"Atticus?" A black pig wearing a red sweatshirt and sitting in the corner of the waiting room perked her head up as she heard her name being called, the pig slipping her phone into her sweatshirt pocket and collecting the rest of her stuff before walking over to the source of that voice. Standing right outside of the hallway off to her right was a fluffy-looking red panda, whose freckled face lit up as she saw exactly who the name she had been calling out belonged to. "Hi! My name’s Mika, I'll be your masseuse today." Mika led Atticus back through that hallway and off into a side room, the two gals making small talk here and there until they arrived in the actual massage room. A few potted flowers, some mirrors, and of course a very comfortable-looking table at the center of it all. "Okay! So I'm just going to go get a few things. Feel free to undress to your comfort level, and lie down on the table. We're going to do your back first, you can just stick your head through the little hole at the end there." The red panda closed the door behind her as she left, leaving Atticus alone for the next few minutes...the pig took off her heavy sweatshirt and the t-shirt she was wearing underneath as well, leaving them in a pile in a nearby chair with only a bra left as her top. Conversely, below the waist Atticus only discarded her shoes, leaving on the comparatively light sweatpants she was wearing as she sank into the massage table...the hole for her head was a bit strange to get used to, but otherwise it was actually rather comfortable! Ooh, she needed something like this so badly… The pig played around on her phone which she had set underneath the table for a few minutes before a knock came at the door and Mika once again entered. "Alright...i've got a few kinds of lotion here, what scent would you prefer? I've got chamomile, lavender, rose…" "Mm, lavender sounds nice." Mika started her massage at the pig's shoulders, Atticus almost immediately groaning in pleasure as she felt quite a bit of stress immediately being rubbed out by her skillful paws. "So, what do you do for work?" the red panda asked as she continued to work over the pig's shoulders, her deft hands slowly transitioning to Atticus's neck and down towards her shoulder blades. "Well, I'm a freelance artist. I draw all sorts of things…" the pig started to explain, before being cut off by another groan as Mika pressed into her back. "Oh lord, that's good…!" "Dang, that's super cool! Do you like, have stuff in art galleries then?" Mika asked, not exactly understanding what she meant with her job description...but that was okay. Most people didn't get it right on the first try anyway. "Uhhhmmm...nah, I mostly do dumb stuff on the internet." "Well, whatever pays the bills, you know?~" The two girls’ small talk continued for a little bit, Mika working her way down Atticus's body until she just finished massaging her calves, the pig thoroughly enjoying the entire experience of every muscle in her body being massaged and assuaged! "Now, if you could roll over, we’ll start doing your front." Atticus did just what Mika asked, the pig surprised by just how cool her body felt from the lotion as she rolled over onto her back, Mika excitedly starting to rub and press against Atticus's pectorals - after asking if she could touch around in that area, of course! The masseuse continued working her way down Atticus's body...before she came to a very sudden stop. Mika's eyes had fixated on Atticus's belly as soon as she saw it, the panda seemingly unable or unwilling to look away from the red spiral pattern on Atticus's stomach that led right to her cute navel! The pig’s tummy nipples formed a square around the spiral, the whole shebang just drawing people's eyes right towards the pig's cavernous belly button. And Mika was certainly being drawn in! It was like a spell had to come over the red panda all of a sudden, and she liked what she felt. "Oh my gosh, your belly is *so* cute. Is that a tattoo?" the red panda asked, reaching out for the pig’s stomach before glancing at Atticus to make sure it was okay. The pig nodded, and Mika mushed her hands right into that portly gut, kneading the soft squish like a fine dough! "Nah, I never really asked what it was. I assume it's like some kind of birthmark or something." "Oh! Well, that would be really cool. Do you mind if I, uh…" Atticus just lay there for a moment, not entirely sure of what Mika was implying...but, to heck with it! She liked the red panda, and was kind of curious to see where this would go. "Uhhh, sure!" she replied, trying her best to exude confidence in her words as she watched Mika’s face light up. Almost immediately, Mika pressed her whole face against Atticus's belly, the red panda snuggling against it like it was a pillow! "Oh gosh, it's just so...soft…" she mumbled into the thick pig fat, Atticus unable to stop herself from letting out a giggle as she saw just how enamored the masseuse was with her tum! And, honestly, mood. Mika continued to enjoy herself down there whilst Atticus relaxed, feeling the red panda continuing to knead and rub at her copious belly paunch. Every now and again, the pig even felt Mika placing a smooch on her tummy, a fact that honestly made her blush a little bit! Atti hadn't had someone be this enamored with her belly in quite a long time, and she was most certainly enjoying what the masseuse had to offer. "Gosh! I'm