Lust Doll Plus Guide

Note: there's lots of spoilers here. It's recommended that you keep a backup save at the beginning of an area, and go through it first on your own. Afterwards, check here to see what scenes you may have missed.


[Route Progression]
    The Dream
[Ruined Laboratory]
    Slime Monster
[Abandoned Town]
    Bandit Girl
    Meeting Cassie
    After Cassie's route with the Don
    Capturing Alissa, the Bandit Girl
    Alissa's Troubles
[Private Dungeon]
    Domming Cassie in Bed
    Subbing to Cassie in Bed
    Domming Rinny in Bed
    Subbing to Rinny in Bed
    Domming Cassie in Ankle Stocks
    Subbing to Cassie in Ankle Stocks
[Forest Park]
    Three Fairies
    Gin's Training
    Giant Plant
    Meeting Rinny
    Giant Worm
    Fairy Grove
[New Ark Slums]
    Lin Lin
    Underground Fighting Ring
    Getting Drunk
    Gentleman's Club
    Torture Rack
    The Don
    Rescuing Cassie
[New Ark City]
    Sammy Gym Wrestling
    Fawn's Secret
    Fawn Upset
    Heading to Upper New Ark (Counterfeit Passes)
    Moving in with Fawn
    Shibari Binding
[Science Lab Tower]
    Infected Tower
[Upper New Ark]
    Passing through Customs
    UNA Guards
    Apps Central
    Sana and Miki
    Succubus Teacher
    Succubus Trainee
    Shop of Horrors
[Succubus Tower]
    Grave Hands
    Crypt Trap
    Pixie's Hideout
    Obtaining a Full Uniform
    Finding the Secret Passage
    Retrieve Limbs
    Revenge on Edith
    Manor Maid, Marin
    Marin's 2nd Challenge
[Milk Farm]
    Infiltrating the Farm
    Inside the Farm
    Running the Milk Farm
    Cowgirl Locations
    Bull Locations
    Cum Milkers
    Fridge Locations
[Deserted Base]
    Infected Male and Female
    Ceiling Tentacles
    Mistyra's Prisoner



[Bad End]
[Cock Transformation]
[Limb Detachment]
[Living Clothes]
[Male Partner]
[Mind Break]
[Orgasm Denial]
[Orgasm Overload]
[Public Humiliation]
[Tickle Torture]


[Battle Skill]
[Bad End Extended]
[Private Dungeon]


-Added Science Lab Tower - Infected Tower
-Updated Route Progression - Mistyra/Linda
-Updated New Ark Slums - Getting Drunk
-Updated New Ark City - Moving in with Fawn
-Updated Abandoned Town - After Cassie's route with the Don
-Updated Forest Park - Gin's Training

-Updated clothing shops in Underground Mall, Upper New Ark and Transylvania
-Separated Private Dungeon to own header. Added subheadings
-Changed previous Private Dungeon tag to Dungeon Equipment
-Added Abandoned Town - Alissa's Troubles

-Added Route Progression
-Updated New Ark City - Shibari Binding, Fawn's Secret and Moving in with Fawn
-Updated Abandoned Town - After Cassie's route with the Don
-Updated Milk Farm - Bell
-Updated Succubus Tower - Rinny
-Updated Science Lab Tower - Linda

-Added New Ark City - Shibari Binding, and New Ark Slums - Getting Drunk
-Updated Milk Farm - Bell, and General - Sleepiness
-Reordered list of areas. Added subsections to each area.

-Updated shops for New Ark City
-Added New Ark City - Moving in With Fawn

-Updated shops for Upper New Ark, New Ark City
-Updated New Ark Slums - Torture Rack, Abandoned Town - Private Dungeon, Abandoned Town - Fairy Grove, New Ark City - Fawn Upset
-Added tag Private Dungeon
-Re-labelled Extended tag to Bad End Extended
-Added Upper New Ark - Sana and Miki

-Updated New Ark Slums, Milk Farm
-Added New Ark City: Fawn Upset, Heading to Upper New Ark
-Added Upper New Ark
-Added New Ark Slums: Seer
-Added General: Tinkering
-Changed Knowledge and Body to Insight and Resilience

-Added Rinny to Private Dungeon
-Updated New Ark City, New Ark Slums, Transylvania, Succubus Tower, Manor shop items
-Updated Forest Park: Gin

-Added Milk Farm: Renovations, Fridge Locations
-Updated Milk Farm: Running the Milk Farm, Cum Milkers
-Updated Transylvania: Shop of Horrors

-Updated Deserted Base, Transylvania: Succubus Teacher and Succubus Trainee, Science Lab Tower
-Added Megacock and Megaboobs kinks

-Updated Succubus Tower: Rinny, Forest Park: Wildcat
-Added Deserted Base

-Updated Manor: Marin's 2nd Challenge, Obtaining a Full Uniform
-Added Abandoned Town: Private Dungeon

-Updated After Cassie's route with the Don, Pixie's Hideout, The Dream
-Added Armpits kink, Marin's 2nd Challenge

-Updated Manor, Transylvania

-Updated Cassie, Abandoned Town, Bandit Girl, Manor, Bell

-Updated New Ark Slums, Abandoned Town

-Updated Handholding, Milk Farm, New Ark Slums, New Ark City
-Added Femdom tag

-Updated Transylvania, New Ark Slums, New Ark City, Milk Farm and Science Lab Tower
-Removed Character Route Progression section.

-Added Extended and Lactation tag
-Added Milk Farm and Bell

-Updated Transylvania and New Ark City
-Updated Bandit Girl, Rinny
-Added Fawn

-Added rest of Manor
-Added Dream

-Added Graveyard, Manor, Limb Detachment
-Updated Forest Park, Wildcat
-Revised so that all named NPC events go under Areas. Removed named NPC sections. Added Character Route Progression section.
-Changed Game Over Event to Bad End

-Added Male Partner, Transylvania, Succubus Tower tags
-Updated Giant Worm, Lin Lin, Bandit Girl, Three Fairies, Rinny
-Removed Creampie tag

-Added Giant Worm to Forest Park
-Added to Lin Lin's content
-Added Gentleman's Club to New Ark Slums
-Added Sleepiness to General
-Added to Wildcat and Highwayman
-Added New Ark City, Battle Skill, Buff, Science Lab Tower, Sammy, Arlene

-Filled out fishing and gather point details
-Filled out more details for Bandit Girl, and Highwayman
-Added Forest Park, Lin Lin, Rinny, Camilla, New Ark Slums

-First version

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[Route Progression]
This gives general steps to complete each NPC's routes. See their associated sections for more details!

-Meet her in Abandoned Town. Give her a fish to gain her trust.
-Go to New Ark Slums, force your way pass the toll guy. Leave the slums, then return.
-Refuse to pay. Ask about doing grunt work.
-Return to Cassie. Then sleep or leave the town, and return.
-Visit the Don again.
-You'll need to have learned Fawn's secret to proceed. Once you do, speak to her in the condo. Sleep, then speak to her again.
-Talk to Arlene in the police station, then visit the hobo area in the slums. Get their help, sleeping periodically to move events forward. Afterwards, return to Arlene and get her help too.
-You can attempt to infiltrate the Don's lair by yourself, but your chances of success can be improved dramatically by getting help from certain other NPCs. You'll need to have progressed relationships with them to ask them. The following NPCs can help: Sammy, Fawn, Lin Lin.

-Meet and save her in Forest Park.
-Visit her in the Succubus Tower in Transylvania. While she's with you, speak to the person before the graveyard gates. Then you'll be able to enter.
-Make your way through the graveyard. Eventually, you'll come to a locked manor. Now backtrack to the first screen of the second crypt. The note there hints on where to go next.
-Alternately, getting caught by certain encounters in the area will also bring you where you need to go.
-After meeting Pixie, return to the manor and get the first part of your disguise. Inside, you'll need to complete the rest of your disguise before you can continue.
-You'll also need to find the secret stairs. If you have a high enough senses stat, it'll reveal itself automatically. Otherwise, you can interrogate one of the maids on the second floor for its location.
-Inside the basement, if your disguise is complete, you'll be able to proceed. Eventually, you'll wind up back in Pixie's lair, and then back to the manor.
-Find the four required items, and bring them to the master bedroom. During the fight, guard when the boss stares at you, to avoid her instant death attack.

-In New Ark city, purchase the condo and sleep in it. The next morning, you'll have a visitor.
-Visit her several times, sleeping between visits, until she leaves you alone in her condo. Then, you can search her condo for an interesting membership card. Alternately, you can go down to the slums, and you'll spot her entering a certain building.
-You can visit the building and ask about her, or talk to her about it in the condo the next time you visit her. This will lead to her revealing her secret to you, and unlock the club building.
-To proceed, you'll need to have completed Cassie's route. Once you do, speak to Arlene in the club, then go back to Fawn and ask her the appropriate question.
-Sleep, then visit Fawn in the condo. Afterwards, go back to the club and talk to Fawn.
-Next, visit Fawn in her condo, then talk to Arlene in the club, followed by the club receptionist.
-You'll need to head to Upper New Ark. One of the hobos in the slums accepts food. Routinely bring him some, sleeping after each visit, and it'll eventually unlock the ability to buy counterfeit passes in the slums market.
-You can attempt to enter Upper New Ark using a counterfeit pass, but chances are slim you'll get through. However, you can improve the quality of your pass. See the appropriate section for more details.
-Once you've entered into Upper New Ark, visit the college and Fawn should be there. Talk to her.

-While travelling outside of the city, there's a random chance to find a deserted base. Go through it and either get infected, or grab one of the items at the bottom of the base.
-Return to the city and visit the Science Lab Tower. Here, either get disinfected, or deliver the item you picked up in the base. Doing so allows you to meet Linda.
-Afterwards, sleep, then return to the lab tower.
-Return to the deserted base. Head to the bottom and defeat Mistyra. Afterwards, ask for her help. This will bring you back to the lab tower.
-Climb the tower and fight the Infected Abomination.

(To be continued)

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Information that isn't tied to any specific area.

-Characters become:
    -Aroused at 50+% lust,
    -Highly Aroused at 75+% lust (20% penalty on all stats except Ero),
    -and Desperately Aroused at 100% lust (50% penalty on all stats except Ero).

-Whenever you're aroused, you can masturbate your cock or pussy at most sleep points or washroom stalls (as long as there's privacy.)

-As you explore the world, you'll eventually become Sleepy. If you keep going, you'll eventually become Very Sleepy, and incur a 10% penalty on all stats. The last stage is Deathly Sleepy, with a massive 50% penalty on all stats!

-Sleep to remove these effects (which'll also end any buffs you have.)

-You can set what clothes you sleep in by going to the Inner Sanctum, and activating the space marked 'Personal'.

The Dream
-If you've visited Rinny before in the Succubus Tower, and had her question you on your preferences (and refused her offers until she lists them all,) there's a chance whenever you sleep, that you'll have a dream about something you want to do. The longer you've been playing, the more likely you'll get the dream (the probability is based on how many steps you've taken.)

