dcf8e105-0a9e-4511-9744-d0838f106287 1.20 2015 mZmm Adult Medium 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif Polite false v125.png false MidnightBlue 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif false false false Rech.talk = 0 Neil.talk = 0 game.sound = 1 player.tokens = 0 Selicia.shrunk = 0 Zark.trigger = 0 Selicia.zarktrigger = 0 player.securitytrigger = 0 Rope.digested = 0 Bell.ringcount = 0 DisposalToggle.on = 0 George.AV2 = 0 RechSac.secroom = 0 Byron.shrinkdrink = 0 Rosado.strugglecount = 0 RechStomach.strugglecount = 0 VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = 0 CaveRabbit.trigger = 0 OcearineBJRoom.suck = 0 OcearineSac.endo = 0 RechBowels.analscene = 0 Rokanoss.strugglecount = 0 Soup.drinks = 0 Chloe.quest = 0 Chloe.lust = 0 Drawing.seen = 0 Cot.pillows = 0 = 3) { if (Got(JC Key)) { MakeObjectInvisible (Rech) } } if (player.tokens > 5) { if (Got(JC Key)) { MakeObjectVisible (Rech) } } ]]> You are in the
Then, you look in front of you, and notice that there's an ornate, wooden {object:Door} placed in front of you, about five feet away. There's nothing behind it, either, just more blank space. Getting a closer look, you notice there's a {object:Note} on the door. Afterwards, you turn around, and notice that a board labeled {object:Credits} has suddenly appeared...credits for what, exactly?

To the left of you is a wall. There's a red lever on the wall, labeled "{object:DisposalToggle}". Next to it is a {object:Code Machine}.

The last thing you feel is a weight in your pocket. You pull out the {object:Sound Toggle}, which looks like a small, handheld radio. You notice a sticky note attached to it:

"Please turn sound off if you are playing The Hotel using the online player!"

...You have no idea what it means.]]>
false Look at Open A door, in the middle of nowhere. How odd. Look at Use Drop Open Close ClearScreen msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens, a blinding white light coming out of it. You carefully step through the door, wondering where it would take you....") wait { MoveObject (player, Lobby) } A big board with the header "Credits". Contains a lot of text. Read false the Special Thanks To:

Jeschke - code help, sounds
Freesound - sounds
rake_vuril - code help, Gineb
ChemicalCrux - sounds
Anonymous - art assets
Geckomania - art assets
Eddie - guest writing
Kevaskous - guest writing
Caudlewag - animations
Phietto - art assets

Extra special thanks to:

Bodacious Yuh
Jacob Williams
Ryan Hudson
Zachariah ellis
Joe Blay
Slyster K
Michael Luxen

All my Patrons:
Noah Knoblauch
紅 ウルフ
ethan cox
Oliver Strand
Roxas Voesi
jake ingle
Brian Hurley
Benjamin Grieder
Hunter Husky
Tyler Walkinshaw
Tigers and Lions
Timber Puppers
Raal Gardev
Joseph C Klimaszewski
Brian P. Grieshaber
Mr. Sorrow
codys kettles
Allan Ross
Jeffrey Twombly
Tharamas Dryke
Nomad Smith
Tali - Wrte
Adam Inferno
Ryan Hudson
float gen
Happy Potato
Drake Dennison
Aura Starwind
Chase Nocturne
Joss McCloud
Aniki Faux
Moony Kat
Maid to Sass
Kaoru") ]]>
Read A sticky note, written in pen. Scribbles, too. Welcome to The Hotel! This text adventure game was created by myself, mZmm, in Quest. This note is going to help you run through a couple of things about the game.

First things first, the content. This is primarily a vore text adventure game, and it conforms mostly to my interests. There is oral vore, anal vore, cock vore, unbirth, and even breast and sheath vore; alongside normal sex and some other fetishes like facesitting. Primarily, most encounters will result in a bad end, which consists of digestion and some level of (implied) disposal. Disposal never gets too graphic or gross, and can be toggled off.

Gameplay consists of visiting the various hotel rooms in the hotel and navigating through them to try and find Room Tokens. Each room has at least one predator, some two or even more, and encounters with them will most likely result in a bad end. Collecting room tokens will unlock various new rooms and floors (and give you codes so that you don't have to collect them every time!) with more characters to interact with and (hopefully not) get eaten by. There seems to be something...off about the whole hotel though. Maybe you can figure it out...? Explore around and try to uncover the secret of this place (and probably get eaten by more people, too)!

...Eventually. The plot is definitely a work in progress.

Feel free to message me on FA with any questions or bugs.

And if you want to support the game's development, check out the Patreon page!

-Neil") ]]>
A small machine with attached keyboard. Takes various codes to unlock things in the hotel. Look at You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened! ") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } else if (result = "moreroomsmorefun") { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } else if (result = "timetofinish") { msg ("
The Elevator has become available in the lobby.") MakeObjectVisible (Elevator) } else if (result = "iamagod") { msg ("DING!
You have enabled god mode! You will respawn in the lobby after any normal game-over situation.

**NOTE** This mode may break quests and other types of progression, so tread carefully!
") player.invincible = 1 } else { msg ("
The machine beeps, rejecting your code.") } } ]]>

Even if disposal is on, however, the detail will mostly be implied.

false Disposal is now on. Disposal is now off. Disposal Toggle false the Look at Switch on Switch off Look at Use Drop Switch on Switch off DisposalToggle.on = 1 DisposalToggle.on = 0
0 Sound is now on! Sound is now off. A small, handheld radio. This toggles sound on and off. If you're playing on the online version, this is heavily recommended because the online player doesn't handle sound very well. Look at Switch on Switch off Look at Switch on Switch off game.sound = 1 stop sound game.sound = 0
You are in false the if (RandomChance(5)) { MakeObjectInvisible (Kayla) MakeObjectVisible (Empty Desk) } Your vision begins to clear, and you find yourself in a hotel lobby. In fact...you had been here before. This was the only hotel in the city, owned by some shadowy panther businessman. You had seen that there had been quite a few disappearances of people at this hotel recently....but they were still in business.

You turn around to find the door is locked. After a mini panic attack, trying to open the door, you turn back around and take in the lobby. It's pretty much empty, save for a {object:Kayla:dragoness} standing at a desk, a {command:up:staircase} to her left, and a {command:north:hallway} to her right.

Guess you might as well get a room for the night...") ]]>
MakeObjectVisible (Kayla) MakeObjectInvisible (Empty Desk) A female dragoness who works at the hotel. Her scales are mostly crimson, with a cream belly, and she is dressed in the hotel's usual garb - a grayish polo with dark pants. Kayla is quite curvy, and you can certainly still see through the polo that she has an ample chest. She looks bored, idly tapping at the counter as she looks at the door, waiting for anyone to arrive. At this time, probably nobody. false \"Hello. I hope you are enjoying your stay at the hotel....wait, what do you have in your pocket? Is that...is that my dildo from my house!?! Give me it back!\" Kayla says. After you do nothing, she pulls you aside. \"If you give me it back, I'll give you the key to another room.\"") kayladildolist = NewStringList() list add (kayladildolist, "Give it back") list add (kayladildolist, "Keep it") ShowMenu ("", kayladildolist, false) { if (result = "Give it back") { msg ("
\"Oh, thank you...\" she says as you hand it back. \"I know just where to put it.\" Kayla discreetly takes the dildo, pulls down her pants, and slides the dildo straight up her ass. \"Aaah...\" she moans. She then cocks her view towards you. \"What? Where else am I supposed to put it?\" She hikes her pants up. \"I'd give you something in return, but, uh...I don't really have anything back here. Uh, here's a pencil?\" she says as she hands you a pencil. You respectfully decline it.") RemoveObject (KaylaDildo) } else if (result = "Keep it") { msg ("
\"You brat!\" she says. \"Give it back.\" she rips it out of her hand and quickly pulls down her pants. She stuffs the dildo straight up her ass and quickly hikes her pants back up. \"There,\" she says, clearly annoyed, \"Now you won't get it back.\"") RemoveObject (KaylaDildo) } } } else if (Got(Room 8 Token)) { msg ("
\"Hello. I hope you are enjoying your stay at the hotel. If you're lost, your room should be on the second floor. And, if you need room service, the number is 3039301.\"

{command:ask Kayla about vore:Ask Kayla about vore?}
{command:ask Kayla about feet:Ask Kayla about her feet?}") } else { Ask ("Welcome to the hotel. Do you have a reservation?") { if (result) { if (Got(Reservation card)) { } msg ("
\"All right. Hand over your reservation card...okay, let me just check the database here...all right, looks good. Here's your room token.\"") AddToInventory (Room 8 Token) TokenCall player.securitytrigger = 0 } else if (not Got(Reservation card)) { if (result) { msg ("
You don't seem to have a reservation card. Why would you lie to me?") } } else { msg ("
\"Oh? Well, I think we may have an opening...somewhere else...\"

Kayla leans across the desk, getting incredibly close to your face.") wait { ClearScreen msg ("
You stand still in mute confusion, and Kayla manages to grab you with her arms. You start to struggle, but it's no use - her grip is locktight. She slowly drags you over the desk and plops you underneath it, crouching down to look you in the face.

\"What am I to do with you...\" she ponders. Her tongue starts to lazily roll out of her mouth.") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } picture ("VOREHOTELKayla1.png") msg ("
\"I know what I'll do!\" She exclaims. You become aware of her stomach, rumbling and growling under her voice. \"I am pretty hungry...\" she says, contemplating her choice. Kayla licks her lips as she lifts you up to her height. As you look her in the eyes, she slowly opens her maw, already salivating heavily in preparation for her meal. \"You are going to taste so good...\" she manages to get out before sending her long dragon tongue out of her mouth. It licks one huge slurp across your face and retreats back into its fleshy, moist cave. \"Mmm...\" she moans.") wait { msg ("
Kayla continues to taste you, rubbing her tongue across your face and upper chest, thoroughly bathing you in dragon slobber. After about 2 minutes, though, Kayla's stomach groans become too loud and frequent to bear. She slowly inches your head into her wide-open mouth, licking it all over. \"You taste so good...\" she moans. Kayla slowly continues to insert you into her mouth, pushing you farther and farther past her gleaming teeth into the hot cave. Soon you arrive at the end of the trail, right before her throat. You feel like there is a fireplace below you as she lets out breath after breath of stale, rancid air. Kayla keeps you at the back of her mouth for some time, enjoying your taste some more, but soon she lets go of your body, and suddenly lets out a huge \"gulp!\" that sucks half of your body into her throat. Her tongue, still coating you in sticky dragon saliva to help lubricate your trip to her stomach, pushes you forward as she slowly continues to gulp your body down. Soon your head is starting to peek into her stomach valve, the noxious scent of stomach acids and half-digested food assaulting your nostrils. You can feel Kayla's tongue tickling the back of your feet as one final gulp completely locks you out of the outside world.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
\"I think I know what i'm gonna do...\" she says. \"Come here.\" She grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you into the ladies' restroom. Once in a stall, she plants your face on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands. You can't tell what she's doing, but after some shuffling noises, she finally tells you to turn around. As you do, you are startled by the image of her plush ass hovering mere centimeters from your face. You can also see her panties, removed and splayed out on the floor. A full view of her \"assets\" is available, with a round, fleshy pucker atop a long slit, already dripping with feminine juices. Her cheeks are wondrously round, and look like they could squeeze you flat! Assuming she wants you for some...\"service\", you stick your tongue out, ready to lick, but she grabs your head and stops you. \"No,\" she commands, \"although that is a good idea, but I'm deadset on this now. Hold tight.\" You can't really do anything else, as she has a firm grasp on your body, but you notice that she starts to lower her plump rear onto your face, closer and closer.") wait { picture ("VOREHOTELKAYLA2.png") msg ("
Expecting to be smothered by her nether regions, she instead starts to tilt so that you have the perfect view of her pucker. Before you have any time to \"appreciate\" it, she says, \"Here we go!\" and presses her ass right down on your face! \"Ah, this was already a good idea...\" she teases as she grinds on you for a bit, before pushing you straight into her asshole! Your head pops into her rectal cavity quickly and your body locks up in pure shock! Is she...using you as a dildo? You kick your legs in a futile attempt to free yourself but her grip is ironclad and you're not in the best position to struggle anymore. She continues to push you deeper into her body, moaning all the while in unabided bliss. Her intestinal walls are slimy, although the terrible smell you expected is replaced with more of a musty odor than anything. You have little time to reflect on this, though, as more and more of your body is being swallowed by her ass! \"Oh, that's the ticket..\" she moans out as you expand her bowels like never before. Already up to your waist, she slowly releases her grip and lets the floor do the work, leaning back on your legs and pushing down HARD to get the rest of you inside her. \"Almost...there...!\" she grimaces as your knees slide inside her body. Soon, it is only your feet, shoes removed, outside her pucker. It begins to dawn on you that she's not using you as a dildo...she's eating you! ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaBowels) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } picture ("VOREHOTELKayla3.png") msg ("
\"I've got a good idea.\" she says. Kayla grabs you in her claws and brings you into the women's bathroom. She goes into a stall and plops you down on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands, and turns you around to watch the locked stall door. You hear some shuffling noises, and she nearly kicks you in the back of the head, but finally she tells you you can turn around. When you do you're greeted with a full-on view of the naked Kayla, her ass pressed up against your face and her breasts dangling down from her chest. \"Lick it.\" she commands, hovering her nethers right in front of your face, already clouting your mind with their feminine odor. You do as she commands, sticking your tongue out to lick away her feminine fluids. You elicit some moans of pleasure from Kayla, but you must not be doing too good a job, as she presses her ass onto your face and pushes you straight into her slit! You have a full face view of her nether lips as you frantically dig your tongue deep into the dragoness to please her. A heavy sigh comes from above you, and you think this is all she wanted.") wait { msg ("
You continue to please her with your tongue work until you hear her breathing become faster and faster. You work frantically, thinking it's about to be over, but suddenly Kayla puts a hand on your head and -shoves- you deep into her vagina! You try to struggle, but you have no leverage as Kayla continues to feed you into her nethers. The fleshy walls around you, wet with feminine fluids, begin to suckle you as she clenches hard around your whole body. In no time at all you are waist-deep into her vagina, your head already peeking into her womb. You can hear rhythmic moans from Kayla accompanying every single clench of her nethers as you are sucked into the womb, head and shoulders already packed in. You're forced to curl up in a ball as your waist and legs are fed into the womb slowly, the fleshy cave already damp with fluids and reeking of arousal. Only your feet are left sticking out of her slit, Kayla collapsing against the toilet in arousal. She places two fingers on your feet and plunges them deep into her slit, starting to finger herself before you are even fully inside her! She manages to push your feet all the way up to her cervix before pulling her fingers back out, and she starts to clench as your feet slowly slip past the cervix and into her womb.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaWomb) } } } } } } } } ]]>
\"Oh? You ~want~ me to eat you?\" Kayla teases, chuckling a bit before grabbing you with her arms. You start to struggle, but it's no use - her grip is locktight. She slowly drags you over the desk and plops you underneath it, crouching down to look you in the face.

\"I do love a willing toy...\" she ponders. Her tongue starts to lazily roll out of her mouth.") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } picture ("VOREHOTELKayla1.png") msg ("
\"I know what I'll do!\" She exclaims. You become aware of her stomach, rumbling and growling under her voice. \"I am pretty hungry...\" she says, contemplating her choice. Kayla licks her lips as she lifts you up to her height. As you look her in the eyes, she slowly opens her maw, already salivating heavily in preparation for her meal. \"You are going to taste so good...\" she manages to get out before sending her long dragon tongue out of her mouth. It licks one huge slurp across your face and retreats back into its fleshy, moist cave. \"Mmm...\" she moans.") wait { msg ("
Kayla continues to taste you, rubbing her tongue across your face and upper chest, thoroughly bathing you in dragon slobber. After about 2 minutes, though, Kayla's stomach groans become too loud and frequent to bear. She slowly inches your head into her wide-open mouth, licking it all over. \"You taste so good...\" she moans. Kayla slowly continues to insert you into her mouth, pushing you farther and farther past her gleaming teeth into the hot cave. Soon you arrive at the end of the trail, right before her throat. You feel like there is a fireplace below you as she lets out breath after breath of stale, rancid air. Kayla keeps you at the back of her mouth for some time, enjoying your taste some more, but soon she lets go of your body, and suddenly lets out a huge \"gulp!\" that sucks half of your body into her throat. Her tongue, still coating you in sticky dragon saliva to help lubricate your trip to her stomach, pushes you forward as she slowly continues to gulp your body down. Soon your head is starting to peek into her stomach valve, the noxious scent of stomach acids and half-digested food assaulting your nostrils. You can feel Kayla's tongue tickling the back of your feet as one final gulp completely locks you out of the outside world.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
\"I think I know what i'm gonna do...\" she says. \"Come here.\" She grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you into the ladies' restroom. Once in a stall, she plants your face on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands. You can't tell what she's doing, but after some shuffling noises, she finally tells you to turn around. As you do, you are startled by the image of her plush ass hovering mere centimeters from your face. You can also see her panties, removed and splayed out on the floor. A full view of her \"assets\" is available, with a round, fleshy pucker atop a long slit, already dripping with feminine juices. Her cheeks are wondrously round, and look like they could squeeze you flat! Assuming she wants you for some...\"service\", you stick your tongue out, ready to lick, but she grabs your head and stops you. \"No,\" she commands, \"although that is a good idea, but I'm deadset on this now. Hold tight.\" You can't really do anything else, as she has a firm grasp on your body, but you notice that she starts to lower her plump rear onto your face, closer and closer.") wait { picture ("VOREHOTELKAYLA2.png") msg ("
Expecting to be smothered by her nether regions, she instead starts to tilt so that you have the perfect view of her pucker. Before you have any time to \"appreciate\" it, she says, \"Here we go!\" and presses her ass right down on your face! \"Ah, this was already a good idea...\" she teases as she grinds on you for a bit, before pushing you straight into her asshole! Your head pops into her rectal cavity quickly and your body locks up in pure shock! Is she...using you as a dildo? You kick your legs in a futile attempt to free yourself but her grip is ironclad and you're not in the best position to struggle anymore. She continues to push you deeper into her body, moaning all the while in unabided bliss. Her intestinal walls are slimy, although the terrible smell you expected is replaced with more of a musty odor than anything. You have little time to reflect on this, though, as more and more of your body is being swallowed by her ass! \"Oh, that's the ticket..\" she moans out as you expand her bowels like never before. Already up to your waist, she slowly releases her grip and lets the floor do the work, leaning back on your legs and pushing down HARD to get the rest of you inside her. \"Almost...there...!\" she grimaces as your knees slide inside her body. Soon, it is only your feet, shoes removed, outside her pucker. It begins to dawn on you that she's not using you as a dildo...she's eating you! ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaBowels) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } picture ("VOREHOTELKayla3.png") msg ("
\"I've got a good idea.\" she says. Kayla grabs you in her claws and brings you into the women's bathroom. She goes into a stall and plops you down on the floor. \"Don't look.\" she commands, and turns you around to watch the locked stall door. You hear some shuffling noises, and she nearly kicks you in the back of the head, but finally she tells you you can turn around. When you do you're greeted with a full-on view of the naked Kayla, her ass pressed up against your face and her breasts dangling down from her chest. \"Lick it.\" she commands, hovering her nethers right in front of your face, already clouting your mind with their feminine odor. You do as she commands, sticking your tongue out to lick away her feminine fluids. You elicit some moans of pleasure from Kayla, but you must not be doing too good a job, as she presses her ass onto your face and pushes you straight into her slit! You have a full face view of her nether lips as you frantically dig your tongue deep into the dragoness to please her. A heavy sigh comes from above you, and you think this is all she wanted.") wait { msg ("
You continue to please her with your tongue work until you hear her breathing become faster and faster. You work frantically, thinking it's about to be over, but suddenly Kayla puts a hand on your head and -shoves- you deep into her vagina! You try to struggle, but you have no leverage as Kayla continues to feed you into her nethers. The fleshy walls around you, wet with feminine fluids, begin to suckle you as she clenches hard around your whole body. In no time at all you are waist-deep into her vagina, your head already peeking into her womb. You can hear rhythmic moans from Kayla accompanying every single clench of her nethers as you are sucked into the womb, head and shoulders already packed in. You're forced to curl up in a ball as your waist and legs are fed into the womb slowly, the fleshy cave already damp with fluids and reeking of arousal. Only your feet are left sticking out of her slit, Kayla collapsing against the toilet in arousal. She places two fingers on your feet and plunges them deep into her slit, starting to finger herself before you are even fully inside her! She manages to push your feet all the way up to her cervix before pulling her fingers back out, and she starts to clench as your feet slowly slip past the cervix and into her womb.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaWomb) } } } } ]]>
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Before you could react, Kayla had put her feet back behind the table, the dragoness standing up and lunging over her desk and snatching you right up! All this happened so fast that you couldn't really react; one second you were gazing at the undersides of her feet, and the next second, you were laying flat on the ground, covered in darkness as the dragoness stuffed you underneath her desk with little finesse or class to the whole thing! As soon as you could open your eyes, you were greeted with the sight of those creamy soles once more; only this time, they were descending right down onto you!

“Aaahhh, Yeah. A soft cushion would make standing behind this desk all day so much easier…” you heard Kayla say above you, her voice somewhat muffled as she rested both of her feet on top of your body; one on your chest, and one right on top of your face! Thankfully, her paw pads were about as soft as they looked, providing ample squish for your face as she stood on top of you...for where you were, this honestly wasn't that bad!

A few minutes passed before you heard the dragoness's voice again, her clawed toes curling around you tightly every now and then and giving you the slightest bit of anxiety whenever she did so! “Hey, footrest, what do you think about maybe giving me a rub or a lick while you're down there?~”
") Ask ("Service Kayla?") { if (result) { msg ("Well, you were already down here, after all...it wasn't something you were really thinking about it at first, but it couldn't hurt. You didn't really have the ability to verbally respond to Kayla's question, so instead your answer was just to move your arms away from your sides, doing the best to reach around and underneath her feet to start rubbing at those soft, tuckered out soles. It was difficult at first, but as Kayla realized that you were actually going to do it, she released some of the pressure off of your face, a lazy smile starting to spread over her snout as she felt you get to work down there. “Oh, right there...yeah, lots of tension…” you heard the dragoness say, helping you zero in on a spot where, yeah, you could feel a lot of tension! Kayla had trouble keeping herself from groaning and exclaiming from how nice it felt to get somebody rubbing at her feet - you didn't realize you were even that good at massage…

Time went on, and eventually, Kayla took one of her feet off of your face, gently stepping back and moving her other foot to the side and allowing you to work on that one - which you eagerly did, feeling around for the real tension spots before going to town and giving Kayla a nice, deep rub, thumbs and all. It kind of made you feel warm and fuzzy to hear Kayla so pleased and happy with the work you were doing...kinda almost made you forget that she was even teasing you about being a footrest in the first place! Hell, maybe you would get something for the work you had done down here, if she was feeling nice enough…

You continued to work on her soles for a little while, feeling Kayla slowly increase the pressure on top of your face and hands as she wanted you to go deeper and deeper...eventually, though, you heard her say something to you directly for the first time in quite a bit! “Aahh, that really was quite nice...now, it's time for you to lick them clean~”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("You had forgotten about that part. Almost immediately, Kayla brought both of her soles to rest on your body, keeping the pressure up and even adding a little bit of her weight on top of you as she stood tall and proud! It seemed like she was really turned on by the rubbing, and now, she was looking for something a little bit kinkier...well, you weren't really in the position to say no! With some initial hesitation, you slowly opened your mouth and let your tongue slip out, slowly moving forward and starting to brush across the bottoms of Kayla's feet like you were licking a metal rod on a cold winter day. You honestly expected a lot worse, but the taste was...mostly salty, maybe a bit earthy as well - but there wasn't much of a taste at all! All the same, Kayla shuddered when she felt that contact on the underside of her foot, instantly putting even more pressure down and really trying to get as much of your tongue as possible slurping along her soles! Clearly, that rubbing had gotten her worked up, and with you in such a compromising position, she was more than willing to push the envelope and get you licking her feet clean…

“Mmmh...get it aaalll, my little footslut...” you heard Kayla tease above you after a few minutes of more intensive licking, the dragoness chuckling a few seconds later as she could feel the warmth of your red cheeks against the bottom of her foot! She was hitting a weak spot that you didn't even know you had, but the more she teased you, the more you got into it...what started as a very tentative lick was slowly progressing into a full-on make-out session, your arms reaching around and getting a firm grip of Kayla's foot while you pressed your face into those meaty soles and licked and slurped along every dang inch of soft, scaly skin that you could. Oh, god, it was so embarrassing to think about, but so kinky as well...what on earth had gotten into you!?
") wait { msg ("You would have taken the time to stop and think about what was going on, but as Kayla felt you getting more and more into this impromptu foot make out session, she only egged you on, continually pressing and grinding her feet on top of you, switching which one was right in your face every few minutes or so to make sure you got everySingle square inch of her salts! At some point, you even felt her foot shift on top of you, the dragon is bringing her toes right to your lips, forcing you to give them a deep kiss before you felt her trying to shove one of them right in your mouth! “Cmon, Suck my toe, nerd…” you heard her grunt from above you as she continued pushing; at first, you weren't really interested, but once her toe broke passed your lips and into your mouth...Well, you couldn't help yourself. You sucked and licked and tasted and did everything she asked, and then some. Your tongue explored everywhere, in between her toes, along the bottoms of her feet, just anywhere it could go. Fuc, being a footrest was more intense than you thought it would be...

At some point, you felt Kayla release the pressure off of your body as she finally stepped back, looking at down with a devious, toothy smirk on her face as she saw just how flustered and aroused you had been made by if this whole experience. “I'm surprised it took you this long to ask about my feet, if you liked licking and rubbing them so much~” the Dragon Nest wanted, before stepping back and allowing you to slowly climb to your feet, your legs and knees wobbling and half asleep from laying down and such an odd position for what felt like hours! “Well, any time you wanna be my foot slut again, just come by and ask. I could use someone like you~” Kayla said, before she leaned over and gave you a little smooch on the cheek!

Well...you weren’t feeling it right now, but the option was open again in the future if you ever got into...that mood again. You slowly walked out from behind the dragoness’s desk, looking for a bathroom where you could clean yourself up...though the musk of Kayla’s feet probably wasn’t going to leave you for a while.
") } } } else { msg ("Heeeelllll no. That suggestion was just way too much for you too early! You were in a pretty compromising position right now, but your “response” to Kayla's request was simply to do nothing that she asked, instead squirming and trying your best to push the dragon’s impressive weight off of you...a plan that did not go as you might have hoped it would. After a minute or so of this struggling, Kayla chuckled as she realized you weren't going to treat her while you were down there. “Well, looks like you'll be down there for a while, then…” you could hear her say, the pressure being applied to your face and chest increasing as she started treating you like a true footrest. At points it felt like she was making it hard to breathe, not out of malice or anything, but from just the sheer weight of this giant reptile being put entirely on top of you...especially as minutes, maybe even hours, passed underneath here with little to no interaction between the two of you outside of Kayla curling and flexing her toes powerfully and occasionally shuffling her position. You could hear hotel guests coming and going about their days as normal, completely ignorant of the fact that Kayla was using one of the guests as a foot mat just behind that desk! It was clear that she was quite deliberately ignoring you, trying her best to treat you like an inanimate object; maybe it was to punish you for not being compliant, or maybe it was to tease you, since you were the one who had asked to see her sore feet in the first place! Either way, it was somewhat degrading, but mostly, it was...long. Long and tiring.
") wait { msg ("Eventually, though, after what had to be at least half of a full work shift of you being smothered under her paws, your face and chest mashed against the bottoms of her feet and dealing with all the heat and musk associated with such a position, the dragoness occasionally flexing her toes in an act of teasing, you felt Kayla's weight slowly starting to be lifted off of you. “Iiiiiii think that's enough of a punishment for now…” the dragoness said as she stepped backwards, “...though, for someone who didn't want to rub or lick my soles, you seemed like you liked being down there quite a bit!”

You didn't really argue with Kayla. You just accepted her release, slowly getting back up to your feet and trying to hide the red in your face as you walked away from her desk. You weren't really sure what to think about what all just went down...
") } } } } ]]>
Kayla's stomach false false You squeeze into Kayla's stomach. The stomach acids are already rising, and the smell is unbearable. As you struggle, Kayla lets out a huge "BRRAAAAPP!" exhaling all the air in her stomach. The stomach is stretched, yet there is still some room to move around in, Kayla's belly relatively taut. Already you are bathed in the disgusting mix of stomach acids and unrecognizable slush as Kayla maneuvers back behind her desk, jiggling you constantly. You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
Kayla's stomach starts to gurgle hard now, the digestive fluids swamping around you and slowly drowning you out. You begin to feel a slight tingling all through your body, but before you can feel any real pain, you feel your consciousness starting to fade. The lack of air in the stomach was really getting to you, and you wondered how long you'd have left in here...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (GetBoolean(KaylaStomach, "AnalVore")) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The stomach was really becoming quite hostile to your continued existence. The constant undulation of the stomach walls continued to knead those digestive juices into your skin, your clothes having long since melted away. The dull tingling you felt from earlier had multiplied throughout your body, almost dulling your senses in a way. You were afraid that the real pain would start to come soon, but before the stomach could really start working on you, your consciousness slipped away, the lack of air in the gut really getting to you...

Kayla continued to help service customers outside as she felt her gut gurgling and groaning. Eventually, though, she felt your squirms inside starting to die out, replaced with much louder groans and gurgles. She blushed as she heard her stomach starting to get to work, getting ready to answer a lot of questions from customers concerning her lunch breaks. She silently wished she could go on lunch break, but that had been a while ago; truth was, you were more dinner than anything. Still, whenever she got a little break from desk patrons, she leaned back in her chair to look at the digestive process, chuckling as she watched the bulge you made in her scaled gut slowly rounding out and shrinking down. She rubbed at it, as well, feeling what was left of you sloshing around inside. \"You're doing a great job, dinner~\" she said as she poked at her gut, a loud, rumbling gurgle coming from the sack in response.

Eventually, her shift ended, though. She got out of her seat, not used to the extra weight in her gut, before walking out to her car and driving home. At this point, you had mostly gurgled up completely, and were currently in the process of adding to her already ample rear and hips. Ever so often, though, she could hear a gurgle coming from her gut as it squeezed out the last of the chyme into her intestines. ") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
She eventually got home, though, and immediately went to the bathroom, excited to see how you had transformed her figure. \"Aah, these are lovely...\" she said as she stood in front of her bathroom vanity mirror, clothes tossed into the corner, as she admired and pinched at her new curves. During this exhibition, though, she felt a big of a pang in her bowels. \"...Already?\" she said quizzically, before plopping that new, chubbier rear down on her toilet seat and disposing of the last of you. She did her business and flushed the toilet before putting her clothes on, taking one last look at her curves before heading off to the bed for the night. You had been a quite delicious annoyance, at the very least...") } else { msg ("
She eventually got home, though, and immediately went to bed. She had a long day at work, and eating somebody wasn't exactly easy, either...") } msg ("
*Don't annoy a big dragon...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("AVexit.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You come to later, expecting to be, if not digested, pushed along in Kayla's intestinal tract. However, as you open your eyes (surprised as you are that you can), you realize you are not in a dragoness's digestive tract, but on the cold floor of a bathroom. You come to your senses, turn around, and see Kayla hiking up her pants by the toilet. \"Oh, you're awake.\" she says. \"You don't want to know what it took to get you out of there.\" She grabs your chin and tilts your head up to look into her eyes. \"Listen,\" she starts, \"I might have just eaten you for shits and giggles, and to fill me up for a while, but there are some people in this hotel who are really hungry for their kicks. Keep your eyes open.\" She points you towards the door. \"Now you should leave so I can finish dressing.\" You walk out and find yourself back in the lobby.") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") Kayla's stomach walls. They are incredibly slimy and give you no traction whatsoever. Look at false ") } } else { msg ("\"Quit struggling...\" Kayla moans out. She rubs her stomach slightly and lets out a huge belch.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
bowel walls false false Kayla's breathing becomes heavy and slow as your body slides up through her bowels. Your feet, the only remnants of you in the outside world, are slowly slurped up by her ravenous pucker. As she completes her massive meal, Kayla splays out on the floor, naked and in absolute bliss. "Ooh...that was...so good..." she manages to moan out. Her clawed hand slowly hovers lower on her body. You are surrounded by ") } msg ("
As you slowly move through her bowels, you hear Kayla outside starting to make more noises. Judging by the nature of them, you can only assume that Kayla has succumbed to her primal desires and is now getting herself off. The feminine scent from her nethers was very overwhelming earlier; you thought she might have been in heat. You don't appreciate being her release, though.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After what feels like an eternity of moving through her bowels, Kayla releases a primal roar of pleasure that makes your ears ring. She clenches her butt incredibly hard, pushing you straight through her bowels at an unprecedented pace. You can feel your head pushing up into the duodenum, and your body soon to follow. The primal pants and roars continue from Kayla, slowly turning into rapid breaths and long sighs. \"Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh....\" you hear her moan loudly at the end of her affair. You can hear heavy gurgling coming up ahead, and soon you start to poke into the stomach, the chamber awash with fluids.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false Kayla's bowel walls. They are slimy and constantly moving, pushing you in an upwards direction towards her awaiting stomach. Kayla's bowel walls Look at ") } } else { msg ("\"Quit struggling...\" Kayla moans out. She rubs her lower belly slightly.") } ]]>
Kayla's womb false false You are completely immobilized inside Kayla's womb. The tightly-packed chamber is oozing feminine juices, taking no time to completely soak your body. You can feel a shift around you as Kayla props herself up against the toilet, primal roars echoing throughout her body and ringing in your ears. You can definitely tell she's begun fingering herself as she plunges her digits into her vagina over and over again. The walls start to squeeze your body in time with her moans, giving you even less room inside her womb than you already have. It is nearly impossible to move. The heat in the womb continues to rise as Kayla's moans become louder and louder. You can't see it, but she starts to cup her breast with her free hand and starts using her tongue to play with her nipple. She continues to plunge her fingers deeper into her vagina as her fluids gush out of her womb, bringing herself closer and closer to orgasm.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The moans still continue to get louder. You are positively dripping in fluids as even more continue to rush out her cervix, the walls squeezing you even tighter. You start to hear panting as the movement around you...starts to stop? Yes, stop, as you hear Kayla's voice, muffled but audible: \"All..right, kid..I got an...idea. You want out now...or later?\"") kaylawomblist = NewStringList() list add (kaylawomblist, "Let me out now") list add (kaylawomblist, "I want to stay") ShowMenu ("", kaylawomblist, false) { if (result = "Let me out now") { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
\"Suit...yourself...\" she pants. You feel the movement around you begin to resume as Kayla goes all-out, teasing her nipples and burying her entire hand in her vagina! The moans continue to rise, the walls clenching around you incredibly hard. You feel like you're going to get crushed as the heat in the womb becomes nearly unbearable. As you're certain that you will be crushed to death, a primal, earth-shattering roar erupts from Kayla as waves of fluids erupt from her vagina! Her cervix yawns open, and the walls of the womb flex and shove you back through the vagina in a miasma of wetness. Your body begins to slide out of her nethers, and you suddenly realize that your clothes had been clean melted off in her womb. You inch your way out of Kayla's vagina as her fingers continue to plunge deeper, eliciting more and more fluids to rush past your body and help push you back out onto the tile. Your legs slip past the lips and back out into the open air, and your feet follow suit, finally freeing you from Kayla's womb. Kayla. utterly spent, pants on the floor in a haze of euphoria. \"Get...out...\" she sputters, as you are forced out of the stall. Naked, and dripping in feminine fluids, you realize that Kayla had left you an extra change of clothes outside the bathroom. Frantically, you put them on; even though they'll definitely get soaked by her fluids, at least you won't be naked while you find a shower.") wait { MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } else if (result = "I want to stay") { msg ("
\"That's what...I wanted...to hear..\" Kayla moans as she struggles to get herself up. She removes her fingers from her slit and starts to put her hotel uniform back on. Your world is continually tossed around as she struggles to fit in her uniform with a squirming, huge belly, but she manages to fit the shirt around it. You are constantly tossed about in the jiggling belly as she makes her way behind the receptionist's desk. The rest of the day passes quickly, as much as you can tell time for, but you can tell she's holding back an incredible orgasm, moaning and playing with her breasts to continue her arousal whenever she doesn't have to service a customer. After some time of being still, you once again have your world turned as she leaves the hotel and starts to drive home in the car. About this time you start to fall asleep, the womb walls proving a suitable cushion as you are rocked by the gentle movement of her belly.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
\"Wake up, it's time...\" you hear as you are suddenly jostled awake by Kayla's playing with her belly. The hustle and bustle of the hotel is gone as you are now lying in what you can only assume is Kayla's bed. You start to struggle slightly to confirm that you're awake. \"Mmm..there you are...\" she moans. You hear no rustling and assume she already is naked as the heat in the womb, already unbearable from her stored arousal, begins to rise. She cups a breast in one hand as her two fingers plunge into her slit, corresponding to a loud moan of pleasure as your world is jostled around by the sheer force of her fingering. Her tongue rolls out of her mouth and starts to play with her nipples as the moans become faster and faster. Soon Kayla has her entire fist deep into her birth canal, soaking the entire cavern in feminine fluids. She's really getting into it now, the womb walls clenching incredibly hard as she continues to bury her fist deeper and deeper. Just when you think that you're going to be crushed to death, a massive, ear-destroying, primal roar of pleasure erupts from above you, Kayla finally reaching orgasm! Her womb flexes as hard as possible, ejecting you clean out into her birth canal in no time flat, head first as you are on a waterslide of fluids! Just as soon as you left the womb you are literally flying out of Kayla's vagina as her orgasm sprays itself - and you- all over her bedroom! You land face first as Kayla, moaning and roaring, spurts fluid all over the room, absolutely soaking you. Almost a full minute passes before she comes down off cloud nine, panting slowly decreasing. \"That...was...unbelievable...\" she manages to moan out. She leans over her bed at you, still soaking in her fluids underneath her bed. \"Thanks kid...you should probably clean yourself up in the shower though.\" She makes a good point as you look down and realize your clothes had been completely melted inside Kayla's womb. ") wait { msg ("
She points you to the shower, and you start to walk away before she stops you. \"One more thing..\" she starts. \"You can stay here for the night. Guest bedroom is down the hallway.\" You thank her for her hospitality and go take a shower. Finding her bedroom, you open the door and see that it's a pretty nice room, nothing too fancy, but with a nice charm to it. You hop in the bed and get some much-needed rest.") MoveObject (player, KaylaHouse) } } } } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten")
Look at Use Kayla's bowels false
"Nngh...you feel great in there..." Kayla said as she pulled her pants back up, sitting down back at the receptionist's desk. "I'd love to get off right now, but I'm still on shift..." she said as she poked at the bulge you made in her gut, trying to hide you the best she could underneath her shirt and behind the desk. She still wasn't doing a very great job, though.]]>
You are surrounded by By your best measurements of time, you had been winding through Kayla's bowels for around an hour at this point. Nothing had changed, besides the grumblings of the stomach gradually getting louder as you inched closer to your destination. The tightness of the bowel walls was giving you a bit of claustrophobia, but every wiggle you made was quickly rebuked by the tight walls. You just hoped at the very least that you'd arrive in the stomach soon...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After what felt like forever, your head finally squished up against what felt like a taut, fleshy wall. Eventually, that fleshy wall gave way, a clench from Kayla squeezing you out into her stomach, groaning and gurgling, already awash with stomach fluids. The smell in here was much more acrid, matching the much more acrid environment of the stomach. The rest of your body eventually slid out of the sphincter, winding its way into the gut. It was somewhat more spacious than the intestines, but the stomach walls were eager to remedy that, kneading and pushing against you from every angle, working the stomach fluids into your skin and clothes. You struggled to get comfortable inside the sac, preparing yourself for the long ride ahead...") MoveObject (player, KaylaStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Kayla's bowel walls. They are slimy and constantly moving, pushing you in an upwards direction towards her awaiting stomach. ") } } else { msg ("\"Quit struggling...\" Kayla moans out. She rubs her lower belly slightly.") } ]]>
false That way is locked. false false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Helga's bowels "Aaahhh...i'm so sorry, hun, I'm gonna-" the hippo said before you felt a crushing clench, pulling in the rest of your body with a loud, wet *SHLORP*. The hippo cried out in pleasure as she felt you disappear inside of her, your small form making a bulge in her pale pink belly while her pucker closed around the tips of your feet. "Ah, gosh, it just feels too good…" the hippo said, a hand caressing her potbelly as you squirmed and kicked around inside, trying desperately to free yourself from musky hippo bowels. You felt like you might have had a chance a few minutes ago, but now? Now you were completely at the hippo's mercy. You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("You couldn't keep up any sort of fight anymore. The gurgling of the hippo's stomach was getting louder and louder as the minutes turned into hours, but you weren't even sure if you would make it there...at least, not consciously. Crammed into hot, humid bowels, your body being squelched and pushed into turn after turn inside this maze of flesh, your strength was completely gone. Hell, you could barely feel your arms and legs at this point, let alone use them in any sort of consistent effort to get out of here.

While you churned and gurgled away inside the hippo, she was…occupied. Just as you thought might happen, she had given up on trying to free you. It just...it just felt so GOOD! Every wiggle and squirm you made tickled her in places she didn't even think were possible, and it was driving the hippo absolutely mad. She simply *had* to stop everything she was doing and release all this arousal that had suddenly built up; so now she was just sitting on that toilet seat, stroking her thick, gray shaft while she played with her breasts. \"Ahh, keep it up in there, sugar…\" she teased, poking at her belly every now and again to make sure you were still wiggling inside of her. She...she could free you when she was done, right? You weren't even to her stomach yet, you weren't in any real danger. Even as her guts started to churn and press against your body, the hippo was convinced that you would be fine. She just...needed to...release…


That cry of pleasure certainly startled whoever else was in the restroom with this hippo (or maybe not, considering what building they were in!) as she came, ropes of thick hippo cream shooting right out of the tip of her cock and splattering against the tile floor, the door in front of her, the walls, anywhere that it could. At the same time, the nether lips between her legs were gushing out a feminine orgasm as well, the simultaneous climaxes completely overwhelming the hippo and causing her to basically forget about you inside of her...not like there was much of you left inside to forget about. The crushing squeezing of her bowels in orgasm had mostly melted you away at this point, the villi in her intestines soaking you right up and treating you as nothing more than nutrition for the hippo’s buxom body...after all, if you were that deep inside of her, that was the only thing you could be! Nothing more than a meal, and one that couldn't even reach her stomach…

Eventually, the hippo came down from her orgasm, sweating and panting as she saw the four walls surrounding her absolutely soaked in jizz. “Oh, gods, I haven't done anything that nice in quite a while…” she huffed out, before reaching down to her stomach and rubbing around on it to see if you were still wiggling around. Instead of the kicks and squirms she had felt earlier, the only thing he heard was a low *ggglrrrrggg…*, her face turning red as she realized what had actually happened. “Oh...oh gosh...well, I guess...I hope you enjoy being on my hips…” she said, nervously cleaning herself up and walking out of the bathroom stall, feeling a bit more of a sway in her step already...

*You were a bit too patient...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You pressed out against the bowel walls, feeling them squeeze tighter in response.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The hippo's gasps of pleasure echoed off in the distance, muffled by the gurgling and churning of her guts.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("insidemoan1.wav", false, false) } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You thought you could wiggle backwards...but every movement you made only pulled you deeper into the hippo.") } else { msg ("Your strength was being sapped quickly, your fierce struggles being reduced to weak wiggling.") }
A small journal that fits in your pocket. Saves the game for you. Look at Use false the ClearScreen request (RequestSave, "") msg ("You scribble down some notes to help you remember what happened.") false false A silver bell, sitting on the receptionist's desk. Look at The dragoness glares at you before getting out of her seat. \"All right, get over here, you little shit!\" Kayla roars as she jumps out of her seat, snatching you up before you can even really react. In seconds you're on the floor, in a daze after the dragoness practically threw you onto it. You look up to see the dragoness's bare rear hovering above you! You try to stop her, but the full weight of the dragoness quickly comes down on your face, the rear slamming down around your head. \"Nngh...I haven't done this in a while. Should've just left it alone...\" you hear the dragoness say before she pushes down onto your face, grinding her rear against your nose before it pops into her yawned-open pucker, the dragoness moaning as she feels your flesh pierce her rump. She grunts, before pushing down around it, the flesh of her pucker quickly expanding around your face, forcing you to tilt your head up as you continued to batter at the dragoness's thighs. In vain, of course, considering your position; but you still tried anyway, considering you were slowly being consumed by a dragoness's hungry rear...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your whole head was inside the dragoness's rear at this point, Kayla grunting with every push she made, cramming more and more of you up into her rear. The scent was earthy, but not exactly distasteful. What was really getting to you was the heat of the bowels, already giving you somewhat of a dull headache, and the flesh, which rippled and endeavored to pull you deeper into Kayla. You had a firm grip on her buttcheeks, but that was slowly being loosened as the rump encroached on your shoulders, a powerful push causing a cry of pleasure from the dragoness as her anal ring expands around your shoulders, pinning your arms at your sides. After that, it was practically child's play, Kayla slurping the rest of your body up into her rump like a spaghetti noodle. With your arms at your sides, you couldn't really struggle much, and you were forced to listen to the lewd groans of the dragoness as she pulled you deeper and deeper. Soon, your whole waist was consumed by the hungry pucker, leaving your legs hanging out and flailing randomly as the dragoness slowly lifted her hips. \"Nnf...just a little...bit more...\" she groaned as she placed a hand on your feet, pushing you deeper up into her bowels, moaning with pleasure as you stretched her out oh-so-wonderfully. Soon, only your feet hung outside of the pucker, before the flesh slowly stretched around them, one last clench from the dragoness pulling them inside...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, KaylaBellBowels) } } } else { msg ("You ring the bell. \"Can I help you?\" Kayla says, looking at you expectantly.") Bell.ringcount = 1 } ]]>
A *very* large, three-headed anthro doberman lady. She was currently sitting down at one of the tables that were in the lobby, rubbing at her faintly-squirming stomach underneath the table. A drool-soaked collar sat next to her propped-up arm, the other arm currently scrolling through something on the dog's phone. Look at false
“Aw...so cute. You know, you could take a closer seat if you wanted~\" her left head said, poking a bit of light-hearted fun at how hesitant you were to get close, despite your curiosity! \"I'd say it's smart to have that kind of weariness around here, but I'm too full to eat you up right now, hun...the name's Jasmine.\"
") wait { msg ("\"Oh. Hi, Jasmine...what's with the collar?\" you managed to ask; you couldn't take your eyes off of the thing, honestly! Of course it must have belonged to whomever was now wriggling around inside of Jasmine's belly, but you were oh-so-curious about the circumstances that had led to that happening. Perhaps, curious enough to see for yourself…

\"Ah, that was just from dinner. My pet got a little uppity, and, well…\" the dog trailed off, before letting out a soft *bwuurp* that the middle head tried its best to hide in her elbow. \"Why, do you think you can step up to the plate?\" the right head piped up afterwards, seemingly a bit more interested in you than the other heads were...or, at least, interested for different reasons~
") Ask ("Step up?") { if (result) { msg ("You really didn't know what Jasmine was referring to, but all the possibilities were infinitely enticing to you…! And perhaps that's what Jasmine was doing intentionally, but in the moment, you didn't care. \"Oh! Well, I didn't think you would be so eager after sitting down like that. I won't complain, though...come with me then, dearie.~\" the doberman replied, reaching out one of her arms towards you and offering her hand to help you up, and you accepted that hand quicker than you thought you would. So, just like that, you were whisked to the nearby elevator, standing alone with Jasmine as the thick, metal doors scraped and shook together until they were finally closed!

It was mostly small talk between the two of you as the elevator ascended. You didn't want to make any sudden moves on the doberman in here, and Jasmine was more than content to just let you squirm and exasperate in her presence until you heard the loud thing of the elevator reaching the proper floor. As soon as the doors opened back up, Jasmine burst out ahead of you, grasping your hand once more and pulling you behind her like a prized teddy-bear! You even lost your footing for a few moments, nearly falling to the ground before catching your balance and picking up the pace to keep up with Jasmine as she led you towards her room.
") wait { msg ("The doberman's room was nothing special. It was the same hotel room you had seen plenty of instances of at this point, and nothing really caught your eye as the two of you stepped inside and set all your things on the table. \"No, I'm sure you need to freshen up a bit in the bathroom, so I'll let you do that while I wait out here…\" the cerberus said as she vaguely motioned towards the bathroom door. You didn't really have anything to do in there, though, if you were to be honest...but the implication that Jasmine was giving you was pretty obvious, so you just went along with it anyway. It kind of just dicked around in the room for a minute or two, absent-mindedly scrolling through stuff on your phone until you felt like enough time had passed for it not to be weird.
") wait { msg ("When you opened the bathroom door, you found that the main light had been turned off, the room now lit by the much-dimmer lamp that was on the nightstand next to the bed. And, speaking of the bed, that's where Jasmine was right now...and, oh boy, was she there. The doberman cerberus was spread out on the couch, her clothes tossed haphazardly onto the floor and the bed sheets as her legs were spread wide open for you! \"Time for your dinner, pipsqueak~\" the right head teased as all of their eyes locked right onto you, everything in the room drawing your gaze to one spot in particular: the crevice between the doberman’s legs, where you could just faintly make out a pink slit resting between the brown color of the inside of her thighs…

\"It's all right. Come closer hun...let's see if you deserve this~\" the middle head quickly replied, trying her best to steer the conversation to a slightly more warm tone! You weren't quite sure what she was referring to, until you noticed that she was casually spinning the collar around on her finger...at least it would probably be dry when you got to wear it. If you got to wear it. Despite how sexy and sultry Jasmine was trying to look, she was somewhat undercut by the fact that there was still a wiggling, occasionally-groaning bulge smack dab right in the middle of her stomach for you to deal with. It was certainly messing with the vibe the doberman was wanting to go with, but...they would calm down eventually.

You slowly started to approach Jasmine, climbing up on the lower half of the bed and gradually working your way between her legs and getting comfy until your face was nestled riiiight between her plump, sizable thighs, both of them very gently squeezing on each side of your head. You could see a bit of sweet nectar glistening on the lips of her flower, the scent wafting up towards you and enticing you even closer! That, and the wiggling and groaning of the stomach above you, which was strangely starting to become sort of attractive, even though it had made you a bit nervous to be around her earlier. \"Hhf...go on already, give it a taste!\" You heard what was presumably the right head say above you, though her voice was slightly muffled by the thighs that were closing in on both sides of you…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidesigh.wav", false, false) } msg ("A heat was starting to radiate from the doberman's nethers as you pressed your own lips against them, that sweet nectar smearing itself over your lips as your tongue slipped out of its home and into Jasmine's snatch. You heard her gasp in pleasure, before immediately clenching her flesh around your tongue, yanking it deeper and pulling your face inwards to be as intimate with her goods as possible...and you were more than okay with that! It made it a bit easier to get right into the Sweet spot she wanted you to be in, actually. The musky flavor of her nectar tingled your taste buds as you vigorously and enthusiastically continued to eat the doberman out, Jasmine's gasps and cries of pleasure only continuing to motivate you to go further and further up inside of her folds, to satisfy her as much as you were able to…

\"Ohh…! Feel free to give me a little massage, if you want. I know you were staring at my gut, and dinner is being a little uppity right now…\"

Once Jasmine clenched around your tongue, you honestly had kind of forgotten about the person who technically constituted the threesome you were in, though they probably wouldn't be a person for much longer. You found your hands reaching up to roam over that belly before you even had a conscious thought about it, rubbing and stroking over the soft, sloshy, brown doberman gut while occasionally pushing in on whatever bulges were still wriggling around inside. \"Ohh YES, that's perfect, riiiight there...humm, you seem quite experienced at this, hun~\" Jasmine said to you, her voice becoming much breathier once you put your hands to work! Hearing her stomach groan and rumble in appreciation of what you were doing only made you hornier as well, enticing you to push your tongue deeper inside of her snatch and really give the cerberus the best time that you possibly could…

") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slurp.wav", false, false) } msg ("Your gratuitous massages were really starting to get Jasmine's belly working; it was getting louder by the minute, and so were Jasmine's breathy moans of arousal. You'd gotten used to the random, punchy movements happening underneath her belt, but suddenly there was a shaking beneath your hands that caught you off guard a little bit! It only lasted for a few seconds, thankfully, but not too long afterwards, you heard the doberman let out a loud, raucous *HUUUuuurrrrrppphh*! \"Ooh, they're really softening up in there...gosh, you really want to earn this, don't you?~\" the doberman immediately spoke, her belch quickly wafting down to you and treating you to the acidic scent of her earlier meal. Though what was going on in her gut wasn't exactly rosy-smelling, the scent only enticed you further, made you even more hungry to eat out her nethers...in only a few seconds, your nose was completely buried in her folds, the lovely scent of her fluids the only thing that you could smell, the only thing you wanted to smell.

You were so entranced by Jasmine that you didn't even feel the hand pressing up against the back of your head, gently nudging you further inside of her canal. Honestly, you just thought that you were doing an incredible job of working your way inside of her, but when you tried to pull your head back to get some air, that's when you realized there was something else keeping you around. Jasmine belched proudly again, the sound reverberating around you before that hand gave you a powerful shove, pushing your whole head up inside of her snatch! A deafening, surround-sound *shLLRRrp* accompanied this sudden movement, the movement bookended by a deep gasp of pleasure from Jasmine that you could just barely hear over the inner workings of her body. Before you could even really react to being sucked up inside of her pussy, the flesh that now surrounded you squeeeeezed with incredible power, pulling up your neck and even some of your shoulders in one powerful contraction!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"OH! Fuck yes, be a good pet and get...inside...of me…!\" Jasmine commanded as she continued to press on the back of your body, the right head taking complete control of the cerberus's actions and working madly to get you inside of her womb! At the same time, all that squishy struggling was really kicking her guts into overdrive, her stomach letting out a chorus of wet, bubbly gurgles as the meal inside was steadily transforming from person into sludge...would that be your fate once you were crammed into, well, wherever you would end up?

There was only one way to find out, of course. Jasmine clenched her thighs inward against both sides of your body, the added pressure helping to shove you up inside of her hungry snatch; in only a minute or two, you were more than halfway inside of her, and Jasmine showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon! Every powerful, rolling wave of tight flesh hungrily suckled and tugged on your body, Jasmine feeding you deeper without even needing to think about it. Her innards had just latched on to you, and they weren't going to let you go for quite a while. Your arms had long since been pulled away from her belly, stuck at your sides while her netherlips casually slid up over your waist and started working on your legs. The doberman’s gasps and cries of pure pleasure were so constant and ingrained, that they just blended in to the constant cacophony of the burbling innards around you...they resonated through your body, a deluge of sound that made it nigh impossible to focus as you continued to slip up inside of the doberman.

Jasmine's legs were incredibly tense at this moment, her thighs and hips pushing inward on what was left of your body to seal your fate...and though that was pretty much just your legs, it still put an immense amount of pressure on you! And, with how deep you were, there really was nowhere else for you to go but up. You swore you could just barely feel the wiggling of Jasmine's previous meal up above you, but any motions they could have been making wood be almost indistinguishable from the other movements that constantly surrounded you. Even as the lower half of your legs still technically remained in the outside world, it still felt as if they were inside thanks to the constant smothering from her thick thighs! That honestly made it a bit difficult for you to keep track of how much of you was inside of Jasmine, but what happened next did make things a little bit easier…


Jasmine let out a shrill moan that took her breath away as the last of you slipped up inside of her folds, your entire body now encased in slick, tight walls that were working on pulling you up deeper into the cerberus's body as soon as possible! At the same time, that powerful muscular contraction also pushed your head up through an opening, what had to be the cervix, cramming you up into a small, strong walled chamber...oh, goodness. You really were going all the way up into her womb! And judging by the noises Jasmine was making, which were much deeper and reverberated from inside of her belly, the cerberus was absolutely ecstatic! As one belly shrunk in size, the other was beginning to grow much, much larger. And you were already being a lot more wiggly than the last person she stuffed inside of her body~
") wait { MoveObject (player, JasmineWomb) } } } } } } } else { msg ("\"Aw, that's alright, hun...I'm a hard-to-please gal~\"
") } } } ]]>
Jasmine's womb false It only took the cerberus a few more seconds to get the rest of you curled up inside of her womb, the walls around you giving absolutely no slack and forcing you into the tiniest ball that you could make once the cervix closed over the tips of your toes. It was so damn cramped in here, and the environment didn't show any signs of changing much, except for the walls becoming much slicker as time went on… ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("You tried your best to satisfy Jasmine, but even the tiniest movements were nigh impossible inside her tight, slick womb. At some point, you felt your world start to shake and sway as the cerberus slowly, awkwardly clambered out of bed, her belly full of you sloshing back and forth with every step she took as she made her way back down towards the bar! \"Well, I guess you just weren't cut out for the role after all! That's all right, though. I can pencil you in as a \"meal catcher\", like the last one…~”

Those words made you realize the racket that Jasmine was running! You were just another link in the chain, apparently, but...what would happen to you next? You weren't being digested or anything, you were just sort of...trapped in here. Perhaps Jasmine would let you out after she scarfed down another unlucky collar-grabber, or well...you wouldn't know. All you did know is that, for the time being, you were just a bulge in a lovely, buxom lady’s underbelly.
") msg ("
*You couldn't earn the collar...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false womb walls Look at Tight. msg ("You can't move.")
hallway false hallway false restroom false You're about to open the restroom door when it slams open in front of you. A rather large, curvaceous, pinkish werewolf girl storms out, leaving the door open. You aren't sure what that was about...but you go into the restroom anyway. You can see some urinals lining the wall to your left, as well as unoccupied and occupied stalls.") MoveObject (Rosado, Room 13) ]]> Look at You can see two clawed feet underneath the stall door, thumbs twiddling idly as the person inside does...whatever.
\"Can't you see this stall is occupied?\"

He sounds aggrivated. You probably shouldn't knock again.") } otherwise { picture ("VOREHOTELJACKAL.png") msg ("You decide to knock on the door again. You hear a grumble come from behind the door, then some shuffling, before the stall door opens before you. You only have a few seconds to look over the jackal standing inside, pants around his ankles, complete with a painfully disgruntled expression, before you FEEL the jackal - that is, his grasp. Both of his arms practically shoot out towards you, gripping you powerfully on both sides of your body and yanking you towards him. He quickly reaches one of his arms back to shut the stall door before pinning you against it, staring directly into your eyes with that same disgruntled expression. “You just couldn’t let me have my privacy…” he said as he looked you over, casually taking a deep sniff of your scent. “So I guess I’m just gonna have to tuck you somewhere where you won’t be so annoying…” he teased before opening his maw right in front of you, a huff of his warm breath rolling right over your face.

You should probably run.
") stalllist = NewStringList() list add (stalllist, "Run") list add (stalllist, "...") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", stalllist, false) { if (result = "Run") { msg ("Oh, jeez. Seemed as though you had really pissed off the jackal. Thankfully, you were in a public space instead of a private hotel room, so you at least had the chance to make a break for it before you got turned into someone's lunch! Wordlessly, you turned tail and started to run out of the bathroom, not even sparing a second to look behind you as you sprinted out into the lobby looking for someone that might be able to help you out of this situation. Your first thought was Kayla, but as you ran through the lobby, feeling the jackal practically breathing down your neck, you didn't see her at the front desk at all. You didn't have time to investigate, so you just ran right past the front desk and went up one of the flights of stairs right next to it. There were multiple sets of stairs, so you figured that going up here would make it difficult for the jackal to track you down.

As you ran past all of the rooms on the second floor, briefly thinking of hiding in your own room (before realizing that, considering you were able to barge into random people's rooms, the same could probably happen to you), you saw somebody you didn't recognize; a nervous-looking, quite tall, white-and-gray giraffe girl. Someone who you’d never seen before. Her back was turned to you as she locked the door to her room. She seemed just as scared as you were, so you ran up to her, very quickly explaining what was happening before you got to your point.
") wait { msg ("“O-oh gosh. that's awful! I mean...I can hide you in my room, but I don't know if that would help…” the giraffe said, her neck bent at an awkward angle to look down at you because of how low the ceiling was in this hallway. You shook your head at her offering, before getting straight to the point, an idea that could only come out of the mind of someone who had been trapped in such a weird and crazy hotel for such a long time:

“Eat me.”

The giraffe blinked a few times after hearing what you suggested. “E-eat you?” she asked, ushering you into her room after she repeated the question as if to validate that you were actually serious about it. She closed the door, knowing that it wouldn't stop a predator for very long, but that it would at least make it more annoying to hunt this little visitor down. “I, uh, I don't really know about that. Us giraffes, we aren't really suited to that kind of diet...n-not like I was planning to digest you, though! I, I could never…”

It was a weird suggestion, considering the type of people that usually ended up in this hotel, but you got the impression just from looking at her that the giraffe wouldn't harm a fly. It was weird to have such a strong trust in a complete stranger, but considering the situation you were in, shacking up with this giraffe’s belly seemed far better than the alternative. It felt a bit weird to be the person in charge of this whole thing, considering you were the one about to be curled up inside of Ferra, but with how unsure she was, you kind of had to guide her through the whole thing! “S...so do I just...open my mouth up?” she asked as she leaned down, reaching out to grab you and presumably start the process of hiding you in her stomach. It was almost charming how unfamiliar she was with this whole concept! “Y...yes. Like I'm a big sandwich or...or something.” you said, again feeling weird about the fact that you were so willingly describing yourself in such a fashion! For the moment, you just chalked it up to your willingness to say pretty much anything to get out of the situation you had been put in, but a part of your mind wondered if you actually liked all the crazy things that were happening to you in this hotel. Guess you would have time to think about it while you were stewing in giraffe guts!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("“Uh...okay...here goes?” Ferra said, before she started to lift you up off the ground, slowly bringing you up her tree trunk of a neck before you found yourself face-to-face with the tall, nervous giraffe girl. Slowly, and somewhat sheepishly, she opened her mouth wide, a long, prehensile, grayish tongue slipping out of her mouth and reaching out to your face...seemed that she wanted to get a taste of you before sending you down the hatch! Couldn't blame her, at least. You grimaced as you felt that thick, powerful muscle grind its way up your face, leaving a trail of warm slobber in its wake, but it seemed like giving you a taste had warmed of the giraffe up to the whole idea of you being a snack...at least a little bit, anyway. There was still quite a bit of hesitation as that tongue retreated, and her jaws opened wider, rows of flat, horse-like teeth greeting you as Ferra brought you closer.The giraffe closed her eyes as she gently placed your head inside of her mouth, that tongue once again having a mind of its own and slurping and licking all over your face as you felt the giraffe's lips closed around your neck!

The giraffe wanted to take this slow, but unfortunately, it didn't seem like that was in the cards. Ferra could hear whoever was chasing you stomping around out in the hallways outside, and the prospect of confrontation turned this intimate meal into a fast food situation. Hurriedly, Ferra funneled you to the back of her mouth, slurping your body up like a noodle and tipping her head back as she prepared to send you on her long, fleshy water slide. Though she didn't find your taste anything special, it was agreeable, so at least she had something to mildly enjoy as she prepared to feed on you in earnest. Her eyes still closed tightly, the giraffe winced a little bit before she swallowed, expecting quite a bit of resistance from her body due to just how big you were (compared to her normal diet, anyway!). As her throat opened up and swallowed up your head and neck eagerly, there was a little bit of the discomfort she expected, though strangely, it wasn't as much of a struggle as she had thought it would be. No, her body seemed to be pretty adept at handling this kind of meal, strangely enough! Still, it was a bit grotesque for her to feel and see her neck bulge out with your form as you slipped down into her throat, that one swallow leaving nothing but your legs sticking out of Ferra’s mouth.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("Ferra was kind of surprised at the lack of trouble she was having with swallowing you down. She expected it to be a lot more of a fight, a lot more effort needed...but, no, she was slurping you up with ease! That long, prehensile tongue once again slipped out of her mouth, curling around your legs and toes before slowly starting to pull them inside. At this point, you were kind of just hanging in her throat, a feeling of vertigo starting to hit you as you realized how far off the ground you still were...heck, half of Ferra's body was pretty much neck, and even though that was the defining feature of a giraffe, you weren't quite ready for how long of a trip this would end up being! It was far too late for you to back out, though, so as you felt the throat squeeze tight around your body, pushing you deeper and deeper into the canal that you would be spending quite a bit of time in...well, you relished the last few moments your feet had in the open air before they were slurped up into Ferra's mouth. The throat squeezed tight around you one last time, before you felt yourself being pulled down, your feet sliding into Ferra’s throat and completely locking you inside of the giraffe…

Of course, even though Ferra had taken the final swallow, your journey to her stomach was nowhere near complete. Even as she let out a deep breath and rubbed at her throat, feeling the bulges you made inside of her slowly sinking deeper, she knew that it would be a bit before she actually felt full. At least you would be safe inside of her...well, at least, you would be safer than if the jackal had gotten their hands on you! But, ugh, How was she going to get you out of there before...you know...THAT happened?

At least she had some time to think about it now. Your head was about halfway down the giraffe's throat, and gravity was starting to help move things along at a somewhat faster pace. The constant movement and wet squelching around you, constant without any real sort of change, sure made it feel like it was taking forever, though...Ferra's breath was minty at first, but now that you were lodged deep in her gullet, things were starting to take on a more grassy, acidic odor; one that wasn't pleasant, but not quite to the level where it made you wrinkle your nose yet. No, there were plenty of other things to make you feel all squirmy and gross, mostly the wet giraffe slobber that coated your entire body! You hoped that the lubrication was at least making this voyage go a little bit faster…

You could feel your environment shaking around you as Ferra started to move around, returning to whatever she was doing before all of this started as she felt you sliding down, getting closer to curling up in her belly...honestly, she WAS pretty hungry before all of this started, anyway. Maybe having you fill her gut up for a little bit would make that hunger go away...that would make this day a bit easier, at least! Every rippling contraction shoved you a few inches deeper into her gullet, your whole body being firmly squeezed by slimy, wet throat flesh...it felt like you would never reach Ferra's stomach at this rate, but eventually, something about your environment changed.

It was subtle at first, just a little less resistance around your head, but within a few minutes, your head had broken out into a chamber far roomier than the giraffe's throat - and one that smelled like a compost heap, to boot! Your head and shoulders kinda stuck awkwardly out of Ferra's throat as your form started to empty out into her belly, thumping heartbeats and gurgles of the constantly moving chamber beneath you making it difficult to hear the contractions of her throat. Inch by inch, though, you slid out into giraffe gut, your head squishing against a slimy wall as your chest and waist were freed from Ferra's esophagus.
") wait { MoveObject (player, FerraStomach) } } } } } else { msg ("You try to run...but something is keeping you frozen in place. Meanwhile, the jackal doesn’t give you much time to appreciate the view before stuffing you inside that open mouth! Your face slaps against his tongue, the warm and wet muscle rubbing over your head to taste it before you felt the jackal’s lips closing around your neck. You heard a lewd gurgle billowing up from the jackal’s stomach, echoing out into his maw, betraying exactly how famished he was...that, and the copious amounts of jackal slobber you were currently being drenched in. The jackal quickly stuffs more of you into his mouth, fitting you in up to your shoulders before....

") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("Said first gulp pulled your head into the jackal’s tight throat, the muscular contractions of peristalsis greedily tugging at whatever the jackal gave it. You could feel the jackal’s tongue rubbing up and down your chest before he gulped again, taking his hands off of your chest and just letting you slide down his gullet. It was pretty easy to do that when all that was left of you at this point were your legs, weakly wiggling outside the jackal’s mouth. With most of your body lodged in the jackal’s tight throat, you couldn’t do much else than wiggle at this point…You could feel the jackal starting to sit down again on the toilet seat (although he had put the lid down first) and rubbing at the bulge you were making in his throat and chest, before he took the last gulp that locked your feet in his throat.
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, JackalStomach) } } } } } ]]>
Look at false It's empty. And open. And inviting. A jet black briefcase. Quite heavy. Look at Take Look at Look at msg ("Gross. I'm not going to write about that.") You hadn’t realized it until you actually thought about it, but a bit of glory hole fun would actually be kind of interesting. Thankfully, the hole wasn't on the side that was currently occupied, so all you had to do was wait for someone to enter and see if they would be interested in a little fun... sure enough, within a few minutes, you heard someone enter the bathroom and make their way into the stall next to you. You put your finger through the hole and ran it along the bottom, waiting to see if the person next to you was interested...") } otherwise { msg ("
It was worth another shot. You waited by the glory hole for a few minutes, before you heard someone enter the stall again. You gave them a few seconds before you stuck your finger in the hole again, running it along the bottom, hoping they were interested...") } wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
A few seconds later, you got your answer; the person in the stall next to you quickly stuck their rod through the hole, almost hitting you in the face as you retreated to prepare yourself. It glowed a bright neon blue, which threw you for a bit of a loop, but you quickly readjusted, getting back down on your knees and preparing to suck. You opened your mouth slowly, hearing a sharp moan from the other side of the door as you made contact with the neon blue appendage, lips slowly gliding over the head of the cock. The taste of the flesh was relatively normal compared to its...flamboyant color, which removed a bit of your inhibitions, your tongue running across the cock slit as your mouth quickly slid over more and more of the rod, causing the person across the stall to moan and quiver from the stimulation.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You continued sliding your lips down the shaft, hearing only occasional moans and sighs from the person across from you as they started to gently thrust into your mouth; now that you were reaching the boundary of the glory hole, the other person would have to work a bit to get all of them inside you. They definitely put a lot of effort in, their thrusts becoming gradually stronger as you worked over their length, your tongue wrapping around the neon blue cock, slathering it in your saliva. You could feel it start to gently throb as its owner’s arousal grew, the thrusts starting to become more and more frantic, the moans starting to get louder and more frequent...

You had managed to get all of that rod inside of you at this point, your tongue able to tickle the other person's sac through the hole now that they were practically right up against the stall wall. The thrusts were becoming more and more powerful, the neon blue cock thumping lightly against the back of your mouth with every thrust. You could taste a few beads of salty pre dripping out of the cock head as the moans on the other side started to grow in volume, and not soon after that, you heard a few thumps on the stall wall; the signal that an orgasm was coming... ") wait { msg ("
And, boy, did that warning come just in time! You barely had any time to prepare for the rush of seed that came spilling out of that cock, the hot heavy cream being pumped down your throat as the person on the other side continued to thrust in deeper, even in the throes of pleasure, forcing you to gulp down every part of their load to even continue breathing! You were amazed at this person's production, sharp, hot blasts of cum rocketing down your throat just as strong a minute into the orgasm as they were at the beginning! The blasts continued to funnel down your throat, your belly starting to grow and swell as you gulped down more of the cream. Eventually, though, it came to an end, your belly jostling and jiggling with the load of cum filling you out as you felt the cock pull gently out of your mouth, allowing you to relax and fall against the floor, cradling your gut as the heavy load of cream sloshed around inside. At least, you were allowed to relax for a couple seconds...until someone knocked on the stall door!") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } wait { MakeObjectVisible (Rash) msg ("
The door flung open a few seconds later - seems like you'd forgotten to lock it! Before you could get up to stop them, your anonymous partner stood before you, pants still around his ankles, his cock still leaking a bit. The blue snow leopard chuckled as he saw you immobilized on the ground, his load still sloshing around fresh in your gut. \"Boy, I filled you up, didn't I?\" he said, smirking as he closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it, unlike yourself...you felt the snow leopard loom over you as you backed further and further into the stall, until you bumped up against the toilet. \"The name's Rash,\" he said cheerfully, \"just makin' sure you knew that! I like glory holes, but sometimes I like getting a bit personal with my partner, if that's okay...\" Rash's words calmed you a bit, but you couldn't help but sense an ulterior motive in them...
") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("...Especially considering the snow leopard still held his mostly-limp dick in one hand, the last of his cum dribbling onto the floor as he looked down at you with a grin! He looked like he still had something to give, and as he leaned down to talk to you some more, you sensed something...extra in him. “Wanna help clean up?~” Rash said, shaking his dick in his hand to show exactly how much cum he had left in and around his length (it was quite a bit!). Before you could really accept or decline the snow leopard’s offer, he reached down and wrapped an arm around the back of your head, yanking you up and smooshing you right against his limp dick!

“Mmmh...get in there.” you heard the snow leopard say as his cum smeared all over your face, getting in your mouth, eyes, and everywhere else! You didn’t expect this to happen after sucking the leopard off...but you had to say, his cum did taste rather nice. Your tongue had slipped out of your mouth at some point, and was now exploring Rash’s crotch, licking up all the cum you had missed earlier! The cat mewled in pleasure above you, rubbing the top of your head. “Do a good enough job and you might get me ready for another round…” he encouraged as you worked your tongue deeper into his crotch, teasing his balls a little bit, filling your lungs with the scent of his spent musk.

Rash seemed like he was enjoying this little tongue session, but eventually, he moved his crotch away from you. “Aah, that was pretty good...but now I think I need a refill!”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("You barely heard the last of Rash's sentence before the snow leopard suddenly thrust his hips forward, his cock flesh spreading across and swallowing up your whole head in one rippling contraction! You heard a harsh, deep moan rumbling all around you as Rash clenched hard, pulling you deeper into his length at quite the incredible speed. “Hhhng, I'm gonna paint you all over this stall…” you managed to hear the snow leopard tease over the wet suckling noises his length was making! The teasing only made you squirm and yell more...which, in turn, made Rash only clench you down faster! You could hear him groan in pleasure every time you tried to squirm inside, and in just a few moments, you found yourself chest deep in the snow leopard's loins, and quickly sinking deeper…

Rash leaned back against the stall door, overwhelmed with pleasure as he stroked you down, down, down deeper into his shaft. He had his swollen, bulging length held in one hand, the other focused on lifting what was left of you up so gravity could help you disappear into his balls. And it was certainly working; you were helpless as you kept sliding down, every squirm feeling like it only made Rash more horny, made him clench you down even faster. You were sinking like a rock into the snow leopard’s balls, and you couldn’t do a single thing about it!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("“Erf...almost…” Rash moaned as he continued stroking at his engorged cock, your calves and feet the only things left for him to swallow up, a measely task for the snow leopard to accomplish. His teases eventually degenerated into strained mewling and huffing as you started to curl up inside his sac, your head poking out into a thankfully roomier, but even more hot and musky chamber, with your shoulders and arms following suit not long after! You could feel your feet still wiggling out in the open air, safe for a moment from the tight embrace of the snow leopard's shaft...but with one powerful contraction you could feel all over your body, that situation had changed. You were now entirely swallowed up by Rash's cock!

The snow leopard slumped against the bathroom door some more as his cock tip closed around your feet, tongue hanging out of his mouth as the movement caused your head to dunk down into the pool of cum that had been basting inside. You were finally able to squeeze your hands out of the opening to Rash’s balls, letting you use them to at least get some sort of footing to keep your head from splashing down into the cum bath beneath you! Your hands squished into the warm, bouncy flesh around you, making quite a bulge in the snow leopard’s sac, but eventually the flesh pressed back and eventually snapped back into place. More of you was quickly emptying out into the chamber, and you didn’t really know if there would be enough space for all of you! Eventually, you just slumped down into the flesh, letting the churning sac around you curl you up into a ball naturally. There was plenty of cum sloshing around you, but it wasn’t enough to drown you, so even if you had enough energy to maneuver yourself into the position you liked the most, it wouldn’t change much…
") wait { MoveObject (player, RashSac) } } } } else { msg ("
Rash started to turn around after he finished talking to you, which originally give you a bit of relief - it seems like he really had just wanted to introduce himself to you, even if the manner that he went about doing it in was a bit odd. That relief was quickly trounced a moment later when you saw Rash’s naked backside suddenly descend upon you, the blue snow leopard smothering you under his cheeks, forcing your head against the tile floor as he sat atop you.

You heard a muffled chuckle from above you as the cat started to grind his rump on your face, the flesh of his pucker starting to brush up against your nose. “I originally just wanted to chat, but a good blowjob does make me a bit hungry sometimes…” he teased, grinding a bit harder on your face as he did it, before pressing his rump down harder on your head, forcing you to go in the only direction that you really could - up into Rash’s pucker! You heard those moans again as your nose slid up into the cat's ass, a distinct musky smell emanating from deeper within his body. That odor would only continue to envelop you as Rash sat harder on your face, pucker starting to expand over your nose and mouth, gradually slurping up the entirety of your face! You struggled all throughout this, but Rash had you pinned, the faint wiggling beneath him only serving to drive his lust further and slurp you up his butt even quicker…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
In almost no time at all, Rash’s ravenous rear had pulled your entire head deep into his bowels, pucker clenching tightly around your neck as Rash moaned and groaned, lewdly stroking himself off as he felt you starting to wiggle deep within him. “Oh, keep doing that, that's a good buttsnack...” he teased as he worked his pucker around your shoulders, lifting up a bit to get you on your rear before sitting down on your now erect body, succeeding in pulling you in all the way up to your chest! The tight confines helped you on your way as well, bowel flesh constantly clenching and pulling you deeper even without Rash’s conscious help…the musk was getting stronger the deeper you ventured into the cat, the air thick with it, almost like you were breathing in cotton candy…it certainly made your struggles more labored (that, and the fact that almost half of your body was now enclosed in tight flesh…), which only made it easier for Rash to continue lifting his rear up and then sitting down on you powerfully, until nothing but your knees and feet remained outside of the snow leopard’s rump. “Aaalmost packed away…” you heard his muffled voice utter before he lifted up his rump one final time, your feet dangling awkwardly outside of his ass, until you felt a finger press against the soles of your feet, ever so slowly pushing you deeper into the maze of bowels, and then...

*shlorp!*") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RashBowels) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("
Nothing. Looks like they weren't interested...") } } ]]>
false false false Rash's bowels
Outside, Rash moaned as he felt you wriggling around deep in his bowels, the blue spottycat hoisting his squirming gut up onto the toilet along with the rest of himself. “See, I just wanted you to get to know me…all of me!” he joked, laughing as he felt you angrily squirm inside of him in response. “Keep doing that, maybe you'll end up in my gut quicker…” he teased, rubbing at his bulging lower gut as you made your way through the deepest parts of the spottycat...
You are surrounded by It feels like hours since Rash laid his plump rump on your face. The winding maze of bowels seems to never end, and the constant thick musk seeks to drown out your every breath…still, the tight clenches keep you en route to the stomach, the hungry gurgles starting to get louder and louder as you approached your destination….") SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After what felt like another eternity, you finally felt your head bump up against a fleshy wall, the hungry gurgles of the stomach seemingly right next to you. It took a few seconds, but said wall eventually yielded, yawning open slowly, before a few powerful bowel contractions lurched you rudely into the snow leopard's stomach. The stomach rumbled around you as you were forced out into it, the chamber awash with acidic fluids and the occasional chunk leftover from whatever Rash had eaten before...") MoveObject (player, RashStomach) } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Rash clenches around you in response to your struggles deep within his bowels.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Rash leans back onto the toilet seat and sighs happily as he feels you tickling deep inside of him.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The bowel walls continue to pull you deeper into Rash, seemingly uncaring of your struggles.") } else { msg ("You feel a slight rubbing on the top of your head, which is apparently poking out a bit on Rash’s gut. The cat chuffs lightly as he feels you squirm in response.") }
false Rash's stomach
“*BUUUOOORRRrrrrrAAAAaaaa-AAAAaaaappp….*...Well, looks like you finally made it!” Rash chuckled, patting his gut with satisfaction. “Still kicking in there? If you are, make sure to squirm lots! Belly rubs are even better from the inside…”
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The tightness of Rash’s gut cannot be understated. The walls constantly knead and push at your form, retaliating against your every struggle. The slop of stomach juices and leftover food was continuing to rise as well, threatening to drown you out in a few minutes, and above all, the tightness just increased with Rash’s frequent, loud belches, practically taunting you as you squirmed around inside…") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The blue snow leopard’s stomach had completely worn you out at this point. The stomach walls have continued encroaching upon you, pressing against you like a very, very powerful massage, rubbing the stomach acids deep into your skin, which was now beginning to tingle as well. The warm sticky fluid was all over your body, the walls encasing you and tightening around you until you passed out from lack of air….

“Done already?” Rash teased as he felt the squirms in his stomach start to die down. He drummed quietly on his stomach with his fingers as he felt you start to melt away, the solid defined bulge your body made slowly starting to change into a softer, rounder swelling. His gut groaned and glorped quite loudly throughout this entire process, the sounds echoing in the restroom, no doubt making a few patrons wonder about what was happening in that stall…Rash ended up falling asleep sometime during this digestion, the gurgles being slowly overtaken by a loud snoring, until the squirming meal in his stomach had been reduced to a sloshing slurry…

Rash smacked his lips wetly as he awoke, the snow leopard’s gut now more or less back to its normal size, albeit quite a bit rounder and pudgiet. “Ugh, that snack completely ruined my figure….” he complained, before one last drawn-out belch rumbled out of his gut, the last of your taste arriving in the snow leopard’s mouth. He gave one last deep “mmm…” before making his way out of the stall, leaving your clothes in the restroom trash...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
A few hours later, and Rash is back in the same stall he devoured you in, to “return you to your home”, as he put it. He first checked the bathroom trash to see if the clothes were still there (they were), before plopping his now slightly chubbier butt onto the toilet seat. Rash grunted lightly as he endeavored to push you out, a bit surprised at how much waste you managed to produce…in fact, when he was done disposing of you, he didn't even bother trying to flush the toilet; he was sure the janitors here we used to clogs, anyway, so he just left you there in the bowl, to be discovered by some unlucky janitor or other patron…") } msg ("
*You were just looking for some fun...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You hear Rash grunt a bit as you struggle, but no matter what you do it doesn't seem like he's going to throw you up.") } else { msg ("Rash tries to belch to get rid of the air in his stomach, but instead, out flies one of your socks, slapping wetly onto the floor!") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
false Rash's sac All this time, Rash had just been enjoying your squirms, lazily stroking at his length as you settled inside of his engorged ballsack. “Mmmhh, how’s it feel in there?~” you heard the snow leopard tease inbetween labored huffs and moans, reaching a hand down to rub and thump his swollen balls proudly. “You’re gonna fill me up so nicely…” You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("Despite your best efforts, you still found yourself churning deep in Rash’s balls. The soup of cum around you made everything tingle, made it feel like you were infinitely sinking deeper into the snow leopard’s lust. It was so hard for you to even keep your eyes open; it felt like every breath you took made your eyelids lower, made you more comfortable with what was happening to your body. It felt like you had just woke up, like you were too busy navigating the fog in your brain to make any conscious effort to escape. And, while you dealt with all this, your body continued to melt into the sea of lust around you, only quickening the process as more and more of that musky cream surrounded you, massaged you, filled your mind with lusty thoughts…

Eventually, your consciousness wasn’t attached to one body anymore. You were floating around in the sea of cum, sloshing as Rash stroked himself off, feeling everything the snow leopard did. Your racing thoughts quickly switched from ideas of squirming to escape to the *need* to be released. You had to be spurted out, had to be sprayed out all over the walls...you needed it right now.

“Hhh...looks like you’re all done in there…” Rash said as he felt his balls slosh and churn you up into nothing but a new load of thick snow leopard batter. The leopard originally planned to paint you all over the walls, but seeing how close his cock was coming to his mouth...it gave him another idea. He scooched his butt up against the restroom door, slowly leaning forward as far as he could. His tongue stuck out of his mouth, eventually managing to make contact with the tip of his length, sending a shudder down his spine as he felt that contact. His hips instantly bucked forward, and he managed to lean even further forward at the same time, fitting most of his cock right into his own mouth! The taste of his own pre drove the snow leopard further, thrusting forward and leaning down at the same time to get as much of his cock in his mouth as possible. It was so odd and fascinating to feel his own dick throbbing powerfully inside his own mouth, especially when he knew what was sloshing deep in his loins…

Rash kept the sucking going for a few minutes, but considering how much he had already rubbed himself off earlier, it wasn’t long before he felt something start to rise. You were basting inside, disoriented from the constant movement of Rash’s loins...but now, it was time. The snow leopard’s cheeks filled up as the first blast of cum shot into his mouth, Rash immediately forced to gulp down the beginning of his load as his mouth filled up with the next one. *glrrrk….glrrrp….glllk* was the only thing that could be heard in the bathroom as Rash gulped down all of his load, his gut swelling out as all that you-turned-cum started to slosh around in his stomach. The snow leopard’s balls started to shrink as his gut grew, and you found yourself starting to fade as the cum that was once you found its home in the leopard’s belly. Digested again, how embarrassing!

Eventually, Rash’s cock ran dry, the snow leopard popping his cock out of his mouth before letting out a long, lustful groan. “Ffffffuuuccckkkk…” was all he could say as he placed one hand on his swollen gut, unable to move from the spot he was in as his cock dripped jizz onto the floor in front of him. He reached up to lock the bathroom door before his eyes started to close. It would be quite the task to digest all this cream...

*You got a bit more than you wanted...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Taut, and producing cum at a worrying pace. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The walls around you didn’t allow for any sort of movement. They only pressed in deeper. Massaged you. Digested you.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You could feel your body tingling as Rash continued to lazily jerk off, the cum in the chamber starting to bubble and churn powerfully…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("For a moment, you thought you had squirmed enough to make the snow leopard cum...but Rash was apparently very good at edging himself.") } else { msg ("The balls churned you up mercilessly, rubbing tingling cum into your skin and smothering you in snow leopard musk.") }
Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } Rosado's womb false
You comfortably bulged Rosado's belly, the utter refusal of her womb walls to stretch resulting in quite the nice, rounded bulge in her midsection. She took a few seconds to rub at it, feeling your attempts to squirm inside, before she started getting to what she really wanted. You could hear the werewolf moaning as she started to masturbate, running her digits teasingly across her slit before plunging her fingers in. You knew it wouldn't be long before she came, especially from how wet and hot it was inside already, feminine fluids starting to run down the womb walls and funnel out of the cervix.

You could see...was that...a token? Up in Rosado's womb? Had she forgotten about it or something??]]>
It is nearly impossible to move. The heat in Rosado's womb continued to rise to impossible levels as she got off, the whole chamber practically quivering as she neared orgasm. You feared you would be crushed, the womb walls continuing to tighten around you as more and more fluids exited the chamber. You were starting to feel a bit tingly, as well. She'd need to cum soon, or otherwise you'd end up as part of her orgasm...") SetTimeout (10) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The huffs and moans around you were really starting to pick up speed as Rosado neared her orgasm. You felt more and more of your body starting to tingle, and you were starting to feel lightheaded, the heat and lack of air in this chamber really starting to affect your body. Suddenly, you heard a powerful, primal howl as the womb walls clenched powerfully around you. You thought your body was going to snap, but eventually it was pushed towards the yawned-open cervix, your body practically sliding down and out through the werewolf's vagina as she came. First, your legs slipped through out into the vagina, quickly followed by the rest of your body as Rosado's body invountarily clenched a few more times, eventually pushing all of your body out and into the vagina. You were almost drowning in the femcum that was rushing out alongside you, forced to hold your breath as you heard another guttural moan accompany your feet sliding out, Rosado's body rocked by orgasmic spasms and shivers as her body pushed the rest of you out...

The rest of your body slid out with ease, occasional clenches helping you along as you rushed out, back into the world, this time a -lot- wetter. And warmer. Mostly, you were just happy Rosado had decided her sexual desires were more important than her normal desires...at last, your head slid out, leaving you lying uncomfortably between the werewolf's legs as she continued to orgasm, spurting out femcum onto your face as your legs were forced to run up the door in front of you. She hadn't really moved at all from where she originally \"kissed\" you..

Eventually, her orgasm died down, though. You had collected your bearings by then and at least moved far enough away from the werewolf that her powerful orgasm didn't get all over you. She looked up to you, just kind of awkwardly sitting there as she came down from her orgasm. \"Hhh...thanks, sexy...\" Rosado managed to pant out. \"Come back...any time...for some fun. I'm always...huff...horny...Can't promise you won't...end up in here, though...\" she said, rubbing at her now-normal sized gut. You decided to just leave her be for a while, getting up and closing the door behind you as you walked out. Now, to find a shower...") MoveObject (player, third floor) SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") } } } ]]>
The room token for Room 13. Look at Drop TokenCall
Rosado's throat false
You could feel the werewolf's tongue teasing and rubbing along your exposed groin, making you squirm in embarrassed pleasure every time she did it. She was now lying on the ground in front of the door, a firm grip on your hanging legs as she occasionally rubbed at the squirming bulge in her throat. ]]>
You are surrounded by You had been lodged in Rosado's throat for quite some time now, yet you weren't really making a racket about it for some reason...perhaps the whole event had just tired you out, but you weren't exactly struggling. Because of this, you were starting to sink a bit deeper into Rosado's throat, peristalsis getting an eager grip on your body...and Rosado wasn't exactly stopping it. \"Whah, nah aan gahnna hwirm?\" Rosado asked, her words muffled by...well, the presence of someone a third of the way down her throat! You felt her grip loosen a bit; you thought she was gonna cough you up, but instead you felt a rippling muscular contraction squeeze your body further down into Rosado's gut! It seems like she was getting impatient with you, or something, and was now deciding to just make you a meal instead...!") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("
As you felt your body get pulled deeper, your struggles were re-ignited...but you didn't exactly have a head start. Your struggles were nothing more than pleasing wiggles as Rosado gulped you down, the werewolf reclining against the door as she leisurely slurped up the rest of your wriggling, tasty self. She didn't have to do much more work, considering half of your body was already inside her throat after the first gulp..so she decided to take it a bit slower, teasingly licking over your feet and ankles with her tongue, getting a copious amount of drool on them (and reveling as you squirmed from the sensation) before taking that one last gulp, sending the last of your body hurtling down into her gut...") wait { MoveObject (player, RosadoStomach) } } } } } ]]>
false throat walls Look at Locktight around you, and endeavoring to pull you deeper into Rosado's gut. You've been locked in Rosado's throat for some time now. The teasing she was doing to your groin was making you struggle quite a bit, even in the throat's tighter confines. You weren't really sure what she was doing; was she just teasing you, or did she actually have something different in mind? You assumed the latter as you felt a tug on your legs, the throat widening somewhat, enough for you to -slowly- start being pulled out of the werewolf's throat, inch by inch. The amount of drool you were coated in at least helped the whole ordeal, and you eventually slid out of the throat with a wet *shlrk!*, popping back out into Rosado's mouth. She gave you a few more teasing licks to slather you in more drool before pulling you out entirely, leaving you dangling in front of her mouth as her drool dripped off of your body in sloppy, slimy drips. It was at this time that you noticed how easily she was carrying you around, as she was currently suspending you above her without even breaking a sweat. You noticed her arm muscles, which partially explained it, but it was still amazing that she could just casually toss around a full-grown anything like some sort of toy.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Regurgitate.wav", false, false) } wait { picture ("VOREHOTELROSADO.png") msg ("
You were still pretty dazed from the tightness and heat of the throat to struggle much as she started talking to you. \"Now you're gonna go somewhere a bit more interesting...\" she teased, before starting to lower you down between her legs. You had noticed she was blushing and huffing a bit as she spoke to you, and this was confirmed as you slowly saw her nether-lips coming into view, Rosado hovering you in front of them as she sat up, to get more control of you. They were drooling in their own way, drips of femcum coming out of the opening in her lips. You didn't have much time to really look at where you were going before the werewolf gave a firm push, sliding you straight between those lips and up into her vagina! The lubrication of her drool certainly helped with it, the first half of your body slipping right inside of her nethers like you were born to do it. Rosado's birth canal was even tighter than her throat, allowing absolutely no freedom of movement as you continued to be pushed in, occasional moans and groans of pleasure rumbling around you as the werewolf got off to this whole insertion episode...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
All that was left of you outside Rosado's vagina at this point were your legs. While she had tried to slather your forelegs in as much drool as possible, it wasn't really feasible to shove all of you into her mouth and still be able to pull you out. So she was relying on the clenches of her body, as well as the leftover drool and her natural feminine fluids, to tuck the rest of you in. You could feel the vaginal walls tightening around you every now and then, pulling you deeper into her birth canal and leaving you knocking on the door of her womb, the cervix, as the rest of your legs dangled helplessly outside of her nethers. All it took was one paw on the bottoms of your feet to push you past the cervix, the flesh parting to \"welcome\" you into her womb. You could feel the flesh of her nethers slipping around you feet, locking you completely inside of her sex as your head poked out into her womb...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RosadoWomb) } } } } } else { msg ("You wiggle in Rosado's throat, but it's so tight that you don't even know if she notices or not.") Rosado.strugglecount = Rosado.strugglecount + 1 } ]]>
Rosado's stomach false
Rosado let out a satisfied sigh as she felt you sink into her stomach. She pat at the bulge you made, smirking as she felt you squirm futilely inside. "Well, sexy, if you're not going to please me....then you're going to *BUUUUUuuuuRRRRRrrrraaaa-AAAAaaa-AAAaaappppp...*...feed me~" she teased, wiping the spittle of that massive belch from her chin as she reclined against the door again, rubbing her paws over her engorged gut...]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
Rosado's gut continued to knead and push at you, the stomach's digestion starting to get slightly more aggressive as time went on. It didn't help that this whole time, Rosado was having fun with her gut, jiggling you up and down inside and delighting when all the pressure from said jiggling was released in the form of a raucous belch...\"Sorry, sexy, but a gal's gotta eat~\" she teased before she went back to her gut appreciation, idly rubbing over it as she checked her phone. She was already getting to work on seducing another \"sexy\", it seemed...and posting pictures of her squirming gut to Twitter too, of course.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Around a half-hour of this teasing and sloshing later, your body was really starting to get tired out. The fluids inside the stomach had succeeded in getting all over you, coating every nook and cranny of your body...which, of course, wasn't exactly good for the whole \"staying alive\" thing. Indeed, you were starting to fail at that, the tingling of the stomach acids starting to creep over most of your body, as you desperately tried to fight your way out...but you didn't have much fight left at this point. The werewolf's stomach was just...too hungry for you. Thankfully, you passed out inside before it got TOO hungry...

Rosado heard a loud, almost oppressive *glrrrnnn....* rumble out of her stomach as it really started to get to work on you. \"Just in time...\" she said, rubbing idly over her gut a few more times as she checked her phone again. Along with a bunch of retweets of the gut photo she posted...another message from her prospective \"sexy\" had arrived. She had to run a bit of a stall tactic, telling the guy she was \"busy\" while she worked you over...but she knew that second guy would be splashing down into what was left of you soon. Her stomach was already starting to get to work on you, the large, protruding bulge slowly working itself down into a more round, manageable one, although the digestion process was not without its own selection of powerful, echoey belches that Rosado had to force out...

Her delay tactic had worked pretty well, giving her around an hour to digest away most of you, leaving her with a gurgling, jiggling paunch of a belly...one that was hideable underneath a shirt, though. It was just in time, too, because her \"sexy\" had just arrived, knocking lightly on the door to invite himself in. A half hour or so later, and Rosado ended up with a sizeable load jiggling around inside of her, as well as a second squirming meal, churning up in what was left of the chyme you made, and getting ready to add to it, as well.

After her second meal, Rosado entered what could only be described as a food coma. She lounged in bed, idly playing around on her phone as her two meals gurgled up inside of her...it didn't take much longer for the werewolf to pass out entirely, sprawled out on the bed as her guts finished churning up the \"sexy\" little playthings she'd gulped down...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Rosado awoke the next day, yawning and stretching her arms before hearing her stomach groan loudly...and feeling her lower bowels pang needingly. She quickly stopped by the restroom, squeezing out the remains of her two meals, practically mixed together at this point, before heading out. She'd already worked out another plan to meet up with another potential fling...and maybe a potential meal, as well...") } msg ("
*You couldn't quite satisfy...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else { msg ("Occasionally, your handprints manage to push out of Rosado's gut. All she does is giggle, before gently pushing them back into the void of her stomach...") } ]]>
hallway false hallway false false the Janitor's Closet Door Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close if (Got(JC Key)) { msg ("You insert the key into the lock and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Janitor Closet) } else { msg ("This door is locked.") } janitor's closet false the You insert the JC Key into the door and the janitor's closet is revealed. It's not that big, but you can fit in here comfortably and close the door behind you.") } else if (Got(Documents)) { msg ("
You open the janitor's closet to a scene that you didn't really expect. Everything inside of it was packed up, except for whatever the janitor was currently fiddling with. Boxes and backpacks and bags littered the floor and shelves, way more stuff than you thought Rech even owned.

He turned around to look at you, letting out along sigh before he spoke. “Hey, kid,” he said, picking up two bags in his hands. “I can tell from that blank look on your face that you don't know what's going on...I decided that I didn't want to be associated with this anymore...tricking folks, that sort of stuff. I don't know what the boss has planned for you, or anyone else, but I would suggest getting out while you still can.”

He looked at the documents in your hand. “I only went after you when you took those because it was my job. It's not my job anymore, so I'm not going to chase you around for them...I just ask for the ones about me.” To be honest, you hadn't even looked at the documents, let alone saw that there were individual files on most of the employees around here. “If you do that, I'll get out of your hair and out of this crazy hotel for good.”") Ask ("Give Rech the documents?") { if (result) { msg ("
“I knew you had a soft spot in you,” the janitor said as you rifle through the documents, picking out the ones that involved him and handing them over. He went back into the closet and gathered up the rest of his belongings. He stood in the doorway, looking at you one last time. “Thanks, kid. Good luck with the boss.” he simply said, before walking past you and towards the exit. Wondering how he would actually leave, you followed after him a couple moments later, only to see him already gone from the lobby…") RemoveObject (Rech) Rech.active = 0 } else { msg ("
“Really? After all this, you're going to tell me no?” The croc said, his temperament quickly worsening as he started to loom over you. “Perhaps I can change your mind…” before you could backpedal or make a break for it, Rech dropped the bags he was holding and snatched you up, his strong scaled arms able to throw you around like a basketball if he pleased. But instead, he dragged you into the small closet, putting you down on the floor before turning around and closing the door behind him. You tried to get up, but with the door closed and a giant, angry crocodile between you and it, you would have to go along with whatever he had planned…

“You really had to do it the hard way, kid. I swear, it's almost like you did that on purpose. Might as well get a use out of you before I run…” He slid off his pants, casually tossing them in the corner as he moved forward, an obvious twitching bulge in the underwear he was wearing. “Open,” he commanded, sliding the band of his underwear down to allow his pink, throbbing tip and shaft to pop out, an ample set of scaled balls dangling beneath them. The implication was obvious, he was going to fill you up before you filled him up…") wait { msg ("
Rech wasted no time getting inside of you, practically shoving the tip of his length into your mouth. Before you had any time to adjust and start to suck properly, he pressed in as deep as he could go, the fat head bumping against the back of your throat in only a few seconds. You almost gagged, caught off guard by the speed of his movements, but it seemed like he wanted to skip the foreplay and get right to the sucking. So you started slipping your tongue over the bottom of his length, moving it up and down his shaft to pleased noises from the alligator. After only a minute of suckling, you could feel Rech starting to thrust forward a bit, fucking your mouth like any other orifice! You just went along with it, trying to please the janitor as much as possible so that he would maybe reconsider stuffing you wherever he was planning to.

But something felt...different. It felt like the croc’s cock was almost melting in your mouth after a point, your saliva coating it gradually becoming thicker and thicker as you continued to slurp away to the best of your ability. After a few minutes, it felt like you were sucking on a giant wad of gum in your mouth or something, and the croc’s thrusts started to feel like they were shaking your entire form. Was it the throbbing of his cock that you could feel pulsating all through you...?

This was weird. and not the good kind of weird. You attempted to pull yourself off of the crocodile's length, get it out of your mouth...but you couldn't. It felt like the thing was stuck inside of you, like it had magically glued itself inside!

Your eyes looked up to the looming creature in front of you, a cheshire grin on his face as he looked down at you. “You look surprised! Don't worry, kid, I'm just making you a part of me in a more direct way…” As he said that, you could feel the throbbing of his length pulsing throughout your entire body. It dominated all the other things that you could feel - your back against the shelf, your knees on the ground - or maybe you just didn't feel those things anymore. You didn't even really know what the croc meant when he said that, all you knew was that it was completely beyond your control. You watched a skilled hand from the croc come down, stroking over his length... ") wait { msg ("
You could feel it.

You could feel that hand running up and down his shaft, your eyesight slowly zooming in on the base of that shaft, a hand underneath his cock lifting up your entire chest and legs. The pulsating continued to dominate all of your senses, except for smell and taste, which were overwhelmed with their own sensations of a powerful musk working its way through your entire being. “There we go, kid...just a bit more…” you could hear Rech say, but it felt so deep and so far away, yet so close and intimate...it felt likea thought.

You could feel yourself being picked up by Rech, his other hand stroking up and down his entire shaft…up and down your whole body, you meant. No! You weren't part of the alligator, you were your own being...the pulsating. The throbbing. It all felt so wonderful. It shook you to the very core every time it resonated through your body…

”Haaah, Almost done. I'm surprised you added so much girth…” the croc said to his length...who was the “you” he was talking about? There was only Rech, and Rech just made a very valuable addition to himself.

The croc was now stroking in earnest, with both hands. The throbbing rod between his legs had doubled, maybe even tripled in its erect size with your added mass. Already you could feel pre leaking out of the tip, not unlike it would be leaking out of your ass after a good fuck. As Rech picked up the tempo, the throbbing did as well, a constant powerful drum beat in the back of your mind driving the most primal lust you could imagine. You wanted Rich to consummate this relationship for good, to make yourself his cock forever, to have that first new orgasm that would seal your fate...you had worked it out of him with your tongue so well, after all.

Your eyesight was gone. It felt like you were floating in an ether of raw pleasure that only increased by the second. The alligator’s lustful strokes felt like a full body massage every time they coursed up and down your form, still becoming more powerful. Any second now, you could feel the boiling hot seed rushing through you, aching to burst out and paint this closet…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("
And then it came. Rech came. And it felt unbelievable. Every atom of your being was experiencing the most powerful, most raw pleasure that you could possibly think of. Hot, musky fluid flowed out of you like a fountain, splattering wetly against the wall in front of you and dripping down onto the floor. Judging by a few stains, it seemed the alligator had gotten off quite a lot in this closet...a parting gift, sort of. You were too focused on the overwhelming amount of arousal coursing through your entire body to think about that though, throbbing and gurgling as Rech’s hands continue to work over your form, stroking slower now that he had mostly emptied his balls. The fantastic feeling that surged through you gradually faded as cream started to dribble out of you, replaced with a subtle tingling and the sensation of yourself starting to get smaller and smaller…

“Ffffffuuucccckkk….well...kid, I couldn't have asked for a better send off than that...” The croc eventually said, his hands rubbing over your form a few more times as he pulled his pants back up over you. Not like you would have known that; you were just a few more inches on his length and girth at this point, and you didn't have a problem with that.") msg ("
*You couldn't let go.*

==GAME...OVER?==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } else if (player.tokens >= 3) { msg ("
You insert the JC Key into the door, but before you can step in, or even open the door all the way, you hear a voice. \"Ah, ah, ah, close the door, kid!\" You feel someone pressing on the door from the inside, but you continue to open it anway. You wish you hadn't done that, because inside is Rech, the janitor, in a very...private moment. His pants are unzipped, his underwear is down, and his rock-hard length is poked out, currently wrapped in a clawed hand as he looked up to you with a piercing gaze of annoyance. \"Can't a croc have some private time around here, kid!?\" he says as he continues to lock eyes with you. A couple of seconds of silence pass before he opens his mouth again, claw still wrapped tightly around his cock. \"Well....are you gonna come in and close the door, or what? Were you born in a barn, kid!? Nobody wants to see this!\" he says as he wraps his free arm around you, pulling you close enough to him that he could shut the door behind him, locking you inside the janitor closet with him.

\"Well, kid, you caught me in one of my more...intimate moments.\" Rech said as he saw his length start to droop a little. \"But, I can't have you running off telling people you saw the janitor wanking off in the closet...so I'm gonna have to...shut you up, you know? And I got just the place to put you in!\" He says before his clawed hands wrap around your body!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You try and break out of Rech's arms, but he's got you locked up way too tightly. \"Ah, I've always wanted to try this, and now I've got my own little specimen to test it out on...\" Rech says as he pulls you against his body, allowing him to take one free hand to stroke at his length again. He moans a little bit as it starts to perk back up, the throbbing pink member poking up out of his uniform as it reached its full length. It was at least as long as your forearm, if not longer now... \"Go on kid, touch it.\" Rech says as he continues to rub at his member, turning his body to face you.") wait { msg ("
You hesitantly get down on your knees to face the croc's member, still continuing to harden as Rech casually strokes at it. Thinking he just wants you to blow him, you open your mouth and start to move your head towards his member, but Rech stops you. \"Nuh-uh-uh, kid...\" he says before he maneuvers his clawed hand to the back of your head and pushes you against his member! At first you're just rubbing your face against it, but steadily the cock slit widens and with another push from Rech your head gets lodged inside of it! The croc moans reflexively as he feels his flesh stretching around your head. \"F...fuck, kid, this is gonna feel great...\" he says before he gives another push that locks your head inside entirely! The shaft walls are eager to take you in, pulsating and undulating not unlike a hungry esophagus as it steadily draws you deeper, with helpful pushes from the moaning croc. It doesn't take long before the cock slit expands around your shoulders, Rech moaning out another \"F...fuck, kid...\" as it does. At this point you knew where you were and were trying to get out, but with your shoulders already lodged inside of Rech's length, your struggle options were limited to body thrashes and foot kicks, neither of which really helped you dislodge yourself; in fact, they probably just helped push you deeper, because you were already up into your waist at this point. You could feel Rech's clawed hand feeling at the bulge you made in his shaft as it continued to take you deeper, the scent of cum tickling your nose as you came closer and closer to Rech's gurgling sac.

As more and more of your body was slurped up into Rech's cock, it became harder and harder to struggle. You were basically only in control of your feet at this point, the hungry cock having consumed most of your legs already. You felt Rech take one of his hands off of his cock and start to take your shoes off. \"Nnf, those don't digest well...\" he said as he tossed them casually onto the floor, leaving your wiggling feet out in the open. Then, he took one clawed finger and gave your foot a light push, the cock slit slowly expanding around them as Rech finished consuming you entirely, one final moan coming from the croc before your hearing was completely muffled. It had already been really hard to hear, and see as well, but as the cock slit slowly closed your senses became completely dulled by the walls of flesh around you. You could feel Rech stroking himself off with both hands as he felt the bulge that was you travelling deeper and deeper into him, before your head poked out into a musky, hot chamber, filled with gurgling cum. You had arrived in Rech's sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", true, false) play sound ("outsidemalemoan_deeper.wav", true, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechSac) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to break free of Rech's grasp before he could pull you in any deeper! The door behind you wasn't locked, so you fling it open and run back into the lobby. Kayla is not surprised by this occurance at all - she's seen it all at this point (and had to clean some of it up, too). For all that talk about wanting to keep you quiet, Rech doesn't seem to actually want to give chase, grumbling as he closes the door and gets back to \"work\".") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } } else { msg ("
You insert the JC Key into the door and the janitor's closet is revealed. It's not that big, but you can fit in here comfortably and close the door behind you.") } ]]>
The receptionist doesn't seem to be around. Look at false
Unfortunately, through all the rustling of papers, you didn't hear somebody step right up to you. The first thing that tipped you off was the looming shadow suddenly cast over yourself; and when you looked up, who else would you see but that big red dragoness herself. Kayla had a little bit of a scowl on her face, but it almost looked playful in a way; even though you had been caught red-handed, you stayed put...perhaps out of a bit of fear of what would happen if you tried to book it.

“I step away for 2 minutes and you start rooting through all my crap!?” The dragoness said, slowly moving closer as she continued to talk. “...while you're here, though, I think I might need you for something. Tell you what, you stay put and I won't have to send you up to the boss's office…”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You weren't sure exactly what Kayla had planned for you, but considering the alternative...well, staying put was probably the best idea. The dragoness flashed a big, toothy smile as you agreed to her deal, before starting to walk forward and wedge herself between you and her desk. You very quickly started to realize what was about to happen as Kayla turned away from you, giving you a view of her round buttocks covered in gray slacks for a few moments before that very sight rushed down to meet you -


You were immediately smothered by all of Kayla's weight as she sat down right on top of you, the force pushing your face right down into the seat and wedging you right between her buttcheeks! The dragoness took a few moments to get comfortable, which involved teasingly grinding her rear back and forth on top of you before she leaned back and let all of her weight rest on top of your body. “Heh, heh...yeah, these chairs aren't exactly comfortable. Be a good cushion down there and help me get through this shift with some extra comfort and the boss won't ever hear of your little intrusion…”

Well, it wasn't like you could really argue with her from your position, and that was if you disagreed with the plan in the first place! At least, the plan you thought you heard, considering Kayla's voice was pretty muffled and hard to hear from between her asscheeks. Thankfully for you, it wasn't too bad down here, minus the immense weight being placed on your face... along with a healthy heaping of feminine musk emanating from between those clothed cheeks, Kayla’s perfume mingled through your nose with every breath, sometimes so thick that you felt like you weren't even getting enough air from underneath there! You imagined scales against your bare skin would chafe quite a bit, so you were thankful that Kayla was at least wearing some kind of clothing while shamelessly grinding her ass all over your body. Welp, it looked like you were going to smell like the dragoness for quite a while…!
") wait { msg ("You could hear the hustle and bustle of the hotel passing you by like normal, nobody able to see you stuck underneath the dragoness, even if they were specifically looking for you...not like there was anyone looking for you anyway though! No, even if there was someone out there, Kayla would just usher them away regardless, letting that big, toothy grin shine through while she flexed and pressed her buttocks down even tighter onto your face. A couple times you felt like you were going to disappear right between those cheeks from how deep you were wedged into them, and you thanked your lucky stars that that there was a layer of fabric separating your face from the flexing pucker you just knew was right on top of you.

For all the nothing that you were doing down here, it seemed that Kayla was quite pleased with the job you were doing as her seat. Every now and again, you could hear a little muffled growl or roar come from above you, the dragoness shifting in her seat every time she made one of those noises. You swore that you could even feel a wet spot forming on top of you...was she really getting that aroused from just sitting on top of you? At this point, you felt like she might have rolled out the red carpet to let you into her office, just so she could turn you into a cushion and get off on the idea of smothering you so casually. After all, she was just going about her job like normal while you were down there, pretending as if you didn't even exist most of the time, filing away papers and checking in guests just as she would any other day. But, whenever you thought things were becoming a bit too dull and drab, like you might have passed out from lack of air already and were just floating in some void, Kayla would smush down onto you even more, or clench her pucker right in front of your nose, or grind on you just a little bit.

“Hhhfff...boy, I sure wish I could get you to eat me out right now, cushion. You're already doing such a good job, that would only make things better…” Kayla said to you sometime later, the first time she had directly addressed you in what felt like quite a while. “You know, I can feel you blushing down there. If I didn't know better, I'd say you snuck into my office just to get some sort of punishment out of me…”
") wait { msg ("It was at that point that you realized that your face WAS actually pretty warm. You thought it was just from the insulation on top of you, and that might have helped, but you could feel the blood rushing to your face for sure after that comment! Thankfully you weren't in a position to say anything, because any words you might have been able to retaliate with would probably just be jumbled, flustered messes. Cushion wasn't exactly the worst title to have, you thought...maybe this wasn't such a bad place to be after all.

Another ample amount of time passed before you felt any significant change in your surroundings again. Slowly, the pressure on your face was lifted as the dragoness got up out of her chair, your eyes instinctively squinting as you saw light for what must have been the first time in hours. Though, those harsh fluorescents weren't long for the world before Kayla's shadow loomed over you once more, the dragon chuckling as she saw your flattened form having created a divot in the chair. “Boy, you look like you enjoyed it more than I did…” she started to say, before reaching down and practically peeling you off her chair. “Now, run along, before I decide to keep you as a cushion for good…”
") } } } ]]>
false Look at Use Look at
You step out onto the twentieth floor.") MoveObject (Elevator, twentieth floor) MoveObject (player, twentieth floor) } } } } } ]]>
Look at firsttime { msg ("A bulletin board, with a few flyers pinned up.") MakeObjectVisible (Flyer) MakeObjectVisible (Flyer2) MakeObjectVisible (Flyer3) MakeObjectVisible (Flyer4) } otherwise { msg ("A bulletin board, with a few flyers pinned up.") } hallway false msg ("These suites certainly lived up to their name. The first door you even saw was grand, imposing, almost reached to the ceiling, and most importantly, seemed to be made entirely out of the most brilliant gold imaginable! It was honestly a bit garish for you to look out, but it also taunted you with what could lie beyond that door…") false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You pulled on one of the golden handles and entered the suite.") MoveObject (player, Suite 1) false ") ]]> Look at if (Got(Room 11 Token)) { msg ("A clear, spotless glass case. You've already taken the token, but you can touch it if you want to piss off the Queen again...") } else { msg ("A clear, spotless glass case. Inside was a small medallion that looked somewhat like the room tokens you were searching for…") } ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, true) } msg ("Everything was still black around you when you came to, but eventually you started to feel and hear things around you that made it clear that you were at least somewhat back in the waking world. There was an intense, leaden weight on top of you, smothering your whole body against the cold, metallic floor...and, you swore you could even feel a bit of softness. Softness like fluffy fur, perhaps...guh. You tried to move your arms to push whatever it was off of you, but you found that they were also pinned to the floor by this mysterious object. The mystery continued for a few more seconds…

Before you heard a loud *gwrrrgllllrrgggg*. Followed by a muffled voice. Both of them sounded like they were coming from the same place. \"mmmWORSHIP IT, commoner!\" you heard a shrill voice come from on top of you, the sudden intrusion sending a pulse down your spine that was only stopped by the weight that was still on top of you. A bit of the dazzling light from the palace around you leaked underneath whatever or wherever you were, and then, you realized. You were pinned under the fat, churning stomach of this fluffy, noodly creature, inside of which there seemed to be...well, someone!

\"You will identify yourself immediately. Consider yourself grateful that Queen Cassiopeia, the Zorgoia queen of ZR-752, would allow an interloper like yourself to even have the thought of rubbing and massaging my royal stomach. Now, get to it quickly before I change my mind.\"the zorgoia commanded, pressing down even more of her weight on to you...it was really to the point where you couldn't even massage after her bubbling stomach that much anyway! But considering the situation you were in, you pretty much had no other option but to acquiesce to the Queen's demands. Your trapped arms and hands started to snake their way out from underneath Cassiopeia, squishing into her fluffy underbelly and finding it to actually be quite soft and doughy and malleable...well, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. It was definitely quite soft and warm, although the pleasantness of this situation was always a bit underscored by the churning and the cries of help coming from just underneath her pelt.
") wait { msg ("But in a way, those were motivational as well. Motivation to not end up in there with them. The wait was almost crushing you, making it difficult to breathe as you just continued to try and please the zorgoia as much as you could from your limited position and ability. You just continued to rub and push against the churning belly, feeling the weight placed on top of you literally taking your breath away as you tried your best to ignore the digesting person just inside. Every now and again, Cassiopeia would hiss out a threat or two about you joining them, the prissy zorgoia more than capable of fitting you in there as well from what you could see!
") wait { MoveObject (player, CassiopeiaBellyRubs) } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by 0 msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Cassiopeia's stomach
And there it was. The last of you traveled down Cassiopeia's gullet post-haste, the zorgoia letting out a soft sigh as she felt the stomach beneath her starting to slosh around and fill up once more. "Hmmn. A horrid belly rubber, but a suitable meal…" the zorgoia commented, slurping her lips one last time as you curled up in her fat belly, worn out from the smothering and dealing with her rapidly-encroaching stomach walls, the faint blue glow allowing you to see just how cramped and tight it was in here...and how it was becoming even more cramped quite rapidly!]]>
You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It had been about an hour or so of slopping around in Cassiopeia's gut now. Your eyes were so heavy, and even the blue glow of the zorgoia's innards was starting to fade and blend in with the rest of your surroundings. Whatever struggles you could make at this point were purely cursory, and most likely just pleasuring Cassiopeia as opposed to making her uncomfortable. The zorgoia queen was pretty much asleep at this point, lulled to sleep by the gurgling and churning of her belly as it worked on melting you down, just as it had done to the person before you. Perhaps they were looking for that token as well…

As time went on, the bulge in the zorgoia's middle softened up quite a bit, adding a heaping helping of soft, furry fat to her noodly waistline. By the time the Queen had awoken, you were little more than a bit of extra sway on her belly, and a grumbling in her stomach as it demanded more meals. Maybe she would get one of her servants as a morning snack or such…

*You touched the case...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You weakly shoved at Cassiopeia's stomach walls, the zorgoia barely even reacting to your struggles.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The zorgoia stifled a belch, the belly around you clenching even tighter afterwards…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Cassiopeia merely scoffed at your squirms. \"Not even a serviceable internal rubber. How unfortunate.\"") } else { msg ("Trying to move around to get closer to an exit only led to you getting dunked in stomach slop quite a few times.") }
false Cassiopeia's womb The faint glow that had attracted you to her nethers in the first place was still present in here, though to a much lesser degree that basically destroyed your ability to actually see what was going on in here...the walls were slick and uncompromising, the chamber only getting tighter and tighter as more of your body was sucked and slurped up inside of Cassiopeia! You could hear a shrill cry of pleasure reverberating around you as the zorgoia slurped up the last of your body, your feet and toes soon joining the rest of you inside, packed away in the royal goia's swaying lower belly...gods, it was so hot in here! It's impossible to move. ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("The heat, the tightness, the thick musk surrounding and enveloping you...it was all starting to become so overwhelming. You were basting in a thick bath of feminine juices as well, the goia's womb having flooded with the stuff in the past few minutes. You could tell that Cassiopeia was on the edge of cumming, her womb quivering and squeezing around your vulnerable form; you just had to hope that you would manage to survive until her orgasm came! Luckily, the Queen didn't have the greatest of stamina, and just a few minutes later you heard the loudest cry yet as Cassiopeia started to climax, a flood of sticky nectar escaping out of her womb and making a mess all over the golden floor of her palace! At first, her cervix had only opened wide enough to allow that fluid, but soon you felt the uterine walls forcing you out through the only available opening...there was still quite a bit of pressure on your body as you were forced out through the small cervix, but at least there was a light at the end of the tunnel that you could see now! It was small at first, but it quickly rushed towards you as the zorgoia forcefully shoved you out of her pussy, your soaked head splashing down into a puddle of musky feminine fluids as the Queen continued to cry and huff in orgasm. Another spurt of cream soon followed, the force of it enough to push the rest of you right out of the zorgoia, leaving your body in a warm, wet, musky mess between Cassiopeia's legs.

The Queen was just panting and huffing for a good few moments, allowing you to get your bearings a little bit before she suddenly got to her feet, trotting over to the display case and opening it up from the back. A few seconds later, she dropped the token in front of you, a look of embarrassment on her face. \"Take it. Take it and don't tell anyone that this happened…\" the zorgoia demanded, trying her best to hide the thick blush on her face as she continued to come down from the high of such a powerful orgasm...better do what she said, at least!
") wait { Cassiopeia.pleasure = 0 if (not Got(Room 11 Token)) { AddToInventory (Room 11 Token) TokenCall } MoveObject (player, Suite 1) } } } } ]]>
You are under Cassiopeia's belly false
\"If you will not work for me as a belly rubber, then perhaps you would do better as dessert.\" was all Cassiopeia said, before the zorgoia's jaws opened wide right in front of you, her fleshy, pink cheeks and forked serpent tongue all framing and guiding you towards the faint blue glow in the back of her throat…a faint glow that quickly rushed towards you as Cassiopeia lunged forward, her maw opening as wide as it could to fit you inside. Almost immediately, a wall of wet and humid flesh slammed right against your face, the zorgoia clamping her teeth shut over the back of your neck and starting to feed on you as if she had been starved for years! You tried to push the Queen off of you, but with your body up to your shoulders in her mouth, your position was already a bit compromised...and when Cassiopeia threw her head back and yanked you into the air, everything just became even more discombobulated. Fuck, it felt like your neck was going to snap or something! But, as gravity funneled you towards the back of the noodle creature's throat, you realized that hadn't happened. You weren't sure if it would have been better or worse if it did…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*hgglrnk~*

With a good amount of you in her drooling mouth, Cassiopeia took a thick swallow, her throat swelling out as your head and shoulders slipped into her gullet. It was even tighter and more humid in here, walls constantly massaging and rubbing over your vulnerable form to coax you further inside the zorgoia's body. The glowing of her throat actually allowed you to see a little bit of where you were, though you mostly kept your eyes closed regardless...it really wasn't the type of thing you wanted to see right now. With your arms trapped at your sides, any squirming you could make was limited to kicking your legs as they stuck out of the Queen's lips, Cassiopeia casually throwing her head back every now and again to take another satisfying swallow...you could hear the gurgling and sloshing of her gut just ahead of you, whoever was inside almost certainly having been reduced to sludge and slosh by now. You were already halfway inside of the zorgoia's throat at this point, the noodly creature's disproportionately fat stomach sloshing and swaying with every movement Cassiopeia made...all the movement around you was starting to make you feel more than a bit dizzy, coupled with the intense heat starting to crank up the deeper you traveled into the zorgoia. Being crushed under her stomach earlier also didn't make it any easier to struggle…

You could feel the Queen's forked tongue slurping all over your skin, wrapping around your legs and starting to feed you deeper into the zorgoia's throat in between her taking powerful *glrrk*s and *gggLNNNK~*s, each one pulling more than a few inches of you inside of her! The bioluminescent glow of Cassiopeia's innards continued on strong as you descended deeper into the zorgoia, hearing that sloshing stomach get louder and louder until a rippling swallow eventually forced you right into her glowing, blue belly. Thankfully, whatever the zorgoia had chowed down on before was completely melted at this point, a sloshing soup of chyme and stomach enzymes greeting you as you slid out into the chamber. The Queen moaned in-between swallows as she felt her gut filling up once again, her tummy grumbling and groaning as it already started to massage and rub against you. Your feet were teetering on the edge of the zorgoia's throat, Cassiopeia taking a bit of time to tease and slurp over them before the inevitable…
") wait { MoveObject (player, CassiopeiaStomach) } } } else if (Cassiopeia.pleasure >= 30) { msg ("You had been rubbing and worshiping Cassiopeia's gravid stomach for quite some time now, and though the zorgoia was loathe to admit it...she was enjoying having you down there quite a bit! She had been moaning and huffing at every bit of stimulation you were giving, and it eventually got to the point where she had to start getting up off of you! \"Haah...all right, all right. I suppose you have proven your worth to me. Allow me to give you the greatest gift I can…\"

As the weight on top of you was slowly removed, you thought about what this gift could be. Letting you go scot-free would definitely be up there. Perhaps even a little bit of her assumed riches as well...but instead, the zorgoia started to do something else. She started to lay down in front of you, her legs splayed wide open and drawing your attention to what was between them...a thin, slightly pink slit!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidesigh.wav", false, false) } msg ("You just sat there for a moment, not really exactly sure what the zorgoia was offering, until her head poked up and stared daggers down at you. \"What are you waiting for? Get inside before I change my mind!\" The Queen demanded, a familiar vitriol in her voice causing you to jump back a bit! If this was her greatest gift, she wouldn't end up digesting you in there, right…? And making a break for it would probably just piss her off even further. So, slowly and tentatively, you reached out an arm towards that pink slit, hearing Cassiopeia groan in arousal as soon as you made fleshy contact with her nethers! The zorgoia’s innards almost immediately clenched tight around the tip of your finger, yanking you forward and swallowing up your hand all the way up to your wrist! Cassiopeia cried out as she felt all of this happen, and you knew that there was no backing out at this point...not only would it anger the zorgoia so thoroughly, but it also felt like the grip she had on your wrist was already far too strong for you to escape! Another clench yanked you further, Cassiopeia slurping your arm up all the way to your elbow in just a few moments…

That last clench brought you to your knees, your head now right between the Queen's legs as her innards continued slurping up your arm and bringing you closer to that hungry slit. At this point, her netherlips were spread enough that you could see a faint blue glow deep inside of her vaginal canal...it was almost alluring, in a way! Soon, with your arm almost entirely inside of the zorgoia, your field of vision was nothing more than her thighs and slit. A faint, enticing scent was coming from Cassiopeia's insides as well, the powerful feminine musk being the latest thing that was drawing you deeper into her canal…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Eventually, your face squished right between those lips, the zorgoia’s nectar immediately being slathered across your face and forehead as the zorgoia continued to clench, gently drawing you deeper between her legs with every squeeze. You couldn't see anything besides that blue glow now, enticing and pulling you deeper and deeper inside of the zorgoia’s canal as time went on...soon enough, your entire head had slipped inside of Cassiopeia's canal, a wet and loud *shGLRP* marking your immersion into wet, warm, squishy darkness...your other arm was now trapped at your sides as well, those hungry nethers already working on clenching and pulling in your shoulders!

The Queen was in absolute bliss as this all happened. You were so large, stretching out her folds in the most wonderful of ways...she hadn't done this in so, so long! The zorgoia's body naturally started to take over a little bit as you slid deeper inside, the innate clenching and rippling of her body making it so that all she had to do was sit back and enjoy. And, enjoy it she most certainly planned to! That blue glow was starting to fade the deeper you went inside of Cassiopeia, making it more difficult to judge where you were as your journey continued...a bulge was starting to show in the zorgoia’s lower belly, though you were still little more than waist-deep inside of Cassiopeia at this point. Not quite inside of her womb, though it probably wouldn't take you much longer to start being packed away inside of there!...

That feminine scent was getting much stronger as you traveled deeper inside of the zorgoia, making your nostrils tingle and both relaxing and arousing you at the same time! Meanwhile, Cassiopeia was an absolute horny mess, starting to squeeze her thighs together to work the rest of you inside as fast as possible. It was working, too; in just a matter of minutes, the only thing left to the outside world were the lower half of your legs, and even those were disappearing inside quite quickly! Another clench plunged you into a thankfully roomier chamber, though the walls around you didn't seem interested in stretching to accompany your form much...this had to be her womb!
") wait { MoveObject (player, CassiopeiaWomb) } } } } else { msg ("Cassiopeia was moaning in between every smooch and rub you made against her stomach...clearly, she was enjoying this! And her stomach was seemingly enjoying it as well, happily burbling and grumbling as it worked off whoever was inside of it. Eventually, you felt the weight on you being lifted up, the zorgoia climbing off of you and giving you a look of begrudging pleasure. \"Hmph. I suppose you showed yourself to be a capable servant…\" the zorgoia trailed off, allowing you to get back to your feet as she slinked over behind the display case, finagling with it for a bit before you heard a *pop* as part of it came loose.

She returned with the token a few moments later, handing it to you with just a touch of contempt still on her face. \"A reward, for serviceable worship. Perhaps you may return and please me again in the future…\" the zorgoia said, before ushering you out the door and returning to her throne.
") Cassiopeia.pleasure = 0 if (not Got(Room 11 Token)) { AddToInventory (Room 11 Token) TokenCall } MoveObject (player, Suite 1) } } } ]]>
belly false a random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You pressed your lips against the furry, sloshing belly, Cassiopeia seemingly enjoying the concept of you giving a big kiss to her stomach. \"Mmm, yes...keep that up~\"") Cassiopeia.pleasure = Cassiopeia.pleasure + 5 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Cassiopeia didn't have a belly button you could see, but you still tried to plant a smooch right on the center of her tummy.") Cassiopeia.pleasure = Cassiopeia.pleasure + 5 } random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You squished your hands against the zorgoia's gut, rubbing around in circles and really giving the working chamber a good massage!") Cassiopeia.pleasure = Cassiopeia.pleasure + 2 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Cassiopeia rumbled lowly as you rubbed her stomach...that was the happiest noise she had made so far!") Cassiopeia.pleasure = Cassiopeia.pleasure + 2 } random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You tried to push the zorgoia off of you. \"How DARE you!\" Cassiopeia yelled, smothering you even more wholly with her fat gut. ") Cassiopeia.pleasure = Cassiopeia.pleasure - 5 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Shoving at the stomach in front of you only seemed to make the person inside more agitated...") Cassiopeia.pleasure = Cassiopeia.pleasure - 5 }
false The creature just scoffed as soon as you came near. "Commoner! Do not even THINK about making another step towards me, Queen Cassiopeia."
false the Look at Take Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("Before you even opened the door to this hotel room, you could feel an intense chill coming from behind it...as soon as you even cracked it open, a dust of icy wind blew straight into your face, sending a shiver down your spine and giving you second thoughts about actually going inside!") MoveObject (player, Suite 2) false
That, and the fact that the door behind you had instantly disappeared as soon as you closed it.

You were not equipped for the cold weather at all, and the ravine looked like the only source of shelter you could find in this place...seemed like there was only one way to go.
") ]]>
false ") ]]> false cave ") if (RandomChance(30)) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You awoke sometime a little later inside the cave...but, not exactly where you expected to be. You definitely remembered falling asleep in a very specific part of this cave, and as your eyes opened, you certainly weren't in that place anymore...but, there was something far more pressing about your situation. Specifically, that there seemed to be some kind of creature pinning you down against the icy cave floor! You were still stuck in foggy sleep for a moment, but seeing the creature’s beady yellow eyes staring down at you...it jolted you awake really quick! A warm wave of exhaled air washed over your face, and you started to struggle a bit before you realized that all of your limbs were being pinned down by the strange, bird or raptor-like creature! Four padded paws pinned you down on all sides, the weight squishing you against the warm cave floor and intimidating you with those sharp, powerful talons attached to said paws. The damn things looked like they could slash your throat open with ease, and the raptor seemed to know that; even going so far as to tap one of those claws against the tip of your nose, knowing full well that you were completely at his mercy...
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"Well, well, well, did you think you could just come in and take over my cave?\" the raptor said in a deep, imposing voice, jolting you once more with the realization that your assailant could speak! You started to respond, but your own words were quickly cut off by another wave of hot air from the raptor’s long, olive-covered snout. \"Though, I would say that you came at the perfect time, actually. Saved me from having to go out and find a meal…\"

Those were the last words the raptor creature said before opening his jaws wide just a few inches from your face, incredibly warm and sticky drool immediately dripping down onto you as the raptor gave you one hell of a look into his maw! A long, red tongue was at the bottom of it all, which slowly rolled out and descended to take a long, warm, slimy slurp all along your face! You sputtered as the thick muscle slid over your nose and lips, saliva dripping from you by the time the raptor was finished with their little tasting session. Some of the stuff had even gotten in your mouth...ugh.

That was about to be the least of your worries, though. That slimy, warm maw quickly lunged forward, enveloping your entire head in a warm, squishy raptor mouth! The raptor’s jaws clamped shut over the back of your head, his sharp teeth grazing you just a bit as the raptor continued to lean forward and down, getting ready to send you on a long journey down his feathered throat! You were still pinned under clawed arms and legs, completely unable to move as the raptor started to cram you in the back of his throat. Pulsating, muscular flesh started to clench and squeeze around your head, pulling you deeper as the raptor’s slobbery tongue continued sliming your face and neck up...you could feel yourself teetering on the edge now, just waiting for the inevitable -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glllNK~*

Your entire body was pulled forward as the raptor took a thick, powerful swallow, releasing the pin he had on you at the same time to make sure that you slid down his gullet as smoothly as possible! The humid, slick throat walls constantly rippled and pulled you down further and further inside, the raptor lifting your body up with his mouth and starting to throw his head back to funnel you right down his hungry, impatient throat! All the while, you could feel that slick tongue slobbering and slathering every inch of your body in drool, leaving you dripping with spit as you continued your warm, wet waterslide. In just a minute or two and after several head tosses from the raptor, you could feel your waist teetering on the edge of the raptor's jaws, your long legs already the only things sticking out of the raptor's toothy mouth. You still had a long way to go down the dinosaur's gullet, though...the throat was surprisingly loose at first, but quickly and all of a sudden you felt something slam into you from the outside! It was the raptor, pressing his paws against his throat; but not only to massage and rub at the bulge you made. No, the raptor was squishing you with his throat pouch, the small, stretchy chamber located exactly in front of you and used to hold food or friends...but that pressure was slipping you further into his throat. The throat that actually led to the churning, sloshing cauldron that was the raptor’s stomach...

His meal mostly finished, the raptor creature receded back into the warmth of the cavern, a throat full of wriggling prey and a tongue very occupied with sending the last of said prey into his roaring, waiting stomach! A stomach you could certainly hear at this point, sloshing and groaning for the tasty meal it knew was coming soon…another swallow, and you could feel your head being shoved against the fleshy opening to that caustic, stretchy sack, the raptor's tongue slathering your feet in sticky drool and getting the last of your taste before you disappeared inside of its abdomen! The raptor's throat was sagging and fat with food, just waiting for the last gulp that would trap you inside for good…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*nngGGLRK...*

Your feet slipped past the raptor's lips and down his gullet as he took the final swallow, the satisfied reptile slurping along his lips slowly to get as much of your flavor as possible while you disappeared into his gut! Speaking of his gut, that swallow had most certainly pushed you inside of it, the bubbling and boiling chamber eagerly starting to rub and massage against your exposed skin as you were packed tightly inside of it, the raptor's throat almost instantly forcing all of you down into his swaying hammock of a belly once the dinosaur had swallowed down the last of you. Before you could even start to find any sort of solid ground inside of the reptile's churning belly and try to formulate an escape, you felt it start to slosh and sway all around you to a dizzying level…! Clearly your captor was moving somewhere else inside of this cave, most likely settling in to start digesting his huge meal…
") wait { MoveObject (player, SebaenSahStomach) } } } } } else { msg ("Your eyes closed at some point, and you managed to get some rest inside of the cave, feeling quite rejuvenated and having a new home base of sorts through which you could explore these caverns!
") MoveObject (player, Ravine) } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false SebaenSah's stomach The movement did eventually come to a stop, though you now ended up hearing the raptor's voice reverberating around you as he addressed you directly. "Oh, how rude of me! I didn't even introduce myself. My name is SebaenSah, though it's a bit of a mouthful...Just like you. Don't worry, though, you can just call me Seba instead…" the raptor teased, before flopping down on the warm floor and curling up around his fat, groaning stomach. "I take it you were looking for warmth in this landscape, and, well...I'm more than happy to provide it~" You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { msg ("More time passed inside of the raptor's stomach, Seba not really addressing or teasing you anymore...you were just food, after all, and food didn't need to be talked to or comforted! The tingling, acidic sensation you were expecting was starting to spread throughout your body now as well, the fluids in the chamber starting to rise and get thinner from the more acidic enzymes being pumped into the stomach chyme...if you were going to get out of here, you needed to do it now! But you were having so much trouble even keeping your head above water, let alone making a conscious attempt to escape...
") SetTimeout (15) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It had to have been at least an hour or two of being trapped inside Seba's stomach, and you were really starting to feel the process of digestion kicking in. The raptor was completely ignoring your weak squirms at this point, loudly snoozing away the evening with a stomach full to the brim with food…you. You were food. And the stomach was certainly continuing to treat you like food. Those walls squeezing so far into your vulnerable body, working all these tingling fluids into your skin to the point of numbness. Heat radiated through the chamber, no doubt coming from the glorified heating lamp that the raptor was currently laying down on, making this environment all the more hostile for you...and, oh goodness, the belches. Each one squeezed those stomach walls even tighter around you, your form gradually transitioning to that of a thick liquid as your body just gave out. The gentle and rhythmic thumping of the raptor's heartbeat, the groaning and gurgling of his stomach all around you...it lulled you to sleep, in a way.

Seba would awake the next morning, the fat, sloshing belly he had fallen asleep with having melted away into a thick, soft layer of pudge on his already-soft paunch. Some of what you had been digested into was still funneling through the raptor's deepest guts, continuing to help fuel him as he slowly got up off the ground. Seba felt all that extra weight swaying between his legs as he made his way out of the cave and into the cold, icy wilderness once more...he would have to hunt again soon, if only to enjoy the sensation of having a full meal squirming around in his gut again. But for now, the raptor could just enjoy the feeling of his body working on the last of you, soon completing the job of fully merging your body with Seba's own…

*You ended up warm, at least...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You tried to perhaps open the entrance to the raptor's stomach, but you couldn't even rotate yourself around to get there, let alone work on trying to open it up.") } else { msg ("Thick slime coated every crevice of your body, making it incredibly difficult to struggle in any meaningful way…") } ]]>
false SebaenSah's pouch "Hah, you seem a little bit confused in there. Never been inside of a throat pouch?" you heard the raptor's voice rumble around you, quite deep and heavy now that you were inside of...well, it seemed to be a throat pouch, whatever that was! The chamber swayed back and forth as the raptor continued moving through this frozen wasteland, leaving you confused as to where he would actually be going. Was this the warm place he was talking about, or was he taking you somewhere else…? You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("throwupaudio.mp3", false, false) } msg ("There was about a half hour of continuous sloshing and swaying around you before the raptor came to a stop. You felt those hands massaging and stroking along the bulge you made inside of the raptor's throat, before his deep voice addressed you once more. \"Okay, we're at the exit now. Are you ready to come out…?\" he asked you. And, honestly, you didn't really know if he could hear you from inside there, so you just squirmed around a little bit in his throat pouch to indicate your consent! A few seconds of relative silence passed, before you suddenly felt the raptor squeezing inward on you, along with the stretchy flesh pouch suddenly becoming quite a bit tighter as all this pressure started to force you up towards the entrance to the raptor's pouch! The squeeze was quite tight and honestly a bit uncomfortable, but you knew that the pressure wouldn't last long once the opening fully dilated...which happened just a few moments later, another clench pushing your legs up through that entrance and into his throat proper! The slimy walls that had pushed you down into the raptor's depths so rhythmically were now doing the exact opposite, waves of peristalsis dragging you back up into the outside world inch by inch. You could feel the icy cold wind of the outside world starting to bite at your more exposed parts, and for a moment, you almost wished the raptor would swallow you back down...but that wasn't realistic at this point. They were dropping you off at the exit, so there was still going to be a little bit of a transitionary period before you were safe…

The rolling waves of peristalsis continued to pull you up out of the raptor's throat, your feet and legs soon sliding up out of the back of his throat and back onto his slimy tongue. The cold continued to spread across your body, honestly making you shiver a little bit as the raptor continued horking you up...but at the same time, those slimy fluids that were sticking to your body were at least doing an okay job of keeping you somewhat warm. At least, for the moment! Once there was a little bit of you out into the world, the raptor's job was much easier. They just lunged their head back and forth while continuing to bring you up, until you felt your legs starting to slide out of the creature’s mouth...your legs made contact with the floor not too long after, and the rest of you gradually slid out bit by bit by bit, until your head popped out of the back of his throat and joined the rest of your body on the floor, in a sort of slimy heap!
") wait { msg ("It was at this point that you looked around and realized that you weren't in the frozen tundra anymore, but back in front of that suite door, facing towards its opening which the raptor was sticking out of. He didn't say anything after having horked you up - he just silently retreated back into the suite, closing the door shut behind them and leaving you right back where you started.
") wait { MoveObject (player, LobbyHallwayRight3) } } } } } ]]>
pouch walls false Thin and stretchy. Look at ") } } ]]>
false ----------You can go ") wait { msg ("And, quickly, you found out that it was as inhospitable as it seemed. It seemed you had walked into the middle of a blizzard, and now you had no idea where you were! Felt like you were blinded on all sides, more than unable to make your way back to where you had come from. And, oh god, it was cold out here! With nowhere to hide from the snow being constantly whipped into your body by these harsh winds, it was quickly becoming apparent how poor of an idea of this was…

But, just as you were starting to give up hope, you saw some kind of shadow in the distance. It was very blobby, and it seemed to be quite far off...you called out to it, hoping that whoever or whatever it was would be able to hear and find you…
") wait { msg ("Nothing called back, but you did start to see the shadowy blob growing larger and larger, until you started to be able to make out some details. It definitely looked like an animal of some sort, though it was walking on two legs as it made its way toward you...and, eventually, you were able to make out enough detail to realize just what it was. It was a rather large, raptor-looking fellow, covered head to toe in fur and spikes and feathers...it looked absolutely huge, and strangely enough, not quite suited to the environment it was currently in! But soon, it was looming over you, staring down at your snow battered form as you started to crumple to the ground just a little bit. It was so damn cold, and the few layers of clothing you were wearing were not doing a good job of keeping you safe…

\"What did you think would happen when you came out here?\" the raptor asked you, startling you a little bit with the realization that it could speak! \"You could have frozen to death out in these wastes, you poor little thing. Don't worry though, my place is nice and warm, it will get you feeling better in no time…\"

It didn't seem like the raptor was asking you whether or not you wanted to be saved, but honestly, in this state you wouldn't really be able to say anything outside of a simple yes or no regardless! The raptor just grumbled as they continued to lean down in front of you, before you suddenly felt...something wet. Wet and warm, wrapping itself around your shoes and ankles...you weren't able to make out what was happening down there in the whipping snow, but as the warmth continued to creep up your legs, the realization hit you. Was this raptor eating you!?") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("You could feel the warm, slimy tongue of the raptor creature lathering up your legs and shoes, the upper parts of your calves grazing past sharp raptor teeth as they continued to cram the lower half of your body into their mouth! Despite your intrinsic reaction of trying to get away, it did actually feel rather warm inside of the raptor's mouth, the sensation almost causing your legs to tingle a bit as they went from freezing cold to warm in a matter of seconds...still, this wasn't what you had expected at all, and a good part of you just wanted to pick up and make a break for it as fast as possible!

Logically, though, it was either certain death out in the freezing cold wilderness, or a chance of gurgling digestion deep within this raptor creature...obviously, logic was the farthest thing from your brain in the moment, but retrospectively...maybe there was a part of your brain that realized that. And that's why you didn't object, just allowing the raptor's jaws to continue working their way over your knees and waist...the warmth just felt so good to your body, regardless of where it was coming from!

You felt the tip of your boots pressing up against something at the back of the raptor's mouth after a few more seconds...it had to be the entrance to the raptor's throat! His hot, slimy, tight throat...you didn't have much time to emphasize about being warm before the raptor took a powerful, tight swallow, the lower half of your body being yanked forward as it disappeared into the raptor's gullet, immediately massaging and coating your legs and even more sticky, slimy goop...that swallow had pulled a good part of you forward with it, the raptor's teeth now resting comfortably on your chest as every one of the dinosaurs warm breaths washed over your face...it didn't exactly smell good, but the warmth was more than welcomed in your current situation! It felt like every wave of humid breath was melting icicles that had formed on your face and hair...it was the strangest sensation you could imagine, but it felt shockingly good in the moment.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("Another few messy, loud *gulp*s and *glrk*s came from in front of you as the raptor continued chowing down, the dinosaur taking a bit of special care to make sure he didn't absent-mindedly gash you with one of his many sharp teeth...strange, it was all so strange to you. What was stranger still was how the throat was changing as the raptor kept swallowing. It felt like you had already hit the stomach, the lower half of your body being forced to curl up as it hit a stop inside of the raptor...but it was pretty obvious that you hadn't traveled nearly far enough to actually end up in the raptor's stomach! It was kind of hard to think straight with how oppressive the raptor's insides were, though...breath so warm, slimy saliva so sticky and runny, tongue constantly assailing you from all angles...it was basically just your head sticking out of the dinosaur’s mouth now, and you were only a few swallows away from being completely claimed. Completely warm…

You felt the raptor tip his head back, pointing you right up to the sky before the throat clenched even tighter around you and you slipped all the way inside of his gullet with a loud, sloppy *gulllrrrk~*! The lower half of your body continued to be pushed out into a tight, yet stretchy chamber far closer than you thought the stomach would be, while your head and shoulders still had quite a ways to travel down inside of the raptor before settling in. The creature licked his lips in complete, gluttonous satisfaction, enjoying the last remnants of your taste quite a bit as it already started to trot off back into the frozen wilderness. He placed one of his broad wing-hands against the bulge you made in his throat, making sure you were getting all packed away inside as you still squirmed around in confusion. You felt a fleshy ring close around the top of your head a few moments later, sealing you in this slimy pouch. It was definitely wet and fleshy, though it felt a lot stretchier than you imagined a stomach would be…
") wait { MoveObject (player, SebaenSahPouch) } } } } } ]]>
flyer A ornate-looking flyer. "New Suite wing open - head right from lobby!" false Look at flyer false
The piece of paper was signed by somebody named Atticus. Well, you weren't sure if you were going to take this opportunity, but you could always use a little bit of extra cash...you decided to take the flyer, just in case.") AddToInventory (Flyer) ]]>
hallway false A very tall and fluffy dragon-looking creature. He's currently talking to another guest whom you don't recognize. Look at You are surrounded by false 0
The dragon's menacing glare almost locked you in place, making it trivial for Thash to drag you around the corner and into a room that you didn't really recognize. Almost immediately after the fluff dragon shut the door behind him, Thash whirled around and started to scowl down at you. \"All right, listen here you little shit. I was trying to land that hot piece of ass over there and you might have just blown it. So now, you're going to help me make *sure* she ends up in my bed tonight, okay?\" he explained, continuing to push and shove you around like a glorified sex doll until you ended up on the bed in front of Thash. The door was right there, but the dragon already seemed pissed enough, maybe you should just help him out...perhaps you'll get the token that Kayla was talking about from this guy after all!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slurp.wav", false, false) } msg ("Thash disappeared into the bathroom for a minute or two, though he kept the door cracked open to make sure that you didn't make a break for it while he was doing...whatever it was he was doing in there. When he emerged from the bathroom, the first thing your eyes were drawn to was the fact that he had completely stripped down! His deep blue shaft was already starting to emerge from its hiding place, the tip fading to a deep black color...well, this was going about where you expected it would go! The dragon had his shaft gripped firmly with one hand, but instead of getting in the bed with you like you presumed he would, he instead started maneuvering towards the foot of the bed. \"Now, all you gotta do is stay still…\" the dragon said, gently grabbing your feet and binding them together in his grasp before slowly starting to drag you further towards the edge of the bed. You made a few peeps and noises of uncertainty as all of this happened, but every time you did so, Thash shot you a look that pretty much froze you in place.

With you scared into quiet compliance, Thash could get to work. The dragon thumped his heavy cock onto the bed in front of you, the tip of his own shaft just an inch or so away from your toes. Thash still had a pretty firm grip on your feet as well, and he continued pushing them closer together until you felt your toes starting to slide up against the opening to his cock! \"W-wait, what are you-\" you started to say, before you felt several things happen all at once. Thash thrusted his hips forward, yanked your legs down, and you heard a wet *sssSHHHLRRRPP* as your feet disappeared entirely inside of Thash’s cock! \"Aaaawww, yeah…\" the dragon moaned as he already started to work you deeper into his shaft, the dragon reaching up to wrap an arm underneath your back and start lifting you up into the air! This was going nowhere good, and fast...you started struggling, partially out of wanting to escape and partially because your balance was incredibly off without a solid piece of land to stand on! Gravity was helping that second part along slowly, though; you were steadily continuing to sink into Thash’s shaft without the dragon even needing to do anything! And soon, you ended up face to face with the dragon, your body knee deep in his own cock…
") wait { msg ("Now that you could actually talk to Thash, you really started to lay in. Cursing, trying your best to slap or push him away, just anything that could prevent or stall the dragon from turning you into a cock meal! But, even though you thought you were actually possibly getting somewhere, Thash took it all in stride. In fact, the dragon didn't even say anything, just wrapping his arms around your body and working you further down...though, he did continue to lean forward towards you, a menacing smile on his face that slowly parted as his jaws opened wide! Humid dragon breath suddenly washed over you, Thash’s teeth glinting in the artificial light of the hotel room. But the most stunning feature of his mouth was his long, blue, prehensile tentacle of a tongue! It looked so alien and foreign that it commanded all of your attention...which was the perfect time for Thash to lunge forward, forcing that tentacle tongue into your mouth and locking lips with you as he started to make out with his meal in the strangest circumstance possible!

His thick tongue completely locked your mouth up, making it impossible for sounds to escape your lips as the dragon's shaft continued to swallow you down. The black tip of Thash’s shaft was starting to creep over your waist, and the amount of tightness and stimulation spreading all over your body was starting to make it impossible for you to make an escape effort. Especially now that Thash had wrapped his arms around you, leaning in as far as possible to shove his tongue as deep into your throat as it could go while also pulling you down further into his cock! Strangely, though, you also got the distinct impression that the dragon was almost...tasting you, in a way. His fat tongue was exploring all over the inside of your mouth, even occasionally slipping out and slathering your face and nose in slimy, warm drool...it was just adding insult to injury, at this point!

Your arms started to lift up as Thash’s shaft continued swallowing up your middle, your feet bulging out the base of the dragon's cock to a truly impressive level! It was weird to see the outline of your body almost perfectly preserved inside of Thash's slimy cock...but, what was happening also drew your eyes towards his balls. White, soft, a bit fuzzy...how on earth were you going to fit inside of them?
") wait { msg ("It wouldn't take long for that question to be answered. The dragon's hands moved further down his cock as you slipped deeper inside, stroking over the bulges you made inside of him while his tongue continued to invade your mouth so thoroughly. At some points, you could even feel the tentacle bulging out your own throat, leaving you gasping for air whenever the dragon would yank his tongue out of your gullet. If you could speak, you probably would have yelled when you felt Thash put his hands on your shoulders and physically shove you another few inches into his dick, your feet suddenly sliding out into a much more open, yet even slimier chamber than the water slide you were taking to get there...the dragon's sack. You couldn't believe what you were seeing as you looked down between Thash’s legs, your feet wildly flailing around as you tried to get some kind of purchase on the undulating, fleshy insides. Shit, there was already so much of that stuff inside of the fluff dragon's balls...that cream was already attaching itself to your legs, and even starting to make them tingle a little bit! And as more of you was shoved down into those sloshing, hungry orbs, your legs were just forced to clench and curl up in the fat sack. At this point, you weren't so much face-to-face with Thash as you were staring at his chest fluff, his thick tentacle tongue starting to slip out of your mouth; even with how long that thing was, it couldn't keep the two of you connected forever! It was more than welcome to feel the thick, muscular appendage slipping out of your throat, though the trade-off you made for it wasn't exactly the best resolution...

By the time Thash's tongue had actually removed itself from your mouth and you could start cursing and yelling for help once more, it was pretty much too late for you to actually do anything to free yourself. Your arms had been raised up at their sides as the cock continued swallowing up your chest, and even now you could see the black tip of the dragon's cock starting to slowly creep over the edge of your vision...you looked up to see Thash smiling away, the fluffy dragon absolutely beaming as he finished off the last of his cock meal. \"Ohh, yeah. You're gonna make a nice load of spunk, for sure…\"

After Thash said that, you watched and squirmed around as his clawed, tan-colored hand came down to press on the top of your head. At this point, the dragon's nuts were starting to sag on the floor with a good third of your body inside of them now, and it was only going to get bigger and tighter as time went on. Your chin was starting to be pushed up in much the same way that your arms were as Thash’s shaft continued to creep over your neck, his musk starting to make your nose burn a bit. Teasingly, the fluff dragon waved down at you, before you felt the hand on your head shove you right down -
") wait { MoveObject (player, ThashSac) } } } } } ]]>
false Thash's sac
And there you went. Thash’s cock swallowed up your entire head in one powerful clench, sending you down en route to his balls. The tight, slimy flesh around you constantly rippled and pulled you further down, and you could feel your body starting to rest against the room’s floor. Thash's voice was difficult to hear over the sloppy wet sounds of his flesh, but you were still able to make out a few words. "Can't wait to shoot you up into that racc girl…" the dragon commented, turning around and sitting down on the edge of the bed and stroking a hand over the bulges that were steadily sinking deeper into his loins. You could feel all that cream sloshing around in his sack, the warm and slimy stuff starting to soak more of your body as gravity pushed you down, down inside...along with his hands, of course. Feel more and more of your body being forced to curl up tightly until it was basically just your head left in the dragon's cock...and then, one more powerful clench shoved your head out into the boiling, bubbling chamber. The entrance almost immediately sealed up over the top of your head, leaving you trapped and curled up inside the dragon's fat, sloshing nutsack! It felt like the warmest, slimiest bath you had ever been in, compounded with the powerful male musk that you had to breathe in. The stuff was so damn thick, you thought you were going to choke on it a few times…]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("It had been about 10 minutes since you had curled up inside of Thash's sack, and besides the deep moans of the dragon as he lewdly masturbated, there wasn't actually that much happening...but then, you felt an intense pressure suddenly pushing down on the top of your body, stroking and rubbing and kneading along the balls you were being held captive in. Unbeknownst to you, Thash was actually using his own paws to help the digestive process along! The dragon's thick tongue rolled out of his mouth while his jaw hung open in absolute pleasure, the sensation of you melting right under his feet absolutely driving the dragon mad! It felt just like he was squishing his paws into a big, soft bean bag...and, of course, it was only making him harder as well! The constant threat of his feet pressing down on you ended up dunking your head into that bubbling cum more than once, and you were really feeling the digestive process now. Skin tingling, eyelids lowering, breathing slowing…
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("The walls surrounding you continued to clench inward as your body steadily mounted into the pool of cream around you. At some point, the complete transition from person to dragon spunk was made inside of Thash. It was hard to tell exactly when it happened, but now the dragon could feel you sloshing around in his balls, softening and becoming even squishier underneath his paws. One last clench of his nuts melted down the last of you, leaving nothing but a thick, musky, sloshing stew inside of his sack...and it was a weighty load, to be sure! The dragon took his hands off of his cock for just a moment, reaching down and feeling his new assets up.

\"Nnf...ohh, yeah. Might be hard to keep you from leaking out all over the place…\" Thash teased, slowly making his way up off of the bed and out of the room to meet up with that girl he was talking to earlier. He didn't bother putting his clothes back on; feeling his balls sloshing between his legs with every step was so damn good, he wanted her to see it immediately! They still sagged and dragged along the ground for the time being, but Thash was sure that it would slowly summer and bubble into a thicker form...that, and he couldn't stop a bit of you from leaking out at the end of the day, anyway!

*You got between Thash and his racc...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Musky and slimy. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("A little bit of pre leaked out of the top of Thash’s cock, helping to lubricate it as he continued stroking off.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The dragon seemed to be enjoying your struggles far more than you wanted him to!") } else { msg ("Your squirms stopped when a bit of musky cum ended up splashing into your mouth…") } ]]>
false PAYS WELL. Room 42, ask for Triac." it said, the "pays well" portion not only in all caps, but underlined and bolded as well! It was nearly comical in a way, but it certainly grabbed your attention, at the very least. ]]> flyer msg ("You decided to take the flyer with you, in case you were ever around that room.") AddToInventory (Flyer3) false Yet another wanted ad had appeared on the billboard in the main lobby, the paper immediately catching your eye due to its use of red ink. "{color:red:Wanted: dance partner for practicing routines. No experience necessary, just ambition and an open mind! Take this flyer to room 43 if you are interested.}" flyer msg ("The note was signed by somebody named April, with a lipstick kiss stain next to her name. The offer was interesting enough, though you were a tiny bit confused about why she wasn't just holding this kind of thing in the gym downstairs...still, you grabbed a hold of the flyer. You know, just in case.") AddToInventory (Flyer4)
takefrom take from "You can't take from " + object.article + "." pickpocket pickpocket "You can't pickpocket " + object.article + "." poundagainst pound against "You can't pound against " + object.article + "." false the You are on msg ("The second floor wraps around the hotel, containing 10 rooms. The carpeting is clean, but a bit drab, much like the rest of the hotel.") false Open Close false the false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 1) false You open the door into an average-looking hotel room. It's modestly furnished and looks just like your room. if (RandomChance(50)) { MakeObjectInvisible (ElephantLady1) MakeObjectVisible (ElephantLady) MakeExitInvisible (Room1KitchenExit) } else { MakeObjectInvisible (ElephantLady) MakeObjectVisible (ElephantLady1) MakeExitVisible (Room1KitchenExit) } A single bed. It has red sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It doesn't look incredibly comfortable, but it'll do. You can't sleep in that bed, it's not yours! Bed Elephant lady false false the
Maybe you shouldn't be intruding in her room, especially when she's sleeping.]]>
You walk over to the elephant lady. You tap her a bit, but she doesn't seem to respond, only stirring slightly in her sleep. You take this opportunity to move closer to her, noticing her skimpy clothing and what looks to be a key near the foot of her bed. You step closer, but in your precaution you go too slowly and manage to slip! Your hands swing forward to catch yourself, and just as you brace yourself, you feel your hand sink into somewhere -wet-! A distinctive squish rings in your ears as your hand sinks nearly wrist-deep into the elephant lady's revealed asshole! You manage to brace yourself, hoping that the elephant wouldn't wake up to this...awkward situation, and, luckily, she only stirs some more. You try to pull your hand out, but you're met with some resistance from the pucker...is...is it trying to pull you in?

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY TO BREAK FREE!==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You continue to pull as hard as you can, but it seems like your hand is only going deeper! The tight grip of the pucker completely locks you in as it slowly feeds you deeper into the elephant. You take your other hand and try to push on the elephant's cheeks to get some leverage, but your other hand fumbles and manages to slip into the tight hole as well! A quiet \"pop!\" accompanies your loss of leverage against the ravenous butt. Panicking, you pull desperately, trying to yank yourself out, but your struggles are no match for the hungry butt as your arms are slowly sucked into the ass as well. A small involuntary moan is elicited from the elephant as your body is sucked deeper into the elephant, your arms already tucked deep inside the elephant's bowels. Your head is pulled in closer, a pungent aroma wafting from the open hole, as your face is planted firmly between the elephant's buttcheeks! The pucker has no time to wait, however, and your arms continue to be sucked into the elephant and, despite your attempts at using your neck to slow you down, eventually you give way and the top of your head slides past the asscheeks into the rectum. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
The earthy aroma outside the ass is amplified as your head slides cleanly into the elephant's bowels. Your struggles continue, but all they do is elicit slight moans from the elephant as the rest of you is slowly fed through the asshole, slurping you up like a large noodle. The heat inside her bowels is nearly unbearable, and you feel yourself already losing energy fast as the will to struggle is slowly sapped from you. Slowly but surely, the asshole consumes your chest, belly, and legs, with only your feet dangling outside the ass. Your last contact with the outside world is slowly slurped up as the massive ass of the elephant completely consumes you. ") wait { MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyBowels) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to pull your hand out of her ass, a distinctive *pop* noise filling the room. The elephant lady, apparently in a very deep sleep, is still snoring, though. You quietly leave the room, locking the door behind you.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You walk over to the elephant lady. You tap her a bit, but she doesn't seem to respond, only stirring slightly in her sleep. You take this opportunity to move closer to her, noticing her skimpy clothing and what looks to be a key near the foot of her bed. You step closer, but in your precaution you go too slowly and manage to slip! Your hands swing forward to catch yourself, and just as you brace yourself, you feel your hand sink into somewhere -wet-! A distinctive squish rings in your ears as your hand sinks nearly wrist-deep into the elephant lady's revealed slit! You manage to brace yourself, hoping that the elephant wouldn't wake up to this...awkward situation, and, luckily, she only stirs some more. You try to pull your hand out, but you're met with some resistance from it...is...is it trying to pull you in?

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY TO BREAK FREE!==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
The desperate pulling of your arm doesn't seem to do you much good - in fact, it only seems to keep you sinking in more! You hear a shrill moan from the elephant lady in response to this new intrusion, and alongside it a strong clench that pulls you in even deeper! Your whole arm is inside the slit now, and your face is close to rubbing up against it, the heat radiating from deeper within washing all over you. You feel a bump behind you as the elephant's foot has curled up around her, and is gently and slowly trying to push you deeper into her! Your head is right up against the elephant's slit now, and you feel like you're going to be torn in half by the powerful suction of the elephant's nethers unless you give way. A loud *slurp* accompanies the acquisition of your head into the elephant's birth canal, the nethers greedily taking you in up to your shoulders. Another moan rings out afterwards, the elephant having taken in nearly half your body already. You can feel your hand squeeze past a tight sphincter into what you can only assume is the elephant's womb. ") wait { msg ("
You try to struggle but the elephant's canal is like a vicegrip, completely cutting off any chance of movement above your waist. Only your legs remain outside, the elephant's foot coming close to the slit now as it pushes your butt up and inside. Moans continue to rumble around you as the walls get hotter, and a bit wetter too, feminine fluids already starting to run down the canal and out onto the elephant's bedsheets. The elephant's body tenses up for a moment before one final *SLLURPPP* feeds you completely inside the elephant's nethers, the rosy red lips slowly closing behind you. You can feel your body nearly being crushed by the intense pressure the walls are putting on you, and the only way away from it looks to be the spacious womb at the end of the tunnel - the one you're rapidly being shoved into.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyWomb) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to slide your hand out of the slit before you go too deep. The elephant doesn't seem to have been awoken.") } } } UnlockExit (Room1Exit) ]]>
elephant lady's stomach false false the You are surrounded by Your body slowly slides into her gut. The pungent aromas you smelled earlier overwhelm you as the stomach greedily welcomes you to your new home. You sink down slowly into the flesh that surrounds you as your feet enter the sac, completely enclosing you inside the squishy organ. The stomach wastes no time in processing you, already coating you in its juices. You hear the belly groan out in satisfaction as more juices pour into the chamber. Your continued struggles only elicit a large belch from the elephant, and your skin starts to tingle as the last of your energy is given to trying to escape somehow.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You're starting to feel woozy as the last of your air in the chamber has been belched out by the elephant. Before you can completely digest, though, you feel your world shift as the stomach forces you into the long, twisting intestines of the elephant. It would seem that the elephant's digestive system isn't strong enough to process a meaty meal like you yet, at least not in the stomach. Inside the intestines, the villi tickle you as they push you deeper and begin to absorb you little by little. It feels like hours before you finally give in, and with the heat of the bowels coupled with the complete inability to move and the continued tingling of your skin, you soon lose consciousness...

The struggles and bumps in the elephant lady's belly begin to round out. Feeling relieved and pleasantly full, the elephant pats her belly, eliciting a drawn-out belch that drains her digestive system of the little air remaining in it. Already near-asleep, the elephant rubs her rounded stomach, eliciting some glorps and gurgles as it processes your remains. The unfamiliar sensation of having such a large lump in her intestines gives the elephant some pleasure as she drifts off to sleep. While the elephant sleeps, her intestines are hard at work, noisily turning the rest of you into a nutrient slush to be absorbed by her already-chubby body. Her belly slowly shrinks and shrinks as the intestines absorb the nutrient broth that was once you...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
With the job completed, the waste is pushed off to her lower intestine, and soon the elephant awakes to a pang in her lower gut. She slowly waddles to the bathroom, unfamiliar with her new chubbier belly, and plops her butt onto the toilet seat. Noisily, she disposes of your remains, clearly gassy from your time spent in her intestines. After finishing, she flushes and wipes and admires her new curves in the mirror, her elephantine butt receiving some massive assets. It was always nice when strangers decided to add to her figure, but she'd need to find more victims to keep these curves, and soon. She grabs the key from the foot of her bed and twirls it in her grasp.

\"Always works...\" she giggles.") } msg ("
*You broke and entered into the wrong room...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
The elephant lady's slimy stomach walls. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]> false You try to pry open the sphincter, but you can barely get any traction in the slippery sac.
elephant lady's bowels false false Your body is completely enclosed inside the bowel walls, constantly moving as they rush to bring you to the awaiting stomach. Every part of your body is completely bound in the slimy cage, leaving you completely unable to move without some serious effort. The villi all around you tickle your body as you are fed deeper into the elephant. The elephant's bodily noises echo around you, the constant thumping of the heartbeat providing a backdrop to the far-off gurgles of the elephant's awaiting stomach. You are surrounded by the While you've been in the bowels for a while, that much is for sure, you can't remember how long exactly. You feel a slight stir above you and a yawn as it seems you've finally awaken the sleeping giant, who seems a bit perturbed at her newest occupant. After shouting some questions at you that you couldn't even hear, she begins to lay back down and turns on the TV in her hotel room, consigning you to your fate.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The far-off gurgles are becoming much louder now as you're slowly fed into the last turn of the elephant's small intestine. The elephant lady has been rubbing her struggling belly for a while now, enjoying these new sensations, and it seems like she's trying to push you even deeper. Soon you meet a sphincter, and your body is slowly fed into the bottom of the elephant lady's stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach) } } } ]]>
false The elephant's bowel walls. Brownish and covered in tiny villi, they constantly undulate and push you closer to the awaiting stomach. bowel walls Look at ") } } else { msg ("You manage to get some sort of leverage against the bowel walls, but you're so tightly-packed that you soon return to your normal spot, too tired and hot to really do anything.") } ]]>
elephant's womb false the
The rest of your body quickly slides into the womb, the clenching tunnels around you pulling you deeper and deeper into the elephant. The small area you're contained in is incredibly hot and humid, and sopping wet as well, with feminine fluids. Fluids that are now funneling to the bottom of the womb now that the elephant outside is awake and, judging by the moans you hear around you, instinctively masturbating. Indeed, she is plunging her fingers in and out of her womb at an alarming pace, probably not even aware that you are tucked up deep inside her. The walls around you - already holding tight to you - clench with every plunge she makes, squeezing and kneading you with an enormous amount of pressure.]]>
It is nearly impossible to move. The womb around you is becoming even hotter and more humid as the elephant's masturbation comes closer and closer to climax. The chorus of moans has been more or less replaced with near-squeaks as the elephant is closing in on her orgasm - thanks to you, that is. She starts to poke and knead at the bulge in her midsection, with a bit of feral curiosity. That curiosity, however, is easily overwhelmed by the sexual desires of the elephant, at least at this moment. This wonderful thing inside her is helping her get off, so why should she care what it is? At least until she's over her orgasm.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Just as you feel like the walls around you are certainly going to crush you, an ear-shattering scream reverbs around you. The funneling juices at the pit of the womb shoot down and out of the elephant's snatch, and the waterfall of fluids brings you along with it. Your sopping body pops out of the elephant mid-orgasm, landing on the hotel floor as the elephant continues her orgasm, spritzing you with her femcum. About a minute passes before the elephant comes down off her high and starts to wonder exactly what it WAS so deep inside of her. You see a trunk peek over the bed, followed by a pair of eyes looking down at you. \"What the hell were you doing inside me!?\" the elephant questions. You look up at her with a blank stare in response, not really sure of what to say. The elephant weakly points to the door afterwards, her finger still trembling a bit in post-orgasm weakness. \"Just...get out.\"

Not willing to take a chance with this beast, you did what you were told to.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") } MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false You're not going anywhere until the elephant says so.
Dresser A plain oak dresser. Look at Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close Room 1 Token The room token for Room 1. Look at Drop TokenCall false kitchen false the false if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), ElephantLady1)) { msg ("You step into the hotel room's kitchen. Nothing too strange in here, although there is an elephant lady standing in here, looking into the refridgerator. She hasn't noticed your intrusion yet. Maybe you should talk to her?") } else { msg ("You step into the hotel room's kitchen. Nothing too strange in here.") } Elephant lady false false the An elephant lady, no doubt a patron of the hotel. She stands about 7' tall, almost hitting the roof of the room when she stands up. She's currently wearing relatively revealing clothing, looking like she was about to go swimming in the hotel pool. 0 ") wait { msg ("“Pucker up, cutie~” she said, before she did the same thing and pulled you right against her lips, the elephant making an obnoxiously loud *mmmmmmwwwWWAAAHHH* noise as she planted a kiss right on your lips! She was so much bigger than you that her lips basically swallowed up yours, and for a moment you thought her gift would be her belly...but she pulled away from the kiss eventually, leaving you a bit dazed and flustered from her affection. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet…” Rosie said as she pulled you in for another battering of smooches, her lips planting themselves all over your face as she made those exaggerated kissing noises! You were so overwhelmed and flustered by her sudden influx of affection...but you weren't exactly opposed to it. Getting squeezed and smooched on by a lovely, curvy elephant lady? You could certainly think of worse places to be in…

Rosie gave you a few more kisses, holding you close before finally letting you breathe a little - although her trunk still kept you held snug and comfortably. “Had enough, cutie? Or would ya want a bit more?~”

You managed to burble out some sort of affirmation as your face blushed a powerful, deep red color, betraying exactly how flustered you were by the elephant's lavishing of affection. “That's exactly what I wanted to hear…” you heard Rosie say as her trunk coiled nice and tight around you, slowly bringing you closer to her warm, rough body. “Just relax and let Rosie take care of ya…”

Her voice was so buttery and smooth and comforting, you would have agreed to anything she said. You sunk into her trunk's embrace like it was a pillow fort...wonderful feelings all around you, her trunk soft yet firm. You did exactly what she said, relaxing back and closing your eyes as you felt her body heat wash over you…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slurp.wav", false, false) } msg ("You couldn't see what Rosie was doing with her trunk, but you could definitely feel that something was happening. Her grip loosened just a tiny bit as the tip of her trunk brushed past the top of your head, dilating as the elephant took a deep breath. “Mmmmh…” Rosie groaned as she smelled you...oh goodness, you smelled so wonderful. So...delicious. She just had to drop the pretense!

Even with your eyes closed, you could still tell that the world around you had suddenly went dark. And tight. You couldn't open your eyes to see - but the tip of Rosie's trunk had opened up and slid over the top of your head! The tube-like appendage tightened and clenched around your body like a throat, slick and wet walls surrounding you on every side - whether it was mucus or saliva, you didn’t know. All you knew was that it was wet and lubricating...and that you were slipping further inside! Rosie snorted a few times, her trunk acting like a vacuum of sorts, even with you wedged inside like you were. The lower half of your body was firmly pressed against Rosie’s belly and bust, sinking into the softness of her curves a little bit even as her trunk continued slurping you up powerfully!

Rosie smacked her lips as she felt her trunk start to streeetch around your shoulders; this was easily going to be the hardest part of getting you down her trunk. Her muscles could stretch a little bit to accommodate most of your body, but your shoulders were so much wider than the rest of you. Rosie primed herself, tensing her muscles before taking an incredibly deep breath! You could feel air rushing around the space between you and her trunk (whatever little space there was), but nothing was really happening besides the whole place getting a bit tighter...until, with a wet *pop*, you felt your shoulders slide up into Rosie’s trunk...and your chest came along with it! “Ahhh, there we go…” you heard Rosie’s muffled, slightly nasally voice rumble around you as you found yourself wedged even deeper in the elephant’s trunk, experiencing just how long and deep the appendage really was. About half of your body was crammed inside Rosie at this point, your body bulging out the tight tunnel quite obviously...there were no questions about what was happening, that was for sure! That made it harder to squirm and get comfortable, though…

The bulge your head made in Rosie’s trunk was starting to approach her mouth. Your legs were the only thing left outside of her trunk by now, weakly twitching and kicking as you continued your quest to get comfortable inside the elephant’s tight, humid trunk...at least every breath she took let some cool air rush past your body, if even for a moment. They also pulled you even deeper into her trunk, though…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("Rosie hefted up her full, squirming trunk with one hand as she took another deep breath, slurping up most of your legs; only your feet felt the delicate kiss of fresh air, the rest of your body smothered in wet, hot, pulsating flesh. Your head was right above Rosie’s mouth - close enough, in fact, that her tongue could reach out and up and lick the top of your head! “Hmm, hmm...almost there, hun. Get ready for a ride~” you heard her tease, her voice a lot more clear now that you were right next to her mouth. You couldn’t see, but it DID feel like your head was right on the edge of something deep. Something hungry.


And then, Rosie swallowed. Her throat opened wide to accept you, the elephant greedily gobbling you up now that she had all of you trapped in her trunk. You could tell that you were now entering her throat as well; the flesh around you didn’t grow much tighter, but it certainly grew more powerful, and wetter as well! It rippled around you with every swallow, guiding you deeper into the elephant without Rosie needing to breathe or swallow deep...although she certainly still enjoyed gulping you down! Her hands moved from hefting her trunk up to rubbing the bulge you made in her throat as she continued swallowing you down, the tip of her trunk closing shut around the tips of your feet as she continued to take deep swallows. It was tough to breathe right now for the elephant, so she wanted to get you curled up in her gut as soon as possible…
") wait { msg ("Fortunately, that wouldn’t take too much longer. Already her throat had stretched around and swallowed up your shoulders with little trouble, and now that there was copious amounts of elephant saliva to lubricate your journey deeper into Rosie, it wouldn’t take nearly as long as it did for her to cram you into her trunk. The throat squeezed around you rhythmically, gently but firmly pushing you deeper into Rosie’s digestive tract; every swallow the elephant did made those contractions even more powerful, even to the point of slight discomfort from just how much pressure was being enacted on your body. Thankfully, the gentle gurgling of her stomach below you was becoming louder and louder, so you knew it wouldn’t be too long before you had at least a little bit more room to work with.

Rosie licked her lips as she continued gulping you down, another swallow plunging your head out into her groaning, hungry belly as more of you slipped down her throat. You instinctively took a deep breath as soon as your face wasn’t being smothered by thick, hot throat flesh...only to be greeted with the acidic scent of decaying plants and the like. It was definitely...powerful, that was one way to put it. A very powerful odor, that made your eyes water a little bit as more of your body was pushed out into Rosie’s grumbling, impatient tummy. Your hands pressed out against the stomach walls as soon as they were freed from the elephant’s tight throat, making comical bulges on the outside of Rosie’s gray belly...which the elephant rather enjoyed seeing! She couldn’t help but giggle a bit before she *glrk*d one more time, your legs slipping out of her trunk and into her hungry gullet, the force of her swallow dunking your head into the bath of stomach fluids and digested slop sitting at the bottom of her belly for a moment!
") wait { ElephantLady1.TV = 1 MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach1) } } } } } } else { LockExit (Room1Exit) msg ("
\"Who are you?\" she asks. \"What are you doing here?\" You give no answer. \"Well, if you're gonna be all silent, you could at least make yourself useful, hun. Mind finding my swimsuit for me? I'd go and do it myself, but I'm not exactly decent right now....\"") ask ("Help the elephant out?") { if (result) { msg ("\"Oh! Thank you so so much, dear. I know you will be able to find it.\"
") } else { ClearScreen picture ("VOREHOTELELEPHANT.png") msg ("\"Oh? Well, suit yourself then.\" the elephant said, a tinge of disappointment in her voice. She stood there for a moment, before suddenly lunging forward and wrapping you up in her thick arms!

You struggle to the best of your avail, but she has a tight grip on your body. Displeased with your noncompliance, she squeezes you harder in punishment. \"Oh, we're just getting started...\" she says as she brings you closer to eye level. Her trunk, then covering her face, lifts up and wraps around your body, revealing a small mouth lined with flat teeth. She opens wide, her lips parting to a red, hot, slimy cavern. She breathes out, and you can smell the stale stench of stomach acids and leftover grassy foods. She tilts your head into her open mouth and slowly slides your head into her maw. She closes her lips around your neck and begins to suck on you like a piece of candy, coating you in sticky elephant spit for the trip down. You continue your struggles, but the elephant lady is unfazed, pushing you deeper into her maw. Your head peeks into her throat as she feeds the rest of your body inwards, using her trunk to play with your feet as the rest of you slowly ventures deeper. You can start to hear the deep echo of gurgles below you as the first \"gulp!\" sends you careening into the elephant lady's throat. She starts to adjust her position, and your entire perception begins to change as she starts to lie on her side in her bed. More gulps echo out as your body sinks deeper and deeper into her throat. With a final \"gluck!\", your feet slip into her mouth, aided by a push from her trunk. You slide through the elephant's gullet, all sorts of bodily noises around you, until your head breaks through into her stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach) } } } UnlockExit (Room1Exit) } ]]>
elephant lady's stomach false false the You are surrounded by if (ElephantLady1.TV = 0) { msg ("Your body slowly slides into her gut. The pungent aromas you smelled earlier overwhelm you as the stomach greedily welcomes you to your new home. You sink down slowly into the flesh that surrounds you as your feet enter the sac, completely enclosing you inside the squishy organ. The stomach wastes no time in processing you, already coating you in its juices.") } else { msg ("As the rest of your body funneled down her throat, you used your arms to push you out of that goopy, slimy mess, coughing as you felt a little tingle on your face from the stomach acids. You were only able to brace yourself for a few more seconds before another wave of peristalsis pushed you further into the slimy chamber, your reactions enabling you to barely avoid another mouthful of gunk, but still pushing you even deeper into the elephant’s gut. You felt your head bump up against the back of her gut as your legs slid out into Rosie’s belly, and you quickly realized that you would have to curl up a little bit to fit entirely in here! Your head got pushed into an awkward angle as another rippling peristalsis rudely shoved the rest of you into Rosie’s gut, your curled-up form making quite the nice bulge in the elephant’s midsection. “Mmph, you tasted DIVINE. I hope you like your reward, cutie…” you heard the elephant’s voice rumble around you as she rubbed at her belly, sitting down on her bed and listening to her tummy start to churn and rub against you..") } ") SetTimeout (15) { msg ("
You're starting to feel woozy as the last of your air in the chamber has been belched out by the elephant. Before you can completely digest, though, you feel your world shift as the stomach forces you into the long, twisting intestines of the elephant. It would seem that the elephant's digestive system isn't strong enough to process a meaty meal like you yet, at least not in the stomach. Inside the intestines, the villi tickle you as they push you deeper and begin to absorb you little by little. It feels like hours before you finally give in, and with the heat of the bowels coupled with the complete inability to move and the continued tingling of your skin, you soon lose consciousness...") msg ("
The struggles and bumps in the elephant lady's belly begin to round out. Feeling relieved and pleasantly full, the elephant pats her belly, eliciting a drawn-out belch that drains her digestive system of the little air remaining in it. Already near-asleep, the elephant rubs her rounded stomach, eliciting some glorps and gurgles as it processes your remains. The unfamiliar sensation of having such a large lump in her intestines gives the elephant some pleasure as she drifts off to sleep. While the elephant sleeps, her intestines are hard at work, noisily turning the rest of you into a nutrient slush to be absorbed by her already-chubby body. Her belly slowly shrinks and shrinks as the intestines absorb the nutrient broth. With the job completed, the waste is pushed off to her lower intestine, and soon the elephant awakes to a pang in her lower gut. She slowly waddles to the bathroom, unfamiliar with her new chubbier belly, and plops her butt onto the toilet seat. Noisily, she disposes of your remains, clearly gassy from your time spent in her intestines. After finishing, she flushes and wipes and admires her new curves in the mirror, her elephantine butt receiving some massive assets. It was always nice when strangers decided to add to her figure, but she'd need to find more victims to keep these curves, and soon. She grabs the key from the foot of her bed and twirls it in her grasp.

\"Always works...\" she giggles.

*You broke and entered into the wrong room...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { SetTimeout (30) { msg ("The elephant’s stomach was smothering you from all sides, rubbing and massaging every part of your body. It was uncomfortable, but also strangely relaxing...or maybe that was just the digestion happening, covering most of your body in a strange tingling sensation. Either way, this belly was starting to get a lot more cramped and tight...maybe this wasn’t a reward after all…
") SetTimeout (15) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Despite your best efforts to at least get Rosie to reconsider her “reward”, the only responses you received were a few rumbling belches and teasing phrases from the elephant. Her stomach was getting more and more active over time, the tingling fluids rubbing into every crevice of your body and making it harder and harder to focus. Every breath was labored and took way too much effort...it would be so easy for you to just sink into the flesh of the elephant’s rocking belly and just, relax. Just let everything melt away…

*HHhhuuUUuuaaaAAaaaarrrpppp…* Rosie belched as her stomach let out a proud, loud *gwrrrrggssshhh…*, signaling that it was really starting to churn you up into elephant fat. “Mmh, I hope you’ll like your reward as much as I will~” the elephant teased as her stomach churned and jiggled, the more obvious bulges you made in her midsection rounding out and fading as you slowly churned up into a soupy mess in her belly. “Hrrf...let’s see if this still fits…” the elephant said as she picked up the swimsuit she’d left on the kitchen table. The bikini still fit snug over her round, bulbous tits, but she already had a little bit of trouble fitting the panties up her thick thighs. All the while, her stomach sloshed and groaned as well, reminding her that her curves were gonna be a lot rounder soon…

“Close enough.” the elephant said as she got the swimsuit to fit as best she could. Her belly jiggled and sloshed and groaned quite audibly as she made her way out of her hotel room and down to the lower floor...she swore she caught some people staring at her new bulk! Didn’t bother her, though. In fact, it made her a bit more horny just thinking about it…

Rosie finally waddled her way down to the pool, sitting her fat rump in one of the inner tubes and pushing out into the middle of the body of water. She was going to rest and digest in the most relaxing place she could think of...all alone, with her belly noises echoing off the tile floor and walls. Pristine.

The elephant dozed off at some point, her stomach slowly shrinking and rounding out as you churned up into nothing but elephant fat. Her swimsuit started to stretch even further as her body redistributed yours to her bust, her ass, her thighs, and left a bit of it on her round gut. She awoke a few hours later, her stomach much quieter and larger to boot. She had so much more fat to play with and enjoy! She would definitely need to go up a size on her swimsuits, though…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Her nap had been interrupted by a pang in her bowels, however. All meals had to leave something behind, and now her body had decided it was finished with you. The elephant quickly paddled her way back to the poolside, hopping off the inner tube and waddling her way over to the bathroom. Her plush cheeks plopped down on the toilet seat, and Rosie let out a soft moan as she felt a long log of waste slide out of her ass, the toilet water splashing up as it plopped down into the bowl. A few more of those came soon after, and in a few minutes, Rosie felt satisfied. You were fat on her body and shit in the toilet, and nothing more…

She got up and wiped, turning around to see what was left of you as she felt her belly jiggle. “I had so much fun~” she teased before flushing, sending the last remnants of you deep into the sewers of the hotel.") } msg ("
*You helped an elephant lady out...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
The elephant lady's slimy stomach walls. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The elephant giggled as she saw your hands push out against her belly. “Calm down, you’re not coming out of there~” she teased.") } else { msg ("Rosie rolled over onto her belly, smooshing you under her ample weight and curves and stifling any squirming you could have made.") } } ]]>
elephant lady's bowels false false Your body is completely enclosed inside the bowel walls, constantly moving as they rush to bring you to the awaiting stomach. Every part of your body is completely bound in the slimy cage, leaving you completely unable to move without some serious effort. The villi all around you tickle your body as you are fed deeper into the elephant. The elephant's bodily noises echo around you, the constant thumping of the heartbeat providing a backdrop to the far-off gurgles of the elephant's awaiting stomach. You are surrounded by the While you've been in the bowels for a while, that much is for sure, you can't remember how long exactly. You feel a slight stir above you and a yawn as it seems you've finally awaken the sleeping giant, who seems a bit perturbed at her newest occupant. After shouting some questions at you that you couldn't even hear, she begins to lay back down and turns on the TV in her hotel room, consigning you to your fate.") SetTimeout (15) { msg ("
The far-off gurgles are becoming much louder now as you're slowly fed into the last turn of the elephant's small intestine. The elephant lady has been rubbing her struggling belly for a while now, enjoying these new sensations, and it seems like she's trying to push you even deeper. Soon you meet a sphincter, and your body is slowly fed into the bottom of the elephant lady's stomach.") MoveObject (player, ElephantLadyStomach) } } ]]>
false The elephant's bowel walls. Brownish and covered in tiny villi, they constantly undulate and push you closer to the awaiting stomach. bowel walls Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You feel a slight stir from the elephant, but she seems to be completely asleep.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The bowel walls push you even deeper.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("An involuntary moan comes from the elephant.") } else { msg ("You manage to get some sort of leverage against the bowel walls, but you're so tightly-packed that you soon return to your normal spot, too tired and hot to really do anything.") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 2) false You open the Room door and suddenly a huge burst of hot air fills your lungs. You step out onto a flat savanna, and onto the beach of a lake. Interspersed trees surround this little oasis, and the sound of a rolling wind assails your ears. Without the whistling of the wind, though, the lake is oddly still. Eerily quiet. Look at Swim in Lake You decide to take a little dip in the water. Delicately, you take your clothes off and leave them beside the riverbank. The water's cold, although not freezing. You swim out to the middle of the lake and start to tread water.") wait { msg ("
After some wading, you decide to swim back to shore. Paddling across the lake, you can hear something rush through the water. Before you can even react, you feel a huge impact in your side that bowls you clean over onto the lakeside, like you just got hit by a semi truck! The wind entirely knocked out of you, you watch as the eyes, then the head, of a huge hippopotamus peek out from underneath the glassy surface of the water. The hippo floats closer to you and...turns around? Yes, and he reads out of the water as well! His buttcheeks are clearly visible as he starts to fall back on you - get out of the way!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO GET OUT OF THE WAY==") wait { if (RandomChance(25)) { msg ("
Even in your haze you can recognize the clear danger before you! You scramble to get up and narrowly avoid the crushing weight of the hippo's ass.") } else { ClearScreen msg ("
You frantically try to get out of the way but all the air is forced upon you as the hippo plants his massive ass square on your face! The pressure quickly increases as the hippo rests more of his weight onto you, grinding your face into the sandy ground below. Your vision is pretty much completely blocked by the hippo's gray cheeks, a tail poking out from in-between them being the only other thing you can see. The hippo grinds his rear into the ground, firmly planting your head into the sandy floor.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HippoButtCrush) } } } } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
You decide to take a little dip in the water. Delicately, you take your clothes off and leave them beside the riverbank. The water's cold, although not freezing. You swim out to the middle of the lake and start to tread water.") wait { msg ("
Relaxed from your swim, you gently drift back to shore on your back. It's so serene out here you think you can just fall asleep...zzz...

But you're jolted from your sleep as you feel something swim by your feet!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO GET OUT==") wait { if (RandomChance(35)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You start to swim your way back to shore, but you feel the thing brush past you again! You frantically splash in the water as you try to come back, but suddenly something opens up underneath you! In a fraction of a second, you're inside some place warm and wet. You can't even get a read on your surroundings before a resounding *gulp* pulls you down under the water. It's not long before you're enveloped in complete darkness. You're not sure, but you might have just been swallowed by a fish!") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, FishStomach) } } else { msg ("
Jolted out of your rest, you frantically paddle your way back to shore. It's tense, but you make it back. You don't want to know what lurked in that lake.") } } } } else { msg ("
You decide to take a little dip in the water. Delicately, you take your clothes off and leave them beside the riverbank. The water's cold, although not freezing. You swim out to the middle of the lake and start to tread water.") wait { msg ("
After your little swim, you feel refreshed! This is just what you needed. You swim back to shore and try and find a way out of here.") MoveObject (player, Room 2) } } ]]>
false false You're being crushed under hippo's buttcheeks! the The hippo starts to rest his body, giving you a little bit of time to absorb what's going on around you. The beast atop you is incredibly big, and all his weight is resting squarely on your face, giving you very little room to breathe or move about. You're surprised your head isn't completely lodged into the ground by now, but another thing you notice is the smell. Your nose is forced right between the hippo's cheeks, and an earthy, musky smell wafts around you, coming from deeper inside... Atop you are two With your face thoroughly ground into the dirt, and your view completely consumed by this hippo's posterior, you think it can't get any worse. The hippo wiggles his butt back and forth in an attempt to get comfortable as you feel him press down again. However, this time you also feel the hippo put a webbed foot on the back of your head, and start to push in slowly. An audible grunt happens and your struggles renew as your head parts the hippo's ample buttcheeks and goes deeper...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE==") wait { msg ("
A sudden shove forces your face right against the hippo's plump pucker, hidden from sight by the sheer mass of his cheeks. Slowly the tailhole yawns open, ready to accept its meal. Your nose pushes past into the hippo's bowels as the rest of your body slowly slides deeper. Soon the hippo loses his grip and lets go, clenching his tailhole and slowly drawing you deeper. Soon, after a lot of clenching (and from the sounds you heard on the outside, some pleasure as well), the hippo reaches back into his asscheeks, finds your feet, and delicately pushes the rest of you in.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HippoBowels) } } } ]]>
Look at Push at smooth buttcheeks false The hippo's round, gray buttcheeks. Firmly planted against your face, they take up pretty much your whole field of view. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You pound your fists against the cheeks but the fat layer is so thick that the hippo doesn't even feel your pounding.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You squirm under the hippo's crushing embrace, but you can't move all that hippo. It's just not possible.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The hippo relaxes and grinds his butt into the dirt some more, cutting off your struggles as you're buried deeper and deeper.") } else { msg ("You try and kick your legs out but you can't make contact with any part of the hippo.") }
hippo's bowels false the The sphincter closes as your feet slides into the hippo's bowels, leaving the suffocating walls to knead you northward. Satisfied and blissful, the hippo plops down on his back, shaking the world around you as he collapses into the lakeside. The path ahead of you is long and dark, and the musty smell overtakes your nostrils and makes it hard to breathe. You know you've got a long road ahead. You are surrounded by You've long since lost track of your time inside the hippo. All you could use to measure your proximity was the hungry gurgles of the stomach, slowly getting closer and closer, but never quite getting there. Soon, though, the bowels lurch forward and push you in through the duodenum, your head poking into the bottom of the stomach. The rest of you follows as you curl up at the bottom of the stomach, gastric juices already pooling around you. ") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, HippoStomach) } } } ]]> The hippo's bowel walls are super tight and slimy, constantly constricting you. bowel walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You're finding it getting harder to squirm as the heat in the bowels rises.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Your continued struggling only pushes you deeper into the belly of the beast.") } else { msg ("You can hear a deep moan around you, the hippo clearly enjoying his snack.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]> false hippo's stomach the The stomach is relatively spacious, and your body only makes it sag a little bit on the outside. The gastric fluids that were already pooling around you are nearly up to your knees already, and the belly is kneading at you with all its walls, desperate to extract some nutrients. Your skin and hair is completely soaked with fluid as the belly suddenly shakes, and soon flips over, as the hippo rolls over, squeezing you between himself and the sandy floor. You hear a gurgle above you, and then a huge *braaaaaaaaap* blasts out of the hippo's wide open mouth, all the air in the stomach gone with it. You hear a contented sigh squeeze out as well. You are surrounded by You can't help but notice how hot it's getting inside here. It was already pretty warm, but the temperature is steadily rising, baking you alive! The heat, combined with your exhaustion from struggling so long, is constantly at ends with your will to survive. You think of how nice it would be to just...stop, collapse into the stomach, and get some rest...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After a brief period of renewed struggling, you can't go any farther. Completely beat, you collapse into the floor of the stomach. The gunky soup surrounding you slowly overtakes your body, and you slip into unconsciousness soon afterwards, your weak body ready to be processed.

