bite. Philip just stared back nervously, silently, eyes wide. “It's okay, say what you're thinking.” Benny reassured him. “You... scare me, Sir.” Philip said, then flinched again slightly as if expecting an attack in response. Benny's heart felt like it had stopped. His mouth went dry. “You're.. scared of me? Do you... think I'd hurt you?” Benny asked, feeling like he could burst into tears at any moment. “No Sir.” Philip said, raising his hands and gesturing emphatically as he shook his head. “That's not what I meant Sir. I'm not scared OF you, I'm scared of... disappointing you, like I did before.” Benny felt somewhat relieved by the response. “I may have been a little harsh on you, Philip, when you were in here before. You didn't disappoint me at all.” Philip's face lit up with a huge grin. “You really mean it, Sir?” His joy was obvious. Benny couldn't help smiling back. “I do.” he said happily. “Philip, I want you to be happy here.” “I am Sir.” Philip replied instantly, his response sounding genuine and sincere rather than sycophantic as it had before. “I love it here, it's the most exciting thing I've ever done. And all I want is to make my master happy.” “You just did.” Benny said, smiling back at him. The young man's obvious joy at the comment was heart-warming. “You can go now.” The young man stood up and left as instructed, leaving Benny to finish his breakfast alone with his thoughts. 'That really didn't go the way I expected. I thought I'd have to sit here and apologise to him but... he likes the way I treated him? What if that's how they all feel? What if they all really do want to be here? I need to find out.' he thought to himself. While shoving the last piece of toast into his mouth, he reached out for his phone and wrote out a message. [Arrange a meeting tonight, everyone to attend.] He sent it to Roger, his second-in-command. He quickly received back a [Yes Sir] in response from the young man. ********** “You hear about the meeting?” Quentin asked as he walked into his dorm. Philip and Taro were sat together on Taro's bed – the bottom bunk furthest from the door. “Yeah.” Taro replied, watching the older man walk in. “It's weird though, a full meeting on a Monday. We've only ever had them on a Saturday night before. I guess this is the one we missed at the weekend.” “I taught one of Benny's classes today and he never said a word. In fact, he barely even looked at me. I only heard about the meeting when I got home and Roger told me.” Quentin replied. He rarely liked to talk about work to his room mates. Being the master's teacher, but being totally under his control was a little embarrassing for the thirty-five-year-old. Even though Taro and Philip were also serving Benny, there seemed to be something more humiliating about it to him. He looked at Taro as he took a seat on his own bed, the other bottom bunk, placing his briefcase next to him. The young man had become his closest friend since coming to the house. That tended to happen with most of the boys, bonds building up based on which room they shared. He had been attracted to the young Japanese man at first, his dark hair, eyes and skin, flawlessly smooth aside from the small patch of pubes above a fairly impressive cock. He was surprisingly assertive and confident for a boy of just nineteen, often seeming like he would fit in better as one of Benny's generals than as one of his boys. The older man's attraction to the boy soon passed, the two instead becoming close friends, the dynamic lying somewhere between brotherhood and father/son. When Philip arrived in the house and got assigned to their room, it had taken a little getting used to. The small room sometimes felt a little cramped with just the two of them in, adding a third body increased that. They dreaded what would happen if the fourth bed got filled! Despite some initial friction though, Philip had soon settled in. At twenty-five, they found he was young enough to relate to Taro, but mature enough to share some commonalities with Quentin too and he was soon accepted as one of them. Quentin sometimes found himself marvelling at his situation. When looked at objectively, he was essentially a middle-aged man living as the slave for one of his students in cramped conditions while often being subjected to degrading and humiliating sexual acts. That wasn't how it felt to him though. To him he got to live under the roof of a boy he sought only to please, got to spend his time with two great guys who he cared for greatly and got to experience some of his wildest sexual desires on an almost daily basis. There had been rumours going round amongst the boys in the last week of a potential new arrival in the house, someone Benny was very close to so they had expected the announcement to come at Saturday night's weekly meeting. Instead, the meeting never even took place, something that was completely unheard of. If there was one thing that could be relied on above all else in Benny's House, it was routine! Something was definitely going on and it seemed tonight was the night they would discover what. “I took him his breakfast this morning.” Philip chimed in. “It was weird though. He was asking me all these questions.” “What sort of questions?” Taro asked, looking a little concerned. “Just... about whether I liked it here. He was like a totally different guy to last time I was in his room.” Philip explained. “He was... nice.” “He's always nice.” Taro said defensively. Quentin laughed. “Just because you enjoy getting caned, that doesn't mean he's 'nice' for caning you!” “Very funny!” Taro said, shooting Quentin a disgruntled look. “But you know what I mean. Yeah, he can be a bit intimidating and he's got, like, a small army of generals to enforce things, but he's not mean, is he? Before I came here, I served someone for a little while and he turned out to be a total dick. Turned out he just liked inflicting pain on little Japanese boys and wouldn't stop until I made him! Compared to that, Benny's a fucking saint!” “I suppose when you put it that way...” Quentin conceded. He opened up his briefcase and started pulling out some paperwork. “You...” Philip started, looking at Taro, head tilted sympathetically. “You don't talk much about what you did before you came here.” “That's cos it sucked.” Taro said back with a casual shrug. “That's an understatement.” Quentin added. Taro looked round at Philip who was just staring at him. “Another time.” he said, obviously not wanting to elaborate. Philip reached across and put an arm around the boy. Taro leaned into him, resting his head on Philip's shoulder. ********** Shortly before the scheduled meeting time, Quentin, Philip and Taro headed upstairs to the atrium and assumed their positions. The 'boys' always lined up in room order, meaning Quentin, Philip and Taro were closest to the front door, being in dorm one. The occupants of rooms two and three lined up next to them. Dorm four remained empty to there was nobody after the dorm three occupants in the line-up. Across the other side of the long narrow carpet that ran from the front door to the master staircase stood the seven other men under Benny's control, the unemployed ones who could not yet pay for residence at the house. They stood there, cocks locked in chastity devices as 'encouragement' to find work and join the house properly. Amongst the whole group, most wore concerned or confused expressions (and literally nothing else) as they all wondered why the meeting had been delayed from Saturday at its usual time. They heard a door open upstairs and, as usual, Benny walked along the balcony to the top of the staircase and descended with his three generals; second-in-command Roger, the twenty-year-old, mountain of a man that struck fear into the hearts of most of the boys gathered; Malik, the twenty-two-year old South Asian boy who remained somewhat unknown to most of the residents so far due to his recent arrival and finally twenty-four-year-old Wesley, the slim, geekish looking young man who always wore a smile and who the residents mostly seemed to favour due to his kind demeanour. Benny stopped four steps from the bottom of the staircase while his Generals continued down to ground level. An eerie hush fell across the room. “Thank you all for coming. I know it's not our usual time, so I'm sorry if I've caused you any confusion.” Benny said confidently, then paused as if struggling over what to say next. He took a deep breath. “I may... owe some of you an apology.” Everyone stared at him in shock, even his generals turned to look up at him. They were not words they had ever heard, or ever expected to hear, from the young master. He continued, undisturbed by the concerned glances. “I'd like to think that what we have here in this house is quite impressive and, for the most part, something we all want. However, recent events have forced me to look more closely at everything. Some of you are not necessarily here of your own free will.” He looked down at the two lines of young men in front of him. He knew how most of them had come to be his boys, but his memory was a little fuzzy on others. Either way, he knew that some of the group gathered in front of him had only joined under threat of blackmail. “That's why today I want to give all of you an opportunity. Anyone who wishes to leave, and I'm talking to every single person here...” he looked down both rows and then at his generals. “Can walk out of here today and never come back, no hard feelings.” The gathering burst into loud chatter. Nobody could quite believe what he was saying. Quentin stared up at the boy. He was one of the men who had been blackmailed into coming, after fooling around with one of Benny's underage agents. Benny had threatened to reveal his actions to the police and the school. He would be arrested, imprisoned, never work as a teacher again, pretty much lose everything. At risk of losing so much, he had no choice but to comply. Whilst he knew a lot of the other people in the house had come willingly, seeking a master to serve, he and several others were the ones Benny was talking to now... and this was his chance to get out. “QUIET!” Roger bellowed after receiving a signal from Benny to do so. Once the talking died down, Benny called out, “Be under no illusions, this truly is a one-time offer. If you choose to stay, that's it, you belong to me! If you wish to go though, go with my blessing. I'll give you ten minutes to make your decisions. Anyone who wants to leave, go into the lounge and arrangements will be made. Anyone still out here when I return, will be staying.” With that, he turned and marched back up the stairs and returned to his room. “Wait, is he serious?” Taro asked, looking round. “Sounds it.” Philip replied. “And it kinda follows on from what he spoke to me about this morning.” “Well I'm not going!” Taro said bluntly. “This place is the best thing that's ever happened to me. How about you two?” he asked his two room mates. Both just stared back at him. ********** Benny was sat in his room on the small sofa in the corner, watching the minutes tick by on the large clock on the wall when there was a knock at the door. Before he could say anything, the door opened and Roger walked in. It was unusual for the normally faultlessly obedient man to do anything without direct consent from his master, so Benny knew he was serious. “Are you okay?” he asked, walking over to Benny, kneeling in front of him and looking up. “Yeah.” Benny smiled. “I'm fine. I know that was probably a bit of a shock for you.” “That's putting it mildly.” Roger replied with a smile. It seemed strange, suddenly Roger had dropped out of 'sub mode' and seemed to be more like a friend. It was something Benny had very rarely experienced and it brought him great joy to see how much Roger truly seemed to care for him, outside of their usual dom/sub dynamic. “Is this about Josh?” Roger asked cautiously, not even sure if he should mention the man's name. “No.” Benny replied. “I mean, yeah, he was kind of a trigger, but this is about me. Look, Roger, before we met, I did something pretty horrible and I've spent over two years trying to come to terms with it. I hurt Josh, but it was nobody's fault but my own and I never want to see myself do that again. I love being the master, I love being your master, but I want to have boys who love me in return. If I'm forcing them to be here, any love they show me isn't real and it's just hurting them in the long run. Does that... make sense?” “It does.” Roger nodded his understanding. “And if it helps... I love you, as a master and as a...” “A friend?” Benny suggested, seeing the young man struggle. “Yeah. I do.” Roger agreed. “Well that's good.” Benny smiled. “Because in...” He looked at his phone. “... four minutes, it could be just me and you still here!” “I doubt that.” Roger said, then paused for a moment before standing back up and adding. “Sir.” And just like that, he was back to being the sub. “Roger.” Benny said, seeing the change in the man's demeanour. “Yes Sir?” he responded immediately. “When it's just us, do you think... you could just be you?” Benny requested. “Sometimes I need a friend, more than I need a servant!” Roger smiled, appeared to visibly relax and flopped down onto the sofa beside Benny, relaxing back in the seat. “That's fine by me.” he said happily. “Thanks.” Benny said quietly, then leaned back against his friend. This was one of the things he had been worrying about all night. He knew he needed a friend, and Roger was the obvious choice, but the young man seemed to live for his role as Benny's second-in-command. He had worried Roger may not be able to accept a sudden change in their relationship, but now it was done. It had been as simple as just saying that one sentence. He berated himself inwardly for not doing it sooner. The two sat together, staring up at the clock until the ten minute limit the young master had set was up. “This is it then!” Benny said, standing up. Roger stood beside him and they headed for the door. “Everything will work out, Sir.” he said, already back in sub mode. They opened the door and Benny intentionally avoided looking through the gaps in the balcony railing as he walked round the hallway to the top of the stairs. As he got there, he looked down and almost burst into laughter. There stood his two generals, where had left them. To one side of the room, eight of his nine live-in residents remained. On the other side, five men stood lined up. Two of them had chosen to leave. He wanted to run down and hug each and every one of them that remained. He had been dreading this moment, thinking that every one of his boys would want to get away from him. Yet here they stood. He had made it clear. If they remained, they were his and this time by their own choice. Quentin Trent, his teacher, managed to catch his eye, a smile spread across his face as he saw Benny's obvious relief. “Everyone...” he called out, getting a little choked up, “Thank you!” It was all he could manage, especially as the gathered men burst into applause. He was their master and they were his boys, each and every one of them. ********** Benny had been to see the three who had chosen to leave. He relieved the two non-live-in boys of their chastity and then allowed them to leave. Surprisingly, neither of them bore him any hostility, they simply stated that the house was just a bit too much for them. One of them even said he would consider coming back one day. Then he had spoken to William. He had been the newest man to join the house and had been forced to do so under threat of blackmail. He said his reasons for leaving were much like the other two, having come to actually enjoy life in the house a little, but deciding it wasn't really the life for him. Benny had wished him well as he parted too. With that part out of the way, Benny had thrown an impromptu party for everyone who remained, a show of gratitude for their willing servitude. All of the usual Monday night chores had been cancelled, food and drinks were ordered in so nobody got lumbered with kitchen duty while the main lounge filled with noise and cheerful celebration. Unusually, they had also been allowed to wear clothes, something Benny normally banned entirely when inside the house. It felt like a new start to all of them. Even the most loyal of residents at the house had occasionally wondered if they might leave, given the opportunity. Now that nagging thought had been addressed and, ultimately, dismissed. Benny himself had stayed away from most of the celebration. Whilst he was as happy as the others, he felt like he had already shown enough of his nicer side for the day and now sought to set himself aside as the dominant master once again. Just because they all wanted to be there, that didn't mean they wanted to serve a weak master. “I can't believe you stayed!” Taro said to Quentin as the two of them stood in a corner of the lounge. “Honestly... neither can I.” the man replied. “Then why did you stay?” the younger man asked curiously. Quentin shrugged. “Because I'd miss you too much, of course!” “Fuck off.” Taro laughed at the man's teasing. “But I'm glad you stayed, place wouldn't be the same with you!” Philip staggered towards them, catching his foot on the leg of a coffee table and stumbling face first into Taro's chest. He grinned at the boy as he stood up, still clinging to him. “Hey sexy.” he slurred. “Wow, how drunk are you?” Quentin chuckled. “I don't know... the exact measurement...” Philip giggled. “But I think it might be... very!” “Yeah, we kinda guessed that.” Taro said, nudging him away gently, watching him sway as he tried to stand. “Who wants to come downstairs and play with me? I'm feeling so fucking horny!” Philip laughed, grabbing his already-obvious erection. “Yeah, we kinda guessed that too.” Taro replied, smirking at his friend's inebriation. “Come on. Come and fuck me with that big Japanesey cock!” Philip jeered. “Japanesey?” Taro said, raising an eyebrow. “At least he said 'big'.” Quentin added with a smirk. “Ugh, you guys are no fun. I'm going!” Philip said, then staggered back across the room as they watched in amusement. He headed out of the lounge into the atrium, staggering towards the stairs down to the basement. Stopping to lean on the banisters for the main staircase, he looked across and saw a light on in Benny’s private lounge. He thought back to the questioning he had received from his master that morning and somehow the idea formed in his head to go and speak to him again. He wobbled his way across the rest of the large open area and almost slammed into the door as he got there. It opened and he tumbled to the ground. He looked up and saw a very unhappy-looking Benny staring down at him. “Hello Sir!” he slurred with a giggle. “You know you're not allowed in here without permission.” Benny snapped. Philip stayed on the floor, looking up, fighting back more giggles and said, “I'm not in there, I'm down here!” Benny did his best not to laugh at the man's drunken logic, stifling a grin. “You're drunk!” he said accusingly. “And you're hot!” Philip said back, laughing. He rolled onto his back, eyes still fixed on the angry master standing over him. Benny sighed. “What do you want, boy?” His temper was growing short. “I want to be happy!” Philip replied with a cheesy grin. Again Benny found himself unexpectedly entertained by the man's slurred reply. “Okay, then what are you doing here, talking to me?” “I want to make you happy!” Philip replied, not laughing this time. Benny nudged him with a foot. “And how exactly are you going to do that when you can't even stand up?” Philip waved his hands above him, attempting to shrug but instead just looking like he was swatting at imaginary flies. “I don't need to stand up to let you fuck me. I can do that right here!” “You want me to fuck you?” Benny asked, kneeling down beside the laying man. “That depends.” “On what?” Benny asked, annoyed that he was letting the man draw him in. “On whether that would make you happy. You're my master, master! I'm here for your pleasure.” Philip now sounded completely serious. Totally drunk, but serious none-the-less. Benny stared at him for a few moments, then stood and closed the door, nudging the man's legs aside. “Stand up, boy!” Benny snapped as soon as the door was closed. Philip rolled over and pushed himself up, attempting to stand but ending up staggering and stumbling to the floor again. “Well that's one punishment you're due for not following an order.” Benny said firmly. “Now... stand... up!” Philip tried again, this time holding onto the back of the chair beside him. With its support, he managed to climb to his feet, smiling at his ability to comply with his master's order. Smiling stupidly, he asked, “Did I do well, Sir?” Benny was finding it increasingly difficult to remain the strict master, the drunken man was just so utterly adorable that he just wanted to hold him. He resisted though, forcing a straight face and saying, “Yes, boy, I'm impressed. Now... take off your clothes. I'll be right back.” Benny left the room and sniggered to himself as he heard a loud thud, presumably Philip either falling or at least stumbling in his attempt to disrobe. He headed into the kitchen, nodding polite greetings to Malik and Wesley, two of his generals, as he passed them. The young master grabbed a bottle of vodka and a shot glass then headed back to his private lounge. As he walked in, he saw Philip sitting on the floor naked. He was impressed that he had managed to strip, but wasn't surprised to find him not still standing. “Did I say you could sit down, boy?” he demanded, watching as the man climbed back onto his feet, wobbling. “I'm sorry Sir.” he slurred back. “Well that's two times you've not done as you're told.” Benny said. He placed down the shot glass, pulled the top off of the bottle and filled the glass, then handed it to Philip. “Drink it!” he snapped. The man obeyed, then offered the glass back. Benny filled it again and, at his order, Philip downed it again. “Disobey me or disappoint me again, boy, and you'll get more shots. The more shots you have, the harder you'll find this, so don't disobey me. Understood.” Benny explained. Philip's glazed expression implied he had not understood, but he nodded anyway. “Good, now follow me, boy.” Benny ordered. He started walking around the room. Philip staggered after him, stumbling into things, the two extra shots making him even unsteadier on his feet. Benny weaved round the various items of furniture and smirked as his slave attempted to follow, gradually falling further and further behind. “Keep up, boy!” he shouted. “Yes Sir.” Philip called back and attempted to speed up, but in the process tripped over his own foot and fell head first into the sofa. Benny came and stood over him, his eyes struggling to focus. He held out the shot glass again and waited for Philip to sit up, before handing it to him. He downed it and returned the glass. “I'm sss.... sssorry... Sir.” he whimpered. “It's okay boy, I have a new order for you. Now you just have to sit there, but you are NOT allowed to get hard. Understand?” Benny snapped, sitting down beside him. Philip nodded back, or attempted to nod, his head movements looking more like a bobblehead on the dashboard of a moving car. Benny placed his hand on the middle of the man's chest, enjoying the feeling of hair between his fingers, then slid it across to caress a nipple. He heard Philip moaning at his touch and reminded him, “No getting hard, or you'll be punished!” “Yesss.... Sir.” Philip moaned. Benny continued his teasing of the man's body, taking it a step further and kissing his shoulder then licking his way up the man's neck to his ear. He looked down and saw the man's cock beginning to swell. He continued teasing just long enough for the growing dick to reach full length, then stopped and swiped at it, slapping the shaft sharply the tips of his fingers. Philip yelled out in pain, but whimpered with pleasure at the same time. He was given another shot to down. “What good are you, boy? You can't even follow a simple order, can you?” Benny taunted him. “I'm... I'm sorry Sir... you just... make me hard!” Philip slurred back at him, looking round at his master with heavy eyes. “Stand up.” Benny said sharply, jumping to his feet. Philip struggled a little, bit just about managed it. “Okay boy, one last order. Stand on one foot, pat your head and rub your stomach.” Benny sniggered to himself, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Philip raised his hands as if trying to figure out what direction was his head and which was his stomach. Before he could figure it out, he raised a foot, complying with the third part of the order and ended up toppling back onto the sofa again, ending up laying on his side. Before Benny could say anything, the man started to cry. “I'm sorry Sir.” he mumbled. “I want to do what you want but I can't do it even though I want to and I really want to obey you but I can't. Please don't be angry, I don't want to disappoint you. I'm sorry.” Benny knelt down and stroked his fingers through the man's hair, then kissed him gently on the forehead. “Shh, it's okay boy. You haven't disappointed me. I just needed you to learn what happens when you come in here uninvited. Do you understand now?” “Yes Sir.” the man sniffed, enjoying his master's touch as the fingers continued to play with his hair. “Good. Now promise you won't do it again and I'll give you a little reward.” Benny said sweetly, sliding his hand down onto the man's cheek. “I promise Sir. I'll... I'll never do it again.” he said as eagerly as he could manage in his barely-conscious state. “That's my boy. Now sit up.” Benny ordered, helping him to do it. He stepped back and pulled off his own jeans and underwear, grabbed a small bottle of lube from a drawer and applied some to the man's still-solid shaft, making him moan as he felt the young slender fingers on his tool. Benny straddled him, then lowered himself onto the man's erection. Philip gasped as he felt the boy's hole stretch around his stiffness. “Oh, Sir.” he moaned happily. The master lifted himself and slid back down, over and over until Philip whimpered with excitement, filling his rear with his jizz. He kissed the man on his lips then whispered in his ear, “Good boy.” He grabbed the man's legs and lifted them, applied some lube to his own cock and then pushed firmly into the man's exposed hole. “Sir, ah, Sir, that feels amazing!” Philip moaned happily, eyes struggling to focus on the boy. Benny found the man's moans so exhilarating, making him thrust harder and harder. “Do you love me boy?” he demanded as he pounded away. “Yes, yes Sir, I love my master.” Philip moaned happily. Benny smiled at the response. He could see from the contented smile on the man's face that he meant every word. It was enough to push him over the edge and he stopped fucking as his cock shot a hefty load. He leant forward and kissed the man, then slid off of his softening cock and snapped. “Get out!” Philip climbed onto his feet and staggered away, not even bothering to pick up his clothes, leaving Benny in peace once again. He soon found himself being interrupted again though as there soon came a knock on the door. 'If that's him again, I'm gonna have to get mean!' Benny thought to himself before calling out, “Come in!” The door opened and Roger walked in. “Are you okay? I just saw Philip come out of here. I didn't know you were... using anyone tonight.” Benny smiled at the man's concern. “I'm fine. I just had to teach him a lesson about privacy. How's the party going?” “You know what the guys are like. Put a few drinks in them and they're all over each other. Most of them have already gone downstairs to use the facilities or headed to bed together.” Roger explained. “Good.” Benny said with a smile. “I wanted them to have some fun.” “Sir.” Roger started, then Benny looked at him, eyebrows raised and the earlier conversation came rushing back to him. “Sorry, I mean, Benny...” the boy smiled at his self-correction. “You did a good thing here today. I'm... I'm really proud of you.” “Thanks.” Benny replied happily, finally allowing himself to feel a surge of relief at knowing he had done the right thing. Chapter 2 – Benny and the New Boys From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 31st January 2015 I think there's a very good possibility I might actually be cursed or something. Every time things start going well for me, something comes along to fuck it up. If I had to make a list of the things I would have expected to go wrong in the house, what happened today wouldn't have even made the top one hundred! But hey, I suppose it's gonna keep things interesting! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny's wake up call and breakfast were delivered by Stanley that morning. It always gave him a thrill to see the man, mainly because he was the oldest of Benny's Boys. At forty-four he had been one of the first live-in residents at the house and seemed to be flourishing in the new environment. He had been one of the men who had been blackmailed into joining, so Benny was pleased to see he had chosen to stay. The young Master could understand why though. Stanley had been single, pathologically single, a lifelong bachelor, but not really by choice. He had been so far in the closet he was virtually Narnian! A whole life of denial had been washed away when he received his first order from Benny. Now he was happily gay, totally subservient and loving every minute of life with Benny. The Master had dismissed him as soon as the man placed the breakfast tray on his lap, not wanting any additional 'entertainment' for a change. He had other plans for the day. As soon as he had eaten and dressed, he headed along the hallway to what had now been dubbed 'The Generals Lounge'. When he started the house, he had only referred to the Generals as 'staff', not really giving them any formal title. It had only been when Benny had been showing a friend around the house that he had described them as his 'Generals' and since then the name had just stuck. The Generals Lounge was on the same floor as the main bedrooms and was strictly off-limits to the Boys. In fact, aside from the morning breakfast deliveries and subsequent crockery retrieval, the Boys weren't allowed up on the first floor at all. They had access to everything in the basement and all rooms on the ground floor (with the one exception of Benny's private lounge). As Benny walked in, he found just Malik and Wesley sitting there. Roger was presumably already downstairs, issuing the standard morning orders like he did every day. “Good morning Sir.” Wesley said politely. Benny smiled at the young man. After Roger, Wesley was his favourite General. The young-looking twenty-four-year-old was always smiling and always cheerful. Benny knew he was popular with the Boys too, not only for his kind and approachable demeanour, but because of the way he treated them. When he was in dom-mode, he could be downright brutal. The spankings Benny had seen him give would bring tears to your eyes, but Wesley also knew the Boys well. He knew exactly how much each one could take, how far he could push them without actually harming them and most importantly, he would always look after them when he was done, ensuring they were okay. It was this attentive knowledge of them as individuals that made them all like him so much. It helped that he was quite an attractive young man too. He had a geekish look about him, his gangly frame and gentle smile belying the dominant personality inside. “Morning boys.” Benny said as he approached them. The room was decorated quite sparsely, consisting mainly of a large wooden coffee table with two-seater sofas around three sides and a large TV a short distance from the fourth. The two Generals were sat on different sofas, so Benny sat on the third. “What's the plan today, boss?” Malik asked quietly, putting down his phone beside him. Malik was a bit of an unknown quantity to Benny. He had been recruited and put through his induction mostly by Roger and had only joined the house full-time shortly before Benny had moved in. He was twenty-two and of South Asian descent, his family moving from Pakistan several generations earlier. He was fairly average looking in most ways, his dark hair cut short and styled deliberately messy, average build, a few inches taller than Benny, but he did have one feature Benny loved – his eyes. They were a brown so dark that they could almost be mistaken for black, and the way he stared at the boy sometimes made him shudder. One of the most interesting things about Malik, however, was that when he had come to the house, he had not been alone. He had been accompanied by twenty-nine-year-old Abdul – Malik's uncle. While Malik was the second oldest of his siblings, Abdul was the youngest brother of Malik's father. Being only seven years apart, they had been more like cousins, but Benny had still noticed how Malik referred to him as 'Uncle' around the other Boys, taking great pleasure in the older man's embarrassment. “I want you to go and round up some volunteers.” Benny explained. “I'm going to let Alex move up to the next level today, so I want to make his final day as the Trash a memorable one. Anyone who wants to be involved should be in Room Three at one o'clock.” “Awesome.” Malik grinned. “I reckon you'll get plenty of volunteers for that!” “Yeah, definitely.” Wesley agreed. “Although a few of them are out today so it's not going to be a full house. I know Robert had a meeting to attend and Henry's out until tonight for his daughter's birthday.” Benny smiled, again appreciating that his General could be so attentive to the lives of his Boys. “Great. You'll both need to attend too, of course. For... you know what!” “Oh I'll happily be there!” Malik said excitedly. Wesley just nodded his agreement. “Good. Aside from that then, and the gathering tonight, you can let the Boys know the day is theirs.” Benny explained, getting up from the sofa. He headed for the door, but stopped and said, “Oh yeah, actually I've just thought of something else. Could you arrange for David to be brought to my private lounge at eleven?” “Yes Sir.” both Generals replied as they watched their Master leave. ********** Stanley turned to the door as he heard it open and saw David walking in, looking a little nervous. “You okay?” he asked, looking down from his top bunk. “Yeah.” David replied quietly, then took a seat in the chair opposite the bunks, between the two large wardrobes. “You sure?” Stanley asked, knowing that the young man clearly wasn't. Stanley was a natural worrier. Being the oldest occupant of dorm two, he had become somewhat of a protector to his room mates. Back when it had been just Stanley and Abdul in the room, it had not been a role he had needed to take on often, the young Asian man normally coped well with whatever was thrown at him. David was still quite new though and seemed to be struggling to settle in. As such, Stanley had been required to get involved a lot more. “It's just... should I be worried that Benny has asked to see me?” David asked nervously, looking up at the older man. “Oh, is that all?” Stanley said, smiling with relief. “Yeah, don't worry about it. You've been here a little while now, he probably just wants to check up on you. He did it with all of us.” David smiled, clearly relieved. “Good, I thought he was gonna chuck me out or something.” David chuckled. “Hey, you going to the thing this afternoon?” Stanley turned up his nose and shook his head. “Nah, not really my style. You?” “I dunno.” David said with a shrug. “Maybe if Abdul's going.” Stanley smiled again, shaking his head. “You've really got to stop relying on me and Abdul for everything. Just because the others are in different dorms doesn't mean you can't mix with them. You should go, it'd be nice for you to do something with some of the others.” “Yeah, I s'pose.” David said with a thoughtful nod. ********** Benny glanced at the clock as he heard a knock at the door. Exactly eleven o'clock. One of his top demands for his Boys was punctuality. When he set a time for something, they obeyed! “Come in.” he called out. The door opened and Wesley walked in, with David trailing shortly behind. “Here's David as requested.” the smiling General said happily. “Would you like me to stay, Sir?” Benny was about to dismiss him when he changed his mind and said, “Yeah, take a seat over there.” he pointed to an empty armchair. The General closed the door and took the seat as directed, leaving David standing there looking more than a little awkward. “You can come a bit closer.” Benny said with a warm smile, pointing to the empty space in front of him. The Boy obeyed, stepping forward. Benny looked him up and down. Aside from the demand for punctuality, his other favourite rule was 'no clothes in the house' for the Boys. It certainly made it easier to appreciate their bodies. The thirty-four-year-old man stood there now, completely exposed. His hair was dark ginger, but below the neck he was completely smooth, choosing to shave both his bush and the minimal hair on his navel. Standing at just 5'5” and around 130 pounds, he was quite slimly built. He had a very cute smile, although it didn't tend to show very often because of his obvious nerves. His cock hung limply down at just a few inches long, but Benny remembered he was definitely a grower! Benny smiled. “Hi David, you okay?” He asked. David nodded, occasionally glancing at Benny but trying not to stare. “Yes Sir.” he said quietly. “You've been here for a while now. How are you getting on?” Benny probed. “Fine Sir. It's nice here.” he answered politely. Benny nodded. “I'm glad you like it. And your room mates, you get on okay with them?” “Yes Sir.” he replied, a little more enthusiastically. “Stanley's been really good to me and Abdul's nice too.” “Great.” Benny said happily. He found himself thinking about how lucky he was that the Boys mostly seemed to get along. Putting them together in such close quarters with a slight lack of personal space could have been a recipe for disaster, but so far they all seemed to be handling it well. He continued questioning his Boy. “And how have you found the activities since you've been here.” David's face lit up, flashing the smile that Benny liked so much. “They're great Sir. I've been able to try things since I got here that I've always fantasised about and even more things I never even considered.” “Anything in particular you've enjoyed?” Benny enquired, overjoyed at the man's enthusiasm. David looked round at Wesley and blushed, then said, “The spanking, Sir.” Benny smirked as he saw Wesley smile back at the Boy. “I take it Wesley has... given you a few workouts then?” the young Master asked. David said nothing, he just turned around to reveal his rear which was virtually glowing red. He quickly turned back, still smiling. “Impressive.” Benny said, nodding his approval to Wesley before looking back to David. “Think you can take some more?” “Fuck yes!” he said eagerly, then stared at Benny and said, “Sorry, I mean... yes Sir!” His cock began to swell before Benny's eyes, clearly enjoying the prospect of more spanking. Benny sat back in his seat, caught David's eye then nodded towards his own lap. The aroused man picked up on his signal and lay across Benny on the sofa, his stiff cock poking down between his Master's legs, already-red rear positioned perfectly. Without a word, Benny raised his hand and swung it down onto one cheek with a loud slap, then on the other one. He heard David moan happily with each swipe. He pressed his legs together, squeezing on the solid tool hanging down. Benny slapped a few more times getting happy moans in response as Wesley watched on, delighted with the show. The young Master gestured to his general to go to a small cupboard behind him. As Wesley opened it, he found a range of paddles and other implements designed for spanking. “Take your pick!” he said, pressing David's head down into the sofa cushions as he tried to look up. Wesley looked at the collection, very impressed. The collection downstairs in the game rooms was nice, but the Master's private collection of paddles, crops, canes, floggers and whips made his cock literally twitch. Staring wide-eyed he reached up and took hold of a round leather paddle, the body of it about ten inches across. There were a dozen holes in each, each one surrounded by a slightly raised metal edge. Wesley approached the Boy laying across his Master's lap and held out the paddle. Benny shook his head and pointed down to David's exposed rump. Wesley grinned at the thought of being able to put on a show for Benny. He raised the paddle and slapped it down hard. David screamed and even Benny jumped at the ferocity of it. Benny looked up at Wesley, sporting a very concerned expression. “Boy, what's the safe word?” Wesley snapped, the harsh tone seeming almost out of place coming from the timid-looking man's lips. “Parrot.” David whimpered. Wesley looked back at Benny, showing that what he was doing was within the Boy's threshold. His concerns alleviated, he nodded for his General to continue. Within two seconds the paddle fell again with a loud SMACK. Benny watched delightedly as red welts started to appear on both cheeks from the metal rings on the paddle. David's whimpering had turned into sobbing. “What do you say, Boy?” Wesley demanded. “Thank you Sir, may I have another one please.” David called out. Benny could feel the man's cock twitching between his legs and it was only when he felt wetness soaking through his jeans that he realised the man had cum. The Master's own cock was already painfully swollen, pressed into his lap by David's body. Wesley swung the paddle again. “Thank you Sir, may I have another?” David repeated, receiving another swipe. David asked again and his request was granted with a loud smack. He was sobbing, almost hyperventilating, entire body shaking. The paddle kept falling and David kept asking for more. “Parrot!” David whimpered at last. It was like a flip had been switched in Wesley. He put aside the paddle and dropped to his knees beside the sofa. “Shh, it's okay, Boy.” he whispered in David's ear then started to gently kiss around his neck and shoulders, a hand gently stroking the battered arse cheeks. “Shh, you're a good Boy.” Benny watched in amazement as the brutal General comforted the Boy, helping to calm him quickly, the sobbing stopping. “Come on, up you get.” Wesley whispered with another kiss to the Boy's neck, then started helping him stand. As David stood and wiped away the remnants of his tears, Wesley pulled him into a hug. “You did great.” he said, kissing him on the cheek as they parted. Benny just sat and watched. These two were the living embodiment of what he wanted for his house. The kink, the enjoyment, the pain, the caring, all of it. David turned and looked at Benny, face as red as his rear. “Did... did I please you Sir?” he asked. Benny smiled, at both of them, then said, “You did. Thank you, Boy. You can go.” David walked over to the door and left without looking back leaving just the Master and his General. “Does he normally take that much?” Benny asked, still surprised that the boy had taken so many of the brutal strikes. “Nowhere near.” Wesley said, putting the paddle back where he had got it. “I think he was trying to impress you!” “Well he certainly did that!” Benny said with a grin, gesturing to his crotch and his obvious erection. “Same here!” Wesley said, gesturing to his own. “Would you... like a hand with that?” he offered. Benny smiled. It was tempting, seeing both the brutal and sweet sides of Wesley up close, he had a new appreciation of the young man, but he shook his head and said, “Nah, I think I'll save this for Alex!” Wesley grinned wickedly, grabbing his own bulge. “Good idea!” ********** The door slammed open, the sudden flood of light making Alex flinch. Still partially blinded by the sudden illumination, he felt himself being grabbed by the arms and lifted to his feet. He was turned to face back into his tiny closet, as the leather hood covering his head was unzipped and removed. Before he had a chance to appreciate the freedom, he felt something else being out over his head. Everything went black and he realised he was being blindfolded. His arms were pulled behind his back and rubber restraints wrapped around each wrist. Once they were both secure they were connected together. Blindfolded and restrained, he felt himself being led away. He heard running water start and figured he probably had to be in the shower room. “Nobody wants to touch you in that state.” a voice hissed in his ear. “So we're gonna clean you up.” another said on the other side. He got pushed along again, felt water by his feet and suddenly he was under a shower. “Aaah.” he yelled out. The water was icy cold. He jumped back but got pushed under again. “Stay there or we make it worse!” the first voice insisted, holding him. As soon as the hands let of him, Alex jumped away again. “Fine, the hard way it is.” the first voice said, almost happily. He was held under the water again and felt hands rubbing him all over, lathering him up. He whimpered and started shivering as the cold water chilled to the bone. Suddenly he felt himself get pushed along again under a different shower. This one was hot, too hot! They had obviously been careful with the setting, it wasn't hot enough to scald, but was definitely far hotter than was comfortable, especially against Alex's chilled skin. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” he called out, trying to move but being held firmly in place. He got pulled back again, suddenly yelping as the cold water felt like needles. For several minutes he got pulled back and forth from too hot to too cold. By the time they turned the showers off he was whimpering for it to stop. “There we go, all nice and clean.” the second voice said happily, starting to dry him off with a towel. “Yeah, all ready for the fun!” the first voice sniggered. Alex knew the safe word, but he knew what using it would mean. He had endured weeks of living as the 'Trash', the lowest of the low and figured he had to be near the end of it. He had been told that if he used the safe word at any time, his rough treatment would stop, but he would be out of the house and that was simply not an acceptable option to him. He was on his way to becoming a new General and he wanted it more than anything. Benny's rules about induction as a General were strict. You start at the bottom, the 'Trash', even lower than his Boys. After that came a few weeks of living as one of the Boys before finally being allowed to take up the mantle of General. He insisted that he would not let anyone be in charge of the Boys without fully understanding how it felt. Since coming to the house, Alex had most certainly gained an insight into the life of a sub. It had simply made him want to be a General even more, every indignity he suffered filling him with joy as he considered the prospect of being on the dom side of it. He wanted to ask what 'fun' was planned for him, but he had learned within the first day that speaking without being instructed to only lead to pain or suffering so he remained silent, allowing himself to be lead into another room. Benny watched happily as Roger and Malik led the Trash into Room Three. Benny had watched briefly what was going on in the showers before heading into the room ready for the boy to be brought in. When he had first met Alex, he had been just sixteen but already had a man's body. Two years on, he had continued to fill out impressively and it gave him a thrill to see someone so broad and muscular so totally under the control of his Generals. He almost wished he could keep Alex as one of his Boys, but he knew the young man's interest in the house was only in becoming a General. As well as the impressive body, Alex had stunning good looks – a strong jawline, perfect lips, piercing green eyes (currently hidden) and a mop of blonde hair, messy from the shower and rough towel-drying he had received. His cock was decidedly average though, just under six inches hard. It was nice enough, but compared to the rest of his physical near-perfection it seemed a little disappointing. Benny was pleased by the turnout from his Boys. Roger, Wesley and Malik were all there as were Taro and Quentin from dorm one and Abdul and David from dorm two. Eight guys, all stood eagerly around the Trash, all waiting to begin. Benny gestured to the chain hanging down from the ceiling in the middle of the room and his Generals took his cue, unlinking the restraints behind Alex's back and securing them to the chain instead, leaving him stood there with his hands in the air. The Master started to undress, getting a thrill as everyone else watched him. While Alex had filled out substantially in the last two years, Benny had not, still retaining his slim boyish build. He had long since gotten past being self-conscious about it though, knowing that most of the guys in the room would worship him whatever size he was. It was this confidence that kept most of them attracted. Once he was naked, he indicated for the Generals to strip too then watched as they obeyed. Wesley's lanky frame was almost hairless aside from the small patches above his cock and under his arms. Malik was naturally quite hairy, but kept it trimmed neatly, his chest covered in a layer of short dark hair, a thick line of hair running down from chest to pubes. Roger was quite hairy too, his entire torso covered. As Benny watched his Generals strip he thought to himself that he needed a night with just them again. He hadn't done that since shortly after Malik arrived. It could be a good way to keep Alex in line too, a reminder that even as a General, he was still one of Benny's Boys. With everyone naked and, in most cases, rock hard, Benny approached the restrained Boy. He reached up and took hold of a nipple, squeezing it tightly and twisting. Alex grunted, obviously not wanting to show the pain, but unable to hide it completely. “I hope you're ready, Boy.” Benny whispered to him. “We're going to fuck you, and flog you and spank you. You'll suck us, we'll make you cum as often as we want, you'll be nothing more than a tool for our pleasure. And what will you say?” Alex's face screwed up. He was clearly not enjoying the description of what was to come, but through gritted teeth he said, “Thank you, Sir.” Benny reached up and gently slapped Alex's face a couple of times. “That's a good boy.” He looked round at everyone else. “Shall we begin?” Benny's warning turned out to be completely accurate. The men did everything to Alex they could imagine. Most of the Boys were fairly inexperienced as Doms and didn't really do much to him, some just spanking him lightly or sucking his dick, a couple fucked him, Taro had taken quite some time abusing the helpless boy's nipples. It was his Generals that Benny enjoyed watching the most. Wesley's penchant for spanking that he had witnessed earlier came into play once again, this time though he did a little more, spanking Alex's rear raw, but then expertly using a flogger to abuse the rest of his body, once again not to excess, stopping right at Alex's threshold. Meanwhile, Malik displayed an ability that Benny found himself truly appreciating – edging. Despite Alex's reluctance to make any noise or indication when he was either hating or enjoying anything, Malik had an uncanny knack for telling when the boy was close to cumming, keeping him torturously on edge over and over. It was a mix of Malik's edging and Wesley's flogging that caused Alex to actually started to make some noise. He whimpered and panted as the two Generals took it in turns edging and flogging, sucking and spanking. By the time they were done, Alex was no longer standing, he was hanging from the chain, his legs like jelly. “What do you say, boy?” Malik hissed in his ear, still teasing him close to the edge. “Thank you Sir!” Alex yelled. Wesley swung a paddle, a loud crack echoing through the room. “Thank you Sir!” Alex called out again. With their work down for now, Wesley and Malik backed off, letting everyone else take a turn. Roger stepped up. He moved behind Alex and wrapped his massive arms around the boy. Despite Alex's muscular build, Roger's massive arms still wrapped around him easily. He squeezed, holding the restrained boy in a tight bear hug, knocking the wind out of him a little. Alex gasped for breath as he felt the large man holding him. “Do you want to cum, Boy?” Roger snarled in his ear, much louder than was necessary. This was Roger's speciality, intimidation and humiliation. His size had naturally lead him into it, but his personality was most definitely designed for it too. Benny always loved seeing new boys crumble under the gaze of the large man. Alex was doing much the same now, the part of his face that was visible clearly conveying his fear. “Y... yes Sir.” Alex pleaded, still desperate from Malik's edging. “You think you deserve to cum?” Roger snapped, releasing the boy from his bear hug and slapping his rear. “Yes Sir.” Alex whimpered. “You pathetic, little piece of Trash. You don't deserve ANYTHING!” Roger literally screamed the last word. Everyone else in the room with the exception of Benny flinched at the noise. They had all been on the receiving end of that treatment before, and it was not something you could forget! “I... I'm sorry Sir!” Alex stuttered. “Oh, you're SORRY?” Roger hissed right into Alex's ear, reaching down and squeezing the boy's balls firmly. “Oww.” Alex yelped, his whole body shaking, still trying to get back on his feet. “If you want to cum, you worthless Trash, then BEG for it.” the large man said angrily, walking circles around the blindfolded sub. Benny watched on excitedly as Alex started to beg. He never imagined he would see the boy like that. He was so strong-willed, so aggressive that he really thought he would break, call out the safe word and refuse to take this any further. Instead, he hung there, beaten, exhausted and pleading with Roger for release. “Disgusting!” Roger hissed, spitting on him. “Someone come and fuck him!” Taro jumped forward, erection in hand. He got some lube from one of the dispensers dotted around and rubbed it on his shaft before immediately plunging it firmly into Alex's rear. The Boy fucked Alex roughly, grinning as Roger walked behind him and whispered, “Good Boy.” As Roger circled round again, he grabbed Alex's nipples and squeezed them both firmly, getting a whimper from him, possibly pleasure, maybe pain, probably both! Taro continued fucking him, his hands lopped up under Alex's and gripping the front of his shoulders. “Aah, ah, fuck, yes!” Taro called out as he added another load to Alex's rear, most of it oozing out and down the slave's legs as he pulled out. “Th... thank you... Sir.” Alex gasped as his hole throbbed. Benny signalled for Roger to back off, stepping in to finish. “Boys. Leave!” Benny snapped. Looking a little disappointed that the fun was over, the Boys filed out of the room. The Generals, however, knew what was coming and simply looked at Alex sympathetically. Once Benny and his Generals were alone with Alex, he pulled off the blindfold and looked Alex in the eye. “Alex, I'm really sorry about this, because you're really not going to like it, but I promise you I'm doing it for a reason.” Benny said seriously. “Wh... what are you doing?” Alex asked, looking round nervously at the four young men surrounding him. “I'm afraid the safe word is now revoked. We don't stop until I want to.” Benny said, looking almost sad as Alex shuddered. He gestured to Malik, Roger and Wesley who understood the order and began. All three of them got to work at once, treating Alex to a new round of their own special treatments. Wesley picked up a paddle and resumed spanking Alex's already reddened rump, nowhere near as hard as he before, but on skin that already stung, each swipe felt painfully sharp. Roger resumed his yells of abuse in Alex's ear, making him flinch and try to lean away, at the same time tugging on his nipples. Malik, however, was not subjecting Alex to the edging he had endured earlier, instead he simply started stroking the boy's desperate cock at full speed. “Oh God.” Alex moaned as his cock, arse and nipples all became painfully sensitive. Benny stepped forward to assist Malik, placing his palm over the head of Alex's straining dick and rubbing firmly. The extra stimulation was horrific for the restrained boy, making him yell out louder. “Stop, stop, please!” Alex pleaded, looking from one torturer to the other. It was at least some consolation that none of them looked to be enjoying themselves, but not much. “FUUUCK!” Alex screamed as his cock erupted into Benny's palm. The young Master kept his hand there, the cum oozing out of it between his fingers, some dripping to the floor, the rest sliding down his shaft, lubricating Malik's still-moving hand. Wesley and Roger continued their own actions too as a wave of post-orgasm sensitivity flooded Alex's senses. “STOP. STOP. FUCK, PLEEEASE, PLEASE STOP!” Alex yelled out desperately, sobbing. Through the pain, the discomfort and the fear, Alex could feel his cock getting ready to shoot again, his earlier treatment had primed him for multiple releases. His entire body convulsed as his cock pumped out a second load, but still it continued. “Parrot. PARROT! I GIVE UP!” Alex screamed over and over. And still it went on. The Master and his Generals ignored the boy's pleas as they tortured him towards a third senses-shattering orgasm. His sobs and begging became just a series of pained moans as he verged on blacking out from the vigorous assault, and then.... it stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the ground, eventually laying on his side and curling up as his cock occasionally spasmed and his whole body twitched. Crying and shaking, he felt someone sit at his side, moving him to place his head on their lap. A hand reached for his throbbing rear, rubbing in something gently that felt cool, giving at least a little relief. He felt other hands in his hair and on his body, soothing and comforting him. When he finally opened his eyes and looked up, he found all four of them looking down at him sympathetically. “We're sorry Alex, but this was important.” Benny apologised. “We all had to go through it.” Roger said, his tone gentler than Alex had ever heard it. “W... why?” Alex asked, not understanding what had just happened. “Alex.” Benny said softly. “My Boys literally place their lives in our hands here and that's a big responsibility to have. What you just went through, would you ever want to see anyone else go through it?” “No!” Alex snapped instantly, almost shuddering. “Good.” Benny replied. “You know I start you at the bottom so you understand what the Boys go through, this was like the final lesson, you had to see what a Boy would go through when the rules are ignored and limits get broken. People get hurt and I will do ANYTHING to protect my boys from that. Do you understand.” Alex sat up, wincing slightly as he placed his weight onto his stinging arse cheeks. “Yeah, I do.” He looked round at the Generals again. He could see the sympathy in their eyes, presumably remembering when they had been through it themselves. “Wait, did you say... final test?” There was a slight chuckle from the others. Benny smiled at him and said, “Oh, you noticed that then? Yeah, say goodbye to the hood, you're moving up!” ********** After giving Alex his final lesson, Benny had spent some time with the Boys. The residents of dorms one and two were both a bit shocked when Benny walked in. It was not something he had really done before. It was part of his new approach. He wanted to get to know his Boys. Cold detachment was fun and certainly increased their fear and reverie of him, but it was also a little lonely too. He hadn't stayed long, mostly because he could see the Boys all felt a bit awkward having 'the big boss' in their rooms, but the conversations were polite and pleasant leaving Benny satisfied with the progress he was making. He went upstairs, grabbing a snack from the kitchen on the way then retreated to the solitude of his own bedroom, leaving the Boys and Generals to do their own thing until the meeting that evening. He was sitting on the sofa, playing a game on his phone when he was disturbed by a knock at the door. “Come in.” he called out. The door opened and Roger entered. “Everything okay?” Benny asked, momentarily worried. “Yeah, it's fine, I just wanted to come up and check on you.” Roger with a friendly smile. Benny just looked at him questioningly. “Alex's lesson.” Roger added. A look of understanding spread across the boy's face. Roger approached him. “I know you hate that part so I just wanted to check you're okay.” “Thanks.” Benny said, touched by the man's concern. “And yeah, it did kinda suck. I really don't like hurting people, but you know how important it is, especially with Alex.” Roger dropped onto the sofa beside the boy, frowning at him. “What d'you mean, especially with Alex?” Benny deliberated. So far his concerns about the new General had been kept to himself. Benny had been the sole man in charge, taking on responsibility for everything, but he was beginning to wonder if that should change too. He had to admit that since relaxing the relationship between himself and Roger, allowing the man to treat him as a friend in private rather than just a master, he felt so much happier. Should he open up with this sort of thing too? Benny sighed. “He's... I don't know, sometimes I get this vibe from him. I mean, he's always been pretty intense, but... it's hard to put my finger on.” Benny attempted to explain. The feeling was hard to put into words, it was more a general sense of intuition than anything else. Roger nodded anyway as he listened. “It's not too late to change your mind about him, you know.” “Yeah, I know, but... I want to trust him. The weird feeling aside, he's also got something about him that just makes him perfect for this place. I could see him being great in charge of the Boys.” Benny said hopefully, relaxing back into the seat and sighing again. “He's... a risk! I was almost hoping he'd break before he made it to the final lesson.” Roger looked down at him. “Why don't I just keep an eye on him for now. If I see anything that I think might be a problem, I'll let you know and you can decide what to do about it then.” Benny chuckled. “Oh, what would I do without you, Roger?” “Don't worry, you never need to find out.” the man replied, blushing slightly. ********** As the evening gathering approached, Benny was surprised to find himself looking forward to it. The meeting with David and then Alex's lesson had taken a bit of a toll on him, but he loved getting all of his boys together, especially when there was going to be new blood. It was always exciting as Benny insisted on 'no spoilers' about the new guys, he enjoyed the surprise. How old would they be? What would they look like? Would he even like them? He had to admit he had been lucky so far, he either liked or was happy to tolerate everyone who had come into his house, perhaps with the exception of William. Perhaps that was why he had chosen to leave earlier in the week. Now though he headed to the door as Roger arrived to signal they were ready for him. He headed down the hallway to the top of the stairs, looking down at the two rows of guys waiting for him and smiling. As he began his descent, his eyes fell on the first of the two men at the far end. He was a short, darker-skinned man, maybe around thirty, possibly Italian or Spanish, Benny's knowledge of 'men of the world' was not really extensive enough to know just from a glance. As his eyes moved across to the second, he stopped mid-step, staring. It was a like a spotlight fell on the man, the rest of the room plunging away into darkness. “Wow.” Benny shuddered, his entire body suddenly breaking out in goosebumps. He felt a nudge from Roger, prompting him to resume walking. As he continued to the bottom, he carried on straight across the large atrium to the two new arrivals, his eyes fixed on the second man. The closer he got, the more he could feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. To call the man beautiful was an understatement. He looked like he was in his early twenties. He had a strong triangular jaw, coated in heavy stubble, pink lips, ever-so-slightly parted, a straight narrow nose, long eyelashes with the most mesmerising blue eyes Benny had ever seen. His hair was sandy brown, shining almost blonde where it caught the light, hanging down neck length at the back and swept from one side of his forehead right across to the other, a few strands hanging down loosely in front of his eyes. As if sensing the boy's stare, he reached up and pushed them aside. The teasingly long walk ended with Benny stood in front of the two men. Roger and Malik stood behind them, with Wesley hanging back, almost hiding behind them. Benny knew he had to speak, give his first orders, but it was like his breath was frozen in his lungs. “Sir?” Roger asked quietly, looking a little concerned. Benny looked round at him and nodded, then shook his head and put on a stern face. “What are your names?” He first looked to the darker man. He was most certainly not unattractive, but his looks paled against the vision stood beside him. He had jet black hair, tied back in a tight ponytail, dark eyes and full lips, surrounded by a narrow goatee. While short, he looked fairly well built. He looked at Benny nervously and said, “Anthony. Anthony Molina.” Benny took a breath and turned his gaze on the second man, requiring every ounce of self control to keep the stern expression on his face. “Charlie Thompson.” he said confidently, then smiled at the boy, revealing a row of perfect white teeth. Benny actually heard himself gasp at the stunning smile, feeling like his goosebumps had just got goosebumps. He turned back to Anthony and asked, “Why are you here?” “T... to serve you.” he stuttered shyly. Benny cursed the man for his short answer, hoping for a few moments before looking back at Charlie. He looked round and asked, “And you?” There was the smile again. “I'm here to have some fun!” He was just oozing confidence and charm, something the rest of the Boys seemed to quickly pick up on, a low murmur of chatter beginning to rise. “Quiet!” Roger barked, the noise stopping instantly. As if energised by Roger's yell, Benny squinted at the two men and snapped, “Strip!” Charlie's tight white t-shirt already showed how well he was built. As he pulled it off, Benny found himself staring again. His chest was impressively muscled, with a light patch of hair in the middle that spread wider as it went higher. His nipples were pert and surrounded with a few sparse hairs too. The man's stomach was flawless, with a narrow strip of hair running from belly button to waistband, but smooth aside from that. He threw it aside and started removing his jeans. Benny forced himself to stare away for a moment, giving Anthony at least a little attention. The dark-haired man was stripping a lot more slowly, only just revealing his well-toned and surprisingly hairy torso. Benny couldn't look away from Charlie for long, quickly looking back to see him kicking aside the jeans. He stopped for a moment, standing there in just a pair of black Aussiebum briefs with white trim, his legs hairy and muscled. He grinned at Benny, then glanced round at the naked men in the two rows. Some of the residents seemed to be showing a little growth and he wondered if the ones in chastity on the opposite side might be starting to feel the devices tightening. With another quick grin at the young Master, he leant down, pulling the underwear down then stood up as he tossed them onto his pile of discarded clothing. Charlie's cut cock hung down loosely, a few inches long and quite chubby, crowned with a small patch of sandy brown pubes. He gave his cock a quick squeeze then stood there confidently with his hands behind his back. Anthony sped up as he realised Charlie was already naked, soon standing there naked too, but hunched over and almost trying to hide. Benny shifted slightly, feeling a little self-conscious over the obvious erection he was now sporting. He cleared his throat and asked, “What do you do for work?” He desperately hoped Charlie had a job. If he turned out to be unemployed and couldn't join the house as a resident, it would be devastating. “I'm a cook.” Anthony said, staring at the ground. “And I'm a model!” Charlie said, raising his arms into a flexing pose. Benny just stared. “Just kidding, I'm an estate agent.” Benny smirked. He could actually believe the man might have been a model and appreciated the joke, but suddenly felt like he shouldn't be encouraging such flippant behaviour. “Good.” he said. “Let's get on with this.” The Master turned away from the new arrivals for a moment. He looked round at the men in the chastity devices. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bunch of keys. He threw them at Malik and said, “You get that lot this week.” He gestured towards the five men. “Edge them and send them home, grab one of the Boys to lend you a hand.” Malik looked at the row of residents, then caught the eye of the Asian man standing at the end. “Come on... Uncle!” he said with a wicked grin, watching as his Uncle Abdul blushed and walked towards him. Malik lead Abdul and the five other men towards the back of the atrium, heading down the stairs to the basement. Once they were gone, Benny leant to the side, peering round at Wesley who was still hidden behind Roger. He gave his General a questioning look. Wesley responded by stepping aside, his usual smile conspicuously absent. “Wesley!” Charlie called out. Benny looked round. The new arrival suddenly looked like a completely different person. The confidence vanished and he almost seemed to shrink at the sight of the General, a strange look on his face, a mix of fear and... something else. “I take it you know each other?” Benny asked. “Yeah.” Wesley said, uncharacteristically aggressively. “You could say that. He's my twin brother!” Benny stood looking back and forth between the two. The tension was almost palpable. He had to intercede otherwise something was probably going to kick off. “Boys, go down to Room One, I'll send someone down soon. Roger, take Anthony and Charlie into the lounge. Fill them in on how things will work here, I'll be there shortly.” Benny ordered firmly. They all moved to obey. Roger directed the two new arrivals to pick up their piles of clothing then lead them to the main lounge. Wesley's eyes remained fixed on Charlie who kept looking back nervously until Roger shut the lounge door. “Come with me.” Benny said to Wesley, then headed to his private lounge. The angry-looking General followed his Master into the room and shut the door behind him. Benny took a seat and gestured for Wesley to do the same, but the man refused, pacing back and forth. “Are you okay?” Benny asked. The answer was obvious, but he asked anyway. “Yeah.” Wesley said back sharply, still pacing. “It just.... it's a bit of a surprise seeing him.” “I take it you're... not on good terms?” Benny asked, another obvious but seemingly necessary question. Wesley shot him a glance that answered the question without a word. “You should have said something sooner. This shouldn't have been the way I found out about this!” Benny said firmly. “I had no idea he was going to be here. Malik's the one who found him. He'd been talking all week about this hot new guy he'd found, said he was really keen to join the house. I had no idea it was Charlie until I we gathered at the top of the stairs. I know I should have told you before we came down, but... I just kinda froze and hid. I'm really sorry.” Wesley explained. Benny rubbed his hands over his face, sliding them round to the back of his neck and linking his fingers together. He leant back, staring up at the ceiling with a deep breath, thinking for a moment. All it took was a quick thought about Charlie and he could feel his heart pounding, which just made what he had to say next even harder. “Look, you know I want everyone here to be happy. This is... clearly going to be a problem for you so I'll ask him to leave.” Benny said, lowering his hands and climbing onto his feet. “No.” Wesley said sharply, then looked at the young Master, his expression softening a little. He took a deep breath. “No, please don't.” Benny stared at the man for a few moments with his arms folded, silently demanding an elaboration on his request. “Seriously, if you'd heard how excited Malik was and how keen it sounds like Charlie is... I think he'd be a good fit here.” Wesley explained. Benny shook his head. “No, it's not a good fit if it's going to make you uncomfortable.” “I'll get over it!” Wesley replied, much more sharply than he had meant to. “It's been...” he paused, thinking for a moment, “Almost ten years. You can't hide from your problems forever!” Benny was about to argue back, but suddenly found himself sympathising. He had recently been forced to face some of his own problems so he could understand the man's sudden resolve. The boy chewed his lip for a moment, torn between his desire to keep the beautiful man in his house and his responsibility to look out for Wesley. “Fine.” he finally said. “He stays, but I'll be keeping an eye on you both.” Wesley nodded his understanding. Benny continued his prolonged stare, but replaced his stern frown with a gentle smile. “D'you wanna talk about... whatever happened?” “No!” Wesley replied instantly, then sought to change the subject. “Shall I go and sort out the boys?” “Yeah.” Benny replied, not wanting to drop the subject just yet, but accepting he probably wouldn't get much further with the obviously-shaken young man. “Include Alex too, and get him moved in to dorm two.” “Yes Sir.” Wesley said with a nod, then left. Benny followed him out, but headed across the atrium to the main lounge. As he walked in, he saw Charlie and Anthony sitting on one of the sofas with Roger talking down at them. “And if the Master agrees, you stay, otherwise you're gone.” Benny had timed the entrance well, Roger had just gotten to the end of the explanation Benny normally gave to new arrivals himself, setting out how the house worked, how their wages get paid straight to Benny to pay for their upkeep, how the first month was a trial, how there were rules in place to keep them safe, but that the Generals and Benny would work with them to explore their limits. “Hello Sir. I was just finishing up.” Roger said firmly. “Thank you Roger.” Benny replied, then turned his attention to the two seated men. “So are you in?” “Yes!” Anthony said quickly. His nerved had begin to pass and the explanation had clearly interested him greatly judging by the erection his was trying poorly to conceal. Charlie seemed to have gone the opposite way, now sitting there timidly, attempting to make eye contact with anyone. He just nodded his agreement to Benny's question. “Roger, could you take Anthony outside for a moment while I speak to Charlie.” Benny requested. He thought he might have been nervous about being alone with the man, but something had happened. That nod, that agreement to join the house had changed something. He was no longer the beautiful stranger, he had become one of Benny's Boys. As the door closed behind the Roger and Anthony, Benny sat down on the arm of a sofa across from Charlie and stared at him, waiting patiently. It took a few minutes, but the silence eventually got to the nervous-looking man and he finally made eye contact with Benny. The young Master felt the goosebumps return, but remained confident, not letting the man's beauty distract him. “Wesley said he's okay with you being here. Now I need to know if you're okay with it.” “What... did he tell you?” Charlie asked, looking almost afraid of what the boy might reply. The curiosity was killing Benny, he wanted to know what had happened between the two brothers, but he tried not to let it show. “Nothing really. So are you okay with being here, knowing Wesley is one of my... men?” He resisted referring to him as a General, figuring the new Boy may not understand the titles just yet. Charlie just nodded. Benny wanted to talk to him more, to do things to him, touch him. He knew he could. The stunning man was essentially now his, but the timing just felt off for anything like that. “Go outside and tell Roger I want to see him.” Benny ordered. “Okay.” Charlie said, standing up. He looked at Benny and smiled. It was weak, but showed just a hint of confidence and charm he had shown earlier. “I mean... yes Sir!” Instant erection! Benny was glad the Boy immediately went out of the room as it gave him a chance to readjust. Roger came back in and awaited further instructions, remaining in sub-mode despite being alone with Benny. “Go and sort out the paperwork with them, give them the tour and then get them settled in the dorms. I've told Wesley to put Alex in two, so put Charlie in one and Anthony in three.” Benny ordered. “Yes Sir.” Roger replied with a nod. “Oh, and Roger, make sure you keep Charlie clear of Wesley for now, just on case.” Benny added. Once Benny was alone again, he flopped down onto the sofa. A house full of Boys seemed like such a simple idea back when he had it. Now, though, he lay there wondering exactly what he had let himself in for! Chapter 3 – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Wednesday 4th February 2015 Rogers tells me he's finding it more and more difficult keeping Wesley and Charlie apart. At the weekend they both assured me that there wouldn't be any problems from having them both here, but there had definitely been something strange in the atmosphere around here since. Mind you, that could just as likely be down to Alex's influence as the issues with the twins. Alex seems to have forgotten that he's not one of the guys in charge just yet, that's why I decided a gentle reminder would help put him back in his place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie knew how much trouble he would be in if he got caught out of his Dorm at two in the morning, mainly because he had accidentally woken Quentin on the way out who had reminded him of the rule, but he just needed some fresh air. It felt a bit weird opening the back door from the kitchen and feeling the air around his naked body. He had quickly gotten used to the Master's 'no clothing' rule, but venturing outside the safety of the building with nothing on still gave him a slight chill of fear. It was a surprisingly warm night for early February which was somewhat of a relief. He had worried the cold might force him straight back inside to his seemingly ever-present sense of claustrophobia. Sharing a room with three other guys was fun most of the time and he had quickly gotten to know his Dorm-mates Quentin, Philip and Taro pretty quickly, but he still found it a bit much from time to time. Ever since he was child, Charlie had always sought the outdoors when he needed to think or couldn't sleep, especially on cloudless nights when he would just lay on the ground and stare up at the stars. Unfortunately tonight was fairly cloudy, so all he could really watch was the full moon shining through thin clouds. He walked carefully down the gravel path that split the first area of the back garden in half lengthways, but soon jumped onto the lawn, both to save his feet and to reduce the noise he was making. Feeling the soft, damp grass between his toes felt great so he decided to see how it felt against his back, first sitting and then laying, resting his hands under the back of his head. He had been laying there for a few minutes when a voice called out, “So you still like going outdoors when you can't sleep!” “FUCK!” Charlie called out much louder than he meant to, partly as he realised he had been caught out of bed after curfew, but mainly out of shock. “Who's there?” He squinted in through the darkness and saw a figure approaching from further down the garden but couldn't make out who it was, then he considered what they had said and realised who it had to be. “Wes, is that you?” “Yeah.” his twin replied, getting closer. Charlie climbed up onto his feet and instinctively attempted to cover up, despite the fact that the darkness pretty much did that for him. “What are you doing out here? Couldn't sleep either?” “No.” Wesley replied flatly. For a brief moment, Charlie thought his brother was actually approaching him, but soon realised he was intending to just walk straight past. “I thought going outside to think was my thing. You stealing my gig?” Charlie joked feebly. “No, I just kinda got used to being outside, I'm sure you remember why!” Wesley said back, still walking away, his tone dripping with venom. “And you shouldn't be out of bed. Don't let it happen again.” he added as he reached the door and disappeared inside. Charlie stood staring back at the dark house for a few moments, wishing Wesley would come back out but knowing he wouldn't. Not even in the mood to stare at the sky any more, he headed inside and went back to bed. ********** Benny was up before his wake-up call. There was a set rota for who would bring Benny's breakfast to him each day, but for once he had insisted Roger make a manual change to it, arranging for Alex to do it that morning. He wanted to see how the new Boy would do, especially in such an intimate setting with just the two of them in the room. There was a knock on the door and it immediately opened, Alex walking in with breakfast tray in hand. Benny stared furiously for a moment, then snapped, “Did I say come in?” Alex just stared back at him. For a brief second he thought the young master may have been joking, but the expression immediately told him otherwise. “Sorry.” he said, rolling his eyes. “Get. Out!” Benny snarled through gritted teeth, infuriated by the boy's reaction. “Get out and try it properly!” he shouted as Alex headed out. Alex pulled the door closed behind him, then knocked again and waited. It was about thirty seconds before he heard Benny shout for him to come in. “Better.” Benny said flatly, watching Alex approach him with the tray. “Just put it on the floor for now.” Benny instructed. Once Alex had put it down, he started back towards the door until he heard Benny cough to get his attention. He stopped and looked back, the boy's expression telling him he had forgotten something. “Oh, erm... will there be anything else... Sir?” “Alex, why are you here?” Benny asked sharply. Alex frowned for a moment, wondering if it was a trick question. “To... bring you your breakfast?” he suggested. “No, why are you here, in this house?” Benny said, shaking his head. “Oh.” Alex said, thinking for a moment. “To be one of your Generals.” Benny climbed out of bed and paced slowly over to Alex, keeping his gaze. As he reached the other boy, he swung his hand out and slapped his cheek. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, it was meant more to shock, something it certainly achieved, Alex staring back at him wide-eyed. “Wrong. You're in this house because I LET YOU be in this house. You'd do well to remember that and start doing your duty properly.” Alex flinched as the boy yelled at him, the memory of what had happened on Saturday still lingering in his mind. Somehow, the small teen actually came across as scarier than the much larger Roger had. “Y... yes Sir.” he said nervously. Benny walked over to a cabinet by the wall and opened a drawer, then pulled out an intimidatingly large butt plug and a bottle of lube. He walked back to Alex and handed them over, saying nothing as the older boy stared back at him. After a few moments of silent glaring, Alex got the idea and started applying some lubricant to the silicone toy. With it sufficiently lubed, he reached back and applied some gel to his own rear. He gulped as he looked at the massive toy, slowly moving it behind him and pressing the tip against his hole. As he pushed, it started sliding in, his sphincter stretching more and more to accommodate it. “I don't think I can do it.” Alex whimpered pathetically. Benny actually had to suppress a smile, seeing the normally-aggressive boy struggling so much. He turned back towards the bed, picked up his breakfast tray and sat down with it. “It's okay, take your time, I'm in no hurry.” Benny said casually as he started eating. Alex winced as he attempted to push it deeper again, but pulled it back as his hole throbbed in response. He started fucking himself with it, pulling it out and pushing it back in, trying to get it just a little deeper with each push. He was whimpering with each thrust, blushing profusely as his Master sat staring as he worked his way through the breakfast. “Aaaaah!” Alex finally called out as his hole took the widest part of the plug before contracting around the narrowed base. “Uh, it's in... Sir.” he said, breathing heavily. “Now wank.” Benny ordered flatly. Both pained and aroused by the large toy, Alex was already semi-hard. As he wrapped his fingers around his cock and started pumping, he could already feel his orgasm quite close because of the continued pressure on his prostate. He was barely even hard before he was gasping his way towards cumming. Benny jumped up, draining the last couple of mouthfuls of milk from a glass before handing it to Alex for obvious reasons. With a grunt, Alex shot a surprisingly large load into the glass then just stood there, staring at Benny, holding his spunk-receptacle in one hand. “No point wasting it!” Benny said, gesturing towards the glass. Alex frowned, looked at it, then tipped the contents of the glass into his mouth. He had become accustomed to the taste of cum during his time spent in the house, but that didn't mean he had come to like it in any way. He grimaced slightly as he swallowed his own jizz. “You can go now.” Benny said dismissively. “Thank you Sir.” Alex said submissively, with just a hint of poorly-concealed anger. He reached round to his rear and grabbed the plug. “What are you doing?” Benny snapped. “Taking it out.” Alex answered with a slight shrug. “Did I say you could take it out?” Benny asked, raising his eyebrows as he moved closer to the other boy. “Well.... no, but... I thought... erm...” Alex stuttered. “When can I take it out?” he asked, already afraid of the answer, thinking Benny might make him walk around the house with it in until it was time to leave for college. “You can take it out when you get home tonight!” Benny said, scowling. Alex's face dropped. “You can't be serious!” he said, shocked at the comment. Benny reached round and smacked the base of the plug, forcing it momentarily further in and getting a yelp of discomfort from Alex. “This is what happens when I have to remind you of your duties! And you know what, for talking back I expect a photo from you every half hour for the rest of day, showing me it's still in! Understand?” Alex looked furious, but kept his temper under control and just replied, “Yes Sir. Will that be all?” “Yes. Enjoy your day!” Benny said with a polite smile, then watched in amusement as Alex waddled out. ********** Benny usually left assignment of the evening tasks to Roger, but with two new guys in the house and Alex now in his new temporary role, Benny had been working more closely with his second-in-command all week. They were sat together in the main lounge discussing the tasks for that night ahead of the Boys' imminent returns from work. “David needs a night off!” Roger insisted. “Serious, the state of his arse, I'd be amazed if he can even sit down!” 'Wesley's handiwork!' Benny thought with a smirk. “Okay, put him in the kitchen and put Henry in with him. He's good in there, maybe he can show David a few things. How are we doing with the new guys?” the young Master asked. “They've been through role play, humiliation, spanking and flogging then a bit of CBT. What do you want them on next?” Roger asked, thinking back through the activities the new arrivals had already tried out. It was standard procedure to take anyone new through everything they could think in their first few weeks as it helped the Master and his Generals find out what they did and didn't like, making for a much more personalised experience. Benny was contemplating where to put them next when a message popped up on his phone. It was Alex's latest half-hourly check-in. The Boy had done well in following Benny’s instructions, something that surprised Benny, but pleased him. As much as he got a little thrill from being mean to the occasionally-cruel Boy, everything he was being put through was designed to mould him into the sort of General Benny wanted him to be. As he looked at the picture, he wondered whether Alex had actually kept the large plug in all day or if he simply took it out between pictures. Either way, he was bound to be in a somewhat fraught state when he returned home, especially if the glimpses of erection in some of the pictures were any indication. “Let's give them to Malik tonight.” Benny suggested, thinking how much worse an evening of edging would be for Alex after his day of prostate pressure. “Okay, so that's Charlie, Anthony and Alex sorted. Who's next?” Roger asked, making notes of the plans as they made them. “Put Stanley and Quentin on cleaning and laundry.” Benny instructed. “And after they're done, have them report to you. Do what you want with them.” Roger grinned. “Thanks boss.” he said happily. It was always nice when Benny gave him free rein with the Boys, it showed how much he trusted him, but he knew it was also Benny's way of giving him a little treat. “No problem.” Benny smiled back happily. “That leaves Philip, Abdul, Robert and Taro. Put them with Wesley.” “Four guys?” Roger asked, raising his eyebrows. “He usually only has two, three at a push.” “It'll keep him busy.” Benny said with a solemn nod. “You mean keep his mind off of Charlie?” Roger asked, shifting slightly uncomfortably in the seat. “Yeah.” Benny agreed. “How's he doing with it?” Roger shrugged. “He says he's okay, but I went in with him when he had the noobs for spanking and CBT so he wouldn't have to do Charlie. He... really wasn't himself.” Benny frowned. “I don't think this is gonna work. I'm gonna have to ask him to leave if it keeps up.” “Yeah.” Roger agreed sadly. “Shame... he's hot!” Benny giggled at the comment then thought about Charlie, his pulse accelerating. “God yeah, SO hot!” ********** Benny had been watching from his usual spot as the Boys started returning home for the evening. It had taken every ounce of self-control he had not to walk down for a closer look when Charlie returned, removing his clothing at Roger's command as soon as he entered. He did, however, descend the stairs into the main atrium as he saw Alex walk through the door. The poor boy looked a hell of a state. Benny guessed that he had actually kept the plug in all day rather than removing it between pictures. He looked very flustered and his walk looked distinctly different to normal. He flinched a little as he went about removing his clothes, blushing a little as Taro entered shortly after him and gave the toy a slightly surprised look. Leaving Roger to deal with Taro, Benny gestured for Alex to follow him into his private lounge. He smirked as he heard Alex's slight moans as he walked. Hopefully the uncomfortable day had taught the lesson he hoped it would. Once they were both inside the room, Benny turned to Alex and said, “How was your day?” A slightly frustrated look of anger spread across Alex's face, but it soon dropped away into something more calm as he took a deep breath and said, “Uncomfortable Sir.” He looked at Benny hopefully, his desire clear. “You can take it out.” Benny said, taking his usual spot on his favourite sofa. “Thank fuck!” Alex muttered as he reached back and started pulling on the plug, closing his eyes. He moaned then gritted his teeth as his tired sphincter stretched around it. With a grunt of relief, it popped free. He opened his eyes and just looked at the young Master. The feeling of being free from it was immensely pleasurable and he felt a surge of gratitude towards the boy before remembering it was only in there because of him in the first place. “Alex, sit down.” Benny said frankly, then smirked a little, “If you can!” The older boy placed the toy on the floor, then carefully lowered himself into a seat facing Benny. Benny sighed, crossing his arms as he stared at Alex silently for a few moments. “You... concern me, Alex.” The Boy squinted slightly at the comment. It was not what he had expected to hear. Spending the whole day convinced that Benny was out to torture him, he was sure the Master would immediately subject him to something worse. “I do?” he asked quietly. Benny nodded, leaning forward and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “You seem to make progress here, but after every step forward, you seem to take two backwards.” “I...” Alex started, but he didn't really know what to say back so remained silent. “Why did I put my Generals through the things you've gone through?” Benny asked. Alex shrugged. “You like being in charge... and inflicting pain!” he replied casually. Benny’s head dropped and he growled quietly before looking back up. “You see, this is what I'm talking about. You seem to miss the point every time. It's like I can tell you exactly why I do each thing, but you still seem to think it's secretly some personal attack on you.” “It feels pretty personal.” Alex replied quickly, looking down at the recently removed toy. Benny shook his head. “It could be.” he replied honestly. “Seriously, I could make it completely personal with you, punish you, hurt you and I'd almost have good reason, but that's not what this is. I care about every guy who lives under this roof, Alex. And that includes you. I look at you and I see what a fucking amazing benefit you could be to the house, but at the same time, I see that... vindictive streak you have.” Benny noticed Alex's expression change, just a tiny amount and only for a second. “I don't... know what you...” Alex started, playing innocent. “Don't.” Benny snapped, his tone suddenly firm. “I don't know what it is Alex, or why it's there, but I can see it clear as day and honestly.... it might be what stops you from being allowed to stay here!” Alex's expression changed. Benny had expected a resurgence of his anger, instead he found himself looking at something else, something more like... sorrow. He looked like he wanted to say things, open up, but nothing came out of his mouth. Benny was so close. He knew just a little more and maybe he might break through that shell, but he didn't want to risk pushing too far and going back to square one. “I meant what I said Alex, I care about you and I do genuinely want you in my house. Just... think about it, please. I'm always available if you want to talk, but I can't make you.” Alex's expression hardened again and he just shrugged dismissively. Benny sighed again. “You'll be reporting to Malik after dinner, but for now... you can go.” Silently he stood and walked to the door. Before opening it, he looked back at Benny, just for a moment, then he was gone. ********** Dorm two was starting to feel a little crowded. It had been just Stanley and Abdul for so long before David joined them and they had only just been getting used to that when David arrived. Now that Alex had been temporarily assigned to their room they had finally got to experience what the room felt like at full capacity. Stanley had a tendency to stay mostly in his bunk. Being on the top and at the back of the room it gave him a decent view of the resat of the small dorm, effectively letting him 'watch over' everyone else. When David moved in, he had taken the bunk below Stanley, the other bottom bunk already belonging to Abdul. That had left Alex to take the remaining top bunk, the one nearest the door. Stanley hung over the edge of his bed, looking down to Abdul and David who had both arrived home just a few minutes before. “What you guys on tonight?” the older man asked from above. “Kitchen duty.” David said, looking less than happy about it. “Apparently they think I need a night off!” “What for?” Abdul asked. David rolled over and revealed his rear to his two room mates. His cheeks were glowing red, covered in partially-recovered welts. “Ouch!” Stanley called out as he saw it. “Yeah, I can kinda see why now! I can sympathise though, I'm on cleaning and laundry.” He grinned as he added, “But then I get to report to Roger.” “And that's good?” David asked, as he lay on his back once again. The smile on Stanley's face confused him. The thought of being under the large intimidating man's control for the evening filled him with dread. “You kidding? A bit of humiliation and degradation? That's like crack to the old perv!” Abdul said with a smile. “I bet you're hard already, aren't you old man!” “Hey.” Stanley snapped back with a slight smirk. “This old man can still kick your arse, Uncle Abdul!” Stanley sniggered, knowing that the reminder of Abdul's subservience to his nephew would quickly shut him up. Not wanting the younger man to think he was being genuinely mean, he quickly apologised. “Sorry, too mean. What you on anyway?” “I'm with Wes.” Abdul replied, blushing a little from the 'Uncle' jibe. “Lucky git!” David said with a snigger. The door suddenly swung open with a slam and Alex appeared, looking thoroughly unhappy. He marched over to the wardrobe he shared with Abdul without a word. “Hey Alex, you okay?” Stanley asked, shooting the other two occupants a concerned glance. “Fine.” Alex said shortly. He grabbed a towel from the wardrobe and headed back to the door. “I'm having a shower!” he snapped before slamming the door behind him. Stanley, Abdul and David all exchanged nervous looks. “Does he scare anyone else, or is it just me?” David asked nervously. “Don't worry. Benny wouldn't let him be here if he was gonna hurt you.” Stanley reassured the scared-looking younger man, despite the doubts running through his own mind. ********** After dinner, Benny allowed his Boys time to head towards their assignments for the remainder of the night, giving them some time to settle in before going to observe. He knew he should probably start taking more of a hand on approach, but found himself remaining slightly reluctant. While the young Master had no problem taking charge of the boys, or anyone really, he still felt he was somewhat lacking certain skills. Each of his Generals brought something important to the house and he was doing his best to learn from them, but it was hard to do so without their knowledge. He would love to know how Malik could always tell when a guy was going to cum so that he could time his teasing so perfectly. He wanted to know how Wesley could spank the Boys in a way that gave them as much pleasure as it did pain. He didn't dare ask them to actually teach him though. At times, particularly since the offer he had made the previous week, he sometimes felt that he simply wasn't strong enough to truly be the Master that the house needed. Admitting to his Generals that he needed to learn could cement those doubts in their minds too, so for now he just watched, claiming to be 'just enjoying the show' while secretly taking any notes he could from their techniques. As Benny reached the basement he began to consider which room to go into first. As he heard a yell from one of the rooms, the decision was made for him. He opened the door and walked in, finding Wesley standing over Abdul. The young Asian man was on a large square platform in the middle of the room, each of his limbs secured to one of the corners and a blindfold covering his eyes. On the far side of the room, Philip, Taro and were all secured to the wall by metal restraints around their wrists, ankles and necks, blindfolded too. Wesley was pacing around Abdul, spinning a flogger in each hand, the black strips of suede twirling round and round, making a satisfying whooshing noise as they spun. Abdul's skin, being darker than most of the other boys, didn't show the evidence of Wesley's swipes very clearly, but it was obvious from the look of him that he had already received several good flogs. His cock was rigid, pointing skyward and just begging to be made the next target. Wesley was grinning. Benny had noticed that Wesley only put his serious face on when the Boys could see him, scowling at them in an attempt to intimidate. When they were blindfolded though, he was normally smiling ridiculously. It was so obvious just how much he enjoyed the activities he got to run. He smiled even more broadly as he saw the Master walk in before swinging both floggers down, one making contact with Abdul's chest, the other whipping at his solid cock and loosely hanging balls. “Aargh!” the man yelled as he felt the sharp strikes. Wesley started spinning them both again, this time heading over to the wall with the other three. Keeping them spinning fast, he allowed them to catch against the bodies of the three naked men, delivering gentler strikes than the ones Abdul had received, but a lot more of them. Each of them whimpered in turn as they received their strikes. Wesley turned his attention back to Abdul, letting the floggers hang loosely. He allowed the tips to drag gently down the man's body, making him giggle slightly as they tickled from neck down to toes. With the man still chuckling from the delicate strokes, Wesley swung them hard again, lashing one across each of his soles. “Fuck!” Abdul yelled out. “What did I say about bad language?” Wesley snapped, sounding furious, but still grinning. “It's... it's not allowed Sir.” Abdul whimpered, realising what he had just done. “And what's the punishment, Boy?” he demanded. “T... ten lashes.” Abdul replied nervously, visibly tensing his entire body. Without another word, Wesley moved to the man's side and delivered the punishment swiftly, ten rapid-fire flogs, each to a different part of his body. Abdul yelled out with each one, but didn't swear. By the time the tenth had been delivered, he was whimpering, almost hyper-ventilating, pulling desperately at his restraints. Wesley quickly sat down on the edge of the platform and placed his hand on the man's chest, ever-so-gently rubbing it, the coarse chest hair running between his fingers. “It's okay, just breathe through the pain.” Wesley whispered, breathing deeply along with him. After a few moments, Abdul's breathing had returned to normal and Wesley removed his hand. As he stood up he asked, “What do you say, Boy?” “Thank you Sir, may I have another?” Abdul called out, the stress of his previous whimpers almost forgotten already. Benny smiled at Wesley and headed out, looking back just in time to see the floggers make contact one more time. Next he headed across the basement to one of the doors on the opposite side. Opening the door, he found himself coming face-to-face with Abdul's nephew, Malik. “Hey boss.” The young General said happily to his Master. “Hi, how's it going?” Benny asked. “Oh we're having fun, aren't we, Boys?” Malik replied, raising his voice at the end as he looked at the other three men in the room. His question got a murmur of agreement from Charlie, Anthony and Alex. All three of them were stood in the middle of the room back-to-back, arms raised in the air and secured to a chain hanging from the ceiling. Much like the Boys in Wesley's room, all three of them were blindfolded. While Wesley liked to do it just avoid putting on his 'game face' for Malik it was strategy! Once he had got them all to the brink of cumming, the blindfolds would stop them knowing if they were about to receive some other stimulation, keep them desperate to know what was coming next and if they might be edged a little closer to release. Malik caught Benny staring at the Boys, particularly at Charlie and winked at him. Benny felt himself blush a little, but smiled as Malik called out, “Hey Boys, you're in for a treat, looks like the Master's gonna give you a bit of hands-on time!” “Thanks.” Benny mouthed silently to his General who happily stepped away and took a seat, turning control over to the younger boy. Benny approached the three restrained men. He wanted Charlie first. He just wanted Charlie. Period. But he instead forced himself to go to Anthony. He wanted to give equal attention to all boys. He actually felt a little sorry for Anthony. He had been in the house for just four days and already he was overshadowed by another Boy. The easy-overlooking of Anthony really was a shame. Look at him without Charlie for comparison and he was a very attractive young man. As he stood there now, arms raised, Benny admired his hairiness, a thick matt of black hair covering a pleasantly toned chest, more patches of hair under his arms and a thick trail running from the centre of his chest, down his stomach and disappearing into a large bush. His skin was quite dark compared to the other two men either side of him. Benny reached up to play with the hair on Anthony's chest, his fingers finding their way to his nipples. He gave them a gentle squeeze and grinned happily as the man's rigid cock twitched in response. He reached down and gave it a few strokes. They can't have been going that long, but by the sounds of it, Malik had already got Anthony quite far along the path to an orgasm. “Do you want to cum, Boy?” Benny asked quietly. “Yes. Please. Yes Sir.” he said excitedly. “Well I'm sure you will eventually!” Benny teased, letting go of the man. He heard a slight chuckle of approval from Malik. Benny moved next to Alex, he wanted to tease him too, particularly as the boy, despite his obvious flaws, was physically delightful. While he had nowhere near the muscle tone of Charlie, he was extremely well-proportioned. Benny couldn't help thinking just how suckable his slightly-large nipples looked, poking out stiffly. He couldn't bring himself to do anything mean to him though, feeling like he had inflicted enough himself that day. Instead, he just reached up and placed a hand gently on the Boy's cheek. He hoped Alex might take it as the caring gesture it was meant to be rather than anything else. The way his mind seemed to twist everything worried Benny. As he held the hand there for a moment, he was sure he could feel Alex pushing his cheek back against it, moving ever-so-slightly up and down to feel his Master's hand, but as quickly as it started, it seemed to stop and he returned to being motionless. Benny let the hand drop, casually stroking down the boy's smooth torso. Finally, at last, he came to Charlie. He took a deep breath, psyching himself up for his first proper touch of the beautiful man. He placed his palm on the man's chest and gasped involuntarily. It was like electricity. He couldn't move, he just stood there, touching him so delicately, wanting to do more but his body refused to respond. He wasn't sure how long he was stood there, but he was finally able to move when he felt Malik's hand on his shoulder. Benny looked round at his General and saw the concerned, puzzled look in his eyes. He shifted awkwardly, dropping his hand to his side. “I have to go.” he said quietly, leaving the room and pulling the door closed behind him. He walked over to the stairs and sat down on them, burying his face in his hands. He had no idea what had just happened. Why did the new Boy have such an affect on him. Yes, he was stunning to behold, but this was something else. He remained seated there for a few minutes, recovering from his strange reaction. ********** After leaving the basement, Benny had found Roger and spent most of the rest of the evening in the main lounge watching him humiliate Stanley and Quentin after they had finished their other chores. He got a particular thrill from the way Quentin kept looking awkwardly at Benny. While the man seemed to have made his peace with staying in the house, that still didn't stop him feeling awkward at being watched by one of his students. Benny had even shouted out some extra instructions to Roger to help humiliate his teacher. He knew he had promised Roger he could do whatever he wanted with the two men, but he knew his devoted General wouldn't take any issue with having a little extra encouragement from a spectator. If anything, the added humiliation of the two men enhanced Roger's enjoyment. Benny finally left them when Roger was finishing off, making the two mean 'clean up' which mostly entailed them licking all the cum that had been shot by the three of them throughout the evening off of the floor. As Benny headed out into the atrium, intending to seek solitude in his private lounge, he heard shouting coming from the direction of the basement. He dashed to the stairs and headed down, finding what appeared to be a fight going on between Wesley and his twin brother. Benny had no idea what had happened, but it appeared that both Malik and Wesley's groups had left their rooms at around the same time bringing the two siblings into direct contact. The scuffle didn't appear to be anything too serious, mostly just over-aggressive brotherly wrestling, but other boys looked about ready to get involved. Benny's eyes narrowed as he realised Alex was in fact egging the others on, virtually revelling in the confrontation. “THAT'S ENOUGH!” Benny bellowed, loudly and aggressively enough to even put Roger to shame. Everyone froze on the spot. He pointed to Malik. “YOU, GET THE BOYS BACK IN THEIR DORMS! ALEX, GET IN THERE AND STAY THERE UNTIL I GET YOU OUT!” He shouted angrily pointing to the 'Trash' room Alex had occupied until the weekend. “WESLEY, WITH ME!” Benny screamed, turning back up the stairs. He looked back and just saw them all staring at him in shock. “NOW!” he added, causing a sudden flurry of movement. He turned again and started taking the stairs two at a time. As he reached the top, he almost got knocked down by Roger. “What's...” he started. “Get down there and keep everyone in their dorms.” Benny snapped, his sharp tone shocking Roger. Benny stormed across the atrium, Wesley following sheepishly. Once they were inside the private lounge, Benny faced his General and demanded furiously, “What... the fuck... was that?” “He started it.” Wesley said quietly, staring at the ground. “You're a not a child and I'm not your fucking father! I don't care who started it.” Benny yelled. “What I want to know is why one of my Generals was fighting with one of my Boys!” “He...” Wesley started, then closed his mouth, pressing his lips tightly together, fists clenching. Benny walked up to Wesley, staring him right in the eye. “You told me you could handle this!” “I can!” Wesley snapped back. “I...” He stopped talking, raising his hands to his face and covering it as he growled with frustration. “Really? Because this doesn't like you can!” Benny insisted. He took a deep breath, then reached round and placed a hand on the small of Wesley's back, guiding him over to a seat and nudging him to sit. The young Master sat alongside him. “I think you need to tell me what happened between you two.” Chapter 4 - Silence and Violence August 2003 ----------- “You sure about this Lee?” twelve-year-old Wesley Thompson asked nervously, peering through the darkness of the room at his twin brother. “Yeah, I told you, just keep going!” Charlie called out excitedly, slightly breathless. “Come on Lee, this is a bit weird.” Wesley insisted. He was laying there under the covers, his pyjama bottoms pulled down to knee height, his hand stroking back and forth on his three inch erection. “God, man up Wes!” Charlie called back in frustration. “I swear, a bit longer and it's gonna blow your mind!” Wesley remained silent and continued pumping away, eventually muttering, “Oh, oh, oh God... what... ah, ah, aaaaaaah.” He lay panting as he recovered from his first orgasm. “L... Lee... what was that?” he asked breathlessly. “That's your new hobby!” Charlie replied with a giggle just before how own cock erupted. ********** September 2003 -------------- “You sure about this, Wes?” Charlie asked, looking to the boy sitting beside him. They were both sat on Charlie's bed, naked and hard. “Yeah, it's even better than doing it yourself!” Wesley replied happily, reaching down to take hold of Charlie's erection. Wesley marvelled at how different his brother's cock felt from his own. Considering they were twins, they shared virtually no physical similarities whatsoever, not even dick size. He gave the rigid meat a couple of quick strokes, looking eagerly at Charlie's face to gauge his reaction. “Ah wow!” Charlie whispered, closing his eyes and tipping his head back against the wall. “Thought you'd like it!” Wesley said happily, his own cock throbbing. “You can do me if you like.” “You do me first.” Charlie said, keeping his eyes closed. “Okay.” the other boy replied, happily pumping his hand away. Charlie's entire body was writhing with pleasure, hands reaching down and taking tight handfuls of bedding as he gasped his delight at the new sensations. “Wes... Wes... ah, Wes, I'm gonna shoot!” His voice trailed off into an excited whimper as he cock erupted, the first shot hitting the wall two feet above his head. “Aaaaaaah.” he moaned, half-laughing as Wesley stroked out the rest of his load. As Wesley let go, he placed his hands down at his sides to give Charlie access to his erection. “My turn.” he said happily. Charlie looked round breathlessly, peering down at Wesley's cock, then up into his eyes. “Sorry bro... after that... I don't think... I've got it in me. I gotta... lay down. Maybe next time!” He collapsed sideways as Wesley climbed off of the bed and returned to his own, feeling a little cheated. ********** November 2003 ------------- “Aaah, ah yeah, that's it... faster.” Charlie called out happily before covering his own body and Wesley's hand in spunk. Wesley sat grinning at his brother, a hopeful glint in his eye. Charlie smirked, gently nudging Wesley's shoulder with a fist. “Maybe next time bro.” “It's always 'maybe next time', isn't it!” Wesley said frustratedly as he returned to his own bed as he had so many times before. “Look, it's not my fault. I just... don't really feel like touching another guy's dick.” Charlie explained. “Whatever, you're just a dick!” Wesley said angrily, climbing into bed and pulling the covers over his head. “Hey Wes.” Charlie called out. Wes threw the covers back and peered over at his brother. “What?” he snapped, pouting. “Do you think... you might be gay?” Charlie asked. “Oh fuck off.” Wesley snapped, pulling the covers back. Charlie walked over and pulled the covers off again, taking a seat on the bed beside his brother. “I'm not being mean, I'm just thinking... you seem to like doing that I thought maybe that meant... you're gay. It's, like, cool if you are.” “Well... are you?” Wesley asked, considering the question. “What?” Charlie asked, sniggering. “No way. I'm not the one playing with another dude's bits, am I?” “No.” Wesley said, sitting up. “You're the guy letting another dude make you shoot.” “Yeah, but I'm not thinking about you when you do it. I'm imagining you're a girl.” Charlie explained. “Just think about it. Doesn't matter to me if you are, you're still my bro.” “You mean it?” Wesley asked, staring at Charlie with big puppy-dog eyes. “Always!” Charlie said with a grin, pulling the other boy into a hug. As Wesley held onto him, he moved round to lay on the bed beside him, holding him tightly. Wesley lay with his head resting on Charlie's shoulder, thinking about what his brother had said. After a few minutes, he whispered, “I think I am.” “Cool.” Charlie whispered back, smiling down at him. ********** December 2003 ------------- “Dinner's ready!” Mrs Thompson called out. Wesley and Charlie virtually ran to the table, squabbling over which seats they would take. “Just sit down!” Mr Thompson snapped angrily. “Sorry Dad.” both boys said sheepishly as they took their seats. Mrs Thompson ran a hand across her husband's back as she headed for her own seat. “Bad day?” she asked, noticing he seemed more irritable than usual. “It's this... bleeding-heart left-wing government and their human rights garbage. They've gone and put things in place to supposedly 'protect the rights' of those filthy faggots and sexual deviants. I swear they want every business to go under!” Mr Thompson snapped angrily. Charlie looked at Wesley nervously, who returned his stare awkwardly. “Language!” Mrs Thompson said sharply. “Oh get over it.” Mr Thompson snapped back at his wife. “That's what they are. Faggots, deviants, abominations and now they're trying to make us decent folk accept their... their perversions!” “Okay.” Mrs Thompson conceded. She knew he would never back down when he was in this kind of mood. “But do we have to discuss it over dinner?” “We'll talk about what I say we talk about. I paid for the food on this table, so I'll decide what what's appropriate dinner conversation. Besides, I want my boys to know right from wrong!” Mr Thompson said, looking round at Wesley and Charlie. “Isn't that right, boys?” Wesley just stared down at his plate. “That's right Dad. Nobody likes a faggot!” Charlie said with a smile. That night, Wesley had cried himself to sleep. In the middle of the night, he felt Charlie climb into bed beside him. “I'm really sorry bro. You know I didn't mean it, right?” Charlie whispered. Wesley cuddled up to his brother, but couldn't bring himself to say anything back. ********** July 2004 --------- “GET DOWN HERE NOW!” Mr Thompson bellowed from the bottom of the stairs. Charlie and Wesley looked at each other in fear. Their Dad was quite prone to yelling, but even by his standards he sounded angry. They both ran downstairs, fearful of what might be wrong with him. Both of their parents were in the dining room, standing by the family PC. “WHAT... IS THE MEANING... OF THIS?” he demanded furiously, pointing at the computer screen. The browser history was shown on screen, filled almost exclusively with gay porn sites. Wesley stared in shock. He was so careful. He always ensured he deleted the browser history after he had been on the computer, fearful of this very sort of encounter. He felt Charlie's eyes boring into him. “Which one of you is it?” Mr Thompson demanded, standing just feet in front of them both, staring down angrily. They remained silent, terrified of the intimidating man. “If you don't tell me, it's the belt for you both!” he snapped. “It's... it's me.” Wesley whispered, starting to cry. “Charlie, you can go.” Mr Thompson ordered. The boy shot his brother a terrified look, almost crying himself as he ran out of the room. He sat in the hallway, hearing the muffled yells through the door. When he started hearing the sounds of leather on bare skin and his brother's screams, he ran, burying himself in his bed, covering his ears and sobbing. ********** 25th December 2004 ------------------ “Oh my God, are you serious?” Charlie called out excitedly as he opened his Nintendo DS. “This isn't even released yet!” “It is in America. I had it imported.” Mr Thompson said proudly, delighted at his son's joy. “Why don't you open yours, Wesley.” he said, the contempt in his voice obvious. Wesley flinched at the mention of his name, but gingerly tore at the paper on the gift that had been put on his lap. “Th... thanks Dad.” he said quietly as he looked at the 'Sexiest Women in Hollywood' calendar he had opened. Charlie saw Wesley fighting back tears. He walked over to his brother to show him the DS. “Look, it's got Mario 64, you loved that on the old Nintendo 64. Now you can play it again.” “I don't think so!” Mr Thompson snapped. “I bought that for you, Charlie. I see Wesley on it and I'll take it off of you!” Charlie looked back and forth between his brother and his Dad. “Okay Dad.” he eventually said, pulling it away from Wesley. “Now come on and open the rest of your things.” Mr Thompson encouraged Charlie, pointing to the pile of gifts. “They're... all for me?” Charlie asked, staring at the pile then sorrowfully back at Wesley. “Yep, all for you. JUST you.” he replied, his tone scarily strict. “Can... can I go?” Wesley asked, eyes watering. “You've got your gift so you don't care about the rest of us? You're a selfish little git, aren't you!” Mr Thompson sneered. “You can sit there and watch your brother get the gifts HE deserves and cut out the waterworks, you're not a girl!” “Sorry Dad.” Wesley sniffed, looking to his Mum who just shrugged. That night, Charlie was laying on his bed playing with his favourite new toy when Wesley came in, walking awkwardly and sobbing. Charlie dropped the DS onto his bed and ran to his brother. “What this time?” Charlie asked, pulling his brother into a hug. “He said... all he wanted... for Christmas... was a normal son.” Wesley whimpered, his head resting on Charlie's shoulder. “Hey, you wanna play Mario?” Charlie asked quietly. Wesley just shook his head. “You heard what he said, that's for YOU!” He pulled out of the hug and flopped onto his bed, laying on his side to face away from his brother's side of the room and closing his eyes tightly. A few minutes later, Wesley felt his mattress dip as Charlie joined him. He felt one arm slipping under his neck and the other laying across his side. Charlie's face peered over his shoulder. He heard a 'ping' from an electronic device and opened his eyes. His brother was hugging him from behind, but holding the video game in front of them both. “Well this isn't breaking the rules, is it?” Charlie whispered. Wesley laughed, still crying, but felt a smile creep across his face at his brother's sweet gesture. ********** 18th March 2005 --------------- Charlie rushed downstairs eagerly, closely followed by Wesley. Running into the lounge, Charlie's face lit up as he saw the big Happy Birthday banner and balloons adorning the room. Wesley hung back as Charlie rushed in, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. “Happy birthday Charlie.” Mr Thompson said happily. Wesley shifted awkwardly in the doorway at his father's comment. “Oh, you're here. Good morning Wesley.” Mr Thompson said, a lot more politely than usual. “Here are you cards.” Mrs Thompson said, handing a stack of envelopes to Charlie and looking awkwardly at her other son. “Do... do I... have any?” Wesley stuttered. “What? Oh, sorry, is it your birthday too? Huh, what are the odds of that?” his Dad replied sarcastically. “We're twins!” Wesley snapped. Both Charlie and Mrs Thompson stared at the floor, scared of getting involved. “Are you talking back to me?” Mr Thompson snapped, his voice slightly raised. “Sorry Dad.” Wesley said, knowing better than to start an argument. His rear was still sore from the last time he had 'answered back'. “Oh far too late for that. Get here now.” the man demanded. Wesley glanced at the door, considering running and hiding for just a moment. His thoughts were obviously very clear. “Don't even think about it!” Mr Thompson snapped, eyeing the door too. “I said... get... over... here!” “I... I should... go.” Charlie stuttered. “No. It's your birthday. You'll sit here and you'll open your cards and your gifts.” his Dad insisted. Wesley approached the man and stood in front of him as he took a seat on the sofa, pulling his belt out from his waistband. He yanked down Wesley's pyjama bottoms, making them drop before pulling the boy over his lap. “Well what are you waiting for? Start opening!” Mr Thompson insisted. Charlie looked round at his brother, but the boy was staring at the ground. He tore open a card and read out the greeting. SMACK. The belt fell on Wesley's already-red arse. He whimpered slightly but didn't yell out. Charlie just stared in fear. This was the first time he had actually witnessed one of his brother's spankings. “Carry on.” Mr Thompson said as if the boy on his lap wasn't even there. Charlie opened another card. As he read out the greeting, it was followed by another slap. He suddenly realised what his Dad was intending. One hit for each card he opened. He continued reading out cards, flinching with every following slap. Charlie could hear Wesley fighting back tears. As he sat there looking at the remaining cards, he fought back tears of his own. “I don't... want to open any more.” he said timidly. Wesley looked up, shooting him a look of both fear and amazement. “Of course, you're right.” Mr Thompson replied, nodding gently. Wesley gasped. Was he actually backing down? “You're not a little boy any more. You're a young man, so you need to do a man's work. Come here.” he said firmly. Charlie stared at him for a moment before obeying, taking a seat beside him, ending up with Wesley's head virtually in his lap. The man lifted Wesley and moved him sideways so that his bare rear was directly on his brother's lap. As Charlie stared in sickened shock, the man handed him his folded over belt. “I'll open the cards, and you can do this.” Mr Thompson said. “But you...” his wife started, but was cut off with a raised hand. He sat and opened a card and after reading out the greeting, stared at Charlie. “Dad... I can't...” Charlie mumbled. Mr Thompson shot Charlie a stare and the boy immediately nodded. He raised his hand, held it for a second, then brough the belt down with a loud SLAP. ********** May 2005 -------- “Hey gayboy!” Wesley heard someone shout from behind him. He didn't even need to look because ultimately it didn't matter who it was. It could have been anyone at school. Ever since Charlie had outed him, his life was a constant barrage of abuse. Wesley had been beyond devastated when his brother revealed his secret out of nowhere. Charlie had also taken over the spankings from their father, delivering all of Wesley's punishments now. What little remained of the relationship with his brother after the spankings had been well and truly decimated after that. He rounded a corner hoping to get away from the shouts and taunts in the quad, but instead found himself coming face-to-face with Adam Baxter and his entire gang of thugs. “Oh look, it's the faggot!” Adam sneered derisively. Wesley turned to run the other way, but felt a huge hand grabbing his collar and dragging him back. “What do you want?” he asked, knowing this wouldn't end well. “I want a school without benders like you mincing around.” Adam said with a wicked grin, getting a cruel laugh from the rest of his gang. “We don't like your type around here!” one of the others called out. Adam shoved Wesley so hard that he stumbled to the ground, cowering as the group surrounded him. He suddenly felt himself getting pummelled by a barrage of fists and feet. A few moments later it stopped as his attackers suddenly all looked back towards the quad. Peering between two of his would-be attackers, Wesley managed to spot Charlie, standing there staring at them all. Recent spankings and the outing aside, his mind flashed back to every time his twin had helped him, cared for him, held him as he sobbed. He knew his brother would help him now too. “Whadda you say Thompson, you gonna help us keep the filth out of our school or are you just a big faggot like your brother?” Adam called out. Charlie walked over, staring down at his brother on the ground then back at Adam and back down again. “Well? Are you a faggot or not?” Adam demanded. Charlie said nothing, he just delivered a swift kick to Wesley's stomach. ********** Wednesday 4th February 2015 --------------------------- Benny stared in shock. “Wait, he... joined in with them? Seriously?” Wesley just nodded. His expression remained as calm as it had while he recounted his history with his twin, something Benny found a little disconcerting. The young Master himself had actually shed a tear listening to what Wesley had been put through in his teenage years. “What then?” Benny asked, curious but dreading what would follow. “That was it.” Wesley explained. “The bell rang and they left me there, but I never went back into the school. I got up and I started walking and I never went back, to school OR home.” Benny shook his head. “So where did you go?” Wesley shrugged. “I just... kinda drifted. I... got into some pretty bad stuff.” he explained, suddenly showing a slight hint of emotion. “I did things... for money. It was that or starve, but I would rather have lived on the streets turning tricks than go back to.... that place!” Benny wiped a tear from his cheek. Hearing about what Wesley had been through suddenly made his own problems seem inconsequential and somehow made his seemingly-endless cheerfulness all the more endearing. To go through such pain and misery and suffering but come out the other side as the loving, happy individual that he (normally) was... it was nothing short of amazing. Then his mind turned to Charlie, the man he had become so quickly besotted with. He felt a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach as he considered the man. He had seemed so perfect, but now it appeared that the perfection was merely an illusion. “I can't... I can't believe you'd be willing to let him stay here!” Benny exclaimed. “I... I should tell him to leave.” “No.” Wesley insisted, shaking his head. “I'm... I'm a completely different person to who I was back then. I mean, it's been ten years and a lot can change in that time. What if he's changed too?” Benny frowned at his General. “Yeah, but... what if he hasn't?” “Look, I know this is your house and your rules, so if you don't want him here then there's nothing I can do about it, but... I ran away from my problems back then because it was the only thing I could think to do, but I want to stop running.” Benny looked thoughtful for a few moments, eye narrowing as he purveyed the young man before eventually nodding his agreement. “Okay. Okay, he can stay. Now, come here!” He held his arms out towards Wesley who eagerly jumped up from his seat and rushed to his Master, letting the boy hold him. All the pain, the heartache and the misery of his story, held back as he had told it suddenly burst forth, silent tears streaming down Wesley's face as he sat in his Master's arms. When he finally stopped, he pulled away from Benny and stood up. “Can I go now, Sir?” Wesley asked quietly. Benny took a deep breath. “In a moment, but first we need to discuss your punishment.” he said, sternly. “My.... my punishment?” Wesley stammered nervously. “Well yes.” Benny said. “What you did, regardless of what happened before, was completely unacceptable, especially for someone at your level of authority. What kind of example do you think it would set if I just let it slide. What would the Boys think?” “Sorry, yes, of course Sir.” Wesley said sadly, staring at the ground in shame. “I need some time to think about it, so you'll receive your punishment at Saturday's gathering. NOW you can go!” Benny said, shooing him out. ********** Alex sat in the darkness, shifting uncomfortably on the hard concrete floor that he had occupied for a fortnight not that long ago. He was furious about being back in there, wondering why HE was the one being punished when Wesley and Charlie had been the ones who were fighting. He had to admit, he had definitely been spurring them on, but still, he had never thrown a punch. He wanted to now, though. He wanted to leave the tiny closet and pound every one of the pathetic guys out there. He could imagine them right now, laughing about him being stuck in there on his own, stuck being Benny's useless little fag slave. He could do it. The door wasn't locked. He could get up, walk out and just go to town on them all, but... he didn't. Despite his anger, despite the unlocked door, he remained, sitting and seething. “I see that vindictive streak you have!” Alex muttered to himself in a mockery of Benny's words. “I'll show him how fucking vindictive I can be. I'll show them all.” His fists were clenched tightly. 'I care about you.' he thought, remembering something else Benny had said. His fists unclenched and his eyes closed for just a moment, thinking back to the way Benny had touched him earlier, the hand placed gently on his cheek. It had felt... nice and it actually made him believe that the boy really did care about him. Then, the anger returned, fists clenching once again. 'He just wants another guy under his control, for his twisted little power trip. That's all. He doesn't care, not really!' Before he could think any more about it, the door swung open and Roger appeared. “Get up!” the man snapped angrily. “Follow me.” Alex followed but did his best to hide his anger, eventually heading into Benny's lounge where the master was waiting. “I didn't...” Alex started. “Don't! Don't say a word. I'm going to talk and you're going to listen!” Benny snapped in a tone that actually intimidated the older boy slightly, a very unfamiliar feeling! “I'm aware of what you did and didn't do. I've spoken to everyone who was there and they all say the same thing, the fight was just between Wesley and Charlie. BUT, they also say you were going out of your way to make it worse.” “I...” Alex attempted. “WHAT did I say?” Benny snapped again, dropping Alex back into dejected silence. “You are meant to be one of the future leaders of this place. That means the Boys are meant to look up to you and respect you but right now the best you get from any of them is fear! I swear, it's like you listened to everything I said earlier and just decided to do the total opposite. I don't know what your problem is, Alex, I really don't, but I want to! Whatever it is, just.... talk to me, talk to Roger, hell talk to anyone because if you keep going the way you are, you can't be here and we can't keep having this same conversation. Consider this your last warning, Alex. Fuck up one more time and you're gone. Understand?” The usual cockiness Alex had, the almost-ever-present smirk, all of it was gone. Instead he just looked scared. Personal issues aside, it was painfully clear how much Alex wanted to be there and it hurt Benny to see him getting in his own way. “Yes Sir.” Alex replied quietly. “Good. Now, is there anything you'd like to talk about?” Benny asked, hoping that he may have been shocked into finally opening up. For a second, it looked like he would, but then the smirk returned. “Nah, I'm good.” he said dismissively. The arrogant grin was there, but Benny could tell it was for show as his eyes didn't change, continuing to look sad and scared. The Master shook his head and dismissed the Boy. ********** Ever since the argument, Dorm one had been almost deathly silent. Quentin was usually quite good at handling tense situations. He had to be for his job, the students he taught often coming to blows over the most minor of things, but even he was hesitant to get involved now. Nothing like the fight had ever happened in the house before. Sometimes tempers would run a little high, that was inevitable with the extreme treatments some of them got at the hands of the Generals coupled with the cramped living quarters, but it had never actually gone that far before. The truly shocking thing had been Wesley's involvement. He was always so positive, so cheerful, but the look on his face as he had lunged at Charlie... it was like he was a different person. Charlie had immediately retreated to his bunk above Quentin's and had stayed there since, curled up under the covers. Benny had passed on a message via his Generals that what had happened was unacceptable, and those involved would receive appropriate punishment in due course. Charlie had emerged briefly to hear what the General had to say, but then retreated back into his bed soon after where he remained until lights out. “Hey.” Philip whispered. The two sets of bunk beds in each dorm were end to end. Most residents slept with their heads at the opposite ends to their neighbours, giving at least the illusion of a little more personal space. Philip and Charlie had been different though. On Charlie's first night in the house, Philip had tried speaking to him after they had gone to bed, only be shushed angrily by Quentin. Still wanting to converse with the new Boy, he suggested to Charlie that they both switch ends in their beds, bringing their pillows together in the middle. That had allowed them to whisper to each other in the night. They had remained that way round in their bunks ever since. Their whisperings had continued every night since, the two of them often laying on their stomachs facing each other and talking about whatever popped into their heads. Charlie had only been in the house for a few days, but Philip already felt closer to him than anyone else he had met so far and Charlie appeared to feel the same. When Philip's whisper got no reply, he reached across and tapped his friend on the top of his head, through the covers. “Hey!” he whispered again. Charlie pulled back the covers, flipped over onto his stomach, crossed his arms under his pillow and stared back at Philip. “What?” he asked, slightly annoyed at the intrusion, but secretly finding himself glad of the company. “Are you okay?” Philip asked quietly. “No.” Charlie replied honestly. “I think I'm gonna leave.” “Because of the fight?” Philip asked. “No, just... because of Wes in general. You saw how he reacted to me earlier. I don't wanna make him that miserable. Not again!” Charlie explained. “You said Benny told you Wes was okay with you being here, right? Would he have said that if he didn't want you here?” Philip asked. “I guess not.” Charlie replied quietly. “But... you know what I did to him. Would YOU be able to get past that?” He had explained to Philip what had happened between him and his twin on his second night in the house. It was the sharing of that secret that had really helped cement the bond of their developing friendship. “I might.” Philip replied. “If I knew the whole story!” “He doesn't... need to know all of that. I did what I did. If he's gonna forgive me, he'll forgive me but I'm not gonna go and make excuses to try and force it.” Charlie said dismissively, then sighed. “This sucks. When I found out about this place I thought it was gonna be so awesome. I was gonna start over, do something new. I was actually gonna be happy!” He dropped his face into his pillow. Philip stretched out an arm, sliding his hand under Charlie's pillow and grabbing his hand. When the other man looked back up in response, Philip smiled at him and whispered, “You will be, trust me.” ********** Roger knocked on the door to Benny's lounge and poked his head around. “Hey. I was gonna head to bed unless you needed anything else.” “Actually, can you come in for a minute.” Benny requested, gesturing for Roger to come closer. Roger smiled warmly as he approached. “Hell of a night!” “You don't know the half of it!” Benny said, recalling the tale Wesley had shared. “You sure Charlie should still be here? I know you like him, but he's causing problems!” Roger said flatly. “Wesley still wants me to... wait, what d'you mean 'I know you like him'?” Benny asked in surprise. “Are you kidding? You see him and you virtually start drooling!” Roger joked, but stopped laughing when he saw the concerned look on Benny's face. “Don't worry, I think everyone agrees how hot he is, it's not just you!” he added reassuringly. “Well that's... I can't think about it at the moment. I asked you in here for something else. I wanted to run an idea by you.” Benny said, attempting to move on. “Sure, what's up?” Roger asked, sitting casually on the arm of a sofa. “I figured things have been pretty... tense downstairs, even before Charlie and Wesley kicked off tonight, so maybe it's time for some fun. I wanna set the Boys a challenge!” Benny suggested with a cheeky grin. Chapter 5 – The General Idea --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Thursday 5th February 2015 I'm a fun person. I like to have fun. Surely everyone does, right? Well this week has NOT been fun so far so I set out today determined to change that. I spend quite a lot of time looking at Dom stuff on the internet, and it always seems to be about making your Subs miserable. That's just not me, well it's not the new me. The old me, maybe, but I'm not like that any more. I don't see why someone can't be devoted to serving you, but enjoy spending time with you too. Anyway, the idea I had last night appears to have been well received, which is good. Thanks to Philip I'm also starting to form an idea about the punishments for Charlie and Wesley's fight too, one that might actually achieve more than just punishing them! This week's gathering is gonna be an interesting one, that's for sure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knock knock knock. Benny grunted. He could have quite happily stayed asleep for another few hours. He hadn't slept well last night. It felt so unusual to have animosity in the house and it played on his mind all night, even permeating his dreams, filling them with images of fist fights and walk-outs and every other horrible scenario his sleeping mind could conjure. Knock knock knock. He grunted again. “Keep knocking until I answer.” his original instructions had been upon arriving at the house. He was regretting them now. He wished there was somebody beside him, someone he could cuddle up to, but the bed remained empty. 'I've got a house full of Boys and an empty bed!' he thought to himself. Knock knock knock. “Come in!” he snapped angrily, losing his train of thought. He looked over at the door as he yelled but flopped back down before it even started opening. “Good morning Sir.” the Boy called out. Benny felt bad for a moment. He knew he should know who it was just from their voice, he had no doubt Wesley would. He had at least memorised all their names now, which was progress, but he still felt like he didn't really know most of them that well. As he turned over and looked at the person carrying the tray, he smiled as he saw Philip. “Morning Philip.” he said through a lethargic yawn. “Did you sleep well, Sir?” Philip asked with a gentle smile. Benny couldn't help smiling back. Most of the Boys were too afraid to say more than the absolute essentials, but Philip seemed a bit more open, particularly since the 'lesson' Benny had taught him last week about privacy. He sometimes wondered exactly how much of it Philip actually remembered. He had, after all, been ridiculously drunk! “Yes thanks.” Benny said back politely, not feeling in the mood to actually talk about how poorly he had slept. “And you?” The question caught Philip by surprise, not expecting any actual interest from the Master. “Erm... er... erm.” he mumbled. He should have just said a simple 'yes thanks' too, but being caught off guard, he was stunned into a bit of a stupor as he put down the breakfast tray. “Charlie?” Benny asked, sensing the problem. When Philip eventually nodded in response, he added, “I'd heard you two were becoming friends. I take it things are a little... tense?” Philip smirked unintentionally. He knew it wasn't funny, but calling it 'tense' was such an unimaginable understatement. “That's putting it mildly Sir. I... probably shouldn't tell you this, but Charlie is thinking about leaving.” Benny felt his stomach lurch. The thought of Charlie leaving was simultaneously both the best and worst ideas he could think of. Thanks to Roger's revelation, he was now beginning to understand the depths of his attraction to the new Boy, so thinking about not seeing any more made him feel like he could cry. At the same time, he knew Charlie leaving would eliminate most of the current stress downstairs. “That... may not be a bad thing.” Benny said cautiously, thinking back to the things Charlie had done to Wesley. “He's... not necessarily what he appears.” Benny added, not wanting to go into any more detail. “D'you mean the stuff that happened between Wesley and him?” Philip asked. Benny stared up at the Boy. “You... know about that?” Philip nodded gently. “I'm guessing Wesley filled you in.” Benny nodded too. “Yeah, he told me everything.” Philip looked uncomfortable, like he wanted to say something but wouldn't allow himself. Benny's eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What is it?” he asked sternly. “I shouldn't... say.” Philip said, squirming. Benny's gaze fixed on him, his face emotionless, his eyes unblinking, just staring and staring and staring until Philip couldn't take any more. “Fine. He can't have told you everything, because... he doesn't KNOW everything!” Benny nodded to the end of the bed. “Take a seat, and tell me what you know.” ********** The Dorms were unusually loud that evening, and with good reason, something unusual was happening. The first sign that things were different was when the Boys started arriving home and were greeted at the door by Roger, but told to remain clothed. Some of the Boys were so used to being naked in the house that they had actually removed a few items of clothing when they got to their dorms anyway. What else struck them as strange was that they were not given assignments for the evening. After stripping, that was always the first thing Roger did. Tonight though, they were simply told to 'await further instructions'. Rumours were running rampant amongst the Boys who were already home. “So this is... not how it normally goes?” Charlie asked, leaning down from his bunk to join in Philip and Taro's conversation. “No. It's... weird.” Taro said, shifting uncomfortably. “And I do NOT like wearing clothes in the house.” He quickly pulled his t-shirt off and threw it aside. Charlie looked at Philip, but the other Boy wouldn't make eye contact, adding to Charlie's already-growing paranoia. “It's about me. He's gonna throw me out. I can tell.” “Nah, no way.” Taro said dismissively, running and hand up and down his body as he spoke, happy to be free of his clothing. “I bet it's gonna be something fun, nothing to do with you!” “You think?” Philip asked, having not considered that it might actually be something good. After he had shared Charlie's secret with the Master that morning, he had been waiting for something to happen. He couldn't think why it would involve everyone though, so Taro's guess that it was unrelated was a reasonable suggestion. “Sure. If I was Benny and I'd had to deal with all your crap... no offence Charlie,” he said, looking up at the head peering down from above and grinning, “I'd want a break from it with a bit of fun.” Just then, the door opened and Quentin appeared, looking worried. “What happened now? Have you been fighting again?” he asked Charlie as he entered. Charlie raised his hands innocently. “Hey, it's not me... at least not this time!” Taro and Philip both laughed. “I guess we'll find out soon enough. Looks like I'm last home again so they said I could tell you all to go up.” Quentin said, dropping his briefcase on the bed. As they all left the Dorm, Quentin went to advise the other residents while Charlie, Philip and Taro headed upstairs. Once all the Boys were in the atrium, Benny and his Generals watched laughed as they all lined up like they would at the weekly gathering, even though they had not been advise to do so. It was simply habit for them. Benny considered telling them to be 'at ease', but decided not to. He looked nervously from Wesley, to Charlie and back again. Neither brother looked at the other, which was somewhat of a relief. The Master also noticed Alex standing there quietly. He seemed to have been keeping a low profile all day, which made Benny wonder if he really was starting to behave, or if he was simply waiting for his next chance to cause trouble. He hoped for the former but expected the latter. “Hi everyone.” Benny called out, cutting off the minimal chatter going on around him. “As you may have noticed, we've had a bit of a change from your usual evening routine. Now don't worry, I'm not about to tell you all you're able to leave, that chance is long passed.” His joke about the last time he had gathered them all unexpectedly didn't go unappreciated, getting a few laughs from the Boys and Generals. “We're here because I've decided we're going to have a competition!” Some of the boys looked excited by the comment, while others seemed understandably nervous. “You will be split into teams, one for each dorm. As soon as we're done here, you will all go out and in your teams, you will make me a video. You can use the cameras on your phones, as well as the handheld cameras we will give to each team. You will be given time tomorrow night and during Saturday to edit the footage into a single video.” Benny explained. “Now, for content of the video... this is where it gets fun!” Benny said with a grin. “Public nudity, sex outdoors, streaking, whatever you like, as daring as you can manage, but the video has to be HOT! You'll be allowed to take a few pieces of equipment from the rooms downstairs to help in your video. Just... try not to get arrested please!” That got another snigger from the Generals. “Finally, the videos will be judged at Saturday's gathering by myself and these guys,” Benny continued, gesturing to the Generals, “There will be a prize for first place, and punishments for last, so make it good! Any questions?” A few hands shot up. Benny pointed to Abdul. “Do we all have to appear in the video?” Abdul asked nervously. “No.” Benny replied, then grinned and added, “But less guys probably means it won't be as hot and I'd hate for you to be the cause of your team losing!” Benny heard a snigger from Malik as his Uncle seemed to shrink away from Benny's obvious taunt. Benny pointed to Taro. “What's the prize?” he asked with a grin. Benny smiled again, this time as he noticed his Generals shifting uncomfortably. “Each member of the winning team will get the option to pick their own assignment one night next week. You get to choose what you do and what General it's with. So if you want Wesley to give you a spanking, that's what you'll get, but if you want to give Roger a good seeing to... well that's okay too!” The revelation brought about a new wave of chatter from the boys and even more uncomfortable squirming from Roger, Malik and Wesley. “Can we choose you?” Philip called out, stunning everyone into silence as ever eye fell expectantly on the Master. Benny had genuinely not considered that option and he handled the surprise of being asked it very casually. He raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, “Sure, why not!” That renewed the excited chatter. Benny noticed a couple of hands still raised. “David?” The nervous man lowered his hands and quietly asked, “What's the punishment for the losers?” Benny smiled. In truth, he had not actually picked the punishments yet. His intention was to see who lost and tailor the punishments to them individually to maximise their discomfort. He didn't really like disciplining the Boys, but he had to admit it had often led to some interesting discoveries Their limits were often stretched a little by the punishments, which occasionally helped them find out things they might unexpectedly enjoy! “Oh I'm not giving that away just yet.” Benny said, intentionally building their fear, knowing it would spur them on to try harder in the contest. “But let's just say you probably DON'T want to finish in third place!” This time the Boys did not descend into more talking and there were no more hands raised, so Benny finished. “Go grab what you need and get your cameras from Roger on the way out. Oh... and have fun!” He smiled sincerely, genuinely hoping that they would actually enjoy the competition. The Boys wasted no time in getting ready to leave. Each team quickly huddled for a moment before running down grab equipment and phones. Benny saw all sorts of cuffs, restraints and toys being carried out, feeling his cock twitch a little at the thought of what he might see in the finished videos. As the last of them left, Malik asked, “So what's the plan for us tonight, boss?” Benny looked round at his three Generals. “Oh, big plans. HUGE plans!” he said, looking stern. “Seriously, you'd better prepared for a hell of a tough night!” They all looked worried at the comments until Benny started laughing. “Relax I'm kidding. We're gonna eat junk food, drink a lot and have a well-deserved night OFF!” he explained with a grin. ********** An hour later, Benny, Malik and Roger were all sat in the Generals lounge when Wesley walked in carrying another round of drinks. He shuddered slightly as he walked in. “Ya know, this house is kinda creepy when it's empty like that!” “Aww, did widdle Wesley get scared?” Malik teased taking a drink off of him. “Fuck off.” Wesley said through a grin as he handed drinks to the other two then sat down beside Benny. “Okay. Here's a question for you all.” Benny said with a smirk. “Who's your favourite Boy?” “Well we already know yours!” Malik said back to the Master. Normally he wouldn't have been so quick to tease, but Benny had insisted that tonight he was 'just one of the guys' and Malik was making quick use of the informality. Benny blushed instantly, realising that they all obviously had picked up on his attraction to Charlie. He avoided looking at Wesley and attempted to regain his composure. “I.. asked about YOURS!” he insisted. “Is it 'Uncle' Abdul?” Roger asked, smiling. It was unusual, but wonderful to see Roger smiling. He was so dedicated, and so good, at his Dominant role that his face was normally fixed in a stern scowl, which on top of his large frame, made him truly intimidating. As he sat there now, relaxed and cheerful he seemed like a whole different person. Malik laughed at the question. “Nah, he's just fun to mess with, he gets embarrassed so easily. If I had to pick a favourite though, I'd have to say... Robert. I think it's the tattoos.” Thirty-six-year-old Robert was one of the more unusual residents of the house, both physically and personally. While the other Boys had a handful of tattoos between them, and virtually no piercings, Robert was covered. He had full sleeve tattoos on both arms, extending into intricate designs across his chest and covering his whole back, a large tribal tattoo down one leg and a range of smaller designs on the other. On top of that, he had several piercings in each ear, two in his lips, a nose ring, both nipples pierced and a Prince Albert too. Body decoration aside, he was also brand new to subbing. His appearance always led people to assume he was just a Dom so he had never really had the chance to explore his submissive side. When he found Benny, the chance to fully immerse himself in a Submissive lifestyle was too good a chance to pass up and he jumped right into it. “Personally I like the piercings.” Wesley said, with a chuckle. “They really add a lot more options for inflicting pain. I think mine is probably Taro.” The other three all looked at him. Benny wondered if the others, like him, had assumed Wesley would say David. It was no secret that the Boy loved his spankings and Wesley certainly loved giving them. Benny suddenly remembered Wesley's youth, the vicious spankings he had received at the hands of his father and wondered if that may be partly to blame for his fascination with it now. As the other looked at him inquisitively, Wesley just shrugged. “I can't really say why. I just... I dunno, there's something about him I... relate to. That probably makes no sense.” He frowned a little, struggling to explain his feelings. “No, that makes sense. Sometimes it just happens.” Benny said reassuringly, getting a weak smile back from Wesley. He turned to Roger next. “And you?” “David!” Roger answered instantly, going on to elaborate after getting quizzical looks. “He just gets so scared. I barely have to say a word and he looks like he's going to cry. I swear, I spend the whole time just wanting to pick him up and hug him, it's so cute!” The other three all laughed. They could completely understand what Roger meant, the poor Boy always looked nervous. “Okay, I've got a good one.” Malik said, taking a big gulp of beer. “Which of the Boys is your LEAST favourite?” The others looked a mix of amused and confused. “Oh, and you can't say Alex!” The addition got a laugh from the others as they considered their answers. “Mine's Quentin!” Wesley said quickly. “The guys has, like, no threshold for pain. I barely touch him and he's calling out the safety word!” “Yeah, total wimp.” Malik agreed. “I'd have to say Philip.” “Aww, no, Philip's so sweet.” Benny said, smiling fondly. “Yeah, he's sweet but he's... frustrating. It's like, he doesn't quite fit. You know how most of them have like... a thing, a particular activity they love. He's just... he kinda floats through them all.” Malik explained. Benny looked thoughtful for a moment, before reluctantly nodding. “Yeeeah, I suppose I see what you mean, but that's not a reason to dislike him. Maybe he just hasn't found his thing yet!” Malik just shrugged in response. “Well mine's Taro.” Roger said, getting an annoyed look from Wesley. “Hey don't look at me like that! He's like the anti-David. I can stand there yelling at him, I can make him lick cum off the floor, I can throw absolutely anything at him and he's just not bothered by it! It's so annoying!” Wesley laughed at the explanation. That was exactly the trait that made Wesley like him, but he could understand how it could conflict with Roger's favoured techniques. “How about you, boss?” Malik asked, looking round at Benny as he took a sip of coke. Benny's jaw clenched. “I feel really crappy about my one. It's Henry!” he said, getting cautious chuckles from the others. Henry had been much like Stanley in a way. Both men were in their forties and had spent their entire lives in the closet. The difference was that while Stanley was an eternal bachelor, Henry had given in to societal pressure and found a wife, with whom he had three kids. It was under threat of revealing his homosexual tendencies to the wife and kids that Henry had agreed to join the house. Admittedly once he settled in, he loved it there, but it still sometimes niggled at Benny's conscience that he had essentially broken up a family. “I know I pretty much forced him to come here, but... oh God he's just so boring!” Benny said, looking disappointed with himself over the entire situation. His comments got a sudden burst of laughter from the others though as they agreed with his conclusions. As they continued chuckling, Benny looked round at each of them. “Hey... erm... look... guys...” he mumbled awkwardly. “I know things have been a bit weird the last couple of weeks, but you guys have kept everything running so well. I just wanted to thank you all.” “Oh God. He's going sappy again.” Malik teased. Benny screwed up his face angrily. “Hey, I can revoke your 'night off' privileges you know!” “Ooh, assertive Benny. I like it.” Roger said, grinning. Benny blushed a little. “You think that's hot, you should have seen him yesterday after the fight.” Malik said, biting his lip as he thought about it. “Well I could hear him from upstairs!” Roger said back. “Yeah, but you should have SEEN him. Seriously, I nearly jumped on him!” Malik said excitedly. “I can hear you, you know!” Benny said, slightly annoyed at being talked about like he wasn't there, but feeling a twinge of pride at their words. “Oh yeah. That's it. Get angry!” Malik teased, his eyes wide and fixed on the boy. Benny glared back. “Oh... you REALLY don't want me angry. I get mean when I'm angry.” He was playing with Malik, he knew that, but part of mind still lingered on the last time he had got really angry. He did his best to push it aside and continue his angriest stare at his General. Malik shifted a little and giggled. “Seriously, if you don't stop looking at me like that...” he panted. Benny continued, watching as the young man quickly developed a very obvious erection. “Stand up!” Malik gulped and obeyed. “You two!” Benny snapped. “Strip him!” Roger and Wesley quickly jumped to attention and set about stripping Malik as he stood there, half nervous, half excited. Benny enjoyed the show. He didn't see his Generals naked as often as the rest of the Boys so this was a rare treat. Malik was quite slight with slim arms, a firm but flat chest coated with short-trimmed chest hair. He had smattering of hair on his stomach and a long, slender cock which was already standing to attention above a pair of heavy, low-hanging balls, shaved smooth. Benny looked to his other two Generals as they stood aside, their work done. “You know, you two get naked too.” He watched happily, groping his own bulge as Wesley and Roger stripped. Benny looked in fascination at Wesley's naked body, so different from his brother's, all smooth and sinewy. He looked even smaller stood opposite Roger, the man-mountain. Six feet and four inches of head-to-toe muscle, hairy in all the right places. They were all staring back at him in anticipation and it filled him with an energy he had all but forgotten lately. He had been so caught up in doing the right thing and protecting his Boys that he had almost forgotten why he was there in the first place... he was the Master! “Malik, go get three dildos, three blindfolds and some lube.” Benny ordered, suppressing a smile as he saw Malik shudder before running off to get the requested toys. As soon as Malik was out of the room, Benny said, “Gotta be quick. I'm gonna teach Malik he really doesn't want me being mean. Just play along with me for now.” The two Generals grinned at the devious boy's plan but wiped the smiles from their faces as Malik dashed back in with the supplies. Benny snatched two of the dildos and two of the blindfolds off of him, hiding any sign of his deception. He handed one of each to Wesley and Roger. “Okay. Lube up extremely well and get them in then find some space.” Benny instructed. He watched with amusement as they passed the lubricant between them and inserted the dildos. He had intentionally left Malik with the smoothest of the three. Once that was done, they moved into the open space behind the sofas, spreading out from each other. “You could all do with a bit of a workout, so you're going to do twenty push-ups, twenty sit-ups, twenty jumping jacks and finally twenty squats. You are not allowed to touch the dildos and if they slip out, you put it back in and restart from the beginning. Last one to finish will receive... an extra task!” Benny explained. They all looked worried about the task, even Roger and Wesley who knew it was going to be rigged in their favour. “Oh yeah, and just for fun, you'll be blindfolded too.” Benny added. He approached Malik and grabbed the blindfold from his hand before putting it on him. Once Malik's eyes were covered, he walked first to Roger and then Wesley, but just winked at each of them and raised his finger to his lips to tell them to stay quiet. “Okay, begin!” Benny called out. Malik immediately dropped to his knees then into a push-up position while then other two Generals looked at Benny. He shook his head with a grin, but gestured for them to move around so it would look like they were doing the task. Malik sped through the push-ups, but as he moved round to start the situps, the dildo slid out. “Fuck!” he muttered, feeling round on the floor for it. As he picked it up, Benny called out, “Not so fast.” he grabbed Malik's hand to stop him reinserting it. He pumped more lube onto it. “Can't have it sticking, can we?” The additional lubricant got a moan from the General who had obviously been thinking it would gradually become easier as it became less slippery. He pushed it back in, as far as he could take it and started the routine again. “Oh, there goes Wesley.” Benny called out, prompting Wesley to swear as he played along. He made it half way through the sit-ups the second time, the dildo sliding out just a little each time he sat up until it finally popped out onto the floor again. “Fuck it.” he muttered again as he reached for it, holding it out for Benny to re-lubricate. With the dildo back in place Malik started for a third time. He was just starting the sit-ups when Benny called out, “And Roger finishes first!” “Yes!” Roger called out in pretend celebration, getting moans of misery from the other two. The same thing happened again to Malik, lasting just two more sit-ups than his second attempt thanks to his best attempt at clenching his buttocks. Wesley and Roger were covering their mouths to avoid laughing as they watched the young man struggle. As well as the dildo problems, he looked like he was starting to struggle with the actual exercise too. Despite his slim build, he wasn't a regular exerciser so he was tiring quickly, somewhat ironic considering his endurance-based expertise with the Boys. Another glob of lubricant and Malik started over. “I should probably mention, as well as the punishment for last place, there's an even worse punishment IN ADDITION for anyone unable to finish!” Benny said, glad Malik's eyes were covered as he grinned with wicked glee. Malik actually whimpered at the news as he rolled over to start his sit-ups. With a look of intense concentration and no small amount of discomfort, he worked through all twenty. Benny did notice how he used the floor to push the dildo back in as he got up to start the jumping jacks, but let him get away with it. He was having fun, but he wasn't going to be needlessly vindictive. Malik swung his arms up in the air as he jumped. As his feet spread and hit the ground, the dildo popped straight out and hit the floor with a loud thud. “Oh fuck!” Malik whimpered. He quickly dropped to his knees to find it, desperate to start over and beat Wesley. After Benny added more lube and waited for Malik to push the toy inside him again, he stood back and called out, “Well done Wesley. Second place!” Malik, mid-way through a push-up flopped weakly onto the floor. “So it's a punishment for Malik. But will it be just the normal one or will he be taking both?” Benny asked, kneeling close to his General's head to emphasise the question. With a groan, Malik pushed himself back up and continued going. He took it much slower this time. Now that it was no longer a race, he presumably figured it was best to take his time to avoid slipping up again, particularly as his arms wobbled on each upward push. As he moved on to the sit-ups, he clenched hard again, but the dildo was just too slick and popped out once again. Almost crying, Malik lay flat on the floor, breathing heavily. “I can't start again.” he whimpered. “Well I think you've done enough of the push-ups and sit-ups. Why don't you just move on to the jumping jacks.” Benny offered. He grinned along with the other Generals, knowing Malik would want to try, but was almost inevitably doomed to failure. “Okay Sir.” Malik said, climbing up onto his feet with the dildo in hand, receiving more slippery gel from the Master. He squirmed a little as he pushed it in once again, his cock twitching simultaneously. He did his first jumping jack and even with the blindfold looked visibly relieved when it stayed in. Benny walked round behind him as he jumped for the second, clenching desperately as it started to slide out. He went again, and again, and again, but on the sixth, it fell to the floor. “I give up.” Malik said frustratedly. “Are you sure?” Benny asked with a grin. “I mean, the punishment for giving up is pretty harsh!” Malik scowled. “Whatever, just do it!” He said, pulling off the blindfold. “What's my forfeit?” he asked moodily. “Sit down.” Benny ordered, patting the middle seat of one of the sofas. Wearily, Malik obeyed, eyeing Benny suspiciously. “And you two.” Benny added, indicating the seats either side of him. Roger and Wesley sat as instructed as stood behind the sofa and leaned over Malik's shoulder, rubbing his hands down the young man's hairy chest. He tweaked both nipples and got a chuckle of delight in response. “You're such a fan of edging, Malik, but I don't think I've seen you on the receiving end for quite some time. So we're going to change that. Come on guys.” The other two Generals didn't need any more prompting than that, they quickly set about teasing their colleague who whimpered in response to their touches. Already aroused by Benny's assertiveness and the prostate stimulation from the exercise/dildo combo, he was ready to cum surprisingly quickly. “Ah, how long.... are you gonna.... ah.” he moaned as Wesley's finger teased his dangerously close. “I wouldn't wanna ruin the surprise!” Benny said happily. As the edging continued, Benny and his other Generals returned to their normal conversation and drinking. Malik attempted to join in, but every time he spoke, one of them would deliberately do something to make him shudder or moan. Eventually he just gave up and sat there, eyes closed, waiting to finally be allowed to cum. An hour passed and still they continued. Malik had started getting more and more frustrated, even attempting to stroke his own cock so he could finally cum, but that had simply resulted in his hands being restrained behind his back. As they hit two hours, they heard noises downstairs, presumably some of the Boys returning home, but Malik was still held back. “I think that'll do for now.” Benny said as Malik shuddered from a quick single stroke to his cock. “I... can cum?” Malik asked, looking to his side where Benny now sat. “No, I never said that. Your punishment was the edging. Cumming isn't part of that!” Benny said dismissively. “Of course, now you've got the bigger punishment, haven't you!” Malik whimpered and leaned against Benny, resting his head on the boy's shoulder. “Please, no more.” “Oh Malik, you know begging REALLY doesn't work on me!” Benny said, shoving him away. “Anyway, where were we?” Benny asked, looking to continue a previous conversation with Roger. Malik watched impatiently as the other three continued chatting, ignoring him completely. Gradually, his cock started to soften, a relief in itself, but he still needed to cum. His balls felt ready to explode. “Oh, looks like he's ready.” Benny said with a grin as he noticed Malik's flaccid dick. He headed for one of the cabinets against the wall, opened it up and grabbed something. Malik stared in terrified shock as he realised what it was... a chastity device. He jumped up onto his feet, wobbling a little with his hands still restrained behind his back. “Oh no, no way. I'm not going in one of those!” he insisted, backing away. Benny looked to Roger and raised his eyebrows slightly. Roger got the idea and jumped up, quickly grabbing Malik and holding him still. As Benny approached the frustrated man, he kicked out at his Master to try and keep him away, but soon found Wesley holding onto the leg, preventing another attempt. Silently, ignoring Malik's pleas to stop, Benny put the device on, locked it and dropped the key in his pocket. Roger released him and he just glared at Benny. “How long do I have to wear this?” he demanded angrily. “Until I remove it!” Benny said flatly. He moved closer to Malik, until his face was just inches away from his General's. He grinned wickedly, eyes narrowing. “But it may be a while. You see, this is what happens when I.... get angry!” Malik gulped, suddenly regretting his earlier taunts, but feeling a renewed shudder of excitement. Spending so much of his time in the house as a Dom, it became quite easy to forget just how much he also enjoyed being a Sub. He found himself quietly glad of the device, knowing that until Benny saw fit to remove it, it would be a constant reminder of his place... below Benny! “Th... thank you Sir.” Malik stuttered. Malik's hands were finally released and the three Generals dressed as they heard even more noise from downstairs. Benny gestured to Roger and Malik. “You two head downstairs and get everyone settled back in for the night. Sounds like it's getting a bit lively down there. I'm gonna head to bed, so I'll see you both tomorrow.” He ordered firmly. “Yes Sir.” they both replied before heading out of the room. “What d'you want me to do?” Wesley asked, wondering why he had not been sent down too, but figuring it was most likely to avoid any further conflict with Charlie. “Come with me.” Benny said as he headed for the door. Wesley followed and looked thoroughly confused as Benny headed for his bedroom. He looked round nervously as he entered. Roger often went into Benny's room, and he knew the Boys had their daily wake-up call/breakfast delivery, but aside from that, few people ever entered there. “What am I.... doing in here?” Wesley asked nervously as he closed the door behind him and stood motionless on the spot. Benny knew the real reason. 'Because I get lonely in bed and I want a cuddle' he thought, but avoided saying it. He had seen how much his Generals had enjoyed his show of assertiveness earlier and he wasn't about to undermine that now by showing any weakness. “For my entertainment!” he said with a devilish grin. “Now get you clothes off.” Wesley quickly obeyed, but his eyes remained fixed on Benny as the boy stripped too. He, like most of the house's residents, didn't get to see Benny naked very often so he was transfixed by the novelty. As he stared at his Master, already so young, he realised exactly how youthful the boy looked. Sometimes, amongst all the orders and discipline and punishments, it was easy to forget that he was, at the core of it all, just a sixteen-year-old boy. His bare, smooth body made him look even younger, perhaps that was why he remained covered most of the time. As Wesley stared, he realised that the boy, physically, was so far from his usual 'type', yet his own cock was rapidly stiffening at the sight of him. It only took moments to figure out it was simply the young Master's personality, his confidence, his power that was arousing him. Benny lounged across the bed, staring at the naked man, drinking in every detail. His previous thought of 'I want a cuddle' had quickly been replaced in his head by 'I want to fuck him til he screams'. The Master raised his eyebrows then quickly looked down at his own erection, before looking back to Wesley. “Well it's not going to suck itself, is it!” he said, shaking his head. Wesley jumped at the words, striding across the room before jumping onto the bed and burying his face in the boy's crotch, immediately taking the entire six inches in his mouth. Benny lay back and closed his eyes, allowing his Boy to work. He considered reaching down to grab Wesley's head, to start fucking his face, but decided it was nice to just let him work at his own pace for now. Wesley was an exceptionally good sucker, using both lips and tongue to tease his Master's cock, occasionally pulling it out to lick or suck on the boy's smooth balls, his hands gently caressing everything from shins to shoulders. “Mmmm, ah yeah, good boy!” Benny moaned happily as he felt an orgasm approaching. “Mmm, I'm gonna cum.” Wesley pulled the boy's dick from his mouth right at the last moment, pointing it upwards to make the boy cover himself in his seed. The Master's prick had barely stopped twitching before the eager General's tongue was on his body, lapping it up, enjoying the feeling of smooth flawless skin. Once he was licked clean, Benny sat up, grabbed Wesley's shoulders and threw him round onto his back. He climbed on top of him, looking down at the still-nervous young man and started playing with his nipples. A smile spread across Wesley's face as he began to moan from the teasing, overjoyed at being touched by his Master. Benny leant down and planted his lips onto Wesley's, the two kissing passionately for just a moment before Benny started moving down, kissing the Boy's neck, shoulders, chest, stomach. Wesley gasped as he felt his rigid tool enter Benny's mouth. His hands reached out to the sides and grabbed handfuls of bedding as his back arched. “Oh Sir.” Wesley whispered between whimpers of delight. “Yes, Sir, that's so good!” The Boy's moans soon had Benny hard again, not that it took much. After spending a couple of hours with his three naked Generals, he was ridiculously horny. The boy's moans were just spurring him on even more. He released Wesley's cock, sensing he wasn't far from cumming, then reached over to his night stand and opened a drawer. He pulled out some lube and had to stifle a grin as he saw the look of wide-eyed excitement on Wesley's face. After a quick application of the slippery gel, Wesley eagerly pulled his legs back in preparation for his Master. The younger boy quickly pushed his cock inside the eager Sub, the two of the moaning in excited synchronicity. He started fucking, slowly at first but gradually getting faster and faster. “Oh God, that's... oh, yes.” Wesley whimpered happily. Benny was panting, his second orgasm taking frustratingly long to achieve. He stared down at Wesley, the Boy's face flushed, a look of pure reverence spread across it. “Do you love your Master?” he demanded. “Yes.” Wesley replied happily. “Yes Sir.” “Then say it.” Benny added, gasping as he continued thrusting. “I love you Master. I love you Sir!” Wesley called out happily. “Good Boy!” Benny replied with a huge grin. He pulled out and moved forward a little, resting his cock on top of Wesley's. He wrapped both hands around them together and gave a few quick strokes. Simultaneously, they both ejaculated, Wesley's massive load mixing with Benny's smaller one and coating his torso with white goo. Benny continued stroking for a few seconds after he had finished cumming before letting go. Wesley was staring at him, a look of pure joy and exhilaration. There had been niggling doubt when he heard the Boy's words, wondering if he was just saying it out of duty, but it was so clear now. Wesley did love him, he loved his Master. Benny lowered his face to the Boy's stomach then slowly moved up his body, sucking up as much cum as he could on the way before delivering it to Wesley, whose lips parted eagerly as his Master approached. The cum mixed with saliva and found its way down both of their throats as they kissed. Once it was all gone, Benny rolled away and sat leaning against the head of the bed. They both remained silent, catching the breaths and coming down from their post-orgasmic high. Benny reached across and ran a hand through Wesley's hair, prompting the Boy to look up at him. “Should... I go?” Wesley asked nervously. “Do you want to go?” Benny asked quietly. Wesley pursed his lips, looking away for just a second before looking back and gently shaking his head. “Good Boy.” Benny said with a smile. Chapter 6 – Twins and Troubled Teens by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 7th February 2015 I've had lots of doubts lately - did I do the right thing with Josh, did I do the right thing offering to let people leave, am I getting to soft to be a good master, do my Boys actually care about me. I've put most of those doubts to rest and I'm working on the others, but it seems for every one I resolve, another pops up in its place. Today it was because of Wesley and Charlie's punishments. I knew it was risky and right up until it started happening I was totally doubting myself. I wonder if other Masters have these kinds of doubts. Hey, I suppose I'm still learning, although now I've got to do some teaching of my own too! