An empty arena, white, enclosed on all four sides by red ropes attached to turnbuckles at the corners. A raving, screaming crowd of fans filling up the concentric rings of bleachers that surrounded the arena, walkways paved between the square and the spectators; a sacred division between performer and audience. A small microphone attached to a thin wire, cascading down from the ceiling until eventually grasped by a bulky-looking figure in a striped outfit. The spotlights clicked on. All attention on him now. "WWWWWWELCOME WRESTLING FANS, TO THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!!" The crowd, already screaming at the top of their lungs and waving signs with all sorts of messages on them, absolutely erupted as soon as those words were spoken. They had all been waiting for a year to see this. Storylines set up, heroes created, villains defeated, it was all set to culminate here. Now. Tonight, for their viewing pleasure. And, not only that, but it had all come down to a team's match in the ring, no less! Equines versus felines, those were the teams for the main event this evening, and in the Lewd League, anything could happen in the ring. "We've got hell of a show for y'all tonight. You know who's facing off, you know what's at stake, so I won't waste any more of your time…" As soon as the host, a big, burly tiger, finished his sentence, the spotlights moved away from him and towards one of the entrances to the arena, an absolutely gigantic jumbotron on top of the entryway flanked by two smaller monitors. They all lit up at once, fancy, flashy patterns dancing across the screen as two stretched-out shadows started to come out of the hallway. The crowd's roaring was absolutely deafening as the two figures emerged, the host egging the spectators on throughout all of it until the team was fully visible. "You know them, you hate them, iiiiit's...the HERD FROM HELLLLLLL!!!" The "Herd from Hell" consisted of two equine ladies strutting ever-so-confidently down towards the ring, using the boos and screams of the crowd as fuel for their bombastic identities. On the left was Ronda, a tall, built zebra with an attitude that matched her fluorescent purple mane and only a laced thong to hide the monster that no doubt was hiding in her pants. She was flanked by Starlight, a white horse with blue raspberry-colored hair and flesh to go with it, equally as tall and imposing and scantily-dressed as her partner...though, she at least had the decency to wear a fishnet bra that kinda sorta hid her massive bust and kept it from bouncing up and down as she walked! Her shoulder was adorned with a few star-shaped tattoos to really sell her name, and her left asscheek was outfitted with a horseshoe tattoo as well to pull everything would need quite a bit of luck to get out from underneath her! The two ladies traded barbs and insults with the crowd as they clambered into the ring, plenty of birds being flipped in both directions until Starlight was able to snatch the microphone right out of the host’s hand. They confidently strode around in the ring with microphone in hand, listening to the onslaught of curses and boos from the crowd and just taking them all in without a single word. Feeding off the negative energy like she was going to feed on her opponents in a few minutes, for all of these people to witness in real time! The combination of an entire season of buildup, all for the villains to take it down at the end of the day...mmh. The victory would taste even better than the schmucks she and Ronda were going to annihilate in the ring in a few minutes. After Starlight did a whole circle around the ring, she brought the mic to her mouth and said one sentence. "Y'all should probably save your boos for the end of the show, cuz I got a feeling that you're not going to like how things turn out." Mic drop. A bit annoying to the referee, who had to awkwardly walk over and pick it up off the ground a few moments later, but an incensing moment for the crowd. Ronda looked on with approval: the introduction they had come up with was working exactly as planned. Audiences loved to hate, and the two of them were more than happy to give them someone to channel that hatred into. But their time at the center of attention was over, at least for now, as the lighting and music changed, and all eyes shifted to the other side of the arena to see who would be daring enough to challenge these two intimidating ladies. - Just as before, two stretched-out shadows appeared at the edge of the ring as the monitors flickered back on, this time with darker and less-flashy patterns to introduce them. These two partners were a lot more active than their opponents, the shadows dancing and sprinting down the hallway until the two felines were in the spotlight, reaping just as many cheers as the Herd from Hell got boos! Striding in front with plenty of confidence was Sabel, a cheetah with long, flowing red hair that accented the spandex and pumps she was wearing; and bringing up the rear behind her was Jasmine, a very thin, brown panther with messy, lime-dyed locks, both of them waving to the crowd and taking in all that positive energy as they clambered into the ring, just a few feet away from the horses they were about to throw down with. Only one thing was certain: at most, two people were going to be leaving this ring by the end of it all… The host was able to hold on to his microphone this time as Jasmine and Sabel rolled up, giving the two girls a big smile before he spoke into the microphone; it seemed that even the officials were on their side at this moment! "And, facing off with the Herd from Hell today, it's everyone's favorite: the Pussyyyyyy Priiiiiide!" Roaring a name like that was a bit difficult, but the crowd was down with it anyway, the cheering shaking the floor of the venue as they made their allegiance very much known. The tiger handed off the mic to Sabel just a moment later, no fuss required...clearly, there was some species bias involved here! "I've never had horse before...I wonder how easy it is to digest~" Sabel teased into the microphone, tossing it back to the host graciously before both of the group's headed into their respective corners. "Short and sweet, I like it. We let our actions do the talking around here, don't we?" the tiger replied once he had the microphone in his grip, pausing to let the crowd respond to his rhetorical question before getting to the part everyone was waiting for. "You ladies know the championship rules. Tag team, last team standing wins, no tag-ins, no chair shots, keep whatever meals you claim in the ring." Deafening applause from the crowd immediately came after that last line, forcing