Episode 5: Is there a Mystery Club? ~Scene 1: Joey’s Harem Quest~ [BG Scene: Hallway 2 day] [Music Fades In: Dumby] (joey school, gasp joins) #Joey [Sprite Animation: Shocked Jump] Come on you two, hurry it up, will ya?! (nathan school, gasp joins) #Nathan Take it easy man. We still have the whole day ahead of us. #Brandon Yeah, we have plenty of time to look around. There’s no need to rush. # (joey, thinking) (nathan, thinking) I chuckled to myself, but Joey abruptly stopped, forcing Nathan and I to suddenly halt in our tracks. Joey spun around, and surprised us with a serious expression as he spoke. #Joey You two just don’t get it, do you? #Joey (gasp) We’ve finally been given the opportunity of a lifetime! A gift from the gods has been handed down to us! #Joey (shocked) Day after day, those sexy chicks taunt us! With their super-short skirts… …And those diaper checks during class! No other guys will ever get to see these beautiful ladies in such humiliating fashion! #Joey (disgust) The school knows all too well what they’re doing to us guys… # Nathan and I shared a knowing look, as Joey continued rambling on like a madman. #Joey (sigh) We’re so close, yet so far away. Their forbidden fruit, hidden by mere inches of padding… #Joey (flirty) I can’t tell you guys how many awkward boners I’ve had to fight back since we’ve been here! What I can say is that, it’s all been leading up to this very moment... Finally! Our patience and self-restraint are about to be well rewarded! #Brandon Uhh, right. So… what exactly is it you’re trying to say? #Nathan (worried) I think the better question is: do we even want to know? #Joey (excited) Our time has come! Everything has been leading up to this very moment! The academy has granted us our very own personal harem route! We just have to find the best club to join! (joey school leaves) (nathan, gasp) # Before Nathan or I could even process that, let alone react, Joey had already spun around and bolted off ahead of us again, disappearing up the staircase to the third floor with more energy than he usually musters. # (nathan, laughing_closed) Nathan and I were left behind with our shock and confusion. It soon derailed into bewildered laughter as we continued walking. #Brandon Did he really just compare us joining a school club with a harem? #Nathan Yep. I mean, does it really shock you though? It’s Joey we’re talking about after all. He’s probably spending too much of his free time playing those kinds of games in his dorm, and letting it get to both of his heads… again. #Brandon Ha! You’re probably right! I just hope his delusional fantasies don’t get us kicked out of any clubs in the process. #Nathan (laughing) Clubs? If he can’t keep it in his pants, getting kicked out of clubs will be the least of our worries. They’d probably just kick us out of the school instead! #Brandon Wouldn’t that be our kinda luck! # (nathan, worried) We chuckled at the joke, but it wasn’t all fun and games. With Joey’s libido left unchecked, that scenario could very well become a reality. #Nathan Jokes aside, we should hurry up and catch up to Joey, just to be extra safe. #Brandon Yeah, better safe than sorry! (nathan school leaves) # We picked up the pace, heading up the staircase to the third floor to find Joey… before it was too late. [Screen Transition: Normal/Fade out?] [Music Fades Out] [BG scene: Hallway 1 day] [Music Fades In: Gliding through the Bustling Halls] # There were other students already roaming the halls of the third floor. Thankfully, Joey wasn’t too far away. He was like a kid in a candy store who was overwhelmed by the amount of options before him. He stopped in front of one door briefly, only to run over to another door, eager to know what each club was. (nathan school, sigh joins) (joey school, annoyed joins) # Nathan and I hurried past a couple other students, making our way over to Joey. When we reached him, Nathan grabbed onto the back of his uniform jacket, causing Joey to flail around awkwardly. #Joey Hey! What the heck man, let go! #Nathan (gasp) Take it easy, Mr. Harem Protagonist! We’d actually like to get the chance to join a club before we’re kicked out of the academy, you know. #Joey (shocked) What?! Aw, come on! I was just joking around about that stuff! #Nathan (thinking) Uh huh… Then why are you frantically trying to figure out which club hosts the cheerleaders? #Joey (pout) Oh, whatever man! Like you guys aren’t hyped up to see those sexy, revealing uniforms too! #Brandon I hate to be the bearer of bad news Joey, but you did read the terms they gave us guys for joining the clubs, right? #Joey Well yea- #Nathan That’s a no. #Joey (annoyed) Hey, whatever man! So what if I didn’t read those stupid terms?! #Brandon Well, if you had read them, you would’ve seen there are special rules that the academy put in place just for us. There are some clubs that we’re not allowed to join too. #Joey (fear) Wait, are you seriously trying to tell me I can’t join the cheerleader club as their manager?! #Nathan (sigh) That’s exactly what he’s telling you. #Nathan (laughing_closed) …Not that these girls would even want a guy like you to be their manager in the first place! # (joey, pout) Nathan couldn’t hold back his laughter, and it caused him to let go of Joey’s uniform jacket. Joey fixed his uniform while pouting as he spoke up again. (nathan, normal) #Joey Yeah whatever! We’ll see who’s