THE BIG TITS CLUB 2.0 by bluedragon ( **** -- CHAPTER 21: Unexpected Feelings -- **** *-- NOVEMBER --* Per our normal Wednesday routine, Naimh held my hand for the walk from our house onto campus while Belle and Lily followed behind us, gabbing like a couple of hyper-social geese. My Irish redhead had the long, free-swinging strides of a country girl to match my own long-legged strides. Our hands swung back and forth together, and I found myself grinning from ear-to-ear at the casual sense of pure… contentment… I felt in that very moment. School was going well, my social life was going well, and my romantic life was going well. For the moment, at least, I didn’t have a worry in the world. From the way my fair, freckled, well-fucked girlfriend kept glancing over at me with an easy smile of her own, I figured she was feeling a similar sense of contentment. Amazing orgasms can do that to a girl, but even beyond the awesome morning sex, Naimh looked at me like a girl in love, and a girl who knew with absolute certainty that her boyfriend loved her in equal measure. When the four of us reached our usual intersection, my in-love-and-also-feeling-loved girlfriend gave me a passionate kiss that included her wrapping a long leg around my waist and moaning into my mouth before pulling back and murmuring in a raspy voice, “I’m gonna feel your cum leaking outta me all class. And I’m gonna see how many times I can get away with slipping a few fingers into me panties and tasting your spunk.” I chuckled and pecked her nose. “So long as you’re having fun. See you soon.” Naimh bounced away towards the Biology buildings while Belle and Lily both slid their hands into mine for the journey that remained. My Annabelle gave me a look of utter serenity and contentment, even though she hadn’t spent the night with me. She HAD spent the night with Lily, though, and the pair of petite peas in a pod looked across my chest at each other before sharing impish giggles about something only they understood. Immediately after that, Lily snuggled in against my arm while giving me a doe-eyed look that clearly asked for a kiss. I was more than happy to lean down and give her one, and she grinned and did a little happy dance as soon as we separated. The girls then started skipping like a pair of teenage schoolgirls (which they were), alternately swinging my arms back and forth and somewhat dragging me along with them even with my long strides. They were giggling like _crazy_ and got me laughing along with them, although the skipping episode thankfully only lasted until we passed through the current greenscape and then got stuck in a bottleneck of students going past the next building. Lily then gave me a quick kiss at the next intersection while she gave Belle a somewhat… _deeper_ kiss. And then the two of them looked at each other with heartfelt looks of longing before they finally pressed their palms together, fingers pointing up, and gently pushed each other away. I watched Lily bounding away with a spring in her step, looking happier than she’d ever been in her entire life. I then turned to look at Belle and then arched an eyebrow at what I saw. My little Annabelle’s eyes were rather… moist. And she bit her lip pensively before feeling my gaze and abruptly standing up straight while blushing pink like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “Hey! Ready to go?” she chirped in a perky voice, tugging on my hand. “Let’s go!” I let her tug me along and asked with a sideways smirk, “Something you wanna tell me?” She frowned in confusion. “What?” I nodded in the general direction of Lily’s departure. “What was that look there just now?” “What was what?” “The pining look of forlorn angst,” I said with a breathy, melodramatic flourish, “when it feels as if you’ve been apart from her _forever_ even though it’s barely been a minute.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I chuckled and shrugged, squeezing Belle’s hand. “Do you _like_ Lily?” “Of course. She’s my best friend,” she stated matter-of-factly. “I’m asking if you _like_-like her.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I think you do.” “Matty…” “Hey, it’s me.” I shrugged. “You can tell me anything, remember?” Belle pursed her lips and mused on that, remaining silent. I held her hand and guided her around some unexpected oncoming traffic. I mean seriously, people: in America you’re supposed to walk on the right-side of the sidewalk. But Belle’s vision seemed a little unfocused, and despite my attempt to pull her out of the way, her shoulder still got clipped by some inconsiderate asshole’s backpack, and she got jerked out of her reverie. “You okay?” I asked, arching my eyebrows in concern. “Yeah, fine,” Belle replied. There wasn’t any serious damage, of course, and the minor jolt seemed to snap her out of it. And without requiring me to prompt her any further, she looked up at me and said, “It all started because of the Isabela thing.” I blinked and queried, “‘Isabela thing?’” Belle blushed and waggled her head. “So I _may_ have gotten a little overhyped about Isabela after the Halloween party.” I smirked and arched an eyebrow. “A _little_?” “Okay a *lot*,” Belle admitted with a grin, her cute little ears turning pink. “What can I say? She’s hot. She’s sexy. She’s bi. And she _clearly_ wanted to come home with all of us and get dogpiled in a naked and sweaty orgy.” “I’m not disputing any of that. But didn’t you think she was a bit… much?” Belle shrugged. “She’s aggressive: I admire that about her. She knows what she wants, and she doesn’t hesitate to go after it.” “Zero hesitation,” I agreed. “But you know that’s not my thing. I’m not in the habit of bedding down with girls I just met, and neither is anyone else in The BTC.” Belle shrugged again. “Just because none of us has ever done it before doesn’t necessarily mean we _can’t_. C’mon, Matty… We’re in college! This is supposed to be a time for experimenting and exploring our sexuality and finding out what the Big Wide World has to offer!” “Perhaps, but none of this explains why you were staring after Lily with such a forlorn look of longing a minute ago. You’re deflecting me again, and I almost let you get away with