"Shopping, shopping, shopping…~" There was just something about shopping in person that drew Geordie. The blue-and-white wolf was never really a fan of shopping online; he always preferred going to the store in person, especially when it came to clothing and shoes. There really was nothing like the experience of walking down aisle after aisle of products, walking into the changing room with piles of clothes and walking out with barely one or two items that truly panned out like he expected them to, before walking back in with another pile just a few minutes later. He could spend the whole day in one of these stores if they would let him! For this run in particular, the wolf was focusing on undergarments specifically; the mall clothing store he most frequently perused had just gotten in a new line of cute, breathable underwear, and the wolf just had to try them out. Of course, for sanitary purposes, he had to wear a pair of his own underneath them, but it was still a good way to gauge how the different styles and fits looked on him… Geordie had at least six different pairs to try on as he stepped into the changing room and closed the door tight behind him, the wolf quickly stripping down to nothing but a nondescript pair of gray undies before grabbing the first item he intended to try off of the pile he had accumulated in the corner. It was a pretty abstract, red, triangular design, but what caught the wolf’s eye was something that he didn't notice initially. Emblazoned on the waistband was the word "BIGMAN"; presumably, it was the brand name, but Geordie was a little surprised he didn't notice it earlier considering how large and bold the text was! No matter, just a curiosity as the wolf slipped them up his thighs and rear… Soft, stretchy, comfortable, but most of all: accommodating! Geordie liked what he saw in the mirror, and not just because these tighter drawers did a great job of showing off the wolf's natural endowment. The pattern looked nice, the bulge was great, they felt wonderful...an absolute perfect fit, all around! It gave the wolf quite a bit to look forward to as he started to take the first pair off and move on. Damn, these things made his package look huge, though! Worth a buy just for that alone, honestly… ...in fact, as the wolf caught a glimpse of his package inside the underwear he was using to try on others, he paused for a moment. His junk, it looked...bigger. Like, a decent bit bigger than what he was used to, and of course, the wolf was pretty intimately familiar with his own package! It looks like the fabric was getting stretched out a bit more than what he was used to, and it kinda...well, it did manage to distract the wolf for a moment, before he caught a glance of the next pair he had to try on and quickly forgot about the strangeness. Surely, his eyes were just playing some tricks on him or something. He had so many more pairs to try out, he couldn't let this one thing trip him up a little bit...even if, for that moment he was playing around with his junk, it felt *really* good~ The next pair was a light blue color with a colorful dolphin pattern; a tiny bit garish for the wolf, but still worth a try, nevertheless! As Geordie slipped them up his legs and started to take another look in the mirror, the wolf couldn't help but notice that the top of his head was starting to get cut off in the reflection...now, that was a bit odd. Maybe it was just hung up improperly or something? The wolf reached and felt around the top and the back of the mirror, trying to see if something was up, but there wasn't anything obvious that came out of his mini inspection...hmph. That was a bit annoying; now he'd have to crouch down to properly see all of himself. It didn't bother him enough for Geordie to actively seek out another changing room or something, though, so he just kind of dealt with it for the time being. Little inconveniences like that weren't going to ruin the fun day out he was currently enjoying! As Geordie slipped the next pair of underwear up his legs and thighs, he very quickly realized that this was quite a bit of a tighter fit than the last pair. It felt like a struggle just to get the waistband around his thighs, and when he did manage to put everything together, he found his bulge and bits even more prominent than before! Maybe he had accidentally picked out the wrong size or something…? They were all in one pile together, so it was a tiny possibility, but it was still worth checking. Thankfully, the garment was still stretchy enough for Geordie to pull the back around to the side where he could see it, and...nope, it was a large, just like the rest of the pairs he had picked out. Geez, these were tight...it felt like his innards were being squeezed by the fabric in ways that were more than a bit uncomfortable. But, what came next both confused Geordie even more, yet also made all the other things that had happened make much more sense in retrospect… *bonk!