妻子的奉献 (Wife Devotion) 妻への献身 因为我的破产,欠下了一大笔债,妻子为了我,今天开始要在债主的温泉会所打工, 今天是我们的第一天.... Because of my bankruptcy, a large amount of debt, my wife for my sake, today to start working in the debtor's spa club. Today is our first day .... 自己破産をしたため、多額の借金があります。 妻は私のために、今日から債務者 の温泉クラブで働くそうです。今日は初日です・・・。 ----------------------------------- 前情提要 Previously on L009 #1 我公司因竞争对手恶意竞争导致破产,急需一笔大资金做周转, My company has gone bankrupt due to a competitor's malicious competition, and I need a large sum of money for working capital. 可是我无处可借钱了...雪江提出要帮助我....找了一个她以前认识的富商... But I have nowhere else to borrow money... Yukie offered to help me .... She found a rich businessman she used to know... 富商提出要求要我们留下为他的温泉俱乐部工作,并且把雪江当着我的面强奸了... The rich businessman asked us to stay and work for his spa club and raped Yukie in front of me... 我想出手阻止...但是被雪江给制止了.....为了我们的未来,因此我们只能暂时忍辱负重了... I tried to stop it... But Yukie stopped me. ..... For the sake of our future, so we had to put up with the humiliation for now... 前情回顾- 因此,我跟妻子雪江被留在温泉会所帮债主打工... As a result, my wife Yukie and I were left to work for a debtor at the spa club... 这一切全怪我...要不是因为我的话... It's all my fault... If it wasn't for me... ...哒哒哒(高跟鞋走路的声音) ... Da da da da (the sound of high heels walking) . 雪江... Yukie... . 衣服穿得好暴露啊.... That's a revealing outfit .... 老公.... Hubby .... 这条裙子好像很短, This skirt seems to be very short. 雪江非常不好意思的用手拉下了裙摆... Yukie is very embarrassed and pulls down the hem of her skirt with her hand... 讨厌...老公...不要这样盯着人家看.... Honey... Don't stare at me like that .... 啊啊...对不起.... Ahhh... Sorry .... 我以前从来没发现雪江这么性感... I've never found Yukie so sexy before... 明明有个这么好的老婆...而现在.. Obviously, she has such a nice wife... And now... 却为了我...要在别的男人面前舞弄风骚... She has to show her sexiness in front of other men for me... 切...可恶!!! Damn it!!! ! 老婆!!对不起...我对不起你! Honey! I'm sorry... I'm sorry for you! 都怪我...你为我付出太多了... It's my fault... You've done so much for me... 没事啦...傻瓜... It's okay... Honey... 我们不是夫妻吗.... Aren't we a couple .... 19- 夫妻就要一起努力度过难关...不是吗? Couples have to work together to get through difficult times... Don't we? 雪江.... Yukie..... 你们俩还在磨磨蹭蹭的干嘛! What are you two still dawdling about! 啊!! Ah!!! 客人都等不及了!老子是请你们来干活的! The guests can't wait! I invited you here to work! 而不是谈情说爱的! Not to talk about love! 不想干给我滚! If you don't want to work, get out! 明白的话速度给我快点! Hurry up if you understand! 是.... OK..... . ------------------------- 客人您好!请多多指教.... Hello Guest! Your advice are most welcome 哦! Oh! 黑丝美腿~ What a sexy black stocking! 呼之欲出的双峰~ The hidden breasts... 好性感的女人啊,哈哈.. What a sexy woman, haha... 谢...谢谢... Thank... Thank you... 那么... please... 我先给您倒点茶水吧 I'll get you some tea first. 我不要用杯子喝茶~ I don't want to drink tea from a cup~ 诶? Eh? 我要美女你用嘴喂我~ I want you to feed me with your mouth, pretty girl. 啊啊!!用...用嘴?! Ahhh! 可是....老公还在旁边.... But .... Hubby is still around .... 你磨磨蹭蹭的干嘛呢?没听到我的贵宾说的话吗! What are you dawdling about? Didn't you hear what my VIP said! 给我动作快点!! Get a move on!!! 是..... oky.... ...... 哦~美人!你看起来很不自在呢... Oh, beautiful! You look very uncomfortable... ...... 