Going Viral at Tomorrowland - Chapter 8 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic) The sun was low in the sky and starting to take on the hues of a sunset which made the colors of the bricks and siding on the buildings across the river even more vibrant. Athena was engrossed in playing with my Novation Circuit while I was busy trying on a pair of compression shorts. They were expensive, but fantastic. They held my stallion equipment firmly in place and allowed me to point it in the direction I wanted it to go. I'd bought a pack of three and had one for each day of the rest of my trip. My show was tomorrow and I was leaving Sunday evening. Because my Novation Circuit was like a smaller, pared down version of her Ableton Push, Athena needed very little guidance from me in operating it. Though, she wasn’t aware of any of its unique functions and was treating it like an interface for Ableton Live, rather than using it on its own. I’d have to show her later that there was a neat built in synth in the Circuit and she could make entire songs on it if she wanted to. I would have given her my Launchpad, but it only had buttons on it and she seemed to have a thing for knobs. Within fifteen minutes, she had chopped one of my songs into a bunch of different loops. It had been a chirpy happy song with a deep pulsating bass line and she was turning it into a glitchy demonic piece that was giving me goosebumps. I didn't want to interrupt her and it was two in the afternoon on the east coast, so I called Neon Kelp. She picked up right away, "Hi, I'm shopping for some groceries. What are you up to?" "Athena and I are just chilling in my room after spending some time at Tomorrowland," I said. Her calm mellow voice always made the world seem a bit less sharp. "I saw some pictures of you two together yesterday that were adorable. Are you two dating now?" "Whoa, that's what I was going to call you about. Is it okay if I say yes?" I asked. "Hon, I have two boyfriends, you are entitled to at least one girlfriend," she said. Athena was so deep into music stuff that she was oblivious to our conversation. Smiling, I said, "Awesome!" "Do bring her home with you if you can fit her in your luggage. I'd like to meet her." "Sure, you want to *meet* her," I teased. "That too, if she's willing, of course! I need more horsecocks in my life." "Well, you're already going to have one." I blushed. "Mine's six inches long now and I have balls." "Please don't give me any more details until I'm out of the store. Better yet, email me all the details so I can read them when I'm getting ready for bed." She paused. "No pictures, though, I want you to be able to see my reaction first hand." "If I'm not in a coma from the trip home, I'll strip for you the moment I get in the door." She gasped. "My poor non-horse equipment needs us to change the subject. How about you tell me about Tomorrowland and stuff?" I took my time filling her in on our adventures over the last few days. When I got to talking about the herm shark, Athena came over and joined the conversation. Neon made sure to tell Athena that she was okay with us dating. Ten minutes later, Athena and Neon were talking about her time as a journalist. Just before we were going to hang up, Neon Kelp said, “Oh, before you go, I wanted to ask: How do you two feel about having cocks?” “It’s a minor inconvenience with major benefits?” Athena said with her head tilted, still thinking about the best way to describe her feelings. “Terrifying, but fun,” I said. “Why terrifying?” Neon Kelp asked. “Because men are always talking about how boners just happen and it often seems like their cocks are in the driver’s seat. I've got a long line of impulses waiting to hop in my driver’s seat. Adding another, very powerful one is like handing me a live grenade after the pin’s been pulled. If I get a boner in public, I’ll end up splattered all over the news,” I said. "Splattered!?" Athena laughed. I elbowed her in the rib, blushing profusely. “Hmm, the fear makes sense when you put it that way.” Neon Kelp paused. “So, you’d have it surgically removed if you could?” Thinking about getting it surgically removed caused my stomach to turn. “No, it’s not like I hate it.” “You just hate the implications?” Athena asked. I nodded. “Yeah, I don’t know what use my trepidation is. Like, someone probably already has a picture of my bulge from yesterday.” This realization made me feel even more sick. “Judging by what happened to me, I’d say that’s accurate,” Athena agreed. I gasped. “No! I was hoping I was overreacting. If I see an image of my crotch on twitter, I’m gonna die of embarrassment.” “Take deep breaths, hon. I know it’s hard to imagine, but even if you’re right, your music will always have