Outside, the hippo's belly rubs continue as the stomach starts to become smaller. Hard at work, the gut *glrrnnn*s and *glorp*s as it breaks down its meal, coerced by the coddling it was receiving. This feeling was absolutely divine for the hippo, who had been on the riverbank for well over three hours now, just continually teasing and rubbing his belly. Soon, the liquid remnants empty out into the deeper guts of the hippo, the guts you originally came through, and you're as quickly forgotten as any meal the hippo had before.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Later on, a couple of days later, in fact, the hippo is lounging in his lake before a sudden pressure in his lower bowels catches his attention. Floating to the lakeside, he awkwardly waddles onto land and into the surrounding savanna, relieving himself covertly in the cover of forest. The hippo couldn't quite remember what made such a large pile of waste, but he could remember that it sure tasted good. He should snatch up more of those little treats whenever they take a dip in his lake. They are trespassing, after all.") } msg ("
*Snatched clean out of the blue...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You press hard on the stomach, getting just beyond the layers of fat to leave some hand imprints, but it's not like anyone's around to see them.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The hippo groans as you squirm about inside him, apparently in a deep pleasure.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Delighted with his meal, the hippo smacks his lips and rubs his belly some more.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Your struggles only result in your getting covered with more stomach juices.") } else { msg ("The stomach lets out a large, almost aggressive, growl in result to your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
fish's stomach false the The walls around you are pitch-black and hug you tightly. You're already coated in slime and the stomach fluids around you are pooling. Although, the fish swallowed a lot of water when it took you in, and the pool of lake water and stomach juices is nearly up to your chin. At least it'll dilute the stomach acids...for a little while. On the outside, almost your entire body is neatly outlined by the fish's incredibly stretchy stomach. It won't be for long, though. You are surrounded by The watery fluid around you is already steadily rising, almost up to your nose by now. You're starting to worry, as the fluid is becoming less and less diluted. A noticeable tingling is already present around you. The fish's stomach is pretty taut, and you think you might be able to escape if you just struggle harder...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The fluid pooling in the stomach is just too much to handle. It quickly overtakes what little air and space you have left. The stomach starts to get active now, gurgles and glorps dominating your hearing as the stomach walls tighten and knead you. The worst is yet to come, though, and you don't experience it as you pass out from lack of oxygen. Soon, though, the stomach starts to eat away at you, bit by bit, digesting with the still-diluted acids. Outside, the fish's belly still sags well below the fish, looking almost comically large, but it too soon begins to deflate to its regular size.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Soon, nothing but a stream of waste in the lake and a layer of fat is a remnant of what used to be. Acquainted with this new and delicious taste, the fish lies in wait for another lake-goer to take a swim...") } else { msg ("
Soon, nothing but a layer of fat is a remnant of what used to be. Acquainted with this new and delicious taste, the fish lies in wait for another lake-goer to take a swim...") } msg ("
*No diving...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("A huge gurgle rings in your ears. The stomach doesn't seem to be happy about your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You try to press out on the stomach, but you're already so clearly outlined you can't even move to do so.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("Fish don't burp, so you aren't getting any audio feedback from your struggles, but they don't seem to be doing anything.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You manage to jiggle the fish's belly, but nothing comes of it.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("All your struggles do is slosh around the watery mixture of digestive juices that are steadily rising around you.") } else { msg ("Your struggles jostle the fish about, but it's not letting go of its choice meal.") } ]]>
forest false msg ("You walk past the lake and into the small forest surrounding it. A large cluster of acacia trees hangs over you, acting like an umbrella to shield you from the harsh sunlight. A narrow path goes west-east in front of you.") forest false forest false forest false forest false
You get the strangest feeling that you don't have much time to do this.") ]]>
EnableTimer (DeerStatueAV) DisableTimer (DeerStatueAV) tower 1 false Look at SwitchOn (Tower 1) msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") tower 2 false Look at SwitchOn (Tower 2) msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") tower 3 false Look at msg ("Once you push the rock off the pillar, the statue in the middle of the room begins to rumble. Slowly, the lower jaw of the deer begins to drop, until it comes down all the way to the floor, with a perfectly-sized entrance for you to pass through. It is completely dark inside, though..") MakeExitVisible (DeerStatueEntrance) DisableTimer (DeerStatueAV) tower 4 false Look at SwitchOn (Tower 4) msg ("You push the rock off the top of the tower. Nothing seems to happen.") false the statue You are inside false You make your way into the statue. The inside of the statue is barely big enough for you to stand up in. The inside is still mostly dark, although the small amount of light coming from outside illuminates the chamber a bit. You can barely make out something at the back end of the room. EnableTimer (DeerStatueOV) DisableTimer (DeerStatueOV) You reach your hand out into the darkness, and it lands on a familiar shape. You pull your hand away and find the token for Room 2! false AddToInventory (Room 2 Token) TokenCall RemoveObject (a shape) MakeObjectVisible (Room 2 Token) msg ("Once you grab a hold of the token, you feel a bit queasy. You close your eyes for a couple seconds and when you open them you're back in the hotel lobby! ") MoveObject (player, Lobby) MakeExitVisible (DeerStatueLobbyExit) false deer's bowels false the The deer's warm bowels are tight around you, constantly contracting and loosening as the deer flexes its anal muscles. All around you there is darkness, and your lack of movement forces you to focus on the ominous gurgles ahead, that are gradually getting louder. Your journey through the bowels is sure to be a long and arduous one, as even in the darkness you can feel your body being pushed through the various twists and turns of the deer's intestines. And if it wasn't enough that you were still dazed from the huge blow, the lack of air and the heat inside the deer is also causing you to feel quite woozy. You probably won't be able to stay conscious for very long inside this hot, constricting maze. You are trapped inside You are surrounded by The bowels start to increase their clench rate as the heat rises as well. You can definitely feel that the deer is close to an orgasm. The pressure around you is mounting, and you feel like you might be crushed if it keeps getting stronger.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The gurgle you heard faintly in the background is a lot louder now, your trip to the deer's stomach being accelerated due to the rapid clenching. You can feel one huge, tight clench as the excited deer finally comes to orgasm, blowing his huge load all over the forest floor. A full minute elapses of constricting followed by relaxation as the deer's cock spurts out rope after rope of seed, clearly pent up from centuries waiting for a good meal. You can feel yourself inch forward due to the mighty squeezes from the deer's bowels, the deer amazingly still in the middle of his orgasm. Soon, though, he's completely spent, the penis receding slowly into its sheath and the deer unable to do anything besides barely stand in post-orgasmic bliss. Almost immediately afterward your body is forced around one last bend before being pushed upward into the deer's stomach, already full of digestive fluids, ready to accept and digest its post-orgasm meal.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, DeerStatueStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Look at ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The bowel walls constrict you hard as soon as you try to move.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The heat in the bowels is unbearable now, and it's sapping all your strength, leaving your squirms nearly moot.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You feel the deer grinding against the bulge you're making. He's clearly enjoying your struggles.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You're doing a good job as a buttsnack, the squirms you're making are giving the deer immense pleasure.") } else { msg ("The deer barely responds to your struggles, clearly off in another world by now.") } ]]>
deer's stomach false the You're fully squeezed out into the deer's stomach, awash with digestive fluids. Your body surfaces among the sea of liquid to bump up against some stomach walls. There's very little air in the chamber, and the walls are tight against your body. You can feel the sphincter directly above you, locktight. A chorus of glorps, gurgles, and other lewd noises assail your ears as the belly quickly gets to work. Finished with its orgasm, the deer plops onto its right side, with his belly now in the air, completely inverting your world. He quickly gets to work on aiding his digestion, rubbing his belly thoroughly with all of his hooves. It's tough to say if you'll be going anywhere now, at least of your own accord. You are surrounded by After a thorough amount of time spent in the deer's stomach, you can feel your strength fading. The heat of the stomach is just too much for you to bear, and the deer's belly rubs are certainly helping the process. You decide in a last-ditch effort to try and pry the sphincter above you open. Reaching your hands into the fleshy container, you pull it apart as hard as you can, flashing back to those impossible-to-open potato chip bags...yes! You manage to pry the sphincter open just enough for you to get through! You quickly force yourself through the opening, getting your whole midsection through before you let go of the sphincter to reach your arms up the deer's throat. You squirm and wiggle your way up, aided by the reaction of the deer's body to this unfamiliar sensation pushing you up, until you can see just the smallest glimpse of daylight. Your head pops up into the back of the deer's mouth and you grasp frantically for the outside world, the deer's jaws agape. You manage to get almost your whole body out into the deer's mouth before you get stuck, the throat wanting to reclaim its meal quickly. The deer, quite amused and startled by this new scenario, takes this time to taste its snack, rolling your body around on its tongue and coating your already-sopping body and clothes in sticky saliva. You flail about some more, but soon the deer extends its long tongue onto your face and casually pushes you back down its throat, the tube happily re-accepting its meal with a hearty *gulp!*. All your fighting had gotten you so close, but with another *gulp!*, the hungry deer had reclaimed its prize. You sink back down into the deer's stomach completely broken, both in willpower and in physical strength. You had come so close.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("regurgitationaudio.mp3", true, false) play sound ("genericbelly.mp3", false, true) } SetTimeout (50) { wait { msg ("
The escape attempt had really worn you out. By the time you plopped into the stomach you already felt like just sinking into the belly walls. But your struggles had become too weak, and a grim fate was too near to ignore. Your final struggles resulted in a weak, drawn out burp from the deer as you sink into the belly walls, completely exhausted and beat from this whole ordeal. The belly quickly continues to work as you sink beneath the sea of digestive fluids, eager to break down the meal it had finally broken.") SetTimeout (10) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
With your struggles dying down, the deer knew it had finally claimed its meal. The belly rubs continued as the bulge in its stomach began to shrink slowly, constantly making gurgly noises as little pockets of air were continually burped up by the deer. You were nothing but deer fodder now, and the deer slowly drifted off to sleep on the forest floor as you started your second trip through the deer's intestines, this time in a much less solid form. The deer's belly continued shrinking as you traveled further south. The deer was already pudgy before, but the new pudge you added rounded him out nicely. Seems like it had quite a few snacks before, although none quite as lively as you. Soon, all that was left of you was more pudge on his belly and butt, and a pleasurable lump in his intestines. The deer's final thoughts before it fell asleep was your delicious taste on the way up, and how great of a toy you were for his butthole. He smacked his lips and licked them too before his brain drifted off into the unknown, tired from the day's events.") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The next day was a lazy one. The deer had enjoyed the new layer of pudge you'd given him, especially on his belly and his hungry butt. He decided to stay in an animal form for a bit longer instead of waiting again, intent on capturing some of the birds around here as a dessert to yesterday's dinner. It wasn't long before he'd caught two, and had one pinned beneath his round, pudgy ass and one captured in his mouth. Not as big as his dinner yesterday, but it'd do. Soon he had two squirming bulges inside of him, and in the middle of his bliss, a pang in his lower gut hit him. The deer knew exactly what time it is, and although he had just gotten his dick out of his shaft again, it was time. The deer got on his feet and wobbled over to a corner in the forest, before squatting down and relieving himself of your remains. A tidy pile was all that was left before the deer walked over to the center of the forest room again, and stood in the same pose it had stood in for centuries before. The deer bronzed over, and the pedestal rose again, leaving no trace that anyone had ever stepped foot there...") } else { msg ("
The next day was a lazy one. The deer had enjoyed the new layer of pudge you'd given him, especially on his belly and his hungry butt. He decided to stay in an animal form for a bit longer instead of waiting again, intent on capturing some of the birds around here as a dessert to yesterday's dinner. It wasn't long before he'd caught two, and had one pinned beneath his round, pudgy ass and one captured in his mouth. Not as big as his dinner yesterday, but it'd do. Soon he had two squirming bulges inside of him, feeling them writhe around before the deer walked over to the center of the forest room again, and stood in the same pose it had stood in for centuries before. The deer bronzed over, and the pedestal rose again, leaving no trace that anyone had ever stepped foot there...") } msg ("
**You were a once in a century opportunity...**

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Look at ") SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You push and flail with all your might, and you think you might have upset the deer's stomach a bit. That is, until in the distance you hear an earth-shattering belch blow open the deer's lips, echoing all the way throughout the forest and scaring birds out of the surrounding trees. At least you managed to do something.") if (game.sound = 1) { SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("If your struggles are strong enough to even register, the deer isn't doing a very good job of registering them.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You flail around for a bit, with no response coming from the deer.") } else { msg ("The deer idly smacks its lips as it wishes it could have tasted you instead of slurping you up with his pucker. Oh well.") } ]]>
forest a false forest false A green vine, hanging down from the treeline. You yank on the vine. You can hear a deep grumble, but otherwise, nothing happens.") } otherwise { msg ("
You decide to yank on the vine again...you hear the same deep grumble, but this time, something falls from the treetops! It almost flattens you, but you duck out of the way in time...you still find yourself on the ground, though, and what stands in front of you does NOT look happy. It's a dark, purplish wyvern, with red eyes that are staring directly at YOU. Apparently, you interrupted this creature's slumber, napping in the treetops or something...but that doesn't matter. What matters is you getting out of here! You try to turn around and run away, but before you can even break into a sprint, you feel the wyvern hit you square in the back, knocking you back onto the ground in a daze...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You eventually turn over onto your back, not prepared for what you would see (or feel)...as expected, though, the wyvern was bearing over you, staring straight into your soul...what you didn't expect was the creature's dripping length, throbbing over your chest. You weren't sure why it was aroused, but combined with that and the look on its face, you start to squirm away in fear of some unwanted sexual activity...but, the creature quickly places a claw on your chest, stopping you directly in your tracks, pressing you down into the dirt. You brace yourself for...something...but, when the creature starts to inch that cock closer to your face, and then take its claw off of you. You don't dare try to escape at this point, though...that claw that was pressing on your chest now scraping by your head, pushing you up to face the creature's cock. You think it just wants you to suck it off, so you open your mouth...") wait { msg ("
...Then you notice the creature's hips rolling forward, and feel a push on your head...and then you're lodged inside of the creature's cock! The throbbing, black length has managed to swallow your whole head up almost immediately, the wyvern growling in pleasure as it feels you stretch out its cock flesh. You feel the wyvern's hips roll forward again, practically a thrust at this point, slurping you deeper into the wyvern's member already. Your shoulders were no problem, either, being swallowed up in one powerful thrust, like they were nothing...you felt powerless, barely able to struggle as the cock continued to consume you, the wyvern's claw making sure you couldn't pull yourself out...not like it was possible. You already felt the cock starting to clench around your body, pulling you deeper without much help from the wyvern's claw...

You felt your legs slowly lift off the ground as your chest was slurped into the wyvern's cock, dangling lifelessly as more of your body was clenched down into the wyvern. The musky scent of cum was starting to become stronger now, and you knew it wouldn't be much longer before you ended up filling out the wyvern's bouncing orbs, just out of your view originally. Another clench pulled you deeper, the wyvern roaring in pleasure as it felt you fill out more and more of its cock, stretching out its walls oh-so-nicely. A few more clenches, and occasional pushes from the wyvern's claw, and only your feet were left hanging out of the wyvern's cock, and they were soon slurped up as well, leaving you with a one way ticket to the wyvern's sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ZeraSac) } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } Zera's sac false
Zera crawls into the brush of the forest, the wyvern's bulging sac dragging behind it as it does. Being on the main trail, incapacitated and bloated with prey was a surefire way to get yourself eaten, and there was certainly no absence of preds in the forest...so Zera wanted to be as safe as possible. But now, the wyvern was all alone, lying on its back as it felt you wriggling inside of its sac. The feeling was divine...]]>
You are surrounded by It was starting to get a bit hard to move around inside Zera's sac. The walls were already pretty tight around you, but the cum inside was starting to drown you out, making your movements sluggish as more of your body was covered in the white goop. Your body was starting to tingle, too, especially as more of it was submerged in the hot, bubbling seed, as the walls continued to ooze more of the stuff. You were starting to feel a bit lightheaded as well, and you weren't sure of how much longer you'd last in here...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
You could feel the sac walls practically sapping your energy as you vainfully struggled inside Zera's balls. You could already feel the balls starting to shrink a bit, compressing and becoming more round as more and more of you started to melt up into wyvern cum...but thankfully, you passed out from lack of air before you could feel much pain from being melted into the wyvern's cum. Less thankfully, you were still going to be wyvern cum...

Zera stroked at his shaft as the wyvern felt (and saw) his sac starting to gurgle you up into more cum. The feeling of his sac slowly rounding out and shrinking was amazing, for sure...the sac still splayed out over his legs, though, becoming somewhat of a pillowy cushion as it started to shrink and round out. Since Zera was lying on his back, the sac was affected by gravity, oozing down his legs anad crotch as the contents inside melted some more...until you were nothing but wyvern cum, the sac still quite swollen and engorged with cum, but starting to round out a tad, as the taut sac walls slowly started to return to their normal form.

With you all gurgled up, Zera could really start enjoying you...the wyvern started to lazily stroke at his shaft some more, panting as he felt his sac sloshing around, practically begging to be released...his cock was a little bit overwhelmed with sensation, and it didn't take long for the wyvern to blow his load, a roar echoing through the forest as he came. The hot ropes of seed shot straight up to the air, splattering on Zera's chest and various articles of foliage around the wyvern as well...you made a good, heavy load of cum, that was for sure, Zera's sac slowly rounding out and snapping back to its original form as you were emptied out of it...eventually, the wyvern's orgasm came to an end, Zera panting in afterglow as he lay on the forest floor...

Zera's cock still throbbed wantingly, even after the wyvern's orgasm was long over. A \"round 2\" was not out of the picture, but the wyvern thought of maybe finding a mate before attempting another. Maybe finding another prey, too...putting that vine back up may not be the worst idea ever, actually. Seems like preythings were naturally attracted to it.

*You awoke a sleeping beast...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Slimy, and producing a lot of cum as well. They absorb most of your struggles... ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The sac walls take every blow you give them in stride, barely moving or stretching an inch.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You just get yourself covered in more wyvern cum by struggling. Doesn't seem like the sac walls are gonna give way any time soon...") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You try to struggle against the sac walls, but you don't make much of a difference.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You only wear yourself out by struggling, making the heat inside the chamber all the more oppressive, and the lack of air suddenly more of an issue...") } else { msg ("You weakly punch out against the sac walls, barely even making a dent in them.") } ]]>
forest false cave false The cave is dark, but spacious. You can hear the dragoness {object:Selicia} quietly snoring in some part of the cave, the occasional glow of her maw helping you understand where you are in the cave.") ]]> You found your way back to Selicia’s cave after informing Neil about her note. You had already heard some lewd groans echoing from deep within the rocky chamber as you clambered down into it, and you started mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to see. Soon enough, as you made your way to the entrance the deepest part of the cave, the part Selicia called home, you saw it. The slender dragoness was already neck-deep in deer cock, Neil's powerful moans echoing off the cave walls and bouncing around inside. The cacophony just continued as you entered, the two seemingly unaware of your presence as they carried on in their lewd act. Selicia was doing most of the work, worming her noodly body deep into the deer’s loins as Neil slouched against on of the cave walls, eagerly stroking at his swollen length as Selicia ferreted deeper.

The dragoness was already forearm deep within a few minutes, the slender tube she was slipping into perfectly shaped and lubricated for her already. The deer produced copious amounts of pre to help her down, a small pool of it collecting on the floor as Selicia slid further into him. Neil's furry ballsac was already wriggling and swollen with a bit of Selicia, the dragoness poking her head out into the musky sac she would soon call home…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Neil was starting to moan loudly now as the dragoness ferreted herself deeper into the deer’s loins, nearly half of her body already inside with how easy it was for her to slip deeper. Neil's sac was starting to stretch as well, as Selicia continued to fill it out, the furry sack starting to rise up a bit as it gradually grew larger. it looked like the deer was sitting on a very large, wriggling bean bag, which only continue to grow in size as the dragoness crawled her way deeper into Neil... already, the deer’s cock had claimed about half of her body, and that percentage was steadily increasing as she practically dove deeper into the deer…

You watched as Neil's rod gradually creeped over the rest of Selicia’s body, her legs folding back as they started to approach the mouth of the cock, for easy consumption. With one powerful muscular clench from the deer, all of Selicia’s hips were slurped up, sliding deep into his body with a wet squelch. His balls continued to grow as more and more of Selicia slid into them, the dragoness eagerly wiggling about inside of her new home, making Neil a bit uncomfortable as he jostled around on top of the wriggling sack. He still continued slurping her down though, the dragoness’s tail the only thing outside of Neil's body at this point, and that noodly appendage was was on its way out as well, being by far the easiest part of the dragoness’s body to consume. you could hear Neil grown as he clenched powerfully, endeavoring to get the last of Selicia into his body...and eventually she disappeared, the tip of her tail sliding into Neal's conch, leaving her entirely trapped within the deer’s loins…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Neil sighed happily as he finished packing away the dragoness, the deer sitting awkwardly atop a large wriggling set of balls, the dragoness quite content with her new surroundings. His face was beet red, and he was already starting to stroke off his length, the deer’s balls already starting to gurgle and glorp loudly as the dragoness inside was melted down into more deer cum. It was at this point that the deer noticed you, blushing even harder before he started to speak. “Oh, uh... did you enjoy?” he asked awkwardly, clearly not mentally prepared for someone else to be involved in this. “And, uh, do you think you could rub them?” he asked a few seconds later, obviously referring to his swollen sac.") NeilSacList = NewStringList() list add (NeilSacList, "Rub the balls!") list add (NeilSacList, "Continue watching") ShowMenu ("Rub Neil's swollen sac?", NeilSacList, false) { if (result = "Rub the balls!") { msg ("
You silently approached the deer, getting a true sense of just how large his sac was. You could squish your whole body into it...and that's what you did, collapsing against the furry sac like a giant bean bag. You heard a powerful groan of pleasure come from above you, the deer clearly approving of what you were doing. “Ah...fuck yes…” he moaned as you started to swirl your hand around in circles on the sac, feeling the slowly dying wiggles of the prey inside as you helped the sac digest them. A cacophony of bodily noises was erupting around you as you rubbed at the sac, not to mention Neil's constant moaning as he stroked his length off. Soon you felt the struggles inside go still, and the sac slowly started to shrink down to a more manageable size, the obvious outline of Selicia slowly being replaced with a more bulbous, general form. Her impressions continued to show up intermittedly as the last of her struggles were activated, but they also continued to soften and weaken, until they were nothing but soft nudges, and then, absolutely nothing but a still, full sloshing. You continued to rub, the deer clearly enjoying it, until you heard a sharp moan echo out from above you. The deer’s orgasm had come, and with it a powerful amount of cum being splattered all over the dragon's cave. You felt the sac continue to shrink as it was emptied out, the walls and floor being painted white by Neil’s orgasm...eventually you had to back off, as you were starting to come closer to Neil as the sac continued to shrink, and you honestly had no idea where any sort of intimate contact would lead…

The deer eventually collapsed on the floor after his orgasm ended, surrounded in a pool of his own arousal. He didn't have any words, and neither did you as you left the cave. You didn't really want to stick around in case the deer needed a refill or something…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (Neil, Room 6) MakeObjectInvisible (Selicia) Drawing.seen = 0 MoveObject (player, ForestSeliciaCaveOuter) MakeObjectVisible (NeilCumSplatter) } } else { msg ("
“O-oh...that’s fine, then…”The deer said quietly, an obvious tinge of disappointment in his voice as you opted to continue to watch instead of getting involved. Still, he couldn’t be too disappointed with a giant wriggling load of cum just waiting to be broken down inside of him, and that's what he started to do, massaging his own sac (as much as he could from his position, anyway), as well as stroking his still-throbbing length. He watched as the bulge in his sack slowly started to shrink and round out, the obvious outline of the dragoness replaced with a much more generic, round bulge, which continued to shrink as digestion continued. Her impressions continued to show up intermittedly as the last of her struggles were activated, but they also continued to soften and weaken, until they were nothing but soft nudges, and then, absolutely nothing but a still, full sloshing. Even after all of Selicia had melted down into nothing but a load of deer spunk, Neil’s sac was still quite large. The deer’s strokes continued to quicken, Neil becoming more frantic in his movement until the fruits of his labor came, sticky shots of deer jizz painting the walls of the cavern, Neil’s sac gradually shrinking as powerful shots of cum splattered everywhere in the enclosure. He gradually returned to Earth over the course of his orgasm, until he collapsed on the floor, surrounded by a veritable sea of his own semen. He didn't have any words, and neither did you as you left the cave. You didn't really want to stick around in case the deer needed a refill or something…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (Neil, Room 6) MakeObjectInvisible (Selicia) Drawing.seen = 0 MoveObject (player, ForestSeliciaCaveOuter) MakeObjectVisible (NeilCumSplatter) } } } } } } ]]>
A large, female salamander dragon. At least, like, 15 feet long. Currently curled up on the cave floor, sound asleep. Probably hungry. Don't poke her. That would just be mean. Look at
You sat there for a moment, watching as Selicia slowly yawned and got up from her cave floor before the salamander dragon quite casually turned around, lifting her thick tail up and allowing you quite the wonderful view of her dark blue slit and pucker...right before they slammed right down onto you, that was! Selicia's rear end came down onto your body with a surprising amount of force, your head being suddenly shoved up into hungry dragoness pucker with an impressive amount of force! Selicia roared in arousal as she felt a good part of your body slide right up inside, her bowels getting a firm grip on you and starting the process of tugging you further and further inside. That, along with the size difference and the fact that she was now sitting on you, meant that you were sliding up inside of her ass at quite the impressive pace, Selicia's stretchy bowels swallowing you up to your waist in just a few minutes…you tried your best to get comfortable inside at the tight, wet, musty confines, Selicia doing the same as she raised her rump back up into the air, your legs sticking out of her asshole and a small bulge starting to form in her soft, white underbelly.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("As you were squished and squelched further into the dragoness's guts, the world around you started to shake and sway a little bit as Selicia got to her feet, reaching back down and picking up the note she had set aside as she started to make her way out of the cave. There was still a little bit of you sticking out of her body, but with how thick her tail was, it would be pretty difficult to actually spot you back there…! Selicia slid out of her cave's entrance a few moments later, starting her journey to Zark's room as her pucker kept clenching and slurping up the last of your form. Soon, all that was left of you was your feet...and with a slurp, even those had disappeared! You settled into Selicia’s guts the best you could, waiting for when she would let you out…
") wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaBowels) } } } else { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You poke the dragon, but she doesn't seem to do anything in response. You probably shouldn't do that again.") } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You poke the dragon in her side. You think nothing happens, until she stirs a bit...and then opens her eyes...and then looks at you. She hasn't said anything, but you can just tell from her facial expression that she is not very happy that you woke her from her nap.

You and Selicia lock eyes for a moment, her gaze communicating to you exactly how she felt about your interruption. Then, in the blink of an eye, she slams her two front claws down onto you, locking you into place on the floor of the cavern. Leaning down onto you, she opens her glowing maw, letting you take in the confines of her blue flesh before she gives you a few slobbery licks.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
In a feat of superhuman strength, you manage to pry the dragoness's claws off your body for the brief second you needed to slip out of her grasp! You make a break for it, not ever looking back...the dragoness doesn't seem to be giving chase though, opting to finish her nap instead.") MoveObject (player, ForestSeliciaCaveOuter) } else { ClearScreen msg ("
Selicia gives you a bemused look as you vainly struggle underneath her claws before giving you another lick. Knowing you were trapped now, she drops her maw around you, the glowing of her blue flesh allowing you to see every detail of her maw in frightening detail as she slickens you up with her saliva. Her jaws had a good grip on your torso, your legs awkwardly kicking outside of her mouth as she reared her head up, using gravity to help get you down. She toys around with you for a bit, moving you around in her maw with her tongue, making sure you were thoroughly coated in saliva, before one big *gulp!* pulls your head and shoulders into her throat, the undulating flesh of her esophagus massaging your head. You can hear a loud \"mmm...\" echo around you, the dragoness clearly enjoying your taste, before another *gulp* pulls your waist in, leaving only your legs outside of her throat. Your feet were kicking out weakly against the roof of her mouth, the dragoness chuckling a bit at your \"struggles\" before she takes another wet *gulp*, pulling your legs inside her throat, locking you entirely inside of her...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaStomach) } } } } } ]]>
Selicia's stomach false You are surrounded by The rest of your body spills out into Selicia's stomach, the chamber quite cramped, not allowing you much room to struggle. The walls aren't so much kneading and squishing at you as they are overpowering you, putting you in your place inside the stomach, curled up tightly, with nowhere to go...at least not for now. You try to at least make yourself comfortable, but the stomach won't even have that, refusing even the slightest of struggles, not willing (or able) to let its meal budge. Outside, Selicia gives a moan as she feels her gut bulge out, almost full to bursting with you...and then belches loudly, a little bit of room freeing up in there, albeit not much. She rubs her gut with both claws as she lays on the cave floor, content with her fullness.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-belch10.wav", false, false) } } else { msg ("
After a few more gulps, a sphincter below yawns open to accept you into Selicia's stomach. The flesh is blue and glowing, just like her maw, and the chamber is somewhat spacious, even though the encroaching belly walls would like to fix that, kneading and pushing at you as soon as you enter. There isn't much in terms of food inside of here, the bottom of the stomach just full of sloshing stomach juices and thin chyme. Outside, you hear a light belch from the dragoness before she curls back up, laying her head upon the bulge you're making. You assume she's going to fall back asleep soon...and when she does, her stomach is gonna get a lot more active...") } ]]>
The stomach walls tighten even harder around you somehow, making it pretty much impossible to even wiggle at this point. You're starting to feel quite tingly now, and even a bit numb in some places, the claustrophobia of the situation allowing the stomach to get QUITE intimate with your body, stomach juices slickening up every part of your body, starting to digest away your clothes, the fiber melting away into the stomach muck. Selicia continues to rub at her gut, it slowly starting to round out more and shrink at this point...but it'd take a long time to digest all of you.") SetObjectFlagOn (SeliciaStomach, "struggletimer") } else { msg ("
You start to feel a tingly sensation in your extremities, the stomach juices thoroughly rubbed into your skin now, and still being secreted vigorously. One loud belch from the dragoness constricts you even harder inside of her stomach, making it almost impossible to move at all...") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetObjectFlagOn (SeliciaStomach, "struggletimer") } } SetTimeout (40) { wait { if (Selicia.shrunk = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's been quite a while since you ended up stewing in Selicia's gut, and it's starting to show in your body and mind. Physically, your clothes had melted off a long time ago, and now your skin was tingling and starting to go through the same process (thankfully, you wouldn't be awake most for it). Speaking of being awake, that was also hard, the encroaching walls dulling your senses, making it harder to stay awake, especially as the air inside Selicia's stomach became rarer, and also thicker, it becoming a chore to even take in one breath. Your body couldn't take it any more, and you passed out deep inside of the gut.

Outside, Selicia was still rubbing at the bulge, becoming a little disappointed when she felt it go still. That disappointment quickly faded to excitement as she felt her gut get to work, groaning and gurgling loudly now, starting to really digest away her meal. She rubbed at her gut as it started to shrink, the contents inside swirling into a thick chyme, becoming more and more ready to add to her body. She quite enjoyed seeing her gut start to fade, especially since it took so long with how small she was now. In fact, the gurgling was really starting to...make her tired...her head fell back as she started to drift into sleep, the pleasurable feeling of her gut breaking you down still present even in her dreamscape. She'd definitely have to figure out where you got that potion, because it made having dinner even more fun...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The next day, the dragoness awoke, a bit of a jiggling paunch still left behind on her gut, and a familiar pang in her lower bowels. She walked over to a corner of her cave and discreetly disposed of your remains, a small pile all that was left of you after the dragoness's body had its fun. She yawned, and then peeked out of her cave a little bit. She was feeling like an early morning hunt this time around.") } msg ("
*Why do you keep waking up sleeping dragons?*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's become pretty much impossible to stay focused on trying to escape at this point. The tightness of the dragoness's stomach, the acids that had been rubbed into your skin, Selicia nearly having fallen asleep, all contributed to your weariness. It had been a while since you could last feel your arms and legs - you knew they were still there, you could see everything that was going on in frightening detail, but they were numbing quickly, and so was your brain - not literally, but it felt impossible to focus or think about anything. The time you spent inside the dragoness was quickly becoming a blur of blue, the constant sounds of her body not helping either, contributing to this overall numbing of your senses. It was difficult to even focus on staying conscious at this point, your body constantly being stimulated and assailed by the belly walls around you...and soon you lost that battle too, gently slipping away into the ether as the dragoness's stomach rumbled around you.

Selicia could feel a few more weak squirms before her belly went still, the feeling of your squirms replaced with the gurgles of her stomach as it really started to break you down, turning your body into a soup ready to be pushed along into the dragoness's intestines and then added to her. It was difficult for Selicia to maintain consciousness too, not because she was being digested, but because your squirms felt so good inside of her...shame that you didn't last too long. But, it wouldn't be long before she had that delightful feeling inside of her again, judging by the rate that snacks had been coming through her cave recently.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Selicia woke up from her nap some time later, noticing her belly had shrunk considerably since she had last felt your squirms from inside. She did her usual business, walking into a corner of her cave to dispose of your remains before going back to sleep. She didn't feel like doing much today. Hopefully another snack would wander in her cave today...") } msg ("
*Why do you keep waking up sleeping dragons?*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
Selicia's stomach walls. They're blue, glowing, and currently trying to turn you into mush. Based on the tingling you're feeling, they're succeeding currently. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You bump Selicia's head a bit, as she's currently resting on top of your bulge. She probably didn't like that, but what else could she do? You were already digesting inside of her.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The stomach gurgles loudly, more sloppy chyme and juices washing over you as you throw your limbs against the belly walls.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("You bang your fists against your fleshy prison, but seemingly no response comes from Selicia. You can't tell if it's because she's asleep, or if your struggles are really that weak.") } } ]]>
false Selicia's bowels You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("So, Selicia and Zark had definitely met up like expected...though you hadn't expected what the two of them would actually end up getting into! Selicia had - willingly - started to play around with Zark's thick, black shaft, first just suckling on it, but then starting to get a little bit more...intimate. The dragoness started to nose and nuzzle at the opening of Zark's cock, pressing harder and harder until…*ssshlORP*! Selicia's head slipped right past the tip of Zark's shaft and started to get swallowed up by the thick, black length! There wasn't much struggling being done by the salamander dragoness; in fact, it seemed like the only wiggles that Selicia was making were just pushing her further down Zark's shaft! There was quite a lot of the dragoness for Zark to gulp down into his balls, honestly, so any help that the blind dragon could get would certainly be appreciated.

Of course, you had no idea what was happening yet. Most of what you could hear was muffled and hidden away behind wet gurgling and churning noises, but you were starting to get a little bit claustrophobic inside of Selicia...it didn't seem like her flesh was ushering you any deeper into her body, so you decided that you were going to have to let yourself out! You started to push and wiggle backwards, the bowels around you not really clenching too tight or reacting to your movements in any sort of noticeable way. You thought her body would be a lot more focused on keeping you inside until it wanted you to leave, but it seemed like Selicia wasn't even paying attention…

And, well, she wasn't. She was much more occupied with...other things! Zark stroked over his shaft as the dragoness continued to ferret herself deeper inside, Selicia's entire head now being gulped down by dragon cock. Zark's cockflesh clenched tight around the salamander dragon, pulling her deeper and deeper even faster than she could wiggle her way inside! Her sleek, lithe body actually went down pretty nicely, Zark feeling plenty of pleasure surging through his body as he worked to get Selicia all curled up in his glowing, golden balls. There was quite the size difference between the two dragons, but both of them had the feeling that it wouldn't matter much with how willing they both were to get this lewd act done!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("With another rolling clench and another push forward from Selicia, the salamander’s head popped out into Zark's balls, the slick cock flesh almost perfectly outlining her form as she tried to make her way even further into the dragon's loins. The smaller dragon was in complete bliss at this point, his cock leaking out all over the floor of his dark, empty hotel room...and you were still so far down in the salamander dragon’s body, that you weren't even close to slipping inside of Zark's cock yet! No, you were still attempting to make your escape, not finding much success, but also not really being pushed further inside Selicia instead...you were pretty much just stuck. But you could still feel the world around you moving forward, squelching and squishing happening both immediately around you and outside as well...perhaps if you could distinguish the two sources, you would have been able to figure out what was going on earlier. But that wasn't the case! As you squirmed with little effect deep in salamander guts, Zark's balls were starting to become pillows, his cock having swallowed Selicia up to her foreclaws and the dragoness already having to curl up inside those taut, tight, musky chambers, an obvious bulge now showing in both the dragon’s shaft and his sac...though his sack would definitely be the bulge that would be growing in the future! The musky orbs sloshed back and forth as Selicia tried to get comfortable inside of them, already starting to feel the thick cum she was sharing this space with starting to rub and soak into her scales. She would be dragon spunk soon...and so would you!

The lithe salamander dragon slipped into her new confines perfectly, her smooth skin sliding past Zark's as the blind dragon continued swallowing Selicia down into his balls with clench after clench from his ravenous cock. She was about halfway inside at this point, her long tail and feetpaws sticking out still...including the part you were in, at least for the moment! You still weren't exactly aware of what was going on in the outside world, but you knew that SOMETHING was up at this point, from how much wiggling the salamander dragon was doing without seemingly actually GOING anywhere. Besides the one direction she was consistently moving, that is! You were being more and more convinced that this movement wasn't quite of her own volition, though. Wasn't much you could do but wiggle back here, unfortunately!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Despite your best wiggles, Selicia's were far more powerful in terms of moving you along! Her bowels were starting to squeeze around you again as well, triggered by the squirming you were making and starting to keep you locked in place as the dragoness slid deeper inside...and then Selicia got some outside help in keeping you trapped inside, in the form of you slipping past the tip of Zark's cock and being squeezed even tighter from the pressure!

At this point, you could DEFINITELY tell that something was up. There was a pressure even stronger than the one before surrounding you, almost squeezing you forward in a way inside of the dragoness! There was no turning back at this point as Zark continued to thrust and hump his hips forward to gulp down the rest of Selicia, Zark's balls starting to outgrow the rest of his body as the dragoness continued to fill them up...Selicia was quite a lot of dragoness for the dragon to cumify, but he was more than determined to get it done! As the small bulge in Selicia bowels that you were slipped down the tip of his shaft, Zark clenched and groaned even louder and harder, needing only to slurp up Selicia’s tail to finish off the huge cock meal he was having...and with a wet *sshhGLRRRK~*, the dragon did just that, precum leaking out the tip of his shaft as it returned to a somewhat normal size, a bulge quickly traveling down the thick black cock and joining the fat bulge that sloshed and squirmed around in his balls. Those round, full orbs were completely stretched to their capacity, becoming bigger than the rest of the dragon's body as the last of Selicia slipped inside! Everything around you was so much tighter, and it felt like the world around you was finally moving again...though, it wasn't moving in the way that would help you escape! Just beyond the boundaries of Selicia's squishy, wet flesh, there was a whole new suite of fleshy noises, ones that you could barely distinguish from those which you had been used to for the past half-hour or so. Selicia was moving around quite a bit, trying her best to get comfortable inside her new home...and more often than not, that just seemed to make it less comfortable inside of yours!
") wait { stop sound MoveObject (player, ZarkSeliciaSac) } } } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("The world around you constantly shook back and forth as Selicia made her way through the hotel.") } else { msg ("Any squirms you could have made were probably just making Selicia look even more forward to what she was about to do with Zark!") }

You can hear the dragoness moaning as she starts to masturbate to the bulge deep inside of her, her tail plunging in and out of her slit, making even more fluids start to run out of her body...which just continues to make your body tingle, especially as the walls push against you in time with her moans. Her thrusts rock the bulge in her belly, making it jiggle around even as you are locked inside, unable to make a dent against the walls...]]>
It is nearly impossible to move. false Selicia's womb You had already been thoroughly drowned out by the dragoness's fluids, but they just keep coming, as you feel your world shift a bit, Selicia getting into a more comfortable position as she continues to plunge her tail in and out of her slit. The heat in the womb continues to rise, and you're starting to feel more tingly, and more tired as well...Especially without the ability to struggle, you feel completely trapped, gasping for air constantly, and desperately trying to squirm against the womb walls, but without much result. Her squirming bulge had started to die down a little bit, the walls slowly compressing her belly down. Still, Selicia could feel the attempts you were making at squirming inside of her, and was quite enjoying them~") } SetTimeout (25) { msg ("
It's really starting to feel like a sauna in here. The constant moans of Selicia have become little more than white noise now, your senses starting to become noticeably dulled. It's becoming harder to focus your eyesight at this point, even as you can see everything in her blue womb, almost disconcertingly well...You look down to your limbs, and see that they're starting to liquidize, your body steadily melting down to become orgasm fuel for the dragoness! This new revelation causes you to try and struggle mightily, but it was already difficult when you were at full-strength, let alone after your energy had been sapped by the environment around you. The walls continue to push against you as Selicia moans out in pleasure, feeling the squirming bulge inside of her starting to melt down more, becoming more jiggly and less bulgy, like fat...but she knew it was more cum for her orgasm, waiting to be released...") } SetTimeout (35) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You're more cum than flesh at this point, most of your body having melted down, your consciousness starting to slip away inside of the dragoness as more and more of your body is steadily converted into femcum. It's becoming easier to move around, but that's mostly because the space that was you is quickly becoming more condensed...a few minutes pass, and you're nothing but a vague bulge in Selicia's belly, like she was pregnant or something. A vague, sloshy bulge, that begged to be released...and that's exactly what Selicia aimed to do, her tail continuing to plunge in as she feels her orgasm start to come on, her moans coming in waves as she felt her insides tighten up...!

And then, it comes, waves of gooey femcum gushing out of her slit, all across the cave floor, Selicia's vagina practically spurting them out with the force of a firehose, the soupy mess of former-you spilling out all over the floor and walls of her cavern as that bulge in her belly gradually shrinks down. She'd never had such a...filling orgasm before. It was quite an interesting sensation, that was sure..but she didn't really have time to appreciate it, the fluids still spilling out of her vagina seemingly without end...until an end eventually does come, the last drops dribbling out of her slit and onto the cave floor. The dragoness simply collapsed against the cave floor for some time, almost paralyzed by the sensations in her body. She let out a long sigh as her orgasm started to wind down, becoming enraptured in the post-orgasm bliss. Collapsed against the floor, she noticed the bottle of potion, still lying on the ground next to her, and carefully nosed at it. She'd have to find more somehow...but for now, she'd much rather enjoy herself. She didn't get bulges THERE that often...

*You helped out a horny dragoness...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
Look at firsttime { msg ("A crude drawing on the wall of the cave. On the left is something that looks like a deer, with a heart next to it...") Drawing.seen = 1 } otherwise { msg ("A crude drawing on the wall of the cave. On the left is something that looks like a deer, with a heart next to it...") } Cum Splatter A big ol' splatter of musky deer jizz, left behind by Neil. This is the last of that dragoness...maybe you should take some? false false Look at
false Open Close false the false false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 3) false if (Vixen.quest = 1) { msg ("You open the door and walk into the hotel room. It seems pretty normal. The vixen is still here, and she seems a tad more sober now...you think.") } else { msg ("You open the door and walk into the hotel room. It seems pretty normal, although there's a shocked vixen sitting on the bed now.") } As you once again opened the door to Room 3, you were surprised to see everything back to normal. Besides a vixen sprawled out on the couch, it looks like a totally normal hotel room at this point. You weren't sure how long it been since you visited it, but it looks like she had done a good job of cleaning up…

“Oh! Hi there!” the vixen said, her ears perking up as she saw you walk in again. She got up, placing a hand on her chest as she walked over to you. “Listen, I'm so sorry. I was drunk, I got a hold of some stuff that a guy left behind in this hotel room, I didn't know what it did...the point is, I'm not really trying to hurt you, haha.”

You kind of just gave her a vacant stare for a moment. “Well! I'm glad I got that out of my system. You can definitely hang out here! Just give me a shout if you need anything~ I do still think you're pretty cute…My name's Lucia, by the way!\"") } } else { msg ("She screams in shock as soon as the door opens and turns to you. \"Who are you? What do you want? How'd you get in here?\" she asks.") Room3List1 = NewStringList() list add (Room3List1, "Room service") list add (Room3List1, "Housekeeping") ShowMenu ("", Room3List1, false) { if (result = "Room service") { msg ("
\"Well, if you're room service...service me with these.\" She opens the mini fridge and pulls out a bag of grapes.") Ask ("Feed her the grapes?") { if (result) { msg ("
You take the bag of grapes from her hand. She tilts her head high and opens her maw, her tongue hanging out of it. \"Well, what are you waiting for?\" you think you make out from her groans.

You take one grape from the bag, raising your hand above her open maw. You can feel the heat as she breathes out slowly. You then drop the grape into her mouth, it landing with a wet *plop!*. Gravity funnels the grape to the back of her mouth, where it's quickly swallowed up by a wet *glk!*.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You can see the small bulge the grape makes as it travels down her throat, disappearing into her stomach. The vixen looks at you impatiently, expecting another grape. You comply, and soon nearly the entire bag is gone. The vixen rests her paw on her stomach, the gut bulging out a bit as it starts to noisily digest the grapes inside. \"Oh, I think I'm almost full...\" she says. \"But maybe a couple more.\"

You hover the grape above her mouth. Her tongue wraps back in on itself, seemingly ushering you deeper. You hesitate, but then you lower your hand slightly. The tongue ushers you deeper, almost brushing your hand. You start to lower when the vixen clamps her jaws around your hand!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE==") wait { if (RandomChance(40)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You try and pull your hand out of her jaws but her lips are locktight! While you're stuck in her mouth, she extends her arms out to you, grabbing you to keep you in place! You try and struggle in her grasp, but to no avail. She looks into your eyes, and cracks a sly smile before slowly slurping your arm deeper into her jaws, her tongue wrapping around it as it gets pulled deeper. Your hand is already pushing up against the opening into her throat as your head meets her snout. You struggle frantically as her maw opens to take in your head, the tongue wrapping around it, covering your face with saliva. A loud *glup* accompanies your hand being gulped down into the vixen's throat, pulling the rest of your body off the ground and leaving you dangling out of her maw.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You continue to try and find leverage inside the vixen's mouth, the rest of your body quickly joining your hand in the vixen's throat. The humidity inside the cavern is ridiculous, and you're quickly losing strength. Your body is already half inside, leaving only your legs to futilely kick and squirm outside the vixen's maw. You can feel your hand already break out into the caustic sac of the vixen's stomach as the rest of your body continues down, getting closer to accompanying it inside. You hear a loud \"mmmm\" resonate around you as the vixen licks and tastes your feet before gently pushing them into her maw, capturing you entirely with one *gulp!*. You are now entirely this vixen's dinner.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, VixenGrapeStomach) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } msg ("
You manage to yank your arm out of the vixen's mouth before anything goes down. You immediately run away, not turning back to try and reason with the predator.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } else { msg ("She looks at you sternly, then points to the door. \"Then get out.\"") } } } else if (result = "Housekeeping") { Ask ("\"You aren't exactly dressed like a maid...but, whatever. Do you have any more pillows?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
You run down the hall and ask Kayla at the desk for some pillows. She walks into a room behind the counter and gives you three. You quickly run back to the room and give the vixen the pillows.") Ask ("\"Thank you very much...\" she starts, setting up the pillows. She pats the empty space next to her. \"Want to lay down and chill out?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
You decide you've got some time before you need to go, and accept her offer. Another factor that influenced your decision was the keychain around her neck, which bore a token that looked suspiciously similar to the tokens you found in rooms around here.

You take your shoes off at the door and lay down on the bed next to her. She flicks on the TV to a sitcom and you start watching. \"It just gets so lonely around here sometimes...\" she trails off. \"Wait, I've got an idea.\" She says. ") Ask ("\"Want some drinks?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Alright.\" She walks into the kitchen and pours some drinks. She walks out with two glasses and hands one to you. You don't know exactly what's in it, but she seems to gulp hers down really quickly. You take a sip and lay back down on the bed to watch some TV. Around an hour of some playful teasing and touching passes before you start to feel a bit woozy. It doesn't take long until you slip from consciousness and fall into a deep sleep.

") SetTimeout (5) { msg ("
You wake up some time later in a daze. You barely have enough time to realize you're awake before a booming voice comes from your left side. \"Hey cutie.\" the vixen calmly says - at least to her. To you, it sounds like she's speaking into a megaphone. You turn to face her when you realize she's nearly 20 times your size now! You look down and see you're standing on a gigantic bed! It looks like the drinks she served you were spiked with some sort of shrinking potion!

You don't have much time to get acclimated with this stunning revelation before the vixen's voice comes again. \"Come here, cutie.\" She extends her open palm out towards you.

What do you do?") Room3Housekeeping2 = NewStringList() list add (Room3Housekeeping2, "Walk towards her") list add (Room3Housekeeping2, "Run away") ShowMenu ("", Room3Housekeeping2, false) { if (result = "Walk towards her") { ClearScreen if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You hesitantly walk into her lowered paw. The fur beneath you feels weird, yet comfortable. The vixen knocks you off balance a bit as she stands up and raises you to eye level. \"Hey, cutie.\" she says. She starts to talk again before a massive \"BWURRRPP\" nearly knocks you over. \"Oops...\" she says, clearly at least a bit tipsy by now. \"Want to see where that came from?\" She moves you closer to her about before her lips slowly part to reveal her cavernous maw. \"Aaahh...\" she moans as she opens her jaws wide, moving her paw closer to them now. She lets you stare into her maw for a while, giving you the full view of her pulsating flesh, dripping with saliva, clearly eager for the arrival of its next meal.") wait { msg ("
Her eyes start to move down towards your body as moves her paw into her mouth and casually drops you onto her tongue. A loud *splat* dominates your ears as you land on the fleshy muscle. Her lips close around her paw as she pulls it out, and as soon as her paw is out she starts playing with you on her tongue. You're around 4 inches tall, so she can't toss you all around, but it's clear she enjoys your taste. A loud \"mmm\" echoes around you as the tongue wraps around you, undulating all the while. After being played with for some time, and sufficiently coated in sticky saliva, the tongue slowly pushes you to the back of the throat. You try and gain some leverage and claw your way back into the mouth but the muscle of the tongue is just way too powerful. You feel your legs sink into the throat, and soon your whole body follows suit.


\"Heehee! That tickles.\" the vixen remarks as she traces the bulge you make in your throat. The powerful muscles of peristalsis quickly force you down, down, down, squeezing you tightly all the way, until your face presses against a valve that slowly yawns open to greet you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, VixenGiantStomach) } } } else if (result = "Run away") { msg ("
You run away from the vixen's paw straight towards the edge of the bed. She tries to grab you, but luckily you're just a bit too quick. Once you get to the edge, you notice how far down it is to the ground, but you're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Geronimo!") MoveObject (player, Room3Floor1) } } } } else { msg ("
\"Suit yourself.\" She walks into the kitchen and prepares herself a drink. She does this at least eight more times before she's definitely getting drunk, slurring her words, stumbling everywhere, the usual stuff. You do your best to ignore it until she straight up passes out next to you on the bed. You notice the chain around her neck, the token-like object still dangling from it. You sense that this is a bad idea...") Ask ("Do you try to take the chain?") { if (result) { LockExit (Room3Exit) msg ("
You try to grasp the chain in your hand, but you end up brushing your hand against the vixen, hard enough to make her come to. She opens her eyes slowly and looks at you, hands still on her neck. \"...H..Hey....\" she slurrs, \"whaddayadoin..?\" You freeze like a deer in headlights. \"You...youuu were tryin' ta steal my...my necklace, weren't ya?\" she continues. \"Ah, ah, haha...nice...nice try ma-BRAAAAPPP!\" and finishes with a wet belch in your face, flecks of her saliva splashing you in the face. \"Oh, oh, sorry man...\" she slurrs, trying to wipe your face off with her paw. \"I..I'm not gonna let you get away with that though...\" she says before grabbing you. Even while drunken, her grip is still incredibly strong, leaving you struggling to get away. She leads you to the nearest closet and casually tosses you in, locking it from the outside. You hear a faint voice from outside. \"I'll be right back...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } SetTimeout (10) { msg ("
You hear a vaguely male voice accompany the vixen back into the room. They talk for a while, quiet enough for you to not hear, before you hear the male voice exclaim \"You want me to do what?\"") SetTimeout (10) { ClearScreen msg ("
Finally, the door opens again. You instinctively try to bolt for the door, but an outstretched arm nearly clotheslines you. Knocked to the ground, you look up at your assailant, who happens to be a large jackal, towering above you. He looks cautiously back to the vixen, whom you assume is his girlfriend. \"Now, you want me to do what?\" It's at this point you notice the jackal is completely naked, sporting a large cock and balls on him as well, dangling between his legs. He chuckles a bit before looking down at you. \"All right.\" he says. You feel two strong arms grab and lift you off the ground and out of the closet, your head being elevated to meet the jackal's face. \"You're gonna have some fun...\" the jackal says before you feel something poke and prod the bottoms of your feet.

You look down to see the jackal's cock has grown massively and is now teasing your feet! You look back up to the jackal, whose tongue is already hanging out of his mouth. He gives you a wink before he flips you around, bringing your head closer to the jackal's dick. You think he just wants you to suck him off, so you open your mouth wide, but suddenly the jackal *shoves* you right into his cock! The slit opens up and starts to slowly engulf your head, a moan already coming from around you. The cock eagerly slurps you deeper as the jackal rolls his hips forward, dragging you down deeper inside the jackal rather quickly. Only your legs are left outside at this point, frantically kicking to find some purchase against your captor. The tight squeezing of the shaft gives way to an opening, and you find your chest pushed into what you can only assume is the jackal's sac, a hot, small room with a pool of white liquid at the bottom. The walls are producing the stuff, too, and soon you're forced to curl up inside the sac as the rest of your body is slowly fed inside the jackal. You can feel the jackal press at your feet to push them inside, pre leaking out of the shaft rather quickly as the jackal continues to moan in pleasure. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } SetTimeout (2) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, JackalSac) } } } } } else { msg ("
You decide it wouldn't be the best idea to steal the chain; in fact, it's probably not a good idea to stick around at all. Careful to not wake up the vixen, you get out of bed and walk over to the door, quickly opening it and escaping out into the hallway.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Aw, that's a shame.\" she says. \"Well, bye.\"") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh. That's a shame.\" she says. She ushers you away and closes the door.") MoveObject (player, second floor) } } } } } ]]>
the floor false You are on false msg ("You're on the floor next to the bed. It's not bad, but your first priority is definitely to get back to normal size! There might be something in the kitchen...") the bed false You are under false You get down on your belly to crawl underneath the bed. There's a little space under here, but it's so dark you can't really find anything.") ]]> You're just getting under the bed when suddenly the vixen's hand swings down from the other side! It starts swinging around wildly looking for you, and before you can get out of the way, it bowls you over! Recognizing the shape, the vixen quickly grabs you from under the bed and brings you back up to her.") wait { msg ("
She quickly brings you to eye level. \"Hey, cutie...\" she starts. \"Y'thought you could hide from me?\" You can detect a hint of annoyance in her voice. \"Well, we're gonna have some fun now...\" you look down to realize that the vixen has taken off all her clothes, piling them in a corner of the room. She brings her hand to breast level and hovers you close to her teat. \"I've never tried this before, but I've heard about it.\" You don't have much time to let that thought digest before she presses your head against her nipple, holding you tightly against her chest. She holds you tighter and tighter until eventually something gives way - that is, your head is engulfed by her breast! A very audible moan is emitted by the vixen as her breast continues to swallow your small form, the vixen using one finger to delicately push you in while the other quickly hovers to her nethers. She plunges her fingers deep into her slit as her breast slurps up the rest of you, emptying you out into a small chamber.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, VixenGiantBreast) if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("wombaudio.mp3", false, false) } } } } ]]>
the floor false You are on false
You might be able to {command:up:climb her leg} if you can get a grip...") ]]>
the kitchen floor false You are on false 0 Look at A vixen. “Hey cutie, what's up?”") msg ("{command:ask Vixen about facesitting:...Sit on my face?}") ]]> The Vixen’s eyes widened as she heard your question. A sly grin red across her face as she started to blush a little bit. “Oh, jeez, I didn't know you were going to be that forward…” she said as she took you in one hand, leading you over to the bed. “Truth be told, though, I've been wanting to do this to you myself...without any melting, of course~”

She trailed off as she pushed you down onto the bed, pressing a hand to your cheek, feeling the blush you had as well. “Someone's all flustered by me...no problem, I can take the lead~” she teased as she gave you a peck on the cheek, before turning around. It was at this point that you realized she had only been wearing panties this whole time, the round, orange cheeks of hers filling out the black fabric quite nicely. Her tail, long and soft, rested right on your head, the vixen giggling as she felt it brush up against you. “Take a deep breath, cute thing~” she teased as she started to rear down, those round, orange, soft cushions quickly encapsulating your entire view…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You were surprised with how much force she pressed down onto you, her ass quickly pressing you right into the bed. Soon all you saw was darkness, along with the occasional glimpse of light where her tail flicked up. Otherwise, it rested comfortably on your head, The fabric of her panties pressing down on your face, there color not allowing any light to seep through. “Aah, and you are so soft down there, you'll make a great cushion!” she teased as she put down more of her weight on you, the vixen’s supple curves pressing down on your face, the scent of womanly heat tickling your nostrils. You could definitely tell she was getting into it, the Vixen letting out soft moans as she started grinding on your face, pressing her ass up against your nose especially, the vixen starting to ride you a bit…

“Mmh, hope you don't mind me releasing a little bit of stress~” she teased in between soft sighs, her grinding becoming a bit harder, pressing you into the bed a bit more. You knew she was getting a bit wet, the moisture providing a cooling feeling on the tip of your nose as it was pressed into her panties…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidesigh.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You thought about teasing the vixen with your tongue, but you mostly just wanted to enjoy the ride. You were just a cushion, after all, you had no right to intervene in her pleasure. She was going to use you however she saw fit, you cute thing…

The casual grinding continued for a bit longer, the vixen’s sounds of pleasure getting higher and higher in pitch. At the same time, she leaned more of her weight back on to you, grabbing at the TV remote with her other hand and flicking a show on. “Having fun getting wet down there?” she asked as she leaned back a bit more, her plush ass now moving more down towards your neck, a bit of a wet trail following it. “I was thinking of maybe releasing right on you, but cleaning up seats is a bit difficult. My juices always gets soaked right into them, so hard to get out...I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am though, cutie~ just going to relax for a while…”

And she meant for a while. It felt like you were under her for about 4 hours, the vixen occasionally grinding a bit more to tease you, but otherwise just relaxing. It was a nice time for the both of you, although you were starting to lose the feeling in your arms and legs. Constantly inhaling her feminine scent was kind of driving you mad as well, occasionally squirming just to get some of the pent-up energy out. She giggled every time you did, knowing exactly how flustered this whole experience was making you. Eventually, though, you felt the massive pressure lifted off of your face, the vixen turning around and giggling with a hand over her mouth. “Well, looks like someone had fun!” she said, looking at your absolutely flushed red cheeks, your heavy breathing, and the fact that you had a bit of wetness still on your face. She leaned down and gave you another kiss before helping you up, taking note of your weak knees. She didn't think that she had flustered you that hard, but she did have a nice, soft ass. She was probably as good a cushion as you were…

“I hope you had fun ❤️ I certainly did. It's nice to do things like that without liquor involved, I’m pretty sure if I was plastered you would have ended up being a dildo…” she trailed off as she looked at the mini fridge. “Maybe later. But for now, I'll see you around~”") } } ]]>
The open sphincter quickly spits you out into the cavernous stomach, you splatting on the wet floor of the stomach relatively quickly. Because of your size, it's quite roomy, but it doesn't mean the stomach isn't able to constrict you very easily. You sink into the stomach walls as a pool of juices slowly accumulates at the bottom of the stomach. vixen's stomach false the You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } msg ("
You're busy floundering around desperately in the pit of the vixen's stomach when three deep *gulp*s come from above you. While you're already confused as to what's happening, you're even more confused when her stomach valve opens and a clear liquid rains down on you. A couple more gulps ring out as the stomach acids are slowly diluted by what strongly smells like alcohol. A lewd belch confirms your theory before the vixen starts chugging again. Before long you're nearly drowning in liquor as the vixen plops back down on her bed, soon to become sufficiently trashed.") } SetTimeout (30) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The belly is starting to get really noisy around you, having trouble digesting its meal. You can hear deep moans from outside as the vixen rubs her aching belly.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
\"Uuuurrrggghh....\" you can hear the vixen moan as she writhes in bed. Clearly drinking as much as she did wasn't the best idea in the world. Your world starts to teeter as she hangs herself over the side of the bed. \"Uuurkk...\" she moans as suddenly the stomach contracts around you, violently forcing you back up through the sphincter! The vixen is caught off guard as the surge of liquid is forced back up her throat and out her mouth, with you at the top! The barely-digested pool of liquor and you ends up on the floor after the vixen finishes emptying her stomach. She wipes her mouth on her paw before looking down at the mess she made. \"Oh..hey little guy! I forgot I ate you.\" she started. \"Uh...sorry about that.\" Picking you up in her paws, she brings you to the sink to wash you off before putting you back on the floor. \"D..don't run off, okay?\" she said before collapsing back onto the bed.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("throwupaudio.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Room3Floor1) } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") Look at stomach walls false ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You press down hard on the stomach but you're so small that you can barely make an imprint.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You try to push out but the stomach throws back your pushes almost immediately.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The vixen licks her lips, remembering your taste as she mixes herself another drink.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The stomach gurgles around you.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("\"Keep moving, snack...\" the vixen mumbles as she rubs her belly. ") } ]]>
the vixen's breast false
This is an anatomy lesson and a half.

Outside, you can already feel the vixen getting to work, cupping her breast and sloshing you around inside her breast, mixing you with the milk pooling at the bottom, while she fingers herself to the same beat. You figure you might get out of here if she cums before...something...happens to you, but you're gonna need to do a lot.]]>
Look at 0 You are surrounded by The vixen is becoming frantic in her masturbation. The heat inside her breast is becoming nearly caustic in its own right, not to mention the increasing amount of milk pooling around you. You haven't moved in a while, in fact, and you can't even feel your arms...or your legs...or most of your body. All you can really feel is a pleasant, although odd, tingling sensation, all throughout your body. As you're jostled around in the breast, nearing exhaustion from sheer dizziness, you think of how nice it would be just to collapse into the pool of milk, and maybe just...take a little nap...") SetTimeout (1) { msg ("
\"OOOHHH!\" a scream erupts throughout the hotel as the vixen finally comes to climax. Cum spurts out of her slit as her release has finally come to fruition. After coming down from her high, she remembers her little \"toy\" from earlier. She jostles her breast around a bit. \"You okay, cutie?\" she asks. With no response, she jostles her breast again, only to hear the hollow sloshing of an unemptied resevoir of milk. \"Oh no...\" she says. \"Oh well, though. No use in letting good milk go to waste.\" she says before lowering her neck to her breast and beginning to suck on her teat.

*You entered uncharted territory...*

==GAME OVER==") if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("orgasmmoan.mp3", false, false) } SetTimeout (6) { wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") false Look at ") } msg ("
The moans around you have gotten steadily louder and louder since you started struggling. It's been around five minutes now, and you're starting to feel woozy and dizzy from both the environment inside the vixen's breast and the constant jiggling you're receiving from her as she gets off. You go for one more push to try and push her over the edge. Your efforts pay off as you hear a guttural cry from the vixen as she comes all over the bed. It takes her three minutes before she's even coherent enough to speak. \"That...was so good...\" she moaned. She jiggled her breast a little. \"You okay, little guy?\" she asked. You rub the walls of her breast to answer her. \"Let me try and get you out.\" You didn't exactly know HOW she was going to do this, though. After a minute to get herself in position, you find yourself laying against what you think is the nipple. At least, that's what you think you feel with your feet.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") } msg ("
You start to feel a sucking on your feet. The milk pooling below you is starting to slowly drain out of the breast. Before you can fully comprehend what's happening one of your feet slips through the open nipple into another warm place! Your other foot pops through quickly and soon you're being pulled out of the breast by what you can only assume is the vixen's long tongue. Your head pops through the breast and your suspicions are confirmed as you're now within the vixen's equally hot mouth. Her tongue rolls you around for a bit. \"Mmm...you actually taste pretty good...\" you think she says through her mouthful of you. You think you're going on another trip before she spits you out into her paw. \"But you've already been through enough.\" she says, taking you to the kitchen to wash you off. \"Thanks for the fun. Unfortunately, I don't actually know how to unshrink you.\" she says. \"There's probably something around here that'll do it.\"") MoveObject (player, Room3Floor2) VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = 0 } } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("You feel the vixen moan loudly.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The vixen starts to fondle her breast even harder, shaking you up and down inside the chamber.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Oooohhh....\" the vixen moans as she plunges her fingers in again. You know she's getting close.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("\"Keep going!\" the vixen yells as you struggle inside her breast.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The vixen starts playing with her nipples.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The vixen jiggles her breast. \"Struggle harder!\" she yells.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You flail around inside her breast, throwing the vixen into a total frenzy.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } else { msg ("The vixen plunges her fingers even deeper in response to your struggles.") VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount = VixenGiantBreast.strugglecount+1 } ]]>
the vixen's leg false You are on You are surrounded by the vixen's tail false You are on You push off the leg with all your might and manage to catch the swinging tail just as it swings out. You notice the vixen's right arm is relaxed at her side. You might be able to jump to that arm, but it also runs the risk of her noticing you. You'd better act quick, though - the tail is set on a due course to crash back into her. You tried to steady yourself for the arm jump but you took too long! The tail slams back into the vixen and you fly right off! You firmly lodge yourself between the vixen's cheeks, which gets quite a reaction from the vixen. \"Oh! Who's there!\" she squealed. She reaches behind and pulls you out from between her cheeks. \"Oh, it's you, cutie! What are you doing back there?\" she asks. Her eyelids lower a little. \"Did you want to have some fun?\" she asked. Before you even have the chance to answer, she puts you back behind her, spreading her cheeks with her free hand. \"Let's have some fun...\" she says before spinning you around in her hand so you're laying horizontally. She hovers you slowly between her pucker and slit, deciding on which one.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("intestineaudio.mp3", false, false) msg ("") } msg ("
Her hand slowly stops in front of her pucker. \"Oh..good choice, me.\" she says. \"I haven't done this in a while...\" you hear her say before she slowly inserts your head into her wanting pucker. Your head is taken in quickly, a satisfying *pop* sound emitted as you're firmly lodged inside the vixen's butt. You start to wriggle violently after this, but it's pretty pointless, all it does is excite the vixen, whose buttcheek-holding hand now hovers down towards her nethers, which were slowly becoming moist. Inserting her fingers between her slit, she slowly pushes you deeper into her pucker, getting your shoulders in before letting go and letting her hungry butt do the rest of the work. You fruitlessly try to wiggle your arms before they're slurped up by the bowel walls feeding you deeper and deeper into the vixen. Soon only your legs are outside the pucker as the greedy bowel does all it can to seal you away inside the vixen. The moaning you heard is getting much louder now, and the vixen takes one of her fluid-soaked hands away from her slit to give you the final push. A single finger ever-so-slowly pushes your feet past the pucker, and the fleshy ring closes for good, sealing you inside the hot chamber...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Wet squicks and the deep moans of the vixen you're currently deep into dominate your hearing as the hungry bowel feeds you deeper. The crushing heat around you is almost unbearable, and you don't even think you'll be able to reach the stomach before you pass out. What seems like hours of grueling torture pass before you finally succumb to your surroundings. The rapid masturbation of the vixen ends with a crushing bowel clench that pushes your unconscious body into the vixen's stomach, ready to be digested. The vixen ends up forgetting about her little toy and falls asleep after spending herself, listening to the little gurgles and glorps of her tummy as it works on what's left of you...

*You weren't quick enough...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You tried to steady yourself for the arm jump but you took too long! The tail slams back into the vixen and you fly right off! You firmly lodge yourself between the vixen's cheeks, which gets quite a reaction from the vixen. \"Oh! Who's there!\" she squealed. She reaches behind and pulls you out from between her cheeks. \"Oh, it's you, cutie! What are you doing back there?\" she asks. Her eyelids lower a little. \"Did you want to have some fun?\" she asked. Before you even have the chance to answer, she puts you back behind her, spreading her cheeks with her free hand. \"Let's have some fun...\" she says before spinning you around in her hand so you're laying horizontally. She hovers you slowly between her pucker and slit, deciding on which one.") wait { msg ("
Her hand slowly stops in front of her slit. \"A good choice...\" she starts before guiding you into her lips. She uses her free hand to slowly part the wet slit as your head is inserted in with a wet *squick*. Already the contact makes the vixen squirm, and she almost loses her grip on the lips. She takes her time to push you in, pulling you back out a couple times as well, but soon you're locked behind her lips. The flesh surrounding you slowly pulls you upward until you come out into a small chamber, assumedly her womb. The chamber is quite roomy, although very warm and dripping with fluids. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
After around five minutes of the heat rising, it gets to a nearly unbearable point. Outside you can hear the rapid breaths of the vixen as she gets closer and closer to her breaking point. Suddenly the walls flex around you as waves of cum rocket past you out of the womb, the tide taking you with them. You slide out of the slit back out into the open world, into the vixen's open paw. She raises her paw back to her face. \"Did you have fun?\" she asks. \"I know I did.\" She places you back on the floor after washing you off a bit.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("AVexit.mp3", true, false) } MoveObject (player, Room3Floor2) } } } } } } ]]>
You are on vixen's arm false the You leap off the vixen's tail onto her right arm, resting at her side. You grab a hold of some fur on it and quickly scramble up by her shoulder. You can see a counter just to the right of you. You can also try to scramble up her shoulder to get a better look, but she'll definitely notice you if you go up there. vixen's shoulder false the You are on You scramble up the vixen's arm and finally perch yourself on top of her shoulder. You think you've evaded her notice, but out of the blue you feel a pinch on the back of your shirt! The vixen picks you up in her claws and hovers you in front of her face. \"And just what do you think you're doing?\" the vixen asks. \"Climbing me like a jungle gym? You know it's not safe up here.\" She pauses for a moment before closing her eyes a little. \"Let me put you someplace safer...\" she says. You notice a bit of drool escape her mouth before she opens her maw wide, breathing out a hot, steamy wind onto you. The sudden change hits you like a ton of bricks, and before you come back to your senses, you're hovering above the vixen's wide open maw, her tongue hanging out. \"Bye-bye!\" you hear echo from deep in her throat before you're dropped into the maw, snatched up by the tongue as soon as you splat down into it. The vixen's jaws close around you, cutting you off from the outside world, perhaps for good.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE==") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", true, false) } if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The vixen's tongue wraps around your body, tasting you to the best of its ability. You hear a pleasant moan from the vixen as she continues to suck on you like a piece of hard candy. While you're being thoroughly tasted, the tongue subtlely pushes you towards the back of the vixen's maw, the breaths from deep within the vixen becoming louder and louder. One flick of the tongue back and the vixen is done with you, the tight throat clutching your body and pulling you down, down, down deep into the vixen. After being thoroughly kneaded and pushed by the throat muscles, you squeeze out into the vixen's roomy stomach. Outside, the vixen's stomach happily gurgles, content with its snack, as the vixen starts to rub the small bulge you make in her belly. The struggles persist for a while, but soon begin to die down as the stomach wears down its meal. Soon the only sounds filling the room are the quiet gurgles and glorps of digestion made by the vixen's guts, as her snack is slowly redistributed to her plush butt and breasts...

*You got spotted!*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } ]]>
vixen's stomach false the You aren't even fully inside the stomach before the vixen starts teasing you. You hear a giggle before a voice rumbles around you. "I guess I was still hungry after all..." she says, poking her swelled gut. "I can't believe you actually fell for that!" she says before letting rip a huge belch. Soon after, the vixen collapses onto her bed, rubbing her massive stomach that bulges out all around her. Meanwhile, you're cramped up inside her belly, your legs finally sliding in to complete your imprisonment. The stomach constricts you tightly, forcing you to be curled up into a ball. Every struggle you attempt is accompanied with a gross *squish* as you push into the mass of slowly-digesting grapes around you. When you think about the grapes, the gravity of the situation finally dawns on you: you had been completely consumed by the vixen. "Now, be a good snack and struggle hard!" the vixen asks. You are surrounded by ") } msg ("
You hear a large gurgle erupt around you, causing the stomach walls to contract and squeeze you even more. The source of that gurgle is revealed a few seconds later, when you hear a massive *BLECHHHHH* coming from above you. \"Oh...\" the vixen moans, \"that was good...looks like it's goodbye, snack.\" She starts rubbing her stomach even more, squishing the walls of fat around you in her paws. \"Oh, this feels so GOOD!\" she yells as you're tossed around in her gut. You can feel yourself getting weaker quickly as the gut rumbles and churns around you, eager to get at its meal. You wiggle and push desperately at the advancing walls to try and at least give yourself a little breathing room, but you aren't able to keep them away for long. Soon the walls collapse on you, and you're pretty much stuck in one position, unable to move at all.

Soonafter you hear a light snore rumble through her gut, the vixen having fallen asleep to her belly squeezing you harder. You, too, feel very drowsy as the stomach continues to knead you, whilst you are helpless to do anything. Soon the drowsiness overcomes you, and you drift into a deep sleep as the vixen rolls over onto her belly...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
*YAAWWNNNNN...* the vixen moans as she wakes up from her nice nap. She stretches her arms high in the air as she tries to get up, set off-balance by her still-rumbling gut, now much smaller than it was previously. The stomach is still full of a bit of mush, but otherwise the vixen's meal had been completely turned into fat. She squishes the new fat on her belly, giggling a bit as she sees how plush it is. \"Oh, I'm so glad I didn't shrink that morsel!\" she says cheerfully before her sunny disposition is interrupted by a pressure in her lower gut. She scurries to the bathroom to noisily dispose of the rest of her meal, stopping to admire her plush tush in the mirror afterwards. She squeezes her new round globes, becoming even more giggly as she also notices how plush her breasts are. \"I need to thank that little guy...\" she says as she walks out of the room, her hand lowering between her legs...") } else { msg ("
*YAAWWNNNNN...* the vixen moans as she wakes up from her nice nap. She stretches her arms high in the air as she tries to get up, set off-balance by her still-rumbling gut, now much smaller than it was previously. The stomach is still full of a bit of mush, but otherwise the vixen's meal had been completely turned into fat. She squishes the new fat on her belly, giggling a bit as she sees how plush it is. \"Oh, I'm so glad I didn't shrink that morsel!\" she says cheerfully as she then squeezes her new round globes, becoming even more giggly as she also notices how plush her breasts are. \"I need to thank that little guy...\" she says as she walks out of the room, her hand lowering between her legs...") } msg ("
*You fed her more than just grapes...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
stomach walls false false Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The vixen rubs her stomach, content with her latest catch.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The vixen releases a contented, drawn-out burp.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("\"Aww, yeah....\" the vixen moans. \"Keep going.\" she says, rubbing the spot where you were struggling in.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The vixen jostles her stomach a bit. \"Are you even trying?\" she asks.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The vixen sighs as you struggle, your desperation being nothing more than pleasure to her.") } else { msg ("The vixen strokes the spot you were struggling at, moaning all the while.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
vixen's womb false the The walls around you are just as tight, if not tighter than the jackal's sac walls. They give you absolutely no room to move. The only way you're getting out of here, it seems, is if the vixen lets you out. You hear some moans around you as it seems like the vixen has resorted to some frantic masturbation. It is nearly impossible to move. ") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The vixen's masturbation is beginning to reach a fever pitch, the walls of the womb clenching in on you even stronger. You start to push out to find the womb's exit before, with a massive clench, you are *shoved* out of the vixen's womb, rocketing out her vagina and back out into the hotel room, covered in sexual fluids from two different places. The vixen continues to moan as the rest of her cum spurts down onto you, thoroughly coating you. Your clothes have long dissolved as well, leaving you standing naked and drenched in fem-and regular cum in front of the vixen. She opens her eyes again and looks at you, licking her lips slightly. \"Hey fella...you wanna go for round 2?\" she asks.

You decide that's not the best idea, and quickly get out of the room.") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("UBexit.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, second floor) UnlockExit (Room3Exit) } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten")
the vixen's leg false Look at You are on You quickly run over and scramble up the vixen's leg. She doesn't notice you, or if she does, she doesn't care. You grab a tight hold of the fur on her leg as she walks into the kitchen. false if (RandomChance(85)) { MoveObject (player, VixenLeg) } else if (RandomChance(15)) { msg ("You rush up and try and grab the vixen's leg. You scramble up the top, but it seems like you've alerted the vixen with a small yipe. She grabs you off the back of her leg and brings you to her face. \"Whaddaya think..you're doin?\" she asks. You don't respond, obviously cause you don't really have a good idea. \"Well?\" You don't say anything. \"..All right, whatever. Just don't do it again.\" She puts you back on the floor.") } false Lucia's womb “Haaahhhhh...whew. Haven't done that in quite a while…” Lucia panted out as she lay back on the bed, a tight, yet squishy-looking the bulge occupying her entire midsection; both of her breasts rested on top of the belly you had given her, while her paws roamed over the sides, feeling every cranny and crevice you made inside of her womb. Now that she had you all packed away inside her belly, the vixen could get to work on turning you into a thick load of femcum! It is nearly impossible to move. ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("You could barely keep your eyes open anymore. If they were even opened in the first place. Everything around you was complete darkness, so it was hard to really tell. The feeling you had in various parts of your body was completely gone, replaced by this sensation of being pushed and rubbed and kneaded against and sloshing back and forth with every movement Lucia made - and, considering the fox was playing with herself right now, there was quite a lot of movement to be had! The vixen knew that there wasn't much time left; she can feel a powerful arousal surging up from inside of her, only fueled as she watched her enormous midsection slowly start to lose its definition. She could see each and every bulge you made in her womb at first, but as time went on those bulges became softer, her belly shrinking at the same time, until they were almost completely gone; her belly was now completely influenced by her movements instead of the odd twitching of whatever it habitant was inside of her. By the end of it all, by the time she heard one last *sqgglrrp~* coming from inside of her, she looked as if she was only pregnant with twins or something! The vixen giggled as she swayed her belly side to side, the fact that she could hear all that femcum sloshing inside of her only aiding the vigorous masturbation she was doing! There was already quite the mess between her legs, more of it leaking out onto the bed sheets as time went on, but Lucia knew that the stain would be a lot bigger by the time she was done!

All that arousal just built up inside the vixen, swelling and swaying until there was nowhere for it to go but out. Lucia cried out as she reached orgasm, waves of hot, sticky femcum shooting out of her canal and splattering all over the bed, the floor, anywhere that was in her line of fire! The vixen's body spasmed every time she shot a load out, Lucia completely unable to do anything except ride that wave of orgasm and let her body take care of the rest, her belly steadily shrinking to a much normal size as it emptied out the fruits of her drunken labor onto the floor of this hotel room. Considering the clientele of this hotel, it was probably stained with layer after layer of jizz already anyway, so she didn't care. It would be a problem for someone else, sometime much later! As she lay in afterglow, panting and huffing as the last of her product dribbled out from between her legs, the only thought she had was...again.

*You drank too much...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
You are on false the You leap from the vixen's shoulder and land on the counter next to her. She walks past you, seemingly unaware that you were scrambling up her just a minute ago. false You walk over to the breadbox and lift up the bar in front to open it. Inside is a small vial of a greenish liquid, unlabeled. Look at Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close MakeObjectVisible (odd vial) false Look at false msg ("You pop the cork off the vial and gulp down the liquid inside. Immediately you feel yourself start to grow, being unable to fit on the counter after only 10 seconds. Soon you're back onto your feet, standing right next to a very confused looking vixen girl. \"Oh, you found it!\" she says. \"Well, I've put you through enough so far...\" she says before handing you something. \"Take this, though.\"") Vixen.quest = 1 firsttime { AddToInventory (Room 3 Token) TokenCall } MoveObject (player, second floor) false jackal's sac false the You are unceremoniously dumped out inside the jackal's sac, completely soaked with the jackal's cum. There isn't much room to move around in, as certainly the jackal's balls were not equipped to hold a full-grown "meal". Already cum has began to accumulate inside the hot chamber, filling the sac about 3/4 of the way with the sticky liquid. The musky air around you at least provides something to breathe, although you know it won't last long. It feels like you're breathing in cotton candy. 0 You are surrounded by ") msg ("") } if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The musky environment in the balls is starting to overpower you. You can feel parts of your body starting to melt away into hot, sticky seed, as movement from the jackal splashes more and more of the hot liquid onto your body. You black out for a moment, but come to from the movement around you, a consistent in and out motion. This, and the constant moans you hear around you, lead you to believe the two are deep into intercourse. You sit on that thought for a moment, before you black out again, this time for good, the rest of your body gradually devolving into spooge.

\"NGH!\" the two ring out in unison. The jackal slams his cock all the way to the balls inside the vixen, moaning and howling in satisfaction as hot, sticky ropes of seed shoot out of his cock tip. The little cock snack he had before hand is working out well, extending his orgasm by nearly 30 seconds and allowing him to paint the inside of the vixen white with how much his output was added to. The two look into each others' eyes in post-orgasm bliss, before the vixen mutters out, \"I told ya it'd be a good idea...\"

*You were little more than a toy...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false Look at You're thrown against the sac as the jackal gets up and walks over to, what you presume, is the vixen. \"You ready?\" he asks. \"R..ready baby...\" the vixen slurs back in response. Unbeknownst to you, the vixen is sprawled out naked on the hotel bed, her legs spread apart to reveal an already-wet slit. The jackal leans in, the tip of his cock slowly spreading apart the vixen's slit. You're pushed to the back of the sac as the rest of the cock is inserted deep into the vixen, the sac resting right against the vixen's nether lips. Your position has more or less eliminated the light that was shining through the thin sac walls, but you can still make out the vague outline of the vixen's slit. Your world is jostled around as the jackal begins rhythmically pumping in and out, the motion accompanied by the continuous cacophony of the two in heat. The cum around you begins to bubble and slosh as the jackal's arousal hightens, and he starts to pump in and out quicker and harder. At this point the moans are simultaneous and sharp, and you know the two are getting close to orgasm...") SetTimeout (15) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Two ear-shattering moans ring out in tandem as the pair reach orgasm. The cum around you rushes out of the cock, spurting its way deep into the vixen. You start to feel yourself sliding...and you realize that you're being taken with it! Indeed, the river of cum spurting out of the jackal is washing you away with it, the jackal's cock sporting a conspicuous bulge as you travel out of the balls, and deep into the vixen. You hear a sharp gasp as you're worked into her body, ready to meet the slit. Cum continues to spurt out as you are shot deep inside the vixen. \"Aah!\" she squeaks as she feels the object slam against her womb walls, coming to rest deep outside of her. The jackal doesn't even realize this, still coming down off his post-orgasm high as his cock slowly slides out of the vixen. You start to hear a squabble ensue. \"What the hell?!\" the vixen asks. \"He's still alive in there!\" You hear a startled \"huh?\" from the jackal. \"Guess my balls didn't melt him down...you know, this was your idea.\" he responds before sheathing his cock. You hear the vixen continue to yell as the door to the hotel room opens and shuts firmly. The vixen looks down at the bulge inside her. \"Well, great. What am I going to do with you?\" she complains, poking at you. \"Although..he does feel pretty good in there...\"") SetTimeout (3) { MoveObject (player, VixenSexWomb) } } } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("Your struggling elicits a deep moan from the jackal.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You're jostled around inside the sac as the jackal starts to play with his balls.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You hear a loud howl all around you as you push out against the sac.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You can hear a contented sigh from the vixen as she pokes you inside the sac. \"He's still going!\" she says excitedly.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You feel the jackal jerk and stroke his cock a couple of times.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You hear a lewd moan come from the jackal.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Unhh...\" the jackal moans. \"I don't think I can hold him in for much longer..\"") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } else { msg ("You stretch the sac as far out as you possibly can, but it doesn't make it much bigger than the thing already was.") JackalSac.strugglecount = JackalSac.strugglecount+1 } ]]>
jackal's stomach false the
The third thing you noticed was a quaking belch rumbling around you, which blew open the jackal’s lips as he leaned back against the toilet tank. “Nnf...I told you not to knock again, tasty...” he reminded you, rubbing at the bulge you were making in his gut and chuckling. “I guess this stall’s gonna be occupied for much longer than I thought…”
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The impossibly-tight stomach around you is proving it can get even tighter somehow, continuing to squeeze and clench around your body, leaving very little room for even air inside the chamber. That, plus the overpowering heat, is very quickly making you dizzy and is giving you trouble with staying conscious…

You hear another belch from the jackal rumble around you, before his echoey, deep voice reverbs through the stomach walls surrounding you. “At the very least, you were one hell of a snack…” he teased, patting his gut again as he felt it really starting to work on you.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You can steadily feel the last of your strength and consciousness slipping away, leeched out of your body by the stomach that was now your world. At least it wasn’t that painful, a light tingling being the only thing you felt before you finally passed out inside the jackal’s stomach.

“Ah, there they go…” the jackal said as he heard a loud glrnnn… from his stomach, signaling the real start of digestion. He took his time on the toilet seat, rubbing and coddling at his gut as he actually got some time to do his business...which wasn’t going to the bathroom at all. It was jerking off to a porn mag he had stuffed in his back pocket. The heavy, sloshing gut was a great thing to rub his length up against, honestly, even if you weren’t really struggling inside much anymore. In no time at all, the jackal was finally able to get off, shooting his hot load of jackal cum onto the bathroom floor, the musky load spurting out powerfully in waves of pleasure. He really needed that release, and a nice meal was just the thing to get him going…

The jackal still had quite the sizable gut as he started to pack up his lewdness, fitting his pants around his waist and stuffing the porn mag back into his back pocket. He was just about ready to leave before he heard another knock on the door.

“Oh, not again…” he moaned before steeling himself for yet another squirming meal in his gut. Maybe he’d try another entrance this time, or something. Maybe he might just fuck them instead. Who knew?") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Some time later, the jackal found him sitting back down on the toilet, complete with another squirming gut bulge. However, he felt some other feeling alongside the feeling of being overbearingly full - a feeling of release. And that’s why he left the lid up this time, grunting and pushing out the last of your remains as he struggled to keep the other gut bulge inside of him from kicking their way out. They were FAR more unhappy with the prospect of being food than you were…

It was difficult for him to actually get up and appreciate what his body had done to you, but the jackal tried his best, taking a nice look-see before flushing you down. Something told him he’d be doing the same thing again pretty soon...probably the loud glrnnn... of his stomach having claimed another meal...") } msg ("
*You really shouldn't try to force somebody out of an occupied stall...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You felt the stomach walls tighten even more around your body, almost taking the breath right out of you.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The jackal places his hands under his gut, hefting it up and down and feeling the weight inside drop. It’s making you pretty dizzy.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You can vaguely hear another knock on the door. “Bluhhhh, come back later…” the jackal moans. “Unless you wanna rub it…”") } else { msg ("“Thanks for the snack…” the jackal says, giving his gut a nice rub.") } ]]>
jackal's stomach false the
The jackal takes a few last gulps of his beverage before placing the glass down on the bar again. "That hit the spot, man..." the jackal said, tossing a few coins at Byron as a tip before getting up. The movement caused him to belch wetly, chuckling a bit as he felt the "special ingredient" squirming around inside of his gut.]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
It was pretty difficult to stay afloat in the jackal's stomach. Although the fluid levels inside were slowly dropping, as more of the stuff started funneling out into the jackal's deeper guts, the jackal was replenishing them every so often with occasional gulps of other beverages. Mostly beer. Ugh, you were just starting to get used to the pervasive stench of the stuff in here, and now he was adding fresh stuff to the mix?...This annoyance at least distracted you from how tired and worn-out you felt essentially doggy paddling inside the stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After a few more minutes (at least, you thought they were minutes) inside the jackal's pool of a stomach, you feel the last of your energy get sapped away by the environment inside the gut. It was just...so tiring. You hadn't noticed the heat of this chamber as you frantically splashed around inside of it, but as you gradually stopped splashing and started floating, you realized it was sweltering in here..it gave you a headache. Thankfully, before anything got much more painful, you passed out inside...

The jackal continued to down a few more mixed drinks and bottles of beer, having come back to the bar after walking around outside for a little while, presumably to smoke or something like that. He barely noticed your squirms in the first place, so he certainly couldn't tell when they stopped, especially among the sea of other beverages and food he was consuming. As far as he knew, the belches and gurgles coming from his stomach were just a result of him eating so much...and really, they were. You were just a \"special ingredient\" to the jackal, and one he'd have to try in the future, as well...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
In fact, you were so unnoticeable that the jackal barely even remembered you by the time he woke up the next morning, the waste of your body mixing in with whatever else the jackal had eaten the previous day and finding its way into the jackal's toilet. He just wanted to try the house special again...every micro had a different flavor, after all.") } msg ("
*You got to experience quite the exotic cocktail...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else { msg ("Any movement you make is reciprocated tenfold by the stomach walls, kneading aggressively at you.") } ]]>
false false 1
You can also see his underwear peeking out of his pants as he's bent over. Somebody should probably tell him about that.") } else { msg ("A quite imposing crocodile fellow. He's decked out in the same garb as the dragoness at the desk was, so you get the impression he works at the hotel too. That, and he's carrying around a mop bucket. He, too, looks bored, maybe with a touch of annoyance. Somebody probably blew a load down the sink or something again.") } ]]>
\"Oh, hey, kid.\" you heard Rech's gruff voice come. \"Just fixing a sink down here right now. Can you believe somebody tried to shove a bunch of hair down the pipes?....Anyway, I'd love to chat, but I gotta actually work for once. And please, don't turn on the sink.\"") } else { if (Rech.talk = 1) { msg ("Hey, I said I had work to do. Go explore the hotel or something.") Rech.talk = 2 } else if (Rech.talk = 2) { msg ("Seriously, kid? Leave me alone. It's starting to dry into the carpet.") Rech.talk = 3 } else if (Rech.talk = 3) { msg ("Kid, just let me do my job already.") Rech.talk = 4 } else if (Rech.talk = 4) { msg ("\"All right, enough's enough. Get out of here.\" Rech then pushes you down the stairs back into the lobby, not with much force, but hopefully enough for you to get the message!") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Lobby) Rech.talk = 5 } else if (Rech.talk = 5) { msg ("\"Oh, come on! I just started cleaning it up.\" The croc complains as he grabs you and quite literally *throws* you down into the lobby. The impact jarred you a bit, but you seem to be okay.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Lobby) Rech.talk = 6 } else if (Rech.talk = 6) { ClearScreen DisableTimer (RechRoamTimer) msg ("
\"Okay, enough is enough. I didn't wanna do this, but you're bugging me way too much, kid.\" Rech says as he takes off his gloves, quickly snatching you up into his grasp! He brings you up to face-level before opening his maw wide, the croc's long mouth glistening with saliva. He doesn't give you much time to appreciate the view before he shoves your head in there, all the way to the back of his mouth! His long jaws close around you, Rech having shoved you in up to your waist. He starts to give your body some cursory licks, appreciating your flavor, before one loud, wet *gulp* pulls your head into his throat, leaving only your legs dangling out of the croc's maw. You think you hear (and feel) him say something, but considering your current position, it ends up sounding more like some satisfied moans and groans that rumble around you. The croc continues to lick over your body, lubricating you with his saliva for the trip into his gut, which continues with another loud *gulp* that pulls your waist past the point of no return, sucked into the throat as well. You could hear distant gurglings up ahead, the croc's stomach eager to accept you. All it took was one more *gulp* to lock you inside Rech's throat, totally at the croc janitor's mercy...and he didn't seem very merciful today, at least not after you bugged him on the job six times in a row.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechStomach) } } else { msg ("Hey kid. I'm Rech, the janitor around here. You'll probably see me poof around this place a lot. I'd love to chat, but I got a mess to clean up. Some idiot came all over the floor after they ate someone...in the hallway! The nerve of some people...") Rech.talk = 1 } } ]]>
Rech's sac false You are surrounded by
\"Haah...\" you heard Rech moan as you filled out his sac. \"There we go, all stored away. Can't *huff* tell anyone about anything, now, can you...\" he continued as he massaged at his sac, disturbing your situation inside and splashing more of the hot cum onto your face. You filled out the croc's sac rather nicely, the scales forced to stretch in order to accommodate your wriggling form, revealing the skin behind them. You stretched them out more with every struggle, but it wasn't like they were going to snap at any point or something.") } else { msg ("The rest of your body soon spilled out into Rech's sac, his balls not really equipped to hold something as big as you. The scales on his sac stretched with your form, betraying the light skin that hid behind them, outlining the prisoner inside.") } ]]>
You're starting to feel quite sluggish and worn-out inside Rech's sac. Moving is hard, and you can't tell if it's because of the gooey, hot cum you're coated in, or because you don't have anything to move with - your arms and legs are starting to lose feeling already. It doesn't help that Rech is constantly fondling his sac, splashing his cum around inside, coating every part of your body with it - sometimes it even got in your mouth. Gross...

\"Haah...they're almost gone in there...\" Rech moans, ostensibly talking to Rokanoss, who's been watching this whole spectacle unfold with a hard-on of his own. \"Think I might need some place to empty this...\" Rech teased, waving the dragon over...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Rech's constant ball-fondling has made it pretty hard to stay conscious inside the sac. The heat is baring down on you now, the croc's arousal quite obvious to everyone currently involved in this. It wasn't much longer before you passed out inside, most of your body already melted into more croc cum. You're just lucky you weren't around to experience what happened next; it would have been quite nauseous...

Rech's balls swung heavy between his legs as he placed his clawed hands on Rokanoss's rear. The dragon had more than eagerly accepted Rech's offer, presenting his rear to the croc as Rech worked at gurgling you up into nothing but cum. With that completed now, Rech had an outlet for his arousal. \"Get ready, Rok...\" Rech teased before he lined up his throbbing cock with the dragon's pucker, rolling his hips forward and thrusting up into the dragon's tight ass. They moaned in tandem as Rech pierced his rear, the croc already eagerly thrusting in and out as he felt his balls sloshing with need, begging to be released...

Their sex was frantic and quick; Rech hadn't really hopped from cock voring someone to fucking someone so quickly, and it showed. Rech's thrusts got deeper and deeper into Rok's bowels, the dragon's knees wobbling as he felt Rech's cock snaking up into his rear. But, Rech wasn't fully inside of Rok yet; he was desperately trying to save his orgasm for the knot at the base of his cock. He could feel it starting to surge up, though, and so he thrusted deep into Rok, both of them groaning in pleasure as Rech's knot popped into Rok's rear. Then, the flood of fresh cum came, Rech nearly falling to his knees as he felt the cum surge out of his length and shoot up into Rokanoss's bowels; thankfully, the knot was able to keep him upright, at least for the orgasm. The sensation of being filled triggered Rok as well, the feral splattering his own cum on the security floor as Rech filled his gut up with fresh croc seed.

The two were locked in intimacy for a few more minutes, as Rech's balls continued to empty themselves out; eventually, the hot flood of cum reduced to a trickle, the hot mess you created all spilled out into Rok's gut. The feral had a bit of a paunch hanging down as Rech started to pull out, groaning again as he felt his knot pop out of Rok's rear, followed by the rest of his member. The two both immediately collapsed, panting as they wallowed in afterglow.

\"Phew...\" Rech sighed. \"I'm kinda thankful that kid walked in on us...\" the croc observed as he caught his breath. This was the first time either of them had actually done something like this, but the idea had been blossoming in idle conversation between the two for a while. If the pleasure they were both incapacitated by was any indicator, though, they'd need to do it again sometime.

*You walked in on the wrong conversation...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { msg ("
You're starting to lose feeling in your body now; the dominant sensation you're feeling is a dull tingling in your extremities as Rech's sac continues to fill up with more and more cum, presumably from your extremities as they melt away into the bubbling pool around you. Outside you can hear the croc moaning louder and louder as he feels you start to churn up, feeling at his balls as they start to slosh more, while you gradually become less you and more croc cum.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
It's getting harder to focus on struggling now, the dull tingling sensation from earlier overtaking your entire body as you start to sink down into the bubbling pot of cum around you. Rech's fondling certainly doesn't help, the croc practically panting now as he feels his sac really start to get to work, your consciousness fading away as the rest of your body starts to melt into orgasm fuel for the janitor...

\"Nngh, I think you're done in there, kid...\" Rech says as he starts to stroke a bit slower now, reaching into his pocket to pull out something. \"But, I can't have you messing up my closet...\" he says as he breaks open the packaging. It's a condom, and he starts unraveling it around his cock, it touching base with his gurgling balls soon before Rech starts to really go at it again. He thrusts into his own hand as it runs up and down his base, feeling his heavy balls weighing him down, almost unable to wait until the last of you filled out that condom.

And then, it happened. The croc roared as gooey shots of spunk filled out his condom, the tip of it quickly drooping down as Rech continued to fill it with his seed, the croc starting to lean back in the chair as he just watched his cock continue to twitch out his load, the condom bloating up and threatening to sag off of his cock now unless Rech got another hand on it. He panted as he felt his orgasm high coming down now, carefully taking the condom off, almost dropping it as he felt the amount of liquid inside of it. \"Nngh, good idea, Rech. Would've sucked having to clean all this off the walls...\" he said as he tied up the bag, leaving it in the corner of his closet as he re-dressed and got back to work. He'd deal with it later...

*You caught a croc in his most intimate moment...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Locktight around you, and currently producing cum at an unbelievable rate. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You start to be jostled around a bit inside of Rech's sac, the croc eagerly fondling his balls now, rubbing around the bulge you make inside of them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You get no response from the croc, who's too busy stroking himself off with both of his claws.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You stretch the sac walls so far that you think they'll break...but they snap back into place as soon as you start wearing yourself out.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("\"Nnf...keep it coming, kid...\" you hear the croc moan inbetween strokes of his length.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Rech's cock starts to dribble a little bit of pre, the drop running down his shaft as he continues to stroke himself.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Nnh..I'm so close...\" Rech moans as he fondles his balls, not caring whether or not you were still alive in there.") } else { msg ("The sac walls ooze more cum onto you, covering you in the hot, sticky goop.") } ]]>
Rech's stomach false false
You're not really sure what the croc means by "pleasure me", but pretty much the only thing you can do while being encased by these slimy walls is struggle against them. That would feel good...right?]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") SetTimeout (30) { if (game.pov.parent = RechStomach) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The croc rubs at his stomach disappointingly. \"Not even putting up a fight, are ya kid?\" he asks teasingly. \"Well, if you're not even gonna help me with this, I guess I'll have to force you to help out on my hips...\" Suddenly the stomach gets a lot more active, the stomach walls kneading into you, rubbing slimy digestive fluids into your body, finding every crevice. Your clothes soon melt away, leaving you naked inside the croc's belly. Not soon after, your skin starts to tingle, and you start to lose feeling in some of your extremities, it being hard to struggle as your mind starts to get cloudy, it becoming difficult to focus on even thinking about struggling. It would be too late at this point, though, even if the croc let you go, it would be hard to recognize you, most of your body having melted into the sloppy stomach chyme at this point. You lose consciousness as the croc rubs at his gut one more time, feeling (and hearing) it starting to get more active, really digesting away its meal now. \"Shame,\" the croc said as he rubbed at his swollen gut, \"was a nice kid.\"") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Soon, the croc would check out for the night, his gut having noticeably calmed down. He'd go back home and dispose of what was left of his meal, plopping his scaly rear down on his porcelain throne. This was always the most annoying part, especially since he didn't really have the biggest toilet...but, he did his duty and flushed, then looked in the mirror, noticing that you had mostly gone to his hips and butt. He wasn't exactly planning on gaining weight today, but it was a necessary evil for how delectable his snacks tasted, and how nice their squirms felt inside of him...") } msg ("
*Don't annoy a croc...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") EnableTimer (RechRoamTimer) false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. You hear the croc groan out and rub at his gut. \"Mmph, kid, I think you've made your point...I'll get ya outta there...\" you feel the gut start to convulse around you a bit, pushing you towards the sphincter at the top. \"Ugh, haven't done this in a while...\" you hear the croc moan before you're sucked back up into the croc's esophagus, rippling movements of flesh pulling you up, up, back into the croc's mouth, albeit in a more sloppy state than when you went in. The cool feel of fresh air hits your face as you poke out of the croc's throat, you suddenly realizing how stale and gross the air was inside of the croc before he horks you back up, waist slipping out of his throat as you dangle out of his maw. One more hork pops your legs out, your body landing on the hallway floor with a wet, loud splat. You take a moment to collect your bearings before you look back up at the croc, mop in hand, rubbing the back of his neck. \"Sorry about that, kid, but you clearly weren't gonna leave me alone unless I got a little more...extreme.\" he turned around before muttering \"Oh, you might wanna go take a shower, too.\"") MoveObject (player, second floor) RechStomach.strugglecount = 0 } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("You feel the croc rub at his gut.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("A loud belch erupts, shaking the stomach around you as it echoes throughout it.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Mmph, keep going, kid...\" you hear the croc say.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The stomach jostles you around a bit, the croc on the move, probably over to the \"spill\" he was talking about earlier.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You hear the croc moan a bit. \"Not so hard...\"") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Your struggles amount to a small belch the croc casually blows out while he works.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Ngh, you're pretty good at this...keep it up, and you might not end up as croc fat...\" Rech teases.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 } else { msg ("The stomach groans aggressively, getting tired of its capture's shenanigans.") RechStomach.strugglecount = RechStomach.strugglecount+1 if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]> false JC Key false A kind of rusty key. Embellished with a "JC". false the
Rech's bowels false You are surrounded by
Interestingly, the bowel walls around you aren't trying to pull you deeper. Rather, you're almost locked in place, albeit still pretty deep inside of Rech at this point. You wonder where he's taking you...") } ]]>
") } msg ("
Quite a bit of time had passed at this point, but you were still locked in the tight embrace of Rech's bowels. You could hear the hungry, impatient gurgling of the croc's stomach ahead of you, but you could also feel your eyebrows starting to droop...your breathing was becoming labored, too, and soon you found yourself losing consciousness deep within Rech's body.

You did eventually make it to the stomach, and thankfully you wouldn't be around for what happened next. As the croc snoozed, his \"pillow\" gradually shrunk beneath him, the noises of his stomach betraying what was happening beneath those scales. In a matter of hours, Rech's digestive system had broken you down into nothing but a nice layer of fat on Rech's tum and rear, as well as a bit of waste currently snaking its way through the croc's bowels. Tomorrow, the croc would wake up, finding his figure enhanced by his meal, and maybe have some more fun with Rok, if the dragon was up for it. Their last time had certainly been interesting...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The next day, Rech did find his figure to be much enhanced by your body. But, before the croc could get frisky, he had to take care of a more pressing issue first. Finding his clothes, the croc quickly redressed before sneaking his way out of Rok's office - the dragon was still out - and made his way to the employee restroom. Rech sighed as he plopped his new, more plush rear onto the seat, before he let loose of the rest of you, a large weight dropping out of his body, leaving the croc feeling empty again. He quickly wiped and flushed away the rest of you before making his way back into the security room, finding Rok to still be asleep...and the dragon's bits out in the open air. Rech went over to the couch, thinking of giving the dragon a different kind of wakeup call...") } msg ("
*You listened to a conversation you shouldn't have...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { msg ("
You hear Rech open and close a door gently. He slowly walks forward before taking a seat in what you assume to be a chair. You can hear a dull, deep voice from outside...somebody you don't recognize. It definitely didn't sound like Rech. You can't really pick out any part of their conversation, either, so you're just forced to wait until something happens.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Finally, their conversation ends. A bit of silence follows (well, relative silence) before you start to feel the bowel walls moving around you again...but they're pushing you out? Yes, you're being pushed out of Rech, the crocodile squatting on the floor as your feet start to peek out of his pucker again, sliding out slowly. The cool air in the room is a welcome change from the sweltering heat of the croc's body, but you weren't sure where Rech had taken you to at this point. You hear the croc grunt occasionally as he releases you, your knees soon sliding out of his body - the slimy bowel walls lubricated your body quite nicely for release. Soon your chest was slipping out, the croc moaning as he felt his ring spread again...the whole thing felt like the world's weirdest waterslide. Only your head was still stuck inside, the croc groaning as he felt his pucker expand around it...before it slides out wetly, your head landing on the floor with a dull thud. Ouch...you rub the back of your head as you sit up, trying to figure out where you were...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("throwupaudio.mp3", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, BossOffice) SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") } } } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. if (RechBowels.analscene = 1) { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The bowel walls clench around you. \"Not so hard, kid...\" Rech moans.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Nngh..keep struggling, kid...\" Rech mumbles as he holds you up.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to move inside of the bowels but their grip is so tight you can barely even wiggle.") } else { msg ("You push at the bowel walls, but they quickly bounce back to their original shape, Rech's weight upon them more or less forcing them to compress tight around your body.") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The bowel walls clench around you. \"Not so hard, kid...\" Rech moans.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Nngh..quit struggling, kid. I'm not gonna digest you or anything...not my job this time.\" Rech mumbles as he holds you up.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to move inside of the bowels but their grip is so tight you can barely even wiggle.") } else { msg ("You push at the bowel walls, but they quickly bounce back to their original shape, as if you had never moved in the first place. Clearly Rech wants to keep you exactly where you are...") } }
Rech's bowels false the
You are surrounded by It feels like you've been winding through the croc's bowels for an eternity...the environment around you seemingly never changes, the same rippling, maroon flesh surrounding you, the same pounding heat, the same tightness, the same gurgles and groans that surround your auditory space. It's almost rhythmic, like it could put you to sleep...either that, or it was the lack of oxygen.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
You finally feel something different in your environment, your head pushed up against a fleshy wall in front of you. The wall slowly yawns open, revealing your next destination: the croc's stomach, gurgling happily in anticipation of its meal. One clench pushes you rather rudely out into the chamber, the sphincter already locked around your waist at this point. Compared to the bowels, the stomach is much more spacious, although it smells much more strongly, and the heat inside is somehow even more staggering than in the bowels. On top of that, it seems ready for your arrival, the walls having already secreted a good deal of stomach fluids and the like, which made the undulating walls glisten sickeningly. One more clench shoved you up against the stomach walls, forcing you to curl up somewhat inside the churning gut.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, RechSinkStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The bowel walls around you are like a vicegrip, completely removing the possibility of struggling outside of the smallest wiggles. ") } else { msg ("All you manage to do is tire yourself out, the oppressive conditions of the croc's bowels quickly sapping your energy to struggle.") } ]]>
Rech's stomach false false
You heard a deep rumbling around you before Rech belched loudly off in the distance, flecks of slobber flying out of the croc's mouth. "Aah...feels better in there..." the croc said as he patted at his gut, the lack of air allowing the stomach walls to constrict harder around you, the chamber suddenly becoming somewhat tighter.]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
You slowly felt the stomach sapping your strength, struggling becoming quite difficult inside of the croc. Your body was starting to get quite tingly as well, especially your legs, which were currently stewing in a gross mixture of stomach fluids and whatever gunk was still sitting in the croc's stomach. The limited air inside the chamber was running out as well...you knew it wouldn't be long before the croc's stomach claimed you entirely.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Focusing on struggling was a chore at this point. It was incredibly hard to even give a weak push out against the oppressive stomach walls. But what was getting to you most was the lack of air, the croc's belches emptying the chamber quite frequently. Your eyelids started to slowly droop down, like you were exhausted...which you were, really. The croc's body had exhausted yours, and so your consciousness slipped away inside of the croc...

Rech rubbed at his stomach as he heard it give a loud *glrrnnnnn....*. \"Aw, tuckered out already, kid?\" Rech said as he poked at his gut, feeling it starting to round and slosh out as the stomach got to work on digesting you. \"Now's time for the fun part...\" he said as he laid back against the wall again, delighting in the feeling of his stomach gurgling away what was left of you. He belched constantly, flecks of spit flying out and splattering against the shower floor. He'd have to clean those up later too, probably, if they didn't dry to the floor...but for now, Rech didn't want to think about work. He just wanted to delight in the feeling of a full, squirming, groaning gut. And that's what he did, giving his gut a nice massage as he felt the mass inside of him slowly breaking down, adding to his body. It was so nice, he thought he could just...fall asleep...

The croc snapped awake some time later, his gut having considerably shrunken in size, but still quite noisily working on its digestion. He looked across the room to the sink, still opened up, with his tools still lying on the floor. \"Ugh, guess I'll get to it then...\" Rech groaned as he slowly got up and made his way over to the sink, his gut still swinging somewhat beneath him as he hunched over, getting back to work.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
It took a while, but Rech finally fixed up the sink. Unfortunately, that gave ample time for the rest of you to slip deeper into the croc's bowels, until he felt a familiar sensation deep inside of them. He quickly packed up his tool bag before running out of the showers, opening the door into the locker room and plopping his butt down on the nearest available seat. \"Aaaah, that's better...\" the croc groaned as he felt what was left of you splash down into the bowl. He wasn't used to snacks going through him so quickly, but he guessed you were just that eager...") } msg ("
*You should stop annoying the croc...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") EnableTimer (RechRoamTimer) false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Mmph, keep going, kid...\" you hear the croc say.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Rech pokes at his gut a little, the imprint nudging you on the head.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You hear the croc moan a bit. \"Not so hard...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("Your struggles amount to a small belch the croc casually blows out while he relaxes.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 7) { msg ("\"Ngh, you're pretty good at this...keep it up, and you might not end up as croc fat...\" Rech teases.") } else { msg ("The stomach groans aggressively, getting tired of its capture's shenanigans.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
washhands wash hands "You can't wash hands " + object.article + "." bathein bathe in "You can't bathe in " + object.article + "." sleepin sleep in "You can't sleep in " + object.article + "." second floor false the You are on false the Open Close false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 4) You open the door into a typical-looking hotel room, much like yours. Only difference is, there's nobody here right now, at least not in the main room. Maybe you should look around. false false the kitchen false It contains Look at Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close false false msg ("You open the carton and take a swig...until you feel something fall out of it into your mouth! You almost choke on the thing before you spit it out. It's...the token to Room 4! What an..odd hiding place.") AddToInventory (Room 4 Token) TokenCall MakeObjectInvisible (Orange Juice) false Look at Take Eat Butter. Look at Give Drop Gross. Look at Take Eat An apple. Look at Give Drop false Look at Take Eat Roast beef. Look at Give Drop false Look at Take Eat Milk. false Look at Give Drop bathroom false the false You decide it had been a while since you took a good bath, and this was probably gonna be your best opportunity, so why pass it up? Quickly, you undress yourself and more or less crawl into the tub, fitting yourself inbetween the roo's quite massive legs. You both spend some time lathering each other up, the roo's large paws able to spread out the suds across most of your body. He asks you if he can get your back, which you graciously accept. After being lathered up for a bit longer you feel his two paws on your sides, starting to squeeze you just the tiniest bit. Just then, something drips onto your head from above. You look up to see the spread-open maw of the roo!

==PRESS ANY BUTTON TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You struggle frantically, but you're unable to break from the roo's paws. Slowly his open maw spreads across your head, your face being thoroughly lathered by the roo's rough tongue, covering you in sticky drool. Your face is more or less forced to look up as the roo feeds you deeper into his maw, slurping his tongue all over you all the while. Soon the roo's jaws have taken in nearly a third of your body, the roo's back bent as he tries to get more of you down. You hear a deep *glup!* as your head pops into the roo's throat, the muscles fighting against both your struggles and the force of gravity. At this point the roo adjusts himself, tilting his head back and lifting what's left of you into the air to get the assistance of gravity. His tongue wraps around your leg and pulls them into its mouth as well, leaving only your feet to dangle in the outside world. Your head pries open a sphincter and peeks out into the stomach, the acrid smell hitting you immediately. Meanwhile, the roo slurps your feet inside, sending the rest of you down with a huge *glurp!* and sealing you inside him permanently.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RooStomach) } } else { msg ("
You manage to break out of the roo's grip! You immediately bolt out of the bathroom and into the hallway, not even caring that you had left your clothes behind.") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } } } else { msg ("
The roo shrugs. \"Suit yourself.\"") } } ]]>
roo's stomach false the You are surrounded by if (GetBoolean(RooStomach, "AnalVore")) { msg ("You're forced out of the bowels and into the stomach, being harshly greeted by a voracious and starving roo stomach. The wet sac is already brimming with digestive juices, and eager to start digesting its meal as the walls around you start to tighten and constrict you. You don't feel as if you have much time, or strength, to try and escape from here. You feel some movement around you as the roo, finally having recovered from his massive orgasm, gets up and walks to another room. After hearing the running of water, you have to assume it's the bathroom, and the roo confirms it by stepping into the tub and settling down in the bath, rubbing his gut while he settles down.") } else { msg ("The slimy gullet slowly feeds you deeper and deeper inside of the roo until you meet your ultimate destination. Your head is already peeked into the stomach, and soon the rest of your body follows, unceremoniously dumped out into the roo's tight, hot stomach. Outside, the roo lets out a large belch before settling back into the tub, cradling his now-bulging and active gut as it peeks out of the water. He lets out a long sigh before he closes his eyes, ready to relax away his meal.") } You hear some light snoring from outside; it's clear the roo has started to fall asleep. At the same time, the stomach starts becoming much rougher, kneading and tossing you about like a real piece of food. The thought occurs to you that you probably don't have much time left to try and get out of here.") SetTimeout (20) { if (GetBoolean(RooStomach, "AnalVore")) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You continue to push out against the roo's strong gut, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much. The thick stew of the stomach contents have been steadily rising, and they threaten to drown you in their contents. You had already started to feel weaker, but now your struggles are barely even resulting in stomach bulges from the roo, your most desperate attempts barely even registering in the roo's consciousness. At this point you more or less accept your role as the roo's dinner, your body already starting to melt and gurgle away into the soupy mixture around you. Your last moments of consciousness are accentuated by one last, powerful belch coming from the roo's lips. \"Nnnh...they're finally gone.\" he comments. \"About time.\"

A few hours pass, the roo's active gut gurgling away its meal as the roo naps in the tub. What was once you is now deep inside the roo's bowels at this point, along with a mixture of whatever else the roo had eaten today, churning and adding itself to the roo's chubby body, accentuating his plush rear especially.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
A pressure in his lower bowel awakens the roo from his pleasant nap, and he up onto the toilet, noisily discarding whatever was left of you. The roo flushes the toilet before deciding he's finished with his bath, and sets out to clean up the mess you had left him...") } else { msg ("
Some time later, the roo awakes from his nap, looking to the clock and realizing he'd been out for a lot longer than he'd like. He finished up his bath before getting out, wiping himself off, occasionally feeling the new, squishier parts of his body that you had helped create. \"I guess this wasn't the worst thing that could have happened...\" he comments before continuing on with the rest of his day.") } msg ("
*You invaded a stranger's home...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } else { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You continue to push out against the roo's strong gut, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much. The thick stew of the stomach contents have been steadily rising, and they threaten to drown you in their contents. You had already started to feel weaker, but now your struggles are barely even resulting in stomach bulges from the roo, your most desperate attempts barely even registering in the roo's consciousness. At this point you more or less accept your role as the roo's dinner, your body already starting to melt and gurgle away into the soupy mixture around you. Your last moments of consciousness are accentuated by one last, powerful belch coming from the roo's lips. \"Nnnh...he's finally gone.\" he comments. \"About time.\"

A few hours pass, the roo's active gut gurgling away its meal as the roo naps in the tub. What was once you is now deep inside the roo's bowels at this point, along with a mixture of whatever else the roo had eaten today, churning and adding itself to the roo's chubby body, accentuating his plush rear. ") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
A pressure in his lower bowel awakens the roo from his pleasant nap, and he up onto the toilet, noisily discarding whatever was left of you. The roo flushes the toilet before deciding he's finished with his bath, and sets out to clean up the mess you had left him...") } else { msg ("
Some time later, the roo awakes from his nap, looking to the clock and realizing he'd been out for a lot longer than he'd like. He finished up his bath before getting out, wiping himself off, occasionally feeling the new, squishier parts of his body that you had helped create. \"I guess this wasn't the worst thing that could have happened...\" he comments before continuing on with the rest of his day.") } msg ("
*You invaded a stranger's home...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at The slimy stomach walls of the roo, currently kneading you forcefully. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"You wanna keep it down in there?\" the roo asks before submerging his muzzle again.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The roo burps under the water, giggling as he watches the bubbles rise to the surface of the water.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The roo emits a satisfied moan before rubbing his belly some.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The belly walls around you start to constrict you harder, not pleased with how violent you're being.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You feel the roo splashing some bathwater onto his belly.") } else { msg ("You think you've upset the roo's stomach a bit as it starts to rumble, but soon you hear the roo let out a loud *brrrrup!*.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") SetTimeout (2) { msg ("") } } } ]]> A white-and-black patterned bandana. Seems to be indigestible, considering its owner has long since left this churning sac. You silently wish you had the same powers. You tie the bandana around your head. It makes you feel a bit better. Look at Drop
The roo's bowels are long, winding, and dark. An earthy scent assails your nostrils as the slimy bowel walls around you contine to relax and contract, pushing you deeper and deeper into the roo. Ahead of you is the faint echo of the roo's grumbling, hungry belly, eagerly awaiting its meal. The other sound you can hear is the constant moaning of the roo from what you can safely assume is the roo pleasuring himself to your squirms, the moans getting louder and more frequent the deeper you travel into the roo. roo's bowels false the You are surrounded by The bowel walls start to squeeze you harder, as the moans coming from the roo start to get even louder. You feel like he's about to reach his climax, in no small part thanks to you. You feel like a tube of toothpaste that's almost out.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The pressure and heat around you continues to mount. You don't feel like you could last much longer - it's good that the roo finally orgasms at this point. After reaching his breaking point, long, sticky ropes of seed erupt out of the roo's cock, splattering all over the floors and walls of the hotel room. The bowels start to launch you forward during the roo's orgasm, the gentle gurgling of the stomach ahead of you becoming much louder and closer. The roo's tongue hangs out of his mouth as he is overcome with pleasure, collapsing onto the bed as his cock continues to spurt pools of cum onto his chest. Deep inside of the roo, you are still struggling, continuing to pleasure the roo even in his throes of orgasm. But your struggles are for naught, as you reach the entrance (or rather exit) to the stomach...") SetTimeout (3) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, RooStomach) } } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at The roo's slimy bowel walls. They aren't exactly pleasant to be inside of. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The roo rubs the bulge in his midsection you made.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You feel a paw press gently on where you tried to push out.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Your constant stirring seems to have elicited some discomfort in the roo, as he's temporarily stopped pleasuring himself. All that discomfort is released in one large burp, though.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The roo rubs his belly some.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("The bowel walls constrict around you with unusual strength, squeezing the life out of you.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The roo giggles a bit. \"Keep pushing!\" he says.") } else { msg ("You feel a small push on the bulge you're making.") } ]]>
roo's sac false the Your whole body is finally sealed inside the roo's ballsack. The roo's balls are completely awash with sticky seed; itcoats the walls, the bottoms of the balls, and more importantly, you, the movement of the roo already washing the hot gloop all over your body. The walls are stretched tight around your body, not leaving you much space to move around in the hot chamber, a set of roo balls clearly not designed to hold any sort of living thing. You can already hear (and feel) the roo getting to work on his arousal, loud moans vibrating the sac walls, as well as the constant motion causing the seed to slosh in his balls. It won't be long before he comes, but from the tingling you're starting to feel, it also won't be long until you're just part of his load. You are surrounded by The roo starts to fondle his balls now, jostling you around inside his sac, completely coating you in his hot seed once again. You already felt tingly when you got in here, but now you feel even more tingly, barely able to feel anything at all, or to feel your arms or legs move...you continue to struggle, but the hot, suffocating chamber has drained you of your energy rather quickly.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The roo is well-aroused now, the suffocating heat in the chamber continuing to rise as the roo comes closer and closer to orgasm. The roo continues to pump his thick shaft as you gradually sink into the pool of cum, losing your abillity to feel or even to think of anything besides how great it would be to just relax and sink into the hot cum bath surrounding you...by this point you're barely anything now, most of your body having completely melted to fill up the roo's plump, gorged balls with even more sticky, hot cum. His balls were starting to lose the defining bulges of your shape, beginning to round out again, but still very large in size, nearly sagging down to hit the hotel room floor. Your whole world shakes as the roo readjusts himself, getting up onto the bed and sitting at the end, aiming his cock straight at the wall. The final jostling was all it took for your consciousness to slip away, lost in the milky sea of roo-cum that continues to build and build with his arousal. The time had come, and the roo could barely contain himself anymore. Cupping and fondling his balls in one hand, and pumping forcefully at his shaft with the other, the roo *blasts* his load all over the hotel room, the walls painted in a milky-white color with a combination of what had been you and several other cock-snacks he had been devouring over the past few days. His sac continued to drain, the shaft eagerly pumping shot after shot of hot cum into the open air, a large pool forming on the floor. The sac of the roo slowly begins to shrink as it empties out, returning to a somewhat-normal size as the roo nears the end of his orgasm, huffing and puffing and moaning as his cock started to dribble the last drops of cum onto the floor. \"Phew.\" the roo says as he collapses onto the bed in post-orgasm bliss. \"Those little treats definitely made for a hell of an orgasm. What was it again? A deer? Maybe a wolf...\" he mumbles as he looks around the hotel room. \"Oh, god damnit.\" he says, reaching for the phone. \"Guess it's time to dial housekeeping. I could use a post-orgasm snack...\"

*You invaded a stranger's home...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at The sac walls of the roo. They leave you little room to struggle, stretched tight around your body. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Nnnn...struggle harder, snack...\" the roo moans.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Oooh...keep squirming...\" the roo says, poking and fondling the areas that you're pushing out on.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The roo's cock starts to dribble some pre onto the bed.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The roo makes a sharp moan as you press out hard on the sac walls, leaving a definite handprint on the skin. \"Don't be so rough...\" he moans.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Oh...you feel so good in there...\" you hear the roo say, pumping his cock harder to your struggles.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The roo starts to stroke his cock even harder.") } else { msg ("The cum around you sloshes hard as you squirm, but all that's accomplished is that you're coated in even more of the stuff.") } ]]>
You open the door into a very non-descript looking room. There are a lot of boxes, like everything had been packed up. You weren't sure what this room was for, but it wasn't very important. What is important is the feeling you get that somebody is in the room with you, or mad that you broke into here... false room a false You feel a huge weight land upon you as you're suddenly crushed by something! Laying on the floor, the animal's butt is firmly upon you, their brown cheeks neatly concealing a small tailhole that consumes your vision. A neat and short tail rests on top of your head. You try to struggle, but all the mysterious figure does is press down on you harder, leaving you dazed. \"Well, well, well...\" you hear a voice from above you say. \"Thinking you can sneak into my room and get away with it, huh?\" he questions. \"I know just what to do.\" He releases you from your butt prison, but you're still too dazed to really do anything. He turns around and leans over you, revealing a large brown anthro roo, one of his arms spreading open his belly pouch, the other grabbing your near-limp body! Your head is shoved straight into the roo's pouch, bunching up in the tight enclosure. Soon your whole body is fit into the pouch, the skin flap stretching neatly around the bulge you make. Pressed up against the roo's belly, you can hear soft gurgles and groans - the roo obviously hasn't eaten anything in a while. You idly wondered if you were going to be the snack filling up his belly as the roo bounced his way back to his hotel room, carefully locking the door behind him.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } MoveObject (player, Room 4) LockExit (Room4BathroomExitAV) LockExit (Room4KitchenExitAV) LockExit (Secondfloor2ExitAV) SetTimeout (10) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
The tight skin around you starts to become more loose. Two furry arms stretch out at you and pull you out of the pouch, plopping you onto the roo's bed. You barely have time to figure out where you are before your face meets the snout of the roo, who is leaning over you and staring intently. His jaws part to let a long tongue snake out of his mouth and lick you across the face, covering you with sticky kangaroo spit. \"Mmm...\" you hear the kangaroo say. \"What am I gonna do with you...\"") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("
\"I know.\" he says calmly before turning around again, giving you another view of his luscious rear. You take this opportunity to try and escape, but you weren't quick enough - his firm cheeks plant themselves atop your face again! You're greeted by the small tailhole you had become so familiar with earlier, this time, though, it's much closer to you, the roo grinding your face into the bed. \"Nnnf...get in there...\" the roo moans before you feel the tailhole clench around your nose, getting a firm hold of your face. Your renewed struggles do nothing to stop the slow encroaching of the roo's pucker on your face, and soon the tailhole is expanded across your entire face. You feel the pucker start to clench around you, and with a loud *SLRRRP!* your entire head is sucked into the roo's bowels! Darkness surrounds you as your body is slurped deeper into the roo's ass, the walls relaxing and contracting around you at a breakneck pace. \"Nnng...oh yeah...\" you hear the roo say, your deepening struggles helping to bolster his growing erection. \"Ohh...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your entire chest is inside the roo now, leaving only your legs to dangle outside of the roo's asshole. You feel a single digit brush past your floundering feet before the roo's paw wraps around both your legs, keeping them still. A single finger from the roo's paw makes contact with your feet, slowly pushing your legs into the roo. Around you is a chorus of moans, the roo taking his time to pleasure himself to your insertion. One final \"nnngh!\" accompanies his last push, your feet slurked into the roo's pucker, locking yourself entirely within the roo's bowels.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RooBowels) } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh!\" the roo says, snapping his focus back to you. \"I have just the thing to do...\" he starts before he readjusts himself to be at the end of the bed, directly in front of you. You wonder what he is doing until he starts making quiet moaning sounds, the movement of his arm keying you into what he was doing. Soon enough he was fully erect, the roo's rod poking its way onto the top of the bed. \"This is going to be fun...\" he says before he grabs your legs, bringing them towards his cock. He presses them against the slit for a moment before it widens enough to slurp your feet in! A loud moan accompanies your entry into the roo's cock, your legs starting to be consumed by the long rod as well. You try to grab at the bedsheets or anything to get yourself out of here but you can't find any purchase on the bed, and it doesn't help that the roo already has quite the hold on your lower half, the eager cock greedily gulping down more of you as fast as it can. You're being drawn closer and closer to the roo now, like a fish being reeled in by a pole. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Deep, wet, slurping gulps from the cock continue to pull you deeper, your feet starting to poke out into a more spacious chamber you can only assume is the ballsac of the roo. You keep on trying to thrash your way out of the roo but by this point it's far too late. More than half of your body is inside him now, surrounded by tight, thick, and fleshy walls that get hotter and hotter as the roo's arousal increases. Already the roo has begun to masturbate again, running one hand up and down his massive and engorged shaft while maintaining eye contact with his snack. By now your body has been consumed up to your shoulders, the widest part of your body. The cock has to work some to expand the slit to be wide enough to fit your shoulders in, but it does it without apparent trouble, your shoulders quickly slipping into the fleshy tube. You're now essentially face-to-face with the roo, who has a small, sly smile crossing his face, undeniably a hard face to make in the midst of his arousal. The roo opens his mouth to lick you, his long tongue covering you with sticky kangaroo saliva again. \"Mmmm...you taste so good as well...what a shame,\" he says, \"but that's fine. My cock will enjoy you all the same...goodbye, cocksnack~\" Those are the last words you hear the roo say before he starts to delicately push your head into his cock, a chorus of moans accompanying it. \"Aaahh......nnngh!\" the roo moans as you are finally sealed in from the outside world, your vision being completely covered in the hot, sticky walls of the roo's cock. By the time the roo cock had completely consumed you, your midsection began to empty out into the ballsac as well, the chamber awash in hot, sticky roo cum. All it takes is a few more lewd, wet gulps from the cock to send you to your final destination...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RooSac) } } } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false the Open Close false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 5) You open the door and find yourself inside a stable! Hay loosely covers the ground, and all the stable doors are closed, except for one on the right... false the stable the stable false false
Quite descriptive, actually.]]>
You put the vial in your pocket. You cork open the bottle and carefully pour the liquid on the dragoness's claw. It takes some time, but the dragoness starts to slowly shrink, down to around your size, maybe a bit smaller...she starts to wake up during the process, as well, growling at you as she felt her body slowly shrink down...she wasn't really able to act on her hatred, though, it being quite difficult to actually move while her body was being shrunk down. Soon, the dragoness cowered somewhat before you, being shrunk down to around the size of a large dog. Selicia, however, had a bigger appetite than your normal dog...and that's why you ended up still pinned underneath her claws!") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You theorize it should be much easier to escape Selicia's grasp when she's your size, but she seems like she's putting her whole weight into this, pressing down both of her claws onto your body. She seems to like having you in this position, too, giving you teasing licks occasionally as she knows you can't go anywhere. She seems to be...waiting, though. Waiting for you to make the first move, just kind of laying on top of you as she teases you with her maw and tongue. This goes on for a while until, with you not doing anything, she starts to get a little impatient, bringing her maw to your face, while also grinding her slit against your body...seems like she's giving you a choice?") selicialist = NewStringList() list add (selicialist, "Mouth") list add (selicialist, "Slit") ShowMenu ("", selicialist, false) { if (result = "Mouth") { msg ("
Selicia lowers her eyes a bit, as if she was somewhat disappointed in your choice, before bringing her maw closer to you, the glowing flesh outlining her mouth in detail, including that alluring throat in the back...You feel her tongue slip under your chin, giving you a casual lick before pressing her maw forward, your face landing on that tongue, jaws closing somewhat uncomfortably around your head - she wasn't quite used to such a large meal (or such a small her). Still, she could manage to fit your whole head in her mouth, the dragoness's long tongue reaching to all parts of your face to make sure your head slid easily down her throat.") wait { msg ("
Which is what came next, the dragoness tipping her head up a bit as she gulped, the bulge of your head being tucked into her throat rather nicely. You could feel the dragoness raise a claw up to her throat, gently kneading at the bulge you made in her throat as you travelled further down, the throat now expanding around your waist, Selicia giving quick gulps as she felt you sink down into her body. Her head was fully tilted up now, using gravity to help you get down, although it didn't help that much, her throat only able to get you down so quickly! The motions of her throat guided you deeper, the walls tight around you, and undulating as you were pulled deeper with every gulp. You could feel Selicia's tongue lapping at your body, stealing tastes when she could as you slid into her body, only your legs remaining free at this point. Her lips closed around them, like a reptile with a fresh catch, your legs awkwardly dangling out of her mouth until a wet *slrrp!* pulled them in. Selicia rolled them around a bit on her tongue before gulping them down too, locking your whole body inside of her throat. One last gulp pulls them in, your head already starting to enter her stomach, being forced to curl up into a ball as more and more of your body empties out into the chamber.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaStomach) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
It's difficult to actually indicate where you want to go, but you try to rub your knee in the general vicinity of Selicia's slit to give her the idea. She smiles, and slowly releases her grip on your body, crawling forward until her slit is hovering directly above your face. A few drips of arousal already splash down onto your body as she slowly lowers her slit to your face, the feminine scent starting to overtake you. You feel fleshy contact being made, the dragoness letting slip a small moan just from the sensation of your nose touching her slit before she plunges down, your face quickly becoming familiar with her slit, the scent from earlier being multiplied tenfold as you're pressed into those folds...") wait { msg ("
You can hear the dragoness moan as she starts to grind down upon your face, slowly taking more of it in, until you feel your neck start to jerk up as she clenches, taking more of you in, the slit now firmly locked around your neck as fluids continue to drain out of it, threatening to drown you...but you're able to get occasional breaths of air as she continues to pull you in deeper, the slick flesh helping along the process as she clenches you in deeper and deeper. Selicia is really starting to squirm now, the feeling of you so deep into her driving her arousal crazy, especially as you squirm yourself. It's difficult to not squirm, the walls so tight against your body, especially when she clenches. One more tight clench locks her slit around your waist, leaving only your legs dangling outside of the dragoness as she pulls up, not used to quite such a large bulge inside of her, especially not in her nether-regions. But you can tell she's quite obviously enjoying it! Her breaths are beginning to become much sharper now, interspersed between her moans and groans as you squirm deeper, soon being pushed up against her cervix. Your feet kick awkwardly against the slit before they're slurped up by one final clench, leaving you entirely inside of the vagina of the dragoness, with your head starting to press into her womb.

") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SeliciaWomb) } } } } } } else if (game.pov.parent = Room 6) { msg ("
You pop the cork off the bottle of fluid you got in the stable and quickly guzzle it down.

“What did you just do?” Neil asked, but before you could respond, you felt something sort of...clench deep within you. All of a sudden, you saw the world start to grow around you...or were you shrinking? It certainly seemed like it, everything steadily growing around you, including the deer standing in front of you. You almost fell over from the sudden change in perspective, but eventually you got your bearings after a few minutes of dizziness.

“Oh, so that's what that does…” you heard the deer’s voice boom from above you, noticeably deeper now that you were, from what you saw, a couple of inches tall! The bottle lay a few feet from you, after you’d dropped it as soon as you felt the sudden lurch in your body…

“Well! If you did that right in front of me you probably want to have some fun…” the deer said, leaning over and reaching out a paw! You tried to run from the giant, gray expanse, but he quickly snatched you up, squeezing you a bit tight, but not dangerously, as he brought you up to eye level. You made various noises of discontent as he rolled you between his soft fingers, taking a deep breath of your scent that almost sucked you right up his nose!

“Hrm. You don't smell too good. Although, taking in that deep breath reminds me of something else…” The deer said, looking down towards his feet, and specifically, his pants...which he quickly slopped off, throwing them casually aside, revealing the underwear that he was wearing, a nice pair of dark blue boxer briefs.

“You'll smell like me soon~” the deer teased, as he pinched the back of your neck between his two fingers...what was he talking about? You couldn't see for a few moments, your vision obfuscated by his hand, until he unclenched his grip again…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You had the distinct feeling that nothing was below you. You confirmed that by looking down, instinctively freaking out as you saw that there was a five foot drop below you! And at your current size that 5ft looked like hundreds of feet. The other thing you noticed is that Neil was stretching out his underwear band with his other hand, a distinct musky smell wafting up into your nostrils. You realized what the deer was implying just before you felt him let go!

You let out a warbling cry as you desperately reached for the deer’s hand, which was quickly moving away from you. You felt your life flash before your eyes for a moment, you were going to be a splatter on the ground, a moment of brief amusement for this cruel macro...why did you even drink that in front of him...!?


Your landing was softer than you expected. In fact, you didn't expect to experience the landing for more than a couple painful milliseconds. You opened your eyes again, but you were mostly surrounded by darkness. That, and a sliver of light shining out from above you...you looked up, seeing the tip of a black muzzle looking at you...it was Neil! But where were you...

A deep breath in answered that question, making you coughing almost immediately on the thick heavy scent of musk. The deer had dropped you into his underwear!

You saw a smile spread across the muzzle, before you noticed that he still had a hand on his underwear band...which quickly left. The band snapped back into place, rocketing you right into the deer’s crotch. It was at least another soft landing, but you weren't a fan of how tight the underwear was, pressing you right next to his sheath, which jostled and bobbled as he started to walk around...plus, it was grinding that musk right into you!

You heard the deer’s voice address you as he started to walk around again.

“Now, here's the deal, little thing. I'm going to let you baste in there for a while, let you absorb a lot of flavor...keep you around for when I'm hungry. And then I'll have a little snack~ That sound good?” The deer asked, laughing as he thought about you actually saying yes to that question. “Okay, good. So you sit in there for a while, maybe grind your face against my crotch a little bit, play with my sheath...and don't even think about trying to escape~” ") wait { MoveObject (player, NeilUndies) } } } else if (game.pov.parent = Kitchen) { msg ("You decided to take a sip from that odd bottle while you were standing in the kitchen. As soon as you did, though, you felt an overwhelming sense of vertigo surrounding you, the whole room spinning as it felt like everything was getting so much bigger all of a sudden! The sudden dizziness and everything else knocked you off your feet, and by the time you had to come to a point where you could get back on said feet, everything around you looked so...so much bigger. Cabinets were towering skyscrapers. Floor tiles were marathon tracks. And, all above everything else, was the cow chef of the hotel, who was absolutely gargantuan now...his steps made the floor underneath you shake as he walked right towards you!

“Oh, perfect! You will make an excellent garnish for this dish…” you heard Eli say, so loud and booming that it was almost deafening as the cow’s shadow started to loom over you! You tried to run away, but considering how much smaller you were than the cow, it only took him a second or two to catch up, scooping you right off the ground and keeping you contained in his hands like you were a firefly or something! The world around you suddenly turned pitch black, and was constantly shaking around you as well, only exacerbating that feeling of vertigo that was still sticking around from earlier...

Eli hummed a jaunty tune as he kept you trapped in one of his hands, the chef going about preparing whatever this meal he was talking about for a little bit longer before you finally saw the light of day once more - unfortunately, it was because Eli was dropping you into something! You screamed as you felt the bottom suddenly drop out of where you had been sitting, just barely able to turn over in time to see where exactly it was you were falling. Beneath you was a sea of green, of all different shapes sizes and shades...it was honestly a nice canvas to look at, so too bad it was rushing up to meet you so quickly!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("You landed with a crunch, not from your body, but from falling into what you could only assume was a salad. Lettuce and spinach leaves surrounded you, along with the occasional cuts of tomato and shredded cheese as well. It was so hard to find your footing in this big bowl of salad, mostly because Eli kept tossing it around! The cow hummed as he grabbed a pepper shaker while he tossed the bowl around, sprinkling fresh-ground pepper down onto the salad you were in and making sure it all got mixed up. “Oops! almost forgot…” you could hear Eli say, his voice now difficult to make out from all the shuffling that was happening around you. The cow disappeared for a few moments, before he returned with a bottle of liquid, which he quickly opened and poured right down into the bowl! Almost immediately you were covered in thick, goopy orange liquid...ugh, French dressing? This wasn't even your favorite!

\"Order 12 ready to go!\" Eli shouted out of the kitchen as he picked up the salad bowl, your whole world shaking around you as the bull made his way out of the kitchen and casually set the bowl near the end of the bar, spiriting himself back into the kitchen a few moments later. You thought you would have time to escape, but just as you started to climb up a piece of lettuce you felt someone else pick it up and send you careening back down into the forest of lettuce and tomato beneath you!

By the time you were able to right yourself, you looked up to see a huge goat-like creature staring down at you...or, at least, the salad you were now an ingredient in!...he looked hungry. And he had a fork in his hand. The fork was coming right towards you, you had to dive out of the way right now -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Cereal Chewing.wav", false, false) } msg ("*CRNCH*

Just in the nick of time, you had managed to scramble off of the leaf you were resting on, able to look up for a moment to see as the goat brought the fork up to his mouth, opening wide before chomping right down! The chewing and crunching was deafening, and the greedy goat wasn't even finished with his first mouthful before that fork started to descend once more. This time, you couldn't outrun it. You tried, but once you heard another *CRNCH* behind you, everything underneath you started to rise right out of the bowl! You ran to the edge of the lettuce leaf as fast as you could, only to see that the drop back down to relative safety seemed miles long. You wouldn't survive a fall like that, and the slipperiness of the leaf you were standing on only made it more of a threat...in that split second, you had decided to figure out a way out of this via the goat rather than risk a traumatizing fall.

The fork was at least something to hang onto as the goat brought you up to his mouth, unintentionally giving you quite an intimate view of his mouth as he opened up once more - ugh, there was so much chewed up green goop sitting in his mouth! Strands of drool snapped as the fork slid into the goat's mouth, inch by inch...thankfully, you were near the end of the fork. Now was your chance! The goat had closed his lips around the fork, just in front of you...taking your opportunity, you ran forward, leaping up and grabbing a hold of his lips - yes! You managed to stay on. Now, all you needed to go was climb over and you were fre-
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("*splt*

Just as you thought your escape was free, you felt something wet and thick slam against your back - something that could only be the goat's tongue. The slimy appendage dragged you down with little effort, smothering you in goat drool and bits of food as your escape attempt was thoroughly defeated. In just the blink of an eye, you were surrounded by darkness, flesh constantly undulating underneath you and casually tossing you around in a sea of salad, quickly being chomped and chewed up into mush by the goat's teeth. And to said goat? It was just as though he had missed a crumb or something, an involuntary reaction, almost. He was already starting to chow down on another leafy mouthful by the time you were being pushed to the back of his mouth, swallowed up by a slimy mass of plant goop, unable to escape as the goat's gullet took you in with a thick *glllrk*.

Thankfully, being part of one big glob of food mostly saved you from the tight squeezing and massaging of the goat's throat. Instead, you just struggled and tried to escape said glob as you slid down, down into the goat's gut, another bit of salad *splt*ing down right onto you and making this whole place even grosser than it already was! Ugh, there was so much of that salad left as well...that's not going to be fun to deal with.
") wait { MoveObject (player, GoathiasStomach) } } } } } else if (game.pov.parent = fifth floor 2) { msg ("You popped the cork on the bottle and immediately downed the fluid, a powerful dizziness coming over you before you were suddenly much smaller and able to fit through the tiny opening in the door.") wait { MoveObject (player, Room 39) } } else if (game.pov.parent = Room 8) { msg ("Using the shrinking potion inside of your own room...? That was an interesting prospect, to be sure. Perhaps there were a few things hiding around here that you could only access at a much smaller size! You mentally steeled yourself for a moment before popping the top off of the vial and guzzling the fluid right down, closing your eyes and getting ready to feel quite weird for quite a while!

The world started to spin around you, and closing your eyes seemed to actually mitigate a lot of the dizziness as your body shrunk down to a fraction of its original size...you still felt like you wanted to throw up, though! A few seconds later, you fell forward, bracing yourself against the floor before slowly opening your eyes to confirm that the potion had worked. And, oh boy, had it worked! Everything surrounding you was so, so much larger, almost to a ridiculous level...it looked like the dressers and furniture had been stretched out to an impossible degree! But, there was no time for sightseeing. It was time to see if there was anything lying around this room for you to snatch up...
") wait { msg ("Unfortunately, it only took a few minutes for you to realize that there was just a bit of a hole in this whole idea. First of all, you had shrunken yourself in a place where there were no real easily accessible means of climbing up things. No open desk drawers, no bed legs to clamber up on, nothing on the floor that could be used...things like that. And, on top of that, there was no possible way that you could leave this room! The door was a full sized door, it didn't have any kind of opening for your new, diminutive size! And forget escaping through the window or something. They were way too high up for you to get to. And, on top of that, there was no way that you knew of to return you back to your normal size...erf. Perhaps you needed to think this one out a bit more...

But, after a few minutes of wandering around aimlessly, you heard a knocking on the door that quite frankly made you jump! The sound was so much louder to you now, and after a few raps on the door you heard a slightly feminine voice coming from behind it. \"Housekeeping?\"

Your heart skipped a beat as you heard that voice. Housekeeping! They could help you get out of this mess, for sure! You didn't really have a way of contacting them at this size, though, so you just had to hope that they would decide to come inside. You heard another set of knocks, another housekeeping question...and then, you heard - and saw - the door starting to open wide!
") wait { msg ("You weren't sure what was waiting for you on the other side of that door, but when you actually saw them, you were still surprised. Stepping into your room was a giant, white and orange sergal, the whole creature dressed head-to-toe in the most stereotypical maid costume that you could have imagined! Pure black and white, frilly edges, an apron, the whole nine yards. They seemed to be pushing a large cart of some kind, a cart you had to quickly dodge out of the way of to make sure you didn't get run over by the unaware maid! Once you were safely on the side of the maid, though, your next task was to try and get her attention...a tough ask of your diminutive form, to be sure!

Your voice was quiet and squeaky, but you tried to make the best racket you possibly could down here to try and get the maid’s attention. At first, she was just going about cleaning things and changing sheets like normal, but eventually, you did see her stop and pause for a moment. \"What on Earth...\" she mumbled to herself, standing still and trying to locate the source of that weird noise she was hearing...
") wait { if (RandomChance(30)) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("And then, her gaze shifted right to you. At first, you were overjoyed! Surely, they would be willing to help once you explained that this was actually your room...but, as you saw the maid's face contort into a bit of a scowl, a thread of doubt started to run through your mind. \"Ew, a bug...\"

A-a bug? You weren't a bug. You were a person! Panic setting in, you started to wave your arms around and jump up and down, anything that would convince the sergal that you weren't just a bug...But it was clear that it wasn't working, and as the maid bent over and reached out an arm to try and pick you up, you started to book it! At your size, though, it was trivial for the maid to just snatch you right up, more panic starting to set in as you felt the shadow of her hand starting to cover you and her orange-nailed fingers slamming down in front of you before scooping you up in just a matter of seconds!

You tried to scramble between and pry open the fingers that trapped you so that you could make your escape, but the size difference was just far too much for you to do anything other than maybe tickle the maid's hand as she brought you up to her level! She jostled you around in her hand for a few moments, before opening it up and quickly reaching into her palm with her other hand to make sure you didn't run away! In just a few moments, you were pinched between two of her fingers, staring down a sergal head that looked like the size of your whole hotel room earlier...

\"Erf, bugs. Little pests. Guess I'll have to dispose of you...\"

Before you could even react, or try and change her mind, or just bail out of there, you felt the hand underneath you push you forward, like you had gotten in a fender bender or something! You flew right out of the maid's hand, and rocketed forward towards her snout...and then you saw her jaws open wide, her tongue looking like the exact spot you were about to land in! The thing was forked, orange like the rest of her flesh, and seemed to have little distinct sections...and, oh yeah, it was absolutely covered in drool! You tried to change the trajectory or do anything as you hurdled towards the humid landing pad that was her mouth, but you soon found that all you could really do was scream. And you were only screaming for a few seconds, before you splattered right onto that broad, slimy tongue, darkness surrounding you as the sergal’s teeth clamped shut behind you, trapping you entirely in the maid's mouth!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("This was getting bad, really bad, really fast. You needed to get out of here yesterday! But every surface you touched was alive, undulating, and coated in warm saliva that made it impossible for you to get a grip. The tongue underneath you started to really come to life, the maid sampling your taste and smushing you into the sides of her cheeks. Her tongue was just tossing you around inside of her mouth without a second thought! Judging by how much sticky saliva was soon coating your body, the maid seemed to enjoy your taste, at the very least...not like that was much of a solace for you, though. You were so disoriented, constantly being pushed and shoved to and fro inside of this humid wet darkness...

So, in a way, it was almost a relief when you felt the maid tip her head back, funneling you towards the back of her mouth - and her hungry throat. You slammed headfirst into the maid's throat sphincter, your face smearing up against the entrance for a few moments before you suddenly felt it yawn open and her tongue bump you right into that undulating chasm of a gullet! Suddenly, you were immersed in a place much like the sergal’s mouth, but far tighter and smaller. Throat flesh around you constantly squeezed and pressed against your vulnerable form, pushing you further and further into the maid’s body on a one-way ticket to her grumbly stomach. A small bulge traveled down the maid’s throat, disappearing deeper inside of her in just a few moments as the sergal got back to cleaning, absent-mindedly licking her lips a little bit to get the last of your flavor.
") wait { MoveObject (player, SalStomach) } } } else { msg ("And then, the maid's gaze shifted to you. At first, her eyes narrowed as she leaned forward, as if she was trying to see who you were...and then, her face lit up. \"Oh! Kayla told me about you! You are the one staying in this room, right? How’d you get so small?\" the sergal asked, before reaching down with one of her hands and very gently picking you up!

With her fingers wrapped around your torso and your head sticking out of her hand, you explained to the maid what exactly had happened to you. \"Oh, that silly horse. Probably left one of his vials out after having some fun…\" she commented, trailing off for a moment as if she was lost in thought or something. \"...you know, I could use some fun too…\" she continued coyly, a bit of a flirtatious smile appearing on her face as she looked back down towards you. \"Hmm, hmm, hmm. Want to be part of that fun, little guy?\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("You had no idea what the sergal could be referring to, but, well...there was definitely quite a bit of curiosity in you, curiosity that you ultimately decided to act upon! You nodded your head in the sergal’s grip, her face lighting up once more as she saw it. \"Oh, that's perfect! Let me just get...in position here…\" the sergal replied, keeping you tight in her grasp while she made her way towards your bed, lying down on it as the hand she had you contained and started to hover around her midsection. \"Oh! My name is Sal, by the way…\"

You stayed hovering in the air for a few moments, before you saw the sergal's other hand reach down and lift up the edge of the skirt she was wearing...and, all of a sudden, you realized what kind of fun Sal was referring to. The sergal wasn't wearing anything underneath that skirt, and she was starting to spread her legs while she brought you underneath her outfit, showing off the slit between her legs that she was bringing you towards…

There wasn't anything you could do to stop Sal at this point, so you just tried to get comfortable as the sergal continued bringing you closer to her nether lips, a sweet smell wafting out from between them that only got stronger as you came closer! \"Ah, little toys are always so nice…\" Sal said to herself as she pressed forward, your face being smushed against warm, slimy feminine flesh as the sergal started to use you as little more than a squirmy dildo! At first, she just sort of squished you against the opening to her nethers, teasing herself a little bit before she really took the plunge with you…she was only able to edge herself for a minute or two before you felt her hand shove you forward, though, almost all of your body getting immersed in slick, wet flesh!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Even as you were shoved up into her body, you could still hear the sergal's shrill cry of arousal as she pushed you up into herself, her voice much deeper and more intimidating now that it surrounded you like this! Already, you could feel her folds starting to clench and squeeze and pull you upwards, more than half of your body stuck inside of the sergal's vagina already, and more following up rather quickly! Her hand still had a rather tight grip around your legs, but she wasn't really pushing forward on you that much. No, she was just letting her body do its thing, rippling waves of tight flesh slurping you up inside with relative ease…

One last, even more powerful clench pulled you all the way inside of the sergal's canal, an even deeper moan echoing around you now that you were completely lodged inside! The maid continued to play with herself while you were pushed and shoved all the way up into her, her fingers caressing and plunging themselves into her pussy and begging to feel you wiggling around inside of her womb…
") wait { MoveObject (player, SalWomb) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("Not the right place for that.") } ]]>
msg ("Nothing happened.")
the stable false false A...brown horse. Not a normal one, though. It's standing on its hind hooves, just kind of...leaning against the back of the stall? With his arms crossed? And looking at you? Seductively? Rich false 0 0 = 20) { msg ("
Rich nickered as he saw you return to his stable. “So, it seems like you did take up my offer after all!” He chuckled as he looked you over. “Guess you enjoyed being inside of me. I don't blame you! I certainly enjoyed having you inside of me...the question is, what to do with you now?”") wait { msg ("
The horse continued to look you over for a while, clearly deep and thought as to what lewd things he could accomplish with a willing subject. He mulled over the possible options, before seeming to come to a conclusion. “I have the perfect idea…”

Suddenly, Rich turned away from you. You thought he might have been looking for something in his stall, but it clearly became obvious what he wanted your attention to be drawn to as he leaned over, spreading his cheeks a little bit, letting you gaze upon the thick, fleshy pucker between those cheeks. He let out a soft whinny as he played with his ass, stretching the pucker, even fingering it a little bit, making sure it was nice and stretchy for - you presumed - yourself. “Oh, yeah. Still as loose back there as ever…”

You found yourself staring at Rich's ass for a few moments, not exactly sure what he wanted you to do. He shook it impatiently a few times, before you heard his voice again. “Well? You're the one who came here wanting to see me again, you're going to have to get in there yourself!”

Even though it was a bit odd for the horse to ask you so directly, his reasoning did make sense. You were the one who came back, after all! So you made your way forward, still a bit unsure about this whole thing as you reached your arms out. You poked at that fleshy ring with one finger, feeling it squish quite nicely under your touch. Your wandering hand slowly made its way to the center of that pucker, eventually grabbing at one side and slowly stretching it out, getting good feedback in terms of noises from the horse. You got your other hand in there as well, slowly stretching out the ring as far as it could go without being uncomfortable. You were surprised at how stretchy it really was! It looked like Rich did stuff back here often... ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Eventually after playing with the pucker for a little longer, you decided to get down to business. You took a firm hold of the pucker on each side, stretching it out as you slipped your hands and arms down that dark, tight, wet tunnel. Feeling the flesh around you clench against your form, as well as the moaning coming from in front of you as you did so, was rather odd, but alluring at the same time...you pressed your nose up against that pucker as it started to clench and to grab on your arms, expediting the process a little bit now that his bowels had something to grab onto. Your nose fit right against that hole, letting you get a deep breath of the musky odor inside before slowly pressing forward…


The horse's ass made a few wet, sloppy sounds as it slowly worked on your head, stretching around and containing your form rather easily. You pressed forward until you felt the pucker clench around your neck, your entire head being contained by those wet bowel walls quite easily! You can feel those walls clenched tight around your head as Rich started to take over, the horse pressing his haunches down on you a little bit once his body got a grip on a part of you. He huffed and groaned as he worked his way around your body, you trying to help out the best you could buy putting your arms straight ahead, making it a bit easier for the horse to cram you up his rear.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
In just a few minutes, you felt your feet get lifted off the ground, Rich lifting his ass up in the air as his pucker clenched around your waist. “Ah, fuck...wiggle a bit more, would you?” you heard his voice rumble around you, the rhythmic clenching of his bowels keying you in on the fact that he was getting off, one hoof reaching back to stroke off his hardening length as more of you slipped inside of him. Rich being aroused made the whole process easier and quicker as well, although the tight clenching around you every few seconds or so was starting to knock the wind out of you every time it happened! Regardless, you tried to wiggle the best you could, the hot, tight bowel walls squeezing around you powerfully, but also in a way that drove your own arousal...that, and the earthy, musky scent of the bowels that encase you. Gravity helps you slide down a bit faster as well, your legs slipping inside of Rich’s hungry ass without much of a problem. Soon, only your feet were sticking outside of the soft, plush ring, Rich taking in a breath before clenching one last time, your feet disappearing inside of him with a wet *shlrp!*") wait { MoveObject (player, HorseBowels) } } } } } else { firsttime { msg ("
\"Hey, kid.\" Rich says as he leans against the back of his stall. He's standing there quite casually, actually, and...uh...with no clothes on, either, his dong just kind of swinging there. \"What're you doing around here?\" he asked.") horselist = NewStringList() list add (horselist, "Just wandering...") list add (horselist, "What are YOU doing here?") ShowMenu ("How do you answer him?", horselist, false) { if (result = "Just wandering...") { msg ("
\"Ah, well then, why don't you 'wander' into this stall then...maybe we could have some fun?\" the horse asks, raising an eyebrow almost comedically, realizing his pun was, yes, exactly as bad as you thought it was.") Ask ("Accept his invitation?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Excellent...don't worry, I won't hurt you.\" Rich says as he reaches around you and closes the stall door. It wasn't exactly a private room, but there was nobody else around, as far as you could tell.

\"Now then...\" the horse said as he reached over into the other stall and picked up some stuff. \"If you wanted to do something a bit more...kinky...then this stuff will shrink you down.\" He said as he offered you a bottle of liquid.") Ask ("Drink the liquid?") { if (result) { msg ("
You take the bottle from Rich's hand and gulp down the liquid. Nearly instantly you're shrunk down to be about a foot tall, your clothes not making the journey with you, falling to the floor and leaving you standing naked on the hay. The horse bends over you, a smile on his face as his booming voice echoes around you. \"Aww, you look so cute!\" he says as he picks you up in one of his hands.

\"Now then, we can get started...\" he says as he starts idly jerking at the horsecock that was swaying between his legs. You start to scramble a bit on his paw, wondering what he would do, before that voice came again. \"Don't worry, little one, I'm not gonna hurt you...this might be a bit weird, though.\"") wait { msg ("
Rich cups you in his hand as he starts to lower you to his furry sheath, stretching the flesh out a bit. You hear his voice again, this time above you. \"Heh, don't worry, I wasn't gonna put you down my cock...you're gonna go somewhere...different~\" he teases as you're lowered slowly into the sheath, the skin expanding around you as the horse holds his sheath open, letting go of you and letting you fall into it! The skin slaps tightly against you as Rich lets go of it, smacking you straight up against the horse cock, making it almost impossible to struggle...") wait { MoveObject (player, HorseSheath) } } } else { msg ("
You politely refuse the liquid. Rich scoffs a little, before putting it back. \"I had a hunch. But, I had a backup plan for some fun if you didn't wanna drink up...\" he says as he starts stroking at his member, it quickly growing in size, and becoming longer it seemed, too...he was huffing and puffing as he did it too, quite clearly getting into it. But soon, Rich pulled his hand away, standing as his cock stuck straight out, looking a bit proud. \"Well, are you just gonna stand there, or suck it?~\"") Ask ("") { if (result) { ClearScreen msg ("
You eagerly nod at the horse's request. \"Well then, get down~\" Rich says as he leans against the back of the stall, dick pointing straight out and at you, ready to be...serviced. You approach it slowly, getting down on your knees and opening your mouth to give it a cursory lick. Rich moans in response, giving an eager \"There ya go...\" as you start to go down on him, your lips expanding to take in the giant horse cock. You couldn't hope to swallow the whole thing, though, so you were stuck sucking on the end, your lips only covering about a third, maybe a half at best, of the monstrous dong. Still though, the horse is quite enjoying this experience, moaning as you lick at his cock slit every once in a while, as he pressed your head down to try and get more of him into you. You can feel his dick throbbing inside of your mouth as he starts to thrust a little..but you get the sensation he isn't exactly satisfied with your inability to deep throat him. You continue to suck him off, but no orgasm comes, even as you try and use your tongue to your best ability.") wait { msg ("
You hear Rich sigh as he starts to pull his dick out of your mouth. \"Sorry kid, looks like I'm just too big for you...\" he says as his dick flops out of your mouth. You notice he still has a firm grip on the back of your head, though, as he continues. \"But I think I have the perfect place for you...\" he says as he gives the back of your head a hard shove, locking your head into his shaft! You splay your arms out instinctively, trying to pull your head out of the shaft, but the head has a firm grip on you already. You hear the horse whinny as you struggle, obviously getting a kick out of it...your arms are still flying everywhere, trying to land a hit on Rich somehow, but honestly, the shaft is so long, you're only landing hits on the shaft itself and his arms...and those hits are really only helping the horse get off. At worst, they're making him clench, which only pulls you deeper, a loud whinny erupting as the cock works its way around your shoulders. \"F...fuck...\" you think you hear Rich moan as his cock continues to slurp you deeper, the ravenous length already having slurped you up to your chest now, leaving your lower half awkwardly flailing outside of the shaft.

The rippling walls around you continue to suck your body deeper, aided by the occasional pushes and thrusts of the horse as he works you down. You catch a whiff of the salty scent of horse cum, betraying how close you were to emptying out into his sac...that is, right next to it, another thrust from Rich pushing you into his balls, a loud whinny coming from the horse as he feels your body start to fill those fleshy sacs out. The pleasure Rich is feeling makes the rest of your decent rather quick, tight and fast clenches drawing your body further and further in, emptying more and more of you out into the sloshing pool of cum, until you feel the cock close behind your feet, completing your consumption. The horse massages the bulge you're making as your body travels further down his cock, moaning and whinnying every time he feels even an inch of you pass into his balls, until they're fully weighed down with your squirming self...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", true, false) play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", true, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HorseSac) } } } else { msg ("
\"Aw. Well, I guess I can't force you. But I was looking forward to some fun...\" Rich says as he starts idly jerking at his length.") } } } } } else { msg ("\"Well then, Mr. No Fun.\" the horse teases as he starts twiddling his thumbs, waiting for you to leave.") } } } else { msg ("
\"I'd ask why YOU'RE here, but I think I know. People come through all the time, looking for this thing...\" he says as you notice he has a token in his hand.") Ask ("\"I assume that's what you want, too?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, I knew it...\" Rich said as he flipped the thing in his hand. \"Can't imagine why you would, but I guess I could hand it over...\" He then raises the token above his head, opening his maw as he drops the thing into his mouth! You hear a gulp as the thing falls down his throat.

\"Or not.\" He says as he looks at you. \"What are you gonna do? Go in after it? I'd welcome that~\"") Ask ("Go in for the token?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"O-oh...I see.\" Rich stutters, not quite expecting you to be so intent on getting this token. \"Well then, hurry up before it gets digested, sna-I mean, kid!\" the horse says as he opens up his maw, his tongue inviting you inside...you stick an arm inside the mouth, which Rich soon wraps his lips around, tasting at your fingers and inviting you deeper. He looks at you expectantly before opening his mouth again. \"Go on, then...\" you heard him mumble from deep in his throat. You place your other hand inside Rich's mouth, hesitantly moving closer, your hands starting to rub over the back of his throat...and then the horse places his hooves at your sides, lifting you up in the air as he mumbles something incoherently. His jaws quickly wrap around your head, trapping you inside of his hot maw. You hear another mumble before Rich starts wrapping his long tongue around your head, giving you a thorough tasting and lubrication before sending you down.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
A quick *gulp* pulls your hands into Rich's throat, bringing your head closer to the back of the horse's maw. At this point, you were chest-deep into the horse's mouth, your other half hanging awkwardly outside of the lips, Rich not really even supporting your body anymore. He pulled his head up before taking another gulp, pulling your head into the hot, constrictive throat, as well as your waist into the mouth. The throat was a lot tighter than the mouth, and quite warmer as well, almost suffocating in a way, especially with the lack of wiggle room...another gulp sounded out around you, this time more clear since you were closer to the source, and you felt your legs being pulled into the mouth, licked over the same...you squirmed a bit as you felt Rich's tongue rub at your more sensitive areas before he slurped those down with another wet gulp, pulling your whole body inside of his. All that was outside the throat was your feet...and those too soon funneled to the back, disappearing into the horse with one last little gulp...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HorseStomach) } } } else { msg ("
\"Yeah, I didn't think so.\" Rich said before starting to jerk himself off. \"Can you give a horse some privacy?\" he asks, scowling at you.") } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh. Well, then I don't think I can help you.\" Rich says before returning to his lackadaisical pose, jerking himself off idly.") } } } } } otherwise { msg ("\"Sorry, kid, but I'm spent for right now...\" Rich says as he points at his cock, still dribbling a bit of cum. \"Come back later, though.\"") if (not Got(Room 5 Token)) { msg ("
{command:ask Rich about token:Ask Rich about the token?}") } } } ]]>
\"Oh, you're talking about this thing?\" the horse says as he takes the token out of...somewhere, holding the token in his hand.") Ask ("\"I assume that's what you want, too?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, I knew it...\" the horse said as he flipped the thing in his hand. \"Can't imagine why you would, but I guess I could hand it over...\" He then raises the token above his head, opening his maw as he drops the thing into his mouth! You hear a gulp as the thing falls down his throat.

\"Or not.\" He says as he looks at you. \"What are you gonna do? Go in after it? I'd welcome that~\"") Ask ("Go in for the token?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"O-oh...I see.\" the horse stutters, not quite expecting you to be so intent on getting this token. \"Well then, hurry up before it gets digested, sna-I mean, kid!\" the horse says as he opens up his maw, his tongue inviting you inside...you stick an arm inside the mouth, which the horse soon wraps his lips around, tasting at your fingers and inviting you deeper. He looks at you expectantly before opening his mouth again. \"Go on, then...\" you heard him mumble from deep in his throat. You place your other hand inside the horse's mouth, hesitantly moving closer, your hands starting to rub over the back of his throat...and then the horse places his hooves at your sides, lifting you up in the air as he mumbles something incoherently. His jaws quickly wrap around your head, trapping you inside of his hot maw. You hear another mumble before the horse starts wrapping his long tongue around your head, giving you a thorough tasting and lubrication before sending you down.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
A quick *gulp* pulls your hands into the horse's throat, bringing your head closer to the back of the horse's maw. At this point, you were chest-deep into the horse's mouth, your other half hanging awkwardly outside of the lips, the horse not really even supporting your body anymore. He pulled his head up before taking another gulp, pulling your head into the hot, constrictive throat, as well as your waist into the mouth. The throat was a lot tighter than the mouth, and quite warmer as well, almost suffocating in a way, especially with the lack of wiggle room...another gulp sounded out around you, this time more clear since you were closer to the source, and you felt your legs being pulled into the mouth, licked over the same...you squirmed a bit as you felt the horse's tongue rub at your more sensitive areas before he slurped those down with another wet gulp, pulling your whole body inside of his. All that was outside the throat was your feet...and those too soon funneled to the back, disappearing into the horse with one last little gulp...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, HorseStomach) } } } else { msg ("
\"Yeah, I didn't think so.\" the horse said before starting to jerk himself off. \"Can you give a horse some privacy?\" he asks, scowling at you.") } } } else { msg ("
\"Oh. Well, then I don't think I can help you.\" the horse says before returning to his lackadaisical pose, jerking himself off idly.") } } ]]>
Rich's sheath false
"You feel great in there..." Rich moans as he continues to stroke himself off, just your presence inside of his sheath arousing him intensely...no struggles required! But you can try.]]>
You are surrounded by You can really hear Rich going at it now, moaning and panting as he strokes himself harder, the heat from his balls and shaft somewhat transferring to his sheath, making you sweat a little as your confines become tighter and tighter. Judging from this rate, though, it shouldn't be long before he blows...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
And then, it comes, Rich moaning and whinnying as he messily orgasms all over his stall, hot ropes of cum being shot against the floor and walls, quickly running down the walls to dry on the hay-covered floor...the sheath tightens around you with every clench and shot load, feeling like a vicegrip at this point, you worried that you would end up suffocating, it was so hard to breathe or move inside of this thing. But eventually, Rich calms down, having gotten his rocks off.

\"Ah...thanks, I needed that...\" you hear him boom as he reaches a hand down to his sheath again, his horsecock slowly retreating back into it somewhat as he pries it open, pinching you with his free hand and pulling you out of that sweltering sack. He held you in one hand while he went back to dig in that other stall, pulling out a small vial of clear liquid and placing it in his hand. \"Here, drink this...\" he said. You immediately pull the cork off and start to tip the vial before he furrows his eyebrows at you. \"...After I put you down, please.\" He does as he says, placing you on the floor in front of him. THEN you gulp down the clear liquid, quickly growing back to full size (albeit still naked) and standing before the horse.

\"Thanks for the fun, kid.\" he says. \"Come around later and I might have something else for ya...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, Room5StableStall) SetTurnTimeout (20) { Horse.scenewait = 20 } } } } ]]>
You try to move but the sheath isn't budging at all.
Rich's sac false One last clench from Rich, one loud whinny, and you're fully inside of the horse's sac. It's quite taut, stretching around your form, making it rather difficult to move. The other dominating feature is the sloshing pool of cum currently lapping at your knees as you try to adjust yourself...somehow. Looks like the horse's body isn't cooperating, though. You are surrounded by You're starting to get tired out now, the sloshing sea of cum always touching some part of your body, leaving it tingling. It feels like the fluid is almost sapping your energy, making it so hard to struggle...not like you could, the taut walls not able to stretch any further. You felt like you were inside of a balloon...but this one wouldn't pop, no matter how hard you tried. All that would happen if you tried pushing out would be a lewd groan from Rich, and probably him pumping his cock even harder, which only made the muggy environment inside of his balls even more difficult to deal with. At any rate, it was becoming harder to stay conscious in here.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
It's practically impossible to struggle at this point. You could feel the horse's arousal rising with every part of your body, and not helping was the fact that he was starting to fondle his balls now, stimulation constantly coming from all sides as he massaged at the bulge you made, feeling it start to soften away somewhat as your body began to melt away into the pool of cum you were sitting in. Most of your limbs had already melted, leaving your consciousness somewhat detached from the rest of your body. Not that it'd be around for long...Rich pumping his cock even harder now as he feels you start to melt away for good, your last struggles being quite weak as the overpowering environment in the sac shuts you down for good...

\"Aah...there you go~\" Rich says as the squirmy feeling inside his sac was replaced with the dull weight of full balls. He was already leaking some pre, but it was really starting to come out now, the horse stroking his flared cock as he felt his orgasm start to rise. \"Mmph..this is gonna be a fucking...fantastic load...\" he moaned as he felt cum start to surge out of his balls, whinnying as he felt his orgasm erupt, wet, sticky strands of cum being sprayed onto the hay-covered floor, occasionally venturing to the walls of the stable as Rich lost control of his cock. Sometimes it was just a bit TOO long...but eventually he'd get a grasp on it again, even as he leaned back against the stable wall, nearly drowning in pleasure as the afterglow started to come on, his cock slowly unflaring and shrinking down as he lolled against the stable wall. \"D...damn...I need to do that more often...\" he said as he relaxed, slumping a bit against the stable wall as he started to get a little tired. Having a big meal like that always made him tired...

*You had some fun with a horse...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Thin, and currently producing cum at an impressive rate. Impressive, or, in your case, quite alarming. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You cause the cum around you to slosh a bit, but otherwise not much results from your struggles.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("It takes a lot for you to even make an imprint on the balls...well, any more of an imprint than you're already making.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The horsecock dribbles a little pre as Rich pumps away at it.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Nngh...not much longer till you're just a big load of musky cum~\" Rich teases as he feels you squirming away inside of him.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You succeed!...in arousing the horse even further, as he starts rubbing his cock even faster now, waiting for his release...whether or not you'd be alive for it.") } else { msg ("All you manage to do is get Rich to moan. Good job?") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
Rich's stomach false 0 You are surrounded by The horse's gut was clenched tight around you, any cracks between you and the stomach walls filling up with tingling digestive fluids almost immediately. The tight, oppressive bowel walls had sapped all of your strength to struggle, but why would you? You had come back yourself to this alluring equine, it was only fair to let him claim you as food and an orgasm…") } else { msg ("
Your head poked out into Rich's stomach, somewhat more spacious than the throat, but somehow even more hot and wet than the throat was. It's almost overpowering, that and the stench. It smells like...like rotting hay, almost. But, at least you wouldn't be in here for too long, as long as you found the token quickly...you felt another ripple of flesh around you as the rest of your body slid out into the horse's stomach, one last gulp apparently, lodging you fully inside of Rich's gurgling gut.

*UUURRPPPPP*...\"Sorry kid, I get pretty gassy,\" you heard a deep voice echo around you. \"It should be in there somewhere. Don't take too long though, or I might end up keepin' ya...\"") } ]]>
You could already start to feel Rich’s belly claiming you. The tingling had spread up your legs, and in the darkness, it felt like your senses were being completely overwhelmed. All you could hear was the deep, guttural noises of Rich's body, as well as the loud moans of a horse in heat. He was so close…he started thrusting his dick straight into his gut, making you a bit nauseous as your enclosure shook and wobbled around you; that also helped work those digestive fluids deeper into you. Hopefully the horse would orgasm before it was too late... ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You had hoped that Rich would finish himself off before you were completely melted, but as his stomach continued to clench tighter around you and work those digestive fluids deeper into your skin, you started to realize that it was far too late. It didn't matter if he orgasmed now; you would be nothing but a thick sludge by the time he got to you. It honestly felt...nice, though? The tingling sensation spread all over your body, and the stomach walls constantly rubbing and massaging at you honestly felt quite wonderful and intimate...the lewd groans and constant shaking of the belly around you as Rich humped it made that atmosphere a bit less charming though. Not like you could appreciate it, your consciousness starting to have difficulty telling you apart from the rest of the sludge you were bathing in. And before it could figure out the difference, you lost consciousness inside the thick horse gut...

Rich hardly even noticed that you had stopped moving inside of him. He was too focused on his libido at that point, and even if he did notice, he probably wouldn't have cared. All he heard was a wet gurgle from his belly signaling that you were more soup than person inside of him. That just made his belly softer and easier to hump, the horse groaning as he thrusted his cock up against his belly. He was definitely sweating from all the effort he put in at this point, but a few moments later, he got his payoff; thick ropes of horse jizz blasted out of his tip, splattering all across the stable! A bit of it even got on the ceiling...Rich stood there for a few more moments, playing and stroking at his length as it finished spurting out the last of his load, before plopping down on the ground. It was at this point that he noticed how round and squishy his belly was, and knew what had happened. “Thanks for coming back, kid…” He said as he rubbed at his gut, slowly falling asleep inside of his stable.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The horse awoke much later, with a much smaller belly as well. He appreciated that you had decided to end up mostly on his belly; his ass was soft and fat enough as it was! Speaking of his ass, though, he felt the last of you needing to come out. He got up, whistling as he opened his stable door and made his way to another stable down the hall. He opened the door, revealing quite the large pile of manure; assumedly from every other hotel guest he had devoured in the past. He turned around and squatted, grunting before he felt the last of you slide out of his pucker. “Ah, there we go…” he huffed as the waste plopped on to the rest of the pile, the horse feeling a few more bits of you sliding out of him before he was finished. He turned around to look at the growing pile before stepping out, feeling his gut already starting to rumble for breakfast... ") } msg ("
*You came back...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } else { SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("1433315482.jeschke_ethicist_commission_3hourslater.mp3", false, true) msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { if (game.pov.parent = HorseStomach) { msg ("
It's becoming harder to move around in the horse's stomach. You're not even sure if you have the token or not at this point, you can't really feel much of anything...if you don't get out of here soon, then you're gonna end up as fat on Rich's waist, or rear...") SetTimeout (20) { if (game.pov.parent = HorseStomach) { wait { msg ("") msg ("
You've completely run out of energy at this point. The stomach is just too overbearing, and you can barely see or feel around in the muck that's coating everything inside (including yourself). It's just...too hard. So, you collapse against the stomach, a combination of the heat, stench, and tingling doing you in...

Outside, Rich rubs at his gut, which gives a loud glrrrnnnn in response to your defeat. \"Ah, well, I guess he couldn't find it...\" the horse said as he plopped down onto the hay bed at the back of the stall. \"Guess I'll just sleep ya off, then...\" Rich mused as he gave his gut a good rub and pat, feeling what was left of you sloshing around in there, slowly being processed into more horse. It wasn't often that people didn't find the token; usually they just wanted to end up adding to the horse's gut anyway, so they didn't even try. He thought it was pretty weird, but eh, a meal was a meal at that point. Sometime during the horse's sleep, he idly belches up the token, splatting against the hay-covered ground. The things were indigestible, so they had to come out eventually. Rich idly rubbed at his gut in his sleep, the paunch already having shrunk and rounded out a bit, barely betraying the fact that you were still gurgling inside...although \"you\" were currently in a lot of places at this point.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Rich woke up sometime later, his gut noticably shrunken, looking more like he was a bit chubby than anything else. He left your remains covertly in a corner of the stable before setting up shop again, waiting for somebody else to pass by to have some fun with...or maybe to have dinner with. Maybe even both.") } msg ("
*You missed your chance for a token...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Dark, slimy, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You pressed out against the bulge Rich's cock made against his gut, hearing a soft whinny in the distance in response, followed by a thick belch…") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("The stomach rumbled as it rebuked your struggles with ease.") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,8) if (random = 1) { msg ("You don't make the stomach move much.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You hear Rich moan as you press out against his gut. \"That feels pretty nice, actually...\" he whinnies.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You slosh around the stomach fluids, covering you in chyme...but little else.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You press out against the stomach walls, but they move back to their original form pretty quickly.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You hear a belch rumbling off in the distance.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Why are you struggling? You should be looking for that token...\" the horse says as he rubs at his gut.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Rich rubs at his gut absentmindedly, quite enjoying the feeling of being full.") } else { msg ("You try to look for the exit, but you can't find it. This stomach is still pretty dark, after all...") } } ]]> The room token for Room 5. Look at Drop TokenCall
false Rich's bowels ]]> You are surrounded by ") } msg ("
You felt like you had been winding your way through Rich for hours. Nothing much had changed, except the tightness around you increasing as Rich became more and more aroused. He was starting to really get into it, the huffs and moans of the horse becoming deeper and surrounding you even more as he stroked off. After a while, you felt your surroundings shift somewhat as Rich laid back on his haunches, standing you straight up inside of his bowels. He pressed his throbbing shaft right up against the bulge you made, humping it a little bit as he stroked off harder. “Hhh... almost…” you heard him mumble, making you blush a little bit as you thought about how you were basically being used as a sex toy by this hunky horse... ") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After burrowing as deep as possible into the horse, and spending hours twisting your way through his bowels, you finally felt something change ahead of you. Namely, you felt yourself squish up against something fleshy. The bowels clenched tightly around you, making you quite uncomfortable as they thrust you right up against that fleshy wall. You could hear gurgling and groaning right on the other side of it; there was no question, this was Rich's stomach. You felt like you were being thrown right up against a brick wall, but eventually, that fleshy wall gave way, slowly opening up and allowing the bowels to push you through into the stomach! Now that you were closer to the outside world, you could really hear the horse as he went at it, his throbbing length pressed right up against the bulge you made inside of him. Apparently, the sensation of you sliding through and curling up inside of his belly hadn't quite made him blow yet, but you could tell that he was close! The warped belly walls clenched tight around you as you stretch them out, forcing you to curl up somewhat awkwardly inside of Rich’s belly as the horse the continued going at himself.") wait { MoveObject (player, HorseStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You wiggled the best you could inside the horse’s tight bowels. It didn't really do much.") } else { msg ("You tried to press forward inside of the deep intestinal maze, but the intestines pushed your advances back. It seemed they were intent on doing this at their own pace. ") }
false the Open Close false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 6) false You open the door and see a deer lying down on the hotel bed in front of you. He's watching TV, or at least he was until he heard his door open. \"Uh...are you part of the staff or something?\" he said, raising an eyebrow as you walked into the room.") Ask ("") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Well, I didn't exactly call for anyone to come in. But, I guess you're housekeeping or something...\" the deer says as he gets out of his bed. \"Name's Neil. Now, do whatever you need to. I've got time.\"") } else { msg ("
\"...Then what are you doing here?\" He asks. \"Oh, nevermind. I think I've already decided what you're gonna be doing here...\" the deer says as he gives his lips a lick, quickly closing the distance between you two as you turn around to finagle with the lock - but when you closed the door, it locked! You try to unlock the door, but Neil is closing in on you...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(65)) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", true, false) } msg ("
You're sweating as you try and undo the lock on the door, but you can't do it in time. Just then, you feel the impact of the deer hitting your body, slamming you up against the door quite powerfully. The deer is considerably taller than you, and you were already cowering a bit while you were trying to open the door, so currently most of your vision was being taken up by the deer's chubby belly. \"Where does my little snack think it's going...\" Neil says as he grinds his belly against your face a bit. You can hear the gurgling of his stomach as you're slowly pressed into the chub. This goes on for a while before you feel a wet touch on your head, Neil taking a tentative lick of your forehead. \"Oh, you taste wonderful...you'll make great buttfat~\" you hear him say (albeit muffled) as the churning gut continues to mush up against your face, the loud groans and gurgles quite obviously indicating the deer's hunger...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } picture ("Neil Smallest.gif") msg ("
\"Nngh...how you feeling down there, snack?\" Neil asks as he rubs his gut against your face some more. \"Hear it in there? My belly can't wait for you~\" he says as he grabs your head, lifting you up to face him. \"But I think that's enough teasing. I'm pretty starved...\" the deer says as he opens up his maw, letting you see all the glistening features of it, including his long tongue, which extended out for an eager lick. \"Aah, you taste as good as you look...\" he says before a lewd *BUUUUURP* rumbles out of his throat, blowing flecks of saliva onto your face. \"Oh, sorry. That was lunch.\" He says as he starts to bring you closer to his maw, lips expanding around your head...") wait { msg ("
Your face lands on Neil's tongue, the deer eagerly rubbing the rough appendage over you, covering you in sticky deer saliva. You can smell the lingering scent of the belch, sickeningly sweet and just a tinge acidic. It makes you curl your nose up a bit as your tongue bath continues, the deer leaning back against the door as he slowly feeds more of you into him. Your head teeters over the end of his mouth before a *gulp!* pulls you in, Neil sighing as he feels your head lodge firmly in his throat. He takes one hand away from your body, not needing to grip you much as he tipped his head up, letting gravity push you farther down his throat. That hand loosened his scarf a bit before rubbing at the bulge in his throat as it wriggled further down. Another gulp pulled you deeper in, the throat with a firm grip on your waist now. Only your legs had any purchase inside the deer's mouth now, and that purchase was quickly sinking as gravity continued to pull you down deeper. You could feel a hand rubbing at your waist as it slipped down the throat, the deer practically moaning as he felt you fill out his body. He didn't even have to gulp you down anymore, you were just sliding down slowly, the back of his mouth yawned open to accept you in. Neil still gulps, though, delighting in the noise, feeling you squirm as peristalsis pushes you deeper, chuckling a bit as he closes his lips. Your body is entirely locked inside of his throat at this point, and your head is already poking out into his stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilStomach) } } } } else { msg ("
You manage to undo the lock in time! You fling the door open and run out into the lobby, slamming it shut immediately. Don't want to run the risk of a chase...") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } } } } } else { msg ("
You open the door into an empty hotel room. Things are strewn about, as if someone had unpacked, but then left...

You have a vague feeling that you shouldn't be snooping around in here.") } ]]>
Bed Look at false Look at Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close The room token for Room 6. Look at Drop TokenCall Dresser A small, wooden dresser adjacent to the bed. It contains Look at Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), Neil)) { msg ("You open the dresser, but you don't think you should try and take anything with Neil around...he looks at you quizzically.") } A dark blue pair of briefs, which you presume belong to Neil. \"Hey, don't take that!\" Neil says angrily, running over to you as you ferret around in his underwear drawer. \"What do you think you're doing!?\"") } else { msg ("
For some reason, you feel compelled to take the deer's underwear. You don't know why, but you go through with it, grabbing the folded briefs out of the dresser. You were just about to stuff them into your pocket before you heard the door open behind you. You immediately freeze like a deer in headlights as Neil walks back into his room, a towel slung over his shoulder, the deer only wearing a pair of gym shorts.

The deer locks eyes with you for a moment, stunned to find someone in his room, let alone someone trying to steal his undergarments! \"....What the hell are you doing?\" he finally asks after a few awkward seconds of silence. You don't respond at all, and after a few more awkward seconds, Neil gently closes the door behind him, before he slowly walks towards you. \"Well?\" he asks as he gets closer to you, the chubby cervine starting to bare over you a bit as you're still frozen in place by a combination of embarrassment and shock.") wait { msg ("
Neil was now inches away from you, the deer casually taking his gym shorts off and flinging them to the floor, revealing a similar pair of tight, blue undies to the ones you still had in your hands. \"Ya like undies, huh?\" the cervine said comfortably, a sly grin starting to spread across his face as he closed in on you. \"Why don't you get a closer look, then?~\" You weren't sure what the deer meant, but you would learn a few seconds later as you felt one of his hands wrap around the back of your head, pulling you straight into his body! Your body is forced to its knees, your face squished against his pot belly for a few seconds before he adjusts you, bringing you down to the musky fabric wrapped around his groin...

Neil grinds your face into his underwear bulge, the heavy, heady scent of the deer's musk, tinged with the lingering scent of the deer's workout, immediately surrounding your head as you drown in his bulge. \"Take a few big whiffs! I know you love deer musk...\" the deer teased, chuckling as he enveloped you in the scents of his groin. You try and struggle out, but the deer's grip is locktight, forcing you against his bulge even harder as you try and struggle. Your lungs are filled with the powerful odor, and you feel a dizziness start to come on as Neil continues smothering you in his bulge. You can feel your knees start to wobble, and it feels like your whole body is starting to gently tingle as well...") wait { msg ("
That dizziness continued to grow in your mind as Neil continued to grind your face against his undie bulge. You can't struggle any more at this point, your body is tingling all over, and you can't even tell if you're moving your limbs at this point at all...Neil just chuckles above you as he feels you start to go limp against his bulge, the deer's heady musk completely overpowering your senses. \"I knew you'd enjoy it...\" the deer teases.

You don't even notice him slowly sliding his musky undies down to his ankles and kicking them off, your face now smooshed up directly against the deer's sheath and balls...somehow, the musk is even more potent here. So potent, in fact, that you start to feel your nose...itch? Yes, itch slightly, an aggrivating itch that, to make matters worse, you couldn't scratch at all...") wait { msg ("
\"If you like deer undies so much, I think you'll LOVE becoming a pair of them...\" was the last thing you heard Neil say before your senses started to blend together, the itch in your nose starting to spread across your entire face, quickly overtaking your entire body. You felt yourself starting to flatten, like you were being spread out by a gigantic rolling pin! You try to yell, but nothing comes out as you feel your body slowly starting to slump down from Neil's crotch, although the scent of the deer's musk was still surrounding you...

Neil gently removes his hand from the back of your head, and that's when you crumple to the floor. The deer stands over you, his sheath (with cock poking out) and sac hanging out freely in the open, a smirk spread across the cervine's muzzle before he leans down to you. \"Looking much better already...\" he teases as his hand reaches out. You try to run away, but you can't move at all as Neil grabs your body, stretching you out before he pulls you over each of his legs, sliding you up his thighs. You feel your body wrap around the deer's ample rear and crotch bulge, the familiar overpowering odor of the deer's musk returning to you as your body stretches around Neil's sheath, his cock starting to snake out of his sheath and making a small bulge in your body.

\"Nice and tight~\" the deer comments as he rubs at his rump, feeling his plush orbs contained quite nicely by your new body. You feel yourself start to move as the deer makes his way over to the bathroom, and then you can see your worst fear, confirmed: the deer had somehow transformed you into another pair of those same blue undies! The deer admired himself in the mirror for a while, letting you see all angles of your new body...and then you noticed a number on the waistband. #17. You remembered that a similar thing was present on the waistband of the pair you'd taken earlier...#16. You weren't even the first victim of this deer, or even one of the first couple...

\"Aah, I think #17 might be the most comfortable yet...\" the deer teased as he walked out of the bathroom, slipping on a new pair of shorts, and heading back out, this time perhaps to the pool or hot tub...

*You snooped around in someone's dresser...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
0 0 if (game.pov.parent = Locker Room) { msg ("Neil is currently idly digging through one of the lockers in the room. He keeps pulling out various scarves, and looks vaguely annoyed...why does he have scarves in his locker? The deer's completely nude, allowing you a nice view of his plump rear. He either doesn't notice that his towel's slid off of him, or doesn't care...") } else if (game.pov.parent = Gym) { msg ("It's that gray deer again. He's currently jogging on one of the treadmills near the back of the gym, but there was something that immediately caught your eye that seemed different about him. The deer already had a healthy amount of...er...assets that bounced around with his every step on that treadmill, but there was one that you hadn't noticed until now. It was in his pants, or rather, his underwear...one hell of a bulbous bulge! It honestly looked like Neil had stuffed tissue paper into his underpants or something. It was a ridiculous sight to see, for sure. You almost wanted to inquire about it with Neil…") } else { msg ("A gray deer guy. Stands around 6'1'', but he's still a bit chubby, most noticeably in his paunch of a gut and ample rear. He always seems to be wearing (only) a scarf for some reason, his sheath bobbing out in plain sight; and his only other distinguishing feature are his antlers. They don't look...normal. They kind of jut out in front of his head, and they're all knubby! He looks vaguely quizzical at your presence in his room, but something also tells you he's interested in you...") } You approach the deer, tapping him lightly on the shoulder as he digs through his locker. He almost flinches for a moment, before turning around to look at you. \"Hm?\" Neil says, standing over you, a little bit imposing...the deer's sheath bobs idly, as if waiting for you to respond. \"Well, out with it. What do ya want?\"") Ask ("Ask Neil to shower with you?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, a shower? Well, I suppose...\" the deer says, before closing his locker door. He looks down at his body, noticing that his towel had fallen off. \"Oh! Uh, sorry...\" he says, blushing as he picks it back up, before he leads you over into the showers. He hangs his towel over the side of the stall before hopping in, turning on the water and feeling the steam rise up around his body. \"Aah...\" he says as he starts to wash up, before hearing the door open and close again as you entered the stall. \"Ah, I almost forgot about you for a moment...\" the deer says as he resumes washing up, his round figure making you fight a bit for space in the stall as you started to wash up yourself.

\"Aaah, I love a nice, hot shower after a long day. Really relaxes the muscles...\" Neil idly says as he continues to wash up, nudging up against your body a bit. \"Sometimes it can get me a bit....excited, though....\"

It was pretty obvious that Neil was trying to hint at something...") Ask ("Take the hint?") { if (result) { msg ("
You decide to act a bit on the deer's hint, getting a little closer to his body as you washed up, bumping into him occasionally. You could see a reddish blush clearly developing on the deer's cheeks as he continued to lather up. This nonverbal back-and-forth teasing continued on for some time, before the deer finally decided to speak again. \"I know you've been looking at it...\" he said, obviously referring to his \"assets\", the deer's sheath still bobbing up and down as he moved around. He turned towards you, smiling slyly as he looked down at you, not exactly towering over you, but still a bit intimidating. \"Let's get you down there...\" he said as he gently placed his hands on your shoulders, pushing you into kneeling down. You knew this had been what the deer had been hinting at, and so that's why you didn't resist...but, even in all the steamy arousal of the situation, the deer's cock still hadn't slid out of his sheath...the furry thing was still bobbing there, but now only a few inches away from your face...") wait { msg ("
\"Heh, I don't think I've ever tried this before...\" you heard the deer say before you felt those hands again, this time on the back of your head, pushing you straight into his sheath! At the same time, Neil rolled his hips forward, and you also realized that you were kneeling right in front of the wall, which left nowhere for your body to go but...in. You heard a wet, sharp *shlrp!* around you as your head slid into Neil, the deer moaning as you did. You weren't sure where you were exactly - it wasn't as tight as his shaft, and the musky scent wasn't really there either...all you knew is that whatever you were in had already swallowed up your whole head! The flesh wrapped tight around your head, but still stretched quite nicely, allowing you a fair bit of movement inside. The stretchiness of the walls...the relative lack of lubrication...you were starting to piece it all together....were you in Neil's sheath!?

You could feel the deer starting to walk forward more, pushing more of your body up into...wherever you were. \"Aah, I didn't even think I could fit you in there...\" you could hear Neil moan, a bit muffled, but still quite intelligible...yeah, that was the damning evidence. Somehow, you had been lodged into the deer's sheath! The musky scent was starting to waft up, though, due to your apparent proximity to the deer's cock...the slurping sheath had already worked its way around your shoulders, gentle clench-like motions pulling you deeper into the sheath...you weren't sure how he was managing it, but Neil was somehow slurping up your whole body into his stretchy sheath! The flesh had already wrapped its way around the widest part of your body, and now with that out of the way, it was a lot easier for Neil to just clench you inside, occasionally rolling his hips forward to take in large segments of your body.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your chest was firmly lodged into Neil's sheath by now, the deer really unable to control his lust at this point, thrusting forward to slurp up more of your body more efficiently. Your legs started to get slurped inside, leaving them dangling awkwardly out of Neil's sheath as the deer slowly inched away from the left stall wall. He was essentially jerking at his sheath now, and you could feel his cock snaking out of it as he did, the deer's length pushing your legs up against the sheath as you started to snake your way deeper into Neil's furry sac. You weren't exactly inside the churning balls, although you could definitely hear the cum inside bubbling with Neil's arousal, you ended up more...wrapped around them, your body leaving quite the obvious imprint on Neil's sheath as the last of your body was slurped inside, Neil moaning as he felt his sheath starting to stretch around your wiggling ankles...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilSheath) } } } } else { msg ("
You opt to not act on Neil's hinting, just finishing your shower up. He teased a few more times, but eventually got the hint that you really just wanted to take a shower...with someone else. Hey, he doesn't judge...

