Micros were a common nuisance in Neil’s house. It seemed like every couple of days the deer had to deal with a little intruding fox or cat or other anthro trying to steal his stuff or get into places where they weren't supposed to be! The deer probably could figure out a way to tighten up or even completely micro-proof his house if he wanted to, but there were a couple of things stopping him from doing that. First, he was lazy. Second of all, whenever he did get his hands on one of these micros...well, they were just so much fun to play around with that it was honestly kind of worth the annoyance~ And today just happened to be one of those days. The deer had just woken up and managed to catch a tiny raccoon, no more than six inches tall, rooting around on his nightstand; snatched the tiny right up, and was now thinking about just what they could do with the small one... "Now, just what were you trying to steal, hm?~" Neil interrogated the micro as he held them between a few of his fingers, rotating the micro around gently as they struggled against the pressure from the deer’s digits...though not to any avail, of course, barricaded by just how much bigger Neil was then them! The deer looked at his clock out of the corner of his eye, taking a moment out of his daydreaming about what he could do with this recent catch to remember that he had errands that he was planning to do today. While it was a blow to his creativity at first, the deer quickly realized that it could actually lead him in the direction of a rather interesting idea... For now, the deer just dropped his new little toy in a jar while he got ready to start his day. Getting in the shower, brushing his teeth, etc. Only by the time that he picked the little jar back up and started walking down the stairs to his living room did the deer finally settle on what he was going to be doing with the raccoon. He still kept it a secret, though, at least until he grabbed a pair of skate shoes and put them on the table in front of him while he reached out for the jar once more! "I think this pair could use a tiny bit more arch support. I wonder if you'll be just what I need~" the deer said as he uncorked the jar and dumped the raccoon right out into his right shoe, barely even giving the micro enough time to roll onto their back and look up to see the giant hoof descending upon them! Neil ended up pushing the macro to the front of his shoe in the process of sliding his own hoof inside, mashing the raccoon deep into the shoe’s insole in the process...mmm, those wiggles underneath there honestly already felt pretty nice to the deer; but they would probably feel even nicer once they were the weight between his hoof and the cold, hard ground he would be walking on! The raccoon had just that little bit of squish to them as well, really helped everything come together...his other foot was going to be a bit jealous, that was for sure~ Neil mashed his hoof around inside of his shoe for a little while longer until he felt things perfectly slot into place, the deer getting to his feet and giving the micro a taste of what being squished under all of his weight for hours would really feel like! And, well, if you had a bad back, it would certainly cure you of that...along with every other ailment, because you would be too busy being smothered into the soul of a shoe to think about or feel anything else! The insole micro had a few brief moments of respite every time Neil picked up his foot, but once the deer slammed it back on the ground, they would once again be immersed in the heat and weight of the deer's hoof...knowing that Neil barely even paid any attention to them as he walked out the front door and started to attend to all the errands he had been distracted away from by this sudden new development! Feeling each little footfall milk a few more squirms out of his raccoon-turned-insole, even as he just walked down the sidewalk to the grocery store... There was certainly an element of getting away with something to Neil's enjoyment of this. Knowing that absolutely nobody around him knew what was going on, that he was getting a little extra help from his shoes today...! And that every little step he took made the environment inside of his shoe even more overwhelming and inhospitable. He had quite a lot on his plate to get through today, so things were definitely going to get quite intense in there...the deer soon made his way to the bank, dropping off a quick deposit at the front desk. Though, things were rather slow today, so while he was waiting at the desk...why not play with his toy a little bit more? Tilting his shoe at all sorts of angles, trying to wedge the raccoon's head between his hoof toes...already feeling those struggles getting weaker and weaker as the heat really started to set in, as things started to get a bit damp with all that warm fur stuffed into such a tight spot! And to anyone around Neil, he just looked a bit fidgety and impatient...not that he wasn't, but he had much different things on his mind at that moment. Namely, how he could get this micro to squirm and wiggle in his foot musk as much as possible~ Perhaps the raccoon learned to appreciate the relative lack of pressure in these few minutes of waiting, because once Neil got what he needed from the bank and continued his errands...well, the footfalls came back, and they came back hard! Squishing the micro deep into the sole that he had quickly become very acquainted with as Neil walked out the door, soon making his way down the street to the grocery store...