THE BIG TITS CLUB by bluedragon ( **** -- CHAPTER 56: Love -- **** Sam and I were silent as I drove us home… without Zofi. Our plan to pack up some of Zofi’s belongings and move her into the spare bedroom with Sam had gone out the window once her dad had shown us the photo of her mom and her mom’s “first love”. Zofi of course wanted to talk to her mom to get the story, and her mom wasn’t about to say a word about it with me and Sam in the house, hence the change in plans. In fact, Sam and I remained silent for the entire ten-minute drive home. It wasn’t until I parked in the garage and switched off the engine that she turned to me and asked, “What do you think is gonna happen?” “I don’t know.” I exhaled slowly and attempt to collect my jumbled thoughts. “What do you think happened between Zofi’s mom and… Maja?” Sam nodded slowly. “Well if this Maja was her mom’s first love and all that, clearly Zofi and her mom have a lot more in common in terms of sexuality than we originally thought. I mean, I *always* knew her mom disapproved of how close we were. I’m sure she sniffed out that we were practicing kissing and then… well… doing a LOT more than just kissing. She never went so far as to say anything negative in front of me, but I got the evil eye more than a few times. It’s why Zofi and I usually spent time at my house.” “You think Zofi’s mom is a closet lesbian?” Sam pursed her lips. “I think she’s at least bisexual, if her first love was a girl. But for all we know, she might be a straight up 50/50. At the very least, we know for sure she’s not a hundred percent gay – her love for Zofi’s dad is very clear. They make a great couple.” “Zofi’s not a hundred percent gay either, obviously.” I sighed. “Still didn’t stop her from breaking up with me.” “Wait, WHAT?!?” I glanced over at Sam and waved my hand. “Oh, forgot neither of us had time to tell you. When Zofi and I went up into my room to talk just before driving over to her house, she broke up with me.” “WHAT?!?” Sam’s eyes were huge, almost as big as her gaping mouth. I gestured for her to calm down. “Relax, it’s cool. We talked about it.” “It’s _cool_?!?” I gave her a stern look and waited, silently, for Sam to visibly calm down. She didn’t like it at first, and gave me the evil eye a bit. Sam really was a control freak, and at the moment it must’ve certainly felt like she had no control over anything. But eventually she took a deep breath, folded her arms over her bounteous chest, and jutted her lower jaw forward while staring straight out the front windshield at the back wall of my garage. “She tried. She tried one last time to ‘be straight’. She walked me into my room, gave me an intensely passionate kiss like her life depended on it, and poured all of her love for me into it. Like, if she could just find it somewhere deep inside herself to be straight enough to marry me, then everything would be alright in the world, right?” Sam frowned and gave me a regretful look. “And when she couldn’t, she broke up with you.” “It’s really not that big a deal,” I explained with a shrug. “Coming out to her parents last night was a huge thing for her. She said she still loves me, but for her own sake she wants to stop pretending she could ever be straight, and part of that means giving up the pretense of being my girlfriend. I mean, we both agree that our relationship means more than ordinary friendship. But at the same time, I’m never going to have the kind of intimate, romantic relationship with her that I’d want with… well… with you.” Sam blushed and glanced at me for a moment, a silly smile on her face before she turned to look out the windshield again. “It’s not like I don’t have enough girlfriends at the moment, and for her it was just an empty title, you know? Plus, Zofi taking a step back from our physical relationship can benefit the rest of you, right?” “Step back? She’s still gonna keep fucking you, isn’t she?” I winced and took a deep breath. Sam’s eyes and mouth both got really big again. “She’s gonna STOP?!?” “Zofi’s gay, Sam. Sex with me doesn’t give her the visceral thrill it gives you or Neevie or any of the others. Now true, I prided myself on still giving her enough stimulation both physically and mentally that she’d orgasm, but at the end of the day having sex with me, for her, was more akin to giving me a blowjob. It was a selfless act of giving for my sake more than about mutual pleasure. And when she put it that way, I told her she’d NEVER be obligated to have sex with me again.” “So she’s just gonna STOP?!?” “Not entirely.” I shrugged. “I mean, she said she still loves the thrill of feeling me ‘fertilize’ her.” “Or at least she did until Beverly walked in on you two. Maybe it traumatized her or something.” I waved off that idea. “Zofi said we’d still hook up for special occasions or other times when she was in the mood, but not anytime soon. Right now, she genuinely wants to focus on accepting herself as a homosexual and feeling comfortable with that path forward. She’s serious about never touching another man for the rest of her life, accepting that she’s never going to have the kind of family her pare…” My voice trailed off as my own words hit me. “Well… *damn*.” “What?” I furrowed my forehead, focusing hard and trying to ensure this little kernel of an idea didn’t slip away. “What if Zofi’s mom really IS just as gay as Zofi is? What if Zofi’s dad is basically like me: the man who accepted her the way she was and was willing to marry her even though she was a lesbian at heart? I mean, if none of the rest of the BTC was around, and it was just me and Zofi, living in a conservative, Catholic world where homosexuality was absolutely forbidden… I’m just saying, I could see myself marrying her to protect her.” Sam mused on that. “It makes sense. At the same time, we have no idea what Zofi’s mum’s actual sexuality is. For all we know, she’s ninety-nine percent straight and this ‘first love’ bit was just a couple of fifteen-year-old girls practicing kissing for the boys they actually wanted to date.” “Maybe,” I admitted. “But I think my explanation fits her mom’s moral outrage a little better. If she was a regular straight woman who had grown up conservative, I’d think she’d be less… angry… you know? It just makes sense in my head better that Zofi’s mom spent years brainwashing herself with the idea that her lesbian urges were a one-way ticket to eternal damnation. Zofi told me her mom lost her virginity when she was fifteen, and got *excited* when Zofi asked her for birth control. That kind of moral paradox with her Catholic upbringing screams out to me that she was taking extreme measures to prove to herself she wasn’t gay, and she’s been fighting her true nature for her entire adult life.” Sam was nodding slowly. “Maybe you’re right. But what does that mean for Zofi?” “Does the fact that she went through the same confusion about her sexuality hurt or help Zofi, you mean?” “Yeah. Either Zofi and her dad confronting her about Maja wakes her up a bit to the fact that we’re not in Poland, that in America being a lesbian doesn’t automatically make her an outcast of society…” “Or it makes her dig in her heels even harder, saying, ‘I got over my