“Oh, come on Peach, mum doms us all the time…” “No! It’s not the same sis. Mum tops, she does not dominate and… mmmph!” “As if that makes a difference you little slut. Mmm, yeah, right there… on my clit… that’s it” *gasp* “Hey! I’m serious, April!” “Okay, okay, I get it. You got a little crush, hm?” *pout* “Don’t be like that, trying to get something off my chest here.” “Aawww, I’m sorry little bro. Here, come up, snuggle in. Now, tell your big sister: what was so special about her, about them?” “Well, as I said, mum tops. But this mistress, Kimi, she just commanded(!) the place, outright exuded dominance. It was like the whole club stopped to watch, all focus on her and her plaything.” “Uh huh? And who was that?” “Mari, ripped femboyish futa, pierced puffy little breasts, expensive looking latex stockings, sleeves, under-tits demi top, pointy claws for nails. Oh, and both had this page bob haircut, mirroring each other, white and black. Same with the nails, the piercings matched too, come to think of it.” “Ooh! So they had style, eh?” “Heh, as if you would know anything about that, you trashy bitch…” “Hey!” “Ow!” “Do you know how expensive it is to look this cheap, huh!” “Fine, fine! Anyway, the whole club just hushed down, and they parted the crowd, Moses-Red-Sea-style. Mari came first, walked out to the center display-table and got on it. Not a word or a single command from Miss Kimi, instead just laid down, spread legs and cupped those pretty tits, presenting the hole for her.” “Oh, nice! Gotta love a good slut…” *sigh* “You still don’t get it sis, it was not whorish or slutty, it was gorgeous! Yeah, I know Moon is a brothel but this was just… different.” “Oh my, Peach, were you falling for them? You know it’s what they do, right? They make you feel things, it’s their fucking job!” “I don’t care, April! What the hell does it matter when it’s so beautiful!” “Now, now, settle down little brother. Here, enhance your calm…” “Mmm… phew. Thanks. Anyway, I envied Mari, I really did. ‘Cause when Miss Kimi got up on the table and began to tease that hole with the strap, raking nails over delicious futa-cock, I was whining just as much as Mari. I could feel every touch of those sharp claws.” “Sure you had not just had a little too much of the good stuff, hm?” “No! Well, probably(!) not. And still: don’t care. I just had to get in closer and watch.” “Do they allow guests up on that stage?” “People are well behaved, they don’t intrude. But I could get to the edge; had an awesome view from there.” “So, what happened?” “Miss Kimi did everything meticulously, knew how to play her sub like an instrument. Stroking with perfectly manicured hands, until Mari was rock hard. Fucking both lovingly and demandingly with a that thick strap. Kissing feet so sensually, and tugging at the piercings. And every time Mari was getting close to cumming, she only needed a look or a little motion to catch their gaze; did not even need to say ‘not yet’ to hold up that orgasm. And everyone could feel it, the whole floor would just give out this deep groan in denial.” “Did you feel it too?” “The fuck you think I did. Had to let my cock out and hide it under the edge of the stage or I would’ve soaked my shorts through with precum.” “Heh, you’re leaking pretty good now too.” “Oh shush you, I can smell your pussy from here sis, don’t try to play coy with me.” “Touché…” “Anyway, the best part was when — suddenly — Miss Kimi just looked at me. Without warning, she turned, like she knew I was there the whole time.” “Maybe she just knows a good subby slut when she sees one.” “Yeah, well, have you ever had that feeling, someone puts their gaze at you and your knees give out?” “I feel like that before any footlong cock, but I take it that’s not what you mean.” “Muscle memory does not count. This was just… wham! I was totally starstruck, goosebumps all over. Then, without missing a beat while fucking Mari, she looked down at my collar, smiled, and purred ‘I like that…’ I honestly don’t know how I didn’t explode right there. Her voice was just liquid eroticism, and her look made me unable to speak.” “Whoa, someone can get my little brother to stand speechless? Well now, she really got under your skin, didn’t she.” “Mm hm, my little hole both clenched and opened at the same time, I caught myself shivering, panting, tongue almost hanging out. I so much wanted to be on that stage!” “Did she let you up?” “No…” “Aaww…” “...instead she bent over Mari, whispered something. Next thing I knew, they're on all fours, looking right into my eyes while Miss Kimi slid back into their ass.” “2-vs-1 eyefucking you huh. How unfair…” “Unf, yeah…” “So, how did it end?” “The DJ turned on the music again, the other brothel servants came on the floor, began picking up the guests, all piqued to the brim with arousal.” “What about you? Did you grab someone for yourself?” “No. I wanted her. I wanted them both.” “And did they let you?” “No, Miss Kimi just winked at me, then took Mari and retreated, leaving me hanging.” “Mmm, I like that. Classy move, ensuring you will come back, like a good puppy-boy.” “I’m not that easy!” “Peach, my dear little brother: I can see it on you. You’re just waiting for the club to open again, and you are so(!) going to see them again, don’t even try to deny it.” “Hrumph…” “Well?” “I guess…”