不用那么紧张~放松~ Don't be so nervous, relax! 是... OK.... 这只是工作...希望老公不要太在意... It's just work... I hope hubby doesn't mind too much... 那么.... So .... 这个是给你的小费 This is a tip for you 啊.... Ah .... 嘿嘿,正好这里可以放钱... Hey hey, just the place to put the money... !! 小费直接塞在我老婆胸里..这也太侮辱人了吧 The tip went straight to my wife's boobs... That's a bit insulting, isn't it? 接下来可要好好为我服务哦~嘿嘿... You have to serve me well ~ hehehe... 是... Yes... 那么~ So... 先亲一个~ Let me give you a kiss first. 啊..啊.... Ah... Ah .... 你害羞的样子真是太可爱了~结婚没... You're so cute when you're shy~ Are you married... 结...结婚了... Married... Married... 我担心他乱来,所以如实回答了 I was worried that he would do something to me, so I answered truthfully 哎呀~那岂不是更好~哈哈 Gee, wouldn't that be nice? 嗯么~ HMUUUUU~ 哈!! Ha!!! 人妻什么的真是太棒了~我最喜欢人妻了~哈哈 It's great that you've been married~ I love other people's wives~ haha 老...老公... Honey... Honey... ........ 老婆就这样在我眼前被一个陌生人亲吻 My wife is being kissed by a stranger right in front of my eyes 而我能做的只有闭上眼睛不要去看..... And all I can do is close my eyes and not look at it ..... 现在我能做的只有忍耐了... All I can do now is hold back... 口有点渴了 My mouth is a little thirsty 来吧,美人~ Come on, beauty... 让我们开始吧~ Let's get it on! 唔... Mmm... 来~乖!把嘴巴张开,这茶不烫哦~ Come on, good boy! Open your mouth, the tea's cold. 你可不要喝下去哦~ Don't drink it. 要含在嘴里哦~ Keep it in your mouth! 唔.... ....... 那么,来喂我喝茶吧~ So, feed me the tea with your mouth. 快点快点~不要东张西望的了~哈哈 Hurry up, don't be distracted... haha 老公... Honey... 对不起.... Sorry .... 我口渴得不行了~ I'm so thirsty! 啊~ Ahh~ . ...... 哎呀~你真不自觉~给我靠过来点! Oops~ Why are you so far away from me~ Come closer to me! 呀!! Yaaaa!! 啊....我老婆...正在跟陌生男人接吻.... Ah .... My wife... Is kissing a strange man .... 就算我逼自己不要去看...但是视线还是会不自觉的看过去.... Even if I force myself not to look... But my eyes would still look over there unconsciously .... 对不起....老婆... I'm sorry .... Honey... 咳咳... Ahem... 茶好像经过美女的最变得有点甜了~ The tea seems to have become a little sweeter after the beauty... 要不是因为我... If it wasn't for me... 也不会走到今天这一步.. Things wouldn't have turned out like this... 哎呀,不小心把茶滴到你整个胸口都是了,你起来一下~ I accidentally dripped tea all over your chest, get up! 把胸给我露出来,我要处理一下茶~ Show me your breasts, I need to take care of them.I need to take care of the tea! ! 啊...现..现在吗 Ah... Now? ....... 当然~~ Sure~~ 快点快点~ Hurry up, hurry up! 动作好慢啊!你在害羞吗?哈哈! It's so slow! Are you shy? Haha! 人妻不是应该都是非常大方主动的吗? Aren't married women supposed to be very generous and proactive? ...... 哇呜~好大的奶子啊!这应该有H罩杯了吧~ Wow, what big tits! That must be an H-cup! 哈哈哈,贵宾说笑了,不止吧! Hahahaha, you're so funny, VIP! 呜呜... Oooh... 我还没抓过这样的奶子呢~让我... I've never grabbed a tit like that before~ Let me... 诶! Eh! 试一试手感! Try a handful! 呃..... Ugh ..... 哈.... Ha .... 非常柔软有弹性呢~太爽了,谁娶你回家当老婆岂不是爽死了~ Very soft and bouncy~ So good, whoever takes you home as a wife will be really happy~ 不过,今天,你是我的人~ But today, you're mine! 啊啊啊!! Aaahhh! 好厉害啊~这样扯你奶子,钱居然还不会掉下来~ You're so good, I can't believe the money didn't fall off when I pulled your tits like that! 啊啊..疼...疼.. Ahhhh... Hurts ah! .... 弄疼你了吗?哈哈,对不起对不起! Did I hurt you? Haha, sorry sorry sorry! 