laughing when I end up getting a girlfriend first! #Brandon Right, well… Before that happens, maybe we should all look over the academy’s club joining rules again? Just as a refresher. #Nathan (smug) Yeah. We wouldn’t want a certain someone making a bigger fool of themselves, would we? #Joey Live it up while you can! Soon the tables will turn, and I’ll be the one with babes at my side, laughing at you! # I hastily pulled the list of club rules out of my pocket, before those two could continue going at each other any further. I scanned through the highlights of the list, trying to decide what rules to read. [~Indirect Choice~] (>General club rules.) (>Sports club rules.) (>Culture club rules.) (>Terms and conditions for males.) (>Put the list away.) >General club rules… (nathan, thinking) (joey, thinking) #Brandon It would seem that in order for a club to be considered official, it needs at least three members, including the club leader. There also seems to be an upper limit on how many students can be a part of a given club. Typically between eight to ten students per club, excluding some sports clubs. #Nathan So technically, we could decide to just make our own club if we wanted to. #Joey (gasp) No way dude! How are we going to get closer with these girls if we’re stuck in the \“Sausage Party\” club?! #Nathan (smug) Haha! Yeah, I guess you’d need every ounce of help you can get to get a girlfriend, huh? #Joey (pout) Whatever! I could easily get with a chick, even if we did make our own no-girls-allowed club! #Brandon Well, our goal definitely isn’t to create our own guys-only club, haha. So let’s continue. Umm, let’s see… (joey, thinking) (nathan, thinking) #Brandon It seems like club activities aren’t limited to only the weekends, but it does mention that club activities need to be independent of classes, and take place outside of class hours. Students are allowed to join multiple clubs if they wish, but they should be mindful of how busy their schedules might become in doing so. #Nathan (gasp) I know what you’re thinking Joey, and the answer is no. #Joey (shocked) What?! I wasn’t going to join that many clubs. Geez. #Nathan Uh huh, right. Anything else Brandon? #Brandon The rest of the general terms for clubs seem pretty basic enough. Let’s see what else… +Clubrules1 variable >Jump back to choices. >Sports club rules… (nathan, thinking) (joey, thinking) #Brandon It seems like for sports clubs, there’s a bit more going on. In order to join a sports club, there is a physical aptitude test involved, and it’s ultimately up to the club leader whether or not you’re fit to join. #Nathan (sigh) Sorry Joey. #Joey (annoyed) The hell you mean, sorry?! I told you I’d be managing those girls! #Nathan (happy) Even if there weren’t any rules against you joining the club, you’d still need the leader’s approval, and good luck with that! #Joey (pout) Whatever! Keep going. What are the rest of the rules? #Brandon Alright, uh, it goes on to say that for sports clubs, they have special uniforms you’d have to wear during their activities. Any sports clubs without dedicated uniforms are expected to wear their gym uniforms instead. (nathan, disgust) #Joey (special) G-Gym uniforms?! T-Those tight little bloomers, hugging into those delicate, padded flowers… #Nathan Uhh, I think that’s enough of the sports club terms. Any more and Mr. Harem Protagonist here will have an accident in his diaper… and I don’t mean the bathroom variety either. #Brandon R-Right. Let’s see what else… +Clubrules1 variable >Jump back to choices. >Culture club rules… (nathan, thinking) (joey, thinking) #Brandon Looks like for culture clubs, there’s a bit less to worry about, with some exceptions. Some culture clubs require specific talents or skills in order to join. They list some examples, like the music club requiring you to already know how to play an instrument, but not all culture clubs require prerequisite knowledge or skills. The art club welcomes newcomers, for example. #Joey (worried) Meh. Sounds boring anyways. #Nathan Why? Because there aren't any sexy uniforms involved? #Joey (shocked) Well yeah! #Brandon Don’t worry. I’m sure there are other culture clubs that’d align with our interests! #Joey (worried) I sure hope so… #Nathan (happy) Hey, think of the plus side! If you can’t weasel your way into a sports club as a manager, I’m sure there’s a culture club that’ll accept you! # (sigh) Nathan paused for a moment, before uttering a few words under his breath. #Nathan Those poor girls… #Joey (confused) Huh?! What was that? #Nathan (thinking) Nothing important. What else does it say Brandon? (joey, thinking) #Brandon Umm, just like with the sports clubs, the culture club leader decides if a new member can join. But apparently other members within the club can oppose the leader’s decision, and if there are enough votes against someone, they would be unable to join regardless of the leader’s decision. #Nathan (sigh) I spoke too soon. Sorry Joey. #Joey (annoyed) Hey! What do you mean by that?! #Nathan (laughing_closed) Nothing. I’m sure there’s a club that’ll accept you out there… somewhere! #Joey (pout) Whatever man! Is there anything else for the culture club terms? #Brandon The rest seems pretty straightforward. Let’s see what else there is… +Clubrules1 variable >Jump back to choices. >Terms and conditions… (nathan, thinking) (joey, thinking) #Brandon These terms and