The two of you finish up your shower, helping each other out before walking out. \"Thanks for helping me out!\" Neil said as the two of you walked out of the showers, idly chatting as you walked back to the locker room. Eventually you said goodbye, though, and Neil went back to digging around in his locker.") } } } else { msg ("
You say nothing, just kind of shrugging. The deer furrows his brow before turning back around to his locker, grumbling a bit about being \"interrupted\".") } } } else if (game.pov.parent = Gym) { msg ("You walked up to the side of Neil's treadmill, addressing him as he continued running without interruption. \"Dude, are you okay down there?\" you asked, pointing directly at his jiggling underwear bulge! The deer didn't respond at all at first, before he started to reach up and grab at something. It was at this point that you realized the deer had been wearing earbuds this whole time! Neil casually pulled the left one out before turning his head to you, reaching forward and turning off the treadmill all in one fell swoop. \"What's up?\"

You quickly pointed a finger right at the deer's crotch, commenting on how large it was and if you, like, needed to go to the hospital or something! The expression on Neil’s face quickly turned to one of confusion as he looked down at what you were pointing at, before his face lit back up a little bit. \"Oh, that? Hah, yes, I would say that's normal for me. Why? Are you curious about it?~\"

Neil trailed off at the end of his sentence in a way that made you think he was hinting at something. The question was, would you take that hint?
") Ask ("Take the hint?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("It just made sense to say yes to Neil. After all, your curiosity had led you to approach him in the first place, so you might as well keep pushing on that curiosity! \"Oh! Going to be honest, didn't expect you to say yes. Give me a moment here…\" the deer answered, stuffing his earbuds into his pocket before stepping off of the treadmill and leading you over to a nearby bench up against one of the walls. Emotion for you to take a seat, which you did, and you quickly realized that Neil was looming over you in this position...and that bulge that had initially caught your eye was nearly at eye level! You knew that Neil was setting up for something, but you weren't really sure exactly what was going to happen next…

The deer tugged at the waistband of his workout shorts, sliding both the shorts and the underwear that was hiding beneath them down his fat rump cheeks and thighs. And what happened next...well, it all went down in an instant. As soon as Neil's bottoms slid past his crotch, you saw a huge lump of gray fur literally burst out of the fabric confines, the bulbous bulge rushing right towards you and nearly instantly smothering you against the wall and the bench you were sitting on with a soft, yet weighty *fwmph!*. You managed to hear a soft bleat from the deer as he unloaded his massive package to you, most of your upper body quickly being entirely smothered by hefty, soft, musky deer balls! \"Hah...those Stretch-O undies do a great job of hiding most of what I've got, but it always feels good to take them off and just let the boys air out, you know?\" Neil explained to you as his sweaty hyper nuts rubbed all over your body, smearing that powerful deer musk right against your skin. The scent was so strong, it was making your nose tingle and your head start to swim! Gods...you didn't know they made special size changing underwear for hypers…
") wait { MoveObject (player, NeilHyperRoom) } } else { msg ("Neil just put his headphones back in and continued his workout.
") } } } else { if (Neil.talk = 1) { msg ("
\"...Are you sure you work here?\"") Neil.talk = 2 } else if (Neil.talk = 2) { msg ("
\"Do you even know how to make a bed?\" Neil asks, tapping his hoof impatiently on the carpet.") Neil.talk = 3 } else if (Neil.talk = 3) { msg ("
Neil audibly sighs. \"Oh, I think I get your angle. Pretend to be housekeeping, barge into my room, rummage through my stuff. Got it.\" He pauses. \"Or maybe...\" he says as he gives his chub a little jiggle, \"you wanted to get to know me a little more, huh?...I can tell. You're blushing a little.\" He chuckled as you felt at your face, confirming that, indeed, your cheeks were red. \"Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of...\" he said as he started to walk over to his bed, laying down on the mattress, and patting the spot next to him. \"Well?\" he asks. \"Wanna get to know me?\"") Ask ("\"Get to know\" Neil?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You take up Neil on his offer, coming over and lying down on the bed next to him. His body is quite warm, and he immediately wraps his arms around your body, pulling you closer to him in a pseudo-snuggle. His fur is quite soft and nice, and his gut is quite squishy as well...you think you can hear some gurgles coming from it, but maybe he just hadn't eaten yet. \"See, not so bad.\" he said as he rested his chin on your head, pushing you up against his chest a bit more. You can hear the gurgles a bit more now, and you wonder if the deer had skipped lunch or something...still, it didn't worry you that much. His embrace felt quite nice...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } msg ("
The two of you cuddle for some time, Neil occasionally adjusting a bit as he held you against his chest tightly. His muzzle continued to rest on top of your head, the deer sighing contentedly as he holds you in his warm embrace. A prolonged silence follows, before you hear the deer ask a question. \"Aah...this is nice...but maybe you wanna do something a bit more...active?\" You felt Neil's grip loosen a bit, which allowed you to look around, first to the deer's smirking face, then a bit lower...to see his sheath, and slowly emerging cock. You look back to Neil. \"Heh...like what you see?\" he asks. \"I thought we could get a bit more intimate...\" he says as he removes his arms from your body entirely, one reaching down to stroke at his length, and the other resting on his side. \"So what about it?\"") neillist = NewStringList() list add (neillist, "Yes") list add (neillist, "No") list add (neillist, "Rub his belly") ShowMenu ("\"\"Get to know\"\" Neil?", neillist, false) { if (result = "Yes") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
\"That's what I thought....\" the deer said as he started to get up. \"Take off your clothes, and get on your stomach...make sure to wiggle that butt too~\" You do as Neil asks as he rummages through the nightstand next to the bed, before pulling out a rather large bottle of lube. Your clothes are flung to the side of the bed as Neil pours some lube into his hand, stroking up and down on his cock before hopping back onto the bed, this time in position to mount you. He dips his finger into the lube bottle, making sure to get it nice and slippery before you feel his finger brush up against your pucker, spreading the lube around your ass before he pushes his finger in. \"Oh, a tad tight...well, lube can definitely fix that.\" he said as he popped his finger out. \"Get ready...\" the deer said as he braced your hips, the long deer-cock brushing up against your butt before a sudden thrust pushes that deer cock deep up into you! You weren't quite ready for Neil to penetrate you so...eagerly, crying out as you felt him thrust inside of you. \"Unf, tight...\" the deer moaned as he thrusted in again, his cock gradually snaking deeper into your bowels with every thrust. Despite Neil saying (well, moaning) about it being tight, he was still getting deeper into you quite quickly, the deer's eager thrusts accompanied by Neil tightening the grip he had on your hips.

Soon, you could hear Neil making noises alongside every thrust, an odd sound that sounded like a mix between a moan and a bleat. He started to go quicker with his thrusts as well, your bowels almost taking his full length at this point. It was pretty clear he was starting to reach orgasm...and you were feeling the same, Neil's cock thrusting inside of you oh-so-wonderfully, reaching all those nice spots...now Neil was going even faster, hips making contact and slapping against each other as you took his entire length, Neil moaning as he felt his whole length wrapped in your bowel walls, the flesh tightening around his cock and rubbing up against it fantastically. The tempo of his thrusts continued to increase, though, and you knew Neil was about to cum...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You hear a powerful moan from behind you as Neil orgasms, the deer thrusting into you as he shoots out hot, sticky loads of seed into your bowels. You can feel the fluid shots slapping against your bowel walls, the sticky, gooey liquid working its way deeper into your body with every powerful blast of seed the deer gives you. The deer has a firm grip on your hips and butt throughout all of this, kneading his thumbs into your cheeks as he cums. It seems like he was pretty pent-up, because he showed no signs of slowing down so far, Neil bleating with every shot of cum he blasts into you. This went on for what felt like an eternity before the deer finally started to slow down, the flood of cum slowing to a trickle as Neil started to pull away. The sensation of Neil's cock snaking its way out of your body was almost as lovely as the sensation of it sliding in...and Neil gives one last bleat as he pulls the last of his cock out, still dribbling a little bit of cum. Then, he leans over your body, baring over you to give you a lick on your cheek. \"Mmm, that was great...\" he said in your ear before he eased off, getting off the bed.

You loll over onto your back in the bed, reveling in the feeling of having Neil's voluminous load sloshing inside of you. It took a lot out of you, honestly, and you felt like falling asleep now, the post-afterglow bliss starting to surround you. The bed was quite comfortable too...it didn't take long for you to conk out, Neil standing over you, grinning...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } picture ("neil but vore hotel.png") msg ("
Your slumber is interrupted by the sudden addition of a lot of pressure to your face. Opening your eyes, you're met with a lot of the same gray color that Neil had...and a small tail resting on your head, too...! You couldn't 100% tell...but you thought Neil was sitting on you! You started to struggle, trying to push the deer's ample rear off of your face, but all that you got in response was Neil grinding against your face and a chuckle from somewhere above you. \"Someone's awake...\" Neil teased as he grinded against your face again, your nose brushing past the deer's pucker. \"I enjoyed our fun, but seeing you lying there...so helpless...well, it gave me an idea. How'd you like being buttfat?\" he said as he grinded against your face harder, pushing your head back into the pillow, and forcing your nose up closer to his pucker. \"Ngh...I can feel you teasing my ring back there. Feels quite good...but you'll feel better sliding up there.\" ") wait { msg ("
Just then, Neil heard his belly groan loudly. \"Oh, well, wish I could tease ya more, but dinner calls. Bye-bye, buttfat~\" Neil said as he reached a hand back, planting it against the back of your head before he gave a firm push, your nose sliding up into his butt with ease. It seemed like he had lubed himself up while you were out - you could feel some of the liquid still, helping you slide up into the deer quite nicely. You tried to struggle, but Neil's butt and thighs had you firmly locked in place. The only appendages you have freed are your arms, which you use to batter Neil's cheeks, but you barely make them squish, let alone cause the deer any actual pain. In almost no time at all your whole head has disappeared up Neil's rump. The bowels press you tight, undulating flesh pulling you deeper with every clench Neil gives. The moans and bleats of the deer echo around you now, and your vision has been replaced with near total darkness as well, leaving it difficult to gauge your progress up the deer's butt. All you knew was that it was happening at an alarming rate, the butt taking in your shoulders like nothing and quickly slurping you in up to your waist.

You feel the pressure on your legs relieved slightly, as Neil adjusts himself, getting on his hands and knees on the bed, letting your legs hang freely out of his pucker as he clenched again, moaning and stroking at his still-erect cock as he felt you slide up into him. You already made quite a sizeable bulge in his midsection, enough that Neil could lie on it somewhat, rubbing at it with one hand while he stroked at his cock with the other. It was only your feet stuck outside of Neil at this point, wiggling awkwardly as the ring slowly expanded around them, one last clench pulling you in entirely, locking you inside of the deer...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilBowels) } } } } } else if (result = "No") { msg ("
\"Aww...\" Neil says. \"I was hoping for some action myself...but I guess I can't force you to. The cuddles were still nice, though.\" He says as he gets off the bed. \"But you should probably get going.\"") } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("growl3.wav", false, false) } msg ("Hearing the deer’s belly grumble and gurgle right beneath you was making you think about something other than sex. Instead of answering his question, you wordlessly moved your way down his body, placing a hand on his gut and your head on top of it as well. \"Oh? liking my belly instead? Well, I won't stop you~\" the deer said, encouraging you to appreciate his round, soft curves in any way that you would like. You started off by just squishing your head into it, getting a good listen to everything that was happening underneath Neil’s pelt. You could hear every single detail, every squish of flesh, every rumble of his stomach walls, every bubble of his acids popping...but it didn't sound like he had a full, happy belly. In fact, the amount of rumbles made you think that he was pretty hungry…

You continued to listen to Neil's gut while you started to rub at it, hearing the deer let out a satisfied bleat as he felt your hands rub all over his belly. \"Aahh, that's the ticket…\" he encouraged, clearly enjoying all of this. For someone who didn't rub bellies that often, you seemed like you were pretty good at it!

\"Mmh.. maybe get to smooching, too…\" he advised, putting an idea in your head that you hadn't even considered! You were more than happy to oblige, keeping your hands roaming all over that soft fur while you pursed your lips up and planted a smooch right on Neil's cute, deep belly button! You swore you could feel Neil shiver under your grasp as you did that, and you went in for a few more smooches, feeling that soft fur against your lips as you planted them all over soft deer gut. But you always returned to that plump navel. You weren't sure what, but there was just something about it that was calling to you…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"Liking my belly button, huh? maybe you should get a deeper look…\" you heard Neil tease above you, feeling the deer's hand on the back of your head gently pressing your face against his navel. You eagerly continued your belly love, rubbing and pushing and kneading the fat on Neil’s gut while your lips continued to purse up against the deer’s soft, cavernous belly button. something was starting to feel a bit strange, though. It felt like you were just sinking deeper, like there was no bottom to the deer’s navel…


And then, all at once, you felt the flesh around you squish and slurp you up, clenching you right into Neil's belly button! At least, that's what you thought was happening. there wasn't really any explanation otherwise! The warm, soft fat that you had felt under your hands was now all around your head, and it felt like you were neck-deep in deer belly. Your hearing was mostly muffled by the layers of thick pudge, but you could still hear the gentle gurgling and rumbling of Neil's stomach around you, as well as the muffled voice of the deer just beyond. \"Mmf--haven't done this before. Good thing I have an eager tester~\" you heard him say, not really sure what he was implying. There had to be a bottom to this belly button...was he just sticking you in here for fun?

Regardless of the deer's intentions, this was a bit too deep for you! You started to squirm and wiggle, feeling smothered by all the fat around you, but Neil just kept pushing you deeper. It truly felt like his navel just didn't end - every time you thought this was the bottom, you suddenly felt your whole body lurch an inch or so deeper. The gurgles and burbles of the deer's belly were starting to get louder, as well, mostly drowning out the teasing and bleating Neil was doing as he shoved you deeper into his navel. It was tough to tell, but it felt like you were chest-deep in this thing! When would it end…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("You got your answer a few moments later. Another push squished you up against a fleshy, undulating wall, which you assumed to be the bottom of his navel. Despite this, you continued to feel Neil pressing against your body, as if he didn't realize that you had bottomed out...the gurgles and rumbles of his stomach were so loud at this point, and you swore that you could hear more of them by the minute. Neil kept pushing, and you slowly felt the flesh in front of you give way, until-


With one powerful clench, you felt your head and chest get sucked even deeper into the deer. The rumbles and gurgles now surrounded you on all sides, and the stench of acids immediately irritated your nose. It felt so much wetter in here, and active as well. You had no idea how it was possible, but this had to be Neil's stomach! The deer leaned back in his bed, enjoying the sensation of his belly getting filled up as he continue to shove the rest of your body inside his navel. His already plump gut was growing with your form by the minute, and soon, all that was left of you sticking out of Neil’s belly button was a pair of legs. “Oof, you're really going to fill me up…” the deer commented as he felt you squirming and kicking around inside of his stomach, feeling his walls stretch around your form and contain your delicious body with ease. Inside, you could feel all sorts of goopy, slimy fluids rubbing into your skin and body, a pool of acid and stomach slop collecting at the bottom of the deer’s caustic gut.
") wait { NeilStomach.NV = 1 MoveObject (player, NeilStomach) } } } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Then what were you staying around so long for?...Just, never mind. Get outta here.\"") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } } } else { msg ("
Neil looks at you expectantly. \"Well, what are you waiting for?\" he asks.
") if (Drawing.seen = 1) { msg ("{command:Ask Neil about Selicia:Tell Neil about the drawing}") } Neil.talk = 1 } } ]]>
You tell the deer about the drawing you saw in the cave. A smile spreads across his face as he hears about it. \"Oh, so she likes cervines, does she?~\" he says, before quickly walking past you and out of the room. \"I'll be right back.\" he says, before closing the door...") MoveObject (Neil, SeliciaCave) ]]> Neil's stomach false 0 You are surrounded by You curl up inside of Neil's stomach, the aggressive stomach walls making it hard not to at this point, pushing and kneading against you. Seemed that Neil actually DID skip lunch, like you suspected...the thought hit you that you were just snuggling up against this gut nary a few hours ago, and now you were gurgling inside of it...and soon, you'd be part of it...

Then, your world started to shake. Outside, Neil had flopped back, his back now up against the headstand of the bed as he cradled his gut, rubbing at the large, squirming bulge you made inside of him. \"Nngh, that's just what I needed...now, it's time to gurgle you up, snack. Sleep well~\" he teased as he rubbed at you some more, appreciating the feeling of just being...so full.") } else if (NeilStomach.NV = 1) { msg ("
You felt Neil’s hand relax and slowly move away from your legs, the deer preparing to just suck the rest of you right into his belly! You could hear lewd, wet slurping sounds all around you as, presumably, the navel did all the rest of the work, forcing you to curl up inside the warm, burbling chamber as room became less and less available. Soon, all of you was encased in thick, greasy deer belly walls, minus your feet, but with a wet *shlrrrp*, even those were promptly pulled inside. The deer stuck a finger into his belly button, making sure all of you was packed away in his gurgling tummy before sighing and patting his now full, squirming gut. “Aaaah, that was easier than I thought it would be…”") } else { msg ("
Your head pokes out into Neil's stomach, the scent of the belch from earlier immediately magnified as the rest of your body is dumped into the chamber. You can feel the sphincter clench behind your feet as Neil's eager gulps push you out, your face landing on the belly floor, getting covered in stomach juices already. The chamber is somewhat spacious, but the stomach walls are making sure that condition changes, kneading expectantly at your body. It also doesn't help that there's a thick stew of chyme about, probably from the \"lunch\" he mentioned earlier, coating you as you struggle. You can faintly feel Neil rubbing at his gut, moaning as he enjoyed the feeling of a squirming meal. \"Aah...you tasted great, snack. Now, get ready to be buttfat...\" you could hear him say, the voice rumbling around you, deep and bassy. Looks like you're stuck in here for a while, or maybe even forever...") } ]]>
") } if (GetBoolean(NeilStomach, "AnalVore")) { msg ("
All your struggles amounted to one large belch from Neil. \"Oh, excuse me...\" he said, giggling a bit as he rubbed at his gut some more. \"Gosh, you snacks always make me so gassy...\" you heard him tease as the stomach walls started to constrict you even harder, the loss of air in the chamber leaving nothing to stop the stomach from churning harder around you, kneading aggressively at your body. It was really starting to tire you out, and you thought you were starting to feel a bit of tingling around you too...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Struggling had become quite hard inside of Neil's churning gut. That last belch had made it almost impossible, even, reducing your valiant struggles into pleasant wiggles that Neil could barely feel or see as he rubbed at his stomach. The deer reclined back a bit, reveling in the full feeling he was experiencing...but inside, you were having much less of a good time. The tingly feeling you were feeling earlier was multiplying now, and where it originated was starting to be replaced by a dull lack of feeling. This, combined with the constriction of the stomach, the increasing lack of air in the stomach, and the overpowering heat and smell of the gut, made it hard for you to even stay conscious at this point...and soon enough, you lost that battle, slumping back into the deer's gut like any large meal, ready to be processed.

Outside, Neil felt his gut slowly stop its fight. \"Aww, tuckered out already?\" he teased, poking at his gut to confirm whether or not you were still solid. \"That's a shame...but I guess it's time to start turning you into something more useful~\" Almost on cue, his stomach groaned loudly, having started the digestion process fully now, gurgling and glorping away at what used to be you, getting ready to add you to the deer's ample posterior...or maybe his stomach this time. Maybe even his thighs, he couldn't really control it sometimes. What was more immediate in Neil's mind wasn't where you would end up, it was the tired feeling he had. Having so much fun in one day tended to wear anyone out. \"Night, snack~\" Neil said as he gave his gut one last rub before passing out in the bed, delighting in the full feeling you gave him...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The deer awoke late the next morning, with a significantly shrunken gut, although it was still somewhat bigger than what he started out with. The first thing he'd have to do before going on with the rest of his day is to visit the bathroom, plopping his plush rear down onto the toilet seat as he disposed of the last of you. He looked down into the bowl, admiring his body's ability to turn such cuties as yourself into nothing but waste and fat, before flushing the rest of you away. You had been gurgled up into fat quite nicely...and, judging from what the deer saw in the mirror, you were mostly added to his already-ample posterior. He couldn't really complain, though. Having a plush butt was always great for attracting the next fling...and maybe the next meal, too...") } msg ("
*You had a little too much fun with a deer...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { msg ("
Neil gives one final pat to his stomach as he finally collapses against the door, jostling you around inside a bit as he lands on his plush butt. \"Agh, a good meal always makes me a touch sleepy...\" he mumbles. You hear his stomach start to get pretty active around you, really starting to churn you up now. It was already hard to move around in the chamber, but now it seems like the stomach is shrinking, the walls pushing against every part of your body simultaneously. You hear a drawn-out belch from Neil, then a long sigh as the belly walls constrict around you even tighter. You're starting to get tingly, too...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's getting real hard to continue existing in this environment. What air was left after that belch is thin and tastes of stomach fluids, and most of your body is coated in chyme and various chunks of semi-digested food from whatever \"lunch\" Neil had earlier. You hadn't found any bones, so at least it wasn't someone that shared your fate...your fate, you realize. It hadn't quite hit you yet that you were gonna add to that plush butt and gut after all, but as you started to lose feeling in your body, the thought suddenly became clear. That chubby gut had been quite enticing, honestly, and now it seems like you were going to add it. You would have commented on the coincidence, but it was too hard to even keep your eyes open at this point, forget about noticing subtle points of irony. Your eyelids felt heavy, and the belly around you was just too strong to resist...the last thing you heard was another belch that blew open Neil's lips.

\"Ugh, digesting already? I was just about to fall asleep with a nice, squirmy belly...\" the deer complained as he closed his eyes again, occasionally rubbing or scratching at his now less-active gut as it started to churn you up. The bulge in his gut started to shrink slowly, the pushing out of your struggles replaced with the warbling noises of the stomach as it broke down its meal, you slowly melting into the gut chyme that had coated you earlier. You were indistinguishable from the deer's earlier meals as the rest of you flushed out into the deer's intestines, starting on your illustrious new career as deer fat. Neil fell asleep soon after, excited to see the new additions to his gut and butt in the morning. It was always his favorite part; seeing how his digestive system could turn his meals into nothing but fat so efficiently...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
And, that's just what Neil did next morning. A quick trip to the bathroom to get rid of what was left of you (along with a bit of his lunch, sa well) and the deer was fully ready to admire his new figure in the mirror. He gave his stomach a hearty pinch, giggling as he rubbed over it, still feeling it gurgle a bit with whatever it had left of you to finish off. He also gave his new butt a firm slap, feeling it jiggle with its added weight. \"Aah, perfect size....I gotta stop working out~\" the deer said as he got ready to go about his day...a day that may or may not include more meals...") } msg ("
*You helped a chubby deer out...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Currently trying to turn you into chyme. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try your best to bang at the stomach walls, but besides some cursory imprints on the chubby belly, you don't really get any result from it.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Neil squishes down on the place you pushed out on. \"Don't get too rowdy in there! Food doesn't struggle~\" he says, giggling a bit at his teasing.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("Neil pats at his gut, content with his squirmy catch. Inside, you batter your fists against the stomach walls, but nothing much comes of it.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("All you achieve is a sticky, slimy coating of stomach gunk all over your body from struggling so much.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The stomach groans at you angrily, not used to a meal squirming for this long.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("Neil giggles as he feels your squirms. \"Thanks for the massage!\" he teases.") } ]]>
Neil's bowels false
Outside, Neil moaned as he felt the last of you disappear into him. He laid on the bulge you made while he jerked himself off, which squished you a bit more down with the full weight of the deer, Neil massaging at you with a hand as you snaked your way deeper into the deer. "Aah, you'll make great buttfat..." he teased as he rubbed you. It seems like he'd have the experience to tell...]]>
You are surrounded by You've been snaking through Neil's bowels for quite a while now. The air is becoming quite thin (thinner than it already was, anyway), and honestly, the claustrophobia of the whole situation is starting to get to you a little bit. You try to wiggle out against the bowel walls, almost out of panic, but they don't even give you the time of day, the tight flesh compacting you tightly like a vicegrip. All that you're sure of is that Neil is enjoying this.") SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
It felt like forever since you had let the deer fuck you. It was becoming hard to focus, especially as the bowel walls constantly kneaded at you, almost numbing your skin with their constant stimulation. The only telltale sign of any progress was the gentle gurgling of the stomach, both becoming less gentle and far louder over time. You feel like you're right up against it now, and your suspicions are confirmed when you bump into a fleshy wall ahead of you, which slowly parts as your nose bumps against it. Immediately a far more powerful smell hits you, the sickeningly sweet smell of gastric acid...you had arrived in the deer's stomach, that's for sure. The intestines push you out into the chamber quite rudely, the sphincter clenching around you as you're pushed out. Neil's stomach is somewhat spacious, although the stomach is quickly trying to fix that, the walls kneading and pushing around you as soon as you arrive, eager to start the digestive process...") SetTimeout (5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } MoveObject (player, NeilStomach) } } } ]]>
Neil's sheath false
"Haah...I wasn't sure how that'd feel...but I'm enjoying it..." the deer managed to pant out, blatantly blushing at this point, the deer's tongue even hanging out of his mouth. "S...so I think I'm gonna enjoy it a while longer...don't worry, I don't think anything can even happen to you in there..." he reassured, before returning to his shower. "I'll let you out once I've worked myself up a bit more..." he teased, shaking his hips a bit, feeling you swaying inside of his sheath oh-so-pleasurably...

You were powerless to struggle against Neil's sheath, partially because there weren't really walls to struggle against. You were just tightly bound by the sheath, almost like a skintight suit of sorts, which stopped your movements pretty much entirely...the musky scent was still quite pervasive inside the sheath, almost overpowering, but at least there was air inside to transmit that heady odor...]]>
You are surrounded by Neil had been showering for quite some time now, occasionally teasing you by swaying his sac inbetween his legs a bit, and idly jerking at his length, which still hung out of his sheath somewhat, although it was drooping more and more as Neil's arousal started to die down a bit. Every time you tried to wiggle inside, though, his cock pretty much instantly hardened again, making it hard for the deer to actually get any washing up done...which is why it took him so long, you assumed.

\"Doing okay in there?\" Neil asked as he turned off the water, grabbing his towel from the shower stall and half-assedly drying his body off before wrapping it around his waist and making his way back to the locker room. Patrons filtered in and out occasionally, but honestly, they had seen a lot at this point, so a deer jerking off while something wriggled in his sheath wouldn't exactly be too out of place...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
You could feel Neil come to a stop, before sitting down on a bench in the locker room, moaning quietly as he felt you squirming around inside a bit. \"Time for the *huff*...really fun part...\" Neil said before he started toying with his sheath again, getting his shaft to snake out and poke up back again, before he started to stroke at it. His shaft was already quite sensitive from the stimulation he'd given it earlier, as well as the squirming you were doing inside of Neil, so it didn't take long for him to get fully hard, Neil moaning with his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he slid his hand up and down his length...you were still suspended in the air, hanging off the bench as Neil sat down, so every movement the deer made was jostling you around inside, making you feel a bit sick again...the heat wasn't helping either, giving you a little bit of a headache...you decided to use the last bit of your energy to struggle a bit more, hoping that Neil would climax you out earlier...

While your struggles didn't move much physically, you could definitely hear Neil reacting to them, huffing and moaning at every little push you made out. You could hear the cum in Neil's sac practically simmering next to you, and the heat inside rising up as well...you knew it wouldn't be much longer until his body gave into the pleasure. After a few more minutes of spasmic jerking, you heard a raw bleat from Neil as he orgasmed, his cock and sheath clenching powerfully while powerful shots of cum rocketed out of the shaft. You could feel the deer's body powerfully clenching around you, only this time it was trying to force you out instead of sucking you back in...while you couldn't really tell in the frenzy and heat of Neil's orgasm, you WERE sliding out, your feet being pushed back into the outside world as more deer jizz shot out of Neil's shaft. A few more powerful shots of cum dragged you out further, leaving you only waist-deep in Neil's sheath. Your body started wriggling more as you felt the fresh air touch your skin, which only drove Neil to further pleasure, the last of his cum shooting out of his rock-hard shaft before the cum flow slowed to a dribble, the deer panting and leaning back against the lockers as he started to revel in the afterglow...

...Then you realized you weren't lying on the floor in a pool of cum yet. Around a third of your body was still awkwardly lodged in Neil's sheath, and he didn't even seem to notice in the frenzy of his orgasm. You thought his orgasm wasn't over initially, but nearly a minute passed and no more clenches came...so you started to wiggle in the sheath some more, sliding out of the deer's sheath inch-by-inch. \"Oh! Uh, s-sorry...\" you heard his voice come eventually, still a bit breathy and wobbly from his orgasm. You could feel his hands clamp down around your legs, starting to pull on them slightly. \"Hnnnf-aaah...~\" Neil moaned as the last of your body slid out of him, your head coming out with a wet *pop!* as you swept by Neil's retreating cock, a bit of deer cum getting on your hair before Neil lowered you to the floor. You took a bit of time to get re-accustomed to the outside world, taking deep breaths before you opened your eyes again, looking up to the comforting smile of Neil. \"Hey, thanks for helping me out. I needed a bit of release...\" he said before getting up, his cock still flopping around a bit as he looked around for his locker. \"...You should probably get in the shower again, though...\" he said before turning to his locker, pointing to the pool of deer cum you were currently wallowing in.

You decided to take the deer's advice, heading back to the shower room for a REAL shower before putting your clothes back on in the locker room.") MoveObject (player, Locker Room) } } } ]]>
Neil's undies false = 100) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You feel the vessel you were in suddenly stop. That was the only warning you got before you heard a loud moan from above, and then a shot of cream that went right into Neil's underwear! It seems like you had somehow given the deer an orgasm with your playing around...you had been gripping onto the sheath at this point, the tenting out of his underwear from his cock making it difficult for you to stand on the fabric, but the tenting as he shot out his load also presented you an escape option...! You had to dodge sticky ropes of cream making an absolute mess inside of the deer’s underwear, but you were able to make your way over to the leg hole in his underwear...! Grabbing a hold of his leg fur, you gradually made your way down, the deer not really able to feel the sensation of you climbing down him while he was in the throes of orgasm. You were lucky that he didn't decide to start moving again, or put himself into some awkward position where it would be difficult for you to get out...but eventually you sneaked your way down to the floor, running out of the room before the deer could catch you again! And just in time as well, you could feel yourself returning to normal size as the shrinking potion wore off...! ") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor2) } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You tried the best you could to excite the deer, but you just weren't able to make him blow. You felt him go back into his room, locking the door behind him and sitting down on the bed. He took off the pants he was wearing, pressing a finger against where you were in his underwear to make sure you were still there.

“Well, little fella, you tried hard...but it's snack time~” he teased, pulling back the band on his underwear to see you. You would have tried to run away, but you didn't know where you would go...so you just looked at the giant fingers descending upon you, grabbing you by the neck of your shirt and lifting you out of the musky dungeon you had been in.

Neil held you up to his snout, a smile spreading across his face.

“Let's give you a taste…” he said before opening his mouth, strands of drool snapping as his tongue lazily rolled out. The rough surface of his tongue made you wince as it dragged over your whole body, leaving you coated in sticky deer saliva. The deer smacked his lips before giving you another slurp and then holding you away from his face. “An interesting taste, for sure...although it's mostly just musk.”") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“I think I have another place that would be better suited for you…” he continued. As he said that, Neil opened up his underwear again, but instead of dropping you into it this time, he slowly lowered you down. You saw his length start to peek out of his sheath again, like a hungry snake...and you had no idea how accurate that comparison would be!

“Now, just relax and slip in…” the deer teased, his voice surrounding you as you looked down. You were hovering right over the tip of his length, which was now at full mast and slightly throbbing! You felt your feet squish past the tip, a bit of slick liquid already coating it.

Before you could try and wiggle out, the deer casually shoved you in, his cock swallowing you all the way up to your knees! The deer took his grip off of you, and you immediately tried to press your arms into his length, trying to push yourself out... But his length had a tight grip on you, and already you could feel yourself slipping deeper, the odor of deer musk filling your nose again…

“Oh, I haven't done this in ages! Keep wiggling…” The deer moaned, stroking at his length with one hand as he pushed you further down, the vast pink expanse slowly encroaching over your body. The tight walls of his cock pulled at you as if they were starved, not unlike a tight throat. Every squirm you made just excited the deer further, his length throbbing madly as it worked its way around your neck. Your arms were stuck at awkward angles, still trying to get a grip on the sides of his length, but there was simply no way you would be able to pull yourself out of this now. The dark pink color of your fleshy surroundings gradually encroached over your vision as you were clenched deeper and deeper into the deer’s loins. All of a sudden, though, you felt something different press against the back of your head. Something soft…


Neil let out a sharp bleat as he pressed the last of you into his length. He let his finger rest on the top of his length of a bit, before starting to stroke again. He felt at the bulge you made in his length, eyes closed and mouth open as you went deeper into him, stretching out his deep loins in fantastic and unique ways...any wiggle you made, although most were completely stunted by the tight walls, only furthered Neil’s lust, making him clench you down deeper and deeper with every wiggle, until…") wait { MoveObject (player, NeilSac) } } } } } ]]>
false Cock random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { msg ("You stroke both of your hands along Neil's shaft, feeling it throb in your grip. Even though it's so much larger than you, you are still able to give Neil quite a nice sensation down there…") Neil.arousal = Neil.arousal + 10 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Although there's no way you would be able to suck him off, you can still lick the shaft...the sensation is all the same for the deer, although you now have a bit of a musky taste in your mouth!") Neil.arousal = Neil.arousal + 10 } else { msg ("You squish your hands into the beating shaft, feeling just how hard it was...the unfamiliar sensation gets Neil going even more!") Neil.arousal = Neil.arousal + 10 } random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { msg ("You press a finger into the sheath. You can hear Neil moan a bit from above you. “What are you doing down there?”") Neil.arousal = Neil.arousal + 10 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You stroke at the sides of the sheath, feeling the musky aroma that was invading your brain starting to become even more intense as you did so…") Neil.arousal = Neil.arousal + 10 } else { msg ("You use both of your hands to stretch out the sheath, hearing Neil utter a bleat instinctively in response. “Oh, that feels good…”") Neil.arousal = Neil.arousal + 10 }
Neil's sac false
You could already tell the deer was masturbating furiously at this point, his balls shaking back and forth as he groped and rubbed at them with his other hand. Occasionally you felt his fingers press in on you, the deer letting out a delighted sound as he felt you squirm in response.

“Don't worry, you'll be deer cream in no time~” he teased, another movement of his sac forcing you to take a nosedive right into the pool at the bottom, getting a face full of fresh cream and the musky odor that you were already covered in.
You are surrounded by The pool at the bottom of the sac was already starting to get larger, cream dripping off the walls and collecting on the bottom. You could feel a vague tingling starting to spread over the lower portion of your body, although you could still wade and splash around in the pool... ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The tingly feeling you had felt from earlier slowly started to spread all over your body, gradually sapping your strength and making it more difficult to struggle inside. While the cum had originally been no more viscous than milk, it was starting to feel like pudding, stretching and melting into your form...you had lost feeling in your legs at this point, and you didn't want to think about whether or not they had already melted away. The pool was starting to rise over your shoulders...thankfully, the lack of air inside the chamber led to you passing out before the cream rose over your head.

Neil didn't even notice that you had almost completely melted down inside; he was far too focused on getting off at this moment to feel the movement, or lack thereof, inside his sac. He just knew that his balls were swollen, and full, and aching for release...his length was slick with pre at this point as he stroke up and down, up and down, at quite the pace, knowing that he would blow at any minute.

And then, it happened. Sticky ropes of musky deer seed shot out of his tip, making a mess on the floor in front of him. The volume of the orgasm was a lot larger than normal, thanks to what you had contributed to it...it soaked into the carpet of the hotel room, a big, musky stain forming below the deer as he continued his orgasm. Eventually, it came to an end, his tip twitching as it leaked out the last of the cum he had made. “Hhhff...little guy helped me out…” the deer said as he looked at the stain you had made in the carpet and somewhat on the bed as well. Oh well, that's what housekeeping was for anyway…") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Thin, and currently producing cum at an impressive rate. Impressive, or, in your case, quite alarming. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You are being so jostled around by Neil right now that you can't even find your footing long enough to hit anything.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The floor is so slick that you end up slipping back and spilling into the pool beneath you…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try and punch out against the sac walls, but they stretch around your fist almost grotesquely.") } else { msg ("You try and pry open the way that you came into the chamber, but it won't even budge.") }
Neil's balls false "Well, while you're down there, think you can give them a rub or a smooch or two? A long work out builds up quite a bit of stress that I need to...release, you know~" Neil teased, adjusting his heavy package so that it lay perfectly on top of your body. And, well, you didn't really have much else to do down here besides that, and that musk was making it sound like a very good idea! You could stay around for a little bit, right?... You are under 10) { msg ("After about 5 minutes of gratuitous worship of Neil's package, you really started to feel the deer starting to get close to...something. He was madly stroking at the shaft that had emerged from his giant, plush sheath, and the musk that filled your nose seemed to get and possibly stronger with each and every breath. Neil wasn't even teasing you anymore, his vocalizations limited to grunts and gasps of pleasure as he started to get closer and closer to an orgasm. It was getting a bit wet down here where you were, though you couldn't tell if that was from sweat or the pre that might have been dribbling out of the deer's throbbing tip...either way, it was making it even muskier down here for sure! Every breath of what little air you had was thick with that powerful smell, the scent no doubt having been rubbed deep into your skin from all the gratuitous grinding that was happening. Fuck, it was so strong that it was starting to burn your nose a bit, like an overly powerful cologne! But still, you just couldn't get enough of it…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You suddenly heard a loud, sharp gasp come from the deer above you as Neil reached orgasm, his throbbing shaft spraying thick deer cream all over the wall behind you, as well as the bench you were smothered on and, of course, onto you! It felt like you were at a water park and the bucket had just dropped, because a wave of thick, hot, musky cream just crashed over you, getting in your hair, your face, even a bit in your mouth! You were already having troubles breathing down here, but the fact you were nearly getting drowned in Neil's load made things so much more intense. You tried your best to sputter and spit out the cream that had landed in your mouth, but at the same time...the flavor! it was a blast of salty musk, to be sure, but it was also strangely enticing, just like the rest of this hunk of a cervine…

Jizz continued to dribble out of the tip of Neil's shaft as it started to soften and retreat back into his sheath, the deer more than satisfied with the wiggling you had done down there! He slowly started to peel his balls off of you, leaving you a drenched, damp mess imprinted onto the bench as he peeked over his massive package and looked down at you with a smile. \"Heh! Looks like you had a more intense workout than I had earlier. Don't worry though, I've got a place where musk sluts like you can relax…\"

Neil's face gradually shifted out of your dazed field of view, replaced by the opening to his stretchy, fluffy sheath - out of which the tip of his cock poked, still dribbling a little bit of his load. It gradually moved towards you, taking up more and more of your field of view until you felt your nose pressing right up against the opening to his shaft! You were still so overwhelmed by everything that had happened to you, that you were just sort of watching all of this happen, feeling the deer’s snug sheath and warm flesh starting to slowly push their way over your nose, then your face. Immersed in musky, steamy darkness, you felt the flesh start to stretch over more of your head, every breath you took just absolutely full of those wonderful, intoxicating pheromones. And as the musk-drunkenness only got stronger, you only became more and more okay with what was happening to you, though you still didn't fully understand it…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("Neil's orbs started to slosh and sway between his legs as the deer started to stuff you right down his shaft, a hand finding purchase against the back of your head and starting to slowly push and press you deeper, alternating with rippling clenches of flesh that grabbed hold of you and started to pull you right down. In only a minute or two, Neil's shaft had already managed to swallow you down up to your shoulders, and it showed no signs of slowing down! Neil's pushing and pressing against your back was certainly helping the process go so quickly, but it was also obvious that his cock was incredibly hungry regardless...and once it got a firm grip on you, there was no way you were going to escape. Not like you wanted to, though! The musk you had been enveloped in was just getting stronger and stronger with every single clench, your heart pounding with every thin breath you took. Nngh...so warm and tight in here as well…

Neil's cock continued to emerge from its holding place as it swallowed you down, the deer stroking and rubbing across the bulges that you made inside of him. As the shaft continued to swallow you up, you started to get forced down into a bend, gravity helping to pull you deeper inside to where you were disappearing inside of Neil's plump sheath...the cock was well on its way to having completely devoured your chest now, your feet leaving the ground with another powerful clench. Each rippling wave of peristalsis just forced you into a tighter and tighter tunnel, making it harder and harder to squirm against the slimy, fleshy walls that worked over every inch of your body. The squeeze was getting really damn powerful, and there were only so many places that all that pressure could release through…

Eventually, your head bumped up against a fleshy wall of sorts, your legs dangling up in the air as Neil lifted his shaft up to feel you slowly starting to slide down into his balls. That fleshy wall was the only thing stopping you from sliding right down into them, and as the waves of peristalsis continued to push you against that wall, the sphincter that was blocking your entry starting to slowly dilate open and allow Neil to start shoving you into his boiling cauldron of a sack! The deer had a hand firmly pressed against your rear as your head started to get pushed through the opening into his balls, an even muskier odor invading your nose from all the thick, potent cream that was sloshing around in the bottom of the chamber...the stuff that you would be bathing in very soon!

You just sort of hung from the sphincter opening as Neil's cock continued to swallow you down, your shoulders starting to be free of the tight, pulsating slide, allowing you at least a modicum of control over your body as you continued to be pushed out into Neil's balls...it was still quite a challenge to move into a comfortable position, though, especially with it being impossible to see anything in here!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("Only your feet stuck out of the tip of Neil’s cock at this point, the deer taking his time to finish off the last of you by only using a single finger to push your wiggling feet into his hungry shaft. Musky pre-cum oozed out of the tip of Neil's shaft as it continued to emerge from its sheath, the clear liquid serving as a lubricant to help the last of you slip inside! You had managed to free your arms and hands from the shaft, allowing you to at least brace yourself against the floor of Neil's sack as the rest of you started to tumble out into the sloshing, undulating chamber...the air in here was so unbelievably thick that it started to make your lungs tingle a bit as you breathed it in, your body's unconscious reflexes not exactly adapting to their new environment very well…
") wait { MoveObject (player, NeilHyperSac) } } } } } else { msg ("After Neil had smothered you underneath his fat package, you started to get cold feet. It wasn't that it felt particularly bad, just that everything was going so fast, you weren't sure if you were okay with being teased like this…! Neil eventually sensed your hesitation, the deer lifting up his package a little bit to look down at his mostly-flattened \"worshipper\". \"Uh, are you going to do anything down there, or are you just going to…\" Neil asked, the deer trailing off a little bit, struggling to describe your inaction in a satisfying way. \"Egh - nevermind. I'll just let you go, I guess…\"

You felt the weight of Neil's balls slowly continue to lift off of your body until you were essentially free to move again, though you were still quite worn out from the intense smothering you had just endured! You wiped a little bit of pre from your face, feeling strangely embarrassed as you got up and made your way out of the gym. You didn't make eye contact with Neil at all. Perhaps next time, you would be a bit more ready…
") wait { MoveObject (player, Gym) } } } ]]>
Neil's balls false Musky and sloshy. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You squished your hands into Neil’s orbs, hearing the deer bleat in satisfaction as you gave a massage to his sloshing nuts.") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 2 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You leaned your face even further into Neil's sack, pursing your lips up and giving the crease between his nuts a good long smooch!") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 2 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Each orb felt like a big, soft bean bag that you could just squish your hands into...so weighty, as well!") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 2 } else { msg ("A bit of pre had started to trickle down out of Neil’s sheath, the warm, salty liquid dribbling down onto your head as you worshiped the deer’s massive package.") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 2 } random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You pushed out against the sloshing sac, trying your best to get the massive weight off of you...and not having much success, unfortunately!") Neil.lust = Neil.lust - 5 } else { msg ("Neil just snickered as he felt you squirming around and pressing against his massive bulk. \"Having second thoughts, are we?\" he teased, knowing that there was virtually no possibility you would actually be able to move his fat package from on top of you!") Neil.lust = Neil.lust - 5 } random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You squished your hands into Neil’s orbs, hearing the deer bleat in satisfaction as you gave a massage to his sloshing nuts.") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 5 } if (random = 2) { msg ("Each orb felt like a big, soft bean bag that you could just squish your hands into...so weighty, as well!") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 5 } if (random = 3) { msg ("A bit of pre had started to trickle down out of Neil’s sheath, the warm, salty liquid dribbling down onto your head as you worshiped the deer’s massive package.") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 5 } else { msg ("You leaned your face even further into Neil's sack, pursing your lips up and giving the crease between his nuts a good long smooch!") Neil.lust = Neil.lust + 5 }
false Neil's sac "And theeeere…" Neil said, his voice impossibly deep and rumbly around you as he continued to press against the pads of your feet, "nnngh!...we go~" he finished a few moments later, his cock giving one last powerful *sh-GLRNK!* as it swallowed up the absolute last of you, forcing you forward inside of Neil's balls and dunking you right into the thick pool of cream at the bottom! Your mouth was instantly filled with that powerful, musky flavor as you struggled to get yourself situated, the last half of your body sliding out of Neil's shaft in short order and trapping you entirely inside of the hyper sack that had just been smothering you a few moments ago! Neil gasped and his shaft throbbed with every wiggle you made inside of him in your vain attempts to get comfortable, the flesh that surrounded you constantly squeezing and pressing inward at your vulnerable body. "HaAAAaaahh...a perfect fit. I hope you enjoy your little sauna~" the deer teased you, reaching down to fondle his sack as the walls already started to ooze and produce more thick cream to bathe you in… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("The bubbling cauldron of cream that you were bathing in only continued to get hotter and more active as time went on, Neil feeling his orgasm really starting to surge up inside of him as you continued to melt down inside of his balls. The fat orbs wetly sloshed around between Neil's legs every time he moved around, the heft and the weight only making him more and more aroused with its implications! Plenty of musky pre was continuing to leak out the tip of his shaft, an impressive amount of production that just made Neil more and more horny as he saw it flowing out of his cock...it was so tight in here for you at this point, the walls squeezing and clenching around you and forcing you back up towards the opening you had been pushed through. Your sense of being had almost completely melded with the thick, sloshing cream you were bathing in at this point, and you could feel - and hear - the pressure ramping up as Neil reached a powerful orgasm. The deer cried out as a thick rope of splooge gushed out of the tip of his cock, spraying his musky load all over the wall, bench, and floor in front of him! The powerful contractions of his sack forced you back up into the outside world, but it was like looking at the world through impossibly foggy glasses; you really could only sense that the light level was changing around you! That, and the fact that you were much colder once you were sprayed out over the furniture in the gym...it felt nice, though. It felt strangely right to be here, just a messy glob of jizz splattered all over the gym, after being shot out by a hunk of a deer…

Neil was satisfied. He huffed and panted as he finished up his orgasm, his cock slowly starting to retreat back into its home even as bits of his load continued to dribble out of the tip. Mmh...he hadn't expected to end the night by spraying someone all over the walls of the gym when he went in for a workout, but he couldn't say he wasn't pleased with the results! The deer reached down and groped his balls a little bit as he collected his things, waddling his way out of the gym and up towards his room. He didn't bother putting on his underwear at this point; any passersby would probably consider it a treat…!

*You were an excellent worshipper...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Exuding musky jizz. A lot of it. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("All of your movements sloshed the pool of jizz you were bathing in around. The stuff was so incredibly thick that it restricted your movement. It was almost like a goo in that way…") } else { msg ("Your squirming seemed to only coax the walls around you to clench and squeeze even further inward, taking up more and more of the already-limited space inside the chamber.") } ]]>
second floor false the You are on false the Open Close false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 7) false A blue shark girl. Blue as in the docile shark species, not her color. Although she is physically blue as well. That's kind of confusing. Look at You try to talk to the sharkess. Immediately, she notices the dildo you took from Kayla, sticking out of your pocket (how did nobody else see?...). She grins before getting off the bed and walking over to you. \"What's this you've got here?\" she says with that same grin before swiping the dildo away from you. She looks over the thing in her hand. \"I've seen this before...\" she comments. \"And I know just what to do with it...\" Ocearine says before suddenly pulling her pants and panties down in front of you, revealing the sharkess's slit. \"Don't get too excited, you haven't seen anything yet...\" she teases as she places the dildo's base right against her body, above her slit, like she was trying to use it as a strap-on or something...

You hear Ocearine moan slightly as she pushes it against her body, the toy starting to...pulsate?...slightly as she does it. You had no idea what was going on, but you were strangely compelled by this spectacle...Ocearine groaned again as the dildo continued pulsating, slowly changing its color to match the sharkess's skin. It's getting a bit bigger as well, and you can see a set of balls starting to develop on the underside, as well. Ocearine starts stroking at her newfound length as this happens, feeling the dildo starting to merge with her own body, becoming flesh rather than plastic. Soon, the cock stops pulsating, as it's fully merged with Ocearine's body, the sharkess stroking at her length a few more times to confirm she was feeling some form of pleasure before looking back to you. \"Now, where were we...?\"") wait { msg ("
You had thought about just getting away earlier, but the whole transformation thing had enamored you. Maybe that's what the pulsating was, some form of hypnosis...? Anyway, it was far too late to move now, as Ocearine was right in front of you, and she wasn't going to let you go easily. Immediately, the sharkess wraps her arms around your body, staring directly into your eyes for a moment. You could see the lust bubbling behind them, before Ocearine wordlessly moved you down to her newfound cock head.

\"I'm gonna give you a choice...\" Ocearine started, her cock throbbing mere inches from your face.") Ask ("\"Suck it...or no?\"") { if (result) { MoveObject (player, OcearineBJRoom) } else { msg ("
\"Oh, not gonna do it? Well, I guess you'll make a great load of cum then...\" the sharkess teases before thrusting her hips out, the eager cock immediately latching onto your forehead! You try to struggle in Ocearine's grasp, but the sharkess is far too powerful, squeezing you harder as you attempt any form of resistance. With a few more thrusts, the cock is entirely worked around your head, the flesh making odd slurping noises as Ocearine clenched you deeper.

You could smell the potent, salty odor of fresh cum wafting up through the shaft. Clearly, Ocearine's sac was already well at work producing a nice load of cum for you to melt into...you tried not to think about your destination as you continued to try and wiggle your way out of Ocearine's shaft. But soon, you heard a primal moan as the shaft stretched around your shoulders, the sharkess's cock having gotten around the widest part of your body. It was essentially hopeless at this point to struggle, but you tried anyway, fighting back against the rippling muscle clenches that dragged you deeper into the shaft...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Already, though, you were up to your waist in sharkess cock. Ocearine didn't even need to grip you anymore, releasing her hands from your sides as your legs dangled awkwardly outside of her cock head. She, instead, opted to start stroking at her cock; you could feel her hands running along the bulge you made in her cock as she moaned. \"Aah, yeah...just slide inside. Nothing you can do now...\" the sharkess teased as she stroked at her new length. You could feel her clenching every time she stroked at her rod, helping to pull you deeper, closer to the sharkess's newly minted sac. Soon, only your feet was kissed by the embrace of the outside world, and with a few more clenches, those slid inside as well, a few more muffled teases coming from Ocearine as she felt your feet slip in. You couldn't hear them, though. Your hearing was dominated by various internal noises, most immediate being the gurgling of her sac as you continued to be clenched closer to it. You were just thankful that this cock was so new that Ocearine's body didn't have much time to develop a musk, the air inside her shaft still relatively breathable (whatever air there was, anyway)...but that would quickly change as you continued your trip down Ocearine's cock.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineSac) } } } } } } else { msg ("
You try to strike up a conversation with the sharkess sitting on the bed. She doesn't respond for a while, just kind of glaring at you as you talk to her. \"...What do you want?\" she asks, but without waiting for an answer, she continues. \"Actually, I don't really care what you want...\" she says as she gets off the bed, slowly approaching you. \"What's more important is what I want...\" she says as she grabs you, pressing you against her chest in what feels like a bear hug!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You try and wiggle out of the sharkess's grasp, but she's got you locked against her chest. Your face, in fact, grinding up against her breasts as she looks down at you. \"Oh, we're going to have fun...or at least, I will.\" she says as she removes her bra with one hand, giving you a nice, personal view of her fleshy orbs, bouncing a bit as they were released from the tension of her bra. \"Like what you see? Maybe you should get closer...\" she says as she moves her breast closer to her face, her green nipple brushing up against your nose. She continues to grind your face against the nipple until you hear a wet *shluk*...then, you realize your nose has slipped inside of her nipple! You hear the sharkess moan as this happens, the nipple quickly expanding around your face as she shoves you deeper within.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Your head immediately enters the breast, which is somewhat spacious, at least for your head...but you know you're going to be curling up in quite a small space sometime soon. You'd struggle, but the nipple is tight around your body, almost crushing you as more and more of your body is pushed in by the sharkess. Since you're so close to her mouth, you can hear what she's saying quite audibly...or rather, what she's moaning, occasionally interspersing these moans with teasing. \"Slosh nicely for me...\" you hear as she gives another shove, your whole waist getting sucked past the nipple, the breast tightening up as more of you is forced inside, your body forced to curl up against the walls. Soon, it's only your feet hanging outside of the breast, Ocearine casually taking off your shoes before pushing your feet in, groaning as she felt the nipple close around your feet, locking you inside her entirely...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineBreast) } } } else { msg ("
You break out of the sharkess' grip, quickly running out of the hotel room. You don't want to know what she had planned for you...") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor3) } } } ]]>
Ocearine's breast false You're forced into the tight breast, your body bulging out the cavity quite obviously, leaving you little room to struggle. Ocearine has to place one hand underneath her breast just to support your bulge, moaning every time she feels you try to adjust yourself. There's a quickly-growing pool of milk in the bottom of the breast, which is starting to nip at your ankles. The liquid is still quite warm, though, and leaves you a bit tingly... You are surrounded by The milk in the breast is starting to rise at this point. Your whole lower body is submerged in the stuff, and it's quickly threatening your chest as well...You're really starting to tingle up as well, your legs feeling like they're falling asleep or something...not like you could move them around to check. It only seems like the breast is getting tighter, especially as Ocearine starts to jiggle her breast around, laughing as she feels you squirm in response to it. \"Not much longer now...\" she says as she feels herself starting to get a bit wet down there...she takes a hand down and plunges her fingers up her slit, moaning as she gets off to your struggles (or what's left of them at this point).") SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
It's becoming harder to struggle inside. You're practically drowning in milk at this point, most of your body feeling that same dull tingling sensation...or rather, the rest of it. You've lost feeling in your legs already, and your waist is starting to lose feeling entirely as well. The burbling milk is already up to your chin, your nose in the air as you try to take breaths...but it's hard to even maintain yourself at this point, your body slumping under that sea of milk as you lose consciousness...meanwhile, Ocearine's masturbation is increasing in frequency, the sharkess moaning as she feels her orgasm starting to rise...she jiggles her breast, the milk inside audibly sloshing, the full sensation in her breast letting her know that you had completely digested into her milk. ") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The sharkess moans as she feels her orgasm pump out, wet femcum splashing all over the hotel bed spread as she jiggles her breast, the feeling of it being so delightfully full driving her arousal. Her slit is still dripping as she starts to finger at her nipple, the milk inside starting to dribble out a little bit, letting Ocearine know it was ready. \"I've always wanted to do this...\" she says as she gets up (noting the mess she had made on the bed) to fetch a cup from the kitchen. She fingers her nipple a bit more, moaning as she feels the nipple loosen up, milk pouring out of it into the cup. The sensation was quite nice, almost driving Ocearine to start masturbating again. She felt the milk starting to only dribble out though, knowing that she had emptied herself out...at least, enough to fill the cup with. She had it filled up all the way, and her breast didn't even feel half-empty. \"Oh well, guess I'll have some extra then...\" she said as she raised the cup to her eye, looking at the milk, sloshing it around a bit before smiling and opening her mouth, tipping the cup and eagerly gulping down mouthfuls of the milk. It didn't take her long to down the cup, feeling the liquid empty out into her stomach. \"Aah...\" *urp* she moaned as she put the cup down. \"Always tastes best fresh...\" she said as she went back to watching TV, occasionally fondling her breast a bit, feeling the remaining milk slosh around inside, eager for the next time she could gulp down a cup of it...

*You made a nice, nutritious drink for the sharkess...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false the breast Look at ") } } else { msg ("The only thing that results from your struggles is your body getting coated in more of the milk that was pooling at the bottom of the breast.") } ]]>
Ocearine's womb false The last of your body is squeezed out into Ocearine's womb. You are completely immobilized inside the chamber, the tight womb walls preventing all movement from you. All the while you feel the walls dripping feminine juices, soaking your clothes and body in no time at all. You can hear the rhythmic moans of the sharkess as she starts playing with herself, sliding her fingers up and down her slit, teasing herself in a way. You feel the walls squeeze you tightly with every moan, feeling as if you would be crushed by the muscular organ any time now... It is nearly impossible to move. The womb was practically flooding with those feminine fluids at this point, the sloshing sea of fem-cum threatening to drown you out entirely. Ocearine's masturbation had also become much heavier and more powerful, raising the heat inside of her womb to a nearly unbearable level. You couldn't tell if it was sweat or femcum pouring down your forehead at this point (probably both...), but what was more immediate was the lack of air in here. You felt yourself gasping for every breath, desperately pushing against the womb walls in any attempt to free yourself...but all your squirms did was further Ocearine's arousal.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The womb had really started to wear you out. You felt less and less of your body now, the darkness shielding you from the fact that you were starting to melt into more cum for the sharkess. The bulge in her midsection had started to round out, the vacuum sealing from earlier turning into a pleasant, round belly bulge, like she was pregnant or had an especially large meal. Your consciousness was starting to slip, as more and more of you started to melt away into the sea of femcum inside of the sharkess...

A few minutes later, you were nothing but a sloshing bulge inside of the sharkess. A sloshy bulge which begged for release. Feeling the weight inside of her liquidate, Ocearine started to press even deeper, fingering herself quite roughly, plunging her digits in and out of her vagina. The rhythmic moans continued until she felt her insides tighten up...

Then, it came. Waves of gooey, sloppy femcum start to gush out of her slit, the sharkess laying back and moaning in absolute bliss as her vagina spurted her mess all out onto the hotel floor. The sensation was uncomparable, to the point where Ocearine really couldn't even moan, just a passenger as her body was rocked by pleasure, every spurt of femcum rocking her body with another wave of pleasure. The bulge in her belly shrunk down with every spurt, until eventually, nothing was left, her belly returning to its normal size.

Ocearine couldn't even do anything for a couple moments. She just laid on the bed, staring up in the ceiling, her body immobilized by pleasure. Eventually, she started to get out of the bed, though, her body shaking with every movement. She looked at what had come out of her, the splatters of femcum soaking the carpet floor, some even splattered against the walls. She sighed deeply, before making her way over to the hotel phone and calling for housekeeping. They probably had experience cleaning up gooey messes, at least...

*You slept in the wrong bed...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
Ocearine's sac false
You can feel something close to ground beneath you as Ocearine plops down on her rear, stroking at her length in earnest now. You can feel the balls shaking and sloshing around as she gets off, coating you in more of the sharkess's cum. You're already coated in the thick goop, and it's starting to make it a bit hard to move around in here...]]>
false You are surrounded by You can hear the huffs and groans of Ocearine's masturbation starting to quicken now, the sharkess clearly close to her orgasm. The cum you're bathing in is practically bubbling around you as the sharkess's arousal starts inching closer to its peak. One thing you hadn't noticed until now was the raw heat of this chamber, but now that it was turning up, you were really starting to feel its effects. You started feeling tired, exhausted, lightheaded even with the lack of air and the pounding heat inside. It didn't help that you were being jostled around by Ocearine's masturbation either...you were starting to feel a bit sick. And tingly, too... ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (OcearineSac.endo = 1) { msg ("
Your body continued to tingle, the sensation crawling over you slowly, like you were being consumed by it, almost as if you were melting away at this point...the last of your struggles were almost unnoticed by Ocearine, as the sharkess was completely lost to her pleasure. In fact...it almost felt like her body was getting ready to orgasm...but it was too late. Your eyelids were already starting to close over your eyes, as you started to lose consciousness...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
...And then they opened again? No, you weren't dreaming, or moving on to some other ethereal realm. You were back in Ocearine's hotel room, slumped against the wall...then you notice you were sitting in a pool of what looked (and smelled like) Ocearine's cum! Your clothes had melted off, but the rest of your body was mostly intact, although you were still tingling a bit...

Your little self pow-wow was shattered by a high-pitched moan, coming from the bed. That made you realize that Ocearine was still in the room with you...although she didn't seem to notice you. It looked like some unlucky shmuck was getting slurped up into the sharkess's womb now, Ocearine stroking at her still rock-hard cock as her belly bulged out a bit. You almost wanted to watch, but you knew it wasn't a good idea to stick around - even after a blowjob and literally eating you with her cock, she was still horny...so this next person probably wouldn't sate her, either.") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor3) OcearineSac.endo = 0 } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The tingling you felt from earlier was really starting to overtake your body now. You felt sluggish in your movement, the gooey, sloppy cum feeling almost like a spider web, keeping you locked in place...but you knew you were just tired, worn out by the oppressive environment of Ocearine's sac. Most of your body was tingling at this point, and if you could actually see inside the orbs, you'd see that your arms and legs were starting to melt into more of the sharkess's cum...thankfully, the lack of air inside the chamber made you pass out far before anything more painful happened.

\"...Aah, nothing but cum now...\" the sharkess moaned as she felt her balls starting to sag and round out more, the chamber filling with more and more cum as you melted down. The new sensation fueled her arousal, the sharkess stroking at her length powerfully now, thinking about the load of cum inside of her that was just begging to be released. She could feel her cock throbbing in her grip as she neared orgasm, before the cum started surging up through her shaft, Ocearine letting out a primal growl of orgasm as the cum started shooting out of her new length. Her first cum shot reached clear across the room, splattering wetly on the wall as she continued to shoot out hot globs of sharkess cum. She couldn't match the pure intensity of that first shot, but it was still coming out quite strongly, splattering against the hotel room's carpet as Ocearine was lost to pleasure. She hardly noticed, or cared, about the mess she was making. All she wanted was to feel empty...

Eventually, the orgasm came to a close, Ocearine's now-muskier cum having found its way onto the walls, the carpet, even her own body. She licked her lips clean of whatever cum had splattered on her face, before laying back against the floor, idly stroking at her cock as it slowly shrank down to a normal size. \"Phew...wish I'd done that earlier...\" she gasped as she lounged in the afterglow of her orgasm. Certainly, she'd be doing it again...

*You took something that didn't belong to you...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at They're almost...shiny. That's probably just the glistening cum, though. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You wriggle around in the sac, but it's pretty hard to move inside. Doesn't seem like Ocearine even notices it, either.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You end up splashing cum everywhere, including in your mouth, sputtering as you get the distinct aftertaste of musk in your mouth. Gross.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You feel the sac walls give a little way, but they quickly snap back to their previous form - which just so happens to be skintight around you.") } else { msg ("You hear Ocearine chuckle as she feels you squirming in her balls. \"Not much longer 'till you're just a nice, musky load of cum...\" she teases as she pumps at her length some more.") } ]]>
You are sucking Ocearine's cock false \"Good choice...\" the sharkess says, before rubbing her cock against your face. \"Well? What're you waiting for?\" she says impatiently. Hesitantly, you open your mouth, wrapping your lips around the sharkess's shaft and steadily taking her length in. Almost immediately, you hear a breathy sigh of pleasure above, a sign that you were doing something right, at least. Ocearine wants to get this moving along, though, thrusting her cock deeper into your mouth at a faster pace than you would have liked...you can't really do much to stop her, though, so you just suck away, trying not to gag on the length as she thrusts it deeper into your mouth. \"No teeth...\" she manages to moan out inbetween thrusts, putting her hands on the back of your head and pressing you further onto her cock; even when you were the one pleasuring her, Ocearine was still completely in charge...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidesigh.wav", false, false) } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
This continued for around five minutes or so. You could definitely tell Ocearine was a bit pent-up from how aggressive she was (even if that was pretty normal for her...), and knew it wouldn't be too long before she blew her load...She had you by the back of the head now, pressing her cock as deep into your mouth as possible. You just hoped your gag reflex wouldn't kick in...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
After a few more minutes, you heard a roar above you precede a flood of cum gushing out of her shaft, Ocearine thrusting her cock as deep into your mouth as possible before she orgasmed, making sure that you were forced to gulp down every last shot of her cum. Wave after wave of the gooey stuff shot its way down into your throat, bulging out your belly already. Slowly, as her orgasm drained into you, Ocearine started to go slighly more limp, her grip on your head loosening as she wallowed in orgasm bliss. Eventually, her hands lost their grip on you entirely, dangling at her sides as her orgasm ended.

\"Haah...that's better...\" Ocearine moaned as she slipped her cock out of your mouth.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { if (OcearineBJRoom.suck >= 5) { msg ("
\"I'd slip you inside right now, but you actually...really drained me...\" Ocearine said, plopping against the bed and waving you away with a limp arm. \"J...just come back later...\"") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor3) OcearineBJRoom.suck = 0 } else if (OcearineBJRoom.suck >= 1) { OcearineSac.endo = 1 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"But now I think I need a refill...\" the sharkess said, before suddenly pressing your head back up against her cock! You tried to struggle, but the sharkess was far too powerful...she wasn't rubbing you up against her cock, though, she was shoving you IN it! You could hear her growl in pleasure as her cock flesh expanded around your head, the innards of her shaft already clenching around your head even before it was fully lodged in! It didn't take much longer for that to be the case, though, Ocearine practically throwing you down her shaft. The thing was already slurping up your chest before you even really knew where you were...although, the tight, salty-smelling cavern was a pretty unique environment to be in; you're not sure how you didn't recognize it earlier...") wait { msg ("
You continued to wiggle inside Ocearine's shaft, but with your shoulders already pinned to your side by the sharkess's cock, they weren't really accomplishing much besides pleasuring the sharkess even more. You could hear her huff and moan with increased frequency as she continued slurping your body up, nary a misstep in the sharkess's clenching and pulling, even as her pleasure continued to mount...clearly, she was experienced with this, and could deal with even the most wriggly, squirmy prey possible...and you weren't that strong, that was for sure. So you just had to sit on standby, essentially, attempting a wiggle every time Ocearine clenched around your body; but in due time, only your legs and feet were left sticking out of her shaft, which the sharkess easily dealt with, moaning as she took a finger and pushed them in, locking you inside of her shaft...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineSac) } } } else { msg ("
\"But now I think I need a refill...\" the sharkess said, before suddenly pressing your head back up against her cock! You tried to struggle, but the sharkess was far too powerful...she wasn't rubbing you up against her cock, though, she was shoving you IN it! You could hear her growl in pleasure as her cock flesh expanded around your head, the innards of her shaft already clenching around your head even before it was fully lodged in! It didn't take much longer for that to be the case, though, Ocearine practically throwing you down her shaft. The thing was already slurping up your chest before you even really knew where you were...although, the tight, salty-smelling cavern was a pretty unique environment to be in; you're not sure how you didn't recognize it earlier...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You continued to wiggle inside Ocearine's shaft, but with your shoulders already pinned to your side by the sharkess's cock, they weren't really accomplishing much besides pleasuring the sharkess even more. You could hear her huff and moan with increased frequency as she continued slurping your body up, nary a misstep in the sharkess's clenching and pulling, even as her pleasure continued to mount...clearly, she was experienced with this, and could deal with even the most wriggly, squirmy prey possible...and you weren't that strong, that was for sure. So you just had to sit on standby, essentially, attempting a wiggle every time Ocearine clenched around your body; but in due time, only your legs and feet were left sticking out of her shaft, which the sharkess easily dealt with, moaning as she took a finger and pushed them in, locking you inside of her shaft...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineSac) } } } } } } } ]]>
Ocearine's cock false ") } OcearineBJRoom.suck = OcearineBJRoom.suck + 1 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You hear a moan above you as Ocearine thrusts more of her cock into your mouth.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } OcearineBJRoom.suck = OcearineBJRoom.suck + 1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You almost gag on Ocearine's cock. You can practically feel her glaring down at you.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } OcearineBJRoom.suck = OcearineBJRoom.suck + 1 } else { msg ("\"More tongue...\" the sharkess moans, pressing your mouth down onto her cock more.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } OcearineBJRoom.suck = OcearineBJRoom.suck + 1 } ]]>
A single bed. It has red sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It doesn't look incredibly comfortable, but it'll do. Bed Look at You fall asleep in Ocearine's bed. The sharkess is caught a bit off guard by your gall, but you just really needed a rest...") firsttime { wait { msg ("
You slowly open your eyes..into complete darkness. And you can't breathe either, really. You can still feel the bed underneath you, but you have no idea what's on top of you, only that you can smell a feminine scent wafting from it. You struggle instinctively, but your struggles are quickly stalled by a voice above you.

\"Looks like somebody's awake...\" you hear the voice say, recognizing it as Ocearine. \"Did you think I'd just let you sleep in my bed, kid?~\" the sharkess says as she grinds her rear down on your face, your nose poking up against her slit. \"Now, I'm gonna cut you a deal. I'm horny. I need some attention down there. If you eat me out, I'll let you go. If you don't...well, let's just say that you'll end up somewhere a lot tighter and darker than where you are right now...\"") Ask ("Take up the sharkess's offer?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"That's a good toy. Now, get to it...\" Ocearine says as she grinds down on your face some more, adjusting herself a bit so her dripping slit is right above your nose. It's obvious she's quite enjoying this already, and it didn't seem like she would honestly take much stimulation to make her come...tentatively, you stuck your tongue out, licking along the slit, Ocearine shuddering as you do, before she starts to grind down harder on your face, moaning as you teased at her slit with her tongue. As she grinded on you, she pressed down a bit harder, your tongue slipping up and piercing deep into her nethers, the sharkess moaning out loudly as she feels your muscle plunging deep up into her slit. \"Aagh! Nnf...don't stop...\" you hear the sharkess moan as you continue eating her out, your lips practically kissing her slit as you dug your tongue deeper into her. Her grinding down on your face gets harder and harder, you worrying a bit about suffocating underneath the sharkess' rump as she starts crying out in pleasure with every movement of your tongue. Pre is starting to drip down onto your face, and you know it's only a matter of time until a river of cum splashes down onto you...") wait { msg ("
You can hear Ocearine muffling a heavy moan as she orgasms, biting her lip as she feels that cum rushing out of her womb and splashing onto your face. It's quite a heavy amount of the stuff, threatening to drown you out, some of it getting in your mouth...it wasn't exactly the worst experience though. At least you weren't the cum this time. In the midst of all this, you can feel something hard and plastic-y smack against your face, bouncing off and landing somewhere on the bed. The flood of cum eventually tapers off somewhat, leaving a panting, fulfilled sharkess sitting on top of you. She sits there for some time, before slowly lifting off of your face, her lips still dripping femcum onto your body.

You sit up on the bed, wiping the femcum off your face as you watch Ocearine re-dress herself. \"Hnn...I...I really needed that...\" she pants as she stands up. \"I guess you won't end up as cum today. But if you sleep in my bed again...\" she warns, before walking into the kitchen. \"Now, leave.\"

You look around the bed to find the plastic thing that had clanked against your head earlier. It takes a little bit, but you finally find the thing, still dripping with cum. You wipe it off, finding that it's the token to Room 7. Weird place for it to be, but whatever. You put it in your pocket before leaving the room...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", false, false) } AddToInventory (Room 7 Token) TokenCall MakeObjectVisible (Room 7 Token) MoveObject (player, Secondfloor3) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Ocearine straddles you, waiting for a response until she eventually grinds down harder on your face. \"Not biting, eh? Your funeral...\" she says as she presses down on you, her slit rubbing up against your nose, which eventually pops inside, the sharkess moaning as she feels your face sliding into her slit. She reaches a hand behind her and places it on your head, grunting as she pushes your head forward, her slit expanding around it and taking it in. You struggle, but the slit is like a vicegrip, cutting off any chance you had at pulling it out. Desperate, you start licking her walls with your tongue, slathering them with your muscle...all you hear is a giggle from Ocearine. \"Way too late, cum...\" she says before giving your body another push, this time her hand firmly planted on your shoulders. She shudders and moans loudly as her slit expands around them, feeling as though she was taking the girthiest dick in the world right now...but with your shoulders locked inside, it became a lot easier for Ocearine to take in the rest of you. She doesn't even really need to push you in anymore, the clenches of her vaginal walls accomplishing the same, pulling you deeper into her womb with every clench. Her breathing, deep and heavy around you, became more rhythmic with every clench, Ocearine pacing herself to make sure she didn't come too early...") wait { msg ("
After a few more clenches, your head pokes out into a chamber somewhat more roomy than the almost body-shattering vicegrip of her vagina. Ocearine's womb was still quite small, forcing you to be packed in like sardines inside of the chamber. Every moan and clench from the sharkess pulls you a few inches deeper, forcing you to curl up inside the tight womb. The walls don't stretch at all, holding firmly against this new intrusion, leaving you vacuum-sealed inside of the womb, and the chamber was only becoming tigher as more and more of you was fed into the womb. At this point, Ocearine has adjusted herself, flipping herself over and watching your feet wiggle awkwardly outside of her slit, before disappearing with one more clench and moan from the sharkess, locking you inside of her womb...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineWomb) } } } } } } otherwise { wait { msg ("
You slowly open your eyes..into complete darkness. And you can't breathe either, really. You can still feel the bed underneath you, but you have no idea what's on top of you, only that you can smell a feminine scent wafting from it. You struggle instinctively, but your struggles are quickly stalled by a voice above you.

\"Again, kid?\" you hear the voice say, recognizing it as Ocearine. \"I gave you a chance, but this time I need something inside of me. I mean, if you did it again, you probably WANT to end up as femcum...\" she says.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Ocearine straddles you, waiting for a response until she eventually grinds down harder on your face. \"Not even an objection? You're no fun...\" she says as she presses down on you, her slit rubbing up against your nose eventually pops inside, the sharkess moaning as she feels your face sliding into her slit. She reaches a hand behind her and places it on your head, grunting as she pushes your head forward, her slit expanding around it and taking it in. You struggle, but the slit is like a vicegrip, cutting off any chance you had at pulling it out. Desperate, you start licking her walls with your tongue, slathering them with your muscle...all you hear is a giggle from Ocearine. \"Way too late, cum...\" she says before giving your body another push, this time her hand firmly planted on your shoulders. She shudders and moans loudly as her slit expands around them, feeling as though she was taking the girthiest dick in the world right now...but with your shoulders locked inside, it became a lot easier for Ocearine to take in the rest of you. She doesn't even really need to push you in anymore, the clenches of her vaginal walls accomplishing the same, pulling you deeper into her womb with every clench. Her breathing, deep and heavy around you, became more rhythmic with every clench, Ocearine pacing herself to make sure she didn't come too early...") wait { msg ("
After a few more clenches, your head pokes out into a chamber somewhat more roomy than the almost body-shattering vicegrip of her vagina. Ocearine's womb was still quite small, forcing you to be packed in like sardines inside of the chamber. Every moan and clench from the sharkess pulls you a few inches deeper, forcing you to curl up inside the tight womb. The walls don't stretch at all, holding firmly against this new intrusion, leaving you vacuum-sealed inside of the womb, and the chamber was only becoming tigher as more and more of you was fed into the womb. At this point, Ocearine has adjusted herself, flipping herself over and watching your feet wiggle awkwardly outside of her slit, before disappearing with one more clench and moan from the sharkess, locking you inside of her womb...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, OcearineWomb) } } } } } ]]>
false Open Close false the false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 8) false A basic hotel room, 1 bedroom. At the left of the room is the single bed; to its right is a television. It's not a CRT, but it doesn't look that new. To the left is the {object:Room 8 Bathroom}. A single bed. It has red sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It doesn't look incredibly comfortable, but it'll do. Your slumber is long and fulfilling...but you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night. The hotel room is pitch black, the lights having been turned off, but more importantly, you couldn't move at all! You were scared out of your mind; was this an episode of sleep paralysis or something? You start to struggle, wake up your body, but soon you realize that...you're moving. You're not bound by sleep, but rather by something physical! You can't really tell what it is, but you can feel your bindings coiling around you, slightly fleshy whenever they touched your skin. Then, you heard a voice coming from the foot of the bed. \"Oh, awake are we?~\" came the voice, confident and teasing. \"You know, you shouldn't ever let your guard down around here...or you might end up someplace you'd rather not be.\" The voice was distinctly masculine, and a bit suave, as well...you weren't sure what he was talking about, but you did know that whatever was binding you was coming from his body somehow...not arms, but some sort of tentacles.

These tentacles started rubbing up and down your body, slightly squeezing as they coiled around you tighter. \"But don't worry. That's not me. I'll tuck you away somewhere nice and safe, where all those mean, hungry people can't find you...\" the voice came again. Your eyes had started to adjust to the dark somewhat, and you could make out the confident smile of a draconic figure; vaguely purple, with some beige horns poking out of his head, and brown hair kept back in a ponytail. And, yes, those tentacles were coming from him all right, the purple, fleshy tubes emerging from behind the dragon's back and slinking their way up the bed, wrapping comfortably around your body, lightly squeezing and massaging at you. It felt strangely...sensual? And comfortable too, the dragon's embrace soft and pillowy. It was honestly getting you a bit aroused...") wait { msg ("
\"Now you're getting it...\" the dragon said as he felt you starting to squirm a bit in arousal. Those tentacles just felt lovely, rubbing up and along your sides. It was inescapable...\"Now, just relax, and let me put you somewhere safe...\" the dragon said again, before you felt something wet and warm wrap around your feet. His mouth...? At the same time, though, you felt one of those tentacles release its grip on your body, the fleshy tendril snaking into your shorts and finding its way to your rear. You instinctively squirmed as you felt the tentacle starting to brush up against your pucker, but then the other tentacle continued to rub along your body, continuing to heighten your arousal, making you more receptive to the exploring tentacle. \"Hush...let me pleasure you...\" you heard the (significantly) more garbled voice come as the tentacle pressed up into your rear. Without lube, it was a bit hard, but the tentacle still pushed up, making you moan reflexively as it snaked its way up into your bowels.

You could feel another fleshy tendril rubbing and licking at your feet; but this one was a bit more wet, the dragon's tongue coated in saliva as it rubbed and tasted over your bare feet. \"Mmmmm, delightful...\" the dragon moaned as he worked his mouth over more of your feet, eventually finding his lips tickling at your ankles. You were mostly distracted by the tentacle currently sliding in and out of your rump, but you could still feel the sensual, slow *glp* the dragon took, pulling your feet into his hot, tight throat; the slowness allowed for much more of a gradual movement as you were gently pulled to the foot of the bed. You still barely noticed the movement, though, as the tentacles continued to rub over you, the more...inquisitive...one currently tickling at your pucker before making its way in again, causing you to groan once more as the dragon lapped his tongue around your legs. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You felt another gulp pull you closer to the foot of the bed, this time a bit more jerky and forceful as the dragon felt his stomach growl. The tentacles continued pleasing you, one coiled around your chest, tip rubbing along your side as the other one snaked up into your rear again. You could only hear the sloppy, wet sounds of the dragon feasting as he continued to pull you deeper into his throat, your feet and legs completely unable to move at this point; you could feel the ripples of peristalsis starting to pull them deeper into the throat as well, alongside the dragon's regular gulps. You could make out more of the dragon's features now, his piercing eyes staring straight into yours as he continued to gulp you down. You felt his tongue rubbing over your groin as your chest slid into his mouth, the southbound tentacle being a bit more forceful in its plunging as your arousal started to overwhelm you...your mind was clouded by it at this point, making it impossible to struggle even if you wanted to. You just wanted release...

You could feel the first tentacle gently uncoiling from your body, the dragon pulling the saliva-soaked appendage out of his mouth before another *glp* pulled your chest into his throat, leaving your crotch soaked in dragon saliva, your captor taking his time to tease and rub at it before sending it further down. You felt your feet starting to break out into what you assumed was the dragon's stomach, far more spacious...but you could already feel a hand patting and rubbing at the bulge your feet and legs were creating in the dragon's gut. A flash of rememberance of what was actually happening to you flickered in your brain, but it was dashed as soon as it was created by another thrust by that wandering tentacle into your rear, replacing your dreadful curiosity with unsatiated lust. You thought you heard the dragon chuckle a bit before gulping again, leaving only your head outside of his drooling maw...and soon, you felt his tongue curling around the back of your head, pulling it inside as well, turning your view to pitch black once again. At the same time, you felt that second tentacle pull out of you, a wet *pop* accompanying it as the fleshy tendril snaked its way back up the dragon's throat. The tongue slathered you with some more saliva, quite eagerly tasting you, before you felt your head being gently pulled to the back of the mouth...and then...

*glp~*") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, JojoStomach) } } } } else { msg ("You wake up some time later, feeling more ready to face the day.") } } ]]>
Bathroom false the A basic bathroom, with tiling. Nothing too fancy, although they do provide shampoos and soaps. false false Your hands are now nice and clean! Look at Look at You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("...and the next thing you know you can feel something around your waist! You slowly open your eyes and see that some sort of python has snaked its way in through the open window into your bathroom and is busy consuming you! You try to struggle but your arms are already pinned inside the snake's gullet, tightly bound together in the slimy tunnel. You continue to try and push the snake off somehow, but you soon realize your only hope is to scream, and so you yell as loud as you possibly can!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND BREAK FREE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { ClearScreen if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You scream and yell for as long as you can, but the snake has already made it up to your neck. It unfurls its tail and starts to wrap it around your mouth, but suddenly the door slams open! Kayla, the dragoness from earlier, must have heard your screams! \"What's going on in here!?\" she yells and stops herself when she sees the snake and soon-to-be-snake-food. Kayla seemingly instantly lowers her stance and tone of voice, in a \"not-this-again\" sort of way, as she runs over to the bathtub and starts pulling on your head!
") msg ("
Kayla and the snake play tug-of-war with your naked body for a while, until you start to slowly slide out of the snake's gullet. The snake tries to retaliate with its tail but Kayla is able to pin it underneath her clawed feet. Slowly, you're pulled from certain slimy doom and back on solid ground. \"Ugh. Go put some clothes on.\" Kayla says, trying to avert her eyes from your naked body. You willingly do so, despite being covered in snake saliva (you can shower later...with the window closed!) and when you come back, Kayla has the snake subdued on the floor, still wriggling.
\"What are we gonna do with this thing?\" she asks you.") kaylasnakelist = NewStringList() list add (kaylasnakelist, "Put it back outside") list add (kaylasnakelist, "I might be a bit hungry") list add (kaylasnakelist, "You can have it") ShowMenu ("", kaylasnakelist, false) { if (result = "Put it back outside") { msg ("
\"Your loss.\" she says. Kayla takes the snake over to the window and slowly feeds it back out to the ground. It's a long drop but the snake is able to touch ground before it's even out the window.") } else if (result = "I might be a bit hungry") { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
Kayla looks at you for a bit.
\"Didn't really see you as that type...but fine. You'll need some help though.\" She releases the snake from beneath her feet and grabs its head, raising it to your mouth. \"Open wide.\" she says. You obey, mouth opening up wide in anticipation of its newest occupant. \"Looks like someone really IS hungry...\" she says, looking inside and seeing how moist the fleshy cavern is. \"Here we go!\" she says, and pushes the snake's head into your mouth. It's a bit overwhelming, but Kayla continues to ease the long body down your throat. \"Just relax your gullet...\" she coaches as the snake starts to get near the back of your mouth. \"Aaaand..gulp!\" she commands. You do, and the snake's head is sucked down into your esophagus. After a couple more gulps, she tells you \"All right, I'm gonna let go now. He's still pretty feisty though.\" She takes her hands off the scaly noodle, and it starts to thrash around even harder, almost knocking you onto your butt! \"Use your teeth if you need to!\" Kayla continues to coach. \"Just slurp it like a noodle!\" You take her advice and begin to slurp down the snake. It takes nearly a half hour of struggling and nearly falling down several times, but you finally get to the end. You take the last, satisfying gulp as the snake finally slides down your throat.") msg ("
You've accumulated quite the belly in the process, still thrashing about as the snake desperately tries to escape its fleshy prison. You start to feel queasy for a couple seconds, but then a massive belch bellows up your throat and blows your mouth clean open. You wipe a bit of drool from your mouth, satisfied and pleasantly full. \"Didn't that feel great?\" Kayla asks. \"You're probably gonna need to sleep that off, though.\" she adds, pointing at your massive, engorged stomach. She starts to walk out the door, but before she leaves, she adds one more thing.

\"Don't tell anyone this happened.\"") msg ("
As soon as she leaves, you plop straight onto the ground, unable to support the snake's weight any longer. You rub and tease your belly as the cacophony of gurgles and glorps begin to ring out. After about a half hour, though, the struggles begin to lessen, and you heed her advice and head off to bed, stumbling about, not used to the counterweight still. ") wait { msg ("As you sleep, your belly starts to get smaller...") } wait { msg ("And smaller, the snake not struggling at all anymore...") } wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("glorpgrowl.wav", false, false) } msg ("...until you wake up the next morning, with a normal (although certainly more rotund) belly and a hunger for more.") MoveObject (player, Room 8) SetObjectFlagOn (Snake, "eaten") } } else if (result = "You can have it") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", true, false) } msg ("
\"Suit yourself.\" Kayla responds. Immediately she brings the snake's head to her mouth. A loud, wanting \"Aaaaaahh...\" rings out as she opens her drooling maw as wide as it can possibly go. Her jaws close around the snake's head, sucking on it like a piece of candy. After giving it a healthy bath in her saliva, Kayla begins to...slurp? the snake. Yes, she's slurping it down just like a noodle! The slurping sounds continue, interchanged with the occasional gulp and gluk, until Kayla's belly is sticking out a fair distance from the rest of her body. She lets out a succession of \"burp!\"s and \"BRAAP!\"s before she pats her belly, clearly satisfied. \"Looks like I'll be skipping dinner tonight.\" she says, before walking out of the room, oddly coordinated for having such a large weight in her belly. She seems experienced with this.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-shortpowerbelch3.wav", true, false) } SetObjectFlagOn (Snake, "eaten") } } } else { msg ("
You continue to scream and yell, but to no avail, as nobody comes to your rescue. Tired of its prey's cries, the snake wraps its free tail around your mouth and seals your screams shut as it slowly works its way over the rest of your body. You can hear distant gurgles from about where your legs are and struggle in horror as the gravity of the situation falls onto you. Alas, these struggles are in vain, the snake's lips already around your upper chest. You watch in horror as the snake's head slowly approaches yours, working over your chin with the frighteningly slow pace snakes are wont to do. You can hear the snake's heartbeat as it slowly slurps up the rest of your body, its lips finally able to touch each other as you slide inside the massive python.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, SnakeStomach) } } } } } else if (GetBoolean(Snake, "eaten")) { msg ("
You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } else { msg ("
You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } } else { msg ("
You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } } else { msg ("You strip naked and turn on the bath water. After getting in you sink slowly into the water for what seems like forever. You close your eyes and enjoy the bath water...") wait { msg ("...and the next thing you know it's an hour later! Your skin is pruning as you get out of the water and dry yourself. It was relaxing, but you missed a good hour of time!") MoveObject (player, Room 8 Bathroom) } } UnlockExit (Room8Bathroom) ]]>
false Look at Open Close A small window above the bathtub. false You open the windo Look at Use Drop Open Close Switch on Switch off msg ("You open the window. It wouldn't hurt to get some air circulating.") HelperOpenObject (Window) msg ("You close the window. It was getting a bit chilly in here!") HelperCloseObject (Window) false snake's stomach false false the As the snake finally closes its mouth and locks you in its fleshy prison, the gulps and your sliding come to a slow end. You can't really tell the difference between the two, but it appears that you have arrived in the snake's stomach. You are completely unable to move, the stomach already stretched completely as it is, but you desperately wiggle to try and escape this predicament. You are surrounded by The gurgles and groans around you start to become more intense, nearly drowning out the snake's pounding heartbeat. You desperately try to struggle more but you're already becoming weaker as digestive fluids start to pour into the chamber. Your breaths start to become slower and slower as the air in the chamber is rapidly depleting.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You can really start to feel your skin tingle as the digestive fluids drown you out completely. With the air nearly depleted, you start to consign yourself to fate. Your last breath is a slow and painful one before your head goes completely under the soup of stomach acids. As you close your eyes you can already feel your skin slowly melting into a nutrient-rich broth for this snake to absorb...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The snake lounges in the bathtub for some time, completely unable to move after gorging itself. Over the course of days, it slowly digests its massive meal, the bulge in its midsection rounding out and shrinking over time. After nearly 5 days in what was your hotel room, the snake is finally able to move. It slithers out the still-open window and onto the hotel grounds, but soon feels a pang in its lower bowels and slithers to a nearby bush, dumping you in a remote part of the hotel grounds. After finishing its business, the snake slithers off, belly already rumbling for its next victim. Later, Kayla walks by while tending the grounds and sees the mound of your remains. \"Damnit, what did he eat this time!?\"") } else { msg ("
The snake lounges in the bathtub for some time, completely unable to move after gorging itself. Over the course of days, it slowly digests its massive meal, the bulge in its midsection rounding out and shrinking over time. After nearly 5 days in what was your hotel room, the snake is finally able to move. It slithers out the still-open window and onto the hotel grounds, free to sneak around and look for the next wandering patron, just away from the spying eyes of any hotel employees...") } msg ("
*You got a little too comfortable in the open air...*

=GAME OVER=") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
The snake's stomach walls. They look exactly the same as its throat and constantly bathe you in digestive fluids. Look at Pound against false Stomach walls if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("You try and kick against the stomach walls but you're barely able to move.") } else { msg ("The snake squirms a bit but you aren't able to do much.") }
false If you see this description than that is a problem Look at Jojo's stomach false
You didn't have much time to get accustomed to the stomach, either, before you felt your surroundings jostle around somewhat, culminating in a loud, rumbling *BUUUUuuuuuUrrraaapppp....* echoing above you. "Oh, excuse me..." you heard a deep voice come from above. "How rude of me...We never even introduced ourselves! I'm Jojo, and, well, you will be too, soon..." Jojo chuckled as he started rubbing at his distended gut, belching a few more times as you squirmed inside. "I told you I'd put you somewhere nice and safe...didn't mention that it wouldn't stay safe." he teased as he laid on the bed, exactly where you were sleeping, rubbing his clawed hands over you. "And what a meal to get, too...you tasted absolutely scrumptious! I have to thank you for letting your guard down..." Unbeknownst to you, Jojo's method of thanking was a little bit lewd. You weren't able to judge the dragon's lack of clothes as he pulled you inside of him, or see his now-throbbing length rubbing up against the bulge you made as he rubbed at it. But, eventually, you could hear his moans as he stroked at it, getting off to your movements inside.

You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The huffs and groans of Jojo's masturbation were starting to get louder and louder; not that you could really tell, because the gurglings of his stomach were also starting to get louder, and those were more immediate to you. The stomach was already pretty aggressive in its introduction, but it was somehow getting even more aggressive, kneading against your body almost angrily, like it was mad you didn't get inside of it earlier or something! You couldn't really protest, though, considering your predicament; your only \"protests\" were your squirms and struggles as you tried to keep the stomach walls away from you, but all that got you was covered in more stomach slime. Stomach slime that was starting to make your skin tingle a bit.

Outside, Jojo's masturbation was occasionally interrupted by a belch or two. \"*huff*...still struggling...haah...in there?\" he managed to moan out as he stroked at his length. He was getting pretty close...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
It was difficult to struggle at this point. The stomach had won its \"war\" with you, aggressively kneading against your worn-out body without you being able to fight back, both physically and mentally; you couldn't really feel your arms at this point, let alone struggle with them. Your mind was also worn out, the heat and suffocating stench of the dragon's stomach doing its toll on your consciousness; which started to slip away, thankfully, as you didn't really want to be awake for what came next.

Jojo heard a loud *glrrrn.....* come from his stomach as it started to really work away on your body. The dragon just smirked as he patted at his gut with one hand, still using his other to stroke at his length. He had been edging himself in a way until you really started digesting; and now that you were, the real fun part was going to start...he stroked hard at his length, with both hands, occasionally, feeling his cum starting to surge up through his balls and into his shaft. Jojo roared primally as he felt his orgasm come, sticky shots of dragon seed splattering across his chest, face, and occasionally the bed he was lying in. He caught some in his mouth, too, enjoying the taste and chuckling at the thought of gulping down his own cum for you to stew in as you digested...which he, of course, did. Soon, his orgasm came down, though, leaving Jojo panting in afterglow, arms and legs splayed out on the bed as he reveled in the feeling.

\"Haah...what a delicious little find...\" the dragon managed to pant out, rubbing at his swollen gut as it gradually shrank down, before he started feeling a bit tired himself. Swallowing, digesting, and jerking off to an entire person was quite the night, let alone all the things he did earlier today...and so the dragon slipped into sleep himself; this time he was confident in his safety, though, considering he'd thought to actually lock the door...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Jojo awoke the next day, sunlight shining through the curtains as the dragon lounged around in the hotel bed. \"Oh, they came out nicely...\" he said as he rubbed at his gut and rear, now a bit chubbier, thanks to your help. The second result of your digestion was coming up, too, Jojo feeling a familiar pang in his bowels as he lazed in bed. He was a bit mad about having to get up, but eventually he was forced to by his body, running to the bathroom and sitting down on the toilet before he felt the rest of you sliding out of him. He tried to not think about the result of his eating habits, but they were a fact of life, and one he'd have to get used to...maybe learn to enjoy as well. For now, though, it was just a necessity, the dragon flushing the toilet as he put in a call for housekeeping. With luck, he'd be gone before they got here...and he wouldn't get charged for the night, either!") } msg ("
*Of all the rooms to meet your end in, it was your own. Good going...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Your struggles only really tire you out; every push you give out is just reciprocated with a moan from Jojo. He's *really* enjoying them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Ah, calm down *huff* in there...you're nothing but dragon fat now...\" Jojo advises, patting at his gut.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("\"Why would something *huff* as delicious as you *huff* want to escape...?\" Jojo asks. You can't really tell the inflection from inside of him, so you aren't sure if it's a serious question or not.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You try to find the sphincter you arrived in the stomach from, but it's way too dark to tell if you're even right-side up inside of the stomach.") } else { msg ("The stomach is far too active to establish any sort of footing for you to struggle from. You just keep slipping and losing your balance...") } ]]>
A small corded phone sitting on your nightstand. Look at The phone rings a few times before you hear Kayla's voice on the other end. \"Hello, you've dialed room service. What is your request?\"") roomservicelist = NewStringList() list add (roomservicelist, "Order a comfier bed") list add (roomservicelist, "Never mind") ShowMenu ("", roomservicelist, false) { if (result = "Order a comfier bed") { msg ("
\"A comfier bed? Uh, sure. We can send one your way...\" the dragoness says, slightly confused, before hanging up the phone.") wait { MakeObjectVisible (Cot) msg ("
You heard a knock on your door a few minutes later. You expected it to be a couple of workers carrying a mattress, but instead, a large polar bear greeted you at the door! The bear looked like he could barely fit in the door frame…and it was pretty obvious that he noticed the bewildered look on your face, because he started to speak a few seconds later.

“Hi, you ordered a comfier bed? Well, my name is Cot and, that's me…” he said, before starting to waddle his way inside. It was at this point you noticed the patches on the bear's fur…it seems like this was a living plush of sorts! And he was going to be your bed…it was a bit odd, but you went along with it…") wait { msg ("
The couple of seconds you took to register all of this in your brain allowed Cot to find a comfy spot on the hotel floor. You turned around to see the plush polar bear sprawled out on the floor, his soft belly pointing straight up, the blanket from your normal bed draped across it. “Well, come on now, don't be shy…” the plush teased, patting at his belly. You reluctantly made way over to the polar bear, not sure what he was planning, before you lay down on his belly slowly and...wow. You sunk right into it! Despite the odd form of the bed, it really was comfier than the usual one you had been sleeping in…

Cot sighed as you lay on his belly, the comfortable plush fabric making you feel right at home on top of the bear. “See, this is nice…” Cot said happily, one of his paws reaching down to pat you lightly on the head. “Before you doze off though, I think you can make me a little comfier with those other pillows…” he continued to say, motioning to the other pillows on your regular bed…") Ask ("Stuff Cot?") { if (result) { msg ("
“Great choice! Now, if you would just grab those pillows over there…” Cot instructed, as he slowly opened up the zipper hole that went across his entire belly. You watched as Cot slowly opened himself up, revealing the inner inner chamber that one could call his stomach. It was somewhat spacious, and looked very comfortable…”Just go ahead and stuff them in there!” he said as you returned with pillows in hand, both arms spreading open the zipper hole he had made. You stuck your hands into it, expecting some sort of gross wetness, but it was nothing but a gentle, comforting heat. The pillows did help pad him out a bit; the plushie’s soft lining and stuffing was mostly in between the chamber and his fur, and the chamber was designed so that you could make the plushie as fluffy as you wanted. ") wait { picture ("VOREHOTELCOT2.png") msg ("
“Ah, there we go, I feel much better now. It's all ready for you…” You prepared to the zip that zipper hole back up, but instead, you felt a push on the on your back, sending you careening into that chamber instead! You fell face-first into Cot’s stomach, the warm velvety fabric brushing up against your face as the polar bear continued stuffing you in, your legs and chest absent-mindedly flailing about as you were shoved into the chamber! There was a bit of wiggle room inside, so it wasn't that difficult for the bear that easily fit you in him, sighing as he slipped the last of your legs into the soft enclosure. It took you a bit to orient yourself inside, but by the time you found the zipper hole that you had made your way into the stomach through, Cot was already well ahead of you, the last of the fluorescent light seeping through a tiny hole at the top of the zipper before it was completely zipped up, trapping you inside the polar bear’s stomach…") Cot.pillows = 1 wait { MoveObject (player, CotStomach) } } } else { picture ("VOREHOTELCOT.png") msg ("
“Oh that's fine, I am your bed, after all...” Cot sighed, a bit of disappointment in the plush polar bear’s voice. Still, he continued to cuddle with you for a few minutes, occasionally pressing you a bit deeper into his belly as you snuggle against it. “I think it's time to tuck you in though…” he said a few minutes later, leaving you a bit confused before you felt his paws grab onto your shoulders! Before you could react, Cot yanked back, your head landing directly in his open mouth! your eyes were forced to look up at the roof of his mouth, a few small sewn-in patches breaking up the otherwise dark blue fabric. There was no saliva or gross wetness, but you could feel a general heat rising from the back of Cot’s mouth as the plushie continued stuffing you in, the rough tongue making sure to hold you in place as Cot continued to gobble you down!") wait { msg ("
You could feel Cot's plastic teeth scrape against your body as you slid in deeper, the room-temperature plastic serving as a stark contrast to the gentle heat of the rest of the bear's mouth. Cot's grip was firm, yet strangely comforting as the bear continued his feast, his dark blue, velvety lips closing along your chest at this point already, making you feel a tad itchy in that spot...

You felt your head bump up against the back of Cot’s mouth a few seconds later, feeling your head start to tip back as the tongue started to disappear from underneath you… you could still feel that calm, gentle heat emanating from deeper within the plush, making this whole experience strangely nice and relaxing, even as the bear sloppily stuffed you inside his mouth. You felt the first gulp pull your head and neck and shoulders inside, throat fabric tight around your form as you make your trip down the plushie’s gullet, still endeavoring to pull you down just like any hungry predator’s normal, fleshy throat would. Without the lubrication of saliva and other body fluids, your descent had a bit more friction, but Cot was still able to get you down rather easily, a few more gulps pulling in all but your legs, which dangled awkwardly outside of the bear’s mouth.

Cot threw back his head to put your legs in a more easy-to-consume position, the bear opening his mouth and letting gravity sink the rest of you into his gut. The only input he had was one push of his tongue, sliding your feet into his mouth, and with one last gulp, all of you was sent to the center of that emanating heat…") wait { MoveObject (player, CotStomach) } } } } } } } else if (result = "Never mind") { msg ("You tell Kayla you forgot what you were going to ask before hanging up the phone.") } } } else { msg ("The number you have entered is invalid!") } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at false msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Cot's stomach You are surrounded by You could hear various noises around you as you started to doze off inside the stomach, but none indicated that any form of digestion was about to take place. And strangely, there was no lack of air in the stomach either; you had to assume it was coming from some unsecured or unseen area on Cot's body…but you weren't complaining. You could feel your brain starting to drift off into dreamland as you snuggled up against the warm, soft stomach walls…") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Eventually, you fell asleep inside of Cot. It was quite the fulfilling sleep, no interruptions of any kind, actually…You eventually awoke sometime later, Cot’s voice echoing around you as he felt you starting to wiggle around again. “How was the sleep? Better than dozing off in your normal bed and ending up inside some predator’s gut, eh?” he laughed heartily, his belly jiggling a bit as he did so. “It's about time to let you out though…” he said. A few minutes later, you saw something ahead of you slowly open, Cot unzipping the big zipper that went across the entirety of his belly. Light started to shine through into the stomach, making you squint a bit in comparison to the complete darkness of the gut. Eventually, the entire zipper hole was opened, allowing you to climb back out into your hotel room.

Cot gave you a quick hug after you climbed out of his stomach, giving you one last taste of his soft embrace before he zipped up the hole. “If you ever need to hide from someone, you know who to call!” he joked, before slowly lumbering his way out of the room and locking the door behind him… you would definitely consider taking him up on that offer again in the future!") MakeObjectInvisible (Cot) MoveObject (player, Room 8) } } } ]]>
Cot's stomach was somewhat spacious, giving you a bit of room to move about as you made yourself comfortable inside. The chamber was lined with the same velvety blue fabric that was in his mouth, quite soft and comforting to you…a few patches of cloth broke up the stomach lining, but otherwise it was completely blue…which did make it a bit hard to see inside.

The stomach, if you could call it that, was still quite warm, but it was that same gentle heat from earlier, not something unbearable and overpowering. There were no stomach juices or other fluids to be found, although the stomach churned and moved about just like a normal one. You felt Cot pat his engorged gut, rubbing over you as you got comfortable inside. “Sorry about the roughness, but I didn't exactly think you would just jump into my zipper, so I had to surprise you a bit. Make yourself comfy though! I'm sure those pillows will help…” he reassured, letting you know his intentions. “Just let me know if you need anything…” he continued, before starting to get to sleep himself…") } else { msg ("
You slid out into the plush chamber a few moments later, no fleshy wall or sphincter to stop your descent. Cot's stomach was quite spacious, giving you lots of room to move about as you made yourself comfortable inside. The chamber was lined with the same velvety blue fabric that was in his mouth, quite soft and comforting to you…a few patches of cloth broke up the stomach lining, but otherwise it was completely blue…which did make it a bit hard to see inside.

The stomach, if you could call it that, was still quite warm, but it was that same gentle heat from earlier, not something unbearable and overpowering. There were no stomach juices or other fluids to be found, although the stomach churned and moved about just like a normal one. You felt Cot pat his engorged gut, rubbing over you as you got comfortable inside. “It feels good in there, right?” he asked, wanting to make sure you were comfortable. “Just let me know if you need anything…” he continued, before starting to get to sleep himself…") } ]]>
stomach walls false Soft and inviting. Dark blue, but with occasional patches of other colors. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You run your hands along the velvety stomach lining, feeling the friction against your skin.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You feel the stomach rumble a bit around you, before the walls start to flex a bit, Cot groaning a bit on the outside. “Calm down in there, I don't have the strongest stomach…trust me, you'll be fine…”") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You find a spot in the plushie where there was a hole torn, a bit of stuffing leaking out from the hole.") } else { msg ("Cot rubs over the spot where you were pushing out. “Chill out, you'll tear a hole in me…”") }
false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Sal's stomach Things seemed to calm down for a few moments afterwards. The rhythmic and consistent motion of the maid's throat was almost calming in a way, even though you knew exactly where your little trip would lead you to at the end of the day...! You could hear the sergal’s thumping heartbeat behind all of the other squelchy, wet noises of her innards, only getting louder and deeper as you traveled down her gullet. Eventually, one of those contractions shoved you through an opening into the sergal's gut, active and acidic and more than hungry for you. You splashed down into a little pool of slimy fluids, the fleshy opening almost immediately seizing shut behind you and trapping you in the maid's stomach! Even though you were much smaller than the sergal, her belly was still a pretty snug fit, and it was only getting tighter and more overwhelming every second... You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("Despite your best efforts, the size differential between you and this sergal maid was just far too great for you to fight your way out of here. Upsetting her belly seemed to be out of the question as well, considering you were still safely in her gut after what had to be at least a good half-hour of constant squirming and wiggling! \"Mmm...I should look for little bugs more often~\" the maid thought to herself, rubbing at her belly a little bit as it continued working on what was left of you...you didn't even bulge out her stomach when you first arrived, so the possibility of her little snack showing outwardly at this point was pretty much impossible. Sensation continued to fade in various parts of your body, and a powerful feeling of exhaustion was overwhelming your consciousness...the sergal’s belly was simply too much for you to handle, especially at this diminutive size! At some point, the maid let out a louder-than-usual belch, feeling her stomach grumble as it continued to clench inward on what was left of you, melting and gurgling you up into energy that would help the sergal get through her day...at least, until dinner, that is!

*You were a tasty bug...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Squirming and thrashing around only coated you in more of the thick slime inside of her stomach...") } else { msg ("The gut groaned with discomfort as you continually wiggled around inside of it.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
false Sal's womb She wouldn't have to wait too much longer for that, at the very least! A powerful contraction of her canal walls plunged your tiny form right through her cervix, popping you out into the warm, tight confines of her womb. The sergal had already made quite a mess on your sheets, so it was a good thing that she would be the one who ended up replacing them! "Oh, fuck, you really are all the way inside…" you heard her voice rumble around you, a hand soon pressing against her belly and squishing you into her womb walls just a little bit. You wiggled back at the sergal's hand, delighting the maid even more when she felt that sensation all the way inside of her. "Haah!!...oh goodness, keep that up…" You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("Just as the womb you were beginning to call home kept squeezing and pressing inward on you you finally felt something break, and thankfully, it didn't end up being you! No, instead it was the sergal's orgasm, sick feminine fluids running down the walls of your enclosure and out of her cervix...and they were taking you with them! Loud, breathy cries of pleasure surrounded you on all sides as you were vacated out of the sergal's folds, the canal you traveled up inside of turning into a waterslide while the light at the end of the tunnel started to grow and grow in intensity as you rocketed back into the outside world. The heat and humidity were still absolutely incredible, but you were moving so fast that you hardly even noticed it at this point. The maid moaned unashamedly as the fruits of her orgasms spilled out all over your sheets, a heavy stain forming between her legs that only continued to get larger…

A few more waves of contractions sent you along on your way until you were finally squeezed back into the outside world, landing in that huge, musky stain Sal had created, feeling a bit of her feminine fluids spurting out onto your back...things started to taper off a little bit once you were released, though. The maid’s lustful gasps became breathier and quieter, and her thumping heartbeat gradually slowed down as the wave of afterglow started to wash over her. \"Fuck, I haven't done something like that in *so* long…\" you heard the sergal say behind you, practically melting into your bed as she looked down and realized just how big of a stain she had made. \"Oh! Goodness, I really got carried away there. I'll be sure to get you some new sheets once I'm all cleaned up…\" the maid said to you as she started to get up from the bed, leaving you right in the center of the stain she had made. \"But before I do that, let's get you back to a normal size, dear…\"

The maid left your room for a few minutes, allowing you to get up and at least start on the process of drying up all of those feminine fluids that were dripping from your body! You didn't end up getting very far with your limited resources and size, but it also didn't take too long for the maid to return with a tiny eye dropper full of some weird, purple liquid. \"This should reverse the effects of that weird serum…\"

She held the eyedropper right above your head, one drop of that purple stuff splattering right down on your forehead and quickly dripping down the rest of your body. It had a weird, almost sweet smell to it, a smell that was distracting enough that you didn't even feel the fact that you were growing at an exponential rate! You still ended up getting hit with a dizzy spell though, just closing your eyes and waiting for it to pass before opening them and seeing that you were now firmly sat on top of your mattress. \"Ah, It worked!...we should hang out sometime~\" Sal said in a breathy tone of voice, before walking back out of your room, presumably to go find those sheets she was talking about!
") wait { MoveObject (player, Room 8) } } } } ]]>
womb walls false Tight. Look at ") } } ]]>
false Open Close false the false Look at Use Drop Open Close You open the hotel door into complete darkness. While you're a bit put off by it, you just think the light's turned off or something. You close the door and instinctively move your hands to the side of the door to turn the light on, but your hand meets cold, hard rock. Startled, you turn around to walk back out of the door, but the door you entered from is just rock now as well. Although you're already a bit scared, sitting there and pounding on the walls won't make the door re-appear. You face the darkness and decide to press on.") if (CaveRabbit.trigger = 1) { msg ("
You're not sure why, but something is compelling you to go {command:n:north}...") } ]]>
false false caves the false false caves the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false You walk ahead deeper into the cave. As you walk, you can hear something...breathing? A constant inhaling and exhaling in the distance, you make it out to be. With cautious curiosity, you walk closer, hearing the breathing become louder and louder. You can start to feel the breath exhaled on your face, tinged with the slight scent of smoke. You take a moment to collect yourself, and fueled by curiosity, you go forward. The exhaling becomes louder and louder until -


...You walk straight into a cave wall! It knocks you back on your butt. Dazed, you start to collect yourself...but wait...that didn't really feel like a wall...?

==PRESS ANY KEY TO RECOLLECT YOURSELF==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You take a moment to collect yourself on the floor. You're a bit scuffed up, but nothing too seriously. You look back up and are met with the piercing gaze of something in the darkness! This must've been the \"thing\" that was breathing so hard. You wisely decide to back away, first slowly, inching away as the eye tracks your movement, and you make a break for it - but a clawed hand slams down in front of you! You run straight into the scaly wall and the clawed hand quickly closes around you, snapping shut like a bear trap. The hand slowly lifts you back to where you fell, and soon you can feel an intense heat from below licking your feet. Between the heat, the scales, and the smoky breath...you must have awoken a cave dragon! You silently reflect on your stupidity as you struggle away in the dragon's tight grip, but your efforts don't even seem to phase him as he suddenly drops you! Expecting to hit the cave floor, you instead land somewhere...wet?") wait { msg ("
Yes, wet, the undulating floor below you is completely soaked! You look around and realize the dragon has dropped you straight into its mouth! You turn around to try and escape, but the jaws are already closing and the tongue is too slippery to gain any traction on! The dragon's teeth clank shut as your body is left lying on the tongue, your entire body only barely taking up half of it. The dragon plays with you a bit, tasting you all over, before a simple flick of the tongue sends you deep into the dragon's gullet. Usually tight, the esophagus is so big you can more or less go straight down, ignoring the peristalsis. One gulp is all it takes to lodge your body deep inside the dragon's throat, and gravity does the rest, as soon you plop onto a fleshy wall. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveDragonStomach) } } } else { msg ("
You manage to collect yourself and walk away, slowly. From the breathing to the scales, you probably don't want to go this way again.") MoveObject (player, Room9CavesWest2) } } MakeExitVisible (Room9CaveDragonExit) ]]>
false dragon's stomach false false The sphincter slowly yawns open as you fall into the dragon's cavernous stomach. You land in a small pool of digestive juices that barely covers the wet, slimy floor underneath you. The spacious gut is large enough to easily accompany you and even gives you standing room. Not like it'll help, the stomach already giving a big gurgle as more juices start to pour in, thundering around you and knocking you back onto the slick floor. The heat in the chamber is unbearable as well, already sapping you of your energy. You are surrounded by the The levels of the stomach juices continue to rise in the stomach, soon sweeping you off your feet as you are forced to swim in the juices to stay alive. You can already feel yourself losing energy, and a painful tingle is starting to overtake your senses. You struggle to stay afloat in the sloshing sea, but you know you can't hold out forever.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You've managed to float yourself over to a belly wall and start to use the last of your energy to pound desperately on it. You slam your fists into the unyielding walls in a futile attempt to cause the dragon to cough you up, but it's too little too late. Tired, sapped completely of your energy, and feeling the intense stinging pain of the pool of stomach juices, you finally give in and let yourself slowly float to the bottom of the stomach. Your already-weak body begins to dissolve slowly as the cave dragon falls asleep, but not before giving its belly some rubs as the wiggles inside come to an end. In no time at all the dragon's belly absorbs your remains, your little snack of a body not providing much nourishment on its own. The indigestibles, such as your clothing, are coughed up by the dragon and left in a pile as the dragon drifts back off to sleep.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Hours pass, and the dragon eventually wakes, already feeling a gnawing hunger in his belly. The dragon continues to patrol its cave, snacking on the other adventurous patrons that dare to brave Room 9, until their digested remains compound into one big mass that the dragon deposits in a corner along with the indigestibles. It, however, keeps the valuables for itself. It's a living.") } else { } msg ("
*You wandered into the dragon's lair...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
The dragon's slimy stomach walls. They ooze more digestive slime that continues to collect at the bottom of the stomach. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]>
dragoness's bowels false the *shhLLRRrrp~*

Relaxed you enough for one clench to be all that was necessary to swallow up the rest of you, a twitch from the dragoness's tail hole all that was required to seal you away. You felt that tight, overwhelming flesh curling over the tips of your toes, the last thing that would feel the comparatively cool air of the cave...at least, for the time being. Now, you were at the beginning of a very long trip, plenty of pleasure and tightness and intimacy ahead for you to enjoy. If you could stay awake during it!]]>
false ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { stop sound msg ("When you opened your eyes again, you once more found yourself back in the lobby of the hotel. You really had no idea how long you had been out, or how long you have been travelling deep through the dragoness's bowels. All you knew is that you were cold, and that you longed for the comfortable embrace of those walls once more…
") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Sticky and musky. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The slick walls just tightened and squeezed inward every time you moved.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Oh! So feisty in there, my little one…\" the dragoness gasped pleasurably, unable to contain herself every time she felt even the slightest twitch from you deep inside of her body.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("With how hot and tight it was in here, every movement you made just drained what little energy you have left more than anything else…") } else { msg ("The dragoness’s bowels twitched as soon as you moved, slurping you up another few inches in one quick movement!") }
false dragoness's womb You are in
A small bump came from outside as the dragoness nosed at her womb. “Sleep now, little one. You’re safe inside…”
It is nearly impossible to move. the Her voice was so calming and soft and smooth, you swore that it was making you sleepy just listening to it. Or maybe that was the environment around you doing that...or your exhaustion. Either way, you could feel your eyelids getting heavy, and soon, you were out cold, massaged and warmed by those soft fleshy walls all around you.") wait { stop sound msg ("
You woke up in...the lobby of the hotel? Seemed the dragoness had brought you back here somehow. Or maybe you had wandered here after she let you out in some sort of stupor. Either way, now that you were out of that cave, it was time to get out of this hotel...") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } ]]>
caves false the false caves false the false false caves the false caves false the false caves false the false You come upon a bend in the cave. Deciding to go deeper, you walk around the bend. Suddenly, two massive arms wrap around your chest! You're yanked off your feet as you plunge into the darkness, the strong arms holding you firmly and tightly. Above, you hear a chuckle, and then a deep voice. \"Looks like you're just in time...\"

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You continue to squirm in the creature's grip, but you're unable to get any leverage as the beast slowly lifts you up to what you assume is eye-level. Straining your eyes, you can start to make out the features of a giant otter staring you directly in the face. \"Hello, toy~\" the otter seductively whispers, licking its lips slightly. The otter's cold gaze freezes you in place, stopping your struggles in their tracks as you're already starting to lose your will to fight. The only thing that breaks the gaze is the warm, musky scent slowly drifting up from below you. \"Guess where you're going!\" the otter taunts as your entire world is suddenly flipped, the otter grabbing you by your ankles and flipping you around, leaving your head suspended in midair. It's this new view that shows you the source of this musky scent, the otter's long shaft slowly emerging from a set of furry balls, pointing straight up along the curvature of the otter's belly. You struggle with renewed vigor as you imagine what he could do with that huge shlong, but you can't loosen the otter's grip at all. The otter slowly lowers you towards his cock head, and your struggles are stifled as the otter rocks his hips forward and swallows your entire head in his cock! An audible groan already rings out as the otter's grip immediately loosens, a powerful muscle quickly accepting this new snack as it pulls your body deep into the otter's cock. Soon your head is forced into one of the otter's furry balls, giving you a little room to breathe, but also soaking you in musky otter cum. The rest of your body is slowly fed through the cock, suckled by the tight passage. At this point, you already knee-deep into his cock, the otter lets his grip go and immediately hovers towards his huge cock, stroking it as the newfound action helps lubricate your voyage with a dab of precum. The stroking increases in intensity as the rest of your body is sucked into the otter's ballsac, forcing you to curl up awkwardly in a ball.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", true, false) play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", true, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveOtterSac) } } else { msg ("
The unknown beast starts to slowly lift you up, but right at that point you start to squirm incredibly! Seeming to catch it off guard, you slip out of the creature's grip. As soon as your feet hit the floor you sprint away as fast and as far away as you can, not taking any time to look back. After a while, you think you've lost it, but you'll definitely be looking over your shoulder.") MoveObject (player, Room9CavesN2E) } } MakeExitVisible (Room9CavesCV) ]]>
false Look at A lithe, giant, grayish otter. He's pretty long, especially for an otter, almost looking more like a ferret. He's currently digging through his locker, looking for something. Looks like the harsh lights are bothering him too, judging from the hand he has shielding his face from them. \"Hm? Oh, uh, hi.\" the otter says as he turns around to look at you, rubbing the back of his neck with a paw. \"I'd love to chat, but I was just about to hop in the shower...\"") Ask ("Shower with the otter?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Oh? Well, I guess I could use an extra hand. Come on...\" the otter says as he shuts his locker and walks over to the showers, ushering you to come along with him. You follow behind as the otter walks into the shower room, then selects a stall and takes his towel off, hanging it over the side and stepping inside. \"Whatcha waiting for?\" he says as he turns to you, turning on the water and starting to lather up somewhat before you step in as well. The two of you wash up for some time, helping each other out at various points, before you hear the otter's voice. \"Hey, you think you need help washing your back?~\"") Ask ("Let the otter wash your back?") { if (result) { msg ("
You turn to the side and feel the otter starting to scrub at your back, washing up and down your back with his paws, before he starts reaching down a bit further, to feel at your rear. \"Oh, quite nice indeed...\" you heard him say as he continued to wash you up, before he gripped at your sides suddenly. \"I hope you don't mind if I get a bit...closer of a wash...\" the otter said before you felt what must have been his member brushing up against your rear. Truth be told, you had seen his bobbing sheath earlier, and were quite interested in seeing what was hiding inside, but couldn't work up the courage to ask the ott for anything lewd. Looks like he was making the decision for you, though...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
You heard the otter groan as he pushed up into your rear, his erect cock piercing you quite nicely. It took a few tries for him to really find a purchase on your rump, but when the otter did, he went to town, thrusting up and deep into your bowels almost immediately. \"Nnf...so tight...\" you could hear the otter moan as he thrust up into you, his cock stretching out your bowels with every thrust into you. He had managed to fit around half of his cock up your rump at this point, and that amount was increasing steadily with every thrust into you. The steam of the shower helped accentuate the whole experience, making you blush as the otter thrust into you, lewdly groaning every time he pushed his hips against yours. \"Haah...there we go...\" the ott moaned as he felt his hips touch against yours, having thrust essentially his entire cock into your rump at this point. You two stayed locked for a moment like this, until he pulled out slightly only to thrust in again, this time much quicker. It was pretty obvious that he was close to orgasm, and you were as well, your crotch getting wetter and wetter as you started to drip more and more pre. Any moment now...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You heard the otter cry out in satisfaction as he came, locking his hips against yours as the seed spurt up into your rump, each powerful shot of cum slapping up against your bowel walls before slowly funneling deeper into your body. Every thrust became wetter and wetter as the otter continued to shoot cum deep into you, the cum starting to slosh into your belly now, giving you a cute little paunch of a belly hanging below your chest as he continued to come. You came as well, juices splashing up against the wall and floor as you moaned in unison with the otter. The otter's orgasm was a lot more voluminous, though, continuing to spurt out well after he had stopped thrusting, until all you could hear were lewd pants from the otter. \"F...fuck, that was great, toy...\" you heard the otter moan\"You were pretty tight, but that's the best part...\" the otter said as he gave your shoulder a light pat. You craned your neck around to face the ott, who was smiling as he looked at what he had done to you, reducing you to a blushy, sloshing mess. Then, his eyelids lowered, before he reached out again, grabbing you by the shoulders. \"But, you know, a good fucking always makes me hungry...\"
") wait { ottlist = NewStringList() list add (ottlist, "Struggle") list add (ottlist, "Plead") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", ottlist, false) { if (result = "Struggle") { msg ("
You can't break free of the otter's grasp, and are forced to stare into the ott's eyes as he looks you over, licking his lips. \"Aah, and you'll make a fine cream-filled snack as well. Make sure to squirm for me...~\" the ott teases before opening his maw, showing off the drooling thing, before quite rudely shoving you inside, slamming your head against his tongue before locking his jaws around your neck. You heard a loud \"mmm...\" rumbling around your head as the otter tasted you, giving you a good drool bath before pulling you out of his mouth. \"You taste so good, I gotta give you another taste...\" the ott said before giving your face a long, slobbery lick across your entire face, making you squirm immensely. \"Take a deep breath...\" you heard the otter say before he gave you another drool bath, this time one with a bit more purpose, as the otter pushed more and more of you into his drooling maw, your head bumping up against the back of his mouth as his dick slid out of your ass.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("

You felt the throat grab at your head, sucking you down into the esophagus as the otter took a gulp, which pulled your head and shoulders into the otter's throat. The flesh of the throat was far tighter than the mouth, and more purposeful; the peristalsis slowly dragged you deeper, closer to the otter's grumbling gut. You heard a couple more small gulps echoing around you, pulling more and more of you into the otter's throat as he tried to grasp more of your body with his muzzle. You felt the otter's tongue brushing up against your rear, licking up the last of the cum that had splattered up against your butt. You heard a little giggle as you squirmed from the stimulation, before the otter gulped again, pulling you into the throat up to your waist, and locking your feet inside the mouth, as well. You could feel the otter licking at your feet, rubbing the muscly flesh around your legs before pushing them lightly to the back of his throat with the tip of his tongue, and sending you off to his gut with one more sharp, wet gulp...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveOtterStomach) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“What? You mean you don't want to be dinner for a cute, hot otter?” Dirk said, with an obvious tone of mock surprise. All you could really do was beg with the predator not to swallow you down, considering the position you were currently in. He sat there for a moment, considering his options, his length still buried inside of you. “All right, I guess we can have a bit more fun…” He teased, before you felt him thrust back inside of you. You couldn't help but utter a moan as he did so, surprised that the otter still had a bit of libido left in him! You tried to enjoy the fuck the best you could, bracing yourself up against the wall as the otter pumped his life into you. Once again you felt the sensation of your hips meeting, and the otter let out a long sigh. “Time for some fun…” You heard him say behind you. What was he talking about...?

You heard him start to chitter and moan behind you a bit, but you didn't feel the sensation of warm cream spreading throughout your bowels like you would have if he had orgasmed again. You did feel something, though; it felt like the inside of your body, right where his dick was lodged, was...melting? Yes, melting. It was certainly a odd sensation, but for some reason, it also felt strangely enjoyable... ") wait { msg ("
You still weren't quite sure what was going on - that was, until you turned your head around and looked down. There, instead of what you assumed would be your hips thrust together, was only Dirks’ hips and crotch...and his cock...it looks like you were melting right into it! The otter laughed as he saw the expression on your face, a mixture of horror and confusion and perhaps a bit of curiosity as well! “What's the matter, never been turned into someone's junk before?” he joked, guffawing as he continued thrust into you.. or, at this point, he was really just thrusting forward for the hell of it.Your legs had completely fused into his cock, adopting the fleshy color of his length. You could even feel small veins starting to throb on the outside...

It felt weird to be suspended like this, held up only by sheer arousal, but as the otter started to stroke over his length, it felt strangely satisfying. When he touched his length, you felt it, but you also felt his arousal, and those two sensations in tandem were powerful. You found yourself gradually wanting more, wanting that feeling to spread throughout your entire body... you were still trying to hold on to some sort of self-preservation instinct, but the powerful arousal flowing through your body was quickly putting a stop to that; as well as hiding the inner struggle from your conscious mind. As far as you could tell, all you wanted to be was throbbing, spurting, a wonderful addition to Dirk’s already impressive girth. And he was glad to oblige!

“Just a bit more of ya…” you heard Dirk say; but his voice wasn't coming from behind you anymore. It was resonating all around you, and as he stroked up his shaft even more, you felt that voice get deeper and stronger, more suggestive. Almost all of your body had been turned into wonderful, throbbing meat at this point; all that was left was that head, awash in pleasure and satisfaction and, most presently, need. Lust. Arousal. You so badly wanted to merge with this sexy otter, feel the pleasure he was feeling as he rubbed and stroked over your body. The pulsing of his cock dominated your thoughts at this point; they were like powerful drum beats blasting in your ears. The ears you didn't have anymore. And your eyes were gone as well, not like they had been open for a while as you enjoyed and basted in those sensations. No, all that was left of them was a pink, throbbing tip. You were essentially gone, and with you left the inhibitions you had about being added to the otter’s package. All that was left the part of you that wanted release, enjoyment, arousal, sex. And you were certainly going at all of those things in the future…

Dirk had troubles getting his new, expanded length back into his pants, so he just went commando, proudly hefting up the new addition to his cock as he walked out of the locker room. He couldn't wait to test you out; every time he added someone new to his length, it made sex so much different... ") msg ("
*You made it out of the hotel, but in a much different form...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah, I guess you can get it on your own...\" the otter says. You finish up your showers, and step out later, feeling a lot cleaner. \"Well, that was nice. See ya around...\" the otter said as he walked into the locker room.") } } } else { msg ("
You thank the otter for his time and let him take his shower.") } } ]]>
otter's ballsac false the false You are surrounded by Your body tightly curls up inside the otter's sac, cum washing over you as the newfound weight causes the otter's balls to jiggle frequently. Your body hangs down below the otter's legs, stretching the sac as wide as it can go and then some. The size disparity between the otter's two balls was clear, one covered in fur, the other constantly twitching and nearly all skin, the fur spread out entirely by your body. Compared to the otter's cock, there's at least some air to breathe, although the heavy musk in the sac is close to choking you every time you take a breath. Look at After several minutes in the otter's sac, you can already feel yourself beginning to give up. Your struggling has tired you out, and the hot, humid, musky environment isn't helping either, the sea of gooey cum constantly assaulting you as the otter violently cups his balls. Your energy sapped, you feel like just taking a nap, collapsing into the pool of seed, your body already suitably submerged in it.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Your body starts to give out as you slump into the musky pool, the hot cum around you already having dulled your senses. You haven't felt most of your body in a good while, but what you didn't realize is that a fair bit of your body had already started to melt into more otter seed, the sac slowly recompressing to a smaller size as your body became more liquid. The sac's musky haze keeps you unable to react to this change, or even to notice it, as your head slowly starts to sink into the musky sea. All the while the otter has been fondling himself dutily, playing with himself and trying to delay his orgasm until his nuts had churned down his victim. With your head submerged, the otter's ravenous balls had finally claimed you entirely, gurgling you down into nothing but sloshy otter cum.") SetTimeout (10) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The otter had been waiting for this moment for a while. He was ready to paint the walls with his victory. Feeling the last struggles subside, he points his rock-hard cock at the nearest wall and begins to pump harder, first slower, than increasing speed as he milks his shaft for all it has. The climax that he had teased off for so long now finally built to critical mass, the otter fondling his balls as his other hand started to jerk hard. Moans echo throughout the cave as the otter gets ever closer, his dick practically spraying pre at this point. Finally he reaches a point where he can't take any more, and lets his firehose cock loose, blowing his load all over the cave wall, screams of pleasure bouncing off the cave walls. Rivers of seed gush out of the otter's cock, thoroughly covering the cave wall opposite him in his gooey, white handiwork.

The thick bursts of cum last for nearly 2 minutes before the otter decides to try something new, aiming his cock towards his mouth and opening wide, spraying his musky seed into his gaping maw, eagerly swallowing down your remains mixed in with the otter's other cum. Slowly but surely, the high comes down, the otter's cock starting to dribble more than anything as the otter milks his shlong for the last drops. Finally satisfied, he licks his lips and swallows down the last gulp of cum, patting his jiggling, sloshy belly, which now sticks out a fair bit, rounded out with its milky contents. \"Look at this,\" he says, spreading his arms to envelop his painted land. \"I need to do this more often.\" he says before collapsing into a slump, dozing off with a full belly and empty balls...

*You gave an otter the ride of his life...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
sac walls false The otter's ballsac walls. They're incredibly taut and stretched and definitely aren't equipped to carry a full-grown anything. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You manage to stretch out the sac walls even more, but it doesn't seem to affect the otter. If anything, it's helping him get off.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Your struggling only helps the cum bath you're in work into the deepest crevices of your body, thoroughly washing you in the musky cream.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The otter's cock dribbles a bit more pre with every struggle you make.") } else { msg ("Stirred by your struggles, the otter starts to pump his cock harder.") } ]]> false You push up frantically in the sea of musk but you can't even find where you came from.
otter's stomach false the
Outside, the otter continued his shower, belching wetly as the last of you landed in his gut. "Aaah, what a great snack, AND toy..." he mused to himself as he rubbed and patted at his gut with one hand, washing over it (and the rest of his body) with his other hand. He licked his lips clean of your flavor, along with the last of his cum, before starting back on washing himself up.]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The stomach walls had thoroughly mixed you up with the rest of the stomach slop inside of the gut, leaving you soaked in the stomach juices. It was pretty gross...and it started to hurt a little bit too, your skin starting to tingle a bit, like what happens when your leg falls asleep. You felt some warm water piddling out of the yawned sphincter and onto your head, the otter swallowing gulps of the shower water down into his stomach. A few gulps later, the shower stopped, although it had considerably diluted the stomach fluids inside, at least for now. You felt the gut jiggling a bit, the otter giggling as he shook around his gut. \"How's the bath?\" you heard him tease, jostling around his big, sloshing gut as you stewed around inside. ") SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The water the otter had gulped down had slowed down the digestion process a bit, but eventually that tingling sensation came back, with a vengeance too, a dull pain starting to flash through your body as well. It was becoming harder to struggle, the stomach walls still dead-set on churning you up, restricting a lot of your movement. This was starting to tire you out...

You felt the gut shake and wiggle around you as the otter moved around, turning off the shower and stepping out of the stall, struggling to wrap a towel around his still-struggling gut. \"Only a bit longer now, snack...\" he teased before he walked into the locker room. There were only a few people still lingering in the locker room. Brad, the malamute, noticed the otter's squirming bulge as he walked over to his locker, giving the ott a high five as he walked past him. \"Caught a live one?\" the malamute teased as he rubbed at the gut a bit. \"Oh, he's a squirmer too...\" the malamute said again before retracting his hand. The otter belched again, covering his mouth and blushing before he continued. \"Yeah, got to have a little bit of fun beforehand too. But now I think I'm gonna go sleep him off...\" the otter said before he plopped down lengthwise on a close bench, crossing his hands across his gut as he started to doze off.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
As soon as the otter had fallen asleep, you felt the stomach get a lot more active, all of the body's energy currently focused on digesting you. That certainly helped expedite the process, the stomach acid slowly returning to a fuller strength despite the still-sloshing pot of water inside as well. The last belch the otter spewed also took most of the air with it, leaving it hard to breathe inside the cramped gut. It was like a hot tub at this point, and you were steadily sinking down into the bubbling water as your eyelids closed...

The otter snoozed for quite a while, his gut slowly shrinking and rounding out as the rest of you started to digest away. Occasionally, a belch blew open the otter's lips, sometimes even waking him up, but besides that the otter's nap was uninterrupted, most of his energy being diverted to the sloshing stomach, still quite occupied with digesting you up into more ott fat...
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
\"Uh...damn...how long was I out?\" the otter asked as his eyelids slowly slid open, having woken up from his quite-long nap. He looked down to his gut, which was still groaning and gurgling, but noticeably shrunken from what it was when he fell asleep. \"Oh, about 4 hours or so...\" said Brad, from across the bench, still digging through his gym bag. The otter looked over to the malamute, wide-eyed that Brad still hadn't found what he was looking for in his bag...he considered asking him about it, but what was more immediate for the otter was a pang in his bowels. \"Oh, geez, already...\" the otter said as he got up, clutching at his towel as he ran into the nearest bathroom, finding an empty stall and plopping his plushed-out rear onto the seat. \"Phew...\" he said as he emptied himself, the last of your remains plopping into the round bowl, leaving the only evidence of your existence as the fat on the otter's tush. He wiped himself before looking down at what had come out of him, already feeling a bit lighter. \"Geez...\" he said before he flushed, idly gripping at the new fat you had made on his rear as he wrapped his towel around his waist again. You were worth it, that was for sure...") } else { msg ("
\"Uh...damn...how long was I out?\" the otter asked as his eyelids slowly slid open, having woken up from his quite-long nap. He looked down to his gut, which was still groaning and gurgling, but noticeably shrunken from what it was when he fell asleep. \"Oh, about 4 hours or so...\" said Brad, from across the bench, still digging through his gym bag. The otter looked over to the malamute, wide-eyed that Brad still hadn't found what he was looking for in his bag...he considered asking him about it, but what was more immediate for him was another gnawing hunger in his belly. He took a look at the clock in the locker room, noticing that he had already slept well past lunchtime...") } msg ("
*You trusted a stranger...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The otter giggled as he felt you punch out. \"It's no use, snack. You're ott fat now~\"") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The otter pretended to not notice your struggles, rubbing his sponge over the gut as he washed up. You were nothing more than food at this point, after all. Why should he pay attention?") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The otter belched loudly in his stall, the sound echoing throughout the shower room, before covering his mouth up in mock embarrassment. \"Oh, excuse me...\"") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You try to struggle, but the food slop in the stomach is actually pretty restrictive of your movement. Plus, you don't even really want to touch it...") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You put all your energy into one big punch...that barely even pierces the stomach walls. Clearly, you just aren't strong enough.") } else { msg ("The stomach isn't very happy with your struggles. It communicates this with a loud, almost aggressive growl.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
caves false the false You walk forward in the caves, as this feeling had compelled you to, until you reached a dead end. Well, it looks like this was just some sort of odd coincidence, you thought. Clearly, there was nothing here...

So, you turned around to go back to where you came from...but then you felt something ram into you, knocking you straight back against the wall and onto the ground! The impact was powerful, making you see stars as you lolled against the cave wall, trying to get your bearings back...!") wait { msg ("
Your vision starts to slowly clear as you collect your bearings. You can make out the vague outline of a figure standing in front of you, which quickly becomes more detailed as the figure lights a torch, revealing it to be quite the busty bunny lady. Her breasts are pretty normal-sized, a white patch of fur underneath them on her belly, surrounded by the grey fur of the rest of the rabbit's body...what draws your attention, though, is the human-looking set of genitals swinging between the rabbit's legs. \"Come back for me, cutie?\" the rabbit girl asks, setting the torch on the ground to light up the section of cave around them as she slowly steps forward. \"I know I was waiting for you...\" the girl said, reaching a hand down to her limp cock, picking it up in one hand and stroking over the length as it gradually grew in her grasp. \"So let's have some fun...\"") wait { msg ("
The rabbit girl slowly walked towards you, stroking at her length as it continued to grow. \"Haah, we're gonna have so much fun...\" she said before climbing on top of you, planting her rear on the top of your chest, her partially-erect cock sitting firmly on top of your face. You tried to squirm, but the bunny girl's rump pinned you to the cave floor, diminishing the most powerful of your struggles into mere wiggles under her rear. The gal started to move her hips up and down your chest a bit, grinding her puffy vulva on your chest, as well as her hardening cock on your face. \"Ooh, you feel so nice...\" the girl moaned as her cock rubbed up and down your face, continuing to harden as the herm's arousal grew. \"L-look at you, nothing but a grinding board, you slut...\" she taunted as she continued grinding on you, a bit of a wet feeling developing on your upper chest as she started to leak out of her slit somewhat.") wait { msg ("
\"Nnf...I can't wait to make you into a nice, hot load...\" the rabbit taunted as her cock fully hardened on top of your face, the meat throbbing slightly as the rabbit continued to grind. This continued for some time, the rabbit girl moaning as she taunted you and grinded over your body, quashing any sort of struggles with her weight on top of you...your struggles continued as the rabbit's true intentions came to the surface, but it was no use. \"Is that really all you've got, slut?\" she taunted, feeling you thrash underneath her body in response to her taunting. \"Gosh, maybe you'll be more useful as a load of cum after all...\" the rabbit said, before leaning back slightly, pulling her cock and balls off of your face for a moment. She grasped the underside of her length with one hand, placing the other on the back of your head, forcing you to stare straight into her cock. \"Have fun in there, cutie~\" she teased one last time before rolling her hips forward, shoving your head forward at the same time as well, the cock flesh quickly expanding around your head, pulling it inside with a wet *shlorp!*.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
\"Haah, doing better already...\" you could hear the bunny's muffled voice taunt as your head was pulled inside of her throbbing, hungry cock. You barely had time to get accustomed to the surroundings inside the shaft before you heard a powerful moan around you as well, the bunny's length pulling in your shoulders as well, the flesh stretching around the widest part of your body in a way that made the bunny moan madly with pleasure. Clearly, she was aroused enough to want to get you inside as soon as possible...which you didn't agree with, for multiple reasons.

The shaft walls were slick with precum, making it quite easy for you to slide deeper into the herm's length, despite your best objections. The salty, heady odor of cum emanated from deeper within, too, keying you in on your final destination, even though you didn't really want to think about it. You were heading there at a brisk pace, though, the taunts of the bunny reduced to deep, drawn-out moans as she continued to slurp up and clench in more of your body...you felt the pressure on your chest finally relieved as the bunny stood up a bit, her ravenous cock quickly expanding and gulping you down up to your belly now, your body bent at an uncomfortable angle, almost sandwiched around the bunny's crotch...") wait { msg ("
Quickly, this uncomfortable position was changed, though, as the cave bunny stood up fully, jerking herself off uncaringly as around a third of your body dangled outside of her cock. \"Haah!...I m-might cum you up b-before you're even done in there...\" the rabbit managed to breathe out inbetween moans, teasing you one more time before you slid inside of her cock entirely...a few more clenches from the bun, and the last of your body was slurped up, the rabbit taking a finger and weakly pushing your feet into her cock slit, moaning as she felt the last of your body slide by her cock slit. \"F-finally...all mine...\" she said, licking the pre from her finger as you started to squeeze out into her sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CaveRabbitSac) } } } } } } } else { msg ("
As you reach the end of the caves, you can't help but feel like you should come back here later...after you make it out alive, at least.") } ]]>
false cave bunny's sac false the
"F-fuck...there we go..." the rabbit moaned as she felt her sac swell up with her latest catch, the bunny patting her engorged balls as she started to stroke at her cock. "H-how's it feel in there, slut?~" she asked, continuing her taunting even as you were beginning to melt away inside her...]]>
You are surrounded by The more you struggled inside the herm bunny's sac, the more you just wore yourself out. You were already pretty tired from trying to escape the bunny's teasing and grinding, and now that you were in a much more hostile environment, you could feel your energy draining away at a worrying pace. Already you felt tired, exhausted even, like it would be nice to just take a nap in here...you also felt your lower body starting to tingle and sting a little bit, as if it were melting or something...

\"Aaw, t-tuckered out already?\" the bunny teased as she felt your struggles starting to die down a bit. \"Guess you just want to be bunny cum...\" she continued, stroking harder at her cock now, making sure her arousal turned up the temperature inside...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Your body couldn't take much more at this point. Most if it was either tingling or completely numb at this point...or gone. You didn't want to think about it, but there was a good chance you were already starting to melt away into rabbit cum, even as you were still conscious...thankfully, you didn't have to much longer before the lack of air inside the sac got to you, your eyelids slowly changing your vision to nothing but darkness...

\"Nnf...t-that's it, then...\" the rabbit moaned as she stroked and pumped at her cock, her taunting slowly slipping into nothing but raw, primal moans as she continued to jerk her shaft off. Her balls started to round out slightly as you digested inside, the taut, defined bulges slowly giving way to a more uniform, albeit still quite swollen with cum, set of rabbit balls. \"I-I-I'm gonna *haah* paint the w-wall with you...\" the bunny girl managed to breathe out before her lexicon changed entirely, breathy moans punctuating every stroke of her cock. If you had struggled a bit more, she might actually have cummed you up (although the state you would be in would still be up for debate), judging by how close to orgasm she was...the rabbit's cock twitched at the slightest stimulation, and with how roughly she was pumping her length, that twitching was more of a powerful, lustful throbbing, driving the rabbit mad with pleasure as she felt the cum you gurgled into starting to surge up through her shaft...

\"Ha-AAAHHHH!\" the rabbit moaned as her orgasm came, the high-pitched sound echoing throughout the caverns as her orgasm came shooting out of her throbbing cock head. Her cum splattered all over the wall in front of her, the sprayback even getting some of it on her face with how close she was standing. Her cock continued to pump all over the place, getting the walls and floors of the cavern coated entirely in her white cream...the orgasm lasted for what seemed like years, the rabbit's balls draining entirely, finally ending in a weak dribble of cum running down the rabbit's still erect shaft, as she fell to her rump, consumed by afterglow.

She laid on the cave floor for a while now, panting as she reveled in the post-orgasm bliss. \"I-I need to do that more often..\" she managed to huff out inbetween heavy pants, already thinking about her next victim....

*You came back for her...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Undulating around you, denying any sort of movement, really. ") } } else { msg ("You manage to slosh around the cum inside of the bunny's sac a little bit, but honestly, that's probably to your detriment.") } ]]>
caves false the false caves false the false caves false the false You can see a dim light up ahead. caves false the false You come upon a blinding light seemingly in the middle of the cave. While you're a bit cautious, you don't have anywhere else to go, so you walk towards it...and walk through it, closing your eyes to avoid blinding yourself. When you open your eyes, you're suddenly...in the lobby? Yes, you're back in the lobby, the same, familiar, drab lobby you were in before. While Kayla doesn't even seem fazed, you certainly are, but you might as well count your blessings and just take the win here. false caves the false MoveObject (player, Lobby) CaveRabbit.trigger = 1 false caves the false You come upon a glimmering treasure hoard in the darkness! Even in the pitch black surroundings you can make out piles and piles of coins, gems, and other treasures. You want to fill your pockets to the brim, but considering the echoes of deep snoring you can hear throughout the cave, that's probably not the best idea. On top of the pile, you can see a token, though, one that looks like a room token from the hotel! Curious, you take it, and find the number 9 etched into it.") AddToInventory (Room 9 Token) TokenCall ]]> false caves the false You hear a call echo off the walls of the cave. \"Hello??\" it warbles, seeming to be coming from deeper into the cave. The voice calls again, this time with a note of distress in its voice. \"Is there anyone in here?\" it follows. With caution, you travel deeper into the cave in search of the voice. You see the faint light of a torch up ahead as you approach a bend in the cave. \"Who's there?\" you hear from beyond the bend. The light comes closer, and it reveals a tall gray fox, visibly shaken. You lock eyes, and his demeanor changes. \"Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were a monster.\" He pauses. \"Wait, where did you come from? Can you lead me to the exit?\" You know the exit's gone now, but he still looks shaken and unstable. You don't want to make him mad.

Along the way you can hear the fox's belly growl loudly. \"Oh, excuse me!\" he exclaims. \"I haven't eaten in quite a while. Would you happen to have any food on you?\" You shake your head. \"Oh, heavens.\" He mutters. \"What am I going to eat now?\"

Coming back to the original wall, you find that still the door isn't there. \"You're sure this is where you came from?\" You nod. \"Well, we might as well stay here then. No use in wandering more.\" You start to settle down when you hear a sigh come from behind you. \"I hate to do this...\" are the last words you hear before a fist to the head knocks you out cold.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO WAKE UP==") wait { if (RandomChance(40)) { ClearScreen msg ("
You awake in a remote section of the cave. The torch the fox carried around seemed to be put out, enveloping you in darkness. You can't tell how long you've been out, but you still have a pounding headache. A disembodied voice suddenly speaks behind you. \"Oh, you're awake.\" You hear some shuffling, and the fox comes in front of you. You try to move but you discover you've been bound by some makeshift ropes. \"I'm sorry to do this,\" he says, \"but I'm just so hungry right now...\" Immediately he grabs your body in his arms and lifts you up. You can hear his lips part as the fox slowly opens his mouth, and a loud gurgle churns out from below you, the belly eager for some nourishment. The fox wastes no time in getting its meal, shoving your head into his hot maw. You're pushed straight to the back of his mouth as the esophagus yawns open and sucks your head in. A loud \"gulp!\" rings out as the fox slurps up your belly, tongue rubbing underneath your clothes trying to catch the flavor it can before the greedy fox continues gulping. So quick were you inside the fox's body that you barely had time to struggle, futilely kicking your bound legs around against the fox's belly to no avail. As more of your body is gulped down, you start to hear some lewd gurgles from below you, and you're set ajar when the fox, unaccustomed to this new weight, falls onto his butt. He mumbles something as he pushes your feet into his maw with both hands, almost immediately trying to gulp them down. \"Oh, so good...so hungry...\" you can hear him moan as soon as your legs enter his throat.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GrayFoxStomach) } } else { msg ("
You awake in the cave with a pounding headache. All your stuff is strewn about you, frantically searched. The fox must've knocked you out and tried to see if you were hiding food anywhere. Strangely, the fox didn't steal any of your valuables. Puzzled, you have no choice but to further explore the cave.") } } ]]>
false fox's stomach false false the You are surrounded by Past the sphincter, you empty out into a sweaty, hot chamber. The fox's stomach is already heavy at work secreting digestive fluids, eager to claim the nutrients your body holds. The rippling muscle above you forces the rest of your body out into the stomach. You hear three bassy thumps as the fox pats his belly outside.") SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("1433315482.jeschke_ethicist_commission_3hourslater.mp3", false, true) } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The fox's stomach walls already start to constrict you harder, squeezing you painfully and washing stomach acids over you. The churning belly is desperate for some food, and it's not going to let this morsel go.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The groaning belly around you has bested your strength. Your body, already weakened and sinking deeper into the stomach walls, is giving up. \"Oooh, this is interesting...\" the fox says as he feels his belly start to gurgle harder and shrink. Luckily, you slip into unconsciousness before what comes next. A final burp echoes throughout the cave as you slowly digest, a sludge constantly kneaded by the starving belly. The foreign burbles and glrps echo throughout the cave as the fox's belly loudly continues its work. \"Simply delicious...\" he moans as he licks his lips, remembering your taste and feeling the delightful sensation of a full belly. \"Finally, some food...\" he says while kneading and rubbing his bulge.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
After days of wandering more, the fox comes upon another scared patron of the hotel. Knocked out and snatched up, the fox drags them to his corner before he feels a sudden pang in his lower gut. This unlucky victim got to witness their fate firsthand as the fox squat down and relieved himself of your remains. Said victim doesn't have much time to be horrified, though, as they're already on down the same trip into the fox's slender guts.") } msg ("
*You tried to help...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
The fox's stomach walls, consistently slimy and always pushy. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("The belly around you emits a loud, ominous glrrrrrrrgl in response to your squirms.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("\"Thank you for your sacrifice...\" the fox mutters. \"Just give in.\" His stomach starts to constrict you harder.") } ]]>
false caves false the false caves false the msg ("You made your way through a small, hidden path in the caves, coming up on a rather large opening in the system. This room looked quite a bit different than any of the other ones you had seen; it was rather large, with a deep depression in the middle, and what looked like a ceiling made of...crystal, was it? All you knew is that you could see the night sky in it. It was quite impressive, even beautiful... ") You made your way back into Gleam’s cavern, but instead of the dragon being asleep, he was wide awake and looking at the entrance, almost as if he expected you to come back. As soon as you stepped into the enclosure, the dragon made his way over to you, floating gracefully in the air. “I knew you couldn't resist me~” he teased as he licked your cheek, giving you a taste of what you assumed was to come...and he was right, you couldn't resist the dragon’s charm and allure...and his musk! those gentle, soft coils wrapped around you again, but this time, the dragon picked you up off the ground entirely, bringing you over to the pillow pile before gently laying you down onto them. Again he uncoiled, and presented himself to you. “So...which entrance will it be?~”") GleamList = NewStringList() list add (GleamList, "Pouch") list add (GleamList, "Tailhole") ShowMenu ("Wiggle where?", GleamList, false) { if (result = "Pouch") { msg ("
You decided to choose the pouch. It looked nice and snug, and stretchy as well! “Ah, the pouch. It's quite a wonderful spot to take a nap~” the dragon said as he started to maneuver his tail closer, wrapping you up in a few more coils before bringing you up to his chest. “Hold on, this might get a bit uncomfortable…” Gleam said as he started to turn you upside down, your face now right in front of the pouch, which he slowly stretched out with a clawed hand...the inside was lined with shorter, silkier fur than the rest of him, continuing on into darkness, making it impossible to see its bottom. Slowly, he lowered you in with his tail, pressing your face up against the fur of his chest as he did so. Your ear wasn't right up against it, but you could still hear the gentle gurgling sounds of his innards, intimate and almost calming in a way...the pouch still smelled of that fruity scent, although it was quite a bit fainter compared to its intensity earlier. You felt that stretchy flap of skin flex around the back of your head with ease; although there was no lubrication to help you slide in easier, it was still pretty easy for Gleam to feed you into the pouch. You felt the tail uncoil from around you as you were fed deeper and deeper into the pouch, the stretchy sack easily accompanying the width of your shoulders; the rest of you would be as little of a problem as your shoulders were. As your descent continued, you were surprised to find that the pouch was even deeper than you thought! It seemed like it continued to all the way to the base of his tail... What did the dragon even keep in here!?") wait { msg ("
About half of your body was snug comfortably inside the pouch at this point, just a pair of legs sticking out of the top. Gleam took his time with the rest of you, uncoiling his tail entirely and using his clawed hands to slowly slide the last of your body inside. At the same time, he also went to lay on his side, giving you a bit of cushioning below in the form of the pillows instead of being completely upside down! With more and more of your body enclosed in those tight folds, the feeling of being stuffed inside this pouch only grew more and more intimate...everything was so tight and soft and warm around you, the gentle thumping of a heartbeat and gurgling of a digestive system echoed in your ears. It was such a nice spot to be in…") wait { MoveObject (player, GleamPouch) } } } else { msg ("
Your attention couldn't help but be drawn to the tight, soft, dark blue pucker resting just underneath his sack. “Oh, someone wants to get right to the point~” Gleam teased as his tail started to get to work, tightening around you to keep you from wiggling or falling out as he slowly brought you closer to the pucker. Although it wasn't ground zero for that wonderful fruity scent, there was still quite a bit of it coming from deeper in the dragon’s bowels, and you were very much interested in getting more deep lungfuls of that wonderful scent. Even as you were slowly aligned lengthwise with the pucker, and with it just a few inches from your face, as you took a deep breath you could still smell that fruity musk. You wiggled in the grasp of the tail, not to try and get out, but to make this process go faster! And you wanted that lovely scent all around you…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
And then he pulled you away! Giggling while he did so, no less. It seemed like Gleam just wanted to tease you, the scoundrel! “Don't worry, I think you'll like what I have in mind…” he said as he laid you on the pillows, gently uncoiling his tail from around you before he started to move over you. You were a bit confused at first, but as you saw that blue pucker enter your vision again, this time hovering right on top of you, you knew what the dragon was about to do! His tail came down to rest by your side, draping over the mountain of pillows as he gradually descended his ass upon you. That fruity smell started to enter your nostrils again, and at this point, it was driving you absolutely crazy! You felt your heart skip a beat as that pucker pressed down on your face, your nose slipping right into that fuzzy hole with no problem. This was it! You took a deep breath through your nose once it was inside, your lungs getting a huge dose of that wonderful scent right from the source…

You could feel Gleam grinding on your face a bit, his wonderfully soft skin and fur feeling quite nice against your face; and of course, having more of that wonderful musk ground into you wasn't exactly a bad thing! Speaking of the musk, you couldn't help but notice the noodle’s dangling sack just a few inches ahead of you. You reached around a hand to start playing with it, but you almost jumped as the pucker clenched tight around you as soon as you made contact with it! Seemed like it was quite the sensitive spot for the dragon. “Oh, someone is enjoying themselves…” Gleam teased, a new breathiness to his voice betraying his own arousal at the situation. In accordance with that, he pressed his rump down onto you further, grinding into you a bit more before eventually, with a wet slurp, his pucker worked its way around your face!") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Gleam quickly worked his way over the rest of your head, now that his body had a little bit of you to grasp onto. You could feel him clenching around your face, more and more of your head working in with wet slurps and other noises as he dragged you inside. Although it was mostly darkness inside of the dragon, you could most certainly notice the azure tint to the darkness from his blue flesh. It was quite an interesting contrast to the red insides of many other creatures around here! And, as your ears got slipped inside, you could also hear the deep, wet noises of the dragon’s body, however faintly they might have been. But what was most prevalent still was that wonderful smell...you had to go deeper! Gleam just smirked as he felt you going deeper inside of him of your own accord; he always loved it when they completely gave themselves up to him…

And your wiggling actually did help a little bit! Your neck slid up into the pucker with a wet *shlrp,* your whole head swallowed up by the noodle’s hungry rear. You could now truly feel the power of his bowels clenching around you as he pulled you deeper; each clench felt like your head was being squeezed in a vice grip! You were almost worried about it at some points, but you knew this dragon wasn't trying to hurt you - and it almost felt good, in a very odd sort of way. You wiggled deeper the best you could, Gleam panting as his pucker stretched around your wide shoulders. It was a bit difficult for the dragon to fit your shoulders into his body, but eventually he worked his ass down them, quickly sucking you into dragon ass up to your chest! With the widest part of you slurped up, the rest was nothing. You felt the world around you shift a little bit as the dragon lifted his ass up, your waist and legs dangling out of the pucker somewhat awkwardly as he raised his rear end up in the air. “Just a bit more~” he teased, his tight bowels clenching around you and pulling you deeper into the dark blue maze…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
That fruity scent had become so dominant that you almost didn't notice it. It certainly still drove your arousal, though, even as your brain started to filter it out a little bit. You wiggled and pressed your way as deep into the maze of bowels that you possibly could, even reaching out to lick and kiss the fleshy walls that contained you. You couldn't tell if Gleam even noticed the sensation inside, but he was enjoying himself all the same, his length throbbing against the bulge you made as he pulled you deeper inside of him. Your legs were no problem, and soon you only had your feet sticking out of the noodle’s rear, which were quickly finished off with one more clench from Gleam, locking you inside of that fruity, tight maze of intestines…") wait { MoveObject (player, GleamBowels) } } } } } } } ]]>
false firsttime { msg ("Perhaps the most dazzling thing in this whole opening was what the crater contained, however. A massive pile of pillows of assorted sizes and colors filled the hole, and atop them slept a very long, rather large noodle dragon! It seemed like this was his horde of sorts? It was a rather...interesting thing for the noodle to keep around, but maybe the pile of pillows was just extremely comfortable. The other thing you noticed was a faint, almost fruity scent. It smelled quite delightful...maybe you should find where it's coming from! ") MakeObjectVisible (Gleam) } false A noodle! Look at Gleam 0 false You approached the noodle dragon, slowly climbing your way onto the mass of pillows that it had accumulated. That scent was getting stronger the closer you moved to the pile, it seemed like it was coming from the dragon itself...! The noodle dragon wasn't particularly intimidating, although it was far longer than you…

Eventually, you wound up facing the sleeping beast. Quietly, you searched around its domain. You had the nagging feeling that it was hiding something...but, in your search, you failed to see that the dragon had opened its eyes!") wait { msg ("
“Oh, what do we have here? A visitor?” You heard the noodle speak, before the ground under you started to shake and shift a little. The pillows were soft, but they certainly were not any source of solid, stable ground! Gradually, you saw the tip of the dragon’s tail sneak into your point of view, before sweeping around your legs! You fell back, only to fall right into the embrace of the noodle. “Don't struggle, I won't hurt you~” the voice came from behind you, soft, and somewhat soothing in its own way. Even if you wanted to escape, it would be pretty difficult now, as the noodle had started to coil his way around you…

It was at this point that you realized just how long this beast’s tail was! The dragon itself was at least thirty, forty feet long, and this long, fluffy tail was half of that, if not more! It coiled all the way around you with no trouble, but instead of the tight, crushing coils you imagined something like an anaconda would have, the fluffy tail wrapping itself around you was soft, almost comfortable...") wait { msg ("
You watched as the noodle dragon circled its way around you, the tail wrapping up more and more of your body. Occasionally, you saw the noodle’s face flash by you, although it didn't seem like it wanted to initiate a conversation until you were all nice and snug. One thing that you did notice, as those coils continued to work their way up your body, was that the fruity, almost musky and sweet smell was starting to get stronger. It was almost intoxicating and, in a way, you wouldn't be opposed to getting a nice lungful of it...

Eventually, those soft coils wrapped their embrace around your shoulders, the warm and plush feeling of them covering nearly your entire body. Leaving your head exposed, the dragon came back around, revealing that he still had a good twenty feet of his body free to use as he wished. “Hi! My name’s Gleam,” the dragon said, in a far friendlier way than you could have possibly expected. “Sorry to scare you like that, but I like to make sure my guests are all nice and comfortable...and there's no comfier spot in this room then wrapped in my tail!” he explained, giggling a little bit at the end. You did have to agree with him, his embrace was rather lovely…

One thing you noticed, though was that sweet scent was getting stronger and closer to you now. You were a bit confused about where it was coming from, until you felt a repetitive motion start to work its way up your thighs. It felt like something was being grinded up against them...“Oops! Sorry. I'm just a little worked up to have a guest around! Plus, getting excited makes that sweet smell that I'm sure you love so much even stronger…” you heard Gleam explain, not exactly sure what he was talking about...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("
That's when you realized what that scent was. It was his musk! And he was currently grinding his length into you! Normally you would have been a bit grossed out, but you rather enjoyed the smell that his loins produced, and having it grinded into you wasn't so bad. Better that than being snacked on...you didn't have much time to appreciate it, though, before you felt the tail start to move again, turning you around to face him. It seemed like the dragon wanted to give you a proper view of what he was just grinding on you! His orange fur contrasted sharply with the blue flesh of his tail hole and cock, which was quite erect already! “Don't mind me, just making some adjustments…” the noodle said as he brought you closer to his length, the thing throbbing just a few inches away from you! You thought he was getting ready to shove you down it, but instead, he just pressed it up against your face, letting it throb against you gently.

As he started to thrust back and forth, you noticed that fruity scent start to get stronger and muskier...it was quite wonderful! It started to make you less nervous about this whole situation. This noodle was quite friendly and nice! He wouldn't do anything to harm you. He just wanted to play around a little bit...and who could blame him? Being a toy for such a lovely noodle wouldn't be so bad...

“Mmm, enjoying yourself down there?” Gleam teased, knowing that his fruity, intoxicating scent was already starting to get to work. When it was especially strong, it could even give the noodle himself a little bit of musky intoxication! So there was no doubt in the dragon’s mind that you were getting quite the heavy dose of it, every breath you were taking steadily starting to fill your lungs with the addictive, sweet scent. The noodle worked his scent deeper into you, bringing your face right up against his blue, swollen knot, then nestling it right between the fleshy knot and his soft sack. “Go ahead, take a deep breath~” the dragon said as he nestled you right in the most powerful spot for his musk. You gladly obliged to the dragon, breathing it in as deep as you possibly could. It was such a wonderful scent, you had to get more of it at this point! You wanted to please this dragon, to bury yourself wherever this wonderful scent was coming from…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You couldn't help yourself from licking that length a bit as it continued to grind across your body. “Oooh, looks like someone's eager~” Gleam said as a shiver ran down his spine from the sensation of your tongue against his rod. You had no hope of fitting the whole thing in your mouth, though! But, it wasn't a problem, as Gleam eventually moved you away from his length, bringing you out aways so you could make eye contact with the dragon. You squirmed a bit at being taken away from the musk that you loved so much, but as those coils held you tightly, yet lovingly, you knew that you would have another crack at it soon.

“Now that you're all nice and acquainted with my scent, I think I'll let you choose which way you want to crawl inside of me~” Gleam said, watching you nod eagerly as he suggested the idea. You wanted at that smell so badly, you wanted it to fill your lungs entirely, you wanted to be surrounded by it...the noodle flexed his tail hole needingly, and used one of his hands to point the tip of his length at you. In addition, he stretched out something that you hadn't noticed with his other hand, a tight pouch on the top of his belly. “I'll let you choose! There's even a little hidden treasure stuck inside of me somewhere, but you'll have to find it yourself~” Gleam mentioned. Was he talking about a token, perhaps?") GleamList = NewStringList() list add (GleamList, "Pouch") list add (GleamList, "Tailhole") ShowMenu ("Wiggle where?", GleamList, false) { if (result = "Pouch") { msg ("
You decided to choose the pouch. It looked nice and snug, and stretchy as well! “Ah, the pouch. It's quite a wonderful spot to take a nap~” the dragon said as he started to maneuver his tail closer, wrapping you up in a few more coils before bringing you up to his chest. “Hold on, this might get a bit uncomfortable…” Gleam said as he started to turn you upside down, your face now right in front of the pouch, which he slowly stretched out with a clawed hand...the inside was lined with shorter, silkier fur than the rest of him, continuing on into darkness, making it impossible to see its bottom. Slowly, he lowered you in with his tail, pressing your face up against the fur of his chest as he did so. Your ear wasn't right up against it, but you could still hear the gentle gurgling sounds of his innards, intimate and almost calming in a way...the pouch still smelled of that fruity scent, although it was quite a bit fainter compared to its intensity earlier. You felt that stretchy flap of skin flex around the back of your head with ease; although there was no lubrication to help you slide in easier, it was still pretty easy for Gleam to feed you into the pouch. You felt the tail uncoil from around you as you were fed deeper and deeper into the pouch, the stretchy sack easily accompanying the width of your shoulders; the rest of you would be as little of a problem as your shoulders were. As your descent continued, you were surprised to find that the pouch was even deeper than you thought! It seemed like it continued to all the way to the base of his tail... What did the dragon even keep in here!?") wait { msg ("
About half of your body was snug comfortably inside the pouch at this point, just a pair of legs sticking out of the top. Gleam took his time with the rest of you, uncoiling his tail entirely and using his clawed hands to slowly slide the last of your body inside. At the same time, he also went to lay on his side, giving you a bit of cushioning below in the form of the pillows instead of being completely upside down! With more and more of your body enclosed in those tight folds, the feeling of being stuffed inside this pouch only grew more and more intimate...everything was so tight and soft and warm around you, the gentle thumping of a heartbeat and gurgling of a digestive system echoed in your ears. It was such a nice spot to be in…") wait { MoveObject (player, GleamPouch) } } } else { msg ("
Your attention couldn't help but be drawn to the tight, soft, dark blue pucker resting just underneath his sack. “Oh, someone wants to get right to the point~” Gleam teased as his tail started to get to work, tightening around you to keep you from wiggling or falling out as he slowly brought you closer to the pucker. Although it wasn't ground zero for that wonderful fruity scent, there was still quite a bit of it coming from deeper in the dragon’s bowels, and you were very much interested in getting more deep lungfuls of that wonderful scent. Even as you were slowly aligned lengthwise with the pucker, and with it just a few inches from your face, as you took a deep breath you could still smell that fruity musk. You wiggled in the grasp of the tail, not to try and get out, but to make this process go faster! And you wanted that lovely scent all around you…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
And then he pulled you away! Giggling while he did so, no less. It seemed like Gleam just wanted to tease you, the scoundrel! “Don't worry, I think you'll like what I have in mind…” he said as he laid you on the pillows, gently uncoiling his tail from around you before he started to move over you. You were a bit confused at first, but as you saw that blue pucker enter your vision again, this time hovering right on top of you, you knew what the dragon was about to do! His tail came down to rest by your side, draping over the mountain of pillows as he gradually descended his ass upon you. That fruity smell started to enter your nostrils again, and at this point, it was driving you absolutely crazy! You felt your heart skip a beat as that pucker pressed down on your face, your nose slipping right into that fuzzy hole with no problem. This was it! You took a deep breath through your nose once it was inside, your lungs getting a huge dose of that wonderful scent right from the source…

You could feel Gleam grinding on your face a bit, his wonderfully soft skin and fur feeling quite nice against your face; and of course, having more of that wonderful musk ground into you wasn't exactly a bad thing! Speaking of the musk, you couldn't help but notice the noodle’s dangling sack just a few inches ahead of you. You reached around a hand to start playing with it, but you almost jumped as the pucker clenched tight around you as soon as you made contact with it! Seemed like it was quite the sensitive spot for the dragon. “Oh, someone is enjoying themselves…” Gleam teased, a new breathiness to his voice betraying his own arousal at the situation. In accordance with that, he pressed his rump down onto you further, grinding into you a bit more before eventually, with a wet slurp, his pucker worked its way around your face!") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Gleam quickly worked his way over the rest of your head, now that his body had a little bit of you to grasp onto. You could feel him clenching around your face, more and more of your head working in with wet slurps and other noises as he dragged you inside. Although it was mostly darkness inside of the dragon, you could most certainly notice the azure tint to the darkness from his blue flesh. It was quite an interesting contrast to the red insides of many other creatures around here! And, as your ears got slipped inside, you could also hear the deep, wet noises of the dragon’s body, however faintly they might have been. But what was most prevalent still was that wonderful smell...you had to go deeper! Gleam just smirked as he felt you going deeper inside of him of your own accord; he always loved it when they completely gave themselves up to him…

And your wiggling actually did help a little bit! Your neck slid up into the pucker with a wet *shlrp,* your whole head swallowed up by the noodle’s hungry rear. You could now truly feel the power of his bowels clenching around you as he pulled you deeper; each clench felt like your head was being squeezed in a vice grip! You were almost worried about it at some points, but you knew this dragon wasn't trying to hurt you - and it almost felt good, in a very odd sort of way. You wiggled deeper the best you could, Gleam panting as his pucker stretched around your wide shoulders. It was a bit difficult for the dragon to fit your shoulders into his body, but eventually he worked his ass down them, quickly sucking you into dragon ass up to your chest! With the widest part of you slurped up, the rest was nothing. You felt the world around you shift a little bit as the dragon lifted his ass up, your waist and legs dangling out of the pucker somewhat awkwardly as he raised his rear end up in the air. “Just a bit more~” he teased, his tight bowels clenching around you and pulling you deeper into the dark blue maze…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
That fruity scent had become so dominant that you almost didn't notice it. It certainly still drove your arousal, though, even as your brain started to filter it out a little bit. You wiggled and pressed your way as deep into the maze of bowels that you possibly could, even reaching out to lick and kiss the fleshy walls that contained you. You couldn't tell if Gleam even noticed the sensation inside, but he was enjoying himself all the same, his length throbbing against the bulge you made as he pulled you deeper inside of him. Your legs were no problem, and soon you only had your feet sticking out of the noodle’s rear, which were quickly finished off with one more clench from Gleam, locking you inside of that fruity, tight maze of intestines…") wait { MoveObject (player, GleamBowels) } } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false Gleam's pouch
You heard Gleam’s voice again, although from quite far away now. “Now, just relax in there and have a nice nap, all right? Enjoy yourself…”]]>
You are surrounded by You had been relaxing inside of the pouch for quite a while! The embrace was tight, yet fluffy and soft. It almost felt like you were stuffed inside of a pillow! From the sounds outside, Gleam seemed to have fallen asleep as well, although he had spent some time earlier rubbing at you from the outside...it was clear he enjoyed having someone in there about as much as you enjoyed being in there. Taking a nap did sound quite nice, though, and there wasn't much else you could do in here besides that! So you slowly closed your eyes, letting the rhythmic sounds of the dragon’s body around you lull you to sleep…") wait { msg ("
You woke up some time later, no longer within the snug embrace of Gleam’s pouch, but rather lying on the equally soft pile of pillows he had accumulated. The only reason you realized that, however, was because the dragon woke you up by slurping across your face! His tongue left a warm and wet trail of dragon spit, which you tried very hard not to clean off so as to not seem rude. “I hope you enjoyed yourself! You were out for quite a while. Seemed like you really needed it…” the dragon remarked. “Come back anytime~” ") MoveObject (player, Room9CavesDome) Gleam.met = 1 } } ]]>
false Gleam's bowels ]]> You are surrounded by You felt as though you'd been burrowing deeper into Gleam for hours at this point. The gurgling you heard earlier was getting louder, so you knew you were getting closer, but you just couldn't wait…") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Eventually, you could feel your head bump up against something fleshy ahead of you. The musk-induced daze you had been in from such a long, winding trip inside of the dragon snapped at the feeling of something new in your path. You felt the tight bowels ripple and press around you, and soon after, the flesh ahead of you slowly parting. It seemed like you had found your way into the dragon's stomach...the fruity scent you had enjoyed so much was mostly overpowered by a more acidic odor from the belly, although you could still smell a bit of the musk lingering inside. Your head popped through the sphincter not long after, noticing that the dragon's belly was the same dark blue color that his intestines were. The chamber was somewhat spacious from what you could tell in the low light, but it was obvious you were going to have to curl up inside as more and more of you was pressed and clenched out into the room ear chamber.") wait { MoveObject (player, GleamStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You rubbed into the tight, uncompromising bowel walls, almost nestling your face into them. You weren't sure if Gleam could feel it, but you knew he would appreciate it if he did.") } else { msg ("With your hands at your sides, you couldn’t do much more but rub the back of your fingers against the bowels in circular patterns.") }
false Gleam's stomach It took a little bit, but eventually you were all packed inside of Gleam’s tight tummy, the stomach walls pressing and rubbing up against you as you made yourself in comfortable inside. “Enjoy yourself in there~” Gleam teased as he rubbed at his belly, curling up on top of his mound of pillows and listening to you wiggle and churn inside of him… You are surrounded by You had been relaxing in the dragon’s stomach for quite some time now. Although there were plenty of wet fluids coating your body, strangely, nothing like digestion was really taking place. If you were feeling tingly, it was more from the fact that you were completely infatuated with your situation. You wanted to stay in here forever, to be this dragon's belly pet, to be so close and dear to him forever...that wonderful scent was intoxicating you so, even as it was overwhelmed by the more harsh odors of Gleam’s stomach. You wondered if he would let you stay in here forever…") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (Gleam.met = 1) { msg ("
You had spent quite a long time inside of Gleam’s stomach. The environment around you was so wonderful, cozy even - not exactly what you would think a stomach would be described as! But that would certainly the most apt thing you could use to describe your new surroundings. The tight squish of the stomach walls massaging over your entire body felt simply divine, and of course that fruity scent still lingered and drove you mad with arousal and joy. You sat there for a long time, wondering about when you would eventually ask him to let you out; but, you couldn't even really work up the strength to ask him. This was such a lovely place to be, why would you ever want to leave? It was warm, wet, wonderful, and protective...you trusted Gleam. You knew he would take good care of you. And so, you dozed off inside the dragon's stomach, happy with your choice of a new home. If you ever wanted to leave, you were sure he would oblige...") msg ("

==GAME OVER=") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else if (RandomChance(25)) { msg ("
You had spent quite a long time inside of Gleam’s stomach. The environment around you was so wonderful, cozy even - not exactly what you would think a stomach would be described as! But that would certainly the most apt thing you could use to describe your new surroundings. The tight squish of the stomach walls massaging over your entire body felt simply divine, and of course that fruity scent still lingered and drove you mad with arousal and joy. You sat there for a long time, wondering about when you would eventually ask him to let you out; but, you couldn't even really work up the strength to ask him. This was such a lovely place to be, why would you ever want to leave? It was warm, wet, wonderful, and protective...you trusted Gleam. You knew he would take good care of you. And so, you dozed off inside the dragon's stomach, happy with your choice of a new home. If you ever wanted to leave, you were sure he would oblige...") msg ("

==GAME OVER=") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Regurgitate.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You had spent quite a lot of time in Gleam’s belly. You were completely enjoying yourself, for sure; the dragon’s protective embrace was unlike anything else you had really experienced up until that point...but you were starting to feel a bit cramped. Versus the gentle rubs and wiggles you were giving Gleam earlier, you started to make things a bit more forceful - not to hurt or try to escape yourself, but to let the dragon know that you were ready to come out. Eventually you felt your enclosure start to shift around you as the dragon awoke. “Ready to come out? Darn, I was hoping you would like to stay…I guess you've had a good taste though~” as he finished saying that, you felt his gut clench around you tightly, pressing you up against a sphincter you hadn't noticed before. After a bit of resistance from the fleshy ring, it eventually parted, pressing you not into the dragon's throat, but into his pouch! You didn't expect his guts to be so interconnected…") wait { msg ("
You were quickly pressed into the pouch, but you didn't spend much time in there before you saw a sliver of light coming from above you. Slowly, your head poked back out into the outside world, the familiar bed of pillows right below you. You were able to wiggle out up to your shoulders, but once you started having some trouble, you felt Gleam’s claws grab onto you and slowly pull you out. With his help, the process went a lot faster, and in not much time afterwards you were laying on of the dragon’s bed next to him, still soaking with bodily fluids. Gleam loomed over you and smiled, eventually going down to lick your cheek. “I'm glad you had fun inside of me~ Not many people work up the will to ask to be let out. I'd take care of anything you want to do before coming back for another visit..you might end up staying much longer~”

You blushed at what he was implying. It was exactly what you were thinking of yourself...maybe you would pay the dragon another visit.") MoveObject (player, Room9CavesDome) Gleam.met = 1 } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You squished your hands against the wet stomach walls and swirled around in circles. It was such a lovely sensation…") } else { msg ("You wiggled about inside of the stomach a little bit, trying to get comfortable inside of your new home.") }
false the caves false caves false the false false caves the false
\"What is it that brought you back…?\" she asked, your eyes being drawn to the weird opening that had swallowed you up earlier...and, then, further down her smooth, scaly body, a different opening. One that was tighter, smaller, more circular, clenching inward as you stared at it, as if to entice you…
") cavedragonlist = NewStringList() list add (cavedragonlist, "Ass") list add (cavedragonlist, "Slit") ShowMenu ("Which entrance?", cavedragonlist, false) { if (result = "Ass") { msg ("Instead of deciding to once again visit the dragoness's lovely, homely womb, you began to approach the smaller pucker that was more hidden away underneath her thick, long tail. \"Oh…?\" you heard her say as your path deviated just a bit from what she had expected, one of your hands hesitantly reaching out for the fleshy opening before you glanced up at the motherly dragon to make sure you weren't accidentally being intrusive. She gave you a small nod, her tongue slipping out of the corner of her mouth as she watched - and felt - you pushing a hand against her tailhole. The flesh nearly instantly seized up in response to the cold stimulation of your hand, but it very gradually started to relax and open up as you pushed your way further as gently as you could. \"Oh, yes, little one…\" you heard the dragoness say breathally as you continued to push, her wet innards eventually clenching around the fingers you were sticking inside and SLURPing your hand inside all the way up to your wrist!
") wait { msg ("The inside of the dragon's ass was pleasantly warm, with just a bit of sliminess that increased as you continued to push your hand deeper inside, making enough room for you to insert your other hand. \"Ah!...it's been so long since I've had anyone down there…\" you could hear her gasp as both of your wrists pressed their way into her sensitive, tight hole; it almost looked as if you were diving into her rear! And, in a way, that's exactly what you were doing...though, this \"pool\" was more than intent on pulling you in itself. Her pucker squeezed and clenched around your hands needily, drawing them deeper and forcing you into a bit of an awkward position as you continued to bend down. And, all the while, the dragoness's gasps continued to be the soundtrack to all of this, only getting louder with every inch of you that was swallowed up by her butt...out of the corner of your eye, you could see her flower glistening just a bit.

\"O-okay little one, here we go…\" the dragoness said in a trembling voice as she felt the top of your head pressing against her tailhole. There really would be no going back once your head was inside, at least for the time being. A powerful, earthy smell started to linger in your nose as you breathed in, feeling slime starting to get in your hair as you gently pressed against the reptile's hole...and the heat, too! With how steamy the situation was already, you were more than warm enough now, but the heat that you felt radiating off of her flesh...it was like a sauna. The tailhole relaxed itself as you continued to press your head against it, allowing the flesh to continue slipping over the top of your head like a warm, slimy hat...except it was going to go much farther than any hat possibly could!
") wait { msg ("With the tailhole sliding over your eyes, you took one last breath before you pressed forward again, the dragoness's tail hole spasming a bit and pulling your entire head up inside of itself with a slimy *SLUuurph*...and, just like that, you were immersed. Your hearing was suddenly muffled, and a powerful tightness surrounded you on all sides, squeezing even tighter in a rhythmic pattern that tugged and pulled you further inside! That musky odor was even stronger in here, and it was all you could breathe, too. If you could see anything at all, you would probably feel pretty dizzy right now...but, in a strangely pleasant way? It was hard to describe, but in the moment, you had other things to focus on. Mostly those deep, guttural noises coming from the dragoness's throat…

Now that her innards had a good grip on you, the process started to speed up somewhat. It only a minute or two, the tailhole had comfortably swallowed up your chest and abdomen, the inner walls nibbling and pressing against every inch of your body that they could to get you started on the journey through the dragoness's guts...sure, it was one hell of a tight squeeze, but even the motherly dragon’s intestines were surprisingly gentle and cognizant of your comfort. \"Ahn! Just...a bit more, little one~\" you heard the dragoness's muffled voice encouraging you, surrounding you on all sides, relaxing you even in its altered state…
") wait { MoveObject (player, CaveDragonBowels) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your curiosity is getting the best of you. You slowly reach out a hand in the direction of the small dark sliver, barely able to discern the opening from the rest of the darkness around you. It takes a bit of feeling around on the walls to find it (odd, squishy walls they were), until you feel something different…


That...that wasn’t what you expected. Whatever you just stuck your hand into, it was wet, and warm, and...tight. Not what a passageway felt like at all. It felt...alive! Disgusting! You quickly yanked your arm back, finding it to be wet with some sort of fluid. You had no idea what you just stuck your hand into, but you guessed it wouldn’t be helpful in regards to getting out of this cave!

You slooowly tiptoed back. Whatever it was, it was probably alive, and you probably didn’t want to mess with it...step by step, you made sure to make as little noise as possible before you were at a safe distance to get the heck out of there.

At least, until you bumped into something. Something hard.") wait { msg ("
The impact didn’t knock you to the floor, but it was still somewhat jarring. Especially because what you bumped into felt BIG. You were just standing there silent, motionless in the dark cave for a few moments, before suddenly, a flash of light - specifically fire - illuminated the entire room around you! Reflexively, you covered your eyes from the sudden blinding light, and as you brought your arms down, you finally figured out what was going on here.

There was a giant red dragon in the room with you. It was currently staring at you from the left, its tail braced behind you. It had just lit a fire with its breath, and in front of you, was its bare, giant slit.

You continued to be frozen in place, this time out of fear. This dragon was absolutely gigantic, and you had messed up big time. You expected to disappear into its jaws in a few moments, or be burnt to a crisp for fondling it in such a brazen way! In accordance with that, as soon as the dragon moved, you flinched, expecting the worst.") wait { msg ("
“Are you okay, little one?”

You peered through your arms a few seconds later, looking up at the dragon with a mixture of confusion and surprise. So many things had surprised you up to this point, that you almost felt numb. You didn’t even do anything after learning the dragon could speak. You just stood there. Dumbfounded.

“You look terrified...don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” the dragon continued. You found it hard to believe that when you were standing inches from her drooling clit, but for some reason, the voice comforted you. “Don’t be afraid to go inside. It’s warm and safe…” she continued, and it was at this point you noticed that she was gently pushing you closer with her tail! What on earth was this lewd dragoness thinking!? You quickly tried to get out of there, but the dragoness’s tail quickly curled around you. Not tightly, but firmly enough to make sure you didn’t escape. “Now, now. You’re practically shivering. Let me take care of you for a while…”") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Despite your best efforts, you could only watch as the dragoness’s tail slowly brought you closer to her slit, the flesh flexing and clenching as it slowly took over your field of view. You flinched at the impact, but when you finally touched down with a wet *sqsh*, it felt...interesting. Having this warm, soft flesh enveloping your whole front was quite odd, especially when you thought about where you were actually being put in! The dragoness let out a soft, satisfied breath as you squished in further, the feminine fluids helping you slip inside her canal with relative ease. You could feel her tail in your back, lightly pushing you deeper, even though your whole body was essentially surrounded by her folds at this point. You did have to admit that the walls, while warm and somewhat tight, were also incredibly soft...very...snug. Very homey. You didn’t crawl deeper yourself, but you started to let the dragoness’s tail guide you deeper, hearing her breaths become more deep and strong, along with her thumping heartbeat, as you were pushed deeper into her body…

“Hhhh...good little one…” you heard her muffled voice say all around you as her tail slid away from you a moment, covered in her aroused slick. Despite how much of a sexual experience this was, the dragoness was trying to make it as blase as possible. For her, it really was about keeping you safe...her stomach would digest you, and her bowels weren’t safe either. Her womb was warm, and soft, and welcoming...it wasn’t the first time she had done something like this for an errant cave traveler. She had lit a fire for a few, but sometimes she wanted to...be a little more intimate. Make them feel as safe as she could…

The dragoness’s canal seemed infinitely deep, the darkness surrounding you smothering you in uncertainty as to when you would reach the end of your journey. You felt her tail poke you in the back once more, as her flesh clenched around your body and gently pulled you deeper, the heat becoming more comforting as you found yourself pressed up against a fleshy wall. It slowly yawned open, and you could hear a muffled “hmmmm…” as you were pushed through into the dragoness’s womb.") wait { MoveObject (player, CaveDragonWomb) } } } } } } } ]]>
You decided to explore that odd-looking cave to your right. You walk closer to it, noticing that the breathing noise from earlier was getting stronger. You weren’t sure what creature you were sharing this cave with, but at least it was sleeping...maybe exploring that opening wasn’t a good idea?") } otherwise { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your curiosity is getting the best of you. You slowly reach out a hand in the direction of the small dark sliver, barely able to discern the opening from the rest of the darkness around you. It takes a bit of feeling around on the walls to find it (odd, squishy walls they were), until you feel something different…


That...that wasn’t what you expected. Whatever you just stuck your hand into, it was wet, and warm, and...tight. Not what a passageway felt like at all. It felt...alive! Disgusting! You quickly yanked your arm back, finding it to be wet with some sort of fluid. You had no idea what you just stuck your hand into, but you guessed it wouldn’t be helpful in regards to getting out of this cave!

You slooowly tiptoed back. Whatever it was, it was probably alive, and you probably didn’t want to mess with it...step by step, you made sure to make as little noise as possible before you were at a safe distance to get the heck out of there.

At least, until you bumped into something. Something hard.") wait { msg ("
The impact didn’t knock you to the floor, but it was still somewhat jarring. Especially because what you bumped into felt BIG. You were just standing there silent, motionless in the dark cave for a few moments, before suddenly, a flash of light - specifically fire - illuminated the entire room around you! Reflexively, you covered your eyes from the sudden blinding light, and as you brought your arms down, you finally figured out what was going on here.

There was a giant red dragon in the room with you. It was currently staring at you from the left, its tail braced behind you. It had just lit a fire with its breath, and in front of you, was its bare, giant slit.

You continued to be frozen in place, this time out of fear. This dragon was absolutely gigantic, and you had messed up big time. You expected to disappear into its jaws in a few moments, or be burnt to a crisp for fondling it in such a brazen way! In accordance with that, as soon as the dragon moved, you flinched, expecting the worst.") wait { msg ("
“Are you okay, little one?”

You peered through your arms a few seconds later, looking up at the dragon with a mixture of confusion and surprise. So many things had surprised you up to this point, that you almost felt numb. You didn’t even do anything after learning the dragon could speak. You just stood there. Dumbfounded.

“You look terrified...don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” the dragon continued. You found it hard to believe that when you were standing inches from her drooling clit, but for some reason, the voice comforted you. “Don’t be afraid to go inside. It’s warm and safe…” she continued, and it was at this point you noticed that she was gently pushing you closer with her tail! What on earth was this lewd dragoness thinking!? You quickly tried to get out of there, but the dragoness’s tail quickly curled around you. Not tightly, but firmly enough to make sure you didn’t escape. “Now, now. You’re practically shivering. Let me take care of you for a while…”") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Despite your best efforts, you could only watch as the dragoness’s tail slowly brought you closer to her slit, the flesh flexing and clenching as it slowly took over your field of view. You flinched at the impact, but when you finally touched down with a wet *sqsh*, it felt...interesting. Having this warm, soft flesh enveloping your whole front was quite odd, especially when you thought about where you were actually being put in! The dragoness let out a soft, satisfied breath as you squished in further, the feminine fluids helping you slip inside her canal with relative ease. You could feel her tail in your back, lightly pushing you deeper, even though your whole body was essentially surrounded by her folds at this point. You did have to admit that the walls, while warm and somewhat tight, were also incredibly soft...very...snug. Very homey. You didn’t crawl deeper yourself, but you started to let the dragoness’s tail guide you deeper, hearing her breaths become more deep and strong, along with her thumping heartbeat, as you were pushed deeper into her body…

“Hhhh...good little one…” you heard her muffled voice say all around you as her tail slid away from you a moment, covered in her aroused slick. Despite how much of a sexual experience this was, the dragoness was trying to make it as blase as possible. For her, it really was about keeping you safe...her stomach would digest you, and her bowels weren’t safe either. Her womb was warm, and soft, and welcoming...it wasn’t the first time she had done something like this for an errant cave traveler. She had lit a fire for a few, but sometimes she wanted to...be a little more intimate. Make them feel as safe as she could…

The dragoness’s canal seemed infinitely deep, the darkness surrounding you smothering you in uncertainty as to when you would reach the end of your journey. You felt her tail poke you in the back once more, as her flesh clenched around your body and gently pulled you deeper, the heat becoming more comforting as you found yourself pressed up against a fleshy wall. It slowly yawned open, and you could hear a muffled “hmmmm…” as you were pushed through into the dragoness’s womb.") wait { MoveObject (player, CaveDragonWomb) } } } } } ]]>
false You are on the second floor false Open Close false the false Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 10) false You open the door into a vast prairie. The carpeting under your feet quickly turns to tall grass as you walk out into the green expanse, which continues as far as the eye can see, flat land for miles and miles beyond you... field a A big clot of mud on the ground. Looks like a pig has been rolling in it or something... false false false Look at You plunge your hands into the mud, tearing apart the clot...and find a token! Looking at it, you can see the number 10 etched into it.") AddToInventory (Room 10 Token) TokenCall } } else { msg ("
You dig around in the mud, but can't find anything in it. Well, now your hands are just dirty...") } ]]>
false field false a A regular old spotted cow grazing in the field. Look at Pet
==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND BREAK LOOSE==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { ClearScreen msg ("
You try to pull yourself away, but the cow yanks its head back and launches you right towards its awaiting maw! Your head smacks onto the cow's wet, hot, undulating tongue as it pulls you slowly into its origin. The hot cave is still awash with grass from the earlier grazing, and soppy bits of it get all over you as the cow starts to suckle your body. The tongue guides you to the back of the throat as a loud *gulp* rings in your ears, your body being sucked into the cow's esophagus. With a few more gulps your entire body is now inside the cow, your feet finally passing through those hungry lips as your head peeks into the cow's first stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, CowStomach1) } } else { msg ("With a bit of force, you pull your hand out of the tongue's sticky embrace. You back off from the cow, wiping your hand on your shirt.") } } } ]]>
You attempt to milk the cow. You hear a sharp \"moo\" above you when you touch the udder, and then the cow drops its whole body on you, pinning you underneath its ample weight!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND BREAK LOOSE==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("
Despite your best efforts, you can’t get yourself out from underneath the udder the cow was smothering you with. Fresh milk is already leaking out onto your face, and you can practically hear the sloshing of it inside the churning sac inches away from you. You hear another loud, pleased-sounding “moooo….” coming from above you, somewhat muffled by the aforementioned sloshing of its udder, before the cow put more of its weight on you! It felt like your face was being shoved into a soft, sloshing pillow, and if the cow didn’t weigh so much, you honestly wouldn’t mind being in this position. The udder was nice and warm and soft…

You could feel a teat somewhere close to your face, though. That must have been where the milk was leaking out. The cow continued to press its weight down upon you, the opening of the teat getting awfully close to your nose…like, way too close. You could smell the faint vanilla smell coming from inside of the udder…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("*shlrrp!*

And then your nose slipped right into the teat! The little fleshy nipple stretched impossibly wide, pulling your whole nose in and stretching over your face quite quickly! You tried to push the cow off of you, but the weight was far too much, and it was also pressing you deeper into the udder. The pleasured mooing of the cow was becoming more muffled, but you could still tell that the hoofer was becoming more vocal as it smushed and rubbed its udder on you, giving your body nowhere to go but up…

Your face was wet with milk already as the teat continued to stretch around it, the creamy, warm liquid unable to avoid your mouth. There were definitely worse fluids to be forced to swallow down as you got swallowed into something else, at least! You still struggled and kicked the best you could, but the cow was so much larger and fatter than you, that there was simply no way you could hope to escape from underneath it. Like it or not, you were going into its udder. And it was happening quickly; the teat had already swallowed up your whole head, putting you neck-deep in pink flesh. That head was already poking out into a sloshing, wet, vanilla-scented cavity, which you assumed to be the inside of the udder. Not much of a transition from outside to inside, it seemed; but you had company inside the chamber, in the form of a sizeable - and growing - pool of milk! It wasn’t so much to the point you had to try and keep your head above it, but you did get your chin dunked into the warm concoction a few times as you were squeezed out into the cow’s udder.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("
That teat had no problem stretching around your shoulders, the flesh of the cow’s udder showing a remarkable flexibility as it continued to “gulp” you down. Really, the cow was just shoving you inside of it, no peristalsis or anything like that needed - just the lubrication of the milk to make the journey easier! And it was doing quite a good job of it. As the teat stretched over your chest, the cow let a bit of pressure off of the rest of your body, letting you hang limp for a moment before pressing back down, using the ground as a brace to shove you up into its udder at a quicker pace. All this movement caused quite a bit of sloshing inside the cavity, filling your gullet with more of that delicious cream. It was all so nice, so fresh, so warm...you wanted more of it. You didn’t know why, but you wanted it. It tasted so yummy, you just had to have all of it inside of you!