sorry, I think I got a little bit carried away there..." Mika mumbled as she finally pulled herself away from the pig's belly, realizing just how distracted she had been from her job by squishy pig tummy! "Oh - no, you can keep going, honestly. It felt really nice~" Atti replied, more than enjoying all the extra attention her roundness was getting; it was even better than the actual massage, and she had thoroughly enjoyed that as well! Mika didn't even say anything before mushing her face against pig belly once more, more than prepared to stay down here for as long as she possibly could… At least, until she heard a low, rumbling *gggGGggrrwwwlll…* come from beneath her! The noise was quite sudden and a little bit jarring for Mika to hear, but once her mind had put the pieces together, she was even more interested in Atti's belly than before! "Awh, did someone skip lunch today?~" Mika cooed as she rubbed at pig gut some more, the motions only eliciting more hungry groans and growls out of her midsection! And, by this point, Atticus had started to put the pieces together of what exactly was happening. It was a phenomenon that she had only seen once or twice, but it was always fun to play around with… If someone was enamored enough with Atticus's stomach, the spiral pattern would serve as a sort of hypnotic suggestion that only furthered their interest in said belly! It would unlock their inhibitions and make them more suggestive to all sorts of belly related shenanigans...on top of that, the growling of her stomach made Atticus realize that she was quite empty, and that she had quite the tasty looking meal right in front of her! It was only a question of whether or not Mika had some kind of deep desire to feed herself to Atticus that could be unearthed by her stomach's powerful hypnosis. And, in order to find that out, the pig would have to put that suggestion into her masseuse's mind. "Yeah, I woke up a bit late today so I had to come here. I guess it's a good thing that I’ve got a sweet treat right in front of me, though…~" Atti's teasing attack froze Mika in place for a few moments. The red panda suddenly pulled her head away from Atticus's belly, looking around her room in confusion as if trying to find whom exactly the pig was addressing. "Uh...d-do you mean me?" Mika asked, Atticus able to see a blush forming on her face even through the light red mask of her snout. The pig giggled as her stomach rumbled underneath Mika once more in response to that blush. "Well...only one way to find out, it seems~" Mika watched in awe as Atticus started to open her mouth wide, an impressively long and red tongue rolling out of her mouth, framed by pearly-white flat teeth; all these features drew the red panda’s gaze towards the black hole of a throat at the back of her mouth, pulsating and clenching as if to welcome her inside. Normally, it was a site that would make Mika feel somewhat strange, perhaps a bit squeamish...but now? Now it was ushering her forward, Mika slowly clambering on top of Atticus as she tried to get closer to the pig’s open mouth. She was already getting in range for Atticus's warm breath to wash over her, the steamy air only serving to further entice the masseuse's curiosity! Atticus soon lifted her arms up to gently grab at Mika's sides, pulling the red panda towards her open mouth until she felt the masseuse's snout finally make contact with her tongue. A very mild and pleasant, almost flowery taste soon spread across the pig's palate, only making her stomach growl more as that tongue started wrapping around Mika's muzzle and tried to pull the panda inside, bit by bit. Mika watched with bated breath as those gleaming teeth started to frame her field of view, everything becoming gradually harder to see as the artificial light of the massage room was shut out by Atticus's black lips. The panda was plunged into a hot, steamy darkness as Atticus's lips continued to work their way over her face, the pig's tongue slathering every inch of her head in warm, drippy saliva to prepare her for the trip down into the belly she had just spent the last few minutes rubbing and appreciating… Mika's taste was rather enjoyable to Atticus, but her stomach became quite impatient as soon as she got a hold of the panda! The pig had to balance between giving Mika an enjoyable time and filling her gut up, and as time went on the balance only continued to tip in her stomach's favor. Gradually, Atticus worked the panda’s snout to the back of her throat as she continued to push more of her inside, her cheeks filling up as she just barely managed to wrap her lips over the back of Mika's head...mmh, this girl was definitely going to be a challenge, especially with the position she was in right now! Atti couldn't really get up with Mika still on top of her though, so the pig would just have to put all her strength into her swallowing muscles. *glk..glrk...gggLRRrnk~* After a few misfires, Atticus's throat managed to grab hold of Mika long enough to start swallowing her down, a massive and squirmy bulge forming in the pig's neck as she continued to shovel the red panda into her mouth. She took powerful, greedy gulps that each sucked in a good few inches of the panda's body, Atticus easily working her way over because shoulders and down her chest...but not without a bit of a mess, considering how much drool was getting all over Mika and herself in the