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday night and most of Saturday had been a blur of excitement in the house. Benny's competition had set out to do exactly as he had planned. It had revitalised the Boys, bringing out their competitive sides. It made the Master extremely happy though as he realised they weren't competing to try and beat each other, they were competing to impress their Master. The three teams had each finished putting their videos together and now were all more eager than usual for the Saturday gathering. Benny was certainly looking forward to it too, at least partly. Seeing the entries and picking the winners was going to be fun, but entertainment aside, he was also going to have business to take care of. He had advised both of the Thompson twins that the punishment for their fight would be delivered at the gathering. At first he had struggled to think of the best thing to do to teach them a lesson, but then Philip had shared something about Charlie that had inspired him. He was going to have to be careful. If he tipped his hand too much, it could reveal that Philip had divulged his friend's secret and the last thing he wanted was to cause more dissension amongst his boys. More importantly though, his planned punishment was risky too. He tried not to dwell on it too much for now though. Roger had also advised the young Master that there was also going to be another new resident joining them, but this time from the ranks of the unemployed subs. Benny had never really interacted with any of them before. This was intentional. The idea of their chastity and separation from the Master was intended to build their desire to join the house full-time. As a result, whoever it was that would be joining them was at a slight advantage over a completely new resident as they already knew the house, the Generals and some of the Boys. Deciding he needed to get out of his own head, Benny had decided to get out of the house, heading out the back onto the patio, grabbing a drink on his way through the kitchen. He was pleased to see he wasn't the only one who had chosen to go out and enjoy the unseasonably warm day. Roger and Malik were sat together in a couple of chairs, looking out across the expansive garden, while Henry, Philip and Charlie were further down the yard, clearing one of the more overgrown areas. The two Generals smiled at Benny as he took a seat beside them. “Hey, I thought they all had the day off.” he said, gesturing to the three working men. “They do.” Roger replied. “Henry just enjoys gardening. I think Charlie just wanted something to keep him distracted and you know wherever Charlie goes, Philip follows!” Benny chuckled. He knew exactly what Roger meant and it was nice to see Philip actually getting close to someone. For a while he had worried the young man was doomed to self-imposed isolation in the house. It also filled him with pride to see his Boys working on improving the place. Since he bought the place, they had already made massive improvements to it, but they had been focused mostly indoors, on the essential everyday-use areas. “Everything set for tonight?” Benny asked, frowning slightly as he realised he had just steered the conversation onto the exact subject he was trying to forget. “Yeah.” Roger replied. “Videos are set to go, I've got one of the big TVs ready to bring out to play them and I've brought up what you requested from downstairs for Wesley.” “Good. Hopefully it all runs smoothly.” Benny said with a gentle nod. Malik laughed and Benny noticed Roger was grinning along with him. “What?” Benny asked, somewhat confused. “Oh you'll see!” Malik replied, still chuckling. Benny's eyes narrowed, he wanted to probe more about what they knew. He suspected they may be hinting at something relating to the new Boy as that was the only part of the night that they knew and he didn't, but he refused to be drawn into their obvious baiting. “How's the cock, Mal?” Benny asked, taking a sip of his drink and staring down the garden at the three working men. Malik's laughter immediately stopped as he was reminded of his chastity device he had been so unceremoniously burdened with on Thursday night. “It's fine thanks.” he said, attempting to sound unbothered. “Oh good. If it wasn't happy, I was going to set it free!” Benny replied, getting a grin from Roger. “Well... if you want to...” Malik stuttered. “No, no, no. If it's fine then I probably shouldn't mess with it. Maybe I'll check in again next week!” Benny said innocently, getting a grunt of annoyance in response. “Anything else going on then?” Benny asked, cutting off any chance of further arguing from Malik while attempting to steer clear of the evening's activities. Benny stayed with his two Generals until he had finished his drink, then wandered back inside. He found a couple of Boys in the lounge and a few more in the Games Room, stopping to chat to them on the way. It was nice to speak to them informally, to see what they were doing, to observe part of their day off, but part of him felt a twinge of pride at seeing them virtually standing to attention in his presence. A few days ago, he might have considered urging them to 'relax' and just be normal around him, but seeing the affect his assertiveness had on his Generals two nights earlier, he decided that keeping that formal divide would probably reap great benefits. ********** “Thanks... for this.” Benny said as his head rested against Roger's chest, the large man's arm wrapped around him. The General had come to see Benny a short time before the Saturday gathering. They usually met beforehand to discuss anything of import, but had got got together a little earlier for a change to discuss the punishment plans for Charlie and Wesley. Roger had found Benny in a terrible state, racked with doubt and completely unsure of the entire thing. In the end, the large young man had lay down on Benny's bed, holding him. “It's what friends are for.” Roger replied happily. As Benny began to shift, Riger climbed off the bed and assumed a fairly formal stance. “So everything is set for the punishment, I'll take over once it starts. All other activities will run as normal. We'll bring over the new resident before assigning activities tonight.” he summarised with a stern expression, seeking to ensure he had fully understood the instructions he had been given. “That's...” Benny started before even realising Roger had slipped back into sub-mode for him. “Yes that's right Boy, now if you want to go ahead, I'll follow in a moment.” Roger nodded and quickly left, bellowing commands to other Boys before the door was even closed behind him. Benny stared into the mirror on his wall, forcing himself to put on his sternest expression. He had to get used to it. Knowing what he was about to witness, he knew he would have to cover up his true feelings, and looking stern usually seemed to work best for him. Ready to go, he emerged from his room and immediately headed down the stairs with his Generals, Wesley looking at him nervously the whole time. “Good evening everyone.” Benny called out. “Before we start the normal proceedings, we have a matter of Household discipline to address first. As I'm sure you all know, there was a physical confrontation earlier this week between two residents. Such behaviour will simply not be permitted on this house and as such, punishments must be given. Wesley, please step forward.” The nervous-looking General took a step forward from his position at the bottom of the stairs, then turned to face Benny. “Remove your clothes.” Benny said firmly. Wesley already looked ashamed before he even began to undress, but being made to strip in front of his subordinates was quite embarrassing, even though they themselves were already nude. With his clothes removed, he stared silently up at the young Master. “Assume the position.” Benny said, gesturing the wood and leather-padded stand in the middle of the carpet runner. It had been brought up specially for the occasion from one of the rooms downstairs. As Wesley draped himself over it, Roger stepped forward and secured the Boy's wrists and ankles to the bottom of the stand, leaving Wesley's rear facing up towards Benny. Benny took the last few steps down the stairs from where he had stopped, then approached Wesley, walking past him and standing ahead of the restrained General. “Okay, for fighting, you will be punished with twenty lashes.” Benny said, then reached down to his own waistband, undid the buckle then pulled the belt out from the loops. “With this.” he added. He saw Wesley's eyes widen. Wesley's face quickly screwed up in fear and confusion. Benny had listened to his entire story, how his father had regularly beaten him with his belt, yet here he was using it as a punishment. He felt he had completely misjudged his Master. “Sir.” he whispered, pleadingly. The young Master caught his General's eye, feeling a twinge of pity for the young man. Even if this went the way Benny hoped, it would be a difficult experience for Wesley. If it went wrong, it could be outright traumatic. There it was again. The doubt. He looked away from Wesley, unable to stand his gaze any longer, stepping closer only to rest of the belt on the boy's back. He called out loudly, “And as HIS punishment for inappropriate behaviour, the lashes will be delivered.... by Charlie.” Charlie, who so far had stared constantly down at his feet, finally looked up as he realised every eye was on him, even his twin's. “Wh... what? No!” he gasped. “Sir.” Wesley whimpered again, almost in tears. “Roger.” Benny called out, signalling for the senior General to take charge as planned. Benny took several steps back, ending up near the large double front doors, watching the whole scene unfold. Roger quickly walked over to Charlie, grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the stand. As soon as they got close, Roger retrieved the belt and thrust it towards Charlie's hands. When the Boy refused to take it, Roger growled, “Take the belt, Boy!” His tone sharp, but his voice low. With a sound somewhere between a gasp and a whimper, Charlie took it. The confidence the new Boy had shown on his first day, already diminished by his time around Wesley was now completely shattered. “Now raise your hand and deliver the punishment.” Roger insisted firmly. Charlie stared at the ground, shaking his head. Wesley was looking back, trying to see what was happening but couldn't quite manage it. “Deliver... the punishment.” Roger said, his voice getting louder. Charlie still shook his head, sniffing and doing everything he could to resist bursting into tears in front of so many people. “DO IT!” Roger screamed in his ear. “Don't make me.” Charlie whimpered. “Benny, please!” Wesley called out as he heard his brother's desperate plea, looking up at the motionless Master but getting no response. “DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!” Roger yelled at Charlie. Bursting into tears Charlie raised his arm and brought the belt down with a loud slap on Wesley's exposed rear, getting a yell of pain in response. “AGAIN!” Roger bellowed. The belt fell again as both twins cried. For Wesley, it was more the reminder of his youth, of his Dad, of the way Charlie had been complicit in his abuse, rather than the pain of the actual lashes that made him sob. “AGAIN!” Roger yelled. “NO!” Charlie screamed back. He threw the belt at Roger then dashed to Wesley's side and dropped to his knees. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. He made me do it. He made me. He forced me.” Wesley's breaths were ragged as he watched his brother kneeling before him. “I know, I heard him.” he whispered back through his own tears. “No. Not that.” Charlie said, wiping his face and sniffing heavily. “Dad. He made me do it. All of it.” “What?” Wesley gasped. “You should have... told me.” “He said if I told you anything, he'd...” Charlie started, then raised his hands to his face, sobbing again. Some of the Boys were staring at the compete emotional breakdown, others were doing everything to could to avoid looking in the direction. Benny could barely breathe. This was what he had planned. Charlie had been resistant to revealing the truth while Wesley had been avoiding talking, now Benny had managed to force both. Making it so public, heightening their exposure, it was an extreme approach, but so far it had worked. He had started them down the path to their reconciliation, but now it was up to them to follow it. Benny nodded to Roger who quickly set about releasing Wesley. As soon as he was free, he stood, as did Charlie, the two looking at each other awkwardly. “Go into my lounge and talk.” Benny said, placing a hand gently on Wesley's back as he neared his General. He got a nod in response before the two walked away and disappeared into Benny's private lounge. Benny went back to the stairs to address everyone again. “Right. I know that was a little intense, so how about we move onto something more fun! It's time to judge the competition.” Benny said happily, hearing a sigh of relief from the Boys. Roger moved aside the stand as Malik went to bring the TV over. Benny gestured everyone to gather round, even the chaste non-resident Boys who mostly looked overjoyed at being involved in something other than their usual weekly edging. Benny couldn't help looking at them, wondering which one was going to be joining the house, but put it out of his mind as he prepared to start the first video. “Okay, which team's first?” Benny asked as he pressed play on the remote Malik handed him. He needn't have asked the question as it became immediately apparent. “Okay, this is Robert for Team Dorm Three.” Robert said from behind the camera as an image of a wooded area appeared. “We're not calling ourselves Team Dorm Three!” Another voice said. The camera span to reveal Henry standing there looking annoyed as he unbuttoned his shirt. “Whatever, I think it's more important that you get your cock out than what we call ourselves!” Robert insisted. He panned the camera on to the new boy Anthony who stood there naked, shrugging, obviously not wanting to get involved. “Now hurry up, we're both naked already!” Robert insisted. He pointed the camera down to reveal his own naked body, giving a close up of his chest tattoo and nipple piercings. “Oh well I'm so sorry I'm not as keen as you two to get arrested!” Henry argued. His comment got a laugh from the viewers. “Come on come on come on.” Robert badgered him, turning the camera back onto the slightly overweight middle-aged man. Henry just glared back in annoyance as he removed the rest of his clothes. His reluctance may well have been down to self-consciousness more than anything else. At thirty-sex, Robert was still in great shape, mostly through his desire to keep his tattoos looking good as they did spread across a gently muscled torso and Anthony, also just the older side of thirty was in perfect shape, all dark skin and hair and muscle. Once all three were naked, Robert did a close up of all of their clothes, piled up behind a bush. “Okay Sirs, judges, whatever you're called today, we're leaving our clothes here and we're gonna go for a walk.” Robert narrated. The three of them started walking with Robert at the back pointed at the others. The film whizzed through a few minutes in fast forward of just walking, slowing to normal speed as Robert panned the camera downwards. “Look at that, I guess I enjoy the great outdoors!” Robert said as his erection came into shot. “Hey, anyone else hard?” He called to the other two. Anthony stopped and turned, grabbing his own erection, grinning at the camera while Henry just called back, “No!” Anthony shrugged again at the older man's response and they continued walking, once again prompting the video to fast forward. When it slowed to normal speed again, the atrium was filled with traffic noise from the TV speakers as a busy road appeared on screen. There were bushes either side and a tall chain-link fence separating them from the road, but there was a clear gap where they could see the rapidly passing cars and, presumably, the cars could see them too. “And now for the show!” Robert said, placing the camera down, pointing up at the opening. He stepped forward to join the other two, carrying a small bag. He reached into it and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs and handed one to Robert as Anthony leaned on the fence. The two older Boys raised his arms into their air then handcuffed them to the fence. He, like Robert, remained hard, aroused by either the things they were about to do or by being outside naked. Either way it made for great viewing as the gathered crowd seemed to be enjoying watching. Robert and Henry set about teasing Anthony, quickly getting him close to cumming before stopping. The video jumped into fast forward again as the teasing continued. It stopped a couple of times to reveal the sounds of Anthony moaning in desperation, even over the sounds of the traffic. As it jumped into fast forward again, Benny looked to Anthony and asked, “How long did they edge you?” “I dunno, felt like about a week!” Anthony replied with a grin. “It was just over an hour!” Henry said bluntly. Benny rolled his eyes and shook his head at the man then turned his attention back to the screen. As it returned to playing at normal speed again, Benny thought they had skipped the cum shot as Robert and Henry were releasing Anthony. As soon as the younger man was released, Robert walked over and picked up the camera. He headed back to the others as Henry turned Anthony round to face the road. With the dark-haired Boy looking straight into the traffic, Henry grabbed his cock and started stroking it again. Benny realised they had not missed the cum shot, they were just setting out to make the Boy's orgasm as visible as possible to passers-by. Robert got some great angles as Anthony's cock erupted, shooting heavy spurts of cum through the chain-link fence. As soon as Anthony was done, they started heading back. Benny expected another burst of fast forward, but instead the camera pointed down and Robert's hand appeared, grasping his cock. He stroked as they walked and a few minutes later, dashed closer to Henry. “Hey Henry!” Robert called out. The older man, stopped and turned, just as Robert shot. His load splatted against Henry's stomach and legs, getting a yell of annoyance in response and a massive laugh from the viewers. “And that's what we did!” Robert called out happily as the video ended. 'Team Dorm Three' got a round of applause from the room. Robert and Anthony both bowed as Henry just looked annoyed at being reminded about what Robert had done. “Well done, Boys.” Benny said happily, grinning at Henry's disgruntled face. “So who's next?” ********** 16th March 2005 --------------- “Charlie, could you come in here please?” Mr Thompson called out as his sons passed the door of his study. The twins glanced at each other nervously before Charlie stepped inside. “And close the door!” Mr Thomspon added, seeing Wesley peering in from the hallway. Charlie closed the door, then took a seat as his father gestured to the chair in front of his desk. He was almost shaking. His Dad never called anyone into the study unless they were in trouble, and considering hos harsh he had been getting with Wesley, he worried what might be in store for him. He waited silently. “Two days until your birthday. You must be getting excited.” Mr Thompson said, in an uncharacteristically friendly tone. Charlie simply nodded in response so his father went on. “And turning fourteen too, you're a young man now.” Charlie continued to nod, almost more scared of his Dad being friendly than he was when the man was aggressive. “And as a young man, you should start taking on some adult responsibilities, shouldn't you?” the man asked. “Yes Dad.” Charlie replied quietly, excited at the prospect of finally being treated like an adult, but still nervous enough to not let his excitement show. “That includes taking care of your brother. He's not ready to be a man yet.” Mr Thompson said, still upbeat but with a definite hint of venom in his voice as he talked about Wesley. “I... I always take care of him.” Charlie stuttered. “No Charlie, that's not what I mean.” Mr Thompson said. “Your brother is a pervert and a deviant and he requires a strong hand to keep him in line. I believe it will have more of an effect if that hand.... is yours.” “Dad? You don't.... you want... what?” Charlie stammered, unsure he was actually hearing what his father was telling him. “You will take over from me delivering his punishments.” Mr Thompson clarified, his tone cold and his face emotionless. “Dad, no, I can't hurt him!” Charlie insisted, squirming in his seat under the man's steely gaze. The older man sat back in his seat as he crossed his arms, the wooden chair creaking slightly from the movement. “You won't be hurting him, Charlie, you'll be helping him. Punishing his weakness will make him stronger.” Charlie shook his head, almost in tears. “I won't.” “Don't you start blubbering like that pathetic little boy. This is not a negotiation. You WILL deliver your brother's punishments or you will receive them in his place.” the boy's father insisted. “Fine.” Charlie said, his tears immediately replaced by determination as steely as his father's. “Then I'll take his punishments for him, but I won't hurt him.” Mr Thompson smiled, a cruel, knowing smile. It was as if he had known all along that Charlie would say this. “I don't think you understand, boy. If you refuse to man up and deliver your brother's punishment, not only will you receive it, but I will give even worse to Wesley.” Charlie stared. “What do you mean... worse?” The man stared back at him, silently. He never said what he would actually do, but Charlie could tell from the look in his eyes that it was nothing he would ever want Wesley to endure. Eventually, he simply nodded. ********** Saturday 7th February 2015 -------------------------- Wesley sat staring at his twin. He could barely believe the tale he had just told. He knew his father was cruel and manipulative, but it sounded like he had actually crossed the line into outright psychopathic. “Why didn't you tell me?” Wesley asked quietly. Charlie looked drained. Wesley could understand why. Having sat in that exact same seat a few days earlier to tell Benny about their father, he knew how emotionally tiring it was. “He... he told me that if I mentioned anything about it to you, that he'd...” Charlie's voice trailed off. “He'd hurt me.” Wesley completed the sentence for his brother, getting a nod of agreement. Wesley shook his head. “How did he... respond... after I left?” “It was...” Charlie started, but struggled to continue. “The police came round once Mum reported you missing and you should have seen him. He... he put on such an act, telling them how much he loved you and how all he wanted was to have you home safely, but then when nobody else was around he just threatened me to keep quiet about how he'd treated you.” “Did he... hurt you?” Wesley asked. He had always wondered whether his father was just a violent person who needed a target, or if he genuinely hated just one of his sons. As soon as he asked the question, he knew he wouldn't like either answer. “No, he never laid a finger on me. All he did was threaten you.” Charlie explained. “He.... he made me out you at school too.” Wesley flinched a little at the mention of it. That day was etched in his memory as one of the worst of his life, more-so for the betrayal by Charlie than the actual events that followed. “But.. why?” “He said...” Charlie started, pausing to take a deep breath. “He said that beating the gay out of you didn't work, maybe shaming you would do the job.” “So does that mean... that last day.... at school... when I was getting beat up and you....” Wesley stuttered, thinking about the last time he had seen his brother before he turned up at the house. “Did he... make you do that too?” Charlie stared, starting to shake, his breaths becoming ragged. “Lee?” Wesley pushed. It was only ever Wesley that called Charlie that and the young man hadn't been called it in almost ten years. Hearing it now, especially considering the answer he was about to give, felt like a punch to the gut. “No.... that was me!” ********** The crowd in the atrium had just finished watching the competition entry from Dorm Two, giving them all a polite round of applause. While it had been a reasonably good entry, it was nowhere near as daring as the team from Dorm Three and the crowd seemed to know straight away that they weren't going to be the winners. The question was, would they be the losers? “And I guess that leaves us with Dorm One.” Benny called out as he prepared to play the final entry. “Let's see what you've got.” Benny watched as the video played. It became quickly apparent that he was watching the winning entry. The four residents of Dorm One, Quentin, Taro, Philip and Charlie had all completed separate tasks. Quentin had stripped naked and jerked off in the woods, Taro stripped in a public toilet and managed to get a stranger to suck him off, Philip had climbed naked onto a park bench and ridden a dildo until he ejaculated and Charlie had streaked down a busy street. Although Benny knew his focus should be on the video, he couldn't help glancing over at the door to his private lounge. He wanted to go and make sure the twins were both okay. He knew that whatever way the conversation was going, they were both going to be somewhat upset. In a way he was glad he was occupied though. As much as he wanted to comfort the two Boys, he was determined to start building back his stern facade. He was shaken from his distraction when he heard the cheering and applause that signified the end of the video. Benny quickly joined in too, smiling round at the three Dorm One residents who were still in the atrium. “Well done to all of you. I hope you enjoyed the competition. Now if you could all resume your positions while I confer with my fellow judges.” Benny instructed. The Boys quickly separated back into the two lines of residents and non-residents while Benny, Malik and Roger stood together at the bottom of the stairs, talking quietly. “One to win, Two to lose!” Roger said bluntly. “I don't know, I liked Three.” Malik suggested. “Yeah, that's just because they did a load of edging. They way as well have put a caption on screen saying 'this is to get Malik's vote', it was so obvious!” Roger argued back. “What do you think, Sir?” Malik asked the still-distracted Benny. “Oh, erm... yeah, One was best, Two was worst!” Benny said casually. Roger nudged Malik and laughed. “Outvoted!” he taunted the other General. Benny smiled at the exchange, then turned to face the two rows of Boys. “Well it looks like we have a result.” he called out, getting silence from the few Boys who had been muttering quietly to each other. “Congratulations to Dorm One on an excellent video, you are our winners.” There was a cheer from Quentin, Taro and Philip, along with most of the non-resident Boys backed up by tuts and moans from the other two Dorms. “And our losers, Dorm Two.” Benny announced. Abdul, Stanley and David looked disappointed to have lost, but Alex looked furious. Benny kicked himself for not realising that he had just branded Alex a 'loser'. He had been keeping a low profile since the fight, but the young Master feared that this rejection might have unwelcome side effects for Alex. Not wanting to dwell on the volatile Boy for too long, Benny continued, “The prizes and punishments will be dealt with at a later date and thank you all again for taking part, did you enjoy it?” There was a chorus of agreements from the residents, some truly enthusiastic, others less so. “Now, I believe congratulations are in order as one of our unemployed Boys has gone and got himself a job and now qualifies for spot in the house.” Benny called out. “Roger, bring him forward.” The large General quickly walked down the line of chaste young men, stopping at the fourth one down. He grabbed the Boy's arm roughly and pulled him into position equidistant between the two lines. Benny looked at the young man stood before him. He had caught Benny's eye before, mainly for his youth, but the Master had deliberately shied away from taking in too much detail. Now though, he could take it all in. He looked to be in his late teens, standing at about 5'11”, 170 lbs, slim yet stocky. His chocolate brown hair was cut short and his strong jaw-line was coated in a dark stubble. Overall he was surprisingly hairy for his age, a thin, soft covering of hair on his chest and stomach matched by the dark fur on his legs and forearms. His smile caught Benny's eye, although it was really less of a smile and more of a smirk. There was a quiet confidence there, almost an arrogance about him that Benny had so rarely seen in his Boys. However, it was the eyes that truly captivated the young master. They were a soft brown, like pools of mud, but there was something about it he could see immediately, it was like a kind of... sadness. Even with the confident smirk lighting up the rest of his face, the eyes remained unchanged. Benny took several steps forward. At 5'7” he was a little shorter than this new resident, looking up slightly to meet his gaze. “What's your name?” The Boy raised an eyebrow, shrugged and said, “You're meant to be the master, why don't you pick a name!” There was a ripple of of shocked and mildly entertained gasps going down the two lines of Boys. Benny actually heard a slight smirk from the two Generals behind him, both of whom moved closer to flank the young Master. Benny smiled. He was bold, that was undeniable. The confidence of the Boy's smirk definitely ran to the core and as entertaining as Benny found it, he wasn't about to be flustered by it. “What's your name?” he repeated, a little more firmly. His eyes were fixed on the Boy's. The two stood in silence for several seconds, neither of them moving the slightest. Eventually the Boy broke the gaze, rolling his eyes and shrugging again, “Zane...” He said casually with a sigh. “Well, hello Zane!” Benny said, folding his arms and looking the Boy up and down. ********** Charlie was sat in silence as he had been for the last several minutes, although it felt about a hundred times longer. He had expected fury, rage... fists even, but so far Wesley had done nothing but sit and stare. Assaulting his brother was one of the most shameful things he had ever done in his life and it still haunted him endlessly. He had expected that confessing it to Wesley would at least lighten the burden, but seeing the look on his brother's face when he said it seemed to have the opposite effect entirely. “Why, Lee?” Wesley asked, shaking his head. “Just... tell me why!” “I.... I got scared.” Charlie replied nervously. “You got scared? YOU got scared?” Wesley asked, his voice raising as he repeated the comment. He stood up, staring down at his brother. “YOU don't know what scared is! Scared is being surrounded by a gang of thugs. Scared is having the last person in the world you thought was on your side turning on you. Scared is getting into a stranger's car because you need money to avoid starving, even when you know they're going to hurt you. THAT'S what scared is!” Charlie stared, open-mouthed. “Did... did you really...” he stuttered in shock. “Well yeah, how did you think I got by without family to support me?” Wesley snapped angrily. He was normally so go at keeping it all inside, covering it with the smiles, but with Charlie it just seemed to flow out of him. He couldn't help wondering if it was simply because, on some level, he was till 'Lee', his twin brother and best friend, the one he told everything, the one he trusted more than anyone. Charlie stared down at the ground. “I... looked for you.” he said quietly. “After you left, I looked for you. I went everywhere I could think of. I nearly got kicked out of school because I kept skipping days to go and look for you.” Wesley sat back down, his expression softening. “You did?” he asked quietly. Charlie looked up and nodded, his face haunted. “I knew it was my fault you'd gone. I knew you hated me but I had to find you. I couldn't stand the thought of you being out on your own. It was always Wesley and Charlie, me and you, I just... I missed you so much!” His breathing was erratic, betraying the tears he was struggling to maintain. Suddenly he was fourteen again, feeling the sting of his own betrayal and the loss of his best friend. Wesley wanted to be angry, he wanted to hate Charlie for what he had done, but right then, in that moment, he couldn't help himself. “I missed you too.” he mumbled. Charlie's face lit up at the comment, standing and holding out his arms. “Don't!” Wesley said, leaning back. “I... just said I missed you. I don't... want to... kiss and make up!” “Yeah... yeah, I'm sorry. Of course.” Charlie said, quickly sitting back down. “But...” Wesley went on. “Look.... you hurt me, a lot.... but it was a decade ago. I need to try and move on and it sounds like you do too. We can't just forget it all happened, but.... maybe we should just talk more some time.” Charlie smiled, his eyes lighting up. “Yeah, that.... I'd like that.” ********** Benny had moved back to the stairs with his Generals under the guise of 'planning the night's activities', but really he just wanted to talk to them about the new resident. Malik and Roger were both struggling to contain their smirks at Benny's expression. “He's... certainly something!” Benny said, frowning. Malik sniggered into his hand as Roger explained, “Yeah, he's pretty much always a handful. He says he's a sub, but claims to be 'untameable' if you can believe that!” “He even referred to himself as a Lone Wolf!” Malik sniggered. Benny glanced round at the Boy standing there with his arms folded, looking round at the room casually with that smirk still on his face. He turned back to the others and smiled. Roger had expected more confusion from the young Master. Instead he was faced with a confident smirk not unlike Zane's.“What?” He asked curiously. “Nothing.” Benny said with a grin. “I've just... got a plan.” Before Benny could say any more, the door to Benny's lounge opened and the Thompson twins emerged. The Master looked over, concerned but breathed a sigh of relief as he saw both brothers smiling. He waited a moment while they moved back to their regular places, gesturing to Wesley's clothes to allow him to dress quickly. “Right, well why don't we mix things up a bit tonight.” Benny said happily. “Wesley, you can be in charge of edging the non-residents and why don't you take.... Anthony with you, show him how we do it.” He pulled a bunch of keys out of his pocket, removed one and held out the others. “No problem.” Wesley said happily, taking the keys from Benny. “Come on Anthony.” He called back to the young man in the line-up, who quickly followed. “Everyone else, you're in Roger and Malik's hands tonight.” Benny said to the line of residents before turning to his Generals. “Use your imagination. Go wild!” He instructed happily. The Boys looked nervous at the comment. Between Roger and Malik, they knew that their imagination could come up with a LOT of interesting activities. As the two groups went off their separate ways, Benny turned to the stairs, walked up a couple, then turned and sat down, staring down at Zane who now stood alone in the middle of the large atrium. Benny leaned back on his elbows, making himself comfortable as the stare-down began. The young Master waited several minutes, watching as Zane shifted his weight from one foot to the other, arms alternating between hanging down at his sides and folded across his chest. His expression remained unchanged, continuing to exude cockiness and something almost akin to disdain. Eventually the Boy broke the silence. “Are you actually going to do anything?” he asked with an eye-roll. Benny remained motionless. That was one. He was waiting for three. Zane folded his arms across his chest again but this time kept them there as he remained as motionless as Benny. Several more minutes passed as painful silence enveloped them both. Finally, with a sigh, Zane said flatly. “Well if you're going to ignore me, I'm going to ignore you.” Benny stayed in place. That was two. Zane began to shift a little more, taking tiny steps back and forth, pivoting on the spot to get a better look around the atrium, having switched from his fixed-stare to avoiding eye contact entirely. He took several deep breaths in through his mouth and out through his nose as his lips pursed. “I didn't come here to waste my time. If you're not going to do anything, I'm just gonna leave.” Zane insisted. That was three, and the Boy had given him the opening he needed, but he needed to wait just a little longer. He needed to see if he would follow through on his threat to leave. Two minutes later, with Zane still standing there, Benny sat forward, the movement immediately catching the Boy's attention. “Why are you here?” he asked bluntly. The new Boy stared for a few moments, reluctant to speak, as if doing so would be admitting defeat, but he was visibly uncomfortable from the prolonged silence. He shrugged and pouted. “Because you made me be here, because of this.” He said, grabbing the chastity device still attached to him. Benny reached into his pocket, pulled out a key and threw it. It slid to a halt a couple of feet in front of the boy. “Then unlock yourself and go if that's the only reason you're here.” Zane stared down at the key for several moments, then back up at Benny, but showed no signs of movement as he pursed his lips. “That's what I thought. Let's try this again. Why are you here?” Benny repeated the question. The Boy's brow creased as his eyebrows raised, his arms dropping to his sides but his shoulders still tense. “I'm here to see if you're real.” Benny stood up. He turned round on the spot, looking down at his own body and his outstretched arms. He patted his torso with his arms and then looked down to the Boy. “Well I feel pretty real.” Benny replied, getting an eye-roll in response. “But that's not what you mean, is it? You mean... am I really a Master, right?” As the younger boy stared down, Zane's eyebrows raised a little more and his head nodded ever-so-slightly. Benny smirked and shrugged, doing his best to imitate the nonchalant Boy, seeing a slight narrowing of his eyes in recognition of the gestures. “I guess you'll just figure that out for yourself eventually, won't you!” “Yes Sir.” the Boy replied. The response actually managed to catch Benny a little off guard. To go from what seemed like utter disdain to addressing him so formally seemed more than a little confusing. “I may be stubborn but I know how to he respectful as well.” he added, obviously noticing the Master's slight confusion. Benny smiled. Not the knowing smirk he had used to taunt the Boy, but a genuine smile. It would have been easy to dismiss Zane as arrogant, cocky or simply outright rude, but he managed to redeem himself quickly. Benny could tell that none of this was an act, he wasn't trying to be difficult or obtrusive, this was just him! “Tell me Zane, how long has it been since you were allowed to cum?” Benny asked, slowly descending the steps. “Six weeks.” he replied, his eyes widening a little. “You must be...” Benny started, pausing to think of the best way to put it as he leant down to retrieve the key from the floor. “Fucking gagging for it... Sir.” Zane replied, smirking a little at his own unintentionally enthusiastic answer. “Come on, I'll give you a quick tour, I'm guessing you haven't seen most of the house yet. After that...” Benny said, finishing his sentence with a wave of the key. The Boy said nothing, he simply nodded eagerly. Benny started the tour, explaining what rooms were where, what they were used for and where he was allowed to go. He touched briefly on the daily routine of the house, but he knew that it had probably already been explained to them previously. He showed him the upstairs, explaining which room was which, but made it clear no Boys were allowed in any of them without being ordered to do so. When they got down to the basement and Benny explained the four Dorms, Zane stopped to ask, “Which one will I be in?” Benny smiled as he replied, “You don't need to know that yet.” As they continued on, they went inside one of the four play rooms in the basement as they heard noises from inside. Upon entering, they found Roger and Malik standing at either end of the room as all ten of the Boys were stood in a large circle. “What's going on here then?” Benny asked, curious about what was happening. Saturday night activities were often quite fun as they usually involved everyone in the same thing, which was mostly the point of their gathering, to being them all together. “Circle jerk with a difference.” Roger said with a wicked grin. “They're all jerking off the guy next to them, and you can only win by cumming. Last person left gets a reeeeally nasty punishment.” Benny frowned. “That... doesn't sound too bad.” “Really? Think about it. They're all jerking off the opposition. If they make someone else cum, then that just gets them closer to losing, so nobody wants to actually let anyone else cum!” Roger explained. “Oh!” Benny said with a grin of realisation. “So they'll just be edging each other to avoid losing. Do I even need to guess whose idea that was?” he asked, looking over towards Malik. Roger laughed, then gave Benny a questioning look as he gestured towards Zane. The Boy was transfixed with circle. He was obviously so desperate to cum right now that the sight of any sexual activity was enough to captivate. Benny grinned to Roger, then grabbed Zane's arm. “Come on, we've got to go.” Reluctantly the boy followed, still looking back until they were clear of the room. They quickly stepped inside another. Once they were inside, Benny reached for the Boy's crotch and unlocked the device, removing it completely and letting the Boy's cock hang free. It was a little shrivelled from its prolonged containment, but easily hung down at four inches, and would probably be closer to five as it loosened up. Unlike most of the Boys in the house Zane, was cut, exposing the flared head. “Oh God that feels better.” Zane mumbled as he gently rubbed it. Benny quickly slapped the hand away, getting a disdainful stare in response. “I don't... HAVE to let you cum!” Benny said threateningly. “Sorry Sir.” Zane pouted. “Lay down on there.” Benny ordered, pointing to the flat, raised platform in the middle of the room. Zane obeyed, but Benny got the distinct impression that the show of compliance was done entirely with the singular goal of cumming. As the Boy lay down, Benny took each wrist one at a time and secured them to the shackles in the corners of the platform. He noticed quickly that Zane's cock had become erect within seconds of being shackled. Was it simply extreme horniness, or did the Boy truly enjoy being restrained. He made a mental note to explore it further at a later date. By the time the Boy's ankles were similarly restrained, his cock was solid, pointing up at an impressively thick eight inches. Benny placed a hand on his foot, making him immediately squirm. 'Ticklish too.' Benny thought to himself with a grin. 'That's something else for the list.' He ran his fingers up the Boy's hairy leg, passing dangerously close to the erection as he continued up the flat but slightly soft stomach and onto the chest. Benny marvelled at the Boy's hair. To think that Zane was only two years older than him, he was impressively more developed. It was just the right amount of hair though, enough for Benny to enjoy and play with, without him looking like some over-hairy bear. 'The Lone Wolf,' Benny thought, remembering Malik's words from earlier. 'More like a little wolf pup.' He giggled slightly to himself at the thought as his hands continued to explore the Boy's body, all while Zane stared up at him, the earlier disdain and cockiness replaced by a look of insatiable hunger. He really was desperate to cum! Benny's hands continued upwards, gently stroking the young man's stubbled chin before running his fingers through his soft, chocolate-brown hair. Zane let out a slight whimper of happiness, but the look on his face made it clear it wasn't intentional. Benny's hands went on with the exploration, sliding over the small patch of dark hair in his pits and up his arms, gently tugging and stroking at the dark hair of his forearms. Benny quickly worked his way back down, circling a nipple of the way, making a drop of precum ooze from the tip of the Boy's cock. Benny bypassed the rigid shaft once again, this time going straight to the balls. His fingers just glanced across the casually, but Zane let out a pleasured grunt, once again unintentionally, quickly closing his mouth to contain the noises. The young master stroked the balls again, getting a similar response, but slightly more muffled this time as Zane managed to keep his mouth closed. The solid prick above them twitched wildly too. Benny briefly considered seeing is he could make the Boy cum in this desperate state simply from stroking his balls, but couldn't resist the impressive meat any longer. He wrapped his fingers around it, retrieving the precum generated from the ball-stroking to add a little lubrication as he began to stroke. The motions get a constant stream of happy moaning from the Boy. It was understandable really, six weeks without cumming, six weeks with only a weekly edging to look forward to, quite frankly it was amazing he hadn't gone off already! Benny could tell the Boy was close, so he slowed his hand to the slowest stroke he could manage, getting a grunt of disapproval from Zane. “So tell me Zane, how old are you?” “Can't we talk... after?” Zane pleaded, looking up at him. “No.” Benny said, using his other hand to stroke the Boy's balls teasingly again and getting a whimper in response. “We can talk now.” “I'm... I'm eighteen Sir.” Zane gasped. “And tell me, Boy, why didn't you leave last week when you had the chance?” Benny asked, finally seeking an answer he had sought since the atrium. It had occurred to him right after Roger had mentioned he was 'untameable'. Why would someone who believes themselves untameable stay somewhere like that? “I... it seemed like it might be fun.” Zane moaned back. It wasn't really the answer Benny sought, so he pushed a little further as his hand continued to stroke. “So tell me, Boy, have other Masters attempted to tame you?” “Lots!” Zane insisted. Benny noticed a slight change in the Boy's expression, emphasising the sad eyes that had so quickly caught his attention earlier. He didn't want to take it any further, he could sense something, but now wasn't the time to pursue it. He said nothing else, he simply sped up his stroking until the Boy's excited moans became an ecstatic yell as a thick white line of goo formed from neck to navel. Benny couldn't resist. Just as the last few spasms of the Boy's orgasm concluded, he stroked the Boy's balls again, sniggering at the yelp of pleasure/pain. Just as he was about to release Zane, he heard shouting coming from outside the door. At first he thought it may just be cheers of victory from the game taking place at Roger and Malik's command, but quickly realised that wasn't what it sounded like. “Stay here!” Benny said to the Boy as he dashed to the door. “Yeah, like I have a choice.” Zane mumbled, pulling at the restraints. As Benny opened the door, he found Alex stood in the hallway facing off against Roger. Malik was stood in the doorway to the other room with the other Boys all crowding behind him to watch what was happening. “You rigged it. You all did!” Alex yelled angrily. “We didn't rig anything, you just lost!” Roger snapped angrily. “Now get back in here!” “Fuck you!” Alex snarled, backing up as Roger edged closer. “Is there a problem here?” Benny asked firmly without raising his voice. “He...” Alex started, but he could see the look in Benny's eye. The warning from a few days earlier came back to him and he knew that if he continued causing trouble now, that would be it. “I'm just... adding a bit of drama!” he said, feigning innocence and smiling at Roger who scowled back. Benny looked back and forth between the current and future Generals, not believing the explanation any more than Roger did. “Fine.” he said flatly. “But that's enough drama. Sounds like you lost, so be a good Boy and accept the penalty.” Alex shrugged, still attempting to fake nonchalance as he headed back into the room. “Good Boy!” Roger said tauntingly as Alex passed, smirking at Benny as he did it. Benny smirked back and shook his head before turning to go back in to Zane. “Oh good, you're still here!” He said with a grin to the restrained boy. “Wow, that's really funny!” Zane said back sarcastically. “Now are you going to let me up?” “Not with an attitude like that, I'm not. Besides, looks like you're already up!” Benny replied with a sly grin, pointing to Zane's crotch, where his cock was once again rigid. The Boy simply shrugged and returned to staring at the ceiling. Benny shook his head. He had thought he was making headway with the Boy, starting to develop his sense of subservience, but back came the cockiness from earlier. He had a feeling he was at least beginning to get an idea of how to connect with the boy, but as for taming him... maybe he truly was untameable. That was when the idea came to Benny. He walked over to the room's equipment cabinets and opened one, quickly grabbing a couple of items out. He headed back to Zane and sat on the platform beside him. “What are you doing?” Zane demanded as Benny reached for his neck. The Boy felt something cold and smooth wrapping around his neck then a quiet click and he realised he had just been put in a collar. “What's that for?” He asked cautiously. “It's to attach this to!” Benny said, holding up a short chain with a leather handle and padlock on one end and a loop on the other. “Okay, and what's that for?” Zane asked, raising his eyebrows. Benny smirked. “Well you're the untameable beast, the little wolf pup. I can't have someone as dangerous as that roaming free amongst my boys, so I'm going to keep you on a short leash... literally!” He explained. Zane scowled, but surprisingly, didn't argue. In fact, Benny could have sworn he saw the Boy's cock twitch just a little. He attached the leash to the collar's padlock then set about releasing the Boy's limbs. Once he was free, he stood, but Benny grabbed the leash and tugged on it gently. “Wolf pups can't walk upright!” he said firmly. The boy ignored the comment and remained standing. “You can put me in a collar, but I'm not going to crawl!” He insisted. “You will if I order you to.” Benny said back. Zane rolled his eyes. “Well, are you ordering me to?” he asked. “Yes. On your knees.” Benny insisted, pointing down. Zane looked down where Benny was pointing, crossed his arms and just shook his head. “I said... on your knees.” Benny said firmly. “No!” Zane refused. The Master stared back for a few moments before shrugging and saying, “Fair enough.” He started walking away, tugging on the leash for Zane to follow, which he did, albeit begrudgingly. The two of them headed back into the room that the other Boys were in, mainly to check that Alex was still behaving. As they walked in, they found Alex restrained on a stand similar to the one Wesley had been attached to earlier, but instead of being spanked, he was currently being fucked by Charlie. Benny stopped and stared in delight at the beautiful man, his buttocks clenching with each thrust. “Whoa!” he said delightedly. “Yeah!” Malik grinned back at him from nearby. “And that's Alex's punishment? Looks more like a reward!” Benny whispered to his General. “Alex may not think so eventually. He's taking us all!” Malik explained. “Fuck!” Benny said in shock, then giggled at the appropriateness of his comment. “Literally!” he added, getting a chuckle from Malik. “Well I guess he won't be taking ALL of you!” Benny said with a grin, gesturing towards Malik's crotch where his cock was still caged, making him blush and squirm a little. “I guess I'll leave you to it!” he said happily, tugging on the leash to make Zane follow, the Boy once again mesmerised by the sexual scene. As the Master and the pup left the room, they headed back up the stairs into the atrium. Benny approached the main staircase, then stopped and said, “Sit.” Zane stared at him with utter disdain. “Fine.” Benny said with a shrug. He tugged on the leash, making Zane bend over, then attached the handle of the leash to a low part of the staircase bannister. He locked it in place and stood back up, taking a few steps back to take in the scene. Zane was still bent over, unable to stand due to the length of the chain. “I recommend you have a seat or you're going to end up with a very sore back.” Benny said bluntly. Realising Benny was right, Zane sat, leaning on the bannister and somewhat unhappy about being forced to obey an order he didn't want to. “I'll be back later.” Benny said casually as he walked away. “You.... you're just gonna leave me here on my own?” Zane asked, actually sounding slightly less confident for the first time that evening. Benny smiled, but didn't stop or look back, instead just walking into his private lounge. He took a seat and decided to take the few moments of peace to write in his diary. Before he started though, he sent a quick message to his Generals. [Please ensure nobody talks to or even looks directly at Zane for the rest of the night. He is in the atrium chained to the bannisters.] ********** Benny was starting to think it might be time to go and see to Zane when there was a knock at his door. He had heard the non-resident Boys all leaving earlier, and had briefly wondered if Wesley might come to see him, but there had been no knock at the time. Since then, he had heard some of the residents making their way through the atrium to various things. He hoped that his message to ignore Zane had been passed on. If it had, he had a feeling the Boy would be desperate for some attention by now, but first he had to deal with his visitor. “Come in!” he called out. Surprisingly, it was Alex that walked in. Without waiting on further instruction or invitation, the Boy headed straight for a chair and sat down facing Benny. The young Master knew he shouldn't let such presumption go unanswered for, but he had a feeling Alex was already on the edge, especially as he winced as he sat down, his rear well-used from the earlier punishment. “Make yourself at home.” Benny said sarcastically. Alex didn't say anything, he just glared angrily. “You okay?” Benny asked cautiously. Alex gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching as he took a deep breath through his nose. “I want to hurt people!” he virtually snarled. Benny nodded gently. “After the punishment you just got, I'm not surprised.” Alex shook his head angrily. “I don't mean because of that and I don't just mean now. I mean all the time. I want to hurt people. I see them, doing things, just... minding their own business and I want to hurt them!” Benny was shocked and a little bit scared by the confession, but he did his best not to let it show. “How long have you... felt like this?” he asked calmly. Alex shrugged. “I don't know, it's... always been there.” “Have you ever told anyone about it?” Benny asked, leaning back in his seat as he observed the older boy. His face was lacking the usual arrogance, anger and disdain, instead replaced by a look of shame. “Nobody. Ever.” Alex replied. Benny tilted his head to the side as he considered what Alex had just said and asked the obvious question. “So why tell me?” “Because I want to stay here!” Alex replied immediately. “I saw the way you looked at me earlier, I could tell what you were thinking, but please, please don't make me leave.” He begged. “Have you ever hurt anyone?” Benny asked. He was reminded of Josh, of the day on the beach that had disturbed his former lover so greatly. Alex quickly shook his head in absolute refusal. “No, never. I mean, I know I can get a bit aggressive sometimes, but... I've never let myself go completely. Mainly because...” he stopped, breathing heavily. Benny nodded for him to continue. “Because I'm scared that if I start, I'll keep going and I might... really hurt someone and I don't want that. Not ever!” Benny nodded again. Sighing, he sat forward and smiled gently. “I really appreciate you telling me this, especially if I'm the first one you ever have.” “But?” Alex asked, sensing there was more. Benny sighed again. “But... I'm sure you understand how much that worries me, especially as you'll be in a position where you actually could hurt people.” “That's exactly why I'm telling you.” Alex insisted. “I want to be here, Benny. I need it. This place is amazing, but I'm scared I might hurt someone too, that's why I'm telling you. I want your help. I want to.... deal with whatever it is, I want to be... better!” Benny couldn't believe it. Alex's words were so sincere, more-so than he had ever heard him be before and the sentiment really struck a nerve with the young Master – losing control, hurting people, wanting to be better. He was following the same path Benny had found himself walking. “Okay.” Benny said, nodding with a gentle smile. “I won't be asking you to leave, but we're going to work together and get you some help to handle things, but you've got to do your best to keep cool. If you get angry and need to vent, you can always come to me, but hopefully with some help and some work, you won't even need to do that. How does that sound?” Alex stared at the younger boy for a moment, then buried his face in his hands, crying. He quickly stopped himself, sniffing and wiping his face as he looked up. “Sorry... it's just... the thought of.... not feeling like this any more. It would be.... incredible.” Benny stood up and approached Alex, holding his arms out. Alex stood up and hugged him a little awkwardly. The young Master quickly realised that hugging was not something that came naturally to Alex and wondered if the Boy had ever really been shown much affection in any way. Perhaps it was something he would find out as he spent more time with his new General. “Thank you.” Benny said as they parted. “I know it can't have been easy to share this, and it really shows how much you want to be here!” “I really do.” Alex said, smiling sheepishly as he wiped his cheeks again. “But I should go, it's nearly time for lights out.” “Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. G'night.” Benny said politely. Alex headed for the door and called back, “Night Sir.” as he went out. Benny left it a few moments before following, wanting to allow another person to ignore Zane before heading out. When he eventually went out, he saw Zane still looking in the direction Alex had just gone. As he heard someone else approaching, he looked round eagerly. Benny's heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces as he saw the look in the Boy's eyes. He just looked so sad and alone. The young Master felt a slight twinge of regret for leaving him so long, but he had a feeling it would have done what he intended it to. He suddenly looked more hopeful as he realised Benny was actually heading TO him instead of PAST him. Benny knelt at his side, ran his fingers through the Boy's hair and smiled, getting a genuine smile in return. Zane rested his head on the Master's chest as he unlocked the leash from the bannisters. They remained sitting together for a moment before Benny stood and said, “Stand.” Zane complied, although it was clear he was eager to do it anyway, if only to stretch. “I'm sorry Sir, for being bad.” Benny nodded, looking up at the taller boy. “Good boy.” He said quietly. He unhooked the leash, getting a slightly confused look from Zane. Presumably he had expected it to stay on a lot longer. “You probably need to use the bathroom by now, so go do what you need, shower if you like and when you're done, come straight up to my room. You remember which one it is?” Benny asked. “Left at the top of the stairs, then it's the last door.” Zane said, looking up at the mezzanine floor above them. “Won't I be in the Dorms tonight, Sir?” he asked, cautiously. “I told you you're not ready to mix with the other Boys yet, so I need to keep an eye on you. Now go on.” Benny said, gesturing towards the stairs down to the basement. Zane nodded and dashed off to prepare for bed as Benny made his way upstairs to his room. It was about twenty minutes later when there was a knock at the door and, following a prompt from Benny, the new Boy walked in. Benny was laying on the bed and Zane quickly approached before Benny sat up and held out a hand to halt him. “No, no. Wolf pups don't just get to sleep on the bed right away.” Benny said dismissively. He pointed to the floor across the room to where a makeshift bed had been made out of pillows and blankets. “But... I don't want to sleep on my own down there.” Zane pouted. Benny didn't move, he just continued to point until the Boy eventually conceded and went to lay down, curling up on the temporary bed. “Good night boy.” Benny said, laying down and flicking the light off. “Good night Sir.” Zane replied unhappily. Benny turned off the light, but flicked it back on a a couple of minutes later as he heard a lot of shuffling and fidgeting. As he looked down, he saw that the pup's bed was now a few feet closer to the bed, while Zane was motionless, pretending to be already asleep. The Master got out of bed and dragged the bed back, Zane sliding along with it. “Stay!” he said formly as Zane looked up at him with a grin. Benny only just managed to get the light off before his stern look cracked and he grinned at the Boy's antics. A few minutes and he heard it again. Once again the lights went on and he dragged the bed back before returning to bed, saying nothing this time. On and on it went, five times in all with the Boy moving closer and Benny dragging him back. Finally, the lights went off and there was no shuffling. Ten minutes passed and Benny finally felt like he had won, and then.... “Sir!” “What?” “Can I sleep up there?” “No!” Benny snapped, then lay back down. Silence returned. Until... “Sir!” “No!” Benny immediately snapped without asking this time. More silence. “Sir!” Benny ignored it. “Sir!” Benny had to stifle a snigger at the Boy's persistence. “Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir!” “FINE!” Benny bellowed. Within seconds, Zane had jumped up onto the bed, bouncing happily. “Now shut up and sleep!” “Yes Sir.” Zane said happily, curling up beside the younger boy. Benny was just starting to nod off when he felt Zane touch him. The impudent Boy grabbed his arm and pulled it over himself. Benny sighed, then rolled over and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close and cuddling together. “You know I'm going to have to punish you for behaving like this, right?” Benny whispered. “Totally worth it.” Zane whispered back, holding tightly onto Benny's arms. Chapter 7 – Day Off by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Sunday 8th February 2015 Hallelujah! This week has probably been one of the roughest since I started the house, but finally it looks like things are settling down a little. My gamble with Charlie and Wesley yesterday really seems to have paid off and Alex seems to be making progress. Obviously I'm still worried about him, by his own admission he's potentially dangerous, but I believe him when he says he wants to get better. Of course, then there's Zane! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny always liked Sundays. As much as he liked having a naked slave bringing him breakfast in bed every day, it was nice to have one morning a week when he could just get up at his own pace. That was particularly fortunate that morning as he slowly awoke to find himself still in the exact same position he had been in when he fell asleep. The new Boy, Zane, was curled up in his arms. Considering he was a third of a foot taller and slightly bigger built than Benny, he seemed almost small as he lay, his breathing slow, rhythmic and relaxed. The young master's mind wandered back onto the night before, all of it, right from the first indignant stare right up to the persistent desire to join him in bed. In such a short time, he had certainly made a significant impression. Then came the worry that he may not have been the only one to notice the significance of the new Boy's arrival. It was only recently that Benny had started taking Boys into his bed for the night, Wesley on Thursday and then David on Friday, so for Zane to have been allowed in the House master's bed on his very first night.... he was sure the Boys would be talking. He probably should have made the Boy sleep in the dorms, but it was too late for that now. As he lay there, gently nuzzling his face into the Boy's neck, he began to think more about the Dorms. Zane would now be his twelfth Boy. Logically he would join Dorm Three, the only one of the first three with space, but that would mean when the next new Boy joined, he would be on his own in Dorm Four. As Benny lay there considering the options, thinking who should go where, who should stay together, who might clash, he realised something... he actually knew his Boys! While his knowledge was probably nothing compared to Wesley or Roger's, it was enough to give him a sense of pride in how far he had come already. With a plan formed in his mind about the Dorms, he turned his attention back to the sleeping Boy, the wolf pup, laying beside him. He had promised the Boy a punishment and he knew he had to deliver. While his behaviour last night had been endearing, it was also wholly unacceptable and had to be discouraged. He wished he could just lay there all day holding him, exploring his body some more, but he knew it was not an option. “Wake up!” Benny said firmly. The Boy stirred, rolled over and stared at Benny before smiling sweetly and greeting him with a gentle, “Good morning Sir.” There were those eyes again. Those deep pools of mud-brown. He could get lost in them, plumb the depths of the sadness behind them, but he had to resist. He knew what he had to do. 'You're meant to be the master.' That was what Zane had said last night and that seemed to be what he was hoping to find, so that was what Benny would give him. “Get out of my bed, go downstairs and wait for further instructions!” Benny snapped sharply. Zane backed away slightly, his expression seeming to waver somewhere between hurt and angry. Silently, scowling, the Boy climbed out of bed and headed for the door. Benny wanted to look, to smile or give some sign of approval, but he remained in bed, facing away from the door until he heard it close. He sighed. Sometimes being the Master really sucked! ********** Quentin was a little concerned as he headed down the stairs. Unless there were screams or moans coming from one of the play rooms, the basement was normally a pretty quiet place, but there was quite a ruckus coming from down there today. He was briefly worried that another fight might have broken out, but thankfully realised that wasn't the case as the crowd came into view. They were all gathered around a large sheet of paper stuck up on the wall. “Hey, what's going on?” Quentin asked as he got closer. Taro turned from the crowd and looked at Quentin sadly. “Benny's decided on some room changes. That's the list of who's going where.” He explained, gesturing to the paper on the wall. “You're kidding. Where am I going?” Quentin asked. “Just have a look for yourself.” Taro said, heading back to his current Dorm. Quentin pushed through the crowd and started reading. 'Due to the ongoing and future increases in occupancy, it has become necessary to make some changes to the existing sleeping arrangements. Please find below a list of Dormitory designations. You are being trusted to make the necessary moves yourselves, but if this does not prove possible, arrangements will be made for supervision. Dormitory One – Robert Naylor, Philip Bennett, Charlie Thompson Dormitory Two – Taro Hayashi, Abdul Mahmood, David Frederickson Dormitory Three – Stanley Newton, Henry Baxter, Anthony Molina Dormitory Four – Quentin Trent, Alex Stafford, Zane Cooper Thank you for your co-operation Benny' Quentin stared at the list, re-reading it. He had been in Dorm One since first coming to the house, and he had shared with Taro since the boy arrived. He always had that lingering thought in the back of his mind that it could change, but had gotten so used to the current arrangements that he thought it might just continue. He pushed his way back through the crowd then followed Taro into their Dorm. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, sitting on the edge of Taro's bed. Taro shrugged. “I dunno. I guess it's no big deal, it's not like I'm moving far. I guess.... it'll just be weird not sharing with you.” Quentin smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it will. Might be good though. Who you sharing with again?” “Abdul and David. I suppose that'll be good, I don't really know them that well yet.” Taro said, attempting to remain positive. “How about you?” Quentin frowned. “I've got Alex and the new guy!” “Oooph!” Taro said, flinching a little. “That... could be tough.” “Yeah...” Quentin said, getting a little lost in his thoughts. “Hey, I'll be right back.” He got up and headed out of the Dorm, bypassing the still-chattering crowd and heading straight upstairs. The thirty-five-year-old teacher headed straight across the atrium to the door of Benny's lounge. He knocked and stood waiting. “Come in.” Benny called out after a few moments. Quentin took a deep breath and walked in. “Sir.” he said as he stepped inside and closed the door. “Quentin.” Benny said with a smile, enjoying the man's flinch as his student referred to him by his first name. “Can I help you?” “Yes Sir.... it's about the new dorm assignments.” Quentin said cautiously. Benny figured there would be some complaints, but he was surprised that any of the Boys would come and see him so quickly. “Is there a problem?” he asked, maintaining a neutral expression. “No Sir, not really a problem, I'm just wondering.... why?” Quentin asked, squirming under Benny's gaze. “Oh, I didn't realise I was required to explain myself to you.” Benny said sharply. “You... you're not.” Quentin stuttered. “I'm sorry, Sir.” The man backed away slightly. The young Master sighed. “Come and take a seat.” he said, gesturing to one of the chairs. Quentin nervously complied in silence. “As I said in the note, this arrangement is to make way for future expansion. I wanted someone more experienced in each Dorm so that when new Boys join, they've got someone they can talk to.” Quentin nodded. Benny's argument made total sense, but he had another question on his mind. “C... can I ask something else?” Benny simply raised his eyebrows, prompting him to continue. “Why put me with Alex and the new guy?” Benny took a deep breath. Was he giving away too much by giving Quentin an explanation? Would it make him look weak explaining himself to a sub, or would it strengthen their relationship to have the truth shared. As much as he wanted to continue rebuilding his strict reputation, he knew it would probably be of benefit to the house to have Quentin understand the move. “You're a teacher. I know you're a sub, but you deal with students all day and you're probably better equipped to handle problems than most of the other Boys.” Benny started. He could see a slight smile on Quentin's face at the compliment. “I'm not putting you with Alex and the new guy. I'm putting the new guy and Alex with YOU!” “Oh.” Quentin said at the revelation. “Look, I'm not going to say too much about Alex, because you don't need to know. Besides, he won't even be with you for long, but Zane... I've got a feeling he's going to be a little problematic. I'm not saying you need to keep him under control, I don't think you could anyway, but I think of everyone downstairs, you might stand the best chance of living with him.” Benny explained. “That's... thank you... I think!” Quentin stuttered. It was a lot to take in. Moments before he had almost thought he was being punished, but now he actually felt a slight swell of pride at the faith Benny obviously had in him. “Don't thank me yet, you haven't met Zane!” Benny said with a smirk. “But I know how difficult a situation I'm putting you in, so if you have any problems with it, you can come straight to me, okay?” “Yes Sir.” Quentin nodded with a slight smile, getting up from his seat. ********** Alex stood in the doorway of Dorm Four. He was already annoyed at being in the Dorms instead of the Generals' rooms, but this move had simply annoyed him further. He wasn't bothered about leaving the people he had been rooming with, it was the cause of the move that bothered him. It appeared Quentin had taken the bottom bunk nearest the entrance, although he was nowhere to be seen at the moment. The other bottom bunk, furthest from the door, was currently occupied by Zane. Alex stood staring at him until the eighteen-year-old finally looked back. “Can I... help you?” Zane asked with a slight raise of the eyebrows, placing his phone down on his chest. “You're in my bunk!” Alex snapped. Zane didn't move but his face contorted into a frown. “I don't see how.” he replied casually. “Roger told me I was the first person to ever stay in this dorm, so I don't see how you could have claimed this bunk before me.” “I don't think you realise who I am.” Alex chuckled. “I don't think I care!” Zane replied, picking his phone back up. “Oh I'll make you care!” Alex snarled, dashing forward to stand beside the bunk. “My name's Alex and this time next week I'm gonna be one of the guys in charge, so you don't wanna piss me off!” “Hi Alex, my name's Zane...” the boy replied with a one-sided smirk before adding, “And this week you're still just one of us, so pick a bunk!” Alex leant forward and grabbed Zane by his collar, tugging firmly on it and giving the boy no choice but to follow. He started coughing as the collar squeezed his throat, spluttering as he staggered away from the bed. “Whadda you know, looks like I found a bunk!” Alex sniggered as he jumped onto the bed. “That was...” Zane started, turning to face Alex angrily, but he was interrupted by Quentin walking in. “Everything okay in here?” Quentin asked, sending the obvious tension. “Yeah, we were just getting to know each other.” Alex said innocently. Quentin looked at him, eyes narrowing, then at the clearly flustered Zane. “I thought you'd taken that bunk.” Zane glared at Alex for a moment, then looked at Quentin with a smile and shrugged. “Alex really wanted it and I didn't want him having another temper tantrum so I decided to let him.” He said, resisting the urge to laugh at Alex's annoyed expression. ********** Although it was generally accepted that Sunday was everyone's 'day off' from the usual activities of the household, they all knew better than to argue with Benny if he gave them an order, any day of the week. As such, when Malik had been ordered to report to Benny in one of the basement play rooms at two o'clock he knew better than to refuse or risk being late. He turned up a few minutes early and found Benny already sat inside waiting for him. He hoped that the Master was going to release him from his chastity. It had only been three days since the device was put on him, but he already missed being able to play with his cock at will. Unlike the Boys, the Generals were allowed to cum at will unless otherwise ordered by Benny. As such, Malik tended to cum a couple of times a day, always horny because of the things going on in the house. “Glad to see you're on time.” Benny smiled as Malik walked in. Malik didn't know if he was relieved or worried to find nobody else in the room, but Benny stood there alone, smiling wickedly. Malik remained silent, standing patiently as he awaited instruction. “Strip.” Benny ordered, then watched with a slight smirk as his general quickly got naked. “How are you getting on with your little toy?” The Master asked, pointing to the device on Malik's cock. Malik knew better than to play it casual as he had tried the day before. “I hate it, Sir. I really want to cum!” He answered honestly. “Oh good.” Benny said with a smile, approaching the naked young man slowly. “Remind me why you have it on in the first place.” “I... lost a challenge.” Malik said cautiously. Benny pursed his lips and shook his head. “No, that's not right. Why? Why did we even have the challenge in the first place?” Malik looked puzzled for a moment, then his eyes widened in realisation. “Because I said I like when you're mean.” “Ding ding ding, we have a winner! That's right, Boy! Now what kind of Master would I be if I didn't reward my hard-working sub with something he so clearly desires.” Benny said innocently. “Does that mean you're not taking it off, Sir?” Malik asked nervously as Benny circled him. “Not at all, I'll be taking it off shortly in fact.” Benny replied with a gentle nod as he came round into Malik's field of view. “You will?” Malik said happily, but his smile quickly faded as he saw the mischievous look on his Master's face. Benny grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the cabinet by the wall then returned to Malik and said, “Hands.” The General held his hands out in front of him and allowed Benny to attach the cuffs. As soon as they were secure, Benny pulled him over to the chain hanging down from the centre of the ceiling and attached them to it. The young Master moved over to the wall and pulled the chain to raise Malik's hands into the air. “Okay, let's get you out of that.” Benny said, pulling a bunch of keys from his pocket. He undid the chastity device and pulled it off. Almost as soon as Malik's cock was free it started to swell. “Good boy.” Benny grinned, giving it a playful stroke. “Th... thank you Sir.” Malik gasped. He couldn't believe how sensitive his cock was after just a few days without cumming. He suddenly felt a slight twinge of pity for the unemployed Boys, whom of whom had been in chastity and denied any kind of orgasm for months now. Benny dropped to his knees and took Malik's throbbing meat into his mouth, getting a grunt of approval. Three days without cumming mixed with the fact that Malik always get more aroused than usual when it was Benny doing the sucking had him ready to cum within minutes. “Ah, aah, oh yes.” he moaned happily as he edged closer and closer to release. Benny pulled away and smiled up as Malik whimpered looking down at him. “Did you really think I was going to let you cum that easily? That wouldn't be very mean of me, would it?” He reached up and gave the throbbing erection another quick couple of strokes, edging Malik once again. “You'd probably better get comfortable!” Benny chuckled wickedly. ********** Zane walked cautiously into the kitchen. It still felt strange being naked all the time. He didn't tend to wear much when lounging round at home anyway, but being fully naked in a strange place just still felt alien. It felt even more strange whenever he bumped into one of the Generals as their clothing just made him feel even more exposed. Roger was in the kitchen when he entered and his instinct was to attempt to cover up, but he resisted, attempting to act casually. “Hello Zane.” Roger said flatly. “Hi... erm.. Roger... Sir... Sir Roger... erm,” Zane stuttered nervously. The large man was somewhat intimidating. “Do... do I still have to call you Sir on our day off?” Roger walked toward the new Boy, standing about a foot away from him and stared down into his eyes. “Day off?” “Yeah, we get Sundays off, right?” Zane asked, gulping. His breath quickened as he stared back up the young man. “No.” Roger said, shaking his head. “You don't get a 'day off'. You don't usually get given any specific orders, but you're still the Boy, I'm still the General and you will address me as such AT. ALL. TIMES. Is that clear.... Boy?” Zane just nodded, eyes wide. “That is NOT an answer.” Roger snapped. “I asked if that was clear, Boy?” He repeated himself angrily. “Yes... yes Sir.” Zane said, still nodding anxiously. Roger turned to walk away, but felt something poke his leg. Zane's cock was standing at full attention. Roger looked down at it, then looked the nervous Boy in the eye and smirked before walking out of the kitchen. “Hi Sir.” Philip said, walking into the kitchen as Roger walked out. He smiled and shrugged as he got a grunt in reply. He stopped as he saw Zane standing there. The new Boy blushed slightly as he realised Philip's eyes had found their way down to his erection. He turned away slightly, heading to the cabinets. He started opening and closing doors. “Zane, right?” Philip said, making his way over to the breakfast bar and pulling up a stool. “Yeah.” Zane replied, looking back at the other Boy briefly. “You're... Charlie?” Philip shook his head. “Nope, Philip.” “Sorry, a lot of names and faces.” Zane said with a slight shrug. “Yeah.” Philip chuckled, thinking about how daunting it must be coming into such a crowded house. “What you looking for?” he asked, seeing Zane was still opening random doors. “Glasses.” Zane replied. “Top left.” Philip said, pointing to the cabinet containing the glasses. “Thanks.” Zane said, grabbing a glass. He opened one of the fridges and pulled out a bottle of Coke, filling the glass. By the time he put the bottle away his cock had softened and he felt a little less embarrassed turning to face Philip. He pulled up a stool and sat down facing him. “Looking forward to tonight?” Philip asked. Zane frowned. “What's tonight?” “The party.” Philip said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He tilted his head at the continuing look of confusion on his face then his eyes widened in realisation. “Oh that's right. Benny kept you in his room last night, didn't he!” Zane nodded. “You kinda missed out on the usual first night tradition then. New guys usually stay in the dorms on the first night and we get to fill them in on how everything works.” Philip explained. “I was lucky, I got Quentin, he's great at all of that.” “I'm sharing with him now.” Zane said. That was one of the few names he had memorised already. “You're lucky. He's awesome.” Philip said with a warm smile. “Yeah, he seems pretty cool.” Zane nodded. “Did you know he's one of Benny's teachers at school?” Philip asked with a grin. “Wow, awkward much?” Zane chuckled. Philip giggled in response and nodded back. “Just a bit. Anyway, tonight. As we mostly get left to ourselves on a Sunday, we've made it a bit of a tradition to have a party on Sunday nights whenever there's been a new arrival.” Zane grinned. “Aww, so a party all for me?” Philip shrugged, pursing his lips. “Mmm, not quite. It would have been, but we kinda had to skip last week's one because of...” He paused, thinking how to word it. “... some personal issues. So tonight's for you, Anthony and Charlie.” Zane frowned again at more new names. “Which ones are they again?” “Anthony's the dark-haired one with the ponytail in Dorm Three. Charlie's... the ridiculously hot one in my dorm!” Philip grinned. “Thanks.” Zane said back with a slight smirk. “So what kind of party are we talking about here? Drinking and hanging out, or spanking and blow jobs?” Philip laughed aloud at the brazen question. “That's a good question. Actually we don't really plan anything. We get together, we drink, we have fun and if it ends up with... spanking and blow jobs, then that's what we do!” “Awesome.” Zane grinned downing the rest of his drink. ********** Malik whimpered again as he felt his orgasm slipping away once again. He had no idea how long Benny had been teasing him now. The play rooms didn't have clocks in specifically to take away any sense of time for the Boys and Malik was beginning to rapidly understand how much of an affect that could have. “Please... please... I don't want you to be mean any more. Please just let me cum!” Malik begged. Benny walked up behind the desperate General and whispered into his ear, “But Malik, I thought you enjoyed edging. I thought it was your speciality.” “It is.” Malik whimpered, gasping slightly as Benny's hand slid round his side to play with his nipple. “But not this way round.” He added in frustration. “Oh, sorry I didn't realise. I'll let you go.” Benny said innocently, releasing Malik's nipple. “Really?” He replied, with a whimper of relief. “No, of course not you moron!” Benny snapped, grabbing the straining cock and giving it a firm squeeze. “But you know what, I'm starting to get bored. I think it's time to end this.” “Am I going to cum?” Malik asked, his voice dripping with desperation. Benny smiled at him. “Well that really depends on you. I'm going to give you ten minutes to jerk off. Think you can cum in ten minutes?” “Yes... yes Sir!” Malik said, almost laughing with relief. “Okay then.” Benny said as he walked over to the chain attached to the wall. He lowered Malik's hands until they were about level with his stomach. “Your ten minutes start now.” “Wait... what?” Malik called out, looking round at the Master, pulling at the chain. However he manoeuvred his hands, he couldn't get either of them down far enough to grab his dick. “Sir... Sir... I can't reach it. Please, please Sir.” He begged, almost in tears. Benny just stood and watched as he continued attempting to touch himself. He attempted jumping, which did manage to bring his cock into contact with his palm briefly, but nowhere near long enough to give any decent amount of stimulation. “Siiiiiiir. Pleeeeeease.” Malik begged, but Benny remained unmoved. “Five minutes.” Benny said casually, looking around the room as if Malik barely interested him. “I can't do it. I can't do it Sir.” Malik said, breathing heavily. “Giving up so soon. Well I guess you can't really have wanted to cum that badly after all.” Benny said with a shrug. “Never mind, I guess we'll have to try another day.” “No, no please Sir. Please let me cum. Please, please, please.” Malik continued begging, sniffing as a tear trickled down his cheek. Benny simply shook his head. “I'll be back to put the device back on once you've gone down.” He headed straight for the door, leaving Malik standing there whimpering. ********** Benny was sitting in his private lounge writing in his diary when Roger knocked and walked in. Benny put the book down and smiled at the large young man as he entered. He briefly heard the sound of the party going on in the main lounge across the atrium until the door closed behind him. “Hey, you okay?” Benny asked. Roger nodded happily, taking a seat without being invited. He was very quickly getting used to acting casually around Benny. It was a little strange and he actually missed the feeling of nervousness he used to feel being around his Master, but the increasing sense of friendship between the two was rapidly making up for it. “What you up to?” Roger asked. “Nothing.” Benny said gesturing casually to the small book he had been writing in. He had started keeping the diary as a way to handle things he couldn't talk about with anyone else. While he had got a lot better at dealing with those things, he still found it relaxing to write down his thoughts. He didn't keep it secret for any particular reason, it was just not something he talked about. “I was just thinking about the punishments for losing the competition.” “I think you should be more worried about the winner. Remember you said they can choose you, too!” Roger said. Benny had almost forgotten about that. The four winners of the competition were going to be allowed to choose their own activity one night in the coming week and which General would be involved. Benny had also agreed to include himself in it too. “Yeah. You nervous?” He asked. “Nah, believe me I can handle anything they can throw at me... if they even pick me. To be honest, you've given them all a shot at the man in charge, I wouldn't be surprised if they all pick you!” Roger said back confidently. Benny suddenly looked nervous. “You really think so?” “Hey, if it was me I'd definitely choose you!” Roger replied with a grin. The Master's eyes narrowed, looking Roger up and down for a few moments. “Oh really? And what would you have me do?” Suddenly it was Roger's turn to look nervous, something Benny didn't see very often. “Oh my God, Roger... are you blushing?” Benny asked in surprise as Roger's cheeks started to burn. Roger smirked, waving his hand dismissively. “I don't blush!” he said, clearly lying. “Go on then. Tell me what you'd have me do if you were in charge of me for a night.” Benny said tauntingly, then sat staring as he playfully nibbled at his lower lip. “I don't know.” Roger said shyly, unable to look back at Benny. “I guess... actually I wouldn't want to be in charge if you. I'd... I'd want to spend the night with you in charge of me. I like... serving you.” Benny smiled, but this time it was a caring smile, looking at his second-in-command with affection, all signs of the previous mocking gone completely. “That's... that's really sweet.” He said in surprise. Roger was so large and intimidating, so good at being in charge of the Boys and humiliating them that it was extremely easy to forget there was probably a softer side to him. “Although... if I was in charge, I would make one... request.” Roger said, so quietly Benny almost couldn't hear it. “Yes?” Benny enquired delicately. Roger's eyes flicked up quickly to meet Benny's, but dropped away again just as rapidly. “Nothing. It... it doesn't matter.” Benny frowned, then stood up and moved over to the embarrassed young man. He knelt down and looked up into his eyes. “Tell me.” He said, more request than order. “I'd just...” Roger started, then closed his eyes. “I'd want to stay with you for the night, so we could....” He stopped shaking his head. “Cuddle?” Benny asked. Roger's eyes remained closed, his head drooping as he nodded. He felt Benny's hands come up to grab the sides of his head, then the Boy's lips pressed against his forehead, kissing him gently. He opened his eyes, smiling as his cheeks continued burning bright red. “I think that could be arranged some time.” Benny said, as he stood up and returned to his seat. Knowing that Roger was likely to continue to feel embarrassed, he quickly went for a change of subject. “So, we need punishments for Abdul, Stanley, David and Alex. Any ideas?” “I was hoping you'd ask that!” Roger said, grinning. ********** The Boys' party was in full swing. It was an extremely informal affair with no particular plan or structure. The basic idea of the party was to give the new Boy (or Boys) the chance to get to know the other residents and vice versa. Philip had teased Zane by telling him he would have to stand up in front of everyone and talk about himself, but the newest Boy had been extremely relieved when he found out it never actually happened. The first two hours had mainly involved eating, drinking a lot and general chatting. With the majority of the issues with his twin resolved, Charlie had quickly relaxed and the initial confidence he had shown on his arrival in the house was rapidly returning. As such, he had made himself the centre of attention. In the week he had been in the house already, he had gotten to know most of the other Boys, but his he quickly took the time to speak to the others. Anthony had kept to himself a little more throughout the week and had a lot more people to chat to as the party went on. He made his way around the room, getting to know everyone. Arriving in the shadow of the Charlie/Wesley conflict had been tough, but he was quickly emerging from that and finding his feet, quickly establishing himself as one of the funnier, more charming Boys. Zane however had not had much of a chance to get to know anyone yet as he had only been a permanent resident for about twenty-four hours. Spending his first night away from the Dorms hadn't helped either. Once the party got started though, he found his way to the back corner of the room, quietly nursing a drink as he watched everyone else standing around chatting and laughing. He had expected to remain there alone, but one-by-one each of the Boys seemed to find their way over to him to chat. Soon the newest Boy had spoken to each of them for at least a few minutes and was just starting to get names right. When Philip had come over to him, he had teased him by referring to him as 'Charlie' again then made out he was totally forgettable. Philip took it in good humour though, seeing it as no more than revenge for the trick he had played earlier. A couple of hours in, the group had mostly split in two. Charlie, Robert, Philip, David and Anthony were sat together on the sofas playing a drinking game while everyone else had gathered near Zane. The new Boy looked a little uncomfortable at seeming to be the centre of the group, but figured that the party was pretty much in his honour so did his best to just smile his way through it. “Come on then.” Taro said, looking like he was blurting out something he had been holding in for some time. “What's with the collar?” He reached out and flicked at one of the metal loops attached to it. “Yeah, and staying in Benny's room on your first night!” Quentin added. Zane just pursed his lips and shrugged. “I dunno. It was all Benny's call, take it up with him!” Alex smirked from the back of the small crowd. As everyone turned to look at him, he smiled and said, “Pretty obvious isn't it, Benny's got himself a new pet, a new favourite!” “Benny doesn't play favourites.” Quentin snapped firmly, suddenly shifting into his new duty as 'Alex-supervisor'. “Really? I don't see anyone else in a collar. Do you?” Alex demanded, looking round, triggering everyone else to do so too. As he heard murmurings of agreement started, Quentin jumped in once again. “No, but he treats us all as individuals. If Zane's got a collar, like he said, that's Benny's call.” “Whatever.” Alex said with a shrug. “It's not like he's rearranging you all just to accommodate his new favourite. Oh, wait a second.... he is, isn't he!” “That's not because...” Quentin started, but he felt a hand on his shoulder. He stopped mid-sentence and looked back to discover it was Zane. “Don't bother arguing. If he's pissed, let him be pissed.” Zane said with a one-sided smile. “So Philip told me earlier that you're Benny's teacher... that's gotta be weird.” “Yeah, just a bit.” Quentin laughed, turning his back to Alex. As Zane listened to the teacher explaining what it was like teaching Benny, he shot a quick glance Alex's way. The angry young man looked more furious than usual as he turned and walked away. As the door slammed behind Alex, Charlie called out excitedly, “Who's up for strip poker?” Everyone stopped dead, staring at him. “Charlie... we're, erm.... we're all naked already!” Philip said, slightly confused. Charlie looked down at himself and then around the room and called out, “Wooo, we all win! Shots for everyone!” A wave of laughter rippled through the room at the drunken young man's antics. The group gathered around Zane made their way over to the sofa to join in with the shots. Even Zane himself got dragged along, albeit reluctantly. The drinking didn't go on particularly late as everyone had work in the morning and gradually the Boys started heading off one-by-one to go to bed. When it was down to just Quentin, Taro, Philip and Charlie, Zane decided to call it a night too. The remaining four were all occupants of Dorm One until that morning and their reminiscing made the new Boy feel a little out of place so he said his good nights and left the lounge. He made his way across the atrium and headed down the stairs to the basement. He paused for a moment outside his Dorm, knowing the Alex would be inside, but took a deep breath and walked in anyway. “Oh look, it's Master's pet!” Alex sneered as Zane walked in. The new Boy ignored the comment and grabbed the ladder up to his bed. “Enjoy the bunk. Thanks for this one by the way, I love it!” Alex called out with a slight snigger. When he heard Zane getting into bed without replying, he gout out of his bed and stood up. He reached up to Zane's bunk and grabbed the covers, pulling them off and throwing them onto the floor. “For fuck's sake!” Zane yelled, staring down at him as he looked over the edge. “What the fuck is your problem with me?” Alex reached up again, but this time grabbed the collar around Zane's neck. “This!” Alex snapped, tugging on the collar. “This is my fucking problem!” “Jealous you don't have your own one?” Zane snarled back. “It's not surprising, who'd want to own a dick like you!” Alex pulled on the collar so hard that he dragged the other Boy off of his bunk. If he hadn't managed to grip onto the side of his bunk to slow his descent, he would have plummeted head first onto the floor. Coughing from the sudden assault to his throat, Zane lowered himself the rest of the way to the ground and glaring furiously at Alex who suddenly looked terrified. “Are you trying to fucking kill me, you psychopath?” the new Boy yelled. “I... I'm sorry.... I didn't.... I shouldn't...” Alex stuttered, his hands shaking. Zane was in no mood to talk. He turned and ran out of the room and up the stairs into the main atrium. He flopped down onto the floor and realised it was exactly where he had been sat the previous night when Benny had chained him to the bannisters. He had spent that entire time being ignored by everyone who walked by and he suddenly felt just as lonely as he had then. He sat rubbing his throat, still sore from the sharp tug on the collar Alex had given him. After several minutes, he tilted his head back to rest against the side of the stairs, sighing heavily. His mind once again wandered back to the previous night, to where he had slept. He knew he was due a punishment for disobeying Benny, but he had just wanted to be near him so much that his 'bad behaviour' had been almost involuntary. Without really thinking about it, he found himself getting up and pacing quietly up the stairs. He got to Benny's door and hesitated for just a moment before opening it. He crept inside quietly and stood at the foot of the bed, but Benny was clearly fast asleep, snoring quietly. He looked wistfully at the empty side of the bed he had filled just one night earlier. He wanted to lay there again, but he knew that climbing on was likely to wake Benny. Instead, he curled up on the floor beside the bed and, listening to Benny's rhythmic breathing, finally fell asleep. He was awoken a short time later by a tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked up to see Benny peering down at him from the bed with the lamp behind him turned on. “Zane, what are you doing on my floor?” he asked in a whisper. Zane took a few deep breaths, shielding his eyes from the lamp. “I... I just... I wanted to be close to you, but I didn't want to wake you up.” Benny smiled slightly as he took a deep breath. “Is something wrong?” Zane nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?” Benny asked. The Boy shook his head. “D'you want to come up here with me again?” Zane nodded again. Benny couldn't help smiling. Once again here was this naughty little pup, breaking the rules and once again, Benny couldn't bring himself to turn him away. “Come on then.” He said reluctantly, sliding over and lifting the covers. Zane jumped up and got in, smiling as he felt Benny's arms encircling him. “G'night Sir.” “G'night pup.” Benny said, kissing his neck gently as he clicked the light off. Chapter 8 – Benny Harrison, Prize of Champions by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Monday 9th February 2015 ALEX! Fucking Alex, again! As soon as I found Zane in my room last night, I just knew Alex had to be involved. I know I promised I'd help him, but it'd be nice if he could at least try helping himself too! Still, it seems there was no real harm done. I also found out what the competition winners have requested for their prizes – turns out Roger's prediction was pretty much spot on. Bollocks!! I suppose it had some good points too :-) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the second consecutive morning, Benny awoke with Zane in his arms, although it felt significantly less pleasant than the previous morning. The first time, Zane had been there because Benny was working on stamping out the new Boy's rebellious streak. This time though, Benny didn't know the exact reason beyond the fact that the Boy had been upset and seeking comfort. 'Alex' was Benny's first thought as he started to consider the possibilities. It suddenly dawned on him that his choice of room placements may not have been the wisest. While Alex and Zane had both been placed with Quentin to allow the young teacher to keep an eye on them, that also meant he had inadvertently placed the most dangerous person in the same Dorm as the most vulnerable. Benny glanced over at the clock, surprised to have woken before his usual wake-up call and found that it wasn't due for another fifteen minutes. He briefly considered another quarter hour of sleep, but decided the time could be put to better use. He pulled away from Zane slightly and raised a hand to brush through the Boy's chocolate-brown hair. “Zane, time to wake up.” he whispered. “Ugh, don't wanna.” Zane moaned, moving closer to Benny. Benny smirked reluctantly and pulled a little further back. “Well you've got to!” he said, more firmly this time. Zane groaned again, but this time rolled away and pulled the covers over his head. “Can't hear you. Sleeping!” Benny pulled the covers off him completely, grabbed a nipple and squeezed. “Yaaargh!” Zane called out, sitting bolt upright. “Oh, I guess you're not sleeping after all.” Benny said with a grin as he released the nipple. The new Boy scowled at him and said, “You're so mean!” Benny's grin broadened as he sat up. The mention of being mean reminded him of the ongoing teasing he was inflicting on Malik. He raised a single eyebrow at Zane and shrugged. “So, you want to tell me what last night was about?” It was Zane's turn to shrug. “Nothing important.” Benny lay back down, locking his fingers together behind his head as he looked Zane up and down. “Who was it?” “Who was... what?” the Boy asked, forcing a confused frown. Benny nodded his head towards Zane's arm. The bicep was discoloured with a large bruise. Zane looked down at it and covered it up with his other hand as if hiding it would make Benny forget he had seen it. He figured he must have got it when Alex pulled him off the top bunk bed. “I must have just walked into something.” Zane said casually. Benny shook his head as he sighed. “Zane, I know you're new here so you don't really know me that well yet, but my top priority here is the well-being of my Boys. If someone hurt you, I need to know who it is to make sure they don't hurt you or anyone else again.” Zane rolled his eyes. “God, it was no-one, drop it will you.” he said dismissively, then remembered who he was actually talking to and added, “I mean, sorry Sir, it wasn't anyone. It's really nothing.” “Fine.” Benny conceded. “Well I think you should probably head back down to your Dorm now anyway.” Zane stood up then quickly glanced round at the empty spot beside Benny that he had just vacated before heading for the door. “And don't think I've forgotten about your punishment, either.” Benny said to the Boy as he walked slowly across the room. “But Zane... if you need to talk to me about what happened...” “I know. Thanks Sir.” Zane nodded as he left. Benny pulled the covers over his head, growling. “One week with no drama. That's all I want, just one week!” he said quietly to himself. He was just starting to fall back to sleep when he heard a quiet knock at his door. Pulling back the covers he realised it would be his morning wake-up call and breakfast. “Come in.” He called out, sitting up. As the door opened, Benny saw an extremely nervous-looking Alex walk in. “Good morning... Sir.” he said timidly. The teen's demeanour and expression pretty much confirmed what Benny had already suspected. If Zane wasn't willing to share what had happened, then he would just have to get it out of Alex. The Master said nothing, he just sat staring as Alex approached the bed and placed the tray down on his lap. As Alex stood back up, Benny glared at him and said, “Want to give me your side of what happened last night?” Alex's breath caught in his throat as his eyes widened. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I just.... I just kinda.... lost control for a moment.” His breath was shaky and erratic as he struggled to speak. “What happened?” Benny demanded. He could see the Boy was distressed, which was in itself a good sign, at least he knew he had done wrong, but Benny had to know the details. “I... I don't really remember.” Alex stuttered. “It's all kind of hazy, but... I was... I was really pissed at Zane and... and... I just... grabbed his collar and pulled... and he fell off the bed. I... I tried to apologise but he just ran out and when I looked for him I couldn't find him.” “Alex!” Benny growled. “You're really determined to make life as hard for yourself as possible, aren't you!” “I couldn't help it, I was just... so angry at him.” Alex said, hanging his head in shame. “Why? What did he ever do to you?” Benny asked, shaking his head. Zane had been in the house for less than two days so it seemed unlikely he could have gotten under Alex's skin that much. Alex stared at Benny for a moment, looking like he was going to say something, then looked away and remained silent. “Alex!” Benny said firmly. The distraught teen took a deep breath then looked back at Benny. “I came to the house and had to spend two weeks getting treated like crap, then live like this and prove myself before you'll let me do what I'm meant to be here to do, but he walks in and... you virtually treat him like royalty. It just... it's so unfair! And of course I should have known he'd just come running to you about it.” Benny was taken aback by the comment. It was definitely not what he had been expecting. When he thought about it, Alex really had a point. So far Zane's treatment at the hands of his Master had been substantially more favourable than Alex, or anyone else, had received. However, that didn't excuse what he had done. Benny nodded gently as he said, “I can understand where you're coming from.” He lifted the tray off his lap and placed it on the empty side of the bed, then stood to face Alex, his expression growing sterner as he slowly walked closer. “And I know you've got some anger problems. I already told you I'm going to get you help for that.” Benny was stood less than a foot from Alex, so close they could feel the heat coming from each other's naked bodies. Suddenly his hand shot up and grabbed Alex by the throat, his face contorted with rage. “But if you EVER do anything like that to one of my Boys again....” His fingers squeezed just a little. “I'll do a LOT worse than just kick you out of this house. Do you understand?” He pushed Alex away and turned to sit back down on the bed. Alex staggered back a little, rubbing his throat as he stared at Benny, genuinely scared of him for the first time. “I.... I... I'm sorry.” “And you should know something else, Alex. Zane did come to me last night when he was upset, but he didn't tell me anything. Believe it or not, it seems he actually wanted to avoid getting you in trouble, so think about that! Now GET OUT!” Benny snapped. Alex quickly scurried out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Benny looked round at the breakfast tray beside him and just shook his head. He had lost his appetite. He still had some time to kill before he had to get ready for school so he quickly showered and dressed, then decided to sit in the Generals' Lounge rather than his own private one. His mind lingered on Alex and Zane. He realised part of what Alex had said was true. Zane was indeed being treated differently to the other Boys, most visibly by the presence of his collar. He decided he would have it removed as soon as possible. Satisfied that he had at least part of a plan regarding the two teens, he started trying to think up suitable punishments for the competition losers before he remembered he needed to sort out the winners too. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a message to Quentin, Taro, Philip and Charlie. [Congratulations on winning the contest on Saturday. As your prize, you were promised the option to pick your evening activity one night this week as well as who it would be with. Your activity can be anything you desire, either as a sub or if you fancy taking the chance to be the dom for once. The activity and can include any of the Boys as well as Malik, Wesley, Roger or myself. Please text your choices to Roger ASAP so we can make the necessary arrangements. Congratulations once again and enjoy your prize.] Just as Benny hit send, Wesley walked into the lounge. He was a little surprised to see Benny sitting there, but smiled sweetly at his Master. “Morning Sir.” Wesley said as he approached the sofas. “Morning Wesley.” Benny said back, smiling despite the issues playing on his mind. It was nice to see Wesley looking happy. When Charlie turned up at the house, the cheerful young General had taken a bit of a downward turn, but it seemed that getting them to talk out their problems had definitely helped. Benny had actually intended to speak to Wesley on Saturday night to make sure he was okay but had ended up being a little distracted by Zane. Now seemed like a good enough time to catch up with him though. “So how are things with you?” Benny asked, attempting to sound casual. Wesley smiled. “You mean with me and Charlie?” He asked. Benny smirked. “Yeah, I s'pose I do.” Wesley relaxed back in his seat. “They're... erm... they're definitely better. I'm not saying I'm going to be running to any family reunions any time soon, but... it's definitely better than it was.” “That's good.” Benny said happily. “Yeah, we chatted a bit more yesterday, it was... actually kinda nice!” Wesley said, smiling. “You knew, though, didn't you?” “Knew what?” Benny feigned innocence. “You knew the stuff Charlie wasn't telling me.” Wesley said, his tone slightly accusatory. “That our Dad was forcing him to do the things.” Benny shrugged non-committally. “Don't suppose it matters. You know now and... you seem a lot happier.” “I am.” Wesley said with a nod. “Will it be weird, being in charge of him... doing the stuff we do here?” Benny asked. Amongst all the drama of their reunion, it had virtually been completely overlooked that the two were brothers and the implications that might have on their positions in the house. “I dunno.” Wesley said with a shrug. “I mean, I told you about how we'd jerked off together when we were kids, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.” “Hey, you never know, he might end up picking you as part of his competition prize.” Benny said with a grin. Wesley's eyes widened. “Oh, I completely forgot about that. Malik mentioned Dorm One had won... well the former Dorm One. They won't pick me though. Why would they when they go straight for the man in charge?” Benny frowned. “That's what Roger said, too.” Wesley grinned. “Oh yes, just think about it. I can just imagine Quentin wanting to give you a good spanking, or maybe Taro having you on your knees begging for his cock.” Benny was a little worried by the comments at first, but quickly smiled as he noticed something – a growing bulge in Wesley's trousers. “Enjoying the thought, are you?” Benny teased, gesturing to it. Wesley blushed a little and shifted in his seat to conceal his growing erection. “Oh come on now, we can't have you covering up like that.” Benny said with a grin. “In fact, I think you should show it off. Take off your clothes.” “What... now?” Wesley stuttered nervously. “No, next Thursday!” Benny said sarcastically. “Of course now. Get naked!” “Yes Sir!” Wesley said, suppressing a grin. He quickly undid his shirt and threw it aside, then undid his trousers and pulled them down along with his underwear, kicking them off. He sat there wearing just his socks, staring at Benny, his cock pointing straight up. Benny frowned momentarily, then grinned. “Okay, now jerk off.” Wesley wrapped his fingers around his cock and started stroking, his eyes still fixed on Benny. The young Master grabbed his phone, raised it and pointed it straight at Wesley. “That's it Boy, keep going.” Benny encouraged him as he started recording. “You're filming me!” Wesley said nervously. “Yes I am, so put on a good show.” Benny said with a sly grin. Wesley continued masturbating, his free hand sliding up and down his body, occasionally pinching a nipple or stroking his balls. As he slipped a finger into his mouth, he shuffled down in the seat to expose his hole to Benny, then lowered the wet finger to it and pushed it inside. “Ah, yeah.” he moaned happily as he finger fucked himself. “Mmm, oh, I'm getting close.” “Don't cum yet.” Benny ordered. His own cock was rigid and he wanted to stroke it, but he wanted to remain clothed and composed as he ordered Wesley around, maintaining a sense of being in charge. “Oh... yes Sir.” Wesley moaned, slowing his stroking to avoid cumming. Despite his slower stroking, he eventually had to let go of his cock to avoid going off. As he let go, his cock twitched and bounced around, eager for release. “Keep going.” Benny snapped. “Yes Sir.” Wesley whimpered, grabbing his sensitive cock again. As slow as his stroking was, it was less than a minute before he had to let go again. “Sir, please... please can I cum?” “Not yet.” Benny said as he continued filming. Wesley started stroking again, his happy moans gradually turning into desperate whimpers. “Oh... oh god... aah.” “Okay Boy, you can cum!” Benny finally allowed. “Thank you Sir!” Wesley gasped, quickly stroking his cock a few more times. With a yell of excitement, his cock erupted. Thick ropes of cum squirted across his body, covering his chin, chest and stomach. “Now eat it!” Benny snapped, moving closer to watch as Wesley immediately started scooping up the thick wads with his fingers and dropping them into his mouth. “Good boy.” Benny finally said as the last of it disappeared between his lips. “But I'm afraid you've earned yourself a punishment.” “What? Why, Sir?” Wesley asked, frowning unhappily. Benny sat back down, but continued recording. “What instructions did I give you?” Benny asked innocently. “Get naked, then jerk off.” Wesley said, confused. “And did you do that?” Benny asked. “Y... yes Sir.” Wesley replied, still confused. Benny looked down at Wesley's feet. “And what are they?” “.... Socks, Sir.” Wesley said, suddenly realising what the problem was. “But I didn't know you meant them too.” “I said naked, you're still wearing clothes.” Benny said flatly. “That means you disobeyed me and you're going to have to be punished for it.” Wesley looked upset, but his slowly softening cock seemed to be growing once again. Benny had to stop himself smiling at it as he realised that, at least on some level, Wesley seemed to like the idea of being punished. “Yes Sir. Sorry Sir.” Wesley said, staring down at the ground. “You can get dressed now.” Benny said as he stopped recording and stood up. He headed for the door and stopped as he reached it. He looked back at his General and said, “Hey Wesley, hot show, thanks!” He winked and got a grin in response from Wesley as he left. ********** Zane had just finished dressing for work when Alex got back to the Dorm after attending to his other morning duties then showering. As he walked in, he stopped, staring blankly at the new Boy. “Problem?” Zane asked sharply. “Yeah, me!” Alex said frankly, getting a confused, slightly suspicious expression back from the other Boy. “I'm the one with the problem and... what I did was... it was...” Zane could see Alex was struggling and while he was tempted to let him continue, his better side won out and he offered, “It was a totally fucked up thing to do!” Alex just nodded at the comment. “I'm sorry. I really am. And it was pretty cool of you not to tell Benny what I did.” “Well he knows something happened, so don't expect him to just let it drop.” Zane said, taking a seat on the chair between the two large wardrobes. “Actually he knows everything. I told him.” Alex said, sitting on his bunk opposite Zane. Zane raised his eyebrows in surprise. “And you're still here?” Alex smirked a little. “Yeah, I'm kinda surprised too, but Benny understands that....” he trailed off. He had been about to share more than he intended. “What? What does he understand?” Zane probed, leaning forward. Alex looked frustrated as he took several deep breaths, like he was fighting inwardly with something. “I... I know you really don't owe me any favours, but... if you could not tell anyone what I'm about to say, I'd... I'd really appreciate it.” Zane just shrugged. “I get angry.” Alex said sadly. “No shit!” Zane blurted out with a grin, but it faded quickly as he saw Alex's face. He wasn't angry at the comment, he just looked.... lost! He sat there shaking his head. “No, I mean... I mean dangerously angry, like what I did to you last night, only worse. Benny knows about it and he said he's going to get me help to deal with it, but... it...” He paused. It already felt hard enough just saying that much. Going further seemed impossible, at least until he looked up and saw Zane smiling and nodding at him to go on. “It scares me!” Zane giggled slightly, getting a glare in response. “It scares me too!” When Alex continued to glare, he added, “But if you're dealing with it then... you know... that's good! Alex nodded and attempted to smile. If anything, having the new Boy be so understanding after what he had done simply made him feel worse. Silently he got up and started dressing. Zane sat back in his seat, watching the angry teen as he dressed, trying his best not to smile every time he glanced round awkwardly to see if he was still being watched. “Where d'you work?” Zane finally asked, breaking the silence. “Erm... right in the city centre.” Alex replied, buttoning his shirt. “Me too. You drive or catch the bus?” Zane continued his questioning. “Bus.” Alex replied bluntly. “I drive. Fancy a lift?” Zane offered with a smile. Alex paused, mid-button, staring blankly. “Erm... yeah, thanks.” He mumbled. “Okay.” Zane said, standing from his seat. “But when I sit in the driver's seat, that means it's mine. Don't want you kicking me out and claiming it for yourself, okay?” He teased, referring to the issues with the bunks the day before. Alex blushed and nodded. “Oh relax, I'm just messing with you.” Zane laughed, actually managing to get a weak smile from Alex in return. ********** Benny rushed home from school even more eagerly than normal. He had been distracted all day by thoughts of Alex and Zane as well as the competition winners. He was eager to know if Roger and Wesley were right about which General (or Master) they would choose to spend their time with. He had requested that Roger be ready and waiting for him when they got home so that they could plan the evening activities. Things may have had to be switched around a little compared to usual depending on what the winners chose. “Hiya.” Benny said happily as he walked through the door and saw Roger waiting for him. “Hey.” Roger said in return as they headed straight for his private lounge. “Come on.” Benny demanded before they even entered the room. “Who did they pick, what are they doing?” “You'd better sit down.” Roger said with a grin. “Ugh.” Benny moaned. It was obviously not good new for him. “So how many of them picked me?” “Three!” Roger said, almost laughing. “Quentin wants to do a bit of role-play with you. Charlie wants, and these are his exact words, a night in charge of Benny. Then there's Philip who requested you too but he just wants a night of you doing whatever you want to him.” Roger explained. Benny looked thoroughly relieved. “Wow, they... they...” “They just want to spend time with you by the sounds of it.” Roger said when he saw Benny struggling to explain it. “Yeah.” Benny said, looking a little confused as he relaxed back into his seat. “Wait, what about Taro. What's he requested?” “Yeah, that one was a bit of a surprise.” Roger said, with a half smile. “He's requested Wesley, and he's asked to go on a date with him!” Benny laughed. “Oh my god, seriously?” When Roger nodded, he shook his head, adding, “Huh, I wonder what Wesley's gonna say to that one.” “It does raise one question though. Actually it's one I'm surprised we haven't come across sooner...” Roger said seriously. When Benny looked at him questioningly, he elaborated. “In-house dating. Where do we actually stand on relationships between Boys. And I suppose also we need to consider relationships between Boys and Generals.” “Yeah...” Benny said, his mind suddenly racing. Everyone in the house had essentially come there to serve him and while it was definitely a Dom/Sub relationship, it wasn't an 'actual' relationship, not in that sense. Now that he thought about it, he had to agree with Roger that it was surprising it hadn't come up sooner. “Well... it's not like we can stop it, can we?” Roger shrugged. “It's your house, you make the rules.” Benny scowled. How could Roger duck away from having an opinion on something so important? Benny relied on him for advice above anyone else. While he was only four years older, he had often seemed wise beyond his years and had counselled Benny through many a dilemma, so why not this? “A lot of help you are.” he complained. “I think I just need some time to think about it.” “Well you can't take too long. You promised the winners their prizes this week, so you've got to make a decision before we let Taro and Wesley go on their date.” Roger explained the strict timescale in place. Benny sighed. “Fine, I just... gimme a few days. I'll think about it.” “Speaking of tonight....” Roger said cautiously, sensing Benny's slightly fraying temper. “Fine. I'll take Charlie tonight. You... you plan everything else.” Benny said unhappily. Roger looked back at him with concern. “You sure you want that tonight? You're pretty much going to be subbing at the hands of a relative stranger. I mean, have you ever even subbed?” “Yeah, of course...” Benny started, then paused to think. Some of the fooling around he had done years ago had been a little on the submissive side, but essentially he had always been the master. Despite his insistence that all of his Generals should know what subbing was like, he had never really experienced it for himself. “No. I... I guess I haven't.” Roger smiled sympathetically at the boy's realisation. “I could stay with you, keep an eye, make sure you're okay.” Benny quickly shook his head. “No. Charlie's new, we're still building the trust and I don't think it would send a very positive message if we insisted on supervising him.” Benny said, sounding a lot more confident than he felt. Roger smirked. “You're gonna be such a mess. You can barely look at him without turning into a gibbering wreck. How the hell are you going to handle serving him?” Benny blushed. “I don't... I don't turn into a gibbering anything!” he snapped. Roger continued smirking, then gestured towards Benny's crotch. Benny looked down and saw his erection tenting. He quickly covered it up, blushing more profusely. He looked angry at first, then burst into laughter. “Fine, I'm gonna be a gibbering wreck, but I'll deal with it!” Still laughing, he headed off to his room to get changed, leaving Roger to finish planning the evening's activities. By the time Benny emerged from his room, the first of the Boys started arriving home, stripping and being given their assignments at the door. The Master sat on the top stair, watching them, getting the occasional smile or nod from the returning residents. Benny stared in amazement as Zane appeared though... he was with Alex. The two eighteen-year-olds walked in together, laughing at some shared joke. They quickly stripped under Roger's watchful gaze before being told what they would be doing for the evening. As they headed across the atrium, Zane saw Benny and waved enthusiastically while Alex just nodded, solemn-faced before the two headed towards the basement, still chatting and laughing. Benny stared at Roger who looked just as surprised as him. The two shrugged at each other. ********** When Charlie got back to his Dorm, he found it was empty. There were signs that Robert was home, but no indication that Philip was yet. After putting his bag into the bottom of his wardrobe, he walked out and headed for the showers. As he walked past Dorm Two, he noticed Taro and quickly said hello before continuing on. As he entered the shower room, he could hear at least one of them running. The room had shower heads all along the back wall, with more shower heads on a free-standing wall opposite that effectively split the room in half, with an opening at each end. As Charlie walked round the dividing wall, he found two people already in there, Robert and David. Charlie didn't know either of the two men too well yet, but he liked what he knew of them so far. Robert, with his masses of tattoos and piercings had seemed a little intimidating at first, but his pleasant personality had soon dismissed that first impression. Charlie couldn't help staring at him for a moment, watching as the water trickled down across the colourful designs on his shoulders, chest and arms. Charlie himself had a few tattoos, but they were nothing compared to the older man's. David had seemed quiet so Charlie really hadn't interacted with him much until the party the previous night. Even then, David had seemed quite timid. They both said hello to Charlie as he appeared and selected a shower head to stand under. “How's it going?” Charlie asked as the warm water started flowing. “All good thanks.” David said cheerfully, looking happier than usual. Charlie looked at the thirty-four-year-old suspiciously, then looked to Robert. “Don't mind him. He's just happy about tonight's assignment.” Robert explained. When Charlie still looked confused, Robert added, “He's got Wesley, which means he's getting a good spanking. It's kind of his thing!” “That's not 'my thing'.” David protested weakly. “Oh really?” Robert asked, then quickly swiped his hand round to slap David's rear. The wet hand made a painfully loud slapping sound as it made contact, actually making Charlie flinch a little. “Now turn around.” Robert ordered. His face blushing the same colour as his butt cheek was turning, David turned to reveal a rapidly swelling cock. “Fine, maybe I like it a bit.” He conceded. Keen to change the subject, he looked to Charlie and asked, “What you on tonight?” Charlie grinned, getting extremely curious stares back from the other two men. “I'm getting my prize for Saturday's competition.” “Oh my God, what did you pick? And who?” David asked eagerly, stepping away from his shower and moving closer to Charlie. “I picked a night of being in charge of Benny.” Charlie grinned. “No. Fucking. Way!” David said, staring in shock. Now even Robert moved closer. “You're domming Benny?” He asked, mouth agape. Charlie smirked as he saw Robert's cock swelling to match David's. “What are you going to do?” David asked excitedly. His hand actually found its way onto his cock, stroking it gently as he waited in anticipation. “That's... well, that's really between me and my boy, Benny!” Charlie teased with a grin. ********** As usual, Quentin was last to get home. He quickly stripped in front of Roger then listened as the large man explained his duties for the evening. He nodded his understanding, then headed towards the basement, but stopped as he saw Benny still sitting at the top of the stairs. “Hey, can I...” he started, moving towards the stairs. When Benny gestured for him to proceed, he quickly walked up the stairs and sat beside his Master. “You told me to keep you informed about anything with Zane and Alex.” “Is this about last night? Their argument?” Benny asked. “Yeah, guessing you already know then?” Quentin asked in response. Benny nodded, so he said back, “That's good. I don't really know what happened, but I thought you should know. Guessing I'll need to keep an eye tonight.” Benny took a deep breath, considering what he'd seen earlier. “Maybe not. When they came home, they were together... and laughing!” Quentin stared in amazement. “Alex can laugh?” he asked, completely straight-faced before the two of them burst into laughter. When Benny's laughing quietened into a low chuckle, he said, “Yeah, it kinda looks like they're actually getting along, but... still keep an eye anyway. Them two together could be... volatile!” Quentin stopped laughing too and nodded. “I understand. Is it okay if I go now?” “Not quite yet... I hear you mentioned something about role play to Roger...” Benny said, looking slightly concerned. Roger hadn't elaborated on the brief description and it had left Benny's mind racing at the possibilities. He was imagining something along the same lines as Charlie had requested, with Benny once again subbing. “Yeah.” Quentin said, blushing a little, unsure if he should say any more. “Care to tell me more?” Benny asked, frowning a little. “Well... do you remember that time... you...” The man paused, looking more embarrassed than Benny had ever seen him. “That time you fucked me on my desk at school!” “Oh.” Benny said, nodding. “Yeah, I remember. What about it?” He could already guess what Quentin wanted. He probably wanted to turn the tables on him, to fuck him instead. “I... sometimes I think about... and wonder what it would be like... if you did it again, but... with an audience.” Quentin mumbled shyly. Benny's eyes widened. That was not he had been expecting. “Wait, so you mean... like... in front of the whole class?” Benny asked in amazement. Quentin nodded. “Yeah, but I know that would probably get me arrested, so I thought maybe we could role play it... with everyone else playing the other students.” Benny grinned. For the second time that evening, he felt his cock swelling excitedly. “That's... actually kinda hot.” he said cheerfully. “You don't think it's weird?” Quentin asked, still blushing. “You live in a house with a dozen other subs, serving a sixteen-year-old and spend your evenings doing various sexual activities for my entertainment... weird is pretty much our thing!” Benny laughed. Looking thoroughly relieved at the comment, Quentin smiled. “Yeah, I suppose you're right.” He replied with a contented nod. “Well I'll see what I can arrange for you.” Benny said with a sly smirk. “Now you can go.” “Thanks.” Quentin said, standing up. As he did it, his hands moved away from his lap, revealing he had been sitting there just as hard as Benny. He blushed a final time before running off down to the basement. ********** Benny sat in his lounge, nervously watching as the second-hand on the clock slowly ticked around. Charlie had passed on instructions that he wanted to talk before they started and to be ready in there for half seven, that was just under two minutes away. The seconds ticked by painfully slowly. The young Master was not sure what made him more nervous, subbing properly for the first time, or spending the night with Charlie. There was just something about the young man that mesmerised him. There were plenty of guys in the house who he found attractive – Roger was just a veritable mountain of sex on legs, Philip and David were both quite sexy, Alex was quite captivating when his personality wasn't getting in the way and then there was his adorable little wolf pup, the new boy Zane who was just undeniably cute. Charlie though... he literally took Benny's breath away with his beauty. Ten seconds to go. It looked like Charlie was going to be late. If Benny had been in charge, he would have been quite annoyed about it, but he found himself secretly glad to be able to delay the activities a little longer, but then the door opened and Charlie appeared. Benny's breath caught in his throat as it always did. Charlie was dressed, which seemed strange, but somehow made him even more sexy. His tight white t-shirt stretched alluringly across his chest, while the sleeves were tight around his biceps. He also wore a pair of denim shorts, coming down to a few inches above his knee, his well-muscled calves and feet bare. “Hi.” He said, smiling sweetly. Benny's jaw flapped, but no sound came out. Charlie chuckled. “Yeah, that's where you're meant to say hi back to me.” He said as paced across the room. He dropped onto the sofa beside Benny. “Yeah.... erm... hi.” Benny mumbled. Charlie smiled at the slightly timid greeting. “Look, the reason I wanted to talk first... it was... just to say thank you.” “What for?” Benny asked, frowning. “I know you took a chance letting me stay here, you know, with the Wes stuff. I just wanted to thank you for that, as well as for pushing us to... to deal with it.” Charlie said with a warm smile. Charlie's gratitude and smile put Benny at ease a little, but he still felt completely wobbly just from being so close to him. He shrugged and said, “No problem. It's... it's good to have you here.” “Are you sure about that?” Charlie asked, folding his arms. “You... don't seem too keen on me. I kinda get the feeling you don't actually want me here.” “I am... I do want you to be here.” Benny said quietly. “Well that's good to know.” Charlie said with a slight frown. “Yeah.” Benny said, nodding, unsure what else to say. “Fuck.” Charlie snapped, standing up and turning away. “I can't do this. It's too hard.” “Can't do what?” Benny asked, looking thoroughly bewildered by the outburst. “All of... all of this... with you.” Charlie stuttered. “I can barely talk to you. You... intimidate the crap out of me. You know I was almost late coming in here. I was stood outside that door for about ten minutes building up the nerve to come in here and you're just... you seem determined to make me suffer.” Benny stared in amazement. “I intimidate you? Seriously?” “Well duh!” Charlie snapped angrily. “I come into this house and see Wes and you totally take charge, you broke up that argument with a single yell, you gave me that punishment and then you sit there making me feel about this small.” He stopped, holding up his hand with his thumb and forefinger a centimetre apart. “And that's all on top of what all the others have said about you. Seriously, I... oh fuck, a night in charge of you? I can barely even talk to you.” He finally stopped, breathing heavily. “Charlie, come and sit down.” Benny said calmly. The twenty-four-year-old complied, re-taking his seat beside Benny. The Master continued. “Okay, first of all, relax.” He placed his hand on Charlie's shoulder, making them both gulp simultaneously. “Secondly, I wasn't trying to make you feel small.” “It felt like it.” Charlie pouted. Benny shook his head. “Okay, cards on the table, total honesty... I... I'm actually intimidated by YOU. You're just... oh God, you're so beautiful.” The frustrated scowl dropped from Charlie's face, replaced with total shock. Benny just shrugged at the questioning look. “Sorry. I know that's a pretty lame thing for someone who's meant to be your Master to admit, but it's the truth.” Benny said, figuring there was no point holding anything back now. “Are you kidding? That's... awesome!” Charlie grinned. “Maybe for you.” Benny blushed. “You're pretty damn cute yourself, you know.” Charlie said, his cheeks turning as red as Benny's. “Thanks.” Benny said, grinning, completely unable to look Charlie in the eye. “So... erm... what exactly... did you have planned for me tonight?” He asked nervously, almost expectantly. “Stand up.” Charlie said as he stood. Benny obeyed. It felt strange to be following an order, even such a simple one, but exciting too, like doing something he knew he shouldn't. Moments later, his clothes were piled on the sofa and he stood naked, staring in anticipation at Charlie. He was only a couple of inches taller, be he looked so much bigger than Benny with his muscled build. Somehow, being clothed in front of the naked boy made him appear even more imposing. “So let's have a look what toys you keep in here.” Charlie said, walking away and leaving the anxious boy just standing there. He started walking around the room, opening drawers and cabinets, making occasional noises of approval at the wide range of toys Benny kept close at hand. “Well I don't wanna start off too harsh. Let's try this.” Benny peered round nervously and saw Charlie returning with a small leather paddle. He started trembling at the prospect of it. He had always got such a thrill from seeing his Boys on the receiving end of toys like that, but he found himself feeling somewhat less thrilled at the prospect of experiencing it for himself. Charlie sat back down in the middle of the sofa, pushing Benny's clothes aside then said, “Lay down.” He pointed at his lap. Benny nodded and knelt on the sofa, then lay across his lap. He cock hung down between Charlie's legs, but being in contact with the beautiful man had it rigidly poking into his leg within seconds. He had been expecting some comment, or at least warning, but without any indication it was coming he felt, and heard, the paddle slap against one butt cheek. “Aargh, fuck!” Benny yelled out, jumping off of Charlie's lap and rubbing his stinging rear. Charlie tilted his head to one side, smirking. “Oh come on, I barely touched you. Surely the big scary Master can take more than that.” Benny scowled. How could he resist such a taunt. Charlie was right. He was Benny, the Master, the man in charge. He was tough, fearless, unshakeable. He couldn't let himself be beaten by a simple spanking. Without a word he lay back down on Charlie's lap, manoeuvring his erection back between his temporary Master's legs. “Good boy.” Charlie taunted before dropping the paddle onto the other cheek. Benny flinched, but managed to stay silent, his teeth gritted. The paddle started to fall in a steady rhythm. The slaps weren't particularly hard, but the stinging sensation was gradually building with each strike. He wasn't sure when it happened, but he suddenly realised Charlie's free hand was on his back, rubbing gently. He may have been inflicting pain, but he seemed to want to provide comfort at the same time. It ended up helping immensely as Benny managed to concentrate on the gently stroking hand, revelling in the sensation of it and blocking out the pain. “That'll do for now.” Charlie said happily, looking down at the boy's glowing red rump. He put the paddle down then moved both hands onto Benny's arse, one hand gently rubbing each cheek. Benny let out an involuntary mew of pleasure, then silenced himself as he lay there enjoying the feeling. “Up you get.” Charlie said, lifting Benny slightly. Benny climbed off and stood in front of Charlie, but only for a moment before the young man reached up and pulled on the boy's shoulders, making him kneel. Benny found his face just a couple of inches lower than Charlie's, their eyes fixed on each other's. Charlie sat forward in his seat, placing his hands on Benny’s sides, but quickly sliding them round to his back, to pull him closer. Before Benny knew what was happening, Charlie's lips were on his. Benny completely lost himself. Since Charlie had come to the house, Benny had found himself frozen or lost for words several times in the beautiful man's presence. This was like that, but a million times more intense. It literally felt like the entire world dropped away and the only things that existed were Benny and Charlie. The kiss wasn't wasn't even particularly passionate, they barely moved, their tongues occasionally meeting, but somehow the entire embrace felt unbelievable. Charlie eventually pulled away, smiling at Benny as he opened his eyes. “Still intimidated?” Charlie asked, letting his hands drop back down to Benny's hips. “Oh God, even more!” Benny said, shakily, just about managing to smile back. “Take my clothes off.” Charlie said, standing up as he pulled Benny back up onto his feet. “Gladly!” Benny said happily. He placed his hands on Charlie's chest, moaning at the feeling of his firm pecs before sliding the hands downwards across the bumpy ridges of his abs until he grabbed the bottom of the t-shirt. He lifted it and Charlie raised his arms to let the boy pull it off completely. “Oh fuck!” Benny muttered as he found himself just inches away from the bare chest. Charlie grinned impishly as he took hold of Benny's hand and returned it to his chest, making him repeat his previous movements, but this time against bare skin. He guided the boy's hand to the waistband of his shorts then left him to take care of the rest, dropping his hands back to his sides. Benny was breathing heavily as he undid the shorts and let them drop to the ground. Charlie was now wearing just a pair of tight white briefs, his erection stretching up towards his left hip, almost visible through the extended fabric. Charlie once again grabbed Benny's hand and placed it on his brief-clad boner, rubbing it up and down the full length of it. Benny's heavy breathing turned into whimpering as he felt the large tool beneath his fingers, his own cock virtually streaming pre-cum. “Take them off.” Charlie ordered. Benny immediately grabbed both sides of the underwear and tugged it down, watching in delight as the erection popped free, stretching up towards the ceiling. “Suck it!” Charlie snapped. Benny almost dropped straight to his knees, but felt a sudden surge of defiance. Charlie may have been in charge for the evening, but Benny wasn't a sub, not at heart. He stared at Charlie for a few moments. In his mind it was his way of showing Charlie that he wasn't quite so easy, but in reality it was a wait of less than ten seconds and really achieved nothing. His desire to finally pleasure the sexy young man just got too much for him. He dropped down and opened his mouth, letting the head of Charlie's cock poke inside. He swirled his tongue around the head before taking it further in, keeping his tongue working around the shaft as more and more of it disappeared inside. Now it was Charlie's turn to let out an involuntary groan. He had been given many blow jobs in his life and while Benny couldn't yet be described as 'the best' he was easily in the top 5 and he had barely even started. “Fuck, you're good at that.” He gasped, placing his hands on Benny's shoulders for support as his legs wobbled. Benny would have smiled at the comment if his mouth wasn't so full, but it encouraged him to go on. He continued pulling back and forth, using Charlie's cock to fuck his face while his tongue continued swirling around it and his hand caressed the young man's smooth balls. “Oh god... aaah, yeah.... fuck!” Charlie moaned as Benny quickly sucked him to completion, his cock erupting excitedly, coating the boy's throat and mouth with thick gooey spunk. It felt like the biggest load of his life. Breathing heavily, he flopped down onto the sofa. Benny wiped his mouth as the cock slid out, then stood facing Charlie, his own cock still rigid and begging for attention. “Well I suppose it's only fair.” Charlie said breathlessly as he leaned forward and took Benny’s boner into his mouth. “Holy... FUCK!” Benny called out as Charlie quickly got to work on him. “Oh god, this won't take long...” he gasped shakily, his hands both grasping at Charlie's hair. It felt like silk between his fingers, somehow pushing him even closer to release. Charlie suddenly pulled away. “That'll do for now.” He said with a devilish grin as Charlie stared down at him in dismay. “Oh come on.” Benny pleaded. Charlie licked his lips slowly as he sat back on the sofa. “Sorry boy, maybe later.” He smiled at Benny's disheartened expression, then leant forward and kissed him quickly again, just for a few seconds. His hands slid round the boy's body again, this time finding their way onto his rear. “Turn around.” He ordered. Once again Benny wanted to rebel, but he had enjoyed everything with Charlie so far and wanted it to continue, so he quickly turned. He felt a hand on his back, pushing him to bend over, which he did, again with a slight hesitation. Next he felt Charlie's feet pushing outwards against his own, making them spread and exposing his hole. Benny's eyes suddenly opened wide as he felt a tongue pushing into his hole. “Oh yeah.” he whimpered happily as Charlie's tongue alternated between circling his hole and probing into it. “Are you going to fuck me?” Benny asked, his voice sounding more hopeful than he had intended. Charlie pulled back and replied, “No, but you are!” He got up and headed to the drawer containing assorted dildos and vibrators. He selected a few and returned to the sofa. He handed the smallest to Benny and pointed to the chair opposite. “Give me a good show, boy!” Benny took the dildo, grabbed some lube and took a seat. While his hole was still slick with Charlie's saliva, he added more lubricant anyway before spreading some across the toy. He leant back in the chair and raised his legs to expose his hole to Charlie, then started pushing the six inch phallus inside himself. He moaned happily as he started to fuck himself. Benny didn't play with his rear often, usually preferring to top, but it was something he always enjoyed. It somehow felt even better to be doing it for Charlie who watched excitedly, his cock swelling back up to full girth. “Pull it out.” Charlie called out. When Benny did as ordered and dropped it to the floor, he threw over the next size up. Without needing any further instructions, Benny started pushing the bigger toy inside his hole. It stretched him a little, but it was easier because the first one had loosened him slightly. His cock was throbbing and he desperately wanted to stroke it. The pressure on his prostate had maintained his proximity to orgasm and he felt like just a few strokes would be enough to set him off, but he resisted. Charlie continued watching, gradually replacing the toys with bigger and bigger models. Benny started to struggle with getting it inside himself, his moans becoming as much from pain as from pleasure. When he finally moved onto the largest, he started pushing it inside, but couldn't quite manage it. “Aah, I can't... it's too big for me.” he moaned weakly. “Come on, you can do it for me, can't you?” Charlie asked. Both his tone and expression made it clear it was a request and not an order. Benny actually found that spurred him on more as he found himself desperate to please the stunning man. He tried a couple more times to push the huge dildo inside himself but still couldn't manage. “It's okay if you can't....” Charlie started, but stopped as he saw Benny shaking his head and getting up from the chair. The boy moved around the coffee table between them, positioned the dildo, adding a little more lube, then started sitting onto it. “Fuck.” Charlie moaned, watching in amazement as the boy started impaling himself on the toy just a few feet in front of him. “Ah... aaah.... oh.” Benny moaned as he forced himself onto it. Finally the widest part started sliding inside him, the hard bit was over. He gradually lowered himself more and more until it was almost fully inside him, then slid back up. “Oh fuuuuck.” he moaned. Charlie shuffled forward in his seat then leant forward and took Benny's cock in his mouth. He didn't suck or lick, he just held it there. Any more stimulation than that was likely to set him off. Benny was frozen in place, dildo inside him, cock inside Charlie, right on the brink of cumming. It felt like even the slightest breeze could set him off. He remained like that for several minutes until the orgasm began to teasingly drift away. Charlie pulled away and nodded for Benny to stand up, letting the dildo slide out from him. As his sphincter contracted and Benny found himself feeling suddenly empty, he felt a slight weakness in his legs and stumbled forward, right onto Charlie. The horny man grinned at Benny as he caught him, their faces inches apart. “Well, as you're here...” he said before planting another passionate kiss on Benny's slightly parted lips. Benny melted into him once again, shifting round to sit on his lap as they kissed. After a couple of minutes, Charlie started tilting sideways, pulling Benny with him until they were laying along the length of the sofa, kissing, caressing, touching. Charlie pulled away from kiss, but rested his forehead against Benny's, then whispered, “Okay, now I'll fuck you!” Benny rolled over, reached towards the coffee table and grabbed the lube, handing it to Charlie. He didn't bother taking any for himself as he was still sufficiently slippery from the huge dildo. A few moments later, he felt Charlie's solid cock pressing against his hole. As much as it was still aching from the ample toy, he eagerly pushed his arse back against it. As Charlie began to slip inside Benny, he felt the man's arms wrapping tightly around him, his lips nuzzling against the boy's neck. Benny's hands found their way onto Charlie's, their fingers linking together as the fucking began. Benny was moaning illegibly, completely overwhelmed by the beautiful sensations. The cock in his rear, the lips nibbling at his shoulder, the large strong hands gripping his own. He quickly realised Charlie wasn't fucking him, he was making love to him. The realisation made his breath catch in his throat and a tear form in the his eye. “Oh my god.” he moaned excitedly. Charlie remained silent as he thrust in and out. Having cum such a short time before, it took a while from him to approach climax, a fact that neither of them seemed to mind. When Charlie felt himself getting close, he pulled out then sat back up, releasing Benny's hands, much to the boy's dismay. Benny soon realised Charlie wasn't stopping, he just wanted a different position. As he sat there with his cock pointing skyward, Benny quickly, and eagerly, got the idea. He jumped onto the man's lap and lowered himself onto the throbbing dick, much as he had with the toy earlier. With Charlie back inside him, Benny grinned at the man before leaning in to kiss him again. As he slid up and down, he could feel Charlie moaning into his mouth, just as his rear filled with warm spunk. He continued riding it until Charlie pulled away and said, “No more!” Benny gave one more playful hump, then pulled off and flopped onto the sofa beside him. Saying nothing, he caught Charlie's eye, looked at his own throbbing erection, then back to his master. Charlie grinned back, then said, “Sorry, not yet!” ********** Wesley headed up the stairs then followed round to the room he shared with Malik. As there were two rooms assigned as bedrooms for the Generals, both he and Roger had enjoyed a private room until Malik joined the house. It had taken some getting used to having a room mate, but he had soon started to appreciate having Malik there. Just like everyone else in the house, the entire situation was a brand new experience for him and it was actually quite nice to have someone to talk to about it, especially someone at the same level of authority who could really understand it. As he entered their room, he found Malik already inside. “Hey.” he said flatly. “Bad night?” Malik asked. It was immediately obvious something was bothering the other General. “No, good actually. I had David.” Wesley said with a grin. “Oh, so you had a REALLY good night then!” Malik chuckled. The chemistry between Wesley and David was infamous, their interactions often drew spectators from among the other residents of the house. “What's up then?” he asked as he saw Wesley's grin quickly fade. Wesley sighed. “I failed Benny this morning.” he said, looking thoroughly miserable. “What? How?” Malik asked, sitting up and looking across the room as Wesley headed for his own bed. “He ordered me to get naked, but I left my socks on.” Wesley said, staring down at the ground. Malik laughed. “And that's it? What's the big deal?” Wesley shrugged. “Well he said he has to punish me for it.” “Oh.” Malik said. He leaned back, revealing his still-caged cock. “Worried you're gonna get one of these?” “No.” Wesley said sadly. “The punishment doesn't bother me, it actually turns me on a bit. It's just... I've never let him down before. I feel like a total failure.” Malik smiled, shook his head and paced across the room. He sat beside Wesley and put an arm around his shoulders. “You're just the sweetest little idiot in the world, aren't you.” Wesley scowled. “I think that was meant to cheer me up, but I'm not quite feeling the love!” He said unhappily. Malik laughed again. “You didn't fail Benny. He's just playing with you, same way he is with me. My punishment is annoying, but it's just for fun... admittedly it's for his fun a lot more than my own, but still... don't worry about it.” “Really?” Wesley asked, looking slightly more hopeful. “Yeah.” Malik insisted, giving his friend a slight squeeze before releasing him to return to his own bed. “So how do you think he'll punish me?” Wesley asked as he started to undress for bed. Malik looked down at his chastity cage, then across at his friend. “Well I like edging the Boys and he's punishing me with a LOT of edging. You're a master at spanking, pain, that sorta thing so...” “I'm getting a spanking.” Wesley said, pursing his lips contemplatively. ********** “Oh fuuuuuuuck.” Benny cried out as Charlie stopped just short of letting him cum once again. It had been hours now. Charlie had cum two more times, once from a second blow job and then from another fuck, while Benny had still been denied a single orgasm. The boy's hands had been restrained behind his back after he had attempted to make himself cum. Charlie turned him to lay face-down on the sofa. He stood there holding a larger paddle than the one he had used earlier. Benny's battered rear had taken several more swats from the large wooden toy and now it was time for a few more. Benny yelled out and tried to shuffle away with each loud SMACK, but Charlie held him in place. He had to stop though when he realised Benny was humping the sofa cushions, using the friction of his escape attempts to get himself closer and closer to cumming. “I don't think so.” Charlie said, flipping him back over. In pain from the spankings, fuckings and dildo-play, mixed with the pleasure and frustration of the prolonged edging had reduced Benny to tears. He sat crying and sniffing as he stared at Charlie who looked horrified at the boy's reaction. He had thought Benny was enjoying the treatment he was getting. “Oh God, I'm so sorry.” Charlie said apologetically. “I'll make you cum if you like.” Benny just nodded eagerly. Charlie dropped to his knees and took Benny's straining dick in his mouth. He sucked it quickly and soon had Benny yelping with delight. “Yes, yes, yes.... FUUUUUCK!” the boy called out as he finally erupted. Charlie eagerly swallowed every drop, then knelt on the sofa and undid the restraints behind the boy's back. “Are we done then?” Benny asked, still sniffing back tears. “Yeah.” Charlie said quickly, still feeling bad. “Yeah we are.” “Good.” Benny said. He wiped away the tears and grinned. “I knew turning on the waterworks would guilt you into letting me cum!” Charlie stared in shock. “You... you faked it?” he asked, amazed. Benny nodded, still grinning, then added, “And now we're done, YOU are back under MY control.” “Fuck.” Charlie muttered, his mind suddenly filling with images of the Master's retribution. “I'm going to go up to my room and have a quick shower.” Benny said, standing up. “You go and do whatever you need, then come up to my room. You know which one it is?” Charlie nodded, suddenly looking a little scared. “Good boy. See you shortly.” Benny said as he picked up his discarded clothing from the floor and headed out of the room. It was about fifteen minutes later when Charlie made his way up to Benny's room, having had a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He knocked on the door and stood waiting for an answer. “Come in!” Benny called out. Charlie opened the door timidly and stepped inside. “Reporting as ordered, Sir.” He gulped as he saw Benny sat on his bed, waiting. Benny got off the bed and walked over to the nervous man, suppressing a grin. “You spanked me, made me fuck myself with various dildos, fucked me, edged me... so what do you think I should do to you now?” he asked, standing inches away from him. “Wh... whatever you want, Sir.” Charlie replied, shaking slightly. Benny smiled. “Right answer.” Charlie relaxed. The Master's smile was kind, sincere, playful even. “Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything back to you. That was your prize and I hope you enjoyed it.” Benny said happily. “So why am I here?” Charlie asked curiously. “Well you said to Roger that you wanted a night with me.” Benny said, then looked over to the bed. “You want me to sleep in here?” Charlie asked in surprise. Benny suddenly felt the return of his previous nervousness around the man. “Erm... well.... only if you... want to.” Charlie grabbed Benny, picked him up then jumped onto the bed with him. Benny protested at the rough handling, but made no physical attempt to get free. They wrestled around for a few moments. Benny actually got the upper hand for a moment, but it was obvious Charlie was just letting him. They eventually settled under the covers. Charlie was laying flat on his back when Benny cuddled up against him, his head resting on the man's chest. After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Charlie said, “Hey, can I ask you something?” “Sure.” Benny said dreamily, almost hypnotised by the sound of Charlie's heartbeat right under his ear. “Earlier, were you really faking those tears?” Charlie asked. The question shook Benny out of his stupor. He sighed. “No.” he confessed quietly. “Sorry.” Charlie said quietly, barely more than a whisper. “I didn't mean to hurt you.” “It's ok.” Benny said back just as quietly. “It was... most of it... was awesome. I guess I'm just not used to some of it.” They dropped back into silence again, but it was broken by Charlie again. “Can I... ask something else?” Benny smiled. He sounded so timid. “Sure.” He said once again. “Would you mind if we... swapped positions? It's just... I... nobody...” He stuttered. He was only able to continue after Benny sat up and smiled at him reassuringly. “I've only ever held guys, I've... never had them hold me.” Benny almost gasped. His heart felt like it skipped a beat. The sad tone of his voice, the nervousness plastered across his face, it was thoroughly endearing. Benny smiled again and lay down on his back, holding an arm out to Charlie. Charlie eagerly moved across and rested his head on Benny's chest as the boy's arms wrapped around him. “How's that?” Benny asked quietly as he turned out the light. “Perfect.” Charlie sighed contentedly. Chapter 9 – Benny's Night Out by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Tuesday 10th February 2015 It's funny to think how much I was dreading the 'prizes' for the competition. Last night with Charlie was amazing, the role play with Quentin should be fun and tonight with Philip was.... well it was just a wonderful night. On top of that, things are finally starting to look up. All the drama from last week seems like a distant memory now, let's just hope it stays that way. The last thing I need is Alex causing more trouble or things kicking off between the twins again! Nope, that's not going to happen, I won't let it. This is my house and I'm going to make being happy mandatory! LOL! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny stirred a little, then slowly opened his eyes. As he opened them, he found himself looking straight into Charlie's eyes, the older man gradually smiling as he saw his Master awakening. “Morning Sir.” Charlie said happily. “Morning.” Benny said, before yawning. The two of them must have shifted around during the night and were now just laying on their sides, facing each other. Benny's arm was still under Charlie's neck though. Remembering Charlie's request the night before, he rolled onto his back and pulled the man closer. Charlie chuckled contentedly as his head came to rest on Benny's chest again. Benny loved waking up with him, but it somehow seemed strange to not have Zane there beside him like the last two mornings. He wondered briefly if his little pup was doing okay on his own before turning his attention back to Charlie. “So you've really never had anyone hold you like this?” Benny asked quietly. “Nope.” Charlie replied with a deep breath. “Cos I'm fairly.... erm...” “Big and manly?” Benny offered. Charlie chuckled again. “Not quite how I'd put it, but yeah, because of that, people have always tended to cuddle up to me.” “I feel all special now.” Benny said happily, giving Charlie a quick squeeze. “You ARE special.” Charlie said very matter-of-factly. He rested his chin on Benny's chest so he could stare up into the boy's face. Benny didn't know what to say back to that, and being able to stare into his beautiful eyes again made his heart just melt. He tilted his head forward and kissed the man, but was soon interrupted by a knock at the door. “Ugh.” Benny moaned, pulling back. “Come in!” He shouted then returned to kissing Charlie. “Morning Sir.” A voice called out happily as the door opened. “Oh... morning to you both.” The kiss parted once again and they both looked round to see Philip standing there with the breakfast tray, grinning. “Should I leave you to it?” Philip asked cheekily. Benny couldn't help smiling at the Boy. “No, I think we're done.” He said, getting an almost inaudible groan of disappointment from Charlie. Benny ignored it and pointed to the bedside table. “Just put it there for now.” He looked to Charlie and said, “You can go now. I'll see you soon.” “Yes Sir.” Charlie said unhappily as he started getting out of Benny's bed. “You may as well wait outside for Philip, I just need to speak to him for a minute.” Benny instructed, then looked to the Boy placing the tray at his side. “Yes Sir.” Charlie said again, then left the room and closed the door behind him. “What can I do for you, Sir?” Philip asked politely. Benny smiled as he sat up. Philip was always so well-behaved. As much as he enjoyed dishing out punishments, it was nice to see one of the Boy's behaving so well. “Actually.” Benny said, “It's more a case of what I can do for you.” “What d'you mean, Sir?” Philip asked with a frown. “Well I was thinking tonight might be good for your competition prize. What was it, a night with me, doing whatever I want?” Benny asked. “Yes Sir.” Philip replied. “No more demands than that?” Benny asked, hoping to get at least some hint of the Boy's desire. Philip shook his head. “No Sir, anything you want. You want to spend the night spanking me, that's fine, you want to just hang out, that's good too. It's totally your call. I just...” He paused, holding something back. “Go on.” Benny encouraged him. “I just... I dunno... I've had a few things over the past few weeks where it's been just us, and I always enjoyed them, even what we did when I was drunk in your lounge. They were just... over too quickly.” Philip explained. Benny was surprised. He had though Philip far too inebriated to even remember what had happened that night in his lounge, let alone actually remembering it fondly! The young man clearly just wanted to spend more time with his Master. “Okay Boy, that's fine. I guess I'll see you tonight then.” “Yes Sir.” Philip said excitedly then dashed to the door. As soon as he got outside, he found Charlie waiting for him as instructed. “Have a good night?” he asked with a sly grin. Charlie sighed, smiling contentedly. “Yeah, you could say that.” They started heading towards the stairs as the spoke. “So what did you do?” Philip asked, hoping for some good gossip. Charlie smiled, then stopped himself before he said anything. He knew he could tell Philip and trust him to keep it secret, the details of what he had inflicted on their master, the way he had been pushed to his limit and reduced to tears, the way they had slept in each other's arms... but he didn't. “That's... between me and Benny. Dom/Sub privilege and all that.” “Aww come on. It's my turn tonight. Tell me yours and I'll tell you what happens with mine.” Philip offered as they reached the atrium. “Sorry.” Charlie said with a shrug. “It's our secret.” “Fine.” Philip said unhappily, starting down the stairs to the basement. He sighed. “I'll get over it.” He grinned. As much as he wanted to know what had happened, he couldn't stay annoyed at his best friend in the house. “Aww, I just realised something.” “What?” Charlie asked, frowning. “I'm guessing I'll end up sleeping with Benny tonight, so that's gonna be two nights in a row where we can't have our usual midnight chat.” Philip said unhappily. Charlie threw an arm around Philip's shoulder as they headed into their Dorm. “Aww, you're gonna miss me? That's so sweet.” “Fuck off.” Philip chuckled as he pushed Charlie away. ********** Benny sat on the stairs as usual watching everyone arrive home. For a change he was sat at the bottom though as he needed to speak to a couple of the Boys. Taro, Henry and Anthony were first home, getting stripped at the door and given their instructions for the night. Philip was next. Benny immediately got up to greet him. “No need for that.” Roger said to the twenty-five-year-old as he started to strip. “Why not?” Philip asked, looking concerned at the comment. He felt even more nervous as he saw Benny approach. “Because your prize is tonight, and we're going out.” Benny said happily, leading Philip away. “Be ready at six.” “What are we doing?” Philip asked anxiously. “You requested a night with me, that's what you're getting. Relax, you're gonna have fun.” Benny reassured him. Philip smiled back happily and said, “Thanks Sir. Guess I'll see you later then.” He headed off towards the basement as Benny returned to his previous seat on the stairs. Benny continued watching as Charlie came in, flashing a cheesy grin at the young Master. He couldn't help but smile back. He dashed towards the basement stairs after he had been stripped and given his instructions for the night. Abdul and Malik were next, soon followed by David. Benny got up from his seat again when he saw Alex and Zane walk through the door. “Hi Sir!” Zane said happily. Benny once again found himself unable to fight back a smile at the Boy's cheerful greeting. “Hello Zane.” he said as flatly as he could manage. “Strip!” Roger snapped at the Boy. Zane quickly started undressing, looking decidedly nervous under Roger's steely gaze. “Not you though.” Benny said, leading Alex away from the other two. “What have I done now?” Alex asked as Benny lead him towards the private lounge. Zane's clothes were quickly removed and folded alongside the clothes of the other Boys, leaving him looking even more nervous in front of Roger. “Wh.... what should I do tonight, Sir?” he stuttered quietly. Roger smiled cruelly. “Oh, you're with me tonight, Boy. Room two downstairs after dinner. Understand?” “Yes Sir.” Zane said, cowering slightly from the man. “Now go!” Roger barked, making Zane jump and take off at a run across the atrium. He smirked at the Boy's reaction. From what Benny had told him, Zane was somewhat challenging at times. Roger looked forward to the challenge. Meanwhile, inside the private lounge, Alex stood nervously looking between Benny and the stranger sat in one of the chairs. “What's.... going on?” he asked hesitantly. Benny nudged him over towards the seats, gesturing for him to sit on the sofa. The young Master remained standing. “Alex, this is Victor. Victor, this is Alex.” “Um... hi.” Alex said, shifting nervously in his seat. The man opposite was about fifty, with dark, side-parted hair flecked with streaks of grey. He was slimly built and dressed in a dark grey suit. “Hello Alex.” he said back politely. “Sorry to just spring this on you Alex, but Victor is a psychotherapist. He's quite busy so when I found out he was free this evening, I decided to take this opportunity. He's here to talk to you about the problems you've had.” Benny explained. Alex looked thoroughly blind-sided. “Wh... what have you told him?” he asked, wide-eyed. “If you mean about your problems, nothing at all. I know it's not my place to say. If you mean about the house... well he's fully aware of what goes on here.” Benny said, looking briefly to Victor then back to Alex. “Victor was actually one of my first subs.” Alex looked even more shocked. He couldn't imagine the very formal looking older gentleman under Benny's control. “So I guess I'll leave you to it. I'm going to be going out for the evening, so Victor, I'll call you tomorrow and Alex, I'll see you tomorrow.” Benny said as he turned and headed for the door. Alex stared at the man for a moment. “So Alex, what do you want to talk about?” Victor asked quietly. ********** Despite Benny's reassurances and repeated attempts at conversation, Philip remained almost completely silent throughout the whole taxi ride. It was only when they reached their destination and got out that he said anything. “What are we doing here, Sir?” he asked nervously. Benny looked up at the building in front of them – the cinema. He gave Philip a very confused look. “Erm... what do you think we're doing here!” He said sarcastically. “And while we're out, don't call me Sir, call me Benny.” “Yes Sir.” Philip said, still looking round nervously. Benny smirked and shook his head, then started leading the young man into the building. “So I'm guessing this isn't what you imagined we'd be doing tonight then?” He asked as they headed for the ticket machine. “No Sir.... erm... Benny, Sir.” Philip stuttered. Benny giggled again at the man's attempt to change his reflex. “Well I hope you don't mind me using you as an excuse for a night out of the house.” “No Sir, it's... it's nice.” Philip mumbled. “It's almost like we're on a date!” He immediately blushed at the comment, a look of panic spreading across his face. “Is... is this a date?” Benny grinned, but flinched inwardly. He still had to address the issue of in-house dating and Philip's comment only served to remind him of it. “No, Philip, this isn't a date.” Benny said, shaking his head. “Well, I mean, we're seeing a film, then going for dinner and then we'll probably go home and have sex, so it's not totally unlike a date, but don't worry, we're still just Master and Boy!” Benny joked. Philip didn't laugh though, he just looked more nervous. Benny shook his head and took the tickets from the machine. He sighed as they started walking towards the screens and looked round at Philip. “Why are you so nervous?” Philip looked like a small woodland creature caught in the headlights of an oncoming creature, the question only serving to emphasise his nerves. “It... it's just... it's you!” he stuttered. When Benny frowned at him, he continued. “You're... you're like the boss and... and a crush and.... a celebrity, all rolled into one. And most of us never really get to be alone with you. It's just... a bit scary.” Benny stopped walking, grabbing Philip's arm to make him stop too. “Look.” he said, taking a deep breath. “I understand all that, but.... get over it! Right now, I'm not any of that, I'm just.... a normal guy. Okay?” “Okay.” Philip said with a nod and a forced smile. Benny rolled his eyes at Philip's reaction. “Come on then.” He said, prompting him to continue walking. ********** Roger stood in Room two, waiting impatiently. Eventually the door opened and Zane peered inside. “C... can I come in?” the Boy asked shakily. Roger stared for a moment, then nodded slowly. Zane walked in and headed for the massive General. “Door!” Roger snapped. Zane stopped and looked back. He had left the door open intentionally. “I left it open for the others.” “I said.... Door!” Roger snarled. Zane immediately dashed back and closed it, then turned back top Roger. “And just so you know, there won't be any others.” Roger said sharply. Zane's eyes widened. “It's.... just the two of us?” Roger smiled wickedly. “Wow, you can count that high, you're smarter than I thought.” “Th... thank you Sir.” Zane mumbled shyly. “I think I'll have to take that back. Are you actually too stupid to know when you're being insulted?” Roger asked, shaking his head. “Yes Sir... I mean No Sir.... I mean.... erm.” Zane replied, already looking completely flustered. “Come and stand here.” Roger said, pointing to the spot right in front of him. Zane quickly complied, standing in front of the General, but staring down at the ground between them. His cock was rigid already, having started stiffening at Roger's first comment. “Look at me, Boy.” Roger snapped loud enough to actually make the Boy jump. Zane stared up into the aggressive young man's eyes. Roger just stared back blankly, his eyes narrowing slightly as he sized up the Boy. A couple of minutes in, Zane's hands started trembling, followed shortly after by the rest of him. A few minutes after that the Boy broke the eye-lock, looking back to the ground. “I SAID LOOK AT ME, BOY!” Roger bellowed. Zane closed his eyes and shook his head, but didn't say anything. He felt Roger's chunky hand grab his jaw, tilting his head upwards, eliciting a whimper from him. “Open your eyes.” Roger said calmly. When Zane still refused to comply, he raised his voice again. “I SAID OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!” Zane's eyes shot open as his breath caught in his throat. ********** Wesley stood in Room One, waiting nervously. His duties that night had been allowed by Roger and Benny at Wesley's own request, but that didn't stop the young General from being nervous about it. 'You've had handled whole groups before, keeping them under control, keeping them aroused, keeping them compliant, so why are you so nervous about handling just one Boy tonight?' Wesley asked himself. “Hey.” Charlie said with a smile as he walked in. 'That's why!' Wesley thought to himself as his twin walked in. He took a deep breath. It was strange seeing his brother fully exposed, not so much for the nudity itself, but because of the change. Before their recent reunion, the last time he had see his twin naked, he had been in his early teens. Now though, he was very much a man. Regardless of the relationship between the two, Wesley couldn't deny that Charlie was an extremely good looking guy with an amazing body. “Hello Boy.” Wesley finally managed to say back. Charlie's expression changed. For just a moment, he thought he was facing his brother, but the way he had been addressed made it immediately clear that the young man before him was his master for the evening. Any other relationship didn't matter. It had taken some getting used to seeing Wesley as a figure of authority. In their youth, even before their father had started his systematic abuse and degradation, Wesley had never assertive in any way. Now though, the way he carried himself in the house, the respect the other Boys clearly had for him, even the way he stood in the room, it painted a very different picture of who he was now. “Is it just us... Sir?” Charlie asked, noting the unusually empty room. He wasn't particularly experienced in household activities yet, but he knew that usually there were normally at least a few Boys assigned to each General. “Yes.” Wesley said flatly. “I requested this. I needed to know if I can carry out my duties without.... other things getting in the way.” Charlie nodded his understanding. It made sense really and it was something he had thought of himself more than once. “So what do you want me to do Sir?” “Come here.” Wesley ordered, moving towards a large wooden X in one corner of the room. Charlie approached it nervously then turned his back to it as his master instructed. Wesley set about securing the Boy's arms and legs against the stand. Charlie briefly glanced down at his stiffening cock then blushed as he looked his brother in the eye. Wesley grinned at his brother's embarrassment. “Come on, it's not like it's the first time I've seen it. I gave you your first hand job, remember.” The comment only made Charlie blush even more as his cock twitched excitedly. Wesley walked away, shaking his head. He grabbed his favourite floggers from the wall of tools – sturdy metal handles with dozens of thin strips of black leather hanging from them. Charlie's breaths grew quick and rapid as he saw his master approaching with the two items. “Relax, this won't hurt too much.” Wesley said reassuringly, then grinned wickedly and added, “At least not at first.” ********** Philip's nervousness had continued all the way until the film had actually started. He had been expecting the young Master to sneak in some nasty surprise, forcing him to strip, or jerk off once the lights went down, but nothing of the sort had occurred. Benny had remained acutely aware of Philip's trepidation. It was a few minutes into the film when he leaned over to the older man and whispered in his ear, “Relax, I'm not going to do anything, just enjoy yourself.” When the reassurance failed to put him at ease, Benny had reached across and taken Philip's hand. The hand holding had made Philip even more scared at first, but gradually it had the affect Benny had wanted. He could feel Philip's hand relaxing bit by bit. By the end of the movie, Philip was actually able to return Benny's smile as the boy peered round at him. “That was awesome.” Philip said happily. “Yeah, I liked it too.” Benny agreed as they got up, finally letting go of each other's hands. “So where do you fancy for dinner?” Philip shrugged. “I don't mind.” He said non-committally. Benny grinned. He momentarily cursed himself for even bothering to ask. Someone as passive and submissive as Philip was never going to actually pick anywhere. He thought for a moment and said, “Let's go Mexican.” “That's good for me.” Philip agreed happily as they followed the crowd out of the cinema. As they casually strolled towards the restaurant Benny had chosen, Philip looked sideways at Benny and asked, “So if this actually was a date, would you have done anything different so far?” Benny looked thoughtful for a moment, smiling inwardly at the first signs of an actual conversation. “Well if it was a first date, no, this is what I'd do. If it was, like, the third or fourth, let's just say it wouldn't have been your hand I was holding in there!” Philip chuckled at the boy's comment. “Then we should definitely do this a few more times then!” Benny grinned back at him, but it quickly faded away. Once again he found his mind lingering on the imminent decision he had to make about in-house dating. Philip frowned. “Sorry, should I not have said that?” he asked nervously. Benny sighed and looked round at him. “No, it's not that, it's just.... can I ask your opinion on something?” “Sure.” Philip replied with a casual shrug. “I'm having to think about where I stand on relationships between people in the house.” Benny explained. “And I don't know whether to allow it or not.” “Well, no... obviously!” Philip said instantly without hesitating for a moment. Benny actually chuckled at the instantaneous reply. “Why not?” “Well it's your house, you're the master, we're your Boys so we're there to serve you.” Philip explained matter-of-factly. Benny stopped walking and looked Philip up and down, his head tilted slightly. As Philip stopped too and looked back, Benny asked, “Is that... really how you feel?” Philip nodded, his eyebrows raised. “Yeah, I'm at the house because I'm yours.” “Thank you.” Benny replied sincerely. He blushed slightly, it was definitely not what he had expected to hear, but it filled his heart with joy. He attempted to speak, but got a little choked up. When he finally managed to compose himself, he cleared his throat and said, “Come on. Enough of this mushy crap, I'm hungry!” ********** “Please, please... no more.” Zane gasped, laying face down on the floor. Roger towered over the exhausted boy. It had become immediately clear that Zane had come into the room expecting some kind of sexual activity, maybe even sexual torture as he had been visibly surprised by the exercises Roger put him through. They had started with jumping jacks, followed by squats, then sit-ups and finally onto push-ups. Zane had managed to keep himself going through all the physical exertions, although he had been close to tears for most of it. Roger had been barking insults and slurs at him the whole time. Finally though, he had reached his limit. The Boy lay on the floor, panting and whimpering, dripping with sweat and cheeks wet with tears. “You fucking useless excuse for a man. Is that really all you can do? Fucking pathetic!” Roger sneered down at him. “Please...” Zane whimpered. “Stop fucking whining.” Roger snapped. “Push yourself back up, NOW!” Zane complied, placing his palms face-down on the ground and raising his body up with every remaining bit of strength he had. “And hold it!” Roger ordered. Zane looked up at him in despair. It had taken everything he had just to get himself off the floor, holding himself up like that seemed outright impossible. “I can't... hold it... Sir.” Zane gasped. His arms were already wobbling. “You'll fucking hold it for as long as I tell you to!” Roger snapped, dropping to his knees beside the boy, bellowing in his ear. As Zane flinched away from the shout, his arms gave way and he hit the ground with a heavy thud. Roger leant down, his lips almost touching the Boy's ear. “You weak, pathetic little piece of shit. Did I say you could drop?” Zane, his cheeks already streaked with tears burst into heavy sobs, weakly curling up into the foetal position, his face buried in his hand. Roger stood back up. His work was done. His task for the evening had been the same as he did to every new Boy, testing his responses to physical exhaustion and verbal abuse. Some of the Boys took it extremely well, holding up for extended periods and easily dismissing the yells of abuse. Others gave in quickly and called out the safe word. Zane had done neither really. He had not endured anywhere near as much as some of the others, yet he had not given up either. Roger had asked the Boy before they started and half way through if he was aware of the safe word, which he had been, but he had never used it. It was an interesting reaction and not one Roger had encountered before. Resistant endurance or outright submission he was used to, but Zane remained curled up, sobbing. As Roger continued watching, he began to feel something unusual – sympathy. He could usually detach himself emotionally from the discomfort he caused because of the Boys' reactions. If they endured, he would simply resolve to break them next time. If they simply gave in, they would incur his contempt. But this, the reaction before him now, being so visibly broken, yet so stubbornly refusing submission, it was actually beginning to get to him. The large man dropped back down to his knees again, but instead of leaning over to shout more abuse, he simply placed a hand on Zane's bare back. He knew the Boy was breathing heavily, but as he got closer, he could hear wheezing. “Zane, Zane are you okay?” Roger asked, panicking. The Boy looked up at him, gasping for breath in between sobs. “I... I can't... breathe.” He gasped. “Inhaler... in.... my room....” Roger immediately jumped up and ran out of the room. He ran into Dorm Four and opened the large wardrobe door with 'Zane' written on the name plate. Thankfully, the inhaler was immediately visible on one of the shelves. He snatched it and ran back to the Boy. “Here.” Roger said as he knelt at the Boy's side, handing it to him. Zane quickly grabbed it and took a couple of puffs, his breathing immediately getting easier. He curled back up as he started to catch his breath, but felt Roger moving into a sitting position beside him. The larger man positioned his leg under the Boy's head as a makeshift pillow, then started stroking his fingers through his hair. “Did I do okay?”the Boy asked, slowly regaining his composure. “You did great.” Roger said back reassuringly. ********** Wesley grinned at the sound of his floggers lashing against Charlie's chest and sniggered at the whimper of pain the followed. The young General had gradually worked his way from his brother's feet, all the way up to ends of the raised arms and then back down again, reddening his entire body. Charlie had been silent at first, but was beginning to make more and more noise as the lashes really started to bite. He made the most satisfying noises when the leather tips of the flogger made contact with his pert nipples or rigid cock. Wesley heard his twin breathe a sigh of relief when the floggers were returned to their spot on the wall, followed by a whimper of slightly fearful pleasure as he retrieved a brown leather paddle in their place. “For every strike, you will say, 'Thank You Sir'. Is that understood?” Wesley snapped. “Yes Sir!” Charlie replied immediately. Wesley had no intentions of easing his brother in gently. From the previous week's activities, it had already been established that the muscular young man could withstand quite a lot. Admittedly that had been at the hands of a different General because of their issues at the time, so he had yet to experience the true master at work. SMACK! The paddle made contact with Charlie's right pectoral. “AAARGH!” Charlie called out in response. He had obviously been expecting a gentle increase in pressure as there had been with the flogger. Instead, it felt like Wesley had put everything he had into that one strike. “THAT'S NOT WHAT I TOLD YOU TO SAY!” Wesley bellowed and swung the paddle again, making contact with the other side of Charlie's chest. SMACK! “Thank you Sir!” Charlie called out, then whimpered through heavy breaths. SMACK! The paddle slapped firmly into Charlie's abs. “Th... thank you Sir.” Charlie said weakly, his jaw clenched. Wesley reached up and placed a hand on his brother's cheek. “Breathe.” He said softly. “Breathe through the pain, it really helps.” He added. Charlie nodded, sucking in deep breaths as he watched Wesley step away again. SMACK! The paddle hit Charlie's left thigh. “Thank you Sir.” SMACK! The right thigh. “Thank you Sir.” Charlie's breaths were accented by slight whimpers of pain. He was no longer able to look at Wesley, instead focusing straight down at the floor. Wesley swung the paddle again, gentler this time, but a quick barrage of hits – both biceps, chest, stomach, both thighs, both shins. “Thank you Sir!” Charlie attempted to call out after each, but after the fifth strike it had just blurred into a quiet mantra of “thank you, thank you, thank you.” “Okay Boy, just one strike left.” Wesley teased. He placed the paddle on one of the raised arms. “Should it be up here.” He started moving the paddle to each body part as he mentioned it. “Or your chest. Maybe your stomach. Legs again? Or how about.... here.” He slid the paddle up the leg and rested it against Charlie's balls, hanging free beneath his rigid cock. “No!” Charlie begged. “No no no no no, please no.” He finally looked Wesley in the eye again as he pleaded for mercy. Wesley grinned as he swung the paddle back. “But it's just one hit.” “Please, please Sir. I'm begging you, not that.” Charlie continued. Wesley moved the paddle back even further, grinning wickedly at the almost tearful whimpering it was eliciting. “Wes, please.” Charlie begged weakly. “What's it worth?” Wesley asked, lowering the paddle slightly. “What?” Charlie asked, the question catching him slightly by surprise. “What's it worth?” Wesley repeated. “If I don't do it, what do I get in return?” Charlie looked round nervously, as if some divine inspiration was going to appear out of thin air. “I'm waiting.” Wesley said impatiently, raising the paddle again. “I'll jerk you off!” Charlie blurted out suddenly. It was Wesley's turn to be caught off guard. The paddle dropped to his side as he stood frowning at his twin. “Like when we were kids, the way you used to jerk me off but I never did it back to you.” Charlie explained quickly, still attempting to catch his breath. “So all I had to do to get you to return the favour was tie you up and beat you?” Wesley asked with a grin. “I think I'd prefer it it if you actually wanted to do it too, you know!” “I did. I do.... I mean, I wanted to!” Charlie stuttered nervously. Wesley stared back at him in silence, eyes narrowing. “Back then, I mean. I wanted to do it back to you, I just didn't.... I didn't want to be gay!” ********** Benny sat staring at Philip open-mouthed. “He really said that about me?” the young Master asked in shock. Philip nodded and they both burst into laughter. The Boy's nervousness had died down during the film, but had melted away completely over dinner. Just as Benny had hoped, they were now acting more like friends than Master/Sub. He did not want to lose that relationship with Philip, but their night out was meant to be a treat, a special occasion, so that allowed for the dropping of former barriers, if only for a little while. “Yep.” Philip replied with a grin. “You'd be amazed what we all say about you when you're not around.” “Hmm, well maybe I'm better off not knowing. Don't want you breaking anyone's trust and telling me things you shouldn't.” Benny said thoughtfully. Truthfully he would have loved to hear every detail, but he feared that not everything would be as pleasant as the story Philip had just told. “Okay.” Philip nodded his agreement. “Hey, erm... thanks for tonight, it's been really fun.” Benny shook his head. “You've already thanked me enough. You don't need to keep saying it.” “I know, it's just... it means a lot and I know it's not likely to happen again.” Philip replied, finishing his drink. “You never know, you might win another contest.” Benny joked, chuckling slightly. He suddenly went silent as an idea began to form. “What?” Philip asked, looking nervous at the sudden change. “Did you guys enjoy the competition?” Benny asked curiously. Philip thought for a moment then nodded. “Yeah. I mean, a few of the guys didn't particularly enjoy what we had to do, but having an actual competition, something to work for, it really got us all going. Everyone wanted the prize!” Benny slowly nodded his head, lost in thought. “D'you think... they'd all enjoy another one?” “Definitely!” Philip said, his eyes lighting up. “Particularly if you keep the same prize. I know I'd love to win again!” “I'll have to think about that, then.” Benny said as he put some money down with the bill. “Come on, let's get home.” He got up and started putting on his coat with Philip following close behind. “I was kinda hoping you'd have other plans.” Philip said downheartedly. Benny grinned, grabbing his arm. “I have. I'm gonna fuck you senseless!” There was a gasp of disgust from an elderly woman who overheard the comment as they passed. “Oh get over it!” Benny snapped at the woman who was sitting with what appeared to be her husband. “Just because you haven't done it since the seventies doesn't mean nobody else fucks!” “You got that right, kid!” The elderly man said unhappily. Benny and Philip burst into laughter, walking away to the sounds of a growing argument from the table. “You're so bad!” Philip chuckled as he followed Benny out. ********** Roger had sat with Zane until he had stopped crying and regained his breath, the teenager now just leaning against him and enjoying the feel of the large twenty-year-old's fingers running through his hair. The Boy had been lost in a jumble of emotions from the activities Roger had put him through. The demeaning yells and shouts had broken him emotionally, yet turned him on at the same time. More confusingly, Roger terrified the boy, but the tender attention he had given afterwards had filled him with an affectionate warmth. “You doing okay?” Roger finally asked. “Yeah.” Zane replied weakly. As much as he was beginning to feel better, the exercises he had endured had tired him out. He was far from unfit, but that level of activity was far beyond his usual routine and he found himself aching all over. Muscles he didn't even know he had seemed to be throbbing. “Why didn't you say the safe word?” Roger asked quietly. “I don't quit!” Zane said flatly. Roger smiled briefly before it broke into a frown. “You should be careful with an attitude like that. Sometimes we won't stop until you tell us to, so if you're not willing to quit you could really get hurt. Same goes for the asthma, that's really something you should have told us.” “I know. I just... I want to be a good sub and I know I can't do that if I shout out the safety word as soon as I get a bit upset. And I didn't want you to think I couldn't handle things just because I have asthma.” Zane replied. He attempted to sit up but groaned with pain from the exercise, prompting Roger to assist. The large General sat staring at Zane for a moment. He was rapidly beginning to understand what Benny had been saying about the new Boy, he was definitely not like most of the others. As much as Roger could see the dangers of his stubbornness, something about it was quite endearing too. He stood up and reached a hand down to Zane. “Up you get.” Zane took the hand and suddenly felt himself shooting upwards as Roger easily pulled him up onto his feet. He let out another groan of pain. “I guess we're done for the night.” Roger said, feeling slightly guilty over the Boy's condition. “No.” Zane objected. “Aren't you gonna let me do anything about this?” He gestured to his erection, before looking back to Roger and adding, “Or I thought you might want me to... do some stuff for you too.” Roger chuckled. “Zane, you can barely move.” The Boy shrugged and replied, “Yeah, but if you order it then I've just gotta get on with it, haven't I!” The General smiled. “I guess you do.” He reached down to his waistband, undid his trousers and let them drop, closely followed by his underwear. His cock hung down, enlarged slightly but not yet hard. “Suck it!” Zane was already heading for the exposed cock before he heard the instruction to do so. With a pained thud, he dropped to his knees and reached up with one hand to guide the large tool into his mouth. “Mmm, yeah.” Roger moaned happily as the Boy got to work. He definitely knew how to handle a cock! “Can I jerk off, Sir?” Zane asked, momentarily pulling the now-hard cock from his mouth. He looked up happily at the pleasured expression he was causing. “No.” Roger said, looking back down at him. “Just suck!” “Yes Sir!” Zane replied, plunging the erection back down his throat. Roger's hands found their way onto Zane's shoulders, before slowly sliding up his neck and onto the back of his head, moving back and forth with his motions. “Mmmm, ah, yeah!” Roger grunted excitedly. His fingers tightened, grasping the Boy's hair. He took control, pulling Zane back and forth as his hips thrust, fucking the Boy's throat vigorously. “Aaaaaaaah, fuuuuuck!” Roger called out as he started to cum. The first shot went down Zane's throat, but then he pulled his cock out and shot the rest across his face, covering both cheeks and his forehead with thick white goo. “Stand up!” Roger ordered. Zane had to grasp onto Roger to lift himself, but managed to get up onto his feet. Roger turned the Boy around and reached his arms down around his waist, nuzzling his face into Zane's neck. His hands soon found their way onto his throbbing cock. “Wait.” Zane said, pulling away. He turned and reached for Roger's shirt, quickly unbuttoning it and dropping it to the floor. “Okay, carry on.” He said, turning round again. Roger was a little confused at first, but as he wrapped himself around the Boy again, he began to understand. Suddenly he felt skin-on-skin as his now-bare chest rested against Zane's back. He knew he should have been annoyed or insulted at the boy's audacity, but he just couldn't find it in himself. Instead he just stood there enjoying the intimate contact as his hands got to work on the desperate erection. Soon it was Zane's turn to moan excitedly as his cock erupted in Roger's hand, shooting several thick globs onto the floor in front of them. They remained standing together for several moments, Roger's hands caressing up and down the Boy's lightly-haired torso. “Can I stay with you tonight?” Zane asked quietly. “What!” Roger said, suddenly letting go and standing away. The request caught him completely off guard. “Tonight, can I sleep with you, in your bed?” Zane clarified his request. Roger shook his head. “Sorry, that's not allowed.” Zane thought he could see a hint of regret on the young man's face, or perhaps that was just what he wanted to see, but he nodded gently. “Okay, I understand.” Roger quickly dressed, Zane's eyes following his every move. “You're free to go now.” He said, quickly heading for the door. Zane stretched a little, attempting to loosen his tight muscles before heading out too. After a quick shower, he headed back to his Dorm where he found Alex laying alone on his bunk. “Hey.” Zane said quietly, smiling at his friend. “Hey.” Alex said back flatly. Zane walked over to Alex's bunk and sat on the end of it. “What's wrong?” he asked, casually placing a hand on Alex's shin. Alex opened his mouth to reply, but no words emerged. Instead he sighed and shrugged. “What is it?” Zane continued to probe, looking a little concerned. “I just.... it's nothing.” Alex said, shaking his head. “Whatever.” Zane huffed, standing up. “You decide you wanna talk, you know where I'll be.” He headed to the ladder up to his bunk, letting out a grunt of pain as he climbed. “What's wrong with you?” Alex asked, leaning out from his bunk to look at the climbing Boy. “It's nothing!” Zane said, mocking Alex's words. “Fuck off then!” Alex snapped, disappearing back onto his bunk. “Fuck you too.” Zane mumbled half-heartedly as he carefully climbed the rest of the way up. ********** Wesley sat staring at his brother. They had left the basement play room and headed up into the Generals' lounge for privacy. It appeared Malik and Roger were still occupied elsewhere as the room was empty. The young General hadn't said anything to Charlie since his earlier comment, nor had the other twin attempted to add anything else. “So you knew you were gay, even back then and you never told me?” Wesley asked. It was clear from Wesley's tone that the realisation had hurt him, Charlie hadn't even had to look at his face to confirm it. He simply nodded as he stared down at his hands. “But we told each other everything. How could you have kept that from me?” Wesley pleaded. Charlie shrugged. “I don't know, it was just... I dunno, you seemed to take to it naturally, but to me it just felt... wrong!” “You think being gay is wrong?” Wesley snapped angrily. Charlie finally looked up at him, his eyes wide, shaking his hands in front of him. “No, no, I don't, not now. But I was just a kid, I didn't know how to handle it.” Wesley looked away, shaking his head as he closed his eyes for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes opened, his face turning pale. “What?” Charlie asked nervously. “The computer. The...the browser history. I cleared it every time I looked at anything on there, I know I did.” Wesley said, his eyes haunted, as if even thinking about those painful years was hurting him. “Lee, did you... did you look at gay sites on Dad's computer?” He asked, beginning to shake. “Wes... I....” Charlie stammered. “Charlie!” Wesley snapped. “Yes.” Charlie replied immediately. “So... so that day Mum and Dad found it, was that... stuff you'd been looking at?” Wesley asked, his breathing speeding up as his heart pounded. Charlie just nodded. Wesley was almost hyperventilating, his eyes filling with tears. Getting outed to their homophobic father had been the trigger point of the worst time of his life. He had spent many sleepless nights cursing his own carelessness for getting him caught, but to find out it had actually been because of Charlie... it was almost too much to bear. “Wes... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.” Charlie insisted, his hands trembling. “You... you're sorry?” Wesley asked, staring at him incredulously. “You're sorry? YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY?” He stood as he started to yell. “I LOST MY FAMILY, I LOST MY HOME, I LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU'RE SORRY?” Charlie shrank back further and further into his seat, cowering at the aggressive tone. “Look at this!” Wesley snapped, pulling his t-shirt off over his head. He turned his back to his brother, revealing dozens of thin scars across his back. “You know what they are? They're scars. You know how I got them? I went home with some guy because I was cold and hungry and had no place to go and he tied me up and he whipped me until I bled. The more I screamed, the harder he did it. And you know what, that wasn't even the worst thing that happened to me... and you're sorry?” Tears streamed down Charlie's face as he stared at the marks. Wesley pulled his t-shirt back on and glared at his twin. “I... I can't even look at you right now. Go to your dorm!” “Yes Sir.” Charlie sniffed, jumping to his feet. He ran to the door so fast he almost knocked Malik over as he walked in. “What's going on?” Malik asked as Charlie rushed by. He looked across at Wesley who dropped onto one of the sofas. “Wesley?” Malik said as he approached. Wesley stared round at his approaching friend and attempted to hold back to maintain his dignity. “Hey, what's wrong?” Malik asked, sitting beside him. The question was enough to set Wesley off. He burst into tears, burying his face in his hands. Malik immediately put his arms around the distraught young man, holding him tightly. ********** Benny and Philip walked slowly up the driveway. Rather than getting the taxi to drive them all the way up to the house, Benny had gotten out on the street to allow a few more minutes for them to be together as Philip seemed to be enjoying their evening so much. Philip sighed as he looked up at the large house. “So does this mean I have to start calling you Sir again?” He asked quietly. “Afraid so.” Benny nodded. “But don't worry, the evening's not over yet.” “Good, I don't want it to be!” Philip replied honestly. Benny smiled round at him, then lopped his arm through the older man's as they walked. “Well it looks like the place managed to survive a night without me. That's good I suppose.” Benny joked. “Don't be so sure, you've not got inside yet!” Philip chuckled back. “Good point!” Benny conceded. “But at least I can't see flames or ambulances, that's gotta be a good sign!” “Let's hope so.” Philip nodded with a grin. “Not our problem anyway.” Benny said confidently. “As soon as we get in, we're going straight up to my room.” “Then what the hell are we walking for?” Philip asked, bursting into a sprint. Benny laughed, shaking his head, then took off after him. Philip stood waiting for him at the top of the steps and they walked into the house together. “Hello?” Benny called out, almost alarmed by the eerie quietness. When he got no reply, he shrugged and lead Philip straight across the atrium to the staircase and headed up. They heard voices coming from the Generals' Lounge, but continued straight past. “We made it.” Philip said happily as the door to Benny's room closed behind him. “Come on, I need a shower.” Benny said, heading for his private bathroom. Seeing the Boy's confusion over the command to follow, he added, “And you're joining me!” Philip followed eagerly, both of them removing their clothes as they walked. By the time they reach the bathroom and Benny turned on the shower, they were both naked... and hard! Benny grabbed the older man and shoved him roughly into the large shower cubicle, the multiple jets of water coming from above and the sides immediately soaking him. Benny watched for a moment as the water darkened the hair on his head and body before jumping in to join him, closing the frosted glass door behind him. The young Master pulled Philip into a kiss, their arms wrapping around each other as the water splashed down their bodies. Both of them moaned happily as they embraced. “Oh Sir.” Philip grunted as their lips parted momentarily. Their bodies pressed together, smooth skin against hairy. “Tell me you're mine again.” Benny whispered in his ear. “I'm yours. Completely yours. I belong to you, Master.” Philip called out as Benny nipped at his neck. “Turn round.” Benny growled excitedly. As Philip turned, Benny pushed him against the wall, then grabbed some shower gel as make-shift lube and stroked it onto his straining cock. He had to pull down on Philip's shoulders to make him squat a little, then started pushing into his hole. “Ah, ah Sir, yes.” Philip moaned out excitedly as the boy's cock filled his rear. His hand made its way down to his own cock, but was quickly slapped away by his master. “Not yet!” Benny growled from behind him. The Master continued to fuck his Boy, slamming him firmly against the tiled wall. “Fuuuck, I'm gonna cum.” Benny snarled happily. “Can I taste it, Sir?” Philip requested, looking back. Benny grinned at him and nodded, pulling out and stroking his cock as Philip turned and knelt down. Philip opened his mouth just in time to receive Benny's load, the young Master mewing happily as he shot squirt after squirt of jizz into his slave's mouth. “Good boy.” Benny said, reaching down and running his fingers through Philip's wet hair. “Now stand up.” The Boy complied, standing straight up as Benny set about washing him. In reality, it was just an excuse to touch the older man all over, heightening his already-inflated sense of arousal. Benny washed down one side of his body, ending with a quick soaping of his cock. He did the other side and again ended with his fingers caressing both Philip's shaft and his balls, although they had already been cleaned. Next he crouched down and started working his way up one leg, again finishing with a caress of the cock and then a fourth time after doing the other leg. “Oh God.” Philip moaned. The continued teasing of his boner was beginning to get to him and he worried he could erupt at any moment. He made sure to hold back though. He was enjoying the intimate moment with his master and didn't want to end it prematurely! “All done.” Benny said with a grin, giving his sub's solid shaft another stroke before turning off the shower. “Th... thank you Sir.” Philip stuttered, still forcing himself to hold back. Once they had dried off, with Benny continuing to reach out and tug at Philip's cock occasionally to ensure he remained up, they headed to Benny's bed. Benny lay down, his own cock hard once again, but gestured for Philip to remain standing. “Would you like to cum, Boy?” Benny asked with a sly grin. “Yes... yes please Sir.” Philip answered immediately. “Have you ever cum just from anal stimulation?” Benny asked. Philip nodded nervously, looking his naked Master up and down. It still amazed him that the boy could look so young, yet act so masterful. The dichotomy itself was quite arousing. “Y... yes Sir, a few times.” “Good, than climb on and get to work.” Benny ordered, gesturing to his own erection. “But if I cum before you, you don't get to cum tonight.” Philip's eyes widened as he began to understand the order. He grabbed for the lube on the bedside table and eagerly applied it to his rear before straddling Benny and guiding his cock inside. He started moving round, attempting to position himself to increase maximum pressure on his prostate. Once he found the perfect angle, he started bouncing up and down. At first Philip worried he might not be able to do it, but feeling Benny's cock inside him while looking down at the teenager, his smooth, slim flawless body, his beautiful face, the mop of still-wet blonde hair... it was all speeding him towards a climax. The problem was, it appeared to be having the same effect on his Master who appeared to be enjoying it more and more with every thrust. He could feel himself just moments away from release when suddenly he felt a warmth inside, the teenage cock inside him twitching. “Noooo.” Philip whimpered as he slowed to a halt, feeling his orgasm begin to subside. Benny stared up at his slave and smiled warmly. “Okay, just this once I'm gonna let you off. Tonight is supposed to be your prize after all.” he said softly. He reached up and took hold of Philip's cock and gave it a few strokes. That was all it took to make him ejaculate. Moments later, Philip's thrilled panting stopped and Benny was covered in his spunk. “Tha... thank you.... thank you Sir.” Philip whispered as he began to catch his breath. “My pleasure.” Benny said happily, then looked down at his cum-covered torso. “I think I need another shower... wanna join me again?” Philip just nodded happily as he climbed off the boy. Twenty minutes and a third fuck later, Benny returned to the bed once again. Benny got in on his usual side, sitting up to write in his diary while Philip finished up in the bathroom. Once the older man returned, he lay beside Benny, both laying on their sides to face each other. “I know you told me to stop saying it, but thanks for tonight.” Philip said, barely above a whisper. Benny reached up and brushed the back of his fingers down Philip's cheek. “You're welcome.” Benny replied. “And thank you to you too.” “For what?” Philip asked with a slight frown. Benny smiled. “For being such a good Boy. I'm really glad you're in my house.” Philip blushed as he smiled at the comment. Benny turned off the light and turned over, shuffling backwards until his body came into contact with Philip's, the two of them cuddling together until they fell asleep. Chapter 10 – Talking, Stalking, and Classroom Gawking by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Thursday 12th February 2015 So, today was actually a good day. I know, I didn't think they actually happened any more! I'm not saying everything's perfect because it's far from it, but compared to some of the crap we've had going on lately, I'm happy with it. Also, as of today all the competition prizes are done and out of the way. All that's left is the punishment for the losing team. I might save that for the gathering on Saturday, it'll give us something fun to do (well, most of us anyway lol) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For once, Benny awoke alone. He had been so worn out from attempting to mediate the renewed Wesley/Charlie and Alex/Zane conflicts the previous night that he didn't even bother picking anyone to join him. He had managed to calm things down a little between the twins. It hadn't been easy, but he understood the situation which made it easier to work with. Alex and Zane though, those two just seemed to have fallen out over nothing. Benny simply couldn't understand the problem. The two of them had seemed quite close, albeit briefly, but then it had just fallen apart and they were back to petty bickering. Quentin had done his best to control it, but both eighteen-year-olds were so ridiculously wilful and stubborn that neither of them wanted to back down, so their disagreement continued. As Benny lay in bed thinking about the various issues, there came a knock at the door. “Come in.” Benny called out as he sat up. “Morning Sir.” Charlie said as he entered with the breakfast tray. Benny found himself grinning as he saw it was Charlie. Their evening together on Monday had definitely made it easier for Benny to speak to the beautiful young man. His heart still pounded as he stared into those stunning eyes, but he no longer found himself stunned into silence by his mere presence. “Morning Charlie.” Benny replied happily. He gestured to the bedside table beside him and said, “Just stick it there then have a seat.” “Oh, okay.” Charlie said. He had expected to just place the tray down and leave, so being asked to sit caught him a little by surprise. He did as instructed, making himself comfortable at the foot of the bed. “So how are things with Wesley? Did you talk more after I left you two alone last night?” Benny asked. Charlie nodded and smiled weakly. “Yeah, we talked. Things are still.... tough. He's pretty pissed and I can totally understand why. I mean... everything that happened to him is my fault after all.” Benny nodded his understanding. As he stared at the older man, he could see how much it was upsetting him. For a while it had seemed like the two brothers might actually reconcile, so to get that close and then have it snatched away again must have been quite hard. Benny held out his arms to Charlie, remembering how much he had liked being held when they had shared their night together. “Thanks, but I'm okay.” Charlie insisted, shaking his head dismissively. “No you're not.” Benny replied, seeing through the poor attempt at bravado instantly. “Come here.” He insisted. Charlie smiled and crawled along the bed into his Master's arms. “Thank you.” he whispered as the two of them lay back, cuddling. “It's okay. We'll get you guys through it, I promise.” Benny reassured him. ********** Roger had been busy during the day while the residents of the house were at work/school/college. The Sofas and coffee tables in the main lounge had all been moved to one end of the room. The space had then been filled with rows of tables and chairs, with a larger table at the front. As everyone started to arrive home, they were advised of the role play scenario they would be helping to play out as part of Quentin's prize and were sent one-by-one to the makeshift 'classroom' Roger had set up. They had decided to do it as an extra activity straight after everyone arrived home in order to avoid disrupting the evening's usual schedule. Benny was most excited when he got home and dashed into the lounge to take a seat on one of the front row desks. He couldn't help smirking at the seats everyone else seemed to be choosing as it was exactly the same as in his actual school – the naughtier, more disruptive ones had been drawn to the back row, while the better behaved ones had filled up from the front. Pretty soon, everyone except Quentin and Roger were in room. Even Malik and Wesley were joining in with the eleven other Boys. Benny couldn't help picking up on some of the tensions in the room, but fortunately Alex and Zane had sat far enough apart to avoid any potential conflict, the same for Charlie and Wesley. Quentin, last to arrive home as usual, looked terrified as he walked into the room. It was understandable really. The entire house had disrupted their lives just to help play out his personal fantasy, which really piled on the pressure. “Good afternoon, class.” Quentin said quietly, barely audible over the din of the various conversations and misbehaviour. Some of the Boys really had gotten into the spirit and seemed to be intentionally acting like petulant teens. Quentin scowled at the class, getting a chuckle from Benny. He cleared his throat and called out loudly. “Quiet please.” The conversations suddenly died down and every eye turned on the nervous teacher. “That's better. Now, I said good afternoon class.” Quentin repeated, seeming to build up a little more confidence. “Good afternoon Mr Trent.” Most of the Boys called back. “Okay, today we're going to be looking at the outbreak of World War Two so if you could all turn to chapter 13.” He said, still looking a little shaky. Benny considered letting the normal classroom activity go on for a while, if only to build the man's nervousness, but the young Master was simply too keen to get going. “Ugh, that crap's so fucking boring, I think we should do something more fun!” “Mr Harrison!” Quentin snapped firmly. “That kind of language is unacceptable and you will study what I tell you to study, is that understood?” There was a collective intake of breath. Everyone knew it was just pretend, but for anyone to speak to Benny so harshly still seemed unnatural.... and unwise! “No, that's not understood!” Benny said, standing up from his chair. “And I'll fucking use and fucking language I fucking like! Is THAT understood?” Benny had walked forward and was now face-to-face with the teacher, the smaller teen looking up sternly at him. “Mr Harrison.... take your seat!” Quentin said, his tone sharp but shaky. “No Mr Trent I won't take my seat, but I'll take that tie, please.” Benny said with a smile. “What?” Quentin asked, taking a step back. It was accompanied by a chuckle from the class. “The tie. Take it off.” Benny reiterated. “No.” Quentin objected. “Take it off.” Benny growled. “Or I will!” Quentin looked round nervously at the class, gulped, then reached up and slowly undid the tie. Once it was undone, he pulled one and making it slide out from under his collar and handed it to Benny. “Good.” Benny said, taking it. “Now the shirt!” “I.... I'm... I....” Quentin stuttered, once again looking at the dozens of eyes staring at him. “Just fucking do it!” Benny snarled. “Yes Sir.” Quentin replied, suddenly turning pale as he realised what he had said in front of his students. It got a new round of chuckles and titters as the spectators started to whisper to each other. Quentin quickly undid the buttons down the front of his shirt, then on the cuffs and pulled the shirt off, handing it to Benny too. It was strange. He spent every day naked in front of all these people, yet somehow standing there topless in front of them all he felt uncomfortably exposed and began to blush. “Trousers!” Benny said flatly. The embarrassed teacher glanced quickly at the crowd again, but soon looked away, staring down at the ground as he kicked off his shoes and started to undo his belt. A few moments later, he was standing in just his underwear and socks, passing his discarded clothing to the boy in front of him. He could hear everyone talking, analysing his body, laughing at the bulge from his painfully-obvious erection. He found himself momentarily regretting requesting this scenario as a new wave of humiliation flooded through him, but it soon passed when he realised just how turned on he was by it. “And them.” Benny said, pointing to the straining briefs. “No, please.” Quentin begged weakly. Benny's eyes narrowed for a moment before he looked to Malik and Wesley who had also sat on the front row. The two Generals understood Benny's gestures and jumped up from their seats. Malik grabbed Quentin's arms and held them behind him, while Wesley took hold of the underwear and yanked it down. The blushing teacher's cock sprung free and bobbed about in front of him, accompanied by cheers and hollers from the rest of the students. He instinctively covered up quickly. Benny swiped the hands away and growled, “Cover up again and I'll make this a LOT worse for you.” Quentin looked visibly shaken at the threat and dropped his hands to his sides, getting renewed cheers from the spectators. Benny gestured for Malik and Wesley to retake their seats, then did the same before looking to Quentin and ordering, “Sit on your desk and start jerking.” Quentin nodded, still looking a little disturbed. He was either doing an excellent job of playing along or had simply got so caught up in it that his expression was genuine. He hoisted himself up onto the desk, then grabbed his cock and started jerking as instructed, his eyes fixed on the ground. “No, none of that. Eyes on us!” Benny said wickedly. Blushing profusely, the humiliated teacher eyes raised and started scanning back and forth across his class. He felt his cock twitch in his hand from the extra humiliation. It didn't take long before his pleasured grunts made it obvious he was close to release. “Okay, stop now.” Benny called out. “Now lay back and raise your legs in the air.” Quentin did as instructed, reaching down to pull his arse cheeks apart following a further instruction from his master, revealing his hole to the gathered spectators. “Okay, who wants to fuck that?” Benny asked with a grin, turning to purvey the others. A few hands shot into the air, but Alex was clearly the most keen. Benny gestured for him to go up to the desk, calling after him, “I believe he keeps a little lube under his desk.” Roger had put it there earlier in preparation for the inevitable at Benny's request. Alex stripped on his way to the front, without any instruction to do do, then eagerly grabbed the bottle, squeezed some out and stroked it onto his erection. With absolutely no attempt at gentleness, he thrust straight inside the teacher. Alex looked round at the crowd as he heard a round of titters and chuckles at the man's grunt. Grinning back at them, Alex pulled the teacher round so that he was side on to the class, giving them all a better view. The rough fuck soon had Quentin yelling out in a mix of pleasure and pain (although based on his expression, mostly pleasure). “Ugh, someone needs to shut him up. He needs a cock in his mouth.” Benny called out. Hands immediately raised again, but Benny had another idea. His eyes fell on Zane. “Go on.” He urged the new Boy. Zane looked nervously at Alex, then back to Benny who just stared back blankly. For once, Benny was intending to use the personal issues to his own benefit. Having two guys who were arguing at either end of the embarrassed teacher was likely to result in a more aggressive spit roast. He felt a little guilty about putting the new Boy in that situation, but he figured if they were both going to be doing things in the house, they would simply have to get used to getting past any issues they had. Zane nervously climbed up onto the desk. Unlike Alex, he didn't strip, instead he just undid his jeans, pulled down the waistband of his underwear and fished out his own straining cock. He straddled the man's head then fed the rigid meat into his mouth. Gradually his eyes worked down Quentin's body, then onto Alex, working up until he and the other eighteen-year-old's eyes met. They continued fucking either end of Quentin, who groaned his approval. A slight smirk spread across Alex's face, soon mirrored by Zane. Alex's smirk changed to a smile, so did Zane's, then they became grins before they both burst into laughter. Wesley looked at Benny on confusion. “What's up with them?” he asked quietly. Benny simply shook his head. “No fucking idea, I've given up trying to figure those two out.” Wesley sniggered at the response and returned to watching, groping at his own erection, much like the rest of the spectators... except Malik whose caged cock was probably getting quite uncomfortable. “Ah, aaaah, fuuuuuck.” Alex called out as he shot a load inside the besieged teacher. Zane followed soon after, pumping a load down the man's throat. Still smirking at Alex, the two fist-bumped then pulled out and headed back towards the desks. “Who's next?” Alex asked, winking at Benny as he passed on the way back to his seat. “Volunteers?” Benny asked, looking round once more. From the crowd, he picked Wesley to fuck Quentin's rear while instructing David to take the other end. Wesley and David often did things together, but it normally involved Wesley inflicting pain and David (happily) enduring it. He figured it would make a nice change to see them doing something different together. Wesley dropped his trousers and underwear before lubing up. Benny had noticed that the General often liked to keep his top half covered when given the opportunity. Despite his attractive, slim body and obvious confidence, he seemed to prefer to keep the scars on his back concealed. David had no such qualms, immediately removing all of his clothing before climbing onto the desk to emulate Zane's performance. Benny watched the two of them as they fucked either end of Quentin. It was a lot more gentle than Alex and Zane had been, but the naked teacher clearly seemed to be enjoying it based on the precum oozing from his cock. The young Master couldn't help noticing that the the chemistry the two shared seemed to apply to just about anything they did together. The way David looked longingly at Wesley was quite endearing. It was the way he wanted all the Boys in the house to look at the their masters. When the two of them finished off, they dismounted and headed back to the desks, leaving Quentin panting, sweating a sticky as they had both pulled out to cum over his body, shooting almost simultaneously. “No more. Please.” Quentin begged weakly. “No more?” Benny said with a sneer. “Now that wouldn't be fair, I mean... who else still wants a go?” Several hands raised. Not everyone wanted a go, obviously enjoying watching the humiliation rather than being part of it, but there were enough to keep Quentin going for a little while longer. The fucking continued, with several others taking their turns, culminating in Benny's turn. He moved Quentin around the desk, then bent him over to face the class, fucking him from behind while keeping the exhausted teacher staring at his class. “Oh God, I think I'm gonna cum!” Quentin moaned as Benny fucked him. His battered prostate had finally had enough and pushed him over the edge. Benny pulled him up into a standing position, reached around and gave the teacher's cock a single stroke, releasing several thick ropes of cum across the already splattered desk. “Aaaaaah, fuck, YESSSS!” Quentin called out as he ejaculated. The man had barely finished cumming before Benny pulled out and pushed down on his shoulders, forcing him into a kneeling position. A few strokes later, he was shooting his load over Quentin's face to cheers from the crowd. Gesturing triumphantly, Benny returned to his seat. “Good class, thanks Mr Trent.” he called out with a smirk. Panting, exhausted, sweaty and sticky the man looked at his class, his cheeks bright red. “Class... dismissed.” he grunted. Everyone got up and dashed for the door, some flashing smiles at Quentin, others calling out supportive comments. Finally, it was just Quentin and Benny left. “You enjoy that... Sir?” Benny taunted the man. Still catching his breath and with spunk dripping down his face and chest, Quentin nodded happily. “Fuck yes!” “Good, you earned it.” Benny said. “Now, you should probably go and clean up. You can have the rest of the evening to recover, no duties tonight.” “Thanks Sir.” Quentin replied, making his way slowly to the door, passing Roger who was on his way in. “I was going to ask how it was, but judging by the state Quentin was in, I guess I don't need to.” Roger chuckled as he approached Benny. Benny laughed back and replied, “Yeah, it was fun.” He reached down and grabbed his clothes. “I'm gonna go shower. I gave Quentin the rest of the night off as part of his prize.” “No problem, I'll get cleaned up in here.” Roger said, gesturing to the tables and chairs. “Thanks, you're a star.” Benny said happily as he headed out. Roger quickly set about cleaning down the tables, particularly the front one, with the cleaning supplies he had prepared earlier. Once they were clean, he would start folding them down before putting them away. He had only been going a couple of minutes though when he felt someone watching him. He turned to the door and saw Zane standing there. “Is there a problem?” Roger asked, a lot more curtly than he had intended. Zane shook his head. “Nah, just though you might need a hand.” “Haven't you got other things to do?” Roger asked, curious about why the Boy would volunteer to help. “No, nothing until after dinner.” Zane replied. “Surely you must have something better to do with your time.” Roger insisted, folding his arms. “Hey, it's my time, I do what I want with it.” Zane replied, folding his arms to mirror Roger's pose. “Now do you want my help or not?” He asked sharply, then suddenly looked nervous and added, “Erm... I mean, do you want my help.... Sir?” Roger had to suppress a smile. He simply raised his eyebrows, shrugged as he unfolded his arms and said, “You can do the chairs, just a couple at a time. Don't need you having another asthma attack.” Zane simply shrugged off the comment and got to work folding the chairs, although it was slow going as he spent more time staring at Roger than doing actual work, something the large General didn't fail to notice. He simply let it continue though, enjoying the attention. ********** Wesley and Taro sat silently in the back of the taxi. The car had arrived early, meaning they had both rushed out of the house without really getting a chance to talk first. Wesley hadn't been told much, only that Taro had requested to spend the evening with him. Benny had deliberately steered clear of the word 'date' as he was still debating his position on in-house dating. “So... erm... where are we actually going?” Taro asked quietly. “Benny picked out a restaurant for us. We're going there first.” Wesley replied. “Oh.” Taro replied, going quiet again and staring down at his hands. He looked sideways as he saw Wesley's hand reach across to grab his own. “Hey, don't look so nervous. This is your prize, remember. Enjoy it.” Wesley said with a warm smile. Taro smiled back weakly. Wesley didn't say anything else for the rest of the taxi ride. He mostly just sat there trying to figure out the nineteen-year-old beside him. He had been struggling to understand why Taro had picked this particular activity for his prize, but nothing occurred to him. When they arrived at the restaurant they went in and got shown straight to their table. The maître-d advised them that Benny had already provided his card to pay for their bill and given instructions that they were to order whatever they wanted and there was already champagne waiting at the table for them. When they were finally alone, Taro looked round the room then smiled across at Wesley. “Well this is nice, isn't it!” “Yeah... yeah, it is.” Wesley replied, surprised at the expense Benny had obviously gone to. They sat quietly discussing the menu until they finally picked what they wanted and placed their order. As the waiter left the table, Wesley looked at the younger man, tilting his head. “So what's up Taro?” “With... what?” Taro asked shyly. “With this.” Wesley replied, gesturing around them. “With tonight, me and you. Is this a date? Do you like me? Or is it something else? What's going on?” “Erm... I.... err...” Taro stuttered at the barrage of questions, turning bright red. “Sorry.” Wesley apologised. “I didn't mean it to come out quite like that. I was just wondering why me?” Taro shrugged. “Doesn't matter. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but seems a bit silly now.” He picked up his champagne flute, fixing his eyes on the little bubbles rising to the surface. “Hey.” Wesley said, reaching across the table to grab his hand. “Come on, tell me.” Taro took a deep breath. “Well, it's...” He paused, reluctant to continue until Wesley nodded him on again. “I... I overheard Charlie telling Philip about the stuff that happened when you were kids, the... the stuff your Dad did.” “Oh.” Wesley said, a little shocked. He pulled his hand away from Taro's, sitting back in his seat. “Oh God. Sorry, I... I shouldn't have...” Taro said, his fists clenching nervously. “No, it's okay, carry on. What about it? What do you want to know?” Wesley asked. Taro shook his head. “No, no, I didn't want to ask anything, it's just... I thought... because of the stuff you went through, you might understand... about....” His voice trailed off. “Taro.” Wesley said, leaning forward again. He rested his elbows on the table, propping his chin up on his hands. “Understand what? Did your Dad... hurt you too?” Taro sighed again, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He shook his head. “It... wasn't my Dad.” “Who...” Wesley started, staring at Taro sympathetically. “My last master.” Taro replied quickly, a tear forming in the corner of his eye. Wesley grabbed his hand once again. “So you wanted to talk to someone about it and you thought I'd get it because I've been hurt too?” Taro nodded slowly. “You little idiot.” Wesley chuckled. “You know you can talk to me, or any of us, any time. You didn't need to wait for something like this. You know we all care about you.” “I know, it's just... I dunno, I told you it was a stupid idea.” Taro said, smiling weakly again. “Yeah, but at least we get a nice evening out of it!” Wesley joked, getting a slight smirk from Taro. “So, you wanna tell me about him then? I assumed it wasn't like it is at the house?” Taro shook his head. “Oh God, no. It was just me and him in his house.” Taro started. “It was... okay at first. Just sex and a few occasional tasks, house stuff, that sort of thing. But then, gradually.... it kinda changed. He used to set me impossible tasks then punish me really harshly for failing.” “How harshly?” Wesley asked, feeling Taro's hand squeezing his own. Taro couldn't reply, he just sat silently holding Wesley's hand as a tear ran down his cheek. “Hey, why don't we continue this later. For now, let's just enjoy your evening, okay?” Wesley suggested. The younger man reached up and wiped the tear away, sniffed, then smiled. Nodding, he replied, “Yeah, good idea.” He grabbed his champagne glass and raised it. “Cheers.” “Cheers.” Wesley said back, clinking his own glass against Taro's. ********** Malik was exhausted. With Wesley out for the evening, he had been given more Boys than usual to put through their paces for the evening. He headed for the Generals' Lounge, looking forward to sitting down... it had been a long day. He was more than a little surprised when he walked into the room and found Benny sitting on the sofa. “Hi... Sir.” he said cautiously as he approached. “Hi Malik.” Benny grinned back before looking down at his hand. Malik's eyes widened as he saw a key sitting there in the palm of Benny's hand. “Is that...” he started, stopping dead in his tracks. Benny nodded, smirking at the young man's reaction. “Are you going to...” Malik started, still unable to finish a sentence. “Would you like to cum?” Benny asked casually, already knowing the answer. Malik stepped closer. “Yes, yes, fuck, oh God, yes, so much!” He blurted out desperately. It had now been a week since Benny out the chastity cage on him. Even before he coming to the house, Malik would never have managed to go a week without cumming. Since his first orgasm, the longest he had ever managed before was a day, and even that was a struggle. Being in the house made it worse. He spent his spare time teasing and playing with other guys, making them cum, making them beg for it, all the things that really turned him on. Going through all of that on a daily basis while being deprived of release had been outright torture. “Please, please let me Sir. Please, I'll do anything!” Malik said, dropping to his knees, literally begging. “But... you'll do anything I tell you anyway, won't you?” Benny asked, faking a look of confusion. Dismay spread across Malik's face as he realised Benny was right. He had literally nothing to offer so the only hope he had was that Benny was feeling merciful. “Yes, I will Sir.” he replied dejectedly. “Anything.” Benny grinned. “Good boy.” He gestured for Malik to come closer, then patted the seat beside him, making the young man sit. “So have you enjoyed this week?” Benny asked quietly. Malik immediately shook his head. “Really?” Benny asked, looking hurt. “But last week you said you liked it when I was mean.” “I did, but...” Malik stuttered. “But what? Were you lying? Did you lie to your Master? Don't you actually like it when I'm mean?” Benny asked, stroking his fingers gently up and down the fine, dark hairs of Malik's bare forearm. Malik gasped at the boy's touch. He may have been used to being in the house, but he still couldn't get used to Benny. The young teen seemed to have an almost magic ability to seduce, to inflict the greatest levels of pleasure with seemingly little effort. Right then, the stroke of the boy's fingers sent shudders through him more intense than the best blow job. “N... n.... no Sir.” Malik stuttered, trembling slightly. “I didn't lie to you. I do like it.” “So... that would mean that you... did enjoy this week?” Benny asked in the most leading way he could manage. Between the cock beginning to swell in the chastity cage and the ripples of pleasure from Benny's ongoing touch, Malik was finding it increasingly hard to concentrate. “I... I guess... yeah... I must have enjoyed it.” He sounded confused by his own words. “So you like when I'm mean and you liked being locked up.” Benny mused, sliding his fingers higher, his hand disappearing up the sleeve of Malik's t-shirt, caressing bicep, then shoulder. “Y... yes.” Malik gasped. Benny suddenly jumped sideways, spinning as he did so and straddling Malik's lap. He pulled his hand out from the sleeve and grabbed at the hem of the t-shirt, quickly lifting it and pulling it off over the confused General's head. Malik's arms flopped down to his sides as he gulped, finding himself staring straight into Benny's eyes. The younger boy reached forward and placed both hands flatly onto Malik's chest before starting to slide them around, watching the hairs move much as they had on his arm. At the same time, he ground his butt into Malik's crotch, revelling in the feel of the metal device depriving him of his full erection. “Oh fuck.” Malik muttered. “Now I like to keep my Boys happy, Malik. You know that, don't you?” Benny asked as his hands continued to explore the firm, slim torso. “Yes.” Malik whimpered as he felt fingers on his right nipple. Benny leaned forward, whispering into the young man's ear. “So if you liked being locked up, then that's probably how you should remain if I want to keep you happy, right?” Before Malik could answer, the young Master took Malik's ear between his lips, nibbling it gently and licking it. “Yes!” Malik moaned in response to Benny's lips before he realised what Benny was actually saying. “Wait, no, please Sir.” “Please, what?” Benny asked, sitting back and frowning. “Please unlock me. I need to cum Sir. I need it so much. Please.” Malik begged. Benny shook his head. “But that would be nice and you only like it when I'm mean.” Benny teased. “I like it when you're mean, but I like it when you're nice too. That's why I love you, Sir, because you can be nice or mean and I still enjoy serving you.” Malik blurted out without thinking. Benny's expression softened momentarily, before he forced himself to continue staring sternly. Malik had accidentally found one of Benny's biggest weaknesses. He wanted his Boys to love him, so hearing Malik say it had felt incredible, but he couldn't let it show. That was the sort of information that, if it got out, could completely undermine his authority. He knew instantly that he was going to relent, that he was going to show Malik the mercy his patience had clearly earned, but he couldn't make it too obvious. “Hmm, I don't know. I was actually thinking that maybe another week would do the trick.” Benny mused aloud. The look on Malik's face was heartbreaking. He actually believed that might be what Benny would do. He looked like he was about ready to cry, but managed to hold it back. “I'll do whatever you tell me, Sir.” Malik said weakly, resigned to the prospect of another week without cumming. Benny had to suppress another smile. It impressed him that, despite his obvious desperation, Malik was willing to follow whatever order he was given, regardless of what he wanted personally. It still amazed him that someone who could so easily act as a Dom for the boys could also perform so well as a Sub too. It was a trait shared by the other Generals, Roger and Wesley. It made Benny wonder for a moment whether the same would be true of Alex. He pushed the thoughts of his new General aside as he stood up. “Stand.” He ordered. Malik immediately obeyed, still looking on the verge of tears. He looked down in confusion as Benny reached out and undid the jeans, pushing them down along with Malik's boxers. As Benny reached out and grabbed the key he had shown off earlier, he couldn't help noticing the glint of hope in the young General's eyes. “Sir?” Malik enquired hopefully as Benny reached for the lock. The Master remained silent as he released the small padlock, then set about removing the device. He heard a loud sigh of relief from Malik as the device was removed. The young man's cock instantly swelled to full size. Benny took a few steps away, then turned back to face his slave. “I'm going to give you a choice, Malik. Two options. Option one, you can cum right now and not have the cage back on or option two, you don't cum and the cage goes back on for another week.” Malik chuckled. “Well, obviously...” he started, but Benny cut him off. “But you should know, option one would make your Master very unhappy, whereas option two would greatly please me.” Benny added. He stared at the young man, awaiting a reply. “Y... you... I... erm...” Malik stuttered as the options played on his mind. The hope in his eyes faded away and he looked ready to cry again as he reached down for the discarded device, making his choice apparent. Benny stepped forward and grabbed his hand. Malik stared at his Master, frowning at the grin on his face. “You'd really have it back on for a week, just to please me?” Benny asked, smiling broadly, still holding onto Malik's hand. “Yes Sir.” Malik replied, slightly confused over what was happening. Still smiling, Benny let go of Malik's hand and instead reached for his erection. He started stroking slowly but it became obvious very quickly that it wouldn't take long. Malik was moaning excitedly, his eyes wide, mouth agape, legs wobbling. “Oh shit, Sir...” Malik gasped. As the orgasm ripped through his body, his wobbling legs gave way completely. He tumbled forward onto Benny. The smaller teen was unable to support that young man's sudden weight and fell backwards. They collapsed to the floor together, Benny's hand managing to remain firmly grasped around Malik's cock as it pumped out what felt like the biggest load of his life. They both ended up laughing as they looked at each other, tangled together on the floor, Malik's cum coating both his body and Benny's clothing. “I'm so sorry.” Malik said through his laughter. “It's okay.” Benny chuckled back, finally releasing the spent cock. They found themselves face-to-face as the laughter gradually subsided. Benny wiped his hand on his shirt, then reached up and placed it gently on Malik's cheek. “Thank you.” he whispered quietly then smiled sincerely. “You're so good and I'm really lucky to have you here.” Malik smiled back, then leaned his head forward to rest on Benny's chest, whispering back, “I'm the lucky one.” It hadn't ended up quite how Benny had envisioned, but as he lay there holding his Boy, he felt a glow of pride over the relationship they had built. Annoyingly though, he found his mind wandering back onto Alex, wondering whether his relationship with the new General would be quite as strong. ********** Taro and Wesley had done their best to chat as normal throughout their meal and it wasn't until dessert arrived (accompanied by a third bottle of champagne) that they ended up back on the depressing subject of their abusive pasts. “So how long were you with him?” Wesley asked before eating another mouthful of cheesecake. “Six months.” Taro replied, poking at the lemon tart on his plate casually with his fork. “I should have left after one.” Wesley swallowed and asked, “So why didn't you?” “Partly because I thought that was just normal treatment for a sub.” Taro said back with a sigh. The twenty-four-year-old swallowed as he stared at the younger man analytically. “And the other part?” he asked, knowing Taro had left part out. The teen sighed again. “And I had nowhere else to go.” “You couldn't have gone home?” Wesley enquired, putting down his fork. The dessert was delicious and he wanted to scoff the whole lot down, but the conversation seemed more important. Taro copied, placing down his cutlery and staring down at it to avoid Wesley's gaze. He shook his head gently. “They wouldn't have me. My parents kicked me out when I was fifteen.” Wesley felt a tightening in his chest. He had left his home voluntarily, but he could definitely understand how it felt to be unwelcome in your own home. He suspected he knew the reason why, too. “For... being gay?” Nodding, Taro replied, “Yeah, I came out to them. I knew they'd have issues with it, but I never expected the reaction I got.” “What happened? Did they hurt you too?” Wesley asked, leaning forward in his seat. “Not physically, but... it still hurt. I told them I was gay and then my Dad said, and these were his exact words, 'You bring shame to our family. Today I have no son. Leave my house.' And that was it, he showed me to the door, made me leave and I never went back.” Taro explained. The tone of cold detachment was all-too-familiar to Wesley. It was the same way he had sounded when explaining his past to Benny. It was the only way to deal with it really, cutting yourself off from it and simply reciting the facts. If he had allowed himself to actually feel the emotions that came along with the tale, he would have simply broken down. Presumably Taro was the same. “That's... awful.” Wesley said, fighting the wetness forming in his eyes. “And then you went and ended up with the other guy too.” “There was some stuff in between, stuff on the streets, but...” Taro started, but got choked up. “It's okay.” Wesley said, reaching forward to take both of Taro's hands. “I understand.” They sat in silence for several moments, both resisting the overwhelming sadness of their painful histories. Finally Wesley looked down and said, “Hey, this cheesecake is fucking amazing, you've gotta try a bit.” Taro grinned, appreciating the subject change. He picked up his fork, reached over and took a large piece of the cheesecake. “Hey, I said try a bit, not half of it.” Wesley snapped, pretending to look serious, but unable to avoid smirking. “Oh no, have I been a bad Boy, do I deserve a punishment?” Taro taunted through his mouthful of cheesecake. “That... I...” Wesley stuttered. “I don't know if... ya know.... with what you've told me....” Taro's head tilted to the side as he realised Wesley's reluctance. This time it was his turn to reach across and take the other young man's hand. “Hey, don't let all that crap affect what you do. You're my Master now... one of them at least, and I trust you. I know you'd never hurt me.” Wesley smiled warmly at the kind comments. “Well, you'll hurt me, that's what you do, but you know what I mean.” Taro added with a cheeky grin. “In the case, yes, you've definitely earned yourself a spanking when we get home.” Wesley replied, squeezing the hand holding his own. “Just a spanking? I clearly need to try harder!” Taro joked, reaching across and taking more of Wesley's dessert, getting a jokingly-annoyed expression in response. ********** Roger was standing at the bottom of the stairs to the basement. He had finished his evening activities ten minutes earlier, while Malik had concluded before that. The Boys were all milling around, some getting ready for bed, others engaging in their usual evening activities or just chatting in their Dorms. He liked to keep an eye on the area just to ensure there were no problems and his mere presence seemed to keep things under control. He was definitely an imposing figure standing there like a silent sentinel. Once again he felt eyes on him. He peered round but saw nobody. A second glance revealed a hint of movement in one of the doorways. “Zane?” he enquired flatly as he saw the new Boy spying on him. Zane stepped into full view, his hands attempting poorly to conceal a large erection. “What are you doing?” Roger demanded. Zane shrugged, pursing his lips then replied, “Nothing.” “Were you watching me?” Roger asked, then smirked as he looked down at the boner. “Watching me and playing with yourself?” Zane scowled. “No!” He snapped angrily. “I was just.... standing there.” His attempts to lie were both transparent and amusing. Roger did his best to keep a straight face. It was actually quite sweet that the teen seemed to have developed a liking for the large General, but Roger knew that sort of behaviour should be discouraged. “You know the rules about cumming without permission, don't you?” he asked. Zane's eyes dropped to the ground as he nodded slowly. “Yes Sir.” he said quietly, before adding, “Doesn't mean I can't play with it a bit though.” He smirked slightly. When hen heard no reply from Roger, he looked up and saw the large man staring back at him unhappily. He immediately dropped his hands to his sides. “Sorry Sir.” Roger sighed. “You really need to find something better to occupy your evenings than stalking me.” he said, only half-joking. “I'm not stalking you!” Zane snapped unhappily, his gaze fixed firmly on Roger as he frowned. Roger simply stared back, the two remaining silent for a couple of minutes. The stalemate was finally broken by a shout from Benny who was walking down the stairs. “Roger, you down there?” he called out. “Yes Sir. I'm here.” Roger replied, reluctantly tearing his gaze from Zane to look at the younger teen. “Good. Do you know where Zane...” Benny started as he walked down, stopping mid-sentence as he found himself coming face-to-face with the Boy he was looking for. “I'm here too, Sir.” Zane replied sweetly with a smile, the slight disagreement with Roger momentarily brushed aside. Benny looked suspiciously back and forth between the two of them, smirking slightly at Roger's expression. For the normally stone-faced young man to show anything other than his normal neutrality was unusual. It seemed Zane's tendency to be amusingly disruptive worked on anyone! “Good, saves me looking for you.” Benny said cheerfully. “Tonight, you won't be sleeping in your Dorm. When you're ready for bed, come up to my room.” The young Master instructed. “Yes Sir.” Zane said excitedly. He had been looking forward to an evening in the Dorm. He seemed to have made up with Alex and he was gradually getting to know Quentin more and more, so it would have actually been a pleasant night, but he would much rather spend another evening in the Master's bed. “I guess I'll leave you two to... whatever it was you were doing.” Benny said, turning to head back up the stairs, flashing Roger a cheeky grin as he did so. “No need, we're done.” Zane insisted, turning to walk away towards his Dorm. Roger watched the Boy walk away. Despite his apparent annoyance at being called a stalker, Zane couldn't help looking back and sneaking one more look at Roger before disappearing into his room. ********** Wesley and Taro staggered down the stairs to the basement. They had both drunk quite a bit at the restaurant and, with neither of them really being used to drinking that often, found themselves a little tipsy. “Come on.” Wesley said, leading Taro into one of the basement play rooms. He closed the door behind him as quietly as he could then turned to face the Boy. “Take your clothes off.” “I'll show you mine if you show me yours!” Taro giggled back. Wesley shook his head, but quickly started pulling his clothes off. Taro followed and soon they were both naked, standing just a few feet apart. The General, who had been chuckling quickly stopped as his eyes fell on Taro's body. He stepped forward and placed a hand on the boy's chest, his fingers tracing the outline of a small round scar a short way above his right nipple. “That's where he used to put out his cigarettes.” Taro explained. He saw Wesley wince in pain sympathetically. “It's okay, after he did a few in the same place on the first day, it pretty much stopped hurting.” He reached up too, placing a hand on Wesley's arm, sliding it down until he felt the slight raised bump of a scar. “I got that one climbing out of a broken window to get away from a guy.” Wesley explained, looking down at the scar beneath Taro's fingers. The sharing of their pain actually seemed to relieve the suddenly-returned tension. Wesley moved his hand down Taro's body, finding another scar on the teen's side. “What did he do?” Taro's body tensed. “That was just... for fun.” Taro said. “He used to like cutting me with a knife just to see my face when I was in pain. Most of them healed without scarring, but he got a bit carried away on that one.” “Oh my God.” Wesley gasped. Imagining how Taro must have felt at the time tied his stomach up in knots. “Hey, it's not as bad as these.” Taro said as he leant forward. His body pressed against Wesley's as his hands reached round to stroke the large scars on the General's back. He rested his head on Wesley's shoulder. “Yeah.” Wesley replied quietly. “They were pretty bad. This guy paid for an hour with me and tied me up, then he pulled out a whip and started lashing me with it. It hurt so much and I could feel when he started to draw blood, but I was tied too securely, there was nothing I could do. I just had to kneel there and take it.” Taro's arms squeezed tightly, now simply hugging Wesley rather than touching his scars. “I'm so sorry.” he whispered. “Hey, it's not like it's your fault.” Wesley replied. An angry thought flashed through his mind, reminding him that it was effectively Charlie's fault instead, but he tried not to think about it. Wesley's hand had been pressed between their two bodies, but it began to slide lower as Taro pulled away. It made its way onto Taro's erection, stroking it gently. “Hey, no scars here.” Wesley said with a weak smile. “None here either.” Taro replied, taking hold of Wesley's cock in the same manner. “I know I said you'd earned a punishment, but do you mind if... we don't do that?” Wesley asked quietly. “Fine with me.” Taro replied, stroking Wesley's arm with his free hand. The two of them stood staring at each other, gently jerking each other off. The room was eerily quiet, but the peace was appreciated, allowing them to focus on each other without interruption. It was almost fifteen minutes before either of them spoke. “I think I'm gonna cum.” Taro said dreamily as Wesley's hand continued its slow movements. “Me too.” Wesley replied. They both sped up and moments later, both exploded. The orgasms were unusually intense, the sort of thing they would normally feel after a couple of hours of very vigorous activity. They both put it down to the emotion of the evening and simply enjoyed it. Covered in each other's jizz, their bodies came together again in another hug which lasted for several seconds. “Come on, let's go shower.” Wesley suggested, partly to clean up, but also to clear his head which remained fuzzy from the alcohol. They headed out and went to the shower room. As expected that late, the room was empty allowing them to wash each other down uninterrupted. Once they were clean and dried off, they stood out in the hallway near the door to Taro's Dorm. “Thank you... for tonight, for listening.” Taro said gratefully. “It was my pleasure.” Wesley replied. “But I meant what I said earlier. You can talk to me any time, you don't need to save it for a special occasion.” “Thanks.” The Boy replied. They remained motionless and silent for a few moments before Taro finally leaned forward and pressed his lips against Wesley's. The kiss was brief, but they both blushed as they pulled away. It was clear that it was simply an expression of their affection, as Master/Boy and as friends. “G'night.” Wesley smiled as he started backing away. “Night.” Taro said back happily before heading into his Dorm. ********** Zane knocked on the door, grinning as he awaited for a reply from his Master. “Come in.” Benny called out. Zane opened the door, walked in and shut the door behind him, then stood to attention awaiting instruction. Benny gestured for the Boy to approach, watching as he walked slowly across the room, coming to a stop in front of the sofa where Benny was sitting. “Kneel down.” Benny ordered. Zane was still smiling, but looked a little confused as he saw the collar sitting beside Benny on the seat. The collar he had worn for the first couple of days had been removed and not mentioned since. He looked a little unhappy as Benny grabbed it and started fastening it around his neck again. Once the collar was on the Boy, Benny stood up and grabbed it, using it to lead him across the room to a small pile of cushions on the floor beside the radiator. “Sit.” He ordered. Zane was looking more and more unhappy. This was not what he had expected. He watched in dismay as Benny grabbed a long chain that was attached to a thick pipe going to the radiator. He attached the end of it to the collar with a small padlock, then stood away. “Okay, pup. You remember I told you there would be a punishment for what you did on your first night. Well this is it!” Benny explained. “But Sir...” Zane started, but Benny raised a hand to cut him off. “No. Not another word.” Benny said sharply. “I let you have your way before, but that won't be happening again. This is your punishment and you will do it. Every single word you say tonight will earn you another punishment. So are you going to lay there quietly and go to sleep?” The look of sadness in the Boy's eyes was heartbreaking, almost enough to make the young Master relent, but he willed himself to stay strong. He watched as Zane simply nodded slowly. “Good Boy.” Benny said, running his fingers through the Boy's hair. Still looking sad, Zane curled up on the cushions, watching mournfully as Benny headed across the room and got into bed. Without a word, he turned off the light, plunging them both into darkness. A few moments later, Benny heard movement, followed by the rattle of the chain and finally a thud as the chain reached full length and pulled on the pipe. He squinted through the darkness as just about managed to see that Zane had moved as close to Benny as the chain would allow, but he had remained silent as ordered. 'Don't give in.' Benny told himself. He wanted to release the Boy, to let him back into his bed. He even briefly considered moving down onto the floor and curling up with him but he knew he couldn't do it. This was Zane's punishment after all, so he had to remain strong and enforce it. It took a while, but eventually they both fell asleep. Chapter 11 - Forfeit by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 14th February 2015 Valentines Day, the most romantic day of the year. Here I am with a house full of sexy men (and a few boring ones too!) and yet I'm spending the evening alone. Don't get me wrong, I love this house. I love it more than I ever expected, it's everything to me, but seriously, sometimes it sucks! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny was actually happy to wake up early on Saturday. Much like the previous morning, Zane was asleep on his floor. He had made the Boy sleep in his room again the previous night. The official reason he had given for the second night was because the Boy had come into Benny's room uninvited on Sunday night. Unofficially, though, Benny was simply testing him. The Boy had been stubborn, verging on insubordinate when he first joined the house. The first night of the punishment, Zane had been chained to the radiator to ensure he would stay in his place. The second night, however, Benny had simply ordered him to stay without using any kind of restraints. Zane hadn't been happy about it, but he complied. As Benny awoke, his first instinct was to look down at Zane to check on him. He was definitely a lot closer to the bed than he had been last night, but he had remained curled up on the floor. He couldn't help smiling, both because of the subordination Zane had shown, but also because he looked so utterly adorable. The young Master just lay there watching him sleep. He found Alex playing on his mind once again. The often-angry young man had lashed out at Zane because of his frustration over what appeared to be preferential treatment and the more Benny thought about it, the more he realised Alex was right. He was definitely treating Zane differently from the others, the question was... why? 'Do I like him? I mean, REALLY like him, in that way? Is that it?' Benny wondered to himself. 'Or is it just because he's so different from the others. Different treatment for a different Boy, that makes sense I suppose. I do like him though, he's just so sweet. Frustrating definitely, but sweet too. And hot too, that helps!' Benny grinned at the thought. 'Not as hot as Charlie though.' Benny continued thinking. 'Oh fuck, Charlie, he's just so ridiculously beautiful!' Benny shifted slightly in his bed. Watching Zane and thinking about Charlie at the same time had the inevitable effect of revitalising the morning wood that had started to die down. His hand reached down for it, happily stroking it. He rolled onto his back. As adorable as the sleeping Boy was, it felt a little creepy to be jerking off while watching him. Instead Benny closed his eyes. His small army of Boys flooded through his mind as he pleasured himself. Some featured more prominently than others – Zane and Charlie at first, then Philip and Roger until his mind settled on David and Wesley. There was something about the chemistry between the two that intrigued Benny. He remembered the show Wesley had put on for him with David the previous week, then the way they had spit-roasted Quentin together. That was all it took. With a grunt, Benny raised the covers slightly and coated his chest with thick white goo. “You know, I could have done that for you!” Zane said from beside him. Benny's eyes shot open and he saw the Boy standing beside the bed, grinning, casually playing with his own morning wood. Benny blushed but managed to compose himself, clearing his throat before replying, “Maybe I have other plans for you!” “Cool, like what?” Zane asked eagerly. He jumped over Benny, landing on the empty side of the bed, then shuffled round until he was under the covers beside his Master. “Did I say you could get in?” Benny asked, cleaning himself off with some tissues from the bedside table. “You didn't say I couldn't,” Zane replied with a cheeky grin. Once again Benny found himself torn between being amused and feeling the need to discipline. “Well as it turns out, that's what I was about to order, so you can stay,” Benny said as nonchalantly as he could sound. “Uh huh.” Zane said, propping himself up on one arm. Benny raised his eyebrows at the Boy and added, “I could still make you leave, you know!” Zane's smile faded as he pursed his lips and just flopped back down onto the bed. “Sorry,” he muttered quietly. “It's fine,” Benny replied, rolling onto his side and sliding a hand across to rest on the Boy's stomach. Before either of them could say any more, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” Benny called out quickly, pulling his hand away from Zane as he rolled onto his back again, staring at the door, wondering who would be delivering his breakfast today. The door opened and Charlie appeared in all his naked glory. “Morning Sir,” he said cheerfully as he walked in, looking at his Master. His face quickly dropped as he saw Benny wasn't alone. “Morning Charlie,” Benny said, frowning slightly at his sudden change and doing his best to focus on the young man's face rather than his stunning body. “Your breakfast, Sir,” Charlie said flatly, approaching with the tray. “Morning.” Zane smiled, seemingly oblivious to the affect his presence had had on Charlie. He just got a polite nod in response. Charlie stood back after placing down the tray and asked, “Anything else, Sir?” Benny stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on in his head, but he was giving nothing away. “No, that's fine thanks,” he said with a curious frown. Charlie shot one more quick glance at both occupants of the bed, then dashed out of the room. As he closed the door behind him, he paused, leaning back on it with his eyes closed. He had been so excited about waking Benny, hoping to get the Master on his own again. He had not expected to find Zane in there with him. With a sigh, he opened his eyes and started walking down the hallway, just in time to see Wesley coming out of his room. The naked young man froze, staring across the top of the atrium to his twin on the other side. “Morning,” he offered cautiously. Wesley stared for a moment, then turned and walked back into his room without a word. Already disheartened by his failed attempt to get Benny alone, being ignored by his brother felt like a punch to the gut. Charlie resumed walking, wondering what else could go wrong. Thankfully, by the time he got down both flights of stairs into the basement nothing else had happened. He headed into his Dorm and found both Robert and Philip were still sound asleep in their beds. He crept across to the ladder up to his bunk, but stopped before he started climbing. Instead, he walked along to the next bunk beds and climbed that ladder instead, heading up towards Philip. As he lay down on Philip's bed, the other young man awoke, turning over to look at him. “Charlie?” he said quietly. “I need a hug.” Charlie replied, cuddling up to his best friend. Philip didn't say anything else. Instead he just wrapped his arms around the clearly-upset young man, holding him as the two drifted off to sleep for a much-needed Saturday morning lie-in. ********** The house was unusually empty for a change. Most of the Boys were out for the day and a couple of the Generals too. Benny had gotten into the habit of forcing Roger to take off occasionally. The devoted young man seemed willing to work every waking hour in Benny's service without complaint or question, which definitely had its perks for the young Master, but he knew it wasn't really healthy. It really came down to a matter of pride. Roger didn't work, at least not in the conventional sense. It had been agreed when the house was set up that he would be fully provided for in exchange for his service to the house. Both he and Benny seemed happy with the arrangement and it had worked out well. Aside from his impressive skills as both a dom and a sub, he was an exceptional organiser which was necessary for keeping things running smoothly. That did of course mean that he was hard to pry away from the place, but when it came in the form of an order from his Master, he didn't really have any choice but to comply and had reluctantly gone out for the day. Malik had gone out as well, going with Abdul to a family gathering. As far as Benny knew, just a handful of people remained in the house and he was quite glad about it. Between the seemingly endless stream of personal issues that had been cropping up lately, the prizes for the competition and having the new Boys to break in, Benny was glad of the peace and quiet. Sadly, as he should have come to expect by now, the peace and quiet was doomed to be shattered. He had just left his bedroom, heading to the kitchen when he heard raised voices coming from the main lounge. He briefly considered just walking away, letting whoever it was deal with their own problems, but he knew that was unlikely to end well. Instead he walked over quickly and peered through the open door. The raised voices belonged to the Thompson twins, arguing once again. They stopped though when they spotted the Master at the door, suddenly looking very sheepish. Benny scowled, looking back and forth between the two of them. He knew they were waiting for him to say something so he decided to let them squirm just a little longer, remaining silent for several seconds. “Sit. Down.” Benny said sharply as he walked closer. The two twenty-four-year-olds immediately took a seat, sitting side-by-side on one of the sofas as Benny stood a few feet away from them, still glaring back and forth. “Which one of you is leaving then?” Benny asked flatly, folding his arms in front of him. The two brothers looked at each other in dismay before turning their attention back to the angry teen. “Wait... what... one of us... what?” Wesley rambled, not quite sure of what he had just heard. “One of you is leaving. I won't have these arguments in my house any more,” Benny insisted. “Please, don't,” Charlie pleaded. He knew that if it was a choice between the loyal, long-serving General or the new Boy, it was obvious who Benny would choose. “Yeah, we can...” Wesley started, stopping and shaking his head. “We can get through this.” He was torn on exactly how to feel. The recent revelation of Charlie's guilt in the events of their youth had made Wesley even more angry at him than he already had been, but at the same time, he hated the thought of losing his brother all over again. It was difficult both loving and hating someone at the same time and it was that confusion that seemed to be leading to most of their arguments, but he simply couldn't help it. “Well this is on you then,” Benny said matter-of-factly. “As I understand it, this is all about whether or not you can forgive Charlie for what he did. So... can you?” Wesley opened his mouth to talk, but ended up closing it again as he sighed. Benny was right, it was up to him, but he couldn't bring himself just to forget it. He looked round at his twin and shook his head again. “I want to, but... how can I?” The three of them went silent, contemplating the question. “Wesley, can I ask you something?” Benny requested, his expression softening a little. When Wesley nodded his agreement, Benny continued. “Do you like yourself? Do you like who you are?” Wesley looked a little thrown. It wasn't exactly what he had expected. He frowned momentarily as he thought about it, before nodding and answering back, “Yeah, I suppose I do.” Benny nodded back and asked, “And do you like being here? Do you like the things you get to do in this house?” “Yes, definitely,” Wesley answered emphatically. “Okay, so think about it,” Benny went on. “Everything that's happened to you, the good, the bad, the fun, the things you'd rather forget, all of it has led you to where you are today. So if you're happy with who and where you are, then how can you really stay mad about the things that made it happen?” Wesley went to respond, but realised he couldn't actually form a cogent argument back against the Boy's logic. Benny smirked at the young man's momentary confusion. Wesley frowned. “Look, that does make sense... sort of, and,” he looked round at Charlie, “I do want to forgive you, but... it's just... hard.” “Okay, I'm not gonna make one of you leave, but please, just... keep trying. I really love having both of you here but the house comes first,” Benny explained. “I understand,” Charlie said with a solemn nod. “Me too. I promise I'll try,” Wesley agreed, then smiled round at his twin. An idea suddenly occurred to Benny. Right then, across the atrium in his private lounge, Alex was having another session with Victor, the psychotherapist. “Would it... help to talk to someone about it?” He offered tentatively. “What, like a shrink?” Wesley asked curiously, looking a little hesitant. Benny frowned. “Well I don't think that's what they like to be called, but yeah. Did you ever meet Victor?” the young Master asked. Wesley thought for a moment before saying, “No, heard about him though. He was one of your Boys in the early days, right?” Benny nodded. “That's right. He's a psychotherapist and I'm sure I could arrange some time with him if you think it'd help to talk about it.” “Are you ordering me to do it?” Wesley asked, folding his arms defensively. “No, not at all,” Benny insisted. “I care about you Wesley and I want you to be happy. If it'll help and you want to do it, you can. If you don't want to and you think you can handle it on your own, that's fine too.” Wesley looked contemplative as he relaxed slightly in his seat, glancing sideward at Charlie. He let out a sigh and said, “I'll think about it.” “Good,” Benny replied with a smile. “I'll give you Victor's number and I'll let him know you might be calling. Same applies to you, Charlie. If you need to talk to him, that'll be fine.” Wesley stood up, looking substantially more relaxed. He looked down at Charlie and said, “We can chat later, okay?” He headed for the door, thanking Benny on his way past. Once Wesley was gone, Charlie stood up too, heading to the door too with his eyes fixed on the ground. “I don't think so,” Benny said, grabbing the young man's arm and dragging him back to the sofa. “Sit!” Charlie dropped back down and continued to avoid looking at his Master. “What's wrong?” Benny asked frankly. The young man shrugged as he shook his head. “Nothing,” he insisted. “Just Wesley stuff, ya know.” “Okay, well I know that's a lie,” Benny replied sharply. “What was with you this morning? I saw that look when you realised I wasn't alone.” Charlie just shrugged again. “Come on, talk to me.” Benny urged, placing a hand tenderly on the young man's leg, making them both blush a little. “I dunno,” Charlie said dejectedly. “I just... I know it's stupid, but when I slept with you, I thought it meant... you liked me.” “ I DO like you,” Benny replied without hesitation. The comment seemed to have the opposite of the reassuring effect Benny had hoped for, making Charlie look even unhappier. “No, I mean... ugh, forget it!” Charlie grumbled. Benny guessed quickly what he was trying to say and took a deep breath before saying, “You like me as more than just a Master, don't you?” “Yeah, but...” Charlie started, clearly getting more and more flustered. “I'm not saying I'm in love with you or anything stupid like that. I mean, I pretty much only just met you. I just thought that Monday night was...” He sighed, pursing his lips as he thought. “I guess I just thought it was something more than just a competition prize.” Benny could feel a dull ache in his chest as he listened to the older man try to express how he felt. “It was.” Benny replied, without really considering the implications of it, quickly attempting to backtrack. “I mean... it's hard for me to explain.” He went silent, finding it almost as hard to convey his feelings as Charlie clearly was. There was a lot Benny wanted to say, and even more that he wanted to do to the awkward, beautiful man, but he found himself held back by his duty, by his sense of propriety. “Charlie, I'm going to be completely honest with you here. I like you. I really like you, a lot.” Benny said, taking the older man's hand. “Really?” Charlie said with visible enthusiasm which quickly dropped away when he realised Benny wasn't sharing in it. “But?” He asked hesitantly. “But... I'm responsible for this entire house. Someone reminded me this week that everyone in the house is here because of me... FOR me. I owe it to my Boys, to everyone, to share myself equally and I can't do that if I'm...” He stopped, sighing. “I can't be with you AND be the Master of the house.” Charlie sighed in response. Benny words had hurt, but he could see it was hurting him just as much. He forced himself to smile, reached out and pulled the teen into a tight hug. “I understand,” he whispered. “It totally sucks, but I understand.” “Thanks.” Benny whispered back, losing himself in the feeling of the arms wrapped around him. He knew he should get up and leave, but he simply couldn't bring himself to move. ********** The preparations for the Saturday evening gathering went pretty much as normal. After returning from his enforced time off, Roger had got straight to work ensuring everything was running smoothly. It was a fairly simple evening. There were no new boys, no special events, no particular equipment required. Roger actually found it a little disappointing. He enjoyed having things to do for Benny. Ever since his Master had adopted more a friendship-based relationship for them in private, his chances to serve seemed to be getting less and less, so any chance he had to do well in his role as second-in-command was grasped eagerly. Roger occasionally found himself missing the days where Benny was his Master full-time, but on another level, the bond he had now started to build with the teen was something he cherished more every day. He had insight into Benny's private thoughts, his concerns, his problems, things the rest of the house would never be allowed to see. More than that though, the two really were friends. That was partly what made it so easy for the General to immediately tell that something was bothering Benny. As usual, he had headed to Benny's room once everyone was gathered and ready for him. Benny definitely seemed off. His mind was clearly elsewhere as he listened to Roger's report of what was happening downstairs. “Uh huh,” Benny hummed non-committally as Roger continued talking. He repeated it again before realising Roger had stopped talking and he had just acknowledged nothing. “What is it?” Roger demanded quite sharply. The harsh tone shocked Benny out of his stupor. “What's what?” he asked, confused by the sudden question. “The thing that's bothering you. Are you gonna tell me?” Roger asked, folding his arms impatiently. Benny felt a slight twinge of intimidation. He had never really been on the receiving end of Roger's dominant side before. He suddenly had a much better understanding of why many of the Boys feared the imposing young man. “It's nothing,” Benny lied. Roger sucked on his teeth for a moment as he looked the distracted teen up and down. “Fine. Let's go then,” he said flatly, turning to the door. If Benny wasn't going to share what was on his mind, he wasn't going to force the matter. Benny followed him out of the room and joined the crowd downstairs. One side was a little crowded, the twelve live-in Boys, while the other was beginning to look a little sparse. There were now just five young men stood naked with their cocks encased in chastity devices. Benny had made the decision to stop recruiting any new residents for the house when he realised that there would only just be enough room for the existing ones. Benny did his best to concentrate on the task at hand, but found it increasingly difficult. His attention was being drawn from one end of the live-in residents to the other. Charlie was stood at the end nearest him with the other residents of Dorm One while Zane was stood at the other with Dorm Four. Between them, they had his mind completely boggled. Roger cleared his throat, getting the distracted teen's attention and bringing him out of his daze. “Good evening... everyone.” Benny said quietly. He glanced at Charlie who was staring back at him. After their earlier conversation, they had sat together for almost half an hour, silently holding each other. Since then, it was one of the only two things he seemed able to think about. The other was Zane. The newest Boy had Benny captivated, but he couldn't quite figure out why. The attraction was nowhere near as obvious or urgent as his feelings had been for Charlie when he arrived, but he couldn't possibly deny that the feelings were there. “Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for another great week and to thank you again for your participation in last week's competition,” Benny started. “As it seemed so popular, I may be running further competitions again in the future, so stay tuned for more on that.” The announcement triggered a ripple of conversation down the line of men, which was quickly stamped out by a stern, “Quiet,” from Roger. Benny smiled as he realised the expressions on most of their faces seemed to be positive. As much as he liked teasing and (playfully) abusing his Boys, he wanted them to have fun too. “Now, speaking of the competition, there is one matter left in relation to it. Please step forward Abdul, Stanley, David and Alex,” Benny ordered. The four competition losers stepped forward, suddenly looking very nervous. “Please move across to this side,” Benny instructed, gesturing to the opposite side where the five chaste men stood lined up. “This evening, you will join them for the usual activity of prolonged edging. After that, you will also be put in chastity devices which will stay on for a period of two weeks.” Again Benny’s comments got a round of chatter. Some of the other residents laughed at the punishment and the expressions of the victims, while some looked genuinely sympathetic. The chatter continued as the four of them slowly walked over to join the other side. As everyone slowly settled back down again, Benny handed over to Roger who started advising everyone of their activities for the evening. While the large General barked commands, Benny's eyes once again fell on Charlie who smiled back at him meekly. It became immediately obvious that Charlie was clearly as distracted as Benny when Roger had to repeat his orders for the evening twice, something the General was clearly unhappy about having to do. He was used to being listened to at all times. When Roger finished up, all eyes turned back on Benny who would usually dismiss them at that point to go about their assigned tasks. The young Master didn't do that this time though, instead he smiled and said, “We just a couple more matters left that I need to talk about. As you all know, the process for becoming one of my Generals involves two weeks of living in the house as one of my Boys. Well it has now been two weeks since Alex moved into the position and as such...” “Wait!” Alex called out, looking panicked. All attention turned from Benny to the distressed young man. “Can... can I talk to you?” he requested quietly. Benny frowned, but nodded, prompting Alex to leave the line-up and approach Benny who led him round to the back of the staircase and away from any prying ears. “What's up?” Benny asked quietly. “You... erm... were you about to say I could move up now?” Alex asked. Benny nodded. “Yeah, you've done your time,” he replied. Alex shook his head emphatically. “I'm not ready. I... I've got a lot of work I still need to do and I don't want to hurt anyone and... and...” Benny reached out and stroked his bare arm. “Hey, it's okay,” he whispered reassuringly. “If you need longer, we'll give you longer. How much more time do you think?” Alex shrugged. “I dunno,” he said, frowning. “Maybe a month... if that's okay.” Benny smiled back at him. “That's absolutely fine. If you need a month, then that's what you'll have. Come on, let's go back.” They rejoined the others amid a hiss of whispers from the many hushed conversations going on. Benny went to speak, but quickly realised he didn't actually know what to say. He and Alex both knew the reason for the postponement of his promotion, but it wasn't exactly something they wanted the whole house to know about. As he thought about, Benny couldn't help smiling at the reassuring smile and nod Alex got from Zane who was standing opposite him. “Sorry about that,” he finally said loudly. “As I was saying, Alex has been in his current position for two weeks, but in order to be the best General he can be, he has requested to remain at his current level for a little longer to gain a little more insight and experience.” Alex looked thoroughly relieved at the comments. Much like Benny, he had been unsure of exactly what would be said and had worried briefly that his personal issues were about to be broadcast across the room. “The final thing I need to talk to you about is a new house rule. Now I apologise for not addressing this earlier, but it is something that has only recently come to my attention,” Benny explained. “From this moment, dating and relationships between residents of the house is strictly forbidden.” Taro and Wesley shot each other a nervous glance. Their 'date' two nights earlier had been done with permission and had not caused any problems, but they had little doubt that it was Taro's request that had prompted the new rule. “The only relationship any of you should be in, is with me. As long as you live in this house, I am your Master. Any questions, please see myself or Roger, but for now, you're all dismissed,” Benny finally concluded. He nodded at Roger to take over, then turned to head back up the stairs. Usually he stayed downstairs on a Saturday evening, watching the various activities, but tonight he simply wasn't in the mood. As the young Master got upstairs and followed the path round to his room, he glanced down over the railing quickly and found Charlie staring up at him. Their eyes met, lingering for a few moments before the Boy was ushered away, leaving Benny to return to his room in solitude. ********** Alex sat alone on a bench in one of the basement play rooms. He quickly realised that when it wasn't being used to restrain or torture you, it actually made quite a comfortable seat. The one main discomfort, however, was the chastity cage now securely attached to his private parts. He had almost allowed himself to forget that he and the rest of his former Dorm were owed a forfeit from the competition. The thought of now going without cumming for two weeks was not one he relished. He had deliberately avoided the main lounge after the evening's tasks were complete. He knew just about everyone would be there as they tended to gather together on Saturdays, but he simply wasn't feeling up to it. It seemed like the longer he spent on the house, the less he felt like he fit in with everyone else. He was interrupted from his thoughts by the door suddenly opening. He looked round and saw Zane standing there. “So this is where you're hiding,” Zane said, pulling the door closed behind him as he approached. “I'm not hiding,” Alex insisted with a scowl. “Yes you are,” Zane replied dismissively before taking a seat next to Alex. “But I can understand why. Thought you might want to talk.” Alex just shrugged and looked away. “About what? Everything's fine,” he insisted. “About what? Hmm, lemme think... therapy session this morning, your chastity forfeit... why you asked not to be promoted yet... maybe some of that!” Zane replied sharply. Alex shrugged again. “Therapy was.... good, the forfeit's annoying, and Benny told you the reason,” Alex insisted casually. Zane sighed with frustration. “Let's start with the big one. We both know what Benny said isn't the real reason. Come on, we're... friends, aren't we?” Alex unwillingly smiled. He was surprised just how much Zane's question cheered him up. Despite their bickering, arguing, the ups and downs, underneath it all it seemed the two really were becoming friends. That was something Alex had often found himself lacking. The closest thing he had ever had to a best friend was his cousin, Zack. Other than that, his anger issues and the resulting behaviour had isolated him for most of his life. “Yeah, we are,” he said with a warm smile. “Well... you already kinda know the reason why. It's because of the anger stuff and also... that!” He pointed to the fading bruise on Zane's arm from their encounter earlier in the week. “Oh,” Zane said, looking down at the mark. “Yeah,” Alex said quietly with a nod. “I keep thinking about how I snapped with you over something so simple. What if I did it with someone else, but they got more than a bruise. I don't... want to hurt people, but it seems to be the only thing I ever do.” Zane thought for a moment, his lips pursing. “What did Victor say today?” he asked cautiously. Another shrug from Alex. “He says I'm doing well, but I don't see it.” Zane laughed aloud, getting a disgruntled glare from his friend. “Seriously? You don't?” Alex continued staring angrily for a moment, then shook his head. “When I first got here and started hearing about everyone in the house, d'you know what everyone said about you?” Zane asked with a grin. Alex shifted in his seat. Part of him was intrigued, but mostly he didn't like the sound of it. “Do I really want to hear this?” he asked nervously. “Probably not,” Zane replied, chuckling again before continuing, “He's scary, intense and all he wants is to be in charge.” “Wow, yeah, thanks for coming to cheer me up!” Alex replied sarcastically. “Sorry,” Zane replied, “But don't you see the good part here? Everyone knew that your sole aim here was to be the man in charge, to take control. Even you said it was your reason for being here. But today, you turned that down for the good of everyone around you. I know I haven't known you for that long, but that seems like a pretty significant change to me!” Alex's eyes widened as he realised the other teen was right. “I... hadn't really thought of it that way.” “Of course you hadn't, you're an idiot and I'm a genius. It's why we go so well together!” Zane replied cheekily with a grin. “Hey, don't push it. I may not be in charge yet, but I'll remember this when I am!” Alex warned, jokingly, making them both laugh. ********** Benny let out a sigh as the door closed. Roger had just been to see him, partly to say that everyone was settled into their Dorms for the night and partly just to check up on him. The visit hadn't lasted long. Roger continued to be annoyed by Benny's refusal to share the cause of his melancholy. The General had guessed it was something to do with Charlie, but Benny had refused to either confirm or deny it. Now he was alone again, he knew he should probably be going to bed, but he continued sitting there, moping. The worst part was, he wasn't exactly sure why he was doing it... or rather, who it was about. His earlier conversation with Charlie seemed to be a the forefront of his mind, reminding him over and over that he was turning down a relationship with a sexy, beautiful, sweet guy. However, niggling at the back of his mind were his thoughts about the other new arrival in the house, Zane. Every time he looked down at the makeshift bed the Boy had slept on the last few nights, he felt the urge to march down to the Dorms and bring him back. It wouldn't matter whether the Boy was asleep on his floor, or cuddled in bed beside him, he had just gotten used to having him near. Unlike with Charlie, he didn't know if his feelings for the Boy were reciprocated so it was hard to feel sad about missing something that might have never happened anyway, but that didn't stop the feelings. He let out another sigh as he looked over at the bed. He didn't want to sleep alone, but it appeared as if that would have to be the way it was for a change. The depressed teen forced himself to stand, sauntered over to the bed and flopped onto it. He didn't even bother to undress or turn of the light, he just curled up and closed his eyes. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, but he was awoken by his door opening. He briefly thought it might have been his breakfast delivery, but a quick glance at the clock showed it was not even 1 am yet. Rubbing his eyes, he looked round at who might have had the audacity to come in, uninvited in the middle of the night. “Charlie!” Benny said, grinning without even realising it as he saw the young man standing there. “You're wrong!” Charlie said sharply. When Benny frowned back at him in sleepy confusion, he elaborated. “About us, about what you can or can't do.” “Why?” Benny asked, sitting up to face him. “You CAN be with me and be the Master. You know why, because you're the fucking Master!” Charlie snapped aggressively. “You're the one who makes the rules, so if you're saying you can't even try and be with me, then that's obviously YOUR choice. And if that's what you're choosing, then just come out and tell me that, don't hide behind some stupid rule!” Benny's eyebrows raised as he listened to the young man's angry rant. He waited a moment after he finished, letting silence linger between them. “Are you done?” he asked with a slight smirk. “Yeah, I guess so,” Charlie replied, suddenly a little embarrassed about his outburst. “Come here,” Benny said, gesturing for Charlie to approach. The young man did as invited and sat beside the young Master on his bed. “You're right,” Benny said quietly. Charlie frowned. “Which part?” “Most of it. I CAN be with you and be the Master, it IS me that makes the rules, and it IS my choice,” Benny explained. “But you're wrong about me choosing not to try. I didn't decide things can't happen with us because I don't want to be with you, I decided it because I love this house and I love my Boys and I've got to put them first.” Charlie shook his head. “No you don't. You said it yourself earlier, everyone is here to serve YOU. That's what's important here... YOU! You probably don't realise this, but the house relies on you for a lot more than just orders. It's like everyone here is an extension of you. When you're happy, we're happy and when you're sad, we're sad. Just look at tonight. It was clear you weren't yourself at the gathering and it affected everyone. It's been so quiet and downbeat, not like the usual and it was all because everyone could tell you were down.” Benny stared at him. Was he right? Was the best way to keep everyone happy really by just keeping himself happy first? Even if that was the case, could he actually be with Charlie. How would that affect the other Boys? And what about Zane? “I... I need to think about this,” Benny stuttered, completely overwhelmed. “No you don't,” Charlie said, kneeling in front of Benny and placing a hand on the teen's cheek. “What you need is to STOP thinking about it!” “Charlie...” Benny whispered, but whatever he was going to say was lost as the man's lips met his own. There it was again. That feeling he got when they kissed, the feeling that they were suddenly alone in the Universe, that everyone and everything had melted into insignificance. His hands found their way onto Charlie, one reaching up to stroke fingers through silken hair, the other reaching round to grab onto his back, to pull him closer. Suddenly Charlie pulled away, but only enough to make their lips part. He remained close, staring Benny straight in the eye. “Okay... Sir. If you can look me in the eye and tell me completely honestly that you don't want to see where this could go, then I'll walk out of this room and go back to being just one of your Boys.” Benny's breath caught in his throat at the ultimatum. He had spent all week thinking about his decision to ban relationships and then had spent all day convincing himself that his decision to turn down Charlie had been the right one. He had made lists in his mind, pros and cons, telling himself everything he was doing was the right choice. He knew it was. He knew that what he was doing was right for the house. Despite all of that, despite the logic and the reason and the list of arguments he had made, as he stared into Charlie's eyes, he could only say one thing... “Stay!” Chapter 12 – Six Weeks Later by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Sunday 29th March 2015 For the first time in years, I actually stopped writing in my diary for a while. It was weird not doing it every day, but I think it's safe to say I've had plenty of other stuff to occupy my time. It's been about six weeks since my last entry and quite a lot has happened since then. I'll keep it as brief as possible. So the last time I wrote in my diary, I was all mopey because I'd decided me and Charlie couldn't be together. Well that lasted about twelve hours before I finally gave in. So yeah, we're pretty much together. And it is absolutely fucking amazing! That feeling I got the first time I saw him, I still get it every time I'm near him except now I can actually do things with him, I can talk to him, he can talk to me. I don't think anybody else knows about it as we've done a pretty good job of hiding it, but with the amount of nights he stays in my room, somebody must be getting suspicious! Now don't get me wrong, I've not forgotten about Zane. I still have feelings for him too, but I think it's really more of a very strong Master/sub thing. He's my pup and I love him, nothing's going to change that, but it's just not the same kind of relationship as I have with Charlie. Speaking of Zane, he seems to have really settled in well now. He's taken a bit of a liking to Roger though. It's so sweet seeing the way he acts around him. Also, despite several more silly arguments, he's still best of friends with Alex. Alex next. He's really quite unbelievable. His therapy sessions with Victor are still ongoing, but I kind of get the impression from them both that it's now more out of habit than necessity. Two weeks ago I finally made him a General, by his agreement, and oh my God... he's like a different person. His temper, if it's still there, is totally under his control. He's attentive and understanding when it comes to dealing with the Boys and they're actually starting to like him. I like to think of him as the house's greatest success story! Unfortunately, not everything in the house has progressed as well as Alex. A few weeks ago, I was approached by Stanley on behalf of the whole of Dorm Three. It seems they all felt somewhat neglected and wanted to leave. Apparently Anthony felt completely overlooked. I can totally understand why. He arrived at the same time as Charlie, so he never really got any of my attention. I can't really say I'm that bothered though. Stanley and Henry were never really my favourites (quite the opposite) and while Anthony was pretty hot, he's right that he never caught my attention. So that was it, they left and Dorm Three is now empty. With Alex being promoted, that meant I was just down to eight Boys (plus the five unemployed ones who aren't residents yet). Eight Boys and four Generals. That seemed a bit of an uneven mix, but just like the way nature always seems to find balance, so too does the house! Last week, Wesley told me that it was time for him to leave the house too. He's still here at the moment, but he'll be moving out tomorrow. He has decided that some time away from the house would do him good, something that Victor apparently agreed with. On the bright side, 'some time away' means that he'll probably be back eventually which is awesome because I love Wesley, he's amazing and the house really won't be the same without him. And there you go. I guess that wasn't particularly brief after all, but once I get talking about this place, I find it really hard to stop! Oh yeah, one more thing. I heard from an old friend this morning. I guess I'll find out what's going on there once I see him later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite the wind, rain and general sense of dreariness outside, the mood in the house was surprisingly good. Alex liked to think that he had played a big part in that. Three weeks earlier, three of the Boys had moved out and it had hit the rest of the residents pretty hard. With the amount of time they all spent together and the sense of camaraderie from their shared experiences, it felt very much like a family sometimes, so to suddenly lose three of them was quite a hard hit. The mood had been low for quite a while after that, despite Benny's best efforts. It wasn't until a week later when Alex finally accepted promotion to General that things started to improve. Having someone new in charge was like a burst of energy in the house. Suddenly, the Boys were all looking forward to their evening activities, in hopes of getting Alex and seeing what he brought to the mix. Much like the Boys, who each had their own specific likes and dislikes, the Generals also had their areas of expertise. Roger was the master of humiliation and intimidation, Malik was the master edger and an eternal cock tease while Wesley continued to be the master of pain. Alex was surprised to find out how much leniency Benny gave in what the Generals did. He had always thought that their specialist areas were things Benny had assigned to them, so he was a little shocked when he actually got asked what he wanted to do to the Boys. Thus began a week of experimentation for the new General, trying out everything his twisted mind could think up, testing to see the Boys reactions to it as well as his own. It didn't take long before he homed in on something he particularly enjoyed... mind games! He began coming up with scenarios and games for the Boys that would pit them against each other, or even against themselves. Despite the competitiveness and rivalry it sometimes instigated, it also managed to distract the Boys from the recent loss and the atmosphere in the house rapidly improved. Alex had gotten up early. As the only free bed in the two Generals' bedroom, he had been assigned to share with Roger and had not yet gotten used to it. As such, he tended to avoid spending too much time in their room. He was sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, sipping on a coffee and playing on his phone when Wesley walked in. “Morning,” Wesley said cheerfully as he saw the other General. “Morning,” Alex replied, putting down his phone. “You're up early,” Wesley said, heading to the coffee maker and pouring himself a cup. Alex shrugged. “Yeah, still getting used to the new room mate,” he explained with a slight smile. Wesley sniggered as he took a seat on one of the stools opposite Alex. “Yeah,” he said understandingly, “I get that. I should think Roger could be pretty tough to share with. Hey, why don't you ask about moving into Malik's room after I leave? He's a great room mate.” Alex's eyebrows raised as he nodded gently. “I hadn't considered that. I'll think about it,” he replied, then frowned slightly as another thought crossed his mind. “Hey, can I just ask... you're not leaving because of me, are you?” “Of course not,” Wesley replied, “Why would you think that?” Alex shrugged again. “I dunno, it's the timing. I become a General and then a week later you announce you're leaving. Just seemed weird.” “Well I suppose, in a way... you're right,” Wesley said, looking thoughtful. “But not in the way you think. I'd been thinking about taking some time away for a while now but I didn't want to leave Benny short-handed, so yeah, I suppose having someone else join us made it an easier decision, especially once I saw what a good job you were doing.” Alex looked shocked. It was less-so the revelation that he was partly responsible for Wesley's decision to leave, but more-so because of the compliment he had just been paid. “Oh don't look so surprised,” Wesley said with a sly grin. “I can't help it. I AM surprised!” Alex insisted. “Don't be. I'm not the only one who thinks so,” Wesley explained. When Alex's expression remained unchanged, he continued. “The Boys all talk to me, and lately they've been talking about you... quite a lot! They share my opinion on you.” “And what's that?” Alex asked curiously before picking up his coffee for another sip. “Honestly... when you first arrived, even being in the lowest position in the house, one thing was clear... you were a cunt!” Wesley said frankly. Alex coughed, almost choking on his drink. “Geez,” he spluttered, “Don't hold yourself back!” Wesley couldn't help chuckling at Alex's reaction. “Calm down. That was just the first impression that you gave most of us, and I'd say it was pretty spot on. But since then... I don't know why, and I don't really need to, but you've changed. Even before the promotion, it was obvious you were going through something and whatever it was, it was changing you for the better.” Alex felt himself blushing. Benny and Zane were the only two who knew the extent of his problems and that he had been having the sessions with Victor, and it still amazed him that they had managed to keep it secret from the rest of the house all of this time. The fact that Wesley, and by the sounds of it, everyone else, could tell he was changing really helped show him the progress he had made. “Thanks. I... don't know what to say.” Alex said shyly. “You don't need to say anything. I'm just glad to be leaving the Boys in such good hands. I really care about them all,” Wesley explained. “The feeling's mutual,” Alex replied. “It really says a lot about you that they're all so bummed about you leaving.” Wesley felt a twinge of guilt. He knew he was leaving the house for sensible reasons, his own well-being, but that didn't make it any easier. He had understated his feelings, he didn't just care about the Boy, he loved them. “Abdul's really the one suffering here,” Alex said with a slight smile. Wesley frowned back at him. “Why Abdul?” he asked. “Well look who he's sharing a Dorm with!” Alex said bluntly. Wesley considered it for a moment. Abdul was in Dorm Two along with David and Taro. Suddenly Alex's comment made perfect sense. David was fairly besotted with Wesley, the chemistry the two shared infamous throughout the house. The Boy was the closest thing Wesley could have to a lover without breaking Benny's 'no relationship' rule. Wesley had also grown increasingly close to Taro wince their 'date' several weeks earlier. It wasn't a romantic relationship, but they shared a certain closeness from bonding over their abusive pasts. Over the weeks, they had shared every detail with each other, explained every scar, both mental and physical. If David was tantamount to Wesley's lover, Taro was best compared to a soul mate. Alex's hint of a smile dropped away as he saw a tear forming in Wesley's eye. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, concerned for the young man. Wesley just shook his head, unable to reply. Alex dashed around to the other side of the breakfast bar and pulled Wesley into a hug. For just an instant, he realised how strange it was to be showing that kind of affection, another sign of his progress. He quickly shifted his focus back to Wesley though. “Hey, if it bothers you this much, don't leave!” Wesley sniffed as his head rested against the standing teen's chest. “I've got to. I need time to get my head together.” “Well that sounds like you're intending to come back, so you're not saying goodbye to everyone, just.... see you soon,” Alex said quietly. He pulled away and took a seat on the stool beside Wesley. The older man reached up and wiped a tear from his cheek, looking thoughtful. “But... what if I don't come back?” he asked. “Why wouldn't you?” Alex asked, unsure of how that would even happen. Wesley shrugged. “I dunno. What if I leave, clear my head and realise I don't want to come back. Or maybe Benny finds someone to replace me. Or maybe...” “Stop it,” Alex insisted. “You're making up worst case scenarios here. I know exactly what will happen. You'll go, you'll get yourself together, you'll come back and everyone will be really happy to have you back.” Wesley rubbed his face while shaking his head. “Ugh, you're probably right. Thanks Alex.” ********** When Benny awoke, he heard the sound of running water coming from his bathroom and the bed beside him was empty. Charlie had obviously woken early and gone for a shower. He briefly considered going in to join him, but as they had fucked several times the night before, he felt like the young man might need time to recover. Instead, he picked up his phone to kill some time until Charlie emerged. He loved seeing the naked man emerging from the bathroom and couldn't wait. In his distracted state, he almost overlooked the message he had received through Facebook. When Charlie finally entered, stark naked, towel slung over his shoulder, he looked a little annoyed that the Boy didn't even look at him. Instead, he was staring at his phone, looking a mixture of confused and concerned. “Hey, what's wrong?” Charlie asked as he made his way over to the bed. “I got a message from someone I used to know,” Benny said, looking at Charlie briefly before looking to the phone again. “Bad news?” Charlie asked, looking concerned. “No, well... I don't think so. He wants me to meet him.” Benny said, putting down the phone. ********** Zane stood just outside the kitchen, grinning as he realised the voices he heard belonged to Wesley and Alex. That was exactly what he wanted. He crept away from the door and headed to the stairs. He knew that Boys were banned from going upstairs unless either invited or carrying out orders, so every step, every creaky stair made it feel like people were going to suddenly appear from every door and catch him. When he finally made it to the top, he took a quick look round then turned right. He sneaked past door after door – the Generals' Lounge, Guest Room 2, Malik and Wesley's room. He finally stopped outside the door to Roger and Alex's room. Taking another cursory look around, he quietly opened the door and stepped inside. Roger was still asleep. Sunday was the only day when he wasn't up early to supervise activity on the house. Zane crept over to his side and gently pulled back the covers. He watched as the large General's body appeared inch by inch. The bulky chest, all muscle and hair. His stomach, firm and flat with just a little bulk, with abs that showed in his inward breaths. Then finally, reaching up from a thick, sandy blond bush his erection reached up his body, tantalising the sneaky Boy standing over it. Zane looked up at Roger's face nervously, hoping he wouldn't wake. He knelt down and leant over the bed, taking the erection between his lips. He started sucking slowly up and down it as one hand reached up to cup his hefty balls. Just as the Boy was getting into it, he heard Roger clear his throat. His eyes shot upwards, the head of the cock remaining in his mouth. He froze, like a rabbit caught in headlights, eyes wide. “And what exactly do you think you're doing?” Roger asked sharply, his voice ringing with his usual air of dominance. The tone of the large General's voice sent a shudder down Zane's spine as he remained frozen in place. Suddenly Roger sat up, grabbed at the Boy then hefted him up, throwing him onto the space on the opposite side of the double bed. Roger rolled over, holding himself up over Zane's body, staring down at him. He slowly lowered himself closer and closer as their eyes remained fixed on each other. “You know you're not supposed to be in here,” Roger whispered right into the Boy's ear, before taking it between his lips and nibbling on it. “I couldn't keep away,” Zane replied dreamily, closing his eyes as the large man moved from ear to neck. “Well I suppose you're allowed here with my permission,” Roger said, pulling his lips away from the Boy's neck for just a moment. “Then... may I... have you... permission, Sir?” Zane asked, whimpering with pleasure as the man continued nibbling down onto his shoulder. Roger stopped his teasing, grinned, then rolled onto his back, pulling Zane on top of him, their naked bodies pressing together. The large General placed his hands on Zane's sides, slowly sliding them up the length of his body, round onto his back and then up into his hair. The Boy's chocolate brown hair was now adorned with blonde tips. They mesmerised Roger who simply couldn't get enough of them. As his fingers played with the soft hair, his eyes fixed on Zane's. “I suppose so,” he said with a cheeky grin. “Good,” Zane replied, leaning down to plant his lips on Roger's. Their kiss was slow and relaxed, but passionate, hands exploring bodies as tongues wrestled. As the embrace continued, Roger found himself reminded of their first kiss. It was four weeks ago, also on a Sunday. Zane had been spending more and more time around the intimidating General, helping him with chores, talking to him at every opportunity and just generally lingering around him. Roger quickly realised that the Boy was obviously attracted to him and allowed the behaviour to continue, knowing that it would never lead anywhere. The General knew that there was no way he would break Benny's rule about in-house dating... at least that was what he thought at first. Gradually, Zane wore down his resistance, albeit mostly unintentionally. The Boy was undeniably cute, but it was the terrible excuses he came up with for hanging around Roger that the older man found most endearing. On that particular Sunday, though, Roger had been on a final check around the house before heading to bed when he found Zane alone in the main lounge. The Boy had, once again, had an argument with Alex. It was nothing serious, but he had needed to get out of the Dorm for a while. When Roger told Zane he needed to return to his room, the Boy had refused. Despite a very sternly-worded warning, Zane continued to refuse to move so Roger resorted to force. He picked the Boy up, but met a surprising amount of resistance despite their size difference. Zane managed to get Roger off balance and he staggered, tripped on a sofa and fell. Zane ended up on the sofa with Roger on top of him, their faces just inches apart. This is where there was a difference of opinion. Afterwards, Zane insisted Roger kissed him while Roger insisted it was the other way around. It didn't really make much difference. Regardless of who instigated it, the two ended up kissing. It all progressed from there and now the two continued to sneak around, being together at every opportunity they could manage. They both felt guilty about breaking Benny's rule and knew they would likely be in a massive amount of trouble if he found out. Their kiss finally parted and Zane shuffled down slightly, allowing his head to rest on Roger's chest as the large man pulled the covers back over them both. Roger once again raised a hand to play with the Boy's hair. “Looks good like this,” Roger said happily, referring to the blonde tips. “Makes you look even cuter.” “Shut up, I'm not cute,” Zane insisted moodily. Roger had quickly caught on to the fact that the Boy really hated receiving compliments. Despite how much it annoyed him, Roger continued to do it at every opportunity, hoping to make the Boy see himself the way everyone else did. “Did you just tell your Master to shut up?” “No, because Benny's my Master,” Zane replied with a cheeky grin, “You're just a guy who works for him!” Roger's eyes narrowed angrily before he burst into laughter. “You're an annoying little git sometimes,” Roger chuckled. “Yeah, but I'm YOUR annoying little git,” Zane replied playfully, gently kissing the man's chest. “Why don't you put that mouth to better use and finish what you started earlier,” Roger suggested. “I've got an even better idea,” Zane said cheekily. He stretched up and kissed Roger briefly before disappearing under the covers. Roger gasped happily as he felt a warm mouth engulfing his cock once again, but it only lasted a few seconds before it pulled away. “What are you...” he started, but soon got cut off as Zane re-emerged, still grinning. The Boy grabbed Roger's cock and guided it towards his rear, slowly sitting onto it. Both men gasped with pleasure as one entered the other, only stopping when Zane's rear pressed against Roger's legs, the entire length of the cock now inside. “Ah... yeah. Definitely... a better... idea,” Roger said happily as the Boy started bouncing up and down. His hands found their way onto Zane's body, one caressing his chest, teasing his nipples while the other headed south to grab his rigid meat, stroking it in time with the bounces. Zane was getting used to Roger by now. The two got together as often as they could, sometimes to talk, other times to fuck but the Boy was now getting good at reading him. He could tell Roger was getting close, so he slowed his bounces while grabbing the hand on his own cock and gesturing for it to move faster. Roger took the Boy's cue and sped up his strokes. They both enjoyed it best when they could cum together and that was obviously what Zane was aiming for today. Feeling himself getting close too, Zane sped up the fucking too. Just as they were both about to shoot, Zane leant forward to kiss Roger. Lips parted, letting tongues enter each others mouths, accompanied by the excited moans of a simultaneous orgasm. Roger filled the Boy's rear while Zane pumped out a load between their bodies. The kiss finally parted as they both panted for breath. “Oh God, I love you,” Roger moaned happily without thinking, his eyes closed as he attempted to recover. When he finally opened them, he found Zane staring down at him in surprise. “You... you...” he stuttered nervously. “Oh, I didn't... I mean... I...” Roger stuttered back, realising what he had said. Then a grin spread across his face. “You know what, fuck it! I do. I love you, Zane.” “I... erm...” Zane continued stammering. Before either of them could say another word, they heard the sound of movement outside the door. “Fuck!” Roger called out. He virtually threw Zane off the bed, the Boy landing with a thud. The door opened before Roger could cover up. Alex just stared at him as he entered the room. There was Roger, naked, breathless, flustered and with a smear of cum across his stomach. “Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt,” Alex said with a grin. “Why don't I come back later.” Roger grabbed the covers and pulled them over himself, blushing profusely. “No, I wasn't...” he started, realising what it looked like, but he quickly figured that 'what it looked like' was probably the best excuse to cover up what was actually happening, so he simply added, “Thanks.” Sniggering, Alex left the room, leaving Roger alone with Zane again. The Boy climbed onto his feet as soon as he heard the door close. “Well that hurt,” Zane said unhappily, rubbing the leg he had landed on when he had been thrown clear. “Sorry about that, you okay?” Roger asked sympathetically as Zane climbed back onto the bed. “I think you should kiss it better,” Zane said playfully. “Gladly.” Roger grinned, pouncing on the Boy once again. ********** Taro leaned out the side of his bed and looked up. Still no sign of movement from the top bunk. He climbed out and poked the body-shaped mass under the covers. “Hey, you ever planning on getting up today?” Taro asked disapprovingly. David's reply was muffled, but succinct. “No!” “You can't just keep moping,” Taro insisted. “I'm gonna miss him too, but you don't see me sulking about it.” David turned over to face the other Boy, but remained under the covers. “I'm not moping and I'm not sulking!” he snapped angrily. “What do you call it then? Brooding? Contemplating? Deliberating? Whatever it is... stop it!” Taro snapped back. “I don't want to and you can't make me!” David pouted, turning back over. Taro was nineteen, while David was thirty-four, yet it felt like it was the other way round. The unhappy man was acting very much like a moody teenager. Taro decided if words wouldn't work, then maybe actions would. He reached up, grabbed David's bedding and yanked it away. “Fuck off!” David yelled as he felt the rush of cool air over his exposed body. He curled up against the wall, continuing to attempt to ignore Taro. 'I guess tough love isn't going to work either,' Taro thought to himself. With a sigh, he climbed up the ladder to the top bunk and lay down beside David. “For fuck's sake, just leave me alone.” David said weakly. When he heard no reply, he gingerly peeked back at the other Boy. He was just laying there, staring at the ceiling. He waited a few moments, then turned over and slid an arm under Taro's neck, pulling him closer. “I'm gonna miss him!” Taro said unhappily. The young man was normally eternally-cheerful, so to hear him sounding depressed was a bit of a shock. “Me too.” David said as the two lay together in their shared misery. ********** Benny made his way to the shopping mall as arranged and sat waiting. He kept looking at his phone, watching the minutes tick by. For a while, he suspected he might get stood up, but then he appeared. “Hey Sam.” Benny said with a smile. “Hey Benny. Been a while.” Sam replied, matching his smile. As Benny stood from the bench, Sam pulled him into a quick hug. Once the hug parted, they both sat back down on the bench, silently watching as people passed by. “So what's up, Sam? Why did you want to meet?” Benny asked. The two boys had gone to school together until the Summer of 2012. That was when Benny's life had changed. The events of that Summer had sent Benny down a very different path and since then, he had rarely ever seen or spoken to anyone he used to know. Some of his former friends had attempted to contact him when the new school year started in September 2012 once they realised he wasn't coming back, but he had ignored them, wanting a completely clean break. Sam shook his head. “Forget it, it's stupid,” he said unhappily, standing up. “Sit back down and tell me what's wrong!” Benny ordered sternly. It was the sort of tone he used when commanding his Boys, but it seemed to do the job here too as Sam did as he was told. Sam sighed, turned to Benny and just said a single word. “Josh!” ********** Wesley sat on his bed, staring down at the two suitcases and two boxes that, between them, essentially contained his entire life. He had been amazed when he had come to pack and realised exactly how little he actually had. If anything, it was a testament to exactly how consuming life in the house could be. “All packed?” Charlie asked from the doorway. Wesley jumped at the sound, turning to face his brother. “Hey, you shouldn't be...” he started. “Malik said it was okay for me to come up here,” Charlie cut his brother off, knowing what he was going to say before he said it. “That's everything then?” he asked, gesturing to the small pile. Wesley nodded. “Yeah, bit sad, isn't it,” he said with a sad smile. “Still, it's more than I had when I first came here.” Charlie looked suddenly sad of the state Wesley's life had been in before the house and unintentional reminder that he was to blame. It was part of the reason his brother was leaving. While they could talk to each other without resorting to name-calling or violence, the issues were still there, beneath the surface. “You don't have to go, you know. If this is about me, then I'll go. You were here first, this is your home,” Charlie said. They had discussed the subject several times over the last week, but he had to offer one more time. “Thanks,” Wesley said, standing to face his twin. “But it's not about you... well, not entirely. I just... I've been here for a while, I just need a bit of a break. Besides, this is your home now too and I don't really think you'd wanna leave your boyfriend behind, would you?” Wesley grinned cheekily. He, much like everyone else, had figured out what was going between Benny and Charlie almost immediately. Even if they had managed to do a better job of hiding it, the chemistry between the two was just far too obvious to ignore. “What do you... I don't... erm... I don't have a boyfriend.” Charlie said nervously. Wesley raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Sure you don't,” he said, disbelievingly. “You ARE coming back, aren't you?” Charlie asked, glad of the chance to change the subject away from his supposedly-secret relationship. “That's the plan,” Wesley replied with a nod, forcing himself to think about Alex's words from earlier and avoid his own worst nightmares about it. “Good. I went the best part of a decade without you. I don't wanna lose you again,” Charlie said, shifting a little where he stood. “Look, Lee...” Wesley said, pausing to sigh. “The... stuff between us, it sucks and sometimes it bothers me, but it's not gonna make me lose my brother again. I love you, bro.” Charlie grinned. “Ha, you said you love me.... you're gay!” he joked. Wesley rolled his eyes as he shook his head, but pulled his twin into a hug anyway. ********** Sam sat telling to his old school friend everything that had happened over the last few months. He had only come to Benny for help in getting over Josh. He figured that if anyone would know how to do it, it would be Benny. Instead, he ended up telling the other Boy everything. Greg's assault by his Dad, Josh and Dale's split, Nick and Warren breaking up, Corey's problems, Warren's near-suicide. Benny remained silent throughout the tale. Aside from Josh, he hadn't seen any of them for a couple of years, but he still felt a twinge of sadness listening to everything they had gone through as well as a sense of relief and happiness at hearing how it all seemed to be improving now. What surprised Benny most, was hearing about the way Sam had become Josh's master for a while. He found it surprisingly arousing to hear how the boy had taken total control of his former lover, but felt a sudden urge of empathy over the sudden ending of their relationship. He knew how that felt all to well. It had only been two months since Benny had, fairly conclusively, ended things with Josh permanently but he had already made great strides in getting over him. He had a house full of subs and now a wonderful boyfriend too. Yet somehow, even hearing his name managed to reopen the old wound. “I don't mean to sound... I dunno.... bitchy or anything here, but what exactly do you think I can do for you?” Benny asked when Sam finally finished. Sam sighed and shrugged. “I don't know,” he said downheartedly. “I just thought you might understand how I feel, and maybe have some advice on dealing with it.” “I don't really know if I'm the best guy for that. The first time I ended things with Josh, I pretty much just ran away from the problem. The second time... well let's just say that all got a bit complicated,” Benny said, grinning as he considered his life at the house. Sam didn't smile back. The boy was clearly more upset than he had let on. “Okay, tell me something. What are you most upset about, actually losing Josh, or just not having someone to give orders to any more?” “Well, the first one...” Sam insisted immediately, then went quiet as he thought about it. “Oh... well, actually.... maybe a bit of both.” “So... it sounds to me like the simple solution is to find yourself someone new to play with,” Benny said with a shrug. “Oh yeah, I'm sure guys are just lining up to be bossed around by an overly-bossy teen!” Sam said sarcastically. Benny frowned. He would have expected everyone to know what he was up to at his house, so he was surprised that Sam seemed to not know about Benny's own army of subs. It didn't feel like the right time to bring that up, so instead he said, “Do you know anyone who might be into that? Anyone you'd like to put under your control?” Sam shook his head for a moment and said, “No.” Suddenly his eyes widened. “But I do know someone who I'd like to make suffer, although I somehow doubt he'd be exactly willing to... erm... enter my service!” Benny grinned. “There may be ways around that, you know!” The comment most definitely caught Sam's attention. “Tell me more!” he demanded eagerly. ********** The whole house had gathered that evening for Wesley's farewell party. It was nice in a way. Stanley, Henry and Anthony's departure had been sudden and extremely unceremonious. They pretty much just completed some paperwork with Benny and Roger, packed their bags and left. They obviously said goodbye to everyone, but there was neither the time nor the desire to arrange any kind of party for them. Wesley, however, had given a week's notice. That was plenty of time to arrange the festivities. Everyone was together in the main lounge, a large table groaning under the weight of a lot of drinks, while another was piled high with food. For the special occasion, the Boys had all been allowed to be dressed, something normally banned in the house. It helped it feel more like an actual event rather than just another normal evening gathering. The party was only just getting started when Benny called for silence. “I was going to do this later,” he started, “But by the looks of all the booze, I'm gonna guess you'll all be too hammered to actually listen, so I thought I should do it now.” His comment got a round of cheers and raised glasses. The residents of the house certainly liked any excuse to have a good night of drinking, mainly because that would inevitably lead to some very naught behaviour! “Wesley, come up here,” Benny demanded. The crowd cheered again as Wesley moved up towards the Master. “Wesley, first of all I just want to say thank you on behalf of both myself and the rest of the house. Your service here has been incredible and I can say with complete honesty, you will be very, dearly missed. I have never known anyone with your incredible ability to cause pain while showing that you care at the same time. You've got a magic touch that we will never be able to replace but more than that, you're just an awesome guy. I think I speak for us all when I say, come back soon! So everyone, please raise your glasses.... to Wesley. Cheers!” “CHEERS!” the crowd called out, raising their glasses. All eyes suddenly fell on Wesley who looked more nervous than anyone had ever seen him. “Erm... sorry, I wasn't expecting this... so I'll be brief. I love you all, I'll miss you and I hope to come back soon. Cheers.” “CHEERS!” the crowd repeated. “Great, that's the mushy crap out of the way. Bring on the booze!” Benny called out, making a dash for the drinks. As expected, the alcohol flowed freely and fairly soon, just about everyone in the room was on their way to getting drunk. The only two had abstained were Roger, who wished to remain alert and vigilant, ever on duty. The other, for fairly similar reasons was Quentin. Aside from his early start at work the next morning, he avoided drinking on any school night in order to avoid any hint of intoxication at work. “Hey,” Zane said with a slight giggle as he approached Roger. Roger looked around nervously, as if even speaking to the Boy would arouse suspicion. “Hey, having fun?” he asked quietly. “Not as much fun as this morning,” Zane replied with a devilish grin, much louder than Roger would have liked. “Shh, keep it down,” Roger hissed. “You know I love you too, right?” Zane asked, getting even closer. “I know I didn't say it this morning, but that's just cos you caught me off guard, but I do love you.” “Zane, this isn't the time!” Roger insisted, backing away slightly. “Someone's going to hear you.” “Good. Let them!” Zane snapped. He had just told Roger he loved him, yet the General was only concerned about being heard. “I don't care who knows. In fact, I might just tell everyone...” Before Zane could say any more, Roger grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the room. It caught everyone's attention a little, but mostly they just figured that it was a disciplinary matter rather than anything personal and the party went on without them. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” Roger demanded as soon as they were out of earshot of everyone else. “Ooh, I like it when you get all angry like that!” Zane said lustily, leaning in towards the larger man. “Zane, I'm not fucking about. What the hell was that? We can't let anyone find out about us!” Roger insisted. Zane pulled free of his grip, scowling. “Oh, what, the big bad General's scared to let everyone know he's got a nice side?” he sneered, his speech slightly slurred by his inebriation. “No, you little fucktard,” Roger snapped back. “If Benny found out about us, he'd discipline us.” “Pfft, like I'm scared. I can take anything he could dish out,” Zane boasted. “He could make you leave,” Roger snapped angrily. “He could make you leave, and then I'd lose you. THAT'S what scares me!” “Would... would he really make me leave?” Zane asked, suddenly scared. Roger shrugged. “He might, I don't know,” he said gently. He took a few steps toward Zane and put his arms around him. “And I don't want that to happen. I love you, remember.” Zane leaned into the man, holding him tightly. “Say it again,” he requested. “I love you,” Roger repeated, smiling down at him. Zane sighed happily. They were words he had heard alarmingly rarely in his life and he was amazed at how much joy they had just brought him. Just six weeks ago, Roger had been this unattainable, sexy, terrifying, beautiful, intimidating force of nature. As he stood there in the man's arms, he couldn't help wondering if it was all too fast. From nothing to 'I love you' in six weeks. It felt fast, but.... right. “Sorry,” Zane said sheepishly as he pulled away. “I'll be more careful. And... I love you too.” “Good, now let's go back in there before someone comes looking for us,” Roger insisted, leading the Boy back towards the lounge. As they walked in, they found everyone standing around a naked Wesley. “Erm... what did I miss?” Roger asked, almost smiling. “We decided to give Wesley a proper send-off, Benny's-House-Style,” Malik said happily, flashing Wesley a cheeky grin. “This is going to get messy, isn't it!” Wesley said, attempting to fake annoyance, but failing. “Only for you.” Malik replied happily. “The word of the night, ladies and gentlemen... is bukkake!” Benny announced. There was a mixture of cheers and confused looks. “What's that?” Charlie asked with a frown. “Just start jerking off!” Wesley snapped at his brother, getting a laugh from everyone else. Within minutes, almost everyone was naked. A few people kept something on, but for the most-part, they were fully exposed. While everyone started with jerking themselves off, it didn't take long before they were lending each other hand... or other part of their anatomy! Fortunately, that gave several people in the room the opportunity they had been looking for. Zane very unsubtly edged his way closer to Roger until he was close enough to grab the man's cock. The general gave him a disapproving look, but after the Boy flashed his cheekiest smile, he couldn't resist and was soon returning the favour. Much the same happened with Benny, who pretty much just walked over to Charlie, wrapped his arms around him from behind and started jerking him off. As he did so, he started grinding his own cock into the man's naked rear. The two triggered a few concealed sniggers. Everyone knew about them, but it just felt like the right thing to do to let them think were continuing to keep it secret. Some of the Boys were taking a final chance to take advantage of Wesley, having him stroke or suck them off. David looked like he was about ready to cry as he got what might have been his last ever direct contact with Wesley. It was a strange combination to see someone sad enough to cry and turned on enough to cum at the same time. Malik was first to cum, shooting several thick globs of cum onto Wesley's soon-to-be-smothered face. He playfully slapped his softening cock against the young man's cheek and flashed him a smile before walking away to flop onto a sofa, watching the rest of the show. One-by-one, the rest of the house's residents shot over Wesley, gradually covering more and more of his face and chest. Zane and Roger were so caught up in their mutual masturbation that they almost forgot where they were meant to be shooting, resulting in a mad dash across the room for Zane when the time came. He just managed to get there in time, accidentally shooting Wesley in their eye with his first shot, while the rest dribbled onto his chest. David was last to cum, seemingly wanting to drag it out as long as he could. It was only when Wesley nudged the man's hand aside and finished off for him that he finally shot. Everyone stood around the wet, sticky mess of a man. “Happy now?” he asked Benny, trying not to grin. “Yeah, that'll do,” Benny replied. “Good,” Wesley sighed as he stood up, looking down at the globs of cum dribbling their way down him. “I need a drink! And ideally, not something that's just come out of someone's cock!” he added. When he saw Malik sniggering at the state he was in, he picked a large blob of good from his chest and flicked it at him. That very quickly shut him up. The party went on until the early hours of the morning, the usual curfew being set aside to allow them all to continue partying in Wesley's honour. As usual, Charlie ended up being 'selected' by Benny to join him in his room for the evening. Roger found himself wishing he could do the same as he gave Zane a secret good night kiss while nobody was looking. One-by-one, they all headed off to bed, and so ended Wesley's final day in the house. Chapter 13 – Friends and Lovers by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Friday 3rd April 2015 This week has been tough. It was bad enough when Henry, Stanley and Anthony left, but the gap Wesley left has been the hardest to fill. Roger, Malik and Alex have done a great job keeping everything going, but we really can feel the difference. Charlie's taken it harder than either of us expected too. He doesn't talk about it, but he really misses his brother. It's not all doom and gloom though. I met up with Sam again and gave him some good advice about getting subs under control. I'm more than happy to be able to help. I may not still be in love with Josh, but I definitely care about him and knowing that James hurt him makes we want to rain fiery vengeance upon him! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny awoke but didn't open his eyes. Instead, he felt over to his side for Charlie. When he felt the man beside him, he shuffled over and curled up into his side, smiling as he felt muscular arms holding him. “Morning,” Charlie whispered to him. Keeping his eyes closed, Benny replied, “If I didn't have you to wake up to, I think I'd probably just stay asleep all day.” The Spring Term had ended the previous day and Benny now had no school for two weeks. He had plenty of revision to do with his GCSE exams coming up, but the thought of just being able to stay in bed if he wanted to was amazing. The best part was, some of the other residents of the house had taken either the first or second week off of work too, so Benny would not be alone in the house. Unfortunately, Charlie's week off didn't start until Monday, so he would have to get up for work soon. On the bright side, Benny had cancelled his usual morning wake-up call, so until then, they would not be interrupted. Realising that, Benny allowed his hands to begin wandering. “Mmm, keep doing that,” Charlie mewed happily as Benny's fingers found their way to his morning wood. “Gladly,” Benny said happily as he nestled further into the man's side as his hand continued to play. “Would you like me to leave?” A voice suddenly came from beside them. Charlie and Benny both yelled out in unison and shot up into sitting positions, looking in the direction of the voice. Looking a mix of shocked, confused and annoyed, they found Zane curled up on a pile of cushions. “What the hell are you doing here?” Benny yelled quite sharply. His tone was harsher than he had intended, his heart still pounding from the shock. He could immediately tell the Boy was a little taken aback by it, so quickly added in a much softer tone, “Is everything okay?” Zane smiled weakly at Benny's quick change of voice then nodded. “Yeah, everything's fine,” he said happily. Benny reached to his side and pushed Charlie back, making him lay back down into the bed as he continued to talk to the Boy on the floor. “Then why are you here?” he asked with a head-tilt. “I just... felt like it last night,” Zane replied with a shrug. Benny smiled. He didn't want to, he knew he shouldn't, but he smiled anyway. When it came to dealing with the Boy, he simply couldn't help himself. He had already broken the house rules more times than just about anyone else (maybe not Alex) but it was never done maliciously, or to harm anyone else, it was usually just to be closer to his Master, a sentiment Benny found very hard to punish. “Look, you know you're not meant to, don't you!” Benny said as sternly as he could manage while holding back a grin. “Sorry Sir,” Zane replied sheepishly. “I guess that means you do want me to leave then?” Benny sighed and rolled back onto the bed. He shot Charlie a quick glance and got another grin in return. At first, Charlie had been somewhat jealous of Zane. He knew Benny had an entire houseful of Boys and was okay with the duties and activities that entailed, but it was immediately obvious to the older man that his Master/boyfriend was somewhat smitten with the impish youth. Thankfully, Charlie's jealousy passed quickly and he soon saw Benny and Zane's relationship for what it was... a very close, very dedicated, and very caring dom/sub relationship. There was nothing more to it than that. Zane didn't seem to be seeking any kind of escalation and Benny made it very clear right away that he only had eyes for Charlie. Realising he was getting nothing from Charlie, Benny sighed once again, looked over the side of the bed and said, “Nah, don't leave. Come on up.” Charlie shuffled over, Benny followed and Zane jumped in beside his Master. The younger teen quickly moved an arm under the necks of the young men either side of him, then pulled them close. Simultaneously, they both rolled onto their sides and cuddled up against him. He quickly kissed each of them on the top of their head before relaxing back and enjoying the feeling of the two bodies surrounding him. It was getting close to the time Charlie would have to get up to head off to work when the door suddenly swung open. Alex appeared, looking very excited. His expression quickly changed to confusion as he beheld the three of them laying together, but he shook his head and his previous excitement returned. “Oh my God, it's here!” Alex called out, almost shaking. Charlie and Zane both rolled aside, allowing Benny to sit up. He scowled and asked, only half jokingly, “Seriously, does nobody understand the rule about coming into my room without permission?” “I had permission,” Charlie said quietly, immediately getting a scornful glance from Benny. He pursed his lips and smirked along with Zane. “Fine, whatever,” Alex insisted, dashing back to the door. He pulled it closed, knocked and then immediately walked back in. “Happy now?” he asked impatiently, brushing off Benny's death-stare. As it became obvious that nobody was actually going to be paying him the usual courtesies, he decided to simply try and figure out what was going on. “What's here?” he asked Alex before sighing once more. “The...” Alex started, but paused as he glanced back and forth between Zane and Charlie. Whatever he was about to say, he didn't want to reveal in front of the two Boys. He thought for a moment, then continued, “The things. The things you let me order. They weren't due until next week, but they just arrived!” Benny's eyes widened as he realised what Alex was talking about, confusing the two Boys even more. “That's awesome. Are you at work today?” he asked excitedly. “Nope,” Alex said back happily. “I'm off for as long as you are!” “Who else is off today?” Benny asked, sitting back up as his mind started racing. “I am,” Zane said quietly. Suddenly, both Alex and Benny's eyes were on him, making him feel a little nervous. “What's going on?” he asked gingerly. “New toys!” Alex said happily. ********** Philip took a seat at a table near the window, placing his coffee down before looking out just in time to see Charlie approaching. With both of them working in the city centre, it was easy for them to meet up at lunch time to catch up with each other. Since Charlie's relationship with Benny began, the two best friends had spent less and less time together in the house, which made their lunchtime meetings even more valuable to them. “Hey,” Charlie said happily as he hugged Philip from behind. “Hey,” Philip said back happily as Charlie threw his bag onto the chair opposite and went up to the counter to get himself a drink. As Charlie returned a minute later, he moved his bag onto the floor and flopped into the seat. “Ugh, is this day over yet?” he asked with a sigh. Philip chuckled. “Bad day?” he asked sympathetically. Charlie shook his head. “No, pretty good actually,” he said before taking a sip. “It's just the last day before my week off and seems to be dragging SO slowly.” Philip nodded his understanding before a mischievous grin spread across his face. “Yeah, if I had a hot boyfriend waiting to spend the week with me, I'd be pretty keen on it too,” he said with a slight raise of his eyebrows. “Yeah, it's gonna be...” Charlie started, then froze, staring wide-eyed at his friend. He cleared his throat, attempted to return his expression to one of neutrality and continued, “I... erm... I don't have a boyfriend.” The look Philip gave his best friend made it immediately obvious that he really didn't buy it. “Okay, seeing you squirm, hearing the terrible excuses, it was fun for a while but now it's just getting boring,” he said sternly. Charlie took a deep breath. He had suspected for a while that Philip had picked up on his relationship, even quicker than the rest of the house, but as he had never mentioned it, he secretly hoped it had remained concealed. Alas not, it seemed. “Why didn't you say sooner?” he asked dejectedly. “I figured you'd tell me eventually. I mean, you tell me everything... usually,” Philip said, the disappointment in his voice apparent. “I'm sorry,” Charlie said meekly, “But I hope you can see why I didn't. I mean... it's Benny... the man in charge!” The earlier mischievous grin returned rapidly to Philip's face. “Yeah, and that's hot!” Charlie chuckled at the sudden change. Shaking his head, he agreed, “Yeah, it really is!” “Come on, dish it then,” Philip demanded, picking up his coffee to take a large gulp. “Hey, you know I can't just go blabbing to anyone about what goes on in private,” Charlie said defensively. Philip looked a little offended. “I'm not just anyone. You know you can trust me to keep a secret,” he insisted. “Oh really? Then how did Benny find out about the stuff I told you about me and Wes?” Charlie asked. “Oh, you... know about that then?” Philip asked sheepishly. Getting a knowing eyebrow-raise from Charlie, he continued, “Well that was for your own good, it's not like I was just gossiping or anything.” Charlie relaxed back in his seat. The twenty-five-year-old opposite him was doing his best to look innocent, with unintentionally amusing results. Charlie shook his head. It was times like this he started to realise how much he missed spending time with Philip. This was exactly the sort of thing they used to talk about during their midnight chats. “Fine, you wanna know about me and Benny? It's...” Charlie paused, a dopey grin growing rapidly, “It's fucking amazing.” Philip took another gulp of his drink, placed it down and sat forward in his seat, eager for more. After a while in the house, it became like it's own little microcosm, a completely independent society. The Generals and Benny became figures of reverence, almost celebrity-like, so hearing about what they were like in private was something most of the Boys would never know. Philip was immediately hungry for more, as became obvious from his wide-eyed eagerness. “He's still the Master,” Charlie insisted, “But he's... oh God, he's just so sweet. We'll lay in bed and he'll hold me and... ugh, I can't put it into words,” Charlie grunted in frustration. Philip sighed, mouth smiling but eyes sad. “It sounds so nice.” Charlie's eyes narrowed at his friend's expression. “Wait, are you... jealous?” he asked cautiously. Philip shook his head. “No... not jealous... but maybe envious,” he insisted. “I love being in the house and I love serving Benny and the others, but... I dunno, being able to just... be that close to someone. It's been a while.” Charlie's grin started to fail. He could understand how Philip felt. At the same time, he felt a little guilty about shifting more and more of his time away from the young man in front of him and onto his new lover. He didn't say anything about it, but a plan quickly formulated in his mind. He mentally filed it away for later and forced himself to smile again. “Funny story, we woke up this morning and we were just laying in bed when we heard another voice in the room. Both of us virtually crapped ourselves. Benny's face was hilarious,” Charlie explained, smirking. Philip laughed in response, then frowned. “So who was it?” he asked. “Zane... again!” Charlie replied, attempting to sound annoyed but failing. He had quickly come to care about, and be amused by, the newest Boy almost as much as Benny seemed to. “You know, if I didn't know about you and Benny, I'd swear them two had something going,” Philip said. “Nah,” Charlie said dismissively, “If you really see them together, it's pretty clear what they are. Besides, it's kinda obvious who Zane's into.” “Roger!” They both said together before bursting into laughter. “I wonder he's like in private,” Philip pondered, considering the imposing young man. Charlie shrugged. “Probably the same as he is the rest of the time. I bet he doesn't even smile. I swear he's a robot!” Charlie joked. “Yeah, and can you imagine if he really did get with Zane. The poor kid wouldn't last five seconds with him,” Philip said, imagining the scenario. “Yeah, that could get messy,” Charlie agreed. “Oh yeah, something else this morning... Alex said something about new toys...” ********** Benny, Roger and Alex all stood at the doorway to Play Room Four. They had spent the morning moving things around, basically clearing the room and shifting a large quantity of its contents into Play Rooms One to Three before moving in the new items Alex had ordered. Roger had been quite surprised after he signed for the delivery. He knew from the invoice that it was made up of a large number of boxes and packages, but had not expected some of them to be the size they were. It had taken all three of them to move some of the items down the basement stairs and manoeuvre them into the room. After that Roger had mostly stood back and watched as Benny and Alex went about unpackaging everything excitedly. Finally, just around lunchtime, they were done. Despite Alex's insistence that they simply keep going, they had stopped to go and get something to eat. As they went back up to the main atrium, they could hear noises and voices coming from the TV/Games Room beside the main lounge. A quick glance in showed Zane, Quentin and Taro were in there. The two teens were playing pool, while Quentin was using the pinball machine in the corner. After Benny had equipped the room with all sorts of entertainment, he had been concerned that it was going unused, but quickly realised that it was simply because most of the Boys' spare time was taken up with duties of subbing activities. The Master and two Generals headed back across the atrium and into the kitchen. Roger prepared some lunch for them all while Alex and Benny sat eagerly discussing what tasks should be assigned that evening. “Let's just put everyone in there and see what we can do!” Alex suggested excitedly. “I dunno, it might be best to just take one or two of them,” Benny said, disagreeing with the eager eighteen-year-old. “Aww, but that's no fun. Come on, let's just go crazy,” Alex insisted. Benny shook his head, still not convinced. “I don't know...” As Roger approached them and placed a plate in front of each of them, the two teens both looked at him expectantly. While Alex had yet to bond with Roger the way he had with Benny, or to a certain extent, Malik, he knew that the large General was always a good source of advice. Roger looked back and forth between the two. He had a feeling they were expecting him to pick a side. Instead, he aimed for the middle ground. “Why not both?” he asked. Getting puzzled looks back, he explained, “Why not try it out with one or two of the Boys who are home this afternoon, just to see that it all works, but then save it for tomorrow. Have like a big unveiling of the new Play Room as part of the gathering and then use it all on them then.” Alex and Benny both grinned, their approval immediately apparent. “Okay, so who are we going to use as a test subject?” Benny asked as he tucked into the lunch Roger had prepared. Alex's grin broadened further, turning a touch devilish. “Oh, I've got the perfect candidate!” ********** Zane stood nervously outside Play Room Four. He had been a little on edge ever since that morning. The look Alex had given him had made him slightly uncomfortable, so when the new General came to him after lunch and told him to head down to the room at two o'clock, the feeling had simply worsened. As instructed, the Boy knocked on the door and waited for an answer. A few moments later, Alex appeared and there was that same look again. “Hi... erm... Sir,” Zane stuttered. He was still getting used to calling his friend 'Sir'. Sometimes he deliberately avoided it to wind Alex up. Their friendship had occasionally caused slight problems for the new General as Zane's mischievous side often caused him to be playfully indignant or insubordinate. Now though, his nerves had got the better of him and he had simply been intimidated into nervous submission. “Hello Boy,” Alex said, emphasising the 'boy' as he grinned. “Come on in.” Zane stepped into the room, his eyes widening with shock as he beheld the new layout. There were all sorts of machines and devices all over the room now, some of which he recognised, others he didn't, but they all intrigued him. “So these are your new toys then?” Zane asked nervously. Alex didn't reply. Instead, he walked over to a long bench and glanced back at Zane expectantly. The Boy understood the silent instruction and followed. As Alex gestured once again, Zane sat on the bench then lay down onto his back. Alex grabbed one of Zane's wrists, pulled it above his head and secured it in a restraint, quickly doing the same with the other. The Boy's ankles were next. Finally, Zane folded a long strap over the Boy's stomach and secured it to the opposite side. Zane attempted to move and found that while he could wriggle slightly, he was virtually unable to move at all. He looked momentarily scared until he saw Alex's devilish grin soften into something much more kind, if only for a moment. To anyone else, it would have been indistinguishable, but Zane had gotten to know the other teen well enough by now to recognise it. As much as it comforted him, he still felt extremely uneasy about the uncertainty of what was to come next, a feeling enhanced when Alex grabbed a blindfold and stuck it over his eyes. “Alex...” Zane croaked, his mouth suddenly dry. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder. “It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you. It's gonna be pretty intense, but you're not gonna get get hurt, okay?” Alex attempted to reassure his friend. “Just consider it payback for all the lip you've given me!” Zane took a few deep breaths and nodded his understanding, but it was clear he was still extremely anxious. Despite the fear and nerves, or possibly because of them, the Boy's cock was completely rigid. Alex looked down at the Boy's erection and smiled. At least he didn't have to waste any time getting him hard. 'It's okay, it's okay, it's okay,' Zane thought to himself over and over, desperately trying to remind himself how much the young man in charge had changed over the last couple of months. All thoughts faded away though as he felt Alex grab his cock, rub on lube and then guide the head of it into some kind of apparatus. He felt cold rubber enveloping his firm dick, taking the entire length of it in until there was the feeling of cold plastic against his body. There was the sound of movement beside and above him, then Alex's hand moved away. Whatever was on his cock, was staying there, keeping it pointing upwards as its rubbery lining squeezed on the shaft. “You ready for this?” Alex asked excitedly. “No!” Zane insisted, but knew it wouldn't make any difference. “Good,” Alex said wickedly as he pressed a button the box beside him. “Aaaah!” Zane called out as the device came to life. The lining seemed to tighten, squeezing his cock for a moment before releasing. It tightened again, then released, giving a sensation of stroking. He quickly realised that the tool attached to his dick was the end of a milking machine. He had seen them at work before, although only in videos. He felt a surge of excitement at the thought. It was something he had long wanted to try, so as scary as it was to be embraced by the unknown, a large part of him welcomed the new sensations. Alex reached down to the controls and turned it up, watching happily as the device sped up. The whimpers of pleasure from Zane sped up in unison with it. He had intended to simply stand and watch as the boy was pleasured by the device, but seeing the naked teen laying there writhing with delight, he couldn't help himself. He leaned forward and took a nipple in his mouth, sliding his tongue round and round it. “Oh fuck!” Zane gasped as Alex's actions heightened his enjoyment. Alex's own cock, already swelled from the thought of using the machine, twitched a little more at the Boy's pleasured grunts. The fingers on one hand were still slippery from applying the lubricant to Zane's cock, so he figured he may as well put it to good use. Continuing his nipple-licking, he reached down with the lubricated hand and pressed the tip of a finger against the Boy's hole. Zane already had quite a tight rear, often making any kind of insertion difficult, but his extreme and sudden arousal from the machine seemed to have made his sphincter clench stupendously tight. Alex continued poking at the hole until his digit finally managed to work its way inside. Another grunt came from Zane, but it wasn't clear whether it was one of pleasure or pain. As the finger pushed deeper and found its way onto his prostate, the moan that followed was very clearly distinguishable as a good one. “I... aaaah.... I.... mmm...” Zane moaned. He was attempting to speak, but the mixed pleasurable assault of machine, mouth and finger stole the words away, leaving only pleasure whimpers and moans in their place. It didn't take long before Zane's rear clamped down even tighter on Alex's finger, signalling an imminent release. Alex released the Boy's nipple from his lips and stood up to watch as the machine sucked its first load from Zane, whose literal screams of pleasure were beyond anything Alex could have hoped for. It was almost enough to make the aroused General cum too, but as he pulled his finger out, he managed to hold himself back. He reached down and turned the machine to its lowest setting, but left it running. “That was... aaah... oh my God...” Zane gasped as the machine slowed. He expected it to continue slowing to a stop and felt suddenly uncomfortable as he realised that didn't see to be happening. His cock, having just experienced one of the most intense orgasms he could remember, was becoming rapidly more and more sensitive. “Turn it... off!” Zane demanded, his body twitching slightly each time the machine sucked on his delicate tool. “No way, I wanna really see what this thing can do,” Alex said happily, running his fingers across the Boy's chest. “No... please... it's so sensitive,” Zane pleaded, his voice high. He tugged at the restraints, but knew it was futile. Alex grinned as he reached down and flicked the machine straight up to full speed. Zane screamed, more from surprise than pleasure or pain, but as the shock faded, the sensitivity of his cock seemed to sky-rocket. He wanted to beg for it to stop. It was beyond anything he had felt before, pleasure so intensely brilliant that it felt like needles. As much as he wanted to plead for mercy, words once again eluded him and all he could do was squirm and scream. Alex turned the machine back down to the lowest setting. He glanced at the door for a moment, expecting someone to come running in response to the screams, but nobody appeared. “Alex.... please.... please stop,” Zane begged. It sounded like he might actually be crying, but with the blindfold obscuring his eyes it was hard to tell. “I will... after you've cum three times,” Alex said tauntingly. “No, you can't... aaah... it'll kill me,” Zane insisted. “Shut up, or it's four times!” Alex snapped. He had no intention of making him endure that. He actually intended to stop after two, but a small part of him was enjoying Zane's obvious discomfort. “Pleeeeeeeeease...” Zane gasped. “Right, four times!” Alex snapped. He was smiling as he knew it wasn't going to happen. He felt a pang of guilt as he heard Zane's sobs, but he knew he wasn't actually going to subject the Boy to any more than he could take. Even his plan for a second orgasm would be aborted if it looked like he was in genuine trouble. He felt a momentary pride in himself for that. Had he been doing this two months ago, he had no doubt that Zane would have received the full treatment. Zane continued his mix of whimpering and moaning, but didn't attempt to say anything else, obviously afraid of increasing the count again. Alex re-inserted his finger, getting a shudder of pleasure from the restrained Boy. Gradually he started turning the machine up again. “Oh God,” Zane whimpered as he felt the speed increasing. Thankfully it had now been long enough that the post-orgasm sensitivity was beginning to fade a little, but the ongoing stimulation still felt both awesome and terrible at the same time. As he tugged helplessly at the restraints again, he felt Alex's finger pressing against his prostate. He expected some further teasing to follow, but surprisingly, all he felt was Alex's fingers stroking through his hair. Every time Alex pulled his hand away, he increased the speed, making Zane's yells increase, but it would be immediately followed by another gentle caress of fingers through hair. The mixture of please and pain, comfort and discomfort, torture and teasing, it was like nothing Zane could have imagined. Even his wildest fantasies about trying out the machine had not come close to the sensations rippling through him. He was torn between his desire to escape and his need to experience more. As horrific as it was, a small part of him was revelling in the exquisite agony. His moans turned to whimpers, his whimpers becoming yells and his yells finally turning to screams as his second orgasm ripped through his body. His body tensed against the restraints so strongly he felt like he might actually tear free of them as his cock twitched out a second, smaller load into the rapidly-pumping machine. Alex allowed the machine to continue just long enough to tease Zane's post-orgasm sensitivity for a few seconds before finally switching it off. If he hadn't already decided to do so, he would have stopped it right there based solely on the sobbed screams coming from the restrained Boy. He pulled the device off of the teen's embattled cock with a loud squelch, then stood watching as Zane began to catch his breath and calm down. As the laboured panting gave way to slow, calm, shallow breaths, he allowed his fingers to stroke the Boy's body from thigh to neck. Zane's head nuzzled against it as it got close enough. “I thought you said four times,” Zane said quietly, “Not that I'm complaining.” “Like I said at the start, I don't want to hurt you. I didn't think you could take any more,” Alex explained, considering pulling his hand away, but deciding against it. “I can handle anything you can dish out,” Zane said defiantly. He blinked a few times as Alex pulled the blindfold off with his free hand. “Yeah right, you were begging me to make it stop before you even reached two!” Alex said with a doubtful smirk. “Yeah, I know... but did I say the safety word?” Zane asked, smirking back. Alex opened his mouth to reply, but stopped as he considered the question. He was right. He had begged, he had pleaded, he had screamed and cried, but he had never actually given up. “I... guess not,” he said in shock. He had never really pushed Zane that hard on anything before and he found it quite surprising that the Boy clearly had such resilience. He smiled and added, “I guess next time I'll just have to go for four then.... or more!” Zane's eyes widened as he realised what he had just let himself in for. Alex finally pulled his hand away as he needed both of them to begin undoing the restraints. As he released Zane, the Boy sat up and looked at him, then asked, “So are we done here?” “Are you kidding?” Alex asked, his earlier devilish grin returning. “We've only tested one of my new toys. Still plenty more to go!” ********** Benny had not been intending to sit and watch as the Boys returned home that day. With three of them gone, Alex promoted to General and three other Boys already home for the day, it would involve a lot of waiting with very little pay-off. As it happened though, he was heading across the atrium from the basement stairs to his private lounge when he saw the door opening. David walked in and gave his usual greeting to Roger before noticing Benny and giving him a polite nod. “Hey, when you're done there, could you come in and see me,” Benny requested before continuing into the nearest door. A few minutes after Benny had sat down, there was a knock at the door and after being authorised to do so, David came in. “You... wanted to see me... Sir?” he asked nervously. Benny nodded and gestured to the seat opposite him. David approached it and sat down, looking more than a little nervous. “Did I... do something wrong?” he asked timidly. Benny smiled warmly. “Not at all,” he said softly, “I just wanted to check in with you, see how you're doing.” “Oh!” David said with surprise. He shrugged, smiled and replied, “Yeah, I'm fine. Why... wouldn't I be?” “Wesley!” Benny said bluntly. “Oh,” David repeated, his smile quickly fading as his eyes dropped down to look at the coffee table between him and his Master. “I'm.... I'm doing okay,” he insisted unconvincingly. “Really?” Benny asked, raising an eyebrow. David sighed and shook his head slowly. “I miss him,” he said sadly, “More than I ever expected to.” “I miss him too,” Benny said sympathetically, “But I know how close you were, so I can't imagine how you feel.” “I guess I'll just have to get over it,” David said, trying to force a smile. “You know he'll be back, don't you?” Benny asked in an attempt to cheer him up. “Whatever,” David said moodily. “Doesn't matter, he clearly didn't think much of me if he could just... just go away and leave me behind like that anyway, so... fuck him!” The sadness in his eyes warped into anger in a matter of seconds. “Hey!” Benny snapped angrily at the comment. “He gave everything to this house and to all of you for quite some time. I don't think it's unfair of him to take some time away to deal with his own problems, is it?” “I guess not,” David conceded, but still looked pissed. “As for what he thinks of you...” Benny paused, sighing. He knew what he wanted to say, but to do so would be breaking Wesley's confidence and saying more than he should. Instead, he said, “Anyone could see exactly how much he cared about you. You two were... are... connected. He WILL be back and one of the main reasons I know that, is because of you!” David tried to reply, but couldn't. He simply stared at the teen in front of him, attempting to process his words. He felt his eyes watering. Benny jumped to his feet, skirted around the coffee table and knelt in front of him, pulling the older man into a tight hug. “Thank you,” David whispered. “You're welcome,” Benny said as he pulled away. A cheeky grin spread across his face as he stood and turned away. He looked back at David and snapped, “Turn round and bend over!” “Yes Sir,” David replied immediately, complying before he even had to time to really think about it. “Wh... what are we doing?” “Quiet!” Benny said sharply, grabbing a paddle from one of the cabinets. He paced back towards a nervous-looking David. He placed a hand on the Boy's rear, stroking it gently as he said, “I'm not attempting to replace Wesley, because I know that's not possible, but I thought you might be missing this!” He pulled his hand away and swung the paddle. SLAP! “Oh God,” David muttered excitedly. Benny grinned at the utterance and swung the paddle again. Another hard slap followed by another grunt of delight from David. The paddle kept falling and the Boy was clearly getting more and more aroused. At one point, he reached for his crotch and started stroking, but Benny quickly knocked the hand away before delivering an extra hard swat. “So you really enjoy this then?” Benny asked rhetorically, smirking. “I'm not the only one!” David smirked back, looking round at the obvious bulge in Benny's jeans. Benny felt himself blush momentarily. He hadn't even realised how aroused he was. He quickly regained his composure and swung the paddle down, even harder than previously. It was meant to be a small form of punishment for pointing out his arousal, but it only served to turn David on even more. “I think I need to spank the cheekiness out of you!” Benny taunted. “Yes Sir!” David replied happily with a sly grin. ********** Roger wandered through the house. Whilst he understood why Benny had encouraged so many of the residents to take time off to coincide with his school holidays, he found it a little frustrating. He thrived on routine, it was what helped him keep his day planned out. He would get up, ensure the morning duties were taken care of and that everyone had got off to school or work on time, take care of any duties throughout the house while it was empty, plan the evening activities, greet everyone on their return, oversee the evening's events and then ensure everyone had gone to bed before heading there himself. Having that schedule disrupted by the presence of other people made him somewhat uneasy. As he headed down into the basement, he began to hear some unexpected noises.... screams and yells. As he got closer, he could tell they were coming from behind the only closed door – Play Room Four. Worryingly, he also recognised the yelling voice – Zane! Momentarily losing his normally unshakable composure, he ran for the door and swung it open. “What the hell are you doing?” Roger snapped as he entered the room. He was shocked and amazed by what he saw. Zane was very securely strapped to a bench, his legs raised up and help apart. Roger immediately recognised a couple of the devices he had helped install earlier that day, namely a fucking machine and a milker. The fucking machine was rapidly sliding a small dildo in and out of the teen's rear, while the milking machine nozzle was securely attached to his cock, pumping away. “Hey Roger,” Alex said casually as the larger man entered, frowning slightly at his concerned expression. Zane continued yelling out in what could have easily been either pleasure or pain. “What are you doing?” Roger demanded again. “Just trying out the new toys,” Alex said, smirking a little at the continuing noises from his captive. “Zane,” Roger said softly, dashing to his lover's side. He immediately grabbed the Boy's hand, momentarily forgetting the secrecy of their relationship in front of Alex. As he saw the other General's slightly suspicious look, he dropped the hand and asked, “Are you okay?” “N... no,” Zane whimpered. “How long has he been like this?” Roger snapped. “Turn it off!” “What? No!” Alex said defensively, positioning himself between Roger and the machines. “Seriously uncool Roger, I don't interfere in your duties, so stay out of mine!” Roger looked furious. Even without seeing the Boy he cared so much about in that situation, being spoken to like that would have riled him. “You're hurting him!” Roger snarled, stepping closer to the smaller General. Alex didn't back down, not even an inch. His eyes widened as he met Roger's furious gaze, his own anger bubbling quickly to the surface. “I'll stop... when he says... the safe word. Now back off!” Roger's fists were clenched tightly, his breathing deep and ragged as he struggled to stop himself from throttling the teen before him. “Roger...” Zane gasped. As the large man turned to face Zane, he saw the boy nodding at him, implying his agreement to what Alex had said. “But he doesn't say the safe word... ever!” Roger insisted, his anger turning to dismay. He had often pushed Zane to try and find his limits, but he had yet to hear the Boy ever utter the safe word to end a scenario. It was that stubborn-minded determination that had made him so intriguing. Now though, it appeared it might actually be dangerous. “I know!” Alex said with a devilish grin. “But he will today, otherwise he's in for another hour of this.” “An hour? You've already been going an hour?” Roger asked in shock. “How many times has he...” His question trailed off, but the intention was clear. “How many, Boy?” Alex snapped. “F.... F.... aaah, oh God.... four... aaah...” Zane moaned as the machine continued their work on his throbbing cock and hole. “Aaaaaaarghh.... five!” he called out as another orgasm rippled through him like a bolt of lightning. He had long since lost the ability to ejaculate, the machine having sucked every last drop from him already, so now he was left with nothing but intense dry orgasms. “Aaaaaargh. Stop... stop.... please... Sir...” Zane pleaded desperately. “Say the word!” Alex said sharply as Roger watched on in shock. “No....” Zane whimpered. “Aaargh.” His post-orgasmic cock was increasing in sensitivity by the moment. It was all too much for him. He had managed to hold himself together throughout the ongoing torture, through the multiple orgasms, through the range of different settings and speeds, but somehow having Roger staring down at him sympathetically pushed him over the edge. He burst into tears, sobbing helplessly between moans of pleasured pain. “Alex, stop it!” Roger said. His earlier anger was gone. He knew Alex was in charge, and that Zane had obviously agreed to their terms, but he couldn't just watch. As Alex shook his head, Roger moved closer to Zane again. “Zane, please, just say it,” he pleaded. “Ah, oh God.... aaaah... P.... parrot!” Zane finally called out. Within seconds, Alex had turned off both devices. As the machines ground to a silent halt, the only sound filling the room was Zane's sobbing which seemed to intensify as the devices were carefully removed. Both Generals reached for the restraints and set about freeing the Boy. As he regained the ability to move, he curled up on the bench. “Could you leave now?” Alex demanded angrily. Roger's eyes flicked between Alex and Zane. He wanted to grab the Boy and hold him. “I need to make sure he's okay,” Roger insisted. “I can do that myself,” Alex said, using every tool in his mental arsenal to keep his anger at bay. “Look, I get that I'm still the new guy here, but I know how to look after my subs, so if you could leave... please.” Roger was completely thrown. He knew Alex was right, but he struggled to contain his desire to comfort his young lover. “Okay... okay, I'll go,” he said shakily, backing towards the door. Just as he reached it, he saw Alex sit down beside Zane and start gently stroking his back. He closed the door behind him and leaned on it, shutting his eyes. “Fuck!” he muttered to himself. In all of his time in the house, he had never acted that way. He had always respected the professional space of his fellow Generals and maintained the divide between General and Boy. Yet somehow, his feelings for the young man had thrown all of that aside. While it felt good to know that he valued the Boy so strongly, he felt a surge of concern as he realised this was the first time anything had ever come before his duty to the house! ********** Philip sighed as he lay in bed. He was laying on his stomach, chin resting on the pillow as he stared at the empty bunk in front of him. After seeing his best friend at lunch time, he had hoped he might get to see more of him that evening too, but once again the bed remained empty. “What's up?” Robert called out from the bunk below Charlie's. “What?” Philip said, shaken from his thoughts by the sudden question. He leaned over to look down and said, “Oh, sorry, nothing.” Robert leaned out to the side so he could see Philip. “Then what's with the sigh?” “Nothing, sorry, I'll keep it down,” Philip said apologetically. Since they had started sharing a Dorm, Philip had gotten to know Robert quite well, but he found it difficult to talk to him sometimes. It was that distance that so often emphasised the closeness he felt to Charlie. He flopped back onto his bed and did his best to suppress another sigh. He was just starting to drift off to sleep when he heard the door open. He immediately peered down and grinned excitedly as he saw Charlie standing there. The younger man gestured for Philip to follow, then stepped back out of the room. Philip was more than a little confused, but quickly climbed down from his bunk and headed to the door, shrugging at Robert as he passed, getting a similar gesture in response. “What's up?” Philip asked as he closed the door and looked at his friend. Charlie smiled warmly. “I just had this idea when I saw you earlier. Come on,” he said cryptically. He grabbed Philip's hand and lead him up the stairs into the atrium then around to the front of the main staircase. As he started up the next set of steps, he felt Philip holding back. “You know we're not allowed up there,” Philip said. Despite his attempts to whisper, his voice echoed around the expansive atrium. “Hey, what's the point of sleeping with boss if you don't get a few perks. We've got permission,” Charlie insisted. He tugged at Philip's hand and the older man hesitantly followed up the stairs. They headed for one of the doors Philip had never been through. He remembered from his tour of the house when he arrived that it was designated as a 'Guest Bedroom'. As they went inside, it definitely fit the description, just a sparsely decorated, normal-looking bedroom. Considering the things that went on in the rest of the rooms of the house, it's normality seemed almost alien. “Charlie, what are we doing here?” Philip asked as the younger man closed the door. “What you said earlier, it made me realise how much I missed our nights together too, so... I asked Benny if we could borrow this room for the night,” Charlie explained. He jumped onto the bed and gestured for Philip to join him. “So tonight is just me and you.” Philip stared open-mouthed. It as such a sweet gesture that he almost felt like he could cry. “That's... just... erm... thanks.” He stuttered, totally taken aback. He took a deep breath, grinned, then jumped onto the bed too. They both made themselves comfortable and the rambling began. They flitted from one subject to the next, talking endlessly about anything and everything. They kept shifting positions too. One minute, they were side by side, the next they were sat at opposite ends of the bed facing each other. By 3 am, the conversation finally started to die down. They were laying side by side, facing each other, faces only inches apart. “I've really missed you,” Philip said quietly. He reached out and gently took hold of Charlie's hand. “Me too,” Charlie said back, smiling sleepily as he squeezed Philip's hand in return. Silence lingered between them, their eyes fixed on each other as their hands remained linked. “Charlie... I think... I think I...” Philip stuttered. His heart was pounding, his breaths deepening. He couldn't say any more. “Me too!” Charlie repeated. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Philip's. Chapter 14 – House of Cards by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Monday 6th April 2015 I'm writing today's entry early, it's currently lunchtime, as I'm likely to be busy this evening. Most of the guys in the house are off work, so I'm going to really have some fun with them. Of course, some of them probably just want the day off, which is understandable. They're in my house to serve me, but everyone needs time off now and then. I'm starting to think Roger might need a break too. He's been getting more and more distracted every day. He insists he's fine, but I know him well enough to know otherwise. I keep hoping he'll just talk to me, but it's looking like I may have to force it out of him! Anyway, everyone's down in the basement having some fun, so I think I'll go and join them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny smiled as he awoke, feelin the warm body to his left. He immediately remembered that it wasn't Charlie. His lover had requested to spend the night in his Dorm, so Benny had chosen someone else to keep him company. For the first time ever, he had chosen Alex! In a way, it had been a test. Alex had changed so much during his months in the house, mellowing, relaxing, coming to terms with his seemingly endless pit of anger. Every day he seemed to grow more patient and tolerant, but when it came to showing any kind of affection, he still struggled. By inviting the newest General into his bed, Benny had wanted to gauge his reaction. Sharing the bed wasn't about dominance and subordination, it wasn't about sex and desire, it was simply sharing a different kind of closeness. Alex had seemed uncomfortable at first, particularly when Benny had pulled him close and lopped an arm around him, but he soon settled into it. Just as the two of them had been drifting off to sleep, the door had creaked open. Benny immediately knew who it was, but Alex almost jumped out of the bed. As Benny had expected, it was Zane, sneaking in to cuddle up to his master. It had become a rarer and rarer occurrence of the last few weeks, but the Boy still tended to do it occasionally. Even through the darkness, Benny could make out the smile as Zane saw who else was in the bed. Despite the regular, and sometimes outright vicious, arguments that the two seemed to have, Alex and Zane really were exceptionally close so it was no surprise that the thought of sharing the bed with both his Master and best friend at the same time made Zane happy. Sometimes Benny would still make the Boy sleep on the floor across the room or beside the bed, if only to remind him of his position, but that thought never crossed his mind last night. Instead, he welcomed the Boy in and quickly fell asleep with Zane snuggled up on one side of him, with Alex on the other. Benny had a tendency to wake up early, even when he didn't need to, so he was awake long before other of the other two stirred. Not wanting to disturb them, he remained still, letting them sleep in his arms. He let his mind wander, planning the day, thinking about Charlie, considering everything the day might have in store. ********** Charlie awoke in his own bed for a change. Since his relationship had started with Benny, he had spent most of his nights with the beautiful young teen. Now though, he was back in his bunk. As he lay on his stomach, his hand stretched up under his own pillow and onto Philip's bed, where it was grasped firmly by his friend's. They had fallen asleep whispering to each other late into the night. They weren't holding hands when they feel asleep, so it must have happened some time during the night. Things were a little tense between the two friends. Three nights before, a night that had originally been planned as a way for the two friends to spend more time together had descended into something else. They had kissed, and not just once! The first kiss had ended suddenly, with Charlie pulling away, racked with guilt. He loved Benny, both as a Master and as a lover, yet he had lay there with his best friend in the house and felt the strongest desire to kiss him. They kissed again a short time later, a slower, gentler kiss. After staring into each other's eyes for several moments after, a third kiss had followed. Then the guilt had got too much for Charlie and he had turned over to go to sleep. The worst thing was, neither of them could bring themselves to talk about it. The desire was there, that much was clear in the compulsion they both felt when they looked at each other, or when they were alone together. Now, Charlie had woken up holding his best friend's hand in his sleep. He let go as gently as he could, hoping not to disturb Philip. Alas, he failed. The other young man's eyes opened just in time to feel Charlie's hand leaving his own. “Morning,” Philip whispered quietly, not wanting to speak too loud in the case their other room-mate, Robert, was still asleep. He smiled awkwardly. “Morning,” Charlie whispered back, smiling back just as uncomfortably. He forced himself to look away from his friend, then leaned over the side of the bed to check on Robert. He was gone. “It's okay, we don't need to be quiet, he's not there.” “Oh... okay,” Philip replied, not sure what else to say. Charlie looked back at Philip and unintentionally sighed. Philip scowled and shook his head. “Charlie, just... ugh, I can't do this,” he snapped, still shaking his head. He swivelled round and started down the steps from his bunk. Charlie quickly jumped down to intercept him. In a way, that made it worse. They now stood facing each other, both naked and both sporting fairly ample morning wood. “Phil, wait,” Charlie said as he stood in his friend's way. His eyes scanned up and down his friend's bare body. “I... I'm sorry.” “For what?” Philip asked sharply, keeping his eyes fixed on Charlie's face through sheer force of will. “For... for... ugh... I don't even know!” Charlie snapped in frustration. “Just... for this weirdness.” Philip shrugged. “It's okay. I know you didn't choose to make all this happen, but... you've got to figure it out.” “Figure what out?” Charlie asked, knowing he wouldn't like the answer. “Me!” Philip replied frankly. “Or rather... us. Either you like me in that way and we can... see what happens, or you're happy with Benny and we can go back to being just friends. But either way, you've got to decide because being stuck in the middle like this, it's hell!” “I... I...” Charlie stuttered, lost for words. He reached up and placed both hands on his friend's shoulders. He looked painfully conflicted. “Come here,” Philip said. He knew that it probably wasn't the most sensible thing to do in the circumstances, but his friend was clearly suffering and comforting him was simply instinct. He pulled the taller young man into a tight hug, their naked bodies pressing together. Charlie's arms wrapped tightly around his friend, his head resting on his shoulder. Their erections had begun to subside a little as they stood there, but pressed together, they soon came back to life. “Oh God,” Philip muttered. The bare skin pressed against his own, Charlie's cock sliding against his own, the beautiful young man's breath on his neck... it was all just too much. He suddenly pulled away before his base desires took over. “I shouldn't have done that!” he insisted as he backed away. Charlie stepped closer. “Yes you should!” he insisted, eyeing his friend hungrily. “Charlie...” Philip attempted to resist, but the words caught in his throat. “Tell me to stop and I will,” Charlie said weakly as he followed Philip who continued edging backwards. He lunged forward, slamming the young man against the back wall as his lips made their way into the nape of his neck. “Oh God,” Philip repeated as the lips on his neck were quickly followed up by strong hands grabbing at his hips. They remained silent, like all words had lost any meaning. All that existed now was their two naked bodies, slowly entwining together as Philip's hands began to explore his friend's body. Before they could go any further, they jumped apart at the sound of the door opening. Robert walked in, still drying himself with a towel. He paused as he saw his two room-mates standing together at the back of the room looking massively suspicious. “What's... going on?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. Seeing their erections and terrified expressions filled in the blanks quicker than either of them could reply. “Oh,” he said in realization. He closed the door then turned back to face them. His eyes darted back and forth between them as they edged away from each other. “Be VERY careful!” Both Charlie and Philip considered objecting to the obvious conclusion he had reached, but it would have served no real purpose. It was undeniable. His words, however, filled them both with immediate dread. Nodding guiltily, they both dashed out of the room together. Once the door was closed, their eyes met once more, but the earlier list and hunger had abated. “This can't happen again,” Philip said sternly. “You're with Benny, and we're just friends... okay?” Charlie indicated his agreement before turning to head for the stairs while Philip want towards the shower room. ********** Benny had just started to nod off again when he felt one hand grab his cock, the other cupping his smooth balls. His eyes shot open as he looked down. Zane and Alex were both awake, grinning at each other across his chest. Simultaneously, both eighteen-year-olds moved to take a nipple between their lips. Benny gasped with pleasure at the sensation of a mouth on each nipple along with the hands on his cock and balls. “Did I... tell you to do that?” he asked breathily. Zane momentarily released the nipple from his lips and said cheekily, “You didn't tell us to stop!” Benny chuckled at the comment. The Boy was right. He lay back and just let them carry on with what they were doing, throwing back the covers. While he missed waking up with Charlie, this certainly wasn't a bad way to start the day. He nuzzled his head against the top of Zane's, getting almost as much pleasure from the closeness to his Boy as he did from the physical stimulation he was providing. Alex and Zane were slow and sensuous as they built him gradually closer orgasm, obviously wanting to enjoy having the Master to themselves before the rest of the house got him for the day. “Mmmm, oh God...” Benny moaned as he lingered on the brink of cumming. Only moments away from release, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Not yet!” Benny called out. “Who? Us?” Alex asked, momentarily releasing Benny's nipple. “No... the... the door!” Benny gasped, spurring Alex and Zane to continue. “Aaah, I'm cumming!” Benny called out excitedly. The door opened and Charlie stepped in. “Did you say come in?” he asked before he realised what was going on. “No, I said... I'm... aaaaah!” Benny called out. Completely thrown off guard by Charlie's sudden appearance, the stimulation from Alex and Zane got too much for him and he erupted. Charlie just stood and stared. He knew that his lover was 'The Master', which meant that he would sleep with any of the Boys in the house, but actually seeing it happen was something else entirely. After what had happened with Philip, he had wanted to come and just lay in Benny's arms so it was a little disturbing to find the position was already occupied! As Benny spasmed his way to the conclusion of his orgasm, he sniggered at the two eighteen-year-olds grinning up at him, satisfied with the work they had done. When he looked to Charlie, he expected to see a similar look of amusement. Instead, he simply looked lost. “Charlie, are you...” Benny started. “Sorry, I'll come back later,” Charlie interrupted, then turned and dashed out. Still pinned down by the other two occupants of his bed, Benny was unable to follow him. He was also hesitant to just suddenly abandon them too, still attempting to avoid putting his relationship with Charlie ahead of his duties as Master. “You okay?” Alex asked, seeing the obvious concern on Benny's face. The younger boy quickly smiled. Charlie could wait. Benny looked at his newest General warmly. He found himself thinking about the unpleasant, cocky fifteen-year-old he had met years earlier, then the aggressive young man he had turned into by the time he came to the house. Laying there, smiling up at him, he was like a completely different person. “Yeah, yeah, I'm good,” Benny said with a gentle nod. “Do we have to get up yet?” Zane asked. From the way he was nestling back against Benny's side, it was clear what he wanted the answer to be. Benny chuckled. “We probably should,” he said non-committally. When he heard a slight, puppy-like whimper from Zane, he shook his head and grinned. “Well, maybe ten more minutes.” “Yay,” Zane said slightly sleepily. Alex settled back down too on the opposite side, one of Benny's arms holding each of them close. ********** Malik was making the most of the first day of his week off, sleeping in late. He would have stayed in bed longer, but he had rolled over and looked across the room at the empty bed that used to be Wesley's. He knew he was going to miss his friend, room-mate and fellow General, but had not ever suspected it would be quite so much. In an attempt to distract himself from the loss, he got up, showered and headed downstairs. He heard Roger coming out of the dining room and approached him. “Morning,” Malik said casually. Wesley had always been a little cautious around Roger, fearing his imposing stature and aggressive personality, but Malik had never really been fazed by it. Even though the large man was Benny's second-in-command, he was still just another General, so Malik really had no need to fear him. “Morning,” Roger replied curtly. Malik frowned slightly at the sharp tone but decided to let it slide. He had noticed Roger getting more and more on-edge for the last few days and figured that whatever was bugging him was the cause. If he hadn't already been feeling down about the loss of Wesley, he might have probed a little to see if he could help. Instead he simply decided to carry on as normal and asked, “So who's home today? And what have we got planned for them?” Roger thought for a moment, compiling a list in his mind before answering. “Well everyone is off this week aside from Taro and your Uncle. Benny's left it in my hands to assign tasks, but it's proving a bit difficult.” “Why? What's going on?” Malik asked, wondering what could possibly be so problematic. “Well nobody knows what they're supposed to be doing, so I've hard a hard time tracking people down. Alex and Zane are still in Benny's room, I found Robert and Philip in their Dorm so I've got them standing by for orders, Quentin's in the dining room, but he's getting some of his marking and lesson planning done, but I've got no idea where David and Charlie are.” Malik nodded his understanding, thinking for a moment. “Well why don't you go get started with Philip and Robert and I'll go find the other two. When I find them, I'll send them down to find you,” he suggested. It was obvious Roger was getting a little frustrated. It was well known that he liked routine, so having things so messed up was inevitably causing him stress. “Okay, good plan, thanks,” Roger agreed and immediately headed for the basement stairs. Malik quickly looked round, wondering where he might find the two missing Boys. Benny's private lounge was immediately ruled out for obvious reasons, and presumably Roger would have found anyone else in the Dining Room, so Malik started systematically searching the rest of the ground floor. He started with the Games Room as it was closest but immediately found it to be empty. Next door, the main lounge was empty too. Quickly making his way across the atrium, he briefly considered peering into Benny's Lounge, just to be sure but thought better of it. Even if it was done in search of a missing person, going in uninvited was likely to get him punished. He found himself shuddering slightly as he considered the last punishment Benny had inflicted upon him. Bypassing the forbidden room, Malik made his way into the Play Room. It was strange seeing the Play Room so empty. He normally only went in there on Saturdays when he was edging the unemployed Boys. Finding it empty, he went back out and headed for the kitchen. Another empty room. Malik was about to turn and head back out to the atrium when he noticed the back door was slightly ajar. Walking over to it, he pushed it open and peered outside. There was Charlie, sitting on the floor, back against the side of the house staring down the back garden. He didn't seem to notice Malik emerging from the doorway. “Hey, there you are,” Malik said casually, approaching him slowly. Charlie glanced round at him silently then returned his gaze to the garden. “What's wrong?” Malik asked, sitting down beside him. “Nothing. It doesn't matter,” Charlie said dismissively. “Uh huh, right,” Malik said disbelievingly. “What is it?” “Really, it doesn't matter,” Charlie said weakly. Malik looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before smiling gently. “You know, before Wesley left, he asked me to keep an eye on you,” he said softly. Charlie looked round at him, looking slightly surprised. “Really?” he asked. Malik nodded. “He did,” Malik replied. “His exact words... He's only tough on the outside.” Charlie smiled and sniggered slightly. “We were apart ten years and he still knows me so well.” “That's what he does, he knows people,” Malik said, thinking fondly of his absent friend. He allowed himself to reminisce for just a moment before bringing his attention to the matter at hand. “So what's wrong?” he asked again. The smile dropped from Charlie's face and he sighed. Shaking his head slightly he said, “I'm going to hurt someone. I've got to make a decision about something, but whatever I decide, someone gets hurt.” “Well that sucks,” Malik said, not really sure what else to say. “Yeah, just a bit,” Charlie agreed. “Do you know... what choice you're going to make?” Malik asked cautiously. Another sigh came from Charlie. “I know which decision I SHOULD make, but that's not the decision I want to make,” he explained. Malik rested a hand on his should reassuringly. Charlie raised his hand and placed it on Malik's, smiling at him. He was thankful for the General not probing further into what the decision was. “I came to find you because Roger's stressing about what everyone's doing. Want me to tell him I couldn't find you?” Malik asked, standing up. Charlie shook his head, climbing to his feet too. “Nah, maybe it'll make a good distraction.” The two of them made their way back into the house and headed down to find Roger. Once they found him, Malik saw that David had turned up too. Roger was putting them all through a vigorous workout. He barked an order at Charlie as the Boy entered the room, ordering him to work at double speed to make up for the time he had missed. A short time later, Alex and Zane also appeared. Roger seemed to lose his composure for just a moment as he saw his lover appear, but quickly pulled himself together. He put Zane to work along with the others, but was careful not to overwork him for fear of triggering an asthma attack. Once he was satisfied with what everyone was doing, he left the Boy to continue while he led the other two Generals back out into the hallway. “I'll speak to Benny later about putting some kind of formal routine in place for the rest of the week, but for now, Alex, can you take David and Robert, Malik, you take Charlie and Philip, I'll have Zane and if Quentin finishes with what he's doing, I'll take him too.” “Anything in particular you want us to do?” Malik asked. Roger shrugged, as if planning anything was a waste of time. It was painfully clear how the lack of routine was continuing to bother him. “Just do whatever you like,” he said dismissively as he led them back in. “Robert, David, go with Alex. Charlie and Philip, with Malik.” The Boys immediately stopped what they were doing, mostly looking sweaty and exhausted from the workout they had just gone through. The ones whose names had been called out followed the relevant General and left the room, finally just leaving Roger and Zane alone. An awkward silence lingered between them. They had hardly seen each other since the incident on Friday with Alex. Neither of them seemed to be in any hurry to make eye contact. It was a little disturbing for them both. Since their relationship began, any chance to be alone had been grasped eagerly. “Why did you do that?” Zane finally asked, breaking the silence. “Do... what?” Roger asked gingerly. “Try to... I dunno... rescue me, on Friday,” Zane said, scowling. “I thought... you were in pain,” Roger replied weakly, cautiously stepping a little closer to his lover. “I was, but that was MY problem, not yours!” Zane snapped. “Wait, are you mad at me... for being worried about you?” Roger asked, looking a little confused. “Yes!” Zane snapped, then thought for a moment. “No. I don't know. It's just... think about how I feel. I bet nobody else in the house has ever needed to be rescued, have they? How weak does that make me look?” “I... I...” Roger stuttered. He knew Zane was right and he was about to apologise when a sudden burst of anger bubbled up inside him. “Yeah, well how do you think I felt?” he snapped angrily. Zane took a step back at the sudden outburst. “All this time I've been in the house,” Roger snarled, “And I've never felt like I wanted to protect someone like that. I've always... I don't know... managed to detach myself from it. Suddenly here you are, making me fall in love with you and I... I don't know how to detach myself from that. I don't think I can!” Zane nodded gently. “I know it's gotta be hard for you, but... you've got to find a way. I'm gonna get hurt, I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna do everything I can to avoid saying that safe word ever again, but that's for me to worry about. When I'm being one of the Boys, I am NOT your concern.” “Okay,” Roger said sheepishly, before smiling cheekily. “But when we're alone, you're all mine?” Zane nodded again. “Yeah, that's right.” “Alone.... like we are now?” Roger asked, his smile turning into a full-on grin. Zane smirked. “I guess so!” Roger charged at him, literally sweeping him off his feet. The younger man was slammed against the wall, with Roger's body pressing against him. The large man's lips pressed against Zane's, who raised his legs and wrapped them around Roger's waist as he kissed back. ********** Malik could immediately sense the tension between Philip and Charlie but did his best to push through it. He had put them to work on one of his usual games, using the Boys under his control against each other. Charlie and Philip had been ordered to start jerking each other off and been told that whoever ejaculated first would be punished. Normally, with any of the other Boys, that would have simply encouraged them to stroke faster, trying to make their opponent cum quickly, but the sneaky General knew how close Charlie and Philip were and used it against them. He knew neither of them would want to be responsible for their best friend receiving a punishment, so what followed was some incredibly slow stroking. The two were virtually edging each other, going fast enough to keep Malik satisfied, but slow enough to avoid making each other cum. Malik was sitting back enjoying the show. The two Boys were banned from talking, but it was clear that they were attempting to communicate non-verbally. They were both trying to convince the other to make them cum, both willing to take the punishment themselves rather than inflict it on each other. As entertaining as it was, Malik found himself more intrigued by the yells coming from down the hallway. “Okay, you two carry on. No talking and no stopping!” Malik snapped, finally giving in to temptation and heading out into the hallway. He left the door open and headed along to the source of the yells, opening the other door. As he looked inside, he saw Alex was there with David and Robert, using the new toys that had been delivered the previous week. Malik had not had much chance to experiment with them yet so he was very curious to see them in action. “Mind if I watch for a while?” he asked quietly as Alex turned to look at him. “No, that's fine,” Alex said happily. As if intending to show off, he turned up the dial on the milking machine that David was strapped into, making the young man's whole body buck. “Fuuuuuck!” David yelled out as the machine shot up to full speed. Alex had been using it to tease him ever since they came into the room, speeding it up to the point of near-orgasm, then dropping it to its lowest setting. Over and over David had felt the machine gradually speed up and milk him closer to cumming, only to be denied again. David wasn't a fan of edging, he liked his orgasms to be quick and hard. While the spanking he loved was painful, he found it exciting at the same time. The milking and edging was painful in a whole other way. His balls ached, desperate for release. “Please let me... aaah... cum, Sir!” David begged weakly. Malik was transfixed. His eyes had briefly wandered over to Robert who was strapped down on another bench, a machine thrusting a large dildo in and out of his exposed rear, but the machine-assisted edging of David was clearly more appealing to him. His mind was racing, thinking of the possibilities the machine brought to his particular style of dominance. Meanwhile, back in Malik's original room, Charlie and Philip continued as instructed, standing together in the centre of the room, stroking each other's cocks. “You okay?” Philip asked quietly. “We're not supposed to talk,” Charlie said back. It was clearly an attempt at avoiding a conversation, rather than a desire to follow the rules. “Well we both already have,” Philip said, immediately shooting down the argument, “So are you okay?” Charlie stared down at his cock, Philip's hand slowly stroking up and down it, thinking for a moment. “No,” he finally conceded. “Want to talk about it?” Philip continued to probe. Charlie laughed incredulously. “What do you want me to say? You know what the problem is already.” Philip shrugged, his hand dropping away from Charlie's erection. “Yeah, I do, but I don't know how you're feeling.” Charlie's hand dropped away too, his eyes still fixed downwards, his head shaking slightly. “How I'm feeling? Truthfully? I feel like... I might be the worst thing to ever happen to this place.” “What? Why?” Philip asked in shock. It was definitely not the reaction he had been expecting. “This house, all of it, it was great. It was happy, it worked just fine and then I come along and fuck it all up!” Charlie explained. He turned away from Philip, taking a few steps towards the wall. Philip immediately followed, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. “You haven't fucked anything up!” Charlie scoffed again. “Of course I have. Think about it. I turned up and Wesley ended up leaving because of the shit I did when we were kids. Benny fell for me and ended up neglecting most of the house and that ended up making Stanley, Anthony and Henry leave. Now I'm in a relationship with Benny, but at the same time I'm.... I've... grr... I've got whatever this is with you. So now I have to either choose to be with you and break Benny's heart, which is bound to fuck things up more, or choose to be with Benny and probably fuck up the best friendship I've got. It's just... it's... it's fuck up and fuck up!” Philip could see his friend was moments away from bursting into tears, so he reached out and pulled him into a hug. Charlie's head rested on his shoulder, breathing heavily but managing to hold back any tears. “Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, these things happen,” Philip said, attempting to comfort him. “And just so you know, if you choose to be with Benny, it won't fuck up our friendship. I value you too much to let something like this come between us.” Charlie took several deep breaths, taking in his friend's words of comfort before whispering back, “I'm not choosing Benny.” Philip suddenly pulled away, staring at Charlie wide-eyed. “What?!” he exclaimed in shock. “I... I love Benny, I really do, in so many ways, but... it's you. I need to be with you... I... I love you.” Charlie said, leaning in and kissing Philip. They parted a few moments later. “Charlie, I...” Philip started, but before he could say any more, they heard movement over by the door. They both turned, expecting to see Malik returned from the other room. Instead, there stood Benny, looking horrified. “Benny... I was...” Charlie stuttered. “Don't!” Benny snapped, horror quickly turn to anger. “Just... don't!” He turned and marched out. Benny had come down the basement after filling in his diary, hoping to find Roger and see what everyone was up to. He had been distracted by the open door to the other room and went to investigate. Now he headed back towards Roger, instinctively seeking the support of his friend. Slamming the door open furiously, Benny stormed in. “Roger, I...” he started, but once again froze. Laying there on one of the benches was Roger, naked, with Zane laying on top of him. The two were kissing passionately, but quickly stopped as they heard the sudden intrusion. The expressions on their faces matched those of Charlie and Philip only moments earlier. Benny knew Roger, he knew the sorts of things he normally did with his Boys and this was... something else! “Are you... fucking... kidding me?” Benny snarled through ragged breaths. Charlie and Philip had followed the young Master, hoping to calm him down. They, too, froze when they saw Roger and Zane together. Benny was almost hyperventilating. He turned, pushing Charlie and Philip out of the way, then ran for the stairs. “Fuck.” Roger muttered, sitting up as Zane climbed off of him. “What's going on?” Alex suddenly asked from the doorway. He had heard the brief commotion and emerged from his room, followed by Malik. “Benny just walked in on me with Philip!” Charlie explained. “But you were just doing what I told you,” Malik said quickly. “No we weren't, we were... together,” Charlie replied. “Fuck, that's not good!” Alex muttered, then looked over at Roger who was quickly getting dressed and a guilty-looking Zane beside him. “What did you do?” Alex demanded, knowing from his friend's expression that something else had happened. “Me and Roger are together too,” Zane said. “Zane!” Roger snapped angrily. “Oh, like we can hide it now,” Zane replied flatly. “And Benny... found out? Just now?” Alex asked, getting solemn nods from everyone else in the room. “I need to go and find him,” Roger said, doing up his jeans. “No, you don't!” Alex said firmly. He looked round at everyone, a look of steely resolve on his face. “Malik, could you go and release David and Robert then stay in there with them. Zane and Philip, back to your Dorms. Charlie, go wait in Dorm Three. Roger, you wait right here. DON'T move!” Roger normally would have objected to being ordered around like that, but Alex's tone made it clear he wasn't to be messed with. Instead he simply nodded as everyone else followed his commands. Alex left the room and headed upstairs. Taking a quick look around the atrium, he figured Benny was most likely to take refuge in his private lounge Alex headed straight there, not even bothering to knock before going in. “Go away!” Benny shouted as soon as the door started opening. Alex ignored the yell. He closed the door behind him then looked round to see Benny sat on the sofa, rocking gently back and forth as he stared at the ground. “I said go away,” Benny said again, much weaker this time without even looking up to see who it was. “No,” Alex said bluntly. Benny looked up at the sound of his voice. He had expected Roger to follow him, or maybe even Charlie, so hearing Alex was a bit of a shock. “I won't bother asking if you're okay,” Alex said with a slight shrug, taking a seat next to Benny. “You know what happened then?” Benny asked. “I got the short version, but yeah, I do,” Alex said with a nod. Benny looked round at the older teen, then burst into tears. Alex pulled him into a hug, holding him as he cried. They remained there for several minutes, the silence broken only Benny's gentle sobs. Benny sat up, wiping his eyes. The sadness on his face gradually contorting into something much darker. “I trusted him!” Benny said through gritted teeth. “So Charlie's with Philip, then?” Alex said, more a statement of his own surprise than an actual question. “I didn't... I didn't mean Charlie,” Benny replied, scowling, as if resentful at the mere mention of the name. Alex shot the younger teen an inquisitive look. “Roger,” Benny said bluntly. “I trusted him, above everyone else and he's breaking one of my biggest rules.” “Yeah, but so are you!” Alex replied with a shrug. “I...” Benny started, but he knew Alex was right. He scowled once again. “Well this is my house and I make the rules. That's the rule I made and Roger knew it. In fact, it was him that suggested it in the first place.” Benny paused, sighing. “Go and get him.” “Are you... sure?” Alex asked, leaning back slightly. He could still see how angry Benny was, so a confrontation so soon was likely to be more than a little heated. “Alex, I appreciate you coming in here to check on me, but don't forget who's in charge here,” Benny insisted. Alex's eyebrows raised as he considered replying again, but thought better of it and stood up, heading for the door. Benny sat alone in silence, waiting for Alex to bring Roger back. Thoughts kept running through his mind as he waited for his two generals to return. What could he do about this? What should he do? It suddenly occurred to him how much it hurt that the person Roger had been sneaking around with was Zane. He had grown so close to the newest Boy, his adorable little pup. The Boy had spent so many nights curled up in or beside his bed, yet he too had been breaking the rules behind his Master's back. Benny was shaken from his thoughts by the door opening. In walked Roger, closely followed by Alex. “You can go,” Benny said, dismissing the smaller General. “You sure?” Alex asked, but the look Benny shot him answered more clearly than any words could have. He quickly turned and dashed out, leaving Roger standing there on his own. “Benny, I just...” Roger started before being cut off. “How long?” Benny demanded. When Roger just frowned, Benny stood and slowly paced closer. He repeated his question, “How long? How long have you been breaking my rules? How long have you been keeping this secret from me?” Roger exhaled, but the breath trembled slightly. “Just... just over a month,” he said nervously. Benny took several deep breaths as he stared at the larger man. Finally, he responded, “Leave.” “Okay, I'll just... I'll go to my room,” Roger said, surprised that Benny didn't say anything more as he reached back and pulled the door open. “No, I mean... leave. Leave the house. Get out!” Benny clarified, his fists clenching at his sides. “What?” Roger asked in shock. He couldn't believe what Benny was saying. “You don't mean that.” Benny charged at Roger. Despite the large size difference between the two, Benny managed to catch him off guard, making him stagger through the doorway into the atrium. “I DO mean it!” Benny snapped furiously. Roger looked distraught. “You... you can't. This house.... it's my life!” he insisted. “Then maybe you shouldn't have broken the rules!” Benny snarled. Roger frowned now, dismay giving way to anger. “What, you mean the rule you've been breaking too, your 'secret' relationship with Charlie?” Roger shouted back, adding air-quotes. The raised voices had started drawing attention. Quentin emerged from the Dining Room. Having been in there the whole time, he had no idea what was going on. At the same time, the residents from the basement started coming up the stairs, despite Alex's insistence that they all stay down there. “This is MY house. I do what I want. I'm under no obligation to follow my own rules, unlike you. You knew what you were doing was wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have hidden it,” Benny yelled as the crowd formed. Roger wanted to yell back, but he knew that Benny was right. He had broken rules, he had kept things secret and worst of all, he had let personal matters get in the way of his duty, and now it had cost him everything. As anger turned to despair, Roger stared at Benny and begged, “Please, Benny... Sir... Master... please don't make me leave. Please.” Benny stared at his most trusted General, listened to him pleading for mercy, then his eyes fell on the crowd over by the stairs. They mostly looked shocked, particularly Zane who had turned almost ghostly white. “No!” Benny said sharply. “I trusted you. I relied on you to enforce the rules of my house. You were meant to be the best, but you let me down. Now get out of my house!” Roger started pacing towards the door. Zane dashed forward from the crowd. “Benny, please don't make him leave. I love him,” Zane pleaded. Benny felt like he had been punched in the stomach. Telling his longest-running sub, his most loyal General, his best friend, to leave the house had been almost physically painful. Now, seeing the Boy he had become so fond of pleading for him to change his mind, it hurt. For a moment, he wavered. He considered letting Roger stay, punishing him some other way, but as he looked back and forth between Roger and Zane, he couldn't get the image of them together out of his mind. It triggered a new wave of bitterness and anger. “If you care about him that much, maybe you should go with him,” Benny said venomously. “Are you... telling me to leave too?” Zane asked nervously. “No,” Benny replied. “I'm saying it's up to you. Stay here, get punished and carry on as normal, or walk away right now and go with Roger. It's your choice.” There was a collective intake of breath from the people watching as every eye fell on Zane. Roger stared at his lover, hands trembling. Zane looked around the room, his head reeling from everything that had happened and the sudden ultimatum. “Well?” Benny demanded. “Stay... or go?” Chapter 15 – Love Sucks by Matt Friday 10th April 2015 Benny lay on his side, staring at the empty side of the bed. This was the fourth consecutive day he had woken up alone in bed. 'Woken up' wasn't really the right term though, to wake up you had to sleep, something Benny had barely done all week. He had gotten so used to having Charlie at his side, that he simply felt lost without him. He was disturbed by a knock at his door. Rolling onto his back, he called out, “Who is it?” “It's me, Alex,” a voice called back from the other side. Without waiting for an invite, he opened the door and stepped inside. “You okay?” he asked sympathetically. “Yeah,” Benny said unconvincingly with a slight shrug. “Sorry, silly question,” Alex said quietly as he approached the bed. Benny frowned. He had pretty much requested to be left alone, by everyone. “What d'you want, Alex?” The General was not deterred by Benny's cold tone. He briefly considered sitting on the bed, trying to engage, getting the younger teen to talk about his issues. Instead, he stuck to the reason for the impromptu visit. “Could you be down in your lounge in half an hour please?” Benny's eyes narrowed. “Why?” he asked suspiciously. “Just do it,” Alex said, much sharper than he had intended it. He took a breath and added, “Please.” “Fine,” Benny conceded reluctantly before rolling over to indicate that the conversation was over. He heard a sigh from Alex, who turned and headed back out of the room. The young Master lay there for another fifteen minutes before showering and getting dressed. When he made his way downstairs, he expected Alex to be waiting for him, but the landing and the atrium were both deserted. As he opened the door to his lounge, he was surprised to see someone already in there. “Victor!” Benny said in surprise. “What are you doing here? I thought your next appointment with Alex wasn't until next week.” “I'm not here to see Alex, Benny. I'm here to talk to you,” the older man explained. Benny was momentarily confused. He approached Victor, taking a seat opposite him, asking, “Why? Is there a problem with Alex? Something I need to know?” “No, I'm here to talk to you... about you!” Victor replied, sitting up, his head tilting slightly, watching for the boy's reaction. Benny chuckled, relaxing back in his seat. “Pfft, what for? I'm fine,” he said dismissively. Victor mirrored Benny's movements, relaxing in his seat too. “I'm sure you are. But it's always good to talk.” Benny glanced round at the door. “This was Alex's idea, wasn't it?” he asked accusingly. “He's just concerned about you,” Victor replied. “It's actually quite nice to see him worrying about someone else's needs. He really thinks a lot of you, you know.” Benny wanted to be annoyed at his General for going behind his back to bring in Victor, but the older man's words seemed to soften the blow a little. He really did find it comforting to know someone in the house cared about his wellbeing. He was right about Alex's progress too. The angry young man who had come to the house probably would have taken the current situation as an opportunity to stir up more trouble, rather than brining in help. Benny took a deep breath. “Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “What do you want to talk about?” “What do YOU want to talk about?” Victor turned the question back onto him. “Nothing,” Benny said bluntly. “Are we done then?” He jumped up from the seat, turning his back on Victor. “Benny!”Victor said firmly. Rolling his eyes, Benny turned back round and retook his seat, huffing. “Well why don't we start with Monday? Tell me what happened,” Victor suggested. Benny shrugged. “Why? I'm sure Alex has told you everything already, hasn't he?” “He's told me bits, but I want you to tell me about it,” Victor requested. “Okay, well... I was in a relationship with one of the Boys, Charlie. I don't think you know him. We'd been together a few weeks and things were.... great,” Benny said, pausing a moment to think back on it before continuing. “So on Monday, I went downstairs and as I walked into one of the rooms, there was Charlie, talking to Philip about having to choose between being with him and being with me and... well, let's just say he didn't choose me.” “And how did that make you feel?” Victor asked. Benny scoffed. “Fan-fucking-tastic, greatest feeling in the world!” he snapped sarcastically. “How do you think? At the time, it made me angry. No, not angry... fucking furious!” Victor nodded understandingly. “Okay, so what happened then?” “I had to find Roger,” Benny explained, visibly wincing as he said the name. “I... I don't know why, I just... I needed to find him. So I went along to the room he was in, but when I went inside I found him... with Zane, I don't think you know him either.” Victor nodded. He hadn't met the other new Boy, but had heard a lot about him from the sessions with Alex. “So when you say 'with Zane', you mean...” “WITH him, like.... together, intimately,” Benny explained, his eyes widening. “And that's a problem?” Victor asked. “Yes it's a problem!” Benny snapped viciously. “It's one of the house rules. No relationships.” “Okay,” Victor acknowledged, then asked, “So what then?” Benny closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head slightly. “I ran. I... I just... ran and hid. I couldn't... I just couldn't...” His breathing was speeding up as he spoke about it. After taking a few moments to compose himself, he went on. “Alex came to find me and we spoke for a while, but then I asked to see Roger.” When Victor remained silent, Benny continued. “I... I was so mad at him. He was... I trusted him above everyone else and he was breaking the rules behind my back.... for weeks. I couldn't take it, I just... I told him to leave. To put so much trust in someone just to have him abuse it, I couldn't have that in my house!” “What about the others? I mean, Roger wasn't the only one breaking the rules here, was he? What about Zane, Philip and Charlie? Did you kick them out too?” Victor asked. “They're different,” Benny said defensively. “They're subs. They break rules and they get punished, that's how it works. Roger was... in charge. He was meant to enforce my rules, not break them! But I did offer to let Zane leave.” “You... offered?” Victor asked, raising an eyebrow. Benny shrugged. “Yeah, I figured if he and Roger were together, he might want to go with him. I told him he could stay here or he could just leave right then with Roger.” “And what did he do?” Benny sighed. “He... I think he was going to leave, he went straight to Roger and they talked for a minute and it looked like he was going with him, but then... he turned around and said he'd stay.” “You don't look happy about that,” Victor observed. Benny sighed again. “No, I am... I love Zane, he's... I know should have them, but he's one of my favourites.” Benny said with an unintentional smile. “But since then, he's... not the same.” “What do you mean?” Victor asked thoughtfully. “Well I... didn't sleep well on Monday night. I guess I'm just not used to being alone. So on Tuesday night, I asked Zane to come to my room before bed.” “And what happened?” Benny shook his head. “Nothing!” Victor gave him a quizzical look, so he explained, “Zane is... wilful and stubborn and playful. I... call him my little pup. I'll tell him to sleep in one spot of the bedroom, but he always moves and either lays alongside my bed, or just gets in with me.” Benny couldn't help smiling as he explained it, but it quickly dropped away again. “But Tuesday night, he... stayed where I told him to. No moving, no complaining, no questioning. Just a blank 'Yes Sir' and he did what I said.” Victor frowned. “A sub who does what he's told. Isn't that what you want?” Benny sighed, shaking his head. “Not with him. He's different, he's... challenging in all the right ways.” “Okay,” Victor said quietly. “So why don't you tell me about Charlie and Philip.” Benny shrugged. “There's not really much to tell. I had Charlie move to different Dorm. They broke the rules, so they will be punished.” “Will be?” Victor asked, “It's been, what, four days. Shouldn't you have done it by now?” Benny squirmed a little. He had been avoiding the two of them since Monday. He had hoped that would not come up. “I'm just... building anticipation.” Benny lied. “Uh huh,” Victor said incredulously. He took a deep breath before his next question. “Do you want to talk about Wednesday night?” Benny turned pale, eyes wide with shock. He knew Alex would have mentioned everything that went down on Monday, but was surprised to hear that Wednesday had been mentioned too. “Do I have to?” Benny asked sheepishly. Victor shook his head. “No, you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, but it might help.” Benny closed his eyes and rubbed his face for a few seconds with both hands before dropping them away and looking at Victor. “Okay, so Wednesday I figured I should start getting more involved in the house again, especially with only having two Generals. When everyone got assigned their evening tasks, I got given David and Quentin.” Victor just continued to listen intently, allowing Benny to continue in his own time. “I... guess I started off pretty normally, but.... I don't really know what happened. I kinda got carried away.” Benny explained. “What happened?” Victor asked, the concern on his face obvious. Benny opened his mouth, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, he choked back a sob as tears began to form. He struggled for a few moments before managing to say, “I hurt them.” He repeated it again as he lowered his face into his hands. It only took a few moments before Benny sat back up, sniffing, wiping his cheeks, determined to keep going. “I hurt them,” he said once more. “I had them restrained, and I started doing the usual stuff... floggers, the cane a bit of candle wax, but I just kept going. I knew they wanted me to stop, I knew I should, but I just kept going.” “Why?” Victor asked flatly. “Because,” Benny started, still attempting to compose himself. “Because I was angry. So... fucking... angry!” His teeth were gritted, teeth clenched. “Have you ever felt like that before?” Victor probed. In his time with Benny, he had seen the boy annoyed, but the way he was talking was like nothing he could ever have imagined from him. Benny nodded, thinking back. “Yeah,” he said, his voice quiet as if he were caught up in a dream. “Once, a couple of years ago. My first sub, I hurt him too. Not long after I moved in here, I kinda got the chance to put that right and I made a promise to myself that I would never let anything like that happen again.” “So why did it happen?” “Because I was angry!” Benny snapped. “Were you angry with David and Quentin? Is that why you hurt them?” Victor asked cautiously. “No.” Benny replied quickly. “Who then? Charlie? Philip? Zane? Roger?” Victor suggested. Benny thought for a moment, his head slowly lowering. “No. I mean... yes, I'm angry at all of them a bit, but it wasn't them.” “Then who?” Victor demanded. “Me!” Benny said weakly. He looked back up, his cheeks wet with tears again. “I'm angry at myself. I made Roger leave.” Victor went silent for a few moments, thinking about where to go next. As he relaxed back in his seat, he said, “Tell me about Roger. Tell me about how you two met.” ********** Saturday 1st December 2012 The weather in November had been awful, meaning Benny's guy-searching had been restricted mostly to online activity. Now, though, it had been an unseasonably pleasant day, so as soon as his parents had gone to bed, Benny had got up and sneaked out of the house. Over the past couple of months, he had tried out a lot of cruising areas around town and had found his favourite. He quickly made his way there, looking for his usual prey... middle-aged closet-cases with big bank accounts. He took his usual seat on one of the benches. He didn't really have to do much work himself. Looking very much his age, thirteen-year-old Benny easily stood out and immediately attracted the attention of a certain type of guy. He hadn't been sitting there long when a guy in his mid-forties walked along, looking round nervously and sat beside. “What you looking for?” the man growled quietly. “Cock!” Benny replied bluntly with a devilish grin. “I can help with that,” the man said, grinning back. “But can we go somewhere more private, I gotta be discreet!” 'Another closet case!” Benny thought happily to himself. He had the routine down perfectly now. Draw them in, fool round with them while secretly recording it, then demand money for his silence. He was about to get and go with the man when someone else appeared further down the path. It was young guy, but he was big. The older man looked at the oncoming stranger nervously, then quickly stood and took off in the opposite direction. “Maybe another time.” Benny nearly followed, but if the man had been scared off that easily, he was unlikely to risk doing anything now. Instead, Benny turned his attention to the oncoming stranger. By now, the young guy had almost reached the bench. Benny jumped up and faced him. “Thanks a fucking lot. You scared him off!” he snapped angrily. The young guy looked down at the angry teen, smirking. The scrawny boy was easily two foot shorter and third of his weight, but that didn't seem to put him off. “Sorry, kid. Didn't mean to.” “Ugh, whatever, just... fuck off you.... giant!” Benny snapped, then flopped back down onto the bench. The young man grinned at the reaction, then, just to see what would happen, sat down beside him. “I'm Roger,” he said, offering a hand to shake. Benny looked down at the hand, up at Roger's face, then back down to the hand. “I thought I told you to fuck off!” Roger retracted the hand and shrugged. “Yeah, I don't really follow orders... well not unless they come from my dom. Although he's....” his voice trailed off. “Oh, you in need of a new dom?” Benny asked, a grin replacing his scowl. “Yeah, you know any?” Roger asked with a smile. Benny just stared back at him, watching as the smile gave way to a sense of realisation. “Stand up,” Benny said, his eyes narrowing slightly. Roger hesitated for just a moment, then followed the command. “Take off your clothes!” Benny said firmly. “What, right here?” Roger asked nervously. Benny jumped to his feet, staring up at Roger, his eyes glinting slightly in the moonlight. “Did I give you permission to talk?” Roger immediately shook his head. “That's better, now... take... off... your clothes.” Benny repeated slowly. Roger looked round, terrified of being spotted as he started pulling off his clothes. A few moments later, his coat and shirt were thrown on the bench, trousers and underwear down round his ankles. “Good boy,” Benny said with a grin. He reached up and placed a hand on his chest, caressing a nipple that had quickly stiffened in the cool air. Roger shuddered as the boy's hand made its way down his body, taking hold of his rapidly stiffening cock. Benny let go and sat back down. “Jerk off for me,” he ordered. Roger peered round nervously once again, but complied, his hand grasping at his meaty erection. He started stroking quickly, staring down at the boy on the bench. He didn't know whether it was the danger of being caught naked somewhere so public, or some kind of intoxicating effect that the boy had on him, but he was ready to cum less than a minute later. “May I cum?” Roger asked. “Sure,” Benny said happily, looking forward to seeing the large young man ejaculate. “Aaah,” Roger moaned as he shot his load all over the bench to Benny's side. When his hand finally stopped pumping, he stood facing the boy, panting heavily. “On your knees!” Benny snapped. Once again, Roger did as he was told. He was expecting an order of 'suck my cock', which he was more than happy to do. “Lick it up!” Benny said with an evil grin, pointing to the large splats of cum on the wooden slats of the bench. Roger looked shocked, but without hesitation, leant down and started sucking his spunk up as ordered. “Good boy,” Benny said, pulling his own erection out from his jeans, “Now suck this!” “Gladly,” Roger said happily, taking the boy's erection between his lips. Benny leaned back on the bench, throwing his head back. He bit a lip to avoid calling out. Whoever this guy was, he could really suck! “Oh you're good at that,” Benny said happily, placing a hand on the back of his head. Roger didn't stop to reply, instead, he simply sped up his actions. It only took another minute before Benny's fingers tightened in his hair and a heavy load filled his mouth. When the orgasm finally subsided, Benny used the handful of hair to pull Roger off of his cock, looking down into his eyes. “What did you say your name was again?” “I'm Roger,” he said happily. “Hi Roger, you can call me Sir!” Benny replied with a grin. ********** Victor listened to the story. During his brief time in the house, he had heard various stories about how Benny and Roger had met, but he quickly realised that they were nothing more than speculation. At least now he knew. “So you and Roger have been together for quite a long time then?” Victor asked. “Yeah, nearly two and a half years,” Benny said, smiling for a moment before remembering that it was now over. “Have you ever fallen out before?” Victor asked. “No. he's always been the perfect sub. I think I'd been meeting him for about a month when I kinda realised that he was... a keeper. From then on, he was just... always there. He's the one who gave me the idea for this place, he helped me find it, got it up and running. None of this would be here if it wasn't for him.” “Sounds like he's very important to you,” Victor said sympathetically. “He is... was,” Benny said back, shaking his head slightly as he thought about him. “Do you think you made the right call on kicking him out?” Victor asked bluntly. “Yes,” Benny replied immediately, then added, “I don't like it. Honestly, I want him back, but... I think I had to do it.” “You don't sound sure,” Victor observed. Benny chuckled. “Yeah, that's because I'm not.” “It's not too late to change your mind, you know,” Victor suggested, leaning forward towards Benny. “Of course it is,” Benny insisted. “I'm... I'm the Master. How does it look if I go and change my mind on something as big as this? Besides, you didn't see the look on Roger's face. He'd never forgive me.” Victor took a deep breath. “Look Benny. I'm a little torn here. This is kind of why I don't like doing this sort of thing. I've got advice I'd give you as a therapist and I've got advice I'd give you as a former sub and I really don't know which one to give you.” “Well what would therapist you say?” Benny asked curiously. “I'd say you need to be logical about this. Take some time, think about how you feel about what happened and each person's involvement, then speak to them about it. Clear the air, deal with the issues. And that even goes for Roger. Regardless of whether you want him back here or not, you ended a very long relationship on bad terms with very little communication and you left a lot unresolved. Talk to people and don't bottle it up or things like Wednesday will keep happening.” Victor explained. Benny thought about it for a moment, nodding understandingly. “Okay, so what would you say as my former sub then?” he asked. “Go and get him!” Victor said with a smile. “It was always Benny and Roger. You were the Master, he was your enforcer. He was the strict authoritarian, you were the fun taskmaster. You balanced each other, you worked well together and it was so obvious how close you were. Yeah, he broke a rule, but it was a rule you made. You're in charge here, that means you have the power to make up the rules and punish people when they break them, but every single decision is your to make. You decide you want him back but you're worried what people will say? Well fuck them, you're the Master!” Benny grinned as he nodded. “You're both right,” he said with a smirk. “We're glad you think so,” Victor chuckled back. Benny stood up and Victor did the same. The young Master stepped towards the older man and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you,” Benny said quietly. “No problem,” Victor smiled back when they parted. “How about next week when I come to see Alex, we have another chat then, just to see how you're doing?” “Yeah, yeah that'd be good. Thanks,” Benny said happily. It was definitely a comfort knowing he still had someone he could talk to. ********** Zane flopped onto his bed. He had just endured one of Alex's games which had been both physically and mentally tiring. He had quickly showered before coming back to his Dorm. “Hey,” a voice came from above him. “Yaargh!” Zane yelled out, jumping up. He quickly realised it was just Charlie on the bunk above him. He still hadn't got used to having him in the Dorm, so hadn't even bothered to look if anyone was up there. Charlie's head appeared, looking down at him. “Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump.” “You didn't,” Zane lied, trying to look unflustered. “Oh, good,” Charlie smiled weakly. “You okay then?” Zane nodded and forced a smile. “Yeah,” he said flatly. “I'm fine.” “No you're not,” Charlie said back matter-of-factly. Zane scowled, “And how would you know that?” He folded his arms as he looked up at Charlie. “Because you were in love, and now you can't even see guy you love,” Charlie explained. Zane suddenly felt annoyed that someone could be so presumptuous as to assume they could understand how he felt. He was going to say something about it when he realised Charlie really could understand. His relationship with Benny had ended and at the same time, his potential relationship with Philip had been cut off before it truly started. “Yeah, sucks, doesn't it!” he said sympathetically. Charlie just nodded sadly, not sure what else to say. “Is it... better, or worse? Having them here, I mean. Like, with me, Roger's gone,” Zane started, his voice wavering a little at the mention of the name, “And that really sucks, but at least I don't have to see him.” Charlie climbed down off the bed and sat on the end of Zane's. He thought about the question for a moment and shrugged. “I don't know if you can really say better or worse for stuff like this. Your situation and mine, they're just different, but equally shit!” Zane nodded his agreement. “Benny's totally avoiding me. How does he seem to you?” Charlie asked. He knew his question had a definite tone of 'I'm hurting and I want to know that my ex is too', but he didn't care. Zane shrugged. “Who gives a fuck. He's a cunt,” he sneered venomously. Charlie was a little taken aback with the aggression. “You're still mad at him then?” “He made Roger leave!” Zane snapped. “Am I just supposed to get over that?” “No, of course not, but... this is his house. If you're that pissed at him, why stay?” Charlie asked curiously. Zane sat up, leaning against the wall with his knees pulled up to his chest. “I didn't want to,” he answered honestly. “When Benny asked if I wanted to stay or go, my first thought was just to go with Roger and never look back.” “What changed your mind?” Charlie asked with a slight frown. “Roger!” Zane said, pursing his lips and thinking back, his eyes watering. “He said... he said that being with me had cost him the most important thing in his life and that he didn't want to be with me any more.” “Oh my God,” Charlie said, “That's awful.” Zane nodded. “It is, but... he didn't mean it. I got an email from him that night, telling me what he said wasn't true. He said that he wasn't sure where he was going to go or where he would be staying and he didn't want me to have to go through that with him, so he just said those things to get me to stay here, where I'd be okay.” The younger man started to cry. Charlie quickly moved to his side and placed an arm around him. “Love really sucks sometimes.” Zane leaned against Charlie, head on his shoulder and hummed his agreement. ********** Benny sat in his private lounge, staring down at the blank diary in front of him. He hadn't written in it all week but as he twirled the pen around between his fingers, he just couldn't bring himself to put anything down. Writing had been a massive help over the last couple of years, aiding him in sorting through the range of emotions he struggled with at times. He knew he wasn't like other boys his own age. Aside from his more adult-oriented interests, he had taken on a lot of responsibility when he started the house, sometimes even more than he had ever expected, and while he loved it most of the time, there were moments when he hated it. In those usually-brief moments, he wished he could go back to being a normal teenager. He would see the other boys at school, worrying about dates and football matches and homework and a million other things. Most of the time, their concerns seemed pathetically meaningless to the young Master, actually to the point of amusing him, but as he moped in his lounge, he wished he could just be one of them. He shook his head and threw down the pen, just as there was a knock at the door. “What?” he snapped. “Can I come in?” a voice called back. Benny recognised it as Philip. Benny sighed. He figured he had avoided the problem long enough. 'Speak to them about it. Clear the air.' That was what Victor had recommended. At least it was Philip rather than Charlie. As much as Benny wanted to follow Victor's advice, he still dreaded the thought of talking to Charlie. “Yeah, come in,” Benny finally called out. The door opened painfully slowly. Philip was obviously dreading the imminent conversation as much as he was. He crept his way in, pushed the door closed then stared at his Master. The awkward silence that hung between them was terrifying. There were several moments when each of them wanted to just get up and run, but they both stayed strong, staring. “Did...” Benny said with a slight squeak. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Did you want something?” he asked as emotionlessly as he could manage. Philip's jaw trembled. “I... I can't... I can't wait any more. Please however you're gonna punish me, just do it,” he blurted out loudly. Benny was a little taken aback. Needless to say it was not what he had expected. Benny frowned at the young man, tilting his head slightly to one side. “You want to be punished?” Benny asked in surprise. Philip nodded, looking more and more like he was barely holding it together. “Sit down,” Benny said, gesturing to the seat. When the Boy obeyed, Benny continued staring for a few more moments before asking, “Why?” “Because I hate this,” Philip said quietly. “I... I lost my best friend, I let down my Master, I messed up so much of the house and it's all my fault.” “Your fault?” Benny asked, leaning back in his seat and frowning anew. “How do you figure that?” “Well everything was great. The house was... amazing, you and Charlie were so happy together, Roger was still here and I loved it, then because I... did what I did with Charlie, it made everything go wrong.” Philip rambled, his breathing getting heavier. “And I feel like I'm going insane. I can't see Charlie, everything's weird without Roger and I can't even serve you.” Benny took a deep breath. He found his mind rushing back a couple of months, to the night he had gone out with Philip as his prize for the competition. 'I'm at the house because I'm yours'. That was what he had said that night and it was very much true. Before becoming infatuated by Charlie, and fascinated by Zane, Philip had been one of Benny's favourites. His soft-spoken manner, his obvious devotion to servitude, everything about him was just everything a master could hope for. 'What did he actually do?' Benny asked himself. 'He didn't cheat on you, he didn't lie to you, he barely even broke the rules.' Benny felt like he had been punched in the stomach. He was lucky enough to have a wonderful sub like Philip and he had let issues caused by other people hurt him. “Stand up,” Benny said firmly, doing the same. Philip complied, visibly shaking as he watched Benny walk closer. He flinched very slightly as Benny reached up towards him but quickly realised the teen meant no harm. Benny's arms wrapped around him and, unexpectedly, pulled him into a hug. Philip stood frozen for several moments before finally returning the gesture. “S... Sir?” Philip asked quietly. “I'm sorry,” Benny replied in a similar tone. “What? Why?” Philip asked in shock, pulling away. “It... I... ugh, I can't talk about it any more,” Benny stammered, shaking his head. “But I've treated you poorly and despite what you seem to think, none of this is your fault, so please, please stop thinking that.” He leant into another hug, which Philip immediately reciprocated. “So... you don't... hate me?” Philip asked shakily. “Of course not,” Benny whispered back. “You're my Boy.” “Always!” Philip added quickly. The two stood holding each other for several minutes, both revelling in the sense of relief they felt. When they finally parted, they exchanged awkward smiles. Benny sat back down while Philip remained standing there, unsure what he was supposed to do next. “Do you love him?” Benny asked with a slight frown. When Philip's face twisted into a matching frown, he elaborated. “Charlie, I mean. Do him?” “No,” Philip insisted, his head shaking slightly. “Well, yes, as a friend I totally do.” “How about as more than a friend?” Benny forced himself to ask. In a way, he really didn't want to know, but he knew he needed to find out more. So much of what he 'knew' about the situation was based entirely on assumptions, ones that had thus far proven mostly incorrect. “I... I really don't know,” Philip replied honestly. “What you saw... on Monday... that was...” he paused, thinking of the best way to put it. He sighed and continued, “It was the beginning. It was kinda... well, you know that bit right at the beginning where you both realise you kinda like each other and that there might actually be something worth exploring.” Philip smiled sweetly, glad to have found a way to express the situation the way he felt it. It quickly faded away though as he realised that the 'moment' he was referring to had been shared with Benny's lover! Benny nodded thoughtfully. The pain in his eyes was obvious, but he just about managed to put on a brave facade. He took a deep breath and forced a smile. “Thanks... for being so honest. For coming to see me, too. I know that can't have been easy for you.” Philip shrugged. “It wasn't, but I needed things to be right between us. You're... you're my master.” Benny continued smiling, but now it appeared a lot more genuine. “You can go now,” Benny instructed, looking away to indicate that their conversation was over. ********** Malik and Alex had started taking it in turns covering some of Roger's former roles. That night, it was Alex who had been tasked with ensuring everyone settled into their dorms for the night and that everything was taken care of before heading to bed. He was just about to head upstairs to bed when he noticed a thin sliver of light shining from beneath the door to Benny's lounge. He made his way across and knocked. “Come in,” Benny called out without asking who it was. As Alex walked in, he found Benny in his usual seat. “You're up late,” Alex said. He realised he was stating the obvious, but it seemed easier than asking, 'How are you doing?' or 'Are you okay?'. Benny nodded back at him. “Yeah, I... don't feel much like sleeping,” Benny said with a slight pout. “I heard Philip came to see you? How did it go?” Alex asked cautiously. He was pleasantly surprised to see a slight smile spread across the young Master's face. “Really well, actually,” Benny said happily, but the joy quickly dropped into something more like his previous expression, “But it just made me realise how fucked up everything is right now.” “It's not that bad,” Alex said in a painfully transparent attempt to cheer him up. Benny stared back it him, eyebrows raised, so he added, “Well okay, maybe it IS pretty bad, but it could be worse.” “I don't see how,” Benny sighed. Alex approached the younger teen and sat beside him. “Well...” he started, grinning devilishly, “You could have some evil git tickling you mercilessly.” Just as Benny immediately started to protest, Alex lunged at him, tickling his sides. Benny broke down into hysterical laughter, squirming to get away from Alex's teasing fingers. The older boy jumped onto his lap, pinning him down as he continued to tickle. Benny's helpless laughter continued until he could barely breathe. As the young Master gasped for his breath, his laughter started turning into crying. “Oh God, I'm sorry,” Alex apologised, thinking he may have hurt the smaller teen. “I can't do it,” Benny sobbed, leaning forward and burying his face into Alex's stomach, arms wrapping around him. Alex held him, staring down with concern. “Can't do what?” he asked quietly, one hand making its way up to stroke through the crying boy's soft, blonde hair. “All of it,” Benny replied, his voice muffled. “I don't want to be the Master any more. It's too hard. It's just... too hard.” Alex climbed off of Benny's lap, sitting beside him again, slightly further along the sofa. He reached to the side and pulled Benny so that he lay down, resting his head on Alex's leg. The concerned General placed one hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently while the other continued to stroke through his hair. He didn't know what to say, it was not something he had ever expected to hear. Benny eventually cried himself to sleep. Alex sat there, watching over him as he slept. They sat there for about an hour before Benny finally stirred. He rolled onto his back, looking up at Alex. “You okay?” Alex asked gently. Benny nodded slightly. Alex rested a hand on Benny's chest as he stared down. “Did you mean it... what you said before?” he asked, his voice heavy with concern. Benny shrugged. “I don't know. Probably not. It's just...” “Not easy?” Alex suggested, getting a nod of agreement. “With great power comes great responsibility,” he said seriously. Benny shot up in his seat. “Seriously?” Benny snapped furiously. “I'm laying there doubting my entire way of life and you quote Spider-Man at me?” Alex looked shocked at the outburst, unsure how to respond. “I'm just messing with you,” Benny said, a grin spreading across his face. “You fucker!” Alex scowled through a smile. They both started laughing. As the laughing died down, Benny sighed. “Thank you,” he said thoughtfully. “This week has been... tough, but you've helped so much.” “It's only fair, considering how much you've helped me,” Alex said happily, “Besides, it's what I'm here for, isn't it? Anyway, we should both be heading to bed.” Benny nodded his agreement. They both got up and headed out into the atrium, then up the stairs. As they reached the top, Benny gave Alex a quick hug, then they turned opposite ways to head to their rooms. As the young Master reached his door, he felt a sudden surge of hope. He had set things right with Philip and he had a lot of support from Alex. He suddenly felt like he could actually get through this. Smiling, he opened his door and stepped inside. As he turned to close the door, it swung quickly away from his hand, slamming shut. A large figure loomed over him in the darkness. He stepped back and reached for the light switch. The light clicked on and Benny found stared in shock. “R... Roger?” “Hi... Sir!” Roger said, sneering the title. “What are you doing here?” Benny asked, stepping back nervously. Roger looked terrifying. His usual calm and tidy appearance had been replaced with a scruffy appearance and an almost rabid look in his eyes. “I came to talk,” Roger said, pacing forward to maintain his proximity to the nervous-looking teen. “But how did you...” Benny started, but he never got the chance to finish the question. Roger lunged forward and grabbed him, taking a handful of his t-shirt, just below the neckline. “Urrk,” Benny gasped as he felt himself getting pushed against the wall, Roger's hand moving up to grasp his neck. “Shut up!” Roger snapped angrily. “Shut up you... you... little cunt!” Benny reached up for Roger's hand, attempting to release himself as he started to tremble. Roger had always been a very intimidating young man, as much from his personality as from his size, but that was the first time Benny had been genuinely scared of him. The whiff of alcohol on his breath was unmistakeable. “You threw me out!” Roger said, eyes wild. “You just... threw me out, like I was nothing!” “Urrk...” Benny clucked again, the hand pressing into his throat stifling his ability to talk almost as much as the fear. “I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!” Roger yelled, moving his face even closer, his nose almost touching Benny's, making the boy flinch with every syllable. “I gave you everything,” Roger repeated, his voice now barely more than a whisper, “I gave up my life, my home, my job, my friends, everything... all for this house, all for you and you just threw me aside.” Roger's grip tightened making Benny gasp. Inexplicably, Benny found his mind rushing back to Josh, to the day he had choked his sub in a similar fit of rage to the one he was now being subjected to. For just a moment, he thought it would be almost poetic to meet his end that way. Everything started going slightly hazy, his peripheral vision seeming to start getting lighter. Was this it? Would this be the end of Benny Harrison? Part of him wanted to let it happen. Another part of him wanted to fight, to hit back, to make him suffer for his lies. Neither of those parts ended up winning out in the end, instead, with what could well have been his last breath, he forced the words out, “Roger... I... love... you...” It worked. The grip loosened a little, enough for the embattled teen to take down a few deep, desperate gulps of air. “You... you...” Roger stuttered. Benny took another deep, shaky breath. “I love you,” he repeated. Trembling, panting, terrified and distraught, Benny did the only thing he could think of in the moment... he kissed Roger. The large man stood there, shocked over what he had just done and even more confused about the teen's reaction to it. He allowed it though, kissing the boy back. Their bodies pressed together. One of them was shaking, maybe both of them, it was getting hard for them to tell. Benny finally pulled away slightly, immediately rambling, “I love you Roger, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, I love you. Please, don't ever go away again. I shouldn't have made you leave. I... I overreacted. I'm sorry. I love you. I'm sorry.” His words were barely understandable between his sobs and gasps for air. “What did I do?” Roger muttered, his eyes vacant. “Roger?” Benny asked seeing the haunted look on his face. It suddenly hit him. Moments earlier, he had gotten a glimpse of what it was like to be the victim of that sort of attack, but he knew from his own experience that being on the other side of it could be pretty disturbing too. His mind rushed back to that day when he had attacked Josh, how the realisation of his actions had struck him afterwards. It was like a fog suddenly lifted away, revealing what he had done in all of its terrifying and repulsive brutality. Now it looked like Roger was feeling the same thing. “Roger,” Benny repeated, placing a hand on his friend's cheek. “Look at me.” “What did I do?” Roger repeated, backing away as Benny stared at him. “I wanted to hurt you. You... you just tossed me aside... and I wanted to hurt you.” His words seemed almost involuntary, like the things going through his mind were just pouring out of their own accord. “I gave you everything I had, everything I was, but I was nothing to you.” “Roger, stop,” Benny snapped. The stern tone seemed to shock him out of his stupor very slightly, so Benny continued. “Sit down.” He pointed over at the sofa in the corner. Roger peered round to where the boy had pointed, then walked over to it slowly, sitting down as ordered. Benny approached and knelt down in front of him, staring up into his eyes. “I made...” Benny started. He had to gulp to hold back his tears. He was determined not to break down again. It felt like he had spent all day crying and he couldn't do it any more. Besides, Roger was clearly fragile, so he had to be strong. “I made a mistake. A BIG mistake. I overreacted and did probably the most stupid thing I've ever done. You... you run my house, you control my subs, you're my best friend and...” he gulped back tears again, “And I love you, Roger. I love you so much that every day you wasn't here, it felt like I was dying.” “But I just... I almost...” Roger stuttered. “What I just did to you.” “Okay, I didn't love that...” Benny said, attempting a smile, “Let's just say we've both made mistakes. But, please... please come back, please forgive me. I can't do it without you.” Roger stared in amazement. “Even after... this, you still want me back?” “No,” Benny said, shaking his head, “I NEED you back!” Roger sat back in the seat, looking concerned. “What about Zane?” Benny got up and sat beside him on the sofa, frowning. “What about him?” “I love him,” Roger said bluntly. “Walking away and telling him to stay was literally the hardest thing I've ever done. If I had to be around him all the time, but couldn't be WITH him... I don't think I could take it.” He could see the cogs turning as Benny thought about what he was saying, so he added, “He'll still be yours, just like I will, but... he'd also... be mine.” Benny shook his head. “Don't make me think about this tonight, please. I'm just... so tired.” “Yeah, I should probably go,” Roger said, glancing at the clock. It was almost 2 am now. He moved to stand, but Benny's hand grabbed at him. Silently, Benny's eyes met Roger's, then flicked across towards the bed. Roger smiled and nodded as the two of them made their way over to it. They quickly undressed and got in. For several minutes, they both just lay on their backs staring up at the ceiling. Gradually, their hands moved closer together until their pinkies touched. They hooked together, pulling each other's hands closer. For a few more minutes they just lay there holding hands until Benny shuffled across and rested his head against Roger's arm. “I meant what I said before, Roger. I love you. You mean the world to me,” Benny explained barely louder than a whisper. Roger raised his arm and wrapped it around the teen beside him, pulling him close. “I love you too, Sir.” Benny smiled at the 'Sir', nuzzling his lips into Roger's neck and planting a delicate kiss on it. He pulled away just enough to look into Roger's eyes. The look they exchanged was all they needed. Benny pounced, climbing on top of the bigger man, straddling his hips and staring down at him. He wanted to tell him how much he had missed him. It had only been four days, but had felt a lot longer, but now wasn't the time for words, it was time for action. Benny reached down and ran his hands across Roger's chest, enjoying the surprisingly soft mew his touch triggered. He let his hands explore, caressing the muscles, smiling as he felt the slight firmness of nipples sliding beneath his palms and the reaction it caused in his sub. Roger's hands made their way up onto Benny’s hips. The teen shuddered at the sensation, but shook his head teasingly. He slid off of Roger and reached over to one of the drawers, grabbing some rope. Seconds later, Roger's wrists were bound to the headboard. As Benny climbed back into his previous position, the increasing firmness of Roger's erection was now complete, a solid shaft resting teasingly between his cheeks. He slid back and forth on it ever-so-gently, stroking it with his arse, Roger's mewing turning into a low growl. “Turn over,” Benny ordered, climbing off. Roger immediately complied, his arm crossing over as he did it, restricting his movement even more, keeping his head pinned between his arms. Benny started gently, running his hands down Roger's muscled back, onto the firm mounds of his buttocks, cupping one in each hand. He pulled his hands away, raised one and slammed it down with a loud SLAP. He quickly did the same on the other cheek. Roger grunted. With his face buried in the pillows it was hard to tell whether it was a grunt of pleasure or pain. Either way, Benny continued, slapping each cheek in turn over and over as they turned a brighter and brighter red. He lost himself in it for a few moments. As much as he had missed him, as much as he wanted his friend back, he still harboured some negative feelings for what he had done. He stopped, worried that it was now entirely pain rather than pleasure. “Sorry, kinda got carried away,” Benny said sheepishly, rubbing a hand soothingly over one of the buttocks. “Keep going,” Roger said firmly. Benny was a little taken aback. “What?” “Keep going. Harder!” Roger barked. He was a little sceptical, but Benny carried on as requested. He started hitting more and more lightly, flinching sympathetically every time his hand made contact with the burning flesh. “HARDER!” Roger demanded even louder than before. “What are you...” Benny started, but was interrupted. Roger raised his head, turned it to the side as much as he could and called out, “KEEP GOING!” When Benny just sat there, he added, “JUST HIT ME!” “Roger...” Benny lay down beside the angry man, placing a hand on his back. He could feel the man shaking slightly. “I hurt you,” Roger whispered. “I need you to hurt me back.” Benny's eyes narrowed. “I'll give you exactly what you deserve,” he said with a gentle nod. “Turn back over.” As the restrained man flipped back over, Benny couldn't help noticing the wetness around his eyes. It broke his heart to see Roger like this. “Are you ready to get what you deserve?” Benny asked with a sneer. Roger simply nodded. Benny lunged towards him, making him flinch slightly, but he quickly realised there was no need. The boy's lips just pressed against his own. “Sir, what...” “I'm not going to hurt you Roger. There's been enough hurting already and... I'm sick of it. I want to be happy again,” Benny explained. “Think you can live with that?” Roger smiled. “Yes Sir.” “Good, now... legs in the air. I REALLY wanna fuck you!” Benny said with a devilish grin. As the teen reached for some lube, Roger eagerly raised and parted his legs, exposing his hole ready. Benny stroked some lube onto his cock. He had been in such a funk since Roger left that he had barely cum all week. His cock was throbbing now, though. Sufficiently slick, Benny starting pushing inside Roger. The look of ecstasy on his face was matched by Roger, both of them delighting in the sensation they had both doubted they would ever feel again. Benny wanted to go hard and fast, he wanted to cum, he wanted to fill Roger with his seed, but part of him made himself hold back. Instead, he took it slowly, delicately, enjoying the entire experience. It wasn't just about his cock inside of Roger, it was the feeling of Roger's bare skin against his, it was the constant, lingering stare they shared, it was deep, pleasured breathing that had become perfectly synchronised. He wasn't fucking his sub, he was making love to his friend. “Ah, Benny,” Roger moaned happily, his hand reaching out to stroke the boy's thigh. The speed gradually increased as the young Master reached down and started stroking Roger's throbbing cock. With a guttural moan, Benny finally erupted inside him. Roger echoed the sound as his own cock started spurting in Benny's hand, sending several thick shots of goo straight up in the air. They splatted down heavily all over both of them. As the orgasms subsided and they started to catch their breath, they started laughing. Nothing was funny, it was just from the wave of relief that surged through them, both physical and emotional. “I think I need a shower,” Benny said, looking down at his sweat and cum-drenched body. “Same here,” Roger agreed, his own body in a similar state. Benny headed into his bathroom and turned on the shower. As he waited for the water to heat up, he heard Roger pace in behind him. Large, muscled arms draped down over his shoulders and he leaned back against his firm, if somewhat slimy, torso, gripping tightly onto his forearms. They stepped into the shower together, letting the warm water drench them both. Roger eventually went to pull his hands away so he could soap himself up, but Benny gripped the arms more tightly. He tilted his head back into Roger's chest, looking up at him. “You okay?” Roger asked, looking down. “You can be with him,” Benny said quietly. “What?” Roger asked, his face lighting up. Benny nodded, looking away. “I meant what I said, I want to be happy, but I want you to be happy too. And if being with Zane will make you happy, then... you can do it.” “Are you sure?” Roger asked, amazed at what he was hearing. Benny turned to face him. He was frowning at first, but as he saw the abject delight on Roger's face, he began to smile. “Yeah. Yeah I'm sure,” he said with a nod. Roger pulled him into a tight hug. “You really are the best Master ever!” ********** Benny wasn't alone when he woke. There was somebody beside him, somebody that made his so indescribably happy that he was grinning before he even opened his eyes. He had fallen asleep nestled into Roger's side, a large, muscled arm wrapped tightly around him. They hadn't moved, both waking up in the same position. “I was kinda scared I'd just dreamed last night,” Benny confessed, stretching an arm across Roger's stomach. “Me too. I really thought I'd never be here again,” Roger said back sleepily. He reached up onto his stomach and grasped Benny's hand in his own. He grinned cheekily and led the teen's hand lower, placing it on his rather sizeable erection. Benny sniggered at the firmness beneath his fingers. Happily, he let go of Roger's hand and instead grasped at his cock. As he started to stroke it, he moved his head slightly, positioning his lips over a nipple. He blew on it gently, making Roger shudder a little before taking it between his lips. The eager teen sucked at the nipple for a moment before releasing it. He kissed slightly below it, then shifted onto all fours, peppering Roger's torso with kisses. He stopped as suddenly as he had started, looking at Roger with a mischievous glint in his eye. “What am I doing?” he asked, flopping down onto his back. “YOU serve ME. So you should be doing this to me!” “Hey, no complaints here,” Roger said with a smile. He copied what the boy had juts been doing to him moments earlier, licking at a nipple before kissing his smooth torso all over. His hand reached down, but instead of grabbing the boy's erection, his fingers slid down further, playing with his hole. “Ah yeah,” Benny moaned happily, closing his eyes. Roger's kissing carried on down Benny's body until his lips finally made contact with the tip of his cock. He pulled the covers over him, disappearing as he took the entire erection into his mouth, one hand still teasing the boy's hole. “Oh God, yes,” Benny moaned delightedly. The door suddenly swung open. “Breakfast time,” Zane grunted, walking in with the tray. His obvious and ongoing disdain for Benny had prevented him from knocking. “Ugh,” he groaned as he saw the body under the covers pleasuring his Master. “Zane!” Benny called out in shock. He had forgotten that Alex had decided to resume the morning wake-up calls to try and get Benny back into some semblance of normality. “Where?” Roger asked, throwing back the covers and looking round. “Roger?” Zane asked, the annoyed sneer on his face dropping into a look of absolute shock. “Zane, I...” Roger started, but he didn't have the chance to finish. The breakfast tray flew across the room. Roger raised his arm to shield himself, but cereal, milk and juice flew in every direction, crockery and glass shattering as it smashed onto the bed and floor. “What the fuck...” Benny called out. Zane had run out of the room as soon as he had thrown the tray, not wanting to hang around and see any more of the offensive sight. “ZANE!” Roger called out. He wanted to get up and run after him, but he had to move carefully because of the pieces of broken plate and glass all around him. “Be careful,” he said as Benny started trying to get out of bed. By the time they had gotten clear, thankfully uninjured, and thrown on some clothes it had been a few minutes. In that time, Alex and Malik had come to investigate the smashing and yelling, while a few of the Boys had gathered down in the atrium, looking up at the balcony. As Roger emerged from the room, there was a chorus of surprised noises and a barrage of questions, but all Benny and Roger were concerned about was Zane. “What happened?” Alex asked with concern. “Where's Zane?” Roger asked loudly. “He's gone!” Quentin called from the atrium below. Roger leaned over and looked down at the Boy. “Gone where?” he demanded. Quentin shrugged. “No idea. He just came running downstairs, grabbed some clothes and ran out. What's going on?” “Fuck!” Roger muttered. He looked back to Benny and said, “I've gotta go find him.” “I'll come with you,” Benny suggested. “No, you stay here and... explain,” Roger insisted, gesturing to the many inquisitive faces peering up at them. “Okay,” Benny conceded. He watched for a moment as Roger ran down the stairs and out the front door, leaving the atrium in eerie silence as everyone looked at him expectantly. He smiled sheepishly and said, “Well... Roger's back!” ********** Roger had just been wandering around aimlessly. He didn't have any idea where to start looking for Zane. The entirety of their time together had been spent in the house, he didn't know where his lover... former lover maybe... actually liked to go outside of the house. He tried his phone again. Every time he had tried to call so far, the call had been rejected immediately, but he figured Zane might answer eventually. He dialled, it rang, Zane answered. “Zane, I...” he started excitedly. “FUCK OFF!” Zane yelled down the phone at him, then hung up. He dialled again, but this time it was rejected immediately. He decided to try another text message. [Zane, please talk to me], he pleaded. No reply came. [Where are you?] Roger sent as he continued wandering the streets. It was over an hour before Roger finally caught up with him. He was walking through the park when he spotted Zane sitting on one of the benches. Unfortunately, Zane saw him at the same time. He immediately got up and started walking the opposite way. “Zane, stop!” Roger called out, speeding up into a slow run. Zane peered back, saw Roger running and did the same. Unfortunately, he overestimated his ability to run and soon found himself grinding to a halt, struggling to breathe. Panic started to set in as his breathlessness turned into a full-blown asthma attack. Roger caught up to him just in time to see the panicked expression spreading across Zane's face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an inhaler, handing it to the breathless teen. Zane stared at it for a moment, before raising it to his mouth and using it. His breathing slowly started returning to normal. Once again, Zane looked at the small device in his hand then back to Roger. “I always carry one with me... just in case,” he explained with a sweet smile. A tear formed in Zane's eye as he lunged forward and threw his arms around the bigger man. “Are you back? Like... really back?” he asked, still slightly breathy. “Yeah. Yeah, I'm back,” Roger said happily, kissing the top of Zane's head. Chapter 16 – A Master's Duty by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 18th April 2015 Right, I can't put this off any more. Victor keeps nagging me to start writing in my diary again, says it 'helps me organise my thoughts' or something, so I need to get used to doing it again. Hmm, so what's been happening since I last wrote? Well I broke up with Charlie, kicked Roger out, had a total nervous breakdown then let Roger come back. But that's the crappy stuff, I don't want to dwell on that! So what's good then? Well like I said, Roger's back and after a slightly rocky morning with Zane, they're back together. It took some convincing though, that Boy can REALLY hold a grudge! He still won't talk to me, unless I order him to and even then he's just so cold. I really thought that letting Roger come back and letting them be together would buy me a little forgiveness, but sadly not. Speaking of them being together, I've not only relaxed the rules about relationships (they're allowed now, but I have to be told) but I've also allowed them to spend a couple of nights a week sleeping together. I spoke to Charlie. Or rather, I tried to talk to him and just ended up crying like a little girl. Seems like that's all I've done lately. It's okay though, he did it too. He feels awful for hurting me. He kind of insinuated that he wanted to get back together with me, but that's just not happening. I think what I've learned from all of this is that I need to just be the Master. Getting involved any more than that is just asking for trouble. Besides, as much as it still makes me a little uneasy, I can't help admitting how perfect Charlie and Philip are together. This week has definitely been a lot nicer. Most of the Boys have been off all week which was nice. After last week being so crap and so much of my time being dedicated to Charlie and Zane, I decided to give everyone else a little attention. Quentin, David, Abdul, Taro, Robert, Malik and Alex all got some good one-on-one time with me. Considering its not that long since I lost three of my Boys from not giving them enough attention, the last thing I want is to lose any more. I've also met up with Sam a few more times this week. It's safe to say that he took the advice I gave him previously and really put it into practice, from what he says. I guess I'll find out for sure as I'm meeting up with him this afternoon. Last week's gathering was a bit weird. Roger had only just got back and everyone was still a little on edge, so everything was just a little bit... off. Today though, we're all back to normal so tonight should be fun, especially as I'm finally going to punish Zane! I know it seems like I'm singling him out, but if you think about it, Charlie and Philip didn't actually break any rules, they hadn't actually started a relationship. Roger definitely broke the rules, but I think kicking him out was punishment enough and really that only leaves Zane. Actually, he should also be punished for throwing a breakfast tray at me and Roger last Saturday morning! Hmm, this could be fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny closed his diary as he heard a knock at his door. Victor was definitely right. It felt good to write in it again. Despite waking up alone, he was cheerful. Knowing that his house was back in order was such a relief. Yawning, he called out, “Come in.” The door opened and in walked Quentin with Benny's breakfast. “Morning Sir,” he said jovially. “Hey Quentin,” Benny said back, sitting up ready for the tray. Once Quentin placed it down, he stood away from the bed and asked, “Anything else, Sir?” “You in a hurry to go anywhere?” Benny asked casually. Quentin shrugged. “No, not really,” he replied politely. “Have a seat then,” Benny said, gesturing to the bed. Quentin sat down, looking at the young Master expectantly. “Toast?” Benny offered, holding out the plate from the tray. Quentin smiled and accepted a slice, cupping a hand beneath it to catch any crumbs while he ate. Benny swallowed a mouthful and asked, “So how are things downstairs now?” Quentin swallowed too and shrugged once again. “All good, I think,” he said thoughtfully. He stared down at the half-eaten slice of toast in his hand, thinking more about the question. “Things are still a bit weird between Charlie and Philip I suppose. It's kinda like they're scared to be alone together, scared something might happen.” Benny smirked, shaking his head. “They do know I'd allow it, don't they?” “Yeah,” Quentin said, nodding as he nibbled at the toast. Benny continued shaking his head until he took a big gulp of orange juice. “Zane's still... off a bit too, I suppose,” Quentin said, thinking back through the last few days. “Yeah, I kinda noticed that too,” Benny said, smiling slightly. He sighed again and added, “I guess he'll come around eventually.” “Maybe. I don't know, though. I've met some stubborn people in my life, but that kid is up there with the best of them!” Quentin said, raising his eyebrows and nodding. “How's David doing?” Benny asked. When he got a questioning glance from Quentin, he went on, “I know how hard he took Wesley leaving. I was keeping an eye on him to begin with, but then... well, things happened!” Quentin frowned. “I'm not really sure. He's okay... I think. It's kinda of hard to get too much of a feeling for how most of the guys are that I don't share a room with. We don't really get much time to just chat,” Quentin explained. Benny nodded understandingly. “Yeah, that makes sense. So... how are you? Break's almost over, looking forward to getting back to school?” Quentin's eyebrows raised. “Oh yeah,” he said sarcastically with a slight smirk. “Well it's all good... apart from one student, he can be quite a handful!” he grinned cheekily, clearly insinuating he was talking about Benny himself. Benny sat back, folding his arms as he glared at Quentin in mock-annoyance. “Oh really? Well don't forget, he could always make things worse for you!” The older man looked suddenly sheepish. Even though he knew Benny was only joking, he knew all too well that the boy very easily could make his life hell, both at school and in the house. “Okay, good point,” he said, looking down at his fidgeting hands. “I could always make you act out that little fantasy of yours at school, you know!” Benny teased, referring to the scenario they had role-played as a reward for Quentin's competition win all those weeks ago. “Oh God no,” Quentin said looking suddenly alarmed. “Hmmm,” Benny said with a slight sneer. His eyes slid traced down the man's body, then back up to his face. “Your mouth says no, but your cock says yes!” Quentin flushed bright red as he looked down at his swelling cock. The thought of playing out that scenario with his actual students filled him with mortal dread, but he couldn't deny the other reaction it was causing. “You actually want me to get arrested, don't you!” Quentin objected grumpily. Benny was glad to have the bed covers and tray on his lap. Seeing the man get aroused so suddenly was having a similar effect on him, his own cock rapidly swelling to full size. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the blushing man. “You're thinking about it now, aren't you?” he asked. “No,” Quentin insisted unconvincingly. “Yeah you are,” Benny argued. “You're thinking about sitting on your desk, totally naked, the whole class's eyes on you.” Quentin groaned, his hand finding its way unthinkingly onto his now solid shaft. “Don't touch!” Benny snapped, causing the man to drop his arm back down to his side. “Close your eyes.” Once again Quentin obeyed. Benny moved the tray aside and threw back the covers, swinging his legs round to stand up. He stepped along the side of the bed, past Quentin and knelt on the bed behind him. He was very careful not to touch him, instead just leaning in, placing his lips about an inch from one of the older man's ears. He blew lightly for just a second before he started talking, making him shudder. “You can see it, can't you. A whole classroom of horny teenage boys, watching you, seeing you all exposed and aroused, staring at you as your fingers wrap around your boner.” Quentin's grunts told Benny he was enjoying the thought. “Then maybe one of them wants a closer look. Tim perhaps,” Benny offered. When he got no reaction, he offered another name, “Harry maybe.” Still nothing, so Benny went on, “Reece, Daniel, Kent.” The last name triggered a slight moan from the teacher. Benny grinned. “Okay, so Kent it is. Yeah, he's definitely hot, isn't he. You like them tall then?” Benny continued to tease. Quentin continued to moan, humiliated that his Master was managing to play on his fantasies so easily. Benny leaned back and then moved around to whisper in Quentin's other ear, trying to keep him just a little disoriented. “Oh, you should see him in the changing rooms. What a body! His pecs are amazing, and already getting a bit of hair. The abs too. His treasure trail is so hot. And oh my God, talk about hung and he really likes to show it off too.” Quentin's moans intensified at the thought of the sexy teenager. “So think about it. There you are, naked in class and Kent stands up, undressing as he slowly walks closer to you, those ridiculously blue eyes fixed on yours, licking his lips in anticipation,” Benny described in a barely audible whisper. “Ah, Sir...” Quentin moaned. “That's what he'd say too,” Benny teased. “Ah Sir, I want to touch you, that's what he'd say as he stood there naked in front of you. Would you let him?” “Yes,” Quentin gasped, his cock twitching with excitement at the mental image, Benny's breath on his neck heightening his arousal to unbelievable levels. “So Kent reaches out, grazes your nipple with his fingertips before he places both palms on your chest and pushes you back, making you lay on your desk, every eye still fixed on your naked body,” Benny went on. He now reached down to his own cock. His imaginary scenario was intended to arouse and tease Quentin, but he couldn't help getting more than a little turned on himself. “So he climbs up on the desk, straddling you, his big meaty cock pressing against yours as he leans down and begins to kiss your chest, his hands sliding from shoulder to hip,” Benny explained, picturing the encounter. “His lips make their way down your body until you feel them on the head of your cock. He sucks it into his mouth, his tongue teasing the head as a hand cups your balls.” “Oh God,” Quentin gasped, his eyes still squeezed tightly closed, his cock oozing a bead of precum. “Then he moves round, bringing his cock over your face, slowly lowering it into your mouth. Inch after inch sliding between your lips as he continues to suck at yours,” Benny whispered as he stroked his cock. “There you are, on your desk, in front of the class, naked, sixty-nineing Kent right in front of them all. Every one of them sporting an erection of their own. You continue to suck and be sucked, getting faster and faster, closer and closer...” “Aaah,” Quentin groaned shakily. Benny suddenly reached round, grabbed the man's cock and tugged at it. Just three strokes later, it erupted in an exploding of cum that shot out a few feet in front of him. Benny collapsed against the man's back as he coated it with his own spunk too. Panting and coated in a slight sheen of sweat, Benny allowed his arms to wrap around the man, who eagerly leaned back against him, basking in his post-orgasmic glow and enjoying the closeness to his Master. “Fuck,” Quentin muttered. “Enjoy that?” Benny giggled. “Whadda you think?” Quentin asked in response, looking down at the thick globs of cum rapidly soaking into the sheets. Benny kissed the back on the man's neck before climbing off the bed. “I'm going for a shower, you clean up here and then you can go,” he said casually. He felt a little callous to just dismiss him like that, but he was determined to retain a strictly master/sub relationship with all the Boys from now on. “Yes Sir,” Quentin said, seemingly unbothered by the sudden dismissal. Benny headed off into the shower, leaving Quentin to tidy up. ********** Benny knocked on the door and waited for what seemed like ages. Eventually, the door swung open and he was greeted by a naked, and very embarrassed-looking, young man. Benny's eyes narrowed slightly as there was a hint of recognition there. He definitely recognised the man, but couldn't quite place him. “Come in,” the young man said timidly, stepping aside to let Benny enter. Cautiously, Benny stepped inside and let the naked man close the door behind him. “In here!” a voice called from one of the rooms. Benny headed towards the voice. As he walked through a doorway, he found Sam sitting on a sofa, staring back at him with a huge grin on his face. “Hey Sam,” Benny said with a slight frown. “Hi Benny,” Sam said back cheerfully, then turned his attention to the naked man who had followed Benny into the room. “Sit!” he barked. The young man obeyed immediately, dropping to the ground where he stood, sitting cross-legged. “Good boy,” Sam said with a wicked smile before turning his attention back to Benny. “So what do you think of James, then?” The name was exactly the prompt Benny had needed to jog his memory. It was James, Dale's friend. Benny had only really seen the young man once, a few years ago, during the time he spent with Josh, but they had never actually met formally. All Benny really knew of him now was what Sam had told him when they had met up previously. It seemed James' actions, his selfishness, had caused a range of problems for Josh, Benny's first love. Benny felt his gut tightening. His relationship with Josh had ended, the two very much going their own ways, but sometimes no matter how hard you try to forget them, feelings have a tendency to linger. This person, this naked slave, had been responsible for hurting someone Benny cared about! “It looks like you've trained him well,” Benny said proudly. It was actually a little surprising. Sam had come seeking his advice previously, being relatively new to the world of domming, yet here he was such a short time later with an older man seemingly totally at his command. In a way, it was almost as scary as it was impressive. You got that right,” Sam said with a smile, but his face quickly contorted into something else, something darker as he stared at James. “What are you, boy?” he snarled. “Nothing!” James blurted out immediately, an obvious hint of fear in both tone and expression. “I'm a worthless, selfish little boy.” “Damn!” Benny muttered under his breath. Sometimes when he had a little free time, Benny liked to go online and talk to other doms so he could pick up tips, compare notes or just generally chat about their shared kinks so he had gotten used to the different types of doms that were out there. He knew there were some who dominated through mental manipulation and deviousness, some who relied entirely on positive reinforcement and rewarding good behaviour and there were others who relied on fear and intimidation, but most of what he knew had come from conversations or videos. To actually be in the presence of someone who excelled in the latter was actually a little intimidating. When Sam had asked him to come and see his progress, he had expected to see a slightly confused teen attempting to control a misbehaving, defiant older man. Instead, James was broken, completely and utterly and Sam was basking in his new-found power. “Come over here?” Sam snapped. James climbed to his feet and walked to his master's side. Sam immediately jumped to his feet, nostrils flaring furiously. He swung his hand back and swiped it forward, smacking James' cheek with the back of his hand. James staggered backwards, grasping at his face. Benny gasped as he saw the strike, freezing in place. “DID I SAY YOU COULD STAND UP?” Sam screamed. “No, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir. Please forgive me!” James pleaded, dropping back down onto his knees. “Get out of my sight, right now!” Sam growled. James wasn't about to make the same mistake again. Remaining on his knees, he crawled out of the room. Sam slammed the door behind him, leaning on it as he breathed heavily. Benny was repulsed. He knew every Master had their own technique and every Boy had their own limits, but what he had seen just felt wrong. He stood, ready to have a go at his friend, but quickly realised it wasn't necessary. Sam turned away from the door, his cheeks streaked with tears, his hands shaking. He opened his mouth to try to speak, but all that came out was a series of whimpers as he stared at Benny helplessly. “Oh God, Sam,” Benny said, dashing forward and pulling his friend into a tight hug. Sam clung to the other boy so tightly that Benny almost had to struggle to breathe, sobbing onto his shoulder. “Help me,” Sam finally managed to say. Benny was in a daze. Suddenly he was somewhere else. He was back in his old bedroom at his parents house. Josh was cowering on his bed, blood on his wrists from his struggle to get free and Benny was standing there, shaking and crying, begging for help. He shook himself out of it and raised a hand to stroke through Sam's hair. “It's okay,” he whispered. He knew better than anyone what it was like to really lose control, to know something is wrong, but to do it anyway. Benny held his friend until he had calmed down enough to let go, then the two sat back down and spoke about what had just happened. Benny explained what had happened with Josh years earlier. Sam appreciated the explanation, not only because it filled in a few blanks about what had happened between Benny and his friends, but because it helped show that Benny truly understood what he was going through. Suddenly having so much power over someone, holding onto so much anger and lacking emotional maturity (he was only fifteen after all) was a dangerous mix. They spoke for a while about it and by the time Benny left, he was satisfied that, at least for now, his friend was okay to be left in charge of James. He had agreed, however, to check in with him a couple of days. ********** The gathering had gone perfectly so far. The weirdness from the previous week was gone. Roger was back to organising everyone like he always had been before, people almost seeming to forget he had ever left. Malik had been given his usual task of teasing and edging the chaste non-residents. Benny wondered if any of them might be making the move up to resident any time soon. He certainly wouldn't mind a few more people in the house with so many departures of the last few weeks. Zane now stood in the middle of the red carpet that ran from the front door to the grand staircase having been called out by Benny. The young Master couldn't help being reminded of Zane's first day, the look of stubborn nonchalance he had come in with was now very much back. Benny did his best to hide the hurt. He cared about the Boy a lot, loved him in fact, always having taken great pleasure in the relationship they shared and how different it was from the ones he shared with his other Boys. Zane seemed willing to forget all of that, everything they had built, simply to hold a grudge over a decision that had now been overturned anyway. Steely-faced, Benny stared down at him from the stairs. “Zane, for breaking the rules of the house you will be punished. Do you understand?” “Whatever,” Zane said with a shrug and a sneer, avoiding eye contact with his Master. Benny did his best to hide his annoyance, but it still showed a little. He stepped down the three steps to ground level and paced along the carpet, flanked by Roger and Alex who carried the supplies necessary for the punishment Benny had planned. When they reached the Boy, Benny took a bottle from Alex and held it out. “Drink this,” Benny said flatly. Zane looked Benny in the eye for a moment, down to the bottle then back up into his eyes. “What is it?” he asked coldly. “It's just water,” Benny said. “You need to be hydrated, for safety reasons.” Zane continued to glare at him for a moment before snatching the bottle and gulping the water down. He held out the empty bottle, which was taken by Alex. The Boy then looked around, avoiding looking at Benny. “Look at me,” Benny ordered. Zane glanced at him for just a second, then looked away again. “ZANE!” Benny snapped, his voice raising momentarily before taking a deep breath. He lowered his voice until it was barely louder than a whisper, so that only Zane, and perhaps the two Generals, could hear him. “Zane, forget about your grudge for just a second and listen to me because this is about your safety and that's more important, okay?” Zane huffed, but then looked at his Master, pouting. “Thank you,” Benny said calmly. “Okay, you are about to get wrapped up. You will not be able to hear or see and you will not be able to talk so we need to remember some important signals. We will be leaving your index finger exposed. If you appear to be struggling to breathe, we will touch your finger. If you are okay, you just need to tap your finger a couple of times. If your finger stays still we will assume you are in trouble and you will be released immediately. Do you understand?” “Yeah,” Zane said flatly with a shrug. Benny clenched his teeth, annoyed at the Boy's attitude. “Tell me the signals,” he demanded. Zane huffed again and said, “You'll touch my finger. If I'm okay, I tap, if I don't you'll release me.” Benny stared back at him for a moment, eyes narrowed. “Okay, good,” Benny said, satisfied that the relevant safety measures were in place. He looked to Alex, then Roger and said, “Do it.” The two Generals immediately got to work on the Boy. They started by putting a blindfold on him and then ear plugs in his ears. Once that was done, they knelt down by his feet and picked up the large roll of plastic wrap. They made Zane put his feet together and started wrapping it around, beginning at his ankles. They passed the roll back and forth, going round and round, using several layers to ensure all movement was restricted, but being careful not to make it so tight it would restrict Zane's circulation. They gradually worked higher and higher, making him hold his hands at his sides. When they reached his hands, Roger carefully arranged the wrap so that his lover's hand was pinned against his leg, but with the single finger free as arranged. Once that was done, wrapping up the rest of his body was quite quick. Once again, they were very careful around Zane's chest and neck, ensuring he was able to breathe unobstructed, something Roger had been quite worried about considering the Boy's asthma, but he was satisfied with the safety measures they had put in place. His eyes often glancing down to the two pairs of safety shears they had at hand for emergencies. Finally, they wrapped Zane's head, leaving only his nose exposed for him to breathe. With the job done, they carefully tilted him back and laid him down on the ground. Carefully, Roger made a slight cut in the plastic at Zane's crotch, making a hole to reach in and fish out his cock and balls. With them now released from the plastic prison, some tape was applied around it to stop the plastic splitting and further. The cock quickly stiffened after it was exposed. When the two Generals stood back, their work complete, Benny knelt down at Zane's side. He gently stroked the exposed finger. He quickly got several taps in return. The Master stood back up and looked at the rest of the Boys who had been watching eagerly. Several of them were sporting erections of their own, the punishment actually looking appealing to several of them. “Okay, time to get started. Who feels like sucking?” Benny asked the small group of spectators. As if sensing his permission without actually hearing the words, the rest of the Boys all moved out of the line they were still stood in and gathered round Zane. Most of them had a hand raised indicating their desire to suck. Benny looked round them all and picked randomly. “Abdul, why don't you go first?” The twenty-nine-year-old stepped forward eagerly. He always seemed a lot more enthusiastic and excitable when his nephew, Malik, wasn't around. Benny had always found that slightly intriguing. Whenever he asked Malik about the relationship with his Uncle, he always sidestepped it or changed the subject. Benny might have given it a little more thought right then if he hadn't been distracted by the sudden squirming from Zane as his cock disappeared into Abdul's mouth. There was a muffled noise from the Boy on his back as he felt the lips sliding down his shaft. Benny couldn't help wondering what Zane was thinking right then. The young Master knew he simply wouldn't have been able to complete the task if he had been the one getting wrapped up. The thought of being so totally restrained – unable to move, talk, see or hear – it terrified him, yet Zane had accepted it so calmly. After a few minutes of sucking by Abdul, Benny once again stroked Zane's finger. This time, the tapping he got in response was even more vigorous. It was hard to tell whether that meant he was enjoying it, or hating it! As Abdul continued, Benny started looking round the group. He immediately noticed everyone was hard. Something about the punishment was obviously was obviously catching their attention. He decided to use it to help progress the activity. “Alex, go fetch a glass,” Benny ordered. He very nearly asked Roger, but based on their conversations earlier in the day about Zane's safety, he knew the man would be totally unwilling to leave his lover's side. Alex frowned slightly, a little confused by the request but did it anyway, returning from the kitchen moments later. “Okay,” Benny said, standing up to address everyone. “In a moment, I will tell you to start jerking off. Whoever cums first, gets to suck or stroke Zane next. When you cum, do it in the glass. Everyone understand?” There was an eager murmur of understanding from the crowd. When Alex gave the Master a questioning look, he immediately understood it as a silent request to join in the game. Benny couldn't help smiling at Alex's eagerness to help tease his friend, so he nodded his agreement back. Once again, he knew Roger wouldn't join in, his focus remaining entirely on watching Zane's chest rise and fall. “Aaaand... begin!” Benny called out. Immediately, several hands around him got to work. The silence was suddenly broken by the sounds of jerking off and gentle moaning. Amazingly, it took less than a minute before David stepped forward and snatched up the glass, raising it to his cock and shooting several thick globs of cum into it. “Well, aren't we keen,” Benny said with a slight smirk as he looked at David. The older man looked ecstatic. Not only from his post-orgasmic high, but also at the thought of getting his hands on the mummified Zane's cock. “Okay, everyone stop,” Benny called out, getting several disappointed moans in reply. “Abdul switch out,” he added. Abdul moved as ordered and David keenly dropped into place. His hands immediately grabbed for Zane's exposed genitals, one taking hold of the rigid shaft, the other caressing his balls. Once again, Zane squirmed a little but achieved little. His movement was restricted to little more than a slight rocking, which, with David's hands on his cock, only intensified the stroking sensation. Once again the crowd stood and watched, cocks rigid, eyes fixed. Fir several minutes, David teased and tugged, alternating between fast and strokes. Eventually, he smiled up at Benny and said, “I think he's close. You want him to cum?” Benny nodded happily. “Definitely, and you can swap out after he does,” Benny replied. He quickly looked round at the rest of the Boys who immediately caught onto his meaning. Once again, hands got to work on cocks, some desperate to cum, others simply wanting their turn on Zane. David squeezed at the restrained Boy's balls gently as he sped up his other hand. As he had predicted, it didn't take long until Zane erupted, cum splatting heavily onto the plastic wrap covering his stomach. David continued stroking until Zane's squirming intensified, indicating that the post-orgasm sensitivity was building. A matter of seconds after Zane had cum, Robert picked up the glass containing David's spunk and added his own to it. Now knowing the drill, the rest of the Boys stopped their own jerking and stood ready to watch the tattooed man take over from David. There were several sympathetic looks around the room as they quickly began to realise the discomfort Zane was about to be in. Having his cock played with right after cumming, but being unable to move away from it or even protest in any way. It gave several of them chills, while others felt their cocks twitching excitedly. As David moved aside to let Robert take over, Benny took the glass from the man and knelt by Zane's side. He scooped the thick goo from his stomach and dropped it into the glass with the other two loads. Once that was done, he set it aside and watched closely as Robert closed his mouth around the slightly-softened cock. Zane went wild, managing to rock much more vigorously than he had done so before. It was obvious how torturous the man's licking was on his sensitive organ. “Hold him down,” Benny ordered Roger. The large man quickly obeyed, kneeling behind Zane's head then leaning forward to press the Boy's shoulders down into the ground. He hoped inwardly that, somehow, Zane could tell it was his lover holding him and that it could provide at least a tiny bit of comfort for him, although he knew it was unlikely. He could see the Boy's chest rising and falling rapidly, deep breaths going in and out through his nose. He gave Benny a slightly alarmed look. Benny immediately reached down and stroked the exposed finger. He watched nervously for a moment as it remained still. He was about to order Roger to release him when the finger finally tapped a couple of times. Benny smiled and nodded at Roger who didn't actually look very relieved. As Robert's sucking continued, the sensitivity seemed to slowly die down and Zane's squirming lessened slightly. Gradually though, his breathing returned to a slightly more normal rate. Benny turned his attention once again to the group of eager viewers. “Okay, who's next?” he asked with a devilish grin. The watching Boys, and Alex, got to work once again. It was actually starting to get a little torturous for them too, the repeated stopping and starting. Each time, they got a little closer to cumming, only to have to stop again when somebody beat them to it. Benny watched eagerly, wondering who might be next. His eye caught Quentin's for a moment, making him think back to their encounter that morning. He wondered if the older man was thinking the same thing. After that, Benny inadvertently made eye contact with Charlie. He smiled at his former lover, cursing himself for suddenly feeling a flutter in his stomach. As much as he accepted that their relationship was over, as determined as he was to now remain detached from his Boys on that level, he couldn't help the feeling that he got when he looked at the beautiful man. The way Charlie looked back at him almost broke his heart. There were definitely still feelings there, that was undeniable and Benny knew that all it would take for them to get back together would be a simple nod, but he resisted, instead tearing his gaze away. Funnily enough, his eyes next found their way onto Philip, the man who had essentially caused them to break up. Benny sighed slightly as he looked at the twenty-five-year-old. He knew he should resent him in some way but he simply couldn't find it in himself to do so. Philip was just too good a sub. Dedicated, loyal, honest, caring, obedient, everything a Master could ask for. Plus, he was fairly easy on the eye, a fact that suddenly seemed more prominent than usual. Charlie was stunning, Zane was undeniably cute, David was a handsome man but something about Philip was just mesmerising. Benny’s mind raced back to the week he had moved into his house, to the first morning Philip had walked into his room. He had been so timid, so nervous, but he had obeyed every command perfectly. More than that though, he had looked amazing doing it. As much as Benny loved Roger or Charlie's muscled build, or Taro's smooth, slender frame, Philip had the kind of body that Benny found most appealing – toned without being bulky, hairy but not excessively so, very much a 'normal-looking' guy. As if having his Master's eyes on him had sped up the process, Philip dashed forward and took the glass, spurting another load into it. Breathing heavily and milking out the last few drops, he looked at Benny excitedly. The approving nod his Master gave him turned his happy smile into an ecstatic grin. Benny's heart raced at the obvious joy the Boy got from his Master's approval. “Time to switch,” Benny said, nudging Robert who had been so engrossed in sucking Zane's cock that he hadn't paid any attention to the progress of the Boys around him. On and on the cycle went. Jerking off, cumming, taking over the torture. Some of the Boys quickly joined back in, even after cumming once and taking their turn. For some it was a case of being really turned on by the activity, some wanted to show off for their Master, while others were simply enjoying the chance to jerk off. Benny suspected that Zane was certainly not enjoying it as much. He had cum three times now, still managing to produce a noticeable amount of spunk. However, based on how much he squirmed, shook and occasionally trembled, the sensitivity of his cock was insane. The Master regularly checked that he was okay though and despite the increasingly-concerned expression on Roger's face, Zane continued to signal that he was okay. In a way, Benny had expected the Boy to hold his finger still early on in an attempt to escape his captivity and stifle everyone's enjoyment. It would have fit with his behaviour over the last few days. Any time he was given a task, he would call out the safety word almost instantly and even though it was clear he was not in trouble, the house rules dictated that the activity had to stop. They had lost track of how long they had been going, only being reminded by the sudden reappearance of Malik and the unemployed non-residents. He had obviously given them a sufficient amount of edging before returning them to their chastity. It didn't take as long as it used to as there were now just five of them. “Looks like we've missed some fun!” Malik said excitedly as he saw Zane wrapped up on the floor, his cock deep inside David's mouth. “Hell yeah!” Alex said happily. He had taken his first turn earlier and was currently attempting to cum again to get a second. The five naked, chaste Boys that followed Malik all stared wide-eyed too. In their current position, knowledge of the activities on the house were somewhat limited. Mostly they just tended to see what happened when they came to the house on a Saturday night, so needless to say, they were all very intrigued by what they saw. Had their devices not been so securely fastened to their cocks, there would likely have been another five erections in the room! Benny kindly let the new arrivals watch for a while longer, Taro taking the next turn after David, but he began to consider ending the torture. Zane was obviously distressed, anyone sane would be after what he had been put through, but the Boy still refused to give up. “Okay, one more time,” Benny called out, prompting an immediate flurry of hands on cocks. He smirked quietly to himself as he thought about what was coming next. Alex looked like he might be next to cum, but he was just beaten to it by Abdul who dashed forward to add a final spurt of cum to the glass. Triumphantly, he stepped towards Zane. “Ah, not so fast!” Benny called out. Abdul stopped and turned as everyone looked to Benny. “I'm afraid the last one wasn't to decide who would get the last go on Zane, it was to decide who gets,” he grabbed the glass from where Abdul had placed it, “This!” Benny held the receptacle up in the air. It was far from full, but with nearly a dozen loads in it, it was also certainly far from empty. He held it out to Abdul who took it reluctantly. “Do I have to?” Abdul asked unhappily. His eyes quickly darted around the room, noticing with frustration the smug smirk on his nephew's face. “Come on Uncle Abdul, down in one!” Malik called out, getting some sniggers and cheers from everyone else. Abdul's eyes narrowed slightly at Malik's words, but they spurred him on, if only to spite the younger man. He raised the glass to his lips, then threw back his head and gulped the thick goo down in one go. As he lowered the glass, he wiped his lips with his forearm, pulling a slightly repulsed face as afterwards. “Okay, that's all for now,” Benny said, receiving an immediate chorus of complaints in response. “Roger, take everyone through to the lounge please.” Roger looked back at Benny, his concern obvious. “Don't worry,” was all Benny said back, raising his eyebrows. Reluctantly, Roger stood up and started herding everyone away. Benny stood looking down at Zane, his eyes narrowing slightly as he shook his head. The Boy had always been a little bit of a mystery to Benny, never seeming to act quite the way he expected. That was one of the many things that kept the young master so fascinated with him. How could he be so unwilling to engage on activities and then suddenly allow his punishment to go on for so long? Briefly, for just a second, he wondered if he should continue to torture the Boy, attempt to break him, make him quit. He suspected he could do it. In addition to the ongoing cock play, the soles of the Boy's feet were exposed. Benny had learned very quickly after his arrival in the house that Zane was extremely ticklish, but he absolutely hated it. Benny could so easily reach down and tickle them, there was no doubt that would be too much for the Boy to take. Benny reached down, but paused with his fingers just inches from Zane's feet. He couldn't do it. As frustrated as he was with Zane's grudge, as much as he wanted to punish him for breaking the rules, he didn't want to actually hurt or upset him. Instead, he picked up a pair of safety shears and carefully slid one side of them inside the plastic wrap, quickly cutting up the length of the Boy's legs. As soon as the legs were free, they spread out, bending slightly, reacclimatising to the sensation of movement. However, as Benny continued cutting upwards, Zane's arms began to come free. That seemed to be when the panic set in. His chest began to heave as his hands, finally free, reached up and started grabbing at the plastic wrap around his head. “Hey, it's okay,” Benny said before remembering the ear plugs. Instead, he did his best to continue cutting the plastic away while avoiding the flailing limbs. As Zane's head was released, he sucked in several deep breaths and moaned loudly, the sound quickly turning into sobs. Benny pulled off the blindfold and plucked out the ear plugs as Zane curled up into a ball, crying helplessly. As he lay there, he started shivering. Benny had prepared for that, making sure he had a heavy blanket ready with the rest of the supplies. He grabbed it and did his best to wrap it around the Boy. “Hey, it's okay, shh... it's okay,” Benny whispered, reaching down and stroking his fingers through Zane's hair. It was damp with sweat, as was the rest of his body. Zane reached out for him, Benny immediately moving closer to comfort him, letting the Boy's head rest in his lap. They remained like that for several minutes, allowing Zane to regain his composure a little and, thankfully, stop shivering. “Zane?” Benny asked quietly. From the slow, rhythmic breathing, he wondered if the Boy had fallen asleep, but soon realised he hadn't when he looked up at him. Zane attempted to speak, but only a croak came out. He cleared his throat and tried again. “H... how... long?” Benny slid the phone out of his pocket and looked at the time on it. He had to guess as he wasn't sure exactly what time they had started, or how long he had been sat with the Boy, but he replied, “About two hours. You did SO well.” Zane attempted to say something back, but it caught in his throat as he almost cried again. Benny felt a knot in his stomach. The punishment had clearly been much more upsetting than he had ever expected. He hated seeing him that upset, but once again he found himself wondering... why? Whilst his submissive side had, in all likelihood, revelled in the activity for some of the time, it had to have been fairly terrifying for the rest of it. Why had Zane continued? He had to know! “Why did you keep going?” Benny asked, barely louder than a whisper. Zane sniffed as he stared upwards, his big brown eyes still watery. “It was my punishment,” he replied in a similar tone to Benny. The younger teen looked even more confused. “Yeah, but you could have just quit, pretended you were in trouble.” Zane shook his head weakly. “I deserve to suffer,” he insisted. Benny frowned. “Why... why would you think that?” “Because... I broke your rules. I disobeyed my Master,” he said, barely holding back more tears. “Well yes, that's why you got the punishment, but you know I'd never want to hurt you,” Benny said back, stroking the Boy's hair again. “But you did!” Zane said back slightly pointedly. “Not tonight, but before.” “Do you mean when I made Roger leave?” Benny asked, slightly sheepishly. Zane shook his head. “No. That sucked, but... I got why you did it,” he explained. “I meant what came after.” Benny now looked even more confused. He hadn't done anything to the Boy, or at least, nothing he could think of. He shrugged slightly. “But I... didn't do anything,” he said blankly. “Exactly!” Zane snapped angrily. “I broke your rules, I pissed you off, I made you lose your best sub and... nothing. No punishment, no repercussions, you just let me carry on.” “You WANTED to be punished?” Benny asked in surprise. “Yes,” Zane said back, then frowned slightly. “Or... no. Well, I just wanted you to do anything, but you didn't. That made it pretty clear that you hated me!” Benny stared in shock. He couldn't believe Zane would ever say, or even think, something like that. He was at a total loss for words. “Then I just kept acting out and you still did nothing. You just let me keep doing it. That made it pretty clear that you just don't give a fuck about me.” Zane sat up as he spoke, scowling at his Master. Benny felt like he had stopped breathing entirely. The knot he had felt in his stomach earlier now felt about the size of a football. He tried to speak, but only a gasped breath came out, accompanied by a single tear trickling down his cheek. “You think... I hate you?” he whispered. Zane looked surprised by the reaction, but nodded anyway. “You couldn't be more wrong,” Benny insisted. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, Zane was still staring back at him. He took a few more deep breaths, psyching himself up to say things he had only shared with Victor before. “When Roger left I was barely holding it together. The reason I didn't punish you right away wasn't because I hated you, it was because I thought YOU hated ME. I thought if I pushed you any more, you might just get up and go too.” Benny paused again, barely holding himself back from breaking down entirely. Sir, I...” Zane started, but was halted by a raised hand indicating Benny wasn't finished. “And I honestly think that if I'd lost you too... that would have been it. I don't think I could have carried on. I was terrified of losing you because I love you,” Benny explained to a slightly flabbergasted Zane. “I love you Zane,” he continued. “I love all my Boys, but something about you.... you're special. I know the way I feel makes me treat you differently from the others and that's not really fair, but I can't help it. It makes it harder to punish you too. Even though I know you enjoy part of it, the thought of hurting you makes me want to cry.” He wanted to say more, but it was all too much for him. “You don't hate me?” Zane mumbled back. It was more statement than question, an utterance of relief more than anything. Benny shook his head for just a moment before Zane lunged at him, wrapping himself around his Master in a tight hug. “I'm sorry I doubted you,” Zane whispered. “And I'm sorry if I hurt you,” Benny replied in a similarly hushed tone. After hugging a little longer, Zane pulled away, his eyes fixed on the floor between them. “Can I make a request?” “Sure,” Benny replied, smiling slightly. “Can I sleep in your room tonight?” Zane asked shyly. “But I allowed Saturdays as one of the nights you can sleep with Roger,” Benny said back, casually reaching out to stroke a blanket-wrapped arm. Zane pursed his lips and shrugged. “I know, but he'll understand. You ARE my Master, after all.” Benny smiled at the comment. “And you're my sweet little pup,” he said back with a nod. He stood up and helped the Boy do the same. “Come on, let's go catch up with everyone else.” As they walked slowly towards the door to the lounge, Zane reach down and took Benny’s hand, holding it tightly. When the door opened, the room dropped into silence as every eye fell on Zane. As he peered round nervously, everyone erupted into loud cheers. ********** Benny had retreated to his lounge shortly after escorting Zane in to join the others. After his hero's welcome, Zane had quickly joined in the loud merriment. Benny found himself reminded of a similar Saturday night a couple of months earlier, shortly after Zane had joined the house. He had been so shy and even a little withdrawn then and while he still tended to shy away from the others a little, he was visibly much more at ease. Thinking about that night also made Benny remember his encounter with Philip, how the Boy, in a completely drunken state had staggered in to see Benny. The Master felt a slight twinge of guilt as he remembered how he had teased and tortured Philip for his intrusion that night. Surprisingly, Benny's mind lingered on him longer than he would have expected it to. That was twice in one evening he had found himself distracted by the same young man. Thankfully, he was interrupted from his thoughts by a knock at the door. He knew who it was from the knock alone – it was Alex. “Come in,” he called out happily. Benny smiled at the thought of seeing Alex, and then chuckled slightly to himself. It was difficult to believe that just a few months ago, Benny had been considering asking the eighteen-year-old to leave the house. “Hey,” Alex said cheerfully as he walked in. “Hey,” Benny said back. “Just thought I'd come see if you're okay,” Alex explained as he approached. Instead of sitting opposite Benny as most people tended to, Alex sat down beside him. “Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” Benny asked with a casual shrug. Alex mimicked the shrug before saying, “I dunno, maybe because of the stuff with Zane?” Benny looked surprised. He knew Alex and Zane were good friends, but he was surprised the Boy would have told Alex much about their encounter after the punishment. “Zane told you about that?” he asked. Alex shook his head. “Nah, he wouldn't tell me anything,” Alex replied, “But I know Zane and I know you, so I can tell that whatever happened, it was pretty heavy.” Benny's eyebrows raised. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” he said back. For just a moment, he considered sharing what had been said, but it felt wrong. It felt like the things they had said to each other were too private to share, with anyone. Instead he settled for a suitably cryptic, “It was definitely heavy, but it was all good.” “Good,” Alex nodded. He was definitely curious, almost desperate to know what he had missed, but could tell from Benny's tone that he wasn't about to share any more, so he opted for a subject change instead. “Hey, erm... how would you feel about getting some new blood in the house?” Benny immediately thought about the five non-residents who had been at the house earlier. He had heard them leave shortly before Alex came in. “Has one of the unemployed ones got a job?” he asked curiously. “No,” Alex replied. He paused to think for a moment, then said, “Actually, one of them might, but that wasn't who I was thinking.” “Then... who?” Benny asked, slightly suspiciously. Alex actually looked a little hesitant at first, as if unsure himself of his suggestion. “Do you remember my cousin, Zack?” Now there was a blast from the past for young Master. Benny had met Alex's cousin once. It was on the same day he met Alex for the first time. They had been on a day out at a nude beach and it was actually Zack who had brought them together... or rather, a certain part of Zack! The boy had only been fourteen at the time, but was already impressively endowed. Throughout the course of events that day, Benny had had the pleasure of seeing the ample package at full size, almost ten inches! Benny suddenly realised he was in a slight daze and shook himself out of it. “That's a yes then?” Alex asked with a smirk. “Yeah,” Benny said, blushing profusely. Then he thought for a moment. “Wait, he's... not old enough, is he?” Alex nodded. “Yeah, turned sixteen last month. Still seems weird. He'll always be an annoying little kid to me!” “Not so little...” Benny muttered under his breath, getting a slight smirk from Alex. “Oh, so... is he interested in.... all of this?” Alex nodded. “Seems to be. I mean, he's been asking about coming here since I first told him about it, but since he turned sixteen, it's all he talks about.” “Sub or dom?” Benny asked thoughtfully. “Sub. Definitely a sub!” Alex replied insistently. “He's been taking orders from me since we were kids.” Benny lounged back for a moment, considering the options and looking carefully at Alex. “I'm a bit reluctant to have someone that young here...” “But you're...” Alex interrupted, but Benny cut him off. “Yes, I know, I'm only sixteen too, but being sixteen and in charge is a bit different to being that young and totally at the mercy of older guys, doing things he's probably never even dreamed of!” Benny explained. “But... I'm not saying no. Why don't you invite him here for an evening. That way, I can talk to him, we can show him what's what and see for certain if I think he'd do okay here.” “That's great!” Alex said happily. “I'll let him know and arrange a night.” Alex rushed out, presumably eager to pass on the (potentially) good news to his cousin. A short time later, Benny decided to head up to bed. He considered briefly looking in on the Boys in the lounge, but decided against it. All it would do was tempt him to join them and as much fun as that would be, he was determined to keep his distance from them wherever possible. That seemed like a strange concept considering the things he had said to Zane earlier that evening. How could you retain a cold detachment from someone you have just professed your love to, even if it was just the love of a master and slave rather than romantic attraction. It was a fine line to walk and he still occasionally found himself wobbling. He didn't have long to think about it though. As soon as he stepped out of his private lounge, he heard the echoed whispers of a conversation going on. Whoever it was, they were stood behind the grand staircase, near the door to the cellar and speaking in sharp, but hushed tones. Determined not to be drawn into anything, Benny simply started up the stairs, but as he neared the top, he reach a spot where the sounds carried perfectly to him. He paused as he recognised the two voices as Malik and Abdul. “But you know I don't want to,” Abdul appeared to object. “Well I'm telling you that you DO want to!” Malik insisted in response. “You can't...” Abdul started. He paused as if trying to steel himself. “You can't keep making me!” “Wow,” Malik replied, “That's an interesting choice of words, isn't it?” “Mal, don't.” Abdul objected. “Don't call me that,” Malik growled back angrily. “You don't get to call me that any more. You lost that right when you...” his voice trailed off. “Okay, sorry,” Abdul said back sheepishly. “But how long is this going to go on for? I mean, I had to drink a glass a cum today!” His tone was one of pure disgust. Malik chuckled. “Yeah, that was awesome.” There was a sudden thud. Momentarily, Benny worried that Abdul had struck his nephew for the comment. Instead, it appeared to be the other way round as Malik's tone lowered into an angered snarl, “And you'll do this for as long as I tell you to, otherwise... well, you know what'll happen!” Abdul gagged a little. It sounded like Malik actually had him by the throat. Benny stomped a foot on the stairs. “Who's there?” Malik called out, dashing out to look up. Benny peered over the handrail at his General, putting on an innocent face despite what he had just heard. “Oh, hey, I never saw you down there!” he said lightly. “You okay?” “Yeah, I'm fine,” Malik said back with a smile. He shot a quick glance back at Abdul who had remained hidden from Benny's view, then looked back at his Master. “Going to bed?” “Yup,” Benny said with a nod. “I'll see you in the morning.” “Yeah, g'night,” Malik replied. Benny continued up the last couple of stairs, then paused to listen again in case anything else happened. He couldn't hear quite as well from his new position, but the two appeared to exchange a few more words before one headed down to the basement and the other into the kitchen. Slightly concerned, but satisfied there was no immediate issue, Benny continued to his room. It was shortly after midnight that Benny heard his door open. He was laying curled up in the dark, but was still wide awake so he quickly sat up and clicked on a light. He smiled at Zane who stood awkwardly just inside the door. “Hi Sir,” he said quietly. “Okay, you can sleep down there,” Benny said, pointing to the pile of cushions on the ground across the room. Zane looked at it, then back at Benny, his eyes full of sorrow. He sighed, then started slowly towards the cushions as he said, “Yes Sir.” “Zane!” Benny said sharply. When the Boy looked at him, he smiled and added, “I'm joking, come here.” He patted the bed beside him. The Boy's face lit up. He dashed across the room and jumped. He landed on the empty side of the bed and bounced lightly a few times before scurrying to get under the covers. Benny left the light on for now, but settled back into bed, turning to face the new arrival. He didn't say a word, he simply raised a hand to the Boy's cheek and stroked it gently, then leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead. Zane closed his eyes and mewed happily, enjoying both sensations. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself face to face with his Master. It was Zane's turn to kiss as he leant forward a planted a delicate peck on Benny's lips before snuggling close to him and burying his face in the younger teen's chest. Benny reached up and turned out the light, then wrapped his arms around Zane. “Sir,” Zane whispered. “Yeah?” Benny whispered back. He had no need to be quiet, but it was just instinct to reply in a similar way. “I should have said this earlier, when you said it to me. I'm really glad to have you as my Master and I love you too,” he explained. Neither of them spoke again, they just lay there until sleep took them both. Chapter 17 – The Visitor by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Thursday 30th April 2015 Today was... normal! That's obviously a relative term. For me, a normal day involves a small group of naked men, torture, humiliation and dominance, but that's what this was. The house has been through some ups and downs in the past couple of months, so finally getting back to a few of these 'normal' days is real progress! I mean, it wasn't totally drama free, it never is. I finally dealt with some of things I've been putting off for a couple of weeks, which I suppose is a bit of a relief, but it wasn't easy. You know, the more I learn about my Boys, about who they are, where they come from and the things that have lead them here, I sometimes wonder if I should rename this place 'Benny's Home for Damaged Boys'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny sat in class staring blankly at the teacher as he rambled on about the upcoming exams. He had always found school fairly easy and, despite all the distractions in his life, he was already fairly confident that he was prepared, so the constant nagging the teachers were doing was getting more than a little dull. Thankfully, it gave his mind time to wander and reflect on some things from the last couple of weeks. One of his main concerns was actually outside of the house. He had recently started to reconnect with an old school friend, Sam. The other boy seemed to be following in his footsteps with regards to his taste in kinks. Sam had actually been Josh's master for a while before losing him but had since moved onto someone else. Benny had seen Sam with his new sub, James, but the encounter had set alarm bells ringing. Sam was obviously struggling to handle his new position of power and was at risk of causing harm to not only his new sub, but to himself too. Benny had met up with him again a few days after that encounter. They had met at a nearby coffee shop and Benny had voiced his concerns about what Sam was doing. He had actually expected a fight, expected Sam to argue and insist he was okay with what he was doing, so he had been pleasantly surprised when the other boy ended up agreeing with everything Benny said. “You're right,” Sam agreed. “Even if I was ready to be in charge of someone like that, James isn't the right person. There's too much anger and resentment there and if I keep going, I'm gonna hurt him!” Benny was delighted to hear that. He certainly had no love for James after hearing what he had done to Josh, so it was more of a relief to see Sam getting out of the potentially harmful situation. Having expected the conversation to go on longer, Benny was slightly at a loss for what to talk about. Inevitably, the conversation turned to focus on Benny himself. “So why don't you tell me a little more about this house of yours?” Sam had asked. Benny was a little shocked. He didn't know Sam was even aware of it. He had intentionally avoided talking about it when they had met up previously. He figured it must have come from Josh, probably via Warren. He attempted to avoid the subject at first, but Sam was persistent, gradually wearing him down. Benny finally relented and told Sam all about it. As soon as he started talking, he wondered why he had avoided it. It actually felt amazing to talk about it, to explain what he had managed to build, to show off the number of men at his command. Sam was mesmerised by the entire concept and hearing about it had certain, more physical, effects on him too. The boy's arousal confused Benny. Despite being Master to Josh and then James, despite his interest in a house of gay S&M, Sam was essentially straight! The thrill he got came from the power and the control rather than any actual physical interaction. It was something that Benny, in all the time he had spent immersed in the world of BDSM, had not encountered before. Since that day, Sam's persistence had continued, but this time focussed on something else. He wanted to see the house, to see Benny in action and experience what it was like to have a small army of subs at his command. Telling someone about the house was one thing, but showing it to them was something Benny was not yet ready for. Benny was shaken from his thoughts by the teacher slamming a book down with a loud bang. Someone had presumably said something to upset him, but Benny simply shook his head and went back to daydreaming. He had spent a significant portion of the last two weeks attempting to covertly spy on Malik and Abdul. The exchange he had spied on the previous weekend had piqued his curiosity, as well as concerned him slightly. It had been obvious from the day they came to the house that there was something between the Uncle and Nephew beyond what they said, but they had always managed to avoid talking about it. Normally when Benny asked about it, Malik would respond with, “Meh, it's just family stuff.” Annoyingly, he had not been able to catch anything else going on between the two, which only made him more curious. On the positive side, he had also not seen anything else to cause alarm, so he was able to dismiss the previous incident as a one-off. The bell finally rang, setting him free for the day. He headed for the exit. As he passed Quentin's classroom, he considered stopping in to see him, maybe having some fun, but decided against it. Quentin was becoming more and more useful as his 'man on the inside' down with the other Boys. He kept an eye on everyone and reported anything to Benny that he needed to know about. He was by no means a snitch. He didn't report back ever thing that got said, he simply watched for any potential problems to help Benny stay ahead of them. As such, Benny had been easing up on the torture a little. He stopped briefly outside the open door, just long enough for Quentin to see him before he smiled, waved and walked on. As he got outside the school gates and started towards the house, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw Sam standing there. “Sam? You okay?” Benny asked, immediately concerned that something might be wrong. “Yeah, I'm fine,” he said back happily. Benny frowned at him for a moment. “What are you doing here then?” Benny asked, slightly confused. Sam shrugged, feigning innocence as he said casually, “Well I was in the area so I figured I'd come say hi... maybe walk home with you...” Benny scowled. “You're not coming to the house!” he snapped. Sam pouted. “Aww, why not?” “Because I said so!” Benny said, inwardly shuddering at how much he sounded like his Dad. “Well... I'll just follow you then!” Sam argued, folding his arms defiantly. Benny stared back at the younger teen. “Then I'll just stay here until you have to go home. I'm guessing your parents will be expecting you back at some point. I don't have that problem!” he said triumphantly. Despite coming up with what he thought was a fool-proof argument, he felt a sudden pang of loss. It had been over three months since he had seen his parents properly. He shook the thought from his mind as he attempted to stare down Sam. Sam looked defiant for a moment before his face dropped as he realised Benny was right. “Come on Benny, please. I just... I really need to see the place,” he pleaded. Benny stood still, stone-faced. Sam sighed, suddenly looking even more sad. “”I just... need to see the dom/sub thing done right. I don't... wanna hurt anyone again.” Benny groaned. He didn't quite know whether it was a sincere request or just an attempt to play on his sympathy, but it worked. “Fine,” he huffed. He started walking away, then looked back to Sam and said, “Come on then! You can see the house.” “Oh my God, seriously?” Sam said in surprise, a huge grin spreading across his face as he dashed to catch up with Benny. “Yes, seriously,” Benny said grumpily, despite the smile attempting to break out at Sam's enthusiasm. “But one rule!” “Okay,” Sam said with a shrug. “Don't tell anyone. I know Josh has seen the house and he's probably told the others all about it, but.... I dunno, I just don't want everyone knowing every detail, okay?” Sam nodded his agreement and the two boys continued walking. On the way, Benny did his best to explain how things worked in greater detail than he had explained before, telling his friend about the various roles in the house, the areas the Generals specialised in, who the Boys were and pretty much anything he could think of. By the time they arrived, Sam felt he was fairly well prepared for everything, at least until he saw the house itself. “Fuck me!” he called out in shock as they passed through the gates and the house came in to view. “It's bigger than I expected. It's a fucking mansion!” Benny chuckled. He could understand the other boy's reaction, it had been much like his own the first time he had come to see it with Roger. Admittedly, it looked a lot better than it had back then. A lot of work had been carried out over the months in controlling the plant life on the grounds, redecorating the outside and generally fixing it up. “Yeah, and it's all mine,” Benny said proudly. Regardless of the mini society he had built inside it, he was still amazed that he actually owned such an impressive piece of real estate. He led Sam up the steps to the front door and pushed it open. Sam's eyes widened once again as the huge atrium came into sight. His attention immediately turned to the large man stood just inside the door. “You're Roger, aren't you!” he said excitedly before Benny could carry out any introductions. “Erm... yes,” Roger said, slightly taken aback by the sudden new arrival. “And who's this?” he asked, looking to Benny. “This is Sam,” Benny said, gesturing to the other boy. “I thought I'd finally let him see the house.” Roger smiled slightly for a moment before forcing himself back into his usual blank expression. Inwardly, he was glad to see Benny with Sam. Over the last couple of years, despite the recent disagreement, Roger had been a best friend to Benny, especially since he moved into the house. However, he always felt like his Master needed more, someone he could talk to, hang out with, someone who knew of the house, but wasn't actually involved. Perhaps Sam could be exactly that. “Welcome to the house,” Roger said flatly. Benny dumped his bag in his lounge, then started showing Sam around. They had a little time before anyone else was due to arrive home, but he made sure they were done in time for that. The two of them settled on the stairs, eagerly watching for when the door would open and the first Boy would return home. They watched eagerly as one-by-one the residents returned. As each one came in, Sam attempted to guess who they were based on the descriptions Benny had given previously. Most of them he got right, but a a few names just about managed to slip his mind. Each of the residents paused momentarily as they saw the other boy sitting with their Master before following the usual instructions to strip. A few were visibly reluctant to get naked in front of the stranger, while others revelled in having someone new to show off for. Charlie in particular seemed to like the extra attention. “Wow, he's hot!” Sam muttered quietly to Benny as he watched Charlie strip. Benny sighed. He hadn't yet explained to Sam what had happened with Charlie and the others. For now, he figured it wasn't necessary, instead simply agreeing with his friend. He did find it just a little strange that the 'straight' boy would make such an observation, but that was how Sam had always been. He was just as likely to comment about a sexy woman as he was about a hot guy, he just seemed able to appreciate anyone of beauty. “I wanna play with him!” Sam said excitedly, virtually bouncing up and down. “Ha. No!” Benny said sharply. “I let you come here to see what it was like. I never said you could actually get involved.” “Aww come on, you can't dangle all these subs in front of me and then tell me I can't play with them. That's just mean,” Sam complained. “No, just because you don't like it, that doesn't make it mean. I never set any expectations of interaction. You can see the house, those were my exact words!” Benny said calmly. He suddenly felt like he was talking to a defiant sub rather than his friend, which was reflected in his tone. Sam pouted and folded his arms. “Fine. I'll just watch then,” he said back moodily. They continued watching as everyone else arrived home, Sam seeming to quickly get over his bad mood as he observed. Benny watched particularly closely as Malik and Abdul arrived home together. As the Generals weren't required to be naked at all times, only Abdul had to disrobe as he entered. Malik could easily have gone off to do his own thing, but instead he stood and watched his Uncle strip, even going as far as to point out the additional observer in an attempt to embarrass the older man more. “That was kinda hot,” Sam said as the two finally moved on from the doorway. “Are they really Uncle and Nephew?” Benny could understand why it may not look like it, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah, Malik's the eldest of his siblings and he's twenty-two. Abdul is his Dad's youngest brother and he's only twenty-nine. So even with only seven years between them, Abdul's still his Uncle.” “Must be weird for him, being at his nephew's command,” Sam said with a slight frown. Benny smirked back at him. “Seriously? Think about Josh, Nick and Corey, or even Warren and Dale. Now does Abdul's situation really seem so weird?” Sam chuckled back. “I guess not,” he said with a grin. Benny felt that twinge in his stomach again, the one he got whenever he thought about his old group of friends. Some of them he hadn't really known for that long before cutting them out of his life, but others had been around for years. Josh had started off as his babysitter at the age of fourteen, when Benny had been just seven years old. As he dwelt on it, he unintentionally let out a heart sigh. “You okay?” Sam asked, nudging Benny's arm. Benny smiled back at him. “Yeah,” he said back, nodding, “Yeah, just thinking.” Sam thought for a moment before he smiled too, then decided it was probably best to change the subject. “So when does the fun start?” he asked eagerly. “Normally not until after dinner,” Benny replied, grateful of the distraction. “But if I feel like having some fun before then, I just have to order it.” “Go on then,” Sam spurred him on, “Order it!” “Okay,” Benny said happily, slightly excited at the prospect of really being able to show off. He got up and headed down the stairs, gesturing for Sam to follow. “Roger,” he called across the atrium, “Once everyone's home, bring two of the Boys to my lounge please.” “Which two, Sir?” Roger asked. He kept it formal in the presence of the visitor. Benny shrugged. “Your choice.” Without another word, he headed to his lounge, Sam following closely behind. The two boys sat discussing what Sam would like to see until there was a knock at the door, making Sam virtually bounce up and down in anticipation. Benny grinned at Sam's excitement, but forced any emotion from his face as he called out, “Come in.” The door opened and Roger entered first. Benny was curious to see who his General had picked. He briefly wished he had specified, if only to make sure it was someone he knew Sam would enjoy watching. Taro and David followed in behind the large man. Benny smiled, pleased with Roger's choices. “Anything else, Sir?” Roger asked flatly. Getting a head shake from Benny, he turned and left the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Taro and David both stood, quietly waiting for their commands. All they had been told was that Benny had wanted them. They suspected that the visitor would still be there, so it was no surprise to see Sam sat beside their Master. “Taro, David, this is Sam, Sam, this is David and Taro.” Benny introduced his friend to his Boys, “Sam is just visiting for the evening. He's very interested in the sort of things we do here.” Taro and David both had to stifle a smile. From Sam's obvious eagerness, Benny's words were somewhat of an understatement. “Let's start out simple,” Benny said casually. “Why don't you let Sam see you both hard.” Without a moment's hesitation, both Boys immediately grabbed their cocks and started stroking them. Sam let out a quick chuckle of excitement as he observed their willingness to comply. “Why don't you do each other,” Benny called out, relaxing back in his seat, the total opposite of Sam who was leaning further and further forward. Once again the two Boys complied, letting go of their own near-erect cocks and grabbing each other's. They looked at each other briefly and both blushed. Benny grinned at his two subs. They both spent every minute at home naked, engaged in all kinds of sexual activity on a daily basis without either of them being slightly fazed, yet something as simple as just jerking each other off could make them blush. It was so sweet. Sam quickly leaned back and whispered something to Benny. The two Boys watched slightly apprehensively, wondering what was coming next, but Benny shook his head. “Nah, not yet. Maybe later,” Benny replied loudly to his friend. In truth, he liked what Sam had suggested and was actually thinking of ordering it next, but the last thing he wanted was for Sam or either of the Boys to get the impression that anyone but him was allowed to call the shots. Satisfied that they had completed Benny's actual instruction to let Sam see them hard, Taro and David let go of each other and dropped their hands back to their sides. “Good Boys,” Benny said happily. He had actually expected them to just continue until told to stop, intending to discipline them when they didn't. As disappointed as he was about not being able to do it, he felt a surge of pride that they were well enough trained to follow his actual order so precisely. “Okay, who needs a spanking?” he mused quietly. David's eyes lit up at the mention of it, as did Sam's. Benny would have liked to sate David's desire, but his threshold for pain was too high. Benny had a plan and he needed someone less tolerant to prolonged spanking. “Taro, bend over the chair,” Benny ordered. He felt almost guilty as he saw the disappointment in David's eyes and made a mental note to make it up to him later. For now, he had a job to do. As Taro moved into position as ordered, Benny moved across to him. He didn't retrieve any tools today, instead intending to rely solely on his hand. Without warning, he raised his hand and slapped it onto one of Taro's bare cheeks. He intentionally shaped his hand to cause the loudest slap he could without actually causing too much pain. Benny briefly glanced round at Sam whose hand had found its way into his crotch, groping casually at an obvious erection. “What do you say, Boy?” Benny demanded loudly. “Thank you Sir, may I have another?” Taro immediately requested. Inwardly, Benny was once again beaming with pride. He had briefly worried that whoever Roger brought in might act up in the presence of company. Had it been Zane, that would almost certainly have been the case, but David and Taro seemed to have gone the opposite way, being on their very best behaviour. Benny slapped his hand down again. It was immediately followed by the same words from Taro. On and on it went with both David and Sam watching desperately. A few minutes later, with Taro's arse cheeks glowing a bright red, Benny's hand fell again but it was not followed by the same words as before. Instead Taro called out, “Please Sir, no more!” David looked a little smug, knowing there's no way he would have given up by now, but it was Sam that Benny was observing more closely. “Should I go on?” he asked nobody in particular. “Yes!” David and Sam both called out, while Taro chimed in with a weak, “No.” Benny raised his hand as everyone watched expectantly, even Taro peered round to see what was happening. “You know the safe word,” Benny said calmly. As Benny moved his hand back a little more, Taro called out quickly, “Parrot!” Benny's hand immediately dropped to his side and he stepped away from Taro. “No, carry on!” Sam called out with a slight chuckle. “Taro, stand beside David again,” Benny ordered, then went and sat next to Sam again. “Sam, do you know the point of a safe word?” Sam smirked as he watched Taro move back to David's side. “Yeah, it's so that guys can wimp out.” Benny sighed and shook his head. He thought for a moment, the pause prompting Sam to look round at him. “Not even close,” he said disappointedly. He let out another sigh, then turned to the two Boys. “David, Taro, do you trust me?” “Yes, Sir.” Taro replied immediately. “Completely!” David added emphatically. Benny glanced briefly at Sam who looked a little confused before turning back. “And why is that?” he asked. “Because I know you'd never hurt me,” David said. “At least... not more than I enjoy.” he added, blushing a little. “Yeah,” Taro agreed. “And we know you care about us.” “So even if we're getting punished, we know we'll be safe,” David continued. Benny actually felt a little choked up. He had asked the questions to make a point to Sam, but the answers had made him feel unexpectedly good. “Thank you,” he said slightly shakily. He looked to his friend who was now looking a little sheepish. “This is about James, isn't it?” he asked quietly. Benny sighed again. “No, it's about you,” Benny explained. “If you really want to do this sort of thing, you have a lot to learn.” “Yeah,” Sam said, staring down at his fidgeting hands, “I guess I do.” Benny reached out and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. When Sam looked up at him in response, he smiled and said, “I could... teach you!” Sam's face lit up. The shame that had overwhelmed him as he thought about how he had treated his last sub suddenly melted away as he heard Benny's offer. “Oh my God, really?” he asked eagerly. “Yeah,” Benny said happily. It wasn't something he had planned for, or even considered before saying it, but it just seemed to make sense. “So what shall we do with them?” he asked, gesturing to David and Taro. Sam opened his mouth and leaned forward excitedly, about to suggest something when he stopped himself. He looked round at his friend and said, “Actually... why don't you decide.” Benny chuckled, patting Sam on the back. “Good idea,” he said with a nod. ********** For a change, Benny had chosen to join all the other residents of the house in the Dining Room for dinner. After Sam had left, he didn't want to be alone. As was usually the way, everyone was a little quiet and subdued at first with him present, but soon relaxed as they ate a fantastic dinner prepared by Quentin and Robert. There was no formal seating arrangement around the huge table, but it always seemed to go the same way when Benny was present. Wherever he sat, the Generals had a tendency to sit either side of him, with the Boys then sitting a little further away. It was fortunate in a way as it meant that Benny could talk easily to his Generals, particularly Roger and Alex who were sat immediately to either side of him. “So you're going to teach him?” Roger asked with a slight frown. Benny nodded, the hesitancy showing in his expression as much as it had in Roger's tone. “But you're still learning yourself!” Alex said bluntly. Roger shot the other General a cutting stare, but Benny simply shrugged and agreed, “Yeah, I know.” “Then why do it?” Alex asked before shovelling a huge forkful of his dinner into his mouth. “It's just...” Benny started, then paused, pushing his food around on his plate. “I saw the way he treated his sub and... it was just wrong. I mean, I know every Master makes their own rules and every sub has their limits and preferences, but I don't wanna risk Sam doing something he might... regret!” Roger smiled and nodded, gently stroking Benny's arm. “Then you're doing the right thing,” he said reassuringly. “Yeah, I s'pose,” Alex agreed with his mouth still half full. Roger glared at Alex again, this time because of his poor table manners before looking back to Benny. “And you know we'll happily do anything we can to help!” he offered. “Yeah we will!” Alex said again, still chewing, knowing it would simply wind up Roger. The two Generals started squabbling over table manners as Benny took a bite of his own dinner. He glanced around the table. He saw Charlie and Philip sitting together, engaged in animated conversation. They never saw him looking, but he smiled, glad to see the two friends back together again. He wasn't sure if they would end up pursuing any more than friendship, but they seemed happy either way. David caught Benny's eye briefly and the two exchanged a quick smile before Benny's gaze moved on. As he looked to his side, he saw Malik sitting on the other side of Roger. As was always the case at dinner, Abdul was immediately beside his nephew. Despite their proximity, they weren't talking to each other which always seemed a little strange to Benny. It was almost as if Malik ordered him to be at his side simply to avoid him being able to converse with others. Abdul looked around the room quickly. As he saw Benny looking at him, the young master smiled politely, but Abdul immediately looked back down at his plate. “Remind me again who's on what tonight,” Benny asked Roger quietly, interrupting the ongoing table manners argument. Roger thought for a moment, then recited his list. “Quentin and Robert are on household chores. Malik's got Philip and Zane, I've got David and Taro, Abdul and Charlie are with Alex.” “Okay,” Benny said with a nod, then turned to his opposite side to address Alex. “Hey, after you finish tonight, could you send Abdul to see me please.” Alex frowned, then shrugged. “Sure,” he said, then grinned and added, “Why, what's he done?” “Nothing!” Benny insisted, “I just wanna talk to him.” “Ugh, boring!” Alex sneered before filling his mouth again. ********** Alex finished strapping Abdul down before putting the nozzle of the milking machine on him and starting it up on low. It was mainly to keep him out of the way while he tried out his new toy with Charlie. “I hope you're ready for this,” Alex said teasingly as he approached a somewhat nervous-looking Charlie. “Please, I can handle anything you can throw at me,” Charlie said, feigning confidence. As much as all of the Boys had finally begun to trust Alex, his temper now seemingly more under control than ever, they still feared some of his games. Particularly since Game Room Four had been stocked up with all the new gadgets and gizmos. “Okay then, let's get started,” Alex said, seeing right through the older man's bravado. For all intents and purposes, the situation should have been reversed. Charlie was tall, muscled and physically imposing while Alex, although toned, was far from muscularly built and lacked Charlie's impressive height. In any other situation, Charlie would have probably been the one in charge. Perhaps it was this reversal of the norm that they were both finding so arousing. Alex got started by grabbing an average-sized butt plug and applying some lube to it. All he had to do was give Charlie a look and he got the idea, turning round and bending over in preparation for it. Alex eased it in surprisingly gently, loosening him a little with a couple of fingers first. Once the plug was inside, a thin cable trailing from it, Alex had Charlie turn round and then grabbed the next piece of equipment. Charlie looked down nervously as Alex fitted a cock ring around his genitals. A second one was added just around his balls and a third just on his cock. A fourth, smaller one then got secured around the shaft, just below the head. Each of the rings had a large bulge in it, which had a small cable protruding from it. Finally, Alex attached a small clamp to each of Charlie's nipples. Charlie was quite surprised to find they weren't actually too tight and, at least until they got taken off, probably wouldn't provide any substantial pain. He couldn't help noticing that they, too, also had cables attached. “Okay, over here,” Alex ordered, moving over to the wall. Charlie followed, walking slightly awkwardly because of the butt plug. Alex turned him round and pushed him back. The whole wall was covered in small screw holes, intended for hooks, restraints or other implements to be attached. Alex started with a large metal semi-circle that he put up to Charlie's neck, then screwed each end of it onto the wall. It was tight enough to restrict his movement without crushing his throat or restricting his ability to breathe. Charlie expected wrist restraints next, but instead Alex knelt down and attached each ankle against the wall with a similar, smaller semi-circular restraint. He watched, both intrigued and confused as Alex set about attached two small wooden blocks to the wall at about shoulder height, an arm's length away. Alex continued working away, occasionally glancing round at Abdul who was happily moaning away as the milking machine worked on him. Next he put a rubber restraint around each wrist and hooked a chain onto them. The opposite ends of the chain were attached to the wall. As Abdul started making more noise, Alex went over to adjust the machine. As he did so, Charlie moved his arms, checking the reach the chains allowed. He could lift his arms straight up, around the height of the two wooden blocks, then back down to his sides, but could not reach close enough to his own body to adjust the nipple clamps or cock rings. He suspected that was the intention! Alex came back, smiling as he saw Charlie exploring his range of movements. “Got the idea, have you?” he asked with a grin. “Yeah, this stuff's saying on til you say so,” Charlie said, slightly worried. Alex did the last few bits of preparation. He attached a large button to the underside of each wooden block, a cable trailing from each of them. Finally, the cables from the butt plug, rings, clamps and buttons were all connected to a small black box which was connected to a power socket. “Okay, I'd say it's time to begin!” Alex said excitedly. Charlie looked terrified although his cock, already firm from the cock rings, twitched a little in anticipation. Alex pressed a button on the box and Charlie saw the two buttons light up in his peripheral vision. Arms straight out to the sides and push both buttons please,” Alex said casually. Charlie raised both arms slowly, convinced he knew what was about to happen. He winced slightly as his hands made contact with one button, then the other. He looked round nervously when nothing happened, expecting Alex to look annoyed. Worryingly, he was smiling instead. “Shouldn't that have started something?” Charlie asked with a frown. “Oh, it did,” Alex said cryptically. “Feel free to lower your hands if you wanna find out what.” Charlie stared at the General. While his curiosity was piqued, he was in no hurry to endure anything unpleasant. He knew he would have to find out eventually, so he let both hands drop simultaneously. All at once, the butt plug, cock rings and nipple clamps burst into life, vibrating vigorously. “Fuck!” Charlie called out in shock. It was a pleasurable sensation, but extremely strong. He slammed his hands back up against the buttons and the vibrating stopped. “Fuck!” he repeated as he felt a wave of relief. “It works then,” Alex said with a devilish grin. He started to walk away, then looked back and said, “Enjoy!” “Wait, you're just gonna leave me like this? That's it?” Charlie asked, thinking that had to be more to the task than there seemed. “Yeah, that's it,” Alex said with a shrug. He walked across to Abdul and watched as the man writhed in pleasure. He placed his hand on the twenty-nine-year-old's chest, first squeezing a nipple, then gently tugging at a few chest hairs. Abdul moaned out in pleasure then pain. “I'm gonna cum soon!” he moaned, the milking machine doing its job well. Charlie watched from across the room, his hands still keeping both buttons pressed. He spent a couple of minutes watching Alex tease the other man and quickly came to the horrible realisation that his arms were already getting tired. He closed his eyes, clenched his jaw and tightened the muscles in his arms. He was determined to keep the buttons pressed and deprive Alex the pleasure of his twisted torture. A few more minutes and one of Charlie's hands dropped just enough to release one of the buttons. Immediately the devices all buzzed again, sending ripples of pleasure through his chest, crotch and prostate. Figuring that they had already started now, he let the other hand drop too, resting his arms for a few moments. 