The cow let out a long, satisfied moo as it felt you starting to wiggle up into the udder of your own volition. Its part was over - now it could just roll over and relax as you funneled your own body into its warm, soft, comforting udder. You were waist deep in the fleshy sac at this point, and that was quickly changing...your head bumped into the back of the chamber, and you started to have to curl up inside the udder, the stretchy sac accompanying your whole body quite easily as your legs slipped in. All the while, the cow was having the time of its life, lying on its side and rubbing at its swollen, squirming udder with a hoof as milk leaked out of all of its teats onto the pasture, soaking the ground beneath the both of you with creamy deliciousness. Soon, the only thing left outside of the udder were your wiggling feet - and those quickly disappeared as well with a wet *pop!*, your whole body now curled up nice and snug inside the cow’s swollen udder…") wait { MoveObject (player, CowUdder) } } } } else { msg ("
Somehow, you're able to lift the cow off of you! Taking your opportunity, you quickly scramble away before this cow can snag you again.") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor4) } } } ]]>
cow's first stomach false false You slowly slide out of the esophagus into the cow's first stomach. The pool of acids you'd expect in a stomach is instead replaced with a slimy floor of papillae, ticking you all over as what looks to be saliva is slowly massaged into your body by the stomach walls. You curl up into a ball for what you know is going to be a long ride, your body barely making any sort of bulge in the cow's belly. You are surrounded by the The walls around you continue to coat you with saliva, although nothing much else is really happening. You're comfortable enough in the stomach sac, as it has plenty of room for you to move around in, but you're wondering when the actual digestion will kick in.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound } msg ("
Just as you've settled in the cow's belly, you feel a massive muscular contraction that squeezes you right back into the cow's esophagus! The slimy walls coax you up as you realize with fright that cows chew their cud. Your body moves back up into the cow's mouth along with the grass it had eaten earlier, but the cow must not have had experience with such large meals, as only your head makes it into the cow's mouth, the rest of your body still stuck inside the esophagus. The cow chews its cud for a while before gulping it - and you - back down into its gut to continue softening it up. After a couple more regurgitations and swallowings, your softened body is pushed along into the second stomach by the undulating stomach walls.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("regurgitationaudio.mp3", true, false) } MoveObject (player, CowStomach2) } } } ]]>
The cow's first stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]>
cow's second stomach false false You're pushed into the cow's second stomach, which seems to be a lot like the first one. The papillae continue to tickle you and there's still no acids to be found in the pit of the stomach. You are surrounded by the The walls continue to undulate around you, although just like in the first stomach, it's relatively calm. You can hear the gurgles off in the distance, though, amongst the beating of the heart and other bodily noises, and you know this isn't going to last long.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Another strong, muscular contraction forces you deeper into the cow's gut, the heat rising as you make your trip into the third stomach. Your weak body pops out into the third stomach, this one covered in thin flaps that seem to stick to your body, drawing moisture away from you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, CowStomach3) } } } ]]>
The cow's second stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]>
cow's third stomach false false The third stomach seems to be a bit different than the previous two. It's less spacious, and the stomach walls are lined in folds. This stomach is a lot more active, constantly squeezing and assailing your frail body. The ominous gurgling in the distance also feels a lot closer now. You are surrounded by the The saliva inside the third stomach continues to bathe you, and the walls continue to massage you as the heat slowly rises in the chamber. You can feel your energy being completely sapped from you, the slimy saliva taking its sweet time in its task.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The final muscular contraction starts, the stomach sac undulating around you as it pushes you in the direction of the gurgles that had rang in your ears. You emerge in a pool of stomach juices as you arrive in the fourth stomach, the unbearable heat already beating down on you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", true, false) } MoveObject (player, CowStomach4) } } } ]]>
The cow's first stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } else { msg ("The cow stirs slightly but otherwise your struggles don't have any effect.") } ]]>
cow's fourth stomach false false You emerge in the cow's fourth stomach. The acids you'd expected finally greet you as the "true" stomach undulates around you, kneading your weak body with the stomach juices. A chorus of gurgles and glorps ring out as the "true" stomach gets to work. You are surrounded by the The acidic gurgles and glorps start to get louder as the heat in the stomach becomes completely unbearable. Tired, beat, you can barely fight the rising of the stomach acids anymore as they begin to completely consume you. The stomach churns and glorps as it begins to contract around you, finally having claimed its meal.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You can't do anything anymore. The stomach has you completely constricted and the acids are washing over you. Your consciousness is already fading as the stomach really gets to work, dissolving your body slowly, but surely, the cow's digestive system having problems digesting such a substantial meal. But after a trip through the small intestines, the cow's body had finally claimed you, rounding out its belly and using the nutrients to churn up some rich milk.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The rest of your remains are deposited in the field somewhere as the cow once again grazes the field, waiting eagerly for its next snack...") } msg ("
*You got a little too friendly...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
The cow's first stomach walls. Covered in papillae, they slowly ooze a clear liquid that coats your body. Look at false Stomach walls ") } } ]]>
false cow's udder the ]]> You are surrounded by The strange sauna you had found yourself in was quite nice. But you couldn’t help but feel things were starting to get a bit more...active. You could hear the udder rumbling around you, and it felt like the extra space inside the sac was slowly tightening and being filled with milk. You found it a challenge to keep your head above the water line, as it were, and several times you had your mouth inadvertently become full of the fresh, creamy liquid. You weren’t complaining though - the stuff was delicious! You were already feeling a bit full, so you didn’t actively try to drink the stuff you were stewing in, but every time it ended up splashing into your mouth, you enjoyed the taste...enjoyed it enough to not notice that your body was starting to tingle.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Your gut was swollen with milk at this point. You felt like a calf nursing at the teat of a productive, motherly cow. And yet, you still wanted to drink more. Your mind was foggy and clouded with pleasure, with the need to gulp down more and more of this intoxicating beverage...you couldn’t feel most of your body at this point, but you didn’t care in the slightest. You just wanted to feel your body swell with this delicious cream...and so you swallowed, and gulped, and drank down as much as you could. At some point, you were less person and more milk inside the udder, the bulges you made inside the chamber slowly starting to round out and become uniform, the sagging udder slowly returning to something resembling its original size - though far more swollen with fresh milk. In the end, your consciousness merged with the fresh batch of cream, and you accomplished your goal of having as much milk in you as possible. At least, being turned directly into milk probably accomplished that goal.

The cow got up from its impromptu leisure session a few hours later, its udder heavily and satisfyingly sloshing between its legs as it made its way over the pasture. Eventually it would return to the farm it called home, and its bounty would be tapped - a process the cow found almost as pleasurable as slurping the nutrients it needed for the milk inside in the first place…
") msg ("
*You'll make some nice product...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
udder walls false They smell faintly of vanilla. Look at ") } } ]]>
false field false a false field false a You feel a shadow being cast on you by something flying high in the sky... false field false a You feel another shadow being cast over you, this time accompanied by the wooshing of something flying dangerously close to you...you look up to the sky and see an orange blur, heading straight for you! You barely have time to attempt to get out of the way before you feel that orange blur barreling into you...but instead of being knocked over onto the ground, you're suddenly in the air, being gripped powerfully by...something. You're barely able to move in the tight grip, but you can at least see what you're being captured by...an enormous, orange dragon! The thing has to be at least 30, no, 45 feet long...but what you can also see is the dragon's cock, because you're being slowly moved towards it...it's flapping in the wind a little, but it's still quite hard...you don't know what this thing is gonna do, but you need to get out of here!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(70)) { msg ("
You try to wiggle in the dragon's grasp, but it's utterly useless...the beast only tightens his grip as he feels you trying to worm your way out. The wind whistles by you as the dragon brings you closer to his cock, the throbbing length practically snapping for you like a hungry crocodile as you hover closer. The dragon fiddles with you for a little bit, rotating you in his grip (being careful not to drop you) until your head is facing right up against the dragon's cock slit. The dragon's length is around the size of your whole body, the cock slit looking like it could comfortably take your body without having to stretch toooo far..and that seems to be what the dragon wants to prove, as he thrusts you into his cock! A wet *shlorp* accompanies your insertion, the shaft already a bit lubricated with pre, the dragon clearly getting quite excited about this prospect...you think you hear a bit of a moan from the dragon as you're pushed into his length, but you can't really tell; the flesh surrounding you dials back most sounds, but you still can't make anything out above the wooshing of the winds around you.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You're certain you DO hear a moan from the dragon as the cock expands around your shoulders, having to stretch a bit to get the widest part of your anatomy in...but after that it's smooth sailing. You feel your body lurch as the dragon lets go of you, and suddenly, half your body is just dangling in the air, hanging outside of the dragon's cock! You panic, as you feel your body starting to slip out of the cock a bit, the pre working both ways...but then you feel one of the dragon's clawed fingers rubbing over your body, finding your dangling rear before pushing you in further...you were afraid of falling out, but now that your panic about that is over, you realize the situation you're in isn't exactly much safer...

The dragon's finger had managed to push you in to around your chest, the pleasure making him lose focus on flying for a moment...it felt like a bit of turbulence, but eventually he got back into the flow. You weren't sure where he was going, or if you'd ever know, considering where you were going to end up in soon! Very soon, actually, as you felt the cock flesh starting to clench around your body, dragging you deeper into the dragon's length, the cock flesh now comfortably surrounding your waist and quickly encroaching on your legs. The clenches continued as you're dragged deeper, your body having to tilt up a bit as you started disappearing into the dragon's internal sac; the clenches had to become more powerful as the dragon had to start fighting against gravity. Eventually, though, you felt the cock slide down your legs, leaving only your feet in the outside world, brushed by the wind...until those were slurped up too, leaving you trapped in the dragon's shaft.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, JohnnySac) } } } else { msg ("
You struggle powerfully, managing to wiggle deeper into the dragon's grip until...yes! You feel your legs slide free of the beast's grasp, then your chest, and finally your head...then you realize how high up you were, looking down to the plain...maybe this wasn't the best idea.

You scream as you fall back to earth, the field coming much closer to you, much more quickly than you'd like...until you land face-first in the pile of mud you tiptoed over earlier. Well, it's not exactly a graceful fall, but at least it broke your descent a little...") MoveObject (player, Room 10) if (not Got(Room 10 Token)) { msg ("
You DID land on something a bit hard, though...you rifle through the mud and find the Room 10 Token!...weird place for it to be, but whatever.") AddToInventory (Room 10 Token) TokenCall } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } Johnny's sac false
Johnny continued flying, even as he felt you wriggling inside of his sac. He knew he would have to land soon, though, or risk crashing just from the amount of pleasure you were giving him...he planned to land to release you, at the very least. ]]>
You are surrounded by You could feel the dragon's altitude dip and wobble a little in flight, giving you a little bit of motion sickness as you wiggled in the sac. What was more important to you, though, was the tingling you were starting to feel, Johnny's cum getting all over you as the dragon wobbled in flight. You couldn't avoid it, mostly because you couldn't even see where it was...but it would happen anyway. While the cool wind helped the temperature inside ever so slightly, it was still like a sauna inside, and that was kind of giving you a headache, as well. You weren't sure how much longer you could last in here...

Outside, Johnny started playing with himself a little, the dragon stroking at his cock absentmindedly as he looked for a good spot to land. He knew you weren't going to last much longer inside...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
It wasn't much longer before the oppressive environment of the dragon's sac did you in. The heat, the lack of air, the dull pain you were feeling from the cum...it was all too much for your body. Ultimately, though, it was the lack of air, your eyelids drooping as you passed out from lack of oxygen...thankfully, before anything got too gooey for you.

Johnny felt the squirms in his sac diminish just as he picked out the perfect landing spot in the field. Perfect timing... the dragon thought as he made his descent, dipping back down to Earth for a little bit of fun...the dragon landed in a nice patch of open field, nothing around for miles, perfect for him to relax and enjoy himself...

Johnny sprawled out on the plain, feeling the grass on his scales as he started to stroke at his cock. It was already quite erect, standing proudly in front of the dragon as he laid down. He started to rub at it, the pink flesh practically shivering as Johnny started to pleasure himself. The cock was already dribbling a bit of pre from Johnny playing with himself earlier, and he knew he wouldn't last long. Despite this, he tried to edge the best he could, occassionally taking his hand off of his cock to just pant away his arousal for a bit...but he could only do that so many times before he felt a surge of dragon cum going up his shaft, Johnny roaring as he felt his fresh load of cum shoot out of his cock, spurting directly up before coming back to Earth...it landed everywhere, in the grass, on Johnny's chest and face, just...everywhere. The volume was impressive, too, considering how small you were compared to the dragon...Johnny wasn't exactly complaining, though. More cum just meant more pleasure for him, and he had both in abundance...

Eventually, the dragon's orgasm ceased, though, Johnny panting in afterglow as he sprawled out on the plain. This was the first time the dragon had done anything like that in flight...it seemed a tad dangerous at points, but just dangerous enough to be even more attractive. He'd definitely have to do it again...

*You were an easy target...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Quite dark, and producing a lot of dragon cum as well. ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("Johnny strokes a bit more at his cock as he feels you wriggling around inside of his sac. He might blow his load right now if you keep doing that...") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The dragon blushes as he feels you wiggle inside of his sac. It makes him wobble a bit in flight, too.") } else { msg ("You feel the sac walls clench around you as you try to struggle against them...") } ]]>
field false a false field false a false field false a false field false a false field false a false
“Thanks for the tribute…” the tiger-dragon mumbled, seeming a bit larger than he already was as he stood in front of you! In the blink of an eye, Ludwig lunged forward, wrapping you up in his soft, fluffy embrace for a few seconds before you felt your back suddenly pressed up against the tree he was just sitting at. Your whole body was smothered by his warm, snuggly chest fur, and there was a lot of it to go around, considering you only went up to his chest in height anyway! Everything was going a bit fast, and you were caught off guard as you felt something warm and wet starting to drag itself over your face. You looked up, the best you could, to see the tiger-dragon's long tongue slipping out of his mouth, before it smacked you right in the face! You shuddered a little bit as you felt that thick, strong muscle sliding all the way up your head, the tiger-dragon getting a big sampling of your taste. Clearly he enjoyed it, as you could feel him purring deeply before his tongue finally retracted. Was he...was he getting taller? You could have sworn in that you came up to his neck a few seconds ago, but now you were barely taller than his midriff! You could hear Ludwig breathing very heavily, huffing his strong, fragrant breath down on to you as he continued to smother you in his big, fluffy body. Where did he get off on teasing the messenger like this!?
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Ludwig kept up the smothering for a little while, the area around you growing darker and warmer as it seemed like the cat just got bigger and bigger. Eventually, you were able to sneak a peek from beneath Ludwig to find that you barely came up to his waist! The tiger-dragon was now solidly twice as tall as you, and he knew it, looking down at his little toy with a smug grin before you felt something bump you in the front, knocking you down into the soft grass around the tree. By the time you were able to roll over and get your bearings once more, the only thing you could see was Ludwig standing over you, a leg raised and his soft paws about to step on you!

You cringed in anticipation, but when they made impact, there wasn't any pain. It seemed like the big tiger was more interested in teasing you than hurting you at this point! Still, all that weight on top of you did quite a good job of smothering your body, his paw able to cover nearly half of your entire form with how large it was. The features of your face squished into those soft beans without any issue, Ludwig pressing down a little bit harder to envelop you totally in his soft, slightly musky paws! He left them there for a little bit, at which point you could feel them growing on top of you, steadily taking up more and more surface area on your body as it went on. Jeez, what was in that elixir!? When would he stop growing?...WOULD he stop growing?

Ludwig kept you smothered and pressed under his paws for quite a while; or, at least, it felt like quite a while to you. His paws were constantly growing on top of you, going from half your size to basically the same size as you in just a few minutes. It was starting to get just a bit damp under here, and warm as well...the pressure was starting to ease up a bit as time went on, though. It felt like the big cat was about to move on from his paws to something else; hopefully letting you go...but that was a bit of a pipe dream.
") wait { msg ("It took a few minutes of teasing, but the pressure was eventually relieved from your body as Ludwig lifted his paw up just enough for the blue sky to peek through. It didn't last for long, though - almost immediately, Ludwig turned around while you were dazed on the grass from being smothered under his paws for so long! His long, slender tail flicked back and forth playfully as you watched his rump cheeks descend upon you, your body quickly being smothered and squished once more, this time underneath the tiger-dragon's ample rear!

Ludwig sat atop you for a little bit, tail swishing back and forth above your head as he continued to grow still. \"Heh, you feel so tiny down there~\" you managed to hear him tease, his voice mostly muffled by the soft chub of his asscheeks on top of your body! He was still growing on top of you, and his body was so large at this point that you fit snugly underneath his rump with absolutely no part of you sticking out to hint to anyone what was really going on. Each swoosh of his tail above you felt like a gust of wind threatening to pick you up and carry you away...in that case, it was good that there was a giant tiger-dragon keeping you grounded, at least!

A few more minutes of growing later, you felt Ludwig release you from his rump, the big cat slowly getting to his feet to show how much larger he was than you. Your eyes widened as you saw that he was easily taller than the tree he was sleeping underneath just a half hour or so ago! His shadow completely covered you at this point, thankfully shielding you from some of the harsh sunlight of this room. It seemed like he was doing something right now...this could be your chance to escape!
") wait { msg ("You decided to make a break for it. Scrambling to your feet as fast as you could, you started to run back the way you came, back into the field. Ludwig stood there, chuckling as he watched you run off. Before he did something unreal. The huge tiger-dragon reached down to the tree he had been lying under, and yanked it out of the ground like it was a weed! He tossed it to the ground, then started to run after you, a goofy and playful look on his face. The chase had begun!

…and, despite your absolute best efforts, the chase was over rather quickly as well. In just a couple seconds, Ludwig had entirely caught up with you, his shadow looming over you as you tried to disappear into anywhere that would be difficult for Ludwig to fit into or destroy. Your search was fruitless, though, and a few seconds later you felt something below you, scooping you right off your feet! You yelled as you thought you were gonna slam against the ground, but instead, you landed on somewhere warm and soft...it was tough to look around as the world shook around you, but it seemed Ludwig had scooped you up in his paws! His claws were the size of your whole body at this point, glinting menacingly in the sunlight as the tiger-dragon carried you up to his snout once more. He was at least 25 feet at this point, and still growing...seeing his face take up your entire field of view and then some was dizzying, especially because he had quite the mischievous, toothy grin on his face! But at the same time, he was also...purring? It felt like you were in a massage chair turned up to max…

You weren't exactly sure what Ludwig was purring about, until a few moments later, you felt his pause shift around you once more, lowering you down past his chest and belly...as soon as you got to the tiger-dragon’s crotch, it became very obvious what all the fuss was about. The big cat had one hand on his dick, stroking over it casually and gaining quite the sizable erection in the process! It seemed like one part of his body was growing even faster than the other parts were, because his cock looked massive to you at this point! And now, you were being held right in front of it, fearful of what Ludwig would do next.
") wait { msg ("The big cat continued to stroke at his length for a few more moments, as if he was teasing you with how much this whole growing process was arousing him or something. Then, you watched as he took his hand away from his length...before, suddenly, the hand that was holding you suddenly took its place, and Ludwig started to smother you against his throbbing, pink flesh! The tiger-dragon’s musk was thick and suffocating, and you had absolutely nowhere to go as Ludwig started to stroke at his length once more, this time with an extra person involved in the play.

Ludwig's tongue dangled out of his mouth, a dopey smile on the tiger-dragon’s face as he got around to getting off. The hard, thick shaft throbbed against you constantly as Ludwig stroked up and down, both that and the cat’s constantly-aroused purring shaking things up and making you quite dizzy in the process! You traveled the whole length of the tiger-dragon’s shaft over and over again, starting to feel a little bit of rug burn from the constant skin to skin contact...it seemed like Ludwig didn't notice or care, though, because the intensity only picked up the further it went on! It was tough to tell whether the feeling of growth around you was just from the elixir or from him being aroused, but it was most likely a combination of both. When on earth would this elixir wear off?

That was the least of your problems at this point, though. Much more prevalent was the fact you were being relentlessly grinded against Ludwig's rock-hard cock! The purring was only becoming stronger, and you could hear the tiger-dragon starting to gasp and moan with every stroke as well. Thankfully, it seemed like you wouldn't be stuck here for much longer. There was a burning question in your head, though: what was next on this big cat’s agenda?
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("You got your answer...well, AN answer a few minutes later. Those gasps and moans had only picked up in intensity as time went on, and you heard and felt them all culminate in an earth-shaking roar as Ludwig came powerfully. You were very suddenly doused in warm, sticky cum, the stuff getting all over your body and in your mouth, tasting so salty as you essentially got covered in the fruits of the tiger-dragon’s labor! Thankfully, you were constantly being rubbed and moved around, otherwise the amount of jizz and your small size would probably have left you swimming in the stuff...at the very least, the added lubrication made it so that when the big cat stroked, everything was a lot smoother! But regardless, you were left feeling quite dazed by the whole event, mostly from how hard and fast the stroking was becoming towards the end of it all…

Which gave Ludwig the perfect time to move on to the next part of his little tour. After he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm for a few minutes, he slowly moved his hand away from his length, giving you a little bit of time to dry off and see the sun again as you were once more brought up to the tiger-dragon’s head. The trip was even longer, and the hand keeping you close had become even larger as well! Without a reference point, it was pretty difficult to tell exactly how large Ludwig had grown, however...good thing he was about to give you one!

Instead of finding yourself face-to-face with Ludwig once more, you could only wait as you felt the tiger-dragon raise you above his head, the gravity suddenly shifting as you were flipped upside down inside his paw! It felt like the bottom was going to drop out of whatever you were laying on, but thankfully, as you felt it do that exact thing, you were saved from plummeting to the ground by two of the tiger-dragon’s fingers...which, unfortunately gave you some time to appreciate the view! A staggering amount of height was suddenly on display for you, your stomach turning as you realized how high up you were - it felt like you were on the 6th floor of a building, looking down and teetering right over the edge! Ludwig had to be at least 60 ft tall at this point, and it still felt like the tiger-dragon was growing. What was more immediate to you, though, and in the center of your vision, was the tiger-dragon’s mouth, open as wide as it could go right underneath you! Ludwig's tongue had rolled out of his mouth, seemingly inviting you inside as you dangled barely a foot above his glinting teeth and black hole of a throat.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("You instinctively started to squirm and thrash in Ludwig's grasp, hopefully trying to fall some other place besides the ground and Ludwig's mouth and maybe try to climb down his body to escape...but, that just was not in the cards today. A yell escaped your lips as you felt Ludwig release his pinch on you, your body bracing for impact as the air rushed around you. It felt like both an eternity and a fraction of a second as you fell...but your landing wasn't graceful. You splattered right against that wet, thick tongue, Ludwig’s cavernous jaws clamping shut around you and leaving you in the darkness of the tiger-dragon's maw. You were a morsel, barely a crumb for the giant kitty, and Ludwig treated you like one: you found yourself awash in a sea of saliva, being tossed around inside Ludwig's mouth as he swished you back and forth and tried to get whatever taste he could out of his little snack before you disappeared forever. You were already so dizzy and dazed at this point, that what Ludwig was doing didn't even really register for you...

This went on for nary a few more seconds before you felt Ludwig's maw starting to funnel you towards the very back of his throat. Stuck trying to keep afloat in the watery conditions of the tiger-dragon's mouth, you weren't able to do anything as Ludwig tipped his head back and swallowed, sending you down his throat into his awaiting belly. Due to your size, the trip was a rather quick one; it felt like you were falling right down Ludwig's throat rather than being pushed down by waves of peristalsis! At least that meant your trip down into the tiger-dragon's belly was rather fast; you found yourself splashing down into a wet, sharp-smelling and loud chamber only a few seconds later, a place that could only be described as Ludwig's stomach. The walls constantly undulated around you, making you feel even dizzier as you failed to find any sort of solid purchase inside of this chamber. At least it was roomy in here…
") wait { MoveObject (player, LudwigStomachMicro) } } } } } } } } ]]>
Look at A rather large tree sitting in the middle of this prairie. Lots of shade; looks great to have a little bit of a nap under. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Then you felt something wet splatter onto your head, knocking you out of your little nap right before it was about to start. You looked up above you - maybe it had just rained and there was a bit of water still in the leaves or something?

There wasn’t a tree above you. At least, you couldn’t see it anymore. Instead, you saw an orangish-yellowish blur coming right down onto you! You scrambled to your feet as fast as you could to try and avoid whatever was falling onto you, but you felt a blast of wind at your back knock you right onto the ground again - and by the time you were able to roll off of your back to look at whatever had come out of that tree, you felt something warm and soft - but weighty - press down right on your chest.

They were paws. Big, soft ones. And they belonged to quite a large beast, looking like a tiger...but with wings! Those must have been the source of whatever blast had knocked you back onto the ground. The tiger-dragon of sorts was covered head-to-toe in soft, fuzzy yellow fur, with darker stripes of orangish-yellow occasionally popping up. And he was absolutely smothering you in it! The big cat leaned forward on his paws, his whole body starting to cover yours as he stared right into your eyes. The tiger-dragon had quite a bit of a size advantage on you, so your feet pressed into his belly as his head came ever-so-close to yours, his fat tail swishing playfully across your legs.

And was that purring?
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("There was definitely some sort of warm, bassy vibration coming from this big kitty as his whole body easily smothered your own. A nice, gentle purring of a cat in your lap was nice - but when the cat was bigger than you were, it was a bit more jarring! Certainly not the worst thing you could be feeling right now, though. The tiger-dragon’s big snout eventually hovered less than an inch away from your own, his orange eyes locked on yours, making you feel just a bit uncomfortable!

Then, his mouth opened. Just a little bit, but enough for his long, ribbed tongue to slide out and give you a long lick right across the face! You sputtered as the tiger-dragon smeared his saliva on your face, his breath, warm and slightly sweet, almost smelling of berries, washing over you as the tiger-dragon licked. You instinctively tried to wipe the drool off of you (that must have been what splattered on you earlier…), but your arms were pinned under the fluffy bulk of the cat. You could only watch as the tiger-dragon smothered you under his soft bulk and his tongue, wondering how you could get away from this surprisingly friendly critter…
") ludlist = NewStringList() list add (ludlist, "Run") list add (ludlist, "Sniff") list add (ludlist, "Hug") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", ludlist, false) { stop sound if (result = "Run") { msg ("This felt all too familiar. If you didn't run now, you were probably gonna get even more acquainted with that tongue! The big cat wasn't holding you down particularly hard, and you found that you were able to wiggle away from him just a little bit. You thought the tiger-dragon was gonna stop you eventually, but it was almost like he was letting you escape!

Soon, you were able to wiggle most of your body out from underneath the big cat, just enough for you to make your escape! You rolled over and scrambled to your feet, trying to get away from the fluffy beast as fast as you could.

Too bad he had wings.

You were only able to get a few yards on the big cat before he swooped into action, lifting a few feet off the ground and wooshing forward after you. A few moments later, you felt a powerful weight slam you right in the back, knocking the wind out of you (and then some!) as you fell straight to the ground. The impact dazed you for quite a while; your whole body ached, and you could feel the weight of the tiger dragon pressing down on your back...at least you were lying in the soft grass, and not something like concrete.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, false) } msg ("A few moments later, you heard a deep, but soft voice in your left ear. “Running away already? I didn't even get to introduce myself…” the voice came, before you felt a slap on your exposed rump! “The name's Ludwig-Horn…” he said as he stood behind you, his tail swishing loudly after his successful pounce. You couldn't see it, but the cat was both naked and sporting quite the erection! He hefted it up in one hand, spitting in the other and rubbing it along his shaft to create a sort of makeshift lube. A few moments later, you felt your pucker start to be spread by the head of his cock. The sensation was so foreign, but at least Ludwig was taking it slowly.

That was, until you reflexively let a moan leak out of your mouth. The cat smirked as he heard your moan, before you felt him thrust forward, ramming his whole cock right up your ass! Your bowels stretched the best they could around the throbbing meat, but to say that they weren't prepared for the sudden intrusion would be an understatement…

You heard a purr from behind you as Ludwig sank his length into you, the cat leaning down aand smothering your back in his warm, fuzzy body as he continued to fuck you hard. Even though he had already bottomed out his length (except for his knot, which rubbed against your pucker every now and then…). The purrs gradually turned into moans as Ludwig picked up the pace, your bowels stretching and panging with discomfort as the tiger dragon endeavored to get as deep in your ass as he could! Despite the real discomfort, having something that deep in you was scratching itches you didn't even know you had…

The discomfort was still there, though. Eventually, you felt Ludwig thrust the deepest into you he had been yet, and you couldn’t help but let out a yell. It seemed like the tiger-dragon was expecting this, though, because as soon as you yelled he reached around and stuck a finger in your mouth! You tried to spit out the foreign digit, but that only made Ludwig stick his finger in deeper as he also stuck his cock deeper in you. The tiger-dragon wasn't teasing anymore, just huffing and groaning as his thighs slapped against your cheeks, very clearly nearing an explosive orgasm. You tried your best to prepare for the flood about to enter your bowels, but you knew you wouldn't be 100% ready for what came next!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("Ludwig roared behind you as he came, your rear end instantly being filled to near bursting as the tiger-dragon's cum flooded your bowels. You could feel your gut being filled with the heavy load in no time, your belly sloshing and churning beneath you as Ludwig continued to empty himself in your ass. It felt like he was fucking your whole digestive tract at once - your bowels were stretched to their limits and then some, and your stomach felt like you had drank 3 gallons of water all at once! Eventually, though, Ludwig came to a panting, satisfied finish, tiger-dragon jizz leaking out of your thoroughly-bred asshole. At least he'd pull out soon…

That's what you thought, at least. Right when you were hoping Ludwig would let you go, the tiger-dragon started to thrust in you even harder, aided by the lubrication of his own load! “Hrrf...thought I was done, but sometimes ya just can't resist sloppy seconds~” Ludwig teased from behind you, one of his soft paws starting to stroke over your back as he pumped his rod even deeper into your ass! At least with the extra lube, the whole process was a bit easier for you; hell, you could barely feel Ludwig's shaft sliding in and out of you (though that was probably more due to the fact your ass was already destroyed).

Unfortunately for you, the easier entry also meant something else - it meant that thick knot that had been rubbing up against your pucker this whole time would have a MUCH easier time getting inside of you! Ludwig knew this, and as he sped up his thrusts the tiger-dragon's knot got closer and closer to slipping right inside of you. Ludwig smirked as he thrust in one last time, the two of you moaning in unison as the tiger-dragon's knot slid into your asshole, forcing it to stretch even wider than it already was. With the two of you now tied together, you could go nowhere as the tiger-dragon came once more, Ludwig unleashing a powerful roar of a moan that scared the birds out of the trees around you. You felt your bowels stretch and swell beyond what they were doing even earlier, and you felt like you were straight up going to explode, especially with that knot plugging your hole shut. Your gut swelled and expanded even more, stretched to its absolute limits; but just before you felt like it was gonna start to bubble up your throat, Ludwig had spent himself.
") wait { msg ("The big cat chuckled as he pulled his swollen knot out of you with a wet, sloppy *pop*, your body immediately collapsing to the floor as the giant rod holding you up finally exited your body. As soon as Ludwig's length made its exit, you felt his cum gushing out of your ass, thankfully making some room inside as your swollen gut wobbled and churned on the ground. You heard the tiger-dragon's voice coming from above you, letting out a deep laugh before continuing. “Oh, I'm not done with you yet…”

You had no idea what Ludwig even had planned for you at this point. As you rolled over onto your back to look up at the tiger-dragon, you noticed two things: 1) he was a lot closer to you than you thought and 2) he was visibly drooling. A split second later, Ludwig lunged forward, grabbing both of your shoulders with his big paws and opening that drooling maw wide! In an instant, your vision was enveloped by wet, red darkness, your face splattering against Ludwig's rough tongue, the back of your head rubbing against the roof of his mouth as his jaws clamped shut around your neck. You could feel a rumbling purr-like “mmm…” all around you as Ludwig's tongue smothered you in saliva; clearly the tiger-dragon enjoyed your taste! But he was starving, so a few moments later, as your hands tried in vain to pry the big cat's jaws back open, you felt your head being guided to the back of his mouth…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glrk!*

In one powerful motion, you felt your whole head get sucked into Ludwig's gullet, your hands being yanked away from the cat's lips as your shoulders disappeared inside Ludwig's jaws. “Let me out!!” you demanded, your voice smothered by thick, wet throat flesh, which rippled and undulated around your whole head, constantly pulling you deeper into the cat's slimy gullet. Drool dribbled down Ludwig's chin as he continued scarfing you down, his hands moving down to firmly grip your sides, his tongue snaking under your chest and getting tastes underneath your clothes (the sensation only making you squirm more!). He swallowed once more a few seconds later, your shoulders and upper chest squeezing into his throat with relative ease. You could feel the world shifting around you as Ludwig tilted his head back, your belly and legs dangling out of his maw. His throat quivered, as if he was about to take a swallow...but for some reason, he didn’t. His mouth and tongue clenched around you tight, the tiger-dragon taking a moment to savor your flavor and suckle on your chest. You felt his tongue rubbing up against your front, his throat continuing to quiver and teasingly pull you a little bit deeper into Ludwig’s gullet, before suddenly releasing you. The teasing certainly got you squirming, and maybe that’s what Ludwig wanted; after all, his wet tongue was getting in all sorts of sensitive places…!

Ludwig was clearly enjoying how easy you were to tease, but you could hear his stomach grumbling and rumbling just beneath you; the tiger-dragon was definitely hungry. So, after a few more minutes of teetering on the edge of his gullet, Ludwig pursed his lips and gulped proudly, a large bulge forming in his throat as you sank deeper inside, squirming the best you could as you felt the tiger-dragon’s warm, muggy maw envelop your thighs and rump. His grip finally removed itself from your sides, but now you felt those soft paws touching at the bottoms of your feet, gently pushing them deeper inside as Ludwig made a show of slurping up your legs, noisily suckling on them and getting them soaked in his saliva, his tongue exploring every nook and cranny of your tasty, squirming body. Another swallow meant more of his throat squeezing tight around you, but this time, you felt something opening up ahead of you. In a few seconds, the stench of acid slammed right into your face, making you exceedingly aware of the fact you had entered Ludwig’s stomach. The chamber was a lot stretchier and more accompanying than the tight, slimy throat; but the tiger-dragon’s belly was sweltering in its own way, and certainly more acrid and just...overwhelming than his throat. The thick swallow from Ludwig pushed your head out into the chamber, more of your body following suit soon after thanks to gravity and a loose sphincter.") wait { LudwigStomach.endo = 0 MoveObject (player, LudwigStomach) } } } } } } else if (result = "Sniff") { msg ("You weren't sure exactly what, but there was something enticing about the aroma of this tiger-dragon; enticing enough to seemingly pull you in. Instead of running, you wiggled your way out from under the big cat, who leaned back on his haunches as he saw that you weren't trying to escape, but were instead getting even closer to him! You started to take deep inhales as you roamed over the tiger-dragon's body, before settling on what the source of that wonderful scent was; the tiger-dragon’s crotch! Without hesitation, you buried your snout in the tiger-dragon's crotch fluff, getting a deep, satisfying whiff of that powerful, musky odor. You heard a soft moan of approval come from the beast above you, which only enticed you to go further, pressing your whole face into his musky crotch. Originally, you weren't even able to see anything in the thick fluff down here; but as you continued nuzzling and enjoying the tiger-dragon's bulge, you felt something starting to grow and swell beneath your snout. You slowly backed up and looked at the tiger-dragon, who boasted a lustful look, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he started to sport quite the sizable erection! You saw that you had your nose buried in his sheath and balls, not sure how you skipped over that detail as you watched the tiger-dragon's arousal start to grow and throb, quite the sizeable, pink shaft emerging from that musky, soft sheath you were nuzzling just a few seconds ago! As his shaft continued to grow, the tiger-dragon ushered you closer, before pointing to the ground in front of him. The implication was obvious. You made your way over, getting down on your knees and coming face-to-face with the musky crotch you had just been so acquainted with, now featuring an extra appendage sticking out of it!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You reached both of your arms forward, wrapping them around the tiger-dragon's legs before opening your mouth wide and slowly leaning into that shaft. You intended to take it a bit slow, but that plan was dashed when the tiger-dragon thrusted his hips forward, lodging a good portion of his shaft in your mouth almost immediately! You gagged a little bit at the sudden intrusion, before starting to get into a rhythm, your mouth filling with the musky taste and odor of the tiger-dragon's thick, throbbing length. Now that you were a bit more collected, you could start to suck in earnest, running your tongue underneath and along the sides of the tiger-dragon's shaft, feeling it throb in your jaws and hearing quite a few satisfied, aroused noises coming from above you as well. As you eagerly sucked the tiger-dragon off, you started to feel something soft and furry wrapping itself around your body, not squeezing tight, but creating a sort of comfortable embrace. You saw a few minutes later that it was the tiger-dragon's long, somewhat reptilian-like tail, the tip of which was curled nicely around your waist.

You weren't able to see much of the shaft that was currently ramming its way in and out of your mouth, but you could definitely feel that there was a lot more that the tiger-dragon was packing. Something hard, round, and throbbing was constantly bumping up against your lips, and your tongue even slipped out a few times to lick and slurp along what you assumed had to be a big, swollen knot. You had gotten pretty used to what you were dealing with at this point, until you felt the tiger-dragon's arms reach forward and start fiddling around and playing with your ears while he thrust inside. A few seconds later, you felt the need to gag once again as he thrusted even deeper, suppressing your gag reflex for a few seconds as you were forced to deepthroat his length! Even with the tip of his cock now lodged in your throat, you still didn't have the whole thing in your mouth...but it seemed like the tiger-dragon was content with how much you were able to take for the moment.

The thrusting continued to get more and more intense as you went along, and you could definitely sense that the tiger-dragon was close to orgasm. You felt a breeze starting to blow on both of your sides as the tiger-dragon's wings started to flap, a reflex to be sure...but most likely one that signaled he was about to blow his load! You could start to taste something salty at the back of your throat and tongue, pre dribbling down your throat before the main event...
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("The tiger-dragon roared with a power and ferocity you had never heard before as he came, your mouth being flooded with the sweet, thick cum of the beast. You could see out of the corner of your eyes that his claws had dug into the ground, locking himself in place from the power of the orgasm as you were forced to swallow down gulp after gulp of thick, creamy jizz. There was just so much of it, and whenever you thought that the tiger-dragon was finally spent, another blast of musky cream would force its way down your throat! Your stomach was starting to bulge and swell out with how much you were getting down; you could feel it sloshing heavily with every movement you made…

The tiger-dragon was still going after what felt like an eternity, thrusting forward into your mouth and making it ache with just how much it was being used. You had swallowed so much cum at this point that it was starting to shoot out the sides of your mouth; it was just too much for you to stomach! At a few points it felt like the onslaught of jizz would never come to an end, but thankfully, mercifully, you started to feel the spigot that was the tiger's length calm down, the torrent of tiger-dragon cream slowly being reduced to a trickle. Eventually, it was over, and the tiger-dragon slowly pulled his dick out of your mouth, his length of making a wet *pop!* as it exited your mouth. He left you panting on the ground, your stomach full to bursting with his arousal…

“The name’s Ludwig-Horn, by the way.”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("Ludwig motioned for you to climb on top of him, which you eagerly did. The two of you booped noses for a few seconds, before you watched as the big cats jaws opened wide, a damp berry smell wafting in on his breath as he breezed out onto your face. You stared into his abyss of a mouth without fear, something about it just pulling you in and not allowing you to look away. It was so deep, dark, and moist and warm...and his thick, fat tongue practically invited you in. “Goh ahead, shtick a hand in…” the tiger-dragon mumbled, letting you watch his tongue quiver and undulate as he spoke. The thought of being Ludwig's meal hadn't even entered your mind, but now that he suggested it, it was all you could think about.

Slowly, hesitantly, you reached out a hand, shivering as your palm made contact with his warm tongue. Ludwig took it in stride, closing his lips around your wrist and teasingly suckling on your hand for a little bit, getting it all soaked in his drool before he opened his mouth once more. Your hand was being pulled deeper into his mouth, and your heart was pounding as you watched it this all happen. This was really it, you were about to disappear into that soft, furry belly you had been admiring so much…

Ludwig could have started swallowing, but he wanted to play with his food for a little bit longer. His jaws opened as wide as they could, letting you gaze in as he played around with your hand, his tongue moving in between each finger, coating everything in thick, slimy drool, making your hand feel so warm and wet...fuck. You wanted him to swallow so badly. You started pushing your hand even deeper, the tiger-dragon letting a smile purse his lips as he felt your willingness. His throat started to teasingly clench around your fingers, making wet *glrk* and *glrrrp* noises but never actually swallowing fully...for a little bit, at least. As much of a tease as Ludwig was, He could only control his body’s urges so much. And his body was starving.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glllp~*

You yelped instinctively as you felt your whole body get yanked forward as Ludwig swallowed. This was really it, it was gonna happen. You were going to be cat food! You took your other hand and slid it inside, Ludwig letting out a teasingly loud “aaaahhh…” as he opened his maw wide to accept more of you. You could feel his throat rippling and clenching over your left hand’s fingers, your face getting blasted with wave after wave of stale, sweet tiger-dragon breath. It was so warm that you swore that it left condensation on your face...you were struggling to actually take the plunge and stick your head into his mouth, but as your hands were swallowed and funneled deeper into Ludwig's body, you didn't really have a choice. You leaned forward, letting your forehead splat against the tip of Ludwig's tongue, feeling his lips slide over the back of your head; and within a few seconds, the tiger-dragon had claimed your head. Ludwig suckled and licked at your face, getting as much flavor out of you as he possibly could before you felt your head getting slowly guided to the back of his mouth. It was starting to get a bit tight the deeper you ventured into the tiger-dragon…

Ludwig swallowed once more, and you felt your whole head disappear inside of his throat. The tightness of the tiger-dragon’s gullet could not be understated; every rippling contraction squeezed your whole body, pushing you deeper into Ludwig and soaking you in even more wet, sticky body fluids. With that swallow, you could feel your body up to your chest enclosed in the big cat’s warm, suffocating maw, his tongue rubbing along your bare skin and smothering you every opportunity that it could get. Slimy throat flesh smeared across your face every chance it could get, the rippling contractions around you getting louder and deeper the further you went into the big cat. Every time you heard a powerful *glllruk*, you felt yourself get pulled a few inches deeper into Ludwig...and, slowly, you started to hear a little bit of gurgling and rumbling coming from beneath you too, only getting louder with each swallow as well. Ludwig's belly sounded hungry, and it wanted you inside so badly! There was nothing you could do but oblige it.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("Ludwig agreed, his tongue now licking over your ankles and feet, the only parts of you that were left outside of his body at this point; and they wouldn't be outside for much longer. Even now, the big cat relaxed and laid back, one hand on his throat as he felt you bulge his gullet out in all sorts of wonderful ways. He knew that just one more swallow would push you out into his belly, but he elected to keep you on the edge for a few moments, letting you listen to the gurgling and impatient churning of his belly right beneath you.


Ludwig worked his tongue over the tips of your toes for a few seconds before swallowing one last time, the tiger-dragon throwing his head back a little bit to make sure he got all of you inside of him. At the same time, you felt your head get pushed out into a warm, wet, loud chamber you could only assume was Ludwig’s stomach. The walls moved around you so wonderfully, rubbing into your skin and giving you a full body massage of sorts. At first, only your head and shoulders were pushed out into the belly, but after a few more swallows from the tiger-dragon, the rest of you was pushed out no issue. It felt like a warm, gurgling water slide of sorts!
") wait { LudwigStomach.endo = 1 MoveObject (player, LudwigStomach) } } } } } } } else { msg ("It was weird. There was just something about this big, fluffy, soft beast that made you want to just give him a big old hug! Slowly, you clambered your way out from underneath the tiger-dragon, watching his confused reaction as he got up off the ground himself. You stood before him for a few seconds, before stretching your arms out wide and giving the beast a big hug!

Well, the biggest hug you could give, anyway. The tiger-dragon was still much larger than you, and you found it difficult to wrap your arms all the way around his body. His wings were especially an issue! Judging from the slight purring you could hear and feel coming from the big beast, though, he wasn't especially deterred by your sudden affection...

Your hands started to roam over the tiger-dragon's body, admiring and rubbing at his muscles, surrounded by a heaping portion of soft chest fuzz. The purring only became more and more powerful the more you appreciated the tiger-dragon's body, one hand reaching down to pet and rub at his belly fuzz while the other kept rubbing and roaming over his muscles. Eventually, you felt the beast reciprocate the hug, his warm, thick arms wrapping around you and squeezing you, not tight, but comfortably keeping you close to him. The purring was starting to get even more intense as the two of you started to snuggle, your whole body now pressed into the tiger-dragon's warm, soft chest fuzz. It was so nice here, you thought you might even fall asleep in his grasp...

The two of you stayed like this for a while, cuddling and snuggling and generally just enjoying each other's presence. Quite a departure from most of the encounters you had in this crazy Hotel so far! It was nice to just be able to relax and let your guard down for a little bit. Eventually, you felt the tiger beast release you from his grasp, opting to instead lay down in the cool grass of the plains, inviting you to lay down next to him. You thought about it, and you definitely would in a few minutes, but now that the tiger-dragon was laying down, your eyes started to drift to do something else: His big, bappy paws! They looked just as soft as the rest of his body, but with the addition of some soft, pink, fleshy beans, you were practically being invited to give them a good rub…
") wait { msg ("You reached out for those soft, pillowy paws, the tiger-dragon not stopping you at all as he felt your thumb start to press into his soles. In fact, from the purring you could feel radiating off of his body, it looks like he was anticipating a rub! The fact that he was already so content when you had barely started made you blush a little, before you really started to get to work, taking one paw in both hands and pressing your thumbs deep into that soft, fleshy sole. You slowly worked your way up the tiger-dragon's foot, until your squished into those beans, surprised at how soft they were! You definitely expected them to be agreeable, but even your eyes couldn't prepare you for how nice they were to play around with and rub. It felt like you were pressing and kneading into a pillow!

You rubbed at that paw for a few more moments, before your attention turned to the other one, which the tiger-dragon was casually rocking on his knee while you serviced his first paw. You gave that second one the same treatment, noting the differences in feeling between the two and feeling the purring get kicked up a notch before you decided you were finished with them. There was a lot more for you to appreciate about this big beast, anyway. Couldn't spend all your time on the paws.

You slowly worked your way up the beast's body, petting the big kitty as much as you could before you reached his head. While you were pampering him, the tiger-dragon was just relaxed, arms crossed behind his head and tongue sticking out of his mouth as he enjoyed the impromptu massage he was receiving! It was at this point that you first noticed the horns on top of the tiger-dragon's head. Guess it wasn't a dragon without horns, anyway! Much like the paws, though, something about the horns called out to you, and you reached out for both of them. Your hands stroked along the burnt orange fur at the top of the tiger-dragon’s head, before you felt them bump into the horns. They were hard, as you expected...but you just wanted to grab a hold of them and stroke over their smoothness. Which is exactly what you did! You had the feeling that the tiger-dragon was a bit confused at first, but like anything, he started to warm up to it a little bit more after you kept on rubbing and stroking those horns and the soft fur around them.
") wait { msg ("The tiger-dragon lay there in a bit of smug self-satisfaction while he felt you rubbing over and appreciating every part of his body. It was a truly hedonistic display of pleasure, and the beast was enjoying every second of it! You really were enamored by this big, soft, powerful kitty, and from his paws to his horns to his belly and his long, playful tail, you made sure every part of him felt the appreciation and love that you suddenly had for this creature. It was weird to think about what you were doing, but at the same time, it made you feel so good that you really didn't care about what anybody else thought or saw of the two of you.

“Aaaahhh...I can really feel the love~” you heard the tiger-dragon suddenly say, the fact that he had a voice making you jump back from how startled you were! This beast could talk the whole time, but he just didn't? As if he could sense your confusion, the tiger-dragon continued, his eyes closed as he chatted with you in the most casual way possible. “And you didn't even ask for my name. Tsk tsk. It's Ludwig-Horn, by the way…” Ludwig-Horn said, a goofy, toothy smile spreading across his face as he finally formally introduced himself to you. “This has been great and all, but I think I have something you'll take a shine to…”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("Ludwig motioned for you to climb on top of him, which you eagerly did. The two of you booped noses for a few seconds, before you watched as the big cats jaws opened wide, a damp berry smell wafting in on his breath as he breezed out onto your face. You stared into his abyss of a mouth without fear, something about it just pulling you in and not allowing you to look away. It was so deep, dark, and moist and warm...and his thick, fat tongue practically invited you in. “Goh ahead, shtick a hand in…” the tiger-dragon mumbled, letting you watch his tongue quiver and undulate as he spoke. The thought of being Ludwig's meal hadn't even entered your mind, but now that he suggested it, it was all you could think about.

Slowly, hesitantly, you reached out a hand, shivering as your palm made contact with his warm tongue. Ludwig took it in stride, closing his lips around your wrist and teasingly suckling on your hand for a little bit, getting it all soaked in his drool before he opened his mouth once more. Your hand was being pulled deeper into his mouth, and your heart was pounding as you watched it this all happen. This was really it, you were about to disappear into that soft, furry belly you had been admiring so much…

Ludwig could have started swallowing, but he wanted to play with his food for a little bit longer. His jaws opened as wide as they could, letting you gaze in as he played around with your hand, his tongue moving in between each finger, coating everything in thick, slimy drool, making your hand feel so warm and wet...fuck. You wanted him to swallow so badly. You started pushing your hand even deeper, the tiger-dragon letting a smile purse his lips as he felt your willingness. His throat started to teasingly clench around your fingers, making wet *glrk* and *glrrrp* noises but never actually swallowing fully...for a little bit, at least. As much of a tease as Ludwig was, He could only control his body’s urges so much. And his body was starving.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glllp~*

You yelped instinctively as you felt your whole body get yanked forward as Ludwig swallowed. This was really it, it was gonna happen. You were going to be cat food! You took your other hand and slid it inside, Ludwig letting out a teasingly loud “aaaahhh…” as he opened his maw wide to accept more of you. You could feel his throat rippling and clenching over your left hand’s fingers, your face getting blasted with wave after wave of stale, sweet tiger-dragon breath. It was so warm that you swore that it left condensation on your face...you were struggling to actually take the plunge and stick your head into his mouth, but as your hands were swallowed and funneled deeper into Ludwig's body, you didn't really have a choice. You leaned forward, letting your forehead splat against the tip of Ludwig's tongue, feeling his lips slide over the back of your head; and within a few seconds, the tiger-dragon had claimed your head. Ludwig suckled and licked at your face, getting as much flavor out of you as he possibly could before you felt your head getting slowly guided to the back of his mouth. It was starting to get a bit tight the deeper you ventured into the tiger-dragon…

Ludwig swallowed once more, and you felt your whole head disappear inside of his throat. The tightness of the tiger-dragon’s gullet could not be understated; every rippling contraction squeezed your whole body, pushing you deeper into Ludwig and soaking you in even more wet, sticky body fluids. With that swallow, you could feel your body up to your chest enclosed in the big cat’s warm, suffocating maw, his tongue rubbing along your bare skin and smothering you every opportunity that it could get. Slimy throat flesh smeared across your face every chance it could get, the rippling contractions around you getting louder and deeper the further you went into the big cat. Every time you heard a powerful *glllruk*, you felt yourself get pulled a few inches deeper into Ludwig...and, slowly, you started to hear a little bit of gurgling and rumbling coming from beneath you too, only getting louder with each swallow as well. Ludwig's belly sounded hungry, and it wanted you inside so badly! There was nothing you could do but oblige it.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("Ludwig agreed, his tongue now licking over your ankles and feet, the only parts of you that were left outside of his body at this point; and they wouldn't be outside for much longer. Even now, the big cat relaxed and laid back, one hand on his throat as he felt you bulge his gullet out in all sorts of wonderful ways. He knew that just one more swallow would push you out into his belly, but he elected to keep you on the edge for a few moments, letting you listen to the gurgling and impatient churning of his belly right beneath you.


Ludwig worked his tongue over the tips of your toes for a few seconds before swallowing one last time, the tiger-dragon throwing his head back a little bit to make sure he got all of you inside of him. At the same time, you felt your head get pushed out into a warm, wet, loud chamber you could only assume was Ludwig’s stomach. The walls moved around you so wonderfully, rubbing into your skin and giving you a full body massage of sorts. At first, only your head and shoulders were pushed out into the belly, but after a few more swallows from the tiger-dragon, the rest of you was pushed out no issue. It felt like a warm, gurgling water slide of sorts!
") wait { LudwigStomach.endo = 1 MoveObject (player, LudwigStomach) } } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Ludwig's belly 0 You are surrounded by ") MakeObjectInvisible (LudwigStomachWalls) MakeObjectVisible (LudwigStomachWallsEndo) } else { msg ("The stomach was still tight, but as more of your body found purchase inside, the chamber started to stretch and expand to accompany the rest of you. You could feel your feet sliding down Ludwig’s throat, the last of you entering his digestive tract; you couldn’t really hear the swallows, considering your hearing was now overwhelmed by the acidic sounds of a belly at work, but you could definitely feel when your feet and toes were suddenly enveloped in hot, tight flesh. You knew that Ludwig had entirely claimed you; in a few moments, you would be forced to curl up in this tight, oppressive space, and the process of digestion would begin. Would you get out before that happened? Could you?

Ludwig thumped his stomach in pride as he felt the last of you slither down his throat, his belly accommodating you without much of a problem. The throat muscles squeezing and pushing on your feet continued to pick up the pace until all of you was rudely shoved out into Ludwig's boiling pot of a stomach. stomach fluids washed up between the cracks of your body and the stomach walls as you curled up in the chamber, trying the best you could to keep your head above the soupy mixture of fluids that was now soaking your whole body. The satisfied tiger-dragon rubbed at his gut a little bit, a deep purring rumbling all around you as he enjoyed how full he felt. At least one of you was enjoying this…
") MakeObjectInvisible (LudwigStomachWallsEndo) MakeObjectVisible (LudwigStomachWalls) } ]]>
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("You ended up staying the night in the big cat's belly, losing track of time as you slipped in and out of consciousness. Even if you weren't sure how awake you were, you could definitely tell that Ludwig had straight passed out; the cat was snoring and purring loudly, absent-mindedly scratching at his belly in his sleep as you gurgled and sloshed around inside. Being inside of Ludwig had been such a nice, relaxing experience...but you couldn't stay here forever, no matter how nice it felt. Slowly, you started to feel around inside the tiger-dragon’s belly for the opening, stretching open the sphincter with ease considering that Ludwig was completely out of it and slowly climbing your way out of his throat. It was a lot easier considering he was laying lengthwise, but the cat's throat was still quite tight and trying to keep you down! Fighting against Ludwig's involuntary muscles wasn't easy, but eventually you saw the light of day poking through his open mouth, crawling out as gently as you could and plopping down on the grass, wet and warm and filled with all sorts of love...
") wait { stop sound MoveObject (player, Room10West2North2) } } } } } else { SetTimeout (20) { msg ("For a while, it felt like Ludwig was just rubbing and enjoying his belly out in the field. But now you started to feel the chamber slosh and shake around you, as the tiger-dragon started to walk back to the tree he was hiding in earlier. Your skin started to tingle as the chamber filled with digestive fluids, especially when the tiger-dragon slumped up against the trunk of that tree, getting ready to take a nap while he absentmindedly scratched his swollen stomach...
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("The stomach continued to rumble and shake around you, but instead of it being from the tiger-dragon’s purring or from him walking back to the tree, the rumbling was being caused by the deep snores rumbling out of Ludwig’s mouth! It was pretty obvious that the tiger-dragon had fallen asleep at this point, letting all his energy go towards digesting the big meal he had packed away. And his gut was already doing quite a good job of that - the walls around you pressed against every atom of your body, the somewhat unpleasant tingling from earlier starting to change into more of a numbness. You continued struggling the best you could, hoping that with Ludwig being asleep, it would be easier for you to make an escape, but the unconscious part of his brain was still very much in favor of keeping you inside. As you continued struggling, you did feel something happen around you - though it probably wasn't what you wanted. Something from below was pressing into the tiger-dragon’s fat belly, making the whole chamber a little tighter...based on the location, it was pretty obvious that you were arousing Ludwig!

The thought that all your efforts and struggles were only amounting to a bit of a wet dream for your predator was just too much to bear. Your eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier, and it felt like every movement you made just took so much of your energy. The warm, bubbling sauna around you was starting to melt into you...or maybe you were melting into it. It was far too difficult to tell at this point. The chamber continued to press and tighten around you, making the already small chamber even smaller, like there was less of you for it to digest or something…

There was. Because you were melting into that soup at an alarming rate. Ludwig smacked his lips in his sleep as his stomach really started to get to work, the bulges you made rounding out and softening as you made the transition into soft tiger-dragon fat, a nutritious stew funneling deeper into Ludwig's bowels for further absorption. The stomach got quieter and quieter as it finished its job, and soon, dawn would come, and all that would be left of you was a nice little paunch on the tiger-dragon’s belly, hips, thighs, and rump. A perfectly even distribution; that was rare! As day broke, Ludwig stretched and scratched himself, rubbing at the new fat on his belly with a predatory smile. He let out a deep, powerful yawn, and what was left of you, your spirit, slipped out. Turning around, you saw Ludwig with a smile on his face, his lips pursed like he was gonna suck you back in - but instead, he let you scowl and pout at him as he enjoyed the new fat your body had become...

*You let your guard down...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } ]]> stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at false ") } } ]]>
false Ludwig's belly 0 You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("You felt as though you were trying to run through a swamp right now. Every movement you made seemed to take so much energy out of you, and made no impact on Ludwig whatsoever. Your skin was tingling, your consciousness was fading...the caustic environment of the stomach was just too much for a tiny morsel like yourself. Ludwig's belly eagerly churned you up in just a few minutes, the tiger-dragon completely oblivious as he continued to grow and look for larger and larger snacks to sate his increasing appetite...

*You helped a big kitty get bigger...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at msg ("Ludwig couldn't feel your meager squirms if he tried to.")
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close if (Got(R Key)) { msg ("You insert the key into the lock and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Records Room) } else { msg ("This door is locked.") } false the msg ("You open the door to a dusty-looking room, full of shelves upon shelves of {object:Records}. In the right corner is a {object:Safe}.") false Shelves upon shelves of messily-assembled records on the various Hotel patrons. You definitely shouldn't be looking at these. Look at
There is a {object:Note1} taped to the right side.]]>
Look at Open 49 Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("What is the keyphrase?") get input { switch (result) { case (Safe.combo) { MakeObjectVisible (Documents) msg ("The safe opens. Inside are some {object:Documents}.") } default { msg ("The safe doesn't budge.") } } } msg ("What is the keycode?") get input { switch (result) { case (Safe.combo) { MakeObjectVisible (Documents) msg ("The safe opens. Inside are some {object:Documents}.") } default { msg ("The safe doesn't budge.") } } }
Note false Look at
__ + __ = ?") ]]>
false Some dusty, old documents. You probably aren't supposed to have them. false \"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?\" You hear a voice tell you from behind. It's Rech, the janitor. And he doesn't seem happy. \"Now, you shouldn't be snooping around in this room...\" the croc says, slowly walking forward. \"Now, just put those back where they came from, and we won't have a problem...\"") recordslist1 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist1, "Run into the records shelves!") list add (recordslist1, "Give yourself up...") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", recordslist1, false) { if (result = "Run into the records shelves!") { msg ("
You duck behind the shelves of records, documents still in hand. You can hear Rech groan before he calls to you. \"Hey, kid-you aren't gonna get out of here without getting past me. Just give up, now!\" You can hear his voice getting closer.") recordslist2 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist2, "Straight!") list add (recordslist2, "Right!") ShowMenu ("Which direction?", recordslist2, false) { if (result = "Straight!") { msg ("
You run straight out into the room, and...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
...You run straight into Rech! You bump into his belly, the croc's paunch knocking you straight over onto the ground. Before you can even open your eyes, you can feel Rech's presence standing over you. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } else { msg ("
You run to the right! For the time being, you haven't run into Rech yet, but you need to go somewhere else - you can hear his breathing...") recordslist3 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist3, "Left!") list add (recordslist3, "Straight!") ShowMenu ("Which direction?", recordslist3, false) { if (result = "Left!") { msg ("
You make a left into another stack of shelves. No Rech yet, but you can hear the croc breathing. You can see the door, but he's obviously around...") recordslist4 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist4, "Book it!") list add (recordslist4, "Stand still!") ShowMenu ("Which direction?", recordslist4, false) { if (result = "Book it!") { msg ("
You decide to make a run for it, and...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
...You run straight into Rech! You bump into his belly, the croc's paunch knocking you straight over onto the ground. Before you can even open your eyes, you can feel Rech's presence standing over you. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } else { msg ("
You decide to stay still, hugging the back of the shelves, not even breathing as you hear Rech walk past you, the dark of the room helping to cloak you somewhat as he searches for you in the room. It seems that you've evaded him for now...and it's time to get out of here!") recordslist5 = NewStringList() list add (recordslist5, "Get outta here!") ShowMenu ("", recordslist5, false) { msg ("
You run for the door, gasping as you escaped the croc, documents now in hand...time to see what the fuss is all about...") MoveObject (player, Secondfloor4) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
...You run straight into Rech! You bump into his belly, the croc's paunch knocking you straight over onto the ground. Before you can even open your eyes, you can feel Rech's presence standing over you. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You drop the documents to the floor, holding up both hands, as if Rech was a policeman or something. There was no way you'd be able to escape the croc at this point, so there was no point in trying to pull a fast one on him. Rech laughs a bit at your helplessness as he approaches. \"That's a good kid. No use in fightin'...\" he says as he turns around, locking the door behind him as he takes off his pants, moving closer to you as he does, that prominent croc rear now inching towards your face. \"Sorry kid, but this is the easiest way to transport you...\" he says as he puts all his weight on his haunches, trapping you under his rear!

You squirm around under the pressure, but it's clear that Rech has you locked under him..and even if you were able to get him off, it's not like you'd be able to escape...Rech grinds his butt against you a little bit, the croc's fleshy ring starting to poke up against your noise. \"Nnf..gotta bring you to the boss now...\" he says as he starts pressing down around your face...!") wait { msg ("
Your head pops into Rech's rectum with a wet *shluk*! The bowel walls are already rippling around you, eager to take you deeper into the crocodile. The smell, while musty, isn't too offending. What is worrying you is a gentle gurgling you can hear echo from deeper inside of the croc. But those sounds are quickly muffled by Rech's moaning as he endeavors to pull you deeper, clenching around your head, the rippling flesh slurping you deeper with great speed. It doesn't take long for your shoulders to be worked in, and with the widest part of your body in, the rest of you is a piece of cake by comparison. It's a rather quick job though, Rech clenching around your body as more of it is pulled past the fleshy ring, wanting to get you inside as quickly as possible...

Only your waist is outside of the croc at this point. Rech can see his arousal in plain view, but he didn't really have time to attend to it right now...probably after the boss dismissed him, then he'd have time for more personal stuff...still, it was quite nice to feel you squirming up there, even if it was purely part of the job at this point. Another hard clench from Rech pulled your knees in, the walls constricting around your body as Rech clenches. The walls were quite slick, and tight as well, your body slipping quite deep with every clench the croc makes... Soon you can feel only your feet outside of the croc, and that was quickly remedied with one last clench. The pucker molds itself around your feet before they disappear inside the croc with a wet squelch, locking you completely inside of Rech's bowels...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Security Room) You open the door into what looks like a complicated mess of wiring and televisions. Each television displays a separate room in the hotel, along with the hallways and lobby. There's a large, plush couch to the left, with a coffee table in front of it. You assume this must be where all the monitoring of the hotel takes place...

It seems you've interrupted a conversation between Rech and a dragon, whom you assume to be the security guard. Rech immediately turns to you, interrupting their conversation. \"So, Rok...Hey! You're not supposed to be in here, kid...\" he says, both him and Rokanoss stepping forward and starting to corner you!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(65)) { msg ("
You try to find the door, but you aren't able to in time. You turn around to see Rech and Rokanoss right in front of you, pouncing on you immediately...!

...Apparently, you must have passed out in the scuffle or something. You come to sometime later, laying on the floor of the security room. You open your eyes slowly, to see Rech and Rokanoss bearing over you, the crocodile with a shifty grin glazing over his face. You almost immediately notice that they're...rather aroused, Rech holding up his length with one clawed hand, and Rokanoss's just...hanging out. You connected the two, and tried to scramble to your feet, but then you realized that one of Rech's feet was planted firmly on your chest, making it impossible for you to move!

\"Alright, kid...\" Rech finally said. \"I'm not sure what you heard of all that, but both of us know we can't have you going around jibber-jabbering about it.\" You tried to tell Rech that you hadn't heard anything, but the croc quickly shushed you, giving you an angry glare as he continued. \"So, you're gonna have to...disappear. But 'cuz I'm a nice guy, I'll give ya a choice. So...\" he accentuated with a shake of his (now mostly-erect) length, \"...Which one do you wanna end up in?\"") rechrokchoice = NewStringList() list add (rechrokchoice, "Rech") list add (rechrokchoice, "Rokanoss") ShowMenu ("", rechrokchoice, false) { if (result = "Rech") { msg ("
Rech smiles as he hears your choice. \"Knew you couldn't resist it...\" he rubs his cock once, confirming that it's \"ready\" for you...you try to back away instinctively, but Rech puts more pressure down on your chest, pinning you right where you were. \"No use in struggling, kid...\" Rech advises as he places a hand behind your head, lifting it up, bringing you face-to-face with his cock. \"Don't really wanna do this, but sometimes you gotta shut people up...\" That's the last you heard from the croc before you felt a powerful shove on the back of your head, lodging half of your head inside of Rech's cock! You can hear Rech roar as you fill his cock out, the croc already starting to stroke at his length to feel at the bulge you were making inside. Rech wastes no time in getting you down, the cock already starting to clench around you and pull you deeper into the shaft...you can feel Rech's foot lifting off your chest as you're pulled deeper, your body snaking up into the croc's length with relative ease.

Just from the environment inside Rech's shaft, you could tell he was quite aroused - the shaft was lubricated with his pre, making it quite easy for him to slurp you down. As well, the musky, heady odor of cum was almost overbearing; it felt like you were breathing in solid matter, like you would choke on the croc's musk if you weren't careful...but despite these feelings, you didn't, and so you were still able to wiggle as Rech forced you down his length, rolling his hips forward to take in more of your wriggling self. He had to make such an aggressive movement to take in your shoulders, clenching still even as he moved his hips to make sure that your arms fit in nice and tight.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
In no time at all, almost half your body was inside Rech's cock, the croc moaning every time he clenched around your body inside of his shaft. \"Aah...you're gonna make a wonderful load, kid...\" the croc moaned as he placed a hand on your exposed rear, groaning as he pushed it up and into his cock, sliding you deeper inside of the length at breakneck pace; so fast, in fact, that you thought the shaft would reject you, the deeper flesh of it not quite relaxed enough to take you in at the pace Rech wanted to...but eventually it gave way, and you slipped deeper, the smell of musk becoming more and more prevalent as you made your way further into the croc.

You felt your head bump up against something solid eventually, giving you newfound strength to wiggle deep inside of Rech's cock, as only your feet were sticking out of it at this point. The flesh ahead of you gave way, hitting you with a blast of musky, stale air as you broke out into Rech's sac. At this point, Rech was pretty lost to pleasure, the croc sitting back on his rear as he stroked at his length eagerly, feeling the bulge you made slowly sliding deeper into him, finally filling out his balls. Pre was practically spurting out of his cock, dripping onto the floor as Rech took a clawed finger to your feet, gingerly pushing them inside as he stroked at his length some more, locking you away inside of him for good...") RechSac.secroom = 1 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan_deeper.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechSac) } } } else { msg ("
Rokanoss steps forward as he hears his name, grinning a bit as he looks down at you. \"A great choice...\" the dragon said as he made his way over to you, walking over you, his four clawed feet firmly planted in a box around you. The dragon's cock was hovering above you now, throbbing slightly as it prepared to take you in. This standoff occurred for a few seconds, before Rokanoss spoke again. \"Up with you...\" he advised, before taking one of his feet and nudging your head up with it, then pushing your back up as well, forcing you into somewhat of an upright position underneath the dragon. The throbbing cock was now only a few inches away from your face, that clawed foot nudging you close enough for Rok to thrust his hips forward, sinking your whole head into his cock!

The cock flesh was tight around your form, and clenched powerfully to pull you deeper, the muscles having to pull most of the weight considering Rokanoss didn't have anything to push you up against in order to get you deeper into his cock more quickly...he did, however, have a bit of help from Rech, who planted a clawed hand on your back, pressing down and forward on it to slide you deeper into Rok's cock. You couldn't wiggle much inside of the cock, in any direction, even, so you were forced to just \"enjoy\" the show as Rech pushed you deeper and Rok's powerful contractions pulled you deeper...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
With the pair's combined efforts, you were waist-deep in dragon cock in barely any time at all. It was around this time the frantic movements slowed down a bit, Rok opting to enjoy your consumption a bit more, and you were able to comprehend your surroundings more fully. The salty, musky scent of cum hung thick in the air, battering you like a brick as you were tugged deeper. The walls were still incredibly tight, destroying all hopes of movement...and the choking musky odor was accompanied by a headache-inducing heat that just made everything feel worse. Thankfully, the tightness of the shaft was not representative of the rest of your journey, and the more loose sac might alleviate the heat issues a bit...not like you WANTED to end up there, anyway. It was just the best of a bad situation..but end up there you would, as Rech took hold of your wriggling legs and gave a heavy heave, Rok groaning in pleasure as he felt the rest of your body sink into his shaft, your head starting to poke out into his sac as well. Only your feet were left to be consumed, and soon they slid inside as well, leaving you firmly trapped in Rokanoss's embrace...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RokanossSac) } } } } } else { msg ("
You manage to find the door again, opening it and immediately sprinting down the hallway, all the way back into the lobby. You pause to catch your breath and look behind you, to see if they're giving chase...but you don't see anything. They must be having a very...important conversation in there.") MoveObject (player, Lobby) } } } else { msg ("
You open the door into what looks like a complicated mess of wiring and televisions. Each television displays a separate room in the hotel, along with the hallways and lobby. There's a large, plush couch to the left, with a coffee table in front of it. You assume this must be where all the monitoring of the hotel takes place...

There's {object:Rokanoss: a dragon} in front of a desk, monitoring all these screens. Doesn't seem like he's noticed you coming in yet (how ironic).") } ]]>

His tail swishes expectantly as he looks at the monitors in the room. Evidently, this dragon is the head of security around here. Probably shouldn't talk to him with a bunch of tokens, then, considering you literally broke into people's private rooms and took them...]]>
Look at 0 0 0 \"Hello, welcome to the security room...\" Rokanoss says as he turns around. \"Y-wait.\" he says as he creeps closer, noticing the tokens in your pocket. \"Those aren't your tokens. You're only supposed to have the one for your room.\" He said as he stepped forward again. \"If you just hand them over, then we won't have a problem...\"") Ask ("Hand over the tokens?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Thank you. You know, you shouldn't go snooping around in other people's rooms like that...\" Rokanoss said as he took the tokens and swallowed them down! \"But, I mean, it's not like it's that obvious. Just don't do it again.\"") player.securitytrigger = 0 if (Got(Room 1 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 1 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 2 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 2 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 3 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 3 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 4 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 4 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 5 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 5 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 6 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 6 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 7 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 7 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 8 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 8 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 9 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 9 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 10 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 10 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 17 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 17 Token, RokanossStomach) } if (Got(Room 18 Token)) { MoveObject (Room 18 Token, RokanossStomach) } Rokanoss.tokennom = 1 } else { msg ("
\"Well, if you're not going to cooperate, I guess I'll just have to detain you then...\" the dragon said as he suddenly jumped upon you, the larger beast easily pinning you down on the ground. \"Of course, I'll have to put you some place you can't escape and cause more mischief...\" Rokanoss said as he opened his mouth, giving you a view of his cavernous maw before licking across your face, the rough flesh dragging over your visage. \"Oh, yes, you'll do fine...\" Rokanoss said before he opened his mouth, dropping it around your face, instantly enveloping you in wet darkness. You felt that same tongue rub up against you as the dragon tasted at you, \"mmm...\" ing a bit before he flicked his head up, dragging your body up into the air as he held your head in his lips. He shook you a bit, opening his mouth so that you would drop further in, until his lips had a good grip on your waist.") wait { msg ("
Then, you felt a massive suction, pulling you into the dragon's tight throat, a deep *gulp* echoing around you alongside the motion. The gulp lodged you in the dragon's throat up to your chest, leaving your feet wiggling awkwardly outside of the dragon's long mouth. All it took was a push of the dragon's tongue to trap you inside the dragon's maw entirely, Rokanoss taking his time to lick over your body before another wet *glp* pulled the rest of your body into his throat, locking you inside of the dragon entirely. The throat was hot, tight, but you wouldn't be inside of it for long, another *glrp* pulling you deeper inside the dragon...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RokanossStomach) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Hello, welcome to the security room...\" Rokanoss says as he turns around. \"Here's where we monitor everything in the hotel...\" he said as he showed you the various monitors. \"I don't have any qualms with you right now, so you can go on. Don't get lost out there, it's kind of scary sometimes...\"") if (Rokanoss.tokennom = 1) { msg ("
{command:ask Rokanoss about tokens:Ask Rokanoss about the tokens?}") } } ]]>
“What's that? You want the tokens back?” the dragon asked, a bit of surprise in his voice. “I'm sorry, but it is a security violation for you to be running around with those.”") Rokanoss.return = 1 } else if (Rokanoss.return = 1) { msg ("“I already told you, I'm not going to give them back.”") Rokanoss.return = 2 } else if (Rokanoss.return = 2) { msg ("“Again? You're persistent, but the answer is still no.”") Rokanoss.return = 3 } else if (Rokanoss.return = 3) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“Ugh...fine. I'll give you your tokens...but you have to go in and get them yourself.” You were a bit confused for a second, until you remembered that you had watched Rokanoss swallow them down not a few minutes ago! The dragon walked towards you before opening his mouth expectantly wide, waiting for you to get on with it already. You figured that the security guard couldn't go around digesting the tokens, right...? So, you hesitantly reached a hand out, touching the flat, slick surface of Rok’s tongue. The muscle was strong, but soft in a way, as well...you would have had time to appreciate it, if Rok didn't clamp his jaws shut around your arm, slurping it and your other arm right to the back of his mouth! The dragon was in no mood for mouthplay, it seemed. With both of your arms now stuck in his jaws - up to the shoulders, even - all you could do was look into the dragon's eyes for a moment, him looking back at you, before his mouth opened again, the chasm yawning open in front of you, slowly overtaking you…

The stench of fish and meat filled your nostrils as your head was taken into Rok’s mouth. Along with your head, the greedy dragon also got his lips around your shoulders and chest, chugging the rest of you down towards the back of his mouth. You didn't have much time to appreciate your new surroundings before your arms slipped into his throat with a wet *gllllurk!*. You felt his teeth clamp around your waist as you slipped into his throat, your head being rubbed up against that gullet as it slowly yawned open, Rok tipping his head back and lifting your lower half into the air as he prepared to take another swallow…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("

Suddenly, the flesh in front of your head gave way, your whole upper body being pushed into the dragon's throat. As soon as those hungry gullet walls got ahold of your shoulders, you felt yourself jerk forward, suddenly immersed into a much tighter and slimier area. You felt Rok’s tongue working its way over your legs, exploring your body in ways that made you squirm a bit in his throat...it was obvious he liked it, as he continued rubbing his tongue on your body for quite a while. But, eventually, his hunger got the best of him, and you felt your legs tilt up again. He opened his mouth wide, just letting gravity sink the rest of you into his mouth. *glk….glrrp…* His lips closed around your feet, the dragon's tongue playing with them a little bit before he sent his last mouthful of you on its way with a powerful *glrrrup!*

You could feel the dragon's throat squeezing every part of your body, pushing you deeper into the belly of the beast with every muscular wave. It only took a few more pushes for your arms to bump up against something, the fleshy wall yawning open to allow you entrance into the dragon's stomach. With only a few more contractions, you felt your arms bump up against the back of the chamber, forcing you to curl up as more and more of you was fed into the stomach. Eventually, you were curled up entirely, the sphincter closing around your feet, locking you inside of the dragon's belly…") Rokanoss.safebelly = 1 wait { MoveObject (player, RokanossStomach) } } } ]]>
Rokanoss's stomach false
“Aaah, being full feels so nice…” the dragon remarked, his voice bellowing and echoing around you. “Wish I could keep you forever, but a deal is a deal. Don't fret about being digested, you're in my crop. Safe, long-term storage. Could stay forever if you wanted…” he stopped for a moment. “Anyway, just grab all the tokens you want and tell me when you're ready to come out. Take your time…”") } else { msg ("Your head pokes out into a sickeningly-sweet smelling chamber, the dragon's stomach. Considering Rokanoss was somewhat bigger than you, his stomach gave you at least a little wiggling room...not that you found it easy to wiggle inside, the heat, smell, and constant undulation of the chambers was making you a little queasy. The walls also felt a bit stronger, more dense, making it harder to push out against them...but still, you tried to struggle, pleading with the dragon to let you out. You'd even give him the tokens back, you swore!

*UUUUURPPPPP*...You heard a belch rumble around you, then the deep, echoey voice of the dragon. \"Sorry, but you should have wanted to give them back in the first place. Now, quit struggling so much and digest...\" Rokanoss said as he ambled over to the couch, climbing up on the furniture, jostling you around in his belly as he did so. \"Lunch break...\" he said before he laid down on his side, resting his head on the bulge you made in his gut, before he started to doze off...") } ]]>
You had been basting inside of Rok’s stomach for quite a while now. The dragon didn't expect you to stay in there for so long, but he wasn't complaining. Maybe you were having trouble finding the tokens? Either way, you felt quite nice inside of him, so he was content to keeping you as long as you wanted. It honestly felt wonderful when you weren't being digested; the warm, undulating embrace all around your entire body, constantly massaging you, pressing deep into your body...and once you got used to the belly stench, you really had no qualms with it!") SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
It had been quite a while since the dragon gobbled you up. In contrast to most bellies that you ended up in, you still felt fine deep inside of the stomach, if a bit tired from the constant stimulation all around you. in due time though, you felt a thud against the side of your enclosure, followed by a familiar voice. “Are...are you okay in there?” Rok asked, somewhat worried that he had accidentally pushed you into his regular stomach. You rubbed at the walls a few times to let him know that you were okay. “Oh, good...you know, having you inside of there feels quite nice…” You felt a bit of hesitation in his voice before he asked you something else. “Do you think you would want to stay in there forever?”") Ask ("Stay forever?") { if (result) { msg ("
It was an interesting proposal. On one hand, living the rest of your life inside of a dragon's stomach would probably end up being quite tedious. On the other hand, it would be better to end up here than in the belly of something else that was much more interested in using you as food...! But the embrace of the dragon’s crop felt so nice, so safe, and you had a hunch that he would treat you right as his belly pet, that it wouldn't be as boring as it would seem on the surface...so you made your affirmation by rubbing at those walls again, feeling them squish delightfully and hearing the belly around you grumble happily in response to your decision.

“Heh, I’m glad…” the dragon trailed off as you felt him start to curl up into a ball. You could tell that he was trying to keep up some sort of tough demeanor; but you could also tell that he was kind of a softy on the inside...but maybe you had an advantage because you were so close to his heart, literally. Either way, with your newfound home curling up to take a nap, you thought it would be a good idea to get some sleep as well. Your eyes slowly closed as you curled up inside the crop, being continually massaged on all sides by those wet, plushy walls, which ended up being quite comfortable in a sort of weird way. Eventually, you dozed off inside of that dragon, confident and comfortable that your new life as a belly pet would be a safe and enjoyable experience for all involved...") msg ("

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else { msg ("
\"Oh, okay. Well, you can come out whenever you're ready...\"") } } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("1433315482.jeschke_ethicist_commission_3hourslater.mp3", false, true) msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The stomach walls are starting to get more aggressive, kneading at your body and pushing at you inside the sac. You're quite slick with stomach fluids now, and you're starting to feel a bit tingly. Also, it doesn't help that the dragon's head is pressed pretty far down on his gut, leaving a big bump in the middle of the gut that you end up bumping into quite often...needless to say, you're getting quite dizzy at this point, which is making it harder to struggle...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It's been quite hard to struggle for a bit of time now. The constant kneading of the stomach has left you quite disoriented, not to mention the increasing heat, slowly dissipating air, and tingling that you keep feeling. Well at this point, either you felt tingling or nothing in every one of your body parts. Overall, though, you're just exhausted. The stomach has sapped all your energy, leaving you a husk of your former self. You slump up against the stomach walls, defeated, nothing left to really do but be turned into dragon pudge...

Outside, Rokanoss snoozes as the bulge he's resting down slowly shrinks down, then rounds out, your squirming form being reduced to nothing but a pleasant fullness for the dragon, and a bit of extra pudge, as well. He wakes up somewhat later, already noticing that you had been mostly digested by this point. \"Ugh, didn't even last for that long...\" he said before he felt a bulge rise up in his throat. *Urrrrp....clank!*...Rokanoss belched up what looked to be the tokens you had, the wet disks clattering on the floor in front of him. \"Well...\" Rokanoss said as he looked at the tokens, \"I guess I can distribute these around again while I wait for my meal to settle fully...\" he said as he patted at his gut, the gurgling organ groaning in response. \"I should eat thieves more often...\" he said as he slowly got to his feet, feeling that swinging weight below him as he moved around, getting ready to return these tokens.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
After Rokanoss's trip around to the various hotel rooms, returning the tokens to their rightful places, he swung by the lobby restroom quick, feeling his meal having settled down and moved deeper into his bowels. There was a special stall, with a toilet more designed to accompany the body shape of ferals, which Rokanoss walked into, sitting down on the porcelain and disposing of what was left of you before returning to the Security Room. He didn't have much break time to appreciate what his body had done to you, and he needed to be ever-vigilant to catch any other token capers...") } msg ("
*You got caught thieving...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,8) if (random = 1) { msg ("The stomach groans aggressively in response to your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You kick out against the stomach walls, but they take each of your blows with ease. You barely even make a noticeable bulge on the dragon's belly.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to pry open the sphincter, but you can barely even find it. Plus, the flesh is too slick for you to get a good grip, anyway.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You kick Rokanoss straight in his chin!...but the dragon doesn't even really wake up.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You can hear a long, drawn-out belch escape from the dragon's sleeping lips.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You only succeed in wearing yourself out, and making yourself even more dizzy inside the caustic stomach...") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You try to kick out against the stomach walls, but you can't really muster the strength to deliver any form of noticeable kick.") } else { msg ("The dense walls absorb your every blow, leaving your hands and legs coated in stomach juices.") } } ]]>
Rokanoss's sac false
Outside, Rok's balls touched the floor as he felt you squirm inside. "Ooh...I haven't done that...in a long time..." the dragon panted out as you squirmed, feeling his cock throb and twitch at the stimulation. Rech was helping him a bit, idly stroking at the dragon's cock as it throbbed in his hands...]]>
Every breath inside of Rok's sac was a fight. You barely wanted to breathe in the musky stuff, but you had to in order to keep the chance of your escape alive...so you choked back breath after breath of the stuff, although you weren't sure how much air was actually in here. What was more immediate was the pounding headache you were starting to feel, the heat of the sac starting to match the shaft as Rok's arousal continued to grow. You could hear him moan occasionally as Rech stroked at his length, and the sac was starting to get more active as well, the cum practically gurgling around you as your body started to tingle...

\"I appreciate *huff* the help, Rech...\" Rokanoss managed to breathe out, \"but I think you can do a little better...\" The dragon's insinuation was pretty obvious, and Rech was already thinking about it as well...and so, Rech crawled underneath Rok eagerly, facing his exposed rear to Rok's throbbing member. \"Any time you're ready, Rok...\" Rech said, awaiting the horny dragon's powerful thrusting...") SetTimeout (20) { if (game.pov.parent = RokanossSac) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
...Yeah, you probably should have paced your breaths a little better. The choking atmosphere inside the sac was quickly being reduced to no atmosphere at all...and you couldn't feel most of your body, either. Thankfully, you passed out before you could feel any real pain, but your limbs were already in the process of gurgling up into dragon cum, and now that you were gone, the process was coming along much faster...

\"I think I'm ready...\" Rok said as he felt the squirms inside his sac die down. Rech was in a nice position, and all Rok had to do was roll his hips forward in order to spear the crocodile's rear, thrusting his cock up into Rech's bowels. He sank nearly half of his length on the first thrust, the two moaning in unison as it happened. Rok's length was already pretty sensitive from...well, eating someone with it, so it didn't take long for him to start thrusting pretty hard and deep, the dragon leaning down on Rech's body as he started to thrust deeper and deeper.

Soon, the pointed length's base was slapping against Rech's rear, Rok having sunk his entire draconic length into the croc...and then taking it all out again, pushing in and out in long, powerful thrusts of his hips. He started to grip the ground a bit as he felt a surge of cum rocket up his shaft, the dragon's orgasm coming quicker than he thought it would...but it was still quite enjoyable and powerful, Rok roaring as he thrust up into Rech one last time before blowing his load, the sticky dragon seed practically flooding Rech's bowels and channeling its way deep into his guts. Rok's body slumped onto Rech's as he came, the dragon's energy already being sapped by his arousal. He simply enjoyed the feeling of his cock flooding Rech's belly with cum, the croc already sporting a bit of a belly as Rok continued to shoot his cum up into him.

The orgasm died down eventually, Rok moaning as he felt the last of the newly made cum dribble out into Rech's bowels. He pulled out soon after, hearing the satisfying *pop!* as his cock dislodged itself from Rech's rear. The two collapsed onto the floor, wallowing in their afterglow, Rech rubbing at his new swollen gut while he jerked at his own length, now standing quite proud itself. Maybe Rok could help him out with that, a bit of reciprocation...

*You walked in on the wrong conversation...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Taut with your form, and currently producing a fair amount of dragon cum as well. A worrying amount. In the midst of your struggles, you felt your world start to shake around you as Rokanoss started to move again. It seems like the horny dragon couldn't hold his lust in, because you could hear moans from the both of them echoing around you a few seconds later, accompanied with the sac you were imprisoned in jostling back and forth steadily...you didn't need much imagination to know what was happening. While this motion did get you covered in more of the dragon's hot, fresh jizz, it also gave you hope that you could escape, if you only struggled a bit more! Frantically, you put all of your effort into struggling out, feeling the heat rise inside the tight chamber as Rok's arousal increases...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Then, suddenly, you feel it. A powerful clench from the tight sac, all around your body, forcing you back the way you came! You hear a guttural, primal roar from Rok as he comes, your still-solid body shooting up out of his cock at breakneck pace! You're amazed that you had the ability to do that...until you realize where you were ending up. Instead of a light at the end of the tunnel, you can see nothing but further inky blackness...and then, you feel it. The cool air of the security room touches your skin for a moment as you shoot out of Rok's cock before you're pushed up into another tunnel, this one with a more distinct, earthy smell...the flesh easily yielded to your intrusion, half of your body sliding up with just one clench from Rok's rod...and that's all it took for Rech's bowels to firmly latch onto you. You could feel your legs slowly sliding out of the dragon's cock as he dismounted from the crocodile, Rech's asshole gaping and dripping with the dragon's cum as your legs awkwardly stuck out of the croc's rump...

\"N...need some help there?\" Rok said with bated breath, still awash in afterglow. Rech didn't respond, only moaning as he worked the rest of you inside himself, his hungry ass clenching around your body, steadily dragging in your wiggling legs until there was nothing left. \"Haah...nah, I think I got it...\" Rech groaned as he felt his pucker envelop the last of your legs, the croc collapsing onto his bulging gut as soon as he finished, his weight crushing you as you languished inside his hot, tight bowels...") RechBowels.analscene = 1 MoveObject (player, RechBowels) } } } else if (random = 1) { msg ("Rok simply moaned as he felt you writhe and squirm in his balls.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } Rokanoss.strugglecount = Rokanoss.strugglecount + 1 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You kicked out against the sac walls powerfully, causing Rok to flinch a bit...but soon they snapped back, tighter than ever around your form.") Rokanoss.strugglecount = Rokanoss.strugglecount + 1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You only manage to get more of the dragon's cum on yourself, the small pool quickly upgrading to a cum bath.") Rokanoss.strugglecount = Rokanoss.strugglecount + 1 } else if (random = 4) { msg ("\"Haah...keep struggling...\" Rok moans, your struggles and Rech's strokes coming together for an immense amount of pleasure.") Rokanoss.strugglecount = Rokanoss.strugglecount + 1 } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The sac walls are quite taut; every struggle you attempt is quickly rebuked by them.") Rokanoss.strugglecount = Rokanoss.strugglecount + 1 } else { msg ("You try to find where your body had been clenched out from, but in the darkness of the sac, you can barely see anything, let alone make a cohesive attempt at escape.") Rokanoss.strugglecount = Rokanoss.strugglecount + 1 } ]]>
A rather long and large, ornate, red couch. It looks to be the perfect size for a dragon to lay down on. Look at msg ("You sit down on the couch. It's quite plush, if a bit big for you to really be comfortable in it...") MakeObjectVisible (R Key) false false A key. firsttime { msg ("Something's sticking out from between the cushions...it's a key of some sorts! Better keep this around...") }
digin dig in "You can't dig in " + object.article + "." lift lift "You can't lift " + object.article + "." Kayla's guest room A plain guest room, with a bed and a dresser. false A double bed. It has blue sheets and a couple pillows near the top. It looks pretty comfortable. Bed Look at ") wait { msg ("All ready and willing to take a long, restful snooze, you pulled the covers off of the larger bed - only to find that the bed was a lot more occupied than you had thought it was! Sprawled out on the bed, under the covers, was quite a large, fluffy white dragon-looking creature, with yellow and black fur highlights. Whoever they were, they were both incredibly large, and completely nude, showing off and ample pair of breasts and a large, black, veiny horsecock. And, to top it off, they were very much awake, and casually jumped up out of the bed, their arms outstretched right at you like they were spring loaded against it! “Oh, perfect, a refill!!” you heard the distinctly feminine voice say before the much larger creature swiped you right up off of the ground, your whole body being smothered by her fuzzy chest and tits as you found your self held right up against her, the dragon quickly stuffing you underneath the sheets before pulling them back over you tight. Your face was smothered right between her breasts, and it was difficult for you to move or do anything but sputter as the dragon started explaining.

“Mmm, perfect timing! I was hoping to have some fun with Kayla again tonight, but after the last time I'm still feeling a bit empty. You'll help me out, won't you?~” She said, a hint in her voice towards the end that implied that you very much did not have a choice in the matter. One hand kept you pinned against her big chest while the other reached around to her equine shaft, gently rubbing and stroking at it until it came to full mast and flare. With where you were on her body, her dick was basically laying on top of you...that black, throbbing flesh could be felt on your lower back, and you were wondering how exactly this was even going to work.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("Probably should have spent your time figuring out how to escape instead. The fluff dragon got a hold of your feet with one of her clawed hands, lightly binding them together and guiding them towards the entrance to her quite massive shaft. Once she had them aligned, the dragon thrust her hips forward, and you felt your whole foot disappeared down her shaft with a gross, wet slurping sound! “Aaaah, yeah, that's the ticket…” she growled from above as she started to feed you deeper into her cock. The opening was tight and constantly squeezing around your body, but strangely dry - so it took a little bit of elbow grease for the fluff dragon to shove you down inside, especially considering you were squirming and trying your best to get out! You were in such an awkward position, though, with your head still smothered against her chest and laying on your belly, that it was difficult for you to mount any sort of meaningful resistance. especially considering that a decent portion of your lower body was now stuck inside of her shaft!

“Shush, I want this to be a surprise…” the plush dragon said before pressing your head down into her chest fluffy even more, attempting to suppress your squirms and yelling so as to not alert Kayla. Even though the dragon was quite horny herself, she probably wouldn't approve of what the fluff dragon was doing to you right now! Better for it to just be a giant surprise load. The fluff dragon was huffing and moaning and getting really into it now, thrusting her hips forward while she got a firm grip on your shoulders and used it to push you right down into her shaft. “Fffuck, can't believe I got a hold of a refill so easily…” you heard her mumble in between thrusts. Her cock had a strong, tight grip on you, and the more of you that went inside, the quicker it was the rest of you to disappear. You also noticed that the deeper you were shoved inside of her, the wetter and more lubricated it became. All of these factors started to snowball a little bit; the deeper you went, the more the fluff dragon would clench and moan and push, and the slicker it would get, causing you to go deeper, which would only repeat the cycle. The result? In just a few minutes, you were shoulder deep in the dragon’s horsecock, feeling it squeeze and clench all around your whole body and rub what was left of her musky cream into your skin. You couldn't help but groan when you felt the cock tighten around you, which only made the dragon even hornier…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("At this point, you couldn't even really hear the dragon saying anything. It was just groan after groan after moan, and you could barely even hear those over the wet, sloppy sounds of the cock of swallowing you down. You felt your feet get pushed out into a chamber a few moments later, which you assumed to be the fluff dragon’s black, swollen sack. It was already quite large, from what you had seen of it earlier, but now that you were going to be curled up inside, it was definitely going to be stretched to its limits!

As your neck was swallowed up, your head was forced to look up lest your neck get broken. You could see part of the fluff dragon's neck and face, her eyes completely shut and her tongue slipping out of her mouth in absolute ecstasy. The grip she had on your shoulders had transferred to her shaft, and she was eagerly stroking and rubbing at herself as she took a little bit of time getting the last of you inside. There wasn't much teasing or taunting at this point; it was just a very horny dragon, who wanted you curled up in her sack right now.

You managed to take a deep breath before you felt the cock ripple and clench around you one last time, your vision and the rest of your head quickly being swallowed up by a tight, smothering darkness. At this point you could really smell the scent of arousal, strong and almost overpowering and only more powerful the deeper you went inside. The horny dragon gently stroked over the bulges you made in her cock as you sank down and down, her balls starting to swell out as your legs and knees found their home inside. From what you could feel, there was a little bit of cream sloshing around in there still - but, the dragon wasn't lying, she was pretty empty overall. But you definitely didn't want to be the refill!

Not like there was really much you could do about it, though. That hungry horse cock just continued swallowing you down like nothing, a rippling clench pulling you deeper every few seconds or accompanied by a moan from the dragon outside. Your whole body was smothered in slick, musky cock flesh, rubbing the smell and taste of arousal into your skin and clothes and, really, every part of you. Even if you did manage to make it out of here, you were going to be marked as this dragon's toy for quite a while! The dragon’s sack stretched impressively to accompany you inside, your rump and belly slipping out into its embrace a few minutes later. Only a few more clenches and your arms would no longer be stuck at your sides; at least that would make things a little bit more comfortable. You swore you could feel the dragon around you touching and rubbing and stroking at the bulges you made...just accentuating the fact that you were nothing but a cock snack to her. How degrading.
") wait { MoveObject (player, VinoraSac) } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Vinora's sac A few more swallows, and you found your head being rudely plunged backward into the dragon’s tight, taut sac. Your form stretched the walls enough that, even though they were black, you could see a little bit of light shining through! And you could definitely feel the walls moving around you as the dragon really started enjoying herself. In fact, it was thin enough that you could hear her talking! “My, how rude of me to not even tell you my name. I'm Vinora, and soon you will be too~” You are surrounded by ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("The movement of the chamber while the fluff dragon walked around was like a blender, mixing and churning you up with that fresh seed quite potently. Your skin went from tingling to numb in a matter of minutes, and you could feel your strength quickly draining from your body. Your struggles felt like they didn't do anything anymore; any movement you could have made was completely indistinguishable from the movement around you. Your body slowly sank into the sauna of seed that continued to surround you, and you passed out a few moments later.

Vinora could feel her sack start to shrink and round out as you digested away inside. The fluff dragon had left Kayla's home, going back to the hotel and starting to flirt and chat with the dragon even more. At this point, it really was impossible to tell that Vinora was packing more than usual in her pants; anyone she ended up fucking would be quite surprised when she dropped her pants! And she intended the recipient of her fresh, potent load to be that hot dragon working the front desk. The two of them giggled and flirted and chatted each other up until the end of Kayla's shift, where they returned home and cuddled in the same bed upon which the flesh dragon head shoved you so rudely into her cock earlier. In no time at all, Vinora found herself deep in Kayla's cunt, the two dragons roaring and moaning in unison as they roughly fucked and made out at the same time. Considering how much spunk was boiling away in the dragon’s balls, it wasn't a surprise that she didn't take that long to cum; what was a surprise, however, was just how much dragon seed would find its way into Kayla's belly, the red dragon huffing and puffing as her gut was swollen out considerably by the enormous load. Spent, Vinora collapsed onto her lover, the two of them cuddling and occasionally smooching as they lay together in the afterglow. “When did you get so pent up?” Kayla asked, feeling just how much dragon jizz was swirling around in her womb.

Vinora just smiled. “Don't you worry about it…”

*You got jumped...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
sac walls false Producing cum at an alarming rate. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You could stretch the sack walls even farther, but it didn't seem to cause Vinora any discomfort.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("All that your squirming does is make the dragon even hornier - and accelerate your conversion into fresh spunk.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("“Nnngh, keep that up…” you heard Vinora say, clearly pleased with how active you were inside of her sack.") } else { msg ("You tried to go back the way you came, but the cock clenched tight and prevented you from going any deeper.") }
false You open up the dresser, but nothing interesting is inside. Look at Open Close false You close the dresser. Look at Use Drop Open Close Kayla's living room. It's fairly well furnished, and has some nice carpeting as well. Kayla's living room false false You sit down on the couch. It's pretty comfortable. A flatscreen TV. It looks pretty nice. You turn on the TV. It's currently on a local cable channel. You turn off the TV. Enough entertainment for now. Look at Take Switch on Switch off Look at Use Drop Switch on Switch off end table A basic wooden end table next to the couch. It has some drawers under it. It contains You open up the end table. false Look at Take Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close You eat the whole package of crackers and feel like a pig. You take the crackers. You meanie! A package of crackers. They don't look to be stale. false Look at Take Eat Look at Give Drop Kayla's bedroom false Kayla's bedroom. The carpets are dark blue and the room is centered around Kayla's double bed. false Kayla's queen-sized bed. It has dark blue sheets, and you can still see the stains in it from last night's "adventure". You take a nice nap in the bed and wake up feeling a bit more ready to face the day. Kayla's bed Look at false A flatscreen TV. It looks pretty nice. You turn on the TV. It's currently on a crime fiction show. You turn off the TV. Enough entertainment for now. TV Look at Take Switch on Switch off Look at Use Drop Switch on Switch off false You open up the dresser. Look at Open Close You close the dresser. Kayla's dresser false Kayla's large dresser. It is made out of wood, and has three levels. Only the top one is unlocked, though. It contains Look at Use Drop Open Close Kayla's dildo Kayla's dildo. It's in the model of a large dragon's, in a blue color. You have a feeling you shouldn't have this... You take the dildo. This is probably a bad idea. You drop the dildo. Taking it is bad enough, but losing it is probably gonna make Kayla mad. false Kayla's kitchen Kayla's kitchen. The floor is made of tiles, and the whole room is incredibly clean. false
You are on Kayla's street. Conveniently, she lives on the same street as the hotel. squirmagainst squirm against "You can't squirm against " + object.article + "." pet pet "You can't pet " + object.article + "." milk milk "You can't milk " + object.article + "." swimin swim in "You can't swim in " + object.article + "." pushat push at "You can't push at " + object.article + "." pushrock push rock "You can't push rock " + object.article + "." struggleagainst struggle against "You can't struggle against " + object.article + "." movetowards move towards "You can't move towards " + object.article + "." poke poke "You can't poke " + object.article + "." wait wait "You can't wait " + object.article + "." false the You are on You walk down the stairs onto the lower floor. To the north is the {object:Locker Room}, and to the south is the {object:Pool}. The floor is tiled, and you can vaguely smell the scent of chlorine drifting about.") EnableTimer (OtterTimer) EnableTimer (NeilTimer) ]]> false the false A red Alaskan Malamute. He's currently dressed in black briefs, and searching through his gym bag for something. Looks like he just got done working out somewhere...smells like it too. Probably about to hop in the showers, then. Maybe you might want to tag along. He is quite the hunk... Look at Speak to false false Brad stops rifling through his bag when you speak to him. \"Oh hey there, little guy...\" he said as he looked at you, almost as if he was sizing you up. He zipped up his bag and put it underneath the bench before he stood up. \"I was just about to hop in the shower. I might need an extra pair of hands...care to help out?\"") Ask ("Shower with Brad?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Well, first you gotta get ready...\" Brad said as he walked forward, looking you over before grabbing at your shirt. \"Arms up,\" he said as he pulled the shirt up, leaving your chest naked. He casually tossed the shirt on the bench before coming back to you. \"Now for these...\" he said as he tugged at your pants and underwear, the garments sliding down your legs with ease, leaving you completely naked before the malamute. \"That's better...now come along.\" Brad said as he grabbed your arm and walked into the showers, you sticking close behind the malamute as he selected a stall. \"This one's probably my favorite.\" He said as he opened the door to the stall, pulling you inside the stall. It was quite cramped with the two of you in there, your body practically squished up against Brad's as he removed his boxers and flung them over the side of the stall. \"That's better...\" he chirped before turning on the water and starting to wash up, lifting his arms up to make sure he got the suds everywhere he could. You did the same, although room in the stall was quite limited, and you found yourself bumping into Brad quite often. You also couldn't help but notice his package, balls bouncing up and down as the malamute washed up. You could also see his length starting to poke out of his shaft, if ever so lightly...") wait { msg ("
The two of you washed up for a bit, letting the steam in the stall rise, which was helping both of your arousal levels. It was pretty much impossible to ignore Brad's length at this point, which was poking out from his sheath and expanding rather quickly as he washed up. The silence of the shower was broken by Brad, who asked \"Ya need me to wash your back, guy? I got mine, but it looks like you're having some troubles...\"") Ask ("Let Brad wash your back?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Great!\" the malamute chirped as you turned your back to him, Brad running a sponge up and down your back as you continued to wash your face and chest. He worked his way down your back before reaching your rear, giving the butt a playful slap before you heard his voice again. \"Ooh, nice and plump...\" he cooed as he ran the sponge over your cheeks, occasionally feeling at it a bit, before he retreated somewhat. \"Looks cleaner already...\" he said before you felt something hard - and throbbing - rubbing against your rear. \"Don't lie, little guy, I know you saw it perking up...\" Brad said as he rubbed his length against your rear. \"It's pretty big...think you can take it?\"") Ask ("Can you?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
\"Well, if you think so...\" Brad said as he suddenly gripped at your sides, wrapping his arms around your chest as he brought his dick up to your cheeks, rubbing it up and down a couple times in the crease. \"Nnnf...it's quite long, though. You said yes, though, so get ready...\" he said as he pulled back his hips a little before thrusting into you, Brad's dick finding your pucker quite quickly and plunging into your rear with great speed. The malamute moaned as he pushed himself up in your rump, tightening his grip a bit as he thrusted in. \"Nnf..a little bit tight...\" Brad moaned as he slid out a bit before plunging back in, this time succeeding in plunging even deeper into your rear, causing you to cry out a bit. \"Ssh, I'm not even all the way in yet...\" Brad said as he thrusted again, clutching at your chest as he buried himself deeper. The heat in the shower was certainly helping Brad's arousal, the dog panting with every thrust he gave into you. Clearly he was quite aroused - otherwise, his cock wouldn't be buried so deep into you by now! - but you had to wonder how long he'd last, especially in these conditions.

\"Nngh..fuck...\" Brad moaned as he thrusted in again, succeeding in fitting all of his cock inside of you, except for the knot. You had assumed he had one, and your assumptions were confirmed when you saw it poking out of his sheath. It wasn't too large, but they were always an episode on their own. Regardless, though, your hips met, slapping wetly against each other as Brad gripped at your chest, his grip slowly slipping down further to your own crotch, the malamute fondling your parts somewhat as he plunged into you. It was making it harder for you to hold back an orgasm as well, especially as the malamute started pounding harder at your butt, his orgasm certainly just around the corner at this point...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Brad's thrusts were becoming more and more forceful, the malamute inching closer and closer to his orgasm...you knew he'd knot you eventually, but you were still weren't ready when you felt the fleshy knot force its way inside of your ass, Brad nearly howling as he finally lodged himself fully inside of your rump. Soon, you heard an earnest moan from the dog as he came, his throbbing cock spurting thick loads of seed up your ass, Brad moaning every time he felt his cock shoot out another load. Your rump was oh-so-tight around his member, milking it for absolutely all it was worth, giving Brad such a great time...and you as well, fluids dripping from your body as well, your orgasm coinciding with the dog's, to the point when it felt like just one large, unbelievable orgasm. But soon, you felt Brad starting to calm down, panting as he felt his orgasm slowly die off. \"Aah...that was great...\" he said as he started to wiggle his hips a little, the knot in your ass slowly popping out, followed by the rest of the malamute's cock. The head slipped out with a loud pop, leaving a sizeable gape in your butt. You felt Brad pat you on the shoulder before saying \"F...fuck, that was great, little guy. You showed this dog a grand time. Now, we need to get cleaned up...\" he said as he returned to his shower, cleaning the cum off his fur where it leaked out of your butthole. You slowly returned to the same, although your knees were a little wobbly and weak from the dog's powerful fucking.") wait { msg ("
The two of you finished up your shower, walking out of the steamy stall together and back to the locker room, towels in hand. \"That was fun, wasn't it?\" Brad said as he slipped his boxers back on. \"Come back anytime...\" the malamute said as he returned to frisking through his gym bag. Would he ever find what he was looking for...?") } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"Hmph.\" Brad groaned as he retreated somewhat. \"Well, maybe it can take YOU then!\" the malamute retorted as he gave you a hard push, knocking you against the stall wall. You quickly lose your footing and fall flat on the floor, scrambling to get out of the corner. You turn around to see the malamute looming over you, his erect length mere inches from your face, a drip of either pre or shower water glistening on it. \"Sorry, but a good workout always makes me horny...you'll do, little guy.\" Brad said as he reached a hand forward, which wrapped around your head, before giving you a big push forwards, smooshing you right up against the dog's cock! Your nose slides into the cockslit with relative ease, the flesh quickly expanding around your head as the malamute groans out in pleasure. \"Ooh, I can already tell you'll make a nice, hot load...\" Brad teases before he gives your head another hard push, locking your head inside the malamute's cock entirely.

You try to fight back against the malamute, but you're already tucked away in the corner at this point, it'd be quite difficult for you to escape even if you could pry the malamute's cock off your head. As it stands though, the cock has an iron grip on you, already wrapping around your shoulders at this point as the malamute thrusted forward, slowly stepping forward as well, giving you less and less room in the corner. Not that you'd be sitting in that corner for long, though...") wait { msg ("
The malamute grunts as his cock works its way around your shoulders, locking your flailing arms at their sides, gradually consuming whatever leverage you had against Brad. You can vaguely hear a wet *pop* as your shoulders slide in, the widest part of your body having been consumed. It would be a cakewalk for the malamute to slurp you up at this point...! The inside of Brad's cock was quite tight, the shaft walls allowing no struggling, compressing you tightly to the point where even bulges weren't exactly prominent on the rod. The faint scent of cum wafted through the fleshy chamber, from some indiscriminate place below...you assumed it was Brad's churning, jostling sac, getting ready for its newest occupant.

You heard a muffled moan from the malamute as he gave another thrust, pushing you into the cock up to your waist now. You could feel Brad stroking at his cock occasionally, feeling at the bulge you made...specifically, you felt him lift up his cock as he walked back, leaving your legs awkwardly hanging outside of the cock as he leaned up against the other side of the stall. \"F...fuck, get in there, splooge~\" Brad moaned as he felt another clench pull in your knees, leaving only your lower legs flailing awkwardly outside of the cock slit. At this point the malamute was consumed by pleasure, eyes closed, tongue hanging out as he leaned up against the stall, legs wobbling as the last of you slowly slid into his engorged cock. Brad wailed as he felt your feet pass through his cockslit, finally feeling that flesh return to somewhat of a normal state as the bulge you made slowly traveled down to his sac. \"There we *huff* go...nothing but cum soon...\" the malamute said as he collapsed against the sac wall, back slowly sliding down as he stroked at his cock madly, feeling his orgasm already rise as your body started to fill out his sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, BradSac) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah. Well, do you think you could get mine, then?\" Brad says, turning around and pointing to his back.") Ask ("Wash Brad's back?") { if (result) { msg ("
You oblige the malamute, rubbing over his back fur with the sponge you were using. You idly did this for a while, thinking about other things and washing over your body with your other hand. You hardly even noticed where your hand had slipped to, venturing further down Brad's back until you were washing (and staring idly at) Brad's plush rump. You stayed there for a few seconds, prompting Brad to look over his shoulder and to see you staring right at his rear. \"Oh, you like it, don't you?~\" the malamute teased, giving it a little wiggle as you continued to wash over it.

Despite your advancements being a bit...odd, Brad didn't seem to mind them, the dog washing himself up as you attended his rear. Slowly, though, you felt the dog backing up across the shower stall, slowly pushing you across the stall until, with one swift push, you were lodged between the wall and his rump!

\"Heh. Don't act surprised, I know you like it...\" the malamute teased as he pinned you against his rear, clenching his cheeks around your body and swaying his ass back and forth, which moved you a bit along the wall. You tried to struggle, but Brad's ample rear pretty much locked you against the wall, making it quite hard to slip out from behind it, even with the slippery environment of the shower.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
This teasing went on for some time, Brad grinding his rear up against your chest as he pinned you against the wall. Eventually, though, you felt the clench upon you ease up slightly, Brad's rear not so tight around your body anymore. You can hear the dog huffing in front of you a bit, stroking at his length as he felt it peeking out a little. \"Haah...I wanna enjoy this...\" he groaned as he stroked at his shaft, eventually taking the pressure off you entirely.

Instead of trying to make a break, though, you simply slumped against the floor, the pinning episode having sufficiently weakened you. \"Now, time to slip you in somewhere nice and tight...\" you could hear Brad tease, before you saw the dog's rump hovering over your head! Then, you felt the dog's arms grip either side of your body as he pressed his rump down onto your head, pinning you up against the wall again for a brief moment until the dog's pucker gave way.

You could hear a deep moan from Brad as the pucker expanded over your head, the dog's rear quickly taking you in as Brad continued to push down. You could hear a few more groans as the dog started to attend to his excitement, stroking his length as he felt his pucker quickly slurping you inside.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } wait { msg ("
Brad continued squatting over your form for a while, pressing his rear down your neck and shoulders as he wholeheartedly stroked at his erect cock. \"Haah...squirm for me, I love a good fighter...\" he managed to moan out in all of this, especially simulated by his pucker pulling your shoulders in, the wideness of them stretching out his ass oh-so-nicely.

The inside of the dog's rear was quite tight, the clenches of his bowel walls leaving you with nowhere to go but up; and you were making that voyage at breakneck pace...the limited air inside the chamber stank heavily of the dog's musk, but otherwise it wasn't too unpleasant. It was at least breathable...you soon felt another clench from the dog as he squatted further down on you, his pucker gliding across your chest and slipping down to your waist in rapid succession.

Brad breathed out a heavy moan of satisfaction as you suddenly sank deeper into his rump. \"*huff* That's more like it...\" he managed to pant out before falling forward, the dog's weight suddenly baring down on all of you as he collapses against the bulge you made in his gut. You felt like the dog would squish you inside, and indeed it did hurt a little, but after some time you felt the clenches continue, Brad's ass pointed up in the air as your legs dangled outside of it, being slowly slurped up by his clenches.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
In due time, the only thing left outside of Brad's rump were your feet. The rapid clenching was dragging you in deeper rather quickly, every clench accompanied by a rippling movement of muscle that pushed you along the dog's bowels with ease. You could feel Brad rocking back and forth a bit on the bulge you were making in him, evidently grinding against it with his member...you could feel it push against you sometimes, making you a little embarrased. It almost took the attention away from the last couple of clenches, slurping your wiggling feet up like noodles, the dog moaning in satisfaction as he felt his pucker close around the last of your body...") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } wait { MoveObject (player, BradBowels) } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah, I guess...\" Brad continues to scrub up alongside you, occasionally making teasing ventures at your body, but nothing with any result. Soon enough, you both finished, walking out of the stall and back to the locker room. \"Shame I had to let such a sweet thing walk, though...\" Brad teased as he put his clothes back on, frisking through his gym bag again for...something.") } } } } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah, all right then.\" Brad goes back to rummaging through his bag.") } } ]]>
Brad's sac false the Your head poked out into Brad's sac, the faint whiffs of cum you smelled earlier suddenly rushing at you full-force, accompanied by a heaping helping of the malamute's musk. The sloshing orbs were already quite full of cum, and even if they weren't, you would still be a tight fit inside of them. As it stands, you were already covered in the malamute's cum by the time half of your body had curled up inside of the sac...it was pretty obvious that getting messy would be inavoidable at this point. Soon your legs slid out of the shaft, leaving you entirely inside of Brad's balls, which the malamute constantly jostled around as he loudly masturbated inside the stall, shower still going, steaming up the stall quite nicely...for Brad, anyway. It certainly didn't help you out. You are surrounded by Brad's continued masturbation has made the sac much more inhospitable to your presence. The gurgling pool of cum around you was steadily rising, both just from the dog's arousal, and from the fact that your body was steadily melting away inside of the sac. Your legs were already pretty much gone at this point, or at least the feeling in them...and most of your body was tingling, as well. It made it much harder to struggle...not that you really could, anyway, the sac tight around you, and only tightening more as the malamute came closer to orgasm...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Most of your body had turned into cum by this point, or at least some form of cum-muck. You were pretty much indistinguishable from cum at this point, anyway, especially from the outside, the skintight bulge you made steadily being replaced with a nice, rounded, swollen sac, begging to be released. Your consciousness slowly slipped away as Brad continued stroking at his shaft, the rest of your body gurgling up into more cum soon after...

Brad felt down to his sac, feeling the sloshing cum inside, which nearly filled up his sac. \"Looks like they're done in there...\" Brad said as he stroked at his shaft with both hands, moaning at the sensitivity of his shaft and thinking about how nice release would be right now...his sac laid between his legs, swollen with his cum, jostling as the malamute continued to masturbate. Since Brad was already so aroused, it didn't take much time after you were gurgled to reach climax, the malamute groaning as his rock-hard shaft shot hot loads of cum across the stall, the jizz splattering wetly against the opposite stall walls. Brad continued to pump at his shaft as it shot out more cum, the malamute groaning as he saw his cum shot across the stall wall, slowly being washed off by the continuing shower. It seemed like he'd cum forever, his balls still quite swollen...but it would end soon, Brad panting as he came down off his orgasm, the hot blasts of cum slowly being reduced to a dribble as the malamute's orgasm finally finished. \"F...fuck, I gotta do that more often...\" Brad said as he braced himself against the stall, slowly getting up as his cock shrank back into its sheath, never betraying the presence of anyone inside of it.

Brad finished off his shower slowly, reveling in the afterglow and the steamy atmosphere of the stall. He opened the door to the stall, grabbing a towel that he wrapped around his waist as he made his way back to the locker room. He dried up and got dressed before he found the pile of clothes that you had tossed aside and opened his locker, casually tossing them into it. The locker contained several more pairs of clothes, all in sizes and shapes that would be quite odd for Brad to wear himself...") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Skin-tight, almost. Not very happy that you're currently contained inside them. ") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You cause the malamute's tip to dribble a bit of pre...or maybe it's just water from the shower, hard to tell. Either way, Brad's still riled up about it.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You succeed!...in covering yourself in even more of the malamute's cum. Good job?") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("\"Won't be long *pant* till you're cum...don't wear yourself out~\" Brad teased.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("You jostle around Brad's balls a bit. Not that he can notice it, because he's currently jostling it around a lot harder.") } else { msg ("You stretch out the sac walls for a moment, but they quickly snap back into place.") } ]]>
Brad's bowels false
You could still feel Brad occasionally rocking back and forth a bit, grinding his rock hard length into the bulge you were making, but mostly the dog was stroking off regularly. He still had quite a bit of access to his length, even with the bulge you made in the way, and you could hear the dog's deep moans echoing around you as he got off to your squirms. You just hoped he'd come before it became too embarrassing.]]>
You are surrounded by The rapid clenching of Brad's masturbation has moved you along at quite the quick pace. The gentle gurgling of his stomach was becoming much louder, much quicker. Initially you weren't even sure you'd make it long enough to see the dog's stomach, but at this pace, you were most likely going to make it...which you weren't a fan of, exactly. Would have been much nicer to just pass out here, rather than deal with the gurgling, acidic stomach...at any rate, you could tell Brad's orgasm was nigh.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
The huffs and moans of Brad around you continued to get faster and more frequent, the clenches of his bowels becoming highly rhythmic and tense. You thought the bowels would crush you at this point, the fleshy tube not giving you any room to move whatsoever. Outside, Brad was still stroking at his length, feeling his orgasm start to get closer and closer as you squirmed deep inside of him. Finally, the malamute's orgasm came, Brad howling as he blew out sticky shots of dog seed into the running water, the cum quickly rushing down the drain. The clenches of orgasm were more than enough to power you through the rest of Brad's intestines, your nose and head quickly poking out into Brad's stomach, the rest of you coming along in record time. Brad could feel you starting to bulge his stomach out as his orgasm continued, seed splattering against the shower floor and walls before eventually being washed away totally. It was like the dog never even orgasmed...or at least it would be, if he wasn't currently flopped on his back now, lounging in afterglow as he rubbed at the bulge you made in his stomach.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } MoveObject (player, BradStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You can barely move inside the bowels, let alone try any sort of cohesive struggling.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to wiggle backwards inside the bowels, but a clench from Brad immediately puts you back to where you originally were. Maybe even a bit deeper into the dog, who knew?") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You tried to squirm, but all you heard in response was a rather lewd groan from Brad.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("After you expend all your energy squirming inside the dog, you feel a crushing clench that locks you even more in place. Apparently, Brad isn't exactly happy with your struggles.") } else { msg ("You try to struggle, but you're already so worn out at this point that it's hard to make even the smallest bulge.") } ]]>
Brad's stomach false
You could feel constant rubs and pats of the bulge you were making from Brad, relaxing in his post-orgasm afterglow and delighting in the feeling of just being full. "Haah, thanks for that..." he moaned as he rubbed at his gut. "Sorry I have to make you into ass fat, but sometimes it's just how things work out..." he apologized (?) as he gave you a few more rubs - you, specifically, not just his gut. This somewhat tender moment is shattered when a belch blows open Brad's lips, clenching the stomach walls around you some more.]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
You could already feel your movements starting to become pretty sluggish inside Brad's stomach. The stomach was incredibly slimy and icky, and that thick slime was covering your whole body at this point, like some sort of webbing. In addition, you could already feel your body starting to tingle somewhat as the gut groaned and gurgled around you. Clearly, it was starting to kick into high gear, and you were feeling it...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Your body couldn't handle much more of this oppressive environment. The gut was just too strong, too unrelenting for you to handle. You're pretty sure your arms and legs were already starting to melt away, not that you could feel or see them at this point. The stomach juices were starting to rise, as well, shifting from just a small puddle at the bottom of the stomach to a pool you were now bathing in against your own will. You don't really last much longer, not because of all of this, but because of the lack of air in the stomach, Brad's constant belching having accelerated your fate...

Brad continued to rub and stroke over the bulge you made in his gut, even after the struggles inside had stopped fully. He was feeling something close to a tinge of regret at this point, but you were way too far gone to rescue. So, he had to instead make sure it went as quickly as possible, giving himself some nice belly rubs to make sure that the digestion went as quickly and painlessly as it could. He lounged in the stall this whole time, feeling his gut slowly churn and gurgle away what was left of you, shrinking all the while. His bulging, bowling ball gut, the one he could balance himself on as he got off, quickly shrank down into a nice, chubby paunch, as more and more of you funneled back into the dog's intestines, this time in a much less solid form.

Eventually, Brad got up to finish his shower, the new pudge he'd just gurgled up feeling quite weird as he washed over it. He finished quickly, and collected both his and your clothes as he got out of the shower, feeling his newfound weight jiggle around as he made his way back to the locker room. He opened up his locker and stuffed your clothes inside. It was fitting that he rarely used his locker...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Sometime later, Brad was working out again when he felt a pang in his bowels, a familiar one, as well. He could feel the weight inside of him as he quickly finished his workout, putting the weight he was lifting back on the rack before making a quick joint over to the nearest restroom.

He plopped his plush rear down onto the toilet before he felt your remains slide out of him. His rear was still quite stretched out from slurping you up earlier, so it was pretty easy for him to dispose of what was left of you. He got up to look at the pile of former-you before wiping and flushing. At least he'd always have this jiggling paunch to remember you by.") } msg ("
*You got a little too familiar with a dog's rear...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You feel Brad rub at the spot you pushed out on. \"There, there...nothing you can do now...\" he says, the voice rumbling around you.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You think you've caused Brad a bit of indigestion, before a belch rumbles up through his throat and shakes the walls around you as he lets it out. \"Calm down in there...\" he teases, kneading at his gut somewhat.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You kick out against the walls a bit, rubbing up against Brad's still somewhat-erect shaft. All you hear is a little bit of a moan from the dog.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("You press both of your hands against Brad's slimy walls, creating a couple of impressions on the dog's gut...but they only last for a few seconds, and now your palms are covered in slimy muck.") } else { msg ("You try to move around in Brad's stomach, but the walls bounce back against your every movement.") } ]]>
false the false sink Look at false false a Look at Use Drop Switch on Switch off if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), Rech)) { msg ("A broken sink.") } else { msg ("A sink.") } You turn on the sink, spraying hair and water into Rech's face. \"What the hell, kid?\" he sputtered as he wiped the water off his hand, getting to his feet. You turn the sink off but it's already too late, as Rech has gotten to his feet and is now staring at you quite angrily. \"Very funny.\" he says, standing there, dripping in water. You sense that something is about to happen, and start to back off, but too late; the croc is on you now, knocking you over onto the ground with a big push, nearly knocking you out. \"Nnf...this is what you get for messing with me...\" you hear him say before you open your eyes again, your whole field of view suddenly being consumed by the croc's ample rump. Rech's scaled rear hovered in front of your face for a moment before pressing down on you, your face being instantly smothered by the scales, and your nose poking up into someplace wet and warm...") wait { msg ("
Rech moans as he pushes his rump against you, the fleshy pucker slowly expanding around your face. At this point, the pushing from the croc has mashed your head up against one of the room's walls, with nowhere for your head to go but in...the croc knows this, and takes his time, grinding his rear up against your head as it slowly sinks deeper into Rech's pucker, and beyond. By this point, the flesh had expanded around your face entirely, the pucker slowly clenching around your neck. With Rech practically sitting down on the rest of your body at this point, it was quite difficult to struggle at all, but you still tried to, fiercely wiggling underneath the croc's weight. It really only served to tire you out though...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
The croc started to grind against you again, the pucker slowly expanding around your shoulders. Eventually, they popped in with a wet *shlrk*, the widest part of your body already consumed...the pucker bound your arms at your sides, rendering them unusable, and with your legs still sealed underneath Rech's own, it was tough to maneuver much at all. Now that the ravenous pucker had access to your whole chest, your consumption was rather expedited, the fleshy ring quickly expanding around your chest and waist as Rech pushed down on it, using you as a sort of expensive, fleshy, wriggling dildo...except you weren't coming out anytime soon.

Rech's rump had stretched its way all the way down to your waist at this point. The bowels undulated around you, the flesh pulling you deeper even without Rech having to push down on you at this point..the fleshy tunnel endeavored to bring you to the croc's growling gut as soon as possible. The bowels, while tight and hot, didn't really smell bad, which is what would have really made it hard to stay conscious in them. Not that it wasn't hard already, the heat bearing down on you and the stale-at-best air rather difficult to breathe as well...you felt the rippling flesh start to slowly consume your legs, the croc tentatively standing up to push the last of you inside, placing a claw against your dangling feet and ever-so-slowly pressing them in, Rech moaning as he felt them slide past his pucker, before his clawed finger met his pucker again, locking you inside with a wet *shlorp*...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RechSinkBowels) } } } } else { msg ("You turn on the sink. Why did you do that?

You let the water run a bit before turning it off again.") } ]]>
A fairly large wolf, with blue and lime colored fur. He seems to have just stepped out of The shower, and is currently driving himself off and trying to brush his fur.
“Aaaaahhh, that feels pretty nice…” you heard the wolf mumble in front of you as he leaned over, attempting to dry other parts of his body while you worked on brushing that thick, soft fluffy appendage. Goodness, this thing was like a big, blue pillow; it already looked pretty soft, but now that you were brushing it and running your fingers through it...there was just, so much fluff! It almost felt like you could sink right into the thing, like there was just a never-ending amount of fur and softness beneath your fingertips…

But, that was just preposterous. You could see the underside of the tail, it wasn't that thick. Still, you were surprised and enamored with how soft Ares’s fur was; the wolf must have used quite a lot of product to get it this way! You kept grooming it for quite a while, letting your arms sink into that fluff, stroking and rubbing and brushing from the very tip all the way to the base. Ares was more than dry at this point, but he let you keep going, probably because it just felt so nice to be groomed like this!
") wait { msg ("The request seemed simple and innocent enough, so you agreed. Ares beamed as he handed you the brush he was using, before turning around and allowing you access to the long, fluffy, blue and green tail he was having troubles with. You weren't exactly an expert in this kind of thing, but it seemed easy enough...so, you took the brush in one hand and the tail in the other, and started to get to work!

“Aaaaahhh, that feels pretty nice…” you heard the wolf mumble in front of you as he leaned over, attempting to dry other parts of his body while you worked on brushing that thick, soft fluffy appendage. Goodness, this thing was like a big, blue pillow; it already looked pretty soft, but now that you were brushing it and running your fingers through it...there was just, so much fluff! It almost felt like you could sink right into the thing, like there was just a never-ending amount of fur and softness beneath your fingertips…

But, that was just preposterous. You could see the underside of the tail, it wasn't that thick. Still, you were surprised and enamored with how soft Ares’s fur was; the wolf must have used quite a lot of product to get it this way! You kept grooming it for quite a while, letting your arms sink into that fluff, stroking and rubbing and brushing from the very tip all the way to the base. Ares was more than dry at this point, but he let you keep going, probably because it just felt so nice to be groomed like this!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("You kept up the grooming for a while, but there was something starting to nag at you: this wet spot, deep in the wolf’s tail, that you just could not brush out, no matter how hard you tried! You felt like you were almost being too rough at a point, but no matter what you did, that spot just wouldn't go away...soon, you had your whole arm reaching down inside of that fluff, not even realizing that you were going far deeper than what would make sense. You probably wouldn't care if you did, though. You had put so much work into grooming this tail, and you weren't going to let such an obvious missed spot go unbrushed, dang it! Even as your arm sank deeper into Ares’s tail, gradually being surrounded by more and more wetness and, oddly enough, warmth, you just kept going. Soon, your nose was being tickled by the very fur you helped brush and groom, your face being steadily pulled right towards the tip of the wolf's tail. you felt some resistance for a moment, until..


All of a sudden, you felt your whole body being pulled forward, your entire head being enclosed by that same warm wetness you had felt wrap around your arm. You could still feel the pleasant softness of the wolf's tail fur, but it was being overwhelmed by this smothering, fleshy feeling that covered every inch of your body above the neck! Instinctively, you tried to wiggle and pull yourself out of whatever had trapped you, but your body would not budge. Ares outside was just as confused as you were; his neck craned backwards as he tried to figure out what was happening, but he also had quite a bit of trouble actually thinking straight from all the pleasure he was feeling! He had no idea what was going on back there, but it felt so wonderful and arousing...an intense pleasure was spreading through his tail as it filled up and swelled with your form. Half of your body had disappeared into Ares's tail fluff now, seemingly falling into a void of soft fur and hair and wet fleshiness. The only thing that could explain it, was that this wolf's tail was eating you!

Of course, you didn't really recognize that yet. Your mind was too busy being aflutter with all sorts of wonderful, pleasing feelings to realize that you were being eaten! The tight, warm confines of Ares's tail continued slurping you up greedily as you offered no resistance, you being lifted up off your feet in no time as the tail mouth-opening-thing had a firm grip on your waist. It was so wet and warm and soft in here, it felt like you were wrapped up in a nice, fresh blanket…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"O-oh…\" Ares huffed, the wolf forced down to his knees from the pleasure he was experiencing. He had mostly figured out what was happening back there at this point, and while it was definitely something that had only happened a few times in the past, it certainly was not unwelcome! \"Erf, I shoulda warned them that might happen…\" the wolf whimpered out as he felt his tail taking the wheel on the whole operation, the thick appendage making all sorts of wet *glrrp* and *glllk* noises as it messily gobbled you up! Drool-like fluid dribbled out of the tip of the tail, getting the fur wet all over again and making a sizable wet spot on the shower tiles as well...looks like the wolf would have to dry himself off again after all of this was said and done!

The weight in Ares's tail caused the wolf to fall backwards, landing on his rear as his tail swallowed up your legs with ease. It was like a snake, inching over its meal bit by bit and sporting quite a sizeable bulge throughout! Your head was near the base of the wolf's tail now, the chamber inside of it being stretched to its limits as it tried to cram the last of your body inside. Rolling clenches of flesh pulled and tugged on your legs, slowly pulling them inside and stretching the chamber you were inside to its absolute limits before the tip of said tail finally closed around your toes, your whole body now trapped in that warm, wet, slimy chamber hidden inside the wolf's tail…

“Erf... sorry about that. I, um, hope you like being part of my tail…” Ares said as he tried to collect himself, hoping that you would be able to hear his words so deep inside of his body. You could, but they were very faint, drowned out by gurgling and squishing and all sorts of fleshy noises. And you weren't really listening to what Ares was saying, anyway; your mind was somewhere far, far away from any attempt at conversation you could have! Overwhelmed by all sorts of sensations and feelings, the warm, wet confines you now called home were rocking and lulling you into a passive state. It felt like you were swaying in the wind while tucked away inside of a warm, fleshy hammock…

It was while you were in this semi-conscious state that the process of transformation began. It wasn't quite like digestion; there were no stinging fluids or acids to break you down. No, Ares’s tail was working on directly absorbing you, using your body to make the wolf's tale sticker, fluffier, and more attractive to anybody else that might end up helping Ares out with a little bit of grooming...it was something that the wolf didn't exactly understand, but, people went in and tail fluff came out...so he wasn't exactly complaining!
") wait { msg ("The wolf slumped down on the floor as he felt his tail really starting to get to work, the fleshy environment that surrounded you starting to become a bit more gooey and goopy as the tail worked on getting ready to absorb you. Your semi-conscious mind was aflutter with all sorts of wonderful thoughts and feelings, so you didn't even notice when you started to lose feeling in your extremities, the environment around you slowly starting to feel like you were being submerged in thick, gooey pudding or something. But the warmth, and the tightness and intimacy...it overruled anything else for you.

Ares couldn't look back to see exactly what was going on inside of his tail while this all went down, so he had to navigate the whole situation by feel. The bulges you made in his tail were steadily starting to disappear, being replaced by a much more plump and thick and healthy-looking tail all around, instead of something that looked like a snake that had overestimated its appetite quite a bit! Geez, that tail was already getting a little hard to lug around, the wolf couldn't imagine what it would be like once everything was all said and done in there! It usually took a few hours for the transformation to fully go through, so the wolf settled in for what would most likely be the good part of an evening.

Meanwhile, you didn't really have a concept of settling down anymore. You had lost feeling in every part of your body, as if you were stuck in sleep paralysis, just a consciousness floating about in some ethereal plane vaguely connected to our own. You had a sudden feeling of exhaustion wash over you, a feeling at that made you just want to lay down and take a nap...but, wait, you already were. The floor was beneath you..were you Ares now? Were you just part of them, or had your consciousnesses merged because of the transformation? All you knew is that you were starting to regain feeling again, but instead of arms and limbs, you only had that one...that one appendage. That tail. That...that was you now. Yes...just thinking those words felt so right. You belong here. This was your home. This was you. Every sway and swish Ares made as he idly napped on the floor, you felt it all. And it all seemed so right. So natural.
") wait { msg ("You continue to lay there drifting in and out of consciousness as Ares snoozed away, that inexplicable wave of exhaustion you felt earlier having to be from when he first started to sleep. At least this pause would give you some time to adjust to your new life as a tail...having lost all of your senses except for feeling, your new form quickly adjusted and beefed up your sense of touch in order to compensate. Suddenly, you could feel every tuft of fur on your body, every little movement that you made while being flicked or wagged back and forth...it was all a bit overwhelming at first, but eventually, you adjusted. Just in time for Ares to wake up, as well!

The wolf stretched, and let out a long yawn, and did all those other things that you did when waking up from a satisfying little snooze before he started to get up off the ground. At the same time, your whole world shook around you as the wolf got up, your new form forced to adjust to a very quick change in scenery as Ares started to lumber his way out of the shower room, feeling the new weight in his tail giving him a little bit of trouble. “Ugh. Next time, I'm just going to get a longer brush or something…” the wolf mumbled to himself, scratching the back of his neck as he grabbed his things out of the locker room. It was nice to have a fatter tail sometimes, but it was always a pain in the rear to get adjusted to...

*You helped out a wolf...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } ]]>
false Look at shower stall a ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } msg ("And then someone barged in on you.

Instinctively, you flinched and yelled as you felt the door to your left suddenly blasted open, a figure emerging through the steam and quickly dispersing it. They were just a shadow in the mist at first, but as they quite literally pushed you into a corner of the stall, you saw what looks to be a rather buff, yet curvy hyena gal...and, perhaps most striking, her groaning and sloshing and bulging stomach! The hyena really threw her weight around effectively, practically shoving you into a corner of the shower as she turned around and closed the door behind her…

She looked directly towards you afterwards, seemingly not surprised by your existence. \"Hey.\" was all she said at first, her pudgy breasts resting on top of her fat, squirmy belly...yeah, she had definitely just swallowed someone up, for sure! One hand rested on that churning stomach while the hot water ran down the rest of her body, the hyena tilting her head down to look at you. \"Mind helping me out with this? Can't really, *uuuUUUrrppph*, get around in this place with such an active belly…\"
") Ask ("Help the yeen out?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You just sat there for a moment, watching as the bulges under her cream-colored belly fur continued to punch and press out...wasn't like you had any other option at the moment, though. This hyena was far, far larger than you, and though her belly was quite large, you got the impression that it wasn't completely full yet! So, as your new “friend” started to soap and lather her body up, you hesitantly reached out for that belly, pressing a hand against it and starting to slowly press and push inward in circles...you flinched every time you felt the person in her belly struggle, thinking that they might accidentally hit you! But, you were far enough away that the worst thing that could happen was them hurting your hand a little bit. So, as time went on and as the hyena girl started to make more pleasured noises in response to your belly-rubbing, you gradually started to get more into it. Her gut was so soft and warm, and feeling her belly working away just underneath your hands was an oddly satisfying and arousing sensation. Especially with the hot water running down both you and her, relaxing your whole body as the steam started to build back up again.

It was very subtle at first, but as the minutes passed and the hyena continued her relaxing shower, her stomach was gradually starting to shrink and round out. The struggles beneath her fur had almost entirely ceased, leaving little more than a soft, pudgy stomach for you to rub away at! You had both hands on the chamber now, swirling them both in circles and even venturing towards her breasts or between her legs every now and again...though, you were sure to not venture too far and risk upsetting the hyena. The little moments you got to fondle her up, though...goodness, those made your heart race! And now, you thought...were her breasts getting bigger? Was her body already turning that meal into nothing but extra padding for her body? Fuck, it was happening so much faster than you had expected. Perhaps the rubbing and massaging you were doing really was helping her system along!
") wait { msg ("In the next few minutes, the hyena's stomach had noticeably quieted down. It was still pretty fat and swollen, but it was clear that whoever was inside was mostly slosh at this point. Best of all, the hyena seemed more than satisfied with your work! She rinsed the last bits of suds off of her body, reaching down to thump and fondle at her stomach while you receded back into the corner a little bit. \"Oh, You did quite the good job down there...the name's Germania, by the way. All that rubbing has stirred up a little something in me...want to stay?~\"
") Ask ("Stay?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { } msg ("The short time you had to spend rubbing and loving on Germania's stomach had aroused and attracted you to the hyena quite a bit. You found yourself nodding to her question before you had even processed it fully, the hyena with a glowing smile on her face as she saw that you were more than happy to continue helping her out. Germania started to adjust her position a little bit, bracing herself against the shower walls as she started to loom over you in earnest, her groaning, fat belly barely an inch away from your face...and then, her whole body shifted, the hyena putting all of the weight of her stomach right down onto you and thoroughly smothering you in her thick, soft belly! Your face almost immediately pressed into the swollen, gravid gut, feeling just how much squish that gut really had...it seemed so warm and soft to your hands, but now that your whole face was being plunged into it, you were really starting to experience all that softness in earnest!The hyena’s belly felt like the warmest, softest pillow you had ever laid your head on, and the cacophony of groans and gurgles that you could hear just beyond the thick layer of fat that smothered you certainly made your experience all the more enjoyable! Germania just let out a long sigh as she felt your head being smushed so far into her stomach, relaxing as she put all of her weight down onto you...her stomach started shifting further down your body, covering more of you up in the corner and soon squishing more than half of your body underneath thick hyena tum. \"Ahn, you feel so WONDERFUL down there, kid…\" you could hear Germania's muffled voice exclaim above you...followed by a thick, wet, sloppy *gggGGWWWwwwrrrg* from the stomach that was currently squishing your entire body!
") wait { msg ("\"Oops! Looks like the tank needs to be filled up a little bit. Good thing I have you here…\" you heard Germania tease, before the fat weight on top of you started to slowly lift up. For a moment, you were almost sad that your relaxing with her belly had come to an end...but you were so immersed in the hyena's gut that you hadn't really processed what she had said. By the time the hyena’s stomach had completely lifted off of you, you got the hint rather quickly, though! Germania was still looming over you in the corner of this steamy shower, but this time it was her head threatening to smother you...well, more specifically, it was her wide open, snarling maw! Her sharp canine teeth glinted in the artificial light of the shower room, with special attention to the golden tooth at the top of her mouth...her tongue, so squishy and flat and long, covered in slimy yeen drool that was already starting to drip down onto your face. Or maybe that was the shower water...

You were expecting Germania to just swallow you up right then and there, but the hyena actually snapped her jaws shut for a moment, just an inch or so away from your nose! \"Hah, I bet you're going to like adding to all this~\" she teased, jiggling her belly in a way that drew your attention to it before the buff hyena reached down and snatched you up, her paws grabbing onto both of your sides and lifting you right up in the air like a sack of potatoes! You were suddenly able to see over the entire shower room for a moment as Germania hefted you up into the air...there wasn't much going on in any of the other stalls, so you looked back down only to see the hyena’s jaws wide open some more, your feet and toes dangling just in front of her teeth!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } msg ("You watched in a mixture of arousal, anticipation, and nervousness as Germania started to slowly lower your body into her gullet, your vulnerable feet sliding right past her thick, soft tongue and resting comfortably against the entrance to her throat...her uvula pressed against them every now and again, reminding you how close you were to being swallowed down at any moment! Before she just gulped you down, though, Germania slathered your ankles in warm drool, the sensation sending a shiver up your spine that even the hyena could feel...she just smirked as she felt it, before clamping her jaws shut over your calves and placing a paw against your back before you suddenly felt her throat open wide and yank you deeper into her body! A good part of your legs were now suddenly immersed in her slick, hungry gullet, your body steadily sliding deeper even without the hyena having to swallow due to gravity. Germania’s jaws remained shut, though her tongue did snake out between them to lick and rub over the next part of you as it started to slide in-between her teeth. There was no going back at this point; you could see the bulge your legs were starting to make in the hyena's gullet, knowing that hungry flesh was not going to let you go no matter how much you squirmed...not like squirming was on your mind, though! You were much more focused on that tongue sneaking its way between your legs, Germania trying her best to reach your bits and ass...she wasn't quite there, though you could feel the hyena starting to push you straight down her throat, Germania apparently not even needing to swallow anymore to keep it you on track to her stomach!

Germania kept pushing, and a few moments later, you shivered and even squealed a little bit in surprise and arousal as you felt her tongue slurping along your bits and ass, the tip of it even ferreting between your cheeks and starting to tease against your vulnerable pucker! The hyena couldn't help but let out a muffled snicker as she felt and heard you squirming in arousal, before her throat suddenly clenched tight once more and swallowed down a few more inches of you! By now, the tips of your toes had disappeared behind Germania's collarbone, and you knew that another swallow would probably push you out into her stomach soon…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*hhglrk~*

The hungry hyena threw her head back a little bit before taking another big gulp, her jaws soon firmly clamping over the center of your chest. Just as you had expected, that swallow did push your feet out into Germania's belly, already feeling your toes dipping into the bubbly soup that was still sloshing around in her gut from her earlier meal...her tongue was so close to your face now, your head and neck the only thing left that hadn't been slobbered all over by the hyena...and, well, they certainly wouldn't be that way for much longer! It was so odd, you didn't know what to say as your inevitable consumption continued to steadily make its way towards its conclusion. Would you say goodbye? Thank you? Ask her to let you out later?...

You were so lost in that thought, you hadn't even noticed that Germania's jaws were still creeping up your body...at least, until her tongue slapped against your face, slurping all the way up to your forehead and leaving you utterly speechless and dripping in slime! The hyena's gut was starting to grow once more, a good third of your body now packed away in her belly as only your head stuck out from between her lips. Her warm, stale breath rolled over your face, leaving a layer of steam as her tongue crept out from between her lips, curling up around the back of your head. This was really it; the final swallow was just about to happen!

Darkness surrounded you as Germania closed her maw over the back of your head. Hot, humid, smelly darkness. There wasn't much for you to do at this point, with most of your body trapped in her throat or belly...no, all you could really do was wait as you felt Germania tipping her head back for the last time. It felt like you were at the edge of a water slide, with just enough of your body pulled over the edge for gravity and momentum to start pulling down…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glrp*

Germania’s jaws opened wide again as she took that last swallow, her slimy tongue rolling out of her mouth like a red carpet as her throat rhythmically pulled you deeper and deeper into her body. \"Ohhhhh, you *absolutely* hit the spot~\" the hyena commented, licking her lips and rubbing at her belly as it continued to fill out once more. Perhaps she had kind of defeated the purpose of coming in here in the first place by scarfing you down, but it felt so good that she didn't even care that much! Inside, you could feel those thumps reverberating around you as the stomach sphincter clenched tight around your neck, allowing you a little time to curl up properly in the acid bath just an inch or so below you before another wave of peristalsis pushed the last of you out into the hyena. You could hear the shower water still running, and the hyena even humming a little bit as she continued to relax inside the stall, stroking over her breasts and belly as you felt yourself finally, completely encased by those stomach walls. The gut you were rubbing and enjoying so vigorously just a few minutes ago...now you were inside of it!
") wait { Germania.showers = 1 MoveObject (player, GermaniaStomach) } } } } } } else { stop sound msg ("\"Ah...well, that's disappointing, but I can't force ya, hun.\" the big hyena said to you...though she still spent the next few minutes actually taking a shower in your stall! You just sort of had to wait there while she finished up, before the hyena wordlessly made her exit...
") } } } } else { stop sound msg ("As much as you were enjoying the sight on display in front of you, you didn't feel like getting involved right now. It didn't seem like the safest thing in the world to be doing, for sure! And you didn't really think rubbing the hyena's stomach would actually make things any less tight in here, so you politely turned the large hyena woman down. You expected a bit more...involved of a response, but to your surprise, the hyena just shrugged her shoulders, turning around and just starting to continue her shower like you weren't even there! It definitely wasn't what you expected, but, well...perhaps you would be able to finish your shower after all. You tried your best to do what the hyena had done, continuing to wash yourself off to the best of your ability with how little real estate you had inside of the shower stall…

But, as time went on, you felt like the room you had was continuing to decrease. The hyena was just humming away as nonchalantly as she could, though you could barely hear that over the groaning and sloshing of her stomach! Despite the increasing tightness of your position in this stall, you continued to try and get your shower done like nothing had happened...but, the hyena's backside was still encroaching on you. It was quickly becoming obvious that you were stuck in the corner of this stall, with a giant hyena rump en route to smother you! You could barely move at this point, her ass was threatening to trap you -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("*fwmp!*

You heard a muffled chuckle from the hyena as she pinned you against the shower wall with her fat ass, your head lodged firmly between the plump, spotted, light brown cheeks, leaving you with nowhere to go...except further into her rump, of course, but that was something you did not want to think about at all! At least her cheeks were relatively soft, so you weren't in immediate pain or anything...though, you certainly weren't comfortable. and throughout all of this, the hyena just continued humming away, occasionally rubbing at her swollen stomach or forcing a belch out that you could feel from beneath her. You expected something else to happen to you rather quickly, but it really seemed like the hyena had forgotten you were even back there! So, you were just sort of stuck back here while the yeen continued cleaning herself up, minutes passing with seemingly nothing changing.

But then, you started to notice something. As time continued to pass, you felt as if the rump pressing down on you was becoming...bigger. Squishier. Softer. Heavier, even. It was a strange thing for you to notice, but there really wasn't any other explanation for how tired you were already feeling back here! Sure, the hyena was already pretty hefty to begin with, but you could just feel your face and body gradually being swallowed up by her slowly expanding curves. It seemed as if the poor meal gurgling away inside of her belly was mostly going to the hyena's hips and ass…! If escape was a tall order beforehand, it was almost certainly an impossibility now. Though, as time went on, you felt things starting to get...strangely comfy back here, in a way. The hyena's ass was like an incredibly padded pillow that your face could just sink into, and that left you wondering how much softer it would get once that poor meal was all absorbed…!

The hyena's ass only continued to get heavier and more difficult to deal with as the minutes passed, your hearing dominated by the groans and sloshes of digestion along with the pitter-patter of the shower that was still continuing after so long. You would have complained about the amount of water she was wasting, but, well, she probably wouldn't be able to hear you…! Her ass just continued to swell and grow without fail, swallowing up your whole upper body in thick, squishy fat, even as the meal the hyena had packed away had mostly finished its journey to her hips! Even as the hyena hummed and grinded away on your face, though, you could sense a little bit of...wobbliness about her. Like she wasn't used to carrying around this much weight, and, well, that did make sense!

You couldn't have predicted what happened next, though.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("As the hyena started to shuffle and move around a bit, she lost a bit of her footing before slipping entirely and crashing backwards against the shower stall and, eventually, the tiled bathroom floor. Unfortunately for you, with the position you were in, you really only had one place to go when that rump came crashing down on you. The hyena cried out in pleasure as her asshole suddenly swallowed up your entire head and shoulders in one fell swoop, her fleshy, musky innards quickly surrounding you and her squeezing inwards almost immediately starting to sucking you up inside of her bowels! You were already feeling pretty warm and humid being stuffed under her ass with all the steam and heat of the shower, but now? Now you were absolutely overwhelmed by all of this slick, slimy flesh, absolutely everything around you quivering and undulating with one goal: to pull the rest of you inside. And with the hyena bearing all of her weight down onto you, not even out of wanting to tease you, but because that was the only thing keeping her from slamming against the shower wall...you were GOING up her ass.

Though the hyena wasn't explicitly teasing you with your unfortunate predicament, she was still more than happy to use your situation in order to make you into a free meal! Her innards clenched and rippled upwards in waves of greedy peristalsis, each one pulling you a good inch or so deeper into the yeen's maze of musky, slimy bowels. Your predator just continued to use her impressive weight to shove you up inside of her like a dildo...in only another minute or so, you were firmly lodged halfway up the hyena's ass, the last parts of your body nearly completely hidden under the predator's massive frame and thick cheeks. She was basically squatting at this point to get the last of you up inside of her, just continuing to ease her hips and cheeks right down onto your vulnerable form...and, all the while, she was just humming away and continuing to wash herself like nothing had happened. Just casually shoving somebody up your ass, you know! Happens all the time.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Well...that wasn't an especially strange observation in this crazy place, at least! It was nearly impossible for you to move at this point, more than two-thirds of your body being entirely encased in tight bowels that absolutely wanted to claim you for good. And they were certainly doing a good job of that so far! The hyena was finally starting to have you packed away so much that your feet were leaving the ground, somewhat allowing her to finally start to lower herself to the ground and get into a slightly more comfortable position. Her back rested against the shower stall, the hyena continuing to ease her way down as your calves and feet steadily disappeared between her own, until the tips of your toes were the only thing outside of the sauna that was the hyena's guts. And that meant that she could finally sit her fat ass down on the floor of the stall, her innards clenching and pulling at your body to take in the very last of you…

") wait { GermaniaBowels.showers = 1 MoveObject (player, GermaniaBowels) } } } } } } } ]]>
false the false A giant panda girl. She's a bit chubby around the edges, but still manages to fit into her lavender and white striped bathing suit rather well.

She looks quite relaxed, floating out in the pool on an inner tube. She's got a drink in one hand, her other one lazily lapping at the water. She's wearing sunglasses, too, even though it's not even that bright in here. Regardless, you probably don't want to interrupt her relaxation. And why would you? She seems quite nice...") } else { msg ("
A giant panda girl. She looks tipsy.") } ]]>
One of the most noisy patrons in the bar was a very large and curvy panda girl, looking like she was just out of the pool, only wearing a bikini, necklace, and some sunglasses. It seems like she was already a few bottles deep by the time you got here, but something drew you to go next to her and sit down in the stool beside her. Originally, she didn't notice you as she chugged down another mixed drink. In fact, she was quite shocked when she turned to the right and saw that there was a person sitting in the seat that have been empty earlier. “Oh, shit! I...I didn't see you there…” She said, laughing and running a paw through her hair. “Hey, bartender, gi-give me one more. I...I think I'm starting to feel the buzz…” You can hear the bartender mutter something under his breath before turning around and making the panda girl her drink. It was at this point that you saw the various plates and other dishes around her. Looks like she has a big appetite…") wait { Ask ("Buy her a drink?") { if (result) { msg ("Why not? You figured buying the panda girl a drink would at least spice things up around here, make the hotel bar a little less...depressing. Marcie smirked as you called the bartender over to get a drink for her, looking over to you as he walked away. “You think you’re so clever, don’tcha…” she said, before turning to you with a smug smile. “What’s the occasion? Trying to snatch a panda?~” she continued to tease, grabbing the drink that the bartender had slid across the table and guzzling it down with ease. “Ooh, you’ve got good taste, hun~” she complimented, the panda smacking her lips as she finished off your little present. Then, she reached forward, grabbing your hand in her (much larger) paw and getting off the barstool she was sitting in. “C’mere, cutie~” was all the big panda said as she practically dragged you away from the bar, leading you over towards the bathroom. With the size difference the big panda had on you, all you could really do was go along with it…

Marcie shut the bathroom door behind her and locked it as she pulled you inside. Almost immediately you felt your whole body get tugged up and inwards, a wet sensation spreading across your lips as the panda gave you a deep, drunken smooch! You were surprised at first, but eventually you leaned into it, closing your eyes and kissing her back, your arms wrapped around each other as Marcie continued her deep kiss. She was so soft and wonderful, and her embrace was so strong...yet safe. You had no idea this is where buying her a drink would lead, so fast, even, but you weren’t complaining!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("As soon as her embrace started, it ended, Marcie tossing you around like a ragdoll as she casually pushed you against the locked bathroom door behind you. “You’re gonna help me out with something…” you heard the panda say, your vision still smothered by her soft body. By the time you were able to open your eyes again, you were treated to quite an interesting sight: the panda’s round, soft ass cheeks, a small, flexing purple pucker nestled between them!

Before you even had time to react, Marcie pressed her ass backwards, slamming you against the locked bathroom door with a bassy *thmp!*. You heard a soft “aahhnnn…” from in front of you as Marcie started to grind on you, the panda’s pucker rubbing up and down your face as she started to get off. It looked like she wanted more than a smooch from you...you weren’t sure if this was the alcohol or if the panda was just this naturally horny, but either way, there wasn’t much you could do about it with her size advantage on you. All you could do was try and get comfortable as Marcie continued pressing her rump down on you, keeping you pinned against the door…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("*shlrp.*

Suddenly, you felt your nose slip right inside Marcie’s ass! The tight purple flesh clenched around it almost immediately, keeping it locked inside her pucker. This wasn’t what you signed up for! But judging from the pleasured noises you heard coming from in front of you, it was definitely what Marcie had in mind. You tried to push those soft cheeks off your face, but for all the effort you were putting in, all the panda had to do was casually squish backwards, and you were in a worse position than what you started off in. It looked like you were going to take a deep tour of the panda, whether you liked it or not.

Gradually, the panda’s tight pucker worked its way over your face, a musty, aroused odor emanating from deeper inside her bowels that started to take over your every breath. Her ass was so hot and tight, it made you feel a bit woozy already...and only your head was crammed inside! You heard a soft sigh echo around you as the panda finished slurping your head inside, her pucker comfortably fitting around your neck as Marcie slowly waddled away from the door, more than capable of slurping the rest of you inside without the help of the door.

“Gosh, you went inside so easily...it’s almost...ahhnn!!...like you WANT to be ass food~” the panda teased as her pucker relaxed and clenched once more, pulling your shoulders inside with nothing but her powerful anal muscles. She could already feel your body starting to squirm in her lower gut, only driving the panda’s lust and making your disappearance even quicker! Your shoulders were crammed in her bowels with ease, and your chest didn’t take much more effort as well, the tight, hot, wet walls pulling you deeper like you were absolutely coated in lube. That musky, musty odor was only getting stronger as well, making the air feel as thick as cotton candy around you, only adding to the claustrophobia you were experiencing.

You felt your feet get lifted off the ground as Marcie clenched once more, her moans and groans becoming deeper and bassier the further you traveled into the panda. You couldn’t see, but Marcie’s slit was practically drooling at this point, a puddle of femcum forming on the floor underneath you as the panda slowly walked forward. “Hhffff...get IN there~” the panda groaned, feeling her gut start to slosh and swing in gravid pleasure as you continued to fill it out. Marcie continued stumbling forward for a few more moments, before she leannned forward, eventually smooshing her newfound belly against the ground - trapping you between pound after pound of thick panda and the cold, hard tile of the bathroom floor!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("Marcie found her ass raised up in the air a few seconds later, only your kicking legs sticking out of her pucker at this point. The rest of you was already hidden deep in her guts, used as a pillow while the panda lewdly groaned and massaged at her gut, feeling you kick and squirm as you wormed your way deep into her bowels. “Mmmph, alllmost...there…” Marcie grunted as she clenched a few more times, your legs disappearing into her ass at an impressive rate. Jeans, shirts, shoes, the panda’s ravenous rump had no problem with them, clenching them inside all the same, her stretchy pucker fitting around them like they were exotic dildos. And in a way, they were! They were just attached to a very special, very wriggly dildo.

Your whole body was squished inside the panda’s colon in such an awkward position, bent in so many odd and uncomfortable ways as you felt Marcie’s pucker slowly crawl over your shoes and toes. You heard a deep, satisfied moan rumble around you as you felt them slip inside, the panda thumping her belly proudly as she finished slurping you up her ass. “Haaaahhh, allll packed away…~” she teased, knowing you could still hear her voice from inside, at least for the moment. Rippling flesh all around you ushered you deeper with muscular contractions, excreting plenty of sticky slime to keep you moving further into the panda’s maze-like guts. Even with all that movement, though, you could still tell from your environment jostling around you that Marcie was slowly getting up off the ground, feeling a bit of pressure near your lower half as the panda hefted and shook her gut proudly. “Thanks, hun~” Marcie said as she turned around, opening the bathroom door and walking out into the bar, this time with an impossible-to-hide swollen gut!
") wait { MoveObject (player, MarcieBowels) } } } } } else { msg ("
You decide against spending money on her. You came to the bar just to relax, not go on some random fling. You quietly play with your drink as the panda girl next to you gets louder and louder. You were just hoping she wouldn't turn to you and try and start some conversation, but that's exactly what she did a few minutes later. “Hey, why so down, dude?” She looked at you for a couple more seconds. “Holy s...shit you're cute as fuck! Take your top off!” She hollered, poking at you and teasing you a little bit. “J-just kidding hun. That's for *urp* later.”

You blushed a little bit, but didn't really have the words on your lips to respond. “Ah, not even going to talk? Why'd you even s...sit down next to me then, hun? Was it...these?” she teased, squishing her ample breasts together and wiggling her tush in her seat. Honestly, you still didn't know why you sat down, and you didn't respond with much more than a stuttered “I...I just wanted a drink.”

“Pfft, bullshit, cutie!” She laughed, calling you out on your bluff. “I like you, you're cute.” she blurted out, belching rudely afterwards. “Oops, I ate waaay too much. Hey, you should give me a hug!” she said, rubbing her swollen gut.

She was quite a motormouth when she was drunk, apparently. She absolutely shouted that, letting everyone in the bar know that she was about to give you a big hug. And that she did, leaning over to you and wrapping you up in her thick arms. She pressed you right up against her, yanking you out of her seat. She either didn't know or didn't care that she was pressing you right into her cleavage, your face being smothered by her chubby tits. “Aww, you're so soft…” she teased, her voice a lot deeper considering your head was plastered right up against her chest. You tried to squirm out of the embrace, chuckling softly and awkwardly a little bit as you tried to press away, but she kept her grip firm. “Nuh uh hun, I'll decide when to let you go! If you're not going to be social, I'll just make you be social~”") wait { msg ("
Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. Marcie was certainly drunk and loud, but it didn't seem like she was doing anything in bad faith. And she was pretty soft, and warm...maybe you should just go along with the ride. Your arms moved from their sides and wrapped around hers, eliciting a chuckle from above you. “That's better, cutie~” you heard from above you, the panda’s grip pressing you a bit deeper into her cleavage. If she wasn't wearing a bikini it probably would have been okay, but considering that's all she had on you were uncomfortably close to her ample breasts. It seemed like she was pressing you into them on purpose…

“You like my girls, huh? Well, they like you too…” She teased from above, you squirming a bit in response. No, you didn't like them! You just liked her soft embrace, that was it. Yes, her big soft arms wrapping you up, her pillowy belly, the soft pillows on her chest...no! Wait! That's the thing you didn't like! Or maybe you really did like them…you weren't sure. All you knew was at this point you were being pressed as deep into Marcie's cleavage as possible, the bear just not letting you go out of her hug. She didn't really care at this point, though, your sense of awkwardness overwhelmed by the comfiness of this hug. She giggled a bit as she felt you tighten your own hug in response. It felt like you were melting into her, it was so warm…gradually, the hustle and bustle of the bar around you melted away. It was just you and Marcie in your own little world. Her embrace was so warm and wonderful, her breasts soft lovely pillows. You just wanted to press into them…

You heard Marcie chuckle above you again. Her voice seemed...deeper. Closer. “Time to show you where I got these curves, cutie~” is what you thought you made out. It was strange, considering you didn't feel much of a change...but then you tried to press out of the hug. You couldn't move. Your vision was completely obfuscated by Marcie's breasts, and had been for a while. You couldn't see anything, but you could gradually hear the gurgling and thumping noises of Marcie's innards just get louder. Where were you…?") wait { msg ("
Most of the bar patrons hadn't even noticed that you had disappeared from Marcie's grasp. This was just something that happened, Marcie would get drunk and then hug someone and they would disappear. To where they went, nobody really knew except for the panda. She knew, for example, that she had absorbed you directly into her breasts, that you had been merged with her flesh, and were now in the process of padding out her chubby tits. She knew that her chest was busy slurping up the last of your form, immobile as your mind slowly started to swim in pleasure. This was a wonderful sensation, you had no idea where you were, but you loved it. Marcie's voice was deep and seemingly all-encompassing at this point, her heart beat a constant background thumping, almost mesmerizing. You still didn't know where you were, but you wanted to become part of this girl so bad, to feed her, give her pleasure. You loved her…mmmn, you had to be on her breasts...

Marcie gave a big stretch as she finally relaxed her arms. “Heehee… fun every time~” She remarked as she felt you starting to melt away inside of her, her breasts already starting to swell and grow a bit with your mass. In fact, her bra was starting to get a little tight. A little too tight…

The panda almost tripped as she rocketed her way to the bathroom. Her paws were firmly pressed against her swelling tits, hoping that her bra would be able to withstand the growth. She managed to find her way into a stall and shut the door, but by then...RRRRIIIIPPPP! Her round, sated girls had broken free, happily jiggling and bouncing with their new fat that you had given them.

“Fuck, that's the third bra this week!” Marcie cursed as she tried to pick up the scraps from the floor. She managed to collect them all together, so she could at least throw them in the trash. She wasn't going to let the destroyed bra ruin her enjoyment of her new, fatter tits though. Both of her paws gravitated towards them, groping and rubbing at the new flesh as they slowly finished growing and rounding out. “Haah… you feel wonderful on there, sweetie~” She teased as she groped at her nipples, feeling the enhanced squish and give that you bestowed upon her melons. “Well... I guess I might as well take advantage of this…” Marcie said, groping and rubbing at them a bit more as she stepped out of the stall, already feeling herself getting a little wet at the thought of her total absorption of you...

“Who wants to FUUUUUUUCK?” Marcie yelled as she stepped out of the bathroom, her new, rounder tits on full display. She would no doubt find a horny boy in this hotel soon, one she could ride while smushing his face with her new assets. Maybe they would even end up on there, along with you~") msg ("
*You're the newest addition to Marcie's bust...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } else { msg ("Marcie says nothing. Clearly, she's in her own little world right now. You'd be wise to not disturb her...") } ]]>
Marcie's womb false
“Ooh...that was fantastic…” she moans as she starts to rub at the bulge you’re making in her womb, your body filling out her midsection quite nicely. It’s a bit harder for her to move in the water, but you could feel the womb shaking around you as she slowly makes her way towards the shallower end of the pool. Each step she takes rumbles around you, even in the muffled environment of the pool. Eventually, though, she makes it over to the shallow end; shallow enough for her to sit down in the water and rub over her swollen womb. “Aah, that’s better…” she said as she plopped her rear down on the bottom of the pool, cradling the bulge you made in her arms. “I’m actually…*huff*...quite pleased you decided to be a dick. I needed some release…” she said, before you heard her starting to moan again. It was pretty evident that she had started masturbating, plunging her digits in and out of her vagina as she feels you attempt to squirm inside of her…]]>
It is nearly impossible to move. Marcie’s masturbation markedly changed the environment of her womb rather quickly. While the heat was already pounding, it slowly progressed to suffocating every time you heard her moaning outside. The fluids running out of the womb also started to ramp up as well, practically flowing out of her cervix as she continued to get off to your squirms. What you didn’t realize is that those fluids were mostly made of you at this point, your body steadily melting down into more cum for her orgasm. Your only tip-off was the gentle, dull tingling of your body as the cum rushed over you, and the gradual tired feeling that was creeping over your body…") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { } msg ("
Eventually, your body just shut off. Most of you was already melted into panda cum at this point, and your consciousness had been gradually fading away since you were squeezed into the womb, anyway. There was just a point where you couldn’t go on anymore, your eyelids drooping over your eyes as you slipped away…

Marcie didn’t really notice any difference in the squirming inside her womb. She was far too into the throes of pleasure at this point to notice or care; the only objective she had was getting off. And she was getting pretty close to completing that objective as well, some of her juices slipping out into the pool already as she plunged her digits deeper and deeper into her nethers. “Aah...so...close…” she moaned before she felt the flood of femcum come firing out of her nethers, the whitish fluid leaking into the otherwise-clear pool water as the panda orgasmed. Although she couldn’t exactly see the volume of her orgasm, she knew you had been transformed into quite the load of it, just judging from how much her belly was shrinking during this orgasm, and how empty she was quickly feeling from it…

Marcie’s orgasm slowly tapered off after the initial couple blasts of femcum, the panda panting and leaning against the pool wall as she reveled in the afterglow of her orgasm. She had created quite the cloud of femcum, floating out of her slit and into the pool water she was in. It was kind of...weird, so she elected to get out of the pool as soon she was physically able to. But that wouldn’t be for a pretty long time. Sitting here in the nice, cool water, basking in her afterglow, was a wonderful sensation for the panda. And plus, it wasn’t THAT weird. She was sure if she talked to one of the janitors around here, they definitely would tell her that they had cleaned cum out of the pool at least twice. She looked across the pool to her inner tube, still absentmindedly floating around the pool. Her drink and sunglasses were floating around somewhere, too, so she’d have to find those. But not right now. For now, she’d just enjoy the orgasm you’d given her...") msg ("
*You messed with the wrong panda...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false Marcie's bowels The panda’s bowels clenched tight around you, unyielding to your squirms and wiggles as she strolled back to the bar. Everyone around her knew exactly what just happened, and nobody dared interfere - unless they wanted to end up where you were now! Slimy bowel walls constantly rippling around you, slowly feeding you deeper into the panda’s hungry stomach… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Eventually, you felt something squishy bump up against your head. The gentle burbling of Marcie’s belly had become louder and louder over time, and you knew that you were about to reach the end of your journey. Slowly, the sphincter ahead of you yawned open, a powerful clench of the panda’s bowels shoving your head through into the sloppy, slimy stomach chamber, which groaned happily as it finally gorged itself on your form. A few more clenches squeezed the rest of your body out into Marcie’s belly, the panda letting out a soft moan as she felt you filling out her stomach, finding you had to curl up inside the tight chamber as the last of you was squeezed out inside…
") wait { MoveObject (player, MarcieStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The bowel walls held you tight, keeping you from wiggling in any significant way.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Your squirms only help Marcie’s bowels feed you deeper into her guts.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The panda giggles as she feels you kicking around in her lower gut. “So squirmy…” she teases, clenching her asshole and pulling you ever-so-slightly deeper into her belly.") } else { msg ("Marcie’s gut twitches a little bit, but that’s the only thing that lets anyone outside know what’s going on inside her belly…") }
false Marcie's stomach Marcie’s stomach was clearly awaiting you, as you were greeted by a sizeable pool of acids and belly slime as soon as you entered; and the walls were only secreting more and more of the fluids as you squirmed away inside. You were quite a tight fit in the panda’s gut, and it only became more tight as the walls started to squeeze and churn you up like the meal you were. You are surrounded by ") wait { SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Marcie barely registered you putting up a fight at this point. She had been joking and chatting with the bartender and other patrons as you churned away inside, knowing you could do nothing to stop your rapid conversion into a meal. “Hah, they barely even put up a fight…” you heard her tease faintly before she thumped her gut proudly, turning to the side to let one of her friends give her gut a big, satisfying rub. You could feel the pressure ever-so-faintly on your back, as you started to tingle all over - at least in the places you hadn’t lost feeling in yet. With your vision completely black, and your hearing completely dominated by the bodily noises of your predator, it really felt like you were melting into the world around you...and in a way, you were. At least as you slipped into unconsciousness, it was more like a gentle fade out than something sudden and painful.

The panda’s lips flapped open as she let out a thick, fragrant *BHHhhuuuooOOOorrrrppp*, her gut groaning loudly as it started to churn and work on you in earnest. “Oh! Looks like they’re almost done in there…” she mumbled, massaging her stomach a few more times before getting up off her barstool, her balance becoming somewhat better as you continued melting away. The panda jiggled and sloshed with every step as she made her way back to her hotel room, intending to sleep the rest of you off and enjoy the feeling of a long rest with a nice, full belly…
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("Sometime during her snooze, the panda felt a familiar urge deep in her gut. She was surprised that you digested so quickly, but, food was food! And food needed to be “let out” eventually. She stumbled through the dark to her bathroom, plopping her fat ass down on the toilet seat with an audible *thmp* and relaxing her pucker. She sighed as the rest of you started to slide out, smooth and simple. She didn’t even need to push or anything! You ended up being quite a nice dump - at least, that’s what Marcie thought when the panda turned around and admired her body’s work before flushing it away…
") } msg ("*You got your money's worth...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Marcie’s belly had no problem absorbing all the blows and squirms you could make.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Your hand made an imprint on the outside of the panda’s gut for a moment, before quickly fading back into the chub and muscle you were surrounded by.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The panda let out a crass, satisfying belch due to your squirms! You could hear a faint apology come from outside as the gut clenched tighter around you…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("giantbelch.wav", false, false) } } else { msg ("Marcie’s gut twitches a little bit, but that’s the only thing that lets anyone outside know what’s going on inside her belly…") }
false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by Juniper msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Juniper's stomach With a thick *shLORP*, your head went under the water line, the last of you left to the outside world now trapped inside of the gooey snake's belly...almost instantly after you were packed inside, you felt the walls around you gradually starting to become more solid, this see-through and watered down belly gradually retaining more and more of the characteristics of a traditional stomach. Undulating walls that pressed and pushed against you from all sides, thick, slimy fluids coating your body...and, as well, you felt the shape of her body gradually starting to change once more, forcing you to lay down as her coils once again adopted a less uniform shape. The gooey snake cooed and giggled as you squirmed around inside of her belly,more than satisfied with the easy meal she had captured. "YES, keep up that squirming…" the snake teased, slowly starting to slither out of the hot tub she had snatched her meal out of and onto the cool tile floor of the pool room. You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It was hard to tell the passage of time inside of Juniper's belly. Everything was starting to blend together, and these snake's stomach seemed like it was infinitely long. The bulge you made inside of your predator kept traveling deeper and deeper down, making up for quite a sight as this visibly gorged reptile slithered around the floor of the hotel! Soon the snake ended up making her way right out the door of this establishment with you, and you still weren't feeling any different then when you entered her belly...well, that wasn't quite true. You certainly were feeling more and more tired as time went on. But, still, your skin didn't tingle, you didn't feel like you were melting or digesting in any way...it was strange, being conscious in a stomach like this for so long! Especially with all the fleshy walls around you undulating and massaging and pressing against your body…

Eventually, the world around you did come to a stop, though. Juniper had stopped moving, the snake curled up and hidden away under a bush or something like that as she enjoyed her still-squirming meal. At this point, it was pretty evident that the snake didn't plan on digesting you. No, rather, It seemed like Juniper was content with just keeping you trapped inside of her stomach for a long time, just enjoying the feeling of having such a big, squirmy stomach, with nothing in the world that could interrupt her time alone with you. You could feel the snake resting her head on top of her swollen belly, enjoying a long, fruitful rest as you continue to whittle the day away inside. You were starting to get pretty tired, as well, now that you thought about it; perhaps you would just rest and relax here for a moment as well. Take a bit of a load off, try and enjoy a moment where you didn't have to worry about being scarfed down by some random predator...at least, not by one who wouldn't treat you like Juniper did! Her slow and rhythmic heartbeat, the gentle groaning and sloshing of her warm belly all around you...it was honestly something that you kind of needed. And so, you fell asleep inside of the snake, strangely content with your position and place here…

*You got snatched up by a snake...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Gooey and slimy... Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The gooey stomach walls were remarkably adept at taking your squirms in stride!") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Your wiggling only seemed to please the snake even more…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("It was so sweltering inside of Juniper, every struggle seemed to take so much energy out of you.") } else { msg ("Squirming just pushed you further inside of the snake’s belly...") }
false some A stack of clear inner tubes, sitting by the pool. There's currently one missing. Look at You can see Marcie, floating in her own inner tube, relaxing. Something inside you wants to go mess with her, but that seems like a bad idea.") Ask ("Do it anyway?") { if (result) { msg ("
You decide to mess with the panda a bit. She looked to be off in her own little world; she probably wouldn’t even notice you casually floating over towards her until it was far too late...you start gently paddling in the water with your outstretched hands, slowly moving your inner tube towards her own. Taking care to not make any sudden or loud movements, you slowly approach Marcie as she takes a sip from her drink, still unaware of your presence. Soon, you’re about two or three feet away from her inner tube, your legs hanging off the tube facing her. You reel your legs back, and then…") wait { msg ("

You push your legs forward, bopping Marcie’s inner tube! The panda barely has any time to yell before she careens into the pool, her inner tube slamming up against the wall of the pool, bouncing off harmlessly and floating to the deep end. Unfortunately, the momentum of your kick ended up pushing you back as well, sending your inner tube bouncing away...without you, though. You careened into the drink as well, mere feet from Marcie, quickly losing your balance…

You can barely understand what’s happening. One second you’re on the inner tube, the next you’re scrambling in the water, trying to figure out what direction “up” is...until you feel somebody grab you and hoist you out of the water. In a few seconds, you’re face-to-face with Marcie, who looks understandably pissed about what you just did.

“What the fuck, dude!?” she yells, furrowing her brows as she waits for a response. “What? Not even gonna say anything?”") wait { picture ("vorehotelwipsnewimage.png") msg ("
You don’t say anything, really. You’re too paralyzed by confusion and fear to respond, unable to even babble an apology before she starts talking again.

“Oh, forget it, you’re not gonna talk…” she says before a smile curls its way across her face. “And if you’re not gonna talk, I’ll just put you somewhere you’re actually useful…hold your breath!” she says before plunging you under the water again! You didn’t really have time to take her advice, scrambling to get back to the surface before you can feel your body being pressed against...something. You really don’t even want to open your eyes to see where you are, but eventually your curiosity wins out...and you open your eyes to a faceful of panda vagina. Yes, Marcie thinks that useful thing you’d be doing is squirming inside of her womb, apparently, because she wastes no time in shoving you inside at all! Before you can even still understand where you are, really, you feel a large push on the back of your head, lodging it firmly between the panda’s lips.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Even through the water, you can hear the sharp moan Marcie makes as your body slides up into hers. You can feel it too, the panda shivering as your head stretches out her vaginal walls. You’re still holding your breath at this point, although there seems to be a little bit of breathable air inside of the vagina somehow...and, even with the fluids already funneling out of her womb, it’s still quite dry compared to the pool. You don’t really have much time to reflect on this marked improvement in environment before Marcie pushes up again, her hand running down your back now. With your body wedged into the vagina up to your waist already, struggling is pretty much not an option. Especially with how tight the panda’s walls are; it’s nearly impossible to wiggle just to get comfortable, let alone to try and escape…

You hear another moan from the panda as she pushes again, sucking you into the womb up to your knees! At this point, her tight muscles are the only thing she’d need to slurp you the rest of the way in, and Marcie knows this, taking her hand off your legs for the moment. You feel the vaginal walls clenching around you, threatening to crush you as your head breaks through her cervix and into her womb…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, MarcieWomb) } } } } } else { msg ("
You decide against bugging the panda, opting to just relax instead. It was hard surviving in this place sometimes, and you needed a break...

Sometime later, you feel sufficiently refreshed to start exploring again, drying off on the poolside and placing the inner tube back.") } } } else { msg ("
Sometime later, you feel sufficiently refreshed to start exploring again, drying off on the poolside and placing the inner tube back.") } ]]>
A red lace bikini-panties combo. A rubbery pooltoy, wading casually on the side of the pool. Upon closer inspection, it looks oddly similar to the deer you met in Room 6… Look at You are surrounded by pooltoy 0 ") wait { msg ("Was...was this pooltoy really just going to offer to eat you like that? This was an interesting way to get meals, for sure...but you couldn't believe that the brazen attitude they had. “I’m just saying, being rubber isn't too bad. You get to laze around all day as a part of me, relax on the water…” they continued, sensing the understandable confusion you had about the situation. “So, what'll it be?”
") Ask ("Accept the toy's offer?") { if (result) { msg ("...the pooltoy was being pretty blase about the whole thing, but you couldn't deny that what he was saying was some of what you had been thinking that this whole time. Was there actually a way to escape this place? Or was the only way you would get out was by being fat on someone's ass? Would just accepting your fate and giving into someone promised to make it enjoyable...was that really the best option?

The pooltoy seemed delighted as you affirmed that you would appreciate it if he devoured you, but made it quick. “Of course, Of course. I'll even let you pick which way you would like to go in, if you so choose.”
") pooltoylist = NewStringList() list add (pooltoylist, "OV") list add (pooltoylist, "AV") ShowMenu ("Which way?", pooltoylist, false) { if (result = "OV") { msg ("“Ah, keeping it simple. Well, just go ahead and dip your toes in the water and we'll get started~” the deer toy said, allowing you to sit at the edge of the pool and slowly lower your feet down while they watched everything get set up. Once it seemed like you were finished, the pooltoy floated over towards your feet, looking up at you as it drifted and waited in the water. “Ready?” it asked, to which you simply nodded your head. It felt so weird to willingly give yourself up like this, but in this moment...it felt like the most logical thing to do, honestly. You watched as the deer toy’s mouth opened wide, the rubber and vinyl inside very much mimicking the shape and color of a real mouth; if it wasn't for the shiny gleam on all of it, you could easily have forgotten that you were looking at the inside of a pooltoy! Though, one thing that stuck out to you as the deer started to nibble and swallow up your feet...was the wetness inside. You had expected it to be mostly dry, but instead, there was a warm fluid coating everything, slimy in a way, almost like...almost like drool. Your suspension of disbelief was already so high at this point that the detail of a pooltoy throat barely even phased you, though...you were much more concerned with the feeling of that rubbery latex sliding over your feet, the watery fluid really going the distance in making sure that your descent into the pooltoy was enjoyable as the toy started to swallow you up, your eyes unable to avoid staring as the seams in the pooltoy started to stretch and swell with your form...
") wait { msg ("It was clear the toy intended on savoring its meal, the amount of time it's been playing with your feet in its mouth was any indication! The toys tongue was surprisingly loose and active, as if it was actually able to taste you...again, suspension of disbelief. You just watched as the toy's rubbery antlers bounced up and down with every movement the pudgy deer toy made, feeling your feet starting to slowly slide back into the dark gullet you had caught a glimpse of when the toy opened its mouth. It only got more slimy and wet the deeper you slipped into the toy, and with its lips starting to close around your calves, you felt like you were going to get a lot more intimate with that feeling very soon...


You yelped as you felt the pool toy swallow, yanking you down and making you feel like your body was about to slide off the tiles and right into the water!...so, realistically, if you did, you would be falling into the pool toy before you made a splash. That knowledge didn't keep you from yelping a bit has you felt the floor fall out from underneath you, your feet and legs starting to be encased in warm, slimy vinyl, all sorts of squeaky noises coming from below you as the deertoy started to work on swallowing you down in earnest. Those poofy, somewhat round arms reached up out of the water, gripping you on your sides while the pooltoy's tongue slobbered all over your thighs, making sure your slide down its throat would be as comfortable and enjoyable as possible...for the both of you! Every now and again, the toy would lunge forward a bit, its squeaky lips slowly sliding over more of your body; soon, they were wrapped nice and warm right around your waistline…
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("*~~glrrrnk~*

Another swallow, this time one that you were a bit more ready for. You could see the bulge your own body was making in the pooltoy's throat now, though you had to crane your neck in a bit of an awkward way to really see it... You were entranced by the sight though, almost as if you were gawking at how stretchy and pliant this rubbery toy really was! And how warm it was inside of the toy's throat...most of your body was inside the deertoy's mouth now; there really was no going back at this point. Your arms finally left the tiled ground they had been clinging to, moving to your sides and squishing down on the pooltoy's squeaky, wet tongue, making it even easier for the toy to swallow the last of you down. A smile had formed on the deer's face, clearly enjoying your taste as you looked into the throat you would soon disappear down, your body continually disappearing into a burgundy void of squeaky darkness. Your feet were brushing up against the opening to something, and it would only take another swallow to push them out into the pooltoy's rubbery belly!


Another squeaky gulp, and just that happened. You could feel your feet being pushed out into a roomier chamber, still full of this mysterious fluid as well, while the deertoy’s mouth slid right over your shoulders and neck without much trouble. You could even feel the deer nibbling on you a little bit, putting its elbows back on the tile as he casually started to gobble up the last of its willing little meal. The toy's tongue was sneaking up underneath your back, soon rubbing up against your neck and the back of your head, curling around the top and slowly starting to pull of the last of you inside. For something made out of rubber and vinyl, the heat coming from inside the toy’s mouth seemed all too real! It was a moist heat as well, leaving steam on your face as that tongue continued to pull you in, your vision quickly darkening as the pooltoy's lips fit over the top of your head…
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilPooltoyStomach) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh, the back route? I can certainly do that. Apologies if it's a bit tight…\" the toy said, ushering you to scootch forward a bit on the side of the pool as the deertoy started to climb out, ending up sort of sitting next to you as you lay down, thankful that you were at the shallow end of the pool. Most of your body was in the water now, your head resting on the edge as you watched the deertoy start to step over you, the toy's balloony rump soon coming into view as it straddled on top of you, pool water dripping down onto your face as the toy got situated. It was all a bit awkward at first, but the two of you eventually got into a semi-comfortable position, the pooltoy's round buttcheeks hovering right above you...they were so plump that you couldn't even make out the opening you assumed was hiding between them.

\"Ready?\" you heard the toy ask from above you, its thick thighs crouching right on top of you as the deertoy started to descend upon your face. You watched with a strange sort of anticipation as contact was eventually made, a wet squishing squeaky noise coming from above you as the pooltoy started to put all of its weight on you. Thankfully, most of it was air, otherwise with curves as thick and round as the ones the toy was packing would probably smother you in moments! Instead, there was just a pleasant, damp squishing as your face sank into the rubbery rump, your nose lodging itself right between those cheeks and, as the toy started to press down further, eventually brushing against what felt like an opening into the deertoy's rubber bowels...if it had any!
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("After a bit more of you was pushed between those cheeks, you felt that opening come to life, clenching around your nose and starting to suck you deeper as the pooltoy continued grinding its rear down on your face. \"Oh yeah, thaaAAAaaat's the spot…\" you heard the deertoy groan, leaning backwards and resting on top of your face while its rump started to get to work on swallowing you up. The toy's pucker alternated between clenching and relaxing, pulling more of your face up inside of it - the wetness certainly helped! - before you suddenly felt the rubber slip over your head with a wet *SHLORP*, you now suddenly neck-deep in deertoy ass! The rubbery tunnels were tight, slimy, and warm, constantly clenching and rippling to pull you up, up, up deeper into the pooltoy's bowels. The deertoy's huffs and groans of pleasure were muffled by the layers of rubber and vinyl surrounding you, but you could still clearly hear them and sync them up to increased periods of squeezing and tightness. The deertoy continued riding your face as your shoulders started to slip up inside, grinding its rump left and right to try and get you to slip in just...right…!


And, with a bit more pressure, you did just that, the toy's ass swallowing you up to your chest with relative ease, cramming even more of you up into those tight, squeaky bowels, full of twists and turns. With half of your body inside its rump, the rest of you was free for the deertoy to manipulate. It started by lifting its rump up just a little bit, allowing more of your lower half to slide out of the pool before it pressed its rear down once more, using the tile floor as a wall of sorts and allowing the deertoy to start pushing your belly right up into it! \"AaaAAAaaahh, fuuuuccckkkk…\" the toy moaned, completely shamelessly, as it treated your body like little more than a squirming dildo! You DID choose this method of entry, though, so the toy was certainly going to take its time enjoying it. It only became warmer the deeper you were shoved into the pooltoy, the tightness and heat starting to make you feel a tad bit dizzy, honestly...everything about the pooltoy's guts was just, so, OPPRESSIVE. They knew that you had been claimed, and they were more than happy to treat you like the meal that you were!
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("Soon, the deertoy had your waist comfortably up inside of its ass, your legs awkwardly dangling out from between the toy's fat, plush rumpcheeks, steadily disappearing between them as the toy started to dote and rub over its growing belly. \"Juuuust a bit more, then you'll be all mine~\" it teased, clenching once more and noisily slurping up a few extra inches of your body as it did so.You felt your feet scraped against the cold, damp pool tiles a few moments later, leading to an awkward sort of situation where you were almost standing up inside of the deertoy’s bowels, at least for a minute or two! The pool toy was consistently pressing down with its rump, relaxing its guts and allowing you to sliiide right up inside of it, your body just a foot or so away from being entirely claimed. With almost all of you packed away inside, the deertoy started to stand up, holding its swollen belly as you sloshed and churned up inside before falling onto its back, your feet the only things left in the outside world. “And...there...we…” the toy started to say, the environment around you starting to squeeze and pull you up deeper into the deer toy until…

") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, NeilPooltoyBowels) } } } } } } else { msg ("\"Understandable. Come back if you change your mind, though...\"
") } } } ]]>
false deertoy's stomach You are surrounded by the ") } ]]> ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It felt like hours had passed since you slid down the deertoy's throat, and every second of it had been pleasurable. The stomach walls had started to squeeze tighter against you, but instead of being uncomfortable, it felt...snug. Nice, tight, warm, and cosy...you just wanted to relax back against the belly, let it rub and prod all over you while it worked on melting you down into...well, whatever it was melting you down into! You weren't really sure, honestly, but you didn't care. All that you knew was that it felt so wonderful…

The pooltoy let out a rubbery belch as they felt their stomach clenching, starting to get to work on absorbing you as more rubber on their squeaky haunches. \"Time to join your new home…\" the toy teased, doting on its soft belly as it gurgled and sloshed and absorbed you right into it. Meanwhile, the deertoy just floated around on the water, drifting in and out of consciousness as its body continued turning its big meal into rubber pudge. You couldn't feel anything at this point, having lost complete contact with what was left of your body...the only thing you were aware of was the pooltoy's soft, squeaky body. The body you were becoming a part of…

A few hours passed before the toy made its way out of the pool, having completely absorbed you in that time. \"Ahhh, you went right to my hips~\" the deer teased, pinching the new, rubbery pudge on its rear as it looked in the mirrors of one of the washrooms near the pool. Goodness, no single person had contributed to its waistline as you had done...guess you really wanted to be part of a pooltoy~

*You chose to be rubber pudge...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Squeaky and slimy. Look at ") } } else { msg ("The walls were pliant to a point, showing your handprints as you pressed out against them.") } ]]>
false deertoy's bowels With that final clench, your feet disappeared between the pooltoy’s rubbery rump cheeks, Your entire body now contained within the twists and turns of the deer’s bowels. A long, squeaky journey to the pooltoy’s belly was ahead of you; a journey that the toy would certainly enjoy, doting and rubbing on its stomach as it felt you sliding deeper and deeper inside its maze of rubbery guts. You are surrounded by the ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Rhythmic squeezes and clenches had pushed you deeper and deeper into the toy’s bowels for quite a while now, but it was at this point that you felt your head bump up against something. Just ahead of you, you could hear the sloshing and burbling of fluids moving back and forth...there was no mistaking it, you were about to be pushed out into the deertoy’s stomach! Your head kept getting pressed against this opening until it eventually acquiesced, the bowels shoving you forward into a much roomier, though still warm and wet chamber; the place that you would soon be calling your home. Wave after wave of powerful muscular contractions steadily pushed you through the small opening, the walls around you groaning and squeaking as they stretched out to accompany your form. You still ended up having to curl up inside the chamber by the time all was said and done, but compared to the toy’s tight, mazelike bowels, this plush, rubbery tummy was a lot more comfortable for you to just...sink into. The walls were so comfortable and warm, constantly massaging and kneading against every part of your body as that slimy fluid started to slosh over you...
") wait { NeilPooltoy.AV = 1 MoveObject (player, NeilPooltoyStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Squeaky and slimy. Look at ") } } else { msg ("Squirming only seemed to make the pooltoy's body pull you even deeper.") } ]]>
false false the sauna ") MakeObjectVisible (JuniperCowsnake) } else { msg ("You entered the sauna, originally thinking it to be completely empty before you realized there was a large snake in the corner of the room, presumably enjoying the faculties as well.
") MakeObjectVisible (Juniper) } ]]>
if (RandomChance(50)) { MakeObjectVisible (JuniperCowsnake) } else { MakeObjectVisible (Juniper) } MakeObjectInvisible (JuniperCowsnake) MakeObjectInvisible (Juniper) false An incredibly long goo-snake-naga. Look at You are surrounded by false msg ("Juniper doesn't respond. She seems far too relaxed and immersed in the feelings of the sauna to notice you…") false Juniper's stomach Juniper’s tongue flicked out of her mouth as she started to settle back on the sauna bench, rolling her massive tail out and allowing her to start rubbing and kneading at the Bulge you made in her tummy. “Theeeere you go, just sink into me let your worries and bad thoughts just melt away…” her voice came, still audible even over the *glrrrg*s and *gwwwrsh*s of her busy, busy guts. It all felt so wonderful, so secure, so safe...you were already feeling drowsy before Juniper swallowed you down, but now it was hitting incredibly hard. With the last of your body slipping past that tight opening into her gut, you started to doze off inside Juniper... You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Eventually, you did manage to doze off inside Juniper, the snake herself starting to yawn as she felt the weight of such a heavy meal taking a toll on her body. It was so warm and steamy in the sauna as well, that she was feeling many of the same sensations that you were…making sure you wouldn't end up being digested while she got some shut-eye, Juniper sprawled out across the entire sauna, snake goo getting all over the place as her long, lithe body covered alllll the seats that it possibly could. It wasn't like anyone would question her, and if they did, they might end up packed in her stomach with you...though she would probably end up being a lot less nice to them! Maybe she would shove them in her clit instead...but, those were just hypotheticals. Lovely hypotheticals to think about, filling her mind with all sorts of thoughts as she started to fall asleep herself, massaging and rubbing at her belly until the very last moment of consciousness.

You remember coming to some time later, feeling well rested - although you had been partially jarred awake by the snake’s flesh squeezing and pushing you up somewhere else. You could feel half of your body dangling out of Juniper's mouth into the outside world, the sauna so steamy that the temperature difference was a lot smaller, not giving you as much of a chill as it normally would have...plus, your body being coated in warm goo and spit definitely helped everything feel a bit more comfortable! Juniper was keeping her promise, pushing on the bulge in her throat as she continued to gently regurgitate you back out onto the very same spot you were sitting in earlier, your limp form drooping like jelly as it plopped back onto the wooden seats. You almost didn't want to leave the comforting embrace of Juniper’s guts, but as much as you liked it, you did realize that you wouldn't actually be getting anything done inside of there...it felt like a weird water slide as the last of your body was released from the snake’s throat, Juniper catching you with her arms so you didn't just drop to the ground and gently setting you back down in the sauna to help dry you off a little bit...though, not before starting to wrap around your body with her coils once more! The snake planted a kiss on your cheek as you met face-to-face once more, a warm smile greeting you as you started to wake up earnestly. “I hope you had a wonderful time...I know I did~” the snake said, giving you one last squeeze with her tail before eventually allowing you to get up and go on your way...you had the feeling that you would be coming back to her embrace sooner rather than later, though!
") wait { stop sound MoveObject (player, Sauna) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } ]]>
false Juniper's womb The last of you slipped through Juniper's cervix a minute or two later, your head bumping up against the end of her uterus, the chamber being almost a perfectly snug fit for your body...the walls constantly rubbing and massaging against you, kneading the stress right out of your body as Juniper rubbed over the bulge you made in her tail with a pleased smile on her face. "Hhf, just relax in there, hun...I'll let you out. well, eventually~" Juniper cooed, her voice just barely loud enough to be heard over the churning and undulating of her tight, fleshy walls...and despite that little bit of indefinite implication near the end of her sentence, you were more than happy being all snug in the snake's womb, locked away and completely safe as the both of you started to enjoy the sauna in earnest! You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Juniper was feeling the sleepiness starting to wash over her as well, the snake letting out a long yawn as she reclined back against the wooden seats of the sauna. Her eyes started to close as yours did, the both of you enjoying quite the lovely nap together...Juniper's dreams were full of what she was going to do when the both of you awakened, considering that there was only one the way you were coming out. Or, perhaps, cumming out would be a more accurate word!

After a few hours of the both of you drifting in and out of comfortable consciousness in the steam of the sauna, Juniper finally came to entirely. A powerful urge was coming from down south, the snake's netherlips leaking out feminine fluids all the way down her tail from the lovely stimulation she was receiving with you in there! The snake reached down and started to rub over your bulge once more, huffing and hissing as she did so...you weren't fully awake yet, but Juniper was already starting to work on getting you out of there! One of her gooey hands moved to her slit, fingers running over her sensitive nethers and eliciting a gasp from the snake from the slightest stimulation...goodness, she was so aroused from the hours of you sloshing around in her womb that it seemed like it would only take a few minutes to get you out, no matter how slow she took it! And she intended to take it slow..

The constant moans and gasps of pleasure from Juniper as she started to finger herself in earnest did end up waking you, the womb walls clenching around your form and starting to gently push you up back towards the outside world. It started off slowly, but as Juniper got more and more into playing with herself, you quickly felt your feet starting to bump up against her cervix, the goo snake's pleasured noises becoming louder and louder as her womb walls squeezed tighter and tighter in on your body...jeez, it was very quickly starting to get cramped in here! And not the good kind of cramped, either. despite Juniper's goopy, malleable form, her guts could get awfully solid if they wanted to, and they were starting to squeeze you with quite a bit of strength...you just hoped that the snake would reach her orgasm soon. Couldn't take much longer, from how loud Juniper was becoming!

After another minute or so of that rhythmic squeezing becoming tighter and tighter, you heard one last warbling cry of orgasm echo around you before the squeeze became even tighter than you could imagine, Juniper roaring in orgasm as feminine fluids started to shoot out of her netherlips. Her cervix yawned wide as your feet were shoved through it, the sensation only empowering Juniper even more and starting the cycle all over again! In a matter of seconds, your feet and legs were pushed out through Juniper's vagina, dangling in the air as the snake cried out in pleasure, thrusting her hips forward to help get more of you out. The pressure inside of Juniper was so unrelenting and intense, that you thought you were going to pass out a few times...but, thankfully, that didn't happen. Your body continued to ooze out of the snake's nethers, absolutely dripping in femcum as it slumped onto the snake's \"lap\", a puddle of cum forming there, as well as on the floor around Juniper...soon, all that was left was your shoulders and head, the snake absolutely losing it as she felt her canal stretch to eject your shoulders and clenching one last time to shove your head out, the steaming sauna thankfully buffeting a little bit of the temperature change as you plopped down onto Juniper's lap.

