We see GAMMA CUTIE reading from a piece of paper.

gamma cutie

"Gamma Cutie what's your origin story? =3

Gamma Cutie begins to answer the question.

gamma cutie

Great question!

gamma cutie

I wasn't ALWAYS like this, you know.

Flashback of Gamma Cutie, still gamma-ized, but not muscular like she is now.

"I used to be a normal girl, just like anyone you might know!"

Flashback of Gamma Cutie working out, in workout clothes, with the camera in a good place. I'm thinking squats but you can feel free to have her in any workout pose that would look cheesecakey from the right angle.

"So I started eating right and WORKING OUT..."

More flashback, Gamma Cutie in workout clothes is the Gamma Cutie we know and love today.

"And before I knew it, I was the Gamma Cutie you all know and love!"

Back to the present, SALVADORA has appeared next to Gamma Cutie.

gamma cutie

I hope that answers your question!


But why are you GREEN?

gamma cutie

Sorry, we're out of time!