sinful urges and made a very happy life for myself with your father and now you have to, too.’” Sam grimaced. “Is it just me, or does that second outcome seem a lot more likely?” Just then, we heard the sounds of a car pulling into my driveway behind us, following by a short squeak of wheels braking. I glanced up at my rearview mirror to look out through the still-open garage door and realized Zofi was parking her car just behind us. I gave Sam a glum look. “Looks like we have our answer.” **** Mother surveyed the four girls dressed in their pajamas in our family room and sighed. “Maybe you should just invite Naimh, Alice, and Holly to move in for the summer.” Zofi and Mari exchanged a look, and both sat up straight. Zofi was the first to stammer apologetically, “If we’re imposing--” “It was a joke,” Mother interrupted, holding her hand up to forestall any further comment. “Please, ladies, this is your sanctuary. You are welcome here for as long as is necessary.” “Thank you,” Mari said sweetly. She was dressed in one of my t-shirts and a pair of Sam’s shorts, her massive rack and bubble butt stretching both articles to the max. Unlike Zofi, she hadn’t made any attempt to go home and collect her belongings. Zofi, on the other hand, was dressed in her own pajamas. Despite me and Sam leaving the house, her attempts to get the true story about Maja out of her mom had been unsuccessful. In the end, she’d gone to quickly pack a bag and told her mom, “I’m not moving back in until you’re ready to admit the truth.” Her mom retorted that she’d kicked Zofi out of the house anyway, so Zofi left, hence her arrival in my driveway so soon after Sam and I had come home. Zofi and her mom were now at a stalemate that I sincerely hoped wouldn’t last as long as it had for Sam, but for now at least, I knew we had another indefinite houseguest. At least we didn’t have to go to school tomorrow. It would be Memorial Day, which technically counted as a “weekend”, at least as Belle overnights went (not that Belle didn’t just stay over on random weeknights as well). The five of us stayed up playing card games like Uno and Skip-Bo, semi-mindless activities to keep our minds off our troubles. Nobody was in a particularly sexy mood, and in the end Sam and Zofi bid us goodnight and went into Sam’s bedroom while Belle and Mari came into mine. We found Mari a wrapped free toothbrush I’d been given at my last visit to the dentist, cleaned ourselves up for the night, and fell into bed together. Mari made for a truly excellent teddy bear, and I cuddled her closely on my right while Belle pillowed her head on the left side of my chest. Mari even slipped my hand beneath her t-shirt and planted my palm on a big breast. And thus comfortably situated, the three of us drifted off to sleep. The next thing I knew, I was soaring through the air, high up in the clouds. Rather than wispy immaterial fluffs of condensed water, the clouds themselves were made of cotton and substantial enough to support my weight when I landed on one. My shoulders ached a little from the exertion of flapping, and I rolled my neck around to stretch it out, which included turning my head a hundred and eighty degrees to look back at my own feathery black tail. Not that I was perturbed to find myself with a feathery black tail; it seemed completely normal at the time. Feeling refreshed from my brief respite, I took to the air once more and soared down from the heavens, gliding to another stop high in a tree. Four pretty birds already roosted within: an orange bird with green highlights, a brown bird, a yellow bird with a brown belly, and a blue bird. Soon, a red bird, a purple bird, and a lime green bird darted in, the three of them swirling around me but none of them landing. I chirped at them, inviting them to join us. The red one did come in to land on the branch beside me, and we rubbed our beaks together and cheeped happily. The purple bird hovered like a hummingbird in midair just in front of me, reached out a wing, and gave me what amounted to an avian high-five before fluttering off. And the lime green bird disappeared shortly after. The brown bird and the blue bird then lifted off from their branches, tweeting at me mournfully before flying off in different directions, and I felt a deep sadness sinking over me. The three birds still nearby – red, orange, and yellow – cheeped at me a little reproachfully. I felt guilty, but I still missed green, blue, purple, and brown. And while I continued to wallow in my misery, red, orange, and yellow all lifted off the branch and took off into the sky. Panicked, I leaped after them, only then I realized I wasn’t a bird anymore. I had transformed into a rodent of some kind, with a long, worm-like tail and big, gnashing front teeth. And I couldn’t fly. Wind rushed past as I endlessly fell. There was no ground beneath me, no soft grass. I couldn’t even see the tree anymore, just a black empty void. I tried to scream but no sound came out. In space, no one can hear you scream. But space was full of stars, and this was just black emptiness. Or was it? Dimly, I became aware of pinpricks of light, faint at first but growing steadily brighter. One of them came close, a tiny ball of burning hydrogen that nevertheless was bigger than my foot, which had magically turned back into a bird’s three-toed foot. If I was a bird, I could fly again, right? Only there was no air, and with no air a bird’s wing couldn’t fly. So I continued to fall, but at least this time I fell onto that nearby ball of burning hydrogen. It stopped my fall, and I balanced like a martial arts expert balancing atop a wooden fencepost like in the movies. I have no idea how my bird body managed the position, but… well… it made perfect sense at the time. But I was still perched on a tiny, glowing… steppingstone… of sorts, in this vast void of space. I wobbled, tilting, about to lose my balance. Below me there were no more stars, just an eternity of black abyss. But beside me? Yes, there was another steppingstone. Giving a great heave I pushed off my one leg and reached for the next steppingstone star. I made it, just barely, once again balancing on one three-toed bird foot. I jumped again… and again… and again… I wasn’t entirely sure where I was going, although I was certain I couldn’t remain where I was. Every time I thought I was finding balance, I’d start wobbling again, and the choices were clear: Jump. Or fall. So I jumped. Not that I jumped randomly. I knew there was… *something*… out there. A direction. A goal. Happiness? Comfort? Love. Love still scared me, and as I flinched away from the idea, I lost my balance. Too late, I tried to push off my steppingstone and reach for another, but I could already tell I wouldn’t make it. I felt myself falling into the empty black abyss, but just before I did, something sharp and painful tugged at my butt. I felt myself elevating rather than falling, confused by the sudden reversal of gravity. Of course, out in the vastness of space, there shouldn’t have been any gravity pulling me down in the first place, but whatever. It made perfect sense at the time. What did NOT make sense was the fact that I wasn’t falling, and I turned my head around a hundred and eighty degrees to find a black cat with pale green eyes biting my tail feathers. For a moment, I panicked, thinking I was about to be eaten. Doom Kitty had come to end me. But then I felt the steadiness of a steppingstone beneath my foot, and when the pain in my ass evaporated, I glanced back and saw the orange bird with green highlights standing by my side instead. On my other side, the red bird came back and held my hand. _Hey, I have hands again!