-Once you've gotten the dream, visit Rinny and refuse her advances until she lists them all again. There'll be an extra choice available at the end of the list. Select it, and it'll unlock a certain type of 'kink' scene.

-Currently, NPC's with scenes for this kink: Rinny, Pixie, Sammy, Lin Lin, Fawn, Arlene, Cassie, Gin [Male Partner]

-Pixie has a second scene if you bring Rinny with you.

-Tinkering allows you to combine items that you hold, disassemble them, or otherwise mess with them in some manner. There are a couple places where you can sit down and tinker with your items:
    1. Cassie safehouse
    2. Your condo
    3. Milk farm side room after renovations

Item Combinations:
(Any bad) Counterfeit Pass + Ink Pen: If you have a Quality Pass, you can attempt to improve your bad counterfeit pass. You'll need a high Nimble stat to succeed.

Weird Fish + Dull Knife: You'll feel unsettled and stop, but there's no actual effect.

(Any) Cheese + Dull Knife: You'll get 5 cheese slices. If you use Your Cheese, you'll get Your Cheese Slices.

Stamina Drink/ Lust Tonic/ Mana Potion + Fairy Dust: Mixing fairy dust into any of these potions upgrades them to a version that's 4x more potent.

Weird Fish + Worms: Feeding the weird fish worms eventually causes it to spit something back out at random. It can spit out the following:
    1. Small Fish
    2. Bottle
    3. Junk
    4. Seaweed
    5. Between 100 and 1500 credits

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[Ruined Laboratory]
The first area where the player wakes up.

Gather Point Items: Worm

Slime Monster
-Can be encountered anywhere in Ruined Laboratory.

-Defeat while aroused to fuck it with your cock or pussy. You can also step on it [Feet] without needing to be aroused.

-If defeated by it while its aroused, it'll immerse you inside its slime and pleasure you to orgasm.

-If you have a pussy and [Pregnancy] kink active, the pussy version of the above scene will impregnate you as well. Afterwards, the next time you rest at a heal point, you'll give birth to a tiny slime monster.

-If you sleep on the couch near the game's starting point with the door open, there's a 25% chance you'll be attacked in your sleep by a slime monster, and anally penetrated [Anal].

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[Abandoned Town]
The town that you come out into from the Ruined Laboratory.

Gather Point: Worm

Bandit Girl
-Can be encountered anywhere in Abandoned Town at 25% chance. Has a furry version [Furry].

-Defeat her, and you can spank her [Spanking].

-If you're aroused after defeating her, you can get a blowjob, initiate 69 sex, or do creampie.

-Being defeated by her while she's aroused will cause her to either creampie you, or finger your pussy.

-If you know the Cock Growth spell (learned from Rinny after finishing Manor quest,) you can cast it on her if you beat her [Futanari][Cock Transformation]. Then you can get her off with your pussy [Pregnancy], feet [Feet], or make her masturbate herself.

Afterwards, you can leave her like this. If you sleep and return, she'll confront you and tell you about her woes, after which you can turn her back to normal.

-Can be encountered anywhere in Abandoned Town at 25% chance.

-Defeat him while you're aroused to get him to eat you out/suck you off.

-If defeated by him while he's aroused, he'll take you doggy style in the pussy/ass [Anal]. This has a 10% chance of getting you pregnant [Pregnancy].

-There's a place to fish in the Southeast part of town. You'll need to have the Fishing Rod, which can also be found in the Abandoned Town.

-When fishing without bait, you can get: 2/7 Seaweed, 2/7 Weird Fish, 2/7 Junk, 1/7 Small Fish

-When fishing with worms, you can get: 3/6 Small Fish, 2/6 Fish, 1/6 Big Fish

Meeting Cassie
-Cassie has an alternate cat [Furry] portrait.

-Can be found in Southeast part of Abandoned Town, in the Warehouse. Either fight her or talk her down.

-Afterwards, if you have a fish, you can give it to her to gain her trust and gives you access to her safe house. The closest place to catch fish is at the lake beside the Warehouse. You can get a Fishing Rod from the store close by, and Worms to use as bait from the playground.

-If you feed her a big fish, she'll share it with you at the safe house for a boost in Resilience exp.

After Cassie's route with the Don
-Once you've finished Cassie's route with the Don in New Ark Slums, you'll be able to do some fun things with her.

-You can take her on a date for 300 credits, which will unlock a new outfit and haircut for her.

-After her date, you can request her to change clothes. Doing so too many times in a row will result in a cute scene.

-You can also invite her to bathe with you, or play on the bed.

-You can also give her gifts. Giving her fish or milk will feed her (no effect on gameplay, except for giving her a Big Fish, which you'll eat together for +10 Resilience exp.) Giving her your milk will make her too embarrassed to speak, until you leave the abandoned town and come back.

-Giving her a fertility pill will allow her to become pregnant the next time you orgasm inside her [Pregnancy]. She'll become self-conscious about her body image, and will hide herself with her ragged cloak. To help her overcome this, you can bring her out to New Ark City, and buy her a dress that suits her current body type. After this, she'll be willing to have sex and do fun things with you again.

-Sometimes, Cassie will not be there when you visit. If you sleep or leave the town, she'll have returned the next time you visit, and will give you one of the following:
  1 Golden Apple
  3-5 Apples
  3-5 Small Fish
  2-3 Fish

When Cassie's missing from the safe house, you can find her in Forest Park, either by the lake where you can fish, or the apple tree. Talking to her there will net better rewards than speaking with her after she returns to the safe house.

-After you've renovated the milk farm, you can bring Cassie to visit the Milk Farm if there are 6 or more cowgirls there. After that, she'll have a chance of randomly appearing there to help out.

Capturing Alissa, the Bandit Girl
-After finishing Cassie's route with the Don in New Ark Slums, you'll be able to capture a bandit girl by beating her, then bringing her to Cassie's safehouse.

She'll reveal her name as Alissa, and will stay in the second-floor room of the safehouse.

-Alissa has a furry version [Furry].

-While she's there, any attempts to have some fun with Cassie will lead to Alissa trying to get in on it, and Cassie running away in embarrassment.

Do this three times by making Cassie change clothes repeatedly, inviting her to bathe, and to make out on the bed. Then sleep. Afterwards, talk to Cassie, and she'll ask you to do something about Alissa.

-This leads to you tying up Alissa and having some fun with her. You can tease her nips/tickle her pits [Tickle Torture], tickle her feet [Tickle Torture][Feet], spank her [Spanking], or make her grow a cock and molest it [Futanari][Cock Transformation].

-In the end, Alissa becomes Cassie's pet. After this, you can have fun with Cassie again without Alissa interfering. You can also have fun with Alissa, including doing some petplay with her.

-After that, you can get Alissa to help you 'service' Cassie with a full body tongue bath [Armpits].

Alissa's Troubles
-Once Alissa becomes Cassie's pet, fight enemies in the Abandoned Town, and eventually she'll show up. Afterwards, she'll run off and return to the safehouse.

(To be continued!)

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Private Dungeon
-After finishing Cassie's route, you'll be able to renovate her safehouse's basement into a private dungeon by visiting the hardware store in the northwest part of New Ark city [Private Dungeon]. It'll cost 10,000 credits. Once you've paid, it'll be completed after you've slept 3 times. After that, you can invite certain NPC's to play.

-Currently available equipment:
Bed, Ankle Stocks

-Currently available partners:
Cassie, Rinny

-Playing with your partner has varying results depending on their/your current state, and what items or skills have been used:

Domming Cassie in Bed:
-Used Pussy Vibrator
-Raised her lust, by leaving her tied up with the pussy vibrator attached (remove it before playing,) or feeding her lust tonics or milk. [Orgasm Denial]
-Used Blindfold [Armpits]
-Nothing used [Armpits][Tickle Torture]

Subbing to Cassie in Bed:
-She'll attempt to service you with her tongue, but it'll be too barbed for your genitals. If you have 10+ Resilience stat, you can endure her licking. Otherwise, she'll switch to using her paws.

Domming Rinny in Bed:

-Used Vibrating Dildo or Cock Vibrator on her [Futanari]
-Raised her lust, by leaving her tied up with Vibrating Dildo or Cock Vibrator attached (remove them before playing.) [Orgasm Denial]
-Nothing used [Tickle Torture][Futanari]
-Use Lust Tonic on her [Orgasm Overload]
-Use Drain Kiss on her (only available if she's Drain Kissed you while you're subbing for her in bed)

Using a Bondage Blindfold gives minor variations in other scenes
Using Cock Growth can make her grow a cock for variations in other scenes [Futanari][Cock Transformation]

Subbing to Rinny in Bed:
-She'll drain kiss you over your entire body. If you have futa and cock transformation kinks on, but don't have a cock, she'll have you grow one for the session. [Futanari][Cock Transformation]

Her drain kissing you unlocks a scene where you get revenge on her if she subbes for you in bed.

Domming Cassie in Ankle Stocks:
-All scenes involve feet [Feet].
-Used Toe Strings [Tickle Torture]
-Used Lust Tonic
-Nothing used [Tickle Torture]
-You can also use an Ink Pen on her if you've tied her toes with the Toe Strings. [Tickle Torture]
-You can use Nipple Vibrators on her feet, but they'll only work if you've used Lust Tonic on them prior.

Subbing to Cassie in Ankle Stocks:
-She can tickle your feet with her barbed cat tongue [Tickle Torture][Feet]
-She can also pleasure them if you have Nipple Vibrators or a Pussy Vibrator in your inventory.

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[Forest Park]
Found in the West side of Abandoned Town. You'll need to have gotten into Cassie's Safehouse, where the key to the gate can be found.

Gather Point: 9/10 Apple, 1/10 Golden Apple

-Eating an Apple restores 5 stamina. Eating a Golden Apple restores 5 stamina AND increases max stamina by 1.

Three Fairies
-Can be encountered anywhere in Forest Park at 50% chance.

-Ero Attacks and most skills won't work on them. However, tossing a Lust Tonic will defeat them instantly, and let you molest them if you have more Lust Tonics.

-Defeating them with physical attacks allows you to collect their Fairy Dust, if you have a Bottle. Bottles can be purchased in Hardware R Us, in New Ark City.

-If you're defeated by them, they'll force you to become aroused, then they can pleasure your boobs and cock, boobs and pussy, or cock and pussy [Futanari]. They can also tickle torture you, then play with your cock or pussy [Tickle Torture].

-Can be encountered anywhere in Forest Park at 50% chance [Male Partner]. Has a furry version [Furry].

-Defeat him and you can give him a denial hand job [Orgasm Denial], or fuck him if you have a pussy. This has a 10% chance of getting you pregnant [Pregnancy].