'This isn't so bad,' he thought to himself, the vibrations making him shudder with delight. The mix of stimulation in so many areas quickly began hinting at a potential orgasm. Charlie closed his eyes, quite enjoying the idea of ejaculating. He still hadn't got used to having his ability to cum so restricted as it had been since he came to the house. “Enjoying yourself?” Alex called out. “YES!” Abdul called out excitedly on the verge of orgasm. Alex slapped the man's balls, getting a yelp of pain in response. “I wasn't talking to you!” he snapped. He looked across to Charlie who had barely heard the question he was so caught up in the vibrations. “Ah yes!” Charlie said happily, opening his eyes. “Well just remember it might not feel quite so nice after you've cum once!” Alex said playfully. He slapped Abdul's balls again and added, “I suppose I was talking to you both that time!” He chuckled wickedly. “Shit!” Charlie muttered as he realised what Alex was talking about. His cock usually got ridiculously sensitive after orgasm, to the point where even a single touch could have him yelling out the safe word. The thought of having the various devices stimulating him all over in that state was more than a little terrifying. His hands immediately shot upwards, shutting down the vibrators. Alex laughed again at Charlie's reaction. He wanted to go over and antagonise the Boy some more, but decided against it, leaving him to suffer alone for now. He reached down and casually squeezed his own erection. Deciding it needed to be taken care of, he quickly removed his clothes then moved closer to Abdul's head. “Open,” Alex commanded, tapping the back of his hand against Abdul's cheek. The restrained Boy complied immediately, opening his mouth wide. Moments later, he felt Alex's cock being pushed inside. The General was not gentle about it either. Abdul gagged a little as the rigid meat hit the back of his throat, but quickly recovered and started to suck on it as best he could at the awkward angle. In a way it was a relief, it gave him a slight distraction from the tantalising suction of the milking machine that was keeping him hovering on the brink of orgasm. Charlie groaned loudly as his arms quickly began to tire again. If it came to lifting weights, he could manage an impressive amount, but stamina really wasn't his thing. He cursed himself for not working on it more as his shoulders burned. His hands began to tremble and one came away from a button, giving him a quick burst of vibrations before he managed to steady the hand for a few more moments. He wasn't going to be able to hold on much longer so he began to plot his next move. He figured it was time to let his arms rest again, but for how long this time? 'If I rest for as long as I can without cumming, I'll be able to last a bit longer when I hold them up again,' he reasoned. He let his hands drop, closing his eyes as his body surged with forced pleasure once again. The sound of the toys buzzing caught Alex's attention who looked over, keeping his cock firmly inside Abdul's mouth. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” Charlie muttered. His arms barely felt like they had rested at all, yet he could already feel an orgasm creeping up on him. He shook his arms a little, making the chains rattle, hoping to shake some sensation back into them. 'Just a bit longer,' he thought to himself, enduring the vibrations for as long as possible. Once again his hands shot upwards and the buttons were pressed, but he had left it just the tiniest bit too long. The vibrations stopped and the progress towards the orgasm halted immediately, but it wasn't enough to stop him. His cock bobbed about in time with his pulse and began to ejaculate thick globs of cum, but without the pleasurable sensations of an orgasm. He let out a guttural groan, borne of pure frustration. The release should have been beneficial in theory, relieving some of the pent up pressure, but instead he knew from past experience that when he did finally orgasm, not only would it be more intense, but the sensitivity after would be even greater. He had learned that not long after arriving in the house during one of Malik's edging sessions. He cursed himself for letting himself reach that point, but closed his eyes once again and attempted to concentrate on holding the buttons. “Ah yeah,” Alex moaned loudly. The blowjob wasn't particularly fantastic, he was just trying to tease the two Boys a little more. He knew Abdul could go off at any moment and Charlie's already-shaking arms wouldn't last much longer, neither would his cum-coated cock. He continued fucking Abdul's mouth. Suddenly he pulled out, stroked his cock a few times and called out, “Fuck yeah!” as his cock erupted, sending streams of spunk across Abdul's chest. Alex's yell definitely got Charlie's attention, making him look across at the General ejaculating. He felt his own cock twitch a little, then a hand dropped and started the buzzing once more. The shock of the sensations made his other hand drop too and it took a few seconds for him to lift his arms back up again. When he finally managed to stop the vibrators once more, he was panting, desperately willing himself back from the brink of climax. Still stroking his cock casually, Alex moved away from Abdul's head and stopped at the controls to the milking machine. “Ready to cum?” Alex asked Abdul, knowing it would also tease Charlie a little. “Yes Sir!” Abdul said breathlessly. Alex turned to controls for the machine up to full, watching excitedly as Abdul's entire body convulsed. “Aaaaargh!” Abdul moaned out, his fists clenching. Alex quickly turned the machine back down to its lowest speed, chuckling quietly as Abdul groaned. The Boy had clearly expected to finally be allowed release. Leaving Abdul to suffer a little longer, Alex wandered across to his other victim. Charlie's eyes were clenched tightly closed again, but they shot open as he felt Alex's hand on his chest. “Having fun?” Alex asked with a grin. Charlie was breathing heavily and looking an amusing mix of aroused and annoyed. He shook his head slightly. “Oh I think you are,” Alex said quietly. He let his hand slide down Charlie's side. “Aah,” Charlie yelled out, shuddering a little. His hands dropped away and he yelled out again as the toys came to life. He pressed the buttons again as he looked at Alex, his expression suddenly fearful. “Oh... ticklish, are you?” Alex asked playfully. He slid a hand down Charlie's side again. Charlie pursed his lips, doing his best to ignore the light tickle and keep the buttons pressed. He couldn't resist for long though. He burst into laughter, the remaining strength in his arms melting away. Alex continued tickling as the devices got to work again pushing Charlie towards the inevitable. Tears began to stream down the larger man's cheeks as he laughed helplessly, the horrific sensation enhanced by the vigorously buzzing toys. “FUUUUUCK!” he finally called out as his cock erupted. Despite oozing several strings of cum several minutes earlier, he produced an impressive load, projecting it in every direction as his cock spasmed and twitched. The orgasm would have been fairly intense alone, but accompanied by the buzzing and the tickling it was beyind anything Charlie could have imagined. His eyes rolled back as he let out various yells of pleasured pain and pained pleasure. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered the buttons, but any attempt to make his body respond, to make his arms raise up and push them simply failed. It suddenly felt like his entire body was on fire, red hot needles shooting through his nipples, his cock, his arse, all while Alex's fingers continued to tickle at his sides. The buttons, he just had to push them, but his body continued to fail him. The safe word then, that was his only refuge now, but again as he attempted to call it out, his jaw simply flapped as wave after wave of intense pleasure rippled through him, preventing the words from escaping. Maybe it was the sounds of Charlie's torture or maybe the machine had finally just managed to do its job. Either way, Charlie's yells were joined shortly after by Abdul's, his cock shooting out a thick load into the machine. Alex momentarily stopped tickling Alex to dash across the room and turn up the milking machine. He switched it onto full speed to maximise Abdul's post-orgasm suffering. “S... Sir...” Abdul moaned out in response, his back arching. Alex ignored the pathetic moans and returned to Charlie who was still moaning and panting. He finally managed to lift his hands far enough to touch the buttons. The toys stopped, going silent just as Alex returned. The General's hands immediately returned to the torturous tickling. “No Sir...” Charlie whimpered before bursting into helpless laughter once again, his hands dropping. Tears continued to stream down his face as he alternated between laughing and moaning with pure horrific ecstasy. His cock twitched again, a thick stream of pre-cum stretching from the tip down towards the ground. “MERCY, PLEASE!” Abdul screamed out as the milking machine continued sucking away on his sensitive tool. Charlie was sobbing now too and it was virtually impossible to tell whether it was from pleasure or discomfort. Alex wanted to continue, to keep both going and see which one would spurt out a second load first, but he decided against it. Even though neither had actually called out the safe word yet, he figured it wouldn't be long until one or both of them did it. “Okay, I suppose that'll do,” he said with a sigh. He stopped tickling Charlie, then reached down and turned off the control box for the toys. As soon as the buzzing stopped, Alex went and turned off the milking machine too. Alex stood back, watching as the two Boys began to quieten, starting to catch their breaths. “Thank you Sir,” Abdul gasped. Charlie looked at the General and nodded his agreement. Alex smiled and nodded back. Alex walked to Abdul and quickly released him from his restraints, then carefully pulled the milking machine nozzle from his sensitive dick getting a slight moan in response. Abdul sat up and stretched a little, clearly relieved to be free. “Go and grab a shower,” Alex suggested, “But after you're done, Benny wanted to see you in his lounge.” Abdul quickly dashed out leaving Alex alone with Charlie. The General looked wickedly at Charlie, knowing that his pain was far from over. He started by pulling the cock rings carefully off of the still-rigid tool getting slight moans of discomfort from Charlie as he did so. He reached up to the nipple clamps and then grinned at the Boy. “Ready for this?” he asked with a smirk. “Just do it,” Charlie said, then closed his eyes knowing he was about to get another dose of pain. Alex unclamped both nipples at once getting a momentary moan of relief from the Boy before he reached back up and started rubbing both nipples. The pressure on the nipples as sensation began to return made Charlie yell out. “Fuck, that stings!” he growled through gritted teeth. Alex didn't rub for long before starting to release the restraints, starting with the ankles, then the wrists and finally the neck. As Charlie stepped away from the wall, Alex turned him round then unceremoniously yanked out the butt plug. “Fucker!” Charlie snarled, jumping away and turning to face Alex. “Mind the language... Boy!” Alex said, raising a hand to point at Charlie. “Why don't you let me shove that up your arse and see if you can 'mind your language' then!” Charlie pouted. “I don't think so,” Alex said, placing the plug on the ground before reaching out to grab Charlie's erection. “Although I wouldn't mind you shoving that up my arse!” The General's bluntness caught Charlie a little by surprise while the hand on his cock made him flinch a little. While he was still sensitive, Alex's hand certainly felt good. “Is that an order... Sir?” he asked playfully. Alex released the cock and folded his arms. “That depends,” he started, “If it wasn't, would you still do it?” He bit his bottom lip as he stared at Charlie playfully. Charlie stared back. It was an interesting question, not one he had ever really considered before. Usually his thrills came from following orders, from doing as commanded and having any choice removed. Alex was hot, or cute, maybe both. If they had met outside of the house, Charlie certainly would have been interested in hooking up with him. Lost in thought for a moment, the decision was made for him as his cock throbbed. Without a word, Charlie surged forward and grabbed the teen, burying his face into his neck as he lifted the smaller young man. Alex happily went along with it, wrapping his legs around Charlie's waist, exposing his hole. Charlie lowered him onto his cock, Alex reaching down with one hand to guide it in. “Oh God,” Alex moaned as he felt Charlie's firmness filling him up. “Yeah,” Charlie agreed breathlessly. He knew he should be a little worn out from the ruined orgasm, intense ejaculation and prolonged post-orgasm teasing, but somehow he seemed more aroused than ever as he fucked the young man in his arms. Alex's face nuzzled into Charlie's neck as his fingers dug into the larger man's back, the muscles tensing in response. Charlie turned, slamming Alex's back into the wall, fucking him up against it. “Oh fuck!” Alex moaned as Charlie's boner hit exactly the right spot. He raised his hands and grabbed the two wooden blocks that the buttons were attached to, holding himself up as Charlie continued thrusting. “I'm gonna cum soon,” Charlie whispered breathlessly. “Stroke my cock,” Alex said, half-ordering, half-pleading. Charlie happily obliged, holding Alex up with one hand as the other reached between them to tug at the General's solid cock. “Holy shit!” Charlie gasped as his cock spurted out yet another load. “YES!” Alex called out, feeling the slight warmth of Charlie's spunk in his rear. The Boy's hand tensed as he ejaculated, squeezing Alex's own tool, setting him off too. Alex's arms went weak, letting go of the wooden blocks. The sudden extra weight along with his own post-orgasm weakness made Charlie's knees buckle. He collapsed to the floor and flopped onto his back, Alex falling on top of him. They both started laughing as they lay there, a tangle of tired limbs and sweaty torsos. A few minutes later, they had both begun to catch their breath. “That was...” Alex started, but simply shook his head, unable to think how to convey it. “Fucking. Awesome!” Charlie completed the sentence. “Yeah,” Alex agreed happily. He closed his eyes for a moment, his cheek resting on Charlie's muscled chest. He felt an arm reach up and wrap around him. He smiled and added, “Yeah, it really was. I should request to have you more often!” “I'd have no problem with that,” Charlie said happily, then looked up at the range of toys beside them, “You've got a twisted mind, you know!” Alex chuckled. He raised his head and grinned at Charlie. “Oh, you have NO idea!” ********* Abdul walked into Benny's lounge when called in, wondering what he might have done wrong to justify being summoned before the Master. “You wanted to see me, Sir?” he asked nervously as he pushed the door closed behind him. Benny looked at the man and nodded, smiling warmly. His hair was wet, he had presumably just showered after whatever Alex had done with him. “Yeah,” Benny said eventually, “Come and sit down.” Despite his Master's pleasant demeanour, Abdul continued to look scared as he took a seat. “Did I... do something?” Benny shrugged. “I don't know,” he said casually, “You tell me. Did you do something?” Abdul frowned. “I... I'm not quite following Sir.” “I'm talking about you and your nephew,” Benny said bluntly. He thought for a moment about exactly how to approach it, then said, “I've seen a few things over the last couple of weeks that have got me a little... curious.” He was definitely more worried than curious, but he didn't want to convey that now in case he was wrong and there was no actual cause for concern. Abdul somehow looked even more scared. “Abdul, is something wrong?” Benny asked gently. “No, everything's fine,” he insisted immediately, shaking his head. Benny sighed. He had hoped that all it would take to get some information out of him was to simply offer him the opportunity to talk, but it seemed it wouldn't be quite that easy. “I don't think it is,” Benny said bluntly. “I think there's something wrong between you and Malik and I want to know what it is.” “There's.... there's nothing,” Abdul replied, shrinking in his seat, clearly lying. “Is...” Benny started to ask, then paused. He was thinking back to the somewhat aggressive exchange he had witnessed between the two. “Is he hurting you?” “No Sir!” Abdul said emphatically. It was just about the first thing the man had said that Benny actually believed. The young Master was beginning to get a little annoyed, but he just couldn't seem to make any progress. His eyes shot sideways briefly, catching sight of a wooden paddle. 'I could beat it out of him,' Benny thought, 'But if he really is in some kind of trouble, that would probably just make him feel worse.' “Everything's fine,” Abdul repeated weakly. Benny stared at him for a few moments, eyes narrowing suspiciously. “Fine. Thank you for coming to see me,” Benny said, signalling that it was Abdul's time to go. “Thank you Sir,” he said and headed out of the room. Just as he was about to pull the door closed behind him, he noticed Benny was following. He headed straight for the basement, intending to retire to his dorm. Benny continued to follow in silence. As they reached the basement, Abdul disappeared into Dorm Two, while Benny turned a different way and went into Play Room Three. Just as he opened the door, there was a yell of delight. He entered just in time to see Philip and Zane both ejaculating. Zane was standing over Philip who was laying on the floor. Malik was stood a short distance away, cheering them on. “Sir?” Malik said as he saw his Master enter. Zane turned at the same time, but his foot caught on Philip's leg and he tripped over, falling flat on his rear. “Ow,” he moaned quietly. Benny immediately rushed to the Boy's side and knelt beside him. “You okay?” “No, that hurt,” Zane pouted. In reality, it hadn't actually hurt, but he wasn't about to pass up a bit of attention from Benny. “Aww,” Benny said sympathetically, tousling his hair. “My poor little pup.” Zane leaned into him as he looked up at Malik. “Did you need something, Sir?” Malik asked as he helped Philip up off the floor. “You can go,” he said, dismissing the other Boy as he looked back to Benny. Benny sighed, letting a hand slide down Zane's back. “You should go too,” Benny said to the Boy as Philip walked by. Zane let out a slight mew of disappointment and nuzzled a little more against Benny. “You can come sleep in my room tonight, if you like,” he said, hoping to placate the Boy. It definitely did the job. “Okay,” Zane said happily, jumping up onto his feet. “I'll see you later, Sir,” he said cheerfully before dashing out of the room. “I wanted to talk to you,” Benny said, standing back up too and facing his General. “About Abdul!” “Oh,” Malik replied, suddenly looking guilty. “There. That look. I want to know what's going on between you two!” Benny said accusingly, pointing at Malik's face. “It's nothing,” Malik insisted, turning away and starting to tidy away the equipment he had used with Philip and Zane. “It's not nothing!” Benny snapped sharply. “Something is going on and I've let it slide for too long. You're going to tell me, and you're going to tell me now!” Chapter 18 – The More Things Change... by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Friday 1st May 2015 Yesterday I wrote about how 'normal' everything was. I now realise that I was, very stupidly, tempting fate with that. Today was... well let's just say it wasn't normal! That doesn't mean it was bad though. What happened with Malik and Abdul was... unfortunate, but I suppose it's all dealt with now. It also looks like I'll be having a new sub in the house soon, too, albeit on a trial period. Zack's visit was today. You'd think that by now, after what's happened with Charlie/Wesley and Malik/Abdul I'd learn to steer clear of relatives, but Alex and Zack both seem excited about the idea of both being in the house. Obviously something else happened today but... I don't know if I'm ready to think too much about that yet... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny rushed home from school. He knew he would be home before Malik anyway, but it still felt like he needed to hurry. After he had confronted his General the previous night, he had expected to finally get some answers but somehow Malik had managed to weasel out of talking again, although this time it really was more of a postponement. They had agreed that they would get together to talk properly after Malik finished work on Friday. Benny greeted Roger as usual and quickly went over the evening's plans. He had requested that Malik not be included. He didn't know exactly what he was going to find out from the elusive General, but he worried that Malik may not be in the right frame of mind afterwards to be in charge of anyone. Zack was also due to come round that evening too. Benny just hoped that he would be done with Malik in time to meet with Alex's cousin properly. He settled into his lounge, knowing he was likely to spend the whole evening in there. Malik arrived home at his usual time. Benny was actually a little surprised, almost expecting him to be deliberately late to avoid talking. “Hey,” Benny said with a smile as the General walked in. “Hey,” Malik said back, smiling weakly. “Have a seat,” Benny said. Malik approached and looked at the options available. There was a chair across the coffee table from Benny, or there was space on the sofa beside him. He took a deep breath and ended up sitting alongside his Master. “Malik, what's going on?” Benny asked. He reached out and gently stroked the young man's arm. “I don't wanna do this,” Malik said back with a sigh. “I need to know what's going on. I'm... worried!” Benny explained. “There's something... I don't know, something wrong between you two? Please, just tell me.” Malik grabbed a cushion from behind him, wrapped his arms around it for comfort and leaned back in the seat. He looked at Benny, sighed once more and began, “The thing you need to know is... Abdul... was my hero!” Benny frowned, confused by both Malik's comment and his demeanour. “Growing up, being so close in age he was more like a cousin or a big brother than an Uncle to me. Yeah, I used to call him Uncle now and then to wind him up, but we were close. I looked up to him. When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I used to say 'Abdul'. And he loved me too. He treated me like a person instead of just like a little kid.” Benny listened. Malik sounded so sad as he spoke. It was not what the young Master had expected. “I suppose things started to go wrong about nine years ago,” Malik said, thinking back. ********** Monday 13th March 2006 Thirteen-year-old Malik sat in the attic room, staring blankly out the window. He let out a sigh as his eyes moved from star to star in the night sky. “What's wrong?” a voice called from behind him. “Crap,” Malik called out, jumping at the sound. He turned to see Abdul standing in the doorway. He jumped up from his seat and faced towards his Uncle. “You made me jump!” he snapped angrily. “What's wrong?” Abdul asked again, ignoring his nephew's reaction. He walked towards the boy. At nineteen, he towered over the short youngster. “Nothing,” Malik said unconvincingly, staring up at Abdul. Abdul smirked. “Bullshit. I know you Malik. You've been off for a while and it just keeps getting worse. What's wrong?” he said, refusing to back down. Malik's jaw clenched as his eyes watered, but he remained silent as he stared up at his hero. “Mal,” Abdul started. He took a seat on the bed, bringing his eye level down roughly to Malik's. “Come on, you know you can talk to me.” “Not about this,” Malik said weakly. “About anything!” Abdul insisted. “And you won't tell anyone?” Malik asked. Abdul reached up and gently stroked the boy's arm. “Our secret. I promise.” Malik froze. He trusted Abdul, more than anyone in the world, but this was huge. He took a deep breath and started, “I... I'm different... from everyone else.” When Abdul just gave him a quizzical look he continued, “I don't like girls the way other boys like girls. I... I kinda like boys the way that other boys like girls. Crap, I... I can't... I don't know how to say it. I like.... I like other boys.” Abdul's hand dropped away. “I know what you're trying to say, Malik,2 he said sharply, “But you can't tell anyone else about this. If your Mum or Dad or any of the family finds out about this... it wouldn't be good.” Malik looked even more scared. It wasn't as bad as the visions he had had of Abdul completely flipping out and disowning him, but it wasn't far off. “Abdul, I....” “Don't. I can't talk to you about this. Let's... just pretend you never said anything!” Abdul said before standing up and dashing out. Malik flopped down onto the bed and burst into tears. ********** Saturday 18th March 2006 Malik sat in the back of Abdul's car, watching as houses sped past. He had barely seen his Uncle since he told him his secret and it had made him feel more alone than ever. Then Abdul had just turned up and asked him to come out with them. He was with two of his friends, one of whom was in the front passenger seat while the other sat in the back beside Malik. “Where are we going?” Malik asked nervously. “Don't worry about it,” Abdul replied. It was the third time he had evaded the question. Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up in an old abandoned industrial estate on the edge of the town. Malik peered out of the car window but stayed in his seat. Abdul's friends got out and headed for one of the nearby buildings, the only one with a light on. Abdul pulled open the door and looked down at his nephew. “What are we doing here?” Malik asked, his hands trembling. “Hey relax, you know I'd never hurt you!” Abdul said, squatting down. “Yeah,” Malik said with a smile, slightly more confident about everything. “Come on then,” Abdul said, standing up. Malik climbed out of the car and followed Abdul into the building. As they got inside, he saw that along with the two friends they had travelled with, three more guys around Abdul's age were already inside. “Abdul?” Malik asked, pausing as a feeling of panic washed over him. “It's okay, we're not going to hurt you. We're going to help you!” one of the other men said. Malik stepped to the side and gripped tightly onto Abdul's arm. “I don't like this. I want to go.” “Mal, we're going to help you!” Abdul repeated the other man's words. He pushed Malik forward as everyone gathered, leaving the boy stood in the middle of a rough circle of men. “Take off your clothes!” one of the men snapped quite sharply. Malik froze, looking round at the all then burst into tears. “Fuck's sake, grow up Malik,” Abdul snarled, then stepped forward and grabbed at his coat, pulling it off. “Just do what we tell you, okay?” Malik's hands were shaking as he cried. He tried to run back to the door he had come in through, but Abdul and one of the other men were too fast. They grabbed him before he could get away and pushed him back into the middle as they all closed in around him. “Fine, we'll do it for you,” the man who had demanded he strip said angrily. Before Malik could respond, there were hands all over him, holding him down, pulling at his clothes. Moments later, he stood there, naked and desperately trying to cover up. “Abdul...” Malik whimpered, looking to his Uncle, who just shook his head back. ********** Benny's breath caught in his throat as he listened to Malik recount the events. “Oh my God. Did they...” He couldn't even bring himself to say the words. Malik shook his head. It was a bit of a relief to Benny, but not much. “So, what happened?” the Master asked. Malik took a deep breath. It was taking every ounce of self-control he had to hold it together. “They just... humiliated me, insulted me, told me how disgusting I was for being the way I was,” he explained. “But it got worse.” “How?” Benny asked, already dreading the answer. “Eventually, they started to convince me that if I was gay, then I should do other things for them. They used to say that if I was a cocksucker, then maybe I should suck theirs.” Malik said, shuddering slightly. “So they made you?” Benny asked in disgust. “No,” Malik replied firmly. “They were always VERY careful about that. They never made me do anything, they just... I don't know, messed with my head to the point where they made me think I wanted to do it. More and more things over time until I was pretty much just letting them do whatever THEY wanted, but thinking it was MY idea! They used to tell me that by doing all my 'gay stuff' that way, I could act like a 'normal person' for the rest of the time.” Benny was at a loss for what to say. “But...” Malik started, suddenly looking as guilty as he had the previous night. “But what?” Benny asked, wondering what more there could be to it. Malik put down the cushion he had been hugging and sat up face-to-face with Benny. “But... this is the part... you may not like,” he said sheepishly. “What is it?” Benny asked, slightly worried. He sat up straight too, matching Malik's posture. “Well after that had been going on for a couple of years, Abdul went away. He got a job with one of our relatives down South and so I went a few years without actually seeing him,” Malik explained. “The stuff him and his friends had been doing seemed to stop with him gone, which was great. But eventually he came back.” “And it started up again?” Benny asked, frowning. Malik shook his head. “No, the opposite. By the time he came back, I wasn't some helpless kid any more. I was twenty, somehow I'd actually got a bit of self-confidence back and I was out. Seeing him, though... that brought it all back. It made me think about what he'd done and it was like somebody had just lifted a curtain and revealed the truth to me about what he had done.” “Wh... what did you do?” Benny asked, leaning forward. “I kicked the crap out of him!” Malik said, his fists clenching as he remembered it. “And then afterwards, I just... kinda... took control of him. I told him that he was mine to command and that if he didn't do everything I said, then I'd tell the police and our family what he had done to me when I was just a kid.” Benny stared in astonishment. It suddenly made sense. Abdul's total subservience, Malik's anger towards the man, it was all so clear now. Then something else dawned on him. “Wait... is that why he's here, in this house? Are you making him?” Malik stared back for a moment before he finally nodded. “Yeah, he doesn't want to be here. He hates it and honestly, he hates me, but he knows there's nothing he can do about it.” So many thoughts rushed through Benny's head. He very nearly made a decision on the spot, but the last time he had done that, he had expelled Roger from the house and almost destroyed everything eh had built. The main thing he had learned from that was that being in charge meant decisions had to be considered carefully. “I'm really sorry, Benny. To begin with, when things were different, it didn't seem like a big deal. But then, when you made that announcement about only wanting people to be here by choice, I knew I should tell you.” “Then why didn't you?” Benny asked with a slight frown. “Because... I was scared. I figured there were only two possible outcomes. Either you'd let Abdul leave and I'm still so angry at him that I didn't want him to get off that easily, or you'd make me leave and... and this place means everything to me,” Malik explained. Right then, Benny couldn't help agreeing with him. Those really were the only two options he could see for himself. He stayed silent for a few moments. “Please don't make me go. I'm sorry I hid it from you,” Malik pleaded. Benny smiled warmly. “Don't worry, you're not going anywhere,” he said reassuringly. “But Malik, all of that aside... thank you for telling me all of that. I know it can't have been easy, and I'm sorry you had to go through it.” Malik just nodded, too choked up to speak back. “Come here,” Benny said, holding his arms out. Malik leaned into him and the two hugged. ********** Benny had virtually sleepwalked his way through most of Zack's visit so far. They were now sat in the Dining Room having dinner. Zack had been allowed to sit amongst the other Boys to give him a chance to speak to them away from the prying ears of Benny or his Generals. Benny's mind had been, understandably, fixed on the story Malik had told him. He hadn't really got to know Abdul as well as some of the other Boys in the house, but even the small amount he knew of the man made the tale hard to believe. Benny quickly realised that the part he had struggled with the most was accepting that anyone could actually be that vile to another human being. It was a strange thought, considering how much of his time was devoted to teasing and torturing his own slaves, but he knew that was quite different. He kept thinking over and over about Malik, aged just thirteen, surrounded by the older teens, so scared and alone. Somehow from there his mind made the jump to Wesley at that same age, enduring the endless stream of bile and torment from his own father. He wondered if Malik and Wesley might have actually shared their stories with each other. Perhaps it was that bond, that shared history of abuse that had helped them bond so closely. Thoughts of Wesley reminded Benny how much he missed his former General. He briefly entertained the notion that, had he dismissed Charlie from the house as soon as he learned of what the young man had done in his youth, Wesley might not have left. He quickly dismissed it, but found himself pondering a similar question about Abdul. Did the man deserve to be expelled from the house because of things he did almost a decade earlier? The Master was shaken from his thoughts by the sudden realisation he had been asked a question. Alex was staring straight at him expectantly. “S... sorry, what?” he asked, a little dazed. “Ugh,” Alex grunted, “I asked if you were even going to bother talking to Zack tonight?” “Sorry,” he said quietly. “Just got a few things on my mind.” “Yeah, well get over it. You're meant to be the man in charge. Start acting like it!” Alex snapped moodily, sick of putting in all the effort for his cousin's tour. “Hey, watch it!” Roger snapped back from the opposite side of Benny. “No, he's right,” Benny said in Alex's defence. Roger scowled. “Well that still doesn't excuse talking to you like that,” he muttered. “How about we make it up to him by letting him get a bit more involved?” Benny said, suddenly grinning. Alex smiled back, looking at his Master curiously. “What are you thinking?” “Wait and see!” Benny said, formulating a plan in his mind. They carried on with dinner as normal. Once they were all finished, the two Boys assigned to household chores for the evening set about clearing the table while everyone else got up to head to their designated activities. “Not so fast!” Benny called out. “Everyone back to your seats,” he ordered. The room was suddenly abuzz with chatter as everyone wondered what was going on. Quite correctly, most of the surmised that it was something to do with their guest, with most eyes falling on the young man. “Zack!” Benny called out. The few who weren't already looking at the boy now turned to him. “What do you think of my house, then?” Zack looked nervous for a moment, but after a reassuring nod from his cousin he smiled. “It's great, I love it!” “Glad to hear it,” Benny said with a gentle nod. “But before we consider letting you join us here, we need to test how good you are at following orders.” The quiet chatter slowly died away to anticipative silence as everyone waited to see what was about to happen. “Stand up,” Benny called out. Zack immediately obeyed. 'Good start,' Benny thought to himself as he watched the boy stand. “Up there,” he added, gesturing to the centre of the table. Zack hesitated for just a moment, then stepped onto his chair and up onto the table as ordered. He stepped along it carefully, avoiding the few remaining items that had yet to be cleared until he reached the spot Benny had indicated. “Take off your t-shirt,” Benny called out. Zack's nerves finally got the better of him. With the eyes of eight Boys, three Generals and the Master all fixed on him, he froze. Once again it was a simple smile from Alex that got him going again. He reached down to his waist, grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and quickly yanked it off, dropping it to the side. Benny say back and observed. It had been nearly three years since Benny had seen Zack. The first time he had, they had been at a nudist beach so he had gotten a pretty good look at every inch of the boy. Back then he had been short and chubby, but the years had been good to him. The puppy fat had faded away and while he was far from muscular, he wasn't really chunky either. He was more like a generic lump of clay waiting for the final push towards manhood to shape him into his adult body. His hair was dark, almost black and as a result, he already had small tufts of hair in his armpits, a dark narrow trail of hair running down from his navel and a couple of stray hairs around his nipples. As Benny studied the boy, comparing him to his blonde, beautiful cousin, he failed to see any family resemblance at all. “Jeans too,” Benny said, raising an eyebrow. Zack took a deep breath and glanced around the room, immediately wishing he hadn't as he made brief eye contact with everyone else one by one. He reached down and undid the jeans, letting them drop to his ankles, then stepped out of them and kicked them aside. “Fuck!” Malik gasped as he saw the bulge in front of the boy's white Calvin Klein briefs. Benny grinned, remembering the boy's ample endowment. In response to Malik's exclamation and wide-eyed stare, everyone at the opposite end of the table dashed towards the Generals' side, their expressions soon matching Malik's. The young Master stared Zack in the eye, smiled at him and simply said, “Let's see it then!” Zack smirked a little. Despite his nerves, he was about to unleash his favourite body part. While he was little self-conscious about the rest of his body, his cock was something he always drew great confidence from. He grabbed the underwear and bent down, yanking it down to his ankles, then stood back up proudly. Amazingly, it too had grown since Benny last saw it. Back then, it had been an impressive six inches when soft, swelling to a monstrous nine and a half inches when hard (something Benny had taken great pleasure in seeing). While it had only gained another inch or so, that still made it a fairly colossal tool. It had also thickened fairly substantially. Beneath it, two equally weighty balls hung down too. Zack had flushed bright red as he saw everyone staring, his dick hanging down heavily from the large bush of almost-black. He looked at Benny once again. “Go on then,” Benny said with a grin. Zack immediately knew what the Master meant as he reached down and grabbed his penis. He started stroking it, getting a surprising thrill from the audience of eager spectators. As the Boys were naked, as always, it was impossible for them to hide their own arousal at the show, almost every one of their cocks now standing at full attention. Zack soon joined them, his fleshy monster reaching its full size. He dropped his hand away and let the erection bob around in front of him, pointing almost downward simply from the sheer weight of it. If Benny had to guess, he would have put it at just short of eleven inches, easily the longest he had ever seen in real life, while its width had swollen to the same thickness as Zack's wrist. 'Fuck me, it's like a third arm!' he thought to himself. As he observed his group of Boys, he could tell just about every one of them wanted to get their hands on the impressive erection. He considered picking someone, but thought it ultimately more cruel to simply make them all wait. “I wanna see you cum! You have two minutes!” Benny called out, shocking Zack from his proud smugness. “I... I... what?” he asked, frowning back at Benny. “Two minutes, to cum. One minute fifty now actually,” Benny replied. “And if you don't, you're out!” he threatened. It was very much an empty threat. The boy seemed to be well behaved and his endowment would certainly make him a fun addition to the house, so even with the connection to Alex, he could think of no good reason not to allow him to join. That didn't mean he couldn't have some fun with him now though. Zack responded to the threat instantly, grabbing his cock with both hands and pumping away at it. Even the fact that two hands easily fit on it at once was enough to arouse most of the guys, but seeing the boy standing naked and alone on the table, frantically masturbating was enough to frive most of them to imitate him. “None of that,” Benny said, looking round to his Boys. “Hands on your heads!” There was a collective groan as they released their own swollen cocks and followed their Master's command. Everyone continued watching as Zack furiously stroked at the huge tool, beginning to groan more and more with each passing second. “Twenty seconds left,” Benny called out. When it reached ten, he started a countdown aloud, with everyone else joining in. They had just reached three when Zack called out, “Oh God!” and his cock erupted in a fountain of spunk. It sprayed high into the air, flicking left to right as his hands continued to stroke. Each spurt flew up, then fell down with an audible splat onto the table. His hands continued moving until every last drop had oozed out onto the wooden surface beneath his feet. A brief round of applause, accompanied by a couple of cheers signalled the audience's approval of the show, but it was short-lived as Benny raised a hand to silence them. “Very good, Boy,” Benny said coldly, then looked down at the table, “But look at the mess you've made. Clean it up!” Zack looked suddenly nervous again as he stared back blankly. “With your tongue!” Benny added with a wicked grin. “ I...” Zack stuttered. He looked to his cousin again, but this time all he got was a shrug. He took a deep breath then dropped to his knees, lowered his face to the table and stuck out his tongue. He started lapping up the first few drops, knowing every eye was still fixed on him. Some of the Boy even moved back down the table to get a better look at his arse which was now exposed and spread. Zack worked back and forth across the surface of the table, retrieving every drop of spunk he could find. When he was done, he pushed himself back up, remaining in a kneeling position, now almost right in front of Benny. Benny had to suppress a smile as he observed the ongoing erections plaguing his boys. They needed release and he was tempted to allow it, but instead he chose to take the opportunity for a rare show of dominance. “On your back!” Benny snapped at Zack who obeyed, rolling onto his back. Benny reached up and placed an arm under each armpit, then slid the boy along until his head was off the edge of the table. He reached down and undid his jeans, pulling the front down, along with his underwear to reveal his own erection. Suddenly all eyes were back on Benny. As hot as it was seeing Zack on his back, his still fairly-firm cock resting on his stomach, it was actually quite rare to see the Master's cock. Benny pushed his boner against Zack's lips. The boy knew what to do, opening his mouth and taking Benny’s stiffness inside. He didn't really have to do much sucking as Benny pretty much just fucked his mouth as he stood there. Every now and then one of the Boys would attempt to sneakily grope their own cock until they received a cutting stare from the Master, stopping them dead in their tracks. Benny could feel himself getting closer and closer to cumming. He enjoyed having everyone seeing him fucking the face of the new Boy (as Benny had by now decided he would definitely be joining them). It gave him the feeling of power he enjoyed so much, without actually hurting anyone, a win/win as far as he was concerned. He was so caught up in the feeling that it barely registered in his perception when there was a knock in the distance and Roger left the room. “AH fuck yeah,” Benny called out as he pulled his cock from Zack's mouth just in time to shoot his load over the Boy's chest. He didn't linger on it for too long. As soon as he had finished cumming, he put his cock away and zipped up. “You can get dressed,” he said to Zack almost dismissively. There was a slight groan of disappointment from the Boys, most of them presumably hoping to get involved in the action. “Okay, everyone back to your usual activities!” Benny called out. The Boys started slowly filing out of the room, a couple hanging back a little to get a glance at the new Boy's impressive girth. By the time they had all left, leaving just Benny, Alex and Zack in the dining room, Zack was fully dressed again. “So you still think you'd like to join us?” Benny asked with a slight smirk. “Hell yeah!” Zack said happily. “And your parents would be okay with you moving out?” Benny asked, suddenly thinking back to how long it had been since he had seen his own parents again. “Doubt they'd even notice,” Zack muttered, suddenly looking a little down. Benny shot Alex a questioning glance, but the older teen simply shook his head that gave a definite message of 'don't ask'. “Okay, well I'm not saying you can just move in tomorrow, but I'd definitely like to offer you a place here. We can talk about it more soon,” Benny said, smiling as he saw Zack's face light up. He looked to Alex and said, “Why don't you take him home?” “Okay, no problem,” Alex replied, looking almost as happy as Zack. They headed out into the atrium just as Roger emerged from Benny’s private lounge. Benny immediately knew from the look on Roger's face that something was up. “Everything... okay?” he asked hesitantly. “You've got a visitor,” Roger said. “He... insisted on speaking to you so he's waiting in your lounge.” Benny was both worried and intrigued. He smiled at Zack and said, “I'll see you soon, take care,” then dashed across to the door. He opened it up and peered inside. His breath caught in his throat as he saw who was standing in there. “Dale?” he said in shock. ********** Alex and Zack had sat in the car in absolute silence since they left the house. They glanced at each other occasionally, but neither of them said a word. By the time they reached Zack's house, they still hadn't spoken. “What's wrong?” Alex finally asked as they sat in the driveway. Zack folded his arms and glared at his cousin. “What?” Alex asked, “Are you okay?” He reached out and stroked Zack's arm. The younger teen pulled his arm away and looked down at Alex's hand in disgust. “That!” he snapped. “That's what's wrong!” Alex cautiously pulled his hand back, looking at it in confusion. “I don't... follow!” he said with a slight frown. “You're being... I dunno... nice,” Zack said, shaking his head. “And that's.... bad?” Alex asked, getting gradually more confused. “Yes! Well.... no...” Zack argued back, blushing a little before gritting his teeth again and staring more intently at Alex. “You've changed. It's like you're not even you any more!” Alex suddenly felt a little annoyed. He knew he really had changed. The time he had spent with Benny and the others, the work he had done with Victor, the time he had spent working on his issues, it was all paying off. He couldn't even remember the last time he had really lost his temper, it was like he was finally in control of his own emotions instead of it being the other way around, yet Zack seemed to think it was a bad thing! “Yeah,” Alex said, almost feeling his temper flare, “It's called growing up!” Zack snorted, “No, it's called being whipped!” He shook his head, nostrils flaring as he observed the older teen, thinking about the evening. “You're... awesome and scary and.... intimidating. Or at least you were! You should be running that place, but instead you're running round serving a pathetic little boy!” Alex was getting pushed closer and closer to the edge. He had never really thought about it before, but he felt a strong sense of protectiveness, devotion even, to Benny, so hearing someone refer to him as a 'pathetic little boy' was really pushing his buttons. “Mind what you say!” Alex snarled through gritted teeth. “Ooh yeah, there it is!” Zack said, a twinkle in his eye as he saw the sudden anger in his cousin. “Come on, show me the real Alex, not the submissive little pussy that little prick's turned you into!” Alex's fists clenched as his nostrils flared. “Don't!” was all he could manage to say. He wasn't actually sure whether he was saying it to Zack or himself. “You gonna hit me, or you too much of a wimp?” Zack teased cruelly. When Alex remained still, he swung his hand out to slap him. Alex's hand shot up in the air and grabbed Zack's wrist before the hand could make contact with his face. His fingers dug into the younger teen's wrist. It made Zack flinch a little, but he looked almost happy about it. “Get out!” Alex snarled furiously, thrusting Zack's hand back towards him. “Okay,” Zack said airily with a slight shrug, then opened the door and climbed out. He leaned back in and added, “See you soon, cuz.” He slammed the door and walked casually towards the house. Alex found himself breathing heavily. His hands clenched the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening. “Okay, you can do this, just breathe,” he whispered to himself quietly, forcing himself to calm down. ********** “Hi Benny,” Dale said politely as the boy walked in. “H.... erm... hi,” Benny stuttered nervously. He walked further into the lounge, but was careful to keep some furniture in between the two of them. “Shall we... sit?” Dale asked. He could tell that he was making Benny nervous and while part of him wanted to say something to put the boy at ease, another part of him was finding a kind of twisted enjoyment at watching him squirm. “Yeah... okay,” Benny said, slipping into one of the seats, his eyes fixed on Dale as the older man did the same. “Is everything okay? Is Josh...” He didn't quite know what he was asking. “Don't worry, everything's fine,” Dale said, considering everything that had happened recently before adding, “Well it's fine now!” “Good. So... don't take this the wrong way, but... what do you want?” Benny asked nervously. Dale took a deep breath. Was what he had to say particularly difficult, or just unpleasant? Either way, he appeared reluctant to say it. “I... want to give you Josh!” Benny stared for several moments, replaying the sentence in his mind over and over. He must have misheard or misunderstood. “You... you... what?” “Ugh, that's really not how I wanted to say that,” Dale groaned . Benny sat up in his seat slightly, taking a little comfort in the fact that Dale seemed to be struggling with the conversation as much as he was. “Look, why don't you... start at the beginning.” Dale nodded, taking another deep breath. “Yeah, good idea,” he said quietly. He thought for a moment, then started, “Well Josh and I kinda broke up a while back.” “Oh,” Benny said. He knew everything that had happened as Sam had filled him in. “What happened?” he asked, feigning ignorance. “He...” Dale started, then shook his head. “It doesn't matter. We're putting all of that behind us. We got back together and things are... well they're really good!” He smiled as he spoke. Benny couldn't help smiling in response. Regardless of his feelings for Josh or the way things had ended between them, he had always liked seeing Josh and Dale together, they seemed to make each other remarkably happy. “But...” Dale continued, “There's something missing.” “Something?” Benny asked, beginning to get an idea of where Dale was heading. “Yeah,” Dale nodded. “Josh is a sub, he has been pretty much ever since... you! He's reached the point where he's realised that it's not the most important thing in the world, but it's still undeniably part of who he is. He... needs it.” “Okay...” Benny said, contemplating what Dale was getting at. “I know Sam's told you about the time he spent in charge of Josh and since they ended things, he's tried meeting other doms. I even tried doing it myself but... it just doesn't work for us. It seems like the only person who's ever been his Master and done it well... is you!” Dale explained. Benny nodded. “Yeah, except for the part where I almost killed him!” he said bluntly. Dale stared at the boy. He knew the matter would have to come up eventually, but he had expected to be the one to do it. “Erm... well... yeah, apart from that.” Benny felt like he was back in his old room, reliving that day. After the assault (that was what he had taken to calling it, referring it to as an 'incident' or anything like that only served to lessen the seriousness of it) Dale had been the one Josh called. Dale had come round immediately and found Josh still cowering on the bed, his wrists bloody and Benny just standing in the middle of the room, shell-shocked. That meant he was the only other person who had actually seen how bad it was. Other people had been told about it since, but Dale had actually been there, he had been the one to pick up the pieces. Dale stared at Benny for several seconds. “You know, when Josh came to see you, he came home and he told me how much you'd changed. He told me all about this place and how you'd really grown up and matured since that Summer.” “And?” Benny asked, knowing there was more. “And I thought he was either mistaken or just fooling himself. I mean, let's face it, when it comes to serving people, he really hasn't got the slightest bit of sense, has he?” Dale said, smiling slightly. Benny smiled in response. Dale was definitely right about that. “So that's why I sent Sam,” Dale continued. Benny looked a mix of confused and hurt. “You sent him here to spy on me?” Dale shook his head. “No, not really. You've met the kid, you know how keen he was, that was all him. I just used him to gather some intel.” Benny frowned a little, folded his arms and asked, “So what did this intel tell you then?” Dale looked a little sheepish. “He pretty much agreed with everything Josh said,” he confessed. “And you believed him?” Benny asked suspiciously. “Partly,” Dale said. “Honestly, Benny.... I don't like you. You... scare me a little, but I trust both Josh and Sam, so if they say you've changed then I'm willing to take their word for it, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten what you can do.” “No, neither have I!” Benny replied, staring Dale straight in the eye, holding his gaze for several seconds. “And now you want to 'give Josh to me' then?” Benny asked, repeating Dale's words from earlier. “Yeah, that... wasn't really the best way to put it. What I meant was... I want you to be his Master again,” Dale requested. Benny's heart felt like it was about to pound through his chest. Although part of him remained unsure that going back to Josh was the right thing to do, it wasn't that part that was in control right then. “So you want him to live here? And serve me?” “Erm... no,” Dale said hesitantly. “That's where it's a bit... complicated. Like I said, I'm still with him and I always intend to be, so I was thinking more like a part time arrangement. Maybe he could stay here two nights a week?” “Five nights!” Benny demanded. Dale frowned and shook his head. “No way, three nights?” “Four,” Benny replied. “Three nights and alternate Saturdays!” Dale suggested. Benny thought for a moment, then nodded and said, “Deal!” He wasn't sure he even wanted the deal, but he had made it now. He reached out and offered his hand to Dale who paused for a moment, then took it in his own and shook it. “So what does Josh think about this idea then?” Benny asked curiously. “He... erm.... he doesn't actually know about it yet,” Dale said nervously. Benny grinned. “Really? That's awesome. I'm sure I can come up with a fun way to tell him!” He chuckled wickedly as a plan began to form in his mind. So you're probably asking, “Why chapter 18.5 and not chapter 19?” Well the answer to that is simple. This is not an actual chapter of Benny's House, just think of it as a little added extra. For anyone who has read Benny Takes Control and The Dangers of Desire (which is hopefully all of you!!), this is the story of Dale told from his point of view. It fills in a few gaps in various places and gives a little insight into what he's been through and why he decided to approach Benny about Josh. This story does not contain any significant sexual scenes, so if you're just looking for a quick turn on, feel free to skip it. However, for everyone else I hope you enjoy Dale's Tale. Chapter 18.5 – Dale's Tale by Matt Hi. My name's Dale Spencer. Up until a few years ago, my life was fairly normal really. It was just the usual stuff, you know, school, friends, life, all that sort of thing. I'm gay but even when I came out that was really no big deal. My parents were unbelievably cool with it, my little brother Warren was fine and even my friends weren't bothered, so there wasn't even any drama there. But then... Benny happened! The subject of Benny Harrison is a little tough for me really because while he's responsible for some of the best things to ever happen to me, he's also responsible for some of the worst too. I'd start at the beginning, but I wasn't actually around for that. While I've been filled in on the details, it's really not the same as witnessing it for yourself. But from what I've been told, Benny took control of a guy called Josh, his former babysitter and made him... I dunno, I suppose the best thing to call him is a sex slave! Now considering he was only thirteen at the time, that's already pretty scary/impressive, but he didn't stop there. He got others involved. Josh's brothers Nick and Corey both got drawn in and then so did my little brother, Warren. That was when I got involved, partially by force, but mostly willingly simply to allow me to keep an eye on the situation and look out for my little bro. A few days before that, though, I met someone, a guy. We met through mutual friends and ended up spending the day together. I didn't even notice it happening, but throughout that day, I started to fall in love and by the end of it, I was hooked. This is where things start to get complicated though. When I got involved in Benny's games, that was when I found out that the guy I had fallen for, Josh, was also involved. I won't bore you with the full tale of everything that happened with Benny, I'll just say that throughout the week he was in control of Josh, emotions ran pretty high. So when Josh finally ended it with Benny, things got a little out of control. ********** Sunday 6th August 2012 I was at home, just hanging out with Warren when my phone rang. I couldn't help smiling when I saw it was Josh calling. “Hey,” I said happily as I answered. My smile quickly faded as I didn't hear voices, only sobs and heavy breathing. “Josh, are you okay?” “Dale...” Josh croaked between sniffs. “Where are you? Are you still at Benny's?” I asked. My panic must have been obvious as Warren looked as concerned as I felt. “Yeah,” Josh replied, then the line went dead. I grabbed my coat and dashed to the door. Warren tried to come with me, but I wouldn't let him. I had made the decision a couple of days earlier to take Warren out of the situation he had been placed in as it was tearing him up. The last thing I wanted was to let him go back. He wasn't happy about it, but finally conceded to stay behind. I drove over to Benny's as fast as I could. Thankfully there were no police passing by as I know I must have been speeding. When I got there, I looked round quickly but found nobody in the lounge or kitchen, so I headed upstairs and heard sounds from Benny's room. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Benny was standing in the middle of the room, shaking and staring down it his hands which were red while a cut on his back was trickling blood slowly. Over on the bed, Josh was huddled in the corner, knees pulled up tightly to his chest, various parts of him also spattered with red. The sheets were stained heavily too. “What happened?” I asked. They both looked round at me, staring, clearly in shock, but neither of them spoke. I ran across the room and climbed onto the bed. “Josh,” I said tentatively, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. Again he looked at me but remained silent. As I looked down I could see several cuts around both of Josh's wrists. With blood-stained handcuffs beside him, it wasn't hard to figure out how the wounds had happened. I felt like I was going to throw up. Not from the sight of blood, that's never bothered me, but just from the sudden swell of emotions I felt. Fear over how Josh had been hurt, and how it could have been even worse, white-hot blinding fury at Benny for what he had (presumably) done, anger at myself for leaving Josh with the boy in the first place. I stood up, resisting the urge to beat the crap out of Benny and approached him. He still seemed as shaken as Josh was, but I grabbed both shoulders, shook him slightly to get his attention and demanded, “First aid kit?” “In the... in the bathroom,” he mumbled. As I started walking away, he called out, “I'm sorry!” “Save it!” I snapped back. I think if he had attempted to say anything else, my ability to resist hitting him would have disappeared completely. I ran out to his bathroom, looked in a cabinet and found the first aid kit. I headed back to the bedroom and gently pulled Josh's hands away from him one at a time to clean and dress the wounds. I don't know whether it was from having the injuries dealt with, from me touching him or just the time that passed, but by the time I was done Josh had calmed down substantially, even managing a weak smile at me. I pulled him into a tight hug and held him for several seconds before letting go and turning to Benny. I grabbed the chair from the desk, pulled it across to the boy and placed the first aid kit on it. He looked scared already, but having me looming over him intensified the expression. He seemed a little surprised when I started cleaning the wound on his back, partly because he didn't even seem to realise he had been hurt, but also because I don't think he had expected me to show that level of care. Once Benny's wound was dressed, I led him out of the room and into the bathroom. “Clean yourself up!” I snapped before leaving him to it. When I got back to Benny's room, Josh had finally moved off of the bed and was standing where Benny had been earlier. I pulled him into another hug and he completely broke down, sobbing helplessly on my shoulder for a couple of minutes. Once he had calmed down again, he whispered to me, “I thought he was gonna kill me!” “Hey, it's okay now,” I reassured him, stroking a hand up and down his back. “Don't be too mad at him,” Josh pleaded. I couldn't understand why he would say that. The boy had assaulted him and, by Josh's own admission, almost done worse. How exactly was I supposed to not be mad at him? Benny reappeared at the door and stopped, apparently unsure what to do next. I pulled away from Josh slightly and raised a hand up to his cheek. “Go get yourself cleaned up, okay?” I said gently, then watched as he walked away, Benny moving aside to let him pass, the two not even daring to look at each other. I glanced round at the bed, the sheets looking like a murder scene from a TV show. It was amazing how far so little blood could spread. I started pulling the sheets off and Benny walked up behind me. “Can I... help?” he asked cautiously. “You can get me some clean sheets, then get dressed and go downstairs,” I said coldly. It was still taking every ounce of self control I had not to lash out at him. He did as I commanded and was gone a couple of minutes later. As I finished making the bed, Josh came back and I helped him dress. “Where's Benny?” he asked nervously. “I told him to wait downstairs. I think... I need to call the police,” I said, not completely sure of the best way to handle it. “No, don't!” Josh argued back immediately. “Josh he... he assaulted you! He's dangerous!” I snapped, my anger almost flaring out of control. Josh shook his head, taking a step back. “Sorry,” I said, forcing myself to remain calm, realising that my anger was only scaring Josh more. “It's ok,” he replied with a nod, “But he's not dangerous, he's... oh god, he's just a kid!” I took a deep breath before I spoke. “Yeah, a kid that could have killed you,” I argued. As far as I was concerned, he needed to be locked up. “No,” Josh insisted. “He's just been through a lot this week and it was... he just couldn't cope with it all. Remember, he's only thirteen!” I knew what Josh meant. In the space of just over a week, Benny had become Master to a small bunch of guys, gained massive levels of power and influence over them, fallen in love, been rejected, then lost all the power he had built. For an adult it would have been tough, but for someone lacking emotional maturity it must have been horrifically confusing. While I still thought we should have done more, I conceded to Josh's request not to involve the police or Benny's parents. I stayed with them that night, wanting to ensure nothing else happened. The next day, Benny's parents got home and we left. ********** Josh soon got back to normal after leaving Benny, well as normal as he could. That week had changed him. Before it, he had been one hundred percent straight and very much the man in charge, but the things he had done had helped him discover not only that he was bisexual, but that he had a submissive side that he wanted to explore some more. We actually started dating properly after that and it was great... mostly. On the nights when I'd stay over at his house or he'd be at mine, it was a fairly common occurrence for him to wake up after nightmares about Benny, or sometimes just talk in his sleep, calling out for help. That all got a little better five months after the assault when we saw Benny again. It was his fourteenth birthday and it was the first time any of us had seen him since our week together. He actually apologised for what he had done, which I suppose was nice, but I just couldn't get past it. I still couldn't trust him. He could appear as reformed and remorseful as he liked, to me he would always be the boy who hurt my Josh. A few months after that, Josh and I finally moved in together. We found a great place relatively close to both mine and Josh's parents' houses and everything was amazing. From what happened in that week and dating Josh, I gained more than just a boyfriend, I gained a second family. Nick and Corey became like my own little brothers while Pippa and George, Josh's parents, became like a second Mum and Dad to me and Warren. I suppose the only major problem we had for a while was Josh's unsated desires for submissiveness. Every now and then, I'd try and help him out with it, but it didn't always work out for the best. ********** Saturday 13th July 2013 “Hey, it's just us,” Josh called out as he came in through the front door. He had been out for the morning, taking Corey to his usual Saturday morning football practice which he stayed to watch. Aside from giving me Saturday mornings to myself, it was great to see Josh and Corey doing stuff together. It seemed strange to me when Nick told me how Corey used to be so cold and aloof towards both of his elder siblings. Seeing how close the three of them were now, it seemed hard to believe. It always made me remember that some good stuff had come from the week with Benny, but ultimately that train of thoughts always lead back to anger at how it had ended. “Hey guys,” I said happily as Josh came across to the sofa where I was sat, followed by his little brother. As I leaned back over the rear of the sofa, Josh kissed me. “Hey sexy,” he said happily. He started to walk round the sofa to sit next to me, but before he could, Corey vaulted over it and flopped down beside me, poking his tongue out at Josh. “Beat ya to it!” he taunted. Josh simply shrugged and said, “Whatever, I wasn't going to sit down anyway,” he said unconvincingly. He turned back around and headed towards the kitchen. “Who wants a drink?” he asked. “I'll have a coffee please,” I requested. “Coke for me!” Corey demanded. Josh headed out of the room leaving me alone with Corey. “He okay today?” I asked. Even though Corey was still so young, he was always wise beyond his years. Josh tended to confide in him quite a lot and it really helped that the boy could read him like a book. “Yeah, seems to be,” he said with a slight shrug. “Although he's clearly got sex on the brain again.” I sniggered. “Yeah, but doesn't he always!” I said with a grin. “Maybe he wouldn't if he got what he needs,” Corey said bluntly. I frowned at the comment. I wanted to argue back, tell him that I was all Josh really needed, but I knew it wouldn't be true. “Just do it!” Corey insisted. “It's not that easy,” I argued, sitting back and folding my arms. “Sure it is. Tie him up, call him some names, fuck him senseless and you're done. Simple as that!” Corey explained. It still seemed wrong to be talking to someone so young about such things, and even more wrong to hear him saying those sort of things so confidently. “If it's so easy, then why don't you do it?” I argued back, a little annoyed that he was making it sound like the fault was with me. “Because I'm straight and he's a guy... and my brother!” he said back. “Whatever, now shut up, he's coming back,” I said as Josh came back in with our drinks. That afternoon, once Corey had left I kept thinking about what he had said. Was it really that simple? I was cuddling with Josh on the sofa when I decided to try it. I sat up, looked at him and ordered, “Stand up!” He looked back at me and frowned. “No, you stand up!” he said back. “No I'm... I'm ordering you,” I said, already a little thrown. “Oh!” Josh said, realising what I was doing. “Okay then.” He jumped up and looked at me expectantly. “Could you... take your clothes off?” I said. In my mind it was an order, but it came out as a somewhat timid question. Josh scowled at me and remained standing still. “Take your clothes off!” I said, as firmly as I could manage. He rolled his eyes, but did it anyway, slowly undressing. The first thing that struck me was that he wasn't even remotely hard. If it was really as easy as Corey had implied, then he would have been solid and ready to go, simply from being told what to do. Sadly that was not the case. “You should... you should be hard,” I said, again thinking of it as an order but conveying it as more of a general observation. He just stared at me, eyebrows raised. “Erm... get hard!” I said. He sighed and started stroking his cock. He did it for a couple of minutes while I watched but his cock remained distinctly flaccid. I started to panic, knowing I had to do something. “You failed... faggot,” I said, flinching a little as I called him the name. Josh actually smirked a little. “Get over my lap, right now!” I ordered. Josh jumped back onto the sofa and lay across my lap. “For failing to do as ordered, you're going to get spanked,” I said. I'm not sure what I expected him to say, but I paused for a few seconds anyway. Josh apparently didn't know what he was meant to say either. He waited a few moments before finally saying, “Well go on then!” I slapped my hand down onto one of his cheeks, but I was so scared of hurting him that it barely even made a noise. I heard Josh sigh disappointedly. I forced myself to do it again, slapping as hard as I could. The noise echoed round the room and Josh yelled out. “Oh my God, are you okay?” I asked, my hand already rubbing the reddening cheek to comfort him. Josh just buried his face in the sofa cushions, shaking his head slightly. “This really just isn't working, is it?” he asked, his voice muffled. “I guess not,” I said unhappily. Josh sat up, pulled me into a tight hug and then kissed me passionately for several seconds. He rested his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes and smiled. “But thank you for trying,” he said gratefully. “I just... wish I could give you what you want,” I said sadly, my hand gripping his. “You already do. All I want is you!” he said before kissing me again. When we parted, I looked down and saw that he was hard now. “Well,” I said, taking hold of his erection, “There's no point letting this go to waste!” ********** I tried a few more times over the next year to be more dominant, but it pretty much always ended up like that. We still got on great though. Life was good. I had my boyfriend, my friends, my brothers, pretty much everything I could ever need, but as always seems to be the case, all good things must come to an end. Once again things got bad and much like before, Benny was partly to blame (although far from entirely). Josh went to see him. He had finally had enough of being scared of what had happened that Summer with Benny. He decided it was time to confront him about it. He did it. He spoke to Benny, he cleared the air and that should have been it, but it wasn't. Seeing Benny again simply reignited Josh's desires. He actually came close to going back to Benny, but thankfully it never happened. Amazingly, it was Benny that ended up turning Josh away. That was the first thing that planted the seed of doubt in my mind. It made just the smallest part of my mind think that maybe Benny had changed as much as Josh claimed he had. Apparently, he was in charge of an entire house full of subs and had grown up a lot. I wanted to believe it, but I still couldn't think about him without picturing that day in his room. I suppose I could blame Benny for what came next, maybe say that it was seeing him was what pushed Josh to behave so erratically, but I don't think it would be fair to pin all the blame on him. Josh and Warren were having an affair, pretty much the whole time we were together. Yeah, it was Benny that got the two of them together in the first place, but they both knew what they were doing in hiding it from me. Of course, as is always the way with these things, I found out about it. Looking back, I think my response may have been a bit of an over-reaction, but finding out the guy you love (who had also been doing a lot of other crazy shit) was in love with your own little brother would be enough to push anyone's buttons! We broke up and I just left. I had to get away from all of it. We might have actually reconciled pretty quickly if it hadn't been for the interference of someone I thought was a friend. Thanks to his unwelcome intervention, I was under the impression Josh didn't want to get back together and Josh had been lead to believe the same about me. It was only when things really hit rock bottom that we came to see the light. Warren... almost did something terrible to himself. Thankfully he didn't, but the shock of that was enough to make us put aside some of the petty crap we had been holding onto. I finally spoke to Josh again after that, but there was one final problem to deal with... Josh still loved Warren. My little brother and I talked about it. We were sick of all the pain and the drama, we just wanted it to end, so we made it simple.... we let Josh decide! ********** Thursday 19th March 2015 “I think... when I found out about you two, I just thought it was... I dunno... just some sleazy affair, some way of sneaking around behind Nick and my backs. I could tell from talking to Warren that it wasn't like that, was it? You loved him. I mean... really loved him, the same way you loved me. Am I right?” I asked. Josh nodded. I felt a lump in my throat. I hoped he'd say no and make all of this much easier. “That's what I thought.” I said with a slight nod. “He still loves you and he knows I do too, but.... you can't be with us both. That's why we decided to leave it up to you.” “What?” Josh asked, staring at me. “If you want Warren, then I'll be okay with it. He'll still be my brother and hopefully we could be friends. And if you choose me, Warren said he's happy to do the same.” I explained. “What, just like that, I have to choose?” Josh asked, eyes wide with shock. I nodded. “Yeah, me or Warren. Who's it gonna be?” Josh stared at me for several seconds before he could bring himself to speak. “I love Warren. I really do. He's... he means the world to me!” Josh explained. His every word felt like a tiny knife stabbing me through the heart. “But it's you!” he added, with a smile, a tear forming in the corner of his eye. “Wh.. what?” I stuttered, barely able to comprehend. Josh smiled, almost laughing. “Of course it's you. Oh my God, Dale, I... I can't.... there just... the words don't exist to explain how much I love you. Every day without you has been like a living hell and I never want to have another one of those days. I love you!” “I love you too,” I said back. We kissed and we hugged and we kissed some more and that was it. We were back. We were Josh and Dale again. ********** Warren took it pretty hard at first, but he soon came around. I think he saw how happy Josh was and that made it a little easier for him. I sometimes catch them looking at each other and feel a little guilty about keeping them apart, which is stupid because I'm not doing anything wrong, but I can't help the way I feel any more than they can I suppose. I knew he'd get over it though, especially when he met someone else, but that's another story. What mattered was that Josh and I were back together. While we had been apart, he had managed to find himself a new Master who actually turned out to be Sam, a friend of Warren and Corey. To begin with, I was happy for Sam to continue in that role. I think by then I had resigned myself to the fact that, even if I was with Josh, I would always have to share him with someone who could help indulge his submissive side. I got to know Sam a little better over the next couple of weeks and while I got to like him better as a person, I had a few reservations about him as a dom. I think my main concern was his lack of experience. After seeing the way Josh had been hurt by someone so inexperienced it alarmed me a little to potentially have it happen again. I ended up asking them to end it and while they were both a little disappointed, they understood why. That was when my search began. I signed up to every site I could find related to doms and subs, hoping to find a new Master for Josh. It seemed like the simplest solution to do it myself. That way I could be happy with whoever I chose, while making sure Josh's needs were met. As anyone who has ever been on those sites can probably tell you, it can be a harrowing experience. Those places are full of freaks and weirdos. It took some time, but I found a few guys that I was willing to consider for the position. I arranged some meets to see how it went, but they were mostly... unsuccessful. ********** Friday 10th April 2015 Josh looked as nervous as I felt as we waited for him to arrive. He was one of the more sane doms who I had spoken to. He said he was okay with out situation, claimed to have plenty of experience in domming and was happy to come and try Josh out. His name was Paul and he was due at seven, which was only five minutes away. There was a knock at the door. Josh and I just looked at each other. “Sure you wanna do this?” Josh asked. I nodded. “Yeah, definitely. And I know you need this!” I said as I got up to answer the door. “I don't NEED it,” Josh defended. I simply raised an eyebrow in response and and he conceded, “Okay, maybe I do.” Smiling at the comment, I opened the door. “Hi Paul,” I said politely as I saw the man standing there. He didn't reply, he simply barged in. If I hadn't stepped aside, I think he would have pushed me out of the way. He looked round and saw the lounge to his right, heading straight into it. “Hi, I'm Josh,” Josh said, standing up from the sofa. “DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK?” he yelled at Josh, walking up to him. Josh looked at me nervously, then back to Paul and said, “Sorry Sir!” “YOU DID IT AGAIN!” he snarled. He raised a hand and slapped Josh. “Whoa, hold up!” I called out, dashing over to them. “This isn't what we discussed.” “We discussed me being this worthless little shit's master and by the looks he needs a LOT of training!” Paul said angrily. He raised his hand again to slap Josh, but I grabbed it. “You touch him again and I'll fucking kill you!” I growled furiously at him. I tugged on his arm, dragging him away from Josh and towards the door. “GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!” Paul yelled at me, tugging his hand free of my grasp. “Get out!” I snapped, opening the door. Paul glared first at Josh and then at me. “Ugh, fucking time wasters!” he snapped before marching out. As the door closed behind him, I heard a loud thud as he kicked it. I turned to Josh, walked to him and put my arms around him. “You okay?” I asked. “Yeah, but I think it's a no to that one!” he said back playfully. ********** Tuesday 14th April 2015 After what had happened with the last potential Master, we were both a little more hesitant with the next one. Again there came a knock at the door a few minutes after the time we had arranged and I answered. “Hi Fred,” I said politely. The man was in his late twenties, he stood at about 5'11”, light brown cropped hair with an average build and a nervous smile on his face. “Hi Dale,” he said back happily, waiting to be invited in. I moved aside and gestured for him to enter. He took off his coat and hung it on a hook behind the door, then stood waiting for me to take him through. A definite improvement on Paul. “This way,” I said, leading him to the lounge. As we walked in, Josh smiled at the man. “Hi Fred,” he said nervously. “Whoa, you're even hotter than your pics!” Fred said, stopping dead in his tracks. “Thanks,” Josh said, blushing. I stood back, letting the scene play out without any interference from me. “So... what now?” Josh asked. “Erm... I... erm...” Fred stuttered nervously. Josh could obviously see the nerves and decided to try to move things along. “Well what do you normally have your subs do first?” he asked. “I... I would... erm... maybe... have them strip for me,” Fred said, sounding more terrified with each passing moment. Josh shot me a glance which I returned with a shrug. “Okay,” Josh said, then started to undress. Without any more specific instructions, he simply stood there and removed his clothes. Naked, he looked again to Fred and asked, “And then?” “Oh fuck, you're hot!” Fred mumbled, staring wide-eyed. Josh's eyes narrowed. “You... have done this before, haven't you?” he asked. Fred looked round at me then back at Josh, looking back and forth between us, his expression akin to a rabbit caught in headlights. “Y.... yeah.... of... of course,” he said completely unconvincingly. I sighed. “You're lying,” I said, stating the blindingly obvious. “Okay,” he confessed. “I'm not really that experienced, but.... but I want to be and... well, you guys were just so hot... and I wanted to see...” he rambled on. I sighed again and walked over to him. “I'm sorry, Fred. You seem like a lovely guy, but we really do need someone with a lot more experience.” “Can't I... get that experience with you guys?” he asked hopefully. I shook my head. “I'm sorry,” I said. Now it was his turn to let out a heavy sigh. He let me lead him back to the door and he left without making any fuss. I returned to the lounge and looked at Josh who was already getting dressed again. “Another one down,” I said unhappily. ********** Every other guy I arranged to meet ended up with similar problems. Most of them were all smug and confident online but then seemed to lack any substance in person, while another one was very much like Paul in that he thought being a dom and being a bully were the same thing. Even after Sam stopped being Josh's Master, he would still come round for occasional visits, usually accompanied by my little brother. While Warren and Josh would have a cuddle and catch up on things, I was always kept company by Sam. He was aware of our ongoing search for a new Master so I had plenty to tell him about with the various guys we were auditioning. He also told me about the times he had seen Benny recently. He confessed what had happened with James and while a small part of me was happy to hear about my former friend's suffering, I was glad Benny had been there to intervene. The more Sam spoke about Benny, the more it sounded like Josh's opinion of him a couple of months earlier had actually been right. It truly did sound like the boy had changed for the better, maturing significantly. He told me all about Benny's house, passing on pretty much everything his friend had told him about it. Aside from being a little intrigued and curious about it, I started to get an idea about resolving mine and Josh's issue with needing a new Master. Sam seemed quite keen to see the house for himself, but I asked him to tell me if he was successful. I needed to know more. Benny could talk about it as much as he liked and say he had changed, but I wanted to know what actually went on in his house from an outsider's perspective. When Sam was finally allowed to visit, he did as I asked and reported back to me right away. I was amazed to hear what Sam had seen and more than a little surprised to find out about Benny actually being a decent Master. If I hadn't had so many bad experiences with the Masters I had met online, I doubt I ever would have entertained the notion of letting Josh go back to Benny, but it seemed that he was actually the best option available to us. I decided to go and see Benny. I knew it would be strange. Aside from the brief contact we had on his fourteenth birthday, the last time I saw him had been that weekend when he hurt Josh. I decided to rise above it, to try and put the past behind me for Josh's sake. And that really brings us up to today. I saw him, I spoke to him, I explained the way things are. I made it clear that while he was about to become Josh's Master again, Josh was mine and always would be. Now the only thing left to do was break the news to Josh. But of course, Benny has a plan! Doesn't he always?! Chapter 19 – Holding Back by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 2nd May 2015 I don't think it would be surprising to say that I'm still a little shocked about yesterday. For Dale to just turn up out of the blue and offer Josh to me... I mean, what the fuck?! I could pretend that I'm debating this, say I'm weighing up the risks and the benefits of having Josh back in my life, but what would be the point? I'd only be lying to myself. He's gonna be mine again, which is gonna be really weird, but... oh God, just thinking about it makes me so ridiculously happy. Anyway, I'm gonna have to wait a little while before I can do anything about that because of the plan I made with Dale, but I'll write more about that when it happens. The only drawback at the moment, as was pointed out to me by more than one person today, is the affect it will have on the rest of the house by having Josh here. I can't help wondering, if it came down to a choice between the house and Josh, would I do the sensible thing? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Come in!” Benny grunted, the sound muffled by the pillow his face was buried in. It had been quite late before he finally got to sleep, too many things playing in his mind to let him get any peace. “Just leave it over there,” he said, waving a hand out to the side without looking up. “Yes Sir,” a voice came back immediately. Benny jumped, recognising the voice as Roger. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked at the young man bleary-eyed. “Roger, why are you bringing me breakfast?” he asked, confused. It was always the duty of one of the Boys, so seeing Roger there had definitely thrown him. “Can I?” Roger asked, gesturing to the foot of the bed. Benny shook his head, then shuffled across to the opposite side of the bed and gestured for Roger to climb in the spot that had just been vacated. “Thanks,” Roger said as he settled in beside the teen. “What's wrong? What happened?” Benny asked, panicking a little. “Nothing,” Roger replied, hoping to put his Master at ease, before adding a tentative, “Yet!” Benny frowned, wondering what Roger was getting at. “I wanted to talk to you... about your visitor last night,” Roger said solemnly. “Zack? What about him?” Benny asked, hoping that was who Roger meant, but already knowing it wasn't. “No, the other one,” Roger replied with a slight shake of his head. Benny folded his arms and glared at Roger. “What about him?” he asked moodily. Roger looked a little annoyed at the response, glaring back. “Are you having Josh back?” he asked bluntly. “I don't know yet,” Benny lied. His mind was already made up. “I'm guessing this means you have an opinion on the matter?” “Yeah, I do,” Roger said back. “Come on then,” Benny demanded, “Let's hear it!” “I'm just worried about what it will do to everyone else in the house,” Roger explained. Benny scoffed, shaking his head. “And why's that?” “Charlie!” Roger replied sharply, then added, “And Zane!” Benny went to reply, but found himself stumped. It wasn't the argument he had expected. “What?” he asked, looking thoroughly confused. “Charlie came here and you got a bit obsessed, to the point of ignoring your other Boys at times. Then along came Zane and you pretty much did the same. You still give him preferential treatment over the others,” Roger explained. “I mean, three of your Boys actually left for that exact reason and I wouldn't be surprised if there were others considering doing it too.” “Okay...” Benny said thoughtfully. “If Josh comes along too, you can pretty much guarantee that he'll get all of your attention. I mean... it's Josh. I know how you feel.... felt... about him,” Roger went on. “I think sometimes think you forget how important you are to this place. It's YOUR house, everyone's pretty much here for you. Don't take away their reason to stay.” Benny's initial anger over Roger's unsolicited opinion quickly faded as he considered the man's words. As was usually the case, he was very clearly right. He simply nodded, looking painfully sad. “Hey, I'm sorry,” Roger said reaching out to put an arm around Benny. “You know I'm not saying this just to upset you, right?” Benny let himself get pulled closer to the large man at his side, then nodded gently up at him. “Yeah, I know you're just looking out for the house.” Roger shook his head in response. “No, I'm looking out for YOU. That kinda brings me on to my other concern.” “What?” Benny asked, wondering what else there could be. “You!” Roger said bluntly. “Like I said, I know how you felt about Josh, but I also know what happened between you guys and how much that hurt you. Inviting him back here... it could just be opening you up to getting hurt all over again.” Benny closed his eyes, put his arms around Roger and squeezed against him. “You're right. About all of it. But... it's Josh!” “You know I'll support you whatever you do, so if you choose to have him here, I'll do everything I can to help. I just wanted you to think about it carefully,” Roger explained. “I will,” Benny said reassuringly. “And thanks.” ********** Malik sat on the sofa, staring across at his Uncle. It had been a huge relief to finally be able to share with Benny what had happened to him when he was younger and how his Uncle Abdul had been involved. The biggest relief was that he had been allowed to stay in the house. He had thought about what he would do if he had to leave, but it always left him too upset to make any proper plans. Fortunately, that was no longer a concern. However, Benny had given one stipulation to Malik's continued presence in the house, something he had to do that he really wasn't looking forward to. Abdul shifted in his seat, wondering why his nephew/Master had called him there. Normally they only met when Malik had some kind of cruel punishment to inflict upon him. “You abused me!” Malik said bluntly. Abdul squirmed at the comment. “I... I've said I'm sorry so many times,” he said awkwardly. “And that's meant to make it better?” Malik asked angrily. Abdul simply shook his head, looking genuinely remorseful. Malik couldn't deny that Abdul did seem genuinely sorry about what he had done. He really had apologised more times than he could remember, but that didn't help abate his anger. “Maybe that's the problem,” Benny had said. “You can't move on and get over it while you're using it to blackmail Abdul.” Malik knew Benny was right. He had used the events of his youth like a chain to hold Abdul down, but he had never realised that he was stuck on the other end of that chain. “You're free,” Malik said bluntly. Abdul's eyes widened. “What?” he asked in shock. “If I want to stay here, I'm not allowed to keep blackmailing you like this,” Malik explained. That had been the stipulation Benny had given. He said he didn't want anyone to be in the house against their will. “So I can just... go?” Abdul asked in amazement. Malik nodded. “And you won't tell anyone about what I did?” Abdul asked excitedly. Malik shook his head. “That's... I don't know what to say,” Abdul said, looking more than a little shocked. Malik folded his arms and glared at his Uncle. “I don't forgive you, by the way. I'm doing this because I value staying here more than I value making you suffer.” Abdul shrugged. “I don't blame you. I know you won't believe this, but I'll never forgive myself for it either.” he said. “Just... tell me why,” Malik demanded. “Why did you do it? Did you enjoy making me suffer like that?” “No!” Abdul said emphatically. “I never wanted to hurt you. I just... I knew how hard your life would be if you were gay. You know what our family is like!” Malik laughed. “Seriously, you're trying to tell me you and your friends abused me... to help me?” Abdul nodded, realising how it sounded. “Whatever. Just... get out. Leave. Right now!” Malik snapped angrily. His Uncle didn't say another word, he just left the room. Less than an hour later, Abdul left the house unceremoniously. He said a few quick goodbyes, but that was it, he was gone. Malik stood at the lounge window and watched as his Uncle drove off. He knew he could go and talk to Benny about everything, even Alex or Roger or one of the Boys. Regardless of roles in the house, he knew they all cared about him, but in that moment there was only one person he wanted to talk to. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed out a quick message to Wesley. [Hope you're doing okay. I really miss you]. ********** Benny was in the Games Room playing on one of the pinball machines when he felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. He jumped, squealed and span around on the spot to find a giggling Zane standing there. “You dick!” Benny scowled, but couldn't help smiling at Zane's laugh. “Sorry,” Zane said completely unconvincingly. “Everything okay?” Benny asked, wondering why the Boy had interrupted him. Zane looked around awkwardly as if reluctant to say what he wanted to. He finally built up the nerve and asked, “Who's Josh?” Benny was probably more surprised by the question than he had been by the tap on his shoulder. “I... erm... what?” he stuttered. “Who's Josh?” Zane repeated. “Why... do you want to know?” Benny asked defensively. Zane shrugged. “Well all everyone seems to be able to talk about is you and some guy called Josh, but whenever I ask any of them about it, they don't want to tell me about it, so I figured I'd just ask you directly.” Benny couldn't help smiling. The Boy's bluntness was one of the many things he liked about him. It was quite fun to think that while everyone else was just sitting downstairs gossiping about what might be happening, Zane felt comfortable enough with him to just approach him about it in person. “What are you smiling at?” Zane asked, a little confused. Benny leaned forward and kissed Zane on the cheek. “Nothing,” he said as he moved back. “Come on, let's go to my lounge and I'll fill you in.” He put an arm around the Boy and lead him away. Once they were settled, Benny filled Zane in about who Josh was and (most of) the things that had happened between them. The bits he held back weren't done so out of shame or embarrassment, it was simply because he felt there were some things that it wasn't appropriate for a Master to tell his sub. When they were done, Zane looked thoughtful. “What's wrong?” Benny asked, concerned. Zane just shook his head, remaining silent. “Come on, you know you can tell me anything,” Benny insisted. Zane looked nervously at Benny and asked, “And you won't get angry?” “Of course not,” Benny insisted. “You're gonna forget about me,” Zane said, staring down at the ground. “What?” Benny asked with a slight chuckle. “It's okay. I'm used to it,” Zane said with a tone of reluctant acceptance. “I've always just been the temporary entertainment, you know, til something better comes along.” Benny's heart ached. It was painfully obvious that this wasn't a new feeling for the Boy. It had obviously happened before. “Zane,” he said gently, reaching out and placing a hand on his leg. “Hey, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty or anything, it's really okay. I knew from the start that this'd happen eventually. I'm fine with it,” Zane said casually with a shrug. Benny took a deep breath and looked the Boy up and down. “I really don't know where to start with this,” he said, pausing momentarily. “Okay, firstly, what makes you think I'm gonna forget you?” “Duh! Josh!” Zane said bluntly. “Your first sub... your first LOVE is coming back. There's absolutely no way you'll have him here without giving him all of your attention. Any idiot can see that!” There it was again. Almost exactly what Roger had said. Were they both right? For now, he focused on something else. “So tell me... when else have you been forgotten?” Zane shrugged. “Always!” he said, not voluntarily giving up any more detail than that. “Previous masters?” Benny asked. Zane shrugged again, avoiding meeting Benny's gaze. “Everyone. Masters, friends, family. I'm around when they want me and then as soon as someone else comes along it's like... see ya Zane, take care!” “Look at me,” Benny ordered. The Boy resisted, so he restated the order more firmly, “Zane, I said look at me!” The Boy turned towards his Master, only meeting his gaze for a second before averting his eyes. Benny grabbed his face with both hands, forcing his gaze. “Ugh, what?” he snapped, annoyed. “I will never... ever... forget you. Regardless of how I feel about Josh... or anyone else in this house, I love you. You're my pup and you always will be,” Benny explained honestly. Zane sniffed. “You... you promise?” he asked nervously. “I swear on my life. You're mine!” Benny said with a warm smile. “I love you too, Sir,” Zane said excitedly, throwing his arms around his Master. When he let go, he added, “But... are you sure Josh won't take up too much of your attention?” Benny nodded. “Yeah. I've been thinking about it. It doesn't matter what history we have, he'll be coming to the house as one of my Boys which means he'll get exactly the same treatment as everyone else!” “What, like I do?” Zane said with a cheeky grin. “You're different!” Benny said back. “Hmm, we'll see,” Zane replied, unconvinced. “Don't push it!” Benny said playfully. “Remember who's the one in charge here!” He sat back, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, me!” Zane said back with a smirk. Benny chuckled reluctantly, then said, “Oh, like that, is it?” Zane shrugged. “I guess it is, and shouldn't you address me as Sir?” Benny forced the smile off of his face, despite how amused he was by the Boy's taunting. “Ooh, is my Boy getting all serious?” Zane asked, reaching up to gently pat Benny on the cheek. “Oh keep going, you're just making things worse for yourself,” Benny said, waiting to see how far the Boy was going to push it. Zane shrugged again. “Don't you mean you're making things worse for yourself, SIR?” Benny folded his arms and stood up, looking down at Zane. “Last chance. Apologise for your cheek right now and I'll go easy on you!” “Oh wow,” Zane said, holding out a hand. “Look how much I'm NOT shaking!” Benny nodded and smiled. “Fair enough,” he said, then pulled his phone out of his pocket. He sent off a quick text message, then sat back down opposite Zane, staring him straight in the eye. “Am I supposed to be scared?” Zane asked cheekily, holding Benny's gaze. “No,” Benny said back, then went silent for a couple of minutes. He didn't move until he heard a car horn right outside. He stood up and gestured for Zane to follow. “Come on,” he said to the Boy. Zane's smirk finally disappeared. He had expected a spanking, maybe an edging or some kind of humiliation at the gathering that evening. Now he was suddenly nervous about what Benny had in mind. “Wh... what are you doing?” “Punishing you!” Benny said flatly. “I gave you a chance, remember.” He headed to the front door and opened it. Zane looked down at himself. As was the requirement, he was naked. The thought of stepping outside, even into the secluded private grounds of the house was pretty terrifying. “Okay, okay, I'm sorry,” he said quickly. Benny shook his head. “You remember when I said it was your last chance to apologise. Well, funnily enough, that was your LAST chance!” Benny walked out and peered back through the door. “Come on.” “No Sir, please,” Zane pleaded. “Oh, so now You can call ME Sir?” Benny taunted, then shook his head and said, “Too late for that though. Out you come.” Zane stepped through the door, looking round nervously. He felt a surge of fear as he saw a car at the bottom of the steps, Roger sitting in the driver's seat. Benny walked quickly down the steps and opened the passenger door, gesturing for Zane to enter. “No, please, please, please Sir, no, not this,” Zane begged. He looked genuinely scared, but at the same time, his cock was swelling. Benny took a little comfort on knowing that at least part of the Boy was apparently enjoying this. “it's the only way you'll learn,” he said coldly. Zane looked back at the house, considering running back inside and hiding, but he knew that Benny would somehow make him do it anyway and then pile another punishment on top too. Shaking slightly, more from fear than cold, he walked down the steps and got into the car. Benny closed the door and got into the back seat. “Okay Roger, drive,” he commanded. “Where to, Sir?” Roger asked dutifully. “Anywhere you like, ideally via the busiest routes,” Benny said with a slight giggle. Roger started the car and made his way down the driveway, pressing a button to open the front gate before they reached it. Zane was already breathing heavily, terrified of being seen by anyone, even though most people would only be able to see his top half anyway. As soon as they got onto the road, Benny leaned forward and reached round to grab Zane's already-erect cock. “You can't tell me you're not having fun!” Benny teased. “Yes I can,” Zane objected weakly. They passed their first car and Zane slouched down in his seat, convinced the people in the other car had seen every inch of him. “Hey, none of that. Sit up straight!” Benny ordered. Just for good measure, he gave the Boy's balls a quick squeeze, making him jump up. Roger continued to drive around while Benny started stroking Zane's boner, slowly and teasingly. Every time they passed another car or pedestrian, Roger slowed a little, just to make it worse for the Boy. He kept pleading to be taken home, but Benny showed no signs of letting him off so easily. Eventually, despite his humiliation of possibly being seen, Zane began to moan excitedly from Benny's touch. “Ah, Sir, aaah,” he moaned. “Do you wanna cum, Boy?” Benny asked. “Yes Sir, yes, please,” Zane requested. “Okay then Roger, find somewhere for us to get out,” Benny ordered. Roger nodded his understanding. “Wait, get out? No!” Zane immediately objected. Benny leaned forward, putting his lips close to Zane's ear, his lips grazing them as he whispered, “If you wanna cum, you gotta get out of the car!” “No, please Sir,” Zane begged. “Don't make me do that. This is bad enough already!” “Fine. Roger, keep driving,” Benny ordered, then went back to teasing the Boy's straining dick, getting a whimper in response. Benny reached round with his other arm and began teasing a nipple as he edged. Benny watched the clock, waiting another five minutes before he asked, “Ready to cum now?” “Does it... have to be... out of the car?” Zane asked between deep breaths. “Yup,” Benny said, pinching Zane's nipple. “Then no,” Zane refused. They carried on like that for another twenty minutes, Benny's hand getting soaked with precum, the Boy gradually producing more and more the longer he was kept on edge. When he refused once more to cum, Benny said to Roger, “Okay, let's go through the town centre!” At that time on a Saturday, they all knew that not only would the streets be full of shoppers, but roads would be extremely busy too, resulting in a very slow drive with a LOT of exposure. “No Sir,” Zane begged. “Fine, okay, I'll cum!” “You heard him!” Benny said happily to Roger. “Let's find somewhere good to stop.” Benny continued to edge the Boy while Roger looked for somewhere suitable. “How's this?” Roger asked as they pulled into a quiet street. It was very open, but practically deserted. There was a busy road at each end of the street, but very little other than a few empty or closed industrial units along the street itself. “Great, pull over,” Benny said. As the car came to a stop, Benny let go of Zane and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Okay Boy, round to the front of the car and give us a show!” “Sir, can't I just cum in here?” Zane requested, still trying to get out of it. “Nope,” Benny said. Part of him wanted to give in and be nice, but he was determined to see this one through to the end. “Out you get!” Zane looked round, scanning every direction before gently opening the door, as if any sudden movement would bring a huge audience to observe. He gingerly stepped out, closed the door and walked round in front of the car, instinctively covering up with both hands. Benny raised his phone and started recording, getting an angry stare from Zane who reluctantly dropped his hands away and started stroking. He went straight to full speed, wanting to get it out of the way quickly. Thanks to the half hour of edging, it didn't take long before he was moaning excitedly and shooting a massive load across the front of the car. Benny happily recorded the whole thing. As Zane stepped back round to get in the car again, Benny clicked the door lock and said to Roger, “Okay, drive!” “Seriously?” Roger asked in surprise. “Yeah, go!” Benny said, just as Zane tried the door and realised it was locked. Before the boy could respond, Roger hit the accelerator and the car shot forward. “NO, STOP!” Zane called out desperately, running after them. “That's enough,” Benny said before they even reached the end of the street. Roger hit the breaks and they screeched to a halt. Benny opened the back door and peered out just as Zane reached them. He jumped in and pulled the door closed then scowled at Benny and said, “You're both dicks. Absolute fucking dicks!” Benny and Roger were both laughing and as annoyed as he was, Zane ended up reluctantly laughing too. Benny reached down and picked up the blanket he had asked Roger to bring, handing it to the naked Boy. Zane quickly wrapped it around himself, happy to finally be hidden from any prying eyes. Benny held out an arm and Zane cuddled up to him for the drive home. ********** Alex was sitting in the Genera's' Lounge jotting down some ideas for activities when Malik walked in, looking surprisingly happy. “Hey, you okay?” Alex asked. “Yeah, I'm good,” Malik answered with a smile. Alex frowned a little. Like everyone else, he had heard about Abdul's sudden departure. “Are you... sure? I heard Abdul left.” “Oh,” Malik said, his face dropping. “Yeah, that sucks a bit, but I'm fine.” Alex heard the other General's phone buzz, then watched as he lifted it up, read a message and grinned again. “Good news?” he asked. “Nah, just... talking to a friend,” Malik replied cheerfully. “Okay then,”Alex said with a shrug. He was glad in a way. He had been dreading seeing Malik in a way, worrying he might be upset or emotional. Alex just wasn't ready for that. He was still getting used to handling his own feelings on most things, thanks to his sessions with Victor and the support of Benny, but taking on anyone else's would have been somewhat of a challenge. As Malik sat down on one of the other sofas, Alex's phone beeped too. He picked it up and saw it was a text message from Zack. [Hey cuz, really looking forward to joining you soon] the message said. Alex felt himself tense up. A few days earlier, he had been so excited about the prospect of his cousin coming to the house. Not only would it allow him to show off his new position of power, but he was looking forward to demonstrating how much he had matured. Yet his mind kept racing back to their conversation in the car the previous night, the way Zack had taunted him, teased him, pushed him to the brink of fury with such simplicity. [Yeah, me too] Alex replied, if only to be polite. Alex loved his cousin. They had lived round the corner from each other their entire lives and, despite the two year age difference, had been the best of friends the entire time. Even when the other kids used to tease Alex about hanging out with a 'little kid', as they put it, it never stopped him spending his time with Zack. They had gotten even closer as they reached puberty, with the discovery of masturbation and other fun sexually-charged activities. Alex had been the one to introduce Zack to jerking off and the younger boy had spent years mesmerised by his older cousin's ability to cum before he was able to do it himself. [Can't wait to see you in action. I bet you're merciless with those boys, aren't you?] Zack messaged. Alex wanted to reply honestly, to tell Zack about the rules and the limits and about only taking things as far as everyone involved was comfortable with, but instead he found himself playing along. [Yeah, I am. They fear me!] he regretted the message as soon as he hit the send button. [Fuck, you're turning me on!] Zack replied. A picture of his huge cock was attached. Alex looked over nervously at Malik, feeling as if the other man could tell what he was talking about. He shifted slightly to hide his growing bulge as he sent back, [God I love that cock!] [Soon you'll be able to have it any time you like] Zack replied. A second message followed right after. [And it'll be hard all the time once I start seeing you torturing those other subs]. 'I don't torture them,' Alex thought, but again his fingers were typing out a response as if moving independently from his brain. [Yeah, I'll make them suffer!] [And what will you do to me? You gonna spank me again? Make me cry like you used to?] Zack asked. Alex's cock was now rigid as he thought back to the games they used to play, how he would take charge of his younger cousin, punish him for the slightest transgression and marvel at how hard the boy's big dick got. [Yeah, I'll make you scream, little boy!] [Yes Sir, do it, hurt me more] Zack pleaded. Alex suddenly paused. He didn't need to see his own face to know there was a look of manic delight spread across it. His breath caught in his throat as he dropped his phone. “Hey, you okay?” Malik asked, looking across at the clearly-distressed eighteen-year-old. “Erm...” Alex said shakily, before jumping up and grabbing his phone. “Yeah, yeah I'm fine.” he insisted weakly, then dashed out of the room. He started down the stairs, but stopped halfway and sat down on them. His phone beeped again. [Hey, you there?] Zack asked. [Sorry, gotta go] Alex sent back, unable to talk to his cousin any more. His heart was pounding and his mouth had gone dry, his breathing deep and heavy. He suddenly wished he had a session scheduled with Victor. Talking to the man always helped him calm down and his advice was always so insightful in helping Alex handle his own emotions. Without Victor to talk to, his next thought was Benny, but then he remembered all the talk about what was going on with Josh. His heart suddenly pounded a little heavier at the thought of the name. Unlike most of the other people in the house, Alex had actually met Josh. More-so than that, he had teased and intimidate Josh, the thought of it a sudden reminder of the way he had been before. That ruled out Benny. With Josh on his mind, the last thing he needed was someone else's problems piled on top. That only left one person in the house for Alex to talk to – Zane. He got up and walked the rest of the way down the stairs, then headed straight for the basement, descending another flight. He peered into Dorm Four and found nothing but empty beds. He headed back towards the stairs and just caught a glimpse of Taro emerging from his Dorm. He smiled politely but didn't say a word before dashing back up. He headed for the lounge. If Zane wasn't in his Dorm, or with Roger, he could usually be found in the lounge. As expected, there he was, sitting alone on one of the sofas. “Hi Zane,” he said, feeling himself calm just a little at the sight of his friend. “Hi,” Zane replied slightly moodily. Alex frowned at the response. He had come to seek help in dealing with how he felt, but he couldn't help being concerned for his friend. “You okay?” Alex asked as he took a seat beside Zane. “Benny's a dick. And so's Roger!” Zane pouted, he tilted over sideways until he was leaning on Alex. Alex froze. He was still unused to non-sexual physical contact so he was a little thrown, but after a moment shook himself out of it, raising his arm and putting it loosely around his friend. “What did they do?” Alex listened as Zane explained what had happened earlier with the naked drive. Just listening to Zane talk was calming him a little, but he still remained on edge, desperate to share how he was feeling. “And I was only messing around,” Zane complained. “He likes it when I'm playful. I could tell it was even amusing him, but he still went and punished me anyway.” “Well he IS the Master,” Alex said in Benny's defence. Zane suddenly sat up and scowled at Alex. “Whose side are you on?” he demanded angrily. “Wait, what... nobody's side,” Alex said a little taken aback. “I just mean... you were... I dunno... disrespectful, to the Master. Of course you got punished.” “Oh fuck off. I. Was just. Playing!” Zane said pointedly. “Did you just come in here just to rub it in? Did Benny send you?” 'I came in here because I needed you,' Alex thought, but the words wouldn't come out. Instead, he felt anger bubbling up in response to Zane's outburst. “You know I can punish you too!” he snapped, jumping up onto his feet. “Fine. Whatever. I'm SO sorry!” Zane snarled back, jumping up too, not sounding even remotely sorry. “Can I go... Sir?” 'No, stay!' Alex thought, his stomach churning, but again the words that came out were quite different. “Yes, go on, get out!” Zane stormed out, leaving Alex sitting there feeling more alone than he had to begin with. “Fuck it!” he snarled, kicking the leg of the coffee table. ********** The gathering had gone smoothly that evening. There was nothing out of the ordinary. No announcements other than confirming Abdul's departure (with no elaboration as to why), no new Boys, no punishments, just Benny addressing everyone to say what a good week it had been. For a change, the five unemployed chastity Boys were given to Roger rather than Malik, which made most of them look decidedly nervous. Meanwhile, the remaining Boys were put under Alex and Malik's joint control. As they were all making their way down to the basement, Benny grabbed Alex's arm and held him back slightly. “Hey, you okay? You seem... a little off tonight,” Benny said sympathetically. “I'm fine,” Alex insisted. 'I'm not fine,' he thought. “Are you sure?” Benny asked, looking a little sceptical. “Yes,” Alex replied. 'No,' he thought. “Okay, well you always know where I am,” Benny said with a sweet smile, then turned and walked away. Alex remained standing there, watching Benny walk away. 'Just call him back,' he told himself. 'Tell him how you feel!' Once again, he remained silent, eventually turning to follow the crowd down to the basement. When Alex reached the room they had all gathered in, they were looking at him expectantly. “I believe you had an idea for this evening,” Malik said. “Oh,” Alex said, remembering he had made a suggestion earlier. He smiled wickedly as the idea came back to him. Alex spent a few minutes explaining the game to them. They were going to be left to do whatever they wanted while he and Malik simply observed. The order in which they ejaculated would determine whether they got a punishment or a reward. The order alternated between punishment and reward, which Alex hoped would turn them against each other. He didn't intend to tell them the punishments until he had to. When he finished his explanation, he couldn't help smiling at the mixed looks of fear and confusion on the seven Boys' faces. “Okay,” he said cheerfully, “And the punishment for whoever cums first... You will be locked in chastity, but edged three times a time... for a whole month!” There were mixed sounds of awe and fear from the Boys, but nobody moved. “Well we're never gonna make ourselves cum if that's the result!” Zane said smugly, folding his arms. Alex grinned cruelly. “Oh I know, but you should know... if nobody cums in the next ten minutes... you ALL get the punishment!” “Fuck, I'm not having that!” Charlie said bluntly. “Anyone volunteering?” They all looked round, but nobody seemed willing to take the punishment... just as Alex had hoped. “Then fuck volunteers, someone pick a victim!” Robert said coldly. Every eye fell on Robert. He suddenly regretted saying what everyone else was probably already thinking. “Well volunteered!” Charlie said wickedly. Everyone started advancing on Robert as he backed away slowly. “Oh come on guys, don't do this!” His pleas fell on deaf ears as everyone lunged in one go. Robert struggled against them, but it was six on one and he didn't stand a chance. Moments later, he was pinned on the ground, David and Taro each holding down an arm while Zane and Quentin pinned his legs. “GET OFF OF ME!” Robert yelled out, but nobody moved. Instead, he suddenly felt hands all over him, teasing and stroking every inch of him. Despite his protestations, he was quickly stiffening. Charlie and Philip took it in turns stroking and sucking on his cock, while everyone else teased the rest of him. Malik watched on, turned to Alex and grinned. “You've got an evil mind!” he said cheerfully. “Thanks,” Alex said back with a smile, but it quickly dropped away as he watched the ongoing struggle. “Fuckers. You absolute... aaah.... fuckers!” Robert called out. It was a strange feeling to be so angry yet so aroused at the same time. He wanted to lash out and hit the others for turning on him, but at the same time he felt so close to orgasm that he didn't want them to stop. “AAAAAAH FUCK!” he yelled out as his cock erupted, the white goo contrasting heavily against the colourful tattoos covering most of his torso. Satisfied with the work they had done, everyone let go of the furious man and quickly backed away in case he lashed out. He climbed to his feet, looking angry, but avoiding doing anything aggressive. “Very nice,” Alex said happily. “Next person to cum gets a reward. Oh, and feel free to try and stop each other, even you, Robert!” It was not only the incentive of getting a potential reward, but the fear of what the next punishment might be that spurred everyone into action. The remaining six Boys immediately grabbed their cocks, most of which were already semi or fully hard and began pumping away. Taking into consideration Alex's other comments, there also followed a sudden surge of small scuffles between the Boys, each trying to knock each others hands from their cocks to slow them down. Robert happily joined in, targeting Charlie for the part he had played earlier. He grabbed the other man's arms and pinned them behind his back. Charlie struggled against him and managed to get free, but Robert continued his attempts to slow Charlie down. Malik looked at Alex, his concern over the altercations apparent but Alex just smiled wickedly. The struggles went on, but it was Taro, who had been mostly left alone by the others that managed to cum first. As soon as everyone realised he had ejaculated, they stopped their own stroking, not wanting to be close to orgasm for what they suspected was coming next. “Well done,” Alex said happily. “Okay, so the next person to cum will get a severe spanking...” Every eye fell on David, who just grinned. “... three times a day, for a week! I doubt you'll be able to even sit down by the end of it!” David suddenly looked less thrilled with the idea. He enjoyed spanking more than anyone, but even that sounded a bit much for him. It was too late though. The idea had been planted in the minds of the others and before he knew what was happening, he was pinned down just as Robert had been. A few minutes of sucking, by whom David couldn't see, and he was shooting a heavy load. As much as he dreaded the punishment, a part of him was already ridiculously aroused by it. Once he had shot, he was released. Before Alex could say any more, the remaining four Boys were stroking their cocks in anticipation of the reward for the next person to cum. Alex simply laughed and nodded his approval at their activity. Once again Robert targeted his actions at Charlie, still holding his grudge from the first round. Taro decided to pick on Quentin, his former room-mate, claiming it was revenge for the man's snoring, getting a laugh of agreement from everyone else. David alternated his attention between Philip and Zane, for no reason other than they were both still in the game. Once again, some of the struggles were actually verging on violent and Malik almost stepped in to stop it, but Alex shook his head, so the other General remained still. Alex's disappointment was obvious when he heard Zane moaning excitedly as he spurted his second load of the day. After their argument earlier, he had hoped his friend would get one of the punishments, particularly the one that was coming next. Charlie, Quentin and Philip all stopped stroking and looked to Alex nervously, waiting to hear what would be next. With two punishment and only one reward remaining, the odds were against each of them. “Okay, next to cum will be going out for a drive with me... naked!” Alex called out above the slight noise of quiet chatter. Zane's eyes immediately met Alex's. He knew the punishment had been inspired by his own afternoon. He smiled smugly, knowing he had managed to avoid what Alex had obviously planned. Alex just glared back. This time, the group split a little. Robert once again wanted Charlie to suffer, assisted by Taro while David and Zane both turned on Philip. With only two on one, the struggles were a lot less one-side, arms and legs from the two embattled Boys lashing out at their opponents. The room was filled with grunts and groans as they fought, hands grabbing at cocks and any other body part they could get hold of. It was Quentin who ultimately made the decision about who would receive the next punishment. He joined David and Zane in targeting Philip. The third person turned the tide and Philip soon found himself, both reluctantly and happily, getting sucked to completion. “Fuck it!” he groaned as he shot a load. “Hey, they're done!” Taro said, standing back from Charlie and Robert who were continuing to struggle against each other. Once again Malik came close to stepping in, but as Charlie and Robert eventually parted, he was relieved to see they were laughing slightly at each other. “You're getting the last punishment!” Robert said threateningly, but grinned. “No chance!” Charlie said and immediately started stroking his cock. Quentin realised what Charlie was doing and copied, not wanting the younger man to cum before him. “Next to cum gets a reward, which means the last one gets the final punishment... which will be the same as Robert's!” Alex called out. The announcement caused a ripple of chatter through the Boys who suddenly found themselves weighing up which side they were on. Some wanted to see Charlie get stuck with the same punishment as Robert, while others wanted to save him from it. The seven Boys lunged at each other as they picked sides, ending up little more than a heaped pile of flailing limbs in the middle of the room. Malik and Alex both tried to see what was happening, but it was impossible to get a decent angle to see how the struggle was progressing. It didn't take long before there was a yell of, “YES!!!” from inside the pile. Bodies started peeling away, revealing Charlie, a thick pool of white goo on his stomach. “Fuck it!” Robert groaned, disappointed to have failed in his vendetta. It was Alex who looked most disappointed. For a while he had thought the Boys would actually start fighting properly, but instead the worst he got was a good-natured rivalry. “Ugh, I guess we're done then,” he said unhappily. He looked to Malik, rolled his eyes and said, “You can take it from here!” Malik was a little confused and worried by Alex's response, but didn't question him as he stormed out. He looked to the group of Boys who had decided to all help finish off Quentin. The thirty-five-year-old teacher was pinned down as most of the others had been at some point as they teased him to orgasm. “Okay, Charlie, you can clean up. Everyone else, hit the showers!” Malik called out. “Ha!” Robert said, poking Charlie in the side as he headed for the door. It wasn't much of a victory, but it was the best he was getting tonight. Once everyone had filed out, the crowd noisily making their way to the showers, Charlie got started in cleaning up the mess they had left. Malik remained, officially just to supervise, but he had an ulterior motive. “Hey... Charlie...” Malik said, sitting on a bench against one of the walls. “Yeah?” Charlie asked as he finished mopping the floor, glancing quickly to Malik before continuing what he was doing. “Wesley says hi,” Malik said cautiously. Charlie froze then slowly looked to Malik. “You've spoken to him? Is he okay?” he asked, letting the mop fall to the floor. He walked quickly towards the General. “Yeah, he's good,” Malik said happily. “I was texting him earlier.” “And he really said to say hi to me?” Charlie asked desperately. “Yeah,” Malik said with a smile. “Is he... thinking about coming back?” Charlie enquired, a look of optimistic hopefulness spreading across his face. “I... don't know,” Malik replied with a shrug. “I avoided asking. I didn't wanna push it.” Charlie nodded. “Yeah, I suppose the makes sense,” he said. “How would you feel... you know, if he did come back?” Malik enquired. Charlie smiled broadly. “That'd be amazing. I lost him for ten years and it sucked. Do you think... he will?” “I don't know... but I hope so,” Malik said with a sigh. “Well if you talk to him again... tell him I miss him, okay?” Charlie requested. Malik just nodded his understanding. ********** Alex was sat on the top step on the main staircase, his eyes fixed on the door to the lounge. As always, after the evening's tasks were complete everyone gathered there to juts hang out and relax for the rest of the night. So far, he had yet to join them. Even Benny was in there with them, but Alex couldn't bring himself to go down. 'Just go in there and get Benny... or Zane... or anyone! Just talk to someone!' he told himself as his stomach still churned with pent up anger. 'No, fuck them, if they really cared they'd at least notice you're not in there. They don't care about you, they're too caught up in their own shit!' he thought angrily. He sat for several more minutes. Every second that ticked past without someone coming to find him just made him feel worse. All he really wanted was for someone to come out, ask if he was okay, listen to his problems. Even just a hug would help. Nobody came out though, the sounds of happiness just continued... without him. He stood up. 'I'm going in,' he told himself and took a few steps down, then paused. 'No, fuck them,' he thought, then turned and headed back up, carrying on round to his room, slamming the door behind him. He jumped onto his bed and pulled the covers over his head, quickly falling asleep. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, but he felt himself being shaken awake by a gentle hand. He opened his eyes and pulled back the covers. The lights in the room were still off, but the door was open, light from the hallway illuminating the room enough for him to see who had woken him. “Zane, whadda you want?” he asked moodily. “I... I just...” Zane stuttered for a moment, then scowled and turned away. “Ugh, why do I bother?” He started towards the door. “Wait!” Alex called out. Zane stopped and turned back, folding his arms and glaring expectantly. “Yes?” he asked coldly. “I.... I...” Alex stuttered, sitting up. His mind was racing. He wanted to blurt it all out, his fears about Zack, the anger building back up inside him, his feeling of isolation, but it was like there was some kind of mental block, something physically stopping him. He finally forced himself to speak. “I need a hug!” was all he could manage. The request was so quiet, so weak, so unlike Alex that it actually scared Zane a little. He quickly paced back to his friend who stood to face him. “You just had to ask,” Zane said with a smile as he pulled Alex close. Just like that, it was gone. All the stress that had been building all day, all the frustration and anger and loneliness it vanished. Alex squeezed Zane tightly. “You okay?” Zane asked quietly. Alex remained silent, holding Zane for a few seconds more before pulling away and nodding. “Yeah, yeah I am,” he said with a weak smile. “Good, everyone's wondering where you are,” Zane explained. “That game you came up with was evil... everyone loved it! Come on, join the party.” Alex's smile broadened at the Boy's comments. He let Zane lead him back downstairs and they joined the others in the lounge. Chapter 20 – A Day To Remember by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 9th May 2015 It's been a long time coming... two years, nine months and four days to be precise, but it's finally happened. Josh is mine again! I figured I'd write this entry early today as I probably won't have time later, because... well, I guess I'll write more about it tomorrow! So excited!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh my God, are we seriously doing this?” Benny asked quietly. His heart felt like it was about to pound right through his ribcage. He was sitting in the front seat of the car, looking round nervously. “Hey, don't look at me, this is all your plan!” Dale said with a slight smirk from the back seat. “I know, I know,” Benny said, nodding, “But still.... fuck. It's a bit intense!” “It's not too late to back out,” Alex said, knowing there was no way Benny would change his mind now. Benny shook his head. “No, we're doing this. This needs to be... memorable!” “Oh it'll definitely be that!” Dale said with a chuckle. “Wait, there he is!” He pointed down the street. Everyone looked where he was pointing and saw Josh walking towards them, gym bag slung over his shoulder. Benny looked across towards the door of Josh and Dale's apartment building and gave a signal to Roger, who slunk further back into the bushes. The occupants of the car quietly climbed out, knowing what was coming next. As Josh neared the door, passing Roger's hiding place, the large General jumped out and put a bag over Josh's head, then grabbed his arms and wrestled him to the ground. The other three ran forward as soon as they saw Roger move. Moments later, they had cuffed Josh's hands behind his back, bound his legs together with a length of rope and reached into the bag to force secure a gag in his mouth. Josh struggled desperately, but even alone against Roger he would have been overpowered. With Dale, Benny and Alex helping, he never stood a chance. He continued attempting to free himself, totally panicked but ultimately helpless as he was lifted and carried to the car. The four of them manoeuvred Josh into the middle of the back seat. Roger and Alex climbed into the front while Benny and Dale sat either side of the restrained man, holding him back in his seat. They all remained silent, which only heightened Josh's terror. Roger started the car and drove them all back to Benny's house. Once they arrived, still not saying a word, they dragged him out and carried him into the house and down the stairs to the basement. Everyone in the house knew what was happening and most of them had gathered to watch Josh being carried in. They all piled into the room lingering back near the walls while Josh was placed standing in the middle. Benny reached up inside the sack and secured a blindfold over Josh's eyes, then pulled the sack away. The handcuffs were removed, but before Josh could make any kind of attempt to get free, he felt four hands on each arm, lifting them up. He felt new restraints around his wrists, this time rubber ones which were somewhat more comfortable than the metal handcuffs he had just been released from. As the hands let go of him, he pulled at the restraints, but they were securely fastened to what felt like a chain above him. Josh yelled as much as the gag would allow, screaming to be released. He knew it wasn't likely to achieve anything, but he was so scared that it was all he could think to do. The next thing he knew, there were hands all over him, grabbing at his clothes. All at once, they pulled. A range of ripping sounds and a burst of cool air against his skin made it obvious his clothes had been ripped away all at once, even his underwear, his cock hanging free and exposed. Unexpectedly, he felt hands grasping at the back of the gag. It fell away, the ball filling his mouth popping free. “HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!” Josh screamed as loudly as he could. “It won't do you any good,” Roger growled in his ear. “Nobody can hear you!” “Please, please, let me go. Please,” Josh pleaded desperately, breathing heavily. “Oh I don't think so,” Roger hissed at him. He grabbed Josh's cock and balls, squeezing them firmly. “You belong to us now!” “Aaargh!” Josh called out as he felt the hand crushing his genitals. “No, please, I'll do anything! Please!” he begged, verging on tears. “Oh we already know that. You're going to do anything we tell you!” Roger said, squeezing just a little tighter before letting go. Inexplicably, Josh's cock had begun to swell. He gasped a few times, then asked, “If I do what you ask... will you let me go?” Roger quickly looked to Benny and Dale, silently seeking approval to continue the teasing. He got an enthusiastic nod from Benny and a non-committal shrug from Dale which he took as permission to go on. He leaned in as close as he could to Josh's ear and in a low gravelly whisper, replied, “Behave and things will be a little easier on you, but you should know... we're NEVER letting you go!” Josh whimpered a little, terrified at the thought of never being released by his unknown captors. Benny sniggered at Josh's reaction. He was worried that Josh might guess where he was right away, but it looked like he had no idea. He suddenly felt vibrating in his pocket as his phone rang, thankfully set on silent so it didn't break the palpable tension. He pulled out the phone and checked. It was his Mum. She had attempted to call almost every week since he moved out, but he had continued to resist speaking to her. He had actually started to consider answering the next time she called, but unfortunately now was not the time so he slipped it back into his pocket for now, turning his attention back to Josh, smirking at the young man's now fully-erect cock. Benny had mostly left the activities up to Roger to plan, so he was largely unaware of how the day would play out, beyond the general ongoing torture of Josh. He watched excitedly as Roger and Alex started tying Josh up with ropes, releasing his arms as needed to secure them once again behind his back. It was a long process watching them work, but everyone stared on excitedly. Roger was a master with rope and Alex had been learning quickly. Eventually, the two of them had Josh fully immobilised, his knees pulled up to his chest and tied in place, effectively curling him up into a ball. Next the ropes were attached the large metal hoop on the end of chain hanging down from the ceiling. Once he was satisfied that it was secure, he walked over to the wall, loosened the other end of the chain from its hook on the wall and started pulling. The sound of the chain running through the series of pulleys echoed around the eerily silent room as Josh felt himself slowly getting pulled upwards. Up and up Josh went, feeling himself clearing the ground and starting to swing back and forth gently until two hands grabbed him to hold him still. Blindfolded but not gagged, all he could do was nervously ask, “What are you doing?” As everyone looked, they saw that the way Roger had suspended him had both his arse and his mouth at the perfect height to be fucked. “Okay, everyone pick an end and form a queue!” Roger called out. As everyone dashed forward to either Josh's head or his rear, Roger moved close to the restrained man again and growled in his ear, “Anyone feels any teeth you will be MORE than sorry! Understand?” “Y... yes... S...Sir,” Josh stuttered. Once Roger gave the signal to start, Josh found himself filled at both ends with a range of cocks. One after the other, the Boys and the Generals took turns fucking Josh's hole and throat, with the exceptions of Robert and Quentin who were still in chastity as part of the punishment from Alex's game the previous weekend. Load after load shot in him or on him, mixing with the sweat pouring from him. The rooms were well-ventilated, but with more than a dozen young men in the room, it had gotten quite uncomfortably warm. At one point, Benny gestured to Dale to have a go, but he turned down the offer. He was there simply to keep an eye on his boyfriend, to make sure that he didn't come to any serious harm. If he wanted to fuck him, he could do it at home in their privacy of their own bed. By the time everyone was done, Josh was a wreck. His fear had come in waves, horrific thoughts of what horrors awaited him flooding through him, only to be replaced by surges of pleasure. Despite the sheer terror, being so fully restrained, so completely powerless, it was turning him on. The solid cocks impaling him over and over only served to heighten both sensations. “Time for a break, I think,” Roger said aloud, getting nods of agreement from everyone else. “Thank fuck,” Josh muttered under his breath. “Oh, not for you!” Roger called out, letting Josh know that he had been heard. Before going out to have a break and cool down, everyone watched as Josh was manoeuvred into a different position. His upper body was kept restrained by the ropes, but his legs were released and he was forced to stand upright. He groaned aloud as he was allowed to stretch out a little. As Roger secured the ropes back onto the chain above Josh, Alex prepared to small wooden blocks, each topped with a thin metal panel, a cable trailing from each of them. He positioned them in front of Josh and Roger made him step up onto them. A few moments of adjustments and Josh was forced to stand on tip-toes. “What are you doing?” Josh asked, hopeful nut knowing he wasn't likely to get a response. Alex picked up a small box attached to the end of the cables and pressed a few buttons on it. As he grinned, Josh suddenly yelled out. A sudden electric shock jolted his left foot. He immediately raised it off of the block as he screamed out. A few seconds later, there was another jolt, this time to his right foot. Instinctively, he jerked that away too, knowing the ropes would support him. No sooner had he lifted his foot, he yelled out again. His shoulders suddenly burned with pain as the weight of his body pulled him down. Dale looked panicked and stepped forward, but Benny grabbed his arm to stop him. “It's okay,” he whispered, “Roger's done this before. It'll cause him some pain, but won't do any permanent damage. Most of his weight is supported by the ropes, it's just designed to hurt!” Dale looked nervous, but accepted the comments. “Best get your feet back down unless you want your arms ripped out of their sockets!” Roger called out, getting a slight snigger from the spectators. Gingerly, Josh felt around with his feet until they found the metal-topped blocks again. He sighed with relief as he stood, the pressure on his shoulders disappearing. His relief was short-lived though as he once again felt a shock in his left foot. “FUCK!” Josh yelled out, lifting the foot. Knowing what was coming next, he quickly put the foot back down and raised the right one, attempting to avoid another shock. Thinking he had outsmarted the system, he waited smugly, but found himself yelling out once more as a shock shot through the same foot again. His shoulders strained as the weight of his body pulled him down once again. “Oh yeah, forgot to mention,” Roger said casually, “It goes off in a random pattern at random times.” The revelation got a whimper from Josh who once reluctantly placed a foot down again. Roger smiled at the reaction before calling out, “Come on everyone, break time.” Once again Dale looked a little worried, but Benny gestured to Alex who nodded in response. As everyone filed out, Alex remained behind to keep an eye on Josh and make sure he could be released if something went wrong. He remained silent though, wanting Josh to believe he was completely alone. Upstairs, most of the Boys had gone their own ways, but Dale remained with Benny. “So you do this sort of thing every day?” he asked the teen. Benny shrugged. “Sort of. I mean, he's really getting the extreme treatment today, it's normally a lot more relaxed than that, but yeah... pretty much,” he replied as they made their way into the kitchen. “Drink?” “Water please,” Dale requested, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. Benny opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and a can of coke. Dale caught the bottle as it was thrown to him. “And all these guys, they just... do what you tell them?” Benny smirked and nodded. It still seemed a strange concept to him at times too. He took a seat opposite Dale. As he did so, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and made a mental note to call his Mum later. For now, his focus was on Dale. “Yeah. I mean, when I started I may have... coerced a few of them into it, but something happened that made me rethink it. After that, I made sure nobody was here against their will,” he explained. Dale's eyes narrowed as he stared at Benny. “Josh?” he asked. Benny hesitated for a moment, the nodded slowly. “Yeah,” he confirmed, looking down at the can in his hands. Keeping himself from looking at Dale, he explained, “Seeing him made me think of... that day.” Benny didn't need to elaborate any more for Dale to know exactly which one he meant. “Mmm-huh,” Dale hummed his understanding. “Dale, I'm...” Benny started, but paused, getting a little choked up. He took a few deep breaths and tried again. “I'm sorry. It may have been Josh that I... injured that day, but he wasn't the only one I hurt.” “Mmm-huh,” Dale hummed again. Benny finally looked up at the older man, his eyes watery. “For you to have to walk in and find us like that... I just... I can't imagine what it was like.” “I wanted to kill you!” Dale said bluntly. Benny's eyes widened with fear. Dale nodded and went on. “Seriously, I wanted to hit you and keep doing it until...” he paused, shaking his head. “I still felt like that for a long time afterwards.” “And now?” Benny asked nervously. Dale sighed as he observed the boy. “Well I don't want to hurt you, so relax!” he said with a smile, seeing Benny visibly calm a little. “Honestly... I can see how much you've grown up. Josh and Sam were definitely right about that. You were young and stupid and totally unprepared for the situation you were in, but you seem to have learned from it.” “I did. I have!” Benny insisted with a nod. “Good, because I'm trusting you with the most important thing in my life and if you ever hurt him again...” Dale said, smiling, but a terrifying seriousness burning in his eyes. Benny simply nodded his understanding. ********** By the time everyone had gathered back down in the Play Room, Josh was panting, his entire body moist with sweat as he danced from foot to foot, aching all over. “Should we let him down?” Roger called out. There was a mixture of yes and no called out from the Boys, followed a moment later by a quiet, “Yes!” from Josh, which got a slight snigger from some of the viewers. “Fine. Shut it off,” Roger said to Alex, who immediately turned off the controls for the shock panels. Roger lowered the chain a little and, feeling the slight slack in his restraints, Josh stepped down off of the blocks, moaning with relief. The large General approached the restrained man and started rubbing both shoulders. “Do they hurt?” he asked, worryingly politely. “Yes,” Josh replied. “And here?” Roger asked as his hands slid down to Josh's arms. “Yes,” Josh answered. Roger continued letting his hands roam across Josh's body, getting confirmation after confirmation about what parts hurt. Finally, Roger's hands came to rest of Josh's arse. “How about here?” he asked. “Erm... no,” Josh replied. It was one of the few parts that wasn't in any kind of pain. “We'll have to change that then,” Roger said happily. “Ugh, no,” Josh complained weakly, realising he had virtually invited that. Roger quickly freed Josh from the ropes completely, leaving him standing in the middle of the room. Several tense seconds passed as everyone watched, wondering whether Josh would make a run for it or attempt to reach up and remove the blindfold. Amazingly, he did neither. Whether it was because he knew he was surrounded and wouldn't get away, because he knew it would simply get him into more trouble or because he was simply too worn out to consider the attempt, nobody could be sure. Another popular theory was that he was actually enjoying himself, a theory very much supported by Josh's ongoing erection. Roger moved a small wooden construct to the middle of the room then pushed Josh onto it. The blindfolded man was made to kneel on it and then bend over. Once again he felt his legs and arms being restrained as he body rested against what felt like padded leather. He could move a little more than he had been able to in the ropes, but not much. He was still very much at his captors' mercy. Looking at Josh bent over and ready to receive a spanking, there was a sudden dip in energy around the room. Almost entirely at once, the residents of the house found themselves thinking about Wesley. If he had still been there, there was no doubt that Benny would have selected him to carry out the next part. Instead, Benny had chosen to do it himself. The Master looked at the range of tools Roger had prepared for him and ended up selecting a simple, narrow, bamboo cane. David flinched a little. As a result of the game they had played the previous Saturday night, he had been sentenced to thrice-daily spankings. As such, he had been subjected to the pain before work, when he got home and before going to bed every day since. Just as Alex had threatened at the time, he had been unable to sit comfortably all week. Even now his rear was still sore, particularly the bright red lines left on his cheeks from the very cane Benny now held. Josh waited patiently, not that he really had any other options. The waiting was almost as bad as what was being done to him, or so he thought until he heard a loud SWISH followed by a stinging slap on his bare rear. “FUCK!” he screamed out, straining against the restraints. Benny waited several seconds before striking again, being careful not to get the same spot again. SWISH! SMACK! A second red line quickly began to form across both of Josh's cheeks. Benny was feeling kind, only bringing the cane down three more times after that, leaving Josh's rump covered in red stripes. Before he placed the cane down, though, he indicated for Roger and Alex to part Josh's cheeks, exposing his hole. SWISH! The cane flew again, but this time came down in line with Josh's arse crack, landing perfectly in the centre and sending a shot of pain through Josh like he had never felt before. “AH YOU FUCKING CUNT!” he screamed out in pain, almost sobbing. Although the strike got a sympathetic wince of pain from everyone watching, Josh's yell got a snigger of amusement too. Benny finally placed down the cane and instead picked up two floggers, each made up of a handle and a couple of dozen thin strips of leather. He spun them round rapidly as he approached Josh, knowing that his new slave had no idea what was about the come. The audience, however, seemed to be holding their collective breaths, the eerie anticipative silence making Josh's visibly tense up. Benny swung one hand then the other, one flogger making contact with Josh's upper back, the second just above his butt. The hits were a shock, but not entirely unpleasant and Josh only let out a quiet moan. As if taking the quiet moans as a cue to get tougher, Benny swung both floggers again, a little harder this time, making contact with the same spots as the first swing. The harder hits elicited a louder response, but once more it prompted Benny to go on. The floggers swung round for a third swipe, immediately followed by a fourth and fifth. “UUURGH!” Josh groaned through gritted teeth. Benny smiled as he walked round to face Josh's arse again, marvelling at the sight of the cane marks. A quick swing of the floggers had Josh shouting out a string of profanities as the plethora of leather strips made contact with the red welts. The young Master quickly learned that it only took the most gentle of contact to send waves of pain rippling through Josh thanks to his earlier cane-work. He started spinning both floggers, the leather strips spinning round and round. Gradually he moved them closer until the tips just started to make contact with Josh's reddened cheeks. “MOTHER FUCKER!” Josh screamed out as the floggers continued round, feeling like they were scratching into his flesh with every spin. “NO, PLEASE, NO MORE!” Josh finally called out. It was the first time he had asked for anything to stop so blatantly, so it caught Benny a little by surprise. The Master immediately stopped, letting the floggers hang down by his sides. While everyone else was surprised he had stopped when requested, Dale gave the boy a slight smile and nod. Benny found himself secretly pleased to have kept Dale happy. Benny started walking away, silently signalling to Roger to release Josh while gesturing for Malik to step in. Everyone knew what that meant, a buzz of hushed chatter filling the room. A few minutes later, Josh was back on his feet with his hands chained above him. Malik approached Josh the same as he did every new person he edged. He placed his hands on Josh's shoulders, then worked them across the entire surface of his body, taking note of every twitch, every noise, every movement his teasing triggered. Once he had built a mental map on Josh's body, what areas he liked, which he didn't and which seemed to have no affect on his arousal at all, a plan began to formulate in his mind. Zane happily dashed forward as Malik gestured to him, finding himself quickly getting put to work on Josh's right nipple, while David got assigned to the left. Next Malik called up Taro and Philip, assigning each of them a couple of spots on Josh's body to caress, tease or lick. Within minutes, Josh was moaning excitedly, a long string of precum oozing from the tip of his cock. “Oh God, yes!” Josh moaned happily as the four Boys worked away on him. Malik stood back, admiring what had had achieved so far. Josh's cock was yet to be touched, but it was already obvious from the excited twitching and bouncing that he was on the verge. He knew that the previous treatment Josh had received was obviously playing a big part in it too, but he he'd successfully identified almost every one of Josh's most sensitive parts and was now using them against him. Dale watched on, impressed that Malik had picked up so quickly on Josh's inner thighs. He particularly enjoyed having them played with, so having Taro's face buried between them was obviously having a great effect. Malik stepped close, reached forward and took Josh's dancing cock in his hand, rubbing the precum all over it. “Ah yes!” Josh moaned as he felt the slippery fingers teasing him. He groaned slightly as the fingers loosened, continuing to stroke slowly up and down, but the grip now so loose that he could barely feel it. “I'm so close,” he whispered excitedly. Malik continued the slow, feather-light strokes as Josh began to moan more and more excitedly, stopping only when he knew Josh was about to go off. “Noooo,” Josh murmured pathetically. He had allowed himself, just for a brief moment, to consider the possibility that he might be allowed to cum that soon. Alas that appeared to not be the case. With the four Boys continuing their caressing, Josh remained painfully close to cumming for what felt like an eternity before the sensation slowly began to die down. Once again, he felt fingers grasp at his stiffness. A few more devastatingly pleasurable minutes later and he was deprived of cumming a second time. Robert and Quentin seemed quite uncomfortable watching the show. As part of the chastity punishment, this was the sort of treatment they had been given three times a day. Just a single edging was enough to drive Quentin wild, so now, after a week of it, he was more desperate to cum then he could ever remember being in his life. Robert seemed to be handling the punishment slightly better than Quentin, but even he was beginning to get a little fraught, especially when he remembered they still had three weeks left to go on it! “Nooo,” Josh moaned again as he felt the hand release his cock, leaving him painfully close to the precipice once again. “Just let me cum, please,” he begged weakly. Malik walked across to a cabinet and picked up a small butt plug. He went back to Josh and wrapped his thumb and forefinger around the base of the restrained man's cock, then pulled. As Josh's cock slid between the digits, the ample covering of precum was gently scraped off onto Malik's hand. The teasing General used the slippery fluid to lubricate the plug before moving round the back to insert it. Josh grunted with pleasured pain as he felt the firm tool slip inside him, but then gasped excitedly as he felt a switch get flicked and it began to vibrate. The vigorous buzzing, along with the ongoing touches from Zane, David, Taro and Philip pushed Josh dangerously close to cumming. Malik no longer needed to stroke the rigid boner to edge Josh, he was remaining in a continuous state of near-orgasm without any further help. “Ah, ah... oooh.... fuck.... oh God... stop... please... please... oh God!” Josh moaned, his entire body convulsing in anticipation of the elusive release. Malik stood back and watched as the Boys did his work for him. He reached down, slid down his zipper and pulled put his own cock. It was almost as hard as Josh's. He started stroking it, doing it as noisily as he could, knowing that Josh could hear him. For added effect, he moaned happily as he jerked off in front of the restrained man. It only took a few minutes before he stepped forward and shot a load straight onto Josh's cock. “Oh shit,” Josh gasped, the feeling of warm wetness covering his straining meat. It was almost enough to push him to completion, but not quite. Malik leant down, opened his mouth wide and took Josh's cock inside. He didn't stop until the head hit the back of his throat, once again getting a pained whimper from Josh. Malik's lips closed around it and he slowly pulled back, sucking his own cum from Josh's dick. Josh went wild, the warmth of Malik's mouth, the wetness of the tongue sliding round to lick the spunk off, the pressure of the lips sliding along his shaft. As the head popped free, Josh gritted his teeth, desperately willing himself to make the final push allow the orgasm to begin but it remained agonizingly out of reach. Malik tapped each of the four Boys on the shoulder and gestured for them to stop. All at once, the stimulation stopped, even the plug got yanked out very unceremoniously. Josh whimpered, almost crying. He was struggling to remember the last time he needed to cum to badly. “No, don't stop. Please, I'm so close,” he pleaded. “Time for another break,” Roger announced. All eyes suddenly turned to Alex. After what he had arranged for the first break, they suspected he had something else planned again... and they weren't disappointed. A chair got moved into the middle of the room. It was sturdily built and the seat was covered in several small metal panels, much like the ones on the wooden blocks. Josh was moved round to sit on the chair. “Ah, that's cold!” he yelled out as his rear made contact with the metal, but his complaints soon died down as he realised how nice it felt against the welts from the caning. Josh's legs were secured to the chair up to his knees, while his stomach and chest were tied securely to the back. His hands were tied down at his sides. From the underside of the seat, Alex pulled out some wires, attaching them to a control box like he had used before. The other end of the cables was, presumably, the metal panels on the seat. Everyone watched on in anticipation as Alex hit the button to activate the box. A sudden scream from Josh indicated that the box had indeed been turned on. There was a sharp jolt from one of the panels. He tried to jump up, but found that the most he could move was to raise his rear an inch off of the seat. It was enough to get him clear of the shocks, but within seconds the muscles in his legs were shaking. Josh grunted as he desperately willed his legs to keep his rear off of the seat for just a little longer, but it didn't work. His legs gave way and he dropped down again, getting an immediate shock from one panel, then the next, then the next, going round in a random pattern. After several stinging jolts, he tensed his legs once again, relieving his rear of the pain. Seeing the torture Josh would have to endure during the break, everyone happily filed out of the room once again. This time, it was Roger that stayed behind to keep an eye on him, accompanied by Dale. Zane was chatting to Alex on his way up the stairs to the atrium, but as they reached the top, he saw Benny standing there. “You got a minute?” Benny asked quietly. “Of course, Sir,” Zane said happily. The Master started walking away, towards his lounge, the Boy quickly following behind. Once they got into the room, Benny turned to face Zane and smiled. The Boy pouted a little as he frowned. “Am I in trouble? What did I do this time?” he asked. Benny chuckled and shook his head. “No, nothing like that,” he said cheerfully. “You know how you told me last week that you were worried. That you thought I might forget about you with Josh here?” “Yeah,” Zane replied cautiously. “Well I know I told you that wasn't going to happen,” Benny said, still smiling, “But they say actions speak louder than words. Close your eyes!” “Why?” Zane asked suspiciously, taking a step back. Benny laughed again. “Don't worry, it's fine, just do it!” he ordered. Zane took a deep breath and said, “Okay,” then closed his eyes. As he stood there, he heard Benny take a few steps away, open a drawer and then walk back to him. He jumped slightly as he felt hands touching his neck, but a gentle stroke of the arm calmed him quickly and he let Benny carry on. When Benny finished what he was doing, he slowly guided Zane towards the mirror on the wall, made him face it and then said, “Okay, open your eyes.” Zane's eyes shot open eagerly and he looked in the mirror to see he was now wearing a black leather collar, dotted with small metal studs, a small charm in the shape of a wolf's head hanging from the front. He stared at it for a few moments, then reached up and touched it before turning to Benny. “You... you got me a collar?” Benny nodded as he smiled, then said, “Yeah, but that's not all. Look on the back of the wolf.” Zane turned back to the mirror and flipped the wolf head round. It took a second for him to read it as it was reversed in the reflection, but it just said one word. “Buster?” Zane asked, a little confused before he realised what it was. “Wait, you... you named me? No Master has ever named me before!” “Well I can't keep calling you 'pup' forever, can I?” Benny said with a grin. Zane remained motionless, just staring at Benny. “Do you... like it then?” Benny asked nervously. Zane opened his mouth to reply, but the words caught in his throat as he got a little choked up. In the end, he simply nodded and lunged forward, throwing his arms around his Master. Benny held the Boy tightly, then whispered, “I'm taking that as a yes then!” “Mmm-huh!” Zane hummed happily. ********** Nobody realised quite how long they had been torturing Josh until it started to get dark. He had been subjected to more of Malik's edging, suspended in various positions thanks to Roger's rope-work, received more spanking from Benny and endured another of Alex's teasing tortures. Dale had already been impressed by the things he had seen at the house, but seeing Benny and his Generals in action had been a fantastic experience. He actually wondered if they even knew how well their different areas of expertise complimented the others. Either way, it had demonstrated to him that he had never stood a chance of being the dom that Josh obviously needed. Even if he had the stomach to inflict these things on his lover, his mind would never have been able to stretch far enough to come up with it all. However, Dale was beginning to think it had gone on long enough. He looked to Benny who appeared to be thinking the same thing. The Master gave the signal to Roger and then to Malik, who once again had Josh on the verge of orgasm. “Okay, slave. Do you want to cum?” Roger asked. “Yes, yes, oh fuck yes, please, let me cum!” Josh called out in desperation. “Hmm,” Roger said teasingly. “Three yeses, so you want to cum three times? Fine by me. Three times it is!” “What, no, I didn't...” Josh started, but was cut off by a sudden burst of pleasure as Malik's hand gripped his rigid tool and stroked at full speed. It only took five strokes before Josh's cock erupted in a fountain of cum. “YES, OH FUCK YES!!” he screamed out as Malik continued stroking throughout the toe-curling outburst. There was a cheer from the crowd as he finally went off, but it soon went quiet again as the post-orgasm sensitivity began to creep in. “No, no more, stop,” Josh pleaded. His begging had done no good earlier and he knew it wouldn't help now, but he couldn't help himself. His cock was so sensitive that he was unable to stop himself. If he wasn't fully restrained by Roger's ropes, he would have been flailing desperately to try and fight his tormentor off. Unfortunately, so tightly bound there was nothing he could do aside from yell out. “NOOOO! STOP!” he screamed as it felt like his cock was on fire, but Malik's stroking continued. Thankfully it only took two minutes before a new wave of pleasure washed over him and his cock shot a second load, almost as big as the first. The pleasure was rapidly replaced by discomfort once again when the orgasm subsided. Josh briefly thought he was being allowed a break as the stroking stopped, but it was just to allow someone else to take over. Benny was now stroking Josh's gooey mess of a cock, determined to finish the activity up himself. With his other hand, he reached behind Josh and pushed a finger into his rear, probing for his prostate. It became obvious when he had found it as Josh's yells intensified. Four torturous minutes later a third, much smaller load was added to the other two on the floor and Benny finally let go of Josh. Roger released the bound man's hands from above his head. His legs weak from the day's torture and the repeated orgasming, Josh flopped to the floor, panting. Benny gestured for the Boys to leave, smiling at Zane who had been proudly fiddling with his new collar all afternoon. As they left, Alex and Roger released the ropes before they and Malik left too, leaving just Benny, Josh and Dale in the room. Benny reached down and pulled off the blindfold. Josh flinched, the sudden light was painful after having his eyes covered all day. He raised a hand to shield his eyes, struggling to make out the figure beside him. “Hey Josh,” Benny said happily. Josh looked up at the person beside him. He knew he voice, even before his eyes managed to focus properly. “Benny?” he croaked. “You okay?” Benny asked, reaching down and stroking his chest. “That was... fucking amazing!” Josh said, still catching his breath. “Glad you think so, because you'll be getting a lot more of it,” Benny said happily. Josh frowned, lowering his hand as his eyes got used to the light, his former Master now in full focus. “But you said you didn't want me here,” he said, confused. “Well... somebody asked me to change my mind,” Benny replied, then gestured across the room. Josh's eyes followed in the direction Benny had pointed. He gasped as he saw his boyfriend standing there. “Dale? You... you did this?” he asked, a smile forming. Dale walked closer and knelt beside him, nodding. “Oh my God!” Josh said, shaking his head as he tried to take it all in. He grinned as he looked at Benny. “Have I got the best boyfriend in the world or what!” Benny chuckled as he looked down at Josh, then up at Dale. “Yeah, you really do!” Dale smiled and blushed at the compliment, then reached a hand out towards Josh's. “Come on, lets get you up. You need to meet your new house-mates!” ********** The usual Saturday gathering had been suspended because of the activity with Josh, but one part of it had remained... the party. Everyone had gathered in the lounge as usual, but this time the focus was entirely on Josh. Dale and Benny had explained to Josh and everyone else in the house how it was going to work. Josh would come to the house after work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays as well as every other Saturday. When he was in the house, he would be treated the same as any other resident and would be subject to the same rules. Everyone was very welcoming to the new Boy, even Zane who took great pleasure in explaining to Josh (and anyone else who would listen) about his collar and how he truly belonged to Benny. At first, Josh had suspected it was his way of marking his territory, but the teen's genuine joyfulness about the collar quickly made it clear that he was just excited about it. As he often tended to do, Benny found himself wandering away from the gathering, wanting his Boys and the Generals to be able to relax and have fun without worrying about The Master being nearby. He headed off towards his lounge, reaching into his pocket as he remembered his plan to call his Mum. He paused as he realised the phone wasn't there. Tracing his steps back throughout the day, the last place he remembered having it was in the kitchen when he had spoken to Dale. He quickly made his way there, grabbing another can of coke from the fridge before retrieving his phone from the breakfast bar. As he walked back towards his lounge again, he looked at the phone and saw he had more than a dozen missed calls from his Mum and a text message telling him he had voicemail. Panic suddenly gripped him as he called the voicemail number and listened. “You have four new messages. New message today at 9.46.” the automated voice announced. “Hi Benny. It's Mum. Could you please call me.” The sense of panic heightened. It felt like an icy-cold hand had gripped his throat. “To hear this message again, press 1. To save this message, press 2. To delete this message, press 3. To hear the next message, press 4,” the automated voice advised. Benny pressed 4. “New message today at 11.03,” “Benny, please call me. There was an accident this morning and... please just call me,” Benny's Mum said on the recording. Without waiting, Benny pressed 4 again. “New message today at 15.33.” “Benny, I don't know if you've got my other messages, but your Dad is hurt badly. They say... he may not have long left.” Benny's hands were shaking so much that he almost dropped his phone, silent tears were streaming down his face as he pressed 4 again. “New message today at 18.42.” “Benny... he's... he's gone!” Chapter 21 – Aftermath by Matt The party was in full swing. Josh had settled in well with the rest of the residents. Dale had taken a bit of a back seat, allowing Josh to mingle alone mostly. Dale liked all of the house's residents, but being there was going to be Josh's thing, so he didn't want to get too involved. He couldn't really envision any reason for him to spend much time there outside of picking up/dropping off Josh. Josh appreciated Dale even more now. The recent separation and reconciliation had reminded him how much he loved the man, but this, bringing him back under Benny's control to sate his submissive desires, it was an incredible gesture. For now though, his focus was on everyone else in the room. At first it had been a little awkward, embarrassing even , to be walking around naked in front of everyone. He knew they had all had a good look at his body throughout the day, and most of them were naked too, but it still felt strange. He had also found himself getting aroused every now and then looking at some of the naked men around him. Once he realised that nobody was bothered, though, it became much less of a concern. “So were you really Benny's babysitter when he was a kid?” Philip asked curiously. Josh nodded and grinned. “Yeah, from when he was about seven,” he replied. “What was he like?” Philip probed. Charlie and Taro who were stood either side of him looked just as curious. Josh shrugged. “He was... normal. Really just your average kid. Fun, excitable, energetic.” Philip looked a little disappointed. “So he wasn't, like, always in charge?” he asked. Josh shook his head. “Nah, he was a bit bossy, which I suppose kinda makes sense now, but...” He stopped to gesture to everything around them, “There was no sign of this sort of thing.” “At least not until... you know what!” Charlie said with a wicked grin. “Oh!” Josh said, his eyes widening slightly. “He's told you all about... that stuff then?” “Huh? No. Wait, what stuff?” Philip asked, looking back and forth between Josh and Charlie. Charlie chuckled at his best friend's response. “No, they don't know anything. But Benny did tell me a few bits of it.” Josh frowned. “Why just you?” he asked. Taro rolled his eyes. “They used to date!” Charlie suddenly blushed a little at the mention of his former relationship. “Used to?” Josh asked curiously. Taro nodded. “Yeah, Benny broke up with him when he found out that he,” he pointed to Charlie, “was in love with him,” he pointed to Philip. “You cheated on Benny?” Josh asked, his tone suddenly a little accusatory. “I did NOT cheat on him!” Charlie said defensively. “I... almost cheated on him!” “Oh!” Josh said, raising his eyebrows. “That's... very different then. So you two are together?” he asked Charlie and Philip. They suddenly looked at each other, blushing and stuttering. Taro laughed aloud. “Yeah, you'll probably find it's best not to ask.” Josh chuckled too. “Sounds like you guys really have some fun here. Do you ever...” he stopped mid-sentence and stared over at the doorway. “Benny?” he called out. Everyone looked round as they heard Josh call out and saw the Master standing there. He was ghostly pale, his hands shaking. Silence filled the room as every conversation ended, someone hit pause on the music. “Benny, are you okay?” Josh called out when the boy failed to answer. “It''s my Dad,” he stuttered, his voice barely more than a whisper. “My... my Dad's... dead!” As he stood there, his trembling jaw finally gave way to a sob, a torrent of tears following. Everyone stared. Over their time in the house, everyone had seen Benny angry, they'd seen him happy, they'd seen him remorseful, but never this. Suddenly he wasn't the strict Master, the patriarch of the house, the voice of authority. Now he was nothing more than a scared, upset sixteen-year-old boy. It shook most of them a little to see him that way. Zane was the first to move. He dashed over to the boy and put his arms around him. Benny held tightly. He was crying so heavily that he couldn't even see who it was who was holding him and quite frankly, it didn't matter to him. Gradually more and more of his Boys moved to him, arms and bodies wrapping around the sobbing teen. Josh remained frozen on the spot, watching Benny get comforted by his Boys. He wanted to go and join them, but he couldn't will his legs to move. Suddenly he felt fingers linking in between his. A look to the side revealed it was Dale. “You okay?” Dale whispered. Josh shook his head. “Mr Harrison's dead!” he whispered back, struggling to believe it. Josh had never been particularly close to Benny's Dad, but he had gotten to know him fairly well over the years. For him to suddenly just be gone was quite a shock. What hurt the most was thinking about what Benny was probably feeling in that moment. Dale just stood holding Josh's hand, squeezing it gently. It was several minutes before Benny stopped crying enough for his Boys to start considering letting go. One by one they peeled away from him. As much as they wanted to be there for their Master, to make sure he was okay, Roger began ushering them out. Eventually the only ones left in the room were Josh and Dale, Roger, Malik, Alex Benny and, still holding onto him tightly, Zane. Alex tapped Roger on the shoulder and quietly whispered to him, “I... I know he... he needs us right now but... I think I need to go. I don't think I can handle this.” “It's okay, I understand,” Roger whispered back with a gentle nod. He gestured for Malik to go with Alex and the two Generals left. Roger eventually walked over to Benny and Zane. He tapped his lover on the shoulder and said calmly, “Zane, could you...” “No!” Zane snapped. “I'm staying!” he insisted. He smiled gently as he felt Benny's grip tighten on him. Roger knew better than to try and argue with Zane, so he conceded and instead lead the two teens towards one of the sofas. Benny sat down, Zane sitting closely beside him, holding his Master's hand. As Josh and Dale gathered closer too, Roger squatted down in front of his Master and asked cautiously, “Benny, what happened?” Benny sniffed a few times then wiped his cheeks. He looked at the four men around him, his eyes darting from one to the next. “I had a lot of missed calls from my Mum, she'd been trying to call me all day. She... she left some voicemails. At first she was just asking me to call her, but then she said Dad had been in an accident. Then... then she said he didn't have long left and then she... she just... she...” He was on the verge of bursting into tears again. Josh reached out and rubbed the boy's back. “Have you... spoken to her?” he asked delicately. Benny stared, any sign of tears suddenly disappearing. “And what exactly would I say? Oh hey Mum, sorry I left you on your own while Dad was dying, I was busy playing with my sex slaves!” he snapped furiously. “I... erm... I'm...” Josh stuttered, pulling his hand back. “I'm sorry,” he finally managed. “Sorry? This is YOUR fault!” Benny yelled. He let go of Zane's hand and stood up, turning to face Josh. “Benny, you don't...” Dale started, but paused as Benny's furious gaze turned on him. “And you! Bringing HIM here was YOUR idea. I missed my Dad's last few hours because I was busy giving YOUR boyfriend the things you're not man enough to do yourself!” Benny snarled angrily, jabbing a finger in the air at Dale. Dale felt a slight flare of anger, but quickly suppressed it. He knew Benny was just upset and lashing out at anyone he could. As much as the words hurt, he tried not to let them bother him. He looked to his boyfriend and said, “We should go!” Josh nodded his agreement, looking quite scared as he and Dale headed for the door. “Good. Fuck off and don't come back!” Benny yelled after them, then burst into tears and dropped onto the sofa again. Zane leaned in to put hug the boy again, but Benny lashed out, smacking Zane's arms away. “Leave me alone!” he yelled. “Benny, we just...” Roger started. “Both of you. Just... leave me alone,” Benny insisted. “Go on, get out!” Roger and Zane exchanged concerned looks, but both stood up and headed out of the lounge, closing the door behind them. Finally alone, Benny hugged a cushion close to his chest, curled up on his side and sobbed. He had no idea how long he had laid there on his own and he probably would have stayed longer if his phone hadn't started ringing. He sat bolt upright, looked at his phone and saw 'Mum' displayed on the screen. He stared at it for a few moments before taking a deep breath and touching the 'answer' button. “Mum,” he said in a squeak as he raised his phone to his ear. “Benny, you're there,” Mrs Harrison spoke back. She sounded terrible, which just served to make Benny feel even worse. “Did you... hear my voicemails?” “Please tell me it's a joke, or something to get me to talk to you. Please just.... he can't be...” Benny words caught in his throat. “Where were you?” she asked, her voice heavy with disappointment. “I was... I didn't.... I didn't have my phone with me,” he half-lied. He knew that if he had picked up that first call, things would have been different. “He didn't even get to say goodbye to you!” she said coldly. Benny sniffed back his tears. “Mum, please...” he whimpered. “You just left. You just... got up and went away...” she said weakly. “Your Dad loved you so much. Have you got any idea how much you hurt him by disappearing like that? He was so out of it at the end, he barely knew what was happening, but he still kept asking for you,” she explained. “Mum don't,” Benny pleaded. “Have you got any idea what it was like having to tell him that you hadn't come, that he wouldn't get to see his Son one more time?” she asked, beginning to sound angry. Benny couldn't reply, there were simply no words, only more tears. “Wherever you are, whatever you're doing... I hope it's worth it!” she said, then hung up. Benny dropped the phone and curled up again, crying into the cushion, rocking gently back and forth. He lost all sense of time as his mind swirled with the things his Mum had said. It could have been minutes or it could have been hours, but eventually he fell asleep. When he awoke, he looked at his phone and saw that it was nearly half past two. He ached all over from the position he had fallen asleep in, so he stood up and stretched before heading to the door. As he opened it and stepped out, he tripped over something and fell heavily to the floor. “What the fuck...” he growled as he looked round, the moonlight shining through the large front windows providing just enough illumination to see. It was Zane, curled up on the floor in front of the door. “I'm sorry,” Zane said quickly, sounding a little drowsy. Presumably he too had fallen asleep. “For fuck's sake Zane, are you trying to kill me?” Benny snapped, his voice echoing loudly around the atrium. “I.. I just... I wanted to be close by, in case... you needed me,” he said quietly., shrinking back into the doorway. “Just... go to bed!” Benny yelled, then stormed off towards the stairs. As he reached the top, he heard footsteps behind him and looked back to see Zane half way up the staircase behind him. “I'm not in the mood for your games. Just leave... me... alone!” Benny continued around the landing towards his door, walked inside and slammed it behind him. As he approached his bed, he heard the door open again. He turned and marched towards the Boy following him, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall. “Just for once in your fucking life wil you do as I fucking tell you and GO AWAY!” Benny yelled. Zane whimpered slightly at the furious yell, but shook his head. “No Sir!” Benny was breathing heavily as he stared at the Boy. His hand loosened slightly, but he continued to hold Zane against the wall. “If you don't leave this room right now, then... I'll throw you out of the house!” “I don't care,” Zane replied, attempting to shrug casually, but it was hard to do in the position he was in. “You shouldn't be alone, so I'm here to stay. If that means you throw me out in the morning, then I can live with that, but tonight you're not getting rid of me!” Benny wanted to be mad at the Boy, he wanted to be mad at everyone, but he just couldn't force himself to feel it. Instead, he just nodded and turned back to his bed. He threw back the covers, climbed on and curled up, squeezing his eyes closed, willing the entire evening to just be some kind of terrible dream. Moments later, Zane got on the other side of the bed and curled up too, facing his Master. He pulled the covers over them both, tucking them in around Benny's neck. He leaned forward and kissed the younger teen gently on the forehead, then draped an arm across his body. He lay there watching Benny but eventually fell asleep. ********** Sunday 10th May 2015 The next morning, Zane awoke, laying flat on his back. As he drearily opened his eyes, he peered to the side and saw Benny still laying in the same position, eyes open. “Hey,” he croaked as he rolled onto his side. Benny smiled, but it quickly faded. “Did you sleep?” Zane asked, reaching up to stroke his Master's cheek. Benny just shook his head. “I wanted to stay awake and look after you,” Zane said, pouting a little. Benny smiled again as he raised a hand casually played with the Boy's collar. “It's okay,” he said with a weak smile, “It helped just having you here.” Zane beamed with pride at the comment. There had been several times the night before when he had worried he might just be upsetting Benny more, but hearing that he had helped had cast all those worries aside. The two of them lay in silence for several minutes before Benny spoke again. “I don't know what to do,” he said with a slight shake of his head. “Well I'm guessing you're going to see your Mum,” Zane said, shrugging. Tears immediately formed in Benny's eyes as he remembered everything his Mum had said to him the previous night. “She hates me for not being there. She doesn't want to see me.” “Yes she does!” Zane said bluntly. “How do you... know?” Benny asked, frowning his confusion. Zane smiled sweetly. “Cos she's your Mum. Even if she's mad, even if she shouts at you, your her little boy and she will always want to see you.” Benny looked unsure. “You really think so?” he asked nervously. Zane nodded, still smiling. Benny leaned forward, kissed Zane's cheek then pulled him into a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispered quietly. A quick shower and change of clothes later and Benny was leaving the house. Zane stood at the front door watching him walk down the driveway. “Hey, where's he going?” a voice called from behind the Boy. Zane immediately recognised the voice with needing to turn, it was Roger. “He's going to see his Mum,” Zane replied without turning. “On his own? Should someone go with him? I could give him a ride!” Roger said, standing behind Zane and staring out the door. “Nah. I offered but he said he wanted to go on his own,” Zane said, leaning against the doorframe. He felt Roger's body pressing against his back, the large man's arms reaching around his stomach from behind. He leaned back into the man, appreciating the closeness. “Were you with him all night?” Roger asked, his eyes still fixed on Benny as he got further from the house. “Yeah,” Zane replied. He turned in Roger's arms, looking up into his eyes. “Sorry, I know last night I was meant to be with you!” Roger smiled and kissed his lover delicately. “Don't apologise. You did the right thing. Besides, you could always make it up to me now!” Zane grinned and kissed his boyfriend again, letting his hands slide down the man's sides. “What have you got in mind?” Roger shot another glance outside. When he realised Benny was now out of sight, he pulled Zane back a little and closed the door. Before the Boy knew what was happening, Roger had picked him up and thrown him over his shoulder, then turned and headed for the stairs. Zane chuckled quietly as Roger carried him up, around the landing and through the door into the room he and Alex shared. Alex was still in bed, but awake, laying there looking at his phone. He turned to look at the two lovers as they barged in and raised his eyebrows as he smirked. “I'm guessing you'd like some privacy!” he said, sitting up. Roger looked across and nodded, but as Zane got thrown onto the bed he called out, “Nah, stay and watch if you like.” “Really?” Alex and Roger both asked at the same time. “Sure,” Zane said with a playful grin. Whilst the thought of having a spectator did actually turn the Boy on somewhat, it wasn't the only reason he made the suggestion. After his Master and his boyfriend, Alex was his favourite person in the entire house. It still amused him now and then to think about the rocky start he and Alex had gotten off with, or all the subsequent arguments that had followed. Those things aside, Alex was his best friend and after the unpleasantness of the previous night, being able to keep him close seemed quite appealing. Roger looked from Zane to Alex then shrugged and said, “Whatever. Stay if you like!” Alex shrugged in response and lay back down, looking at his phone again. Roger climbed onto the bed, pushing Zane down onto his back as they kissed, one hand reaching up to caress the Boy's hair while the other braced himself to avoid his entire weight crushing the smaller teen. Zane's eyes were closed as he enjoyed the feeling of Roger on top of him, their lips wrestling. He mewed quietly into Roger's mouth, then opened one eye and peered across at Alex. He found the other teen was staring back at him, but he averted his eyes when he realised he had been caught. Roger eventually pulled away from the kiss, but only to let his lips gently peck their way down Zane's stubbled jawline and onto his neck. “Mmm yeah,” he moaned, partly out of pure enjoyment, but also to tease Alex a little further. Zane loved his private (or in this case, semi-private) moments with Roger. It was like he became a different man. Gone was the gruff, sullen, serious second-in-command and in his place was a caring, passionate and seductive lover. The dominance was most definitely still there, but there were definite moments of Roger's softer side that Zane got to enjoy. Alex lay there, desperately willing himself not to look. He briefly found himself wishing he had taken up his own suggestion of giving them some privacy, but it soon passed as he felt his cock swelling from the show. He wondered whether Zane's invitation to let him stay had been planned to intentionally tease, but as he heard the Boy moaning seductively, his suspicion was quickly confirmed. As he continued to observe as stealthily as he could, one of Alex's hands slipped under the covers and grabbed his swollen cock. He watched as Roger's mouth made its way down Zane's chest, down his stomach, past his now-rigid cock to start lapping at the Boy's balls. He let his own hand slide down, playing with his own balls as Roger worked on Zane's. He inadvertently let out a slight moan of his own, then bit his lip in annoyance. Zane smirked as he heard his friend. As he glanced across the room, he couldn't help noticing the hand working away under the covers. It was actually Alex's attempts to be discreet that were making it even more obvious what he was doing. As Alex's eyes guiltily met his, he grinned and nodded. Alex understood the gesture. While part of him was opposed to following the suggestion of a sub, he couldn't help himself. He threw back the covers, swung his legs round on the bed and sat up with his back against the wall. His hand remained inside his boxers, but only for a few seconds before he raised his hips up off the bed and slid them off, kicking them to the floor. Roger glanced up from his position and saw what Zane was staring at. He smirked and shook his head. It had been fairly obvious that Zane had wanted to put on a show, so if that was what he desired, then that was what Roger would do. He suddenly stood up and pulled off his shirt, trousers and underwear, leaving himself as naked as the other two who were both staring on in anticipation. “On your knees!” Roger growled. Zane shuddered with excitement at the tone and quickly flipped over, pushing himself up onto all fours. Roger opened a drawer and retrieved some lube, applying a generous amount to two fingers. He reached down and started sliding them in and out of Zane's hole, lubing him up in anticipation of what was to follow. Once he had applied enough and loosened the Boy a little, he squeezed out some more of the cool gel and started slicking up his own cock. Seconds later, the head of his dick was pushing against the slippery hole. “Mmmm, fuck yeah,” Zane moaned happily, again exaggerating his enjoyment for Alex's pleasure. Roger kept pushing, allowing more and more of his stiffness to penetrate the Boy's rear. As he felt his hips pressing against Zane's arse, he smirked at another over-the-top moan from his lover. Roger looked across at Alex who was stroking his cock as he watched. “Why don't you come and shut him up!” he invited the other General. “Yes!” Zane said excitedly, without meaning to, feeling himself blush a little. Alex nodded and smiled, jumping off of his bed and quickly pacing across the room. He knelt on Roger's bed as Zane's obligingly opened his mouth ready to receive Alex's tool. Zane moaned again, but this time it was completely genuine as he felt himself impaled on both ends. Alex had grabbed his head and started fucking his mouth rather than waiting for the Boy to start sucking, while Roger had begun sliding back and forth, bring almost the entire length of his cock out before thrusting back in hard. The Boy found himself being bounced back and forth in response to the thrusts from the other two men. They kept going for a few minutes, Roger's hand reaching down to stroke Zane's still-solid cock before he asked Alex, “Swap ends?” “Sure!” Alex said happily, pulling out of Zane's mouth. Rather than moving, the two Generals lifted Zane and span him round, throwing him back down fairly roughly. Alex's boner, slick with Zane's saliva, easily slid into the Boy's well-lubed hole as Roger pushed his way into the Boy's eager cavity. They were quickly back in the same rhythm as before, making Zane bounce forwards and back onto the two solid dicks. Alex was first to cum, grunting heavily as he filled Zane with his spunk, collapsing onto the Boy's back as the pleasurable shudders rippled through him, pulling out. Zane could tell his lover was close too and expected the taste of cum to follow within moments. Instead, Roger pulled out, lifted the Boy again and threw him down onto his back. Raising the Boy's legs into the air, he pushed his cock back inside the cum-filled hole and thrust a few times before he started grunting with pleasure. The feeling a second shot of warm wetness inside him, along with being able to look up at his lover's pleasured face was almost enough to push Zane over the edge. In the end though, it was Alex who gave him that final nudge, reaching across and stroking the Boy's erection for a few seconds. Zane's stomach was soon covered in his seed as he gasped happily, Roger's softening cock still inside him. Roger finally pulled out and collapsed back onto the bed. Zane happily shuffled up beside him, pulling one the large man's arms around him. Alex stared awkwardly for just a moment, suddenly feeling like he was intruding in something he had no right to be involved with. Zane's could immediately see his friend's awkwardness and kindly held out an arm, gesturing for him to join them as they lay enjoying their post-orgasmic high. Alex moved towards them ever-so-slightly then stopped himself, blushed and jumped off the bed. He grabbed his underwear and a t-shirt then ran to the door, calling out, “I'll leave you to it then.” Zane sighed as he watched Alex leave. He would have liked his friend to stay. Over the past couple of months, Alex had visibly changed, going from cold and aloof to pleasant and approachable. Physical intimacy was still an issue though. Zane had often wanted to hug his friend, maybe just touch him casually, even just lean on him when they were sitting together, but it continued to make him skittish. “He'll get there,” Roger said, sensing his boyfriend's frustration. “Just be patient. He's doing great, you don't want to push him.” “Yeah, I know,” Zane said, nuzzling his cheek against Roger's chest. It was actually quite nice to hear Roger say something nice about Alex. He had often been the new General's biggest opponent in the house, but even he couldn't deny the progress Alex had made in dealing with his issues. ********** Sunday came and went, the mood on the house slightly downcast in sympathy of what Benny was going through. They all knew the Master had left the house that morning to go and see his Mum. Since then, though, none of them had heard from him. Both Roger and Alex had attempted to call the distressed teen, but it went straight to voicemail. The first news came late in the evening when Josh called the house. With his family being relatively close to Benny's, he had been able to get some news. It seemed that Benny's father had been involved in a head-on collision the previous morning. Upon being rescued from the mangled wreckage of his car, surgeons had worked on him for hours before sadly reaching the conclusion that he was beyond help. From what Josh had been able to gather from what his parents told him, despite her initial outburst on the phone to Benny, Mrs Harrison had been delighted when Benny turned up, the two quickly reconciling. To the best of his knowledge, Josh confirmed that Benny was still at his parents house with his Mother and, by the sounds of it, appeared to be intending to stay there for some time. While the residents of the house wished they could help the boy more, they respected that he needed space and privacy to be with his family and so decided not to pursue him any further until they heard from him. ********** Saturday 16th May 2015 It felt strange for Benny to be back in his old bed. His parents had moved into that house before he was born, so it was the only home he had ever known until he left to move into his own house. He was amazed to find that the room had been left exactly the way he had left it, albeit a little cleaner and tidier, no doubt thanks to his Mum. It had only been four months since he left and it would have actually been a little upsetting if his parents had gotten rid of his things so quickly, but it still seemed strange to have everything just the same. As he lay in bed, his mind lingered on his Dad. That seemed to be the only thing he had been able to think about all week, aside from his Mother's grief. In the first few days, his Mum had been inconsolable which had been unpleasant to behold, but the boy quickly realised it was preferable to what followed. His Mum had calmed down substantially, to the point where she almost seemed back to normal. The problem was, without an upset mother to comfort, Benny had found himself with a lot more time to be overwhelmed by his own feelings. A lot of people had spoken to him about what he was going through, some had talked to him about the five stages of grief, attempting to help him through it or prepare him for what was to come. He had thought about those five stages a lot, trying to figure out where he was on the scale. