Page 1: -Jake flies into his bedroom through the window -He notices a package on his bed with a note " For our young dragon hero, signed: Anonymous " -Jake sits down on the bed and uses his claws to carefully open the box -Jake says "What the hell... -Inside is a bunch of sex toys and fantasy magazines Page 2: -Jake dumps the contents onto his bed, sorting through all the things. -Jake "It's all sex toys and shit, who would send me this stuff? -Jake picks up one of the magazines, a fantasy one that is mixed species/gender -Jake " Huh, I guess they make porno mags in the magical world too. Page 3: -He flips through the magazine. This is a chance for you to draw whatever you want for a few panels. It can be anything magical from the show, ex: werewolf, dragon, griffon, ogre, male or female. Just try to come up with something like a playboy for the magic world -Have Jake stop on a page of something male and big, like a dragon. His cock starting to slide out but not fully erect yet -Jake moaning as he starts to rub his soft cock looking at the magazine -Jake " Fuck ya, now that’s what I'm talking about... Page 4: -Just then Jakes bedroom door flings open and Fu walks in -Fu: " Hey Jake, old man says Its time for more train-... -Fu stops mid-sentence, Jake caught red handed with his dick halfway out and a porno mag in his hand, still sitting on the bed -Fu smirks and says," Ohh, I see you got a customary 'dragon-coming-of-age' box from the local magic community. -Jake stumbles to hide his cock " Fu! Yo Dawg, you need to knock! This isn't what it looks like! Page 5: -Fu shakes his finger at Jake and closes the door to the room -Fu" Look, I’ve seen your dick already, or are you forgetting that we had sex in the park? -Jake starts to relax and says " Yeah, well it’s still embarrassing Fu. -Fu " Well, how about a second lesson, since you are already all wound up? -Jake sighs "Fu, you are such a horny dog I swear. Page 6: -Fu approaches Jake and climbs up on the bed with him, admiring the magazine he has in his hands - Fu " You're one to talk, look at you with your dick half out and a dirty magazine. I think if anyone here is guilty of being a hornball it's you! -Jake sighs, defeated and ready to give in. He flops the magazine down on the bed and looks at Fu -Jake " Alright Fu, what are we doing this time? -Fu scoots closer to Jake and lifts his flaccid cock up, admiring how big Jake is Page 7: -Fu " I swear Jake, this dick of yours is gonna be a legend in the magic world~ -Jake tries to ignore the comment and starts to root through the stuff from the box -Holding up some pills he asks " what are these for Fu? -Fu " Well well, someone loves you. Those are “Magic'ol'essence”, basically they make you more sensitive and help you cum more. -Jake blinks and looks confused " Why would you need to make more cum? Page 8: - Fu smirks and pops one in his mouth before saying " Hey, you are gonna learn that sometimes volume speaks louder than words when it comes to sex domination of an unruly magical creature. In fact, I know of this one ogre, Marty, who used... -Jake interrupts Fu " Alright alright, I'm sorry I asked... -Fu stops what he was saying and holds a pill up to Jake " Here, take it. -Jake " No way Fu, I ain't gonna take that. -Fu "Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, these here are rather rare to come by. Trust me, you will want to have this experience under your belt." (expression at the beginning is a bit weird, but I may have never heard of it before. Best to ask another person about it) -Jake hesitantly takes the pill, looks it over, and gulps it down Page 9: -Fu pads over to the big knotted Dildo laying on the bed and picks it up -Fu " Ok, now that should kick in pretty quick, so in the meantime, let’s get you prepped for this big guy." -Jake looks a little grumpy and says " Why does it seem like my ass is always getting all the attention...?" -Fu sets the dildo down and lays his back on the bed -Fu " ‘Cause that ass of yours is just so irresistible. Now get over here and sit on me!" (The ‘ at the beginning is to help bring the accent attention. Grammatically incorrect, but portrays the accent well, could be “Because” or “Cuz” as seen fit by you, but it also works as is) Page 10; -Jake slides over on the bed, getting as best into a squatting position as he can. His ass right over Fu's face -This page is all emphasis on Fu worshiping that dragon ass. Really show off that tailhole and have Fu smell it, lick it, love it! -You dont have to have him going to deep this time, save that for the next page, just spend some time letting Fu fall in love with that dragon musk Page 11: -Jake starts to get hard as Fu eats him out. -Fu comments " I never thought I would be the type to wanna rim another male, but your butt is just divine! Leave it to a dragon to teach this old dog some new tricks." -Jake moaning some says " You love it so much, then have at it!" -Jake pushes back, really smothering Fu on the bed with his ass, some hard butt worship going on -Fu in heaven Page 12: -Fu taps at jakes side, signaling to get off -Fu gasps for air, his face sweaty and his cock hard. -Fu reaches for the dildo and grabs a bottle of magical lube from the box, coating the dildo thoroughly -Fu comments " so this big 'ol dick looks to be modeled after a griffon, this will be good practice for ya Jake." -Jake huffs as if he was concerned with the task at hand Page 13: -Fu starts to press the big dildo into Jake’s ass -Some minor resistance at first, given the sheer size of