Inspecting the amusing 80's-style ad for "Werewolf Valentine Adventures," Jake spots something odd. "Get Knocked Up By a Werewolf: Special Valentine's Day offer 50% off (NEW! Now Available to Guys as well!)" Bored and alone for Valentine's Day, Jake orders this service thinking it'll provide a good laugh. There's no way an actual werewolf is involved and there's no way he's gonna end up knocked up on Valentine's Day. Jake thinks the worst case scenario is that whatever guy shows up will be as bored as he is and he'll have a buddy to enjoy pizza and some videogames with. When a pregnant woman arrives and turns into a herm werewolf right in front of his eyes, his doubts take a critical hit, but it isn't until after she turns him into a girl and knots him that he's a true believer. Knocked Up by a Herm Werewolf By Zmeydros (Ramda and Mabel Singlais) (Edited by Sarahvixen and WolfLeah) Walking in with the mail, Jake closed the stately white door to his ground-floor apartment. He slipped off his shoes and kicked them toward the coat closet before trotting across his kitchen's beige linoleum floor to the kitchen table. The silvery light coming from the arched window to his left was due to high, scattered clouds. The shadows the window was casting conflicted with the shadows being cast by the ceiling lamp in the living room, making things look a bit eerie. Almost all the mail was junk, except for a water bill and an 80's style ad for "Werewolf Valentine Adventures" which was so bonkers he couldn't ignore it. The front of the greeting-card-sized ad had unbelievably realistic werewolves in lingerie all laying on a bed making a "come here" motion with their index finger. The text was in red with a magenta shadow and there were splashes of magenta around the edges of the image to make it look like someone dripped paint all over. Flipping the ad over, Jake read through the various offers, chuckling at their names. "Get Pounced by a Werewolf," "Snuggle a Werewolf," "Werewolf Tea Time," and "Date a Werewolf" all seemed pretty tame, but a block of text near the bottom was absolutely bonkers. "Get Knocked Up By a Werewolf: Special Valentine's Day offer 50% off (NEW! Now Available to Guys as well!!)" He laughed so hard that he choked on his own spit, but while he was recovering, he wondered what actually happened to the dorks that called in for this experience. It had to be some sort of roleplay, but just how pathetic was it? If he ordered it, would he be entertained by how corny it was or sad for the guy being forced to carry it out? Carry out. Those words sat in his mind for a moment and then he got an idea that would be the perfect thing for a lonely Valentine's day where he could sate his curiosity and his belly at the same time. Picking up his phone, he called the number on the ad and managed to get a slot at five in the evening on Valentine's day. It was a bit early for the other part of his plan, but if he ate a light lunch, it would work out fine. * * * * * After a couple weeks of pouring over mind-numbing spreadsheets and answering dumb tech support questions at his day job, Jake was so excited about his Valentine's Day plans that he was wracked by indecision. He'd changed his online pizza order over ten times already and was no closer to an answer. So, he gave up on perfection and just went for the safest option he could think of. After he finally put in the order, he collapsed onto his couch, dropping his phone on the floor and wiping his sweaty hands on his vintage-style Dungeons and Dragons T-shirt. He groaned, hating that he was treating this like an actual date when it was anything but. It was going to be dumb and he needed to calm down or he was going to be disappointed. Speaking of disappointment, everyone would be disappointed if he didn't change out of his sweat pants and T-shirt. Rolling his shoulders to release the nervous tension in his neck, he walked past the coffee-brown leather couch in his living room. The coarse light gray carpet scraped at his skin through his thin socks as he went. The moment he got in his bedroom, he spotted his work outfit on the floor and a tissue that missed the dark wooden trash can next to his black wicker nightstand. The plum-colored sheets and dark brown comforter on his bed were so unmade a wild animal probably would've caused less of a disaster. A bottle of hand moisturizer sat next to a box of tissues on his nightstand, telling a tale he desperately wanted to hide. He grimaced and cleaned up his bedroom as fast as he could before he opened his gray-beige closet doors to find his pair of chocolate brown dress pants and light blue