"Shopping, shopping, shopping…~" There was just something about shopping in person that drew Geordie. The blue-and-white wolf was never really a fan of shopping online; he always preferred going to the store in person, especially when it came to clothing and shoes. There really was nothing like the experience of walking down aisle after aisle of products, walking into the changing room with piles of clothes and walking out with barely one or two items that truly panned out like he expected them to, before walking back in with another pile just a few minutes later. He could spend the whole day in one of these stores if they would let him! For this run in particular, the wolf was focusing on undergarments specifically; the mall clothing store he most frequently perused had just gotten in a new line of cute, breathable underwear, and the wolf just had to try them out. Of course, for sanitary purposes, he had to wear a pair of his own underneath them, but it was still a good way to gauge how the different styles and fits looked on him… Geordie had at least six different pairs to try on as he stepped into the changing room and closed the door tight behind him, the wolf quickly stripping down to nothing but a nondescript pair of gray undies before grabbing the first item he intended to try off of the pile he had accumulated in the corner. It was a pretty abstract, red, triangular design, but what caught the wolf’s eye was something that he didn't notice initially. Emblazoned on the waistband was the word "BIGMAN"; presumably, it was the brand name, but Geordie was a little surprised he didn't notice it earlier considering how large and bold the text was! No matter, just a curiosity as the wolf slipped them up his thighs and rear… Soft, stretchy, comfortable, but most of all: accommodating! Geordie liked what he saw in the mirror, and not just because these tighter drawers did a great job of showing off the wolf's natural endowment. The pattern looked nice, the bulge was great, they felt wonderful...an absolute perfect fit, all around! It gave the wolf quite a bit to look forward to as he started to take the first pair off and move on. Damn, these things made his package look huge, though! Worth a buy just for that alone, honestly… ...in fact, as the wolf caught a glimpse of his package inside the underwear he was using to try on others, he paused for a moment. His junk, it looked...bigger. Like, a decent bit bigger than what he was used to, and of course, the wolf was pretty intimately familiar with his own package! It looks like the fabric was getting stretched out a bit more than what he was used to, and it kinda...well, it did manage to distract the wolf for a moment, before he caught a glance of the next pair he had to try on and quickly forgot about the strangeness. Surely, his eyes were just playing some tricks on him or something. He had so many more pairs to try out, he couldn't let this one thing trip him up a little bit...even if, for that moment he was playing around with his junk, it felt *really* good~ The next pair was a light blue color with a colorful dolphin pattern; a tiny bit garish for the wolf, but still worth a try, nevertheless! As Geordie slipped them up his legs and started to take another look in the mirror, the wolf couldn't help but notice that the top of his head was starting to get cut off in the reflection...now, that was a bit odd. Maybe it was just hung up improperly or something? The wolf reached and felt around the top and the back of the mirror, trying to see if something was up, but there wasn't anything obvious that came out of his mini inspection...hmph. That was a bit annoying; now he'd have to crouch down to properly see all of himself. It didn't bother him enough for Geordie to actively seek out another changing room or something, though, so he just kind of dealt with it for the time being. Little inconveniences like that weren't going to ruin the fun day out he was currently enjoying! As Geordie slipped the next pair of underwear of his legs and thighs, he very quickly realized that this was quite a bit of a tighter fit than the last pair. It felt like a struggle just to get the waistband around his thighs, and when he did manage to put everything together, he found his bulge and bits even more prominent than before! Maybe he had accidentally picked out the wrong size or something…? They were all in one pile together, so it was a tiny possibility, but it was still worth checking. Thankfully, the garment was still stretchy enough for Geordie to pull the back around to the side where he could see it, and...nope, it was a large, just like the rest of the pairs he had picked out. Geez, these were tight...it felt like his innards were being squeezed by the fabric in ways that were more than a bit uncomfortable. But, what came next both confused Geordie even more, yet also made all the other things that had happened make much more sense in retrospect… *bonk!* Geordie winced as he felt the top of his head bump up against something. It wasn't painful, but it left the wolf even more perplexed, because he hadn't been moving at all when it happened; or, at least, he didn't think he was moving! His focus was pulled away from the underwear for a moment back to the mirror, where he saw that nearly the entire top half of his body was now cut off; his bulge nearly the size of what his head was in the mirror earlier!