the dildo, but eventually the head pops in and Jake lets out a long moan. -Fu smirks and presses more of the dildo into Jake -Jake starts to stutter " Not...not to fast Fu....Oh god" -Fu slides the dick all the way to the knot Page 14: -Fu squishes the knot over Jakes tailhole, not letting it pop in, just teasing the dragon -Jake starts to really get sweaty, his body temp getting hotter - Jake grunts as Fu presses the knot all the way into the dragon -Jake gasps out and starts to dry hump against the bed, his dick being squished between himself and the bed -Fu notices Jake dry humping, almost like a wild animal -Fu " Ohh, I see that pill is starting to kick in. Feels so much more intense than before, huh Jake." Page 15: -Jake can barely speak " ..More...more please!.." is all he can get out as he dry humps more against the bed. -Fu smiles like a dog that just won a big bet and pulls the dick all the way out, the knot popping. He then slams it back in, knot and everything -Fu repeats this process for a few panels up until Jake starts to get close to cumming. His body sweat starting to drip off his back and wings onto the bed. -Fu leans over Jake’s back as he plows him with the dildo, sniffing at the strong smelling dragon sweat and licking it up -Fu " God, even a dragon’s sweat is like some kinda aphrodisiac!" Page 16: -Jake doesn’t have a chance to respond to the slightly weird sweat licking action going on above him -Jake clenches tight, the dildo popping out of his ass as he erupts cum -This page should really showcase hyper cumming on the bed. Like don’t be afraid to go overboard with the cum. He took a pill after all that is supposed to make him produce way more than normal. Page 17: -Fu falls off the bed, as Jake finishes his orgasm. -Cum everywhere, his bed barely recognizable. -Jake finally recovers and opens his eyes " Oh my god! What the fuck Fu! Look at this! " -Fu " Yeah, that’s them pills working their magic. Don't worry, I am sure it will clean up.” -Fu reaches down and dips his paw in the cum covered bed, then laps up some with a big smile Page 18: -As Fu sputters on about the mess Jake rolls off the bed and stands over him -Maybe do one of those menacing sorta looking poses, like Jake is about to get his revenge on Fu *if you know what I am talking about* -Fu looks up at Jake, realizing now just how much bigger the dragon looks in that moment -Fu's cock has gone back into his sheath at this point and Jake can’t help but notice -Jake " So come the pill made me cum so much, but you are not even hard?" Page 19: -Fu laughs and says " Ohh, when you have been around as long as I have, you start to build up a tolerance to all types of magic. I mean, I can still feel the effects, but I am just better at holding back on those urges. Besides, you should be worrying about cleaning all this up." -Jake smirks, " Is that so? " -Jake grabs a magical looking chastity belt from the box and glares at Fu -Fu getting the idea starts to back away from Jake -Fu "Look, I don't know what you got in mind... but this dog’s got things to do, so I am gonna...." -Jake pounces Fu and straps the belt over his sheath and balls, the magic starting to glow making it clear that Fu will not be able to get a hard on while it’s on Page 20: -Fu " Listen Jake, you ain't gotta do this..." -Jake lays down on the floor, lifting Fu up over his face with a big grin -Jake " Hey Fu, calm down...I am just making sure I got all the basics down here. I mean, what kinda student would I be if I couldn’t show ya what I’ve learned. -Jake presses Fu's butt to his snout and sniffs Page 21: -Fu gasps out " Oh fuck Jake!" -Spend this page showing Fu's butt getting rimmed. I loved how you drew Fu’s anus darker than the rest of him in the first comic, so go with that again. -Make sure to do multiple panels of Jake rimming Fu and Fu unable to get an erection with the belt on. But his balls and sheath are clearly visible. Page 22: -Fu visibly straining from the stimulation. He now is the one getting sweaty. -Fu starts to dry hump against the air even though his dick isn’t out -Jake continues to rim and then lifts Fu a little higher so that he can run his tongue along his taint over his balls -Multiple panels of Jake licking Fu’s taint and balls Page 23: -Fu begs " Please Jake....Let me cum already!... - Jake smirks as he pulls his face away from Fu's ass -Jake "So much for being able to control them pills, huh Fu." -Jake realizing that Fu is close, slams his ass back against his face and goes in for one last long rim-job Page 24: -Fu is panting like a wild dog, his body a complete mess at this point sweat and ready to release -Jake reaches a paw between Fu’s legs as he eats him out -Jake unclasps the magic chastity belt and pulls his face away from fu -Fu lets out a little howl and dry humps erratically against jakes bell, leaning forward as his dick immediately starts to fill out from his sheath to swollen status -Fu orgasms a fountain, much like Jake did. The pills working their magic and producing way more cum then normal Page 25: -As Fu finishes his orgasm Jake stands up his body fully covered in cum and sweat, the room reeking of sex -Fu pants looking up at Jake as he starts to leave the room -Fu " Hey...where are... you going..? -Jake just looks over at him and says " I am taking a shower, but don’t worry I am sure all that will clean up easily... You were the last one to cum after-all~" -Jake exits the room heading for the bathroom and Fu just smiles -Fu "Well, I gotta admit, he is learning..." END