那么,接下来,我要.... So, next, I'm going to .... 好好品尝一下你奶子上面的茶水了~ I'm going to taste the tea on your tits~ 80- 这种喝茶方法也不错呢~ Very soft and bouncy~ 太棒了!又开发了一种玩法...话说... So good, whoever takes you home as a wife will be really happy~so... 你有母乳吗.... Do you have breast milk? .... 啊..这个..我...我还没生过宝宝.... Ah... This... I... I haven't had a baby yet .... 没生过就没有母乳吗~ No breast milk if you haven't had a baby? 啊啊啊... Ahhhhh... 疼...疼!!客人...不要这样.... Ouch... Ouch!!! Guest... Don't do this .... 请您....住手!! Please stop!!! 哈哈,贵宾您太幽默了!没生过还是身体怎么会产母乳呢... Haha, you're so funny VIP! How can she produce breast milk if she is not pregnant... 凡事总有意外嘛,嘿嘿~ There are always accidents, hehehe~ 啊啊啊.... Ahhhhh .... 好疼.... Hurts Ahhhh .... 那么,来点别的,你爬到桌子上去.. So, let's do something else, you climb up on the table... 你这个身材这种打扮真让人受不了, Your figure is unbearable in this outfit, 特别是穿着这么性感的黑丝~ especially in such sexy black stockings! 把脚伸过来~ Give me your feet! 啊啊...客人.... Ahhh... Guest .... 哦~还散发着气味呢,真棒~臭臭的! Oh~ it still smells, great smelly feet! ..... 不要害羞,我是夸你呢~ Don't be shy, I'm complimenting you~ 我其实也是个重度足控~ I actually like feet~ 你这种臭脚人妻最棒了! Stinky feet married women like you are the best! 那么,让我看看你的私处... So, let me see your private parts... 哦!真是惊喜呢! Oh! What a surprise! 胆子可真大...居然穿开裆裤... You've got a lot of nerve... How dare you wear crotchless underwear... 你怎么知道我喜欢这个啊! How do you know I like this? 嘿嘿~这是我们为贵宾喜好专门定制的服务哦~ Hey, it's a service that we tailor to the preferences of our guests. 你们服务可真周到,真是让我十分惊喜! I'm really surprised by your service! 那么~让我~ So, let me... 好好品尝一下这里面的味道吧~~ Let me taste what's in here! 啊啊啊啊!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!! 客...客人..请您不要这样.... Guest... Guest... Please don't do this .... 不可以.... Stop it now .... You can't do that! 啊~好棒的气味,人妻的小穴果然有独特的气息~ Ahhh~ what a great smell, a married woman's pussy really does have a unique scent~ 你不是就应该这样为我服务吗? Isn't that how you're supposed to serve me? 难道 说“不可以”也是服务的一个项目? Is saying "You can't do that!" a part of the service? 呃....这样下去...我会受不了的...而且是在老公面前..... Uh .... If this keeps up... I can't stand it... And in front of my husband. ..... 哈.... ha... 美女,我感觉到你变兴奋了,下体已经开始分泌爱液了~ I can feel you getting turned on, pretty girl, your bottom is already producing love juices~ 才...才没有呢.... No, not at all .... 贵宾,要不要来点玩具玩玩~ Would you like to have some toys to play with? 哦,这听起来是这不错的主意呢~ Oh, that sounds like a great idea! 首先,来个震动按摩器吧~ First, a vibrating massager! 那还等什么~快点拿过来吧~ So what are you waiting for? 把按摩器给贵宾拿过来! Bring the vibrator to the guest of honour! ......是 .....oky 嘿嘿,谢谢啊! hey, thanks! 我居然在给别人递上情趣用品... I can't believe I'm handing someone an erotic object... 用于玩弄自己的老婆...... For playing with my wife ...... 102- 哎呀,不不要这么一副难受的表情嘛... Geez, don't look so uncomfortable... 我还没开始呢! I haven't even started yet! 难道你从来没用过这种东西吗? Haven't you ever used one of these before? ....... 首先把开关打开~ First turn the switch on! 啊!好大的震动感.... Ah! What a strong vibration .... 然后... And then... 给你的私处... For your private parts... 咿——呀!!! Ee-yah!!! 好好的按摩!! Massage!!! 啊啊—— Ahhhh- 不...不行..... No... No 太...