* Geordie winced as he felt the top of his head bump up against something. It wasn't painful, but it left the wolf even more perplexed, because he hadn't been moving at all when it happened; or, at least, he didn't think he was moving! His focus was pulled away from the underwear for a moment back to the mirror, where he saw that nearly the entire top half of his body was now cut off; his bulge nearly the size of what his head was in the mirror earlier. The wolf now found himself involuntarily hunched over, quickly looking to the door he had entered through and realizing that it was going to take quite a bit of effort to fit through it now. It made no sense to Geordie, but somehow, he had gone through an incredibly rapid growth spurt in the middle of this shopping session! A growth spurt that was still continuing, Geordie realized as he found himself being able to see over more and more of the door by the second. Geez, he had to have grown one, maybe two whole feet in the span of a couple minutes! It certainly ruined the privacy of a changing room when the wolf was able to exchange glances with the people walking throughout the store, most looking just as bewildered as the wolf felt! Despite all this overall growth, there was a specific place where it felt even more extreme, and that was in his loins. His bulge had swelled up to the point where even the super-stretchy underwear he was trying out wasn't able to contain what he had going on. It didn't help that his junk was constricted even further by the pair he was wearing underneath these, the weaker fabric having a much more difficult time stretching out to accommodate Geordie's still-growing bits. He needed to get them off of his body, and quick- *RRRIIPPP* ...or, the problem could solve itself. Geordie felt a tinge of embarrassment as he heard those briefs rip right in two under all that extra pressure, a sound he was certain more than a few people in the store could hear. Thankfully, the Bigman pair he was wearing was more than able to step in and keep Geordie's package somewhat contained, though his shaft had to go somewhere. It turned out that somewhere was right along the inside of his leg, a comically-large rod bulge now running along his thigh and looking like a third leg that was about to erupt out of his body at any minute! If these undies were one thing, though, they were strong, so at least Geordie wouldn't have to worry about that for the time being. It wasn't like there weren't plenty of other things he still had to worry about, though! *knock-knock* And there was another new one. The knock was a bit of a formality more than anything else, because Geordie could just look over the side of the stall to speak with anybody who was curious about him, but he still appreciated the heads-up nonetheless. "Uhhh, are you okay in there?" came a voice from the other side of the door a few moments later, a voice Geordie recognized as one of the cashiers he had chit-chatted with a few times in the past. He really didn't want anyone else getting involved in this right now, so he needed to sound as all right as he possibly could… "Y-yeah! J-just, give me a second!" Not the best showing, but at least he managed to wave off the concerned employee for a few moments while he tried his best to get his shit together. The growth had mostly stopped for the time being, but Geordie got the distinct impression that if he didn't figure out this situation soon, he wasn't even going to have even the barest amount of clothing covering himself up! Already, he could feel his bulge starting to strain against the fabric of these undies, fighting to be free from their luxurious confines. And, erf, the fact that Geordie was starting to get a hardon from how nice this growth felt didn't help things either. Those undies were starting to tent out quite a bit, and Geordie could really feel the strain. He needed to change his position to keep from bumping his head up against the ceiling again, though.. *RRRIIP* And ultimately, that was what did the Bigman undies in. As soon as Geordie bent down, he felt a tear in the waistband down the crease of his rear, the fabric soon falling away to the floor just as his other pair did. Finally free of its confines, Geordie's orangish cock flopped out into full view of the wolf, and…*wow*. Even the wolf's huge bulge was not enough for Geordie to truly ascertain how much he had grown down there. His cock had to be at least triple its normal length now, and it had gained quite a bit of girth on top of that! Not to be left out, his balls had swelled up quite a bit as well, dangling between his legs like thick, sloshy pendulums that threatened to touch the floor if Geordie had left those drawers on for even a few more minutes. It was a spectacle that the wolf was woefully unequipped to not indulge in and observe to the fullest! A hand slowly went down to stroke along his hyper shaft, the uncut cock instantly perking up from the stimulation and sending a pleasured tingle right through the wolf's body. That felt good, dangerously good, especially for the location he was in right now! He'd have to hurry back home to deal with this, but there was an obvious problem. He couldn't just sprint naked through the mall, unless he wanted to try outrunning security with that monster dangling between his legs! "Uh. Actually. I'm having a little bit of a problem. Can you, like, get me the biggest size of clothing you can find?" Geordie eventually asked, to nobody in particular; the wolf was just kind of hoping that the lady from earlier was still around to help him! A few awkward seconds of silence past before the wolf heard his response, which thankfully came from a familiar voice. "4XL, got it. Also, you and I are