Original idea Today's tf game idea: It's a petrification game, because why not. High level premise: You play as a series of female leads in a tower that's under magical attack, the defensive measures worked for the first attack but let a gradual hardening curse creep in. The structure of the game is a series of scenarios that work to build up a final complete run by a seperate character. Each scenario takes place on a seperate floor of the tower and deals with different hardening themes, they might be themed by purpose. The materials research lab is resin/clay/statues etc. (note might run out of themes if not careful). Each heroine has to try and solve the problems on their floor before they are too hard to move. Gameplay might be slightly different on each floor. One is trying to make a potion to dissolve/melt a door, one is trying to avoid hazards and build a short cut as they clear each platforming section. etc. All of these work to the final scenario where the final girl runs up the tower to punch the bad guy right in the snoz. The final run is easier based on how successful you were in the before sections. There's a gallery to see each hardened heroine at different levels, would probably use koikatsu. Ah on normal mode it's a fairly strict time limit for each section, on easy it's a lives system Hardening game idea (possible title: Research tower 4) Themes: Hardening, no shit. Fairly light, everyone's inconvincenced rather than killed. Engine: probably RPG maker, maybe Godot? Outline: You play as a series of female leads in a tower that's under magical attack, the defensive measures worked for the first attack but let a gradual hardening curse creep in. The big inspiration is the series of japanese katame games. The structure of the game is a series of scenarios that work to build up a final complete run by a seperate character. Each scenario takes place on a seperate floor of the tower and deals with different hardening themes, they might be themed by purpose. The materials research lab is resin/clay/statues etc. (note might run out of themes if not careful). Each heroine has to try and solve the problems on their floor before they are too hard to move. Gameplay might be slightly different on each floor. One is trying to make a potion to dissolve/melt a door, one is trying to avoid hazards and build a short cut as they clear each platforming section. etc. All of these work to the final scenario where the final girl runs up the tower to punch the bad guy right in the snoz. The final run is easier based on how successful you were in the before sections. There's a gallery to see each hardened heroine at different levels, would probably use koikatsu. Ah on normal mode it's a fairly strict time limit for each section, on easy it's a lives system Intro: Introduces all the female leads, they are basically graduate students working in various applications of magic. It's a magical school which is a lot closer to a college department than harry potter. The final girl is basically the teacher advisor, who leaves to get coffee because someone broke the summoning circle on her mother's fourth dimensional coffee maker. The star student mentions that the teacher should really talk to the troubled student. Cut to the roof/final level where the troubled student is busy with her plan that will finally get her grades she needs. It's a crown possessed by an evil spirit who promises her everything she might desire if she will just put it on. She does and the crown attacks the tower to give itself room to work. It's stated goal is get the teacher, and trap her in one place like the teacher did to the spirit. Level 1: Character: Freshman student, just started her studies in advanced witching. She's mostly frustrated by how much is going wrong and just wants to get out here. Problem: The fire doors sealed trapping her inside of the break/potion making room. She doesn't know the fairly advanced unsealing technique, and the magical counter measures also fried the button to open them. Her solution is to brew a potion which will boost her basic unsealing to advanced. Puzzle: Make the potion without messing it up, I'm thinking a partially timed cooking sequence and ingredient sequence by elimination maybe? TFs: slimes/honey with maybe ice cream or something. Slime/honey is probably doable in koikatsu, less sure about ice cream. Victory pose: turned into a doll/statue with her skirt getting blown up by the rush of magic from opening the fire door. Insect girl TF: bee obviously Level 2: Character: athletic witch, who is mostly there on a sports scholarship anyway. She does enjoy the finer parts of magic though, just not the best student. She's a lot more concerned with containing what's going wrong than escaping. Problem: The floor she was on the containment floor for several of the pure elemental