太刺激了!!! It's vibrating so hard!!! 啊啊啊啊!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!! 哎呀!你叫那么大声干嘛,这可是才一档呢! Oops! Why are you shouting so loud, it's only in first gear! 不行...不行...这样下去... No, no! If this goes on... 哎呀,美女,不要把腿给合上啊! Oh, pretty girl, please don't close your legs so tightly! 你去帮贵宾把她的腿张开! Go and help the VIP spread her legs! !! 竟然...要我做这种事... He asked me to open my wife's legs... 那就拜托你了! Please! ..... 是.... OK..... 哈... ha.... 老..... Husb.... 老公.... Husband.... ...... 对不起....老婆...我也不想这样做... Sorry ....Yukie... I don't want to do this either... 动作快点!别磨磨蹭蹭的了! Hurry up! Stop dilly-dallying! 我相信你能理解.... I'm sure you can understand .... 原谅我吧... Forgive me... 啊!!?? Aah!!!? 嘿嘿~又看到你这可爱的私处了~ Hey, hey, I see your lovely private parts again. 做好准备了吗! Are you ready for this! 呀!!! Yaaaa!!! 不.... No .... 接下来... Next... 不要... No... 我要把马力调大哦! I'm going to crank up the horsepower! 请...请您不要这样做..... Please... Please don't do this ..... 我要试一试你会有什么反应~ I'm going to try to see how you'll react! 快住手... Stop it... 嘿嘿...你无处可逃~ hey... You have nowhere to run~ 看招! Watch this! !?!!! 咿——呀! Ee-yah! 继续把马力调大! Keep cranking up the horsepower! 唔...唔!太...太刺激了!!不...不要!快停下!! Well... Mmm! It's too strong! No! Stop it! 雪江非常用力的挣扎,但是两边腿都被我们两个男人抓得死死的 Yukie struggles very hard, but both legs are being gripped to death by both of us men 继续加大马力!! Turn up the horsepower!!! 呜呜呜呜呜!!!!! Ooooooooo !!!! 不行!! Oh no!!! 呀!!!! Yaaaaaaa !!!! 这种感觉是..... This feeling is ..... 我...我忍不住了...这种感觉... I can't help it... This feeling... 我要在.... I think I want to be ..... 老公面前.... in front of my husband .... 高潮啦!! Orgasm!!! 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!! . 哦哦!哈哈!好厉害啊!!居然潮吹了! Oooooh! Ha ha! That's awesome!!! I can't believe you had an orgasm! 哈...哈... Ha... Ha... 对不起...老公.... Sorry... Hubby .... 我...我没忍住... I... I... I couldn't hold back... 我是个淫荡的女人... I'm a slutty woman... 只是用按摩器随便玩玩就能潮吹高潮了?哈哈! I just used the massager and you had an orgasm? Haha! 嘿嘿,毕竟是今天才来这里上班呢 Hey, after all, she just started working here today 哦?是吗?那我是第一个客人?那我可真是太幸运了! Oh? Really? So I'm the first customer? Well, I'm very lucky! 美女,看来你性生活经验不够丰富啊! You don't seem to be sexually experienced enough, pretty girl! 身体居然还这么敏感,缺乏调教啊! I can't believe your body is still so sensitive, it lacks conditioning! 哈... Ha... 接下来,让我好好调教一下你吧~哈哈 Next, let me teach you a good lesson~ haha 呜呜..... Oooh ..... 你去给贵宾拿更多情趣用品过来! You go get more erotic stuff for the VIP! 是..... OKy.... 当我把情趣用品拿过来的时候.. By the time I bring the erotic stuff over... 老婆已经跪在桌子上,屁股对着客人.. My wife was already on her knees on the table with her ass facing the guest... 哦哦~好棒的美臀啊~穿着裤袜真是太诱惑了~ Ohhhh~ what a great ass~ what a temptation in pantyhose~ 这若隐若现的小穴,还有这.... This hidden pussy, and this .... 骚黑丝脚~太棒了! These delicious stocking feet~ Wonderful! 而且还是一个害羞的人妻~ And a shy married woman too! 今天我的性癖可真是大满足呢~ My sexual fetish has been greatly satisfied today! ...... 让我把头埋进你的屁股吧! Let me bury my head in your ass! !! 啊哈!! Aaaah!!! 啊啊啊!!太爽了! Ahhhhhhh!!! It's so good! 屁股居然一点都不臭,还有点香香的气息... The ass doesn't stink at all, it even smells good... 