it.” “I’m not deflecting. Isabela just captured my attention.” “Objection: relevance?” Belle snorted and sighed. “I really wish Sam had come with us to the party.” “Now you’re _really_ going off on a tangent.” Belle waved me off. “This is relevant. So like I said: Isabela’s aggressive and she was getting really touchy-feely with ALL of us at the party, including you.” I shrugged and said, “I let her cuddle up to me a bit, yes, but I moved her hand away when she tried to grab my package and I didn’t let her kiss me. _Unlike *you*_.” “See, now we’re getting to the point.” Belle’s ears turned pink again. “So there was this time when Isabela was whispering naughty shit into my ear about you holding the back of her head to pin her face against my pussy while grabbing her ass and then feeding your big dick deep into--” “I was there,” I cut her off with a smirk. “I remember. I also remember you letting her start rubbing the crotch of your bodysuit while she was saying that stuff, complaining that the costume design wouldn’t let her fingers get inside.” “And then she leaned in and started making out with me.” “I remember. That’s when Neevie crawled into my lap and started making out with _me_.” “But of course she did.” Belle smirked. “And Lily felt left out.” “Really?” I blinked in surprise. But then I frowned, feeling like I’d neglected Lily and let her down. Belle shrugged. “I didn’t realize it at the time either. Too busy sucking face with Isabela. But apparently, _Luna_ could tell that Lily wasn’t happy and they had a short conversation together. A few minutes later, Luna went to talk to Isabela, and they said they had to leave.” I canted my head to the side. “Is THAT why they left? I wondered about that. Isabela seemed so eager to… well, come home with all of us and get dogpiled in a naked and sweaty orgy. I was trying to think of polite ways to tell her we didn’t do random hookups, and when she and Luna left, I just sorta felt a sense of relief.” Belle nodded slowly. “I just felt confused. *-I-* was trying to think of ways to convince you and Neevie to let them come home with us, but then all of a sudden they were gone, and I was trying to figure out what I’d done wrong.” “You still haven’t explained how this leads to you staring after Lily with that forlorn look of longing.” “It wasn’t a ‘forlorn look of longing’.” “Kinda was, B.” Belle sighed. She took a few deep breaths, exhaled slowly, and then took my hand, leading me away from the sidewalk towards an out-of-the-way corner. Once we were out of earshot, she looked up at me and explained, “So the four of us went home and had that awesome costume orgy, you gave me that trifecta and _fuck_, Matty, I absolutely *love* how it feels when you’re spurting all that hot cum into my tight asshole, making me feel gooey and warm inside while you’re stretching me so unbelievably wide that it feels like I’m gonna burst while your heavy weight smoth-- Fuck, I’m getting sidetracked.” I chuckled and gestured for her to continue. “But it’s seriously hard to _walk_ for a while after that, no joke,” Belle added. I blushed and gave her an apologetic look. “_Anyways_,” Belle continued, “the first warning I missed when we got home: I started whining that we should’ve brought Isabela home with us, and Lily was all ‘Bored of us already?’ I thought she was just kidding, but it was one of those kernel of truth kinda things, you know?” “I know,” I agreed. “After the costume orgy, I took Lily upstairs to go clean up and then we got to talking last night while cuddling in bed and she asked me in that super-cute, super-nervous voice she has when you know she wants nothing more in the world than to please you what was going on between me and Isabela and I told her there wasn’t _anything_ going on between me and Isabela except that she was hot and sexy and bi and that I wanted to see you stretching her ass as wide as you’d just stretched mine while cramming her face down into my crotch but then Lily wanted to know if there was anything more to it like if I wanted to be friends with Isabela because she said I looked at Isabela the way she (I mean Lily) looked at me in that I was so strong and confident and always acted like I knew exactly what I wanted and would totally go after it a hundred percent and Lily said she admired me so much and that I was her idol and that she wanted to be just like me but then here comes this other girl who’s so strong and confident and sexy and she worried that maybe I’d rather be with someone like Isabela instead of someone like her and I said well Sam and Neevie are super strong and confident and sexy and admirable too but that it was someone like her (Lily) who I wanted to be with because I appreciated someone who was so sweet and selfless and adorable and that even though she and Mari didn’t look anything alike I loved them both for their gentle souls and then Lily said she loved ME and that kinda caught me off-guard and I think it kinda caught HER off-guard too because she wasn’t like totally expecting to feel the kind of emotions she was feeling you know and I wasn’t like totally sure if she meant ‘be with’ in the sense of being besties or _‘be with’_ in the sense of like… *NOT* just besties and then she looked sad because she felt like she’d put her heart out on the line and I started crying and I told her I loved HER and that she meant more to me than just a friend or even a BFF but that like… I… I mean I wasn’t sure… because I’d always assumed I was… and yet I thought that maybe… I might…” I raised both eyebrows, simultaneously wondering where the fuck Belle found oxygen to say all that, and eagerly awaiting how she would finish that massive run-on sentence. “You thought you might…” “I don’t _know_, Matty,” Belle mumbled rather… well, _forlornly_. She looked sad and hopeful and worried and excited and nervous. “I thought that maybe I DID like Lily. I thought maybe I _like_-liked Lily. Like… as a _girlfriend_. And not like a normal ‘girlfriend’ but like seriously like a _*girlfriend*_, you know what I mean? And it’s totally weird because I’ve always known I _liked_ girls but I never really _like_-liked girls like in a Zofi-like kinda way, you know? Even with Mari we were *SO* close and total BFFs forever but I never *once* thought about her and me being like… _romantic_-like… Like, you know?” I nodded slowly, feeling like I’d gotten the gist of all that and yet wondering if there was some way to pause the flow of time, rewind back the last two minutes or so, and then play them again at half-speed and with closed captions. But that wasn’t actually possible, and all I could really work from was the gist. So I furrowed my eyebrows, nodded slowly, and asked carefully for confirmation, “You think you and Lily might be in love with each other and want to be a romantic couple?” Belle winced and looked decidedly unsure of herself. She whined a little while shaking her head, pleading with her eyes for me to help her make sense of everything. She then took a deep breath and started to look like she was about to ramble out another massive run-on sentence. But in the end, all she could do was bury her face in her hands and mutter, “Well… Maybe?” I gave Belle an apologetic look and pulled her into a hug. She shuddered just a little, clearly torn, and clutched me tightly. But after a minute of me stroking her back and kissing the top of her head, she settled down a bit and relaxed her grip. “Shit, we need to get to class,” Belle muttered, wiping her moist eyes and glancing around. The walkways around us were nearly empty. I checked my watch and nodded my agreement. Much as I might’ve wanted to stay there and help Belle process her clearly conflicted emotions and unexpected feelings, we’d run out of time. “I’ll make time to talk to you for however much you need, alright? I promise,” I assured her. She nodded her agreement. “Thanks, Matty.” “I love you, B.” She flung herself around me for another hug. “Love you too.” There was no time for our usual Koala-bear hug and kiss in front of Engineering. Belle took a step back, gave me a quick wave, and then dashed around the corner to get to Chemistry. I headed off down a different path and ran into my lecture hall with a minute to spare. Most of the class was already settled, and down on the lecture floor I saw both Professor D and Skylar fielding questions from students. I hustled down the steps to my usual seat on the aisle in the fourth row but came to an abrupt stop in surprise. My usual seat itself was unoccupied, but the seat immediately next to mine was not. A beautiful brunette with wavy dark hair, expressive dark eyes, and a tanned complexion grinned up at me. Wearing a scoop-neck sweater that gave me a great overhead view of her top-shelf tits, she waited for me to finish ogling and return my gaze to her face, and only then greeted, “Good morning, Matty!” I blinked in surprise and stood still there for a moment, unable to speak. But I shook my head briefly to clear the cobwebs and greeted, “Hey, Isabela. Long time no see.” She giggled and played with her hair, twirling a long, curly bang with her left index finger while flashing me a pearly-white smile. But before she could say anything further, the stodgy old graybeard at the front of the class dismissed the students in front of him to return to their seats and ambled over to the front of the class at the bottom of the stairs. “Good morning, students,” Professor D greeted politely in his typically loud but quavering voice while scanning the inclined rows. His gaze swept across me, and with an arched eyebrow he added, “Matt, if you would please take your seat.” “Oh, right. Sorry, Professor,” I muttered while quickly folding down the padded theater-style seat and sitting down in a hurry, not bothering to attempt swiveling up the desk itself. “Thank you,” he replied politely, smiled out at the students, and stated, “Let’s begin.” Isabela’s hand slid onto my thigh. **** The flirtatious Latina beauty didn’t keep her hand on my thigh the entire class. She also put her hand on my forearm, rubbed my upper arm, silently mimed cooing while caressing my bicep, and walked her fingers down to my knee. Isabela didn’t say much to me during class, being a model student save for the near-constant physical contact. A couple of times, though, I caught her leaning over me to study my notes, so I actually shifted my notebook a little further to the side so she could more easily copy what I’d written down. She was smart as well as beautiful: I had to give her that. One time when the Professor asked if anyone could explain the need for low-fidelity prototypes, she was quick to raise her hand into the air and speak concisely about cross-functional collaboration and concept design in addition to the obvious merits of cost and production speed. So of course I had to go and one-up her by raising my hand when the Professor asked for someone to explain _high_-fidelity prototypes. At the end of class, Isabela packed up her bag and followed after me as if she’d been accompanying me out of class all semester. I wasn’t actively trying to avoid her or anything, so when she asked if I had any plans after class, I replied honestly, “I usually meet Neevie right outside and we get lunch together.” Indeed, the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen was waiting for me right outside. My Head Girlfriend started bouncing straight up to me with a beaming smile and a happy “Matty!” exclamation. But she stopped short of giving me an insanely passionate kiss while wrapping a leg around my waist to dry-hump herself against my leg, instead pulling up in surprise and exclaiming, “Isabela?” “Hiii, Neevie!” The lovely Latina elbowed me in the ribs before adding, “Long time no see.” I gave her a lopsided grin and drawled, “That was *my* line.” “You don’t *own* the line,” Isabela laughed, wrapping her arm around my lower back and squeezing me tightly. She then turned her attention to Naimh, letting her eyes rather hungrily run up and down the freckled redhead’s spectacular body. “Seriously, though… _Very_ nice to see you again, Neevie.” The Irish lass blushed and replied politely, “Good to see you too. I’d forgotten you said you knew Matty from class.” Isabela smiled. “_El mundo es un pañuelo!