dress shirt. His mind started to drift, so he wasn't paying much attention as he opened his dresser and grabbed black dress socks, a black leather belt, and what he thought was a pair of boxers. Anyone who roleplayed a werewolf for a living had to be entertaining to talk to. So, when the "werewolf" got there, he'd just tell him that he wanted to chat, share some pizza, and play videogames. As he stepped into the "boxers" in his hand, he realized they were the wrong shape and felt way too satiny. When he looked down, he blushed beet red. Those weren't boxers, those were the pair of panties he wore sometimes to feel...He took them off and buried them in his drawer. Then he pulled out his pair of dark red boxers with light red heart outlines all over them. Getting dressed in a bit of a hurry because it was getting close to five o'clock, he got all the way to the second to last button on his shirt before his doorbell rang. He swore under his breath and dashed to his front door, not bothering to finish buttoning up his shirt. Leaving it a bit open to show a hint of the curly blonde hair on his chest was probably appropriate for this evening anyway. When he got to the door and pulled it open, a tall, spindly man held a pizza box out toward him. "Are you Jake? Half pepperoni, half sausage?" Taking the pizza box out of the guy's hands, he quipped, "I really need to change my last name." The pizza guy tilted his head and then bust out laughing. "Sorry, that was a bad joke." Jake smirked. "Have a good evening!" "You too. Do you want me to get the door?" The guy grabbed the door knob. "Yeah! Thanks!" Jake turned and walked to the kitchen table as the delivery driver closed his front door. Setting the pizza box on the table, he opened it to see it did indeed have the right toppings and was still steaming. His mouth salivated as he closed the box: he'd gone a little too light on lunch. The pink grocery-store-bought carnations in a vase at the center of his blonde wooden dining table had white edges to their petals that made them especially pretty. The fluted vase they were in had a crosshatch pattern that glittered brightly as he leaned in to smell the flowers. He smiled at their soft, fresh scent and as he pulled his head back, he noticed a broken stem. The flower on that stem was pointed at the table, looking sad. He pulled that carnation out and walked over to the kitchen trash. Right before throwing it away, he stopped: it would be a waste to just throw it out, the flower looked fine. He grabbed scissors out a drawer and clipped the stem where it had broken. Tossing the stem in the trash, he slipped the flower into a buttonhole on his shirt. Looking down at the flower, he smiled. It went really well with his shirt and he looked more ready for a Valentine's date than ever, even if it was just going to be some pizza and video games with a would-be werewolf. The doorbell rang again as he considered whether he should use his oven's "keep warm" option on the pizza. This time, when he opened the door, a short, five-foot-three woman with a six-months-pregnant belly and spirals of black hair coming down from halloween-friendly pigtails met his eyes. Her dark brown eyes went well with her black lipstick and excessive eyeliner. "Are you from the werewolf thing?" Jake couldn't find words all of a sudden. There was an aura of intensity around this woman that made him want to shut the door and forget this whole thing. "Yep, Werewolf Valentine Adventures." Her gaze was hard to look away from. "You're Jake, right? Ordered the 'Get Knocked U--" "Yes, yes, come in, come in." Sweat started streaking between his shoulder blades as he gestured for her to enter. As she passed through the doorway, her smile had an edge to it that made him wonder if she was annoyed. A pregnant woman was the last thing he expected to show up and perhaps she'd just realized that her employers had made a mistake. As he shut the door, she took off her black leather trench coat and hung it on one of the arched-back chairs at the kitchen table. Her jeans looked like they'd been ripped apart and stitched back together multiple times. The odd part was that there were far less stitches than one would normally sew something back together with. The effect was punk in an appealing way, though. Covering her pert breasts and pregnant belly was a black button-down shirt where the sleeves looked like they'd been stitched back together multiple times too. Other than her eyeliner, she had no makeup on and her skin was quite pale. With her black hair, shirt, and jeans, she looked pretty damn goth with a witchy tilt. "That's right, get a