Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position And feel your body relax More and more deeply Feel yourself sink… Into what ever you are sitting on And feel your mind simply fade away Deeper and deeper As you listen to my words And just Relax now Deeper and deeper You can focus on the spiral Or close your eyes Whichever is best for you which ever helps you to simply Relax now Deeper, and deeper Into trance Listening to my words And just letting everything else Fade away As you feel your body Relaxing And letting go Feel yourself becoming limp And loose Just focus on your breathing Letting yourself body breathe in Slowly and naturally No need to make it longer Or slower Just whatever is comfortable for you. Notice how the air moves through your body In through your nose or mouth Down your throat Filling your lungs Notice your chest and stomach Rising slowly As you inhale And then relax And feel them sinking As the air moves Back out of your body Gently and easily Just allow yourself to breathe And feel how your body relaxes And how your mind focuses More and more With every breath you take Every inhale helps you to feel energized And focused While every exhale Helps you to relax And feel your muscles loosening And sinking Drifting deeper And deeper With every word i say With every breath you take So easily And calmly now Doing so well. … … And as you breathe I want you to imagine In your mind… Your ideal, healthiest version Of you… Notice how your body would look How it would move And how strong and healthy It would be. Maybe this body looks very different From the one you have now, Or maybe it’s only a slight change Whichever it is, it’s ok. Now I want you to keep that ideal Healthy version of yourself In your mind As you start to imagine yourself Exercising. Imagine yourself moving In whatever way you enjoy the most Maybe it’s walking or running Maybe it’s aerobics or martial arts Or maybe it’s strength training, or yoga There is no wrong answer Anything you can do That gets you up And moving Will help you to become healthier And bring you closer And closer To that ideal you. And I want you to imagine yourself Exercising In whatever way you enjoy the most Or think you might like to try next Imagine yourself… Doing that exercise Feel your body moving Your heart pumping Feel the air pulling into your lungs And back out again. At the speed that is right for you. It’s important that you go at your own pace That you give yourself time To get stronger And healthier You should push yourself a little Little by little to do As much, if not just a little more Then you did the day before But don’t over do it. Listen to your body If it wants to stop… Let yourself stop Keep track of how you did Every day… And try to get just a little bit further Every day. Little by little. You can see in your mind As you do these exercises That your body Will slowly But surely Get stronger And faster Healthier, Every time you do the exercises. Become aware of how your moving Making sure to pay attention To the motion of your body Moving the correct way is important. So important… That if you have to slow down, In order to use the proper movement. The proper form… That you can do so. Knowing that speed will come In time… But for now the proper form The proper movement is even more important. And just allow yourself To see yourself… In the future… With the perfect body, Healthy and strong Attractive and fit Feel how good it feels To be able to move Easily and gracefully How strong and healthy You feel. And as you experience this time in the future Look back in time… To this very moment. And realize now… That this was where it all started This was where you started to become healthier And stronger. And realize just how far you’ve come And know that you will get there Because you already have… And as you look back on yourself, From the future… The future where you are perfectly fit and strong Allow yourself to take the feeling Of being strong and healthy with you. And let it guide you as you exercise. When you wake up, You’ll find yourself motivated And eager To exercise. Maybe you already know what you want to do. Maybe you already have a routine that you follow. If you do that's great! But if you don’t know what to do… That's ok too… Just spend some time thinking about what you might Like to try. If you're just starting, start out slow. A walk is a place to start. But if you don’t have a place you can walk You can try other things, Like aerobics Or strength training. Or yoga It’s ok to try different things Seeing what you might like And when you find one Or more That you enjoy You’ll make time so easily… To fit into your day. Knowing every day you exercise You’ll start to feel healthier And stronger Bringing you closer and closer To that future point Where you have achieved the perfect Healthy you. To help you out, I’ll leave a few links In the description of the video To some video that can help you get started. And when you have your choosen exercise. As soon as you start to do it. Whether it’s your first time trying it. Or an exercise you do regularly You’ll find yourself Slipping back Back into trance Mind focusing deeply And completely On the proper form of the exercise On the proper speed Making sure not to take it too easy But also not to push too hard Finding the perfect balance For you, and your body And when you're done. Be sure to take some time to rest. Too cool down And be sure to eat healthy Lean meats And veggies Whatever you like is fine Start small And try every day to eat just a little bit healthier Be sure also To drink water. Especially after a workout. And most important of all Be sure to enjoy what you're doing. Finding that the more you exercise The healthier you begin to feel. And the healthier you feel The more you start to enjoy exercising. Very good Now simply relax And imagine yourself Exercising In whatever way you would like to try Imagine yourself doing the motions Perfectly Easily Taking special care to do the motions properly Notice how your body moves And how every motion makes you feel Stronger, Healthier And happier And simply imagine yourself exercising now. Until you’re ready to wake up. When you are ready, Simply take a deep breath And open your eyes. Relaxed and calm Until then. Simply rest And imagine exercising, Nailing down your technique In your mind… Now…