\"Hah...oh my goodness...truly a wonderful choice…\" the snake gasped out as she looked down at you, her body even more gooey than usual thanks to all the feminine fluids she was producing! A hand reached down to stroke over your body a few moments later as you recovered, part of Juniper's tail coiling around your legs as well. \"I hope it wasn't too intense for you, my dear~\" the snake cooed as she coiled you. Soon, she allowed you to get back to your feet, the two of you feeling both rejuvenated and absolutely exhausted by the experience…
") wait { stop sound MoveObject (player, Sauna) } } } } ]]>
womb walls false Tight, yet comfy. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You rubbed and massaged the walls around you, giving Juniper a little bit of a rub down yourself in thanks for all she had done!") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Juniper's womb was tight, not really permitting even the most basic of movement...the snake cooed as she felt you wiggling around inside. \"Just relax, hun…\" you heard the snake say, not sure if you were trying to massage her or trying to get let out.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("All sorts of delicious squishy noises surrounded you as you wiggled around inside of juniper, trying to get into the most comfortable position you could find.") } else { msg ("Every time you moved inside of Juniper, her womb pressed back against you, though not in an uncomfortable fashion.") }
false A cow-human-snake hybrid? Look at You are surrounded by Juniper msg ("She doesn't respond.") false Juniper's udder The snake took her time to ingest the rest of your body, giving her udder some sensual loving and stroking as her swollen nipple slurped up your dangling feet...one last *shluuurrrRRRPP*, and you were completely gone; nothing more than a wiggling bulge in the cowsnake’s brown, squishy udder...eventually, you had somewhat settled inside of the warm chamber, feeling extremely relaxed by the warm, sweet milk bath you were taking and the gentle sloshing and gurgling of the udder around you. "There, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" You managed to hear the snake say to you over all the wet noises, her voice sweet and calming to your ears...after all the struggling and fear, you were actually kind of relaxing inside of here now! You weren't really sure what was going to happen to you in here, though… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Still more time had passed, and not much about your environment had really...changed. There was a bit more milk in the udder with you, but it wasn't threatening to drown you out or anything, and you weren't really feeling any tingling or anything either…it was strange, to be sure! You did eventually hear the snake speak to you once more, though, her voice as soft and welcoming as ever…\"Ahh...hope you're enjoying it in there, cutie. I know I certainly am...I think it's time for you to get a little bit of rest, though. I'll let you out later~\" she said, confusing you a little bit with her intentions...you swore that you had heard her say she was needing a refill on the milk, but here you were, not getting turned into milk...and there was plenty of the stuff in here as well! One thing was for sure though, you were feeling rather tired in here. Perhaps a nap, where you could be safely tucked away in the cowsnake's udder, was exactly what you needed...

*You're gonna be safe in here...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
udder walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Pressing out against the walls that surrounded you just resulted in the milk inside sloshing around with you.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Ooh, that does feel nice…\" you heard the cowsnake say, a little bit of milk leaking out of the nipple that had swallowed you up…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("There were four openings to the chamber you were stuck inside of, and yet none of them would relax enough for you to slip through them.") } else { msg ("The walls of the udder were surprisingly stretchy, taking all of your struggles with relative ease.") }
A wooden sauna bench. Look at ") wait { if (RandomChance(35)) { if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), Juniper)) { msg ("You awoke some time later, stirred back to the world of the living by a creamy smooth voice. \"Looking to relax, hmm?~\" the voice came, instinctively snapping you back to consciousness and causing you to try to move - only to find that most of your body was bound tight! Looking down, you saw cream-colored coils with splotches of coffee wrapped around your body, pressing against you with the consistency of goo...with a gasp, you realized that this was the snake you had seen earlier! \"Please, do calm down! I'm not going to hurt you…\" Juniper's smooth, soft voice came once more, the snake's head hovering right above your own. \"Let my coils work away the tension of the day…\" she continued, as her body started to squeeze tighter against your form, kneading and pressing rhythmically against your body as you continued trying to free yourself.

Despite the immense amount of pressure Juniper's coils were putting on your body, you didn't feel any pain...in fact, you found your body sinking into her gooey grip quite a bit, the snake's body gently pushing and rubbing against you as more of Juniper started to wrap herself around you. Originally, you were only bound up to the waist, but as you started to relax and sink back into her grasp a little bit more, she quickly snaked her way up your tummy and chest…and soon, only your head stuck out of her mass of gooey coils. \"There, now doesn't that feel better?~\" Juniper said a few moments later, her gooey noodly body squeezing over yours and giving you quite the unique massage! It felt so strangely good, like all the tension was being rubbed right out of your body, Juniper's lovely and soft voice only punctuating things as you felt a drowsiness starting to come over you once more. Even as the rhythmic squeeze continued, only feelings of safety filled your head...

\"I have someplace even more comfortable that you can relax, though, hun.\" Juniper eventually said after a good few minutes of her powerful coil massage, melting away all the stress and bad feelings of the day so far. In that moment, you trusted this snake so wholly that you didn't even hesitate to nod your head to her offer, getting a hearty squeeze in response. \"Wonderful…\" Juniper said, before trailing off for a moment. \"Choose your sleeping bag, my dear~\"
") juniperlist = NewStringList() list add (juniperlist, "Maw") list add (juniperlist, "Slit") ShowMenu ("Which entrance?", juniperlist, false) { if (result = "Maw") { msg ("You almost instantly chose that inviting, gooey snake mouth to slide down. Juniper smiled before affirming your choice; your eyes widened as Juniper slowly opened her maw, gooey and soft-looking purple innards greeting you as those jaws stretched to as wide as they could go in just a few moments. Her breath, it was so warm and steamy, even stronger than that of the sauna...it looked like parts of her mouth were literally melting, taking the place of drool as parts of her gooey maw dribbled from the roof of her mouth onto the bottom, as well as past her lips and onto the floor beneath you. Her tongue, hidden in a pocket near the very bottom, flicked out to assure you in, parts of it also dripping onto her clothes and your body…her windpipe was placed right at the bottom of her mouth, wide open and hollow and inviting in its own way...but mostly, it just drew your gaze to the back of her throat. An inky black portal to the deepest parts of her body, just waiting for you to slide inside...you almost wanted to dive right in, but with most of your body coiled up tight, you had to wait for Juniper to make the first move...though, you ended up not having to wait too long. That gooey maw slowly came closer and closer, enveloping more of your field of view as that steamy breath left condensation on your face, until her tongue finally made contact with your chin. One little slurp was all it took to break the last of your inhibitions about this; you had become so relaxed and yet so aroused at the same time! You wanted this lovely snake to consume you entirely, to send you down her throat into a place of unimaginable comfort and warmth…

And she was more than happy to do just that.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("Your face squished against the bottom of her mouth a few moments later, being covered in goo as Juniper started to work her upper jaw over the top of your head. Every movement was made with such care and precision that you had no doubt in your mind that she did not want to harm you. Your head started to cascade deeper into her body with little effort, Juniper simply working her jaws up and over your head and soon your shoulders while the rest of her coils continued to undulate and massage into your own. It all felt so wonderful and soft and safe, imparting a sleepiness onto you that only seemed to increase as more of you disappeared down Juniper's purple gullet. The snake's coils started to loosen a bit as Juniper slid her mouth around your shoulders, the broadest part of your body making her have to stretch a bit to fit it inside properly...the snake had much larger meals in the past, though, so she made it work! The rhythmic massage that you enjoyed so thoroughly continued inside of her throat, squeezing peristalsis kneading every bit of tension out of your muscles as you continued going down, down, deeper into the sauna snake's wonderful, gooey body. You were covered in a mixture of goo and saliva from the chest up, the warm fluid both insulating you and helping Juniper in fitting all of you inside of her…

As your abdomen started to be gobbled up next, you felt those massaging coils loosen entirely. Juniper had to lean so far down to fit her mouth around your waist, and now she needed to adjust her position a bit...the snake's arms, which up until this point had been lying dormant, started to get a grip on your body, helping Juniper to slowly pick you up out of her coils and leave your legs dangling from her pursed lips. With gravity added into the equation, your journey into the snake started to pick up a bit of steam, Juniper smiling as she saw the wriggling bulge you made sinking further into her coils out of the corner of her eye. You would be reaching her warm, snug stomach soon, from what she could tell...but she needed to get the rest of you inside beforehand! For the first time, you felt the flesh of her gullet start to clench around you, before Juniper took a thick *glllnk*, the tip of her gooey tail helping to push your legs between her lips as you slid deeper inside of the snake. A gentle gurgling sound was starting to reach your ears, coming from ahead of you...the stomach was coming closer. Or, more accurately, you were being sent closer to it! With her meal almost entirely finished, Juniper started to take her time, slurping along your feet and calves with her wispy, forked tongue, more of her mouth goo smearing itself all over your body as your feet -slowly- slid between the snake's jaws. With her meal all but secured, Juniper tipped her head back, tail pushing between her lips as it nudged your feet inside her steamy maw, before…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glrp.*

The snake's throat squeezed and clenched one last time as Juniper took a powerful swallow, the tips of your feet slipping past her windpipe and sliding down into her gooey depths without any sort of problem. At the same time, you could feel your head being pushed through some sort of sphincter, marking your entrance into Juniper's gut proper...the gooey tail beneath her bits was so thick and fat that as you slid into her warm, cozy stomach, you barely even made a noticeable bulge; but, Juniper could still feel you all the same, a blissful half-lidded look on her face as your lower half traveled down her throat.The snake's stomach was much like the rest of her throat, though there were quite a lot more fluids and goo sloshing around inside to stick to your body. And Juniper was over 40 feet long, so there was no feasible way you would reach the end of her stomach with the size difference between the two of you...! Though she was so much larger and longer, her stomach still squeezed on you tight, massaging over your body and gently feeding you deeper into Juniper’s coils as more of you slipped past that sphincter. You were encased on all sides by this gooey, soft flesh, Juniper's body wrapping around you and continuing the massage up even as you slipped deeper and deeper into that thick tail of hers...mmmh, it was even comfier than you thought in here! And even though the air was thin and somewhat bitter-smelling, you enjoyed it all the same…
") wait { MoveObject (player, JuniperStomach) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("You were a bit surprised that Juniper was actually giving you a choice between her maw and slit, but you would be lying to yourself if you said that the snake's lower lips did not look incredibly enticing…right at the divide between her more anthro upper body and her thick, long, gooey tail, nestled between the snake's hips, they awaited…a small, subtle slit, closed for the moment, but surely leading into a wonderful, soft, purple tunnel, just like her pillowy gullet. It looked so warm, so soft, so safe... and you said just that, a warm smile on Juniper's face as she heard your decision. \"Wonderful...just try and relax then, sweetie~\" the snake said as she unwound a few of her coils, just enough that her netherlips were now on full display in front of you. After allowing a few moments for you to gaze upon the canal you would be sliding inside of, the snake reached out for you, putting both of her gooey hands on your shoulders and nudging you to lean down between her hips, pulling you towards her goopy body as the steam in the sauna continued to relax and pleasure you. A warm, feminine musk was emanating from the slit as Juniper stretched it wide just inches from your face, giving you a good view of the squishy darkness you were about to be plunged into...she let out a pleasured sigh from the stimulation, her other hand moving to the back of your head as her coils reflexively tightened, pushing you closer to her netherlips…

Your nose found itself sliding between her nethers a few moments later, Juniper gasping in pleasure from the fleshy contact...which almost immediately caused her canal to clench tight, taking you with it! Suddenly, Juniper's snatch had swallowed up your entire face, plunging you into that musky, damp darkness that had been enticing you so for the past few minutes. Everything was exactly as soft and squishy as you had hoped, the hand on the back of your head consistently nudging and pressing you further inside until the netherlips had swallowed up your entire head...the only thing that was a bit uncomfortable about this was the fact you were bending at a pretty awkward angle, considering Juniper's vagina pointed straight down, but you could excuse that for how wonderful and safe you felt right now. The flesh around you squeezed and undulated and gently coaxed you further into the snake's canal, gooey fleshy walls helping you to lubricate your journey and allow you to slide deeper into the snake almost effortlessly. You could hear Juniper's gasps of pleasure as she continued shoving you inside of her, feminine fluids welling up out of her netherlips and starting to leak down her body as your own body started to invert, Juniper's canal starting to become a slide of sorts as more of you was fed inside…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("Juniper let out a low, pleasured hiss as she pulled her hand away from her slit, her hungry netherlips having swallowed you up to your tummy at this point and showing no signs of slowing down. \"Just a bit more, and then you'll be all packed away…~\" the snake said sweetly, your body almost completely flipped upside down and gravity starting to help you slide deeper into the snake...you could feel the tip of your head pushing against a fleshy opening that was even tighter than the soft, purple tunnel you were being pushed through already...to boot, every time your head bumped against it, you could hear Juniper crying out in pleasure. This had to be the snake's cervix. It took a little bit extra force for your head to bypass this fleshy wall, but it did eventually happen, the top of your noggin breaking through into what had to be Juniper's womb...it wasn't actually all that different from her vagina, though it was much more humid and sticky inside of here. What was important was that it was still cozy and safe as it could be, a warm smile on your own face as you continued to sink into the soft, goopy snake womb. Juniper could feel you wiggling around inside of her to get comfortable, each movement eliciting a moan or gasp from the snake as her hands reached down to stroke over the bulge you made inside of her midsection. \"Haahh, you're doing absolutely wonderful…\" Juniper's voice echoed around you, your calves and feet the only things left in the outside world thanks to the assist of gravity helping you slide deeper at a faster pace. The snake's gooey arms brushed against the soles of your feet a few minutes later, starting to gently put some pressure on them to get the last of you curled up inside of her womb...and you went pretty easily, Juniper's netherlips sealing shut around your toes, her innards working and massaging over you continue to push you into her belly…
") wait { MoveObject (player, JuniperWomb) } } } } } else if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), JuniperCowsnake)) { msg ("And you awoke, sometime later, but not in the same place you had been originally! You were on the other side of the bench you had laid down on, and there was something wrapped around your legs keeping you there! The steam finally cleared a little bit and your eyes adjusted to the relative darkness in the sauna long enough for you to see that the strange cowsnake you had seen earlier had now coiled her way around your legs, and that swollen brown udder you had seen earlier was now just a few inches away from your face! You looked even higher, to see the snake’s snout looking down at you, a playful smile spreading across her face as she watched you start to squirm and wiggle around a bit in her coils. \"Pssh! Don't think I didn't catch you peeking earlier, hun~\" the snake teased you, leaning forward a bit and mushing her fat, sloshing udder right into your face…!

This was all happening so fast, you hadn't even had time to breathe yet...so when you took that first breath, you were hit with a powerful, sweet smell emanating from that udder! Sweet, vanilla scented, but mostly there was the rich, drool-producing scent of chocolate. Creamy milk chocolate, just a bit dark...it was honestly so good, that it made you stop in the middle of all this happening to you and asked the snake where that scent was coming from!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"Oh, you cute little thing...it's coming from right here~\" the snake responded, reaching down with one of her gooey arms and hefting her sloshing udder right in front of you, to the point that you could hear the milk inside of it quite clearly! You still looked a bit confused by her implication, but considering that the udder itself was colored a rich, chocolatey brown…

\"Mmm, yes. And I think I'm running low on milk right now...good thing I found you in here!\" the snake continued, her coils tightening even harder around you and forcing you even closer to that milk-churning sac...very close to one of the nipples, in fact. You didn't know what the cowsnake was planning, but you got the idea that it was going to involve you ending up inside of that thing! You started to chuckle in a bit of discomfort, slowly trying to edge away from the plump organ that was taking up almost all of the space in these coils you were trapped in, but you were just pulled closer and closer by your new \"friend\" until your face was practically smothered by the udder! And, did you feel your nose actually sliding into the nipple you were being mashed against? Wait a second, this was going a lot faster than you thought it would -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("*shLORP*

Your nose and face was suddenly swallowed up entirely by the fleshy udder nipple as it opened wide, thick and creamy milk lubricating the inside of the nipple as the snake placed a hand against the back of your head and started to push you even further inside the strangely-sweet, pulsating tunnel...and only after another second or so, your entire head had slipped inside, the flesh starting to clench and squeeze around you to pull you even deeper without much action required from the snake…though she certainly still enjoyed getting involved as her udder coaxed and rippled and swallowed you down in the strangest manner possible! Any squirming you did only seemed to accelerate your consumption, the cowsnake’s greedy udder consuming your head, shoulders, even starting to stretch around your waist with relative ease...the sweet smell was getting even stronger, to the point that it was starting to get a little overwhelming to your sensitive nose! It wasn't like you could stop breathing or whatever, though, so you were just going to have to deal with it…

Another clench of the nipple around you and another moan from the cowsnake, and you felt your head get pushed through a tight opening into some kind of other chamber...and, well, it could only be the udder that was smothering you just a few moments ago! You had no idea how you were going to fit inside of this thing, but as the wet, fleshy walls continued to press and squeeze inward on your body, you found that they were actually rather pliant and stretchy...though, they only expanded as much as they needed to contain you, not as much as was needed for you to be comfortable! The cowsnake had a firm grip around your legs with one of her hands, starting to push the last of you into her churning, milky sack. \"Ahh, jusst a little bit more…\" you heard the snake's voice echo around you once more, though it was pretty difficult to pick out her voice over the sloshing and churning of the udder around you…
") wait { msg ("Your head bumped against the back of the cowsnake’s udder as another few inches of your body slipped into her nipple, space quickly becoming a premium inside of the sac you were stuffed inside...even as you curled up to try and get a bit more comfortable, it wasn't exactly like you were surrounded by pillows right now! Especially with the realization that there was quite a bit of milk bubbling and sloshing around in here with you; some of it got into your mouth, and a distinct chocolatey flavor was made known to you. It was actually pretty damn good, if a bit strangely warm! You felt more than a bit weird about drinking the milk right out of her udder, though, so you kept your mouth as shut as you could while the rest of your body slid out into the chamber. Already, you could feel the cowsnake rubbing and massaging against her swollen udder as you filled it up to its limits, clearly enjoying the sensation of you squirming around in such a deep, intimate part of her body...!
") wait { MoveObject (player, JuniperCowsnakeUdder) } } } } } } else { msg ("Aaaahh, so relaxing. You needed that...") } } ]]>
false the Look at A bubbling, steaming hot tub. ") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("It was so relaxing that you ended up nodding off for a moment or two, even! Eventually you felt relieved and refreshed enough to hop on out of the hot tub and dry off, feeling more than rejuvenated by the entire experience!
") } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("It was so relaxing, in fact, that you even managed to slip off into dreamland for a while! But you didn't awake naturally. No, you came back to life because of a strange sensation wrapping itself around your body…and, as you opened your eyes, you realized what was going on. Some sort of snake creature had taken advantage of you falling asleep in such a public place, and had decided to wrap themselves all the way around your body!

You started to stir and squirm against your confines, but your movement was already heavily restricted by the thick, gooey snake that had wrapped itself around you. \"Oh oh, you're awake~\" you heard a soft, feminine voice teasing you...it was hard to tell where the hot tub water ended and the snake that was capturing you began, honestly! You could see a distinct tan body with dark brown and black spots coiling around you, but it seemed as if this snake was made out of something quite gooey and goopy, her patterns melting into the water the two of you were immersed in...it was as if you were bathing in the snake herself instead of a hot tub at this point! There was still a very firm grip wrapping itself around your body regardless of all of this, though, and you soon saw the head of your captor moving into your field of view. \"All that squirming won't save you from my belly~\" the snake teased as her intense, cyan eyes stared into your own, the squeeze of her coils around you starting to get stronger and stronger as time went on...though, with how gooey her body was, you were liable to start sinking right into those coils as the construction continued! Her body had plenty of give, exerting quite a lot of pressure, it wasn't like she was trying to crush you or anything. No...it felt as if she was trying to skip the eating process altogether and just absorb you right into her body!
") wait { msg ("It was such a strange feeling to be immersed inside of the snake’s body like this. To you, the slime felt so thick and almost solid and impossible to fight against, but regardless, this predator seemed to be able to move like water...your lower half was completely trapped inside of her at this point, the solid parts of the snake’s body continuing to coil and wrap around your upper body, teasing you and giggling the whole time. \"Oh, I promise you'll enjoy this just as much as I will~\" you heard the snake whisper into your ear, before another coil wrapped itself around your shoulders…

You could really start to feel it now, your body being immersed in the thick slime of the snake's body as you continued being absorbed into her coils...it was strange, honestly. It was as if the snake was slowly turning into an amorphous blob for a few moments, just so she could absorb you into her body! You felt so limited and trapped in your movement at this point, struggling to pull yourself out of the snake that was continuing to immerse you in herself. And all the while, you just heard her giggling, her stomach rumbling and gurgling as it eagerly accepted the meal it was given. You were up to your neck in slime at this point, and there wasn't much left for the snake to do…
") wait { MoveObject (player, JuniperFeralStomach) } } } } } otherwise { msg ("You made your way over to the tub, gently dipping your foot inside the water before the rest of your body followed suit...and, oh goodness, it was so amazing! There were hot water jets and everything, massaging your body with that incredible, relaxing warmth…
") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("It was so relaxing that you ended up nodding off for a moment or two, even! Eventually you felt relieved and refreshed enough to hop on out of the hot tub and dry off, feeling more than rejuvenated by the entire experience!
") } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("It was so relaxing, in fact, that you even managed to slip off into dreamland for a while! But you didn't awake naturally. No, you came back to life because of a strange sensation wrapping itself around your body…and, as you opened your eyes, you realized what was going on. Some sort of snake creature had taken advantage of you falling asleep in such a public place, and had decided to wrap themselves all the way around your body!

You started to stir and squirm against your confines, but your movement was already heavily restricted by the thick, gooey snake that had wrapped itself around you. \"Oh oh, you're awake~\" you heard a soft, feminine voice teasing you...it was hard to tell where the hot tub water ended and the snake that was capturing you began, honestly! You could see a distinct tan body with dark brown and black spots coiling around you, but it seemed as if this snake was made out of something quite gooey and goopy, her patterns melting into the water the two of you were immersed in...it was as if you were bathing in the snake herself instead of a hot tub at this point! There was still a very firm grip wrapping itself around your body regardless of all of this, though, and you soon saw the head of your captor moving into your field of view. \"All that squirming won't save you from my belly~\" the snake teased as her intense, cyan eyes stared into your own, the squeeze of her coils around you starting to get stronger and stronger as time went on...though, with how gooey her body was, you were liable to start sinking right into those coils as the construction continued! Her body had plenty of give, exerting quite a lot of pressure, it wasn't like she was trying to crush you or anything. No...it felt as if she was trying to skip the eating process altogether and just absorb you right into her body!
") wait { msg ("It was such a strange feeling to be immersed inside of the snake’s body like this. To you, the slime felt so thick and almost solid and impossible to fight against, but regardless, this predator seemed to be able to move like water...your lower half was completely trapped inside of her at this point, the solid parts of the snake’s body continuing to coil and wrap around your upper body, teasing you and giggling the whole time. \"Oh, I promise you'll enjoy this just as much as I will~\" you heard the snake whisper into your ear, before another coil wrapped itself around your shoulders…

You could really start to feel it now, your body being immersed in the thick slime of the snake's body as you continued being absorbed into her coils...it was strange, honestly. It was as if the snake was slowly turning into an amorphous blob for a few moments, just so she could absorb you into her body! You felt so limited and trapped in your movement at this point, struggling to pull yourself out of the snake that was continuing to immerse you in herself. And all the while, you just heard her giggling, her stomach rumbling and gurgling as it eagerly accepted the meal it was given. You were up to your neck in slime at this point, and there wasn't much left for the snake to do…
") wait { MoveObject (player, JuniperFeralStomach) } } } } } ]]>
false A rather large, anthro red snake, with a ton of tail to boot...she was currently dressed in a sports bra and shorts, using one of these exercise machines next to a sign that read "ENDURANCE TRAINING: MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL WITH AMBER GIBBS, CPT". It seemed like the snake was some sort of personal trainer? Was she able to advertise in a gym that wasn't even hers? Look at You are surrounded by ") wait { msg ("That statement was a bit...alarming to you, but you managed to keep your composure long enough for Amber's tail to start wrapping its way around the base of the chair you were sitting in, quickly binding your legs together against said chair…her tail was so long, and you could already tell what she meant by it being a bit uncomfortable. The appendage was so damn strong and smooth, and it felt like she was barely using any of her strength so far even as she squeezed inward against your body!

Amber could already feel you starting to try and wiggle or adjust yourself in her coils, the snake shut that down rather quickly. \"Ay! Moving ruins the whole point of all of this…\" the snake hissed, clenching her tail around you at the same time and binding you even closer to the chair...and it was only your legs that were trapped so far! Steadily, Amber’s tail continued to snake and wrap its way up your body, leaving you nervously trying to stay as still as possible...and shaking quite a bit in the process! Amber could pretty obviously sense what you were going through, but she didn't seem as annoyed by it as she did by your more purposeful movement...guess she was used to people being a little bit anxious about what she was doing! Your tail was still so strong and tight, especially as it started to work its way around your waist and up your chest, but it was almost starting to become...a bit comfortable, in a way. The coils were so warm and surprisingly plump for a person of her fitness, even if they were still squeezing so tight against your form…
") wait { msg ("As Amber's tail continued to work its way up your body, you noticed the snake was getting closer to you. She didn't have an infinite supply of tail, of course, and as she reached the base of her tail, she would have to get closer to make sure things were as tight as she wanted them to be. \"How you doing down there? You seem to be enjoying it~\" Amber said to you, it was a little bit of playfulness in her voice as she squeezed her coils around you, the sick, scaly appendage now all the way up to your shoulders…! God, you really couldn't move at this point even if you wanted to, and Amber was getting pretty close to you as well! This whole endurance training session was starting to get a bit more...intimate then you had expected…

One more loop of coils, and Amber had completely enveloped you all the way up to your neck, leaving your head sticking out of a red mass of snake tail as Amber leaned in and wrapped her arms around your coiled body, squeezing and pressing inward to get it as tight as possible for you! \"And now, things will truly begin. I'll just need to…\" the snake trailed off, gritting her teeth a little bit before you felt a powerful squeeze clenching and squishing you even tighter inside all of this snakey warmth..it didn't feel painful, per se, though you definitely got the feeling that she was only using a very small part of her overall power!
") wait { msg ("\"Good, good! You're holding up rather well, so far. Get ready for the next level, though…\" Amber said, gritting her teeth again before giving you another, even more powerful squeeze...okay, that one was starting to make you squirm a little bit! It was just so damn tight, what little room you had inside of Amber's coils seemed even smaller now...you were starting to reach your limit. \"Okay okay okay okay, can we *hah* take a break now?\" you managed to gasp out, your voice becoming a lot breathier as your lungs didn't have room to expand anymore. And, contrary to what you expected, Amber didn't actually just start squeezing you harder in response to your objection. Instead, she just stared into your eyes, a toothy grin starting to spread across her face as she did so. \"All right, all right, you look like you need to take a break. I've got a nice, relaxing place just for you…\"

Unable to squirm or push Amber away, you were forced to watch as her snakey mouth opened wide in front of you, her jaws unhinging to a truly impressive diameter as her maw inched closer to you...oh boy, you didn't like where this was starting to go! It wasn't like you could stop Amber, though. She had your entire body trapped within her coils, and judging from the grin the snake had as she gave you quite the intimate view of her hungry, drooly mouth, the snake knew that! The two fangs at the top of her mouth glinted in the artificial light of the gym as they lay front of you, looking intimidatingly sharp…!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("You didn't have much more time to appreciate the inside of Amber's mouth before the snake lunged forward, cramming you inside of said mouth with absolute gusto! Her unhinged jaws had an easy time fitting all the way around your head and chin, smothering you in slimy, warm maw flesh as her slender tongue started to sample your flavor...the protein was what she was really after, but it would help if you tasted good to boot!

You spent a good minute inside of Amber's mouth as the red snake savored you, her coils giving you a tight squeeze every time you tried to struggle and also doing the job of feeding you down her long snake gullet! With her jaws completely unhinged, Amber just started to inch her way forward over your captured, coiled form, the wrapping around you starting to lean you forward so Amber could have an easier time getting you down...not like she was having a problem with scarfing you down, though! Amber had you completely wrapped up before she even started devouring you, and now that she was cramming you into such a hot, wet, tight tunnel...well, it was trivial for her to keep her meal going. Your head had already passed over her breathing tube and was now making its way down her esophagus, and Amber hadn't even had to take a full, formal swallow yet! Being as stretchy and well equipped for swallowing live meals as she was, cramming yourself all the way inside of her would be a piece of cake…

Except the snake couldn't have cake, except on cheat days...so at least it was a cheat day today, or it was definitely going to become one after she swallowed you down! Amber kept just cramming you down her throat, her coils continuing to slowly loosen up so that she could work more of you inside of her...her unhinged jaws had easily swallowed up even your broad shoulders, and you were really starting to feel the squeeze as you were packed inside the tight snake gullet. You did feel Amber starting to tilt her head back, the world around you straightening out as she did so until you felt a crushing squeeze surrounding your whole body, sucking a good few inches of you into her throat and yanking you down even further inside of Amber -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("*gulllRRk~*

Your head now made a generous bulge in Amber's scaly throat as the snake took a genuine, full-bodied swallow, your body slipping right out of her coils and starting to dangle out of her snaky jaws, the snake having already devoured you up to your waist...meaning you were pretty much just a pair of legs sticking out of her mouth and a bulge in her stretchy throat! The snake was already very satisfied with her meal, but she still had to finish you off and send you down to her roaring gut...so, she started to pick up the pace a little bit, throwing her head back and opening her jaws wide before clamping them shut again, each motion scarfing down a few more inches of your limp legs. Her gullet just had so much power, and the deeper you traveled inside of it, the easier it was for that throat flesh to grab onto you and pull you deeper. It seemed so difficult to even squirm or wiggle around with how tight it was in here, and you knew that Amber's stomach would be much of the same…

Another wave of peristalsis shoved to your head through the entrance to Amber's belly, the snake just slurping up the rest of your legs casually as she took a seat on the chair where you once were, her tongue flicking out of her mouth to lick and get one last taste of your feet before they disappeared within her fangs and lips. Meanwhile, you had the caustic, slimy and hungry environment of her stomach to deal with as you were shoved out inside of it, the walls almost instantly starting to cling and massage against your vulnerable, exposed body. It already felt so tight and exhausting, and you weren't even halfway inside of Amber's stomach…!
") wait { MoveObject (player, AmberStomach) } } } } } } ]]>
false Amber's stomach You felt your legs and feet disappearing down the back of the snake's throat as Amber finished her meal off, the snake taking one last gulp before letting out a long, slow hiss of satisfaction as she started to rub and massage her growing, growling gut. "Oh, YES...time to see how much endurance you really have~" Amber teased you as she rubbed and massaged over her stomach, squishing you even tighter into her hungry, strong belly walls...the onslaught of flesh and fluid continued as the rest of you slid out into the packed stomach, your body forced to contort and ball up from the lack of space inside the snake's gut as you settled in for whatever "endurance training" Amber had in store for you. You got the idea that if you failed, the consequences would be a lot more dire than just a squeeze of her coils… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Amber had completely worn you down in a matter of minutes, the snake rubbing and massaging over her stomach as she felt the meal inside gradually becoming weaker and weaker. \"All tuckered out? Guess you didn't have enough stamina to resist me~\" you heard the snake say, her voice difficult to interpret over the groans and gurgles of her stomach as it, well, as it digested you alive! Your skin was starting to tingle, and there was a powerful exhaustion coming over your whole body...and whatever you gave up, the stomach was more than willing to take! They just kept squeezing and pressing inward, until your body just couldn't take the assault anymore…

*HuuuUUUaaarrrppp…* Amber belched proudly as her gut made a loud, wet noise, the snake knowing that you were well on your way to being little more than a thick soup sloshing around in her belly. \"Mmh, it's always so easy...sometimes I wish my meals had a little bit more fight to them.\" the snake commented, slowly making her way up out of the chair she was sitting in and caressing her still-swollen gut as she made her way back to her hotel room. A little nap, a few exercises, and you would be well on your way to her hips and thighs…

*You couldn't endure a snake's digestive tract...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Amber gave her stomach a nice, long massage, her mouth hanging open as she enjoyed the sensation of having such a full belly. \"Come on, is that all you can do?\" she taunted, thumping her belly to try and get a little bit more fight out of you!") } else { msg ("You tried to pry open the sphincter that pushed you in here, but the flesh was so slippery that you couldn't get a solid grip...") } ]]>
Look at A flat, padded bench, with a weight rack above it. ") wait { msg ("Goodness, you haven't done anything like this in a while. Even with the weights not being that heavy, your arms were are already starting to ache after only a few reps. It was at this moment that you saw somebody approaching you out of the corner of your eye; they soon revealed themselves to be a rather muscular, large hyena woman. “Hey! Looks like you need a spotter.” the hyena said as she leaned over you, a comforting yet smug smile on her face as she watched you struggle with barbells that she could probably lift with only her pinky finger. A spotter! How could you forget? That was just an essential safety mechanism. Good thing this hyena was around to help you, if you would accept her services…

The hyena seemed friendly enough. Plus, you got the idea that if you said no, she would probably just snap you in half! So, you accepted her offer, struggling to rack the weight for a few moments before looking up at your new trainer of sorts. “The name’s Germania, by the way.” the hyena said before fiddling around with the barbell you had made, swapping off the weights for ones that looked a lot smaller before she started to speak. “Well, first of all, you got to use the dumbbells with the right material…” she advised as she fumbled around with them a bit more.

After she was finished messing with your weight, you grabbed ahold of the bar, slowly lifting it and finding it much harder to hold up, despite the barbells themselves being physically smaller. You tried your best to do a few reps, but within just a minute or so, you found yourself quickly losing your breath, forced to rack the weight again, your arms wobbling like jello as soon as you lifted that massive weight from them. The hyena looked down at you with a little bit of disappointment before she started to speak again. “Damn, you weren't even able to handle those? I guess you really are a newbie. Hold on, I'll ease you into it with something a little more manageable…”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("The hyena turned away from you, looking like she was about to head back to the weight racks to grab something else. It was at this moment that you noticed that your new trainer of sorts wasn't wearing any pants...not even boxer shorts! You weren't sure how that detail slipped your mind before, but now that you had noticed it, it was impossible to ignore. You were about to say something about it, before Germania, instead of walking over to the weight rack, got closer to you. Really close. Almost like she was about to sit on you-


Germania let all of her weight onto you almost instantly, pressing your head against the bench you were laying on and smother you in layers of hyena cheeks! It felt like there was a leaden weight being pressed against your face, leaving your head with absolutely nowhere to go but deeper into the hyena’s ass, Germania relaxing down onto you as she got comfy on top of the bench. The sudden pressure on your chest instinctively made you take a deep breath of air...which was definitely a mistake. The air underneath here was pretty stale, what was left of it anyway, and most of it was thick and full of the hyena’s scent! You got the feeling that she already smelled pretty musky down there normally, but considering she was most likely at the tail end of a workout, it only made things even spicier and more powerful down there...

“What’s the matter? Can't even bench press my fat ass? I don't think you're cut out for this, kid…” you heard the hyena’s muffled voice tease from above you, her rump pressing down even tighter on your body as she continued to try to get comfortable. You could feel your nose wedging itself between her musky, slightly damp cheeks, a fat pucker hidden just between them that was teasingly clenching and flexing barely an inch away from the tip of your nose. Your whole head had been swallowed up by her cheeks, surrounded on all sides by soft, squishy fat that completely muffled any response you could make to germania's teasing. The rest of your body was put under similar pressure, the whole of the hyena now sitting on top of you comfortably. To an onlooker, it would be tough to even spot you underneath all the pounds of toned muscle and fur that Germania was packing!
") wait { msg ("“I'll find a use for you, though. For now, be a good seat and stay still while I get a few reps in…” the hyena continued, before she snatched up the weight you had problems lifting with one hand, grabbing a few heavier dumbbells with the other and slapping them on the dumbbell like they were nothing. “If you can lift me up off of you, maybe I'll reconsider…” was the last thing she said before you suddenly felt a lot more weight getting pressed down onto you, Germania taking the thick dumbbell in both of her hands and bringing it down to her chest, transferring some of the weight onto her unfortunate seat, before slowly lifting up. “Oohhhhhh yeah, feel the burn…” she groaned as she started to do some reps. You weren't sure if that was something she just said normally, or if she was layering the teasing on even thicker. Either way, it made you squirm a little!

As Germania went about her weight lifting routine, her ass started to get more and more overwhelming. The extra weight pressed her lump even further down onto you, making breathing more and more difficult and placing your breaths with even more of her powerful, sweat-fueled musk. The already present dampness back here was only getting stronger, the heat rising, and you weren't even sure if it was her sweating or you. It was probably both, honestly. You didn't really want to think about it. Part of you thought this might have been just a really weird test or initiation thing, and what Germania said about getting her off of you might be true, but even if it was, you just had no way to even start the process of lifting her off of you - especially with the barbell she was lifting. If you couldn't even lift that thing by itself, what were the odds of you being able to lift that thing with a giant hyena attached to it?

Germania continued doing her reps, acting in such a nonchalant fashion that for a few seconds you wondered if she had forgotten that you were down there. Even if she did, though, her ass certainly didn't! It felt like with every cycle it got just a bit sweatier and muscular it down here, like you were baking under an oppressive, humid summer sun...with the added bonus of something warm and fuzzy smothered right against your face. At times, you felt yourself gets squished even further into the hyena's crack, teased with the possibility of disappearing inside, but it never really happened. No, Germania seemed intent on just having a little extra spice with her workout!
") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("Just when your lungs were starting to burn and it felt like you were going to pass out underneath the hyena at any minute, you felt the weight on top of you get lifted. You gasped like a fish out of water as you could suddenly breathe again, the sweaty of musk of the hyena still filling your lungs and tainting every breath with its powerful pheromones, though. Germania seemed to pay no mind to you as she slowly lifted her ass up, almost like she was giving you an opportunity to escape. A sudden surge of adrenaline pumped through your body, as you realized that this could be exactly what you needed. But would you be able to get up in time? Your whole body ached, and your lungs still burned with hyena musk…

Despite every atom in your body telling you that you needed to leave, you just couldn't do it. You were so exhausted and aching from being smothered under what felt like a ton of hyena that you could barely evenean up out of the bench, let alone mount any sort of escape. Germania slowly turned around to look at you, guffawing as she saw that you hadn't even made an attempt to run. “Really? Still staying here after all that? Gosh, you must have really loved my ass~” she teased, before continuing. “Well, I think I'm done with my workout, but the best thing for me after a workout is a nice, big meal…”

You watched, powerless as Germania turned herself around once more, her round, damp and fat ass hovering just inches above you. Both of her hands were on either side of her cheeks, getting a firm grip of that plush fat and spreading them apart to let you gaze at the flexing, hungry asshole hidden just inside. Everything was telling you to get up and get out of there, but at this point, you were just a captive audience. You watched helplessly as those cheeks squished back down on your face a few seconds later, but this time, you were even deeper between them than you were before, muffled from the outside world by plump hyena rump. You could feel the warm, wet flesh of her pucker clenching and grabbing at your nose, knowing that it would only be a few more seconds before it got a good hold of you.


In one deft motion, Germania relaxed all her muscles while pressing her ass further down on you, feeling her wide-open pucker swallow up nearly all of your face with one movement. You were instantly smothered by an even hotter, wetter form of muskiness than before, and this time, it was absolutely all around you. The flesh squeezed tight, holding you like a vice grip and only allowing you to move deeper into the hyena's bowels. In no time at all, you felt that hungry pucker slip over the top of your head, Germania letting out a deep, satisfied moan as she got the first big part of you all the way inside of her. Mushy, wet noises surrounded you on all sides as Germania continued slurping you up, the process becoming quite rhythmic with the passage of time. You got the impression that she was quite the seasoned in this type of consumption...were you not the first person that Germania had tricked in this way?
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("From how fast and strangely procedurally this whole thing was happening, you got the impression that you definitely weren't the first. The hyena's pucker slipped over your shoulders, the widest part of your body, with almost no issue whatsoever. Her bowels took it all in stride, stretching around you and containing any struggles you made with ease. Not like you were struggling much, considering how humid and musky it was in here; it felt like all your energy was going towards just breathing and trying not to get crushed by the rippling contractions of the hyena's bowels! And as more of you slipped inside, that mission only became harder and harder.

The rhythmic nature of Germania's consumption made it difficult to tell exactly how much of you was crammed up her ass. You had to rely on picking out which squishy bowel noises were from you moving deeper into the hyena, or were just from what her body was already doing. You could hear the hyena's muffled voice teasing you as well, in between breathy moans and groans. “You might not be a good weightlifter, but you are definitely a good buttsnack~” Germania said, one hand on her lower belly as it started to grow and bulge with your form. Even the parts of you then weren't inside of her were being smothered under layers of hyena fat and muscle, thick thighs making sure that you weren't going anywhere but deeper inside of her.

With you now waist-deep in hyena anus, Germania slowly started to lift her ass up, releasing some of the pressure from your legs and letting them dangle a little bit out of her pucker. “Time to see if those kegels paid off…” Germania mused aloud, before you felt an even more powerful contraction clench tightly over your whole body. The hyena grunted as she squished more of you inside, her bowels rippling and clenching and pulling you deeper at an honestly impressive pace. Your thighs were gone in one clench, your calves in another, and the heat inside Germania was becoming too much to bear. It felt like with every clench, the thermostat got cranked up 5°! And the heat only seemed to make her musk more oppressive...
") wait { MoveObject (player, GermaniaBowels) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("Just when your lungs were starting to burn and it felt like you were going to pass out underneath the hyena at any minute, you felt the weight on top of you get lifted. You gasped like a fish out of water as you could suddenly breathe again, the sweaty of musk of the hyena still filling your lungs and tainting every breath with its powerful pheromones, though. Germania seemed to pay no mind to you as she slowly lifted her ass up, almost like she was giving you an opportunity to escape. A sudden surge of adrenaline pumped through your body, as you realized that this could be exactly what you needed. But would you be able to get up in time? Your whole body ached, and your lungs still burned with hyena musk…

Despite every atom in your body telling you that you needed to leave, you just couldn't do it. You were so exhausted and aching from being smothered under what felt like a ton of hyena that you could barely evenean up out of the bench, let alone mount any sort of escape. Germania slowly turned around to look at you, guffawing as she saw that you hadn't even made an attempt to run. “Really? Still staying here after all that? Gosh, you must have really loved my ass~” she teased, before continuing. “Well, I think I'm done with my workout, but the best thing for me after a workout is a nice, big meal…”

You could only watch as the big, bulky hyena loomed over you, Germania slowly reaching down and wrapping her arms around your sides before picking you up like a sack of potatoes! She brought you up to her snout slowly, a somewhat-intimidating smile slowly spreading across it before she started to speak again...at least, you thought she was going to speak. But instead of saying anything, the hyena just opened her jaws wide, strands of drool oh-so-slowly snapping inside of her maw as it yawned open inches from your face. Almost instantly, the heat of her innards washed over you, bringing along with it the stale stench of digested food from deep in her guts. Holding you firm in her grasp, Germania huffed hyena breath all over your face, giving you a tingling noseful of her wind...it made your face curl up a little bit with just how potent it was! You thought about asking her if she ever brushed her teeth, but considering that she already had you tight in her grasp...it probably wasn't the best idea.

You were \"treated\" to quite the intimate view of her mouth, sharp, slightly browned teeth all encircling the red, undulating flesh surrounding the dark hole nestled in the very back. Her deep burgundy tongue slowly slinked out from behind her chompers, causing you to squirm in the hyena's grasp as it inched closer and closer to your face. Soon, you felt the wet, warm *sqsh* of that tongue on your chin, Germania leaving a trail of drool on your face as she dragged her tongue up...up...up over your eyes and mouth and forehead. She was really taking her time with this little taste test, probably just to tease you…

After a few seconds, that powerful muscle retreated, disappearing behind the hyena's lips as they pursed shut. \"Mmm...salty~\" you heard Germania's sultry voice whisper, her words making you shiver in a mix of fear, surprise, and perhaps...just a bit of anticipation as well. The flesh of her maw, it was quivering, shaking like it couldn't wait for you to slide right down it...and there was nothing you could really do. Her tasting had got you struggling, alright, but Germania was just so much stronger than you. Your most powerful thrashes were nothing to her. She could probably crush you in her hands right now...but if she did, you wouldn't squirm all the way down her gullet!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("The hyena opened her jaws wide once more after teasing you, but instead of the slow, drawn out, teasing opening she had done earlier, it was all business this time. Germania lunged forward with her maw open wide, your entire head suddenly smothered by hot, pulsating flesh on all sides! Her lips pursed tight around your neck, and you felt that thick hyena tongue starting to roam all over your trapped head, savoring allllll of the flavor she could from your tasty little form. And judging from the loud rumbling noises the hyena was making as she smacked, there was quite a bit of flavor to be had!

Germania kept rudely suckling on your head for a few more moments, tightening her grip on your body to make sure her meal didn't go anywhere while she enjoyed herself! Eventually, though, you felt the hyena throw her head back, her jaws opening a little bit so she could pull in your neck as well. In no time, you felt your head bump up against the back of the hyena's throat, the flesh quivering in anticipation of sending you down into the hyena's rumbling belly…


When Germania finally did swallow, it all went so fast. In the snap of a finger, her chasm of a throat yawned open, her gullet grabbing hold of your head and yanking you down with powerful peristalsis! You were once again smothered in all sides by thick, greasy flesh, undulating and rippling down, down into the hyena's belly. Once Germania's starving throat got a hold of you, you weren't going anywhere but down into that belly! In just a few seconds, you had gone from shoulder-deep to waist-deep in yeen maw, Germania continuing to throw her head back every time she swallowed to get as much of you down as quickly as possible. She could feel her gut whining for.that post-workout protein, and she wasn't about to ignore it!
") wait { msg ("Your struggles were better described as \"floundering\" at this point. More than half of you was wedged in hyena gullet, and that amount was quickly increasing! Now that Germania knew with certainty that she had her meal secured, she took a bit more time to tease you, her tongue rubbing over every part of your body as it entered her maw, the tip sticking out from her lips as she tasted you. Considering how big the yeen was, you still had a bit to go before you reached her belly, but she could still rub and stroke over the bulge you made in her neck! And that was a privilege that she definitely took advantage of.

Soon, it was only your legs that stuck out of the big, muscled hyena's lips. They were pursed tight around them, as if she was slurping up a spaghetti noodle...and that's exactly what she did a few moments later! You felt a powerful suction around your knees as Germania slurped up the last of you, your form getting funneled down her throat as more of you was pushed into her mouth. Her pounding heartbeat was getting stronger and stronger, alongside the bubbling and popping of the acids that were pooling in her tummy, just waiting to get at you…

Germania held the last of you in her mouth for a little bit, suckling and tasting and even tickling at your feet a little bit! She was really rubbing it in at this point, that you were nothing but a meal for her, some fuel for her intensive workouts and maybe a bit of extra muscle or pudge. Your head was pushed out into her belly a few moments, that same stale odor on her breath greeting you in a much more potent form, stinging your eyes and nose as soon as it made contact with you. Your feet were teetering on the edge of the hyena's gullet, and it felt like you could slide down into her rumbling stomach at any moment without warning.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glk*

And then it happened. The hyena swallowed one final time, plunging your head and shoulders down into her caustic stomach. The belly walls immediately got to work, rubbing and undulating all over you and slathering those stomach fluids over every inch of your body they could reach. You were already covered in slime, sweating from the heat of her stomach, and feeling your skin start to tingle from the acids...and you weren't even halfway inside her gut yet! Most of your body was still in her throat, being squeezed and rippled over and pulled down into her belly inch by inch.

\"Aah...mmm, that's plenty of protein for a while~\" Germania said as she sat down on the bench, licking her lips and picking her teeth a bit as she reclined back, feeling her stomach start to fill up with her wriggling meal. The walls expanded to accompany your form rather nicely, though that didn't mean it was comfortable inside of her - her stomach tightened around you, leaving barely any room for you to do anything but wiggle and squirm. It was especially difficult considering that there was quite a bit of fluid sharing the yeen's stomach with you, sloshing around with every movement and spreading that tingling feeling…
") wait { GermaniaStomach.OV = 1 MoveObject (player, GermaniaStomach) } } } } } } } } } } else { msg ("This seemed like as good a time as any to get some exercise in. Maybe a few reps would help you defend yourself from all the hungry predators around here! You set up your barbell, selecting some pretty entry level weights before placing the barbell down on the rack.
") wait { msg ("Phew! What a workout.") } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at 0 msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Germania's bowels You are surrounded by 0 ") } else { msg ("Germania wiggled her glutes as she slurped up the last of you, your wiggling feet the only thing left visible to the outside world for a few moments before a wet *sssshhllp* devoured those, as well. Germania exhaled lustfully as the last of you slipped inside of her, the hyena's belly now gravid and sloshing beneath her as you worked your way through her bowels. “Oh, it's just the beginning for you, hon~” she teased, rubbing her lower belly as she felt you starting to get squelched and squished through her maze of guts…
") } ]]>
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("A few nondescript hours passed before anything in your environment really changed. It was just a constant assault of undulating flesh on every side of your body, wearing you down before any digestion even started...in fact, you could probably call it its own form of digestion! The hyena had made her way back to her hotel room, taking the privacy as an opportunity to start teasing and pushing against you as you started to be ejected into her roaring, hungry gut. \"Mmm...how are you enjoying the accommodations?\" you managed to hear the hyena say over the rumbling and sloshing of the stomach around you. \"I don't even think I properly introduced myself! The name is Germania. And you…?\"
") wait { MoveObject (player, GermaniaStomach) } } } } else { SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("intestineaudio.mp3", false, true) } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("The deeper you traveled into the hyena, the tighter and more humid it got. You felt like you might even pass out before you reached her stomach if this kept up like it was! Didn't help that Germania was constantly squeezing around your form, rubbing her distended belly as she felt you worm your way through her guts.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("While you continued to squish your way through hyena bowels, Germania started to get a little bit more exercise in. Maybe the activity would help you along, she thought. She was so focused on her reps that she didn't even really notice when you made the transition from her intestines to her stomach, her guts rudely pushing you out into a stinking, acidic chamber that, thankfully, was at least roomier than her intestines. It was also a lot wetter and more active, though. The walls constantly squeezed and pressed at your form, working those assets into your skin as Germania continue to her workout. Seemed like her body wanted to turn you into nutrition as soon as possible!
") wait { MoveObject (player, GermaniaStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("Even if your squirms managed to get a bit of traction, another clench of the hyena's bowels completely eliminated your progress.") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Every time you tried to struggle, Germania just clenched tight around your form, literally squeezing the fight out of you.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You got the feeling that the hyena was disappointed in your struggles.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The walls around you didn't permit for much movement, and when they did, it was only pressing you deeper…") } else { msg ("Germania could feel her lower belly sloshing and squirming around as you struggled inside. “Hah, keep that up, feels good…”") } } ]]>
false Germania's stomach 0 You are surrounded by ") } else if (GermaniaBowels.showers = 1) { msg ("You tried to respond, but your words were quickly drowned out by a deafening *gwwwWWrrrssshhh* that made the stomach shake around you! Germania just laughed at the timely response of her stomach, before she addressed you once more. \"Hah, that does sound about right…\"
") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("The hyena's stomach was starting to get a lot more active now, the fluids around you bubbling and churning as the stomach walls pressed against your body. Germania had burped up any extra air, so now there was absolutely no space between you and the hungry belly...at some point, you drifted off into unconsciousness, and Germania felt her stomach groan quite loudly before it really got down to melting you into more hyena fat. More than content with her shower experience, Germania shut off the water a few minutes later, letting herself drip dry a little bit before making her way out of the stall, grabbing the clothes you had left on the way to use as a towel...she would need a lot of fabric to dry off her gravid stomach, after all!

*You added to the belly you enjoyed so...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else if (GermaniaBowels.showers = 1) { SetTimeout (20) { msg ("You had only been in Germania's stomach for a few minutes now, but you were already feeling pretty worn out by your environment. That long trip through hyena bowels had really tenderized and softened you up for a nice, easy digestion...which, of course, you were not a fan of! You tried to make that displeasure known the best you could, but it was clear that it would take a lot more to make Germania even think about throwing you up. And, to be honest, you didn't really have that much to give the hyena anymore...except for your body, of course!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("And, as time went on, it was clear that Germania was going to take all of it. Her stomach just continued to clench and squeeze inward on you, steadily eating up what little space you had to move around inside of here, forcing you into a tighter and tighter ball. Which, of course, only made all of those enzymes more and more potent, a powerful tingling really starting to spread all across your body. And as the stomach roared and churned around you...that tingling even started to turn to numbness. And Germania? She was just moaning and crying out in pleasure as she felt her stomach mulch you down into a thick soup, the hyena watching and rubbing against the bulge every now and again to feel how you were steadily softening up. Just feeling how her hand could press deeper and deeper into the soft sloshiness as time went on…ohhh, it felt so dang good for her! All that extra rubbing and squeezing and pushing was accelerating your digestion as well; you were really starting to lose your sense of self inside the hyena's powerful gut. Your movement was bossed around by the stomach walls, all you could see was pulsating darkness…your whole existence was really being dictated by the hyena's stomach. And, in a way, it made sense for that to be the case.


Germania let a ripe one rip as her gut *blrrrrRRRGGLLllrrrgg*d incredibly loudly, the hyena smacking her lips to get a sense for the flavor she had missed out on considering your route of entrance into her belly! Mmh...maybe she would have to devour someone the old-fashioned way next time. She missed that taste, for sure. Germania spent the next few hours just watching as her stomach broke you down into nothing but jiggly soft hyena fat, the predatory even able to feel her weight redistributing to her waistline and her bust! Honestly, a good portion of you from straight to her tits...which was something Germania appreciated, for sure. She was always looking to buff that part of her figure up! The hyena was more than pleased with your preliminary additions to her figure, but after a good night's sleep, she would see you where exactly all of you had ended up. Germania rolled over and covered herself up, absent-mindedly groping at her new curves as she drifted off to sleep…

*You got a little too familiar with the yeen's gut...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { SetTimeout (20) { msg ("As the hyena’s belly got tighter and tighter, you suddenly felt it lurch from her movement! The sudden movement all around you made you a little bit dizzy, compounding onto the nausea you were feeling from the constant heat, humidity, and acidity in the chamber. Your skin was starting to tingle, and just slightly burn; nothing painful, but definitely not the most pleasant of sensations. Germania continued working out, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before her gut claimed you entirely.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Your struggles really meant nothing to the hyena. They were just pleasurable feelings deep in her belly to be enjoyed while she finished up her workout. She even gremiss them a little bit as you started to really churn and gurgle up, starting to lose sensation in parts of your body as they melted into the soup of acids that you were bathing in. She could see her midsection start to shrink and round out in real time, smirking as she felt the lump in her gut starting to become less and less solid. “Mmm, perfect timing in there~” the hyena taunted, slowly getting up off the bench as she finished her exercise for real this time. She felt her stomach slosh and jiggle about with what was left of you in such a wonderful fashion, the hyena even going as far as to pick up her belly and listen as she felt all of the contents inside *slorsh* and *slrrrsh* when she dropped it back down. “Heh. Yeah. You're definitely way better as stomach sludge. Wonder if this or assfat is your true calling…” she taunted, feeling her stomach lurch once more before a powerful *BhhhHHhhuUUUuaaarrrp* rumbled out of her mouth, bouncing off of the walls of the empty hotel gym. Feeling more than satisfied with today's workout, Germania stumbled out of the gym, looking for a nice place to relax and digest what was left of you...

*You were a nice workout snack...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } } else if (GermaniaBowels.showers = 1) { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Germania casually pressed against the bulge your hand was making, easily sending it sinking back into her pudgy belly.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You managed to find the sphincter guarding the entrance to Germania's throat, and for a moment you even managed to push your hand through to the other side; but all your progress was halted by a casual swallow from Germania, the hyena giggling as you sank back into her stomach.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("A satisfying, proud belch ripped off in the distance, causing the stomach walls to tighten around you even more…") } else { msg ("Germania scoffed as she felt you wiggling around inside her gut. \"Oh, sweetie, is that really all you've got?~\"") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Germania chuckled as she felt you kicking around inside of her belly. “Is that really the best you can do?”") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("A thick belch interrupted the hyena’s workout, causing her stomach to tighten around you even more.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Despite your best efforts, the hyena’s belly continued on digesting you like you weren't putting up a fight at all.") } else { msg ("All that kicking and squirming in Germania's tummy was just making her hungrier.") } } ]]>
A *very* large and round cockatoo-looking bird fellow. He's set up a little studio of his own in the corner of the gym, facing a tripod and doing some sort of dance routine...the bird was wearing a brightly-colored exercise uniform that most certainly failed to conceal his massive curves! Look at You are surrounded by false ") Ask ("Get dancing?") { if (result) { msg ("Dancing seemed like a good way to get to know this bird, and a fun way to get your heart rate up as well! You accepted, and the bird chirped pleasantly as he clicked the radio back on. \"The name's Azure, by the way. To get started, you should probably see the routine in action…\" Azure said, before he turned back to the camera. It was a pretty basic exercise/dance routine, a few steps and spins and other moves...seemed simple enough! Though Azure seemed a bit new to it himself; the bird was stumbling every now and again...though you weren't sure if that was because of his inexperience or his weight! Regardless, you waited for a good moment before jumping into the routine, keeping a decent amount of space from the bird as the two of you started to dance...somewhat in-sync. Clearly there were some kinks to iron out, but it wasn't a bad start…!

Azure did end up bumping into you a few times, though. Every time he did, the bird apologized profusely and you moved a little bit further away from him, but it always seemed like he was right back next to you just a few moments later. God, his ass looked almost as large as your whole body…! No wonder it was constantly bumping into you. It was annoying at first, but as time went on you started to ignore it and just focused on the routine.

Of course, you couldn't ignore Azure's ass when it slammed right into your side, the bird squawking in surprise as he felt the impact, knocking you right to the floor! In a dazed stupor, you couldn't catch yourself, and the only thing that brought you back was a yell from Azure. It seemed like the collision had knocked the bird off balance as well; when you managed to look up, all you could see was the bird's fat ass, coming right down onto you-
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("*rrriiIIIISHLLRrrrp~*

The impact of Azure's entire body weight slamming down onto you via his ass not only ripped the spandex suit he was wearing wide open, it ALSO shoved you right between those sweaty cheeks and up into the bird's asshole! Azure cried out in pain and surprise as he slammed down onto the ground, a good half of your body having slid up into the cockatoo's bowels from the impact alone. He had almost crushed you, leaving you dazed as his confused, musky bowel walls started pressing and pushing on you every which way. In a matter of seconds, you were coated in a gross slime of unknown origin, the pressure of Azure on top of you only serving to push you deeper into the bird!

\"Nnf! Fuck, fuck, fuck…\" Azure grunted as he slumped against the floor, the bird basically a turtle knocked onto its shell with how useless he was and how much of a hard time he was having getting back to his feet! He was trying to lift himself up to see if you were okay underneath there, but his eyebrows perked up when he felt you struggling deep inside of his bowels...oh, geez. \"A-ah! I'm so sorry! I'll get you out of there, just...hmmf...give me a moment…\" Azure cried out, his words muffled as his the flesh around you made all sorts of deep, slicking, wet noises. It was still quite chaotic in here, but it seemed like the cockatoo's body had decided it wanted to keep you, judging from the peristalsis trying to feed you deeper - Azure clenching his ass reflexively didn't help, either!

Azure grunted, groaned, and perspired as he tried his best to get back onto his feet, feeling his cock straining against what was left of his suit as you kept squirming deep inside of him...fuck, he needed to get you out NOW or things would start to get really bad! You had already gone from waist-deep to knee-deep in bird ass, and whatever was left of you in the \"outside world\" was still entirely hidden by Azure's massive asscheeks. The bird was so bottom-heavy, and that was a big part of the reason he was having so much trouble getting back to his feet! And every time his ass slammed back down to the ground after an unsuccessful attempt at getting up, you just slid even deeper into the bird…
") wait { msg ("\"Hhf-fuck-so sorry!!! Hold on just a sec…\" the bird continued to say, attempting to roll onto his side to get a better position for him to get up...but whatever words you could even hear from inside the bird were mostly empty platitudes. You already felt your strength being sapped as Azure's bowels ushered you deeper into the bird's guts, the musky, slimy, tight environment making you feel so dizzy and discombobulated. \"Sorry everyone! So sorry!\"

You were a bit confused about who exactly Azure was addressing, but you could barely even hear what he was saying in the first place, so you just assumed that you misheard the cockatoo. But you actually hadn’t! The camera that the bird was using wasn't just for show or recording; he was actually live streaming this whole thing! He didn't have that many viewers, but he was also pretty embarrassed that everything had fallen apart so quickly...and he still couldn't get up! At this point, your squirms had started to die down a little bit, partially because you thought it might make it easier for the bird to get back to his feet if you weren't kicking around inside of him so much, but also partially because you were feeling your strength continuing to fade the longer you were stuck inside of here. The musk of the bird’s bowels was really starting to cloud your mind, making you feel tipsy and dizzy as hell. You just hoped that the final clench would not end up coming…

But that was a pretty unlikely hope. You were lost so deep inside of Azure’s body, that it was practically like you were completely slurped up, even if it wasn't quite true. Nobody could see the tips of your feet poking out from between the bird’s asscheeks, after all! Everything had gone quiet for a moment, before Azure started to grunt and try and get himself up once more. And, this time, it seemed like he was starting to actually get somewhere. His arms were pushing himself up off the ground, his massive ass was starting to actually make its way out of the corner...but, as the cockatoo went through all of this, his arms were absolutely aching. His elbows and knees were wobbling, and the stress of holding all of his weight up was getting to him quickly. But he was so close, he just had a little bit more to go, he could do it…
") wait { MoveObject (player, AzureBowels) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh, that's fine.\" the bird said, before going back to his routine.") } } ]]>
false Azure's bowels
That moment of relative peace and quiet inside of Azure was quickly broken as you felt the bird’s ass slam back down once more,the pressure almost immediately pressing the last bit of you up inside Azure, leaving you completely trapped inside of the bird’s maze-like guts. The big, blue cockatoo just panted and caught his breath as he found himself back on the floor yet again, this time with a bulge starting to show in his fat belly! "Gah...I don't think, I don't think I can do it..." The bird said rather plainly, Azure craning his neck up and just barely being able to peek over his stomach to see that the camera was still rolling. "I guess...I guess I will have to make this my stream for the night instead…" the bird said, with a defeated tone in his voice. After all, he was still floundering around on the ground, and now he had to deal with having a full, squirming stomach as well! At least the camera was in a decent position to record all of this going on…
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("Good god, the deeper you were pulled into Azure’s body, the hotter and more humid it got! The conditions inside of here were already pretty unfavorable, but after the 20 or so minutes you had spent clenching and sluicing through the cockatoo’s guts, you were already feeling completely spent. Your struggles weren't doing anything, and Azure had more or less given up on trying to actually get you out of there. The bird was just reclined back in roughly the same spot he had falling down onto, rubbing and pressing against his belly as he felt you making your way through twist after turn of his guts. \"Mmrf, you'll be in my belly soon, don't worry…\" the bird said, his tone of voice almost making it sound like a misguided attempt at calming you down…if you weren't so tired and lightheaded, you probably would have squirmed in retaliation!
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("After a good hour of being squeezed and pressed around all sorts of tight, fleshy turns inside of Azure, you finally found it yourself pressing up against what had to be the entrance to the cockatoo’s fat, flabby belly. Azure was certainly at least 90% ass, but he still had quite the pudgy belly to store you away in! So, when the floodgates opened and the bird’s bowels shoved you out into Azure’s stomach, it was barely even noticeable on the outside! It was certainly quite the difference for you inside of the bird, though; the musky odor that had made you so light-headed became noticeably more acidic, the stomach much more wet and sloppy compared to the bowels. As the flesh tossed and threw you around while you tried to curl up inside, you found yourself absolutely soaked in the thick, tingling fluids...oh god, you were tingling already? That wasn't good at all. You needed to make a good argument for Azure to expend the effort to cough you up, before it was too late. Already, you were starting to feel quite tenderized in here!
") wait { MoveObject (player, AzureStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The flab of the bird's body absorbed any of the struggles you could make.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("All your struggling and squirming only seemed to trigger the bowels clenching even tighter around you, working you deeper into Azura's body…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Squirming only ended up covering you in even more of the cockatoo’s thick bowel slime.") } else { msg ("You kept trying to wiggle and nudge your way backwards out of Azure’s body, but every movement you made just sent the bowel walls around you into a cascading, clenching waterfall…") }
false Azure's stomach You are surrounded by
Azure couldn't really see the screen in detail, so he didn't know what was going on in his chat exactly...but people were eating all of this up, to be sure! Plenty of people were enjoying watching you gurgle and melt away, and a concerning amount were actively cheering on your digestion or wanting to be next…to them, you weren't a person anymore. You were just a bulge in a fat bird’s belly, one that was quickly making the transition to more of that lovely soft pudge!
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Erf...things really weren't looking good for you now. Any wiggle room you had inside of Azure’s belly was almost completely gone, the walls constantly clenching and squeezing around your body and making it almost impossible to move. The lack of room was really bathing you in all these digestive fluids as well...at least you had been tingling for so long that you were practically numb. For his part, Azure was mostly just laying back and letting his body do the work it needed to, occasionally poking or rubbing over his stomach as it growled and gurgled quite loudly…

At some point, you just couldn't take it anymore. All the heat and tightness and the enzymes, they were all too much for your vulnerable body to handle. Azure just huffed and groaned as his stomach really started to get to work, the wet and sloppy chamber becoming even louder as it clenched and squeezed in on your body. You were going to make quite these lovely addition to his hips and belly, that was for sure! \"Ooh, uh...here we go…\" Azure said, trying his best to adjust his position so that the camera could see as much of your digestion as possible. With any chance at him actually letting you out completely gone, the cockatoo now actually able to sit back and really enjoy the feeling of you digesting inside of him, the big bird’s shaft straining against the bulge in what was left of his suit. God, it just felt so amazing to be full like this, to feel your body rendering such a large meal down into nothing but a little bit more pudge on his already-plump frame...hggnnh. he would have to have \"accidents\" like this more often, that was for sure!

Azure just kind of lazed around for a while after all this, waiting for his body to finish melting you down and enjoying every moment of it. He still felt full, for sure, but there was a bit of a bloated feeling starting to crop up deep inside of him. And, oh gosh, it was rising up real quickly -


Azure just sighed in absolute pleasure as that earth_shaking belch erupted out of his stomach, the bird feeling much better now with all that gas expelled! You were little more than jiggly fat at this point, just layering over the bird's body as he struggled to get to his feet, practically indistinguishable from the rest of his curves...but, the cockatoo knew. He knew as he walked over to the camera, giving a friendly wave and showing his gut off to the camera before he turned it to the side, focusing on an empty workbench. A workbench which Azure flopped down onto just a few moments later, quite tired from such a heavy digestion session and hoping to give people some entertainment as he snoozed throughout the evening! The camera rolled all throughout the night, plenty of viewers enjoying the bird’s gurgly sleep, a few even suggesting that he swallow up two or more people next time...

*You were a perfect dance partner...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Nnf! Calm down in there, I can't help you anymore…\" Azure groaned, rubbing at his belly to try and calm it down a little bit.") } else { msg ("You tried to pry open the sphincter that had pushed you into the bird's stomach, but it absolutely would not budge.") } ]]>
A nice-looking smartphone, with a pink case on it. There's a note taped to the back that says "If found, please return to Room 32".
Look at An incredibly rusted metal door. It's still got a keyhole in it, though...
inputcode input code "You can't input code " + object.article + "." Boss's office false the ") wait { msg ("The panther froze as he realized he wasn't being visited by his secretary.

\"Who the hell are you!? Rhonda!\" the panther yelled, slamming his phone down and starting to get up from his desk. \"Rhonda! There's an intruder in my office!!\"

Whoever Rhonda was, they didn't respond. The panther stood before you in just a few moments, a clear size difference between the two of you. \"Guess I'll have to take care of you on my own.\" the panther said, starting to lick his chops...
") boss1list = NewStringList() list add (boss1list, "Dodge out of the way") list add (boss1list, "Go for the knees") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", boss1list, false) { if (result = "Go for the knees") { msg ("This panther was far taller than you, and you got the impression that he was expecting you to try and dodge or roll away. No, the only way you were going to be able to take down someone of his size was to go straight for the knees. So, you buckled down as you saw the panther lunge forward to take you down, reaching forward yourself and throwing all your body weight at his legs...


A cry came out from the panther as you managed to trip him up just enough, the boss losing his balance and slamming to the ground with a THUNK, you barely able to avoid crashing into his ornate mahogany desk yourself. Looking back, you saw the panther in a heap on the floor, starting already to get back up again. You didn't have much time to decide what to do next, but looking around, you saw an umbrella that could be used as a weapon, perhaps...
") boss2list = NewStringList() list add (boss2list, "Grab the umbrella") list add (boss2list, "Hide behind the desk") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", boss2list, false) { if (result = "Grab the umbrella") { msg ("You immediately grabbed the only vaguely weapon-looking thing you could see in this office, which ended up being that umbrella. By the time you grabbed the thing and started to wield it, the Boss had gotten up off the ground, standing in front of you as you pointed an umbrella at him...

\"That's the best you could come up with?\" the panther said, as you started to stab the umbrella forward like some sort of rapier. He grabbed the tip of the thing and ripped it out of your hand, and you quickly found yourself with your back to the wall...
") BossLose } else { msg ("An umbrella wouldn't be enough to take this guy down. You would need more time to find something more concrete. For the time being, you got your ass into gear and scrambled your way behind the panther's desk, peeking out from behind it as you watched him start to get back up, growling as he turned around to you. Frantically searching through the panther's desk, you found two potentially useful things: a small toy mouse, and a pocket knife.
") boss3list = NewStringList() list add (boss3list, "Toy mouse") list add (boss3list, "Pocket knife") ShowMenu ("Take which item?", boss3list, false) { if (result = "Toy mouse") { msg ("A toy mouse. The perfect thing to take down a corrupt businessman. You grabbed the mouse immediately, looking towards one of the ceiling-to-floor windows that lined one of the walls in the panther's office. You held the toy up from behind the desk, catching the Boss's attention before tossing it right in front of one of those windows. It was a huge gamble, but if it worked, it would be perfect...


The Boss took the bait perfectly. He sprinted for the toy mouse like it was a juicy antelope, and, unable to stop his momentum, crashed right into one of those windows...they were relatively reinforced, but even they couldn't take the force of a 400-pound panther slamming into them...and, so they gave way, and the Boss screamed as he plummeted back towards the Earth, unable to grab at anything but air as he fell down twenty floors of hotel...

You didn't want to hear or see the impact. You just slowly got up from behind the boss's desk, shaken, but otherwise intact. Had...had you really done it? It felt like a dream of sorts, like you were about to wake up at any moment in a panther gut -


A familiar voice came from the door as you started to stand up. You looked over, expecting to be pinned down by someone else any moment...but, instead, saw Kayla, a concerned look on her face as she ran over to you. \"W-what on Earth happened? I heard an elevator get summoned - that shaft hasn't been used in years - and couldn't find you anywhere...\" she said, grabbing you by the shoulders before looking over to the broken window, the toy mouse still laying right in front of the pile of shattered glass. \"Oh-holy shit...\" the words dribbled out of her mouth as she put two and two together.

\"Well...fuck, I guess I'm out of a job...\" the dragon said as she picked you up in a hug. \"But I think that's more than a fair trade for not being under that asshole's thumb anymore...I think the police will be coming soon, though. We should probably get the hell out of Dodge...\"
") wait { MoveObject (player, Credits Room) } } else { msg ("You grab the pocket knife. It was the only real weapon you could find. You were prepared to go down swinging if you had to...shaking at the knees, you started to get up from the desk, knife in hand, pointed right at the Boss as he slowly got back to his feet, huffing and panting and staring at you with death in his eyes as he saw you pointing the knife at him. \"You think a knife is gonna stop ME?\" the panther growled, as he started to lunge for you. Flinching, you stabbed haphazardly, feeling a few thrusts land on their mark...but it wasn't enough to stop this beast. You felt him slam you back to the ground, your head banging against one of the bookshelves - knocking you out for a moment.

When you came to, the Boss was on top of you, huffing warm breaths down onto your face...
") BossLose } } } } } else { msg ("This panther looked ready to pounce. You saw him rush you in slow-motion, and decided to dodge out of the way...

Too bad they saw that coming.

As soon as you got out of the way, you felt the panther hit you with the full force of all his weight, knocking you down to the ground with a painful THUD.

\"Nice try...\" the panther growled as he pinned you down on the ground, despite your best efforts to try and throw the beast off of you.") BossLose } } } ]]>
A sleek panther, currently wearing a tailored suit. Does not look happy to see you. Boss's stomach false the
The Boss rubbed at his gut as he felt you fill it out. He loved a nice, squirming meal, especially when they came right into his office. He pulled out his cellphone and continued the conversation you had interrupted. "Yes, I don't need lunch after all....*BUUUUUUUURPPP*! Oh, excuse me. As I was saying, I got delivery instead...I'll need some time to digest." he hung up as he rubbed at you again, laughing as he felt you push out weakly against his gut. "Ahh...now, you get it. You might have been smart enough to get all those tokens, but it doesn't matter once you're just more fat for me..." he teased as he gave his gut a pat.]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("The panther's gut is starting to become quite hostile to your continued existence. It's starting to churn heavily now, not helped by the panther's continuous rubbing of his gut. You think you can hear a conversation happening outside, but at this point you don't care...even survival isn't really on your mind at this point. Really, nothing is on your mind, the gut having sapped you of your energy to even think...all you can think about is the regret, of how close you were...but you couldn't finish the job. Surely this was what the panther was thinking, too, but instead of dwelling on it, he was reveling in his victory.
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("") msg ("") msg ("Your clothes had already melted away into the panther's gut, the loose slop of stomach muck at the pit of the panther's gut getting all over you as you struggle. Unfortunately, the belch the panther gave earlier made it difficult to breathe in this gut in the first place, and it was only getting harder as time went on. You were already feeling losing in your limbs, and most of what you could feel of your body was tingling. It didn't take long for you to lose consciousness inside the panther, lamenting what could have been as you slipped away.

On the outside, the panther was quite disappointed that you had already started digesting. He enjoyed having a squirming belly, and for you to stop your end of this job was quite...disconcerning, to say the least. But it's not like he could bring you back or anything. Instead, he reclined back in his chair, opting to replace the pleasant feeling of squirms with the pleasant feeling of his stomach gurgling yet another curious hotel patron into panther chub. He was still rubbing at it, feeling his gut shrink little by little as he felt his eyelids get heavy. He licked his lips, remembering your taste as he leaned back in his chair. It was another successful day on the job, after all, and he deserved a nap for all his hard work...

Some time later, the panther woke himself up with a long, wet belch. Flecks of drool splattered on his desk as the panther woke himself up, noticing his still-churning gut. He looked at the clock. He'd only been out for around an hour! \"Damn gassy preythings...\" he muttered before dozing off again, first making sure his door was locked before he did so. He didn't want any more interruptions while he slept off his latest catch...
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("The boss awoke some time later, his gut having shrunken considerably, enough that his suit fit just fine again. He rubbed at the latest addition to his paunch before swinging by the restroom next to his office. The private bathroom was quite ornate, complete with a high-capacity toilet for those...larger meals, which he sat down on, grunting as he worked the last of you out of him. He got up to look at his \"present\" before wiping with some ridiculously plush toilet paper (probably 16-ply or something like that), then flushed. He chortled as he realized how close you had come to figuring out the hotel's secret, only to end up in the plumbing lines, like every other prey that had just got eaten by the first pred they had come across...
") } msg ("
*You discovered the secret of The Hotel!...and the inside of a panther's gut...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. You push weakly at the gut, but it doesn't really give a response.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("
\"Aaah...you're gonna feel great padding out my gut~\" the panther says as he reclines back in his chair, enjoying your struggles.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("
\"And to think you were so close...\" the panther teased as he rubbed at his gut.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("
You heard the gut groan around you...before the panther belched wetly, the gut quickly constricting around you as the air in the chamber started to be depleted.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("
The stomach growls angrily at your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 6) { msg ("
\"I can feel you digesting away in there...how does it feel?\" the panther asks, somewhat rhetorically.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("
You only manage to make a slight bulge against the panther's chubby gut.") } else { msg ("
\"Keep struggling...it'll wear you out...\" the panther moans as he rubs his gut, feeling you start to digest away inside of him...") } ]]>
false the You are on false Open Close false the false Room 11 Door Look at Use Drop Open Close You turn the doorknob, finding the door unlocked. You go in to find...uh..Selicia! Halfway down a dragon cock! You hear the dragon moan as Selicia wiggles inside his cock, noticing (among other, more..prominent..things) his glowing, yellow flesh, and lack of eyes. Although, not being able to \"see\" wouldn't really matter, as he slurped up the salamander dragon into his cock, either not noticing or not caring that you walked in on his scene. Selicia was already up to her waist in dragon cock at this point, starting to bulge out the dragon's sac a little. She was quite long, after all, and it'd take a while to get all of her down...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) msg ("") } msg ("
Zark gave another moan as Selicia slipped deeper into his cock, the dragoness making a nice, slender bulge inside of his cock. Her shape made it almost impossible to struggle; Zark's ravenous cock was slurping her up like a long noodle, the dragoness's smooth body endeavoring to fight back...but with her forearms already locked inside, and her legs slowly following behind, it was quite hard to do much of anything besides wait...which is what she ended up doing. Soon, her head poked out into Zark's sac, the salty smell of cum hitting her like a smack in the face as the rest of her body continued to be clenched down by Zark's ravenous cock. All that was left at this point was the tail, a cakewalk compared to the rest of the dragoness. Zark lazily stroke at his cock with one hand, feeling at the bulges that Selicia made, as he played around with the tip of her tail, wrapping around his hand a bit before giving it a push, shoving the rest of the dragoness inside of his length. Ever so slowly, in fact, Zark quite enjoying this last part, sliding the dragoness's tail down his shaft. Eventually, the cock slit closed around the tip of Selicia's tail, locking the dragoness inside entirely...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) msg ("") } msg ("
Zark's sac started to swell out with the dragoness's form, Selicia wiggling mightily as she tried to get somewhat comfortable inside her tight, fleshy confines. The dragoness was around twice Zark's size, so his sac swelled up mightily to contain her, Zark himself almost touching the ceiling as he balanced on top of his swelled sac. He started rubbing at his length with both hands now, moaning weakly every time he gave that length one drawn-out rub. Eventually, Selicia's squirms died down, the bulges of her body rounding out somewhat as she was (rather noisily) digested up into dragon cum. The sac started to shrink too, albeit only a little, now that Selicia was more liquid than dragoness...it seemed like the sac had been far too tight and hot for the dragoness, because her squirms died down rather quickly...soon, the swollen sac rounded out completely, Selicia rendered into nothing but dragon cum at this point.

Zark started to stroke at his length quite earnestly now, feeling the dragoness melting away entirely into more cum...his sac became much more squishy, less bound by its contents at this point. Zark felt his orgasm rising, his balls begging to be emptied of their huge load...and then it came, sharp, gooey, hot loads of dragon seed being pumped out of Zark's length, slamming against the bedroom wall as Zark cried out in bliss. It almost seemed like the walls would break from the amount of force that these cumwads were being shot out at...and with the massive volume too, the whole wall ended up being soaked, cum slowly dripping down the walls and onto the floor, leaving a large puddle slowly staining the carpet...Zark came back down to earth slowly, his sac shrinking somewhat with every blast of cum that shot out of his cock. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a long bulge shot up his cock, the dragon almost screeching in pleasure as what looked to be a leg bone shot out of his cock slit, clanking against the floor, then another huge bulge that ended up being the skull of the dragoness, clattering against the wall before it landed on the floor, next to the leg bone. That was the last of his orgasm, the rest of it mostly being lazy drops of cum dripping out of Zark's sac as it finally shrunk down to normal...

Then, Zark looked at you. He didn't say anything, but you felt like he wanted you to leave...so you did.") Selicia.zarktrigger = 0 MakeObjectVisible (Room 11 Door 2) MakeObjectInvisible (Room 11 Door 1) MakeObjectInvisible (Selicia) } } } else { firsttime { picture ("zarknote.png") msg ("
There's a note stuck to the door. It's a crudely drawn picture of Selicia, with an arrow drawn from her to what looks like a cock. With a signature, too, from someone named \"Zark\". Looks like it was written in crayon or something.

Guess you should take this to her, then?") AddToInventory (ZarkNote) MakeObjectVisible (ZarkNote) } otherwise { msg ("Door's locked.") } } ]]>
Note false {img:zarknote.png} Look at Give msg ("That isn't Selicia!") msg ("That isn't Selicia!") You leave the note at the sleeping dragoness's feet. The movement is enough to make her wake up, first scowling at you, then looking down to see the note. Almost immediately Selicia gets on her feet, nearly bowling you over as she runs out of the cave.

You assume she's going back to see Zark. Then, you wonder how she'd even get back to the room...Ah, this place barely makes sense anyway.") Selicia.zarktrigger = 1 MoveObject (Selicia, Room 11) ]]>
false Open Close false the false false Room 11 Door Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 11) false {once:You open the door into...darkness. The entire room is pitch black. There's no echo in your voice, so you think it's a normal room, just...completely black. And silent. You can't even find the door behind you at this point.} You hear a loud creak from somewhere in the room.") } SetTurnTimeout (6) { msg ("
You feel something woosh past you! Gah, what the hell is going on here...") } SetTurnTimeout (9) { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You're wandering in the dark, before something hits you *hard*, bowling you over onto the floor. You open your eyes to see a glowing beast on top of you, the creature's fur glowing a dull yellow, illuminating the room (and itself) at least somewhat. The creature's mouth opens wide, showing off its glowing yellow insides, before giving your face a long, wet lick...Then you feel something wrap tightly around your feet, the creature moaning as he thrusts forward. You can't really see what's going on, even with the dull glow of the creature's fur, but you think that you're being slurped up into its cock! You bang your fists against the creature, but your arms are very quickly pinned down by the feral, giving you another wet lick as it thrusted forward again, your knees already locked inside of its cock! It was then you realized how similar it was to the creature you saw slurping up Selicia earlier...was this Zark? He was hungry for a cock meal again!? You silently complained about this creature's sexual appetite as Zark thrusted forward again, quickly pulling your waist into his cockslit...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You felt another moan as Zark thrusted forward again, the creature slowly taking his grip off of your pinned-down arms as he worked you deeper into his cock. You tried to hit at Zark, and succeeded in landing some blows, but you were already chest-deep in the creature's cock at this point, and the weak wiggles of your legs were accomplishing even less than your arms. Soon, another thrust pulled you in up to your shoulders, locking your arms upright as they tried to reach and hit at Zark. Looks like that wasn't the best idea, because you were now completely immobilized, only able to watch in the dim light as your body slowly made its way further down the dragon's shaft, every thrust pulling the thick shaft closer to you, gradually invading your field of vision entirely, until it was right up against your face. One thrust forced your neck down, popping your head inside of Zark's cock, the creature moaning in pleasure as he felt you slide entirely into his length. He reached a hand down to his cock, rubbing at the bulge you made as he masturbated, each clench of his cock pulling you deeper and deeper, until you felt your legs empty out into a somewhat more spacious area. The sac...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ZarkSac) } } } else { msg ("
You've been wandering in the dark for a while now. You think you've just gone in a circle, before something hits you *hard* from in front of you, a zigzag of yellow crossing your vision before it happened, knocking you over onto the floor. You feel something big land on top of you, and open your eyes to see some sort of beast, its fur glowing a dull yellow. The creature stared at you for a moment before opening its mouth, showing off its glowing, yellow innards, before its mouth suddenly swung down, your face smacking up against the beast's tongue! You tried to push if off of you, but the creature's ample weight had you pinned down, your arms stuck at your sides, unable to do anything as the creature worked its mouth around your head and shoulders, getting a decent amount of you inside. It was then that you realized how similar this creature looked to the one that had slurped up Selicia...was this Zark? He was hungry again!? You silently huffed at this creature's gluttony before you felt a deep *gulp* echoing around you, pulling you into Zark's glowing throat.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
The flesh inside of Zark gave you a decent view of where you were ending up; the yellow flesh extended down, down into the creature, a narrow opening that you were being pushed through apparent to your view as another gulp sucked you into the throat up to your waist. The pressure of Zark's body had lifted, replaced with the wet embrace of his maw as he licked around your waist and legs, getting little tastes at you before he gulped again. In almost no time at all, the hungry dragon had gulped you down up to your legs, leaving your feet awkwardly kicking outside of Zark's maw. It was obvious Zark didn't want to waste any time getting you inside of him, the creature feeling an emptiness in his gut that yearned to be filled...and so, he took one more gulp, wrapping his tongue around your feet before sending them down, lodging your whole body inside Zark's throat. You could see the approaching sphincter up ahead, a fleshy, puckered, yellow wall leading into the dragon's stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ZarkStomach) } } } } ]]>
false Zark's sac false
Outside, the bulge you made touched the ground, the sac walls outlining your form almost grotesquely. Zark stroked at his length with great fervor, moaning every time he felt you kick around in his sac. The temperature was already rising from his arousal, tiring you out...it wasn't looking good.
You are surrounded by The sac walls are quite literally starting to drip big globs of cum at this point. The stuff is drowning you out almost...not like you were much yourself at this point, anyway. What body parts weren't tingling had been completely dissolved into cum, for all you knew. You couldn't feel them, and the cum inside Zark's sac was certainly rising. It had to come from somewhere...not to mention you were quite tired at this point. The sac was just too cramped, taut, and hot to make you NOT want to pass out.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
The sac was just too much for you. Especially the heat, it gave you a pounding headache. Or what you could feel of the headache, anyway. Most of your body was just tingly nothingness at this point. All you knew was that you were tired, exhausted even, and so you slowly collapsed into the pool of cum you were bathing in, slowly becoming nothing but more orgasm fuel for the dragon.

The bulge you made inside Zark's sac slowly rounded out, the imprints you made giving way to the dull, rounded, full sloshings of a heavy, full sac, just waiting to be released. The sac walls relaxed, not being stretched as much now, and soon the sac became jiggly again, with no real solid matter inside to rest on or resist movement with. Zark poked at it cheekily with one claw-finger, confirming that you had been sloshed away into nothing but gooey cum...then, he really went to work on his cock, moaning with every stroke of his length as he thought about the amount of cum inside of him, just waiting to be released...it didn't take much stimulation for the dragon to blow his load, the dragon sitting on his butt as his orgasm came, hot ropes of seed shooting up into the air (occasionally splattering on Zark's muzzle or sac), spreading the gooey liquid nearly everywhere in the room. The liquid shot out with much force, some globs even managing to hit the ceiling, dripping down small drops of cum intermittently during the ordeal. The rounded-out sac was slowly being drained, slowly returning to its normal shape as Zark emptied himself occasionally, the dragon licking at his muzzle to pick up some cum that had splattered on his face....but soon, his orgasm died down, the hot shots of cum being reduced to dribblings of cum from the length. It wasn't as massive a load as Selicia was, but still incredibly satisfying nonetheless. Yes, Zark would have to do this more often...

*You got lost in the dark...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Taut, and producing cum at a worrying pace. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("All you really do is slosh around the cum inside the sac, getting even more of the sticky stuff on you.") } else if (random = 4) { msg ("You jostle around the sac a bit, but given you're already bulging it out so much, you don't make much of a difference outside.") } else if (random = 5) { msg ("The sac walls barely move or react to your struggles at all.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You try to push out against the sac, but all you do is make Zark's cock drip a little bit of pre.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("Zark doesn't even notice your struggles, the dragon too wrapped up in his own pleasure already for them to be more than pleasureable wigglings...") } else { msg ("You try to struggle, but you only wear yourself out. The heat in here is boggling...") } ]]>
Zark's stomach false the
Outside, Zark sighed as he felt you slide into his gut. You bulged out his midsection considerably, each of your wiggles pleasing Zark intensely. The dragon collapsed right where he had eaten you, curling up a little, feeling a bit tired after consuming such a large meal.]]>
You are surrounded by You can feel most of your body starting to tingle at this point. Your struggles had worn you out considerably, and you weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to survive inside the dragon's gut. Every movement you made only seemed to expedite your digestion, making the walls close and clench harder around you, tightening up the chamber, almost like they were angry at the audacity of trying to escape...

Outside, Zark was starting to fall asleep, the bulge in his stomach somewhat rounding out as your struggles became less and less noticeable.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You were completely worn out by this point. It had become difficult to even lightly push against the stomach walls, or to adjust yourself. The stomach acids had really started to work into your skin as well, most of your body either tingling or numb at this point. Your body was collapsed against the stomach walls, tired out, the stomach having defeated you. You felt your eyelids get heavier, before they dropped over your eyes like curtains, your consciousness gradually fleeting from you...

Zark heard his stomach groan loudly as it started to really get to work at his meal, the glrrrn actually snapping Zark out of his little nap. He gave his gut a little lick as he felt (and saw) the bulge slowly rounding out, his stomach noisily working away at the catch inside. The feeling felt so divine, and big meals always made him sleepy...so eventually, he slipped back into sleep, at least for the moment, listening to his stomach gurgle and groan as it digested up what was left of you.

Soon, the squirming, active bulge was reduced to nothing more but a fat paunch for the dragon, resting comfortably on the floor as Zark snoozed you off. The gut rumbled loudly, before Zark felt something foreign and hard surge up his throat. His lips blew open with a deep belch, then something a bit more solid, the dragon belching up a couple of bones that clanked on the floor in front of him, dripping stomach fluids. He would clean them up later...maybe. For now, his nap called again...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Zark awoke sometime later, noticing the bones still in front of him, now dried of the stomach fluids that had coated them. They reminded him that he needed to dispose of the rest of you, as well, and so he did, walking to a specific corner of the room and squatting down before relieving himself of you. He grabbed the bones in his mouth, as well, and placed them near the pile, in an arrangement of sorts. He was sure that if you were around, you'd find it quite funny.") } msg ("
*You got lost in the dark...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Glowing yellow, and secreting a lot of gross stomach fluids. ") } } else if (random = 5) { msg ("Your hand makes a small imprint on Zark's belly, but doesn't really get a reaction from the dragon.") } else if (random = 6) { msg ("You felt Zark nose at the place you had pushed out on.") } else if (random = 7) { msg ("The belly groaned angrily at you in response to your struggles.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("The stomach barely moves in response to your struggles. Are you even making any imprints?") } ]]>
false Zark's sac The two of you were in it together now, though. Packed away inside musky dragon balls, the walls squeezing and rubbing against every side of Selicia’s body, bathing the dragoness in virile dragon seed. Already the process of digestion was starting to kick in, spurred on by Zark stroking up and down his leaking, throbbing shaft, making it even more humid and musky inside of here than it already was! Would you be able to escape in between Selicia melting into cum and you doing the same…? You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("It was impossible. It really was. You were so beat up from being constantly squished and squeezed and pressed through dragoness bowels, that you really had no hope of escaping Selicia, let alone Zark. Everything was so hot and wet and tight, constantly draining your strength and making it harder and harder to stay conscious...and you weren't even melting into cum yet! The thick cum was definitely coming close to you, though, Selicia steadily melting minute by minute and adding to Zark's full, sloshing balls...it was a miracle you even had anything to breathe inside of here at this point, no matter how thick and musky it was! At some point, you DID feel the warm, thick cum starting to rub against your body, your form steadily being submerged into the sloshing cum pool as Selicia started to near the end of her transition into dragon cum...Zark's balls were starting to shrink ever-so-slightly, the bulgy sac rounding out and steadily turning into wonderful, soft cum-filled pillows for the dragon to rest atop of and enjoy! Ultimately, the dragon was looking to empty all of that fresh cream out onto the floor of this hotel room, and you were just caught up in it…

Eventually, the dragoness you were inside of fully melted away, submerging you into a bubbling pool of fresh, musky jizz that you were completely surrounded by. The transition was so surprising, considering you still didn't know exactly where you were, and you managed to swim through the thick stuff and get your head above the water line for a few brief moments…but you were already so weak, and the digestive cum was already starting to melt you away just as it had done to the dragoness, and you still had so much more work to do if you wanted to escape...it only took a minute or so for a good part of you to melt into the sloshing cum, your consciousness quickly fading away as Zark came closer and closer to his orgasm…

The dragon's sac had downsized considerably from when Selicia was still squirming around inside of it, but those pillows were still quite round and sloshy, and were only getting more so as Zark continued jerking himself off! The dragon made all sorts of feral, guttural noises as he really started to get into it now, the field all that fresh jizz sloshing around inside of him driving the dragon absolutely mad. He had been working his shaft for quite a while now, and now that most of the contents of his balls were nice and liquefied, the dragon was getting quite close to his orgasm. The tip of his shaft was practically drooling onto the floor, a sizable puddle of virile dragon seed already forming before the dragon even came…!

But, speaking of cumming, that only happened a few moments later. Zark roared in primal pleasure as he felt what was left of you and Selicia rushing up out of his balls, a thick glob of fresh spunk shooting out of Zark’s cock and splattering onto the floor, joining the rest of the precum he had been leaking out for the past few minutes...though none of that pre ended up splattered on the wall in front of the dragon, and the load he was blasting out certainly did! Rope after rope of thick cream blasted out of the dragon’s shaft, coating the floor, the walls, even a little bit of the ceiling in front of the dragon! Zark's sac shrank a little bit with every shot of cum, the dragon slowly returning to Earth from atop his swollen, sloshing sac...soon, Zark had mostly emptied himself out, the fruits of his labor absolutely covering nearly every part of this hotel room by the time he was done. The dragon was left a panting, completely satisfied puddle, laying in a puddle of his own lust. He had melted down an entire dragon into nothing but an orgasm...and he wasn't even aware that there was a little stowaway that just contributed to his load as well! Zark just left you and Selicia cooling on the floor as a powerful exhaustion came over him, the dragon falling asleep in his wonderfully redecorated room...

*You were not only a dragoness snack, but orgasm fuel...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Cummy. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Your squirms couldn't even get Selicia to release her hold on you, let alone Zark!") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Feeling you wiggle inside of her bowels just excited Selicia even further, her aroused squirming stimulating Zark's sac into releasing even more of the musky, creamy cum that was starting to melt both of you down.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Every time you thought the bowels were loose enough to allow some escape, as soon as you moved, they clenched tight around you once more!") } else { msg ("It was impossible for you to make any sort of squirms that actually got you anywhere but deeper into Selicia…") }
Room 11 false
A large, brown river otter, dressed in the familiar grey outfit of Hotel workers. It doesn't fit him very well, though... The river otter looks a bit startled that you would talk to him, before his face slowly glossed into a comforting smile. \"Oh, uh, hello...\" he starts. \"I'm George, and I work at the hotel. This one. This hotel.\" He pauses a bit before asking you a question.") Ask ("\"Do you need help?\"") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, what do you need help with?\" he asks before looking you over. \"Oh no, I think I'm pretty sure I know what you're asking about. One of those nasty preds tried to gobble you up, right? Trying to get away from them?\"") Ask ("Is that it?") { if (result) { msg ("
\"Ah, perfect. Well, I'm just the guy to come to! Follow along, I'll lead you someplace safe...\"

The otter turns around and walks down the hallway, making a left. You follow behind, somewhat hesitantly, not sure where you were being led to. You didn't trust many people in this hotel, but George seemed nice, almost aloof...The river otter keys open a room, revealing a hotel room similar to yours.

\"Every worker at the hotel gets their own room. This is mine, so nobody in here is gonna try to get you...\" George said as he walked into the kitchen, coming out rather quickly with two glasses of water as you sat down at a table in the room. \"Now,\" George said as he sat at the opposite side of the table, sliding a glass over to you. \"Tell me about it.\"

You were rather thirsty, so you took a swig from the water before you started talking. You don't know at what point during your talk you started feeling tired, but you were feeling REALLY tired now. So tired in fact, you fell forward, knocking your head against the table. If you hadn't already fallen asleep, you probably would have knocked yourself out from the head bang...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You came to sometime later, still in that same chair. But, when you tried to move your arms, you found that they were tied to your body! You weren't tied up against the chair, but you were still bound by some ropes, binding your arms at your sides and your legs together. The only movement you could muster was a weak wiggle...and that's when you notice George in front of you. Or, rather, the river otter's quite large rump, hovering mere inches from your face. You tried to yell, but then you noticed the gag in your mouth as well, stopping you from crying out. \"Oh, wake up, did we?\" you heard George's voice again, from somewhere in front of you. \"Well, that's even better, then. I can feel you squirming up there even more vigorously~\" you heard the otter said before his rump plunged against your face, your nose instantly popping past his pucker, with your whole face following soon. You could hear a guttural moan from the otter as his pucker continued to expand around your face. You couldn't stop the rump's advancement at all, the pucker quickly sliding down around your head as the otter put more and more pressure on his hips, your body easily sliding up into the otter's experienced pucker. The inside of the otter's bowels was rather slick, a faint musty smell wafting from deeper within the otter as you slid further in. It really didn't take much effort for George at all...apparently he was pretty good at this. How'd you ever fall for this, anyway?") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } wait { msg ("
You heard a *pop* around you as the pucker expanded around your shoulders, George groaning with pleasure as he worked his way around the widest part of your body. \"Nngh...I can already tell you're gonna look great on these hips~\" he teased before giving another push, his rump sliding down all the way to your chest, and still going quite quickly. You could feel George slowly lift his rump up, pulling your waist and legs up into the air, straightening them out so he could clench them in more effectively...and, yes, you soon felt a mightly clench around your midsection, pulling your waist in, leaving your knees teasing at the otter's pucker. Even if you could kick your legs, it wouldn't do anything at this point, the otter had just too much leverage...you felt another clench pull you deeper, your feet slowly slipping past the meaty pucker, locking you fully inside the otter...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GeorgeBowels) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh? If that's not it, then what's the problem?\"

{command:ask George about tokens: Ask George about tokens?}") } } } else { msg ("
\"Ah. Well, then, be on your way, then. If you ever need help, though, feel free to come to me!\" He says before stepping around you to continue his \"patrol\".") } } ]]>
You tentatively follow the otter as he turns around to lead you to this presumed token. He was walking strangely proudly, looking like his chest was puffed up or something...it was just a minor detail, though. It didn’t take long before the two of you reached a corner, you being far enough behind George that he was able to completely disappear behind the corner before you could even round it. You tried to catch up a bit, though, and started to round the corner, before you caught a glimpse of George - that was, before his outstretched paw covered your mouth with some sort of cloth. You instinctively inhale, in what was perhaps a gasp, before you could feel your eyelids drooping over your eyes, your whole world quickly going black…") wait { msg ("
The first thing you noticed when you came to was the immense pressure surrounding your face. It felt like you were being smothered by an incredibly weighty pillow! Almost immediately, like out of some primal reaction, you started struggling underneath the weight, feeling like your air supply was about to be cut off entirely by this thing. It took a few seconds for you to take in the rest of your environment; whatever was on top of you was close enough to pretty much black out your vision entirely, but you could certainly still smell it. It was an odd mix of scent; a distinct, yet faint waft of ammonia, mostly overpowered by a strong, musky, heady smell emanating from whatever was on top of you.

Your struggles were almost immediately cut off by an increase in the pressure on your face. You had already started doing the math, but your hypothesis was confirmed after you heard a familiar voice coming from above you. “Ah, awake already? I knew those smelling salts would do the trick…” George teased, feeling you squirming delightfully underneath his rump. Smelling salts - that was the ammonia you caught a whiff of! Indeed, George had a package of the salts hanging off of his erect shaft, dangling right down onto your chest as the otter pinned you underneath his rear. You would congratulate yourself on your deductive skills, but you currently had a much more pressing situation to get yourself out of…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You continued struggling under George’s rump for quite some time...but without any real result. The otter had your upper body pinned completely, and your legs couldn’t exactly kick up to hit the otter, considering you were lying on your back. You could hear the otter chuckle as you wore yourself out, before he started grinding down on your face harder, bringing your nose and face closer to his fleshy pucker, the source of the musky scent that currently dominated your sense of smell. “Damn, that was easy...I could just eat you, but considering I have you completely at my mercy…” George teased, accentuating that last part with another grinding of his rump on your face, “I think I’ll have a bit more fun with ya. But first…” you heard him say again, before pressing his rump even harder down onto your face. You thought you were going to pass out again, the musky odor enveloping you as George grinded on your face some more...before you felt your nose rubbing up against his pucker, the fleshy ring slowly yawning open to accept it, the flesh quickly wrapping around any inch it was given.

You could already feel George clenching around your nose as he started to pull you deeper, the sphincter slowly opening to accept the rest of your face despite your best struggles. Already you could tell where that musk was coming from, the heady odor emanating from deeper in the otter, getting stronger and stronger as you got more...intimate with the otter’s rear. You could feel George’s ass already starting to grasp at you, the rippling flesh clenching around your face and head and pulling it deeper quite easily. It was pretty easy for you to slip in with how slick the otter’s bowel walls were; they were almost unusually slick, like he had lubed up beforehand or something…

You could hear George moaning as he started to take you in, the otter gladly stroking at his erect length as the smelling salts still dangled from his shaft. With how slick the otter’s bowels were, your body slid up in almost no time at all. George had a hand on your back, trying to push you up deeper, but honestly, he didn’t really need it - the grabby clenches of his body were more than enough to get you where you were going (whether you liked it or not). You could feel the sphincter impossibly stretching around your shoulders, the slick flesh expanding over them like they were no problem. That was what really scared you - your last resort was a now-futile hope that the otter couldn’t take your shoulders in. That hope was quickly dashed as you felt your shoulders sliding up into the musky, warm embrace, George moaning loudly as his pucker started moving down your chest...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
George stopped clenching as hard as you were around halfway into his rump. You were starting to feel a bit woozy at this point, the pounding heat and powerful stench draining your body of any energy. You hoped he was having second thoughts, but then you felt some movement outside, the otter raising his rump off the ground somewhat, leaving the rest of your body awkwardly dangling outside of his rump. You felt one of the otter’s hands reaching around to grip your side, holding you steady as your feet felt ground again. At this point, you were (rather awkwardly) standing up inside George’s rump, your struggling reinvigorated by the otter’s movement. The bowel walls were still locktight around your body, preventing most of those struggles, but you weren’t going anywhere at the moment.

You heard the otter’s voice again, more muffled behind layers of flesh, muscle, and fat, but still at least partially intelligible. “Hah...time for the fun part…” you heard him pant, before suddenly, you felt the flesh rippling around you again...but this time, in the opposite direction? Yes, you were coming back out, the otter gripping you strongly as he lifted his rear up and off of your erect body, using you like...like some sort of dildo! You could hear George huffing and panting as he did it - even with all the lube, you were still quite the large sex toy, and it was pretty difficult to pull you out, seeing as you were already lodged so deep inside, but the otter was trying anyway...and he was definitely succeeding. You felt your chest hit the cold outside air again, coated in lube and bowel juices. Soon after, your shoulders slid out, accompanied by a powerful, primal roar of a moan from George which practically shook the bowels around you. You were barely even aware of the fact you were coming back out before you did, your head sliding out of the otter’s pucker with a wet *pop!*.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, true) } wait { msg ("
“Hah...this is what..I was talking about…” George groaned as he gripped at your side, still stroking at his throbbing cock with his other hand. Your neck was still tilted up, looking at George’s gaping rear as it hovered menacingly over you, pucker yawned wide to accept your body again. You didn’t have much time to attempt escape, or even really look at the otter’s rump, before it dropped down around you again, your whole body sliding back in up to your chest with one lewd, wet *sqlch*! You slid straight past the pucker, the rippling walls barely even registering on your skin as you were pushed back inside. You had some time to notice that you were even deeper into the otter’s rump before you heard another guttural, rumbling moan from George, and another hip movement, George digging his fingers into your side to make sure you didn’t go anywhere as he slid his hips up again, the cool air of the hotel room once again greeting your used body.

“HAAaaaaaaAAaaahhh...so good…” George moaned loudly, his mouth practically hanging open as he felt you slide out of his bowels again. Your head slit out of the pucker again, the fleshy ring perfectly stretched out to your form, George not bothering (or able?) to shut it at this point. You barely had time to breathe before George plunged his rump down again, the otter practically shuddering as he took more and more of you in. While the first time, you only slid in a little bit deeper, you could DEFINITELY notice the change now, the otter’s pucker nibbling at your knees after George was done pushing you in. “F...fuck…” you heard the otter moan as he started moving his hips up and down, just a bit this time. You could feel the flesh sliding up and down your body as George moved his hips, moving a bit slower as he took a “break”, so to speak. He felt his orgasm coming on, his cock practically begging to explode at this point, but he didn’t want to orgasm quite yet. Your squirms were simply delectable, and he knew once he orgasmed, the clenches of his body would lock you away for good…") wait { msg ("
However, George’s break was short lived. The otter took a deep breath before he started lifting his hips up again, even quicker at this point. The rump practically slid past you, the pucker brushing past everything from your shoulders to your ankles as George eagerly rode you. You got the impression he probably couldn’t handle feeling those shoulders sliding out again, so he didn’t give you a chance to breathe this time around, electing to just slide up to your shoulders, then quickly sitting down back to your knees, and eventually even your ankles, the otter’s pucker brushing up against your feet at one point. You were officially just a sex toy at this point, with no say in what was happening; you were pretty sure even if you squirmed, the otter would barely be able to feel it, as he was just so lost in the throes of pleasure at this point…

Eventually, the hip thrusts became almost confusingly quick and long. You could hear constant huffs of pleasure from the otter now; he was approaching orgasm, and he wasn’t backing down at this point! Instead he was just pushing further, hoping for his firehose cock to blow so he could experience the absolutely divine feeling of you sliding up into him permanently alongside an earth-shattering orgasm…") wait { msg ("
You felt the flesh clenching around you for the first time in a while as George finally reached orgasm. His body lurched and spasmed as cum rushed out of his throbbing cock, splattering against the floor and even managing to make it to the wall opposite him! It was a wonderfully, powerfully messy and voluminous orgasm, George practically falling down onto his rump as he clenched. It was so quick, both the clenches and George’s final sit, that you barely realized your feet had been slurped up into the bowels, the unfamiliar sensation lost behind the absolute chaos of George’s orgasm...Your body practically disappeared into George’s rump, the clenches blasting you past the first couple of turns of his intestines, lodging you firmly inside of him before his orgasm finally died down, leaving you as a struggling, pleasant-feeling belly bulge the otter could rub and tease at as he basked in his afterglow…

“....Ho...holy fuck…” George sputtered as he leaned up against the wall. His cock was still dripping cum even as it started to soften, a solid line of white, musky otter cum splattered across the floor and wall, practically dividing the room in two. He noticed the squirming bulge in his gut, gradually traveling further inside of the otter. “Hah...told...you it’d be...fun….” he gasped as he rubbed at his gut, feeling your occasional squirms from inside. ") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } wait { George.AV2 = 1 MoveObject (player, GeorgeBowels) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("You decide to not follow the otter, who stops shortly after. \"Oh, uh...guess you don't want to, after all? That's fine...\" he says before slowly resuming his patrol.") } } ]]>
George's bowels false You are surrounded by
Outside, George moaned as he felt his rump meet with the chair, finally being able to sit down again as he rubbed and cradled at his now-full gut, clenching occasionally to pull you deeper. Each clench rippled the flesh around you, shooting you deeper into the otter's bowels, like somebody from behind had just given you a massive push...!") } ]]>
You've been winding through the otter's bowels for quite a long time now. You can hear the gentle gurglings of his stomach getting steadily louder, a good measurement of your \"progress\" inside the otter's tumultuous intestines. You still don't really want to think about where you're ending up, though...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } if (George.AV2 = 1) { msg ("
It seemed like an eternity before you felt your head bump up against some sort of fleshy wall. Then, with another clench from George, the wall slowly parted, revealing itself to be a sphincter; in fact, THE sphincter you were waiting for, the one connecting to the stomach...one more clench pushed your head through, the sickeningly sweet smell of the organ hitting your nose almost immediately, making you gag a little bit. A few more clenches pushed the rest of your body out into the stomach, the chamber far more roomy than the bowels..but it wasn't like you could struggle, anyway. The stomach walls were quite tight around you, making it so you had to curl up in the otter's stomach, even considering the difference in space between the bowels and the stomach.") } else { msg ("
It seemed like an eternity before you felt your head bump up against some sort of fleshy wall. Then, with another clench from George, the wall slowly parted, revealing itself to be a sphincter; in fact, THE sphincter you were waiting for, the one connecting to the stomach...one more clench pushed your head through, the sickeningly sweet smell of the organ hitting your nose almost immediately, making you gag a little bit. A few more clenches pushed the rest of your body out into the stomach, the chamber far more roomy than the bowels..but it wasn't like you could struggle, anyway. The ropes binding your body still held fairly strongly, making it quite hard for you to even move around inside the otter's stomach. Instead, the stomach walls did that for you, their constant kneading tossing you around like a doll, rubbing stomach fluids into every crevice of your body.") } MoveObject (player, GeorgeStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. if (George.AV2 = 1) { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You try to struggle in the otter's tight bowels, but the flesh really prevents you from doing anything more than a wiggle.") } else { msg ("\"Keep struggling...that's why I pulled ya out, anyway. Keeps ya wiggling longer...\" George teased as he rubbed over the bulge you made in his gut, giving it a dense pat as well that echoed around you.") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("Your rope bindings essentially bar you from struggling entirely.") } else { msg ("You can't struggle at all, but you can still hear the otter's voice echoing around you. \"Keep wiggling...at least try, anyway~\" you heard him tease.") } }
George's stomach false You are surrounded by
Outside, George releases a loud belch before noticing his length, still throbbing, this time against the bulge you made in his gut. \"Well, I guess I could go for round 2...\" the otter teased before he laid back against the wall, one hand jerking at his length casually as he rubbed at his squirming gut with his other hand. Truly, this was bliss for the otter. You, not so much...") } else { msg ("George's stomach is considerably more roomy than his bowels, but that doesn't help much, considering it's still trying to digest you. You can feel the ropes binding you starting to digest just a little bit, but they're still holding you rather tightly...

Outside, George releases a loud belch before noticing his throbbing length. \"Oh, I'm always down for a bit of 'celebration'...\" the otter teased before he laid back in the chair, one hand jerking at his length casually as he rubbed at his squirming gut with his other hand. Truly, this was bliss for the otter. You, not so much...") } ]]>
You've expended quite a bit of your energy trying to struggle out of the otter's gut. Honestly, it was becoming pretty difficult to move around. The vigorous dildo session George gave you really wore you out...you were starting to feel physically sore from the whole ordeal. Or maybe that was the tingling of the stomach acids...? Either way, it kinda hurt.") } else { msg ("
You've expended quite a bit of your energy trying to push out against the ropes constraining you. You could feel them starting to give away, if only you pushed anymore...yes! The thick strands finally snap, one by one, you eagerly throwing off the ropes across the stomach as you go to wholeheartedly struggling against the stomach walls, trying to get George to spit you up. Was it too late, though...?") Rope.digested = 1 } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } if (George.AV2 = 1) { msg ("
The otter's bowels were already an ordeal enough; the stomach was just wearing you out more. You were already quite tired, and you could feel various parts of your body tingling and losing feeling. Especially your mind; while not physically tingling, you certainly felt like it was being numbed by the environment of the stomach. The constant smells, sounds, and heat were doing a toll on your body. You resolved to fight to the end, but eventually you couldn't muster it, losing consciousness inside of the otter's stomach...

George was midway through his masturbation session when he heard his gut groan rather loudly. \"Looks like they're done in there...\" he said before he gave his gut an earnest pat, feeling the sloshing mass inside of it slowly start to digest down into something more liquid. At the same time, he started to pump at his length harder, enamored with the sensation of digestion. He felt so full, so wholly full, and that set him off wonderfully...he had already been edging himself for a bit while you gurgled down, but now he was really going at it, and so his orgasm soon came. While not as voluminous as the first time, it was still quite powerful, the otter shooting hot, sticky ropes of seed against the wall, the cum splats dripping down them and staining the floor. It seemed that George had been looking for the perfect squirmy, meaty dildo...it was just bad luck that it ended up being you.

\"Haah...I need to do that more often...\" George moaned as he came down from his orgasm, the otter's length still dripping a bit of seed as he collapsed against the wall. He was already lounging in post-orgasm bliss, and could have fallen asleep right then and there, but decided to expend the energy to at least walk to his bed before passing out, rubbing and massaging at his groaning gut as it broke you down into more and more otter...
") } else { msg ("
It had already been incredibly difficult to struggle out of those rope constraints, and the otter's stomach walls themselves weren't any easy task, either. You were already quite tired, and you could feel various parts of your body tingling and losing feeling. Especially your mind; while not physically tingling, you certainly felt like it was being numbed by the environment of the stomach. The constant smells, sounds, and heat were doing a toll on your body. You resolved to fight to the end, but eventually you couldn't muster it, losing consciousness inside of the otter's stomach...

George was midway through his masturbation session when he heard his gut groan rather loudly. \"Looks like they're done in there...\" he said before he gave his gut an earnest pat, feeling the sloshing mass inside of it slowly start to digest down into something more liquid. At the same time, he started to pump at his length harder, enamored with the sensation of digestion. He felt so full, so wholly full, and that set him off wonderfully...he had already been edging himself for a bit while you gurgled down, but now he was really going at it, and so his orgasm soon came, the otter shooting hot, sticky ropes of seed against the wall, the cum splats dripping down them and staining the floor. Every shot was so powerful, and with so much cum coming out...it was quite clear that George had been pent up for a while, looking for the perfect snack. It was just bad luck that it ended up being you.

\"Haah...I need to do that more often...\" George moaned as he came down from his orgasm, the otter's length still dripping a bit of seed as he collapsed against the chair. He was already lounging in post-orgasm bliss, and could have fallen asleep right then and there, but decided to expend the energy to at least walk to his bed before passing out, rubbing and massaging at his groaning gut as it broke you down into more and more otter...
") } if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { if (George.AV2 = 1) { msg ("
George awoke the next morning, one last belch slipping out of his mouth before he felt a familiar pang in his lower bowels. He practically jumped out of bed and went into the restroom, squatting down on the toilet as he relieved himself of your remains. \"Ugh....at least they helped loosen me up...\" he said as he looked over the pile he had left, before flushing it all away. He found that butt-snacks often helped stretch him out a bit, and you definitely did a good job, considering how long you were sliding in and out of him...") } else { msg ("
George awoke the next morning, one last belch slipping out of his mouth before he felt a familiar pang in his lower bowels. He practically jumped out of bed and went into the restroom, squatting down on the toilet as he relieved himself of your remains. \"Ugh....glad that rope didn't show up...\" he said as he looked over the pile he had left, before flushing it all away. He's had bad experiences with ropes before, and made sure to buy ones made out of easily-digestible materials to avoid a potentially painful and embarrassing aftermath...") } } msg ("
*You took the bait...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach walls push back against your every blow, like some sort of weird trampoline, bouncing you backwards every time you push against them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You only succeed in covering yourself in more of the stomach's juices, the slimy, runny stuff getting all over your hands and arms, running down them, as well.") } else { msg ("\"Ah, you feel great in there...\" George moans, patting his gut as he feels you squirm inside. The pats jostle you around a bit, making you lose your footing in the stomach.") } } else { if (Rope.digested = 0) { msg ("You can't struggle at all, the ropes are binding you too tightly...") } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You try to push out against the stomach walls, but soon you hear a loud belch from the otter, and they constrict against you even harder.") msg ("") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach walls push back against your every blow, like some sort of weird trampoline, bouncing you backwards every time you push against them.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You only succeed in covering yourself in more of the stomach's juices, the slimy, runny stuff getting all over your hands and arms, running down them, as well.") } else { msg ("\"Ah, you feel great in there...\" George moans, patting his gut as he feels you squirm inside. The pats jostle you around a bit, making you lose your footing in the stomach.") } } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 12) false It's a pretty standard-looking hotel room. false bathroom You open the door into the bathroom. You had heard somebody showering when you entered the room, and your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the shadow of a taur in the shower curtain, scrubbing up as the water ran down their body. “Hello? Who’s there?” a feminine voice called from inside. You didn’t respond, and after a few seconds you saw the curtain draw back to reveal an alpacataur. “Oh, thank heavens. I thought it’d be someone dangerous…” she starts. “The name’s Addison...do you think you could do me a favor?”") Ask ("Help her out?") { if (result) { msg ("
You nod to the alpacataur’s request. “Oh, thank you so much. You see, I can’t really wash...uh...back there..” she makes what she’s talking about clear with an exaggerated wiggle of her rump. “If you could take a sponge and help me out back there, that would be great.” She grabs a sponge off the shower rack and hands it to you. “You should probably get undressed, yourself…”

Sponge in hand, clothes on the floor, you get in the shower behind Addison. Her pucker and slit are on full display, practically inviting you into them as you rub and wash under her tail and along her rear. Occasionally you brush past her slit, making the alpaca blush and moan slightly with every stimulation. You take your time washing her up, but it seems like you’re just making her more aroused…!") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } wait { if (RandomChance(33)) { msg ("
In one swift movement, Addison presses her rump down on your hand, the appendage slipping wrist deep into her slit! You can only hear a moan from the alpacataur as your hand slides up into her vagina, as she starts baring her weight down on you, leaving your hand with nowhere to go with up. In no time at all, despite your best struggles, you’re arm deep into Addison’s vagina, the powerful flesh clenching and pulling you deeper, your head hovering just outside of the awaiting slit, and your other arm trapped at your side as the slit clenches around your shoulders. WIth nowhere to go but up, your head slides into Addison’s slit, the alpacataur moaning as she feels her flesh stretching around your head.

The flesh around you feels like it’s crushing you, and her clenches aren’t helping that feeling, either. Each clench sucks you deeper like a vacuum, your body making rapid progress into Addison’s womb. In no time at all, the slit is expanded around your waist, Addison crying out in pleasure as she feels your body starting to be pulled deeper and deeper into her sex. If you could struggle, it’d probably drive her insane...but you are definitely in no position to struggle, the walls are just too tight to allow any movement from you at all. You just thank the stars you can even breathe in here…") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You feel Addison moving around you, walking backwards a bit, bumping her rear up against the wall of the shower. You feel your feet pressed flat against the wall, and hear a powerful moan around you as Addison pushes against it, like your legs were some kind of suction-cupped dildo against the wall...this is getting the rest of you in quite quickly, though, and in what seemed like no time at all the slit is closing its lips around your feet, locking you away from the outside world...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, AddieWomb) } } } else if (RandomChance(33)) { msg ("
In one swift movement, Addison presses her rump down on your hand, which easily slips straight past the alpacataur's pucker! You can feel Addie's body shudder around your hand as it slips further, the alpaca starting to sway and grind her hips a bit as the flesh inside clenches around your hand, dragging you deeper into her. Her flesh holds tight against your every struggle, each movement seeming to actually bury you deeper into that fleshy cavern...soon, your shoulder is bumping up against Addie's rump, forcing your head to rub up against her slit and pucker as you still try to get away. You don't have many places to go, though, Addie's continued clenching pulling your head ever closer to her yawning pucker, until...


Addie groans in pleasure as she feels your head start to slide up into her pucker, struggling to stay on her feet as she feels you start to bulge out her rump. Your shoulders are locked at your sides as Addie continues to clench you deeper into her body, making it nigh impossible for you to struggle with your arms out of commission. No, you can only wiggle inside the hot, tight cavern you're being shoved into in a desperate attempt to try and slide your way back out into the outside world...but no dice. Every time you move you feel Addison clench around your body in pleasure, only serving to pull you deeper into her.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You were slurped up to your waist at this point, over half your body trapped deep in Addison's winding bowels. You started to feel the world around you shake somewhat as Addie backed up a bit, forcing what was left of your body (namely your legs) up against the back of the shower wall. Your feet end up flat against the wall, and then start to slide up deeper into Addison, the alpaca grunting and moaning as she slowly pushed herself further down your legs, using the wall as a sort of brace...it was working, as you were sliding up into and stretching out Addison's bowels with relative ease! Soon, you could feel her tail brushing up against your feet, the rest of your body trapped inside...with a few clenches and more backing up, your feet disappeared to, Addison sighing heartily as she felt her pucker clench around your feet, locking you inside her winding intestines...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, AddieBowels) } } } else { msg ("
Addie manages to fight back her lust, though, letting you finish washing up her rear as she washes her front. \"T-thank you...\" she says as you finish up, \"and sorry about the scare. But I'm a bit...sensitive...back there...\" she continues, turning off the faucet and stepping out of the shower. \"I think we should maybe...talk sometime.\" she says, before stepping out of the bathroom.") } } } else { msg ("\"Oh. That's fine...\" the alpacataur says, sounding noticeably disappointed. \"Then leave, if you could. I'd like some privacy...\"") MoveObject (player, Room 12) } } ]]>
Addie's womb false The tightness of your enclosure cannot really be understated. The walls prevent all forms of movement, forcing you to curl up weakly inside the womb as fluids start to fill the chamber. Already, you’re feeling a weak tingling throughout your body, as Addison “enjoys” your squirms deep within her body. You can’t see, but she has her tail firmly in between her lips as she moves her rump around, grinding it up against her slit somewhat. It’s somewhat hackneyed, but it’s clearly working, from what you can tell of the rising heat in her womb... It is nearly impossible to move. The heat in the womb is really starting to rise as Addison gets herself worked up. She’s starting to move her rump faster now, grinding heavily up against her tail as her rump is firmly planted against the wall. It was quite an odd, and powerful, sensation for the alpacataur, certainly boosted by the wriggling bulge inside of her.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { msg ("
Some time passes, before you hear Addison’s voice echoing around you for the first time. “My apologies..I got a little too excited. I am wondering, though, would you like to stay inside? I can let you out right now, if that option isn’t attractive...you should know that, if you decide to stay inside, you won't come out in the same form, though...”") Ask ("Stay inside of Addie?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
“Oh, really? Well, I guess you want to be cum then...it was nice knowing you~” Addison teased before you felt the womb start to get a lot warmer, the alpacataur’s arousal clearly on the uptick, somehow. The fluids started to come quicker as well, flooding out the chamber and making your body even more tingly than it was before. You had been wondering where these fluids were coming from, until you tried to move your arms and legs and noticed...you couldn’t. Or at least, you couldn’t feel them moving. What you didn’t know is that they were already starting to melt away into more alpaca cum, ready to fuel Addison’s orgasm...luckily, you weren’t around for much longer to actually experience that, the pounding heat and tight walls slowly taking away your strength, before you finally gave in and slipped away…

Addison barely noticed that the struggles you were making had died down as she ground against her tail, moaning every time the tail brushed past her lips...it didn’t take much for her to cum, moaning in pleasure as she felt that femcum rushing out of her slit and splashing against the shower floor and wall. You had ended up as quite a large load of cum, and Addison definitely noticed how long her orgasm was, even though the cum ended up washed away just like the rest of the water she was using to shower...eventually her orgasm started to die down, though, the rest of the cum idly dripping out of her slit as she reveled in her post-orgasm bliss.

“Aah...what a wonderful toy~” she commented before getting back to work on her shower, scrubbing up a bit before finishing up and stepping out. That bit of play had honestly tired her out quite a bit...a nap was starting to sound pretty nice.") msg ("
*You helped a taur out...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else { msg ("
“Oh, all right...well, I’ll give it my best try…” Addison responded. The heat in the womb was already quite suffocating, but it picked up as the apacataur was getting more and more aroused, the fluids increasing in volume as well as they started to flow out of her slit freely. Now, it was quite clear that she was really getting off, lewd huffs and moans accompanying the flush of fluids that threatened to drown you out...you felt the walls clenching around you in tune with these clenches, threatening to crush you inside of her womb!

But then, the cervix finally gives way, one massive clench from Addison sending you the way you came, squeezing you back out through the cervix like a tube of toothpaste, accompanied by a healthy rush of fluids. You slid back out of the alpacataur like her vagina was a waterslide, Addison’s copious fluids mixing with the water of the shower and pooling in the tub as you made your way out. You could hear her moaning with every movement you made, the alpacataur in the middle of a quite powerful (and voluminous) orgasm...you felt your head peek through the slit, and the rest of your body followed soon afterwards, practically crashing against the back of the shower wall. You were a bit dazed by your sudden landing, and opened your eyes to see Addison leaning over you. “Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away...thanks though.” she says before handing you a towel to dry yourself off, as you just noticed the shower had been turned off...how long had you been out...? Whatever. You decided to just let it go, drying off before leaving Addison to her own life.") if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } MoveObject (player, Room 12) SetObjectFlagOff (player, "eaten") } } } } } ]]>
Addie's bowels false
"S-sorry about that..." Addie manages to get out inbetween moans. "S...sometimes I can g-get a little carried away..."

Well, at least she's repentant about it. That gave you a glimmer of hope, that maybe she'd let you out...but it didn't seem like her bodily functions were reflecting that, at least not yet.]]>
You are surrounded by You had been moving along at a regular pace inside Addie's bowels for some time now. Every now and again, you would feel a big clench push you far deeper into her than you expected, but overall, it was quite tame. You assumed she was finishing up her shower or something...she seemed like she wasn't putting much effort into actually getting you out, though, for how concerned she seemed to be about getting \"carried away\"...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Eventually, after some more time winding through Addie's bowels, you feel your head and arm finally bump up against something solid and fleshy. Eventually, this fleshy wall gives way, a big muscular contraction pushing you up into what you assumed was the taur's lower stomach. It was certainly more wet and roomy, the belly sagging comfortably below Addison's lower body as you started to fill it out. You could hear a deep, earthy groan rumble around you as the last of your body was clenched out into the stomach, the sphincter you came from slowly closing around your feet as you got comfortable in your new surroundings. You could certainly struggle more here, the taur belly swaying slightly as you wiggled around inside...that also got more stomach fluids splashed on you, though, so maybe it wasn't the best idea.

\"*huff*...I think you made it in there...\" you could hear Addison say, her voice a tad clearer now that you weren't buried so deep in her body. \"I-I don't think I can get you out of there, though...\"

Oh no.") MoveObject (player, AddieLowerStomach) } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to push yourself back out the way you came, but literally the opposite happens, as your struggles trigger a clench that pulls you even deeper into Addie's bowels...") } else { msg ("The bowel walls stop you from struggling entirely, tightening around you as Addie clenches.") } ]]>
Addie's lower stomach false You started to struggle more as you heard Addie's concession that she couldn't (or wouldn't...) help you. Her body certainly wouldn't, the stomach walls undulating and kneading at your body and fighting back against every struggle you tried to make. It was at this time that you finally took in your surroundings, the hot, gurgling chamber certainly matching the heat of her bowels, and then some...the acrid smell of chyme hung in the air, making the air thick, like you were breathing in cotton candy or something... You are surrounded by You continued to make Addie's taur belly swing and slosh with your struggles, but to little actual benefit for you. It definitely seemed like the taur's stomach was hungry enough to not even consider letting you out..but even then, the only place you'd really have to go would be her first stomach anyway. Deep in Addie's guts, all you could do was continue to futilely wiggle in the hope that she would spit you up...but it didn't seem like it would happen any time soon.

\"S-sorry about all this...\" you heard her say. \"But I just realized how...hungry...I am...\"") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Ever since Addie had said that, her stomach had started to get more active, the sac gurgling and tossing you around casually as it worked more of the stomach fluids into your skin. But what would eventually do you in was the lack of air whirling around inside Addie's lower belly, which would thankfully(?) make you lose consciousness before anything really digest-y started to happen to your body.

Addie sighed and blushed slightly as she felt her stomach really start to work on your body, the weight in her lower belly ceasing to slosh said belly around with its struggles. \"Oh...I guess that's it, then...\" she said, still somewhat unsure about this whole ordeal...but it wasn't like she could save you at this point. The finality of the situation was punctuated as the alpacataur felt something rumbling up out of her lower stomach and through her upper one, rushing up her esophagus, and then...


\"Oh, excuse me...\" she said, blushing again as she wiped the spittle from her mouth. She continued washing up, humming slightly as she felt you gurgling away inside of her stomach. By the time she finished up, her belly had already shrunk and rounded out considerably, the alpaca's digestion going rather quickly. Addie belched once more as she drew back the shower curtain, feeling the chyme you had churned up into start funneling into her intestines. She grabbed a towel off of a nearby rack to dry herself off, wishing she had someone to help her dry off back there...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The alpacataur continues with her busy day, attending a work meeting before she felt a familiar pang in her lower body. Forced to excuse herself from said meeting, Addie quickly makes her way over to the nearest restroom, searching for the one regulated stall for taurs...which was, thankfully, open. She sighed as she eased her rear over the toilet seat, your clothes and other waste being pushed out of her body and splashing down into the bowl below. She casually looks over her shoulder to look at the pile before flushing it down, hurrying back to her meeting soon after.") } msg ("
*You helped out a taur...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Addie's lower belly sways like a hammock as you struggle inside.") } else { msg ("Your struggles manage to create a few distinct imprints on the taur's belly, but nothing concrete comes of them.") } ]]>
Dresser It contains Look at Take Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close The room token for Room 12. Look at Drop TokenCall
false the Room 13 Door Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 13) false This room is a bit different than the others. First off, you notice the bed is a lot larger, and seems to be in the shape of a heart. Second off, the carpeting in the room is a dullish pink. Third off, there seems to be no other doors in the room, like there was no kitchen, bathroom, etc. It was kind of odd...") if (ListContains(ScopeVisible(), Rosado)) { msg ("
You also notice the same werewolf girl from the restroom, sitting on the bed. Apparently, this was her room...well, the aesthetic matched, at least. She looked immediately to you, with a flustered, blushy look on her face, a bit of drool running down her chin.

\"Oh, just what I needed...\" the girl says before getting up from the bed. She's quite a bit larger than you, easily towering over you as she started moving towards you. You got the feeling it was a bad idea to try and stay here, especially as she gets closer...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(65)) { msg ("
You try to get the door behind you open, but before you can bolt out, you feel the werewolf girl literally crash down upon you, knocking your body against the door. It takes a couple seconds for you to collect yourself, before you find yourself face-to-face with the gal, her drool strands dripping down from her chin and onto your chest. \"Relax, sexy...the name's Rosado...and I just want a kiss~\" the werewolf girl says, before puckering up and moving her head forward. At the same time, she grabs at your sides, making sure you couldn't go anywhere as she subjected you to this kiss...") wait { picture ("RoseraVoreHotel.png") msg ("
Despite your best efforts to turn your head away from the werewolf's approaching lips, they soon meet, Rosado giving you a little smooch on your lips before going deeper. You felt her tongue ferreting through her opening lips and sliding into yours, the drooling appendage making its way deep into your mouth! You tried to pull your head back, but it really had nowhere to go, so you were forced to feel that slimy muscle rummaging around in your mouth as Rosado's lips continued to move closer to yours. Somehow, they were still managing to gain ground, even though they had been pressed together quite a while ago...soon, you start to feel more than just the werewolf's lips on yours, Rosado's lips starting to expand and move over the rest of your face! You tried to struggle as Rosado slobbered all over your face, but that tongue was still buried deep in your own mouth, basically locking the two of you together. You could feel the werewolf's drool starting to run down your own chin as her lips moved over the rest of your face, Rosado forced to open her mouth somewhat as she moved over more of your face.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
Rosado's tight grip kept you from struggling much as she gained more ground on your head, her slobbery embrace now covering the entire front of your head. Your awkward position forced you to tip your head down a little bit, seeing as you really had nowhere else to put it...you had a good view of the inside of the werewolf's mouth, brimming with drool as she practically suckled on your head. Her tongue was still in your mouth, but you could feel her gradually pulling it out, the muscle escaping your own lips with a wet *pop!*. Immediately it got to work, slathering you in more of Rosado's sticky saliva before you felt her lips slipping down the back of your neck, closing comfortably around your neck as your head lay against her tongue. You continued to try and struggle when you could, but occasionally you felt some hard squeezes from Rosado if you wiggled too hard, keeping her toy in check somewhat. You were forced to basically be a bystander as she suckled on your head, occasional \"mmm...\"s of satisfaction echoing around the cavern of her mouth as she tasted you.") wait { msg ("
By now, Rosado's tongue and arms had guided you closer to the back of her mouth. You could feel her lips starting to move down your neck, beginning to tease at your shoulders before you felt something starting to suck you into the back of her throat...


Suddenly, your head lurched forward, bumping into the back of the werewolf's mouth before tilting down somewhat and quickly being snatched up by her yawning, hungry throat. One gulp was enough to pull your entire head in, and you could feel the throat flesh tight around your head, trying to drag you deeper as Rosado gulped a few more times, pulling you into her mouth up to your waist and leaving you lodged in her throat up to your shoulders. You could tell the throat wanted to pull you into her stomach, but she held her grip strong, just letting herself move at her own pace in gulping you down...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, RosadoThroat) } } } } } else { msg ("
You manage to get the door behind you open and bolt out back into the hallway before the werewolf girl catches you. You weren't sure if she was horny, hungry, or both...but it's probably not the best idea to go back in there.") MoveObject (player, third floor) } } } ]]>
Bed Look at It's a bit weird. In the shape of a heart, with pink sheets, as well. A bit gaudy...
false third floor the You are on false Open Close false the false Room 15 Door Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 15) false When you open the door to Room 15, you notice the layout is a bit different from a normal hotel room. It seems to be a bit smaller, and the bathroom is connected to the main room. You know this because you immediately notice an {object:Sophie:orca girl} standing at the vanity mirror in front of you, seemingly naked (although you could only see her backside from this position), adjusting her makeup.

You start to back away, thinking you're interrupting something, before you hear her voice. \"No need to be shy, dear...do come in~\" she says, not even turning away from the mirror.") ]]>
A blue and white orca gal. She's currently completely naked, like she just got out of the shower or something. Your eyes are immediately drawn to her rear, although you think she's packing a bit more up front... Look at You cautiously introduce yourself to the orca girl. \"Hello, dearie...I'm Sophie~\" she says before turning around to face you, a tube of lipstick in her hand. The first thing you notice is the orca's bouncing bust, almost comically large, and not bound by any kind of fabric, either. Her lips are a powerful shade of {random:red:blue:green:purple:pink:yellow:brown:black:orange:indigo:violet}, looking as if it was just applied. She blows you a little kiss before speaking again.") sophielist = NewStringList() list add (sophielist, "They look great!") list add (sophielist, "Try a different color.") ShowMenu ("\"Well, do they look good?\"", sophielist, false) { if (result = "They look great!") { msg ("
\"Aw, thanks, cutie!\" Sophie says, before walking over to you. \"Why don't we test them out, then...\" Before you can reply, Sophie wraps your body up in her arms, gripping you close to her in a giant bear hug! Her face meets yours, a seductive, piercing look in Sophie's eyes before she speaks again. \"Gimme a biiiig kiss, sweetie~\" she croons, before puckering up and closing her eyes, pressing her lips against yours...it's powerful, almost domineering in a sense, her lips against yours, her tongue occasionally breaking through those pillowy cushions and teasing at your own lips...

The kiss continues for a good, long while, almost awkwardly long...every time you try to break away, though, Sophie's grip tightens, preventing you from even catching your breath, really. The orca gal clearly wanted this to be as intense as possible, and it was working so far - she was definitely in charge of the intensity, though, smooching you long and hard, pulling you somehow deeper into the kiss, even though the both of you were as physically close as two people could be at this point...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("
In fact, it almost seemed like she was pressing you INTO her lips...like they were moving past yours, and starting to move over the rest of your face, like Sophie was opening her mouth wide or something...this wasn't comfortable anymore. You tried to pull back from this kiss, but Sophie again stops you, somehow tightening her grip even more, to make sure you couldn't even wiggle...so you were forced to stand there as Sophie's maw widened, the orca gal eagerly slurping her tongue across your face as her lips worked over it as well, the orca gal's maw now covering your entire face! You still tried to fight back, but there was nowhere to go but in now, and Sophie was making sure you were going there fast...in a split-second, the orca's lips scraped down the back of your head and neck, pulling your entire head into her mouth...it smelled weakly of fish, but what was more immediate was the tongue, undulating and pressing on your face as it coated you in sticky saliva for the trip down south...

You could feel Sophie eagerly making her way down your neck and shoulders, the orca's maw having no problem stretching around them, gradually pushing your head to the back of her throat as she continued her \"kiss\". You could definitely tell she enjoyed your taste, muffled \"mmm...\"s and other guttural noises of pleasure rumbling their way from the back of her throat, as well as the tongue slobbering and licking all over you...speaking of the throat, though, that's where your head was pushing up against, Sophie wasting little time in getting you down to her growling gut.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("

After teetering at the edge of the tongue for some time, Sophie takes a large, powerful gulp, the muscular contraction pulling your entire head into her throat with little warning! You can feel the orca adjusting her position as she takes that first gulp, releasing your body from that bear hug and instead leveling your body with her mouth, making it a bit easier to gulp you down...you squirmed more now that you physically could, Sophie losing her grip on you for a fraction of a second, but she quickly clamped her arms at your sides afterwards, and any ground you gained from those struggles were quickly lost with another powerful gulp from the orca. That gulp pulled you into the throat up to your waist, leaving only your legs kicking weakly out of Sophie's mouth...

In almost a primal reaction, Sophie threw her head back to get the rest of you down, opening her maw wide as your weakly-kicking legs slid into it. She took a couple quick gulps in succession, but really, you were just sliding into her throat now, gravity doing more than its part in pushing you down into Sophie's gut...you felt more and more of your body sliding into the warm embrace of her mouth, feeling the tongue lick and tease at them before sliding into the tighter embrace of her throat. Eventually you felt your feet making that same journey, your last connection to the outside world getting quickly slurped up and packed away with one last gulp from the orca...") wait { MoveObject (player, SophieStomach) } } } } else { SophieLipstick } } ]]>
Sophie's stomach false
"Aah, there we go, sweetie..." Sophie sighed after taking that one last gulp, feeling you fill out her stomach nice and tightly. "And sweetie was right, you tasted great..." she teased, rubbing at her gut a little before feeling a belch rumble up through her throat. "Oh, excuse me! Sometimes tasty preythings like you can make me a little...gassy..."
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The stomach walls continued to tighten around you, forcing you to curl up even more inside Sophie's stomach. It certainly wasn't comfortable, either way, and the constant kneading and stimulation of her gut was starting to make you feel tingly and lightheaded...or maybe that was the stomach acids. Regardless, you felt pretty queasy at this point, especially as Sophie continued to tease and rub at her gut. \"Nnnf, not much longer, cutie...\" you could hear her tease. \"Not much longer until you're nothing but ass padding~\"") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You weren't sure how long you had been trapped inside the orca's stomach for at this point - the concept of time eluded you. You were concerned with much more important things currently, like the continued tingling you felt as the stomach acids continued to get rubbed into your skin, and how little air there was left in the stomach as Sophie continued to belch it out, only making the stomach more tight around you...your body couldn't hold out much longer, and you swear you started to hear the beginnings of some sizzling before you passed out from lack of air.

Sophie heard a loud rumble from her gut as it started to get to work on you inside. \"Aww, are you all tuckered out?\" she teased, a sly grin on her face as she looked down to her gut, still bulged out quite obviously, but with said bulges starting to slowly round over. \"Let me help you out...\" she said again before starting to knead at her gut, practically massaging it as it continued to gurgle you up...Sophie found the whole digestion experience divine, feeling the weight inside of her that was you slowly shrinking and coalescing into nothing but more orca. \"Nnf, I can't wait to see how great you make my ass look, cutie. Maybe I'll have some fun with that horse, let him have the first go at it...\" she giggled, thinking about that hung beast plowing her soon-to-be-jiggling rump...the thought made her a bit wet, honestly, but if she was going to go through with it she thought it would be a good idea to save her arousal until the actual encounter, so instead of teasing at her slit, she just continued to knead at her gut as it worked you down...

Eventually, the orca's gut had shrunk enough that Sophie could go about her day without it interfering too much. It still gurgled and groaned and glorped loudly as it continued digesting, but it was at least small enough to hide under a shirt. It just looked like a nice, jiggly, round paunch, like she'd had a little bit too much to eat last night. Which wasn't entirely incorrect, honestly...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
While Sophie was out on the town later, she felt a familiar gurgling pang in her lower gut. She quickly made her way to the nearest restroom, giggling as she felt her now more-plush rear plopping down onto the toilet seat. She rubbed at her rump as she disposed of your remains, feeling and squishing at the new fat as the rest of you plopped into the chrome bowl, creating quite the pile, honestly. Sophie looked over it, oddly proud of it before flushing it all away; she preferred to remember you as the fat on her ass, anyway. And now, to her, that's all you existed as anymore...") } msg ("
*You got a big smooch...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Sophie giggled as she felt you push out against her stomach walls. \"Cmon, sweetie, I thought you wanted a kiss...\" she teased.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You think you feel a bead of sweat running down your forehead...and you realize how tired you are from all this struggling...and then you realize how little it's actually done. Damn.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Sophie can see your hands pressing out against her gut for a fraction of a second before her gut walls snap back into place. \"Ah, keep going, you almost got me~\" she mockingly teased before rubbing at her gut some more.") } else { msg ("The fishy smell inside Sophie's stomach is almost overpowering. It makes struggling quite difficult for you, like it's physically sapping your energy or something.") }
false Open Close false the false Room 16 Door Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 16) false
You do as you're told, retreating into the room's bathroom for a few minutes, admiring the ornateness of it all before you heard the taur's voice come again. \"Okay, I think i'm ready...\" she said, her voice a tad muffled by the door being closed. You stepped out into the room again, expecting to see an expensive present or a giant pile of money; but instead you just saw Chloe, her business coat and shirt taken off, lying across the big double bed in center of the room on her back, her limbs splayed out and her neck craned to look at you. She wasn't hiding her gifts, either, her breasts on full display, as well as...was that a set of furry balls and a sheath? You had a herm on your hands, it seemed like! “Your gift…” she started, ushering you over to her with a paw, “Is getting to service me. Business life is stressful and I think I could use a bit of a massage...if you'd oblige, dear?”

While you didn't exactly expect this, you also weren't really opposed to it either! While you were making your decision, Chloe ushered you over again, patting an empty spot on the bed next to her as you came over and sat down on the bed. “Mind giving me a belly rub?” she asked, rubbing at her tum with one of her back paws, imitating the species she took after rather well...you just couldn't resist her, honestly! That plush, cream-colored tum was just begging to be rubbed and loved all over...") wait { MoveObject (player, ChloeMassageRoom) } } else { msg ("You open the door into an empty, yet lavish, room. The two full sized beds are pushed together, as if the person staying here was too long for just one of them...a coffeepot is running, and various papers and clothing is strewn about, but otherwise, it seems like nobody's home.") } ]]>
false the Room 14 Door Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close You turn the doorknob and the door opens. Standing in the door is a red frog girl, a white towel wrapped around her chest. It seems like she's just gotten out of the shower. \"Oh, visitors? I haven't even gotten dressed yet...and I'm famished as well. Sorry, but you'll have to give me a minute...and maybe find me a snack, too? Then we can talk. Something small, but wriggly, maybe...\"

She closes the door on you a few seconds later.") } otherwise { if (Got(Micro)) { msg ("
The frog girl opens the door again. \"Hello again...oh! I see you've brought me a snack, thank you so much!\" she says, before unceremoniously opening her mouth and shooting her tongue at the breastpocket you were keeping the micro in! You feel yourself get yanked foward a bit as she tries to reel the micro in, but eventually she detaches from you, pulling the micro straight into her drooling maw. She \"mmm...\"s loudly as she sucks on the micro like a piece of hard candy, playing with the wriggly prey a bit before tugging them down deep into her body with one wet *glp!*.

\"Aah, thank you so much. I was starving!\" she says with a heavy sigh, rubbing at her gut. \"Now that that's out of the way, we can get to know each other a bit more. I'm Rita! Do come in if you wish...\"") Rita.quest = 1 RemoveObject (Micro) } else { msg ("The frog girl opens the door again. \"Hello again...have you found me a snack yet? If not, might I suggest the selection of micros down at the bar?\"") } } } ]]>
false You followed the frog girl as she opened the door to let you in, leading you into a relatively normal looking hotel room; everything in here felt almost humid, though, like the thermostat was cranked up and there was a humidifier running somewhere! The windows of the room were also lined with potted plants, and you saw what looked to be insects crawling around on them! “Ah, sorry about the environment in here. Us amphibians like it quite wet…” Rita trailed off as she turned to those plants, and you watched as her tongue snapped out of her mouth, splattering right on a leaf and then darting back right into her mouth! Judging by the swallow you heard a few seconds later, she probably kept those bugs around as little snacks. Not sure why she wanted a micro from you, then…

“Oh, these little things fill me up, but they just don't wiggle like those micros from downstairs…” the frog continued as she sat down on the red hotel bed. “They won't let me take any more! That's why I had you bring one up for me, dear…” she explained, looking up at you as you stood there. “So, out with it. What's a cute thing like you got to do with me…?”") ritalist = NewStringList() list add (ritalist, "Just visiting") list add (ritalist, "I think you're cute") ShowMenu ("Well?", ritalist, false) { if (result = "Just visiting") { msg ("“Ah! Well, I do get a few visitors sometimes. I guess I'm an interesting creature to see around these parts. Feel free to take a look around, then~”") } else { msg ("
“Oh! Cute! That's a new one. But I guess we are one and the same then…” Rita said, patting the spot on the bed next to her and shuffling over a bit. “Well, how about you learn more about this cute thing then?” she teased, flustering you a little bit! She certainly was attractive, but you didn't know what exactly caused you to blurt that out so quickly...well, you were in it for the long haul at this point. You took your seat next to the frog girl, and almost immediately, she wrapped her red arms around you! Her embrace felt slimy, but strangely warm and comforting, especially with that soft towel still attached to her…

“I just adore someone with the confidence to come out and say what they like about me right off the bat~” she teased, in a sultry, low voice you weren't sure you liked or not. But her embrace was surprisingly strong, and with her turning towards you now and leaning in, it would be difficult to press the panic button on this! You couldn't dodge the wet, sloppy smooch she planted right on your lips, nor the others that came after it, or the hand that was now stroking down your thighs. This, this was all so sudden, you weren't sure if you wanted to go along with it, but you couldn't deny that you were getting a little aroused yourself...!") wait { msg ("
Timidly at first, and then with a bit more gumption, you returned the hug, wrapping your arms around her back and stroking up and down a little bit as you leaned in to kiss a bit more. Rita's hand wandered from your thigh a little bit to your crotch, brushing past teasingly as she moved her hand back. You couldn't see it, but she was taking off that towel, exposing her naked body to you as she started to smooch a lot more aggressively! You could tell she was really getting into it; you felt her long, sticky tongue occasionally sneaking past your lips and into your own mouth, and you enjoyed it immensely - even as the two of you took a bit of a tumble, falling back onto the soft bed as you continued your make-out session!

Your hands started to roam over the frog's body, caressing her thighs and getting a few touches at those smooth, clean breasts as her tongue slipped into your mouth. It felt a bit weird, almost like a tentacle probing in your jaws, but it still felt strangely nice. It even entranced you a little bit, enough for you to close your eyes in enjoyment as you felt the frog start to pull away. “Maybe you want to smooch a different pair of lips, cutie…”

You felt Rita shift on top of you, and after a few seconds of it, you opened your eyes. Instead of her face or, heck, even her chest, what was hovering right in front of you was her round, red ass! You blushed, but a part of you wasn't sure if you wanted to go this far yet. With her ass only a few feet from your face, and the frog looking like she was ready to sit down, it was decision time...!") ritalist2 = NewStringList() list add (ritalist2, "Get outta there!") list add (ritalist2, "Stay under her") ShowMenu ("", ritalist2, false) { if (result = "Get outta there!") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Being with the frog was an enjoyable romp, but you weren't looking for anything this explicit! Your eyes shot to the door, figuring that it was now or never before things got very lewd. As Rita started to lower her cheeks, you flipped over on the bed, rolling off onto the floor. You didn't look back to see her rear flop harmlessly against the mattress, but as you made a break for the door, you definitely heard her chuckle. “Don't want to be that close, cutie?” she teased, before something slammed right into your ass. Something wet. And it froze you in place.

For a split-second, you realized what had happened. You had been tagged. Before you could react at all, though, you felt the reeling in of her tongue literally pull you off your feet, your head jerking forward in a bit of whiplash as your body shifted into a nearly 90 degree angle! In the moments before impact, you reached helplessly for the door, unable to do much more than fling your arms around as you were very unwillingly brought back to the frog seductress. But then, you felt your rear splat right against something warm, and wet, and hungry. Then that you realized what was truly going to happen. You were gonna be frog food.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Rita's jaws were wide open to accept you, your butt immediately being pulled right towards the entrance of her throat. Being pulled back so quickly forced your body to bend at quite the awkward angle, almost like a yoga stretch! Your head and feet stuck out of her mouth, everything else possibly contained in her slimy, cramped maw. You heard some gurgling noises around you; presumably some affirmation of your flavor, that was unintelligible due to the fact she had a full mouth. With yourself jammed inside at such a weird position, it was almost impossible to struggle, but you still tried! Your hands had a firm grasp on her lips, a death grip, even, but the slimy texture of her skin was making it hard to keep that grip…


And, as you got an overwhelming feeling of vertigo while your ass was pulled backwards into her throat, you lost that grip. Rita was still a frog, and frogs had immense, insatiable appetites. Her body was made to swallow things whole, alive, and squirming, and you were all of those things. one swallow pulled you in up to your knees, Her jaws quickly closed around your head and feet, trapping you in the humid darkness of her maw. Her hunger was insatiable, and her body was perfectly built to gobble up little snacks like yourself. You could feel a bit of your body hanging in the little pouch underneath her mouth, taking her time to taste you a little bit before taking one last swallow. And yes, with how strong of a predator she was, it would really only take one swallow to get all of you down! You could see her tongue moving to push you back deeper into her throat, her body getting ready to completely devour you…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("

You couldn't help but shout as all of you fell backwards, your head and feet completely disappearing into Rita's gullet with one wet swallow. You tried in vain to reach back up into her mouth, get a grip on something in there, but there was absolutely nothing but rippling flesh pulling you down on all sides,with absolutely no mercy or breaks involved. That sensation of vertigo still filled your head as you felt yourself practically falling down her throat, the constant motion of peristalsis moving you along at a frightening rate. You still tried to wiggle and struggle and pull yourself out, but as you continue your descent, the back of the frog's mouth was simply out of reach…

Rita croaked and stroked her hands along the bulge you made as it continued deeper into her digestive tract. Even now, as your ass broke through the sphincter and out into the stomach, she still felt hungry! Maybe when you were all curled up tight in her belly, she would feel a bit different...but she had already had so many snacks today, and was surprised that she was hungry enough to smack on you the first place! You could hear her pleased croaks and ribbits as more of you poked out into her stomach, the tight walls at least providing something to brace yourself against as you practically fell into the rank belly! The last of you squirted out into the acrid prison a few minutes later, and your ability to move your arms and legs out of that uncomfortable position was a small caveat to the situation you were currently in!") wait { MoveObject (player, RitaStomach) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You were more than willing to let that rump plop down onto you. Which it did just a few seconds later, the frog sighing and relaxing as her ass found its home on your face, your nose wedged between her cheeks and poking up against her pucker. You couldn’t see it, but you could certainly feel a bit of wetness coming from beneath that pucker, as well…

“Ohhh, so receptive~” you heard Rita tease you from above, somewhat muffled by her round, soft cheeks, as she started to adjust herself on top of you. Her pucker moved up over your face, the trail of wetness from her cunt moving up your face until you were more aligned with her drooling, lustful nethers than anything else. You found her starting to press on your face a bit more now that you were where she wanted you, her nether-lips slowly starting to spread as your nose poked in deeper…

The scent of feminine lust filled your nose as it poked into Rita’s vagina. The frog croaked in pleasure as she proudly rode on your face, her ass pressing down harder and harder as she felt your nose go deeper into her. Originally the frog was just going to use you as a toy, but as she realized how good you felt her inside of her, she wanted ALL of you inside of her…!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("*shlrrrp*

Your whole head slipped up into her cunt with little resistance, the lubrication of her folds pushing you neck-deep into her in mere seconds. The tight flesh clenching around you grabbed hold quickly and refused to let go, rhythmic motions dragging you inches deeper by the moment. Your hearing was quickly muffled and drowned out by the wet, lewd noises of Rita sucking you up her pussy, but in the background you could still hear her moaning and sighing as you wiggled and pleased her in the most intimate way possible. She still continued riding you, pressing her hips down onto you, lifting her ass up a little bit to re-align you before starting to press down again.

Your shoulders slipped inside with as little resistance as your head did. The frog expected it to be a bit more difficult, considering they were the widest part of your body, but apparently every part of her body was just as stretchy as her insatiable stomach. Not like she was complaining! Rita would happily let you stretch out her deepest, most intimate parts, letting out a long, raspy croak as she started to play with her nipples, pressing down hard on your now-upright midsection and clenching in delight as you slid up inside of her so easily. The scent of feminine lust was all around you, and was only becoming stronger as you made your way deeper into Rita’s nethers. It was also becoming tighter the deeper you went, though, and you tried your best to get comfortable as more and more of you was crammed up into the frog.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Every wiggle you made while trying to get comfortable only excited Rita further, and the frog was in bliss as she clenched you up further into her, pressing her ass down onto your body harder and harder as your tummy and waist disappeared inside her ravenous cunt. There was practically a river of feminine fluids coming out of her at this point, only making it easier for you to slide up inside of her; and as Rita continued playing with her breasts, touching herself all over, you were due to disappear any moment now. Rita fell backwards onto her bed a few moments later, only your legs below the knees sticking out from between her own legs at this point; the movement jostled you around a little bit, bumping your head up against something in front of you. The entrance to her womb…

“Fffffuck, get IN me~” you heard Rita croak as she clenched -hard-, slurping up your calves and pushing your head up into her tight, sweltering womb. You still couldn’t move your arms, but you tried the best you could to wiggle up into the frog, your feet twitching as they were left being the only things sticking out of Rita’s nethers. The frog enjoyed herself as she felt you filling up her belly, slowly and casually clenching the last of your feet inside of her canal, until they disappeared with a wet *shlorp!*. “Oh, you were so cooperative…” the frog complimented you, patting at her gut as you continued to fill out her womb, her belly starting to swell and bulge as its newest occupant got comfortable.") wait { MoveObject (player, RitaWomb) } } } } } } } } ]]>
Bed Look at Royal. false A cute red frog girl, her body dotted with patches of pink splotches. Look at 0 msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Rita's stomach The frog's belly stretched around your form easily, already pressing and massaging into you hungrily. A thick soupy chime rested on the bottom, assumedly what was leftover from the micro and other things she ate earlier! What a glutton… You are surrounded by Rita's stomach was merciless in its processing of this large meal. You could already feel your body tingling, all over even, and it probably didn't help that most of your body was slathered in that gross stomach sludge! All of your struggling had pretty much only done that, covered you in tingly goop. you could feel your strength starting to fade, and you knew you would only have a few more chances to escape this pit of a stomach…") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Despite your best efforts, the alluring frog girl was more than capable of keeping you curled up nice and tight inside of her. Every effort you made was quickly rebuked by her chubby, hungry belly, all while it worked on squeezing and melting you away. Your strength was fading, and so was your consciousness, especially as Rita rubbed and kissed at her belly while you wallowed around inside. “Just a bit more~ I hope you enjoyed being as close to me as one can be…”

Those were the last words you heard before you slipped away, making the transition from person to food in finality. The gut grumbled happily as it continued working you down, your body becoming more and more fluid as the stomach pressed in against you. Rita got up off of the bed eventually, going about the rest of her day as she felt the soup you turned into gurgling and sloshing around inside of her. This had to be her favorite part, feeling that wiggling, large snack she had completely claimed sloshing around inside of her like a big of water...It made her feel powerful~

“Aaah...so lovely~” the frog commented as she played with her belly a little bit, already feeling you starting to funnel deeper into her guts. Soon, you would be nothing more than a few extra inches of lovely frog curves…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
...and some other things! Rita felt a familiar urge in her bowels a few hours later, surprised that you had made your entire trip through her so quickly! Regardless of her surprise, though, she would have to get somewhere to do her business. She quickly found a bathroom inside of a store on Main Street, immediately pulling her pants down (feeling how her extra belly had made them a bit tighter!) and planting her ass on the toilet seat. She let out a long breath as she felt the last of you sliding out of her, splashing out into the toilet bowl. “Making a fuss till the very end…” she grumbled as she pushed the last of you out of her, wiping and flushing before going on the rest of her day…") } msg ("
*You didn't go along...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You tried to pry open the sphincter that you came it out of, but the frog's stomach was quite experienced in handling rough live prey. The thing didn't even budge.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Rita was surprised to see an imprint of your hand bulge out of her gut! “Ooh, I love a fighter. Keep that up and I might let you out…” she teased, rubbing over her belly as she felt you wiggling around inside.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Your struggles didn't do much more than give Rita some gas; which she rather enjoyed!") } else { msg ("You could already feel your body starting to tingle and your struggles becoming less powerful…") }
false Rita's womb
“Now the REAL fun begins~” you heard Rita’s voice echo around you, before a few bassy thumps dominated your hearing. The frog definitely would have belched proudly if you were in her stomach, but instead she just let out a long sigh before she reached down and started playing with herself…

The heat inside Rita’s womb was already sweltering when you first entered, but now that the frog was working herself up even more, it was becoming quite a sauna. You were sweating profusely, at least, you thought it was sweat, and the walls tightening and clenching around you didn’t help much, either. They had almost no give to them, leaving you with little to do besides squirm the best you could inside of the frog. You swore you were starting to feel parts of your body tingle, as well.]]>
The tingling was starting to spread over more of your body. Your extremities were starting to lose feeling as well. Little did you know that they were starting to melt into the pool of feminine juices that were coming off the walls surrounding you. But instead of hurting, it just felt...nice. Like a hot bath that you were physically melting into…") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The bulge you made inside Rita’s belly was starting to change as more of you melted away inside of her. The jostling movements the frog made as she played with herself was definitely making the process go faster, as well! She couldn’t tease you anymore, only huffing and panting as she started to plunge her fingers deep into her nethers, wet, sloppy sounds continuing to come from her crotch as she continued to leak out onto the sheets, already creating a sizeable puddle beneath her. You could feel the already-tight walls starting to squeeze even harder around you, massaging and pressing that tingling fluid deeper into your body. It all felt so nice…maybe you would just sit back and relax for a while…


Hearing the familiar noise of her womb finishing its job sent Rita into a frenzy. She could feel all that cum sloshing inside of her belly, fresh and aching to be shot out all over the bed she was laying on. And that’s absolutely what she was going to do. She plunged her fingers deep, stroking her breasts and playing with her nipples furiously. Thankfully, she had already been playing with herself this whole time, or else it would take a while for her to reach climax. It didn’t take long for a croak to ring out across the hotel floor, Rita’s body spasming in orgasm as the fresh cream she had just churned up splattered out all over her bedsheets. “Hhhhh...so good…” the words practically drooled out of her mouth as her orgasm continued, starting to taper down as her belly began to shrink and return to its regular paunch.

The frog laid back in afterglow for a moment, just absorbing what she had done to you. Then she looked down at those bedsheets, seeing that pretty much all of the sheets beneath her crotch were soaked and stained with her mess...and that there were some leftovers! Specifically, your clothes, somewhat melted, but mostly just covered in femcum. “Heh. You look better as a stain, hun~” Rita teased as she slowly got up out of bed, walking to the bathroom to clean herself up...") msg ("
*You stayed too long...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false third floor the You are on false the Room 17 Door Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 17) false As soon as you open the door to Room 17, you feel a blast of smoke nearly knock you over. The stench of weed is all you can smell emanating from this room; and it feels like the smoke makes it hard to see in this room, too. You can make out someone sitting on the couch, someone that looks slightly like...a raccoon of some sort? But, like, not quite. She has an obvious bong in her hand, and stares straight at you as you enter the room.") wait { msg ("
\"Hey, dude, close the door before everyone on the floor knows what's happening in here...\" she says, taking her mouth off the bong. \"Glad to have company though, I definitely don't think I can smoke all this by myself. Want a hit? Or maybe...\" she says, before reaching over to the nightstand, \"you wanna try some of these? Fresh.\"

It's a plate of brownies, with one missing.") weedlist = NewStringList() list add (weedlist, "Bong") list add (weedlist, "Edibles") ShowMenu ("Which one will you try?", weedlist, false) { if (result = "Bong") { msg ("
You decide to take a hit off of her bong. \"Yeah, those edibles are pretty strong, I don't blame you...\" Andrea said as she handed her instrument over. It took you a few tries to get the hang of taking a hit, but soon you were having plenty of fun with it, laughing at the same dumb TV show with Andrea. The time slipped by so fast that you didn't even realize it had been a couple hours of you hanging out with her.. Andrea eventually yawned powerfully, having just finished off the last bag of chips she could find. \"Hey, thanks for hanging with me dude. Not everyone wants to have a hit with a stranger, so I appreciate that. You can have this thing I found in here, it does look somewhat important...\" she said, opening a drawer in her nightstand and pulling out what looked to be a token. She put it in your hand, before retreating to the master bedroom. \"Night, dude. See you around...\"") firsttime { AddToInventory (Room 17 Token) TokenCall MakeObjectVisible (Room 17 Token) } } else { msg ("
You decide to try the edible. “Good choice, just out of the oven. Be careful though, they're loud as hell. Oh, and by the way, name’s Andrea.” she said, starting to take another hit off the bong in her hand. You reluctantly take your first bite of the edible and... Gross! How does this even get people high? It tastes like how the room smells, not even really a hint of anything remotely similar to a brownie. Andrea was certainly right, it sure tasted very strong…

The coati had just finished taking her hit when she looked over to you. “Dude, you okay?” She said, a slight bit of worry in her voice. Apparently you were making a really weird face as you tried to stomach the edible, barely able to swallow the mouthful that you took without throwing up. “I told you they were loud. It's all right, you don't have to eat the whole thing though. One bite will probably be enough for you…”

For the longest time, you really felt nothing other than a unpleasant lingering aftertaste in your mouth. You talked with Andrea for a while, mostly about random shit and whatever was showing up on the TV. But after about an hour or so, you finally felt it hit you.") wait { msg ("
At first, your body just kind of started pleasantly tingling a little bit. like you were relaxing in a warm bath. Your eyelids were starting to lower a little bit, but didn't feel tired, exactly, just relaxed. And soon, you could feel... Everything. Every fiber of the couch you were sitting on, the airflow in the room, it felt like everything was touching you. An avalanche of stimulation, your entire body tingling, and feeling absolutely everything around you spatially. It was almost overwhelming, and you weren't sure if you could handle it.

“Dude, you okay?” Andrea said, placing a hand on your arm. “Whoa”, was all you can say. “I can feel everything.” The coati chuckled a bit, “Yeah, sounds like it's kicking in. It can be a bit...intense your first time. Just try and enjoy yourself.” You tried to relax, and it was pretty easy, but your chill state was quickly interrupted by quite the loud stomach growl coming from Andrea. It was at this point you actually noticed that the entire plate of brownies in front of you was missing. Andrea must have noticed you staring at the dish, because a couple of seconds afterward...or a couple of minutes, you didn't really know, you heard her voice. “Oh...yeah. I got a little bit hungry...and those were the only things around. I probably...probably shouldn't have eaten them all. Especially because…” she stopped herself for a second, rubbing at her stomach which was already slightly swollen with what you assumed to be the rest of the brownies. “I'm still pretty hungry…” she trailed off at the end of that sentence, looking directly at you. Her tongue was flapping out of her mouth a little bit, leaking drool down her chin as she stared right at you.") wait { msg ("
You were...freaked out, to be sure. Probably somewhat a side effect of the edible finally kicking in, but even then the unflinching glare that the coati gave you was a bit unsettling. You started to slide away from them on the couch, slowly so it didn't look like you were trying to get away or anything. But her stare still kept coming, and you heard her stomach rumble again. “Oh? What the…sorry man. It's just that I get the munchies really bad whenever I do edibles, and...you just look...really tasty…” You could see Andrea starting to scoot after you a little bit, as you started to run out of couch. You bumped into the side in no time, with Andrea still closing the space on you. “Calm down, dude.. I just want to get...a little taste, maybe…” She trailed off as she started to climb on top of you, squishing your chest under her own loudly gurgling one, your noses soon to touch. Your whole body was still tingling at this point, and it was hard to tell where exactly she was on you, all you knew is that she was on top of you now. She stared into your eyes for a little bit, before pushing her snout forward…") wait { picture ("coati vore.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slurp.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“Boop! Hahaha, you should have seen the look on your face dude!” the coati wheezed, pulling back for a second as she started laughing at your reaction. “Although, you did smell pretty good...and I'm sure just a taste couldn't hurt…” She trailed off as she started to come back in again, forcing you to press up further against the couch even as you ran out of real estate. You started trying to push the coati off of you, but her weight was already fully on you at this point. You were only going to go where she wanted you to go…

Her mouth opened a little bit, just enough for her long tongue to peek out. You still got hit with quite the wave of belly scent, her breath smelling like the stench of pot mixed with…baking chocolate perhaps? Quite bitter. But you didn't really have the time to contemplate the complexities of her breath before that long, slimy tongue snapped you out of it, Andrea dragging it from the bottom of your chin all the way up to your nose, covering the bottom of your face in sticky, wet drool, some of which still had little chunks of whatever she had been eating in it. You heard an overwhelming groan of approval at your taste in front of you, and the coati wasted no time at all, not even reeling back to look you in the eye again before starting to make you a munchie. It didn't help that your sense of touch was almost overbearing, it felt like you were able to feel every taste bud drag across your face before her mouth started to open wider, her chin meeting yours and then gently sliding over it…

The light of the hotel room was leaking in a bit even with her face as close to you as it was, allowing you a nice view of her entire mouth as it slowly started to open up in front of you. You thought you could hear a sentence trying to form in her throat, but with her mouth open all the way it was very difficult for her to enunciate whatever she wanted to say. Probably something about how she was just so hungry or how good you would feel in her belly or whatever. It didn't matter at this point, you were food, and there really wasn't much you could do about it. Every lazy push you made was easily shrug off by the hungry girl, Andrea just uncompromisingly moving over your head, forcing your neck to be bent down as that tongue once again pressed against all of your face. At least this time the tingling was coming back so you didn't have to feel every inch of her tongue rubbing up against you, covering you in saliva, getting all the taste out of you that she absolutely could. And in no time at all your head was securely in her mouth, her lips starting to close a bit around your neck. You felt a suckling motion for a little bit, as if you were a piece of hard candy, making you squirm around a bit as your head continue to be slathered with sticky drool.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You tried to squirm as you felt Andrea slowly guide your head towards the back of her mouth, but she had her hands firmly clamped around your side at this point. You heard another muffled sort of moan or sentence before you felt a powerful swallowing motion, your head being quite literally dragged into the hungry coati’s throat in one shot. The smell lingered in her mouth, but now that you had your nose in her throat you could most certainly smell the stench of the edibles, still sticking around from her binge earlier. It almost made you want to throw up again, but with how much your body was tangled and constricted at this point, you don't think you even could.

You could feel Andrea's tongue starting to work its way lower as she took more slobbery, messy gulps, getting you down rather quickly now that she got your head out of the way. It took her a little bit to work around your shoulders, especially with what little wiggling you were able to do, but eventually those got swallowed down as well. For someone as high as she was, it was kind of ridiculous how easily and competently she was scarfing you down. It definitely seemed like this was something she did a lot...did she trick you? Was this planned out, instead of an unfortunate coincidence? It didn't really matter, it would just make you feel a bit better if you were snacked on by a masterful and tricky predator instead of some pothead that got a bit too hungry…

Your thoughts were pretty quickly interrupted by a large, echoing gurgle from below you. In your deep thoughts Andrea had managed to swallow you up all the way to your legs, and the hungry stomach that had swollen up earlier was eager for a much larger, more nutritious meal. And you were closer than ever. You could feel Andrea tickling your feet with her tongue, the tingling sensation throughout your whole body making you squirm with how ticklish you were as a result of it. You couldn't help but giggle, even as you were more than waist deep in the coati’s digestive system. She continued doing that for quite a while, giggling herself as she felt you squirm, before one last of gulp sucked your feet in, and pried open the sphincter in front of you…") wait { MoveObject (player, AndreaStomach) } } } } } } } } } ]]>
Couch Look at It's a bit weird. In the shape of a heart, with pink sheets, as well. A bit gaudy... false A...coati, you think? She's sitting on a couch you assume she dragged into this room herself... Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Andrea's stomach
“Oh, that was so good…sorry dude, I was just so hungry. I...I hope you don't mind…” Andrea mumbled, rubbing her swollen, squirming stomach as she laid back and relaxed on the couch. “I think I'm going to take a nap though…”]]>
You are surrounded by You start to notice that the tingling feeling you felt earlier is becoming a bit more...intense. For the most part you had not been focusing on your high because you were being eaten, but now that you were stuck in a tight belly, you had a bit of time to think about it. Or maybe that was just the digestion finally starting to happen, Andrea's stomach starting to secrete some more juices and process all the liquid she had drank. Outside, you heard Andrea flicking through the TV channels lazily, occasionally patting at her stomach and letting out a big burp or two, forcing the stomach walls to constrict around you even more.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It felt like hours inside of Andrea's stomach at this point. The stench of edibles had mostly passed at this point, or maybe you were just becoming nose blind to it at this point. Even after gulping down such a large, wiggling meal as yourself, it was clear that the coati was still quite hungry, as evidenced by the chips and soda that kept raining down on your head and now formed a mushed up mess among the stomach juices you sat in. Your high had mostly been distracting you from the actual effects of her digestion up until this point, it mostly just felt like you were getting really, really tired. Funnily, you felt your own stomach grumble a few times, and you had to stop yourself from shoveling the digested goop into your mouth…you had started to feel quite faint though, and soon after, you passed out in her gut…

Andrea didn't really seem to notice. She was having a few more hits while she watched whatever random show was on the television, occasionally trying to practice her french inhale (and interrupting into coughing fits a few times because of it). It was after one of those coughing fits that she noticed the bulge in her stomach had mostly stopped struggling, and was in fact starting to become liquid. Liquid that she could jiggle around. “Whoa, it's like...he's all...mushy.” she trailed off, giggling as she jiggled around her stomach, helping her digestion out a bit by kicking her stomach into gear. She idly snacked on a few more bags of chips before and exhaustion overcame her, the coati passing out on the couch not long afterwards. Overnight her stomach gradually shrank and rounded out, the nutrients and fat you had been made into being redistributed over her body.

Sometime after, Andrea jolted back awake, a big drool spot on the couch where she had been laying. “Oh, what the hell…” Her eyes were immediately transfixed on the empty plate in front of her. “Holy shit, did I eat that whole plate…?” she asked herself, getting up quickly and being thrown off balance by the new weight on her belly and tits. She made her way into the bathroom, idly groping herself in the mirror as she looked at her new curves. “God damn, I'm going to have to buy some new bras…” She mumbled as she continued checking herself out, not even noticing the pile of half digested clothes she had thrown up into the bathtub sometime during the night…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Before cleaning everything up and probably checking out of this hotel, Andrea had to get out everything she consumed last night. She plopped her new, rounder ass on the toilet and quickly disposed of the rest of you, intermixed with all the edibles she had snacked on earlier. She didn't even notice any anomalies before flushing and it going on with her day...") } msg ("
*You experienced quite the intense high...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("After a couple seconds of struggling, you feel something slop down onto your head...is she eating more??") } ]]>
false the Room 18 Door Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 18) dark hallway dark hallway dark hallway You make a beeline down the long, empty hallway, seeing a sort of vague light at the end of the tunnel. It seems so far away, yet so close...!


You weren't sure what happened to you, all you knew is that you had passed out for a couple minutes at the very least. You were running down that hallway and your motion was just completely halted by what felt like a brick wall. Now you were on the floor, dazed and throbbing with pain. A few seconds went by before a booming voice erupted in front of you. “Trespasser…” It said, before a torch lit off to the side, illuminating a massive beast standing in front of you. It was a cerberus, standing between you and the exit. The three heads looked at you for a moment, their six combined eyes burning holes in you, it felt like. Then, the middle one spoke again. “I am the guard of this room. All who seek the token must pass through me.” it spoke, with all three of the head’s mouths opening in tandem. “...And I mean that literally. Two heads will lead to your doom. One will lead to the key and your freedom…”

All three of the heads leaned down, slowly gaping open their mouths. You could see most of the details by torch light, the undulating, muscular tongues, the razor sharp teeth, the chains on their necks that jangled as they touch the ground...the scent, or rather the stench, of somewhere untold wafting out, somewhere you would rather not end up. You started to back away, but before you could run, a giant paw slammed down behind you. “Do not attempt to escape, or you will end up as less than even a meager snack…” ") cerblist = NewStringList() list add (cerblist, "1") list add (cerblist, "2") list add (cerblist, "3") list add (cerblist, "Run!") ShowMenu ("Which head?", cerblist, false) { if (result = "1") { Cerberus.choice = 1 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the first head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else if (result = "2") { Cerberus.choice = 2 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the second head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else if (result = "3") { Cerberus.choice = 3 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the third head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else { if (Cerberus.run = 0) { msg ("Run? Are you serious? This thing could probably turn you into a blood stain if you don’t play along with it.") Cerberus.run = 1 cerblist = NewStringList() list add (cerblist, "1") list add (cerblist, "2") list add (cerblist, "3") list add (cerblist, "Run!") ShowMenu ("Which head?", cerblist, false) { if (result = "1") { Cerberus.choice = 1 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the first head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else if (result = "2") { Cerberus.choice = 2 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the second head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else if (result = "3") { Cerberus.choice = 3 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the third head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else { if (Cerberus.run = 0) { msg ("Run? Are you serious? This thing could probably turn you into a blood stain if you don’t play along with it.") Cerberus.run = 1 } else if (Cerberus.run = 1) { msg ("Come on, that’s the worst idea you could possibly have. Don’t even try it.") Cerberus.run = 2 cerblist = NewStringList() list add (cerblist, "1") list add (cerblist, "2") list add (cerblist, "3") list add (cerblist, "Run!") ShowMenu ("Which head?", cerblist, false) { if (result = "1") { Cerberus.choice = 1 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the first head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else if (result = "2") { Cerberus.choice = 2 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the second head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else if (result = "3") { Cerberus.choice = 3 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You chose the third head. The head nodded as you approached it, the other two closing their mouths in a combination of acceptance and sadness. You could see the saliva dripping off its tongue, clearly hungry for the sacrifice you were about to give…but before you could back out of your choice, the jaws eagerly snatched you up, the top of the cerberus's mouth face-planting you against its wet tongue. That undulating muscle was much stronger than you could have imagined, and you imagined it was pretty strong. You felt yourself lifted up, the lips closing around your feet, the giant beast much larger than yourself, and able to fit all of you in its mouth with relative ease. It clearly seemed to enjoy its job, rolling you around in its mouth, coating you in drool, enjoying your flavor...but it was also a formality, something that had been done so many times. You were just another snack, another sacrifice, and in accordance with that the beast flicked back soon after, its tongue pressing you to the back of its mouth before it took one large, powerful swallow, sucking you in to the point of no return, the beast’s tight throat…") wait { msg ("
The gullet walls of the cerberus managed to fit your form exactly, despite the beast being so much larger than yourself...it seems like the beast wanted to make sure you felt exactly what it was like to be food, even though you would be nothing but a snack, a bite-sized treat...well, that wasn't exactly true. You were a mouthful, but that was about it. And now you were a small bulge in the cerberus’s throat, slowly heading to an unknown fate...you didn't have much more time to ponder this as your head bumped up against something solid. You weren't sure how long you had been in the throat, but you were about to have a change of scenery…") wait { MoveObject (player, CerbStomach) } } } else { if (Cerberus.run = 0) { msg ("Run? Are you serious? This thing could probably turn you into a blood stain if you don’t play along with it.") Cerberus.run = 1 } else if (Cerberus.run = 1) { msg ("Come on, that’s the worst idea you could possibly have. Don’t even try it.") Cerberus.run = 2 } else if (Cerberus.run = 2) { msg ("
You’re really persistent, aren’t you. Fine.

You decide to run from the beast. There was no way you were gonna deal with this! It could keep the token. You turn around and start to book it…


And are almost immediately stopped dead in your tracks. You don’t know what, but you ran headfirst into something quite sturdy; yet soft...either way, it put you straight on your ass. You looked ahead to see what looked like a gargantuan paw, slammed horizontally on the ground in front of you to keep you from leaving the cerberus’s lair. You turned around to the beast, not able to quite distinguish its facial expressions; but you had the impression that it was quite annoyed.

“Ugh...you don’t have to be so difficult.” it said calmly,Before slowly bringing its paw back to its body; with you attached! You struggled against the soft fur and beans, but the cerberus was immense and far more powerful than you. There was nothing to do but go along for the ride.
You felt yourself be pressed up against the beast’s chest, hearing every breath it took as it wondered about what to do with you. Thankfully, it was at least soft, but the heat was starting to get to you already…

“Since you don’t want to cooperate,” you heard the beast start again, “we will have to use you for something else. How about being a slave?”

Obviously, that didn’t sound very good. You voiced your objections, but the cerberus brushed them aside both literally and figuratively, knocking you onto the ground as casually as it could. “Nonsense. If you won’t sacrifice yourself, you can help feed us at the very least...yes, that sounds great. You can be our little feeder! In fact, it looks like a snack is coming right now…” the beast said, picking you up off the ground and pushing you towards the entrance to the cave. You turned around to look at your “master”, only to be met by an almost paralyzing glare. “And don’t even think about trying to escape. If you do, you’ll end up some place a lot more unforgiving…”") wait { msg ("
The threat was clear. You used the shadows to your advantage, hiding in them as you watched the unwitting sacrifice walk down the narrow hallway. You watched as they experienced the same shock, the same spiel from the cerberus, who lowered all three of their mouths down in front of the sacrifice. You could now see that it was a raccoon, a bit larger than you, but still unwitting as to your lurking just a few feet from them. You positioned yourself in the perfect spot, and, just as they started to back off in fear, jumped out and gave them a powerful push forward!

*glk. glrk. glrrrp!*

They disappeared down the beast’s gullet in seconds, leaving absolutely no trace except a few splatters of drool slowly drying on the floor of the cave. It was grotesque, in a way; thankfully, the darkness kept you from seeing the more disgusting details of the consumption. The beast let out a small belch, before speaking again.

“Mmm. Wonderful little snack. I don’t think we are anywhere near full, though…” it continued, before a paw rushed towards you once more. You let out a noise somewhat like a squeak as the cerberus snatched you up casually, fearing the worst - that you were next to disappear down that throat. But, instead, the beast just held you in its grasp for a few moments while it fiddled with something out of your field of view. Some time later, you watched as one of the cerberus’s giant fingers made its way towards you, with what almost looked like a collar wrapped around it!

You couldn’t see, but there was another finger behind you, and the beast ended up clamping a collar ‘round your neck, chained to the much-larger ring on the beast’s finger. “There we go. No running away now…” the beast said, as it slowly lowered you to the ground, before pointing at another corner in the hallway-cave. “There are bags of feed there. Bring them to me.” it commanded. You tried to loosen the collar on you just a bit before you walked over to the corner…") wait { msg ("
Good lord, these bags were heavy. And you didn’t even know what was inside of them, nor did you particularly want to; but what was important was that you had managed to drag them all the way over to the cerberus. “Good, good…” the beast commented as you lay at its feet, huffing and panting and sweating from the heat in the cave and the exertion you went through. You watched as the beast lowered its head once more, opening its mouth expectantly. You didn’t guess when it said to feed it, that it would be this literally…

It was difficult, but you managed to heft the bag up and quite literally drag it into the beast’s mouth. You knew as you stepped onto its wet, squishy tongue that it could just snap those jaws shut and trap you in its roiling gut for good...but for some reason, you were numb to that point. It felt like you had been working a 10 hour shift at a gas station and couldn’t give less of a shit if somebody walked in and took a whole case of beer without paying. As you hefted up the bag and tore it open before pouring it down that undulating, hungry throat, you thought and felt nothing. It was...odd, to say the least. You just calmly walked out of the beast’s mouth as it swallowed down whatever you were feeding it, before grabbing the next bag and repeating it…

This same cycle went on for hours. The bags of feed seemed to continue forever. Your arms felt like wet noodles, but you still went on. You saw as the toned, yet soft body of the cerberus gradually rounded and filled out, the beast’s gut clearly working wonders on whatever you were pouring down its craw. It was mindless labor; but the results were quite palpable. Already the beast’s newfound fat was starting to fill out the hallway it was sitting in, the cheeks of its three heads gradually becoming pudgier and pudgier. “More...MORE!” the creature started to demand, its hunger seemingly insatiable. You had given it a few more sacrifices along the way, but those meaty snacks were nothing compared to the bags and bags of...whatever that was sloshing its way through its digestive tract at this point. The beast was filling the room at this point, bag after bag of food being turned into lovely extra layers of pudge; you were covered in saliva from head to toe, no doubt from your several treks inside of the creature’s mouth. Its gut churned so loudly as it broke down the food you had been giving it, the gurgles and groans echoing off the cave walls - and yet still it wanted more.

There was nothing you could do but obey. Even though the cerberus was mostly pudge at this point, it could still probably crush you quite easily if you decided you were done at this point. The beast’s hunger seemed to have no bounds; no matter what you gave it, or how much, it still wanted more. It had probably been a day, but you were somehow not tired. Perhaps there was some magic at play here making sure you didn’t need to take a single break. But it seemed like you would be at the beast’s mercy until it filled up this entire hallway…") msg ("
*You became a slave to a greater being...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } } } } ]]>
0 0 false Cerberus's stomach
“You were a serviceable sacrifice…” you managed to make out, the voice mostly hidden behind powerful heartbeats and hungry, aggressive growls and moans. “You will learn soon if you made the correct decision...the stomach will lurch, and send you deeper. Otherwise, you will stay here for the rest of your days, steadily absorbed into my being...a true snack.” The cerberus's voice rang in your head as you awaited your judgement, as it were. You hoped you made the right choice... ]]>
You are surrounded by You weren't sure how long you had been inside the stomach at this point. You felt it clench tightly around you, caught off guard a bit, hoping that it would be the beginning of your journey to the outside again, but it seemed to be isolated.") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = Cerberus.choice) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You had to been basting in the cerberus’s stomach for quite some time at this point. You didn't feel much different, but the anxiety and the wait to see whether or not you made the right choice it was eating at you...quite literally. Eventually, though, you felt your world shift around you, the stomach turning a little bit, funnelling you down somewhere deeper. Your feet bumped up against a fleshy wall, before it gradually gave way, a wet squelch ringing out as your feet and legs were sucked in deeper. It looked like you had made the right choice, but now it was time to prepare yourself for the rest of the voyage…") wait { msg ("
It was agonizingly slow, but after a long wait the sphincter finally closed around your head, trapping you in the beast’s intestines. The walls here were a lot more active, tiny little fingers poking and prodding and rubbing at you, all the while powerful muscular contractions slowly pushing you deeper and deeper into the bowels of the cerberus. The constant stimulation from these little appendages was tiring you out, honestly, and you hadn't even made your way into the large intestine at this point. Hell, you hadn't even made it around the first curve...you had a while to go. It seems like it would be quite the voyage, and, honestly, the squeezing, tight walls were making you a bit tired...it was a weird place to take a nap, but what else was there to do...?

You felt yourself momentarily come to multiple times, each time the same familiar sensations of squeezing intestines and ticklish flesh surrounding you, almost making you numb to the sensation at a point. What was certainly still ringing in your ears and mind were the noises, deep, guttural groans and rumbles and gurgles as the cerberus’s body pushed you along, drawing the water out of you even if it wasn't fully digesting you. You started to feel a bit woozy and claustrophobic, struggling a bit as you tried to get more comfortable, but the walls give absolutely no way, they simply would not budge. You fell back into your slumber not soon after…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("AVexit.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
The sensation of cool, fresh air tickling your feet jolted you awake sometime after. It seems like you had finally made your way through the cerberus, its pucker slowly yawning open to push you back out into the world. Still though, the tight walls kept you in place, not letting you accelerate the process as the cerberus lazily let you back out, your knees and hips sliding out, your feet eventually touching the rocky ground of the tunnel again. You wiggled your legs and stretched them out a bit, feeling how nice it was to have freedom of movement again. The full tour was certainly better than a digestive fate, but it wasn't something you would do it again, for sure! He took a deep breath as you felt your chest slide out, before coughing at the musty, musky odor that filled your nostrils. Probably would be best to hold your breath for a little bit...

You tried to bend your neck up a little bit, just enough to see the light shining from outside, the torch that was lit still blazing; it seemed like you hadn't been gone for too long. That, or, the cerberus lit it again. Either way, it's provided a nice source of heat in the light shining into your enclosure as more and more of you slipped out, your arms finally freed again as the pucker slid around your shoulders. You touched your hands to the ground, bracing yourself as you felt your head pop out, stopping yourself from smacking it on the ground, which would certainly make this whole journey all for naught!

For a couple of minutes, you just sat there, laying on the ground, taking in the sensation of freedom of movement and fresh air again. You were dripping with several kinds of fluids that you didn't even want to think about right now, let alone try to discover the origin of. You saw the cerberus turn around out of the corner of your eye, the three heads glaring down at you. “You have made the right choice, mortal. Go collect your reward, and then be gone, or else…”

You felt a drop of saliva splatter you on the face. You got the hint. ") wait { MoveObject (player, Room 18 Hall2) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You had been anxiously waiting in the cerberus’s stomach for quite a while. It was an agonising wait, and the stomach was less than hospitable, constantly squashing and rubbing fluids into your form. The pressure of the walls was mounting, and you were hoping that it would be all over in a lurch that would send you deeper. But, that lurch never came. You heard a tremendous belch rumble off in the distance, and then the heart thumps underneath you. At the same time, you felt your skin start to tingle a bit, the fluids collecting at the bottom of the pit starting to take effect. It looks like you had to chose the wrong head…

You started to push and struggle on the walls but they were already so tight around you that you couldn't do much other than accept your fate. At least it didn't hurt, it was more like a rough massage, the fluids making you tingle all over as they’re rubbed around your body. You could feel yourself starting to get woozy, the lack of air in the stomach now taking its toll. Thankfully, you passed out before things started to stop being so... enjoyable in there…

The cerberus, which at this point had laid down in the tunnel, let out another deep belch from the middle head as its stomach started to work on you in earnest. The beast felt something rise out of its throat during the burp, and lit a torch to find that your clothes had splattered onto the ground in front of it. The beast casually picked them up with a claw, playing with them a little bit before tossing the soaked shirt and pants into a corner. Not much the beast could do with them. It started to doze off, content with the snack that had been provided to it. Hopefully another one would come along soon, it was already starting to feel a bit peckish…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
The next morning, the cerberus casually disposed of your and several other snacks’ remains in the same corner. They would be broken down and returned to the Earth soon...") } msg ("
*You chose incorrectly...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("You think you may have caused the cerberus some indigestion, but you soon realize that it all culminated in a belch from the beast. ") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
dark hallway false The room token for Room 18. Look at Drop TokenCall
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 19) false You opened the door into a dark room. It feels empty, but somehow you don’t bump into anything as you wander around blindly. The only thing that you can see are four faint lights in the center, gradually pulsating, yet not giving off enough light to illuminate whatever is around them… false false Look at Alluring... You decide to approach the faint lights. As you moved closer to them, more lights gradually started to appear, strips and stripes of glowing light blue illuminating the room. Finally, you found yourself standing before a large, serpentine beast, her purple body mostly disguised in the darkness were it not for the teal stripes that had illuminated her. Long, flowing black hair seemed to disappear behind her head into the infinity surrounding her, and her orange, intense eyes were focused on you. Two glistening fangs glinted in the blue light...and that glistening drew you to her chest. Two sets of breasts were on display, as well as an opening that you assumed to some sort of phallus would emerge from…

“Greetings, toy. I am Tashinas…” the naga finally spoke, her long tail curling around and resting behind you, although you really couldn't see it in the black of the room. “And you...will be my plaything.” At that point, you felt your eyes lock with hers somehow, the intensity of her stare only growing as the two of you locked eyes. At the same time, out of your view, the opening you had seen began to erect, a fleshy shaft creeping out of it, the same teal blue color that pulsed on her body. Your gaze was drawn inadvertently down to the phallus as it grew in front of you, the naga’s tail gently prodding you closer.

“Take a look…” Tashinas said, motioning towards the shaft you were now entranced with. “Wouldn't it feel wonderful to have that in your mouth…”") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
Normally, you wouldn't be so open to such a lewd act, but for some reason...you wanted to please this naga. You could feel yourself gradually losing the inhibitions you had about doing anything with this character, and as that shaft continue to swell, you couldn't help but want to even more. You felt yourself jerk down to the ground, as if something else was possessing your body, your mouth opening and your tongue attempting a lick at the shaft. You felt Tashinas shudder in response.

“Yes...good...continue, plaything…” She said, reaching her hands down and pressing more of her shaft into your mouth. It was quite the equipment, and although it didn't taste of anything spectacular, you still wanted to fit all of it in your mouth, the rod still growing even as it started to throb in your maw, pressing deeper and deeper until it pumped up against the back of your throat...even you were surprised that you could take that much. “Oh my, you have more capacity than I thought you would…” you could hear the naga say from above, starting to thrust into your mouth a bit.

While you still fit an impressive amount of her length into you, more than half of her shaft remained outside of your mouth. It was at this point that the tail came in, Tashinas slowly bringing it under you, the tip coiling around the bottom. The lithe appendage continued to coil around the base of her shaft; soon it was merely inches away from your face, you now mostly suckling on the tip of her shaft, impressive considering it was still almost jammed all the way into your throat. Then you saw something strange happen...the tip of the tail opened, and what looked like a tongue emerged, licking at the shaft intensely. You hadn’t noticed that she had a tailmaw until now…

“Yess...you are doing well…” you heard her voice again, this time a bit softer as most of her energy went to stroking her shaft with her tail. You were more or less watching at this point, seeing the naga work over her impressive shaft with her tail with aplomb. It was obvious that she did this quite often...why did she need you though? Were you just a vessel to fill? You thought these things as you felt her throb in your mouth some more, your tongue doing the best it could to stimulate her tip. You felt Tashinas slowly increase her tempo as time went on, and soon the naga was moaning softly as she started to thrust into her own tail. As she got closer to climax though, you noticed that tail snaking its way up the tip, eventually poking and prodding at you. It looked like it was trying to get at the tip, but since that part was currently lodged in your throat, it was doing the next best thing...in the darkness and the frenzy of Tashinas’s growing climax, you couldn't really see it, but you could certainly feel the flesh as the tail mouth opened, starting to get a grab on your face!") Ask ("Struggle?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You frantically struggled as you felt the warm embrace of the tail mouth spread over you, as well as the naga’s rising climax throbbing in your mouth. As you felt the climax rocket out of her, the naga moaning madly at the same time, you finally managed to get the shaft popped out of your mouth! Your victory was short-lived though, as the tail mouth tried to snap at the tip of the shaft, but instead its warm embrace clamped tight around your form, your head suddenly trapped in a warm, tight, squishy tube! You tried to struggle against the tail, but you were already so tired from getting her cock out of your mouth that you couldn't manage much more than a few wiggles. You felt the tail throw itself back, not unlike a normal predator tossing its head back, lifting you up into the air with surprising strength, gravity easily funneling you down that hungry tube. The lubrication of the tailmaw saliva, or whatever it was in this mouth, made it incredibly easy for you to become a tail snack, your body sliding in quite quickly without much resistance. All the while, Tashinas was in the throes of orgasm, her throbbing cock painting the inky black walls with her seed. She was so distracted by her orgasm that she didn't even notice that her play thing had disappeared, and that there was now a wiggling bulge in her tail that felt quite nice...