_ Basically means: ‘small world’.” Naimh smiled and started to say something in response, but something past Isabela’s shoulder caught her attention and my girlfriend suddenly gaped her mouth open in surprise. “Alright, Neevie. How’s it going?” a honey-blonde bombshell greeted in an alluring English accent as she joined our circle. “Sky!” Neevie exclaimed happily, thrusting both arms out and then wrapping up Skylar in a fierce hug with all the extra enthusiasm she’d NOT given me. “Ha ware ya?” “Better now, thank you. Had such a crazy-busy October but I’m happy to put that stuff in the rear-view,” Skylar replied before turning to glance at me and the beautiful brunette by my side. “Hullo Matt, and… ah… ah, Isabela, right?” “Right!” the Latina girl replied in a friendly manner. “Excellent work on your paper regarding _Human-centered Design_,” Skylar remarked before shooting me a smile. “You should give Matt here some pointers, because he completely crossed up the section on macro-systems versus micro-systems.” I blinked. “I did?” All three girls laughed. “In any case,” Skylar continued, turning to Naimh. “I wanted to ask if you were free for lunch today.” “Really?! Yes, totally!” the redhead replied enthusiastically. “We’d love for you to come with.” “Great! Where're we going?” Isabela chimed in. Skylar blinked in surprise, her expression clearly stating that she hadn’t been expecting the brunette to join us. “Ah, well… I suppose that’d be up to Matt and Neevie.” “We hadn’t decided yet,” I explained, glancing at my girlfriend before returning my attention to Skylar. “We usually just start walking and figure it out along the way.” “Works for me,” the blonde nodded before addressing Isabela. “Work for you?” “You know actually, nevermind,” Isabela answered apologetically while removing her arm from my lower back and then using it to gesture vaguely westward. “I forgot I have to go pick up Luna across campus, so I'll take a raincheck on the whole lunch thing. Skylar, nice to see you outside of class. Neevie, Matty, I’ll catch you guys later. Bye!!!" Without waiting for a response, Isabela spun around and scampered off. I furrowed my eyebrows, pondering what would’ve made her change her mind so suddenly. But when I looked back at Naimh and Skylar, both of them merely shrugged and had already turned their attention back to each other. Naimh smiled at both me and her erstwhile friend. She grabbed my hand, interlaced our fingers together, and gave me an excited smile. I could tell she was _really_ happy to be with Skylar again. “C’mon, Matty. Let’s go.” **** “No, no. There’s no need to apologize,” Skylar contended, shaking her head firmly while leaning back a little deeper into the leather recliner in her apartment’s living room. She held her hands up and gave Naimh a warm smile. “But there is,” Naimh insisted, leaning forward on the front edge of Skylar’s couch and sitting erect. “I know I scared you off. I know I came on way too strong.” “You didn’t scare me off,” Skylar said dismissively before narrowing her eyes and conceding, “Well… okay you did scare me a _little_. You must admit: we didn’t know each other very well yet. Still don’t, in fact.” “I know that, and I’m sorry,” Naimh apologized. “But your… _enthusiasm_ in seeking friendship didn’t cause me to start avoiding you or anything,” Skylar asserted firmly. “I asked you to not think I was telling you to sod off. I really WAS quite busy - family stuff I’d rather not get into - and I barely had time to eat by myself, let alone take the time for social meals. I only went out on the beach trip because it seemed too good of an opportunity to miss.” Naimh nodded and rubbed my leg, giving me a warm smile. “Matty tried to reassure me that was the case.” I smiled but kept my lips closed, it being impolite to open my mouth when it was full. The three of us had picked up lunch, but rather than take a table in the deli, Skylar had invited us to her nearby apartment instead. The girls had barely touched their food, too occupied with their conversation. I, on the other hand, was famished - and I’d been doing far more eating than speaking. “I _loved_ hanging out with you, Neevie,” Skylar said sincerely. “Your youthful energy and unbridled joy made me so happy that day. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I really _would_ like to spend more time with you.” “Really?” Naimh seemed genuinely touched. “Besides, you made me *promise* we’d meet up again, eh?” Skylar added with a smile. “And here we are.” “Do we need to schedule another beach trip in order to get you to come out with us more often?” Naimh teased. Skylar smiled again and started nodding, but after a moment, her eyes got tight and her smile faded. I swallowed and then spoke up, “I know you said you’d rather not get into the family stuff, but is there anything we can do to help?” The blonde gave me an appreciative look, but ultimately shook her head. “That’s a kind offer, but you’ve already done more than enough for me.” “If it’s within our power to help, we’d love to do so,” I stated, squeezing Naimh’s hand and nodding firmly while my girlfriend nodded with me in kind. “It’s not within your power, unfortunately,” Skylar said with a sigh. “You’ve met my family; they’re not exactly the warmest people. There are legal and confidential matters of which it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to share. You understand.” I sighed and nodded. “We understand.” “In the meantime,” Naimh interjected, “I’m just glad you invited us here for lunch.” “A lunch which neither of you has eaten,” I pointed out and rubbed my girlfriend’s leg. “You’d better eat, love, or you’ll be late to class.” Naimh blushed and reached for her sandwich, but Skylar left her bag on the coffee table and shrugged. “How have *you* been, Matty? How are the other girls?” “I’ve been great, thank you for asking,” I replied. “School is going well, except perhaps for a certain T.A. giving me a B-minus on my _Human-centered Design_ paper.” Skylar laughed. “Don’t expect any favoritism from me.” “I’m not, I’m not,” I assured her with a grin. “As for the girls… well… you’d probably be better off asking them. Are the family obligations easing up on your schedule? Would you have time to come visit? Or was this open lunch period just a one-time opportunity?” The honey-blonde beauty gave me a