the host to pause once more to take it all in. The tiger had more to say, but really, what was the point? Everyone knew the stakes, and these girls were looking hungry. Best for him to get out of the way before things got crazy… *DING-DING-DING* The tiger slipped out of the ring under one of the ropes as the bell rang three times, and chaos immediately broke out in the ring. Ronda was the first to move, immediately going for a lunging tackle on Jasmine; a risky move in a normal context, but the zebra saw the ropes right behind the cat and knew that if she missed, it would be an easy rebound. Jasmine was easily able to dodge the relatively telegraphed tackle, but she wasn't ready for the zebra to bounce back and slam right into her hind end, knocking her down to the ground immediately and eliciting a round of noise from the crowd. Only a few seconds in, and they had already seen what looked to be a pretty meaty hit! Ohhh, this was going to be a hell of a match. Jasmine had fallen right in front of Starlight, the big blue equine already starting to slip the tip of her shaft through an opening in the black thong she was wearing in order to secure an early lead. Ronda was a bit dazed from that hit herself, though, and she wasn't able to play defense as Sabel got involved, the cheetah coming in from the side with a powerful body check that knocked Starlight far enough away for Jasmine to get back to her feet. "C'mon, you really thought it was going to be that easy?" the cat taunted Starlight as the horse was backed into a corner, separated for the moment from her teammate. Ronda was currently squaring off with Jasmine on the other side of the ring, the panther playing her best defense to keep Ronda from saving her partner. If she stalled long enough, eventually Ronda would just turn around and see a squirming bulge in the chee's midsection… At least, that's what she hoped would happen! In reality, Starlight and Sabel were fairly evenly matched, and anything could happen once you put the two of them in a corner together...though it was clear that Sabel had the positional advantage for the time being! "Really? Getting separated from your partner so easily? Rookie move there, Starlight." Sabel taunted as she slowly moved in closer, eyes locked on the equine for any sudden movements as she heard the sounds of a scuffle starting to come to life behind her. "Already backed into a're making it so easy for me. I guess it wouldn't be the first time a confident challenger entered the ring and then became so infatuated that they decided to give up and become my nut much for a villain.~" Starlight rolled her eyes at Sabel's taunting. Sure, she wasn't in a great position right now, but the cheetah was acting like she had already won! And being in this position actually allowed her to see the scuffle that was going on behind Sabel...and that Ronda seemed to be winning at the moment. If she could just keep this cocky cheetah talking for a bit longer, maybe Ronda would be able to break free and plant a sucker punch or two on the chee. From there, it would be pretty simple to shove Sabel right down her pulsing shaft…~ *THUNK* ...or, perhaps, Ronda would be getting her own meal at the end of all this. The crowd let out a torrent of boos as the zebra managed to pin Jasmine during their scuffle, the panther's limbs all splayed out on the ring floor as she desperately tried to struggle against the mountain of equine that was holding her down...Ronda had lost all pretense of modesty at this point, her pendulum-like tits hanging down right over Jasmine, to the point where they almost grazed by her sensitive nose every now and again! "'re a little pain in the ass, you know that? Coming in here all uppity, yet you're still going to end up like the rest of them…" Jasmine hissed and tried her best to claw at Ronda as the zebra gloated, but the amount of weight on top of her was starting to smother the cat. Starlight, seeing all of this, kept goading the cheetah into a verbal battle in the hopes of making a 2v1. "You really think you've won already? You haven't even touched me yet, kitty…" the unicorn taunted, bouncing her body off of the ropes slightly to make sure she was ready for whatever Sabel came swinging with. And the cheetah was looking like she was more than ready to swing. Her tail was thwipping back and forth with fervor, she was starting to get low to the ground with her paws out at front...yeah. It looked like a dangerous clash was about to happen. Even as Sabel charged forward, Starlight’s gaze wasn't centered on the cheetah. No, she was looking straight through Sabel to the fight behind her. She let a small smirk cross her face as she saw Ronda standing over a knocked-down Jasmine, getting ready for an ass-drop of impressive proportions. A pair of commentators up in the booth were going absolutely insane over this move that was about to happen, but unfortunately for Sabel, she wasn't hooked into that audio feed. No, it was a secret to everybody but her what was happening on the other side of the least, until she heard the unmistakable SLAPping noise of ass meeting face! *sshhhLLLP~* Ronda's throbbing equine shaft ripped through the tiny thong that had been containing it up until now as she slammed her rear down onto a captive Jasmine's face, her donut yawning wide open to engulf the panther’s whole face in one quick, incredibly pleasurable moment for Ronda. The impact was enough to draw out a new round of squirming and kicking from Jasmine, but it was far too late for her to have any effect on what was going to happen. She would have to hope that Sabel would be able to save her...and, thankfully, a deafening collective gasp from the crowd was more than enough to get her to finally turn around. "Oh, fuck! God damnit…" the cheetah cursed, a shocked look quickly spreading across her face before turning into one of anger as she rushed forward to attack Ronda while she was vulnerable. Hopefully, the zebra would be too overwhelmed with pleasure to meaningfully fight back and she could get Jasmine out of there, or maybe turn the zebra into a meal herself! Ronda was ready, though. She wasn't exactly mobile, but her legs were long enough that she could throw out a flurry of kicks to stop Sabel in her tracks...and buy Starlight enough time to give the cheetah some REAL trouble! In this moment, Sabel was trying her best to juggle saving Jasmine with protecting her own hide, and one of those balls was going to fall soon. The zebra cackled in victory as she lifted her rear off of the ground, clenching her pucker tight until Jasmine's head disappeared inside of her rump. "Better act fast, or she's going to be flank fat~"