more press than your prick. If that wasn’t the case, shots of my crotch would be more prevalent than my album covers.” Neon Kelp’s calm voice untied the knot in my stomach. “She’s right, everyone’s looking for that one embarrassing photo that’ll get them views. But that's cheap journalism and it doesn’t have staying power.” Athena hugged me. My whole body was tense even though I was a bit less sick to my stomach. Knowing I was likely dangling over a panic attack, Neon said, “Let’s change the subject. Athena, how do you come up with melodies?” “I find the major pentatonic of the scale I’m playing in and diddle around with notes until something catchy happens. Or I already have a bunch of the song and I start improvising.” She shrugged. “I’ve never really thought about it.” “So you always have other parts of the song before you come up with a melody?” I asked. Athena nodded. “Beats are what pop into my head, not melodies.” “I’m the exact opposite,” Neon said. “I’ll be driving around and suddenly I’ll be humming a melody. Then I start beatboxing to add other elements of the song. I’ll even do glitchy flourishes with my voice. I have hours of audio I recorded on my phone of songs I’ve come up with while out and about.” “Whoa, that’s really cool!” Athena said. “Yeah, car rides with Neon are fun!” I reported. “Neon hasn’t mentioned this, but she also hears melodies in sounds she encounters just living her life. It happens to me some, actually. About a third of my melodies come from life, especially bird songs. Starlings are the best, actually. They sound like EDM producers: mixing in all sorts of sounds for their songs. They invented dubstep, not us.” Athena and Neon laughed. Then Neon said, “Kate also gets a lot of music from hearing other people’s music and trying to make a version of it she likes more. That’s where a lot of her parodies of different genres come from. She gets annoyed by people missing an obvious, to her, way of doing a song and makes it to show people what they missed.” “Yeah, most of my lyrics come from that sort of thing too. I often come up with alternate lyrics for a song and then use those alternate lyrics as the base of a new song,” I said. “That’s awesome! I wish I was more like you two.” Athena paused and furrowed her brow. “You know, I do sometimes use sounds I hear to make songs. I get beats from things being dropped, noisy refrigerators, or squeaky doors.” “Wait, what did you model the main synth for ‘Gun Chomper’ off of?” Neon asked. Athena laughed. “I didn’t model the synth, I sampled my noisy-ass refrigerator and shifted the pitch around here and there to make an instrument. I meant the whole 'using the sounds I hear' thing literally. Less creative than you two.” “Not less creative, I do that a lot, actually. I’ll clean up a sound so I can use it as notes and then arrange a song with it,” Neon said. I nodded. “I do that sometimes too, but often I just sing what I want with my voice and then assign those notes to instruments or change my voice into an instrument.” “Definitely can’t tell it’s your voice by the time you get done with it,” Athena observed. “It would sound like an epic old video game tune if I just layered my unfiltered voice as instruments.” I chuckled. “I want to hear you do that,” Athena said. “Me too,” Neon said. “Okay, fine, after I get back from Tomorrowland, I’ll make a Final Fantasy-esque song with my voice as the only instrument.” I was trying to act like I wasn’t excited about doing that, but I was very excited about doing that. “It’s gonna be one of your most popular, I can already tell,” Neon said. “Hell yeah!” Athena agreed, giving me a fist bump. “I should go because I'm about to check out. Let’s do this again sometime very soon!” Neon said. “Count on it!” Athena replied. “Bye, love you!” I said to Neon. “Love you! Good luck on your set!” Neon said back. “Thank you!” After ending the call, I hugged Athena, saying, "Well, you two certainly get along." "She's so much fun! Maybe I should visit you before you visit me." "I think we'd be fine with that." I grinned. "Cool!" Athena gave me a squeeze. "I have good news, my management company talked to yours and everyone loves the idea.” "That's great news!" I grinned. Knowing she'd be there to help was such a relief. Picking up my phone and opening twitter, I said, "Let's see how our relationship is doing." We laughed at all the pictures of us and people speculating over whether we were just each other's date for Tomorrowland, whether we'd known each other beforehand, or whether we were just fuckbuddies. Other less informed people thought I was cheating on Neon Kelp. "You think we should tell them it's okay?" "That would show our hand early. Why don't we play this like a publicist would? We say