-If defeated by him while he's aroused, he'll fuck you in the pussy/ass [Anal]. This has a 10% chance of getting you pregnant [Pregnancy].

-If male partners kink is active, and you beat him by raising his lust to max, you'll initiate a sequence of events leading to you becoming his 'sexual trainer'. You can then meet him at the entrance to the Forest Park, where he'll introduce himself to you as Gin.

-When training him, you'll initially have a few options: play with him using your tits, ass, or tease his footpaws. After doing it once, he'll need to rest, and won't be available again until after you've slept. [Male Partner]

-If you play with him with your tits (can't be flat-chested), there's different scenes depending on if you have big or small breasts [Titfucking].

After playing with him once this way, if you alter your body to have the opposite sized breasts (big if small before, and vice versa), then play with him, you'll catch him in a lie, and punish him for it with prostate milking.

-Teasing him with your ass leads to you sitting on him and grinding until he cums.

-Playing with his feet lets you tease and tickle them [Tickle Torture], then grind your own foot on top of his cock [Feet].

-After playing with Gin 5 times, a new option will appear, wherein he'll ask if this is really helping him. He'll run away. Sleep, then return, and he'll come back.

You'll also get 1 of 4 possible scenes depending on what you did to him the most (if there are 2+ things you did equally to him, the last thing you did takes priority).
    1. If you seduced him with your breasts.
    2. If you seduced him with your breasts, then got rid of them before seeing him again.
    3. If you teased him with your ass.
    4. If you played with his feet. [Feet]

Gin's Training
-Once Gin has returned, he will have new scenes. If you have breasts and are lactating [Lactation], you'll be able to play with him.

-As well, you can play with him using your feet [Feet]. There'll be a follow-up if you also have [Tickle Torture] kink enabled.

-There is also a scene if you are pregnant [Pregnancy].

-Sometimes, Gin will be missing. He can be found a little further in, by the lake with the fishing pier. Watch him for a scene.

-If both Cassie and Gin appear by the fishing lake, you'll get a special scene.

Giant Plant
-Found in the North part of Forest Park, blocking the path.

-Regenerates its health constantly. Can't be defeated at this time.

-If your defence drops to zero, you'll become intoxicated with its scent, and be captured and taken to Camilla.

-If you succumb to the Giant Plant in Forest Park, you'll be brought to her. She'll bind you with her vines, then infect you with her pollen. Then she'll tease you to orgasm with her vines, which spreads the pollen throughout your body, binding you to her and preventing you from ever leaving her [Bad End][Bad End Extended].

-You can play an extended version of this ending, during which you can drink nectar from her breasts, or crotch. If you refuse twice, she'll force you to breathe in more of her pollen, while bringing you to orgasm over and over, with her pussy, breasts, and/or mouth, depending on if you have a pussy, or cock [Titfucking][Orgasm Overload][Mind Break].

-There's a place to fish in the southwest part. You'll need to have the Fishing Rod, which can be found in the Abandoned Town.

-When fishing without bait, you can get: 2/3 Seaweed, 1/3 Small Fish

-When fishing with worms, you can get: 1/5 Small Fish, 2/5 Fish, 2/5 Big Fish

Meeting Rinny
-Can be found in East part of Forest Park. She'll need you to rescue her from the fairies molesting her trapped tail.

-When you drive the fairies off, you'll have a chance to play with her tail yourself. Though, she'll get her (sexy) revenge on you for it!

-Afterwards, she'll give you directions to Transylvania, her hometown.

Giant Worm
-Just west of where you push the tree trunk into the river, there's a hidden event on the leftmost side of the map. If you have 4+ Senses, it'll automatically show itself.

-If you toss an Apple, it'll be distracted with eating it, and not attack you until it's done. Someone in New Ark City will hint at this behaviour.

-If defeated by it, it can sit on you and tease your crotch with its tail feelers, or swallow you up and spit you out. It doesn't need to be aroused to do this.

-If you defeat it, you can lewd it.

Fairy Grove
-In the North part of the park, on the same map as the Giant Plant, is a secret exit to a hidden grove. If you have 7+ Senses, it'll automatically show itself.

-You'll need 3+ Mystic to proceed. Use Fairy Dust in the center to call forth the fairies of the grove. The Queen will ask you for a gift.

Accepted Gifts:
Angel Milk
Devil Milk
Golden Apple
Lust Tonic
Mana Potion
Repulsion Spray
Stamina Drink
Weird Fish
Your Milk

Unaccepted Gifts:
Big Fish
Fairy Dust
Small Fish

-If you give a suitable gift, she'll teach you Fairy Blessing, which allows you to regen 1 MP while guarding [Battle Skill].

-If you refuse, or give an unsuitable gift three times, they will capture you inside a giant plant, and either tickle your upper body [Tickle Torture], tickle and tease your feet [Tickle Torture][Feet], or tease your genitalia with feathers [Orgasm Denial].

-After giving a gift, you can speak to the Queen and play a guessing game. You'll have better odds if you have good Senses stat. Guessing successfully allows you to become THICC.

If you guess wrong, you'll have to leave and come back if you want to try again.

Later on, you can return here and become thin again if you choose.

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[New Ark Slums]
Found underneath New Ark City.

Shop Items:
TAT2: Facial piercings (Head, Half Ring, Ring, Stud), Nipple piercings (Half Ring, Ring, Stud), Cock piercings (Half Ring, Ring, Stud, Venus, Frenum Ladder), Pussy piercings (Half Ring, Ring, Stud, Venus)

Black Market: Stamina Drink, Lust Tonic, Repulsion Spray, Beret, Cargo Shorts, Yellow Sleeveless, White T-Shirt, Ragged Cloak, Junk, Worms, Small Fish, Fish, Big Fish, Weird Fish, Seaweed, (after giving the hobo food 6 times: Counterfeit Passes)

-You can get Tipsy [Buff] by ordering a drink at Devil's Drink bar. Increases Speech by 20% and Insight by 10%.

-At the Happy Massage parlour, you can get a massage, giving you Relaxed [Buff]. Increases Speech by 10% and Insight by 20%.

-At the Gentleman's Club, you can watch a show to get Energetic [Buff]. Increases Strength by 20% and Nimble by 10%.

-You can get tattoos and piercings here.

-One of the homeless people in the southeast part of the slums will ask for food. Each time you give him food, you'll need to sleep before he accepts something else. If you give him something to eat, he'll pass along some information depending on how many times you've given him food.
    1. Talks about the special bath in the bathhouse
    2. Reveals password for underground ring in Devil's Drink bar (required to unlock!)
    3. Tells you about the Golden Apple's location
    4. Hints about the secret Fairies Grove
    5. Allows you to buy counterfeit passes in the Black Market (required to unlock!)

After the fifth time, he'll cycle back to the first hint.

-Between the stalls in the black-market is a hidden passage to the seer. If you have 5+ Senses stat, it'll automatically reveal itself to you.

-Inside, you can get a reading for 5 credits. The first time you do (if you have female partners enabled), she'll have you strip down and lie on the table, during which she'll touch you all over until you cum. You can refuse, in which case she'll just read your palms.

Afterwards, she'll reveal to you if there are any NPC's you haven't met yet (omitting those you can't meet, based on your kink settings.)

Lin Lin
-Lin Lin has an alternate panda [Furry] portrait.

-Can be found in the Northwest part of New Ark Slums, in the Happy Massage parlour. You can get a massage from her.

-You can also request a happy ending, which'll prompt her to use pressure point manipulation to make you cum.

-If you request a happy ending, but don't tip her, she'll use her knowledge of pressure points to disable you, then tie you to the massage bed. She'll then hit a pressure point to make you increasingly more sensitive, then tease your body with a feather until you cum [Tickle Torture].

Underground Fighting Ring
-Find the homeless person accepting food in the southeast part of the slums. If you give him something to eat, the second time you do, he'll direct you to the Devil's Drink bar with some instructions. Follow them, and you'll unlock the stairs to the fighting ring. It actually doesn't matter how you answer the bartender, as he'll open the way regardless.

-The ring will pit you against either Bandit Girl, Highwayman, or Wildcat. Being defeated by any of them when you're aroused may force you to strip and masturbate in front of everyone [Public Humiliation].

-Lin Lin can also be fought here. Beware, as she's much tougher than the others (but also gives you twice as much exp!) If you beat her by dropping her stamina to zero, you can learn Deep Breath, a passive skill that restores 1 stamina whenever you guard [Battle Skill].

If you defeat her with 100% lust, you can have her strip and masturbate in front of everyone in the ring [Public Humiliation].

-If you humiliate her in the ring, the next time you get a massage from her, she'll tie you up and take revenge on you if you have a cock, or have cock transformation enabled. If you don't have a cock, she'll force you to drink a potion that makes you grow one [Cock Transformation]. Then, she'll fuck you with her pussy, forcing you to cum inside her multiple times [Orgasm Overload].

If you don't have a cock and cock transformation is disabled, she'll fit a vibrating dildo inside you, while hitting your pressure point so that you can't cum. She'll then leave to do some errands, leaving you like this until she comes back [Orgasm Denial].

Getting Drunk
-If you keep drinking at the Devil's Drink bar, you'll eventually lose your Tipsy buff and become Drunk. This decreases Nimble, Speech, and Insight by 20%.

Many NPCs will comment on your Drunk status. As well, certain ones will have special scenes when you're drunk:

1. Ask Sammy for a special bath [Tickle Torture][Feet]. Only available after doing it once.
2. Ask to milk Bell. Only available after milking her once.
3. Talking to Gin. Only available after he's ran off and returned.

-If you sleep while Drunk, you'll lose your Drunk status, and get a Hangover. This decreases all stats by 20%. While you have a hangover, you won't be able to sleep. It'll go away on its own, after 8 cycles (when it shows status messages.)

You can get rid of it faster by sleeping in certain places, depending on your relationship with certain NPCs:

1. Succubus Tower, with Rinny.
2. The doubles condo. Must have finished Fawn's route.
3. The safehouse. Must have finished Cassie's route. There's an extra minor scene if you also have Alissa around.
4. The guest room in the Manor. Must have finished the Manor's quest, as well as done Marin's first challenge.

-Rinny's special in that you don't need to have finished her route to have her cure your hangover. However, you'll be attacked by either succubi or incubi during your sleep [Orgasm Denial][Male Partner].

If you have both male and female partners turned off, you'll instead find a note in the morning from Rinny, along with some medicine.

-Rinny's treatment is a clue that hangovers can alternately be cured with Lust Tonic+.

Gentleman's Club
-You can work at the Gentleman's Club as a stripper. If you do well, there's an increasing chance to activate a scene where the other strippers handcuff you and molest you to climax in front of everyone [Public Humiliation].

Torture Rack
-Once you have the private dungeon, you'll be able to buy Ankle Stocks [Feet] and Pillory Stocks [Anal][Spanking] here [Private Dungeon]. See Cassie's route/The Don for how to obtain the private dungeon.