curious, evaluative look. She seemed to be studying me for a moment, took a breath, and then stated, “To be perfectly honest: I haven’t decided just yet.” I blinked, arched both eyebrows, and responded, “Well that’s… cryptic.” Skylar narrowed her eyes and shook her head. Her gaze drifted to Naimh for a moment before sliding back to me, and she shook her head with a somewhat negative expression on her face, stating, “I want to thank you again for escorting me to Sebastien’s wedding.” “You’re welcome. It was a pleasure,” I replied immediately. “Well, dealing with some unkind guests wasn’t particularly pleasurable, but I did very much enjoy your company and getting to know you a bit better. And I was very glad I could support you during what I know had to have been a very difficult day.” Skylar nodded. “It was, and it’s because you’ve been such a gentleman that I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I want to believe you don’t have an ulterior motive in befriending me.” I sat up in surprise and looked confused. “You still think I have an ulterior motive in befriending you?” Skylar gave me a somewhat skeptical look, stating plainly, “I just don’t want you to start thinking that our relationship is going to end up with the kind of physical intimacy you obviously share with the other girls. I saw the way you were with them on the beach trip. Every one of them is intimately connected to you, and I saw how they seemed to very much enjoy sitting in your lap with your hands beneath their shirts.” I blushed and then shrugged like it was no big deal. “You already have five girlfriends,” Skylar continued. “You don’t need *me* to be another one.” “Wait up.” I raised both hands defensively. “First of all, it’s only four girlfriends, and Lily’s a very recent addition.” “Five, including Eva.” “Eva’s not my girlfriend.” “She may have not been as demonstrative as the others, but I’ve still seen the way she stares at you with wistfully fond looks in her eyes.” I blinked again. “No she doesn’t.” Skylar laughed lightly. “Yes she does.” I frowned. “No. She doesn’t. Eva’s default expression with me is a resting bitch face.” “She totally does, when she thinks nobody is looking,” Naimh confirmed. “She’s still trying to play it cool, but it’s *totally* obvious to the rest of us that she’s crazy in love with you. Why _else_ would she keep hanging out with us? It’s not because she’s super-social with the *girls*.” My mouth gaped open for a second as I raised one index finger, preparing to counter Naimh’s claim. But no words came out, and I ultimately closed my mouth again while dropping my finger back down, unable to come up with a suitable response. “That would never be _our_ relationship,” Skylar explained apologetically, keeping her eyes focused intently on me. “I’m ever so grateful that you were there for me when I needed you, but I did feel… rather _awkward_ hanging out amongst you and the girls.” “Awkward?” Naimh looked a little hurt. “I thought you were having a great time!” “I DID have a great time,” Skylar insisted. “I told Matty it was the best day I’d had in years, thanks to you.” I raised both eyebrows and muttered, “I smell a ‘but’ coming.” Skylar blushed. “But I did feel a certain… expectation from the group.” I frowned. “‘Expectation’?” Skylar looked at me plainly. “Not from you.” I blinked and glanced at Naimh, who was blushing pink enough that her freckles had started to disappear. She’d also pursed her lips together and avoided my eyes. “Neevie?” “I wasn’t… _pressuring_… her,” Naimh muttered a bit defensively while simultaneously reminding me very much of Belle’s evasiveness. “You weren’t ‘pressuring’ me,” Skylar conceded, “But you did spend a lot of time talking of the future as if I were already part of The BTC. You told me about the girls taking turns who sits with Matty on Wednesday evenings watching _Dawson’s Creek_ and the little game you have of slipping his hand into your shirts. You invited me to come barbecue with everyone Friday evening and get one of Matty’s famous backrubs… and then teased me about the kind of full-body massages that make you feel like you’ve seen God. Not to mention the… more _intimate_ things you do together that make you feel like you’d died and gone to heaven.” My freckled redhead’s red blush deepened even further. “And there was one point when we were off on our own out by the rocks together,” Skylar continued, giving Naimh a curious look. “And I could’ve sworn you were about to kiss me.” Naimh winced and looked away. “See, I _did_ scare you off.” Skylar pursed her lips. “You didn’t _scare_ me off. I’m not so easily frightened.” “But you still saw the way we interact with each other and decided that’s not for you,” Naimh said with a somewhat regretful sigh. “I won’t try to hide the truth. I’m very much attracted to both men and women. Matty’s girlfriends and I not only share him, but we enjoy each other as well.” “So I gathered.” Skylar blushed. “For one thing, you seemed to very much enjoy that sweet kiss you shared with _Sam_ at sunset.” Naimh screwed up her face and sighed mournfully. “But you’re not into other girls.” “Well, I didn’t say _that_,” Skylar muttered before catching herself and blushing a bit while holding three fingers to her lips. Naimh immediately perked up, and I could practically see a thought bubble above her head reading, ‘So you’re saying there’s a _chance_.’ But before Naimh could get too excited, Skylar held both hands up and gestured for the redhead to remain calm. “Please, please. I’d like to be _friends_, but nothing more than that. I don’t want to lead you on.” “You’re not,” Naimh insisted. “But just the same, I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I have any ‘expectations’ of you.” “Perhaps ‘expectations’ is the wrong word,” Skylar suggested. “Rather, it was obvious just how much you all care about each other, and how much you and Matty are in love. The warmth of your relationship, as well as that of the friendship you share with each and everyone in The BTC, is something truly special. I couldn’t help but imagine spending more time with The BTC and feeling like I was one of you. It was indeed a very pleasant thought.” “You *can* spend more time with us,” Naimh insisted. “You _should_.” “If only,” Skylar said somewhat regretfully. “I’d be extremely lucky to be a part of The BTC, to be a part of that kind of special friendship. Believe me: I know how difficult it is to find friends you can truly count on. You all welcomed me so generously and… and I was caught off-guard by the unexpected feelings of sisterhood and partnership I felt from everyone despite having never met some of the girls before. And yet…” Skylar’s voice trailed off as she took on a pensive expression and stared off to the side for a bit. But a moment later, she took a deep breath and returned her attention to me and Naimh. “The truth is: you all are still teenagers,” Skylar said finally, with a touch of condescension on her face. “You’ve barely started your first year of university, and you have your whole lives ahead of you, whilst I’m a grad student and five years older than you, dealing with all the headaches of being a grown-up having to solve problems on my own.” I leaned forward with my forearms on my knees and shook my head. “You don’t *have* to solve your problems on your own. That’s the great thing about having friends: knowing there are people you can depend on for help.” Skylar’s smile was kind, but dubious. “You’re just a kid, Matty.” I narrowed my eyes but resisted the urge to get defensive. Instead, I shrugged and said, “Maybe maturity is measured in more than just years walking on Planet Earth.” “Maybe you’d be better off hanging out with ‘kids’ like us than your so-called *friends* who came to your brother’s wedding,” Naimh added a little hotly. I sighed and rubbed my girlfriend’s leg. “_That_ statement wasn’t particularly mature.” Skylar laughed. “Perhaps not, but that doesn’t make the statement any less true, which is why I DID want to come have lunch with you again today. We may have not spent very much time together yet, but I DO know that you both are very good people. And I can never have enough ‘good people’ in my life. I have precious few, actually.” “So come spend more time with us ‘kids’,” I suggested. Skylar shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think The BTC is really for me. I told you I’m not interested in becoming one of your girlfriends, Matty.” I opened my mouth and raised a finger once more to protest that joining The BTC didn’t imply she’d become one of my girlfriends, but when I thought of the way my relationship with Lily had developed, and that even my relationship with Eva had turned physical… Well, once again I ultimately closed my mouth and dropped my finger back down. “Besides, I gather that _Sam_, at least, would feel a bit happier if I stayed away,” Skylar continued with a blush. “Well *that* issue, actually, would be less of a problem nowadays,” Naimh muttered. Skylar furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding. But Naimh just waved her off. “Regardless, I _would_ like for us to remain *friends*, if that’s alright,” Skylar said with a hopeful smile. “Share a meal together every now and again. Ring you up for those rare times I’m not overscheduled. Even just get some tea and talk about _Dawson’s Creek_.” “Dear God, no,” I muttered. “I’d be happy to give you advice about Engineering or even do a little free tutoring,” Skylar added for me before turning her attention to Naimh. “And you can teach me more about marine biology. ‘Kids’ or not, I think I’m a happier person when I’m around you both. And I’d like to feel that way more often.” “Just not with the larger BTC group.” I raised my eyebrows questioningly. “I think that would be for the best.” Skylar shrugged and smiled. “Although I wouldn’t turn down another beach trip. So long as everyone is on the same page that we’re ‘just friends’ and leave it at that.” “Fair enough.” I glanced at Naimh for confirmation, getting a nod from her as well. “‘Just friends’,” my girlfriend agreed with a bit of a glint in her eyes. “Now where have I heard that phrase before?” **** The three of us spent that lunchtime in pleasant conversation, and Skylar did eventually eat her meal. It felt like time flew by while we were having fun, and all of a sudden Naimh exclaimed, “Ah, _shite_. Is that the time? I’m gonna be late for class.” I gave my Head Girlfriend a quick kiss and she practically ran out the door. I didn’t have class myself for another hour, though, and Skylar told me I was more than welcome to stay in her apartment for the duration. We chatted for another ten minutes, with my E10 T.A. explaining in better detail exactly what I’d gotten wrong regarding macro-systems versus micro-systems in my _Human-centered Design_ paper. Afterwards, Skylar excused herself to take care of some bills. “Apartments aren’t cheap,” she muttered with a sigh, “especially this close to campus. Now that Peter is gone, I’ve got to pay everything myself.” I mentally noted the name of whom I assumed to be Skylar’s ex-boyfriend. And then arching an eyebrow, I cocked my head to the side and asked, “Forgive me for jumping to conclusions, but isn’t your family fairly well off?” Skylar’s face darkened, and I immediately regretted asking. But before I could apologize, she shrugged and informed me flatly, “My parents disowned me. Long story.” “Oh…” I muttered lamely before giving her a sympathetic look. “I’m very sorry to hear that.” She shrugged. “I make ends meet doing contract work in technical writing. It pays well, but I only get paid if I deliver documents, and I was up against some deadlines due at the end of October. Between that and being a T.A., I’m basically a full-time student while trying to manage a full-time job as well.” I winced. “No wonder you’re so busy.” She chuckled. “I thought about selling the Camaro, but the truth is: it’s my baby. But even more to the point, I don’t actually have the pink slip. The car is my parents’ name.” I blinked. “Oh.” “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be in my room. Like I said, though: you’re more than welcome to stay here until you need to get to class. It’s got to be more comfortable than anywhere else on-campus.” “Thanks,” I told her sincerely. “I’ll just get some homework done. There’s a certain T.A. in one of my Engineering classes that seems to