啊... Ah... 该不会屁股都洗得干干净净的吧 You washed your ass all clean? 哈哈,贵宾答对了~我们这边为客人服务的每个女人, Haha, the guest of honour got it right... Every woman we serve here 身体每一次都洗的刚刚净净的哦... has her body washed clean every time... 哦哦~这样说来,居然插后庭也是可以的咯? Ohhhh, so I can penetrate her rear end? 不...不可以.... No... No .... 当然可以! Of course you can! 可是美女好像在拒绝呢~嘿嘿, But the pretty girl seems to be refusing~ Hey, 放心,我不会那种强人所难的人... don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who forces people to do things... 不过美女,嘴上一直在拒绝... But pretty girl, the mouth keeps saying no... 可是你的小穴已经湿的不行了呢! But your pussy is already so wet! 其实内心很期待吧~ You're really looking forward to it, aren't you? !? 哈! !?ha? 对吧? Right? 啊啊!! Aaah! 啊啊...客人...不要用手... Ahhh... Guest... Don't use your hands... 哦,是吗? Oh, really? 那我就用其他工具好了~ Then I'll use other tools~ 在那之前... Before that... 先让我给你涂点药~ Let me put some medicine on you first. ! !! 这...这是什么! What's... What is this! 不用担心!美女,这这是增强你下体敏感度的药呢~ Don't worry! Beauty, this is a medicine to enhance the sensitivity of your lower body~ 啊....好奇怪的感觉... Ah .... What a strange feeling... 嘿嘿,是不是感觉有点痒?不过,不用担心 Hey, doesn't it feel a bit itchy? But, don't worry 接下来,就让我用这个.... Next, let me use this .... !! 伸进去给你挠挠吧! Stick it in and you'll feel better! 啊啊!! Ahhhh!!! 啊..... Ahhh ..... 这...这是什么东西啊... What the... What is this thing... 嘿嘿,只不过是一个普通的假阳具而已 Hey hey, it's just a regular dildo 啊啊...不要..这种东西 Ahhh... No... 看你的反应那么大 I see you're reacting too sensitively 难道你都没玩过这些东西.... Are you saying you've never even played with one of these things .... 才没有.... No, I haven't .... 哈哈,居然真有女人没玩过情趣用品 Haha, married women don't even play with sex toys 你不性福哦! You're not sexually happy! 我...我才不需要这种性福 I... I don't need that kind of sex. 我有深爱我的丈夫,这就已经很幸福了... I'm happy enough to have a husband who loves me dearly... 话说...这是什么奇怪的感觉... By the way... What a strange feeling... 好痒啊.... It tickles so much .... 呃....呃... Ugh .... Uh... 哟... Oh... 好难受啊... It's so uncomfortable... 不要扭来扭去的呀,哈哈 Don't squirm around, haha 这个假阳具不会震动。。 This dildo doesn't vibrate. 光是塞着... Simply shoving it in my pussy... 我感觉更痛苦了... I feel more pain... 哈哈,你表面上看过去是个害羞的人妻 Haha, you look like a shy wife on the surface 但是身体上却在渴求着欲望得到满足 But your body is craving for satisfaction. 不...不是...是这个太痒了... No... No... it's not... It's this that tickles so much... 我的身体好难受.... My body is itching .... 哈哈,不要狡辩了,你的脸色红润,已经充分说明一切了 Haha, don't try to argue, your flushed face speaks volumes 哈哈,好了,我就不折磨你了,我帮你把它拿出来吧~ Haha, well, I won't torture you anymore, let me take it out for you~ 啊—— Ah... 哟!好厉害啊! Whew! That's awesome! 170- 只是插着不动,你都能有这么大的反应 I just inserted it into your pussy and you reacted with such sensitivity 看来纯洁害羞只是你的表面,实际上你是一个淫荡人妻呢! I guess being innocent and shy is just a facade, but you're actually a slutty wife! 才不是.... I'm not .... 毫无说服力,你的淫液已经浸湿了整个桌面了 Not convincing, your pussy is dripping with love juices already soaking the desktop 你的身体比你诚实多了! Your body is much more honest than you are! 接下来,就让我用这个东西.... Next, let me use this thing .... !? 