conditions apply specifically to us guys, on top of the general rules for clubs. It mentions that some clubs are clearly meant for females only, many of them being sports clubs, as it would be seen as unfair to force them to compete directly with males. Not only that, but there are also considerations like special uniforms intended for females only, and locker room related troubles that could pose issues. #Nathan (worried) Well that sucks. I was actually kind of hoping to join a sports club. #Joey (gasp) Oh, it’s okay if you want to join a sports club, but not me?! #Nathan (normal) Yeah, ‘cause I was actually planning to participate, not pretend to be their manager as an excuse to stare at their bodies all day. #Joey (shocked) Since when do you play sports? #Nathan Since middle school, when my parents enrolled me in baseball for a few years. #Nathan (happy) I might not be super popular with the ladies, but I still put myself out there more than you did, haha! #Joey (pout) Whatever. What else do the terms say about us guys and the clubs? #Brandon Uh, let’s see… (joey, thinking) (nathan, thinking) #Brandon It also mentions that some of those same conditions apply to culture clubs too, if they’re more female-focused, and would be too awkward for a guy to take part in. Though it seems like there’s wiggle room. If the club leader and members are okay with it, a formal request has to be submitted and get the headmaster’s approval. Then we’d be allowed to join. #Joey (excited) So there is still hope? Yes!! #Nathan (worried) Take it easy man. We don’t need you getting ahead of yourself again. #Brandon That seems to be it for the male-specific rules. Let’s see what else… +Clubrules1 variable >Jump back to choices. >Put the list away.… (Variable=False) (joey, thinking) (nathan, thinking) #Brandon On second thought, I think we’ll be alright without a refresher. What do you guys think? #Nathan I mean, I read through the club rules, so I’m not worried. Joey on the other hand… #Joey (pout) Oh shut it! I’ll be fine! #Nathan (happy) If you say so, haha! # I briefly chuckled and put the list away. Hopefully we'll be alright. >Jump to Continue… >Put the list away.… (Variable=True) # I put the list away. We had a good idea of what the terms and conditions were for joining the clubs at the academy. >Jump to Continue… >Continue… (joey, thinking) (nathan, thinking) #Brandon So, what clubs should we check out first? I was invited to swing by the gaming club today, so I figure that might be a good choice for us to check out together. (joey, confused) #Nathan (confused) Seems like a solid choice, but I’m a bit curious about that girl from the other day. Zoey told me her name’s Lola, and that she runs the cosplay club, but there’s more to it than that apparently. #Brandon Really? Interesting… I’d like to learn more about her after our run-in on the roof for sure! (nathan, gasp) #Joey (shocked) [Sprite Animation: Shocked Jump] Hold on! You guys never told me about those girls! Are you holding out on me?! # Joey had that twinkle in his eyes. Just the mention of girls had him getting worked up, and it was making us stand out in a bad way. A few passing students stared disapprovingly in our direction. # (nathan, sigh) [Sprite Animation: Light Dip Down 2?] We needed to explain things to Joey before he made a scene again. Knowing that we had cornered ourselves, Nathan sighed, and summarized the events from the rooftop the other day, carefully leaving out anything Joey didn’t need to hear. (joey, excited) #Nathan It’s too long of a story right now, but Zoey’s my cousin- (nathan, fear) #Joey Is she cute?! More importantly, is she single?! #Joey (surprised) Wait, didn’t you say she’s a little girl or something? What’s a little girl doing attending a college?! #Nathan (disgust) Take it down a notch! Geez… #Nathan (annoyed) I have two cousins. The younger one is Zoey’s little sister, but more importantly, you don’t need to know the rest! #Joey (laughing_closed) Aw, come on man! You can trust me! #Nathan (pout) I can trust the guy who is drooling over the thought of building his own personal harem? Right… #Joey That was just a joke man! #Nathan Uh huh, sure it was. Look, Zoey’s already taken, alright? (joey, gasp) (nathan, disgust) #Brandon She is? # Nathan quickly shot me a glance. It made it clear that he was just trying to get Joey to lay off, and for me to play along with him. (nathan, sigh) #Brandon Ahh yeah, that’s right. I remember you saying something about her having a boyfriend already. What a shame! #Joey (cry) Seriously? Maaaan… Why are all the ones closest within reach always taken? #Nathan (thinking) I wonder why that could be? Anyways, this Lola girl on the other hand could be single- (nathan, gasp) #Joey (excited) Well, what are we standing around waiting for then?! Let’s go find out! #Nathan Wait- (joey school leaves) # Nathan couldn’t even finish speaking before Joey took off ahead of us again. It seemed he was letting his lower head do the thinking for him. # (nathan, sigh) [Sprite Animation: Light Dip Down 2?] Nathan began rubbing his forehead in frustration, before looking at me. I simply chuckled. #Brandon You’re the one who got him going this time, not me! #Nathan I know, I know… Let’s catch up to him before he really does get us kicked out of the academy. #Brandon Right! (nathan school leaves) [Screen Transition: Ripped?] [Music Fades Out]