get a perverse sense of _schadenfreude_ in watching freshmen flounder around.” Skylar smirked. “I hear most T.A.s are like that. But seriously, if you need help on today’s homework, I’ll be right here.” I nodded my agreement and waved as she headed into her bedroom, although I mentally resolved to not bother her no matter what. Skylar had enough on her plate as it was. I did stay in her living room until it was time for me to get to class though, at which time I knocked on her doorjamb to let her know I was leaving and told her I’d see her in class on Monday. After class, I headed home. Once in the living room, I dropped my bag against the couch and went straight to turn on the _N64_, booting up _Mario Golf_ to blow off steam after school. I got in a few holes and patted myself on the back for mastering Bowser’s +3 Draw. And then the doorbell rang exactly twice. I paused _Mario Golf_, got up, and padded down the short hallway from the living room. I didn’t bother to check the peephole, already knowing exactly who would be on the other side of the door. “Howzit, _hoalauna_?” I drawled with a lazy smile, flashing her the _shaka_ sign. “_GT2_ or _Smash Bros._ today?” Eva launched herself at me. **** “Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!” “Yes! Yes! Fuckme-fuckme-fuckme! YES! Fucking-FUCK!” “Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!” “I’m gonna cum again! I’m gonna cum again! I’m… I’m… “AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!” “Ungh-ungh-ungh!” “AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!” “Ungh-ungh-ungh!” *“AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!”* The _Mario Golf_ pause screen was still up on the TV, and both Eva and I were still more or less fully clothed. She’d worn tight jeans to school today, which were still bunched up around her ankles along with her panties, trapping her legs together. But with the luscious brunette’s lithe, willowy body bent over the side of the couch, and the armrest supporting her pelvis, I had an excellent angle to thrust my dick through her thigh gap and into her tight teenage twat from behind, getting super-deep into her super-wet snatch. With her face planted onto the couch cushions, Eva’s final scream of orgasmic ecstasy got muffled a bit at the end. I rode the waves of her internal tremors, nowhere near yet ready to cum. The sexy siren had arrived at the house incredibly horny to begin with, and it had only taken a few minutes of power-pounding her pussy in order to get her to cum. And then cum again. I continued hammering the _hapa_ hottie all throughout her second orgasm. But when her cuntal convulsions calmed down a bit, I left my dick at full-depth and arched my back a bit, extending my arms out to the sides to stretch my muscles for a moment while catching my breath in preparation for the fucking still to come. Would she want to continue bent over like this until I either filled up her wet box or pulled out to paint her ass? Should I pick her up and park her in my lap so I could take a more comfortable position, let her ride me cowgirl-style, and pull up her sweater so I could feast on her tasty tits? Should I roll us onto the floor and pound her flat into the unyielding hardness of the area rug? But before I could ask how she wanted me to fuck her next, she glanced back at me over her shoulder with a coy smile and glittering irises, husking in that dangerously sexy rasp, “I want you to put it in my ass.” There was that record scratch again. “Wait, *what*?” I blinked in surprise before my eyes went wide. I’d not forgotten Eva telling me she’d never put anything in her ass before, and at no time had it ever occurred to me she’d choose to lose her butt-cherry today. But my schlong had suddenly swelled within her snatch in response, something that did not escape her notice. Eva laughed almost immediately, her internal muscles doing even more pleasurable things to my prick. But then her eyebrows popped and she added, “You’d better lube me up though. The girls said you keep a tube of the stuff underneath the couch.” “Umm, Eva?” I began hesitantly. “Anal sex isn’t always the easiest thing to do on the first try. Maybe before you try something like that, we should work on stretching you with Belle’s--” “Just lube me up, Matty,” she cut me off. “I *want* it. NOW.” “I just don’t wanna hurt you.” “Did you or did you not say I have an amazing ass?” “You do. Of course. One hundred percent. Absolutely.” “Did you or did you not say you were buttering me up because you wanted to get into my ass?” “I… uh… I was kidding about the ‘buttering you up’ part.” “Kernel of truth. It’s _pupule kela_ - *CRAZY* - but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Lily got so scared when she told me about you holding down Holly’s head and just _hammering_ Leeloo’s asshole, but all I could think of was how HOT it was. I almost asked you to do it to me on Monday. When you pushed me face-down on the floor again and just drilled me flat? The idea is stuck in my head now, I can picture it in my mind, and I wanna FEEL the real thing! C’mon, Matty. Fuck my ass! *Fuck my ass!*” “Right, right.” I pulled out of her pleasant pussy and quickly squatted down to retrieve the lube. Eva waggled her tremendous tushie right in my face, moaning in obvious heat as she reached back with both hands to grab her buttcheeks and spread them apart. And my eyes went wide at the sight of her winking sphincter only inches in front of my face. I stood up and started uncapping the lube, but when my dick stretched out for her like a flower seeking the sun, I was quick to slide my boner back into her soaking wet snatch once more. “Wrong hole, cowboy,” Eva groaned, glancing back at me over her shoulder, her eyes afire. “My _ass_, Matty. *I need you to take my virgin ass.