we've got a big announcement to make at my show and tell them during it." "Love it!" I set my phone down and kissed her on the cheek. "Oh fuck NO! I’m so so sorry, hon," she said, her eyes staring at my phone. I must have accidentally scrolled the screen when I set it down on my knee, because this terrifying post was deep into the mentions about us. It was an image of the two of us at an angle where Athena's bulge was close to the camera, but the focus was on my bulge. The overcast light made it so there were no damning shadows, but the outline was still visible. It was a photo taken today just as we were walking into Tomorrowland's south entrance. The text above the image said, "#Katethena update! Apparently, @GingerKrave has inherited @AthenaPolar's bulge!" Athena pulled me against her as I shivered, feeling very cold. I stuttered out, "It's all my fault, if I'd just looked up ways to hide a bulge, I probably would have found compression shorts earlier. I shouldn't have touched it so much. I shouldn't have--" Athena put her finger to my lips. "Stop it! You did your best. Worst case, they think we're sluts. Best case, they think it's cute or sexy. Plus, normally I tell people to never read internet comments, but this time I think you should." She scrolled so the comment she wanted me to see was in the center of the screen. "That's not much of a bulge and it's seen from an awkward angle. The account that originally posted this is a UK tabloid that posts trash all the time. Stop sharing this!" "That doesn't make me feel much better." "If people really suspected you had one and that you got it from me, there'd be way more than a hundred retweets. This has only been retweeted a hundred times." "A hundred?!" I blurted out. “It’s only been a few hours!” "That's a really low number." She picked one of the cute posts about us. "See? This has over two thousand retweets." I remembered to breathe and then I said, "I can't handle this. This is too much." "Hon, it's nothing, everyone's far more interested in cute us than lurid us." She handed my phone back to me. "I don't want to be famous. I don't want to be on stage." My chest was so tight that it felt like I was being stabbed. "You've had media coverage before, why is this such a big deal?" she asked. "A crotch shot from a few hours ago has been shared over a hundred times, and that's only on twitter!" I yelled. “By tomorrow morning, it’s gonna get shared hundreds of—” I coughed from how tight my throat was. "Crotch shots of me have been shared thousands of times and people still talk about my music more than my dick," she said. "It doesn't matter how many times people have shared crotch shots of you. You don't give a shit what the news says about you! I do! I don't want people thinking 'She's out of control!,' 'Look at how impulsive she is!,' 'Is she off her medication?' That was my entire childhood!" "If anyone thinks that, you know it's not true." She stroked my side. I pulled out of her embrace, my anxiety flashing into anger. "Do I? I grabbed my dick today even though I knew it might cause it to grow and stroked it way more than I did any other day. And it did grow! I can't even control my own fucking hands!" She got off the couch, a pained expression on her face. "Why are you yelling at me?!" "You came on my face and gave me a dick, you asshole!" I yelled even louder. My heart was beating so fast I felt sick. "I'm gonna go, okay? I don't think this is you." She grabbed her backpack and started making for the door. A tear had made a black mascara trail down her cheek. My mouth fell open and as she opened the door, I collected myself and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean--" "I know, but I need some space." She left and closed the door behind her. I fell onto the couch and then beat at it with my fists. "You fucking stupid, neurotic, bitch!" I yelled at myself. I didn't cry, instead emptiness took up all the space within me. I couldn't handle being famous, I couldn't handle relationships, and I couldn't handle having a dick. I was a useless wreck that had no right being at Tomorrowland. This feeling of inadequacy made me move like a sloth through the rest of my evening routine. Right before bed, I sent Athena, "I'm very sorry. I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together and I'm not actually mad at you. When I think about what's happened logically, I realized I wouldn't change any of it if I had the choice. I just can't handle so much at once and I care too much about what people think of me. You should do the show without me. I should probably stop performing if I can't handle a bit of bad publicity." "Sorry, I can’t do this right now," she sent back. I woke up a couple times in the night with my heart