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. He played the five words over and over in his mind, but none of them seemed to fit. Another word plagued him in their place – guilt! Barely a second had passed since he got that voicemail from his Mum when Benny didn't feel completely gripped by guilt. He thought about the possibility that if he hadn't moved out, his Dad would probably have been doing something with him last Saturday morning instead of being out driving and then the accident never would have happened. Failing that, maybe if he had at least contacted his parents since leaving, it may have altered things. Then came the thoughts of his Mum trying to contact him last week, upset and alone in the hospital. If only he had picked up that call, he could have been with her. Then would come the thoughts of his Dad's final few moments, wanting to see his Son but ultimately being disappointed. It made Benny want to scream, it made him want to cry, it made him want to lash out at the world but nothing happened. Being back in his old room made it harder. Every time he thought about letting go, about letting his feelings out he found himself thinking about the last time he had truly let go – that day with Josh in the very room he was now laying. He felt like he was going to go insane, desperate to face his own feelings but too scared to do so at the same time. He climbed out of bed and walked over to his desk. He had turned his phone off and put it there on his first night in the house and hadn't touched it since. He knew what he was likely to find when he turned it on – supportive messages, concern, love, all from the people he cared about. It should have been comforting to him, but instead it simply made his angry. Unable to process his own feelings of guilt, his mind had instead started turning to blame. It was his Boys that had drawn him away from his family home, it was the House that had kept him too distracted and busy to contact his parents, it was the day with Josh that had prevented him from being there for his father's dying moments. He picked up the phone, turned it on and waited while it started. Immediately the messages started appearing. There was nothing he didn't expect. Messages asking if he was okay and where he had gone from last weekend followed by a dozen more, at least one from each of the residents of the house, wishing him all their love. A couple had messaged more than once. Zane had messaged every single day. At first it made Benny smile before the anger wormed its way back into his thoughts. Benny lay back down on the bed, his breath quickening as the fury built. His mind twisted the messages, slowly turning them from wishes of love and concern into selfish demands for his time. In a matter of mere moments, he had managed to convince himself that all they wanted was for the Master to come back, for someone to be in charge and give them the orders they craved. He hated them all, their selfish dependence upon him, their needy cries for attention, their obliviousness to his feelings. He started a reply, selecting every resident of the house as a recipient. His hands were shaking he was so angry. Several times he wrote messages before deleting them. It was like a small part of his mind was still holding him back saying anything too bad. Gradually he calmed enough to write something devoid of vitriol, but that summed up his feelings quite succinctly. [I'M NOT COMING BACK!] ********** Roger was laying in bed, an arm curled around Zane who was cuddled up to his side, breathing quietly in his sleep. It had been decided that all usual activities in the house would be suspended until Benny returned. It had actually been quite a nice break for him, allowing him to spend a lot more time with his young lover. He felt a little guilty about enjoying the week, knowing that it was only possible through the tragedy Benny had endured. He was beginning to worry about not hearing from the boy. Ever since they met almost two and a half years ago, this was the longest they had ever gone without seeing each other. He had decided that if he didn't hear from Benny by Sunday, he would go and see him. As his phone vibrated, he quickly reached out to the side, trying not to disturb the sleeping teen beside him or rouse the other General sleeping across the room in his own bed. He needn't have bothered being quiet though as he immediately heard both Zane and Alex's phones beeping their message tones. He looked round briefly as the two teens stirred, wondering whether it was coincidence before looking at the message. [I'M NOT COMING BACK!] The message from Benny read. He must have read it a dozen times, not quite sure he could believe it. He would have continued to stare at it longer if he hadn't been disturbed. “He's not coming back?” Zane asked quietly from beside him. “What does he mean? Like, ever?” Alex called out, realising that the others had received the same message. “Fuck, who did he send this to?” Roger asked. If it had just gone to to the Generals, it may have been containable, but the inclusion of Zane suggested Benny had sent it to everyone. Roger jumped out of bed. “Alex, get dressed!” “What? Why?” Alex asked, a little confused. “I think he sent this to everyone. If he did, this could get messy,” Roger explained, quickly pulling on some clothes. The three of them emerged from the bedroom just as Malik stepped out of the door to his room. “Did you guys...” he started. “Yeah, we got it,” Roger interrupted him. “I think everyone did!” “Everyone?” Malik asked, suddenly looking as worried as Roger. The second-in-command nodded solemnly before heading for the stairs, quickly followed by Alex, Zane and Malik. By the time they reached the ground floor of atrium, they could hear footsteps and raised voices coming from the cellar stairs. Quentin, Robert, Charlie and Taro all emerged from the stairway. Robert and Quentin had been part way through a chastity punishment when Benny left the house. With all activities suspended, they had been released, albeit with the vague threat that it could be resumed at any time. “He's not coming back?” Charlie asked the Generals gathered before him. “No, he's not,” Alex said without thinking. “Shut up,” Roger snarled at the younger General, then turned to face the Boys. “We don't really know anything yet.” “We know he's not coming back!” Robert insisted. “He pretty much already told us!” He waved his phone in the air, the message from Benny visible on it. “He's just upset,” Roger started. “That's it, he's gone, it's over!” Quentin said flatly. The rest of the Boys followed up the stairs, the entire residency of the house now gathered in the large open area. What was immediately noticeable was that some of the Boys were either partially or fully dressed, something that even without the usual activities taking place, Roger had ordered not to happen. “So should we leave?” David asked from the back of the group. “Well why stay?” Robert asked loudly. “What good's a house of subs without a dom?” “Hey, we're standing right here?” Malik called back. “You're not doms, you're just... more senior subs!” Robert argued back. “Wanna test that theory?” Malik growled back, his usual calm demeanour quickly replaced by one of pure aggression. “Any time you like, little boy!” Robert snapped. The large, tattooed thirty-six-year-old stepped closer to the twenty-two-year-old General menacingly. Malik's fists clenched, ready for a fight as everyone backed away. “Back down, both of you!” Roger said, stepping in between them. Robert simply pushed the large man away, continuing to advance on Malik. The two lunged at each other, fists flying. Half of the gathered crowd backed away in fear while others dashed forward to separate them. Zane held tightly onto Roger, as much for his own safety as to keep Roger out of it. The attempts to pull the fight apart resulted in several smaller scuffles between some of the Boys as loud yells and screams echoed around the large atrium. “EVERYBODY STOP!” Alex yelled. He had taken a couple of steps up the stairs so he could look down and see everyone. His tone, more than his words, was enough to make everyone stop dead in their tracks, disengaging from their various confrontations to look up at him. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?” he asked furiously. “WHETHER HE'S HERE OR NOT, THIS IS STILL BENNY'S HOUSE AND THERE ARE RULES!” The gathered Boys and Generals all looked thoroughly sheepish in response to Alex's yells. Alex took a deep breath and lowered his voice, realising that he could now easily be heard at normal level. “Okay, the message is a little worrying, but Benny's going through a tough time. He probably doesn't mean what he says but we won't know until we talk to him. The chances are, he'll be back eventually and I think he'd very much like to find the place still standing!” he explained. “So this behaviour is completely unacceptable. No punishments will be given for this on account of how high tensions are running, but any further misbehaviour will be handled VERY firmly!” A quite murmur spread through the crowd as they took in his words. “Now,” he said, looking at the Boys who had put on clothes, “I believe you are still required to be naked at all times when within the house, so get your clothes off, get back to your Dorms and wait there for further instructions!” There was a brief moment when it looked like nobody would move, but then the Boys quickly started heading back to the basement door, pulling off clothes as they walked. As Alex looked round, he saw Zane still clinging to Roger's arm. “All of you!” Alex said firmly, looking at his friend. Zane looked reluctant to let go and follow the others, but quickly kissed Roger on the cheek before following the others. Once the Boys were all back downstairs, the three Generals exchanged glances before Alex shook his head. “You two really could have handled that better!” Roger and Malik both looked ashamed. “Sorry,” they both muttered in turn. “It's okay, but we need to get on top of this,” Alex said, stepping down to join them. “Roger, I think you need to go and see Benny. Talk to him, find out what's going on.” “I can't make him come back,” Roger said, already knowing how hard Benny's mind could be to change. Alex nodded. “I know, but you can at least talk to him.” ********** Once Roger left the house, time seemed to slow to a crawl. They were all eager to find out how it had gone, for Roger to come back and give his report, but they knew he could be quite some time. Despite Roger's decision the previous weekend to suspend all activities, Alex decided to overrule him and put the Boys to work. He split them into two groups, giving Zane, Charlie, Taro and Philip to Malik for the day while keeping Robert, Quentin and David for himself. Although he had announced that no punishments would be given for the events of that morning, Alex couldn't help wanting to target Robert. It seemed like a good opportunity to test out a new toy he had been putting together. Alex had been quickly gaining a reputation for his creativity with the equipment in the playrooms. The torture he had put Charlie through using the vibrators and shock pads had been the talk of the house while his torment of Josh the previous weekend had many of the Boys totally captivated. The latest toy, however, was a work of evil genius. He had acquired an old exercise bike, using it as the base for his invention. The saddle had been removed and replaced with a bigger seat made up of a large ring. The pedals had then been hooked up to a large rod topped with a dildo and a fleshlight. The rider would take a seat on bike and be secured in place to ensure he couldn't stand, while the dildo would be positioned against his hole and his cock inside the fleshlight. The pedalling motion would then drive the dildo up and down while the fleshlight slid back and forward, essentially fucking and jerking off the rider simultaneously. After getting Quentin and David set up with their own tortures, Alex had Robert climb onto the new device. 'I need a name for this thing,' Alex thought to himself as he strapped Robert in place then positioned the lubricated dildo arm and fleshlight. Next his feet were shackled to the pedals and his hands to the handlebars. Robert seemed unimpressed. “It's no big deal. If it gets too bad, I can just slow down or stop!” he said with a nonchalant shrug. Alex laughed wickedly. “Oh please, do you think this is my first time?” he asked incredulously. He reached into a box next to him and pulled out several pads which he started sticking all over Robert's body, each of them trailing a thin cable down to a little black box. “Oh come on,” Robert complained, realising what the pads were probably for. “Still think it's no big deal?” Alex asked teasingly. He stood back and began explaining the device to Robert, speaking loudly enough for the other two occupants of the room to overhear, mainly because he wanted to show off his new toy. “You will start cycling when I give the command and you cycle twenty miles. At the average cycling speed, that should take you somewhere around two hours, but feel free to go faster.... if you can handle it! However, if your speed drops to 5 miles per hour, the pads and saddle will activate and... it'll hurt! The slower you go, the higher the pain. And if you stop completely... well, let's just say you probably don't want to stop completely!” Alex glanced at the display screen which he had deliberately positioned behind the rider. It would show the current speed as well as the distance cycled, but that knowledge would not get passed on to Robert. Quentin and David, despite their own ongoing tortures, couldn't help staring across at their fellow sub in anticipation of what was doubtlessly going to be a very tough ride. “And begin!” Alex called out. Robert pushed down on a pedal and grunted as dildo pushed inside him and his cock was engulfed by the silicone toy. He began pedalling faster and, in turn, the dildo and fleshlight began moving faster too. As his speed increased and he quickly passed the 5 mph barrier, the little black box beeped, now active. Alex stood watching his device at work, pleased with how smoothly it was going. Robert seemed to be getting faster and faster, presumably hoping to finish the 20 miles quite quickly. Unfortunately for the restrained Boy, he soon found that going too fast was simply unbearable for his hole which was getting rapidly pounded. The fast moving fleshlight was actually immensely pleasurable, but that simply meant he would cum quickly, at which point the pleasure would turn to pain. Robert had no trouble staying above the 5 mph barrier, but Alex had not expected that to be a problem for the rider so early. That was likely to come later, after orgasming. The mixture of post-orgasmic limb weakness and the painful torture of the fleshlight against a sensitive cock would inevitably drive down the speed. As the young General stood watching his diabolical machine at work, his mind began to wander. Inevitably, his thoughts led back to Benny. 'What if he really doesn't come back?' he thought to himself. He found himself quite surprised to feel so saddened by the thought. When he had come to the house originally, he had seen Benny as some annoying kid who had found himself in an amazingly fortunate position entirely by chance. He hadn't respected him. He hadn't even liked him that much, but the boy had shown so much love and support that Alex now found himself struggling to imagine life without him. While Alex felt he had Victor to thank for most of his progress in dealing with his anger issues, he couldn't help thinking about how helpful Benny had been himself. Not only had he identified the issues, found a therapist and made time for Alex to see him, but the Master had always been there both before and after each session, always keen to offer any support he could. Usually Alex didn't want to talk about his session with Victor, so instead the two teens had just hung out and chatted for a while Alex was shaken from his fond thoughts of Benny by the sudden grunting of Robert. The moment Alex had been waiting for had arrived, the first victim of his new toy was having his first orgasm on it. Robert did his best to keep pedalling, but with his muscles spasming through a fairly intense ejaculation and his cock growing increasingly sensitive to the still-moving fleshlight, he began to slow. The little black box beside the bike suddenly started beeping. Alex had chosen a pattern for the shocks that the device would inflict. Rather than just shooting the man's entire body with a sudden burst of pain all over, it worked its way up as a wave, shocking his feet first, then calves, thighs, buttocks hips, abs, chest, back, shoulders and then working its way down his arms to his hands. The entire wave only took a couple of seconds and then worked back down in reverse order. “FUCK!” Robert screamed out in shock. Still shuddering and feeling ripples of delight from his orgasm, he suddenly found himself disoriented by the wave of pain. The way it moved up and down felt truly bizarre, like he was being squashed from one end of his own body to the other. He would later go on to describe it as feeling like laying on the floor and having something heavy rolling up and down his body. “And that's only the lowest setting! Slow down much more and it'll get much worse!” Alex taunted. “SHIT!” Robert screamed out again as the wave worked its way up and down. He desperately willed his feet to keep moving, only just pedalling fast enough to keep the pain at the lowest setting. He had to endure it for almost five minutes before he could find the strength to pedal any faster. Immediately, his cock felt like it was on fire as the fleshlight sped up. His hole was once again receiving a fairly good pounding too, his prostate, still sensitive from orgasm number one, sent shots of pleasured pain through his insides every time the dildo slid past it. “Oh god, oh fuck, oh please.... please.... let me stop,” the man begged, even sooner than Alex had anticipated. The wicked General looked at his watch, then back to Robert and said, “I'm sorry, you've only been fifteen minutes. You've still got another hour and three quarters to go!” Robert looked ready to quit, but refused staunchly to give Alex the satisfaction of victory despite his obvious growing discomfort. He managed to keep his legs moving, maintaining just enough speed to avoid getting shocked again, whilst not over-stimulating his sensitive parts. Alex turned his attention to his other two Boys for a few minutes, ensuring they were both suffering, but not harmfully so. Quentin was currently being subjected to the milking machine, the speed set tantalisingly low to build him towards an eventual, powerful orgasm. He actually seemed to be finding it quite relaxing as he lay there, strapped to the table, letting the device do its work. He knew Alex was likely to make it substantially less pleasant eventually, but for now he was just enjoying himself. Every now and then, he would glance across as Robert on the newest creation from the twisted General, dreading the day he ended up on it. Across the room, David was strapped over a bench, his ankles and wrists tied to the feet of it, his rear raised in the air. He was being subjected to the fucking machine, a large dildo sliding in and out of his hole. A heavy, vibrating cock rind had also been attached around the base of his genitals. It buzzed away quietly as the thirty-four-year-old moaned with torturous pleasure. The fucking machine had been deliberately angled to thrust against the young man's prostate. That, along with the gentle buzz of the ring was keeping him painfully close to an orgasm he suspected Alex may never allow him to achieve. He too twisted his head round to observe Robert occasionally, although a small part of him secretly wanted to try the new toy out. Robert's endurance was impressive. He had managed to keep going another half hour before he was finally pushed over the edge of another toe-curling orgasm. He screamed out with pained delight as he filled the fleshlight with another load, noticing immediately how his own cum only acted as further lubricant on his already sensitive dick. His legs almost froze entirely. It was only through sheer force of will that he managed to keep them going at all, but it was barely more than a crawl, meaning he found himself subjected to a higher level of pain from earlier. Once again it had been sent to work in waves up and down the victim's body. “FUCK, FUCK, NO, STOP IT, FUCK, PLEASE, NO MORE!” Robert screamed out. He had finally reached his limit, the mixture of shocks and sensitivity too much to take. He shook violently from side to side. Alex immediately figured out that the man was attempting to tip the bike, presumably to force Alex to stop the torture. He reached out and grabbed it just in time, gripping the handlebars from the front of the device and staring the pained man in the face. He made a mental note to get the device bolted to the floor before he used it again but for now simply stared at his victim. The young General's cock had already been hard. It usually was when he was inflicting punishment on the Boys, but seeing the normally unshakeable man pushed to his limit had it throbbing wildly. “No way, still more than an hour to go!” Alex said with a wicked grin. “PARROT!” Robert called out the house safe word. Alex found himself hesitating. He heard his cousin's voice in his head. 'Come on, show me the real Alex,' he had taunted. He found himself thinking back to his early teens, when he had subjected Zack to various teasing and torture. They had their own safe word in place, but sometimes he would choose to ignore it. No matter how much Zack screamed, Alex would just keep going until he was satisfied. Zack hated it at the time, but once it was over, the younger boy virtually worshipped him for it, revelling in his savage brutality. “PARROT!” Robert called out again in terrified pain. Alex was shaken from his thoughts, immediately moving to the little black box and flicking the power switch off. Robert whimpered as the pain ended and he finally allowed his legs to stop moving. He was breathing heavily, his eyes closed tightly while his head dropped in front of him. Alex paused again for a moment, questioning why he had hesitated in releasing Robert, both cursing his own thoughts and desperately willing the hardest erection of his life to subside. Without a word, he released Robert from the restraints and pulled the various pads off of him. The man remained sitting there for several minutes before finding the strength to stand. Meanwhile, Alex went about releasing his other two captives. Neither of them had managed to cum yet, but he was barely paying any attention to that, he just wanted to be alone. Once all three were free, he ushered them out of the room before making his way upstairs to the Generals' Lounge where he flopped onto a sofa and curled up. ********** Robert approached the house nervously. Back before Benny had moved out, Roger had escorted the boy back to his parents' house several times but had never gone inside. As he reached the door, he paused for a moment to compose himself and then knocked. The door opened and Benny's mother appeared. “Hello?” she enquired, looking slightly intimidated at the sight of the large man. “Mrs Harrison? I'm a friend of Benny's. Is he here?” Roger asked politely. Mrs Harrison nodded. “He is, but I doubt he'll come and see you. He doesn't seem to want to leave his room today,” she explained. Roger almost took that as a refusal, but then the woman stepped aside and added, “Feel free to go up. It might do him good to speak to someone.” Roger stepped inside cautiously, smiling politely as he passed his Master's mother. As he placed his foot on the bottom stair, he stopped and looked back as Mrs Harrison shut the door. “I'm... really sorry for your loss.” Mrs Harrison smiled back and just said a quiet, “Thank you,” before heading back into the lounge. Roger made his way up the stairs and quickly realised that he had no idea which room was Benny's. Thankfully, most of the doors were wide open allowing him to see that they were not the right ones. One was slightly ajar and revealed the beginnings of the tiled floor for the bathroom. That left just one, closed, door. Roger quietly knocked on it and waited. “I told you, I'm staying in here today,” Benny's voice called moodily through the door. “Benny... it's me!” Roger called back nervously. There was a sudden sound of rapid movement in the room then the door swung open. Benny scowled at the man standing in front of him. He was still angry at the house and everyone in it, so to suddenly be confronted with the person he most associated with it did nothing to improve his mood. The anger, while remaining, gradually found itself being replaced with something else as he stared into Roger's eyes. Benny welled up, sniffed a couple of times, then burst into tears. Roger leaned down, wrapped his arms around the boy, then stood back up straight, lifting the boy off the floor. Benny's arms and legs wrapped around the large man as he sobbed onto his shoulder. They remained like that for a few minutes before Roger stepped into Benny's room and kicked the door shut behind him. He sat down on the bed, leaving Benny now essentially sat on his lap, his legs still curled around the man's waist as he held on tightly. It was getting on for half an hour before Benny had finally stopped crying and composed himself enough to loosen his grip. “Benny, I'm so sorry,” Roger whispered in the boy's ear, a hand raising up to gently stroke through his soft, blonde hair. Benny just sniffed and sat back, nodding gently at the man. They remained in silence again for a further couple of minutes before Benny climbed off. He considered sitting at Roger's side, but instead opted to pull his desk chair across the room and sit facing him. “How are you doing?” Roger asked, knowing it was really a stupid question. Benny's sadness had melted away with the tears and his contempt for Roger and the house was rapidly returning. “Fine,” he said coldly. Roger frowned. The boy's tone and expression made it painfully clear that he was far from it. “You... said you're not coming back!” Benny folded his arms as he sat back in the chair. “Yeah, I know!” he replied bluntly. “You... don't mean it, do you?” Roger asked warily. Benny shrugged. “Why would I wanna come back?” Roger knew he had to tread carefully. He had never seen Benny like this before. He had seen the boy angry, happy, scared, depressed, but this was something else. Something about the way he stared back actually made Roger believe he truly didn't want to come back. “It's your home!” he said, unsure what else to say. “No. THIS is my home!” Benny said back firmly. Roger sighed. “The place you're talking about, that's the place that kept me away from my real home. It's the place that made me lose my Dad!” Benny said, his voice beginning to raise slightly. “You don't... really think that, do you?” Roger asked, shocked at the allegation. Benny nodded. “Of course I do. It's undeniable. It's because of that place that I didn't get to see my parents and it's because of that place that my Mum had to... watch him die, without me to support her! IT'S THAT PLACE THAT MADE ME MISS MY DAD'S FINAL MOMENTS!” By the end , he was outright yelling, his fists clenched as stood from the chair. Roger waited a few moments for the boy to calm back down a little. He knew it was probably easier to just leave. Benny was clearly still very upset, but he couldn't bring himself to just walk out. “Benny, I'm... I'm really sorry for what I'm about to say. I mean... I love you. Seriously, I love you so much, so I hope you know that I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it's not the house's fault... it's yours!” “WHAT?!” Benny snarled furiously. He lunged at Roger, but the larger man grabbed his raised hands by the wrists and easily held him back. “You could have come to see them at any time, there was nothing stopping you, but you chose not to. You kept putting it off and putting it off and putting it off until it was too late. Blame the house as much as you like, but that was your call,” Roger said back, struggling against the boy. Benny looked angrier than Roger had ever seen him, but there was a pain behind his eyes along with a slow realisation that the older man was probably right. Benny finally stopped struggling, Roger releasing his wrists as the boy dropped them to his sides. He flopped back down onto the chair, shaking his head as he stared down at the ground. “I should have been here!” he muttered quietly. “Maybe,” Roger said with a casual shrug. “Maybe if you were, your Dad would still be alive.” Benny stared at his friend, horrified. Roger continued. “But maybe if you'd been here, your Mum might have been in the car too and died. Or maybe you would have, too. Or maybe you'd all be okay. Who knows? That's the point! You can't beat yourself up over eternal 'what ifs', otherwise you'll literally go insane. I get that you feel bad, I can't pretend to know exactly how you feel, but you can't let it take over your life.” “It feels like it already has,” Benny replied weakly. Roger nodded. “Yeah, it probably does, but... don't let what you've lost ruin what you've still got. It's pretty clear that right now your feelings about the house are... confused, but I know you love that place and I know every guy there loves you too. I'm no saying come back with me today because it's pretty obvious you're not ready for that, just.... don't make any decisions just yet that you might regret in the long run, okay? Promise me you'll think about.” Benny attempted a weak smile and nodded, “I promise... I'll think about it.” “Good boy,” Roger said cheekily, mocking Benny's favourite words of praise he gave to obedient subs. Benny actually giggled slightly. “And in the meantime, we'll keep things running for you!” Roger promised. “Thank you,” Benny said quietly, blushing a little. Roger stood up and looked down at the boy. “So... should I go and leave you in peace?” Benny shook his head. “No. Could you... stay with me a while?” “Of course... Sir!” Roger replied sweetly. ********** The mood in the house had continued to be quite low. The attempts to keep the Boys entertained had worked for a while, but once it all stopped, everyone's minds went straight back onto their absent Master. Everyone was gathered in the Main Lounge, except for Alex who was still continuing his solitude upstairs in the Generals' Lounge. A couple of them were staring blankly at the TV, a couple were chatting quietly on one of the sofas while Zane had pulled a chair up to the window and was staring out at the gravel driveway, waiting for his lover to reappear. He had his arms crossed on the window sill, his chin resting on them as he stared out. When Roger's car finally appeared, Zane jumped up and called out, “He's back!” There was a sudden flurry of movement. The TV was switched off and everyone gathered around the sofas, staring at the door in anticipation of Roger's entry. The only conversation going on was the quiet arguments some of them were having over whether Roger would be alone, or accompanied by the missing Master. Roger finally walked in and paused as he saw every eye fixed on him. He knew they would all be anxious for his return, but it still managed to catch him a little by surprise. “Hey... everyone,” he said cautiously. The senior General suddenly found himself assaulted with a barrage of questions. It took a little while to calm everyone down, but once he did, he quietly explained to them all what was going on, as best he could. “So he... will be back?” Robert asked with a confused frown. Roger shrugged slightly as he nodded. “Yeah, at least... I'm pretty sure he will.” “Doesn't sound like it'll be any time soon though,” David said sadly. Roger looked round at the group and saw Zane sitting quietly, playing with his collar. He had noticed that his lover always seemed to play with it when he was thinking about Benny, something that had happened a lot over the last week. He shot the teen a quick wink and a smile, getting a shy grin in response. “So what do we do in the meantime?” Quentin asked thoughtfully, looking round the group. “I mean, do we carry on like we did when he was here, or do we just keep things on hold?” There was a sudden burst of chatter from the group as everyone noisily voiced their opinions to whoever was closest to them. Roger let them continue for a while, then gestured once again for quiet. “Personally, I think that we should try and keep things running as normally as possible. That way, when Benny comes back, he can just jump straight back in without having to get us all used to the old routines again,” Taro said firmly. The young man rarely spoke in group environments, mostly preferring to converse with people one-on-one, so hearing him now address the whole group had a fairly substantial impact. There were nods of agreement, everyone seeming to think it was the best approach. “So does that mean... you're in charge?” Charlie asked, looking to Roger. Silence fell as every eye once again turned to the most senior General. He had considered the possibility of this conversation. He had even discussed it with Benny, albeit very briefly. He shook his head. “No,” he said bluntly, much to everyone's surprise. “I think the house works best when I'm second-in-command. We kinda figured that out when Benny made me leave.” There were murmurs of agreement from the gathering. “So that would mean...” Charlie said, turning to face the other General in the room, Malik. “Whoa, no way, don't look at me,” Malik immediately said defensively as others also started turning to look at him. “I love domming you guys, but I'm not the man in charge. I don't want that kind of responsibility.” “Then... Alex?” Charlie said cautiously, the final General seeming to be the only remaining option. Charlie's question spurred much louder conversation. There were clearly a lot of arguments against him, everyone suddenly thinking only of Alex's early days in the house rather than the much calmer, more well-rounded young man he had become since. The voices grew louder and louder, the argument taking the group back and forth on the possibility of putting Alex in charge. “That's enough!” Roger finally called out. He knew it was best to let them have these discussions and air their concerns sooner rather than later, but it had gone on long enough. The large twenty-year-old General had his own thoughts on the matter, but he also had someone else's opinion to convey. “Benny thinks he can do it!” The comment stunned the group into silence. “But he also doesn't want to make anyone here do anything they're not comfortable with. That's why we're going to do this by a vote. It has to be unanimous. So, who wants to give Alex a chance?” Roger asked. A couple of the Boys, along with Malik, immediately raised their hands. Gradually the rest began raising their hands. Eventually, the only hand not raised was Zane's. He knew Alex better than anyone and to say he was cautious was an understatement. With everyone staring at him, hands raised, he eventually sighed and raised his hand. “Okay, it's unanimous,” Roger said. He could sense Zane's concerns as they mostly mirrored his own, but it had been decided. “What's unanimous?” Alex asked, appearing at the doorway, finally venturing out from his solitude. “Putting you in charge!” Charlie called out. “Looks like we're all yours, boss!” Alex looked horrified at the comment. For a brief moment he had thought Charlie was joking, but the expressions of everyone looking at him soon told him otherwise. He raised his hands as he shook his head, “No, that's... no, you can't do that. I'm... I can't,” he objected nervously. “Benny thinks you can,” Roger called out, staring Alex in the eye from across the room. Alex took a deep breath. “He... does?” Roger nodded. “He's proud of you, with the progress you've made,” he explained. “We all are,” Quentin called out, smiling. “You're not the same guy as you were when you get here!” “Yeah, he was a dick!” David called out playfully, getting a laugh from everyone, even Alex. “You can do this!” Zane said firmly. He too was unaccustomed to speaking out in a group setting, so his words seemed even more poignant. He smiled at his best friend, getting a grin back. Alex felt a little overwhelmed. “I don't know what to say... I... I guess I'm in charge then!” The crowd burst into loud applause and cheers in celebration of Alex's acceptance. Chapter 22 – Alex's House by Matt Sunday 17th May 2015 “Hey!” Alex heard from beside him. Simultaneously, he felt a finger poking him in his side. “Urrrgh!” the drowsy teen groaned in response as consciousness slowly crept in. “Hey!” The voice repeated, accompanied by several pokes. “Too early. Fuck off!” Alex groaned back, making no attempt to move away from the incessantly probing finger. “No it's not. Wake up... Master!” Alex's eyes shot open. Master? It all came flooding back to him in a flash – Benny's Dad, the Master's sudden departure, the surprising election, his own agreement to take up the role. If that wasn't strange enough, he found himself looking out across an unfamiliar room. After the previous night's celebrations finally ended, Alex had headed to the stairs to go to bed, but had been stopped by Zane who had insisted that, being the Master now, he should have his own room. They had briefly considered Benny's room, but that just felt wrong. Instead, they had chosen one of the two large guest bedrooms. Despite being one of the nights Zane was allowed to sleep in with Roger, the young sub had agreed to accompany Alex instead, at the new Master's uncharacteristically timid request. “I'd just... like the company,” Alex had requested sheepishly. Zane was more than happy to comply, even at the cost of a night in Roger's arms. Ever since his best friend had been elected into the role of interim Master, he had felt a growing swell of pride. Despite their tiredness, the two had stayed up even later talking about what Alex would do now he was in charge. There had been more than a few moments where they had felt guilty about Benny, feeling bad about being so happy as a result of his misfortune. Alex had smiled every time Benny was mentioned as Zane subconsciously reached up to play with his collar. It was sweet, but also acted as a reminder that he was the Master now, but that the House and everyone in it still belonged to Benny. Sleep had eventually taken the two, but Zane had woken early, excited to start Alex's first day in charge. “So what's the plan? What you gonna do?” the eighteen-year-old asked excitedly. Alex chuckled at the enthusiasm, then shook his head and rolled over, closing his eyes again. “The plan is about four more hours of sleep!” he said as grumpily as he could manage through his amused grin. “Aww come on, no way. You're gonna waste half the day,” Zane complained, bouncing up and down. “Come on, let's see what Master Alex can do.” Alex reluctantly turned back over and stared up into the grinning face of his friend. “Okay, well first of all, 'Master Alex' makes the rules here, so if he says we sleep, then we sleep.” Zane pouted, his bouncing stopping suddenly. “Okay,” he said quietly under his breath. “Secondly,” Alex continued, reaching up and placing a hand on Zane's arm, “It's Sunday, everyone's day off!” Zane's expression turned into one of frustrated realisation. He hadn't even considered that. “Oh yeah,” he said with a shrug. “So why are you even up this early? Stop disturbing me and let me sleep!” he said cheekily, flopping back down into the bed. Alex scowled. He knew he should punish his friend's cheekiness, but he was too tired to care. Instead he just nestled against the other teen as they both dozed off. ********** Saturday 23rd May 2015 “Oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God... I can't do this. I can't. I just... I can't. It's impossible!” Alex said, breathing heavily as he paced back and forth in his room. Roger laughed aloud, attracting a scowl from the new Master. “This is funny to you?” Alex demanded angrily. “Sorry Sir,” Roger replied immediately. He had quickly gotten used to being subservient to the new Master. He had spent months being relaxed and casual when alone with Benny, so it was taking some time for him to get out of the habit. “I was only laughing because this is exactly how Benny used to get in the beginning.” The comment shocked Alex. He had only ever seen Benny confident, assertive, completely self-assured. The thought of him being a nervous wreck at the prospect of addressing the household seemed almost incomprehensible. “Really?” Alex asked in surprise. Roger nodded. “Yes Sir, but he was fine,” Roger replied. He paused for a moment before adding, “And you will be too.” “I wish I could be so sure of that,” Alex replied dejectedly, sitting down on the edge of his bed. “Sir...” Roger started, pacing across the room to stand in front of his new Master. “You're a good dom.” Alex was a little taken aback by the comment. He had clashed with Roger on more than one occasion and Alex had often got the feeling that Roger simply didn't like him, but the comment sounded completely sincere. He stared at his second-in-command, smiled, then stood up. “Thank you,” he said, then took a deep breath. “Okay, let's go.” Roger led the way, quickly making his way down the stairs. The imposing General's sudden appearance was enough to quieten the low murmur of conversation that had been filling the atrium while the gathered Boys waited. Alex followed a few moments later. He remembered what Benny used to do, staying a few steps up from the bottom to allow his to look down upon his subs. He did the same, suddenly feeling very tall and powerful, whilst simultaneously feeling weakened by the dozens of expectant eyes falling upon him. “Huurk,” Alex attempted to speak, but the words caught in his throat. He coughed then tried again. “Hello everyone. Thank you for being here,” he immediately felt stupid for his choice of words. Thank you for being here? They were subs, slaves, servants. They had been ordered to be here, so where else would they be? He did his best to move on, but his mind went completely blank. He literally couldn't think of any words to say. Suddenly feeling like all of the air had been sucked out of the room, he stared down the line to his left. There they were, Benny's Boys... his Boys now, he realised, all looking back at him, all... smiling?! Each smiling face seemed to revitalise him just a little. None of them looked anything other than happy to see him. The nerves just dropped away. He had built it up so much in his mind, this image of an army of disgruntled men staring at him, judging him. Instead, he was just Alex and he was facing his Boys, the men he had lived with for months, who he had served with under Benny's command... his friends. “Okay, well one thing to get out of the way first of all. Tonight is the official welcome of our two new Boys in the house, Josh and Zack,” Alex called out, prompting a round of applause. Normally new arrivals were greeted with a more subdued atmosphere with the intention of intimidating them and playing with their heads, but Josh and Zack were both more than familiar with the house and how it worked, so a cheerier approach seemed appropriate. “Not much else to say really,” Alex went on, “Except to say thank you for all your support this week while I settled in.” Another look down the line of Boys showed continuing smiles on all faces... except one. Zack was frowning at his cousin. Alex shot him a brief quizzical look, but then continued. “So let's get down to business. Malik, the chastity boys are yours, make 'em suffer!” he said with a wink and a grin. “Gladly!” Malik said happily leading the few Boys to Alex's right away into another room. As Alex watched them go, he couldn't help hoping some of the chaste Boys would find work soon and qualify for full-time entry into the house. Benny had always said he did his best to pay them very little attention, but Alex couldn't help looking at some of the sexy guys just waiting to join the other residents. The new Master's attention quickly turned back to the other line of naked men. With Malik occupied, that only left himself and Roger as available Doms. While that would not be a problem tonight, he made a mental note to potentially look into recruiting a new one somehow, even if it was only temporary until Benny returned and Alex returned to his role as a General. “The rest of you, follow me!” Alex commanded, walking down the last few stairs then heading towards the cellar stairs. The General and nine Boys followed eagerly, wondering what Alex had in store for them. They all piled into Play Room One and Alex closed the door then gestured for silence. “I think we need to break in the new Boys.” “I thought I'd already been broken in!” Josh called out, obviously referring to his first day in the house when he had been kidnapped and subjected to a brutal series of sexual delights. The comment got a few chuckles from the rest of the boys. Alex smiled. “Good point, but I'm afraid we're doing this anyway!” He glanced at his cousin who was once again scowling. He ignored it and went on. “You're gonna split into two teams, one new Boy on each. The goal is simple, every member of your team has to cum at least once. The first team to achieve this wins, the losing team will be punished. Oh, one thing... nobody is allowed to touch the cock of the new Boy on each team. You gotta make them cum hands free! You can do it any way you like, but you can only use whatever's in this room. Also, new Boys, no speaking. Can't have you giving your team too many hints to get you off!” The announcement got the Boys all talking eagerly amongst themselves. Alex allowed it for a moment before gesturing once more for quiet. “Okay, Josh, Zack, come join me.” The two newest arrivals joined Alex, one standing either side of him. “You two get to pick your teams,” Alex said, pulling a coin from his pocket. “Josh, heads or tails.” He flipped the coin in the air. “Heads!” Josh called out excitedly, his cock already stiffened from the description of what he was about to endure. Alex caughed the coin in one hand, slapped it onto the back of the other and looked at it. “Heads it is. Josh picks first.” Josh looked at the seven Boys in front of him, rubbing his chin in a mock show of thought before calling out, “Charlie!” His motives were blindingly obvious. While all of the residents were attractive, Charlie remained by far the hottest. “Robert,” Zack requested. As each name was called out, they moved up to stand beside their respective new Boy. Josh went on to choose Zane, David and Quentin while Zack got Taro and Philip. “Hey, that's not fair, there's more of them!” Zack complained. “Yeah, but that just means more of us who have to cum!” Zane said back. “Still not fair!” Zack whined. Alex smiled, raising an eyebrow as he observed the exchange. “Please, you think I didn't consider this. Roger, you're with Zack's team!” Silently, Roger joined to move Zack and his chosen Boys. Everyone stared at Alex expectantly, waiting for further instruction. “Well... go on then!” he said dismissively. A flurry of movement followed as the Boys dashed to grab various pieces of equipment that they suspected they might need. The walls stripped of tools, the two teams clustered separately to hurriedly discuss strategy, most of the non-new Boys already stroking their cocks eagerly. It wasn't so much that they all wanted to win, it was more that they were scared to lose. Alex's punishments had become a talking point on the house. Within a few minutes, Josh was hanging in a swing as the members of his team took it in turns to fuck him vigorously. Zack was across the room, in a standing position with his wrists chained high above his head. Josh moaned with delight under the barrage of delights being inflicted upon him. Charlie was fucking him, while his hands explored up and down Josh's raised legs. Quentin was on the other end, fucking his mouth. Although Josh couldn't speak, they had quickly figured out that he could nod or shake his head. His team had started making suggestions for things to do to help him cum. The fucking was likely to be the most useful, the rough treatment of his prostate already giving him the early sensations of a building orgasm, but he had nodded at several other suggestions too. Zane was sucking on one of his nipples whilst simultaneously reaching down to sharply slap one of the hanging Boy's arse cheeks while his other hand excitedly tugged on his own cock. David was doing the same thing on the opposite side. Zack's team had adopted a similar method of determining the quickest way to get their new Boy to cum. What they had figured out was that Zack wanted pain. Rather than getting fucked, he had opted for a vigorous assault with a massive vibrator, something Taro was eagerly thrusting into Zack's rear. Meanwhile, Roger, Philip and Robert were all armed with various floggers and paddles. It took a few minutes for them to find positions that would allow them to avoid striking each other whilst getting into a rhythm but they finally managed it. One by one they struck the restrained sixteen-year-old. Roger's floggers striking legs and massive cock, Robert's paddles slapping onto his stomach and chest then Philip's floggers lashing against the Boy's back. From knees to neck, front to back, Alex was turning a progressively brighter shade of red as he moaned with delight. Alex stood watching the two teams at work. He already suspected he knew who would win. Even without really being sure of Josh's limits and how much he might be enjoying his savage spit-roasting, he could see the look of pure ecstasy on his cousin's face. Alex had learned at a very young age just how much Zack enjoyed suffering. He had, in fact, experienced his first orgasm as a result of a particularly gruelling evening of spanking. The two young boys had been playing a game and it eventually turned into a 'strip' game. Once they were both naked, dares were suggested and Zack ended up on the receiving end of a spanking. The dares went on, the number of spanks gradually increasing as it became more and more obvious that the younger boy was losing intentionally. Alex was more than happy to oblige his cousin's new fetish as it awakened his own beast. After years of pent up anger and frustration, Alex unleashed his fury on Zack's rear, spanking it until his own hand stung and the whimpering boy on his lap had shot his first ever load. One by one, the other Boys started to cum. Charlie and Quentin shot inside Josh before swapping positions with Zane and David. Zane, not particularly a fan of fucking had taken Quentin's place fucking Josh's mouth while David replaced Charlie. Already close to cumming from the jerking they had done previously, they both shot inside Josh too, leaving only the new Boy to cum on their team. Taro had also cum quickly, using his free hand to stroke his eager erection. Realising that they were falling behind, the other three Boys on Zack's team had each put down one of their tools and started jerking off too. While it was helping them catch up with Josh's team, it had lessened Zack's suffering, keeping the whimpering Boy's orgasm still tantalisingly out of reach. Eventually, only Josh and Zack remained still to cum. Charlie took over at Josh's rear, roughly hammering away at his prostate with three fingers. It was getting him closer and closer to cumming, but not quickly enough to catch up with Zack. With his team now able to use both hands again, the pain pushed him over the edge and the sixteen-year-old's monstrous cock twitched out a hefty load onto the floor. “FUCK!” Zack called out, then quickly pressed his lips together, realising he had broken the 'no speaking rule. Alex smiled. “It's okay, you'd already won so speaking is fine!” Rather than looking relieved, Zack once again looked frustrated. Seeing that the other team had won, Charlie and the others slowed their teasing of Josh gradually until they came to a complete stop. “Fuck it!” Charlie muttered, realising they were now due a punishment. “Do... do I... at least... get to cum?” Josh panted, still teasingly close to cumming. “Whadda you say? Do we let him?” Alex called out with a wicked smile. There was a chorus of replies from the rest of the Boys, mostly nos with an occasional yes. “He's a loser. Losers don't get to cum!” Zack called out as Roger started releasing him from his wrist restraints. “Oh come on, please! I'm so fucking close!” Josh pleaded, his hips involuntarily thrusting into the air. Alex looked at his cousin once again, then headed to Josh. He silently reached down and started stroking Josh's rigid tool. “Ah yes!” Josh moaned. Part of him felt a little uneasy over his contact with Alex, old feelings still lingering from their first encounter, but his desire to cum quickly helped him disregard it. “Yeah, just... just a bit... a bit... aaaah... yeah a little bit more!” he gasped desperately. Alex continued stroking, then pulled his hand away just before Josh reached the point of no return. “Nooooo!” Josh groaned. “You're a loser. Losers don't get to cum!” Alex said, repeating his cousin's words. As he glanced round at the younger teen, he saw him grinning with a nod of approval. “In fact, Roger, when he goes down, put him and the rest of his team in chastity. Boners are for winners!” ********** “Welcome home,” Zane said with a sheepish grin as he showed Josh into Dorm Four. The new Boy had been assigned to the Dorm currently occupied by Zane and Quentin, while Zack had been assigned to Dorm Two with Taro and David. “Love what you've done with the place,” Josh said with a wry grin as he walked in. The Dorm rooms were in good condition. Despite being down in the cellar, Benny had spared no expense when he had had them refurbished. The bare brick walls that had been there before had been plastered and painted a neutral colour while the bare concrete floors had been carpeted. The play rooms were quite the opposite, kept as bricks and concrete to make them more intimidating, while the Dorms had been made as comfortable as they could. The two bunk beds in each dorm were well built too in a dark wood that matched the large wardrobes on the opposite side of the room. Josh had actually been expecting just old, rickety metal frames and paper-thin mattresses. Despite his comment, he couldn't help but be surprised at how nice it was. “That's my bunk,” Zane said, pointing to the bottom of the rear bunk bed, then pointed to the bottom of the other one and added, “And that one's Quentin, so feel free to pick either of the top ones.” Josh looked up at them both, then back at the eager eighteen-year-old. He nodded towards Zane's bunk and asked, “Did you say that's your one?” After Zane nodded eagerly, he pointed to the bunk above it and said, “Then I'll take that one!” Zane grinned and blushed slightly. “Okay,” he said shyly, then jumped onto his bed and watched as Josh climbed up the ladder to his own. A few moments later, Josh's head appeared, peering over the side. “Hey neighbour,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Hi,” Zane beamed. “I meant to say before,” Josh said quietly, “I like your collar.” Zane bounced slightly at the mention of it. “Yeah, me too!” Josh vaulted down off his bunk and dropped into the seat between the two large wardrobes. “What's your pup name?” As he sat there, he adjusted his chastity device. He clearly wasn't as used to it as Zane, who seemed unbothered by his. Zane swung his legs round to sit on the side of his bed, facing Josh. “Buster,” he replied, grinning. “Who gave it to you?” Josh asked curiously. “Benny,” Zane said, still smiling, then it dropped away and he looked down at the ground. “He gave it to me the day his... the day you got brought here.” Josh felt a twinge of sympathy for the Boy. He was clearly delighted about having the collar, but it was obviously a constant reminder that Benny was gone. “You miss him?” Zane nodded without looking up at Josh. “Don't worry. He'll be back. I know Benny. He can take some time, but he always bounces back,” Josh said reassuringly. When he only got another silent nod in response, he went on. “So Benny's your Master, but Roger's your boyfriend?” That got a more animated response from the other Boy. “Yeah,” he said, looking up, his expression brightening up. “Isn't that a bit... complicated?” Josh asked. “I mean, serving both of them, but having your Master also being your boyfriend's master. Doesn't it get confusing?” Zane shrugged. “You're a total sub, but you spend half your week with your non-dominant boyfriend and the other half of the week as the live-in sex slave for the boy who turned you gay. Doesn't THAT get confusing?” Josh chuckled. “Ah, touché. I suppose something's only as complicated as you let it be!” “Yup,” Zane nodded again. “I serve Benny, I love Roger and for now I'm temporarily under Alex's control. Simple as that.” “I think I'm gonna like this Dorm!” Josh said with a bemused laugh. ********** Monday 25th May 2015 Alex lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. It was taking some getting used to being in his new room, not so much for the slightly unfamiliar surroundings, but more for the quiet and solitude. Since joining the house, Alex had always been sharing with at least one other person. In the beginning it had been his dorm-mates and then after moving up to General he had been sharing with Roger. He couldn't help laughing at the irony of his sudden feeling of isolation. When he first started sharing, he had spent many nights laying awake because of the noises the other men had been making in their sleep. Now though, he struggled to sleep without them. He knew Benny had gone through phases of taking a Boy to bed with him. It was something Alex had considered on his first sleepless night, but while he had made great progress in his relationships with others thanks to Victor's counselling, that kind of intimacy still seemed massively out of reach. Just as he was beginning to resign himself to another restless night, he heard footsteps outside his door. The knob turned and the heavy door swung open silently. “Who's there?” Alex asked in barely more than a whisper. “It's just me,” Zane's voice called back, the door closing behind him. Alex was glad of the darkness as it hid his dopey grin from his friend's sudden appearance. It was well known throughout the house that Zane had a habit of sneaking into the Master's bedroom at night. It had actually been somewhat of a contentious issue at times, some of the Boys claiming that he should be punished for breaking the rules or that Benny was playing favourites, while others just thought it was very sweet. Alex had usually fallen on the punishment side of that argument, but right then in that moment, he was nothing but glad to see him. Zane walked towards the bed, stopping at the foot of it. Alex frowned, wondering what the Boy was waiting for. He clicked on the lamp and looked at Zane questioningly. “What are you doing?” he asked through a slight yawn. “Benny normally tells me where he wants me to sleep,” Zane explained sheepishly. Again he fiddled with the collar at the mention of his Master's name. Alex raised an eyebrow. “If I recall correctly, you don't tend to stay where you're told anyway, do you?” Zane pouted, staring down at his feet and trying to stifle a grin. His submissive side felt bad that he so often disobeyed his commands, but his playful side found it all highly amusing. Silently he just shrugged. Alex sighed, shaking his head as he reached for the switch on the lamp. “Just get in!” As he clicked the lamp off, he felt Zane lift up the bottom of the duvet and scurry up the bed, his head emerging right beside him. “Hi,” Zane said playfully, his face only inches from Alex's. It took all of Alex's self-control not to grin foolishly again. “Shut up and go to sleep,” he said moodily. “Okay,” Zane replied quietly, curling up as Alex rolled onto his side, facing away. Less than a minute later, Alex sighed again, rolled onto his other side and slid an arm around Zane. “Shut up,” he said quickly, sensing the other teen was about to say something. Both of them fell asleep quickly nestled together. About half an hour later, they were woken simultaneously by someone standing beside the bed, clearing his throat. “... the fuck?!” Alex yelped at the sudden awakening. He jumped, eliciting a similar response from Zane. He quickly reached out and turned the lamp back on. “Zack? What are you doing?” he asked in shock, seeing his cousin standing there. “What's HE doing here?” Zack asked moodily, sneering at Zane. Alex scowled. “Sleeping. Or at least, he was until someone woke us!” he said angrily. Zack smirked slightly at his cousin's sudden anger. “What's that thing round his neck?” Alex looked round at the other eighteen-year-old then quickly back at Zack, shrugging. “What? His collar?” “Yeah, THAT!” Zack snapped. “Benny's collar!” He virtually spat the words in disgust. Alex sat up, shifting back to lean on the headboard. “What's your problem?” he asked, now as confused as he was annoyed. Zack's eyes narrowed as he stared at Zane who remained silent, moving slightly closer to Alex for cover. “You're in charge now, you're his Master, so wearing another Master's collar, that's just outright disrespectful!” “What's your problem? It's just a collar,” Alex said with a dismissive shrug. Zack nodded, feigning his acceptance of Alex's comment. “Oh okay, just a collar,” he said, then stared straight at Zane. “Take it off then!” “No!” Zane said instantly. “See, if it was just a collar, he'd be willing to take it off,” Zack explained. “Ugh, whatever, this isn't a conversation to be having at one AM!” Alex said in frustration. “Get to bed.” “Okay,” Zack said casually, surprising both Zane and Alex. He stepped towards the bed and started to climb on. “Zack, what are you doing now?” Alex demanded through gritted teeth, his patience wearing thin. “Getting to bed... obviously!” he replied. “Bed's already full!” Alex insisted. “Yes, well not for long,” Zack said back, climbing over his cousin and forcing the two eighteen-year-olds apart to kneel between them. He pulled the duvet off of Zane then said with another sneer, “That collar means you're Benny's little puppy. Well everyone knows puppies shouldn't climb on the furniture!” He gave Zane a sharp shove, sending him flying off the bed and onto the floor. He leaned over the side, staring down at the dazed Boy and added, “Puppy sleeps on the floor!” “Zack, what the fuck!?” Alex yelled at the sudden violence, his eyes widening with fury as he jumped up to check on Zane. “Ah yeah, there he is. There's the Alex I remember!” Zack said, his eyes widening too as a grin spread across his face. He reached out and grabbed Alex's wrists, holding him back from looking down at the Boy on the floor. “ALEX! LET GO!” Alex bellowed, his face reddening as his breaths deepened. “That's it. Let the real Alex out!” Zack taunted. Alex's heart was racing. He was worried Zane was hurt, he knew he should check on him, but the rush of adrenaline was intoxicating. He hadn't felt so angry, so furious, so energised in months! He yanked his hands free of Zack's, then grabbed his cousin's shoulders. “Don't make me do this,” he said, pleading as much as he was warning. “Do it!” Zack said, grinning wickedly. Alex was breathing so heavily he was almost hyperventilating. His last remnants of self control melted away as he raised his hand and swiped at Zack, slapping his cheek so hard that it knocked him down onto his back. The grunt of delight Zack let out made Zane cringe as he cowered on the floor. Sore from the fall and scared of the encounter going on above him, he rolled onto his front, pushed up onto all fours and started crawling away. He had barely moved two feet away when he felt a hand reach down and grab at his collar, tugging him back and choking him slightly. As Zane looked up, trembling, he saw Alex staring down. The friend he had come to spend the night with totally gone, replaced with a snarling beast. “STAY. RIGHT. THERE!” Alex growled. Zane curled up into a ball, squeezed his eyes tightly closed and tried not to hear what was happening on the bed. ********** Wednesday 27th May 2015 Josh was heading towards the house, eager to join in another night's activities with his new part-time house-mates. It still seemed strange not spending every night with his boyfriend, Dale, but he was quickly getting used to it. As he rushed down the street, eager to arrive and join in with whatever the new temporary Master had planned, he saw a bus pull in at the stop a short distance ahead. “Hello,” he said politely as Quentin stepped off. “Oh, hey Josh,” Quentin replied, pleasantly surprised to see his room-mate. “Running a bit late?” Quentin was normally the last person to get home each day, so it was unusual to see that someone else had yet to arrive. “Yeah, Dale's got the car so I'm running a bit late,” he explained as the two started walking side-by-side. “Ah right. How you doing then?” Quentin asked. Josh shrugged. “I'm good, just looking forward to tonight,” “Me too. Maybe we'll get these off!” Quentin said, reaching down and grabbing the chastity device on his cock. Josh chuckled. “Yeah, that'd be nice,” Josh agreed, suddenly becoming very aware of his own device. “But it's only been four days. No way Alex is that nice!” “I dunno, he can be at times,” Quentin said with a shrug and a hopeful smile. Josh frowned slightly at the comment. He still found it hard to think of Alex being nice. It seemed a little wrong to be holding onto a grudge. After all, he had forgiven Benny who had done much worse things to him than Alex ever had, but as much as he tried to get past it, a feeling of doubt and suspicion still lingered. “What? What's with the look?” Quentin asked, Josh's feelings blindingly obvious. Josh shrugged. “I just.... I don't know. There's just something about Alex. I can't...” he sighed, thinking about it. “I just can't quite put my finger on it.” “Fair enough,” Quentin nodded. “That's kind of how I felt about him at first, but... well he's proven himself. And I've gotta admit, he's actually doing a really good job being in charge.” “I s'pose,” Josh accepted, doubt still plaguing him as they walked through the gate onto the driveway up to the house. “He is. Last night was great. The things he came up with for us, it was just a good night all round, you know, except for the chastity!” Josh laughed. “Yeah, but hey, at least you got to cum before they got put on! I so needed to blow by the end of that session!” Quentin nodded his understanding. “It's okay, I can sympathise now. Alex had me on the milking machine last night. Not fast enough to make me cum, obviously!” “Damn!” Josh said sympathetically. “How long?” Quentin shuddered slightly at the memory. “Three hours! My balls feel just about ready to drop off!” “Fuck, yeah I can imagine,” Josh said, both dreading the evening ahead and looking forward to it simultaneously. They walked up the steps to the front door and let themselves in. As always, they were greeted by Roger. “Clothes,” the large General said gruffly, prompting the two new arrivals to quickly strip. With their clothes folded in two neat piles, both Quentin and Josh stood to attention ready to receive their orders for the evening. “Quentin, you're on kitchen duty tonight. Josh, you'll be with Malik,” Roger explained. “You may go.” The two Boys walked away from Roger towards the kitchen door. Once they were safely out of earshot, Josh groaned. “Malik? Guessing I'm in for more edging then. Fuck my life!” “Don't pretend you don't love it!” Quentin said, winking as he gestured towards Josh's rapidly tightening chastity cage. Josh just giggled shyly and shrugged before turning away towards the cellar door. “See you later,” he called back as Quentin headed into the kitchen. Down in the cellar, he made his way to his Dorm. As he reached for the door, he paused. It sounded like someone inside was crying. With Quentin upstairs, that probably meant it was Zane. He had already become quite fond of the younger man in the few nights they had shared a Dorm. He had actually missed him when he had spent Monday night elsewhere. “Zane?” Josh asked as he opened the door. The light was off so he turned it on as he stepped inside. He heard a loud sniff come from Zane's bunk. The eighteen-year-old quickly wiped his eyes, then sat up and smiled. “Hey Josh,” he said cheerfully. “You okay?” Josh asked, his head tilting sympathetically. “Yeah, I'm good. How you doing?” The younger man asked casually. “You were just...” Josh started, but stopped himself. If Zane was making such an attempt to cover up his tears, he obviously didn't want to talk about it. Instead, he smiled and replied, “Yeah, I'm good!” “Cool, well I should get going anyway. I'm on household duties tonight with Quentin,” Zane said, jumping up and heading past Josh to the door. Josh reached out and placed a hand on Zane's shoulder as he passed, smiling warmly. He got a slight smile back before the Boy was gone. ********** Taro did his best to stretch, but the ropes binding him were well tied and virtually restricted all movement of his arms or legs. He had no idea how long he had been suspended there in the middle of the room. He had been able to keep a rough track of it to begin with, but once the blindfold went on, the teasing started and he got both ends filled with a couple of loads, he quickly lost track. He desperately wanted to get down and stretch his tired muscles, but at the same time he wanted to stay hanging there all night. He had a feeling he might be let down soon though as he had heard Alex dismiss the other Boys a few moments earlier. Suddenly, the blindfold was pulled off. Taro squinted slightly as his eyes readjusted to the light. “Good job, Boy,” Alex said with a smile. “You enjoy that?” “Oh God yes!” Taro said excitedly. Alex smiled, then slid his hand up taro's arm, down his back and onto his thigh. “Aching yet?” “Yeah, a lot!” Taro replied, thankful that it seemed he would soon be free to move again. “You're not letting him off that easily, are you?” a voice called from behind Taro. Taro tried to look, but couldn't turn his head far enough. The fact that he didn't immediately recognise the voice was, by a simple process of elimination, enough to narrow it down to one of the new arrivals, Josh or Zack. The voice was definitely that of a teenager though, not the much deeper voice of a man that Josh had, meaning it had to be Zack. “Easily? He's been through a lot already!” Alex said back. “Aww, a few hours. The poor baby!” Zack taunted. Alex stared across the room at the younger teen. Such a simple taunt shouldn't bother him. Even if he wasn't the Master, such a simple tease should have been easily brushed off, but something about Zack could always get to him. “Fine, what would you do then?” Zack walked across the room, held a hand up to Alex's ear and whispered. Taro watched in fear as Alex's eyes widened before a cruel grin spread across his face. Without saying a word, Alex slipped the blindfold back on the hanging young man before walking to one of the equipment cabinets. Taro gasped as he felt the firm plastic of a ball gag filling his mouth. “Mmmf!” he objected, but it was too late. A moment later he gasped again as he felt pressure against his already battered rear. A large butt plug was pushed in unceremoniously. Seconds after it was fully inside him, it began to buzz. “MMMMFFF!” he mumbled into the gag again. Alex placed a hand on the hanging Boy's arm, then repeated his earlier motion, going down his back and onto his thigh. He reached down, gave the sensitive but already restiffening cock a quick tug then whispered in Taro's ear, “See you in the morning!” Taro whimpered, desperately hoping it was all some elaborate mind game. Any hope of such a thing faded quickly as he heard the two teens leaving, the light clicking off and the door slamming shut loudly. ********** Saturday 30th May 2015 Alex sat on the sofa in his private lounge, playing a game on his ipad. Beside him, Zane sat quietly, writing in a small notebook. “Hey, you in there?” Zack called through the door, knocking loudly. “Quick, get on the floor!” Alex said, nudging Zane off the sofa. Zane groaned. “For fuck's sake, who's in charge here? Him or you?” Alex frowned. “Just... shut up!” he said quietly, then called out, “Yeah, come in!” Zack smiled as he walked in, but it soon dropped away as he saw Zane sitting in front of the sofa, pulling his feet up onto the seat. He walked across the room, nudged Zane with his leg as he sat down beside Alex, then said, “Why d'you always keep him hanging around. Shouldn't he be, like, chained up outside or... I dunno, in his kennel or something.” “Don't, Zack. I'm not in the mood!” Alex said with a slight pout. “Whadda you want?” Zack put on a hurt expression and asked, “What, can't I just want to spend time with my favourite cousin?” Alex looked at the younger teen in disbelief. Zack rolled his eyes. “Fine!” he said with a shrug. As he spoke, he reached out one of his legs and gently nudged Zane in the back. Getting a disapproving look from Alex, he rolled his eyes again and said, “I just had a few ideas for tonight, thought you might want to hear them!” “Oh, let me a guess. A bit of edging, a bit of teasing, maybe like... two minutes of spanking and then a big ol' party?” Zack sneered derisively. Alex huffed, sitting up straight, doing his best to keep calm under his cousin's criticism. “Okay, let's hear your plans then.” As Zack started explaining his suggestions for that evening, he let his foot slide onto Zane's back again. This time, he slipped his toes under the collar and pulled slightly. Zane struggled to breathe, but refused to react. It was all part of the vicious bastard's ongoing war against his loyalty to the house's true Master. Every time Zack did something mean, every time he pushed Zane a little further, it only served to strengthen his resolve. He saw Zack for the bully and petty thug he really was and he refused to let him win. More importantly, he refused to leave Alex to deal with him alone. It made his chest ache every time he saw Alex slipping back into his old ways. 'He's coming back. Benny’s coming back. He'll be back. Any day now,' Zane repeated in his head over and over as he gasped for breath, silent tears beginning to trickle down his cheeks. 'He'll come back for me!' Chapter 23 – The Collar by Matt Friday 12th June 2015 “Oh come on, you can't still defend him!” Robert snapped angrily. Quentin shrugged. “I'm not defending him. I'm just saying, he's a dom, we're subs. He says do something, we do it. That's kind of the whole point of us being here!” “Yeah, I get that but... there are... I dunno... limits!” Robert argued back. Quentin shook his head as he stared back at Robert. They were in Dorm One along with Charlie, Philip, Taro and David. They had all gathered there as soon as Quentin arrived home, at Robert's request. “Yeah, you're right, there are. That's what the safe word is for, for when we reach them,” Quentin insisted. He could understand Robert's issues, but couldn't quite agree with his summation that Alex was out of control. Things had been changing daily since Alex took over. He was definitely pushing the subs in the house further each day, but nobody had been hurt, not in any significant way. Taro had spent a few days limping after being suspended on ropes all night, David had been unable to sit comfortably or lay on his back for a couple of nights after a particularly savage flogging and Quentin himself had endured more hours of edging on a milking machine than he had ever thought it was possible to endure. That was the extent of it though. “Personally, I think it's kind of exciting. I've done things I never thought I could before,” Charlie said with a one-sided smile. “Whatever, he's still gone too far. Why does he need to take away our phones and tablets?” Robert demanded. When they arrived home earlier, as well as being stripped like usual, Roger had confiscated all electronic devices too. “I actually kinda like that... too,” David said sheepishly. “It's like... a whole new level of control!” Robert growled in frustration. “Come on, someone's gotta agree with me. He's... he's just not right!” “I'm with you... sort of!” Taro said quietly. Until then, he had sat quietly in the corner. “Look, I've served a dom before who just got his thrills from hurting people.” “And that's what you think Alex is doing?” Charlie asked, incredulously. Taro quickly shook his head. “No. Not at all,” he replied. “I don't follow then,” Robert said, getting even more frustrated that even the person who agreed with him seemed to disagree! “It's Zack!” Taro said bluntly. “I don't know what his deal is with Alex but he's... like... I don't know. He's bad for him!” There was a general murmur of agreement. While not all of the Boys had been witness to Zack's manipulations, they had all noticed that Alex seemed worse whenever his cousin was around. “So what do we do about it?” Robert asked. “Do about what?” Zane asked from the doorway, stunning everyone into silence. “What are you all doing in here?” “Oh, nothing. We were just... talking,” Charlie said, completely unconvincingly. Zane walked in and looked around at the guilty faces. “About what?” Nobody dared to speak. Back when Benny was around, some of the Boys had occasionally seemed reluctant to talk about the Master with Zane around. They knew he was still one of them, but there was always that niggling little doubt, that part of their minds that worried that everything they said would go straight from Zane to Benny. Since Alex took over, that feeling had become even stronger. Zane was always at Alex's side. “He's on Alex's side!” Robert had put it once during another discussion with some of the other Boys. It was an opinion that was rapidly spreading. “Oh, just about... you know... losing our phones and stuff,” David said innocently. It wasn't a lie, which made it easier for him to sound convincing. “Yeah, what's up with that?” Robert demanded, standing to face the younger man. Zane took a step back from the intimidating tattooed man. “How... how would I know?” he asked, frowning. “Oh yeah, how would Alex's little 'lap dog' know anything?” Robert said sharply, reaching out and flicking the tag on Zane's collar. “I'm nobody's lap dog!” Zane snapped furiously, shoving Robert away. The larger man took a step back, but the shove barely affected him at all, other than to take him by surprise. Zane stared round the room at all the shocked faces, then turned and stormed out. “For fuck's sake, Rob. You don't have to be such a jerk about it!” Philip said, jumping up and nudging Robert out of the way as he followed Zane out of the room. “Yeah, I think we're done here!” Quentin added, also heading for the door. Robert turned and looked at the remaining Boys. “What's your problem? Get out!” he snarled, prompting the rest of the young men in the room to depart. ********** Saturday 20th June 2015 “Okay, everybody pair up!” Alex called out. All the Boys had just come down to Play Room Two where they had found Zane suspended from the ceiling in the centre of the room, positioned with his arse and mouth both at perfect height for fucking. In response to Alex's command, the Boys all split into pairs. Charlie and Philip chose each other immediately, while David and Taro stood together. Quentin and Josh, both from Dorm Four had moved together, leaving Robert with Zack. “Okay, form a circle around Zane, each of you opposite your partner,” Alex explained. Once again everyone did as commanded and soon a circle was formed around the hanging Boy. “A pretty simple game for you tonight. We'll spin Zane. Whichever pair he stops on will spit roast him for two minutes. After that, we spin him again. Cum in his arse and you win, cum in his mouth and you lose. Additionally, the last pair to both cum earns a little extra punishment. You all understand?” Alex explained the game he had devised. “Yes Sir!” the Boys chorused. “Great, then let's spin!” Alex said happily. He reached into the middle and gave Zane a gentle spin, avoiding doing it too hard so that they wouldn't end up waiting ages for him to stop. Bottles of lube had been placed around the circle for anyone who needed it, but Zane had been sufficiently prepared already. Most of the Boys were already hard in anticipation, but the remaining few who weren't quite there yet were soon standing to attention after a few quick tugs. The suspended sub span a few times then came to a halt with his head facing Charlie, putting Philip at his rear. Not wasting any time, Philip immediately stepped forward and pushed inside Zane's rear, fucking him hard right from the start. As always, everyone was eager to avoid one of Alex's punishments, especially with the continuing input from Zack. Charlie manoeuvred his cock into Zane's open mouth, but didn't put any great effort into it. He figured there was no point in risking cumming if it meant he would lose the game. Unfortunately, as soon as his large tool passed between Zane's lips, the Boy clamped them closed and started sucking, his tongue lashing at the head. “Fuck!” Charlie muttered at the sudden stimulation. “Slow down, Zane,” he whispered, “Are you TRYING to make me lose?” Zane wouldn't have replied, even if he was able to. Charlie stood there groaning, his arousal heightened more by the sigh of Philip eagerly fucking the other end. “Time's up!” Alex called out after two minutes. Once Charlie and Philip were clear, they span Zane again. He came to a stop on Josh and Quentin. Once again, as soon as the cock was inside the Boy's mouth, he started sucking eagerly. The game was cruel in its simplicity. Two minutes was not a lot of time to cum and possibly waiting several spins for another go gave plenty of time for the arousal to die down. As such, It was almost an hour before the first person managed to cum. “No no no no no no no no!” David whimpered as he filled Zane's mouth with his seed. He had lost, but at least his team was halfway to avoiding the extra punishment. “Fuck it!” he muttered as Zane released his softening cock. He shot the suspended young man a dirty look, knowing that it was his rapid sucking that had made him lose. On the game went, with cock after cock impaling Zane over and over. Next to cum was Zack whose enormous cock filled Zane's rear with warm spunk. Nobody was surprised that Alex's cousin had once again avoided punishment. After Zack, Charlie was next, but like David he had been finished off by Zane's energetic cock sucking. Robert also found himself finished off orally, his grunts of frustration making it clear how annoyed he was about it. Zack cheered as it happened. With both he and his partner having cum, he had managed to avoid both punishments. Quentin came next, while fucking Zane, followed by Philip who climaxed in the Boy's rear. Taro came just a few turns later, sucked to completion. Finally, Josh added his load to Quentin and Philip's just a turn later. “Well I guess we're done!” Alex said bluntly as Josh pulled out. “So unless I'm mistaken, that's punishments for David, Charlie, Robert and Taro for cumming in the wrong end then an extra special punishment for Quentin and Josh for finishing last. Congratulations to Zack and Philip for being the only two who aren't a complete fucking disappointment!” Before anyone had any chance to respond to the Master's annoyance, he marched out of the room, leaving them all a little stunned, except for Zack who was sniggering. “I suppose we can go then!” Quentin said with a shrug. “Shouldn't we... let him down?” Taro said, gesturing to Zane. “Fuck him!” Robert snapped. “You saw that. He was totally trying to make us lose!” “Yeah, I say leave him there!” Charlie agreed, following as Robert left. The rest of the Boys, not quite as angry about Zane's behaviour, couldn't help denying what they had just seen. They followed, leaving Zane alone with Zack. “Aww,” Zack taunted. “Do your little friends not like you any more?” He casually span Zane as he teased him. “I did what you said, now let me down!” Zane demanded as he rotated helplessly. “No you didn't!” Zack said with a playful giggle. “I told you more had to lose than win! You made four lose, but four won, so... you failed! You know what that means, right?” “No, don't hurt Roger. Please!” Zane begged, his head reeling as Zack continued spinning him. “But you failed. That was the deal. You win, your little boyfriend goes untouched. You fail and he suffers for your incompetence!” Zack stopped Zane and snarled in his ear. “Please, I did my best,” Zane begged. He hated giving in to Zack, but he had to. When the vindictive teen had only been threatening Zane, he had found it easy to resist, but the thought of someone else, particularly someone he loved, suffering because of him, it was more than he could handle. “Well,” Zack said, spinning the Boy once and stopping him again, “I suppose I could let him off on one condition...” “What condition?” Zane asked meekly. “Take off... the collar!” Zack hissed. Zane whimpered. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't let Roger get hurt, but at the same time, that collar, what it stood for, what it meant to him, it was the only thing keeping him going. “No, please, not that! Anything but that!” “Anything?” Zack grinned. “Okay, I think I might have something!” ********** The usual Saturday night party was somewhat more subdued than usual. Alex's apparent annoyance at the subs for their many failings in the task as well as his angry outburst after it had put most of the Boys on edge. The lounge, normally full of loud music and chatter was almost silent as everyone sat around either talking in barely audible whispers or simply contemplating what fate awaited them. Malik and Roger had joined them shortly after they arrived and had been more than a little disturbed by the downbeat atmosphere. “What's up with you all?” Malik asked, as he flopped down onto the sofa between Josh and Quentin. “Nothing. Just... not in the party mood,” Quentin replied quietly. Roger and Malik exchanged confused looks, but shrugged it off. There was no reason they always needed to be cheerful, maybe this was just a quieter day. “Hey, where's Zane?” Roger asked, quickly noticing his boyfriend's absence. The mention of the name silenced what little noise there was in the room. “I think he's still downstairs,” Quentin answered again, nobody else seeming particularly keen to talk. “Oh, okay,” Roger said, now even more worried about what was going on. He headed for the door but stood aside as he saw Zack walking on. “Hi Roger,” Zack said sweetly with an innocent smile. “Hi,” the large man said back with a polite nod before continuing out the door. As he saw Zane following shortly behind the other teenager, he stopped and grinned. “Hey cutie, I was just coming to find you.” Zane didn't smile back, which worried the older man greatly. “I... can we go and talk somewhere,” Zane requested quietly. Without waiting for a response or even looking his boyfriend in the eye, he turned and headed for the Dining Room. “Zane?” Roger asked, clearly concerned as he follow behind. “Zane,” he repeated as he closed the door behind him. “What's wrong?” “Us!” Zane said, turning to look at his lover. Roger took a slight back-step at the comment. “What... do you mean?” Zane took a deep breath, barely holding himself together. “We're what's wrong. Us. As a couple. We're not working!” Roger looked like he had just been stabbed in the gut. “Whadda you mean? Things are... great... aren't they?” Zane sniffed back a tear and repeated, “We're not working!” He burst into tears, unable to hold it back any more. “I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU!” he yelled out. “Zane, you don't mean that,” Roger insisted, stepping forward with his arms outstretched. “Tell me what's wrong!” Roger was only inches away. It would have been so easy to fall into his arms, to let his lover take away all the pain and misery, but he knew that if he did, Zack would only make things worse. With the last bit of strength he had, he pushed Roger aside and ran for the door. “We're done!” he called out as he disappeared into the atrium. ********** Friday 26th June 2015 “I'm not sure about this,” Alex said as he said at the top of the stairs. “Sure you are,” Zack said, kneeling behind him, arms reaching round his waist as he planted gentle kisses on his cousin's neck. “You know he deserves it. This is your house now, but he's still wearing that reminder of the old Master. That can't go unpunished, can it?” Alex closed his eyes as he felt the lips on his neck. “No, I suppose not.” “And nobody should ever be allowed to disobey you, should they?” Zack asked in a sharp whisper. “No,” Alex repeated. “Good, now let's go, I think he's home!” Zack said as the front door opened. The two cousins watched silently as Zane walked in and found himself face to face with his ex lover. “Erm... hi!” Zane said awkwardly. It had been the same every day since they had broken up. Roger's response had remained the same each day too. “Clothes!” he said, his expression blank. Zane trembled as he stripped. As if being on front of Roger wasn't bad enough, he quickly noticed Zack and Alex sat at the top of the stairs. His more immediate concern, however, was the large frame standing in the centre of the atrium. Once he was naked, he looked to Roger and asked, “What am I on tonight?” Roger didn't respond, instead he simply looked up at the Master who began walking down the stairs. “Come here!” Alex commanded as he reached the large frame. It was a heavy wooden beam about six feet off the ground, supported on either end by heavy wooden supports. Various hooks and metal loops were attached along the length of it. A couple of small boxes were sat beside it, one of which had a cable trailing from it over to the wall where it was connected to an electrical socket. Zane cautiously approached, scowling as Zack followed shortly behind the Master. “I'll give you just one chance. Take off the collar!” Alex demanded. Zane gasped. It was the first time Alex had requested it directly. Up until now, it had always been Zack's mission. His hands trembling, he reached up to it and took hold. For just a moment, the two cousins thought they had finally succeeded, but then the Boy shook his head defiantly. “No!” he said, almost in tears. “Okay,” Alex said calmly. “I gave you a chance. This is on you now!” “Alex.... please,” Zane pleaded, desperately hoping some semblance of his friendship with the other teen remained. Alex stared into his eyes, his expression softening for just a moment before Zack laughed and called out, “Nice try, but you've earned this... Buster!” Zane looked round at Roger, hoping to see at least some hint of sympathy there, but he remained the stone-faced sentinel that he always was while on duty. Alex opened one of the boxes and pulled out two small wooden cubes, each topped with a metal panel. He placed them under the frame then barked, “Stand on these!” Zane did as commanded, then continued following the instructions he was given from Alex and Zack. Within a few minutes, his arms had been secured to the wooden beam, sufficiently high that he had to stand on tip-toes on the wooden blocks. Next they gagged and blindfolded him. Inexplicably, Zane's cock had remained hard. Despite his fear, or possibly because of it, his tool throbbed as it bobbed about in front of him. He moaned into the gag as he felt fingers around it. It made him want to throw up thinking that it could be Zack's hand, that the teenager he so massively despised could be causing him such great pleasure. As he stood there, he felt the hand stroking him closer and closer to orgasm. As expected, it stopped before he actually shot. As soon as the hand let go, he felt a sharp lash across his back as he was struck with a flogger. Then another one and another. Working its way from shoulders to feet and back up again, his entire back half began to sting, then they moved onto the front until he felt like his entire body was on fire. Then the hand returned, stroking him rapidly, speeding him towards an orgasm he already knew he wouldn't be having any time soon. When the hand stopped, he expected the flogger to return. Instead, he felt a sharp jolt of pain through his right foot. Instinctively he pulled it up, but then he felt the same in the other one. He pulled that up too, but let out an agonizing scream into the gag. A sharp pain shot across his shoulder blades as his entire weight pulled down on his arms. Desperate to stop the pain, he put his feet back down, only to get another jolt through each of them. He danced from one foot to the other, hoping to avoid the bursts of electricity. As he hopped about, the hand returned, edging him once again, then the flogger. After repeating that a few more times, he was beginning to think he was grasping the pattern, knowing what to expect next. That was when he felt the dildo pushing inside his rear. He had been loosened up fairly substantially lately, particularly from Alex's huge tool, but the toy being forced inside him felt even bigger than that. Moments later, it began to send strong vibrations through him. His head was reeling. How could Alex be doing this to him? How could Roger just stand and watch? Why was he suffering just for being loyal to Benny? Where was Benny? Why wasn't his true Master there to help him? He wanted to cry, but the barrage of edging, spanking, flogging, jolts of electricity and vibrations had him too distracted to even manage that. Then, he heard a voice in his ear as Zack whispered to him, “Welcome to your weekend of hell!” Before he had a chance to react, he felt earplugs being out in, cutting him off even more from everything around him. ********** “Ugh, what's he got planned now?” Robert asked in frustration as he waited with the rest of the boys in Play Room Three. Things had already been strange that night, with the mysterious wooden frame that had appeared in the atrium, but now everyone had been gathered together for a single activity, something usually reserved only for Saturday evenings. Even Josh had been asked to come in that night instead of the previous one. Roger and Malik were present and neither of them seemed to have any idea what was going on either. It was only Alex, Zack and Zane who were missing. When the Master and his cousin finally arrived, they were joined by a third person that nobody else recognised. It was another teenager. He looked to be around the same age as Alex. He was quite slim, but tall, his slender frame accentuating his well-defined musculature. Facially he could best be described as average – not ugly, but not somebody who would get a second look in the streets. He was naked, like Zack and the rest of the Boys and was already sporting a short, but rock-hard erection. “Evening everyone. We've got a guest tonight.” Alex said politely. He gestured to the young man between himself and Alex. “This is Kevin, he'll be joining us tonight for a little bit of roleplay.” As the Boys and Generals exchanged confused looks, Alex continued. “To put it simply, Kevin's getting fucked... by you.... all of you!” “Is he... okay with that?” Quentin asked with a slight frown. “Fuck yeah!” Kevin chimed in excitedly as he looked at the naked men before him, grinning. Except,” Alex interjected, “He'll be acting like he doesn't. It's a bit of a fantasy for him, isn't that right?” Kevin's grin dropped away as he flushed bright red. “Yeah, yeah it is!” he said sheepishly. “We'll be filming it too!” Alex said, pulling out his phone. There were slight murmurs of apprehension, but nobody outright objected. “Unfortunately, Zack, that means you'll have to sit this one out. You're under eighteen so recording you doing this stuff would be illegal,” Alex explained. Zack scowled. “Aww come on, that's not fair!” he objected. “Look, I know it's not ever going to go anywhere or be seen by anyone but us, but I'm not opening us up to criminal charges because you're horny. So sit down in the corner and shut up!” Alex said sharply. Everyone was quite surprised to hear Alex talking to his cousin that way, but it made a few of them smirk to see the younger teen put in his place. The comments, although not intended to assuage any fears about the recording, seemed to do exactly that. “Well let's not waste any more time. In you go!” Alex said, roughly shoving Kevin into the small group before them. He immediately raised his phone and started recording. Kevin was in the character instantly. “No, please don't hurt me!” he pleaded pathetically. Some of the Boys got into the roleplaying quicker than others, but it didn't take long before they were savaging the whimpering Boy. Cock after cock impaled his pert, tight arse while he was forced to suck others. Alex made sure to get good angles, to record every interaction, every fuck, every suck, every word the Boy whimpered in protest. It didn't take long before Alex stopped them. Some of the Boys had cum, others had not so it was a little surprising when the Master stepped in. “Okay, that's enough. You good, Kev?” “AH fuck yes!” the Boy said happily as he climbed onto his feet. “Good. You remember the way out?” Alex asked. Kevin nodded and headed for the door. “Thanks. See you soon!” The residents of the house all stood in silence, wondering what was going on as Alex pressed a few buttons on his phone. “Okay, we're all done.” “Great!” Zack said, jumping up from the corner he had seemingly been banished to, getting more confused stares. “Well that was Kevin. In case anyone was wondering, he's my friend from school. He's in the year below me!” There came a few gasps from the gathered young men, more following as others worked out what he was saying. “Alex, how old is Kevin?” Quentin demanded. “He's fifteen!” Alex said flatly, his expression neutral, unlike the huge grin on his cousin's face. “What the fuck!” Quentin said, feeling suddenly nauseous. “That's messed up. Why the fuck would you...” Robert started before getting cut off. “Shut the fuck up!” Zack yelled. “Not another word from any of you!” He glared around the room, looking utterly maniacal. “So let's think for a moment about that video we just made. A video which, by the way, has already been saved to a couple of other locations before you go getting any ideas. Now anyone viewing that video would see a group of nine guys fucking a fifteen-year-old boy against his will. Unless I'm mistaken, that's an automatic life sentence!” “Alex, what's going on?” Quentin asked stepping forward towards the Master. “I SAID NOT ANOTHER WORD!” Zack screamed. “You don't get it, do you? You belong to us now. You do what we say, when we say without question or that video goes to the police! Now follow me!” Zack stormed out, quickly followed by Alex and then the rest of the household. Zack ran ahead, up the stairs and into the atrium. By the time everyone else arrived, he was delivering a flogging to Zane who was sobbing helplessly. “You see this?” Zack called out, a maniacal grin spread across his face as he lashed once again at Zane's back. “This is what happens when you disrespect the Master... the TRUE Master. He will be remaining here until Monday morning. Anyone tries to help him, the video goes to the police. Anyone disrespects your Master and you'll end up right here alongside him. Do you understand?” There were some shaky nods, but the group remained mostly in stunned silence. “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” he screamed, his eyes wild. “Yes!” the crowd called out almost in unison. “Good. Now Malik, I want him edged all night. Make him suffer. But be warned, if he cums, you're taking his place!” Alex ordered. “David, flog him. And make it hurt!” “For... for how long?” David asked nervously. He loved being on the receiving end of such treatment, but inflicting it would have been a foreign concept under normal circumstances. With everything that had happened in the last few minutes, he could barely comprehend what he was being asked to do. “Until I tell you to stop!” Zack said, his voice suddenly eerily calm. “The rest of you, get to your Dorms and stay there until we tell you otherwise!” The crowd dispersed, Malik and David taking up the roles ordered while everyone else headed back to their rooms. Robert, Charlie and Philip went silently into Dorm One and closed the door behind them. “Oh my God!” Philip mumbled as he stood frozen in the middle of the room. “What the fuck... I mean.... seriously, what the fuck!” Robert said, pacing back and forth angrily. “Oh my God!” Philip repeated, beginning to shake. “Both of you, calm down!” Charlie insisted. Robert turned and stared. “Calm down? CALM DOWN? How the fuck am I supposed to calm down. Some... teenaged psychopath has a video that can get me sent down for life and you want me to calm down?” “Rob, please...” Charlie pleaded gently, gesturing towards Philip. “Oh my God!” he kept saying, over and over. “Phil,” Charlie said, stepping in front of his lover. He reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. “Phil, it's okay, look at me.” Still trembling, Philip went silent but looked into Charlie's eyes. “It's gonna be okay,” Charlie reassured him, pulling him into a hug. “How?” Robert asked from across the room. “How exactly is it going to be okay?” “I... have a plan!” Charlie said with a firm nod. ********* Zane had lost all concept of time. After his initial edging and flogging, he had already bean losing any sense of how long he had been suffering. After what already felt like hours, it only got worse. He had felt multiple hands on his body, stroking and caressing him. It actually felt nice to begin with having the dozen tender hands softly touching his stinging skin. That was when he realised that it was more than just Alex and Zack doing these things to him. In his head, the entire house was gathered round, watching him suffer, hurting him, teasing him. As the caressing hands began slapping and pinching, gradually getting more and more violent, he felt more and more isolated. Everyone was there, all against him, all hurting him. Zack had managed to turn everyone against him and all because of the collar, all because of his loyalty to Benny. “I give up. Take it. Take the collar. He's not coming. Just take it. Please take it and let it stop!” he finally gave in, but it was no good. The gag remained firmly in place, muffling any words into nothingness. He needed to cry, it was all he had left, but the tears had dried up earlier and now simply refused to flow as he stood there, jolts of pain through his feet from the shocks. So lost in his misery and pain, he barely even noticed that he had once again been left alone. Now all he could feel was the shocks, the vibrating plug and the constant dull ache through his arms and shoulders. Minutes passed again, but they could have just as easily been seconds or hours. His solitude both a relief and a constant reminder of the fact that nobody cared, nobody wanted him there. So lost in his misery, he flinched as he suddenly felt a hand on his side. “Mmmmffff!” he moaned into the gag, terrified of what new misery was being inflicted upon him. Then the gag pulled away and a glass of cold water pressed against his lips. He drank it down eagerly, not realising how dehydrated he felt until the water was offered. Once it was all gone, he cleared his throat and stretched his jaw. “Ah, who's... there?” he asked weakly. He quickly realised that whoever it was hadn't removed his earplugs, so even if the mystery stranger had answered, he wouldn't have heard. “Please let me down,” he begged. He felt arms wrapping around him and a head resting on his shoulder. Whoever it was, he was hugging him. Zane cried again, amazed he had any tears left. Whoever it was, they cared. Even if it was just one person, someone cared. He still desperately wanted to get down, to be released, to just surrender and have it all over with, but if that wasn't an option, then this was the next best thing. He whimpered as the gag was pushed back into his mouth, then he felt a kiss on his cheek. With that, the mystery man disappeared. The restrained Boy desperately hoped for sleep, or failing that, at least the ability to pass out, even for a little while but alas it simply couldn't happen. Some time later, probably a couple of hours, he once again felt the gag being removed once more. Was it the same person or someone else? He was too tired to care now. Whoever it was, they gave him another drink and something to eat, which he accepted eagerly. Finally, before they left, held a container against Zane's cock, which remained semi-stiff due to the permanent anal stimulation. He quickly got the idea and relieved himself. He was most glad of that part. The thought of just peeing as he hung there was possibly more humiliating than anything else, plus he was a little scared of getting electrocuted by the metal pads at his feet. Once again, the gag was replaced and he was left alone. Morning came and the atrium filled with bright light through the massive windows, slight illumination peeking round the edges of the blindfold. In a way it was a relief. He had made it through the night (thanks in no small part to his mystery visitor/s). On the other hand, that also meant that the residents of the house would be up shortly and his torture was likely to begin anew. He was right. Less than half an hour later, he felt hands on his body, caressing gently at first before squeezing sharply on his nipples and tugging on his exhausted cock. And so began a torturous day of misery. Floggings, spankings, shocks and jolts, edging, nipple clamps, fucking with real cocks and more toys. Zane kept hoping that whoever his helper had been the previous night might manage to help him out again, but he knew it was unlikely. Sneaking up in the silent darkness of night was doubtlessly much easier than showing a moment of kindness while he was constantly under guard during the day. When he wasn't too distracted by pain or pleasure, his thoughts kept going back to one thing... Benny! Where was he? He had been so loyal to his Master, so how could he just leave him there to suffer. He flip-flopped back and forth between burning anger at Benny leaving him there and desperate hope that he would return. As the light creeping in around the blindfold began to fade and night set in, Zane found himself anticipating a visit from his helper so it came as no surprise when the ball-gag was pulled away. This time though, the earplugs came out. Then the blindfold came off too! ********** Alex and Zack were sound asleep in Benny’s room. As a symbolic act of their new-found power, Zack had insisted they take over the former Master's room. As the main light switched on, they both awoke with a start. “Who the fuck is...” Zack started, but froze mid-sentence as he saw who was standing beside the bed. “Get out!” Benny snarled furiously at the younger teen. “Oh, so they called the old Master, did they?” Zack sneered. “What? B... Benny,” Alex gasped, seeing the younger Boy standing at his side. “Don't worry Alex. They can't do anything as long as we have that video!” Zack said confidently. Benny launched himself onto the bed, wrapped a hand around Zack's throat and pressed him down onto the bed. “I said. GET. OUT!” He let go of the other teen who immediately jumped out of bed and headed or the door. “They won't get away with this! I'm sending the video to the police!” Zack called out as he ran for the door. Benny, now standing on the bed stared down at Alex. “I think we need to talk!” he said coldly. Out in the hallway, Alex was still muttering curses as he looked back at Benny's room. He stopped abruptly as he bumped into someone he didn't recognise. “Who are you?” he asked in surprise. “I'm Wesley. Who the fuck are you?” Chapter 24 – Return of the King by Matt “Erm... err... Benny... I...” Alex stuttered. As if seeing Benny suddenly returned wasn't intimidating enough, Alex couldn't help but realise that he was currently laying in Benny's own bed. He pulled himself up into a sitting position as he struggled to form a sentence. Benny, still standing on the bed following his expulsion of Zack, calmly dropped down at the foot of the bed, sat with his legs crossed and raised a hand to silence the older teen. He stared at the quivering young man before him, eyes narrowing slightly. Bizarrely, he found himself thinking about Roger. Several weeks ago, he had caught Roger doing something wrong and had somewhat overreacted, a painful reminder of the temper he usually worked so hard to keep in check. That spur-of-the-moment reaction had caused Benny all sorts of problems and almost torn the house apart, so he took a few moments to calm himself and avoid a similar knee-jerk reaction. “Okay,” Benny started, nodding calmly. “So here's what I know so far. The guys in the house trusted you enough to put you in charge while I was away. You apparently did a fairly good job... to begin with, but then you... you... I don't know, let the power go to your head or something and apparently went insane. You brought a minor into this house and used him to blackmail my Boys, all while torturing Zane for... I don't know, I'm sure you have a reason.” “Benny.... I...” Alex stuttered. “I'm NOT,” Benny snapped, deep breaths hissing through gritted teeth as he tried to remain calm. “I'm not done yet! You've hurt my Boys. You've broken my rules. You've completely abused the trust placed in you. I can't begin to imagine how you could ever defend your actions. So... do you have anything to say for yourself?” Alex's jaw dropped open like he was going to say something, but no words came out. Instead, he just lowered his head, unable to even look at Benny and shook his head. Benny was a little taken aback. He had known two different versions of Alex, the angry boy he was when they first met and the more rational young man he had become during his time in the house. However, neither version of him was ever the type to remain silent. “Seriously, nothing?” Benny asked in shock. Alex simply shook his head again. “Get dressed!” Benny ordered. Alex quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on a t-shirt and pair of shorts, then followed as the Master headed for the door. Benny smiled as they emerged onto the landing. There was Wesley, restraining Zack. The former General had one of the boy's arms twisted up behind his back, suitably positioned so that the slightest application of pressure could cause surges of pain. It was apparently enough to keep him both immobilised and silent. Benny approached Wesley and instructed, “Take him down to the cellar and lock him in the Trash Room. Alex, you go in there and you don't move until I tell you to. Understood?” “Alex you...” Zack started, but a sharp tug on his arm from Wesley and he dropped back into silence. “Walk!” Wesley hissed in the angry boy's ear. Benny watched as Wesley and Zack made their way slowly down the stairs, while Alex disappeared into the guest room Benny had pointed at. As he looked down over the railings into the atrium below, he saw Zane, sitting just beneath the wooden frame he had been secured to until just a few minutes before. He had his knees pulled up tightly to his chest and was rocking back and forth gently. Benny made his way down the stairs. He had knot in his stomach that seemed to grow with every step he took. Silently, he knelt in front of the older teen and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. The Boy didn't respond. “Zane,” Benny whispered. He shook his head and buried his face in his arms as he continued rocking. “Zane?” Benny repeated questioningly. Zane's face raised back up, his cheeks now wet. “I'm sorry,” he said weakly. “You're... wait... what? Why?” Benny asked in absolute confusion. “I gave up on you,” Zane whimpered before dropping his face back into his arms. Benny stood up and reached down to the sobbing teen. “Zane, get up,” he said softly, but with authority. The tone seemed to get the other teen's attention as he looked up abruptly. Seeing Benny reaching down with both hands, he allowed his Master to help him up. Benny pulled one of Zane's arms around his shoulders, then helped him walk across the atrium and into his private lounge. The slight groan of pain from the battered Boy with each step sending ripples of guilt through the young Master. Once they got inside, Benny sat down then lay Zane on the sofa beside him, the Boy's head resting in his lap. He gently stroked his fingers through the chocolate brown hair, getting gentle mews of contentment in response. “Go to sleep,” Benny whispered. “It'll all be okay in the morning.” Exhausted from his ordeal, it took mere moments for Zane to drift off to sleep. They had been sat there for a few minutes before Wesley appeared in the doorway. “Everything okay?” he whispered, not wanting to disturb the sleeping young man. “No!” Benny replied honestly. “But it will be. Why don't you go get some sleep too and we can sort everything out in the morning.” “Okay,” Wesley said back with a nod and a warm smile before he headed back out into the atrium. Benny decided he needed some sleep too and shifted slightly in his seat to get more comfortable. He felt something digging into his leg and reached down the side of the sofa cushion to see what it was. He pulled out a small notebook. He knew it wasn't his, so he figured it was most likely Alex's. He opened it up and started reading the first page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 23rd May 2015 I know Benny keeps a diary. I've never spoken to him about it, so I don't know what he writes about or why or how much detail he goes into, but I've seen him doing it. His diary is actually still here in the house, but I'd never dare touch it without his permission. I'm too much of a good pup (usually) to ever do something that naughty! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny froze, staring at the page. It wasn't Alex's, it was Zane's. He was keeping a diary! He suddenly felt torn. He knew that to read the diary was an invasion of the Boy's privacy, but at the same time he wanted to know what had happened in his absence without making Zane go through the pain of reciting it. He decided to read on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, with Benny away and Alex in charge, I thought I should keep a record of what's been happening, you know, for the history books! So Benny left because his Dad died and needed some time away from the house. That meant we needed someone else in charge. I thought it should have been Roger, but then I suppose I'm a bit biased. Roger wanted to stay as second-in-command though, which I suppose makes sense because he really does do it well. Malik didn't want the pressure of being in charge so that kinda left Alex. Alex in charge. Yeah, it's a scary thought. I love Alex, he's probably my best friend in the whole house (not including my boyfriend and my Master, obviously!), but that doesn't mean I automatically support him. I know about his issues maybe better than anyone and while I know he's come a long way, he's still got an even longer way to go. I didn't want to vote for him to be in charge, but everyone else was behind the idea so I just kinda went with it. Anyway, that was a week ago now and... I couldn't have been more wrong! Putting the pressure of leadership on Alex's shoulders was either going to break him or help him reach the best of his potential and I'm really happy to say he rose to the occasion. He's been great and I'm really looking forward to seeing what else he can do. Tonight should be fun too. Josh is officially joining us and so is Alex's cousin, Zack. They both seem nice, so I think things are just gonna keep getting better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny smiled at the entry. While he had been away from the house, he had done everything in his power not to think about it. His feelings about being back were wildly mixed, but it was nice to see that they had gotten by so well without him, at least to begin with. He leafed forward a few pages in the diary, stopping at en entry that caught his eye. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 26th May 2015 Something's wrong with Alex. He's not acting like himself and it's all because of Zack. Last night, we were in bed together, just sleeping when Zack comes in and literally threw me out of bed. Then he... I don't know, he did something to Alex. It was like he just flipped a switch in him and he turned into... something else. I didn't like it. That version of Alex scares me. Maybe it was just a one-off. I'm kinda hoping Alex just comes and apologises today and we can put the whole thing behind us, but Zack never seems to want to leave his side, so that might not be a possibility. I wish Benny was here. He'd know what to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 30th May 2015 I thought it was just me that was getting hurt, but now I think it may be the others too. Apparently Taro never slept in his Dorm on Wednesday night and then he's spent the last couple of days limping round in pain. He doesn't seem to want to tell anyone what happened, but I'm pretty sure it was something Alex did and that probably means Zack was involved too. Alex is still being weird though. I mean, right now, as I'm writing this, I'm sitting next to him and he's... just Alex. We've chatted and laughed and it's just like having my friend back. Okay, that's like some kind of divine sign or something. Literally the second I finished writing that last sentence, Zack arrived. Alex pretty much threw me off the seat onto the floor and started treating me like crap, just because Zack was around. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the fact that Zack ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME! He was pulling on my collar so much I couldn't even breathe. He won't win though. This collar is never coming off. Benny's gonna come back and he's gonna see me still wearing it and he's gonna be so proud of me. You just wait. Any day now! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10th June 2015 I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate Zack so much I could just cry. Tonight's torture to try and get me to take off the collar was horrible. He nearly drowned me. Alex may be a total cunt for letting Alex do this stuff, but at least he made sure the little psychopath didn't kill me! I think the rest of the Boys are getting kinda pissed off with Alex now, especially Robert. The worst thing is, they seem to think I'm on Alex's side. I wanna tell them what Zack's doing to me, but I can't. I try and talk about and the words just stick in my throat. Also, it kinda feels like running to them for help is too much like giving up and that's something I'll never do, not as long as I know Benny's coming back! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 20th June 2015 He's not human. He can't be. No human being can be that cruel. Zack made me break up with Roger. Oh God, the look on his face when I told him. I can't do this any more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 25th June 2015 I'm gonna do it. I'm leaving. Tomorrow night, I'm gonna come home, grab my stuff and then I'm just gone. I can't take another weekend of whatever sick tortures that psychopathic fucker can come up with. I'd rather leave and never see any of the guys ever again than let him win and take off my collar. Benny might come back, but he might not. Maybe he's forgotten me, but that doesn't matter any more. I won't let Zack win. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny finished the last entry and dropped the diary to his side. He wanted to wake Zane up, to apologise for what he had gone through, to tell him he had not been forgotten, that he could never be, but he knew the Boy needed rest. As he wiped away the tears the diary had induced, Benny found himself inordinately glad that Zane's head in his lap stopped him from getting up. If he had been able to move, he suspected he might have gone to Zack and just lost control. Quietly simmering in his own rage, he eventually fell asleep. ********** Sunday 28th June 2015 Benny awoke when he heard movement out in the atrium. There was a loud bang, followed by a vice calling out, “Ah, fuck it!” Zane was still sound asleep. After what he had been through, Benny expected him to sleep for most of the morning. He slipped out, grateful that the Boy managed to stay asleep as he slipped a cushion under his head, then walked out into the atrium, pulling the door closed quietly behind him. “What are you doing?” Benny asked as he saw Wesley struggling with the large wooden frame in the centre of the room. “I wanted to take this down, but it's heavier than it looks!” Wesley replied, supporting one end of the long wooden beam on his shoulder. Benny shook his head and smirked. He appreciated the gesture, but looking at the large wooden structure compared to Wesley's slight frame, it was painfully obvious he would never manage it alone. Thankfully, with Benny's help they had it disassembled and, for now, placed out of the way in the Games Room. “How's Zane?” Wesley asked as the two of them took a seat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, sipping on coffee. Benny felt the knot in his stomach return at the mention of the name. He shrugged and said, “Right now he just needs to rest. He's really been treated badly and then he was stuck in that thing for about thirty hours as best as I can tell.” “Fuck,” Wesley said in shock. “What the hell's wrong with Alex?” Benny frowned for a moment. “What?” Wesley asked, seeing the doubt on his former Master's face. “I don't...” he paused, not sure whether to voice his theory quite yet, but decided to go on anyway. “I don't think this is all on Alex. I think Zack's got a lot to answer for!” Wesley nodded his understanding as he took another sip of coffee. “You think we should go wake everyone up?” “Nah,” Benny said with a smile. “It's the weekend, let them sleep in. Besides, I always liked how quiet the house can be in the mornings and it's been a while.” “Yeah,” Wesley nodded. “Is it weird being back?” “Very!” Benny replied with a sigh. “I was so surprised when Charlie told me you'd left. Sorry to hear about your Dad,” Wesley said sympathetically. “Thanks,” Benny said, staring down into his cup. “I shouldn't have left.” “Maybe,” Wesley said with a shrug, “Maybe not. Who knows, it's all in the past. I suppose what really matters is what you do now!” Benny sighed then nodded gently. “Yeah, you're right,” he said, then gulped down the remainder of his drink, “So let's go and do something!” Wesley smiled as they both stood up, encouraged by Benny's sudden keenness. They quickly headed out of the kitchen, but paused as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Benny held Wesley back and gestured for him to be quiet, then looked back and mouthed, “It's Roger!” The teen looked terrified. Wesley reached out and squeezed his shoulder, then whispered, “It'll be okay!” Roger reached the bottom of the stairs and walked round, presumably heading to either the kitchen or the cellar door. He froze dead in his tracks as he saw Benny and Wesley standing there. “Erm... hi,” Benny said sheepishly. “B... Benny!? What are you.... How are you... Why...” Roger stuttered,suddenly uncharacteristically flustered. “I'm... back,” Benny managed to say, barely holding back tears. Seeing the large General was harder than he imagined. All at once it hit him how much he had missed the twenty-year-old man. He was Benny's closest friend, his most reliable General, his most trusted sub and suddenly he was right there. Roger ran forwards, wrapped his arms around the small teen and lifted him up, holding him in a tight bear hug. Wesley smiled at the embrace and headed to the stairs. “I'm gonna go find Malik,” he said quietly, but got no response as he headed up the stairs. After a few minutes, Roger suddenly dropped Benny and looked panicked. “Wait, where's Zane?” he looked round nervously. “Relax,” Benny said with a gentle smile, wiping a tear from his cheek. “He's okay, he's sleeping in my lounge.” “What happened?” Roger asked in shock. He had gone to bed the night before terrified of the things happening in the house and Alex's ongoing reign of terror. To now wake up and find Zane released and Benny back, it was more than a little confusing. “Where's Alex?” Benny felt his face reddening at the mention of the name. Although it was already becoming clear that most of the unpleasantness that had befallen the Boys had been thanks to Zack, Alex had still been the one in charge and Benny couldn't help getting riled just thinking about him. Before he could answer Roger's question, the cellar door opened and Philip appeared. He stared with a similar expression of shock to the one Roger had worn. As Benny took a step towards him, he back away, turned and dashed back down the stairs to the cellar. “What's he...” Benny started, looking at Roger, but his question was answered before he could ask it. “EVERYONE GET UP HERE!” Philip yelled as loud as he could, his voice echoing through the cellar. The sound of approaching Boys grew louder and louder as they all emerged from their Dorms, roused by the sudden yell. Benny and Roger moved back into the middle of the atrium, right around where Zane had been stood a few hours earlier. As the small crowd emerged from the cellar, Wesley returned from his former bedroom accompanied by Malik who looked just as bewildered as everyone else. “What's going on?” “Why's Benny here?” “Is that Wesley?” “Where's Alex?” “What happened to Zane?” The question flew from every direction, not aimed at anyone in particular. “QUIET!” Roger bellowed, prompting immediate silence. Benny smirked. It was nice to see that Roger could still command great respect, or fear, maybe both. “Err... hi everyone. I... guess I'm back!” Benny said slightly awkwardly. The silence continued for a few moments longer before the atrium was filled with cheers. Hugs were exchanged, everyone excitedly greeting both Benny and Wesley. ********** Alex had barely moved since being banished to his room. He had heard various noises from the house. Occasionally someone walked past his room. His heart pounded every time, worried that it was his time. He kept bouncing back and forth between self-pity and outright anger. He knew he had let things get out of control and he knew it would have been easy to blame it all on Zack. He couldn't resist his cousin, it had always been that way and yet he allowed him to stay there, influencing his thoughts, his actions. Waves of anger built in him. Anger at himself, at Zack and even at Benny for leaving and putting him in the position he had been in. He would get up and march towards the door, ready to burst out, tell Benny how pissed he was, but every time he got close he stopped himself. “You did this, you can pay for it!” he muttered to himself. When the door finally opened and he found himself facing Wesley, he suddenly wished he had simply left. He was overwhelmed with shame knowing that the young man in front of him knew what he had done, so he could barely imagine how it would feel when he actually came face-to-face with one of the Boys... especially Zane. “Come on,” Wesley said, attempting to sound casual despite his obvious rage. “What's going on?” Alex asked nervously as he stood. “Just come on!” Wesley snapped. Alex followed as the newly-returned General left the room and headed down the stairs. He had almost expected to see the frame Zane had been attached to still stood there. He thought maybe he might be subjected to it in the other Boy's place. Instead, the atrium was completely empty. He continued following Wesley into the main lounge. As they walked in, Alex found himself face-to-face with the entire household. Benny was sat on a sofa, with Roger and Malik either side. Behind and to the sides stood Quentin, Robert, Charlie, Philip, Taro, David and Josh. The only ones missing were Zack and Zane. Wesley stood off to one side. “Have a seat,” Benny said surprisingly calmly, gesturing to the armchair facing the crowd. Alex took the seat gingerly, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. Benny sat forward in his seat and took a deep breath. “Okay, so here's the thing. Last time someone in the house did something wrong, I... slightly overreacted.” He subconsciously glanced over at Roger before looking back to Alex. “I didn't want to do that this time, which is why I thought we would talk about this whole thing, erm, calmly and... sensibly.” He heard a few snorts of derision from behind him, but carried on regardless. “So... who wants to start?” Despite the strong opinions of some of the Boys that Benny had already heard being voiced, nobody seemed particularly keen to speak first. “Fine,” Benny said, shaking his head. “Well why don't I just talk through events as I know them and you all feel free to jump in if you have anything to add.” He got up and started pacing back and forth in front of the sofa, looking from Alex, to the other residents and back again. “So I decide I need some time away from the house and you all decide you need someone to put in charge. Fair enough, that makes sense.” Benny paused as he heard a general murmur of agreement, then went on. “So you all decide between you that rather than simply promoting the second-in-command, the person who knows how things run in this house even better than I do, you chose... him!” He pointed at Alex, prompting him to look up. As Alex caught Benny’s eye, then glanced at a few of the others, he flushed an even brighter red then returned to his blank downward stare. “You chose the newest dom. You chose someone who, I'm sure I'm not revealing any big secret here, has more than a few issues! Fair enough. I have to admit, he's made a lot of progress since coming to the house, so I can... sort of understand that.” Benny continued as he paced. “Now from what I'm told, Alex was actually quite a good Master... in the beginning at least. Am I right?” “Yeah,” Quentin said quietly. “He was!” Charlie said, strongly emphasising the past tense. “So come on. Someone tell me what happened,” Benny demanded. “How did we get from 'promising new master' to 'blackmail and torture' then?” Benny already knew the answer. Zane's diary had made it abundantly clear, but he wanted to know if that opinion was shared by the others too. “It was Zack!” Philip said bluntly, confirming Benny's suspicion. Alex looked up at the mention of his cousin's name. “How so?” Benny asked, eyes narrowing slightly. “He's...” Philip started, but then paused and shuddered. Charlie, who was stood beside him, discreetly reached down and took his hand, so he went on. “He's not right. He seemed to get his kicks from seeing Alex being mean, so he kept doing his best to make that happen.” Again there were murmurs of agreement. “That's bullshit!” Robert snapped angrily. “Yeah, Zack's a twisted little cunt, but Alex was the one in charge. He decided what happened, this is on him!” “Are you fucking kidding me?” Quentin retorted immediately. Benny was shocked. He had rarely, if ever, heard his former teacher swear, especially so aggressively. “Alex was in charge by title only. You'd have to be pretty fucking blind not to see that demented freak was pulling his strings!” Quentin insisted. “Maybe he was,” Roger interrupted, “But Alex knew what he was doing. He could have stopped listening or just made him leave at any time, but he didn't. He let Zack stay and he let things get as bad as they did!” The group burst into loud arguments, some shouting their agreement with Roger and Robert, while others were clearly of the same opinion as Quentin. Benny allowed it to go on for a few more seconds before shouting, “ENOUGH!” The din quietened slowly until everyone had calmed down and turned their attention back to the boy in charge. “I think it's time we heard from Alex!” Benny said, turning every eye in the room onto the silent teen who seemed to be shrinking more and more into the armchair. Alex stared at Benny, looking remorseful but remaining unusually silent. Benny stared back, eyes widening. “You... really don't have anything to say? No defence? Nothing?” he demanded. Alex let out a single 'ha', surprising Benny and rest of the spectators. “You really think I could defend anything I've done? They all know what I did and by the sounds of it, they've told you too. What can I say to defend that? I broke your rules, I hurt people and... I let you all down. Do what you need to do!” The comments were a little surprising. Benny had expected one of two things from the older teen – either desperate pleading for forgiveness or remorseless anger. Acceptance and admission has been the last things he expected. Whilst slightly impressed, he also found himself a little disappointed that Alex didn't even seem willing to fight for his position. He let out a hearty sigh then said, “I just have one question. Do you WANT to stay in this house?” Alex's breath caught in his throat. He looked round at everyone else in the room before looking back to Benny, then gently nodded. “Okay. Now I know that this is my house and I could just make the decisions here, but this feels... too personal for me to just do that, so we're going to vote,” Benny explained. “Two choices. Either we let him stay and punish him as we see fit for what he's done or he leaves the house. Majority rules. Everyone understand?” “I'm not voting!” Wesley said from the side of the room where he had remained in silence for the entire exchange. “I wasn't here, I don't know everything that happened so I can't make an informed decision.” Benny nodded his agreement at Wesley, then looked to the others. “Okay, who says he goes?” Benny immediately raised his own hand, getting a few surprised looks from the others. One by one, Roger, Robert, Josh and David all raised their hands. “Okay,” Benny said, taking a quick count. “And who says he stays?” Quentin, Charlie, Philip, Taro and Malik raised their hands in response. Benny let out a sigh as he counted. “Well that's a tie then!” he said. Everyone looked round at Wesley who simply shook his head. A few confused looks were exchanged as everyone considered the result. Before Benny could speak, a voice came from the doorway. “Don't I get a vote?” They all looked across to see Zane walk in, limping slightly. Benny immediately dashed to the older teen's side and supported him as he made his way across the room. He helped him sit in the spot he had just vacated. “How much did you hear?” Zane shrugged. “Most of it,” he said quietly before looking round at everyone, “And you're all right. It was mostly Zack, but Alex should still answer for it. It wasn't just me he hurt after all.” “Yeah, but it was you who he had tied up out there for two days!” Robert interrupted. Zane winced at the mention of his ordeal and the comments triggered a new round of arguments. Zane took the momentary distraction to lean to his side and whisper to Roger, “It was you that came to help me, wasn't it?” Roger smiled gently and nodded. “I couldn't just leave you there. You know, they all wanted to come and help you but I told them I'd do it.” “Thanks,” Zane whispered back. “And thanks for the hug, it helped more than you can imagine.” Roger looked confused. He frowned and said, “I... didn't hug you.” “Oh,” Zane said, suddenly confused. He had thought both his visitors had been the same person, so if it wasn't Roger, then who was it? He looked to Alex for a moment, his eyes narrowing a little. Could it have been.... “SHUT UP!” Benny called out, silencing the room once again. “Has anyone changed their vote?” Zane asked, getting a quiet chorus of nos and head shakes in response. “Okay, then the deciding vote is still mine and I say... he stays!” Alex gasped, even more surprised than the rest of the room. He stared at Zane, his best friend... maybe now his former friend. Before the room could erupt into more chatter, Benny called out, “Alex will be restricted to his room until such time as his punishment has been determined, but he can stay.” Alex nodded and quickly dashed out, returning to the room where he had spent the morning so far. “Okay, as for the rest of you... take the weekend off. Relax, recover, do whatever you need. Normal routine resumes on Monday.” Benny instructed, then headed out too. The group slowly began to disperse, some to the far end of the lounge, chatting quietly, others heading down to the Dorms. Malik got up off the sofa leaving Zane and Roger together. “What did...” Roger started, then paused, unsure whether it was a good idea to ask what was on his mind. He steeled himself and tried again. “What did Zack do to make you break up with me?” Zane's mouth opened to answer, but all that came out was a gentle whimper. He sniffed back tears, not wanting to cry any more, cleared his throat and said, “Can we... just be us again? Please?” Roger reached both arms around the teen and held him tightly. “Of course we can.” He planted a kiss on the Boy's forehead. ********** Benny had been lurking in the doorway of his lounge ever since he left the others. While he was keen to speak to everyone in the house individually, there was one person he felt it was much more urgent to talk to. “Josh!” Benny called out as he saw his first sub emerge from the other lounge. “Oh, hey,” Josh said with a gentle smile as he heard his name get called out. “You okay?” “Could we talk?” Benny requested before disappearing into the room. Josh followed a few moments later and closed the door behind him. “What's up?” he asked as he took a seat. “I owe you an apology. I mean, I owe a lot of people apologies, but... I really owe you one,” Benny explained. “What for?” Josh asked with a slight shrug. Benny sighed, wondering whether Josh was being polite and just trying not to mention the issue or if he genuinely didn't understand why. “Before I left, the night that my Dad... died. I said really mean things to you and to Dale.” Josh tilted his head to the side and let out a gentle sigh. “Oh that. Don't give it another thought. You were upset. I know you didn't mean it and so does Dale.” “Really? You don't... hate me?” Benny asked. Josh chuckled slightly. “Of course not. Come on, I've forgiven you for worse things than that!” A sudden painful silence fell between them. “Sorry,” Josh added, “That was meant to be funny, but I guess it... wasn't.” Benny just looked completely dejected. He shook his head as he stared down at the ground. “All I seem to do is screw things up!” “Don't be silly,” Josh said, standing from his seat and kneeling in front of the Master. “Everyone makes mistakes, but you do good stuff here too.” “But it's just... so hard. Sometimes... I just... can't...” Benny tried to talk but started crying gently. Josh moved again, this time sitting beside the boy and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He didn't say anything, he just let him get it all out. As he sat back in the seat, Benny came with him, his head coming to rest on Josh's chest. “I miss the old days,” Benny whispered. “The old days?” Josh asked with a slight chuckle. “Benny, you're only sixteen. You're not old enough to even have 'the old days' yet!” Benny laughed gently too and nudged Josh in the side. “You know what I mean. Back when it was all simpler.” “What, you mean back when it was just you torturing me, Nicky, Corey, Dale and Warren?” Josh asked, thinking back to the fun week they had shared two Summers before. “Well yeah, that was great, but I mean even before that,” Benny explained. “Back when you were just my hot babysitter and we used to just hang out and watch movies my parents wouldn't let me see and eat pizza and just... you know, have fun!” “You know we can still do that, right?” Josh said giving the boy a gentle squeeze. “Just cos you're my Master again, that doesn't mean that's all you can be. If you wanna just hang out with me, then we can do it.” “Really?” Benny asked, sitting up and smiling as he dried his eyes. “Of course!” Josh said happily. “Awesome!” Benny grinned. “And hey, who knows, maybe it'll end up like that time with you and the others again. That really was fun, you know, til I fucked it up!” “It was. I like Master Benny and I liked Benny the bratty kid, but it was that Benny, the one who... brought out this whole other side of me that I really fell in love with!” Josh explained, blushing slightly. “Josh?” Benny said inquisitively, suddenly hesitant. “Yeah?” “You know back then... when things first started happening and then you met Dale... you told me that you loved me, but that we could never work because I was so young,” Benny started. “Yeah,” Josh replied with a nod. Benny looked even more reluctant to go on, like he was afraid of what he might hear. “Did you really mean it or was it just a nice way of blowing me off?” “Oh I meant it. Benny, you totally changed my life. Even though you were so young, you just... knew what you wanted and you took it. You were so... excited and energetic and happy and... playful. I honestly don't know how it would have been possible not to love you.” Benny welled up again, but this time it was happy tears that streaked his cheeks. “Thank you,” he whispered. “No. Thank YOU!” Josh said back as he reached out and gently brushed a finger down Benny's cheek. ********** “Ugh, this is bullshit!” Robert snapped angrily as he quickly got dressed. Being excused for the day he had decided to go out. “I can't believe he gets to stay. And you two actually voted for it too!” Charlie and Philip were laying together on Charlie's bunk. “Look, that's how the vote went. Either get over it or get out,” Charlie replied bluntly. “We get that you're pissed, but that's the deal. Who knows, maybe he'll fuck up again right away and he'll jst be out and you can be happy. But maybe he won't. Maybe he'll learn from this, become better. I think sometimes it's easy to forget how young him and Benny actually are. I mean, do you think you'd have done any better running this place at their age?” Philip gave his lover a gentle squeeze, silently showing his agreement with the comments. “Whatever,” Robert huffed, finishing buttoning his shirt. “I'm going out. See you later!” He walked quickly to the door and pulled it open just as there was a knock on it. “Oh, hey!” Wesley said, surprised to get such a quick answer. “Hey Wesley,” Robert said slightly gruffly before pushing past and heading for the stairs. Wesley watched him go, then looked back to Charlie and Philip. “Problem?” he asked, raising an eye brow. “Nah,” Charlie said dismissively. “He's just being a moody bitch.” Philip leant away from his lover allowing them both to sit up. Charlie jumped down off the bunk while Philip just sat on the edge looking down at the two brothers. “Fair enough,” Wesley said with a slight smirk. Then stood facing his sibling in awkward silence. “So... erm... it's great to see you!” Charlie said shyly. Wesley smiled and nodded. “Yeah, you too.” The awkward silence returned, broken only by the sudden thud of Philip jumping down from Charlie's bunk. “Wow you two are impossible. If you won't talk for yourselves, maybe I should do it for you!” Philip said, moving to Charlie's side. He cleared his throat then did his best to mimic his boyfriend's voice. “So Wes, I'm so glad you're back. I really missed you. In fact, I never shut up about it.” “Phil!” Charlie snarled through gritted teeth, blushing slightly at the unwanted revelation. “Okay, this would be where you say something back!” Philip said, looking at Wesley. When he got no response, he instead moved to the General's side and imitated him. “Yeah, I missed you too bro. I had my time away from the house and it really helped me sort things out!” “Hey, no, I...” Wesley protested, then he paused to think and added, “Yeah, actually I suppose that's about right!” Charlie sniggered. “Yeah, he's annoying but he's usually right!” Philip beamed with pride at Charlie's comment. “Damn straight I am. Anyway, I'll leave you two to talk now. Catch ya later!” He turned and headed out, pulling the door closed behind him. “So... the time away really helped?” Charlie asked hopefully. Wesley nodded. “Look, I know we cleared the air about a lot of the stuff between us before I left, but I still couldn't help feeling angry at you, but the longer I was away, the more I realised that I missed you more than I resented you. I've spent half my life with an awesome brother and half my life without one and I definitely know which one I prefer.” “Yeah, me too,” Charlie agreed. “So you're... back for good then?” Wesley shrugged. “If the house wants me... yeah!” “Believe me, they do!” Charlie said with a grin. “Besides, you're a hero.” He paused and stepped back, reaching under his pillow to retrieve a phone. “If you hadn't left me this so that I could always contact you, I wouldn't have been able to call you for help and you never would have got Benny to come back.” “Look, don't... tell anyone else about that,” Wesley requested. Charlie looked confused. “Why not?” “Benny's had a hard time and I think it'd help him if this looked like a win for him rather than me,” Wesley explained. “I don't need the praise, I'm just happy to be back with my family.” Charlie nodded and smiled. “Okay, I understand,” he said, then pulled Wesley into a hug. “Love you, bro.” ********** Alex had been keen to leave the lounge after his verdict had been passed, partly to escape the angry glares, but mostly because he was afraid they might change their minds. It had been close. He had almost been kicked out of the house. He actually felt like he should be, but if they were willing to let him stay he wasn't about to argue with it. Since then, he had been sat back in the solitude of his room. He knew he should be worried about whatever punishment the house deemed suitable for him, but instead all he could think about was what he would say to everyone. He would have to face them all at some point, apologise maybe. 'Apologise? How the fuck do you apologise for torturing and blackmailing someone?' Alex thought to himself. 'Why the fuck did I let Zack talk me into that stuff?' 'It's cos you're fucking weak!' he thought to himself in response, the other side of his personality suddenly kicking in. 'I'm not weak, it's just... he says things and they just... they get to me!' 'If you know that, then why do you listen to him? Why do you let him talk?' 'He's... he's my cousin. He's the only person who's always been there. He's the closest thing you ever had to a friend!' 'You know that's not true. Zane is your friend. Oh no, wait, you've fucked that up too haven't you! Zane WAS your friend!' 'Oh God, he hates me. He has to. The things I let Zack do! But... I tried to help him!' 'You TRIED to help him? You were in charge. If you wanted to help him, you'd have just done it. You'd have stopped Zack from hurting him, but you didn't. You sat back and let it happen.' 'You're weak. You're pathetic. You're a worthless excuse for a person. You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be anywhere. You should just go, leave everyone behind, everything. You don't deserve to be around people. You're just totally fucking useless!' “Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!” Alex whispered to himself over and over. He was curled up on the bed, eyes closed tightly, trying to block out his own voice in his head. “Alex?” The eighteen-year-old jumped as he realised this voice wasn't in his head. Someone was sitting on his bed, a hand resting on his shoulder. Struggling to catch his breath, he looked up to see Zane staring down at him. He tried to talk but nothing would come out, just weak whimpers between sobs. Without a single word, Zane lay down, wrapped his arms around him and just spooned against him. Alex gripped at Zane's hands tightly, squeezing his eyes closed again. It took quite a while for Alex to calm down, his breathing gradually returning to normal as he felt his friend, maybe former friend, pressed against his back, the other teen's breath warm on his neck. “It was you, wasn't it?” Zane whispered, breaking the long silence. When Alex didn't reply, he probed further. “It was you that came and helped me while I was tied up wasn't it. You gave me water and then you... you hugged me and kissed me... didn't you?” “Yes,” Alex croaked in response. Zane didn't say anything else for quite a while, he just lay there holding Alex. Eventually, Alex pulled away slightly, then rolled over so he was face-to-face with Zane. “Why did you let me stay?” Zane shrugged. “Because... you're a cunt! Like, most of the time... most of your life actually. But... when you're not, you're awesome. I'd rather have awesome Alex here than cunty Alex not here.” “I don't deserve this. I hurt people, I hurt you!” Alex said, using every ounce of his willpower not to look away in shame. Zane shrugged again. “Well yeah, like I said... you're a cunt!” He smiled weakly. Alex attempted to smile but it came out as a grimace. “So... what? We're good then?” Zane snorted. “What, after what you did to me you think some water, a hug and some self-pity gets you off the hook? No, we're not good. But... eventually we might be.” Alex nodded his understanding. It wasn't much, but it was enough to silence the voices in his head for now. ********** How long had it been now? It felt like days. Alone in the darkness, only the tiniest sliver of light making its way under the door. The room was tiny, about four feet wide and six feet long, nothing but cold concrete floor and bare brick walls. Empty aside from a bucket in the corner which had, reluctantly, been used eventually for a little relief. There were noises from outside, occasional voices getting closer and then further away, every time bringing the possibility of freedom before fading away again. Zack had tried to sleep, but the cold floor made him shiver and there was no way to lay that gave enough comfort to achieve any rest. He had been thrown into the tiny room by someone he had never seen before. His fiery fury had quickly given way to fear as he realised that he had probably pushed too far. Now the anticipation of what was going to happen to him made him shudder even more than the cold. Once again he heard footsteps approach and found himself desperately hoping the door would open. Two shadows covered part of the narrow line of light beneath the door. Feet. Someone was standing right on the other side. There was a loud bang as a bolt was opened, then the door swung outwards, flooding the room with dim light that felt blinding after the hours of darkness. Zack raised a hand to shield his eyes, blinking rapidly as he attempted to see who it was, but before he could make out the figure, the door closed again. Sudden panic filled him as he realised the mysterious figure had closed the door from the inside. Zack stood, trembling. As he tried to speak, he felt a hand around his throat, slamming him against the back wall of the tiny room. “You're gonna pay for what you did!” a low, angry voice growled in his ear. ********** Sunday 28th June 2015 Benny had slept restlessly all night. He wasn't sure whether it was all the stress of the last couple of days disturbing him or the nagging feeling of knowing that the bed he slept in had been occupied by Zack and Alex until the previous night. It was his room and yet their presence had made it feel alien to him. He was only half asleep when he heard his door swing open suddenly, so he sat up and looked across to see David standing there. “What's wrong?” Benny asked, the panic on the young man's face obvious. “You need to come quick,” David said shakily. Benny jumped out of bed and followed David as he headed down the main staircase and then down again to the cellar. The Boy stopped outside the Trash room where Zack had been locked since Benny's return. “David?” Benny asked nervously. “I came out to use the toilet and I saw that,” David said, pointing to a small red blotch on the floor just outside the door. “Is that.. blood?” Benny asked, eyes wide with fear. “So I looked inside...” David said, pulling the door open. Benny stared in shock. The tiny room was spattered with blood, but Zack was gone. “Was he in here when you looked?” Benny asked, beginning to panic. David shook his head. “Okay,” Benny said, nodding. He began pacing. “Okay.... okay... erm... okay.” “Benny?” David asked. The Master stopped, took a deep breath and said, “Right. You stay here. Anyone tries to leave their dorm, tell them to stay inside. I'll be right back!” David nodding his understanding as Benny dashed back up the stairs. The anxious teen quickly made his way back up to the top floor, heading straight for Roger's room. Without knocking, he walked straight in and found Roger and Zane cuddled up together in bed. “Get up!” Benny said as he saw Roger begin to stir. “Benny, what's going on?” Roger asked as he slid his arm out from under Zane and sat up. “Get up, get dressed, both of you. I'll be right back,” Benny said firmly, then headed back out. Turning left, he went to Malik and Wesley's room, rousing them in much the same way he had with Roger. As he made his way back out into the hallway he found Roger and Zane waiting, Malik and Wesley quickly emerging from their room. “Zack's gone!” Benny said bluntly. “What, he escaped?” Zane asked, subconsciously grabbing tightly onto Roger's arm. Benny shook his head. “I don't think so. I think someone took him and I think it's pretty clear he's hurt. There's... blood!” “Good!” Zane snarled. “NOT good!” Benny snapped in response. “I don't think you realise how serious this is. We were essentially holding him against his will. That's already pretty bad, but we add in assault... or worse... and we're in some serious shit!” “Fuck!” Roger grunted. “What do we do?” “Malik, stay with Alex. For now don't tell him anything, just say I've ordered him to stay put. Wesley, take Zane and check all the rooms on the ground floor, Roger come down to the cellar with me,” Benny instructed. Silently everyone complied with the instructions. As Benny and Roger got back down to the cellar, they heard voices. “Benny said to stay in your dorm!” David insisted firmly. “I don't care, I wanna know what's happening!” Robert insisted, trying to push past David just as Benny and Roger reached the bottom of the stairs. “Back in your room. NOW!” Benny snapped furiously. Robert froze, but then stepped back inside and shut the door. “Good work,” Benny said with a warm smile, stroking David's arm. “Back in your room for now.” David nodded and headed back into his room too. As Benny turned, he found Roger already examining the small bloodied room that had contained Zack. “Yeah,” Roger said, looking closely at the door. “No damage to the door. Someone definitely unlocked this, it's not broken.” “Okay, have a quick check of the other rooms, I'm gonna see if anyone else is missing,” Benny said, heading to Dorm One. He opened the door and looked inside. Robert was sitting on his bunk while Charlie and Philip were both looking down from their bunks. “What's going on?” Robert asked gingerly. “Nothing!” Benny insisted then shut the door. He made his way next door to Dorm Two and did the same, finding David and Taro both standing together talking. He quickly checked Dorm Three as he passed it, finding it empty before opening the door to Dorm Four. Being furthest from the commotion, Quentin and Josh were both still asleep, undisturbed by Benny's sudden entrance. “Anything?” Benny asked as he found Roger finishing his check of the other rooms. Roger shook his head, now looking as worried as Benny. “Well everyone's accounted for,” Benny said, frowning as he tried to figure out what happened. “Roger, we've got to find him. If anything's happened to him, it's on me!” “I know,” Roger said, placing a hand on the nervous teen's shoulder. “It's okay, we'll find him.” “I need to go and talk to Alex!” Benny said. He was hoping they would find Zack and he could avoid a difficult conversation, but now he had to go and break the bad news. He headed back towards the stairs. He looked back to Roger and ordered, “Get everyone upstairs. Someone knows something and I'm going to find out who!” As he reached the atrium, he found Wesley and Zane standing together. “No sign of him,” Wesley said with a shrug. Benny continued up the stairs and straight into Alex's room. He immediately looked at Malik and nodded towards the door. The General took the hint and hurried out as Benny sat down on the bed near Alex. “Is this... am I getting punished?” Alex asked nervously. “No, this is... something else. Erm... Alex, I... something's happened... with Zack,” Benny said quietly. “What?” Alex asked, jumping off the bed and standing in front of Benny. “What happened? Is he okay? Where is he?” “We... don't know!” Benny replied cautiously. “You... you don't know? How can you not know?” Alex asked, beginning to get angry. “We think that someone either let him out, or took him out but...” Benny hesitated. He was going to mention the blood, but he could already see the panic spreading across Alex's face and couldn't stand the thought of making it worse. Alex raised his hands, covering his nose and mouth, deep breaths hissing between his fingers. He dropped them and stared furiously. “Who did it? Who was it?” he demanded angrily. “Alex, please, calm down. I don't know yet, but I'm going to find out,” Benny said confidently, despite being completely clueless about how to go about it. “You just... you... GAAARGH!” Alex yelled, turning away and rubbing his eyes. He turned back to Benny. “You have no idea how hard it's been controlling my temper the last couple of days, it's... I just... I want to hurt people. I just... I want to hit things and break things and I'm barely holding it together and now... you... you've lost my cousin. I don't.... I can't...” His breathing got so heavy that even his broken sentences couldn't get out. Benny stepped forward and placed both hands on Alex's shoulders. “Just breathe. Please, just hold it together. I'll get to the bottom of this, we'll find Zack and he'll be fine. Just... hold it together. I think it's best if you stay in here for now, okay?” Alex nodded, taking a few deep breaths, then turned away again. Benny quickly left the room. As he closed the door, he leaned against it, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 'Okay, you can do this!' he thought to himself, then opened his eyes and headed back to the stairs. As instructed, Roger had got everyone gathered together. By now, word had spread of what was going on, whether from eavesdropping, word of mouth or simply seeing the vacant, blood-stained room. “RIGHT!” Benny snapped as he reached the bottom of the stairs. “One of you knows something. Come forward now and we can deal with this. Make me find out the hard way and I promise you WILL regret it!” The Boys and the Generals all exchanged nervous, blank looks and shrugs. “Anyone?” Benny demanded frustratedly. “Nobody knows anything? Nobody heard anything? Nothing at all?” Still nothing but silence and vacant stares. “Fine. Hard way it is!” Benny said angrily. His eyes scanned the crowd, then fixed on Quentin. “You, with me! Rest of you, stay here!” Benny marched to his private lounge, virtually dragging his teacher by the arm. One by one, Benny questioned the residents of the house. Annoyingly, he found each of them had an alibi. Most of the Boys had spent the evening together in the lounge, even Robert who eventually came home and joined them. As they made their way down to the Dorms for the night, they had gone in pairs or threes until they were all in their rooms where they each vouched nobody had left. The Generals went much the same way, Roger and Zane spending the evening together while Malik and Wesley had barely been apart, the two best friends so excited to be back together. “I don't understand,” Benny growled as he sat facing Roger who had been the last to be questioned. “Everyone's spoken for.” “Are you sure they're telling the truth? I mean, everyone's got their reasons to hate Zack. I don't think it'd be much of a stretch to think a few of them could be in on it together,” Roger suggested. “I'd considered it, but... how can I prove it?” Benny asked, shaking his head. “Besides, the most important thing is finding out where Zack is. I may not be his biggest fan, but I want to know he's okay.” He flopped back in his seat, shielding his eyes from the early morning sunlight now flooding the room. “Whadda we do, go out and search for him?” Roger asked. “I don't know. I just... don't know,” the young master sighed, shaking his head. “Sounds like they're getting restless,” Roger said, gesturing to the door where the sounds of conversation had been growing for the last few minutes. “Yeah, let's get back out there,” Benny said reluctantly, standing from his seat. The conversations continued, albeit a little quieter, as the Master and his second-in-command appeared from the private lounge. Before Benny could say anything, they were interrupted by a shout from the balcony above them. “BENNY!” Alex called out, running to the railing and looking over, his phone in his hand. “They found him. They found Zack. He's in the hospital!” Benny headed towards the stairs at the same time as Alex, the two of them meeting about half way up. “The hospital? Is he hurt? How bad is it?” “Come on, you saw the blood. It's gotta be pretty bad!” Alex said, looking distraught. “Yeah, I...” Benny said, pausing and frowning before going on. “I suppose so. Erm... why don't you go get ready and we'll take you to see him.” “Okay,” Alex nodded, then turned back upstairs. As Benny slowly walked back down towards the gathering crowd, he glanced at Malik. “Can I... talk to you?” he requested quietly before looking to the others. “The rest of you can go.” Reluctantly, the group dispersed leaving just Benny and Malik standing together. “When you were in with Alex, what did you tell him about what had happened?” Benny asked, his brow furrowed. “Nothing. Honestly, I didn't say a word,” Malik swore. “Why, what's wrong?” Benny looked thoughtful for a moment, staring down at the ground, then smiled at Malik and said, “Sorry, it's nothing. Good job.” Ten minutes later, Alex and Benny were getting into a car out the front. Roger was driving. They made their way down the driveway, heading straight for the hospital. Silence filled the car, Alex nervously waiting to see his cousin. They had been going for a few minutes when Benny asked, “Why did you do it?” Roger glanced round at him in confusion, but the teen gestured to the passenger in the back, prompting a “What?” from Alex. “Alex, why did you do it?” Benny reiterated. “Do... what?” Alex asked blankly. “Whatever it was you did to Zack. Just... why?” Benny said, shaking his head slightly. Alex gasped slightly. “Me? Why would I... he's my cousin, I wouldn't...” “You're the only person who was alone last night,” Benny said coldly. Alex scoffed. “Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. Whoever did this is probably lying to try and cover up. I mean, they all hate him, they're probably all in it together.” Benny continued to shake his head. He had hoped that Alex was redeemable, but as the pieces began falling into place he was beginning to realise that it was a lost cause. “The blood, Alex. You mentioned how much there was, but I never told you about that.” “No, Malik mentioned...” “STOP LYING!” Benny screamed. He took several deep breaths, calming himself. “I've given you chance after chance after chance and you keep just pissing it away!” Roger remained silent, letting the two teens talk as he drove into the hospital car park and looked for a space. “Benny, I really don't...” Alex tried to argue, but the young Master was having none of it. “Don't! Just... don't. There's no coming back from this one, Alex. You're done. Let me know where you and your cousin end up and I'll forward your things on to you, but you are NEVER coming back in my house ever again.” Alex looked somewhere between distressed and furious. “Please Benny, no. I... I love it there.” As the car pulled to a halt, Benny climbed out and opened Alex's door. “Well you should have thought about that before you did this!” Alex got out and stood facing Benny as Roger walked round to join them. “This is his fault!” Alex said in barely more than a whisper. “Things were great before Zack came along, but he ruined everything. He had to pay for what he'd done.” Benny felt a sharp twinge in his stomach. It was terrifying knowing Alex was so out of control that he had apparently assaulted his own cousin, but at the same time it was clear that his sorrow was genuine. Whatever he had done, it was because he loved the house. He sighed and reached out, stroking the other teen's arm. “Alex, you need to get help. I know talking to Victor was making things better, but I think you need more. When you're... doing well, you're amazing. But this other side of you... you have to do something about it. You just can't do it at the house. I'm really so, so sorry, but I meant what I said. You can't come back.” Alex nodded, his eyes fixed on the ground. “I know, and... I'm sorry!” Benny leant forward and kissed Alex's cheek, then got back into the car. Roger got in the driver's seat and asked, “Are we going?” Benny took one more look at Alex, then nodded. The car pulled out and drove off, leaving Alex behind. Chapter 25 – Reconnected by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Friday 3rd July 2015 Okay, so it's been about two months since my last diary entry. Not exactly the daily record of my life I wanted this to be! Anyway, a lot's happened in that time. Josh joined the house, my dad died, I left the house, Alex took over, Zack joined the house, Zack turned out to be a lunatic, Alex proved a little unstable and I returned to the house with Wesley (yay, Wesley's back!!) Last weekend was when I kicked Alex out. I was a little worried that he might go a bit crazy (crazier?) and try to come back, but thankfully he didn't. He did what I asked and let me know where he's staying so I sent his and Zack's stuff on to them. When he texted me the address, he apologised again for what he'd done and said he was going to get help. That actually made me quite happy. I don't hate Alex for what he did, I actually feel sorry for him because he really is a victim of his own issues, but he's not stable enough to have around my Boys. Speaking of my Boys, it's actually been a pretty tense week. They were all a bit freaked out when I told them about what had happened with Alex and Zack, and losing two people from the house is always tough (even if they're not that popular). Thankfully, we were able to have a bit of a distraction on Wednesday as it was Zane's birthday. We threw him a big surprise party and everyone really made a huge fuss of him, which he made out he hated but I could tell he was loving it really. I'm still a little worried about him though. The things I know about that he went through with Zack are pretty nasty and I'm fairly sure there's other things he hasn't told me about. He keeps saying he's doing okay, but I know my pup and I know when something's wrong. I can't force it out of him though. If I try and do that he'll just retreat further into himself, so for now all I can do is be there for him. His birthday present from me was last night, I just let him have me to himself for the entire night. It was nice just being me and him. Anyway, Wesley's just jumped right back into things. It's like he's never even been away. David and Taro are both so excited to have him here and things seem a lot calmer with him and Charlie now. I mean, there's still occasional squabbles, but they're brothers so it happens, but no yelling or fist-fights, so that's definitely some progress. Malik is enjoying having his partner-in-crime back too which I'm really glad about. Aside from the brief unpleasantness with his Uncle, Malik's always been reliable and fairly stress-free for me. I suppose Philip's like that too. I mean, yeah, he kinda stole my boyfriend, but hey, I've got an entire house to choose from so no harm done really. I'm hoping to find some time over the weekend to spend with Josh. Since we spoke when I came back, I've been thinking about him a lot. Not in a 'I still love him oh God, I need him, I want him' kind of way. Those feelings are definitely in the past, but like I said to him, I miss just hanging out with him as mates. He's not the only one I need to reconnect with. I've had a few messages from Sam over the last couple of weeks. I told him I was going to help him learn to dom, but then everything kicked off with my Dad and then Alex so I've not really had the chance. He turns sixteen in a couple of weeks and when that happens I'll be able to bring him here more. After what happened with Zack and that fifteen-year-old, we're all understandably reluctant to have a legal minor in the house! I've been thinking about something else though... I think we need some new Boys in the house. With Zack and Alex gone, I'm down to three doms and just eight subs. The Dorms each sleep four Boys, so there's room for sixteen in total. Maybe I'm over-reaching though. Just look at the issues I've had with this many, do I really want more? Logically, I know the answer should be no, but the dom side of me just keeps thinking 'more slave boys!!!'