-To gain access to the inside of this place, you'll need to purchase a condo unit in New Ark City, and meet Fawn. See the section for New Ark City for instructions on how to proceed.

-Here, you can either play with Fawn as her subbe, or work as a domme (Not ready yet!)

-As Fawn's subbe, there's a number of bondage plays you can do with her.

You can do pony play with her. If you refuse to act like a pony, she'll punish you with tickling [Tickle Torture]. If you do, she'll reward you by milking your cock or fucking you with a carrot.

Another play is to hold onto a bar while blindfolded until she says it's okay to let go. After waiting a long while, she'll return and start to play with your body until you're on the brink of climax. At that point, she'll either leave you hanging if you let go at any time prior, or get you off with her mouth [Orgasm Denial].

Another play is to be tied up by her while lying on a bench. She'll sit on you and tease your crotch while you attempt to escape her ropes within the time limit. You can struggle, struggle fiercely, or rest to recover your energy.

There's three possible outcomes: you successfully escape, you try but don't escape, and you don't try at all.

To successfully escape, struggle fiercely, struggle, rest, then struggle fiercely. If you do so, she'll reward you by getting you off with her mouth.

If you try but fail to escape, she'll untie you, but not get you off.

If you don't even try, she'll get mad at you, then attempt to 'motivate' you by either tickling your thighs [Tickle Torture], or zapping your crotch with an electric wand.

The Don
-In the passage between the city and the slums, one of the Don's men requires a 5 credit toll each time you pass. You can force your way past him with 5+ strength. If you do that, and sleep, the next time you return to the slums, you'll be taken to meet the Don.

He'll ask you to pay a 200 credit fee for skipping the toll.

If you refuse, you can offer to work off the fee. Choosing sex work will bring you downstairs, where you'll be put in a room with a gloryhole and be expected to service any cocks that poke through from the other side of the wall [Male Partner]. You can choose to do it teasingly, or aggressively [Femdom].

-If you refuse twice, you'll be tied up outside and blindfolded, left at the mercy of anyone who walks by [Public Humiliation]. You'll either be fucked by slum dwellers [Male Partner][Pregnancy], or Lin Lin [Orgasm Denial]. Afterwards, you'll be freed.

-Choosing grunt work will progress the story. The Don will show you a picture of Cassie and ask you to catch her for him. After that, you can go back to Cassie in the Abandoned Town and talk to her in the safe house, where she makes it clear she has no intention of going back to him.

After that, sleep, and she'll be gone. Return to the Don, and you'll see Cassie with him. The Don will offer you a finder's fee, implying that he had his men follow you to Cassie's. You can either choose to accept it or not.

To continue this route, you'll need to have purchased the condo, met Fawn, and learned of her secret life. When you've done that, visit her in her condo, and ask her about the Don. Then sleep, and return to her condo. She'll help you form a plan to rescue Cassie.

Rescuing Cassie
-After meeting with Fawn, you can return to the Don's hideout at any time to make a rescue attempt. There's 3 obstacles that need to be overcome: getting inside, dealing with the Don's men on the first floor, and getting Cassie back from the Don.

-There's 2 men guarding the door. You can get by them by either taking them out, or stealing their key and sneaking in. If you attack them and fail to take them out, it'll lead to a bad end where you're forced to flee from the city [Bad End]. As well, if you take them out, then get captured, they'll want to take revenge...

If you hire Lin Lin for 300 credits, you'll have a much easier time doing either of these tasks.

-Inside, you'll need to get past the men on the first floor. The chances of success for each method is extremely bad. Getting caught here will result in a bad end where you live as the Don's prisoner, being used to ensure Cassie's good behaviour [Bad End][Bad End Extended].

To overcome this, visit Fawn, Lin Lin, and Sammy, and ask each of them about the Don's men's schedules. Doing so will let you choose a time when there aren't as many of them around to attack, significantly raising your chances.

-On the second floor, you'll confront the Don and his bodyguards. He won't listen to words, so fighting his bodyguards is the only choice you have. If you snuck past his men on the first floor, they'll come upstairs on hearing you fight, leading to instant defeat and capture. Otherwise, beating the bodyguards will give you a chance to kill the Don. Regardless of what you choose, you'll still be forced to flee the city due to the Don's connection to the police. But you'll be able to do it with Cassie [Bad End].

-To rescue Cassie without ending the game, visit Arlene at the police station and ask her about the Don. You'll find out the police will leave him alone as long as he's useful to them by keeping the slums under control. Next, visit the hobos' area in the slums, and attempt to gain their help in saving Cassie. Concerning the hobo's leader you talk to, do not give him your money. If you do, then sleep, returning to this area, you'll find out that he ran off with it. He'll be at the strip club, having spent all but 500 of your credits, which you can get back. After that, you can return to the hobos' area and drum up proper support for your cause, using the 500 credits to fund it. If you didn't give the hobo's leader your money, you'll be able to skip directly to paying 500 credits for proper support.

Afterwards, sleep, then re-visit Arlene at the police station. She'll demand to come with you so that she can get a shot at the Don. You'll automatically meet with Fawn, who informs you that due to pressure from the police, the Don is keeping Cassie out of sight in the basement. She'll provide a key for you to open her cell. Arlene suggests bringing her under police protection if you can get her out.

At this point, you can attack the Don's hideout. After getting past the first floor, instead of going up to meet the Don, you'll head down and free Cassie. On the way out, you'll still have to deal with the first floor men if you snuck past them, but not the door guards.

After that, watch the scenes that unfold. Cassie is now free! She'll return to her safehouse in the Abandoned Town, which you can visit.

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[New Ark City]
Shop Items
Hardware R Us: Flashlight, Crowbar, Hammer, Bottle, Fishing Rod

Roxie's Diner: Waitress Skirt, Waiter Shirt, Dress Pants

Bathhouse: Angel Milk, Devil Milk, Shaver & Growth Kits

Nursery: Milk Pump, Fertility Pill

Underground Mall Shop Items
The Shoe Closet (Top left): Dress Shoes, Heels, Slipper Shoes, Tie Boots, Girly Sneakers, Sneakers, Black Gold Sneakers, Spacers

Lawson's Clothing (Upper middle): Wide Neck, Wide Tee, Rolled Sleeves, T-Shirt, Pants, Boxers, Boxers Briefs, Heart Boxers, Windbreakers, Jeans, Turtlenecks, Socks

Tiffany's Gems (Upper right): Bangles, Chains, Jewel Pendant, Heart Lockets, Heart Collars, Ring Earrings, Jewel Earrings, Cross Earrings, Diamond Earrings, Diamonds Studs, Pearl Studs, Large Hoop, Hollow Heart, Chain Heart

Bucks For Bang (Upper right): Anywhere Seller

A Lady's Secret (Middle left): Pleated Skirts, Skirts, Thigh Highs, Hair Ribbon, Hair Bow, Bra, Panties, Booty Shorts

Seeing Eye (Middle right): Monocle, Oxford Glasses, Round Glasses, Square Glasses, Thick Glasses, (as well as sunglasses variations)

Naughty Kitty (Lower left): Crotchless Panties, Braless Negligee, Cupless Bra, Lacy Stockings, Pussy Vibrator, Vibrating Dildo, Vibrating Buttplug, Cock Vibe Ring, Cow Top, Cowbell Collar, Cow Sleeves, Cow Undies, Cow Leggings, Brown Cow Top, Brown Cow Sleeves, Brown Cow Undies, Brown Cow Leggings, Police Top, Police Boots, Police Hat, Denim Shorts, Police Gloves, Nipple Vibrators, Nipple Bandages

Hot Trots (Lower left): Lolita Cat Hat, Goth Lolita Shirt, Goth Lolita Skirt, White Thigh Highs, Goth Lolita Shoes, Choker, Ripped Jeans, Layered Dress, Spaghetti Straps, Punk Heart Shirt, Slut Shirt, No Pants Shirt, Ankle Warmers, Ankle Manacles, Wrist Manacle

Spunky Sheep (Lower middle): Ninja Mask, Visor, Side Fox Mask, Straw Cone Hat, Wide Bowl Hat, Wide Bowl Hat Stringed, Aviator Sunglasses, Back Ribbon, Fang Earring, Feather Earring, Flipflops, Neck Handkerchief, Scarf

Sports Flex (Lower right): Sleeveless, Metal Bat, Boomers

-You can take a bath at the Bathhouse to get Invigorated [Buff]. Raises Strength by 10% and Resilience by 20%.

-You can get a meal at Roxie's Diner to get Sated [Buff]. Raises Resilience by 10%, Speech by 10%, and Insight by 10%.

-The underground mall has places where you can get a haircut and eye adjustments, as well as pawn off unneeded items.

-You can also buy vibrators in the Naughty Kitty shop in the underground mall. Wearing them will stimulate your genitals, raising your lust by 5% per vibrator worn every so often. If you're wearing them with max lust, they'll cause you to cum.

-If you're pregnant, you can go to the Nursery in the southeast part of the city and deliver your baby [Pregnancy]. They'll watch over it for you until your adventure is done. You can also buy Fertility Pills and a Milk Pump here. The former will give you 100% chance of pregnancy from the next creampie you take. The latter allows you to milk yourself [Lactation]. If you have a spare bottle, you can collect Your Milk inside it. You can also use it to relieve lactation status.

-You can buy a one-time pass, or a lifetime membership at the 24 Hr Get Fit gym in the West part of the city. You can lift weights to raise Strength, do yoga for Nimble, and crunches for Resilience.

-You can get a uniform and work at Roxie's Diner in the southwest part of the city.

-You can purchase a condo in the centre of the city. If you sleep there, you'll meet Fawn the next day.

-Arlene has an alternate shark [Furry] portrait.

-Can be found in the East part of New Ark City, in the Police Station.

-Sammy has an alternate cow [Furry] portrait.

-Can be found in the Southwest part of New Ark City, in the Bathhouse.

-If you take six baths, she'll start offering you special sessions where you can be washed inside a special washing chamber by her, complete with a happy ending.

-After she starts offering sessions, the door behind her will be open, allowing you to sneak under her desk, and mess with her while she tries to work. You can give her cunnilingus, or tickle and tease her feet [Feet][Tickle Torture].

-If you tease her underneath her desk, then ask for a special session, she'll tie you upside down and have her revenge with you. The method of revenge will depend on what you did to her; if you teased her crotch, she'll do the same. If you tickled her feet, she'll tickle and tease yours back [Feet][Tickle Torture].

If you're pregnant though, she won't tie you upside down, and will use showerheads to give you multiple orgasms [Orgasm Overload].

Sammy Gym Wrestling
-Once Sammy starts offering special sessions, if you talk to her, she'll mention going to the gym. After that, you can go to the gym and choose to meet with her at the ring, allowing you to spar with her. You won't be able to use weapons during this fight (or wear shoes for that matter.)

