Chapter 47 — I'm Not Sharing My New Toy! _March 17, 1984, Chicago, Illinois_ {psc} "How are you doing, Jonathan?" Nancy Jane Moore asked when she invited me into her office to chat after Violet's session on Saturday. "OK. My friends are helping keep me on an even keel." "You've undergone quite a few stress-generating changes in the past year — moving, being promoted, marrying, and Keiko's death, not to mention the situation with your girlfriend from High School." "I see Violet has kept you posted," I said with a friendly smile. "Given your relationship with her, we talk about you a lot. To allay any concern you might have, we also talk about Lily and, most recently, Kallie, the girl she met in class." "I wasn't concerned," I replied. "I expect Violet to talk to you about me, and I seriously doubt she's said anything inaccurate or anything I'd consider a violation of my confidence." "On that note, I wanted to ask you what was going on with your friend in Ohio, if you're willing to share. Violet demurred, except to say she might be caught up in it." I explained the situation with Bev, clearly showing my frustration, and Nancy picked up on it right away, as I would have expected her to. "You need to find a way to get past the frustration and anger," Nancy said. "I completely understand why you feel the way you do, but the last thing you need is added stress." "Somebody should tell Bev," I said. "I did my best to stay completely out of it. The truly frustrating part is that all Bev needs to do is reconcile with her parents, and all of these problems will go away. I know it's not easy, but it's also her best path to regaining full custody of her daughter." "You said she wasn't acting or thinking rationally. You appear to be able to do that even in the most stressful situations; most people cannot do that. But that also raises a concern that you're bottling up all those emotions. You need an outlet, or you risk suffering severe consequences. The situation in which you find yourself is one that often precedes alcohol or drug abuse, extreme risk-taking, or other self-destructive behaviors." "I'm working out three days a week at the gym, and I'm spending quiet time relaxing, as you suggested." "Have you sought any additional counseling?" "No. Well, not professional. My friends Costas, Jack, and Deanna have worked hard to help me avoid doing those things you suggest. Drugs are a non-starter, and I only drink occasionally." "You say that, but the stress you're under could easily cause you to behave as erratically as you described your friend behaving." "Keiko's grandfather runs the karate dōjō just down the street, and he suggested martial arts for both the physical and mental discipline, but I simply do not have the time to commit to that." "Has your spirituality changed at all?" "If you mean do I suddenly believe in magic sky beings who are inexplicably interested in my sex life? No." Nancy laughed, "I wasn't thinking THAT radical!" "Keiko and I discussed the possibility that somehow we might meet again in the future, but beyond that, not really." "And how did that make you feel?" "Despite being skeptical, it's something I would like to think were possible. The problem is that falls right into the wishful thinking trap. I don't doubt the universe is more complicated than I can even imagine, but life after death in any form that we might understand it is not something I could believe in any more than I can believe in any gods." "I think, based on what you've said, that Buddhism might work for you. There is no need to believe in any deity for that system to work. I don't think it would do any harm for you to speak to a Zen Buddhist monk, and it might do some good. I assume you know one, given Keiko had a Buddhist funeral, according to Violet." "I do. I'll consider speaking to him." "Good. Can we discuss your relationship with Violet?" "Isn't that the point?" I asked. Nancy smiled and nodded, "Yes, of course. I asked because, technically, you aren't my client, and this conversation might delve into very private areas." "I'm an open book, at least with regard to my relationship with Violet." "She suggested you've ruled out marrying again." "It's complicated, but I think the best way to say it is that no young woman should assume I intend to marry or expect me to want to marry in the future." "That has something to do with your feelings for Keiko, right?" "Everything to do with them. She's my wife, and I can't wrap my head around replacing her. It's also the case that I committed to her that when the time comes, I'll be cremated and interred next to her. Violet rightly pointed out that would cause conflict with any woman I might marry in the future, and she's not wrong." "It's