好好抚慰一下你吧! to soothe you properly! 咿——!!! Eee-!!! 啊啊啊!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! 哈哈,你的反应比刚才还大... Haha, you're even more responsive than you were earlier... 一下子....插得那么深.... Ahhhhh... He thrust so deep at once .... 怎么样?是不是很舒服,要不要继续... How was it? Wasn't it comfortable, do you want to continue... 不...不要..快停下.. No... No... no... Stop it... 真的要停下吗,你下体不痒吗... Do you really have to stop? Doesn't your pussy itch... 痒....可是.... It tickles .... But .... 这就对了嘛,嘿嘿,那这次我把旋转动力调到最大...然后... That's right, hey, I'll turn up the spin power this time... And... 不...这样我会....承受不住的... No... I won't be able to take it... 哈哈,承受不住就不要忍耐了, Haha, don't hold back if you can't take it, 尽情的享受高潮吧! enjoy your orgasm! 不可以... No... 不可以当着老公的面... My husband is still around... 少废话了!给我.... Cut the crap! Give me .... 高潮吧! Come on! 唔—— Mmmmmmmmmm... 唔唔唔!!!...... emememem......!!! 唔唔唔....不行....这么刺激的捅进来...我.... Oh!!!.... No .... It's thrusting so hard into my pussy... I .... 雪江! Yukie! 我撑不住了.... I can't hold out any longer .... 好大的出水量啊,是水龙头吗... What a huge tidal wave... are you a faucet... 我要在....老公面前... I want it in front of my husband... 失态了.... I'm having an orgasm .... 唔唔唔唔..... mmmmmmmmmmm ..... 唔唔唔..... mmmmmmmmm ..... 我看得出来...雪江一直在忍耐, I know... Yukie has been holding back trying not to have an orgasm, 可是...被这样对待,她也没法忍住... but... She can't stand being treated like this... 真是一个固执的女人 What a stubborn woman! ........哈....❤ ha.... 明明都高潮到潮吹这么大的量了 She's already had such a strong orgasm. 居然还是在忍耐,故意压低娇喘... She was still holding back her moans... 不过这样让我更有征服欲~ But it makes me want to conquer more. 嘿嘿,贵宾喜欢就好~ Hey, if the VIP likes it... 哈...哈... Ha... Ha, ha, ha... 看看这淫荡的表情,一副虚脱享受的脸,为什么就是不发出娇喘呢 Look at that slutty face, all deflated and happy, but why doesn't she let out a moan? 看来只能靠我的大屌上阵了! Looks like I'll have to rely on my big cock to do the job! 啊啊....不只是调教吗...竟然要插来.... Ahhh .... Not just with sex toys?... He's trying to penetrate my wife .... 不行!我必须做点什么.... No! I have to do something .... 那个....先生....请您带上安全套... That .... Sir .... Please bring a condom... 蛤?你说什么? What? What did you say? 要戴上安全套...不然得加钱.... Please wear a condom... Otherwise you will have to pay extra .... 给我闪一边去!打扰老子兴致! Get lost! Don't disturb my pleasure! 啊!! Aah! 老子是来操女人的而不是套! I'm here to fuck women, not condoms! 可...可是.. But ..... 老公.... Hubby .... 真扫兴!打断我! You're such a buzzkill! Interrupting my desire! 你在干什么! What are you doing! 快点给贵宾道歉! Quickly apologize to the VIP! 可...可恶... But... Damn... 对...对不起... I'm sorry... 自己老婆被人操了,我还要给他道歉... My wife is being fucked and I have to apologize to him... 要多少钱一会老子加就是了!嘿嘿 I'll pay whatever extra it costs! Hey, hey. 嘿嘿,美女 给我起来! Hey, hey, pretty girl, get up! 啊!! Aah! 准备好了吗? Are you ready? 呀... Yeah... 又...又要当着老公的面... Again... Again, in front of my husband... 我要开始.... I'm going to..... 插进来咯!!! I'm going to start thrusting in!!! 205- 唔唔唔..... Mmmmmmmmm ..... 又被别的男人侵犯了.... Violated by another man .... 小穴还是有一点紧的呢~ Pussy is still a little tight~ 呀..... Ahhhhh ..... 不过这样操起来更爽! But it's even better this way! 对不起,老公... Sorry, hubby... 