_ Finally, the yellow bird with the brown belly returned as well. Together, the four of us jumped. And we FLEW. **** Heat. Pressure. Pleasure. Something felt GOOD. I wasn’t asleep anymore, but neither was I awake. Instead, I hovered on a different plane of existence, between here and there. This wasn’t a dream, and I wasn’t a bird, but I wasn’t alone. Nor was I awake. Heat. Pressure. Pleasure. Something felt REALLY good. Somebody moaned. Was it me? It kind of sounded like me. But it also came from a place so far away and distant, like the echoes of an exploding star that died a hundred thousand years ago but whose light and radiation were only reaching us now. Heat. Pressure. Pleasure. So, so fucking good. Another moan, but this one wasn’t me. It was closer, and yet higher, not only in elevation but also in pitch. It was almost a whimper, a gasp, or even just an exhaled breath. But it wasn’t me. I wasn’t alone. Nor was I awake. Heat. Pressure. Pleasure. Incredibly good. I felt the pillow behind my head, supporting me. My face lolled to one side, and I could feel my mouth hanging open. I may have been drooling, and the simple embarrassment at that idea threatened to fully pull me from my doldrums. But it didn’t. My arms were flung back, my right wrist and hand against the headboard, my left forearm on the pillow beside me. It was a pillow that had been occupied last night, but no longer. Had she left me? No. I knew that I wasn’t alone. Nor was I awake. Heat. Pressure. Pleasure. Almost TOO good. My abs clenched and released of their own accord. I wasn’t thrusting, not exactly. More like I was reacting. It was an involuntary movement. It was an unconscious movement. Because I wasn’t awake, you see. I could feel my balls tensing, the density within them building. Too much heat. Too much pressure. Too much pleasure. I wouldn’t last long. The only question was: would I awake in time to really enjoy it? She was on top of me, that much I now knew. I still wasn’t thrusting, but nor did I need to. She was doing all the work, humping her body up and down, up and down, over and over and over again. She was the one moaning, not me. Sometimes her moans were deep and guttural, as if my hard prick penetrating her inner depths was knocking the wind out of her. Other times her whimpers and breathy panting were quite cute and dainty. But there was absolutely no doubt that I was getting ridden hard, and ridden well. Because there was so much heat. So much pressure. So much pleasure. Too much. “Matty! Matty! Matty!” she moaned, her own pleasure reaching its zenith. “Holy FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKK!!! FUCK! *FUCK!!!*” I was coming. I hadn’t come yet, but I was coming. Too much heat. Too much pressure. Too much pleasure. I couldn’t take it anymore, and the bottled-up ecstasy just exploded out of me. Like a star going supernova. My eyes flew open, and all at once I could see my Angel’s face above me. Her hands were pressed to the sides of her head, squeezing tight while she clenched her eyes shut and went absolutely apeshit on top of me. Her massive 36 Double-D tits bounced and gyrated and wobbled as she thrashed in the throes of an absolutely incredible climax. Her best friend straddled my legs just behind her, right hand reaching around to diddle my luscious Latina’s clit while her left hand jammed three slender digits into Mari’s spasming wet box. My bodaciously busty babe with the body built for sex had my engorged cock fully imbedded up her ass, and she was cornholing the hell out of herself like it was our last day on Earth. I’d never woken up to find myself fucking a girl’s ass before, and for half a second I panicked Sam would somehow get mad at me for letting someone else be “first”. But then any worries like that got washed away by the overwhelming pleasure of my luscious Latina banging her butthole up and down my dick. When she saw that my eyes had opened, she promptly bent forward to mash her massive tits in my face, continuing to slam my sausage through her sphincter and up her backdoor chute while smothering me in spectacular mammary flesh. All-consuming ecstasy flooded my brain then, overpowering my conscious mind and flooding my synapses, accompanied by the diluvial torrent of jism I’d started spraying all over the inner walls of Mari’s colon. I had no sense of space or time anymore as I groaned and grunted and arched my back while thrusting upwards like Mount Vesuvius, staccato bursts of fire peppering out of me like a whole field of landmines going up in rapid sequence. I’m losing the metaphor a bit but you get the idea that I had an absolutely incredible orgasm that erupted out of me so hard that I blacked out again. No, seriously. I blacked out. **** Heat. Not so much pressure. Still some residual pleasure. I was not alone. Nor was I awake. At least until Mari bent over me, cooed in my ear, and started kissing me. I snorted and jerked and looked up at her through bleary eyes. “Holy shit, Angel,” I grunted. “What the hell did you do to me?” She giggled and pecked my nose. “Good morning, boyfriend. Did you like your wake-up call?” “Hell yes. You’re gonna kill me if you do that more often, but what a wonderful way to go,” I wheezed. Still in a daze, I muttered half to myself, “Outfuck the entire BTC if she wanted to…” Belle started tapping on Mari’s shoulder as she complained rather petulantly, “Hurry up and get off! Matty’s Little Cumslut is HUNGRY!” Mari and I both just laughed. **** “You know you’re more than welcome to stay,” I intoned seriously while smoothly but firmly running my hands up and down Mari’s naked back. She lay face-down on Matty’s Chair, the strings of the bikini top she’d borrowed from Sam undone and draped over the sides to give me unfettered access for my massage. Her massive tits crushed beneath her chest bulged out quite nicely, making it nearly impossible for me to NOT cop a feel every time I stroked her sides. She still wore the bikini bottoms, but they amounted to little more than dental floss on the back side, so unfettered access wasn’t really a problem. With a forlorn sigh that had nothing to do with my backrub, Mari muttered, “Tempting as it is, I’m not going to move in here permanently, or even temporarily. I crashed last night because I needed a night away from my parents - to get over how upset my mom made me. But I need to go home and talk it over with her.” “Then let me come with you.” “I already told you ‘no’. This is something I need to do on my own.” “She’s not gonna change her mind,” Belle drawled from the lounge chair beside us. She was topless, letting her naked breasts get a little sun to avoid tan lines, pert pale pink nipples so mouthwateringly juicy. “From her point of view, there’s nothing you can say that will make her think she’s wrong.” “She’s *not* wrong,” Mari said. “Isn’t she?” I asked. Mari sighed. “I totally get where she’s coming from. All her life she had a certain path laid out for her, one that involved getting married young and popping out babies. When she was young, getting a quality guy before all the quality guys already got taken was the priority, and she’s always been frustrated at me not following in her footsteps as it were. And even though she can see the financial advantage of me forging my own career, she’s afraid I’m going to end up _quedada_, left over. She’s warned me about becoming _la solterona_ of my cousins, the spinster. ‘What good is money if you have no one to share it with?’, y’know?” “If you get rich you can always come share it with me,” Belle laughed. “Me, too,” I added immediately as well. Mari turned her head and glanced back at me. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Me coming right back into your arms after four years and picking up like we’d never left off.” “Of course. I wouldn’t mind waking up with my dick in your ass every other week for the rest of my life.” Mari snorted at that and sighed again. Shaking her head sadly, she muttered, “I can’t just save myself for you, Matty. Not for four years.” I paused my rubbing, my palms conveniently on her ass, and I leaned forward to look her in the eyes, saying in a heartfelt voice, “I would never ask you to.” She melted a little. “I love you, Matty.” “I love you too.” “But you don’t love me like I love you. Not like you love Sam or Belle or Neevie.” I sighed. “That has everything to do with me and nothing to do with you.” “Doesn’t it? I know damn well I don’t surrender anything to them in the sex department. That means it’s either my looks or my personality.” “You are _gorgeous_.” “Not Sam gorgeous. Not Neevie gorgeous.” “Miss ‘Most Gorgeous Thing I’ve Ever Seen’,” Belle muttered with a hint of bitterness. I rubbed my forehead. “I am NEVER going to live that one down, am I?” “Oh, we’ll all hold it against you for the rest of your life, yes,” Belle confirmed. I looked at Mari steadily. “It has nothing to do with your looks.” “Then it’s my personality… or lack thereof,” she sighed with a shrug. “My mom’s right. Maybe if I’d been more of a flirtatious, confident guy-chaser I would’ve had a chance to have you.” I frowned. “You would – scratch that – you ARE an amazing girlfriend. You are so sweet and caring and loyal, PLUS you’re phenomenal in the sack. You’re still the BJ Queen of the BTC, and I am a lucky, lucky man to be here with you *right now*. I absolutely LOVE snuggling with you in bed. This ass…” I spanked both cheeks lightly, “is outrageously awesome. You’re the total package. I mean that.” “Then why have you never given the idea of being with me… for *real… a second thought?” “I HAVE given it a second thought, and a third thought, and more. I’m gonna be honest: for years I never gave you a *first* thought. You were so shy and hesitant that I never wanted to scare you off, even while all of the others were pushing boundaries. And then even once we got started, you were so gung-ho about the Team Belle thing. Neevie was always plain about her desire to be with me, so it was easy to contemplate being with her. Belle made her love – and her jealousy – pretty clear as well. And even though Sam told me she didn’t want a romantic relationship, she simultaneously told me how much she loved me and wanted to give in to her emotions. But you spent so much time insisting you had no further designs on me that… well… can you really blame me for believing you?” “I know, I know, I’m not being fair right now. I told you for years I wasn’t interested in that kind of relationship. Then again, Sam was pretty insistent she wasn’t interested in that kind of relationship but you two still ended up together.” I glanced over at the pool, where Sam and Zofi were sunning themselves face-down. They both wore sunglasses, but their heads were also turned toward us, so I had to assume they were listening. “Sam insisted she didn’t want to be with me while simultaneously telling me she was totally in love and wanted to be with me. You, on the other hand? All I had was, ‘Team Belle!’” I pumped my fist in the air for emphasis. She sighed. “My mom’s right. I’m not aggressive enough to get a real quality guy.” “Your mom is dead wrong. You can’t base your entire romantic future on an admittedly too-crazy-to-be-real situation where your five best friends are all hooking up with the same guy. At the very least, your ratio is about to dramatically improve. You’re going to a tech school with a three-to-one male-female ratio. You’re stunningly beautiful, you’ve got an awe-inspiring rack, and your body is built for sex. You’re NEVER gonna have to be a guy-chaser. All the guys at that school will be chasing YOU.” Mari mused on that. “That *IS* a pleasant thought.” “And not just any guys - *Caltech* guys. Intelligent guys with good prospective futures.” “Socially-inept guys who got picked on by jocks and won’t know how to string two sentences together around a girl with big tits, much less know what to do with my body built for sex if they actually managed to get my panties off.” “Well, some of them, maybe,” I conceded. “But in that situation, you can afford to be picky. Find someone who will care about you for more than your hot body and big boobs. Find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved, someone who’s the total package and truly worthy of you. Because I want you to realize that--” “That while I may be nothing more than Girlfriend #6 in the BTC, I may very well be in the top one percentile of girls at Caltech.” Mari rolled up onto her right shoulder and arched an eyebrow at me. The position also bared her big boobs as she posed prettily with her left hand on her bent left leg. My jaw dropped, less at her nudity than at her comment. “The top one percentile at Caltech thing I’ll agree with, but please don’t ever think you’re nothing more than Girlfriend #6. I don’t rank you.” She waved me off rather than try to argue. With a sigh, she muttered, “I already found someone who’s the total package and truly worthy of me. But he loves my best friend… AND two more of my best friends.” I tilted my head to the side and gave her an apologetic look. “I DO love you.” “I know you do. Not like you love them, but I know you do.” She sat up, not bothering to re-fasten her bikini top. “I think it’s time that I went home to give my mom a piece of my mind. I’ll remind her of the Caltech male-female ratio, too.” I smiled and nodded. “But not just yet,” she added. “The BJ Queen of the BTC thinks it’s been FAR too long since she had your dick in her throat, and we need to fix that *right now*.” So we fixed it. Reclining back on Matty’s Chair watching a topless Mari slam her entire face down on my dick over-and-over again with no gag reflex was almost as awesome as the morning’s anal alarm clock, especially since Belle decided to get in some deep-throating practice with her as well. Almost as awesome. I mean… anal alarm clock, y’know? But still. Pretty awesome. In the end, Mari had me stand up while