At this point, only your legs stuck out of the mouth of the hungry tail. They were trivial to slurp up, the tongue curling around your feet and pressing inward. Unlike a normal throat, there was no satisfying swallow to send you on your way, you were just directly fed into a tube feeding to...somewhere. You weren't sure exactly where you were going to end up, just that it would probably be a bit tight...like the enclosure you were currently in right now, the slimy walls pressing up against your form tightly and not letting you squirm very much. They were almost like bowels: long, winding, and tight...and hungry. You could feel the naga's body pushing you along quite smoothly, around bends and curves that you didn't even think a body could have. Eventually though, as you travel deeper and deeper, and the muffled moans of the naga grew quieter and quieter, you bumped up against something fleshy ahead of you…") wait { MoveObject (player, TashinasStomach) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You decide not to struggle. The tail’s mouth was kind of distressing you, but you also worried what Tashinas would do if you backed out of sucking her off. The tail continued to slurp and mouth at you as Tashinas stroked off, covering you in sticky...saliva? It had about roughly the same consistency, anyway. You could feel Tashinas throbbing in the back of your mouth, the salty taste of precum running down your throat, you knew that she would climax at any moment…

You weren't ready for how powerful it would be though. The first spurt of cream literally shot you off of her rod, your body falling to the floor with a mouth full of naga cream. You had to quickly get back to your feet to avoid being splattered with the next shot, even! It looks like you had been pushed far enough away that the tail couldn't reach you...at least not with Tashinas being stationary in the throes of orgasm. While the naga was messily relieving herself, you took the initiative to get out of there, taking a while to find the door, but escaping before the naga could pull you back in... ") MoveObject (player, thirdfloor3) } } } ]]>
false Tashinas's tail stomach
“Oof...it looks like someone has met my little friend…” Tashinas’s voice echoed, deep and all-encompassing yet so far away at the same time as she felt you kick inside. “I was planning to devour you myself, toy, but you will do just fine in there... I hope you enjoy the tail stomach!” She teased, using her tail to stroke the bulge you made in her stomach. There was no way out of this chamber except the way you came. How were you going to get out of here?]]>
You are surrounded by You had only been in the tail stomach for maybe an hour, but you were already losing track of time...and your energy. It felt like your very essence was being absorbed...you would have to find a way to get the tail to spit you up soon.") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Your escape attempts had completely eluded you. It seemed like this chamber was entirely designed to hold live prey...like you. Your struggles did little except make the tail mouth gassy, something of the naga passed off as a cute distraction. You could feel your strength being sapped by the minute, almost casually, the naga barely paying you any mind at this point. You were just a meal, and one that she had scarfed down hours ago at this point. You were starting to certainly feel like a meal, your consciousness gradually fading as the stomach pressed in harder and harder, rubbing those fluids deep into your skin…

At this point, Tashinas had fallen asleep. The convenient location of the tail stomach made anything her tail swallowed quite the nice pillow, and squishing the bulge with her weight also helped with digestion. Her tail curled up next to her, tongue occasionally licking and rubbing up against the bulge that you made as it gradually rounded out and softened, the snack it had slurped up being turned into soup like any other thing that disappeared down the tail’s gullet. Eventually, once you had been converted into a nutritious slop, the stomach walls started to absorb it directly, the nutrients and fat you provided going directly to her hips and rear. None of you was wasted in the conversion process; after all, it was only fair that such a large meal gave an equal amount of chub and energy later on…

The naga awoke the next day, as she usually did, stretching her long body out. Her hands idly went to stroke at her hips, feeling over the new squish and roundness you had given to them.

“Mmm, maybe my tail did have the right idea. They round me out so nicely down there~” Tashinas spoke, as she slithered out of the dark room, the new fat on her hips jiggling wonderfully as she did…") msg ("
*You went into the light...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Tashinas pets the bulge you make with her tail. “Everything will be alright, plaything...you are becoming part of something greater…”") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("More and more fluids start to leak out of the walls surrounding you, covering your body in a combination of sticky and slimy digestive fluids…") } else { msg ("You tried to pry open the way that you entered the tail stomach, but it was no use. The sphincter was locked tight.") } ]]>
false third floor the You are on false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 20) false A very short, soft, and pudgy gecko, with quite the long tail. She is sitting next to her bed, looking a bit dejected...although the tail mouth she has looks quite happy. Look at false
“Oh, that was a token? And you're looking for it? Uhhhhhh, I would love to give it to you but I don't think they'll cooperate…” She motioned to her tail. “If you feed them enough food, though, they will probably let you have it…”") ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the apple in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the apple in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the apple between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the apple. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of apple, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("
“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the butter in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the butter in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the butter between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the butter. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of butter, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the butter in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the OJ in front of her, gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the OJ between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the OJ. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of OJ, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the roast beef in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the roast beef in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the butter between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the roast beef. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of roast beef, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the milk in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the milk in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the carton tip between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck gulp it right down, clearly enjoying the taste of the milk. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the last of the milk. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of milk, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the crackers in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the apple in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the crackers between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the crackers. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of crackers, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("
“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the donut in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the apple in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the donut between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the donut. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of donut, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("
“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>

Why, of course you would feed this cute little geck! You hopped up on to the bed as well, Gecko motioning with her arms as to where you should lie as you had the chips in hand. “Gosh, I'm just starving…” the gecko said, her comment backed up by the fact that you could hear her stomach growling right next to you! You brought the apple in front of her, Gecko eagerly opening her mouth wide as she saw it approach her. Gently, you pushed the chips between her lips, the gecko letting out a sound somewhere between a chirp and a chirr as she got a taste of it. She was clearly pretty hungry, considering she closed her lips right around your fingers before you were even that done putting the whole thing in her mouth! You were able to pull them out just fine, but your fingers were coated with a fair bit of gecko drool now. You were a little annoyed, but it was hard to stay that way as you watched the geck chew it right up, clearly enjoying the taste of the chips. The small grin she had earlier had evolved into a full on smile, which stayed on her face as she swallowed down the whole thing in one gulp. “Aaah, sorry, I was just so hungry…” she apologized as soon as her mouth was empty.
") wait { msg ("You made it aware that it wasn't a problem by moving down to her pudgy belly, immediately pressing a hand down on her soft cream-colored gut and swirling around in circles gently. “Oohh...that feels nice…” you heard the gecko say from above, her stomach burbling gently under your touch. The closeness and affection of this whole encounter was certainly giving Gecko a little bit of the shivers...it had been a while since she had found somebody who was so eager to indulge her belly like this! And indulge was definitely the right word for it. Both your hands were now eagerly rubbing and stroking the gecko’s belly, teasing around her navel a little bit, anything that made the gecko chirp and sigh in innocent pleasure. It was obvious that both of you were enjoying this quite a lot, but eventually, your eyes were caught by something else. Below the cute little paunch which you knew was now full of chips, you noticed that she was wearing some pretty nice underwear, and that you could see something twitching underneath the fabric…
") wait { msg ("
“O-oh! S...sorry, being fed just really gets me blushy, I guess…” the gecko stammered as she noticed you looking at her bulge. Her face was red with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but something was making it you think that she was drawing your attention to it somehow. “Y...You want to check it out?” the gecko teased, the throbbing behind her underwear picking up the pace slightly even as she lightly teased you about it. Curious to see just how into the whole feeding thing she was, you eagerly nodded; a few moments later, one of the gecko’s pudgy paws came into your field of view, slowly pulling down the charcoal black boxer briefs she was wearing…

As soon as enough of her bulge was free, the gecko’s cock practically sprung out of its package, a soft, yet powerful musk wafting out from it. you heard a soft moan from above you as that same pudgy paw grabbed a loose hold of her semi-erect length, stroking up and down the shaft as you took more breaths of that wonderful scent of arousal. “Looks like you're a bit hungry too…” Gecko teased, starting to become a bit more confident and bossy as she became more horny and blushy. You felt the gecko's other paw wrap around the back of your head, gently, but firmly pulling you towards her junk. The implication was quite clear.") wait { msg ("You opened your mouth wide as you were moved closer, getting a good look at Gecko's hardening length. It had the flared head of a horsecock, and in fact that was the best comparison you could make, but it looked different enough that you couldn't entirely call it one. The pink shaft was visibly throbbing as you looked at it; it was pretty clear that the gecko was quite pent-up. You heard a soft growl come from the gecko as your moist lips made contact with the flared head, a slightly salty taste already spreading across your tongue as you worked your way down the shaft, Gecko’s paw still planted on the back of your head, encouraging you to work your way further down her shaft. “Ohh...I needed this…” you heard her moan from above you as you barely managed to fit the head inside of your mouth. Gecko’s cock wasn't exactly huge (right now, at least), but it was definitely pretty thick! You had to take a moment to figure out how you would work your way around it more, before you felt a spirit of pre splash out into your mouth. Your eyes looked up to Gecko, who was very clearly embarrassed and flustered by how productive she was already. “Dangit, this thing is so hard to hide…” she grumbled, before pressing on the back of your head a little bit, coaxing you to go deeper. You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you could take more of Gecko's length, before at least giving it a try. To your surprise, the fleshy ring beneath her head slipped into your mouth with ease, acting like a plug of sorts to keep the rest of her head inside; you could feel it throbbing in your mouth now, the tip bumping gently up against the back of your throat.

“Hhf...bottomed out? Don't worry, you're doing great…” Gecko complimented, her hips thrusting lightly back and forth as you got to work on blowing her. Your hand reached up to her belly, and you felt her cock instantly get harder in your mouth as you started to rub at her gut some more. “Oh, gosh…” you heard Gecko say from above, clearly enjoying the double team of sorts you had going on! You started to pick up the pace on her length, moving your neck and head up and down her shaft, stimulating those sensitive fleshy decorations on the top of her cock. Pre continued to leak out of your tip, pooling in your mouth and helping to lube the whole deal up a little bit as your tongue rubbed all over the Gecko's length. You could feel the throbbing of her cock intensifying every few minutes or so, and you knew that it wouldn't be long until the splooshy finish…
") wait { msg ("One of your hands was busy rubbing gecko belly, but the other was still free. You glanced down at the cream-colored sac dangling underneath her shaft, reaching your hand down to the globes and feeling them in your hand. Gecko's body clenched up as she felt your embrace, before smiling and letting you continue, her head lolled back in pleasure. Hefting her sac in your hand, you could practically FEEL how full of cum the gecko was! You were honestly surprised that she hadn't blown yet, because just from feeling this, you knew that the gecko had to be incredibly pent up.

Something did happen, though. Gecko's thrusts got more and more powerful, the small lizard clearly nearing a powerful orgasm. You could feel pre running down your throat, forcing you to swallow every minute or so just to keep from drowning in the stuff. Gecko's paw was firmly planted on the back of your head still, using your head as a fucktoy as she growled and groaned in pleasure. “Hhff...almost…”

When she came, it was like a blast to the face. Her paw instantly relaxed behind you, allowing your head to shoot right off of her shaft just from the impact of her orgasm alone. Even though you weren't able to stay attached to her cock, you still got a mouthful of salty gecko cum, which you eagerly swallowed down as the gecko’s firehose length painted your face instead. That was certainly still hot, and a bit of a change of pace, so you weren't really disappointed that you didn't have a belly full of gecko cum. What you got from the first shot and what you were able to lick off of your face were more than enough to satiate your thirst! You reached a hand out to the length as Gecko panted and moaned in front of you, her cock still spasming and shooting out a bubble of jizz every few moments or so, and becoming even more productive as you stimulated and stroked up and down of the throbbing, lubricated shaft. “Aaaahhnnn...so much already…” you heard the gecko pant out from above you, her cock still throbbing in your grasp, making you think she was going to blow another load! Quite a bit of cream was still dribbling out of the tip every now and then, but it never got as explosive as it was originally. Your other hand reached down to her sac once more, finding it to be much lighter than it was before. It looked like she would be spent soon.
") wait { picture ("cv (3).png") msg ("You looked up to your impromptu partner, Gecko’s face completely red with arousal and afterglow, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. “G-gosh, I didn't know I was that pent-up…” she squeaked, her paws once again wrapping around the back of your head, getting a gentle grasp on an it as she smiled. “How do you feel about being my refill?”

Before you could even respond or really comprehend what she said, you felt a strong push from the back of your head, smushing your face right against the tip of her cock and smothering you with the cum still dripping out of it! Among the sloppy sounds of gecko jizz getting all over your face, you could hear a soft sigh from that gecko in front of you. “Aaahh, You'll do great…” she encouraged as you felt something else plop down onto your back. You couldn't look behind you, but from the size and weight of the thing, you could only assume that it was Gecko’s big, fat tail, plopping down on you to make sure you didn't squirm too much on the way down. And, well, it was definitely working...!
") wait { msg ("After a few more moments of Gecko rudely squishing you against her head, you felt the flesh stretch around your nose and swallow up your whole face in one clench! One second, your vision was completely obfuscated by gecko cock; the next, you were surrounded by it. And complete darkness. The gecko’s tunnel of a urethra was quite slick from the orgasm she just had, the cum and pre smearing itself onto your face and allowing Gecko to shove you right down her shaft. It would have also made it easier for you to pull yourself out, but with a giant, fat tail resting on your back, you really couldn't do anything productive. Still, you tried the best you could to get out, your hands flailing and grabbing at the Gecko’s fleshy cock to try and pull yourself out. But it turned out to be counterproductive; the stimulation from your hands and your squirming was only making Gecko more aroused, making her clench harder and pull you into her nethers even faster. Within a few minutes, your whole head was jammed into that slick shaft, with more of it being pushed and clenched inside every moment. At least you couldn't hear the moans from the gecko as much anymore; instead, all you heard were slick, lewd sounds as Gecko’s jizz got all over your body.

Your flailing arms were quickly pinned to your sides as the gecko’s cock swallowed up your shoulders, seemingly having absolutely no problem with the widest part of your body. In fact, judging from the noises you could hear over the sounds of slick flesh, gecko was only enjoying it even more! A few seconds later, you felt a bubble of cum get shot into your mouth, forcing you to sputter and spit the cream out as the cock continued slurping you down without a problem. In fact, that little shot of jizz basically stunned you for a few moments, allowing the gecko to swallow up your entire chest into her length! “Gosh, you liked my cum with so much, but you don't want to be a part of it, rude!” she teased before leaning forward, her hands finding purchase on your thighs and gripping them tightly. A few seconds later, you felt a powerful shove force you even deeper down that pink, throbbing cock; your belly had disappeared inside, and now all that was left of you was a pair of legs. Trivial for the gecko’s hungry length to make disappear!

The deeper you went, the tighter, the muskier, and the warmer Gecko’s loins got. Your strength was fading quickly, and with your arms basically useless, there was little you could do to escape Gecko’s shaft at this point. Your only hope was really to get her to blow her load before you became part of it! You came up with that idea just in time, as well, as another rippling, tight clench around your whole body shoved you right into those nuts that you had been fondling only a few minutes ago. It was just your head at first, but you heard how aroused Gecko was from feeling you slip inside of her, and just a few moments later, your head was joined by your shoulders and your chest, disappearing inside the Gecko’s sac with just one clench apiece. Part of your legs and feet were still in the outside world; you knew this because you felt it Gecko’s paws playing with your feet, taking off your shoes and socks and casually tossing them onto the floor next to her before tickling your feet a little bit. You couldn't help but thrash around inside from the sensation, and that only made it easier for Gecko to get the rest of you down. “Oops~” she said as she felt you squirming deep inside of her, feigning ignorance that it was exactly what you would do in response to her tickling before grabbing hold of your feet and rudely shoving them right down her shaft! The force pushed your forehead right against the wall of her sack, smothering you in musky gecko balls before the rest of your body could catch up and fill out the chamber.
") wait { msg ("With the last of you contained in her shaft, Gecko could really start to enjoy the whole experience. He stroked her engorged length with both hands as she felt your legs sink deeper into her loins, your body forced to bend at quite the awkward angle inside of her balls considering she was laying down in bed. Your upper half was basically inside a soft chamber right underneath her shaft, while the rest of you was still going down said shaft! You didn't even know you could bend this way…

At least the discomfort was temporary. In a few moments, your lower half joined you inside of Gecko’s balls, creating a comically large bulge inside a chamber that was moments ago smaller than your palm. Those fleshy,slick walls around you outlined your form exactly, leaving pretty much no space for you to try and squirm around without immense resistance from Gecko’s body. They were so thin that you can actually see a little bit of what was going on around you. A shadow quickly blocked out some of the light; Gecko’s fat paw reaching down to rub and jostle the chamber. She could only moan as she felt you squirming around inside; this was such a sensitive area, and feeling someone squirming around inside of like that? It was overclocking her libido! Already she was stroking and playing with her meat like mad, knowing that you would melt down into a fantastic, gigantic load for her to shoot out all over the room soon. Would you have time to force her to cum before you became a part of the orgasm?
") wait { msg ("No. You wouldn't. But not for the reason you expected.

“Get comfy in there…” you heard Gecko’s voice echo around you. Right after she said that, in the blink of an eye, you suddenly felt the walls starting to squeeze around your form tight. It was so powerful, so compact, taking your breath away...the chamber had been mostly empty up until now, but all of a sudden, it felt like you were swimming in a sea of jizz. The walls kept clenching around you. you didn't even have time to react…


The gecko let out a long, pleased sigh as the bulges in her sack instantly rounded out and softened. In less than a second, you had gone from a pleasing, wiggling cock snack to nothing but a potent, massive load of a gecko seed sloshing around in her balls. “Wow...I didn't think that would work…” the gecko commented as she reached down to stroke and fondle her swollen sac, feeling all the fresh jizz that you had made churning up inside. Her nuts were so heavy and full and begging for release, gurgling and burbling and sloshing with every move that that Gecko made. And, hey, she didn't really have much else to do right now...

Gecko started to stroke and squeeze at her shaft once more, feeling the immense pressure in her loins from how much potent cream was stored inside. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and her head reeled back as she just bathed in the pleasurable feelings, both hands rubbing and playing with her engorged length constantly. Occasionally she would reach down to her balls and feel around just to confirm that, yes, she really had that much jizz inside of her! It was hard to believe, and she couldn't wait for it all to come out…

She wouldn't have to wait for long. The geck continued playing with herself at length, feeling her cock start to throb and throb the closer she got to finishing. Eventually, she felt that wonderful feeling start to surge up from her loins, almost overpowering in a way. Usually she would be stroking harder and faster the closer she got to cumming, but she could only lay back in her bed and watch as her orgasm came, completely overwhelmed and enveloped in tingling, amazing feelings. God, it was so amazing! She had a front row seat as her cock spasmed and twitched, shooting out giant, bubbling globs of jizz by the second. The first few shots rocketed out at top speed, splattering up against the wall in front of the gecko and making quite a mess. As the pressure inside Gecko’s balls decreased, the power of her cumshots did as well; but she was still producing quite a lot. The fresh, hot seed got all over the lower half of her bed, splattering and staining the sheets and the carpet on the floor, making the entire hotel room smell like gecko jizz!

Eventually, Gecko had enough control over her body to grab a hold of her still-producing cock, the shots of hot cum getting everywhere in the room - and on Gecko’s person - as she got a hold of that shaft and pointed it right at her face! She groaned as globs of jizz splattered out onto her neck and belly, her face getting a little bit of the action as well. Her nuts continued to shrink as they got emptied out by the gecko’s powerful orgasm, until, finally, there was no more. The tip of her shaft was only dribbling cum at this point, and Gecko was laying in the center of a room absolutely covered with her own jizz. The walls, the bed, her own body...it was all covered in what you once were. Nothing but stains now.

*You got a little too comfy with a geck...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false Gecko's stomach Gecko’s stomach was not the tightest in the world, but it was certainly quite chubby; any struggles you made inside not being easily reflected on the outside, and every push you made felt like you were trying to make an impression through five layers of heavy blankets. You felt a few more swallows contract around your head, before it spilled out into the chamber as well, forcing you to curl up tight inside as the hungry gut churned and gurgled around you. Already you could feel those stomach walls tighten, working their digestive fluids deeper into you. You swore you already felt a bit of tingling… You are surrounded by The gecko’s tummy was starting to get a lot more cramped. The thick layers of fat surrounding you certainly didn't make it any easier; it felt like there was constantly somebody laying on you from all sides or something...and that would hold true in a few minutes, as you suddenly felt your world shaking around you. Suddenly, you felt a sharp pressure on your legs, as if someone was laying on them, and then you heard a distant noise that sounded like...snoring? Yes, snoring! It seems that the gecko had slipped into a food coma, and was using the bulge you made in her belly as a pillow...it was already hard enough to struggle, but with all of her weight on top of you, it was nearly impossible. The tightness of the chamber was certainly helping digestion as well, that tingling feeling and spreading all over your body... ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Gecko had been snoring in your ear for what felt like at least an hour at this point. With so much of her energy devoted to digestion in this unconscious state, you were surprised that you haven't completely melted yet…although you were mostly there. Every movement you made felt sluggish, the belly sludge you were bathing in gradually turning you into more of it. Her gut only continued to tighten up around you as you became less and less solid, but in a strange way, it almost felt comforting, especially with that rhythmic snoring. As your consciousness gradually faded, you felt yourself drift off to sleep, lulled into that sleep by the rhythmic noises of the gecko’s body...

Over the evening, the sated gecko belly gradually turned you into more thick belly sludge, her stomach rounding out and shrinking as it continued to tighten around your compacted self. By the time you were all finished in there and starting to funnel through her intestines, it only looked like she was slightly chubbier than normal, or maybe early into a pregnancy. The nutritious soup coursed its way through her bowels as she slept, being absorbed into her body almost entirely...and, with her metabolism, that meant you ended up mostly as fat: on her ass and thighs, but most importantly, her belly.

The gecko awoke in the morning, with a lot more chub on her body, and no idea where it came from. She stretched and yawned before getting up off the bed, pinching her new belly fat with a mixture of confusion, enjoyment, and annoyance. “What did I eat this time…” She said as she played with her new fat, before she felt something rumble up out of her gut..


She looked on the ground to see that with that powerful belch came a shirt drenched in stomach juices and mostly digested. “Well, I guess that answers that question...at least I got to eat them this time.” she commented, looking at her tail and sticking her tongue out at it.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
With all big meals came a big finish though, and Gecko felt the pressure in her bowels that signaled the finish was coming. She made her way to the bathroom, noticing the new squish of her butt as she plopped it down on the toilet, feeling whatever she didn't absorb overnight slide out of her and plop down in the toilet. It was less than she expected for how much fat you put on her body, but she couldn't complain as she wiped and finished up her morning...") } msg ("
*You chose incorrectly...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Gecko felt her belly jiggle a bit as you struggled, but besides that, you weren't making much of an impact.") } else { msg ("Using all your strength, you managed to get a hand imprint to show on her gut for a few seconds, but they quickly snapped back into place…") } ]]>
Gecko's cute, fat tail! It's hungry... 0 Gecko's tail Look at false “Are you sure you want to go in there? I don't think they will let you out if you do…”") } otherwise { picture ("1XsJ7z0d.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You made your way over to the tail mouth, its size and thickness easily dwarfing the whole rest of Gecko’s body. Tentatively, you offered your hand to it. The tail drew near, seemingly sniffing it before seeing that there was no food. It seemed to get the hint that you were offering yourself. The tail slowly opened wide, strands of drool snapping in its mouth as it did so. Its warm, fleshy embrace quickly spread over your hand as it clamped onto it. There was no going back now! The tail tugged at you hungrily, quickly slurping your arm up all the way to the elbow. “You might want to put your head down…” you heard Gecko suggest meekly beside you. You did as she said, putting your head down as the mouth opened wide again, your face making fleshy contact with its purple tongue in just a few moments. You stuck your other arm in at the same time, feeling it get slurped up as quickly as the first one did…

The tail mouth quickly clamped around your upper chest; you could feel those jaws on your back as it got to work, greedily working their way down your chest, soaking your upper body in sticky, wet and warm gecko drool. Even if you wanted to back out, at this point, it would be far too late! You just tried to enjoy the ride, not resisting as you felt the tail pick you up, or rather, pick itself up, lifting its head back and letting you dangle in the air. Like some sort of hungry snake, it let you slide further into itself with gravity, the long and fat noodle sending you straight down its gullet with ease! Your arms were forced to your sides as they entered the tight embrace of the tail’s pseudo throat, the slimy vice grip of the walls feeling much like the grip of a regular throat, barely letting you do anything more than wiggle as you got scarfed up. You froze up as you felt some teeth brush by your legs, especially because you hadn't even seen them in the tail’s mouth before! Thankfully, it wasn't going to use them, preferring its meal to be as alive and squirmy as possible. You felt that rough, purple tongue slide between your legs as they were glurked inside, making sure to lubricate every part of your body for the slide into the stomach…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Which wasn't that far away! It seemed like most of this tail was just a quite large and roomy holding space, which you were quickly dumped out into as the tail finished gobbling the rest of you up. It looked, felt, and certainly smelled much like a regular stomach, and it rumbled and gargled around you all the same as more of you slid into that chamber. Soon, you felt your feet slide past the back of the tongue, your whole body now contained inside of that very fat, very sated tail…") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoTailStomach) } } } } else { picture ("1XsJ7z0d.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You made your way over to the tail mouth, its size and thickness easily dwarfing the whole rest of Gecko’s body. Tentatively, you offered your hand to it. The tail drew near, seemingly sniffing it before seeing that there was no food. It seemed to get the hint that you were offering yourself. The tail slowly opened wide, strands of drool snapping in its mouth as it did so. Its warm, fleshy embrace quickly spread over your hand as it clamped onto it. There was no going back now! The tail tugged at you hungrily, quickly slurping your arm up all the way to the elbow. “You might want to put your head down…” you heard Gecko suggest meekly beside you. You did as she said, putting your head down as the mouth opened wide again, your face making fleshy contact with its purple tongue in just a few moments. You stuck your other arm in at the same time, feeling it get slurped up as quickly as the first one did…

The tail mouth quickly clamped around your upper chest; you could feel those jaws on your back as it got to work, greedily working their way down your chest, soaking your upper body in sticky, wet and warm gecko drool. Even if you wanted to back out, at this point, it would be far too late! You just tried to enjoy the ride, not resisting as you felt the tail pick you up, or rather, pick itself up, lifting its head back and letting you dangle in the air. Like some sort of hungry snake, it let you slide further into itself with gravity, the long and fat noodle sending you straight down its gullet with ease! Your arms were forced to your sides as they entered the tight embrace of the tail’s pseudo throat, the slimy vice grip of the walls feeling much like the grip of a regular throat, barely letting you do anything more than wiggle as you got scarfed up. You froze up as you felt some teeth brush by your legs, especially because you hadn't even seen them in the tail’s mouth before! Thankfully, it wasn't going to use them, preferring its meal to be as alive and squirmy as possible. You felt that rough, purple tongue slide between your legs as they were glurked inside, making sure to lubricate every part of your body for the slide into the stomach…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Which wasn't that far away! It seemed like most of this tail was just a quite large and roomy holding space, which you were quickly dumped out into as the tail finished gobbling the rest of you up. It looked, felt, and certainly smelled much like a regular stomach, and it rumbled and gargled around you all the same as more of you slid into that chamber. Soon, you felt your feet slide past the back of the tongue, your whole body now contained inside of that very fat, very sated tail…") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoTailStomach) } } } ]]>
") RemoveObject (Apple) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
") RemoveObject (Butter) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
") GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } ]]> ") RemoveObject (Roast Beef) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
") RemoveObject (Milk) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
") RemoveObject (Crackers) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
") RemoveObject (Donut) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
") RemoveObject (Chips) GeckoTail.fed = GeckoTail.fed + 1 if (GeckoTail.fed = 1) { msg ("“That's a good start,” Gecko advised, “But I don't think they are satisfied yet…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 2) { msg ("“Ah! that feels a bit better. I think you are getting close…”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 3) { msg ("“Mmmm. I think that brat is finally satisfied!” Gecko said, patting the head of the tail mouth as its tongue was hanging out. “I'm still hungry though. Feed me!”") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 4) { msg ("“No, quit feeding that glutton! Feed me, I'm starving…” gecko looked down at her belly in disappointment. You got the feeling that if you fed the tail again, something was going to happen...") } else if (GeckoTail.fed = 5) { msg ("
You heard Gecko’s stomach rumble quite audibly as she watched you feed her tail yet again. “Uggh, I'm so hungry. Why won't you feed me!?” she said, a clear anger in her voice. Just then, you saw her lunge forward, knocking you right onto the ground! She put all of her weight on you at once, making it impossible for you to move as she pinned you down. “If you won't feed me, I'll just have to feed myself…” she said before making her way down your body, pinning your arms at her sides with her own arms as she made her way to your feet, chomping down on them almost immediately! ") wait { picture ("xlBdkepv.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You barely had time to wiggle as Gecko greedily devoured you, working her way up to your hips in just two bites. Her ravenous hunger was clearly on display, her wet throat expanding and claiming your feet with a thick *glrrruk!*. Just a few moments after, she had clamped her jaws down on your thighs! Your whole world was constantly moving around you as Gecko sloppily gobbled you up, your eyes forced to look down and see yourself quickly disappearing into the hungry lizard, and all the scattered food you could have given her surrounding her…her throat grabbed onto you and wouldn't let go, thick, rippling swallows removing the need for Gecko to even hold you with her arms, although she did it anyway. A few more rough gulps from the hungry girl, and your head was dragged even closer to those ravenous lips, most of your body already lodged in her oppressively tight throat...you tried to squirm and wiggle the best you could as you felt yourself slowly getting drawn closer to her mouth, but with most of you already inside of her, your wiggles were quite inconsequential.

With most of you inside of her, Gecko could take a little bit more time to finish you off, her tongue sliding down beneath your neck and slurping along your head, the gecko taking a little bit of time to actually taste her dinner before sending it down. You couldn't help but squirm as her thick rough tongue worked its way over your face, your eyesight being obfuscated by globs of thick, sticky drool. You looked in the gecko’s eyes as best you could, trying to plead with her somehow, but all you saw in them was the ravenous hunger of a predator...and then, you saw nothing, as her jaws worked their way over your head, Gecko casually using a finger to push the last of you inside of her mouth. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your hearing suddenly became dominated by the wet, squelching sounds of the gecko’s mouth and tongue as it worked over you, Gecko taking her time to taste and lubricate your head before finishing you off. She slowly guided your head to the back of her mouth, before…*glrrup!* One last swallow trapped you entirely inside of the hungry gecko. She loosened her scarf around her neck slightly before tracing the bulge your head made as it steadily disappeared inside of her, watching her belly bulge out as your feet and legs made their way inside. Judging from how you could wiggle them around in the stomach even with most of your body still trapped in her throat, you knew there was a lot of empty space to fill. A few more rippling swallows pushed you deeper into the chamber, forcing your legs to curl up against the belly walls...") wait { MoveObject (player, GeckoStomach) } } } } ]]>
false The tail belly was rather spacious, but still as hot and tight as a normal belly. You were constantly jostled around as the tail moved and got itself comfortable, preferring to lay itself on the floor as it's rather large meal squirmed around inside. The food you had fed it earlier constituted a thick sludge inside of the stomach, mixed with what you could only assume were digestive juices running down the walls. It was time to get this token and get out of there! Gecko's tailstomach You are surrounded by It seemed like you had failed to feed the tail enough for it to let you out. You had tried to pry open the sphincter that fit you into here, tried to struggle the best you could, but it would just not let you out. You could even hear Gecko chastising her tail about not letting you go, but with the thing being so much bigger than her and having a mind of its own, there wasn't much that she could do about it. No, this had happened quite a few times before, and she knew that arguing with her tail wouldn’t work! You felt a few thumps on the bulge that you made in the tail stomach, before her familiar voice came. “Sorry...I guess you didn't feed it enough…” she apologized, before turning around and using the bulge you made in her tail as a pillow. No use in letting a soft tail go to waste, you guessed…") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Now, you felt a tingling sensation start to spread all over your body. Your struggles started to become weaker and weaker, the caustic environment around you doing quite a good job of sapping your energy. Even when you wiggled as hard as you could, it barely registered as anything worth noticing for both Gecko and her tail. Is this what being food felt like? Getting gobbled up all spectacularly and then being forgotten as nothing but a few extra pounds later? You didn't have much time to figure out how you felt about it before you realized you were starting to lose feeling in your limbs. You couldn't see it, but you were already starting to melt into a goopy sludge in the tail belly! Thankfully, you passed out for anything became too painful...

A loud and long gurgle came from the tail stomach behind Gecko as it started to work on melting you away inside. “I guess that's it then…” Gecko commented after hearing it. “Gosh, you're such a glutton…” She complained, playfully smacking the mouth of her tail. “You know I have to deal with this later, right?” She knew that the tail knew, and also that it didn't care! It truly was a brat. But it was hungry, even more hungry than Gecko was, and it needed to be fed. Already the bulge you made in the tail started to soften and round out, plumping up the already fat tail that Gecko had on her. At least your slowly softening form made a good pillow for Gecko to doze off on while you digested…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Gecko awoke sometime later to an even fatter tail and a familiar urge in her bowels. “You get all the fun squishy stuff, and I have to deal with this…” she complained as she got up, the fat slug that was her tail literally dragging along the ground as she made her way to the bathroom. She didn't even bother trying to adjust that bloated thing, she just plopped her rear right down on the toilet and let her tail sort itself out. Thankfully getting rid of you wasn't as annoying as she thought it would. The remains you left slid out of her quite nicely, making quite a large pile in the toilet. Which Gecko then flushed away, struggling to pick up her bloated tail as she made her way out of the bathroom. Great, now she was hungry too…") } msg ("
*You didn't feed it enough...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
tailstomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The stomach tightened a little bit around you before the tail stomach let out a rude belch. “Come on, not in my face…” Gecko complained!") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else { msg ("Gecko thought she would try to soothe you, rubbing at the spot you struggled at. “Don't worry, being tail fat isn't that bad…” She wasn't very good at it.") } ]]> Look at Drop TokenCall
ring ring "You can't ring " + object.article + "." knockon knock on "You can't knock on " + object.article + "." takeabath take a bath "You can't take a bath " + object.article + "." usestall use stall "You can't use stall " + object.article + "." swimwith swim with "You can't swim with " + object.article + "." A pretty stereotypical-looking hotel bar. Faux mahogany finish on everything. This place is finally starting to get some business, but {object:Byron:the bartender} still looks pretty bored. false the
He's currently leaning on the bar with his elbows, staring out at the empty bar. It was always pretty empty.]]>
Look at false
{command:ask Byron about drinks:Order a drink?}
{command:ask Byron about togo:Order a drink to go?}
{command:ask Byron about food:Do you serve food?}") } otherwise { msg ("\"What's your poison?\"

{command:ask Byron about drinks:Order a drink?}
{command:ask Byron about togo:Order a drink to go?}
{command:ask Byron about food:Do you serve food?}") } ]]>
You tell Byron what you want. The crow nods before turning to the bar and whipping up your drink.

\"There ya go.\" he says as he slides the glass over to you. You pay Byron before taking a sip of the drink.") wait { if (RandomChance(25)) { msg ("
You take a sip from the drink...and everything is starting to feel a bit...weird. Almost like it's getting bigger...and quite quickly, too! The glass quickly outgrows your hand, slamming onto the bar as the world around you continues to grow larger...

A few moments later, your entire body is lying on the bar stool you were sitting on earlier. This was one hell of a buzz...or at least, that's what you thought it was, until you saw Byron peering over the side of the bar. You tried to call out to him, but then you saw the crow smirk, before extending a wing out to grab you...!") MoveObject (player, BarShrink) } else { msg ("
You finish the drink quickly. You're starting to feel a bit tipsy...") Byron.shrinkdrink = 1 } } } else if (Byron.shrinkdrink = 1) { msg ("
You tell Byron what you want. The crow nods before turning to the bar and whipping up your drink.

\"There ya go.\" he says as he slides the glass over to you. You pay Byron before taking a sip of the drink.") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
You take a sip from the drink...and everything is starting to feel a bit...weird. Almost like it's getting bigger...and quite quickly, too! The glass quickly outgrows your hand, slamming onto the bar as the world around you continues to grow larger...

A few moments later, your entire body is lying on the bar stool you were sitting on earlier. This was one hell of a buzz...or at least, that's what you thought it was, until you saw Byron peering over the side of the bar. You tried to call out to him, but then you saw the crow smirk, before extending a wing out to grab you...!") MoveObject (player, BarShrink) } else { msg ("
You finish the drink quickly. You're getting a bit more loopy now...") Byron.shrinkdrink = 2 } } } else if (Byron.shrinkdrink = 2) { msg ("
You tell Byron what you want. The crow nods before turning to the bar and whipping up your drink.

\"There ya go.\" he says as he slides the glass over to you. You pay Byron before taking a sip of the drink.") wait { if (RandomChance(75)) { msg ("
You take a sip from the drink...and everything is starting to feel a bit...weird. Almost like it's getting bigger...and quite quickly, too! The glass quickly outgrows your hand, slamming onto the bar as the world around you continues to grow larger...

A few moments later, your entire body is lying on the bar stool you were sitting on earlier. This was one hell of a buzz...or at least, that's what you thought it was, until you saw Byron peering over the side of the bar. You tried to call out to him, but then you saw the crow smirk, before extending a wing out to grab you...!") MoveObject (player, BarShrink) } else { msg ("
You finish the drink quickly. Your vision is starting to blur...") Byron.shrinkdrink = 3 } } } else if (Byron.shrinkdrink = 3) { msg ("
You tell Byron what you want. The crow nods before turning to the bar and whipping up your drink.

\"There ya go.\" he says as he slides the glass over to you. You pay Byron before taking a sip of the drink.") wait { msg ("You just kept drinking. Over and over again, getting more and more drunk as the night went on. Clearly you had quite a bit weighing on your shoulders tonight, because you were drinking yourself silly! A few times you thought that Byron was going to cut you off, but the train of booze just didn't stop! You had gotten more and more boisterous as the night went on, loudly flirting with Byron and anyone that filtered through the bar. Nothing was reciprocated, really...until you saw a certain vixen show up.

It was the vixen from Room 3, as bubbly and peppy as ever. \"Hey, stranger! Could hear you all the way upstairs…\" she said before sitting down next to you, an almost comically large smile on her face as she watched you flounder about buzzedly. \"Y'know, I've been wanting to get hammered myself. What about a lil bit of a casual drinking game? Between friends?\"

In your inebriated state, instead of thinking about the pros and cons of what you were getting into...well, you just jumped at the chance to drink more! Lucia called for another round of drinks from Byron, and the birdy bartender obliged without comment - considering you were already pretty out there, you weren't gonna say no either! You held a drink in hand, the vixen with one as well...it was time to chug.

While Lucia started out rather conservatively with her drinking, you came out of the gate swinging...most likely because you were already quite a bit more intoxicated than the vixen! Everything was already starting to get a little blurry, empty bottles just appearing in front of you constantly with no rhyme and reason; they could have been yours, could have been Lucia's, all you knew was that their number was growing at an impressive rate. You could tell that Lucia was teasing you, but the actual words she was saying were a garbled, giggly mess...And you couldn't tell whether they were like that because of how drunk you were or because she was rapidly becoming inebriated as well! In hindsight, it was probably a bit of both.

Regardless, the drinking game continued on for a little while, both of you slamming back bottle after bottle of beer with no problem. With the ample head start you got, though, you felt like you were quickly deteriorating, and Lucia couldn't hope to catch up if she wanted to! As you got drunker and drunker, you were starting to slow down on your consumption as well, until you just...couldn't...have another bottle. You slammed the last one you were drinking down onto the table, the bottle still half full, before you started mumbling some incoherent nonsense that even Lucia couldn't understand in her own drunken state. The world around you was rapidly starting to grow dark, you felt your body crumple to the floor...and that was the last thing you remembered for a while.
") wait { msg ("Sometime later, you awoke again. You couldn't tell if it had been hours, minutes, maybe even days that you had been out like a light. All you knew was that you were some place that you didn't recognize at all, and that despite waking up, you still felt...so drunk. To the point where you couldn't really even do anything except flounder about like a fish out of water; and even that felt like it was going in slow motion! A vaguely orange blur was moving around in your field of vision...but that was really all you could see. Your sense of feeling wasn't much better either...just seemed like you were lying in a bed. All the sounds around you were kinda mixed together into a mish-mosh of nothing as well...how did you even wake up if you still felt like this? You figured your body would still be in recovery mode!

You kept floundering and lolling about in this semi-conscious haze, nothing really startling enough to push you out of it...until you felt something really wet and warm and weird start to wrap its way around your toes. Now, that was a jarring enough sensation to make you feel a little bit more aware...still, you couldn't make any meaningful movements at all, even as you felt that wetness slowly creeping its way up your body. What on earth was going on!?
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("Well, what you didn't know is that orange blur was Lucia, you were back in her hotel room, and right now? The vixen was sitting spread eagle on her bed, completely nude...and, well, that gross, wet sensation was your legs being pushed right up into her cooch! Being quite drunk herself, and having to accommodate a basically useless and incoherent friend in her room for a while...well, one idea lead to another, and now you were in this mess. Lucia was clearly enjoying all of it, judging from how tightly her flesh gripped your feet and how high-pitched and squeaky her lustful of moans were becoming with just a foot or so of your body inside of her! You were definitely going to be in for a long, tight and warm ride if Lucia got her way, and she was almost certainly going to get her way with how difficult it was for you to even open your eyes right now…

The vixen reeled back in pleasure with every clench her body made, her arms immediately going to her breasts for a bit of playtime while her nethers clenched and pulled and sucked you deeper into her canal. Feeling this weird sensation crawling its way up your body, you tried to open your mouth to say something, not necessarily yell or scream, but just a simple utterance or question; but your tongue felt like it was made of lead, and you couldn't even find the words to say in the first place. All you knew was that muffled sound scape was starting to become more slipped further into wherever you were being crammed...and no matter what feeble movements you tried to make, it wasn't slowing down in the slightest. In fact, it felt like the movement only accelerated the process! Lucia’s vagina was swallowing you up at record pace, the flesh clenching and rippling to pull you up, up right into the vixen’s womb, every motion squeezing your body even tighter than it had been squeezed before. God, was it up to your waist right now? You would look, but you couldn't even move your neck to see what was going on, even as your surroundings were starting to get oh so slightly clearer as time went on. It felt like sleep paralysis, where you were always just teetering on the edge of snapping back to waking life, but the effort you had to put in was just out of your grasp...and, as that mysterious wet sensation worked its way up your body, the prospect of waking up from this...dream? Nightmare? was slowly becoming less and less likely.

Well, it might not have been a dream for you, but it certainly felt like one for Lucia! She couldn't believe how good this felt; she had used plenty of dildos in her lifetime, but none was as large and as long and able to fit up so nicely inside of her as your legs and waist. The vixen haphazardly reached down to try and grab ahold of your upper body, pulling you closer to her while relaxing her muscles to force you right up into her womb - which she accomplished, after a few moments of finagling around. All sorts of wet squishing noises were dominating the jagged soundscape around you, blending and melting together and only getting louder as Lucia pulled more and more of you up inside of her. The vixen rubbed and poked at her gut as it slowly bulged and swelled up with your body - her cervix was resistant at first, but once it yawned open to accept your feet, the floodgates were open!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"AAAHHhhhnn - get IN me~\" Lucia yelped, her insides clenching and squeezing tight as she said so, your whole body being yanked quite a few inches forward from the power of her muscles - of course, you barely knew that, though. You were still barely conscious, only knowing that comforting feeling of warmth was steadily making its way up your body...honestly, it was kind of welcoming in a way. Just felt like you were slipping into a warm, wet sleeping bag...mmm, warmth and comfort. And Lucia being so huffy and moany only made things even better!...in your subconscious, anyway.

The blur around you was starting to become darker and darker as time went on, more of the vixen's shadow covering you as you disappeared between her thighs. Lucia's belly was continuing to grow as well, the vixen's arms roaming gratuitously over her gut and breasts as she reached down and started to pull your shoulders into her cunt. She was so wet down there that she didn't really need to do anything except lay back and enjoy the feeling...but, you were already being such a good dildo, she just wanted to shove you up as deep into her body as you could go, as quickly as possible! Could you really blame her? It must have felt absolutely divine to have a whole other person stretching out your nether regions, and one that wasn't resisting at all, to boot! A musky, yet feminine odor was starting to fill your nostrils with every breath, making your already-clouded mind become even more fuzzy and hazy by the minute. Of course, you couldn't really distinguish what was going on at this point. All you knew was that everything around you was continuing to get darker, and wetter, and messier...and those gasps, they were only getting louder-


The loudest moan Lucia had made yet was accompanied by a powerful flex of her pelvic muscles, the last of your body being pulled inside with ease. Her glistening pussy lips swallowed up your head with gusto, the last of your body making the transition from the outside world to being nothing but a bulge under vixen fur. the lower parts of your body were already past Lucia's cervix and pushed out into her womb, but pretty much everything above your chest was still being passed through her vagina, being squished and squeezed and pressed and smothered in all sorts of feminine fluids while flesh tugged on you to pull you up further into the fox. During all of this, Lucia was just a blushing, panting mess, shamelessly fingering herself and trying to push you up even deeper into her body as she was doing it. She couldn't find the words to tease you right now, but that was okay, because you probably wouldn't be able to hear them over all of the gurgling and other fleshy noises that dominated your hearing. Each one accompanied a tight squeeze that pulled you a little bit further up into Lucia, skin-tight bulges starting to show up in her midsection as her womb got stretched to its higher limits. Almost all of your body was through the cervix at this point, and with one last clench, your head was pulled inside, leaving you entirely trapped in a chamber that, while thick with intoxicating musk, was at least a bit roomier than the vixen's canal…
") wait { MoveObject (player, VixenWomb) } } } } } } ]]>
msg ("\"To go? You got it.\" You told Byron what you wanted, and the bartender returned a few moments later with a glass more suited for transport. \"You can just leave the glass in your room, housekeeping will return them all.\" the bird said as he went to service another customer.") AddToInventory (Booze)
{command:ask Byron about menu:Can I see a menu?}") ]]>

\"Hey, runt. Choose something or get out of the way.\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("The voice came from behind you. It was one that you didn't recognize at all, and one that was rather deep and tired-sounding. You slowly turned around to see just who it was that was badgering you, and before you even saw them in full, you could feel them looming over you...standing behind you was an absolutely huge, cranky, fat, blue husky! He had plenty of weight to throw around, and judging by his grumpiness, he seemed like he wanted to add to the weight as soon as possible...

This husky was intimidating, but you weren't going to let one rude person ruin your dinner! So you continued to take your time reading the menu, taking into consideration every option you had at your disposal.

You could still hear the husky behind you getting annoyed and telling you to hurry it up, but at this point you were pretty much taking your time to spite the husky for being so rude! But, just as you had decided on an entree, you felt something. Something powerful. Something that slammed right into your back, knocking you to the floor and immediately causing you to black out!
") wait { msg ("You came to sometime later. It was difficult to know exactly how long it was, but it couldn't have been too long considering how much your head was still pounding. You weren't at the bar anymore; instead, you looked to be in a bathroom stall of sorts, popped up against one of the walls. And, well, it seemed like you weren't alone in this stall, either! Standing across from you, as loomy and intimidating as ever, was the husky from earlier...

At first, he simply looked down at you. \"Oh. You're finally awake.\" he said, that same rude annoyance in his voice. His fat gut cast a shadow over you by itself, and it hung so low that you didn't even realize the husky was nude until now! The fat, blue dog started to lumber towards you, making you feel even more trapped in the corner as you quickly realized that you had nowhere to go inside of here. The husky reached down to your head, picking your chin up before using his other hand to lift up his overhanging belly and reveal a musky set of orbs, as well as a pink shaft that was starting to come to life in front of you. A heavy musk wafted out from the dog’s bulge, an odor that immediately made your nose tingle and imparted a feeling of lightheadedness...gods, your head was still throbbing, too. \"Heh. Suppose you should know my name before you help get me off. I'm Willis. And you are...?\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, true) } msg ("You started to respond to to Willis's question, but before you could, the hand that had a grip on your chin moved up to shush you. \"Nuhnuhnuhnuh, actually. I don't think I need to know your name. All I need that mouth of yours for is...\" he trailed off, before thrusting his hips forward and slapping his junk right across your nose! \"Sucking.\"

Willis accentuated the end of his sentence with another thrust of his hips, clearly trying to force his steadily hardening cock into your mouth! Your nose was quickly submerged into his fat bulge, most of your face getting smothered by his bits in no time at all...Aat first, you resisted the best you could, but considering you were stuck in a corner and Willis was so much larger than you..well, the husky had your jaws opening up in just a few moments, to be sure! Part of it was the fact that you were still pretty dazed and unable to stop him from doing it, and part of it was him literally showing his dick right into your mouth...but, either way, it was where you were right now. Trapped in this bathroom stall with a fat, horny husky, having your mouth be used and thrusted into as your head constantly bumped against the back wall of the stall...you just hoped this was all the husky wanted for you messing around at the counter earlier!

The musky odor of his package certainly translated to its taste, the cock leaving a distinct flavor on your tongue as it started to thrust and work its way deeper into your mouth. You really weren't giving Willis a blowjob at this point; it was more of a face fucking than anything else. All you could really do was sit there and take it, let Willis use your mouth as little more than another tight, wet orifice...though, you did try and use your tongue a little bit every now and again, maybe try and get this all over with sooner rather than later. That extra stimulation did cause some pre to start trickling down your throat, making it almost impossible for you to not end up swallowing the stuff...ugh, so salty. At least there wasn't that much of it...well, there wasn't a lot of it YET. You got the feeling that would change rather quickly as well.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("Willis started getting more into it as time went on, his taunting gradually changing into more primal huffs and moans while he shoved his dick as deep into your mouth as it could go! You almost gagged on it a few times, but managed to suppress your reflex long enough to keep you from coughing or even possibly throwing up. Your nose was still buried in the husky's crotch, forced to take breath after breath of that unbelievably thick musk...and it was only getting thicker as time went on, to boot! The effect that scent had on your body could not be understated. You were starting to feel quite loopy and lightheaded, almost as if this whole event was little more than a dream...and, in all honesty, it could have been. Perhaps you were in a hospital bed right now. Or back in your hotel room. Or, maybe even back home...

Your daydreaming was interrupted by another thrust from Willis, the husky putting a hand down on top of your head as he continued to thrust his hips forward. \"Hrrf...close...\" you managed to hear him grunt in between his breathy huffs and groans. At least he had the decency to warn you, so you could steel yourself for what was about to come! One last, wet thrust came from the husky as his cock slid right down your throat, completely bypassing any choice you had regarding whether or not to swallow his load and just pumping the stuff right down your gullet! Willis howled out as his orgasm came, shot after shot of thick husky jizz funneling right down your throat and starting to slosh around inside of your stomach...you could barely even taste the stuff, though you supposed that was probably a good thing! The musky load quickly filled up your belly, even causing it to swell out a little bit as the thick stuff just kept coming...some of it ended up dribbling out of the corners of your mouth, your body physically unable to swallow all of the stuff down at the rate it was coming! Willis didn't really seem to notice or care about all of that, though. It all felt wonderful to him, regardless of your circumstances...

A minute or so passed before you finally felt the husky's orgasm winding down, Willis panting and gasping as he started to pull his cock out of your throat. Your stomach was riding up underneath your shirt with all the husky cream sloshing around inside, and - whoof - did you feel full. Willis's cock made quite the thick, wet popping sound as it finally dislodged from your throat, the odd feeling leading to a bout of gasping and coughing from you as Willis's cock dripped the last of his load onto the bathroom floor. \"Heh, heh...you did a pretty good job there, I have to say that...\" the husky said as he started to pull up the pants he had around his ankles...it felt weird to get complimented right here and now, but, well, at least he wasn't still pissed off at you, it seemed! Finally dislodged from Willis's body, you collapsed into a heap on the bathroom floor, almost unable to move with how much cum was sloshing around in your belly. The husky snickered again as he saw you floundering around on the floor like a fish out of water, clearly enjoying what his massive load had done to you...
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("longburp.wav", false, false) } msg ("But then, he started to do something else. The husky reached down and put a hand on your chest, his other hand wrapping around your back and lifting up your whole body like little more than a sack of potatoes! Soon, you were at snout height with the husky, staring directly into his green eyes as his eyebrows started to furrow a little bit. \"But, you know, all that fucking has a welled up a little bit of something in me...\" he said, continuing to bring you closer to his snout...you could feel the warm breath of his nose starting to wash over you, and you really weren't sure what the husky was getting up to!

Then, you saw Willis's face start to sour up. It looked like he was getting a bit sick or something! You tried to lean back the best you could in case something happened, but you weren't able to lean very far in the husky's grasp. Suddenly, you saw the husky's mouth open wide, a blast of hot, humid air washing over your face as the husky let out a thick, wet *BHHHhhuuurrrRRRRPPPPpphhh*! Globs of spit ended up splattered all over your face, a strange and strong acidic odor burning your nostrils from that thick belch as the husky started to laugh at your reaction. \"Hah! Just making a little bit of room in there for you...\"

You were so stunned by the assault of steamy, smelly air from that belch that you didn't even realize what Willis had said at first...but, as the husky's mouth opened wide once more, you quickly got the hint of what he was planning to do! Drool tendrils snapped as more humid breath started to wash over your face, Willis wasting no time in shoving you forward and face planting you right against his slimy tongue, the roof of his mouth clamping shut over the back of your head. You were so dazed by the belch and the throbbing headache that you couldn't even begin to put up a fight against the husky; no, your whole head was inside of his mouth in the blink of an eye, being worked over by his thick, slimy tongue. Without a good amount of struggling from you, Willis had absolutely nothing stopping him from shoving your head all the way into the back of his throat, his teeth clamping shut over the back of your neck in a matter of moments...blegh. That same steamy, acidic breath was still washing over your face, starting to make your eyes water as you tried your best to escape Willis's gullet...it wasn't the best fight you could put up, though!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("For a moment, you just hung over the back of Willis's throat, having stalled in place. But then, the husky's flesh jumped to life once more, clenching around you and pulling your head down with a loud, deep *gullrrrk!~*. Willis's throat was much tighter than his mouth, flesh squeezing and pressing in on you from all sides two coax you further into the husky's gullet. Every now and again, you would feel those throat muscles squeeze even tighter and another deep swallow echo around you, along with another few inches of your body slipping into his cavernous, hungry mouth. The husky seemed to be wasting no time in getting you down! Only a minute or two had passed and you could already feel his lips closing around your waist, leaving only your legs sticking out of his mouth...it was shocking how quickly the fat dog was able to get you down. And, fuck, you could hear his gravid gut groaning and warbling out for you just a few inches below...

Turned out that the husky's stomach wouldn't have to wait much longer. Willis swallowed once more, and this one pushed your head right out into the dog's stomach. You dangled there for another few moments, trying your best to pull your arms out of the husky's tight throat before giving up and waiting for Willis to swallow once more. You didn't have to wait much for that to happen, thankfully; with more than half of you now inside of Willis, gravity was starting to help get the rest of you down. It was really only your feet sticking out of his mouth at this point, dangling helplessly as the dog licked and slurped and tasted all over them...ah,the feeling of you squirming inside from having your feet tickled like this was absolutely wonderful to Willis! The husky started to rest against the back wall of the stall, tipping his head back and opening his jaws wide and just letting the last of you slide down his gullet. He didn't even have to swallow anymore. He could just let gravity do all the work...

Eventually, your toes were the only things left dangling at the back of his throat. Willis took a small little *glp* to suck them down, and just like that, he had finished you off. You were curled up nice and tight inside of the dog's belly now, your legs and feet coming down his throat to join the rest of you soon...Willis's gut was so fat, that you didn't even show on the outside at all! He could just walk back out into the bar and it would be as if nothing had ever happened...well, besides the fact that everyone saw him drag you in there, of course. But that didn't matter. Everybody knew what was going to happen when they saw that.
") wait { MoveObject (player, WillisStomach) } } } } } } } ]]>
false Byron's sac ]]> You are surrounded by It's been quite the struggle for you to stay adrift in the sea of seed. What was making it even more difficult was the fact that the level of cum was quickly rising in the balls, the stuff seemingly oozing out of the walls surrounding you. While your size made it easy to move around in the balls, the fact you were bound in tight fabric made the whole situation of bit more claustrophobic; and more importantly, your air supply was dwindling rather quickly…") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("
Your body couldn't take much more of this. The cum in the chamber was swirling about, threatening to drown you very soon, as you can feel your head bumping against the top of the sac walls...thankfully, instead of drowning, the thing that did you win was the lack of air inside of the sac. Byron could barely notice the struggles ceasing inside of him; what he did notice, however, was the throbbing length in his pants. His lust was so powerful that, before he could finish up work and head home to let it out, the bird straight up orgasmed in his pants! Byron squawked embarrassedly as he felt the fresh load splatter against his work pants, the bird forced to leave his station and run into the bathroom as soon as he felt his orgasm die down. You had made quite a large load, the cum running from the pants crotch all the way down part of the leg! Luckily for the bird, it was just about the end of his shift, so all he needed to was close up while making sure no one saw his pants before he made his way home, hoping the next time he caught a micro he would be able to hold his orgasm, so he could actually enjoy it...") msg ("
*You tried to run away...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Producing a lot of cum too... Look at ") } } ]]>
false Byron's crop You are surrounded by A few minutes of slopping around in Byron’s crop proved to be fruitless. The flesh around you quivered and slowly opened beneath you, and before you knew it, the crop was squeezing around you, pushing you deeper into the bird’s digestive tract. You could hear the bubbling and churning of the stomach beneath you as you were squeezed into another tight throat-like chamber, the process seeming involuntary - you couldn’t feel or hear any swallows that Byron had done to push you deeper. His body must have decided that you were ready to be digested…") wait { msg ("
You splashed down into the dark, wet chamber unceremoniously, the sphincter that pushed you inside the gut closing behind you almost immediately. You could hear the gut rumble around you happily as Byron continued his work, serving customers and barely noticing the wiggles and squirms you made in his belly. Thankfully, the bird’s stomach was a lot roomier than his crop, but that was little compensation for being digested!") MoveObject (player, ByronStomach) } } ]]>
crop walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at msg ("It’s so tight, you can barely move...")
false You are surrounded by Byron’s gut continues to churn and gurgle around you, the chamber starting to flood with stomach juices, saliva, and all sorts of gooey, sticky fluids oozing out of the fleshy walls. Everything is so hot and cramped inside here, you can feel your energy being sapped every second...and outside, nobody is even aware of your situation inside the crow. No bulge, no telltale squirms or yelling...everything is contained within the bird’s gut. A harsh perspective…") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Every breath was starting to become labored. The acidic environment of Byron’s stomach was taking a toll on you, a tingling feeling spreading over your body as your mouth was full of the taste of stomach acids. The process wasn’t painful, exactly, but it was draining; it felt like every movement you made took so much focus, so much energy to perform...and it didn’t help that you were sopping wet with all the gooey fluids that were in the stomach along with you. You continued to keep up the fight the best you could, but you could feel your eyelids starting to droop, and soon, you passed out in the roiling gut…

Byron simply let out another belch as your last squirms started to die off. “Ugh, definitely tasted better on the way down…” the bird commented as he rubbed at his gut a bit, the chamber gurgling and groaning away as it processed what was left of you...which, considering how small you were, wasn’t a lot. Oh well; the bird’s body would certainly appreciate every calorie you ended up giving it…") msg ("
*You stayed too long...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } msg ("Byron let out a small belch as he worked. “Oh, excuse me. Lunch was a little spicy…”") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You barely manage to make a bulge in Byron’s midsection, and as soon as you do, it instantly recedes. You just don’t have the energy to keep it up…") } else if (random = 3) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("The gut rumbles around you, angry that you continue to kick around despite its best churning efforts.") } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("You think you’ve given Byron a bit of indigestion, but the bird just swallows a gulp of drool to knock you on your back!") } ]]>
Your favorite poison, a screwdriver.
“Y'know, I think a willing, blushing thing like yourself could help a girl out…” Lucia gently said as she guided your body, turning you around and slowly maneuvering you onto her bed. Her embrace was so soft and pleasant that you were more than willing to let her guide you, soon finding your back resting on the feathery soft hotel mattress, Lucia leaning over you with a slightly-toothy smile. The vixen was obviously loosening up a bit thanks to the drink, although you were unwilling to believe she was actually tipsy at this point. She just wanted an excuse to allow her to get all lovey-dovey...you weren't complaining, though!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Even though she was somewhat looming over you, you still felt quite...safe. Her smile was comforting, and she was so nice...even if she was a bit intoxicated. A dumb smile started to form on your face as Lucia turned around, the vixen getting off the bed and standing off to the side. You craned your neck over to look as she slipped off her shorts, then, her panties, leaving her soft, orange nude rear completely exposed to you! “Like what you see?~” she teased as she started to come back to the bed, giving her rump a few teasing wiggles as she climbed back onto the soft mattress; but instead of her face looming over you, it was her ass!

You still had that dumb smile on your face as Lucia’s rump slowly descended upon you, the harsh light of the hotel room steadily being cut off as her ass cast quite a large shadow. “Take a good, deeeeep breath~” Lucia teased before she plopped her ass down on you, her soft cheeks making great contact with your own cheeks as the vixen let out a long sigh, relaxing and letting all her weight rest on your face. “Mmmhhh, you’ve got a real cushy face~” you could hear the vixen tease, her voice somewhat muffled as she wiggled her rump down on your face, trying to get her rump aligned in juuust the perfect spot.

The scent of feminine arousal was thick every time you took a breath; every time you had to breathe, the idea of being a seat for Lucia was only becoming more and more palatable. Your nose had been wedged right between her cheeks at this point, and you could feel the flexing and clenching of her pucker mere centimeters from your nose and mouth. It gave you a bit of a lewd idea…
") wait { msg ("“Ooooohhh! So eager~” Lucia moaned, her whole body shuddering as she felt your tongue slide up against her pucker. Almost instantly, she pressed her ass down on you harder, eager to start riding your tongue as deep as it could go. Her flesh had a soft taste that you quite enjoyed, and you were more than willing to tunnel deeper into her body, moving your neck forward as Lucia started to sit down harder on your face, so you could go as deep as possible…

You could feel Lucia starting to get wet, the heat making quite a large, musky stain on the middle of your shirt as she started to get more and more aroused. You could feel your face starting to...tingle, almost, the heat she was leaking out starting to get smeared on your face as she rode you harder and harder. “Aah-aah…” you could hear her start to moan above you, her teasing starting to become more and more messy and unfocused as her body started to overwhelm her brain with arousal. The fact that she was enjoying your rimming so much only drove you to go faster and harder, your tongue spearing up into her bowels as deep as it could go, with even your nose sliding inside sometimes…! You thought she was just going to use you as a dildo at some points, which you certainly wouldn’t have objected to, but it seemed like her ring didn’t want to stretch enough to allow all of you inside.

“Mmh..fuck..keep..going..” you heard Lucia moan from above you, her ass starting to press down on you even harder! Your face was still tingling, an odd sensation you had never experienced before...you weren’t sure what was going on, but it was strange...it felt good, though. It felt right. You loved being in this position so much, with a lovely, sexy vixen using you as her toy, that you wished you could be here forever...eventually, you were feeling yourself start to get tired, though. Your vision had been completely consumed by soft darkness, and you were starting to feel a bit of sensory deprivation from being under Lucia’s ass for so long...you could tell that she was starting to get a bit burned-out as well. It took a lot of energy to ride you as hard as she was doing, anyway! Plus, you could feel your lungs starting to hurt a bit; you needed some fresh air…
") wait { msg ("So you tried to stop eating her out. You asked Lucia to get up for a moment, but no words came out. You tried to pull your tongue out, but it felt like it wouldn’t budge; and it wasn’t like Lucia was clenching around it too hard or something, it just felt...stuck. Stuck! How could that even happen!? You went to use your arms to push Lucia off of you, just a bit, but it was at this point that you noticed that you couldn’t even move your arms...what on Earth was going on? And why did it feel so...so good?

It felt like Lucia’s arousal was coursing through you at this point, as if you were on the same wavelength as the vixen...maybe even part of her. She was still huffing and crying out in pleasure above you, as muffled as ever, but now you could feel the things that were making her cry out so powerfully...it felt like you were one with the vixen. Your vision was gone, and even though you could still feel her press down on you, you weren’t sure where exactly you were at this point…

Lucia cried out as she felt her ass start to swell and grow on top of you. You couldn’t tell, being muffled as you were underneath her growing rump, but that was why you felt as if you were one with the vixen - you were being merged with her! Specifically, being merged with her glutes and hips, helping them grow to an even larger and softer size and shape. Even though she was quite wet, she wasn’t crying and moaning in orgasm, but moaning in the pleasure of absorbing another person into her own, feeling your consciousness coursing and intertwining with her own...and, of course, feeling her assets swell and grow every second.

As far as you were concerned, this was heaven. As Lucia slowly devolved into a panting, huffing mess, you felt...whole, finally. You could feel a paw coming down to stroke you on the side, Lucia admiring and squeezing and squishing her new curves, playing with you as if you were still underneath her rump. “Gods, you...did WONDERS for my figure…” the vixen moaned, stroking up and down her new cheeks a few more times before slowly getting up from the bed to reveal nothing but a wet, musky stain of femcum where you used to be. Everything you were was now locked on the vixen’s hips, bouncing up and down as she got to her feet, slapping her cheek proudly and feeling you jiggle around from the contact. “Mmm, mmm, mmm. You made an amazing contribution to my ass, hun~” the vixen teased as she took another sip from the bottle you had left, knowing full-well that you could still hear her teasing you, know that she was still enjoying the present you left for her...at least for now. Soon your consciousness would truly merge with hers, and you would be her ass forever. Until then, though, you could only blush and be all flustered as you felt the vixen sliding her panties back on, feeling that fabric struggle to stretch and contain her new curves. The curves and softness that you had contributed to her body...that will be there forever. Her new, lovely ass. That’s you.") msg ("
*You're vixen ass now.*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false Byron's bowels Byron moaned in pleasure as his ass swallowed the rest of you up, your tiny form disappearing up in his rectum with the wettest slurping noise. It was so loud in your ears, but the sound was quickly muffled as your entire body was now encased in thick, musky bowel walls. There was no hope of you even making a bulge inside of the crow; he could just hike his pants up and get back to work, nobody ever knowing what happened to you or having any record of your existence outside of a few blushy squawks from Byron as he felt your body working even deeper inside of him. You had a long journey on your hands, that was for sure! Especially considering that while the crow was playing with himself, those clenches only seemed to get stronger and stronger, drawing you deep into the musky crow tunnels at a speedy, rhythmic pace. Meanwhile, Byron saw that his break was almost over, stroking at his cock a few more times before getting up off of that seat and putting his uniform back on. And no one would ever be the wiser about what happened to you... You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It had been hours at this point. At least, that's what it felt like. Being deep inside of a bird's bowels made it difficult to tell time accurately...not like knowing how long you had been inside of Byron would help things, though. Really, all you could do at this point was just wait as you became more and more tired, feeling those strong guts starting to claim you in earnest. Your strength melted away, as did your body; locked deep in a maze of flesh, while the bird you were about to be a part of was just going about his job like normal. His gut grumbled as you were steadily melted away into soup...seemed like his little snack hadn’t tided the bird over for very long. As a toy, though? well, you were excellent!

*You went a little too hard...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The slimy intestinal walls absorbed your struggles with ease.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The overwhelming environment surrounding you made it difficult to mount any sort of real escape.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You thought you might have been making some progress on slipping back outside, but then the bowels clenched and pulled you even deeper. ") } else { msg ("Deep in Byron's bowels, your squirms did nothing but excite the bird even more.") }
Look at You are surrounded by
Ooph, it looks like they caught you staring as well! \"Hey! Do you work here? I've been waiting for my food for like, an hour at this point! Big platter, tons of snacks, just an appetizer, you know what I'm talking about, right?\" the strange cat started to ramble, leaving you confused as hell...it seemed like you would have to bring over some food before you could get anywhere with him.") } ]]>
false Overly's stomach Overly’s ribbons continued to rub and massage at his fat belly as you filled it out, a rather pressing lack of available space being made clear to you as the rest of your legs and feet were eventually dumped out into the churning cauldron. You could hear the cat's gasps and moans of satisfaction rumbling all around you, his voice much deeper and more intimidating from the inside! After a few more waves of slimy peristalsis, your body was fully trapped inside of Overly’s stomach, forced to curl up as the slick walls assaulted and massaged you from all angles… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("The constant rocking and sloshing of the stomach you were contained in was doing quite a good job of melting you down, a tingling feeling starting to spread across your skin; there was a lot of food in here for the cat's belly to process, but the acids were still slowly getting to you. Plus, just the toll on your body from stuffing so much food down Overly’s throat, and then following it down there, and then all that squirming you had to do...and all for what? Overly to get his rocks off? You hadn't managed to make the cat even a little queasy, let alone done enough to make him cough you up. And, ugh, the cat wasn't letting up, either. The sloshing of his gut was only getting faster and more frantic, sending you through dizzying levels of discomfort as you physically started to melt into the thick chyme the cat was humping against…


Overly cried out powerfully as he orgasmed, the cat barely noticing and certainly not caring that he was making a scene in the bar right now! His gut let out a series of thick, slimy and sloshy *gwwwRRrrg*s and *glllLLLrrrnnn*s as the cat's load spurted up onto it and the table in front of him, the cat completely spending himself as the last of you sloshed around in his lower belly, the thick soup starting to flood Overly's bowels as it surged forward for further digestion...you had done your job, as far as the cat was concerned, and now he couldn't care less what had happened to you! After gasping and panting and leaning backwards as he languished in the afterglow, Overly started to slowly get up from his table, a sudden flash of shame coming over the cat as he realized just how many pairs of eyes were on him. Especially as all the movement stirred up a thick *BWwwooooaAAAaa-AAAaarrrppp* from his belly! The cat's guts sloshed and swayed around with his every step as he made his way out of the bar, Overly just distracting himself with the thoughts of how good it would feel to sleep you off back in his room...

*You embarrassed the cat, at least...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("The cat just snickered at your futile squirms inside of him, Overly more than enjoying your attempts at escaping his fat gut.") } ]]>
A blue lion, with a white mane framing his face. He's currently got a glass of something in his hand, idly sipping on it whilst he watches one of the TVs in the bar. Look at false The lion originally doesn't notice you, a bit absorbed into his own TV show. Eventually he looks over, though. \"Oh, hey, didn't notice ya...\" he says, before outstretching a paw. \"The name's Soup. I'm a bit new here.\"

Soup went back to watching the TV, a local sports team currently playing on it. \"You a fan?\" he asked casually.

{command:ask Soup about drinks:Buy Soup a drink?}") } otherwise { if (Soup.drinks = 4) { msg ("\"What's up? Decided to hang out with me after all?\"") Ask ("Go with Soup?") { if (result) { msg ("\"Cool! My room isn't *urp* too...too far from here...\" the lion advised, getting up out of his chair and walking off. You follow, after paying the bartender.") MoveObject (player, SoupRoom) } else { msg ("\"Then why'd ya talk to me again!?\"") } } } else { msg ("
\"What's up?\"

{command:ask Soup about drinks:Buy Soup a drink?}") } } ]]>
You beckon over the bartender and quietly pay for a beer. Instead of cracking it open yourself, however, you slide it over to Soup, a smile across your face as the lion notices it.

\"Oh, thanks, uh...y'know, I don't think I caught your name!\" the lion says as he cracks open the bottle.

You don't give him your name. You don't say anything. You never say anything. You're kind of weird like that.

{command:ask Soup about drinks:Buy Soup another drink?}") Soup.drinks = 1 } else if (Soup.drinks = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-shortpowerbelch3.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You slip another beer over to Soup. \"Another one? Thank ya kindly, stranger...\" he says, before a wet belch roils up out of his gut. \"Oops, 'scuse me. Gets harder to stifle those the m-more I drink...\" You can already tell Soup's beginning to get a bit buzzed...

{command:ask Soup about drinks:Buy Soup another drink?}") Soup.drinks = 2 } else if (Soup.drinks = 2) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"Uuurppp...another, really?\" Soup says as you hand him yet another free beer. \"I think I'm *urp* starting to like you, stranger...\" the lion says as he took an eager swig from the next bottle. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. It seemed like he was about to say something flirty, before another belch came rippling out of his gut...right in front of your face! You got quite the whiff of the lion's gut contents, the sour smell of bar food and beer mixing with the natural acidic presence in the lion's stomach.

\"Oops...sorry kid! Get a bit gassy when I drink...\" the lion said, patting and rubbing at his chest, the normally-flat region a bit bulged out with whatever the lion had for dinner.

\"I think I like you a lot, kid...\" Soup said, as he reached his head over to yours, before giving you a long, sloppy, drooly lick across the side of your face. It was...a bit weird, but you brushed it off as just a bit of drunken flirting...

{command:ask Soup about drinks:Buy Soup another drink?}") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } Soup.drinks = 3 } else if (Soup.drinks = 3) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } msg ("
\"Aw, s-shucks, another?\" Soup said as you handed him another drink. \"Y-*urp* shouldn't have...\" he said, before accepting the gift. He quickly sucked the drink down, seemingly downing all of it in one gulp, before unleashing a powerful belch that even startled Byron behind the counter. \"Heh...'scuse me.\" He inched closer to you a few seconds later. \"I...I'm gonna be straight. I like you. You *urp* seem like a cool guy. I'd like to get to know you more...if you wanna come back to my room.\"") Ask ("Go with Soup?") { if (result) { msg ("\"Cool! My room isn't *urp* too...too far from here...\" the lion advised, getting up out of his chair and walking off. You follow, after paying the bartender.") MoveObject (player, SoupRoom) } else { msg ("\"Aw, really? You buy me a bunch of free beer and you don't even wanna hang out?...Well, I can't change your mind, I guess. Come talk to me if ya've changed yer mind, though...\"

He looks visibly dejected.") Soup.drinks = 4 } } } ]]>
Soup's stomach false
“*BUUUUuuuuUUUuuuRRRrrrrpppp….* Aah...man, you were an easy *hic* catch! Practically walked right into my mouth!” Soup joked, slapping his stomach as he chuckled about his meal. “It's almost like you wanted to be eaten or something...and if that's the case, I ain’t gonna stop ya from becoming lion fat~”
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It doesn't feel like you've been trapped inside the lion’s stomach for very long, but you're already quite tired. Your fleshy enclosure has been kneading and tossing you around casually for as long as you've been in here, and you can feel your muscles starting to tire, forcing you to slump into the bath of slime and food slop that you tried to avoid earlier. You're not sure how much longer you can last in here…

Soup knows this. He pats his gut as he feels the struggles inside starting to die down, another belch further tightening the stomach’s grip on you. “Already giving up? Aw, I wish someone as tasty as you had the energy to last longer…” He teased, rubbing at his stomach with both hands.") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The stomach had quite vigorously and mechanically worn you out. You could already feel your body starting to tingle as the stomach fluids continued to rise inside the caustic chamber, and the lack of air inside was starting to make you a bit dizzy. your struggles still happened but they were quite weak compared to the vigorous squirms you performed the first few seconds you had arrived in the stomach. You didn't last for much longer but thankfully you passed out before things started to get gurgly…

“*UUUuuuRRRrrr-RRrrraaaapppp…*...looks like they’re *urp* done in there…” Soup observed, licking his lips as he heard his stomach start to gurgle and glorp with increasing frequency, feeling most of his energy already being diverted to the digestion of the large meal you had become. He pat his stomach a few more times before he succumbed to a food coma, the lion sinking deep into the plush bed he was laying in as the bulge in his middle started to slowly round out and add to his figure. “Thanks for the beers~” was the last thing he said, poking at his active, churning stomach before he drifted off into dreamland, the delectable taste you had still lingering on his lips…") msg ("
*You got a little bit chummy with a stranger...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Your struggles only result in more of your body being covered in stomach slime. Ew...") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Soup pats his gut and laughs as you struggle inside. \"Keep up the massage!\"") } else { msg ("The lion licks his lips, remembering your flavor as you squirm around inside him...") } ]]>

It looks like she's missing something though.]]>

The corgitaur walked proudly out of the bar, turning to the elevator and cramming her large taur body inside...at least this gave you a bit of time!") RemoveObject (Briefcase) MoveObject (Chloe, Room 16) } else if (Chloe.quest = 1) { msg ("\"You haven't found it yet? I think I left it somewhere on the second floor, but I'm not sure...\"") } else { msg ("
You walk over to the corgitaur. Before you can speak to her, she locks eyes with you and starts the conversation. \"Oh, excuse me!\" she says as you walk towards her, waving you over. \"Sorry to interrupt but...I just can't seem to find my briefcase...I think I lost it somewhere in the hotel...Do you think you could help me find it? I'd make it worth your while!\"

It seems urgent.") Ask ("Help out the corgitaur?") { if (result) { Chloe.quest = 1 msg ("
\"Oh, thank you so much! I don't think I can give you any pointers as to where I left it though, dearie...I know you can do it though!\"") } else { msg ("
\"Oh...apologies for bothering you then.\"") } } } ]]>
Chloe's masseuse You are You can see Chloe's You tentatively press your hand against Chloe's cream-colored tummy, the appendage pressing surprisingly deep into the corgitaur's flesh. "Ooh, that feels wonderful..." you hear her moan just from the contact, waiting for more. You gently swirl around in circles, hearing the corgitaur panting happily a bit as you do. It seems like she *really* needs this, but where do you go from here...? false = 150) { msg ("
“Oh my goodness, you did such a wonderful job…” the corgi complimented you, a huffing, panting mess as she came down off the high of her orgasm. “That was fantastic. I had a different idea for your reward initially, but I think you've earned this…” she continued, before reaching down between her crotch. Her hand fiddled around in front of you for a little bit, before it stretched her slit open, the expanse of pink flesh tunneling deep into the corgitaur…you could still see a bit of cum dribbling down and out of it!

You were a bit confused as to what your reward was, until the corgi spoke again. “Don't be afraid~ A comfy, long stay in my womb is the best thing I can offer you!” She said that as she stretched her slit even farther, practically ushering you inside of her. This was a bit weird and forward, for sure, but you couldn't deny that her folds looked quite comfortable…and if her belly was as comfy as it looked, you imagined being inside of it would be even more comfy!") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Chloe let out a soft moan as you slowly reached out a hand, feeling the wetness once again claim your fingertips. “That's it, just go all the way~” she teased, clenching her muscles around your fingers a little bit in order to tease you, and to give you a primer of what you were going to experience! You were still a bit uncertain about this, but you couldn't deny that her folds felt rather nice...and so, you pressed your hand further, Chloe removing her hands from her folds as she felt you starting to make your way inside. Your left wrist disappeared into her snatch, and not too long after, you put your other hand inside, getting down on your knees and leaning in against her cunt like you were about to eat her out…

You could feel her innards starting to tug at you as your arms slipped deeper inside, and as more of you ended up between her folds, it started to become something that was a bit out of your control. Chloe was still feeling a bit frisky, and she was starting to tug at your arms, pulling you in at a rate slightly higher than you maybe would have liked! It still felt nice though, so as she tugged and clenched your arms deeper, you took a deep breath before your face pressed up against that slit all the same…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("

It was one thing to have your arms contained in those folds, but having all your senses completely dominated by the corgi was a completely different story. As soon as your ears slipped past those lips, you could hear every little action of her body, her heart beating, her breathing, in tandem with every clenched she made pulling you deeper. The scent of feminine arousal still hung in the air, clinging to the walls and to yourself in the form of clear, watery fluid. You had an urge to taste the fluid, but you thought better of it as you felt those tight lips purse around your neck, the corgi resting for a moment before taking on the task of pulling in your shoulders.She went slowly at first, not wanting to make such a drastic change to the shape of her canal so quickly, but as her nethers spread over your shoulders, it seemed that this whole situation would be a bit easier for Chloe that she thought! But certainly exactly as pleasurable as she expected...maybe even more so! She was once again a panting mess as her lips took in your shoulders and chest, you feeling the rippling sensation of her clenching pulling you deeper at a surprising rate. The chorus of wet sounds around you show you how quickly you were moving; it almost sounded like you were going down a waterslide or something! All these lovely, sloshing sounds, accompanied with the intoxicating scent of her arousal...it made you want to curl up inside of her so badly!

You felt your feet get picked up off the ground as Chloe clenched again, a paw going down to rub and poke at the bulge you made in her lower belly. “Oh, goodness, you're doing a great job~” she groaned before clenching again, a few more inches of you disappearing into her cunt with a sloppy *shlrrrrp!*. You could tell she was really getting into it at this point, her body adopting a sort of hunger as more and more of you was pulled inside! It was clearly not just a conscious decision for the corgi to want you inside as soon as possible…") wait { msg ("
In only a few more minutes, all that was left of you outside was a pair of awkward looking feet. Your head head already started to break out into the corgi’s womb, thankful for the bit of extra room compared to the almost crushing tightness of her vagina! Your hands were still trapped at your sides, so you couldn't quite feel your new home, but you could definitely tell that things were a bit more intense in here. The scent of arousal was thick in the air, almost like you were breathing in foam, and every fleshy surface had femcum glistening on it! The warmth inside was powerful, but almost calming in a way; it felt much like what you would expect from being snuggled against the corgi. And in a way, you were!") wait { MoveObject (player, ChloeWomb) } } } } } else { msg ("
After the long-winded massage, you could practically feel the lust emanating off of Chloe. You had done quite a good job, seeing as how the corgitaur was practically squirming every time he touched her body. You went in for one last rub, making contact before you heard a shout from above you. “Ooh-I think I’m gonna!” was the only warning you had before Chloe orgasmed, the corgitaur’s throbbing hard cock spraying rope after rope of hot cum into the air. At the same, her slit was drooling madly as well, feminine fluids funneling out of her vagina and soaking the bed you were both laying on. Her chest was splattered with cream, and you could only hear frenzied moans and pants from above you as the corgitaur was absorbed in her own pleasure.

In a few minutes, the bed, Chloe's fluffy chest, and even yourself were painted with the fruits of your labor. \"Haah...sorry for the mess...\" Chloe panted, leaning up to look at you. \"But that was...that was great, dear...\" She stared at you for a few moments, before smiling slightly. \"Now, it's my turn to please you...\" she said.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", false, false) } wait { picture ("VOREHOTECORGI.png") msg ("
You barely had any time to interpret that before Chloe lunged forward, the corgitaur's maw wide open, tongue splayed out, giving you a perfect view of her maw in the few moments you were outside it! You couldn't react in time, Chloe easily snapping up your entire head in her jaws, her lips closing around your neck in little time at all. You could feel blasts of Chloe's warm, slightly-stale breath washing over your face as the corgitaur gave you a good taste, covering your head and neck in sticky dog slobber...you tried to get a grasp on her lips to pull yourself out, but your resistance was quickly broken, Chloe slurping up your shoulders and chest like a noodle! \"Mmf, yew taht raly gud!\" you heard Chloe mumble as she slurped up more of your body. You could already feel your head bumping up against the back of Chloe's mouth, the corgitaur wasting little time in gulping you down...


One powerful muscle contraction pulled your head into her throat, the tight, fleshy embrace of the corgitaur’s gullet locking your wiggling in place as Chloe slathered more of your lower body in drool. In fact, she was getting quite close to your more...sensitive areas, the corgitaur's rough tongue running over your crotch and nether regions, making you squirm more in her throat even though it would do no good. She was just teasing you, and it was working pretty well...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
You felt another gulp pull you deeper into Chloe, just your legs sticking out awkwardly from her mouth at this point. You could feel a chuckle vibrate around your body as Chloe's tongue played with your legs and feet, giving them one last taste before slurping them up inside. You could hear the gentle groans and gurgles of Chloe’s first stomach below you, the first stop on your tour of the corgitaur’s lanky body. And with one last gulp, after Chloe finished rubbing at your genitals with the back of her tongue, your legs and feet were slurped into that tight tunnel, heading straight to the source of those gastric noises...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ChloeUpperStomach) } } } } } } ]]>
false random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You swirl your hand around Chloe's tummy in a wide circle, pressing into the bit of chub that rounded out her gut.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 2 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You feel Chloe lick you on the head affectionately. \"You're doing a fine job, dear...\" ") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 2 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("A deep, heavy sigh erupts from above you. \"Aah...this is wonderful...\"") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 2 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidesigh.wav", false, false) } } else { msg ("You rub across her belly with both of your hands, squeezing the tum lightly as you do.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 2 } false false random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You slide a finger across Chloe's slit, causing her to squirm slightly.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 5 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You plunge one digit deep into Chloe's vagina, causing her to moan sharply. \"Aah!...deeper!!!\" she pants out.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 5 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You quickly slide your finger in and out of Chloe's slit, making her moan madly as you do so. You can feel the cavern slicken up more and more...") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 5 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } } else { msg ("You take two fingers and stick them in deep, Chloe moaning intensely as she feels you stretch out her canal wonderfully.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 5 } false false random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You fondle at Chloe's furry balls, feeling the corgitaur squirm madly under your hands. \"O-oh, that feels nice...\" she moans, ushering you to continue.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 10 if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You run both hands up Chloe's long cock, the length throbbing in your grasp.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 10 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("A bead of pre runs down Chloe's length as you stroke at it, slickening your hands and acting a bit like lube.") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 10 } else { msg ("\"Haah...keep going...\" you hear Chloe moan, her length at full mast now, her orgasm about to come...") Chloe.lust = Chloe.lust + 10 } false
Chloe's upper stomach false
Chloe was not very receptive to these struggles. “Oh, hush in there! I know you’re enjoying every bit of this, so settle down!” her muffled voice chastised, rubbing at her engorged stomach as you squirmed around inside. While the bit of tongue play she’d done earlier was quite nice, getting eaten was not on your todo list today!
You are surrounded by You had been slopping around in Chloe's stomach for quite some time, body practically covered in slimy stomach juices and leftover slop from whatever else Chloe had eaten earlier. You could hear the corgitaur mumbling and groaning as the stomach shook around you, as if she was having a problem with something. Eventually, you heard her muffled voice start to complain. “Ugh, I can’t fit this thing on with you still squirming around inside…” she groaned, trying to fit her blazer around the wriggling bulge in her midsection. “Whatever. Guess I'll just have to wait for you to go lower…” she grumbled. You didn't have much time to think about the implications of what she said, as air was quickly running out inside her stomach, making you feel quite a bit dizzy...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Chloe felt your wiggles slowly die down afterwards. “Finally done in there?” she asked teasingly, poking at her stomach to confirm that you weren’t just, taking a break or something. “Ugh, finally…” she said. “Now I just need to wait a bit longer…” she continued, rubbing and jostling at her stomach to try and move you along. Soon afterwards, Chloe felt her first belly start to lurch and clench around its meal, starting to funnel you deeper inside. The feeling was wonderful - so wonderful, in fact, it was starting to get her a bit aroused again, the corgitaur’s black rod starting to poke out of her sheath again. “Well, I might as well…” she said as she started to stroke herself off, feeling her first stomach start to empty as you shlurked and shlorped deeper into her insides. She watched on her back as the bulge you made steadily travel deeper into her body, moaning as her arousal continued to grow, until you came to rest in her lower taur gut, sloshing back and forth as digestion really started to get to work. The bulge you made started rubbing up against her cock, and that was all she needed to blow, painting her chest with seed for the second time! Although this time wasn't nearly as powerful, still, it was a pleasant experience; she had a full belly and empty balls now, and best of all, she could finally put her blazer back on…

“Ah! I just adore a good masseuse…” Chloe said as she finished cleaning herself up in the bathroom, blazer fit proudly around her now-thin upper midsection again. She could still feel a weight sloshing around in her lower gut, but it was incognito enough that she could still conduct business without getting weird looks from people. She’d have to be careful not to interrupt her meetings with loud belches, though...") msg ("
*You gave a good massage, but not the best you could have...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach walls clench around you, holding you in place.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Your hands make a vague imprint on Chloe's stomach, but they don't last too long.") } else { msg ("Chloe gives her belly a good pat. \"Ah, I just love being full...\"") } ]]>
Chloe's womb false Chloe eagerly slurped the last of you up, the corgi collapsing back onto the bed in another round of bliss as she felt you being pulled deeper into her, some of you starting to settle in her womb and creating a sizable, soft bulge in her lower belly. She enjoyed kissing and rubbing at that bulge as you continued to fill it out, eventually coming to curl up inside of her. Her embrace was tight, but not unwelcome or painful; it felt protective, safe. “I hope you enjoy the special accommodations~” Chloe teased before giving the bulge inside of her another smooch,opting to take a nap before going on with the rest of her day… It is nearly impossible to move. The heat inside of Chloe was becoming even stronger, but it still wasn't uncomfortable or painful. If anything, it just made you a bit drowsy; taking a nap inside of the corgi was an idea that was starting to sound nicer and nicer the longer you stay at inside of here...it helped that it sounded like Chloe was really enjoying her nap from the inside!") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { } msg ("
For a while, you had adjusted to the comfortable, soft, but firm walls around you, and you were definitely quite drowsy! It felt like you could just melt into them, but thankfully, not literally. You thought you had dozed off a couple times, but either you hadn't or Chloe had been taking quite the long nap! Eventually, though, movement outside snapped you out of your coma, the Corgi rolling over and pressing you against her outer womb wall as she got on her feet. It felt weird, swinging beneath her like a hammock; but the feeling of being suspended like this only made the concept of a nap more attractive…

You felt a few loving pats on the walls outside of you. “I've got to go do a few things. I was going to let you out earlier, but I figured you would enjoy the ride~” Chloe said as she went about freshening up, you able to faintly hear her humming as she went about her routine. Rocking back and forth and swaying underneath her in almost a rhythmic way, you soon found that drowsiness overtaking you, each movement bringing that nap just a bit closer…") wait { msg ("
You awoke a few hours later, not in Chloe's protective grasp, but laying in a bed. Upon further inspection, you found it was your own bed! The lights had been turned off, and when you turned them back on, you noticed a handwritten note on your nightstand. It read:

“I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! By the time I got done with my errands, you were completely out. Did you know that your snoring is really cute??

Anyway, you also left your room key in my room, so I figured I would bring you back to your room. Don't worry about the bed sheets, they'll replace them tomorrow…”

You weren't sure what she was talking about until you look down and saw a sizable stain on your bed. Then, you noticed that Chloe's arousing scent still lingered, and you put two and two together. Objectively, it was a little gross, but you also enjoyed the fact that she left you a little present…

“Always feel free to come by my room. We can hang, or do other things~


Folded inside the note was a token, for her room.

The note was marked with a ruby red lipstick kiss. The whole gesture was cute, impossibly so. You figured you might take up Chloe on her offer! ") stop sound firsttime { AddToInventory (Room 16 Token) TokenCall } MoveObject (player, Room 8) } } } } ]]>
A small jar sitting on the bar, with a "Take one!" label affixed to it. It is filled to the brim with a variety of colorful micros. Look at msg ("You reach your hand into the jar and pull out a micro! You put them in your pocket and save them as a snack for later.") AddToInventory (Micro) Look at Look at if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("It's a {description}. Looks tasty.") } else { msg ("It's a {description}. Looks tasty.") } msg ("[nom]") A bag of chips. Look at Give Drop Look at Take Eat false An empty barstool. Look at You decided to take a seat at the empty bar stool. Almost immediately after you plopped your rear down on the seat, the crow bartender came over to you with a disgruntled look on his face. “Sorry, kid, but that seat is reserved. Best to get up unless you want to cause a scene…”") wait { Ask ("Get up?") { if (result) { msg ("
He looked serious. And someone who reserves a bar stool is probably not somebody you want to mess around with. You got up and off of the stool, looking around for another seat to take.") MoveObject (player, Bar) } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Who reserves a bar stool!? You didn't care if it belonged to someone else, you were thirsty! And you said just that to the bartender, who simply let out a long sigh before walking away to tend to another customer. Almost immediately, you heard and felt thunderous footsteps coming from behind you. Getting louder. By the time you recovered and turned around to see the source of the noise, you were greeted by a pair of enormous, naked, gray ass cheeks, imprinted with the words “THE LAW” on them. You heard a growl as well; a guttural, angry one, presumably coming from the owner of those cheeks. And before you could react, all of that mess came rushing down at you.


You were almost immediately shoved up into a tight, wet, and hot tunnel, with no room whatsoever to wiggle (although with your confusion in regards to this new stimuli, you weren't doing much wiggling). The mysterious stranger sat on you with such force that your head immediately slid right up into his pucker! His ass practically slammed against the bar stool, swallowing you up all the way up to your chest in a matter of seconds. Most of your body was suddenly enclosed in tight, wet, slimy walls, already starting to pull you deeper into the beast!") wait { msg ("
“AAaaaahhh…” Flint sighed as he felt you kicking and struggling around inside of his ass. “Always the best way to start off a night.” he said as he rotated the barstool around, casually facing the bartender as the lower half of you still wiggled around under his ass. “‘evening, Byron...the usual.” he calmly said as he clenched his hungry pucker around your chest, dragging you in up to his waist. The Law had copious amounts of experience with putting away ne’er-do-wellers, and you were no different, already just a wiggling insert for it to clench and slurp around and pull deeper into the t-rex it was attached to!

“You know, I'm the one who has to clean up after all your messes in here…” the crow said as he slid a highball glass across the bar at the dinosaur, who casually took a sip from it as he clenched around your body again. “Har! I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it…” he responded before clenching once more, feeling the bulge in his pants starting to harden as you wiggled up deeper inside of him. Your legs were forced to bend at quite the uncomfortable angle as they slid up inside of the dinosaur, your feet sticking out from underneath his crotch and facing forward along with his own. Flint's bowels were as cramped as you would imagine, but the walls surprisingly had a little bit of give to them. You figured that he had crammed so many people up his ass that the flesh of his gut had gotten a little bit worn from the constant wiggling and kicking...but instead of hurting the dinosaur, it only seemed to make the experience all the more pleasurable for him.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
It had only been a few minutes at this point, but already more than two-thirds of you was crammed inside tight t-rex bowels. All Flint was doing was casually clenching around you every now and then as he sipped from his drink and chatted up the other bar patrons.This was a pretty normal occurrence for the dinosaur; in fact, his reservation was a great way to catch some free and easy meals when he was feeling lazy. Pretty much everybody here had witnessed the law putting away someone at one point or another, and one thing was always the same: by the end of the night, they were a scaly layer of pudge on Flint’s ass. Even though you were just barely tucked inside of his bowels, the t-rex slowly clenching around your feet to pull the last of you inside, you were already well on your way to that ending…
") wait { MoveObject (player, FlintBowels) } } } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Flint's bowels As soon as you felt that slimy, warm pucker slowly inch over and around your feet, your struggles were reignited. With your only access to the outside world closed, there was nothing but Flint all around you; you could hear every detail of his body, the gurgling of his digestive system, the thumping of his heart; it all overwhelmed you in a way. Not to mention the smell; although it wasn’t incredibly pungent, every breath filled your lungs with the strong odor of male musk, with just a bit of an acidic tinge. You wiggled and thrashed the best you could, but even with how stretchy the walls were, you were going nowhere but deeper into the dinosaur! You are surrounded by You had been coursing your way through the dinosaur’s bowels for what felt like hours at this point. Outside, Flint was going about business like normal, chugging down a few beers and having some laughs with the bartender and his patrons. It was like nobody had even seen the t-rex stuff you straight up his ass just a few minutes ago! Occasionally a wiggle you made would shake the dinosaur’s belly enough for people to notice, but then it was just a cursory giggle before the conversation continued on as normal. You weren't even a meal, just a snack... ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You had been squishing your way deeper into the dinosaur for quite a while now. It felt like you would never reach your destination, but eventually you felt your head brush up against something ahead of you. The musky and musty odor of Flint's bowels was gradually being overwhelmed by a more acidic smell coming out of the entrance ahead of you, and as your head poked through the sphincter, it confirmed that you had arrived in the dinosaur's stomach. You had to hold your breath, as there was already a copious amount of fluid jostling and sloshing around inside...not necessarily stomach juices, however. The gut stank of alcohol; specifically the few beers that Flint had already chugged down while you were squirming your way through his bowels. And now you were basting in them.

Even now, as your body was pushed out into the cavernous, hungry, noisy and bubbly chamber, you could feel something pouring down onto you. Flint had felt you wiggling your way into his belly, and quickly drank another beer to welcome you to your new home - which was now splashing down on your head and shoulders as you tried to wiggle into a somewhat-comfortable position inside the tight, oppressive gut. The heat was sweltering, and you couldn’t tell if you were covered in sweat, stomach juices, beer, or some appalling combination of the three; but it was absolutely drenching you at every turn…") wait { MoveObject (player, FlintStomach) } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You wriggled in the dino’s tight bowels, but couldn’t get any real mileage.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The bowels stretched and took your blows in stride.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You thought you heard Flint wince, but the dinosaur didn’t respond in any other way to your struggles. Must have misheard a gurgle or two…") } else { msg ("You put all your strength in trying to push yourself back out from where you came, but the dinosaur’s bowels were having nothing of it.") }
false Flint's stomach Flint gave his gut a few proud slaps as he felt you settle inside. “Just get comfy, you’ll be filling out this seat in a couple hours or so…” he chuckled as he motioned to Byron for another beer. Multiple empty glasses were already sitting in front of him, and the dino showed no signs of slowing his consumption down! After all, the buzz wouldn’t last long with such a packed stomach. You are surrounded by The t-rex continued to flood his belly with various forms of alcohol as you softened up inside. There was less and less head room inside of the chamber by the minute, and you were finding it difficult to keep your head above the sea of belly soup. Although this made digestion a bit less potent, at least - you could only feel a slight tingle throughout your body as the diluted stomach acids still tried their best to work you down. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
It had been quite a while stuck inside of Flint's digestive system. Oddly, you were feeling more tired than anything at this point; you estimated that you’d been tunneling through flesh for at least three hours now...but you really had no way to tell. The dinosaur’s body owned you completely, and all your senses were subject to its whims. The gurgling and groaning of a hungry stomach at work had drilled itself into your head, as had the slow thumping of a drunk’s heartbeat. It was all almost rhythmic, in a way, lulling you to sleep in the dino’s gut. Your body was tingling, but it was more pleasant than painful; it almost felt like a buzz...and that made sense, considering how much alcohol you were basting in. The dinosaur just kept piling it on, like he had forgotten that he even stuffed you up his rear...which wouldn’t surprise you, honestly. Nothing would surprise you anymore as you drifted off into unconsciousness, softening up in the t-rex’s belly as he continued gulping down drink after drink.

Flint would continue his drinking throughout the evening as you melted away inside of his gut, the bulges you made slowly softening and rounding out as you continued your transformation into a nice, sloshy belly soup. At some point, the dino couldn't tell the difference between the beer he was chugging down and the soup you had turned into. “*HRRRRrrrruuuupp…*” the dino belched loudly before patting his gut proudly as he felt that belly soup starting to funnel deeper into his guts. “Heh, I can feel my ass growing on the seat…” the dino teased as he groped his cheeks. Although you were still funneling through his bowels, his body was starting to absorb you bit by bit. By the time the night was over, you really would be just ass padding…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
And a bit of something else. Many more beers and hours later, Flint was finally satisfied, hefting his beer belly and rounder ass out of that reserved barstool over to the bathroom. His rear landed on the toilet seat with a pleasant squish, before, with a grunt or two, the t-rex felt the last of you slide out of him, splashing down into the toilet bowl in quite the satisfying way. A few more pieces followed, before the dinosaur finally felt his bowels voided of the little snack he had earlier. He got up to appreciate his body's work, groping The Law once more as he flushed your remains away…") } msg ("
*That seat was reserved...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("You thought you heard Flint wince, but the dinosaur didn’t respond in any other way to your struggles. Must have misheard a gurgle or two…") } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Splinter's stomach That fleshy wall gradually opened up, your feet slowly sliding out of the sphincter into the bubbling, growling cauldron you were going to call home for the next few hours. The throat walls around you flexed to make sure you didn’t drop right into the stomach; no, you were going to be fed in slowly, clench by clench. You could feel the sloshing stomach juices tickling your feet as you dropped down into the hungry gut, first your waist, then your head slipping through in a series of clenches. The gut you now called home stunk of alcohol; you were definitely basting in a gross combination of stomach juices and booze, although in what concentrations you weren't sure… You are surrounded by Slopping around in Splinter's gut wasn't exactly the most enjoyable of experiences. But at least all the stomach movements and noises were somewhat consistent. Up until you felt another gulp of booze splashing down on your head, that was. The stink of alcohol was more present than ever, and you swore you were getting drunk just from being covered in it; but maybe that was just the gut getting to work on you. Tingling was starting to creep over your body, and your strength was starting to falter. You got the feeling that if you didn't get out of here soon, it was going to get a lot messier…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Another gulp of booze splashed down on your head. At this point you could barely tell the difference between the tingling, stinging stomach juices and the tingling booze covering you. All you could tell was that you didn’t have much more time to try and escape the tasmanian tiger’s rank gut. Every movement you made was becoming more and more sluggish, more and more effort required to make the most trivial struggle against the quickly-encroaching, squeezing, and massaging belly walls. You were practically swimming in a combination of booze and stomach juices at this point, but you had been in Splinter’s belly for so long that the dilution of the digestive enzymes had been offset. You were at the mercy of his digestive system...and it had no mercy to give. Gradually, you felt your consciousness get drowned under another wave of booze, doomed to add a few centimeters of pudge to Splinter’s waistline…

“*HUuuuUOOOOoooorrrrppp!* I think they’re finally *urrrp* settled in there…” Splinter said, slamming his glass down on the table as he saw some extra food he ordered arrived. A club sandwich, with a few micros thrown in for good measure. He pretty much forgot about the little garnish to his drink you were as he wolfed down the sandwich happily, the few other micros getting the same experience as you had a few hours before, although with a much messier and sloppier gut to call home. Eventually Splinter would stuff himself full, leaning back and appreciating his full gut as it rumbled and churned away the sloppy mix of booze, sandwich, and “garnishes” he had fed it. You were already soup funneling through his bowels at this point, clearing the way for the much more nutritious and filling solution to come through later, the tasmanian tiger’s body already starting to absorb you onto his belly and curves…") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Although that’s not all you were good for. Several hours and a good night’s sleep later, Splinter felt a familiar sensation deep within his bowels. His voracious appetite had come back to bite him in the butt, literally, and he ran off to his hotel room’s bathroom as soon as he sprang out of bed. His ass felt ever-so-slightly softer as he plopped it down on the toilet, and even moreso as he voided himself of what was leftover from last night. You contributed the slightest bit to what ended up flushed away, and a bit more to Splinter’s jiggling, fat belly. He would certainly enjoy your contribution to both...") } msg ("
*You got drunk. In more ways than one...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Splinter's gut didn't even bulge from your struggles - you were far too small to have a noticeable effect.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You couldn't even reach the sphincter to pry it open, let alone actually do it.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You used all your strength to strike against the stomach walls, but they didn't give at all.") } else { msg ("Another splash of alcohol put an end to any struggles you could muster.") }
Straight out of 1989. Look at
It looked like a platformer of sorts, set in some kind of jungle or forest or something. You were barely past the first screen, however, before you heard an unfamiliar voice from behind you. “Enjoying Jungle Diver?”

You made sure you weren't in any immediate danger before turning around to see a massive, plump creature that looked like a cross between a centaur and a german shepherd. A sheptaur, if you will. The taur had long, flowing brown hair, and loomed over you in a way that was not threatening, but almost motherly. She had a soft, warm smile on her face as she looked down at you, waiting for your response. “O-oh. I just started, actually. Never played this game before.” you stammered, flicking your neck back every few seconds to make sure there wasn't something about to attack you!

“Yeah, I thought so. I haven't seen you on the sticks around here before! They just got that arcade machine, and the game is pretty rare too, so I've been hanging around for a while and getting in there as many games as I can. I'm Misha, by the way.” the taur replied, seeming to take an interest in you. She started to watch you as you played, giving you little hints and tricks and the like as you progressed. And progressed you did! For never playing this game before, you seemed to actually be pretty decent at it…

After you cleared a level, Misha interrupted you before the next one. “Hey, did you know that this game has a versus mode? Want to bet something on it?~” the taur asked, a bit of a teasing tone to her voice. Normally you wouldn't take any sort of bet with someone you just met, but you were feeling pretty confident in your play despite having never played this game until about 20 minutes ago. You weren't going to just blindly take a bet regardless, though! So you inquired about the terms of this wager. Misha said nothing, instead reaching into a bag she had strapped around her midsection and pulling out something that looked like a coin, which she soon revealed to be a glittering, shiny room token! “If you beat my score, I'll give you this,” she started. “But, if you lose...I get to have my way with you~”

The intentional vagueness of that phrase made you a little bit uneasy. That could mean so many different things, and quite a few of them were probably not ideal for you! That room token, though...it was looking mighty shiny. You needed it, too. And, plus, you wouldn't have to think about what was going to happen to you if you just beat her anyway!
") Ask ("Take Misha's bet?") { if (result) { msg ("You were riding high after that last game. Of course you would take on this bet! Misha smiled as she heard you accepting, even offering you to play the first round so that she didn't ice you by going first. you let yourself die a few times so you could go back to the start screen, before starting your new game.

This time, the taur was silent while you played. You remembered a few things she had told you earlier, but most of them had kind of slipped your mind. You had a few close calls really early on, and those kind of punched holes in your confidence as you continued to go on. There wasn't a distinct moment you could point to where you got messed up for good, it just felt like you didn't have the fire you were playing with earlier. You managed to make it to a level you didn't play before, though, and that was when things really started to go south. Your lives were dropping like flies, and eventually, you lost your last one, staring at the game over screen for the first time. Your score didn't even crack the top 10 on the high scorers list, a list which you noticed was filled with scores from the initials MSH.
") wait { msg ("“Not bad, not bad.” you heard Misha comment behind you, before walking up to the cabinet as you stepped aside. “Hmm, maybe I'll play with one hand…” she mused aloud while she sat on the title screen, saying it just loud enough that you could hear it and realize that she could probably absolutely crush you if she wanted. The shep blazed through the first few levels without batting an eye, absolutely zero mistakes being made from what your amateur eyes could see. Her posture was relaxed, and you got the distinct impression that she had done this so many times that she could do it with her eyes closed if she wanted.

Things weren't looking good for you. Misha seemed to be really, really proficient at this game. At this rate, there was no way you were going to win this bet legitimately…maybe you should do something?
") ask ("Interrupt Misha?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("You decided the only way you were going to get out of here was through a little bit of trickery. And what better trickery than to distract somebody with a nice, deep smooch? While you stood next to the sheptaur, watching her play, you suddenly reached up and yanked her snout down to your level, puckering up and planting a long, loving kiss right on her lips! Misha seemed a little surprised by the sudden show of affection at first, but eventually, she got more into it, taking her hands off the arcade controls and closing her eyes as she reciprocated the sudden smooch. In fact, it seemed like she was almost more into it then you were...you felt her tongue fighting past your lips, slipping inside your mouth as she turned away from the arcade cabinet completely and started to wrap her arms around you in quite a tight little hug. And, wait, was that sucklin-


And then, in barely a split-second, the sheptaur’s lips opened wide as she pulled not only your lips, but your face and indeed, your whole head into her mouth! her arms crossed tightly over your back, keeping you from wiggling too much as that rough dog tongue started to lick and slurp all over your face, getting a good taste of this little interruption before she did...well, whatever she was planning to do next! Was this just her idea of a very, very deep kiss, or was there something else going on...?

Granted how much, uh, tasting was going on right now while your head sat in Misha’s mouth, you guessed that it was going to be a bit more than a kiss. You tried to struggle and pull yourself out of the shep’s maw, but with how tight she was holding you against her chest, it really seemed like there was nowhere to go but down, especially as you felt her tongue underneath you undulating and starting to slowly funnel you to the back of her throat. At the same time, the taur tipped her head back a little bit, letting gravity help her out somewhat before she really started to gobble you up. Her throat quivered in anticipation for a few choice moments, before you felt a powerful squeezing, rippling motion all around you, plunging you headfirst into her wet, hot, tight gullet. As soon as it got a little bit of a hold on you, it dragged you down, down so deep and so fast, each swallow pulling a good foot or so of your body into the hungry sheptaur’s mouth! You could hear her heart pounding around you, the wet, sloppy noises of her throat pulling you down further into her depths, and above all, the gentle yet impatient rumbling of a stomach beneath you. It was then that you realized truly that you were going to be swaying between Misha's legs in that fat potbelly quite soon…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("In no time at all, Misha had only your feet sticking out of her mouth, the shep having turned back towards the arcade cabinet to resume the game you had so rudely interrupted. She could feel you wiggling down her throat at an impressive pace, but she enjoyed your taste, and wanted to keep you around for a little longer...so, she took her time with getting the rest of you down, slurping and licking over your feet, playing with them for a few minutes or so before she decided that it was finally time for you to fill up her impatient belly. And, when it happened, it was so simple - she just slurped your legs up like noodles, giving a casual *glnk* and feeling the last of you slide down her gullet while she continued her game. Maybe a little snack is what she would need to break her high score!

Because of her body type, the shep only had one stomach, located in her lower half, which meant her throat was quite a bit longer...so, a longer trip for you, in theory. But, with how quick she was guzzling you down, it seemed to go even faster than you had expected! In just a minute or so, you felt your head being pressed up against a fork in the road of sorts, the throat muscles relaxing slightly before pushing you forward and into her fat, spacious stomach. The air was quite thin here, and tinged with the burning odor of stomach acid as well - and speaking of acids, there were plenty sitting in the pit of her gut, sloshing and splashing around as you got shoved deeper into the sheptaur's belly. A few more rippling contractions, and the rest of you arrived inside what would be your new home for at least the next couple of hours…
") wait { MoveObject (player, MishaStomach) } } } else { msg ("Part of you was saying to just bail and get out of there before she finished, but your pride and honor kept you staying put. As she made her way into the much, much later levels, things started to become much more improvised and on the fly, but Misha was still adapting pretty well. At this point, you knew you had been beaten, so your mind started to drift to exactly what she meant by “having her way with you”. Like, she was a lot bigger than you in the first place, so she could probably throw you around even without this little minigame.

Misha kept going for a few more minutes, laughing and joking as she got towards the end of the game. She knew she had you beat as well, so at this point she was just messing around, essentially. She hadn't even lost a life up until this point, but in quick succession, she lost all three in what you were pretty sure was just a throw. “Phew!” the shep said after she finished, in putting her initials in the 6th place spot on the leaderboards before turning around to face you, a smile that looked slightly more... predatory...than it did earlier gracing her snout. “Always a rush, this one. I hope you were taking notes! You've got potential.” she continued to say, before her tone became decidedly more sultry. “Now, about that bet…”

Wordlessly, Misha reached out and scooped you up with ease, lifting you up and smushing you against her chest fluff before she started to walk off, humming casually as you felt her make her way back into the lobby and, then, up a few flights of stairs. You heard, and saw, nothing for a few moments, until the click of a door locking came from behind you, and then, the sound of that door opening. “Aaah, home sweet...hotel.” Misha said, walking over to what you assumed to be the bed and placing you gently down onto it. Before you could open your eyes, you heard the shep say, “Now, now, don't open your eyes until I tell you to…”

You reluctantly obeyed the big taur, keeping your eyes shut as you heard her shuffle and move around you. At least this bed was comfortable, or you might have gotten a little bit impatient with the big shep; you had no idea what she was doing, but eventually you felt her hop up onto the bed in front of you, all sprawled out and taking up quite a bit of room on the mattress. She shuffled around for a few more moments, before you heard her voice once more. “Okay, You can look now~”

You opened your eyes as you were told...and what you were looking at took a few seconds for you to break down. Misha’s legs were spread out in front of you, the taur laying on her back with her forelegs dangling in the air...but what was most obvious, and what she probably wanted you to look at, was the slit between her legs, just inches away from your feet! You froze in a mixture of shock and confusion for a few moments, before you saw the shep’s head look up from behind her chubby underbelly. “Like what you see?” she teased, clenching her nethers for a few seconds just to show you the power of the muscles she had down there. You really didn't have an idea of what she was going on about...until she spoke again.

“Don't worry, I'll let you out afterwards. Just thinking of using you as a bit of a toy for now, sweetie…”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("A toy? Was she really thinking of shoving you in...in there!? You tried to back up further away from her slick cunt, but you were already at the head of the bed, and there was only so much wall to back up onto. No matter what you had agreed to in the bet, this was not what you had signed up for! It seems like Misha had expected a bit of hesitancy from you, however, as she poked her head out again and started talking to you.

“Oh, come on. This isn't even that bad for you! Trust me, it's going to be nice and warm and wet and you'll just want to fall asleep inside...and, if you don't play nice, I can always be a bit more... forceful.” she said the last part under her breath a little bit, showing you that the only way out of this was inside of her...if there even was a way out. You would have to be cooperative.

With a healthy bout of hesitation and confusion, you slowly pushed your foot forward, cringing a little bit as you felt her pink canal walls get slowly spread apart by your foot. She wasn't lying, it really was wet and warm, and honestly, once you got used to the sensation, it didn't feel half bad...maybe the shepherd was right. You didn't really have any choice, with how big she was and how compromising of a position you were in, so you might as well comply with her.

You pushed your foot a little bit in further, gasping as you felt her clench tight around it and yank you a few inches deeper! You heard a high-pitched gasp of pleasure come from Misha as you did that...your foot was bigger than anything else you could put in her, after all! “YeEeEessss, just like that, sweetheart…” Misha moaned as she clenched again, your other foot getting yanked forward and slipping inside those lips without much fanfare. You had a grip on the sheets of this bed, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that Misha was the one controlling the pace of this little encounter. And Misha wanted all of you inside of her, as soon as possible!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("With both of your feet inside her pussy, and your ankles disappearing inside in record time as well, all you could really do was watch. You had committed at this point, and trying to get out would probably only make things worse for you. Misha, for her part, was enjoying this immensely, her two hands rubbing and stroking at her breasts as she felt her nethers get stretched out the deeper you went into her. Feminine fluids were dribbling out onto the sheets, creating quite a musky stain beneath her as her nethers continued slurping you up, your body already knee-deep in shepherd vagina at this point and quickly going even deeper. As Misha dragged more of you inside of her, she started to overtake more of your vision...at the beginning you could make out most of the features of the hotel room, but now? Now most of your vision was completely swallowed up by her thighs and crotch region. You could still hear what she was saying, though, Although it was mostly just huffing and heavy breathing and gasps of pleasure coming from her. Every now and then, though, she would mutter something under her breath, like “hah...such a good toy…” or “for not wanting to be my toy, you sure are good at it~”, things that just made your cheeks flush red with embarrassment. Hearing her call you a toy was...strangely arousing...

With one shockingly strong clench, you were sucked waist-deep inside of Misha, your legs bound and tied by the slick, wet flesh deep in her nethers. All you could see was the shep's body at this point; that, and your own body steadily disappearing between her legs! Misha was lost in pleasure at this point, groaning and playing with her tits as she used you like a dildo...except you wouldn't be coming out for quite a bit! The wet *shlk* and *shlik*s filled your ears, and you could feel her feminine fluids smearing over your body and soaking into your skin...and the bedsheets as well! Misha started to flex her legs as you were comfortably halfway inside of her, the motion helping to slide you even deeper into the sheptaur at an increasing pace. Your legs were one thing, but feeling her cunt sliding over your tummy and chest was another sensation entirely...it kind of took your breath away.

As Misha clenched once more, you heard her cry out louder than ever before as your feet were pushed out into a roomier, but even muggier chamber! Were you already reaching her womb…? You couldn't think of anything else it could be; you were just surprised it had been this quick. Your eyes widened as you saw a bulge moving underneath her pelt...then you realized that it was your feet making those movements! Her womb walls were pretty tight though, and it felt like they wouldn't budge no matter what wiggles you made…

It seemed like those movements were definitely pleasing the big shep, however! Misha's gasps and moans of pleasure became even more high-pitched and frequent as you did that, and you found yourself almost neck deep in her canal in just a few seconds. You could really smell the feminine heat emanating from her loins at this point, and you knew that that scent would only get stronger the deeper you went. Misha's belly was starting to grow and swell to a considerable size as more of you was forced to curl up in her womb, to the point where you couldn't even see over her belly if you wanted to...though that might have been because the only part of you left outside of her warm, tight embrace was your head!

") wait { MoveObject (player, MishaWomb) } } } } } } } else { msg ("“Understandable,” Misha said. “I’ll let you practice a bit.”") } } } otherwise { msg ("As you approached the cabinet, you saw Misha once more. \"Ready to take the bet, sweetie?\" she asked.") Ask ("Take Misha's bet?") { if (result) { msg ("You were riding high after that last game. Of course you would take on this bet! Misha smiled as she heard you accepting, even offering you to play the first round so that she didn't ice you by going first. you let yourself die a few times so you could go back to the start screen, before starting your new game.

This time, the taur was silent while you played. You remembered a few things she had told you earlier, but most of them had kind of slipped your mind. You had a few close calls really early on, and those kind of punched holes in your confidence as you continued to go on. There wasn't a distinct moment you could point to where you got messed up for good, it just felt like you didn't have the fire you were playing with earlier. You managed to make it to a level you didn't play before, though, and that was when things really started to go south. Your lives were dropping like flies, and eventually, you lost your last one, staring at the game over screen for the first time. Your score didn't even crack the top 10 on the high scorers list, a list which you noticed was filled with scores from the initials MSH.
") wait { msg ("“Not bad, not bad.” you heard Misha comment behind you, before walking up to the cabinet as you stepped aside. “Hmm, maybe I'll play with one hand…” she mused aloud while she sat on the title screen, saying it just loud enough that you could hear it and realize that she could probably absolutely crush you if she wanted. The shep blazed through the first few levels without batting an eye, absolutely zero mistakes being made from what your amateur eyes could see. Her posture was relaxed, and you got the distinct impression that she had done this so many times that she could do it with her eyes closed if she wanted.

Things weren't looking good for you. Misha seemed to be really, really proficient at this game. At this rate, there was no way you were going to win this bet legitimately…maybe you should do something?
") ask ("Interrupt Misha?") { if (result) { msg ("You decided the only way you were going to get out of here was through a little bit of trickery. And what better trickery than to distract somebody with a nice, deep smooch? While you stood next to the sheptaur, watching her play, you suddenly reached up and yanked her snout down to your level, puckering up and planting a long, loving kiss right on her lips! Misha seemed a little surprised by the sudden show of affection at first, but eventually, she got more into it, taking her hands off the arcade controls and closing her eyes as she reciprocated the sudden smooch. In fact, it seemed like she was almost more into it then you were...you felt her tongue fighting past your lips, slipping inside your mouth as she turned away from the arcade cabinet completely and started to wrap her arms around you in quite a tight little hug. And, wait, was that sucklin-


And then, in barely a split-second, the sheptaur’s lips opened wide as she pulled not only your lips, but your face and indeed, your whole head into her mouth! her arms crossed tightly over your back, keeping you from wiggling too much as that rough dog tongue started to lick and slurp all over your face, getting a good taste of this little interruption before she did...well, whatever she was planning to do next! Was this just her idea of a very, very deep kiss, or was there something else going on...?

Granted how much, uh, tasting was going on right now while your head sat in Misha’s mouth, you guessed that it was going to be a bit more than a kiss. You tried to struggle and pull yourself out of the shep’s maw, but with how tight she was holding you against her chest, it really seemed like there was nowhere to go but down, especially as you felt her tongue underneath you undulating and starting to slowly funnel you to the back of her throat. At the same time, the taur tipped her head back a little bit, letting gravity help her out somewhat before she really started to gobble you up. Her throat quivered in anticipation for a few choice moments, before you felt a powerful squeezing, rippling motion all around you, plunging you headfirst into her wet, hot, tight gullet. As soon as it got a little bit of a hold on you, it dragged you down, down so deep and so fast, each swallow pulling a good foot or so of your body into the hungry sheptaur’s mouth! You could hear her heart pounding around you, the wet, sloppy noises of her throat pulling you down further into her depths, and above all, the gentle yet impatient rumbling of a stomach beneath you. It was then that you realized truly that you were going to be swaying between Misha's legs in that fat potbelly quite soon…
") wait { msg ("In no time at all, Misha had only your feet sticking out of her mouth, the shep having turned back towards the arcade cabinet to resume the game you had so rudely interrupted. She could feel you wiggling down her throat at an impressive pace, but she enjoyed your taste, and wanted to keep you around for a little longer...so, she took her time with getting the rest of you down, slurping and licking over your feet, playing with them for a few minutes or so before she decided that it was finally time for you to fill up her impatient belly. And, when it happened, it was so simple - she just slurped your legs up like noodles, giving a casual *glnk* and feeling the last of you slide down her gullet while she continued her game. Maybe a little snack is what she would need to break her high score!

Because of her body type, the shep only had one stomach, located in her lower half, which meant her throat was quite a bit longer...so, a longer trip for you, in theory. But, with how quick she was guzzling you down, it seemed to go even faster than you had expected! In just a minute or so, you felt your head being pressed up against a fork in the road of sorts, the throat muscles relaxing slightly before pushing you forward and into her fat, spacious stomach. The air was quite thin here, and tinged with the burning odor of stomach acid as well - and speaking of acids, there were plenty sitting in the pit of her gut, sloshing and splashing around as you got shoved deeper into the sheptaur's belly. A few more rippling contractions, and the rest of you arrived inside what would be your new home for at least the next couple of hours…
") wait { MoveObject (player, MishaStomach) } } } else { msg ("Part of you was saying to just bail and get out of there before she finished, but your pride and honor kept you staying put. As she made her way into the much, much later levels, things started to become much more improvised and on the fly, but Misha was still adapting pretty well. At this point, you knew you had been beaten, so your mind started to drift to exactly what she meant by “having her way with you”. Like, she was a lot bigger than you in the first place, so she could probably throw you around even without this little minigame.

Misha kept going for a few more minutes, laughing and joking as she got towards the end of the game. She knew she had you beat as well, so at this point she was just messing around, essentially. She hadn't even lost a life up until this point, but in quick succession, she lost all three in what you were pretty sure was just a throw. “Phew!” the shep said after she finished, in putting her initials in the 6th place spot on the leaderboards before turning around to face you, a smile that looked slightly more... predatory...than it did earlier gracing her snout. “Always a rush, this one. I hope you were taking notes! You've got potential.” she continued to say, before her tone became decidedly more sultry. “Now, about that bet…”

Wordlessly, Misha reached out and scooped you up with ease, lifting you up and smushing you against her chest fluff before she started to walk off, humming casually as you felt her make her way back into the lobby and, then, up a few flights of stairs. You heard, and saw, nothing for a few moments, until the click of a door locking came from behind you, and then, the sound of that door opening. “Aaah, home sweet...hotel.” Misha said, walking over to what you assumed to be the bed and placing you gently down onto it. Before you could open your eyes, you heard the shep say, “Now, now, don't open your eyes until I tell you to…”

You reluctantly obeyed the big taur, keeping your eyes shut as you heard her shuffle and move around you. At least this bed was comfortable, or you might have gotten a little bit impatient with the big shep; you had no idea what she was doing, but eventually you felt her hop up onto the bed in front of you, all sprawled out and taking up quite a bit of room on the mattress. She shuffled around for a few more moments, before you heard her voice once more. “Okay, You can look now~”

You opened your eyes as you were told...and what you were looking at took a few seconds for you to break down. Misha’s legs were spread out in front of you, the taur laying on her back with her forelegs dangling in the air...but what was most obvious, and what she probably wanted you to look at, was the slit between her legs, just inches away from your feet! You froze in a mixture of shock and confusion for a few moments, before you saw the shep’s head look up from behind her chubby underbelly. “Like what you see?” she teased, clenching her nethers for a few seconds just to show you the power of the muscles she had down there. You really didn't have an idea of what she was going on about...until she spoke again.

“Don't worry, I'll let you out afterwards. Just thinking of using you as a bit of a toy for now, sweetie…”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("A toy? Was she really thinking of shoving you in...in there!? You tried to back up further away from her slick cunt, but you were already at the head of the bed, and there was only so much wall to back up onto. No matter what you had agreed to in the bet, this was not what you had signed up for! It seems like Misha had expected a bit of hesitancy from you, however, as she poked her head out again and started talking to you.

“Oh, come on. This isn't even that bad for you! Trust me, it's going to be nice and warm and wet and you'll just want to fall asleep inside...and, if you don't play nice, I can always be a bit more... forceful.” she said the last part under her breath a little bit, showing you that the only way out of this was inside of her...if there even was a way out. You would have to be cooperative.

With a healthy bout of hesitation and confusion, you slowly pushed your foot forward, cringing a little bit as you felt her pink canal walls get slowly spread apart by your foot. She wasn't lying, it really was wet and warm, and honestly, once you got used to the sensation, it didn't feel half bad...maybe the shepherd was right. You didn't really have any choice, with how big she was and how compromising of a position you were in, so you might as well comply with her.

You pushed your foot a little bit in further, gasping as you felt her clench tight around it and yank you a few inches deeper! You heard a high-pitched gasp of pleasure come from Misha as you did that...your foot was bigger than anything else you could put in her, after all! “YeEeEessss, just like that, sweetheart…” Misha moaned as she clenched again, your other foot getting yanked forward and slipping inside those lips without much fanfare. You had a grip on the sheets of this bed, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that Misha was the one controlling the pace of this little encounter. And Misha wanted all of you inside of her, as soon as possible!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("With both of your feet inside her pussy, and your ankles disappearing inside in record time as well, all you could really do was watch. You had committed at this point, and trying to get out would probably only make things worse for you. Misha, for her part, was enjoying this immensely, her two hands rubbing and stroking at her breasts as she felt her nethers get stretched out the deeper you went into her. Feminine fluids were dribbling out onto the sheets, creating quite a musky stain beneath her as her nethers continued slurping you up, your body already knee-deep in shepherd vagina at this point and quickly going even deeper. As Misha dragged more of you inside of her, she started to overtake more of your vision...at the beginning you could make out most of the features of the hotel room, but now? Now most of your vision was completely swallowed up by her thighs and crotch region. You could still hear what she was saying, though, Although it was mostly just huffing and heavy breathing and gasps of pleasure coming from her. Every now and then, though, she would mutter something under her breath, like “hah...such a good toy…” or “for not wanting to be my toy, you sure are good at it~”, things that just made your cheeks flush red with embarrassment. Hearing her call you a toy was...strangely arousing...

With one shockingly strong clench, you were sucked waist-deep inside of Misha, your legs bound and tied by the slick, wet flesh deep in her nethers. All you could see was the shep's body at this point; that, and your own body steadily disappearing between her legs! Misha was lost in pleasure at this point, groaning and playing with her tits as she used you like a dildo...except you wouldn't be coming out for quite a bit! The wet *shlk* and *shlik*s filled your ears, and you could feel her feminine fluids smearing over your body and soaking into your skin...and the bedsheets as well! Misha started to flex her legs as you were comfortably halfway inside of her, the motion helping to slide you even deeper into the sheptaur at an increasing pace. Your legs were one thing, but feeling her cunt sliding over your tummy and chest was another sensation entirely...it kind of took your breath away.

As Misha clenched once more, you heard her cry out louder than ever before as your feet were pushed out into a roomier, but even muggier chamber! Were you already reaching her womb…? You couldn't think of anything else it could be; you were just surprised it had been this quick. Your eyes widened as you saw a bulge moving underneath her pelt...then you realized that it was your feet making those movements! Her womb walls were pretty tight though, and it felt like they wouldn't budge no matter what wiggles you made…

It seemed like those movements were definitely pleasing the big shep, however! Misha's gasps and moans of pleasure became even more high-pitched and frequent as you did that, and you found yourself almost neck deep in her canal in just a few seconds. You could really smell the feminine heat emanating from her loins at this point, and you knew that that scent would only get stronger the deeper you went. Misha's belly was starting to grow and swell to a considerable size as more of you was forced to curl up in her womb, to the point where you couldn't even see over her belly if you wanted to...though that might have been because the only part of you left outside of her warm, tight embrace was your head!

") wait { MoveObject (player, MishaWomb) } } } } } } } else { msg ("“Understandable,” Misha said. “I’ll let you practice a bit.”") } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Misha's womb Your head was suddenly plunged into a world of warmth and wetness, the moans of Misha suddenly muffled behind layers of slick flesh. In just one movement, your whole head had been swallowed up into Misha’s nethers! Your journey was starting to come to an end, and half of your body was curled up in her womb at this point, starting to have to bend a little bit to fit inside the relatively small space. Your eyes and mouth closed, you could only wait as the horny shep pulled you deeper and deeper inside of her, each clench sucking a few more inches of you even deeper into her body. It only got tighter and tighter the deeper you went into Misha, until, with a wet *pop* that surrounded you on all sides, you felt your head get sucked into a much roomier chamber along with the rest of your body. All curled up in the sheptaur’s womb now, all you could do was rest and hope she would let you out soon... It is nearly impossible to move. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Misha had been walking around outside for a little bit now, her only real interactions with you being huffs and gasps and little squeaky moans every now and then. The swaying of her womb was really relaxing and calming you down and making it difficult to stay awake; you felt like you were drifting in and out of consciousness every now and then, until you heard the sheptaur start talking to you directly, her voice echoing around you. “Mmmmh, I know I said I would let you out dear, but...I think I'll keep you around for a little while longer~” she said, expecting a renewed bout of struggling from you once she said that...but you didn't really have the energy. At this point you were strangely detached, and felt kind of okay with just swaying and sloshing inside of Misha for however long she wanted you to be. As she finished her little tease, you drifted off to sleep, the last thing you heard being “see you in nine months…”

*You're gonna be a pup soon...*

==GAME OVER?==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
false Misha's gut Outside, Misha let a thick belch escape her lips as she felt you settling in her belly. "Sorry, dear, but I don't take kindly to interruptions…" she chastised you, her paunch swaying back and forth with every movement she made...you hoped the constant movement wouldn't end up helping her stomach churn you up! Her stomach was not only full of slimy fluids, but bits of leftover and undigested food as well, all of which combined to make the stomach soup that you found yourself bathing in...eugh. This had turned out to be quite a bad idea. You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("At some point, you felt the world around you starting to move again, Misha walking away from the arcade cabinet (after getting a new high score, even) and walking somewhere else. It was difficult to tell where she was moving, with her stomach constantly shaking and swaying all around you, mixing up the gunk you were swimming in (which was also starting to fill up the chamber even more...or maybe that was just the squeezing of the stomach walls!) and generally just making it a challenge to even tell up from down, let alone which room in this crazy hotel you were in. All you could tell was that she was going down some stairs, and that all this constant motion was starting to make you dizzy...it was either that, or the lack of breathable air. Or maybe both.
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("The constant movement of your predator, and therefore the stomach around you, was making it very difficult to focus on trying to escape. Plus, with every slosh and sway of the sheptaur's belly, more of that slimy soup would splash onto your body, leaving a stronger feeling of tingling and, eventually, numbness with each pass. Curled up in the pit of Misha's stomach, you felt your strength and consciousness rapidly starting to fade, the walls around you pressing in and squeezing you and immersing you in the fluids it was secreting at quite an alarming rate. And Misha throughout all of this? Why, she was just walking around the hotel, exercising a little bit, giving herself a little bit of a break after an intense session at that arcade cabinet. It was important to take breaks, after all!

Unfortunately, you couldn't really take a break from getting digested. And a break probably would have been really nice, with how melty things were getting in here. You were starting to drift in and out of consciousness, or at least it felt like you were...your sense of time was pretty scattershot at this point. All you knew was that you were getting weaker, sinking deeper into the slop that you were bathing in, perhaps even becoming a part of it at this point. You could honestly barely tell the difference between your body and Misha's stomach at this point...and, eventually, there wasn't really a difference to tell. You were dog food.

At some point during her day, Misha felt another big belch rumbling up her throat. It felt good to let all that extra gas out, so she did it with pride, letting a thick *UUUuhhhrrrrppp* echo through the hallways of the hotel. That was her best way to tell how far along you were inside of her; any bulges you would have made wouldn't really have shown, and with how much extra pudge graced her underbelly, it was difficult for her to even feel you wiggling around in there sometimes! Like all meals, though, you eventually softened up as the sheptaur went about her day, being melted down into nutrition and funneled deeper into Misha's digestive tract. Maybe you would plump out her belly, her hips, or haunches...oh, so many possibilities! It wasn't really your choice, though, 'cause you were just fat now.

*You cheated...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
gut walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("It felt like every kick or squirm you made inside Misha wasn't even being acknowledged by the stomach around you - it just kept on churning and bathing you in fluids like nothing was happening!") } ]]>
A bottle sitting on the bar, full of some weird liquid. It has a label on it, which says "For: Ludwig". false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Goathias's stomach ]]> You are surrounded by ") } msg ("Goathias chowed down on the salad in a matter of minutes, gulping down mouthful after mouthful of chewed up salad and only thickening the soupy mixture you were slopping around inside his gut. Soon, his fork was scraping at the bottom of the bowl, nothing but drops of dressing remaining inside. Satiated for now, the goat leaned back in his chair, rubbing at his stomach and letting a thick, grassy *BBBRRRrrraaaaAAAAPPPP* blast open his lips in contentment.
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Drowning in a sea of half-digested goop, you didn't last very long inside Goathias's guts. The goat had never noticed you, and now his belly would barely notice you as it churned and blorped and gurgled all of that roughage into soup, nothing but fuel and nutrients to feed the Gogoat's hearty appetite. He would be coming back to this place, that was for sure!

*You made a nice garnish...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at msg ("There was no way Goathias could feel you squirming.")
false Bar the false You ready yourself to jump down onto the floor below. It's quite a big leap, but you don't wanna know what Byron has in mind! You steel yourself before making the big jump, falling until...the bird's feathery embrace wraps around you, quickly snatching you up! You can barely hear anything, the crow's feathers muffling most of your hearing, and there's no chance of escape, either...

A moment later, you feel Byron unceremoniously loosen his grip on you, dropping you into something behind the bar. You plop down on the surface, taking a moment to collect your bearings before you get up...only to meet Byron's gaze, the crow now gigantic compared to your size!

\"I knew it was only a matter of time before someone 'volunteered' to be the special ingredient in the house special...\" Byron said, his voice still kind of muffled, before tapping on your enclosure. It was then that you realized you were inside some sort of glass jar! There was no way out, the walls were far too vertical and slick for you to climb...you were forced to just sit there and pound on the walls as you watched Byron do his job. What was he talking about, a \"house special\"...?") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
Some time later, Byron turns around to you. You notice that the bar is currently empty, but for some reason, you still had a bad feeling about this. You're forced to watch as Byron picks up the glass jar you're in, a mixed drink in the bird's other claw. He holds the jar up to his eye.

\"Yeah, you'll do fine...\" he says before bringing the jar right above the drink...then tipping it! You barely have time to grab onto anything before gravity kicks in, sending you tumbling into the drink!") wait { msg ("
It all happened so fast. You were swirling around in the drink, trying desperately to find any sort of solid ground to brace yourself on. You thought it'd be impossible to find something, but eventually you bumped up against an ice cube, and finally had a chance to look up from the glass you had been swirling around in for the last few minutes. Everything around you was so gargantuan and overwhelming, it gave you a powerful sensation of vertigo (along with swirling around in a glass full of booze!). Glaring down at you, with a combination of exhaustion and hunger, was an animal that you had never seen before. It looked almost like a cross between a dog and a weasel...but you couldn't quite pin a name on it! It looked almost antique in a way…

“Thanks, Byron. Really needed this.” the creature said, tipping his head to the bird bartender as he wrapped a paw around the glass, thankfully destroying the disorienting sensation of being in a glass house. You clambored your way onto an ice cube among the rich, unpredictable swells of alcohol, getting somewhat of a grip on the slippery ground...before all that was lost. You felt your enclosure starting to shake, and you were able to look up out of the glass for a split second to see the creature looking down at you before you slid back off the ice cube, careening back into the sea of alcohol you had been trying so vigorously to escape. Your whole world was shaking and moving, disorienting you as you floundered around in the drink…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Drinking.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Then, you felt the glass you were in starting to tip. Your head thankfully rose above the current of alcohol, letting you sputter and spit the tangy concoction out as you looked out of the glass. What was ahead of you was exactly what you had feared - the snout of this creature, lips pursed and open slightly as he tipped the glass into his mouth. Thankfully you didn't get to see the most intimate, disquieting details of his mouth; no, you only saw a black hole into nothingness as loud, wet slurping started to dominate your hearing, and gravity started to pull you into the depths. It was inescapable; everything you could grasp was being whisked away with you. You plunged in and out of the sea of alcohol, forced to swallow down some of the drink as you struggled desperately away from certain doom…

And then, the glass around you moved again. The movement was so sudden, it sent you crashing back into the waves, thankfully right next to a (now slightly melted) ice cube that you could brace yourself up against. Drenched and coughing up drops of drink, you looked up to see the creature’s mouth closed, and watched as a small bulge of liquor disappeared down his throat. “Aaaah…” it said, the stink of booze washing over you from the creature’s breath, though most likely inadvertently. “Good stuff, Byron.” he commented as he tipped the glass at the bartender, inadvertently knocking you off your makeshift liferaft back into the drink. But before you could even get your bearings, you felt everything falling down again, the creature pursing his lips once more as he got ready to take another drink.") wait { msg ("
You tried to grab onto the rim of the glass as you slid down into the creature’s waiting maw, but it was quite impossible. For the brief few moments you were diving into the darkness, it felt like an odd waterslide of sorts...but then everything around you changed. The cool, yet abrasive kiss of the booze changed for something much more slimy, warm, and oppressive. Everything went dark, save for the occasional dark-red pulsating of rich, glistening flesh. You felt the creature’s lips close around the back of your head, leaving you resting on his tongue, which undulated and grinded against you constantly. You closed your eyes, wincing as you braced for what would no doubt be a messy and wet end, and once you heard sloppy, hungry gulps ahead of you, you expected to meet the tight embrace of a throat. But that didn’t happen.

You slowly opened your eyes. You had felt the booze you were drowning in rush past you, but you didn’t come with it. It took a few seconds for you to realize that your head was uncomfortably tightly mushed against the roof of the creature’s mouth. An odd noise erupted around you, sounding almost like...suckling? And you could feel the pressure on your body getting stronger and stronger...was he tasting you!? He certainly wasn’t eating you, at least not yet. But the wet and tight embrace of his mouth was only becoming tighter, and you could feel the tongue grinding underneath you…") wait { msg ("
Then it moved. The sudden twitch took the wind out of you as the tongue curled up underneath you, quickly pushing you to the side, your body impacting his cheek wall with a wet *splt*. You could feel wet globs of spit rushing back and forth over your body, the creature being quite rough in tasting you; occasional *slrrrp* and *shlrrrk*s surrounding you as you were sucked on like a piece of hard candy! All the wet, fleshy, warm contact covering your body was making you feel a bit aroused, frankly, but more than that it was making you dizzy. The constant movement all around you with no frame of reference or center of balance disoriented you quite a bit, leaving you floundering like a fish inside this beast’s mouth, completely at his whim.

Through the wet, sloppy, gross sounds of the mouth you were inside of, you heard a familiar voice. “Geez, Splinter. Enjoying them?” the bird bartender asked, keying you in on your predator’s name. Light awkwardly shone into his mouth for a little bit as Splinter opened up to respond; although with you squirming around in there, it came out pretty garbled. The jaws closed as quickly as they opened, and you heard a mumbled “...guess so” before the tongue underneath you moved yet again, curling around you and casually slamming you into the other cheek wall, grinding you up against the flesh as Splinter rudely suckled on you as hard as he could. He was trying to get all of your flavor out, and it looked like he was succeeding so far. You felt like the strength had literally been sapped out of you, and now you were just weakly floundering around in his mouth, at the complete whim of his tongue and his hunger…") wait { msg ("
“Hey. Wahth thith.” Splinter mumbled to Byron, his mouth allowing a bit of light to peek in once more. You squirmed slightly as the tongue curled under you once more, wrapping around you and bringing you to the front of his mouth. All of a sudden, you heard another wet *pop* as the tongue forced your head out of Splinter’s mouth, your head instantly feeling a cooling sensation as the comparatively-chilly bar air washed over your saliva-drenched body. You couldn’t really see much besides the tip of Splinter’s snout, but you could certainly hear Byron’s response to this little trick. “Ew, you’re still playing around with them? Just swallow already!” you heard the crow say with a bit of irritability. Almost instantly, you felt yourself being jerked right out of the open air of the bar, back into the frying pan as it were, those tight, wet lips finding themselves pursed around the top of your head once more. “Fihne.” you heard the creature mumble as his tongue curled around you, sliding over your face, coating your head with a new layer of sticky drool. Before you were pulled back into the hot embrace of his maw, though, you heard Byron respond. Although it was hard to make out as your hearing was quickly dominated by the wet slurps that came with being tasted, you thought you heard him say “I thought tasmanians had more class…”

Tasmanian. Tasmanian! That’s the word that was on the tip of your tongue to describe the creature whose mouth you were currently in. Splinter was a tasmanian tiger; a species you thought you went extinct long ago, but the mouth you were currently slopping around in was all too real! You celebrated your small victory of knowing what exactly was devouring you as the tongue continued its assault. At this point your body was almost numb to the constant sensation coming from all sides; but you could still sense something slightly different happening. It felt like you were slowly, but steadily, sliding towards the back of Splinter’s mouth. It was time. The tasmanian tiger had grown tired of your taste, suckled all of it out of you like a piece of gum, and was now ready to move on. You tried to grip and grab at the tongue beneath you, the quickly-moving lips, anything you could find purchase on - but it was all for naught. There was nothing you could do, as you felt the tight throat get a firm grasp on your legs…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("

And, just like that, you were gone. The throat sucked you up like a sinkhole, in one swift, wet motion. Almost instantly, your world became surrounded by hot, tight, pulsating flesh, all working to pull you deeper into the guts of this beast. Outside, all anyone could see, if they were paying enough attention, was a small, wiggling bulge gradually sinking past Splinter’s collarbone as you continued your descent into his stomach. Each rippling contraction of those gullet muscles pushed you a few inches deeper into the tiger, and you could hear the bubbling sounds of a hungry belly gradually starting to get louder beneath you. You had long given up on trying to claw your way out at this point; all you could do was hope that he would throw you back up as you felt your feet bump up against a fleshy wall.") wait { MoveObject (player, SplinterStomach) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("
Some time later, Byron turns around to you. You notice a jackal sitting down at the bar, looking expectantly at you as well...you don't have a good feeling about this. You're forced to watch as Byron picks up the glass jar you're in, a mixed drink in the bird's other claw. He holds the jar up to his eye.

\"Yeah, you'll do fine...\" he says before bringing the jar right above the drink...then tipping it! You barely have time to grab onto anything before gravity kicks in, sending you tumbling into the drink!") wait { msg ("
You splash down into a sea of alcohol and ice, the unmistakeable stench of it (and the familiar scent of orange, as well) completely surrounding you. It's hard to not drink in the stuff accidentally as you try to get back to the surface...especially difficult as Byron mixes you around in the drink, making you quite dizzy...eventually, though, you re-surface...just in time to see the Jackal, licking his lips above you as he tosses Byron some dollar bills.

\"I've always wanted to try the house special...\" the jackal says, his voice almost blowing out your eardrums at this size and proximity, before he lifts the glass up, swirling you around inside some more as he looks through it, getting you covered in more of the drink. \"Bottoms up~\" he teases, before bringing the glass up to his mouth...!") wait { msg ("
You hear a loud slurping sound as the jackal takes a sip of the drink, a bit of it disappearing into the jackal's mouth before he sets your glass down, noisily smacking his lips as he tastes the drink.

\"Ah, you always make a damn good screwdriver, Byron...\" the jackal said, licking his lips a little bit before bringing the glass back up to his mouth. You're a bit closer now, still trying to fight the current as the Jackal takes another sip...

The slurping noise of the jackal's lips is steadily getting louder. You can actually feel your feet touch the jackal's tongue, and you prepare to hold on for dear life...but then the glass tips back, the jackal putting it back down again.

\"Hah, that's great, Byron. They even think they can get away...\" he says, looking down at you as you wade around in the half-empty glass, trying fruitlessly to get a grip on the rim. Before you can make a coherent attempt at escape, you feel your world shake again, the jackal starting to take another drink...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slurp.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("
This time, there would be no escape from the jackal's gullet. With barely any alcohol left to gulp down, you quickly get swept up in the rest of it, falling straight into the jackal's open mouth. He barely even takes the time to taste you personally before he takes his gulps, finishing off the rest of the drink as you slide down, down into the jackal's stomach with the rest of his drink...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, JackalMicroStomach) } } } } } } } else { msg ("
You elected to make a break for it by running down the bar, sprinting as fast as your little legs could carry you. You dared not look back at the bartender, not wanting to even think about the danger just inches away from you. You thought you were doing pretty well, as you didn't hear any stomping from the bird coming after you…but a few seconds later, you heard something skittering across the bar. You only had a few seconds to try and dodge whatever was coming towards you!") barlist = NewStringList() list add (barlist, "Left") list add (barlist, "Right") ShowMenu ("Which way do you dodge?", barlist, false) { if (result = "Left") { msg ("You tried to dodge to the left, but you were too slow; you felt something hit you in the back, knocking you down under the bar and taking the wind clean out of you…

You tried to scramble back to your feet a few seconds later, but before you could get anywhere, you felt a warm, feathery embrace wrap around you as Byron picked you up. It turns out the bartender had slid a shot glass across the bar, successfully knocking you straight in the back with it, leaving you an easy pick up for the crow. You squirmed massively as the crow pinched you by the back of your shirt, lifting you up to his beak. To your horror, the bird was very visibly drooling, and when you opened his mouth you thought he was just going to drop you inside, but he had a few words to say instead…
") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("“You know, for all the micros I've served at this bar, I've never actually had a chance to try one myself…” those words caused you to squirm even more in the bird’s grasp, expecting to be dropped into that beak at any second. The crow seemed to enjoy your squirming, though, and so he held you there for a few more moments, watching as you tried to wiggle your way out of his talons. You could only watch in mute horror as Byron’s beak slowly opened, a heady billow of warm breath wafting out and blasting you in the face as it did so. Drool strands snapped and the bird’s tongue undulated as he slowly tipped his neck back, your struggles picking up as Byron brought you up, up until you were dangling right over his open beak, the bird’s eyes closed in anticipation. He knew that he had you right where he wanted you, and that you were going nowhere going down his gullet. All he had to do was let go…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("*splt!*

And that’s exactly what he did. You let out a yell as the pulsating red flesh of the bird’s mouth suddenly rushed towards you, a wet splat noise ringing in your ears before a tight, hard *clack!* made the world go dark around you. Desperately, you tried to turn around and get a grip on the beak in hopes of getting it open, but the combination of some sharp, inward-curved spines on the bird’s beak and the slippery drool that was now coating you were excellent deterrents for you to make an escape. Byron didn’t take much time tasting you, his tongue rubbing over you only long enough to make you slick enough to slide right down his throat; and as you felt his head tip back once more, you started to slide right towards that wide, open gullet, grasping futilely at the tongue beneath you as you started to slip into that inky blackness.

It only took one wet, muscular *glrrrk!* to trap you in Byron’s throat, your squirming body forming the slightest bulge in the bird’s gullet, which continued squirming as the tight flesh squeezed you deeper into the bird’s digestive tract. The bird let out a nice, satisfied sigh as he felt you descend, a bit of your flavor on the bird’s breath. “Mmm, not bad. Could have used some seasoning, though…” Byron commented as he went back to work, hefting up the sagging bulge you made in his gullet and playing with it occasionally. Inside his body, you reached a fleshy barrier much faster than you originally thought - and were almost immediately squeezed out into a stomach-like chamber, although one much smaller and tighter than you thought. You were packed into a tight ball almost immediately, with barely any room to move in the hot, tight chamber. The walls around you pushed and shoved and pulsated like stomach walls, but the only thing inside with you was a messy, chewed-up slop you assumed was whatever Byron had for lunch. It took a few moments, but then you remembered that most birds had a crop! A pouch for storing food before digestion...at least you would have a bit more time to escape now. Outside, Byron’s throat bulged out quite oddly with his meal, each struggle making the crop wobble a little bit in quite a unique fashion.
") wait { MoveObject (player, ByronCrop) } } } else { picture ("VOREHOTELByron.png") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“You know, for all the micros I've served at this bar, I've never actually had a chance to try one myself…” those words caused you to squirm even more in the bird’s grasp, expecting to be dropped into that beak at any second. “But, I just ate dinner so I'm not feeling particularly hungry… so I think I'll try putting you somewhere else instead.” You watched in horror as of the bird lowered you down, his other feather hand going to unzip his pants. As soon as that zipper came down a prominent bulge sprung out, the bird’s pride only restrained by the thin layer of fabric that was his underwear. “Oh, hold on, let me fix that…” Byron said nervously, making sure that nobody was coming into the bar that he would have to help, for at least the time it would take for him to slide you into his sac. That other feathered hand came down, finagling with the bulge until his cock poked out from between the hole on his underwear, the slightly snake-like pink length hovering patiently beneath you.

“Uh, make sure to squirm…” Byron mumbled before you felt your legs squelch into the cock opening, you madly thrashing as you tried to escape both the bird’s grip and now his hungry length. That wiggling only served to drive the birds arousal, though, Byron stifling a moan as he let go of his grip on you, letting his pelvic muscles clench and pull you deeper inside of him all by themselves. The lubrication provided by the pre that was leaking out of his rod certainly helped you slide deeper into him, the hungry rotten already swallowing you up to your chest. “Oh, y-you're feeling wonderful so far, keep doing that…” Byron moaned, the bird mostly unable to control his utterances at this point, his squawks of arousal echoing throughout the empty bar. As you writhed about, body half-stuck in the cock head, salty pre inevitably getting in your mouth as you tried to flail your way out, you felt a finger press down on your head, pushing you deeper into the rod then you would have liked. You could feel the tight muscles of the cock clenching around your feet, pulling you deeper even as Byron pushed you in, until your view was completely dominated by the pink flesh of the bird’s rod. With most of your senses now muffled, the last thing you heard clearly was Byron zipping up his pants and moaning has he felt you slip deeper into the musky embrace of his tight bulge…") wait { MoveObject (player, ByronSac) } } } } else { msg ("You decided to try and dive to the right. Giving it all your strength, you sprung forward off your legs, feeling a woosh of air as whatever you were dodging skid right past you. You managed to get out of the way!...but, you quickly realized that you hadn't hit the ground when you expected to. It seems you had overshot your dive a little bit, since instead of the mahogany of the bar beneath you, it was...the carpet. And one hell of a drop.

Byron chuckled as he watched you plummet to the floor, casually walking around the bar and over to where you landed. \"Points for effort, I guess?\" he jabbed as he loomed over your small form, the impact more than enough to daze you and leave you helpless as the crow leaned down and snatched you up with ease. All around you was darkness and shaking as Byron walked somewhere, keeping you gripped in his feathers as he did so. \"It's about time for my break, better make good use of it…\" the bird mumbled to himself as he pushed open the door to the bathroom, retreating to an empty stall with you in hand…

The next few minutes consisted of mostly shuffling and darkness, the crow's feathers mostly obscuring your vision and only letting occasional flashes in as your tiny form was manipulated by the crow's fingers. You couldn't even use sound to deduce what was going on, since all you could hear was ruffling feathers...but, eventually, Byron moved you to a point where you could actually see something.

It just sucked that what you saw was the bird crouching down in front of a toilet, uniform tossed in a corner, holding you behind him and pointing your head right at the fleshy ring nestled between his asscheeks! The bird chuckled as you instantly started to kick and squirm in his grasp, Byron's asshole flexing and clenching teasingly as you were brought closer to it.
") wait { msg ("\"I've never tried this before...hope you enjoy it~\" the crow teased as he held you tight, keeping your squirms contained as you were slowly being pushed between those cheeks. The black, warm feathers gave off a light musky odor as you were pressed against them, the rougher texture making you feel a bit uncomfortable as feathers started to surround you on all sides...that was going to change soon, though what it would be replaced with wasn't that much better! You grimaced as your head made contact with Byron's flexing ring, the sphincter spreading open to take your head in as the bird pushed forward against your best wishes. \"Ohhh…\" the crow gasped as he felt you making contact with his pucker, finding your body to be a bit cold as your head started to make its way inside! The flesh surrounding you was wet, warm, and that musk that filled your lungs was much stronger in here, and stronger still deeper inside the crow...you occasionally got whiffs, it was so overwhelming that it made it kind of hard to breathe!

You tried to keep your squirming up, hoping that Byron's grip would slip on you the deeper inside of him you went and that you could make your way out or something, but it was pretty clear that the size difference between you and the crow was making things quite difficult for any hope of escape. That pucker clenched tight around your midsection as you felt Byron's hand starting to shift a little bit, the crow taking his fingers off of you and opting to instead use only one to push the rest of you inside...slowly. Moans and groans were aplenty as the crow started to get an erection, freeing up his other hand to play with himself while he pushed you up further into his bowels...

With Byron's body having a good hold on you now, you felt the flesh around you starting to get a bit more active, clenching and squeezing in order to pull you up deeper into the fleshy maze that would soon be your home. Byron couldn't tease you anymore with how much he was into this now, but he knew that his body was doing most of the work of letting you know how good of an ass snack you were being an! In no time at all, you were just a pair of legs barely sticking out between his cheeks, the world around you shifting as Byron stumbled back and placed his rump on the toilet seat so he could spend more time playing with himself as you were shlrked up inside of him. It was so weird to feel what was left of your body dangling beneath the crow’s rear...so, good thing you wouldn't be left dangling for that much longer!

") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, ByronBowels) } } } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Willis's stomach At least now, you could settle up in the dog’s stomach...not like you wanted to be settled in here, though! With all of your body inside, there wasn't much room for you to move around, despite how fat Willis looked from the outside...the walls constantly pressed in on your body, and a big pool of thick, gooey slop was sloshing around in here with you. The stuff almost felt like glue or something, and it made it even more difficult to move around inside! It took so much energy to just, do anything in here...eugh, escaping Willis's stomach was going to be a tall ask. And as the last of your feet slid into the chamber, the entrance to Willis's esophagus closed tight...if you couldn't pry it open, it seemed like your only exit would be...the rear! You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Escape had been proven to be an almost insurmountable task. Even at absolute full energy your scores would have trouble showing through the dog’s obese stomach, and you most certainly weren’t at full energy! Worn out and beaten down by Willis's stomach, you soon melted into the sloshing, gooey pool that you had been immersed in, adding maybe a few inches of warm pudge to the husky's body...and, honestly, at Willis's size...that would end up barely showing when all was said and done! Still, you were a rather satisfying meal by all accounts. The dog let out one last burp as he waddled his way out of the hotel bathroom, intending to return to his room and enjoy the last bits of your digestion in a more intimate and private place. Hopefully you would end up somewhere else other than his stomach. He needed a bigger butt...

*You got between a husky and his food...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The fat on the husky's belly jiggled a little bit, but that was about it.") } else { msg ("All this thick belly goo made it impossible for you to move...") } ]]>
A door off to the side of the bar, near the bathrooms. There was some pink, wonderful-smelling smoke billowing out from underneath the door, along with some intense, flashing lights. A sign off to the side read "Smoking Room", but you got the impression that they weren't exactly smoking cigarettes in there. false ") wait { MoveObject (player, Smoking Room) } ]]> Look at Open false
You stumbled a bit as you heard the distinctly feminine voice, not expecting it to come from the table right next to you that you were leaning on! That was where all the smoke was coming from, so you assumed it was some kind of fog machine...but that clearly wasn't the case. As you turned to face your mysterious company, waving the pink smoke away the best you could, you noticed that, firstly, she had three heads! Her fur was a bright pink and her paws accented with a deep purple, but the thing that jumped out to you the most was that pink fog was seemingly emanating from the main head's mouth! Every breath that you took in here was just full of the stuff, and it was honestly starting to make you feel a little bit...loopy? Horny? Calm? It was kind of hard to describe the feeling, honestly.

\"Not what you expected to see? Why not come a little bit closer, dear?~\" the cerberus asked you, noticing that you were just sort of standing there aimlessly, ushering you over with a single padded, clawed finger…
") Ask ("Move closer?") { if (result) { msg ("There was absolutely no trace of hesitance in your mind. It was as if the cerberus's finger was physically pulling you over to her, and you found yourself eagerly sitting next to the pink fog machine just a few seconds later. It was at this point that you were able to notice that her body seemed a little bit...drippy. Specifically those deep purple pawpads, out of which goopy tendrils would occasionally appear and leave trails on the table that the two of you were sharing. \"It's not often someone comes into the smoking room. Usually, they see all the pink smoke coming out from underneath the door and they get a little weirded out...or, alternatively~\" the cerb trailed off, one of her heads turning towards you before that same claw reached out and gently pushed up against the tip of your chin! \"Mmm...you're a real cutie, too. My name's Gemma…\"

As soon as Gemma said her name, even more of that pink fog leaked out of the cracks between her sharp canine teeth, smoke that you eagerly breathed in and let circulate through your lungs. Her breath immediately gave you a pleasant buzz, all of those deep inhales compounding onto each other and sending wonderful tingles of endorphins all throughout your body...it's kind of what you imagined being crossfaded would feel like, honestly. Everything kind of blurry and hard to discern, but still very relaxing and nice...And Gemma, she was just a comforting presence, despite the fact that the two of you had barely met! It helped that she seemed to be quite into you as well, gently inching closer and closer until the two of you were pretty much shoulder to shoulder inside of this room! \"Hey. Wanna see where all these thick clouds are really coming from?~\"
") Ask ("Find out?") { if (result) { msg ("You didn't hesitate for even a moment to accept Gemma's request, more than eager to go with the cerberus wherever she wanted to take you! Gemma didn't even say anything in response to your eager acceptance; instead, the cerb just turned her whole body towards you, the floppy \"mane\" of white fur that went up the back of her heads like a mohawk revealing a grayish tip that flopped down in front of you as you stared into the center head’s deep, green eyes...oh, she had nose rings, too, another detail that the thick fog had obfuscated, especially considering her nose was right next to the source of it! You felt yourself slowly leaning in as Gemma's mouth opened wide, another wave of that pink breath wafting out and enveloping you as her purple canine tongue flopped out into the open air. Sharp teeth lined the cerb's grayish-purple lips as that mouth yawned open, a heat radiating out of it along with that breath; a double whammy that only pulled you in closer!

As you took a deeper look, you noticed that pink, cloudy breath wafting out in soft pillows from the back of Gemma's throat, seemingly welling up from a much deeper place inside of the cerberus. It smelled so nice, though, you just wanted to fill your lungs with it so badly; in fact, you were so enthralled that you didn't even notice that pretty much your entire face was now inside of Gemma's mouth! The cerb was just gently opening her jaws wider and wider as you were pulled forward by that lustful and neediness, allowing you to bury yourself deeper inside. No sense in doing anything when you were just going to slot yourself in without any sort of a fuss!
") wait { msg ("Warm waves of humid pheromone breath washed over your face and head as your chin squished against Gemma's tongue, thick purple goop splashing down onto the top of your head and the bridge of your nose as you kept pushing, pressing forward to get to the source of that amazing fog. Gemma's tongue was leaving trails of the slimy stuff along your chin as well, only aiding in allowing your head to casually slip deeper and deeper into the cerb's mouth until your nose was practically touching the dangling uvula in the back of her throat...and Gemma didn't have to do a thing except open her mouth up and let you push yourself all the way in! So enthralled were you by her pheromone breath, you had absolutely no second thoughts about your situation, only that you wanted to go even deeper. At this point, though, you would need a little bit of help to make that a reality…

And Gemma was more than happy to lend you that help. The cerberus wrapped one of her two pairs of arms around your waist, casually lifting your lower half into the air and allowing you to stare right down her inky, purple tunnel of a throat. As soon as gravity pushed you another inch deeper inside of the cerberus, the slimy esophagus clenched and spasmed, tightening around you and pulling your head into greasy cerb gullet with a wet, goopy *ggLNK*! With just that one swallow, Gemma had her teeth scraping against your thighs, only half of you to go before you would be all packed away inside of her rumbling, white-furred gut...the esophagus clenched and pulled on you possessively, Gemma occasionally consciously taking little gulps to help you along inside of her, but her body was pretty much doing all the work automatically at this point! And that left Gemma with plenty of time to lick and slurp and savor the flavor of your legs, pink breath still wafting out from cracks and crevices in her maw as it was stuffed full of you…you had long gone past the source of that wonderful, intoxicating pheromone breath, yet you were still completely enraptured by its power. An easy meal for the entrancing cerberus.
") wait { MoveObject (player, GemmaStomach) } } } else { msg ("You were just about to accept Gemma's offer, before it felt like a switch immediately turned in your brain. And it told you that you needed to get out of here, right now. Without saying anything to Gemma, you pushed your chair away from the table and sprinted out of the room, feeling half of your body is still tugging you back there even as you were already back out in the bar...you really felt like you dodged a bullet there, somehow. Yet, Gemma didn’t even chase you...
") MoveObject (player, Bar) } } } else { msg ("The cerberus was certainly alluring, but you got the feeling that if you came a bit too close to her, you weren't going to come out of here in the same form you came in! So, you politely declined their offer, feeling a wave of cold sweat come over your body as you exited the room. You didn't even realize it was that hot in there…
") MoveObject (player, Bar) } } ]]>
the Look at false Gemma's stomach false *guuUulllKk~*

Gemma tensed up before taking one more swallow, feeling your legs and feet sliding down her gooey gullet with nearly zero resistance, a satisfying weight starting to fill her gut up as her center head licked its chops. "Actually, I figured since you like it so much, you would probably want to be a part of it...no need to thank me, of course~" the cerb teased you as you slid neatly into her gut, slime-coated stomach walls instantly clenching in and rivulating over your body as you curled up into a tight ball. At this point, you had barely even registered where you were, only that those pheromones, however strong they were, had started to fade just a tiny bit. The distracting brain fog was still thick, but as the stomach pushed and tossed you around so casually, it was starting to clear, and you were starting to realize that you weren’t quite where you were expecting to be.]]>
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Gemma hadn't really moved since swallowing you up. The cerberus had pretty much just kicked her chair back a little bit, giving her quite a bit more room to rub over her wiggling stomach with all four of her big, bappy paws! You were quite wiggly in there at first, but as time passed and the cerberus's stomach got more and more intimate with you, it was clear who had the upper hand here. \"Theeeere you go, hun. Melt into me, join the goo~\" she said in a low, sweet voice, feeling her belly start to become quite a bit squishier as you were churned up inside...though, most of the fun stuff she was planning to do to you would happen in her bowels. You just needed to be a bit more liquidy to fit inside!

As the evening continued, you gradually started to fit that criteria more and more, Gemma's belly softening up quite a bit as the slosh that used to be you was rapidly funneled into her goopy, gurgly intestines. The cerb had a lot more on her mind than just turning you into dog fat, and it was finally time for some of that to start going into motion. Gradually, her gooey intestines worked on fully absorbing what the stomach had passed on to it into Gemma's body - even the soul that was still lingering, attached to the sloshy sludge that no longer had a real body! Gemma's goo was very special; anyone she ate and fully absorbed in her bowels was captured by her gooey mess allowing her to reform her meals at any time out of the thick goop that comprised a good portion of her body. A method of soul capture, that was what she liked to call it, and you were going to be the next snack that got added to her collection~

The big pooch just reclined and relaxed in her chair as she watched and felt you continuing to break down inside of her, her greedy bowels absorbing every last possible bit of you so that the resulting gooey clone could be as perfect as possible...already, Gemma could feel a foreign presence coursing throughout her body; funnily enough, a familiar sensation for her at this point, with how big her appetite was! \"Mmh...you're merging rather nicely, dear. Almost done with the hard part~\" Gemma spoke as she pressed a few fingers into her stomach, feeling the pleasant squish of a meal mostly digested. It was time to see what her body had done to you.

The cerberus lazily stuck out one of her thick, padded fingers, a tendril of goo slowly poking up out of it, a slightly different tint than the thick purple stuff it emerged from; and, in just another moment, it was gone. Pulled back into the goop, completely merged with the rest of the cerberus, another clone to call upon whenever she needed it...but for now, she would relax. Perhaps that lingering smoke would attract another curious bar goer in the future~
") msg ("
*You were a bit too entranced by the cerberus...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Sticky and musky. random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Gemma chuckled as she felt you starting to move around inside of her. \"I think it's a bit too late for second thoughts~\"") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("One of the cerberus's other heads snickered as Gemma poked at her gut, casually pushing the bulges you made back inside of her gooey cauldron.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Every time you moved around, it felt as if the stomach itself was sticking to your body. The consistency of the cerberus’s innards was so gooey, it was hard to tell where the stomach began and you ended...you got the feeling it would be harder to tell as time went on, too.") } else { msg ("Gemma let out a raucous BELCH, a pink puff of pheromone breath wafting out into the open air along with it.") }
Bar false the A very large, red pandataur, whose massive striped tail took up one half of the booth she was sitting in all by itself! The taur was currently gnoshing down on what looked like a platter of various cheeses and meats. Her head was nearly touching the ceiling with how she was sitting, most of her lower half resting on the back of the booth with her back paws resting underneath. Look at false
At least you thought that at first. As you reached out for the platter and mentally prepared to thank the pandataur, she swatted your hand away! \"Oh, no, no, no. I'm not just going to *give* you this. You're going to have to do something for me first…\" the taur said, a smile forming on her face as she looked down and started to loom over you...would you take the chance?
") ask ("Take a chance with Mika?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("\"Excellent.~\" Mika replied as you gave your consent to...whatever was about to happen! You watched as she shuffled around a bit, letting her tail flop to the floor to allow you a place to sit, which you quickly took. Across the table from you, Mika started to sidle and slide her way down underneath the table, a process which looked more than a little bit difficult for the giant, somewhat-clunky taur. She grunted as more than half of her body disappeared underneath, before you saw her rear end and hind paws starting to reappear...right on top of you! In a matter of moments, you were suddenly faced with a lapful of taur butt that prevented you from going anywhere. In this position, you were also made intimately aware of the panda's, er, assets...mainly, a huge set of reddish-brown balls, as well as a thick donut of a pucker that you managed to get a glimpse of before her ass ended up in your lap. What was most obvious, and closest to you, though, were her hind paws; the same reddish-brown color as her sack and underbelly, but with cream-colored toes and some squishy-looking pawpads that were only a few inches from your face! It was at this point you noticed a bit of spicy muskiness wafting off of them as well, a smell that made your nose tingle just a bit…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemoan1.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"Haaaahhh...there we go. I've been on my feet all day, sometimes you just need a place to rest them, you know?\"

Before you could even react to what Mika was saying, the pandataur thrust her knees and legs forward, smothering your entire head and some parts of your body in musky, well-worn panda paws! Mika let out a sound somewhere between a giggle and a moan as she felt you very suddenly starting to squirm and press against her body, even though she had quite a bit more leverage on you. \"Gonna have to deal with it for a little bit if you want this platter, hun~\" you heard Mika tease, reminding you of the little deal that the two of you had made...it was true, you had to get that platter!

So, begrudgingly, you accepted your place as Mika's foot rest as the panda delighted in smearing her paws all over your face and upper body, that heavy muskiness only continuing to invade your brain with its gratuitous lacing of pheromones. You were really starting to feel a bit out of it at this point, considering that thick air was all that you were able to breathe while these squishy pads had their way with you. Judging from all the noises she was making, the panda was enjoying this quite a bit as well!...or, maybe that was because the taur’s massive member was starting to poke out of its hiding place, adding even more powerful pheromones to the cocktail that you were being immersed in.

As time progressed and Mika continued to make you her foot rest, you started to feel a kind of...relaxation from your position. The musk you were breathing in was certainly addling your brain at this point, making it harder and harder to think about anything besides...gosh, these paws were really soft and nice and maybe you enjoyed being down here actually? It was nice to just...kind of lay back and let somebody play around with you how they saw fit. But, no, you had a job to do still! You couldn't just stay down here forever, you had to get that platter from her...thankfully, after another minute or so of smothering, you felt Mika ease off of you a little bit before her voice came once more. \"Mmh...thanks, dear, I think that'll do for now. Unless, of course, you're enjoying yourself down there~\" the pandataur said...it seemed she was giving you a choice in the matter.
") Ask ("Keep going?") { if (result) { msg ("...fuck it, the platter could wait! You were enjoying yourself far more than you had expected down here, and even if you weren't quite willing to say that out loud, it was incredibly obvious to the panda who was currently smothering you underfoot! You found yourself rubbing and nuzzling against those wonderfully soft paws, your tongue even occasionally sneaking out and taking a cursory lick of these musky soles that were in front of you. Mika just smiled and laid back as she felt all of this happening, knowing that she had you completely under her control…

...and, this was rather nice, but Mika was feeling a little bit more adventurous at this point. The panda slowly took her paws off of your face, allowing you to see the world around you for a brief moment...which allowed you to realize that her shaft was now at full mast, completely filling out your lap and even hiding under the table as well. \"Mmh...you've got me pretty worked up now…\" the taur growled seductively as one of her hind paws went to that shaft, slowly pulling it out from underneath the table and pointing the head right at your face! The cockslit was easily the length of your entire face, the tip drooling a wonderful-smelling fluid that started to drive you crazy just from being near it! God, it was so steamy and warm, an absolute monster of a cock, and it was *right* there…

\"Go ahead, give it a kiss~\"

Mika's words resonated through you like a command, your body immediately reacting in kind without even a millisecond of thought required. You leaned into the panda's drooling cockslit, planting your lips on it and giving a firm, long smooch that left a trail of pre on your lips as you pulled away, your arms wrapped around the thick schlong as it throbbed underneath you. But, as soon as you had pulled away, you leaned back in, wanting to take the most powerful breath of that musk as you could...your nose slowly started to press into that slit, Mika moaning in pleasure as she felt your nose forcing its way down her urethra, her powerful musk completely overwhelming your entire being and thought process and...just everything. Even as you took the deepest breath and let your lungs feel entirely with that wonderful smell, you knew that you...you just needed to go deeper…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("You slowly pressed your head further inside of Mika's cock, the panda gasping and moaning in assent to what you were doing. You even felt one of her paws gently pressing against the back of your head, giving you the extra help you needed to completely submerge your head inside of her member, the flesh accepting you with gusto and clenching inward to start swallowing you right up...at this point, it wasn't even Mika doing the work, at least not consciously. Her body was just doing what came to it naturally, the flesh clenching and sucking inward before releasing that tension and pulling you a few inches deeper! In only a few moments, the red panda’s cock had managed to stretch over your shoulders, blocking your arms at your sides and turning your form into something that could be a bit easier for Mika’s shaft to swallow up.

That wonderful musky odor only became stronger and stronger with each clench, precum oozing from the walls surrounding you and slickening up your body to make things easier for the thick member. It quickly worked its way down your chest and towards your waist with powerful, quick \"swallows\", your body starting to be forced into somewhat of an awkward angle from the position Mika was in right now...thankfully, the panda's shaft was mostly soft right now, otherwise things might have been quite a bit more uncomfortable for you! Mika stroked and massaged over her shaft as it throbbed and pulsated to pull you inward, pre pooling all over the floor and booth that the two of you had been sitting in. This whole section of the bar was starting to smell like panda musk...good thing the two of you were the only ones here!

You could hear the pandataur’s nuts sloshing around ahead of you as the cock continued swallowing you down, working its way down over your legs and finally starting to lift you up in the air with the leverage it had on you. That inversion immediately helped to push you a few inches deeper towards those fat, starving nuts. Fuck, you couldn't wait to be curled up inside of them, bathing in that thick, virile spunk. Something you couldn't even have imagined yourself thinking about 15 minutes ago, you were wholeheartedly endorsing, begging to have happen to you. And Mika was more than happy to give you exactly what you wanted! The taur started to pull herself out from underneath the table, propping her legs up on top of it and letting all of her bits air out for the world to see...this was her table now.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Your face was smeared with thick cream as you finally started to be pushed out into the panda's sack, quite a bit of the stuff sloshing around at the bottom of Mika’s balls while they rested on the table. A deep cry of pleasure echoed around you as this happened, Mika now able to watch intimately as her cock swallowed you up, and even get in on the action herself...the taur started to stroke along her shaft with both of her hind paws, rubbing over the bulges you made inside as well as helping to work them down deep into her orbs. Soon, all that was left to the outside world were the tips of your toes, a sizable and wiggling bulge inside of her sac starting to form as more of you slid out inside. Mika reached forward with a smirk, casually pressing against your toes with one finger until her cock head accepted them inside with a wet *shglrk*~

That swallowing motion pushed the last of you into Mika's sack post-haste, your body doing a sort of slow somersault as the momentum of the last of you sliding down inverted your body in a way. Your head was dunked into the thick pool of panda jizz at the bottom more than a few times, but thankfully you were able to settle in a somewhat comfortable spot after fighting against the sack walls a little bit...but now, you were able to appreciate your surroundings; the incredible tightness, the warmth of the cream and the flesh, and of course, that musk making your nasal passages tingle all the way down into your lungs. It was an absolutely wonderful and intense sauna, the home of that musk that had entranced you so…heaven. It was heaven.
") wait { MoveObject (player, MikaSac) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh...alright~ Well, I suppose you've earned this, then...\" Mika said as she slowly eased her paws off of your face, allowing you to catch some much-needed breath before the pandataur pushed the partially-eaten snack platter across the table towards you. \"Don't be a stranger, hun~\"
") AddToInventory (Snack Platter) } } } } else { msg ("Nah. You decided not to mess with the pandataur.
") } } ]]>
Mika's sac false Mika was just gasping and moaning with every little wiggle you made inside of her sack, the red panda entirely overwhelmed by the incredible sensations flowing through her loins. Every movement you made inside of her was like a wave of electricity traveling through her entire body! "Mmh, GODS...haven't done anything like this in such a long time. I don't even know if I'll be able to handle blowing you all over the inside of this booth~" the big panda teased, her words reverberating all around you and making you blush with their implications as you settled into your new, temporary home. The moans, along with the lack of ability to move, relaxed you in a strange sort of way, even as viscous cum continued to rise up around your body! ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("That mulching and mashing only continued as time went on, Mika actually picking up the pace a little bit despite how overwhelmingly sensitive her balls felt right now. The heat in here was absolutely sweltering, and you knew with all this movement that your body was nearly completely melted into musky panda jizz...and it felt so wonderful! It was as if you could feel Mika’s pleasure intertwined with your own, surging through your being and making you long for a powerful release just as the pandataur was. The small bulges you had made in Mika’s brown balls had completely disappeared, replaced with a round, weighty sloshing that was just aching to be released.

\"Hhhf...just a weighty orgasm now…\" Mika gasped out as she continued playing around with her sack, the load slashing around inside feeling like a bean bag under Mika’s soles. Gradually, she moved her hindpaws up to shaft duty, stroking up her throbbing, touchy member right towards the tip, gasping and freezing in place every time she felt even a bead of pre-cum leak out of the tip. The big taur was already making quite a mess with only her pre, so once the geyser actually gushed, there were definitely going to be ceiling stains involved…! Just another way for her to claim this booth as her own.
That orgasm continued to build up inside of Mika, the taur stroking madly at her shaft as she felt it all starting to surge up towards the outside world. \"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuuuckk~\" was all that Mika could say as she finally reached orgasm, her shaft spasming and blasting out thick ropes of piping-hot panda spunk that splattered against the ceiling, dripping down the sides of the walls and even onto other booths while Mika gasped and panted, completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of her orgasm...guess that would happen when you shoved an entire person into your balls, though! There was so much of it that Mika could even hear the impact of her load against the ceiling, the travel distance of that freshly-minted cream honestly impressive.

Not only that, but the sheer length of this orgasm was incredible as well. There was still plenty of musky panda jizz oozing out of Mika’s tip a minute into it all, even as her shaft gradually started to soften and recede back into the sheath that was its home. You were little more than a thick glob of panda spunk dribbling down from the ceiling onto Mika's body now, but even as your consciousness started to fade...you felt wonderful. Every part of your being was alight with pleasure, even as what you considered that being gradually shrank and shrunk...you felt tired, so tired, but so wonderful as well. Eventually what was left of you would get cleaned off of the ceiling and the walls, but for now, you could just enjoy yourself, and Mika could enjoy herself as she basked in afterglow, sheath drooling out one last bead of cream…
") msg ("
*You became the snack...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false sac walls Look at Sticky and musky. ") } } else { msg ("You were barely able to move with how thick the cream you were bathing in was, but even the lightest twitch made Mika cry out in pleasure, so you were still doing your job at least!") } ]]>
Chips, snack cakes, all sorts of junk food. Look at Drop Give msg ("It looks like that big pandataur is busy with it...") ") wait { msg ("And even when you thought the hybrid was finally full, when that stomach started to churn and gurgle impressively loudly and bulged out to a level that made it look certain that Nicki was finished, he kept asking for more. The last donuts you had left had to be rationed out a little bit more, you sticking one of them in the hybrid’s gob every minute or so in a much slower fashion than the frantic feeding and stuffing you had been doing earlier. All that frenzied movement had honestly worked up quite a bit of a sweat in you...so, you were glad that your supplies were starting to run out. And, rather than demand even more food, Nicki seemed satisfied with what you had given him, the hybrid lounging back and using both of his big paws to rub and tend to that swollen, absolutely full belly as he finished off the last of one of the pastries. “Aaaaaahhh…” he sighed out, lips coated with chocolate and candies and crumbs and all sorts of other bits of food. He was absolutely STUFFED with junk food!

\"Thanks for the platter...they won't let me buy any more from the bar!\" the hybrid joked, his fat belly sloshing as he laughed. \"Now, I think I remember what you were talking about…\" Nicki continued, looking as though he was starting to get up off the couch to lead you to where it was. You were excited to finally get the payoff for all this…

But then you felt something.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("The hybrid's tail, which you had been mostly ignoring up until this point on Nicki's advice, had been flopping and floundering about on the ground up until now, clearly grumpy that it wasn't involved in this feeding sesh...and, it had gotten impatient enough to take matters into its own teeth! You felt something bite the back of your shirt, yanking you backwards and causing you to fall straight to the ground, landing with a deep *THD*! \"Hey! No, bad tail-\" Nicki started to say, jumping into action right as you felt something warm and wet clamp over your entire head! The tail had gotten jealous of its owner, and decided to have a little snack of its own...though, a much squirmier and meatier one!

Your hands immediately went to try and pull the thing off of your head, but the thing's slimy tongue peeked out and slobbered all over your grip, making it much more difficult to actually do anything...just a few moments later, you felt the fleshy tube clench tight around your body, pulling you deeper into the tail with a wet *shGLRP*. \"Agh, damnit. Not again…\" you heard Nicki's muffled voice say a few moments later. He'd had things like this happen plenty of times in the past, and he knew once his tail took the first gulp, it was pretty much inevitable that they would end up in his gut...he learned to stop wasting energy on his tail like that.

\"Geez, you're such a brat…\" Nicki said as he started to lay back in bed, still feeling quite sleepy and having basically already given up on trying to free his new friend from his voracious tail. He was feeling pretty tired still, especially after such a large meal, so he opted to act on his sleepiness and let his tail finish you up...speaking of which, the bitey little thing had you pretty trapped now, its teeth clamped over your chest as it continued shoving you down its...throat? It certainly felt like a throat, with wet and slimy walls constantly pushing at you from all sides to work you deeper inside…the tail was so thick and fluffy, that your struggles barely showed to the outside world as well! This thing seemed FAMISHED too, gobbling up more than half of your body in just a matter of minutes! You thanked your lucky stars that it wasn't interested in biting you in half, since it seemed VERY able to do just that…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("You kept up your squirms as best you could as Nicki sleepily berated his tail for gobbling up yet another potential friend. Shaming it was all he could really do at this point; he knew that his tail wouldn't actually let you go...ugh. Not only was he gonna be full of all that junk food, but he'd also have to deal with you squirming around in his belly soon! Very soon, in fact, the tail taking another *glk* and sucking your legs inside of it, only your calves and feet left dangling out of its toothy maw at this point...you felt your head starting to curve upwards as you were pushed through a bend in Nicki's tail, the cramped conditions now starting to become quite a problem for you. And, at the same time, the tail lifted its head up to the sky, casually tossing back the rest of you with the help of gravity before a final *gllrrrKK* sealed you inside of the tail's throat, en route to the already-stuffed belly of the hybrid.

\"Ya happy? Ya happy with that meal?\" Nicki said a few minutes later, continuing to scold his tail as the thing sported a dopey smile, tongue hanging out of its mouth as the squirming bulge that was you made its way around the curve and started to come back onto the couch...though in a much different position! The fleshy tunnel kept squeezing and pushing you along, walls pressing and massaging into every part of your body and actually starting to relax you a bit...well, if you didn't know where you were, at least! Guh, the inside of this tail was absolutely DRIPPING with slimy saliva as well. It was looking like you would need the extra lubrication to slip into the hybrid's stomach with how tight the opening was!! Rippling contractions kept pushing you forward, smothering you against a tightly-clenched sphincter that seemed very interested in keeping you inside the hybrid’s tail...slowly, though, the flesh did start to yield a little bit, allowing you to start slipping through into a chamber that could only be the hybrid's stomach.
") wait { MoveObject (player, NickiStomach) } } } } ]]>

The strange cat continued to pull you forward until you were basically leaning right over his table, Overly loosening his ribbons just enough that you could pull your arms out, though he quickly started to lead them towards the plate of snacks. He didn't say anything at this point, just opening his mouth and pointing inside of it with one finger as you were manipulated into grabbing a handful of crackers. You looked around to see if there was anybody that could get you out of this sticky situation, but most of the bar patrons were still just going about their business as normal, and the few that actually did notice you didn't bother to intervene. Overly smiled as you started to take the hint, your hand moving of your own volition right over the cat's mouth, dropping a whole handful in at once!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("j-aaaourp.wav", false, false) } msg ("You thought you might have fed Overly a bit too much, but the cat took it all in stride, his jaws clamping shut as soon as the mouthful of crackers touched his tongue. You watched as the cat slowly and loudly gnashed all the crackers up into a slop, Overly giving you the strangest look of pride as he did so, before the cat opened his mouth up again and let you peer inside to see all the chewed-up gunk! \"Ew, I don't want to see that…” you said as you instinctively turned away, Overly chuckling before swallowing down the whole mouthful all at once. \"Hah! Not a fan of the view, I see?\" Overly teased you, before his ribbons started to push you once again towards the snack platter. There was quite a bit of food still left on it, after all! \"Now, are you just going to sit there and look weird, or are you going to shove all that down my throat already?\" the cat demanded, his ribbons fluttering all around his body and looking ready to wrap you up at a moment's notice…

With the situation you were in, you decided to just acquiesce. You grabbed handfuls of meat and bread and dropped them right into Overly’s mouth, the cat creature greedily demanding more and more even as you struggled to keep up the pace! There was still so much food on the platter, and Overly knew that; eventually, after the cat let a rude belch rip, with crumbs all over his lips and the table,, Overly addressed you once more. \"No, no, no! You gotta go faster than that. Like this -\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } msg ("Overly manipulated your arms to pick up the entire platter of snacks, the weight honestly proving a bit difficult for your flimsy noodles of arms to handle at first! The cat’s ribbons started to help you out a little bit though, Overly leaning as far back as he could go before opening his mouth up and motioning for you to tip the entire platter down into there! You had quite a few reservations about what Overly was doing, but you couldn't exactly stop him, so you just watched as you poured out the entire rest of the contents into the greedy cat's mouth, swallowing most of it down without even bothering to chew! Thankfully, gravity was doing most of the work, so you were able to just watch the cat's impressive appetite in action…

It only took another minute or so of ravenous, sloppy swallows from Overly to completely clean off the snack platter, the cat going as far as to lick every last crumb off of the shining, silver plate as well! \"Haah~\" the cat exhaled after he finished off his huge sampler meal, exhaling a lung full of cracker-and-sausage breath right into your face as he did so! \"Aahhhh...yeah, that really hit the spot, my guy. Worth the wait even, I'd say!\" Overly complimented, licking a few crumbs off of his lips as he returned his attention to you once more. You started to ask the cat a question, before he suddenly cut you off. \"Very good indeed, for sure. But, I think I still have some room left to fill in here…\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("The cat pushed himself away from the booth as far as he could, enough to show you the rather pudgy, very full-looking stomach that he started to rub and massage over with his assortment of ribbons. \"Yeah, it might look full, but I can still feel plenty of space in there. Space that I need to fill…so why don't you make yourself useful and fill it for me?\"

You weren't quite sure what Overly was referring to at first, until you felt the ribbons that still held you tight pulling you back towards the cat, dragging you onto the table as Overly opened his mouth as wide as it could go! The angle was a bit awkward for the cat, Overly having to lean forward on the table quite a bit just to get your face acquainted with his maw, but...he still got it there! You had a few seconds to peer into that slimy pulsating cavern of flesh as it came closer, still quite a few bits and pieces of random food stuck to the inside! You tried to call out for help, but those cries were already just being funneled down Overly's throat, a place where the rest of you would soon be going…

Your face squished against the cat's warm tongue as his ribbons pushed you inside of his mouth, the cat making a pleased rumbling noise as he savored your flavor. Your face and head were both rubbing against nearly all of his taste buds after all, and you were proven to be an amazing entree to the appetizer he had devoured earlier! You felt the cat’s ribbons binding your arms together behind your back, even as you tried to squirm and fight against them, Overly doing as much work as possible to make you an easy meal for the hungry cat to gulp down with aplomb. And the rest of the bar? Everybody was just going about their day as usual. This wasn't the first time somebody had been scarfed down in public around here, and it certainly wouldn't be the last! Everybody was far more interested in not ending up where you were rather than trying to help you out.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } msg ("You felt your body start to get lifted off the ground as Overly continued scarfing you down, the cat using his ribbons to keep you all tied up while he just shoved you right down his throat! Overly’s tongue was absolutely drenching you in drool, the cat more than savoring your flavor as his gut rumbled and groaned for you, even as it was digesting all that food you were following down! You could feel the quivering of the cat's throat as your chin rested on the edge of it, the cat taking a few attempts at swallowing you down until you finally felt his tongue push you right into his gullet, an audible *gggLLLRrrk* ringing out around you as you felt a good few inches of your body suddenly get yanked forward by the swallow!

It was much, much tighter in the cat's gullet than it was in his mouth, and every inch of that tightness was begging to pull you down, down deep into the cat's gut. Your arms were trapped at your sides now, Overly’s ribbons starting to relax a bit now that his throat had a good hold on you...your legs were still wiggling and squirming in a vain attempt to get the cat to cough you up, but it was all pretty meaningless at this point. Overly just kept throwing his head back, the cat greedily guzzling you down with thick swallow after powerful gulp!

Eventually, with most of you inside of Overly’s throat, one of those swallows pushed your head through the opening to his stomach, your nose immediately being assaulted with the acidic stench of digestion, along with the residual smells of all the meat and cheese and bread that had slopped down into his belly earlier! You really didn't want to be bathing in all that gooey gunk, either, but there really wasn't anything you could do to stop it...especially as Overly took one last swallow, the cat slurping up your legs and sending them down to join the rest of you as your head was dunked into the thick chyme sloshing around at the bottom of the cat's belly. Eugh.

Another greedy swallowing from the cat thankfully allowed you to free your arms from the stomach sphincter, using them to brace yourself against the bottom of the stomach in a way to keep your head above the waterline as the cat kept guzzling you down. Overly’s mouth was open wide as his tongue slurped and teased over your feet, the cat enjoying the last moments of his entree before - *glnk!* - you were all gone.
") wait { MoveObject (player, OverlyStomach) } } } } } ]]>
climbonto climb onto "You can't climb onto " + object.article + "." suck suck "You can't suck " + object.article + "." Soup's room false You follow Soup out of the bar and down a hallway. You didn't catch the room number as Soup ushers you inside, but it was odd, considering the room was on the same floor as the lobby...and, as you saw, quite a bit more ornate than the usual room. The bed was the centerpiece of the room, with a fantastic headboard capping off the king-sized goliath of a sleeping device. Other amenities and furnishings were far larger and more ornate, looking like they were carved out of solid mahogany...the carpet beneath your feet was plush, and snow white, a noticeable offset from the dull gray dirty rags that usually sat on the floors of the rooms. Was this a VIP room of sorts...? You didn't have much time to ponder it as Soup came in after you, closing and locking the door behind him...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You turned around to look at Soup, presumably to start talking about what the two of you would exactly be DOING here. But, you didn't have much time to do that. As soon as you turned around, you caught a brief glimpse of a smirk on his face, before the lion leaped forward, tackling you onto his bed! You felt the entirety of the cat's weight press down you immediately, pinning you to the bed you were looking at mere seconds ago, pressing you deep into the plush folds of that thing...you squirmed, but it didn't seem like Soup was actively malicious. Yes, you were pinned under quite a lot of blue, drunk lion, but it didn't exactly...hurt. You tentatively opened your eyes to see Soup staring into them, the blue lion positioned exactly above you, still with that same smirk. \"Don't *urp* act surprised, I know you wanted a bit of fun...\" the lion teased, before he opened his maw again, the lion's long tongue snaking out. He brought his mouth closer, huffing on your face, the scents of beer and bar food washing over you again, before the cat gave you one long, slobbery, slow lick across your face...

\"Aah, you taste so nice...makin' me hungry...\" he said, rubbing his stomach (which you heard growl...) before he started to adjust himself above you, taking precautions to make sure he still had most of his weight upon you. He didn't want his snack to run off before his fun was finished, after all...") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
\"Now come on, I ain't gonna hurt ya...\" Soup said as he stood up a bit, sort of sitting on your crotch as he wrapped one hand behind your head, bringing you close to him in an embrace. Instead of his chest, though, you found yourself squished up against the lion's stomach, Soup kneading you close to it, forcing you to hear the gurgles and glorps it made as it finished off whatever the lion had been eating at the bar. At the same time, you felt his other hand go down to your crotch, feeling you up as you were forced to listen to his gut's various lewd noises. \"Mmph...don't ya like that? Don't ya just wanna be part of it?\" he teased, his stomach growling in response to his own teasing! It was clear the lion's intent at this point, but any struggles just resulted in you being pressed deeper into the lion's stomach.") wait { msg ("
Soup snuggled you against his stomach for some time, forcing you to listen to the gurgles and groans as they slowly got louder. It was clear that the lion’s hunger was mounting, and it started to become harder and harder to resist him. Every time you tried to escape his embrace, he just pressed you in deeper, but after a few minutes of this you could tell the lion was not going to be able to fight his hunger much longer. You felt the lion’s grasp loosen slightly, allowing you a bit of time to struggle...but these struggles were quickly cut off by another squeeze as Soup lifted you up closer to his head. you weren't exactly able to look up, still pressed quite firmly against the lion’s chest, but you could feel as Soup’s tongue snaked out of his mouth again, giving you a long lick against the top of your forehead. You heard a strong “mmm…” rumble out from above you before Soup’s grip loosened again, allowing you to look just up enough to see his drooling maw slowly yawn open, giving you a good view of where you would end up in just a few seconds…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“Dahn tha hahch!” You could hear soup mumble, his mouth wide open, before he rather rudely shoved you inside. The heat of his mouth and breath were incredible, wafts of liquor breath drifting up and out from the gullet you were about to be shoved down. Soup wasted little time in getting you inside of him, his tongue undulating under and licking around your body for only a few seconds before you felt another push shove you to the back of his mouth, your head precariously teetering over his gullet, the tongue already moving on to your chest, slipping up and underneath your shirt to get at that delicious flesh…


Suddenly, with one powerful muscle contraction, you found yourself sucked into the cat's throat, the tight embrace easily snatching hold of anything the cat gave it, dragging you deeper into Soup’s body. The throat flesh held you still, denying any struggles as the cat continued to gulp down the rest of your body. With how quickly you were being consumed, and the power of peristalsis, you found yourself already halfway down the cat's throat in mere minutes...it seems like Soup was really hungry after all, barely taking time to taste his meal before it slipped deeper inside of him. You could feel your legs already slipping inside the cat's mouth, Soup licking and tasting at the bottoms of your feet before the tongue wrapped around them, pulling them inside, his lips closing around them. You felt one last gulp shove your legs into the cat’s hot throat...and then you were no more to the outside world. Just a wriggling bulge in Soup’s gullet and a pleasant flavor on his lips, the cat collapsing against his bed as you slipped further within...") wait { MoveObject (player, SoupStomach) } } } } } ]]>
rub rub "You can't rub " + object.article + "." finger finger "You can't finger " + object.article + "." stroke stroke "You can't stroke " + object.article + "." You are on it false the msg ("As you climb the staircase, you feel...odd. It feels like everything is getting...bigger. And when you arrive on the floor, you see something...strange. The doors around you all tower over you for some reason! You don't know why or how, but it seems like this floor is gigantic...maybe it's just the hallways, though. Each door has a convenient little mousehole for micros to enter them through, as well...") false the Room 21 Door Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 21) false Room 21 msg ("You open the room door and....yeah, everything in here is gigantic too. Seemed like everything on this floor was huge for some reason...oh well, it seems like nobody's home, at least...") Bed Look at The bed towers above you. Even if you were tired enough to want to take a nap, there's absolutely no way you could clambor your way onto it. kitchen false the false ...Yep, the kitchen is gigantic, too. More importantly, there's life! {object:Geta:a fox} is sitting at a table in the kitchen, enjoying a bowl of cereal. There's gotta be some way to get his attention...