-If you beat her by reducing her stamina to zero, you can learn Counterattack, reducing stamina damag and counterattacking when attacked in battle [Battle Skill].

-If you beat her by raising her lust to max, after the fight, she'll be in the gym's showers, touching herself. Approach her, and she'll get flustered at your presence and stop.

You can tease her more, until she's had enough and comes on to you. If you have a cock, she'll put it in her pussy. Otherwise, you'll mutually masturbate each other.

Otherwise, you can initiate sex yourself. If you have cock, you can put it in her pussy. You can give her cunnilingus. Or you can tickle her feet, then worship them while she gives you a foot job [Feet][Tickle Torture].

-After buying the condo, sleep in it. Fawn will knock on your door the next morning. If you're not decently dressed, she'll get embarrassed and say she'll come back another day. Otherwise, she'll introduce herself.

-Fawn has an alternate reindeer [Furry] portrait.

-You can knock on Fawn's door. When she invites you in, you can try walking away instead.

Fawn's Secret
-Hang out with Fawn. Afterwards, sleep and she'll be there again when you wake up. Repeat a few times and eventually she'll leave you alone in her condo.

If you search her bedside drawer, you'll find her membership card for the Torture Rack in the slums. You can choose to keep it or leave it there.

Alternately if you decide not to search her drawer, you can go to the slums and see her entering the Torture Rack building.

-After doing either of the above, you'll have a choice on how to proceed. You can try waiting outside the Torture Rack for her. This will only work if you saw her entering the building, or if you follow her from her condo unit.

Otherwise, you can ask her about it when you meet her at her condo. If you have a high enough Speech stat, or you saw her enter the Torture Rack building, you can omit the fact that you went into her room and found her card (assuming that you did.)

-After finding Fawn at the Torture Rack, if she knows that you found her card, she'll ask for it back. If you've already sold it, she won't be happy with you.

However, if you manage to hide the fact that you took her card, she won't ask for it back, and you'll be free to sell it without her ever knowing.

-After this event, you can visit Fawn in her condo unit once more, and ask to become her subbe. You can then do BDSM sessions with Fawn in the Torture Rack club.

-Being infected with meat parasites when you visit her in the club will unlock a special scene.

-While working at Roxie's Diner, you may randomly see other NPC's that you've already met. Once you've seen Fawn, visit her in the Torture Rack, and she'll have a new option for you. Select it, then go back to Roxie's Diner and choose to meet with her for a scene where she has you put on a vibrator and try to work while being secretly molested by her [Public Humiliation].

Fawn Upset
-After finishing Cassie's route, Arlene can be met in the Torture Rack club. She'll refuse to domme you unless you have Fawn's permission. Asking Fawn either for permission or harsher play will make her upset (doesn't matter which one you choose.)

-Afterwards, sleep, then visit her in her condo. There, you can ask her again for harsher play, after which, she'll menacingly agree to try something harsher with you next time at the club.

-The next time you do a session with her in the club, she'll use a powerful orgasm inhibitor on you, then abuse your body [Femdom][Spanking][Tickle Torture]. Pleading with her will cause her to continually masturbate you while you're unable to cum [Orgasm Denial][Mind Break].

-If you have 20+ resilience, you can continue enduring without using your safeword (note: being naked reduces your resilience by 20%, but you can offset it by being invigorated (+20%, given by bathhouse special), as well as Sated (+10%, from eating at Roxie's Diner).) Otherwise, you'll use your safeword repeatedly, causing her to panic and screw up badly.

Afterwards, you'll end up back at your condo. Fawn won't be in her condo. When you visit the club, she won't be there either. Talk to Arlene and then the club's receptionist to find out that she's gone back home to Upper New Ark.

-Fawn will be in the cafeteria of the University in Upper New Ark. Speaking to her will trigger a long sequence of events, ending with her returning to the condo.

Heading to Upper New Ark (Counterfeit Passes)
-In the topmost part of the city, you'll find the entrance to Upper New Ark. You'll need a pass to get in.

You can attempt to get in with a counterfeit pass. If you feed the homeless guy accepting food in the slums five times, the black market vendor selling only junk, will start selling counterfeit passes.

-However, they are all of poor quality. If you attempt to use one to enter Upper New Ark, there is a 1/4 chance of succeeding. Otherwise, you'll get arrested and put in jail. If Arlene has arrested you before for public indecency, she'll pay you a visit and forcefully suck you off/lick your clit while hurling insults at you [Femdom]. If not, you'll be fined 250 credits, and then released.

-To improve the quality of your pass, bring one with you and get a massage from Lin Lin. Afterwards, she'll see your pass and mention a better way to get up into UNA. You'll need to pay her 20 credits for the information. Once you do, she'll bring you to TAT2 downstairs, and introduce you to someone who can improve your pass's quality. It costs 500 credits to change one of your bad passes into a quality one.

-You can use this pass to have a guaranteed chance of passing the checkpoint. However, hold onto it for now. Buy a couple of bad counterfeit passes, and some ink pens from the hardware store. Find a place to tinker with your items (such as your condo if you've bought one,) and combine a counterfeit pass with an ink pen. Since you now have a Quality Pass, you can use that as a reference to fix up your own bad passes, though you'll need to pass a nimble stat check for each one. However, this should be much cheaper than paying the tattoo artist to do it.

Moving in with Fawn
-After Fawn's returned from Upper New Ark, you can visit her in her condo and ask to move in together, leading to both of you moving to a doubles unit. Functionally, it has all the same features as your old condo.

-You can take Fawn out on a date. During this, she'll buy a rope which will come into play later. After the date, several new options will become available:

-You can invite Fawn to masturbate with you on the couch, take a bath with you, and have sex on your bed.

-Talking to Fawn allows you to change what she wears around the condo, as well as whether she ties her hair up or lets it down.

-When you sleep in the doubles condo, when you wake up, there's a chance Fawn will cook breakfast for you, which will give you the Sated [Buff]. Raises Resilience by 10%, Speech by 10%, and Insight by 10%. This is the same one you get from eating at Roxie's Diner.

-If you speak to Fawn while wearing a onesie, she'll reveal her own onesie, unlocking it as a costume for her to wear.

Shibari Binding
-You can talk to her about the rope she brought, which will start a sequence of events leading to owning your own personal rope together. Afterwards, she'll tie you up with a shibari bind, plus a vibrating cock ring/dildo vibrator, and bring you out on a date [Public Humiliation].

-Afterwards, you can have her tie you with the bind for walking around in. You'll need to ask her again if you want it untied.

As well, you can also ask to tie her with a shibari bind. Fawn will be reserved about this, but will show you how to tie one, then test you on it. Having good insight stat will help here. If you're able to do it by yourself, she'll agree to allow you to tie with it, and then go out on a date like this [Public Humiliation].

Similar to your first date, you'll choose between several locations in the city to visit. Visiting any location will increase Fawn's arousal by 1. In the hardware store and dance club, you can also activate her vibrating dildo to increase it by an additional 1.

Whenever Fawn's arousal is at 3 or more, she'll cum. Once you've been somewhere though, you can't choose it again, so it'll take multiple dates if you want to make her cum in every location.

Choosing dinner will lead to the final event for the night. Depending on what you've done before this, Fawn will tell you how she's finding the session. Afterwards, you'll have one last chance to use the vibrating dildo on her. You can make her cum, or turn it off at the last second, which will set her arousal to 3.

Afterwards, you'll return to your condo. There are 5 outcomes:

1. If Fawn didn't cum, and her arousal is 2 or less, she won't be happy with you.
2. If Fawn didn't cum, and her arousal is at 3, she'll jump you and demand satisfaction. If you have a cock, you can fuck her. Otherwise, she'll eat you out while pleasuring herself. Afterwards, she'll approve of you being her domme.
3. If Fawn came once, but you only went to the restaurant, she'll question your decisions.
4. If Fawn came twice, she'll tell you that you're pushing her too hard.
5. If Fawn came once, after you've taken her around, she'll be happy with you and approve of you being her domme.

-Whenever you head out from New Ark City, when you return, there is a small chance for Fawn to be sleeping nude on the bed. You can have some fun with her while she's asleep.

-Once Fawn approves of you being her domme, you can have her take a fertility pill, then creampie inside of her to make her pregnant [Pregnancy]. This will change some of her clothing options, as well as all of her scenes inside the condo.

She'll also have a new breast milking scene on the couch [Lactation], and a different pony play scene in the Torture Rack club.

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[Science Lab Tower]
Found in the Northeast part of New Ark City.

-If you have a fully male body (cock, balls, no pussy, no breasts,) and have M2F Transformation kink active, you can participate in their experiment, and be transformed into a girl [M2F].

-Once you have the Milk Farm, you can purchase Cock Milkers here in the basement. It costs 8000 credits.

-Linda has an alternate furry [Furry] portrait.

-If you are infected with meat parasites, come here and speak to the receptionist to have them removed. By doing this, you'll meet Linda, who takes your parasites for her research.

-Sleep, then return here. Something will have gone horribly wrong. Afterwards, head to the Deserted Base, and find and defeat Mistyra. Then ask her to help, which will let you access the upper floors of the tower.

Infected Tower
-Linda will join you when you go up. However, she is useless in battle.

-Inside the tower, you'll find Infected Scientists. Electric shock is effective against them.

If you lose to one, he'll take you from behind [Male Partner]. If you have cumflation kink active, he'll keep going, pumping inside of you until you get cumflated [Cumflation].

Getting cumflated has a 100% chance to become pregnant.

-You can remove cumflation status at any toilet.

-The plush doll you find can be given to one of the scientists in the lobby for a modest sum of credits.

-At the top of the tower, you'll fight the Infected Abomination. It'll raise its defence every turn. If it reaches 150% defence, it'll use a special attack, and lower defences back to 100%.

You can use Electric Shock to drop its defence by 25%. Dropping it to 50% defence will cause it to become angry and use a powerful attack as revenge.

-Losing to it will result in a bad end where you become taken over by the parasites. Mistyra will talk with you during this.

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[Upper New Ark]
Can be reached by using a pass at the security checkpoint in the northmost part of New Ark City (See 'New Ark City: Heading to Upper New Ark'.)

Shop Items:
Peacock's Feather: Crimson Rose, Ephemeral Dream, Snow White, Heels, Slipper Shoes, Tuxedo, Tuxedo Pants, White Tuxedo, White Tuxedo Pants, Top Hat, Dress Shoes, Black Socks, Party Masks

Uniclothes: Flannel Shirts, Bomber Jackets, Sweatpants, Track Pants, Leggings, Spats

Eye2Eye: Cateye Glasses, Halfmoon Glasses, Heart Glasses, Oval Glasses

Mad Hatter: Beanie, Ascot, Maid Headdress, Chef Hat, Newsboy Caps, Puffed Hats, Baseball Caps, Top Hat, Bowler Hats, Cowboy Hats, Fedoras, Rose Fedoras, Wide Brim Hat, Wide Brim Rose Hat, Sandals, Strap Sandals, Loafers, Platform Boots

Poppin's Stop: Various Onesies

-At Skin Deep spa, you can get three different types of massages for a corresponding status buff [Buff]:
    1. Relaxing (Speech +10%, Insight +20%)
    2. Energizing (Strength +20%, Nimble +10%)
    3. Alertness (Senses +20%, Nimble +10%)

You can also change your skin colour here.