. Oh well, it's something to think about for now. This evening I spent a bit of time with Quentin and then with Robert. I had Quentin tied up with about fifty clothes pegs on him, then whipped them off of him with a crop. It was fun hearing him yelp each time one came off and he seemed to enjoy it too. The best bit thought was that between pegs, we just kinda chatted. For a teacher, he's pretty cool really and so easy to talk to. We talked about all the stuff happening in the house as well as how things went in my exams. He still does his best to keep an eye on things down in the dorms for me, which is especially handy with him sharing a room with Josh and Zane. He says Josh really has settled in well, but he's as concerned about Zane as I am. At least there's someone else looking out for him when I'm not around. My time with Robert was kinda fun too. We also talk while I tortured him (I alternated between whipping, edging and tickling him). He's still pretty pissed about all the Alex and Zack stuff. I think if Alex hadn't done something to Zack, Robert might have done it instead. He really does have an aggressive side, but then I suppose that's only natural considering all the years he spent as a dom rather than a sub. I briefly suggested the possibility of him doing some domming in the house, but he said he was enjoying subbing for now. Maybe he'll go back to it one day, but for now he's happy being my (slight frustrated and angry) Boy. Anyway, I think that pretty much covers everything I've missed. I hope so, because I've already used up about a week's worth of pages in my diary for this entry! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 4th July 2015 The sunlight streaming through the window woke Benny from one of the best night's sleep he had had in quite some time. He stretched for a few seconds, then reach down under the covers to play with his morning erection. He wished he had brought one of the Boys to bed with him the night before so he could enjoy an early-morning blowjob to really get the day off to a great start. Instead, he got up, showered, dressed and made his way down to the kitchen, his stomach growling all the way as his cock remained at semi-hardness. As he walked in, he found Philip busily putting various breakfast goods onto a tray. “Oh, I was just about to bring this up to you,” the Boy said, looking both happy to see his Master and a little dejected that he didn't get to bring him his breakfast. “it's okay, I was up so I figured I'd save you the effort,” Benny said back cheerfully. He took a seat at the breakfast bar and pulled the tray close. He gestured to the stool opposite and said, “Join me if you like.” Philip grinned and jumped at the chance to have some alone time with the boy in charge. He eagerly accepted as Benny offered a slice of toast from his plate. They both sat eating quietly for a moment before Philip swallowed and said, “It's really great having you back, you know.” “Thanks,” Benny said with a shy grin. “It's great to be back.” He had said it as a mere pleasantry, but more he thought about, the more he realised it was true. When he had left, he had been distraught and confused, then when he returned it had been nothing but pure anger and fury. With a little time to actually stop, think and settle back in, it simply felt right to be back. “So, how are things with Charlie?” Philip felt momentarily awkward. It still felt strange talking to Benny about his relationship considering the way it had started, but Benny’s smile seemed genuine so he pushed through it and replied, “Yeah it's... great. Even better now that Wesley's back!” “Oh, you liking both the Thompson boys then?” Benny asked, giving a cheeky wink. Philip gasped in fake shock at the implication, looking appalled, then grinned and giggled. “Nah, I don't mean like that. I just mean that Charlie's so much happier with his brother back. I really think they both wanna make up for lost time,” Philip explained, then gave Benny a devilish look as he bit his bottom lip. “Although now you mention it, a Thompson three-way does sound pretty hot!” Benny laughed and shook his head. “You little pervert!” he teased, then thought about it and added, “Whadda you say we make it a four-way?” Philip visibly shuddered. Had the breakfast bar not been hiding it from Benny, he would have seen that the suggestion had another very visible affect too! Benny giggled again playfully at the reaction and raised en eyebrow. “Well, I guess we'll just have to see what happens then!” Philip gulped. The thought of a night with his boyfriend, his boyfriend's brother and his Master had the twenty-five-year-old's cock at full mast. Benny leaned down and looked under the breakfast, then sat back up grinning. “Wow, you're REALLY into this idea, aren't you?” “Erm... maybe,” Philip said, attempting to sound casual but failing completely. Benny slid off his stool and moved around the bar as Philip watched nervously. The Boy whimpered slightly as he felt Benny’s body press against his back, a hand sliding round either side of his waist and onto his stomach. One hand began sliding upwards, gently circling round and round in the young man's chest hair while the other hand headed South, cupping and gently caressing his balls. “Fuuuuck,” Philip gasped shakily. “Close your eyes,” Benny whispered in his ear. As Philip closed his eyes, he felt lips on his left earlobe, gently nibbling at it before hearing a whisper of, “That's Charlie nibbling on your ear.” Next the hand on his chest moved to a nipple, gently grazing it with a finger tip. Another whisper. “Wesley playing with your nipple.” “Oh God,” Philip muttered. The hand on his chest slowly slid upwards. “Wesley's exploring you now.” The hand continued up, stroking his neck, caressing his cheek until a fingertip pressed against his lips. He eagerly parted them and let the digit into his mouth. He sucked on it eagerly as he continued to whimper with delight. “Charlie's turn!” Benny whispered as he moved his other hand from Philip's balls, to his cock, fingers wrapping tightly around the shaft. “Stand up!” Benny growled, prompting the Boy to immediately comply as he moaned, still sucking on Benny’s finger. Benny retrieved his now-slick digit and lowered his hand to Philip's rear. He gently poked it into the Boy's crack and whispered, “Wesley wants your arse. You gonna let him have it?” Without a moment's hesitation, Philip leant over onto the stool and spread his cheeks. Benny grinned at the reaction as he placed the wet finger against Philip's hole and pushed it inside. The full length was soon inserted, a slight bend of the digit and he found himself poking at the Boy's prostate. “FUCK!” Philip yelled out, his hands shooting backwards to grab at Benny's hips. “Fuck me. Please.... please... fuck me!” he begged. Benny released Philip's cock and pulled off his t-shirt with his free hand, then leant forward, feeling the warmth of Philip's bare skin against his chest, a feeling clearly appreciated by the Boy who moaned even louder. “Who do you want to fuck you? Charlie, Wesley or...” “You Sir. I want you to fuck me. Please Sir, please do it!” Philip pleaded desperately. “Good Boy,” Benny whispered, then stood back up. Pulling his finger out, he undid his jeans and pushed them down along with his underwear, then spat in his hand and used it to lube his own rigid tool. Lining it up with Philip's hole, he pushed slowly into him, the two of them now moaning in unison at the sensation. Benny leant forward, reached under Philip's chest and pulled him up so that their bodies were once again in full contact as he began slowly sliding in and out. “Oh God, Sir... that's... aaah yeah,” Philip moaned excitedly. “Faster, harder.” Benny was more than happy to comply. His morning wood was getting the attention he had wanted earlier and hearing one of his Boys clearly experiencing such pleasure from his cock only heightened his arousal. Faster and faster the young Master fucked, slamming into Philip's rear with such ferocity that the stool he leaned on was sliding across the floor, squeaking loudly with each thrust. Philip was now grunting with every push as Benny got closer and closer to erupting inside him. With a final push, Benny threw himself onto Philip's back, nestled his face into the Boy's neck and began to shoot inside him. Wave after wave of pleasure ripped through him as he whimpered with pure joy. As the orgasm subsided and he began to catch his breath, he pushed himself back and pulled out, his cock still semi-hard. Philip stood up and stepped aside too, grinning as he gestured to the stool he had been leaning on that was now sticky from a load Benny hadn't even noticed the Boy shoot. “Do I get to go next?” A voice called playfully from the doorway. They both looked across and saw Josh standing there grinning. “On me or on Phil?” Benny asked playfully. “Fuck,” Josh said, stroking his erection, “Either, or both, who cares. That was hot!” Philip blushed a little at the sudden realisation of an audience. He felt a bit silly being embarrassed. He did this sort of thing with others around all the time, but he had thought the moment with Benny was private, so being seen suddenly felt a little weird. “Maybe later,” Benny said with a chuckle, he took a few breaths. “I think I'll need some time to recover!” “I.. erm... I should go!” Philip said, heading for the door. He paused, then looked back at the stool. “But I should... erm...” He ran back, grabbed some cleaning spray from a cupboard with some paper towels and wiped off the stool, then ran out with both Benny and Josh trying not to laugh. “He's adorable!” Josh said as the young man disappeared into the cellar. Benny sniggered and nodded his agreement. “Hey, erm... what are you doing today?” he asked quietly. Josh shrugged as he walked across the room and poured himself a cup of coffee from the jug Philip had made. “Nothing special, why?” “I just wondered if you wanted to hang out this afternoon?” Benny asked, feeling more like he was asking a crush out on a date than talking to a sub. “That depends, you gonna fuck me like you did to Philip?” Josh asked with a sly grin. Benny smiled back, but it faded quickly. “Or did you mean JUST hang out? Cos that's good too!” Josh said, immediately sensing the boy's intent. “Yeah, maybe,” Benny said shyly. “We could, like, watch a movie or something.” “How about Saw 2...” Josh suggested, waiting to see if he got a reaction. Benny blushed, making Josh immediately burst into laughter. “You dick!” Benny snapped, half mad, half amused. “I can't believe you even remember that!” Nearly three years earlier, Benny had suggested watching the movie despite Josh's suggestion that at thirteen, it may be a bit much for the boy to take. He had turned out to be right. They had been less than five minutes into it before Benny got too disturbed to watch any more. “Sorry,” Josh chuckled as Benny's face continued to redden. “But it was so sweet how you got so scared.” “Shut up!” Benny snapped, pouting as he folded his arms and sat on one of the stool as the breakfast bar. “Sorry,” Josh apologised again, then moved behind Benny and gave him a quick hug. He held the boy for a moment then whispered, “How about Saw 3?” he burst into laughter as he jumped away, just in time to miss Benny's swinging fist. He grabbed his coffee and ran out of the kitchen calling back, “See you later... Sir!” Benny was annoyed but couldn't help chuckling about Josh's teasing as he got dressed once more. ********** It was already warm in the park, making Sam glad that the spot Benny had asked to meet him was quite shady. He yawned and stretched as he sat on the bench. With the football season recently over, he was just beginning to get used to having Saturday mornings to sleep in, so being asked to meet relatively early was somewhat of a chore. Despite the early start, he didn't really mind. It had been a couple of months since he last saw Benny and he knew most of the issues the other teen had endured in that time, mostly from Josh. “Hey,” Benny said, tapping him on the shoulder. “Yaargh!” Sam yelped, jumping off the bench and stumbling to the ground as he tripped over his own feet. “Why would you do that?” he demanded angrily. “Cos I thought it'd be funny,” Benny said with a completely straight face before breaking into a grin. “And I was totally right!” He sniggered as moved round the bench and helped his friend up from the floor. As soon as Sam was standing again, he lunged forward and pulled Benny into a hug. Benny coughed, barely able to breathe the hug was so tight. “Sam...” he gasped. “Oh, sorry,” Sam said, releasing his grip slightly, but continuing the hug. Benny's arms hung loosely down by his side as he tried to figure out what was happening. “So sorry to hear about your Dad,” Sam whispered. Benny's breath caught in his throat. He had been so caught up in his return to the house and then the excitement of seeing his friend again that his recent loss had slipped slightly from his mind. He felt a sudden twinge of guilt at the realisation, raising his arms up to hug Sam back. A few moments later they parted, both looking at each other a little awkwardly. “Thanks,” Benny said, not quite sure what else to say. “I'm glad you messaged me. I was worried,” Sam said, sitting back on the bench and gesturing for his friend to do the same. “But why meet here? I was kinda hoping you'd let me come to the house again.” “Yeah, erm... there's kind of a reason for that. We recently had a slight issue with someone who was... not quite of legal age!” Benny explained, not wanting to go into the full details. “Oh right,” Sam said thoughtfully, then grinned and added, “But I turn sixteen in eleven days!” Benny chuckled at Sam's obvious delight. “Yeah, I know. And after that, if you're interested, I'd like to have you start coming to the house. Maybe just once a week, but let's make it a regular thing. I mean... that's if you're even still interested in domming.” “Fuck yeah!” Sam said instantly. “But could we make it... one of the nights Josh is there?” He blushed slightly at the request. “Aww, look at you getting all shy!” Benny taunted. Sam was normally so confident and self-assured. It was rare to see him like that, so Benny jumped at the chance to tease him a little. “Shut up,” Sam said, gently punching Benny’s leg. “It's just cos he was, like, my first sub, that's all.” Benny shrugged. “Fair enough. I'm sure that can be arranged. So... had any other 'fun' recently?” Sam pouted and shook his head. “Nah, kinda hard to meet guys who just want to be dominated. They all seem to want to do things to me too.” “And you're still not into that?” Benny asked, still finding it a little hard to understand. Sam shook his head again. “Nah, I'm not gay.” “You just like dominating guys, turning them, making them do... all sorts of things?” Benny asked, slightly incredulous. Sam rolled his eyes. “Ugh. You sound just like them. They all seem to think that I'm, like, in denial or something. I'm not! I know there's nothing wrong with being gay, I'm not opposed to it or repulsed by it. Fuck, most of the time I wish I actually was gay. It'd sure as hell makes thinks a fuckload easier, but I'm not!” “Hey,” Benny said, reaching out and stroking a hand down his friend's back, “I didn't mean to upset you. It's okay.” Sam sighed, relaxing his hunched shoulders then flopped sideways so his head rested on Benny's shoulder. “Sorry, it just... it's just really annoying sometimes. And confusing too!” “Yeah, I'll bet,” Benny said sympathetically. “Well if all you wanna do is give the orders, then that's all you'll do. It's fine with me and it'll be fine with my Boys.” “Thanks,” Sam said, planting a quick peck on his friend's cheek before resting his head back on his shoulder. They sat like that for a few moments before Sam asked, “So why the sudden interest. I kinda thought you'd changed your mind about showing me the ropes.” Benny sighed, thinking about Alex. “It's just... something happened that made me realise how dangerous power without control can be,” he explained, again hoping to avoid any further questioning on the subject. Sam nodded gently, sensing Benny's tone. “Fair enough. Well it's my gain I suppose.” ********** Philip had just finished some of the chores he had been given by Roger and had gone looking for his boyfriend. He wasn't in their Dorm, so he headed up to the lounge where he found Charlie sitting on one of the sofas. “Hey,” he said happily as he walked in. “Hey sexy,” Charlie said with a wink. “Come and join us.” “Us?” Philip asked with a confused frown. As he walked closer, he saw Wesley was sat in the large armchair opposite Charlie's sofa, the back of it hiding him from view. “Oh, erm... hi Wesley,” he stuttered, feeling his cheeks reddening. “Hey Phil,” Wesley said happily. 'Oh God, why did they both have to be here?' Philip thought to himself, cursing Benny. Before that morning, he hadn't even considered being with Charlie and his brother in that way, but since his encounter with Benny it was all he could think about. The household rule of nudity at all times for the Boys was one that everyone got used to pretty quickly. Being seen naked quickly lost all its embarrassment and it had the perk of giving a mostly unobstructed view of the various hot guys at all times. There was one significant drawback though, a stray erection was essentially impossible to hide! Philip wondered how he managed to not pass out. Between the blood pumping to his cheeks as he blushed brighter and brighter red and the surge to his cock as it stiffened almost instantly, he wondered how any was managing to find its way around the rest of his body. “Wow, you've got him well trained!” Wesley sniggered to Charlie, seeing how his Brother's boyfriend got hard as soon as he was in his presence, oblivious to the role he had played in it. “It's not usually that fast!” Charlie said, giving his lover a slightly quizzical look. “Shut up,” Philip said quietly, wishing the ground would open up and swallow him as he dropped onto the sofa beside Charlie. “Aww, is someone a bit horny today?” Charlie teased, sliding an arm around the aroused young man. “No,” Philip mumbled completely unconvincingly. He pulled his legs up to hide his arousal, but then blushed more as he found himself facing his boyfriend's brother directly across the coffee table. “Ah, leave him alone,” Wesley said softly. As they sat there, the two brothers returned to their conversation. As Charlie spoke, he allowed his hand to slide round his lover's body until his fingers came to rest on a nipple. He gave it a gentle squeeze. “Aaah,” Philip moaned unintentionally, immediately cursing both his own reaction and Charlie's touching. Wesley laughed and shook his head. “Wow, you really are horny today, aren't you?” “I think it's contagious!” Charlie said with a wicked giggle as he uncrossed his legs and revealed his own cock, now rigid. “Oh God,” Philip said under his breath. Seeing Charlie exposing himself to his brother like that simply turned him on even more. “Should I leave you two to it?” Wesley asked, shifting forward in his seat. 'Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes,' Philip thought to himself desperately. “I wanna say yes, but... you know the rule!” Charlie said. Philip closed his eyes and cursed the second house rule. No Boy was allowed to cum without the explicit order or direct instruction from a General or from Benny himself. If Wesley left them alone now, he would not be able to cum. “Fair enough, guess I can hang around,” Wesley said, sitting back into his seat again. Charlie let out a low, rumbling chuckle as he let his hand slide across Philip's chest. “Well come on then.” When he got a confused look back from his brother, he added, “Either order us or join us, you're the dom here aren't you?” “No,” Philip murmured as his cock twitched with excitement. “I guess I am,” Wesley said with a smirk. “Okay, kiss him!” Charlie pulled at Philip, making him slide down onto his back so his head was in his boyfriend's lap, facing up. “Gladly!” He leant down and planted his lips on Philip's, a hand sliding through his hair. As they parted, they both looked at Wesley who was now blatantly pawing at his own erection. “Joining in then?” Philip asked, biting his lip. He just had to accept this was happening now. Somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn't help wondering if Benny had played a part in this. It didn't really matter now. He was now so aroused that he just didn't care. The two brothers exchanged a few glances before shrugging and laughing. “Why the fuck not!” Wesley said, standing and pulling off his shirt. As the General moved around the coffee table and neared the two lovers, Philip reached up, lopped his arms under Wesley's shoulders and pulled him down on top of him. Their lips pressed together firmly, the submissive man devouring his boyfriend's sibling. Charlie stared down in shock as the two embraced on his lap. It was somewhat of a surprise, but not an entirely unpleasant one. Philip finally ended the kiss, pushing Wesley up a short distance, then looked at Charlie. “Well I've done you,” he looked to Wesley, “And you. Now it's your turn!” he glanced back and forth between the two, his intent obvious. Again the brothers exchanged nervous glances with each other, occasionally looking down at the ridiculously-horny man between them. “Ah, what the hell!” Charlie said with a snigger, then reached a hand behind Wesley's head and pulled him into a kiss. “Holy shit!” Philip muttered as the two kissed mere inches from his face. He reached for Wesley's waist and undid his belt, then jeans. “Hey, calm down!” Wesley said, ending the kiss and pulling away slightly. He reached down and grabbed Philip's hands. “Remember who's in charge here!” “Yes Sir!” Philip said breathily, his chest heaving in anticipation. “Suck him!” Wesley ordered, pointing to Charlie's erection. The horny Boy moved aside slightly and turned his head to the side, taking the rigid meat between his lips. Watching the exchange, Wesley stood back up and finished undressing. Fully naked, he climbed onto the sofa, straddling Philip, their cocks pressing together, prompting a muffled moan from the Boy's cock-filled mouth. Philip began thrusting his hips upward, sliding his erection against Wesley's in a desperate attempt to get closer to cumming. At the same time, he sped up his sucking of his lover's tool. He released it for just a moment and called out, “Kiss again. Please!” then returned to his blowjob. “Fuck, what's got into him?” Charlie asked, shaking his head as he grinned. “In about two minutes... me!” Wesley said playfully, getting an ecstatic whimper from Philip. “Well you heard him. I know you're in charge, but he DID say please!” Charlie said with a casual shrug. “This is so weird,” Wesley said, shaking his head even as he leant in to kiss Charlie again. As Philip glanced up and saw them doing what he'd asked, he released his boyfriend's cock again and shot upwards, joining in the kiss. It was just a mix of lips and tongues, hands everywhere. The three of them continued kissing until Wesley eventually pulled away. Climbing off, the General looked down and ordered firmly, “Stand up!” “Yes Sir!” Philip said eagerly, jumping off the sofa. “Not you,” Wesley said, gesturing for Charlie to remain seated. He looked to Philip again and instructed, “Climb on!” Philip was almost hyperventilating with excitement as he straddled his lover. One of Wesley's favourite things about the house was that every room was pretty much readily equipped for this sort of thing. The small drawer in the coffee table contained several small tubes of lube as well as a few other toys. For now, the lube was all he needed. He crouched behind Philip, applied some lube to his hole, then stroked some onto his brother's dick. Using one hand to guide the rigid meat, he used the other to pull at Philip so that he lowered himself onto it. “Oh God yes!” Philip grunted as Charlie filled his hole. He gasped as he felt Wesley's hands reaching round him, the General's body pressing against his back, sandwiching him between the two Thompson twins. “Think you can take us both?” Wesley whispered, getting a gasp from Philip and a shocked grin from Charlie. “Let's find out!” Wesley reached down and lubed up his own cock, then pushed the head of it into the shaft of Charlie's. As it slid up and began probing at Philip's hole, the boy began to whimper, burying his face in Charlie's neck. “I don't think he can do it,” Charlie said with concern. “I can,” Philip whispered. He looked round at Wesley and said, “Keep pushing!” “Good Boy!” Wesley said, kissing the back of his neck as he increased the pressure. Slowly, bit by bit he felt the hole stretching, the head of his cock sliding inside. “Fuck!” all three of them called in unison as the second cock slid inside the horny Boy. Philip was in heaven. Two cocks inside him, one brother's head resting on one shoulder, the other doing the same on the opposite side, their arms and legs a tangled mess. With the weight of the other two on top of him, Charlie could barely move so it was up to Wesley to fucking. He slid in and out slowly, ripples of pleasure spreading outwards from his cock with each gentle push. “Fuck, this won't take long,” Wesley gasped. “Same here!” Charlie agreed breathily. “Keep going!” It took just a few more seconds before Wesley grunted the announcement of his orgasm. Like a chain reaction, the twitching cock triggered Charlie's too. The two solid members erupting inside him pushed Philip over the edge too, giving his second hands-free ejaculation of the day, his sticky load spreading between his own stomach and Charlie's. “Oh fuck it!” a voice called from the doorway. In unison, all three of them peered round to see Josh looking thoroughly annoyed. “How the fuck do I keep missing this shit?” he cursed, turning and storming out in annoyance. The three naked men looked at each other for a moment, then burst into laughter, collapsing into a heap on the sofa. Josh wandered out into the atrium, cursing himself for missing out for a second time that day. Just as he decided to head down to his dorm, the front door opened and Benny walked in. “Hey,” Benny said happily. “Wow, you have really good timing!” “Ugh!” Josh grunted in frustration. “What's up?” Benny asked with a frown, closing the door behind him. Josh chuckled and shook his head. “Nothing, just being silly. You okay?” Benny nodded happily. “Yeah, I am. Oh yeah, Sam says hi by the way!” “Oh cool,” Josh grinned. He still saw Sam every now and then, usually with Warren, but he still missed that brief period when Sam had been his Master. “I wondered where you'd gone. He okay?” Benny nodded as he headed towards his private lounge, Josh following close behind. “Yeah, he's good. Getting pretty excited about his birthday.” “Oh yeah, not long to go. Warren wants us to have a big party for him,” Josh said, sounding less than enthused. “But you don't?” Benny asked, frowning at Josh as he jumped onto a sofa in his lounge and sitting cross-legged. “I dunno. It'd probably be fine, but things tend to... go wrong at parties I go to!” Josh explained, looking thoughtful as he sat beside the Master. Benny sniggered. “Oh please, if I avoided doing every thing that had ever gone wrong, I wouldn't do anything. Sometimes things go wrong, sometimes they don't, just roll with it and make the best of whatever happens!” Josh tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing slightly. “You really are pretty smart... you know, for a kid!” Benny knew he was being provoked and refused to rise to it. Instead he just shrugged dismissively and replied, “Maybe I am. Or maybe I just seem smart compared some old guys!” “Oh,” Josh said, raising his eyebrows and nodding slowly. “Old, am I? Well I'm still young enough to take on a little git like you!” He lunged forward at Benny and tackled him, flattening him onto the sofa cushions. “Ah, someone help me. A creepy old guy is attacking me!” Benny called out playfully, fighting to get free. “No, someone help me. Some little hoodlum is trying to take advantage of me!” Josh called out in response. They stared at each other for a moment, then started laughing. Benny shifted aside slightly, allowing Josh to roll off and lay beside him. “I'm really glad you came here,” Benny said quietly, blushing a little. “Hey, you've got Dale to thank for it really,” Josh said with a smile as his hand casually stroked up and down Benny's. “I should hate him, you know,” Benny said with a slight pout. Josh backed away slightly, frowning his confusion. “If you hadn't met him, things... might have happened with us,” Benny explained. “Yeah, maybe,” Josh said with a dismissive shrug. “But if that had happened, you wouldn't be here, you wouldn't have this house, you wouldn't have your Boys.” Benny smiled as he nodded thoughtfully. “I hadn't thought of it that way.” “See, us old guys can be smart sometimes too,” Josh replied, getting a chuckle back in return. “Besides, not being with me meant you were free to do things with other people. I mean, I know you and Charlie didn't last long, but I heard you guys had fun for a while.” Benny shrugged a little. “Yeah, I s'pose so. But he wasn't my first love!” Josh kissed Benny's forehead and smiled. “No, I guess not.” “Was I yours?” Benny asked quietly, almost hopefully. “No,” Josh replied quickly, but as he saw the look of sadness on Benny's face he added, “Well actually, I suppose you were the first male I loved, so that counts, right?” Benny smiled again and nodded. “I'll take it!” he said happily, then looked thoughtful for a moment. “Wait, so who was before me?” Josh chuckled. “Hey I did have a life before you, you know!” “You mean before I turned you gay?” Benny teased, knowing it would get a rise out of Josh. “You didn't TURN me gay. Besides, I'm not. I may have only been with guys for the last couple of years, but I still like girls too. In fact, my first love was a girl!” Benny just peered at him questioningly. “I mean, I used to be out with a different girl every other week, but there was one... Vicky,” Josh explained, sighing gently and looking as confused as he did sad. Benny propped his head up on an elbow, looking down at Josh. “Didn't end well?” Josh shrugged. “I... don't really know. We'd been seeing each other for about two months. I was fifteen at the time and you know what it's like at that age...” he paused, looked at Benny and chuckled, “Sorry, sometimes forget you pretty much ARE that age!” “I'm sixteen, not fifteen!” Benny said moodily. “But carry on.” “Well, we were totally in love. I mean, like, spending every minute together we could, texting continuously when we couldn't, lost our virginity to each other. It was... amazing. But then one day, she just disappeared.” “What, like kidnapped or something?” Benny asked with a puzzled frown. Josh laughed. “No, nothing quite so sinister. Her entire family just packed up and moved overnight, no word to anyone.” “Wow, that sucks,” Benny said sympathetically. Josh raised his eyebrows and nodded thoughtfully. “It did. And I didn't take it well. I was angry and hurt and... well, lots more angry. I suppose I stayed angry for a long time after that. It was around then that I started falling out with Nick and Corey a lot more.” “Until I came in and just made everything better!” Benny said with a grin. “Well... yeah,” Josh said with a slight smirk. “I know how stupid it sounds, but you... I dunno, you made me become a better person. You helped show me how to, and I can't believe I'm actually saying this cheesy bullshit, but you showed me how to love.” Benny beamed with pride, but it quickly faded. Josh could virtually see into the boy's mind, knowing what he was thinking about. “Hey, don't even go there. Things may not have ended up well then, but it's all worked out in the long run, right?” Benny forced a smile, but the sadness remained in his eyes. He simply nodded and lay back down beside Josh. Josh sighed and kissed the boy on the forehead once more. “So, wanna watch that movie now?” Benny nestled closer, resting his head against Josh's chest. “In a minute,” he said in a barely audible whisper. “Okay,” Josh whispered back, holding the boy tightly. “Take as long as you need.” ********** Wesley was exhausted. It had been a tough week getting back into the swing of things in the house. The day had been fun so far though. His encounter with his brother and Philip earlier in the afternoon had been an unusual one, but he had most assuredly enjoyed it. It had actually been quite nice to do what he did with Charlie. Coming back to the house, especially so unexpectedly, had given him very little time to mentally prepare himself for everything with his estranged sibling. His time away had allowed him to process his feelings about the past and move on from them, but so far he had given little thought to the future. Being intimate with his twin when they were kids was easily passed off as experimentation mixed with juvenile hormones, but the prospect of interacting in that way as adults was far different. Once it all started though, it suddenly became very simple. Aside from a few momentary concerns, he didn't feel like a guy getting off with his brother and his brother's boyfriend, he was simply a dom. The three-way fuck had been one of the house's Generals having fun with two of the household subs. With that out of the way, he had sought out David. The excitable sub had been all over Wesley when he returned, visibly delighted to see his favourite dom back in the house, but so far they had not been able to get together to give David the spanking he had been craving desperately for so long. Today they had finally found time and David had been overjoyed. Wesley had enjoyed his time with the thirty-four-year-old sub too. It was nice to get back to the things he was so good at, especially with someone else who appreciated it just as much. After they had finished, they had hung out for a while and just chatted, catching up on all the things Wesley had missed and what he had been up to since leaving the house. One thing that the red-arsed sub mentioned had prompted Wesley to go see somebody else. He now stood in the doorway of Dorm Two, waiting for the figure laying on the bottom, rear bunk bed to notice him. After waiting a couple of minutes entirely unnoticed, he cleared his throat. Taro shot up in his bed and looked towards the door, looking a mixture of delighted and anxious as he laid eyes on the General. “Hey,” he said shakily. Wesley tilted his head slightly to the side as he looked at the nervous sub. While he had spoken to Taro occasionally since his return and seen him around the house, this was the first time he had really stopped and looked at the young man. Back before Wesley had left, the two had gone on a date, a prize chosen by Taro. Wesley had enjoyed the night they had spent together, particularly because he had gotten to know the Boy much better than he might have done otherwise. One thing that had particularly stuck in his mind was how Taro had said he felt overlooked so much when compared to others in the house. While his body was slender and well-toned, he felt scrawny and unnoticeable when compared to Charlie's muscles or Robert's tattoos. Despite his natural beauty and flawless skin, he said he felt ugly around David who was undeniably cute or Quentin who could best be described as ruggedly handsome. Even when it came to subbing, he felt sub-standard. He was an all-rounder, enjoying just about every kink and fetish that could be thrown at him which made him versatile, but again less memorable. Compared to David's spanking obsession, Zane's pup tendencies or Malik's outstanding edging skills, he felt almost boring. As Wesley stood there looking at him now, he could think of only three words to say. “You are perfect!” he said without even thinking. The look of surprise on his face matched Taro's perfectly. “I'm... what?” Taro asked in shock, convinced he had misheard. Wesley chuckled and shook his head, blushing slightly but determined not to get flustered by his own surprising reaction to the Boy. “You're perfect,” he repeated, walking across to the sub's bunk. Taro stood to face him. “Oh... erm... thanks!” Taro stuttered, blushing. “But... why?” “I just saw you and... it was the first thing that came into my head,” Wesley explained honestly. Silence hung between them for a moment. “So, a little bird tells me... you might have missed me a bit!” Wesley said with a cheeky grin. If he hadn't already been blushing before, he would have done so now. Taro frowned slightly. “I'm guessing a little bird called David!” Wesley sniggered and nodded. “Yup!” Taro shook his head, turning away slightly. Wesley reached out and turned him back. “Hey, if it makes you feel a little better... I missed you too.” “Really?” Taro asked, his eyebrows raising questioningly. Wesley nodded. He was telling the truth. While he had been away, he had thought about that date a lot. At the time he had been reluctant to pursue anything with the Boy, cautious about the intricacies of in-house dating. Now though, seeing how good things were with his brother and Philip as well as Roger and Zane's relationship, it suddenly became a more feasible option. “Yeah,” Wesley said with a warm smile. “In fact I was wondering... if maybe you'd like to have a second date and... see where things go?” Taro looked shocked, like it was the very last thing he could have expected to hear. As he stood in stunned silence, his blushing became even more profuse as his penis answered for him! Wesley did his best not to laugh, but couldn't help sniggering as Taro looked down in dismay at his swelling cock. Biting his bottom lip seductively, he reached out and grabbed the stiffening tool, then leaned in close and whispered in Taro's ear, “I'm gonna take that as a yes!” ********** “No... don't!” the voice called out, waking Benny with a start. “What's...” Benny started, turning over towards the voice and realising it was Zane. He had asked the Boy to join him in bed that night, the two of them not having shared a bed since Benny's return to the house. Zane was curled up in the foetal position and crying as he called out, still asleep. Benny immediately reached out and ran his fingers through the Boy's hair, then down his cheek before moving closer and putting an arm around him. “Shh, it's okay Zane. It's me, it's Benny, you're okay now.” The Boy's eyes opened and he immediately looked up at Benny. “You were having a bad dream. It's okay now though, I'm here,” Benny whispered softly, stroking Zane's cheek. “But you weren't then!” Zane said accusingly, still asleep. “You left me here... with them!” Seeing Zane so upset was already pretty tough, but the Boy's comments pushed the young Master over the edge and tears filled his eyes too. He did his best to suppress them, just letting them run down his cheek silently. “I know,” he said shakily. “And I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry!” Zane sniffed. “I know,” he said with a slight nod, beginning to wake up more and realise what he was saying. “You had your own problems.” “Yeah, but I'm still sorry for what you went through,” Benny replied, pulling the Boy a little closer. “Why... why didn't you just take the collar off?” Benny had been hesitant to probe too deeply into what had happened to his pup in his absence, worried it might simply make him feel worse, but it was becoming clearer every day that he was struggling with his ordeal. “I dunno,” Zane said with a shrug, avoiding eye contact. Benny sighed. “Come on Zane, talk to me!” Benny insisted. “If it was just about being loyal to me, you know you could have taken it off but still been mine. You must know I'd never had held it against you!” “I did,” Zane replied immediately, then paused to think, “I mean, that was a big part of it, but...” He stopped, moving closer to his Master and burying his face in the teen's bare, smooth chest. “It's okay, go on,” Benny encouraged him quietly. “I just... didn't want to quit again!” Zane explained. “What d'you mean?” Benny asked, a little lost. “Well the first time I ever met someone, you know, for pup stuff... well, I went to this guy's house and he took me down to his cellar. Once we were down there, he had me strip naked, then put a collar on me.” Benny felt Zane's grip tighten a little as he spoke, so he squeezed back in return. “Then he chained the collar to this pipe and he just... he flipped out. He just started screaming at me, telling me I was just his toy now, his puppy, that I had to do whatever he said. When I didn't reply, he just spanked me hard. I mean, like, trying to hurt me hard, not just as a punishment. He got right in my face, yelling at me that I was worthless, that I was nothing and... I just lost it. I started crying and screaming and begging him to let me go. He did. It... it turns out he was just playing a part, he wasn't really going to hurt me, but I was so freaked out that I got dressed and literally ran out of his house. Ever since then, whenever I think about it I just feel like I was too weak, like I just quit as soon as things got hard and... I didn't want to do that again, especially not here. I didn't want you to think I'd quit, that your pup was weak and pathetic and useless.” Zane explained, talking faster and faster as he got more agitated. “The more they hurt me, the more I wanted to quit. I was even gonna run away, but every time I tried to do it, I just felt completely ashamed of my own weakness and... and I knew you'd be back eventually and I kept seeing images of your face when you realised how much I'd let you down.” “Zane, I.... you could never...” Benny stuttered, too upset to even finish a sentence. “You know, one night all they did was tickle me,” Zane said coldly. Benny had learned early on that it was one of the few things Zane truly hated. A lot of things that he disliked could be used as punishments, and while he wouldn't enjoy them, he could appreciate their use in his discipline. Tickling, however, served only to irritate and annoy him. “And I mean all night!” Zane added. “Zack did it a bit at first, just while he figured out what fucked up thing to do next, but as soon as he realised how much I hated it, he just carried on.” Benny wanted to say so much, to comfort his pup, but the images of the suffering he had gone through at the hands of the twisted teen kept beating back any attempt to speak. “I thought I hated it before, but now... he tickled me until I completely lost control and wet myself but they didn't stop. They just... kept on going. Hours of laughing... it probably sounds kinda fun, but... you know how your sides hurt after you've laughed really hard for a few minutes. Imagine that after a few hours. I literally felt like my sides were splitting open. I was laughing and crying and screaming. I was in so much pain and all I wanted was to quit, to tell them I'd take the collar off, but every time I tried I imagined you walking back in and seeing me without it and just... hating me for giving up on you!” Benny was now openly sobbing. He felt ridiculous. He had woken up to comfort the distressed Boy and now here he was completely distraught, while Zane's tears had stopped minutes earlier, replaced with a look of total detachment. He took a few deep breaths, attempting to compose himself, wiping his cheeks. “I...” the words caught in his throat again. He coughed and tried once more. “I let such terrible things happen to you and that's something I'm gonna have to learn to live with, but please, please promise you will never ever think I could hate you. No matter what. I love you Zane.” “I know you do,” Zane said back quietly. “No!” Benny said sharply. “You don't. Not like this. I've been in love before and I love my family and I love my friends, but this, what I feel for you, it's... love isn't even the right word. It's so much more than any of that. I can't explain it, it just... is!” Zane sat up, looking down at his Master and smiled. “That's... that's how I feel about you too!” “Come here!” Benny said, reaching out and pulling him back down into a tight hug. He glanced at the clock. “Okay, it's still stupidly early, we should get some more sleep!” “I keep having the dreams,” Zane replied weakly as he lay back down in Benny's arms. “Not this time!” Benny insisted. “I'm gonna hold you like this for the rest of the night and any time you start to have bad dreams again, you just squeeze me tightly and you'll know I'm here, okay?” “Okay,” Zane said happily, getting comfortable. “G'night!” “Night,” Benny replied with a yawn. They were laying there for a just a few moments before Zane shuffled up, kissed Benny on the cheek then shuffled back down again. Chapter 26 – Boys and Bets by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 1st August 2015 Okay, I kinda did it again. I wrote one diary entry and then forgot about it again for a month (well, 28 days, but who's counting!?) I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, but there's not really much to say. Things have been... nice! No drama, no arguments, no surprise siblings or shocking appearances, it's just been peaceful and fun too! Zane's starting to do much better. He spends most nights with either me or Roger, but the few nights he actually stays in his dorm (usually when Josh is here!) Quentin tells me he seems to sleep okay. He's still a little jumpy at times and he tends to avoid being alone, but I don't mind at all as I always love having him around. Since Sam turned sixteen, I've started having him round on Monday nights. He's doing really well already, he's definitely a natural born Dom. Some of the Boys have been a bit weary of him so far, but they seem to be warming to him gradually. Who knows, maybe Sam will want to join the house some day as a full-time Dom. I do have a slot open now, but that's way off in the distant future! I suppose the only big development is a new romance in the house. Wesley and Taro went on a date in early July. By the end of the month, they were past dating and were officially 'in a relationship'. Wesley's been handling it really well, keeping me and Roger informed about it, ensuring it doesn't interfere with his duties, keeping his personal relationship with Taro separate from their dom/sub roles in the house. Considering that at one point I actually banned in-house relationships, there are now three (that I know of lol) and it causes no issues whatsoever. If anything, it gives us all something to talk about. I can't tell you the amount of times I've heard the Boys, or even my Generals, talking about how they would pair up the rest of the house! Not that were are many people in the house anyway, but that kinda changed today! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was obvious something was different at that evening's Saturday night gathering. Firstly, it was Roger who had been sent off to torture the four remaining non-resident Boys in chastity rather than Malik. Next, when everyone else was ordered into the lounge rather than down into the Play Rooms they knew something was up. Several conversations were going on around the room as Benny entered, prompting sudden silence, mostly out of curiosity rather than obedience. “Okay, I wanted to talk to you all about something, erm... an idea I've been having. I've already spoken to Roger about it and got his views, but I thought it was important to run past all of you too,” Benny explained. His tone was positive and he smiled as he spoke, immediately putting the house at ease. With such a prolonged period without anything disastrous happening, everyone was a little on edge waiting for the next problem to pop up, so it was quite a relief that this appeared to be something good. “Now, as you know, because some of you started that way, the general rule is that Boys can only join the house when gainfully employed so as to pay their keep,” Benny explained. “However, it seems the four who are with Roger at the moment have been having a little trouble finding work. As fun as it is keeping them locked up and suffering for this long, I'd like to see if there's something we can do to help.” “Like what?” Wesley asked, looking agreeable but doubtful. “I was thinking of letting them move in here!” Benny said bluntly. “What, without paying?” Robert asked in surprise. “Yeah,” Benny nodded. “Well they get paid benefits which they would contribute, but that's obviously not a full wage. But the whole idea of having them here is that we could support and help them in finding something.” There were some murmurings between the residents which Benny allowed for now. “So they'd join us and just be, like, your Boys... like us?” David asked quietly. Benny thought for a moment, then shook his head. “Err, no, not quite. I mean, they'd live here as subs but they'd be on a lower level than the rest of you. I'd likely keep them in chastity if not full time, then at least for a large majority of the time, just to show their difference in position and they would be answerable not only to me and the Generals, but to the rest of you too.” “So you'd be giving your subs their own subs?” Robert asked with a slight grin. The question got a slight laugh, even from Benny who shook his head once again. “Not your own subs. Think of them more as... apprentices! You guys would be their mentors.” Again the room burst into lively chatter as Boys and Generals discussed the ideas between them. Benny quietened them down again after a few minutes and explained, “Now from what I was thinking, it would require a bit of a move around again. Dorm Three has been sitting empty for a while, so I thought it would be best to make use of that. You would all be moved around so that there are two of you in each Dorm and then one of the apprentices would be assigned to each pair of you. You would then act as mentors for your own designated apprentice.” Benny elaborated, looking round the Boys before turning his gaze on Malik and Wesley. “As for you two, each of you, as well as Roger and myself, would also be designated a Dorm. That way, there's a clear chain of command for each of the new Boys. So... any thoughts?” The discussion went on for a while, a few few concerns being raised but quickly addressed. Overall though, the residents of the house were very much in support of the idea. The thought of helping the four Boys almost as appealing as the thought of some fresh meat in the house! Once the discussions were done, Malik and Wesley were given free reign to do what they liked with the Boys while Benny went off to see his potential new subs. He had always kept his distance from the non-residents, intending to maintain the image of a distant and aloof leader. As such, he didn't even know the names of the chaste Boys. Benny stood with Roger outside the Ground Floor playroom where Roger had been speaking to the four Boys. “So they all went for it?” Roger asked quietly. “Yeah, pretty much!” Benny said happily. The idea had come to him a few weeks ago. He had already been thinking about getting some new recruits when he thought of the non-resident subs. Since then, the possibility of having them join full time had played on his mind constantly. “So how d'you wanna do this?” Roger asked, grinning at Benny’s obvious delight. Benny looked round at the door to his private lounge, alongside the Play Room, then back to Roger and said, “Send them in one at a time. I wanna get to know them all a bit before I formally offer them a place. Plus I kinda want to get a feel of what they're like so I can plan who they should share a room with.” “No problem. You head in, I'll send the first one along in just a minute,” Roger said, then headed back in to the room with the four waiting Boys. ********** Benny prepared himself for the first arrival, positioning himself facing the door so that they would find themselves under immediate scrutiny as soon as they walked in. A minute later, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” Benny called out firmly. The door opened but for a moment nobody walked in. Benny assumed that whoever it was simply need a moment to prepare, which he found both amusing and endearing. Eventually, the first of the new Boys walked in. “Hi, I'm...” he started, but paused immediately as Benny raised a hand to silence him. “Shut the door, stand there!” Benny ordered, pointing to a spot a few feet in front of him. The man complied, coming to stop exactly where Benny had said, looking more than a little awkward. Benny stared at him, looking him up and down with narrowed eyes. He didn't intend to show it, but he was relatively happy with what he saw. “Name and age?” “H... Harry. Harry Hardy,” the man stuttered. “Thirty-eight.” Benny wondered whether it was Benny's position that had the man so intimidated, or the fact that he was a thirty-eight-year-old man standing naked in front of a sixteen-year-old Boy, waiting on his command. Either way, the man was a pleasant sight to behold. He would be the oldest Boy in the house, if he joined, a few years older than David, Robert and Quentin. Benny had never really been into 'older guys' per se, but certain men definitely caught his eye. This Harry Hardy was one of them. Standing at about six feet tall, the man didn't look his age facially, easily passing for a man closer to thirty. His light stubble and neatly styled light brown hair, swept into a side parting, paired with dark brown eyes and full lips gave him a somewhat professional appearance. Had Benny not already know he was unemployed, he would have thought him to be some kind of doctor or lawyer. The man very clearly worked out too, with no sign of middle-age spread or anything even closely resembling it. He wasn't muscled to the extent that Charlie was, but his torso definitely had a fair amount of definition, accentuated by neatly trimmed chest hair and a thin trail of hair down his navel into a tidy bush. The hair was a similar shade to that on his head, but it looked lighter across his body as it contrasted with his slight tan. With his cock in the near-permanent chastity device, it was hard to get an idea of his endowment, but he appeared to be comfortably above average. “Turn!” Benny ordered. The man turned one-hundred-and-eight degrees, facing the door and allowing the young Master to get a better view of his rear. Benny grinned and nodded his approval, forcing the smile away as he barked another order to turn back. “So, Harry, tell me a little bit about yourself,” Benny requested. “Oh, erm... well... erm...” the man stuttered, nerves clearly getting the better of him. “S... sorry,” he added, seeing the disapproving glare on Benny’s face. He looked down for a moment, took a deep breath and looked back at the teenager again. “Well like I said, my name's Harry and I'm thirty-eight. I moved to the area about ten years ago with my partner at the time. We lived here together for about five years but then unfortunately he passed away.” “I'm sorry to hear that,” Benny said, suddenly feeling a pang of guilt over deliberately intimidating the man. “It's okay, it was a long time ago now and I've dealt with it,” Harry said confidently. “Unfortunately I wasn't always so good with it and I kinda let me life get out of control for a while. That was how I ended up unemployed. I've been looking for work for about ten months now.” “Okay,” Benny said with a nod. Feeling it was remaining a little too formal, he gestured towards the armchairs opposite his sofa and said, “Take a seat.” “Thanks,” Harry said with a quick smile, then sat gently down into an armchair, remaining upright rather than relaxing back into it. “So tell me Harry, how did you end up here?” Benny asked. “Oh,” Harry said, suddenly blushing. “Well I was out one night... cruising... and I bumped into a young man who was... interested in having some fun. We... did some things and then he revealed he was only fifteen and told me I pretty much had to do what he said or he'd report me to the police!” Now it was Benny's turn to blush. Back when he was just putting things together for the house, he had used underage boys, sometimes even going out himself, to trap and blackmail unwitting men into compliance. It was something he soon came to regret, thankfully only because of his own guilt rather than any more serious repercussions, but it was behaviour he soon put an end to. “You... do know we don't do that any more, right? I made it clear that anyone here against their will was permitted to leave, didn't I?” Benny asked. Harry nodded. “Yeah, you did and I thought that was a really brave thing to do!” Harry commented, getting a slight smile from the young Master. “But, by that point, this place was about the only good thing I had going, or rather, the possible idea of joining this place, so I stuck around.” “So how about now?” Benny asked, concerned about the man's emotional well-being as he had clearly been through a lot. Harry smiled warmly, clearly appreciative of the concern. “Well things aren't perfect, but they're better than they've been in a long time. Coming here would just make things even better!” “Glad to hear it,” Benny said with a stern nod. “So do you have much experience at this sort of thing?” “Ha, yeah, you could say that!” Harry said with a grin. “I started subbing when I was about your age, had quite a bit of fun in my youth and then I met Carl, my long-term partner. He was not only my partner, he was my Dom too. We spent nearly ten years together with me serving him, sometimes on my own, sometimes with other subs. I've tried most things you could think of and I have very few limits.” “Awesome,” Benny said with a delighted grin. “Be nice to have some more experience in the house! Anything in particular get you going then?” “Well...” Harry said, looking away shyly. “Being dominated by younger guys is kind of a big thing for me.” “You're definitely in the right place for that!” Benny said with a chuckle. Harry nodded agreeably then thought for a moment and said, “I'm really into humiliation and degradation too. Been playing around with sounding lately too.” Benny nodded his understanding. “Well the humiliation stuff is easy. Roger's a pro,” Benny started. “Yeah I noticed!” Harry said with a slight snigger. “As for sounding, I don't think we've ever done any of that here, at least none that I know of, but I've heard it can be fun. Maybe we'll give you some experience with it!” Benny explained. This was already going better than he could have hoped. Not only did Harry seem like a good fit for the house, but he was already bringing in new possibilities. “That's awesome!” Harry said excitedly, leaning further forward in his seat. “And how do you feel about your position in the house? I believe Roger has explained how it would work, yes?” Benny asked. Harry shrugged. “Until we can pay our way, we do all the housework to earn our keep and until we're full members, we're bottom of the ladder. All sounds fair to me. Kind of exciting actually!” “Not too exciting, I hope,” Benny said, then pointed to the chastity device, “Or that might get a little uncomfortable!” Harry laughed, not the reaction Benny had expected. “I'm kinda used to it now. I've had it on for about eight months now!” “And when was the last time you were allowed to cum?” Benny asked, finding himself strangely aroused at the thought of the man's prolonged confinement. “Erm...” Harry hummed, thinking. “I'd say it was around November last year. I mean, I've had a few wet dreams, but without being able to get hard even they're pretty rare. So yeah, other than that I've not cum in over eight months!” Benny nodded, trying not to sound too keen. “And how do you cope with that?” “Well I just kinda focus on other guys instead. If I can't cum myself, then I get my pleasure from making other guys cum!” Harry explained. Benny's eyes narrowed. “Really? So if I said that the chastity was permanent, that you'd never come again and you could only ever make other guys cum... how would you feel?” Harry gasped and moaned slightly. “Fuck!” he exclaimed, eyes widening. “Whoa, just... hearing that made me feel... wow!” Benny grinned. The man clearly wasn't faking, his brow had covered with a fine sheen of sweat, while his chastity device was noticeably tighter and his chest heaved with deep breaths. 'Mental note, never let him cum!' Benny thought to himself, feeling his own cock swell. “Okay, I think I've heard enough,” Benny said bluntly. “Go back to Roger and tell him to send the next one in a few minutes.” “Yes Sir!” Harry said politely, immediately heading for the door. ********** “Come on, you can do it!” Malik yelled at his team. Time on the challenge was counting down rapidly and the General was determined not to lose. That evening's activities had started out as a playful joke between Malik and Wesley, but quickly escalated to a full-on bet. The game that they had devised consisted of each picking a team of four Boys who would then compete for the most orgasms in one hour. It didn't matter how they achieved it, all that mattered was the numbers. There would be a punishment for the members of the losing team and a small reward for the winners, but the really high stakes were for the two Generals. The forfeit for the losing General had started small, relatively speaking, with a little public humiliation in the form of a streak through the town centre. Then the escalations had begun. As well as the streaking, there would be a week of chastity and edging first, to increase the likelihood of an unwanted erection on the streak. Then came the handcuffs, which would secure the loser's hands behind their backs ensuring maximum exposure and humiliation. Then the range of the streak was extended. Instead of simply running through the town centre for a matter of seconds, the loser would be dropped off there and forced to make it all the way home naked. Neither of the Generals wanting to be outdone by the other, as well as being convinced they would win, it just kept getting worse and worse. First it was going to be a cock ring to further heighten the chances of an embarrassing erection, then it moved on to a dose of viagra to guarantee it. On and on it went until they finally reached the point where they simply coudn't think of any way to make it worse! Now though, with the stakes so humiliatingly high, both Generals were yelling at their selected Boys. For Wesley it was Philip, Josh, Robert and Taro while Malik had Charlie, Quentin, David and Zane. “Come on guys, you know you can do this!” Wesley encouraged his team hopefully. There were less than ten minutes left to go and the score was tied at eleven. Philip and Robert had cum twice and were painfully working towards a third, Taro was one ahead, working on his fourth while Josh had already managed an incredible four orgasms, but his limp cock showed little sign of managing a fifth. They all wanted to succeed, not only to get their own rewards, but to save Wesley from his forfeit. As well as riding the wave of goodwill from his return, Wesley was also taking a much kinder approach to guiding his team, as opposed to Malik who seemed to be doing nothing but hurling abuse and threats as his four Boys. “I can't do me any more!” Taro moaned. “Someone do me!” “Okay,” Josh agreed, “But you gotta do me. I honestly don't think I ever wanna touch my cock again!” The two stood closer, taking hold of each other's cocks and yanking vigorously. They both almost doubled over from the senitivity, ending up leaning on each other for support. Their grunts of pleasured pain seemed to spur Robert on, who grunted with excitement as he released his third load of the hour. “Fuck, I'm done!” Robert moaned, letting go of his rapidly softening cock as a pitifully small load dribbled out. “Hey, you got us the lead, I'm fine with that!” Wesley said happily before turning to Malik to announce, “Twelve to eleven!” “Fuck!” Malik called out. “One of you had better cum RIGHT now or I'm gonna make you suffer!” “Ah yes!” David called out, the timing entirely coincidental as he managed to do what Malik wanted at exactly the right moment. “Twelve to twelve now, bitch!” Malik taunted. The two Generals watched the clock as it entered the final minutes. As the timer went off, signalling the end of the hour, the score was still tied. The Boys began to stop, realising the game was over, but quickly started again as Wesley called out, “Okay, tie-breaker, next person to cum wins it for their team!” The announcement was mixed with a collective groan as the stroking and sucking resumed, each team still desperate to win. “Quick!” Quentin called out. “Tell us again what the loser's gonna have to do!” “I'd rather not think about it,” Malik said shakily, worried by how close to cumming some of Wesley's team looked. “Just tell us!” Quentin snapped furiously as one hand pumped away on his own cock, the other on Zane's, who had lost the ability to even touch himself right after his first orgasm. Since then, Quentin had taken charge of the Boy's cock. “Fuck, whatever!” Malik snapped. “The loser will be edged and chaste for a week, then get dropped off in the town centre, dosed up with viagra, stark naked, hands cuffed behind his back, vibrating butt plug inside him, nipple clamps on and 'please touch me' written on his chest. From there he will have to walk home, no running allowed!” “FUCK!” Quentin yelped excitedly. Hearing about the imminent humiliation of someone he knew was enough to push the man over the edge. “Yes!” Malik yelled as Quentin's cock shot the victory spurt. “We win!” “You've gotta be kidding me!” Wesley moaned, realising what it meant for him. Malik rushed up behind his friend and hugged him from behind. “I'm so glad we made this bet, aren't you?” he taunted, getting an elbow in the ribs in return. ********** The door opened following Benny’s command and the second Boy walked in. This one had presumably been warned by Harry, or was just well-trained as he remained silent, standing to attention as soon as he shut the door. Benny nodded his approval and pointed at the spot for the young man to stand. “Name and age?” Benny asked once he was stood in place. “Shane Reid, twenty,” the man replied confidently. Benny could barely conceal his glee as he beheld the man. Despite his attempts not to pay attention to the chaste non-residents previously, this one had often caught his eye, if only for the size of him. The twenty-year-old looked like he might be a bodybuilder. He wasn't particularly tall, standing at an average five foot seven, but the muscles he had were impressive. Bulging pecs, clearly defined abs all part of a fairly hefty frame. His biceps were easily bigger than Benny's legs, while his legs were more like the size of the slight teen's waist. Benny could just make out the slight hint of stubble across his torso, showing that he was naturally hairy but presumably chose to remove it himself. Facially, the young man was quite attractive too, at least the parts he could see. The man's jawline was covered with a thick, black, neatly-trimmed beard while his hair was cut short and similarly dark. The man's heavy eyebrows accentuated his stunning green eyes. Again, the man's cock was hard to judge in the chastity device, but he would have guessed it was smaller than Harry's, but average-sized at least. It, like the rest of his body below the neck, had been shaved. A quick look at the rear revealed a butt that had obviously been worked on substantially too as it was ample but impeccably toned. The rear was shockingly white though, contrasting the rest of his body which had a pleasant tan. Benny smiled at the tan lines though, which seemed to suggest he wore quite small swimwear. “Okay Shane, have a seat,” Benny invited the man. The muscled twenty-year-old took the same seat Harry had, but relaxed back into it, glancing around at the room, exuding confidence until his eyes fell on the collection of paddles, crops and whips on the wall to one side. “So, Shane,” Benny said, repeating the name again to try and reinforce it in his mind, “Tell me a bit about yourself.” The man shrugged. “Not much to tell. Worked as a builder, got injured and ended up not being able to really do it any more and not found anything else since.” Benny nodded, slightly disappointed that this one was not as forthcoming as the first with the personal information. “Okay, and are you gay then?” “Bi!” Shane insisted instantly, looking a little flustered. He sighed and looked down at the ground for a moment. “I'm not... out.” “That's okay, it's not like we go around shouting about what goes on here. We can promise discretion,” Benny reassured him. “Thanks. But technically.... aside from the edging stuff you guys do to me each Saturday... I've not actually... done anything with another guy before!” Shane stammered, his previous confidence melting away quickly. “But... you're sure you want to do it?” Benny asked. “You're sure this is where you want to be?” Shane looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, I am,” he said quietly. “Sex before was really average. Half the time I could barely get it up cos it was just... dull. The thought of what I'd get to do here though, it really... erm...” he hesitated. “Gets you going?” Benny asked with a smirk. Shane laughed shyly and nodded. “Yeah, I guess it does.” “Okay,” Benny said, considering the possibilities. He was the total opposite of Harry. While the older man brought a lot of experience and knowledge, which Benny knew would be helpful, Shane was like a lump of clay, waiting to be moulded into the sort of sub Benny would like him to be. It would be fun seeing him grow and develop at the house. “Well it's been nice meeting you. Hopefully we can chat a bit more soon. You can send in the next one.” “Thanks,” Shane replied with a curt nod, suddenly looking more like the confident man who had walked in. ********** Wesley had not expected an audience. He knew he was going to be edged and teased before getting put in the chastity device, but he figured it would just be him and Malik. Instead, the other General had allowed all the other Boys to stay and observe. “Ah you fucker!” Wesley gasped as Malik took him right to the brink of orgasm yet again, this time with just his thumb and index finger massaging the top and bottom of his cock head. The complaint got a round of laughs and taunts from the spectators who had all been on the receiving end of Malik's expert hands and were now happy to see another of the Generals subjected to it. “Oh come on, we've barely been going at this for ten minutes. You've got a whole week of this to go before the big day!” Malik teased, sliding a finger along Wesley's shaft and making him wince again. “You're enjoying this FAR too much!” Wesley groaned. “I really am. And wow, just thinking about how it's going to end...” Malik said, sliding a hand down Wesley's chest. He moved behind him, rested his chin on his friend's shoulder and whispered in his ear as he stroked his cock. “So many people are gonna see this cock!” “Ah fuck!” Wesley moaned, his cock twitching from a mix of the stroking and the thought of his imminent public exposure. ********** “Ravel Grainger, but call me Rav. I'm twenty-three,” the third new Boy said with a slight smirk. Benny could tell right off that this Boy was trouble. Not trouble like Alex and Zack, just the kind of trouble that would make an entertaining challenge, like Zane. His cockiness was apparent from the moment he swaggered in. His strong London accent seemed to make him sound even more cocky as he stood there, arms folded, staring at Benny. “Okay Ravel,” Benny said back wilfully. He knew that ignoring the name the Boy requested to be called by was petty, but he didn't want to give the impression that he could be dictated to so easily. “Stand there. Let's see what you've got to offer!” The young man walked casually to the spot Benny had indicated, keeping his arms folded for a few moments until he realised Benny was looking at them disapprovingly, so he dropped them to his sides. In the dimly lit room, Rav's dark skin hid the contours of his muscles quite effectively. It was only when he got closer that Benny saw the excellent definition the young man had. It looked like natural toning as opposed to Shane's obviously gym-built musculature. It wouldn't have surprised Benny if the muscles were entirely natural. That might go part of the way to explaining his cockiness. Someone with a body that good from virtually no effort could easily get caught up in themselves. Whether natural or from effort, Benny liked what he saw. Slender muscle, naturally smooth and devilishly cute. The smirk on Rav's face portrayed a hint of arrogance, but the smile was simply so charming it was hard to be put off by it. His teeth were perfect too, seeming almost unnaturally white against his dark skin. His head was completely shaved and he had a small diamond stud in one ear. Benny wished he had got Roger to remove the chastity devices as it was once again hard to judge cock size with the device still attached. He decided not to let this one sit, keeping him standing in the middle of the room as he began questioning him. “So Ravel, what's your deal?” “I prefer Rav!” he said bluntly, folding his arms again. Benny could tell the Boy was trying to get a rise out of him but resisted doing so. Calmly he just replied, “And I prefer Ravel.” He stared the Boy straight in the eye for several seconds. Rav finally gave in and looked away with a sigh. “Fine, my 'deal' is that life sucks. My life sucked before so I moved here and then it sucked even more. No job, living on a friend's sofa, cock stuck in this fucking thing and fuck all else going on worth getting out of bed for!” “Well you do know if that 'fucking thing' is really such a problem, you're allowed to have it removed and leave at any time!” Benny replied harshly, sitting back in his seat and staring once again. Rav pouted slightly, avoiding the teen's gaze. “But despite the complaints, I think you actually like it, don't you?” Benny asked. Nothing but a put in response again. “Okay... Rav,” Benny said, feeling the need to extend an olive branch, “I can help with a lot of that stuff. We can give you a place to live, we can do our best to help find you a job and eventually we can take that thing off. But you gotta save the attitude, okay?” Rav sighed, shaking his head, but eventually looked at Benny, looking slightly sheepish. “Okay,” he said quietly. Benny smiled. “Good. It'll get better!” he reassured the young man, getting a quick flash of the cute smile from him. ********** The Boys were making their way out of the Play Room, heading for the showers before going up to the lounge for the usual Saturday night party. Wesley hung back though. The disheartened General was looking down at the chastity device now secured on his cock. He sighed, but suddenly looked up as he felt hands grasping his face. A second later, there were lips pressed against his own, it was Taro. When the kiss finally ended, Wesley smiled at his boyfriend and asked, “What was that for?” “Do I really need a reason?” Taro asked with a sweet smile. Wesley chuckled and shrugged. “I guess not,” he said contentedly, giving his lover another quick peck on the lips. Taro stood back slightly and reached down, touching the chastity device. “Well, this ruins my plans for the evening!” he said with a cheeky grin. “Ah no, don't say that!” Wesley moaned, still on edge from his treatment at Malik's hands. “Oh yeah,” Taro sniggered, “I was gonna do some VERY naughty things with you!” “Nooo!” Wesley whimpered, leaning forwards and resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. “You're a fucking tease!” “Yeah,” Taro agreed, “But that's why you love me!” Wesley suddenly pulled away, looking a little shocked. “Oh, I... erm...” Taro stuttered, “I didn't mean...” Wesley raised a finger to Taro's lips to silence him, then smiled and said, “I do... you know. I do love you!” Taro chuckled with pure delight, his breath a little shaky. “I love you too!” The two kissed again, holding each other tightly. ********** Benny was sat waiting for the fourth new Boy to arrive. It had been much longer than the wait for the others and he was getting curious about the cause of the hold-up. He was about to get up and go to find out when there was a quiet, almost inaudible knock at the door. “Come in!” he called out, sounding just a little angry from the prolonged wait. The door didn't open so again Benny waited. A few seconds later he called out, “I said come in!” Still nothing. With an angry grunt, Benny jumped off the sofa, stormed across the door and pulled the door open quickly. “Aargh!” a voice called out in response to the sudden opening. A young man was standing on the other side of it. He backed away, raising his arms defensively as he saw Benny. “I said you could come in!” Benny snapped angrily. The Boy, who looked barely older than Benny himself, took a step back, whimpering slightly, visibly shaking. Benny's eyes narrowed, looking the Boy up and down. He was clearly terrified. Benny felt a little guilty for his sharp tone now. He took a deep breath and calmly said, “It's okay, you can come in.” When the Boy didn't move, he reached out a hand towards him. The Boy looked at the outstretched limb, gulped and slowly raised his own hand to take it. “Come on,” Benny coaxed him, taking the trembling hand and pulling gently towards the room. Slowly the Boy followed. Once they got inside, Benny closed the door and headed back to his seat, gesturing for the Boy to follow. He had him stand in the same spot as the others. “So what's your name and how old are you?” Benny asked. “Err... erm... I'm...” the Boy stuttered, barely able to speak he was shaking so much. “Okay, calm down,” Benny said, standing back up to face him. “Just take a few deep breaths and try again.” The Boy nodded, following Benny's instructions. “My name's Kian Doherty and... and I'm seventeen.” Benny smiled at the progress and couldn't help noticing the unmistakeable twang of an Irish accent. Sitting back down, he looked at the Boy, trying not to appear to predatory as he took in every detail. Kian was extremely pale, possibly natural, but most likely enhanced by his nerves. The lightness of his skin helped make the smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks even more noticeable. The Boy's hair was dark blonde, perhaps with just the slightest hint of ginger, the front of it hanging down and slightly obstructing his deep blue eyes. His lips seemed unusually red, but they may too have simply seemed that way compared to his pale complexion. His button nose pointed very slightly up at the tip. His body could best be described as average. No particular muscle definition, but very little fat either, almost like a blank canvas waiting to be shaped into the manly body he would have in his twenties. His limbs were skinny. Had he been any more than average height, he might have looked gangly, instead he just looked small. His caged cock was topped with a small patch of strawberry blond hair while the rest of him seemed naturally smooth. Benny glanced at the seat Harry and Shane had both taken, but decided against it, instead shuffling to one end of his sofa and gesturing for the Boy to sit on the other. As the Boy sat, he seemed to shrink away from the young Master. “You...” Benny said, almost smiling, “You look terrified!” Kian just nodded, avoiding eye contact. “What are you so scared of?” Benny asked, beginning to frown. Kian looked up and stared at Benny for a moment but remained silent. “Me?” Benny asked in surprise. “You're scared of me?” “Yeah,” Kian finally spoke. “And Roger!” Benny chuckled. “Well... Roger I get, but me? I'm not that scary am I?” Kian shrugged. “You, it's just... I've heard things... and you... you're... younger than me and... this place...” he stuttered nervously, shrinking back more in his seat. “Oh Kian,” Benny said, shaking his head and giggling. He sighed. “Yeah, I'm the guy in charge. But... I'm not some kind of monster. Sure, misbehave or do something wrong and I'll be on you in a second, but in general I like to think I'm not that bad!” Kian appeared to relax, but only a little. “Oh... okay,” he said nervously. “I mean it. Seriously. I'm not that bad!” Benny insisted. “You can relax!” “Ugh,” Kian moaned, burying his face in his hands. “I always do this!” he said, his voice muffled until he dropped his hands away again. “I get myself all worked up over nothing.” Benny nodded, then reached out and stroked the Boy's arm. He felt himself shudder a little as he touched him. Ignoring it he said, “It's okay, everyone gets nervous sometimes. Why don't you just tell me a bit about yourself then.” Kian reached up and placed his hand on Benny’s as it stroked his arm, then smiled, nodding slightly. “Okay, well, I'm Kian... but you already know that...” he paused, taking another deep breath. “Sorry,” he apologised for getting flustered again. Benny just smiled and nodded for him to go on. “So my family moved here a few years ago when my Dad got offered a great job. I went to school here, but...” he paused, this time looking more upset than nervous. A gentle squeeze of his arm helped him continue. “School wasn't a fun experience for me. I got outed and then bullied so I left right after CGSEs, I couldn't stand the thought of being there any more. Since then I've just... I dunno, been a bit lost.” His eyes were getting a little watery now. Benny released his arm and shuffled closer, pulling him into a hug. The Boy seemed a little shocked, but hugged the young Master back anyway. “It's okay,” Benny whispered. “I'm gonna help you!” ********** Wesley and Taro were last to arrive, aside from Roger and Benny who were still busy on the other side of the atrium, so the party was now in full swing. Wesley was still the target of a lot of teasing and joking, despite his threats to discipline the next Boy to mention his forfeit. The losing team weren't even that bothered about whatever punishment they would be getting for losing the game. No matter what it was, it couldn't be as bad as what Wesley would have to do. “So I wonder who's going where?” Quentin asked as he stood talking with Charlie, Philip and David. “I don't care, so long as me and Charlie stay in the same Dorm as each other,” Philips said, gripping tightly onto the arm of his lover. “Hmm, I dunno,” Quentin teased. “Maybe they'll think you've got it too good, spending too much time together. They might split you up just to keep you apart!” “They wouldn't, would they?” Philip asked, looking distressed. He looked at Charlie and asked again, “Would they?” “I dunno. You did kinda steal the Master's boyfriend. There's gotta be punishment for that eventually!” David said, keeping a completely straight face. “Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Philip muttered, now completely panicking. “He's gonna separate us, isn't he. He'll... he'll put me in isolation... or worse. Fuck, maybe he'll just kick me out... oh My God!” Charlie shook his head as he looked at Quentin and David, smirking a little. “You guys are dicks!” He grabbed hold of Philip's shoulder and looked him in the eye. “They're just winding you up. Now calm down you tit!” Philip glared at his two tormentors who burst into laughter, then leaned into Charlie, letting his lover hold him. Suddenly, the music stopped and someone in the doorway cleared their throat. As one, the entire room looked round and saw Benny standing there. “Hey everyone, I have some people I'd like you to meet!” There was excited chattering around the room as Benny looked out of the doorway and gestured for someone to come in. The four Boys who walked in were obviously familiar to everyone, having seen them every week at the Saturday gatherings, but none of them had ever really even interacted. Even the Boys who had started off in the same position as the new four had never gotten to know them as there was little chance for interaction at the gatherings for the chaste Boys. “Everyone, this is Harry, Shane, Rav and Kian,” Benny introduced them as they walked in in the order he had interviewed them. “They'll be officially joining us throughout the next couple of weeks as the necessary arrangements can be made, but I wanted to let you meet them all now.” There was a round of applause from the residents for the four new Boys whose reactions mixed from smug joy (Rav) to outright fear (Kian). Once the applause died down, Benny went on. “The new room assignments will be as follows. Dorm One will be Philip and Charlie with Shane. Guys?” Benny said, indicating for the two residents to identify themselves. Philip was so busy sighing with relief at staying with his lover that he almost forgot to raise his hand. As he and Charlie identified themselves, Benny directed Shane to go over and join them. “Dorm Two, will be Taro and Robert with Rav,” Benny called out next, again directing the new arrival to his two room-mates. “Dorm Three will be Zane, David and Harry. Dorm Four will be Quentin, Josh and Kian.” The new Boys all joined their room-mates, splitting the room into four trios. Benny let them all talk for a few moments as he gestured for Malik and Wesley to come over and join himself and Roger. The four doms talked for a few minutes as Benny filled them in on his plans, checking for any objections. Once it was all agreed, Roger bellowed for silence. “Okay, like I said earlier, each Dorm will now have a Dom assigned to it. Obviously you can still come to any of us about anything and we can all still issue orders as we see fit, but your designated Dom should be your first point of contact!” Benny explained. Roger glanced at the teen in charge, impressed by how professional he sounded. Hearing him like this often made it easy to forget he was still just a teenager himself. “Dorm One, you've got Malik. Wesley has Dorm two. Dorm Three, Roger. I'll be taking Dorm Four,” Benny explained. Nobody was even slightly surprised by the assignments. Putting Roger and Wesley in charge of their boyfriends' Dorms seemed quite likely, while everyone had suspected Benny would want to be in charge of Josh, which left Malik with Dorm One. “Okay,” Benny said happily. “That's all the formal bullshit out of the way... let's have some fun!” The music restarted and the room was instantly abuzz with chatter about all of the new arrangements. It was exactly the boost Benny had hoped it would be. Every day the memory of Alex, Benny's father's death, Charlie and Wesley's feud, Roger's ejection from the house, it all faded just a little more. This felt like the first step towards leaving it behind completely, the new start Benny had been craving. “You did good, kid!” Josh said, nudging Benny gently as they stood together. “Thanks,” Benny said with a content smile, leaning on his oldest friend happily. “But call me kid again and you will REALLY regret it!” The two burst into laughter as the party went on around them. Benny's House Chapter 27 – Meet the Boys by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 8th August 2015 Well it's been one week since the decision was made to let the unemployed Boys join the house and so far things are going... okay I suppose!? It's a bit hard to tell this early on really, but I think overall it's looking to be a success. Ravel was first to move in. I should say Rav, but I know it's winding him that I use his proper name and he's still a cocky fucker so he kinda deserves it. He actually moved in last Sunday. I think he was kinda glad to get off of his friend's sofa, it can't have been good for his pride to be so reliant on other people like that. I mean sure, now he's completely reliant on us, but the whole point of this thing is to get him back on his feet so it should be beneficial in the long run. It was a bit sad when he turned up with all his stuff. I mean, most of the Boys had to give up a lot of things, or leave them in storage, to live here, but everything Ravel owned fit in one suitcase. Kian will be next to move in, he's coming later today. I was a little worried he may have issues with his parents, I mean, what parent is going to let their seventeen-year-old son just go without wanting to see where or know anything about it? Turns out there was no problem at all. I know that should be a good thing, but it has me a little worried. I've gotta admit, I'm a little weary of having Kian here in general – he has a strange affect on me. Not like Charlie had when he turned up, something else. I just... want to protect him. The way he gets so scared, how timid he is, it just makes me want to wrap my arms around him and never let go. I know that's not necessarily a bad thing, but when I'm meant to be the strict Master of the household, being that protective of someone might be seen as, I dunno, maybe weak. I'm sure some of them think I do that enough with Zane already. If I add another one... I dunno, guess I'll just have to wait and see. Maybe Kian will toughen up a bit once he's here and won't need me to look after him anyway. So yeah, overall a fun week so far! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 9th August 2015 'This was a mistake!' Benny thought to himself. Laying on his side in bed, head propped up one arm he looked down at the sleeping figure beside him. It was the newest permanent resident of the house, Kian. He was sleeping soundly, curled up into a ball, covers pulled up close around him. Benny reached across and brushed the strawberry blonde hair off his face. 'I should have made him stay in his dorm,' Benny thought, shaking his head, 'It was his first night and he spent it in here. He's got to get used to it down there!' The youngest resident of the House (aside from Benny himself) had been characteristically nervous since he arrived the previous day. He managed to follow orders but continued to look terrified the entire time. Every time Benny saw him he just wanted to run towards the Boy and hold him. It was an urge he had fought most of Saturday evening, but just before everyone started heading off to bed he had given in and approached Kian. He had invited the Boy to his room. Nothing had happened between them, they had just gone to bed where Benny had pulled him close into a cuddle which was how they had eventually fallen asleep. In his mind, he had justified his actions as a way to get Kian used to being around his new Master, but in truth he just wanted to be with him. He couldn't quite place his finger on exactly where the attraction was. Was it a physical attraction? That certainly would have made sense, the gorgeous blue eyes, the adorable freckles, the sexy Irish accent, it was pushing all of Benny's buttons. Perhaps it was a Dom/sub thing? He was so inexperienced and obedient, the perfect little slaveboy just waiting to be moulded into whatever Master Benny wanted. Could it have been something more personal? The Boy was only seventeen, less than a year older than Benny himself, maybe he just wanted to be around someone his own age. Once again he gently stroked Kian's silky-smooth hair, this time allowing the backs of his fingers to caress his cheek. The Boy stirred, his eyes opening suddenly. For several moments, they both stared blankly at each other before the sweetest smile Benny had ever seen spread across Kian's face. His breath caught in his throat, the Boy's sheer beauty staggering him. “Hi,” Kian said quietly. His eyes briefly darted sideways to look at Benny’s hand, still touching his cheek. “Oh, sorry, hi!” Benny replied, quickly pulling his hand away. “I didn't mean to wake you!” “It's okay,” Kian said, the smile beginning to fade as he began to remember where he was and who he was with. “Sh... should I go?” Benny frowned. “Well Sundays are you day off, so you're free to do what you like. Do you... want to go?” Kian stared up at the younger teen for just a moment before shaking his head ever-so-slightly. “Don't you have, like, Masterish things to do?” “Not really... and I don't think that's even a word!” Benny said with a slight snigger. Kian stretched out, laying flat on his back. He shrugged slightly and replied, “No words are words until someone makes them a word!” Benny frowned. “That's...” he paused, contemplating his words, “That's actually true I suppose.” They both laughed for a few seconds before Benny flopped back down into the bed, turning his head sideways to look at Kian, who did the same, looking back. “So whadda you think of the House so far?” Benny asked. “Is it really yours?” Kian asked incredulously. When Benny nodded back, he added, “But how? You're.... you're younger than me. You're still in school. Big inheritance or something?” He laughed for a moment, then suddenly remembered what he had been told about Benny recently losing his Dad. “Oh... oh God, sorry, I didn't...” “It's okay!” Benny said with a warm smile, moving his hand across to stroke Kian's arm. “And no, it's nothing like that. I... I used to be quite a different kind of Master. I sort of... abused the power and... made money out of it... quite a lot of money!” “Oh,” Kian replied, looking thoughtful for a moment. “But you're not like that any more, are you?” “No,” Benny replied. “I'm trying to be a better person now.” Kian chuckled. “What?” Benny asked curiously. “You're really not as scary as I thought,” Kian replied. Benny suddenly sat up, turned and stared down at the Boy. “Oh really?” he asked in his sternest voice. Kian looked genuinely terrified, backing away so quickly he nearly fell out of the bed. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!” he whimpered. “Aww, I'm sorry, I was only playing, I didn't mean to scare you!” Benny said apologetically. He reached out towards Kian who was virtually shaking. “Come here!” The scared teen shuffled forward, letting Benny put his arms around him. “Okay, SOMETIMES you're not as scary as I thought!” Kian replied as he hugged Benny. Benny chuckled as he lay back down, pulling Kian with him. “You must have been a real hard-ass back then if you could take down someone as big as Roger. Now HE'S scary!” Kian said, nestling into Benny's side. “Yeah, I guess I was,” Benny said, reminiscing. “You wanna hear about how we met?” “Sure,” Kian agreed, “I got nowhere else to be!” Benny conveyed the story of how he had met Roger. He felt strangely good telling Kian the tale. The last person he had told about it was Victor, shortly after he had ejected Roger from the House, one of the worst times of Benny’s life. Telling it now though filled him with a pleasant sense of nostalgia. “That doesn't sound too bad!” Kian said, seeming almost disappointed. “Yeah, well not all of them are quite that nice!” Benny said, thinking back to some of this other conquests around then. “Okay, tell me one of the bad ones then!” Kian requested. ********** It was September, back in 2014. I used to love Saturday mornings. The first thing I always used to do was check the bank. All my 'victims' had orders to pay their weekly... offering by midnight on Friday. That morning, I was delighted to see they had all paid on time, saving me the trouble of having to threaten any of them. After that, I would always go out to meet Gary and Wade. I should probably explain who they are. A couple of months earlier, I had started extorting my very first victim. At the time, it just seemed like a nice bit of extra money, but as I started meeting more gullible guys, it started to become a real money-maker. I did what I could to find new victims, but I was just one guy in what felt like a town full of perverts, so I recruited some help. I had met Gary and Wade online and while they had nowhere near my experience, they were definitely keen to get involved in what I was doing, so I took them on as assistants. They would help me find new guys, they would use the equipment I provided to catch it all on film, then I would pay them for their services. They had no idea that I was making so much more, they thought they were getting a good deal of it. Once a week we would get together for them to show me any new guys they had found. Gary had managed to get three guys that week. That was three more people I could blackmail into both servitude as well as financial obligation. Wade felt a bit crap, because he had only got one guy. When he showed me a picture of the guy he'd got, I almost wet myself, I couldn't believe it! Anyway, fast forward a little bit to Monday.... I swear it was the slowest, longest day I had ever had at school. It just never seemed to end, but when the final bell rang I pretty much ran out of class. The room I needed to get to wasn't that far away, but I didn't want to miss my opportunity. The other kids were still coming out by the time I got there but as the last one left, I stood in the doorway, waiting for him to notice me. It took him a few minutes, but finally he looked up from his desk and noticed me. “Can I help you?” the teacher asked politely. “No, but I think I can help you!” I said, barely holding back my grin. “Mr Trent, right?” I asked. I'd only been at the school for a month and so far I only knew the teachers who taught my own classes. Mr Trent wasn't one of them. “That's right, and you are?” he asked, slightly bemused. He looked busy and was already giving me a look that indicated he wanted me to go away. “Me? I'm your new owner!” I said, my grin finally breaking out. Mr Trent laughed, raising his eyebrows. “I beg your pardon?” he asked, smirking. “You heard me. I own you!” I said. My stomach felt like it was about to jump up my throat and splurge out of my mouth. As much as I love taking charge of a new guy, there's always the brief moment where I doubt I can do it. “Young man, I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm very busy. Now go home, the school day's over!” Mr Trent said dismissively. I walked in and closed the door behind me. He didn't look impressed that I was ignoring his commands. He stood up from his desk and started walking towards me. He reached me and looked down (I was obviously a lot shorter back then) presumably trying to intimidate me, but I just stood my ground. Still grinning, I said to him, “Oh yeah, take it like that, who's a good boy?” “Wh... what?” he stuttered, taking a step back. My expression must have changed then as I realised he had recognised his own words. “Oh, does that sound familiar?” I asked, sniggering. “Yeah, I heard it in a video I saw recently!” “You... you what?” he asked, trembling. “Here, let me show you!” I said, reaching into my pocket to retrieve my phone. I started up the video, skipped to the right point and turned up the volume. “Oh yeah, take it like that, who's a good boy?” Mr Trent's voice echoed round the room. I turned the phone to face him, revealing him standing there in the park, pants round his ankles, his cock halfway down Wade's throat. “Delete that now!” Mr Trent snarled, storming towards me. “Nuh-uh!” I said, dropping the phone back into my pocket. “It'd be pointless anyway, I've got it backed up in so many places. You're not my first perv, ya know!” “What do you want?” he demanded. “Well first of all...” I started, then swung my hand out, slapping him, “you can lose the attitude!” “You little...” Mr Trent started, raising his hands. “Ah, I wouldn't do that!” I said, taking a cautious step back. “You're already facing a good few years in prison for all the stuff in the video. D'you really wanna add assault to that?” Mr Trent stopped dead in his tracks, looking terrified. I think I had got the message across. “Good boy!” I said with a snigger. “Whadda you want?” Mr Trent demanded angrily. I smiled as sincerely as I could. “Don't look so pissed. What I want and what you want are apparently the same thing!” I said to him. “Oh really, and what's that?” Mr Trent asked. He was clearly still trying to sound strong, authoritative almost, but he knew I had him by the balls. “I want a slave to follow my every command and you want to BE my slave, isn't that right?” I asked, my confidence growing almost as quickly as Mr Trent's cock. “What... no... don't.... don't talk.... such nonsense!” Mr Trent stuttered, his erection already betraying him. “On your knees!” I commanded quietly. “No, I... can't,” he protested weakly. I narrowed my eyes, glared at him and repeated in a low growl, “On your knees, now Boy!” Mr Trent actually gasped aloud as he dropped to his knees. I got the feeling his submissive side had just won out over his logical side, a feeling that was confirmed when I heard him utter, “Yes Sir!” under his breath. “Here's the deal... Quentin!” I said, stepping closer. Bizarrely, addressing a teacher by his first name actually felt stranger than talking to him about such sexual things. “From now on, you belong to me. You do what I say, when I say it.” He stared up at me as I moved even closer. He was terrified, but was already developing a wet patch on his trousers, his cock must have been virtually flowing with precum! “Now don't worry. I'm not gonna make you do anything in front of other people or do anything to jeopardise your job. After all, you're no good to me if you're in prison or penniless! I will give you commands, you will obey them without question. You may not be much use to me in prison, but I'm happy to have you sent there if you refuse to obey me.” I explained to him. My assurances seemed to calm him as much as my threats appeared to terrify him! “I will provide you with bank details with which you will update your payroll people here at the school! Your wages will be paid directly to me!” “I can't live without money!” Mr Trent said in shock. I swung my hand as hard as I could, slapping his cheek. “SHUT UP!” I yelled angrily. “You will speak only when I tell you to. You will have your wages paid directly to me. This payment is not to keep me quiet, it's not to buy your liberty, it is for you to show me your gratitude for allowing you to serve me. The payment fails even once and the video goes straight to the police. This money will also pay for your upkeep as you will be moving into MY house. You will live there, you will be given a room and you will be fed, but you will also be given chores and tasks to do. You will continue to serve me until such time as I deem to release you. In a moment, I'm going to take out my cock. If you agree to my conditions, you will take it into your mouth and you will suck it until I cum. If you choose not, I walk away right now and you'll be in prison by the morning!” Without another word, I unzipped and pulled out my cock. Needless to say, I was as hard as Quentin was by that point. The thrill of totally crushing him was intoxicating and ridiculously arousing. I looked at him, he looked at me, what felt like hours passed in a matter of seconds... and then his lips were around my cock. He was mine! Never tell Quentin, but it was probably one of the best blow jobs I'd ever had. It wasn't necessarily because he was good at it, I mean he's sucked my cock endless times since then and while he's not bad, he's not amazing either, but that time was incredible. I think it was the mix of taking control of a new sub, doing sex stuff in such a public place and turning a teacher, someone in a position of authority over me, into my slave. I shot a massive load right down his throat. No, I can word that better. I shot a massive load down MY TEACHER'S throat, then looked down at him. The look in his eyes was mesmerising. A mix of fear, lust and anticipation that I've rarely seen since. I leant down and kissed him on the forehead. “Don't worry. I'm gonna make sure you enjoy this as much as I do!” I said to him. ***** “That's it!” Kian said with a grin. “That's why he stayed!” Benny looked at him, frowning. It wasn't quite the reaction he had expected after telling his story. “I'm talking about when you told everyone the blackmail stuff was over, how you let everyone who wanted to go, leave,” Kian explained. “Just about everyone stayed, and that's why. You make it fun. You treat them like slaves, but you appreciate them for it. You get your thrills, but you make sure they have theirs too! Some masters only care about what they want and treat their subs like crap, but you're so different!” Benny looked at the boy and grinned. He had never seen him so animated or heard him talk quite so much at once. He was mesmerised. “You seem to have given this a lot of thought,” Benny said with a gentle smirk. Kian blushed, realising he had got slightly carried away. He shrugged, looking down at his fidgeting hands. He had sat up while Benny told the story, sitting cross legged as he watched his new master talk. “I guess I have,” he said shyly. His eyes quickly moved from his hands to his cock, still enclosed in the near-permanent chastity device he had been given on first coming to the house. He grabbed it gently and added, “I guess I just wondered sometimes why I'd let you keep me in this thing even though I hate it and that made me wonder why the others stay here too!” “It's okay,” Benny said, reaching out and placing his hand on Kian's, making the enclosed cock swell in its confinement, “It's not forever!” “Can't you take it off?” Kian asked, raising his eyes to look at Benny. Benny's breath caught in his throat once again. His cuteness was disarming, his eyes big and watery, deep pools of sapphire that Benny felt he could get lost in for days. 'Let him out!' Benny thought to himself. 'Let him out and play with him. You know you want to!' “I can't!” Benny said, almost against his own will. “I said you new guys will stay caged and I gotta stick to that. But like I said, it won't be forever!” “Okay,” Kian said, pouting slightly. Benny lay back down on the bed then held out his arm. “Come here,” he requested softly. Kian complied, twisting round to lay alongside Benny, who rolled him onto side side, spooning with him, their bodies slotting together perfectly as the young Master squeezed his arms around his newest sub. Benny inhaled, taking in a deep breath of Kian, feeling his cock swell almost instantly as he got a lungful of teenage boy. It took him back to the days of his first explorations of domming, of playing with Josh and Warren and the others. At the same time, the scent was distinctly that of someone new, of Kian. The older teen felt the firmness against his ass cheeks and moaned excitedly. With every passing second, his fear of Benny was melting away, replaced by something else entirely. He felt Benny's hands caressing his chest until the came across the aroused stiffness of a nipple. Kian's moans loudened, subconsciously pushing his ass back against Benny. He felt lips on his neck, a hand sliding lower. It cupped his balls, his poor aching balls, so desperate for release. His cock, swollen almost painfully to the full capacity of the cage let out a small spurt of precum. He let out a moan of excitement as he felt Benny catch the slippery fluid in his palm, then pull his hand back. There was movement around Benny’s crotch before the hand returned to scoop up more, disappearing back once more, this time to find its was into the moaning sub's crack. Benny's fingers lubed his hole with his own precum. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was coming next, the thought of it driving Kian absolutely wild with desire. Benny pushed the head of his cock between the boy's perfect, smooth cheeks, finding his slippery hole. As he pushed inside, he squeezed his arms tighter, their bodies holding against each other as he slid inch by inch into the warmth of Kian's rear. Part of Benny wanted to thrust hard, to slam against the boy's butt until he filled it with his spunk, but it just didn't feel right. Instead, he allowed himself to slide in and out slowly, revelling into the gentle coos and moans coming from Kian with every movement. He continued to kiss, lick and nibble his way around his sub's neck, ear and shoulder as he fucked almost torturously slowly. As he allowed his hand to continue exploring the smooth firmness of Kian's body, he felt the cage once again. He knew how much he would love to have been playing with the encapsulated cock as he did this, but he had to be strong and stick to his decree, he was nothing if not a man of his word! Being locked up certainly wasn't doing anything to stop the flow of precum. The sheets were getting soaked from the near continuous stream flowing from Kian. Benny kept scooping up large globs of it and using it to tease the boy more. First he lubed up a nipple and tweaked it gently between thumb and forefinger, then he raised his slick fingers to Kian's mouth. He intended to make him lick them clean, but he didn't have to, Kian eagerly took the digits into his eager maw, sucking enthusiastically, even after the precum was long gone. Time seemed to become irrelevant as the slow, spooning fuck went on. Benny was glad it was Sunday, it meant they had as long as they wanted. Eventually, the need to cum became too much to resist and Benny sped up, ever-so-slightly. The change in pace was all it took. Within seconds he was pumping a thick load inside Kian whose pleasured moans turned into delighted screams. The pleasure shooting through the chaste sub were so intense he wondered if he had actually cum, but as he reached down to check he found nothing but the seemingly endless pool of precum. “Oh my God,” he whimpered, his voice shaking as much as his body. “I... agree!” Benny said, catching his breath. The two remained in the same position, happily spooning, their sweaty bodies touching each other as much as was physically possible as they caught their breath. “Tell me another one,” Kian requested dreamily. “Tell me how you met another one of your Boys!” Benny lay there thinking for a moment then grinned. “Okay, I've got one!” he said happily. ***** Okay, so this starts back in January last year. I have fake profiles on a lot of sites. It sucks that I can't have a genuine one, but I can understand why. I can look after myself but I suppose not everyone my age is quite so together. Anyway, it was with one of these fake profiles that I first met Wesley. I only really spoke to guys on there who listed themselves as fifty percent submissive or greater, but Wesley's profile caught my eye. He listed himself as 90% dominant, but I figured we could at least chat. I messaged him and it started like they always do, the bland conversation it always starts with until the good stuff kicks in. I was tempted to just call it quits, but when he started talking about spanking and inflicting pain, he caught my interest. Ever since... an unfortunate incident I'd rather not dwell on right now, I'd been really reluctant about any kind of activity like that, but it was still something I was really interested in. Wesley talked about it so passionately. I don't mean in a ruthless way. I'd spoken to guys before about that sort of thing and they just seemed to get a thrill out of being as painful as they could manage. Wesley was different, to him it was an art. On top of that, he just seemed like a genuinely nice guy, that was why I suggested meeting. Now, because he's not a blithering idiot, he obviously asked to see what I looked like first as I understandably couldn't put pictures on my profile. I was only fifteen at the time, my birthday had only been a couple of weeks before so I couldn't even say I was nearly sixteen. I figured I may as well come clean. I liked Wesley, I felt like I could talk to him and maybe even learn from him and that could only happen if he knew who I really was. I told him my age and he freaked out. I told him I wasn't looking for sex (with him, anyway) and I just wanted to meet to talk, one dom to another. He was reluctant. It took a couple more weeks of talking before I finally convinced him to meet, but he did. He chose a very public place to meet. I'm sure he thought I was part of some police operation to catch predators, but we met and started talking and he relaxed pretty quickly once he figured out I was genuine. It was great to actually have another dom to talk to and he was more than a little intrigued to hear stories of my own experiences. At the time, I had just found the house and Roger was in the process of dealing with the paperwork to buy it on my behalf. When I mentioned it and explained what I had planned for it, Wesley became even more interested and honestly, so was I, but I needed to make sure he knew that I was the boss! That was when things got really interesting. “So, tell me about this other ten percent!” I said, then took a swig of coke. “What ten percent?” Wesley asked, frowning. “On your profile, you say you're ninety percent dominant. What about the other part?” I asked, grinning as I saw him begin to look a little concerned. “Well there's always gotta be some wiggle room. Nobody's really one hundred percent dom, are they?” Wesley asked casually. “I am!” I said bluntly. I stared directly into his eyes. This was it. This was my chance to take charge. Controlling a sub was easy, by that point I could do it with my eyes closed, but taking control of another dom... that was a challenge. Roger was different, he was more like fifty/fifty, happy being both, more like a sub who could act like a dom. Wesley though, he was a dom, but could I make him act like a sub? “Are you really?” Wesley asked sceptically. He sat back in his seat, grinning. “Can't see it myself!” “Fair enough,” I said, nodding my understanding. “I suppose I haven't really done anything yet to convince you, so perhaps I can make an offer that might help me.” “What kind of offer?” Wesley asked, looking more curious than nervous. I sat forward in my seat, staring at him once again. “Imagine it, if you will. A house, full of naked, willing subs,” I started. He already looked nervous at me discussing these things so openly in public. “Now imagine you in control of them. Imagine each one of them, bending over one by one, unmarked, perfect buttocks just waiting for you to redden them!” “Okay, that's kinda hot,” Wesley said, beginning to look very slightly nervous. I grinned. It was going exactly as I hoped. I went on. “Each of them, just waiting for the pleasure of your pain. Maybe a different tool for each. A paddle for the first ass, a crop for the next, a flogger for the third, a cane for the fourth. Slave after slave just waiting for your exquisite touch!” “Fuck,” Wesley muttered, crossing his legs to hide the now obvious growth. “Nuh-uh,” I said, reaching out and pulling his leg back down. “No covering up. Let it show!” “Oh fuck!” Wesley muttered again as he realised he was letting me make him do it. “So, are you interested?” I asked, leaning further toward him. “Fuck yes!” he said breathily. “Good, so this ten percent, that's the part of you that will serve me,” I explained. “You'll be a dom, but my sub. You'll be in charge of my Boys, but I'll be in charge of you. Got it?” “Yes!” he said, looking genuinely surprised at his own lack of reluctance. “Yes... what?” I asked, relaxing back into my seat. I knew he was mine now, I just had to seal the deal. “Sir,” he added, visibly shuddering, his bulge still painfully apparent. “Good boy,” I said with a slight snigger. “Now go to the toilets, take off your underwear, jerk off and cum on them, then bring them back to me!” I commanded, not even bothering to lower my voice. I don't think anyone heard, but the possibility that they had actually seemed to arouse him more. He went to stand, moving his hands in front of his bulge. I grabbed his arm as he stood and said, “Oh, and don't cover up. Let everyone see how excited you are!” He just nodded as he walked away, hands down by his sides. Again, I don't think anyone heard, or really paid him much attention as he walked away, but the possibility that people may be looking, coupled with the fact he was obeying his new master meant he took almost no time at all completing the task I had set him. He returned a few minutes later, small black briefs folded up and held tightly in his hand. He passed them to me as he sat down, his erection apparently not even slightly subsided after his commanded orgasm. I opened out the briefs, blatantly holding them up for anyone to see, an obvious blotch of white on them. “Good boy, I think you'll be a valuable addition to the house,” I said, screwing up the briefs and tossing them back to him. He was caught by surprise and nearly dropped his discarded underwear, but managed to keep hold, awkwardly trying to hide it. “Thank you Sir,” he said, surprising even himself at the ease with which he adapted to my title. ***** “So that's the key? That's the big secret to how you get your Boys?” Kian asked quietly as he squeezed on the arms wrapped around him. “You just tease them with what you know they want most of all and they fall in line, just like that?” Benny laughed, then realised he had done it right in Kian's ear. He kissed it gently and whispered, “Sorry, didn't mean to be so loud,” He rolled away from the boy, laying on his back. Kian rolled onto his stomach, propping his chin up with both hands as he looked at his master. “There's no secret, no... single answer on how I do it,” Benny said with a slightly smug smile. “Like you said earlier, I treat my Boys well, that means I have to know them. It's knowing them that helps more than anything. Some of my Boys require threats and discipline to keep them in line, some just require a little loving attention now and then. Some like spanks, some like restraints, some just like cuddles. I guess it's not about teasing them with what they want so much as giving them what they need!” “Oh, well what I need is to have this cage off. So hop to it!” Kian said, jumping up and flipping onto his back in a single smooth motion. “Hop to it?” Benny asked, eyebrows raised. The boy was beyond cute and he wanted more than anything to just hold him once more, but such cheek couldn't go unpunished. “Yeah. Give me what I need!” Kian said, realising how risky it was to be so informal with his master. Benny smiled and shook his head as he rolled back onto his side, facing Kian. He reached across to the naked boy, letting the tips of his fingers lightly brush the smooth, flawless skin of his stomach. “Let me ask you... Boy...” he said indignantly, his fingers sliding down, dangerously close to the cage, skirting past them to the Kian's thigh, getting a whimper in response. “Do you really NEED that cage off?” Kian stared at Benny nervously, not afraid so much as incredibly anticipative. Benny watched the boy's tool twitch and swell inside the device in response to his touch. He carried on, now barely more than a whisper, “Do you NEED to cock released from it's restraint? You want to cum, I know you do, anyone who leaks quite this much,” he playfully twirled his finger in a small pool of precum on Kian's inner thigh, “obviously WANTS to cum. But that's a want, not a need. I know what it is you NEED!” Shudders rippled up and down Kian's body. “Wh... what?” he asked shakily. “Me!” Benny said bluntly. He leaned forward and buried his tongue in Kian's ear, the boy's groan of pure ecstasy making Benny’s own cock twitch excitedly. When he pulled his tongue back, he resumed whispering, “You only need me, because I can give you want you want. Isn't that right?” “Yes... no... wait... I...” Kian stuttered, too lost on his own arousal to even understand what was being asked. He couldn't believe what he was feeling. Benny's fingers continued to tease his body, the younger teen's breath cold on his recently-licked ear. His cock felt like it was going to burst free of its cage at any moment, the pain of swelling against it swinging back and forth between painful pleasure and pleasured pain. “You need me, because I can make you feel like this,” Benny whispered, allowing his fingers to slide between the boy's cheeks, probing at his hole, still slick from the earlier mix of his own precum and Benny's spunk. “Ah yes,” Kian moaned, eyes rolling back in his head as Benny's fingers continued their exploration inside him. “I can give you the release you need and I don't even need to unlock you to do it...” Benny hissed, allowing his tongue and lips to caress Kian's ear. “Oh God, no,” Kian pleaded. He knew what Benny was doing. If it happened, he knew he would completely lose himself in his new master. He wanted it, he needed it, but he knew it was something he might never come back from. As Benny’s teasing continued, he cared less and less. If Benny wanted him, he could have him! “Let it go, boy. Cum for your new master!” Benny whispered, plunging his tongue into his ear once more as he thrust his finger into the boy's prostate. The yell was as much one of pain as it was pleasure. Kian's cock was erupting without even being touched, but the spasms made the tool swell even more against the impossibility of the cage. Spurt after spurt shot from the boy as his whimpers grew louder and higher. His back arched until only his feet and shoulders remained touching the bed. He collapsed down when it finally ended, Benny's finger pulling free as he dropped down into the precum, cum and sweat soaked sheets. “So tell me again what you need, boy,” Benny asked, looking down at the spent boy with a grin. “You Sir. Only you!” Kian gasped back, his face one of pure contentment. Benny's House Chapter 28 – Growing Pains by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Wednesday 19th August 2015 Crap crap crap crap crap crap. This is not good. This is very not good. In fact, this is probably as far from good as it gets. I love him. I am completely, madly, head-over-heels, can't get him out of my head, miss him when he's not there, can't imagine life without him in love with Kian. The worst thing is... I can't even tell him! I'll lay there, holding him in my arms and all I'll want to do is kiss him and never let go, but I can't bring myself to do it. I've completely stopped sleeping alone now, because of him. After he had slept in my room all of his first three nights in the house I knew I had to do something. The Boys were beginning to talk and I kinda got the feeling it was isolating Kian. I'm a terrible person, because at first I considered carrying on because the more isolated he gets, the more scared he seems to get of everything except me. I actually thought about letting him get so intimidated by everything and everyone in the house that with me would be the only place he felt safe. I know, I'm awful for even thinking it. I didn't do it though. On his fourth night, I made him go down to his dorm. It was a Tuesday, so Josh wasn't staying over, but he had Quentin down there with him so I knew he'd be okay, but I knew I'd also likely give in to temptation and go down to get him. To make sure I didn't, I took Zane to bed with me. He certainly seemed happy about it, especially when I called him Buster. I'm the only one who calls him by his Pup name, so it always makes him feel special. He seems to spend most nights with Roger now, but the grin on his face when I told him he was staying in my room told me he didn't have an issue being apart from his boyfriend for the night. After that, I decided to do something I'd been thinking about a while back, I made a rota for who would sleep with me and when. I kept Sunday nights for myself and two nights a week with Kian, but the other four cycle through the rest of my Boys. It's nice really as it means all of them get at least one night a month with me all to themselves, something I've definitely learned most of them appreciate. I also get plenty of Kian time too! I love waking up with him. The way he looks at me when he first wakes up with those big, blue, beautiful eyes and the way he says good morning with that sexy accent... but I still can't tell him how I feel. I don't know if it's some issue about having all these subs and knowing I need to be there for all of them or something completely different. I think I need to invite Victor over for a chat some time and see if he can help me figure some stuff out. On a separate subject, Quentin pointed something out to me the other day that I somehow hadn't even noticed. I got big. Like, really big. When I came here on my sixteenth birthday, I was 5'7”, maybe even 5'8” and I kinda figured that was it, but no, still growing it seems. I should have realised it when I was talking to Roger the other day and could look him straight in the eye. When we first met, I used to get a sore neck from looking up at him. It's so weird. Kinda cool though. I know some people find it hard to see me as a serious Dom because I'm so young and that wasn't helped by how small I was too. Maybe now they can take me a little more seriously. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny placed down his diary and slid back down into a laying position beside Roger. The previous night had been Roger's turn on the rota to sleep with Benny and they had both loved every moment of it. With all the attention the subs, and now the apprentices, needed from the two most senior Doms in the house, it was rare for them to find any time together. Roger was Benny’s longest-serving sub and their relationship had only grown stronger through the ups and downs of their time together, but more than that, Roger was one of Benny's best friends. It was only when they were alone that Benny for to see the side of Roger that he kept hidden from the rest of the house. He took his position as senior General very seriously, which meant that whenever anyone lower than him was around, he had his work face on. It was part of what helped him retain his authority, none of the others had ever seen his happy, carefree relaxed side, so they found it impossible to think he even had one. As soon as Benny's bedroom door had closed though, Roger had smiled, as excited to have the time together as Benny was. They had just lay down together, chatting and messing around late into the night before falling asleep together. As was always the way, Roger had awoken early to make sure that all of the workers got off to work and all the apprentices were given tasks for the morning. Once that was done though, he had crept back into Benny’s room and curled up beside the boy again. When Benny awoke a short time later, he didn't have the heart to disturb Roger from his rare and well-earned lie-in so he had sat up and filled in his diary. With that out of the way though, he decided he wanted company. As he lay beside the huge twenty-one-year-old, he planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. Roger stirred slightly but continued sleeping. A kiss on his cheek came next. Again he stirred but slept through. Benny moved down under the covers, gently kissing the middle of Roger's chest, the line between his pecs, coated with a fine spattering of dark hair. Roger smiled and let out a low moan but kept his eyes closed. Down Benny went, this time allowing his lips to slide down across the ridges of Roger's abs until they came to a stop, kissing just above his belly button. Roger moaned, almost chuckling. “I know you're awake!” Benny said quietly. “No I'm not,” Roger said with his eyes still closed. “You'd best keep moving down!” “Oh, okay then,” Benny said, grinning as he played along. He didn't exactly have far to move down before he reached Roger's desired target. Sleeping naked, Roger's cock was stretched most of the way up to his navel anyway, quickly hardened by the attention from his young master. “Oh fuck,” Roger groaned as he felt Benny's lips wrap around the head of his rigid tool. “Oh good, you're awake, I can stop!” Benny said, releasing the cock and sitting up, throwing the covers aside. “You fucking tease!” Roger said, reaching forward and gently punching Benny's shoulder. He let his hand linger there, opening up, his palm resting on the boy's arm. Their eyes met. He could feel the love radiating off of Benny in waves. It was something they rarely spoke about, but there was a bond between the two that always felt so strong when they were together. It wasn't romance, it wasn't lust, it wasn't even like the love of a true friend, somehow it always felt like something beyond any of that. The one time they had spoken about it, shortly after Benny's return to the house after his extended absence, He had described it as 'something unexplainable'. “I don't know what it is,” Benny had said at the time, “Sometimes you meet people and form a bond and then over time they just drift away. But then there are people like you. I look at you and I just know 'this is forever', I can just tell that you're one of those rare people who will always be in my life!” Roger would always remember that conversation because he felt exactly what Benny was saying. He felt it now too. Staring at the boy, he let his hand slide onto Benny's neck and up into the messy mop of dark blonde hair before coming back down to cup his cheek. Benny closed his eyes and gently nuzzled at his hand, appreciating ever second of contact with his friend. Roger gently scratched at the blonde fuzz on Benny's cheek and chuckled. “What?” Benny asked, opening his eyes and frowning. “I think it's time you started shaving!” Roger said with a warm smile. It was at times like this he really began to marvel at how much the boy had changed in the time they had known each other. That first time they met, the cold December night in the park almost three years ago, he had been a short, scrawny waif of a boy. He had been amazed that so much attitude, so much sexual aggression and so much maturity could be contained in such a small package, but now here he was, his body growing into the Dom Roger saw inside him from that very first night. Benny raised his hand to his other cheek and felt the fine hairs, nodding slightly. “Yeah, I s'pose so,” he said back. “Come on, I'll give you a quick tutorial,” Roger said, climbing out of the bed and holding out his hand. Benny took it and got out after him. They headed out of Benny's room and walked along the mezzanine hallway overlooking the main atrium, both still naked. As they walked, they could see the four apprentices hard at work cleaning the expansive marble floor down below. “Morning Boy,” Benny called out to them, stopping for a moment just outside the bathroom shared by the Generals. “Morning Sir,” the four apprentices called up in response, although not quite in unison. Benny blushed as he saw Kian smiling up at him. “Erm... keep up the good work,” he called back, slightly flustered, before following Roger into the bathroom. As the door closed, Roger began laughing. “What's so funny?” Benny asked moodily. Roger shook his head, still smirking. “I thought you were bad with Charlie when he joined the house, but that Kian kid has really got you good, hasn't he!” “Shut up!” Benny snapped back, scowling. “Sorry, I'm only kidding. I think it's really sweet!” Roger said with a smile as he began getting out his shaving gear. “I said shut up, I don't wanna talk about it!” Benny insisted, folding his arms indignantly. Roger shrugged and continued getting ready to show his master how to shave. He needed to do it himself too, so he simply went about it as normal, while narrating his actions for Benny's benefit. Benny copied everything Roger did and a few minutes later, stood there clean shaven, with just a couple of specks of blood where he had been too rough or caught himself at the wrong angle. “There ya go,” Roger said with a grin. “All done. Now just rinse off the last bits of foam and you're good to go!” Benny leant down, holding his hands under the running tap and splashing his face, wiping off the remnants of shaving foam. As he stood back up, Roger gently dabbed his face dry with a towel, then quickly realised that not all of the wetness was from the shaving. “Hey, what's wrong?” Roger asked, moving round to stare Benny in the eye, despite his attempts to avoid looking back. Benny opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out. Instead he simply shook his head, sniffing as he began to cry. “Aww, come here,” Roger said, pulling the boy into a hug. He quickly realised what it was. “It's your Dad, isn't it!” Benny nodded, his head resting on Roger's shoulder. “He should have been around to show me this!” he said between sniffs. “I know. I'm sorry,” Roger whispered back to him. He stood there holding Benny for several minutes, just letting him cry it out. Since returning, he hadn't spoken much about his loss, but Roger always knew it was there, hiding just below the surface. It was good that he was finally letting some of it out. “Thank you,” Benny said back as he stopped crying, still leaning against Roger, holding him tightly. ***** While Benny was off for the Summer holidays, some of the Boys had taken some time off to spend with him, but today it seemed all of them were working. That left Benny in the house with just Roger and the apprentices. In keeping with the promises the young master had made when bringing the apprentices into the house full time, they were being given all the help possible to assist them in finding work. As well as their daily chores around the house assigned by Roger and the occasional task or humiliation inflicted by their more senior dorm-buddies, most of their time was spent on achieving their goal of seeking employment. While Kian, Harry and Shane were busy searching job sites for appropriate vacancies or working on their CVs, Benny had taken Rav upstairs to one of the two guest rooms. The twenty-three-year-old had his trademark air of cockiness about him as always, but he actually began to look a little nervous as he followed Benny into the room. As they got inside the room and the door slowly swung closed behind them, Benny sat down on the bed, looking Rav up and down. His skin was so dark that it was sometimes hard to make out just how defined he was, but standing there with the light from the massive windows striking him, the curves and bulges of his muscles really showed. Between the muscles, the dark, piercing eyes, the somewhat sizeable cock and his smug grin, it was hard for Benny not to get aroused, but he somehow kept his mind on the task at hand. “So you all ready for your interview this afternoon?” “Yeah, I think so,” Rav replied, his confidence suddenly seeming to ebb. Benny had noticed quite quickly that Rav's confidence seemed limitless with almost everything that was thrown at him, until it came to his employment status. He had tried so hard for so long to find something, but all he kept getting was rejection after rejection and it had slowly chipped away at his self-esteem until there was almost nothing left. “Well Roger tells me you're pretty good at the mock interviews he's done with you,” Benny said, hoping to boost him just a little. “Really?” Rav asked with an incredulous smirk, “I didn't think he thought anyone did well at anything!” Benny stifled a smile. Roger's stoicism definitely had its place in keeping the Boys in line, but it really did little to help build their confidence. “Well he says you did well anyway, so just keep doing that and I'm sure it'll go great!” “Yeah, maybe,” Rav replied, unconvinced. “Anyway,” Benny said, quickly moving on before Rav could over-think things, “I've seen the stuff you brought with you to the house. There wasn't a lot. What are you planning on wearing?” Rav shrugged. “I've got a shirt. Was gonna wear that,” he said back. “First impressions count, you need to look the part if you wanna succeed!” Benny said with a smile. “Yeah well I don't exactly own a lot so I guess I'll have to make do!” Rav snapped back angrily. Benny stood up quickly. “Hey, no... I didn't... I wasn't trying to insult you. Remember, I'm here to help!” he said defensively. He approached Rav, but walked past him towards the wall of wardrobes behind him. He started pulling them open, revealing rows and rows of clothing. “Woah, what's that?” Rav asked, looking at the wall of clothing. Benny grinned. “When I have guys move in, they don't exactly need much in the way of clothing,” Benny said, referring to the policy of having his subs naked at all times. “I let them keep the day to day essentials they need for work in the wardrobes down in the dorms, but everything else they have gets stored up here. Over the years I've also bought quite a few things that they're all welcome to borrow as needed.” Benny pointed to a specific section. “That's the formal wear. I figured we could go through it and pick you out something good for your interview. Like I said, first impressions count!” “Oh, thanks,” Rav said, looking slightly ashamed at his outburst and the assumption he had made about the boy. ***** “Hey, Shane, check your email,” Harry said, looking up from the laptop. “I'm sending you a link to one you're perfect for!” Shane looked across the dining table at the older man and smiled, “Thanks, what is it?” he asked. “It's a construction job,” Harry said, looking back at the job site he was looking through. “Told ya mate, can't do it no more,” Shane said with a shrug. “Doctor's orders!” “Yeah, I know, I remember,” Harry said. “This is like a trainee management job for a construction company!” “Me? A manager? No fucking chance!” Shane said, shaking his head. “No fucker'd have me!” “Well you don't know until you try,” Harry said, not letting Shane's self-doubt bother him. “You've got experience in the industry, you're young and you don't mind working for a trainee wage. I reckon you'd do better than you think!” Shane gave a lop-sided smile and shrugged. “Guess it's worth a shot!” he said. He had been sceptical when he came to the house, thinking that Benny's promise to help them was nothing more than a charade with which to get more subs under his control, but so far he had completely delivered on the promise. Harry definitely helped. The older man probably had the hardest job of them all, but he remained eternally positive and it was quite contagious. Even more than his scepticism, Shane had mostly just been scared of joining the house. As he had explained to Benny when they first met properly, his experiences with other men were limited to the edgings he had been given, mostly by Malik. Those fears had also quickly been assuaged. He was at the bottom of the hierarchical ladder in the house, which meant even the other subs could boss him around and it was something that had already been taken advantage of regularly by some of the guys. Shane's muscles had proven quite an attraction for both Doms and subs in the house. Before he came along, Charlie had always been considered to have the best body, but now Shane threatened to take that crown. Even with the injury that had ended his construction career, he had been able to keep up the hard work he had put in over the years and now looked almost like a professional bodybuilder. Shane's fear, however, was nothing compared to that of the boy sat between himself and Harry. Kian seemed to be terrified of everything and everyone. He spoke so rarely that he had actually been in the house for several days before some of the boys even realised he was Irish. While Rav had been a bit of a tease, winding the boy up now and then, Shane and Harry had been doing their best to put him at ease. The relationship between the four apprentices was strange. In most of the activities their dorm-buddies pushed them into, the four competed against each other which should have made them rivals, but entering the house together, being at the same level and being together in the house every day while the others worked, they had naturally grown close to each other. “How's your search going, buddy?” Shane asked the nervous teen. Kian glanced at the muscular twenty-year-old and seemed to shrink into himself. He shrugged and replied almost inaudibly, “Okay thanks.” Shane frowned. He wanted to help the boy but wasn't quite sure how to go about it. He knew he had been spending a lot of time with Benny. Shane's turn sharing the master's bed had been just two nights ago and it had been fantastic. Benny had been as caring as he was strict, using the time to walk Shane through a few things he liked to do while just chatting and getting to know him. It had really put him at ease about a lot of things. He wondered if he was doing the same sort of thing with Kian and if we was, why it wasn't helping. Before he could say anything else, the door swung open and Benny stepped in, grinning. Shane immediately noticed the change in Kian, the way he actually sat up, smiling. They all looked expectantly at Benny. “Gentlemen...” Benny started, then grinned and continued, “May I present, for your perusal, ready for his interview this afternoon... Ravel Grainger!” There was a loud grunt from behind him, so he shook his head, cleared his throat and added, “Sorry, I mean, Rav Grainger!” Benny stepped aside and Rav walked in. The other three stared at him. They had rarely left the house since joining it and, as such, had almost exclusively been naked around each other. The few times they had left, Rav had always worn the same scruffy jeans and t-shirt. Now he stood there, looking cocky as ever in a navy blue suit, underneath it a pristine white shirt, and pale blue tie. He wore black shoes, polished to an impeccable shine. “Fuck dude, looking good!” Shane said, staring, slightly open-mouthed. Rav grinned at the reaction, looking down at himself. He had never looked so smart in his life. “Thanks,” he said, flashing Shane a smile. “I'd hire him!” Harry said, nodding. “Perfect,” Ben said happily. When he had dressed Rav up, he had been too distracted by how much he wanted to fuck him to really consider the employability of him. He trusted Harry's judgement though. He had only know the new apprentice for a while, but he had proven himself sensible and level-headed so far. Benny headed to the far end of the room where the three Boys were all sitting, then looked back to Rav. “I think you should take it off now, don't want it all creased up before your interview!” “Yes Sir,” Rav said, turning to head for the door. “Nuh-uh. There!” Benny said, pointing to where Rav had just been stood. Rav frowned for a moment before realising Benny wanted him to put on a show for him and the other apprentices. He moved back to the spot he had just vacated and popped open the button on his jacket. Allowing it to slide down off of his broad shoulders, he hung it on the back of one of the chairs. The other four were already staring at him, the white shirt tight across his muscles, the small mounds of his nipples visible through the thing material. Giving his usual grin, he reached down and began undoing the shirt, staring at the bottom and working up. A small triangle of dark skin was exposed, gradually getting bigger as he undid more buttons, teasingly slowly. Benny suddenly felt very conscious of his own erection. With the four apprentices in chastity, he would be the only one showing his arousal so obviously. He took the opportunity to get closer to Kian, standing behind the seventeen-year-old's chair, allowing one arm to drape down over his shoulder, a palm coming to rest on his chest. Kian grinned up at Benny, tilting his head back against his master's stomach, then continued watching Rav. With the shirt now fully undone, it was only the tie keeping it closed at the collar. The spectators were all expecting to come off next, but instead he tugged at the shirt, pulling the collar through, then let it slide down, placing it aside carefully like the jacket. He stood there now, naked from the waist up aside from the tie. “Fuck!” Harry muttered, looking at the younger man and squirming uncomfortable as his chastity cage tightened. Rav could see the affect he was having on the others and as well as arousing him, it spurred him on to keep going, despite the uncomfortable swelling on his own device. He reached down and slowly pulled open the belt, pulling it loose before tossing it aside, then popped open the button on his trousers. Tugging gently at the material, the zip slid down, revealing a tight pair of white briefs that contrasted heavily with the darkness of his skin. Still grinning, Rav let the trousers drops, then kicked off his shoes and stepped out of them. He cursed the device en-caging his cock. The bulge in his briefs was substantial, but he knew that without the cage it would be all the more impressive. Now in nothing but briefs, socks and the tie, he began moving closer to the others, allowing his hands to casually explore his body. “Rav,” Benny called out. “Do you think you'd be more relaxed at your interview without the cage?” Rav stopped dead in his tracks. He had gotten so used to the device that the thought of going without it hadn't even crossed his mind. He contemplated for a second, then said, “”Yeah, I think I would!” “Okay then. Here's a little gift for you,” Benny said, then looked to the others, “For all of you actually. I'm willing to release you for interviews. Think of it as a little reward for getting that far. How does that sound?” The eager responses from all four made Benny grin. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small bunch of keys. He had taken to carrying them round as soon as the apprentices joined the house, occasionally using them to tease or taunt. Rav froze in place as Benny moved closer. The boy stopped, staring Rav in the eye for a moment, before dropping to his knees, pulling down the briefs at the same time. He undid the small padlock then set about releasing Rav's tool. So far, he had yet to see any of the new Boys uncaged, so this was a treat for Benny just as much as it was for Rav. Within seconds of release, Rav's cock was standing to attention. The other apprentices had seen it during their many edging sessions with Malik or one of the other Doms, but it had been a while and they had forgotten just how impressive it was. It reached skyward, curving upwards until it was parallel to Rav's flat stomach, the head large and engorged. Released from its confinement, it had grown considerably thicker too. 'Fuck, it's like he's got a third arm!' Benny thought to himself, standing back and looking at it, his own cock now begging to be set free. “Well we can't exactly let you go for your interview with it like that. I want you to impress them with your personality, not your cock. We'd better give you some relief. Extra present for you all then when you interview, a free fuck, you choose who!” Rav's eyes immediately fell on Benny. He grinned. “Anyone but me!” Benny said quickly. He would have loved to ride the enormous cock, but that would be something he would save to do in private, not in front of all the other apprentices. In fact, it would be Rav's turn to spend the night with him in just a few days, so he might have to 'unleash the beast' then too! “Aww, fine,” Rav said dejectedly, looking at the other three. Harry looked ravenous, Shane a little intimidated but Kian looked outright terrified. “I'll do Kian!” he said, unable to resist the younger man's obvious fear. Benny felt Kian's hand reach up to grab his own as the boy tensed up. He looked up at Benny again, eyes pleading not to let this happen. This was exactly what Benny had feared. His feelings for Kian were going to interfere with his duties as a master. He wanted to just tell Rav to pick someone else. He was screaming it inside his head, but he kept his mouth firmly clamped closed. He couldn't protect the boy, no matter how much he wanted to. “Go on then,” Benny said, pulling his hand away and nudging Kian to stand up. Kian was trembling as he stood, still looking to Benny for help that refused to come. In a single leap, Rav jumped up onto the table. “Come on K, let's give 'em a show!” he said, grinning at the boy. Kian gave Benny one last look before slowly climbing onto the table. Harry and Shane both closed their laptops so they could have an unobstructed view. Benny moved across to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of lube. In that house, it paid to keep a stash in every room. Almost in tears, Kian stood up shakily, looking at Rav. “Hey,” Rav said gently, leaning in to whisper in Kian's ear, “Don't worry, you know I wouldn't hurt ya, lil dude! If it gets too much, just squeeze my hand and I'll stop, 'kay?” Benny looked on, wondering what Rav was saying as he tossed him the lubricant. The way he had so quickly singled out Kian had him a little worried. He had seen victimisation before, it was something Alex had done quite a lot, picking out the weakest to exert dominance. Was he going to have to keep his eye on Rav for the same thing? As Kian turned and dropped onto all fours, Benny was mildly relieved to see that while he still looked nervous, a lot of the fear had vanished from his face. Rav lubed his throbbing cock, then let a hand drop down to apply a little to Kian's hole. Benny felt a twitch in his cock at the sight of it. He had lubed that same hole so many times already, normally with Kian's own precum. It had become like a ritual to them, spooning, touching, lubing then fucking before drifting off to sleep, a routine they eagerly repeated upon waking the next morning too. He felt something else as he watched, something that felt worryingly like... jealousy. It wasn't for Rav's cock, although he definitely wanted a go on it. He felt jealous seeing someone else touching Kian like that. Since the young Irish boy arrived, Benny had been fiercely protective of him, but before now he had never really been that possessive. It was a bizarre sensation to sit there eager to see it happen, but hating it at the same time. Rav began pushing the head of his cock into the boy, who grunted gently in response to the intrusion. Benny felt his hands clenching into fists. He needed a distraction, right away! He looked either side of him, two choices, Shane or Harry. Either of them would be a good choice. He had already fucked Shane (his first fuck, in fact) but had yet to have a night alone with Harry, so he briefly considered choosing the older man. Then he remembered something else, something he had found out about Harry in their first meeting. Being aroused, but not receiving any physical satisfaction was somehow the most exciting thing to the thirty-eight-year-old. Benny quickly jumped up, looked at Shane and snapped, “Bend over the table!” “Yes Sir!” Shane immediately replied, standing up and leaning over. As he rested on his forearms, he found his face barely a foot away from Kian's. As Benny looked towards Rav to request the lube, he found the bottle already flying towards him, the apprentice already anticipating the request. Benny reacted quickly and caught it, placing it beside Shane as he quickly pulled off his clothes. He squirted some lube into his hand and thrust straight into Shane, catching him a little by surprise with the ferocity of it. “Holy shit!” Harry muttered as he watched the two encounters going on right in front of him. His cock was pressing against the confines of his chastity device, a string or precum oozing from the tip down to the ground as his hands clenched tightly onto the seat of the chair. Benny was already thrusting in and out of Shane before he could bring himself to look up at the other two again. Rav was still on his first inward thrust, taking it incredibly slowly. He genuinely didn't want to hurt Kian and he head learned over the years that someone unused to his size, even if they were experienced at taking cock, could find themselves easily in pain from his fucking. Before joining the house and finding himself locked up for so long, a fuck that slow would have meant it would be days before he would cum. However, being deprived of sexual gratification for so long whilst also being forced to do things he found unfathomably exciting, his threshold had been significantly lowered. He wasn't even fully inside the boy yet and he could already feel an eruption building. Seeing Benny ravenously fucking Shane wasn't exactly slowing down the process either. Benny wanted to stop. He wanted to pull out of Shane, to yank Kian away from Rav and just hold the boy in his arms. He could tell Rav to pick someone else, anyone else, anyone in the house he wanted, just not Kian, but he resisted. Instead, he continued fucking Shane hard, enjoying the pleasured moans coming from both his victim and their spectator. Harry was making no secret of his enjoyment. He had leant back in his seat, used his precum to lube one finger that was now buried in his ass while the other teased at his nipples. Rav had got most of the way in now. Seeing no sign of a request to stop from Kian, he began sliding back out, not quite as slowly as the entry, but still slower than he intended to build up to. Pulled out far enough that only the head remained inside the boy, he pushed back in again, this time taking only a few seconds to enter fully. Benny’s eyes were fixed on Rav's cock, the massive tool trespassing on his property! He could feel the frustration building but kept it inside, slamming against Shane's ass vigorously to vent his anger. All at once, they reached their inevitable conclusions. Rav shot inside Kian, his aching balls pumping spurt after spurt of thick spunk inside him while Benny filled Shane with his own seed. At the same time, Harry let out a pleasured moan as his cock spurted a massive glob of precum. That was as close to an orgasm as he was likely to get any time soon! Pumping faster as he shot his load, Rav eventually came to a stop as he heard Kian whimper. He gently pulled out and placed a hand on the boy's back. Benny quickly pulled on his clothes and dashed for the door before any of them really had a chance to recover. He looked back before he left and called out, “Okay, Roger will drive you to your interview later. The rest of you back to work, Roger will give you your orders for the afternoon a little later.” Without waiting for a response, he left. ***** Benny sat in his private lounge, glaring at Victor. The older man had responded to Benny's texts earlier in the day and said he would come round for a chat after work. They had gotten down to business straight away. Benny had quickly explained everything that had happened, starting with his initial attraction to Kian and ending with his unexpected anger towards Rav. He had omitted his own suspicions about his feelings for Kian. Even with Victor it seemed impossible to put into word. He had demanded to know what was wrong with him and that was when Victor began laughing. “Hey, don't laugh at me!” Benny said moodily, folding his arms, pouting and sitting back in his seat. “Oh I'm sorry,” Victor said, regaining his composure. “I really don't mean to be insensitive, but come on Benny. Really?” “What?” Benny demanded. “You are one of the most unusual teenagers I have ever met, Benny. The things you've done, the things you do, how mature you can be, the things you can handle,” Victor started, then grinned again, “But this? Come on Benny, being jealous over seeing someone else fucking the guy you like... that's probably the most normal thing you've ever done!” “Shut up. I don't like him. I don't do that any more!” Benny snapped. That was when the smile fell completely from Victor's face. “You don't... do what any more?” he asked, slightly concerned. “Like people. I have my Boys and they're important to me, but... I can't just like one guy. I... I need to be there for all of them equally,” Benny explained. “I don't... quite follow,” Victor said. He paused, taking a deep breath as he relaxed back into his seat, eyeing the young man in front of him up and down. “Why can't you just like one guy?” Benny hesitated. This wasn't something eh had thought about. In his mind, his hesitation had been purely about his duty to the house and everyone in it. The things he was saying now were as much a revelation to him as they were to Victor. “I think... maybe it's cos... I don't wanna lose someone else.” Victor frowned. In many ways, he had been expecting this sort of reaction. He had known Benny a long time now and he knew all the things the boy had been through. “Go on,” he encouraged. “Well think about it. I fell for Josh, hard. I loved him, I mean, I still do in other ways, but I mean I really loved him but he went and chose someone else which hurt me and I ended up hurting him back. Then I meet Charlie and just as I was starting to think I could love him as much as I did with Josh, bam, he cheats on me with Philip. I even thought I was falling in love with Zane for a while but he'd rather be with Roger anyway. It's just... every time I like someone, all they do is reject me for someone else!” “You know that won't always be how it goes, don't you?” Victor asked quietly. Benny nodded. “I do and I know it's stupid to say I'll never be with anyone again, but I kinda feel right now like... if it happened again, if I... if I let myself like him and... and he rejects me too... I... I don't think I could handle it!” By the end of the sentence, Benny was trembling, even the thought of it filling him with absolute terror. Victor looked at the young man sympathetically. He knew, in his professional opinion, that there were lots of other factors in this but he had learned over the years that it was best to let Benny discover these things himself rather than to spoon-feed them to him. “Benny, only you can decide what you want and when you're ready for it but can I tell you something I've learned from both my own experiences and talking to so many patients over the years?” Benny looked across at him, nodding slightly. “Loss and grief and heartbreak can be extremely hard to deal with, but the thing that's hardest to overcome is regret!” Victor explained. “I've seen people spend their entire lives beating themselves up over the what ifs. What if I'd asked her out? What if I'd taken that job? What if I'd let him continue being my master?” Benny's eyes widened at the last one, unsure quite how to respond. “Don't worry, I've moved on since then!” Victor said, smiling warmly before Benny could attempt to respond. “But what I'm saying is, everyone has regrets, but it's easier to regret the things you did than regret the things you didn't!” “So you're saying I should go for it?” Benny asked, smiling cautiously. “I'm saying you should think about yourself two years from now. Think about future Benny. What would he regret more? A heartbreak or a missed opportunity?” Victor asked. Benny chuckled and nodded. He got up and moved across the small gap between himself and Victor. He leaned down and hugged the man for a moment before standing back up. “Have I ever told you how glad I am that I blackmailed you into being my slave then set you free?” “You know, I think Hallmark make cards for that. Maybe you should get me one!” Victor joked. Benny laughed and hugged him again. ***** The evening's tasks had been completed quickly. Having the four apprentices in the house had made a significant impact to the Boys. With the four new guys doing all the housework during the day, it mostly left the rest of the subs free to engage in more enjoyable activities. Roger, Malik and Wesley had taken charge of one Boy from each dorm. Malik, who usually relied on edging to entertain himself and his charges, was a little stumped when he found himself with two apprentices, Kian and Shane. Being locked in chastity, he had been initially unsure what to do with them until he got the idea to use them to tease David and Taro. While he enjoyed getting more hands on and edging the Boys himself, he was beginning to accept that he needed to use his position to actually teach the subs rather than just using them. Throughout the session, he had talked Kian and Shane through the best techniques to keep the other two as close to the edge without going over. Malik was pleased to note that Shane seemed like a natural. Benny had advised him of how limited Shane's experiences were, so Malik was delighted to see how quickly he had David moaning and squirming under his surprisingly gentle touches. Kian, on the other hand, was struggling somewhat. He seemed too scared to even touch Taro to begin with, despite the gentle encouragement of the other Boy. He even flinched every time Malik gave him a suggestion, as it being scolded. Taro was no huge fan of being edged, but he would have welcomed it in comparison to the awkward fumblings of Kian's hands and mouth on his body. He had been somewhat relieved when Malik, frustrated with Kian's timidity, took over himself, making the apprentice stand and watch instead. Roger had been given Charlie, Zane, Quentin and new Boy Rav for the evening. He had subjected them to a gruelling workout, although essentially ended up running two sessions at once – one for the ultra-fit Charlie and Rav then another for the unfit Quentin and asthmatic Zane. Rav's complaints about being expected to do so much more than Zane and Quentin were quickly met with an inordinate amount of push-ups, which earned him a harsh spanking when he inevitably failed to complete them. At first, Quentin had been amazed at the way Roger was able to treat his lover, Zane, just the same as the other Boys, happily yelling insults in his face while belittling his physical capabilities. He wondered sometimes if the two really could separate their lives as sub/Dom from their lives as boyfriends or if there was some crossover between the two. Pretty soon, he found himself too exhausted to care. Quentin was certainly no slacker when it came to physical activity, especially after so long in the house, but he was in his mid-thirties and inevitably found it impossible to keep up with Charlie and Rav. It didn't help that his cock had stiffened at the sight of the two muscular young men working out in front of him and had continued to throb the whole way through Roger's session. Meanwhile, Wesley had Josh, Robert, Philip and new Boy Harry with him for the night. He had initially planned to try something different from his usual routine of pain, but when he saw Robert in his group, he reverted to his old ways. Wesley was really no fan of Robert, more specifically his personality. Physically, Wesley found the older man incredibly attractive. The tattoos and piercings could always get him rock hard in an instant. The personality though, he was abrasive and obnoxious, two things Wesley hated. He had no real justification to go particularly hard on Robert. He was, after all, a perfectly well behaved sub, always following orders without question, but that didn't stop him flogging the older man mercilessly. Teasing and torturing Philip was always a strange experience for Wesley, due to him being his brother's boyfriend. It was even stranger since the time the three of them had gotten off together in the lounge. Ever since that day, just being near Wesley seemed to make the twenty-five-year-old's cock stiffen instantly. Wesley wondered if it was just because Philip liked him, or because he was his boyfriend's brother. The latter option seemed a little strange until Wesley turned his attention to Josh. Although he had never met them, Wesley had heard a lot about Josh's brothers from Benny and occasionally found himself thinking about having all three McKenzie brothers restrained at his mercy. Wesley was still learning about Harry. This was only the second time he had been set loose on the new apprentice. The first time, he had gone quite gently, not wanting to push him too far, too soon. This time however, with Josh, Robert and Philip all moaning from the pain that had been inflicted upon them, Harry stood in the centre of the room, hands restrained above his head and Wesley intended to find his limits. So far, he had yet to find them. It seemed no matter what punishment he inflicted on the thirty-eight-year-old, he just happily took more. His enjoyment was obvious from the literal stream of precum flowing from his encaged cock. The three Doms all finished around the same time, the cellar filling with a flurry of activity as all twelve subs piled out of their respective playrooms at once. The three Doms all headed for the stairs together. It was only as they started to go up that Roger paused for a moment, looked back and caught sight of Kian. Quickly heading for the boy, he tapped him on the shoulder. “Aargh!” Kian yelped, literally jumping at the sight of Roger. Roger shook his head. He was beginning to find the boy's constant fear quite amusing but didn't want to let it show. “Message from Benny. You're to stay in your own dorm tonight!” “Oh... okay,” Kian said, looking completely disheartened. He had been looking forward to it all day. Without another word, Roger turned back and joined the other Doms heading upstairs. “Hey bud, what's up?” Shane asked, seeing the youngest Boy standing there looking glum. He casually draped his arm around Kian's shoulders. Kian tensed up at the sudden physical contact but forced a smile and said, “Nothing, I'm fine!” “Come on then, we're all hitting the showers,” Shane said, leading the boy round the hallways toward the shower room. As the two apprentices got in there, they saw most of the showers already occupied by the rest of the Boys. They separated, each heading for a free shower head as chatter bounced back and forth across the room. Most of the Boys loved the shower room. It was one of the few places the Doms never really came, which allowed them to talk more freely than they might in other spots around the house. Not that they had any secrets, but it was just easier to relax knowing that they wouldn't suddenly find themselves receiving some orders. The apprentices, however, were not quite so free. Their position in the house was the lowest, meaning even the other Boys had seniority over them. The Boys were permitted to issue commands to the four apprentices, so long as the commands did not cause them to breach any house rules or explicit commands of the Doms. With one apprentice assigned to each dorm, it had naturally developed that they would only be given commands by their own dorm-buddies. That had resulted in each of them receiving very different treatments. “Hey slave, get over here!” Charlie called out to Shane. “Yes Sir?” Shane enquired, approaching Charlie. Charlie and Philip had, as always, taken shower heads that were side-by-side and were in the process of making out, both of their cocks standing to attention. “On your knees!” Charlie said, trying to sound masterful, although it came out sounding more like a polite request. “Yeah, now suck us!” Philip added, as he pressed his body against his lover's. Their cocks were together, the two Boys twisting their bodies so the rigid dicks protruded for Shane to access them. Shane, having quickly gotten used to being a sex toy for his two dorm-buddies, opened his mouth wide and took both cocks into it, sucking vigorously. His technique was not yet particularly good, but Charlie and Philip were more aroused by each other than by the apprentice's mouth anyway, so it didn't particularly matter. Seeing the Dorm One apprentice being put to good use, Robert decided not to be outdone. Taro had not been particularly bothered by issuing commands to Rav, but Robert had taken great pleasure in it so far. He had stated on a few occasions that Rav needed to be taken down a peg or two, that his arrogance needed to be stamped out. The irony of his assertion was not lost on his fellow subs. “You too, Boy. Over here!” Robert called out to Rav. Rav hesitated for a moment, considering refusing the order. He had been on a high most of the day thanks to the support he had received from Benny for his interview, and then how well the interview itself had gone, but Robert seemed determined to piss him off before the day ended. Figuring it was better to obey Robert than face the wrath of a house Dom for failing to follow an order, he headed towards the tattooed man and stared him straight in the eye. “Yes?” he demanded. “On your knees, open your mouth!” Robert commanded. Everyone was watching now. Even Shane was peering round while continuing to suck on Charlie and Philip. Robert, whose cock was already swelling, gave it a few more strokes to get it to full firmness, then rammed it into Rav's mouth. It seemed like he was going to just facefuck the apprentice and the others began losing interest, returning to their showering when Rav suddenly started spluttering. The young man reached up to push Robert away, but the older man grabbed his head and held it in place. The others wondered what was happening until they saw dribbles of yellow liquid pouring from the corners of Rav's mouth. “Swallow it!” Robert ordered, keeping hold of Rav's head despite his struggling. “Dude, not cool!” Charlie said, pulling his cock from Shane's mouth and stepping towards the struggle. “Back the fuck off!” Robert snapped. “You know what the Doms said, we do what we like with these guys.” “Get off of him!” Charlie snapped. Quentin stepped forward, also ready to intervene, then Kian caught his eye. The altercation had the Boy looking absolutely petrified. “Josh!” Quentin called out, gesturing to the Boy as he got his dorm-mate's attention. Josh looked round and quickly caught on to what Quentin attended. He walked over to Kian, placed a hand on his back and quickly led him out of the shower room. Taro and Zane quickly followed, both seemingly heading upstairs. Josh left them to it, instead taking Kian back to their dorm. The door closed behind them, just as raised voices started coming from the direction of the shower room. “You okay?” Josh asked, turning to face the younger boy. He had not spent much time with his dorm's apprentice yet. “I didn't like that!” Kian said, looking down at the floor, head shaking slightly. “It's okay, neither did I!” Josh said gently. The Boy was shaking, likely as much from cold as from fear. The cellar, like the rest of the house, was always kept at a comfortable temperature, but they were both still dripping wet. They had forgotten to grab towels on the way out of the shower room, but they kept a couple in their dorm anyway, so Josh grabbed one and cautiously draped it round Kian's shoulders. “Thanks,” Kian said quietly, grabbing the towel tightly. Josh grabbed another towel for himself and started drying off. As he was drying his hair, he peered out from under the towel and saw Kian was still just standing there. “Hey, shouldn't you be heading up to Benny's room?” Kian shook his head, looking more unhappy. “He doesn't want me!” Josh chuckled. “Now I know that's not true!” he said, still smiling. He got a confused look back from Kian but figured it was best to stay out of it. “Don't worry about it. I know Benny, he probably just wants a night to himself,” he said reassuringly. “Yeah I guess so,” Kian pouted. “Hey, his loss is my gain!” Josh said happily. He was beginning to find himself feeling quite protective of the boy. He was only a little younger than Nick, one of Josh's younger brothers. He kept imagining how he would feel if it was Nick here in Kian's place. Dried enough for now, he tossed his towel aside and stepped towards the younger Boy. He noticed the Boy instinctively flinch as he reached out, but he apparently forced himself not to retreat. “It's okay,” Josh said gently, lifting the towel up slightly to dry the boy's hair and face. He thought he had been too rough and knocked Kian over when he felt the apprentice lean against him. He realised he was mistaken as he felt the Boy's arms wrap around him. “This place is scary!” Kian whimpered as he leaned hugged Josh. Josh held the boy in response, thinking for a moment. “You know you don't have to be here, don't you? Benny would let you go if you asked!” He smiled at his own comment. A few years earlier, he wouldn't have ever had such faith in Benny, so it pleased him greatly that he genuinely believed what he said now. “I don't want to go!” Kian said back quietly. He let go of Josh and took hold of the towel, drying the rest of himself as Josh looked at him, mildly confused. The older Boy turned and climbed up onto his bed, laying on his stomach to look down from his top bunk. Kian hung the towel up on a hook behind the door then headed for his own bunk, below Josh's. “Hey,” Josh said, dropping his hand down onto Kian's shoulder. “Why don't you try this bunk,” he suggested, pointing to the other top bunk, the one above Quentin's. Kian looked up at it for a moment, then down at his own bunk and up one more time before slowly climbing the ladder. To begin with, he lay down on his back, head on the pillow, feet pointing towards Josh's bunk. He glanced down and saw the twenty-two-year-old still looking at him expectantly. He gulped, then shuffled round, bringing his pillow with him and laying on his front, facing Josh. “So you're scared of this place, but you don't want to leave?” Josh asked quietly, mirroring the boy's position so their faces were now just a few feet apart across the ends of their bunks. Kian pursed his lips, thinking for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah. Before I started coming here, doing this sort of thing was all I could think about. I wanted someone to just take control of me. But now that it's happening... I can't help it, it all just... scares the crap outta me!” Josh nodded gently in response. “I can kinda understand,” he said empathetically, “I wasn't that much older than you when I started doing this stuff and it was scary as hell, but I'm glad I did it.” “Well so am I,” Kian said quickly. “But... when does it stop being scary?” “I don't know,” Josh answered honestly. “I think it's best to just take each day as it comes. I guess you'll get used to it eventually, especially with Benny looking out for you. He's a great master!” “Yeah, and cute too!” Kian said, his eyes suddenly realising what he had shared. He buried his face in his pillow, cheeks burning bright red. Josh laughed aloud and reached across, tousling Kian's hair playfully. “Relax, it's cool,” he said reassuringly, still chuckling. Kian eventually looked up, still blushing, getting another smirk from Josh. “Come on then, Kian. Tell me something about yourself. If we're gonna be rooming together, I wanna get to know you,” Josh urged him. The Boy had already shared more than he had ever expected to get out of him and he didn't want to lose the momentum now. Just as Kian was about to reply, the door swung open and Quentin walked in. The younger Boy immediately clammed up, dropping his head back down onto his pillow, looking with one eye at their other room-mate. “Hey Q, everything alright?” Josh asked, swinging his legs round and sitting on the edge of his bunk. He had been so caught up in looking after Kian that he had almost forgotten the ruckus they had left behind in the shower room. “Robert's such a dick!” Quentin replied angrily. Josh could already see Kian retreating back into himself in response to the older man's anger. “Hey, it's alright, cool it,” Josh said, gesturing to Kian with his eyes. “Oh, sorry,” Quentin said, taking a few moments to compose himself. “You okay, Kian?” he asked, looking up to the Boy. He got a silent nod in response. “So what happened?” Josh asked, allowing himself to slide down off his bed, landing with a quiet thud on the concrete floor. Quentin shook his head, sitting down on the chair between the two wardrobes opposite the bunks. “I'm not really sure. We tried to get Robert off of Rav, but then David insisted we had no right, that Robert was only doing what he was allowed to do, then Philip had a go at David and it just kinda spiralled out of control. By the time Roger and Benny came running in, it was like a free-for-all in there. One shout from Roger and we all stopped pretty quickly!” he explained, looking a little dazed about the whole thing. “So are they doing anything about the way Robert acted?” Josh asked. Forced sexual acts were somewhat of a prickly subject for Josh. He had been forced to do things before, things he both did and didn't want to do. Sometimes he had found he enjoyed it, other times not so much, so the question of what was acceptable and what was not had become somewhat of a hazy grey area for him. Quentin shook his head. “Nope. Benny said he hadn't actually done anything wrong!” “What!” Josh said, looking amazed. “How?” Quentin shrugged. “He actually admitted he might be the one at fault, he said he hadn't actually made it clear exactly what we are and are not allowed to do to the new guys, so with no actual rules in place, Robert hadn't broken any.” “Oh,” Josh said, frowning slightly as he sat down onto Kian's former bunk. “I guess... that makes sense.” “Also, as Roger pointed out, Rav didn't make any attempt to say the safe word, or make the safety gesture as his mouth was... erm... occupied!” Quentin added. Josh hadn't considered that. They had all been so caught up in what they thought was right or wrong, that it seemed nobody had actually considered how Rav himself might have felt. “So is he putting new rules in place?” Josh asked, concerned. Quentin shook his head again. “Actually... no. He said it's up to the new guys,” he said, glancing at Kian for a moment. “They're uncomfortable with something, then it's up to them to stop it.” Josh stood and reached up to Kian's bunk. “You hear that, Kian? You don't like anything being done to you, you just gotta say the word and it stops!” The comment was supposed to put the Boy at ease, but instead the prospect of being in a situation like that only made him look more intimidated. He said nothing back, but grabbed hold of Josh's hand, gripping it tightly. Throughout what was left of the evening, the three occupants of Dorm Four mostly kept to themselves, Josh texting on his phone, Quentin doing some lesson planning for the forthcoming term and Kian watching TV on in his phone. Conversations started up occasionally, but with Quentin concentrating on his work and Kian seemingly more scared than ever, Josh eventually gave up trying to force it. Once they all decided to sleep and turned out the lights, Quentin and Kian quickly dropped off to sleep. Josh remained awake for a while. He often found it hard to sleep at the house. He was so used to sleeping with his boyfriend beside him that sleeping alone felt a little bizarre. He was comforted very slightly by the gentle snores from Quentin and quiet, gentle breathing from Kian. He was just beginning to drift off when he heard a change in the Boy adjacent to him. Kian's quiet breathing grew more laboured, faster, gradually giving way to quiet whimpers. Josh felt bad for him. Even in his sleep it seemed the teenager was scared. He found himself thinking about his youngest sibling, Corey. He was a little younger than Kian. Occasionally, when Corey had started having bad dreams, Josh had comforted him by stroking his fingers through the boy's hair. He figured it was worth a go to see if Kian could be calmed the same way. He shuffled up slightly, reaching across his pillows to the soft, ginger hair, allowing his fingers to slide through it. “Shh, it's okay, it's just a dream,” he whispered softly as he stroked. “It's just a dream.” Kian's whimpers quietened, giving way to quiet content moans for a moment before returning to the calm, rhythmic breathing. Happy with his work, Josh shuffled back down and closed his eyes. Once again he was just on the verge of drifting to sleep when Kian disturbed him again. This time he was moving. He felt the boy suddenly flop down next to him and get under the covers. He made no attempt to cuddle up to Josh or even touch him in any way, he just lay alongside him. Neither of them said a word as they gradually fell asleep. ***** Benny lay awake, staring at the ceiling, although it was too dark to actually see it anyway. He had asked Roger to pass on the message to Kian not to come up to his room tonight, based mostly on Victor's advice. “Take some time to think about what you really want!” Victor had said as he was leaving. “He's not going anywhere, so don't rush into anything for a change, stop and think!” Benny appreciated the suggestion, as he always did from Victor, but it seemed pointless. All he could do was think about it. The Boy had taken over his mind. He rolled onto his side, curled up and closed his eyes, determined to sleep, but it remained elusive. Grabbing a pillow from the other side of the bed, he hugged it close to his chest. He sighed contentedly, imagining it was Kian, then felt bad as he realised it wasn't. “This is stupid!” he said to himself, releasing the pillow as he rolled onto his back. “He's right downstairs. If you want him here, go and get him!” “You're talking to yourself, Benny. That's a bad sign!” he said to himself. “Fuck it, I want a cuddle!” He jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. Bizarrely, even though most the residents of the house walked around naked at all times, Benny felt a little self-conscious about doing it himself. He crept out of his room and was about halfway to the stairs when he realised something. 'Why am I sneaking?' he thought to himself. 'I own this house and everyone in it. If I wanna go get someone to sleep with in the middle of the night, I'm allowed to!' With renewed confidence, he stood up straight and casually strolled down the stairs. He smirked as he heard noises coming from Roger's room. Obviously he had Zane with him again and they were making the most of it! He headed straight for the stairs to the cellar and walked down. The main hallway light was always kept on at night. As the light switch was over near the stairs, it was deemed safer to leave on so that anyone needing to use the bathroom wouldn't have to fumble round in the dark. Benny headed for the door to Dorm Four and opened it as quietly as he could. He could already feel his heart pounding as he imagined Kian waking up to see him, those beautiful eyes opening up. He tiptoed in, the light from the hallway illuminating the room enough for him to see. He stopped as he noticed Kian's bunk was empty. Quentin was snoring away in his own and he could see Josh's back up on his bunk. Worried about where Kian might be, he quietly climbed the ladder to the bunk above Quentin, wondering if maybe the Boy had just switched beds. As he got up there, he saw the bedding had been disturbed, but again no Kian. That was when his eye caught a flash of ginger... beside Josh. The two were cuddled up to each other, sound asleep. Silently Benny climbed back down and left, closing the door behind him. He felt numb. It was bizarre. He had seen Rav fuck the boy earlier in the day and felt a little jealous, but somehow this felt even worse. He could feel tears forming, but held them back as he made his way back up both flights of stairs. As he closed his bedroom door, he couldn't hold it back any more. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he dove back into his bed, burying his face in his pillow and pulling the covers over his head. Benny's House Chapter 29 – The Party by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Saturday 29th August 2015 It's getting harder and harder to keep avoiding Josh and Kian. Mainly Josh really. Kian's just back to being entirely timid so all I have to do is not talk to him and he doesn't talk to me. Josh is a different matter though, he keeps saying we need to talk. If I had to guess, I'd say he's trying to tell me about him and Kian but I'm just not ready to hear that. The worst thing is, I still can't stop thinking about him. Every time I do though, I just want to cry. I don't get how everyone I like seems happy for me to Dom them, but doesn't want to actually be with me! Anyway, I suppose every cloud has a silver lining (that's a saying Victor keeps using with me a lot, I don't really understand it!?) as I've been making myself busy with other things instead. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to Malik about finding new Boys. I'm not looking for more, I feel we've got enough at the moment with the apprentices settling in, but he started talking about how much of a kink community there actually is here on town. It's weird really, it's a relatively small place, but the guys here are kinky as hell. Is it like that everywhere? I guess I've never really thought about it before. Sorry, getting off subject again. So I was talking to Malik and we started toying with the idea of getting to know some of the other local Doms. Once I stopped spending all my free time with Kian, I started thinking about it more and that's when I started getting the idea for a party. I mean, I own this massive house and I do so little with it. I need to branch out more, so I figured I'd have a party, invite some of the other Doms and their subs and get to know them all. Maybe it'll be crap and I'll hate them all, but maybe we, as a House, can make some new friends. If nothing else, having a bunch of hot, kinky men in the house for the night should be pretty enjoyable! I could leave all the party planning up to the others, I guess that's the point of having subs, but I'm so excited about it that I just wanna get hands on and get everything ready. After... finding out about Josh and Kian, I changed up the sleeping rota. I took out all of Kian's extra slots and just spread it out evenly. It's good really as it means everyone gets a fair share of my time now. Last night was David. Right now, he's laying between my legs, sucking my cock slowly. He keeps humping the bed while he does it, I don't think he thinks I've noticed... or maybe he does and he's hoping for a punishment. You know what he's like with his spanking! Maybe I'll indulge him... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benny put down his diary on the night stand and looked down at the thirty-five-year-old laying between his legs. He smirked as he saw the naked man's buttocks clenching as he thrust his own rigid cock against the bed. “Did I tell you that you could do that?” Benny asked abruptly. David pulled up, letting Benny's cock slide out of his mouth. “D... do what, Sir?” David asked nervously. “Hump my bed!” Benny said, forcing a scowl despite his amusement. “No Sir!” David said, stopping the movement. “It's just... I was just... you make me so horny!” Benny gave a lopsided smile. “Keep on sucking, stop the humping!” he commanded, moaning slightly as David's lips immediately wrapped around his solid tool. He sat back, resting his hands behind his head as he enjoyed the leisurely blow-job, allowing his mind to drift on to party planning. He grabbed his phone and opened up an image of the invites he had sent out earlier in the week to all the local Doms that he or his Generals knew. Paranoid about missing some fine detail, he read through it again. 'CALLING ALL LOCAL DOMS Want to meet other Masters, show off your subs or just looking for en excuse to have a night of fun? If so, you are cordially invited to come to our celebration of everything BDSM at 7 pm on Saturday 29th August 2015. Benny's House, established 2014 is currently home to twelve subs and four Doms who all live together on a permanent basis. For us, BDSM isn't a hobby or a pastime, it's a way of life! The evening will include demonstrations on various activities and techniques for those of you looking to learn something new as well as the opportunity to try out some of your own skills with the House subs so whether you're brand new to kink or a lifetime inductee, you're more than welcome to come along. Please note that we take safety very seriously within the House. As such, should you hear the House safe word at any time, all activity stops immediately. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be immediately, and permanently, expelled from House. You will also only be permitted entry to the House on production of a certificate to prove you and all subs are STI-free. Special provisions have been put in place for anyone diagnosed as HIV-positive. Please contact us to discuss #EndHIVStigma. You can contact Dr Simon Francis, details at the end, to arrange any necessary testing. Doms are permitted to bring up to three subs. All subs are permitted to wear restraints, harnesses, collars but other than this should remain naked. We request that you refrain from the use of masks to encourage an atmosphere of openness and trust, however if you feel one is necessary, please contact us to discuss. Please reply using the contact details below if you wish to attend. We look forward to seeing you.' Benny was satisfied with the invite, although it was too late if he wasn't. There had already been a surprisingly large number of replies to the invite, mostly yeses and a few maybes. It was when they started coming in that it suddenly became very real. Benny had only discussed the party with the rest of the House after he had already put things in motion. While most of the residents ranged from accepting to excited, a few remained sceptical or outright opposed to the idea. Roger had offered to speak to the dissenters, but Benny had decided to do so himself. The residents of the House were used to just following Benny’s commands, questioning them or disagreeing was quite rare. Benny could usually talk his subs around to anything, but he took a different approach this time. Perhaps it was his anger over losing Kian or perhaps he simply felt it was time for him to flex a little muscle, but he yelled, he swore, he reminded the subs of their place and by the time he was done, everyone was on board with the party. Benny was suddenly shaken from his thoughts as he felt his orgasm approaching. David was doing an excellent job of sucking. Most Boys, when commanded to take it slowly simply didn't have the skills to keep a cock entertained. David, fortunately, was the opposite. It seemed the slower he went the better he was at it so by the time Benny was on the edge, he was in pure ecstasy. “Oh God, oh fuck... aah... don't stop!” Benny moaned. He was tempted to grab the back of David's head and fuck his face, but the Boy had done such a good job of getting him that far that Benny decided to let him finish his own way. Losing himself in David's slow, teasing sucking, Benny simply closed his eyes and waited. Closer, closer, closer, until finally his cock began twitching in David's mouth, filling the older man's throat with a colossal load. It felt like the orgasm would never end but it eventually subsided with Benny panting, almost whimpering as David finally released his dick. “I hope you enjoyed that, Sir!” David said happily, kneeling up on the bed. Benny grinned at David's cute smile. Back when he first moved in, Benny rarely saw it, but the longer David spent in the house the more his confidence grew and the more his smile came out. It looked like David was due for a shave too, and not just his face. The thirty-five year old tended to keep his chest smoothly shaven but it had obviously been a while as there were short hairs beginning to show. David's hair was ginger, but a different shade to Kian's strawberry-blonde, his was more of a dark ginger, almost verging on brown at times. Benny took a moment to imagine what the man before him would look like unshaven. It would change his appearance quite drastically. His youthful face, paired with his usually-smooth jaw and body made him look like he could be in his early twenties, but somehow the gingerish stubble beginning to creep in now made him look older and much more rugged. Benny envied it in a way, that he could alter his appearance so easily. He knew it was something he would appreciate in later years, but for now Benny hated how young he looked. Still five months off of turning seventeen, and despite his growth spurt over the last few months, Benny still looked exceedingly boyish. Being so fair-haired meant he was yet to sprout any substantial body hair either. He had slight, wispy tufts under his arms, a smattering of hair on his legs and a moderately sized bush that he kept neatly trimmed, but that was about it. Needing to distract himself from his own self-criticism, Benny sat up and reached forward, grabbing David's arm and pulling him closer. “S... Sir?” David said nervously as Benny pulled him in. Benny remained silent as he pushed David down across his lap. He positioned the older man so that his rigid cock was between his master's legs, which squeezed together gently. “Uh, Sir,” David moaned. The dual stimulation of his cock between Benny's legs and the knowledge of what laying in that position implied had him almost ready to blow his load. SMACK! Benny's hand fell sharply on David's left buttock, getting a pleasured whimper in response. SMACK! This time the right buttock. Benny felt the wetness of precum between his legs. “Don't cum!” Benny snapped. “I don't think I'll be able to... stop it... Sir!” David gasped, already painfully close. Benny started slapping David's ass as he spoke, one smack for each word. “I. Told. You. Not. To. Cum. So. You. Will. Not. Cum!” It almost took the older man over the edge. He kept trying to open his mouth to talk, but every time he did he felt like he was going to cum and had to clench his entire body to hold it back. “Don't cum!” Benny ordered. SMACK! “I mean it, you're not allowed!” SMACK! Benny was enjoying teasing the boy. He knew that the more he mentioned it, the more it would play on the Boy's mind and push him closer to it. He knew he could be really mean here, force David to cum whilst ordering him not to but he was feeling generous. He watched as David struggled to hold his orgasm at bay. It appeared to be a very difficult struggle. “Stand up, Boy!” Benny said, leaning back once again. “Aaah,” David moaned as he felt his cock being released from between Benny’s legs. He stood up carefully on the bed, feeling like the slightest touch might set him off accidentally. “Yes Sir!” he said shakily as he stood beside the bed, cock literally dripping with precum. “Would you like to cum, Boy?” Benny asked. The answer was obvious, but he liked to tease. “If Sir wants me to!” David said obediently. “Good Boy,” Benny said with a grin as he swung his legs round to sit up on the side of the bed. His face was just inches from David's swollen dick. He poked out his tongue and pressed it against the underside of his slave's cock, right at the base, then slowly slid it along the length, finally licking a drop of precum from the tip. David's legs were shaking, a series of high-pitched whimpers coming from his tightly-clenched mouth. Benny chuckled and jumped to his feet, standing to one side of the older man. He let a hand slide onto his stomach, feeling its way upwards until his fingers grasped onto the firmness of a nipple. He pulled his other hand back, then swung it round to slap David's ass, the older man gasping with pleasure from the strike. Again, the hand fell and David looked like his legs were ready to give way. A third slap. “Oh,” Benny whispered in his ear. “I forgot to mention... you're allowed to cum now!” As Benny's hand landed one more time, David's eyes widened and his cock erupted. Thick, heavy spurts flew from his wildly twitching cock, the pleasure enhanced even further by Benny’s hand continuing its spanking with each gush. With the orgasm almost over, David's legs gave way and he collapsed onto the sweat-and-spunk-soaked bed. Benny jumped down beside him, grabbing the sticky, softening cock, giving it a gentle stroke. “Aaah, oh God, Sir...” David gasped from the sensitivity. Benny chuckled and released him, not wanting to torture him. He put his arms around the breathless man, holding his sub tightly for a few moments. “Thank you Sir,” David whispered contentedly. Benny kissed the older man's forehead then rolled away and stood up. “Get this mess cleaned up, then clean yourself up and go help with the party prep,” he instructed, walking away to his private bathroom. ***** Benny had been insufferable all day. He had meticulously planned every little detail for the party - decorations, lighting, food, drinks, entertainment, everything that could be needed. He had then planned exactly what each member of the house would be doing to prepare for it as well as their roles during the event. So far, it had gone perfectly but he had remained on edge the entire time, fretting over every little thing. As the time on the invite grew closer, it was only Roger's constant support and reassurance that everything was fine that had stopped him having an outright nervous breakdown. When it finally came time for the guests to start arriving, Benny ensured he was downstairs ready to greet each of them. He had considered hiding away, maintaining an air of mystery, making a grand entrance later in the night but that really just wasn't his style. The entire aim of the party was to meet and get to know other Doms and their subs, he had no need to try and impress or intimidate them. Roger was outside at the bottom of the steps, directing them where to park and checking they all had suitable certificates from Dr Francis to verify they were clean and safe. Benny always prioritised the safety of his subordinates which is why they were all regularly checked. Without protection being used in the house, it was a necessity. That meant it was necessary to check such things before letting strangers in. They had come up with a system by which anyone HIV Positive could be easily identified so that relevant precautions could be taken. Benny had gone to great measures to ensure all of his Boys knew what was and wasn't safe to do so that they wouldn't simply be excluded. One by one, Doms began to arrive and the house rapidly filled up. Every time a new one arrived, Benny made sure he had a quick chat with them, getting to know the doms and getting a brief introduction to their subs. For ease of identification, the Generals were all wearing name tags while the Boys had all had their names written on their backs and chests, something he encouraged the guests to do too. Something Benny quickly noticed was that most of the doms had nicknames for their subs, something that, aside from Zane, he had yet to do with his Boys. While all of the guests were exciting and new to the young Master, a few particularly caught his eye. The first was Adrian, a bear in his late forties dressed in leathers. He was accompanied by two subs – twenty-one-year-old George (or Slave 1 as Adrian called him) a brown-haired otter, slim with a slightly pudgy stomach dressed in nothing but a leather harness and collar and thirty-two-year old Roy (Slave 2), blonde and toned, but far from muscular and as smooth as George was hairy. When they arrived, the two subs looked equally at ease as their fully dressed Master. The three men were extremely casual with each other to begin with, not quite in character yet. However, with a single word from Adrian, the two younger men fell into 'sub mode'. Benny found himself reminded of himself and Roger, how they could act like just friends when alone, but completely revert to sub and Master as needed. The next to catch his eye was a couple, both in their late thirties, Vincent and Seymour. Much like Adrian and his subs, this couple were also acting completely casually to begin with, despite Seymour being naked, with chains connecting to his wrists and ankles. The tall, slender Vincent didn't look like the dominant type, but they way he forced his slightly overweight boyfriend (nicknamed Bitchboy) to kneel and thank Benny for the invite soon made it clear that looks could be deceiving. A little later, a quartet came in through the door. Again Benny wouldn't have guessed the innocent-looking, blonde haired, blue-eyed twenty-something that came in was a Dom, but the boy who introduced himself as Max had all three of his subs collared and leashed, crawling behind him. Forty-two-year-old Earl, thirty-year-old Donald and twenty-two-year-old Sean all sat patiently awaiting their Master's commands as he spoke to Benny. Each of the three subs had a tag hanging from their collars bearing their pup names. It was seeing another young guy taking charge of older men like that reminded Benny of himself. The last group that really caught Benny's interest was another quartet, but this time they looked much more like a traditional Dom/sub set up. A man in his later forties or early fifties, Travis, was accompanied by three smooth, twinky eighteen-year-olds, Yuri, Anton and Ralph, or Number One, Number Two and Number Three as Travis called them. Eventually, satisfied that he had greeted most of the Doms who were going to turn up, Benny started wandering around the house, chatting to the guests. The kitchen had been set up as a bar with all the food and drinks while the Lounge and Atrium were being used as a general area for socialising. It seemed a lot of the doms present already knew each other, but Benny was pleased to see others getting to know each other, discussing their subs. Meanwhile, the basement was being used for more exciting endeavours. Malik was giving demonstrations in one of the Play Rooms on the best ways to edge and tease subs. Wesley was in the next room showing a large number of guests all the different kinds of paddles, floggers, canes and every other pain-inflicting tool he could find as well as sharing tips on the best ways to cause maximum pain with minimum injury. After receiving the last of the arrivals, Roger had taken his place in the third room demonstrating some of his favoured techniques for belittling, humiliating or degrading subs. The best thing Benny noticed as he passed by each of the rooms was the way the guests were getting involved. Not only were their subs and Doms trying new things, but some were passing on their own tips to Malik, Wesley and Roger. “Impressive set up you've got here, young man!” someone said as Benny wandered through the atrium. Benny turned to see Travis, closely followed by his three twink-subs. “Thank you very much,” he replied with a wry grin. “It takes some work, but its worth it!” “Yes, I can imagine, I just have these three to deal with and they keep me busy enough!” Travis said, gesturing to his three slaves. Benny looked the three teens up and down for a moment. All three were slim, shaved completely smooth from the neck down and standing to attention ready to receive commands. Yuri was cute, Anton quite plain looking and Ralph bore a slightly impish grin. “You having a good night, Boys?” he asked them. All three looked to Travis who gave a tiny hint of a nod. “Yes Sir,” Ralph said politely. Benny looked to the others who both said something in another language. “Sorry Sir, they don't really speak much English,” Ralph added, then looked nervous at having spoken unbidden. A slight nod of Travis' head indicated he was not in trouble, prompting a sigh of relief. Benny smiled. He always liked to see such well trained Boys. “Been downstairs yet?” Benny asked Travis. Travis looked to Ralph and said, “All of you turn around.” Ralph mumbled something to the other slaves then all three turned away from Benny. All three had dark red lines across their buttocks from being caned. “Ha, nice,” Benny said happily. “So how did all this come about? You're rather... young to be in such a position,” Travis said bluntly. “Well I started young,” Benny said casually. “As for how it all came about... well I knew what I wanted, so I just took it.” Vincent let out a hearty laugh. “You're audacious, kid, I'll give you that.” “Thanks,” Benny said, smiling as he started to walk away to the next group of guests. He stopped just as he passed Vincent and whispered in his ear. “But if you ever call me 'kid' again, I'll show you just how audacious I can really be!” Vincent nodded and smiled, but clearly looked a little taken aback. “Duly noted,” he said quietly. To anyone observing, Benny's path through the atrium would have looked entirely random but it was, in reality, specifically planned to avoid Kian. He, along with the other three apprentices, had been tasked with being a naked servant for the night. Clad in nothing but collar and cuffs, they wandered the atrium and Lounge offering out canapés and drinks. Benny just managed to avoid the young Irish boy by ducking into the kitchen, believing he was clear when he felt a tap on his shoulder. “Hey Benny,” Dale said with a smile. “Great party!” Benny was more than a little surprised to see Josh's boyfriend. While he had made it clear that he was always welcome in the house, he tended to stay away. According to Josh, he liked to to keep it as 'Josh's thing' so he steered clear. Presumably though, the party had seemed too good to miss. “Oh hey Dale, Josh... erm... Josh never mentioned you were coming!” “That's not really surprising considering you haven't even spoken to him in a the last week!” Dale said, raising his eyebrows. “I... I don't....” Benny stuttered. “Come on,” Dale said, gesturing to the patio door. They headed outside, taking a seat on the decking. Out in the back garden, a few of the Doms, including Max, were playing fetch with their subs. Max's pups looked more than accustomed to the game, while some of the others appeared to be playing it for the first time, possibly having never engaged in pup-play before. “So what's the deal?” Dale asked frankly. Benny sighed, unsure what to say. How had he not even considered Dale? He had been so caught up in losing Kian to Josh that he hadn't even considered the possibility that the relationship might count as cheating on Dale. “You and Josh have an... open relationship, right?” Dale laughed. “Benny, he comes here every other day to be dominated by another guy and hang out with a dozen other naked subs. So yeah, I think you might just be able to define that as open.” “Right, yeah, sorry,” Benny said, staring down at the ground. “Benny,” Dale urged him. “He... Josh I mean... he... might be seeing someone else!” Benny said awkwardly, not even daring to make eye contact. Dale laughed again. “What?” he demanded, sounding more amused than annoyed. “He... he's been... well, he's been sleeping with.... with another guy. I think they're... together!” Benny said, the words catching in his throat. Telling Dale was hard, but it somehow made the loss of Kian feel even more real. “Benny, don't be stupid!” Dale said sharply. “I know he's... strayed in the past, but I trust Josh implicitly. He wouldn't do that!” “I saw them. They were together, in bed, all over each other!” Benny said back just as sharply. “Who are you talking about?” Dale asked, frowning. “Kian!” Benny snapped. “Kian? Kian... wait, he's... he's one of the new ones right? The little one?” Dale asked. Benny nodded. “Yeah, that's him!” Dale frowned, thinking for a moment. “Wait, was this... was it last week some time you saw them?” Benny nodded again. “They're not together, you little idiot. Josh told me about that. Kian was scared and he started having nightmares, so Josh comforted him. They cuddled, that's it, that's all!” Dale explained. Benny stared, wide-eyed. “Wait, seriously?” “Wow, that's a hell of a conclusion to jump to, Benny, even by your standards!” Dale said, shaking his head. “So you've had Josh panicking for the last week, worried he's pissed you off in some way, all over nothing! And Kian? Josh says he's losing his mind.” Benny flopped back in his chair. While he was relieved to hear that the two weren't really together, the thought that he had hurt them both with his assumption was more than a little painful. “Fuck!” Benny muttered. “Did you... Benny, didn't you even talk to them about it?” Dale asked, frowning. Benny shrugged. “I didn't think I needed to. This is just... what happens to me!” “What is?” Dale asked, shuffling his chair closer and placing his hand on Benny’s back. It felt strange to be comforting him. The two had never been particularly close but in the moment he was just a vulnerable teenager. “I like someone and I start to think they might like me back and then BAM, just like that it's over and they're with someone else!” Benny said, shaking his head slightly, subconsciously leaning a little more towards Dale. “It's happened before?” Dale asked. Josh often talked about stuff from the house, but mostly just the sex or other activities, the personal lives of the residents rarely came up. “Well yeah, Zane came here and we had this... this bond that I thought was going somewhere, but he goes and ends up with Roger. Before that, it was Charlie. I mean, I fell for him hard and then suddenly he's with Philip,” Benny explained, getting a little emotional. “And then, before that...” he paused and looked round at Dale. “Me?” Dale asked, confused. “No, Josh you twat!” he snapped aggressively but quickly looked apologetic. “Sorry, I mean... I got Josh. I caught him, I made him mine and it was amazing and then you come along and it's like 'Thanks Benny, see ya around!' and you two were together.” “I...” Dale started, but wasn't sure what to say. “I know I deserve it, it just doesn't feel fair,” Benny said with another shrug. Dale moved even closer, draping his arm around the boy's shoulders. “You deserve it? Why would you say that?” Benny looked round again and raised his eyebrows. “What I did to Josh for starters. Then there's the blackmail, extortion, ignoring my parents, not being there when my Dad died...” “Benny,” Dale said, shaking his head as he squeezed the boy gently. “Sure, you've fucked up a lot but who hasn't. This thing with Kian, do you like him?” Benny nodded. “So do you think maybe you were actually looking for a way to sabotage it. You managed to convince yourself you deserve to be miserable, so you saw one little thing that you could use as an excuse to make it happen,” Dale suggested. “Wow,” Benny said with a slight chuckle. “I'm pretty fucked up, aren't I?” “Yeah, so get the fuck over it and go get him before it's too late!” Dale ordered. “Okay,” Benny said, happily jumping to his feet. He stopped and looked back at Dale. “Wait, what about Josh?” Dale smirked. “Don't worry. I'll sort things with him. Go get your man! Tell him how you feel or it might never happen!” Benny grinned. “Okay, thanks Dale.” ***** Quentin took a deep breath as he flopped down onto the bench beside the door. “Phew, I gotta admit, I was pretty sceptical about this whole party, but so far it's been pretty fun!” Taro smiled. “Yeah, it has,” he said giddily. Although he was speaking to Quentin, his eyes were fixed on Wesley. The two had been together for a while now but remained stubbornly in the 'all over each other, can't get enough' stage of a new relationship. “Ah, young love!” Quentin chuckled. “Geez, the way you talk sometimes you'd think you were in your sixties. You're not even that much older than Wes!” Taro said, nudging the older man's arm. “I'm twelve years older than him. Twelve GAY years, that's like fifty normal years!” Quentin said with a grin. “To you young little twinkies, I'm positively ancient.” “Idiot,” Taro smirked, nudging Quentin again, but resting against him. The two Boys had been assisting Wesley with his demonstrations for most of the evening so by now they were both beginning to get a little sore. When Adrian had walked in with Slave 1 and Slave 2, asking to see some of Wesley's tools used on them it meant they both got a well-earned break. Wesley had the guest's two subs locked in stocks and was taking it in turns whipping their asses with a range of floggers, explaining to Adrian the best ways to use them while getting the two slaves to explain how they felt. “Get in there, you little cunt!” a voice called from the hallway. Seconds later, a young Japanese boy staggered in, tripped and fell to the floor with a heavy thud. Simultaneously, Taro's entire body tensed. “Taro?” Quentin asked, noticing the reaction in his younger housemate. “No... no... it can't be...” Taro mumbled, visibly shaking. He had recognised the voice from the hallway. A tall, handsome gentleman walked in a few seconds later and gave the prone boy a gentle kick. “On your feet!” Taro slid off the bench and ran out of the door before the man could turn to see him. Wesley saw his boyfriend dash out of the room and wanted to follow, but couldn't leave his post half way through a demonstration. Quentin gestured that he was going to follow and Wesley gave a nod. “Hi, I'm Wesley, welcome,” Wesley said to the new arrival. The man flashed a smile at Wesley as he purveyed the room, looking at Adrian, his subs and the small group of other guests gathered for the show. “Hi, I'm Walter.” the forty-year-old said politely. The smile dropped from his face as he looked at the scrawny teen on the ground in front of him. “Fuck's sake, I said get up!” he said sharply. He grabbed the teen's arm and yanked him up onto his feet. “Yes Sir, sorry Sir!” the boy said meekly. Wesley looked at the Japanese teen. Written on his chest was the name Yusei and underneath it his nickname 'Fagboy'. He returned to his demonstration, thoughts of Taro still playing on his mind. The Dorm rooms were off limits to the guests, so Quentin figured that was most likely where Taro had run off to. His assumption was correct, immediately finding him in Dorm Two. The twenty-year-old was sat on his bed, huddled into the corner of the wall, knees pulled up to his chest, rocking gently. “Taro, what's wrong?” Quentin asked, sitting cautiously beside him and reaching out a hand. As soon as the hand touched Taro, he jumped and yelled out, “Don't touch me!” He buried his face in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. “Taro, please talk to me,” Quentin pleaded, but he remained unresponsive. He climbed off the bed and said gently, “It's okay, Taro, I'll be right back.” He dashed out of the room and peered into the Play Room occupied by Wesley. He cleared his throat. “Everything okay?” Wesley asked, seeing Quentin staring at him nervously. “I think Taro needs you,” Quentin said softly. “Oh, erm... excuse me gents, duty calls. Feel free to try out the equipment until I return,” Wesley said with a polite smile before running out after Quentin. “What's wrong?” he asked as soon as they were out. “I'm not sure,” Quentin replied, “But something has really shaken Taro. I thought he might talk to you.” He opened the door to the dorm, let Wesley pass and then closed it, leaving the couple alone. “Taro,” Wesley said barely louder than a whisper as he approached his sobbing lover. He knelt on the bed and repeated the young man's name again as he reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “DON'T TOUCH ME!” Taro screamed and pushed Wesley away sharply. The concerned General fell back off the bed and onto the floor with a heavy thud. “Fuck, Taro, it's me, I'm not gonna hurt you!” he said reassuringly as he climbed back onto his feet. “I've gotta go,” Taro said, tears stopping instantly as he looked round the room in a blind panic. He leapt from the bed, opened the wardrobe and started pulling out the first clothes he could lay his hands on. “Taro, you're scaring me. What's wrong?” Wesley asked, edging closer but not attempting to touch him again. “I have to get out,” Taro kept mumbling under his breath as he hastily dressed. As soon as the clothes were on, he ran for the door but Wesley was there first, holding it closed. “GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Taro yelled at him. Wesley stood firm, easily able to stop his lover from exiting. “Fuck's sake, just tell me what's wrong. I can help!” “No, you can't. Nobody can. He found me. He always finds me!” Taro said, his eyes haunted, his skin pale. “Who does?” Wesley asked. He thought back to the two who had entered the Play Room right before all of this kicked off. “That sub? The Japanese kid. You know him?” Taro shook his head and yanked the door hard, catching Wesley by surprise and pulling it open. With the way clear, he dashed out, past a concerned-looking Quentin and headed for the stairs. Wesley took off after him. “Hey, COME BACK!” Wesley yelled, running up the stairs after him. The two burst from the stairway into the back of the atrium, the commotion drawing a lot of attention from the gathered masses. Wesley caught up to Taro and grabbed him. “Get off of me. Get off!” Taro demanded as he squirmed to get free. People were now starting to gather round, wondering whether this was some kind of show put on by Benny or if there was some actual drama going down. “Taro, just calm down and talk to me,” Wesley demanded, still holding his boyfriend but beginning to worry his grip might be hurting him. Taro shook his head determinedly. “No, I have to go before he sees me!” he insisted. “WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON HERE?” a voice boomed from the crowd. The room fell silent and the crowd parted as Benny stepped through. The onlookers were still unsure whether or not this was real. There was a good chance Benny had arranged it, some show of force designed to demonstrate to his guests that, despite his appearance, he was most definitely the man in charge. However, the obvious look of terror on Taro's face suggested it was all too real. “Wesley, let go of him,” Benny snapped sharply, furious at the disruption the two were causing. Wesley immediately complied and, had it not been for Benny's presence, Taro would have darted straight for the door. “Taro, what's the problem?” Taro was shaking now, barely holding it together. “I have to get out. He's here. Don't let him take me!” he begged, barely holding back more tears. “Who?” Benny asked, frowning. “Taro, is that you?” a voice called out from the stairway to the cellar. Now totally engrossed in the drama, the crowd turned as one to see who had spoken. It was Walter, one of the visiting doms. Taro whimpered. He glanced at Wesley, but ultimately ended up cowering behind Benny. “You... know each other?” Benny asked, feeling Taro's hands tightly gripping his arms as he stood behind him. “He used to be one of my subs,” Walter said, approaching the centre of the gathering. Benny felt a knot in his stomach. Judging by the look on Wesley's face, he had just came to the same realisation. Taro had talked a few times about his history as a sub before coming to the house, but one part he always struggled with was talking about a particularly nasty Master who had abused him. Wanting to avoid whatever reaction Wesley was about to have, Benny acted quickly. “Roger,” he called out, quickly catching sight of his large second-in-command coming up the stairs. “Could you escort Walter to my private lounge please. Wesley, you and I will take Taro back downstairs for a quick chat. Everyone else... apologies for the interruption, the night is still young so please continue to enjoy.” Roger politely, but with obvious intent, began guiding Walter through the crowd towards the door to Benny's private lounge which currently bore a 'No Entry' sign, Yusei, his sub, following closely behind. Meanwhile, Benny followed Taro and Wesley back down towards the dorms. “I'm sorry,” Taro said weakly as the three of them entered Dorm Two. “I didn't mean to disrupt your party.” “Hey,” Benny said with a sweet smile. “Don't worry about it. I would have hoped by now that you'd know that for me, the well-being of my Boys comes before anything else. So if something's wrong with you, that's my priority, not some stupid party. Got it?” Taro nodded as Wesley gave the young Master a thankful smile and nod. “So is Walter who I think he is?” Benny asked. Taro nodded, gripping Wesley's hand tightly. “Fuck, I'm gonna kill the cunt!” Wesley said, more aggressive than Benny had ever seen him. Thankfully, as he tried to head back to the door, Taro kept hold of his hand, keeping him by his side. “No, please just... don't,” Taro pleaded. “Benny... Sir... erm... could you just... make him leave?” Benny nodded and headed back upstairs immediately. By now, Roger had come back out of the private lounge and was doing his best to get people back to enjoying the party. As he saw Benny reappear, he gave the teen a questioning look, then gestured to himself and to the lounge. Benny immediately realised Roger was asking if he wanted him to come back in with him, but the Master shook his head. He could do this alone. “Is Taro okay?” Walter asked as soon as Benny entered. “That's not really your concern,” Benny said back coldly, not bothering to close the door behind him. “So he... told you about our history?” Walter asked gingerly. “It came up,” Benny replied. He could feel anger bubbling up inside him. He had struggled so many times with his own violent tendencies, he had hurt people, done things he was ashamed of but he liked to think he had a handle on it. Now, looking at this man, this dom who had hurt someone he cared about, this walking example of what Benny could become if he gave in to his darker urges, it infuriated the young man. It was mildly ironic really. Seeing an abusive master infuriated Benny and sent chills through him at the prospect of becoming like him, but it was that same fury that threatened to turn him, to make him no better than Walter. “I think you should leave,” Benny said through gritted teeth, his hands clenched so tightly that his nails wee beginning to dig into his palms. “I... if I could just talk to him,” Walter said, actually looking slightly remorseful. Benny took a step forward, but forced himself to stop there. “You're never getting near him again!” he snarled. Walter nodded. “I understand,” he said softly. “But could you do me a favour? Could you tell him I'm sorry. The things I did to him were... they were so far beyond unacceptable and I'm genuinely sorry for the harm I caused him. Please, just tell him that.” Benny froze, the white-hot ball of fury in his belly turning instantly to ice. Was that true sorrow in Walter's eyes? Had he done bad things and now repented, just as Benny had himself? If Benny could change, then maybe Walter could too. “Okay, but you need to go.” Benny said with a quiet sigh. As the teen stepped aside, Walter, followed by the ever-silent Yusei headed out into the atrium, ignoring the curious stares of the other guests and left the house. Benny leant on the wall for a moment, his head tipped back against it, eyes closed. This was not the way he had wanted the evening to go. He gathered himself for a moment, then headed back out into the atrium, putting on a cheerful face for his visitors. Making his way towards the stairs, he made small talk with the people he passed. Thankfully, conversation was rapidly moving away from what had just happened and back onto the evening of fun activities Benny had arranged. Through the crowd, Benny noticed a flash of orange. Kian was still going about his duties. Benny hadn't had a chance to speak to him yet. He wanted to do it now. Ever since Dale had set him straight on his his over-reaction, he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around the Boy. For now though, Taro was his main concern so he headed to the cellar to let him know Walter was gone. ***** The night was getting on and one of the night's biggest activities was well underway. A series of sexual sporting events had been arranged, with the house being split into two teams, Home and Visitors. With fifteen subs from the house (including the three Generals who Benny had insisted take part to prove that, despite their seniority, were still very much his subs) the Visitors had selected fifteen of their subs to take them on. Currently they were in the middle of the 'Dildo Relay'. Two large dildos had been modified to have massively weighted bases and then heavily lubricated. A sub from each team had to lower themselves onto the plug, grip it with nothing but their hole and then carry it across the room. Once it was across, they had to tag a teammate who would then take it back. The winning team would be the first to finish four lengths. The Home team had got off to a flying start. Shane had been selected to go first and though he had taken a little longer to actually sit all the way down onto the large toy, once he had gripped it, it stayed out. The Visitors' first competitor, Slave Two belonging to Adrian, had sat on it quickly and tried to move quickly, but his rapid movement paired with the heavy weight pulled it almost immediately from his ass, the toy landing with a heavy thud. He picked it up a second time but again dropped it quickly, his ass now extra-lubricated from sitting on it twice. By the time he picked it up again, Shane had already tagged the Home Team's second sub. The crowd was certainly enjoying the show, based on both the noise and the number of obvious erections, both on the naked subs and clothed doms. “Enjoyed that, did you?” Benny asked Shane quietly, pointing down at his throbbing erection. Shane, already red from the exertion, blushed an ever darker shade. “Yeah, but...” Shane said, pausing to make a sympathetic noise as Rav dropped the dildo, “Well, it wasn't... the dildo that I enjoyed.” The words seemed to catch in his throat. It was clear he was confessing something he was reluctant to admit. Benny immediately picked up on the reluctance and grinned. “Oh yes, what's got ya so hard then?” Shane continued reddening. “Actually it was...” he looked around nervously, “All of this,” he said, gesturing to the cheering spectators. “The crowd?” Benny asked, frowning for a moment before his eyes widened with realisation. “Ohhhh... so you like to be seen?” “No... well, yeah... but... ugh,” Shane growled, now beginning to get annoyed at himself. Benny reached out and stroked the muscular man's arm, eliciting a gentle mew of contentment that seemed to catch them both by surprise. Benny smirked at it while Shane seemed to be finding whole new levels of embarrassment. His cock twitched, a drop of precum oozing from the tip. “It's not from being seen, is it?” Benny asked with a grin, “It's the embarrassment of being seen, right?” Shane looked like he was going to burst into tears, like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Reluctantly he nodded. “What's wrong with me?” he asked barely louder than a whisper, the question almost getting lost amongst the ongoing cheering as the reace drew closer to a finish. “Nothing,” Benny said with a smile, stroking his arm again. “You're absolutely perfect!” He leaned down and gave his sub a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Sir,” Shane said happily, his cock twitching once again, enjoying the temporary freedom of being uncaged for the night. “And the Home team wins!” Wesley announced excitedly as Josh crossed the finish line shortly ahead of the Visitors. Benny gave Shane a quick wink then pushed through the crowd to congratulate the winner. “Well done, Boy!” he said loudly, pulling Josh into a tight hug. “Did Dale talk to you?” he whispered in Josh's ear. “Yeah, we're good. But let's talk later,” Josh said back quietly before they parted. “Okay, onto the next event. Now, do we have any fans of pain here tonight?” Benny called out to the horny crowd, getting a cheer in response. ***** It was nearly 4 am before the last of the guests left, Benny happily waving them off before heading back into the house. The feedback from the departing visitors had been universally positive, the party had been an absolute success. Benny had met so many new doms and subs, his phone now filled with numbers of new friends and acquaintances. Despite the late hour and how much the evening had taken out of them all, the atmosphere in the house was buzzing as he went back inside. The clean-up effort was already well under way. It had been decided that they would tidy up before going to bed so that they weren't stuck with the chore in the morning. Benny found various subs and Generals darting back and forth across the atrium, carrying bags of trash, glasses and various pieces of equipment. Between the fifteen of them, they would be done in no time. Once again he caught a glimpse of blonde/ginger hair that made his heart flutter. “Kian,” he muttered involuntarily. Benny cleared his throat and called out, “Kian, could I... see you for a minute?” The eternally nervous-looking seventeen-year-old froze dead in his tracks, eyes widening. “I... I just... I've got this... stuff,” he stammered, holding up a black sack of rubbish. “Leave it there, one of the others will get it,” Benny instructed. “Yeah, I've got it,” Josh called out, walking along to take the bag from him. Benny saw Josh whisper something to the boy then gently stroke his back. Josh and Benny had found the time to chat earlier in the night and cleared the air. Josh had explained that there was nothing but friendship between the two of them. Josh hadn't divulged the exact reason they had been in bed together, he had felt it was something for Kian to speak to Benny about himself. Kian stared for a moment before walking slowly across the atrium to where Benny stood waiting. The Boy's slow walk was like torture for Benny. Seeing the naked teen approaching, his pale, flawless skin taut over his slender frame, the slight hint of muscle standing out with every movement. The light dusting of ginger hair on his legs, fading into the patch over his uncaged cock. His heart skipped a beat as he realised the Boy's tool was swelling as he approached. With every step, it swelled just a little more. By the time he got to just a few feet away, he was sporting a full erection, foreskin retracted, head swollen and begging for attention. Benny's own tool was in a similar state inside his trousers. “Y... yes Sir?” Kian asked nervously. Benny just stared for several more seconds, dumbfounded by the Boy's sheer beauty. He forced himself to speak, knowing his silence would just be torturing the terrified teen even more. “Come in,” he said, his voice quivering. Moments later, they were in Benny’s lounge, facing each other again, both in nervous, awkward silence. This time it was Kian that broke it. “Please don't send me away!” he blurted out. “What?” Benny asked, frowning. “I don't know what I did to upset you, but I know you're angry with me for some reason and I'm so sorry for whatever it is. I didn't mean it. I didn't want to upset you. I like you a lot... as a master and... and as a person and.... and in other ways too and I'm sorry and I don't want to leave. Please, please don't make me!” Kian rambled, almost hyperventilating. It was like an emotional gut-punch. Benny could have thrown up right where he stood. He had completely misread a situation and been so caught up wallowing in his own self-pity that he hadn't even thought for a moment about how it was affecting Kian and Josh. “Oh God, I'm so sorry!” he squeaked. Kian went from looking scared and anxious to completely flabbergasted. “What... why...” “I... erm... I...” Benny was stuck. He couldn't find the words. He wanted to explain it all, to let the Boy know that he had done nothing wrong, that he wasn't annoyed with him, that it was all just some fucked up misunderstanding. He took a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself. “S... Sir?” Kian enquired when the silence became too much. “No. Benny. Right now I'm just Benny, not a dom, not your master. Just another... regular guy. Okay?” Benny said, hoping things would be easier if they spoke as equals, their positions in the house not affecting any of it. “Okay,” Kian agreed, but still looked confused. Benny gulped. “I... have treated you really badly lately and that's not because of you, it was because of me, something... in my own head that I got completely mixed up.” “Me and Josh?” Kian interrupted. Benny was just beginning to regain his composure when the question threw him off once again. “He... told you?” “He just said you... saw us together and thought we were... well, together!” Kian explained. Benny was just about to respond when he added, “We're not. Well, when you saw us we were, but not together together, just in the same bed together. I was scared and he was just looking after me.” Benny nodded. “Yeah, he told me it's not like that and... wait, you were scared?” Kian nodded. He looked to the sofa and asked, “Can we sit down?” Benny looked round and realised they had just been stood facing each other since they came in. “Oh, yeah, sure,” he said, taking his usual seat. Kian nervously sat down beside him. “So why were you scared?” “Cos I'm always scared!” Kian said, sounding angry. “I hate it, but it's always there. I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of being in this house, but I'm scared of leaving it. I'm scared of being around you but then I get scared when I'm not. I'm scared of doing all the stuff we do here but I'm scared that if I don't I'll feel, I dunno, unfulfilled or something. It's everything and it's all the time and I hate it!” Benny just stared, slightly open-mouthed. It sounded awful, to feel like that, to be so conflicted. He felt so bad for Kian that he could have cried but he held it together out of sheer will. “Look, Kian, I'm gonna put something out there now and I don't want you to feel like you're obligated to... to do or say anything. I just have to say this.” Benny took a deep breath. “Kian, I... I've been through some shit when it comes to guys. It's been like one disappointment after another and it's... kinda messed me up when it comes to this stuff, but I'm doing my best.” Benny explained. What could he say? How could he say it? Suddenly, it was like the fog cleared from his mind and the words were obvious. “I love you!” Kian's eyes widened so much they looked like they might actually pop out of his head. “What?” he asked in shock. Benny grinned. He had said it and it felt great. “I love you!” he said again. “You came to my house, you came into my life and I fell for you, hard, but because I've let myself get so messed up over the last year, I nearly fucked it all up, but I'm not gonna do that now. I love you Kian. Honestly I think I have since the moment we met. You're so beautiful you make my heart ache, you're so sweet and hearing you talk about how scared you are just makes me want to hold you in my arms and just never let go.” Kian stared for a few more moments, then smiled sweetly and said, “Do it!” “Do... what?” Benny asked, slightly confused. “Hold me and don't let go,” Kian said shakily. “You scare me, Benny. You probably scare me more than anything or anyone in this house, but it's like... like a thrill ride with you. I know I'm going to be afraid and I'm nervous when I think about it but it's exciting too and I know in the end I'll enjoy it and just keep wanting more. I think... erm... no, I know... I love you too.” The two teens stared at each other, both pale and shaking, completely at the mercy of their own feelings. “If you don't hold me soon, I WILL cry!” Kian said firmly. Benny lunged at him pulling the naked Boy into a tight hug, Kian's arms immediately wrapping around him in response. The embrace lasted for several minutes, both teens gradually calming down. Benny eventually pulled away, holding Kian by both arms, staring him dead in the eye. “You're mine,” he said in a low growl. “You understand that? You're mine and only mine. From now on, nobody touches you but me!” he said it forcefully, more-so than he had intended. He let his expression and tone soften significantly before adding, “If you're okay with that?” “More than okay. I'm yours!” Kian said, smiling for the first time that evening. Benny raised a hand to Kian's cheek, let it slide back and up into his silky, ginger locks before sliding back down to his nape. Shaking just as much as Kian, he pulled the boy towards him, their lips meeting as the world fell away around them. Benny's House Chapter 30 – Release by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Thursday 3rd September 2015 I love him! I love Kian. He thinks I can't see him reading over my shoulder, but I can and I don't care. I love him so much I can't even put it into words. Today was the first day back at school and it nearly killed me being away from him for eight hours, but he was waiting at the gates to meet me! How sweet is that? Thankfully, if I get the news I'm hoping for later, I'll have a nice surprise for him (and me!) In other news, Shane seems to think I've forgotten that little conversation we had during the sex games at the party as I've not done anything about it or mentioned anything since. That changes tonight though. I wish I could be part of it but I promised I'd spend my evening with Kian so I'll have to leave it in Wesley's very capable hands. I've been chatting to most of the doms who came to my party. They really did seem to enjoy it and most of them are keen to visit again, especially if I have another event like that. Maybe I should consider making it a monthly thing. Who knows, my house could become the centre of all things kinky round here. Gotta admit, domming makes me hot but the thought of being king of the doms, that makes me rock fucking hard! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as Quentin stepped through the door, Benny was heading towards him. The thirty-six-year-old teacher was still undressing as Benny began to question him. “So did you speak to him? What did he say? Can we do it? Please, please tell me he said yes!” Benny said excitedly, reminding Quentin of an excitable dog. “Geez, at least let me get settled in. We've got a lot to talk about,” Quentin said with a snigger. Even Roger, who normally stood as the stony-faced sentinel of the doorway cracked a smile at Benny's enthusiasm. “Yeah yeah yeah, we can talk later, for now I just need a yes or a no so I can tell him!” Benny demanded impatiently, hopping from one foot to the other, ready to dash off as soon as he had his answer. Quentin sighed, exchanging a bemused look with Roger before he smiled at his young Master and said, “It was a yes!” “Oh shit. Seriously? You're not just messing with me, are you?” Benny asked, staring wide-eyed. Quentin simply nodded. That was all he needed. Benny was off like a shot towards the kitchen. Robert and Philip were in there cooking dinner, with Kian running round assisting them wherever he could, watching closely as they talked him through what they were doing so he could learn it. “Kian, got a sec?” Benny asked from the doorway, a broad grin spread across his face. “Yes Sir,” Kian said dutifully. Despite their relationship, the Boy still had to address Benny appropriately. They had developed a system much like Benny and Roger. When alone, they could essentially turn the dom/sub relationship off and just be themselves, the rest of the time though, Benny was still the Master. They headed for the breakfast bar and took a seat on opposite sides of it while the other two Boys continued working on dinner. “I've got a surprise for you. I think... I think it's what you want, but... well, we'll see,” Benny started nervously. The idea had only occurred to him a few days earlier so it had been a rush to arrange anything, but things now seemed to be progressing well and it was time to tell Kian. “What is it?” Kian asked, looking his usual nervous self. Benny smiled again. “Well I remember when you first joined us, you told me about how you got outed at school and bullied so much you left,” Benny started. He felt a knot in his stomach as he saw the sadness in the Boy's eyes at the mention of it. “Well you've talked about things you want to do with your life, but all of those things seemed to require one important thing... education!” “Yeah, I guess I screwed that up,” Kian said sadly with a sigh, his eyes dropping to the counter where his hands rested just a foot away from Benny’s. Benny reached out and placed his hands on his lover's, prompting him to look up and make eye contact again. “Well we may be able to fix it. I've had Quentin talking to my headmaster at school. He explained your... situation and how you never got a chance to start working on your A-Levels and he's agreed to let you enrol at the school and pick up where you left off!” “But... but I'm seventeen now,” Kian stuttered, completely shocked. “Yeah, you'll be a year older than the rest of your class, but they're just starting their A-Levels too so you'll fit right in,” Benny explained. Kian stared for several seconds, trying to take it all in. “Is this... is this for real?” “Yeah,” Benny replied nervously, unsure whether Kian was upset or happy, both tended to look the same on him. Suddenly a grin spread across Kian's face and tears welled in his eyes. He jumped from his seat, stepped round the breakfast bar and threw himself onto Benny. “Thank you. Thank you so much!” he said, voice muffled with his face buried in Benny's neck. Benny squeezed his boyfriend happily and whispered back, “You're very welcome. It gets better though!” “What?” Kian asked, pulling back slightly but still holding him. Benny was almost laughing with joy now. “Well you're going into Year 12 and I've just started Year 12, so...” Kian's eyes widened. “Are you serious? Are we...” “Yeah,” Benny yelped excitedly, “We're gonna be in the same class! And that's not even the best part!” Kian already looked overjoyed, he could barely imagine anything that could be better. His eyes bulged as he felt Benny's hand grab his caged cock, realising what it meant. Benny's grin took on a wicked twist. “That's right. You know the rule, once an apprentice goes into full time work or education, they are considered a proper sub of the house and can be unlocked.” “Oh Shit,” Kian gasped, his cock swelling in the confinement. “I am gonna make you cum harder than you ever thought possible!” Benny growled in his ear. ***** “Okay, how many viewers we up to?” Wesley asked excitedly. “Just hit 300!” Malik replied gleefully, deliberately loud enough for Shane to hear. The two Generals had followed Benny's instructions and started to help the new Boy explore his growing attraction to exposure and humiliation. They had started simply, just broadcasting Shane on a webcam site for strangers to watch. The muscular twenty-year-old was quickly gaining followers and he wasn't even naked yet. For someone so well-built and all-round attractive, Shane was surprisingly body-conscious and shy when it came to taking his clothes off. Just removing his top had resulted in profuse blushing that had yet to subside. When he had been directed to give the viewers close-ups of any body parts they requested, he had turned an even deeper red. The poses he now had to perform were only serving to embarrass him further. “Can I stop yet?” Shane asked timidly. “Oh Shaney,” Wesley said with a grin, his gaze dropping momentarily to Shane's bulge. “With how much you're enjoying it, we're gonna keep going all night. Besides, you're not even naked yet!” “They're gonna see me naked?” Shane asked, barely louder than a whisper. “Oh they're gonna see everything!” Malik replied with a snigger. “All three hundred of them!” Wesley added. “Nuh-uh,” Malik interjected. “Three hundred and fifty now!” “Okay, lose the trousers!” Wesley said happily before Shane could react. Shane whined sadly. “Please, I don't... I don't want to...” Wesley and Malik looked at each other for a moment, then shrugged. “That's not the safe word,” Malik said with a grin. “So get 'em off!” Wesley prompted. Shane sighed. They were right, it wasn't the safe word. He knew what it was and that he could use it any time, so why wasn't he? The thought of being seen naked by so many people made him feel like he could cry at any moment but his cock remained inexplicably solid. Taking a deep breath, he dropped his trousers and stepped out of them. He was used to being naked in the house, so it had actually felt strange to be wearing clothes to begin with, but somehow this felt worse. The fifteen other guys in the house saw him naked on a daily basis and all the guests at the party had seen him too, but even those numbers paled in comparison to those watching him as he stood in his straining boxers. “Let's run through the poses again!” Wesley directed as soon as Shane was down to his underwear. “Fuck,” Malik muttered to his friend. “Look at the wet patch!” The two Generals looked at Shane's bulge. The tip of it had an already-large wet patch showing through the light grey material that seemed to be growing by the second. “Damn, he's loving it, isn't he!” Wesley said, then looked at Shane's face. The near-naked twenty-year-old was on the verge of tears, his jaw literally trembling. He sighed and reached for the keyboard. [Sorry guys] he typed, [That's all for tonight, see you another time.] “What are you doing?” Malik asked as Wesley ended the feed. “Okay Shane, show's over. The camera's off,” Wesley called across to him. Shane's head drooped, shoulders shaking as he started to cry silently. Malik looked back and forth between his friend and the Boy. “This one's all yours!” he said before heading out into the hallway, door closing behind him. “Shane,” Wesley said softly as he approached. The Boy simply shook his head, not even looking up. “Are you okay?” Wesley asked, placing a hand on the Boy's bare muscular shoulder. Shane shook his head again, then leaned into Wesley, head resting against the taller man's chest. Their arms wrapped around each other. “Why are you crying?” Wesley asked quietly. “I...” Shane started, then stopped to sniff before continuing, “I don't even know,” he said weakly. “But you... enjoy this stuff,” Wesley said, confused. He pressed his hip against Shane's still-solid cock. “A lot!” he added. “I don't!” Shane insisted angrily, shoving Wesley away. “Oh really?” Wesley asked, giving a bemused grin. “Okay then,” he said, moving round behind the Boy. “Let's imagine how it might have gone if I hadn't stopped it. The numbers kept growing. At five hundred, I'd have ordered you to drop the boxers!” “No,” Shane whimpered, knowing where this was going. “Do it!” Wesley said firmly. Still sniffing back tears, Shane shucked his underwear, his erection bobbing free, a small bead of precum forming on the tip. Wesley peered round from behind, grinned at the erection and then flashed Shane a cheeky smile. “Still say you don't enjoy it?” “Yes!” Shane snapped, less firmly than his previous protestation. Wesley shrugged and stood behind Shane again, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “So now the numbers would start flying up, everyone loves a naked, sexy guy like you. Six hundred, seven hundred, I make you start stroking!” Shane sighed, but raised his hand to grasp his straining tool, letting out an audible groan as his fingers closed around it and began stroking. “All those people watching you!” Wesley whispered, “More by the minute. Eight hundred. Stroking faster!” Shane complied, his breath getting shaky as he pumped away at his slick cock. “Nine hundred, all watching you, seeing every inch of your naked, sexy body,” Wesley went on. “Oh God, oh God,” Shane kept muttering as he stroked faster with Wesley's words. “It hits a thousand viewers, that's when I tell you to...” Wesley didn't get to finish the sentence. Shane's cock erupted, sending thick jets of spunk flying across the room one after the other. The orgasm was so intense his knees buckled and he fell to the ground, still stroking, still shooting. His breaths caught in his throat as the tears threatened to return. “You enjoyed that!” Wesley said, kneeling behind him, wrapping his arms around the panting sub as the orgasm subsided. “Yeah,” he whimpered in response, sniffing. “But you don't want to?” Shane just shook his head. “Why not?” Wesley asked, gently nuzzling into Shane's neck. “I don't wanna be a freak. I don't even wanna be gay!” Shane said before breaking down into tears properly. ***** “Ohhhhhhhhh,” Kian moaned with pure delight. “Oh God, please, please let me cum!” he begged. He wanted to reach down and finish himself off. He could, he wasn't restrained, it was only Benny's words holding him back. After so long in chastity with the regular edgings and just being in such a sexual environment, he had been ready to cum before they even started. Now though, after what felt like a lifetime of teasing at his lover's hands, mouth and cock he was ready to burst. Benny had stroked him, sucked him, fucked him, blown three loads of his own and fed them to Kian but the seventeen-year-old had still been deprived the relief of an orgasm. “Not yet,” was all Benny would mutter in response as he moved from one torture to the next. The two naked teens were drenched with sweat, the musk of sex heavy in the air, only serving to arouse them both even more. Benny was revelling in every second. He had obsessed over Kian, got him lost him (in theory) and then got him back again and now, finally, had everything going his way. He was happy. Truly, completely happy and if his short life had taught him anything so far, it was that happiness was fleeting, so while he had it, he was going to milk every second of joy out of it that he could. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer though. As good as he had gotten at edging and as obedient as Kian seemed to be, they were heading for the point where the Boy would simply blow without even being touched and he couldn't have that. This would likely be one of the most powerful orgasm's of Kian's life and he wanted to make sure it was memorable. Using the whimpering teen's own precum to lube his hole, Benny positioned himself over Kian's cock and slowly slid down onto it. The entry alone was almost enough to set him off. “Oh God, Benny.... ahhhh.... ohhh... oh God,” Kian mumbled, his Irish accent making it even more adorable to the sixteen-year-old sat atop him. Benny reached down, grabbing both of Kian's shoulders and pulling him up into a sitting position. He draped his arms around him and stared deep into his beautiful blue eyes. He froze for a few seconds, staggered equally by Kian's beauty and the depth of his own feelings for him. “I love you Kian,” Benny said, resting his forehead against his lover's. “I love you too,” Kian said back breathlessly. Their lips met, just as Benny started pushing himself up slightly. That was all it took. Kian attempted to carry on kissing Benny as the orgasm began, but it was just too intense. “HOLY SHIT!” Kian yelled out as his cock was finally granted its release. Spurt after spurt shot deep inside his master and lover, the feeling of the younger teen's arms around him, his breath on his neck, the loving gaze all heightening the feelings even more. Just as the ejaculation began to subside, Benny began eagerly bouncing up and down on Kian's persistently hard dick. “No, no, no no no no!” Kian protested at first before he realised what was about to happen. His arousal had been so intense, his abstinence so prolonged that he was already on the edge of another orgasm. “Oh, oh Benny, don't stop!” he gasped, burying his face into the Master's smooth, sweaty chest. “Ah yes!” Benny said as he felt Kian shoot a second load inside him, the first beginning to ooze out with his movements. Breathless, exhausted and completely content, the two teens collapsed onto the bed, face-to-face, staring at each other lovingly. As they pulled slightly apart, they felt the stickiness on their stomachs from yet another orgasm of Benny's. “I think that one...” Benny said between breaths, “Was when you had your second!” Kian closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly. “Oh fuck, that was... oh my God!” Benny chuckled, then raised a hand to caress his boyfriend's flushed cheek. He was so pale that the redness seemed almost luminescent, his freckles almost disappearing into it. “I agree,” he said softly, “That was... wow!” He reached out for his phone and sent off a quick text to get one of the other Boys to come and change his bedding. Tossing the phone aside he looked at Kian again, grinning unintentionally. “Come on, we need a shower!” ***** The lounge was surprisingly full that evening. Most nights, a few of the house's occupants would hang out there after the daily chores/activities were completed, but most would retire to their dorms, usually too worn out to do much else. Tonight though, the atmosphere was lively. As Benny walked in, his arm around Kian, it struck him how many other couples there actually were in the house now. Zane was sat obediently near Roger, the closest the two ever really got to be being visibly couple-y. Philip and Charlie were sat together on one of the sofas, directly opposite Wesley and Taro. Dale had stopped in to spend part of the evening with Josh. That was more than half the occupants of the house, coupled up. Considering Benny had actually deliberated on banning in-house relationships not that long ago, the sight he now beheld made him glad he had not gone that way. There was so much happiness in the house it made his heart sing. Only Quentin and Robert were absent, everyone else was there. Benny paused as he laid eyes on Shane, frowned for a moment then continued in, Kian in tow. “You two had fun?” Wesley asked with a cheeky grin. Benny might have made a show of punishing Wesley's cheek if a broad grin hadn't spread across his face at the thought of his time with Kian. “Aww, young love, ain't it sweet!” Wesley added. “Shut up and move, I wanna sit there,” Benny snapped, still grinning. Rather than moving himself, Wesley pulled Taro from his seat and pushed him over towards the sofa on the other side of the coffee table with Philip and Charlie. “Sorry hun, master's orders,” he said with a cheeky wink to his lover. Benny shook his head, sniggering slightly as he sat beside Wesley, Kian sitting on the opposite side. The three on the opposite sofa immediately started talking, attempting to engage Kian as much as possible. The new Boy was still incredibly shy when it came to other occupants of the house and they were all working diligently to bring him out of himself. “Hey,” Benny said quietly to Wesley, leaning back and gesturing for his General to come closer. “Everything okay with Shane?” he whispered. The smile dropped from Wesley's face instantly. “No, how did you know?” Benny shrugged. “Just a feeling when I saw him. He doesn't look... quite right.” “He's having a few issues. I was actually gonna ask you if Victor is still available, I kinda get the feeling it's stuff a professional should be talking about,” Wesley replied, glancing round at the recent addition to the household. After Shane's comments earlier, Wesley had been slightly at a loss for what to say. He had gone into greater detail about what was upsetting him. He was not out, nobody in his life outside of the house knew he had any kind of attraction to men or that he was into any kind of kink. From what he said, his family and closest friends, most of whom he avoided now, were not the most open-minded or accepting bunch, a mindset Shane himself had been raised with and was now struggling to reconcile with his own feelings. “Yeah, I'll drop him a message, see if he can pop by some time for a chat,” Benny said, reaching for the phone on the coffee table. He tapped a few buttons then frowned. “Why won't this unlock?” he asked in frustration. Kian sniggered, grabbing at Benny's leg. “Probably cos your phone's still in your pocket!” he said, getting a laugh from the rest as Benny realised he was holding the wrong one. “Stupid iphones all looking the same,” Benny mumbled. “Whose is this then?” “That's mine!” Taro said, holding out his hands for Benny to throw it across. “Good timing, you just got a message,” Benny said before throwing the phone. “Now where was I?” Benny said quietly to himself as he pulled out his phone and started writing out a message to Victor. Conversation continued around Benny as he finished typing and slipped his phone back into his pocket, using it as an excuse to caress Kian's thigh at the same time. “I'm going to bed,” Taro said abruptly, standing up. He gave the others a quick nod and dashed out of the room. “Not even a goodnight kiss?” Benny asked, frowning at Wesley. “He okay?” Wesley shrugged. “Yeah, probably. He's a bit... up and down at times.” Benny shook his head. “You know, I really should consider naming this place 'Benny's House for Broken Boys' with all the problems they seem to have!” “Yeah, but it's nice that you help them,” Wesley said comfortingly. “Most guys would just kick them out and tell them to deal with it themselves, but you're not like that. That's why we love you!” Benny smiled and leaned onto Wesley slightly, nudging him in the side. “Thanks,” he said shyly, but felt a sudden twinge of guilt as he thought about the ones he hadn't helped, about the the ones he had thrown out. The thoughts were soon forgotten though when he felt Kian nuzzle up against him. Smiling, he wrapped an arm around the boy and rejoined the conversation with Philip and Charlie. ***** “Hey,” Rav said in a loud whisper into the darkness of the dorm. “Robert, you awake?” he added when he got no reply. “I wasn't!” Robert snapped coldly. “Oh, sorry mate,” Rav said apologetically. “It's just... it's late and... well Taro's not back yet.” “Who gives a fuck. It's him who'll get in trouble, not you. Just shut up and let me sleep,” Robert said, then turned over deliberately loudly and went back to sleep. Rav lay there for a few more minutes worrying about Taro before climbing out of bed and sneaking over to the door. He closed it behind him and proceeded to search the rest of the basement, aside from the other dorms, knowing that none of the others would allow an unauthorised visitor to be in after hours. There was no sign of his room-mate in any of the play rooms or other areas downstairs, so nervously he headed for the stairs up to the ground floor. Rav cringed slightly as the door creaked, echoing like a foghorn around the large atrium. It felt strange to be creeping around the huge house in the dark, especially being naked. Rav had always enjoyed nudity, especially in places he wasn't supposed to. He had spent many a night in his teen years creeping about his own house or outside it in the dead of night, aroused by his own nakedness. As the fond memories flooded back, his cock began to swell uncomfortably in its cage. Rav's cock had been uncaged for a couple of interviews which had been a very welcome release, but as he had not yet been offered a job from any of them he immediately found himself locked again as soon as he got home. He would have loved to be free right then, to stroke himself to completion as he wandered naked, but it was not to be. He was just beginning to get frustrated at his own futile arousal when he heard something... a voice. He paused to listen and realised it was coming from outside. Walking over to the patio door, he peeked out and saw Taro sat on the floor, knees pulled up to his chest, visibly shivering as he talked on his phone. “Okay, I will,” Taro said, hanging up the phone just as the patio door slid open. “Oh fuck!” he yelped at the noise. “It's okay bud, it's just me,” Rav said, “What you doing out here? It's freezing tonight.” “I.... I....” Taro stuttered but nothing else followed, instead he just buried his face in his arms, shivering. “S'okay, you don't gotta explain nuffin' to me,” Rav said as softly as he could. “Come in, you gotta warm up.” He reached down and grabbed Taro's shoulders, forcing him onto his feet. Taro stood motionless, aside from the shaking. Rav didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around his room-mate, pressing his body against the slim twenty-year-old's to try and share some body heat. Taro eagerly held him back, both for the heat and the sense of comfort he got. Once Taro had warmed up a little, he pulled away and headed for the door. He jerked to a halt as he realised Rav had kept hold of his hand and remained still. “I'm here, mate,” Rav said with a smile. “Ya know, if you wanna talk about anything.” “Thanks,” Taro said timidly, holding eye contact for just a couple more seconds before going back inside. The two returned to their dorm, not saying so much as another word before getting into their bunks and falling asleep. ***** “What was that?” Kian asked, sitting bolt upright in bed. Benny grunted. “It's an old house. It makes noises, you get used to it,” he explained dismissively. “No, I heard someone downstairs,” Kian insisted. “More than a dozen other guys live here. It's probably just someone getting a glass of water. Now shut up and get back here,” Benny said, reaching up to grab the Irish teen. He pulled him back down, pulled the covers over him and spooned him. Kian mewed contentedly as he felt Benny against his back. “Hey, you... fancy going again?” he asked coyly. “Seriously? Again?” Benny asked in shock. “Come on, I'm so tired!” “That's okay,” Kian said, pulling away slightly and laying on his back. He threw aside the covers and slid a hand seductively over his own chest. “I can take care of myself,” he said, barely louder than a whisper, letting out a gentle moan as his fingers grazed across his nipple. “You don't mind, do you?” Benny's eyes shot open. The room was dark, but there was just enough light to make out what Kian was doing. He watched his young lover touching himself, the Boy's cock quickly standing to attention. Benny's soon did the same. He knew he was being played, but he couldn't help being aroused by it. “That's fine,” Benny said casually. He reached across and turned on the lamp. Kian flinched at the sudden light but continued touching himself, one hand on his body, focusing around his right nipple, while his other hand had slid down and now teased his own balls. He could feel Benny's eyes on him, it was exactly what he wanted. He knew if he could get Benny aroused enough, they could have some more fun before they slept. “Mmm yeah,” he murmured as he let his hand slip from his balls to the shaft of his cock. “Enjoying that?” Benny asked with a wry grin. “Ah yeah, it's good,” Kian moaned, beginning to stroke. “You should do it too!” he urged Benny gently. “No, I'm good just watching,” Benny replied with a barely-concealed snigger. “Why don't you speed up a bit.” “Mmmmm, yes Sir!” Kian said obediently, beginning to stroke himself quicker. Having Benny watching him was making it even more exciting and he soon found himself getting close to release. “It's not too late to join in,” he urged. “Keep going,” Benny said, ignoring the comment. “Mmm, ohhh... yeah,” Kian mumbled, moments away from climax. “Hands off,” Benny said sharply, smacking Kian's hands away from his own body. “Put them behind your head!” Kian obeyed, frustrated at having got so close. Benny climbed to his feet, standing over Kian, looking down at his sweet, innocent face, cheeks slightly flushed from the stimulation. “Maybe I will join in,” Benny said as he grabbed his erection and started to stroke. Kian's eyes lit p and he lowered a hand to his own tool. “Nuh-uh!” Benny said, kicking the hand away. “Behind your head!” Kian whined but obeyed, his cock twitching as he stared up at his new lover. “Yeah, you were right,” Benny said seductively. “This really is good!” Kian whimpered slightly. “Okay, you can stroke again,” Benny conceded. Immediately Kian had one hand back on his cock, the other caressing Benny's leg, eager to be in closer contact with him. Once again it wasn't long before he was moments from ejaculation. “Hands behind your head,” Benny ordered again, feeling his own cock twitch at the sight of the boy immediately obeying, depriving himself of his own pleasure just because Benny told him so. “I think you need a closer look,” he said with a grin, dropping to his knees, straddling Kian's waist. The excited teen let out a low groan as Benny's rested on his straining cock. The slight movement of Benny's body from his stroking was providing just enough stimulation to keep him on edge, but not quite enough to make him cum. He just lay there as instructed, hands behind his head, eyes fixed on Benny. “Mmmm, oh God, yeah,” Benny moaned, arching his back, making every muscle in his torso flex, getting a delightful whimper from Kian in response. “Ah, oh yes, mmmm yes,” Benny moaned as he finally stroked himself to completion. After all the loads he had already shot that evening, this one was not massive, but enough to leave Kian laying there with white streaks across his face and chest. The clenching of Benny's ass as he ejaculated had pushed Kian so close to the brink that he thought he might shoot, but as the younger teen climbed off he still remained tantalisingly close without going over the edge. “That was a great idea, thanks sexy,” Benny said happily, leaning down to kiss Kian quickly. “Now we should get to sleep.” “But... but... what about...” Kian said, nodding towards his own erection, hands still dutifully held behind his head. “Sorry, it's a bit too late,” Benny said with a grin. “It IS a school night after all!” Kian didn't reply, he simply let out a disappointed moan. “But we should at least get you cleaned up,” Benny said with a smile. He leant down and ran his tongue across Kian's chest and face, sucking up his own cum before pressing his lips to his lover's. It got another frustrated moan as Kian tasted Benny's load pass into his mouth. “Oh yeah,” Benny said, reaching for a drawer beside the bed. “Don't want you getting any ideas about doing anything you're not supposed to.” He pulled out a pair of handcuffs, pulled Kian into a sitting position and cuffed his hands behind his back. A few moments later, the light was back off and they had returned to their previous position, spooning. Now though, Benny happily slid his hands up and down the other teen's body, knowing how aroused it was keeping him until the two feel asleep wrapped around each other. Benny's House Chapter 31 – The Offer by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Friday 11 September 2015 I was never really popular at my old school. I mean, I had my little group of friends – Warren, Sam, Greg etc, but other than that I wasn't really well known. When I moved schools, I kinda did my best to keep a low profile and I guess it worked as I'm kinda nobody there too. I mean, it's not a bad thing. Kids my age are ridiculously dull, especially the boys with all their bravado and macho bullshit. I mean, the real 'big shots' in school brag about all the sex they have when I bet all they really do is go home and have a sad wank every night. If they had any idea of the stuff I get up to, it'd make their heads spin. That's all kinda changing now though, thanks to Kian. He's so ridiculously shy so I've pretty much had to do the talking for him during his first week. I never really intended to come out at school, but I never planned to hide it either, I guess I just figured it wouldn't come up. I couldn't help myself though. Everyone was curious about the new guy so I guess I kinda had to mark my territory. The second he walked into the classroom, I pretty much grabbed him and stuck my tongue down his throat. The really amazing thing is, everyone thought it was either really brave or really romantic. I mean, sure, there's a few homophobes around, but fuck them, I'll do what I want like I always have! Kian's first full week at school was good though. I don't know what it was like where he went to school before, but if he wasn't doing well it was clearly their fault. He loves to learn and he is SO smart, it's pretty sexy! I like to think I'm helping him though. He can focus on school a lot more because he's not distracting himself with cumming... or rather, I'm still just not letting him! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Please. Please let me stop!” Kian begged, his entire body trembling, his smooth flawless skin glistening with a fine sheen of sweat. His breathing was heavy and ragged, cock throbbing and oozing precum as his hand hovered over it, ready to stroke again as soon as he backed away from the edge. “How long did I say?” Benny asked, not even glancing up from his diary. “An hour,” Kian moaned. “And how long has it been?” Benny asked flatly. “Thirty-six minutes!” Kian said, staring at the clock. “Then do you think you can stop?” Benny asked, his face not revealing the pleasure he was getting from Kian's pleasured suffering. “No Sir!” Kian moaned as he grabbed his cock again. It took barely more than a dozen strokes before he had to let go again, his cock twitching wildly and dripping. In reality, Benny had long finished his daily diary entry but was now enjoying teasing Kian further by not even looking at his desperate edging. His own cock was rock hard. Domming any of his Boys was enough to arouse the young Master, but Kian brought him a special type of pleasure. Knowing that the boy was all his, not just out of sub/Dom loyalty like most of the Boys in the house, but out of something even stronger, it filled with him the most uplifting sense of pure joy he had felt in far too long. Benny waited a little longer before looking up from his diary. Even through the frustration and irritation of the forced edging, he noticed the corners of his young lover's lips curl into a brief smile as their eyes met. It made his chest ache. “Hey Kian,” Benny said softly. “Yes Sir?” the Boy asked dutifully. “After you're done with that...” he said, sliding down off the sofa and onto the floor in front of Kian, “I'm going to fuck you!” “Oh God!” Kian gasped. His eyes widened with a mix of ecstasy and fear, he felt like he was about to blow. His breath caught on his throat on almost every breath as he strained every muscle he could to hold back an unauthorised eruption. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” he kept muttering as his cock bounced and twitched wildly, a near constant stream of precum oozing from the swollen tip. Benny could barely contain himself. He wanted to touch the excited teen, but he knew that even a single touch would push him over the edge. Instead he stood up and looked down at the naked vision of beauty before him. Kian's look of terror lingered on, no longer from the fear of shooting, but more from a lack of understanding of what was going on. “Oh shit, it's like... oh fuck... like I'm edging... but I.... fuck... but I don't even... have to... oh fuck!” the boy gasped desperately. Benny struggled to remember ever seeing anyone quite this turned on. Just as the boy seemed to be calming down slightly, he reached up and undid a button on his school shirt. Kian gasped in response, the thought of seeing his boyfriend strip enough to keep him teetering on the brink, untouched. “Oh fuck,” Kian squeaked, looking away. “Eyes on me, Boy!” Benny said firmly, waiting for the naked teen to respond before undoing another button. What followed was the most torturously slow strip Kian had ever witnessed. He had spent the entire time so close to cumming that he wondered how he had managed to hold back. “Just thought you might want to know,” Benny said, walking behind Kian and leaning down to whisper in his ear, “Your hour was up five minutes ago! You know what the means...” Kian threw himself forward onto all fours, raising his butt into the air. “Fuck me, please. Please Sir!” The sight of the boy's pert ass, positioned and ready, coupled with the boy's desperate plea sent a shot of excitement through Benny. Kneeling down, he reached between Kian's legs and scooped the large glob of precum from the throbbing head of his cock. The momentary contact made Kian whimper and shake. Benny used the precum to lube the Boy's own hole, before stroking his own cock a few times to spread his own slippery emissions. “Remember, no cumming without permission!” Benny reminded his lover as he began to push his straining tool into the puckered hole. Kian began to cry softly. “Pleeeeeeease. Please, I have to cum, please, please Benny,” he begged pathetically, his voice high and strained. Benny felt momentarily bad at hearing Kian cry, but they had talked about this. As much as he objected in the moment, orgasm denial was one of Kian's biggest turn-ons. The fact it was also one of Benny's just made it all the more perfect. He reached down under Kian's chest and pulled him upwards so that his back rested against his Master's chest. Allowing his arms to encircle the teen's slender frame, he rested his chin on Kian's shoulder and nuzzled his nose into the Boy's neck before kissing it. “Shhhh,” Benny whispered in his ear as he began to slowly fuck him. “Mmmmmm,” Kian moaned. He didn't know what felt better, the cock in his ass, the arms holding him tightly or Benny's lips gently grazing his ear as he whispered to him. “It's okay, don't cry sweetie,” Benny said quietly. “Think about it, what do you really want? To keep feeling so horny for me, to keep pleasing me, to show me how much you want to obey me... or one quick little orgasm?” “I want to serve you, Sir!” Kian gasped, pushing his body back against Benny. “So if I say you don't get to cum?” Benny asked, letting out a pleasured groan of his own as he slowly slid in and out of the entranced teen. “Then I won't cum, Sir!” Kian said dreamily. “Good boy,” Benny whispered, letting one hand slide down to grasp Kian's precum-dripping cock. Knowing exactly when to start and stop based on nothing more than the clenching of the Boy's hole, Benny continued to tease him as he fucked him. “Oh fuck,” Benny grunted as he began to pump his load. Kian tilted his head back onto Benny's shoulder and turned it to the side, reaching up with one hand to direct Benny's face towards his own. Still moaning from the throes of orgasm, Benny moaned into Kian's mouth as they kissed. Benny's hand slid down the shaft of Kian's straining dick, finding nothing but smooth skin. The small patch of pubes that had been the Boy's only body hair had been removed leaving him smooth from the neck down. Benny let his hands continue upwards, a seemingly endless plain of flawless flesh, now slick with sweat. The kiss ended and Benny let his cheek come to rest on Kian's shoulder. Their embrace continued for a few minutes, Benny eventually pulling out his softening cock. “Benny, are you...” Kian started, feeling wetness on his shoulder. He looked round in surprise and said, “Hey, what's wrong?” he asked, terrified he had done something wrong. Benny sniffed back tears and grinned. “It's okay,” he sniffed again, wiping his cheek, “They're good tears. I just...” he couldn't finish the sentence. Still concerned, Kian pulled away and turned to face his boyfriend. “Benny?” “I just... can't believe... how much I love you!” he finally managed to say, laughing and crying at the same time. “Aww, big scary Master Benny really HAS got a soft side. So it's not just a myth!” Kian said cheekily. Benny chuckled and shook his head. “Shut up, bitch, before I make you!” “Yes Sir!” Kian replied with a grin, then leaned in for another kiss. ***** Benny emerged from his room still grinning. After finishing up with Kian, the two had gone to shower together and ended up doing a lot more than washing. With Kian still throbbing hard and frustrated, they headed out onto the walkway and looked down over the rail when they heard voices. “Shouldn't everyone be downstairs in the Play Rooms by now?” Kian asked quietly. Benny frowned and nodded. It was quite concerning to see so many of the house's occupants not doing what they were supposed to. Roger and Malik were both sat at the bottom of the stairs with Wesley looking out the front door and the majority of the subs dotted around the area, all talking quietly amongst themselves. “Is there a problem?” the young Master asked forcefully, his voice echoing around the large atrium. The subs suddenly fell silent, looking up at Benny and the Boy stood beside him. Roger and Malik briefly exchanged a few words while Wesley barely even seemed to notice. “Erm... Taro didn't come home yet!” Malik called up sheepishly. “And he's not answering his phone either,” Roger added. Benny looked furious as he stormed around the hallway to the top of the stairs. “And nobody thought to let me know?” he snarled angrily. “Told you!” Roger said quietly to Malik, but fell silent as Benny stopped a few steps above him, glaring. Benny looked ready to lash out at the two Generals as they stood up, but he resisted, pushed past them and headed towards Wesley who was still looking out the door obsessively, alternating between staring at the driveway and looking at his phone. “Wesley,” Benny said, shocking the young man from his stupor. “Benny, I mean... Sir... I mean...” Wesley stuttered. He looked pale and scared, more from the situation than from the sudden appearance of his Master. Benny placed a hand gently on his shoulder. “Hey,” he said, his tone softer now. “So what's happening?” Wesley shook his head in frustration. “I don't know. He just... didn't come home. I've tried calling and it rings but he doesn't answer.” “I'm sure he's okay,” Benny said reassuringly. He pulled his own phone out of his pocket and started looking at it. “Benny?” Wesley asked, seeing his expression change. “Right,” Benny said firmly, his tone calm and measured as he turned to face the atrium. “Malik, Wesley, find out how long til dinner and get the Boys eating. We'll be back by the time you're done. Roger, get a car ready.” “Where are you going? Do you know where he is?” Wesley demanded. “I gave you an order, now get on with it. All of you!” Benny said, speaking to everyone but clearly directing it more at Wesley. “Fuck your orders. If you know where he is I deserve to know!” Wesley said, grabbing Benny's arm and spinning him around. The silence in the atrium was palpable. Benny glanced round at the others who immediately jumped to obey and scurried away before he looked back to Wesley. He stared the twenty-four-year-old dead in the eye for a few seconds, glanced down at the hand still holding his arm and then back into his face. “Let. Go.” he said with calmness that was almost more unnerving than anger. Wesley dropped his hand to his side but maintained his eye-lock with Benny. “I understand how worried you must be, which is why you're still standing. I gave you an order. I will be back shortly and I will have Taro with me. Now go!” Benny said flatly. Wesley stared back for a few moments then nodded gently and walked away. “Oh, and Wesley,” Benny said, prompting the General to look back nervously. “We'll talk about this when I get back, got it?” Wesley simply nodded and hurried away. There was a honk from outside, signalling Roger was ready in the car. Benny hurried out, his heart pounding. Worryingly, he knew the hardest part of the evening was still to come. He got into the car and said to Roger, “Head to North Bridgley. I'll send the address to the car's satnav.” Roger pulled off, headed out the gate and started following the directions that popped up. He allowed Benny a few minutes to cool down before venturing to speak. “You okay?” “I don't know who I'm going to kill first,” the teen replied angrily. “He's just worried about Taro. And I'm sure Taro's got a good excuse.” Roger attempted to defend the others. “Actually I was thinking it might be you!” Benny said back sharply. Roger glanced round for a moment but quickly turned his attention back to the road. “Wh... why?” he stuttered, uncharacteristically nervous. “How could you not know by now that my top priority, above absolutely ANYTHING else is the safety and wellbeing of my Boys? You find out one of them is missing and you don't tell me right away? I mean, what the fuck, Roger?” Benny ranted at the driver. “I... I was... Malik said...” Roger stammered, then took a momentary breath and said, “You're right, I'm sorry. It's just... you were with Kian.” “Yeah, and this is WAY more important than sex!” Benny snapped. “Benny, how long have I known you?” Roger asked. Benny scowled, not quite sure what that had to do with the conversation. “I dunno, nearly two years, why?” “In all that time, do you know how rarely I've seen you happy?” Roger asked. Benny went to reply, but stopped when he really thought about it. “I'm... always happy,” he said unconvincingly. Roger shook his head as they turned a corner. “No, you're usually having fun, but being happy, like honestly, truly happy... hardly ever,” Roger explained. “But these last couple of weeks with Kian, it's like you're a whole different person. Seeing you this happy is incredible and yeah, I knew you'd want to know about Taro, but I genuinely couldn't bring myself to come in and stop you being happy with whatever this is.” “That's... really sweet,” Benny said thankfully, but continued frowning, “But it was still the wrong call.” “Okay, I'm sorry,” Roger said sheepishly. After a few moments of silence he looked at the satnav and asked, “Wait, what's in North Bridgley?” “Taro!” Benny answered. “How do you know?” Roger asked, still confused. Benny sighed. “Okay, don't tell anyone as it's not something anyone else knows about, but I can track every person in the house.” “What?!” Roger exclaimed in shock. “You're tracking us?” “Look, I've never even used it before. It's not like I'm spying on you all, it's exactly for situations like this,” Benny explained. “Whatever, we're nearly there, we can talk about this later.” Roger shook his head as they pulled up as close to the address on the satnav as they could get. “Okay, put your scary face on. I have a feeling we're gonna need it!” Benny suggested as they got out of the car. “Benny?” Roger asked, worried about what they were getting into. “Just follow me and look tough!” Benny instructed as they walked up the path towards the front door of a large house. The young Master rang the bell then immediately hammered on the door with his fist. When there was no answer within a few seconds, Benny repeated his actions, but this time continued hammering until he door eventually swung open, leaving his fist swinging in thin air for the final knock. “Where is he?” Benny demanded before the forty-year-old man who opened the door even had a chance to speak. Roger immediately recognised the man from the party Benny had thrown. He couldn't remember the name but it was definitely him, the man who had pushed around a meek, Japanese sub. It suddenly made sense now. The man was Taro's former master. “Benny, nice to see you again. Can I...” the man started, but was cut off by Benny pushing his way through the door. “Save it, Walter. I know he's here so cut the bullshit!” Benny snarled. In the two years Roger had known Benny, he had not seen him angry very often but this was by the far the worst he had ever seen. Roger was supposed to be the intimidating one there, but he had a feeling his services would be rendered unnecessary by the furious boy. “Taro, Taro, it's Benny!” he called out as he started searching the house uninvited. “By all means, come in!” Walter said, raising his eyebrows as a slight smirk spread across his face. He moved aside and gestured for Roger to also come in. Roger walked in but lingered near Walter. Getting in Benny's way right then did not exactly seem like the best of ideas. “Down there, on the right,” Walter said casually, gesturing to a doorway. Benny froze and glared. The man's calm demeanour was infuriating. He had not particularly liked him the first time they met, but the possibility that he had taken one of Benny's Boys had pushed the dislike into outright hatred. He begrudgingly followed the directions and opened the door, finding a short hallway. He pushed open the door on the right and stopped as he saw what could only be described as a dungeon. Benny's house had its Play Rooms. He had chosen to call them that, despite the immature connotations of the name, by choice. They were for playing, they weren't for making the Boys suffer, at least not in any way they didn't actively enjoy. Walter's dungeon however was like a chamber of horrors. There were devices and pieces of equipment Benny had only seen in the darkest corners of the kink community online. Right in the centre of the room, a young Japanese man was hanging by his wrists on chains dangling down from the ceiling. Benny almost mistook him for Taro at first glance before realising he was Walter's own sub. Taro was there though, strapped to a large table at the back of the room, restrained at his wrists, elbows, thighs, shins, ankles, neck, head and waist. Above him were a plethora of candles, all lit and regularly dripping wax onto his exposed body. “Taro!” Benny called out, rushing to the Boy's side. “It's okay, I'm here.” Instead of a look of relief as Benny had expected, Taro looked horrified. “Benny, go away!” he snapped. “What? I'm...” Benny said, shaken by the unusual reaction. “I'm here to help you!” Taro shook his head as much as the restraints would allow. “I don't need help!” “That's right,” Walter said, appearing at the doorway. “He's here willingly, aren't you Boy!” “Yes Sir!” Taro replied immediately. Benny stared at Taro, but the twenty-year-old wouldn't return his look. “So if you'd like to leave, I'd quite like to get back to it,” Walter said smugly. “I believe you know the way out!” Benny looked back and forth between Taro and Walter, then caught sight of Roger walking up behind the older man. “He may be here by choice, but it's not his choice to make. He belongs to me!” “No, please,” Taro pleaded. Benny leaned in close and whispered, “I don't know what's happening, but I'm helping whether you like it or not.” He stood and turned back again. “I'm taking him. Roger, if he tries to stop me... stop him!” “Yes Sir!” Roger said with barely-concealed glee, taking a step closer to Walter. Walter sighed and shook his head. “This is a mistake, boy. I suggest you leave him here or you'll regret it.” “Fuck you!” Benny said without looking round, already working at releasing Taro. A minute later, the last of the restraints had been undone and Benny pulled Taro up into a sitting position, the wax covering his body cracking and falling away, revealing red raw skin beneath. “Where are your clothes?” Benny asked. Taro still couldn't make eye contact. He simply pointed to a small cabinet in the corner which Benny walked over to and pulled out the clothing. “Put them on!” Benny insisted, his frustration over the entire situation quickly overwhelming the sense of concern he had for Taro. As Taro dressed, Benny walked up to Walter and stared him dead in the eye. “You come for him again and you'll fucking regret it, old man!” Benny hissed through gritted teeth. “Old man? Now that's just petty. I thought you were better than that, Benny,” Walter said, shaking his head slowly. “Besides, I don't need to 'come for' Taro, he'll be back of his own accord,” he went on, then glanced over to the boy who looked up at the mention of his name. “Won't you, boy?” Taro just stared blankly, his eyes red and watery as he looked back and forth between Walter, Benny and the other boy still hanging helpless from the ceiling. Benny scowled and walked over to grab Taro, shoving him towards the door. “You can finish getting dressed in the car. We're going.” “Bye Benny,” Walter called after them. “And see you soon, boy!” he added, clearly directed at Taro. The atmosphere in the car was more than a little frosty as Roger started the drive home. Taro attempted to speak, but before he had got more than a few words out, he was cut off by a sharp “Don't!” from Benny. ***** Shane sighed as he looked at the pile of dishes beside him. “Not a fan of washing up?” Harry asked with a chuckle from beside him, waiting to dry the dishes after Shane had washed them. “Oh,” Shane said, shaken from his thoughts. “No, it's fine. It's just... this isn't how I imagined tonight going.” “Why, how was it supposed to go?” Harry asked, stepping aside as Rav brought in a few more dishes from the dining room before heading back out to carry on his cleaning duties. “Well I... kinda got some good news today and I imagined all of us sat there having dinner and making a big announcement and everyone just being really happy,” Shane said dejectedly, dunking a pile of dishes into the soapy water. “What's the news?” Harry asked, then added, “Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I don't wanna steal your thunder.” “I got a job, that one you sent me, the construction manager job,” Shane replied, not looking anywhere near as happy as he should. “That's great, mate. I'm dead pleased for you. When do you start?” Harry asked excitedly. “A week on Monday,” Shane replied, still absent-mindedly washing the same plate. “They've got a new project starting and they want me in from the very beginning.” Harry patted Shane on the back and grinned. “Good for you. He leaned forward and looked down at the chastity device on the muscular twenty-year-old's cock. “Guess you'll be getting that off soon enough then. Bet you can't wait!” “Yeah,” Shane replied, completely unconvincingly. “You're not looking forward to it?” Harry asked in surprise. The older man himself was hoping that his device would never be taken off. He enjoyed the frustration and servitude that came with it, but he knew that he was pretty much alone on that feeling. “I mean... I am, in a way. God knows I wanna cum. Like.... REALLY badly!” Shane said, eyes widening slightly as he considered finally getting the release he had so long been denied. “It's just...” he stopped and sighed. “It's okay, bud. You can talk to me. Just between us.” Harry said reassuringly as he placed a dry plate down and grabbed the next. “Is this... the stuff you've been seeing that guy about?” Shane nodded. 'That guy' was Victor, resident psychotherapist and Benny had made arrangements for Shane to spend some time with him following the concerns raised by Wesley. “I've only seen him once so far, but it... got me thinking.” “About what?” Harry asked, slowing the speed of his work to match Shane's. Shane sighed again, his muscular shoulders hunching for a moment before relaxing. “About me. About who I am, what I am, what I want.” “Oh, just the small stuff then!” Harry said with a wry grin. Shane smirked slightly and gave the older man a disdainful side-eye. “Look, I know it probably sounds stupid but I don't even know if I like guys. I mean... I don't want to be gay!” “Wow, did you pick the right guy to speak to!” Harry said, raising his eyebrows. “What? Why?” Shane asked, confused. Harry threw him a towel. “Dry your hands and follow me,” he directed, heading out of the kitchen. “But we've still got chores to do,” Shane said, looking at the pile of pots still to be washed. Harry didn't turn back, he just called out, “Some things are more important. Besides, we'll only be a few minutes.” Shane ran out after the older man and followed him down the stairs to the basement and into Dorm Three. He watched as Harry opened up the wardrobe that housed his few meagre possessions and squatted down to open up a small box. He reached out his hand, offering a photograph. Shane took the picture and looked at it. It was a young woman, about Shane's age. He looked for a moment, shrugged and handed it back. “That's Elsa, my daughter!” Harry said, his voice tinged with sadness. “You've got a kid?” Shane asked in shock. Harry nodded, taking a seat on one of the bunks and looking down at the picture. “I met Alison when I was fifteen. We were only dating a few months when she got pregnant. We decided to keep the baby and we stayed together, but... I knew it wasn't right. When Elsa was nearly three, I... realised that I liked guys. I mean, I kind of always knew, but it just got to the point where the urges were there and I knew I was going to act on them. I just didn't want it to be behind Alison's back, so we broke up.” “You think it was the right thing to do?” Shane asked. “I've gone back and forth on that a lot. I mean, Alison wasn't happy. She moved away, took Elsa and I was lucky if I saw her once a year. I mean, it's getting better now she's grown up. She knows why I left, but it still doesn't make up for missing her entire childhood, but she understands. But... if I hadn't left, who knows what might have happened. I may have been happy, but there's just as much chance I'd have been miserable, repressed, living life the way other people expected instead of how I wanted. As it turns out, I met the love of my life and we had fourteen amazing years together, so that doesn't suck.” Harry still looked sad, but smiled very genuinely at the younger man. “So... what are you trying to tell me?” Shane asked, immediately feeling selfish for turning Harry's obvious pain back to his own needs. “I'm saying that only you can know what you really want. Think about it carefully. Consider your options and decide which one you want and, more importantly, if you want it for yourself, or for everyone else,” Harry explained, moving across to put the picture away. “Now, let's get back to the chores before we get in trouble.” Shane followed quietly as Harry headed back upstairs. “Harry, thanks for...” he started, then paused. “Well, just... thanks.” ***** Benny sat in his private lounge, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his fingers interlinked under his chin. His eyes were fixed on Taro who had, at Benny's instruction, remained completely silent since they left Walter's house. Even when they got home and Wesley had rushed out to greet them, Benny had immediately dismissed him and almost dragged Taro inside to speak to alone. “I don't...” Benny started, then paused, shaking his head. “I just don't get it, Taro. You... went there willingly... to Walter... to the guys who abused you and tortured you.” Taro just stared back, eyes watery. “I mean, tell me he was lying. Tell me he forced you or tricked you or blackmailed you or something,” Benny almost pleaded. Taro shook his head. “Then... tell me why!” Benny ordered, sitting back in his seat. Taro attempted to speak, but it was just a weak croak. He cleared his throat, sniffed and wiped a tear from his cheek. “Because it's what I deserve,” he said meekly. Benny's eyes narrowed, trying to figure out what was going on in Taro's head, but he was just getting nothing. “I'll be honest, Taro, I don't think I know you quite as well as I should. However, even I know that's not what you think, not really. That sounds like Walter talking.” “No, it's not,” Taro insisted, looking increasingly distressed. “I... I want to be there.” “What's he got on you?” Benny asked, refusing to believe anything the sub had to say. “Nothing!” Taro said unconvincingly. Benny looked him up and down for several more seconds before listing possibilities, watching Taro's reaction to each. “Evidence of illegal activity? Threatening to humiliate you to family? Threat of violence? Blackmailing a loved one? Hurting you in place of someone else?” He stopped as he saw just a hint of an expression change on the Boy. “That's the one, isn't it? Who's he threatening?” Taro looked terrified. “Nobody!” “Is it...” Benny started, then figured it out. “Oh... it's his current sub, isn't it?” Taro's fearful quivering confirmed his suspicions. “He's threatening to hurt him the way he hurt you, isn't he?” “Benny, Sir, please...” Taro begged. “He said if I told anyone, he'd... he'd...” He couldn't finish the sentence, he just broke down into a few seconds of sobbing, before wiping a tear away and saying, “If he thinks I told you, he's gonna hurt Yusei. You can't tell him!” Benny stood and stepped across to where Taro was sat, placing a hand on the Boy's shoulder. “Taro, it's very brave and very noble of you to put yourself in harm's way,” he stroked his fingers through Taro's hair, prompting him to look up and offer a weak smile. “But it's also absolutely fucking stupid!” “But he's going to...” Taro started, but found himself silenced, literally, by Benny's hand over his mouth. “Quiet!” Benny said sharply. “Walter, from what I can see, is a cunt! Whether he's hurting you or hurting Yousef...” “Yusei!” Taro corrected Benny, the sound muffled through his hand. “Right, Yusei, that's what I said,” Benny said confidently. “Whichever one of you he's hurting, he's still hurting someone. And not in the fun 'oh spank me Daddy' kinda way we allow round here. He's crossing the line and round here, that shit won't fly! So no, it's not what you deserve. No, you're not going back there. And no, I'm not going to let him hurt Yugi!” “Yusei!” Taro aid again, smirking slightly as Benny's hand dropped away. Benny rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Look, you just leave Walter to me. Yusei will be fine, I promise!” He got a proper smile from Taro for that. “Now, I owe Wesley a punishment. Let's go show him why it's best never to disobey Benny!” ***** Wesley was trembling as he hung helpless and blindfolded. Every inch of him stung. Every member of the house had gotten a few hits in on him, some with floggers, some with crops, a few with a paddle and some just with their bare hands. Benny had stated that, for the House's Master of Pain, it was an appropriate punishment. What became quickly apparent was the fact that Wesley could dish it out, but he most definitely couldn't take it! His blindfold was soaked with his tears while his begging had gotten so bad that Benny had ordered that there always be a cock in his mouth to keep him silent. That had seemed like a good idea until Wesley's jaw had clenched after receiving a particularly sharp swipe from Robert's hand, almost biting off Malik's cock. After that, the cocks bad been replaced with a ball gag. “You see, this is what happens when you question my orders, or dare to try laying a hand on Master Benny!” Roger said, addressing the gathered residents, but clearly meaning it for Wesley's attention. It was an interesting evening for the residents, having Wesley as the victim. The House's Generals acted as their doms so often that many of them forgot that they were, themselves, also subs to Benny. Benny stood watching the Boys, apprentices and other Generals taking turns to tease and torture Wesley. He had Kian stood in front of him, his arms wrapped around the naked Boy, his lips occasionally brushing on his neck or ear, his hands caressing up and down the silky-smoth skin of his his chest and stomach. Kian's pleasured whimpers at his Master/lovers touch, along with the scene playing out in front of them had Benny's cock rock hard. It pressed into Kian's back, only serving to heighten the teen's own excitement. “Fuck me, Sir. Please!” Kian whispered, tilting his head back and to the side to look at Benny. “Okay, but let me get the other Boys started on something more fun first,” Benny whispered back, planting a gentle kiss on Kian''s cheek. He looked out towards his gathered minions and called out, “I think he's learned his lesson now, haven't you, Wesley?” “Mmmmhh hfffff!” was all that could be heard of Wesley's attempts to speak, but his emphatic nodding answered the question. “Great, but there's still some time left this evening, so here's the plan. Form a queue, each of you jerks him off for ten seconds. When you're done, get to the back of the queue. You'll keep going until he cums. Whoever makes him cum takes his place for the rest of the night!” Benny explained. Some of the subs eagerly jumped into place, while others looked less keen. Malik and Roger stood watching until Benny called out, “I meant all of you!” There was a chorus of ooohs from the subs at the prospect of Malik, or even Roger ending up in the position Wesley was currently occupying. Once the queue was formed, Wesley's torture continued. Some of the subs wanted to take his place and jerked his cock furiously for their ten second stint, while those who were less keen did it substantially slower. As a result, the repeated speeding up and slowing down, paired with the few seconds between each person had Wesley on edge and apparently not going any further any time soon. Meanwhile, the only sub excluded from the game was Kian, who now stood still wrapped in Benny's arms. His cock was straining, the head shiny with precum, which seemed to be its default position now. He whimpered as he felt Benny tease his ass crack with the tip of his cock. It slid back and forth across his hole before settling on it, pushing against it. Kian pushed back gently, trying to get Benny's cock inside him, but Benny pulled back just as much, keeping his cock teasingly against his ass without sliding in. “Please Sir, I need it!” Kian begged. “Be patient,” Benny whispered, letting both hands slide up his lover's body to tease his firm little nipples. He smiled at the desperate whimper it got while he watched Roger gingerly stroking Wesley's cock, nervous he would shoot and leave him in the same predicament. “Sir, I love you so much!” Kian moaned, tilting his head back again. Benny said nothing, he just tilted Kian's head to the side and kissed him as he allowed the head of his cock to slide just inside the Boy's ass for a second before pulling back out. “Fuck I'm close!” Wesley called out, just as David finished ten seconds of rapid stroking. David loved getting spanked, so his disappointment at failing to make Wesley cum was visible as he walked to the back of the queue. Benny pushed in again, just a little further this time. He felt Kian wobble a little as he pulled back out, his legs going weak, so he tightened his grip, holding the slender boy up as he pushed in once more. Malik finished his turn stroking his peer's cock, happy to have narrowly escaped, based on the way Wesley's cock was now desperately twitching back and forth. Zane was next. Almost as soon as he wrapped his fingers around the General's cock, it erupted, getting a cheer from the rest of the queue. Zane happily milked out the rest of Wesley's load, taking a little twisted pleasure in continuing just a bit longer than he should have, making Wesley moan and squirm as the post-orgasm sensitivity kicked in. It was almost enough to make him forget he now had to take his place. “Way to go, Buster!” Benny called out, knowing that the often-petulant Zane would quickly fall in line and allow himself to be restrained if Benny used his Pup name. By the time Wesley was released and Zane was receiving his spankings and floggings from the rest of the guys, Benny had begun thrusting the full length of his cock into Kian's ass. Kian was a helpless, quivering mass by this point. Going so long without cumming, having Benny inside him, having the rest of the house watching, it was almost too much for him to handle. His cock bounced up down, partially from Benny's increasingly vigorous fucking, but mostly from the orgasm that remained just teasingly out of reach. Precum was flowing freely as he just pressed his body back against Benny. Zane's yelps began to fill the room as he found himself receiving gentle slaps and swipes all over his body. “I think it's nearly time!” Benny whispered to Kian. “Sir?” Kian enquired, leaning back. “For you to cum. Tonight might be the night!” Benny said, his lips brushing against Kian's ear as he continued fucking the Boy. “Oh fuck, Sir, really? Fuck, Sir, please!” Kian begged, trembling. “Yes!” Benny grunted as he began to fill the Boy's ass with his load with a final hard thrust. “Sir, Sir... I''m so close... I'm so...” Kian whimpered. Benny tweaked the Boy's nipples again before allowing his hands to slide down his firm, flawless torso. His fingers reached the base of Kian's cock, the Boy now almost entirely incapable of standing by himself. “Nah, maybe not!” Benny said, suddenly pullig his softening cock from Kian's ass and letting go of him entirely. Kian slumped to the floor, crying softly. “Sir...” he whimpered as he tried to kneel up. Benny grinned as he leant down and placed a finger under the Boy's chin. Tilting his head up, he kissed him then winked. “Soon, I promise!” he said as he pulled away. He turned to face Zane who hung in the middle of the room. “Make way, the Master's coming through!” he called out, getting a happy yelp from Zane in response. ***** “You sure about this?” Roger asked as he stood beside Benny at the door. “Completely!” Benny said resolutely. He rang the doorbell and knocked. Unlike earlier in the day when he had begun hammering on the door, he just stood and waited. Eventually the door swung open. “I knew you'd be...” Walter started, grinning smugly, but it soon disappeared when he saw Benny and Roger. “Oh, Benny. How can I help?” “Bring me Yusei, now!” Benny said calmly but firmly. Walter laughed. “You may have had some flimsy claim to Taro, but Yusei is mine!” Benny moved to walk into the house, but Walter stuck his arm out to block him. “You take one step in here and I call the police!” Walter said, his usual charm gone and replaced with a cold, steely determination. “Great, you call them and we can tell them all about how you're abusing that boy!” Benny said back. “Oh please, he's an adult, he can be here if he wants to... and he does!” Walter insisted. Benny's eyes narrowed, fists clenching. “I know about the stuff you did to Taro before he built up the nerve to leave you. You're not a Dom, you're not a Master. You're a bully and an abuser and I won't let you keep doing it!” “That's an interesting opinion, but it doesn't change the fact that Yuseit is MINE!” Walter said, standing firm in the doorway. “Sir?” a weak voice called from behind Walter. Benny peered past and saw Yusei looking out from a doorway. “GET BACK IN THERE!” Walter screamed at him. “Yusei, wait!” Benny called out. The sub had moved as soon as he heard the shout from Walter but fearfully poked his head back out at Benny's call. “You don't have to stay here!” Benny shouted out. “I SAID GET BACK IN THERE!” Walter repeated himself, torn between going back to force the sub back into the room and blocking the doorway. “I can protect you from him! You don't have to keep letting him hurt you!” Benny insisted. “You're Benny, aren't you?” Yusei asked meekly, daring to step out of the room. His slender frame was criss-crossed with vicious red welts. The sub's actions forced Walter to move, dashing over to him. As soon as he moved, Benny rushed in too, with Roger close behind. Walter reached Yusei first, swinging his hand. The back of it made contact with Yusei's face, knocking the petite young man to the ground. “Roger, restrain him!” Benny ordered. Roger was already moving to do it anyway. As much as he was there at Benny's command, he was no more likely to let Walter abuse the Boy than Benny was. “You lay a finger on me and I'll have you fucking arrested for assault!” Walter snapped. “Look at the fucking state of him, and you just punched him. If anyone's being arrested for assault, it's you!” Benny snapped as he moved to help Yusei. “That little Asian shit isn't even human. I can do what I fucking want to him and there's nothing you can fucking do about it!” Walter snarled, struggling against Roger who had one of his arms twisted up his back, the other around his neck. “You're a fucking monster!” Benny said, shaking his head as he stood with Yusei. “I'm a respected, professional member of this society. Nobody's gonna take the word of a child, a fucking Jap and a brainless thug over mine!” Walter said, smirking wickedly. “They will when they see the recording of this whole thing!” Benny said back with a grin. “What?” Walter asked in shock, his resistance against Roger suddenly stopping. “That's right, you racist piece of shit!” Benny said angrily, moving away from Yusei once he was sure the teen was okay standing on his own. “You need to remember one thing. I'm Benny fucking Harrison and nobody fucks with me!” His face was now just mere inches from Walter's. “Now we're taking Yusei and you will never, EVER try anything like this again. If you do, I'll take you down fucking harder than you could even imagine. Do I make myself clear?” Walter rolled his eyes. “I SAID DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” Benny screamed at him, right in his face. “Fine, yes!” Walter said, trying to look indignant but his fear was obvious. “Good. Roger, don't let him go. Yusei, if you've got any personal items, go gather them up. We're going!” A few minutes later, Benny, Roger and Yusei were out of the house and walking towards the front gate, the door slamming behind them. “How were you recording it?” Roger asked, “That was clever!” Benny grinned up at him. “I wasn't, but... he doesn't need to know that!” ***** By the time they got back to the house, everyone else was asleep. Roger got Yusei settled in the guest room and told him they could figure out where he would go now in the morning. Benny made his way to his bedroom. He wished he'd had the foresight to order Kian to wait for him, but he was asleep down in the dorms and he didn't want to disturb them. Instead, he lay alone in bed. He was finding it hard to relax after the encounter with Walter. He suspected it wasn't the last he would hear from the older man, but for now at least Taro and Yusei were safe from him. Rolling over, he grabbed his phone to entertain himself until he felt ready to sleep. Seeing an email notification, he opened it up and was surprised to find it was a message from Travis, one of the other Doms he had met at his party. He very nearly ignored it, worried it was going to be another Walter situation. Figuring that if it was bad news, he wanted it out of the way sooner rather than later, he opened it up, clicking on the lamp beside his bed and sitting up as he saw it was quite a lengthy message. 'Dear Benny I just wanted to send my thanks once again for the party you threw. It was a very enjoyable evening and a great way to meet other gentlemen who share in our unique interests. I also wanted to congratulate you on what you have built there. Not the house itself, but the society you have developed. You House is unlike any set up I have encountered before and I have been involved in the kink community for a good few decades now. In that time, I have built up many connections across the world and I have been speaking to many of them about what you have done there. It was during these conversations that a business venture occurred to me which I would now like to inform you about. There are many Dominant men out there who would pay a great deal to find themselves in your position. There are even more submissive men who would do anything for a place in a House like yours. I would be interested in going into business with you, franchising your House across Europe and parts of the United States. Obviously there are many things to consider before we formalise such a venture. While I feel this process could possibly take place without you, I feel it would ultimately be a much greater success with your involvement. I would be seeking to travel to various locations and assist in the establishment of more Houses like your own. I already have potential clients scheduled for a consultation and my initial projections put the timescale for the project at easily a year, extending further as more clients are obtained. I got the impression from speaking to you that you are an ambitious young man, as evidenced by your House, and can appreciate a challenge. As such, while the project itself will be very rewarding personally, there is obviously the matter of financial reward. As well as a generous percentage of the fees, full payment of living costs and provision of a full time tutor to continue your education, the standard terms of the houses established would include a small percentage of their monthly income to be paid directly to yourself. In short, should this project be a success, I would expect you to find yourself a somewhat wealthy young man. If my proposal is of interest to you, please let me know and we can establish a meeting to discuss this further. While I understand that asking you to travel for an undetermined amount of time is a big decision, I would request a prompt response as I have found over the years that it is always best to act while the clients are keen. I look forward to hearing from you. Travis Wilmington, BA, PhD' Benny read through the whole message a couple of times, unsure if what he was reading was genuine. He wished he wasn't alone, he needed to talk about it with someone, anyone! His mind was racing. Taking Benny's House international was something he had never even dreamed of. Sometimes he could barely believe he had managed to start just the one house. His head still swimming with possibilities, he eventually drifted off to sleep. Benny's House Chapter 32 – End or Beginning? by Matt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the diary of Benny Harrison Friday 18 September 2015 I am SO glad this week is over! School has been frustrating, mostly because I keep thinking about how I won't even be there much longer. It kinda makes being there feel a bit pointless. Kian seems to be enjoying it though, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad. I still haven't told him, or any of the Boys about the offer from Travis. I've got a meeting with him tomorrow to finalise some details and once that's done, I'm going to be making an announcement. Malik's taking it all in his stride. Roger's not taking it particularly well, but it's Wesley I'm worried about, but I don't think that's really about the possibility of me leaving. Taro moved out today. I'm disappointed to see him go, I always enjoyed having him here, but I get his reasons. I may have liberated him and Yusei from Walter, but he still knows where they are. If I was them, I'd want to get away too. I'm glad they've got each other, they've been pretty much inseparable since I brought Yusei here, but that does mean things are over between him and Wesley. I feel bad keeping all this from Kian. I think he knows something is going on, but as I still haven't let him cum, he's pretty easy to keep distracted. Fuck I love teasing him. I'm literally hard right now just thinking about the way he moans when I edge him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 19th September 2015 Benny woke to find Kian beside him, his cheek resting on his Master's chest and an arm draped across his stomach. His low rhythmic breathing was accentuated by happy little mews on each exhalation. Whatever he was dreaming about, it was obviously making him very happy, especially based on the firmness Benny could feel against his thigh. The young Master lay there just watching his lover sleep, wanting so desperately to kiss him, but unable to bring himself to disturb what looked like such a joyous sleep. Eventually Kian stirred, shifting slightly but still maintaining the same basic position. He pulled himself closer to Benny, enjoying the skin-on-skin contact. Letting out a contented sigh, he opened his eyes, looked at his lover, smiled and said, “Hi!” Benny grinned back. “Hi,” he said back, then tilted his head down towards the other teen and gently pressed their lips together. Kian almost seemed to drift back to sleep as he happily allowed Benny's tongue to probe his mouth. He moaned dreamily as Benny's arm held tightly around him. “Time to get up,” Benny whispered as he pulled away. “Can't. Sleeping!” Kian replied, doing his best attempt to actually look asleep. “That's a shame. I was about to go and shower...” Benny started, smirking as he felt Kian tense. “But if you're asleep I guess you can't come and join me!” “Oh, whadda you know,” Kian said, sitting up suddenly. “I woke up just in time!” Benny raised an eyebrow and suppressed a smile. “Oh, that's a hell of a coincidence.” “Isn't it!” Kian said, giggling. “So... shower time?” he asked, eagerly jumping out of bed. ***** The shower took about five times longer than it should have done. With Kian still being denied his orgasm, his lust was insatiable and Benny had simply become unable to resist the Boy's requests to be fucked, which happened at both the beginning and end of the shower, with lots of torturous edging for him in between. As Benny was making his way down the stairs, the sound of the gathered residents having breakfast ringing out from the Dining Room, he spotted Roger just about to go into the kitchen. “Hey, I'm expecting a visitor soon. When they get here...” he started, but was cut off by the doorbell. “Oh, never mind, that's probably him!” he said, allowing Roger to continue his duties. Benny grabbed Kian, kissed him and nudged him towards the Dining Room. “Go get some breakfast, I'll see you later!” “Okay,” Kian said, happy to have the chance to sate the appetite the shower had helped build. He started walking away, but turned back as he did so, walking backwards as he called out, “Love you!” Benny couldn't help grinning as he called back, “Love you too!” He watched the naked Boy turn and walk away before continuing to the front door. “Morning,” he said as he opened the door to find Travis standing there, accompanied by another gentleman. “Good morning Benny,” Travis said cheerfully. Benny gave the other man a polite nod, then showed both of them in to his private lounge. “I hope you don't mind,” Travis said as he took a seat, looking back at Benny who was closing the door behind them, “But we're going to cut right to the chase. I've got some other meetings scheduled today and I'm keen to keep things moving.” “Fine by me,” Benny said, taking a seat opposite the two men. “This is Peter, he's my legal adviser. Peter, Benny,” Travis introduced the two. “Nice to meet you,” Benny said, reaching across to shake Peter's hand. “So I had my own solicitor take a look through the contract you sent me,” Benny explained, picking up an iPad from the table in front of him and unlocking it. “Everything seems agreeable, provided the additions I requested earlier in the week have been completed.” “Of course,” Travis said. He looked to Peter. “Yes,” Peter said. “If you check your email, I forwarded an amended version of the contract this morning. Section 7, sub-section D has the amendments you requested. It's quite a straightforward addition, but if you want some time to run it by your solicitor...” “Just gimme a sec,” Benny said, already opening his emails. He found the one he had been sent and opened the attachment, quickly scrolling to the relevant section. He took a minute to read it through, nodding gently as he did so. “Okay, that... all looks fine to me.” “Excellent,” Travis said happily. “So does this mean you're ready to sign?” Peter pulled out three hard copies of the contract, coloured tabs poking out at various points in each of them. He placed them on the coffee table with a pen. Benny sat back in his seat, looking round the room. He had owned the house for a year and a half and only lived in it for half of that, but it had truly become his home in that time. So much had happened in that room alone. So many arguments, dilemmas and punishments. So many fun encounters and sexual shenanigans. Was he really ready to leave it all behind? It wouldn't be forever, but it may as well have been. “Do you need some time?” Travis asked patiently. “No, it's okay,” Benny said as his mind wandered onto what he would be going to do, rather than what he would be leaving behind. Smiling at the prospect, Benny picked up the pen and started flicking through the contracts, signing and initialling as directed. Placing the pen down, he took a deep breath and looked at Travis. “Benny, you've made the right decision! This is going to be the experience of a lifetime. For both of us!” Travis said, standing and offering his hand. Benny stood and shook it while Peter gathered up two of the contracts and placed them in his briefcase. “Yeah, I know,” Benny said, smiling. “So did you finalise a departure date?” “Oh, yes. Of course,” Travis said, realising he had forgotten to pass on that crucial bit of information. “We fly to Amsterdam next Saturday. A car will be by to pick you up at around 10 in the morning, so be ready.” “Wow, that soon? Benny said, the reality of his imminent departure finally hitting him. ***** Wesley stared up at the clouds floating across the sky. Taro had barely been gone twenty-four hours and he already missed him. As much as it hurt for him to be gone, he understood why it had to happen. Taro and Yusei had spent the whole of the last week jumping at every noise, terrified that Walter would reappear to abuse them further. While running away is rarely the solution to a problem, moving somewhere that Walter would never find them simply seemed the best solution in this case. Wesley let out a sigh, closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of the Sun as it emerged from behind a small cloud. “Hey bro, mind if I sit here?” a voice suddenly asked, making Wesley's eyes shoot open. Shielding his eyes from the Sun, he looked up to see Charlie standing over him. “Sure,” he said with a shrug before sitting up. “How you doing?” Charlie asked, sitting beside him. “Okay I think,” Wesley said with another shrug. “Really? You're... laying on the ground staring at the sky. That's the sort of behaviour that kinda says you're not!” Charlie said with a slight snigger. Wesley chuckled slightly at his brother's point. “Fair enough. I guess, I dunno, I'm bummed out because I'm... not bummed out!” Charlie nodded thoughtfully, pretending to be deep in thought before replying, “Yeah, that's some nonsensical bullshit, right there!” Wesley openly laughed. “What I mean is, I feel like I should be distraught, but I feel bad that I kinda don't,” he explained. When Charlie just continued to stare at him with an eyebrow raised he elaborated. “I miss him. I do, but I think just as a friend and as a member of the house. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but... I dunno, I see you and Phil or Roger and Zane and it's so clear you're just, like, IN love. Like, you can't get enough of each other, have to be together, couldn't live apart. I don't think I had that with Taro.” Charlie grinned at the mention of his boyfriend before forcing himself to focus on what Wesley was saying. “You I get ya, bro. I think things can be a bit different here than anywhere else. I mean, there's literally guys everywhere and when you see others starting to pair up, if that's the sort of thing you want, then you'll kinda just find it where you can.” Wesley tilted his head to the side as he looked at his brother. He grinned. “Sometimes I forget you're not the dumb kid I grew up with!” Charlie shook his head. “Well that's rude!” Wesley smiled, knowing Charlie was only feigning his indignance. “You know what I mean. You're pretty smart.” “I like to think I'm pretty AND smart!” Charlie replied, flashing a cheeky grin. “Ha, you wish!” Wesley scoffed. They both laughed and sat in silence for a moment. “Weird, isn't it?” “What's that?” Charlie asked, frowning. Wesley sighed. “Before you came here, I hated you. Like... really hated you and I thought that's how it'd always be but now...” Charlie nodded his understanding. He placed a hand on Wesley's shoulder. “Yeah, I know. I'm... really glad to have you back in my life.” “If you two are gonna make out, at least wait for me to grab a camera. Twin stuff makes big bucks on the internet!” Philip said suddenly from behind them. “What are you doing out here?” Charlie asked his boyfriend, chuckling to his teasing. Philip continued towards the two siblings and sat himself down between them. “Well I thought Wes might be a bit down, so I thought I'd offer a blow job to cheer him up!” “Oh really?” Wesley asked with a grin. “Wait, you came out to ask your boyfriend's brother if he wanted a blow job... in front of your boyfriend?” Charlie asked. “Oh the betrayal, the pure and utter betrayal!” Philip did his best to ignore Charlie's attempt at faking being hurt and just said matter-of-factly, “No, I came to offer one of my Doms a blow job, in front of another sub!” he corrected his lover. Then gave a wicked grin “The fact that he's my boyfriend's brother just makes it extra hot!” He bit his lip playfully as he looked Wesley up and down. Wesley smiled, looking back and forth between the two lovers. “That's very sweet Phil, but I'm okay. You two should stay here though. It's a nice day and we've got a few hours til we have to be ready for the evening stuff.” He got up, patted his brother on the back then leant down and gave Philip a quick kiss, chuckling as Charlie once again faked being offended, then headed inside to leave the two together. ***** Benny stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at the gathered men. Down one side stood the Generals, Roger, Malik and Wesley and next to them were the three apprentices, Shane, Rav and Harry. Opposite them stood the subs, all eight of them – Philip, Charlie, Robert, Zane, David, Quentin, Josh and Kian. Benny knew what he had to tell them, and knew most of them wouldn't like it, but first he had something a bit more enjoyable to cover. “Evening Boys,” Benny said cheerfully. “Let's start with something I know one of you has been particularly looking forward to. Shane, please step forward.” As Shane moved forward into the centre of the group to the sound of applause and cheering, Benny descended the last few steps and reached into his pocket, pulling out a bunch of keys. By now they all knew about Shane's new job, so that didn't need to be announced, but he was yet to be formally released from his chastity. Benny quickly looked through and found the one labelled as 'Shane', but just before stepping towards the chaste apprentice, he stopped and smiled. “Oh yes, I'm forgetting someone!” Benny said, the group suddenly falling silent. Benny looked to the side and said, “Rav, you too please!” There were sudden murmurs and confused sounds from the rest of the Boys as Rav stepped forward, grinning. “It's with great pleasure I get to announce to you all that Rav has also managed to secure himself full-time employment. As such, he too will be unlocked and formally join the house as one of the Boys!” Benny called out happily. It got another round of applause. Benny stepped up to Shane and looked him dead in the eye. He knew the struggles Shane had been having, coming to terms with his sexuality. Obviously the conversations between Victor and Shane were confidential, but Benny still had a pretty good idea of what was going on. “Are you sure this is what you want?” Benny asked quietly, his hands hovering tantalisingly close to the chastity device. Shane looked thoughtful for a minute, even a little conflicted, but then he looked to Harry and smiled. Turning back to Benny he nodded. “Yeah, I'm sure!” “Excellent. Then lets get you unlocked!” Benny said happily. A few moments later, the device was removed and handed off to Malik who put it aside as Benny moved onto Rav. “Congratulations!” he said with a warm smile. “Thanks Sir... for everything!” Rav said sincerely, then stood proudly as Benny unlocked him, his muscled chest puffed out. Within seconds of being unlocked, both of them had got hard. Benny had considered how to make them cum, but ultimately ended up leaving it up to the rest of house. Standing back a few paces, Benny called out, “Well go on everyone, make 'em cum any way you like!” He watched in glee as the other residents of the house swarmed Shane and Rav. Soon, eleven mouths and pairs and hands had descended upon the two, eagerly teasing and caressing every part of their bodies. Nipples were sucked, asses were rimmed, balls were teased, cocks were stroked. Benny couldn't help notice a few of the Boys were playing with themselves and each other too. Under normal circumstances he would have stopped them, or punished them for unauthorised touching, but considering what he was about to tell them he figured he would let them have some fun. It wasn't long before Shane shot a massive load all over Zane's face as Philip stroked his cock. The playing never stopped though. Although Shane was massively muscled, he could not resist so many guys at once and as much as he struggled against it, he found his sensitive cock still receiving their constant attention. He began calling out for it to stop but soon found himself silenced by three fingers shoved down his throat, all covered in cum scooped from Zane's face. Rav came soon after, shooting thick ropes of cum all over Josh's face. Thankfully he did not receive the same treatment as the muscular man beside him. In fact, once Rav had cum, the five guys surrounding him turned their attention to Shane, helping to restrain him as he continued to struggle through the post-orgasmic torment. It only took a few minutes for Shane to shoot again, this time on both Philip and Charlie's faces as the couple kissed with Shane's cock locked between their mouths. Satisfied that the two former apprentices had now been properly welcomed to their new position in the house, Benny gestured for everyone to return to their positions. Seeing Rav and Shane shakily walk back to where they had been stood before, Benny cleared his throat and gestured to the opposite side when they looked at him. They stood with the Boys now, leaving only the only chaste apprentice. Somehow that seemed right. If Benny was leaving, he was glad to have the two apprentices graduating to full membership, but also keeping Harry locked seemed just as appropriate. The thirty-eight-year-old had expressed his desire to stay locked forever on multiple occasions. “Okay, well that was awesome,” Benny said happily, moving back up the stairs a few steps to get a better vantage point. “And now onto the... other business of the evening.” Although he hadn't meant to, Benny's tone set an ominous mood in the room, everyone turning eerily silent. Benny sighed, looking round at each face staring up at him. “Okay, so here's the thing. Recently I was approached with an offer, a really good offer to basically travel the world and set up other houses like this for other Doms and subs.” Benny started. Immediately the expressions of some of the residents changed, quickly grasping where Benny was going with it. “To cut a long story short... I have accepted. I will soon be leaving the house.” “So this is over?” Robert called out. “That's actually up to all of you!” Benny said. Eight months ago, when I moved in here, I stood here and told you all that the days of blackmail and forced servitude was over, that if you stayed here it would be of your own free will. You chose to stay, but today I'm offering you that same choice.” Benny paused for a few seconds to let them all take it in. “Last time I went away, I left someone in charge who... well, I don't think I need to cover that, aside from to say I chose poorly. This time, I have asked Roger to step up and take charge. Nobody in this house knows me better than him. Nobody else can continue to run this house the way I would want it to be run. So this will still be my house, but with Roger in command.” “How long will you be gone?” Philip called out. “At least a year. Likely more, possibly a lot more if the project is a success,” Benny explained. “So knowing that, I'm offering you all the same choice again. Stay or go, it's your choice! I don't expect you all to choose right away. Take the evening. Do what you like, ask what you like, Roger and I will both be around if you need to chat. We will meet again in the morning to hear what you've decided.” With that, the group began to disperse, many splitting into smaller groups to discuss what they had just been told. As Benny watched, his eyes fell on Kian who was standing completely still, staring at him, eyes watery. Benny started walking towards him, but the teen immediately bolted for the cellar stairs. “Kian!” Benny called after him. He smiled as he headed down the stairs after him. By the time Benny caught up with Kian in his dorm, the Boy had already pulled most of his stuff from the wardrobe and started stuffing it into a large bag. He was crying heavily as he did it. “Kian,” Benny said as he stood in the doorway. “It's okay,” Kian replied, sniffing heavily. “I should have known this wouldn't last. I was just, the latest Boy, something to entertain you until something better to came along. That's fine, that's what a sub is supposed to be, right?” He sniffed heavily again. “I'm gonna leave though. I don't... I can't...” He stopped packing, breaking down in helpless sobs, his face buried in his hands. Benny moved behind him and knelt down, wrapping his arms around the Boy. “You're a fucking idiot!” he said, laughing. Kian pulled away and shoved Benny. “This is funny to you?” he snapped. “Yes!” Benny answered, smiling broadly. “You're coming with me, you daft little fucktard!” Kian's tears suddenly stopped. “What?” he asked, turning even more pale than his usual shade. “I made them let me bring someone along. I told them I wasn't going anywhere without you!” Benny said happily. “You're coming too!” “You mean it?” Kian asked, almost crying again, this time from sheer joy. “I do. I love you!” Benny said, now almost in tears himself. He had been through so much pain and heartbreak himself over the last year that to finally be with someone who made him this happy felt almost alien to him. Kian virtually leapt across the room, wrapping himself around Benny. “I love you too,” he said back between sobs. ***** The atmosphere in the lounge was more than a little downbeat. Charlie was sat on the sofa, his arm wrapped around his lover. “This sucks!” Philip said moodily, nuzzling against Charlie. “Yeah, but it's also kinda fucking awesome!” Charlie said surprisingly cheerfully. “How d'you figure that?” Wesley asked from the sofa on the opposite side. Charlie looked round, hoping more of the house's residents were listening. “Well look at what Benny's done. He owns a house, he's filled it with people he cares about who share his interest in kinks, he's got it running well so it works for everyone in it. I mean, we're all pretty happy here or we wouldn't be here. All of that and he's only sixteen. He's really fucking impressive.” “Yeah, nobody's doubting that!” Wesley said sharply. “Well look at the opportunity he's being given. What was it he said? Travelling the world and setting up more houses like this! I mean, who fucking gets to do that sort of thing, like, ever?” Charlie asked rhetorically. “He's created something amazing and now he gets to share it with the world. He gets to go out and see the world and share a thing he loves with people he hasn't met yet.” “Huh, guess I never thought of that!” Philip said quietly. “Exactly. You first thought was like mine, how it affects me. Now think of the bigger picture, and Benny! It's not so bad, is it?” Charlie said happily. “And I guess we're not exactly being left with Alex again. Roger's awesome too!” Zane said happily. “Pfft, you're just saying that cos you're sleeping with the boss now!” Philip said teasingly. “Yeah I am, you bitches better watch out!” Zane taunted the three on the sofa. Wesley raised an eyebrow, making Zane shrink back into himself slightly. “Erm... except you, of course... erm... Sir!” Zane corrected himself under Wesley's gaze, getting a burst of laughter from Charlie and Philip. ***** Benny watched as Robert left the Dining Room. Roger had set himself up in there to answer any questions the Boys had. For once, Roger actually looked moderately happy as he emerged. He had always been one of the more challenging Boys, having done a fair bit of domming himself, so if Roger was able to handle him, that boded well for leaving the house in his hands. He was about to head into the Dining Room and see if Roger was okay when Josh called him over from the kitchen. Heading there instead, he found Harry, Rav and Shane gathered together at the breakfast bar, chatting. They dropped into silence as Benny walked in, watching nervously as Josh led Benny in and straight out the patio door to the back garden. “You okay?” Benny asked once they were alone. Josh nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I'm good. Are you?” “Yeah, I think so,” Benny answered, not entirely sure. Josh stopped, reaching up and placing his hands on Benny's shoulders as he turned to face him. “What?” Benny asked, concerned about the way Josh was looking at him. “Just... taking it in!” Josh said softly. He got a quizzical look in response. “Think about it. Three years ago, you were just... this kid I used to babysit. Now look at you!” Benny looked down at himself and then back at Josh. “Guess I've grown a bit!” he said, looking him straight in the eye. “You've not just grown, you've grown UP!” Josh said, running the back of his finger over Benny's blonde stubble. Josh suddenly looked serious. “Look, I know we never talk about, but... the things that happened between us...” “When I hurt you,” Benny interjected, looking thoroughly shamed. Josh nodded. “Yeah, that. I know that still haunts you, I can see a bit of it in everything you do. You're so careful never to hurt anyone, you're always protecting people. I know it sucks to always have to remember that, but... you were a kid. A kid in a situation that, honestly, I probably shouldn't have let you be in, but you were! It happened, but you learned from it, you grew from it and what you've become now... I'm so proud of you!” Josh actually started getting a little tearful as he spoke, prompting Benny to do the same. “Thank you,” was all Benny could manage right away. After a few seconds composing himself, he took a deep breath and went on, “ Do you remember before you and Dale got together, you told me...” “Thirteen and Nineteen. That's not going to work!” Josh said, immediately knowing what the teen meant. “Yeah,” Benny said with a nod. “If that had been now, if instead of thirteen and nineteen it would have been nearly seventeen and... what are you now?” “Just turned twenty-three.” “Yeah,” Benny said. “What if that had been now, do you think that we...” Josh shook his head slowly. “I really don't know, Benny. I mean, I told you I loved you back then and I still do now, but... I don't know. But I'm with Dale and you're happy with Kian, so does it really matter?” Benny sighed, “I guess not,” he said with a casual shrug. “I think... I'm gonna make this my last visit,” Josh said quietly as they started wandering through the garden. “You sure?” Benny asked, taking hold of his friend's hand. “Yeah,” Josh said with a slight nod. “Dale has been awesome about letting me spend so many nights here, but I think I need to go back to being a full time boyfriend to him. Plus... I kinda started coming here because you were here. Once you're gone, as much as I love the others, my reason to stay has gone too.” “I understand,” Benny said. “I'll explain it to Roger, but... could you hold off telling the others until after they've decided?” “No problem,” Josh agreed. “So I guess this is kind of our last night together.” Benny stopped again and moved in front of Josh, staring into his eyes. “I guess so,” he said softly. “Well I guess it's my last chance to do this!” He leaned in and kissed Josh. The two young men melted into each other. For just a second, they were right back there, in Benny's old room. The devious teen who had trapped his babysitter and the bull-headed straight jock, both feeling new sensations. No drama, no history, no attachments, just the two of them in the moment. Then... it parted and they were right back to reality. Their arms wrapped around each other. That was all they needed. Just a final moment of closeness to say goodbye. ***** Sunday 20th September 2015 “So whadda you think?” Benny asked as Roger paced back and forth in front of him. Kian was beside him on the sofa, curled up, his head resting against Benny's arm. “I'm really not sure,” Roger answered. “I'd like to think it'll be like last time you gave them this choice, but I really don't know. Obviously we're losing Josh.” “Yeah, hopefully he's the only one,” Benny said optimistically. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Roger asked, uncharacteristically nervous. Benny nodded. “Of course. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!” “No, not going. I mean leaving me in charge!” Roger said, stopping his pacing and staring straight at Benny. Benny chuckled and stood up, Kian shifting away from him as he did so. “Roger. I am so far beyond sure that you're up for this. My name may be on this place, but it's you that runs it! If there's anything I'm not sure of, it's that I can even do it without you!” “You'll do great!” Roger insisted. “Then so will you!” Benny said back just as firmly. “Now let's go, I know we're early, but I'm sick of waiting. Kian!” At Benny's call, Kian jumped up and followed the other two out into the atrium. The residents of the house were all gathered in a small crowd. As they as the door open, they stopped talking and turned to face the old and new Masters of the house. “So...” Benny started. “What's it to be?” They all looked at each other. They appeared to have reached a consensus as a group, but failed to pick a spokesperson. Eventually it was Wesley who stepped forward. “Okay, so there's been a LOT of talking and...” Wesley paused, seemingly for nothing more than dramatic effect. “We're in!” “All of you?” Benny asked happily. Wesley nodded. “For now. Some of us want to... just give it a little while, see how things go, but none of us want to leave. Benny, you brought us all together here, you made us into a family!” “With the amount of sex we have, I'd pick a different word!” Charlie heckled, getting a collective laugh. Wesley smiled too and continued. “Okay, we're... something. Something special. Some people are lucky enough to live with a person they love. We... we all get to live with a dozen guys we love!” “And Robert!” David called out cheekily. “Fuck you!” Robert barked, but smiled anyway. Wesley shook his head at the Boys, but looked to Benny again. “We're gonna miss you like crazy, but we're confident you're leaving us in good hands!” Roger smiled. Aside from Zane, it was something most of the house had never seen. It only lasted a moment before he return to his usual stoney-faced glare, but it was enough to convey his feelings over Wesley's comments. “You guys are awesome!” Benny said happily. “It's six days until I have to leave, so let's make them six fucking amazing days!” ***** Monday 21st September 2015 “So how did it go?” Benny asked eagerly as Shane stood by the front door, stripping. He actually looked relieved to be undressing. He had been naked in the house for so long now that wearing clothes had actually started to feel wrong. His last items of clothing were discarded and handed off to Roger, who was accompanied by Wesley who was busy learning Roger's duties to take his place as second in command of the house. “It was good,” Shane said happily as he followed Shane towards Benny's private lounge. “Hey, when Rav gets back, send him in too!” Benny called back to Roger who nodded on acknowledgement. “So tell me all about it!” “It was great, I met the crew, they seem pretty cool. It was weird being the one in charge of them. Kinda let me see what it felt like to be you!” Shane explained, giving a cheeky grin. “Oh, so you had them all working naked, did you?” Benny asked, smirking as he sat beside the naked, muscular man. “Okay, not exactly like you then,” Shane said with a slight chuckle. “So,” Benny said, placing a hand on Shane's bulging pec, teasing his nipple. “You still sure this is where you want to be?” Shane moaned at the boy's touch, his eyes closing slightly before he shook his head to bring himself back to full alertness, trying to talk and ignore than fingers teasing him. “Yeah, yeah I am. I've still got... you know, some issues but I'll keep working on it with Victor's help,” Shane explained, moaning again as Benny's hands slid across to his other nipple. “Between those sessions and actually having a job again, I think... ugh.... I think I'll be fine!” “Glad to hear it,” Benny whispered, getting close enough for Shane to feel his breath on his ear. By the time Rav came in, preceded by a polite knock, Benny had Shane on edge despite having hardly touched his cock. Rav just stood and stared at the erotic scene playing out before him, his cock visibly swelling as he stood there. “Come have a seat,” Benny said, gesturing to the sofa opposite himself and Shane. “Start stroking, slowly, don't cum!” “Y... yes Sir!” Rav said, his usual cockiness completely forgotten amidst the pure sexual tension in the room. “So how was your first day?” Benny asked, letting his fingers graze Shane's straining cock. “It was...” Rav started, but moaned as he stroked his own cock and watched his friend lean helplessly on Benny. “It was good,” he managed to say, his hand stroking up and down slowly, spreading the precum he was already oozing. “That's it? Just... good?” Benny asked, a little disappointed. “Okay, it was... it was great. The people are.... oh fuck... they're nice and the work is... ugh yeah... the work is interesting,” Rav forced himself to explain as he obeyed the command to continue stroking. “Wonderful. I'm so glad things are working out for you both,” Benny said sincerely. Then looked back and forth between them a few times, his own cock swollen at the sight of the two moaning men. “So here's the deal. I'm gonna keep teasing Shane. If he cums first, he loses and you win,” Benny explained to Rav. “But if you cum first, you lose and he wins. But here's the thing, I have no intention of making Shane cum, so if you want to make him shoot, you gotta turn him on. No touching allowed!” “Fuck, what does the winner get?” Rav asked breathlessly. “Does it... fucking matter?” Shane asked, pressing himself against Benny. Benny sniggered at the comment, caressing Shane's low-hanging balls with one hand. Rav was wasting no time in putting on a show. He slid down in the seat, his large cock laying on his stomach until he grabbed it and bent it downwards, pressing the head of it against his own hole. “Oh my God, is he about to...” Shane gasped, his cock twitching without being touched. “It looked like it!” Benny said, staring in delight, absent-mindedly grabbing ay his own cock as he watched the head of Rav's cock slip into his own ass. “Fuck,” Benny and Shane muttered in unison as they watched Rav begin to fuck himself. Although Rav could see the affect he was having on Shane, he couldn't keep up the self-fucking for long as it had him close to shooting his own load pretty quickly. Once he pulled his cock out, he span round in the seat, laying with his shoulders on the seat, his legs up in the air. Finally shifting fully into position, Rav stroked his cock gently until a few heavy globs of precum oozed out, dripping down into his own mouth. “Ugh that's so hot!” Shane groaned as Benny's hands continued teasing him. Shane was pretty flexible himself, but his bulging muscles got in the way of many of the feats of flexibility he had seen Rav manage. He suddenly tensed up as he saw Rav reach up and grab his own thighs and start pulling them down, forcing his cock to drop closer and closer to his mouth. “Shit, is he gonna...” Rav opened his mouth and poked his tongue out, licking precum from the head of his cock before plunging the first couple of inches into his mouth. That was all it took. With Benny casually tweaking both nipples, Shane's whole body convulsed as his cock twitched out an sizeable load all over his abs. “You win Rav. You can cum now!” Benny called out. That was as much as Rav needed to hear. Giving his own cock a few qucik sucks, he pulled it out just far enough to allow Benny and Shane to see as he started to cum, thick heavy shots spurting straight down into his open mouth. “Fuck me!” Benny said as Rav righted himself in the seat and Shane caught his breath beside him. “I'm gonna have to let Roger know about some of those tricks. He is DEFINITELY gonna want to use them!” Benny said happily. “Ha, loser!” Rav taunted Shane playfully. “I guess he is,” Benny said with a grin. “And I was planning on fucking the loser!” Rav scowled at the comment. “Fuck, if I'd known that, I'd have just shot my load right away!” Benny sighed playfully and shrugged. “Well, I guess I could give you BOTH a good fucking. You know, if I absolutely MUST!” he said with a slight chuckle. ***** Tuesday 22nd September 2015 Benny awoke on his side, one body pressed up against his back and another in front, facing him. The one in front was awake, and staring him straight in the face. “Wow!” Benny said, purely on reflex as Charlie's face came into focus. “I mean...” he attempted to correct his slip, blushing slightly, but shrugged slightly and juts whispered, “Fuck it, I meant wow!” He had decided to sleep with a couple of the Boys each night he had left in the house, wanting to make sure each of them got as much time with him as possible. Monday night had been Charlie and Philip. The three of them had messed around late into the night. Charlie grinned at Benny's comment and whispered, “Thanks. Phil's still sound asleep!” “I know,” Benny said, smirking. “He's drooling on my back!” The two of them stifled a laugh so as not to wake him. Benny raised a hand and ran it through Charlie's messy hair, eventually allowing it to rest on his cheek. “You know, you really are the prettiest guy I've ever met!” Charlie smiled shyly, but it soon dropped into a frown. “I'm sorry, Benny.” “What for?” Benny asked, feeling Philip shift slightly behind him. “Us. Me and you, how I got together with Phil,” Charlie whispered softly. Benny looked more than a little surprised. “Come on, that's like... ancient history. Besides, you two are just too fucking adorable. You were, like, destined to be together!” The two just looked at each other in silence as Benny let his hand slide down from Charlie's cheek to his muscled chest, across the ridges of his abs until they found the warm firmness waiting for him. Charlie moaned happily as Benny's fingers wrapped around his cock. Philip stirred again, this time shifting so his crotch pressed against Benny's ass. He was hard, his cock resting along the crack. “Mind if I join in?” he asked, waking up slowly. He reached over Benny's body, taking his cock in his hand as he began to slide his cock up and down Benny's butt. Charlie leaned forward and kissed Benny, while Philip's lips found their way onto his Master's neck, alternating between nibbling that and his ear. There was no urgency to any of their movements, just slow, relaxed touching, enjoying each others' bodies and the unique intimacy of a Dom and his subs. Slowly Benny shifted onto his back, taking one cock in each hand as the two subs took turns kissing their Master and sucking him. As their breathing began to deepen, their strokes grew faster and faster. Eventually, with all three of their mouths engaged in a prolonged three-way kiss, they began to shoot. First Philip, then Benny, then Charlie, but all mere seconds apart. Mere moments later, they were little more than a tangled mass of sweaty and cum-soaked bodies and limbs. Laying together in their bubble of post-orgasmic bliss, they drifted back off to sleep. ***** Thursday 24th September 2015 Benny's week had been a non-stop roller-coaster of emotional heart-to-hearts and seemingly final sexual encounters. Not all of the Boys wanted a night sharing his bed, which he understood. One of the things he loved about his Boys was that as much as they shared interests and desires, they all had their differences too. David would take a world-class spanking, sob, cry and scream and then afterwards cuddle up to Benny for comfort and car, while Robert could take a pounding and then just casually walk away, no affection whatsoever. By Thursday night there was only one Boy left who Benny was due to spend the night with – Zane! Benny was dreading it. Somehow, through the week Benny had managed to keep control of his emotions, but every time he laid eyes on Zane, he felt a knot in his stomach. Zane had definitely been one of the most enjoyably challenging additions to the house. He had come in, claiming to be the 'Lone Wolf' but quickly proceeded to form bonds with people. Bizarrely, he seemed drawn to the people others tended to avoid, first forming an attachment to the Master himself, before moving onto the ever-stoic Roger and then even Alex. In fact, it had been a short stint of isolation that had ultimately led to getting Zane to behave in the first place. The evening's activities had gone largely as normal, although the Boys had been shared out between just Roger and Malik while Benny spent most of the evening with Wesley. He had ordered that Zane be sent to his room after the Boy was done with whatever misery/delight Malik had to inflict upon him. When Benny heard a quiet, timid knock on his door, he knew it was him. “Fuck,” Benny muttered as the knot in his stomach returned. He tried to call out but his voice managed to somehow croak and squeak at the same time. Clearing his throat he called out, “Come in!” “You wanted me, Sir?” Zane asked softly as he walked in and closed the door behind him. “Yes, I thought you could spend the night in here with me tonight,” Benny explained. As he looked at the Boy, his eyes fell on the only thing he was wearing – the collar Benny had given him months earlier. Zane headed for the opposite side of the room from the bed. “Should I make myself comfortable down there, Sir?” he asked, pointing to the ground. Benny frowned, wondering what he meant. “Well I know wolf pups aren't allowed on the bed right away,” Zane said with a lopsided smile, reminding Benny of his own words from the first night they spent together. “Yes!” Benny said, doing his best to look stern and serious. Zane's face dropped, the smile disappearing completely. “S... seriously?” he stuttered. Benny stared for a few more seconds then burst into laughter. “No, not really, get over here!” Zane grinned, dashed across the room and leapt onto the bed, bouncing and rolling over as he did so. He came to a stop laying next to Benny, looking up at him. “Hi Sir!” he said playfully, still smiling. “Hi Pup Buster,” Benny said with an equally broad grin. It was not something he called the Boy often, but when he did it always had the same effect on Zane. It was almost like a hypnotic suggestion, the way the words reverted him to a playful, puppy-like state. One of the reasons Benny didn't do it regularly was that, as fun as it was, Zane could be truly exhausting when he went into full on 'pup' mode. “You getting in?” Benny asked from under the covers as Zane lay beside him, still looking up, wide-eyed and grinning. “No!” he replied petulantly. He grabbed the covers from Benny, pulled them over himself, wrapping himself in a duvet cocoon and rolled off the bed with a heavy thud. “Oy, bring that back!” Benny called after him, knowing he was in for a fight. “No!” Zane repeated, muffled from inside the linen shroud. He rolled away across the floor, struggling to his feet as Benny climbed off the bed after him. He flopped onto the sofa and playfully peered out of the bedding. Benny jumped onto the sofa beside him and wrapped his arms around the now-heavily-padded sub. “Got ya now!” “Yeah, but I've still got your duvet!” Zane taunted back. Benny chuckled. He knew he should be more strict with the Boy, but he had always found his antics too amusing to truly try and beat out of him. It took the best part of two hours for Benny to wear Zane out enough to actually get him to lay in bed quietly, by which point Benny was exhausted too. Giving the Boy a quick kiss goodnight, Benny clicked the lamp off and settled down to sleep. A few minutes later, he opened his eyes to check on Zane, but found the Boy was laying, wide awake, staring at him, their faces mere inches apart. “You okay?” he asked softly. “Mmm-huh,” Zane answered, still staring. “You... don't look like you're trying to sleep,” Benny pointed out. Zane let out a little sigh and answered, “I don't want to.” “Why not?” Benny asked, placing a hand on his side. There was no answer, save for a slight sniffing noise. That was when Benny saw the glisten of a tear on the Boy's cheek. “Zane?” he said softly. “If I sleep, you'll be a day closer to leaving!” Zane said, his voice slightly squeaky. He sniffed back tears again. Benny was lost for words, barely able to hold back tears of his own. “If I go to sleep...” Zane said shakily. “I'll miss you!” He burst into open sobbing as he leaned forward and rested his head on Benny's chest. Benny slid an arm under Zane and another over the top and pulled him into a tight hug as tears trickled down his own cheeks, just holding him for a few minutes. Eventually, Benny leaned back, prompting Zane to do the same, wiping his cheek as he looked at his Master in the darkness. “You don't need to miss me, you've got this!” Benny said, reaching out and taking hold of the tag on the collar. “My collar?” Zane asked, frowning. “Not just the collar, the tag. Or rather, the name!” Benny said, genuinely smiling. “That name, that's something I came up with. It was a thought in my head, that I got inscribed on this tag. I took a piece of me and gave it to you. So that means even when I go away, part of me will still be right here with you!” Benny placed his palm over the tag. “You ever miss me, you just hold this tag and I'll be right there with you.” “Really?” Zane asked, his voice wavering. “Completely!” Benny insisted. “You may be Roger's boyfriend, but you will always be my Pup. Nothing can ever change that. Not time, not distance, it's forever!” Zane smiled and leaned in against Benny again, happily feeling his Master's arms around him. “I think I wanna sleep now,” he said, sounding like he was halfway there already. ***** Friday 25th September 2015 While Benny had planned how he was spending most of the week, he had been told to leave Friday up to the rest of the house to plan. Being the Master, and a bit of a control freak, Benny found it hard knowing he had no idea what was being arranged, but he did as they asked and stayed out of the way for the afternoon, making himself busy with packing for the trip. Kian had packed the few meagre items he owned already, the small bags sitting alongside the suitcase Benny had already packed. Finally satisfied that he had everything he needed, including a double and triple check on the essentials packed in a smaller bag, Benny allowed himself to relax, cuddling with Kian on the sofa in his room until the others were ready for him. “Any second thoughts?” Kian asked as he nuzzled against Benny. Benny smirked. “Second thoughts, third, fourth, fifth. I've talked myself out of going about a dozen times just today!” Kian looked up at him questioningly. “But every time I think of a reason not to go, I think of a dozen more reasons I should!” Kian smiled. “Good. I'm really excited about it!” “Really? I thought you'd be terrified!” Benny said in surprise. Kian sat up and shrugged. “I dunno, I guess I kind of am, but you...” he stopped, blushing slightly. “You make me brave!” Benny reached across and stroked the Boy's cheek, letting his fingers find their way into his strawberry-blonde locks, his eyes fixed on Kian's the whole time. “Before you came along, I really didn't...” Benny paused, his own feelings almost getting the better of him. “I didn't know if I'd ever get to feel like this, at least, not with someone who felt the same way. But you...” he paused again. “I love you so much!” “I...” Kian started, looking over-dramatically emotional for a moment before grinning, “I don't blame you. I'm hot!” He burst into laughter at his own audacity. Before Benny could inflict his reaction upon the Boy, there was a knock at the bedroom door. Roger popped his head round and said, “I think they're ready for you!” Kian virtually ran out of the door, eager to see what the others had planned, with Benny following casually behind. As he left the bedroom and stepped towards the rail, looking down into the atrium, he saw everyone gathered there under a huge banner that read 'See you soon, Benny!' There was a cheer and applause as he appeared, which continued as he made his way down the stairs, lost for words. The current residents of the house were all gathered, but there were even more guests than that. Josh, along with his boyfriend brothers and their friends, Victor, resident psychotherapist, Taro and Yusei, Travis and his three subs. As Benny stood a few steps from the bottom of the stairs, holding back tears, Roger came and stood beside him. “Quiet everyone!” he called out, getting silence as quickly as his requests always did. “Now I'm not usually a man of many words, but I couldn't let today go by without saying a few things.” There was a quick round of applause with shouts of approval. “Benny is... honestly, he's the most impressive young man I've met in my life,” Roger started. “He has the creativity and drive that most people can only dream of and that's what has helped him achieve so much. Most of all though, he has a good heart. He... may have started things off a bit questionably, but he quickly grew into a Dom who is caring and compassionate, but at the same time wicked and twisted. He can make you suffer and just come back begging for more. He has given a lot to us, and to this house. I know I could never fill his shoes, but I will spend every day doing my best to keep this place running the way Benny has taught me to over the last couple of years. So thank you Benny, for everything, and we hope you enjoy your night!” The room erupted into raucous cheering and applause, everyone in attendance apparently in complete agreement with Roger. Benny waited for silence, standing as if he had something to say himself. “I just wanted to say...” he held, building the suspense, “That I've had enough talking. Let's torture some subs!” The cheers and laughter echoed round the atrium. Music was started and many of the people gathered headed straight for the makeshift bar that had been set up to one side. “Benny,” Travis said, holding out his arms and hugging the house's Master. “Hey Travis,” Benny said happily as the man let go of him. “I would have thought you'd be too busy for something like this!” “Oh I am!” Travis said with a wry grin. “But what's the point of having money if you can't pay people to do your work for you? Besides, this place inspired my next big venture, I'd be crazy to pass up an event like tonight! From what I can tell, they're planning on giving you a night to remember!” Travis was most definitely correct. As the evening drew on, and the levels of drunkenness increased, the fun really started. Benny suspected Josh and his brothers may have had a hand in planning some of the evening's entertainment as the games they played were strangely reminiscent of the ones Benny had inflicted upon Josh and his friends the Summer their adventures had started. Drinks were drunk, subs were abused (playfully) and many an overemotional declaration of love was given to Benny, most of the Boys keen to let their Master know how much he would be missed. Eventually, the non-resident guests began to leave. First Travis and his subs, then Victor, then (reluctantly) Josh and his many companions. Taro and Yusei had decided to stay over. The furniture in the lounge had all been moved aside to make a large open area which had been filled with mattresses, pillows, cushions and blankets, with the whole house eventually finding their way in. What started out as many of them sitting round, chatting, joking, and occasionally cuddling soon turned into much more. As the lights were dimmed and the drinks continued to flow freely, cocks stiffened and the true debauchery began. Late into the night, subs found themselves faced with the cocks of sub and Dom alike. The temperature rose and by the early hours of the morning, the lounge housed a sweaty pile of intertwined bodies and limbs. Benny found himself completely engulfed in a pile of naked men. Bodies beneath him, arms draped over him, cocks poking him from various angles. He had no idea who was where, he just allowed himself to enjoy the pure sensuality of the evening before drifting off to sleep in the tangle of men. ***** Saturday 26th September 2015 Benny awoke to find Zane nuzzled up against one side of him, David against the other, his head resting on Roger's stomach, Charlie's on his own and Kian just splayed out on top of him. It was Roger who woke him, as always the reliable second-in-command the only one to have had the foresight to set an alarm. As Benny woke Kian, then untangled himself to stand up, he found the mass of bodies seemed to spread, the gap he left soon filled as the semi-conscious subs cuddled together. The Master, his lover and Roger made their way out, heading to the cellar to shower instead of Benny's room so that they could all use it at once. As the three of them stood under neighbouring shower heads, the warm water washing away the remnants of the previous night's antics, Roger let out a hearty sigh. “Y'alright big guy?” Benny asked, patting his friend on the back. “Yeah, just... nervous I guess,” Roger said unconvincingly, giving Kian a quick glance. Benny looked at his lover for a moment and said, “You mind giving us a minute?” “Okay!” Kian said casually, rinsing off the last of the shower gel and strolling out of the room. “Right, what's up?” Benny asked. “I'm sure we covered everything you could possibly need to run this place!” “We did!” Roger agreed. “It's just... I don't... I don't have family. I don't have friends. I have this place and I have you and I'm just kinda realising what that really means to me now.” “Don't talk crazy. You were my first sub. It's...” Benny paused, thinking of how to describe it. “It's kinda like I'm Charles Xavier and you were my first X-Man. You're Cyclops! And any time Charles Xavier leaves, Cyclops is okay, because he's got the rest of the X-Men right there!” Roger sniggered. “I've got no idea what you're talking about, but... I think I get what you mean.” “Good, because I am NOT good with analogies!” Benny chuckled. “But really, you'll be fine. You could run this place blindfolded and the Boys love you. I mean, they're scared shitless of of you, but they still love you!” “I'm not the scary, am I?” Roger asked, looking playfully hurt. “Aww,” Benny said, reaching his arms out. “Not to me, you're not. I know you're just a big ol' teddy bear. Come here!” The two hugged tightly for several seconds. Roger shifted slightly as he felt a firmness against his crotch. “I didn't know teddy bears turned you on!” Roger teased as he stepped back and looked down at Benny's erection. “Assume the position!” Benny said, looking suddenly stern. “Yes Sir!” Roger said happily, turning to face the wall, bending over slightly and bracing himself. With a squirt of shower gel, Benny stroked his cock and thrust it hard into Roger, making the bigger man moan. Benny wasted no time in pounding his old friend into submission. By the time he shot his load inside him, Roger's was on his knees, his face resting against the tiled wall as he moaned in delight. Reaching round, Benny grabbed the man's cock and stroked it quickly, bringing him to the edge. “Okay, one last time, together now!” Benny whispered as the warm water continued to rain down upon them. With a few final thrusts in Roger's ass, and a few strokes of the cock, they shot in perfect unison. Their bodies pressed together as they ejaculated excitedly, their moans slowly giving way to heavy, laboured breathing which slowly softened. “You really have an amazing ass!” Benny said happily, slapping one of Roger's ass cheeks as he pulled out. “Well then you'll just have to make sure you come back soon and have another go on it then!” Roger said, slumping against the wall. Benny leaned in and gave his friend a quick kiss before turning off his shower and heading out to find Kian. ***** By the time the car arrived for Kian and Benny, the rest of the house was up and about, the entire group gathering outside the front door to see them off. The driver of the car remained professional, not showing his surprise at the dozen naked men, but certainly wasn't shy about getting a good look. Benny started working his way down the line, most of the Boys receiving a quick hug and kiss. Some were brief, while others much longer. Roger almost had to prise Zane off of Benny as he tried to pull away. Satisfied that he had bidden each of them a sufficient farewell, Benny climbed into the car which promptly pulled off. Benny and Kian sat looking out the back window as they headed down the driveway, waving to the gathered men outside the house. “So that's it,” Kian said with a hearty sigh. “Goodbye to Benny's House?” Benny smiled at him, looked back at the gates they had just passed through and nodded. “Yeah, but only goodbye for now. I'll be back!”