After some scanning, you notice the {object:Chair} across from Geta. There might just be some way for you to scramble up onto it and make your way onto the table...") ]]>
Look at A normal, brown, wooden chair. msg ("You manage to clambor your way over to the chair and climb up the leg. You're not sure where this newfound strength came from (maybe adrenaline...?), but any way, you're one step closer to getting the fox's attention.") MoveObject (player, Room21Chair) You are on chair false the false false You are on false table the You look back down to the chair...that's a hell of a drop. There's no way you're going back now... A brownish fox, currently sitting at the table and eating a bowl of cereal. He's only wearing shorts, too; obviously, he thinks he's alone in his room, and he'd be safe in that assumption, normally... Look at false msg ("The fox doesn't notice you at all, no matter how much of a screaming ruckus you make.") Geta's stomach false
...Until you felt some warm liquid piddle down on top of your head...then a flood of milk, the liquid rushing out of Geta's throat and splashing down into his stomach. While it still wasn't full enough that you were at risk of drowning in the gut, it was a bit harder to avoid not being soaked in the stuff.

Outside, Geta absentmindedly rubbed at his gut while he got up and rinsed his bowl out, releasing a loud belch as he felt his gut clench around his breakfast inside. He had his friend Tom coming over soon for a bit of "fun", and he didn't want the room to be dirty...]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The stomach was quite aggressive towards you, kneading you around inside and undulating around you constantly. You could physically stand up and move around, but the constantly moving floor under you made all your excursions quite short-lived...you constantly splashed down into the pool of milk at the bottom, your body starting to tingle from the diluted stomach acids...

The stomach sloshed around a bit as Geta moved around, apparently to answer the door for Tom. You could hear Geta's end of a muffled conversation as the two sat down on the hotel bed. \"Yeah, I just had breakfast, but I think I might need something to wash it down with...\" was what you heard from Geta, along with a muffled reply from Tom...") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You were starting to feel your body tingle a bit more now, and you were starting to feel a bit tired, too...the oppressive environment of the stomach was giving your body (and state of mind) a real beating. Especially after Geta and Tom started to get into it, Geta kneeling at the edge of the bed whilst Tom sat on the edge, Tom's cock throbbing wantingly right in front of Geta's face. Geta took it in, both foxes moaning in unison as Geta's tongue started to get to work, slathering Tom's cock in his saliva, and occasionally rubbing at the slit of Tom's cock with his tongue, driving Tom into a bit of a frenzy. The green fox put a paw on the back of Geta's head as he started to get more into it, thrusting a bit into Geta's mouth as he felt his orgasm starting to get closer.

This whole episode was giving you a bit of motion sickness, the back and forth motion of Geta's head sloshing his stomach around a bit as well, knocking you over into the pool of juices and milk at the bottom of the stomach, and getting you covered in the cereal muck as well...Geta stopped moving as much, though, as Tom started to push his cock deeper into Geta's mouth, making sure the fox stayed on it by pushing his head forward a bit as well. Tom's red, throbbing knot rubbed up against Geta's lips, but the green fox wanted to pace himself a bit, so he waited for the perfect moment to thrust his knot fully in...

And that moment came soon. Tom felt a surge of cum rocket up his shaft, pushing Geta's head forward with both hands as he felt his orgasm come, Geta's lips forced to wrap around the throbbing knot and his throat forced to expand a little bit around the tip of Tom's cock as he came. Tom moaned in pleasure as he felt sticky, hot globs of cum shoot out of his dick, funneling straight down into Geta's throat, Geta forced to take quick gulps of the cream to get breaths of air inbetween the loads. The cum loads quickly splattered down into Geta's stomach, mixing into the milk and juices at the bottom of the stomach, the mixture of fluids starting to cover the bottom of the stomach, up to your ankles already as Geta gulped down more and more of Tom's cum. Clearly the fox was a little pent-up, because his orgasm had impressive volume. Somewhere towards the end of the orgasm, you passed out inside Geta's stomach, the lack of air inside claiming your consciousness...

Tom's orgasm finally came to a close, the foxes groaning in pleasure once again. Tom was a bit careful about pulling his knot and dick out of Geta's throat, the shaft still quite sensitive from the blowjob he'd gotten...but he did it eventually, both foxes collapsing on their backs immediately in pleasure. Geta rubbed at his cum-filled belly, the gut happily gurgling as it mixed up the breakfast, snack, and drink inside, giving Geta's belly a nice, round little paunch that he could rub and tease at. Apparently, Geta had been pretty excited too, the fox's shaft twitching and dripping cum...turns out he'd blown his load on the underside of the bed, splattering onto the carpet underneath the bed. The two foxes were extremely tired, and fell asleep in their afterglow soon after...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Geta awoke sometime later, Tom still passed out on his bed. His jiggling paunch had digested down into a little layer of fat on the fox's body, but otherwise it was unnoticeable. What was noticeable, however, was the fox's urge to head to the restroom...he quickly found the room, plopping his rear down onto the seat and disposing of breakfast. You were hardly an addition to them; in fact, Geta was already starting to think about lunch as he flushed you away.") } msg ("
*You tried to get a hungry fox's attention...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else { msg ("\"Heh, that tickles...\" Geta teases, patting at his gut as he feels you battering against his stomach walls inside.") } ]]>
A white bowl, with a blue stripe running along the top ridge. It's currently full of milk and cereal. Look at You scramble over to the bowl, your short arms juuust long enough to reach the rim while standing on your tip-toes. You pull up, clamboring over the bowl walls!...And then immediately slide down into the bowl of cereal, splashing down into a pool of milk. This...was not exactly thought through...

You sputter in the bowl until you finally find the surface again, looking directly at Geta. The good news is that you finally got the fox's attention! The bad news is...uh...he's smiling, almost smirking...

Then, you hear his voice. \"Well, hello there...\" he says, keeping that same uncomfortable smile. You start waving your arms and trying to speak, but Geta either doesn't notice or doesn't care. Instead, he continues talking, his voice booming and loud even though you're sure he's using an inside voice. \"I was looking for something a little more substantial for breakfast...\" he teases before raising his spoon up, the silverware glinting above you before it dives down into the bowl! Immediately, you start scrambling, swimming in the milk, trying to get away from the spoon, but it's catching up to you...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO SWIM AWAY!==") wait { if (RandomChance(75)) { msg ("
You feel the spoon rise out of the bowl, and you aren't going anywhere...seems you've dodged the spoon, at least this time...you quickly look up to Geta, staring down at you bemusedly. \"Oh, you wanna play a little game then?\" he teases, before sticking the spoon into his mouth, messily chewing up the cereal before gulping down the mouthful. \"A little preview, of sorts...\" he teased as his mouth was cleared of the cereal gunk, a visible bulge traveling down his throat before the spoon came crashing down again! Geta had caught you a little off guard this time, and you were already feeling a bit tired...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO SWIM AWAY!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("
Once again, the spoon rises out of the bowl, with you thankfully not on it. Unfortunately, Geta's taken away more of the cereal, leaving you with very few things to attempt to hide behind. You can practically feel Geta glaring down at you as you continue to swim away, the fox not even teasing you this time, just sinking his spoon in the bowl again...

==PRESS ANY KEY TO SWIM AWAY!==") wait { if (RandomChance(25)) { msg ("
You manage to dodge the spoon again...but now, all the cereal is gone, chewed up and swallowed down by the fox. Geta knows this, smirking as he looks at you, floating alone in the bowl. \"Well, looks like it's just you and me now...\" he says, before placing his paws on the bowl and lifting up. You try to swim away, but you can't get much momentum as Geta brings the bowl up to his mouth, gravity quickly pulling you down as the bowl tips forward, the flood of milk funneling into his open mouth! You are just inches away from the lip of the bowl, before you feel the flood start to take you with it, your small body falling straight into the fox's mouth!

You're barely in the mouth long enough to feel anything, the milk carrying you straight down the fox's throat. You hear a couple wet *glps* echo around you, but really, Geta doesn't have to do much to get you down. You're already halfway down his throat before Geta finishes drinking the milk, setting the bowl down and wiping a little bit of the stuff from his mouth. \"Aaah, I needed a little meat in my breakfast...\" he said before leaning back in the chair a bit, giving his gut a few cursory rubs...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Drinking.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GetaStomach) } } else { msg ("
You try to get away from the spoon, but out of the corner of your eye, you can see the silver-plated handle starting to close on you...and then, you feel yourself being lifted out of the bowl, sitting in the wet spoon, already unable to leap back down into the bowl (unless you wanted to risk being seriously injured)...no, you were completely at Geta's mercy, and the fox knows this as he brings the spoon up to eye-level, looking at you, sitting back on the spoon, dripping with milk and surrounded with a few pieces of cereal.

\"Gotcha, snack!\" is all he says before he lowers the spoon a bit, giving you a nice view of the fox's open mouth, before he slides you inside...immediately, you're bathed in darkness, the fox's lips closing around the spoon handle to slide it out from under you, leaving you flat on Geta's tongue. The muscle undulates underneath you, rolling your body around on it as the fox noisily (and wetly) chews on the various bits of cereal you came along with. He didn't want to chew up his little morsel, though...and that was pretty evident; every time your body bounced over to his clacking, munching teeth, the tongue quickly pulled you back to the center of the mouth, leaving you in the safest spot of a very unsafe situation.

He was, of course, not doing this out of compassion. Blood didn't taste that good, after all, and it was pretty obvious what he wanted to do with you. It was even more obvious as you felt the tongue push you back, your body already coated in the chewed up cereal gunk that was funneling to the back of the throat with you. You balanced precariously on the back of Geta's tongue for a few seconds, before you felt a powerful muscular contraction push you into the fox's throat...


The little bulge you made in Geta's throat quickly slipped deeper into his body; while the throat still had a pretty tight grip on you, it didn't exactly take much effort to get something as small as you down into the fox's belly. Peristalsis took its time in pushing you down, thoroughly mixing you up in the gross mush you'd arrived in the mouth with...until, you feel the bottom drop off, and splatter down into the warm, undulating embrace of the fox's stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Cereal Chewing.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GetaStomach) } } } } else { msg ("
You try to get away from the spoon, but out of the corner of your eye, you can see the silver-plated handle starting to close on you...and then, you feel yourself being lifted out of the bowl, sitting in the wet spoon, already unable to leap back down into the bowl (unless you wanted to risk being seriously injured)...no, you were completely at Geta's mercy, and the fox knows this as he brings the spoon up to eye-level, looking at you, sitting back on the spoon, dripping with milk and surrounded with a few pieces of cereal.

\"Gotcha, snack!\" is all he says before he lowers the spoon a bit, giving you a nice view of the fox's open mouth, before he slides you inside...immediately, you're bathed in darkness, the fox's lips closing around the spoon handle to slide it out from under you, leaving you flat on Geta's tongue. The muscle undulates underneath you, rolling your body around on it as the fox noisily (and wetly) chews on the various bits of cereal you came along with. He didn't want to chew up his little morsel, though...and that was pretty evident; every time your body bounced over to his clacking, munching teeth, the tongue quickly pulled you back to the center of the mouth, leaving you in the safest spot of a very unsafe situation.

He was, of course, not doing this out of compassion. Blood didn't taste that good, after all, and it was pretty obvious what he wanted to do with you. It was even more obvious as you felt the tongue push you back, your body already coated in the chewed up cereal gunk that was funneling to the back of the throat with you. You balanced precariously on the back of Geta's tongue for a few seconds, before you felt a powerful muscular contraction push you into the fox's throat...


The little bulge you made in Geta's throat quickly slipped deeper into his body; while the throat still had a pretty tight grip on you, it didn't exactly take much effort to get something as small as you down into the fox's belly. Peristalsis took its time in pushing you down, thoroughly mixing you up in the gross mush you'd arrived in the mouth with...until, you feel the bottom drop off, and splatter down into the warm, undulating embrace of the fox's stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Cereal Chewing.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GetaStomach) } } } } else { msg ("
You try to get away from the spoon, but out of the corner of your eye, you can see the silver-plated handle starting to close on you...and then, you feel yourself being lifted out of the bowl, sitting in the wet spoon, already unable to leap back down into the bowl (unless you wanted to risk being seriously injured)...no, you were completely at Geta's mercy, and the fox knows this as he brings the spoon up to eye-level, looking at you, sitting back on the spoon, dripping with milk and surrounded with a few pieces of cereal.

\"Gotcha, snack!\" is all he says before he lowers the spoon a bit, giving you a nice view of the fox's open mouth, before he slides you inside...immediately, you're bathed in darkness, the fox's lips closing around the spoon handle to slide it out from under you, leaving you flat on Geta's tongue. The muscle undulates underneath you, rolling your body around on it as the fox noisily (and wetly) chews on the various bits of cereal you came along with. He didn't want to chew up his little morsel, though...and that was pretty evident; every time your body bounced over to his clacking, munching teeth, the tongue quickly pulled you back to the center of the mouth, leaving you in the safest spot of a very unsafe situation.

He was, of course, not doing this out of compassion. Blood didn't taste that good, after all, and it was pretty obvious what he wanted to do with you. It was even more obvious as you felt the tongue push you back, your body already coated in the chewed up cereal gunk that was funneling to the back of the throat with you. You balanced precariously on the back of Geta's tongue for a few seconds, before you felt a powerful muscular contraction push you into the fox's throat...


The little bulge you made in Geta's throat quickly slipped deeper into his body; while the throat still had a pretty tight grip on you, it didn't exactly take much effort to get something as small as you down into the fox's belly. Peristalsis took its time in pushing you down, thoroughly mixing you up in the gross mush you'd arrived in the mouth with...until, you feel the bottom drop off, and splatter down into the warm, undulating embrace of the fox's stomach...") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Cereal Chewing.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, GetaStomach) } } } ]]>
Look at A solid, wooden table. There's currently a bowl of cereal on it. A brownish fox, currently sitting at the table and eating a bowl of cereal. He's only wearing shorts, too; obviously, he thinks he's alone in his room, and he'd be safe in that assumption, normally... Look at Geta msg ("The fox doesn't notice you at all, no matter how much of a screaming ruckus you make.")
false Office An ornate wooden desk. Look at msg ("You use the ornate design of the desk to climb up one of its legs, muscles aching as you finally get on top of the desk...") MoveObject (player, Room21Desk) false Desk You are on A large, green fox, sitting at a desk and reading some sort of book. Maybe you should try to get his attention… He can't hear you. Maybe a loud noise will get his attention... false Look at false Tom's stomach
“UUUUURRRrrrpppphhhhh...sorry, little guy. I hope you don't mind tiding me over until dinner…” He teased, smirking as he felt you wiggle inside…]]>
You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The stomach walls pressed on you tightly, and you could already start to feel yourself tingling a bit from the stomach acids. Your wiggles weren't doing much, you would have to do something drastic to make your escape…") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You could feel the stomach sapping your energy, your movements becoming more and more sluggish as time went on. It was now or never for your escape. You had felt around the walls of the stomach for a while, looking for the sphincter that had dumped you out earlier. You thought you would never find it, but eventually you poked through to something that gave away. A spark of adrenaline ignited as you realize that you had some sort of escape! Before it closed again, you stuck your other arm through, gripping onto the fleshy walls as hard as you could. You felt the throat muscles undulating, bringing you back up, Tom's gag reflex being activated...

Outside, it looked like the fox was choking a bit, coughing and hacking as you climbed your way out of his gullet, rising up and out until you poked your way back into the fox's mouth. You tried to make a mad dash for the exit, the glow of light from the outside teasing your eyes, but by the time you had made it up into his mouth, Tom had gotten his bearings again.

The tongue under you quickly moved to send you back down, the fox pushing you back casually with a flick of the muscle. You tried to keep a grip on the sides of his mouth, your arms barely able to poke out of his lips, but the fox’s slick saliva kept you from maintaining any sort of grasp. The fox casually pushed you towards the back of his mouth again, your small arms disappearing behind his green lips as he tilted his that up once more, taking a labored swallow, his throat catching on to you and pulling you back down. You were so close, but now you were just a bulge traveling down his gullet once more.

“Ugh, just digest already…” Tom said as he rubbed at his stomach, feeling you plop down into it again, this time much more defeated…") SetTimeout (10) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Your attempted escape had all but completely sapped what little energy you still had left. At this point, you were just wallowing in the fox's belly, waiting for your impending digestion. You felt the tingling spread all over your body as soon as you returned to Tom's belly, and it was steadily getting more intense, overtaking all of your other senses. Adding to that were the various small belches Tom let out, the stomach constricting around you more and more as the air started to filter out of the chamber. You knew you wouldn't be able to last much longer in this environment, and that knowledge was confirmed a few minutes later as you felt yourself starting to lose consciousness…

Tom didn't even notice when your squirms stopped inside of him. He had mostly forgotten about the snack at this point, picked up the book that you knocked carelessly onto the floor, and continued reading. He sipped on some tea every now and then, the hot liquid contributing to your digestion as you steadily melted down into a nutritious soup in the fox's belly, to bathe whatever else the fox ate that day as he went about his business... ") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Whatever was left of you, along with the indigestible parts of the rest of Tom's meals, was easily disposed of the next day, flushed down the toilet and forgotten…") } msg ("
*You made a ruckus...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You press into the belly walls but you can barely even make an imprint on Tom's stomach.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Something pats against the stomach walls as you struggle valiantly. “Calm down in there, you'll be fat soon…” you heard Tom's voice rumble from above you.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The stomach tightens around you, clearly not receptive to your wiggles and struggles.") } else { msg ("You try to pry the sphincter open that you came out of, but you can't get a grip on the slick flesh. And as soon as you lose your grip, you lose the opening in the darkness...") }
A large and heavy novel. Close to the edge of the desk... Look at You try to push the book off, but you're not strong enough. Maybe give it another, you got it moved a little bit at least...") } otherwise { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
You decided to push the book down off the table again. The fox was so invested in his reading that you would have to make quite a stir for him to notice you. The thing was heavy, and hard to push (you knew that..) but eventually you pressed it past the tipping point and it fell right onto the ground. The fox jumped a bit at the sudden noise.

“What the hell?” he said, looking down onto the floor and seeing the book there, then looking back up to where it was, suddenly noticing you standing there on the table. “Did you do that?” He asked, his voice booming with how close his mouth was to your face, and his general size compared to you. There was definitely some anger in his voice, and you started to regret this idea...

“Sorry about getting angry. You just scared the hell out of me…” Tom eventually said, leaning back in his chair a little bit. “The book won't be harmed or anything.” You tried to explain your situation to him, but your voice is far too small and high to carry very far. “You trying to tell me something? Maybe you should come a bit closer…” He said, reaching around a dark green paw on the back of your neck, pinching you, and plopping you on his snout. You’re a bit nervous about being so close to his mouth, but he seemed friendly enough…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You explained your situation to him. You weren't entirely sure if he could hear you at this point, but it seems like he was comprehending bits and pieces of what you were saying.

“So, you got trapped here, and are trying to find a way out? Huh, that's what they all say. Come to think of it, I've seen a lot of small folks running around here recently... But I never got to try one!”

The glee in his voice unnerved you, especially with what he said. Before you could scramble off though, you looked down over the sides of his nose, seeing how high the drop was. You would certainly not survive the impact, so you tried to run off of his muzzle and jump to the table, but a loud ‘splat’ interrupted your escape. It looks like you had ran directly into Tom's tongue! The thick, wet muscle quickly stopped your escape and kept you in place. You heard the fox mumble some things, before retracting his tongue back into his mouth...with you stuck to it! You tried to scramble off, but the surface was far too slick for you to gain any traction. You were stuck trying to hold on to his jaws as he dragged you into his mouth.

Your feet were already in there, the fox noisily suckling on them and giving you an affirmation of your flavor before noisily slurping some more, pulling in another inch or so of you. Your arms were able to hold for a bit, but as more and more of you was slurped inside, you couldn't keep your grip. Plus, now that you were mostly inside of his mouth, the tip of his tongue was free again. He put it to use licking across your arms, the slimy liquid getting on your fingers as he dragged the muscle over them, quickly loosening your grip on his jaws. With another slurp, he pulled all of you into his hot maw, the undulating muscle below you sending you en route to the back of his mouth in record time!

You tried to get a grip on the slick surface below you, but there really was no chance of you doing it. Tom tipped his head back, making sure all of you was funneled to the back of his throat before taking one hard swallow. Your entire body was sucked into his throat easily! The green fox traced the bulge in his throat as it steadily descended, letting out a big sigh as he felt you start to sink past his collarbone, those tight, wet throat walls sending you to your next destination in no time. He rubbed at his belly hungrily. He'd skipped dinner to finish this book, and he was just starting to realize how starving he was. You would be a good snack for now, at least…") wait { MoveObject (player, TomStomach) } } } ]]>
Tom A large, green fox, sitting at a table and reading some sort of book. Maybe you should try to get his attention… He can't hear you. Maybe get closer...? false Look at
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 22) false You opened to the door into what looked like another normal hotel room...well, as normal as they could look at that size anyway. Nothing looked out of place - in fact, if you were at your normal size, you would consider it quite nice and homey...the only thing that was out of the ordinary was that there was a ram sitting on the bed! He was playing with his phone, and didn't even notice you entering. The thing that stood out to you the most was that he didn't have hooves, but regular feet...maybe you should try to get his attention?") ]]> Look at A big ol' sheep. false 0 After a bit of shouting and waving around of your appendages, you saw the sheep move his phone slightly to the side and look at you. He stared for a few seconds before smiling. “Oh, hello there...how did you get in here?” he asked as you ran forward, trying to shout as loud as you could that he needs to help you out. In your frenzy of sprinting closer to him, you didn't notice that smile turned into a bit of a smirk on his face, or the fact that he was lifting up one of his feet…

No, none of those things alerted you as you ran closer to the ram, perhaps blinded by the hope of getting back to a normal size. You only realized something was a bit off as a shadow came over you. You gradually came to a stop, before looking up...to see what was creating that shadow: the ram’s foot, coming right at you!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("
Even if you were aware of what the sheep was planning, there was no way you would get away; you were just way too small. That fact ran through your head as the foot descended quickly, pinning your entire form underneath it in mere seconds. The sheep didn't even have to get up from the bed - he just casually pressed his foot down onto you while still enjoying the comfort of the mattress. Contrary to what you thought it would feel like, the sheep’s foot was actually quite smooth; it felt like he maybe shaved them or something...your head was situated right between his big toe and his second one, the rest of your body being put under a considerable amount of pressure by the sheep.

“It was so nice of you to come right to me! I needed a footrest today…” the sheep teased as he ground his foot a bit more into your form, the pressure on your body increasing. It wasn't painful, but it certainly felt like it could become painful at any moment...now that you were locked and unable to move in any meaningful fashion, though, your other senses were able to kick in a little bit. There was an obvious humid odor on the sheep’s foot, but the smooth skin didn't trap as much moisture as fur would...it was mostly musk, with a tinge of sweat, but you still didn't like breathing it in. It was that or suffocating, though, so you kept on it, your arms wiggling helplessly at your sides as you tried to push this gigantic foot off your body. You could occasionally feel the toes brushing past the back and top of your head, almost like he was rubbing or petting your head with them...but even if you wanted to do something about it, you couldn't. You were completely pinned at this point, and at the mercy of this sheep.

“Mmm, wiggle enough down there and maybe I'll help you get back to normal size…” the sheep teased, before looking back at his phone in his other hand. “Maybe a little bit of a massage, if you can. The name is Kassy, by the way,” he continued as you felt the pressure change, easing up a bit as the sheep gave you a bit of wiggle room. There was still no way for you to get out from underneath the foot, but now you could at least move your arms and legs some. “Get to it~”") wait { MoveObject (player, KassyFoot) } } ]]>
You are underneath Kassy's foot false 10) { msg ("“Hey, for being only a few inches tall, you make a decent foot rubber…” you heard the sheep say from above you, seemingly affirmative of your amateur podiatry. Gradually, you felt the pressure on your body start to lift, finally able to feel your legs again as they had fallen asleep underneath the foot! “Let's get you to a normal size again…” you heard him say, before the two toes encircling you suddenly grabbed at your head. It was slightly uncomfortable, especially because the odor was still quite prevalent, but you figured you would go along with it if Kassy was telling the truth. Slowly, the sheep picked his foot off the ground, you feeling your chest and legs leaving the carpeting they were laying on and traveling into the air...was he picking you up? You honestly couldn't tell. All you could see was the space between his toes, but it certainly felt like you were being carried through the air. It was starting to get you a bit dizzy, as it felt like you were feet above the ground...the air in the room rushed past you, your legs dangling helplessly so far off the ground...and then it stopped.

The movement had stopped, but you still felt like you were suspended feet above the air. You wiggled your arms and legs, trying to at the very least turn yourself around from the foot so you could see where you were...you weren't able to completely turn, but you were able to at least catch a glimpse of what was below you...something red. And dark. And deep.

And then Kassy let go.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } msg ("For maybe a second, you felt the wind rushing past you as you fell from the sheep's grasp. But before you could even figure out where you were being dropped, you landed on something wet and soft with a loud *splsh*...it was warm, wet, and muscular. It was the sheep's tongue. Before you could even make an attempt to escape Kassy's mouth, the sheep snapped his jaws shut, immersing you in the darkness of his maw. It smelled somewhat like a compost pile, and the scent stuck to you, along with Kassy's saliva as his tongue curled and worked over you...he played around with you for a few seconds, his tongue pressing you into his cheek walls and suckling on you like a candy before you felt your world tip back a bit, Kassy leaning his head back as he prepared to gobble you down. No matter what you did, you couldn't stop yourself from sliding on the wet tongue, down towards the sheep's wide throat…


The hungry throat below you pulled all of your form into it with one hard, muscular swallow. Even though you were so small compared to the sheep, the throat walls still hugged you tightly, pushing you deeper into the sheep with every wave of peristalsis. You tried to squirm and struggle and look up the way you came, but every time you gripped onto the walls, they just sent you deeper and deeper into Kassy's body. Gentle, wet gurgles could be heard steadily getting louder from below you, a constant reminder of where you were heading…

“Ah! Good snack. Wiggly too,” Kassy remarked, feeling the bulge in his throat sink deeper past his collarbone. Once the bulge you made slipped into his body, you were nothing but a morsel to the giant sheep. He pulled out his phone again, reclining against the bed as he lazily surfed the web, blind or uncaring about the predicament you were in inside of him.
") wait { MoveObject (player, KassyStomach) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Despite what Kassy told you to do, you were not really feeling eager enough to start rubbing or massaging at the giant foot that smothered your entire body! You were sure that the ram was going to enjoy it as well, a fact that made you even more reluctant to give in to his desires. No, you were going to sit here and wait until he eventually got bored with you and let you go. The ram rubbed his foot all over your tiny body, even managing to slide down and get your head right in the crevice between two of his smooth toes...but you didn't give it to him, no matter how much you wanted the musky softness on top of you to go away!

Eventually, Kassy seemed to take the hint you were giving him. \"Not going to cooperate, huh? Fine, but don't say that I didn't warn you…\" you heard the ram say, more than a bit of annoyance in his voice as you felt the pressure on your tiny body starting to ramp up tenfold, literally squeezing the fight right out of you in a fraction of a second! You thought Kassy had been giving you all that he could, but it was very quickly made clear that the ram still had quite a bit to put on the table! You quickly realized that you had completely lost your ability to even wiggle underneath Kassy's foot, finding yourself suddenly wishing that you could go back to when you at least had the ability to squirm! Now you were completely trapped, back aching as it was pressed against the floor beneath you and your breathing starting to become incredibly difficult and musk-laden, but the complete lack of movement was starting to make you feel really strange. It was almost like your body was starting to go numb down here, and you weren't exactly sure what you would be able to do about it.

Kassy continued to rub and smear his foot all over your tiny body, the ram taking great enjoyment in every single little wiggle and squirm you made underneath him! You were continuing to lose control and recognition of your body, and as it continued you started to notice an even stranger sensation. It felt like...your body was almost stretching around Kassy's foot, being smushed so paper thin that you just ended up wrapping up along the sides and even up to the ram’s ankles! \"Heh. Yeah, you're looking pretty good down there already…\" the sheep commented, his voice sounding a bit deeper now, and strangely feeling like it was almost echoing and reverberating within you. Your face was still completely smothered, though, so you had no way of even seeing what the sheep was doing to you! And as your body continued to go and numb, you couldn't even really feel what was happening…
") wait { msg ("At some point throughout all of this, Kassy slowly picked his foot up off the ground, moving you with it as if you were stuck to the bottom of his sole. \"Cuter design than I thought you would turn out to be...I like it~\" the ram said, before you felt him tugging on...your legs? It felt like where your legs would be, but they were so stretchy and thin, and there was no pain even as he stretched them all the way up his ankle and calf. \"Ah...if only there were two of you.\" Kassy continued as he put his foot back down, your sense of self once again being squished against the floor as Kassy got up and walked into the hotel kitchen. Your face met the floor time after time with every step the caprine made, until he eventually stopped and you heard him digging around in one of the cabinets.

Kassy continued his search for...whatever he was looking for for a few minutes, until he exclaimed an \"a-ha!\" and shut the cabinet door before making his way back into the bedroom. He sat down in the same spot, reaching down for you once more as you felt his hands on your legs once more...before he started to slide them off of him! Your whole sense of self was being folded over and over upon itself, until Kassy's foot had entirely slipped free from the confines that you had been turned into! \"Man, you really made quite the comfortable sock! Too bad I won't be able to keep you…\"

Those teasing words through plenty of questions into your head. A sock? You had been turned into a sock!? And what did he mean by not being able to keep you, and what on earth did he do to turn you into a sock, and what was that weird wriggling feeling you were starting to feel inside of you...?

Kassy had indeed turned you into a sock, and what the ram was digging around in his cabinet for was a micro that he had stashed away for later, which he now had stuffed inside of the hollowed-out fabric tube that you had been turned into! The feeling of the tiny wiggling and struggling around inside of your new, stretchy body was indescribably weird, constantly subjecting you to all sorts of new and strange sensations, but things were about to get a whole lot weirder. Kassy picked the new creation he had made up, inspecting it with his green eyes before…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("Opening his mouth up. Oh God. You couldn't see it coming, but it looked like Kassy was going to shove you right into his mouth! The ram dropped you right into his wet maw, blunt teeth scraping against your new body as he messily chewed and mashed you up inside of his mouth...thankfully, you couldn't feel pain in this form, otherwise you most certainly would not be having a good time. Instead, it was just a slimy, humid time, the ram loudly slurping the rest of you up and using his tongue to try and find the micro that was still thrashing about inside of you. And as soon as he managed to do so, the ram started to suckle and slurp on that little morsel, making you quite drenched and soggy in the process...egh. And there was absolutely nothing to do about it, either.

Kassy sucked on the micro in his mouth like a piece of hard candy for a few more moments, until you felt the tongue that was guiding you around inside of his mouth starting to pull you towards the back of his throat. You had absolutely no agency in this form, so as soon as you felt the ram’s gullet grab onto what used to be your legs...there was no chance for you to escape.


The ram managed to swallow the wadded-up ball of fabric that you had become in only one gulp, Kassy exhaling a warm mouthful of steamy breath as he felt you starting to make the trip down into his gut. The ram probably would have gotten pissed at you if you had called him a goat, but he sure had the appetite and diet of one! The micro continued to squirm and wriggle around inside of you as the sheep's pulsating throat dragged you down, the nauseating sensation making you wish that you still had a mouth so you could cough the thing up from inside of you! Of course, that wasn't possible, so you just had to deal with the sensation as you continued your trip down Kassy's throat…

Kassy cleared his throat a few times as he felt you slithering down his gullet, the sensation of swallowing a wet sock not exactly the most enjoyable for the ram! Nor did you enjoy the feeling of his gullet movements squeezing your body even tighter, before you felt something open ahead of you and another throat contraction push you down into the ram’s stomach…

The stomach walls clenched and contracted around you without remorse, your new fabric body soaking up all the thick and slimy stomach juices with relative ease. Already your much softer, more prone body was starting to break up and digest, the micro inside of you proving to be a little bit more resilient to Kassy's stomach. Perhaps if you were in your normal form, there would be an inkling of a hope that you could fight back...but you were just fabric. And the consciousness that was imbued to your new form was already starting to fade away as digestion continued...soon, you and the micro inside of you would be one and the same. Though, Kassy would probably get a lot less nutrition from you…

*Your refusal was meaningless...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You knead your fists into the foot, moving them in circles. Some pleasurable noises come from above you, indicating that you were doing a good job.") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan.wav", false, false) } Kassy.lust = Kassy.lust + 5 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("After managing to free your arms from underneath the foot, you grabbed onto the space between the sheep’s toes in front of you, rubbing into them as far as you could. You were still quite small, so you couldn't really do much, but it was a start.") Kassy.lust = Kassy.lust + 5 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You awkwardly wiggled underneath the foot, trying to use your whole body to press and rub into it somehow. It wasn't getting much mileage!") Kassy.lust = Kassy.lust + 5 } else { msg ("You pressed the palms of your hands into the foot, trying to grip at any smoothness that you could. Now they smelled like his feet...all of you probably did at this point.") Kassy.lust = Kassy.lust + 5 }
false Kassy's stomach ]]> You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("
The stomach was starting to get a bit more active, the walls squeezing and rubbing at you the best they could. The fluids inside were rising as well, and you swore you were starting to feel a bit of tingling... ") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The stomach had become noticeably tighter since you were first to be dumped in here. That wasn't the only change, however; you were now essentially bathing in the concoction of whatever fluids the sheep’s digestive system used to break down its meals, and they were working. There was a soft, yet abrasive tingling spread over your whole body at this point, and it didn't help that whatever stomach walls were nearest to you were pressing that fluid into every crevice they could. Every time you heard a far-off burp from Kassy, the stomach got tighter and tighter...but eventually those belches were replaced by something more rhythmic - snoring. It was not very good for you, as now all of the body's energy would go towards turning you into soup...it was already doing a good job, as you could feel your consciousness slipping away bit by bit until you eventually passed out completely, the stomach walls eagerly clenching around you harder and harder until you melted away entirely into that soup…

The ram snored loudly as his gut continued to work on you, whatever bulge you had made in his stomach softening and rounding out throughout the evening. You added a little bit of fat to his belly, but not much else, as whatever was left of you was flushed through Kassy's intestines, being absorbed entirely into his being.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Well, not exactly all of you. Kassy felt a familiar urge when he woke up that morning, and made his way into the bathroom quickly, popping his rear down and disposing of your remains, mixed with whatever else the ram had eaten recently. He didn't even remember eating you at this point, you were just a layer of fat…") } msg ("
*You were a bit too eager...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("Your struggles really didn’t do anything except tire you out at this point. ") } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 23) false
This cliff looked insurmountable for a moment, but when you looked closely, there was actually..was that a tightrope? Yes, there was a tight rope or wire of sorts crossing this immense gap! And, on the other side of the gap, you saw the gleam of a room token - the same size as you, considering you were shrunken! This was all a very...elaborate setup. It felt like this whole thing was made out of paper clips and rubber bands and the like...but who made it?

You felt a stunning sensation of vertigo as you stood at the edge of this cliff, peering over the corner to look down at the endless fields of carpet beneath you. This was clearly someone’s regular hotel room, just repurposed and made with this...structure...inside of it. The most stunning thing you noticed, however, was that there was a creature sitting underneath this gap, maw gaping wide open! It looked truly massive, even without considering your small stature; this long beast filled up a good portion of the hotel room it was sitting in. The creature looked like a dogtaur of sorts...but it had so many more arms! A ridiculous amount, honestly. Much like a spider.

") wait { msg ("It looked like the creature didn’t notice you at first, but as you toed your way over to the tightrope, their booming voice suddenly came from beneath you. “Hey.” the dogspider said calmly, before continuing. “The name’s Fhaalen. Like my little setup here? Built it all by myself!...here’s the deal, though. All you have to do is jump down into my mouth! It’ll make it easier for all of us. I mean, you can cross that tightrope if you REALLY want that token...but...eh. I mean, there’s a big dogspider underneath it who can probably really mess up your day if you decide to go that route. It’s all up to you, though.”
") wait { msg ("Obviously, the optimal choice here was “just go back and leave the room”. But you needed that token; so your only option really was to attempt to cross the tightrope. As you tentatively stepped forward onto the tightrope, the dogspider beneath you visibly scowled. “Fine, have it your way…” you heard Fhaalen grumble from beneath you as your foot touched the wire. God, this was something you had never done before. Your foot almost slipped as soon as it stepped down on the tightrope...shit, how were you even going to do this!?
") } } ]]>
You are on tightrope false the false ") ]]> You are on tightrope false the false ") ]]> You are on tightrope false the false ") ]]> false false Fhaalen's foregut Fhaalen's foregut was slimy and tight, especially as the dog's arms ran over and rubbed every part of his gut. He was clearly satisfied with you, even though you were little more than a snack to him! There weren't a lot of stomach acids in this first stomach; just enough to make you feel a little tingly if you let them touch your skin for long enough. The big problem was, the opening to the stomach was so high up in the chamber; you had almost no hope of climbing up the slippery walls to attempt to escape. Plus, the opening to what you assumed was his second stomach was right below you, constantly flexing and clenching and just teasing you with the possibility that you could slip inside at any moment. You are surrounded by ") } msg ("As you rolled around and basted in Fhaalen’s belly, you felt something odd start to happen. It felt like your clothes were completely soaked, to the point where they were...starting to melt away…!? It took you a few seconds to realize that they were being digested! It was a weird sensation, feeling your clothes melt right off of your body and turn into some weird, half-digested half-fabric hairball of sorts. When you thought this whole experience couldn’t get more odd, however, you felt the stomach rumble around you, clenching tight before the fluids in the chamber - and your clothes - were pushed right up out of the sphincter you had slid out of! The bucking motion of his gut walls sent you flying, smacking into the slippery flesh covering the top half of his stomach; technically, you were closer to the sphincter and freedom at this point, but you were far too dazed from the impact to do anything.

*HWooOOOaarrrppp…* Fhaalen belched rudely, feeling something coming up his throat. A few seconds later, and towards the end of his burp, that ball of semi-digested clothing flew out of his mouth, splattering on the floor in front of him wetly. Fhaalen’s first stomach was only really designed to digest clothing, so he was used to coughing up balls of sopping fabric - he just looked at the blob for a few moments, before chuckling as he thumped at his gut. “You’ll be on your way soon~” he teased, causing another rapid shift in your surroundings as the dog laid down on his gut. Thankfully, the chamber was large enough to prevent you from being squished under the dogspider’s ample weight, but still…!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Despite your clothes being digested, you didn’t really feel anything happening to your body yet. You were getting soaked in slimy juices and the like, but there wasn’t any sort of tingling or pain or anything that you would think would indicate you were being digested. Maybe this foregut was just for storing food, or digesting clothes or something…? Either way, you were still feeling quite tired, wet, and overall just...weary. Even though you weren’t physically being digested yet, it certainly felt like Fhaalen’s stomach was sapping your energy. It took all of your power to not slip into the hole beneath you...especially with the stomach clenching and pushing you deeper, clearly wanting you to move on already. Eventually, your grip faltered, and you faceplanted right against the slimy flesh at the bottom of the dogspider’s gut, the sphincter yawning open wide and swallowing your whole body up with a wet *shlorp!*. The tube you ended up in felt like a throat of sorts, although much smaller and tighter than Fhaalen’s throat was; which made the short trip feel like an eternity, with your body constantly being squeezed and attacked like it was.
") wait { MoveObject (player, FhaalenStomach) } } } ]]>
foregut walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Fhaalen’s tongue lolled out of his mouth as he felt you squirming in his belly. “Haah, you’re not even to the good part yet…” he teased!") } else { msg ("The stink of Fhaalen’s foregut was making it difficult to mount any sort of resistance…") } ]]>
false Fhaalen's stomach Within a few minutes, though, you felt yourself being pushed out into another chamber; this one much larger and wetter than Fhaalen’s foregut. This belly was a lot more plump, fat, and soft...at least from the outside! On the inside, it was just as caustic and sloppy as the dogspider’s foregut, but with the added boost of a potent cocktail of digestive enzymes. The chamber was already somewhat full of the soupy acids, but as you were pushed out inside, the stomach started to grumble and churn out more fluids to baste you in. You could already feel your skin starting to tingle a bit; you needed to get out of here! You are surrounded by Your skin continued to tingle as the chamber filled up with that soupy mix of enzymes, coming up to your chest as you tried your best to stand up in Fhaalen’s gut. The ceiling of his stomach was juuust enough for you to stay on your feet...though it certainly wasn’t easy to maintain that balance with the quivering, undulating flesh all around you, constantly kneading into your sides! But, anything to keep you above the flood of digestion as you tried to find a way out of here…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Despite your best efforts, Fhaalen’s underbelly was much more powerful than you could hope to be. It had churned up meals much larger than you with no problem - so how could you present a challenge? Your whole body was tingling at this point, sapping you of your energy, making every movement feel like an immense undertaking. Even just standing up was starting to feel like a chore...at some point, your knees just buckled, sending your body splashing down into that caustic soup of fluids. You were just so tired, and couldn’t even stand anymore. The heat around you, the tingling covering your whole body, the acidic, stale air...it was all too much for your body to handle.

When Fhaalen’s stomach really started to claim your body, slowly churning up and digesting what was left of you into a nutritious soup for the dog’s body to use up, the dog didn’t even really notice. You were just a snack, a belly filler, a toy for him to enjoy for a few hours before you found your way into his underbelly and churned up. Fhaalen was napping at this point, completely unaware of the fact that you were just soup in his belly at this point. The belch he let out didn’t even wake the dog up from his nap, either. He just sleepily smacked his lips before drifting back off to dreamland, content with his fat belly claiming another meal.
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("Fhaalen would wake up a few hours later, feeling his lower guts rumble as they processed and pushed along what was left of you. The dogspider waddled off to the bathroom, backing his taurish rear onto the (unfortunately not taur-sized) toilet. He sighed and relaxed his bowels as he felt what was left of you slide out, mixed in with the remnants of his previous meals over the last day. There was barely any memory or indication of you specifically left in the waste, and in Fhaalen's mind as well. As Fhaalen cleaned himself up and flushed, he felt his stomach grumble once more...
") } wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Your squirms only coax the stomach into spurting out more of its tingly enzymes.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You try and push on Fhaalen’s belly walls, but that pudge surrounding you takes each blow with ease.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("At this angle, you can actually try and pry open the sphincter to Fhaalen’s foregut - but the flesh refuses to budge.") } else { msg ("The gut rumbles around you, but nothing else of consequence happens as you squirm and thrash about.") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close
You ventured further into the room, originally thinking that nobody was home until you saw some kind of creature sleeping at the foot of the bed, curled up like a dog. It kind of looked like a dog, too, but dogs...dogs didn't really have more than one tail, and this fox-like creature seemed to have them in spades! It was huge, as well...you got the sense that even if you were normal size, this guy would still be quite a handful.") MoveObject (player, Room 24) } otherwise { MoveObject (player, Room 24) } ]]>
A few seconds later, you winced as you felt your body hit the kitsune’s tongue with a wet, warm *splt*, Fang’s jaws immediately closing behind you and locking you in the humid darkness of his maw. You were partially prepared for the heat and the stench of this environment from the huffs of fox breath that had washed over your face a few moments ago, but the intensity still caught you quite off guard...it wasn’t quite enough for you to not notice something very strange about Fang’s mouth, though. Not only was it a deep purplish color instead of a fleshy red, there was even a bit of a glow coming in from the back where the throat was! At least it made it so you could see a bit in here, if nothing else…

Though the light was more flashes than anything else as your vision was constantly smothered by thick, wet fox tongue, the muscle more than capable of and happy to treat you like a piece of candy. That slimy muscle was capable of all sorts of movement, undulating underneath you, wrapping around your body in order to suckle all the flavor out of your body, pressing you against the fox’s cheeks...and, oh boy, Fang truly did make you know exactly how good you tasted! Deep “mmmmmmm…”s rumbled around you as that tongue kept up the assault, bringing you dangerously close to those sharp chompers every now and again; they were clamped shut though, so even though you didn't have to worry about getting bit accidentally, you also didn't have a way of getting out of here.") wait { msg ("But, suddenly, you felt Fang's tongue become a lot more active. It knocked what little balance you had right out of you, causing you to slam back against the thick, wet muscle as it started to quiver and guide you towards that cavern at the back of the kitsune's mouth...crap, crap, crap! You must have taken too long finding the token, Fang must have gotten bored...you felt your lower half starting to sink into that flexing, hungry gullet, and the sensation started to make you flail about, desperately trying to grab a hold of Fang's tongue to pull yourself out, but your measly body compared to the kitsune's was a difficult matchup…


A rippling contraction of flesh surrounded you as Fang swallowed, the sensation not unlike being pulled underwater as the throat tugged you back, quickly smothering every side of your body in greasy gullet flesh as peristalsis started to kick in. Your hands still flailed and grabbed about trying to gain purchase with which to pull yourself out, but all the flesh surrounding you was so slimy and constantly rippling that it was a completely moot effort. You kept falling down, down, hearing Fang's heartbeat pounding louder and louder as you disappeared deeper into the kitsune's body. The gurgling of that stomach getting louder and more ominous beneath you, teasing you with the realization of where you were about to end up!

\"Aaahh~\" Fang exhaled as he felt you sinking down into his belly, the kitsune licking his lips to get the last of your flavor before opening wide and sticking a hand inside of his mouth. A few moments later, the kitsune pulled out the token you were looking for, warm and he dripping with his spit. \"Guess they were too slow~\" the kitsune remarked as he returned the token to its original spot, curling back up and starting to doze back off as he felt you slowly sliding into his belly…
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, FangStomach) } } } ]]>
Look at You are surrounded by 0 msg ("A rather large, kitsune-looking creature. Upon further inspection, you saw that there was a token that the kitsune was curling up around!") MakeObjectVisible (Room 24 Token) msg ("He says nothing.") false Fang's mouth The heat and atmosphere of Fang’s mouth had already sapped quite a bit of your energy, but the only way you were getting out of here was by finding that token. There were a few places that Fang could have hidden it, so it was best for you to start now. You just had to wait for Fang’s tongue to start calming down a little bit...you were already drenched in kitsune spit already, it's not like he was accomplishing anything more at this point! if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Throat.mp3", false, false) } Look at msg ("You managed to stick one of your hands underneath Fang's tongue as it undulated and scraped against your body. You found quite a bit of drool, but no token.") Fang.quest = Fang.quest + 1 false Look at msg ("Stored away in the kitsune's cheeks was...nothing. Except for a big fox tongue.") Fang.quest = Fang.quest + 1 false Look at msg ("You were afraid of getting close to Fang's sharp front teeth, but with how tightly clamped they were, they probably couldn't hurt you. You ran your hand along the backs of those pearly whites, but found nothing stuck between them...at least, nothing like the token you were looking for, at least!") Fang.quest = Fang.quest + 1 false Look at

You landed in Fang’s paw a few moments later, token still in your possession, dazed but ultimately unharmed. You were still dripping with fox spit, the cold air of the outside world making you shiver while you were still soaking wet. “Congrats! I hope that thing is useful for you…” Fang said sleepily, before placing you back down on the floor. “Now, run along before I change my mind...although, if you come back, I'll have to assume that you want to be a snack~”

Those words rang in your mind as you made your way out of the doggy door, looking back to see that Fang had seemingly already fallen back asleep. That token would prove useful, but first, you needed to find somewhere to wash all this spit off...
") MoveObject (player, fourth floor) AddToInventory (Room 24 Token) TokenCall ]]>
false Fang's stomach You felt your body eventually hit a fleshy wall, providing a brief few moments of relative peace before the flesh clenched around you once more, shoving you through that sphincter and out into the acidic, caustic chamber that was the kitsune's stomach. Much larger and roomier than his throat, but filled with food slop and irritating fluids and smells, Fang's gut would be your new home for...well, at least the next few hours. The glow from his maw was mostly gone, but just a bit remained, allowing you to at least find your way around somewhat as you endeavored to get out of here! You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("As Fang slept, his stomach really started to get to work on churning you up. You had kept your head above the soup of acids for a while, but the constant undulating and pressing of the stomach walls around you had more than worn you out. You were starting to lose feeling in parts of your body, and soon, even your eyes felt like they could barely open. You passed out inside the caustic stomach some time later, the walls really starting to clench and churn and melt you away into nothing but nutrition for the kitsune.

Fang woke up from his nap a few hours later, having completely forgotten about the little snack he had. As the kitsune got up and walked around, though, there was just a tiny bit more of a sway in his step, thanks to the pudge you had made...

*You couldn't find the token...or you came back!*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("In your struggles, you slipped and fell into a goopy mush of food. Gross…") } ]]>
false Look at Drop
But you didn't even get that far. As soon as you got right up next to Fang, you flinched as you felt the kitsune starting to stir, smacking his lips before letting out a huge yawn that froze you in place entirely. You had been caught red-handed, and your only option was to stand completely still and hope the kitsune just didn't notice you. It seemed like it was working for a few seconds at first, but then the creature craned their neck down to look at the floor, and inadvertently spotted you standing inches away from the token they had presumably been guarding.

As soon as you made eye contact, you expected the worst, but the kitsune actually started talking before doing anything else. “Oh! Hello there!” Fang said, with an unusually chipper voice for having just been woken up from his nap. The kitsune just stared at you for a few moments, before looking at the token and back to you and putting together the pieces of what you had been caught in the act of. “Oh, oh, oh...you were looking for this?” he asked, snickering just a little bit as you scrambled to try and take advantage of his friendliness in order to get that token. The thing was shrunken as well, it looked so very small...Fang wouldn't miss it at all, right? Right!?
") wait { msg ("“Well, I don't really need it...but I don't think I can just let you have it~” the kitsune teased, before they moved for the first time, causing you to flinch again as you thought you were about to get snatched up or something. But instead, Fang just grabbed a hold of the token, bringing it up to his snout before opening wide and letting you see the kitsune's toothy maw for a moment before casually tossing the token inside of it! You felt your face go white as you saw that, considering how scarce tokens tended to be in this place!...but, Fang didn't give any obvious hints that he had actually swallowed the token. No exaggerated gulp, or tasting, or a throat bulge or anything. In fact, as soon as those jaws snapped shut, they opened right back up to speak to you some more. “I've been waiting for one of you cute little things to come along. Let's play a little bit…”

Those blue paws, which had up until this point been stationary, suddenly came to life, Fang casually grabbing a hold of you and bringing you up to that mouth just as he had done with the token just a few moments ago. You were a captive audience, watching as Fang opened up his mouth once more, glistening strands of saliva being broken by those jaws opening back up. And what's worse, is that the token was nowhere to be found...though you couldn't really see much, considering how dark it was in here! Stale breath washed over your face as Fang brought you closer to his mouth, the kitsune's tongue undulating in excitement now that you were right on the edge of it, squirming and kicking and trying to remove yourself from the kitsune's grasp. You were so much smaller than him, though, so you could really only hope that he was just planning to play around with you a little bit…!

A few seconds later, you winced as you felt your body hit the kitsune’s tongue with a wet, warm *splt*, Fang’s jaws immediately closing behind you and locking you in the humid darkness of his maw. You were partially prepared for the heat and the stench of this environment from the huffs of fox breath that had washed over your face a few moments ago, but the intensity still caught you quite off guard...it wasn’t quite enough for you to not notice something very strange about Fang’s mouth, though. Not only was it a deep purplish color instead of a fleshy red, there was even a bit of a glow coming in from the back where the throat was! At least it made it so you could see a bit in here, if nothing else…

Though the light was more flashes than anything else as your vision was constantly smothered by thick, wet fox tongue, the muscle more than capable of and happy to treat you like a piece of candy.That slimy muscle was capable of all sorts of movement, undulating underneath you, wrapping around your body in order to suckle all the flavor out of your body, pressing you against the fox’s cheeks...and, oh boy, Fang truly did make you know exactly how good you tasted! Deep “mmmmmmm…”s rumbled around you as that tongue kept up the assault, bringing you dangerously close to those sharp chompers every now and again; they were clamped shut though, so even though you didn't have to worry about getting bit accidentally, you also didn't have a way of getting out of here. And in all of this, you were supposed to find a token? You could barely tell where you were inside the kitsune’s mouth, let alone find the location of a token that was even smaller than you were.
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, FangMouth) } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 25) false = 20) { MoveObject (Inspy, Room 25) } ]]> ") ]]> false the bathroom false ") ]]> Look at You are surrounded by 0 false if (Inspy.parent = Room 25) { msg ("Inspy is currently laying on her bed, absent-mindedly tapping around on her phone.") } = 20) { firsttime { msg ("\"Oh! Hi! I DID end up finding that thing you wanted...here ya go~\"

The husky produced a small token, handing it to your tiny form before waving goodbye.") AddToInventory (Room 25 Token) TokenCall } otherwise { msg ("\"Got nothing for ya, sorry.\"") } } if (Inspy.parent = Room 25) { msg ("You're too far away to get her attention.") } else { msg ("What was the harm in just asking her a question? You made your way across the bathroom, tiles that were usually steps becoming more like whole rooms to cross, until you found yourself on the towel she had laid down for when she was finished with her bath. There wasn't any obvious way for you to get her attention, so instead you just started waving your arms around, yelling, anything that could break her out of her trance of relaxation...and, you ended up making yourself pretty hoarse, but you eventually watched as the husky groaned before opening her eyes and starting to look down at you. “What on Earth is making that noise-”

The giant husky locked eyes with you, before a smile started to creep across her snout. “Oh gosh, I have never seen one of you a little things before!...” the husky said, her body covered in suds and bubbles as she reached out of the tub, aiming right for you! The sight of a giant, furry hand reaching out towards you definitely activated some kind of feral fight-or-flight reflex in your brain, but you had to fight it and allow yourself to get picked up by this husky. Her hand came down without much fanfare, enclosing you in a ball of fluff as she brought you back up to the bathtub, immersing herself in the warm, relaxing bath water once more; now with a new small friend! The husky opened up her hand a few seconds later, humid warmth radiating off the bath water as you looked down, a sense of vertigo almost immediately overcoming you…
“My name's Inspy! What are you doing here, little one?” Inspy said in a chipper voice, laying back once more and starting to let her body relax as you tried to explain what you were looking for...she seemed to actually be able to hear what you were saying, which was surprising, but the confused look on her face didn't inspire much confidence in you. “Token? I don't know anything about that…” She said, before you felt the hand underneath you starting to move a little bit, bringing you closer to the Husky...and, more specifically, her chest! “But, I've always wanted to play around with one of you little things...maybe if you help me out, I'll go see if I can't find something like that for you~”
") wait { msg ("The shift in tone was a little distressing, and you figured that this was about to go someplace quite lewd. She was already naked, obviously, and with you in such a vulnerable position, she could do whatever she wanted...! It would just be some innocent fun though, right…? That's what you said to calm yourself down as Inspy brought you closer, your field of view soon being eclipsed by her round breasts and, more importantly, her big, brown nipples! You weren't sure what was going on, till you felt Inspy starting to fiddle with you in her grasp; you were able to see that, at the same time, her other hand went somewhere underneath the water...oh boy.

After a minute of toying with you in her paw, Inspy seemed to land on a grip that worked for her - holding you lengthwise, with your feet pointed right towards her nipple! \"Now, be a good little toy…\" the husky's booming voice said, before you felt her entire hand plunge forward, your feet being mashed against her left nipple for a few moments...before you felt the flesh relax a bit, your feet slipping right inside of her tit! The vixen gasped in pleasure, her grip tightening as she started to push you deeper into her nipple, starting to finger herself in the bath with her other arm while you wiggled around inside her breast. The entranceway was tight as all hell, but as Inspy pushed you further, you could already feel the lower half of your body starting to slide out into a much roomier chamber.

Inspy wasn't talking anymore, the husky instead just panting and gasping in pleasure as she really got into the fingering now; your body was halfway into her breast, and she quickly readjusted her grip on your body before she started to push you further, the feeling of your feet starting to immerse themselves into some sort of warm liquid...and, well, that liquid could only be breastmilk!
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("You felt Inspy playing with you a little bit, pulling and pushing on you like a toy while she got off - but, her movements were always primarily pushing, and you were definitely consistently moving deeper into her tit! Soon, only your head was poking out of her nipple, and even that was short lived, Inspy using one finger to push the very last of you inside of her breast…

The husky's cries of pleasure were mostly muffled as you disappeared into her breast, your surroundings now nothing but warm, milky, slightly sweet-smelling flesh. You slid forwards out into a pool of milk, the breast walls squeezing and undulating around you as Inspy's cries of pleasure rumbled in the distance. The sweet smell was even stronger, almost vanilla-like, and the milk bath was so nice and warm…
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, InspyBreast) } } } } ]]>
false Inspy's womb Given your size, the enclosure you found yourself in was actually quite spacious and warm...though the flesh surrounding you was still quite alive, constantly moving around and making it somewhat difficult for you to get comfortable inside of the husky. At least, with her job done for now, the husky had collapsed back into her bed, not really moving around much as she panted and gasped and reveled in the sensation of you squirming around so deep inside of her. That sensation would certainly rile her up in the future, but for now? Now, she would just relax for a little bit. You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("That heat and tightness and wetness that was starting to make you uncomfortable gradually escalated as Inspy continued to get herself off. It never really reached the point of true pain, but you definitely felt like the husky's womb could just crush you at any moment without a second thought! It seemed like all that crushing tightness was starting to push you towards one point in Inspy’s belly; specifically, the exit you had been squeezed through just a few minutes ago! The heaves and moans of pleasure that the husky was making were starting to become even louder than her thumping, pounding heartbeat, and that wasn't an easy sound to topple! It was clear that she was getting quite close, and you tried your best to squirm and wiggle around a little bit to push her over the edge..

And, that's exactly what they did! Those squirms right against her cervix were just too much for Inspy, the husky crying out and ripping her clawed finger out of her canal as a flood of feminine fluids came gushing out of her nether lips. The already-stained bed sheets were quickly becoming completely soaked, the wave of femcum dragging you right out with it! The husky's cervix had yawned open wide for all that lust and arousal to exit her body, and her canal had quickly turned into a waterslide of sorts...though this one was a lot less graceful than most of the waterslides you had experienced in the past! The flood of musky, thick fluid slammed you into fleshy wall after fleshy wall, making you feel like a wet pinball inside of the husky...but, there was always that light at the end of the tunnel, steadily growing larger and coming closer to you. The cries of the aroused husky only continued to get louder and louder along with the light…


Well, the finish of your journey was quite similar to a water slide, at the very least! Your eyes instinctively squinted as you slid back into the outside world, splattering down face-first into the mess the dog was making...and she wasn't over yet, for sure! Inspy only continued to spurt out more fluids, the hot and thick stuff splattering onto your back for a few more moments before the husky's orgasm finally started to taper off, leaving Inspy panting and sweating as she lay against her bed. Her hand slowly retreated from between her legs, coming to rest on her soft, fuzzy belly...feminine fluids still dripped off of her fingers, making even more of a mess in her bed!

It took a few minutes for you to actually get your bearings back, but you eventually managed to pull yourself from the cum-stained sheets, tendrils of the stuff sticking to your face as you slowly started to get back to your feet. Inspy was still laying down against her bed, the husky clearly quite tuckered out from her expansive \"play session\"! You decided to just slink away, the husky's powerful, feminine musk clinging to your body as you made your way over to the foot of the bed, almost slipping and tumbling down to the floor with how much of the slick stuff was still on your body! You would definitely have to make your way to a bathroom post haste, to shower all of this slippery stuff off of you...
") wait { MoveObject (player, Room 25) } } } } ]]>
womb walls false Slippery. Warm. Safe. Look at ") } } ]]>
false Inspy's breast You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("A deep groan echoed around you as all of Inspy's movement came to a stop, the husky howling as her orgasm came, feminine fluids leaking out into the warm bathwater she was immersed in, while milk leaked out of her full, sloshing breasts! The current threatened to carry you away, but you found yourself just teetering at the exit of the chamber by the time the husky's climax had finished, Inspy reclining back against the wall of the bathtub as her face flushed red. \"Oh, fuck, that was WONDERFUL…\" the husky sighed, still playing around with her tit, feeling you inside of it…

The flesh clenched once more a few moments later, Inspy squeezing her tit to release you from the curious chamber. Milk dribbled out for a bit, before the husky bit her lip once more as she felt you sliding out of her nipple, landing in the husky's paw, surrounded by the milk that had leaked out beforehand. \"Ahhn, I've never had an experience like that before. You tiny little things sure are something…\" the husky said, letting you re-adjust to the outside world before placing you down on the towel she had laid down outside the bathtub. \"Mmm...I'm gonna finish my bath, hun, but if you come around later, I might have found that thing you were looking for.~\" Inspy said, before leaning back in the bath and closing her eyes again, clearly still fingering herself a little bit as she re-lived what just happened in her head…

You just laid on the towel for a few moments, that vanilla smell still wafting around you from the milk you had been bathing in...what exactly did you come here for, again? Eh, when you returned, Inspy would probably fill you in…
") wait { MoveObject (player, Room 25) SetTurnTimeout (20) { Inspy.tokenwait = 20 } } } } } ]]>
breast walls false Milky. Look at ") } } else { msg ("The milk you were immersed in sloshed with every movement you made.") } ]]>
bed Look at
Thankfully, it didn't seem like the husky was interested in that. Her eyes had lit up as soon as she saw you, and it seemed like it was a primal curiosity that had caused her to flop down in front of you like this. \"Hey there, little guy! Do you want to help me with something?\"
") Ask ("") { if (result) { msg ("At this size, it would be probably not the best idea to say no, and the husky seemed innocent enough. So you agreed, surprised at the squeakiness of your own voice as the husky's face lit up even more! \"Oh my gosh, perfect! I've always wanted to play around with one of you tiny things…\"

Play? That was, um, a very interesting choice of words...even more interesting when the husky flopped onto her back again, returning to a similar position to the one she was in before...though, she was a bit closer this time, allowing her to reach down at you with one of her paws and snatch you right up! Your surroundings constantly shifted to and fro as Inspy continued adjusting herself, getting into a more comfortable position. It was all making you more than a bit dizzy, especially with the darkness surrounding you inside of her hand, but it all did come to a standstill eventually. The husky placed you back against the bed slowly, before her hand gently opened up around you…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("And, well, what you saw was interesting, to say the least! Looming in front of you and at least as tall as your whole body were the husky’s moist nethers, Inspy reaching down and spreading her folds wide open with one of her fingers. What was most striking to you, well, was that her slit - and seemingly her insides as well - were jet black! The thing just looked like a black hole, and it was only a few inches away from you!

On top of all that being revealed to you at once, you were so enamored by the folds in front of you that you didn't even realize that the husky had reached around behind you with her other hand, the giant paw starting to nudge you closer to those spread open lips! Inspy’s finger dug into your back as it pushed you forward, the husky already leaning back with her eyes closed as she played with herself for a little moment...just enough to lube her up for what was coming next! This was obviously a bit much for you, but you didn't really have a choice in the matter at this point. You were going to help Inspy pleasure herself, whether you liked it or not!

The black flesh rushed towards you, your whole body being immersed into those folds with a wet, loud *shQLCH*! That squelchy, fleshy noise was immediately followed up by a much deeper one, the sound of Inspy moaning out in arousal as her other hand pulled away from her slit and gravitated towards her breasts, the husky fondling herself as she pressed you deeper into her vagina. The slimy, faintly musky flesh completely swallowed you up in a matter of moments, clenching and rippling around your body to pull you deeper into the husky without her even needing to do anything consciously! No, she was far too absorbed into her own pleasure to even make an effort to push you deeper, Inspy just allowing her body to do what it did best...and that meant a lot of clenching and squeezing! At some point, the pressure on you was so strong that it felt like you were just going to melt...but, instead, the deeper parts of Inspy’s canal eventually dilated, allowing you to make your way deeper inside the husky’s body…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Inspy was most certainly enjoying herself, to say the least. Her nethers were already starting to stain the bed sheets she was laying on, the husky too lost in pleasure to notice or care about the mess that she was steadily making. Things actually seemed to quiet down for a brief moment as well, the flesh undulating around you and slowly drawing you deeper into the husky’s body…

Before a powerful force plowed into your feet, shoving you right up into the husky's deepest nethers! Inspy cried out in pleasure as this happened, the dog having shoved a finger right up her vagina to start fingering herself and to work you deeper into her body! And, well, the husky was doing a rather good job, considering you were now edging up against the dog’s cervix with just one push. That sensation drove the husky absolutely insane; there was no dog out there with a cock long enough to slide that deep inside of her, after all! So this was a unique sensation all its own, and one that Inspy always looked forward to whenever she played with her little \"toys\". She continued to plunge her finger deeper and deeper into her body, rubbing and pressing you against the opening to her cervix a few more times before the thing eventually yawned open. A few seconds later, and another prod pushed you right up into the husky’s womb, accompanied with a shrill, echoing moan of pleasure from Inspy...hah! She had really managed to get you all the way inside of her womb, huh?
") wait { MoveObject (player, InspyWomb) } } } } else { msg ("\"Aww...\" the husky grumbled, before returning to her phone.") } } } else { msg ("You climb up onto the bed...that was a waste of time.") } ]]>
vending room false ") ]]> ]]> Look at You are surrounded by 0 ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("Of course, a main part of an anteater’s diet was, well, ants. And you looked more than enough like an ant to get Rupert's tummy grumbling, his hunger only exacerbated by the fact that he had just gotten baited by this vending machine! As you realized the mistake you made by establishing contact, the anteater's tongue flicked out of its mouth, the worm-like appendage shooting out and splattering right against you with the tip. But instead of knocking you over, like what you would expect from a blow that strong, Rupert's tongue started to reel you back in, your tiny body flying through the air at an impressive speed as the anteater’s snout rushed up to meet you! Not only was the appendage covered in sticky saliva, but you could feel little hooks keeping you attached to the thin, fleshy appendage as well...not painful, but definitely not the most comfortable thing! At least you wouldn't be spending too much time attached it to repair its tongue, considering how fast the anteater was pulling you right into his mouth-


Everything went dark in just a few seconds as you slipped right through the anteater’s lips. “Mmmh…” Rupert grumbled as his sticky tongue started pulling you towards the back of his mouth, weird side-to-side movements along with the tongue being pulled back inside funneling you down that weird tube as more sticky, warm spit started to coat your body. There weren't any teeth or anything, so the only way for Rupert to Keep you inside of his mouth was with that tongue...
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("Eventually you did stop moving for a fraction of a second, having traveled all the way down Rupert’s mouth and teetering over the edge of his throat. Casually, as the anteater continued trying to get his candy bar out of the stuck machine, his throat flexed and clenched around you, pulling you down into a tight tunnel of flesh with a wet *glnk!*. It was something the anteater did so much that he barely even thought about it, more of a reflex than anything else just to get his food inside of him as quickly as possible. Micros were usually a lot easier to get down then ants and the like, though, considering they didn't usually have stingers or bitey mouthparts! Your tiny little struggles were a cakewalk compared to those kinds of weapons…

Compared to the anteater’s long mouths, the trip down its throat was relatively short and plain. Just muscles squeezing around you on all sides, smothering you at your tiny size and pressing against your form with such power that you thought you might pass out a few times. Interestingly, the only thing you could smell from deeper inside Rupert's guts was faint and much like the heady odor of the anteater’s mouth...far less acidic and stingy then you thought it would be. Hopefully that meant you might just be taking up belly space until Rupert managed to get that candy bar out of the machine!

“Ugh. Is-is there a number on the side of this thing or something?” Rupert groaned after slapping the machine in the side one more time. He considered calling the front desk, but they probably wouldn’t be able to do much more than what he was doing right now. He had been craving the selection he made a few minutes ago, but it looked like the tiny little thing he snatched up off the floor would have to do for now...not much of a snack, honestly.
") wait { MoveObject (player, RupertStomach) } } } ]]>
false Rupert's stomach You are surrounded by ") } else { msg ("After about another minute or so of traveling down Rupert's throat, you felt the environment around you start to shift. The clenches of anteater gullet were starting to become even tighter, the flesh ahead of you steadily budging less and less. It seemed like you might have actually gotten stuck inside Rupert's gullet!...but, that suggestion was disproven a few moments later. Another clench squeezed over your whole body, before the world around you lurched and pushed you forward out into a different chamber. Again, the acidic stink you expected from a stomach like this was absent, but in its place was something vaguely pungent that you couldn't quite place. The walls were rough, constantly squeezing and pressing your body between them even before you were fully curled up inside the anteater! Clearly, it was gonna be a rough time in here, and all the saliva and other fluids that lubricated your body wouldn't be enough to comfort you.
") } ]]>
") } msg ("It didn't take you very long to start feeling a bit overwhelmed by the anteater's stomach. Even though you were barely a snack to it, the gut still very much wanted to melt you down in very short order, and you were already feeling the effects. The space that you enjoyed at first was steadily being taken up as the belly walls clenched inward on your body, thick and slimy fluids continuing to fill up the chamber and making it even harder for you to move around...fuck, your skin was already tingling, and every breath you took was laced with a powerful acidity. Your head was starting to fog up, and movement was quickly becoming impossible…

At some point, the anteater let out a small belch with a little bit of your flavor still on it. \"Well, that's it for them, I suppose~\" he commented as he reached down to grope at his grumbling belly a little bit. If you had enhanced his curves at all, it was barely noticeable, but that was fine...you were just a little toy, after all~

*Your reward wasn't what you expected...*

") wait { wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("1433315482.jeschke_ethicist_commission_3hourslater.mp3", false, true) } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("Rupert continued slamming and knocking around the vending machine for a few more minutes, until something finally happened...the candy bar he had his eyes on moved just an inch. But it was more than enough to light that fire in his belly again! \"Come onnnn…\" the anteater growled as he continued shaking the machine, watching the snack continue to slide inch by inch until...ka-CHUNK! It finally dislodged itself, dropping down into the pickup tray a moment later. \"Fuckin, finally…\" Rupert grumbled as he reached down and grabbed the candy bar, quickly unwrapping it before his tongue flicked out, sticking to the front of the bar and yanking it right into his mouth! Rupert didn't even chew (he didn't have teeth, after all), he just suckled on it a little bit before gulping the candy bar down whole, letting out a sigh of contentment as he felt the more substantial snack sinking into his gut. \"Muuuuch better…\"
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("That candy bar would eventually end up plopping down on you, still mostly in one piece as the stomach walls continued to press and clench and grind your body between them. Still no signs of any stomach acids, but you were feeling worn out and destroyed all the same from the constant assault that Rupert's stomach was making on you...covered in chocolate and bits of nuts and toffee from the candy bar, you were ground between the stomach walls, each clench weakening you a bit more and making you feel like you were going to collapse or melt into the anteater's gut at any moment...and, that's exactly what happened, the roughage of the candy bar proving to be enough to hasten your digestion. Rupert had nearly forgotten about you once that candy bar showed up, and soon, the two of you would be one and the same…

*You really looked like an ant...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The walls crushed any resistance you could make with ease.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Every time you tried to pry open the sphincter that kept you from freedom, the stomach walls slammed into you and knocked you back to the floor.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Rupert's gut was tailored to smother away the meager struggles you were making...and they were doing a good job of that.") } else { msg ("The anteater felt a tiny belch come up, his belly squeezing even tighter around you now…") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } } ]]>
Rupert's bowels false As the anteater’s ass got ahold of more of your body, the process just continued to speed up. In a matter of moments, it was just your feet that stuck out of the mammal's rectum, and those feet were pretty much completely disguised behind the anteater's fat rumpcheeks regardless! One last *shlRRRP* pulled the rest of you inside with ease, the anteater letting out a moan as he felt his ass take a firm hold of you and start gulping and clenching you deeper into that maze of slimy, humid bowels...egh, you had one heck of a trip ahead of you! And you were already feeling so worn-out by the bowels already...you couldn't imagine how you would be able to get out of this one. ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Eventually, the rhythmic movement of the fleshy walls around you started to shift somewhat, aggressive lurches pushing you forward at a much faster rate until you felt some kind of squishy, slimy ring halting your progress, if only for a moment. Whatever stale air was deep inside of the anteater's body had mostly changed from a musky odor to a sharp, acidic one, betraying the fact that you were right on the edge of the mammal's stomach! This stop on your journey was rather short, though, as another squeezing contraction of the bowels around you forced your body right through that opening, drenching you in thick stomach slime as you were unceremoniously forced out into the anteater’s hungry gut.
") wait { MoveObject (player, RupertStomach) } } } } ]]>
false bowel walls Look at Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Every time you tried to push against your surroundings to dislodge yourself, they only clenched and sucked even further inward, negating any process you could have made.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The anteater’s guts squeezed inward with powerful intensity, taking the air right out of your lungs in the process!") } else { msg ("Whenever you moved around in here, there were these strange and fleshy protrusions that tickled against your body and distracted you more than enough for you to lose whatever focus you had.") } ]]>
Currently being assaulted by a diminuitive anteater. Look at ") wait { msg ("By this point, the anteater had noticed your attempt at helping him out, and he watched on with an eager eye and stopped making the world around you shake constantly! \"Oh, go little guy, go!\" he cheered you on from beyond the glass as you reached out as far as your little arm possibly could. Standing on your absolute tippy toes, perched on the top of a crevice inside the machine that gave you a little bit of extra height, you stretched out your entire body as far as you could, hoping that your tiny hands could maybe barely nip at the wrapper enough to set the bar free.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Right when you felt your strength starting to fade, your knees wobbling and your shoulders hurting, you saw the bar start to wiggle around, another fist slamming from the anteater enough to get his prize! You had done it! Unfortunately, the slam head also caused you to lose what little balance you had, sending you tumbling back down to the cold metal floor of the machine opening you had just spent the last few minutes scaling...thankfully, you weren't hurt, just a little bit dazed. The chocolate bar you landed on had somewhat cushioned your fall, but you didn't have much time to get your bearings again before you saw the anteater's hand reaching into the slot! You were very quickly squished against the chocolate bar as the anteater pulled the both of you out, unfurling his hand and staring down at you with his incredibly long snout...thankfully, he seemed to be smiling, at the very least!
") wait { msg ("\"Hey, thanks for the help, little guy.\" the anteater said, grabbing the bar of chocolate out from underneath you with one hand and tearing away at the wrapper before curling around it with his long, prehensile tongue and starting to munch on the whole thing! \"Mmh...I would have let you have some of that, but I've got one hell of a sweet tooth, unfortunately. Though, I think I have an idea for how to repay you, if you want…\"
") Ask ("Accept the anteater's payment?") { if (result) { msg ("Honestly, climbing into that vending machine was a lot of work, and you were hoping that the anteater would at least offer you something in return! So you were more than happy to accept his nebulous idea of thanks, the anteater's face lighting up before you felt his fingers start to wrap around your body once more. \"Oh! Excellent, excellent. Now if I can just find my way back to my room…\" you heard the anteater say in a chipper voice, stomping off to who-knows-where with you firmly in his grasp.
") wait { msg ("After about a minute, you heard the anteater opening a door, presumably to his hotel room. \"First try, that's new…\" he muttered under his breath as he made his way into the room, the constant movement around you disorienting you quite a bit...his grasp on you wasn't getting any looser, either! Thankfully, this discomfort didn't last too long, as the anteater seemed to settle into a spot and relaxed for a moment. \"Ready for your reward?~\"

And then, the hand opened. At first, you were just face down against the anteater's palm, so you were just mostly confused; but as you rolled over to see exactly what was going on, you were suddenly confronted by an endless ocean of brown...which only made you more disoriented! As you slowly backed away to try and get a better view, though, you saw a sort of division in the brownness, and something lying between that division...oh. oh no. You were staring right at the anteater's ass. And you were so uncomfortably close to it, even as you sat at the edge of his hand!

Before you could get up to start talking to the anteater, or making a break for it if things turned sour, you felt two of his fingers pinch you on both of your sides, making it nearly impossible for you to move as the hand brought you closer and closer to those encroaching cheeks! The anteater's other hand came into frame to pull away on one of his cheeks, revealing to you a pink, mottled, flexing pucker. \"Ay-ay-ay, calm down there. I've been told that being an anteater's toy is one of the world's greatest pleasures~\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("And, before you could argue with the anteater about the inanity of that statement, his hand shoved you forward. Your head pressed up right against his tailhole almost instantly, a fleshy squish accompanied by a powerful odor that had been trickling into your nose since you had gotten down here...obviously, it was a lot stronger now, though! It already made you feel a little bit dizzy; or, perhaps that was because the anteater had been flailing and tossing you around like a toy this entire time, and…well, it wasn't entirely unjustified, considering that seemed to be all he saw you as right now!

Despite how much flexing and clenching that the anteater's tailhole was doing, it didn't actually grab hold of you for a few moments, just allowing the horny mammal to smear and rub you all over his ass before it finally relaxed enough to let you inside! Another push, and your whole head was suddenly swallowed up, all your senses immediately immersed into a fleshy, slimy, warm helmet that already started to grab and tug to pull you deeper. Once you realized what had happened, you started to squirm and press out against your incredibly-tight confines, trying to head this craziness off at the pass before things got too deep! Unfortunately, the size difference was just way too much for you to overcome, and the icing on the cake was that your squirms only seemed to trigger the flesh around you to clench and squeeze inward even harder, only accelerating your consumption...and, judging from the moans you could hear leaking in from the outside world, they were also giving the anteater the pleasure he was looking for!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("Gradually, as his butthole swallowed up more of your neck and shoulders, you felt the hand that was gripping you tight gradually release until the lower half of your body just sort of hung limp, only held up by the fat cheeks that you were wedged between! Soon, you felt what had to be one of his fingers pressing against the undersides of your feet, the flesh gradually relaxing around you to allow that finger to literally push you up deeper into anteater bowels. And it was working depressingly well, the tight ring of muscle easily engulfing your shoulders and chest in only a few moments. God, each clench of muscle only made everything in here tighter and more oppressive, and thought that you had so many bends and twists to go through before you reached and exit certainly didn't make things any easier...as well as the fact that “exit” was really just an entrance into another churning, fleshy chamber.
") wait { MoveObject (player, RupertBowels) } } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh, so virtuous...well, I guess I'll let you go, then.\" the anteater said, before crouching down and placing his hand on the ground to let you walk off. \"Good day to you.\" the macro said, doing a little bow before walking past you and out of the vending room.") MakeObjectInvisible (Rupert) MakeObjectInvisible (Vending Machine) } } } } } ]]>
inspect inspect "You can't inspect " + object.article + "." usetoilet use toilet "You can't use toilet " + object.article + "." dial dial "You can't dial " + object.article + "." takemicro take micro "You can't take micro " + object.article + "."
A {object:Kevaskous:sergal} is sitting in a chair next to the fireplace.

") MakeObjectVisible (Noryu) } ]]> MakeObjectInvisible
His icy blue, lightly glowing eyes are looking right back at you.]]>
Look at false Mmm, cheesy.
His gaze is quite alluring, you feel compelled to oblige him.") Ask ("Do you take a seat?") { if (result) { msg ("
As you take a seat his gaze follows you into place. He shifts slightly and those muscles tense as he does, he was clearly quite strong, and judging by the book he had next to him, well-educated as well. As he began to speak again, his voice was strong, yet calming. “Thank you for taking the time, the name is Kevaskous. Don’t get too many sitting with me these days. I’m a rather well versed individual, as maybe you can tell. I find educating one’s self to be important, as well staying fit.”

He leans forward in that chair and looks more intently as you, his long fuzzy tail swishing a bit down then up before curling some at its end. “I saw the way you looked at me when you entered the room. No need to be shy, many do as well. And I certainly appreciate it as well, I take great pride in keeping my figure.” He says as he gives a smile that was just shy of a grin. He was looking over you now, clearly sizing you up, though hard to tell what was on his mind precisely, it at least clearly had to do with you.

As he speak his words pervade your mind, his eyes seemingly staring into your very being, you found it hard not to keep listening, and staring. ”You know I’ve been sitting here most of the day, and you clearly are interested in getting to know more about me than words. Why don’t we get a little closer next to the fire there? Can be warm and comfortable as we get a bit more, acquainted. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”

His voice permeate your better sensibilities, his will almost overbearing as those jeweled eyes stare you down.") Ask ("Do you agree with him?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("
You move to the large and surprisingly soft rug, warmed by the fire. As you do so, the Sergal slips from his chair, leisurely sliding up next to you. It’s then you realize he is a fair bit larger than you are. His soft furry body pressing up to your own as he reaches a paw over gently to work your clothing free from your body. He rumbles deeply as he does so, his gaze still casted upon you as the warmth of his body became more apparent. His other paw had soon freed himself of his own shorts and he set everything to the side. You were tense at first but between the warmth of both the fire and his furry body you settled eventually, relaxing.

His paws rubbed over your form gently and his rumbles continued. His eyes wandered over your body before his blue, forked tongue slid from his lips and he licked along your neck a bit, you even could feel ribbing along his tongue. His touch seemed so sensual, calming, much like his presence in general. It was easy to let your guard start to drop as he spoke again. “You are a certainly appealing thing, I’m quite glad I caught your eye when you came in here. And I am certainly glad you chose to lay with me here, I do enjoy the warmth of a good fire, and someone to enjoy the closeness with. We’ll be getting much closer soon...”

It’s then you feel a firm, tapered warmth pressing against your rear. You felt a blush forming on your cheeks, you couldn’t help it with the way his demeanor was and with the warm fire it was almost romantic in a way. The last thing he said lingered in your head for a moment before you felt that tapered warmth press up inside you. You heard his soft groans as inch after inch was pushed up inside you. You could clearly feel the ribbings and the thick bumps along his girth and within just a few moments his deflated knot pushed inside you and hips pressed against your rear again with another groan emitting from him. His final words slipping from your mind as you deemed this what he meant. He was soon having his way with you, his paws taking a supple grip of your waist as he began thrusting into your tight insides; the tapered tip was spreading your insides easily. His ribbings and thick bumps and even thicker deflated knot pushing in and out of your tight rear. “Mmmff… that feels wonderful doesn’t it? I knew you’d like this…they all do.” He said as you felt his soft and heavy sac slapping up against your rear along with his hips. The warmth of the fire blew over your form as you felt his girth sliding in deep inside your body on each thrust and a form of emptiness each time he pulled back. The lewd slapping of his groin against your rear could be heard echoing in the closed off room.") wait { msg ("
His groans got deeper, and louder, as he pants a bit behind you and he leans in to nibble along your neck firmly, not that he had any teeth at the front of his jaws, being a Sergal, but gummed you none the less. You could feel a wet warmth oozing into your insides and a dull throbbing inside you and he was clearly getting closer to his orgasm as he worked his hips harder and more swiftly against you. Nuts slapping against you all the while feeling that deflated knot starting to swell. His grip of you became more firm and he was clearly having a harder time pulling far out of you as the knot thickened. The tone of his groaning changed notably and you could feel humid warmth washing over your head in short waves. This caused you to look up and all you could see was the parted jaws of the Sergal. Drool stranding from his jaws and his blue flesh glistening in the light of the fire. The center stage for you was the pulsating gullet at the back of those jaws and the fact the grip on your body was strengthening even as he thrusted faster into your rear. Those jaws started to get closer and that knot was thickening! If you didn’t act now it would be much too late to get free from him!

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Those humid and wet jaws press against your face as his knot swells out completely, tying you to him now. His thrusts became rapid and hard and those heavy nuts slapped loudly against your rear. Your hearing was mostly overwhelmed by the wet sounds of maw flesh sliding over your head and him suckling on you with a deep rumble of approval, he clearly liked how you tasted. That pulsating gullet a mere couple inches from you now as you felt those jaws pressing against you more firmly and his pace became a bit more erratic. You feel the hot drool rubbing over your head as the gullet yawns open widely and then you heard it, as much as felt the pressure.


The first swallow pulling your head into his oppressively hot and humid, tight and saliva slicked throat. You felt his jaws along your upper chest and his pace picking up a bit more, he was groaning loudly around and he was getting close. The reality of being used and eaten alive weighing on you as another hard swallow followed by a pop of his jaws dislocating a bit dragged your upper body into his tight throat forcing him to curl some to keep enjoying you. You could hear his rapid breathing and his heartbeat as you recovered from the tight squeeze of his throat during the swallow. After a few more moments you heard him let out a deep growl of pleasure and you felt him throbbing hard inside your rear and felt pulses travel from his base to his tip before a firm thump was felt inside you and warmth spreading outward as he unloaded inside you. His jaws hold you snugly against your upper belly as he shuddered in release.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
After just a few moments that knot began to deflate in your rear and allowed him to pull free from you. You felt bloated from his load as he sat up in a more comfortable position to finish his meal, you, the thought sank in before you felt the throat squeeze and pull on you firmly pushing your head against the tight sphincter sealing off his stomach.

Another loud and hard swallow pushes your head into the acidic smelling chamber, you could just barely see inside now that your eyes had adjusted. You could see the thick slimes along the walls but an otherwise empty chamber until your head pressed into the pit of it and you began to steadily be forced to curl up. He took several more long swallows pulling all but your feet into his muzzle as he closed his jaws. He tilts his head back with one paw on his swelling belly and swallowed lightly to finish you off. The small bulge sinking down his throat and finishing with swelling out his belly a bit more and the opening sealing shut behind you.") wait { MoveObject (player, KevaskousStomach) } } } else { msg ("
You pull yourself free from his swelling cock and the sensation was enough to make the Sergal release right then and there. You scrambled away from him as quickly as you could while he was preoccupied and rush to the door you came in. “I was not ready for you to leave…” he threatened. You slipped out just in time to hear him growl and stare in your general direction. Your heart was racing for a few moments and you had to calm yourself down, perhaps it’s not such a good idea to try your luck with sergals.") MoveObject (player, Bar) } } } } } } else { msg ("You decide against it. He looks a bit...off.") } } ]]>
false Kevaskous's stomach The stomach was a very apparently hostile place. The stomach walls were a deep blue with thick, green slime coating and oozing from the walls in a small amount. The space was cramped, almost skin tight with you now curled up inside. It was hot, and humid, much more so than the throat you slid through earlier. You are surrounded by ") } msg ("
You shifted inside Keva's cramped stomach as you tried to get comfortable. This was made difficult as the stomach proceeded to firmly squeeze over your form as you could feel him rubbing his gut before he pat it and you heard and felt the thumps.”Mmmm…delicious, what a good meal after such a long day.” He pat his gut and stretched a bit. ”It seems you’ll be getting to know me really, really well.” You felt a rush of air escaping above you and a loud belch ringing out from seemingly all around you. The walls tightened up around your body a bit more and then you felt yourself sloshing around gently as your predator shifted positions and got comfortable near the fire. You felt him rubbing over your form patting his stomach now and then. He audibly rumbled which was much louder to you thanks to your current position in his body.

“Mmm…You get to become part of this Sergal’s body cute thing. You weren’t the first, nor will you be the last. If it makes you feel any better you will look quite good on me and I’ll enjoy having you as part of me. You’ll be put to good use, I assure you.” He said with a firm press on his gut, letting out another loud belch tightening the stomach just a bit more around you and making the air thin and hard to breathe. The stomach begins to clench more firmly every now and then and you felt your joints burning a bit, feeling their limits strained as the walls bore down around you and your body started to tingle all over.") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
The walls were intent on compressing you further the longer you remained inside it and his constant rubbing wasn’t helping your situation any. The gurgles and groans now starting to get rather loud in your ears as the walls worked over you, oozing thick slimes over your body and coating you from head to toe. You were having a hard time staying conscious now with the lack of air inside his tight stomach. You heard his heartbeat and breathing slow as he apparently started to drift off. “Mmmm….good night food, will see you in the mirror in the morning.” Before he clearly drifted off entirely, leaving you to digest over the course of the night. You remained awake for what felt like hours, but was really only fifteen minutes or so, with the air now depleted and the walls just short of skin tight you passed out.

The stomach got more eager to process you with you now unconscious and the Sergal asleep. The walls squeezed and churned around your form oozing thick enzymes over your body. Compressing your form further as his stomach shrank and rounded out. If anyone walked in they could perhaps hear the occasional loud groan and growl as the stomach worked on your form over the course of the night. He belched up the last bit of air from your body as the now liquefying remains of your body began to pump into his bowels. The Sergal rolled onto his now much softer belly before rolling to his other side and curling around the shrinking mass.

His stomach steadily flattened out as the night progressed. His stomach gurgled and groaned loudly as it worked on your softened body breaking down and pumping you further through his digestive track. By morning he had gained at least twenty pounds from your processed body. And he began to stir with a loud yawn and a slight grin at the lack of belly he now had. He got up and walked to his room where he stood in the mirror and admired the chubby belly and slightly more plush on his ass which he rubbed over lewdly with a toothy grin. “Well, you did well cute thing, look real good on me, and thank you for your contribution.” He said with a slap to his gut and a snicker.") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
After his morning shower he felt a familiar pang in his bowels and casually sat his now softer rump onto the seat and let out a soft sigh. He gently pushed the last of your remains out from his tight rump over the next few minutes. He sat up cleaning himself off and smirking at what he had done to you and then flushed and went on with his morning. He had gotten very used to that over the years. He took one more look at his figure knowing he’d have to work the fat off once again and planned his workout at the gym later. Walking out of the bathroom he thought no more of you and went about his day.") } msg ("
*You got much too cozy with a devious Sergal…*

by Kevaskous

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You press against the strong and slimy walls of the stomach, pushing out as best you could in your weekend state. All you got was a chuckle as he pushed your hands back into place.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You writhe inside the cramped space, the stomach reciprocating by clenching over your form firmly causing you to groan from being compacted so tightly.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You kick out as hard as you could. The only response you got was Keva rolling onto his belly, rubbing you firmly against the floor and knocking the wind from your lungs for a moment.") } else { msg ("Your weak struggles produces a rumbling chuckle from Keva as he pats his gut firmly and grins a bit.* “You’re not going anywhere food, you might as well get as comfy as you can...”") }
A blue sugar glider, surrounded by quite the assortment of instruments up on a small stage in the corner of the lounge. It looks like he’s about to start a song. Look at Does not smell sweet, despite the name. ") quinnlist = NewStringList() list add (quinnlist, "Clap") list add (quinnlist, "Jeer") ShowMenu ("What would you do?", quinnlist, false) { if (result = "Clap") { msg ("That performance was certainly worth some applause. You clapped, but not too loudly, considering this was still a chill, relaxed space. The sugar glider did a small bow to you, before smiling warmly. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to come around again.” he said, before going back to fiddling with his various instruments.
") } else { msg ("That certainly was a calming performance...but you didn’t like it. The edge was part of the hotel; how dare this performer take it away from you! Accordingly, you stood up in your chair, shaking your fist as you booed the sugar glider. He looked towards you, before frowning and looking to the rest of the people gathered in the lounge. “Sorry folks, give me a minute…” he said calmly, before pointing right at you. All of a sudden, you felt a massive, deafening wave of dizziness wash over you, forcing you to clutch your head as you spiraled right to the ground! It felt like the entire universe was spinning around you at 100 mph, your head felt like it was going to explode, there was so much pressure inside…
") wait { msg ("And then, everything stopped.

You gradually opened your eyes. That spinning sensation was finally gone...but replaced with something else. You felt unbelievably, insignificantly tiny! The bookcases that came up to your chest earlier were now towering skyscrapers, the chair you were sitting in now an insurmountable mountain of pleather. And, most dangerously, the sugar glider you had just insulted was now whale-sized compared to you. And he was stepping over to you.
You tried to run and hide under the leather chair as Quinn loomed over you, but it was impossible to outrun someone so much larger than you. You felt something from behind knock you to the ground, pressing and smushing you into the old, musty carpet beneath you. You weren’t sure exactly what it was, until you heard the sugar glider’s now-booming voice coming from above you.

“Now, a little show of what happens when you don’t appreciate fine music…” the sugar glider said to the small crowd of people gathered in the lounge, now interested as they saw a micro smushed under one of the sugar glider’s paws! You felt one of the beans on Quinn’s paws squishing down even harder on you, another one of his toes squeezing you between them as he picked you up between his beans! The sugar glider chuckled as he played with you using his paws, rolling you around with his toes, squishing you under his pads...it was so hard to tell what was actually going on from your perspective; it was just a dizzying flurry of movement all around you, the light earthy scent of Quinn's paws making everything blend together into an indistinguishable blur of embarrassment…
") wait { msg ("“Aww, all tuckered out?” you heard Quinn tease from high above you, wiggling the toe you were smooshed underneath. He knew that you didn’t have the ability to respond, but still mockingly took your silence as a yes. “Well, too bad, because I’m not even close to finished with you yet…” the sugar glider continued as he leaned over, your world spinning once more as you felt Quinn pinch the back of your shirt and lift you from out between his paws. The air rushed past you at an alarming rate; it felt like you were flying with an open window as Quinn’s jeans rushed right at you! The blue fabric quickly took up your whole field of view as Quinn smushed you up against his jeans, letting out a little squeak-moan as he did so. “Mmh, take a deep breath…” the sugar glider teased as he smooshed you deeper...and then you realized where you were, as you felt something twitch and grow behind the fabric…

You did take a deep breath eventually, and the powerful musk of the sugar glider tickled your nostrils, confirming where you were: mushed right up against the performer’s growing bulge! Thankfully, there was at least the barrier of both (presumably) the underwear Quinn was wearing, and the jeans over that to keep you from getting lost in the sugar glider’s loins, but that musk was still passing through that fabric like it was tissue paper. You could feel it throbbing from behind those barriers, as well, the pace picking up as Quinn rudely ground you up and down the bulge his hardening shaft made. You really were just a toy for the sugar glider at this point - and he was getting a lot of use out of you, that was for sure!
") wait { msg ("Quinn’s grip tightened on your body as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. You could feel his shaft throbbing harder at this point...and you knew that there were quite a few eyes watching this whole spectacle unfold! Thankfully the sugar glider’s hand shielded you from the physical embarrassment, though you could still FEEL all those eyes looking at you. “You’re doing a great job~” Quinn complimented from above as he pressed you deeper into his bulge, the warmth of his length starting to radiate through the fabric and at least making this whole situation a little more comfortable for you...even though as Quinn got hornier and hornier, he started to get more forceful! You thought you were a few seconds away from getting dropped right into his underwear quite a few times, but it seemed that Quinn had other ideas for what to do with you…

The sugar glider's cock was throbbing hard through his pants at this point; you swore you could even feel a bit of a wet spot as well! After all this constant back and forth movement, you were feeling pretty woozy...so, thankfully, Quinn eventually stopped his lewd onslaught on your tiny body. He stepped back onto his platform, smiling as he held your dazed and musky form in one paw. “And now, folks, this little guy will help me with my performance…” the sugar glider said, unable to hold back a snicker as he plopped you down on his little stool and then turned around! It was at this point you noticed that Quinn had quite the long, fluffy tail...and it was getting bigger…!!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("*fwmp.*

“Aaah, keep squirming while I play this next part…” you heard Quinn tease from above you as he smothered you with his butt, the sugar glider grinding his scent even deeper into you as he casually bent over to grab his violin once more! Quinn was clearly still horny from rubbing you all over his bulge, judging by how eager he was to grind his ass all over you. Every breath you took was full of musk and fabric, to the point it made you cough a little bit. You just hoped the sugar glider's performance wouldn't last too much longer before you passed out down here!

Quinn's lovely music drifted into your ears once more...though it was muffled by the presence of his (thankfully soft) rump plastered all over your body. At this size, you thought it would be quite easy for the sugar glider to lose you in his buttcrack or something! At least he was still wearing pants, so you couldn't go too far...even though the violin song was incredibly faint, it was still somewhat calming, even as you were smothered under its owner. It made the whole situation a bit more processable for you...surely Quinn would get done with you eventually and bring you back to normal. I mean, geez, all you did was boo a little bit! It was rude, yeah, but this was all a bit much.

You could feel Quinn’s pucker clenching rhythmically behind his jeans and undies; every clench made his rump cheeks press down just a bit harder on you. Sometimes it knocked the breath out of your lungs, and forced you to get a big breath of the sugar glider’s musk...which was only gradually making the idea of being Quinn’s seat more palpable! Not like you could physically get the sugar glider off of you, but if you lost the mental war, it was definitely over…
") wait { msg ("The music Quinn was playing had gradually blended into the rustling noises of his clothes and the gentle, yet powerful grinding of his rump. It provided an excellent backdrop as you continued getting lungfuls of the sugar glider’s musk...but eventually, you heard the violin’s song slowly come to an end, a startling change to your surroundings; but an even more startling one was coming, as Quinn slowly lifted his rump off of you! Your eyes involuntarily squinted hard as the harsh lights of the lounge once again graced your face, the transition from such powerful darkness to such harsh light giving you a powerful headache. Thankfully, the shade of Quinn leaning over your tiny body made things a lot more palatable, the sugar glider wearing a smile somewhere between comforting and concerning as he looked down at you. “Enjoying yourself, you little troublemaker?” Quinn said, his voice still deep and booming as ever at your size...he gave you a few seconds to reply, even though he certainly couldn’t hear whatever you were going to say, before reaching out and snatching you up once more!
") wait { wait { msg ("His whole hand enclosed you as he lifted you up into the air, surrounding you once more in darkness. You had no idea where you were going to end up at this point; you could only hope that Quinn had decided he was done with you. Judging from how much movement was going on outside the sugar glider’s hand, though, you felt like that probably wasn’t true. Geez, what does this guy have planned next?

Eventually, the sugar glider’s hand opened once more, letting light shine into the little mock cage he made out of his hand. You felt gravity rush all around you as Quinn dropped you out of his grasp!...until you felt yourself jerk back, and looked up to see that the sugar glider once again had you pinched by the back of your shirt. You hadn’t been able to see what was below you in the blur of falling so fast, so you decided to take a look.

Quinn’s maw was wide open. And you were dangling right above it.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("Instantly, you started to kick and squirm a lot more as you realized what the sugar glider was up to. You were NOT going to be a mid-concert snack for this overgrown bat! You thought about slipping off the shirt Quinn was holding you up by for a moment...but if you could even get it off, you would probably just drop into his open mouth regardless. Quinn knew it, too; his mouth started to curl into a smile as he watched you kick and struggle helplessly between his fingers. He could have probably held you there forever if he wanted, waited until you were completely tired before snacking on you. But the sugar glider was hungry.

So in you went.

When Quinn finally let you go, it barely registered to your brain that you were in the air. You were just pinched between his fingertips, and then in the blink of an eye, you were surrounded by wet, smothering darkness. Quinn’s jaws clamped shut behind you as you landed on his tongue, which immediately began to roll you up and allow the sugar glider to suck on you like candy! The undulating flesh pressed on you from all sides, suckling and slurping on you and absolutely smothering you in sticky drool. The constant movement all around you, combined with the absolute lack of light, made you start to become dizzy rather quickly...and unfortunately, with how warm and muggy Quinn’s maw was, that nausea only became more and more prevalent as time went on.
") wait { msg ("You felt the tongue squish you up against something solid, but still as wet and spongy and sloppy as the tongue was. Eventually, you figured out that it was Quinn’s cheek, your small body forming a little bulge in the sugar glider’s mouth as he suckled and slurped all over your body, absolutely soaking your clothes (and the rest of you…) in slobber. The chamber of his mouth shook and rumbled around you as Quinn enjoyed your taste, the sugar glider letting out a long “mmmmmmhhhh…” as he pushed you up against his cheek wall, slurping as much of your flavor out of you as possible. Did you really taste this good!?

You must have, if Quinn was taking this long to savor you...well, it was either that or he was just playing around with you in his mouth while he finished his little concert. It was tough to hear over the sloppy, wet noises of his mouth and all that drool, but you could make out a bit of that same violin once more. It looked like Quinn was just...going ahead with his performance at this point, not paying any more mind to you outside of being a fun little snack to play with while he finished up his song. It’s about what you were to the crowd as well at this point.

Quinn’s assault on your body was unrelenting for what felt like hours. Drool had soaked into every crevice of your body, and you felt like an almost-finished jawbreaker. You tried numerous times to fight back against the sugar glider’s tongue, but the powerful muscle just tossed all your blows aside like nothing.

But eventually, the music came to an end. Or at least, you thought it came to an end. You felt your enclosure slowly tip back, and Quinn’s tongue release its hold on you...only to let you slowly slide back in his mouth, inches from his hungry, waiting gullet. You grabbed and tried to get a hold of Quinn’s tongue, but everything was so slippery and wet inside his maw, that it was impossible to get any purchase. You felt the sugar glider’s throat clench around your foot...and then, in the snap of a finger, you were gone.
") wait { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("*glrk!*

Quinn let everyone see his neck as the bulge you made inside slowly made its way further into his body, squirming and wiggling all the way as you tried to at least get comfortable inside; a tall order, considering you were being assailed on all ends by tight, hot throat flesh funneling you deeper into Quinn’s digestive tract. The sugar glider’s head returned to its normal position as you disappeared behind his collarbone, the sugar glider setting his violin down and taking a bow as he finished up his performance.
") wait { MoveObject (player, QuinnStomach) } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false Quinn's stomach ]]> You are surrounded by That extended tasting session in Quinn’s mouth had already drained so much of your energy. Slumping against the soft belly walls and bathing in that warm, tingly juice was starting to sound like a better and better idea as time went on. You had tried your best to escape, but the only real opportunity you would have was slipping back up the way you came...and that was impossibly daunting. Like scaling a slippery, fleshy mountain. You had attempted to pry open the sphincter to freedom more than once at this point, but those muscles were designed to keep you inside, and they were damn good at their job.") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It was useless. Everything you had done was useless. Quinn had probably already forgotten about his little snack at this point; you didn’t even know what the sugar glider was doing. Maybe he was playing another show, maybe he was taking a nap. All you knew is that he was DIGESTING, and doing it well. Most of your body was either tingling or had gone completely numb at this point; you felt your eyelids becoming heavier with each passing second, just keeping them open or moving around was beginning to feel like such...like such an event. Something you had to plan and work towards. Meanwhile, Quinn’s body was just doing what it did with food. Mushing you up, rubbing those tingly digestive enzymes into your body...treating you like food. Because you were food. Actually, you were a snack.

At some point, you passed out. You didn’t know when, and Quinn didn’t know when either. All he heard was a gentle *gglllrrrssshhh…* from his stomach as it processed you into chyme, and all he felt was a little emptiness in his gut - which he quickly filled with a hearty dinner. What was left of you was mixed up and gurgled with the rest of the sugar glider’s meals, and ended up contributing a little bit to Quinn’s waistline. He’d probably need to stop snacking on the job, or else he might have to go on a diet…

**You got what hecklers deserve.**

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The sugar glider could barely feel you kicking around inside -- and even if he did, it wouldn’t be anything more than a tickle.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You tried to work your way over to one of the stomach walls, but you kept slipping and getting covered in gross stomach slime.") } else { msg ("Quinn rubbed at his gut a little bit, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he remembered your lovely taste.") } ]]>
false A blue, alien-looking creature. Look at
At first, the creature was turned away from you, but only a few moments later, as if on cue, they turned around, a look of slight annoyance on their visor as they stared up at you. “...can I help you?” they asked. It looked like you might have been interrupting them or something, but you just blurted out an answer to their question without even thinking. “Y-you smell really nice!” You said, your face suddenly turning red as you realized exactly what you had done!
") wait { msg ("You were preparing to just slink away in shame, before you saw the expression on the visor change to something a bit more upbeat. “Oh, do I now?~” they said, their voice perking up a little bit. “Well, that's rather nice of you to say. I'd hang out for a little while longer, but I actually need to get back to my room...maybe you can come by~”

The creature extended an arm, inside of which was a room key. You somewhat hesitantly took the key and put it in your pocket. “The name is Noryu, by the way.” he said, before getting up out of the lounge chair and walking past you, that fruity aroma following him out the door…
") MakeObjectInvisible (Noryu) AddToInventory (NoryuKey) } ]]>
false Noryu's bowels You are surrounded by ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It seemed like you were never going to reach the protogen's stomach. Noryu intended to keep you right here and digest you right in his bowels! They were certainly capable of doing it, judging from how much tingling you were feeling all over your body. It was getting tough to stay conscious at this point...everything around you felt so tight, so hot, so overpowering, it was siphoning your energy so fast. Maybe you could just...take a nap. For now. You could deal with this when you...woke up…

Noryu had a little bit of drool dribble down his chin as his belly glutted and churned and started working over you for real. He could practically FEEL your form melting away inside of his bowels, turning into nothing but a nice, nutritious stew for his body to absorb. And what a place to absorb all of that soup! Deep in Noryu's guts, your digested remains could get absorbed nice and quick.

According to that, the protogen's belly shrank quite a bit faster than it would if you were in his stomach. That didn't mean Noryu enjoyed the digestion less, though; he still purred and chirred and massaged at his gut as you finished up, having a first row seat to your transformation into protogen pudge! He watched as his swollen belly slowly shrank, whatever defined bulges you made inside of him slowly rounding and softening up as they made the transition into more luscious pudge and muscle. Maybe if you were a little bit more receptive initially, you wouldn't have ended up on that ass that had smothered you so...

*You were a little bit wishy-washy...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Noryu's bowels took your blows in stride, squeezing you every time you tried to squirm.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Is that the best you can do?\" the protogen taunted, smooching his belly and making it even tighter inside.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Every time you tried to push backwards, those slimy bowels grabbed an even tighter hold and lurched forward!") } else { msg ("You could barely put up any sort of fight against the protogen's guts.") }
false Noryu's bowels You are surrounded by ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("AVexit.mp3", false, false) } msg ("The passage of time inside Noryu had started to all blend together. It felt like you had been in here for hours! You had gotten used to the relatively calm surroundings in here, but suddenly, you felt the bowel walls start to clench and ripple once more...only this time, it was in the opposite direction! It took a while to get moving, but soon you felt yourself being pushed back the way you came, albeit at a slower rate than when you were shoved up in here. \"Mmm, getting started on the return trip…\" you heard Noryu say, his hands working over his gut as it started to work over you once more, getting on the process of sending you back out…

Another few hours passed, or at least, that's what it felt like. Everything was really starting to blend together for you, and the constant motion all over your body was starting to make you feel a bit numb. It was a bit of sensory overload, getting constantly worked over on every part of your body...it made you feel tired. Really tired. Maybe you had already been drifting in and out of sleep at this point...it was that hard to tell.

When you finally got pushed out of Noryu's rump, it came as a surprise. You couldn't see any sunlight or anything, considering your feet were the first things out. It was just, you felt your feet surrounded by wet flesh at one point, and the next, they were cold and wet and free. Noryu grunted as he pushed you out, your body sliding inch by inch back out onto his bed, a lot slimier and tired than when you went in, for sure! You took this opportunity to enjoy that fruity aroma one more time, taking quite a few whiffs of it as your body continued to slide out. The squeeze went down your legs, your belly, your shoulders...until, with a wet *plp*, the light of the room shone into your eyes once more, your head sliding out from between Noryu's cheeks and landing on the (thankfully soft) mattress.

You just lay there for a few moments, before the protogen's head leaned over you, a blushy smile showing on his visor. \"Heh, you smell like me now...~\" Noryu teased, taking a deep breath of your scent himself…
") firsttime { msg ("\"Here, for being such a nice buttsnack, have this thing I found!\" the protogen said, before placing a token on your chest, his visor lighting up. \"Come back whenever~\"") AddToInventory (Room 29 Token) TokenCall } wait { MoveObject (player, fifth floor) } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You wiggled a little bit inside of Noryu, attempting to give the protogen a bit of a massage.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You rubbed against the bowel walls the best you could; it seemed like Noryu appreciated it!") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The intestinal walls around you continued to clench and pull you deeper, but in a bit more gentle fashion.") } else { msg ("You nuzzled against Noryu's gut walls a little bit.") }
false Look at
On closer inspection, you see a {object:Rusted Key} lodged between one of the books.") MakeObjectVisible (Rusted Key) } otherwise { msg ("A tall bookshelf with all sorts of books lining its shelves.") } ]]>
false A rusty iron key. ") wait { MoveObject (player, Dungeon) } } otherwise { MoveObject (player, Dungeon) } ]]>
You enter the hotel’s kitchen. Pacing around between the counters and refrigerators is a large pear-shaped cow, wearing a flowery apron and nothing else.") ]]> Look at false You approach the cow, meaning to ask a question; but he gracefully spins around before you can ask, not spilling a drop of wine from the large glass he was holding. His big udder sways, bouncing around from the momentum of the spin, a bit of milk dripping out of his four teats. “Aaaaah, yes, good! For cooking well, you do need the FINEST ingredients, mmmmhm,” he said, and grinned like he was letting you in on a little joke. “And you do look quite FINE indeed, ah hah!” He chuckled, then chugged the rest of his wine and slammed the glass down on the counter. “Now, let me show you how to make some fine quality milk! Or perhaps I should just help myself to a nibble of the raw ingredients, eh, my little cookie dough? I am a bit peckish myself!”

He floats over to you and before you can back out of the kitchen, he grabs you! His hooves hold you tightly but without pinching. It’s a firm and practiced grip of a chef handling a premium cut of meat. “Now now, do NOT move around too much! You may affect the final product!” he gently chides you. He pulls you in close, squeezing you against his big warm pillowy body. The flimsy apron rides up between you two. He teasingly rubs his udder against you, the smooth skin slipping over yours.

==PRESS ANY KEY TO TRY AND ESCAPE!==") wait { random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } msg ("
“I’m sorry dear, but the cooking lesson will HAVE to wait, I am just too famished to resist you!” He yawns his mouth open wide above your head. He is indeed very eager to eat you; a whole flood of drool from his watering mouth splashes down over your face. With a deep grunt, he shoves his head down over yours. His jaws clamp around you. Broad flat teeth hold your chest in place as he slaps and slathers his tongue over your head, pulling out all the flavours he can. “MmmmmMMMM!” he groans. The sound booms around you, echoing up from his throat and into his mouth. He pulls you up, and your face is squished against the back of his throat. Heavy folds of wet inner walls wrap around you as you’re pushed in deeper.

You can hear his stomachs gurgling in anticipation of their meal, a deep dark rumble that tells you just how powerful his digestive system is. He grabs onto your butt and shoves it in, your head moving further down into his throat. It’s tight and dark, and he moans in satisfaction as he feels you stretch out his neck. Another shove, and your face is right at the entrance to his stomachs. A burst of gas puffs past you as the stomach valve opens. He belches crudely around his mouthful of your thighs, *BLLLECH!* He pushes in your feet past his big slobbery lips, and gulps! That’s it: you’re totally cow chow. Your legs and feet splurt out of the valve and join the rest of you, all curled up in his spacious first stomach. ") wait { MoveObject (player, EliStomach1) } } else if (random = 2) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("
He shoves you down to his udder. A teat rubs against your face, and he coos. “You seem like a bright one, do you know how milk is made? It’s done with a lot of love and care…” He places one hoof behind your head and presses you against the teat. It squishes and opens up, covering your face in hot milk. He presses again, and your whole head just slides right into that teat! He gasps in excitement as you’re squeezed through into the bigger udder, letting out girlish giggles as he keeps on feeding you into his greedy milk factory. “And I LOVE turning little snacks like you into my thick creamy milk!”

Inside his udder, the walls are bubblegum pink, an innocent look for an organ that wants to melt you down. It smells like vanilla ice cream. A deep pool of milk sits at the bottom of the udder. Your face is pushed right into it as he slides you in. The tight nipple somehow stretches to fit you, but it’s like a tight rubber band moving and rubbing over your entire body. Eventually, your feet pop in, and you’re trapped in his big fat udder. You’re forced to curl up as you’re completely sucked inside. He sighs and rubs his udder, and you can feel his hooves pressing against you. “Ooooh yes, you’ll be a big load of milk soon!’") wait { MoveObject (player, EliUdder) } } else { msg ("You manage to dance out of the way of the cow’s grasp. He doesn’t seem to mind, laughing and going back to his wine. “Ah well, some food is just TOO fresh! See you sometime later, dearie, when you’re ready to serve!”") MoveObject (player, Bar) } } ]]>
false Eli's first stomach The tangy scent of wine mixes with the danker odours, and you splash around in his wet tummy. “Oooh *BLUUURRRCH* my, I was a bit hungrier than I thought! Thank you for filling me up!” He walks around the kitchen and you’re sloshed around, slipping against the slick wrinkly walls. The walls squeeze around you, rubbing slimy cow juices over your body. You are surrounded by ") } SetTimeout (20) { msg ("") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
Your squirming only seems to get more juices flowing. The walls push harder, and harder, and then you feel your feed slurp in to the small valve at the bottom of the stomach. The stomach contracts tight and squeeeezes you into the second chamber of the cow’s digestive tract. A huge BRRRAAALLEEELLCHHH! booms above you, and slimier noises are made as the stomach adjusts to such a large meal in its second chamber. You hear him laugh and rub his belly. “My, you are just moving right through me! What an eager meal!”") wait { MoveObject (player, EliStomach2) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } ]]>
false Eli's second stomach You are surrounded by ") } msg ("
After working you over, the entrance to the third chamber lazily opens, and the second chamber basically deflates, shoving you in. Here it’s a lot stickier. The stomach fluids cling to you and almost glue you into a lump, a big morsel of food for the cow. This chamber rhymically kneeds you, like your toothpaste in a tube getting squeezed towards the top. But the valve to the final stomach stays closed, for now.") wait { MoveObject (player, EliStomach3) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You kick at the inside of the belly, and the cow grunts. “Ooof! I do like a lively meal, but you are taxing me! Please just settle down and digest in there, like good food should.”") } else { msg ("All the struggling just tires you out and gets you more coated in the thick stomach juices.") }
false Eli's third stomach You are surrounded by ") } msg ("
The final stomach pulls you in, sucking you through the last valve like a drink through a straw. You’re tossed into a tight, churning cauldron. The cow feels you move in, and gently pats his gut. You’re so deep in you can barely feel it. “Ah, now it is time for you to churn up like the good meal you are. Delightful to meet you, even moreso to eat you! Ha, I joke…” You soon lose consciousness as you’re digested in the tight, dank inner pit. You melt away into a thick soup. Eventually the valve at the bottom opens up, and you drain into his long winding intestines.

The big cow chef happily hums to himself as he putters about his kitchen, feeling you slog through his long bowels as a heavy sludge. He keeps stroking his belly, murmuring pleased sounds. “Oooh, you feel so good. Such a delectable little treat…” he softly says down to his bulging gut. A few more belches escape as the last breaths of his meal bubbled up through his digestive tract. “Mmm, a delightful finish on a gourmet dish. Wish I could eat you again, dearie…” You kept him full for the rest of the day as he worked in the kitchen, with the other staff all staring jealously at the big swell you made in his belly. Hard to tell if they were jealous of him, or you...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
Eventually you reach the end, like all food. He feels the pressure in his hind end, and goes off to the washroom to dump your leftovers out. At least he’s sure to wash his hands afterwards.") } msg ("
*You were a little too curious on how catering works around here...*

by Eddie

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("You squirm around, and your feet brush against the valve at the bottom of his stomach. It lets out a bubble of gas from deeper in his guts, a noisy reminder of your continuing trip to the center of the chef.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
false Eli's udder The udder feels like a sweeter, more thin stomach. A bubbling sound immediately starts beneath you when you arrive. More milk starts filling the udder, and soon it’s up against your armpits. “Oooh, it’s so nice to have home cooking, isn’t it? You just sit tight and let my udder do its magic on you, sweet thing. Soon you’ll be just SO delicious…” You are surrounded by It’s like a hot tub. Bubbling hot milk flowing around you, coating you and working into your skin, splashes of it getting on your face and into your mouth. It tastes so sweet, and feels so relaxing, it’s easy to just go limp and float in it...") if (game.sound = 1) { } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You feel yourself becoming quite warm. Warm and fuzzy. And everything just feels so good, so pleasing, everything is just great… And you realize you’re sinking further beneath the milk, and you don’t mind, and you can feel yourself mixing in and flowing around and swirling in, and it feels so natural… And, with a last little *plip!* of a bubble popping on the surface, you’re milk! The cow puts his hooves underneath his udder and hoists it up, shaking it to feel the milk slosh around in there with nothing solid left at all. “Oooh, and that’s that! Glad I could teach you how milk is made, sweetie!”

Soon, he grabs some bottles out from underneath the counter. “Hope you’re ready to come out dearie, this is my FAV-ourite part…” He puts one bottle up to a teat, and starts squeezing out his fresh-made milk. Little gasps and groans escape his lips as he works you all out, a new bottle for each teat. The pleasure of milking himself really gets him hot and bothered, panting at squirting all of you out. Soon all four are full, and the exhausted cow puts them all in the fridge. “You’ll be a real hit at breakfast tomorrow, dearie!” he chuckles before slamming the fridge door.
") msg ("
*You've always wanted to see how milk got made...right?*

by Eddie

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
udder walls false Slimy, yet a bit rough, and dripping with sweet cream... Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You twist and struggle, but the udder just joyfully bounces around you and the cow laughs. “Haha, my sweet butter, you’re not escaping my churn!”") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("You kick against the wall. It’s strong and rubbery, and all you manage to do is bounce your milky prison around with you inside. Do you want to be a milkshake?") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You try to push yourself out through the teat, but it’s sealed tight. The cow pinches the teat from the outside just to mock you. “No no, you’re not getting squirted out until you’re good and ready!”") } else { msg ("You squirm around in there, but find no way out. All you get for your troubles is some of the milk in your mouth. It does taste delicious, though. Nice and sweet, with a hint of…you...") }
A donut. Look at Give Drop Look at Take Eat A perfectly-cooked, juicy steak. Look at Drop Give msg ("You set down the steak on a plate in front of Ash, before stepping back and out of the way. Around the corner, you peeked and watched as the hyena let out a big yawn, before looking down at the steak and scarfing it up in one bite! Ash started to gnaw and chew on the meat, more than distracted and allowing you to sneak past the hyena.") MakeExitVisible (FifthFloor2Ent) Ash.fed = 1 RemoveObject (steak) Look at Open A small drawer, which seems to be cracked open. false It contains Look at Use Drop Open Close A big bottle of pinkish fluid.
approach approach "You can't approach " + object.article + "." The room token for Room 10. false Look at Drop The room token for Room 9. Look at Drop The room token for Room 7. Look at Drop The room token for Room 4. Look at Drop false false The room token for Room 3. Look at Drop The room token for Room 2. Look at Drop false The room token for Room 8. false Look at Drop The room token for Room 16. Look at Drop The room token for Room 29. Look at Drop The room token for Room 17. Look at Drop The room token for Room 30. false Look at Drop The room token for Room 36. false Look at Drop The room token for Room 25. Look at Drop The room token for Room 11. feedtail feed tail "You can't feed tail " + object.article + "." crawlinto crawl into "You can't crawl into " + object.article + "." false You are on the msg ("Wow...there is a *very* loud room on this floor. Wonder where the noise is coming from...") false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 26) false
“Oh! I didn't expect company. sorry about that, haha...” the possum said as she started to adjust herself on the couch, eventually making enough room for a second person. She patted a few times at the space she had made, ushering you over. “Well? Come here and chill out for a while…”
") ]]>
A soft, cute opossum girl! Look at false 0 You made your way over, taking your spot and sinking into the softness of the couch. It was quite nice to get some time to relax...“Hey, do you like Parks and Rec?” the opossum asked as she grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels…

The two of you just enjoyed some television for a while, the lights off and a big blanket sprawled out across the couch. It was warm, cozy, and overall quite friendly! Not exactly what you expected from walking into a stranger's room, but you certainly wouldn't complain about it. Throughout your conversation, you learned that your new friend’s name was Judith, and she was in town to visit her boyfriend; but she needed to get a hotel room for a couple days until he got back from a business trip. So she was feeling a bit lonely. The two of you gradually started to get closer, both in a metaphorical and physical sense...Judith was starting to nudge and cuddle up against you, laying her head on your shoulder, other little affectionate things like that. It was honestly kind of cute!") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("Licks.wav", false, false) } msg ("
You soon returned the favor, snuggling up against her soft, pudgy form as the TV flickered in front of both of you. “Oh, cutie~” she said as she felt the mutual affection, snuggling up against you even more. The affection continued, until out of nowhere, she leaned over and planted a smooch right on your cheek! It felt...kind of weird. Almost like your face was tingling in a way? Definitely an odd sensation, but it kind of felt nice in its own way… “Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to be so forward…” Judith said as she watched the strange expression changing on your face as you decided whether or not you liked this. “...Oh, no, it actually felt kind of nice!” you eventually responded, turning and giving her a friendly smile to reassure her that she wasn't overstepping any boundaries. She blushed a little bit, before a smile cracked across her face. “Well, in that case…”

You could never have hoped to be ready for what was about to happen next as you felt Judith wrap her arms around your neck, pulling your face up against hers. She instantly went right for your lips, letting out a wet, sloppy smooching sound as she kissed you firmly! That tingling sensation on your cheek was now on your lips as well, and it was starting to feel a bit stronger...it felt really nice…

She pulled away from your embrace for a moment, before flying back in with another barrage of smooches. They were sloppy and warm and wet, but you still enjoyed them, wrapping your arms around her as well as she planted smooches on your cheeks, your nose, your lips, practically everywhere on your face. It all felt so nice, so tingly, and your head was starting to swim with pleasure. Your eyelids slid over your eyes, and your expression started to turn to a dopey smile as Judith continued her assault of affection. You feltl her tongue starting to drag over your face, leaving a thick coating of her sticky spit behind...objectively, it was a bit gross, but in the heat of the moment you still enjoyed it so much!

“Aww, you’re so adorable all flustered like that~” Judith whispered in your ear as she kept up her loving. Your whole face was tingling at this point, and your mind continues to be clouded with lovely thoughts about this opossum. Her embrace was so soft, her kisses were so lovely, even her tongue felt so nice against your face…“Want to go a bit further?” you heard her ask eventually as she pulled back a little bit, her snout poking against your nose as a wide smile spread across it.") judylist = NewStringList() list add (judylist, "Yes") list add (judylist, "No") list add (judylist, "Go for it") ShowMenu ("Go further?", judylist, false) { if (result = "Yes") { msg ("
“Yes.” Of course you wanted to. All of this was so great so far, and you couldn't wait to see you what the opossum had in store for you. “Lovely~” was all she said before she closed her eyes, and you closed yours, both of you leaning in for what would no doubt be a passionate and deep kiss…

And then you felt something warm and wet slip gently over your nose. In the moment you were too infatuated with Judith to really question these new sensations, so you had no chance of realizing what the opossum had in store for you. The wetness in question was the tip of her mouth, slowly opening and spreading across your face! A blast of warm, heady opossum breath blowed across your face as she exhales, but even though it smelled quite acidic. dank, and strong, you didn't care. You were so enjoying everything Judith had to offer, that you didn't care what she was doing to you at this point. So as her grip tightened around you, and she gradually started to lift you up while her jaws continued to climb over your head and neck, you didn't do anything other than give a cursory wiggle. As her tongue splattered against your face, you even gave it a soft little smooch. The embrace of her mouth was even nicer than her smooches, and you just knew that she was going to do something that the both of you would enjoy immensely…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Your face was pressed against her tongue nice and firm as her jaws closed around your neck, Judith feeding more of you into her mouth until your head bumped up against the back of her throat. It was honestly a secret fantasy of yours, being eaten; but you never had the will to go through with it until now. It all felt so much easier; all your inhibitions and your instinct of self-preservation had gradually faded away. You wanted to be a good meal for Judith, to add to those soft curves that had attracted you so...and she was making sure that was going to happen!


You felt her tight throat eagerly accept your head, that one swallow sinking you neck deep into her hungry gullet. The walls squeezed and constantly pulled you down, the motions of peristalsis making sure that you would get to your next destination without delay. Outside, Judith lifted up her meal a bit more, slathering her tongue on your chest and slipping it underneath your shirt. You could tell from the noises she was making that she quite enjoyed your taste! It was wonderful that you were getting to be such a satisfying meal for this opossum…

She swallowed again before too long, her throat easily expanding around and consuming your shoulders without much trouble. Your arms were bound somewhat uncomfortably to your sides now that your shoulders were stuck in her throat, and the only thing you could really do on the way down at this point was wiggle and squirm in her tight embrace. The opossum enjoyed these sensations immensely, rubbing against the bulge you made in her throat and letting out a pleased groan as you continue to travel down down into the belly of the beast…") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("
Another wet gulp. Another few inches, maybe even a foot of you sunk into her throat. All that was left of you were your legs, and you could feel her rough tongue getting a good taste of your more sensitive areas...! What was forefront in your mind, though, was the new chamber your head had been pushed out into. It was still dark, but a lot more acidic than her breath; it was wet, soaking, even, but most importantly, it was loud. The gurgling and groaning of her belly as it accepted you surrounded you entirely, the noises quite abrasive, but also comforting in an odd way...as you slipped out into her belly, you felt your mind starting to clear up a little bit. You hadn't been exposed to Judith's hypnotic saliva in awhile, and now its effects were starting to wear off…

Judith slurped up the last of your legs like noodles, holding them in her mouth for a few seconds to get the last of your taste before sending them down with a nice, loud *glrrup!*. That swallow pushed a lot of you out into her stomach, forcing you to curl up somewhat in the belly as it rumbled and pushed against you. And now, you were at a crossroads. The sensation of being curled up in her gut was quite nice, but as your mind started to clear and you became able to think rationally again, there simply was no alternative! If you didn't get out of here, you would be her curves within a few hours! And, despite how hot that idea was, you could not let your libido get in the way of staying alive. So as the last of you slinked into her hungry, messy gut, slimy with thick fluids and bits of digested slop, you started to squirm in earnest, pressing out against the belly walls with all your strength, trying to pry open the sphincter, whatever it would take to free yourself…") wait { MoveObject (player, JudithStomach) } } } } else if (result = "No") { msg ("
Somehow, even with your thoughts densely clouded by your infatuation with Judith, you managed to refuse her offer. Her expression turned a bit sour, before she slipped away from the embrace. “Well...geez. Jerk! Leading me on like that…” she muttered as she adjusted her position on the couch. “If you're going to be like that, then I think you can just start kissing something else instead…” she said before you felt her push you right onto the ground! It was quite the forceful push, but with how low you already were to the ground and how soft the carpet was, you were only momentarily dazed and caught off guard by the sudden aggression. Before you could open your eyes, though, you felt something soft squish down heavily on to your face...") wait { msg ("
You opened your eyes, but that didn't help much. All you really saw was a vaguely pink darkness in front of you, bordered by a sliver of the hotel room that wasn't blotched out. Whatever was on top of you, it felt soft and smooth, but still vaguely fleshy... the strangest thing, though, was that whatever was pressing on you was pressing down quite firmly. Almost like it was expecting something from you. Eventually, you heard a voice come from above you. “Well? Get to smooching!” you heard Judith command, as you felt whatever was on top of you starting to wiggle and grasp. It was then that you realized that you had been shoved underneath her paws!

Opossum paws were quite different from what you had imagined. They were mostly fleshy, and the toes curled tightly over your head...there was even an opposable toe, grabbing roughly at your neck! It really felt like she could just pick up your whole body with her foot paws at any time... and she probably would if you didn’t get to obeying her. You weren't really into this, but considering that she seemed to be a bit annoyed by you turning her down, it would probably be best to follow her demands. You pursed your lips before giving a soft smooch to the middle of her sole, pulling your tongue away the best you could so you didn't have to taste it much. Rather than being overpowered with an odor of sweat or dirt or something like that, her paws were actually quite pleasing to the senses; soft, with a light scent, and nothing that would overpower the taste...maybe this wasn't so bad after all!

“That's more like it, dork!” you heard Judith say from above, a bit more agreeable now that you were servicing her in some way. You kept on smooching those soft soles, putting as much effort as you possibly could into it, even reaching around to press them against your face harder. You didn't imagine yourself as a foot slut, but you were actually enjoying this a little bit...you could feel her toes curling tight around your head, pushing you around and playing with you a little bit as you continued smooching and licking at her paws. Her play was a bit forceful, and she was still squishing you quite firmly with her toes, but you felt like this was the most agreeable thing she could have done to you in these circumstances...") wait { msg ("
You continued your impromptu servicing session for a little while, before you felt her push you with her paws again. It was a bit more forceful of a shove this time, and shortly after you felt her toes release their grip from your head. “Now, get out of here!” you heard Judith say, pointing straight for the door. You got up and walked out quietly, wondering if you had made the right choice with her.") wait { MoveObject (player, fifth floor) } } } } else { msg ("You didn't even want to wait for Judith to make the first move. As soon as she asked, you instantly wrapped up the possum in an even tighter hug and planting a wet, long kiss right on her lips! Judith’s eyes closed as she reciprocated your embrace, pulling you into a deep makeout session, her own lips starting to press back against yours, her tongue starting to slip deep into your mouth. It was wonderful, heavenly, everything you wanted…

And it was over as soon as it began.

Judith broke away from the kiss a few seconds later; but it was not out of disgust or second-guessing how much she was into you. The look on her face was clearly that of unbridled lust. “Hhff...I know somewhere else you can put those lips to use~” she teased before getting up from the couch, breaking away from your hug as her sultry voice continued pleasuring your ears. “Just lay down and let a big poss have her way with you~” she said; and you complied almost instantaneously, getting down on the couch with your face up to the ceiling. You watched out of the corner of your eye as Judith slowly turned around, revealing a wonderful, curvy pair of asscheeks barely contained by some pink panties; and those weren’t staying around for very long either. She slipped them down her legs almost immediately, making a big show of letting you see her cheeks bounce out of the tiny fabric that was restraining them. You were getting so excited already at the prospect of what you thought Judith was implying - using those lips on a nice, thick poss ass!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("A shadow was cast over you as Judith's plump rear begun to align itself with where you were sitting. The poss made a big show of showing her rump off, wiggling and stroking it as she slowly descended upon your face. “Have fun down there…” you heard her voice say from above you before everything went dark, Judith eagerly smothering your whole face with her butt, your nose wedging itself right between her cheeks. Her musk was already quite strong, earthy and sweet and filling your head with its pheromones; it drove you to go deeper. Your tongue snaked out of your mouth without you even thinking about it, and you heard a heavenly moan come from above you as you slurped right across Judith’s pucker.

“Mmmph, keep that up~” she teased as she pressed her ass down harder on you, your tongue slipping past her relaxed pucker right up into her ass! You couldn’t see, but Judith was starting to get off, her right hand clasped tight around her throbbing-hard cock, her arousal starting to make the possum a bit more proactive with what she wanted. She continued to press her rump further down on you, trying to get your eager tongue buried as deep in her ass as possible..!

Even though Judith was starting to get a bit pushier, you were more than willing to comply with her wishes. Her musk just smelled so good, and it tasted great as well! In the moment, Judith could have asked you to do anything and you would say yes. After all, you were the one who started all this!
") wait { msg ("Pre started to dribble from the tip of Judith’s cock as she got closer and closer to orgasm, the possum starting to become quite bossy as an orgasm neared. “Get...deeper!” she shouted, pressing her ass down even harder on you, making it hard to breathe as you ate her out as hard as you could. “Hhhngh, you’ll make my ass even fatter…” she teased as she stroked as fast as she could. Clearly, Judith was thinking about more than your tongue sliding up in her...but, in the moment, that was totally fine. Super hot, even! Becoming part of the cheeks and musk that had allured you so…

Suddenly, you heard the thick possum above you cry out in pleasure. Thick ropes of possum spunk shot out of her twitching, throbbing cock and splattered across the floor in front of the couch...it was clear that Judith was quite pent up just from how much she splashed on the carpet alone! The fluid was thick, goopy, full of her spicy musk, and got everywhere so fast. For a passing moment, you wished you had some in your mouth even!

You had a mouthful of possum anyways, though. And even more than that, as Judith's ass was uncompromising even as she was in the throes of orgasm; constantly pressing down on your face, coaxing you deeper between her cheeks, her pucker starting to spread over and swallow up your nose along with your tongue and lips. Even as you heard Judith’s moans change from those of orgasm to those of afterglow, she just kept the pressure of her ass up…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("Then, her ass relaxed. And your whole head slipped inside of it.

The possum’s giggles reverberated around you as her ass swallowed up your entire head, wet, sloppy noises coming from all sides as her anal flesh clenched tight around you, sucking you deeper into her bowels. This was definitely what she was after all along, turning you into a buttsnack!...and you were totally okay with it. Why wouldn’t you be? By being crammed up Judith’s rear end, you were getting up close and personal with the deepest, most powerful musk her body could create. It was heavenly - every breath was like cotton candy, just full of that wonderful odor and taste - and so thick, too! You simply NEEDED to get more…

Judith still had one hand on her dripping cock as she clenched and pulled you deeper into her rump - every squirm you made felt so wonderful, eliciting small huffs and making her dick twitch whenever you moved. “Hhf, get up there already, butt snack~” the possum teased before clenching hard, her pucker swallowing up your shoulders and starting to move down over your chest as well. The heat deep inside of the possum was palpable, and only seemed to get hotter the deeper you went inside of her...you weren’t sure if it was because of her body heat or just how horny she was, but regardless, it was absolutely sweltering, and you were loving it. Eventually, you felt the world around you start to shake and tremble, Judith getting into a more comfortable position on the couch, resting her head on one of the pillows and sprawling her legs out so she could watch the rest of you disappear up her ass. “Just...a bit more…~” she managed to say between breathy moans, rubbing at the bulge you were starting to make in her belly, twitching and growing as more of you made your way into her bowels. Her cock rubbed and grinded against the bulge as you moved, occasionally leaking a few more drops of poss cum from the excitement. Judith wasn’t physically spent in terms of cum, but she was definitely spent in terms of energy...so while she could have jerked off again, she preferred to just watch her body slowly suck more of you inside of her, the possum’s belly starting to churn as it got more of you inside of it. Judith was starving, and her body wanted to get you inside its stomach as fast as possible!
") wait { msg ("In accordance with that, another clench sucked you waist-deep into the possum’s bowels, the hot walls squeezing rhythmically, rippling around you and pulling you deeper. At this point, you were surrounded by complete darkness, and your hearing was overtaken completely by the burbling of Judith’s digestive tract. Everything about this lovely, buxom possum was starting to blend together the longer you were stuck inside of her. At least you could still wiggle your legs...that is, until, with a clench and a loud moan you could still hear clearly even from 3 ft deep in the possum’s ass, Judith swallowed up all of your legs, leaving nothing but your feet drooping outside of her!

“Gods...keep that up, hun~” the possum moaned as she felt you suddenly stretching out the deepest parts of her guts. Every turn you made in the maze of her bowels elicited a loud moan from Judith; it was such a hedonistic pleasure, and she was loving every bit of it. There wasn’t much left for her to slurp up, so she took her time; as you squirmed deep in her small intestine, tickled by the villi all over your body, she kept teasing your feet, clenching around them and then letting them go riiight before they slipped inside for good. Eventually, though, the possum just couldn’t take it; or, rather, her belly couldn’t. It growled and grumbled, even as you were mere inches away from curling up inside of it. So the possum clenched one last time...and, with a wet, satisfying *shhhhlorp*, you were nothing but a bulge in poss guts.
") wait { msg ("Judith’s head reared back as she felt the last of you slip inside of her, the possum letting out a long, drawn-out sigh as she had finished her end of the deal. You, on the other hand, would be sloshing and pushing through her deepest guts for what felt like hours, the gurgling of her stomach getting louder, more impatient, and more ominous, until eventually, her bowels forced your head out into the pit of her stomach. Churning, acidic, and impatient. The sharp acidic smell of her belly hit you immediately, and made you realize just how different this would be from her relatively-calm, if hot and tight, bowels. Those walls squeezed around you like a tube of toothpaste, rudely pushing you out into the tight chamber of the possum’s stomach. Quickly, you realized you would have to curl up to fit in here - and thankfully, the walls were stretchy enough to accommodate you as you tried to get comfortable.
") wait { Judith.AV = 1 MoveObject (player, JudithStomach) } } } } } } } } } ]]>
false Judith's stomach You are surrounded by ") } } ]]> Judith had been shoving and rubbing at you for at least a half-hour at this point. Your struggles had become weaker and weaker, the stomach quickly sapping and draining your energy to fight. A tingling feeling not unlike the one you felt earlier was starting to spread throughout your body, but this time, the funny, nice feeling did not accompany it. The opossum let out a thick, fragrant belch a few moments later, tightening her belly walls even more so around you, restricting your movement even further…") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("
You had tried your best to escape the seductress opossum’s belly, but all of your efforts were for naught. Your energy had been sapped, and you were left curled up in her gut like a proper meal. A few moments passed before you felt her slap her stomach proudly, which was covered up with the same blankets you both were wearing earlier. “What's the matter? All tuckered out?” she taunted, before letting out quite a large yawn herself. “I know I am. A big meal always takes all my energy away~” she continued, rubbing her tummy a few more times to let you know exactly what you were. Food. “Good night, hun…” you heard her say, before your whole world shifted, Judith getting into a more comfortable position on the couch. As you quickly learned a few moments later, that involved pressing her stuffed gut right against the couch! You wheezed as all of Judith's already impressive weight was suddenly pressed down on you, compressing her stomach to a fraction of its previous size…

That added pressure certainly helped the digestive process along. As the opossum snored and snoozed away, her gut really got to work on you, kneading and pressing those acidic fluids into every part of your body. You could feel your strength fading, and your head started to get cloudier and cloudier before you eventually lost consciousness entirely, the lack of air in the acrid chamber proving to be too much for you. Overnight, the opossum’s belly did its job of turning you into a thick, nutritious sludge to be processed by the rest of her digestive tract, and by morning, all of that dense belly soup you made was slithering its way sluggishly through her intestines, being absorbed and redistributed to all of her lovely curves…

Of course, Judith was not an early riser. She slept until noon, her body finally having stored enough energy during your digestion for her to not feel so sluggish. She stretched out and yawned powerfully, before letting loose a loud, wet *HhhuuuUUUooorrrppp…*! “Ooh, someone's all done in there~” she said as she looked down at her belly, noticing the extra jiggle it had as she hefted it up and down, still noticing a bit of sloshing coming from inside. “Goodness, you treated me right until the very end, didn't you…” she commented as she got up off the couch, ready to start her day...") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("
At least, that's what she would have done if she didn't need to go to the bathroom first. She made her way to said restroom, plopping her thick cheeks down on the toilet seat and letting loose with the byproduct of eating a whole person. Voiding her packed bowels of such a large amount of waste almost felt as nice as eating that much in the first place! She couldn't deny that it was a lot messier, however. She also couldn't help playing with her new, softer breasts and belly as the last of you plopped down into the toilet. A quick wipe, a quick hand wash, and a quick flush later, you were nothing but her lovely, soft curves, and everyone knew it was a good look for you…") } msg ("
*You got QUITE close to Judith...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("That gut tightened hard around you, not playing any games when it came to an upset tummy...") } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Judith rubbed against her gut softly, feeling your squirms inside. “Mmh, cutie, don’t be so aggressive. You’ll love being soft fat~”") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The possum’s stomach grumbled around you, not exactly happy with how rough you were being.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You managed to make an imprint on the poss’s belly, but all that fat was difficult to press against, and it snapped back into place a few seconds later.") } else { msg ("Your struggles only really made you more tired...") } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 27) false
Well, they had to film hotel scenes SOMEWHERE, you guessed. Strangely enough, though, the room seemed empty, and poking your head in further and taking a look around only seemed to confirm that. You slowly stumbled into the main room, determined to see what exactly was going on in here…
") ]]>
Cameras, a greenscreen, and some sort of set. Odd.
You were so sure that nobody was here that when you heard evidence to the opposite, you froze in place. Thankfully, what came around the corner was not a fierce tiger or alligator or something, but rather, a rat. A rather tall one, but still, just a rat. He was holding a clipboard, which he was looking down at before his face looked up at you. “Oh! You’re early! Well, I guess we can start shooting…” he said as he started to walk over to you, looking you over for a moment before continuing. “You ARE the budding actor I requested, yes?”
") wait { msg ("You saw no reason to refuse the offer. This could be a chance at a big break! Or a way out of here. Or both! So you eagerly nodded to the rat's request, which elicited a smile from the rodent. “Great. You know me, I'm Caryl. I trust that you've read the script already, so just come over here and we'll get started…” he said, ushering you over to the center of the film set, which featured a rather large couch and coffee table.

Caryl offered you a spot on the couch as he stood, which you eagerly took...then you watched as the rat started...fumbling with his belt? Taking it off, it looked like. Odd, but maybe he needed to change into a costume or something? You were a bit weirded out, but you went along with it for the moment at least - that was, until he straight up took his pants off! The rat had quite a large bulge in his underwear, and that was when he was SOFT...of course there wasn’t going to be a normal movie filmed in this hotel!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Caryl saw the look of shock on your face as he slipped his underwear down, his sizeable rat pecker practically bouncing out of the constraints of the soft fabric. “...You know this is a porno, right?” he said as he positioned himself in front of you, his dick sticking out right at head-height for you! This wasn’t exactly what you wanted, but you figured you might as well go along with it. Running might only cause more problems, and...well...that was a pretty nice dick…

Caryl slowly stepped forward, his dick swinging back and forth as it grew and hardened in front of you. He turned his head to look at one of the cameras, smiling before snapping his fingers and saying “action!”. At the same time, you felt him gently grasp the back of your head, before he suddenly thrusted right into your open mouth!

You got a big lungful of rat musk as Caryl's cock throbbed in your mouth, already poking up against the back of your throat with just that one thrust! You started to work your tongue over the rat's thick cock, the musky and salty flavor spreading across your mouth as you gave the cock a good tasting. You were surprised to taste a little bit of pre, the rat already leaking! He must have been thinking about this all day or something…

“Hhh...you’re good at this…” he huffed as he started to thrust in and out of your mouth. You weren’t sure if that was a line from the film, or a genuine compliment he was giving you, but either way it made you feel pretty good. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to say anything, so you just kept sucking, reaching a hand underneath to play with the rat’s (rather large) balls as you took another breath of his heady musk. You could feel Caryl’s body tremble a bit as you rubbed and played with his sac, knowing that you caught him by surprise a bit! He looked down at you for a moment, grinning before he started to thrust a bit harder into your mouth, keeping a firm grip on the back of your head so his cock could go deeper into your throat.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You gagged a little bit at the intrusion of Caryl’s cock in your throat, not used to deepthroating, but eventually you started to get the hang of it. It was clear to you from the way the rat was behaving that at this point it wasn’t much acting; it was quickly becoming a bona-fide facefucking! The rat was using your mouth like any other orifice, and though it was making you a bit dizzy and sweaty, it was still quite arousing, especially as the salty taste of pre continued to spread across your tongue. You could tell the rat was getting close!

Caryl thrusted one more time, burying his cock in your throat as he squeaked in orgasm, the salty taste of cum rushing past your tongue and funneling right down your gullet! You were pretty sure Caryl was supposed to stop at some point, but clearly his body had gotten the best of him, and now you were finding yourself gulping down shot after shot of musky rat spunk! At least the fact he was cumming meant he stopped thrusting into your face so hard, although he was still weakly moving his hips even till the last drop of rat cum trickled out of his tip and down your throat…

You let out a long, satisfying breath as Caryl pulled his cock out of your mouth, finally able to properly breathe again! The rat was left panting and huffing for a few moments, before he started to speak again. “Well...I guess we went a bit off script…” he said as he pet the top of your head lightly, smirking as he looked down at you. “Guess now would be a good time to get back on track!”
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("Before you could react to what the rat was saying, he suddenly thrusted his cock at you once more - but this time, your mouth was closed! You thought he was just going to bump into you, but you were surprised to hear a wet *shlorp* and watch your nose get lodged in the tip of his cock! You took a breath in shock, your lungs once again filling with the rat’s intoxicating scent, this time straight from the source - and you were only getting deeper. Judging from the lewd sounds of pleasure coming from above you, this was exactly what Caryl wanted to happen…

You didn't know if it was scripted or not, but regardless, it was definitely part of the script now! You placed your arms on his thighs and tried to pull your nose out of his urethra, but the rat quickly pressed harder on the back of your head - and instead, you just went deeper into his cock! You watched in horror as the dark pink cock flesh expanded over your vision, eventually blinding you as it stretched over your face. It was all happening at a record pace, and despite your best efforts, all Caryl needed to do to keep you sliding down his length was have his hand firmly placed against the back of your head.

“Nngh...quit squirming so much…” Caryl groaned as he clenched his cock, pulling you further inside, your neck forced to bend down as the cock stretched over the top of your head. In the script, you were written as an unwilling character, so even though Caryl didn't necessarily want to shove you down his length, the fact you were playing the part so well (and the fact it felt so nice) kept him from letting you go!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("The rat let out a long, pleasured squeak as his cock clenched and swallowed you up to your neck! Your hands moved from the rat's thighs to his cock as you felt yourself get suddenly slurped deeper, the tight, wet walls swallowing you down like a throat as Caryl removed his hands from the back of your head, moving them to his swollen, bulging length as he started to stroke and rub your bulges down his length.

“Hhf...you'll make great ball fat~” you heard the rat tease as his cock clenched around you once more, pushing the breath out of your lungs as you were pulled deeper into his length. The rat groaned out as your chest slipped inside his length, the cock flesh stretching around your shoulders as if they weren't even there! You felt something splash against your face as you went deeper into Caryl's shaft, filling your mouth with the salty taste of cum and making you cough a little bit as it rushed through the openings between you and his shaft. “Ooops, a little bit leaked through…” the rat chuckled as he felt a glob of cum dribble out of his tip and splatter onto the ground. “Urgh, that's not in the script…” he muttered as he continued slowly stroking you down, helping his cock take big, sloppy swallows and get you down faster...and with more enjoyment!

The heat and tightness assailing you from all angles was only getting stronger as you were pushed deeper into Caryl's loins, the accidental leaking from earlier actually lubricating his shaft a bit and making your descent just a bit easier (and more pleasurable as well)! It was hard to breathe with how tight the cock was clenching around you, but what little air you did manage to suck in was full of the rat's powerful musk; your head was starting to tingle with how much of the stuff you had inhaled since Caryl first slipped his underwear down! It was such a lovely, intoxicating scent...you had to get to the source.

“HHhhnnnggghhh...aallmmmoossttt…” the rat groaned in-between fast breaths and moans as you stuck awkwardly out of the tip of his shaft, waist-deep in rat pecker and rapidly going deeper! The bulge you made in Caryl's cock was starting to reach the end of his (visible) length, leaving him to wonder when he would feel your form dump out into his hungry, needy balls...it was going to be soon though! Especially as Caryl slowly reached forward, hands leaving his bulging cock and tracing their way down the rest of your body before arriving at your kicking feet. He tickled and teased at them for a few moments, chuckling as he felt you squirm around inside his cock from the sudden foreign sensation, before applying some pressure to the soles of your feet. It took a little bit of elbow grease, but eventually you felt yourself being pushed deeper, your head prying open some sort of fleshy sphincter as Caryl slid you as deep into his loins as you could go…
") wait { msg ("The rat's powerful musk was only stronger inside Caryl's balls, with a potent source of male scent simmering inside for so long! You could hear the rat's muffled groans and moans rumbling around you as the last of you slipped inside his length, Caryl panting in pleasure as the end of his cock meal was in sight! “FFfffuck, curl up in there already!” the rat shouted as he gave one last powerful shove, a moist, sloppy noise coming from his cock as you were mashed into his shaft, Caryl's tip closing around your feet and gulping the last of you down in the most satisfying clench the rat had felt in a loooong time, locking you fully away inside his bulging, squirming package.

You still had a little way to go to get curled up in the rat's balls, even though your head was already getting dunked underneath rippling waves of rat spunk! The salty taste of cum filled your mouth once more, forcing you to sputter and spit it out as you felt more of your body getting squeezed out into the tight, musky chamber. At this point, Caryl was just massaging you down his shaft, stroking and pushing the bulges you made down his cock. He felt his needy balls start to sag and slosh as you were tucked inside, the stretchy flesh easily accompanying your squirming form as about half of you rested inside. Caryl started to stand up, feeling you slosh and wiggle between his legs as he moved around. “HHhfff...so full~” the rat commented as he reached down and hefted his balls up, feeling the lovely, satisfying slosh coming from inside. “And still so much of you left…”

Caryl continued clenching you down for a few more minutes, forcing you to curl up inside his balls as more and more of you took up the limited space inside. The walls were so tight and hot and uncompromising around you, it made you feel like you were wearing a skintight suit! Eventually, you felt your feet slip through the opening to Caryl's sac, the sphincter closing behind you to signal the fact you were completely locked inside the rat's balls…a swinging pendulum was now between Caryl's legs, the rat blushing as he felt you squirming so deep in his loins. “Keep it up, you're doing fantastic…”
") wait { MoveObject (player, CarylSac) } } } } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Caryl's sac Caryl's sac was incredibly tight and sloppy, your body forced to share a space with a good liter of cum that had already coated your whole body. The chamber constantly rocked and moved around as Caryl stepped forward, every movement the rat made causing intense pleasure for him and intense motion sickness for you! You swore you felt your body tingling already... You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("There wasn’t much you could do anymore. Even without the weight of a full-grown rat pressing down on you, escaping Caryl’s loins proved to be impossible - at least, for the level of energy and strength you had currently. The wet, burbling noises of digestion were becoming so loud and strong as your vision started to fade. Your consciousness was starting to melt, it felt like it was so hard to concentrate or even move an arm! It almost felt like sleep paralysis...it was a scary feeling, but also somewhat comforting, considering what you were melting into was the equivalent of an arousing sauna...your brain was full of confusing, mixed thoughts as you started to churn up for real, your body melting into the soup of jizz surrounding you on all angles…

Outside, Caryl finally felt your squirms go still. He poked at his sack a few times, before smirking as he confirmed that you were nothing but a sloshy jizz soup to be absorbed into his needy loins. “Here comes the fun part…” he said as he started to stroke at his length some more, his balls starting to churn and blorp and make all sorts of wonderful sounds. They started to shrink and round out a little bit...but at the same time, Caryl’s cock started to grow in his hands! The process was slow, but very, very enjoyable for the rat as he felt his loins absorb what was left of you directly and put it to use on his cock and balls! He leaned back, huffing and panting as he felt his cock continue to grow, the rat slowly getting closer to the floor as his balls shrank (though they were still quite a bit larger than they were normally…).

Eventually, Caryl found himself sitting on the floor, his balls still a modest bit larger than they were originally, but with his cock enjoying a new few inches of length and girth! He slowly got to his feet, before turning to the camera with a smile, his new enlarged package dangling between his legs. “And that is how you can grow your package by 25% in 5 easy steps…” he said before walking off camera, leaving behind the cum stains and his pants to stay on camera until the film eventually ran out.

*You're a star! In Caryl's mind, at least...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Taut, and producing cum at a worrying pace. Look at ") } msg ("“Hhfff…right there…” you heard Caryl moan as you kicked at a certain spot in his loins…") } ]]>
A window labeled "fire escape". Look at
You peered out the window to see exactly where you would land, but it was pretty dark outside, and you couldn't really make much out. This might be your only chance for escape, though, so you would rather fall down onto some cement then take another chance with anybody inside that cursed place! Not sure exactly how to go about it, you stuck one of your legs out the window, then the other, pulling the rest of your body through as you sat perched on the windowsill. You looked down, still not able to see anything in the dark, and braced herself as you were literally about to embark on a leap of faith.

You pushed yourself off the windowsill a few moments later, eyes wide open as you waited for the earth to rush up to meet you. But something did appear in that darkness a split second later. Something that startled you quite a bit. Two hazel colored eyes shone in the darkness, their pupils gigantic wells of darkness - and they were staring right at you!

How do you react?
") felist = NewStringList() list add (felist, "Stumble") list add (felist, "Keep steady") ShowMenu ("", felist, false) { if (result = "Stumble") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("You weren’t sure why, but something about the sight of those eyes appearing out of nowhere just shook the living daylights out of you. You yelled and screamed as you flailed around in the air, trying to get a grip on the window you had leapt out of - but, in all of this stumbling and flailing, your momentum was stalled. Not nearly enough for you to be able to grab onto something and reconsider your jump, but just enough for you to land somewhere you probably didn't want to.

You felt your front half smack against something a few seconds later, the impact sending you into a daze. Something that definitely was not the ground. It felt wet, somewhat soft, like you were laying on a soggy mattress or something. But, most importantly, it moved underneath you. It felt alive. Because it was.

In the darkness, you didn't even really notice as the creature whose mouth you had fallen into snapped its jaws shut. The culprit was a gigantic, three headed hydrataur, absolutely massive in size, and waiting outside of the fire escape for anyone unlucky or foolish enough to fall right into its jaws! And today, that unlucky snack was going to be you. As you quickly realized where if you were, if not the nature of the creature that this mouth belongs to, you tried to scramble to your feet and come back the way you came. But those jaws had already clamped shut, and there was barely enough room for you to get on your knees inside this snake like mouth, let alone try to walk right out of it! The tongue squirmed and wiggled underneath you, making it impossible for you to keep your balance as it pushed you towards the back of this creature’s large mouth. You knew exactly where it was trying to point you to, and you tried your best to reverse it; scrambling backwards, rolling around to try and get off of the creature’s tongue, basically anything that would enable you some form of agency. But the giant hydra centaur must have had plenty of experience dealing with these kinds of meals, because it took all your squirms and struggles in stride, coating you in sticky, goopy drool the whole time to make you go down easier. And going down was definitely what you were about to do; despite your best efforts to try and escape, all that the hydra had to do was tipp its head back just a little bit more, gravity funneling you back and sending you tumbling down into the darkness of the beast’s throat. It grabbed on to you as soon as your body touched a bit of it's quivering flesh, like a spring-loaded trap; and then, you felt your whole body get smothered and smashed into a tight, rippling chamber. The beast swallowed only once, and even though it was a good deal larger than you, its throat was still uncomfortably tight, the flesh pushing on every part of your body to coax you deeper into its gullet.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("Being a hydra, the creature's neck was definitely one of the longer parts of its body. That meant that your trip into its stomach was going to be quite long and arduous; over three meters of thick, fleshy hydra gullet awaited your tasty little body. The creature didn't even swallow anymore once you were lodged in its throat; it just let its body do all the work, the muscles around you rippling and pulling you deeper and deeper into the hydra at quite a nerve-wrackingly slow pace. It felt like the throat was going to squeeze all of the energy out of your body before you even reached its belly! And, maybe that was the point, to whittle and wear you down before you reached the beast's stomach, so it didn't have to waste any time fighting you and could spend all its energy on what it really needed to do. Digest you.

It felt like you were being pushed through a long, winding maze of intestines at this point. The throat was so long, and so tight, constantly moving you forward and smothering you in a wave after wave of powerful flesh. You were already feeling so worn out that, even though you heard the gurgling of the beast's stomach just ahead, you didn't know if you would even make it there. At least there wasn't any digestion going on in here, although you were still soaked head to toe in that gooey saliva. Jeez, it felt like there was even more of it in the throat! Eventually, though, after a long, strength-sapping journey, you finally felt something different ahead of you.
") wait { MoveObject (player, CentaurHydraStomach) } } } else { msg ("Fuck it. You were already on a beeline down to the ground, there was no point in slowing down just because something else came out of the darkness. You didn't stumble, you just dove into that expense of blackness without a care in the world. Even if you didn't survive your landing, it would be better than ending up on someone's hips…

You landed a lot earlier than you thought you were going to. On something that didn't really feel like the ground. It felt hard, rough, but stable and smooth. More importantly, the impact jarred you enough, but when the ground beneath you started to move, it made everything even worse! You soon found yourself somersaulting head over heels down this makeshift slide of sorts, tumbling without any real way to stop yourself. The fact that the ground was moving underneath you made you think you had accidentally fell onto some sort of giant creature...well, it was better to land on them then in them anyway! Your momentum was way too high for you to stop yourself as you slid down the back of whatever creature this was, so instead, you just focused on not falling off and trying to keep your balance the best you could. There were a few times where it felt like you were just going to roll right off the edge and tumble right to the ground, but as you made your way down this slide, it started to widen out quite a bit. Not enough for you to stop your descent in any meaningful way, but enough for you to make sure that you weren't going to use the ground to stop your momentum!

After way too much time spent rolling down this hill, your whole body weight being put on your neck and then your backside over and over and over again, you finally felt your body hit something familiar. Your body collided with the ground, making a deep thump as you slammed right into the grass. But, oh my goodness, the grass. It felt so wonderful! Even though you were in so much pain right now, you didn't care, because you were finally out of that hellish place. Grass between your toes, dirt beneath your body...it was real. It was amazing.

You took a few minutes to try and recuperate on the ground, your whole body starting to ache from getting slammed into hard ground over and over and over again. Eventually, you did find your way to your feet, however. What exactly was this creature that had saved you, however inadvertently?

In the darkness it was pretty hard to tell, but thankfully it there was a light from one of the nearby buildings shining just bright enough for you to make out some features. The figure looked absolutely gargantuan, at least three or four times your height alone. It stood on four tree trunks of legs, and although its body was like that of a centaur, the neck and head region couldn't be any more different. You thought you had suffered a concussion the first time you saw it, but no, this thing really did have three separate heads! It looked like a combination between a centaur and a hydra. Well, that was good, at least…

You didn't stick around for much longer, considering this giant creature could absolutely crush you with a wrong step and be none the wiser that it had done so. You scampered off into the night, not sure where you were going, just that it had to be away from that fucking hotel.
") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room 2) } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Centaur hydra's stomach Well, actually, you smelled it first: the unmistakable odor of acid and digestion. A few moments later, that throat flesh squeezed even tighter around your body, before shoving you forward into a new chamber that was unmistakably the beast's stomach. It was quite spacious, considering how large the creature’s torso was, and if it wasn't pitch black inside, you could have seen that there were three openings to the three separate heads that the hydra had. Definitely a little bit of a weird stomach layout, but you had much more important things to worry about than the interior design of the beast's belly! Even though the stomach was pretty large all together, it definitely wasn't stable; the flesh underneath you constantly rippled and undulated in all sorts of patterns, making it quite difficult to keep your balance inside. You found yourself splashing down into the thick soup of chyme that rested at the bottom of the chamber quite often, and every time you did it, your skin started to tingle just a little bit more. It looked like you had some time to escape, but how would you do it? You are surrounded by ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Despite your best efforts, this creature was just far too large for you to have any real chance of escaping its guts. The stomach chamber couldn't mash you up against its walls and really work the tingling fluids into your skin, but it didn't have to. Digestion would take a little bit longer than it usually did, but it would still happened just like normal. There wasn't a lot of air in this chamber, and the hydra wasn't really swallowing down any either, so you were forced to breathe stale, acidic air, thick and stinging your lungs with every breath. It felt harder and harder to keep yourself standing up, keeping yourself out of the pool of fluids that was steadily rising inside the chamber...you tried to keep your escape up, but there was only so much time you had to feel around the walls of the stomach looking for some sort of exit. Even if you did find one, it wasn't like you would just be able to crawl back up the hydra’s throat. You were just doomed to slowly waste away in the hydra’s stomach, becoming an insignificant amount of fat on their haunches…

When you finally did succumb to the stomach's powerful enzymes, the hydra didn't even notice. It had probably swallowed down a few other hopefully escapees who got a little too excited for this prospect of an easy escape from that damned hotel. the soup that you and many other escapees had made funneled down into the beast’s bowels, getting absorbed and added to their haunches, making them an even more imposing figure than they already were...

*You took a wrong exit...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You scrambled towards the front of the stomach, trying to clamber up and out of one of the neck openings. You couldn't get any purchase though…") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach walls undulate below you, sweeping you off your feet in surprise.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Your strikes against the stomach walls don't even register for the massive hydra.") } else { msg ("The hydra's belly grumbled around you in annoyance.") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 28) false ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidebelly.mp3", false, false) } msg ("The snake glared at you intensely as you started to back up. “Oh, no, no you don't.” he said, wagging a finger at you before turning back to what had to be his wife. “Hold on a minute hun, I'm going to ssspice things up.” he said, gripping the shark girl's thighs and pulling his cock out of her, which elicited quite a few lustful gasps from the shark on the bed! The snake's cock was throbbing and dripping as he walked right towards you, the snake having a snake of his own hiding between his legs…

The hood wrapped around his slender neck started to fill out and expand as he approached, intimidating you even more as you backed up against the door; but there was nowhere to go at this point. The snake was blocking the only possible way you could get out of here! As he backed you against the door, the snake loomed over you, his shadow covering your entire body as he started to speak. “Sssso, you think you can just barge into sssomeone's room while they're having sssome private time?” he asked, moving forward at the same time, not exactly expecting any sort of response from you. “ Well, you're lucky that I'm feeling a little bit charitable today. I think I'll even let you join in on the fun…”

Right as the snake said that, you felt his arm wrap around the back of your head, the snake suddenly yanking you forward! You yelped as you were suddenly pressed against the snake's body, the size difference between you two and the fact that you were kind of cowering in the corner meaning that your head landed firmly against the snake's black sack! The snake squished you against his balls nice and tight, the air around here quite thick and laced with the snake's musk. What was most surprising to you, however, was the fact that just beyond the fleshy barrier separating you from the snake's balls, you could hear something almost sloshing and burbling about…
") wait { msg ("“Mmmh. You interrupted me right when I was about to blow my load, so I think it's only fair that you add to it…” you heard the snake say above you, his voice somewhat muffled considering he was smothering you with his balls right now! You could feel a little bit of said load dribbling down onto your head as he said that, the snake's shaft still throbbing and bumping against the top of your head every now and again. You tried to struggle the best you could - melting into snake jizz wasn't exactly on your agenda today, after all! - but this snake was much bigger and stronger than you, so it was trivial to keep you attached to his sack as he walked back over to the bed. “Hey, Brianna, you're going to want to see this…”

The bright lights of the hotel room once again entered your eyes as the snake took you away from his sack...but what it was replaced with wasn't much better! When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself dangling upside down, staring right down the snake's shaft! He had it hefted up in one hand, and that was when you noticed he had a ring attached it to it, pretty close to the base…it looked hungry. Hungry for you.

The fleshy black cock slit flexed and clenched wantingly for you as the snake lowered you closer, that powerful musk once again hitting your nose as you found yourself inching closer and closer to the tip of the snake's length. Then, with a powerful, sudden shove, your face was suddenly pushed up against that ravenous slit, your nose sinking inside with ease and the black flesh already starting to spread over your face! The snake moaned as you made contact with his sensitive shaft, taking a little bit of time to just enjoy the sensation before you felt another shove. That push plunged your whole head into his length, all of your senses suddenly immersed in a wet, burbling, hot environment! It was a bit of an overload, and the struggles you had been making to escape the snake's shaft were cut off for a few seconds...which was more than enough time for his meat to get a good grip on you. “Oh, Alejandro, you horny devil…” you heard a more feminine voice come from outside, before another pair of hands latched onto your legs, slowly feeding you deeper into the snake’s cock! That had to be Brianna, the shark girl that was laying on the bed earlier; now she was helping feed you into her boyfriend's loins...how embarrassing!
") wait { msg ("Alejandro relaxed his muscles for a little bit, letting his wife do most of the work now that he had gotten the most of you sealed in his shaft. The deeper you went, the more wet and musky it got; the which making the challenge of shoving a whole person down Alejandro's cock a lot less daunting! The hungry shaft swallowed up your shoulders with almost no problem, the widest part of your body being reduced to barely a speed bump on the lovers’ trip to send you down snake cock! Another shove came from behind you, this time right on your ass, making you yelp instinctively as you slid a few inches deeper! Each time it felt like you were at the end of the road, like there was nothing more beyond where you were; the flash was just too tight and uncompromising. But with enough lube, you soon slipped through each one of those tight tunnels...

“Ah, yeah, babe, just like that…” Alejandro groaned, both of his hands stroking down his meaty length and feeling over the bulges you made inside of it! Half of your body was inside of his cock at this point, and there were no signs of the consumption slowing down. No, the only way you were getting out of here at this point seemed to be if the two of them suddenly decided you didn't belong in Alejandro's balls! And, judging from how eager and pleased the two of them were about this whole situation, that was in the cards.

You didn't really have a way to tell how deep you were into Alejandro's length. Everything around your body felt the same level of hot and wet and smothering, and even the parts of you that were outside snake shaft weren't exactly feeling much different! No, the only depth gauge you had was when you felt the flesh around you suddenly get a lot tighter. You were a bit confused at first, until you remembered the ring around the snake's cock that you had seen earlier...and then, you remembered how close it was to the base of his shaft. There must not have been a lot left of you, and not a lot of shaft left, either. It felt like within a few more clenches, you would start to get pushed out into his balls...at least it would be roomier. But you weren't exactly looking forward to becoming part of the weirdest threesome you could think of! You kept up with the wiggles and squirms and kicks, but your energy was quickly depleting, especially with how tight it was this deep into Alejandro's shaft. Would perhaps be smarter to save your energy for once you were in the snake's balls.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("With your ass now firmly inside Alejandro's shaft, Brianna had to run her arms down your legs to continue shoving you inside of her husband! It was clear that both of them were enjoying this on an immense level; in fact, you got the impression that Brianna was going to want that cock inside of her as soon as it got finished swallowing you up...perhaps even before it was finished! You knew that you wouldn't have much time before you got spurted up inside of her body...that didn't make your prospects of getting out of here seem any better. That, and the fact that the only thing left of you and the outside world were pretty much just a pair of kicking feet…

Alejandro smirked as he clenched tight around his cock ring, feeling how close you were to emptying out into his balls. “Come on babe, just a bit more…” the snake encouraged, knowing that just one more push would seal you inside of his balls for a good long while! Brianna took her time, though, hefting her husband's cock in her hands and stroking over it while she let that thick snake finish you off itself. Wet suckling contractions yanked you deeper every now and again, and as you felt the tip of Alejandro's cock work over your toes, you also felt your head getting squeezed out into a different chamber; one that was a lot warmer, more humid, and muscular. Yep, these were snake balls all right.

The snake squeezed his cock as it gulped down the last of you, feeling his body take control and start feeding you into his sack. “Ffffuck, That was amazing…” Alejandro groaned out loud, his wife still eagerly fondling and playing with his length as the bulges inside of it gradually sink deeper and deeper. “Ah, God, Alejandro, I want it inside of me so badly…” Brianna replied, her gaze unwavering on the thick shaft she was stroking over with such glee! “Hff..I know, I know hun, but we gotta wait until he's all sssettled in there…” the snake said, not wanting to blow his load too early and risk not having you come out all melted! He knew roughly how long it would take, so Brianna was just going to have to wait for a few minutes…

Your head bumped into a fleshy wall opposite the way you came into Alejandro's balls, letting you know just how tight it was inside of here. Certainly less so than the shaft, but you still weren't going to have a lot of room to wiggle around in here! There was already a considerable amount of musky snake cream sloshing around inside with you, but as more of you filled out Alejandro's balls, you got the distinct impression that there was even more coming in by the second! The cum was warm, but sticky and thick and viscous, almost like some kind of glue...all you knew is that you didn't want it all over you! With more of your body finding its home curled up in Alejandro's nuts, though, that was becoming less and less of an option…
") wait { MoveObject (player, AlejandroSac) } } } } } ]]>
false Blah blah blah. Look at msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Alejandro's sac A few more clenches from the snake’s hungry snake trapped you totally inside of Alejandro's balls, the opening you came in through closing tight behind your toes and locking you inside of here. The walls were thin, letting a little bit of light shine through, even with the black flesh that was surrounding you...it was all so weird! You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("The rough fucking continued for what felt like an eternity, those rocking and swaying motions never becoming any more comfortable for you. It wasn't like you were gently swaying in a hammock or something; it felt like you were getting into a car accident, over and over and over again. It was giving you one hell of a headache...or maybe that was from the thick, barely breathable air inside of Alejandro's sack. Either way, you were really starting to get worn out, dizzy, and headachey from all this; and the fact that you could hear the two of them huffing and moaning and panting just a few feet away from you, completely unaware of or uncaring towards your situation in here, it just made things worse…

“Aaah...he's almost done in there babe, I’m getting close…” Alejandro moaned in between thrusts, his balls slapping against his wife's crotch with how deep he was going into her at this point. Each time he thrusted, he could feel a little bit more of you softening up inside of him, your body steadily making the transition of to nothing but a thick load of snake jizz. There was so much of the stuff in his balls already, and now with you inside as well...God, he was starting to feel so pent up. You could feel it too; the more aroused the snake godt, the hotter it got in this already sweltering enclosure! You couldn't feel most of your body at this point, and it felt like you were just sloshing back and forth, each movement making you feel more detached from your body...what was left of it, anyway. You were probably sloshing around with it at this point, but you didn't really want to think about it that much.

Not like you could think about much of anything at this point anyway. You were really just along for the ride at this point, completely detached from any semblance of what your body once was. You could feel everything, yet nothing at the same time...it was certainly an odd experience, to say the least. But there wasn't time to think about it. Alejandro's thrusts continued to get faster and faster, the snake’s teasing giving way to animalistic moans and groans of pleasure as he got closer and closer to that peak of orgasm...and, a few moments later, the whole chamber started to lurch around you, clenching tighter than it ever had before and pushing everything inside of it back out the way you came. Alejandro thrust as deep as he could, one last time, the two lovers moaning and spasming in union as they achieved orgasm at the same time. Brianna closed her eyes in absolute bliss as she felt shot after shot of her husband's fresh cream filling her womb up. There was just so much of it! She already could feel her womb starting to swell with how much her husband was pumping into her, and Alejandro just showed no signs of slowing down yet. Meanwhile, you could feel everything around you shifting and changing form as you rocketed out of the tip of Alejandro's cock, going from one warm, wet, musky enclosure to another as you were quite violently orgasmed out into Brianna's womb.

The chamber continued filling as you sloshed around inside, getting used to your new surroundings with your last few moments of consciousness. And it honestly didn't feel much different in here; the only real change was that, while the chamber was much larger, the fleshy walls surrounding you were much more resistant to any kind of squirming. Not like you would be doing much of that, as nothing but a load of hot snake cream jiggling around in Brianna's belly…

“Hhh. Ohh. Fuuccckkk…” Alejandro moaned out as he felt his balls finally emptied, cum dribbling out of his cock into Brianna's canal as his orgasm came to a close. He could see that his wife's belly was considerably swollen, and knowing that all of that was his cum inside of her made him feel oddly proud. Completely wiped, he collapsed onto his wife, wrapping his arms around her as his cock still throbbed deep inside of her vagina. “Hhh...that little pervert got what he deserved, didn't he?” he whispered into his wife's ear, Brianna eagerly nodding as her arms started to roam over her cum-filled gut. “We should have threesomes more often, hun…”

*You became part of a threesome...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Producing cum at an alarming rate. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You made a valiant effort struggling inside of Alejandro...but it seemed all of your wiggles just made the snake hornier.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Brianna's voice came right through the sack walls, as if you weren't even crammed into her husband's nuts. “ Gosh, they're so lively in there…”") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The taut walls weren't able to be stretched much farther, even by somebody with much more strength than yourself!") } else { msg ("With all this gooey cum you were bathing in, it was difficult to squirm in the first place…") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close if (Got(NoryuKey)) { msg ("You inserted the key in the door and turned it to the right. The lock was a little bit finicky at first, but eventually you heard it click, and the door open. You heard that same voice earlier coming from inside; “come in, come in~” Noryu said.") MoveObject (player, Room 29) } else { msg ("The door won't budge.") } false
You made your way over to Noryu's bed, hopping in and immediately starting to snuggle up to him. He wasn't that much larger than you, but he was certainly softer, almost like a big, fluffy body pillow! Without needing to be teased or asked, you buried your nose in his chest fluff, getting a wonderful with all of that sweet, fruity smell...oh, goodness, it just made you feel so good! You just wanted to eat him right up…

Noryu took all this in stride, petting over your head as you used his chest and belly as a pillow! “Heh, Glad you enjoy my smell…” you heard him say, his voice a bit muffled. “How about I show you to the source?~”

There was a source for this wonderful smell? It was even stronger somewhere else? Well, absolutely! You nuzzled Noryu's black fur, eagerly affirming his question before you felt your pillow start to shift and move underneath you. “Just a moment, then…” he said, before he moved off of you, gently placing you back down on the bed. You whimpered at the prospect of being taken away from that wonderful, sweet smell, but you watched with bated breath as Noryu turned away from you once more, getting down on his knees on the lower half of the bed. Your eyes were inexplicably drawn to his bubble butt, a cute tail perched atop those soft looking cheeks…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("Noryu seemed to get himself ready for a few more moments, before he started backing up towards you once more. “Have fun down there~” you heard him say, his visor just barely peeking out over those rump cheeks as they slowly got closer and closer to your face! You were far too embarrassed and aroused to do anything as Noryu plopped his ass right down on your face, at the same time as you obeyed his command and took a deep, deep breath! Your lungs were flooded with such a sweet scent almost immediately...was this really the source of that wonderful smell? It was the strongest you had ever sensed it to be!

The protogen let out a relaxed sigh as he started to relax all of his weight onto your face, a considerable amount of sweet-smelling chub beginning to smother you and trap you in its fruity confines! “Mmm, yeah, it's right in there…” you could hear him tease, his voice now even more muffled with his rear firmly placed on top of you! “Go ahead, take it all in. Enjoy yourself down there~”

Noryu didn't even have to say that, honestly. You were already in bliss down here! That soft pudge surrounding your face was so squishy and lovely, and that strong sweet smell was making your heart thump with how wonderful it smelled. It was all you could breathe, it filled your lungs, and it was absolutely amazing! Although you couldn't move much down here, you still managed to wiggle your face in between those cheeks a little bit, that scent only growing stronger and stronger the deeper and closer you came to the protogen's body. Goodness, it was just so lovely…
") wait { msg ("The protogen could feel your eagerness, his visor starting to blush and change to a deep red from its default cyan as he felt how deep between his rump cheeks you had found yourself! “Oh...they want to go deeper. Well, I think I should oblige~”

As you buried yourself between Noryu's cheeks, you started to feel the pressure on your face increasing, the protogen pressing his rump a bit harder down on your face to really get you wedged between his ass cheeks. A few moments later, you felt your nose bump up against something a bit more fleshy, but even sweeter smelling than anything else...was this Noryu's sweet pucker? It clenched teasingly a few seconds later, confirming to you just how far you were buried in the protogen's rump! “Mmmh, this has been nice so far, but how do you feel about getting even closer to that wonderful smell?”
") Ask ("") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("Of course. Of course you would get closer to that smell! Was there even any question otherwise? You started wiggling and pressing deeper into Noryu's rear, the protogen blushing as he felt how willing you were to get deeper inside of him! \"Well, then...let's get to it~\" you heard him say, his voice much deeper and distant now that your head was starting to cram its way up his ass! Wet squelching sounds started to surround you as Noryu's pucker yawned open, the flesh slowly working over your face and head as you offered yourself to the protogen. That sweet fruity smell was emanating from deep inside of Noryu, and you could already tell it was getting stronger...goodness, it was just so wonderful!

Noryu's pucker swallowed up your head with ease, and you found yourself surrounded by slick, wet flesh in a matter of moments. You still eagerly wiggled your way deeper into the protogen every moment you could, feeling the protogen's tailhole stretching and expanding as it slowly worked its way down your neck and over your shoulders. They were a difficult prospect to work around, but with the slick fluids inside Noryu's rump and your eager wiggling, it was pretty simple for your shoulders to disappear between the protogen's rump cheeks in only a few minutes.

Your arms now bound at their sides, you found it difficult to squirm at this point. Noryu's bowels had a pretty firm grip on your body, the flesh constantly clenching and contracting over you as it worked to pull your form deeper and deeper into the maze of bowels tucked away in Noryu's guts! The protogen wasn't teasing much at this point, just panting and huffing as he continued pushing you up deeper inside of him, feeling a bulge starting to grow in his lower gut as more and more of you disappeared up his rear! His pucker had gulped down your chest now, the process happening faster and faster the deeper you went into the protogen! It was so slick and warm in here, you just had to keep going deeper…
") wait { msg ("\"Hhf...just a bit...mooore~\" was the first thing Noryu said in several minutes, his voice totally consuming you now that you were more than halfway inside of the protogen at this point! The sweet smell was so thick in here, it felt like you were breathing in cotton candy every time you opened your mouth...it was so sweet and fruity that it was starting to become overwhelming! You enjoyed it the best you could, but the combination of the heat and tightness and sweetness was starting to make you feel the slightest bit woozy. Hopefully Noryu would finish up soon…

The protogen's body shuddered as he clenched once more, your waist disappearing inside his rear as he shoved you up inside of his body like a dildo! At this point, there were just a pair of legs dangling out of his backside, so Noryu slowly got up off of his bed, shaking his rump teasingly as he pet over his swollen, squirming lower belly. It was so big already, and only growing in size every time he clenched a bit more of you away! \"Aahh...you're doing such a good job…\" you heard Noryu compliment you, as he clenched once more, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he slowly got back onto his feet. The world around you was shaking constantly, every step the protogen made sloshing his gut around in such a loud, burbling fashion.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("Everything above your knees was now packed away in tight protogen guts. Noryu's tail flicked back and forth as he took his time slurping up the rest of you, deeper and deeper regions of his body being stretched out by his little rump-snack...aah, it had been too long since he'd done this! You enjoyed that smell so much, that it was trivial to get you up in his belly…

That smell was still so wonderful and powerful, though after breathing it in for so long you had started to become a bit noseblind to it. Even if you couldn't smell it at full power, though, you could certainly still feel its effects on you...even though almost all of you was already inside of Noryu, you were still eagerly working yourself deeper, feeling that fleshy hole steadily swallowing up inch after inch of your body! There couldn't be much more of you to go at this point, you could feel it. Maybe just your feet sticking out from between his cheeks!

Noryu heard the wettest, sloppiest *shhhhGGGLRP* come from his backside as his ass clenched for the last time, swallowing up your feet and completely trapping you in protogen bowels! Sitting back down on the bed, Noryu's arms started to roam over his squirming gut, rubbing and massaging the bulge you made inside of him. \"Mmm, you're such a nice rump snack…\" you heard Noryu's voice rumble around you, oddly comforting as the bowels around you continued clenching and working you deeper into his guts, his gut sagging down over his legs with how much of you was packed away inside of him! \"Now, you just relax in there, and I'll let you out in a bit…\"
") wait { MoveObject (player, NoryuBowelsEndo) } } } } else { msg ("That smell was wonderful...but you just felt like things were moving a bit too quickly! You couldn't answer Noryu's question verbally, so instead, you just started gradually trying to pull yourself out of the protogen's rump, gripping his cheeks to get some purchase and something to push off of! You heard a grunt come from the protogen, before his voice started to echo around you. \"Well, I was gonna give you the choice, but if you're gonna be so rough…\" he said, before you felt his bowels start to clench even tighter around you! Despite your best struggles, Noryu only pulled you deeper, your head and neck suddenly surrounded by thick, wet flesh, and your shoulders getting pulled up as well…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("You struggled valiantly, but as your shoulders got slurped up with relative ease, you found your arms bound to your shoulders - your best method of escaping this stranglehold, gone. The protogen just continued gulping you down like it was no big deal, teasing and tainting you all the way. \"I was gonna be nice and let you out after enjoying my guts, but now I think I'm just gonna add you to them instead!\" Noryu taunted, slamming his rump down onto you as he said that, shoving your whole chest up his asshole with little fanfare. Throughout it all, that fruity smell was stronger than ever, as if Noryu was trying to lay it on thick to calm you down a little bit. It wasn't really working.

You kept up your squirms as best you could deep inside of Noryu, but the protogen took them all in stride. His belly kicked and jostled constantly, making him feel just a tad bit queasy...but he had much feistier meals before! Your little kicks and whines only made his belly grumble and rumble even more impatiently, and his guts start working overtime to clench and pull you in deeper. Smothered on all sides by tight, fruity flesh, you couldn't do anything more than the wiggles you were already making…

The protogen gasped a few times as his pucker worked over your waist, slurping up your thighs and legs with only a few clenches. \"Mmm, just a little bit till you're haunch pudge~\" his voice rumbled around you, becoming deeper as you went further into his body. Noryu wasn't lying, either - you felt a few more clenches around hour body, and then, with some wet sloppy slurping sounds, the warm embrace of Noryu's bowels slipped over the tips of your toes. You were trapped.
") wait { MoveObject (player, NoryuBowels) } } } } } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close ") MoveObject (player, Room 30) ]]> false A gray, tall deer. Looks a lot like that other deer, Neil. In fact, you would go so far as to say this is exactly what Neil would look like if he was female. She's wandering around, looking pretty lost… Look at
She seemed worried enough for this to be legitimate. You agreed to help Nellie look for her contacts; they couldn't have gone too far in this room…
") ]]>
false Nellie's womb It is nearly impossible to move. ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("\"THERE THEY ARE!\" Nellie shouted, her voice piercing through layers of pudge to sound as clear as day for you inside. A bit more shuffling surrounded you, before you heard her starting to talk again. \"Aaaahhhh, that's so much better...whoa.\" she said, trailing off to look at her swollen womb. Her belly jostled and jiggled with every movement she made, and the amount of slick mess staining the carpet around her was honestly astounding! She knew she had been aroused by all this, but to that level? It was pretty crazy…

\"Ahh. Now that that *hff* is done, time to get you out of there…\" the deer said. A few
moments later you felt the womb walls suddenly clench tight around your form, trying to shove you back out the way you came with remarkable force! At the same time, the doe started to masturbate for real, moaning as she plunged her digits right up into her drooling slit, her other hand hefting up one of her breasts and playing with her nipples at the same time. God, it felt like she was going to explode from all the pressure and pleasure she was feeling in there...she couldn't imagine how you felt!

The womb walls kept squeezing around you, trying to force you against a sphincter that just would not open yet. Everything was getting hotter and wetter and more cramped, it felt like you were gonna pass out before anything happened! Luckily, Nellie was going as hard as she could, going so far as to fist herself and crying out in pleasure every time she did so. She kept pushing as well, and at the same time you heard a powerful cry of orgasm surround you, you also felt the deer's womb lurch and clench and push...and finally, the cervix yawned open to accept you once more.

The next few seconds were all a blur. Nellie's womb practically shoved you out of itself, forcing you down the cervix and sending you on the world's weirdest waterslide! It passed in the blink of an eye, the world suddenly rushing up and light suddenly the world ahead of you. Nellie's cries of orgasm filled your ears as you felt your body go free, shivering from the relative cold and wetness all over your body. It felt like you had just been shot out of a hot tub…

And then, it was over. You lay on your back in front of Nellie, the deer still panting and moaning as she came down from her orgasm. \"Hhh...thank ya, hun…\" she managed to squeak out for you. \"...There's a shower...in the bathroom.\"
") firsttime { msg ("\"Here, though. For helping me out, take this thing.\" the doe said, before handing you a token...dripping with her feminine fluids, but whatever.") AddToInventory (Room 30 Token) TokenCall } wait { MoveObject (player, Room 30) } } } ]]>
A drawer. Drawer No contacts here. Look at A bed. The sheets are disorganized. Bed No contacts here. Look at A bag sitting on the floor, presumably belonging to Nellie. Maybe the contacts fell in here...? Bag No contacts here. Look at A trash can. Looks pretty empty. Trash can Look at
“Oh! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about that...are you okay?” Nellie asked in somewhat of a panic. When you didn't answer, and when she realized the position she was in, legs spread on top of your chest, she started to sense a little bit of something. “Though if you ARE okay, while you're down there, maybe you can help me out in a different way…”
") wait { msg ("You didn't say anything in response to Nellie. Instead, you just started to move underneath her, getting into a better position to start ‘helping’ her out! She wasn't exactly sure what you were doing, but when she felt your head start to sneak its way underneath her skirt, she got the idea of what you meant by helping. “Ohh, so eager…” you heard her say as you stuck your head right between her legs, getting at that forbidden fruit nestled just between them. Slowly, you stuck your tongue out, feeling and hearing Nellie shudder in a mixture of anticipation and pleasure as you got your first taste of her nethers. “Ah, fuck, I definitely need this…” she groaned as you started eating her out, your tongue taking slow licks along her nether lips at first, before slowly working its way deeper into her canal. You felt her chubby, soft thighs starting to tighten around your head as you continued to work, you eagerly licking and slurping over her pussy lips as she lay back and started to enjoy herself. She could find her contacts later, after all. She didn't need to be anywhere for a little bit...

As you continued eating Nellie out, your tongue slipping deeper and deeper between her folds, you felt her starting to lose herself a bit more in the sensations. Her thighs were continuing to get tighter, and her teasing turned to high pitched moans and squeaks of pleasure. Your tongue was going deeper and deeper, but it seems like no matter how deep you buried yourself in her cunt, she still wasn't completely satisfied. Her thighs continued to get tighter and tighter, as if she was trying to squeeze your whole body inside of herself! You kept licking and slurping and eating her out the best you could, but a few moments later, you felt her hand starting to nudge and push at the back of your head, as if she was palpating around trying to find it. A few moments after that, though, something quite strange happened…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("With a shove to the back of your head, you suddenly felt Nellie's vagina swallow up your face and forehead! Instantly, you were plunged into a wet, warm, fleshy and, above all, tight embrace, the moans of the deer now echoing around you as half of your head was buried in her nethers! Your tongue was somewhat stuck outside of your mouth as you felt her now clenching all around you, the movements drawing you even further into Nellie's snatch despite your best efforts to get out of here! This was really hot, but at the same time, you felt like things were going way too fast right now. It seemed like there wasn't much you could do about it though, as Nellie just kept pressing down on the back of your head, squeaking out the loudest moan she had made yet as she felt her canal lips suckle tightly along your neck. “Fucck...deeper, deeper…” you could hear her say, feeling your head and neck stretch her innards out in ways that she hadn't felt in quite a long time! It was so wet in here, that it provided a sort of lubrication, helping even the widest parts of your body slip up inside of her with little effort...

Her pussy lips stretched over your shoulders with minimal effort. You could feel her body tensing up every few seconds or so, drawing you deeper into her body alongside the pushing she was doing outside. High pitched gasps and moans constantly echoed around you with every move you made, which only made you blush and wiggle even more! It was kind of nice to think you were giving her this much pleasure.

The doe's grip on your body started to waver the deeper you went into her canal. She was enjoying it so much that she could barely keep shoving you deeper! The deer's belly was starting to swell and grow as you continued your trip into her womb, her already chubby tummy blowing up and rounding out as her fleshy innards started to accept you! Waist deep in doe pussy, you could do little more but continue pushing deeper, the wet, warm, aromatic folds around you just feeling so wonderful. It was such an intimate embrace…

\"Hhff...almost…\" you could hear her groan, her words strained and breathy as her face adopted a deep red blush. Her pussy lips were drooling with all sorts of feminine fluids, Nellie unashamedly making quite a musky stain on her bedsheets as her body continued packing you away. It was such an overwhelming pleasure that her hand down there was starting to just roam, playing with what was available of her nethers (which wasn't a lot) as she just clenched her muscles to tug you deeper. Her belly was of a considerable size now, the chub she had on it now being stretched taut as your body started to be pushed out into her womb...the transition was a bit nebulous, but after a clench, you felt the pressure around you suddenly lighten considerably. You had been pushed through the cervix, and now you were surrounded on all sides by the doe's womb. Still warm and wet, but now you could hear Nellie's racing heartbeat all around you…
") wait { msg ("Only your feet still stuck out of Nellie's cunt, the deer teasingly clenching and then relaxing a few times, using the last bit of your body as a sort of makeshift dildo while you curled up in her womb! Her gut was pretty large now; round and bulgy, making all sorts of wonderful sloshing and burbling noises as you settled inside. It was becoming difficult for Nellie to see over her gut at this point - not like she could see much in the first place! Her contacts were definitely taking a backseat to her pleasure for the moment…

You could still feel those tight muscles squeezing over your lower half as Nellie finally got around to packing you away for a good long while. She huffed and gasped as your feet slowly slid up inside of her, her nether lips finally squeezing back shut as the last of your body started its trek into her womb! With more of you getting pushed into her belly by the second, the doe's womb was steadily becoming tighter and more cramped. The walls didn't allow for much movement, so you just had to curl up the best you could...you had to constantly adjust your position as more of you entered the doe, but as the last of you finally made its way through Nellie's cervix, you managed to find a spot that was at least somewhat comfortable.

\"AaAaaAAAAaahhh...fuck…\" Nellie panted, one hand resting on top of her engorged womb as she started to look around the hotel room a little bit. \"Now...where the hell did my contacts go…\"
") wait { MoveObject (player, NellieWomb) } } } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close
The door opened a few moments later, revealing behind it a rather large, rotund, brown bear, with a cream colored ponytail and belly...it seemed you might have interrupted her as well, because Bernadette was completely nude! Her face lit up as soon as she saw what you had in your hands…\"Oh! Oh, gosh, that's my phone, thank you soooo much hun…\" she said, reaching for it at the same time and snatching it right out of your grasp. \"Ah my gosh, that's it, that's it! I gotta give you a hug, dear…\"
") wait { RemoveObject (Cellphone) msg ("Before you could politely decline Bernadette's \"reward\", the bear reached down for you, scooping you up like nothing! At least her embrace was warm and soft, wrapped up in her arms as she brought you closer to her body for a big bear hug. It didn't seem like she realized where she was about to squish you against herself, though - right between her plump, round breasts!