good idea of what I look like now because this version of me isn't going to stick around long." She set her reddish-brown, alligator leather purse on an adjacent chair. "This version of you?" His brow furrowed in confusion. She was acting as though her being here wasn't a mistake and that was making him nervous. Had she somehow fit a strap-on in her purse? Is that how the impregnation part of the roleplay was going to be simulated? "Cute. I could smell your skepticism the moment I walked in the door." She reached into the center pocket of her purse and pulled out an ancient, dark-brown, leather-bound notebook with a red pentagram carved into it. "How about I just skip to the part that blows your mind and we get frisky?" She opened the notebook and flipped to a page marked by a purple ribbon. The writing in her notebook was completely illegible, in fact, the more he looked at it, the more his brain hurt. He swore he could see the letters twinkling between different shapes as he tried to read them. Then it felt like someone had poured a shot glass of ice water into his brain. He got goosebumps just as he shook his head and tried to think: she was playing this too seriously and he had to do something to lighten the mood or he was going to need a drink. As she started speaking, he interrupted her by opening the pizza box. "Can we eat first? I got an extra large so I'd have plenty to share." "Eww, meat?" She frowned. "I'm a vegetarian." "What? No! You're playing a werewolf for Christ's sake." His plans were already going down the tubes. "Relax, I was kidding, but I'm not playing." Her eyes turned yellow, looking uncannily wolf-like. Then her ears started pointing. "I'm the real deal and I *will* knock you up." "T-those are some impressive special effects, how are you pulling them off?" He chuckled anxiously as he grabbed onto the table to steady himself. "They're not special effects, hon." She growled as her nose flattened and folded, becoming canine-shaped. Her face pushed outwards as more, pointy teeth formed toward the front of her maw. Her clothes started complaining as she got inches taller in seconds. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Jake stumbled backwards, hitting the kitchen island with his back. "Hi, my name's Lucy, and I'm a werewolf." She grinned, showing him lots of teeth. A mixture of cream and red fur sprouted on her forearms while she pulled off her shoes and socks, revealing the same fur was sprouting on her feet and ankles. "How?! This can't be actually happening, right?" His instincts were telling him to run, but she was between him and the door and he couldn't look away. "The how's easy. I got bred by a werewolf and now I'm one too." The bones in her arms cracked as her arms got thicker and more muscular, tearing her sleeves open. Her legs cracked as they did the same, tearing her pant legs. Buttons on her blouse started popping open while her breasts gained multiple cup sizes. She gasped as the crotch of her tight pants swelled outwards, stitches popping one-by-one. Jake begged his body to calm down, but something about the way she gasped, seeing the growth between her legs, made his blood run hot. A woman with a strap-on was one thing, but what he was seeing was making his instincts run wild. He knew the pregnant belly she had meant she had a womb too. That fascinated him and also didn't quite compute. What was in front of him? What was he even seeing? "Bet you were wondering how I'd knock you up? Well half of that answer is about to--NGH!" The thighs of her jeans ripped open, muscles bulging as the short, cream and red fur on them got longer. As the crotch of her jeans split right down the center seam, she bucked her hips. A deep red cock tip was halfway out of her sheath, getting larger by the second. An empty furry sac below it swayed loosely, waiting for her testes to drop. "You have a--" He gulped. "A cock? Yep!" She grabbed her notebook, completely ignoring the fact her jeans and blouse were tearing all the weak stitches as she moved. She was six inches taller than she'd been with a much more powerful build and she was getting taller still. "Gotta get you ready to get knocked up properly," she said, opening her notebook. "Get me ready? How? I already have a place you can stick that." He blushed, realizing what he'd just said. Being this into someone was dangerous. "I mean, shouldn't we maybe eat first? This is a lot." "Yeah, well, you ordered a lot. And I'd rather eat after vigorous physical activity, not right before." The ripping sounds of her clothing echoed throughout the room as she approached six and a half feet tall. Her