我来喽!! I'm coming! 我的双手被他狠狠的抓着,我没有办法反抗 My hands were being gripped so hard I couldn't resist 请你闭上眼睛不要看我... Please close your eyes and don't look at me... 可...可恶....我唯一能做的事情...都被拒绝了... But... Damn it .... The only thing I can do... It's all been rejected... 我还能做什么... What else could I do... 为什么...我那么难过...可是我的下体却产生反应.. Why... I'm so sad... But my lower body reacts... 212- 可是,他这样对我做活塞运动.... He kept thrusting into me .... 啊.... Ahhh.. 我被从后面顶撞.... This animal-like rear-entry position .... 你为什么要忍耐着不叫呢 Why are you holding back from moaning? 我可能很难忍住....老公.... I might have a hard time holding back ....Hubby .... 难道是有什么东西让你忌讳着吗 Is there something you're embarrassed about? 对不起,这不是我想要的... I'm sorry, it's not what I wanted... 可是...我可能会情不自禁的发出叫声... But... I might lose control... 难道是因为这里人太多了吗 Is it because there are too many people here? 要不我单独把你带到我房间好好玩如何 Why don't I take you to my room alone and have some fun? 不要... No... 那么,就给我发出让我满意的叫声啊... In that case, make a moan that will please me... 如果老公不在身边.... If my husband is not around... 我会更加害怕.. I'd be even more scared... 换个姿势吧! Let's change positions! 哈....哈.... ha...ha... ..... 哈哈,这个姿势看起来更色呢 Haha, this pose looks more erotic 呀... Ahhhhh... 隔着丝袜插进去~ Thrusting in through pantyhose... 那可真是爽爆了呢~ That's so good! 不要这么忍耐嘛~做爱明明就是一个很舒服的事啊... Don't restrain yourself... sex is a very comfortable thing... 唔...唔.... No... no... .no.... 我要开始激烈点了哦~ I'm going to start treating you more roughly! !!! 他突然加速起来.....我真的... He suddenly sped up ..... I really... 尽情的给我... Please... 我真的无法克制住自己了!!! I really can't restrain myself!!! 叫出声来吧! Make some moaning noises! 啊啊啊.....❤❤ Ahhhhh .....❤ 哈...啊...哈....啊.....❤❤ ha...ahh...ha...ahhh... 哈哈,多么动听的声音啊~ Haha, what a beautiful sound! 这么好听的声音憋着可真是浪费呢~ What a waste to keep such a beautiful voice bottled up! 哈...不要...哈....❤❤ Ha... Don't... Ha .... 227- 你的下体,那么的湿润~ Your pussy, so moist~ 非常配合着我的抽插呢~ You're very cooperative with my thrusts. 嘴上说不要身体却不停的将我的肉棒吸入... You say you don't want it, but your body keeps sucking my cock in... 其实非常想要的吧? You really want it, don't you? 不...没有.... No... No .... 还是不肯松口是吗?那么.... You still don't want to admit it, do you? Then .... 我要更激烈了哦!! I'm going to be even rougher on you!!! 啊啊!! Ahhhhh!!! 求..求你了..不要再激烈了.... Please... Please... Stop it .... 再这样下去...我会... If you keep this up... I'll... 会什么?会高潮吗?为什么不让自己高潮? You'll what? Do you have orgasms? Why don't you let yourself have an orgasm? 因为人多,所以你不好意思高潮吗? Is it because there are too many people here watching you so you can't indulge yourself? 啊啊啊....❤ ahhhh.... 哈...不...不是...❤ Ha... No... No... 因为老公在看着... Because my husband is watching... 目前为止...我没有控制住自己已经连续高潮两次了.... So far... I can't help myself I've had two orgasms in a row .... 不知道老公会怎么想我.... I wonder what hubby will think of me .... 可是...为什么...老公看着我...我身体莫名的那么兴奋... But... Why... My husband looks at me... My body was inexplicably so excited... ..... 不行...不能这样下去了..他插得越来越激烈了.... No... This can't go on... He's thrusting harder and harder .... 老公为什么盯着我看啊... Why is hubby staring at me... 老公...不要看....