Keep in mind that this is just a work in progress, mostly of what is written here might be changed in the future. ------------------ DOOM: Quick Notes:Energetic, Pepy, Caring A.K.A: “Hellfire Maiden” Height: 2.20m Weight: 126kg Age: 1800+ Sexually: Passive (indifferent) Strength: Greater Mind Control: Lesser Special: Heat Shield -Can ignite hair along body to propel herself, enhance speed, increase strength. -Can also control amount of heat emanating from body. Summary: Energetic and hotheaded are just two of the words that spring to mind when describing this one sizzling sister. In her youth she, along with her siblings and demons like her, were tasked with keeping the fires of the hellforge flaming. And it was amidst one of Hells flaming rivers, rendered into an arid pit by the “Holy War”, that Pain had found her. Doom’s own flame having been extinguished by the sights of seeing her home, her family, her friends, destroyed by the war. These days however it’s almost easy to forget those years it took for her to recover from that doused state. Her fervent energy back to it’s old freely blazing state. Mostly... DECEIT: Quick Notes: Coy, sly, playful, rebellious A.K.A: “The unseen Terror” Height: 1.85m Weight: 82kg Age:2800+ Sexually: Aggressive (actively seeks out “victims”) Strength: Great Mind Control: Greater (second Strongest) Special: Claws that can extend 40cm. Near infinite penetrative capability -Can Turn Invisible -Can Create clones, but the more clones the weaker they are -Clones can not turn invisible -Her and clones can assume bipedal disguises/shapeshifting -Voice mimicry -Tail blade has... trimming capabilities Summary: As duplicitous as she is beautiful, playfully coy one second and lethally cunning the next. Deceit is perhaps the most traditional in terms of succubi in relation to her sisters. Her job pre war being to beguile unwitting mortals into relinquishing their souls, Deceit is a master of her craft. Even without her looks, or her powers, her words and sultry motions alone could “charm a man right out of his skin”. Having once freely roamed the mortal realm devouring the souls and flesh of her many victims, Deceit has struggled some of the most to adapt to their new living arrangements. Used to having men dance to her commands, the thought something seemingly so weak to her could ever pose a threat is something she still either fails to or refuses to come to terms with. Even after losing her home to such beings. Even after being rescued from the brink of death by Pain from their attacks. In fact, were it not for her gratitude to pain for rescuing her, deceit would have most likely abandoned the other sisters long ago. Having been saved however put Deceit in Pain’s debt. And Deceit positively despises owing anyone anything. HATRED: Quick Notes: Hate, mellow, no but as an emotion, reclusive A.K.A: “The Midnight Scourge/”The Hateful Thorn” Height: 5.5m Weight: 75kg Age: 2500+ Sexually: Recessive (avoids contact when possible) Strength: Lesser Mind Control: Greater Transformation: Werewolf (No control during blood moon although more powerful) Special: Can transform any object she touches into spikes -Additionally can manipulate thorn vines though not in wolf form. Summary: Hatred is a bit of a unique soul. Even amongst her sisters. Birthed from the mating between a werewolf and a succubi, Hatred was considered a forbidden child and therefore cast out of hell and onto earth. There she was picked up by a human family that loved her and cared for her as though she were their own. As did the rest of the little village. And for her part, Hatred loved them in return. Even finding herself a lover amongst them. A shy boy who was the first aside from her adopted family to treat her as friend. All that ended however at the start of “The Holy War". Inquisitors, following rumors of a demon that lived amongst men, raided her village. Deeming its inhabitants heretics the Inquisitors had the townspeople, along with their homes, razed to the ground. Despite their best efforts however, Hatred was able to escape in the chaos. And in the wake of the destruction from the ashes forged a new flame. A flame that burns in her heart to this day. One of hatred. One of Revenge. PAIN: Quick Notes: Old, wise, down to earth A.K.A: “The Red Temptress” “It is said her sting carries with it the pain for everyone she's lost.” Height: 1.73m Weight: 87kg Age: 3300+ Sexually: Aggressive (actively seeks out “victims”) Strength: Great Mind Control: Greatest Transformation: ScorpionTaur Special: Scorpion Tail -Paralyzes Victim, enhances pain Random Notes: -Secretly self conscious about her weight Summary: In the dominion of hell names are of great importance. Lesser demons have long, complex names of little meaning. To be bestowed a shorter name of fewer words however is considered a great honor. Single word names being the highest praise and only gifted to a select few. The honor being akin to being given an entire word all to oneself for once a single word name is taken none else may claim it till it's previous owner is deceased. Of the Sisters only two received their single word titles which they keep to this day. Those being Pain and Carnage. The rest having been given their names by Pain after the Fall of Hell as a symbol for starting over. As one might imagine this makes her a being her mastery