dick was enormous, over eight inches and still growing larger. Unphased by her transformation, she read from her notebook. "Ichemi travas shtot bremei tessel vadt. Parothae ilantiha parothae varsoot. Ovelka tath pesaak illn shtot tessynye adelthae!" As she spoke those words, his body was peppered by long, arched flashes of lavender light that leapt out from her notebook. Wherever they hit, he felt something akin to a pin prick mixed with static electricity. Two-thirds through what he could now only describe as a spell, he felt like a bell that had been rung by a giant mallet. Even his feet were vibrating by the end of the spell. A triangular-shaped patch a couple inches below his belly button glowed purple brightly enough to be seen through his shirt. Then his nipples and pecs felt very strange along with his dick, like they were weightless and numb. The numbness spread outwards, making his whole body feel like it was floating. That numbness broke into an intense sensitivity that made his skin itch. It was a weird itch, like feathers fluttering over, and under, his skin. He nearly laughed from how much it tickled before his whole body throbbed and his clothes got looser. Throb. His cock felt strange. Throb. His nipples were so sensitive. Throb. There was weight on his chest now? Throb. His hair was tickling his ears. He moaned at a higher and higher pitch as Lucy walked up to him and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Just relax. You'll feel a lot better in no time: far less anxious because you'll be focused on getting filled." Lucy's blouse and jeans fell off of her in tatters, her panties too. They'd ripped completely through where they'd been stitched back together. "What the hell!?" His voice was higher and his hips and thighs were not fitting his pants right. "Can't knock you up if you don't have a pussy, dear," she explained patiently while pulling his shirt off. "Plus, the moment I walked in, I knew you'd make a pretty girl." He wanted to say something in response, he really did, but he had a pair of tits growing in and he couldn't words. His chest, and most of his other body hair practically evaporated, leaving behind smooth skin. Reaching up, he held his boobs in his hands as they expanded from B-cups to C-cups. A long, sharp moan escaped his plumpening lips as his nipples gained girth and length, pressing firmly against his palms. "Wow!" The more he touched his tits, the more into this he was. All his life, he'd wondered what the finer sex experienced and now that he was experiencing it, he was getting waves of joyous excitement. A mixture of reddish-brown, black, and white fur grew in on every bit of skin Lucy had. It was a beautiful, mottled wolf fur pattern that was darker on her back and the top of her head while lighter on her front and limbs. With a gasp, a tail burst forth from her tailbone and quickly became covered in fur. "Tits are pretty great, not gonna lie. But just wait until you have a place made to fit my knot." With quick, deliberate motions, she got his pants and boxers off, dropping them to the floor. "Cute boxers, hon." Her words went in one ear and out the other because there was this bizarre womb-shaped glyph below his belly button. Within the outer womb shape was a heart within a heart, a depiction of the lunar cycle, and wolf muzzles coming out of swirls of smoke. The muzzles looked like they were howling at the lunar cycle. There were fine lines that never quite intersected and minimalist use of dots and curves that looked like an abstract, stylized version of something you'd see in a cave painting. The glyph was softly glowing and wavering in a way that made it look like the wolves were throwing their heads back to howl louder every few seconds. Something was churning just below that glyph, making him feel a bit bloated and his dick feel like it was being held too tightly. That feeling, combined with her mention of a place to fit her knot, caused a spike of anxiety as he looked down. Before his very eyes was his prick, but at least an inch shorter, if not more. His left hand remained on his enlarging tits as he reached down with his right. His heart was racing. The skin under his fingertips was so smooth and feminine that his breath caught in his throat. As the tips of his fingers found his dick, it lost another inch of length. "Oh shit! My dick!" His scrotum was taut, pressing his balls right up against his groin. "Don't worry, it usually comes back." "Usually?" He sniffed the air, his instincts being tugged at by her foresty scent. His abdomen clenched and he stifled a moan as the glyph below his belly button glowed