she wrapped her marvelous melons around my iron-hard cock and tittyfucked me until I blew all over her face, neck, and chin. Matty’s Little Cumslut was eagerly on hand to help lick it up, and the girls moaned happily while exchanging cum-coated tongue-teasing kisses. Afterwards, they both got cleaned up and a fully-dressed Mari came back out to give me a quick kiss goodbye before driving home. I grabbed her hand before she left and gave her a serious look. “You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” “Relax.” She gave me a confident nod and a warm smile. “I got this.” I grinned and nodded. “Call me tonight, alright?” “Call you?” Mari smirked. “It’s Mari Monday Night, right? I’ll be back in a few hours with a proper overnight bag.” I blinked in surprise. “I forgot that. I’m sorry.” She laughed. “No need to apologize. The Monday night thing is still new. It’s just that you came in my ass this morning and all over my face a minute ago. I need you blasting deep in my pussy tonight to complete the trifecta.” I grinned again. “Sounds like a plan.” She kissed me again and left. **** As it turned out, the little reminder of Caltech’s three-to-one male-female ratio really did work wonders for changing Mari’s mom’s mind about the whole situation, as did the idea that the school would be full of socially-inept nerds with high-earning job potential who would be blown away by a bodaciously buxom babe like her Mariangel. Her mom didn’t exactly apologize or anything, but Mari said she was at least less badgering than usual. And she was also allowed to keep sharing me with Belle for now. Mari did get her trifecta that night, and I slept quite well hugging my Mari bear. I didn’t wake up in the morning to find my dick lodged all the way up her ass, but I did wake up in the morning to find my dick lodged all the way in her throat. My angel climbed aboard, went for a ride, and the pulled off at the last minute to swallow my load. “Anal, facial, vaginal, oral: is there such thing as a ‘quadfecta’?” she mused speculatively after drinking down every last drop. My eyeballs were still rolling around like marbles in my skull from the force of my ejaculation, and I wheezed, “I dunno. You’re the genius in this relationship, right?” We got up, got dressed, and got ready for school. Passionate moans floated out from behind Sam’s bedroom door, and the two of us chuckled all the way down the stairs. Mother was in the kitchen making breakfast, and she greeted Mari politely while I jerked a thumb upstairs and said, “Sam and Zofi are gonna be a while longer.” Mother smirked knowingly and nodded. She made two plates of food for us and then covered the saucepan with a lid to keep the rest warm. When Sam and Zofi did arrive they were holding hands and positively giggly. I was pretty sure they were playing footsie under the table, and I smirked and shook my head at their antics. Mari started playing footsie with me as well, and I went out of my way to flirt back and shower her with extra attention for what little time we had. When it was time for school, Belle walked over and joined us, and I found my minivan pretty full with her, Mari, Sam, and Zofi all riding with me. Yeah, Mari wouldn’t be spending the night again, but her Tuesday afternoon routine was still to study with Belle, so she might as well leave her car here, ride with us, and then drive home in the afternoon. Alice, Naimh, and Holly all met us at the parking lot and come over to us as soon as we stepped onto the curb. My Korean babe best friend/girlfriend gave me a fist bump and a quick peck, and I noticed she now sported purple streaks in her hair. But before I could comment, my Irish redhead girlfriend tried to crawl inside my skin and gave me a much fiercer kiss. Holly had gotten hair re-done over the weekend, and my newest girlfriend topped both of the previous two by jumping into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist, and cramming her tongue down my throat. Then she refused to step down, gnawing on my ear whispering in a dirty voice, “Personal Slut needs your dick jamming into all three of her holes this afternoon.” I realized it was Tuesday and immediately glanced over at Alice. My buddy leaned into my ear and murmured, “I got the other five, but I haven’t slurped a creampie out of Holly yet.” I pretty much popped a boner then and there. Thankfully, non-sexual physical exertion would knock that down. We all needed to get to class, but Holly still didn’t want to step down. So in the end, I negotiated to give her a piggyback ride and flipped around my backpack to my chest instead. People gawked and stared as I walked in through the gate not only because seven gorgeous teen babes were accompanying me, but also because on my back I had a pretty girl with red, white, and blue hair (American colors for Memorial Day, I guess? Although the colors were bright enough to look like a Bomb Pop popsicle). In the end, though, we really did need to split off and go to separate classes. Holly gnawed on my earlobe for a little bit from behind me before stepping down and giving me an almost chaste kiss. “Catch ya later, boyfriend,” she called with a pixie wink and then spun on one heel, sashaying happily down the hall. I watched her go, and especially watch her pert ass sway back and forth, sighing a sigh of disbelief at the situation I’d found myself in. _I’ve got SEVEN hot girlfriends,_ I said to myself. I’d had seven hot girlfriends since Prom, but I still had trouble wrapping my head around that truth. _It won’t last forever,_ I also said to myself. _Clock is ticking. Enjoy it while it lasts._ **** With the idea of enjoying it while it lasted, I… well… I’d definitely enjoyed myself this afternoon. And from the sounds Alice and Holly had made for close to two hours, I had to assume they’d enjoyed themselves as well. The girls had wasted no time upon arriving at my front door right after school. Alice hadn’t bothered to change outfits from “school casual” to her version of “geek chic”. Her clothes were already coming off as she came in the door, leaving an obvious trail that ran the length of the hallway between the foyer and the family room. Holly’s clothes didn’t come off quite as fast. She was otherwise occupied, having vaulted herself into my arms not unlike the way she’d done in the parking lot this morning. Like a remora she latched onto me and started sucking on my tongue with her legs wrapped around my waist, and she stayed that way the entire time I carried her over to the big couch. Alice was buck naked and ready for action by the time Holly finally let go and climbed out of my lap so she could strip off her clothes as well. My horny Korean bestie didn’t kiss me right away, choosing to mash my face in her melons and jiggle her chest to make her mammary flesh repeatedly slap my cheeks from either side. I finally managed to grab her shoulders and keep her still long enough to suck an erect little nipple into my mouth and start sucking away while she patted my head and smirked down at me. Only then did we finally come together for a fierce kiss that was more hungry than intimate. Actually, “hungry” is an apt descriptor for the entire afternoon. The