only been about ten weeks, correct?" "Yes. And if you're going to say that I shouldn't make any decisions now, I'm not because I'm not foreclosing the idea, I'm simply saying nobody should expect me to do it. It's a nuanced position but an important one. I think another way to put it is that it's possible I'll marry again, but not probable. Maybe the probability changes in the future, but nobody should count on that." "I'm going to take a page from your book and be direct — you know what Violet wants, right?" "No, I don't. Violet doesn't know what Violet wants unless she's told you something she hasn't told me. Does she have a desire to go to bed with me? Absolutely. Do I have the same desire? You betcha! But having that desire is only one component. Neither of us is fifteen, and life is much too complicated to act purely on our libidos." "For you, that might well be true, and in fact, I believe it is. Violet, on the other hand, is closer to fifteen than twenty-one in terms of emotional development, and her thinking is more like, if you'll pardon the expression, a horny teenager than an adult who has learned to deal with their sexual urges." "Who says that's the case?" I asked with a grin. Nancy laughed, "OK, but you implied you were able to control those urges, at least somewhat. I suspect strongly that you and Keiko were not intimate for long periods of time during her chemo and then towards the end. I also, based on our conversations, suspect you were completely faithful." "Your suspicions are correct." "And one of your struggles after her death has been what is a valid expression of your sexuality, given your obviously deep feelings for her." "Yes. One thing I've concluded is that I simply can't invite anyone to sleep in the bed Keiko and I shared. I'm going to replace it when I move in April or May." "I see you're wearing a ring on your right hand. Did you move it?" "No. Japanese wear them on their right hands. Keiko and I followed the older tradition of exchanging engagement rings, which we both wore on our right hands, again, following Japanese tradition." "Do you find it surprising that you operate on a mix of emotion and logic?" Nancy asked. "I certainly never had to deal with the kinds of emotional challenges growing up that I've had since Keiko's diagnosis." "I'm going to tell you something you already know, but it has to be said — Violet is operating on emotion. And she, like you, is experiencing those emotions for the first time. The Violet you met would never have contemplated a sexual relationship." "No, she wouldn't have," I agreed. "Violet is not under psychological or psychiatric care, so I can't advise one way or the other. All I can do is exhort you to be very careful and to understand, as best you can, what it would mean to her." I nodded, "I made the point of talking to her about my vision of the future for exactly that reason. That gave her pause, and had I not said that she would likely have pressed forward. I said it because I promised her that I would never intentionally do anything to hurt her and would do my utmost to protect her and keep her safe." "That is exactly what she needs," Nancy said. "That is what her parents should have done, and instead, they hurt her in ways you and I may never truly fathom." "If such a place existed, there would be a special place in Hell for her parents, one where the tortures were infinitely worse. Eternal punishment seems fitting for their heinous crime, but life in prison will have to do, at least for her dad. Her mom, on the other hand, got off easy despite aiding and abetting the abuse." "Your anger and indignation are completely understandable, but don't let them consume you or drive you to do something you might regret." "I'm a pacifist." "And yet, the kind of thing that happened to Violet could drive even the most committed pacifist to violence." I nodded, "I can see that." "We're out of time, but please speak to someone. You can always call me, but I think the Buddhist monk might be more effective because of the tie to Keiko's family and traditions." "Thanks, Nancy." "You're welcome!" I left her office, joined Violet, and we left the building. We walked silently towards her house, and after about a block, I felt Voilet's hand brush mine. When it brushed a second time, I took her hand in mine, and we walked hand-in-hand the rest of the way to her house. We went inside, she made a pot of coffee, and we went to sit in her front room. "Can I ask what you and Nancy talked about?" Violet inquired once we'd sat down on the couch. "Me, mostly, and how I'm dealing with Keiko's death. Obviously, we talked about my relationship with you, but it really was mostly her expressing concern for my emotional