the only ones in the store, so you can come out now." the voice replied, in such a matter-of-fact tone that it made Geordie think that he wasn't the only person this had happened to before! And, honestly, that made the wolf feel a little bit better about all of this. Walking around in the store in the buff, though? With his equipment? That was a bit of a tall order. She did work here, though… So, with quite a bit of hesitation, Geordie slowly creaked open the changing room door, trying his best to not break anything with the monster that was now waving around between his legs. It certainly didn't help matters that smacking it on anything actually felt kind of good, as long as he didn't hit it too hard. At least the erection he had was starting to slowly wilt as he made his way through the store, looking around for the cashier who was helping him through this embarrassing situation! "You can come up to the counter whenever you're ready, I'll ring you up." Oh. Perfect timing. Geordie swung his hips around as he made his way in the direction of that voice, getting more than a bit close to a few clothing racks with his schlong as he walked through the narrow aisles towards the front of the store. Standing at the register was a rather tall, green dragon girl, two rough-looking horns jutting out of the top of her head and through the mop of brown hair that cascaded down her back in the form of a ponytail. As soon as their eyes met, hers immediately descended towards his crotch, eagerly ogling the thickness between Geordie's legs that swayed with every step as he walked up to the counter. "Bigman get you, huh?" the cashier said casually as she lifted up a pile of truly huge clothes onto the sales counter, only reinforcing the implication that this was not the first time she had to deal with an accidental growth spurt! "Eheh...yeah, I guess you could say that." Geordie responded as he slid his credit card across the table, his bundle of now-useless clothing under his arm housing his phone and wallet. "How much is all of this stuff, anyway? And i-is this size...am I gonna have to get used to it?" The cashier calmly took Geordie's card and began to ring him up before responding to his questions. "It'll stick around for a few days, yeah. Depends on how long you left 'em on. Figure you should have a few different outfits for when you wanna wear those, sooo…it's coming to $149.96." Geordie tried his best not to wince as he heard her say the price. "Damn. Well...in that case, I'll take a few pairs of Bigmen, too." the wolf responded...he couldn't hide the fact that his curiosity was a bit piqued by the growth that he had experienced. It would be an awkward few days afterwards trying to fit in his bed and crouching under doorways, but...man, his junk felt really good. It would probably feel even better when he got some alone time to really enjoy it! He couldn't pass up an opportunity like this…but maybe he could stop thinking about it for now, considering that erection was starting to come back. The dragon snickered as she swiped the wolf's card. "Already threw in a few pairs for ya, hun." she responded, her eyes unable to leave Geordie's crotch as his shaft started to slowly twitch back to life...a fact that didn't escape the wolf as his card was slid back across the table with a receipt wrapped around it. The wolf tried his best to keep the warm blush from his face, but of course, the embarrassment only made him harder…! It was like her gaze was willing his erection into existence, so much said with her silence. And so, in a matter of seconds, the wolf felt his shaft bump up against the underside of the sales counter, the stimulation jolting his body a bit as he tried his best to keep his composure for just a few more seconds… "Have a good day.~" the cashier said after she took a few more moments to eye Geordie up, walking away towards the back of the store before turning around and telling the wolf one more thing. "We're about to close, but you can dip into the changing room quickly before you head out." "Okthanksbye-" Geordie responded quickly, tail tucked between his legs as he snatched the clothes off of the counter and ran into the changing room. Thankfully, it seemed like the underwear had a cap on its size effect, so Geordie wouldn't have to worry about even more growth as he slipped the underwear on, then the jeans and shirt he was given...the rough denim wasn't exactly his style, but it would do in a pinch. The wolf finally felt some kind of relief as he stepped out of the changing room, his massive girth now somewhat concealed...though his shaft was still making a bit of that comical bulge along the side of his leg! The cashier was gone when Geordie made his way back to the front of the store. He checked his pockets to make sure he had everything, feeling around before realizing he still had the receipt in there as well. He pulled it out, just about to toss it before he noticed something written on the back. A phone number, along with the message "call me if you wanna try that thing out~" The wolf's eyes bulged, and he felt his pants starting to strain again. He could already start to feel himself thinking with his dick, and it was much harder to ignore with how much bigger it was. He needed to get home and take care of this, now, before he made any rash and horny decisions…!