samples. She managed to get the elemental fire samples under control, but lost her jacket in the process. Which isn't great because she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit under that. She just has to dodge the other elemental samples which are all going haywire and reach the exit, easy peasy. TFs: Ice for water, mummy wrappings for earth (they were using them to contain the animated sand), rubber/ballon for air? Victory pose: turned into a doll/statue as she tries to one kick woman down the door Insect girl tf: Mantis probably, not sure Koikatsu's got the stuff. Ask TL maybe? Level 3: Character: star student, who is close to graduating but doesn't have much combat experience. She's trapped in a library with a whole bunch of the spirits the crown has summoned and is hoping that if she can reach the teacher she can solve the problem. She's convinced her self that she was coming back from getting coffee and is here already. Problem: The crown is summoning in spirits who are possessing whatever's nearby, in this case books and art. Thankfully the troubled student didn't use the thing near the morgue that's at the base of the tower. Star student has some spells to deal with the spirits but they are limited, and certain spells are more effective against certain enemies. (maybe three kinds, four spells, 1 almighty spell) And the enemy groups are actively hunting her. TFs: art based: statue, doll, painting? origami if I find a good way to do it. Victory pose: Not sure Insect girl tf: ant! (she could just dig through the floor boards) Level 4: My brain says there should be a level 4, but dammned if I can think of any ideas for it. 3 levels and a finale might be enough. Metals lab maybe? Level 5: Intro: Making conversation with someone else the teacher returns to the tower to see it's locked down. She drops her coffee. She sends her friend to get help, sends her dog to get her body guard (taylor, the protagonist of the aborted novel series the teacher is from.) The friend asks what she's going do, she says she's gonna fix it, she was a track star after all. Character: the teacher, she has two abilties which allow her to take the challenges from the earlier level in stride. 1. The slide, she can slide which pushes away enemies and gives her a couple of I frame for elemental hazards 2. The grand witch's charm, which lets her reset a room and and her damage at the cost of time and a limited number of uses. Also a longer timer because she has a counterspell ready to go problem: She's gotta run up the 4/5 floors of the tower. Depending on how well each heroine did before her, her run gets easier. Her final floor is level 5. Which is a maze that's in darkness that has trip wires she can't slide through. TFs: puppet/doll? Something mind controlly insect girl tf: If you use the grand witch's charm when there is less than 10 seconds left on the clock it turns her into a moth-girl! Finale: Bad end: the crown leads the now some what transformed trouble student past a display of the transformed others. Maybe a comment each (that'll get big quickly) and takes a second to taunt the teacher. The student goes along with it, because it's not like she has much of a choice. Cut to: the dog waking up taylor who straps on their armor and gets ready to save the day! Good ending: the teacher reaches the trouble student and the crown taunts her. Asking what she could possibly do. She clotheslines the student knocking the crown off and then says "You either got to be really troubled or pretty evil to get possessed like that and I like to think that you aren't evil so let's talk. Epilogue: They finally fix the coffee machine. insect girl ending: If everyone else is an insect girl, the troubled student gets turned into a spider girl and they all have a picnic. It turns out the dog orchestrated the whole thing. Art requirements: standard girl: 1 (base picture) + 3(doll steps) + 3*3(other TF steps)+1(victory pose) =14 3 girls so 42 teacher: 1 (base picture) +3 doll steps + 3*3*3(each previous level's tf steps)+3*1(her level's tf steps)=34 insect girl pictures: 5 troubled student pictures: 2? =83 (outer edges of doable but probably possible, gotta hope I really like the teacher design. Hmm that's also without expressions.) Extras: insect girl TF: hidden joke TFs that you have to go out of your way to find, mostly as an easter egg normal vs easy difficulty: in normal difficulty each section has a timer, and some options can advance the timer. in easy you have a certain number of lives. Victory pose: "beating" a section gets anyone except the teacher frozen in a special pose. Two kinds of TF text?: It'd balloon the writing requirement but I might put two kinds of TF text, one with mental changes one without. Writing mental changes makes me want to die inside so it'd be good for avoiding that.