and mental health. She suggested I see someone, and her conclusion was the Buddhist monk at the temple who conducted Keiko's services would be a good choice." "She's worried you're bottling up your emotions?" "Yes, not to mention all the stress I'm under from work, Bev, and most importantly, Keiko." "Are you going to?" "I think so," I replied. "How was your talk?" "Good. We talked about you and me, of course, but also Lily and Kallie." "Did you tell her what Lily suggested?" Violet laughed softly, "I did. She laughed but then said I needed to consider what that would mean and that you and I should discuss our relationship." "She advised me to be careful, which was unnecessary, given I promised you I would never, ever do anything to hurt you, and I'm sure you expressed that to Nancy." "I did. I believe you, and she believes you, too." "Are you ready to have the conversation? If not, just say so." "I want to tell you what Nancy said about that, but I think I should tell you what I'm thinking first. I'm positive we both know what will happen if we kiss, but I need more time to think because of the curveball you threw me about the future." "Take all the time you need," I said. "When I told Nancy what you explained about the future, she wasn't surprised, but she was somewhat concerned about making what appears to be a permanent decision so soon after Keiko died. She believes your thinking will evolve over time, but she also agrees that I can't assume you will ever want to marry again. According to her, I have three options — decide to stay close friends and never be together; accept that we may never be a couple and be with you without any expectations of being a couple; or wait and see. Her advice was to wait and see." "The first and third options are, in effect, the same," I replied. "Because even if you decided you simply want to remain friends, you would have the option of changing your mind in the future, assuming I followed the path I laid out." "I see your point," Violet said. "I did say one other thing to her, and I know how this will sound, but I am sure of one thing — it's either you or nobody. I'm not saying that to try to pressure you or encourage you to do something you don't think is right." "Did you tell Nancy that?" "Yes. I simply don't see how I could ever get close enough to anyone else to do that. And I'm OK with that. Nancy said she understood." "I'm going to guess that Nancy suggested your thinking would evolve, just as she believes mine will." Yes, she does feel my thinking will evolve, as will yours. I don't believe mine will because the idea of dating scares me and I don't know if I'd ever feel safe. I also don't want to have to tell anyone else about what happened to me." "I think I understand," I replied. "She said something else, too — that being with you might change my thinking in ways I can't predict. That was when I told her I had considered just doing it to get past my fears and my nervousness." "I think that would be risky," I replied. "I'm sure Nancy does, too. Should we make lunch so you can go meet your friend?" "That sounds good." We made lunch, ate, cleaned up, and Violet walked me to the door. We hugged, but this time she tightened her arms, pressing her body firmly against mine. I returned the tight hug, and we held it for what seemed like minutes but was, in reality, about thirty seconds. Violet kissed my cheek, released me, then watched as I walked to my car. As I drove away, I thought about the conversations we'd had and Nancy's observation that Violet was, at least with regard to relationships, acting like a fifteen-year-old just discovering the realities of a physical relationship and trying to make sense of the urges she was having and the complexity of relationships. Our relationship was complex and ever-evolving, and we'd likely be in a very different place if it hadn't been for Keiko. But I couldn't go back in time, and I wouldn't if I could because I was positive I'd done the right thing with Keiko. I wondered, though, what decision I'd have made if Violet had progressed to the same point a year ago. If I were honest with myself, I'd have chosen Violet and never become involved with Keiko. That would likely also have foreclosed having a baby with Bianca. That world would be so different that it was almost impossible to imagine at this point. While I didn't believe in destiny or fate or anything like that, Keiko and I had come into each other's lives at precisely the right time for me to walk her terrible path with her. Walking that path had helped both of us, despite the ultimately tragic outcome of her untimely death. As I pulled into a parking garage near the School of the Art Institute dorms, I thought about my