INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Download all the files. Save a copy of them somewhere safe. 2. Unzip the zipfiles like THIS - to get the correct file structur: 3. Unzip Blowtorch Folder in your /Documents folder, or in another location (outside game files). This sets up the correct file structure. 4. Unzip "The Sims 4-Base Game Files", "The Sims 4 EP Files" and "The Sims 4 GP-files in the new Blowtorch folder. 5. Then unzip the 3 backup files in the new Blowtorch/Original Files folder. The folders: "Sims 4" – this is the folder with the modded files. Before installing – go inside the folder and delete the EP/GP you don’t have or you don’t want to be overwritten. (See the list of EP/GP worlds with filenames further down.) If you add EP/GPs with new worlds you can easily unzip the zip again and choose also the new worlds you acquired. "OriginalFiles" – this is the folder with the original files. Use if you need to go back to the orignal game setup. You can also do a game repair. The Blowtorch zip also include shortcuts I made for easy installation. NOTE: if you have your game directory in another location than C:/Program you need to find the right location and make your own shortcut. I recommend having a shortcut, it makes the installation/updating/uninstallation so much easier. 6. Select the "Sims 4" folder in /Blowtorch, right click and copy. 7. Click on short cut 1 if you have the game installed in EA Games (EA app, the newer one) Or Click on short cut 2 if you still have the game installed in Origin Games (These shortcuts may need editing if you have the games installed on a different hard drive or some such. If so, go find the place where the game files are installed and make a shortcut for your needs. This will simplify updates and reinstalling the original files if needed. Place the shortcut in the Blowtorch folder.) Note: I have no clue if these shortcuts work on a Mac. Find the directory of the game files! When you click on the right short cut, you should see a Sims 4 folder. If not, you are in the wrong place. 8. Now, paste the Sims 4 folder, Blowtorch version. When asked, let the mod overwrite the needed files. Done! Open game and see the new blowtorched hoods. Note: this will not in any way affect your saves or saved sims/lots. Just the preplaced deco in the hoods. If you already used T.O.O.L. to place stuff in one of your saves – its should also still be there. To be safe, always make a copy of your save and place in a backup folder. ECO LIFESTYLE NOTE! Unfortunately the Evergreen Harbor world that came with Eco Lifestyle (EP 9) has some special evil magic and the deco needs hiders anyway. If you play with that world and want it to be BLOWTORCHED, install the file ELHoodHidersMerged in your Mods folder. UNINSTALL: Same procedure as above, but instead of the modded folder, copy the backup version. Or use the Repair Game function. More information: see Blowtorch-Documentation