-At Luscious Locks salon, you can get various haircuts, as well as the option to dye different parts of your hair different colours.

-At Eye2Eye clinic, you can change your eye type, pupils, and eye colour. When changing eye colours here, you also have the option of making your left eye a different colour from your right eye.

-You can take one-time classes at Upper New Ark College. There's 2 classes available, and both cost 100 credits to attend.
    1. Social Studies (gain 20 speech exp)
    2. Biology (gain 20 insight exp)

Passing through Customs
-After the security checkpoint, you'll have to get in line to clear customs. When you reach the front of the line, you'll be scanned by a machine. If you're not aroused, the machine will let you through. Otherwise, it will attempt to capture you, then strip you in front of everybody before masturbating you with brushes [Public Humiliation].

When they're finished, you can choose to return back through the line, passing everyone who saw you cum.

-If you have a premium pass, you can skip lining up and go straight to Upper New Ark, even if you're aroused. (The premium pass isn't currently in the game yet.)

UNA Guards
-As long as you're in Upper New Ark, if you ever become indecent or armed, you'll be confronted by a UNA Guard and ordered to cover up or disarm. You can defeat it or run away back to the entrance, or be captured by it. If you're captured, you'll be lectured on proper UNA conduct and fined 100 credits. You'll also get a Plain Robe out of it if you were indecent.

Apps Central
-This store in the mall sells appliances. If you have the Milk Farm side room renovated, you can buy a Refinery for it here. It costs 2000 credits.

Sana and Miki
-Sana and Miki have alternate foxgirl [Furry] portraits.

-They can be found in the second floor of the Hospital, located on the west end of UNA.

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Can be reached after rescuing Rinny in Forest Park. You'll be given the option to come here when leaving New Ark City.

Shop Items (note: shops only open after finishing the Manor quest)
Vania Goods!: Shadow Dress, Shadow Sleeves, Shadow Boots, Diamond Strap Sleeves, Red Cloak, Frilly Red Skirt, Forest Mantle, Strapless Top, Trousers, Forest Boots, Tophat, Magician Top, Bowtie Collar, Sleeve Cuffs, Fishnet Sleeves, Fishnets, Knee Boots, Booties, Stamina Drink, Mana Potion, Lust Tonic, Repulsion Spray

-The Succubus Tower can be reached via a hidden entrance in the southwest part of town. You'll also need to have rescued Rinny to gain access.

-The Graveyard is located in the North part of town. When you have Rinny accompanying you, speak to the person outside the locked gates. Afterwards, she'll ask you to go with her into the Graveyard to investigate the missing peoples case.

-All encounters in Transylvania can be negated if you have Rinny with you. If Rinny is pregnant, the encounters will have different dialogue for her.

-After finishing the Manor quest, several shops will open up: haircut place, clothing shop, and 'Horrors' shop. You can also turn off in town encounters.

Succubus Teacher
-Can be encountered anywhere in Transylvania at 33% chance, or 50% chance if you have male partners disabled. Only uses lust attacks.

-Defeating her with 50+% lust allows you to creampie her. If you've learned the Cock Growth spell and have futa and megacock kinks active, you can also make her grow a cock [Cock Transformation]. However, she'll amplify the spell, resulting in a mega cock, then menace you with it [Futanari][Megacock]. If you have enough nimble stat, you can finish her with a handjob. Otherwise, she'll fuck your ass doggy style.

-Being defeated by her leads to her either using you as a demonstration specimen for her class [Hypnotism][Orgasm Denial][Public Humiliation], or having you worship her feet and getting a foot job from her [Feet].

Succubus Trainee
-Can be encountered anywhere in Transylvania at 33% chance, or 50% chance if you have male partners disabled. Only uses lust attacks.

-Defeating her with 50+% lust allows you to cream pie inside her. If you've learned the Cock Growth spell and have futa and megacock kinks active, you can also make her grow a cock, then tease them with your hands and mouth until she cums [Futanari][Orgasm Denial][Cock Transformation].

-Being defeated by her leads to her cream pie'ing you, or using a dildo on you.

-Can be encountered anywhere in Transylvania at 33% chance, or 100% chance if you have female partners disabled [Male Partner]. Only uses lust attacks.

-Defeating him with 50+% lust allows you to have him cream pie inside you [Pregnancy], or fuck his ass [Anal].

-Being defeated by him leads to him cream pie'ing in your pussy [Pregnancy], or ass [Anal], either normally, or by 'making love to you'.

Shop of Horrors
-Opens after finishing the Manor route.

-If you're unable to meet Marin (due to kink settings,) you'll be able to buy the living underwear set here.

-Ask the shopkeeper about the locked door. After introducing yourself to her, and learned her name (Dalvie), she'll let you in. Inside is a magic circle that'll allow you to change your body's appearance with animalistic features. It costs 500 credits to use.

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[Succubus Tower]
Found in Transylvania. There is a hidden entrance in the southwest part of town.

Shop Items:
Shop: Bondage Belt Sleeves, Bondage Belt Boots, Bondage Belt Panties, Bondage Belt Top, Gimp Suit, Gimp Hood, Gimp Gas Mask, Gimp Hood Straps, Gimp Gloves, Virgin Killer, Succubus Sleeves, Succubus Boots, Succubus Panties, Succubus Straps, Whip, Bit Gag, Bondage Blindfold, Gag and Blindfold, Strap Top, Blindfold

-The Body Workshop can be found here, on the second floor, East wing. For 500 credits, you can adjust your genitalia to your preference. Note that you can choose not to pay, which'll lead to you being used as a display/sampling model for the shop [Public Humiliation].

-In various parts of the tower, you'll be able to train certain stats: Mystic (after learning magic from Rinny), Erotic, and Insight.

-If you attend the lecture in the classroom while aroused, the teacher will ask you to do it in front of everyone [Public Humiliation].

-If you sleep in the private rooms on the second floor without Rinny around, you'll have a 1/4 chance of being ambushed by succubi/incubi, depending on your kink settings. They'll tease and torment you without letting you cum [Orgasm Denial]. During this, you can have your feet tickled/pleasured [Feet][Tickle Torture].

-After you've saved Rinny, she'll be hanging around the first floor of the Succubus Tower. She'll ask you if there's anything you want to do with her, with the list including: Creampie in her/fingering [Pregnancy], play with her boobies, bodily kissing, face-sitting with tail love, anal with your cock/toys, have her do anal on you with her tail.

You can also ask her to grow a cock, and let you play with it. You can tease her with a feather, ride her with your pussy, or suck her off. Riding her has a chance of impregnating you [Pregnancy].

Whenever you leave Transylvania and return, she'll ask you again.

-You can also ask her to accompany you around Transylvania. If you take a bath with her, you can get a brief tickling scene [Tickle Torture]. If you do the classroom scene by sitting in on the lecture when you're aroused, you can access a scene where she'll make out with you in front of the class.

-You can learn magic from her. Go to the library in the tower and speak to the person who tells you about the Watchers. Then return to her and when she asks you about the dangers of using magic, choose the Watchers. After that, she'll teach you Drain Kiss [Battle Skill].

When your Mystic stat is at 6+, she'll also teach you Electric Shock [Battle Skill].

-After finishing the Manor quest, several new options will show up for Rinny. You'll be able to take her on a date if you've bought the condo, and purchase a new outfit for her.

You'll be able to gift her items. If you give her 'Your Milk', she'll drink it and give you +30 Erotic Exp. If you give her the Fertility Pill, the next time you creampie in her, she'll become pregnant [Pregnancy]. If you give her 'Your Cum', she'll save it for something, and give you 100 credits.

When she's pregnant, she'll offer some extra sex options related to pregnancy. There's one that only requires her to be pregnant, and one requiring both of you to be pregnant with each other's child.

You'll also be able to learn Cock Growth spell from her, if you've learned Drain Kiss, and have cock transformations and futanari kinks active. This allows you to change your cock anywhere, and can be used on certain enemies.

-After finishing the Manor route, Rinny will randomly appear outside of New Ark City. Talk to her and she'll give you one of the following:
  1 Lust Tonic+
  2-4 Lust Tonics
  2-4 Mana Potions
  2-4 Cum Extracts

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Found in Transylvania. When you have Rinny with you, talk to the person just before the gates, and afterwards, Rinny will fly you over the gates.

-Directions through the first crypt: Down, Up, Right, Up the stairs

-Directions through the second crypt: Left, Down, Right, (pass the mirror) Right, Up the stairs

Grave Hands
-Can be encountered in Graveyard at 50% chance. Can't be lewded.

-Being defeated by them leads to getting swarmed by them. There's two versions, depending on whether Rinny is with you or not. During this, you can get tickled on your feet/body [Feet][Tickle Torture].

-Can be encountered in Graveyard at 50% chance. Can't be lewded.

-Being defeated by them can have a few outcomes. If Rinny is with you, both you and her could be possessed by whisperers and mutually masturbate each other. Or you could be the only one getting possessed, and have sex with Rinny while unable to control yourself.

If you're by yourself, they'll hold you still and whisper arousing spells into your ears, while caressing orgasms out of you [Orgasm Overload].

-Near the end of the second crypt is a large mirror. If you touch it, your reflection will pull you inside the mirror and molest you, before taking you to a bad end.

To resist, you need 4+ Mystic stat. You can also wear a blindfold. In which case, Rinny will end up being taken by the mirror.

Crypt Trap
-In the second crypt, heading left twice will take you to a special tomb. If you open it, grave hands will grab you and pull you inside. If Rinny is with you, she'll help pull you out (or you can pull her in with you for some fun.)

If you're by yourself, the hands will molest you, before depositing you in Pixie's hideout.

Pixie's Hideout
-Between the first and second crypt, one of the tombstones is loose. You'll automatically see it with 5+ Senses stat.

If Rinny is with you, she won't let you 'disturb other people's graves.' But if you're by yourself, you can enter and find Pixie below.

-Alternately, if you come here by being captured inside the crypt tomb trap, Pixie will mistake you for an enemy, and have you 'feed' her pets. If you have a cock, you could be placed on a glory hole table, with a eldritch abomination underneath it sucking you off.

Otherwise, you can be molested by a bed of tentacle worms, with slight differences depending on if you're pregnant or not.

-Later on, you can return here with Rinny and have her join you in getting molested by worms [Feet].

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Found at the end of the Graveyard. You'll need Pixie's help to get in.

Maids here have furry versions [Furry].