obligations, how best to balance them, and how to forge the best future for myself, my soon-to-be-born daughter, and my closest friends. Obviously, at least in my mind, work — or more specifically, my clients — had to come first because that provided the resources to meet all my other obligations. My personal life was about to be upended by the birth of my daughter. who had to be my primary concern. Nothing could be more important than providing her with a safe, stable environment. That had been driven home by how my mom had cared for me and the unfolding nightmare with Heather. While circumstances meant having a nanny, I had no intention of foisting Sofía on her as a way of shirking my responsibilities. After Sofía, there were Bianca and Deanna, to whom I had critical — but differing — obligations. Bianca as my partner in raising Sofía, a confidante, and a future partner should I eventually strike out on my own. Deanna as her patron and advisor, and she was, at least for the moment, my closest confidante. I couldn't imagine a future without them in it. The same was true for Violet, though my relationship with her was complicated by her past and my recent history. We needed to find the correct way forward that ensured we'd be the closest of friends, even if that meant never becoming lovers. There was little doubt in my mind that she would, at some point, she would ask me to take her to bed; the question would be on what terms. Beyond those important women, including a soon-to-arrive very young one, there were my male friends, starting with Jack. If things went the way he and Bianca predicted, we'd become partners in a firm we ran. I was still on the fence about that, trying to balance my loyalty to Noel Spurgeon and my visceral distaste for the way the secretaries were treated. Of course, it was possible my hand might be forced if he were ever called to account for his predilection for underage girls. Finally, there were the boys — Costas, Trevor, Dustin, and Archie, who were all good friends. I saw very little of Stuart and almost nothing of Tom because of their jobs and Tom's imploding marriage. My obligations to them weren't as strong as to Jack and the young women, but I resolved to be the best friend I possibly could. As I got out of my car, I refocused on the present and recalled Deanna's question about continuing to see Stefi. My answer — that I wouldn't let it distract me from those most important to me — had presaged the internal dialogue I'd just had about my obligations. Whether or not I'd see her a third time would depend on how she might fit into my busy life, if at all. When I walked into the dorm building, a monitor at the desk called up to Stefi's room, and two minutes later, she appeared in the lobby. She signed me in, and more or less dragged me to the elevator and then from the elevator into her room, where a thin blonde girl was sitting on the bed. "This is my friend, Tara," Stefi said. "She was just leaving, right Tara?" Tara laughed, "Hi and bye!" As she passed Stefi, Tara whispered, 'hot!', then left the room, closing the door behind her. Stefi locked the door and turned to me. "Don't you have on too many clothes?" she asked. "If I do, you do!" I declared. We both quickly undressed, and Stefi pushed me to sit on the edge of the bed and knelt in front of me. "All day?" she asked with a sly smile, then planted a kiss on the tip of my dick, which was standing at full attention. "Only a fool would object!" "You want to screw, right?" "And lick you, too." "Well, let me do this, then you can lick me, screw me, and then I can suck you for the rest of the day!" She didn't wait for an answer and began kissing and licking my shaft and sack, occasionally pressing my erection firmly against her cheek. After innumerable kisses, she parted her lips and took me slowly into her mouth, sucking gently and swirling her tongue. She grasped me with one hand and began stroking while she cupped my sack with her other hand. I leaned back on my elbows and watched as she made love to my dick with her mouth. Her slow ministrations gradually increased in speed, and about ten minutes later, she was bobbing and stroking fast, sucking hard, and gently squeezing my balls. The pressure built, and I eventually reached the point of no return. I groaned as I twitched, and cum jetted into Stefi's mouth. After the last spurt, she swallowed and continued pleasuring me for two minutes before releasing me. I moved to lie on my side and patted the bed next to me. Stefi got in and lay on her back. I kissed her softly, then did something I hadn't done the previous Saturday — kissed, licked, and sucked her nipples. Stefi clearly enjoyed that, as she moaned softly the entire time. I