魔法のアプリ! ────────────── 『これを使えば女の子の身体をイジり放題! 操作方法は至って簡単!イタズラしたい相手をカメラに撮影してデータを取り込むだけ! 一度取り込んだ肉体データは離れていても操作できるぞ! 相手が寝ていようが風呂に入っていようがクソしていようがイタズラし放題!やり過ぎには気をつけようね!』 「…なんだこの説明?体験版があるみたいだから使ってみるか」 ────────────── You can tease a girl's body as much as you want with this! It's very easy to operate! All you have to do is take a picture of the person you want to mess with and import the data! Once the data is captured, you can manipulate it even if you are far away from the person you want to mess with! You can do whatever you want to her, whether she's sleeping, taking a bath, or taking a shit! Be careful not to overdo it! What is this explanation? It seems there's a trial version, so let's try it out." ───────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────