Eat More Earn More As I sit on the edge of the sofa, staring blankly at the black tv screen in front of me, I can’t help but to bite my finger nails nervously as I wait patiently for the doorbell to ring. *DINGDONG* *KNOCK*KNOCK*KNOCK* Although I’ve been waiting for over half an hour, I still jump out of my seat a little after being starting by the banging on the front door. I quickly stand up from the sofa and scurry my way to the answer the door. ‘Afternoon mam, your delivery…’ the young ubereats delivery boy says enthusiastically holding 6 bulging brown McDonald’s bags towards me. ‘T-thank you!’ I say nervously as I take the bags from his grip with my right hand whilst at the same time handing him 5 $20 bill with my left hand. ‘Wow! Thank you so much!’ ‘You’re welcome! Thank you!’ I say before quickly shutting the doors hoping the neighbours didn’t see the second takeout of the day already being delivered. I rush down the hall towards the kitchen and grab a large platter sized plate from a cupboard then place it on the kitchen worktop. I then open all of the steaming bags and pull out 15 large portions of fries and carefully fan them out in a single layer across the entirety of the platter. Next I expertly unwrap all 10 double quarter pounders, all 5 crispy chicken deluxe sandwiches and 5 filet-o-fish’s on top of the fries but making sure I leave enough room to dump all 120 nuggets next to the pile of burgers! Finally I unbox all 10 apple pies and tuck them in whatever space is left on the giant platter. I can’t help but take a step back just to try and comprehend how this giant pile of brown greasy food could look appealing to anyone, the sight of it alone turns my stomach! It’s nothing more than empty calories, sodium, fatty acids and sugar! The thought of eating just one of these burgers is enough to make me sick and yet here I am picking up this heavy, overflowing platter of them to bring to my one and only daughter, Amelia. It wasn’t always like this, there was once a time that me and Amelia had a normal, functional relationship. I was a personal trainer and her father, Wayne, was a successful builder. Both me and Wayne were active, healthy people, so there was no doubts that Amelia to would become a fit healthy girl which of course she did. She loved sports, there wasn’t a single sport she wanted want to play but as she got older she found that tennis was her preferred game of choice. She played it every day for hours at a time, she was the best in her class, her school, her town! She won medal after medal, trophy after trophy! She was set to become pro when she turned 18 but unfortunately her 18 birthday was overshadowed by Wayne’s sudden health declined. He fell ill one day and just 6 short weeks later he sadly passed away. This tragedy broke both me and Amelia. I tried my best to put on a happy face but Amelia was so disconnected I couldn’t get through to her. She no longer had an interest in tennis or anything else other than her laptop. About 6 months after his death I noticed that I was running out of money fast, obviously because Wayne was earning so well I never really had to think about money, so seeing my account rapidly draining caused me to panic! My job as a personal trainer was just a hobby really, I was never enough to live on! Amelia could obviously see that I was struggling so she to went out looking for work but after 2 months of being rejected she gave up. I guess we all to focused on her tennis career and didn’t notice that she wasn’t actually doing to good at school! One day though Amelia said she needed to talk to me. She told me that she wanted to start an ‘OnlyFans’. Truthfully I didn’t know what OnlyFans was but Amelia soon informed me. She wanted to start selling naked pictures and videos of herself on the internet! Obviously I hit the roof, no daughter of mine was going to degrade herself by displaying her body for the whole world to see! Amelia agreed to not do it but being a defiant 18 year old she done it anyway behind my back! I didn’t find this out though until 3 months later when she handed me a check for $10,000! As it turned out Amelia’s OnlyFans career took off really fast, it’s not surprising though, she was a very popular girl at school and all the sports gave her a body of a goddess! Her midsection was flat toned and tapered in at the waist, her ass was round and firm but with enough meat on it to jiggle for her fans! Her breast were fairly big but also very perky and of course she was a drop dead gorgeous blonde! Within the first month she had 500 subscribers