kissed my way down her abdomen and her mons then parted her labia with my tongue. I flicked her clit, causing her to moan, and when I closed my mouth around her and sucked, she groaned deeply. I continued pleasuring her until I was hard and brought her off four times with my mouth while strumming her nipples with my thumb. After the fourth orgasm, I moved up, grasped my shaft, rubbed my glans along her slick labia, then plunged into her, burying myself deeply in her tight, slick pussy. Stefi wrapped her legs around me, and we began moving, gently at first, but then more forcefully. The blowjob had, as they usually did, ensured I could go longer, and we fucked hard for fifteen minutes before the spasms of Stefi's third orgasm brought me off, and I pumped cum deep inside her. When my orgasm had run its course, I pulled out, slid down, and gave Stefi one more orgasm with my tongue. "Do you like how that tastes?" she asked. "Yes, very much. I'm curious what you think, given you didn't insist I wash after we screwed." "I honestly didn't even think about it until after I had you in my mouth again, but it's not bad. Have you tasted yours?" "I did kiss you after the blowjobs, in case you forgot!" Stefi laughed, "But not until after we screwed, too! What do you think?" "It's no big deal, and it's pretty diluted by the time we kiss." "So you've never actually tasted it like I tasted myself on your lips and on your dick?" I knew _exactly_ what was going to happen if I answered the question. "I have. A girl French kissed me without swallowing, and I nearly threw up because of the idea. I got past that, and I guess the answer is that it's more a texture thing than a taste thing." "Would you be OK with me French kissing you after?" "If you want to, I'm willing. I'm also willing to lick you while you suck me, if you want." "You could, some; I really get off on sucking you." And suck she did — five times before she suggested we order pizza. "If it's OK with you, I'm going to invite Tara to eat with us," Stefi said. "That's fine with me," I replied Stefi called in an order for pizza, and then we went to shower so we could dress. "I was surprised you only French kissed me before swallowing one time," I said as we sat on the bed after our showers and waited for the pizza. "I'm greedy!" she declared mirthfully. "There's something about sucking and swallowing that is sexy and satisfying. I don't have orgasms, but even so, it makes me feel really good. And I'm sure you noticed that right after I swallow, I orgasm easily and really hard from your tongue." "But three of the five times, you preferred just sucking." "I really, really like doing that, and it's not as if you didn't give me lots of orgasms with your mouth and from screwing, along with those two times we did it at the same time." "And you discovered this about yourself because I posed naked for your drawing class!" Stefi laughed softly, "I would NEVER have thought that. Before that session where you were totally naked, I planned for my first time to be my wedding night and thought oral sex was gross and dirty. Seeing you naked totally changed me! I gave a blowjob, swallowed, had sex, and had you lick me, and not a wedding ring or engagement ring in sight!" "And how do you feel?" Stefi smirked, "Screwed! But seriously? I don't regret it in any way, shape or form, and if you're free next Saturday, I'm happy to suck you all day again! Or we can screw all day if you want, so long as you let me suck you at least once." "I'm busy the next two Saturdays," I said. "As for what you suggested, there is a compromise — screw, but finish in your mouth." "The best of both worlds!" she declared. "We can do that after pizza. You can go twice more at least, right?" "I think so, yes. It really was just seeing me naked that flipped the switch, so to speak?" "Yes! I mean, I was fascinated, and I thought it was gorgeous! When I started drawing, that's what I drew first after the rough outlines. As I drew it, I wondered what it would look like hard, and when I imagined that, I wanted to kiss and hug it. