Chapter 17 – Experimental Attitude Author: F.W. Smith Lin Tsu’ni paused at the door. According to the info screen she had found the right place, the name Brunha Eisel-Dann glowing a faint blue on the otherwise black panel. It was an embarrassing situation that had brought her here, but she needed aid immediately. Aid that would be hard to find through proper channels. Cheeks flushed, Lin swiped her hand in front of the door release, the *phwoosh* of its mechanism breaking the silence of the corridor to reveal a large brown and white striped Schen. Their scales were dulled through years of experience, but still held an almost otherworldly luster, as though more bronze than brown, and more silver than white. Lin quickly made her way out of the corridor and to one of the seats. “Come on in…” Brunha said questioningly as they watched Lin quickly take a seat. “I’m Doctor Brunha Eisel-Dann, what can I help you with?” Lin gulped. “I am having… issues.” Brunha nodded for Lin to continue before sitting back in their desk chair and pulling out a datapad. “I have been… well, using the self-relief systems more frequently of late. I, I don’t know why.” While Expedition males and herms were encouraged to visit the genetic donation collectors should their urges become too strong, women were required to get permission to use specialized equivalents for themselves. They were efficient…if not exactly pleasurable. Brunha nodded, recording notes with little taps of their claws on the tiny screen. “How frequent? Once, twice a week?” “Forty-seven times....” The Schen raised an eyebrow. “This year?” Lin shifted in her chair, her voice quiet. “This month.” She reached for a nearby jug of water and poured herself a glass, gulping it down nervously. “Forty-seven.” Brunha put down the datapad, trying not to stare at the Vessian across the small office. “Your supervisor must be tired of approving all that paperwork. Well, why is it you have come here, to me?” Lin leaned forward, whispering. “The crew index listed you as a reproductive specialist. I… I thought maybe you might know what- what is happening?” Brunha nodded, Lin sitting more upright in her seat as the Schen leaned over to the computer terminal and began tapping and swiping away at the screen. “I read about something like this. Nim…” boxes quickly appeared and just as soon vanished as Brunha searched. “Nim, nim something…. HA! Nym-pho-mania.” They widened the article to read properly, blinking large orange eyes to get used to the screen’s glare. “An older piece, but I came across it in my research into the Figura and their seemingly endless reproductive cycles.” A claw guided the text down the screen as Brunha scanned the document for important information. “Essentially when an individual is so psychologically attached to the sensations during reproductive acts that they cannot stop themselves from committing them. Now, uh…” “Lin.” The Vessian blushed even more realising she’d not introduced herself. “Lin Tsu’ni” “Lin.” Brunha smiled. “Is the sensation caused when using the relievers, pleasurable?” She nodded “Yes, but also not. It feels like, like something is wrong.” “Like it’s against GPU policy?” “No. I mean, yes. But it’s more like I’m only half doing it? Like it’s not quite done?” Lin sighed, unable to voice her feelings. But Brunha was two steps ahead. “Perhaps I can help.” Lin’s eyes sprang open, glittering with hope. “Though it would be experimental and very… unsanctioned.” Lin kept her enthusiasm but cocked an eyebrow questioningly. “Well, the Overseer has recently granted me certain liberties for experimentation, and it just so happens I have been tasked with figuring out whether this constant fornication on Figura has developed addictive qualities. I’ve not been granted access to a Figura to assist me with these studies, but perhaps you may be willing…” Brunha let the unspoken question hang in the air. It didn’t take too long before Lin picked up on it. “You- you mean?” Brunha nodded. “Right… now?” “Why not?” Brunha sidled over to another door and opened it, revealing their sleeping berth. “Have you self-relieved today?” Lin shook her head. “And I have not donated in several months. So we should be... compatible.” Lin looked nervously at the door to the outer hallway. Sensing her discomfort Brunha tapped a claw on the wall and a small display popped up with the locked symbol. She turned back to the brown and white Schen with a relieved sigh. “Thank you.” As Lin stepped inside, she instantly felt warmer, the air conditioning system set to a higher temperature for Schen physiology. The rooms heat alone was enough for the Vessian to slip off her ornate robes. Under the soft wall lights in the cramped sleeping quarters, Lin’s lavender skin looked soft and smooth, her undergarment-free body completely flawless. As the silken fabric fell, it hugged her curves, pooling along the outward curves and clinging to the inner ones, outlining her perfect hourglass figure before she was even naked. As it folded around her feet, Lin gave a slow but graceful turn, allowing Brunha to see the Vessian from every angle. Her inky-black hair was done up in braids that - like her robe - only required one precise tug to completely disassemble, which she did with a sidewards glance. Under the now fallen and bouncy hair, her long ears were drawn down and back in a subconscious display of submission, her bottom lip bitten as purple hands slid between her legs, rubbing the sex that had caused her so much grief of recent weeks. The erotic nature of watching Lin strip was all it took for Brunha to become aroused, their member sliding free of its slit to push against their lab coat. Observing already naked individuals was one thing but having someone remove their clothing in front of them so suggestively and in person, was something Brunha had not experienced until then. Before they could undo their work attire, Lin was already stepping close, reaching up to undo the top button. Lin’s breath was gaining in pace, her fingers trembling slightly with each button until all that was keeping the throbbing Schen organ at bay was an amusingly positioned