at $5 a pop, by the second month she had nearly 2000 subscribers and had upped her price to $10 and by her third month she had 3500 subscribers at $15 per subscription! After seeing how happy she was, earning a decent living a moving on with her life I decided to give her my blessing and allowed her to continue her OnlyFans career, although I’m sure she would have anyway! Her fan base only continued to grow and grow, we had never seen so much money! Although I was very sensible and modest making sure the bills were paid and even put a chunk into a savings account every month. Amelia was more reckless, she splashed on on designer clothes, handbags, jewellery, lavish nights out with friends and 5 star hotel long weekends with ‘boyfriends’. Amelia was living her best life! By 19 though her life style started catching up to her, her body had changed completely, she no long had a flat toned midsection or a firm round ass, her whole body looked softer as a small layer of fat had grown over her muscles, her ass was wider and now had a few dimples of cellulite on the cheeks, her breasts were fully and not as perky as they once was and mainly her stomach began to protrude out from under her t-shirts and even roll over the waistband of her underwear when she sat down! It was safe to say Amelia had got chubby but for reasons unbeknown to me, he subscribers began to increase even more! This made Amelia feel even sexier and ignore her increasingly softening body. People in the comments section begged for more, they wanted her to become a BBW. That abbreviation stumped both me and Amelia, she quickly googled it and her mouth dropped open in shock when she discovered it meant ‘Big Beautiful Woman’. I couldn’t help but notice the smile on Amelia’s face at the revelation. From that point she started purposely pigging out more, ordering more food than she could possibly eat but pushing herself to finish it all! She started gaining weight at an alarming rate, outgrowing clothes on a monthly basis as she continued to stuff herself silly with all kinds of highly fattening junk foods! It’s wasn’t long before she crossed 200 pound and hit 220, the toned athletic young girl was long gone in her place was this curvy, voluptuous young woman with big plump breasts, wide hips and an jiggling ass to match! Her subscribers couldn’t get enough of her, having over 10,000 men and woman paying $20 a month was an obscene amount of money that neither of us had ever seen before! She was making it quicker than we could spend it! Although at this point Amelia seemed to be spending an awful lot of money on just food, so much so that her belly was starting to catch up to the rest of her. 250 pound soon came and went but she still continued to gorge as her fan base continued to grow and grow! At 300 pound she wasn’t considered curvy or voluptuous anymore, she was simply just fat! She started getting more deviant requests, people were asking her to play with her belly, squash things and even video herself eating! Of course Amelia complied and even charged extra for special requested videos. 1 guy payed her $50 to funnel feed herself a pitcher of weight gain shake, I tried to convince her not to bother because she didn’t need the money but Amelia insisted, she wanted to do it for him! After that video a new abbreviation was being thrown around the comment sections… ‘SSBBW’. Turns out that the double S stranded for ‘super sized’ meaning they wanted her bigger, fatter and heavier! Amelia ate, ate like nothing I’d ever seen before! She would inhale meals big enough to feed a family of 4 then proceed to make herself a weight gain shake to chug after! I asked her if this is what she really wanted, completely ruin her body for the sexual satisfaction of creeps on the internet? She told me that it wasn’t just for them anymore, she admitted that she actually enjoyed it! Nothing turned her on more than devouring 4 large pizzas, a box of doughnut and a weight gain shake in 1 sitting before pleasuring herself until she fell asleep! I couldn’t believe my ears, how could my daughter be so twisted? On her 20th birthday not only did we celebrate her age we also celebrated her 600 pound weigh in, 608.4 to be precise. For the first time she live streamed herself eating an entire 16 serving chocolate & salted caramel drip cake which contained nearly 5000 calories alone! Thousands of people from all around the world turned in to watch her devour the whole cake in less than 20 minutes, wearing nothing but a tight camisole that left little to the imagination! I remember looking at her in shock as she sat smack bang in the middle of her bed with her legs open as wide as possible to allow her humongous belly to lay heavily in between her legs and spread out all the way to her knees in 2 huge rolls of fat! By the time she was finished her face and chest were covered in a layer of chocolate with a sprinkling of cake crumbs as she panted heavily. It was that day that another comment caught my attention and frightened me… ‘I can’t wait for Amelia to become completely IMMOBILE!’ It was Amelia’s 23rd birthday last month, she didn’t care though, she only had one thing on her mind. Breaking the world record for being the heaviest person ever recorded. Of course she did it, it had been her goal since crossing the 1000 pound mark. They had to use a special hydraulic crane to weigh her, which was a bit of an ordeal but they eventually got her fully lifted off the bed using a few different slings to help lift her hanging fat all at once. I swear my jaw almost hit the floor when the numbers finally stopped climbing and settled at a whopping 1548.6 pound. Amelia had broken the record by nearly 150 pounds. My daughter was now the fattest person ever recorded! Whilst she was in the air we used the opportunity to install a huge specially made bed scale under her mattress and once she was settled back into her custom made bed I flicked the scale on revealing her weight in big neon numbers on the wall behind her. A nice little treat for her loyally devoted fans. As I approach the large double doors to her bedroom I stop and take a deep breath, not only because of the heaviness from this tray of junk food but also to mentally prepare myself for what’s behind these doors. I push into the doors with my side and quietly creep in. The sound of her heavy snoring bounces off the walls surrounding us, Amelia is asleep, she most probably passed out after her post breakfast snack! I gulp as I begin walking towards her overfed body, I walk past a series of hydraulic lifts, platforms, slings, hoists and ropes, each one custom made for Amelia for a specific reason, some for cleaning, some for bathroom needs and other for more intimate reasons when a ‘boyfriend’ stays the night. God I dread it when a boy stays the night. She’s so vulnerable and helpless she’s a perfect target for a deranged individual! Completely bed bound and pathetically weak she couldn’t do anything to stop someone taking advantage or worse. Even after all these years the cameras still make me nervous. She has 9 in total, 1 in every corner of the room, 1 ether side of her, 1 directly in front of her, 1 directly above her and finally 1 behind her, all facing towards her so that paying customers can effortlessly scroll between angles as they watch her devour meal and meal and get even fatter with every bite all whilst they hide behind a computer screen most probably pleasuring themselves! Amelia even had a pair of custom glasses made that contain cameras, sometimes she wears them whilst eating so her fans can get a proper P.O.V of what it’s like to be the fattest person in history. As I approach the foot of her bed I glance up to the scale on the wall behind her as it flicks up to 1580 pound, Jesus, over 30 pound gained in a month! It shouldn’t surprise me anymore though, she is literally just a huge blob now. Her belly is her biggest feature, not only does is stretch 5 feet across it also passes her feet a good 3 feet as well! Not to mention that I can no long her her upper half when I’m standing at the foot of her bed because her gut raises up so much! It’s literally just a ball of blubber with deep red stretch marks and tiny blue veins cascading over the entirety of it! With each heavy breath she takes it jiggles slightly which is pretty mesmerising truthfully. Her thigh and ass fat spread out even wider from underneath her belly, making her easily 7 foot wide in total! There’s so many cellulite covered rolls and folds of blubber that it’s hard to tell where her ass fat ends and her thigh fat begins! The only defining feature on her legs is the chubby little feet that stick out of the bottom of them, seaming floating in a puddle of flab! I walk to her right side revealing her once beautiful sculpted thin face, now her face is red and bloated, each cheek bulging lick a cartoon chipmunk, a hug double chin falling from her face onto her chest completely engulfing her neck as the fat roll disappears behind her ears towards the back of her head almost like a built in pillow! Her face if covered in a layer of chocolate and icing, on top of we chest lays 2 empty cake tray, I can’t help but chuckle, since that day she celebrated her 600 pound weigh in with a 16 serving cake and ate it all in 1 sitting she was determined to eat an entire cake daily after that, of course she stuck at it and now? Now she’s eating 5 a day minimum! I place the platter on her bedside table then grab the empty cake trays off her naked chest. She gave up on clothes a long time ago, so seeing her bare breasts are something I’m rather accustom to. Although they’re so big now that I wouldn’t even class them as breasts, to me they’re just another fold of fat hanging from her body either side of her gut onto the mattress below her. ‘M-mom?’ Amelia says with confusion as her eyes slowly flutter open. ‘Hey Amelia, good nap?’ I reply as I watch her attempt to rub her eyes, I guess it’s not easy lifting 40inch arms after just waking up! ‘Yeah UURRPP I smell food…*GGGRRROOWWLLL*…fuck I’m sooo hungry!’ Amelia whines after less than 30 seconds of being awake. ‘Yeah I got you McDonald’s’ I say as I grab the platter and heave it onto her chest causing her stomach to jiggle uncontrollably. Without saying a word Amelia reaches out and grabs two burgers, she instantly begins shoving both of the baps into her mouth at the same time. I don’t expect anything less nowadays, no thank you or gratitude. Just mindless gluttony. As soon as one hand is free it quickly grabs another item of junk which is crammed into her maw with almost lightning speed and precision as she grunts and moans with pleasure like a pig at a trough. It incredible that she can’t brush her own hair because of how heavy her arms are and yet when it comes to food, she can easily move them! 25 minutes later the platter is completely empty, every single burger, nugget, fry and pie now lays heavily, half chewed inside her vast gut but she’s not finished yet, I can tell. She doesn’t have that look of absolutely fullness that she has to eat herself to at every meal. She’ll need more. ‘UUURRRRPPP! M-more!’ She demands as expected. I simply take the empty platter off her chest and head back to the kitchen without saying a word. I refill the platter with a dozen Krispy Kreme’s, a dozen chocolate eclairs, 6 blueberry muffins, 6 triple chocolate muffins, 1 whole apple pie, 1 whole cherry pie and finally 2 cinnamon buns. 40 more items of food ready to be consumed by my morbidly obese daughter. I walk back into her room and once again place the reloaded platter onto her chest. Her chubby hands instantly grab a few items of food and cram them into her mouth. I can’t help but notice she’s eyeing me up and down as she eats. Its first time in months that she’s not just 100% focused on stuffing her face. ‘Mph…you’re getting fat…mph’ Amelia says between mouthfuls of doughnuts. The irony. ‘Shh, eat your snacks honey’ I reply stroking her greasy hair, Amelia simply shrugs the best she can a turns back to her food. She wasn’t wrong though, Amelia isn’t the only one who’s waistline has suffered over the last 5 years of wealth. Overindulgence must be in our genes, although I haven’t gained quite as much as Amelia! It’s hard to believe I was once one of the best personal trainers in town, it’s hard to believe I had abs! I last weighed in at 405 pound. I cringe every time I step on the scale and tell myself that it’s time to make a change and loose some blubber! Then I’ll have to make Amelia something to eat, I’m constantly surrounded by greasy junk food, sugary snacks and high calorie candy! I can’t help myself! I have no willpower anymore. I have to eat. It’s not long before Amelia has once again finished her second platter of food, nearly 40,000 calories consumed in about an hour of being awake! By the time the last mouthful of pie slides down her throat, Amelia’s eyes are already looking heavy. ‘Rest now sweetie, I’ll wake you up when dinners ready yeah?’ I say gently as I watch her slowly close her eyes, Amelia nods and instantly starts snoring. It’s a pretty sad life really. She’s literally only awake for maybe 5-6 hours a day and in that time she can eat anything from 80,000 to well over 100,000 calories! The rest of her days are spent in a food coma, allowing her body to process and digest the insane amount of food that passes through her on a daily basis. Sad. After removing the empty platter from her chest I carefully give her a quick clean with a wet wipe. I know for a fact nothing will wake her up now, except of course when her belly begins to rumble again! I exit her room and head for the kitchen, now I’ve got the fun part of clearing up!