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. The first night, I only thought about that, and it was all I was going to do if you said yes. But then I started getting these other feelings and Ideas, and I knew if I did suck you that I was going to give up my virginity, too. "I wanted all of that, which is why I gave you my number. Truth be told, it was way better than my fantasy because I had NO idea how it was going to make me feel or how good you could make me feel. Doing it changed my entire life, and I'm happy! In fact, I'm happier than I have been since I started High School. I finally found what was missing, even though I didn't know it was missing, if that makes sense." "I may be venturing into an area that I shouldn't, but what about church?" "Billy Joel was right! The sinners have MUCH more fun! I went to church because I always went to church and believed because I had always believed. Seeing you naked…broke the spell, I guess. It doesn't bother me in any way, and I don't regret it. In a way, it set me free and my art is better because it's not bound by worrying what my pastor or my parents might think." The phone rang, and Stefi answered it. She acknowledged that the pizza had arrived, then called Tara to let her know. After the call, Stefi went down to get the pizza and Cokes and returned with Tara following her into the room. "Whew!" Tara exclaimed, wrinkling her nose. "Open a window!" Stefi laughed, and once she put down the pizza, she cracked open the window to let in some fresh air. "I hear you're a stockbroker," Tara said as we dug into the thin-crust pepperoni pizza. "I am. What's your focus?" "Fashion design." "Clothes?" I asked. "Yes. For teens and younger kids." "What year?" "Sophomore. How long have you been a stockbroker? You seem about the same age as my older brother, who's twenty-one." "I'm twenty-one, and I've had my license for just over a year." "You don't have to go to college for that?" "No. You just have to be able to pass the licensure exams." "I bet that pays really well." "If you're good, you can make a lot of money; if not, you can lose your shirt." "How good is he, Stefi?" Tara asked with a smirk. "I have no idea!" Stefi declared. "I've never seen him at work!" Both girls laughed, and I joined in. "Are you from Chicago?" Tara asked. "Goshen, Ohio. I moved here after I graduated from High School in 1981. You?" "Madison, Wisconsin. Mind if I ask where you live?" "Rogers Park, but I'm moving to a condo at 175 East Delaware Place." "The Hancock Center?" "Yes." "He's absolutely good if he can afford a condo there!" Tara declared. "Those two things have nothing to do with each other!" Stefi smirked, causing both Tara and me to laugh at the juxtaposition. "Cute!" Tara declared. "How did you two meet?" I asked. "Our laundry schedules lined up back in September," Stefi said. "We got to talking, then we started hanging out." "And you met Jonathan because HE was hanging out!" Tara teased. All of us laughed again. "True!" Stefi declared. "Are you guys going to be a couple?" Tara asked. "I told you we're just having fun!" Stefi said. "Don't scare him away!" "Scare him away?" Tara asked. "No chance! I want to borrow him!" "I'm not sharing my new toy!" Stefi declared. "I'm not done playing with it!" I laughed, both because the girls were funny and also in relief that Stefi didn't have any specific designs on me beyond sex. "Then I'll see you later!" Tara said. "Bye, Jonathan!" "Bye!" She left, and Stefi locked the door behind her. "How do you want to do it?" "I'll lick you, we screw, and because you like to suck so much after I give you a pair of orgasms, you suck me until I cum. Best of both worlds, as I said!" We did that three times before midnight, and I was completely spent from having cum more than any other day in my life. "I'll see you in class, so just let me know when you're free on a Saturday!" Stefi said when she escorted me to the lobby so she could sign me out. She did, we exchanged a quick kiss, and I left the building. I walked quickly to the parking garage, got into my car, and headed home. _March 18, 1984, Chicago, Illinois_ "Did you see the message on the pad by the phone?" CeCi asked when I came downstairs on Sunday morning to have breakfast. "I did. I'll return the call around noon." "Morning!" Bianca declared. "Hi. How are you feeling?" "Tired. And I am SO ready to have this baby!" "Morning!" Deanna said, joining us in the kitchen. "Jonathan? Natasha and I are ready to begin making purchases. How do you want to handle it?" "I'll write you a check for a quarter of it. Just deposit it in your account and track your spending. When it runs low, let me know, but also let me know if you think you might go over the budget." "That'll work," she said. "I'll do that right after breakfast." We all ate breakfast, then Juliette, CeCi, Deanna, and I did chores, including mopping the floors, doing laundry, and cleaning the bathrooms. When we finished, I made a pot of coffee and everyone except Jack and Kristy sat down together in the great room. "We really should get a cleaning service," Deanna said when we finished. "There's one recommended by the condo association. Want me to check into it?" "Yes, please. With all of us working or in school or both, we don't have a lot of free time." "You should consider setting up a household account," Bianca said. "And maybe give two