belt. Gasping at the contact, Brunha growled in anticipation as Lin undid the belt, freeing the monster cock. Brunha stood proudly, their brown and white scales shining bronze and silver in the dim light, their belly and neck slightly lighter than elsewhere. Their member jutted out, mostly erect and bobbing slightly with each heartbeat. It was covered in ridges and bumps, with a tapered glans that was producing small beads of precum at its tip. “Intriguing…” Brunha managed to say despite the sensations around their engorged member. “It has never been quite so… swollen… before.” But Lin simply stared, fascinated by the organ. She had of course seen plenty in her line of work dealing with developing clones, but that was different. This one was on an adult and was far, far bigger than any she had seen before. Soft lavender fingers wrapped around the mighty girth, sliding between the ridges on the somewhat pointy prick. Brunha breathed deep, the tactile sensations of Lin handling their cock with such curious care sending shivers up their spine. Just holding the pulsating piece of meat was causing her loins to churn with need. “I, how do we…” Lin started, not sure of the best way to broach the subject. Knowing about reproduction for the purposes of cloning was one thing. Actually doing the act, that was something the Vessian had no clue about. “Lay down.” Brunha said, catching their breath and trying not to let the shivers be too visible. Lin did as she was told. “There are many ways to do this,” bronze and silver scales slid over lavender skin as the two made themselves comfortable. “But from what I’ve seen, most species mention this position in their pre-GPU texts.” Then both figures froze as Brunha’s cock pressed against the outer folds of Lin’s pussy. They share a sigh of arousal before Lin looks up at Brunha, giving the subtlest of nods. The Schen pushed forwards slowly, the already soaking wet pussy gladly taking the ever widening length of pulsing white meat. The two moaned as Brunha reached the halfway mark. They stopped for a breather, Lin whimpering a little from them stopping. “Please…” She asked, her voice both shaky and needy. “Please…” Brunha chuckled. “I will.” They pulled out a little before pushing back in, relubricating their member in the process. “Be patient, this is new for both of us.” Brunha pushed a little harder and faster this time, reaching the three-quarter mark before pulling out again. Lin’s whimpering was almost immediately silenced as Brunha thrust their member forward, hilting it in one mind-blowing slap of hips. “Uhnnnn…” The Schen grit their teeth as their body erupted in tingling shivers. Lin too was feeling rapturous, her body arching up to meet Brunha’s thrust. “Do, do you feel that?” Lin asked, unsure if the intense tingling was something only she was feeling. “Like your body is being bathed in feathers from the inside? If so, yeah…” The Vessian nodded to Brunha’s description, smiling a little as her body slowly comes down from its near orgasmic high. She reached out and up, her hands landing upon Brunha’s breasts. They were much smaller than her own, but given the stifled gasp and low moan, Lin assumed rightly they were just as sensitive. Slowly and gently, Lin began to massage the scaly orbs. Slowly, Brunha withdrew their cock, before pressing it back in, feeling the tip of it plunge deep but not quite enough to press against Lin’s womb. With stroke after stroke - Lin moaning rhythmically with each thrust - Brunha increased their tempo. It wasn’t long before the two were slamming their hips together, moans becoming screams, and unintelligible sounds morphing into each other’s names. “Lin... h- how does... it feel?” Brunha asked, a wry smile on their lips, “To be… full… of Schen… virility?” Lin moaned again, her breath rapid and cheeks flushed. Every inch of Brunha’s cock was like heaven between her thighs. “Not- Not full enough…” She said, giggling before Brunha slammed their cock harder into Lin’s virgin cunt. “Better…” Lin all but screamed, her hands giving Brunha’s breasts one last squeeze before wrapping around the pistoning hips of her lover. “Lin, I’m gonna-” “Deposit?” The Vessian interrupted with a wry smile. She lifted her thick thighs off the bed, wrapping them around Brunha’s waist and getting ready to hold tight. The change in position was all the Schen needed to be pushed over the edge, “Breed me, Doctor.” She moaned, feeling her lover’s cock pulse. Brunha growled through clenched teeth, thrusting forward to bury themself within Lin’s tight but deep pussy. Lights on the edge of sight flooded the Schen’s vision, the world around them fading into sensory obscurity as they fired the first volley of seed into the eager Vessian womb. Their body was moving on autopilot now, hips withdrawing only a scant few inches before slamming back into the well lubricated passage. Riding her own wave of pleasure, Lin too came crashing down into her own orgasm, unable to contain herself after feeling the first splatter of Schen cum against her inner walls. Then after the first came a second, and a third. The sheer volume of each blast seemingly dwarfing the previous one as her belly became more and more full. This was the feeling that had eluded her, this was what she had wanted so badly. Lin smiled from ear to ear as her mind was pounded by wave after wave of orgasm, while her pussy was getting the same treatment from Brunha’s cock. It was several minutes before either spoke; their continued orgasms having slowly faded to a low hum of sexual energy in the meantime. Brunha had mumbled incoherently with each thrust while Lin was humming contentedly. But eventually Brunha piped up. “So, Lin.” The Vessian nodded, her eyes still shut from the intense pleasure she’d just experienced. “Can you describe to me how that felt?” The Schen doctor tapped a nearby datapad to enable voice recording. “I… words, cannot describe…” She moaned, running her hands along her sides and p to her breasts, kneading them gently. “I don’t think I was paying enough attention.” “Well then,” Brunha grinned wickedly “Perhaps we need to run several more tests.”