Obtaining a Full Uniform
-While you're inside, as long as you're wearing a Maid Dress, or a Tuxedo and Tuxedo Pants, the servants will not attack you.

-Otherwise, if you're found out and attacked, you'll need to escape. If you fail to escape, you'll be taken prisoner and subjected to a paintbrush teasing bad end [Orgasm Denial][Bad End]. Note that beating a maid or servant allows you to steal a piece of their uniform.

-If you lose or sell your Maid Dress, Tuxedo or Tuxedo Pants, Pixie will sell you another one if you see her in her hideout.

-If you're not sure what uniform pieces you're missing, you can talk to one of the servants in the west wing on the first floor. The full uniform set for Butler and Maid are as follows:

Butler Uniform:
Tuxedo Pants
Black Dress Shoes
Black Socks
Frilled Gloves

Maid Uniform:
Maid Dress
Maid Headdress
Maid Collar
White Frilled Stockings
Maid Shoes
Frilled Gloves

-Once you've finished the Manor quest, one of the maids will sell you every part of their uniform.

Shop Items:
Maid: Maid Headdress, Maid Collar, Maid Dress, Frilled Stockings, Maid Shoes, Tuxedo, Tuxedo Pants, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes, Frilled Gloves, Fiber Duster

Finding the Secret Passage
-After you have a complete maid or butler uniform set, you can visit the East wing on the second floor, and find a lone maid who you can attempt to capture. Once you beat her, you can tie her up and strip her/tease and tickle her body until she tells you where Rinny is being held [Tickle Torture][Feet]. Afterwards, you can fuck her, finger her, give her cunnilingus, or just leave her like this.

If female partners are disabled, she'll just give you the answer immediately.

-Alternately, if you have 7+ Senses stat, you'll automatically be able to see where the secret passage is (topleft corner of the kitchen.)

-Below the Manor, you'll find her tormenting Rinny. You can watch her, or leave. If you attempt to rescue Rinny, she'll catch you and cut you into pieces with her magic scythe. After that, she'll torment you and Rinny as her prisoners [Bad End][Bad End
Extended][Orgasm Denial][Limb Detachment][Mind Break].

-Leave and proceed further into the basement to find the imprisoned townsfolk. When you return, Edith will be gone, allowing you to rescue Rinny. However, she'll be waiting for you when you try to escape with her. This will lead to a sequence where you'll become limbless and be tasked with retrieving your limbs (with Rinny and Pixie's help.) [Limb Detachment]

Retrieve Limbs
-Two of your limbs can be found in the torture room in the basement, and in the kitchen at the back of the Manor.

-One of your arms is being used as a masturbatory tool by one of the maids in the upstairs bathroom. You can mess with her a little while she's doing this. If female partners kink is turned off, your arm will just be lying in the bathroom.

-Your leg is in one of the guest bedrooms upstairs. Rinny will need to leave you alone to retrieve it. If she leaves you on the bed, and you molested the maid in this room earlier, she'll come to have some revenge on you [Limb Detachment][Spanking][Tickle Torture][Feet]. Rinny will then rescue you, and give you the chance to turn it back on the maid again.

-Once you have all four limbs, head to the master bedroom to become whole again. Then you'll have to fight Edith, with Rinny's help. If she stares directly at you, guard to avoid becoming paralyzed by her spell and slashed into pieces again. If you lose to her, you'll get the same bad end as trying to rescue Rinny from the basement torture chamber while Edith's in the room.

Revenge on Edith
-After finishing the Manor, Edith will be imprisoned in the Manor basement. If you visit her with Rinny, you'll be able to take some revenge on her. You can spank her butt [Spanking], double Drain Kiss her if you know the spell, tickle her silly, or have Rinny cast a grow cock spell on her and molest her [Spanking][Tickle Torture][Feet][Futanari][Cock Transformation].

-In all but the last scenario, you can finish by double penetrating Edith if you have a cock (and Rinny with her tail,) or just have sex in front of her while taunting her to masturbate to it later.

Manor Maid, Marin
-After defeating Edith, if you interrogated one of the manor maids before, you can go see her again. If you didn't interrogate her, she'll act like one of the random encounter maids. There'll also be an option to 'change history', to make it so that you did interrogate her (and therefore be able to do her route.)

-Talk to her, and agree to make it up to her and do her trial. She'll tell your name: Marin. Sleep, then return to her. She'll ask you to put on her underwear. You'll have a number of choices: put them on, say you'll put them on and then do something else, refuse.

-Putting them on reveals that they're living underwear that can't be removed without Marin's flute [Living Clothes]. Marin will then want you to service her in exchange for getting them off. You can say you'll do so, attempt to attack her, or just refuse.

-If your living clothes wake up while you're stuck in the room, Marin will calm them down.

-Attempting to attack her causes her to awaken your clothes, then fight you. If you win, there'll be a scene where you free yourself from your living clothes, then use them on Marin herself. If you lose, she'll punish you by tying you up in them, then leaving you for a while.

-Saying you'll service her causes her to lie down and ask you to massage her back. You can massage her, molest her, tickle her [Tickle Torture], or grab her clothes.

-If you massage her, you'll have the choices of doing it really well (requires 12+ nimble), doing it adequately (requires 6+ nimble), and doing it poorly. Doing it really well will make her aroused, allowing you to get your living clothes off in exchange for getting her off. You can then put it in her, use your fingers, use your tongue, or tell her she can do it herself.

-Doing the massage adequately causes her to free you as well at the end. Doing it poorly, or molesting her will make her punish you afterwards. Tickling her allows you to bargain for your freedom in exchange for stopping.

-Grabbing her clothes gives you the flute, but without knowing the required melody, you won't be able to get them off. You can then either give up the flute (leading to punishment,) try playing randomly (which'll get her to let you go,) or attack her (same possible outcomes as attacking her earlier.)

-Going back to the first choices (when she first asks you to put on her underwear,) if you refuse, she'll just get mad at you. If you tell her you'll wear them and then don't, she'll leave the room while you're 'changing.' You can then hide the underwear she's put out, or just wear them after all.

-When she returns to the room, she'll ask for proof that you're wearing them, if she can't see them. If you didn't wear them, she'll find them in the drawers, then ask you to wear them properly, which you can either agree to, or refuse.

-There's a way to trick her though. After doing the above to get her out of the room, wear your own black bra, panties, and thigh highs (You can buy them in the Underground Mall.) Then hide her underwear. She'll think that you're wearing her underwear, and try to trap you, revealing her plot and leading to you punishing her.

-Afterwards, you can buy the living underwear from her. She'll either ask for 800, 1000, or 1200 credits, depending on the outcome of this event. You'll also get the flute from her, which you can use to remove the underwear when needed.

-Alternately, if your kink settings prevent you from meeting Marin, you'll be able to buy the living clothes and flute from the shop of horrors in Transylvania.

Marin's 2nd Challenge
-After clearing her first challenge, leave Transylvania. The next time you return, Marin will have a new challenge ready for you, involving a magic box that'll let her molest you from far away. You win if you can work one of her shifts without cumming or anyone finding out.

-If you've brought Rinny with you, you'll run into her during your shift, and will need to pass a Resilience stat check to endure long enough to get her to leave. If you fail the check, you'll cum on Rinny's thigh, and Marin will taunt you mercilessly for it.

-However, if you pass, you'll beat Marin's challenge, and be able to make her do it too. During this, you can either do it normally, or have her grow a cock first if you know the Cock Growth spell [Futanari][Cock Transformation].

-If you didn't bring Rinny, you'll instead run into Pixie, which'll result in an automatic failure.

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[Milk Farm]
Every time you leave New Ark City, there'll be an increasing chance of spotting a caravan. If you follow it, it'll lead here. Having a good Senses stat will help.

Infiltrating the Farm
-There's a guard posted outside. You have a choice of heading in from the front, or going around the back. If you approach from the front, you'll be spotted immediately, and given three actions: Bluffing (Speech,) fighting (Fight. Extremely low success chance!,) and surrendering.

-Bluffing successfully will give you three actions as well: Questioning, blackmailing, and asking to join. Questioning them will make them more suspicious of you. Blackmailing them will get you 1000 credits and let you leave, unless you've questioned them, in which case they'll capture you. Saying you want to join causes them to refuse. You'll have to choose between fighting, or leaving the farm.

Failing to bluff will result in you being captured. As well, bluffing will only work once. If you leave, come back and try to do it again, you'll be captured.

-Fighting successfully will defeat the men and successfully end the event. Failing will result in you being captured.

-Surrendering will lead to your being captured.

-Going around back allows you to interact with the guard. You can either sneak up on him (Nimble,) or seduce him (Erotic.)

Successfully sneaking gives you the chance to choke him out (Strength.) If that is also successful, you'll disabled the guard and be able to enter. Failing to sneak or choke him out will cause the others to hear and come out.

If they come out, you can either fight them, run (Nimble,) or surrender. Running successfully will allow you to leave the barn. Failing to run leads to being captured. Finding and surrendering have the same results as above.

-Seducing successfully gives you further options: have sex with him, choke him out (higher chances than before,) or drain kissing him (only if you have the skill and MP.) Having sex with him lets you choke him out afterwards with the highest chances of success. Drain kissing him has a 100% success rate. Failing at any point results in the men coming out as above.
Inside the Farm
-Once inside, you can meet with Bell, the cowgirl. She'll explain to you that one of the men has the keys to their cuffs. Speaking with the other cowgirls will give you clues on who likely has them.

You'll now be able to secretly search the men for keys (Nimble.) If you get it wrong, your chances of success diminish with further search attempts. If you're discovered, you have the option of fighting them, or surrendering, with same results as above. Successfully getting the keys will allow you to free the cowgirls and finish the event.

-If you get captured, you'll be cuffed and interrogated. You can answer honestly, lie (Speech,) or not answer. The first and third answer, and failing the second will result in a milking scene if you have breasts. Succeeding will skip it. During the scene, you'll be put into the milking machine, made to lactate [Lactation], and either butt whipped [Spanking], or ass fucked [Male Partner][Anal].

Afterwards, you can check the milking machine and get the other scene.

-To continue, you'll have to search for the keys, then get the cowgirls' help in retrieving them. You can attempt to seduce each man once to see if he has the keys (Nimble.) If successful and the man has the keys, you'll feel them. Otherwise, it'll say you're not sure that he has them.

-Once you think you have the right one, you can call the cowgirls to help you get them. If you get the wrong guy, you'll get a bad end [Bad End]. If you get the right guy, the others will come investigate. You have the choices of unlocking the cuffs yourself (Nimble,) block the slavers physically (Strength,) or stall them with words (Speech.) Success allows you to finish the event. Failure gives you a bad end.

Running the Milk Farm
-Once you've saved the cowgirls, Bell and two others will stay at the farm. They'll now passively generate Angel and Devil Milk while you're out exploring, which you can come back later and collect. They can store up to 30 milk items before you need to collect them.