pounding while I worried about Athena deciding I was too unstable to continue dating me. Now that I thought I might lose her, I realized she meant the world to me. Her ability to roll with punches and maintain an optimistic outlook was something I wanted to assimilate. She was a more experienced artist than me and could help my career in ways almost no one else could, especially because she understood my music. I'd never gotten this close to someone this fast and I barely knew what to make of it. And she was so attractive: the only people I found as attractive as her were Neon Kelp and David Tennant. The second time I laid awake, I took melatonin to fall back asleep. When morning came, I was trapped in a bizarre dream. I knew it was a dream because I was up on stage playing my Tomorrowland set to an audience that was one half mosaics and one half human, all of them female. They weren't mixed in together, there was a line going down the middle that divided the two groups. The mosaics came in all shapes and sizes. There were rhinos, dragons, foxes, wolves, snow leopards, horses, red pandas, deer, and bunnies. Everyone was wearing lingerie. The same lingerie I was wearing: red velvet with black lace that had a rose pattern. The upper part was very revealing, nipples clearly visible through rose-patterned mesh, but the lower part consisted of a red velvet miniskirt. My cock was fully erect and lifting up my skirt. I kept trying to pull my skirt down, but my prick would just bounce right back up. This went on until I was so frustrated that I decided to grab it and just start jacking it off so I could cum and get it to go down. Thankfully, the wooden structure all the DJ equipment was sitting on was blocking the crowd's view of what I was doing. I suddenly became aware of Athena standing off to the side of the DJ booth, still on the raised platform. She was completely naked and openly stroking herself for the crowd. She said, "Come join me! It's okay!" I balked at her and said, "Hell no!" "Suit yourself!" she said. As I got closer to cumming, the crowd started chanting, "Show us, Kate! Show us, Kate!" Athena came shooting gallons of jizz on the human side of the stage. It seemed to gain volume the further it got from her, in true dream logic. As the human side of the crowd got drenched, they started growing horse dicks. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get myself off while still in the DJ booth. It got to the point where my prick ached to cum and both of my hands were sore from stroking so much. The crowd started fingering themselves while looking at me and chanting, "Cum on us, Kate!" Not having any other way of getting relief, I stumbled out to the side opposite Athena facing the female mosaics. When I stroked my dick for them, it felt ten times better and my prick grew from six inches to two feet long in less than a minute. When it reached a size larger than any stallion and my balls were bigger than grapefruits, I came even more than Athena did, plastering the crowd with translucent white goo. They whinnied as they grew horse dicks as big as mine. Feeling on top of the world and more turned on than I'd ever been in my life, I came even harder, my spooge flying past the crowd to hit another crowd at a nearby stage. Just as they started changing, my eyes flew open. I was on my back with no covers, my shaft poking out of my pajama bottoms as it flared and bobbed. Before I fully realized what was happening, a stream of semen got me right in the face. I put my hands up, but found they were numb and useless. I got hit in the face twice more, my hands helping a tiny bit. I'd slept on top of them because I was so cold from tossing the covers off in the night. When my dick was done with me, I was a complete mess and my pussy was begging for attention. To my horror, the image of me cumming on the crowd was running through my head and it was making me more horny, not less. When I went to the bathroom to wash myself off, I tried cold water to get rid of my thoughts, but I ended up turning the water off and shoving my fist in my pussy to quiet it. That was my rock bottom. Laying on the floor of the shower, my fist fully in me, my own cum still dripping from my face. All it had taken was for me to go to bed without getting off. Retrieving my fist and then washing myself off, I discovered that my cock was a bit longer and thicker. I'd probably gained a half inch of length and a quarter inch of girth. As I got out of the shower and dried off, only one thing sat in my mind: I could not do today's show. I'd snapped at Athena, I'd slept poorly, and I'd cum to the idea of doing to an entire crowd what Athena had done to me. END OF CHAPTER 8 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!