over the mind being second to none with hints over even more hidden within her amorous figure. Though she seldom expresses it. Preferring instead to remain enigmatic in her ways. Though not because she's unwilling or unable. If it to protect her sisters she's more than will to unleash the full breadth of her powers at a moments notice. For to her the sisterhood is her family. One she’d give anything to protect. Somewhat of a stark contrast to her time in Hell where she answered directly to the great Demon Lord themselves being one of their most trusted servants. In fact it was in such company that she was able to learn the full scale of the war and the lengths both god and devil alike would go to to earn the approval of human souls. Seeing her masters so obsessed over mortal beings so small awoke within her a curiosity that remains to this day as she watches over them from afar. Sometimes even getting involved, however to what ends remains unknown. FEAR: Quick Notes:Shy, lacks control of powers A.K.A: “Cracked Face/ Long-Hair Horror” Height: 1.68m Weight: 66kg Age: 2500+ Sexually: Recessive (Avoids contact if possible) Strength: Lesser Mind Control: N/A Transformation: Think Parasite ripping away it's hosts flesh Special: Sealed Demon -Face can take the form of ones worst fears -demon flesh arms -Terror aura (strength increases based on proximity and exposure time. Does not affect other demons). Terror Aura gives it's victims a constant feeling of dredge, non-stopping chills down the spine as if you just woke up from a terrible nightmare, and it just gets worse the longer you stay in range. -Can faze through walls (leaves blood stain at location of entry and exit) -Temporarily drains strength -Can manipulate the environment to leave blood and distort images -Can “project” herself into images, screens, (shadows?), -Takes great amount of energy -Flesh arms sprout under duress. -4 meter range -Lacks full control -Very painful (causes screams of agony) -can crack face open to reveal a victims worst nightmares -extremely painful -Victims are known to claw their eyes out in terror -eyes constantly leak blood -Hypnotic singing (Deceit level mind control) -3 fingered tail hand. Strong grip. -Fears own reflection. Summary: Originally nameless, Fear is perhaps less a demon and more a vessel. Conjured in order to seal away a mighty Elemental Titan she is a being of great power. Great power she is unfortunately unable to fully control. Great power that has also made her a being of great sorrow. A threat to both herself and others Fear has spent most her life confined in isolation. Understanding the risk involved in letting her be captured Fear was one of the first of her Sisters to be rescued by Pain. Unfortunately not even Pain could save her from the effects that centuries of isolation, mistreatment and suffering can have as a result on anyone. Fear remains rather timid, reclusive and shy, despite her appearance. Preferring to mostly remain well within safe and secure protection of her sisters. As the years passed, Fear has slowly grown trust and affection to her sisters, specially for Pain. As she sees Pain more like a comforting and caring mother, a mother that she never had. CARNAGE: Quick Notes: Mature, forceful, temperamental, must bathe multiple times a day to remain clean A.K.A: “The Butcheress Succubus” “Wars can not be won by strength alone.” “Crush. Flay. Tear. Bite... Repeat.” ~Carnage Height: 4.05 Weight: 638kg Age: 3300+ Sexually: Passive (indifferent) Strength: Greatest Mind Control: Least Transformation: Shark Mouth Black eyes Special: Can harden body. Great resistance to any kind of damage -Strength increases with anger -EXTREME STRENGTH Summary: Bred to become the ultimate soldier, Carnage was not raised as a child, but as a machine. Taught to feel no empathy. To feel no fear. For the battlefield was to be her destiny, and the trail of bodies that would follow in her wake, her legacy. Her siblings, though few struggled along side her. But they did not fall beside her. Nay as she and her siblings fought to survive their hellish upbringing their father watched. The strong he let live. The weak were felled by his own hand. Gradually each and every one of them died. Only Carnage remained. Even still long did she remain in ignorance of her father's’ actions. Of the true fate of her siblings. That is until one night, on the eve of what would be Hell’s penultimate battle. Her father, in a drunken revel, revealed their plight. Enraged, she charged him where he stood and through the night they fought. At dawn, as the sun rose along with the armies of heaven to do battle. Hell’s mightiest general was found dead. And their greatest warrior, missing. As the sun fell that day so to did the armies of Hell. Long did Carnage wonder without a home in the years to come. With only a horn broken from her fight with her father to remind her of her equally broken past. That is until Pain found her. And provided the weary warrior a new home with its own family to protect. Common traits among the sisters: -Enhanced night vision -Mind control (works better on males) -Supernatural strength -Some have weaker mind control -Some have stronger physical strength -Enjoy the Suffering of victims -Seductive but not loose sexually (Varies from sister to sister) -They all enjoy a good slice of human meat.