■E1 ・ベスト着てるとあんま分からなかったけどすげぇ筋肉してんな♥ I couldn't tell with the vest on, but you really have some nice muscles♥ ・警官だし鍛えてんのかな? He's a policeman, so has he been building those muscles up? ■F1 うわっぅわ。。おまわりさんが外でチンコ丸出しになってるよ…! Woahoho... Officer, you've pulled it all the way back...! これは逮捕されちゃいますねぇ It's like it got arrested, huh. ■G1 ・今日は脱がすだけにしとくか…最後に顔をもっとよくみて… I'm just gonna strip you off for today... Finally, let's have a good look at your face. ・うわぁ…何か微妙にムカつくくらい爽やかじゃん… Woah... There's something about your face that makes me feeling more refreshed than ever. H1 ・…た? ...ter? ・ん?何か微妙に身体に違和感が… Huh? Something feels kinda off with my... ・き…気のせいですよ お務めご苦労様です Y-you're just imaging it. Thank you for keeping watch. ・あ…ああ ありがとう Ah... T-thanks. ・今度こいつがいる交番行ってもっとイタズラしてみよ♥ Next time, let's go to the police station he is assigned to and mess with him some more♥