You tried to get the bear to stop for a moment, but to no avail. Her arms held you tight in her cleavage, your body being squished on both sides by her tits and your nose picking up hints of her perfume. It was even softer and warmer here, honestly...it made you blush quite a bit being stuck here! Especially considering how much bigger just her breasts were than your whole body…

\"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you dear!\" Bernadette continued to say as she squeezed you tight, shaking side to side before she turned around. Was she carrying you back into the room with her?...it wasn't something you were entirely opposed to, the bear seemed nice enough…

As if she had a surprise for you or something, the bear momma kept you smothered by her cleavage for a few more moments while she hummed and ditzed around. Eventually, you felt her grip loosen a bit, enough for her head to bend down and take a peek at you, smothered between her tits. \"Well, originally, hun, I was just gonna give you a hug and call it a day for your reward...but now I'm feeling a bit of a nap come on. How would you like to take a nap with me, in my belly?\"
") wait { msg ("...Why not? You were feeling tired, and still a bit flustered by Bernadette's incessant momming. So, you nodded, the big burr's face lighting up once more as you agreed. \"Oh, wonderful! You're gonna look so cute in my tum…\" the bear said, before she released you from her grasp. Not for long, though! Her arms had just changed position, the bear gripping you on both sides as she slowly brought you up to her snout. \"Good night, hun~\" she told you, before she slowly started to open her jaws wide to allow you entrance into your accommodations for this little nap! Though her mouth was lined with jagged, sharp teeth leading to an inky void deep in the back of her mouth, peering inside Bernadette's maw wasn't scary. Her breath was minty, and it washed over you like the gentle scent of an air freshener in your foyer. It was comforting, warm, and enticed you to go further…

The bear closed her eyes in anticipation before her tongue slowly rolled out of her mouth like a red carpet, going as far as it could go and dropping down, increasing the inviting factor of her maw. It seemed like she was waiting for you to make the first move, so you kept leaning in to see more of her maw, before you felt your chin make contact with her wet tongue. It curled up underneath your head, gently tugging you deeper into Bernadette...which you eagerly allowed. In just a few moments, your head was all the way inside of her mouth, the momma bear slowly giving you a push to get you further inside of her. Soon, her jaws closed around your midsection, Bernadette able to fit half of your body in her drooling maw with little trouble! Mmh, it was so warm and wet and welcoming in here...that minty scent still came from the back of her throat, though it was more muted and mixed with whatever she had eaten earlier. It still wasn't the face-puckering acidic bomb you were expecting, though!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("Feeling you teetering over the back of her throat, Bernadette slowly tilted her head back, her tongue slipping out from between her lips to help feed more of you inside her mouth as she did so. You could feel the flesh around you quivering, waiting for the big bear to set peristalsis in motion and suck you down into her warm, soft, comfy belly…


And in the blink of an eye, it happened. Bernadette took a hearty gulp, feeling her throat bulge out as half of your body disappeared right down her gullet! The slimy flesh squeezed and pressed on every inch of your body, its only goal to put you in bear belly as soon as physically possible. The bear's thick, muscular tongue slurped and slobbered all over your legs as they entered her mouth, a hearty \"mmmmm…\" vibrating around you as Bernadette found your taste quite agreeable. Such a nice little snack you were proving to be! Just a few more gulps and you would be all curled up in momma's tummy, right where you belonged!

The bear took her grip off of you now that almost all of your body was either in her mouth or her gullet, letting the last of you dangle from her lips as she started to lay down for her nap. Now that she was laying on her side, gravity wasn't there to help funnel you down her throat, so instead, you felt her tongue starting to play and slurp along your legs, occasionally even nibbling on them and just teasing at them for quite a while, letting you just rest in her throat (minus the peristalsis pushing you down gently) as she did so. You thought she maybe had already fell asleep and forgot about you, but a few moments later, you felt an odd suction around your legs as Bernadette literally slurped them up like noodles! They very suddenly entered the hot, wet embrace of her maw for just a second or two, her tongue slobbering over them to get the last of your taste before, with a thick *gllrrk*, she sent your legs and feet down with the rest of you!
") wait { msg ("\"Aaahh~\" Bernadette exhaled as she gulped down the last of her little snack, the bear smiling as she felt you working your way down her gullet. \"Mmm, thanks for the bite to eat, dear. You tasted just as sweet as you looked~\" you heard her say, her voice deep and comforting and rumbling all around you while you slid down her throat. You could feel your cheeks turning red from the compliment! First she was gobbling you up, then she had the nerve to be all sweet and nice and mom-like while she was doing it...huff. It wasn't fair…

You continued down the momma bear's throat for a little while, the flesh around you tight, but not in an uncomfortable way; every ripple of peristalsis felt like a nice massage over your whole body, gently nudging you towards her warm, bubbling tummy. You were surprised at how gentle her body was, considering you were currently traveling down the throat of a fearsome carnivore! But her body seemed to know how thankful she was for you, and took special care in making sure you arrived in her stomach in one piece. And speaking of her stomach…
") wait { MoveObject (player, BernadetteStomach) } } } } } } else { msg ("You knock on the door, but there's no answer.
") } ]]>
false false Blah blah blah. Look at 0 msg ("The bear smiled at you warmly. \"Hey there, hun~\"") false Bernadette's tummy A few minutes of peristalsis later, and you found yourself being nudged up against a wall of flesh. You felt a little bit of a divot in it, and that divot slowly yawned open to accept you into Bernadette's stomach. It was a lot warmer in here, and roomier as well, but that same odd comfort was still found in spades, even though you could smell a lot more...intense smells in here. Mostly acidic ones. Those waves of peristalsis continued to push you out inch by inch by inch, until eventually, you felt that the flesh slip over your toes, signifying that your whole body was now curled up tight in the momma bear’s gut. Her voice was even deeper and more comforting as it rumbled around you once more. “There you go hun, all tucked away...get some rest, and I'll let you out after I wake up, okay?” you heard Bernadette say, before she let out a long sigh and presumably started to fall asleep. Just thinking about her sleeping so peacefully was starting to make you tired as well... You are surrounded by ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("At some point, you passed out inside of Bernadette's belly. You weren't really sure when, because most of the time you spent in there had kind of all melted together into one long session where you weren't sure if you were awake or not. It felt like you drifted in and out of consciousness for a while, being rocked back and forth to sleep by the gentle shaking and jostling of the bear's stomach. But eventually, you did pass out for good. Hours could have passed, even days, you weren't sure; all that you knew is that you needed the rest. With all the dangerous and horny creatures lurking in this place, being somewhere that you knew was one hundred percent safe...it felt really nice. You didn't want to leave. But, as you opened your eyes after your nap, you felt yourself not in the warm embrace of Bernadette's stomach, but instead, laying on her bed, snuggled up against her once more; this time, from the outside.

“Oh...you're awake~” you heard her voice come from behind you as she felt you starting to stir. “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, dear. Would have kept you in there forever...but even my belly has limits before it starts churning things away! I hope you understand...but if you're ever scared or tired, just know that momma's belly is always open~”

You slowly got up from her bed a few minutes later, feeling more rejuvenated and confident that you had in a long while. If you ever did escape this crazy hotel, Bernadette might be one of the only people you would stay in contact with...it made you wonder why she was even here. But some questions don't have good answers.
") wait { stop sound MoveObject (player, Room 32) Bernadette.quest = 1 } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Warm, soft...comfortable. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("You tried your best to massage the stomach walls around you, though they were far better at doing it to you than you were at doing it to them!") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Bernadette mumbled something incoherent as she scratched at the spot you were rubbing her belly.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You felt Bernadette roll over in her sleep, squishing you under all those luscious curves and fat.") } else { msg ("The stomach almost hugged you back in thanks for your rubbing!") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 31) false ") RemoveObject (Antacid) MakeObjectVisible (Ferra) SetTurnTimeout (20) { Ferra.pepto = 2 MoveObject (Ferra, Bar) } } else { } ]]> false Look at 0 0
{command:ask Ferra about sleep:wake her up?}") } else { msg ("A chubby, grayish-white giraffe girl.") } ]]>

Ferra seemed to be a little bit more than...interested in you, though! The giraffe kept flirting with you throughout the conversation, and her flirts were becoming more and more obvious as time went on. Eventually, she just came right out and asked you something that she had been hinting at throughout this entire evening. \"Hey, yawanna come back to my room? I promise I won't, uurrpph, eatcha again.\" she said, snickering at what she perceived to be a joke while waiting for your response.
") Ask ("Go with Ferra?") { if (result) { msg ("After a little bit of time stumbling around the dimly lit hallways of the 5th floor, you and Ferra arrived at the door to her room. She fumbled around with her keys for a moment, before opening the room up and stumbling her way inside. \"Ohhh god, I think I had too much to drink…\" the giraffe managed to stammer and slur out, quickly kicking off the high heels she had into separate corners of the room before running forward and face planting herself down onto her bed. You stumbled over to the giraffe as well, Ferra rolling over onto her back to look at you before stretching out her arms wide and clenching her fingers inward. \"Cmere, you...\"

And you came over there without hesitation. You weren't nearly as drunk as the giraffe was, but you were more than tipsy enough to be open to quite a lot of suggestions...and so, as soon as Ferra motioned for you to come join her, you did exactly that, stumbling over and scrambling into the bed next to her. \"Oh, gosh, you are so dang CUTE! I have unfinished business with you, sweet one~\" Ferra teased you as she rolled over onto her side, smothering you in her body as she wrapped her warm, soft arms around you...it was partially a hug, partially just drunken glomping, but either way, you were enjoying it! Though, as time went on, you started to feel as if Ferra was pushing you somewhere in particular. Down, further down her body; first to her cute little tummy, but then past it and more towards her waist. At the same time, the giraffe was starting to lift up the skirt she was wearing, and even your inebriated brain could pretty quickly piece together where all of this was going! And, well, you weren't exactly opposed to it…
") wait { msg ("\"Hah, dythink you could help me out with something?” the giraffe asked, before a hand came around and nudged you up underneath her skirt...and then you realized pretty quickly that Ferra wasn't wearing anything under that skirt. And, more importantly, her legs were spread just enough that you could see the slit hiding between those legs, glistening and just waiting to be tended to...oh, goodness, this was going pretty fast, it seemed!

And then, before you could even start tending to Ferra, you felt a bump to the back of your head, before everything went dark. Your face was pushed forward between the giraffe’s legs, immediately being smothered in ‘raffe cooch at a rate far quicker than what you were expecting! You heard Ferra cry out in passion as she did this, her legs clenching tight around the sides of your head and keeping you locked against her drooling, needy nethers...you opened your mouth and started to give the giraffe a little bit of tongue love, but you weren't exactly doing a great job at it from how sudden you were being pushed into it! Ferra's drunken brain didn't seem to mind so much, though, if the cries of passion you kept hearing from above you were any indication...though, the giraffe kept flexing her legs and pushing you even further into her pussy, so you got the thought that you weren't doing enough to satisfy her in this moment. Plus, there was still that hand at the back of your head, continuing to press and push you closer into her glistening, sweet-smelling folds...they were spreading pretty wide, starting to wrap themselves around your face and head, coating you in those slick, musky fluids. They just kept stretching and expanding, wrapping themselves around your face as Ferra kept pushing you forward until -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("*shhhlp!*

With another push to the back of your head, Ferra's vagina swallowed up your face rather cleanly! You were suddenly immersed into that slick, wet, warm and slippery canal, the giraffe's rumbling cries of passion echoing around you, though they were difficult to hear over the squishy, squelchy noises of her folds devouring you! The drunken giraffe clenched tight around your head, pulling another few inches of you inside of her as Ferra gasped and panted in absolute pleasure. \"HAah! Deeper!...\" she cried out, one hoof still on the back of your head and pressing forward as she basically fingered herself while shoving you up inside of her pussy. The dark flesh ahead of you continued to expand as you were shoved and slurped up further inside, the giraffe’s cries reaching and even higher pitch as her folds had to stretch wide to accompany your shoulders...and throughout all of this, you were far too drunk and trapped to attempt to stop this - if you even wanted to, honestly! Ferra smelled fantastic in here, and the thought that you were being shoved up into her nethers honestly excited you quite a bit…

It only took one more clench of the giraffe's legs to suck you up waist deep inside of herself, Ferra relaxing and reaching down to fondle her plump tits while your squirming legs stuck out from between her own. \"Oh my GOD, ah, keep wiggling…\" the giraffe demanded, her hair sprayed out on the pillow she was resting on from how much her mind was being blown right now. She already felt so full down there, and there was still half of you to pack away...god, it all felt so fucking amazing! The giraffe continued fondling herself up with one hand while her other reached down once more, grasping at your wiggling, squirming legs firmly before starting to shove them forward! Every inch of your body that the giraffe claimed sent her into an absolute frenzy, her body clenching and spasming in pleasure as your head was pushed through Ferra's cervix into what had to be…well, it had to be her womb!
") wait { MoveObject (player, FerraWomb) } } } } else { msg ("Ferra didn't seem happy that you denied her, but she wasn't gonna fight you on it. She just went back to drinking by herself.") } } } else if (Ferra.pepto = 1) { msg ("She's asleep.

{command:ask Ferra about sleep:wake her up?}") } else if (Ferra.pepto = 2) { msg ("\"Hey there, dude.\" the giraffe says. She doesn't seem to have anything new to offer you right now.") } else { msg ("\"Oh hey, it's you again.\" the giraffe says. She still seems a bit queasy.

\"...do you think you could get me some pepto or something?\"") } ]]>

You had expected the impact from Ferra's fall to be a bit more painful than it actually ended up being. Instead, that pain was replaced by an odd feeling of warmth and tightness around your legs...and then, you looked up and saw what had happened. Your legs, which had been sticking up in the air as you fell, were aligned perfectly to slide right between Ferra's buttcheeks and get lodged right up in her bowels! The fall had quite a lot of momentum behind it, resulting in your legs being swallowed up all the way to their knees with ease! The sensation of something sliding up so deep inside of her ass was more than enough to rouse Ferra, the giraffe sleepily starting to yell and flail around as she realized where she had ended up! \"Who's there!? What's going on!!?\" the giraffe yelled, looking all around her hotel room until she trained her eyes onto you...and, very quickly, realized what that strange feeling in her lower half was. \"Ohh my GOSH! I am...so, so sorry, dear...\" the giraffe started to profusely apologize, a thick blush forming on her face from both the embarrassment and the sensations starting to flood her body!

The surprise had caused Ferra's body to reflexively clench as well, which only sucked you deeper into her bowels! It was so tight and hot inside of Ferra, that it was basically impossible for you to move with your legs bound as tight as they were. \"A-ah! Just, hrrf, just give me a second, hun...\" Ferra continued to apologize, trying her best to start pushing you out of her body. You could feel her bowels starting to reverse course a bit, but at the same time, every little movement you made seemed to pleasure the giraffe enough that she just clenched again and ruined all of her hard fought progress! It was clear that the giraffe’s lack of experience with this kind of thing was going to severely hamper her ability to get the both of you out of this mess...but, in the frenzy and furor of everything that was going on, you didn't care about that kind of subtle detail. You just wanted to get the hell out of here, and do it fast!
") wait { msg ("With all of the weight on top of you, though, it was difficult for you to make any progress yourself; and, hell, most of the squirming you were trying to do only seemed to excite the giraffe even more, accomplishing precisely the opposite of what you were trying to do! In just a minute or two, Ferra's bowels had swallowed you up to your waist, presenting quite the difficult situation for the two of you...your panic was starting to tune down a little bit as you realized just how antithetical to escaping all your wiggling and flailing about was doing, but, the giraffe’s bowels had such a deep grasp on you at this point that pulling you out this way seemed almost impossible! And Ferra knew it, too. \"Erf, s-sorry, dear...I think I'll have to get you out once you're...further along.\" Ferra said to you, more of your body starting to be taken up by her thick shadow...no! That wasn't the answer you wanted, not at all! You started to yell and push your arms against Ferra's body, demanding that she let you out - that was ridiculous! It was her body, she controlled it, there was simply no way she didn't have the ability to push you out...unless, of course, she didn't want to. But, no, that wasn't even a possibility you could consider. There was no way the giraffe was enjoying this...

Ferra thought the same thing, at least consciously. Deeper in her mind, though, she was starting to enjoy the feeling of having something wiggling so deep into her guts, and only making its way deeper by the minute! A considerable bulge was starting to show in the giraffe's lower gut, only continuing to grow with every rippling clench of her bowels. Geez, her innards felt so tight and slimy...at this point, you just tried not to think about what was happening. You clearly couldn't do much to affect the outcome, and the creeping spectre of the giraffe's rump was starting to move closer and closer. Ferra's ass had swallowed you all the way up to your chest now, and it showed no signs of slowing down...the giraffe was trying her best to console you and tell you that she was going to let you out as soon as she could, but you couldn't help but feel as though that her admonishment was a bit disingenuous. It was clear that she was enjoying all of this, despite how overencumbered it was making her...
") wait { msg ("\"H-hun, you're just going to *hhn* trust me here...\" Ferra managed to say a few moments later, clearly sensing how uncomfortable you were right now. The giraffe started to roll onto her side a little bit, trying her best to make it comfortable for you as her gut continued to slosh to and fro...now, at least you weren't at an awkward angle as the giraffe's ass continued to swallow you up! You hated to say it, but with the position you were in, you really did have to trust the giraffe...a feminine musk was starting to walk into your nose, the light scent honestly helping you calm down a little bit as the giraffe's rumpcheeks came closer and closer with every clench. You really couldn't believe it, but you were really about to be swallowed whole by the giraffe's ass! That warm, wet pucker was starting to slide up over your shoulders, trapping your arms at their sides and making it almost certain that you were going to embark on a long, long journey through Ferra's bowels. One more clench, maybe two, and...
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } MoveObject (player, FerraBowels) } } } } ]]>
false Ferra's stomach You are surrounded by ") } else { msg ("You found yourself being forced to curl up inside Ferra's stomach as more of your body was pushed out into it, your face being submerged in slimy, tingling fluids as you tried to get comfortable inside the churning, loud chamber. Outside, you could hear and feel the giraffe rubbing at her belly, a feeling of queasiness starting to come over her as she felt her stomach being stretched and filled well past its normal capacity! A few times, she wanted to straight up barf, but for now...it seemed like she was able to keep you inside. Even if she didn't find it all that satisfying.

“Urpf…” the giraffe moaned, feeling a bit of your taste coming up as she belched a few times. “You doing okay in there?” she asked, feeling you rub at the inside of her belly a little bit in response, an action that made her feel a little bit better at least! “A-all right. I think I'm going to lay down for a little bit, and then let you out afterwards…”
") } ]]>
") } SetTimeout (20) { if (Ferra.pepto = 1) { if (Ferra.struggle >= 5) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("\"UGH!\" you heard Ferra say after a big bout of struggling from you, the giraffe's voice difficult to actually hear over the churning of her insides. \"You are being such a little brat. You know what?...\" she started to trail off, leaving you in silence until you felt the whole world around you shift! The giraffe was rolling onto her side, reaching over to the headboard and grabbing the bottle of antacid you had left there earlier...

For a few moments, there was relative silence. Perhaps she had just rolled over to quell her queasy belly? But then, amongst all the fleshy, wet sounds you were surrounded by, you heard something a little more distinct. A quick, deep sound, almost like...she was swallowing something? You were left confused, but that confusion only lasted a few more seconds as you suddenly felt some very cold, very thick liquid splattering down onto your head! Almost immediately, the smell hit you, and you realized exactly what it was. It was the antacid you had given her earlier! The giraffe had basically chugged the rest of the bottle, and now she was rolling over and just trying to sleep you off...oh, oh no, this was getting very bad very quickly! It seemed as though Ferra had given up on letting you go, and was just going to let you melt down inside of her...

You were already starting to feel a little tingly and weird inside of Ferra's belly, but now that you realized what the giraffe was doing...well, the process of digestion was really starting to kick in now! The walls around you were starting to squeeze even further inward, working all those slick, slimy fluids far deeper into your skin than you would have liked. It was still going to be a long and laborious process with how inexperienced Ferra's guts were, but it was more than clear what was actually happening. You started to profusely apologize, try and get the giraffe's attention for upsetting her so much, but it was clear that she intended to be passed out until you were good and churned up...that tingling feeling continued to spread through your body, getting deeper and deeper until you were basically numb in some areas; and all the while, the giraffe's fat gut continued to slosh and sway to and fro, Ferra tossing and turning in her little nap. Those movements were doing a great job of mixing you up with all the chime and sludge that was starting to accumulate inside of her stomach. Fuck, you were starting to feel quite tired as well..

Realizing Ferra was not even awake to hear you crying for forgiveness, you started to struggle and squirm once more; but at this point, you were far too weak for your movements to have any hope of upsetting Pharaoh's guts enough to obtain your freedom. and a heavy sleepiness was starting to come over you now as well...it seemed that the giraffe's belly was well on its way to claiming you.

Ferra woke up a few hours later, the gross feeling and the swollen bulge in her middle having reduced itself to little more than a pudgy, burbling layer of fat. There was still digestion to be done, but it was clear that you were little more than sludge and giraffe fat at this point! Ferra poked at her stomach a little bit, feeling just how much weight you had added to her curves...the giraffe felt a bit remorseful about all of this, but she had given you so many chances. Perhaps if you hadn't been so rude in her belly, you would have made a friend...

*You were just too much for Ferra...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("You had been sloshing around inside of Ferra's stomach for quite a while now, and you were honestly starting to get a little worried about the giraffe's intentions. You had tried your best to not make her uncomfortable, but maybe she had changed her mind on letting you out or something...just as you were starting to think about trying to get her attention, you heard her voice through the squelching. \"O-okay, I think I'm ready...\" the giraffe stammered, more than a little bit of nervousness in her voice...right after that, you felt the world around you starting to sway too and fro as the giraffe sat up and eventually got out of her bed. She mentally prepared herself for a few moments, before placing her hands underneath her gut and starting to mimic a bit of a heimlich motion! It was weird and awkward at first; it really just felt like Ferra was squeezing you even tighter inside of here, in a way that was honestly starting to hurt. But, after a few times, you felt the stomach walls around you really starting to clench and lurch and push you up towards the entrance to her gullet. Your head bumped up against the fleshy wall a few times, before this sphincter finally dilated enough to allow her stomach to quite literally shove you right through the opening! Her throat soon latched onto you, and thick and fleshy waves of peristalsis started to pull you right up the giraffe's throat, your body dripping with all sorts of thick and slimy fluids! You could hear Ferra starting to cough you up now, the giraffe seemingly having quite a few difficulties with it...a few times, you felt your ascent suddenly stop, and you thought that you were going to slide right back down into her gut!

Thankfully, that didn't happen. Ferra kept at it, and in a minute or two, you could see the light at the end of the tunnel...it was so strange to see her tongue fading into existence as your head started to pop up in the back of her throat, see all her flat teeth and the fleshy interior of her mouth...but you didn't get to appreciate it for long. It was all rushing up to meet you, and in just a few seconds, you were finally free!...at least, your head was. Ferra kept working you up, the giraffe eventually reaching around to grab a hold of your shoulders and start to pull you out of her throat...it was tough, long, and her body was fighting the both of you at every step, but eventually, you had made it. Lying crumpled on the floor in a pool of stomach slime and spit, you had traveled all the way through the giraffe's digestive system.

The first thing you heard, of course, was Ferra profusely apologizing. \"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you are okay, I'm so sorry...\" she went on and on, while you just tried to figure out how to stand up again! It was strange to think about, but traveling through the giraffe's guts had actually made you appreciate her a little more. Hell, maybe you had even made a friend in there…
") wait { stop sound MoveObject (player, Room 31) } } } else { msg ("The world shifted around you as you felt Ferra starting to move again, the giraffe getting over to her bed before laying it down and rubbing at her swollen, sore belly. “Ugggh, and some people GET OFF to this?” she mumbled aloud, before forcing herself to belch once more to relieve a little bit of the pressure in her midsection. You were starting to tingle a little bit, so you helped that the giraffe wouldn't fall asleep before things started to get melty in here...! Maybe more belly rubs would help keep her awake…
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("An hour or so passed before you felt the giraffe stir again. In that time, you had gone a bit numb, but that sensation was probably just from how cramped this stomach was. “Urrghhh...ready to come out?” Ferra said as she started to get up out of bed, poking at her slightly-softer belly to make sure you were still kicking in there - which you were. You didn't hear from the giraffe anymore, but you did feel her starting to move around again, before something strange started to happen. You felt the stomach clench around you even tighter, pushing you in the direction in which you came - it was squeezing you so tight that you of thought you might pass out at some point! Thankfully, before that happened, the sphincter in front of you yawned open, and in the snap of a finger, you were violently pushed back up into her throat, Ferra leaning over and heaving as she felt your body making its way back up her throat. It took quite a bit of effort from Ferra, but eventually, you saw the light of day again as your had rushed out of Ferra’s mouth, the giraffe audibly hacking and groaning as your stomach slime-covered body slid out of her mouth and out onto the bathroom floor. The temperature change made your body shiver, but as your feet slid out from between the giraffe's lips, you were able to curl up a little bit and just let your body adjust to the new environment as Ferra stood over you. “Eugh...please don't ask me to do that again.” she said, spit and stomach goop dripping from her lips as she looked over you. “You are kind of cute, though. Maybe after you take a shower we can talk or something…”
") wait { stop sound MakeObjectVisible (Ferra) MoveObject (player, Room 31) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at if (Ferra.pepto = 1) { random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Ferra winced as she felt you kicking around inside of her. \"Mrrf, please keep it down in there, dear...\" you heard her say, her voice barely audible over the gurgling of her upset stomach.") Ferra.struggle = Ferra.struggle + 1 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The stomach clenched tight around your vulnerable body.") Ferra.struggle = Ferra.struggle + 1 } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You felt Ferra’s guts lurch a little bit, hoping that your struggling would actually help her cough you up and not just make Ferra even more uncomfortable!") Ferra.struggle = Ferra.struggle + 1 } else { msg ("The giraffe just continued to rub at her belly, hoping to calm you down in there as she tried to get in a good position...") Ferra.struggle = Ferra.struggle + 1 } } else { random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("You rubbed your hands around in circles, trying to quell the giraffe’s nausea in any way you could.") } else { msg ("The stomach churned and gurgled all around you, making you feel a bit queasy yourself!") } }
false Ferra's bowels
There you went. Your whole head was suddenly immersed into a world of wet, musky, tight darkness. You could hear the sounds of your own consumption as Ferra’s bowels clenched and rippled along every inch of your body, drawing you deeper into the maze of guts lying ahead. As Ferra's bowels groaned and gurgled around you, all you could hope was that the giraffe would keep her promise...
You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("You were beginning to lose track of time after traveling so far through pitch-black thick, slimy giraffe bowels. Once you got through a certain point, it just felt like you were constantly moving ahead with no light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing much had changed besides the sounds around you getting deeper and bassier with every clench...for a while, that was. At some point, you jolted back to life as you felt your head get rudely shoved up against a fleshy wall in front of you, a wall that slowly yawned open and allowed Ferra's body to squish you through it...albeit at a snail's pace!
") wait { MoveObject (player, FerraStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at msg ("Struggling inside these bowels didn't seem to do much, besides make your sympathetic predator a little uncomfortable.")
false Ferra's womb The walls around you held solid and firm, not giving way as you were squelched and shoved up inside of the giraffe...that meant you were forced to curl up as Ferra swallowed up your waist and knees with her nethers, your feet already nearly disappeared between her thick thighs! you were almost fully inside of the giraffe now, and it certainly felt like it...slick feminine fluids coated every inch of your body, lubricating you up to at least make it a bit easier for you to slip into such a small, compact space. The cries of a giraffe in heat, the pounding of her heartbeat as the last of you was pulled up into her vagina, the squelchy and squishy noises of every tiny movement you made in here...it was all overwhelming as hell! And as the rest of you was pulled up inside, Ferra's cervix sealed shut behind your toes as you curled up inside of the giraffe's room. You couldn't believe that she had actually managed to do this...but it was real! You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("The giraffe's gasps and huffs of pleasure only continued to get more and more intense as the environment inside of her became more inhospitable, so tight and steamy...you could tell that an orgasm was coming, you were just hoping you would be in one solid piece! Ferra's contractions were pushing you back out towards her cervix, but the fleshy ring was holding you tight inside, subjecting you to the powerful heat and thick, feminine musk of the giraffe's womb...

It wouldn't be for long, though. Eventually, you heard a shrill cry of pleasure as Ferra orgasmed, fluids shooting out of her cervix and out of her canal as she made a mess all over her bed. The tide of femcum swept you away after a few seconds of truly crushing tightness, her cervix yawning open and clenching you right back down the way you came...everything was smeared and soaked in femcum, but you were able to sense a sort of light ahead of you; a light that was quickly growing brighter as Ferra's moans of orgasm became louder!

When your head hit the bedding, you didn't even realize it at first, actually. It all felt the same, like a squishy wet canvas...but the world around you was gradually starting to become more and more clear, even with the fluids still soaking your eyes...a few more contractions shoved and pushed me rest of your body back out into the outside world, each one alongside another powerful groan of lust from the giraffe! Ferra was left gasping and panting...but you were the one who was really shaken up, crumbled in a heap between the giraffe's sticky legs!

Once Ferra had come back to her senses, she looked down at the mess she had made - and you curled up in the center of it! \"HAah, hah, hahhh...looks like you'll need another shower.\" the still-tipsy giraffe teased, before collapsing back down against her pillow and enjoying the afterglow of it all…
") wait { MoveObject (player, Room 31) MoveObject (Ferra, Room 31) } } } } ]]>
womb walls false Tight. Look at ") } ]]>
false false false false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close
It only took a second of seeing that before you started to turn around, apologizing profusely and saying that you must have had the wrong room, before you heard a voice from behind you. “Now now, don't be so hasty. You interrupted me, but who's to say we both couldn't have a bit of fun?~”

The voice made you turn back around, but you quickly decided that you weren't interested and started to head out once more. It was at this point when you noticed that the door had already been closed behind you, and this drox, he was starting to get off the bed. In the few seconds that you had spent turned to the door, attempting to fiddle with the lock so you could make your unceremonious exit, the drox had made his way over to the door, casting one hell of a shadow over you that eventually made you turn around and face him meekly...and, not just from the sight of a big, muscle-bound drox standing in front of you with a dick dripping with lube! In addition to that, you were hit by a wave of a powerful, intoxicating smell. One laced with pheromones, that you couldn't describe as anything but musk.
") wait { msg ("“Leaving so soon? I think you could help me out a little bit…” Thomas said, stroking at his cock idly with one hand as he ushered you forward with the other. That hand quickly changed to wrapping around your back, and gently nudging you closer to the drox, which you followed through with, albeit somewhat reluctantly. Conveniently for you, your height put you right around crotch height for this beefy drox, which gave you access to that throbbing organ which was no doubt the source of that wonderful musk that you were now breathing in constantly. “There you go, just take it all in…” the drox continued, his words smooth like butter as that arm wrapped around your back pushed you closer and closer until your nose was wedged right between his green, musky balls. You were a bit reluctant, embarrassed at first, even, but as you were eventually forced to breathe in that smell direct from the source, you felt your body starting to melt into a puddle of from all the good vibes coursing through it. Warmth and musk surrounded you, slightly sweaty but not overbearingly, and goodness, you could HEAR the cum sloshing around right ahead of you. Clearly the drox had quite a bit of pent-up stress that he needed to let out...made sense, at least!

\"Hff...name's Thomas. Let's get somewhere a bit more comfortable…\" the drox said as he walked you back to his bed, your face now firmly nuzzled into drox sac and ready for the long haul. He plopped himself down on the same spot in the bed that he was earlier, dangling his legs and package over the side of the mattress and letting you kneel down to get access to that package once more - which you eagerly took advantage of. As soon as you had access to Thomas's sac, you dove into it, nose rubbing right up against the skin while your hands rubbed and roamed over those round, sloshing orbs. Mmf, God, was that smell getting even stronger…? It hadn't even been that long!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemalemoan_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("While you pretty much made out with the drox's sac, already getting to the point that your tongue was slipping out from between your lips to get a taste of that musk, Thomas continued to stroke at his shaft, which was harder than a diamond at this point from all the stimulation he was receiving! \"Theeere ya go, worship my nuts…\" the drox groaned, placing a hand against the back of your head to make sure you couldn't go anywhere but deeper into drox nuts, your whole face now swallowed up by that musky crevice. So warm, damp with musk and sweat, and surprisingly soft as well...if you weren't so aroused right now, you felt as though you could take a nap here!

As you continued to be smothered by drox balls, something was starting to feel...different. You could feel more of your body starting to make contact with the sac, as if Thomas had pulled you up or something...but you didn't feel as though you had moved at all. The transition was subtle, but after a few minutes, you definitely felt as though there were some shenanigans going on here! Gently, you tried to pull yourself away from Thomas's sac, the drox chuckling before granting your request and moving his hand from the back of your head.

Slowly, your eyes adjusted to the presence of light once more... you blinked a few times, kneeling before Thomas as you looked up at him. Everything looked and felt so much...larger all of a sudden, as if Thomas had grown or you had shrunk or some combination of the two! The even bigger drox just chuckled as you stared at him in a combination of surprise and bewilderment, before his much deeper-sounding voice started to speak once more. “Surprised by my growth? Well, it just gives you more to love down there…” Thomas said, before he started to nudge you forward once more, though this time he seemed to want the focus to be on his shaft more than his balls. “Just relax and stroke and worship my package, but everything just melt away…”

His words dripped with honey, and you found yourself eagerly following his every command in just a few moments, leaning back into that musky package and starting to use both of your hands to stroke up and down, feeling the thick meat throbbing underneath your hands as you started to get to work. There was so much maleness for you to handle, there was no way that you would be able to stick it in your mouth or anything like that...it seemed like Thomas was fine with you just rubbing and occasionally taking a lick or two, though. His cock was so big and thick and black already, and now that it was even larger, and seemingly growing every few minutes or so...well, goodness, it was absolutely overwhelming! It didn't help that the drox’s musk just continued to get stronger and stronger over time as well, filling your head with all sorts of lovely and lewd thoughts! Fuck, you were almost sad that you couldn't have any hope of fitting this cock inside of you...
") wait { msg ("Oh well. Rubbing and stroking and tasting that shaft would have to do right now! The fact that you were slowly becoming smaller and smaller, while Thomas only continued to grow, completely slipped your mind as you were utterly enamored with the drox's package, your legs somewhat automatically lifting you up so you could continue stroking it even as your stature became shorter and shorter. It was a very subtle change, but a consistent one. If your mind wasn't so full of musk, the constant shifting in perspective would have probably made you feel quite dizzy. Thankfully, your mind was in a very different place right now.

“Mmh...too bad my little worshipper isn't big enough to take this cock...I think you'll still enjoy what I have in mind, though~” Thomas teased, leaning back with his eyes closed as he let you roam and rub all over his cock. By now, there was a little bit of pre welling up at the tip of Thomas's black shaft, which you put to good use without even blinking an eye! Your hands climbed up that long, meaty shaft to the tip, feeling Thomas gasp in pleasure as you are fingered his cock hole a little bit before taking that salty liquid in your hands and running it down the side of the drox's shaft. “Ohhhh, I like the way you think…” Thomas groaned as he looked down at what you were doing, clenching his pelvic muscles to give you a little bit more material to work with. You couldn't help but lick a little bit of it off your hands, that salty, musky taste getting you addicted already….even as it was becoming a little bit more difficult for you to actually reach all the way to the tip! Thomas was rock hard at this point, and he had quite a package on him, and as you continued to shrink, you found yourself almost standing at full height just to keep rubbing and pressing your body against his dick! Goodness, you could feel the throbbing echoing through your body with every movement you made...

In addition to the sense of size difference that was quickly gaining ground in your consciousness, there was something else creeping up that you really couldn't describe. It felt like you were...like you were closer to his cock then ever before. But there was something physical keeping you from pulling too far away, to take a breath or two or readjust yourself. If you were a bit clearer of mind, this sensation would probably cause you to reevaluate the situation...but you were so into Thomas right now, into his maleness and his musk and everything else. And every time you drank from the tap, those feelings only grew stronger and stronger.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("Apparently the wolf felt the same way, because he was starting to get a little carried away himself! Quiet huffs and groans quickly turned into moans and howls, his hips thrusting forward as if of their own accord as more salty pre leaked out of his tip. You tried to keep the pace up with Thomas as he got more and more aroused, but with your small size, it was just far too difficult and tiring...so, when you felt Thomas start to reach down and grab you too, you weren't all too surprised. What surprised you is when he slammed you against his shaft, ztarting to stroke up and down with you in his hand like you were nothing but a toy!

Thankfully, the lubing you had done made it so you weren't grinding too hard against his cock flesh, but you were quite literally stuck between a hand and a hard place now! You were already feeling quite loopy and out of it before, but as Thomas kept going, completely awash in his own arousal, you started to feel even farther away, yet at the same time, even closer to Thomas. The throbbing of his cock...you could feel it in every cell of your body, which was absolutely coated in juices that were pumping out of the tip of his shaft every time he stroked up or down. You couldn't even really feel yourself at this point; your entire existence was relative to Thomas's cock and to the hand that gripped you so tightly, making sure that your entire form was smothered in drox shaft. The rhythmic motions almost lulled you into a semi-conscious state...but, a thrust from the fox made sure that you snapped out of that soon. That must was only getting stronger and stronger, and developing your mind and making it so you couldn't think about anything else feather release, just blowing your load and letting everything go free -


When Thomas came, it was like your whole life ahead changed for the better. Arousal and supreme pleasure flowed through your whole body as cum rained down on you, your entire form getting sopping wet with that hot, fresh drox cream. It coated you, all over, and it certainly helped that Thomas's hand was rubbing it all in to every part of your body…or, maybe it was your body. You really couldn't tell at this point. Your sense of self was melting away with every shot of jizz, slowly being replaced with nothing but thoughts of arousal and orgasm and Thomas's shaft and musk. Eventually, the orgasm came to an end, Thomas panting and huffing from how much pent-up arousal he had let loose, before he slowly retracted his hand from his shaft. But, when you felt that weight on your back get lifted, you didn't fall backwards, or move at all, really. You were stuck there, on the fox's shaft...unable to move, you steadily realized what had happened. You were part of his cock now.

You felt your new form juggle and sway as Thomas stood up, holding you with one hand to feel the weight you had added to his shaft. “Hhhhfff...you really made me grow, man…” you heard him...you...a voice say as you walked into the bathroom, Thomas looking into a mirror being the thing that finally set it in stone for you. The reflection was nothing but Thomas's package, even larger than before, that black flesh still throbbing, the tip still leaking...leaking out of you. You were Thomas's cock now. And it was perfect.
") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } ]]>
A big, sleepy hyenataur. Look at You are surrounded by 0
\"Listen. I'm trying to take a nap. If you bother me again, I'm gonna be pretty annoyed…\" Ash said, before curling back up and ignoring you.
") } otherwise { msg ("You poked the sleeping beast once more. Ash almost immediately groaned, before getting onto their feet and scowling at you. \"I warned ya…\" was all the hyenataur said, before lunging at you and knocking you right to the ground! The two of you were snout-to-nose for a moment, Ash staring straight through you with those blue-and-orange eyes. \"I let off some steam earlier, after ya woke me up…\" the hyena said, bearing all of their taurish weight down on you as they said that. \"I think you would do good as a bit of a refill…\"

As soon as you heard those words, you felt Ash thrust their hips forward, your feet suddenly being shoved into somewhere warm and squishy! You weren't able to look down to see what was going on, but based on what Ash had said and done, it seemed like...like you were being shoved right into the hyena's shaft! Ash's expression changed from one of anger to one of pleasure as they unabashedly humped back and forth over your body, Ash's size easily smothering any struggles you could have made. Despite Ash saying that they had just emptied themselves out earlier, you could still feel quite a bit of hyena cum lubricating the tunnel and allowing your feet to slide in at a much faster pace...goodness, it felt like every hump and thrust Ash made claimed another few inches of your body! You used your hands to try and push the hyena off of you, but every time you tried, all Ash did was snarl at you before doubling down and thrusting even further. In almost no time at all, you were waist deep in yeen shaft, and Ash showed no signs of slowing down...hell, it looked like they really needed a refill!
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } wait { msg ("Eventually, though, the hyena did taper off a little bit. Having something crammed so deep into your loins felt amazing, after all, and the hyena was starting to pant and huff every time they humped forward. You were surprised at the size of Ash's cock; you thought that you would already be curling up in those apparently-needy balls by now, but it felt like there was still quite a bit of shaft for you to venture through before you ended up...well, ended up in there. But - no! It wasn't an inevitability, you needed to get out of here! Ash seemed a bit occupied now, those deep, intense eyes now half-lidded and the hyena's tongue hanging out of their mouth. It was now or never, so you started to bring your hands down to that shaft, gripping them on both sides as you attempted to quite literally pull yourself out of the situation you had found yourself in! You felt a little bit of resistance at first, but eventually with a pop, your body started to slide out of its prison! You had to keep going, you could keep going, this was your chance -

“Aaah, no ya don’t!”

Almost immediately after those words, you felt a paw place itself on the top of your head, immediately halting any forward motion you could have made. You tried to fight against it, but one of the hyena’s paws seemed to be stronger than your whole body in this compromising position. The pressure increased on the top of your head, and you felt your body starting to slide back down Ash's cock, even deeper than before now! You could feel the flesh clenching around your body, drawing you in deeper and deeper. Thick musk was starting to fill your lungs as you descended deeper into Ash's body; that meaty cock was starting to creep over your chest, and you could quickly feel your strength starting to fade as well...

Precum was leaking all over your body, a sign of Ash's increasing arousal and, therefore, their increasing strength. The deeper you went, the harder it would become to mount any sort of impactful struggle. Ash just bore down on you even more, your body barely peeking out from under the hyenataur's at this point! If someone else were to come along, it would take quite a bit of looking to spot what was left of you under all of Ash's fluff. The hopes of a rescue were a pipe dream, anyway.

One more clench, and you felt your feet get pushed out into a chamber that could only be the hyena's balls! At the same time, Ash yelped in pleasure as they felt your shoulders slip into their shaft, the hyena having a bit of trouble fitting themselves over the widest part of your body. But, oh, when they did pop inside, it felt so fucking GOOD. The feeling gave Ash the power they needed to slurp up the rest of you, humps and thrusts quickly consuming your neck and leaving only your head in the outside world. The tip of Ash's shaft constantly throbbed against your chin, pre leaking out over your face and even into your mouth...meanwhile, your feet and legs were being dunked into a cum bath inside the yeen's nuts. So much for being empty! There was quite a bit of the stuff sloshing around inside, feeling like a very warm bath for your lower half as more of you was dipped inside...
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("With your arms bound at your sides and your legs stewing in hyena cum, there wasn't much struggling you could actually do. At this point, you figured it was best to just conserve your energy, make Ash cum from the inside once you were packed away in the hyenataur's fat nuts...it was insane to think that giving up for now was the right option, but it really was! You could only wait as you felt Ash's cock tip slip over your chin, your mouth, your nose, and then…


With one last, tight clench, Ash cried out in pleasure as the rest of your head slipped inside their cock, the hyena panting and drooling as they collapsed onto their own shaft, feeling you wiggling underneath them as you traveled deeper and deeper into the yeen. It was all up to Ash's body now, and it worked with impressive rhythm, clenching and releasing all around you and squeezing you down deeper into the hyena's loins. You could already tell that those balls were getting filled up, and more than half of your body was still in Ash's shaft...ugh, this was gonna be a tough fit.
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, AshSac) } } } } } else { msg ("There is a big, slender hyenataur taking a snooze in the middle of this hallway and blocking you from going further...it seems wise to not disturb them at this moment. Maybe there is something you can get to make them move out of the way?") Ask ("Wake them?") { if (result) { msg ("Nah. What if there was something really important being blocked by this sleepy hyena!? You weren't about to lose out on that just because you didn't want to wake them up. Trying to take things gently at first, at least, you started to nudge the hyena, getting a little bit more forceful as they just refused to wake up. In the middle of all of this, you caught something out of the corner of your eye that made you a little bit curious - you were almost disbelieving of what you saw at first, but as you looked closer, you saw a twitching, hard shaft sticking out from between the hyena’s legs, looking as though they were in the middle of quite the lewd wet dream! You started to back off a little bit, but by the time you noticed that, it was already too late. The hyena’s eyes opened, a scowl came over their face, and they started to slowly get to their feet while looking at you.

The hyena let out a long, gaping yawn right in front of you, giving you a frankly intimidating view of their mouth before they started to speak. “You just HAD to wake me up out of that dream, didn't you?” they said, with a clearly annoyed tone of voice, slowly walking towards you as they continued. “It was really nice, too. Had somebody sucking me off, and another person eating out my nethers…” the yeen continued, gradually backing you into a corner before you watched that tail flick forward and wrap itself around the back of your body. The hyena’s long, yellow tongue curled out of their mouth as they continued speaking, a toothy grin being flashed every time they closed their mouths. “The least you could do is help me blow off some of that steam, hun…”
") wait { msg ("You had trouble with this for a few moments. The vague wording the hyena used made you a bit worried about what helping them really meant. Based on the dream they had mentioned earlier, it seemed like it was going to involve sex of some kind, but afterwards…? You were basically at their mercy at this point, anything could end up happening to you! With the hyenataur having already backed you into a corner, though, there wasn't much else you could do. Maybe if you were complicit, things would end up working out for the both of you...

You nodded slowly, in a way that definitely betrayed your uncertainty about this whole situation; but it seemed to please the hyena enough, their expression becoming a lot more calm as they gave you a little bit more breathing room in the corner. “That's what I was hoping to hear. Don't worry, I think the both of us will have quite a bit of fun here…” the hyena said before backing away from you entirely, though still leaving their tail curled around your backside just to make sure you didn't run off while they...exposed themselves. They got down on their feet, standing in front of you for a few moments before looking up with an annoyed expression on their face. “...well? Don't you know how this works? Down on your knees!” they commanded, pulling you closer with that tail until you fell forward, catching yourself with your hands before looking up and seeing that you were suddenly face-to-face with what was going to be in your mouth for the next few minutes, at the very least! The hyena’s shaft twitched and throbbed in anticipation as you stared it down, beads of musky pre-cum dribbling out of the tip of that golden shaft and falling onto the hotel carpet. Far back, you could see a decent sized knot, ready to swell and grow at a moment's notice...but, you were pretty sure you wouldn't even be able to fit the hyena’s cock that far in your mouth! At least you would escape having to deal with that knot. You felt the hyena looming over you, their body keeping you somewhat trapped as you leaned in to start sucking them off, eyes closed as you opened your mouth wide and slowly started to take in that long, thick cock.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack_deeper.mp3", false, false) } msg ("A salty taste quickly spread across your tongue as you struggled to fit the hyena’s shaft inside of your mouth. It didn't help that, as soon as the hyena felt that flesh-to-flesh contact, they instinctively bucked their hips forward, almost causing you to gag a little bit from how much cock was being shoved into your mouth at such a fast rate! “Ahhhnnn, that's good...the name is Ash, by the way, since we're about to get...so much more intimate…” the hyena said, Ash placing their paws on your back and letting their body draped over yours as the two of you started to get more into this impromptu blowjob. You had steadily gotten better at dealing with the hyenataur’s libido over time, and now that the two of you had worked your way into somewhat of a rhythm, you found yourself actually starting to enjoy this a little bit!

That salty taste spread all over your mouth in due time, drops of pre even dribbling down the back of your throat every now and again as Ash started to pant and huff at the tongue work you were doing. You slaathered every inch of that shaft in spit that you could, even going so far as to curl your tongue around Ash's yellow cock, surprising even yourself with your dexterity! It was kind of embarrassing, honestly, when you thought about it...but, with the yeen’s shaft deep in your mouth, there was a lot more to do then think.

Ash gradually became more and more overwhelming as time went on, the hyenataur really emphasizing the size between you two with how much weight you felt on your back, just from the hyena resting on top of you...with that much dick in your mouth, you couldn't really focus on the feeling, but you knew it was there, and it made you feel a little bit uneasy. At any moment, Ash could just start scarfing you down, fingering you, or any number of other things, and, well...you weren't exactly in the best position to get out of it. It seemed like your only way to be safe was just to distract the hyena long enough with some good old fashioned dick sucking, and at least you were doing a pretty good job at that so far!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm_deeper.wav", false, false) } msg ("More of that salty pre taste just kept flooding in your throat as Ash started to thrust into your mouth in earnest, the hyena panting and huffing with every rolling movement of their hips, your gag reflex starting to kick in as the tip of the hyena’s cock kept poking at the back of your throat. Now you were starting to feel really uncomfortable, but you kept at it the best you could, knowing that it wouldn't be too long at this point until the hyena blew their load in quite a spectacular fashion. There wasn't any way you were going to swallow all that stuff down, though! As soon as you felt the hyena’s load starting to get shot into your mouth, you were planning to hightail it out of there…

And then, just a few moments later, you felt that exact thing starting to happen. Ash moaned at an impressive volume as they started to orgasm, a messy load of musky hyena spunk being blasted out into your mouth, funneling right down your throat before you really even had the chance to taste it! Now, now was your time to try and get out of here. You started to pull your head off of ash’s shaft...but, for some reason, there was a sensation of resistance. Like there was something inside your mouth pulling on you to keep you attached to the hyena’s cock! Plus, as soon as Ash felt you starting to try to pull away, the hyena placed a paw on the back of your head, making sure their shaft was lodged as deep into your throat as it possibly could be while they groaned and spasmed and shot a bucket load of cum right down into your belly! You could feel your stomach filling up as you tried to pull yourself off of the hyenas cock, but the thing was just...almost wedged in your mouth. You could barely feel it anymore, with all the other sensations overwhelming your body; your gut already felt like it was going to burst with how much spunk was sloshing around inside…

You heard Ash starting to chuckle a little bit above you as the flood of jizz slowly, but surely decreased to a trickle, your gut riding up underneath your shirt at this point with how full it was of cum. “No, no, no…” the hyena chastised, before you felt Ash thrust forward once more, somehow suppressing your gag reflex as the hyena worked deeper and deeper into your throat. “Where do you think you're going? The fun is just beginning…”
") wait { msg ("Hearing those words from Ash sort of knocked you out of a trance like state that you weren't even really aware you were in until now. Your whole consciousness was starting to feel just a bit fuzzy, as if you were dissociating from everything that had happened to you so far or something. And, despite your best efforts, you still couldn't pull the hyena’s shaft out of your mouth. Hell, it felt like you couldn't move at all! And when you opened your eyes, which had been shut throughout most of this whole experience, you saw...nothing. At least...it didn't look like anything. Your vision could have been entirely smothered by Ash’s body, for all you knew. The only real thing that you could sense was the huffing and panting of Ash above you, the throbbing of their shaft still lodged in your mouth, the pleasure that they were feeling starting to radiate through your body. And all those feelings only started to grow more powerful and overwhelming as time went on.

“Fuuuccckkk…” you heard Ash groan above you a few minutes later, the first thing the hyena tour had said in quite a bit. And even then, it was more of a primal groan of pleasure than anything coherent. What was strange was, as soon as you heard that groan, you felt an inexplicable, unfathomably powerful wave of pleasure rock you to the very core. It felt as if you were starting to experience exactly what Ash was feeling at this very moment; deep thrusts, the weight bearing down on your back, the musk and cum sloshing around inside of you...it all just seemed to blend together. The individual emotions didn't matter; all that mattered was what you felt. And what you felt was beyond words.

Ash had been reduced to a panting, sweating, rock-hard mess, the hyena leaning forward and slipping down onto the ground as they felt their shaft continue to twitch and throb every second. The taur’s heart was pounding, a sensation you could feel as well...it echoed through your consciousness, something to keep you grounded even as your physical form ceased to matter. What was unaware to you, and was only partially realized by about halfway through, is that your body was steadily being absorbed into the hyena’s loins. Ever since your mouth had wrapped around that golden shaft, the hyena’s body had been at work, slowly adding you to the already impressive and hefty cock. The sensation of such a thing happening was unbelievably arousing and filled with pleasure, for both recipients...so much, in fact, that it was easy to lose yourself in the feeling and never come back down to earth. So, that's where you were, right now. All feeling in your body had completely disappeared, every inch of your mass being absorbed and added right to that already impressive length. Now, that twitching, throbbing mass of hyena meat, aching to be plunged into the next available hole...that was you. You could feel all the spunk sloshing around inside of Ash, just begging to be released as soon as possible...hell, you were the one begging for it! Though, you had to imagine, Ash was quite interested in it happening, as well...
") wait { msg ("At some point after all of this had gone down, the hyena eventually started to stumble back to their feet, knees wobbling as they dealt with the fantastic afterglow of absorbing someone right into your shaft. Ash was surprised when they looked straight down, expecting to see you still attached to their cock...only to be greeted with nothing but the carpet beneath them. Wide-eyed with surprise and excitement, the hyena taur continued looking down...until they saw the monster between their legs, that golden shaft, even larger than it already was beforehand, a bead of spunk forming at the tip as it continued to throb wantingly. “ Holy shit, it actually worked…”

The hyena just stared at their junk for a few minutes, admiring all the changes and growth it had gone through in such a short amount of time. Normally Ash would have gotten down to business right away, testing it out immediately with the next person that came along...but, well, the hyenas nap had been rudely interrupted! The yeen felt a huge yawn surge up out of their throat, Ash smacking their lips before walking over to the spot they had occupied earlier and curling up for the second round of naptime. Maybe if they would get woken up by another rude person, and have ample opportunity to test their new equipment out...

*You woke a sleeping beast...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } else { msg ("Best not to.") } } } ]]>
false Ash's sac It took a few minutes, but soon, your head slipped through the opening to the hyena's balls, your body stretching out Ash's sac walls to an almost comical fashion. Every wiggle and twitch you made showed on the outside of Ash's package, a clear outline of your curled up body visible to anyone who could see...that is, at least, if the hyena wasn't laying down right on their package! On top of being enclosed in musky sac walls, the hyena's whole body was smushing down on top of you, making it even more difficult to squirm and struggle inside those tight, musky balls...which kind of impacted your plan to make Ash cum you back out! You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("Uurgh. The environment around you was becoming a lot more hostile and overpowering as time went on. You could feel your strength fading away every second, the goopy mess you were bathing in sticking to your body and making every movement feel so sluggish. The hyena was huffing and panting as they humped back and forth; you could tell from how hot it was in here that they were close to an orgasm, but you couldn't tell if you would make it out in one piece when it did happen!

The chamber around you continued to rock and slosh back and forth, to the point that you could barely feel yourself in the warm cum bath you were forced to mingle with...you couldn't move your arms and legs, it felt like you were just drifting back and forth inside of Ash's balls. Your strength had been completely sapped, and the heat surrounding you was absolutely sweltering. You felt as though you passed out a few times, but something kept you tethered to reality for a few more moments…

Then, you felt everything lurch. Ash roared in pleasure as their orgasm came, your gooey form being shot up out of the hyena's balls and traveling up that shaft at a truly ridiculous speed. The last thing you clearly saw and felt was the light at the end of the tunnel, rushing forward as Ash blasted shot after shot of gooey, musky hyena jizz right onto the hallway floor, thrusting and humping against the carpet unashamedly as they emptied their aching, full balls out. Two orgasms back-to-back like this was something that the hyena hadn't enjoyed in quite a while, and the pleasure was almost overwhelming!

Eventually, things did taper down near the end, though. Ash came down from their high, their cock still twitching and leaking a little bit for the next couple of minutes as they admired their handiwork. The hotel hallway was positively stained with hyena jizz, more than one of those stains being what was left of you! The last thing you were aware of was the fact that you were cooling on the carpet, Ash trotting away and leaving the stains to dry up...

*You really had to interrupt them, didn't you...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
sac walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You tried to squirm back out the way you came, but your hands kept slipping on the entrance from all the jizz you were stewing in! ") } else { msg ("The thick musk was quickly sapping your strength for struggling.") } ]]>
explore explore "You can't explore " + object.article + "." false
Before you go, though, I'd like to talk to you! This is Neil, creator of the game. This is a huge project of mine...the .aslx file for this game is over 450,000 words long! That's a lot of smut. If you enjoyed your time in The Hotel, please feel free to support me through one of the methods below. A special thanks to anyone who purchased the game from itch.io!

Purchase the game: https://rebelradio.itch.io/the-hotel-a-vore-text-adventure-game
Pledge to my Patreon for benefits like early access to the game and exclusive betas: https://patreon.com/mZmm
Leave me a tip: https://ko-fi.com/neildeer

And, finally, thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed!

-Neil") finish } ]]>
napunder nap under "You can't nap under " + object.article + "." feed feed "You can't feed " + object.article + "." End Room
Before you go, though, I'd like to talk to you! This is Neil, creator of the game. This is a huge project of mine...the .aslx file for this game is over 450,000 words long! That's a lot of smut. If you enjoyed your time in The Hotel, please feel free to support me through one of the methods below. A special thanks to anyone who purchased the game from itch.io!

Purchase the game: https://rebelradio.itch.io/the-hotel-a-vore-text-adventure-game
Pledge to my Patreon for benefits like early access to the game and exclusive betas: https://patreon.com/mZmm
Leave me a tip: https://ko-fi.com/neildeer

And, finally, thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed!

-Neil") finish ]]>
exercise exercise "You can't exercise " + object.article + "." play play "You can't play " + object.article + "." You are on false the fifth floor false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close
“Oh, hi! I was actually hoping to find someone to help me out with a little something. Is that someone you?” the otter asked, her long, orange ponytail flicking back and forth whenever she moved her head. Her body was covered in spiral tattoos and stripes of all kinds, but she seemed innocent enough. Maybe her concoctions could help you get out of here...
") Ask ("Help the otter out?") { if (result) { msg ("“Oh, that's wonderful to hear! Just give me a moment…” the otter said as she turned back around, moving away from the cauldron for a moment to dig through drawers and cabinets which seemed to be full of all sorts of potions. You stood there awkwardly, watching all this happen and looking around the room before you heard her chitter in excitement. “Aha!” the otter shouted, before whipping herself back around to look at you - and then, all of a sudden, you felt a warm liquid get splashed all over your face! You were about to recoil back in surprise before you very suddenly felt something unbelievably overwhelming overcome your body. It felt like the most intense vertigo you’d ever had; the room was spinning, your eyes couldn't focus, it felt as though you were going to crumple to the ground at any moment...everything around you was becoming so much larger, and even though it was hard to make out things specifically in the relative darkness, you just felt like the whole world around you was stretching and shifting -

And then, it all stopped. Everything went back to normal - well, at least, you didn't feel like you were about to throw up anymore. What replaced it was an inexplicable feeling of smallness, as if something had happened to your body! The footsteps of the otter had turned into earth-shaking thuds, and it felt like you were going to get bowled over by her entirely - but, instead, a few seconds later, a blinding light flicked on, allowing you to actually see everything around you...and, oh goodness, everything was so much bigger!

Your sense of scale was still thrown way off its mark, but you didn't really have much time to recuperate before you heard the now booming voice of the otter in front of you as she stood looming over your tiny form. “ Oh, gosh, it worked!” she said, a look of accomplishment on her face as she very quickly leaned down, a brown hand reaching out to snatch you up! You instinctively tried to make a break for it, but even your best effort wouldn't have allowed you to escape her grasp...and you weren't exactly able to put in your best effort right now. The otter was easily able to scoop you right up off the floor, your tiny form bouncing around in her paw as she walked over to somewhere else in the room. It took a few moments, but eventually you found yourself tumbling out of her open hand, landing with a thud on top of a counter of sorts…

\"Oh, I didn't even introduce myself! My name is Anne, dear. Didn't mean to scare ya, but I had to shrink you down so you could get places I can't...I've lost the ingredients for a potion I've been making. Can you find them for me?\"

Despite the odd request, Anne didn't seem like she had any ulterior motives for doing this...and even if you didn't feel like finding anything right now, you weren't really in a position to do otherwise! Looks like it's time to get searching…
") MoveObject (player, Room 36) MakeExitInvisible (AnneExit) } else { msg ("\"Oh...I understand.\" the otter said, before showing you the door. Politely, at least!") } } } ]]>
false Look at Look at A big otter witch. Look at 0 msg ("You're too small to get the otter's attention.") false Anne's womb The muggy, thick heat inside of Anne was already oppressive upon arrival, but as the otter got more and more aroused, it only continued to grow in intensity. Again, your size kept everything from feeling too claustrophobic, but those walls still pressed in on your vulnerable form, starting to make it harder and harder for you to tell the difference between your body and all the wet, slick flesh that was constantly pushing and rubbing against you...in all this lewd chaos, it was almost impossible for you to find any sort of exit, let alone put in the effort to pry open your road to freedom. That didn't stop you from trying, though there wasn't much you could do with the size difference in play… It is nearly impossible to move. ") msg ("") } msg ("You put forth the best effort you possibly could, but Anne's womb was just far too overwhelming for your tiny little body. The otter was in the throes of pleasure as the wiggles she felt inside of her were starting to disappear, replaced with an even more intense feeling of arousal and needing to orgasm as you were quite literally turned into a load of femcum, ripe to be the base of one of her potions! At this point, you were pretty much just a consciousness, floating amongst the fluids inside of the otter as those walls continued to press and slosh and rub against you. Every breath you took...you thought you took, anyway, was laced with pheromones and heat and all sorts of things that just made you want to give in. Give in to the walls surrounding you, become nothing more than an ingredient for this witches brew…


Anne let out one last gasp of pleasure as she felt all that lust and arousal rush out of her, the otter barely able to keep herself situated for long enough to grab an empty bottle that was sitting on her desk and place it between her legs to catch all that honey that was dripping out of her lips! With how small you were, it wasn't really a lot of the stuff, but it was more than enough to keep her stocked up for a day or two when she really needed it. That would give her more than enough time to find what she had been looking for, or maybe catch a much larger meal that would keep her stocked up for quite a while longer...either way, now the otter could just relax and bathe in her afterglow, huffing and panting in her chair as she heard the bubbling of the cauldron behind her. Eventually, she raised the bottle to her head, swishing the clear, musky fluid inside around a few times before a smile cracked across her face. “Yeah...yeah, that will do great for now~”

The otter slowly got up from her chair, walking over to her cauldron and casually dumping out the fluid you had become into the already bubbling, almost comical-looking mixture. “ Just gotta let it simmer for a little bit~” the otter said to herself, whistling as she walked into the bathroom to clean herself up after that little self-loving session...

*You became part of a potion...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } ]]>
Look at
She gave you another concoction a few moments later, that caused a similar vertigo feeling to overcome you as you grew back to your normal size. By the time you had adjusted, Anne was holding out a token in her hand to you. \"Here's your payment!\" she said, before letting you out the door.") wait { firsttime { MakeExitVisible (AnneExit) AddToInventory (Room 36 Token) TokenCall } otherwise { MakeExitVisible (AnneExit) } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 37) false ") ]]> A pinkish hybrid creature. Look at You are surrounded by 0 false
“A token?...” the hybrid said aloud, looking deep in thought for a few moments. “OHH yeah, I think they told me about something like that when I checked in...dunno where it is, though. Hey, maybe treat me a little bit and it might jog my memory...name’s Nicki by the way.”

You didn't really know what he meant by “treating him”, but getting another token in your hands was certainly a positive thing, and the hybrid seemed nice enough! Real lazy and sleepy, so if things turned south, you could probably just bail...are you up to whatever “treating him” implies?
") Ask ("Treat Nicki?") { if (result) { msg ("You decided to go for it, the hybrid not really reacting as you affirmed that you were willing. “All right, cool. First off, maybe rub my paws…” Nicki said, poking one of them out from underneath the blanket he was using and splaying out the fluffy toe-beans a little bit...of course it was something like this! There was never an ordinary request around here...well, you agreed, so you got down on your knees, trying hard to hide a blush as you pressed your thumbs into the soft pawpads the hybrid had, keeping a wary eye on the tail mouth as it continued to flail and fight about. “Don't worry about him, he's just a little mischievous…” Nicki mumbled, seemingly sensing the nervousness you had about his tail and trying to brush it off. Ohh yeah, That's good…” he continued to a few moments later, leaning back on the couch and just relaxing while you worked on his paws! They were so squishy and warm and soft, that you found yourself actually starting to enjoy massaging them after a little bit! That was about as far as you were willing to go, though…

After a few minutes of paw appreciation, you felt Nicki starting to stir once more. “Alright, now come up here…” the hybrid continued, pulling down their blanket a little bit and lifting up their shirt to reveal quite the chubby, purplish belly! “Give it a good rub,” the hybrid continued, “ I think I’m starting to remember what it is you were looking for…”
") wait { msg ("It was kind of obvious that they were just playing this up to get something out of you at this point, but you figured it was probably best to play along. Your hands sank right into that chubby tummy, the fat jiggling and sloshing back and forth as you rubbed around it in circles, noting that Nicki seemed to get a lot more enjoyment out of this than when you were rubbing his paws! “Aaaahhh, that's the spot…” he said after a few moments of it, a little bit of a belch escaping from the hybrid’s lips as he once again leaned back, giving you full access to his soft paunch for as much rubbing and worship as you could muster. And you could end up mustering quite a lot! There was plenty of pudge to play around with, and it seemed that everything you did gave Nicki an enormous amount of pleasure as he relaxed back on the couch, just letting you go at it as much as you wanted...and, well, you found yourself to be enjoying it quite a bit as well! Squishing your hands into that chub, feeling the stomach underneath it burble and churn and gurgle and make all sorts of noises...it sounded like it was pretty hungry, though! Maybe there was something you could do about that?

A few minutes passed before Nicki spoke again. “Ahhh, you ARE pretty good at this…” the hybrid said, before adjusting himself a little bit. “I'm starting to get pretty hungry, though. Maybe come back with some food, and I’ll have figured out where that token is…”

Looked like you were going to have to head down to the bar and get this hybrid some junk food before he continued talking to you.
") Nicki.quest = 1 } } else { msg ("\"Well, I'm just gonna go back to bed then...\" Nicki mumbled as he rolled over on the couch, almost immediately starting to snore once more.") } } } ]]>
false Nicki's stomach The walls of Nicki's stomach rubbed and massaged against your body like the tail’s did, though the chamber you were being shoved into was much more active, wet, and full of food slop then the tail was! You kept your mouth closed as your body was immersed into the stuff, the smell of sugars and salts and all sorts of other smells assaulting your nostrils, all mixed together with the unmistakable sting of stomach juices. In the short amount of time since you had fed the hybrid, Nicki's stomach looked to have done a decent job of breaking down all that stuff, but there were still plenty of whole chunks and other things floating around in the semi-digested goop...and now, you were one of those chunks! A few more muscular contractions pushed the rest of you out into the hybrid's gut, Nicki groaning as he rubbed his absolutely swollen, tender, squirming belly! This, this was the inevitable side effect of his tail snacking on people. The tail got to feel all full and happy and satisfied, while Nicki actually had to deal with digesting whatever it crammed inside! Nicki started to close his eyes, a heavy sleepiness coming over him as his body started directing energy towards digesting you and all the food you were now bathing in. Better get cozy in here… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("You continued trying your best to work through the thick, slimy soup of food that you were immersed in, but moving through the stuff was like trying to swim through molasses. It didn't help that you were starting to lose agency and control of more of your body, leading you to just try and not think about how you were slowly melting away inside of the hybrid's stomach! It was tough to ignore at this point, though, and even as you continued trying to wake Nicki from his food-based slumber, you were becoming aware that your squirms were having even less power and effect than they were when you started out. Those stomach walls kept squeezing in on you as well, immersing even more of your body in the soup of chemicals and calories, even threatening to drown you in the stuff at some points! You were able to keep your head above water, though, squirming until the very end…

Nicki let out a long, satisfied belch in his sleep as his stomach continued to work on claiming you, the process starting to come along that much quicker now that you had passed out inside. It would take hours for the hybrid's guts to fully process all of the food that had been crammed down Nicki's gullet and up his tail, the sloshy stomach soup starting to funnel deeper into the hybrid's guts and getting noisily absorbed as the night went on. There was definitely quite a bit of food for the hybrid's deep bowels to process, a chorus of *gwrrrsh*s and *glrrrrRRRrrrnn*s echoing down the hallway outside of Nicki's hotel room, making it more than obvious to everyone passing by what had transpired inside of there tonight! Most of what Nicki had consumed was starting to render itself as fat as it travelled deeper, plumping up the hybrid's belly a little bit, but mostly going to his squishy ass and thighs - like he needed any more weight back there! Thankfully, Nicki was sleeping in the buff; he might have had some troubles with staying clothed if he was wearing anything with how much extra weight was being added to his body.

Eventually, the sun did come up, though, shining into Nicki's eyes and waking the hybrid up with a long, drowsy yawn. “Uugghh, how long was I out…” the hybrid mumbled to himself, feeling his fat gut starting to slosh and jiggle around as he worked on getting off the couch and starting the new day. Upon standing up, he reached down to fondle and rub over his new fat, feeling just how much his extra meal had plumped him up...he shot a dirty look at his tail, which was still asleep, as he reached down to put on the pajamas he had tossed aside at some point last night. He was able to fit his legs in okay, but as soon as he started to bring the pajamas up over his thighs, he found that he had outgrown this pair of pants overnight! The hybrid grunted deeply as he attempted to pull the waistband over his fat asscheeks and thighs, the new cellulose sagging up over the waistband...but, eventually, Nicki had to give up, exhaling as he stood there with his pajamas wrapped around his ankles. “I'm really going to have to go clothes shopping AGAIN?” the hybrid cursed, starting to stumble his way into the bathroom to see exactly what havoc was wreaked on his figure overnight…

*You made a good belly rubber...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("The stomach around you was clearly upset, but it also seemed intent on keeping you inside of it with the rest of the food... ") } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 38) false ") ]]> false Room 38 false false Room 38 false A cross between a skunk and possum of some kind, an ornate golden crown dangling from one of his ears. Look at You are surrounded by King Dolor false ") Ask ("Kneel before Dolor?") { if (result) { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("There was something about Dolor. Maybe it was the crown, or his size, or the powerful musky odor that permeated every breath. But there was something about the skunksum that...drew you in. You found yourself on your knees just a few moments later, in front of Dolor, the king smirking as he looked down at you. \"Wise choice…\" he said as he started to get up off of his throne...you stayed kneeling, unable to look away as Dolor turned around, exposing his fluffy skunktail and, more importantly, his black, round rumpcheeks! They were so chubby and musky-looking, complete with a fat, fleshy donut, and, wait, were they descending down on you-


Dolor sighed in pleasure as he sat down on top of your head, lodging yourself between his asscheeks and actually managing to shove some of your head right up into his fat donut! The musk was even stronger in here, almost suffocating you as you instinctively took a deep breath upon being shoved inside. \"Aaahhh, yesss, let me just ease down onto you, my subject…\" you heard Dolor's voice say, the skunksum's cock starting to poke out and harden as you wiggled around inside of the king's ass...and you were still kneeling as well! Couldn't really shift your position when there was 300+ pounds of skunksum pressing down on your body, with so much pressure that you were literally sliding INSIDE of them…

The inside of Dolor's bowels weren't just incredibly musky, they were also slimy and super humid...already sapping your strength for struggling just from the pressure and heat! It felt like your body could just crumple under Dolor's ass at any moment, that fluffy tail starting to brush over your neck and back as the greasy pucker slid up and over your shoulders - the skunksum had to actually put in some effort to get them inside of him, though! So he continued to press his rump down, leveraging all of his weight so that he really WAS just sitting down on his throne like normal, just in a more...squirmy fashion.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"Mmf...you should be HONORED to become my ass snack, little one~\" you could hear Dolor say as he continued pressing his ass down on your body, finding it much easier now that his greasy donut of a pucker had slid over your shoulders; in just a minute or so of sitting down, your body was waist-deep in skunksum rump! The bowels were continuing to get tighter the deeper inside you went, Dolor's tongue hanging out of his maw as a bulge started to show in the skunksum's gray, furry belly. Slick and warm and smelling even muskier inside, the environment around you was becoming even more hostile as time went on. Especially considering you were being shoved inside at such an awkward angle now! Every breath made you feel a bit weaker, with how thin the actual oxygen was in here. It was mostly musk and must and everything else that made you choke with every breath you could manage to take…

Dolor huffed out a pleasured gasp as his pucker continued working over your body, a considerable gut starting to show on the skunksum! His donut was sliding down over your legs now, the royal eventually feeling his rear touch the floor...or, rather, the parts of your legs that had been folded underneath your knees! That was a sign that the skunksum had pretty much bottomed out, though, so he leaned back a little bit, playing with the cock between his legs as it continued to twitch and throb. \"OoooOOohhh, yesss, you're doing such a wonderful job…\" Dolor moaned out as he relaxed back for a little bit, taking a moment before he got to work on the last of his rumpsnack. All that was left of you was pretty much hidden underneath Dolor's thick tail and ass, and was probably going to disappear in just a few clenches!

A few minutes later, you felt the tight, musky world around you starting to shake and shift as Dolor lifted his ass out from under the floor, your legs sticking out from underneath his tail as his lower gut churned and shook around. You felt the bowels squeeze tight around your body once more as Dolor started to cleeench your legs inside, thick and wet *sshLORP* and *sluurrrRRPP*s ringing out as his ass started to really get to work, his stomach only growing in size as...the last...of you…was ssshhHHLURRPP'd inside! Between those fat cheeks, Dolor's donut wrapped tight around them, were the tips of your feet, just one clench away from disappearing inside of the skunksum entirely…

") wait { MoveObject (player, DolorBowels) } } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("\"I refuse.\"

The kingly skunksum just snickered as he heard your response. \"You refuse? Haha, I didn't even know that was an option!\" Dolor joked, slapping his knee before raising one of his hands up from his throne. A golden ring with a jewel embedded inside of it caught your eye, enough to keep you standing somewhat close to Dolor as he started to speak once more. \"In that case, I guess I'll just have to…\"

For a moment, it was like everything had frozen in place. The jewel in the center of the king's ring suddenly glinted a powerful, deep blue color...and, just as that happened, you felt as if somebody had just plowed a truck right into your stomach. You screamed in pain, feeling yourself almost immediately crumple to the ground while the king just laughed and laughed. The pain rippling through your body was so intense, that you could barely even hear Dolor laughing over the ringing in your ears…

\"You really thought you could just say no to royalty?\" the king said in between his fits of almost-maniacal laughter, slowly starting to get up from his throne and descend the stairs to your broken form. \"I think you'll find the punishment for insubordination is far greater than what would have happened if you just kneeled…\"
") wait { msg ("You could feel Dolor standing over you a few moments later, but it was physically impossible to crane your neck up to look at him. You thought he was just going to scarf you down on the spot or something, but then, something else happened…another surge of pain, radiating out through your chest throughout your entire body, making you feel as though your very essence was being ripped out of your body! Suddenly, all of your strength and sensation was just ripped away from your limp body; it felt like you couldn't even open your eyes...no, like there weren't any eyes left for you to open!

And then, your entire position changed. Suddenly, you were able to see your own body lying crumpled on the ground. You were clearly in some kind of other body, but you weren't exactly able to control where you were or what this body you were in was actually doing. It felt like you were a passenger in someone else's mind...and that mind, it had to be the mind of King Dolor!

The king laughed again, only this time his laugh reverberated and echoed through your mind, bouncing off the walls inside of your head and continuing to get deeper and deeper all the while. Suddenly, you looked down to the ring on the king's finger...that jewel was glowing, swirling with some sort of deep purple energy that almost seemed to extend beyond the confines of the jewel itself…
") wait { msg ("\"Ahhh, it's been so LONG since I've gotten to feel someone's soul coursing through my body like this. I hope you enjoy your front row seat to what's about to happen…\" the king said, his attention turning back towards your limp body, still crumpled on the floor in front of him...you could feel as the king reached down and grabbed your own body in his arms, held your limp head up to eye level. But you couldn't stop him. It was like a sleep paralysis nightmare. You just had to watch, as the skunksum slowly opened his mouth wide, bringing your body closer and closer to his warm, drooling maw…

Ech. Thankfully, you were spared the flavor of your own limp body as Dolor stuffed it into his maw, though you still had to stand by and watch as the greedy king devoured your corporeal form without so much as a second thought! With absolutely no resistance from his meal, the king could take as long as he needed to to swallow you up...and he intended to savor his meal, knowing that you were powerless to stop him from doing it! His tongue licked and slurped all over your skin, absolutely slathering your limp body in sticky skunkssum slobber as it gradually slid into the back of his gullet. Even now, as your body was so close to being swallowed down, the skunksum was still taking his time to tease you, letting you feel as his throat continued to clench and pull and yet not suck you down his throat. Your throat.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("Just as the king was reveling in his teasing and taunting, though, his stomach started to rumble and roar impatiently. It knew that there was a big meal coming for it, and it wanted the skunksum to get on with it already and swallow your body down! And so reluctantly, Dolor did just that, tipping his head back and taking a deep *hhglrnk…* that pulled in your body up to its shoulders; almost immediately, a wave of discomfort hit you as you felt your throat bulge out and swell. You obviously didn't have the need or mechanism to breathe, but it still felt like you were choking as Dolor swallowed your head and shoulders up, the pudgy king reaching down with one of his hands and lifting up your torso while he continued to feed you down his throat. The process became a lot more rhythmic now, the undulation and peristalsis of the king’s gullet starting to do a good bit of the work in actually devouring his meal.

With Dolor starting to pick up the pace, and your innate lack of resistance, things started to move along rather quickly. Your body was waist deep in his throat now, and your head and shoulders were starting to slide out into the skunksum’s hungry stomach...of course, you couldn't feel the heat and tightness of the stomach as your body spilled out into it. No, all you could feel was your stomach filling up, imparting a feeling that...though it made you sick to admit to yourself…actually felt kind of nice! It just felt like you had a very heavy, very filling meal...though the fact that you knew what it was in there certainly soured the whole experience for you. You could hear every swallow, feel as your body just slid down the king’s hungry throat, with no ability to change your fate whatsoever. It really hit you all at once in this moment, that you were going to be a captive prisoner as the skunksum slowly and pleasuredly digested your body!

The king could sense your messy emotions, see the swirling energy in his ring as you desperately tried to get out of here or ignore the situation or...just tried not to think about it. An evil smirk formed on the sides of the skunksum’s snout, his mouth still full of your legs and feet at the moment...but, even those were starting to disappear into his maw, Dolor starting to stumble backwards up the stairs and back into his cushy throne as his stomach continued to grow and swell. It was still pretty bulgy for the time being, though you got the feeling that it wouldn't last very long in that state…

With only a little bit of his meal left, Dolor started to purse his lips around your knees, sucking inward and slurping up your legs like thick noodles! The sound sent a shiver up your nonexistent spine; if you were able to cringe right now, you certainly would have done so...but instead, you just had to watch and feel as it all happened, see as the last of your toes disappeared between the king's lips. The skunksum took a moment to savor the last of his unmoving meal, slurping along your feet and ankles with his thick, slobbery tongue before he finally tipped his head back, the king reaching a hand to his throat to rub and massage over it before he took the final…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("*hhhnngllrnk~*

That sound. The sound of Dolor’s throat contracting and sucking the last of your lifeless body down his gullet, soon sliding past the skunksum’s collarbone and disappearing into his groaning, gravid stomach. There was nothing that could be done now...you were just a soul, an aura trapped within the king's ring, entirely at his behest. And, well, Dolor knew that. In fact, he reveled in it! He rubbed and thumped proudly at his stomach as it groaned and swelled one last time, your earthly form now completely curled up inside of the king’s belly, completely at the mercy of his digestive tract...and those weren't exactly known for being very merciful! You were forced to listen as the belly started to churn and slosh in earnest now, all sorts of enzymes and fluids starting to flood the chamber while Dolor just relaxed on top of his throne, a look of smug satisfaction on his face. He looked down toward the ring - no - YOU looked down toward the ring, seeing that purple energy still swirling around inside of it. \"I hope you're ready to be witness to a long, pleasurable digestion, my friend. You'll be here for every moment of it. And, afterwards? Well...who knows who else might come along and submit to me~\"

The thought that you might soon have company in here...well, you weren't exactly sure how to feel. There were so many emotions still swirling around in your head, thoughts that would take so long for you to work out properly. And, you still didn't know what would happen when all was said and done, but from the way the king was speaking, it seemed like your soul would remain even after your body was completely digested...well. It seemed like, at the very least, you would have all the time in the world to sort all of this crap out…
") msg ("*You refused to submit to the king...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } } ]]>
false Dolor's bowels And then, Dolor did just that, his donut flexing and squeezing as the last of you slipped inside of it, the skunksum's bowels absolutely full of a delicious, squirming meal of squire. He thumped at his belly proudly, feeling its contents starting to shift and slosh around inside as his flesh undulated and pressed in against you…"Get ready for a long ride~" you could hear Dolor's muffled voice tease past all the squishy, wet noises of his bowels, the musky tunnels constantly moving you forward even deeper into the king's maze of guts, showing no sign of slowing down. You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("As your journey continued, the movement of the bowels around you gradually seemed to...slow down? It was a strange sensation, to be sure, and one you weren't sure you were feeling properly, but it almost felt like you were too gooey and stuck to the walls to move forward anymore! Dolor rubbed over his stomach as he sat back upon his throne, feeling your confused squirms while he idly pet over his fat belly. \"Oh, don't worry, I'll have a much better use for you than just assfat…\" the skunksum teased, his words starting to become ever-so-slightly clearer from inside of here!

Over time, your movement in Dolor's bowels continued to slow to a near standstill. Yet, they were still active, pressing and churning against every part of your body, continuing to make you feel weaker and less together from the constant stimulation...oh goodness, were you being digested right here and now? You weren't even enough of a meal to make it to the fat king's belly?...how embarrassing, honestly. Not even enough of a snack to make it through skunksum guts…

Yet, as more of your body was being digested and absorbed by the bowel walls around you, a new sensation was starting to emerge. It felt like...you were moving? Not, like, being shoved around by the fleshy guts, but more like...you were moving THROUGH Dolor. In an almost...ethereal sense. You couldn't see anything, but you could feel as what was left of you was starting to move out of the bowels, being pushed towards...his rear? The exit? Was he about to fart out your soul!? How disgusting! There was no way, no WAY you would allow this...but, as soon as that fear revealed itself, it faded as you felt yourself starting to move up...Dolor's tail? Yes, you were gradually moving up that thick, fluffy skunk tail, until eventually you felt yourself reach the tip. What happened next was...hard to explain.

All your thoughts were gradually starting to melt away, just as your body had done as your...soul? your essence? nestled inside of Dolor's tail. Whatever it was, it was all that was left of you that hadn't been melted into skunksum fat...but even this part of you wasn't gonna last in the same form for much longer! Gradually, any memories you had of your pre-tail existence were melted and digested away, both figuratively and literally! Why you were here, what happened to you, even the vague memory of who you used to be...they all started to fade away from your brain, as if your head was a jar being emptied of its content completely. The only thing you had was a sense of constantly moving forward, until you finally reached the very end of Dolor’s long skunk tail...and then something very interesting started to happen.

The empty jar that was your consciousness was prime real estate for all sorts of new thoughts and commands to fit snugly inside, and that's exactly what the skunksum’s body planned on doing to you. Dolor chuckled as he felt his tail start to shift and twitch and move around a little bit as it began to go through a few changes. What was left of you that wasn't churning and digesting away into fat and waste was being steadily absorbed into the king's tail, your head starting to fill with all sorts of thoughts of...being a tail. Flicking to and fro, being all warm and furry and soft, bouncing up and down with every movement the skunksum made...you started to feel all these things, gradually at first, but the sensations started to get stronger over time. It felt faint and weird and dissociated for a while, but as your head was continually filled with all these thoughts and sensations, it started to feel almost...normal. Like you had always been a part of the skunksum. Like you belonged here, that your job was to be his tail...to be his good, obedient, hungry tail.

The royal skunksum chuckled as he felt the new addition to his tail start to take shape. You started to gain a little bit of agency as time went on, being able to move and feel some things again, although you still had no sense of sight; but, your other senses were gradually starting to return to you. You could feel as the skunk brushed his paw over the top of your head, petting you as he started to speak; you weren't able to see, obviously, but his tail had fully transformed, splitting down the middle to give it a of mouth and a bodily opening, almost like it was another orifice for him to use! In fact, that might be exactly how he would use you in the future…

“That's a good tail. I think the two of us are going to have a very fruitful, and fulfilling relationship…” Dolor said, swishing his tail back and forth as he weighed the little bit of extra heft you had added to it, along with all the new features as well! You were so happy to hear your owner's voice, to hear him so pleased with what you had become...what you were. What you always were. A good tail. An obedient tail. A hungry tail. You opened what was now your mouth to try and talk back to Dolor, But right before you started to speak, you felt something welling up deep inside of you, something that absolutely needed to be released…


“Eeewww!!” Dolor chuckled as his tail belched right into his face, flecks of drool splattering over his snout and an acidic odor of whatever was left over in his stomach wafting out of his new orifice. “I guess that must be your way of saying hello…” the skunk followed up a few moments later, before giving his tail another pet and rubbing over his stomach as it quietly burbled and churned over the last of your former body. But, digesting and merging an entire person into your body was quite a bit of work, so the skunk decided to retire to his chambers for the evening to let his body finish up the assimilation of your form. Surely, it was something the both of you would enjoy now…

*You make a wonderful royal tail...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The bowels only increased their grip on you in response to your squirms.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Every time you tried to pull yourself out of Dolor's bowels, they only clenched and slurped you deeper…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The skunksum proudly thumped his belly as he felt you kicking around inside.") } else { msg ("Everything you did only seemed to please Dolor...") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("There seems to be no doorknob for this door; instead, there is just a tiny opening near the bottom, far too small for you to fit through normally.") false
You were instantly submerged into darkness once more, thankfully avoiding any sort of impact considering each one of her paws was more than enough to crush you! But even though you weren't being crushed under her fingers, the wolf definitely started to grasp at you, eventually managing to pinch you between two of her pawpads and starting to lift you up off the ground, much to your chagrin…at this point, you started to flail and struggle to try and get the wolf to release you, but with the size difference in play, it was trivial for her to keep you trapped in her grasp.
") wait { msg ("You felt yourself being lifted higher and higher into the air as the world around you shook to and fro, the wolfess clambering back onto the couch and laying down before hovering you above her head. Her fingers started to play around with you again, until you found yourself pinched between her thumb and forefinger...and then, the bottom dropped out from beneath you!

The lamp was still on, allowing you to feel a killer sense of vertigo as you looked down and saw that it was one hell of a drop to even land on the wolf girl's nose...and you got the distinct idea that you weren't going to end up there! \"So, you think you can just sneak into the home of a goddess and get away with it, huh…?\" the wolf said, eliciting a look of confusion from you. Did she just call herself a goddess?

Seemingly sensing your confusion, the wolf continued. \"Oh, are you so insignificant that you do not even know of Lunaria? Goddess of lightning and shadow? I was hesitant about what to do with you, but knowing that, I think you deserve to get up close and personal with me…\" the goddess said, flashing a toothy smile at you before her jaws opened wide, providing a squishy landing pad at the very least…

And then, she let go. It was so casual, honestly. Like she was dropping a grape into her mouth. For you, it was much less so, your screaming, flailing body dropping like a rock. You had a choice of which way to try and fall, to perhaps avoid a gurgly fate...
") lunarialist = NewStringList() list add (lunarialist, "Left") list add (lunarialist, "Right") ShowMenu ("", lunarialist, false) { if (result = "Left") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("In the brief moment that you had to influence your trajectory while dropping to the ground, you decided to try and wiggle to the left. Your eyes were closed tight as you fell through the air, screaming and flailing and trying to avoid the wolfess's toothy maw. You were constantly in a state of flinching and wincing, expecting to splatter down onto a wet, warm, fleshy tongue at any moment now…and then you did. You found yourself landing on Lunaria's tongue with a wet, warm *splt*, just a few moments later. The wolf's jaws snapped shut behind you with a satisfying *clink*, leaving you completely trapped in the humid, wet darkness of Lunaria's maw...almost immediately, the wolf got to work, the fleshy carpet underneath you coming to life and instantly knocking you to the ground as it started to curl up around you, smoosh you against the wolf's cheeks, absolutely cover you in slobber...you might have been not even a morsel to the goddess, but she was certainly going to enjoy toying around with you! All this mouth play was definitely taking a toll on your strength as well, your already weak struggles becoming even more so as time went on...at least, despite her grandstanding earlier, she seemed more interested in using you as a toy and a snack rather than just smiting you on the spot.

Though Lunaria was enjoying all of this, her mouth movements were all starting to funnel you towards the back of her mouth. You tried desperately to claw your way back up to those sharp teeth, but her flesh was so wet and slippery that you had absolutely no hope of doing that...plus, the fact that she was tipping her head back as she got ready to swallow didn't help things either! For a moment, you thought you might have a chance to escape, but your hopes were sucked down the drain just like you were sucked down her gullet with a quiet *glp*. Lunaria traced the tiny, wiggling bulge you made in her throat as the walls pulled you down, down into her guts, squishing and pressing against you from all sides and smothering any useful effect of your struggles. \"Hah, they were pretty tasty…\" Lunaria said, licking her lips as she reclined back on her couch, hoping that another micro or two would wander into her room. You might have been tasty, but you certainly weren't going to be filling!
") wait { MoveObject (player, LunariaStomach) } } else { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("But that didn't happen. instead, a few moments later, you slammed against the floor with a powerful *THUD*, the carpeting in the room thankfully providing a little bit of insulation for your fall as you lay there, breathing heavily and trying to catch your bearings. Holy crap, you had actually done it! And the room was pretty dark, too, so you might actually be able to make your escape!

\"Agh, damn it! Can't believe I missed again…\" Lunaria cursed as she started to get up off the couch, miniature earthquakes shaking the ground beneath you every time she took a step. The wolf goddess scanned the carpet looking for you; there was no way you could have gone very far...her voice was imposing, every noise she made scaring the piss out of you with the prospect of being caught once more. All you could do was keep running and hope…

\"AHA!\" Lunaria exclaimed a few moments later, as the site of a bed you could hide under came into view. The thought she might have discovered you nearly stopped dead in your tracks...you had to do it. You had to peek over your shoulder to see how much space you had to work with. You turned around a moment later, just in time to see the wolf's red paw pads descending down onto you at breakneck pace! Before you could turn around and shift into overdrive, that paw came crashing down onto you, pinning your entire body against the carpet and your face right up one of her pads! God, there was so much weight bearing down on you all of a sudden, and you were fairly certain the wolfess wasn't even using most of her strength. You pushed your entire body against her paw to try and get it off, but you couldn't even make it budge even a millimeter. This was not going to turn out well for you.

\"Don't want to be a snack, huh? That's all right, I've got plenty of places for deserters like you…\" Lunaria teased as she started to grind her paw up and down your entire body, certainly starting to put a fair bit of weight on you now! Soon, those squishy pads had enveloped you completely, their musky softness absolutely smothering you as you tried in vain to get them off...but that was an absolute pipe dream, considering the size difference between the two of you! No, you just had to lay there and hope that Lunaria didn't feel like crushing you underfoot. It would be so easy for her to do just that…

Thankfully, it seemed like Lunaria was far more interested in teasing and taunting you than just squishing you like a bug. Her pawpads continued putting more and more pressure on your body, grinding up and down and along it as well, but it never really got to a dangerous point...at least, not intentionally so. You still could barely breathe down here, and whatever air you could breathe was so thick with paw musk that it honestly just made you feel more oxygen-deprived. And all the while, Lunaria just taunted you, smiling down as she felt your meager squirms underfoot. \"What's the matter, too good to be food for a goddess? Perhaps being a pawstain would be a better fit for you~\" the wolfess constantly teased, accentuating each of her words with another bit of pressure from her paw or a little bit of grinding...her toes were thickly padded as well, and occasionally you could feel her foot pick up a little bit so she could play with you between her toes. It was degrading and uncomfortable, but you hoped this is all Lunaria wanted with you. There wasn't much hope of you escaping at this point!
") wait { msg ("And then, the pressure upon you only increased. The pawpad around you almost completely sealed you away from the outside world, completely enveloping you in musky, squishy darkness…you were so isolated that you could barely even hear Lunaria teasing you at this point - but she did say something about \"absorbing\" you. And THAT was a word that worried you quite a bit. You considered the possibility that you had misheard Lunaria at first, but then you noticed that something down here felt...different. Normally you had at least some agency; it felt like you were moving, even if your movements were doing next to nothing in terms of actually getting the wolf paw off of you. But now? Now it felt like you couldn't even move, like your body was being swallowed up by...thick goo? Flesh? Something like that - moving around just felt so sluggish, like there was something starting to melt against your body...ugh, then you put two and two together. Were...were you being absorbed straight into Lunaria's paw!?

The realization of what was happening to you caused another surge of adrenaline to rocket through your body, but even if you were roided-out to the max, there was no way you could move this paw off of you. The pressure was getting so intense, and you were starting to lose feeling in parts of your body, as if they were being goopified and absorbed into the pawpads...no, not as if. That's what was happening. You still couldn't believe that, but as your body was continually enveloped in squishy, musky paw, it started to feel...right? Comfortable? There was definitely a part of you that was still screaming about how wrong this was, how you needed to get out of here, but as escape continued to look like even less and less of a possibility, there was a part of you that started to…accept it. The pressure on your body started to lift, not because Lunaria was lifting her paw off of you, but because you were starting to merge with it. Become part of it. Become part of that squishy, musky softness, part of a goddess…

Lunaria lifted her paw off of the carpet a few minutes later, absolutely nothing left beneath it; all that was and ever will be you had been utterly absorbed into her paw, had become just another bit of the squishy softness that adorned her soles. You weren't alone down there, and certainly, there would be more joining you in the future. But for now, you had a little bit of time to adjust to your new form. Your most perfect form.

*You almost made the getaway...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } } ]]>
") ]]> false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Lunaria's stomach The thump-thumping of the wolfess's heartbeat dominated your hearing has you sank deeper into Lunaria's body, her gullet squeezing and pushing you along rhythmically, the gentle gurgling of her stomach starting to become louder as time went on. After a couple of minutes, you felt the flesh around you clench even tighter, before your tiny body was shoved out into a fleshy, stinking, acidic pit - which could only be Lunaria's gut. You slid out into the goddess's stomach like it was where you belonged, the walls already getting to work pressing and rubbing up against every part of your body even more proactively then the throat walls. There was quite a bit of fluid sloshing around inside this chamber with you, a sticky and slimy concoction of enzymes, acids, and all sorts of other things...eugh. this stuff was already getting everywhere. Stuck deep in the pit of the wolf's stomach, you had a daunting task in escaping the ravenous belly… You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Yeah, getting out of here was starting to feel like more and more of a pipe dream. your best struggles barely did anything, and what was your best was very quickly becoming less and less so thanks to the hostile environment you were immersed in. A tingling feeling had been spreading throughout your body for quite a while now, but it was really starting to take over now. You just felt, so weak, and the walls constantly pressing and massaging against you from literally every possible angle were only ensuring that you continued to get weaker and weaker. You could barely even tell where you were, your eyes starting to get super heavy as the wolf's stomach mercilessly digested you away. Eventually, you did end up passing out, something that Lunaria most likely didn't even notice as she relaxed on the couch, idly hoping every now and then that another micro would wander their way into her room. She did end up a belching a few more times over the course of your digestion, each one letting her know how far along you were. Eventually, whatever was left of you started to funnel into her bowels, more than ready to be absorbed and end up adding a little bit to her hips, or thighs, or breasts...

*You became a sacrifice to the gods...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Lunaria could barely even feel your struggles, let alone actually be affected by them.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Every time you pressed against the stomach walls, they returned your blow with twice the power.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("You actually managed to pry the sphincter keeping you trapped inside here open, but as soon as you tried to crawl through it, peristalsis forced you back down into wolfgut.") } else { msg ("Your squirms only seemed to coax the stomach walls into producing even more acidic fluids.") }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 40) false
\"Uhh...are you from housekeeping or something?\" the pangolin asked, more than a little upset as he waited for you to do whatever you were going to do and leave. It wouldn't be long before the pangolin realized that you weren't part of the staff!") ]]>
A very interesting, scaly creature. Currently in the middle of a game. Look at You are surrounded by 0 false 0 ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squish1.wav", false, false) } msg ("Teshy started to lay back down as his tongue threw you around like a ragdoll, your body completely suspended in the air as Teshy started to bring you closer and closer to his mouth! You were already covered in sticky pangolin drool, so the sight of how wet and hungry his maw was wasn't TOO gross...but you still didn't want to go inside! Every time you tried to squirm or get free, though, the pangolin’s tongue just squeezed you even tighter, quickly stopping you from having any delusion of escape. Teshy had given you plenty of chances, and now you were going to be pangolin food!

Drool dripped off of your body as you were slowly lowered into Teshy’s hungry mouth, the pangolin making an exaggerated *aaaaaahhhhhh….* noise as he did so. At the same time, you saw the pangolin pick up the controller he had left on the ground, getting back to playing his game again like nothing had even happened! Blood was rushing to your head as Teshy’s tongue casually tipped you forward, the pangolin’s steamy breath starting to wash over your face. You started to try and plead with the pangolin to let you go...but your words were quickly muffled as you landed on the base of Teshy's tongue with a wet *splt*!
") wait { msg ("Like a mousetrap, as soon as you made that fleshy contact, the pangolins jaw clamped shut over the back of your head, suddenly immersing you in the fleshy, wet darkness. His tongue still coiled tight around the rest of your body, and you could hear the clacking of joysticks and the pressing of buttons once more...though, those noises were mostly muffled by *splt*s and *shlrrrp*s as Teshy got a good taste of you. The grumpy pangolin was manhandling you a little bit, that tongue squeezing you tight still even as your head was crammed all the way in the back of his gullet! Your body was bumping into his cheeks, the roof of his mouth, his throat...it was clear that Teshy saw you as nothing but game fuel at this point!

The pangolin spent a another minute or two rubbing you against the greasy, slimy back of its throat before you felt the flesh around you clench tight, your head being sucked into pangolin gullet with a deep *gggllllnk~*! The grip Teshy’s tongue had on you thankfully started to loosen up a little bit as more of you was crammed into his throat, but that was only because his slimy flesh now had quite the hold on you. Any squirming you could make against the tight flesh was almost instantly denied, a thick bulge starting to travel deeper into Teshy's body as the pangolin continued swallowing you down. So casual about it, as well...taking big gulps during in-game cutscenes or snacking a bit on you between rooms! The deeper you traveled into the pangolin’s throat, the louder his thumping heartbeat and groaning, gurgling belly was becoming. Jeez, you didn't realize how hungry the pangolin actually was…and that wasn't good for you!

You were about halfway inside of Teshy at this point, the pangolin’s gullet gripping tight on you and pulling you deeper in rhythmic clenches without the assistance of gravity, considering that the pangolin was laying flat. Teshy's tongue had almost completely uncoiled from the bottom half of your body, the long, sticky appendage now starting to explore all the tasty crevices of your body! Feeling that thing poking and prodding at the more...sensitive areas of your body definitely reignited your struggle a little bit, though with how deep you were into Teshy, they were little more than the bare minimum for an inconvenience to the pangolin. Your legs just stuck out of his mouth, kicking occasionally, mostly limp...and one more swallow from the pangolin would probably push you into his hungry, impatient stomach! Its growling was only continuing to get louder, after all.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("You felt the flesh squeeze around you tighter than it ever had before a few moments later, your head being forced through a sphincter out into the churning, hungry, acidic pit that was Teshy's stomach. The pangolin’s gut started to grow as you filled it up, bulges appearing under Teshy's pelt and starting to make it a little difficult for the pangolin to actually see the screen he was looking at...the pangolin wanted to get back to his game entirely already, so he started gulping down the rest of you at an increased rate, his stomach steadily growing as more of you was pushed out into the chamber. The walls stretched quite a bit to contain you, starting to secrete bubbling acidic fluids to go along with the ones that had already been sloshing around in the pit of Teshy's gut.

The tips of your feet slowly slipped past Teshy’s lips, the pangolin giving you one last work over with his tongue as it started to retreat into his mouth. You involuntarily squirmed and kicked around as Teshy tickled your feet a little bit, before the pangolin took one more powerful *glllNK~*, the last of your body being sucked into his throat and starting to disappear behind his collarbone. All the while, you continued to fill out Teshy's hungry stomach, finding your new home to be more than a bit cramped as you were forced to curl up inside…!
") wait { MoveObject (player, TeshyStomach) } } } } } } ]]>
false Teshy's stomach You are surrounded by if (Teshy.AV = 1) { } else { msg ("The pangolin sighed as he felt you sinking past his collarbone, pausing his game again before thumping at his full stomach a few times; a motion that caused the world around you to shake, making you more than a bit dizzy in the process! \"Guh, now, get to digesting already…\" you heard the pangolin complain, his words mostly drowned out by the glorps and gurgles of his churning belly. How the heck were you going to get out of this one?") } ") } msg ("With part of the stomach's job already finished by the time you slid inside of it, digesting you was going to be quite simple for the pangolin. At this point, Teshy was done with the actual cleaning part of his shower; now, the pangolin was just relaxing and digesting, standing up and letting all the sounds of his stomach bounce around the enclosed walls while he just rubbed and let the water warm him up. Belching every now and again, feeling you gradually turning into sludge inside of his gut...you weren't really a person anymore, just a thick soup churned and melted down inside of Teshy's engorged tummy. You had lost nearly all of the sensation in your body at this point, feeling more like a consciousness absent-mindedly floating around inside of Teshy's stomach than an actual person anymore. And, perhaps, that was a more apt description, considering that you were well on your way to becoming nothing but padding for the pangolin's lovely curves...

After another good 20 minutes or so, Teshy finally reached for the shower faucet, turning it off and letting himself drip-dry in the shower a little bit before making his way out. The deed was done...well, mostly done. The scaly predator reached for a towel, feeling his chubby belly sloshing and groaning with every movement he made. You were certainly making the transition to becoming pangolin fat inside of there; in fact, you might have been already making your way back into the bowels that had sucked you up earlier! But that, that you didn't know. You were too busy being redistributed to Teshy's thighs and rump and tummy, nothing but another thick layer of fat to make the pangolin even warmer and softer than he already was…
") msg ("*You should've let him finish...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } else { SetTimeout (20) { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It was clear that Teshy was having a little bit of a problem actually churning you up...the stomach was definitely producing tons of fluids and rubbing them into you, but the constant queasiness you could tell the pangolin was having kept your hopes alive! Teshy had to constantly rip thick *HHUUuuuooooOORRRP* and *BHUUUURRrrrhhp*s to keep it nice and tight in there for you, and to keep his stomach from getting so full of air that it just decided to evacuate you! \"Uuurrrghhh, just digest already…\" the pangolin complained as he rubbed over his swollen, sore belly, feeling it grumble and groan and whine as it tried the best to break you down. It seemed like the pangolin's body wasn't quite used to meals like yourself, so it would take a little bit to gurgle you up...still, the constant stimulation and tight walls pressing in on you were starting to tire you out regardless. You knew there was a timer left on your escape; you just didn't know how long said timer was…
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("This belly was starting to get real messy, and not just because of the fact you were slowly being digested! The thing was just full of bubbling fluids and bits of leftover food from the pangolin's earlier meals, and your body was starting to be immersed in more of it with every passing minute as the walls continue to encroach on your curled up body. Your strength was starting to fade, and as the pangolin continued his game, his stomach was starting to do a better and better job of working you down…though, it was still quite uncomfortable for Teshy! His stomach was groaning and roaring so loudly, that he swore he heard another room telling him to keep it down... but he couldn't! All he could do was lay here and hope that you would give in soon. His gut was starting to slowly get softer and sloshier in time, but you were still kicking in there…

Though it was certainly starting to feel like you wouldn't be escaping. Your movements started to feel sluggish, and though you had managed to find the sphincter that kept you locked inside of the pangolin's stomach, you couldn't pry it open even with all of your fading strength. Teshy was starting to relax a little bit, chuckling as he thumped and rubbed over his stomach while it gurgled and churned away. \"Theeeere you go, just *uhhhhrrrrRRRrrrp* soften up now…\" the pangolin teased, his predatory instinct starting to come back as the discomfort in his stomach faded away. The pangolin's belly was still having a bit of trouble working you down, but the discomfort and gassiness that was present earlier was starting to dissipate. At the perfect time, as well!

Teshy's eyelids were starting to feel a bit heavy now. The pangolin looked up at the clock and - geez, was it really that late? He couldn't believe it had taken this long to work you down to this point, and there was still plenty of digesting to be done. Perhaps a bit of a nap would help Teshy melt down the rest of you...it wasn't like the pangolin was going to be getting up anytime soon regardless, so he just dozed off on the couch, listening to his stomach gwrrrgle and chrrrn as it worked away at your form.

As the sound of the pangolin snoring started to mix in with the cacophony of the noises of your own digestion around you, you started to feel a sleepiness start to overtake your own body as well…though this one was probably a bit more artificial, considering strength was quite literally being sapped from your body at an alarming rate!With Teshy asleep, it would be even more difficult to get him to cough you up, and the prospect of such an escape seemed even more impossible than ever...the stomach walls just kept it encroaching on your body, putting the squeeze on you assensation continued to fade in your extremities; and the only recognition you got from the sleeping pangolin was a satisfying belch every now and then. Staying awake felt so hard, and your body just continued to want to drift off to sleep, so fatigued from all the churning and pressing and massaging that the stomach had been doing…

Teshy's night was long and loud, the pangolin frequently being woken up by his own rumbling, fragrant belches as his stomach continued to work you down into nothing but thick, soft pudge. There was no hope of the pangolin getting off the couch before you were completely soupified, so Teshy had plenty of time to sleep you off! As the night waxed and waned, the huge, bumpy bulge that you had made slowly softened and rounded out, the extra weight being redistributed all over the pangolin’s body, plumping him up in all sorts of different ways! You certainly wouldn't be going to waste, that was for sure.
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("The sun peeked through the pangolin’s curtains as it rose into the sky, Teshy groaning and trying to roll over before realizing he was a bit too fat to do that now! That attempt at rolling over had also made a unique noise in the pangolin’s lower guts, one that almost sounded like...rattling? Clacking? It was something that piqued the pangolin's curiosity, and when he reached down to feel at his stomach...yeah, there was still quite a bit of you sloshing around in there! Teshy let out a big yawn and a powerful stretch as he slowly started to get up off of the couch, feeling your bones rattling and clanking and just generally making a racket in his pudgy gut. Goodness, they were really moving around in there...wait a sec -


The pangolin’s entire body was racked by an explosion of gas coming up from his stomach, a thick bulge rocketing up Teshy‘s throat and flying out of his mouth at an impressive speed! It was such a big burp that it almost knocked the pangolin back onto his ass, the pangolin just trying to get his bearings back before he opened his eyes once more...and, his gaze was almost immediately locked onto whatever he had coughed up, which was laying on the ground in front of him and dripping all sorts of bodily fluids. \"Holy crap…\" was all Teshy could say as he looked down upon your bleached skull, dripping with stomach juices as it lay on the carpet in front of him. The pangolin was almost afraid to touch it at first, but eventually he walked over and picked the thing up, in complete awe at the power of his digestive system.

He held up the skull to his eye level, just rotating it in his hands and taking all of it in, feeling an odd sense of pride in his guts. \"What the heck am I actually going to do with this…\" the pangolin idly thought as he looked upon your skull. Maybe he could use it as a paperweight, or some kind of decoration...nobody would assume it was real at first glance, after all! A bit morbid, but probably a better use than just throwing it away or something...
") } else { } msg ("*You should've let him finish...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Teshy groaned as you kicked and squirmed around inside. \"Knock it ooooofff…\" the pangolin demanded, feeling more than a bit queasy from all the fighting you were doing in there!") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The stomach around you groaned and pressed in on your vulnerable form every now and again, making the squeeze you were experiencing inside of here even tighter…") } else { msg ("A few times, you thought you might actually get the pangolin to hork you back up...but, every time, Teshy managed to get his bearings long enough to thump on his stomach a few times and quiet you down a bit.") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } } ]]>
false Teshy's bowels You are surrounded by
Those words you could hear more clearly, and they did honestly have some truth to them! Though it was already like a sauna in here, the shower water was certainly starting to make it even steamier and more humid inside of the pangolin! And, ergh, you could already feel parts of your body starting to tingle and soften up...the heat was almost relaxing the pangolin's body in a way, allowing Teshy to get started on digesting you before you even ended up in his stomach! And, oh goodness, that digestion was really starting to work up some gas inside of the pangolin. Soon, Teshy was belching and burping up a storm, the loud and proud noises echoing off the walls of his shower and shaking the gut around you every time they happened.
") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } Teshy.AV = 1 msg ("Teshy continued to nonchalantly enjoy his shower while his stomach groaned and sloshed loudly and proudly, your vulnerable and delicious body starting to gurgle up and even melt a little bit as you traveled deeper into the pangolin. By the time you were pressing against the entrance to his stomach, well, you didn't really even feel that you were pressing up against it! Teshy's belly lurched powerfully as your mostly-solid form was pushed out into his hungry stomach, the belly walls quick to tighten and rub against your body as you were forced to curl up inside of the pangolin. And, of course, once you were all packed away inside, Teshy celebrated with an earth shattering *HUUUuuuurrpppphhh…*! He could most certainly tell that you were well on your way to becoming a part of his hips or rear, and boy did he love the feeling of that warm water running down his belly as it worked…
") wait { MoveObject (player, TeshyStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("Squirming only seemed to clench and pull you deeper into Teshy's body.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Trying to wiggle your way backwards only resulted in a clench from the pangolin that stopped you in your tracks. \"Nuh-uh-uh…\" the pangolin's voice echoed around you.") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Any movement you made seemed to almost be completely ignored by the rhythmic, wet clenches of Teshy's inner bowels.") } else { msg ("The pangolin's thick musk made it difficult for you to get the energy you needed to squirm in the first place…") }
bathroom false ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("\"I *told* you to leave me alone. I told you not to come in here. And yet, look where you are…\" Teshy said, his voice getting deeper and louder as he moved forward with every step. In just a few moments, he was looming over you entirely, your comparatively-small form backed into a corner and almost completely dwarfed by his shadow! It was at this point that you noticed his tail. The thing was incredibly long, covered in scales, and reared up behind the pangolin, like he was about to use it as a weapon or something...and then you realized. That's exactly what was going to happen.

You raised your hands up to defend you as Teshy whipped his body around, his tail flying at you and slapping you right across the face! It honestly hurt less than you expected it to, but perhaps that was because your expectation was to be knocked out in just one hit. But that was just the first swing! Only a second or so later, the pangolin's tail came swinging back in, and this time you were caught off guard quite a bit more. This blow slammed into the other side of your face, having more than enough knock back to send you right towards the ground with a dull *THUD*...

The swing didn't quite knock you out, but it sure made you not want to move as you crumpled up in the corner of the pangolin's bathroom. Even as Teshy stepped closer, even as you watched while the pangolin slid his pants down to reveal a rather plump and fat rear. Even as his tail snuck under your chin, gently pointing it up while the pangolin turned around and started to sit down right on top of you...the most you could do was weakly protest, maybe move around a bit; though, any movement you made was inevitably knocked out by the pangolin's strong tail. You could only watch as Teshy's plump rear started to descend upon you, the brown cheeks continuing to take up more and more of your field of view as you grunted and groaned and tried to ask the pangolin to stop...but it was clear that he was tired of your games, and you were going to slide up his butt!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slurp.wav", false, false) } msg ("As soon as Teshy's rear made contact with your face, the pangolin immediately rested all of his weight upon you, your weak body having nowhere to go but up between Teshy's fat cheeks! Your face smeared up against Teshy’s musky, fleshy pucker, the tight ring flexing in front of you and grazing along your nose as the pangolin's cheeks started to swallow up your head all on their own! And throughout all of this, Teshy's tail still slid underneath your chin, keeping you looking right up as the pangolin kept putting that pressure down onto your face. His tight tailhole slowly started to dilate and open wide, your nose slipping inside and being greeted by quite the slimy, warm embrace...eugh! The sensation immediately caused you to recoil backwards, but you really had nowhere to go but up...and those struggles you made were exactly the thing that she needed to really start getting riled up! The pangolin moaned as he felt your head starting to slide up into his ass, his tailhole stretching wider and wider to accompany more of your body. With a wet, deafening *shhllURP*, all that pressure just released, your entire head and neck being forced up into the pangolin's bowels. All of a sudden, your hearing was dominated by the sounds of your own consumption, your eyesight completely covered in darkness as opposed to just the low-light situation of having someone sitting down right on your face.

Now, the pangolin's rump cheeks rested on both of your shoulders, Teshy taking a moment to collect himself (and pull his tail out of his own rear end!) before continuing with his rump meal. \"Haaah, at least you're turning out to be a good snack…\" the pangolin teased as he kept up the pressure on you, his voice deep and echoing all around the walls that contained you so tightly. A thick, powerful musk filled your lungs with every breath you took of the stale air that was hanging around inside of Teshy, the lack of fresh air really making it difficult for you to keep squirming and moving in here...but, honestly, even if you were at full strength, it would still be difficult for you to mount any sort of serious escape with the situation you were in. Your pangolin predator had so much weight to throw around, smothering you in more ways than one! Especially as he started to swallow up your shoulders, his tight pucker smothering your arms and forcing them to rest at your sides...well, maybe rest wasn't the best word. They were more bound to your sides, unable to really do anything, though you were certainly trying to do something with them! At least it seemed like the pangolin was starting to get a little bit tired himself. His heart was thumping so hard, and his knees were starting to wobble. He wanted so badly to sit down and rest, but he still had a fair bit of you to go! And he couldn't just sit down all the way, unless he wanted to topple to the ground like an idiot...he'd have to pace himself a little bit more, though it was comforting to him that he had slid down most of your chest at this point.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("The pangolin's belly was really starting to sag and slosh around now, only growing larger as you slid up further and further into Teshy's bowels. The deeper you went, the tighter it became...and it was already pretty tight to begin with! Every clench of the bowels around you felt like it was taking the breath right out of your lungs, not that there was much for you to breathe in here in the first place...guh, and all the while, Teshy’s bowels continued slurping you up at a rhythmic pace. You could feel the pangolin's tailhole squeezing your waist, feeling like a pair of pants that were much too tight for you around the middle!

Teshy grunted a few times as he started to lean up against the bathroom wall, your legs folding under the pressure of the pangolin's body as he crumpled to the floor, his knees far too sore and worn out to support himself any longer. Now he just had a gravid stomach to rub and massage, with the legs of his rump meal sticking out just a bit underneath it! You were basically sitting up inside of the pangolin at this point, your head making a clear bulge under Teshy's scaly pelt…a bulge that the pangolin was having plenty of fun poking and playing around with! Every now and again, the bowels around you would tense up as Teshy clenched his tailhole to slurp up more of you inside, your legs steadily disappearing between the pangolin's own thighs inch-by-inch. That gut was growing every time the pangolin clenched as well, signifying where you were really ending up...and it didn't help that you were starting to be pushed through a corner inside of Teshy's guts!

A few more minutes of rhythmic clenching later, and you could feel that the only things left to the outside world were the tips of your toes. And, honestly, could you still call it the outside world if it was smothered underneath pangolin rump and thighs? Regardless, even that part of you was about to disappear, and the pangolin knew it. He chuckled as he stroked over his swollen, gurgling belly, faking you out a few times with tight squeezes before eventually he couldn't tease himself any longer. A thick, wet *shhhLRP* surrounded you as Teshy pulled the last of your body inside, your entire form now starting to work its way through his maze of a digestive tract...how on earth were you going to get out of this one?
") wait { MoveObject (player, TeshyBowels) } } } } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close
Atticus moved out of the way, allowing you to peer into her room. The pig had transformed the hotel room into a bona-fide artist studio, butcher paper covering the floor with all sorts of paint swatches and marker lines and sketches all over it. There were easels set up, tables with all sorts of art supplies on them, and in the middle, a solitary chair, almost untouched compared to the explosion of creativity and color it was surrounded by. The pig walked over to one of the tables as you presumed that you were supposed to sit down in that chair, you doing your best to not step in all the messy materials as you made your way over. You sat down a few moments later, looking all around at the studio surrounding you before Atticus turned around and started walking towards you.
") wait { msg ("The pig started to pace around you a little bit, adjusting your posture, moving your shoulders, realigning your ankles just a bit. It was weird to feel the pig treating you like little more than a poseable model, but you assumed this was just all part of the process. Atticus didn't say anything, only making noises like *hmm…* and grumbling to herself before she stepped back and took a look at you in full. \"Perfect, perfect. Now, just hold completely still, please…\"

The pig said that like it would be so easy! especially with the position she had molded you into; this wasn't especially comfortable. Still, you tried your best as Atticus turned away from you, a cute spiral tail sticking out from underneath her little pink skirt...wait. You just noticed something. Was the pig not wearing anything underneath that skirt…?

You wanted to say something to Atticus about that, but you obviously weren't allowed to move. Instead, you just watched as the pig prepared all her instruments of drawing, setting up an easel right next to her table before starting to get to work…

Well, to you, it looked like she was starting to get to work, at least. You almost chuckled as you saw the pig reach under her skirt to give her rear a scratch...until you saw her starting to ease backwards towards you! It looks like her rear was about to accidentally bowl you over, so you called her name, hoping to catch her attention. but instead of the pig whirling around and starting to apologize, she just shushed you! \"I said, be still…\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You started to raise a finger to object to what was happening, but before you could do so, the pig sat right down onto you, smushing you under her ample, nude rear! Her pink skirt rode up over the top of your head, somewhat hiding you from the world as the pig smothered you in her ass, grunting as she tried to adjust herself on top of you. \"Hnngh-just, work with me here…\" the pig said as she attempted to slide your face between her asscheeks, finding some problems at first, but soon managing to pry them apart and squish you inside! You started to squirm and struggle in earnest as your face was pressed right up against her musky, fleshy pucker, the squishy things slowly prying itself open as Atticus squished you against the back of the chair you were sitting in. \"Nnf, quit it! This is all part of the process…\" the pig said, her words mostly muffled to you at this point with how much of her fat rear was smothering your body. Her chubby rump was quite hefty, and it would take you a lot of elbow grease to push her off of you, elbow grease that you didn't have…

And then, with a wet squelching noise and a cascade of slimy flesh, your world went completely dark. A little bit of light was peeking through Atticus's ample rear beforehand, but now? Now you were completely enveloped in it! Her pucker had yawned wide open, and your head had nowhere to go but further inside with how much pressure the pig was putting on your body...so it slid right inside! Atticus let out a long moan as she felt this, her entire body shifting downward as you slid into her ass. She looked towards a corner of the room a few seconds later, a tripod setup with a camera recording that you hadn't even noticed while you looked around. She needed a model all right, and these recordings would help her...help her create some weird kink art out of all of this! It was her specialty, after all, and the pig was always looking for better references to upgrade her work. And you were going to be part of it, no matter if you wanted to be or not!

Atticus's cock was starting to peek out from under her skirt, the pig unable to stop herself from stroking along it a few times as she continued to slide you further into her bowels. Her slimy, tight sphincter clenched tight around your neck, the pig slowly putting pressure on your shoulders over and over again until her flesh started to stretch around those broad, bony structures. The squeeze you were feeling got even tighter as your shoulders slipped inside of Atticus's bowels, the pig having to lean forward a little bit just so that she didn't fall over in this tiny chair! With your arms trapped at your sides and your body quickly being swallowed up by Atticus's pliant, slimy bowel walls, the prospect of squirming enough to escape was starting to become a pipe dream. The pig was still smothering the lower half of your body with her own body, making it almost impossible to kick your legs or move in any meaningful fashion...and all the while, every breath you took was thick with musk, making it feel like you couldn't breathe in here at all…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("pulledupplusmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Atticus gasped as her asshole swallowed up the next part of your body; your chest, comparatively easily to your shoulders. The pig was so overwhelmed with pleasure at this point that she started to fall forward, Atticus catching her fall with her hoof-hands and squishing you underneath her body, using you as a landing pillow of sorts! The impact hit you hard, squishing you under the entire weight of the fat pig, her ass sticking up in the air as she lay in ecstacy...half of your body still sticking out of her rear! The pig oinked and groaned as she continued to clench her ass tight, your body getting noisily slurped and shlorped deeper inside of hers every time her flesh squeezed around you, and her belly growing bigger every time as well! The cute swirl pattern on her gut was starting to stretch and distend as it filled up, the pig starting to feel satisfied with her rump meal...there was still quite a bit of you left to deal with, though!

The pig opened one of her eyes, looking to the corner to make sure that the camera was still rolling before clenching her bowels again, sucking another few inches of you deep into her your body was cramped into all sorts of awkward positions as the pig squished her stomach underneath the rest of her, the slimy bowel walls starting to take a curve, which would lead you deeper into her body and, eventually, to her hungry stomach...if you were finding it difficult to struggle before, now it felt almost impossible! Your legs were the only thing left to the outside world now, and they most likely wouldn't be around for much longer either. Each squeeze of all the slimy flesh around you sucked up a good few inches of your legs, the things just disappearing into Atticus's bowels like she was slurping up a few noodles...you tried to kick your legs, move them around, do anything in one last vain attempt to convince the pig to let you go, but it seemed like she was just enjoying your squirms more than anything else!

\"Hhhf...just a moment! This was all part of the deal…\" Atticus groaned out as her ass squelched another few inches of you deeper into pig guts. The porker was unable to stop herself from humping at the floor in the pleasure at this point, her cock and bulge just grinding against the carpet and paper. This was strictly for helping her art, but damn if it didn't feel amazing as well…! Her gut was so swollen and full, and there was only the tiniest bit of you left for her to devour. It would be so simple, to just clench her ass one more time and…
") MoveObject (player, AtticusBowels) } } } } else { msg ("You turn the doorknob and the door opens.") MoveObject (player, Room 41) } ]]>
false A pudgy, black potbellied pig. Look at You are surrounded by false msg ("She doesn't respond.") false Atticus's bowels
And that's exactly what she did. The pig moaned out in pleasure as she clenched her ass one last time, your legs being sucked inside in a cacophony of fleshy, squishy noises, Atticus's stomach oozing out onto the floor as it continued to fill up...the pig was basically lifted up off the floor by her own got at this point, every struggle you could make it just grinding up against her cock and making her squeal in pleasure! "Haah... there we go…" the pig managed to gasp out as she rubbed and stroked all over her swollen gut, feeling you starting to work your way through her bowels deep inside. "Haaah, hou've been such a good subject so far…" the pig said, her voice difficult for you to hear over the churning and sloshing of her flesh around you…]]>
You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("After a few more minutes of bowel spelunking, you felt the world around you lurch in a much more powerful and pointed fashion. Your head was pressed up against a fleshy wall, which slowly opened wide to allow you access into the pig's hungry gut. Atticus let out a low huff as she felt her stomach getting filled out, her stomach walls stretching wonderfully as more of you slid out and started to be compacted and curled up inside the pig's groaning, churning stomach. In many ways, it actually felt quite similar to when you were being squelched and pushed through her bowels except for the fact that you weren't really moving anywhere anymore. You were just constantly being pushed and kneaded against from all sides, being coated and bathed in all sorts of thick and bubbling fluids as the pig that had devoured you was still laying on the floor, trying to pick herself up so that the camera that was recording all of this could get a better angle. \"Now, just relax in there, if you could. I would really like to get an intimate look at the digestion process…\"
") wait { MoveObject (player, AtticusStomach) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else { msg ("You thought you had managed to poke free from the pig's ass for a moment, but with a grunt and a squeal, you were slurped right back inside!") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
false Atticus's stomach You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("God, all that sloshing and pushing was really starting to take the fight out of you. The stomach was just uncompromising, constantly pressing and pushing against your body...it was so humid and slimy in here, constantly sapping your energy and making you feel quite lightheaded. Probably didn't help that you had used all your strength on those squirms that went nowhere, as well...you still tried to wiggle and squirm as much as you could, but the both of you knew that they weren't going to make Atticus do anything but giggle. The pig stroked and poked at her stomach as she felt you really starting to churn up in there, slowly rounding out and getting all nice and soft. The world of you started to shake and slosh even more as Atticus unleashed a thick, fragrant *BHUUuuurrraaaa-aaaAAAAaaappp…*, smacking her lips as the stomach walls around you continued to encroach, the last bit of air in her belly just having made quite the loud exit. \"Seems like you're really melting down in there, hmm~\" the pig teased, her voice fading as you did just that inside of her belly…

Eventually, Atticus clicked the camera off, satisfied with the footage she had obtained. You had completely melted down into a sludge in her guts, funneling deeper into her body and already starting to add to all of her luscious curves. \"Mmm, mm, mm. You really went to my tits, didn't you?~\" the pig teased as she squished her breasts, feeling how much fatter and softer you were already making them. The pig definitely had *plenty* of material for her art now, that was for sure!

*You were a most helpful subject...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The pig slapped her gut as you continued protesting from inside. \"Cut it out, you're making it hard for the camera to focus…\"") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The stomach walls tightened around you even more, quite literally squeezing the life out of you!") } else { msg ("You thought the stomach might actually upchuck you a few times...but even as you tried to pry open the sphincter to the pig's belly, it squeezed back shut to seal you inside.") } ]]>
A tall, lanky, frizzy-haired catgirl. She's got what appears to be a camera around her neck. Look at You are surrounded by false
You instinctively flinched, a beam of green light coming out of the tip of the gun and blasting right towards you! The sliding green light enveloped your entire body, and a sweeping sense of vertigo knocked you right to the ground...or at least, it felt like you had been knocked to the ground! Your eyes couldn't focus, and it felt like the entire world around you was growing and expanding at quite the frightening rate. You looked up to see Kat, the feline towering over you now, though it was quite difficult to even see her in all the swirling mess around you.
") wait { msg ("And then, in the snap of a finger, it all stopped. Your vision returned to normal, and you were able to look around to see that, indeed, you had been shrunken by Kat! The catgirl's shadow almost entirely engulfed you, and she looked up to see the gargantuan feline zapping the camera she was wearing around her neck as well, the object shrinking down to your size in a fraction of a second. Geez, you couldn't have been more than a few inches tall at this point! And when Kat looked down at you with a mischievous smile on her face, you got the feeling that your size difference was about to be put to the test…

\"Oop! You okay down there?\" Kat asked as she loomed over you, starting to bend over and reached down after you with her huge paw! Your base instinct was to start making a break for it, but you were so small that it would take Kat maybe a step to keep up with you...so, against your survival instincts, you allowed yourself to be picked up, wrapped in the soft embrace of Kat’s hand as she brought you up to eye level. Her paw opened up a few moments later, a smaller sense of vertigo hitting as you realized just how high up you were now...and the giant cat head in front of you didn't make things any easier! \"Yeah, sorry about that. I need you to be -teeny tiny- for this job…\" the cat said, before bringing her other hand over to you and pinching the miniscule camera between her fingers. You were once again covered in Kat’s shadow as her fingers descended upon you, very carefully managing to drop the camera down around your neck...wow, this thing really was the perfect size for you now! You grasped the small camera in your hands, fiddling around with all of the buttons and trying to figure out what this thing could do and how to do it. In fact, you were so enamored by the piece of technology that you didn't even notice that the cat was starting to lift you up even higher!

You sure did start to notice when Kat began to tip her paw down towards her head, though! Gravity started to make you slide downwards like you were on an icy hill, a gross feeling surging in the pit of your stomach as you looked down and saw how far the drop would be...a boast of adrenaline shot through your body as you tried to turn around and climb back up the wall behind you, but thankfully, all of this was cut short by of Kat’s fingers. The feline pinched the back of your neck with her claws and allowed you to dangle right between her fingers as she continued lifting you up...you didn't really want to look down and see how far of a fall would happen if Kat let go, but eventually, your curiosity got the best of you. And, well, the drop was a lot shorter than you thought it would be, at least…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("weirdgulpynoises.wav", false, false) } msg ("Maybe 6 inches below you, wide open and waiting for you to fall inside, was Kat’s open maw! You instinctively flinched when you looked down and saw that deep, undulating, dark pit beneath you, more than willing to suck you down without as much as a second thought. \"Woah! What's the big id-\" you started to object, before you felt the fingers that were keeping you dangling in the air let go, the world rushing by you as you fell down into Kat's open mouth! It took less than a second for your tiny body to make an impact against the cat’s flat, warm tongue, those imposing jaws snapping shut immediately and leaving you in a world of slimy, smelly darkness. Cat breath, eww…

Thankfully, you wouldn't be in Kat's mouth too long. As soon as those jaws closed, the feline's rough tongue was working on funneling you to the back of the cat's throat, that alluring chasm that you had seen open beneath you just a few moments ago. There was no use in fighting what was happening, you just hoped that Kat would keep her end of the deal as you dangled over the edge of her gullet...and just a few moments later, a thick *glnk* echoed around you as a powerful force pushed you right down inside of it, slimy innards grabbing a hold of you and starting to drag you down, down, deep into Kat's body. And, on the outside, nobody could even tell that she had swallowed anything…

\"Ahg! Squirmy.\" Kat commented as she felt you sliding down her throat, the sensation sending an involuntary shiver down the feline’s spine. She didn't eat folks all too often, so she was definitely not all that used to be feeling of it. Blegh, you were so cold as well…! At least since you were so small, it wouldn't take very long for you to slide into her; already you had slipped past her collarbone, the sound of her heartbeat thumping and echoing around you...along with the growling and grumbling of her noisy stomach, a noise that only continued to get louder as you sank deeper into Kat!

After a minute or so of being squished through Kat’s gullet, with one last clench of the tight flesh around you, you felt yourself being pushed out into the cat's stomach. The stale, sour odor that was on her breath earlier was far stronger in here, honestly causing your eyes to water a little bit as you settled into the feline’s gut. Thankfully, there was plenty of space inside for you to move around, though all the walls around you were constantly moving and slick with stomach fluids...
") wait { MoveObject (player, KatStomach) } } } } else { msg ("\"Oh, that's alright.\" Kat said.") } } ]]>
false Kat's stomach
You couldn't really respond, and it sounded like you were going to have to do this in order to get out. So you felt around for your camera, wiping off some of the slime that had accumulated on it before getting to work…]]>
You are surrounded by SetObjectFlagOn (player, "eaten") EnableTurnScript (KatCamera) AddToInventory (Camera) if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("1433315482.jeschke_ethicist_commission_3hourslater.mp3", false, true) } stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,2) if (random = 1) { msg ("The sensation of you squirming inside Kat made the feline a little bit uneasy…") } else { msg ("\"Gah, that tickles! Knock it off!\" you heard Kat tell you, thumping at her stomach a little bit to try and get you to stop.") } false
Look at Drop 0 random = GetRandomInt(1,3) if (random = 1) { msg ("*snap!* Wow, the light from the flash really accentuates all the stomach fluids dripping off of these walls.") Camera.pictures = Camera.pictures + 1 } else if (random = 2) { msg ("*click* A pretty good shot, showing the undulation and the movement of the stomach walls.") Camera.pictures = Camera.pictures + 1 } else { msg ("*snap* Goodness, was her stomach sphincter really that big? It looked like you could have fallen right through it!") Camera.pictures = Camera.pictures + 1 }
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close ") wait { msg ("\"So, uh...what exactly are these experiments you were talking about?\" you asked the fox as he led you into a side room, sitting you down before sitting down at the desk in front of you himself and pulling me out a pen and a piece of paper. \"Oh, we do all sorts of things here. Right now, I'm working on a device that generates the perfect dessert for someone based on their DNA and characteristics. That's what you'll be doing today.\" Triac responded, before he launched into a few personal questions. The “interview” process went rather smoothly, until Triac asked you about your species! The fox paused after asking that, looking you over before sitting back down with a tiny bit of an exasperated look on his face. \"Uhmm...what the hell *are* you?\"

You started to answer the fox, before he suddenly started to sputter and cut you off. \"Ah, ah, ah, Don't ruin the surprise. You're certainly something that I've never seen, and I'm very interested in finding out what the algorithm does with you~\" he said, ending that sentence with a strange sort of intonation that made you feel the slightest bit unnerved about all of this...you eyed the exit to this room just to be safe as Triac got up and led you out of this room down the hallway you entered from earlier. There was another door at the very end of the hallway, and that was the one that Triac led you towards.

When the two of you made your way inside of that room, you quickly realized that most of the normal hotel room furniture had been moved in here. The centerpiece was an honestly very comfortable-looking bed, much more well kept than most of the other ones you had seen in this place. \"Alright, just lay down on your stomach and we'll begin.\" the fox said, somewhat nudging you towards the bed as he turned away and walked out of the room, leaving you to your own devices.
") wait { msg ("You sort of just sat around and looked around the room a little bit as you heard Triac messing around with all sorts of things just outside the door, before finally deciding to actually sit down on that bed and...damn, it was just as comfortable as it looked! It had to be like, memory foam or something. As you settled in, though, you saw the door creak open and, well, what you saw on the other side...well, it actually kind of made sense with how strange this whole thing was! Triac had returned all right, but the fox was completely nude, sporting a strange and complex tattoo the outside of his right thigh. He had a rather plump pair of orbs and a fuzzy sheath between his legs, out of which was poking the head of his red shaft. His attention immediately snapped to you with his eyebrows raised, though. \"Hey, I thought I told you to lay down on your stomach…\"

You just smirked and chuckled a little bit. Triac wasn't that much bigger than you, you weren't going to let him boss you around in bed like this! \"Make me~\" you teased, the strange sense of arousal you intimately experienced from seeing somebody else completely displayed out in front of you starting to make the strangeness of this whole setup...well, it didn't go away, but it was becoming less relevant in your mind for sure! The fox just rolled his eyes, his shaft continuing to poke out of his sheath in a way that betrayed his own arousal as he stepped over to the edge of the bed you were laying down on, the fox nonchalantly grabbing your legs and lifting them up into the air as he yanked you forward for easier access! You yelped as the fox handled you so roughly, Triac showing that he was more than capable of making you do whatever he wanted to…

\"Mrrf. That's fine, I can still work with you positioned like this…\" Triac grumbled, adjusting and spreading your legs out so that he had easier access to the pucker that lay waiting between them. \"Well, you've got quite the assets to test out here, I see…\" the fox remarked, scooching up as close to the bed as he possibly could before you felt him start to push his bone between your cheeks, Triac fidgeting around until he felt his tip press up against your awaiting pucker. \"Wait! Aren't you going to, you know, lube up or something?\" you asked, your body reflexively clenching up as you thought about the possibility of him going in dry.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("The fox just scoffed, and thrusted his hips forward a few seconds later. He had a firm grip on your legs, so there was nowhere else you could go, and yet it still felt like he pushed you back a few inches as his cock slid up inside of you, your bowels forced to stretch open for the fox’s cock without any sort of aid...goodness, it felt a lot thicker than it looked on the inside! And you were nowhere near close enough to having the entire fit inside of you, though Triac was well on the way to changing that with every movement he made.

Your bowels reflexively clenched around the fox's shaft as it continued to slide inside, the fox crying out in pleasure every time it happened! \"OOHHhh, keep that up and we’ll be done with the first part of this in no time…\" the fox said, his words and expressed with more and more guttural and animalistic noises as he continued to rut into you...wait, the first part? Now, that threw you for a bit of a loop. You weren't sure what the fox was referring to, and you also weren't exactly in a position to get out of here either...at least, not scot-free. You'd have to wait until he orgasmed to leave, if what he had in mind wasn't in your best interests! Thankfully, Triac was starting to pick up the pace a bit, slamming his hips into your rear end as his cock continued to slide deeper inside of you; you could even feel that knot at the base of his shaft starting to push against your asshole, giving you a little bit of a tease as to what was in store for you. You weren't sure if you were ready to take it, but you were definitely about to find out!

Thankfully, your discomfort continued to dissipate as Triac kept up the pace, though the specter of that knot was still hanging around in the back of your mind. Triac started to lean down closer towards your body as time went on, the fox growling and grunting right in your ear with every thrust he made! Even though the fox wasn't that much larger than you, he was still completely smothering you right now, kind of making it difficult to breathe...though, with how much your heart was pounding and how much adrenaline was pumping through your veins, you honestly barely noticed it in the moment! Triac kept going even faster and harder, surprising you with his stamina as his noises became even higher pitched…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsidemaleorgasm.mp3", false, false) } msg ("One last thrust made you yelp out in surprise as you felt the fox's knot slide up inside of your pucker, completely tying you together with Triac as you heard one last, lingering moan in your ear before a warm sensation started to spread within your bowels, the fox emptying out shot after shot of his steamy load right into your guts! You felt that heat shoot all the way up into your stomach in a matter of moments, and even after you thought Triac was done with the splooshy part of his orgasm, the flood of virile fox cream just continued to come...uurgh, you were starting to feel quite full quite quickly! How much stuff did Triac really have to give you?

The fox’s noises of orgasm started to die down as time went on, yet it still felt as if he was continuing to fill you up like nothing had ever happened! Triac started to get up off of you, at the very least, and then your jaw dropped as you saw what had happened to you. Your stomach...it looked as if you had devoured an entire turkey dinner! It was swollen and sloshing around quite a bit with the load that Triac had pumped up inside of you, the realization almost immediately causing a powerful blush to come to your face as you looked up at the proud fox...just before he pulled his hips back and yanked his cock right out of your ass!

With that plug removed from your rear, a good amount of Triac’s load came gushing out, creating quite a mess at the foot of the fox's bed. Despite how much was coming out of you, your belly stayed stuffed and taught, though, the overencumberence still making it impossible for you to move in any meaningful way. Triac looked down at the mess he made with a little bit of a grimace on his face, before he started to kneel down. At this point, you couldn't see what was happening down there, and you couldn't really feel anything happening, either...but that changed a few moments later. You felt Triac grasp both of your ankles, binding them together with his hands and causing you to squirm around a little bit as he lifted them up in the air! \"And now, for the next part…\"
") wait { msg ("That was all the fox said until you felt something warm and squishy pressed against your feet a few moments later, the sensation causing you to squirm even more with how gross and wet and uncomfortable it was! You had a few ideas of what was going down there, and you knew it probably wasn't good for you, but you were so full that you could barely move regardless. All you could do was wait as you felt that slimy warmth creeping up your feet and ankles, some kind of strange thick muscle massaging and rubbing all over your soles! Eugh, so warm…

And then, you saw the fox's snout peeking over the edge of the bed, giving everything away. Your feet were in the fox's mouth, and he was threatening to shove your ankles and legs up in there, as well!

The realization that you were about to be fox food threw your squirms into overdrive, Triac quickly grasping hold of your legs to keep you from moving too much as he continued to work his jaws up over your ankles and legs, your feet already pressing up against the back of the fox's throat! You could feel the gullet flesh clenching tight around your toes, Triac already threatening to swallow you down even as a majority of your body was still resting on the bed! It was a bit tough for the fox to pull himself up onto the same level as you while he crammed your lower half into his mouth, but with you still inflated by his load, the fox had all the time in the world.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, true) } msg ("*-glnk!*

You felt the fox's throat muscles suddenly clench around your feet before they yanked you forward, causing you to yelp out a little bit as your body was suddenly dragged into Triac's hungry gullet! Once he took that swallow, the fox stopped crawling up onto the bed as much as he was doing earlier, preferring to just drag you down into a digestive demise with every swallow he took! It was almost terrifying to just watch as the maw at the end of the bed continued to consume you like it was nothing; and on top of that, the fox's sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight, showing you that Triac very easily could make this a lot more painful if you didn't cooperate. They even grazed past your gravid stomach as it was worked inside, the sensation making you more than a bit uncomfortable as Triac continued swallowing you down. Already, nearly half of your body was in his throat, and the starving fox was showing no signs of slowing down. You were getting so close to his mouth, your arms being forced up as the fox's mouth started to swallow up over your shoulders, that you could feel the warm, stale breath washing over your face! Triac really had no trouble fitting his mouth around your fat midsection, the fox taking one more powerful, satisfying *GLRNK* to pull his teeth up to your chin…

The fox's tongue started to slather thick drool all over your face and head, causing you to sputter out as some of it ended up in your own mouth! You could feel your feet end legs being pushed through into another, much slimier chamber, which you could only assume was the fox's stomach...guh, it already felt so tight, how the hell were you going to fit all the way inside of it? You had quite a few questions, but Triac only had one answer. Another swallow. This last one was enough to pull the last of your head inside of Triac's mouth, the fox's jaws clamping shut over the top of your head as your fat gut and chest were sucked through his throat, your head following up in a cascade of clenching flesh and slimy fluids that pushed you down, down into Triac's belly! Compared to the lengthy swallowing process, your trip down the throat was only a few seconds long...mostly because a good half of you was already in the fox's stomach, curled up in that pit of sloshing, tingling fluids.
") wait { MoveObject (player, TriacStomach) } } } } } } } } else { msg ("The door is locked.") } ]]>
false false Blah blah blah. Look at You are surrounded by msg ("Blah") wait { if (RandomChance(50)) { msg ("Nom") } else { msg ("Not Nom") } } false Triac's stomach ]]> You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Triac was busy taking down notes as you digested away inside of him, the fox poking and massaging and rubbing at his belly not only because it felt good, but to see exactly how your digestion had been progressing so far! All that movement was sloshing you around inside quite a bit, mixing you up even more with that tingling, sizzling belly slime that was really starting to work its way into your skin. The caustic environment of the fox's stomach was far too much for you to fight against for this long, especially as Triac casually disoriented you every few minutes. You were trying your best to hold on, but you couldn't even make a bulge on the outside of the fox's cream-colored gut at this point. The stomach walls were continuing to tighten and close in on you, and a good portion of your body was starting to go completely numb. Off in the distance, you heard the fox let out another rumbling belch...and then it all went dark.

It wasn't like Triac suddenly felt you stop wiggling around inside of him or anything. No, your wiggles had just continued to fade and fade and become steadily overwhelmed by the other movements inside of his stomach until they eventually became nonexistent. The fox treated this like a job of sorts, studying every movement of his stomach and constantly scribbling down notes about how the sludge you were being melted into broke down and funneled deeper inside of him…

Eventually, though, the fox would have to turn in for the night, especially with how large of a meal you were! The fox's sludge filled gut sloshed and swayed with his every movement as he clambered up into the bed you were laying in earlier, the sated vulpine falling asleep in a matter of minutes to the chorus of wonderful noises his stuffed, fat belly was constantly making as you pumped deeper through his bowels…
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("Of course, Triac needed to study how you ended up as well, and the fox got an opportunity to do just that in the morning! As soon as he awoke from his blissful coma of a slumber, the fox felt a pressure in his bowels - one that he definitely needed to take care of as soon as possible. The drowsy vulpine stumbled his way into the bathroom, plopping his padded rear onto the toilet seat before letting out a long sigh as he felt the very last of you start to slide out into the porcelain bowl, a heavy weight being lifted from inside the fox's body, though he certainly still had plenty of pudge to remember you by…! It felt wonderful, it put a sense of finality on his devouring you, and perhaps most importantly, a bit more material for him to study.

After the fox finished up his business, he stood up and grabbed that notebook once more, a bit surprised by how much of you had managed to survive his digestive tract at least somewhat intact.The fox jotted down a few notes before pressing down on the plunger, the last of you disappearing down into the sewers with a loud *flssssh*. There was now absolutely no record left of you, or the fact you had ran into Triac, except for a lot of extra pudge on the fox's already-squishy figure...
") } msg ("
*You helped a fox with his \"research\"...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("Triac's stomach sloshed back and forth as the vulpine played around with it, the movement throwing you more than a bit off-kilter inside!") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The fox just chuckled as he watched you frantically fidget around inside of him. \"You know, all that's doing is making you easier to soften up…\"") } else { msg ("The slimy belly tightened around you with every movement you made, quite literally squeezing the fight right out of you!") } ]]>
false the Open Close Look at Use Drop Open Close
The rat was just a bit confused at your presence at first, until she looked down and saw the flyer that was clutched in your hand. \"Oh! Wow, that was really fast! I only put that flyer up a few hours ago. Do you want to be my dance partner??\" April asked, some of the jewelry on her outfit and glinting in the light of the makeshift dance studio she had set up as she jittered about in excitement!
") ask ("Be April's dance partner?") { if (result) { wait { msg ("April seemed so bubbly and excited that you couldn't bring yourself to say no to her, even if that same energy was honestly putting you off a tiny bit about all of this. The rat's face lit up as she heard your assent, a huge smile on her snout as she started to talk to you once more. \"Oh my gosh! Yes! Let's start right now - \"

You expected April to move aside or invite you into her room after saying that, but she didn't. In fact, she didn't even say anything else. Instead, the rat just lunged right towards you, her jaws opening wide and giving you quite the view of her throat before darkness suddenly came over you. A humid, wet darkness at that! At first, you flinched expecting an impact, and that made it easy for April to pin you against the wall, her rodent buck teeth scraping against the back of your neck as she crammed your entire head into her maw! Ugh...was this really just a setup to get a free meal? You should have seen it coming, but here you were, overwhelmed, pinned, and being set up to be swallowed down into a rat belly! You tried your best to push April off of you, but the rat was unsurprisingly toned. All it really did was force April to push you even harder against the wall, until you were practically laying on the floor in front of her hotel room with the rat laying on top of you!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("", false, true) } msg ("*Gg-GLNNnk*

April's throat convulsed as your face was pressed against it, the greedy, slimy flesh instantly grabbing onto whatever it was given and starting to pull it down into the rat's throat...and, of course, that happened to be you right now. With April's body smothering you and keeping you pinned to the floor, your body was forced to bend in a very awkward fashion as she continued to walk her mouth down your shoulders and back. You cringed every time you felt those teeth pressing against your skin, expecting things to get painful...thankfully, though April was definitely being greedy and gluttonous right now, there was still a sense of carefulness to her movements, oddly enough. That thought wasn't much of a solace to you as the rat swallowed again, though, your shoulders easily sliding into her gullet and your arms now being pinned to your sides, encased in slick flesh...you could hear April's pounding heartbeat all around you, going a mile a minute. Either she was really excited to scarf you down, or she had just finished a very vigorous warm-up exercise...and, if it was the latter, she would need some energy soon. Good thing she was fixing that problem right now.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("", false, false) } msg ("The rat slowly started to walk backwards into her room as she continued stuffing you inside of her mouth, not needing the assistance of the wall to finish you up anymore. With how tall April was, even though more than half of your body was now firmly inside of her, you still hadn't touched down into her stomach. Even over the pounding of the rat's heart, you could still hear the impatient rumbling of her belly, though, so you knew what was coming once she took another swallow! Your legs and feet were the only things sticking out of her rodent snout now, kicking around every now and again in a vain attempt to get the rat to cough you up, but she was dead set on stuffing you into that stinking, groaning gut of hers! Even now, you could feel her tongue working over your lower extremities, coating them in slime and gradually reeling them in for her awaiting throat to disappear.
") wait { msg ("*gg-GLLlnk~*

All at once, you felt the throat contract around you, your legs and feet being sucked down into April's body while your head and shoulders were pushed through into the rat's belly. Immediately, the pungent odor of stomach juices made your nose tingle and your eyes start to water; clearly, the stomach had kicked its production into overdrive in preparation for your arrival. Even as you were still slipping down into her digestive tract, the rat was already returning to what she was doing beforehand, flipping back on the stereo and starting to shake her gut around to the rhythm. That movement, compounded with the heat and humidity of April's stomach, was already starting to make you feel a bit faint as you hung aimlessly from the top of her belly...
") wait { wait { MoveObject (player, AprilStomach) } } } } } } } else { msg ("April's ears and tail immediately drooped as you said that. \"Oh, well...I guess that's fine...\" the rat said, before closing the door on you.") } } } else { msg ("The door is locked.") } ]]>
false Look at false April's stomach false At least you wouldn't be in that kind of compromising position for much longer, as April's throat clenched and pushed the rest of you into her gut just a few moments later...putting you in a much different sort of compromising position! The rat hummed along to the music as she sloshed her fat belly back and forth, making it difficult for you to find purchase inside of her even after you were curled up tight! "Now, make sure you dance on key in there...you can hear the music, right?" the rat asked, poking at her belly a few times to make sure you understood...oh, geez, it looks like this might not have been a ploy after all! It was turning out that the belly dancing costume April was wearing wasn't just a cute idea. She really was doing a belly dance routine...with a full belly to boot! ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("Another couple of minutes passed before you heard April's voice again, the squelching and glorping of her guts doing more than enough to speak for the rat in that absence. \"All right! The routine is ending soon, so I would really appreciate it if you gave the next few minutes your all, okay?\" the rat asked, poking at her belly a few times to get any sort of response out of you before you heard the music start to get a bit more intense, the rhythm of April's moves changing to follow the new beat. Honestly, you really didn't have much to give at this point. You were just a semi-conscious puddle inside of the rat's gut by now, floating around effortlessly and aimlessly inside the thick sludge that the gut had steadily been turning you into. Mulching and churning all the fight you had right out of your body, turning all you could feel to the vigorous swaying of the beat as it only continued to pick up in tempo. The next minute or so was just wave after wave of constant dizzying movement, mixing and sloshing you up inside till you really were indistinguishable from the rest of the chyme that filled up April's round, plump, sloshy gut…

After the rat finished up her routine, she looked down towards her gut, still certainly swollen and gurgly, but much rounder and less defined than it was when you were...you. April gave her tum a few satisfied, appreciative pats, feeling all that soup jostling around inside as it gradually started to be funneled deeper into her bowels. \"Mmm...you didn't do bad, honestly, though I expected you to last longer in there. I hope you don't mind me dancing solo for a little while longer~\"

April waited for a response from her belly, but all it did was let out a low, wet *bbWWwwrrrbbbllll…*
") if (DisposalToggle.on = 1) { msg ("A few hours later into her practice, and April had almost entirely melted you away, churning you up into fat only to burn most of it right off in the same session! Her body wasn't powerful enough to convert all of you, though, and that's when the rat felt a bit of pressure underneath her tail. She giggled under her breath as she walked over to turn off the music, a bit surprised at how quickly you had been pushed through her body! \"Oops, looks it's time to switch out partners…\" the rat said to herself as she quickly ran over to the bathroom, pulling off the costume she had been wearing in bits and pieces as she made her way to the door!

April immediately let out a long sigh of relief as she sat herself down on the porcelain throne, immediately relaxing her body and allowing that weight inside of her to start slowly, satisfyingly sliding out. It was a relatively neat process, if a tiny bit slow...except for the, erm, harder parts she ended up having to pass. They rubbed up against the inside of her colon and rectum wonderfully, causing April to squirm in her seat just a little bit as the first bits started to drop down into the toilet. \"Mmh...tough to work with even on the way out…\" April commented, her last words barely escaping her lips before a gasp burst through as she felt a big log slide out.

\"All done~\" April said a few minutes later, a wave of relief washing over her as she got up and turned around to look at what her body had turned you into...mostly formless waste, dotted with a few bones. The rat casually wiped herself a few times, tossing the paper on top of the steaming pile in the toilet before reaching for the flusher. \"Thanks again for being my partner~\" April thanked you, before you were sucked down into the sewers, the only remnant of you being a few inches of pudge on her body that she would probably work off in the next week or so...especially if she took the stairs down to the lobby to pin up the flyer for another dance partner!
") } msg ("
*You were the perfect dance partner...*

==GAME OVER==") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
false stomach walls Look at Sticky and musky. ") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("\"Oh! You really know what you're doing in there…\" April said cheerfully, complementing your rhythm...seemingly not knowing that you were intending to escape!
") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("\"Um, maybe not so energetic in there…\" April criticized you as she attempted to sync herself back up with the beat of the music.
") } else { msg ("The stomach pushed back on you with just as much pressure and power as you were using against it; ironically, it ended up throwing April off of her own rhythm a bit…!
") } ]]>
check check "You can't check " + object.article + "." lookunder look under "You can't look under " + object.article + "." false the You are on
Time to end this.") ]]>
A tired, old, grumpy-looking chameleon lady, dressed in a floral shirt that obviously did not match her mood. With her position right in front of the boss's office, it was obvious that one was supposed to talk to her before heading in...but the door was right there, and it was wide open. Perhaps you could just walk right past her, if you were bold enough! Look at You are surrounded by false the ") receplist = NewStringList() list add (receplist, "Lie and say you do") list add (receplist, "Tell the truth") ShowMenu ("What do you do?", receplist, false) { if (result = "Lie and say you do") { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } msg ("\"Yes, the name is...uhm...Ampheart.\" you replied, trying to make up a name that sounded important enough to meet with the boss, but the question had really caught you off guard. The only real hope you had was that there was magically somebody with that name who was actually going to meet the boss in a reasonable time frame! The chameleon tapped away on her clunky keyboard for a few moments, before looking back up at you, then back to her screen. No words were exchanged at first, but then you saw the receptionist roll her eyes. \"Oy, another one of these…\"

You started to stutter and try to explain yourself a little bit as the receptionist looked up at you, her face showing nothing but pure, unhampered annoyance. \"I-i'll just head into his-\" you started to say, pointing at the open doors that you intended to disappear through...but then, something smacked you right in the chest. It was warm, it was wet, and it appeared in a fraction of a second. The only reason you even had enough time to register what had happened was that the receptionist sat motionless for a second or two, letting you look down to see that her mouth was wide open...her tongue was jutting out at you...and the tip of that tongue was what had thumped you right in your core!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("A thousand different possible reactions flooded your mind, along with a healthy dose of adrenaline as you realized exactly what had happened; but as soon as you had arrived on a course of action, almost as if she knew you had done so, the receptionist reeled her tongue back in, causing you to scream out in shock as you were yanked forward with an intense strength, your feet almost instantly leaving the ground as you slammed directly into the receptionist's desk! All sorts of knickknacks and desk supplies were knocked onto the floor, but the receptionist obviously didn't care...it took a few moments for her to drag you completely over the desk, though, so you got to peer into her mouth for a few moments, at the very least! A wet, pink lined maw with a few teeth and a very large, very hungry-looking black hole at the back of it, into which the tongue seemingly disappeared...the tongue you were attached to, of course.

Before you could plead your case or beg the receptionist to let you go, you suddenly felt your head slam into the squishy flesh of her mouth, the chameleon’s jaws almost instantly clamping over the back of your neck too keep you trapped as she worked on swallowing you down, bit by bit. Inside of her mouth, you couldn't really tell where it ended and her cavernous throat began; it was just one big, fleshy, hungry hole, and there was nothing you could do to stop yourself from being fed right into it! The chameleon receptionist started to idly pick up and rearrange a few of the things you had so carelessly knocked off of her desk, throwing her neck back every now and again to really get you funneling down her gullet. The only thing you could really go by to judge how deep you were inside of her was the amount of light in here, and, well...there wasn't a lot of it left, that was for sure!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp9.wav", false, false) } msg ("The chameleon had swallowed you up to your waist by now, her lips almost completely forming a seal around your legs and making it nearly impossible for you to even wiggle them! Darkness surrounded you entirely deep inside of the chameleon's throat, so tight and warm and wet to the point of discomfort...and that discomfort only increased every time the receptionist took another swallow, the flesh squeezing tight around your entire body and forcing you down further into the reptile’s body. It was only your legs and feet sticking out of her mouth now, and the receptionist had already started to get back to whatever she was doing on her computer, as if you were no more than her midday snack! It sort of gave you the feeling that you weren't the first person this had happened to, nor would you be the last…

Another powerful swallow from the receptionist pushed your head and torso out into the chameleon's stomach, the rest of your body being slurped up and hidden behind the chameleon's lips while you started to form a small bulge under her flowery shirt. The tightness and humidity that had marked the chameleon's throat was even stronger inside of her stomach, in addition to a cocktail of all sorts of enzymes and juices that were just begging to melt you down to a thick soup! And judging by the tingling you were already starting to feel, they were getting the job done rather quickly. Another swallow, and you were waist-deep in chameleon belly, the rest of your legs and feet just sort of funneling down her throat at this point, the chameleon not having to put even the bare minimum of effort she was doing earlier to finish off her squirming, impromptu meal. And the best part? You were completely hidden underneath her desk, away from all but the most astute of prying eyes...even though one would most certainly be able to hear the sloshing and rumbling of her stomach if they listened close enough!
") wait { MoveObject (player, ReceptionistStomach) } } } } else { msg ("The receptionist just looked down at her screen once more, completely ignoring your existence.") } } ]]>
false receptionist's stomach Eventually, the last of you slid out into the chameleon's gut, your body bent at one hell of an awkward angle inside the cramped chamber; and, even though you tried your best to right yourself inside, the constant movement of the chamber around you was making that more than difficult to pull off. And, even though you were using every last bit of your strength to try and get the receptionist to cough you up, she was just clicking and clacking away at her keyboard without a second thought...could she really barely feel you in here, or was she just pretending? Did it matter? You are surrounded by the ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } msg ("It took more than a few hours for Rhonda's gut to work over you, but the chameleon had all that time and more. She needed a bit of fuel to get through this boring, long day after all, and you were in the perfect position to be just that! Her slimy gut walls clenched and squeezed around your delicate, delicious form, the chameleon letting a loud belch echo off the walls of her room every now and again to make her stomach even tighter. Her gut was taking its time to gurgle you down, but at some point you actually stopped being able to feel the digestion happening. The tingling had turned into a kind of numbness, and even identifying where you were inside this thick, caustic soup was starting to become difficult, especially in the complete darkness that surrounded you. Your squirms had become so weak as to be non-existent, and you didn't even have enough energy for one last hurrah…

After a few more hours, the stomach's job was mostly finished. You were a little more than a thick sludge being pumped further into the receptionist's body. The embarrassment of being so close to a climactic showdown with the boss of this hotel, only to end up as fat on the waistline of his receptionist...if you could still feel anything, it would be that.

*You were SO close...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The chameleon thumped at her stomach as you squirmed around inside, jostling you around just enough to stop your squirms for a few moments.") } else { msg ("The reptile’s gut groaned menacingly around you, clearly getting tired of all your wiggling!") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } ]]>
Credits Room false The Hotel

A Vore Text Adventure Game

") SetTimeout (3) { PrintCentered (" CREDITS

Writing, coding, sound editing - mZmm / rebelradio

Sound assets, coding - Jeschke

Sound assets - ChemicalCrux

Art assets - Anonymous, Geckomania, Phietto, Caudlewag

Guest writing - Eddiebull, Kevaskous

-") } SetTimeout (8) { PrintCentered ("
Supported by my Patrons:

- Bodacious Yuh - Slyster K - Michael Luxen - Kobalt - Lola -

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You have unlocked God Mode! Input \"iamagod\" in the code machine to become invulnerable to game-overs!") } SetTimeout (100) { ShowYouTube ("F0eACselsVg") msg ("Wow, you really waited 100 seconds to see this! What a nerdddd

Send me an FA message with the subject \"Secret Song\"~") } ]]>
dungeon false a
You slowly turned around to face the voice, keeping one hand firmly on the doorknob as you did so. Standing in front of you, mere feet from your face, was a large dragoness. Blue-scaled, with swirl patterns all over her body...but perhaps most striking was her outfit. All this dragon was wearing was a little bit of black latex, barely covering her chest and crotch...she had an impressive rack of breasts, but what surprised you was the bulge she was packing as well, barely restrained by some sort of black thong! She just stood there as you eyed her up, presumably doing the same to you. \"You went all out of your way to find my spare key, and you're not even gonna stick around? Tsk, tsk, tsk…\"

The dragoness continued to approach you, slowly starting to back you up against the door you were keeping a firm hand on. Seeing so much of her curvy body, and that bulge, though...they were starting to lower your defenses a little bit. Perhaps in a better situation, you would be more interested...but you still wanted to get out of here! It wasn't until you actually turned the doorknob, though, that you found that it wouldn't be that easy...the knob clicked, but it refused to turn all the way. You kept trying to turn it, but no matter how much elbow grease you put into it, the door just refused to open…

Your captor just giggled as she watched you fruitlessly try to open the door back to the lower floor. \"Oh, hun, don't even bother. It locks upon closing. You're mine now…\" she teased, looming over you and showing just how much taller and more imposing she was! She had you backed into a corner, for sure, and you were just hoping that her idea of fun was fun for the both of you…
") wait { msg ("\"Didn't even ask for my name, either! How rude...it's Xyria, by the way.\" Xyria continued, tracing a clawed finger down your chest as she leaned in, her pointy snout just an inch or two from your nose. The claw ended its journey tugging on your pants, pulling them down just a bit as a smile graced her snout...the sensation made you crane down to look, only to see Xyria's finger starting to play with her own outfit, slipping underneath the thong she was wearing and stretching out the material to let her package spring out...and what a package it was! A thick, pink shaft emerged out of a slit, beneath which was two rather large-looking balls...the shaft itself came to a tipped head at the top, with round ribbings circling the shaft all the way down to the base. It was certainly one of the more exotic cocks you had seen during your time here…and, well, it was leaking quite a bit to boot!

While you were enamored by the sight of such a large, musky shaft, Xyria continued to loom over you, one of her clawed hands reaching out and gently pressing down on your head. You got the hint pretty quickly…so your knees started to bend as you got down onto them, that powerful feminine musk drawing you in, until eventually you were staring right at the bulge in her thong, the strap being pried away by Xyria's hand. She managed to dislodge at a few moments later, her cock finally springing free of its confines and almost poking you in the nose! \"You know what to do…\" the dragoness said, her cock throbbing right in front of your face…
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("Your mouth almost immediately opened wide, your tongue snaking out and slurping along the tip of Xyria's shaft to get that salty taste before you really started to get to work. You still weren't exactly in the best situation right now, but perhaps if you gave Xyria a good time, she'd help you out...the dragoness seemed nice enough! So you started to get to work, your head stretching forward as you took in as much of that dragon shaft as you possibly could...well, as much as you could in the first round, anyway. There was no way you would bottom out on this shaft without a good bit of working towards it first! Ah least, that's what you were hoping. Xyria seemed to have a little bit of a different idea on how this should go about in mind. The hand that nudged you down to her crotch began to move to the back of your head, pressing against it gently to persuade you to take more and more of her shaft as time went on. Already, the dragoness was starting to leak quite a bit, the salty taste of pre spreading across your tongue and funneling its way down your throat. The dragoness had started off by teasing you quite a bit, but now she was starting to get quite into it, leaning down over your body and starting to thrust forward into your mouth a little bit herself! There was a thick door behind you, after all, which made for the perfect thing to brace your head against while she started to thrust and push her hips forward. The tip of her cock started to poke against the back of your throat now, the situation you were in causing you to lose more and more agency and control as Xyria continued to take over more of the operation. The dragoness's arms wrapped around your sides, keeping you as in place as you could be as she started to use you as little more than a tight orifice to plunge herself into! At this point, the best you could really do was just lay there and take it, gulping down as much of the leaking pre as you possibly could before the stuff started to leak out the sides of your mouth!

The tempo of the lusty dragoness's thrusting only seemed to get stronger and stronger as time went on. At some point her cock had managed to work its way past your gag reflex, thrusting all the way down into your throat and bulging the thing out a little bit every couple of seconds! Ugh, you weren't even swallowing the stuff anymore, just letting it funnel down your throat as you tried your best to get comfortable...least it seemed like it would be over soon. Xyria started to make all sorts of guttural, orgasmic noises, that keyed on when she was going to blow...
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("Those floodgates opened up a few minutes later, Xyria letting out a powerful roar as she orgasmed, thrusting forward one last time to slam her cock down your throat and pin you against the wall as her load started to flow right down your gullet...hell, you could barely even taste the stuff, outside of some vague salty flavors at the back of your tongue. Those ribbed little protrusions on the dragoness's shaft actually helped lodge it deep inside of your mouth, making it absolutely certain that you were going to swallow down all that Xyria had to give you...and oh boy, did she have a lot to give. It felt like a minute had already passed, but cum was still funneling down your throat with only a little bit of a dropoff in the amount...

Xyria was a panting, blushing mess by the end of all of this, leaning her own head against the door and shivering as she started to pull her cock out of your mouth, leaving you similarly dazed and absolutely swollen with her virile seed. Some of the stuff was even leaking out of the side of your mouth, your throat just to thoroughly used to swallow the rest of it down! \"Hah…you're a pretty nice fuck, honestly...want to have some more fun?~\"
") Ask ("") { if (result) { msg ("\"Ahh, now that's the answer I was looking for. You were wanting to run away just a few minutes ago, and now you want more?~\" the dragoness teased, her cock still throbbing just a few inches from your face. it looked...needy. Perhaps, dare you say, even hungry. You felt that hand on the back of your head pressing forward once more, the tip of her cock soon pressing against your nose. You didn't fight it. You knew what was going to happen...and a part of you, honestly, wanted it to. You wanted to slide down this shaft, curl up in those soft, sloshing balls that you could see out of the corner of your eye. And as your nose slid into the tip of Xyria's shaft, you were suddenly immersed into a world of musky warmth, shivering with delight as the dragoness continued to press you deeper and deeper. You watched as her cockslit stretched wide around your nose, then your face, more of the hungry pink flesh swallowing up your field of view until -
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishing.wav", false, false) } msg ("*ssshGLRP*

With one powerful push, your head was shoved forward and swallowed up by Xyria's shaft, surrounding you by all sorts of wet sounds, thick musk, and heavy dragoness cream that spilled into your open mouth. \"Hhhffff…\" you could hear Xyria huffing out around you as she continued pushing and humping her hips forward, her cock already starting to work itself over your meaty shoulders! The dragoness stroked over her shaft as it started to gorge itself on you, fleshy bulges showing inside of her cock as it continued to swallow you down. It was definitely a tight squeeze for you, to be sure...but regardless, as her cock gulped down your shoulders, it got even tighter! The fleshy walls were pressing in on your vulnerable, delicious body constantly, each rhythmic clench slurping down a few more inches of you as Xyria's cock got heftier and heftier.

The dragoness stumbled backwards as your chest slipped into her dick, a beet-red blush on her face as she lifted up her swollen shaft to get gravity to help out with swallowing down the rest of you! Her cock outlined your body almost perfectly as it slid further inside, the tip of your head starting to press against some sort of opening deeper within Xyria...what had to be the entrance to her balls. You stopped there for a moment, Xyria leaning against the table in the middle of her little room to take a bit of a break before she worked on actually getting you inside of her balls. Both of her hands were lifting up her hungry cock as she panted and gasped in pleasure, plenty of precum leaking out of the tip of her shaft around your legs and dripping down onto the floor of her room, making quite the mess as Xyria got back to fitting you inside of her. \"Hhf...just a bit...more…\" the dragoness grunted out as she reached a hand up to the tip of her cock, pressing against the tips of your feet and slowly sliding you past the sphincter that allowed you into her empty, hungry balls. Your waist disappeared into Xyria’s cock as your head was pushed out into our balls, the orbs stretching out easily to accompany your form as more of you slid inside at quite the impressive rate.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } msg ("With Xyria having already swallowed up your shoulders and hips, the rest of her job would be quite easy! Your legs just slid into her hungry cock without much effort from the dragoness, which she was thankful for, just leaning against that table and catching her breath as her nuts started to slosh and sway between her legs while you started to curl up inside of them. The chamber was mostly empty at first, but already the walls were starting to secrete a bevy of musky, thick fluids...by the time your legs slid through into the chamber and you started to slosh and sway between the dragoness's legs, there was a healthy pool of the stuff awaiting you. Xyria bit her lip as she pushed a finger against the bottoms of your feet, slowly sliding the very last of you inside until her cockslit closed tight around the tip of her clawed finger. \"Fuckkk…\" the dragoness moaned out as her cock finally started to return to its normal size, her balls now being the area of her body that was experiencing a sudden bout of growth as they stretched and strained to accompany your curled up form. And stretch and strain they did! The thin, pliant walls outlined your body to an impressive degree, showing all the world just what Xyria had packed away as she leaned on to the table and started to stroke herself off. \"Fuck, you're gonna make a great refill, cumstain…~\"
") wait { MoveObject (player, XyriaSac) } } } } else { msg ("\"Ah, that's okay, dear. You look pretty bushed after all that...and I can't blame you~ Do feel free to come back whenever you want to release a little bit, though!\"

Xyria reached out a hand to you, helping you back up to your feet as your cum-filled belly continued to slosh around with every step. She seemed to be nice after her needs were met, at the very least…maybe you would come back soon after all.
") } } } } } ]]>
A big, blue dragoness, covered in all sorts of cream-colored spirals. Look at You are surrounded by ") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("thump.mp3", false, false) } msg ("You hesitantly reached out to try and reciprocate the hug she was offering, bracing for impact as your face was set to land right between those squishy orbs! At least they would cushion the blow a little bit, your eyes closing as Xyria wrapped her arms around your back and pulled you in with a soft, bouncy *squish*! Your entire face was now smothered by the dragoness's large bust, as well as her rather pudgy belly...you could feel that shaft poking up between your abdomens as well, the dragoness growling a little bit in your ear as it started to get hard. \"Mmh, I've already tried out your mouth, so this time I think I'll…\" she said, trailing off before you felt her grab ahold of one of your rumpcheeks and give it a big squeeze! You blushed hard into the dragoness's bust as you felt that contact, suddenly very aware of what she planned to do with you! And, well, you weren't exactly averse to it…

After Xyria's gratuitous groping, the dragoness started to get a bit more rowdy, humping against your belly while she continued to smother you with her tits! You were left nearly breathless as the dragonness pinned you against the wall, until you felt her starting to shimmy down a little bit while simultaneously starting to lift you up in the air a little bit...oh, fuck, was she just going to do it right here and now?? You yelped a little bit as Xyria lifted you up, using her considerable bulk to pin you against the wall and keep you there as you felt her shaft starting to poke and prod around at your underside. The dragoness flashed a toothy grin as she saw just how flustered you were by all of this, reaching down with one of her hands to pry your cheeks open and to get another firm grip of your rump before thrusting upwards into the opening she had created! Your eyes opened wide as you felt the tip of her shaft make contact with your bare tailhole, suddenly realizing just how big and thick it was compared to you! Xyria snickered a little bit as she saw your reaction, before leaning in forward end whispering something into your ear. \"Don't worry...i'll make it fit.~\"
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("sextrack.mp3", false, true) } msg ("Just after those words dribbled into your ears, you felt the dragoness thrust her hips up, causing you to cry out as you felt that ribbed shaft spread your pucker wide open! You were being held up by nothing more than the dragoness's strength and the rock-hard shaft that was now starting to slide up inside of you, gravity itself helping Xyria to work herself deeper and deeper into your bowels. Every time you thought you had taken all of her cock, another ribbing slipped deeper and made it known that you were nowhere near finished yet! Xyria wasn't really teasing you at this point, the dragon just letting out animalistic growls of lust and pleasure every time she slid a little bit deeper inside of your body. She went in dry at first, but the dragoness was quickly producing enough pre-cum to lube things up in there and at least make it a little bit more comfortable for you. In the dim light of the dungeon, you were still able to see the lighter blue swirls and patterns on her body starting to turn to a darker, more purplish black color, the transformation indicating just how dominant she was feeling right now…

The dragoness grunted after thrusting up inside of you one last time, Xyria somehow managing to fit all of that cock inside of you. She let out a long, mood growl right into your ear, before you felt her teeth starting to nibble on your shoulder a little bit! You seized up a little bit at the sudden, strange sensation, which only resulted in Xyria squeezing you harder and pressing more of her ample way down to your poor frame. \"Oh, don't act like you don't like it~\" Xyria whispered into your ear, her breathy voice sending a shiver down your spine...fuck, this was getting super intense. And, throughout all of this teasing and nibbling, the dragoness was still pounding you relentlessly, any reaction other than crying out in pleasure basically impossible every time you felt her shaft pressing against your deep innards. It was getting pretty clear with the rhythm Xyria was getting into that the dragoness was close, and you were just left wondering how much of a load she was going to fill you up with…
") wait { stop sound if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("outsideorgasmmoan.wav", false, false) } msg ("The dragoness's grunts and groans were starting to become even deeper and even more intimidating as the pace quickened. You were finding it difficult to even breathe with how much the dragoness was smothering you, and in that way it was a bit of a relief to feel the dragoness thrust one more time before crying out in the pleasure and starting to blow her load, a gloopy warm sensation starting to fill your belly as the dragoness sighed and crumpled slightly against you. Her cock gushed out blast after blast of virile dragon seed inside of you, some of her load already leaking out of your ass due to gravity and making a mess on the floor beneath you. Most of it was retained due to the plug Xyria’s cock made inside of you, though, your stomach starting to slosh and bulge out a little bit too accommodate all that jizz! A warm sigh trickled into your ear as a powerful fullness overcame you; it all of a sudden felt like you had chugged a whole gallon of milk or something…

The dragoness's orgasm eventually tapered off, the two of you gasping and panting as your stomach sloshed around, the overwhelming fullness causing you to sort of shut down for a moment as you felt that long, ribbed shaft slowly starting to slide out of your bowels. But, when you lifted your head back up and opened your eyes, you weren't met with the top of Xyria’s scaly, plump cleavage. No, you were treated to the dragoness's jaws opening wide, lined with teeth and filled with pulsating pink flesh, warm saliva dribbling down Xyria’s lips and onto your face.
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } msg ("And then, that mouth lunged right at you. You felt your whole face suddenly being smothered in slimy dragon tongue, Xyria starting to work on her after-sex meal before she had even pulled herself all the way out of you! The dragoness's forked tongue licked and slobbered all over your face and head, the thick saliva matting your hair and fur as she enjoyed the flavor of her little cream-filled snack. You started to squirm and push against the much larger dragoness, but every now and again one of those sharp teeth would graze past your skin and remind you that she could be a lot more forceful with this if she wanted to be! And she was already being pretty forceful as it stood, shoveling more of you into her greedy maw until your nose was pushing at the back of her throat, Xyria pressing you even harder against the wall to keep you in place while she continued to dislodge her shaft from your ass.

The flesh of her throat quivered with every movement you made, letting you know that it could clench and pull you down in the snap of a finger. Xyria started to grunt a little bit, manhandling you somewhay as she seemed to be having a bit of trouble pulling herself out of you! You could feel it, there were just a few more ribbings to go, but no matter how much you tried to relax, they wouldn't slip out...at least, until the dragoness swallowed again, her powerful throat muscles doing the job for her and yanking you away from her shaft quite a bit. You were suddenly surrounded on absolutely all sides by slimy, tight, warm flesh, your body bending at a bit of an awkward angle as Xyria continued to lick and taste over more of you. Her shaft was still inside of you for a moment, but there wasn't really much of it there anymore, and you could feel the load she shot up inside of you really knocking at the door at this point; at least, what wasn't comfortably sloshing around in your gut right now, presenting a bit of a challenge for Xyria to work her jaws around!
") wait { if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("hardgulp.wav", false, false) } msg ("She was more than up for it though, and at this point her throat had already grabbed onto you and was not going to let go. Her sharp, reptilian teeth grazed past your shoulders as Xyria fit her jaws over them, the dragoness tightening her grip a little bit to continue cramming more of you inside of her drooling maw. Blood was starting to rush to your head as your whole body started to invert, the tightness and sweltering heat inside of Xyria most certainly not helping you feel okay...so, it was great that she swallowed again, the pressure ramping up even more for a moment and sucking your shoulders into her throat. At the same time, the plug in your ass finally popped open, a good portion of Xyria's load splashing all over the floor as her cock was finally freed from your innards. The relief you experienced from all that pressure dissipating was certainly an incredible feeling, but it didn't really help the fact that you were still halfway inside of her throat, Xyria's teeth grazing over your tender belly as she tried her best to work over it.

Once Xyria got a bit more leverage on you, her hunger really started to take over. She had burned quite a few calories plowing you, after all, and her belly was growling for a source to replace them with! Drool started to cascade out of her mouth as she took greedy gulps that lurched and pressed you down further into her gullet inches at a time, moving past your swollen stomach with little issue. Her gut growled ominously beneath you, the noise echoing up and reminding you of just where you were going to end up. The dragoness was absolutely starving, and you were going to sate both her lust and her hunger. Another swallow pushed you right through the opening to her stomach, the chamber greeting you with an earth-shaking rumble of appreciation as the walls already tried to press and massage against your head! Xyria's forked tongue started to curl around your feet, the only things left to the outside world...and on top of everything else, the dragoness was still smothering you against the door, using the bulge you were starting to form in her midsection to brace herself against the wall as she finished her meal. With her tongue now having a firm grip on your feet, Xyria just slowly reeled them in, her jaws clamping shut over the tips of your toes...completely trapping you inside of herself. Your cum-filled belly already bulged out her throat to an almost comical degree, each swallow she took squeezing your gut even further and making it feel like you were going to pop...and there were still a few more swallows to go! The dragoness slowly tipped her head back, placing a hand against her exposed throat as she took one last, immensely satisfying *glrrNK~*, your feet disappearing into her gullet as she completed the process of turning you from a good fuck into a good meal.
") wait { msg ("Xyria's tongue slipped out of her mouth as she felt the last of you sinking down her throat and into her gut, the dragoness licking her lips to savor the last bit of your taste while her hands slowly moved to the fat pair of tits that were currently resting on top of her squirming gut. \"What an absolutely *delectable* cream-filled snack you were…\" she teased as more of you started to slide out into her gut, both the naturally tight space of her stomach and the fact she was smothering you against the wall making it quite difficult for you to even fit inside of her belly! Thankfully, after a few more moments of gratuitous fondling, the dragoness moved away from the wall, walking into a little side room where a bed awaited her.
") wait { MoveObject (player, XyriaStomach) } } } } } } } ]]>
false Xyria's stomach The dragon's gut sloshed and swayed around as she started to lay down on that bed, both of her hands roaming over her swollen belly as the world around you shook constantly. All that movement mixed up the fluids that you were basting in inside of her gut, causing them to get absolutely everywhere and start to make your skin tingle. "Ahhh, you're going to make an absolutely -lovely- addition to my chest, cutie~" you heard her tease you as she continued the massage...you were so lethargic from all the cream she pumped in you, but you weren't exactly planning to end up on her hips or ass at the beginning of this! Or, indeed, her tits...no matter how soft and squishy they already were. You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("As the world around you continued to get tighter, more acidic, and even wetter, Xyria just kept on enjoying herself, lazily fingering and playing with her shaft as she felt your squirms starting to slowly dissipate. The fight was being sucked right out of you by her oppressive stomach, and there wasn't really much else that you could do at this point besides sit here and baste in her slimy, bubbling stomach fluids, so deep in your skin at this point that it was starting to make parts of you just go numb entirely. Slowly, you were melting into the thick chyme that surrounded you, Xyria watching with bemused interest as the bulges that separated her belly scales slowly started to recede inside of herself…


That proud belch shook the dragonesses gut as it rumbled out of her, the contents inside making the wettest, sloshiest noise that one could imagine as the contents inside were vigorously swished around. The burp sealed your fate as nothing but stomach sludge, to be pumped further into Xyria’s body and absorbed into her already impressive figure! She had been wanting to do this to the moment she saw you, so it was so fortunate that you decided to come back to her little dungeon. Xyria would be bed bound for the next few hours as she waited for her body to fully render you down, the heavy weight in her stomach a little bit too much for her to deal with right now. It was worth it, though...so worth it. Emptying out one chamber, filling up another…meals like this were always so satisfying!

*You decided to visit Xyria again...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
stomach walls false Slimy, dark, and overall unpleasant. Look at ") } } else if (random = 2) { msg ("The dragoness let out a thick, satisfying *BEEUUuuurrrppp* that tightened the walls around you quite a bit. It was so strong that it rocked the dragoness’s gut a little bit as well…") if (game.sound = 1) { msg ("") } } else if (random = 3) { msg ("Xyria just chuckled as she felt you wiggling around inside of her stomach. \"Oh, you're going to have to do a lot more if you want to escape me~\"") } else { msg ("You felt a hand press down against the spot you were pushing against, Xyria able to casually match even your strongest squirms with minimal effort.") } ]]>
false Xyria's sac You are surrounded by ") SetTimeout (20) { wait { if (game.sound = 1) { stop sound msg ("") msg ("") } msg ("It was strange. You knew that you were being melted down into nothing but come right now, but it didn't make you panic or want to escape. It felt...really, almost wonderful in a way, a powerful sleepiness making your eyes feel heavy and your thoughts starting to become more and more clouded by lust. Xyria could feel it too, feel the bulges in her sac starting to soften and round out as your transformation into orgasm fuel continued on its course. A thick sloshing noise sounded out everytime Xyria stroked over her shaft, the dragoness so ready to turn you into nothing but a cooling stain on the floor of her little dungeon. she started getting more into it, stroking harder and faster and moaning unashamedly while the environment around you only got hotter and tighter...the cum was bubbling up around you now, rising and filling you and...well...turning you into more of itself. Everything was getting so tight, the world around was shaking and shifting and pushing you back up towards the light -


Xyria gasped last time as her orgasm came once more, her throbbing cock blasting shots of fresh, boiling hot dragoness jizz feet in front of her, one after the other after the other. Her balls started to shrink down to their normal size as they were violently and wonderfully emptied, dragon cum coating the floor in front of Xyria as her orgasm continued, what was left of your body being splattered all over the ground and the door that you were leaning up against just a few minutes ago! You were still somewhat conscious at this point, but the only thing you could feel was a vague sense of cool air rushing over your body as the cum you had been turned into started to simmer on the floor, almost steaming as the musky fluid went through a significant temperature change in little time. The last of you dribbled out of the tip of the dragoness's shaft a few minutes later, Xyria gasping and huffing as she looked up and saw just how much of a mess she had made. \"Hhghf...what a sacrifice, turning a cutie into nothing but a cum splatter~\" Xyria teased one last time, flicking the last beads of cum off of her shaft before starting to figure out how she would clean all this cum up...

*You decided to stay...*

") wait { MoveObject (player, End Room) } } } } ]]>
bowel walls false Tight. Oh so tight. Look at random = GetRandomInt(1,4) if (random = 1) { msg ("The walls clenched tight around your body, taking every movement you could make in stride.") } else if (random = 2) { msg ("It seemed like every movement you made was only making Xyria more and more aroused…") } else if (random = 3) { msg ("The heat inside of the dragoness’s balls was sapping your strength at an impressive rate.") } else { msg ("The stimulation from your movement was making the walls secrete even more of that powerful, musky fluid.") }
\"Awh, okay, dearie...\" Sophie says before turning back to the mirror, taking out a different stick. \"How about now?\" she says, turning back around to face you, her lips now a fresh {random:red:blue:green:purple:pink:yellow:brown:black:orange:indigo:violet}.") sophielist = NewStringList() list add (sophielist, "They look great!") list add (sophielist, "Try a different color.") ShowMenu ("\"Well, do they look good?\"", sophielist, false) { if (result = "They look great!") { msg ("
\"Aw, thanks, cutie!\" Sophie says, before walking over to you. \"Why don't we test them out, then...\" Before you can reply, Sophie wraps your body up in her arms, gripping you close to her in a giant bear hug! Her face meets yours, a seductive, piercing look in Sophie's eyes before she speaks again. \"Gimme a biiiig kiss, sweetie~\" she croons, before puckering up and closing her eyes, pressing her lips against yours...it's powerful, almost domineering in a sense, her lips against yours, her tongue occasionally breaking through those pillowy cushions and teasing at your own lips...

The kiss continues for a good, long while, almost awkwardly long...every time you try to break away, though, Sophie's grip tightens, preventing you from even catching your breath, really. The orca gal clearly wanted this to be as intense as possible, and it was working so far - she was definitely in charge of the intensity, though, smooching you long and hard, pulling you somehow deeper into the kiss, even though the both of you were as physically close as two people could be at this point...") wait { msg ("
In fact, it almost seemed like she was pressing you INTO her lips...like they were moving past yours, and starting to move over the rest of your face, like Sophie was opening her mouth wide or something...this wasn't comfortable anymore. You tried to pull back from this kiss, but Sophie again stops you, somehow tightening her grip even more, to make sure you couldn't even wiggle...so you were forced to stand there as Sophie's maw widened, the orca gal eagerly slurping her tongue across your face as her lips worked over it as well, the orca gal's maw now covering your entire face! You still tried to fight back, but there was nowhere to go but in now, and Sophie was making sure you were going there fast...in a split-second, the orca's lips scraped down the back of your head and neck, pulling your entire head into her mouth...it smelled weakly of fish, but what was more immediate was the tongue, undulating and pressing on your face as it coated you in sticky saliva for the trip down south...

You could feel Sophie eagerly making her way down your neck and shoulders, the orca's maw having no problem stretching around them, gradually pushing your head to the back of her throat as she continued her \"kiss\". You could definitely tell she enjoyed your taste, muffled \"mmm...\"s and other guttural noises of pleasure rumbling their way from the back of her throat, as well as the tongue slobbering and licking all over you...speaking of the throat, though, that's where your head was pushing up against, Sophie wasting little time in getting you down to her growling gut.") wait { msg ("

After teetering at the edge of the tongue for some time, Sophie takes a large, powerful gulp, the muscular contraction pulling your entire head into her throat with little warning! You can feel the orca adjusting her position as she takes that first gulp, releasing your body from that bear hug and instead leveling your body with her mouth, making it a bit easier to gulp you down...you squirmed more now that you physically could, Sophie losing her grip on you for a fraction of a second, but she quickly clamped her arms at your sides afterwards, and any ground you gained from those struggles were quickly lost with another powerful gulp from the orca. That gulp pulled you into the throat up to your waist, leaving only your legs kicking weakly out of Sophie's mouth...

In almost a primal reaction, Sophie threw her head back to get the rest of you down, opening her maw wide as your weakly-kicking legs slid into it. She took a couple quick gulps in succession, but really, you were just sliding into her throat now, gravity doing more than its part in pushing you down into Sophie's gut...you felt more and more of your body sliding into the warm embrace of her mouth, feeling the tongue lick and tease at them before sliding into the tighter embrace of her throat. Eventually you felt your feet making that same journey, your last connection to the outside world getting quickly slurped up and packed away with one last gulp from the orca...") wait { MoveObject (player, SophieStomach) } } } } else { SophieLipstick } } ]]>
You feel the floor beneath you rumble...
The Lower Floor has been opened!

For future use of the lower floor, the passcode is: showertime.") MakeExitVisible (LowerExit) } if (player.tokens = 10) { msg ("
You feel the ceiling above you rumble...
The Third Floor has been opened!

For future use of the third floor, the passcode is: moreroomsmorefun.") MakeExitVisible (ThirdFloorExit) } if (player.tokens = 20) { msg ("DING!
The Elevator has become available in the lobby.

For future use of the elevator, the passcode is: timetofinish") MakeObjectVisible (Elevator) } ]]>

\"You've probably seen that there are no other prey around in this hotel...that's for a very good reason.\" he continues, getting up out of his chair a bit to pace in front of you. \"You've probably guessed this by this point, but this is by no means a regular hotel. I consider it a...business venture, more of. Hungry preds book the actual rooms, and interspersed inbetween are the rooms we rent out to prey...like you.\" he said, accentuating the you at the end with a hungry gaze into your eyes.

\"I'm honestly surprised you even survived this long to get this far. You look quite delectable...\"

A loud stomach groan accentuated his point.
") wait { msg ("\"You see, many of these residents pay quite the premium to have food literally amble into their rooms.\" the panther continued. \"All that money pays for all this...\" he said, motioning to the room around him. \"Volumes upon volumes of rare books...not to mention this,\" he said, running a hand down his suit, \"and the ability for me to open more of these hotels around the world. Soon I'll have enough money that I can put into phase part two of my plan.\" He moved closer to you, leaning into your face. \"The commercialization of you preythings...\" he said, booping your nose, \"as nothing but food for us. Commercialization of the natural order. It's a great plan, isn't it?\"

\"Already, my conglomerate has started putting smaller, actual hotel chains out of business. Most of those were run by preythings by yourself, but that's besides the point...\" he said, rubbing at his gut a bit, \"ah...acquiring and liquidating those assets is always quite nice. But my point is, soon I'll have the whole industry underfoot...and then, there will be nothing that can stop me.\"
") wait { msg ("\"...And then we get to you, specifically. We know you've conspired with the dragoness attendant; we intend to 'remove' her from her position at some point. We also know that you have openly defied the natural order by staying around in the hotel for this long. And you were so close, too. Actually making it up here? Do you know what you could have done.\" the boss said, looking into your eyes again. \"I won't answer that, because you never will know...\" he said, opening his wide maw. \"And soon, you won't know anything. You've been around for far too long, kid, and it's time we evicted you...\"

The panther retreated a bit from you, chuckling a bit at his teasing.
") wait { msg ("He gave his gut a rub. \"Aaah...even though I hate having to deal with situations like this, I do have to say I enjoy the free lunches that just come walking right into my office...\" he gave it a pat before leaning into you, giving your face a long, wet lick. \"Ah, even after going through all our residents, you still taste scrumptious...\" You could audibly hear his stomach groan. \"Oh, fine. I guess I can't tease you that much...\" the Boss said as he grabs you with both hands, lifting you up into the air. \"Say hello to all the other 'smart' preythings in there, would you?\" he teased before opening his maw, quickly stuffing your head inside and closing his lips around it, sucking on your head a bit. He was drooling quite profusely, drips of it running down his chin as he tasted your head, unbuttoning his suit as he did so, knowing his already pudgy gut would be bulging out quite obviously soon. You heard a loud \"mmm...\" rumble around you before the panther gulped, your head being locked inside of his throat, the undulating flesh already trying to pull you deeper into the panther...
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("gulp4.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("You could feel the rough tongue lapping at your chest as the panther gulped again, your chest already lodged inside of his throat...clearly he was quite experienced with \"disposing\" of troublemakers. He seemed to take a great deal of pleasure in teasing as well, his tongue grinding a little bit at your groin before taking another gulp, pulling your waist into his throat. The flesh in the throat rippled around you, pulling you deeper and deeper quite quickly. Every time the panther gulps you can feel the throat squeeze you unbearably hard, pulling you deeper as you tried to struggle against it, but it was useless at this point. You had come so close to figuring everything out, but now you're just going to feed the mastermind of it all...you feel another gulp ripple around you, and your feet pop into the throat, leaving you completely locked inside of the panther.
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("twoweirdgulps.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, BossStomach) } } } } } ]]>

A very bad feeling started to come over you as Anne loomed over you, the otter's shadow suddenly becoming quite large and oppressive as she stood right in front of the table! You instinctively tried to make a break for it, but considering your size, it was trivial for the otter to reach down and snatch you right up, your body once again being enclosed in darkness as Anne shifted her body around. It felt like she was sitting down somewhere, but it was difficult to make out the specifics from where you were at the moment…

Eventually all that movement came to a stop, though. Anne's fingers rolled you around for a bit, before you were pinched between two of them; and then her hand opened up. Greeting you was...well, it was nothing other than Anne's dripping, clenching vulva! Instantly you knew what was going to happen, and you tried to wiggle out of the otter's grasp, but your weak struggles only made Anne chuckle. \"Heh, you're going in MY cauldron now~\"

Those were the last words you clearly heard from Anne before her fingers plunged right between those lips, the wet warmth hitting you like a truck as the otter deigned to shove you as deep into her nethers as she possibly could. As soon as you were a good inch or two inside of the otter, her innards started to get to work, clenching and squeezing instinctively and drawing you in even deeper into Anne's warm, tight canal. A shrill squeak of pleasure escaped the otter as she pulled her fingers back out, the tips dripping with feminine juices and leaving the otter panting in pleasure from the feeling of you wiggling deeper inside of her body!

For a brief moment, you had hope that your journey to Anne's womb would at least be relatively peaceful...but, the otter's libido was quickly becoming insatiable. You heard some wet squishing noises coming from behind you before you felt those fingers once more, this time pressing and pushing against you to accelerate the process of getting you in her \"cauldron\"! She probably wasn't even trying to be forceful, but the sheer size difference meant her finger bumping into you felt like a full on body slam! The deeper you were pushed inside, the more the walls around you squeezed and smothered you and slathered you in feminine juices, until…
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("squishhit.wav", false, false) } wait { msg ("*shPOP*

The flesh ahead of you was holding tight, preventing you from venturing further for a few moments... that was, until you felt that finger once again shove you forward, quite literally pushing you right through the sphincter that closed off Anne's womb! The otter could barely contain herself as she felt you slide right through her cervix, Anne pulling her finger out of her nethers in absolute delight while she felt you weakly squirming and kicking around inside of her belly. With how small you were, you weren't quite as smothered and assaulted by the slimy and tight walls as you were inside her canal, but now you had to deal with the oppressive heat and constant movement all around you, plus the otter's squeaks and moans of pleasure as she continued to finger herself. Already you were feeling tired from the whole event; it would be quite an undertaking to try and get out of her womb now…!
") if (game.sound = 1) { play sound ("slrpulpstomachsortofthingquestionmark.wav", false, false) } wait { MoveObject (player, AnneWomb) } } ]]>
30 10 30 30 false 60 60 60 60