Description sizes = underweight; petite; average; gifted; heroic; superhuman; godlike Underweight = muscles are at, or close to, the minimum size required to live. Petite = muscles are smaller than an average person's Average = Average Gifted = Looks like a trained athlete or weight lifter Heroic = Approaching, or at, peak human development Superhuman = Beyond real-life records Godlike = Fantasy levels of size and strength I might want another level between Gifted and Heroic. Conditioning (current planned states): Fat = noticeably chunky and unhealthy Below Average = Chubby, somewhat saggy Average = Unimpressive at smaller sizes; large muscles are somewhat defined Above Average = Low bodyfat%; definition at smaller sizes; lots of definition at large sizes Heroic = Very low bodyfat%; lots of definition at every size Super = Anatomy model+ levels of definition at every size This creates 42 seperate possibilities currently (number of sizes * number of conditions). I am unsure if writing 42 descriptions is feasible. Conditioning descriptions may be relegated to something like "Due to her conditioning, the muscles are far more/less defined than the average person that size." Alternatively, I could write only 3 or 4 states of conditioning. [Leg/Lower Body Flexing] (Underweight - average conditioning) As she tenses the rail-thin, stick-like leg, there is almost zero visible change whatsoever. She turns slightly, revealing that her calves are similarly unimpressive. And to her dismay, her glutes are almost non-existent. "Really need to add some size to these things." She mutters to herself. - - (Petite - average conditioning) She tenses her right quadricep; it's small, and the action begets a similarly small increase expansion of muscle. $ turns a bit, and steps on her toes - her calves bulge forth a little bit. She brings her hands up to her rear, grabbing a handful of petite gluteus maximus. "Definitely need to bulk up a bit more." She murmurs. - - (Average - average conditioning) Flexing her right quadricep causes it to harden considerably; though its size and definition aren't particularly impressive. $ twists to the side, and takes note of her shapely calves and bottom. "Nothing worth writing home about… yet." She concludes with a nod. - - (Gifted - average conditioning) A mere twitch of her left quadricep causes it to harden like a log. A deep Y of muscle, normally hidden beneath her bodyfat, pushes against her skin. $ turns a bit, examining her calves, which bulge out considerably. She rises to her tip-toes, causing the soft ball to harden considerably. With a knowing smirk, she reaches up and grabs her bottom, deriving pleasure from the impressive size and shape of her glutes. On a lark, she clenches the cheeks, grinning at how the tissue completely resists her grip. "Not bad. Could definitely lean out, and maybe add some more size..." she considers out loud. - - (Heroic - average conditioning) Even with an average layer of bodyfat covering them, $ 's trunk-like thighs are brimming with potential energy. After tensing them, vast Ys of power erupt against the skin. She reaches down, and indulgently grabs hold of the tensed muscles, reveling in their size, and strength. Despite her average conditioning, the fibers themselves are rock-hard, resisting her best efforts to dent them. Without moving at all, her massive calves spill out from behind her shins. $ simultaneously turns while standing on her toes; her calves explode to life, each of them a thick diamond slab of unbridled female power. With a twist, $ 's bottom is fully exposed to the mirror. Her gloriously large, round, and shapely rear naturally draws the eyes of everyone in the vacinity. Giggling, she tenses her glutes individually, causing each cheek to bounce at her command. "Dayum. Getting downright beast mode. Yet... I just want to see how far I can push these legs of mine." She muses to herself. - - (Super - average conditioning) Standing still, $ 's massive thighs are forced to brush against each other. Only a tiny diamond of light passes through the apex of her tremendous legs. Despite the average level of fluff covering them, the outline of her monstrous quadriceps is readily apparent. With the slightest movement, her unreal muscles shift, the individual fibers vying with each other for room - eager to expand ever larger. She twists slightly, and her $girl.calvesinches inch calves explode with life. With a tiny tense, a horseshoe-like diamond bulges forth, daring to take up more space, and express further dominance. Indulgently, she reaches up and grabs hold of her massive glutes. Even with both hands, she can't contain the unfathomable amount of round, shapely muscle tissue. Without tensing, the spheres are already rock hard - with the smallest expenditure of effort, they harden to steel; and with a grunt, $ turns them into a nearly indestructible substance. "Hell yes." She murmurs, continuing to grope herself unabashedly, "Already so friggan awesome, and all I can think about is becoming even moreso!"