of us access to it. You just transfer money to it each month and use it to pay utilities, for groceries, and so on. That way three of us can do those things and not worry about reimbursements. And we can just deposit our rent to it as well." "Let me talk to Bob Black to make sure there aren't any gotchas with that, but it makes sense to me." "The other thing that probably makes sense is to figure out the average we spend on groceries each month and just deposit that, too, rather than tracking everything to the penny each month. You could keep a spreadsheet and use a rolling average of the past year. If there are significant extras, we figure it out." "I'm all for simple," I said. "That makes it easier for everyone," CeCi observed. "We just pay the same amount each month." "I already have a spreadsheet, so we can just take it from there," I said. "We'll start on the first of day of the next month after we move." We finished our coffee, and everyone did their own thing until lunch. For me, it was continuing to read _Les Misérables_. When I finished it, I had two other long books to read that Keiko had read — _Roots_ and _The Stand_. After lunch, I returned the phone call that had come in while I'd been out on Saturday afternoon. "Hi, it's Jonathan returning your call." "Hi," Teri said. "I'm home on break and wanted to see how you're doing. "I'm OK," I said. "How is school?" "Basically the same as when I last spoke to you. I've still avoided the 'Freshman Fifteen', I'm making straight A's, practicing violin, taking lessons, and playing in the symphony. How is work?" "I'm doing well, but it's a tough year so far in the stock market." "Well, from what I know about you, I'm sure you'll figure out how to make money! Are you free some evening this week?" "Tomorrow or Tuesday are free; on Wednesday, I'm going to a Hawks game, and on Thursday, I have my monthly dinner with Jeri's cabal." "How about tomorrow? Teri asked. "Sure. Where would you like to eat?" "Greektown works." "Sounds good. I'll pick you up at your house at 5:30pm, if that's OK." "It is. See you then!" Just after I said 'goodbye' and hung up, the doorbell rang and I went to answer it. "Hi!" Katy and Esme exclaimed in unison. "Hi," I replied. I invited them in, and they each gave me a hug, and I walked with them to the great room where Bianca was relaxing on the couch with her legs up. She stood and hugged her cousin. "You are HUGE, _prima_!" Esme exclaimed. "Soon, right?" "Three weeks, give or take." "Have your mom and dad chilled?" "Not really, but grandma is cool. She's going to help out for a few weeks after Sofía is born. How is Princeton?" "We're both making straight A's and having the time of our lives!" Esme declared. "Right, Katy?" "Right! How are you doing, Jonathan?" "Work is good, and I'm working on getting my head straight." "I can't even begin to imagine," Katy replied. "I'll leave you three to hang out," I said. "I'll be in the Japanese room reading. Dinner is 6:00pm; we're having Chinese delivered." "Cool!" Katy exclaimed. I left and went back to the Japanese room, where Deanna joined me, taking a break from painting to read an art theory textbook. I read and relaxed until our food was delivered, and all my housemates, plus Esme and Katy, shared the six separate dishes, plus hot and sour soup and eggrolls. When we finished eating, Katy pulled me aside. "I know it might be too soon," she said. "But if you're interested, Esme and I are interested." "Ask me again in June, OK? I promise to consider it." "Classes actually end the first week in May." "Then ask me in May!" I chuckled. "We will!" Katy agreed. "I totally understand, too, and I know you're still hurting. Would you consider doing a favor for me?" "What's that?" "Throw a graduation party for my sister and three friends?" "Let me guess," I said with a grin, "you want me to play games with them? _Pin the tail on the donkey_ where I'm the donkey, and it's their tails that are pinned?" Katy laughed, "That wasn't what I had in mind, but you never know!" "Sorry," I chuckled. "With my history with you and Esme…" "Obviously! And it was a funny joke. They want to have the party someplace with no parents around; not because they plan to do anything crazy, but they're all eighteen, so they want to have fun without the parental units." "I'll have moved to the condo by then, but we can host it here. I'll clear it with Jack. How many?" "Around a dozen total, evenly mixed, guys and girls, if that's cool." "It is." "Thanks! I'll call you later in the week to set a day. And you never know, maybe they will be interested! Lexi is my little sister, after all!" "Is she planning on attending Princeton?" "Yes." "I don't know that the university will survive!"