purple. "What do you want from me? If magic was as repeatable as science, it would be called 'science' and not 'magic.'" Her speech gave way and became a grunt as if she was trying to lift something heavy and her muzzle contorted with effort. "You okay?" He bit his lip as his dick shrunk below two inches long and his balls pressed against him so hard that they ached. They were going to go inside him? No, not him. Jake felt so feminine with these wide hips, tits which were now surpassing D-cups, and this ache in her abdomen. And now, she was about to have ovaries. Warmth radiated from the glyph as joy erupted inside her. "I'm going to be a girl!" "RRRRHHHH! Yes you--NGH--are--RAAAAH!" Lucy's balls popped into their furry sac, her dick lurching as it grew to over a foot long. "Oh fuck! I can't--AWRRUUUUUUU!" Thick ropes of werewolf jizz shot out of her canine length, hitting Jake's belly and tits. As Lucy's hot, sticky cream splashed onto Jake's skin, that mossy, sawdust-like musk that Jake had been sampling got a thousand times more potent. Jake moaned as she rubbed her hands through Lucy's seed, feeling how thick, slippery, and warm it was. The glyph glowed so brightly, purple light was reflecting off of Lucy's fur, the walls, and the kitchen chairs. A lightheadedness descended upon Jake as all her thoughts floated away. Then her balls popped into her with a simultaneous pair of thuds. "AAAHHNNNN!" Jake cried out as an orgasm unlike any other crashed throughout her. She felt like her whole body was reverberating, every muscle, every joint, got hit with tension and then release. The room spun as giddy bliss settled in her being. Before she'd even realized she was falling, Lucy's paw-padded hands were under her armpits, steadying her. Instead of looking at Lucy's face, Jake was staring at her wolf cock. With a chuckle, she guided Jake to kneel in front of her. "Here, you look thirsty." Lucy grabbed Jake's hair and slid her cum-dripping dick past Jake's lips. The taste was reminiscent of cedar and green tea and even though she was blushing from her first time giving a blowjob, she couldn't stop. It felt good, natural even, to take someone's dick into her mouth. The stigma around it seemed silly now that she was licking the underside of Lucy's dick, enjoying the salty flavor of her cum and the hard, smooth texture of her length. "Such a good girl!' Lucy maintained her grip on Jake's lengthening hair which now went down past her chin. Happy butterflies fluttered in Jake's chest at Lucy's words. As Jake figured out how to best pleasure Lucy's huge dick with her mouth, Jake reached down and found a clit where her cock used to be as well as a cleft where her balls used to be. Thoughts she'd shoved into the dark corners of her mind all came rushing out as she pressed her fingers up between her labia, finding a hot, satiny opening. Before, she'd felt an odd (horny and embarrassed) feeling whenever she wore panties. Then, there was her recurring dream of being her college best friend's housewife, and the way she wondered what it felt like to bear a child whenever she saw a pregnant woman. Her pointer and middle fingers made it further and further in as her balls moved upwards inside her, getting closer and closer to their new home as her ovaries. She moaned around Lucy's length, her head spinning from the inversion of her normal sexual sensations. The plumpness of her pussy lips pressed against the palm of her hand while her hard clit throbbed at the front of her entrance. Immense pleasure rippled throughout her body from every wrinkle and knuckle on her fingers as they rubbed against her labia minora and the sensitive, velvety walls beyond. She clenched around her fingers as a wave of pleasure crashed within her. "Girl, you have two hands and there's two pussies here. Give me some sugar." Lucy moaned as she shot precum into Jake's maw. Before reaching up with her left hand, Jake gave her E-cup tits a squeeze, exploring just how much her fingers could dig into them. When her hand hit Lucy's balls, her pussy clenched at how heavy they were. Her fingertips followed the warmth behind Lucy's sac, finding a pair of wet pussy lips and a nice big clit. Getting Lucy's wetness on her fingers, she rubbed at Lucy's clit. Lucy's tail wagged and she groaned happily, fucking Jake's face harder than before. Moving her fingers more vigorously inside herself, Jake fought her gag reflex to get more of Lucy's shaft in her mouth. Jake's own wetness started dripping off of her hand as she gyrated her hips, getting closer and closer to something she wanted very badly. The instant she added a third finger, her