three of us were just plain horny, ravenous for pleasure, and we weren’t shy about going after it. It started with both girls hungrily going after my dick as soon as they could strip my shorts off me. Holly knelt on the floor sucking my balls while Alice knelt on the couch cushion beside me bobbing her head up and down my shaft. Holly then took over cramming my dick into her throat, gagging herself audibly and flashing me pixie winks while doing so, at least when Alice wasn’t otherwise occupying my face with more kisses. The two of them then gnawed on either side of my shaft at the same time, working their way upwards before meeting in a hot and spicy kiss that was more for my benefit than theirs, given the way they kept glancing at me. And then they traded places with Alice taking over testicle-licking duties while Holly climbed onto the couch and started polishing my knob. “Ohhh… shiiiiiit…” I groaned while slumped back a minute later, watching Holly’s red-white-and-blue-haired head bob up and down in my lap. She looked downward, concentrating not only her blowjob, but also on the sensations she was getting from behind. Rather than kneel on the cushion beside me, the girl with the crazy hair colors was bent over the armrest and giving me my blowjob sideways and using the fingers of her right hand to tickle my balls. Meanwhile, Alice squatted beside the couch, grabbing Holly’s hips with her tongue evidently buried in the other girl’s twat. And that’s when the girls started getting REALLY crazy. “Come fuck me this way,” Alice insisted while flipping herself upside-down on the couch cushion to my left. The back of her head and shoulders were planted on the cushion while her ass was atop the backrest and her legs waved in the air. “We’ve never done it *this* way before.” I blinked, glanced down at Holly, who shrugged in a “sure, whatever” gesture. She looked especially comical with my knob denting her cheek from the inside, but she quickly popped off and let me stand up. I circled around behind the couch. Alice wasn’t quite doing a full split, but she had her legs spread out to the sides. The angle was a little weird; anal entry would’ve actually been easier, but we weren’t there yet. I grabbed her hips and tugged her just a little closer to me and appreciated my height. Had I been much shorter, this position would’ve been impossible, but I did manage to notch my cockhead into position and start pumping away. So of course, Holly had to line up right next to her in the same upside-down position. And after two minutes of plundering Alice’s pussy, I pulled out, took a big step to my right, and pushed into Holly’s pussy instead. Fucking this way was more novelty than pleasurable, but from the way the girls kept giggling I could tell they were having a good time. Maybe it was the way the blood was rushing into their heads, and that wasn’t even the craziest position we ended up trying. Not even close. Alice seemed to be channeling the day she first lost her virginity with all those _Kama Sutra_ positions. We also tried _Dhenuka, Avalambitaka, Shulachitaka_, and a half-dozen other things she came up with, most spurred on by Holly. See, the first time Alice had us try a weird pretzel shape, Holly of course wanted to know where the idea came from. And once she found out these were the results of Alice’s internet _Kama Sutra_ research, she *of course* wanted to try them all out herself. There’s a reason why missionary, doggy-style, and cowgirl are the Holy Trinity of Pleasurable Positions: they’re easy. And they’re effective. Much like Alice’s first upside-down on the couch idea, these other positions were novel, fun, and playful… but the three of us definitely spent more time experimenting and laughing while trying to contort our bodies into these semi-unnatural, sometimes difficult, and often tiring positions. Bottom line: I wasn’t in any danger of cumming anytime soon. At least, that’s what I thought until the girls sprang their newest idea on me. Once again, the girls ended up upside down on the couch with their heads and shoulders supported on the cushions. But this time, instead of standing behind the couch, I stood atop the cushions while they curled themselves up like armadillos or something, their knees pulled back down by their heads. I practically sat down on their hamstrings, holding onto the backrest for leverage while fucking at a near vertical angle into their pussies, getting *incredibly* deep. And yeah, this position felt really unnatural, and pretty difficult, and a little bit tiring. But it also felt GOOD. And all of a sudden I was ready to cum. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Alice groaned beneath me, unable to do much of anything but absorb my hammer blows. She did tighten her legs and drum her heels against my back a bit, an odd sensation since she was upside-down and pinned beneath me. Her legs felt almost like a chair or something, and she was able to help push me back up after every jackhammering down-thrust. “Nnngaaah, Alice,” I grunted. “Gonna cum.” “No! Not in me!” she squawked. “I need to suck out a creampie, remember?” I was so close to spurting, I absolutely hated to leave. But with a nod I reluctantly pulled out of my girl buddy’s wet box and clambered over to Holly’s upside-down body instead. The multicolor-haired girl was happy to welcome me back into her sweet snatch, moaning as I filled her up. At the same time, Alice slipped off the bed and held the other girl’s head in her hands while giving her an upside-down kiss. The effort, both mental and physical, of switching girls set me back from my orgasmic edge, so I wasn’t ready to blow yet. Having been denied that pleasure, though, made me want to cum more than ever. I grabbed the backrest tight enough to make my knuckles turn white, and with a roar I started pounding Holly’s pussy as hard as I ever had, hungrily seeking out my ecstatic explosion. “Oh gawd! Oh gawd! So deep! So full! Fuck me, Master! Fuck me and cream me! Personal Slut’s cumming again! I’m cumming, Master! Fuck me and drown me in your sperm! Please, Master, PLEASE!” Well since she asked so nicely… I roared again as I hosed down Personal Slut’s pink pussy, bathing her box with boiling blasts of baby batter. By the time I was done, my ass muscles hurt from the repeated squatting. And when I pulled out, I had to immediately drop down onto the couch, momentarily wiped out. Alice had been making out with Holly all through the other girl’s orgasm and pinching the white girl’s nipples at the same time. But as soon as I was out of the way, she climbed up, planted her crotch down on Holly’s face, and bent forward to complete the sixty-nine by immediately hoovering out all of my creamy jism. Alice didn’t stop after every drop was gone, either. She kept sucking and slurping away until Holly had another orgasm. By then, the head rush was about to make Holly pass out, so she finally climbed off to let the other girl catch her breath. But once that happened, Holly wanted to know if Alice had read up on girl-girl positions. Well… of *course* she had. “Magic Mountain” had been Sam’s favorite, and the girls tried that. Something called “Ivy” went over well. But