------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.4 Underway ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 2/12: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Created sprites for the segments of each grape Week of 2/19: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Imported, and aligned all of the grape and female grape segments -Added facial animation to the grape falling -Added sequence of grape looking around -Finished a drawing for Gas Leak 1. -Began planning out The Wasp contest reward drawing again. Week of 2/26: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Finished the female grape introduction -Roughed out the interrupted love sequence -Made the heart that appears between the grapes -Finished most of the line art for The Wasp drawing Week of 3/5: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Made an extra frame (and a half) for the foot animation -Roughed out the second background drawing -Finished the walk cycle for the end loop -Finished the remaining line art and coloring for The Wasp drawing and finished most of the shading Week of 3/12: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Made a panicked mouth sprite for the grapes -Made the grapes roll towards the camera and jump with each footstep during the end loop -Added moving rocks and grass to the end loop -Finalized and released The Wasp drawing -Finished upgrade drawings for Gas Leak 2 & 3 -Changed the Juiciness upgrade descriptions a bit Week of 3/19: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Added dirt chunks to the airborne section -Continued work on the transition into the end cinematic -Made fading in and out of scenes more consistent -Set the feet to pause after the final stomp -Finished upgrade drawings for Excavation 1 & 2 -Got halfway through the drawing for the Grape Science tab Week of 3/26: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Added stomping SFX -Added Frantic Run to the loop section with an offset -Made the music and the stomps quieter during the loop section -Continued work on the transition into the end cinematic -Made the foot follow the grape perfectly for the final stomp -Made the grape unkillable for the final stomp -Set the end cinematic to play after the final stomp -Polished the end cinematic intro to look better overall -Added the slow-mo SFX -Added a depth meter icon -Added gas tank sprites Week of 4/2 (Vacation) Week of 4/9: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Changed the timing for the rock falling part and the looking around part -Finished animating the interruped love sequence -Added wind SFX -Added sparkle harp SFX -Finished the drawing for the Grape Science tab -Wrote the script for TAMM chapter 1 Week of 4/16: -Continued putting the end cinematic together -Added a "The End?" sprite -Added a star particle system for the reveal of "The End?" -Added a white vignette for the female grape introduction and love sequence -Added a question mark over the female grape after the love sequence interruption -Added nature SFX -Added dirt roll SFX -Added dirt landing SFX -Added question boing SFX -Added grape surprise SFX -Made "The End?" SFX -Made sprites for the ground lights -Made a music sketch for the break time music -Began planning out the tattoo contest reward drawing -Worked on fleshing out the characters of the comic even more Week of 4/23: -Finished putting the end cinematic together -Added "The End?" SFX -Added falling rocks SFX -Added ways to leave the cinematic -Fixed a bug in which the grape in the end cinematic intro would move despite the game being paused -Fixed a bug in which most audio wouldn't play after leaving a scene via the pause menu -Made sounds pause while the game is paused -Made the ground lights fade in with the last 20 stomps -Released Grape Escape 1.4 -Sketched the first 3 1/2 pages of TAMM Chapter 1 -Continued work on fleshing out the characters of the comic even more ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.4.1 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 4/30: -Finished planning and most of the line art for the tattoo contest reward drawing -Began work on retopology for the base female 3D model -Continued work on fleshing out the characters of the comic even more Week of 5/7: -Finished retopologizing an anime-style 3D head and attached it to the body -Began sculpting the hands for the 3D model -Finished planning the Break Time drawings -Finished upgrade drawings for Elasticity 1 - 3 Week of 5/14: -Created the Break Time scene in Unity -Finished most of the line art for Break Time -Finished upgrade drawings for Excavation 3 and Juiciness 1 Week of 5/21: -Finished upgrade drawings for Juiciness 2 & 3 -Finished line art and base coloring for Break Time -Found music and/or ambiance for the Upgrade Lab -Found music for Break Time Week of 5/28: -Finished and added all sprites for the upgrade buttons -Made upgrade buttons light up and make sounds with mouse interaction -Made sprites for the quantity arrows for the Upgrade Lab -Updated sprites for the big buttons in the Upgrade Lab -Made two lights for the Upgrade Lab to indicate if a purchase is successful or unsuccessful Week of 6/4: -Made a science vial sprite for the Lab button -Made a "Take a Break" button for the splat menu -Made a gas release animation for the grape Week of 6/11: -Nearly finished work on hands for the 3d model -Added Lab button sprites -Added Break Time buttons -Added page turn buttons in the gallery -Added a film strip in the gallery that allows you to rewatch the end cinematic -Added a "Watch Cutscene?" confirmation menu for the film strip in the gallery -Added a hint menu for the film strip in the gallery -Added a photo for Break Time to the gallery -Added fan art to the gallery -Fixed a bug in which something that wasn't saving was preventing the game from saving Week of 6/18: -Added "Yes", "No", and "Okay" buttons for the film strip menus in the Gallery -Made the credit HUD for fan art appear and disappear as needed -Gave the fires in the scrolling background a little animation -Added doodles for each photograph in the Gallery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.4.2 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 6/25: -Added a button in the Main Menu for toggling Endless Mode -Make the Endless Mode menu slide in and out when hovering the mouse near the Play button -In Endless Mode, removed the scrolling background and the trigger for the end cinematic -Made the score system track wine instead of depth while Endless Mode is enabled (including a separate high score) -Added a stamina bar for Break Time -Added a pressure bar for Break Time -Made the stamina bar increase and decrease with spacebar -Made the pressure bar increase and decrease with timing and stamina use -Balance Break Time to last for 15-30 seconds -Made the Break Time Gallery photo unlock after the Break Time scene opens for the first time Week of 7/2 (Vacation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.4.3 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 7/9: -Shaded and added juice to Break Time drawings -Updated the Break Time photos in the Gallery with the new ones -Added a check for "Clean Feet Mode" in Break Time -Disabled consumable use while Endless Mode is enabled -Made an animation of the two BG feet stepping into the vat during the countdown -Created a UI element that shows how many uses of excavation are left so you don't have to go to the Lab to check Week of 7/16: -Added a wine UI element in Break Time to show how much wine is being obtained -Added a Break Time trigger to stop wine accumulation and change to the death image when the pressure bar is full -Added a Break Time score menu and Retry and Quit buttons when the pressure bar is full -Added the pause menu into Break Time -Made "clean feet mode" update the Break Time feet immediately from the pause menu -Changed the Lab "Purchase" button to "Take A Break" when Break Time is selected and already purchased -Added a depth bonus multiplier for wine in story mode (+0.1 every 100 grape meters) -Fixed a bug in the Gallery in which looping back to the first image caused weird behavior in going to the next/previous photo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.4.4 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 7/23: -Animated the bonus wine transferring to the total in Break Time -Added camera shake while the foot is squeezing in Break Time -Stopped the UI from shaking in Break Time -Added squeezing sounds for Break Time -Added a rumbling sound that increases in volume with pressure in Break Time -Reused a sound for the grape splatting in Break Time -Added the music for Break Time -Added a ka-ching sound for a successful "Girl Power" purchase in the Upgrade Lab -Added a bubbling sound for a successful "Grape Science" purchase in the Upgrade Lab -Added a buzzing sound for a failed purchase in the Upgrade Lab -Added a gas release sound effect for the Gas Leak upgrade -Added music for the Upgrade Lab -Updated the pause menu to lower the volume of all music, not just the Arena's music -Replaced all settings menu text with TMPro -Increased care package from 3,000 to 5,000 wine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 7/30: -Updated the credits and made them dynamic so I can just drag in a text file instead of entering every name manually. Much, much easier! :D -Added the riddle for Spooky Mode into the Extras Menu -Realized I hadn't tested Spooky Mode in forever and updated a bunch of stuff to make it functional again -Added a "King of the Grapes" section into the credits and made a sprite for it -Added a "Mightiest Bug Slayers" section into the credits and made a sprite for it -Removed the wine care package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0.1 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 8/6: -Fixed a bug with the dialogue that caused the on-screen dialogue to freeze and stopped the refill grapes from dropping -Fixed a bug in which the Arena Loop music getting quieter every time the scene is changed -Fixed a bug in which the Arena background foot flashes into existence for a split second when the feet are stepping into the vat -Updated the "Reset Progress" button to immediately disable the Break Time button in the Main Menu -Added crunchybeanz's fanart to the gallery -Began work on a "Showcasers" section for the credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0.2 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 8/13: -Added a sprite for the "Showcasers" section in the credits -Added a doodle for crunchybeanz's fan art in the gallery -Set up the structure of the postmortem -Fixed a bug in which the foot freezes after stomping if Ambidextrous is enabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0.3 Begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week of 8/20: -Reworked the fingernails for the 3D model to look much better -Finished reworking the hands for the 3D model -Reworked the arms for the 3D model -Published 3D Adventures Part 5 on DeviantArt -Began writing 3D Adventures Part 6 on DeviantArt Week of 8/27: -Published 3D Adventures Part 6 on DeviantArt -Finished writing Grape Escape's postmortem -Finished the line art for the tattoo drawing -Began familiarizing myself with Godot Week of 9/3: -Finished and released the tattoo drawing -Made a farewell drawing for Grape Stomp-chan -Updated the "King of the Grapes" with the contest winner's name -Uploaded the final game update -Posted Grape Escape's Postmortem