process! She could wipe it up later, though. The main focus right now was getting this cute masseuse curled up inside of her rumbling belly. Once Atti had worked her way to the panda’s waist, things started to get a little bit easier. Mika was now comfortably most of the way inside of the pig, her head pressing up against the opening to the pig's stomach and starting to slide inside from the motions of peristalsis that kept pushing on her from all sides. The belly that had been rumbling and grumbling so enticingly was now groaning in satisfaction around her as she filled it up, slimy walls already pressing inward to massage at every inch that it could access. And, of course, it could only access more as time went on and Atticus sent more of the panda down to curl up inside of her fat, squishy gut… Atti could finally see her stomach now that it had filled up enough to be visible over the rest of Mika's body. The fact that there was only the panda’s legs left for the pig to gobble up made things a bit easier, as well! Her insatiable gut was finally starting to feel full, but there was still a little bit of Mika to finish off...the pig pursed her lips around the panda’s legs, starting to slowly slurp them inside while watching her gut continue to grow and swell, the pattern on it getting stretched out rather nicely in the process. A few distinct bulges correlated to the squirms that the pig was feeling inside as well, a rather strange thing to watch happen in real time, but enjoyable nevertheless. Eventually, her lips were able to reach the panda’s squishy toes, her long tongue managing to curl around them and slowly draw them into her mouth. It felt so wonderful to finally put all of Mika inside of her, even if she still had to swallow; it was like she was a magician or something! *hhGGglllRNK~* And with that final swallow, the trick was complete. A powerful, rolling wave of flesh took the rest of Mika along with it, Atticus's stomach ballooning in size as the last of the red panda started to slowly be pushed inside of her belly! The pig was even able to watch the bulge in her gullet slowly descend and disappear into her midsection...devouring the panda was certainly quite the experience, but it felt nice to have a clear throat again and actually be able to breathe properly! Atti exhaled a long, satisfying amount full of panda-scented breath as she lay back on the massage table, rubbing and groping at her massive belly as it moved and churned every which way! "H...heck, I haven't enjoyed a meal like that in quite a while. Looks like I won't have to go out for lunch…" Mika could just barely hear those words around her over the wet burbling and sloshing of the stomach contents around her, and just the act of being called a meal was enough to turn her face beet-red. She might have been curled up awkwardly inside of a tight, constantly moving, slimy sack...but, honestly, she was loving it! Just the thought that she was now inside of that squishy, soft, lovely tummy that she had been loving on so much earlier, aah...it was like heaven. The walls squeezed and clenched tightly, giving Mika their own sort of massage and working out all sorts of knots she had in her body…masseuses need their own massages, after all! And, however strange this belly one was, Mika was absolutely loving it. Even if she had to get all slimy and wet to access it… And, though Atticus so badly wanted to stay right here on this table and never move ever again with how full she felt, that wasn't a reality. After all, she'd have to take her new friend home so they could get to know each other better. Usually swallowing something down for lunch was near the "intimately familiar" section of the friendship spectrum for Atticus, but well...sometimes you meet people in the strangest places! The pig grunted and tried her best not to hurt her occupant as she slowly bent forward, feeling just how much weight she really had inside of her, just how fat she was now. Goodness, would her hoodie even fit anymore? It had stretched around her gut before, but putting it back on was another story entirely. Regardless, she reached for it, starting to redress herself before making her exit. ...eh, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable her outfit had been, but it would work for getting from here to home with her new catch in tow! Atti reached down to rub at her stomach one more time, making sure all her sudden movement hadn't squished Mika too hard inside of there. The red panda wiggled around a little bit that stimulation, not really knowing why Atticus was doing it, but accomplishing her goal nevertheless! Atti's gut glorshed and slorshed with her every step as she waddled out of the massage parlor, thinking about how wonderful it would be to play around with Mika once she was nice and snug at home… The entire world gently sloshed and swayed around Mika as the panda tried her best to get comfortable inside of her new situation...it was hard to hear what exactly Atticus was saying to her, but just hearing her voice was enough to soothe the red panda’s ears for now. She could just rest and relax and enjoy the trip, knowing that whenever Atticus got home, there would be much more in store for the two of them. In fact, it was towards the end of the work day, and this massage was really inducing some sleepiness into the panda...perhaps she would catch a bit of sleep in the interim.