after Holly started giving Alice a rimjob, my hyper-aroused best friend stared at me with undisguised lust and announced, “It’s dessert time.” And then things got REAL crazy. All those weird _Kama Sutra_ positions we’d done all afternoon? The girls wanted to try them again… with anal. Well, not ALL of them. For one thing, my legs were getting tired. For another, the geometry just wasn’t the same. I mean, switching from wheelbarrow vaginal sex to wheelbarrow anal sex works pretty well, but something like having Alice hold onto my neck while I lean against a wall as she tried to get her ass impaled with her feet planted against the wall for _Avalambitaka_ just didn’t work out. On the other hand, some positions worked great. I already told you anal entry was easier when I stood behind the backrest. Having Holly sit on the armrest and lay back across the cushions with my dick in her ass and Alice sixty-nining atop her worked out really great. But the clincher was Holly’s new take on the piledriver. Instead of supporting herself with her arms while curled upside-down, this time she parked herself on the floor but right up against the front of the couch. I stood above and faced her so that could look into each other’s eyes as I cornholed the hell out of her. And she reached up to hold my hands and interlace our fingers together while I jackhammered my dick in and out of her stretched asshole. The whole thing was crazy, from her crazy hair to the crazy position to the way she had been stretched so freaking wide by now that my big dick slid in and out of her ass almost effortlessly. She would certainly have trouble walking straight the next day. And yet, there was something surprisingly intimate about the moment as I plundered her depths and pillaged her helpless asshole. “Fuck, Holly… I’m gonna cum in you again,” I groaned. “Yesss…” she hissed, staring straight up at me. “Fuck me, Matty… Fuck me and drown me in your sperm…” The words were almost the same as when I’d creampied her pussy earlier in the afternoon, but the tone was completely different. We also used each other’s first names. The force of my thrusts didn’t change though. I still hammered the hell out of her, both of us hungrily seeking out our final orgasms. I made sure she got hers first, along with an assist from Alice who knelt beside us, shoved two fingers into Holly’s snatch, and used her thumb to bear down hard on the other girl’s clit. But once I felt Holly’s inner muscles go wild with orgasmic spasms, I rooted my cock down to the hilt inside my girlfriend’s backdoor and unleashed the torrent, grunting and groaning in harmony with her whimpering and moaning. “GGGGGGGAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” I groaned. “AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” she moaned. And together we shuddered in absolute bliss. Holly was still upside-down, of course. And with her ecstatic pleasure combining with the natural head rush of gravity, by the time I finished splooging her asshole she was dazed and on the verge of passing out. But my legs were shot and since I was standing right up against the couch, it was a simple matter to unbury myself from Holly’s lewdly stretched asshole and drop heavily onto the seat. And that’s when Alice surprised the hell out of me, latching onto Holly’s red-rimmed black hole and once again hoovering out my spunk. “Oh… GAWD!” Holly’s eyes flew open at the new sensation, the intensity of it washing away her daze. I watched Alice’s agile tongue delving into Holly’s gaping anus, each time scooping out another glob of creamy cum. When she was finally done, my best friend flopped back and sat down with a self-satisfied smirk on her face. I shook my head in amazement, drawling, “You never cease to amaze me.” “Alice 2.0.” She raised her fist to me. I bumped it and shook my head. “Time to clean up.” **** The girls left their clothes downstairs and the three of us wound up naked atop my bed after showering, both girls twisting their towels into turbans around their wet hair. We were all satisfied, and yet Holly couldn’t help but reach out and play with my dormant penis, marveling not for the first time about how incredibly soft my skin was. But for the most part, we were just hanging out and chatting. At some point, though, Alice cocked her head to the side and asked, “So how has it been with four girlfriends living under your roof?” “Four?” Holly gave Alice a look. “Technically, didn’t Zofi give up her girlfriend status?” Alice rolled her eyes. “Like you said: ‘technically’. She’s still BTC.” Holly made a face. “I rather liked thinking I’d move up to ‘sixth girlfriend’ instead of ‘seventh girlfriend’, even if only because one of the girls ahead of me dropped out.” “I don’t *rank* you,” I muttered. “We’re girls,” Holly drawled. “Everything gets ranked.” I rolled my eyes. “Well even beyond the technicality, Zofi’s been serious about no longer being a girlfriend. She hasn’t even kissed me since the break-up.” “But you two still fucked Sunday morning, didn’t you?” Alice said. “At least that’s what Belle said.” “What’s your point?” “Not trying to make a point,” Alice replied with a shrug. “Just asking how it’s been going since you had four girlfriends living under your roof. I mean, this is kinda like a sneak preview into what life will be like once you go to Berkeley with three girlfriends.” “Well, I think one weekend is a bit of a small sample size. And I can’t just swap Mari and Zofi with Neevie and think it’s gonna be the same dynamic. I mean, overall, it hasn’t been so very different from any other time I’ve had one of the girls spend the night with me, especially since Sam and Zofi have been spending every night together on their own. I mean, Sam and I haven’t even done anything together since Zofi moved in. Come to think of it, I don’t think *she’s* kissed me since the break-up with Zofi.” “Does that worry you?” “Nah. I know she loves me.” “Well, get used to it.” Alice smirked. “I still think she’s gonna lay out for you her detailed 10-year itinerary about how she’s gonna become a badass lawyer first, and THEN make time for you after that.” I sighed. “If she does, I’ll accept that. I know how important it is to her.” “Easy for you to say when you’ve got two backup girlfriends coming along for the ride.” I waggled my head. “Well for one thing, Belle said she doesn’t want to be an official girlfriend when we go to Berkeley, remember? Better to be my ‘little sister’ forever than worry about us ever having a bad breakup.” “Tomayto, tomahto.” “Hey if Belle doesn’t want a spot,” Holly chimed in brightly, lying belly-down with her chin on her hands and her feet in the air, “maybe there’s still room for me?” Alice snorted. “You gonna commute?” Holly waved her off and sighed a little mournfully. Giving me a serious look, she said, “I’d never ask you for a commitment, because goodness knows I’m the worst at commitments. But if I ever just… needed to feel safe in your arms for a bit… would you mind if I drove up for a quick visit?” “Holly… of course I wouldn’t mind,” I told her sincerely. Planting her cheeks in both palms and looking adorably cute, Holly gave me a thankful smile and kicked her heels a