-You can milk yourself in the milking machine [Lactation]. When doing so, you can choose to have female cowgirls come play with you, or male bulls if you have any living at the farm.

Cowgirl partners can feather tease you [Tickle Torture], or spank you [Spanking].

Bull partners can fuck your ass [Male Partner][Anal].

-You can also play with cowgirls being milked or bulls if you've bought Cock Milkers for the farm [Male Partner][Anal].

As well, if you've had cowgirls spank you before, you'll be able to get revenge on one of them [Spanking].

-You can invite cowgirls outside to live at the barn. Once there are five cowgirls living at the farm, talking to Bell will allow you to invite male bulls. You may also decline to do so if you only want cowgirls at the barn.

You'll still be able to invite male bulls, even if you agree, then reset the farm's inhabitants. Bell has some unique dialogue if you decide to only invite bulls to the farm.

-If you have bulls at the farm and the cock milkers purchased, talking to Bell will allow you to start collecting Cum Extract from the bulls.

-You can attempt to milk Bell. The first time you do, you can choose to tickle her with feathers [Tickle Torture], and/or tease and deny her [Orgasm Denial].

The second time, you can also choose to spank and punish her [Spanking].

-After meeting Rinny, and attempting to milk Bell, you can take her to the Succubus Tower to grow her some breasts. Afterwards, you'll learn the Breast Growth spell.

-Once you start collecting products from her, there'll be an increasing chance of her not being there after sleeping. The first time this happens, go to the Forest Park, and you'll find her stuck in a log with her backside exposed, being molested by fairies.

You can team up with the fairies to spank/fuck her ass [Anal][Spanking], or tickle/worship her feet [Feet][Tickle Torture]. Or you can just rescue her. Afterwards, you'll bring her back to the Milk Farm.

-She'll still periodically wander off. When that happens, make sure to check the square she was on, which will then cause her to appear in 1 of 3 locations:
    1. Forest Park, same place as before
    2. New Ark City, in jail
    3. Transylvania, in the northeast part of the town

Only in Forest Park does she have scenes. Anywhere else, you'll just bring her back to the Milk Farm.

-If Cassie is around when Bell wanders off, you can ask her to help you search. This will automatically bring her back without having to search for her in one of the above locations.

-To prevent her from wandering off, give her a Cowbell Collar (can be bought in the underground mall of New Ark City.) She'll also have some unique dialogue if you're wearing a Cowbell Collar too.

Afterwards, you can give her a Choker, Silver Heart Collar, or Gold Heart Collar (all three can be bought in the underground mall), replacing her Cowbell Collar, which she'll return to you. This allows her to wander again.

Cowgirl Locations
-If you reset the farm's inhabitants, it'll also send away the two cowgirls you start with apart from Bell. One will be outside the Police Station in the east part of New Ark City. The other will be outside the Gym/Dance Club in the west part of New Ark City.

-One is standing outside the Science Lab Tower in the northeast part of New Ark City.

-One is in the Devil's Drink bar in New Ark Slums. Buy out her stock, sleep, then she'll be in the Gentleman's Club also in the slums. Buy out her stock again, and sleep. Finally, she'll be hanging around the entrance to the slums. Buy out her stock one last time, and then she'll go to the barn.

You'll need minimum 1200 credits to invite her.

-One can be found in Transylvania, just before the gates to the Graveyard. She'll only be there after you've rescued everyone from the Manor.

Bull Locations
-One can be found in the washroom at The Rock dance club in New Ark City. Get rid of the conspiracy theorist for him and he'll go to the barn.

-One can be found in the Restful Sleep capsule hotel in the Underground Mall of New Ark City.

-One can be found in the 24 Hr Get Fit! gym in New Ark City. You'll have to beat him in a weight lifting contest (Strength.)

Cum Milkers
-After you've saved the farm, you can buy Cum Milkers at the Science Lab Tower. They cost 8000 credits.

-Once you've bought them, and have bulls living at the farm, you can talk to Bell and have her routinely collect Cum Extract from the bulls.

-You can also use it yourself to get 'Your Cum', while being molested by a cowgirl or bull. Similarly, you can use both chest and cock milkers at the same time, while being molested by a cowgirl or bull [Anal][Male Partner].

-After saving the farm, you can renovate the side room by visiting the Hardware Store in New Ark City. It'll cost 10,000 credits. Afterwards, it'll take 3 sleep cycles for the renovations to be completed.

-Once the renovations are done, you'll be able to store fridges in the new room, which will let Bell store more products. Each fridge increases storage capacity by 10 more bottles.

-As a side effect of doing renovations, the farm's happiness will also increase, allowing more production.

-As well, 2 new cowgirls and 1 new bull will appear in different places.

One cowgirl can be found in Pixie's hideout, after you've completed the Manor route.

Another can be found in the Forest Park fishing pond. You'll have to fish her out with a fishing rod. Having high Strength stat will help here. If she runs away, sleeping will bring her back and allow you to try again.

The bull can be found in the secret fairy area in Forest Park. When you find him, he'll be the captive of the fairies. If you have male and female partners enabled, you can watch the fairies torment his cock with their feathers and fairy dust [Male Partner]. During this, you can intervene and sit on the bull's cock while masturbating yourself [Anal].

To free the bull, you'll need a Golden Apple. You can find one from the apple gathering spot nearby, though they're quite rare (1/10 chance of getting one instead of a normal Apple.)

Fridge Locations
-One fridge can be bought from the shop in the Science Lab Tower for 1000 credits.

-One fridge can be obtained from Pixie after completing the Manor route.

-Once you've reached Upper New Ark, if you have the side room renovated, you can buy a Refinery for the milk farm. This machine takes in any type of milk, and converts it into cheese products after 4 days. If you use Your Milk, it'll produce Your Cheese.

Cheese sells for 4x as much credits as milk, so this is a way to get lots of credits easily.

Go to a spot where you can tinker with your items, and combine any cheese with a dull knife to produce 5 cheese slices. Cheese slices sell for 5 credits, so selling all 5 will net you 5 extra credits over just selling the cheese by itself. However, this process is too slow to be worthwhile.

'Gifting' Cassie a cheese slice will produce a special result.

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[Deserted Base]
Every time you leave New Ark City, there'll be an increasing chance of stumbling upon a suspicious clearing. Searching here with good Senses stat will unlock the Deserted Base.

Gather Point: Meat Tendril

Infected Male and Female
-In the lower depths, are men and women infected with meat parasites. Both are weak to the Electric Shock spell, which you can learn from Rinny. If you win against them, they'll wander off.

-But if you lose, they'll transfer a meat parasite onto you. Males will infect your chest, and females will infect your crotch.

If you have both a chest and crotch parasite, the next time you lose to either one, you'll be infected with a face parasite, and become one of them [Bad End].

-To get rid of your parasites, you can go to the Science Lab Tower and speak to the receptionist.

Ceiling Tentacles
-In the lowest parts are traps where if you step on certain tiles, meat tentacles will come down and try to grab you. If you have a high enough Senses stat, you'll see where the trap tiles are.

Even if you can't see them, you can avoid them by only walking in corridors that are less infected (have blue tiles instead of pink)

-If ceiling tentacles attempt to grab you, you can still attempt to dodge them with enough nimble stat. If you get caught though, you'll lose a significant amount of energy escaping.

If you don't have enough energy to escape, the tentacles will ensnare you and play with your body. You can also willingly subject yourself to them. They can tickle your armpits [Armpits][Tickle Torture], or molest your face, before attempting to pull you up into the meat ceiling.

-If you have feet and tickling kinks active, you'll attempt to stop your ascent by hooking onto a nearby protrusion with your feet. This will lead to the tentacles tickling them until you let go [Feet][Tickle Torture].

-Once your upper torso's been pulled up into the ceiling, the tentacles around you will tease and molest your crotch and ass until you cum, then pull you in the rest of the way. Afterwards, you'll wake up as Mistyra's prisoner.

-If you've met Mistyra and have foot and tickle kinks active, every other time you are captured, she'll show up and tickle your feet in place of the meat tentacles [Feet][Tickle Torture], as well as continue tickling them after you're trapped inside the ceiling.

-Mistyra has an alternate furry [Furry] portrait.

-At the bottom of the Deserted Base, you'll find a key. If you haven't met Mistyra yet, on trying to leave, she'll appear and attack you.

During the fight, if she smirks and beckons you, guard to dodge her tentacle wave. If she smiles, you can continue attacking as normal.

If you get bound, she might put meat parasites on your body.

-Using Electric Shock is effective against her. However, if you use it more than four times on her, she'll fly into a rage. During this, you can guard to dodge her normal attacks. But if you're infected, she'll attack you with them, which can't be avoided.

After a number of turns, she'll calm down and revert to her regular battle pattern.

-After meeting her, she'll appear as a random encounter on the bottom floor.

-If you run from her twice, on the third time that you run, she'll have laid a trap for you and will bind you. If you escape the bind, you can still run away as normal.

-If you beat her, she'll leave. You can attempt to capture her, but she'll easily slip away. However, if you're infected, she won't leave, but instead use your parasites to arouse and edge you, forcing you to the ground [Orgasm Denial].

She'll then sit on your face and ask you to lick her pussy. If you have 13+ Resilience stat, you can resist until she has enough and just fucks you (or uses a meat rod dildo if you don't have a cock.)

-If you do lick her, she'll be disappointed in you, but will still remove your meat parasites and let you masturbate yourself to climax.

-If she defeats you, she'll capture you and take you to her lair. Before that, if she's angry because you shocked her too many times, she'll first step on you with her meat heels. If you have foot kink active, she'll also do it with her bare feet [Feet].

Mistyra's Prisoner
-If this is the first time meeting Mistyra, she'll introduce herself. There's a few ways she'll play with you:
    1. Tease your clit (if you don't have a cock)
    2. Give you a breast job (if you have a cock) [Titfucking]
    3. Tickle and edge/deny you [Tickle Torture][Orgasm Denial]
    4. Transform you into a girl if you're a guy (must have a cock and balls, and no breasts or pussy) [M2F].

-After she's played with you, she'll summon chest and crotch parasites to occupy you while she's away. During this, you can struggle to escape, use Electric Shock to instantly escape, or just wait for her to return.

-If you don't escape after 4 cycles of her leaving and returning, the next time she returns, there will be another choice at the end. Choosing it will result in a bad end where you permanently become her captive [Bad End][
Bad End Extended].

If you have mega cock and/or mega boobs kinks active, she'll alter your parts to have them, using meat parasites as parts [Megacock][Megaboobs][Cock Transformation]. Her giving you mega boobs, will also cause you to lactate [Lactation].

She'll also give you mega balls if you're male, or have futa balls kink active [Futanari]. If you have foot kink active, she'll massage your balls with her feet [Feet].

Afterwards, she'll toy with your body and edge you using meat parasites until your mind breaks and you become completely hers [Orgasm Denial][Mind Break][Living Clothes].

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