God damn, you needed a drink. Arriving at your hotel and getting all settled in was always a nice feeling, to be sure. All that driving and traveling and unpacking left you completely winded and in need of some recovery, though...which is probably why most hotels have bars in them! As soon as you finished setting everything up, you immediately made your way down the hall to the elevator and into the hotel bar, ready to just nab whatever drink you wanted and gulp it down before heading back up to your room for the night. As you made your way inside, though, you found the ambience to be rather comforting. This was a pretty nice hotel, after all, so it would stand to reason that the bar would be nice as well! Some very tasteful art on the walls, very nice wooden tables, large televisions...it was nice. And, it seemed to be pretty quiet as well. There was only one other person in here besides the bartender, a rather large skunkbear sitting in a booth whose gigantic, striped tail took up the entire seat across from her! She was quite a sight, to be sure, but you were far too focused on that drink to think about her for long. You sat down at the bar, a lithe weasel dressed in quite the spiffy outfit sauntering up to you and asking your name and your poison before spinning around and mixing it up. "There ya go. White Russian, on the rocks." the weasel said a few moments later, plopping down an old-fashioned glass on the bar which you almost immediately reached for...however, you were only able to take a few sips of the delicious coffee-and-cream drink before you felt somebody looming over you. "Hello, darling~" You started to whirl around to face the source of the voice that was addressing you, before you realized that it was none other than the skunkbear you had seen in the corner when you walked in! She looked even more gigantic when she was standing right in front of you, her tail easily twice the size of your body and some comically large paws at the end of her arms! "U-uh...hello there?" you stammered out as the skunkbear smiled down at you, her presence incredibly intimidating even though all she was doing was standing there! She didn't respond at first, instead just slinking along your right side and taking a seat in the open chair next to you. "Ah! Sorry hun, I didn't even introduce myself. The name’s Evelyn, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you as soon as you walked in…" As Evelyn sat down, you felt her fluffy tail starting to slowly wrap its way around your chest, the skunkbear keeping you contained with ease as she continued to chat you up. "What brings you to this quaint little establishment, hm? Don't really see much of your type 'round here." the skunkbear asked, her tail continuing to move and coil around you to the point where you realize that there was a small, smirking mouth at the end of it! Evelyn could instantly see the surprise on your face, it seemed like she already had a response lined up. "Oh, He's harmless, just a bit friendly…" Despite how aggressive Evelyn was coming unto you, there was only so much that she could do in the environment of a bar! The skunkbear mostly made pleasant small talk with you, though she sprinkled plenty of teases and hints throughout your conversation that made it clear she wanted you back in her room for the night. And, well, she was just so imposing and strong, that you couldn't help but blush as the suggestions filled up your head…! And the tail continuing to tease and press up against you didn’t help matters, either... The two of you finished your drinks a few minutes later, Evelyn continuing to get more and more aggressively flirty as the liquor flowed through her system. "Oh, hun~ you're absolutely adorable. I'd love to get to know you more in a bit more...private space. Perhaps you'd like to come up to my room for the evening…" The red blush on your face only continued to grow as Evelyn said exactly what you had been expecting her to. The skunkbear already had so much leverage and power over you, that you could really only stammer and make some half-hearted qualifications...but Evelyn could see what you wanted. "Excellent. I'll pick up the tab, hun.~" A minute or two later and Evelyn had released you from her tail’s embrace, the skunkbear walking you over to the elevator and starting the ascent up to her room with you. "You know, guys like you are so flustered and confused whenever I start talking to them…I love it~" the skunkbear said, her very existence looming over you and making you stammer and blush as you tried your best to make up some kind of response to that! As soon as any words managed to come out of your mouth, though, Evelyn just shushed you immediately. "You don't have to say anything, dear. I can sense your feelings already…" Those silky-smooth words left you confused and flustered as the elevator arrived on Evelyn's floor, the skunkbear digging around in her pockets for her room key as she led you down the hallway. Room 603...you didn't even know the room numbers went that high! The skunkbear stepped into her room and flicked on the light, ushering you inside and closing the door behind the two of you. "Wow. Did you get a penthouse or something? Your room is so much nicer than mi-" You were cut off in the middle of that sentence as you felt something slam you right in the back, pushing you down onto that incredibly soft bed that you had been looking at just a few moments ago. There was only one other person in the room with you, so you had to assume that it was the skunkbear who had pushed you down so suddenly, and who was also the person currently smothering you against the mattress! "UGH - Evelyn, get off of me!!" You just heard the skunkbear giggling in response before you felt that weight slowly starting to lift off of your back. "Oh, hush. I figured that I would just get to the point...after all, we both know why you're here~" Evelyn responded, pushing on your side a little bit before you got the hint that she wanted you to roll over and face her...you did sew a few moments later, the familiar blush returning to your face as you felt Evelyn's massive pause pinning you down on both sides, the skunkbear staring right into your soul with her vibrant, pink eyes...huff, that certainly reminded you of why you were up here!