little bit. Alice turned serious. “Belle’s withdrawal from consideration aside, along with Holly’s occasional booty calls, you do know Neevie’s still madly in love with you, right?” I nodded. “And I love her too.” “As much as you love Sam or Belle?” I rolled my eyes. “I’ve tried saying over and over again that I don’t quantify my love for any of you, and that’s clearly not working. I gotta come up with something new. Like… blank stare and just say, ‘Next question’.” “You’re deflecting.” “I’m not answering anymore traps. Next question.” “You saying you *don’t* love Neevie as much as you love Sam or Belle?” “I love all three of them differently but equally.” “There, was that so hard?” Holly laughed. “I think your ‘next question’ shtick didn’t work.” I sighed. “Y’know, I’ve spent a lot of time over these past few months contemplating the nature of love, the meaning of love, how to quantify an emotion that defies measurement, and you know what I’ve finally figured out?” Both girls looked at each other. Alice finally sized me up and asked, “What?” “That it’s impossible! Humans have been pondering the meaning of love for millennia, and in all that time no one has ever fucking figured it out. Rich men of ancient times assembled harems for physical pleasure. Medieval kings traded their daughters for political alliances. A whole bunch of royals married their own sisters or cousins to avoid intermingling with other kingdoms. Nowadays polite society has deemed that the only acceptable family unit has one man and one woman together at the head of it.” I got off the bed and flung my hands out. “Well I say fuck that, alright? I’ve got seven girlfriends, and yes, I still count Zofi because I know she really loves me and I love her. And yes, I count the both of you because even though Alice, we’re not romantic, and Holly, I DO care about you but we just haven’t had time to build up the kind of history I have with the others, I KNOW I love both of you, too! And that’s okay with me! I’d like to think that’s okay with you. Our relationships are our relationships, and we’ve spent all fucking year not giving two shits what anybody else at school thinks about us. We just spent the past weekend telling Neevie’s parents, ‘Hey! This is who we are. We’re the fucking BTC and you can’t do a fucking thing to change it. These are my girls! I love each and every one of them.” I paused and gestured at both of them. “I love both of you. I don’t love you the same way I love Sam, or Belle, or Neevie, or Zofi, or Mari… but I love both of you. I’m done trying to reconcile the way I truly feel inside with some societal notion than I’m supposed to have One True Love and no others. I love all of you, and I’m gonna do whatever I can to make my own happiness as best I can. Am I only supposed to show up to Berkeley with one girlfriend instead of three? Well FUCK THAT. Different but equal, right? I know what I know. And I know how I feel. I love Neevie. I love Belle. I love Sam. I love all three of them, and I love both of you and Mari and Zofi too. I wish I could take all seven of you to Berkeley, but I can’t.” Alice grimaced, looking guilty. I focused on her for a minute. “Alice, you’re my buddy. We’ve been playing together since fourth grade, and we’ve been close to inseparable since junior high.” “I’m sorry,” she muttered, eyes moist. “Don’t be! This is just our next evolution. You’re my forever friend.” Holly blinked. “Isn’t the phrase, ‘friends forever’?” I waved her off and kept my focus on Alice. “Forever. We were friends on the elementary school soccer field. We were friends in the Student Activities Center playing Magic: The Gathering. We were friends in my family room with all you girls teasing me without it ever going anywhere. We were friends in my bedroom when we finally explored all that physical pleasure had to offer. Now we’re going to be friends in a new way… long-distance. It’s gonna be tough, I’m not gonna lie. I’ve never tried being a long-distance friend with someone, and part of me thinks I’m gonna get distracted by that infinite nookie you mentioned the girls are gonna be giving me in Berkeley. So please be patient if I don’t call you as often as you’d like. But I WILL call. And when we both have our degrees, who knows? Maybe we’ll end up close by to each other again. Maybe we’ll only meet up a couple of times a year. That will be our next evolution beyond that. But I believe… I _believe…_ that you are my forever friend. That’s love. That’s OUR love.” There was no sly smirk on Alice’s face, no cocky grin. She looked sincerely touched, and several tear tracks ran freely down her face. She didn’t try to hide them or wipe them away. Nor did she say a word. Alice simply raised her right hand to me in a fist, and I bumped it with a smile. Holly sighed. “You guys are REALLY making me wish I took Sam up on those offers to join the BTC like… *years* ago.” Alice snorted and reached out to caress Holly’s cheek. “Better late than never. Now c’mon. After a little speech like that, I need to feel my best friend’s throbbing dick filling my soul in a way no other man will ever be able to match. Help me get him ready?” Holly extended a fist out for a bump. “One for all.” **** After Alice and Holly both went home, I checked my watch and briefly wondered where Sam and Zofi were. After all, they lived here now, didn’t they? But I didn’t worry much so long as they were together, and headed over to Belle’s house to make dinner before her dad’s arrival. When dinner was finished, Belle told her dad she’d be spending the night with me and we headed out together. I gave her a piggyback like old times, partly because I’d given one to Holly at school and figured Belle would appreciate it. Sam and Zofi still hadn’t returned, but still I didn’t worry right away. I figured they’d gotten dinner together, maybe even at some nice restaurant to take Zofi’s mind off her situation. If anyone could understand what it felt like to be estranged from your own parents and living in someone else’s house, it was definitely Sam. But then the hours ticked by, and suddenly it was after nine o’clock. Mother came home, and she expressed the same kind of surprise I did at their absence. She asked if I’d called around, and when I answered in the negative, she gave me a look of intense concern. “Maybe you *should*.” For a brief moment, my old resentment flared up and I rolled my eyes. “Can’t say you’ve *ever* looked so concerned about ME,” I muttered rather bitterly. Mother sighed and gave me a disappointed look instead. Belle squeezed my arm and said quietly, “You call Sam’s house first. I’ll call Zofi’s after. Her mom doesn't hate me the way she hates you right now.” I nodded and sighed. But just when I headed for the cordless phone in the kitchen, we all heard the sound of a key sliding into the front door lock and then turning. Mother, Belle, and I all comically looked at each other for a second before we started walking to the foyer. And to both Mother’s and my relief (Mother’s, a little bit more), Sam walked in looking none the worse for wear. I blinked in surprise when she closed the door behind her, asking, “Zofi?” Sam gave us a weary smile and said, “She’s home.”