求你了... Hubby... Don't look .... Please... 他的肉棒好强壮... His cock was so strong... 一次一次的...狠狠的戳着我敏感的地带... One at a time... Fucking my sensitive area so hard... 不行...感觉越来越强烈了...我...我跟刚才一样又想要尿尿了... No... I'm feeling it more and more... I need to pee again, just like I did earlier... 难道说...又要... I don't know... I'm going to... 嘿嘿...美女,我感受到你的小穴在收缩了哦~那么...差不多... Hey, hey... I can feel your pussy contracting, pretty girl~ So... I think it's about time... 243- 不...不要.... No... Don't .... 不要抵抗了!你的身体明明很想要... Don't you resist anymore! Your body clearly wants it... 不要再老公面前..... Please not in front of my husband ..... 啊啊啊...❤❤ Ahhhhh...❤ 不行...我忍不住了... I can't... I can't restrain myself... 你的下体开始紧紧的包裹着我的肉棒了,看来,你也差不多要去了吧~ Your pussy is starting to tighten around my cock, it seems that you are close to orgasm... 是时候,给你最后一击了!....嘿嘿.....接招吧! It's time to give you the final blow! .... Hehehe ..... Take that! 不....不!! No .... No!!! 不要... No... 不可以在... Not in front of my husband ..... 给我..... Give it to me ..... 去吧!!! Have an orgasm!!! 唔唔唔.....❤❤❤❤ Uhhhhhhhhh ..... 呃呃呃啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!❤❤❤ UhhhhhhhhAhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!! 呃呃呃呃呃呃..... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..... 又...又被弄高潮了.... I'm having another orgasm from him .... 而且是在老公面前.... And in front of my husband .... 连续三次被弄高潮.... Three orgasms in a row .... 对不起...老公... Sorry... Honey... 呼呼~好爽啊! Hooooooooo! 我不是真心这样的... I didn't mean it... 把积累了一周全部射进去了~ I ejaculated all the semen I had accumulated for a week... 请您原谅我.... Please forgive me .... 不会怀孕吧? You're not going to get pregnant, are you? 这个不用担心,一会我们会让她吃避孕药 Don't worry about that, we'll put her on the pill later 对不起.... Sorry ... 哈..❤ ha.... 嘿嘿,如果怀孕了我就把这女人带回家吧~ Hey, if I get pregnant, I'll take this woman home with me. 哈哈~贵宾真会说笑! Haha~ 嘿,去把她下体的精液擦干净... Hey, go wipe the cum off her pussy... 是.... ok .... 到了现在.....我已经脑袋一片空白了... By now ..... I've gone blank... 只会跟机械一样.. Just like a machine... 听命行事.... Will only follow orders .... 老公.... Hubby .... ..... 嘿嘿,贵宾,体验感如何? Hey, VIP, how was the experience? 这个女人真是一级棒! This woman is a class act! 是吗... Yeah... 如果你喜欢的话,今晚您可以包下她好好的享受一个晚上哦~ If you like, you can book her for one night tonight. 哈哈,那真是太好了!! Haha, that's great! Such a great woman! 这么爽的女人!肯定要包下来啊 I'll definitely take her for the night! 真是个明智的选择~ That's a good choice. 美人~今晚要怎么玩呢? Beauty~ What are we going to do tonight? 啊啊...还...还没结束吗... Ahhh... Still... Isn't it over yet... 开什么玩笑,才刚刚开始呢~ You're kidding, it's only just begun~ 不过你放心,我会好好对你的~ But don't worry, I'll treat you well. 你肯定比刚才还要舒服千百倍~ You'll feel even better than you did just now! 可...可是.... But... But .... 别磨磨叽叽的了!老子可是花了大价钱包下你的! You're not kidding! I paid a lot of money for you! 这时候你只能回答“是!主人” At this point you can only answer "Yes! Master" 是...主人.... Yes... Master .... 哈哈哈 Hahahaha! 那么,我们进房间吧~ So, let's go into the room~ 雪...雪江.... Yukie.... 你接下来的工作就是把这里的卫生打扫干净! Your next job is to clean up the place! 明白了吗! Got it! ..... 是...... 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