passage convulsed. As she came, her ovaries made it to their home and her womb opened up. There was no longer any hope of her fingers reaching the end of her tunnel as she clenched rhythmically around them, her whole body quaking from hot pulses centered on her clit. Jake couldn't control her mouth, her tongue, her hands, or any other part of herself as she came so hard she saw stars. Lucy pulled her dick out of Jake's jaws. The high-pitched wailing Jake made once her mouth was unoccupied was so far from what she'd sounded like before that she thought it was coming from someone else at first. Lucy chuckled at Jake's helplessness as she knelt down to her level. While Jake was still in the throes of her release, she held her gently, stroking her back. "That. Was. Incredible!" Jake panted out when her body came to rest. "Just wait until I put a baby in you." "HAAAH!" Jake couldn't respond in words because her whole body got a jolt of pleasure as her womb glyph glowed. "Ooh, this is going to be fun." Lucy lifted Jake off the floor and carried her to the bedroom. Being carried like this, Jake realized she probably wasn't an inch over five-foot-five now. She felt so small and safe in Lucy's arms, even though Lucy's hard shaft was knocking around between her legs as Lucy carried her. When Lucy deposited her on her bed, she collapsed into a pile, feeling so soft and relaxed. "Get on all fours, girl. It's time for some classic werewolf action." Lucy helped Jake onto her hands and knees before getting behind her. Jake looked back, her heart hammering in her chest as her pussy dripped girl juice onto the sheets below. Seeing Lucy line herself up was enough to make her moan. There was this ache deep inside her, an ache she had to sate as soon as possible. She needed it so much it felt like there was tension in her bones. "You ready for me to make you a mommy?" "Please knock me up. I need it so bad!" Jake gasped as her tits and hips got another growth spurt. "You better let me know louder and clearer or I might go find someone else to carry my pups" There was a mischievous twinkle in Lucy's eyes along with an attractively confident grin. "PLEASE KNOT ME AND MAKE ME A MOMMY!" Jake yelled as her womb tattoo glowed and the ache inside her got even worse. "Good girl!" Lucy rubbed at Jake's pussy, getting Jake's wetness all over her paw pads and then spread that wetness on her dick. Then she parted Jake's plush pussy with her pointy cock tip. "AAAHH!" Lucy's dick felt a million times better than Jake's fingers had. Jake could feel that dick spreading her tunnel, rubbing on folds of flesh and textured spots within her that were giving her intense pleasure. It was like when she used to rub at the sensitive underside of her dick, but it went all the way around. Lucy backed up whenever Jake got tense and then eased back in until about halfway where Jake's body decided things were going too slow. Like a true slut, Jake cried out as she bucked backwards, slamming herself into Lucy's loins, taking the entirety of Lucy's thick wolf cock. "Seems I was going too easy on you." Lucy grabbed Jake's hips and dug her blunt claws in. Then she started thrusting fast and hard, slapping her balls against Jake's thighs. "Yes, yes, YES! YESS! YEEEESSS!" Jake came again, this time a sharp orgasm that felt like the shockwave of a gunshot bouncing around inside her. Her tits swelled to F-cups, flailing wildly as she was rutted. Lucy just kept fucking her thorugh her orgasm, worried she wasn't going to last all that long. Her knot was already dragging on Jake's entrance, hitting Jake's clit every time it entered or exited. Jake was so fucking cute as a girl, she was getting so damn curvy, and she was taking Lucy's dick like a true champ. She smacked Jake's ass just so she could seel it bounce. "NGH!" Jake clenched around Lucy's dick, getting tingles in her extremities. "GRRRAAH! I don't think I can last much longer!" Lucy tried to slow down her pace, but Jake refused to match her and she tumbled over the edge in no time. "BEG ME TO KNOT YOU!" "GIVE. ME. YOUR. KNOT!" Jake cried out without slowing down at all. "GIVE. ME. YOUR. PUPS!" "AWR--AWWRRUUUUUUU!" Lucy slammed her knot home one last time as her prick contracted from base to tip. Her knot locked them together as she gushed inside Jake. Jake screamed at the top of her lungs, her whole body writhing as immense pleasure flooded every inch of her. This time, it was like she'd been dropped on a trampoline and was in the process of rebounding. The pleasure was like a physical force, making her body flail. Her tits grew to G-cups as jet after jet of jizz was