*” “Holy FUCK,” I groaned, my heartbeat racing at the unexpectedly erotic desperation in Eva’s raspy voice. I ground my dick within her snatch, stretching out her vaginal canal while imagining my dick stretching out her _anal_ canal instead. And I actually fumbled the tube of lube in my hand and nearly dropped it. “Fuck my ass, cowboy…” Eva crooned, turning her face forward and bowing her head down. “I want you touching me somewhere I’ve never been touched before.” “Fucking HELL…” I groaned, finally uncapping the lube and then coating up my fingers. “In me, Matty!” Eva moaned, muttering into the couch cushion beneath her face as she re-spread her asscheeks apart for me. “I need it IN me! Oh, holy SHIT!” I hadn’t actually penetrated her yet, but Eva involuntarily clamped up the instant my lubricated finger touched her anus. I quickly pulled my hand away, muttering, “Okay, we really don’t have to--” “_Caman_, lube me up, Matty!” Eva ordered. “Stop fucking around and push your fucking fingers in me! _Get nahtz_ and shove it in me, dammit! Oh, holy *FUCK*!” I had a lubricated finger inside her ass. Her cunt clamped down around my cock so tightly I couldn’t move if I’d wanted to. But she recovered quickly and started wriggling her booty, fucking herself back against my big dick while simultaneously trying to get my finger deeper up her butt. “More, Matty! I need more! Wider! Stretch me wider!” I stopped fucking around and shoved a second finger into her. The eroticism of the moment combined with Eva’s unbridled depravity lit a fire in my loins. She clamped up again around my cock in response to the second finger, and the convulsions of her cunt were so incredibly satisfying for a few seconds, that when she groaned and relaxed once more, I found myself craving to feel those sensations again. “FUCK, Matty! FUCK! Stretch me! Stretch me!” she screamed when I shoved in a third finger. And her cunt clamped down on me again, but only for a few seconds. I was starting to get Pavlovian-conditioned to shove fingers into her butt. Trying to get a fourth lubricated finger proved to be pretty difficult. You’d think adding a slickened pinky wouldn’t be a huge difference from the first three fingers, but Eva’s ass resisted its entrance. And then I realized why. She was _cumming_ again. “AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!! AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!! AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!” Her cunt kept convulsing. Her asshole kept clamping around my fingers. And all of a sudden I was seized with a NEED to bury my big dick up her butt. I’d said from the very beginning that Eva’s form and figure were very much like my darling Zofi’s. Both were tall, slender, dark-haired beauties with big racks. But whereas Zofi had always favored gentle, tender lovemaking, Eva had most certainly demonstrated an appetite for hard, aggressive *fucking*. Further, Zofi had only occasionally found herself in the mood to gift me with the pleasure of pushing myself into her ass, which had made those few instances all the more precious for their rarity. I knew it wasn’t fair to compare the two young women. Putting aside their physical similarities, they were completely different in so many ways, not least in the contrast between Zofi’s gentle kindness and Eva’s abrasive exterior. And yet I couldn’t help but stare down at Eva’s virgin asshole clamping up around my fingers and think of Zofi’s pert booty as if such a moment were the most deliciously forbidden fruit only offered once in a blue moon – a blue moon like *today*. So I pulled my fingers out. And I pushed my big dick in. And Eva’s head snapped up while she howled even louder, *“AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!”* My cockhead went in surprisingly easily and was soon followed by the first half of my dick. Perhaps Eva was so distracted by her monster orgasm that her pleasure completely overwhelmed any sense of discomfort. Whatever the reason, she never clamped up at all, merely quivering and screaming while inch after inch of my thick prick pushed deeper and deeper into her bowels, until at last I buried my entire length up her butt. And then I pulled back and blasted her butt. And then blasted it again. And again. And again. Eva seemed to never stop screaming. Her orgasm waned and her voice shifted from incoherent howling to exclamations of, “YES! YES! FUCK MY ASS! FUCK MY ASS! *FUCK MY ASS!*” So I fucked her ass. “FUUUCK! FUUUCK! FUCK ME! FUCK MY AAASSSSSS!” I kept fucking her ass. She shivered and shuddered beneath me and then came again. I was probably bruising her poor pelvis against the couch’s armrest, but I was too far gone into the pleasure to even think of stopping. We were both still fully clothed, with just our underwear and pants around our ankles. My shirt was soaked with sweat, with droplets dropping off the tip of my nose to splatter and soak into the back of Eva’s sweater. I couldn’t BELIEVE we were doing this so suddenly, but my sense of belief was not remotely important at the moment. The pleasure mattered most. She kept howling for me to fuck her ass. So fuck her ass I did. I drilled her derrière like an oil derrick. I reamed out her rectum with reckless abandon. I hammered the hell out of the _hapa_ Hawaiian and cornholed her colon with my concrete-hard cock. And when she started screaming once more, “I’m cumming! I’M CUMMING!” I slammed forward one final time and started cumming with her as well, barely two minutes after initial anal entry. “AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!” Eva screamed. “UNGH!UNGH!UNGH!UNGH!UNGH!” “AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!” Eva screamed. *“UNGH!UNGH!UNGH!UNGH!UNGH!”* *“AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!”* I blasted Eva’s no-longer-virgin bowels with both balls’ worth of built-up cum. I crammed her anal cavity full of creamy hot cum, unloading liters of liquid lava into the darkest recesses of her rectal hollow. She shivered beneath me, pinned against the armrest like a stuck pig with my big dick fully embedded in her bunghole. And while she spasmed and shuddered in orgasmic satisfaction, I kept my spurting schlong shoved deep into her dark hole until my prick had nothing left to pump out. And then I collapsed flat across her back. And Eva wrapped an arm around the back of my head, holding me tightly against her smothered body, moaning and groaning, “Ffffuuuucccckkkk… Mmmaaattttttyyy…” “Ggggrrrrnnnngggghhhh,” I groaned, too wiped out to form a single coherent word. But Eva found words. And hers said… “I love you.”