emptied inside her. Lucy's cum was so thick, so hot, and so potent. She didn't know how she knew that last part, but it was an unquestionable fact in her mind. That ache inside her was sated as her womb got fuller and fuller. The womb glyph was glowing so bright the room looked like it was being lit from below by a purple lamp. Jake was so warm, so out of control, so pregnant. They eventually fell on their sides, their sense of time obliterated while they panted wordlessly. Lucy held Jake against her furry front, letting her pregnant belly and breasts press into Jake's, back, neck and shoulders. They were knotted and in an afterglow so heavy that they felt like they weighed six tons. When Jake could move, she reached behind herself and felt Lucy's belly. The warmth there had a different character somehow. She knew there was new life growing inside, a continuation of nature's cycle. As she thought about that, she felt her tailbone twitch as if it was wagging. Lucy let go and made space between them as Jake's tailbone pushed out of her. She grunted and gasped as she felt new vertebre pop and crack, her tailbone gaining inch after inch as dark-reddish-brown wolf fur grew in on it. Then her tail was wagging for real, thumping against Lucy's side. "Whoa, you were made to be a girl werewolf, apparently." Lucy ran her fingers through the fur on Jake's tail. "And a mommy," Jake added, feeling the roundness in her belly with both hands. She knew it was Lucy's insane load, but being round like this still felt divine. "Absolutely!" Lucy carefully made sure not to trap Jake's tail as she hugged Jake from behind again, this time putting her hands on Jake's belly. "I'm so glad you were truly open to this, that the magic worked. There've been people calling who thought it was a joke and it sucks because I love sharing this with others." "We got lucky. I thought it was a joke, but I guess I was more than ready for it to be real." Jake smiled. "That explains why you were so damn awkward at the beginning." "Yeah, sorry." Jake blushed. "Don't apologize, it was adorable and you've only gotten more adorable. You'll make a great mom to my pups." Lucy licked Jake's neck, her tail thumping on the bed as it wagged. "Yeah, I will." Jake smiled, tears falling down her cheeks as she cradled her belly. She had no doubts. No doubts at all. * * * * * Jake woke up with a start, but found it harder to sit up than she expected. Looking down, she saw her massive tits and her still-rounded belly. Her eyes went wide as dinner plates and her tail shot up in alarm. There was some buff-colored fur on her legs, she had a tail, and, wait, her belly was still round? She clearly remembered when Lucy had pulled out in the shower and cum had gone everywhere. Her belly hadn't been round after that. A twitch between her legs brought her hand down to her snatch and her fingers ran into a clit that was too tall. She bent forwards to look and saw her clit was at least two inches long. She smiled, Lucy had said that it would probably come back. That was a relief. Having both meant she didn't have to give one up for the other. Groaning with effort, she got out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen to get some hot water started for tea. She stopped when she saw three pamphlets and a note on the kitchen table. Her tail wagged happily as she read the note: "Sorry I had to leave after you fell asleep. Don't worry, I promise I'll be back to check on you later, Sweetie. My instincts would never allow me to abandon a new member of my pack, especially one who's carrying my pups. Plus, you're too cute to leave behind… I put the pizza away after having a few slices. Ordering it was very thoughtful of you. Thanks!" The note ended with Lucy's contact info. The three pamphlets mirrored the style of the ad with the same eighties magenta and red paint-spatter treatment as well as somewhat scandalous images of werewolves. The titles made Jake giggle: "So, You're Pregnant," "So, You're Turning into a Werewolf," and "Your Womb Tattoo and You: Effects of Accelerated Pregnancy and Other Reproductive Magics." The alarm on Jake's phone went off before she had a chance to read any of them. She dashed into her bedroom. The calendar alert on her phone said, "Early Meeting With Greg, Get Ready!" It was at that moment that Jake realized she looked nothing like her old self, she had no clothes that fit, and no one in her life knew anything about what had happened last night. She'd thought it all was a joke. What was going to happen when she tried to explain this to anyone else? THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!